(I love you Emma Swan I mean absolutely no shade to Emma Swan) it's crazy to me that ouat was The Emma Swan Show??? I mean I know especially season 1 was centered around her pov but the entire show revolved around Rumple. Every plot revolved around Rumple. Every character had an important connection to Rumple. Emma's most important relationships came from Rumple. Everything is about Rumple. It's always about Rumple. He just tricks you in the first season by pretending to be Behind The Scenes when actually he is The Main Character.
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maschotch · 2 years
Moment of Peace
day one: apple picking
found a prompt list for october which i found out was actually made for a specific fandom but whatever so we’ll see if i can actually follow through on a commitment for once. the plan was to keep these anywhere from 500-1000 words but this one already broke 2k so we’re off to a great start -_-
Jack was brimming with excitement, practically hovering over his seat. With all the willpower a five-year-old could muster, he scarfed down his breakfast with slightly less urgency than a starved man. The knock on the door nearly sent him flying. He turned to look over the top of the chair as he watched his father unlock the door.
“Aunt Jess!” He launched himself out of his chair.  “Is it time? Is it time? Is it time?”
Jess looked to Hotch, who struggled to hide his smile. “Let me clean up breakfast, then we can go.”
Jess knelt to Jack’s height. “See! Almost time. Why don’t you go brush your teeth while I help your dad wash up?”
Jack ran full speed to the bathroom, hitting the wall with a potentially alarming bang before disappearing down the hall. “A full two minutes!” Hotch called after him before waving Jess off. “I’ve got this, just make yourself comfortable and we’ll get going soon.”
Jess meandered slowly around the living room, probably checking to make sure the apartment was taken care of. Hotch could see her linger by a framed picture of Haley and Jack sporting identical smiles as they beamed at the camera. He grimaced internally: he still wasn’t sure if this was the best idea.
Apple picking was a Brooke’s family tradition: taking a day to enjoy the season by taking advantage of a local orchard and hauling back bagfuls of more apples than they could possibly need. Hotch was 17 the first time Haley dragged him along. It was the first time he felt like part of a functional, loving family. They took him in for the day and he got to join in the festivities.
In order to avoid uneaten apples rotting away, they used most of them for pies. (Not even good ones. Hotch loved them all but absolutely no one knew how to bake in that house, and the somehow overdone and dough-ey concoctions were practically inedible. He wasn’t sure how they managed to fuck up every pie so badly. He was almost impressed.) Instead of mounds of uneaten apples, they had a half dozen uneaten pies left over. Eventually, once they got married, it was just Hotch and Haley picking apples and making pies, with Jack soon to join. (Pie quality vastly improved with Hotch’s assistance.)
The year of their separation was the first time Hotch hadn’t gone to the orchard in more than 20 years. Instead he nursed a drink while sitting on the floor behind the couch, falling deeper into the void of unbearable loneliness than he thought possible. He’d never felt more pathetic in his life as he hauled himself to bed at a miserable 7pm, leaving a stack of untouched paperwork for tomorrow’s (likely hungover) Hotch to deal with.
That was his first year without Haley, but this was his first year without Haley. He felt an obligation to maintain some sense of normalcy for Jack’s sake but he found it hard to partake in such a treasured tradition without the person that introduced it into his life in the first place. Nevertheless, the desire to pass something of Haley’s onto Jack outweighed the guilt he had in doing this without her.
Jack was blissfully unaware of his father’s turmoil. His memory of previous orchard visits were hazy at best, but the promise of baked goods was enough to get him riled up. Hotch had invited Jess, hoping she’d be willing to take part in a tradition potentially marred by Haley’s absence, but Jess had seemed enthusiastic. It comforted Hotch somewhat, but he was still uncertain.
Donning coats that were inevitably going to be discarded once the sun was in full blast, they headed for the orchard. Hotch’s fingers thrummed anxiously on the steering wheel, occasionally glancing at Jack in the rearview mirror. Jess peeled her gaze from the window and glanced between the two Hotchner boys: one giddy, one uneasy, both sizzling with anticipation.
“Hey,” Jess whispered to Hotch under Jack singing along to the radio. “Just breathe. It’ll be fun.”
Hotch wished her smile was convincing.
The team had already reserved an area, laying claim to their corner of the orchard with a picnic blanket, courtesy of Penelope, and Derek’s speakers.
“Hey, boss man, you finally made it,” Derek grinned. JJ used baby Henry’s arm to wave at their trusted leader as Will clapped his shoulder in greeting. Emily, Penelope, and Spencer had already started—both the apple picking and an argument. Hotch tilted his chin in a questioning gesture to the rambunctious trio, but Derek just rolled his eyes without dampening his smile.  
Jack was enchanted by the sea of apple trees and wasted no time grabbing his father’s hand and dragging him to the nearest tree. With a quick wave to the others, Hotch followed his son and dutifully held a bag as Jack stretched to harvest from the highest branches he could reach. Shifting the bag to one arm, he knelt and raised Jack on his arm, giving him access to a new stratosphere.
It had been a spur of the moment decision to invite the rest of the team. Hotch had mentioned the plans in passing and JJ perked up, chiming in that she’d wanted to do something similar with Henry, even if he was a little young. With mention of Henry, Penelope and Spencer joined the conversation and soon the whole BAU invited themselves to a day at the orchard. It was all a little overwhelming: it happened so fast that Hotch had no time to refuse, before he’d even had a chance to consider if he should refuse.
He called to update Jess with the abrupt additions, hoping she wouldn’t mind the intrusion and mentally preparing himself to face Penelope’s teary pout when he insisted the others stay behind, but Jess had simply laughed and said something about “the more the merrier,” thus sealing his fate. He was a little relieved he didn’t have to break any bad news, but the prospect of babysitting the BAU along with Jack and Jess was more than a little daunting.
He knew he was going to be exhausted.
Hotch found himself relieved of Jack-duty when Derek and Emily humbly asked Jack to help them fill their bags. Jack lept at the opportunity to pick more apples and waved at Hotch almost as an afterthought as he followed the two lazy kidnappers. Suddenly childless, Hotch settled on the blanket and sighed deeply, taking in the crisp autumn air and appreciating a moment of quiet.
His mind drifted to the last time he’d been to the orchard. Jack had been wide-eyed and curious, and Haley’s radiant smile rivaled the sun. It was one of the few memories he had of the three of them happy together.
There’s no way Jack remembered. Hotch wondered if Jack had any memory of apple picking the year before with just his mother, but he didn’t want to probe too deeply into any potentially painful subjects. Not that they hadn’t talked about Haley, but Hotch didn’t want to sour the day by reminding the kid of his dead mother.
They’d settled into a routine: wake up, eat breakfast, drive to school, have Jack picked up by Jess while Hotch was at work, return for dinner, help with homework, help with whatever lego set or puzzle Jack was currently working on, get ready for bed, storytime, and goodnight. It was simple and monotonous, and Hotch loved every minute he got to spend with his son.
It had been too long since Hotch was able to see Jack on a consistent basis. Seeing him every day was a blessing, but he wondered if there would ever come a day where he looked at his son without a cold grip of guilt tug his stomach. Jack was his greatest joy, but a constant reminder of his greatest failure. It hadn’t even been a year, so it’s not like Hotch expected to feel normal, but he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to forgive himself enough to fully immerse himself in a life with his son. It probably wasn’t fair to Jack, but it didn’t feel fair to Haley either.
He wasn’t sure how long he’d been lost in thought when his reminiscing was interrupted by a thumping sound and an indignant “Hey!!”
Hotch looked up to see that the generally peaceful activity had devolved into his esteemed agents hurling apple cores at each other in whatever concocted game not everyone was apparently privy to. Emily wiped the lingering apple moisture off her jacket with a few half-hearted swipes and wasted no time retaliating, much to the delight and horror of Jack and Derek. Penelope appeared to be another guilty party, slicing bits of apple to supply as ammunition. Hotch wasn’t sure what the premise or goal of the game was, but the deviants throwing chunks of apple through the air clearly understood the significance.  
“You’re making a mess,” he said without any real annoyance.
Derek threw the next half-eaten apple without acknowledging the unit chief’s interjection. Emily at least turned to stick her tongue out at him, and Penelope clapped her hands together in an apologetic motion, “We’ll pick up! Promise!” before breaking off another piece that landed in Spencer’s hair.  
Hotch shook his head—though he’d be hard pressed to decide whether it was more weary or fond. At least Jack seemed to be having a good time, if his delighted shrieks were anything to go by. Derek, gripping the small boy under his arms, was using him as a shield against incoming fire. Spencer had fully retreated behind JJ, apparently hoping the baby Henry in her arms would be enough of a deterrent to avoid being targeted. Hotch was sure the young genius was underestimating her competitiveness, but he wasn’t about to tell him that.
Was this alright? To enjoy himself like this? Guilt twisted his stomach. It felt wrong without Haley.
“You can’t make yourself miserable forever. Haley wouldn’t want that,” Jess assured, sensing his discomfort. She turned watch the others with a smile. “You have a good family here. They all love you. It would be ungrateful to reject their feelings.”
Hotch blinked at that. He wanted to speak up, to deny that they considered him as anything other than their unit chief. But as JJ handed Henry off to Will so she could tackle Spencer and hold him down while Derek and Emily came pelting the pinned target, Hotch had to question whether that was true. Would they be here now if they didn’t care for him?
He thought of how they’d supported him the past year: Derek carrying the burden of responsibility as unit chief so he could focus on Foyet, Penelope bringing tupperwares of food to make sure he ate, Spencer digging into Foyet’s files over and over again despite his eidetic memory just in case he had missed something or could find any new connections, JJ missing time with her own family to stay late with him at the office so he wouldn’t be completely alone, Emily escorting him home at night so he wouldn’t have to enter his apartment by himself. Their time, their efforts… it was proof enough of their love.
Hotch finally had to admit to himself that it was never them he doubted. It was his own worth: he didn’t deserve their kindness. He couldn’t comfort Derek after Buford, he took Penelope for granted, he couldn’t help Spencer in Hankle’s aftermath, he had nothing but hypocritical advice to give to JJ when she was troubled, he pushed Emily away even as she stood vigil over him.
He had been harsh and abrasive this whole year. He took out his struggles on them and they stayed by his side anyway. Bully that he was, they suffered silently alongside him.
“It’s selfish to make yourself miserable,” Jess interrupted his usual spiral of self-flagellation. “You’re letting the past keep you the people around you. If you spend too much time mourning the life you lost, you’ll miss out on the life you have now.” Jess looked out at the rancorous group, her eyes distant and glazed.
Hotch forced himself to remain impassive, though that twisting in his gut was back again. He hadn’t been the only one to lose someone important that day.
“Thank you for coming today. It meant a lot to Jack.” He hesitated half a second, barely noticeable, wondering if his appreciation would upset her. “To me.”
She turned her head at that, eyes perceptive as ever. He tried not to flinch under her gaze. “I said it before: you’re my family, too.”  
It must’ve seemed so pointless to Jess, all the Foyet business. It was a wonder she wasn’t more angry. He wasn’t sure how to thank her for her kindness, for her understanding.
“I’m sorry.”
It was the wrong thing to say.
“If you say that one more time, I’m gonna smack you upside the head,” she warned, but there was no heat in her voice. Hotch’s lips twitched into a smile—his heart lighter than it had been a few minutes ago.
They spent a little longer basking in serenity before a very pointed command disguised as a question shook the fog from his mind. “Who’s ready for pie?” Emily asked as a extremely unsubtle hint that she was ready to get to Hotch’s apartment and get him baking.  (The childless/godchildless ones had been lured to join by the guarantee of pies, despite the fact that Hotch had made no such promise.) Mutters of agreement rippled through the rest before quickly distracting themselves with the much-disputed delegation of clean-up duty.
Hotch leaned back, a whisper of a smile ghosting his lips. He closed his eyes in a rare moment of indulgence: the sun warmed his bones despite autumn’s chill, but his heart was warmed by the echoing laughter of the people he cherished most. His family. He constantly felt unworthy of the loyalty and love he was awarded daily, but with the jubilant ridiculousness around him, he allowed himself to let the radiance wash over him. He was still unworthy, he was still indebted, but hope for a future unburdened by pain was easier to foster surrounded by so many people precious to him.
Just this once, he thought, let me have this moment.
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starloststellar · 2 years
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mobblespsycho100 · 2 years
Jade is such a silly brand of pathetic and it's so funny to me especially his Flight lesson voice line where he goes "at least Im better than Azul" where his voice is shaking .
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rayroseu · 6 months
5th Anniversary Diasomnia Crumbs!
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Also WITH THE RAMSHACKLE GHOSTS... I was prepared that they might not be included in this groovy but they're here!! 😭💝✨ They're here and happy with all the faculty members!! I'm!!! I LOVE THIS ARTSTYLY BECAUSE IT MAKES EVERYONE LOOKS SO SOFT,,, Goodbye,,, Yuu found family group picture finally happened,,, I can die in peace 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💝💞💝💖
ALSO Vargas trying to strike his best pose that highlights his flexed muscles brilliantly DESPITE being at the corner of the group pic is everything, PEAK CHARACTER COMPOSITION, he looks so content that hes not even aware that Trein is just so done at him, he barely even smiled lol 🤣
Faculty teachers are so silly this is everything I've ever wanted 😭💝💖💖💝💖💝
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I'd like to remind that in 4th Anniversary, the feast happened as per Crowley's curtesy 🥺 The fact that the catering of the party is focused on meat and Grim is waving a barbecue is a nod to that 😭🙏🏻✨
Also love how Crowleywas in charge of the 4th Anniversary because the 4th year is the last year you'll get while studying in NRC!! So it feels like he's sending us off to an unknown realm or whatever because we're out of candidates to guess who'll be the groovy for 5th Anniversary XD (plspslpslsmeleanoranddawnandbaulcmoncomnonnnkahs)
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Not these bunch having a group pic again halfkwhdkhsj Their poses are so in character XD Of course Vil is still flawless even at the back and Malleus has the most normal pose because he's not accustomed to cameras 🥺✨✨
Hopefully I'm wrong, but I really do hope they do an animated pv for 4th Anniversary as well and not just a call back video for the released cards... 😭😭
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OKAYY NGLL i missed seeing new art of Malleus... I'm so glad he's back 😭😭 and beautiful than ever 😭🙏🏻🙏🏻
I love how they drew his lips here!! ✨✨💞💞
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I'm so excited for this to be translated actually 😭😭🙏🏻✨✨ I love more silly stuff from TWST lol
Laughing at this cover though,,, NOT EVERYONE BEING GIVEN TUNA CANS FROM GRIM,,, OMG
Are we finally having the tuna can lore and why its Grim's favourite food this year?? OMGONGDKS😭😭
theyve been highlighting that nowadays... I feel like tuna cans will never be the same once Book7 or 8 even leaks something about Grim 😭😭
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Babes wake up, new diasomnia family photo just dropped ‼️‼️😭😭😭💚💚💚
Lilia is so adorable kahdkhwd Not him holding a can upside down 😭🙏🏻💞💞💞 never stop being silly old man,,, 🥺🥺 💖💖
His :3 is my everything,,, 💞💞🙏🏻🙏🏻💝💝✨✨✨
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enlighten3d · 5 months
sending two asks instead of one combined for reasons akdhkshd
do you have any silly josh hcs? (or any of my characters however i think you might have more for josh idk idk)
OKAY. third time trying to answer these asks (my brain is Stupid) sry its taken so long /g
FUCK YEAH DO I. OKAY. ive probablement mentioned a couple of thesebahfjdjdk. i love making shit up about him
- josh is claustrophobic!! he hates enclosed spaces and therefore avoids the subway like the plague if hes in a place that has one. busses are better but also Bad bcs well. heres the kicker. HE ALSO HAS CLEITHROPHOBIA !! thats the fear of being trapped. these two work in tandem a lot for him. he does not do well on a lot of days bcs well,, weve been over this. hes a bird in a birdcage, ergo he is trapped. he suffers ):
- hes like, reallt bad at minecraft, and video games in general. hes just Not a gamer boy /silly
- hes autistic in my heart. (idk if this is canon or not HEHDJS)
- he like, reallt doesnt like coffee .... chamomile tea and honey guy 👍👍
also, hcs for others !!:
- huan lin, if he could, would get into fashion i think. he seems like a fashion guy ! hed be shittalking ppls outfit choices as a ghost that haunts janette ...
- janette is a coffee girl through and through. drinks too much of the stuff.
- BEFORE THEY WERE ENEMIES, WHILE THEY WERE FWB AND ADELE THOUGHT THAT THEY WERE ROMANTIC DESPITE JANETTE MAKING IT CLEAR THAT THEYRE NOT (thats what happened right). SO DURING THAT TIME. adele. adele gave josh yellow flowers the night after right (as i decided in the poem i sent earlier. its canon to me Ɛ>). SO. ..she also later gives janette blue flowers (maybe the same sort thst kills them??) in a weird Move bcs theyre romantic in her mind and yes yiu can give flwoers to friends just shes like. clear thst thars not what she thinks and janette is weirded out a bit but yeah.
I AM INSERTING FORESHADOWING INTO YOUR STORY. i love foreshadowing. (im rly sorry if im. making too much shit up shdjdjfb; i HAVE judt kinda ran with sun stuff...)
- adele reallt likes iced tea. idk why. she jhst does.
- carmela, for some reason, gives me the vibes of someone who likes baking, so. in my head she does lots of that when/if possible [:
👍👍 i like making things up..... djdjskfn
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hilema · 6 months
I had to google what tissue paper is in finnish ive been trying to remember for days akdhkshd
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telestoapologist · 2 years
why does this cat remind me of eramis so much akdhkshd
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
Thing is right, as much as I love shading and doing alot more complicated shading the VK siblings illustration I did recently made me realize that I needed to pull WAY back if I wanted to keep art fun because while I liked how it came out, it took way too much outta me to actually finish and that's something that's REALLY hard to do with me, so this new illustration is actually very nice to work on cause I'm purposefully keep the shading not complicated (by my standards at least akdhkshd) and it's very fun to work on!!
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No one told me Chief Dooley was also gonna be in it akdhkshd
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staravya · 8 months
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maschotch · 2 years
Can we talk about JJ's timeline because how could Reid go to her house crying for 6 weeks if she was somewhere else. Also Reid has always seemed so much close to Morgan and Garcia vs JJ. Am I missing something? I literally don't understand why she made Reid Henry's Godfather.
lmaooo there are so many fucking reasons 200 doesnt make sense. it just… wasnt thought out at all (which makes it especially annoying since a backstory-twist worked so well in lauren)
i think the writers genuinely think reid and jj are supposed to be friends? like we’re supposed to take those rude comments she makes as affection teasing (even tho so much of it seems so mean-spirited). idk maybe they do have an understanding, i’ve just never been able to see it that way
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starloststellar · 2 years
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I accidentally blocked you because I haven't had a real follower in weeks akdhkshd I'm so sorry!
No worries!!
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ethwastaken · 3 years
Are you a dream apologist?
i wouldn't. call myself that
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emjayeff · 2 years
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2020 - 2022
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