#akira (getting annoyed): well i did it BETTER
koipalm · 7 months
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more joker stuff
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amorest-viesse · 6 months
[Rise and Shine] - Owen SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Chloe and Akira
Until This Sweet Spell Breaks - Chapter 1
[Castle of Tears]
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Chloe: Hm, maybe I should hang the ribbons here… Or would the flowers look better.
Akira: I think that looks great! The light purple of the lavender goes really well with the carpeting.
That day, the Sage’s Wizards were undertaking a mission at the Castle of Tears.
Chloe and I were decorating the hall in preparation for the Ceremony of Blessings and Gratitude when a figure suddenly appeared before us.
Owen: Ugh, what a drag…
Akira: Owen.
Chloe: Oh Owen! Do you wanna join us?
Owen: In doing what?
Chloe: Decorating the castle of course! The ceremony is tomorrow, isn’t it?
Chloe: The Master Sage and I wanted to help out any way we could, even without magic.
Owen: What a waste of time. Why do all this when I could single-handedly bless this castle right now?
Owen: Take a look and see. <<Quare Morito>>
As Owen casually uttered his spell, a heavy gloom fell upon us.
[Screen fills with miasma]
An eerie chill crept up our spines as the world rapidly bleached of color.
Akira: Huh!? All the lavender is withering up…!
Chloe: Y- You’re right! And the carpet is melting into black sludge…
Chloe: Um, Owen? Are you sure this is a blessing!?
Owen: To me it is.
Owen: I wonder how that slumbering beast will feel waking up to this.
Akira: Probably not very happy…
Chloe: In any case, we need to turn things back! <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>!
Chloe: Oh, nothing changed…
Chloe: But we gotta do something or the walls are next! One more time…
Owen: Ahaha! Do you really think you stand a chance against my magic?
Owen: <<Cur Memini>>
[Miasma disappears]
Akira: Ah…
Chloe: Everything’s back to normal… What a relief.
Owen: It was always normal. The Master Sage aside, you couldn’t see through such a simple illusion?
Chloe: An illusion…? You mean all that withering and sludge stuff was fake?
Akira: I completely fell for it… It all seemed so real.
Owen: Hehe. Of course it did.
Chloe: Owen…
Owen: Aww, did I make you mad? Are you going to cry? Rage over how pathetically weak you are?
Chloe: Not at all! I was actually struck by how amazing you are!
Owen: What.
Chloe: I was totally convinced the castle was crumbling to pieces. It was terrifying!
Chloe: You’re so good at everything, Owen. I bet if you really blessed this castle, you could put that witch to rest for the next few centuries!
Owen: Hmph… As if I’d do something like that. I only care for torment and chaos.
Owen: What good is attending a ceremony when I could be spreading curses and misfortune?
Chloe: Ok, but don’t you ever get in a party mood?
Chloe: Like, you wanna get all dressed up and wear cute accessories for a special occasion?
Until This Sweet Spell Breaks - Chapter 2
Owen: What are you going on about… How annoying.
Akira: (Is Chloe trying to convince Owen to join tomorrow’s ceremony…?)
Akira: (Actually, knowing him, he probably just wants to play dress-up, but this could be my chance…!)
Akira: Yeah, there’s nothing like looking your best! It really makes you want to get out there and put some good in the world.
Chloe: Right!? You already look great in that outfit, but what if we made you look even better?
Owen: …Hmph.
Owen: Fine, you can try your luck, but I doubt you’ll change my mind.
Owen: I’ve nothing better to do anyways.
Akira & Chloe: Hooray!
Chloe: Alrighty then… <<Suispicibo Voitingoc>>!
As Chloe cast his spell, an assortment of accessories appeared out of thin air including golden buttons, ribbons, red and blue brooches, and lace.
Chloe: Okay, what do you think of this ribbon? The color is so chic right, and it’d be just perfect on you.
Akira: Oh, what about these fake nails? Your hands are really pretty after all.
Owen: I like this one. Its color reminds me of festering meat. And that one looks like a melted eyeball.
Crossing his legs, Owen sat down between us in the hall as we fired suggestions at him.
Although he acted bored, yawning and waving his hand at us from time to time, he didn’t seem to mind our attention at all.
Owen: Now I’m feeling a bit hungry. You don’t happen to have any edible accessories, do you?
Chloe: E- Edible…? I- I don’t think so…
Owen: Must I do everything myself? <<Cur Memini>>
As Owen cast his spell, an assortment of buttons, ribbons, and brooches appeared in our hands.
Chloe: These are gorgeous… Not to mention, they smell really good too, like candy.
Owen: These are sweets I made myself using magic.
Owen: If you’re curious, why not take a little bite? I can’t guarantee you’ll leave with your teeth intact though.
Unconsciously, Chloe and I made eye contact.
With the sugary scent of the accessories enticing our senses, the two of us cautiously lifted one and took a bite.
Chloe: …! This is a cookie!
Chloe: It’s so sweet and delicious… Oh, and this ribbon is made of chocolate!
Akira: You’re right! This brooch tastes just like a madeleine…!
Owen: Hehe. Of course they do; I made them after all. If you’re interested, then you’re more than welcome to keep taking some.
Owen: Why not try this corsage and ring too?
Akira: Wow, really?
Owen: Really. If I can get on your good sides, I’ll be able to eat sweets whenever I want.
Chloe: Wow wow wow! This is incredible! I can’t believe you’re sharing these with us…
Chloe: Hey, can I show the others too?
Owen: Be my guest. They’re yours after all.
Chloe: Yippee! I’ll be back in a jiffy then!
And with that, Chloe happily took off.
Then, I felt a hand reach from behind me, grazing my neck.
Until This Sweet Spell Breaks - Chapter 3
Akira: …!?
Lightly touching the base of my throat, Owen plucked the brooch off my collar.
Owen: What’s wrong? Did you think I’d chop your head off?
Akira: Ah um… N- no. You just startled me, that’s all…
Biting into the brooch, Owen slid his gaze towards me.
It was impossible to tell what lay beneath his expression. However, his eyes seemed to hold a twinkle of delight which inadvertently calmed me down.
Akira: (...That’s good. It seems like Owen’s in a better mood now.)
Akira: (Maybe he really was bored earlier and that’s why he went along with us…)
Owen: Don’t get me wrong. This whole ceremony thing is still a pain.
Akira: Huh!? D- Did I say that out loud…?
Owen: You’re like an open book, but it seems you still can’t read me at all.
Owen: How simple-minded do you think I am? Did you really think you could change my mind so easily?
Akira: T- That wasn’t my intention…!
Owen: Is that so? Then why don’t you eat this for me?
Suddenly, Owen thrusted a candy ribbon at me.
Pressing it against my lips, he gave me no chance to protest before forcing it in.
Akira: Mmphf…!
Akira: Mm… It’s delicious… Like candy…
Owen: Haha... Just as I thought. You really don’t get me at all.
Akira: Huh…?
Owen: Did you actually think I’d go through the trouble of making all these sweets to share with you?
Owen: On the contrary, I simply cast a little spell that turns things into sweets for just a moment. I’m sure it’ll break any minute now and all those pretty accessories will revert back in the pits of your stomach.
Owen: I wonder… Will your teeth and tongue be alright?
With a look that seemed to pierce right through me, Owen ripped another button off my clothes.
As he bit into the gold-green metal with a crunch, my face paled.
Akira: Y- You’re joking… right?
Owen: I suppose you’ll find out soon enough. I’ll be fine, but I wonder how a human or a weaker wizard would fare.
Akira: Oh no…! I have to let Chloe know…!
Owen: I’d worry for yourself first and foremost.
His mocking laughter drew me in as he dangled a sweet smelling bracelet before me.
Owen: Take another for the road. I’m sure you’ll like this one too.
Akira: N- no, I’m good! I’m already full after all…!
Owen: Aw, don’t be shy. Until this spell breaks, why don’t you enjoy some sweet, sweet candy with me?
Owen: That way, I’ll get to see the look on your face when your stomach finally bursts.
Remember the Taste - Card Episode
Akira: Owen? What are you doing in the courtyard?
Owen: Searching for things to turn into sweets.
Akira: You're... what?
Akira: (Oh right. Owen did turn all those accessories into sweets the other day...)
Owen: Hehe, so you remembered? The two of you looked oh so happy, clamoring on and on about how delicious they were.
Owen: Gnawing away at buttons and brooches without a care in the world.
Akira: The cookies and chocolates were really great...
Akira: Although having to worry about whether or not they'd revert back to metal and thread... not so much.
Owen: That was the best part. Seeing your fear and panic was absolutely hilarious.
Owen: Perhaps I should create a second course, although this time, I'll have them revert back as you're eating them.
Akira: Huh!?
Owen: I wonder what I should use. Bitter herbs? Sour fruit perhaps?
Owen: Maybe I'll mix them up in a batch of sweets just for you and Chloe.
Akira: I- I think we'd be more than happy with a regular old pastry...
Home Screen Voice Line
“Hey, were you foolishly hoping for a gift from me? I wonder, what have you given me? What have you done for me? Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind? Depending on your answer, I might just consider it.”
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joseimukeaddict · 3 months
Haikyuu Public Transportation Headcanons: Aoba Johsai Team
Yeah, I lied. I said I was gonna do Nekoma next but I’m probably going to butcher their characters since I still haven’t caught up to the movie yet. Planning on watching it before the theatrical release ends this month tho so I gotta finish season 4 first.
Only doing named people although some of their bios are really empty… how fun…
Nekoma’s already in the drafts so I’ll probably time it for end of June.
Since Aoba Johsai’s a more famous school, at least some of the team has to ride some public transport to get to school.
Third Years:
Tōru Oikawa - I don’t care if this contradicts canon, this man cannot and will not ever drive, so he takes and picks up Takeru from weekend practice via public transport; if this man ever learns to drive it is only because he wants to do a drive date with a girl and will take ANY opportunity to not drive otherwise; probably has a short bus/train trip to and from school, and Iwaizumi is usually his travel buddy; texting or scrolling on his phone otherwise
Issei Matsukawa - Prefers the train over the bus; when there’s not many people on the subway, he’s standing and half leaning against the pole with his arm looped around the pole and adjoining hand behind his head bc he thinks it’s cool; sleeps on the train
Takahiro Hanamaki - Plays games on rides; sits with his legs spread apart bc he doesn’t think about how it infringes on others’ space; yapper to Matsukawa’s sleeper; has only taken short rides in his life since he lives close to the school; only watches views for long rides
Hajime Iwaizumi - Seijoh Team’s GPS and is always attentive to how many stops away they are; has memorized times tables yet he sometimes has such bad luck with public transit, like a pole will fall in front of him and block the way to his train he would have otherwise gotten on; will stand immediately for any elderly, disabled, or pregnant riders
Kaneo Yuda - Usually has his phone in his hands but mostly bc he fidgets with his hands if there’s nothing in them; sometimes leans against the pole bc he’s tired; finds it uncomfortable to sleep on the train but is totally fine with letting his teammates use his shoulders
Motomu Sawauchi - Often the ones using Yuda’s shoulder to sleep on, they’re travel buddies since childhood; has to rush to finish his food before getting on a ride; often travels with Yuda on weekend outings so they have the most experience
Heisuke Shido - His parents coddle him so they drive him around everywhere so he has like no experience; cannot read a map; Sawauchi and Yuda drag him around like second parents
Second Years:
Shigeru Yahaba - Lives the farthest from Seijoh as well as Kyōtani so they became train buddies (reluctantly at first); doesn’t really do conversations on public transit and rather watch the views or keep to his own thoughts; tried reading on the train but he kept getting motion sick
Shinji Watari - Stander who scrolls on his phone; likes trains but is not very obvious about it; doesn’t ride too often since he has family who can drive him around
Kentarō Kyōtani - Doesn’t like talking much on the train either, the only thing he regularly talks about with Yahaba is volleyball at first but they eventually get to talking casually about stuff but it’s mostly Yahaba asking questions about what he did yesterday and Kyōtani answers in one word answers until the conversation dies out (this is just how they communicate okay, they actually like each other); children have been shielded from looking at him bc of his RBF; leg-spreader but he is getting better bc of Yahaba’s influence
First Years:
Yūtarō Kindaichi - does homework on the bus; idiot leg spreader; constantly misses his stop; likes standing on trains bc of senior influence; sleeps on trains but his height causes uncomfortable neck pains
Akira Kunimi - has to keep track of the stops for Kindaichi; is the ones who has to help Kindaichi with homework but he’s super annoyed by it since he’s not a morning person; refuses to sleep with leaving his head on anything on the train or bus bc it’s dirty so when he can, he sleeps on Kindaichi’s shoulder
Nobuteru Irihata drives to school but bc he’s old, his family tries to drive for him but his old man pride won’t let that happen. Sadayuki Mizoguchi bikes to school for extra exercise.
Prev: Karasuno
Remember guys, any of the headcanons are wrong, just pretend it doesn’t exist, thanks 👍
Also after Nekoma and Shiratorizawa, I know like a max of 2 players per team, so should I continue to 100% make up shit from one wiki pic and a paragraph of bio for every team member or only care about the ones that show up prominently? Please let me know.
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mihai-florescu · 7 months
I also have more thoughts on ES!! from a few nights ago if you'll permit me being annoying about the things i'm passionate a bit more tonight. I know I made a similar post a few weeks ago but I'm still turning the subject around in my head.
I keep rewriting my thoughts on the direction of enstars!! since we're about to enter a new era soon... to me enstars! and !! have become completely different stories. ES!! has expanded way too much and it's doing everything, but in the process forgot what was good about the story before. Leaving aside that i think they should slow down, most of the stories of !! are filler and they have added too many writers imo. But it's working well for them, they're constantly at the top of charts in revenue, so i don't think they're gonna change this...
But i can't help but think of the conversation in wonder game about alice in wonderland vs through the looking glass about the clumsy but loved story vs the sequel made for demand, and how in the climax events akira is deviating from what made enstars! special before (which is to me the focus on humanity in all its forms and what it can do, working for a better future to make up for past sins, learning to love and be loved, as well as on a meta level the relationship between author, audience, and protagonists). The more science fiction plotlines are in line with akira's other non enstars stories, and the climax events do end with a message that's reminiscent of enstars' themes, but they feel very sudden and disjointed from the previous fillery unit stories? Like how did we even get here (sentient AI born from a comatose girl, for example).
I don't even think the addition of npcs is inherently bad, there are npcs i'd loveee to see more of, like maguro, the oukawa sisters, amano, etc. But it doesn't read as these climax events wrapping up 4 years worth of stories as much as setting up a side quest and then wrapping that up, but leaving it still open enough for future explorations. And sure ! era had foreshadowing and setting up for !! in the form of Tsumugi going to work at a new agency after graduation, Izumi going to Florence & Shu to Paris, the creation of ensquare, but at the same time those final stories wrapped up their units' journeys over the course of that in universe year satisfyingly, relying on interpersonal drama rather than external influences to push them around. Maybe it also helped that they were following a formula: having to perform a repayment festival. Whereas now that we've expanded So Much, the world is their oyster and they're getting too ambitious.
I guess... there are just way more memorable character moments and hard hitting scenes in ! era for me personally, a nicely contained story. Forever waiting for !! era to finally have Subaru learn of the Tojou family's past, hopefully with no gimmicks, just heart to heart conversations about the event that changed all their lives forever, and how to deal with finding out Kaname's mom is the reason Subaru's dad is dead. That is I would say my biggest wish rn. But as much as I can criticize enstars, I am saying all of this *because* I love this story and characters, and especially what it was but lost along the way.
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sillydummydum · 2 days
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S/I Yap time!!
OK SO-- I made this little S/I art yesterday and felt like sharing!! My Persona 5 S/I is basically-- well, me (bubbly and annoying) and nothing else lolol I literally insert myself in the universe with some plot changes and it's fun!! She likes space and music! Cuz i do too! :D She's also an indie musical artist but it's like more of a hobbie than anything! (Even if it does helps with money and all! she also does haves some good amount of followers on the niche! But nothing big out of the indie bubble) She wants to work as a songwriter for a famous singer one day!
Her background is nothing crazy but I made some silly changes, like aging up my irl brother (he's currently a lil baby and I made him a lil kid :3) and making me live with my grandma! (fucking love my grandma kisses grandma!!) Also some dramatic aah stuff like dead mom and no dad for me (the basics) 😭😭 My S/I has a strong special interest in space!!! Which is something I'm getting really into lately! So I made mommy an astronomer! She was like best friends with Wakaba (scientific nerds lol) and Sojiro so S/I was very close to Futaba since childhood for that reason!
She is a phantom thieve (shockerz) and uhm I wanted to use my personal experience as a bullied child growing up (mostly because of ableism) and turn that into motivation to make justice, since no one did that for me before!! (Grr goddamn adults!) And finding my own group of weird little people made me much more open and generally happy in real life! So that's what I'm doing on this universe as well! ^^
Yes she entered in kamoshida's case cuz I wanna imagine myself in every little story event.
Yes I study at Shujin.
Yes I am basic. /j
Even tho when it's for self shipping purposes I usually make my stuff in the 3rd semester because... life is beautiful and husby has no filter so it's funnier ✨️ AND YES I AM HELPING THE ROYAL TRIO WITH MARUKI FUCK IT NOW WE ARE FOUR!! (Depression afterwards :<)
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Her Persona is called Selene! Based off the greek goddess of the moon!! She has nuclear/almighty based skills simply because it's chaotic and looks cool!! FUCKING MEGIDOLAON ON THEM!!! POOOWWW BOOM KABOOM!! 💥👊ALSO FUN FACT SHE'S VERY CHAOTIC!! (just like me fr maybe because it is me duh) often being too dramatic, explosive and loud!!! totally ruining stealth when it comes to infiltrating palaces, which usually makes some funny aah scenes because she was dumb-- maybe she's not a good phantom thief...
Talking about metaverse stuff! Her clothes are based off Magicians! Because of her lil show off nature, making everything a explosive dramatic spectacle! And uhm magicians are cool!! -v-"
This concept was made with the help of my bestie! Helping me take a more Kaito kid/Tuxedo Mask inspired design, which i really like allot! big thanks to him!! <3
Relationship dynamics:
On this section I wanted to give a small little insights on her relationships with most characters! Since I felt like it would be fun to do so! :3
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
- Her relationship with Akira is pretty much like a siblings relationship, Luna looks up to him allot and is the "I wanna be like you when I grow up" type lol even if they are the same age. He is her inspiration to get better, so she will get at his level one day! He also makes extra suggary cappuccino to her when she goes to Leblanc 🤝 ☕️
Ryuji Sakamoto
- Her relationship with him is pretty much the chaotic duo type, shes always giving him death stares when he starts to talk about girls or some dumb Ryuji shit like that 😭 Her and Morgana are constantly slandering him for the funzys, but Ryuji also likes to pick up on her so they're eternally on a war-- and in general they are two loud dumbasses who share the same braincells and have little silly banters 🤲 also HC that Luna helps him dye his hair 🫡
Ann Takamaki
- Her relationship with Ann is the girly besties type, constantly going out shopping, Ann usually helps her to buy her clothes since Luna definitely can't pick her clothes on her own without it looking weird 😭 they also go out allot to eat! Try the newest deserts all around Tokyo! Those two would probably kill for a chocolate cake. And they are getting progressively more poor because of that... She likes to paint Ann's nails and style her hair for fun! because she personally thinks Ann looks like a pretty porcelain doll!
Yusuke Kitagawa
- Her relationship with Yusuke is another of pure admiration!! Yusuke admire Luna for her artistic side on the music and Luna's eyes sparkle at every little sketch he does, I like to think that Luna (just like me) is an artist for fun who really has allot of trouble with drawing certain things that aren't fanart lol, and they go out on little panting sessions togheter. Like I dunno go to Inokashira Park to draw the scenario and his comes out like the next monalisa and hers is like... Blue and Green all mixed up togheter. And she probably got her clothes dirty in the process. He does encourages her to continue tho! And gives her tips that she usually doesn't get-- so uhm sensei Yusuke Ig?
Makoto Nijima
- Her relationship with Makoto is... *sighs* very sibling-like too. Luna isn't the best at school, and always cry for help when it's exams week 💔 Makoto usually scolds her for being too careless at everything, school, metaverse, crossing the road-- but only because she really cares about her. Luna is like the little sister she needs to lookout for so she doesn't get herself killed by accident. Oh fun fact but Luna is also very afraid of Sae (just like me im afraid of pretty woman) so yeah she freezes when she steps in the room 😭
Futaba Sakura
- Oh boooyyy Futaba time!! My relationship with Futaba is so silly and fun and I wanna yap about it!! Ok third person mode on--
So, since they were basically raised togheter, they are pretty close to one another, and have gathered the same types of interests through the years. Since I have the Autistic Futaba HC, I like to imagine that they get each other more than anything, engaging in parallel play most of the time when she was a shut-in. And I like to imagine that Luna was pretty much the only person she talked to at first after her Palace. Also HC that they play Pokemon United togheter. Cuz I said so. They exchange allot of gifts related to their special interests too! Ugh I have so many HC's for us but basically we are best friends forever two little chaotic autistic sillys but i help Futaba with her social anxiety! yipeee :3
Haru Okumura
- Her relationship with Haru is the tea time besties, they talk all day over a good cup of tea and Haru frequently gives her tips of how not make her plants die (very important, I never can make them live...) which is a hobby Luna really is trying to... make possible... (plz don't die this time) and generally her time yapping with Haru is a very comforting one, usually when shes feeling dramatic she goes and hugs Haru and makes her little drama, and Haru is usually the only one who's like "Oh dear :(" and stands her when she's being extra or cheers her up when shes actually sad too! 😭 shes such a sweetheart! <3 don't be mean with Mona and Luna! Haru is gonna politely ask you to stop. (Looking at you ryuji)
- Her relationship with our favorite not cat! He's... Morgana. We know him. But Luna can be considered pretty much his #1 fan???? She thinks he's HELLA COOL like the best phantom thieve ever!! (I love morgana!!!) She really respects him and Morgana is really grateful to have someone that looks up to him (Luna looks up to lots of people! ><") Luna also likes to pat him. Allot. (IM A CAT PERSON OK) which well he doesn't mind but still he's not a kitty that you can just pat like that!!! (He's purring)
Sumire Yoshizawa
- Her relationship with Sumire is... damn, Luna is LOUD. And well we know that Sumi isn't exactly as extroverted as she makes herself seem when she takes on the Kasumi role. So uhm let's say Luna is overwhelming-- very overwhelming! 😭 She's always jumpy and bubbly and is constantly trying to cheer Sumire up, turning into some type of cheerleader for her when she starts to self-depreciate in any way, being overly affectionate and in general being extra EXTRA around her since she gets very worried about Sumire's mental health-- So yeah, Luna is basically constantly cheering her on and admiring her for being able to make things she can't (Even if Sumire doesn't think they're that great :< )... ooh we have another extreme admiration case here!!! Maybe the person she admires the most! Hell yeah! Give my girly some love!~ My bestie <3
Haha that's the end nothing more to see here... hah... haha.... bye...
Goro Akechi
- That's probably the most important relationship of all-- why did I put him in last? I'm embarrassed. Uh... shy? 😭 gonna be more personal about this one uhm-- well
That's my boyfriend over there, I hate him I don't really enjoy his company and I hope he gets therapy. /hj
No, really tho, our relationship is... I can't even describe it, but our dynamic is DEFINITELY the "aww they do care about each other" type-- I constantly enjoy to annoy the hell out of him, just because it's funny?? I'm the devil from the bible. Er... so... the thing is, Akechi constantly get dismissed through story for obvious reasons, he's openly agaisn't the Phantom Thieves and later they do have much MUCH more motives to not fuck with him-- but Luna? DAMN. That girl is I N V E S T E D In being friends with him. Specially on the start, his sob stories actually made her pity him and get all "aw he's miserable... 🥺" lol so she constantly insisted on being his friend, even tho he was internally screaming and trying to push her away, she was CONVICTED. SHES A FRIENDSHIP MACHINE BABY. YOU CAN'T ESCAPE HER!!
So with that forced proximity, they eventually started getting closer, and it was something very... slow? Definitely. Luna never cared about hiding herself no matter how weird people seemed to find her, maybe he would admire that... envy that? Who knows.
Suddenly he started to enjoy her company. Even if she was... oh well a little dumb, yeah, he definitely thinks she is-- He never had people who were close to him, and definitely didn't had someone THAT determined to bother him 24/7. Maaaybe he could call her something close to a friend... right? (Yes they were she stated that every 3 seconds and Luna rules 🫡) And that was before he "entered" to the Phantom Thieves, and when he did? Damn she was kinda happy! Don't talk about the blackmail part showing off to him and telling him all the cool things she could do as she ""teached"" him about the metaverse (lol like this bitch needed to) and they got even closer!! Damn! Let's go play darts togheter and silly around! Yay! :D
I also like to HC that he would eventually let some good amount of things about his real self slip, and Luna would be like totally clueless and okay about it, when most people would think it was weird or out of character. Maybe that's why he got so weirdly comfortable around her? She didn't gave a fuck-- and oh well he wasn't THAT detective princefied around her by that time. Yeah she's probably the closest he got to it... (sweeps Akira under the rug)
And uh... let's skip allot of things so I won't yap about the whole Akechi arc here. Maybe another day.
But Luna was utterly miserable after everything (yall know what), she wasn't angry... just... shocked. Maybe a bit quieter? Less energetic? She was since the revelation, but it was worse now... and the penny dropped at the worst time-- And uh yeah sad above everything I think that's pretty much expected when you lose someone you really like. Despite everything, he was a friend... someone she cared about... maybe more than she should...
Cared about, huh? OH FUCK SHE WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM!!! (Shockerz) GASP WOW WOAH! *VINE BOOM* Who would've guessed. So uhm yeah that sucks, now it's too late...
A little more timeskip--
Oh well damn hi Goro!! What the fuck??? :D
That's where most of the romantic relationship aspects take part, damn he was there now???? It was literally her chance!! To what? Nothing really-- just spend more time to him and get more clingy (like she wasn't enough before) and even MORE bubbly than before!! She was genuinely happy! And now with the useless knowledge that she was utterly and absolutely in love with him. Oh well. And... damn she fell even more for him now! LIKE 20× MORE!! STOP HER PLEASE!!
And uh well she's not very good at hiding it so yeah her secret didn't last long, maybe i'll write how the confession went someday! :)
So basically... at first he was like "What the fuck?? Why????" But uhm maybe er... maybe he uhm... you know-- maaaybeeeee--- okay im flustered BUT MAYBE he would realize in the moment that he was in... love too? Uhm... get a little... yk... awkward there... ,÷*×&×(× er-- I don't know!! I MEAN FUCK OF COURSE HE DID I LITERALLY SELF SHIPP WITH HIM UGH IM DUMB--
OKAY WE ARE DATING NOW. That's the point. 😭😭
It's awkward, not ideal for what people expect of a couple, we definitely still have our little silly banters, he does want to kill me! and i do like to annoy him!! BUT I LIKE IT THAT WAY!! We aren't a veeeery affectionate openly lovey dovey couple but we are deeply in love! And when we do have our little lovey dovey moments it's just us being two dumb messes who don't know a thing about what we are doing! Hand holding? Just the little fingers! Kisses? Barely cheek ones! (On my part obviously im kissing the hell outta his cheeks mwah mwah mwah) I mean, we are trying! I love him and he loves me!! Allot!!! Even if we get a little weird and flustered about it!
I like awkward dating. It's fun. I love my boyfriend. :>
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Oh damn I realized I yapped allot, more than I should-- I was about to write my relationship with other minor characters in the game but uhm that's too much already! Sorry for making you read that much! ^^"
But thank you for reading anyways!! I really appreciate it <3 for reading to my ULTIMATE s/I yapping!! Or... well, a yapping about me! I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to ask questions about my s/i or my self ship if you have any! Oh damn even yap back at me about your S/I's! F/O's? I would love to hear it! ^^
Bye everyone!!!~ ☆
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Hero Vision Vol.8 (2002/Autumn) ft. Hagino Takashi Interview (translation below)
"I'm not afraid of playing the role of a villain. It's the role I desire to play," says Hagino Takashi about his role as Asakura Takeshi in "Kamen Rider Ryuki."
10 years have passed since his debut as an actor, and we asked him about Asakura, Changerion, and his "current self" as an actor.
"This is a psychological test"
Hagino-kun stared at the test paper given to him by the editorial staff, all while skillfully spinning a mechanical pencil with his thumb. This was our starting point.
Hagino: Hmmm~…
He stared at the paper for a few seconds, as if thinking about it, and then asked:
Hagino: I'm supposed to write something that's unique, right?
"No, ah, well, it's just a straightforward psychological test."
Hagino: Ah, so it is a psychological test!? Nahaha!
"……That's why I called it a psychological test (laughs). This is giving me a bit of a Suzumura Akira of "Choukou Senshi Changerion" feeling."
Hagino: Please forgive me, you see, I'm just an idiot~
Hagino-kun, who is always insisting that he's an idiot while smiling, bears no resemblence to Asakura Takeshi from Kamen Rider Ryuki.
"So then, why was Hagino-kun chosen for the role as an "Evil Rider?"
Hagino: I'd honestly like to ask the producer that as well. "Why me?," is what I think, but I also sort of understand Asakura. I understand where his frustration comes from, so I'd like to express those emotions. In a way, I now think it's the perfect role for me.
"Saying that, are you implying Hagino-kun is always annoyed?"
Hagino: Take this for example, whether it's yesterday, today, or tomorrow, there are people who are always happy and satisfied with their lives, but, there are also people who are aiming for a better one, and when having to face both themselves and society, they may become frustrated. I think that's why I sympathize with him.
"You've known producer Shirakura of Ryuki since Changerion 6 years ago. I wonder if producer Shirakura could sense Hagino-kun's frustration."
Hagino: Ah, those days~, he must of thought, "This guy's a real idiot, huh?" (laughs).
And Hagino-kun, you're still stressing how stupid you are right now.
Actually, before being casted as Asakura, he ran into producer Shirakura at Toei's studio, where he told him, "I'm slowly getting by, but I hope to work with Shirakura-san again within the next 3 years." Then, only 3 months later, Toei was sent an order, requesting for Hagino-kun to play the role of Asukura. So, when he heard that he would be an evil Rider, he said the first thing he did was, "think up a transformation pose" and "In some ways, I was thinking more about my passion than the actual show itself (laughs)."
Ouja's unique pose is based on the one that Hagino-kun developed himself while at home looking in the mirror, the quick movement of his right hand during the transformation is said to be inspired by the image of a snake. However, at the time of Changerion's filming, he wasn't really into transformation poses, and during filming even said, "We don't really have to do a transformation pose, do we?" which is unheard of for a hero actor (that's just how things went in Changerion).
"Although Changerion is well known now, many people didn't know about it at the time of its broadcast, and when some mistook its name for "Evangelion," he would say, "It was so stupid, I would become angry (laughs)." His feelings toward these types of shows have changed alot since the days of Changerion."
Hagino: It was around that time that I started to understand Changerion abit more, and was beginning to think that it was kind of fun playing in.
"When producer Shirakura complimented him with "Your acting is good," he responded honestly with, "Ah, I'll do my best, I hope~."
Hagino: That's right, through various experiences, I've come up with things I want to express, and began to think that I want to show them to the world. Little by little, I want to slowly climb the ranks.
"Hagino-kun himself seems alittle different compared to Akira, who is OK with anything as long as he's having fun, while Asakura, hurts others for his own enjoyment."
Hagino: Of course I want to have fun. But, just having fun isn't enough. I guess sometimes it's necessary to be patient with these kinds of things.
"He says he enjoys being an actor most when he watches the on air performance."
Hagino: I get a lot of enjoyment out of performing, but the most enjoyable moment is when I watch the on air performance, that's when all the elements come together.
Another thing, is there are times where being an actor makes his heart skip a beat. In the recently aired TV Special of Kamen Rider Ryuki, there was a scene in which Asakura was wearing a straightjacet while being completely restrained. The set of the holding cell, the costumes for the restraints, the filming equipment, and lighting, among other items, were all prepared "only for" Hagino-kun. Even with the limited budget, seeing the staff of each part working together for his scenes made him, "very happy."
"But, isn't there alot of pressure for so many people to work for Hagino-kun at the same time?"
Hagino: In my opinion, the pressure is felt when hearing excuses such as, "I'm tired," or "It's hot," and so on. It would be a waste if a bad feeling ruined a good situation. That's why I try to take care of my physical condition.
Hagino-kun says this with a strong sense of professionalism.
"As an actor, there are other roles that you would like to play in the future."
Hagino: For example, I could play a nice, refreshing young man. Or, I could be the scientist who created Frankenstein's Monster…Yeah, I'd like to play mad roles like that.
Whatever role he plays, as the actor who has grown through his major role as Asakura in Ryuki, we have high expectations for Hagino-kun!!
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yakuzacanons · 7 months
here’s a random one:
you did the boys and watching spooky movies w their s/o,
so how about the boys taking their s/o on a date to the movies? what types of movies fo they prefer, who’s getting what snacks, etc?
HELL yea, I'm a huge movie fan and I collect DVD so I lowkey spent time going through my collection wondering which ones the boys would watch lol. Each entry in this list is on the shorter side but I tried to include as many of the lads as possible here, enjoy!
Kiryu Kazuma
Not a big fan of movie dates as he prefers actual one-on-one time and interactions but does enjoy going to see a movie occassionally in a serious relationship. Likes action movies for the most part, partial to samurai dramas as well.
Majima Goro
Whatever you do, do not take his ass to the theater cuz he will not shut up during the movie. Even if he begs, do not give in, just make him watch the movie at home. Popcorn fiend, can eat an entire large bucket in one sitting. Will watch anything but he HAS to be entertained, that's the one rule.
Saejima Taiga
Thinks a movie and dinner date is cute as he can talk about the movie after. Almost never gets snacks at the theater but will buy some to share if you really want some. He likes westerns or samurai flicks. Romances make him cry sometimes.
Akiyama Shun
Secretly a rom-com enjoyer. Will hold your hand during the movie. Not big on snacks but almost always buys a drink of some kind. Romance movies and dramas are good choices for him. Likes anything with pretty cinematography and pretty music.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Fond of animated movies, both domestic and foreign. Prefers TV shows over movies since they're easier to get into on his days off work. Actually doesn't like buddy cop movies, finds them annoying or innaccurate. Serious crime dramas are okay but be warned he will have a lot of comments afterwards. ALSO he sneaks snacks into theaters. Most theaters never carry what he wants anyways.
Nishikiyama Akira
Likes a good movie date on occassion, but only if there's something both of you really want to see. Buys snacks to share, totally holds the popcorn bucket in his lap so you have to reach over to get some. His movie taste is kind of all over the place; one week he'll want to see a musical and next week he'll want to see an action movie.
Ryuji Goda
Not super into movie dates because he's usually super busy and he tends to fall asleep in them a LOT. He prefers dates that have the two of you doing something together, not just sitting in a dark room. He WILL however chow down on some snacks. You do have to stop him from going overboard on the popcorn butter...
Daigo Dojima
Same boat as Ryuji for similar reasons, although he'll gladly watch a movie at home with you as an indoor date, especially if it's bad weather out. Prefers oldies and classics; think Seven Samurai, Casablanca, etc. Watches them to try to get an understanding of what makes them so important, as he finds that aspect most interesting. Not snobby about it though; if he doesn't get it, he'll straight up be like "... THAT'S the movie people keep raving about?!"
Mine Yoshitaka
Sick horny bastard is into a movie date in the idea that you are in a dark room with him, teehee. He's not ALWAYS like that but he will try to get it on during a movie with you at least once. If he's actually going to watch the movie, it's crime thrillers for him. Loves a good, brooding atmosphere.
Tatsuo Shinada
With how expensive tickets are these days, his ass cannot afford to go to the theater often so it's very much a special treat. He also sneaks in his own snacks... likes comedies and 80's movies the most.
Ichiban Kasuga
Bless his heart but he cannot stay awake in a movie theater for the life of him... it's just so comfy in there. At home he actually has a better chance of staying awake, somehow. But still, it's not the best option for him and he knows it. Most fond of superhero or action movies though.
Yu Nanba
Doesn't watch a lot of movies or keep up on what's trendy so you'll likely have to suggest a movie date. Watches some documentaries at home by himself though. Pretty open minded otherwise.
Adachi Koichi
Lots of comedies or action movies for Adachi. Enjoys movies pretty frequently and likes going out to see them with you. Snacks are a must if it's a blockbuster movie. That's the rule, he claims.
Tianyou Zhao
Down to see a movie now and then but he does kind of get fidgety if he's not fully entertained. Also sits funny in movie theater chairs. He's a little embarassed to admit it due to how stereotypical it sounds but he likes movies with lots of cool stunt work or martial arts. Things like The Raid or John Wick are fun for him.
Joon-Gi Han
Kind of a human trash can in that you can make him watch just about anything. Not super into popcorn but WILL eat a whole bag of candy by himself if you don't watch out. It's not that his sweettooth is even that bad; he just kind of does it absentmindedly. Never talks during movies, ever.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Likes arthouse and underground films; if it's something he's never heard of, he will want to try it just to see if it's interesting. Also likes to check out local filmmakers or festivals if he can make it. He would love for you to join him!
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usagiverse · 10 months
Am I? Wow thanks for the welcome, and for that I noticed my username, was little weird read the name lol, but is fine call me Nerish.
I think you have a very adorable and cool drawing style, I really like how they all look so fluffy, and I think the expressions are really good. I want a Yuichi axolotl plush.
About the timeline, the antagonist make me feel curious if it's focused on the turtles enemies in which case it might refer more to Big Mama or Draxum, if it's Usagi Yojimbo I just think of Jei, if it's Space Usagi I think of Akira, losing that hand must have been a more satisfying scene than it actually was.
But, yes I meant more like Princess Miya (lovely name), the magical girls gave me Madoka Magica vibes, just me? I just can't with the designs are so pretty.
For the Usagis I hope they can fix their things, I understand the Miyamoto's POV, but how feels Yuichi? i'm just curious, for now I stop here, also goodluck with your anon doesn't eat the other user, your last update of princess Miya was most adorable, I think like Raph I want to put myself on the waitlist.
Nerish.. of course you're one of my earliest followers... (everyone is!)
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Oh yes, an Axolotl Yuichi plush would be so good! And very sensory appealing, with his fin-like ears and cheeks. Yes. I want one too... For the timeline, I did just answer an ask about potential characters which do include potential villains! I have not yet read Space Usagi, but that might be an interesting one.. yes.. -takes notes- We'll see Neko Ninjas, Big Mama, (I don't think Draxum would fit well into the story, since he's a Yokai extremist-- he would have no reason to attack or prey on the people he swears to protect), the Krang will make an appearance in terms of the bad future from the movie (What are the Usagis up to in that time? How did they handle the Krang?) and yeah, you know, some of the feudal lords like Hebi and Hikiji, Jei, and some other stuff. It might be cool. Final Question : How Does Yuichi Feel? Well, at first, it seemed fine. Miyamoto (8) asks Yuichi (30) if he will be his sensei. Mizuki and Shuji are supportive, after all it's the Usagi way, so they tell their kid to ask Yuichi. Shuji thinks his brother is a much better samurai anyway. Miyamoto looks up to his uncle because of this fact (he adores his father as well) and this is when the two of them are the closest.
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-- Miyamoto (9) watches Yuichi and Shuji (31) leave one day before scheduled training. Miyamoto is a little less than a year into his training, but he still isn't allowed to go on these particular errand runs with the twins. They are usually quick about it, but also extremely careful. Maybe when Miyamoto has more training, he can join them.
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-- Some time has passed, and Yuichi (33) seems.. different. Maybe it's the bandage over his eye. The now open wound. The warm blood dripping down his face. Maybe it's the faces that Miyamoto (11) makes. Maybe it's the fabric on his skin, making him feel clammy. Claustrophobic. Annoyed. Panicked. Something is wrong. A voice in his head echoes the thoughts he relayed to his nephew. Miyamoto is doing his best, working as hard as he can, trying to get better, trying to please his Uncle. Why is he so different now? Miyamoto doesn't understand. He's in disbelief, he's angry and frustrated.
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Being the oldest is hard. The weight of the world sits on your shoulders, and it's a task that even the strongest Samurai can't handle. But he has to. He has to protect his family, but he needs to teach Miyamoto. If he fails as a Sensei, then he's failed as an Uncle. A Brother. A Son. A Samurai. With Miyamoto's sudden disappearing habits, Yuichi is scared of what will happen if Miyamoto doesn't come back. Would he be the reason his brother no longer has a son? He would fail his family. He would have no honor. It's a crushing thought.
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jellie-the-aqua-puma · 9 months
Hi...if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi! Thanks for your ask! This is a good question, and this is my first ask so don’t apologize! Currently my mains are
Dazai/Chuuya aka Soukoku from BSD, I really like their dynamic, just the familiarity they had when they came on screen for the first time together. I think Bungou is really well execute though, so S2 showing that they still can come together and pretty much treat each other the same way / exasperation with no heat? And then the light novels are soo helpful too! I really think they’re sweet for each other, and I just think that’s neat! Plus there’s so much to unpack with their relationship! Yeah Chuuya wasn’t happy when Dazai left, but did he really resent him for it? Did he take it personally? What are they going to do now? All they do whenever they’re together is their best to protect each other.
Gojo Satoru / Geto Suguru from Jujutsu Kaisen, the tragedy! Oh man! It took me a bit to get on board with this, but I’m in for life now. It was the “My six eyes tell me your Geto but my soul knows otherwise.” I haven’t looked back. Gojo so shamelessly admitted that and Geto fighting back? They actually remind me a lot of Soukoku, with the obvious being Gojo = Dazai and Geto = Chuuya, but also Gojo was the one who got left just like Chuuya. So much went wrong for these two when it didn’t have to! If Geto had just took the time to explain, if he didn’t stubbornly try to rationalize his mistake, if Gojo had not taken Geto’s words at face value, if he’d’ve pushed a little more. I really love the impact they had in each other. Geto is the reason Gojo pushes for a better future for young sorcerers (does not seem like it’s going that well) and Gojo was the reason Geto wanted to make the world a better place for sorcerers.
Sun Jing / Qiu Tong from Tamen De Gushi (Their Story), a Chinese manhua. The story is just so cute, innocent, and straight forward. No screwing around, misunderstandings, annoying drama, etc.
Galo / Lio from Promare - this movie was so good! These two are really cute! I’m gonna say they’re semi-canon …
Hua Cheng / Xie Lian Heaven Official’s Blessing. Tragic characters when separated but together work towards their best future! Love it.
Cheng Xiaoshi / Lu Guan from Link Click I watched this on a whim and was so impressed by the characters and story! Im super interested to see where their relationship will take them, especially after what’s been revealed in S2, which I’m still reeling from! I am eagerly waiting for season 3!
I’m curious about yours now! What would you say yours are?
Honorable Mentions in no particular order below the cut
Yeong-sin and Seo-bi from Kingdom (kdrama) even though they don’t interact much, them being the only two survivors of the zombie epidemic in Jiyulheon is really what sets them a part for me although anytime they’re around others they act like they don’t know each oher.
TodoDeku was super cute in a very innocent kind of way. I liked that Todoroki was the first person who wasn’t Izuku’s friend who to saw his potential and see him as competition. I haven’t followed My Hero since S4 tho.
Yoruichi / Soi Fon Bleach; I felt Soi Fon’s devastation, to be joined at the hip and devoted and then abandoned and left behind. Yoruichi is merciless, she didn’t gaf lol.
Speed / Trixie sealed in by the 2008 Speed Racer live actions. They were crazy in the anime.
Astrid / Hiccup from the HTTYD film franchise, what a power couple.
Nancy / Edward from Enchanted, they are wasted by Disney but they’re oh so cute!
Aurora / Phillip from Sleeping Beauty, they are also wasted by Disney.
Goku/Chichi Dragon Ball, Chichi is wasted by Akira.
Steve / Bucky too, from Captain America, the way Steve was constantly ready to raise hell for Bucky got me. I pretend anything Phase 3 and after didn’t happen.
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randum-famdoms · 4 months
Hello! I'm reading one of your fic's on ao3 and was wondering when it's gonna be updated? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the fic and wanna know how long until we get a new chapter! Love your writing! And I was so happy to see that you gave Mishima such a cool persona! I love the fic so much! I've been ranting to my friends about it nonstop (even though neither of them have ever played the game) but they both sit there and listen nonetheless! (I may even try and convince them to read it! It's a pretty interesting take on the whole game! And the part where Akira is worried that Mishima will have a problem with him being gay and Mishima just like "If I had a problem with it I would've said something back in kamoshida's palace" was amazing! I love everything about it and I can't explain in words just why I love it so much! It's just amazing! If I was better at art I would LOVE to make some fanart of it!!! Again I can't explain just how much I love it! I hope you're doing well and aren't sick!
(How was the dog sitting by the way? Hope it went well!)
Ahshdjdkjfndbdkjdl thank you??????
I just. *scream*
The idea that people can love a silly little thing I write for fun this much is kinda unreal to me. Idk how to respond???? Thanks????
I mean, I’ve reacted like this to fics I have read before but having it turned into myself is trippy. Like this is some weirdly dream or some shit. Idk man. Shit’s wild.
Every time someone tells me how happy they are about the way I’m treating mishima in my fic I am further convinced that everyone who says he’s a bad character is a fucking coward and if more people would just make Mishima positive content then the fandom would be better off. He does not get enough love and appreciation and I will gladly take on the mantle of Mishima Ambassador. He is my blorbo, my boi, and I love him dearly. He deserves better, both in game and in the fandom, so I just did it myself.
Also, I ain’t about to beg you for fanart because you reading my fic is more than enough already and then you sent me this ask and Ann bear gave me a heart attack from joy, but trust me if you think you’re a bad artist I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse. I took an art class in a very sports heavy highschool and 90% of the kids in there were teenage boys who thought it would be an easy A. The first assignment was to draw a realistic hand. You’d think that they were AI with how bad some of them looked. So yeah, any hypothetical art you make is beautiful to me, especially because I’m fairly sure that if anyone made fanart of my fic I’d cry tears of joy <3
I tried really hard to update every week and I failed miserably, so I’ve made the decision to cut back to every other week. I’m like 85% sure that I’ll get the next chapter up this Sunday. I started my summer classes today and one of them (my English class) is cramming a 14 week course into 4 weeks, but I’ve always been pretty good at English/reading/writing so I’m hoping that that won’t ruin my update schedule AGAIN. I swear I can’t go two weeks without something fucking up my writing/editing time. We’ll see how it goes. I am not sick don’t worry, Just like, super fuckin tired cause my sleep schedule is fucked. I’m pretty good otherwise tho!
Dogsitting went well! I actually finished up with that yesterday. The little demon I was taking care of had absolutely no braincells, and was very annoying, and she kept pooping in my bathroom no matter how often I tried to take her outside to shit, but at least she’s small so it was easy to clean up and she was a good size to cuddle. Overall it was a 5/10 experience that was turned into a 9/10 because of the couple hundred dollar paycheck I got for it. The family I was doing it for is uncomfortably rich lol. Pretty sure some of it is blood money because the dad is an ex-cop turned middle school teacher (neither of which make good money) and the mom is a Russian immigrant stay-at-home mom and they somehow own a huge house in a really nice neighborhood and can afford a two week trip to the Caribbean on that income. I ain’t gonna complain tho.
I’m excited to get chapter 11 written and posted, I think it’s gonna be really fun! Lots of good plot and character development is gonna be happening :) the fic is really picking up now that we’ve finally gotten over all the exposition hurdles. Only took 60k words lol (I swear I thought that it would take half as long as it did to get to this point in the fic, at this rate the things gonna end up 800k words long and I’ll be dead before it’s finished)
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hyenahunt · 9 months
Saga: Epilogue - 1
Writer: Akira
Season: Winter
Characters: Jin, Jun
Proofreading: 310mc (JP) & hyenahunt (ENG)
Translation: kotofucius
Jin: I’d risen from my grave by mistake, but you've struck me dead once more.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Reverse Live Stage
Jin: “♪~♪~♪”
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Jun: “~…♪”
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(GODDAMN! This is so freakin' hard! I’m going at full throttle to kick Sagami Jin's ass, y’know~!?)
(I’m baring my fangs and howling at him, with every intent to strike him dead!)
(But thanks to that damn video that just played, the audience just sees me as some kinda huge starstruck fan of his…)
(And every time I lunge at him, they just start squealing!)
(I can hear 'em now… “Oh, he loves him so much!” “He looks so happy getting to sing with his idol!” “Congrats on your dream coming true!”)
(Couldja not look so fondly at a scene like this~!? I mean, c'mon!)
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(Damn it all! Well yeah, my dream did come true, but it's a world away from what you guys think it is!)
(So don’t look at me like that, I'm begging ya~ Why the hell did things turn out like this!?)
Jin: …Sacchan. You’ve gotta focus~ Both your singing and dancing aren't looking too hot. You doing okay? Getting tired?
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Jun: 'Scuse me? “Sacchan”? Don'tcha go acting like we're friends, Sagami Jin!
Jin: Well, you’re always calling me by my full name too… And that feels so dead-serious that it's kinda scary…
I’d be a lil' more comfortable if you could ease up and just call me something like Jin-san.
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Jun: Haha! Well, if it bothers you so much then I’m just gonna keep calling you Sagami Jin~!
So if you’re giving me an annoying nickname in return just to get back at me, I guess I can't really complain, huh~?
Jin: Hmm, not quite… Calling you Sazanami just makes me think of your dad, see.
And since our names are kinda similar, saying your first name feels like saying my own… so I thought I'd try a nickname.
Jun: Seriously? We’re nowhere close enough to be using nicknames! You better keep in mind that video was edited and nowhere near close to reality!
So if you'd kindly not confuse the two then I'd really appreciate it! You’ve always been and always will be my most resented foe, got that~!?
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Jin: I do get it. It's only natural that you hate me — It's what I deserve considering all the people I trampled over just to climb to the top.
Among them were parents who had mouths to feed, along with innocent people who had done nothing wrong… Really, I always knew a day like this would come.
That's why I chose to run away back then, disgusted with the yakuza-like business I was doing.
Jun: ……
Jin: Y’know, Sacchan… I’m kinda confused, too. I thought that even if you were to hit me or kill me, I had no right to protest.
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Jin: But take a look. When I actually surrender to fate and face you, our audience cheers in delight.
And it's not 'cause they’re thirsting for violence, no. Nobody wishes to see that.
And well, showing people things they don’t want to see — Is that really what an idol does?
I don’t think it is. No… in fact, that's what my kids taught me. I’m supposed to be the teacher, but I just keep learning new things from them.
I wish I could’ve learned all this much, much sooner. That’s why I’m passing it down to you, while you still have your whole life ahead of you.
'Course, I know it's nowhere near enough to make up for all the pain I caused you and your dad…
Jun: ……
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Jin: …That video… truly opened my eyes. It made me really understand the atrocity of the things I’d done.
And what I'd done… was destroy a family and ruin a child’s life.
Join us for Project-Saga, the revival of legendary idols, they said… I let myself get taken in by such a drunken plan, see…
Even I ended up giving in to the fun, and I let it guide me here as if it were all a nice little dream.
But of course, that wasn’t right. You reminded me that I no longer deserve to be an idol.
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Jin: I’d risen from my grave by mistake, but you've struck me dead once more.
Won’t you make do with that? If I’m such a condemnable eyesore in your eyes, then I’ll disappear for you. If you want me to beg for forgiveness, then I’ll beg 'til you’re satisfied.
Even if I offered up my life, I still can’t possibly make up for the peaceful family and happy childhood I stole from you.
But it’s all I have, so I’ll offer it all up to you.
So just… Don’t lay a finger on my students. They’re innocent.
No — I'd like you to also forget your hatred and live on happily, with a smile. What must I do for that?
I may be a teacher, but I don't know a thing, so won't you teach me…? What must I do to atone?
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Jun: …What must you do, huh?
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Haha. Honestly, I’m already plenty satisfied, just from getting to see that look on your face and hearing you say those words.
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Hell, from that very moment in SS when you were the one rooting for me from the audience —
You could say that already helped to save me.
Nah, actually… Being found and taken in by Ohii-san…
And becoming an idol great enough to stand on the same stage as you…
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That must’ve already been all that I needed. For a wild stray that had lived by scavenging carrion to survive, it's plenty more than enough of a reward… You could say it was my salvation.
[ ☆ ]
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history-detective · 4 months
BlackStar ~Theater Starless translation
Season 1 – Episode 8:
Chapter 5– Then, I'll compete for you.
(Akira, Kokuyou, Takami, MC)
Kokuyou: ......Jeez, it's so annoying. What's with that Hari guy?
Takami: It looks like Kei has granted him access to backstage. I heard he is trailing Mokuren.
Kokuyou: No way that guy is going to be put into W. Sorry, that guy is such a bonbon.
MC: Hello~.
**sounds of a cigarette being put out**
Kokuyou: ......Why did you put out your cigarette? You just lit it, did you not?
Takami: Because she came. I also thought the smoke was bad.
MC: I'm sorry, I had to leave you with my concerns.
Takami: You don't have to worry about it. I did it because I wanted too.
Akira: Kokuyou, you should also put out your cigarette~.
**sounds of cigarette being put out again**
Kokuyou: Oi, Akira, what are you doing? Don't suddenly show up and act how you want.
Akira: This is a customer business, so you have to carefully watch your manners. Hey~, MC.
Kokuyou:Haa?......that's right, she is also a customer.
Takami: What do you mean?
Akira: Miss Koharu's teachings. Kokuyou, you are dutifully protecting them.
Kokuyou: Shut up.
Akira: Hey, Takami, did you hear that?
Akira: It seems that Mokuren had a competition with Hari the other day.
Takami: Ah, it seems so. I heard that you [MC] were present at the time?
MC: Yes, it was amazing how close Hari was to Mokuren.
Akira: Got given a name, goes in and out of backstage.....I wonder if he will going Starless.
Takami: If Kei allows it, I think it will be like that.
Kokuyou: That guy really does whatever he wants.
Akira: Kokuyou, you look like you aren't interested, but you're actually curious, right~.
Kokuyou: Huh? You're just saying that.
Takami: Personally, I want you to be a little more interested in it. I think this could cause a crisis for Team W.
MC: .....Is that so?
Akira: Ah, you realised. As expected of Takami.
Takami: Well, just in case.
Takami: A showdown between Mokuren and Kokuyou would be a bit nerve wracking, no matter who wins.
Kokuyou: Of course I will win.
Takami: Then Mokuren might leave, right?
Akira: That's right. The power comes from Kokoyou but the style is from Mokuren.
Akira: If Mokuren leaves, our performance will decline.
Kokuyou: Are you looking to provoke me? If so, I can teach you by force.
MC: Eh, ah, excuse me.
Akira: Ah, oh, no no, Kokuyou is really violent, don't you think so?
Takami: Too bad Akira. I'm going to get involved in your fun.
MC: Are you going to compete?
Kokuyou: I was being serious, but if you decide to just play around then that's fine.
Kokuyou: Forget about Mokuren.
Kokuyou: Orginally, he tried to leave when Starless was in a mess.
Kokuyou: Even Starless is not worth much for him.
Kokuyou: Even without him, Starless doesn't change. I won't allow it to change.
Kokuyou: He and I achieve what we see. The things I carry on my back are also different.
Akira: But Nekome might be disappointed. He was the one who picked up Mokuren, wasn't he?
MC: Nekome?
Takami: Who is Nekome? Was he a person who was here before?
Kokuyou: -----Akira. I told you not to speak that name.
Akira: That might have been the case~~. You're getting so serious, right, Kokuyou?
Akira: Sorry, MC, you were surprised.
Akira: That's because he is really violent. It's better to not be left alone with him.
To be continued.....
DISCLAIMER – This is not an accurate translation! Please do not steal. Please let me know of any corrections and what I translated wrong- I may have just written what I think works best, but if you think otherwise, let me know. :)
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cynamonowo · 6 months
001 999, 002 shukita, 003 do-yoon
i love u so much let's Go
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
akane!! girl of all time. she did nothing wrong (except everything) and that's so cool. she's so cool
Least Favorite character:
uhh that'd be a draw between the ninth man (bc he makes me feel queasy) and ace (bc i liked him at first. betrayal)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
lotus/seven, junepei, junpei/santa, junpei/snake, but tbh this isn't a fandom i'm in for shipping reasons
Character I find most attractive:
lotus... hot
Character I would marry:
see above lol move over, seven, i will parent her daughters instead
Character I would be best friends with:
santa! we'd bitch about our little sisters while drinking shitty coffee and watching the timeline get tangled like a pair of cheap wired earphones
A random thought:
while ppl have been saying vlr is decent, to be fair idk if i wanna check it out :/
An unpopular opinion:
uh. none? idk
My canon OTP:
junepei i guess
Non-canon OTP:
Most badass character:
either clover or snake. to be fair seven too... and akane in a way
Pairing I am not a fan of:
shrugs. idk. anything with ace? or clover/a man
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
uh. i don't know? maybe lotus bc while she is sexy af her outfit is. yeah.
Favourite friendship:
mm. maybe junpei and clover? or clover and seven. those would be nice
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when or if I started shipping it:
about a month or so after finishing p5 lol at first i wasn't sure. then the brainrot got me
my thoughts:
it's such a good pairing like?? they're helping each other become better people while acknowledging the darkness in their hearts
What makes me happy about them:
THEY'RE JUST SO FUNNY SOMETIMES like the crucifixion pose gdhdhdg
What makes me sad about them:
that they're not Canon. what the fuck.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
yusuke being Smooth and Collected. i can see him having some confidence, but that autistic boy would be quite surprised to find out his crush likes him back
Things I look for in fanfic:
i see transmasc yusuke and i go ape
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
i guess it'd be pegoryu & akekita lol
My happily ever after for them:
after a few years of brooding and navel gazing, they get their shit together, start a relationship, move in, and live a quiet, happy life, with akira as a counselor and yusuke as a well-known and respected painter
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character:
THAT'S MY SON but he's also sooo me. he's so autism. i love him. i want him to rest but also to go through even more horrors :> do-yoon han you are my everything. you deserve a chocolate bar
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
that'd be just gyu-hyuk and woosuk lol the latter as a past fwb that'd rather eat a flipflop than admit anything
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
oh man i love do-yoon being inha's chew toy and juyoung's pet cat. every lesbian deserves a weird guy to care for and/or pester
My unpopular opinion about this character:
there's only like ten ppl in the fandom so i wouldn't say it's unpopular but. he's autistic and also trans. spot a pattern :P
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
oh man it's kind of a shame we didn't hear him laugh... to be fair there was little to laugh about in the Horrors
gyuyoon ftw <3 there's so much you can pack into their dynamic.
My OT3:
platonic ot3 but, as mentioned above, do-yoon and the girls is such a fun squad. to me. inha as the wise guy, him as the straight man, juyoung as the unwitting audience to their bickering
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twilovesshuake · 1 year
Au Idea from a fic I read from another fandom
Let's suppose that the real world and the Metaverse are two different dimension and there's a portal that can go from real world to the Metaverse which opens every once a year. So, since there are two dimension, there are also two versions of the phantom thieves. In the Metaverse it's Joker, Skull, Panther Mona, Queen, Fox, Oracle Noir, Crow And Violet. They basically ruled the Metaverse but one day one of their Team member Crow betrays the team and escapes through the portal because he wanted more power for his persona which was not available in the Metaverse but it was possible to gain that power in the real world. Learning this the phantom thieves became worried so Joker goes after Crow to stop him. Joker also ends up in the real world where he finds and befriends the other versions of his friends Ryuji, Ann, Yusuke, Makoto, Futaba, Haru and Kasumi. At First he found it strange that he couldn't find his other version in this world or other Mona or even other Crow but he really didn't pay much attention to it for a long time, his main goal was to stop Crow gaining more power from the real world. He tells the other version of his friends the whole story of why he has here and after listening to that his other friends agreed to work together and help him find Crow. They eventually find Crow then Joker and Crow have a One V One fight which Crow loses. Then as a punishment for betraying him Joker takes away Crow's powers and forever bans him from the Metaverse world. So now Crow has to stay in the real world with the other version of these Phantom Thieves, Joker tells his other friends to help Crow become a better person and they agree to it then Joker goes back to his own dimension. Because of losing to Joker Crow really hates him now but he really can't do anything now that he has no powers so he starts to live a normal life in the real world where he starts studying as a Shujin student. The others try to befriend him but Crow literally hates everyone and wants to be alone. One evening as he's walking home he stumbles over someone and sees that this person is Joker only he's wearing normal clothes and he has glasses on and seems very shy totally different from the Joker he knows the raven haired boy gets up and apologizes to Crow then he introduces himself to Crow. Crow learns that the boy's name is Akira Kurusu and he just transferred here from another city and he's going to be transferred to Shujin Academy. Crow notices that he also has a cat and his name was Morgana which looked similar to Mona in the Metaverse world but he looks more like a cat now. Crow tries to Ignore Akira because everytime Akira talks to him It reminds him of Joker who he really hates. And after Akira transferred to Shujin it became more annoying. Just like Joker he quickly befriends the other versions of the phantom thieves and he also tries to befriend Crow but Crow refuses he doesn't want any friends in his life and he definitely doesn't want to be friends with the person who looks like his greatest enemy who he hates the most. But he eventually starts to warm up to Akira realizing it's not really Joker he only looks like Joker but he's really different from him and he didn't ruin his life Joker did, they then become friends and Akira helps Crow to befriend with the others and they all accept him as a friend. Crow and Akira starts to hangout more and more and eventually starts to fall in love with him and Akira loves him back as well. He thought to himself that he should thank Joker because by baning him from the Metaverse he actually found real friends who were always there for him and even found someone to love even tho he looked liked the person who was his greatest enemy.
PS: there's more to this story but if I wrote it all it would just turn out to be a fanfiction lol 😅
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Hermitage - Thursday 1
Author: Nishioka Maiko (with Akira)
Characters: Izumi, Mika, Hajime, Shu
Translator: Mika Enstars
"‘Scuse me…? Um, your senior is greeting you! You must have some nerve, ignoring me!"
Season: Winter
Location: Starmony Dorms Kitchen
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Izumi: Is it here?
…No, maybe it’s in this cupboard…?
–The heck, it’s not here either?! I’m sooo~ annoyed!
My god, that Itsuki! Where the hell did he put those coffee beans?
He told me that he brought some delicious coffee beans over and that I can try them, but I don’t have a single clue where he put them!
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Mika: ……
Izumi: Hm? –Ah, it’s Kagehira. Morning.
Mika: ……
Izumi: ‘Scuse me…? Um, your senior is greeting you! You must have some nerve, ignoring me!
Didn’t I even do you a favor and start the conversation a couple days ago?
Mika: ……
Izumi: Hey! Are you listening to me?
Mika: ……
Izumi: …Hey. Kagehira? Seriously, what’s wrong? Hello?
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Hajime: Yaaawnn… —Ah, Sena-senpai, Kagehira-senpai, good morning. What’s going on?
Izumi: Ah, Hajime-kun. Kagehira’s acting all strange.
Hajime: Huh?
Kagehira-senpai~? Hello~?
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Mika: ……
Hajime: Huh… Even when I wave my hand in front of his face, he doesn’t react… It’s like he’s stuck in a daze…
Izumi: Yeah. He’s been like this since he came to the kitchen. Maybe he’s sick?
Hajime: Hmm… Let me see. He doesn’t seem to have a fever…
Ah! Maybe he’s so hungry that he’s in a haze!
Izumi: Haah? No way. He isn’t some animal like those in Anpanman[1]…
Hajime: But, I’ve had times where I’ve lost my strength due to hunger. So I’d like to give it a try anyways!
I’ll go make breakfast, so Sena-senpai, please stay with Kagehira-senpai.
Izumi: Guess I have no choice… Well, it’s fine.
Hey, Kagehira. Come wait with me at the table over there.
Mika: ……
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Hajime: (Umm, what should I make…?)
(Oh! I know. Given the situation, let's go with the menu that I know Kagehira-senpai has already said was delicious.)
Alrighty then, let’s start with…
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Time passes…
Izumi: Hey. What’s going on with you, seriously?
Mika: ……
Hajime: Thank you for your patience, Kagehira-senpai, Sena-senpai~! How is he doing?
Izumi: It’s comple~tely useless. No matter how I try to call out to him, there’s no response.
Hajime: I see…
Kagehira-senpai, I’ve brought you breakfast. I’m sure you’ll feel better on a full stomach. So, please eat up.
Here you go. Some hot miso soup! ♪
Mika: …Thank, you.[2]
Izumi: Hm?
Hajime: (Hehe, he must really be hungry, he’s even taking it from my hands.)
Izumi: Hey, Kagehira. You—
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Izumi: Ah! What the— Kagehira just fumbled and spilled as soon as you gave it to him?!
Hajime: O-Oh no! Did it spill all over your hands?! The miso soup’s really hot, you’ll get burned…!
H-Hurry, we have to cool it down! Umm, umm…! Ah, I don't have any water on hand! Umm…
Izumi: The sink! Cool it with tap water! Hurry! —Come on, Kagehira, stand up! Get over to the kitchen!
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Time passes…
Izumi: Stay put. Cool it for a while, just in case, okay!
Hajime: Uu… I shouldn’t have given you miso soup while it was so hot… I’m so sorry you got burned, Kagehira-senpai. It must’ve been really hot, wasn’t it…?
Izumi: He didn't yell out or say it was hot or anything, though…? Usually, that’s how someone would react…
Hajime: Come to think of it, he did once… That time he burned his mouth since he was in a hurry. Yet, he didn't react at all this time.
Mika: ……
Hajime: Umm, Kagehira-senpai? Wasn’t it hot…?
Mika: …Wasn’t, hot…[3]
Hajime: …I-Is that so?
Izumi: (whispering) Wait a sec. That Kagehira’s really acting weird, don’t you think? With miso soup that hot, usually you’d panic.
Hajime:(whispering) Yeah. It's almost like Kagehira-senpai is a whole different person, somehow…
Izumi: (whispering) A whole different person, huh…
(whispering) Hey, Hajime-kun. Did you notice something? He doesn’t speak the way he usually does.
Hajime: (whispering) Huh?
Izumi: (whispering) Kagehira. Everything he’s said so far has been in the standard dialect, hasn’t it?
Hajime: …!
Location: Starmony Dorm Room (Shu, Izumi, Kuro, Mao's Room)
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Izumi: Hey, you here, Itsuki?!
Hajime: Itsuki-senpai! We have a big problem~!
Shu: W-What is it? Please don't come in so noisily! Where's your manners?
…Hm? All things considered, I didn’t expect a pair such as this. Well, this is Sena’s room, so that’s not strange. But why are you with Shino?
Izumi: It just so happened we ended up together. Anyways! That doesn’t matter right now!
Hajime: Because, we’ve got a big problem!
Shu: ?
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In Anpanman, the running gag is that the situation is resolved by Anpanman sharing anpan with everyone.
This is notable because Mika doesn’t speak with his typical Kansai-ben here. Instead of his typical “okiini” (おおきに), he says “arigato” (ありがと).
He says “atsukunai” (あつくない) here; using the standard “nai” (ない) ending rather than the Kansai-ben “hen” (へん).
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eway · 1 year
Hello eway mii! How are you today? My name is Sir Meliodas It's very nice to meet you! Could you tell me a bit more about your friends?
(Ooc: I love 7 deadly sins. Also, these characters are young and some have edgy backstories because I was 14 when I played Miitopia. Ok Eway time)
Heya! Meliodas, huh? That's a cool name. I'm eway!
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I'm 14 years old I'm from Powerdered Peaks! I have two sisters, one is adopted and when she went missing, I set out to find her. Then I saw a butterfly with eyes and got sidetracked saving Miitopia, haha. But I made lots of new friends! (And a boyfriend, hehe)
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This is Lilly! She's 13 She's a popstar! She has a little brother named Scrub. She has a beauty mark that floats next to her! It's genetic. She was the first person I met on my journey. She is so positive and encouraging to everyone, that it makes me worry about her hiding her feelings...
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This is Julie! She's 16. She came from a Knights' Academy! You should hear her talk about sneaking out to join me and Lilly, it sounds AWESOME. Though she does have a stutter, I don't mind, though she can be hard to understand sometimes. She has a crush on a guy from the Academy named Zack, though her and her best friend fight over him
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Lyra ( LEER UH. Not LIEra) is an enigma. She is 14 years old! She comes from Neksdor and is an awesome thief, but her past is sad. Her mom died after her sister was born and her dad was...well I've seen Lyra's scars. She doesn't like to talk about it. She is also fiercely loyal and protective of Maxie, her sister! Another thing, unlike the rest of the girls, she's not interested in boys. And unlike the boys, she's not interested in girls. She doesn't seem attracted to anyone! I'm talking like, not platonic. She can make friends with anyone, but she is hard to approach...
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Brix was my first friend in Neksdor after the dark lord Brandon took my friends captive. She's 14! She used to be a Mage, and a very inept one. She was bullied for it in her magic school place thing. She also has a lisp so that didn't help. She has a sister named Lotus! Anyway, she's very kind and tries her best, and when she tried being a cleric she was so good at it! She's waaaaaaay happier!
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Yuko~chan is from Peculia and is 13. I think she's dating Conner now (more on him later). She acts kind of dumb, unaware of her surroundings, not knowing when certain things are good (stop SLEEPING IN BATTLE!) but she has a good heart! And also her culture is very different from mine so that's interesting. She has a twin named Akira~kun. He's her bro!
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Poor Travis is sick. I wish I could get a better pic. Anyway, I didn't like him at first. This 15 year old would hide behind us in battle and it was annoying! But... well I was very stressed when I met him. And while Brix and Yuko~chan were trying their best, I felt I had to hide my pain, my fear. My friends were kidnapped and I had to deal with two newbies! But Travis...he let me vent. He listened to me. He gave me advice. We talked alot. Beneath his laid back exterior, he cares. And we became friends. And when he and the others were taken, I felt more upset about him being gone than anyone else. I realized how I felt. And after beating the dark lord and the darker lord being a thing, after another vent session I accidentally confessed. Apparently he felt the same and now we're a couple!
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Celeste here is the youngest by far. She's only 8. Apparently, her older sister, Sylvie, was supposed to join us, but her face was stolen, so Celeste went in her sted. She's kind and sweet, but also, odd. A lot of the things she says don't add up. She talks about her home in the Elven forest, and how she and her sister are orphans, but sometimes she mentions evil parents. I figured out the truth, as did the rest of us, and its heartbreaking and Celeste is not at fault for any of it! She's also very...alien, in behavior. Having a near photographic memory is not normal. But we love Celeste, she's everyone's kid sister!
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Alexis is 14! She is a princess with a twin brother named Alex. She is also going to marry a prince named Roberto when she's old enough, but they're in love so it's fine. However, a coup de ta happened! Her handmaid, a girl named Lucky, and the girl in love with Alex, revealed herself to be the daughter of the leader of this coup. Her real name? Luciena! Lou she en a! Not Lou she na. Gotta correct that. But Lucky was loyal and helped Alexis escape, but her brother was taken. Just like me, her quest started for a different purpose, but directionless. So when the Guardian Spirit recruited her, she joined us to save Miitopia and hopefully find her bro along the way!
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Conner...this guy is a flirt. And french. OK he just has that accent. He's also from Peculia and is a nature spirit. He has a brother named Loki I think? He used to have a thing for me, but he was respectful when I rejected him (I was nice about it). Yuko~chan noticed his change in demeanor and took it upon herself to make him feel better. They became close. They know things about each other that the rest of us don't, just like me and Travis! Honestly, before this he flirted with everyone except for Travis (both only like girls) and Celeste (because Celeste is waaaaay younger than him. She is too smol) oh yeah and Conner is 14 I guess...
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