#akira aoyama
peterokii · 1 year
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incoming summer merch drop
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bookscoffee75 · 21 days
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Un Jeudi saveur chocolat de Michiko Aoyama
Le Maître des livres (Toshokan no Aruji), Tome 1 de Umiharu Shinohara
The Girl with a louding voice de Abi Daré
La Fabuleuse laverie de Marigold (Marigold Mind Laundry) de Yun Jung Eun
I Hear the sunspot (Hidamari ga Kikoeru), Tome 7 de Yuki Fumino ❤
Le Cri du Kujima (Kujima Utaeba Ie Hororo), Tome 2 de Akira Konno ❤
Le Vendeur du magasin de vélo (Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun), Tome 1 de Arare Matsumuchi
Le Trône de Jasmin (The Jasmine Throne), Les Royaumes ardents, Tome 1 de Tasha Suri
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aspenforest732 · 8 months
Bello Licentiae Chapter 10: Quirks and Quirks
tw: panic attack, emotional abuse/manipulation, blood, fight, assault, audism Akira finally confronts Midoriya, and the canon starts to diverge 'text' JSL Text thoughts
Akira grinned as Aizawa confirmed they were considering making work studies available for first years. Even if he was against the idea. 1-A had run into enough villains and dangerous situations for their first two years combined. It'll be good to work with Amajiki and Taishiro again, though. Excitement bubbled up in the room to a hushed murmur, mindful as they'd learned to be of Aizawa's long night patrols.
When Yamada pranced into the room, Akira also found themself looking forward to having classes with him in the morning this term. Since they were already fluent in English, they requested Anii to interpret Yamada's teaching to help them learn ASL through immersion in addition to the old textbook Yamada gave them.
Yamada handed out the syllabus for Yaoyorozu and Ida to distribute as he verbally went over it. Akira scanned through what was mostly the same structure as their first term. Halfway through, their heart picked up at the essay assignment. Subtly glancing about, only Midoriya and Katsuki seemed interested in the document at all.
When no one raised their hand for questions, Akira cautiously raised theirs. He's safe. We're safe. Focus on the question not them staring. Dark Shadow settled on their lap with a soft purr, letting their heart slow a bit as they committed to the action.
Surprise flitted across Yamada's face before he grinned and enthusiastically asked, "Yes, Mori?"
' Are there any constraints on the subject of the essay? And is there an upper page limit? ' Akira signed in JSL.
"Keep it school appropriate, yeah?" Yamada beamed, bouncing slightly in excitement. "And no, just make sure it's at least two pages. Also, if any of you get worried about taking on too much, I'd be happy to go over your topic and help narrow it down." He added with a twinkle in his eye, "For the record, the fall of Rome is usually a bit much."
That night, Akira approached Midoriya after dinner. ' It's time to talk. Where would you be most comfortable? '
"Uh," Midoriya stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Is the roof okay? It's almost curfew."
Akira shrugged indifferently, glad he at lesat understood the conversation was private. ' Sure, I'll let sensei know so he doesn't worry. ' At his confusion, they added, ' He gets notified when the roof is accessed for safety reasons. '
"O-oh, right," Midoriya flushed with embarrassment as they rode the elevator up. He shifted from foot to foot, wringing his hands while his gaze kept darting between them and the doors. Occasional tiny flashes of green sparked across his skin but immediately faded.
When they finally reached the top, Akira double-checked that Aizawa had seen the message before waving at the security camera and opening the door. They let out a slow breath as they ran through what they wanted to say again. ' First off, I should recognize that I did assume you went through forced quirk manifestation. '
Midoriya frantically shook his head, opening his mouth but snapped it shut at a glance. 'It lined up with what I could see, but that was technically an assumption on my part. Up until now, you haven't directly lied to me, so I ask that you don't try to now. '
Midoriya opened and closed his mouth a few times before descending into a mutter storm. Akira could only catch a few words here and there about what they might know.
When he started tapering off after a few minutes, Akira gave a small wave to catch his attention. ' All for One told me about the history of One for All and how All Might passed it to you. '
"I... he... what?" Midoriya stammered as the color drained from his face.
' I was angry before because I thought you understood, ' Akira explained. ' I thought you knew what the torture was like and how the feeling of otherness only intensified when you finally triggered a quirk. Our bodies aren't built to house quirks, so the drawbacks tend to be more severe. '
"Have you told anyone else?" Midoriya asked, eyes frantically searching the darkness.
' Not really, Sparkles already figured you were Quirkless growing up, but he was, too. I needed an example that wasn't me. About One for All? No, it's not my secret to share. ' Akira hesitated, not sure if it was their place. ' You should really tell sensei, though. You need someone on your side, and All Might is the one who placed such a terrible burden on a fourteen-year-old. '
"But I wasn't even supposed to tell Kacchan, and now you know, and oh kami," Midoriya started hyperventilating as tears welled up. "He's going to kill me. What if he demands it back? What if he..."
Akira gently pulled Midoriya into a hug as he broke down, putting one of his hands on their sternum so he could try to match their breathing. They lowered the overwhelmed kid to the rough floor as he tried to calm down. Helplessness washed over them, unable to talk through sensory grounding as he broke down. Forcing themself to focus on what they could do, Akira gently pulled his other hand away from tugging at his hair and rubbed small circles on it. Shudders wracked his frame as his eyes glazed over.
' You with me, Broccoli? ' Akira asked after a while when Midoriya's breathing started to even out and his eyes refocused some. They slowly let go as Midoriya focused on his hands and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment. ' You don't have to tell sensei, but he genuinely wants to help. ' They huffed and ducked their head slightly, ' He's actually worried about you. '
Midoriya's eyes went wide and started to glisten again. "He shouldn't be, I'm fine!" He gave one of his trademark sunshine smiles, but Akira just gave him a flat look and looked pointedly at where they were sitting. Midoriya wilted and fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt. "All Might said not to tell anyone. It'll put them in danger."
Akira snorted, ' Trust me, any danger that would be added from that knowledge is a drop in a lake compared to what he faces on a daily basis. Not to mention the danger from multiple long-term operations. ' Their expression softened as Midoriya frown deepened, expression still worried. ' You'd be surprised how much he can help. He'd want to know. '
Midoriya nodded slowly but still hesitated, "But All Might..."
Fuck All Might. Akira took a deep breath and just managed to keep their expression neutral. 'If you're that worried about his reaction, you need another adult to know. If you'd rather tell another adult, that's fine, but you need a support system beyond other students. That's not fair for anyone, especially you, and this is a massive responsibility.'
"What if he hates me?" Midoriya muttered, barely loud enough for Akira to catch.
' He didn't hate me, ' Akira signed gently but firmly.
"That's different, you didn't lie to him for months," he protested, hands gesturing widely as doubt swam in his eyes.
Right, he doesn't know. Akira looked away for a moment, worrying their bottom lip as they searched for the right words. Shoving aside their discomfort, they met Midoriya's gaze with a guarded one, ' There's a lot you don't know about me. If he didn't hate me after what he found out, he won't hate you. '
The next day when class broke for lunch, Akira paused as Mad Banquet was walking out, feeling eyes on them from behind. They turned around to see Aoyama trailing a few paces behind the group. He was usually one of the first out of the room, so Akira cocked their head and asked, ' Is something wrong? '
Aoyama looked around then brightened. "Can I sit with your group today?" The sparkles around his head flashed brightly, but his eyes held a hint of desperation as he shifted from foot to foot.
Akira looked to the group, who shrugged. ' Sure, we usually sit outside when the weather's not unbearable. ' Once Aoyama caught up to the group, they continued to the cafeteria. Akira skirted along the edge to wait outside as the others grabbed food, one of the campus strays keeping them company in exchange for pets and morsels of the group's lunches.
"I thought I—"
Akira warped away as they slashed shallowly towards the wall, capture scarf rising and heart hammering in their chest. They blinked rapidly at the lack of people and scanned the area, eyes darting back and forth as their clone remained in a defensive stance. Moments later, they sharply turned to the cafeteria door, only to relax and drop their clone as Togata sheepishly walked out.
"Sorry to startle you," Togata smiled sheepishly. "Tamaki wanted to know if you're still planning on doing your work study with Fat Gum."
' Of course, ' Akira signed as they sheathed their knife and commanded their capture scarf to settle back into looking like a scarf. They scanned his face for cuts, fortunately finding none as they assumed he phased in time.
"Well, I should go let him know," Togata smiled brightly before jogging away past Mad Banquet.
"What was that about?" Aoyama asked, looking over his shoulder at the older boy disappearing into the crowd.
' Work study. ' They focused on evening out their breathing, and after handing them their food, Dark Shadow wrapped around them. They started purring, which brought a small smile to Akira's face.
The group started talking about where they'd be going, Fumikage surprising the rest by continuing with Hawks. Dark Shadow insisted the hero would start working with them now that they'd proven themselves. Akira wasn't so sure about that but knew they would stand up for themselves at least.
Aoyama quietly added he'd stay with Yoroi Musha. The quiet hero was generally considered stoic by the general populace, but he could be almost negligent at times in his complacence and pursuit of peaceful resolutions. But a less chaotic environment would probably do Aoyama some good.
Hitoshi obviously stayed with his dad, but Koji and Shoto were considering other options.
' Wash was great, but I want to learn more about the intelligence field, ' Koji explained. ' It's so small, though, and I need to figure out whether any of them would take first years. '
Hitoshi nodded thoughtfully, "Eraser often works with the Nighteye agency, and I've seen Togata there a few times. That might be a good starting point."
' He's got a good track record, and Yellow Sun could get you a foot in the door, ' Akira added. ' Peppermint, Present Mic could be good for learning control over your fire side. He helped Electric Rat a lot, and his own quirk requires a lot of control. '
"Perhaps. I'm changing my hero name," Shoto said.
"Oh?" Aoyama piped up after being mostly quiet. "What are you considering?"
Akira immediately perked up, eyes sparkling as they cocked their head. ' Like the Roman god? '
Confusion crossed Shoto's face as he frowned, "No, like the metal." Akira deflated but nodded. "What is Mercury the deity of?"
Akira immediately launched into an explanation of the god as Hitoshi tried to keep up with interpreting. The bell for lunch ending startled them out of the rant as they abruptly stopped signing, clamping down harshly on their lip. ' Sorry, ' they signed before quickly downing the rest of their rice.
"If you can indulge our interests, we can indulge yours," Fumikage said, an amused undertone turning into a soft trilling hum at the end.
With Midoriya back in class, Aizawa went over some of the details for work studies. He brought in the Big Three to introduce themselves, and Akira noticed Midoriya tense as Togata stepped in. Maybe they've met before? He was difficult to read from behind, and Midoriya wasn't muttering for once.
Akira winced sympathetically when Aizawa asked Amajiki to start the introductions. They leaned slightly into the aisle to catch his eye and sign, ' Talk to just me? ' Akira gave a slight smile, but after fixing the class with a hard stare, Amajiki turned into the wall and let Hado take over introductions.
"This is the flea, Tamaki Amajiki," Nejire lightly teased. "And then, I'm Nejire Hado."
Akira sighed and looked to Aizawa as she quickly got side-tracked asking rapid-fire personal questions about several students without waiting for them to answer. Activating Erasure, Aizawa turned to Togata and ground out, "Isn't this lacking rationality?"
Akira let their head drop into their hand as they stared up in disbelief at the complete lack of stage presence between the three as Togata tried to wrap up the presentation with jokes that fell flat. Aizawa also seemed mystified by the confused tilt to his head and subtle tension in his shoulders.
"...Why don't you all fight me at once?" Mirio finished as Amajiki lifted slightly off the wall in thinly-veiled confusion. Hado finally stood up from next to Ojiro's desk.
Aizawa's hair shifted to cover the side of his face towards the classroom as his posture slightly opened into almost curiosity. "Do what you want."
While the Big Three walked with the class to one of the gyms, Akira drifted closer to them. ' Yellow Sun, where's your hero costume? '
"Oh, I didn't want to give myself an advantage," Togata beamed with a twinkle in his eye.
Akira stared in disbelief. They glanced at Amajiki, who just shrunk in on himself with a small shrug. ' So... you're going to expose yourself instead? ' Akira hesitantly signed. Sure, he was Amajiki's friend, but his idealism kept him from seeing the corruption in limelights... ' Your costume's primary function is phasing with you, so what's the advantage? You are technically an adult. '
"It provides some protection, but you do make a good point," Togata's smile turned a bit sheepish. "Aizawa-sensei, I'm going to grab my costume but will be back shortly."
While they waited for Togata's return at the gym, Midoriya called a huddle. "Against an upperclassman, we should try to strategize. Is anyone familiar with his quirk?"
Akira offered, ' Sort of, it seems to be a Breaker or Changer quirk that allows the user to phase through substances. He also uses mixed martial arts during his first two sports festivals. It was unclear whether his quirk allows all material or just inorganic to pass through while active. '
"That's what I was thinking, too," Midoriya grinned. "I haven't reviewed this year's footage yet, though, so does anyone have an update on his progress?" He was greeted with silence, and Akira shook their head. Between, well everything, it was pretty understandable. "Melee fighters should swarm him, go for quirk- and organic-based attacks first to identify weak points. Ranged, do short bursts of your quirk since longer activations might obscure the area as they hit the concrete behind Togata-senpai.
Mori, do you have your speaker on you to call out observations?"
Akira nodded with a grimace, ' Still working on speed and accuracy, but it's an option if visibility is low or if I'm invisible. '
"I won't be joining," Shoto announced. At Akira's confused look, he continued, "I don't have my Provisional License, so don't deserve the opportunity."
Midoriya jumped in before Mad Banquet could, "That's ridiculous, this would be great practice for you. Especially since your quirk is so versatile!"
Akira added, ' If you're worried about spacing, you can focus on creating taller areas like the concrete pillars for our ranged fighters. '
As Le Million strolled in, Mercury nodded. Amajiki turned slightly to follow Le Million with his eyes as he lamented how they could have just described their work studies. "We can't end up with kids who are unable to recover after this."
Mortis heard Alien Queen's discomfort as they turned towards Hado's voice and immediately warped to their sides, pulling Alien Queen to her feet away from the enthusiastic girl. ' Refrain from touching people without their permission, ' Mortis sharply signed as Alien Queen shuddered.
As the two walked back to the group, Hado stood and continued, "If you don't think things through properly, this'll be rough. Really rough."
"There's a handicap in place, but we've fought pros before," Tsukuyomi said, eyes widened slightly.
"And we've fought with villains before, too," Red Riot added eagerly. "Do we look like such weak small fry to you that you need to worry about us?"
Unphased, Le Million asked who would be first. Aizawa called out before they could start moving, "This is a good chance for all of you. Make sure you get the most out of this experience!"
With a nod to Mercury, Mortis activated their coms and warped, multiplying their clones forward to create a barrier of organic material. Mercury quickly raised several pillars of ice of varying heights, each carrying a few of their ranged fighters as well as stairs and slides for mobility.
Amajiki abruptly turned from the wall with a frown at the numerous clones, watching them with open concern. Now that their first task was in progress, Mortis padded over and pressed a note into his hand reading "found a workaround, don't worry about it." He frowned, reading the note a few times before slowly nodding.
With that, Mortis warped onto the nearest ice pillar and noted Le Million's disappearance. "He warped?" they heard from their left as Creati screamed from between pillars. Mortis looked over just in time to see Le Million land a hard hit on her back, incapacitating her.
Dark Shadow shot forward, and Mortis just barely saw their target slipping into the ground. They swarmed their clones around Tsukuyomi and called out "Hover!" at the same time as Deku did. A moment later, one of their clones was dispelled from the force of Le Million shooting through it. The upperclassman stumbled slightly in surprise, buying Tsukuyomi enough time to get off the ground with Dark Shadow.
It looked like Le Million said something to one of the clones, but Mortis couldn't quite catch it from their distance. In response, they pressed their clones forward while calling out, "Off ground! Cloud formation."
Mercury added disk extensions to each platform, and Uravity dashed toward the groups. A few more clones down, Mortis searched the area for Le Million's next attack as Deku charged toward Uravity with Ingenium hot on his heels. They sent half of their clones towards Uravity while the others spread out again, multiplying a few more times from the first two levels to reduce the area Le Million could reliably emerge from.
Just as Uravity floated herself and Deku, Le Million surged out of the ground and snatched the latter's foot. He had to quickly let go, though as Uravity released and Deku swung a kick at his arm. Le Million retaliated with a punch to his gut, slamming him winded to the ground. Level with the platforms, Uravity waited for Mercury to melt the first disk's connection to the pillar before floating it and moving it away just as Le Million shot up the middle one.
"Middle!" Ingenium called out. Mortis warped onto the now free-floating disk with Twinkling, Alien Queen, and Earphone Jack. Mortis threw their clones at Le Million, letting them fall when they phased through. He caught one of them, which Mortis quickly took direct control of to shoot out their capture weapon. Le Million yelped and quickly phased through it, buying Uravity and Mercury enough time to break the second platform away with Siren and Cellophane.
Pulling out of their clone, Mortis let it be dispelled by the capture weapon. They heard a soft, pained "Mirio?" and immediately whipped around to look at Amajiki, who just looked confused.
"Tama-" Le Million started to say, also turning before going slack.
Siren grinned and lowered their voice modulator. He grimaced and quickly said, "Surrender."
Everyone let out a breath, and Hitoshi released Togata as Shoto made ramps for those on the two free-floating platforms. Hitoshi coiled tightly, ready to move as Togata blinked back to awareness in confusion. He broke into a wide grin, "That was clever, Shinso! Good fight, everyone."
Hitoshi visibly relaxed, Sero clapping their shoulder in a hearty congratulations. Akira dispelled the rest of their clones as they warped next to a beet red Amajiki. ' Sorry, probably should have said something before we started, ' they signed sheepishly.
"It's alright," Amajiki murmured, blushing harder as Togata emerged next to them.
"That's such a powerful quirk!" Kirishima called out as the class approached and Akira backed off to stand with them.
"You're strong enough to slip through things and can even warp?" Uraraka asked in awe.
"Yeah, are you a hybrid like Shoto?" Ashido added excitedly.
Akira and Deku shook their heads, ready to correct them when Togata took over. "No, just one! What you guys called a warp was an application of Permeation." He went on to explain how he gave the appearance of warping.
"So you're able to avoid all attacks and move wherever you like in an instant. It really is a strong quirk," Tsu remarked. "It's similar in application to Mori's, isn't it?"
"No, I made it into a strong quirk," Togata corrected as he explained the difficult drawback.
Akira's hand twitched, and they looked to Amajiki questioningly. They didn't have much in their entry for Togata since he didn't stand out enough for there to be many videos. He nodded with a small smile, so Akira made a few additions to his entry, including confirmation of the DNA-infused costume and the applications he mentioned.
"It's disrespectful to be doodling while Togata-senpai is presenting!" Ida harshly said from their side.
Akira barely spared him a glance, gesturing him off with their head while they finished an additional question to ask Togata. Tucking the journal back into their pack, they turned to the class president with a flat stare. ' It's code, not doodles. I analyze quirks like Broccoli. Pay attention. '
That evening, Akira was getting ready for bed when they saw a shimmer of purple on the ground outside their window. Stepping onto the balcony, they saw a brown package on the porch and warped down. Seeing their name on it, Akira shrugged and warped back up, dispelling both clones. They opened it on the balcony just in case and grinned at the book inside, Complete works of Catullus (Illustrated) . Tucked into the first page lay a frenzied, blood-stained note. Akira went rigid, dropping the book as they stared in shock. "Met with Shie Hassaiki went sideways. Payment. Details tomorrow."
What's been your favorite moment in this fic series? What's been your least favorite? At the time of writing this, my favorite is really any scene with Dadgum. My least favorite to write is scenes with the League (it's just so many goddamn people) and in general the provisional exam. Just wish there was a better way to showcase Akira in those moments, but they're too efficient for the first half and discriminated against in the second. There are also a couple scenes in Libertias aut Mortis that were really rough to write, I actually physically can't read part of one because of my protectors. So third years... 17-18 right? Mirio's 18 when Unrivaled happens. Yeah no, I decided to fix that whole issue. Also, I rewatch scenes while writing them to make sure I'm capturing the important bits and the right undertones for scenes. Mina's blushing while Hado plays with her horns. That makes me wonder if her horns are like Twi'lek head tails and bird wings. Did she not know before then? Also why do the horns move?? Unless they're an attachment, they shouldn't be that easily moved back and forth. For any curious, I'm using a reddit thread titled An Unofficial Timeline of BNHA for order of events. Catullus is my friend's favorite Roman poet, and he has some hilarious poetry. Most of it is not meant for minors, but it is funny. The illustrations in the book mentioned are not explicit as far as I'm aware.
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divine-lyn · 28 days
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I needed a new wallpaper for my lock screen, so I decided to make one 😄. Featuring my MHA OC Akira, who I've decided would be best friends with Tokoyami and Aoyama.
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crehador · 9 months
parting thoughts on atarashii joushi wa dotennen
"and they were roommates neighbors!" "oh my god they were roommates neighbors"
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that ending was literally perfect to the point that i can hardly believe it. like. oh my god
so yes of course shirosaki/momose beautiful gorgeous excellent (and kinjou/aoyama has also grown on me like moss) but the thing i admire most about atarashii joushi is surprisingly not the Salaryman YaoiLite
it's the portrayal of momose's trauma and ptsd, and recovery, that i thought was the story's strongest element. it's every bit as strong as the portrayal of akira's trauma and recovery in zom100, which is saying a hell of a lot because zom100 nailed it
the fact that momose can't just magically forget the past, just because the abusive person is out of his life now, is of course sad but also wonderful to see. because healing is recursive in real life as well! and it's genuinely inspiring to see like ah, it's not so unusual to struggle with this sort of thing
AND THAT ENDING MY GOD although i think it would have been adorable if they'd just both admitted to wanting to continue to live together, this was so much better
because being able to live on his own again probably is an important step in momose's recovery, and both he and shirosaki are aware of that. it's not about whether or not he's wanted at shirosaki's place, i feel like they both understand, by the end, that they would be happy to continue living together
but it's just something momose Needs to do, and they both understand that too. and that's such an incredible thing to see in their relationship, that they understand each other and support each other unconditionally
anyway this is definitely one of the top feel-good shows of the season, of the year even
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meruz · 2 years
hey what’re your thoughts on bnha rn. you’re like one of the only dudes i trust with opinions on this manga/anime lmao
LOL idk why im one of the only guys u trust for manga/anime opinions BUT SURE do you mean like... what do I think of the current plot? or mha in general? (I will answer both. i love to talk) current plot: (SPOILERS) It's clearly the final arc and its clearly taking longer than Horikoshi intended lol. Overall it's decent shounen fare? Nothing mindblowing but it's well drawn and weekly developments r fun so im not complaining. I'm not the type to get rly invested in villains so AFO/shigaraki even Dabi are only interesting to me thematically and as characters I don't rly care but the visuals are cool enough. I love the pure white negative space hair and Horikoshi clearly loves AKIRA LOL. I will say I LOVE the ongoing Boku No Open Heart Surgery saga that's going on with Bakugo though. I love that they have to save him in some ridiculous weird power-based way lol, normal first aid would be booooring!! + I think its smart for the manga to keep him teetering on the edge of death and flashing his lifeless body every 5 pgs (lol) because it means even if the final fight drags a lil I'll keep tuning in.
in general: There's a lot of shounen manga out there but there's only one shounen manga that caters specifically to people who love the school aspect of x-men comics so I think I'm pre-disposed to love mha based on that alone. Beyond that, I love how idiosyncratic and energetic horikoshi's art style is.. I feel like the two things u can tell right off the bat abt his drawings is that he draws rly fast and that he rly loves his characters lol. Evident in the sketches he puts on twitter and the bonus content in all the tankobon volumes (it's also great for ""content""" he's a good content creator), he's always coming up with situations and outfits and concepts on the fly for those kids like they truly live in his brain. Also the more I read the more I realize I actually quite enjoy Horikoshi's writing too? I think he really clearly grew up with and adores paying homage to corny shounen superhero stuff but he's also very genre savvy and (I think) purposefully avoids a lot of common criticisms and pitfalls. Like the power scaling is pretty tame, the adults never truly give up responsibility of the kids & continue to own up to mistakes/endangerment (but never so much as to prevent the kids from doing cool action stuff!! duh), the cast is relatively well balanced despite being so big etc etc... It's not perfect, there's pretty significant failing on gender parity, and some of the pacing is way better in archival format > week-to-week but it's pretty good overall. Also its funny?? I feel like in the midst of 9486135613 action battle series + generic anime comedy we forget to address when something actually has good jokes and i think mha does. The aoyama cheese stuff made me laugh, the kids protesting biased commentary was funny as hell, and honestly i think mirio distracting afo with his ass?? funnier than naruto's final yaoi no jutsu imo. Sorry if you wanted me to dish out criticism I know its kind of popular to hate on mha rn because it's pretty generic low-brow shounen. And also adults who obsess over yaoi-ifying these kids are like the butt of the joke on the internet rn. But I don't rly run in fandom circles, it's just a solid manga to me with fun characters. Actually 90% of the reason I started reading mha again was because I listened to the mangasplaining ep abt it recently and they made me remember how much there was to like! Good to listen to if you want a more fandom-free objective take on the manga. Also Horikoshi credits all of his assistants in a bonus page in every volume! just a cool thing to note! kinda rare for a mangaka and kind of important for a series that requires as much assistant work as a wsj shounen. I feel like the amount of assistants that have gone on to lead mha spin off manga projects is kind of testament to how good his relationship w them is.
Ok thank you for reading my long thoughts. as a reward heres some drawings of deku and bakugo as splatoon characters that ive been sitting on for a while and have yet to finish LOL
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imasallstars · 1 year
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Information regarding the first IJIGEN FES 2023 live has been revealed! The live will occur in the TOKYO DOME on the 9th and 10th of December 2023. This first fes will feature three branches of IDOLM@STER performing with four branches of Love Live!
The voice providers participating in this stop are as follows:
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Kotomi Aihara (Shiki Ichinose), Hiromi Igarashi (Anzu Futaba), Asami Takano (Frederica Miyamoto), Yuki Nakashima (Yuuki Otokura), Yuko Iida (Kanade Hayami), Honoka Inoue (Nanami Asari), Sumire Uesaka (Anastasia), Aya Suzaki (Minami Nitta), Miyu Tomita (Akira Sunazuka), Ru Thing (Syuko Shiomi), Teru Ikuta (Natalia), Hina Tachibana (Nagi Hisakawa), Nanami Yamashita (Yui Ohtsuki) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Haruka Yamazaki (Mirai Kasuga), Azusa Tadokoro (Shizuka Mogami), Machico (Tsubasa Ibuki), Momo Asakura (Serika Hakozaki), Kotori Koiwai (Tomoka Tenkubashi), Atsuki Nakamura (Roco Handa), Emi Hirayama (Reika Kitakami), Yui Watanabe (Nao Yokoyama) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Karin Isobe (Kogane Tsukioka), Chisa Suginuma (Mamimi Tanaka), Anna Yamaki (Sakuya Shirase), Shio Watanabe (Yuika Mitsumine), Yuina Mizuki (Kiriko Yukoku), Honoka Kuroki (Amana Osaki), Ryoko Maekawa (Tenka Osaki), Noriko Shibasaki (Chiyuki Kuwayama), Yuu Wakui (Toru Asakura), Rio Tsuchiya (Madoka Higuchi), Saran Tajima (Koito Fukumaru), Miho Okasaki (Hinana Ichikawa), Azusa Shizuki (Nichika Nanakusa), Aya Yamane (Mikoto Aketa)
IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS  Ayaka Ohashi (Uzuki Shimamura), Ayaka Fukuhara (Rin Shibuya), Sayuri Hara (Mio Honda), Amina Sato (Arisu Tachibana), Tomoyo Kurosawa (Miria Akagi), Hana Tamegai (Risa Matoba), Makoto Koichi (Haru Yuuki), Asaka Imai (Chie Sasaki), Natsumi Haruse (Kaoru Ryuzaki), Misaki Kuno (Nina Ichihara), Yuri Komori (Koharu Koga), Mina Nakazawa (Yukimi Sajo), Maki Hanatani (Kozue Yusa) IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE  Aimi (Julia), Miku Itou (Yuriko Nanao), Ibuki Kido (Kana Yabuki), Arisa Kori (Kaori Sakuramori), Yuri Komagata (Sayoko Takayama), Rie Suegara (Fuka Toyokawa), Saki Minami (Tsumugi Shiraishi), Rikako Yamaguchi (Rio Momose) IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS  Hitomi Sekine (Mano Sakuragi), Reina Kondo (Hiori Kazano), Mayu Mineda (Meguru Hachimiya), Hiyori Konno (Kaho Komiya), Haruka Shiraishi (Chiyoko Sonoda), Mariko Nagai (Juri Saijo), Wakana Maruoka (Rinze Morino), Akiho Suzumoto (Natsuha Arisugawa), Yuki Tanaka (Asahi Serizawa), Eri Yukimura (Fuyuko Mayuzumi), Sayaka Kitahara (Mei Izumi), Rina Kawaguchi (Luca Ikaruga), Haruna Mikawa (Hana Suzuki), Rena Ozawa (Haruki Iketa)
DAY 1&2
AQOURS (LOVE LIVE! SUNSHINE!!)  Anju Inami (Chika Takami), Rikako Aida (Riko Sakurauchi), Nanaka Suwa (Kana Matsuura), Arisa Komiya (Dia Kurosawa), Shukai Saito (You Watanabe), Aika Kobayashi (Yoshiko Tsushima), Kanako Takatsuki (Hanamaru Kunikida), Aina Suzuki (Mari Ohara), Ai Furihata (Ruby Kurosawa) NIJIGASAKU SCHOOL IDOL CLUB  Aguri Ohnishi (Ayumu Uehara), Mayu Sagara (Kasumi Nakasu), Kaori Maede (Shizuku Osaka), Miyu Kubota (Karin Asaka), Natsumi Murakami (Ai Miyashia), Akari Kito (Kanata Konoe), Coco Hayashi (Setsuna Imura), Maria Sashide (Emma Verde), Chiemi Tanaka (Rina Tennoji), Moeka Koizumi (Shioriko Mifune), Shu Uchida (Mia Taylor), Akina Homoto (Zhong Lanzhu).  Support Member: Hinaki Yano (Yu Takasaki) Liella! (LOVE LIVE! SUPERSTAR!!)  Sayuri Date (Kanon Shibuya), Liyuu (Keke Tang), Nako Misaki (Chisato Arashi), Naomi Payton (Sumire Heanna), Nagisa Aoyama (Ren Hazuki), Nozomi Suzuhara (Kinako Sakurakoji), Akana Yabushima (Mei Yoneme), Wakana Okuma (Shiki Wakana), Aya Emori (Natsumi Onitsuka), Yuina (Wien Margarete), Sakura Sakakura (Tomari Onitsuka) HASUNOSORA SCHOOL IDOL CLUB  Nirei Nozomi (Kaho Hinoshita), Kokona Nonaka (Sayaka Murano), Nina Hanamiya (Kozue Otomune), Kotoka Sasaki (Tsuzuri Yugiri), Kanna Kan (Rurino Osawa), Kona Tsukine (Megumi Fujishima)
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emumumimimi · 2 years
Summary: you were about to go home after school with your friends. until your friend, the leader of the phantom thieves, messages you. saying how he wants to hang out. And it seems like he isn’t the only one.
Word count: 1.2k (+)?
Tags: goro/reader/akira, use of akira kurusu, ooc akira??? (idk im sorry T_T), cringe writing, goro and the reader r friends from da past
A/N: first time posting uhm go ez on me,,,,,,
The bell rings indicating the end of school. The once peaceful and quiet halls of Aoyama is disrupted by the sound of after school chatters and footsteps of the students. You were packing up your things when your friends already called you to go out.
“HEYYY ya done yet?” Ichigo asked, approaching your desk with her school bag hanging on her shoulder. “Dude, chill. I’m still packing up” you said, putting your paper and pencil case in your bag. “Yea Ichigo, chill. We don't shove our things in our bag like you do.” Aiko said, just finished putting their notebook inside their bag.
Ichigo just huffed and threw the two people the middle finger causing them to giggle. Finally done packing their things, they head out of the classroom to leave the school. The three friends walk through the halls when one of them asks something. “Y’all doing anything after school?” Ichigo asked the two. “No not really, though i need to buy some stuff my sis asked me” you replied. Aiko also said “same with her, why?”. “I wanna hang around the boba shop near school, you guys in?” Ichigo said. Both of you and Aiko agreed in unison, eager for a cold, sweet drink after school.
As you and your friends chatter and walk to the gate, you felt a buzz on your phone.
Tallass: hey!
Tallass: your school just finished right?
Oh! Its akira. You quickly replied to him, minding your steps when you descend the stairs.
Tallass: hey!
Tallass: your school just finished right?
Shortfuck: yep
Shortfuck: we headen out to get boba and just need to buy some things. Y
Aiko sees you texting someone. “Who that?” They asked, already peering over your shoulder. “Akira” you said, looking up and see the school gate nearby. “OH! Is that the black haired so-called “delinquent” you told about and he's actually really nice and the accusations are wrong?” Ichigo inputted in the conversation, looking at you across Aiko. You sigh, “yea, i mean i can get where some of the students come from but like, cmon” you said with a pout. “There there~” Aiko patted your back. “At Least he has some friends that seem to really care about him” Aiko says. “And handsome too” Ichigo chirped
Right when you're about to reply, your phone buzzes again.
Tallass: im outside your school.
Tallass: ill be waiting :)
Your eyes widen doubled take at the message, not expecting for akira to appear in your school, especially on how busy he seems this week from the “metaverse” as he says (your still a bit shaken up from the information of “persona” and the whole phantom thieves going on in his life. Yet, you still support him nonetheless). 
You stopped and showed your two friends the message you just received. Cheeks slowly turn red as you wait for them to finish reading the text. Both of them laughed and said “DAMN (NAME). LIVING THAT WATTPAD LIFE” Aiko giggled while Ichigo snickers next to them. “Ah yes, the basic ‘I fell in love with the delinquent and changed his way’” Ichigo added to Aiko's tease, still giggling. Feeling more embarrassed by their teasing, you quickly speed walk to the school gates and look for Akira, afraid that he might’ve waited too long.
As you arrived at the school gates, you see a somewhat small circle forming at the side of the gate. Thinking that it might be the person you’re looking for, you went through the crowd. You mutter a bunch of “excuse me” “sorry” as you went through the crowd. You also heard a bit of gossip after going through the crowd. Ranging from “who is he?” “is he a student here” “my god he's hot” you chuckled at the last part. Finally zooming past the crowd, you found the person you were chatting a minute ago. He stood tall, with his bag on his left shoulder, while his phone on his right hand as seeming to check if there's a new notification as such.
“A..Akira!” you called out, a bit shy at first but gaining courage at the last second. The moment he heard his name called from one of his favorite people, a soft smile grew on his face. “Hey, (name)” he said with a smile approaching you. “W-what are you doing here?” you stammer out your words, embarrassed from the attention you're getting right now. “We haven't really seen each other that much for a few weeks, so I thought this would be a good day to hang out?” he said “that is, if your not busy?” he smiled a bit, putting his hands in his pockets and leaning to you a bit.
A hand suddenly slung over your shoulder. “Hey Kurusu! Dontcha worry! You can have (name) for today. We can always get boba together next time” Ichigo said with a smile on her face. “Yeaaa! You and (name) have fun for today~” Aiko said from behind you, seemingly pushing you to Akira. “W-w-woah hey w-wait! I haven't said anything that much yet!!” you half yelled cheeks turning red again as you try to stop Aiko from pushing you to Akira. “Do you.. not want hang out..?” akira said, looking at you with puppy eyes.
You turn beet red from the way he looks at you. “No, I do want too! I just…” you start to mumble and look down. You look back at Akira and see the same glint in his eyes when he teases you. You were about to hit him for it when you heard a familiar voice from the other side.
“Omygod! Is that Akechi Goro?!”
The crowd now starts to grow bigger from the exclamation of that one student. Girls started to squeal and other start to bring out a paper hoping to get an autograph from the famous detective.
“G-Goro?!” you squeaked out not expecting another person to see outside your school.
“Hello (name)” Goro greets, approaching your group, a pleasant smile across his face. “Hello, Kurusu.” he also greets, though his tone seems a bit more sharper and lower but only you can notice, after hanging out with the detective a lot of times. “Akechi! Hello to you too” Akira greets Goro back, not minding the dark gaze Goro throws at him. “Goro….w-what brings you here..?” you turn to him and ask, cheeks turning red again. “I wanted to surprise you and hope I could perhaps walk you home since it's been long since we’ve talk” he said, his tone softer than he had with Akira.
“Dude.” Ichigo whispers from your left ear behind you. “y/n life. Literally.” Aiko added, also whispered to you from behind in your right here. You look at them with a glare and cheeks red. “Is that so? I also plan on to hang out with (name) today. In fact, we were about to leave!” Akira said to Goro, having an arm already on your shoulder. “Oh really? I think (name) can hang out with you another day. Right, (name)?” Goro counters back, a smile still on his face but seems a bit strained.
“Uhm… ahahaha… uh” you said, sweating and looking at the two men, fighting over who you will spend your afternoon with.
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Seiyuu Birthday: Cater's Kobayashi Tatsuyuki
Happy birthday to Cater’s voice actor Kobayashi Tatsuyuki!
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In addition to voicing Uchihama Akira in Phantom of the Idol in 2022 (alongside Sebek’s VA Ishiya), in 2023 he voiced Muda Velgear in “Yu-Gi-Oh! Go Rush!!” and he performs as Ito Satsuki in the live stage adaption of paradox live.
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He is also a part of “Aoyama Operetta,” performing as Takuya Yagio and doing promotions such as radio spots.
His most recent recording went out on April 6th, viewable here:
In 2022 he was featured in “HAPPINESS for ALL” and “INNOCENT STORY” from TV anime “Phantom of the Idol,” which both sound a lot like Cater singing.
He has also been collaborating with fashion brand LIVERTINE AGE to produce his own clothing line. While viewable at this link, items are listed as out of stock.
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In February he visited the Twisted Wonderland exhibition in Tokyo, pictured here (on right) with Ace’s VA Yamashita.
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Kobayashi is very active on Twitter and honestly tweets a lot like how one might imagine Cater tweeting ww
More information here
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akkivee · 9 months
stage bb ramblings to help my copium lmao:
i love akira-san he’s such a good fit for ichiro 😭😭😭😭
that final stage leaders get together where alan-san revealed their early days of friendship was pretty awkward in part because akira-san wasn’t very chatty with him, but akira-san and jiro’s stage actor getting along pretty much instantly is so ichiro coded LOL
him being an older brother with a mole underneath his eye like comE ON MAN 😭😭😭
since akira-san is a rapper his flow as ichiro is literally insane lol he can also show up to the block party and break dance that’s pretty cool lol
my favourite stage bb thing is their rep live skit where after panicking that he’s still got too much yung thug in him to make a good impression on saburo’s (metaphorical) girlfriend, the princess of aoyama division, he forces jiro to pretend he’s said gf for introduction practice and saburo cries because his brothers are stupid lol
but the moment i always think about is how during stage bb vs dh, they showed ichiro finding out rei’s on sasara’s team, something i’ve always wanted to see canon ichiro react to. and akira-san’s portrayal, the bits of hurt and gutted surprise in his ‘…….he’s on your team?’, and watching him put up his walls and answering sasara’s, ‘how do you know who rei is?’ with silence *clenches fist* is everything i could have ever asked for
much like his seiyuu, jiro’s stage actor is my favourite person in bb to look at LOL
matsuda-san’s smile, his jiro bleps, that long neck of his 😩👌
i firmly believe jiro and saburo will be taller than ichiro once they’re fully grown and thankfully i get a taste of that since matsuda-san is taller than akira-san lol
and!!!!!! i love how aggressive his jiro voice gets!!!!!!! jiro sometimes calls himself a guard dog and tbh i hear it when stage jiro is on the offensive!!!!!!
if you love jiro, you’ll love the character development he goes thru in the 2nd drb arc and matsuda-san was chomping at the bit to act it. maybe that’s the bare minimum but it makes me happy he loves jiro like that to be excited for his growth ;w;
both jiro actors find it absolutely hilarious that their ichiro actors trip over their words all the damn time and it’s so funny to see matsuda-san trying to stay in character while he’s laughing at akira-san lmao
he and saburo’s first stage actor had a really good bantering siblings dynamic when in character, like their adlibs were so in character lol
when akishima-san dropped the role tho, ryuunosuke-san’s saburo wasn’t quite as bratty and it showed in their first fanservice adlib session after their first show together. i just think it’s really sweet matsuda-san adjusted his jiro to butt heads less and to be more encouraging towards ryuunosuke-san’s saburo 😭😭😭
akishima-san’s bratty asf saburo is my preferred saburo tbh but that’s bc i prefer a meaner saburo lmao
whenever he was taunting jiro, he did this jeering little shimmy motion i thought was odd but cute lol
saburo is a haughty asf little 14 year old, and i think akishima-san’s saburo encapsulated that perfectly, but underneath that bravado is a boy with a lot of anxieties, and i think ryuunosuke-san’s saburo showcased that well ;w;
like if i had to classify what ryuunosuke-san’s saburo was amongst all the other versions of saburo out there, he would be the most baby saburo of them all lmao he stands in front of the crowd so politely and he’s a little shy and even cries when he’s overstimulated (by too much dumbassery in his proximity LOL)
i’ll never forget during that final encore of bop 2023, ichiro and jiro started freestyling and once the relay made it to saburo, tho his flow wasn’t as strong as his brothers, he still had a gave his verse and his brothers cheered him on it was so cute they’re the buster bros y’all 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️
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soyouareandrewdobson · 2 months
Why do you think Dobson's art got noticably worse? I mean so much worse. There's a reason why people often think his older stuff looks better; because it does (okay when he's not making mistakes like wrong number of fingers, angles, inconsistencies, etc.). I know he wanted to move away from his manga-influenced art but I don't think that explains everything.
I think the advantage of his older art is mostly that Dobson was simply being more simplistic in his early days than later on. Only that his attempts to be more detailed and move away from his "manga-influenced" art also involved him mixing too many things together all at once, creating just ugly art in general.
There is in my opinion a bit too much going on as to answer it in just a few lines, but I will try: First, the statement "Dobson was manga-influenced" always rubbed me off the wrong way because I don't think that is quite the case. Dobson was definitely influenced in his art styl and writing by certain mangas he read -Slayers and Ranma 1/2 primarily- but a handful of manga by an even smaller pool of artists to draw from, does not encompose the sheer variety of linework and aesthetics that have been within manga. For example, no one would be able to mistake a Go Nagai artwork for one by Akira Toriyama or Gosho Aoyama, because they have vastly different drawing styles. Confusing an Endo however with an Arakawa would likely be more the case. And don't get me even started how manga is often times writen differently from most western comics of the 70s-90s in term of drama, plot etc. What rather was the case, was that Dobson took aspects of the most simplistic, surface level aesthetics of manga in art and drawing, and hoped it would lead to success. Which it didn't, because of different reasons like a lack of commitment to the writing and nothing making it visually really different from a newspaper strip comic, but with characters making silly faces associated with late 90s comedy anime.
Second, when Dobson tried to reinvent himself, I think he tried too hard to get into more details or add shadows, wrinkles and stuff to his art. It is hard to explain, but the way it looks to me (particularly in stuff like his KorraSami pics) Dobson tried to draw characters at times with more "realistic" details like wrinkles in the face, but because the characters he drew are style toons, they started too look uncanny or exagerated. Which is another problem: When you look e.g. at his Ladybug comics, he didn't even get the proportions of the characters from the show not right by comparison, especially when it came to size of heads and eyes. Which if he had just gone full chibi style wouldn't have been as obvious to most people. But Dobson was always stuck in a weird halfway there state, where the characters were neither cartoonish but proportional, or too cartoonish and unproportional that the former balanced out the later. And he never figured the problem out.
Third, Dobson was just lazy when it comes to scenery I mean, I agree partly with Dobson that at times you don't need to draw a very detailed background when the focus of a story is in one panel focused on two characters looking at something off screen, them talking, or being in thought. But when you really think about it, when did Dobson ever for example really put effort into drawing e.g. a panel where the scenery was meant to tell more of a story or a storybeat, than the characters talking? Or when was a panel ever drawn from a different ankle than simply straight face forward. Like, has Dobson ever even heard of "overhead shot", dutch ankle or POV?
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pocketramblr · 2 years
Ask Game(if still open) Twist! Turns out Izukuis the only one in class 1A that's not related to All For One!
*looks at robin's fic* oh we're three for three now i think
1- Mina's got her grandfather's curls, the Himuras are related to AfO's cousin Akira and thus so are the Todoroki's, the iidas great great great grandmother was a villain who had a fling with her boss, most are semi distant relatives like that. There are some exceptions though.
2- Kirishima was actually a clone in the number series, and Aoyama is his son though unaware, AfO is blackmailing his mother about the affair. Hagakure is his daughter and actually aware, when she was eight she got tired of his awful parenting, turned fully invisible, and walked out. He never did find her.
3- it turns out there's a reason, actually, that AfO's connected to all these kids- he's got a time travel quirk and knows someone in that class gets OfA next and will be a big threat, so he's been jumping around the timeline trying to influence the family history to give him control of the kids, or erase them from existence, but it just isn't working- he just ends up causing their existence, and he's never had a good track record with actually winning his family members over
4- the worst one is izuku, actually, because he just can't get into the family line- Inko was not interested in him no matter what he did, she even realized once when he had a disguise quirk to look like Hisashi, every time he tries to drop a building on her instead she gets out at the last minute, he can't find her husband to murder first, and no matter what he does, he can't mess with her parents either, the family just keeps slipping away and every time he thinks he's done it, he goes back to the present and sees Izuku and the threat he still poses
5- turns out the reason for that is because Izuku's the son of Inko and Stars n Stripes, but AfO won't figure that out until the last frustrating second of his life before he's killed by the entire class who really don't love that one awful relative between them, while izuku contains any damage to protect people not in the fight.
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griffinguy24 · 2 years
Original Characters in “One for All and Eight for the Ninth”
Because my newest chapter of 849 introduces a lot of OCs, I’ve decided to include a reference point for them.  Spoilers for up to chapter 57.
UA Students 
Akira Fuki (吹 担) Meaning: The kanji used for Akira can mean to carry or to shoulder a burden.  The kanji used for Fuki can mean to blow or breathe, but in verb form can be used to mean boasting or bragging. Quirk: Pep Talk - Akira can use his Quirk when he gives a person a compliment, letting him increase their physical prowess for a period of time.  He has to channel his will into using his Quirk when complimenting someone, and the more effort Akira puts in, the more of a buff his target receives.  At his peak, Akira can double someone’s physical prowess for up to twelve hours.  The compliments have to be sincere, but they can be anything Akira feels is appropriate.  Akira can’t affect himself with his own Quirk.  During the Forest Training Camp, Akira learned that he can use Pep Talk to heal a person’s fatigue and injuries.
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Akira is an energetic and overly friendly boy from U.A.’s General Education course, class 1-C.  He loves to work out, developing his muscles to compensate for being unaffected by his Quirk.  He’s aggressively positive towards others and tries to help them as best as he can.  He is as obsessed with the concept of manliness as Kirishima and Tetsutetsu are, and was also inspired by Crimson Riot.  Akira was also inspired by his maternal grandfather, Gentaro Kisaragi, who was known as the Rocket Hero, Cosmic.  (Gentaro Kisaragi is the name of Kamen Rider Fourze, who is a big inspiration for Akira’s personality.)
Akira was one of the numerous Hero Course hopefuls present at Battle Center B during the Entrance Exam, alongside Midoriya, Uraraka, Iida, Aoyama, and Shouji.  In canon, he was never seen again, likely attending another Hero school or being forced to try a different career path. 
In 849, Izuku gaining Full Cowl early meant he saved Akira from a robot attack in the Entrance Exam.  Inspired by Izuku’s actions, Akira saved several other examinees, earning numerous Rescue Points, but his end score of 39 points was surpassed by other students.  Still, emboldened by getting so close, Akira decided to attend U.A.’s Gen Ed class, with the goal of transferring into the Hero Course via the Sports Festival.  There, he befriended Hitoshi Shinsou, who shared his ambition.  Despite Shinsou’s prickly demeanor, he didn’t give up trying to befriend the boy, and convinced Shinsou to train up his body to prepare for the Festival.
Akira cleared the Obstacle Course, then he and Shinsou teamed up for the Cavalry Battle and managed to get into the tournament.  Akira won his first round with Mei, agreeing to help showcase her babies if she would put up a fight and thus show he was Hero Course material.  He lost in the quarter-finals to Izuku, but he gave Shinsou enough of a boost via Pep Talk that Shinsou was able to defeat Iida in the quarter-finals.  Shinsou ended up in third place, and their shared performance in the Sports Festival was enough to transfer them into the Hero Course’s two extra spaces.
Akira is a tall, muscular boy.  His most notable feature is his hair, which is red, white striped, and shaped into a pompadour that resembles a missile.  His Hero costume resembles the traditional outfit of an ouendan, a Japanese male cheerleader.
(It wasn’t until someone mentioned it on Discord that I realized that I’d accidentally made Akira into a second-generation Present Mic to match Shinsou’s second-generation Eraserhead.)
Takashi Nouenbou (脳円坊 酵志) Meaning: The kanji used to spell Takashi mean “fermentation” and “intention”.  The kanji used to spell Nouenbou mean “brain”, “circle/yen”, and “boy/priest”. Quirk: Rot Eater - When Takashi eats foods that have been fermented, he can increase his mental acuity, his speed, and his stamina.  He uses this Quirk to work extremely quickly and efficiently, and for longer periods of time.  The boost he gets from his Quirk is dependent on how foul an odor the food produces.  Foods that are fermented but not particularly smelly, like yogurt, don’t provide much improvement and only last about an hour.  Foods that are extremely smelly, like hakarl or surstromming, significantly empower him for up to twelve hours, depending on how much he consumes.  While empowered by truly awful-tasting foods, Takashi can sleep for one hour and receive the benefits of a full night’s sleep.  Unfortunately, Takashi is naturally a supertaster, and he thus finds all of his trigger foods, even the innocuous ones, to be disgusting. 
A first-year student in U.A.’s Business Course, class 1-J, Takashi has been a huge Hero nerd his entire life.  His Quirk grants him great physical prowess along with his mental improvements, and many people throughout his life have told him he could be a great Hero with his Quirk.  However, Takashi has always been timid and scared of fighting people or running into dangerous situations.  Not to mention that he has long disliked using his Quirk.
Takashi’s interest in Heroes led him to learn about them and discuss them online, taking the screen name Domesticated_Hyena on the HeroNet forums.  He was enraptured by analysis of Heroes, their Quirks, and how they were perceived by the media and fans.  From a young age, he decided to be a manager for Heroes, to take care of the logistics so that Heroes could focus on their own jobs. 
When Izuku was being slandered online by MLA sympathizers, Takashi realized the problem immediately and worked on a solution.  After being approved by Nezu, Takashi approached Izuku, informing him of the rumors and volunteering to help him in public relations.  While speaking, he learned that he and Izuku had been online friends for years prior to attending U.A. 
Using Overhaul, Izuku adjusted Takashi’s taste buds so that the foods that triggered his Quirk taste good to him.  Afterwards, Takashi has become incredibly loyal to Izuku, willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that his “savior” becomes the most successful Hero there ever was.  This worries Izuku. 
Takashi is a tall, lanky U.A. student with yellow-green hair the color of pickle juice, naturally formed into a mohawk resembling a hyena’s mane.  He typically only wears his school uniform, but always carries around a toothbrush and aerosol spray to ensure the foul smells of his Quirk’s trigger foods don’t offend others. 
Mexican Pro Heroes 
Popocatepetl (El Popo, the Volcanic Hero) Meaning: His name means “smoking mountain” in Nahuatl, and it’s the name of the largest active volcano in Mexico. Quirk: Igneous - Allows him to control lava and magma in all of its forms.  He can instantly form volcanoes and geysers and erupt them instantly, as well as stop them from erupting.  He can perfectly manipulate igneous rocks as well, and can change them back into lava and vice versa.  Furthermore, he can control the temperature of the lava he controls, making it hotter than normal or even cold. 
Mexico’s number one Hero, he’s been active for about three decades.  His real name is kept secret.  Not much is known about him, but he is a member of the Huichol tribe, which is evident by his advocacy for the religious use of peyote (which he enthusiastically consumes).  His serene and playful nature belies a barely hidden sadism that is typically reserved for villains and those he trains.  He’s currently looking to retire soon and has taken a teaching job at Santo Kaliman Academy to transition from an active Hero career.  The current first year class is his first batch of trainees, and they will be among the best Mexico will ever see.  If they survive. 
El Popo wears a layer of obsidian around him like a second skin, making him look like a pure black humanoid creature, his eyes and the interior of his mouth the only things revealed by the volcanic glass.  Beyond that, El Popo’s costume is rather minimalist, wearing sandals, white pants, a serape, and a turban.  The turban is an homage to Santo Kaliman’s founder.  He typically keeps a bow and arrow on his person, using it to shoot obsidian arrows that he then reverts to lava. 
El Popo is heavily based on Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball, specifically the version from Team Four Star’s Dragon Ball Z Abridged
La Curaracha Colorada (the Red Roach) Meaning: “The Red Cockroach” in Spanish Quirk: Unknown
A beloved Hero in Mexico who’s been teaching at Santo Kaliman for decades.  He has a stellar reputation that lasts until you meet the man and realize he’s a hot mess.  Despite being clumsy and awkward, he’s surprisingly effective as both a Hero and a teacher.
La Cucaracha Colorada appears as a middle-aged Mexican man wearing a red jumpsuit and yellow shorts and sneakers.  He has a cape resembling roach wings and a hood with two antennae coming out from the top of it.  He typically carries a large hammer that looks a lot like a toy.
La Cucaracha Colorada is based on El Chapulín Colorado, a comedic Mexican superhero.  
Itztli Ishitarou Hyouhen Hero Name: Tepeyollotl (the Jaguar Hero) Meaning: Itztli is Nahuatl for obsidian.  Ishitarou contains the kanji for stone. Hyouhen is Japanese for “sudden change” and contains the kanji for “leopard” and “strange”.  Tepeyollotl means “mountain heart” in Nahuatl, and is the name for the Aztec jaguar god of earthquakes and caves (the animal-double of the night god Tezcatlipoca) Quirk: Onca - Lets him do whatever a jaguar can.  He has increased strength, speed, and durability, alongside improved reflexes and senses, sharp claws, and a powerful bite.  He is stronger than a typical jaguar in all aspects, but jaguars don’t train their abilities (as far as wildlife biologists can tell).
The son of a Japanese anthropologist and a Nahua heroine, Itztli was a Hero student when he was captured by Quirk traffickers.  He was rescued by Nikte Chak Balam, and together the two of them began to hunt down the group that kidnapped him.  Along the way, they encountered two young men near the border with the U.S. and the difficulties in communicating between the four of them nearly brought them all to blows before they realized all four of them were fluent in Japanese.  Teaming up with the two men, David Shield and Toshinori Yagi, they managed to find and eliminate the cartel.  He and Nikte would graduate, form the Jaguar God Hero agency, marry, and have a son together.
Itztli ranks twenty–fourth on Mexico’s Hero chart.  He resembles an anthropomorphic black jaguar.  His Hero costume is a simple dark-blue bulletproof suit that prioritizes mobility along with a pair of goggles.  In public, he wears glasses as he’s farsighted. 
Nikte Nijiko Chak Balam  Hero Name: Ix Chel (the Rainbow Hero) Meaning: Nikte means flower in Mayan.  Nijiko means “rainbow child”. Chak Balam means “red jaguar”.  Ix Chel means “lady rainbow” and is the name of the Mayan creator goddess.  Quirk: Elemental Rainbow - Fires beams of one of seven colors, corresponding to one of seven elements (Red for fire, Orange for electricity, Yellow for earth, Green for wood, Blue for wind, Indigo for water, Violet for shadow). 
The daughter of a Yucatec Maya ethnobotanist and a Japanese anthropologist.  Nikte was still a student when she was tracking down a cartel of human traffickers that had been hunting people from indigenous tribes, including her own.  She freed a fellow Hero student and joined him in eradicating the cartel.  They were ready to give up their chase and go their separate ways until they ran into David Shield and Toshinori Yagi. 
Mexico’s current number twelve hero.  She has dark brown skin, long black hair that she typically keeps tied in a bun, and oversized hands that resemble jaguar paws.  Her Hero costume resembles a mantle and dress of a Classic Maya noblewoman.  Her hair is tied up with snake-themed headbands.  She has bracelets containing prisms that help channel and overcharge her beams.
Santo Kaliman Students 
Tigre Hyouhen (Tigre Diego Ocelopilli Kin’ich Pakal Hyouhen y Chak Balam) Hero Name: White Jaguar (the Phantom Beast Hero)  Meaning: Tigre is Spanish for tiger, which is also used for jaguars.  Ocelopilli means “jaguar warrior” in Nahuatl.  Kin’ich Pakal means “sun-faced shield” in Mayan.  Hyouhen means “sudden change” and includes the kanji for “leopard” and “strange”.  Chak Balam means “red jaguar” in Mayan Quirk: Mythical Jaguar - Tigre can generate an aura with his body in one of seven colors that embody one of seven elements.  These grant him offensive, defensive, and mobility powers that enhance the physical prowess of his heteromorphic jaguar features.  Use of his auras is extremely tiring, and the range is very short.  (Emitter)
Red is fire, granting him a flame attack, resistance to heat, and a rocket-like propulsion to his jumps.
Super Move: Tenochtitlan Smash 
The primary city of Central Mexico's Triple Alliance (the actual name for the Aztec Empire), Tenochtitlan was essentially razed and remade into Mexico City. The fire smash took this name because the city was set on fire during the Spanish conquest. Additionally, the Mexica who built the city venerated the sun/war god Huitzilopochtli above all others, and he wielded a serpent made of fire as a spear-thrower.
Orange is electricity, which lets his blows shock people, absorbs electricity, and enhances his reflexes.
Super Move: Teotihuacan Smash 
A central Mexican city-state that was at the zenith of its power from 1-500 CE and was abandoned long before the Mexica who founded Tenochtitlan ever settled in Mexico (the name is Nahuatl for "City of the Gods"). The most common visual motif of Teotihuacan is a blue, fanged, goggle-eyed figure that would eventually become Tlaloc, the Aztec god of rain and thunder, so the lightning smash was named for it.
Yellow is earth, which allows him to create miniature earthquakes with his steps or blows, increases his physical defense, and lets him swim through the ground as if it were water. 
Super Move: Palenque Smash 
Palenque was a Maya city-state in Chiapas, Mexico, near where a sizeable population of the modern Lacandon Maya currently live. It's noteworthy because the site's iconic Temple of Inscriptions is the few Mesoamerican pyramids that served as a ruler's tomb the way the Egyptian pyramids were (most others are temples and the pyramids are artificial mountains). The ruler that commissioned that tomb was Pakal the Great. Pakal means shield, and shielding is the primary function of Tigre's earth powers.
Green is wood, or life, which drains the stamina of anyone he swipes with his claws, provides camouflage among plant life, and regenerates health for himself or anyone he touches. 
Super Move: Tikal Smash
Tikal was a Guatemalan lowland Maya city, one of the best understood Maya sites, a powerful ruling city during the Classic period, and the onetime ally (or vassal) of Teotihuacan. It was situated on very fertile soil and when it was rediscovered, it was in the middle of a dense jungle. Hence, its use for the wood smash.
Blue is wind, which unleashes gale force winds with his attacks, diverts ranged attacks, and allows him to jump higher and fly for limited periods. 
Super Move: Chichen Itza Smash
Chichen Itza was a Maya city in the Yucatan, although it was conquered and ruled by the Toltec civilization for a long time, so its influence is mixed. It was believed to have been founded and/or conquered by the king Ce Acatl Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl, who was probably an actual historical figure but who was conflated with the pan-Mesoamerican feathered serpent god known as Quetzalcoatl to the Aztecs, Kukulcan to the Yucatec Maya, and Ququmatz to the Kiche Maya who was a god of many things to each culture but was always a god of the wind and sky. The most well known piece of architecture in Chichen Itza is the pyramid known as El Castillo, or the Temple of Kukulcan. That connection to the wind god is what made it the name of the wind smash.
Indigo is water, allowing him to push back people with bursts of water, soaks him to dilute chemicals, and lets him swim underwater more easily and hold his breath for longer.
Super Move: Texcoco Smash
Texcoco was one of the cities in the central Mexican Triple Alliance, second only to Tenochtitlan in power, prestige, and size at the time of the Spanish Conquest (the third city, Tlacopan, kind of gets the shaft in terms of recognition), and continues to be a city in modern Mexico. It's also the name of the now-drained Lake Texcoco that the Triple Alliance relied upon and that Tenochtitlan was built in the middle of. Tenochtitlan's aqueducts and sluice systems were designed by Texcoco's most famous ruler, Nezhualcoyotl, who helped found the Triple Alliance. Its association with the lake is why it's used for the water smash.
Violet is darkness, which lets his claws pierce through armor, hides him in shadows, and masks his presence from peoples’ senses. 
Super Move: Copan Smash
Copan was a Maya city in Honduras. This city and its range of influence is considered the periphery of the Maya civilizations and, indeed, Mesoamerican cultures as a whole (there are other cultures further south in Central America, but they're not the same city-building, similarly influenced cultures that constitute Mesoamerica). I was struggling to match a city to the shadow element, but Copan's placement along the edge of Mesoamerican civilizations and the fact that its hieroglyphic symbol is a bat is why I chose it.
The son of Tepeyollotl and Ix Chel, Tigre is extremely proud of his indigenous Mexican heritage.  His family have been friends with All Might and the Shields for years and he’s often talked to Melissa over the years.  Because All Might helped his parents meet, Tigre has named his Super Moves as Smashes in his honor, each named after Mesoamerican city-states.
He loves to test his strength against other Heroes, and is happy with either a loss or a win as long as his opponents are friendly and give it their all.  He speaks five languages, Nahuatl, Mayan, Spanish, English, and Japanese, of which Japanese is his weakest.  
Tigre was first alluded to when Izuku first met Melissa and David Shield over a holographic-phone call.  He then showed up during the I-Expo, encountering Melissa and Izuku.  He asked Izuku for a public spar, and Izuku accepted.  Tigre squeaked out a narrow win against Izuku.  He spent more time with Melissa afterwards, and Pony Tsunotori asked to join in, being clearly interested in the Mexican heteromorph.
After fighting against Izuku at I-Island, he’s found a new application of his Quirk, and with it a new appreciation for his Japanese heritage.  He’s also been calling Pony Tsunotori with increasing frequency after meeting her there…
Tigre resembles an anthropomorphic jaguar with white fur and prismatic spots.  When his Quirk is activated, his spots change to the color of his aura.  His Hero costume is a jade-and-gold colored recreation of an Aztec warrior’s garb.
(I had a scrapped idea for a fic that involved Tigre’s parents moving to Japan after a villain group they’d fought against attacks Tigre’s school in retaliation.  Tigre would transfer to Aldera Middle School in Izuku’s second year, be disliked as a foreigner despite his powerful Quirk, find Bakugou intolerable, and befriend Izuku.  Plans included him being in 1-B, trying and failing to get Monoma to calm down, bonding with Pony over being international students and struggling with Japanese, and friction with Shiozaki because Tigre has issues with Catholicism’s history of cultural erasure) 
Maria Zapata  Hero Name: Tarantella  Meaning: Zapata is derived from the Spanish word for shoe.  Tarantella is an Italian style of folk dance, whose name has the same etymology as tarantula.   Quirk: Multi-Legs - Maria has six legs, and despite seeming cumbersome, she moves swiftly and gracefully using them.  Her legs have immense strength to them and unaided, she can kick with unbelievable force.  Additionally, her feet can transform to adapt to her needs, giving her the ability to walk up walls, run across water, climb mountains, and produce sharp claws or bony, hoof-like covers that she can use to bludgeon people. (Mutant)
Maria is an energetic girl who enjoys gossip and matchmaking.  She loves the idea of romance and loves to experience the joys others have in their relationships.  However, she’s utterly spooked by the idea of actually getting together with someone.  
Maria has pale skin and auburn hair, typically done up in a bun.  She’s tall, has a dancer’s build and her legs are muscular and long.  Her Hero costume is a red and orange leotard with a golden skirt.  She goes barefoot.  
Donald Moreno  Hero Name: Don of the Dead Meaning: Moreno means dark colored.  His given name, and thus his Hero name, references the movie Dawn of the Dead. Quirk: Necrodancer - When Don plays music (typically a vihuela guitar in his case), he summons skeletons from the ground and makes them act to his wishes.  These skeletons are not actual human remains, more like constructs.  These skeletons will be dressed appropriately to what task he needs doing.  As long as he’s playing music, the skeletons will appear and follow his commands.  If he stops, the skeletons will disintegrate a minute after he stops and will follow his last command while playing until they do.  He can summon as many as six at a time, up from three at the beginning of the year.  (Emitter)
Donald is an easygoing young man with a passion for music.  He’s a bit flirtatious, but fiercely loyal and chivalrous.  He can be overprotective of women, but has learned (with a lot of pain) not to underestimate them in combat.
Donald’s face resembles a disembodied skull, without hair or skin.  He has eyes (along with eyelids) and a tongue, but no other visible tissue on his head.  The rest of his body is a normal, dark-skinned teenage boy of average height.  Donald’s Hero costume is a traditional mariachi outfit, an embroidered suit and a sombrero, made with bulletproof materials and modified for mobility.  
Hugo Cabezon  Hero Name: Pensadorado  Meaning: Hugo means “mind”.  Cabezon is derived from cabeza, which means “head”.  Pensadorado is a portmanteau of pensador (“thinker”) and dorado (“golden”) Quirk: Mental Network - Hugo can link his mind with up to forty-eight willing individuals, allowing them to communicate with each other.  He can read the participants’ surface thoughts, communicate with them telepathically, and share skills they have, such as a language or training in a weapon.  He can share those skills with anyone within the network, at the expertise level of the source.  Sharing a physical skill does not mean the target is practiced with the physical actions the skill requires.  The skill remains in his or the target's brain, but without dedicated practice, will fade over two days at most.  He can maintain a network with up to thirty-two people for about a month before he gets severe migraines.  More people shortens the time before the migraines start.  He can link to an unwilling target, but that requires his undivided attention and is traumatic for both him and the target.  (Emitter)
Hugo is intelligent and incredibly coordinated, able to manage mental networks between others and maintain the mental discipline required to back off from invading peoples’ privacy.  Beyond his Quirk, he’s well-suited to administering and delegating tasks and managing tactics.  However, his more cerebral nature means he can be a bit scatterbrained when dealing with people outside his own mind. 
Hugo is a short teenage boy with gold-colored skin with a metallic sheen and circuitry-like markings along his body, making him resemble a robot.  He’s completely hairless and his eyes are a lightly-glowing blue.  He wears what appears to be a suit of silver armor and his head is encased in a clear plasteel helmet.
Cesar Tiburcio  Hero Name: Rey del Tiburon Meaning: Cesar is derived from Caesar.  Tiburcio is a surname derived from the Tiber river that sounds similar to tiburon, the Spanish word for shark (the etymologies are unrelated).  Rey del Tiburon means “King of Sharks”. Quirk: Sharkskin - Cesar’s skin is covered in incredibly tough and sharp denticles, a toothlike bone structure that damages those who come into contact with it.  Cesar’s skin is tough enough to repel most conventional attacks and sharp enough to seriously hurt anyone he fights.  (Mutant)
Cesar is a tough guy because he has to be.  He was initially an affectionate and touchy boy, but as his Quirk developed he hurt people he tried to embrace.  Looked down on by his peers for his Quirk being one that hurts people, Cesar chose to own it by acting rude and belligerent, as well as interposing himself between bullies and their victims.  As a Hero, he takes the persona of a rudo, acting as a rough, violent person.  Despite this, he makes sure to act kind to children and animals.
Cesar is a tall, fit young man with gray skin and shark teeth.  His costume consists of a steel blue singlet, boots, a cape, and a shark-themed lucha libre mask.  He exposes a lot of skin, which is necessary for his Quirk. 
Lupita Villalobos  Hero Name: Cadeja  Meaning: Lupita means “little wolf”.  Villalobos means “village of wolves”.  Cadeja is the feminine form of cadejo, a doglike beast in Mexican and Central American folklore that can be either good or evil, depending on the coloration. Quirk: Heaven or Hell Hound - Lupita can change into an enormous canine form.  If she’s calm, the form is white with blue eyes.  If she’s angry, the form is black with red eyes.  The black form is stronger and berserk, while the white form is swifter and in control of herself.  (Transformation)
Lupita is a kind, timid girl with a seething amount of rage beneath the surface.  She had trouble transforming because she would repress her anger and thus unleash it via her Quirk, transforming into the evil cadejo.  She has been learning to express her anger healthily, thus making it more likely that she can access the good cadejo.  
Lupita is a short, curvy girl with tan skin and doglike ears.  She has heterochromia; her left eye is red while her right eye is blue.  Her hair is black with a white stripe down the middle, like a skunk.  Her hero costume is a black and white jumpsuit woven from her own fur. 
Estela de Soto Hero Name: Duende Meaning: Estela means star in Spanish.  Soto is derived from the Spanish word saltar, meaning to jump.  Duende is a type of trickster creature in Spanish/Latin American folklore, akin to a goblin. Quirk: Jaunt - Estela can teleport anywhere in a forty-two meter radius.  Being able to see her destination isn’t necessary, but it makes it easier to ensure she’s on solid ground when she “jumps”.  She can transport approximately 840 kg of matter along with her, as long as she is the point of contact.  Her weight limit includes her own mass and that of her clothing.  Her teleportation has a fourteen second cooldown between “jumps”.  (Emitter)
Estela is a playful girl who frequently pranks and teases her compatriots.  She particularly loves to sneak up on people or insert herself into situations where she isn’t expected.  She revels in the chaos she brings, and she hopes to bring that same energy against villains.  
Estela is a tall, thin girl with elfin ears and long black hair that has flecks of bright white lights scattered throughout, resembling a starlit night sky.  Her costume is a suit of black armor with quick-release buttons so she can drop the weight if necessary.  She has a camera drone and a visor with a heads-up display so that she can properly survey the field and see where she needs to jump. 
Xochitl Ortega Hero Name: Poinsettia  Meaning: Xochitl is the Nahuatl word for flower.  Ortega comes from the name of a Spanish city, which means “stinging nettle”.  Poinsettia is a species of flowering plant.  Quirk: Botanical Synthesis - Xochitl can produce any chemical naturally produced by plants.  She typically creates poisons, drugs, or medicinal compounds, but can produce anything, such as turning her blood into sap to stop bleeding or capsaicin to subdue people.  (Emitter)
Xochitl is a brilliant young woman, driven to be the best she can be academically and to match that expertise as a Hero.  Physically, she can’t quite match some of her peers, but has managed to find creative solutions involving her Quirk.  Outside of scholastic achievements, she’s extraordinarily mellow.  She likes to relax by gardening.
Xochitl is a girl of average height with green skin, yellow eyes, and red poinsettia petals for hair.  Her costume is a suit that appears to be made entirely of leaves a shade darker than her skin.  She carries a blowgun to launch the chemicals she creates.  She carries notes on chemical structures in a flexible tome that’s folded accordion-style and kept within her costume’s stomach, serving as an additional bit of defense.
Xavier Institute
(These characters will not be featured as much, so their descriptions will not be as extensive.)
Alistair Avery (Principatus) Avery is a reference to Warren Worthington III from the X-Men.  He has a pair of metal wings, and the full extent of his Quirk is currently unclear.  His Hero name, Principatus, is the Latin term for Principalities, the choir of angels ranked just above archangels.  He’s rich, he’s strong, and he’s got a chip on his shoulder.  
Professor Hector  Professor Hector is the primary teacher for the Xavier Institute.  He has a psychic Quirk, and has displayed telekinesis so far.  He has an oversized head on top of a small, infirm body, and relies on a hovering wheelchair for mobility.  He has blue skin and white hair.  He is based on Professor Charles Xavier of the X-Men, though his physical appearance is a mix of Green Lantern villain Hector Hammond and Green Lantern mentor-race (and oftentimes villain) the Guardians of the Universe.
Florida Man  He’s not the Hero we need, but he’s very much the Hero we deserve.
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monogataribr · 9 months
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nemugram · 10 months
Welcome to MILGRAM.
Sometimes their sins are better off left unforgiven,
but the final decision lies on her;
she who oversees this prison.
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Character Masterlist
The Guards
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The Prisoners
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001: Himura Maou
002: Aoyama Hana
003: Kanzaki Shinra
004: Shiga Akira
005: Kirishima Ryuunosuke
006: Yamaguchi Junko
007: Fujiwara Rintarou
008: Kamiyama Meiko
009: Otsuka Hiroshi
010: Endo Ritsu
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First Trial Navigation
001: Himura Maou
002: Aoyama Hana
003: Kanzaki Shinra
004: Shiga Akira
005: Kirishima Ryuunosuke
006: Yamaguchi Junko
007: Fujiwara Rintarou
008: Kamiyama Meiko
009: Otsuka Hiroshi
010: Endo Ritsu
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This blog is for fan content purposes only. It is not affiliated with the original interactive music project "MILGRAM" and its producers DECO*27 and Takuya Yamanaka.
Contents equivalent to character trial songs/MVs are pre-existing songs with fan-made lyrics supported by literary (story) pieces.
Original characters used for this AU are taken from an ongoing original story/novel titled The Anonymous Four. Any similar detail (personality trait, backstory, etc.) with the canon MILGRAM characters is coincidental and will possibly undergo refining to resolve the similarity issue.
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fatexbound · 1 year
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@fantomevoleur sent:
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"You know I'm not one to be submissive, but for you? If it pleases my king, then I will obey~."
Yu's bingo card
Those hearts. It made his own heart beat faster reading that card. He really should tell him more about his friends in Inaba or set up a meeting with them to see how they'll get along. It wasn't completely necessary or an obligation to strengthen their relationship, but it's nice to see Akira interact with new people. Did he even know who Adachi was, for that matter?
Their trip to Aoyama was made a reality at least, and Yu wanted to take so many cats home but wasn't allowed to.
Back to the card, though...
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"One, two, three... four bingos. Yes, that little face counts because of your height. And..." He pulled him in for a deep kiss, holding his shirt. "I'll take that as an invitation for tonight."
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