#al chile
karmaduck1 · 2 years
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zeynatura · 1 year
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Al Chile
Lila Downs
Son del chile frito
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playapotrero · 9 months
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Feliz Navidad, Potrero. Que haya paz en tu corazón y arena entre los dedos de tus pies. Te amos ❤️
📸 Hannah Deighton
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sayruq · 5 months
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s-e-r-de-luz · 28 days
Nos merecíamos más que esa despedida de mierda.
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apendice-chileno · 10 months
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today didnt happen, take this instead
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florscn · 7 months
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hola *se pone a llorar*
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shotofstress · 13 days
I hope that someday "leftiest" usamericans and other western ppl stop calling "the other 9/11" to one of the most tragic coups in history; the coup and assassination of president Salvador Allende and the destruction of democracy in Chile for the last 50 years and counting, specially bc the coup against the only democratic elected socialist president and his government was made by usa regime itself and with the support of western countries (even Asian ones).
September 11th and never forgive never forget has being used by usamericans like they are the first ones, the only ones to use it, and the most important ones. And, sorry to tell you this, but is not. Is disgusting and vile when one try to search about about it or even just being on Internet every 11th of September and the only thing that people speaks and cares about is the twin towers and, honestly, how yankees speak about it, is like they are the center of the world, they don't even care about the millions upon millions of humans that have die at their own hands before and after that. Specially don't care about the horrible things usa has done to deserve the hate of the world, and how is a terrorist state that is inherently criminal and has done the most atrocious evil things to the world, specially my side of the world. I have never ever seen a yankee seeing the big picture and see history and tell on September 11th: you know what? The killing of democracy that we made in Chile (and we have done since literally the first day of existence of usa and even till this very present day) is what should made us cry and scream this day and what we should be speaking about".
The damage and cruelties that usa and their allies has done and keep doing to Chile and South America is so great and deep that we never stop learning and will never stop to know all the monstrosities usa did and do here, everything we lost, everyone we lost. Whole families and towns were killed so we don't know who die at hands of your dogs and israeli weapons bc no one was left alive to give testimony. Usa take everything and changed my country for eternity, drowning us in blood, lies, and ignorance. Usa doesn't knows pain nor have the right to claim 11th September or "never forgive never forget", specially when are they who have killed people lots of times in that date all over the world.
Usa even today keeps seeing us as lesser, even their so called leftists, and keep controlling our countries, what we do or not do with our laws, recourses, and everything. Even worst, they not only make new military bases all the time, but also usa civilians come to live here, don't even speak Spanish nor teach their little spawns to do so, my people have to leave the neighbourhoods, gentrification everyday, even our languageis being replaced by english. The least you can do is stay aways from us. Don't even put a foot in South America, keep living in your empire, stay away from our territories. You have no right to live here. Your country has take everything from us, from our families to our houses and food, even our Nature. I have no food nor house nor Nature thanks to you. The least is that you ppl stop coming and keep taking and taking, your soldiersand your civilians as well bc you are the same.
And even take dates and words and history, deciding what history is worth remembering and which don't. And guess what? Usa is making new coups here, is making an Operación Condor 2.0, and has being funding the far right here, manipulating the people with far right propaganda with Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc, attacking our president and calling for his end, even putting coup propaganda to install a far right pinochetist neo nazi president the next elections by votes or by coup, both way are a coup at the end really. I know that I will have to survive a new coup make by usa, and not even your so called usa leftists will do something or even care really bc your left has never ever do something really meaningful to help stop usa imperialism, specially in South America that you deep down agree is the backyard of usa regime as Kissinger called us and Nixon agreed. Gladio never stopped, and you don't even know what that is.
Death to usa and all its allies in the West and East.
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elbiotipo · 4 months
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Esos malditos kirchneristas, están en todos lados
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mapachedepapel · 3 months
Hola Tumblr
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*se hace wey*
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vyorei · 11 months
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Lots of love coming from Chile, it's touching
Full article here:
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pruskita · 4 months
algunas veces me dan ganas hacer fan fic de Kirby
Para contar todo mi Lore poco a poco, contara de la idea del cosover del anime y mi au, otra porque quiero hacer de Metamorpho 😭
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alexanderzazilart · 1 year
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Chack Vampires AU - Part 2
Se viene la parte dos del au de vampiros >w<
Por si no se han leído la parte 1 del fic, aquí esta el link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42807966
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s-e-r-de-luz · 2 months
¿tan fácil fue para ti dejar de hablarnos?
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wazzi2ya · 5 months
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