#albert mueller
4eternal-life · 7 months
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Albert Müller (Swiss, 1897-1926)
Frau in Flußlandschaft, 1925
Oil on canvas
Ketterer Kunst, link
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toc-battlequotes · 1 year
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some-person-87 · 1 year
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Father of the Year Award goes to *drumroll* Albert Wesker!!!
Albert Wesker: A familiar face
Jake Mueller: I'm your son...
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pwlanier · 4 months
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Sunrise, 1917.
Oil on canvas
Ketterer and Kunst
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Albert L. Mueller - Ford Nucleon Atomic Powered Vehicle
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slifarianhawk · 9 months
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Chapter 42: Respects
I was crying. The face that Chris had made while I was being pulled away by Albert had broken my heart. I was told by my father to protect Chris, and while this would protect him for now, what are the long-term effects? It was moments like this when I wished I had a vice to cling to.
Albert drank and used to smoke when he was in the army. As soon as I found out, though, I helped him quit. Never did like the smell of tobacco burning. It reminded me of when my parents fought.
I shook my head while I was having a surgical shoe placed on my left foot. We were in the medical wing of Albert's Eastern European base. It was small and formerly a Veltro base. The doctor was nice but had a thick Russian accent.
"I am sorry, lady boss, but you have, without a doubt, fractured your fourth metatarsal on your left foot. Given your superior healing capability, I would say it still would take at least four weeks to heal." The doctor said as he closed the straps to the ugly shoe to my foot.
"And you are sure of this doctor? What about the children? Are they alright?" I asked a worried look on my face.
"You worry a bit too much about children. Your state is perfectly fine. As long as you don't take a fall down a forty-foot staircase, I am pretty sure you will be fine. Take a look at the latest ultrasound I just took." The doctor says, pulling up a picture on his monitor.
"What am I looking at, doc?" I asked, staring at the screen.
"Your virus is causing a special muscle around the children thicker than the average womb. It's like you are wearing a stabproof vest over a set of Kevlar clothing." He said, easing my worries.
"Thanks, doctor, but I should head to the airstrip now. I'm sure my husband is waiting." I said, standing up off the medical bed.
"Da, don't be a stranger. Do come to visit with younglings after they are born." The doctor said as I limped away.
As I was in the hallway, I saw Albert walking towards me. He zipped over to me and lifted me into his arms, bridal style as usual. I chuckled. I'm sure he loved holding me this way.
"I have fractured my foot, Wesk," I admitted shamefully only to have him kiss my forehead as we zipped through the base to the airfield.
"We are not made of diamonds and jade dearheart," Albert said, "we are still flesh and bone, as much as I hate to admit it."
I nuzzled into his chest as we arrived at the plane. The flight to Edonia would be short, but I knew I was going to sleep through it. What I knew was coming was something I had been waiting for a long time. A chance to meet my darling baby boy.
Reina Mueller was a dear friend of mine who helped me with hiding from Umbrella. Her dad had done it for years, so she picked up a few tricks. She was my midwife for my son's pregnancy. She taught me how to play a little bit of the piano, and I taught her how to cook some of my favorite meals. If it weren't for the fact I was with Albert and I loved him with all my heart, I would have stayed hidden.
"What are you thinking about my lotus?"  Albert asked as he stroked the small bump slowly growing beneath our hands.
"Of Reina Albert, she was a good friend. I'm sure Jake was raised well, and my contact has been training him to protect himself. I hope that my contact will recognize me. It has been a long time since I last saw him." I said, closing my eyes.
"I must admit I wish you had told me sooner about our children. I knew when you had disappeared, it was to hide from Spencer. I could have helped you, and we might have been able to see them." He said, stroking my hair.
"I know, the first time I was Sergei's thumb the entire time. He said he would keep the child safe, and little did I know that Spencer had recruited him a few years prior. When I managed to escape his grasp, I landed at a local orphanage. I hid the remaining two weeks of my pregnancy there. I met two wanna-be parents who were unable to conceive. The orphanage director said that I should give my baby to them instead of leaving it there. I agreed they took me to their small house in a tiny village in the Russian badlands. I didn't ask much about them. I knew the more I knew, the higher the chances Spencer would find Alistar. I left shortly after she was born. Gods, it took me so much not to get attached. It took me four days to recover and disappear. During those days, I fed her and helped change her." I heard Albert Shhh me as tears fell onto his lap.
"Breathe, my dear lotus, we will at least be meeting our son soon. Spencer and Sergei no longer stand in our way." Wesker said, stroking my hair.
He was right, and that thought made me smile. All we had to worry about currently was our vow renewal and meeting our son and Alex. However, she could wait. We've put off our happiness for so long. Things are finally coming to fruition.
I breathed slowly, my eyes still closed but a smile on my lips. I place a hand on my tummy, giving the little ones some attention. With a light snore, I faded into black.
When I awoke, I was in the back seat of a black Mercedes. Albert was at the wheel. I let out a soft moan and stretched my back. I noticed Albert looking at me through the rearview mirror.
"How long was I out for love?" I asked, sitting up.
"Four hours and thirty-seven minutes, to be exact. I changed you into funeral attire. We are going to be late, but we were never going to be part of the service, were we." Albert asked as I looked at the simple black dress that accented my belly.
"No, we were going to meet my contact after the wake," I said, pulling out my phone.
"We are here, dearheart. Let's wait in the tree line... there is no one here except a couple of gentlemen and a priest." He said, putting the car in park.
"And one of them is my contact." I sigh. How were we that late? Or did Reina keep hiding after I left?
"Should I step out?" Albert asked about to open his car door.
"No, I will. It's my contact who has been training our son for the past two years. I think you should follow me still, just in case." I said, stepping out of the car.
Albert followed me quickly out of the car and towards the few people in the cemetery. I stood just at the edge of the tree line. The priest was an elderly man and stood next to a tall brunette man who had a U.S.S. standard pistol on his hip. His hand was on a young man's shoulder. The kid looked like Albert just with bright red hair. It reminded me of my mother's hair.
"HEY!!! WHO'S OVER THERE!" The young man said.
I grimaced and walked forward with a limp, "I AM A FRIEND OF REINA MUELLER I WAS TOLD HER FUNERAL WAS TODAY!"
"Let's just go dearheart, it's clear we are not wanted here," Albert said, placing his hand on my shoulder.
I placed my hand on his face and stroked his cheek, "Just wait one second."
"If you truly are a friend of Ms. Mueller, then tell me what time does the Phoenix rise?" HUNK said, staring deep into my eyes.
The code phrase we had set up years ago. So it was clear he did remember me. He started to walk towards me, pulling out his pistol. The father looked horrified.
"The Phoenix herself rises at seven hundred forty-eight hours and falls when the light burns out of her heart. Who greets and bids farewell to the Phoenix when she falls and returns?" I asked, walking forward with my hands up and motioning for Albert to stay back for the moment.
As I walked forward Agent HUNK spoke, "The Grim Reaper himself greets the Phoenix upon her death arms open, welcome to see his long-forgotten friend and they bid each other goodbye once the fire in her heart is reignited granting her life anew. What treasure did the Phoenix last give the Reaper when they parted?"
We stopped in front of each other, I beckoned Albert forward, and HUNK motioned for Jake to come to him.
"The Phoenix left her chick with The Reaper for she knew her path was perilous and The Reaper her teacher had never let her down," I said, smiling as the Reaper hugged me.
"It has been a long time since we last spoke face-to-face, Tabitha," HUNK said as Jake and Albert arrived.
"You know this lady teach?" Jake asked, carefully eyeing me up and down.
"Yes, I was the one who invited her. Remember how I told you I had a job regarding keeping you and your mother safe." HUNK said, releasing the hug and putting away his pistol.
"Yea and what does that have to do with two random ass people showing up to my mom's funeral," Jake asked looking at me and Albert with a glare, "Why did you invite them, teach?"
"I was the one who paid Mr. Death here to watch over you and Reina," I said pulling out my PDA and handing it to Jake with my financials on screen, "These are my financials following July of ninety-eight six years after you were born. I set up an account to send your mother around two thousand five hundred US dollars every month."
"She told me a long time ago that we had a benefactor from the US. Someone who she was close to for quite a long time. But that doesn't prove that she meant anything to you." Jake snapped, and I noticed Albert's hands tightened.
"My treasure, grab my purse from the car. I need my wallet." I turned towards Wesker, and he nodded, walking off.
"Of course, dearheart, but be careful." He said, walking over to the car.
"What calling off your guard dog? That seems like a dumb move, lady. Especially in these parts, the gangs would tear a rich lady like you up and spit you out in the gutter." Jake said a nasty smirk on his face.
"That's enough, Jake!" HUNK snapped, "Ms. Redfield was my best student when I was employed as a trainer by Umbrella. She probably could kick your ass well up and down this cemetery if she saw fit."
"At ease, Grim, it's not like I couldn't, but I won't. I would not do that to Reina's kid. Not to mention, I'm nine weeks along with triplets. At my age, I have to be extra careful, I already broke my foot in an attempt to escape a B.O.W. I'm not testing my luck anymore this week." I said, Jake, staring in disbelief.
"Damn teach! How old are you?" Jake asked, scrolling through the PDA, "Wait a minute, why are there pictures of me in the photo library? Just who are you?".
"Here you are, dearheart," Albert said, jogging up behind me at a normal human pace and handing me my purse.
"Thank you, love," I said, opening the purse and wallet.
"I asked, who the hell are you?" Jake said, almost getting in my face.
I pulled out my favorite picture, one I knew there were only two copies of. It was of me, Jake, and Reina in the delivery room just after his birth. I placed it in front of his face and softened my voice.
"My name is Tabitha Elise Redfield. This is my husband Albert. Our actual last name is of no consequence. However, this photo is. This photo was taken on June twenty-first nineteen ninety-two. I had just given birth to a male with red hair and beautiful blue eyes. My best friend, who I came to Edonia to find, was beside me in this photo. I was just handed my baby when the doctors took this picture." I said, holding back tears.
"That's the picture Ma had on her nightstand. She always told me that this was her luckiest day. That she would one day tell me about the lady in this picture. When she was on her deathbed, she asked me to bring this picture to her. Said that it was time I knew the truth. I was gone not even thirty minutes. By the time I got back, she was crashing. They wouldn’t let me be by her side." Jake started crying, taking the photo from my hands.
"It's alright, kido. Let it out. You can trust her. It's him I am weary of." HUNK said, pointing at Wesk.
"It has been a long time, hasn't it, Mr. Death? I assure you I'm only here to support my Tabitha." Albert said, holding my stomach, "as well as keeping her and our little ones safe."
"I am sorry to pry, but can we return to Ms. Mueller's funeral? I'm sure you lovely folk can talk after I finish her burial rights." The priest said, walking up behind Jake and HUNK.
"Oh, sorry, Father, I didn't mean to intrude." I quickly apologized as did Albert.
"Then let's head back to the grave site. As long as Mr. Mueller allows it to stay." The father said, walking back.
"Yeah, they can come, but if I find out you're lying to me about who you are, I will not be friendly," Jake said, walking back.
I followed them, but Wesk went back to the car. I could tell Jake was getting under his skin. They were very much alike, temperament-wise, at least. It made me chuckle.
I wasn't going to demand Jake to come live with me and Albert. That wouldn't be right. Reina raised him. I knew I had no claims to call him son. I was just an egg donor. The same could be said about Albert being the sperm donor.
I thought back to my two childhood friends. Jake, who had died of gang violence in Raccoon City when I was fourteen. Reina, who was now beneath my feet from lymphoma. I had a perfectly resin-encased Ice Follies Daffodil in my purse, the same type we had buried with our friend back in seventy-five.
When the priest stopped his prayers, he asked if I had anything to say. I thought for a moment and nodded. HUNK placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him and looked at the freshly dug grave.
"Reina, I'm sorry. I honestly don't have much to say. I was a failure of a friend to you. After you moved out of Raccoon to Edonia. It was only by chance I found you again. I stayed with you in hiding for roughly seven months. Those were some of my favorite days. When your son was born, it was the happiest I've ever seen you. You had always wanted to be a mom since we were kids. I knew I had made the right choice when I saw how you held him." I said to the casket.
Jake stared my way with a confused look on his face. He stared at me and then at the picture, then back at me. I saw the gears in his head slowly starting to click into place.
I sighed and lightly kicked my bad foot, "That day while one of my saddest was also one of my happiest. I was able to make my best friend's dream a reality. When we looked at each other and laughed, we both knew then, didn't we? What do you have to name him? Did we not? A name that shared equal meaning to us, Jacob. The name of our friend who brought us all together and held us together like fucking glue. We both know he was in the delivery room that night, keeping an eye on our dumbasses. Reina, just as you promised me that day. I promise the same to you now here and on your grave. I will watch over your son and make sure to do my best to guide him like you did for me. I have something for you, ya know. A daffodil preserved in resin. It's just like the fresh ones we gave Jacob when he passed. You both loved the daffodilys that grew at school."
I pulled out the flower and placed it on the casket. Jake went wide-eyed but smiled and opened the top of the bare casket. I smiled and took one last look at Reina. She looked tired but at peace. A small smile on her lips. Her flowing ginger locks were brushed back and washed. I place the bloom in her cold, fragile hands. Jake closed the casket and I knew the last little bit I had to say.
"Reina, I promise I'll keep him on a path you would be proud of. He is the most sacred bond we have. May you find your way to your eternal spring filled with dillys, and shadows guide you, goodbye." I slightly bow.
HUNK nodded and I saw Jake with tears in his eyes. He was trying to hide it with his arm but it was obvious. When she was lowered into the grave I let my emotions show and cried. The last bit of my contacts dissolved as I wept my tears. I reached into my purse as the rain started to fall. Placing on my new corrective shades I look up to the sky.
"Heaven weeps as a new angel crosses through those golden gates." The Father said pulling out a rickety old umbrella.
Wesker walked up behind me holding a sturdy black umbrella as it began to pour, "Lotus, come wait in the car. We don't want to risk you catching a cold with the little ones still growing. I'll help bury her. That way I can at least pay my respects to Ms. Reina."
"There is no need for that. You four go to Mr. Mueller's home and have a meal. Reina was a member of my flock. I shall see that her grave is fully tended to before the rain stops." The father said reluctantly smiling.
"You both follow me and teach. We will take you guys back to mine and my mother's place, however, once we are there we need to have something settled." Jake said handing me back my picture.
"Are you sure you want to go down this path kid? Where we three are from there is no turning back." HUNK said staring at Jake.
"I sure teach and I think Mom didn't want me to hate my biological mother and father. At least that is the vibe I'm reading. Isn't that right mother, father?" Jake said scratching the back of his neck.
"It would be better if we discussed this at a secure place, but yes you are right. In both senses." I said.
"Then let us take my Mercedes. That way we can avoid this rain." Albert said pulling out his keys.
"Mercedes? Are you guys loaded?" Jake asked a bit annoyed.
"Off the records Yes but it's hard to be rich legally when technically we both have died," I said laughing as we started walking towards the car.
HUNK and Albert laughed while Jake looked confused.
"What does that mean?" He asked trying to catch up.
This was going to be a hard discussion.
Hey everyone slifarianhawk here and welcome to 2024. Yep already off to a good start. A chapter on the second day of the year. That's a first for me. Well, I hope everyone enjoyed their New Years. The next chapter will be a good one. My name is Slifarianhawk and I'm not so far away.
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toweringclam · 2 years
Tyrant Theory Part 2: Al Lester, the Axeman, and "Green T"
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Name: Albert Lester Age at infection: 57-62 Sex at birth: M Gender: M Pathogen: T-JCCC203 Infection rate: Gradual Emotional state: Grief, possible psychosis Unique abilities: Size changing
Continuing my survey of pre-Tyrant Tyrant-like mutants, Dr. Albert Wes....Lester, From Resident Evil Outbreak File 2.
Lester was the head doctor at a shady hospital on the outskirts of Raccoon City. He performed illegal human trials of various medicines provided to him by an Umbrella shell with the very legitimate name of "Drugs Inc," including a supposed anti-cancer drug called T-JCCC203 that was actually a t-Virus derivative.
T-JCCC203, or "Green T" as I've nicknamed it, showed a far greater affinity for plant life than most other T strains, so it was likely derived from t-infected flora like Plant 42 and Ivy. Zombies infected by Green T were symbiotic with mutant plant life, which defended them with poisonous spores. Even before transformation into zombies, individuals infected by Green T show green skin rather than the more typical jaundiced or grey, as if their bodies were producing chlorophyll.
When Al Lester's wife Dorothy developed coronary cancer, he was desperate enough to allow her to take part in Drugs, Inc's clinical trials despite the low survival rate. At first, the drug seemed to work and her cancer went into complete remission, but 24 hours later she started transforming into a zombie, eventually causing an outbreak that caused the hospital to be shut down and abandoned in 1993.
Al was broken by this, and would make frequent trips to the hospital where his wife's body still remained. However, at some point a giant mutant plant started growing from her corpse, eventually overtaking the entire hospital. Al, extremely rational and normal, decided that this plant was Dorothy's reincarnation and started hunting animals to feed it. Eventually, this escalated to hunting humans, under the guise of an alternate identity dubbed the Axeman. It's unknown if this increase in aggression was caused by the virus, a psychotic break, or a mixture of both.
During this time in close proximity to the plant, which did not attack him for some reason, he became infected and developed greatly enhanced strength and regeneration, with his only obvious deformity being the green discoloration on his side. The source of this is unknown, as it does not seem to correspond to any major organ. My best explanation is that it's the scar left from where a hiker shot him point blank with a shotgun. It would make sense that the repaired flesh showed greater signs of infection.
One unusual trait was his seeming ability to change size, albeit on a very small scale. In his normal state, Al was not a particularly tall man. However, when he adopted the Axeman persona, he became notably taller, at least a head taller than any other survivor. I would be willing to write this off as a gameplay consideration were it not for his connection to Dr. Greg Mueller, whose Thanatos tyrant was able to similarly grow in stature.
It's tempting to write Dr. Al "Axeman" Lester off as a human adapter and not a tyrant, but as I'll demonstrate through this series, the line between zombie, adapter, and tyrant is extremely blurry. His ability to change size also links him to another Tyrant. It might be more accurate to call him something like a demi-tyrant, since he has the trifecta of enhanced strength, increased size, and discolored skin, but only in a limited and situational capacity.
Next I'll continue this sub-series of pre-Tyrant Tyrants with a man who was basically a Tyrant before any virus entered his system.
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carcass-confessions · 11 months
welcome to the crew of The Glass Usurper
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i am the captain prince Percival Grimm, explorer of nothing, with no clan to my name and nO SUNKEN BLADE TO INFUSE WITH MY ICE MAGIC
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our enchanter Caldwell, the Nocturnal kinda intimidates me. when she said she was a warlock i was expecting long silky wizard robes and a cool witch hat but... this is cool too i guess? idk i dont want to question her about it
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our navigator, Mueller the Good, was the first deckhand i hired, and i trust her implicitly. shes stuck around through a couple cycles of deckhands before the current crew existed (there have been a couple problems with previous deckhands that i wont get into)
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i definitely do also put a lot of trust into our cannoneer Albert the Fearless. shes helped the crew get out of more than a few battles
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last is our shipbuilder, Pate the Paladin. i always imagined paladins to be a lot brighter and using the power of the sun or whatever but who am i to question him. he does a very good job keeping the ship protected. i think hes kinda cool, he first arrived in some cheap leather armor but i had some extra money to give him some real metal armor and he chose this dark bronze armor, i think it looks nice on him :^)
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
Miriam's Diary
June 22, 1991
I had an interesting conversation with Dr. Greg Mueller today. He’s become a good friend while I’ve been here, partly because we first bonded over our almost matching surnames, and he reminds me a bit of my own father. Wish we actually were related somehow, it’d be nice.
Anyway, I mentioned offhandedly to Greg my desire in the future to have a child, and he delightedly told me about a new fertility drug Umbrella has been working on that they need test subjects for. The project for observing the effects of the drug would require actually getting its test subjects pregnant from various anonymous donors, and carefully monitoring the health of the baby and the mother. He told me I’d be a great candidate for it, and I let him know I was absolutely interested.
As nice as it would be to raise a child with a loving husband and not have to work this extremely taxing job all the while, I’d do just about anything to be a parent.
Subjects need to be on the drug for three months before artificial insemination occurs. I’ll be starting next week.
June 29, 1991
First day starting my fertility treatment. One of the researchers, Carter, joked about how I was finally pulling my weight in Umbrella research. I know he was trying to be funny, but it stung a little. I’m plenty aware that my condition stints my ability to work, but I try as hard as I can. That’s why I joined Umbrella Pharmaceuticals in the first place, to help create and distribute medications for ill and disabled people like myself. Not to mention the healthcare that comes from working here lets me purchase my insulin for practically pennies.
September 29, 1991
It’s officially the three month mark, and my insemination is today. They’re really wasting no time starting this project, I’m almost a little worried. Things feel rushed, maybe too rushed. You can’t rush science, or it’ll blow up in your face. I may not be a head researcher but I know that much.
October 2, 1991
Just got the test back! It’s official! I’m going to have a baby!
October 10, 1991
Linda told me the truth. I’ve been lied to this whole time, about the project, about my use as a subject, about what Umbrella’s intentions have been from the start.
Soon they’re going to give us abortions and shut down the project. I’m scared. I don’t know if I’ll be of any more use to them once I’m no longer their test subject. I’m already barely able to keep up with their demanding labor as it is.
I’ve decided to leave. Leave Umbrella, leave America, go home and never return. I want to leave this part of my life behind me. But I’m taking one thing with me.
I can’t be sure that they’re really terminating our pregnancies as opposed to just terminating us. I wouldn’t put it past them after what I was told. Linda and Michael promised they’d cover for me, essentially faking a report to let me off the hook. I couldn’t be more grateful to them.
Whoever this Albert Wesker is, I hope he never comes to discover this child.
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decided to completely overhaul my pinned post (and make it shorter), so here goes:
my name is savannah (pronouns: she/her/hers, but i don’t mind they/them even if i don’t really go by them).
my username comes from a line in lisel mueller’s poem “monet refuses the operation”, which is a poem i’ve brainrotted about in the back of my mind since i did it for a poetry competition in 2019. (i used to be notyouraveragejulie, but decided it was time for a change. same person though!)
this blog is my little slice of life and the world.
[you can also find me posting VERY infrequently at @opera-shitpost (also run by @dichterfuerstin and @rayatii) and @opera-simplified.]
i have a LOT of thoughts and feelings about things! i’m one of the people you’ll see all around operablr, but i also have MANY other interests and things i care about. what are those things, you ask? well, stick around and you’ll find out.
(hint: i am endlessly fascinated with humanity and the world and the ways we shape it. my biggest goal, simply, is to spread love, do good in any way i can, and make the world a better place. cliché, i know, but i believe it with everything i am.)
i’m a self-proclaimed “strange dreamer”. i love life and i hate exploitative, dehumanizing systems and bigotry and anything that denies human dignity.
if you’re here, i ask that you be kind to each other. also to me would be nice, but more importantly to each other. i will do everything i can to speak up and take action in order to keep this a good place. especially when it comes to bigotry and discrimination and hate of all kinds.
a few other things:
-header photo is from act iii of the met 1987 production of francis poulenc’s dialogues des carmélites (betsy norden as constance and maria ewing as blanche).
-header quote is from act ii of the same opera, and it translates to “we are going to fight, each one of us in our own way”. so true. we’re all human and we’re all existing together in this world and ultimately we should be kind and compassionate and respectful of each other because we’re all dealing with shit and we all have different gifts and experiences.
-profile photo is a photo i took of clouds in a late-summer storm. idk y’all i may find something better.
-the first quote in the description is from the final movement of mahler’s symphony no. 2 (resurrection) that translates to “o believe: you were not born in vain! you have not lived nor suffered in vain!”
-the second quote is an albert einstein quote.
anyway, that’s all, i guess. i love you a whole lot. you are so loved and needed exactly as you are. stay and rest for a while, you are welcomed and embraced.
-savannah ❤️
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one day im going to make a post that is all about the petty wording differences in the fan translation of the novels verses the official translation of the manhwa for *checks notes* Trash/Lout of the Count's Family and what these translation choices mean
shit like Lock -> Lark, Maes -> Mess, Muller/Mueller -> Molar (???), fog -> mist, Cale-nim -> My Lord, all that minor but exceedingly annoying detail work that doesn't contribute to a better understanding of the source material. bc there are some errors in grammar and shit in fan translation, they do this for free asshole don't try it, but renaming everything you think you can get away with... but nOT EVEN USING THE CORRECT NAME, PRINCE ALBERT-
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reavenedges-lies · 1 year
NHL Draft Round 4:
97. ANA- Konnor Smith D
98. CBJ- Andrew Strathmann D
99. CHI- Alex Pharand C
100. CAR- Alexander Rykov RW
101. MTL- Florian Xhekaj LW
102. ARI- Terrell Goldsmith D
103. PHI- Cole Knuble C
104. WSH- Patrick Thomas C
105. VAN- Ty Mueller C
106. STL- Jakub Stancl C
107. VAN- Vilmer Alriksson LW
108. OTT- Hoyt Stanley D
109. BUF- Ethan Miedema LW
110. MTL- Bogdan Konyushkov D
111. NSH- Joey Willis C
112. CGY- Jaden Lipinski C
113. NYI- Jesse Nurmi LW
114. CBJ- Luca Pinelli C
115. TBL- Jayson Shaugabay RW
116. SEA- Andrei Loshko C
117. DET- Larry Keenan D
118. LAK- Hampton Slukunsky G
119. VAN- Matthew Perkins C
120. PHI- Alex Ciernik LW
121. NSH- Juha Jatkola G
122. NJD- Cam Squires RW
123. SJS- Luca Cagnoni D
124. BOS- Beckett Hendrickson C
125. DAL- Aram Minnetian D
126. CAR- Stanislav Yarovoi RW
127. FLA- Albert Wikman D
128. MTL- Quentin Miller G
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alpurrtwhizkersss · 2 years
a little introduction [2023]
hey, my name’s Alpurrt, otherwise known as alpurrtwhizkersss here on Tumblr :)
i decided i’d do an introduction post because i’m thinking of starting to write on here. 
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/alpurrtwhizkersss/698998070518644736/i-love-you?source=share
i’ll be writing on my own, so i don’t rely on requests but they’d be really great to recieve!
you can find my pronouns in my bio, they may change quite often so i’m not going to put them here because i can’t be bothered coming back to edit this post every week :’)
i do lots of things! my main passion is art, but i’m not sure how much of that i’ll be posting on here, so i’ll mainly be posting about my other passion, which is writing!
here’s the good bit that you all probably care about, what fandoms i write for! okay, actually, first i’m going to tell you my rules for writing:
feel free to request things using the ask box! i’ll always have in my bio whether my requests are open or closed, and i’ll try and get to requests (if i get any) as soon as i can, but since i’m currently at school they may take a while, so please be patient with me :D
I will not write:
Smut, requests concerning serious mental disorders/issues, very dark topics, anything which could insinuate a lack of consent in a relationship, other’s OCs/self-inserts, canon ships (I only write X Readers!)
I will write:
Angst, fluff, making out, hurt/comfort, injury/violence descriptions (this does not mean self harm, I’m sorry but I don’t feel comfortable writing about this topic.), X Reader write from prompts if you give me a prompt and a character, platonic!reader, familial relationship!reader (NOT ROMANTIC) and LGBT+!Reader/Ships!
If you have any questions about these rules/want to clear anything up, drop me an ask!
NOW! Fandoms I write for (With the characters!)
Star Wars:
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Poe Dameron, Finn, Rey Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Han Solo, Leia Organa-Solo, Qui-Gon Jinn, Lando Calrissian, Satine Kryze- All of the clones, I’ll really write for anyone from Star Wars, apart from Rebels- since I haven’t seen that yet! But I will update you all when I have :)
Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Shang Chi, Katy Chen, pretty much all of the Eternals apart from Sprite, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Jake Lockley, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Foggy Nelson, and Matt Murdock.
I will write for pretty much every X-Men character, I also write for the Fantastic 4 :)
I write for Gotham as well as other DC canons, so literally send ‘em all in, but if you want specifics:
Every Young Justice character, the entire Batfamily (Damian is questionable, depends what the request entails.), most villains apart from The Joker, most Arrowverse characters, characters from the Sandman, The Suicide Squad (2021), Peacemaker, and John Constantine. There’s probably many more I haven’t thought of, so like I said, just send them all in to me :)
Resident Evil: 
Leon S Kennedy, Ada Wong, Albert Wesker, Claire Redfield, Chris Redfield, Ethan Winters, William Birkin, Annette Birkin, Sherry Birkin, Jake Mueller, Lady Dimitrescu, Donna Beneviento, Karl Heisenberg, Rose Winters, Joseph Frost, Richard Aikens, Forest Speyer, Luis Sera, Ashley Graham.
Finally, we have some other fandoms that I write for but that aren’t my mains! I won’t be listing names of characters I write for these fandoms so just send a request in and I’ll likely do it :)
Lord Of The Rings
Star Trek
Doctor Who
His Dark Materials (I won’t write for Lyra unless she’s older)
Criminal Minds
The Lost Boys
BBC Ghosts
The Umbrella Academy
The Matrix
Final Fantasy 7
Harry Potter/Marauders
Power Rangers
Les Miserables
Nancy Drew Video Games
The Hardy Boys
Assassin’s Creed
Stranger Things
It (2017/19)
The Walking Dead
Dirk Gentley’s Holistic Detective Agency
Six of Crows
The Walking Dead
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The Anthropocene/Conservation Cont.
Individuals across a variety of species alter their environments (e.g., beavers build dams, birds build nests, and earthworms physically/chemically alter soil) in a process called “niche construction.” Humans excel at this kind of activity and often participate in ways that “[use] phenomenal amounts of energy” [1, p. 28]. Unfortunately, this often results in “collateral consequences for climate, species diversity, and landscapes” [1, p. 30]. In response to the acceleration and accumulation of these consequences, it has been proposed that we have left the Holocene and entered into a new geological age called the “Anthropocene.”
Among other things, the Anthropocene is “a tool with which to focus attention on the current role of Homo sapiens in altering the Earth as a whole, and is a shorthand descriptor of that phenomenon” [1, p. 27]. It has become central to many analyses of human-animal relations and has called for us to do away with dualistic thinking of nature/society—with nature existing firmly outside the sphere of human society [2]. Rutherford, for example, has stated that “for all of its conceits around the importance of humans to the stories of the earth, it does invite a recognition that the world only operates via entanglement” [3, p. 215].
In light of this, I would like to acknowledge a study of mammalian movement in response to anthropogenic activity. Tucker et al. have determined that anthropogenic activities are "not only causing the loss of habitat and diversity, but also [affect] how animals move through fragmented and disturbed areas" [4, p. 9; see also 5-8]. Mammalian movements were typically two-to-three times smaller in areas with comparatively high instances of human presence compared to the same movements in areas with lower instances of human presence [4, p. 9]. This was attributed to both (1) an "individual-behavioral effect, where individuals alter their movements relative to" human activity, and (2) "a species-occurrence effect, where certain species that exhibit long-range movement" change their behavior to no longer reside in areas with high instances of human presence [4, pp. 11-12]. In terms of conservation, the authors conclude that animal movements should be considered a key conservation metric and that the goal should be maintaining landscape permeability [4, p. 13].
While most nations have some kind of endangered species legislation in place to prevent the loss of biodiversity, the majority of current conservation policies, practices, and conceptual frameworks are ill-suited to the Anthropocene because they were created "before there was widespread awareness of the unprecedented pace and magnitude of environmental change caused by humans" [9, p. 107]. Kareiva and Fuller recommend that we should instead be anticipating future impacts and "establishing goals that [reflect] the best science as to what is feasible in the future" [9, p. 108]; in short, a review and potential overhaul of current practices and/or conceptual frameworks because "nature is not a business, nor should it be run as one" [9, p. 111].
[1] Boggs, C. (2016). Human Niche Construction and the Anthropocene. RCC Perspectives, 2, 27–32. www.jstor.org/stable/26241355
[2] Fredriksen, A. (2016). Of wildcats and wild cats: Troubling species-based conservation in the Anthropocene. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 34(4), 689-705. doi.org/10.1177/0263775815623539
[3] Rutherford, S. (2018). The Anthropocene’s animal? Coywolves as feral cotravelers. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1(1-2), 206-223. https://doi.org/10.1177/2514848618763250
[4] Tucker, M.A., Böhning-Gaese, K., Fagan, W.F., Fryxell, J., Moorter, B.V., Alberts, S.C., … Mueller, T. (2018). Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science, 359(6374), 466-469.
[5] Patterson, B.R., Bondrup-Nielsen, S., & Messier, F. (1999). Activity patterns and daily movements of the eastern coyote, Canis latrans, in Nova Scotia. Canadian Field Naturalist, 113(2), 251-257. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285966455
[6] Way, J.G. (2011). Eastern coyote/coywolf (Canis latrans x lycaon) movement patterns: Lessons learned in urbanized ecosystems. Cities and the Environment (CATE), 4(1), Article 2. https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/cate/vol4/iss1/2
[7] Way, J.G. (2021). Coywolf: Eastern coyote genetics, ecology, management, and politics. Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, Barnstable, Massachusetts. www.easterncoyoteresearch.com/Coywolf/
[8] Way, J.G., Ortega, I.M., & Strauss, E.G. (2004). Movement and activity patterns of eastern coyotes in a coastal, suburban environment. Northeastern Naturalist, 11(3), 237-254. www.jstor.org/stable/3858416
[9] Kareiva, P. & Fuller, E. (2016). Beyond resilience: How to better prepare for the profound disruption of the Anthropocene. Global Policy, 7(Suppl. 1), 107-118. https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-5899.12330
Humans are niche constructors who greatly alter the environment
The degree to which anthropogenic alterations occur has led to the suggestion that we have left the Holocene and entered the Anthropocene
The Anthropocene is a central concept in contemporary human-wildlife analyses and invites a recognition of entanglement
Conservation practices, etc. may need an overhaul to account for the degree of anthropogenic impact on wildlife/the environment
Hybridization | DNA Analyses | Range & Diet | Behavior & Ecology | Attitudes | Conservation
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readingpig · 6 months
“As you grasp the concept of the Power Pyramid, more and more aspects of your life will start to make sense. For example, you’ll see that “5” and “95” personalities do not choose to be around each other. When we’re “5-ing” and having a bad day, and come across a “95-er” who is having a great day, we tend to write them off, label them as fake, or assume they’re just “lucky.” Not only that, but when we look at the “what goes around” principle, it’s clear that because there is a smaller circumference at the top, what goes around (the good stuff) comes around faster up there. When we’re choosing thoughts that feel good, what we desire shows up quickly. We often call those manifestations “luck,” “coincidence”, or “miracles.” But this wonderful power we’ve been given by our Creator is not random. It’s at work every moment of every day. Success is not the way to happiness. Happiness is the way to success. — Albert Schweitzer”
Excerpt From 8 to Great MK Mueller https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewBook?id=0 This material may be protected by copyright.
0 notes
readingforsanity · 9 months
The Paleontologist | Luke Dumas | Published 2023 | *SPOILERS*
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A haunted paleontologist returns to the museum where his sister was abducted years earlier and is faced with a terrifying and murderous spirit in this chilling novel from the author of A History of Fear - perfect for fans of Simone St. James and Katy Hays.
Curator of paleontology Dr. Simon Nealy never expected to return to his Pennsylvania hometown, let alone the Hawthorne Museum of Natural History. Hee was just a boy when his six-year-old sister, Morgan, was abducted from the museum under his watch, and the guily has haunted Simon ever since. After a recent break-up and the death of the aunt who raised him, Simon feels drawn back to the place where Morgan vanished, in search of the bones they never found.
But from the moment he arrives, things aren't what he expected. The Hawthorne is a crumbling ruin, still closed amid the ongoing pandemic, and plummeting toward financial catastrophe. Worse, Simon begins seeing and hearing things he can't explain. Strange animal sounds. Bloody footprints that no living creature could have left. A prehistoric killer looming in the shadows of the museum. Terrified he's losing his grasp on reality, Simon turns to the handwritten research diaries of his predecessor and uncovers a blood-soaked mystery 150 million years in the making that could be the answer to everything.
Are these the ravings of a madman? Or is there something supernatural at play? And what does this have to do with Morgan's disappearance?
Another atmospheric mystery from Luke Dumas, The Paleontologist is a ghost story unlike any other that will haunt you long after you turn the final page.
Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Simon Nealy, a 31-year-old paleontologist from Chicago, returns to his hometown in PA after leaving his dream job at the Field Museum and taking up a new one at a smaller, lesser-known natural history museum called the Hawthorne. He can't explain why he is returning to a place that brought him both joy and turmoil as a child, but it felt like the right thing to do.
Some twenty years ago, Simon's younger sister, Morgan, was taken from the museum and despite search efforts, she was never found and has been presumed dead for years. Simon has dealt with the guilt that followed for many years, as he had been with her that day, though he had gone off to the dinosaur exhibit instead of staying with her in her preferred exhibit.
After their mother relapsed into drugs after Morgan's disappearance, Simon went to live with his aunt, his mother's sister, in Naperville, a suburb of Chicago, where he remained until he returned to PA.
Now that he is back, he feels ready to end the mystery that is Morgan. He feels that she has been calling to him. And in the beginning, things seem to be going well. With the museum closed and under it's own duress due to the lack of finances coming in due to the pandemic, Simon has a bit of time to look into what needs to be done.
During his search in the basement of the museum, he finds the remains of a large dinosaur, some still covered in the sediment it was taken from, and others having been uncovered from the dirt. He is told by his superiors that this is "Theo", an unknown dinosaur that Simon's predecessor, Dr. Albert Mueller had uncovered during a dig in Colorado, and what he had been working on until the idea was scrapped and Theo's remains were put into storage, albeit the incorrect kind of storage, as pieces of his remains ended up becoming waterlogged due to a leak.
Simon begins working on uncovering the rest of the dinosaur and will begin to design a new exhibit for him, with hopes that this new dinosaur, officially a Ceratosaurus, will bring in tons of money once he is unveiled.
However, Simon begins to wonder if the man before him was into something a bit more sinister than just working with the bones of a long-since dead animal. Simon has located Mueller's personal diaries which depict his initial findings on the new dinosaur, but then begin to take on a more sinister tone. He reveals that he has begun seeing things that aren't there, more specifically dead animals with pink-eyes, along with hearing things. And like Mueller, Simon does too.
He believes the scenes playing out before him are that of Theo's past, giving him a glimpse into what has occurred to the poor dinosaur in the final moments of its life. As a result, areas of the museum are often found to be demolished the next day, furthermore depleting the musem's already diminished finances.
However, with the help of Evie Mitchell, the museum's biggest donor of funds, Theo's exhibit is well on its way. With the plan to open the exhibit on the night of their HIMA gala on September 4th, Simon hires someone to build the exhibit.
During his research, Simon believes that Mueller is the one who took his sister from the museusm exhibit. He tries to explain this to the police, but at the time of Morgan's disappearance, he had an alibi, along with others within the paleontology department at the museum. The police won't listen. Despite things moving quickly with Theo's exhibit, Simon can think of nothing else.
Simon finds an email inside Mueller's employee file, where a young woman who also worked at the museum accused him of wrongdoing. On the day of the fateful visit, Mueller had told this young woman named Violet to inform him of when the sibling pair arrived at the museum. Assuming that the two children were relatives of Mueller's, she obliged, but felt increasingly weird about it, especially after Morgan went missing. She reported this to her superiors, but nothing was ever done about it at the time. Simon does learn that an investigation was brought forth, but the Board of Directors of the museum decided that Mueller had done nothing wrong, and that they would continue operations as normal.
Simon understands now that some type of cover up happened, and that he is now more convinced than ever that Mueller is to blame for Morgan's disappearance. When his mother, Joelle, having tested positive for COVID and is now in the hospital, confirms that it was the "Bone Man" that had given her the tickets to the museum that day for the children, he knew his suspicions were correct.
Fran, a PR person from the museum, drives Simon to Mueller's home, but is told that he longer resides there and the new tenants give Simon the information on where they can now locate the elderly former scientist. Simon is shocked, as the address is the home of a man he had met while visiting the outside of his former home. An elderly, gay potter, Zander Steyn is taking care of Mueller and identifies himself as the Bone Man.
Having hailed from South Africa, coming to the US when he was younger, he couldn't return home after his mother's death due to a car accident. He remained in the US, taking a job at the Hawthorne, working in the anthropology department. He worked closely with Mueller, doing work on Theo as well. In order to feel closer to his mother, he took up pottery, eventually making pieces out of bone. At first, it was only that of animals, before eventually turning into human bones.
He had briefly dated Simon's mother, up until her addiction overcame her. But, he was going to abduct both Simon and Morgan, but only Morgan was there when Mueller went to bring her downstairs to the basement, Simon having either left shortly before or arriving shortly after she had been abducted. The bone china tea set that they're having tea out of is that of Morgan's bones.
Zander has now drugged Simon in hopes of having that same feeling again that he had gotten with Morgan, with reconnecting with his mother, but Simon returns to consciousness the next day, finding himself in Fran's apartment, where he is told that Mueller had brought himself downstairs and ultimately saved his life, despite Fran hitting Zander over the head and knocking him unconscious. Mueller died in her arms, but not before explaining that Morgan's remains are still at the museum.
Simon, calling upon his ex-boyfirend Kai, an expert in human remains, they ultimately identify an exhibit in the museum to be that of a young child, between 5-7 years old and they are later identified to be Morgan.
With one mystery out of the way, now Simon has to work on finding Theo's sibling, after having found a juvenile dinosaur bone with Theo's prior to his erection in the museum. Simon, along with Evie and a few others, go back to Colorado where they found Theo in order to find him. During the search, they find a Stegosaurus skeleton. On the final days of the search, they do ultimately find the smaller juveline Ceratosaurus, believed to be Theo's sibling.
More than a year later, the juvenile and Stegosaurus are added to the exhibit along with Theo, showing the scientific world that the once-believed to be solitary animals had family bonds. Simon believes that Theo died trying to protect his younger sister, who was also abducted by a marine dinosaur, and when attempting to save her, also perished and that was how the three dinosaurs remains were able to be found together.
Simon is now healing, and has returned to his home at the museum, allowing Morgan, and Theo, to finally rest.
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