#alchemical process
cosmic-ghost-hermit · 7 months
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Take what resonates! Leave what doesn't but always be open to new perspectives 🖤🩶🤍
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Crystal: Sunstone
Astrology: Leo♌️, Sagittarius♐️, Pisces♓️
Hi, pile one! The best way you can connect with the universe is to face the darkest parts of it (or yourself) head on. Meditating sounds like a perfect way for you to tap into Spirit’s voice. However, I can sort of tell you are very restless when you try to meditate. Your mind has a lot to say and it's not always fun to listen too. Remember they are just thoughts, my friend. They aren't representative of you or who you want to be because thoughts are just thoughts. The longer you sit with them, the easier it will be to connect to your spirit guides. Once you’ve embraced the storm of your mind, it will eventually aim you towards the eye of this storm. The calm will envelop you. Universe will be there in the eye of your mind. It will be ready to communicate clearly and it will be brighter and louder than the darkness you feel. It has so much it wants to tell you. Spirit really wants to show you the beauty of the world and the beauty inside of you. You shine so bright, you are like the sun. Remember the brightest stars cast the darkest shadows. Light cannot exist without dark. The darkness in your mind is just as beautiful as the cosmos above. I really love to appreciate the scariest parts of life and most people aren’t comfortable doing that so it will probably take a lot of repetition to make it through the storm. Just know the universe is smitten with every part of you. Allow yourself to be devoted to Spirit. Allow the universe to circulate warmth and tenderness to you.
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Crystal: Angelite
Astrology: Taurus♉️, Aries♈️, Capricorn♑️
Hello, pile 2! One thing I’d like to immediately mention about your reading is that there is a VERY heavy abrahamic religious vibe coming from these cards. The crystal you chose is a broken angelite tower and that makes me think you used to be christian, jewish or muslim. Alternatively, you could still be devoted to your religion but could be questioning your faith as of recent. To connect with your Deity better will take a bit of adjustment. You may feel alienated from your relationship with them. I suggest taking a more friend-like approach to connecting with your guide. They aren’t expecting you to put them on such a high pedestal anymore. Move away from the traditional approach of connecting with your God. They want to be your friend. Someone you can confide in when you are scared, sad, angry or betrayed. They do not want you to fear their opinion of you or your actions. They love you so deeply and truly. That means you can be yourself with them. You do not need to filter for someone who loves you so unconditionally. AND feel free to talk to them everywhere! Especially, when you are doing selfcare!!! If you are making a meal for yourself, reading your favorite book or taking a bath/shower. They want you to talk to them when you are doing everyday stuff. They are always with you but not in the sense that they are hovering over your shoulder waiting for you to mess up. They are with you as a companion. They see you as a dear friend. You are so important to them. You will not be punished for being yourself.
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Crystal: Amethyst
Astrology: Cancer♋️, Libra♎️, Aquarius♒️
Hey there, pile 3! You are incredibly spiritual and incredibly in tune with the universe. I see that you are an old soul. One that has seen many lives and you are probably aware of that fact. I also see that you have been stuck AF recently. You are so confused on how to take your spiritual path forward. You have been doing a lot of work without any reward. Which to be honest, sounds like a huge bummer and I’m so sorry you are feeling so frustrated with your spirituality. Before you continue reading this, know you are not gonna like this answer. My device crashed when I tried to write your reading down which tells me you might not be ready to hear this answer. The cards are asking you to do something kind of different and a little difficult. You can best connect with spirit if you ground yourself more in reality. Connect with friends, family, coworkers or literally anyone. Take a walk outside and do breathing exercises instead of meditation. Your soul is already so strongly connected and you keep trying to connect it more but I’m gonna be for real here. You have hit the ceiling when it comes to your upper chakras. If you were to continue it would be extremely detrimental to your mental health. The more you pull your soul to earth and the more you participate in the physical you will realize that the earth is magical! People are magical! Reality is magical! I know you want to escape from some things by pulling yourself into the astral realm. It isn’t going to move your spirituality forward. I’m really sorry I know it heckin sucks. I know this lesson all too well myself. I promise it’ll be worth your effort to spend some time in reality with your loved ones.
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Crystal: Howlite
Astrology: Scorpio♏️, Gemini♊️, Virgo♍️
Pile 4, you are an enigma for sure. Welcome to your reading. First thing I’m gonna address about your connection to spirit is that it is strongest when you are alone. All the chatter of everyone else’s souls’ block your soul from truly being integrated with the universe. You have such strong love for everyone around you despite the constant chatter. You care so deeply for your connections in reality. You really are the biggest sweetie pie ever. You might ignore Spirit by accident because you are so intent on listening to your loved ones. You adore talking with them. All you want is to give them gifts and you constantly think about them. Your cards are not telling you to stop loving and listening. They are instructing you to have time with yourself. Maybe setting aside an hour or two a day just for you. This does not have to be a consistent schedule you follow. Just whenever you start beating yourself up or you start to feel uncomfortable in any way, that will be your queue to stop whatever you are doing for others and start giving to yourself. You’ll know what you need if you allow yourself space to think and get away from the chatter. You don’t necessarily have to set boundaries with anyone around you because I think you are the only one who is crossing your own boundaries here. You love everyone so expansively and honestly. It is beautiful how deep your admiration can go. Please pay close attention to when you start stomping on your own boundaries. You don’t even really notice when you do it and that sounds like it’s gonna be the hardest part to get past. Keep a keen eye out for how you treat yourself when you are busy loving others.
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faeriekit · 6 months
FMA fic I'm never going to write:
Hoenheim's lifespan and continued existence is entirely tied to the hundreds of thousands to possibly millions of dead his soul eats off of, slowly leeching life from the dead kingdom of Xerxes.
...It stands to reason, then, when begetting life, that spiritual artefacts make themselves known in the begotten sons of the dead. There are only four that can claim true heritage of Xerxes— the immortal, the synthesized man, and the heirs to the memories of a long-gone people.
Or. Well. Gone in body, certainly. But that's hardly stopped anyone from wanting to step up and parent.
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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st. francis receiving the stigmata
in the "buch der heiligen dreifaltigkeit" ("book of the holy trinity"), alchemistic illuminated manuscript, bavaria, late 15th c.
source: Munich, Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 598, fol. 166v
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tobacconist · 2 months
doing this for fun without telling my neighbours (satire)
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blueheartbookclub · 9 months
"A Transcendent Voyage: Illuminating Mysticism in 'A New Light of Mysticism: Azoth' by Arthur Edward Waite"
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In Arthur Edward Waite's magnum opus, "A New Light of Mysticism: Azoth," readers embark on an enigmatic journey that transcends the boundaries of conventional thought. The book, alternatively known as "The Star in the East," intricately weaves together the profound elements of alchemy, spirituality, and the arcane, inviting readers into the captivating world of mystical exploration.
Waite's narrative prowess shines as he delves into the intricacies of the Magnum Opus, unraveling the mysteries of the first matter and the evolution of Aphrodite-Urania. The author, known for his deep understanding of esoteric subjects, presents a mesmerizing tapestry that explores the supernatural generation of the Son of the Sun and the alchemical transfiguration of humanity.
At the heart of the book is the symbolic Azoth, a universal solvent that represents the transformative power of spiritual enlightenment. Waite's prose is both eloquent and dense, demanding a contemplative reading as readers navigate through layers of symbolism and allegory. The exploration of divine feminine energy through Aphrodite-Urania adds a unique dimension, intertwining mythology with alchemical philosophy.
The strength of Waite's work lies not only in its esoteric depth but also in its ability to provoke introspection. As readers navigate through the pages, they find themselves not just absorbing information but actively engaging in the alchemical processes described. Waite's intricate descriptions and philosophical reflections challenge readers to question, contemplate, and, ultimately, embark on their own metaphysical journey.
"A New Light of Mysticism: Azoth" is a testament to Waite's profound scholarship and his gift for distilling complex esoteric concepts into a cohesive narrative. It is a book that beckons the curious minds and spiritual seekers, promising not just knowledge but an experiential odyssey through the realms of mysticism.
Intriguing, immersive, and intellectually stimulating, Waite's work invites readers to embrace the alchemical transformation it promises, heralding a new dawn in the understanding of mysticism and spirituality.
"A New Light of Mysticism: Azoth," by Arthur Edward Waite is available in Amazon in paperback 18.99$ and hardcover 24.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 431
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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fullmetall · 2 months
i like thinking abt pre-canon ed but i also like thinking abt post-canon ed a lot
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Today on "Alchem watches House"- I am once again reminded that I'm remarkably bad with faces
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blueheartbooks · 11 months
"Reflecting the Alchemist's Soul: Unveiling the Mysteries in 'The Mirror of Alchimy' by Roger Bacon"
In "The Mirror of Alchimy" Roger Bacon takes readers on a mesmerizing journey into the enigmatic world of alchemy, unraveling the veiled mysteries that have captivated seekers of esoteric knowledge for centuries. This seminal work, written in the late 16th century, serves as a timeless portal into the alchemical tradition, offering profound insights into the transformative processes of both the philosopher's stone and the adept's soul.
Bacon's narrative is a tapestry woven with allegorical threads, blending practical laboratory instructions with symbolic language that transcends the material realm. As the alchemist-author, Bacon speaks to readers across time, inviting them to contemplate the union of opposites, the refinement of base elements, and the pursuit of the elusive Elixir of Life.
The Mirror of Alchimy serves as a guide for those daring enough to tread the intricate labyrinth of spiritual transmutation. Bacon's prose, though rooted in the medieval context, resonates with universal themes— the quest for enlightenment, the cyclic nature of creation and destruction, and the pursuit of the divine within the earthly vessel.
At its core, this alchemical mirror reflects not only the external processes of laboratory experimentation but also the internal journey of self-discovery. Bacon intricately intertwines the art of transmutation with the science of the soul, urging the seeker to alchemize their own consciousness in tandem with their laboratory pursuits.
The brilliance of Bacon's work lies not only in its practicality but also in its poetic invocation of the alchemical quest. Each chapter unfolds like a mystical incantation, beckoning the reader to delve deeper into the alchemical opus. From the stages of calcination to coagulation, Bacon demystifies the alchemical process, making it accessible to both seasoned practitioners and those new to the alchemical tradition.
"The Mirror of Alchimy" is an illuminating testament to the enduring allure of alchemy—a profound exploration of the interconnectedness between the earthly and the celestial. As readers gaze into this alchemical mirror, they are not only confronted with the reflection of laboratory apparatus but also with the hidden recesses of their own spiritual landscape.
In a world where the pursuit of wisdom is often obscured by the mundane, Bacon's mirror serves as a timeless reminder that, like the alchemists of old, we are all engaged in the grand work of refining ourselves, transmuting the leaden aspects of our existence into the gold of inner enlightenment.
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Roger Bacon's "The Mirror of Alchimy" is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 163
Language: English
Rating: 8/10     (Old English and Challenging Reading just like many alchemical works!!!)                                      
Link of the book! (Hardcover); (Paperback)
Review By: King's Cat
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just got a comment on a fic i wrote four years ago that made me reread all the other fic i wrote for that pairing and remember how deep i dove into a specific album because all the lyrics of it reminded me of that pairing and how i very quickly lost the thread of my obsession with that pairing that made writing them fun but how i love them again just as much these days and want to rewatch them from the beginning and maybe if i return to that same music too i’ll unlock the ability once more to write the kind of fic for them which always made me very happy so i’m just saying you never know what effect your fic comments might have but you should tell fic writers how you feel if you love their work because it is always always always one of the best ways to encourage more of it
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"At its essence, art is an alchemical process. Alchemy is a process of transformation." -Julia Cameron
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
30K-era Purifiers: are they Astartes? Thunder Warriors? some other variety of transhuman? who knows? (the answer is all of the above; depends on when and where they were recruited)
40K-era Purifiers: counterfeit Thunderstodes, and damned good ones at that
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Top Ten Albums I Would Play To Make Austria Cry So That I Could Put His Tears Into A Lachrymatory Bottle And Take A Shot
10. One Nightmare Unto Another (2023) - Profane Order: If he headbangs too hard he might rattle his delicate little brain.
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9. Any Jeffree Star Album Ever: Jeffree Star's mere presence is enough to make anyone want to cry.
8. Big Juicy (2016) - Ayesha Erotica: Roderich will either shrivel up like a grape left in the sun for 15 days or start throwing it back the moment he encounters any sort of vulgarity and I think that on its own makes inflicting this album upon him a worthy endeavor.
7. Malibu Ken (2019) - Aesop Rock: If he makes it past the album art, Tuesday will most definitely make him shrivel up like a grape.
6. Bad Reputation (2022) - Kid Rock: Austria's first taste of modern redpill garbage.
5. Epic (2010) - Blood on the Dancefloor: He would really be wishing to be torn apart by this band after having to listen to this album. After hearing about the grooming he would rather listen to this album again than be touched by Dahvie Vanity.
4. Mr. Blobby: The Album (1994) - Mr. Blobby: Mr. Blobby is the kind of creature that would loom over you while you're still in the throes of sleep paralysis. This one will stick with him.
3. Equals (2021) - Ed Sheeran: He would probably cry because of some of the songs and then cry harder because he just realized he was swayed by an Ed Sheeran album.
2. Ultraviolence (2014) - Lana Del Rey: He listens to Lana in his spare time. I am abusing that fact.
1. Warzone (2018) - Yoko Ono: This album is so #deep those succulent Austrian juices will be mine in no time.
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ll-underestimated-ll · 6 months
Rather than responding to that missive I received yesterday with a definite answer I have instead invited the individual to visit, along with the standing Baron of that region. I am a fosterer of diplomacy and drama.
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astrummorte-m · 7 months
Kae: what are your thoughts on this "Viv" person? Seems important to everyone else in your family, but you haven't said much on the matter.
anonymous. / vivian highwind ashwind.
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"What do you want me to say?" there's a heavy exhale, sharp and cutting, let out through his nose as his jaw tightens for a split second.
he's always been a proponent for the best of life goes to the worst sufferers of it. maybe that's why he's struggled for so long and so often; kallie is a wonderful twin, he wouldn't trade her for anyone else... but they both had always been particularly sensitive to magic, and to the seasons.
( vivian could easily tell what he hides from his family, the shade and dusk that coils around him as if his shadow could leave the heels of his footsteps and be a sentry for him. he's not stupid. playing pretend, playing a long con, playing around like he has no concerns. but that day, his graduation day. remembering that information they told him with such horrifying ease, it made him sick to his stomach. he had never been so afraid before - he almost brushed the dust off his keyblade, then. )
"She's a good mom. I don't know if she- wants me around." he chuckles weakly, ducking his head down. "She's a good person... and I'm not sure I ever was good. That's- that's fine though. I just hope she's keeping them safe. I'll be happy if they're safe and thriving."
he can get by with what he has.
he has been.
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he has no other choice.
0 notes
blueheartbookclub · 10 months
"Reflecting the Alchemist's Soul: Unveiling the Mysteries in 'The Mirror of Alchimy' by Roger Bacon"
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In "The Mirror of Alchimy" Roger Bacon takes readers on a mesmerizing journey into the enigmatic world of alchemy, unraveling the veiled mysteries that have captivated seekers of esoteric knowledge for centuries. This seminal work, written in the late 16th century, serves as a timeless portal into the alchemical tradition, offering profound insights into the transformative processes of both the philosopher's stone and the adept's soul.
Bacon's narrative is a tapestry woven with allegorical threads, blending practical laboratory instructions with symbolic language that transcends the material realm. As the alchemist-author, Bacon speaks to readers across time, inviting them to contemplate the union of opposites, the refinement of base elements, and the pursuit of the elusive Elixir of Life.
The Mirror of Alchimy serves as a guide for those daring enough to tread the intricate labyrinth of spiritual transmutation. Bacon's prose, though rooted in the medieval context, resonates with universal themes— the quest for enlightenment, the cyclic nature of creation and destruction, and the pursuit of the divine within the earthly vessel.
At its core, this alchemical mirror reflects not only the external processes of laboratory experimentation but also the internal journey of self-discovery. Bacon intricately intertwines the art of transmutation with the science of the soul, urging the seeker to alchemize their own consciousness in tandem with their laboratory pursuits.
The brilliance of Bacon's work lies not only in its practicality but also in its poetic invocation of the alchemical quest. Each chapter unfolds like a mystical incantation, beckoning the reader to delve deeper into the alchemical opus. From the stages of calcination to coagulation, Bacon demystifies the alchemical process, making it accessible to both seasoned practitioners and those new to the alchemical tradition.
"The Mirror of Alchimy" is an illuminating testament to the enduring allure of alchemy—a profound exploration of the interconnectedness between the earthly and the celestial. As readers gaze into this alchemical mirror, they are not only confronted with the reflection of laboratory apparatus but also with the hidden recesses of their own spiritual landscape.
In a world where the pursuit of wisdom is often obscured by the mundane, Bacon's mirror serves as a timeless reminder that, like the alchemists of old, we are all engaged in the grand work of refining ourselves, transmuting the leaden aspects of our existence into the gold of inner enlightenment.
Roger Bacon's "The Mirror of Alchimy" is available in Amazon in paperback 12.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 163
Language: English
Rating: 8/10     (Old English and Challenging Reading just like many alchemical works!!!)                                      
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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senlinyu · 8 months
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I'm excited to announce that I have signed a book deal with Del Rey at Penguin Random House in the US and Michael Joseph in the UK for my debut novel, Alchemised, a standalone dark fantasy set in a war-torn world of necromancy and alchemy, in which a healer with amnesia is taken as a prisoner of war and must fight to protect her lost memories and the secrets hidden among them. It will grapple with themes of trauma and survival, legacy, and the way that love can drive one to extreme darkness, and it is, as you may be able to tell, a reimagined version of Manacled.
I know I’ve been rather quiet about my publishing journey, and a lot of that has been because I didn’t want to spark any concerns or worry that I might be abruptly taking away a story that is such a deep part of myself and that I know has meant so much to so many people. This process has unfolded very slowly and quietly because I have tried to be mindful as I could be in every step of the way. 
As most of you know, I have been a reader in fandom long before I ever began to write. Fanfiction is incredibly special to me, and I have tried to do my best not to undermine its legal protection or allow my works to do so either. During the last several years, there has been a growing issue with illegal sales of Manacled, putting both me and the incredible community that shares fanfiction freely in legal jeopardy. 
After consulting with the OTW as well as other lawyers, it has grown clear that as a transformative writer I have limited options in protecting my stories from this kind of exploitation, but I wasn’t sure what to do; I didn’t want to just take the story down, in part because I worried that might only exacerbate the issue, but I didn’t know what other options I had. Then I suddenly had this idea of alchemy, which was peculiarly appropriate; an academic world filled with unique transmutational abilities, and a necromantic war against people who had discovered the secrets of immortality, and I could see a path to reimagining the story while still holding on to as much of the original spirit of Manacled as possible. 
I began redrafting the concept privately around Christmas 2022, and then as if the universe had aligned, just as I was finishing, Caitlin Mahony and Rivka Bergman of WME reached out to me and were delightfully enthusiastic about concepts and ideas for my new alchemical world and the ways I had reimagined the story. 
I'm thrilled to be working with Emily Archbold, my visionary editor at Del Rey, along with Rebecca Hilsdon at Michael Joseph in the UK, to polish this novel for publication in Fall 2025. I feel uniquely privileged that both my publishing teams are familiar with Manacled and understand how special it is to so many people, and how important it is that this reimagining captures the same spirit while also having its own wings. 
Manacled is not going anywhere at present. It will remain online throughout 2024, at which point it will, if you’ll pardon the pun, alchemise for 2025 and be removed from AO3. 
I'm so thankful to all of you who've enjoyed my works, and I hope that I can continue to rely on your support as I take my next steps as an author.
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