#alcina calls it a miracle
valleynix · 1 year
I just saw ur angsty post on what if readers family came looking for them and I’m so sad now… TIME FOR SOME HAPPY IDEAS TO COPE
So if reader actually tried to reconnect with their lost family the dimitrescus would meet their family too yk.. and I can just imagine the dimitrescus panicking so much about their mother because they’d want to make a good impression on her 😭😭😭 all of them just being a nervous wreck trying to get on reader’s mother’s good side- and if reader had a little sibling, I’d imagine them (probably cass and Dani) playing with them. I’d bet they tried to find embarrassing stories on reader when they were young to fuck with them later on
you know it would be an absolute “disaster” if they met Reader’s mother- the former of which would be like “🤨⁉️” when they see these noble, refined murderers NERVOUS to meet their mother
Alcina claims she’s not nervous at all and is actually very excited to meet their mother, but she’s had three glasses of wine at that point, so…
Bela probably has some blood dripping from the corner of her lip and she’s just “:)” while their mother is “😨” (she’s offended and doesn’t understand why their mother doesn’t accept her offer to help her with her jacket 😒)
Cassandra was actually the calmest one, up until the point she was 100% showing off her muscles both to Reader and their little sibling (mostly to Reader) and accidentally revealed the very large sickle at her waist. panic ensues. oops
Daniela was also fine, but she just couldn’t stop her flies from buzzing around her form out of excitement. she gets to meet her love’s family!!! she’s so happy!!!! and her bugs won’t stop biting people!!!!!!
but Reader’s little sibling would 100% snitch on them about things they would do pre-Miranda and both Cass and Dani are saving it for ammunition to prank them later
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4lc1na · 1 month
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!NSFW! no children please 😭 #ImJustALesbian🙏🏼🙂
~Your lady is mad..tread carefully~
Alcina had answered and phone call from mother miranda, and immediately throwing her vanity across the room in anger after hanging up. Y/N heard her yelling, "URGHH! TO HELL WITH THE CEREMONY!" Alcina shouted, her voice filled with rage, her hands in tight fists. Alcina stormed out of the room. Heading straight to her wine room, where Y/N was, sorting out Alcinas wines the way she requested.
Alcina stormed inside the wine room "maiden, pour me a glass of wine, now." Her tone was stern and hard, sitting down at the table in the middle of the room, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. "Yes my lady" Y/N quickly got Alcinas signature wine glass, pouring Alcinas 'maidens blood', Y/N is always scared of the wine, knowing it's made of the dead maiden blood's, it just makes her shiver.. "quickly now, i dont have time for slow maidens."
"sorry my lady, I'll be quicker next time.." Y/N placed the wine glass in front of Alcina, who took a sip and settled the glass down. "Good..come here, pet." Alcina crooked a finger, beckoning Y/N to come to her. Y/N didn't hesitate, and walked over to alcina, who was sitting on her chair, her long luscious legs crossed. "Sit." Alcina said, her tone soft yet stern, she patted her lap.. seemingly telling Y/N to sit on her lap, and she did.
Once Y/N sat in Alcinas lap, Alcina stroked Y/N's soft hair, her black cold leather gloves gliding on the soft texture. "You my dear, are my favorite..and it's very rare for someone like me to have a favorite.." Alcina said, her voice was so soft, it's like a miracle..but it's so weird to hear THE lady Alcina dimitrescu, be so soft..
"r-really..i never...thought you would say that.." Y/N stumbled over some of her words, shocked that Alcina favorited her, out of all beautiful young maids!...
Alcina chuckled, the sound deep, and rich.. "you better believe it, darling.. you deserve a reward..for all the things you have done for me..." Alcina's large gloved hand slid under Y/N's maid dress, the leather cold yet soft on Y/N's skin...it sent shivers down her spine. Alcina teased the edge of Y/N's panties, her gloved fingers tracing over it.
Y/N squirmed, feeling like she's being blessed from the gods above right now..she's dripping wet, begging for more, her expression doesn't hide it..at all.
Alcina chuckled, "I think something is in the way.." Alcina looked at her gloved hands. She thought for a moment, and took them off, and slides her cold, pale hand under Y/N's dress, once again..."there now...that's better...isn't it?" She didn't even let the maid speak, and immediately TEARED Y/N's panties off! Her cold finger gliding over her wet folds..
Y/N whimpered, already trembling from the coldness and pleasure of Alcinas fingers.. "... you're mine now...nobody elses...and I'll make sure of that, I will mark you mine.." Alcina trailed kisses from her neck to her jawline, her crimson lipstick leaving marks on Y/N's skin..Y/N moaned, as she was marked..feeling alcina suckle and nibble on her soft supple skin..
Alcina's finger teased Y/N's entrance, before sliding it in.."m-my lady i-" Alcina cut her off..'shh'ing her, pumping her finger in and out of Y/N's dripping wet hole..
"there's no need for speaking, my dear...just give yourself to me, and I'll be a happy...happy woman..." Alcina pulled her finger out and got up, picking up Y/N with her. "Let's finish this..in my private..Chambers.." Alcinas heels clicked on the hard wood floor as she walked out of the wine room. Walking down the stairs to her chambers. Once she got there she pinned Y/N to the bed, her large hand holding her wrists above her head, her free hand stripping of the maids clothes.
"you will do anything I say..or just stay quiet..for now, you're my little plaything.." Alcina went down between Y/N's thighs, and looked up at her once more. "We will be here for quite a while..." her tongue darted out, licking the slick folds in front of her face, her large hands gripping the maids thigh.
Y/N jolted slightly, she hasn't felt something so...good in years, since being picked as maiden of dimitrescu castle. She felt like she was in heaven..she whimpered and squirmed, her hips moving slightly. Wanting for and more of Alcinas tongue against her..inside her...anything at this point.
Alcina's tongue glides, skilled and experienced..obviously..but then, she pulled back right when Y/N was about to have the most intense release.
Y/N whimpered as Alcina pulled away "w-what? What are you doing...i was so close...did I do something wrong!?" She said, her voice shaky from the pleasure.
Alcina then chuckled. "No no, dear ...no worries..i just don't want to waste this...moment..just using my boring old tongue..." she got up, walking over to her wardrobe. Opening it and rummaging through it, then pulling out a strap.
Y/N waited patiently, staring at the ceiling...still squirming needing the release to feel relaxed once and for all. Alcina walked back, a smirk on her crimson painted lips, and slipping the strap-on, into her hips, fitting snug. She then positioned between Y/N's legs, and spoke in a husky, yet hypnotizing tone, "I won't be so gentle...so don't expect me to be that way..." the dildo pressed against Y/N's already leaking entrance, slowly slipping inside..
Y/N whimpered, feeling the large dildo enter her. She gripped the sheets beneath her, her breath quickening. Alcina thrusted the dildo in and out of Y/N, her moves swift and rough. Each thrusts impact sending tingles in Y/N's core, she felt her orgasm nearing close, her body tensing and the touch thrust.
"my lady- im- I'm about to...cu-" she trailed off into a moan, she cried out as her orgasm hit her like a hard tidal wave..alcinas thrusts now slowed a bit, letting Y/N release.. "there you go now...cum for me..." She watched as Y/N whimpered and squirmed, her walls clamping down the the dildo..feeling like she just let off a bunch of weight from her shoulders.."w-wow....I need...I need more... please mommy..." Alcina stopped, chuckling at the name 'mommy' coming out from her mouth. "Mommy?...hmm...I think I'd rather mommy than mistress and lady...and don't worry....I'll give you so much more later...though you must calm down for now..." Alcina pulled the dildo out
And took of the strap, discarding it aside on the floor. Taking Y/N into her arms, and holding the girl close to her chest..pulling the covers over them both. Her large hand rubbing the girls bare back, the skin soft and smooth..
"rest now, you'll need it for tomorrow's..'session'" Alcina chuckled, and so did Y/N..who snuggled against Alcinas chest..*
"I...i love you, my lady..." Y/N whispered out.. Alcina kissed the top of Y/N's head, and whispered softly to her, "..I love you too, my dear...and never forget I said that."
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gamerbearmira · 6 months
More resident Evil stuff!
Antonio 1000% tries to follow Mirable everywhere she goes! And as much as Mirable would love to bring him to the meeting she doesn't want to expose him to Miranda anymore than she has too she's the most protective of Antonio because of his age(it also helps that his adorable and is the sweetest little boy ever) he does follow her everywhere in the house and if she's taking a trip to the village or the orphanage he joins her 9 times out of 10. The only time his not allowed to follow her is when shes going down to her lab in the house or when she's going to a religious service in town.
Of course I have Bruno! in my universe a little bit after Mirabel went missing he came out of the walls to try and help find her he helped with the search and after 4 months when they called off the search because it was clear she wasn't in the area he kept trying to have visions but he just kept seeing the black mold and he couldn't make sense of it. He did keep the original vision hidden in fact before he came back he snuck into his old room and found it and completely destroyed his old vision so no one would know(he was still scared of Alma's reaction.) he also refused to tell what was in the old vision that made him leave.
Mirable tries to keep her family away from the religious aspect of the village she's uncomfortable with the fact that she's worshiped and the whole cult that is the village. Of course the family does find out and they're all very uncomfortable with the idea of Mirable being worshiped and the fact that they are viewed as higher beings by the townsfolk because of the relationship they have with Mirable.
Miranda isn't always punishing Mirable, in fact Maribel out of all of the Lords gets the least amount of punishments the difference is that Mirabel's punishments in comparison to the other Lords are much more severe because more is expected out of her. Miranda actually often tries to force weird little dinners/lunches or tea parties onto Mirabel as well as getting her the odd gift of needles,instruments,paints/art supplies and oddly enough toys still, she views mirabel as younger than she is. Mirable gives the toys to the orphanage and then later Antonio after cleaning them (they sat in a bucket of disinfected for days almost a week then were scrub down).
I haven't actually thought about where Miranda made Mirable experiment on each family member and how that would physically affect them. All I know is that they wouldn't have too many mutations because the miracle protects them from it but in return for that their powers act pretty wonky like sometimes they'll work sometimes they won't and it's kind of up in the air when they do and when they don't. I think she might have made Mirable experiment on dolores's ears and maybe her mother's hands but everyone else I'm not entirely sure. I would actually like your opinion on that matter I do like the idea of Antonio and his eye.
Alcina has invited Mirable and her entire family to the castle for visits, let's just say it was very tense the first time that they actually did go to visit. The sisters were glaring at all of the family the entire time and being pretty passive aggressive/borderline threatening with the family and kinda possessive of Mirable. Alcina was being nicer in comparison she was also glaring though but not at the entire family just at Julieta she was being less passive aggressive but still passive aggressive but she wasn't being borderline threatening and was acting less possessive of Mirabel then the girls were though that was because she was restraining herself. They all were of course constantly calling the men in the family "man things" though they were a little bit nicer than they would have normally been and said that "they didn't seem to be as pest like most men".
Glad Antonio follows Mirabel around, and it’s understandable why she wouldn’t bring him to meetings. Even for how much he begs, she still says no. She’s just not willing to take that risk 😭 also Mirabel keeping her family away from all that worshipping stuff is. So true because Miranda is CRAZY and honestly the service are probably really weird, knowing Resident Evil 😭
ALSO BRUNOOOOO LETS GOOOO 🌚🌚 him coming back to look for her, nice to see he cares so much <333 I feel bad that he couldn’t find her with the vision, I mean yeah, it was hinting her location, but like. He don’t know what the black mold is or where it is 🤠 the fact that he tried though is what counts.
Even if Miranda doesn’t punish her. If THAT is tamed, I feel bad and wonder what the others go through (besides what’s seen in the of game). Her viewing Mirabel as younger than she really is terrible like dawg she is??? 15. 16. Wrap it up 💀💀 but at least the gifts go to some use (after some through cleaning). And Alcina and her daughters need to take it down a notch 🌚 I understand that they are attached to her, but I feel like they haven’t realized they haven’t noticed that Mirabel prefers her family, even if she still does like them to some extent. Rip to the guys of the family 🧌 though I always found it funny with Lady D and her daughters called Ethan "man-thing". Idk why 💀
AS FOR THE EXPERIMENTS UHHHHH. Ok I'll try but feel free to switch it up, these are just suggestions/ideas <333
Ok so obviously Antonio was on his eye. Originally it was his mouth, but the black mold spread to his eye, rendering it essentially useless. Camilo, it really didn't affect him appearance wise, but by far, his gift is ALL out of wack, the worst of the family. He cannot control it, and if he tries to use it, he just?? Turns into something not very pleasant to look at. Kinda painful for him as well; the only thing I'd say he could turn into, ironically, is a Lycan, anything human will just. Look like a balck mold vicitim 👺 Dolores' ears kinda always have this ringing sound, and while she can still hear pretty far, it's just overall not a pleasant experience.
Isabela, quite literally, has vines wrapping around her. Like they are digging into her skin, and she can adjust them and they can move, but they never go away. Luisa's isn't as bad, but the nerves in her arm were taken over by the black mold, and she's kinda in constant pain, so she doesn't use her gift nearly as often; in her arms, you can see where the black mold took over her nerves 😭😭
Julieta's hands were experimented on; told by Miranda to Mirabel to do specifically. She wanted to fugure out if her gift could be taken, and if it could be used to revive people. Well, Julieta had a really BAD reaction to the mold, really bad, and her hands started to burn. They, on a day to day basis, will spontaneously combust at any given point, except when she's asleep. Her hands always look burned, and no matter how much of her own food she eats, it never really goes away. Pepa has a constant cloud, even when she's happy. It's not always thundering, so she never knows when lightning will strike; 9 times out 10, it'll strike her, so she has a lot of lightning scars, and the black mold prevents her from dying; her hair has started to turn white. Bruno's eyes were experimented on, and now he's kinda in this perpetual state of seeing the future (and sometimes the past??? Maybe). His eyes are always glowing and he gets bad migraines. His vision is actually hindered a bit and everything he sees has a green hue around it 🗿
Miranda didn't care too much about the husbands because they didn't have a gift, but you know. Agustín got punished because he was yelling and trying to argue with Miranda; he was experimented on, but it didn't really effect him appearance wise. Felíx actually had some reaction to the mold, but mentally it made him really jumpy, and he's just not as happy as he used to be, though he does try to be optimistic, and is still just as protective.
Alma, I'm actually not sure??? Miranda probably doesn't like her very much, Alma is always picking fights, verbally anyway, and Alma will often be caught just glaring at her. She was experimented on but. Idk, maybe on Miranda and Mirabel know how it truly affected her, physically. Unless you or someone else has an idea LMAOOO
I LOVE THIS AU AND I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL❗❗❗🙏🙏 probably gonna do art of whatever the next ask is (if you have one)
Also. If you have any writing ideas I'd totally love to write a snippet or something <33
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amerrierworld · 1 year
Keep Me Close (pt 1?)
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Summary: You have resolved nearly all the problems in the village except one. And she’s unhappy with both you and Alcina.
Characters: Alcina x you, the Lords, the entire village!
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None (yet) but might have some NSFW soon. Some angsty stuff coming up. A bit AU/out of character, you might find it a little absurd but I just want them to have a happy ending okay ;-; 
Alcina couldn’t believe you had managed to convince her to throw such a massive party. Somehow, your attempts at making peace with the village and expanding her wine production to more than just humans had paid off. 
Everything was going wonderfully. Until Mother Miranda had shown up. 
The ballroom had been lavishly decorated with candles and drapery. Each of the Lords had shown up dressed to the nines with a little entourage, and Alcina let you handpick staff and villagers to invite that you knew and trusted; friends, acquaintances, you named it, and they were there. 
Karl had accused Alcina of becoming soft with a human at her side. Alcina had smiled and blew a plume of cigarette smoke in his face, neither agreeing nor denying him. 
The truth was, she was much happier this way. You brought joy and delight to the castle. With the weather steadily warming at this time of year, you had even taken it upon yourself to take the daughters outside to blow off steam when they were restless and begging to kill some poor soul at work in the kitchens. 
At one point, they had managed to adopt a young Vârcolac wandering through the woods. You had no idea how, but the beastly canine was now their personal pet, as obedient as a lapdog and as murderous as the lycans. 
Sure, maiming and death still occurred occasionally, but hey, you weren’t a miracle-worker. Trespassers were still killed on sight, traitors and disobedience were awarded with limb-chopping or decapitation depending on the Lady’s mood, but you were quite proud to say that the Castle was much more welcoming, and more importantly, clean. 
You had revitalized Castle Dimitrescu, and had rejuvenated some of the humanity in the Dimitrescu family itself. Gosh, what an accomplishment. Though it didn’t happen overnight. There was enough blood spillage, shouting, skillful avoidance and trickery to last you a lifetime. But after all that, and after a wonderful new deal with the Duke to provide top-quality livestock for fresh blood and meat in the Castle, you felt you deserved a nice celebration. The farmers had agreed to tend to the Castle’s new livestock in exchange for peace. There was enough to feed everyone what they needed, and in return their families and friends were protected. Now, eating human was an occasional delicacy for Alcina and her daughters, and Alcina felt she enjoyed that a lot more than barbaric slaughter and tearing limbs without care. It felt like a luxury and a treat, though a little twisted.
The night you had convinced Alcina of your ways was when Dani, restless and out for blood, had held you with her blade at your throat, screaming obscenities and demanding her mother let her cut your throat so that you would stop meddling in their affairs. She called you a whore for sleeping with Alcina yet going behind their backs to change their way of life. Alcina nearly let her daughter kill you, thinking what’s one more? when three of the maids had burst from the kitchens and cellars, yanking Dani off of you. One lost a hand, another lost her head. Alcina stared in wonder as the women crowded you and declared they’d protect you, because none had shown such care to them in all their time at the Castle, despite being allowed to live. 
It had made Alcina long for love and loyalty again. Ruling with fear only got your so far, and she questioned if her morals were worth thinking about again. And what’s worse, you didn’t want the power over the staff that you had given yourself. You simply wanted things to be quiet and peaceful and good.
And then on the next day, when you made amends with Dani despite her threatening to kill you again by offering a fresh dish of raw meat and blood, Alcina realized she had been falling in love with you all along. 
Now, Alcina watched you from her throne-like seat, leisurely laid back with a fresh cigarette and a newly fitted cream dress adorned with subtle crystals, reminiscent of her jazz performances when she’d be decked out in sequins and dazzling pearls. She had a fur boa draped over her arms, and exuded the power of a rich matriarch. 
Alcina had never seen the grand ballroom like this in all her years under Miranda’s service. As a younger woman before the Cadou, yes, there were many lavish feasts like this. But since the world took a dark turn in this small part of Romania, there had not been this much laughter in a room for decades.
You were swinging from one dancing partner to another. The Duke had provided a lovely band to perform and you took every opportunity to dance with their music. Your shoes were tucked by Alcina’s seat after you complained about your toes hurting. Alcina had smiled and slipped them off for you, kissed your hand, and sent you on your way to the dance floor. You were dancing with the baker now, who had learned to make blood-infused bread specifically for the Castle, and mastered new pastry skills for your sweet tooth alone.
“Oh Mother, this feast is hard to resist,” Daniela groaned pathetically by her mother’s side, pushing her raw lamb around on her plate. “I remember a time when all these people would have been appetizers, dinner, dessert, and then some!”
“Calm now, Dani,” Alcina scolded lightly. “You’ve been doing so well. What is it now, four weeks?”
“Almost five,” she pouted. “Can’t I have a cheat day?”
“If you do, Y/N might be cross with you.”
“Not even one of the mean ones?” 
Alcina scanned the crowd. Everyone was in good spirits and seemingly well-behaved. There was one guest however, that Alcina didn’t like. He was too much of a flirt and far too cocky for his own good. He had tried to charm you on the way in, much to your dismay and to the amusement and jealousy of Alcina. He was properly drunk, hanging by one of the tables with another glass in hand, and not even trying to hide the fact that he was eyeing a few of the maids passing by with plates and glasses, who seemed most uncomfortable. 
“Hmmm,” Alcina thoughtfully blew out a smoke ring. “Maybe that one. But don’t make a scene, Dani. And don’t make it obvious.”
Daniela giggled devilishly and poofed away in a herd of flies.
“Must you encourage her so, Mother?” Bela sighed from her seat at the table. Out of the three, she had been the most strong-willed, coming up with new enticing ways to eat raw meat and blood to keep their appetite up. Daniela, however, always had more of a taste for the hunt than the actual meal at the end, and that was even harder to resist. 
“We both know a cranky Daniela is much worse than a satisfied one,” Alcina hummed, sipping her glass of wine. 
“Perhaps she just needs a lover,” Cassandra interjected. “That should leave her satisfied enough.”
“And who do you suggest is mad enough to put up with our sister?” Bela scoffed, chucking a piece of veggie at Cassie’s face. She burst into a cloud of flies to avoid the impact, and the meagre carrot rolled around under the table. It was just for decoration anyway. 
The Lords each had a seat amongst the Dimitrescus. Donna had Angie perched on her lap, who was tittering away with nonsense and annoyance. The most intriguing guest was a curious masked individual that had come in quietly next to Donna. They appeared genderless, though being clothed in robes of deep, dark blue, and not speaking a word made it hard to decipher what kind of person Donna brought in by her side. Still, Alcina was pleased to see her sister had finally found a partner of some sorts. 
Karl had brought another monstrosity of an experiment that was much more behaved than the last one. It resembled something between a large dog and a small horse, and made no noise. You had made sure the half-mechanical creature was well looked after. Freshly oiled, and freshly fed. 
Sal, poor, lonely Sal, seemed much more in his spirits than usual. You had convinced him to take ownership of his own life, and find something to do besides pining over Miranda’s affections. With your care and attention, you had discovered how much of a romantic Salvatore Moreau actually was. He needed things to romanticize his life. So, to add onto your list of crazy, silly ideas, you helped him find a skincare routine, gifted him a modified typewriter that he could use with ease, and a pile of water-friendly toys to splash around with. 
Alcina had been flabbergasted at the sight of a happy, laughing Sal emerging from his water-filled home. He told them how he had finished another one of his short stories, and the exercise of chasing weights at the bottom of his lake had made him much more content. You had laughed and clapped excitedly for him. 
“I don’t know how you do it,” Alcina sighed that evening as you crawled into bed with her. “You have more positive hope in your pinky than I do in my whole body. What on earth possessed you to give Sal a moisturizer?”
“Hey, those waters aren’t the best for your skin you know,” you tutted. “Sometimes a little self-care goes a long way. Turns our a lot of his moping has to do with those sores and humps -- they’re apparently very painful. Aren't you glad he’s not whining for Miranda and begging for someone to love him now?”
Needless to say, they all loved you. And they were all thriving because of you.
That is why no one has told Miranda about you.
Alcina knew Miranda would find out about the party and that she had not been invited. She’d be in for a scolding of a lifetime, probably a bit of torture, but she knew she could handle Miranda on her own. That wouldn’t be the problem. This way, Miranda’s anger would only be pointed at her, and not you. Heaven forbid the priestess ever found out what hold you had over Alcina. You wouldn’t survive a second in her presence. She begged whatever gods or demons existed that Miranda would never find out about you.
Alcina felt another deep sense of dread fill her, and suddenly had the urge to drag your to her side and keep you close. Perhaps the party was too large. Perhaps not this many people should have come. Perhaps--
As if on cue, you appeared by her side. Face shining with a glowing layer of sweat from dancing, you took her cup of wine and took a deep swig -- the taste of blood no longer disgusted you. Alcina felt her worries melt away and smiled happily.
“Hello, darling,” she said softly, leaning down to greet you with a deep kiss. You giggled as she teasingly nipped at your bottom lip. “What happened to your dance with the baker?”
“Oh, he stubbed his toe. He needed to sit out for a second,” you pointed to where the baker was sitting at a table, who was rubbing his feet with a grimace on his face. 
Alcina chuckled deeply. “No one can keep up with you, can they?”
“Well, one person can,” you replied. “But she’s refusing to dance with me!” You tugged at the boa and she scooped you up to set you in her lap, back pressed against her chest as you surveyed the masses.
“Darling, I hardly have the grace of a dancer anymore. I would knock over at least five dancers in the process. You don’t want to dance with me.”
“What if they all sat down and it was just us?”
“Then I would mess up out of sheer panic,” Alcina grinned. “What if I stubbed your toes? Crushed them? I wouldn’t forgive myself.”
“Ugh, fine.” You turned your head up to look at her. “But you better make it up to me tonight.”
Alcina gave you a chaste kiss and then trailed her lips down your cheek to your neck, as a strong, possessive hand curled around your middle. “It’s a deal. You may live to regret that statement.”
“I doubt it,” you hummed softly, squirming as warmth filled your body at her lips caressing your skin. “Maybe we should just go to bed now.”
“And leave all the festivities?” She tutted. “Your guests will be disappointed.”
“Don’t act like you haven’t been thinking about it all night. You always do,” you huffed, your hand grasping Alcina’s. “I’ve been thinking about it too, you know.”
Her hand clutched you more tightly, and a low growl came from her throat just behind you. “Don’t tempt me, dear. I might strip you now and take you right here until you pass out. Wouldn’t that be a sight for them all?” 
The end of her sentence had dissolved into a low, hungry whisper. Possessive, demanding Alcina was always your favourite. You grinned, lifting her hand from your form and kissing along the knuckles. 
“Patience, my love. Before you know it, the night will be over.”
Suddenly, Daniela appeared in front of them, fresh blood dripping from her scythe and mouth, probably from the drunkard that Alcina had pointed out. You were about to scold her for going against her new diet, but her wide, panicked eyes caught both yours and Alcina’s attention first. The night was definitely over now.
“It’s Miranda,” Dani’s shaky voice was unmistakable. “She’s at the door.”
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genmaichafan · 8 months
Hey, could you write something in your RE Mafia au like how Miranda found and "hired" the Lords or how Alcina adopted her daughters ?
Story under the cut! Thank you for asking about my au :sob:
This kinda covers both but that was actuallly not the intention lol twin tier cakes.
Tw for guns, child death, violence, manipulation filicide
“How interesting. The lovers, major arcana. This is a big event, a major union is in the family’s future.”“How interesting. The lovers, major arcana. This is a big event, a major union is in the family’s future.”
Miranda flips the sixth card in the ten card spread, this card pertaining to the mostly inevitable close future. Miranda handling the card with delicate touch. Hands revealing it with the grace and slight of hand of a magician. Weaving a story of this poor fools' predatory desires.
“What type of union oracolo?”
Miranda draws another card from the top of her deck. The backs of which showed intricate imagery of crows and bones, the gold runes etched into the imagery here and there, the cards mostly donning black and white otherwise. They were Definitely custom, more than surely handmade by Miranda herself to increase the ‘connection’ between her and the cards.
”the Empress.” The man itching closer in his seat leaning forwards in attentive agony as Miranda voice trailed off, edging the moment for what it is worth.
”There will be a union in the family. I'm getting a message, yes, a pregnancy in the next six months will bind two people together.” Miranda looking at the utter sap, expression covering the weaving of threads she was orchestrating. Miranda could barely hold back a sharkish smile let alone stay grounded.
This reading was not accurate from the start, in fact the cards were planned months beforehand. Staged. Miranda had used swift sleight of hand to fudge the cards. The average person would call this taking advantage or manipulation, Miranda would call it telling her client what they wanted to hear.
Countless times Miranda has brought people closure. One of which was as young as her, ‘the poor thing’ she had thought at the time. How the girl's face had been burned and warped in her childhood, how she was not at fault and yet those nearest and dearest to her had to pay the price. The girl's father being one of them, nothing a little mediumship couldn’t salve.
Miranda gave her something she wanted and inreturn Donna was eating out of the palm of Miranda's cawthorne talons, Another silken string tangled to be collected.
Before Miranda could continue the reading something completely unexpectedly expected happened.
” Don- there’s some biz happening, we need you right now.”
the man, the don, cursed under his breath. leaving wordlessly.
Miranda felt pleased with how the pieces were played, becoming even more pleased as her admiried appeared from out the draped satin cloth.
”My beloved!” He said, taking his lips onto hers. feeling her slightly extended stomach which was obscured under the table.
”We are going to HAVE to tell my father sooner or later.” Giddiness adding a playful elongation to words.
“Soon frumos-“ pulling him close even though Miranda would actually prefer if he had never ever been touching her at all.
The Don never stood a chance. Never returning from trouble.
Marco becoming the new Don had little time to mourn the passing of his father. Giving the mare minimum respects when he was obligated to do so.
Although to Miranda this had been an unforeseen miracle. Hoisting her plans ahead months ahead of schedule.
Her partner seemily felt the same way. Marco impatiently rushed the wedding soon after, and if he had his way would be rushing their baby. When he wanted something he always got it ‘‘n quickly.’
Nature could not be stopped but humanity often tried. Miranda’s husband quickly sending her under the care of a midwife from France. A young virtuoso and black market “physician”.
Moreau was his name and though he was exceedingly smart; Miranda could feel him latch onto her like a neonatal kitten. Miranda could only attribute it to the fact she was the ONLY one that didn't treat him where he stood on the family's food chain. If she was asked to put that spot into words she would just say “grass.” Miranda just wished that her husband had not asked Moreau to do every old wives trick to speed up the process as much as he could.
anyhow the more twigs in her nest the better.
‘Speaking of twigs’ The woman whom she had helped, now to be revealed as Donna of the chemical and botanical branch of the ‘family’, was becoming closer and closer to her. Going on with the theme of cats Miranda would describe her as a neurotic tuxedo. Having to go through such an unfortunate path at a young age had caused her personality to fracture into two.
The white fur represents Donna: who was smart but introverted. Spending most of her time making new strains and variants of marijuana. Her garden was most precious to her.
The black fur on the other hand was a persona called Angie. Choosing the fewest words Miranda could Angie was “rabid, crass and unpredictable.”
Miranda otherwise easily wrapped Donna and Angie around her fingers.
Cioara was born a few months later. Having been a week earlier than expected was small and frail.
Unexpectedly something in her plan changed in that moment she first held her newborn daughter. She could not help but care for Cioara being aptly named Miranda’s crown jewel in coming years.
What Miranda didn’t expect is that Cioara was not the only newcomer.
Three daughters in the business and of the Family. Three daughters adopted from the previous owner of an establishment they had “liberated”. luckily all too young to remember or have even an inkling of what could've been. The youngest of which being neonatal as well. In order their names were as told from youngest to oldest: Daniela, Cassandra, and Bela.
Their adopted mother, who took them in as her own, first found them hiding in the safe room of their original house. Cassandra attempting to beat on Alcina with tiny fists. Bela left to hold their baby sister.
Quick lies and some treats tricked their attitude to change.
Now they stood smiling at the edge of the crib watching their soon to be cousin be mystified by their very presence. Daniela going as far as reaching out in Cioara's direction, almost to say as if “hey she’s like me!” Looking back and forth confused wonder.
Miranda and Alcina having something in common: Shared time together with or without the kids. Often over glasses of wine with Moreau being appointed official babysitter. Moreau did not complain because he was often treated like the big brother and in tandem a the eldest son of Miranda. (Marco often hated this).
Miranda and alcina were like butter and bread these years. Alcina becoming a confidant to Miranda’s growing boldness in her machinations. Even backing her up when some of the ‘family’ came to her instead of her husband. (Mostly in the form of card readings where the meaning of cards were just often made up).
Marco being “the biggest little man” (-Miranda) sensed something wrong in his corner of his pond. The ripples of power Miranda was wading was finally stirring the attentiveness he lacked in the previous years.
confronting his own wife for treason they landed the first of many arguments that would lead to his fall. Using “YOUR daughter” (- Don Marco ) as a shield from the inevitable.
This had been an unexpected problem. Miranda had not expecting to care for her daughter more than a foot into the mafia's door.
Years passed and while Miranda did not grow in power she did gain loyalty in the ones that were already under her foot. Miranda having a finger in each of the other branches of the ‘family’ with one exception being the automotive.
time passed and each fight escalated with the next.
Marco became more and more agitated with even his own loyalists. the biggest warning being the closest companion, the right hand of the don, daring to speak to him in a way that made Marco feel littler than he ever did before.
”where your fucking respect!”
”You don't got anymore little man!” The white haired man bellowed, in sneerful laughter.
”Heisenberg you WILL listen to me.”
”like i gotta! You need me more than I need you!”
This was the drop in Marco’s bucket. He grabbed Heisenberg by the collar, throwing him aside causing Heisenberg to continue hysterics louder.
Then Marco did something. Something vile and rancid. Deranged thoughts scattering him rationality. He only thought she needs to die.
He was going to commit a grand act of filicide.
“Surely that would break her spirit.”
“Put her in her place.”
”I can take away anything from anyone.”
” I am this ‘families’ ‘father’, I am the Don.”
miranda remembers this part all too well. A day that still haunts her.
knowing something was wrong even before tragedy struck.
how she could hear Cioaras cries getting louder and louder.
The yelling, the screaming, the pleading.
They met each other halfway; Miranda meeting the setting sun, and Don Marco walking out of the evening darkness with their daughter in one hand and a gun in the other.
”abscond your power la Lupa Strega, you’ve played your fiddles and spells long enough.”
Miranda did not know what to do for the first time in her life. Nearly forgetting the knife she held on her at all times.
”Mamica!! Help i don't understand what I did wrong!” Cioara could only sob occasional begging ‘tati’.
”lets trade places ok fiica!- Please Marco!” Taking a thoughtless step forward. Marco only pointed the gun to the girls head.
”PLEASE MARCO” he considered her offer.
”come here Strega. Guess you do have a heart.” Not taking in the irony he spat.
Quickly swapping places Miranda loses herself to the adrenaline. making a quick maneuver: one Marco taught her when he still thought she was the love of his life. twisting his arm agonizingly in one hand and pulling out her knife with the other, she quickly spearing him through the heart.
He drops to the floor. Knife still embedded in his chest. Wheezing.
Cioara desperately scuttling to her mother they spend their final moment together
As with Marco spending the last of his life to make one final shot did what he set out to do.
Miranda hobbled to the only person who could save her; now that both the Don and the Heir is gone. Miranda needed his support. The one man that was smart enough to listen to her in a sea of old blood. Heisenberg.
If she could get him, She would finally had a finger in all the branches or the organization.
All the other blood who didn't agree could suck on her for all she cared. They’ll all come back groveling or in body bags either way it was all the same to her now.
she opened the door to the office.
”wow you look like shit!” He puffed on the cigar boisterously.
Miranda's soulless eyes bared into the reflection behind him. she saw herself, the reflection of a broken woman: darkness on the other side taking hold of the sky. Fluorescent lights making it hard to see what was out there and showing what was in instead. Miranda could not recognize the woman in front of her; she was covered in blood looking freyed, frail and powerless.
Heisenburg took another puff. Giving Miranda her sweet time.
”i need you- to join me.”
”why should i do that”
fury bringing back some of what got her here in the first place.
“because this place is coming down with me. The organization needs me. The family needs- a father- a mother, someone. Or the power vacuum will kill us all.”
”why should i care” tickled by her words and conviction.
“Because they wont just accept you- you’ll have to fight but.. theyll take me.“
she paused. she needed to sweeten the deal knowing him.
”and if i were to die ill justly hand the throne to you. Only then are you guaranteed a place as Don.”
Heidengurg handed Miranda his phone. It didnt have a lock, only containing a few contacts.
And heisenberg himself.
Miranda knew what she had to do next.
It has been years after the “purge”
old blood replaced with the young.
More powerful than when even Marcos' father owned the organization.
Miranda takes out her tarot deck and begins to shuffle. Her question comes to mind.
its been a while since she's done a real reading for anyone, let alone herself. Almost forgetting that the cards are for more than tricking others.
Miranda begins to shuffle fingers swiftly letting cards go between her hands and repeating till she feels it is ready.
“What will the future bring”
a card jumps out of the deck.
Imagery of people falling out of their long slender house, a long fall ahead of them, the ground beneath said house crumbling away. Fire and lightning. Disaster.
“all thing that aren’t built on solid ground are bound to fall”
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thabigradwolf · 2 years
Guess what kids its smut time!!! Wrote it drunk so like forgive me but like…may it feed your thirst.
Alcina always saw herself as THE apex predator wherever she went. Between her dealings with Miranda and personal matters she always made the tough choices and did it with brutal efficiency. No one was the wiser on the toll it takes on Alcina. No one but Donna. Donna knew her beloved quite well and knew just how to take care of the ferocious woman’s needs. Sex.
The soft blankets of Donna’s bed always felt amazing against Alcina’s skin. She loved the drag of the soft material against against her legs and thighs. Alcina traced her fingers in the plush fabric to leave what she loved to think of as claw marks in the heavy fleece. If she was honest with herself Donna’s bed was her favorite place to be.
Donna had been called a “simp” by Karl multiple times because of the way Donna prepared everything for Alcina. Always making sure she had the softest bed for her love to rest on. Going out of way to make sure she was well fed with home-cooked meals. Donna didn’t start trying to take care of anything really besides her art and her rabbit Angie until she was aware of her feelings. Alcina was noticed this and really appreciated the effort.
Alcina rolled her shoulders and stretched. She pushed her heavy hips into the bed and settled comfortably. Here came the part the Romanian sucked at. The wait for Donna to get ready. Once Alcina’s clothes were off she just wanted to be railed within an inch of her life. Donna however was meticulous. She would take the time to heat up the toys and warm the lube. The wait was always worth it but what took about 10min of time felt like a lifetime.
Alcina softly grumbled “I ….just wanna cum.” She buried her face into her arms. She could feel the heat roll across her face as she thought of those texts she has been teased with all day. For a normally quite woman Donna was able to “spit game”. Alcina closed her eyes and let out of soft huff think about the interactions earlier.
With a flip of the switch the room went dark. Donna’s voice cut the silence.
“Thanks for waiting Alci.”
Instinctively Alcina raised her pelvis so Donna could slide in.
“What took you so long my love?” Alcina felt Donna’s cold hands on her hips and soft belly. Alcina tenderly traced her large hands against Donna’s forearms. She felt her nipples harden and fluttering deep in her belly. “It’s hard to be that patient for you…”
Alcina spread her legs for the smaller woman. She gently tugged on Donna to pull her close to her core. Donna followed the lead instinctually. She leaned in an kissed Alcina’s soft tummy pooch. It’s was Donna’s little secret that she loved that soft belly. It was evidence that Alcina wasn’t working herself to death and actually eating a proper meal.
Alcina settled her lower back into the bed and softly inhaled. “I’m ready, I have waited long enough I think.”
Donna laughed “shouldn’t I warm you up a bit?” Donna was full of shit. She knew Alcina too well, they had been sexting all day and it was a miracle Donna hadn’t been jumped by the horny woman sooner.
While Alcina knew Donna was joking she felt a bit frantic “you know dear…you could stop fucking with me and actually just…fuck me.” Donna laughed she loved seeing Alcina like this. Without another word between the two Donna obliged and placed the heavy head in Alcina’s entrance and slowly pushed in.
Alcina lifted her legs and spread her toes “Oh god yes…” Donna began to pump the tip of the large toy inside of her love. Alcina is and has always been a size queen. This toy was the latest in their arsenal. Alcina had spent weeks training for the stretch but couldn’t get that “knot” in at the base of the toy. She wanted to challenge but so far this was the one that had her beat.
Donna pushed a warmed load of sticky lube to help Alcina with her latest conquest. Also holy fuck hearing that loud husky moan. Alcina moaned “Oooh fuck…” beads of sweat began to pill up on both of their brows. Alcina began work the toy deeper with gentle rhythmic bucks. “Donna I need to angle” Alcina said nothing more and move the smaller woman with her powerful thighs. Donna smirked “that needy?” Donna slowly leaned into Alcina and to illicit louder moaning.
Alcina and Donna found a perfect rhythm that both could maintain. The sloppy wet noises of Alcinas drenched pussy, the panting between the pair only made Alcina more receptive. Alcina found herself pushed against the knot of the toy. Her lips stroked the fat bulge.
Alcina breathily address Donna “ my love, leave this part to me. I need to mount at my own pace. Just suck on my nipples to help me” without a word Donna gladly did as she was told and began to suckle Alcina. Donna grabbed Alcina’s wrists and pushed her into the bed to keep her leverage.
Alcina lifted her heels to the ceiling. All of this was so much. The feeling of the cool fabric of Alcina’s sweaty skin. Donna’s soft lips and playful tongue teasing Alcina’s hard nipples and the heavy stretch of the toy pushing at the heart of her core. Alcina began to bear down on the knot and then it happened.
She felt a delicious pop deep inside of her. The knot was in and she had never felt fuller. Alcina let out a loud moan. “OH FUCK…” Alcina began to grind against Donna. Alcina croaked “please kiss me…” naturally Donna was happy to oblige. In that moment of closeness Alcina grabbed Donna’s ass and began to set the pace for the grind.
Alcina dug her fingers into Donna’s shoulders and cried out “DONNA!! DONNAA!! IM…” Alcina buried her face into Donna’s neck as the waves of Alcinas orgasm crashed over her. She wrapped her thick thighs around the smaller woman’s waist. Frustration was beginning to mount Alcina couldn’t stop milking the toy. Donna wasn’t helping either because with each tender stoke to comfort her the more aroused she became.
Alcina panted “fuck…I need a moment.” When Alcina lowered her legs her insides we once again teased by the toy. “Donna…I need a moment.”
“I’m okay but for the love of god don’t move. I need a moment”
“But are you???” Donna was worried now.
“I’m fine. I just feel boneless and stupid. I need a moment” Alcina’s breathing evened out and she was finally able to lower her legs slowly.
“Ready for me to pull ou”
Alcina cut her off immediately “please don’t…I’m afraid I’ll cum again and right now I just…” Alcina loved how she felt in that moment but it was a lot to try and process. Donna slowly rested on top of Alcina and began to tenderly kiss her neck. “Take all the time you need. I’m just happy to be here with you”
Alcina tilted her knees towards Donna’s back. Gently petting Donna brought Alcina back to how much she loves being in Donna’s bed. Donna got it and really understood Alcina. This was the only place where Alcina could be the maiden and still feel respected. Even as she was covered in lube, sweat and cum she felt sexy and honestly loved. Even if she was stuck with this over stimulating knotted toy it was impossible to not get light headed think about how well Donna treated her.
Alcina wanted this moment between the two to last forever. In a emotional haze of thinking about what led this vulnerability Alcina blurted out “I want more.” Donna was delighted at the prospects of round two.
“I promise the next one will be stronger than the first.” Donna chuckled “you may have to be stuck with me on top of you for a while”
Alcina could feel that deep fluttering in her belly. She placed the back of her arm over her eyes. “I’ll deal…I just need more of you.” Blush pinked Alcina’s cheeks as she firmly dug her heels into the mattress. Figuring out how to pull out was a problem for future Alcina and Donna.
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saintlyguy · 2 years
Some House Dimitrescu ideas to ponder. Feel free to make these into fanfics:
Higher Education: Your college life hit off much better than you could have anticipated: a beeline to the most prestigious higher education in all of Europe despite it only being less than a year old and there being no source of how it is funded: Dimitrescu University; immediately making friends with a trio of sisters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela; then finding out they are the daughters of the DROP DEAD GORGEOUS founder and headmistress Alcina Dimitrescu who has been just SO nice to you (you even got her a bday present which made her adore you even more). Now you are sitting before the towering pouting Alcina after you sent several insufferable cunts to the local hospital. “You have disappointed me.” Tears starting to form in your eyes. “Why would you ruin your status and jeopardize your scholarship for a brawl?!” You let out a tiny sob which made her grab your face. “Don’t you start crying! ANSWER ME!”……. “They were running your name through the mud. Saying your family and university were a sham. That you made your name and reputation through crime. I couldn’t stand their lies. You and your family deserve more…” Alcina’s heart dropped as she released your face. Your tears staining her hands. Not only did she make her favorite pupil cry, but she is once more reminded of the dark secrets she must hide from you and the world in order to keep her family and school safe.
Hallmark: Daniela Dimitrescu leaves her cushiony life as the youngest daughter to small town Mayor Alcina Dimitrescu to start her own writing career and make her mark on the world. She quickly finds that her dark themed stories full of sexy monsters and her erratic personality prevent her from getting anywhere near becoming mainstream as few people are cultured enough to embrace monster fucking and a little blood in the bedroom while no publisher will employee her out of fear. The holidays are coming soon so Daniela decides to head on back to her small town to be with her family. On the train home she is bunking with you, an artist dressed in a jolly colored sweater while smelling of gingerbread and hot cocoa. Her aesthetic and tastes may contrast with yours but she finds you oh so adorable. She talks to you when she notices you sketching a dark lady with a hood and sickle that somewhat resembles her (SHE IS FLATTERED). Daniela then discovers your art specializes in monsters since you find them to be beautiful despite how most media portrays them. Oh she hit the jackpot. Daniela then asks if you would be interested in drawing the cover for her Holiday-Slasher-Romcom novel. And perhaps offer you a place at her mother’s estate if you haven’t already gotten a place to stay. A business proposition, bed and board, and a lovely new friend? How could you say no to this Christmas miracle? Daniela arrives at the station with you by her side, the sight makes her awaiting family smirk in excitement. Has the mayor’s youngest daughter finally found a special someone just in time for mistletoe kisses and fireplace cuddling?! Cue the meddling wing-sisters Bela and Cassandra while Mommy Alcina sets out to test if you are a worthy present for Daniela!
I’m gonna break your Neko Neko Kneecaps: Becoming the beloved of Alcina Dimitrescu gifts you a life of luxury and a new family. Daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela can’t get over fawning over their mother’s new pet. They’ve grown accustomed to calling you “Mommy’s kitten” due to how attached you are to your partner and how she spoils you rotten. Alcina subconsciously accepts this and even starts treating you like a cat. Giving you scritches and even collaring you with a bell. One thing Alcina forgot is that you are troublemaker. Like a cat. If Alcina is going to treat you like a cat, then maybe you should act like a cat :3 As Alcina goes to give you tummy rubs while you lay on her bed, you then spring your trap and grab her hand so you can bite it and kick it a bit. While Alcina works, you take a nap on her lap and force her to remain in still unless she wants to incur your sass. You beg for her attention while she goes about her day and when she finally has time to give it, you go about your business. The daughter cackle everytime they hear mother having to scold you: “No! Don’t climb me! You’ll dirty my dress!” “ Why would you eat that?! You know it upsets your tummy!” “Don’t you bite me you little goblin!” “Sweetie! Please come back to Mummy! I didn’t mean to step on you!” Despite how much of a cat you can be, you always find your way to Alcina’s bed so the two of you can drift off while cuddling.
Kiss! Kiss! Fall in Love!: Cassandra Dimitrescu is the middle child often outshined by her sisters. Big sis Bela is mother’s favorite who’s oh so perfect in everything while her younger sis Daniela is the straight-A bookworm with a killer personality. The only thing that really sticks out about her is the fact that she is one of the three daughters of Principal Alcina Dimitrescu who runs and funds Raccoon City’s Umbrella Boarding School. Her family loves her and does their best to help her make her own mark, but Cassandra has yet to find anything to inspire her to strive. Her mediocrity of browsing her phone, B level grades, and whatever fad her family suggests ends the day she bumps into you. Not only did you help her pick up her stuff, you even walked to class with her and began conversation (which makes Mommy Alcina grin as the two of you passed in front of her). You even SAT NEXT TO HER. Cassandra made a friend! Eventually you begin spending time outside of class beyond studying and explored each other’s interests thoroughly. She even found many more interests through you: if you were a gamer, then Cassandra would be your player 2 in Team Fortress 2; if you liked music, then she would ask her mother to teach her piano; if you liked anime, then she would be your senpai. Eventually she’ll take you home to meet her mother and sisters who are already itching to call you their new sibling and child!
Let Me Solo Her: Countless tarnished, chosen ones, dragonborns, and whatevers have tried to conquer the vampire titan Alcina. Her daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela enjoy the slaughter each time and even clean up their mother’s mess by eating up the remains of whatever poor excuse of a fighter tried to best their mother that day. Then came you: a dual wielding warrior proudly adorned with… a pot and loin cloth. All the daughters were cackling. “I bet this sod gets no maidens!” “You’re supposed to git gud! NOT GET WORSE!” “Is that a chamber pot?!” Pay no attention to them, they know not of the blasphemy they spout. “Let me solo her.” What? The daughters all looked at each other. “Let. Me. Solo. Her.” Usually mother’s prey come in groups or at least pairs. No one has ever faught mother alone. Let alone almost naked! They let you pass, expecting your pot and loin cloth to be slapped off your body. It has been 30 minutes (the longest anyone has lasted against Alcina) and you are dodging every swipe of her claws and every slash of her sword.
Payday: The Birds of Pay have had a most profitable year ever since they made their nest in Raccoon City. Infamous to authorities yet praised by the public, this heist crew had a streak of scores exposing the most corrupt officials while still taking a little something for themselves like a couple of duffle bags full of gold, cash, jewelry, or artifacts. This famous team consists of a family of the Mother Goose Alcina, the Canary Bela, the Crow Cassandra, and the Cardinal Daniela. No one has ever seen the beautiful figure of Alcina, but her daughters have been caught in the corner of security footage sporting sleek suits and bird masks matching their codenames and leaving a rose adorned with bird feathers in place of whatever they swiped that night. The family was about to complete their most dangerous heist: stealing a bioweapon from Umbrella scientist, Dr. Wesker. Something called the “T-virus.” After navigating the craziest security system the sisters ever encountered, they find in place of the virus cannister your calling card. Their prize gone and your trail fading away, the sisters scrambled to find you while mother searches every camera she can hack into. There you were, walking nonchalantly with the prize hidden somewhere on you. The daughters were focused on intercepting you, while the mother pondered whether she had found a new addition to her flock.
Work Spouse: Bela Dimitrescu has plowed her way to the top of Umbrella Corp becoming its Vice President. The only other employee worthy of a personal parking space and an office overlooking the city is you: the unofficial official work spouse of Bela. While Bela was hired through her family’s repuation as entrepreneurs who made their name with Dimitrescu wine, you started at the bottom as an intern. Your rise to power intrigued Bela so she had her mother and frequent investor for Umbrella Corp Alcina make it so you are always working on the same floor as her. Not only did your projects earn the gaze of the office queen, but so did your methods. While Bela is strictly by the book, your work is gracefully unconventional yet confined within professional standards. Who knew becoming a shareholder in snacks was better than expanding Umbrella’s science division into military biowarfare? No T-Virus here! Just the latest in Umbrella Confections: in partner with Dimitrescu Vineyards, behold “Preferata Pisicii!” Wine you can drink with your cat! It quickly became a favorite of her catmom sister Cassandra. After your promotion to assistant Vice President, everything you did was for, under supervision, or alongside Bela. Your combined synergy made you two the ideal leaders for the toughest of projects. The way you bounced ideas off one another and rarely disagreed made Bela you were not only the perfect co-worker, but the perfect partner. Daniela often teased that if Bela doesn’t ask you out, then she will!
Sirens: The Dimitrescu family are the most feared women on the Seven Seas. The Siren Queen Alcina uses her enamouring voice to bend people and the ocean to her desires. Her daughters Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela swim across the seas then walk among us in order to spread rumors of Island Dimitrescu with promises of treasures, women, or whatever mortals desire. They were surprised at the amount of people who sailed to their home when they announced there was a sale on RTX 3090Ti graphics cards. Any ship sailing near or towards Island Dimitrescu will be sunk or marooned while the survivors are hunted or taken back to Castle Dimitrescu where the sirens bask in their wealth and maidens. One day the Dimitrescus decide to get some food delivered to their doorstep. The ship you were on was near the island so naturally they decide they’re gonna eat you. Alcina commands the waves to push you towards her island while her daughters seduce the crew to steer towards them. Your ship is actually fighting the waves to go the other way. “YOU DARE IGNORE THE CALL OF DIMITRESCU!?” You have now brought upon the wrath of Alcina Dimitrescu! Curious, the daughters swim to you in order to study how their song was rejected. They found you singing and shaking miracas while leading the ship’s passengers in a congo line. You were one of the few musicians who knew how to survive sirens: play a better song. Which is pretty easy since most sirens just sing out a few notes instead of compositions of vocals and instruments. You made a business of traveling with ships as a countermeasure to sirens….. All. Of. The. Dimitrescus. Were. Pissed.
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tu-sugar-mami · 3 years
Warnings and uh tags?: reader death, unsolicited angst. Don't read honestly, it's crappy, im feeling angsty today don't read, this doesn't make sense at all but meh bc i always hurry i have no patience. Happy ending if course but still
Alcina can't understand it.
You're just another maiden of the bunch. Why are her eyes tearing up?
You're nothing more than a simple servant, as disposable as any other, just a toy kept around for her amusement only. Sure, she might have gotten a liking to you, an uncommon fixation but nothing else. So why? Why is her stomach churning with worry and why is her her mouth dry at the sight of your limp body trapped under the fallen bookshelf? Why are her eyes watering and her heart beating uncontrollably when she can't hear yours even if she's straining her ears.
When she heard the thunderous roar of something clashing to the ground she was ready to lecture you, wasting no time in climbing up the stairs with hurried steps in search of you, but her feet stopped abruptly at the sight that greeted her: Half of your body buried under the heavy wood, books littered all around you and blood spilling out of your mouth.
It takes a moment before she spins into action, pushing the bookshelf away and kneeling beside you. She doesn't know what to do, she's afraid of touching you and risk hurting you even more but she can't bring herself to call for help.
She's angry at you, at herself. At you because why did you have to be so reckless? You're fragile, human, mortal, and yet you're stubborn in doing things your way. At herself because she should have known better than to leave you alone.
With gloved fingers on your neck she checks for a pulse. You can't be de— No, she won't finish that thought, she won't accept it. There isn't a pulse but she is not letting you go.
Careful to control her strength Alcina picks you up, cradling you in her arms and close to her chest. You've always been soft and squishy, great for cuddles and hugs, but the way you feel in her hands as she carry you downstairs is way too wrong, like a pouch of glass marbles. Your face is pale and your limbs sway like those of a rag doll. At this point even Donna's dolls and puppets seem more alive than you do.
Alcina orders a carriage to the first maid that crosses her way. Her cracking voice harsh to the maid's ears while she scurries to bide the order she's given.
The daughters somehow hear the fuss and go to investigate. They find their mother trying to hold back tears, though unsuccessfully, since some of her makeup is already smudged.
"Don't." Is all she say when one of the girls try to touch you. They're worried at the dull, lifeless tone in her voice, but they obey nonetheless.
Alcina doesn't know why she's acting like this. She doesn't know why suddenly you're worthy of her wasting precious time to try and save you.
She remembers how you had never been afraid of anything, not even when you were sold to her by your parents. She wonders if you are afraid of never waking up again.
During the whole journey to Moreau's —the only one that appears in her mind when it comes to someone able to help— she never lets go of your frame, cradling your pale cheek in her hand, her thumb caressing your now cold skin.
Why is her heart hammering in her chest? Why does she feel like grieving the loss of something precious? Why is she suddenly overwhelmed by all these emotions? It doesn't make sense, not at all.
Moreau is curious as to why Lady Dimitrescu's carriage is pulling up at his door, and at such hour at that. He's not expecting a teary Alcina carrying a young maiden in her arms, ordering him to save you, and when he states what she already knows she begs for everything that is holy that he still try because you can't leave her, not like this.
Alcina didn't know how important you had become to her until she realized your smile was gone, until she realized you were not going to sit on her lap and giggle when she corrected historical events on modern textbooks again. It hit her like a bucket of cold water that you were not going indulge in playful banters whenever she's stressed again, and of course you would not braid Bela's hair while retelling stories of old books by the fireplace anymore.
It hit her that you were, in fact, not just another one of the bunch, no.
But it hit her even harder that she was the only one at fault for this.
She had been the one to send you away with a wave of her hand, annoyed. "If you want to be useful go and do something, but don't stand there like a nuisance." She had said. She was bitter. She had heard you talking with another maid, a friend of yours, about how you wanted to leave and explore the world and everything it had to offer. She thought you weren't happy with her and that hurt her, so she did what she always did when hurt: hide behind a cold mask.
She hadn't meant for you to go to the library. She hadn't meant for you to die. And now she was praying to every god she knew to get you back.
The only option left when Moreau can't wake you is to go with the only other person capable of beating death. Miranda.
And so Alcina does, and by a miracle mother Miranda agrees to try, but her motives as always are twisted. You do wake up, but you're not you anymore. A soulless beast has replaced the sweet, flirty maiden that was before. Alcina thinks she can handle it as long as you're back with her, but she's proven wrong when you get out of control.
No one admits it, but they pity her.
No one was to say it, but it's clear they have to put you down, out of your misery.
Alcina pulls out her claws and with a single tear rolling down her left cheek, she strikes...
...Alcina wakes up with pained yell. She's drenched in cold sweat. Her heart is beating a mile per hour. She touches her face and feels her cheeks sticky, wet with tears.
At her side you wake up too, startled, looking your surroundings for a sense of orientation. Next to you is your beautiful wife, sitting, crying her eyes out, covering her mouth with a hand in an attempt to quiet her whimpers. The grasp of sleep abandon you in a blink and in a second your arms are surrounding her.
"My love, it's okay. You're okay, it was a dream, everything is alright." You say while swaying side to side trying to calm her down. You cup her face, kissing her tears away while caressing her tear stained cheek.
"You died... I killed you." She whispers desperately. You shush her and hold her close to you.
"That will never happen. It was just a nightmare." You say. After a kiss is properly placed on her forehead you manage to lay side by side, and even though Alcina is much bigger than you she's hiding her face on the crook of your neck.
She won't say a word, but you know she won be able to sleep again. In the darkness and quiet of the large room your voice starts to sing a sweet, soothing lullaby while you fingers tangle in your lover's hair and start to play with it. "I love you, Alcina." You say out loud when you feel Alcina's heartbeat lower to a tranquil pace and you're sure she's drifting back to her slumber. "I'll be here for you, always."
If you love my work, buy me a coffee?
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Cassandra x Maiden----Anonymity
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Three months, two days and seven hours.
That is how long you’ve been in Dimitrescu castle for. If rumor is to be believed, you are well on your way to setting the year’s record for longest living maid. Well. ‘Maid’, according to their perception. Your mind always automatically corrects it to something more fitting:
You did not choose to work for them. You did not choose to be in this godforsaken place, cleaning crimson stains off the floors, trying to convince yourself the wailing that sometimes reaches your ears is simply the wind. You never would have imagined your life’s end like this, serving wine –no, who are you kidding, it’s too crimson for that— to the Dimitrescus at dinner until one of them snaps and drives the nearest blade into your throat.
Probably Daniela.
It’s not unheard of. And stories of other maids’ murders are plenty.
Daniela has bitten one’s throat off for the crime of addressing her wrongly. Cassandra has left increasingly deep gashes, some of which resulted in deaths, for random offenses, like staring at her for too long. Bela, arguably the more merciful of the three, has snapped necks only when the staff disrespected her sisters’ names, or her mother’s.
You aren’t sure if you want to thank the older maids for this information or yell at them for the nightmares it has caused you. You are lucky to not be in the village, they say –everyone there must already be dead. You are even luckier to have been taken from the dungeon by the Lady herself. It means the daughters don’t know you and the castle is big enough that they may never spare you a glance.
You hadn’t believed it, at first.
Yet in the three months of your stay, you have never come across anyone other than Bela in the sections you were assigned to clean and polish. She passed you by the hallway like she did the decorations and the furniture –and you couldn’t be happier about it. You have caught scarce glimpses of Alcina Dimitrescu, too. Never the other two residents.
Not until the fateful day another maid disappears and the staff’s assigned posts change. You have no say in it and no power to object.
May as well keep my head down and continue to work as carefully as I have. That is the idea. Not to look too much, or think too much, or feel too much. Avoid mistakes because those in the castle are fatal.  
It is a little difficult to remain utterly calm when the sound of swarming insects comes from far behind you, though.
Your blood starts to kick in your veins. Your heart wants to jump out of your chest and make a run for it. You lock your muscles down and summon all the willpower you possess to stay focused on your task.
Please be Bela, please, please, be Bela—
The buzzing dies down. Steps approach you in the otherwise silent hallway. They are too light to be Bela’s. You’re probably screwed, you think, but you keep cleaning the surface in front of you until it’s practically a mirror with how it shines.
The steps halt too close to you for comfort. Out of the corner of your eye, you realize they’ve left bloody imprints on the floor you’ve been polishing for hours now. Dainty, pale fingers are wrapped loosely, almost lazily, around a sickle dripping crimson.    
“Never seen you around, before.” the sound of her voice makes you freeze.
You stop and turn— to face none other than Cassandra Dimitrescu. Her hood is down, brunette waves on point, the dried blood at her chin a terrible contrast to her otherwise attractive face. You… didn’t know she was that pretty, up close.
“I… I have been here for three months. On the opposite wing.” you say. Was I even supposed to reply? You’ll find out soon enough, if your tongue is still attached to your body.
Her eyes give you a quick once-over. “Bela’s been keeping you a secret, huh.” she tsks. Her free hand goes to the handle of the door next to you… and only then do you realize it must be her bedroom. You’re literally assigned to clean the wolf’s den. “Come wake me up when the sun has set, completely.” she emphasizes.
The crimson-dyed sickle moves until its blade rests underneath your chin, lifting it so your eyes meet hers. From this angle, under the pale lighting of dawn, they look more –stunning— blue than inhuman gold. “No loud sounds. No lights. Got it?”
How can you not, when your life depends on it?
“Yes, my lady.” you reply. You don’t even dare draw breath.
“Good.” In one swift movement, the sickle is gone, the handle turned and she’s already shedding her robe.
You catch a glimpse of a black corset and a narrow waist before you avert your eyes.
The door shuts.
Waking Cassandra up can be… tricky, the other maids tell you.
She detests light when she opens her eyes but she also doesn’t want it to be pitch black. You’re not supposed to talk but you can’t shake her, either. Which brings you to the very logical question:
“What the hell am I supposed to do, then?”
To which they have no answer.
They have no answer, you realize with a start… because there’s nobody alive to tell the tale of how to actually wake the brunette sleeping beauty up without simultaneously signing their own death sentence.
The hours pass both too slow and too fast. The sun sets over the horizon.
And you stand, riddled with nerves, outside Cassandra’s room.
A deep inhale later, you turn the handle. The door is left half-open so a bit of light comes in from the hallway. Her bedroom smells like shampoo, bath salts and spices. She must have taken a shower before she went to sleep. You approach the figure tucked under the silken sheets of the queen-sized bed…
Cassandra is lying on her side, one hand underneath her pillow, the other extended loosely towards the edge of the mattress. She probably sleeps naked, at least from the waist up, but thankfully the covers are wrapped around her chest. Their royal red color makes a stark contrast against the paleness of her skin.
Her face is so… serene.
She is a monster and a sadistic killer, yet right there you can’t deny she looks more like a renaissance painting.
Now onto the hard part.
“My lady… the sun has set.” you whisper, kneeled on the floor beside her. No movement comes. “Hey… I’m here to wake you up?” you try again. Still nothing. Shakily, you bring your hand up to the bed. Not daring to touch her, you leave it beside hers, over the covers. “Cassandra?”
She turns her face deeper into her pillow –no, no, you don’t think it’s cute, what’s wrong with you— but at least she’s finally reacting. You call her name one more time.
Her nose scrunches up a little. Long fingers flex –and they touch yours. She’s cold. A pair of blueish ambers blink open to regard you. Not with malice, or with annoyance.
“Good evening.” you speak, unsure of what else to say.
A smirk slowly curves her lips. She looks like a lazy cat pondering whether or not it’s worth it to pounce and that’s not good. It’s not good, not ‘hot’ like your mind suggests. God, you’ve been in this castle so long you are starting to get messed up.
“Mm, breakfast in bed.” she grins and licks her lower lip sexily. Your eyes fly wide open, but her hand is already gripping the front of your black shirt, trapping you there.
How could you ever find this psycho attractive?! you get mad at yourself. Is she hot now that she’s going to kill you?  
But Cassandra only lets out an airy laugh and releases you. You fall backwards on your behind. “Breathe, darling, I’m joking.” She rolls onto her back and seems to wince from it. Her smile vanishes.
“…does… your back hurt?” you ask when you finally find your voice again.
“Ugh, a Lycan landed a hit on me. He’s pieces now, of course, but my muscles still pull.” she says it casually, like it’s a thing that happens.
Silence falls over the room. You take it as your cue to leave. You stand and bow while she’s looking blankly at the ceiling—
But she stops you.
“Wait. Come here.” you don’t like it when she gets that tone, like she came up with something she cannot wait to try. You’re already close to the bed, you’re not sure what she means. Until she pats the spot right next to her. “Don’t make me say it again.”
You won’t. You know what’s good for you.
Hesitantly, you take a seat on the –admittedly very comfortable— mattress. “Yes, lady?”
“Give me a massage.” she says like it’s your job, like she’s the rich woman in a spa and it’s what’s expected. She turns onto her front, bearing her naked back to you and you have less than five seconds to come to terms with the thought of straddling her.
Carefully, you bring your knees on either side of her thighs and pull the sheets so they rest low at her waist. You feel warmer than you should given the temperature of the castle. If she knows the fine teasing line she’s walking, she is loving every inch of it.
Cassandra loves being the center of attention and she loves being pampered, you realize.
It’s probably amusing to her to make you fluster, but this is also an opportunity for you to get on her good graces. She is a dangerous one and it’ll be a great asset for your survival if she’s leaning favorably towards you. Win-win situation. You just have to be good at your job. Like always.
By some miracle of God, you do know how to work the tension out of muscles.
The first time you touch her, you simply rest your hands on her back to warm it. She doesn’t seem to object, from the way lean muscle stretches out under your fingers. Cassandra feels cool, but not hard like marble. Her skin yields under your touch, soft and smooth.
As you apply more pressure to your stokes, she starts to let out little sighs that you have to mute in your mind before they start to affect you. You’ve been high-strung and without sex for too long. Your body all too eagerly intercepts this death-trap as foreplay.
Minutes roll by.
You alternate between all the methods you know. The one that really seems to get her is when you drive your thumb into the knots and end with a little circle.
Cassandra is –God help you— openly moaning every time you press more. It is a bit too much pressure you’re applying though and you don’t know if you’re hurting her and she’s just into it.
“Is this too much…?” you ask. Fuck, why do you sound so breathless?
“No, it’s good.” she husks back.
“Harder?” You don’t know what innocent means, anymore.
Cassandra sends that little smirk again over her shoulder. “Harder.” she replies and the extra flair she puts into it is enough to nearly fry your brain. And other parts of you.
You’re pretty sure you need a cold shower by the time you leave her room.
At diner, you hang back in the shadows, gaze downcast.
You do not need to know what the Dimitrescu family is eating, nor what they’re drinking. You do not need to see Cassandra or risk catching Daniela’s gaze. You love your anonymity in the castle. It has kept you alive.
But it is shattered like frail glass when you bring another bottle of Sanguis Virginis to the table. You’ve almost retreated back to your place, when Daniela’s eyes zero in on you.
“She’s the human!” she exclaims like she’s made the world’s most startling discovery. Bela seems to understand, but the Lady and Cassandra frown over their glasses.
“I am almost afraid to ask, love.” Lady Alcina says…
And she’s right.
“The one who made Cassandra go ‘harder’ and ‘yes, yes!’ earlier this evening.” she impersonates in her sluttiest voice and then breaks into a fit of cackles. Bela’s lip twists into a withheld chuckle.
Lady Dimitrescu nearly chokes on her wine.
Cassandra slaps the back of Daniela’s head. “You’re such an idiot.”
“Girls.” Alcina warns and glares until the table calms again.
Then, her eyes curiously fall upon you.
So much for your anonymity.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
To bargain for immortality pt.1
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It's here fellas, the mutation sequel that I've mercilessly teased you with!
Content warnings: gore, torture, blood (like... lots), just a bunch of puking up blood, Miranda being her usual mad scientist self, torture in the name of science, Nicole be sick af (both literally and of crow mommy's bullshit), a little bit of blood drinking as a treat, medical procedures.
Tic toc tic toc
God that clock is so annoying.
Nicole wasn’t nervous. No. She chose this, at least for the most part. She had a long conversation with all her family, Alcina and Esteria both assuring her that it would work. It’s been years since the beginning of the experiments and by this point the process was almost perfected.
Miranda knew what she was doing.
That mattered little to her nerves though.
She instinctively pushed herself further into Cassandra’s side, who’s grip around her waist tightened ever so slightly.
The waiting was downright tortuous.
She, along with Cassandra and her two sisters were in her infirmary. The room mixed the ancient decor of the castle with modern medical equipment in a beautiful way. Not that anything less would be acceptable. Not that the familiarity of her workspace brought her any comfort either.
All their eyes snapped in the direction of the door when a heavy set of footsteps, with two lighter ones, were heard down the hallway outside. Soon the door opened with a barely audible creak and the two matriarchs entered, followed suit by Mother Miranda. Her presence alone was enough to make Nicole’s breath get lost somewhere in her throat, on its way to an exhale. The black wings, even partially folded as they were, did their job of making her look so much more intimidating than she was. Not that she needed them to begin with, a look from those icy gray eyes more than enough to send anyone to their knees.
Mother Miranda was, in all ways that mattered, a goddess.
A goddess that was about to infect her with the same thing that failed countless times in the past. The same thing that made the crawling mindless beasts used as guard dogs in the undergrounds. Or that made all the lycans.
Nicole gulped, a gesture gone thankfully unnoticed to anyone other than her painfully dry mouth.
But Miranda didn’t spare her a glance. She simply busied herself with some tools she had brought on one of the metal tables. With each clink the room seemed to close in on her slightly more, until Nicole felt as if she somehow ended up in one of Heisenberg's death traps. Spikes moving closer and closer until they would pierce her body and leave her in a messy pool of blood and entrails.
She shook her head and took a long inhale. No. This was going to work. She was not about to lose her family over a pesky thing such as mortality. She was not about to lose Cassandra. If getting infected by the Cadou was what it took to spend eternity with her lover then so be it. Possible side effects be damned.
Mother Miranda finally seemed to have finished, a now empty flask labeled Cadou sitting on the desk behind her while the parasite was writhing in her hand, thin whip-like tentacles extending frantically around itself. She called her over with a nod, and with a deep breath and a parting hand squeeze from Cassandra, Nicole forced her legs to take her across the room. Her steps didn't waver, she'd be damned if she'd show any hesitancy in front of this.
"Shall we begin."
It wasn't a question really, merely veiled impatience. Miranda did not like her, plain and simple. The fact that she was there to begin with was already a miracle. Miracle that wouldn't have happened were it not for the Ladies themselves asking for it.
"Yes of c-"
Before her words even had time to completely slip out of her mouth, golden talons plunged into the base of her sternum.
"Hopefully this can teach you that I don't like people going behind my back."
Nicole let out a choked gasp, hands instinctively wrapping around Miranda's arm, weakly grabbing at black robes. Ironically enough, those very talons were keeping her upright and, when they were removed from her flesh with a disgusting squelch of blood, Nicole curled in on herself, falling to her knees.
"Wha-... cking ki-... -er!"
Cassandra's voice reached her ears broken up, barely passing through the deafening ringing. Miranda also gave a reply and then seemed to address someone else but her much calmer tone meant that it only sounded like a vague mumble.
Not that Nicole particularly cared at the moment.
She curled into a ball, her hands almost clawing at her chest trying to find some sort of relief. It seemed as if vicious tendrils were making their way into every vein and muscle, tearing their way through any tissue they found. Her chest felt as if it had a hot iron pressed directly onto the skin, searing pain radiating in a cruel pulse matching her frantic heartbeat. By that point she was either sobbing or heaving, something that involved shallow breaths for sure. Her lungs were protesting fiercely, emptying of oxygen and then refusing to refill if not with great strain.
To make everything worse, the pain seemed to shift, now engulfing her spine and sending jolts that made her head spin and want to throw up despite her jaws being clenched shut so tightly that she was sure she'd start to taste copper soon.
She was only vaguely aware of hands shifting her body and soothing words that fell on deaf ears. She was now on a softer surface, but that did nothing to alleviate the assault on each of her senses. Probably she had thrown up at a certain point as her sinuses felt like being scraped by sandpaper with each shuddering breath. Her mouth too had a lingering taste of both bile and blood that made her stomach turn all over again. She would give anything for her body to finally shut down.
Why was she still awake and conscious god damn it. There was only so much her body was supposed to take before the brain shut down and she was reaching her limit of how much agony she could endure at a moment.
Please please please just pass out please.
She didn't though. Her body seemingly deciding to feel every single bit of the infection process, complete with the unending waves of pain and nausea that hit her more than she wanted to count. Any bit of sanity left in her would've probably disappeared had she tried.
It took two days for the agonizing pain to subside. Another two for Nicole to be able to form any kind of coherent sentence. Cassandra's soothing voice was of immense comfort, always there to tell her how well she was doing and how it would all be better soon.
God she hoped.
On the fifth day, her stomach still lurched at any movement too sudden. Her lungs seemed to fill with blood, courtesy of the still gaping wound at the bottom of her sternum, with any inhale too deep. The fact that she got used to the coppery taste rising up in her throat was disgusting in and of itself. At least there weren't jolts of pain shooting through every nerve and muscle in waves anymore though. That was something.
The fog in her brain was still clearing. It was hard to focus on anything, and each time Cassandra, or anyone else, asked her a question they would have to repeat it at least three times. It was beyond frustrating, the mind that got her through med school drunk half the time was failing the insurmountable task of saying whether or not she'd like some water. Glorious.
A faint knock on the door reached her ears. A redundant gesture really, as she didn't exactly have the clarity of mind to answer. Besides it was hard to catch her in a more compromising state than curled up in the fetal position, covered in sweat and most likely blood clots stuck to her lips.
Esteria came in, her one blue eye that wasn't covered looking at her with all the gentleness neither of her parents had ever offered her. Or it was just the cruel trick of a delirious brain. Either way, light barefoot steps took the Mistress to her bed. She sat in the chair adjacent to it and, with taloned fingers brushing strands of auburn hair out of Nicole's face, she spoke softly.
"How are you feeling today?"
Her voice was just as melodious as ever. It was the voice one imagines they would hear from an ancient being found deep in the forest. It made Nicole just a tad guilty when the only answer she could give was a pathetic whine.
Esteria simply hummed, talons running through the long messy locks of hair sprawled on the sheets.
"Would you like me to braid this for you dear?"
Nicole frowned. The Mistress was an expert at braiding, quick fingers able to make beautiful designs, both simple and complex. Comes with having floor length hair, her hazy mind guessed. On any normal day, Nicole would've accepted without a second thought. But now? Now she was painfully aware of the state she was currently in.
"It's filthy," she croaked, her voice raw and like stones in her mouth.
And it was. Her hair was waist length and right now it was slowly becoming a curse. It was greasy and sweaty thanks to barely being able to move a limb for nearly a week, which meant no showers. Not to mention how she lost count of the times she bent down to empty the contents of her stomach into a bucket, only to have some rebel locks fall in her face and get subsequently dirty. God she felt awful.
Esteria didn't seem to care too much though, as she simply helped Nicole shift slightly and talons started to work at some pesky mats. In no time, her hair was in a comfortable braid that started relatively high, keeping the locks away from her nape which meant just a tad less overheating. Not to mention it kept it in place and away from her mouth that she didn't trust in the slightest right now.
"Thanks," she actually managed to not let her voice crack this time.
"Oh it's no problem. Also," there seemed to be an odd strain in her voice, "Mother Miranda is coming this evening. She said something about an examination."
Nicole couldn't help but openly wince and curl in on herself a little more at the mere mention of the woman. Her chest seemed to pulsate painfully at the memory of the golden talons embedded deep in her flesh. Right now she wanted those hands anywhere away from her.
"What time is it?"
Esteria looked at the clock placed somewhere on the wall behind them. "About twelve. Still got time."
How hard would it be to drag herself to the adjacent bathroom for a quick shower? The only way her situation could get worse was if none other than Mother Miranda came in to see her in that state. She took a deep breath that her lungs protested against and pushed herself onto her elbows. At Esteria's skeptical expression she tried to sound less horrible than she felt.
"I need a shower."
Esteria pursed her lips. "Sorry dear but I don't believe for one second that you can stand for more than a minute. I'll ask a maid to draw you a bath."
Nicole only nodded weakly and let herself fall back into the cushion.
It took far longer than Nicole would ever admit to get herself fully clean. Her muscles were sore and protesting at every pass of the soapy sponge. Her hair was a whole other battle and she had to bite down on her pride and ask the maid positioned outside her door for help. It was a tortuous fifteen minutes until the poor girl managed to detangle the long locks enough to be shampooed and washed.
After she was content with the level of cleanliness of her body and the maid was dismissed, she stood there preparing herself to get out of the basin. In the meantime she looked down at the wound at the bottom of her sternum. Maybe wound wasn't the right word. It looked more like a gray and black scar with vein-like tendrils spreading across pale skin. It looked downright gruesome. Miranda really did not try to do a clean job in the slightest. Didn't even think to use anesthesia, like she had with most other experiments, according to Alcina.
She sighed and finally pushed herself out of the water with shaky arms.
By the time Mother Miranda arrived she was feeling slightly better. Why she came personally was still a mystery to Nicole. Maybe some sick sense of satisfaction in seeing her in pain.
Either way, by the time their so-called goddess came into the infirmary and told Nicole to lay down on one of the tables, she managed to shuffle her way over without her body protesting too much. Cassandra also quietly made her way on the opposite side of Miranda, gaining herself a glare.
"Must you hover over her like that?" Miranda's tone was as even as ever, but her eyes betrayed annoyance.
"Does it hinder you?"
Cassandra was not an idiot, the growl she wanted to add into her question was instead replaced by a tone not too dissimilar to Miranda's own, who simply tugged her lips into a grimace.
"Very well."
At first they went through a normal examination. Pupil dilation, reflexes, all things a normal doctor would do. Then Miranda told her to unbutton her blouse so she could take a look at the infection scar.
Nicole couldn't help flinching when thankfully gloved fingers would poke and prod at the sensitive flesh there. Her cold digits felt like hot coals were spread on her chest and nails dragged uselessly on the metal underneath her body for some sort of distraction.
Mother Miranda decided to get a tissue sample and that's when Nicole decided that maybe she would rather spend eternity as a ghost. She squeezed her eyes shut when a scalpel was brought to the overly sensitive skin. It took her back to when she would do autopsies, years ago. Tissue samples were always an integral part of her work. How ironic that she found herself on the other side of things.
It's fine.
She winced when the blade cut into flesh and sent a jolt of pain through her chest. Nicole couldn't help but think of the long days she spent agonizing while her chest felt like it was burning her alive and hoping that it wouldn't repeat. A sigh of pure relief slipped past her lips when whatever fake deity there was besides this woman, listened to her and the sensation died out quickly. She dared to open her eyes, only to see Mother Miranda frowning down at the small vial in hand.
It was quickly given to an assistant and she unceremoniously grabbed Nicole's wrist, dragging the blade across the length of her forearm.
Nicole gasped at the sudden sharp pain, and even Cassandra dropped a few choice words in romanian due to the surprise. No. No no no. What the hell-
Any questions, or less dignified reaction, died in everyone's throats as they watched the skin stitch itself back together. The repairing muscles gave a tingling sensation but soon the only proof that a cut had been there were thin trails of blood.
Mother Miranda chuckled and wrote down something in the notebook she brought with her. "Accelerated healing. That can be of use."
Nicole couldn't help but throw a glance at Alcina, who was sitting in one of the many chairs with Esteria by her side. Her expression was unreadable, a mix of conflicting emotions flashing in her eyes like rapid lightning. She would've tried to decipher their matriarch's probable thoughts were it not for the smell that was starting to assault her senses.
"Ugh what's that…blood… "
Coherent sentences were still not something her brain wanted to do apparently, but judging by how her nose scrunched up in a grimace, Cassandra got the gist of what she meant.
"Um… your arm," she pointed to the still fresh blood slowly dripping from her skin.
Right. Dumbass.
"Or damaged sinuses. Should go away soon," Miranda added from where she was noting something down and giving instructions to her assistant.
Also fair.
She sighed and tried to ignore it. Her sinuses still felt like sandpaper all the way to the back of her throat. Every time she swallowed, it felt like needles scraping the inside of her neck down to her stomach.
Thankfully, Mother Miranda did not linger for much longer. She wrapped up any samples and was out of the room soon after with her assistant in tow. Then, Nicole could finally go back to laying down in bed and feeling miserable.
And miserable she felt. Her body seemed to have decided to rewire itself into its new mutation. It didn't have any effect on her physical appearance, but the insides seemed to want to liquefy only to be mended back together. It was another week of basically living with a bucket in her lap and throwing up blood clots that seemed to invade her lungs and organs. How she didn't straight up asphyxiate was a mystery that she didn't think she wanted solved.
And to top it off, she was starting to think that humidity from some leaky pipe somewhere in the castle was causing a slight mold problem. Almost everywhere she went, there was this faint moldy scent lingering in the air and it was mixing horribly with the coppery feeling inside her still offended throat and sinuses. Nobody seemed bothered by it though, so maybe it was simply a side effect of the infection that was yet to go away. It wasn’t nicknamed the Mold for nothing, after all.
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a-lesbian-tm · 3 years
A Wound Time Could Not Heal (p.1): Rumination
Hello! I’m back! A warning I have not played Resident Evil, this entire story is AU. I have also posted this on my ao3 (Line__Segment) if you see it there. Enjoy!
Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Mother Miranda x (Daughter)Reader
Romania had always been dreary in the winter, that had been one of the few constants throughout all of the ages Miranda had lived through. When she was a child she barely noticed the cold season come and go, preferring to spend time with her mother in the depths of their estate where the shadows whispered promises of power in her ear. 
Her mother was an eccentric character till her very last breath. She liked to wear long black dresses and keep her hair close to her head. Over the years had taken to wearing a pair of deep brown leather gloves that fit tight to her fingers and flared as they passed her elbows. She had developed a deep fascination with science as a child, exploring its realms in detail. Going so far to marry a man of science.
But it was a marriage of convenience, at least for Miranda’s mother. He was easy to lure into her clutches, she was a beautiful woman after all, and he had little money so he scrambled to take the chance to marry such a wealthy woman. Their marriage lasted a whole five years. Once she found out she was pregnant with Miranda, well, her husband was not around for much longer. 
With an heir in place Miranda’s mother began to fully immerse herself into her work studying local environments and organisms. When the moon was high she would slip deep into the woods that surrounded her estate and would come back with plants that seemed to ooze and reek of an 8th sin. 
Once Miranda had grown into a young woman she would accompany her mother on these trips. Sometimes her mother seemed to slip in and out of the deep darkness that engulfed the forest, sometimes she too would slip into that dark. They would go nearly every night and the weather never was what stopped them, no, the weather would not be a focal of Miranda’s life until she was much older. 
When Miranda’s mother died, Miranda was hardly 25. She inherited the entire estate, its businesses and all of her mother’s work. There was sadness in those immediate days after her mother passed but in time Miranda looked onward to the future with a child-like giddiness for the research she was to do. 
It was hard work, lonely without her mother, but no less rewarding the miracles, as she liked to see them, astounded her. The secret to immortality had been growing on her property the entire time. Oh to see her mother’s face.
Time went by as it had before, winter came and went, the summer came, the harvest came, it all just came and went. But Miranda’s 34th birthday offered a new type of promise. She had grown close to one of the ground’s keepers. A handsome man, tall with his beard trimmed neatly around his face. His eyes were a lovely brown that matched his hair. It was a passionate affair, with little exchange between the two than heavy breathing and kisses.
At first Miranda had thought the sickness was a side effect from taking the Caduo, but neither she nor her land assistant (killed shortly after she was infected by her own hand) had recorded any such side effect. She tried every possible concoction to cure her ailment but nothing worked. So when her birthday came around that year and her period was nearly three weeks late, it left her with one last reasonable diagnosis, she was pregnant. 
It was only joy when she came to the conclusion, till she went to find her lover. It was his one day off, Sunday, he was a devout Catholic after all. He had gone home the night before to his little dwelling not far from Miranda’s estate, she had walked in a state of utter bliss. Bursting down the door her face fell, and hardened. There he was with his wife and children. 
Her pregnancy went smoothly, and she noted everything, Miranda was after the first pregnant infected test subject. Sometimes in the night she would return to the woods in the places she and her mother would travel, and feel her mother’s spirit. Miranda figured the babe must be a girl, she figured she had no problem with the idea of spoiling her either.
A girl indeed. She was born on a clear night, the moon high and brilliant. Crying and red as a tomato Miranda swore she never saw anything more wonderful. When her body had healed enough for her to walk and move without help she descended into the dungeons. Miranda found that the ground’s keeper was ugly when he cried. As a result he died quickly, and his wife was given work through the estate as compensation. 
Miranda’s little girl loved the sun, loved running with her voice ringing through the air. When winter came Miranda made sure to fill the castle with fake flowers and greenery to keep her daughter surrounded by the natural world's beauty. As she grew that love of nature continued, so Miranda built her daughter her own greenhouse, with plenty of places to take tea and grow exotic flowers. 
That was early 1400’s though, Miranda had not had the heart to even look further than the moss covered roof of the greenhouse since… since. 
Miranda heaved a low sigh and dialed the number she knew by heart, her call was answered in two rings.
“Divine Mother how may I serve you?”
“Alcina, how are you and the girls?”
“We have all been well, the man you sent over to fix the heating solved our problem perfectly”
“Wonderful, wonderful. I have a task for you…”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Could you do a one shot of Beneviento (or a headcannon) something fluffy.
Or Lady D?
You can choose! Thanks!😘
I haven't had any requests for Beneviento yet so I'll write for my underrated Lord Donna 😌
- You had always been terrified of dolls
- Growing up, you used to cover your dolls with a blanket before going to sleep so you wouldn’t feel their eyes on you, sending chills down your spine
- It’s an actual miracle you’re able to live in the Beneviento residence
- Surrounded by dolls every waking and sleeping hour was never what you envisioned for your future
- Hell, you couldn’t even fathom the ide of one doll within your proximity, let alone thousands at every corner you turn, down every hallway
- But, then again, never did you think you’d stay in Romania either, especially in this God forsaken village
- Love drives people to do crazy things, now you know that from experience
- You had known Donna for quite some time before you first stepped foot in her residence
- In fact, the reason why that visit was so long overdue was because she was aware of your phobia of dolls
- When she brought up the idea of showing you around her mansion of a house, you were quite reluctant but didn’t refuse
- After some time of thinking about it, you agreed but asked for some more time to mentally prepare
- Donna was nothing but patient and comforting, helping you throughout the whole process of preparing yourself for the ultimate triggering of your phobia
- When the day came, Donna refused to let go of your hand, something you were more than grateful for
- “I’d say they can’t and won’t hurt you, but I know I won’t help you that way”
- “Thank you anyway” you said, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze and a tight-lipped smile
- One step inside and she could feel your quickened pulse
- “It’s gonna be ok, Y/N. I promise”
- You sighed, “Ok, I believe you“
- And aren’t you glad you did
- Now you’ve become significantly more comfortable with the dolls around
- Angie is still a bit hard to get to used having around but it’s not that she scares you or makes you uncomfortable or anything
- She’s just too full of energy and always has things to say, questions to ask...
- And you just so happen to be her biggest infatuation
- Seeing as how the only contact she’s had with a person was with Donna (and the other Lords that don’t tolerate her much) you were super interesting to her
- She was kinda offended that you were so distant and fearful of her in the beginning, often going to Donna to complain that all she wanted was to be friends with you
- However, when she saw how close you and Donna were, she couldn’t help but get protective and ask you twice as many questions
- Needless to say, if you wanted to be with Donna you needed to get on Angie’s good side (and the good side of all the dolls honestly)
- Angie grew to trust you rather quickly and loves talking to you all the time if she can
- Donna has to usher her out of the room to have some alone time with you
- As much as you like Angie’s company, you’re also easily exhausted by her so having Donna step in and provide you with some rest time with her is super appreciated
- Speaking of alone time with Donna, you both enjoy it to the max
- Neither of you are super affectionate and neither of you likes PDA some things are simply essential
- Such as:
- HAIR BRAIDING (or playing with each other’s hair in general)
- Tea parties and sewing together is also a nice bonding experience for the two of you
- The latter has also been a way of you uncovering a talent you didn’t think you had - sewing.
- With this discovery, Donna has been encouraging your career as a designer yourself not just as her helper
- You’ve done some small outfits for her dolls (a beautiful dress for Angie, of course)
- But the biggest project you’ve worked on is a dress for Alcina
- Needless to say that dress earned you her friendship as well
- God forbid the rest of the Lords dare make fun of you or say something in poor taste, Donna, Angie and Alcina will be there to put him in his place
- Heisenberg still has a scar from where Angie stabbed him over calling you a pathetic human
- Funny how you never thought you’d find this place home and now you wouldn’t want to leave even if someone was chasing you out
- Guess it’s not the place that’s a home, but the person you share it with
- Romania isn’t your home, nor is this village
- Donna is
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chaos-caffeinated · 3 years
Miracle of a Chance (Alcina Dimitrescu fanfic)
Characters: Alcina Dimtrescu, Bela Dimitrescu, Cassandra Dimitrescu, Daniela Dimitrescu, and Ezekiel Dimitrescu (oc)
Relationship(s): Alcina Dimitrescu and Ezekiel Dimitrescu, Alcina/reader,
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu has a passionate hatred for men, until a baby boy has been introduced in the family. Does she reject him completely to Mother Miranda, or does a maid have a few tricks up her sleeve to keep the child for herself?
The wind had rushed faster and colder, making the baby that was bundled up in stiff arms cry harder for someone to take him somewhere warmer than this, begging for his mother to calm him down, but the blood trickling down his face was not sufficed. His stressed cries continued until a wooden door opened and a hesitant maiden walked out as you were confused.
"A baby?...Ingrid, come here please, there's a baby." You whispered.
Two intruders had breached on the Castle of Dimitrescu and all maidens were ordered to stay in the kitchenette or else they would die (either by the intruders or herself, but it was both bad). That was an hour ago, and it was dead silent for a couple of minutes. Many of the maids were terrified to make a single sound, waiting for the lady herself to make an announcement to get back to work, but nothing occurred yet. No one made the comment if something had occurred to her, no one would ever make that assumption.
That was until a faint cried was heard and many stiffened. Did the lady capture the intruders, was she in the process of finishing them off?
One brave maiden stepped forward, getting closer to the door until another grabbed your hand to avoid a potential incident, "(Y/N) what are you doing?" a harsh whisper came from Breve, a maiden that was too terrified to get in contact with the lady, much less with the intruders, "You'll get us killed- can't you see that it's a scheme to get you out to attack us?"
You didn't say anything because you were trying to decipher the sound, "No, that's not a human adult, Breve...That doesn't sound like them at all..." You opened the door and pushed it.
You were right, as you stepped closer to the lump of bloodied bodies on the snow, almost covered by it until she gasped, "Breve, bring some towels and blankets, hurry!" You exclaimed and rushed to the crying baby, trying not to slip.
You were confused, horrified by the grotesque view of a baby being wrapped by a body, but not knowing who it was who held them. Your best guess was the mother, but now you took the bundle into your hands and placed your hand on their cheek, noticing the freezing temperature they were at. You rushed back inside, and you huddled the maidens together, to their surprise it was a baby.
"Why would the intruders have a baby?"
"Did Lady Dimitrescu secretly have a baby the intruders stole?"
"How careless of them to bring this child."
"Everyone be quiet and help me warm this child!" You nearly shouted at them as you and Breve changed the towels to notice the child's external area, "It's a boy..." You whispered, sadness and pity laced in there. They knew what was to come for any male who set foot in the castle, and they lamented the boy who hadn't had the chance to live his own life.
"The baby was doomed from the start when his parents brought him here.."
"What if...what if we dressed him up as a girl?" one of them suggested, "And convince Lady Dimitrescu that he is one of our children?"
One of them scoffed, "You want to deceive THE lady of the castle? That's a sure way to the cellar." She argued.
As the maidens talked among themselves, the maiden that held the baby walked closer to the stove that would surely make him warm up, "Whatever the case may be, child, right now you deserve some warmth." You lightly brushed the small amounts of dark hair to the side, caressing his brown skin, "If you are indeed....taken far too early, at least right now you are living to the fullest." You pulled him to you chest, one hand placed on the side of his face, hugging him.
In the next hour, the lady opened the door to the kitchen unannounced, and bent at her waist slightly to enter the room, "Maidens, the castle is now safe. Return to your duties." Her eyes emotionlessly scanned as the maidens returned, most walking out of the kitchen to their previous task. When she bent and stepped out to head over to her chambers, she was called out, "Lady Dimitrescu..."
She turned halfway, glancing down to see one of her dedicated maids holding...
"...a baby?" She asked, waiting for the information she was going to receive.
"In the duration of the intrusion, there was a baby crying and I found them cradled in their parent's cold embrace...it would be immoral of me to attempt raising a child without your acknowledgment, so I would like to give you the child myself."
Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she glanced at the sleeping baby, their lips moving slightly, the baby was still alive to her surprise, "Were these the intruders I killed earlier?" She questioned, "After I have informed every maiden to stay in the kitchen?" Her eyes rose over to see the anxiety that appeared on the maiden's expression.
"I'm sorry my lady, but as...as a mother of a child myself...I couldn't ignore a baby needing their mother."
Lady Dimitrescu was quiet for a bit as that silently hit a chord with her, and her attention went back to the child, "What's it's sex?" She questioned.
The maiden gulped softly, hesitantly responding before Lady Dimitrescu spoke again with a heavier tone, "What is it's gender?"
"Male...my lady."
Her eyebrows furrowed as her expression switched into an angered one, "Male?! You dare bring a male inside MY castle?!" She raised her voice at the maiden, scolding at you, ready to attack if even more provoked.
"He is a child, my lady...abandoned by his parents-" you tried to explained.
"It still doesn't excuse that he is a male!"
"Give him a chance, please my lady, I would give my life to give him a chance." You pleaded, your voice trembling with fear.
"My dear..." She leaned slightly forward, her hand on her hip, "He was given three chances to live already, why should he get another when I prefer my maidens over this male child?" She lowly snarled at you, warning you for the next words that would come out of your mouth.
The maiden's eyes widen slightly in shock at how correct she was, "And it's because of these chances he keeps getting that...he deserves to live...in the castle, taught by the lady herself...avoiding...the terrible things savage men do."
The sound that erupted from the lady made the maiden flinch as she watched laugh in a mocking way, "Avoiding terrible things savage men do under my care? My dear, you've been here long enough to know that all men are the same. That man-thing you have in your arms will be a 'savage man'." She explained as she pointed at the child for a bit.
The maiden was silent for a bit, and you looked down at the baby, "I'm sorry I couldn't succeed." She whispered at him, "But I gave you everything you needed in these moments." She looked back at the lady, holding back her tears, "Should I place him on his parents outside, my lady?"
She reached her hand out, pursing her lips, opening her palm, "Just hand him to me, I'll hand him over to Mother Miranda as I have no use for him."
Being a believer in Mother Miranda and her set beliefs, you believed he would be in good hands. You placed the baby in her hand and she carried him not too close to her, "Now, get to work."
"Thank you, Lady Dimitrescu." The maiden bowed slightly and went to her tasks.
Lady Dimitrescu walked up the stairs and took her path to her chambers. She didn't once look at the child.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
Random little OC Angel factoids/headcanons
Them and Alcina have tea at least once a week and just shit talk people for hours.
Topics of discussions include: Heisenberg being shithead, Mother Miranda being a bad parent, how Alcina “Doesn’t care for Daniela’s boyfriend”, and that one maid in the castle who always has something to bitch about/never shuts up (Surprisingly, this isn’t Max)
Alcina also talks about her wives. She likes telling Angel about the stupid stuff/funny little quirks Mia and Zoe do.
Although technically not true, now that they’re 45 Angel likes to joke about how they’re older than Alcina.
They asked about what happened to “the little blonde girl Miss Cassandra is so fond of” once because they stopped seeing Melony at work/around the castle in general.
Alcina didn’t know what to say beyond “She’s taking leave.” without elaboration.
Despite only being 5’3”, Angel could probably deadlift Cassandra. They’ve yet to actually test that theory, but they’ve done it to similarly sized maidens before.
When they first started becoming friends ,Alcina immediately was like “I don’t date maids anymore, so if that’s what you’re hoping for-”
Angel: “I like men, Lady Dimitrescu.”
Alcina: “..............W H Y?”
The scar across their eye if from a really stupid accident in their 20s where they were standing on a small pile of books stacked on a chair trying  to reach something. The books toppled over and they slammed their face off the corner of a counter. The fact they didn’t blind themselves is actually a miracle.
Nobody saw it happen, so they tell people a Lycan did it.
They’ve only met one other Lord.
It was Donna and Angie.
They do not care for Angie (or dolls in general), and did not appreciate being called “Angie 2” throughout the duration of that meeting.
The only other maid within the family they’ve spoken to is Max, and it was only because they were working within the same room.
Angel now understands why Alcina doesn’t like him because goddamn he’s a mess.
That said, they see the physical appeal.
Would probably think Heisenberg was hot if they actually met him
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An Unexpected Family: Headcanon Extravaganza!!
Alright, hoes, buckle in - I’ve got to continue building the world for this and I have been summoned by the masters of the ship so. . . Here’s my extravagant list of traits about this universe that you may or may not need to know. Long post under the cut!!
1. Alcina is the only child of Lord and Lady Dimitrescu, a prominent Romanian pureblood family who moved to Great Britain after the Lady was attacked and Turned by a vampire servant of a rival noble family. She’s considered half vampire in that she was partially infected by the venom - has heightened senses, sensitive to sunlight, and craves blood - but isn’t truly undead. A miracle baby in the highest sense. 
2. Alcina was a sickly child because her magic was constantly fighting the venom that had transferred to her from mama. Because of this, she didn’t make a whole lot of friends. Her father was a stern Pureblood man and finds it hard to connect with his only child, and once her mother turned, she was no longer in the picture. She’s monetarily Very Spoiled, and she and her Papa develop a stronger relationship as she gets older, but hers was a fairly lonely childhood despite her father’s best efforts.  
3. She grows up with a proper Pureblood education, educated by the greatest tutors money could possibly buy. Her Papa is an oddity in that he does not travel in very many social circles in Pureblood society, nor does he attempt to force her into an arranged marriage. Their wine is renowned in both magical and non-magical high-class circles, and grows even more famous once they move to Britain (though the winery remains in Romania). They’re a fairly new Pureblooded family, though. Cina catches flack from the other children (especially the girls) for it.
4. Alcina is particularly gifted with Charms and Potions due to her background. She struggles with Transfiguration a bit, but excels at DADA. She is beautiful and proud, but she’s not particularly good at making friends. Despite this, she is well-liked and fairly popular. That doesn’t stop the name calling and whispers from other kids though. She’s a bloodsucker, a vampire, a corpse-girl, a monster. It takes years for the trauma to begin healing. 
5. Alcina adores singing, and is classically trained as a soprano. She’s also a very adept painter and particularly adores portraits. No particular medium, although she finds acryllic easier but likes the challenge of oil painting. 
6. There is a bad magical accident her sixth year that causes Alcina to rapidly grow. They get her stopped at about nine feet, but she finally stops growing at about 9′6″. So not only does she have half-vampire stigma on her head now, but she’s pretty much impossible to miss. Lots of people mistake her for being half giant like Hagrid. It causes many problems. Pureblood society essentially shuns her. 
7. Alcina begins teaching at Hogwarts a decade after she graduates, specializing in Advanced Arithmancy and Magical Arts. She also leads the choir. The students immediately gravitate towards her despite her size because she is most excellent at treating them as individuals without favoritism. She’s also particularly gentle with them, always has a shoulder to lean on or a listening ear. Slytherin she may be, but these are children and she will treat them with respect or die trying. 
8. She adopts Bela from birth somewhat on accident. Her pseudo-vampirism requires close monitoring, and she finds a baby abandoned outside St. Mungo’s one day. Four hours later, she has a new baby daughter and is taking potions to promote breastmilk production. The other staff members are reeling but screw it, that’s her baby now.
9. Cina will adopt literally any child that breathes. Emotionally, legally, it doesn’t matter. All kids are her kids. Cass and Dani are planned adoptions, but the sentiments from Bela’s adoption remain.
10. Enter Ethan Winters, a transfer professor from the United States when Bela is a first-year. He transferred to Hogwarts after learning that his fiance of five years was working with a Dark Lord to create purer bloodlines for magical children. Disgusted, he turned her in to MACUSA and fled to escape. 
11. Picture this: Ethan Winters, blonde hair, blue eyes, cute as a button with a gap in his front teeth. Well-educated half-blood and licensed to teach Muggle Studies. Normal boy from Northern Cali. Walks through the doors of Hogwarts in awe. Turns a corner and boom! The most beautiful woman he has ever seen is sitting in a throne in the corner. His stupid ass promptly walks into a table and he goes ass over tea-kettle. This is the beginning of the end. 
12. Bela is a Very Nervous Baby, and has never really been away from her mama for any length of time before. So even though she’s still in the same castle, she finds her first year difficult. Ethan tries to help in any way he can because Bela really opens up to him (because she’s sweet girl and wants a Daddy so bad).
13. There’s a lot of mutual pining in this relationship. Like a lot. Alcina pines and doesn’t think that Ethan truly wants her because she’s, well, half-vampire and Super Fucking Tall. There are a lot of scars on her psyche that still haven’t quite healed, and she thinks less of herself because of it. Ethan, on the other hand, thinks he’s too ordinary and boring for Perfect Gorgeous Alcina to choose. The other staff members are just constantly face-palming. 
14. The Twins and Daniela Parent Trap them. This is all I can say for now. 
15. They get married in a small ceremony in a little gazebo on the lock. Springtime, flowers in Cina’s hair. Dani’s the flower girl and Bela, Cass, and Molly Weasley are her bridesmaids. Ethan’s got Hagrid and Arthur as groomsmen. McGonagall officiates.
16. Rosemary is born almost exactly nine months after their wedding. She’s a true miracle baby because Alcina didn’t think that, with her Pureblood genetics and the complications of being half-vampire, she’d ever get pregnant. Her pregnancy is a bit tough, and Rosie ends up being delivered via emergency C-section because Mama develops preeclampsia. But once she’s here? The love of her Mama and Papa’s lives.
17. Rosemary Annette Winters does not weigh 13 pounds at birth because I am not a psychopath. 
These next ones are just kind of slice-of-life tidbits - enjoy!
18. Bela is the only chill girl out of the bunch. She’s the last to call Ethan papa, but once she does? That’s daddy’s girl. Daniela accepts Ethan without question. Cass is a bit prickly (goddamn Slytherins) but she eventually accepts Ethan’s dumb himbo ass as being enough for her Mama. 
19. Daniela is on the spectrum and sometimes has sensory difficulties. Alcina takes special care to get only robes and fabrics that are gentle on her skin. She’s also a Chaos Gremlin. Being best friends with Fred and George do not help this.
20. Alcina has breastfed all of her babies. She loves the bonding.
21. Alcina is significantly older than Ethan, but he just thinks that’s hot (’cause MILF). 
22. Harry is the first boy that Alcina has ever truly adopted, though not for lack of trying. She got Really Damn Close to adopting Sirius when he was in Hogwarts. Damn Walburga and the Potters got in the way because they didn’t trust a “dangerous mutt” anywhere near him. It’s the only time Sirius or James either one truly read Euphemia and Charles theriot act. 
23. Alcina lets students take naps in her office on the couch. Keeps a plethora of fluffy, charmed blankets and masks for their comfort. She’s helped soothe many a homesick first-year to sleep.
24. She had baby blues with Rosie, but Ethan is The Best Dad, so they got it taken care of before it could escalate into full-blown post-partum.
25. Alcina’s greatest secret is that she wishes she was normal sized again just so her husband can hold her again. 
26. Ethan punched Lucius Malfoy in the mouth the first time they ever met. Alcina rocked his world when he got home that night. 
27. Both Alcina and Ethan adopt Harry on sight, and they both hate Albus Dumbledore’s guts. 
28. Alcina Dimitrescu-Winters is the only woman that both Voldemort and Dumbledore fear. Have fun with that.
And that’s it (for now)! Whew, that was a long one! Let me know if you enjoyed and feel free to drop in on my asks!!
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Hey um if requests are open could you do house dimestrecu headcanons with a 👦🏻 reader maybe where the reader is alcina's biological son perhaps how the girls would be with an older brother sibling rivalry and stuff like that
Broken Truth: I smell drama! Let the words weave together!!
The Son of Castle Dimitrescu
"Mother, we brought you fresh prey." Bela said as she and her sisters drop the cloaked man on the ground behind the Lady's Grand Chair.
"Once again, my daughters are tending to my needs; so kind." Alcina said as she placed her wine glass down. "Let's take a look at them." She rose from her seat and looked down at the cloaked figure, obviously in pain.
"What is this, Daughters?" Alcina asked as she walked closer to the groaning figure - obviously male from the deep pitch of voice.
"We found him struggling to get to the castle - he kept muttering to himself." Bela said.
"He was obviously in pain but he really wanted to get here," Cassandra said as she kneeled by the downed man and grabbed the back of his hood tightly - catching his hair too. "Must really wanted to die."
"Ngh...Gah...M...M...Mother..." The man groaned but Cassandra scoffed before throwing his head to the ground - slitting the side of his head open.
"Ha, so pathetic - it's calling for its mother." Dani laughed when the smell of blood hit their noses. "Mmmm... He smells good. Do you want the first bite, Mother?" She asked.
"Mother?" She asked again as she looked up at the tall woman...and the stunned look on her face - pure disbelief.
"Impossible...There's no way..." Alcina said as she sniffed the smell of blood again - it was familiar...far too familiar for her to be mistaken. She kneeled to the ground and gathered the man in her hands before yanking his hood off - her face gave a shattered expression when she took in his features.
"[Y/N]?" Her voice came as a whimpering whisper, she looked as if she was going to cry. The man opened his eyes - piercing golden eyes - and looked into Alcina's before smiling weakly and reaching out of her.
"M...Mo...Mother..." He said before his hand fell to the ground and his awareness was pulled to the back of his mind.
"[Y/N]? [Y/N]?! STAY AWAKE, MOTHER'S HERE! MOTHER'S GOT YOU NOW!" Alcina panicked as she gathered the man into her hands and ran out of the room, calling to the closest maid to get the doctor to the Old Master's Room.
The sisters just stood there confused for a few moments before they followed their mother and the man who was supposed to be their dinner.
[An Hour or So Later]
"How is he?" Alcina asked the doctor as she came out of the room with her mask on her face.
"He's very weak and malnourished, not to mention all of the scars and insection marks on his body. Wherever he's been for the past decades shows that he wasn't treated well and was used as a lab rat." The doctor explained.
"When will he wake up?" Alcina asked.
"Judging by the bags under his eyes and the paleness of his skin, he hasn't been able to get a proper night's rest - he might be asleep for a few hours or even days, but when he does wake up, he'll need a proper meal to get his weight back up." The doctor explained.
"Thank you, you may leave now." Alcina gave a dismissive wave of her hand and the doctor walked away as Alcina opened the door and walked. The entire time - the Dimitrescu Sisters were standing behind their mother, completely confused as to what was going on and why their mother was taking care of the food. They looked at each other before nodding and following their mother inside the room.
Here's the thing - throughout their entire lives living in this grand castle, they have never once been in this room; it remained locked for as long as they remembered and their mother kept the key close. When asked about the room, Alcina would get defensive and explain that the room was never to be opened - and if it was opened for any reason, there would be horrible punishments.
The first time they saw the room - it was grand: The walls were covered in Royal Blue Velvet with dark Ebony trims along the walks, the rug was large and circular - black with the Dimitrescu Crest in white in the center, the bed was against the wall with dark blue blankets and sheets, around the room was black wooden dressed and along the walls were different kinds of blades - from knives to full-blown dragon-head spears.
Bela walked over to her mother - her sisters following behind her - and looked as her mother eyed the sleeping figure of the man who rested in the bed with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.
"Mother..." Bela tried to find the right words, "Mother, who is he? Why are you crying for him? Who is he to you?" Bela asked. Alcina wiped her tears before turning to face her 3 daughters.
"He...This man is someone very important to me. Someone I lost a long time ago before I met you, my wonderful daughters." Alcina said in the chair at the dresser - it was strong enough to hold her weight. "As you all know - I have a blood disease and it made it hard for me; one main issue I had was that I couldn't birth my own children...or so I thought." Alcina gave a sad smile.
"What do you mean 'or so you thought'?" Cassandra asked.
"There was a time, around the time I met Mother Miranda, that I found I was pregnant - I didn't believe it until I began seeing the results of pregnancy. I thought I would lose the baby, just as I had lost all my others but...I didn't. The baby was born healthy - it as a miracle that it didn't inherit my blood disease; it was strong...just like his father." Alcina smiled sadly.
"His Father?" Bela asked before her eyes widened in realization, "Mother...you don't mean..." Alcina nodded.
"Yes, that man is [Y/N] Dimitrescu - The Son of House Dimitrescu." Alcina smiled and looked at her sleeping son but the daughters...they could be more afraid.
[A Month Later]
Once [Y/N] opened his eyes, Alcina was all over him, babying him just as she did before he was taken away from her when he was a toddler - she tried asking him where he was for all that time but it made him whimper, he couldn't even be touched without flinching. His right leg experienced a deformity and Alcina gifted him a cane to aid him in getting his mobility back.
Whenever he would move, Alcina was right by him.
When he needed something, Alcina would be the one to get it.
When he was hungry, Alcina would personally demand the best food for her son.
When it was dinnertime, Alcina insisted that he'd sit beside her, which was Bela's spot.
Alcina would do anything and everything for her son - and the girls didn't like it.
They would try anything to get their mother's attention but nothing seemed to work.
Bela managed to get her mother a rare vintage - she shared with [Y/N].
Cassandra managed to hunt down large game for her mother - it was overlooked while she dined with [Y/N]
Daniela made her other a painting - it wasn't even looked at for Alcina was watching [Y/N] read.
The girls hated their older brother.
They didn't even see him as their brother - just an old burden that should have stayed gone.
He took their mother from them and he was going to pay for it. Dearly.
One day - Alcina had left for a House Meeting; [Y/N] begged her not to bring up the fact he turned to the castle in the meeting - it was a strange request but she agreed and left for the meeting. The moment she was gone, [Y/N] began to hobble in a random direction on his cane before it was suddenly kicked from under his hand, making him fall onto the cold hard tile.
"Look at this, sisters; the little thief without someone to protect him." The voice of Bela stood over him as she placed her foot on his back - her heel in his spine.
"We've been waiting a long time for this, you bastard." Cassandra said as she walked into the room with her sickle in her hand - the sight of the tip made the golden-eyed man freak out and try to crawl away.
"Oh, look. He knows he gonna die and he's trying to scurry away." Daniela said as she kicked the man in his side, making him curl in pain.
"No! Please, no more! Leave me alone!" He cried in fear.
"No more?! We haven't even done anything to you yet, rat!" Bela yelled.
"But you've done so much to us - taking our mother from us?! Have you lost your damn mind, Man-Thing?!" Daniela yelled.
"No, Mother, please don't! Mother! Mother!" He cried again.
"Mother isn't here to save you now but you're gonna suffer for all the time you spent with her, taking her away from us, you useless burden!" Cassandra raised her weapon and was about to strike when the words that came out of his mouth made them freeze.
"No, Mother Miranda; please don't hurt me! I'll be a good boy, just please, no more needles! No more pain! I won't ask to see my sisters again, please don't hurt me!" He curled up, clenching his head in pain as memories flooded back into his mind.
"Mother Miranda?" Bela asked.
"Needles and pain?" Cassandra said.
"His sisters?" Dani finished.
Bela took her foot off the man's back and listened to his pleads - his begging not to be hurt, wanting to see his mother, wanting to see his sisters. They looked at each mother before Bela kneeled on the ground before him and gathered his face in her hands, silencing him and asked what he was talking about. Once he calmed - he explained everything:
When he was a toddler - his father took him to see the Village's Priest, Mother Miranda, who gave him a large pouch of coin and he was never seen again. Mother Miranda then began to run experiments on him, trying to determine what made it possible for him not to inherit Alcina's Blood Disease. She mixed his blood with the Cadou and found an interesting symbiotic relationship between the two and was kept there for further experiments. The Cadou gave him the ability to regenerate faster but broken bones were harder to heal with the power. After decades of being a lab rat - he watched as Miranda made the daughters right before his eyes; he was there when they came to life and he called them sisters before Alcina called them daughters. He begged Miranda to see them, talk to them, and know something beyond the walls of his cell, but all Miranda did was cut him open and harvest his organs while he was still awake.
He managed to escape when Miranda was distracted with another experiment and left her keys unattended - he let himself out under the cover out night and got away from that hellhole. He had been limping with a broken leg, missing organs that were still regrowing themself, just to get to Castle Dimitrescu to see his mother & sisters.
The Daughters looked ashamed - for him to go through all of this for decades and risk everything to be with them...they were horrible sisters. They held him and begged for his forgiveness but all he could do was cry as he finally had sisters and was able to learn their names.
When Alcina came back - she wanted to spend time with her children but it turned out that the sisters wanted alone time with their brother and she was shooed out of the room - guess she'll have some wine until dinner then.
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