#alecto & thanatos
lostplanetvoltia · 2 years
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Isn’t weird that Zagreus goes through the whole game with no armour other than his knee coverings greaves? Anyways, maybe in the next game he’ll be better protected and wear a gorget like everyone else in the house.
I might colour in the portraits later. Nemesis is pretty fun to draw. I just know that I’ll hate drawing Moros in the future
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curious-trickster · 4 months
Looking for a fanfic
I read a Hades (The Videogame) fanfiction once, where Zagreus had to drink blood to survive, since he has been a baby. They first gave him water fromt Styx and I think they got him blood from the human world until Hades had the supply stopped, to punish Zagreus for his escape attempts?
Anyways Zagreus bites Alecto at first bc he is so hungry and then Meg offers and I think Than gives him blood too?
It had this really beautiful undertone, of all of them caring for Zagreus and I've been gushing about it to my sister. My search didn't come up with anything, does anyone know this fic?
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square-pear · 2 years
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Hades game fanart dump from Twitter~
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valeovalairs · 5 months
Guys, how long does it usually take to beat Hades. Like, I’m on escape attempt 48 and I JUST made it to Elysium. I think I made it into Asphodel around attempt 25.
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casiavium · 3 months
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greekfamily · 1 year
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ladynicte · 2 years
While Nico who grows up to be an Angel of Death working under Thanatos after being deified is really good I also really like the idea of Nico who becomes part of the Furies, having the specific job of punishing those who cause and proliferate injustice
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cleromancy · 10 months
so far the coolest thing about hades game is the way they use the roguelike genre as a storytelling tool, like... theres a reason sisyphus is (probably) the first NPC you meet in the first dungeon.
and i havent finished the main plot yet and i also haven't done megs romance but i keep thinking about the way she functions in the narrative as the First Boss Of The Roguelike. and duty, and Sisyphean tasks, and gender. because the story really is so far doing some interesting stuff with that with every character but meg in particular i find i am pretty neutral on from like a blorbo perspective (compared to like my beloved alecto <- guy who is predictable) but very very interested in in what role the character is shaping up to play in the narrative. and tbh i think if i ever wrote her id wind up really liking her but rn she's just rotating in the lit analysis plane
very interested in seeing more of how her and thanatos keep playing off of our shitty nepo baby protagonist (<- affectionate). side note i just want to mention my beloved alecto saying whatever she said about zag being a shitty nepo baby idr her exact words (something something you were born into all this and you don't even want it). this is i think in the second, maybe 3rd fight you have with alecto after you unlock megs sisters?
hmmm. send tweet
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ossifer · 1 year
On the Mechanics of Lyctorhood
I want to preface this by saying this is a long, long post that is going to delve deep into lyctorhood, skim the surface of physics and biology, and fully embrace conjecture! If I'm right about all this then I'm very happy, but I also cannot wait to be disproven in Alecto the Ninth.
Thanergy is the product of the decay of thalergy: this is the principle that underpins all of necromancy. All necromantic adepts are capable of manipulating both thalergy and thanergy, but necromancy is shown to be reliant on thanergy specifically, and is most geared toward utilising thanergy as a result.
“Thalergetic decay causes cellular death,” you said carefully, pressing the nail in harder, “which emits thanergy. The massive cell death that follows apopneumatism causes a thanergetic cascade, though the first bloom fades and the thanergy stabilises within thirty to sixty seconds.” [Harrow the Ninth]
As shown by @pokkop15 in this post the term thanergy is almost certainly derived from Thanatos, the Greek God of Death, but thalergy's origins are more murky: likely candidates are thaleros (a greek word that means lively), Thalia (the muse of Festivity whose name also means blooming), or Thalassa (divine personification of the sea in greek mythology, which would fit considering how life is very associated with saltwater in TLT).
The Eightfold Word: What is Lyctorhood?
According to the resident tall glass of skank and questionably reliable narrator, Ianthe Tridentarius, the Eightfold Word is composed of the following steps:
Preserve the soul, with memory and intellect intact.
Analyse it—understand its structure, its shape.
Remove and absorb it: take it into yourself without consuming it in the process.
Fix it in place so it can’t deteriorate.
Incorporate it: find a way to make the soul part of yourself without being overwhelmed.
Consume the flesh [NOTE: Ianthe says 'a drop of blood is enough to ground you', which to me indicates that this step serves as a way to ground the incorporated soul into the lyctor's body, by having material from the soul's original body. This is very significant.]
Reconstruction—making spirit and flesh work together the way they used to, in the new body.
Hook up the cables and get the power flowing.
Lyctorhood seemingly works by providing the necromancer with, among other things, a near limitless reserve of thanergy that is presumably derived from the incorporated soul once the power is flowing: as we see with Cytherea healing herself, lyctors are either unable to generate thalergy—or their ability to do so is lessened in comparison to their ability to generate thanergy—and must instead siphon it from external sources when their own thalergy is depleted.
In Nona the Ninth we are introduced to Palamedes' conception of Lyctorhood in terms of Lysis: the Lyctorhood we are most familiar with is Petty Lysis, where only one of the components dies, while Grand Lysis is a mutual death—a gravitational singularity creating something new, as is the case with Paul. Lysis is a term used in biology that refers to 'the breaking down of the membrane of a cell', which as I've explored before
In the series, Lyctorhood is spoken of in terms of fire: there are repeated references to Gideon's soul being made the furnace of [Harrow's] Lyctorhood and serving as a furnace of power, Mercymorn refers to her cavalier's mortal soul burning in her chest, John says that the risk posed by fully incorporating Alecto into himself completely would be that he'd probably burn to death, and Paul's birth results in Camilla's body being consumed by flames. This leads us on to how lyctorhood is also characterised as consumption: eating the cavalier, absorbing their soul, burning it for fuel.
What is the mechanism behind the thanergetic generation of lyctorhood?
Lyctorhood is barbaric, it is cannibalism, it is taking another and burning them in yourself for power. But that raises the question of where that power comes from. By the way that thalergy/thanergy are spoken of with terms reminiscent of radiation, coupled with how lyctorhood is rendered through metaphors and imagery related to fire and/or consumption, it would seem that the logical conclusion behind this is that the soul is being subject to continual thanergetic fission.
The terminology Tamsyn uses is something that lends credence to this: nuclear fission 'occurs when a neutron slams into a larger atom, forcing it to excite and split into two smaller atoms—also known as fission products'. Sudden, sharp decay/conversion of thalergy into thanergy could be the mechanism behind thanergetic fission, as we see with Harrow's description of apopneumatic shock and how the burst of thanergetic energy (a neutron slamming into a larger atom, forcing it to excite) is sufficient to prevent liminal osmosis from taking place: "In cases of apopneumatic shock, where death is sudden and violent, the energy burst can be sufficient to countermand osmotic pressure and leave the soul temporarily isolated."
But from what we know of the nature of the thanergy, thalergy, and the soul, this explanation makes no sense. Thanergy is emitted by thalergy decay, but souls in of themselves are not a source of thalergy nor thanergy, as shown by Anastasia's tripod principle: “The body needs thalergy and a soul to keep the lights on. Anastasia’s tripod principle. Body plus thalergy, but no soul, is basically a very weird vegetable … after a while it gives up and shuts down.” [Nona the Ninth]
Going back to the nuclear terminology, I'm going to cut straight to the core of this theory: the mechanism behind the thanergetic generation of lyctorhood is thanergetic fusion.
What is thanergetic fusion?
The term I use here is a misnomer, because a more accurate term would be pneumatic fusion, considering how Tamsyn Muir is fond of using the Greek pneuma to refer to the soul: nuclear fusion 'is a reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles'.
A nucleus in physics is 'the positively charged central core of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons and containing nearly all its mass', while in biology the term refers to 'a dense organelle present in most eukaryotic cells, typically a single rounded structure bounded by a double membrane, containing the genetic material'. Palamedes uses the term lysis for Lyctorhood, which as you'll recall refers to the disintegration of the cell membrane, thus exposing it's innards: such as the nucleus. The soul is the nucleus.
Nuclear fusion involves combining two or more atomic nuclei to form one or more different atomic nuclei and subatomic particles: the difference in mass between the reactants and products is manifested as either the release or absorption of energy; as a rule of thumb the fusion of lighter nuclei releases energy, making it an exothermic process, while the fusion of heavier nuclei results in energy being retained by the product nucleons, and thus the resulting reaction is endothermic. An exothermic reactions releases heat, causing the temperature of the immediate surroundings to rise, while an endothermic one absorbs heat and cools the surroundings.
In the context of this nuclear fusion explanation of Lyctorhood, an exothermic (exothanergetic) reaction releases thanergy while an endothermic (endothanergetic) reaction absorbs thanergy: the fusion of lighter souls release thanergy, the fusion of heavier souls absorbs it.
What are the implications behind these mechanics?
The question that comes to mind is what is a heavier soul? The answer, once again, lies in physics: "The heaviest atomic nuclei are created in nuclear reactions that combine two other nuclei of unequal size into one; roughly, the more unequal the two nuclei in terms of mass, the greater the possibility that the two react." [Wikipedia]
How does John explain the soul of a planet to Harrow?
John: “And what has a soul?” Harrow: “Anything with a thalergetic complexity significant enough to … have a soul. So, humanity.” [...] Harrow: “A planet’s a ball of dust. Its thalergy comes from the accumulation of microbial life. You can’t consider it one coherent system.” John: “Call it a communal soul. What’s a human being, other than a sack of microbial life?
Planets' souls are communal, formed from the thalergetic complexity of an entire world coalescing into a nuclei that lies at its heart, heavy in a way a human soul is not: a human soul is light, a planet's soul is heavy. In other words, Alecto is a heavy nuclei and John is a light nuclei, with the resultant nuclei of their combination forming something heavier than either: an endothanergetic reaction.
Moving back to thanergetic fission and the apopneumatic shock of a violent death, we can now examine what happens when John becomes God:
He becomes aware of Alecto when Cristabel kills herself in front of him.
Now aware of Alecto, he creates a massive flood of thanergy by inciting the violent deaths of millions, possibly billions, through the detonation of nuclear devices.
Empowered by the mass thanergetic fission caused by an untold number of apopneumatic shocks, 'I became a demigod', he finishes off the rest.
He kills Alecto, takes her soul in his hands, and attempts to become one with her.
He almost fails, and during this flawed process is forced to split her soul between his body and another, hiding himself in her and herself in him.
Fusion still occurs, this reaction is endothanergetic and allows him to near absorb a massive amount of thanergy in one sitting: "And when we were together … once the shaman had claimed the sun … I became God."
He violently kills the rest of the planets in the system, flipping them and creating a surplus of thanergy, a process of large-scale energy creation and transferall: to quote Ianthe once again, "You see, my field has always been energy transferral … large-scale energy transferral. Resurrection theory."
What this all means is that the secret behind the Resurrection is that John's Lyctorhood works fundamentally differently to that of his Saints, because his is endothanergetic where theirs is exothanergetic, a reaction between a heavy and a lighter nuclei.
Not only is it endothanergetic instead of exothanergetic, it generates a different form of energy. Emperor John Gaius produces thalergy.
Resurrection Theory
As we know from Anastasia's tripod principle, thalergy alone cannot make life, a soul is also needed—meaning that the inverse is true, in that a soul alone cannot make life, thalergy is needed; In order for John to have performed the Resurrection, he would have needed to imbue bodies with both their soul and thalergy to recreate the life he took in the first place. Logically, this means that John would have to be able to create thalergy. John is the only being in the universe who is able to generate thalergy, namely via the continual fusion reaction between a heavy soul and a light soul, also known as Alecto and himself, to produce it.
Let us return to what Augustine says of the nature of his power: “You don’t get your power from Dominicus,” said Augustine. “It gets its power from you. There’s no exchange involved, no symbiosis. You draw nothing from the system. It relies on you entirely, as we all know. You’re God, John. But—as the Edenites are fond of pointing out—you were once a man. So whither that transition? Where does your power come from? Even if the Resurrection had been the greatest thanergy bloom ever triggered, it would drain away over time.”
John is the source of fresh thanergy in the system: he produces thalergy, which he can decay into thanergy. The thanergy in the system is finite, it would drain away after enough time, but his heavy and light soul reaction producing thalergy that can then be decayed into thanergy allows for new thanergy to be introduced into the system; John's necromancy's unique in that it relies on the rapid creation of thanergy via accelerated thalergetic decay, resulting in thanergetic fission.
Why do I say thanergetic fission? Becase it could explain why his necromancy is shown to manifest as large amounts of light, because what does thanergetic fission result in? We see when Palamedes utilises the rapid thanergetic fission of his thanergy reserves to blow up in Cytherea's face:
The sickroom exploded into white fire, and the bonds pinning Gideon snapped. She fell hard against the wall and spun, drunkenly, lurching back down the corridor as Palamedes Sextus made everything burn. There was no heat, but Gideon sprinted away from that cold white death without bothering to spare a glance behind as though flames were licking at her heels.
White light that gives off no heat. What happens when John reassembles himself?
White light. It bleached the insides of your nose and the back of your throat. It hurt coming out your ears. It bled out your eyeballs. It wasn’t a flash of light, more … a suddenness; when it was gone—as though it hadn’t even existed, but had been a luminous hallucination—time stopped.
Speaking of that scene, it is likely the most definitive proof we see that John produces thalergy, because there is no way for his body to function without thalergy, and thanergy cannot be converted to thalergy (as far as we know). That thalergy has to come from somewhere. John, the Resurrector, is able to create thalergy.
Do you know where else we see what is explicitly called a form of resurrection? The endothanergetic reaction that created Harrowhark Nonagesimus: "My parents gassed fifty-four infants, eighty-one children, and sixty-five teenagers, and harnessed that thanergy bloom to conceive me. My mother used the resultant power to modify her ovum on a chromosomal level, so thanergy ignition wouldn’t compromise the embryo. She did this so I would be a necromancer." [Harrow the Ninth]
A large amount of thanergy is generated within an instant by closely-timed apopneumatic shocks caused by sudden death via what Harrow specifically names as nerve gas [Gideon the Ninth]. This brings to mind thanergetic fission as opposed to fusion, due to the fact it relies on thanergy, but the key detail here lies in two factors: the unequal size of the nuclei (souls) involved here, and the fact these souls are shown to have been manipulated.
The souls—emphasis on souls, as opposed to thanergy—of a large amount of children, of varying ages, are forcibly prevented from passing to the River via liminal osmosis due to the sheer amount of thanergy involved, and they are tied to Harrow's soul, as shown by Abigail commenting on her unique spiritual signature: "I’ve counted up to one hundred and fifty signatures contributing to you, and there’s more—they’re stamps rather than complete revenants, of course, which means their spirits were manipulated to leave marks on you in some way, which is fascinating if it means…"
What is a planet's soul? A communal one, the thalergy complexity of a world. What is Harrow's soul? A communal one, exactly two hundred sons and daughters of her House, manipulated to be stamped on her original one. I cannot speak of what this means, but it means that Harrow's soul is naturally heavier than John's: a nuclei formed from two hundred others.
Lyctorhood is nuclear fusion, with souls as the nuclei: the combination of souls produces thanergy as a byproduct of the process of forming a new nuclei; Souls are not a perpetual energy source, and are unable to generate thanergy or thalergy on their own, it is the combination of them that creates thanergy or thalergy.
Petty Lysis, the Lyctorhood of the Saints, is an exothanergetic reaction which produces thanergy as the two souls involved are melded over untold years: it is not a one-way consumption, it is a fusion, but the power transferral does only go one way, due to the fact it is not a mutual death. Grand Lysis is a more complete, and thus powerful, version of this reaction wherein the two nuclei are fully combined within an instant, as opposed to gradually combined.
John's joining with Alecto works on the same fusion principle of Lyctorhood, but the difference lies in the nature of the reaction at the heart of it: he is endothanergetic and produces thalergy as opposed to thanergy, which he can subsequently decay into thanergy to fuel his necromancy. The Resurrection was made possible by him generating thanergy.
Final Note:
I want to point out something before anyone else can, and that is the fact Lyctors could be interpreted as working on pneumatic fission as opposed to fusion: meaning that the constituent souls are split to produce power, and that the exothanergetic and endothanergetic reactions would be reversed—John exothanergetic instead of endothanergetic, and vice versa with Petty Lyctors, which explains why they appear to be thanergy voids: they absorb all thanergy in their surroundings.
I considered this while writing this theory, but ultimately I found that fusion seemed more likel. Alternatively, both Paul and John are examples of pneumatic fusion due to their more complete Lyctorhood while the Petty Lyctors are working on pneumatic fission. I prefer the idea that all Lyctorhood is pneumatic fusion, which is why I ultimately leaned into that interpretation in this post.
Thank you for reading.
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ladykakata · 5 months
My List of Demands for Hades II
I'm just going to list Zagreus until I run out of breath. I just need to see my baby boy again okay please tell me he's still as sweet and handsomes as ever
WHERE IS THANATOS we need our resident irritable goth to partner with the Prince of the Underworld
CERBERUS a lot of people noticed he was missing from the family portrait with baby Mel, he cannot have come to total harm otherwise there would be a massive riot and there'd be no game because Hades himself would go NUCLEAR if anything happened to his pupper
The Furies will be interesting. Meg can be salty somewhere far away from me, but Alecto getting her ass kicked by someone who isn't Zagreus would be novel. I'm betting at least two people (Meg and Zag) would make sure DUSA is safe and she's small enough/can float where she can disappear somewhere if need be
Hermes BETTER be married to Charon I swear to Gods you CANNOT put him in THAT outfit and not have them married come on. I doubt the game would let me have Zag and Than be underworld husbands but at least give THOSE TWO as a gift to the fandom
ACHILLIES AND PATROCLES. I did not watch the entire storyline playthrough multiple times and just adore how married they are only for something to mess that up. Even if it's just Patrocles holding Achilles back from attacking Odysseus I'm here for it let me see my uncles again
I'm not too worried about Persephone because a) Hades would move dimensions in order to keep her safe without hesitation and b) Grandma Demeter has her war gear on so Chronos is fucked either way
Zagreus ... mi son ... plz ... where mi son ...
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I've been playing Hades, and it’s got me thinking about if Danny Phantom was in the game
This is rough concept art, trying to best translate Danny into the Hades world & art style. I plan to refine these into finished pieces that look like they r from the first game! (if the art gods r kind to me T_T) I'd love to hear any ideas on how Danny would be a part of the game! Would he have his own boon set? or his own chamber with 3 options for the player to pick from? I also like the idea of him randomly showing up like Thanatos to help kill enemies for a possible reward. And the idea of him showing up in the lounge sporadically after you get enough hearts with him! or in the halls being surrounded by shades!
He's definitely gotten mistaken for Zagreus with his spikey black hair, I could definitely see Alecto attacking him because of it rip
My Designs Explained:
I'm taking a page out of the hot glowing feet of the Hades bloodline book and giving Danny frozen glowing hands representing his ice powers
I snatched Pariah Dark’s cloak and skull details (just like Danny snatching Pariah's Ghost King status), which really translates well into Hades fashion. Might add Pariah's belt buckle? I know a lot of people do fresh takes for Danny's Ghost king forms, but this works so well translating it into the art style & setting.
Danny is the King of Shades: Danny’s ghost form is designed after the Shades (who r the ghosts of Hades!) I'm really leaning into Shade vibes with the built in robe and hood, with his face in shadow and cartoony features. but he is the King and only half Shade, so he gets more accessories and has a more distinct form.
Danny is a God/Immortal (i.e. human form): Keeping a lot of design elements from his Shade form, but I'm gonna invert the colors & metals. I want him to be swarmed by little shades! Any ideas on what he should be holding? Probably will keep the ice crystal..
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bscully · 1 year
Why Zagreus is such a good character
*Obligatory Hades spoiler ahead* Zagreus is so so so interesting from a meta perspective. While his design certainly went into the "attractive bad boy" direction, he is not your usual hyper-masculine protagonist.
Definitely not!
It starts off with his physique, which is not that of a tall, beefy body builder, but more of an ancient greek athlete. He is also shorter than most other Gods, of average size by mortal standards, and doesn’t take kindly to people making fun of his height. I find that a fascinating character design choice to make. From there, let's continue with his character.
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His temperament is sanguine; he is a ray of sunshine and loves to share all the warmth that rests in his heart. Which is a fascinating trait to have as Prince of the Underworld, who is veiled in Darkness by Mother Night, Nyx, herself. The following Berserk quote comes to mind: "He who bears light exists in the deepest shadow".
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(There is a big conceptual overlap between Hades and Berserk, but I’ll just leave it at that for this post)
Zagreus is a sociable, extroverted type who values family and bonds over everything, is respectful, polite, charming. From someone like him, genuine kindness and honesty are a guarantee. Together with his capacity to empathize, it allows him to form meaningful relationships. His noble spirit and attitude are befitting of a prince. He does not mind stepping out of his comfort zone and challenge himself, either.
When you first beat Hades, he asks Zagreus to tell Persephone that Cerberus is doing well. Zagreus instead demanded an answer for a question in exchange of telling her. However, this question was left unanswered as Hades was taken by the Styx before he could reply. Later on, because Zagreus is a good-natured person and knows his priorities, picking his mother’s needs over the grudge he could hold against his father, he tells Persephone anyways.
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There are moments in the game where he is sensitive, observant and catches up on social cues very quickly. He listens to others and apologizes to them when he feels like he may have overstepped a boundary, such was the case when Thanatos berated him for allowing Orpheus visiting his muse Eurodyce and meddled into their affairs without their consent.
Sometimes he appears to have troubles expressing what he feels, or is perhaps insecure or anxious to express it (particularly when interacting with Meg, who is rather intimidating). But despite his hesitations and fears I think he is still doing a good job at it.
Judging from a brief conversation with Alecto, he appears to know how to form healthy habits and deal with difficult situations in a productive, nurturing manner (the fact that 1. Alecto doesn’t take kindly to his attempts at getting along and 2. Zag doesn’t like her for it, is kinda funny to me). He is capable to mediate and settle conflicts between people, this is literally one of the game's primary goals.
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Judging by what happened between him and Megaera, it appears he also wasn't always this mature and went a long way learning from his mistakes. His sometimes boastful confidence and his running mouth probably were one of them. Regardless, I'm deeply impressed with Zagreus' emotional intelligence and maturity.
Considering how so many other protagonists typically are characterized, this such an unusual way to write a male one, and as such he really stands out.
I believe it is absolutely necessary that protagonists like him exist and we honestly do need more like him: as these shine a different light on nurturing masculinity and what it can be.
Zagreus is not less of a man because of the radiant and kind person he is. Quite the opposite so, I personally find him extremely attractive (he’s doing things to me oml). He is just being himself: unfiltered, optimistic, with a good sense of humor. He is not even trying to fulfill any gender roles in any shape or form, simply embracing the bonds he has for what they are, living the moment. He does whatever it takes to make the world around him a better place and make the people around him happier. And he started doing that once he stopped running away from his problems.
This reassurance is something boys and men (including those who identify as such) urgently need nowadays.
PS: I’m still not over the fact he canonically likes plushies, the lil dork
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yonemurishiroku · 7 months
have any good nico di angelo fics? Ones that don't really focus on romance at all? Maybe some nico and hades father son fics too please.
You have come to the right place.
Lemme introduce my Hold me like we're going home, wherein I focus on everything but romance, since this was specifically created to appease my 'Fuck romance I'm going back to my daddy issues' attitude.
There is an oneshot of Nico & Hazel, one of Nico & Hades, one of Nico & Alecto. The last one is Nico/Thanatos, so feel free to skip it lmao.
Now to others' works:
this is Mandarin but trust me when I say it's good. Like. Unbelievably good. it's about a day of Nico's family back when they were still in Italy and he was still a baby. This also opens a new door into the dynamic of Hades and Nico. I used GG Translate to read it.
It is what the title says
Zagreus and Nico!!! 🤗🤗 I read this without knowing anything about Zagreus so I guess you can give it a try??
Ok i honestly have no idea why putting this in is a good idea when I don't even know if you're into DC or know Superman in general but like. i mean it centers on Nico. And it's about a platonic connection. So it technically fits, right?
Nico & Persephone!
Nico and Hades bonding over family dinner
Nico coming out to Hazel
About Nico and his manipulation skill
Spare the Rod: Demeter curses Nico to obey everyone else's commands. It's more angsty than it sounds problematic, really. Like. It hurts physically.
Nico and Luke, in the depths of Tartarus (one of my fav)
This series about Nico and his emotional support dragon:
There are many more but tbh I'm in no position to dig through 700 bookmarks of mine so this is everything I can offer. 😅 Hope you find something to your liking!!
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greekfamily · 1 year
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Thoughts on Skelly's Companion Dialogue in Hades
Spoilers for Hades, obviously. All the spoilers.
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So. Skelly. I actually hadn't touched his Companion at all before this, so everything was new to me.
It seems like most of the characters have no idea who Skelly is.
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That includes Thanatos, who's basically just like (insert that Mariah Carey "I don't know her" meme).
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Meg too, actually, though in her defense, Skelly has no idea who she is either.
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Alecto really doesn't appreciate him.
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Neither does Theseus.
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Skelly is very entertaining, though, often calling the enemies over to attack him.
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Some of my favorite lines come from the Lernie battle.
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Though he also says some great lines during the Theseus battle.
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My favorite has to be this one from battling Tisiphone. When she makes the room go dark...
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... Skelly says:
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So yeah. I love him.
He will show up for our battle with Hades, not that Hades appreciates it.
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However, Skelly will not appear if you call him while battling Charon.
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Not even if we call him.
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Or pray.
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Or even curse.
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Gee, Skelly. Not even a warning.
I honestly didn't find his Companion call that helpful, but I always love getting more time with Skelly.
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So remember my post about ranking different Thanatos across media?well I’m doing it again.(just with Hermes this time.
Also spoilers.
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Percy Jackson(I know this is movie Hermes but I couldn’t find a good illustration of book Hermes.):
Better than the other gods in this series,at least he stuck with Luke until the whole May thing.also he does genuinely seem to care about Luke.so he gets better rating than I would give the others.
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Lore Olympus:
He doesn’t get much screen time but I wholeheartedly think he’s the second best character in this entire comic(you should be able to guess who’s my favorite)
So yeah,he’s pretty dope.(unlike other characters in this comic *cough cough* hades)
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I can’t even describe how much I love him.
When I think of Hermes this is the characterization I think of because it’s just so good.
Like,speedy?here,have +30% speed.trickster and liar?hmm,I wonder where Persephone is,also what Hermes is doing.merchant?well,just ask his associate!(also side hustle)
Also,he has some really good boons like side hustle,rush delivery,the automatic god meter one,plus dash,and side hustle.
And the lambent plume is really good.
Another thing,I just got the prophecy where he bets you to beat up Charon twice in a row and he really just said “hey so I made a bet with my boyfriend that you could kick his ass could you,like,go do that?”
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Cool lil guy.
He’s fast and mischievous and a little shit in more ways than one and I love him for that.
Also his design is cool.
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Does this guy count?Only in name.
But anyways,I’m just gonna take this time and tell you to go watch Digimon savers(sub,I wouldn’t say the dub is terrible persay but it just takes away at a lot of nuance that I liked in the Japanese version)
If you like series where the main character saves the day with the power of friendship and this orange/yellow dinosaur they found(and a healthy dose of kicking ass)you WILL like this series.
But,going back on track I like him.doesn’t feel like a Hermes but still cool.
The thing with rating Digimon like this is that they tend to vary between games/anime,my main example being alphamon in world ds vs cyber sleuth(both of which you should play btw).
But thankfully he only appears in savers and I like him a decent bit there if only *spoilers*
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Okay,you might be wondering:Moxe,why is punderworld here if it wasn’t in the Thanatos post?
First of all,I forgot about him,sorry.
Second of all,literally the only thing to note about him was the torch thing which I found pretty cool.
So back to Hermes,I really like him.
His interactions with Alecto were fun.
I don’t really have much else to say.
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