#alex dunkirk imagine
bisluthq · 4 months
“I refused to believe that Harry wasn’t somewhat aware of the Jason situation with Olivia”
But legitimately, why would he be aware? From what I heard + pieced together with what we saw and the nanny said, she hired him because she wanted to sleep with him. She literally said she wanted Harry before Shia because of his role in Dunkirk and that makes no sense to me, because the roles couldn’t have been more different. What about the quiet moody young soldier Alex, which Harry portrayed very well, made her think about a conniving loser man who has to be facetious the entire time, which Harry had a much harder time portraying convincingly? She thought he was hot. She wanted to sleep with him. That’s pretty much confirmed for me.
FWIW I was a huge fan OF OLIVIA. I became a fan of Harry’s because of her. I know it’s probably me and two other people who went this route, but I can promise you that’s the case lmao, and if you dig deep in your old asks from when they got together you’ll find a bunch of mine saying this exact thing!
I say this because what I think happened between Jason and Olivia is that she realized he cheated on her with Keeley Hazell when Ted Lasso came out. She probs didn’t have hard proof but Jason and Keeley met in 2014 filming Horrible Bosses II, and then based two entire characters on Keeley, one even admitted by the actress who portrayed her, Juno Temple (who Olivia unfollowed when Ted came out, btw. They’d worked together on Meadowland). There’s no way she saw that, knowing that he’d spent months in London while she was with the kids in LA, and didn’t think “this son of a bitch is cheating on me.” I’m sorry but she’d be an idiot.
So she hired Harry and had every intention of sleeping with him. And she made a pass at him, which I presume means she told him from the jump that she was single. Maybe even told him that Jason cheated. It’s not hard to believe that it’s true considering it was the middle of the pandemic and they had two young kids. “We still share a house because it’d be too complicated.” Makes perfect sense. “We don’t want to make the breakup public since we still have to share a house.” Also makes sense.
The fact that Harry included their anniversary date on a bag he gifted her and that said anniversary date is prior to the date Jason outright said they separated (the bag said October 25 and Jason is on the record saying they separated in November) to ME says that Harry was confident in what Olivia had told him. Even if for his own image and how he was perceived, he wouldn’t flaunt being a homewrecker. I don’t think saying he’s at least somewhat aware of his own image and would be more careful than that is babying him.
Also, if my partner told me “my POS partner cheated on me look at all this evidence, we are separated but he’s an ass who wants to drag me down. So don’t believe a thing he says.” I would probably believe them.
My guess is that the nanny having hard proof (text messages) and dates is what made him go “hell no.”
Also, the nanny claimed Olivia lied about Harry hooking up with his friend’s girl. And Harry and Zach haven’t hung out since that whole thing happened, as far as we know (but Zach and Florence are all good). I can’t imagine Harry would be too happy about that. There were rumors about this whole Florence and Harry thing since before Venice. The Sun posted them. I 100% think it all stems from Olivia trying to cover her ass.
The nanny described Olivia as someone who likes to pretend that everything is perfect all the time and that there are no problems. Like she buries her head in the sand and I can SO see it.
There’s the little detail of Olivia continuing to sleep with Jason for two months after announcing their breakup AND getting with Harry. She cheated on him too.
I’m the last person to demonize a woman for the sake of it. But there’s no saving some of us. I’m sorry but she’s a mess, and if Harry even for a second glances in her direction, I’ll be extremely surprised. Even if he’d want to, his friends would probably slap him.
I hope his friends slap him but idk Harry is a big boy who makes his own decisions and I’m… genuinely not convinced he’s done™️ with her. Yes, a lot of what you say is right but also like… he really really really loved her and I think that type of love doesn’t fade in a year.
she reminds me of my bf’s ex-wife lol who is even more nuts tbh but who kept that man for like 8 years I think??? or 12??? it was a long time??? until he had irrevocable proof she’d been cheating repeatedly with multiple different dudes and that happened less than a year into the actual marriage lmfao so idk. Crazy bitches are crazy but they get shit done. I’ve got to give them that.
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writingsbymarie · 3 years
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Word count: 3.8k
pairings: Alex(dunkirk) x Reader 
Warnings: Angst, panic attacks, SMUT (don’t judge it's my first time writing it)
You knew Alex for years, When you first met him you were eight years old when you found yourself moving next door to him. Your father and mother had just opened a diner which was the reason the family moved in the first place. 
“Come on honey we should meet the new neighbors plus we can give em some food to help spread the word about our diner” your mother smiled gripping your hand as she walked you out the front door. You were nervous as you approached the door your eyes were trained to your feet as you clung close to your mother. You heard your mother knock on the door, and a couple of seconds later it opened. You glanced up to see a woman about your mother's age who had a smile on her face. 
“Hi, we just moved in next door and thought we would be neighborly and introduce ourselves, my name is Elaine and this is my daughter Y/n” your mother beamed to the woman. 
“Oh it is so nice to meet you, my name is Anne” she exclaimed and she bent down to look at you. “My son is about your age let me call him down, and come on in” she smiled and your mother guided you into the home. “Alex, come out of your room the new neighbors are here” Anne shouted, and you heard footsteps coming from further into the house, revealing a brown-haired boy with a lopsided smile missing a front tooth. He came running up to you immediately with excitement.
“I’m Alex” he exclaimed. “Do you wanna come look at my trains” you looked up nervously at your mother unsure of whether you should go but she gestured you towards the goofy boy. You took a deep breath before looking at the boy and nodding. 
“I’m Y/n, and I would love to see your trains” you smiled, and from that day on you and Alex were inseparable doing everything and anything together.
 As the years went on the two of you made other friends, but the two of you remained best friends. You and Alex even worked at your parents' diner together during your teenage years. You were there for Alex when his mother died of cancer when the two of you were sixteen. You held him on your bed while he cried into his arms. You watched as his father turned to alcohol, and Alex found himself and your house more and more which you had no problem with. Everything was perfect until the war hit. The world was filled with fear of bombings causing blackouts where you couldn’t use a single light. 
The first blackout you had been home alone as your parents were stuck at the diner. You sat in the dark curled into a ball on your bed as the shadows distorted into terrifying figures. Although you were eighteen the dark still managed to scare you, and that's when you suddenly heard a knock at the door causing you to spring from your bed, heart racing. You grabbed a candlestick holding it as you made your way to the front door. You slowly opened it to reveal Alex. You sighed in relief.
“Jesus Christ I thought you were a murderer” you gasped. 
“You are very dramatic, love” Alex laughed as he entered the house. “I saw your parents weren’t home so I thought I would come over so you didnt have to spend the blackout alone” 
“Well aren’t you the sweetest” you laughed as the two of you walked towards your bedroom.
Alex hopped on the bed, and you went to turn on the radio to listen to the updates on the war. You snuggled next to Alex as the both of you listened to the radio. You felt yourself beginning to fall asleep upon his chest when something caught your ear.
“Men between the ages of 18-41 are required to register for service, and if chosen to serve they must oblige,” the voice over the radio said, and once you realized what it was saying you shot up.
“What does that mean Alex” you questioned and he looked at you with sorrow in his eyes. “Did you register” you pushed?
“Y/n I had to but that doesn’t mean I’ll actually be sent into the war” he assured, and you grabbed his hands.
“Right you probably won’t actually get put into war the odds are slim” you agreed, but deep down you felt a pit in your stomach. Alex pushed his body up, turning the radio off before pulling you into his arms the two of you falling asleep in the darkness.
3 days later
You were sitting in your bed doodling when you heard a knock on the door. 
“It's Alex” you heard from the other side of the door. You smiled as you flung the door open to be met with Alex who did not have the same happy face as yours. His face was covered in sorrow and anxiety. His eyes were red and puffy as it seemed he had been crying. You frowned grabbing his hand and pulling him into the house leading him to the couch. You sat down next to him as his eyes were trained to the floor.
“Alex what's wrong” you cupped his cheeks tilting his head to look at you.
“I got drafted” he whispered and you felt your heart sink. Your body went numb, and your mind felt like it was spinning. You had no words for him, you didn’t know how to make this better. You felt tears swell in your eyes, and instead of saying a word you just wrapped your arms around him pulling him close to your body. You felt him begin to cry into your neck his body shaking as he choked out sobs. You felt your heart shatter into pieces as you hadn’t heard him cry like this since his mother died. As much as you were hurting you knew you needed to stay strong for him. You soothingly rubbed his back trying to comfort him.
“I’m scared Y/n, I don’t want to die” he choked out and you felt tears flow down your face silently. You took a deep breath.
“It’s okay Alex, I know you’re scared, but I know in my heart you will be fine” you whispered trying to stop yourself from breaking down. It had been pretty late, so once Alex had calmed down you led him to your bedroom and he laid on your bed. 
“I’ll be right back, I just need to use the bathroom,” you said softly and he nodded burying himself under your covers. You walked to your bathroom your body shaking. You quickly close and lock the door before leaning against it as you let the tears freely fall from your eyes. You covered your mouth to silence the sobs. You slid down the wall putting your face into your hands curling into a ball. You wondered why this was happening, how could the universe take away the person you care about most, but you knew you needed to hold out hope, you knew that he was strong enough to live. You took a deep breath wiping the tears from your face. You exited the bathroom going back to your bedroom. You jumped into the covers snuggling into Alex’s warm chest. He held you tight and you listened to his heartbeat until you fell asleep.
He had one week before he needed to leave, and you spent almost every moment with him, clung to him. On the last night, he had dinner with his father and you sat on your bed in silence gazing out your window. You held one of Alex’s shirts holding it to your chest. You couldn’t lose him. If he died you would die along with him. You needed him. You loved him. You loved him more than a friend, you loved him from the first time he showed you his trains, and you were going to tell him because you couldn’t let him leave without knowing. You launched yourself from your bed throwing on some shoes and walking out your front door past your parents. You walked to his front door taking a deep breath before knocking on the door with determination. Alex opened the door smiling when he saw you.
“Are you done with dinner?” you asked quickly and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Yes it finished as soon as he passed out an hour ago” Alex laughed as he had learned to cope with his father with humor. “You wanna come in,” he asked, and you nodded as he led you into the house. The two of you walked into his bedroom passing his father who was passed out on the couch. Once you entered the bedroom Alex sat the edge of his bed assuming you would sit down next to him, but you didn’t. You paced back and forth playing with your hands, and Alex frowned. 
“Hey what’s wro-” he started.
“I love you” you blurted out stopping in your tracks. You watched his green eyes widen. 
“What” he gaped.
“Sorry this was stupid you obviously don’t feel the same way so let's just forget-” you rambled but you were interrupted by him getting up and placing his lips upon yours. This time it was your turn for your eyes to go wide as the man you loved cupped your cheeks kissing you with passion. You relaxed into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer. He slipped his tongue into your mouth exploring the way you taste. His arms moved to your lower back bring your hips together causing the both of you to moan. 
“I love you too” he whispered against your neck as you started to kiss and suck causing you to arch into him. You felt your breath become heavy as his hands found your bottom as he backed up towards his bed. He removed his lips from your neck to get onto the bed, and you practically jumped on top of him placing your lips back onto his moving your hips against his causing him to moan into your mouth. You let your hands roam his back as grasping at the fabric of his shirt as his lips moved against yours. You moved your hands towards the hem of his shirt lifting it over his head. Alex dove right back into your lips his hands squeezing every inch of your body leaving each place he touched scorching. 
“This okay,” he asked softly as he played with the buttons of your blouse and you quickly nodded before grabbing his face connecting your lips once more. You felt Alex smirk against your lips as his shaky hands worked to unbutton your top. Once he got the last button you pushed him off removing your shirt leaving you in your skirt and bra. 
Alex’s eyes went dark as he scanned your body. You hopped on top of him moving your lips to his neck kissing softly. Alec grabbed your face holding your cheek in his large hands.
“You’re so beautiful” he whispered causing heat to rush to your face and you buried your face back into his neck to hide the blush that consumed your cheeks. Alex lightly traced your hips before his hands went to the back of your bra. You nodded against his neck letting him know it was okay to take it off. Once your bra was off Alex almost drooled. He immediately latched his mouth to the hard bud swirling his tongue around causing you to squeal and pull his hair.
Alex released your breast with pop and you slowly moved your hands down towards his belt. You quickly unzipped his trousers pulling them off his legs leaving him in his underwear. 
“Fuck” Alex groaned as your hand grazed over his hard length. You slowly pulled him from his boxers and a long moan left his lips. Your eyes widened slightly when you saw how big he was. “Y/n, you don’” he started.
“But I want to, I need to” you whispered wrapped your hand around him pumping him slowly causing Alex to throw his head back his hands gripping the sheets. You slowly lowered your mouth to his swirling your tongue around the head licking the salty precum that had already leaked out. You looked up at him seeing his knuckles turning white as he held onto the sheets. You grabbed one of his hands placing them in your hair causing him to moan. You then fully took him into your mouth taking him as far down your throat as you could. You bobbed your head up and down as Alex let out a string of curses before pulling you from his length.
“I don’t want to finish yet” Alex breathed, and you nodded wiping the spit from around your mouth. Alex grabbed your hips flipping you onto your back. He quickly slid down your skirt revealing your pink panties and he let out a groan. He then slowly kissed up your thigh nipping at the skin causing you to gasp. 
“Alex please” you begged as you felt his breath on your throbbing heat. 
“Please what” he smirked against your inner thigh. 
“Touch me” you whined.
“I am touching you” he stated matter a factly causing you to roll your eyes.
“You know what I want” you replied back.
“I’m not sure I do” he smirked slowly pulling your panties down your legs with his teeth, and you thought you might just orgasm at the sight. 
“Alex I swear to god” you started but ended with a squeal as he wrapped his lips around your swollen bud sucking softly. He then suctioned over your clit causing you to cry out and grip his hair making him groan the vibrations of the noise-causing your legs to shake. You then felt his finger inside of you moving slowly with his tongue the stimulation causing your head to go blank as breathless pleas left your mouth. 
“You taste divine” he smiled against your throbbing heat adding a second finger going fasters as the heat in your stomach began to swell up Alex used his free hand to keep you pressed against the mattress as you squirmed feeling your orgasm closing in. After a few more motions Alex felt your shake pulsating on his tongue. He continued his motions until you were pushing his head away from the stimulation. 
“Holy shit” you breathed out, your chest heaving as Alex moved on top of you his hot breath on your neck as he ground his hard length against your soaking core.
“We don’t have to do anything else if you don’t want to,” Alex said softly.
“I want you” you stated placing your hands on his cheeks pushing your lips on his.
“Are you sure” he mumbled against your lips.
“I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you” you moaned out as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, your nails raking down his back as he slid into you entirely. You stayed like that for a moment adjusting to his large size. The pain slowly passed as you whispered for him to move. Alex began slowly thrusting into you his forehead resting on top of yours his eyes boring into your soul. Your hands grip his back trying to pull him as close as possible.
“Faster” you breathed as you felt the coil in your stomach beginning to grow once more. Alex moaned picking up his speed a layer of sweat forming atop his skin. His head moved to nuzzle into your neck his hot breath. 
“God Y/n I love you” he whispered causing your heart to swell gripping his hair tightly. 
“I love you too” you cried out as you felt your orgasm coming quickly. “Alex please I'm almost there” Alex then moved his hand to rub circles on your clit causing you to squeeze him tightly making him groan biting softly into the skin of your neck. Soon you felt yourself shaking around him the coil exploding as you let out a long moan, Alex working you through trying to make your orgasm last as long as possible. After a few more thrusts he pulled out releasing over your stomach letting out the hottest noise you had ever heard. 
Alex collapsed next to you both of you panting as you stared at the ceiling. You heard Alex walk to the bathroom grabbing a towel to clean you. Once you were clean he came back into bed pulling you close into his arms. You laid your head on his chest gripping him tightly as you felt tears sting your eyes. 
“Baby it's okay” he rubbed your back as he looked down seeing tears fall from your eyes.  
“Promise me you will be okay” you sat up tears streaming down your face.
“I promise,” he said softly knowing it was a promise he wasn’t quite sure he could keep, but he know that he would do anything to make sure he came home, he needed to come home for her.
The drive to the train station was quiet. His father had still been passed out in the couch in no shape to take his son so here you were your mother driving while you and Alex sat in the back seat.. Alex rested a hand on your thigh his eyes remaining on you the whole drive as he tried to remember every feature of your face. When you arrived at the station parking your car you both sat there for a moment gripping each other hand. You felt Alex loosen his grip opening the car door, as you slowly followed behind. Your mother stayed in the car letting you say goodbye on your own. Your hands were clammy as you held his hand both of you walking towards the train station filled with dread.
Once you reached the platform you felt your legs get shaking your head spinning as Alex turned to look at you. You fought the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes. You then jumped into his arms wrapping them around his neck crying into his shoulder taking in every last moment with his hands on you. He wrapped his hands around your lower back tears falling down his face as well as the two of you stood there clinging to each other never wanting to let go. 
“I love you” he cooed placing his hand on your cheek using his thumb to wipe the tears from your eyes. 
“I love you so much Alex” she choked out placing her lips against his both of them tasting each other's tears.
“Drafted Soldiers the train is leaving in 5 minutes” you heard the announcement. The kiss was passionate and slow, full of love. When you released your forehead was upon his your noses still touching. 
“I promise I will come home to you” he whispered before releasing his hands from your face pulling from your body leaving you cold as you watched him walk towards the train as your body fought panic. You felt yourself begin to breathe quickly your chest heaving as tears freely flowed from your face. You gripped your chest as you ran to your mother who was waiting for you outside the car. She opened her arms for you and you broke down in her arms sobbing the both of you falling to the ground.
It had been three months since you had seen Alex, and you were a wreck. When you were working at the diner you were in your bed crying or staring out the window praying that the man you loved was okay that he would be home soon. You knew he wouldn't want this for you but all you did was worry. You had finally got a letter from him learning he was in Dunkirk not too far from England. You were glad to hear that he was alive until you became aware of what was happening there. They were trapped, the germans bombing them at random as they tried to evacuate them. You spent nine days in your room listening to the radio hoping for some kind of announcement that they saved the men there. You waited nine days in agony wondering if Alex was alive, and with that, you knew that if he was alive what he was going through was most likely worse than death and it killed you. 
On the ninth day, it was announced that they had saved around 300,000 men and that they would be coming home to their families. You wanted to be relieved but you didn’t even know if Alex would be coming home. 
The day of the soldier's arrival you found yourself at the station as early as it opened sitting on the bench waiting for the train to arrive. Your mother sat beside you gripping your hand assuring you that Alex would come home. You were terrified. If Alex didn’t get off that train you didn’t know what you would do. You didn’t know how to live without him. You needed him. You stood up pacing around the other families waiting to see if their loved ones were alive. You chewed on your lip as hours passed your feet aching from all the pacing you had been doing when you finally heard the train. When the train finally came to a stop people rushed forwards and you were standing you your tiptoes to see if you could spot his fluffy brown hair. 
The soldiers began filing of the car as you heard people shouting and crying. Your heart was racing as you scanned the room trying to find the man you loved when you finally spotted him exiting the train. You felt tears of joy slide down your cheeks your body relaxing as you felt relief after three months of pure agony. You shoved your way through the people your eyes trained on him as you watched him look around the room, looking for you. When you finally made it to him you both froze for a moment a smile overcoming your face before you ran into him jumping into his arms wrapping your legs around his waist. He hugged you tightly nuzzling his head into your neck as you cried in relief. Alex then released you from his grip your legs hitting the ground. Alex looked into your eyes wiping the tears from your face his smile from ear to ear.
“God I missed you so much” he sighed connecting his lips to yours his hands gripping your face. You melted into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him as close as possible. You then thread your hands through his messy locks causing him to smile into the kiss. You moved your lips together until you were out of breath going right back into a hug enjoying the warmth as happiness flooded your body. 
“Let's go home” 
AYOOOOOOO anyways haven’t written in a hot minute but Mr. Harry Styles inspired me    
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hi there!! i somehow just saw your response to my ask about alex from dunkirk headcanons and i'd just like to hear what you think some personality traits of his would be!! i also think some romantic stuff could be cute too (maybe how he'd act on a first date, etc 🥺) thank you so much for the consideration!! i appreciate it so much
Dating Alex (from Dunkirk) would include:
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• Back at home, Alex was obviously one of the boys all the girls flocked to. However, when you didn’t come running to his side at every opportunity, he knew you were special. 
• He tried to act suave when asking you out, but when you didn’t swoon, he simply asked you for dinner. 
• It surprised you that he was slightly nervous throughout the evening, his leg was shaking and he was fiddling with the table cloth under the table. 
• As the evening progressed he reverted back to his old self. Making you laugh hysterically in the restaurant, gaining the two of you a few side glances from couples trying to enjoy their meals. 
• He tells you to just ignore them, they are just jealous that he managed to get a girl like you to dinner!
• He offers to walk you home, trying to steal a kiss (or two)!
• After that initial first date, you discover that he is quite bad at the ‘waiting game’. He literally asks you to go out with him the next day.
• Once the two of you become an item, he always finds a way to show you off to the world, walking around town with his hand lazily draped around your waist. 
• He can be a gentleman (when he remembers!), offering his coat when it gets cold, offering to carry your bags etc. 
• He rarely calls you anything other than ‘love’ or ‘darling’.
• Being with him can be like looking after a child sometimes! He loves nothing more than engaging in ‘childlike’ games with you. Chasing you round the house and hiding when you enter the house, only to jump out at you! He honestly finds it hilarious. 
• I imagine he is quite a big foodie, especially for home cooked meals. If he gets home and can smell something cooking from the kitchen, he gets beyond excited. 
• You are concerned when he gets his letter to get drafted. He shrugs it off and reassures you he will be completely fine, although his nonchalant attitude concerns you. 
• It’s only later you find his re-reading the telegram, shaking, thinking nobody can see. Deciding not to make a scene, you gently take it from his hands and lead him to bed. 
• The night before he leaves is one of the only nights you have ever seen him anxious. He holds you in his arms as you both fall asleep, you make him promise to not do anything stupid or heroic, just get back to you. 
• He doesn’t have the heart to face you in the morning, he leaves before you wake up. He leaves a long letter that he has poured his heart into on his side of the bed, he didn’t want your last memories of each other to be filled with tears and sadness, so he left early. 
• You have a pact to write to each other every three days, therefore you would know if anything happened to the other. 
• When you get the letter that he is at Dunkirk, you are sick to your stomach, you spend the majority of the evening re-reading his letters, never turning the radio off in fear you would miss some of the vital news. 
• When you discover that the troops have been evacuated from France, you wait in the hallway, staring at the front door, waiting for Alex to come back like he promised. 
• You are drifting off when you hear someone approach your doorstep. As the door opens you are in his arms in seconds. He holds you close as if you would disappear at any moment. 
• You even scolded him for picking up flowers for you! Insisting that he should have come straight home like he promised. But when you look up, you see the smile doesn’t reach his eyes. 
• He begins apologising for being a failure, for letting you and his country down. You are shocked, reassuring him that you have never been more proud of him. 
• That night the two of you sleep better than you have in months, with you curled up on his chest.
• In the night you hear his breathing steady, letting out a final sigh of relief. He is home. He is safe. You are with him and not going anywhere. 
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dual1pa · 5 years
finally home.
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I’m still not over Alex!Harry and I never will be. Enjoy! 
You heard a knock at the door.
It was 10pm, not a normal hour for someone to come knocking at your door. You weren’t sure if you should just ignore it or actually answer it. The person knocked on the door once again. You slowly got up out of your chair and started walking to the door. Once you reached the door, you slowly unlocked it and opened it just enough for you to see who was at your door so late at night.
You breath hitched, not thinking you would find the love of your life standing in front of you.
“Alex.” you opened the door wider so he could come in.
“Hi, baby.” he said.
He was still wearing his uniform. It looked dirty, his hair was damp and he smelled of dry oil. Obviously, you didn’t care. You brought him in for a hug. You wrapped your arms around his neck. The feeling when you hugged him was a feeling you never felt with anyone else.
For years, Alex has always been there for you. You first started off as friends, he was in your english and math class. You two sat together at lunch, he took you to the school fairs. It was then that you realized that you loved him. He knew that you loved him, and the feeling was mutual. He took you out on dates, brought you flowers and visited you at work. He was the perfect boyfriend. You always knew his family, since you were friends. So being around them was never awkward. You knew you were going to marry him someday.
It was also when Alex was sent off to war. It was then that you didn’t know if you were going to see him ever again and that scared the living shit out of you. And what did you do? You waved goodbye to him, holding in your tears until you got home and you cried for days. You barely left the house. You lived alone. Sure, your family was very supportive and helped out if you needed, but you loved your space. Thankfully, you had a boss that was very understanding and let you have the time you needed.
Weeks go by and you slowly started to get better. You went back to work and got your life back. Of course, you didn’t see anyone else, there was no one else. There was only Alex. He had your heart and you were set to marry him.
“When did you get back?” You didn’t want to ask him any questions about the war because you didn’t know what would trigger him.
“Just got off the train and walked all the way here. You were the first person that I wanted to see, the only person. I missed you so much.” he cried into your shoulder.
“C’mon babe. Let’s get a bath shall we? Then get some fresh clothes on? Are you ok with that?”
“As long as you stay with me.”
You could tell he was still shaken up, which isn’t a surprise to you since he just got home from war.
You guide him up the stairs and into the bathroom. You run the warm water and help him out of his clothes. You help him as he gets himself comfortable in the bath. You get down on your knees and start washing the dried oil off his skin.
“Can you come in with me?”
“Sure.” you stripped and hopped into the tub, resting your back on his chest.
You could hear him breathing in your ear, “I love you.”
“I love you too, babe. You don’t have to tell me anything about what you went though if you don’t want to. And if you do, then whenever you’re comfortable or ready, I’m always here to listen.”
“Let’s just sit here and enjoy each others company hmm? I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, sweetie. You rubbed his arm to help get off the oil.”
Once he was clean, you got out of the bath first to fetch him some clothes.
You watched as he carefully got out of the tub, dried himself off and got dressed. He lightly smiled at you. He got on his side of the bed and held his arms out for you to join him. You quickly put on some pajamas and snuggled into him. He put his arm around you and kissed your forehead.
“It was so lonely and quiet without you here.” you said.
“Believe me, I wish I was here too. It was so wet and cold waiting for ships to come to Dunkirk.”
You could cry just thinking about what he went through.
“Babe, we don’t-” you leaned up to face him. “No, it’s okay. It was um- lonely as well. We were stranded on that beach for days. I-I kept thinking ‘No, I can’t die here. I can’t. I have to make it home.’ It was the life that I had here: my family, friends, work, you. I had to come home to you.”
Tears were flowing down your cheek, it was hard to think about how cold he must have been on that beach. It broke your heart.
“You did it. You survived. They brought you home. They brought you all home.”
“I did, however, make a friend. I hope he’s okay with me calling him a friend. He saved me. There was a bombing that hit the boat that I was on and it just- happened so fast. At first, I was on a boat waiting to come home, then a moment later I was in the water fighting for my life, along with many other soldiers. Tommy saved me and I can’t thank him enough for it.”
“Well, does he live around here? I would love to meet one of your friends.”
“I’m not sure, after we got off the train I shook his hand and that was the last I saw of him.”
“Well, maybe you will run into him in town someday.”
Alex shrugged his shoulders, positioning himself so he was laying down on the bed. You snuggled so close to him. You laid your head down on his chest to hear his heart beating. Your hand went under his shirt to caress his soft skin. He inhaled the scent of your shampoo, quietly thanking God that he made it back home.
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collecting-stories · 6 years
Home | Alex ‘Dunkirk 2017′
hey there friend! so, for the dunkirk request: can you do something with Alex please? cute reunion fluff or smt? I just need him to feel at home once he sees the girl again I'm in the mood for some crying these days. For @sweetxcreatureex
Home | Alex 
It was not until the end of the war, or rather a few weeks after the radio announcer gave the news that the war was indeed over, that you would see Alex again. You had met each other in '38, just a year before he was to leave for the war effort. Neither of you were naïve to what was happening in Germany and, when Churchill called for men to fight in the war Alex was signing up immediately.  
"What they're doing to people there is awful." He'd said to you in early September as he walked you home after a date. "I've been listening to the broadcasts, someone's got to do something."  
It was more bravado on Alex's part than anything that pushed him to join. Maybe he was a bit naïve, because he didn’t truly know what he was getting himself into. Though you respected his decision, you were proud of him after all, he was willing to fight against something that seemed truly evil.  
But back in 1938, or 1937 technically because it was an hour before midnight on New Year's Eve that you met him, a war was the last thing on your mind. Your older sister was going to a party with her boyfriend and you had snuck out to follow them, not wanting to be left out. The party was at the town hall, couples gathered to dance away the evening. For a long time you stayed near the back door, just watching everyone interacting with each other. And then, just as midnight was upon you, a young man came up. He was more like a boy your sister would lament when she saw you together later. Bright innocent eyes, boyish features and a happy smile as he offered you a glass of punch.  
"No thank you," you'd declined politely.
"I'm sorry," he apologized though the smile didn't leave his face, "have you come with someone?"
"No, just my sister."
"Well, seeing as it's nearly midnight and I've not come with anyone either, perhaps you would be my midnight kiss?" He requested.
"What?" You were startled to say the least. Boyish sure but still wildly attractive. There must've been someone he'd rather kiss than you.
"Just a quick one yeah? Can even be on the cheek if you'd like. Surely I must get some sort of luck from sharing a kiss with the prettiest girl in here?"  
"Well...alright." You replied, thinking that if your sister were here, and single, she would most certainly accept his kiss.  
So at midnight you shared the first of many kisses with the stranger. Though he'd said it could be on the cheek you had decided, just at everyone in the hall called out an excited 'one' that you would kiss him on the mouth. So you did. And he seemed more than happy with that decision based on the way his hands held your face. His green eyes were bright with excitement from the kiss and his cheeks red as the punch he'd discarded on a table.  
The year and a half that followed was a whirlwind of dates and promises. He met your parents and took you round to his house to meet his own. You both became regular fixtures of each other's lives. He would meet you after school or you would meet him after work and then the two of you would walk to either house for dinner, staying late into the night. While your sister broke up with and dated different boys through the year and a half you never thought of anyone but Alex. He was the first boy you had dated, the first boy you had even kissed and you couldn't imagine ever being without him.  
"I'll be back before you know it, England has one of the best armies in the world." Alex would say versions of the same phrase from the day he told you he was leaving until the day he actually did.  
On that day you kissed him, the excitement gone from his green eyes as nerves set in and you promised to wait for him. "I'll be right here when you get back."
While it wasn't uncommon for your mother or his to mention the idea of marriage to the two of you Alex himself had never brought the topic up himself. Instead he always laughed and said 'one day' when someone commented on it. Today though, as he stood with his bag, ready to go, he placed a small velvet pouch in your hand, closing your fingers around it and kissing your forehead. "For when I come home." He promised.
Later in your bedroom, as you laid in bed listening to your mother crying in the next room (your father had gone as well) you held your hand above your head and stared at the gold band on your finger. He'd left you a ring and a promise, that when he returned, if he returned, he would marry you. The ring was always present on your finger. As you packed what you could and left the city for the countryside, as you listened to the news broadcaster speak about Germany and the war, as you wrote out letters to Alex. You called his mother once a week to talk, his family had stayed in London and ringing them was the easiest form of communication.  
You heard about Dunkirk on the radio but thought only that the men who had safely made it back to England must've been scared. The war was like a looming shadow over all of England. The men who had gone away were being changed by their experiences but so were the women that had been left at home. And that did not exclude you. After Alex went away and you moved out to the countryside you found work two towns over in a factory making parts for the war. You worked early in the morning until late at night to pay your rent to the family that was keeping you and to send money to your mother.  
"Winston Churchill is on the radio!" The lady of the boarding house called up the stairs. The five years had gone fast, it was just four months ago that you were ringing in 1945 with your housemates. The last couple new years being much quieter then they had been with Alex.  
You hurried down the stairs to listen, the prime minister's voice coming through the radio. "Our gratitude to our splendid Allies goes forth from all our hearts in this Island and throughout the British Empire. We may allow ourselves a brief period of rejoicing; but let us not forget for a moment the toil and efforts that lie ahead..."
"It's true then," you leaned back in your chair, letting out the breath that you had been holding since you saw Alex off to war, "it's over."
The commotion in the house that evening was unmatched. Work was canceled for the next day and you were certain no one had rested since the announcement. The war was over and while happiness was the first to settle in you dread was not far behind. Because you had been working non-stop without a single thought other than 'the war will end and Alex will return' but now that it was finally over you couldn't help but think 'what if he doesn’t return'.  
Except he did. The boyishness gone from him, his eyes were a dimmer green than before. Your mother told him that you and your sister had both been sent to the country and she offered him the address. His skin was tanned from the sun though somehow he still looked like a ghost. Your mother would tell you later that she almost didn't recognize the tall young man standing at her doorstep, uniform fitting him as though he'd been born into it. And perhaps he had, somewhere between Dunkirk and the rest of the war he had died and been reborn, just a soldier in a uniform with no identity passed that.  
He arrived on the front step of the cottage you were boarding at and when you came to the door the breath he had been holding for five years left him. His shoulders relaxed, his fists unclenched and his jaw went slack. You looked tired but still lovely and the ring on your finger had dulled from constant wear though he swore it still glinted when the sun caught it as you threw your arms around his neck, bringing him close to you. His bag dropped and he wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you off the ground and burying his face in your neck, tears staining your dress.  
"Alex." You held his face in your hands, kissing him as many times as you could.  
His usual talkative charm had been eaten up by the war and he could do little else but nod to you as you told him that you loved him. His eyes shone with tears as he kissed you, a kiss to make up for the years the both of you had gone without each other, with little more than memories and letters to ease the pain.  
"I knew you would come home to me." You confided, and he was suddenly aware of the way the small band of gold felt against his cheek as you held his face. It was the last either of you would speak of the war for some time.  
Hey I finally wrote this...was it any good?
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 years
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Promises - Imagine
━━━━━━ ༻𖥸༺ ━━━━━━
Letter of Love - Imagine
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Start of Forever - Imagine
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obscure-imagines · 7 years
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“i just keep thinking about my girl back home, about if i’ll ever see her again.” Alex said, “god i miss her.”
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littledreamybeth · 7 years
Hidden love
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Hi there! I’m sorry I haven’t been posting for a while. I’m struggling with personal issues and had no motivation to write anything at all. Besides I still struggle with a huge writer’s block but I’m trying to post more! Enjoy this imagine!
(Pic is not mine!)
20 years old (2014)
“Are you cold, love?” Harry inquired, stripping his jacket off to lay it gently around his girlfriend’s shoulders. She leant contently against his side and let him wrap his strong arms around her body. The two of them were sitting on a bench at the nearest park, enjoying the evening breeze that slowly began to set in. A few people were to be seen at the other side of the lake but luckily not close enough to identify them. If somebody found them together that close and told both of their parents, they wouldn’t know what happened as a consequence.
(Y/N) turned her gaze on his face. Her eyes immediately caught the bruise on his right eye. Lifting her hand up, she carefully traced her fingers along his bruise. “Does it hurt too much?” she asked quietly, feeling like it was her fault that he got injured.
Harry led her hand to his mouth and tenderly kissed her finger tips which caused a slight smile on her face. “Not anymore. Don’t you worry, love.”
He and older brother got into a fight in the morning and nobody cared to tell her the reason for their argument. Harry just wiped the topic off by telling her that it was nothing. But (Y/N) didn’t believe him.
You must have seen her brother after he came back from college. Pride radiated off of him as he reported to their father with utter confidence how he caused a black eye on the younger Styles’ face. And her father? Her father just clasped on his shoulder, telling him he did great and that Harry deserved it. (Y/N) was beyond furious and disgusted as she found out about the news and punished both of them, her father and her brother, by not talking to them for the rest of the day, leaving both confused about her behavior. What nobody in her family knew was that she was secretly in love with Harry and vice versa.
And that was a problem. A huge problem actually.
As long as she could remember there was a family feud between hers and the Styles family. Both sides were the richest and wealthiest families in entire London and well-known as well. Her father owned his own company and so did Harry’s and of course there was a rivalry between them. There was always a kind of competition about who was the best and both sides were eager to win. But the situation got out of control when Des Styles almost caused their company to go bankrupt and her father losing everything that he had. (Y/N) was a little girl by then but she still remembered how stressed her father had been in order to save the company. It took him so many sleepless nights and power to find a way out of the problem. That’s all she knew. He came home one day and told his family to never speak a word with the Styles family. The news wouldn’t stop talking about this for an entire week. Everybody knew about that drama.
(Y/N) stuck to his orders. Whenever she had to pass by the Styles’ mansion she made sure to change the street side for not stepping on their ground. She was a little girl and had been afraid.
But the more she grew up the more idiotic she found this family feud. Yes, it may have been a mistake of Des Styles. People tend to make mistakes however why hating on them their entire life?
The hate between both families couldn’t prevent Harry and (Y/N) falling in love with each other.
It was her who felt intrigued with him first. She knew she loved him the first moment she looked into those pretty green eyes of his. There was no day she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Harry had entirely occupied every part of her mind. Whenever she saw him at the hallways in college, her heart would beat faster. She was a nervous wreck around him. Both of them were aware of their background story but this didn’t stop them from talking to each other privately. They were magnified about the other one.
No one knew about their relationship and that was what lasted on their shoulders like a heavy burden. (Y/N) wanted to introduce her boyfriend to her family so badly, to tell them the reason behind her smile and the shining in her eyes.
In college, they had to pretend like they couldn’t stand each other and whenever Harry saw her hurtful gaze when he threw a fake insult at her, he felt a deep sting between his chest. (Y/N) knew there was no meaning behind his words and she didn’t doubt his love for her however she couldn’t get used to it. It simply pained to hear those words coming from his mouth. Harry would always apologize plenty of times, begging for her forgiveness and promising to make it up to her.
People just shouldn’t get an idea of them being together. It was already hard enough to sneak out of the house to meet each other. Besides, they had to spend time together in places, where somebody was rarely around. (Y/N) hated this way. She wanted to scream to the world that Harry Edward Styles was her lover, her boyfriend, her soul mate.
They couldn’t have people get suspicious or they would be torn apart by their parents.
“I’m sorry this had to happen to you,” (Y/N) apologized even though she had no reason to. It was her brother who should do that instead.
“It’s okay. Really, beautiful. I’m fine.”
(Y/N) closed her eyes, inhaling the fresh air. Currently, she felt like she was suffocating.
“Let’s go away,” she breathed.
“Let’s go away.”
Harry looked at her surprisingly but mixed with a hint of curiosity.
“Far away. Where nobody can find us and we can be free.”
Harry sighed, running his hands along his face. How many times had he thought about that option but failed in realizing it? He never wished to be apart from his family. He loved his mother and sister too much and his father was a man that he admired. But he loved (Y/N) as well, more than his own life, but his parents would never give permission for their relationship.
“I mean it, Harry. Let’s run away. I can’t live like this anymore. Sneaking out of the house to meet you, taking absolutely care that nobody catches us. I don’t want to live like this.” Tears started to overwhelm her, welling up on her eyes.
“It’s hard, we’re limited in just simple things, Harry. I cannot even walk around with you, hug you or kiss you in public. There are so many girls who are throwing themselves at you and I cannot do anything about it. I’m scared of loosing you Harry. I’d rather die than living without you. Please, let’s just run away.”
“Don’t cry, (Y/N). We’ll find a way out of this. There has to be a way out of it.”
She brought their lips to a firm kiss. Harry felt her body shake slightly.
“I love you, Harry,” she whispered against his lips once she pulled away from him, running her hands through his messy curls.
“I love you too, love. Always. No matter what happens.”
As the sun completely set down, they left the park hand in hand. They knew they had to struggle for their love and they would soon confront their families about it but at the end everything would be worth it.
As long as they had each other everything was fine.
Because love always wins.
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Harry Styles
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Eros/ Starfox
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If I didn't know better masterlist* ...........Summary: Artimis hates Thanos after he took away two people she loved most. So what happens when his little brother shows up on her ship?
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Tom Holland
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Life is strange
Only You
Peter Parker
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The Proposal
Top 5 Worst Pains In Life
I Promise
Peter Parker x Reader with ADHD headcannons
Will Solace
Two Ghosts (coming soon
Nico Di Angelo
Two Ghosts (coming soon)
Giyuu Tomioka
What If I Told You I Love You? (Giyuu Tomioka x First Person Reader)
Din Djarin
You're Doing Great
Bakugo Katsuki
Bakugo Katsuki Headcanons
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blueeyedheizer · 4 years
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✎ = currently writing for
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blurb events
— 1k celebration blurbs: Masterlist
— Blurb event: Masterlist
— Blurb event vol.3 : Masterlist
— New year's blurb event : Masterlist
— 1.6k celebration blurbs: Masterlist
— Cassie Howard blurb event: Masterlist
⚠️ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters I write for.
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imaginesbymk · 4 years
Dating Alex from Dunkirk would include...
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requested by anonymous
writing to him every day
kissing him before he heads off to war
him owning a photograph of you, and he keeps it in his pockets whenever he’s out fighting or if he has trouble calming down
being wild and reckless
thinking of you every single night
thinking of him every single night
adoring his accent and thinking it’s sweet
theatre date nights
firefighter carries you playfully
or bridal style
having half a photo album of you and him together
sneaking out at night to be with him
his kisses are the death of you
he loves it when you make fun of him because he’ll return the favour
praying he’ll be able to go home and hold you in his arms
him giving you a necklace as a gift
you reading the local papers and finding him in an article
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All we did is survive
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That’s enough.
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I Promise - Part 5 (sneak peek)
A Dunkirk fic
“Alex,” I murmured, turning to his sleeping figure lying on the bed beside me.
He didn’t move. “Alex, wake up!” I said with a much louder tone than before, reaching over and nudging his shoulder. He grunted and squirmed at my touch, rolling onto his back and squinting up at me.
“Well, good morning.” He mumbled with a small smile, pushing himself up onto one elbow and wrapping his other arm around my bare waist to tug me against him.
“Oh my god,” I groaned, pushing off of the bed and frantically searching the floor for my clothes. “Alex, it’s morning! I can’t be here!” I exclaimed, yanking my crumpled dress from the floor and scrambling to pull it over my body.
He watched me with an amused smile as he scratched his bare chest and yawned. “It’s still early, you can just tell them you went on a walk.”
I scoffed and shook my head at him, finding my panties and quickly sliding them up my legs underneath my dress. He sat up completely, throwing his legs over the side of the mattress, bare feet landing on the hardwood floor. I groaned and frenetically pulled my shoes on, turning to look at him as he made his way towards me.
“Come by later, yeah?” He asked, not at all phased by my frantic inclination and reaching forward to easily wind one strong arm around my waist, pulling my body flush against his. My legs nearly turned to mush at the sound of his deep voice and I huffed out a frustrated breath.
“I have plans with James this afternoon,” I murmured, avoiding his eye contact.
“Are you going to tell him?”
I cringed at his insinuation and pried myself from his grasp, turning away from him. “I-I don’t know…”
“What do you mean?” He snapped, “You can’t just go back to him, not after everything that happened last night!”
“Then what am I supposed to do?” I spun back around to face him, “I can’t just show up at his house and break the news casually! He has been nothing but kind and loving towards me and I can’t hurt him like that.”
“So you’re just going to forget about the things you said to me last night?” He questioned, his voice lowering to a slightly more hushed tone as he stepped closer to me.
I shook my head with a frustrated sigh, murmuring, “I have to go.” before stumbling back to the door.
AHHH I FINALLY HAVE A LOT DONE ON THIS AFTER MONTHS OF WRITERS BLOCK!!!! hopefully i will have this done by next week!!! pls give me feedback of any kind it is very much appreciated!! <3
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dual1pa · 7 years
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A/N: This is my first Alex imagine so I hope you enjoy! If you have any Alex imagine ideas please send them to me and I’ll try to write them! :) 
Your father was going to take out his boat and travel all the way to Dunkirk. Your boyfriend, Alex, was drafted months ago and you missed him so much. You would do anything to see him again. The two of you were going out for a long while now and you were hoping he would propose to you, that’s when he got drafted.
When your father told you he was going out you were first to volunteer. Your father was skeptical about you going but you were going whether he let you or not. There was little to no chance of Alex finding your father's boat but you needed every chance you could get. You wanted to see him as much as you can, and that included if you were risking your life.
“Father, I really need to find him. I love him.” you pleaded.
“I just don’t know, it’s dangerous out there. I don’t want anything happening to you” your father shook his head.
“Please.” you said.
He huffed out a breath. “Okay, but you need to help around the boat whether you find this boy or not.”
“I'll help out in any way I can” you respond.
The day you left, you helped your father and two other boys put life jackets into the boat and you were on your way.
It was a long boat ride and it wasn't even close of being over, you sat in the front of the boat looking out at the open ocean thinking about how your life was going to be with Alex. You would get married and have a family of your own. Tears almost came to your eyes when you heard one of the boys walking toward you.
“Hey.” his name was George.
“Hey. Did my father need something?” You were about to get up but George stopped you.
“No. no I just wanted to come see how you were doing.” he smiled shoving his hands in his pockets.
“Oh. Yes I'm okay. Thanks.” you stared back at the ocean.
“I hope you find him.” George comes and sits down next to you.
You sigh. “Me too.”
He continues to talk to you for a while until you start seeing big ships carrying hundreds of soldiers. It felt like each and every single one of them were staring right at you. You carefully looked for Alex, but no luck. Getting closer and closer to the war zone, you saw ships sinking and terrified soldiers yelling for help. You wished you could help every single one of them but it just wasn't possible.
You noticed that there was oil in the water and every soldier that was helped onto the boat. You went to the front of the boat to get more life jackets and some towels to wipe off the oil on the soldier's faces. You were carrying everything back to the back of the boat and started handing out towels and life jackets to every soldier.
“Go downstairs,” you told every soldier.
Alex was pulled up on the boat by George. Once he hit the boat floor, he closed his eyes and did a few deep breaths. He got back up on his feet and that was when he saw you. He thought you looked so beautiful and he couldn't believe that he finally found you.
That was when you saw him. You couldn't believe you found him. He walked over to you and instantly put his lips to yours desperately trying to taste every single part of you.
“Oh my god!!” you cried wrapping your arms around his damp suit.
“I’m right here darling. I’m right here and I’m never leaving again.” he repeated himself.
“I missed you so much please don’t leave me.” your tears soaked into his uniform. It’s not like it matters because he was still wet from swimming in the ocean.
“Never. Can we go someplace a little more private?” he asked since you were surrounded by soldiers. There was no where really private because you fit as many soldiers as you could onto the boat. You went back to the spot you liked the most on the boat. There were a few soldiers over there but it was more private. You grabbed some blankets and a towel so you could wash the oil off of him and cuddled with Alex. You took one of the towels and brushed his face so there was no more oil. You were still surprised that you actually found him, or that he found you. You could tell that this was a sign that the two of you belonged together and was going to live a happy life once you got back home. He leaned up against the boat and he wrapped his arm around you and you laid your head on his chest.
“I survived for you, baby.” he whispered in your ear. He reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a wet, sort of ripped photo and showed it to you. It was a picture of you.
“Everytime I was scared or thought I was going to die. I looked at a picture of you and it lifted my spirits and gave me a purpose to keep fighting until I could kiss you, touch you, make love to you again. I couldnt just leave you upset and alone. It wouldnt be right. Thank you.”
Just him saying that brought tears to your eyes. He was so special to you and he obviously felt the same way about you.
“I love you.” you moved so you could sit on his lap. You wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on them.
He turned his head so it was close to your lips. “I can’t wait till we are back home so we can start fresh, no more war.” he kissed your forehead.
You glanced up at his face and leaned in for a small kiss. “I just wanna be alone!” you whined but hoping no one heard you because that was kind of rude.
“Me too.” he whispered. “We will be home soon enough.”
The rest of the way home, it was quiet. No one was talking to each other because what was there to talk about? All the soldiers, including Alex had seen some disturbing things while fighting and no one wanted to bring it up. They all just wanted to go home.
After parking the boat in the lot, Alex grabbed your hand and followed the soldiers off the boat. You passed your father and the two boys, letting them know that you will be back and that you found Alex and was going away with him for a while. You promised you would come back. While you were walking away with Alex you heard your father call your name.
“Be careful, will ya? Don’t forget to write.”
He wasn't really okay with you going with Alex but he knew that it wasn't going to stop you.
“I will father.” you wave goodbye to him and the other boys.
You get on the train with Alex and find a place to sit. He sat against the window while you sat up against him. He placed his arm around yours. You gripped onto his arm that was around yours. You never wanted to let go, it was hard letting go the first time when he went away. You spent days crying because you were so scared you would never see him again. Now, he was all yours and you didn't plan on letting go anytime soon. You wanted to marry him as soon as possible.
It felt like you were on the train for hours, you didn't know where Alex was taking you. You assumed he was taking you to his small home. You were right. He led you out of the train and walked down the small street. When you finally reached his home, he reached his hand up above the door to grab the key.
“I hid it here because I would have lost it.” he chuckles.
“You could have just given it to me, I could have stayed here.” you paused. “Unless, you didn't want me too.”
He stared at you. “You’re right. I don’t even know why I didn’t think of you.”
“I shouldn’t have brought it up, I was only joking, love.” you laughed hoping that didnt sound rude.
He shook his head and grabbed your hand and lead you inside. He let out a deep breath and began to strip off his uniform, walking to the bedroom.
“Boy am I glad that I don’t have to put that on ever again.” he laughed.
“You and me both, honey.” you went to sit down on the bed. You realized that you didn't have any clothes with you. Honestly, you just didn't care. You didn't live too far from Alex anyways, you could always go home and get some more clothes tomorrow.
“I just realized that I don’t have any clothes.” you giggle.
He opened the bathroom door with a toothbrush in his mouth and clean clothes on.
“It’s quite alright. I have clothes for you to wear here. I haven't worn them in a while. Take whatever you want.”
Your dress you had on wasn't as damp as it was before, you did have some dirt and oil on it from not letting go of Alex but you didn't care. You grabbed the hem of your dressed and pulled it up above your shoulders leaving you in a bra and underwear. You opened one of the drawers to find a t-shirt and pants to put on. You found a shirt and was about to put it on but you felt familiar hands wrap around your waist. His chin rested on your shoulder. You placed your hands over his.
“I missed this. The war was very lonely, scary, and wet. All I thought about was you and getting home to you.”
You felt a tear on your shoulder. You turned around to give him a hug. Seeing him cry would automatically make you cry.
“I’m sorry.” you cried into his chest.
You looked up at him and smiled. “Sounds like a busy day.” you leaned in for a kiss, only for that kiss to become more intimate. He pulled you on top of him and let his hands roam freely along your body. You broke the kiss to be able to get a good look at him.
You stayed in that position for a long while until the both of you were willing to let go for a few seconds to get into bed together. You pulled on one of his shirts and snuck into the bed. Snuggling up to his side.
“Tomorrow I’m going to go find a job and I will go buy you a ring so I can finally be married to
“I’m so glad I found you” he said brushing a piece of hair behind your ear.
“It was fate.” you could swear it.
Rolling off of him, you were both exhausted. Alex was a million times more tired than you were but if you could close your eyes right now you would be asleep in seconds.
“Sleep well, I’ll be right next to you when you wake up tomorrow morning.” you give him a kiss tonight and roll over and fall fast asleep. As did Alex.
You woke up the next morning bright and early. You looked over at the clock on the little table next to the bed. 8:04 it read. You looked over at Alex to find him still fast asleep on his back. You didn't want to wake him because he deserves to sleep. Probably hasn't gotten enough. You lightly kissed his forehead. You decided to go out and see your family to pick up some of your own clothes. Maybe pack a few things. Alex's home was pretty empty except a radio and a couch. You thought it needed a bit more, hopefully Alex wouldn't mind. You left a note on the table just in case Alex woke up.
After going to see your family for a while and packed up a few things, you were on your way back to your new home. You quietly opened the door and shut it walking in and placing your things on the kitchen table. You walked back into your bedroom to check on Alex, he wasn't there.
“Alex?” You yelled throughout the house. No answer.
Low and behold, he left you a note as well.
“Love, went to town to grab a few things, maybe a surprise. Love you.” The note read. He always knew how to make you smile. He seemed pretty okay, even though he just came back from war. You definitely wanted him to know that it was okay to come and talk to you about anything without any judgement. You were aware that he could possibly wake up with nightmares at any moment and you were ready. You wanted to be there for him to help him through anything he was struggling with.
A few hours later, you were sitting on the couch listening to the radio when you heard the door open and shut tightly. Alex was home. With a huge smile on your face, you ran up to him to give him a big hug to welcome him home. He had a few bags in his hand and you were curious to see what he had gotten.
“Since you were out getting your things, I thought I should go out and get my things too.” he smiled giving you a light kiss on your lips.
You went back to your spot on the couch. He came back into the room with his hands behind his back.
“What do you have there?” you ask moving your body to give you more access to see what he had.
Bringing his hands to the front, it was a tiny box. Your jaw drops. He comes to the couch and gets down on one knee in front of you.
“Honey, you've been by my side ever since I left and it was so hard for me to just leave you like that on such short notice. You've been so faithful in my absence and I just want to marry ya. So will you do me the honors of being my wife?” He opened the box to unveil the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. You told yourself when the time came, you wouldn't cry and boy were you a liar.
“Yes. Yes I'll marry you.”
He placed the ring on your ring finger and brought you in for a hug.
“I saw this ring in a nearby store and instantly I thought ‘damn, this is the one’.”
“It’s beautiful, Alex.” a single tear fell down your face. Alex instantly put his hand to your face to wipe it away softly.
“I think we should elope.” he said quietly.
You look up at him. “I think we should too. It would save us plenty of money. Let’s just do it today.”
“You read my mind, love.” he smiled grabbed your hand walking out the door and locking it behind you.
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hwrryscherry · 4 years
do you ever wonder if Alex from dunkirk had a girl waiting for him at home?because this thought lives in my mind since i first watched this masterpiece
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5sospenguinqueen · 7 years
TITLE: Promises
SUMMARY: You're a nurse and you're engaged to Farrier before you get drafted to help in Dunkirk. You were on the ship that goes down in the beginning and Alex, Tommy and Gibson help you. There will be a happy ending
FANDOM: Dunkirk
WARNING: Fluff towards the end. Long ass imagine. Shitty writing 
''Everything is going to be okay, love. We'll see each other soon.''
"Do you promise?"
"I promise.''
You were currently on a ship, surrounded by wounded soldiers. It had been two weeks since you'd last since Farrier, your fiancée, but in that time you had managed to help many privates.
  However, you'd seen a Spitfire go down just before you go on the ship, and you were petrified that it was Farrier. Even though you knew that there was a huge possibility that Farrier wasn't even in one of those Spitfires. That didn't stop you from worrying.
You could see the German planes and quickly covered your ears, knowing that in about three seconds you'd hear the dreaded boom of the bombs. A bomb exploded near the ship but you weren't sure if the bomb had hit the ship or not. You soon found out.
"Abandon ship!" A private yelled as one side of the boat started to sink down.
Springing into action, you jump up and make sure that the stable, wounded soldiers had lifejackets on, and that someone helped them off the boat.
"Miss, it's hopeless, they're going to die. Save yourself. Jump." The green eyed soldier, who had been sitting across from you, told you.
You did as he said and grabbed your lifejacket. The soldier helped you over the side of the boat and as you hit the water, you heard a splash beside you. The green eyed soldier, that told you to jump, helped you to swim over to the wooden beams where some other soldiers had already taken safety.
 A young solider helped you up and you thanked him over and over. Looking around, it looked like you were the only nurse that had survived from that ship. A lot of privates had lost their lives as well and you could see bodies and stretchers floating atop the water.
"We'll get you on another ship." A Lieutenant called down to us. The soldier that helped me looks at his friend, and then they both dunk themselves into the water.
"Here, have a blanket. Go down there, there's tea and food waiting for you." A nurse smiles at us.
Alex, the green eyed soldier, goes down first and I follow, eager to get out of the cold air but no so eager to go into a confined space on a ship. I notice that the young private follows us but not his friend.
" Oi, where's your friend gone?" Alex asks the young solider, with a mouthful of bread and jam.
"Charming Alex." You mutter.
The private shoots you a cheeky grin.
"Looking for a quick way out, in case we go down." He replies, walking towards the only door that has already been shut. Alex goes back for four more slices of bread and somewhere in that time I learn that the young soldiers name was Tommy. Suddenly, the floor is covered in water. Panicked shouts of soldiers start to fill the air.
"We've been hit. And we're taking on water quickly." You state the obvious. "We need to get that door open now."
The three of you start to make to the door but before you can get close enough to open it, you're submerged under the water. Alex tries to keep you close but you lose both him and Tommy. You can see a light up ahead and you figure that someone opened the door. You start kicking upwards, trying to get out the door. Air hits you and oxygen fills your lungs as a private helps you up out of the water. You barely have time to catch your breath before he helps you over the side and yet again, you're back in water. You don't see Tommy or Alex anywhere but you know that you have to get out of there quickly before the ship goes down or explodes.
You don't know how long you'd been swimming or even how far you'd swum. But you did know that the sun had risen and you were nowhere near the beach. Eventually, your limbs are too heavy and tired to keep going so you just float there, in the middle of the ocean and hope that death comes quickly.
Luckily, a boat spots you and a young boy helps you aboard. The young boy hands you a blanket and a cup of tea.
"Thank you so much. The ship I was on went down and I couldn't find anyone. I'm Y/N."
"No problem. I'm Peter. That's my father. And we're not sure who he is." Peter nods his head to the soldier sat in the corner staring out at the sea blankly.
"We found him stranded on a piece of boat all alone."
"Shell shock." You note.
"I'm sorry Miss. I know you've been through a lot but my friend he's injured and I was wondering if you could help him." Peter asks.
"Peter, she's been through a lot. Leave her alone." His father warns.
"No. Of course I'll check him over. It's my job." You smile, setting down your tea and unwrapping yourself from the blanket.
Peter leads you to the poor boy lying on the floor and just looking at him, you can tell it's bad. Peter explains what happened with the soldier.
  "Hello, can you hear me? I'm here to help you. Can you tell me your name?" You ask the poor boy.
"G-George." He chokes out.
"Okay George. I'm going to help you, and I know it's hard but you need to do everything I tell you, okay?"
All you had in response was a groan.
"Can you help him?" Peter asks.
"I can give him a day, a day and a half at a push but he needs serious medical help. And fast. Now I need you to get some thing for me."
"Sure. What do you need?"
"I need caffeine tablets, hot salt water, a clean rag, a clean bandage and a pillow or folded blanket." You bark.
Luckily, Peter came back with all of those things.
"Thankfully Dad still had some of these on the boat." He says tossing you the tablets.
"Okay George. I'm going to need to move you over a bit, just onto a pillow. Do you think you can do that for me sweetie?" You ask.
George mumbles a yes.
"Okay. On three. One, two-" You quickly move him before three and once George is on the pillow, he lets out a small sigh.
"That was very good George. Now, I need you to tell me if you things are a bit blurry for you."
"It's not blurry." George answers. "Thank G-"
"In fact, everything is dark. I-I can't see." George says in a panic.
You swear under your breath.
"Okay. Everything is going to be fine George. But I'm going to need you to take these tablets dry for me okay. I can't give you any water. Can you do that for me?"
After a couple of attempts and many coughing, George finally gets the pills down him.
"You're doing great Sweetie. Now, I'm going to clean your wound and change your bandages. This is going to sting but just grip my hand as hard as you can." You give George your hand.
"George, you need to keep your eyes open. Just until I'm done." George obliges and ten minutes later, George lets out a small sigh of relief, his head freshly bandaged.
"I need you to call for me if anything changes. But, you're going to be okay." You tell the pale teenager.
"Do you promise?"
"I promise." You smile, remembering the same words being spoken between you and Farrier.
Climbing the stairs, you come back on to the deck of the boat.
"Thank you." Peter smiles gratefully.
"I can't do much more for him but keep giving him the tablets. He needs a hospital. Soon." You tell him. Peter nods gravely. "Is he going to be okay?" The soldier asks you.
"No, he's not." Peter says harshly.
"Peter! He'll be fine, I promise. It's just a little bump. He's going to be okay." You say soothingly.
"Ok. Good. Good." The soldier says before going to sit back down.
You'd been sailing for a while now. And you'd checked over the solider and made sure he was okay, no injuries. George was doing okay and he'd even told you that the darkness was a lot lighter, his vision hadn't returned but the light was a good sign.
"Dad, there's a Spitfire."
At those words, you rush to the side and see where Peter is pointing.
"Please Mr Dawson. You have to help him. You have to." You plead. Once you come up beside the Spitfire, you notice the pilot struggling to open the cockpit.
"Get me something heavy. Now." You say frantically and Peter hands you a thick pole.
Using all your might, you smash down onto the glass and eventually the glass breaks. Peter rushes over to help the pilot into the boat.
"Afternoon." You hear a familiar face say and soon you see the familiar blond fringe that belongs to your best friend.
"Collins!" You scream and jump at him. Collins wraps his arms around you in a tight hug and you two stay like that for a couple of minutes.
"Y/N! You're alive! And okay!"
"Yeah. I can't believe your here. But that means-" You trail off knowing that Farrier is apart of Collins' team.
"Y/N, he's okay. He's still up there." Collins points to the Spitfire in the distance. You let out a sigh of relief until you hear the dreaded word 'but'.
"But a bullet hit his gallons gage. I don't know how many gallons he has left but it was 15 before I crashed." Collins tells you.
You don't have much time to process this information because you hear your name being faintly called.
  "Hey George. How are you feeling?" You say softly.
"Much better tanks to you Y/N. But I'm so thirsty." George whimpers.
"I know sweetie. But I'm so sorry. I can't give you any water in case the fluid goes to your brain." You explain.
"I understand." George looks crestfallen. You give the boy a sweet smile and a kiss on the forehead before heading back on deck.
You can hear Peter telling Collins about what happened to George and you go and stand at the edge of the boat looking at home getting further and further away.
"It's not his fault." You tell Collins as he joins you.
"I know." Collins says clearly just agreeing so no arguments ensued.
"It's not. He's shell shocked. He's been through worse than hell." You defend the shivering solider.
"Trust me, you would be like that too if you'd seen some of the stuff I have. I know it's not easy being in a plane either but you haven't been down there. The blood. The bodies. The bombs. I've almost died twice today and I've lost people." You rant on before Collins wraps his arms around you in a hug and you break down sobbing.
"I know. Honestly, you're right. I haven't been through a fraction of what you have and I'm scarred. I dread to think what that soldier's been through. You're right, it's not his fault."
    For the rest of the day, you were on autopilot. Constantly checking on George, making tea and just making sure everyone was okay. It wasn't until early night that you got closer to the beach. By that time, another boat full of people had been bombed and oil had spilt into the ocean. Peter, Collins and the soldier were busy helping people into the boat and you were checking everyone for injuries. "Hey, be careful down there." You hear Peter yell.
You quickly rush over to see what's going on.
"Mate, he looks half dead."
"Yeah, well he's not. SO BE BLOODY CAREFUL!" You scream at them. You rush down to check on George.
"George, sweetie?" You ask.
"Yeah." He groans back.
"I need to slide you over to the side. Just to make room for some soldiers. Is that okay?"
"Mhm." You slide George over gently, causing some groans of pain but he quickly assures you that he's okay.
"Listen up! If he says anything, groans, coughs, sneezes or even breathes differently. You come and find me. If anything happens, you find me! If you fail to do so, I will make Dunkirk look like a walk in the park! Got it?!" You bark at the soldiers.
There's a nod of heads and collective murmur of yes. You go to walk back up the stairs when you hear someone call your name. You turn around to see two faces covered in oil but a familiar pair of green eyes.
"Alex? Tommy?" You ask. When they both nod you throw your arms around their necks and pull them into a hug.
"Are you okay? Are you injured?" You ask checking them over.
"No. We're fine. We were so worried about you when we couldn't find you after the ship went down. We were so afraid that you'd-" Tommy trails off.
"I was fine. I got picked up by this boat. I'm so glad you're alive." You go to say more but Collins calls your name and you rush back on deck.
The sun had risen and you see a Spitfire tailing a German plane. However, something sees off about the Spitfire.
"Collins, is that Farrier?" You ask, a hint of desperation creeping into your voice. All you get in reply is a nod.
"Wait, his propellers aren't going. He's run out of fuel!" You realise.
Collins says nothing.
Farrier stays on the enemy's tail and you can see the German plane heading for a ship full off privates.
"Come on Farrier." You hear Collins mutter again and again with angst. Everyone on deck is focussed on the two planes. The Spitfire takes a shot and it hit it's target as the German plane starts to go down. The men on the boat all let out cheers but you stay silent as you focus on the Spitfire getting lower and lower. Reaching up to your necklace, you play with your engagement ring that is secured safely on the end of the chain.
  Yet, you don't see a parachute or even a pilot appear.
"Collins. What is he doing why isn't he jumping?! COLLINS!" You yell frantically. "It's going to be okay Y/N. He'll jump."
"Do you promise?"
However, Collins doesn't reply and the boat gets further and further away.
  And the Spitfire gets lower and lower.
And Farrier doesn't jump out.
You let out a scream of emotional pain and break down crying in Collins' arms. Soldiers move away from you to let you sink down to the floor. Collins stays with you and sometime in the night, you're aware of a blanket being draped over you.
You don't sleep that night, you just stare out at the water and the fading beach. You're aware of the soldier, that was here when you were rescued, sitting down next to you but neither of you say a word. He just wraps an arm around your shoulder and that's all the comfort both of you need.
It's mid morning by the time you arrive at the docks and you lose track off Alex, Tommy and the soldier but you check on George and make sure he gets off first. "Peter!" You call to the blond boy before he gets off the boat.
 "Here." You say thrusting a piece of paper at him. "This is my telephone number. Please, I'm begging you. If anything happens to George. Anything. If he lives, dies, goes under surgery. Call me. Please." You plead.
"Of course. Thank you so much for everything Y/N." Peter says.
"I should be thanking you. You saved my life." You kiss Peter on the cheek before Collins guides you off the boat and to the train.
Luckily, you walk past Alex and Tommy on the train. Although, Tommy is passed out.
"May I sit here, private?" You ask Alex.
Alex looks up on smiles when he sees you quickly moving up so that you can sit by here. Collins sits on one of the seats on the other side.
"Oh Y/N! There you are. I tried to look for you after I got off the boat but there were so many people." Alex explains.
"It's okay. I tried to look for you too." The pair of you talk about going home and your past lives, before the war for a while before Alex tells you about his worries. "We're going to be shunned. We'll be hated."
"No you won't. Why would you?"
"We're not heroes. We didn't do anything." Alex says sombrely.
"You are a hero. You did so much by just surviving. And you are definitely a hero. You saved my life Alex, remember? You got me off that ship. You got me to safety. You're a hero to me." You smile at the boy.
"Thanks Y/N." Alex gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. You rest your head on his shoulder and drift off to sleep. You don't wake up until someone shakes you awake.
"We've arrived home Y/N." Collins says.
"Oh. Where's Tommy?" You ask.
"He didn't want to wake you. Well, Collins told him not to." Alex explains.
"Ah right. Well, I guess this is goodbye. Thank you Alex. For saving my life. Twice." You whisper whilst hugging me.
"Please. Write me. And goodbye Y/N." Alex says slipping a piece of paper into your hand.
"You sure you're okay?" Collins asks you over lunch.
"Collins, it's been two weeks. And no news. I just need to accept that he's gone. It hurts but I'll be okay." You voice breaks whilst you say it, and you can tell that Collins doesn't believe it but he lets you go.
"So, you still thinking of opening up a flower shop?" Collins asks quickly changing the topic.
"Yeah, I really think it'll be good for me. After Dunkirk, I don't think I want to be a nurse anymore. I mean, sure, saving lives was good and rewarding but I don't want to be reminded of that every time I see blood or an injured person. And I wrote Alex about he and he thought that it was a good idea."
"Then I support it. How is Alex anyway?"
"He's doing alright. Says his mum and sister have been spoiling him." You laugh.
"That's good. Anyway, I got to go. My mum needs my help painting. We still on for breakfast tomorrow?" Collins asks.
"Of course. See ya." You give Collins a kiss on the cheek and a hug as he leaves. You and Collins saw each other every day to make sure you were both okay and it helped you both a little to move past the events of Dunkirk.
Casting a glance at the picture of Farrier, you dash out of your bedroom and to the phone on the landing.
"Hello." You greet.
"Um hi. Is this Y/N?" You hear a male's voice on the other end.
"Yes. I'm Y/N?" You say dumbly.
"Hi! It's George. You kind of saved my life."
"George! You're okay?! It's so good to hear from you." You exclaim.
"Yeah. The docs patched me up. They said that if you hadn't done what you did. I wouldn't be here right now. I'm so grateful to you." "I was just doing my job. And I definitely wasn't about to let you die."
"Well, I just want you to know that I'm extremely grateful to you. And so are my parents. In fact, they'd love to meet you. Would you be interested in coming down here for a couple of days and meeting them? And so that I can see the woman who saved my life?" George lets out a nervous chuckle.
"Yes, of course that sounds wond- Wait, did you say see?!" You exclaim happily.
"Yeah! They managed to fix my sight. I now have fully functioning eyes. Still have to wear reading glasses though." George grumbles.
You let out a chuckle at the boy's words.
"Anyway, would you be able to come next week? Maybe Tuesday to Friday? We can arrange train ride and you can stay with us? Bring your boyfriend if you have one?" George rambles.
"Whoa, calm down kid. Is this okay with your parents?" You ask.
"Yeah of course. They're the ones that suggested it. They'd really like to meet you in person. I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you. And I also really want to meet you properly. And I think Peter wouldn't mind seeing you again." George states. You hear a noise and then a groan come from George.
"Then sure, call me back tomorrow with the details."
"Yes! Thank you! Talk to you tomorrow. See you soon. Bye." George yells excitedly.
"Bye George." You giggle before the phone disconnects.
Thump! You hear a noise come from downstairs, followed by a string of curses and quickly grab the closest object, a vase, before slowly making your way downstairs. You see a tall frame stood staring at the picture of you and Farrier hung on the wall.
When you realise who it is you drop the vase in shock causing the man stood in front of you to turn around.
"Farrier?" You ask in shock before throwing yourself at him and kissing him.
"Easy love. You're gonna strangle me to death." He laughs.
Before you can stop yourself, you start sobbing. Farrier takes your head in both hands and wipes your tears away with his thumbs.
"Hey pretty girl. Don't cry. I'm right here." Farrier soothes.
"I-I thought you were dead." You sob.
"I'm right here baby." Farrier whispers in your ear.
"And I'm not leaving you ever again."
"You better not." Farrier lets out a chuckle and before you can do anything else, he reaches up to your neck and pulls your necklace off. You stand there frozen in shock not really sure what just happened.
"I believe this belongs somewhere else." Farrier jokes holding up your engagement ring. You let out a little giggle.
"I'm going to marry you. And we're going to start a beautiful family. And have lots of dogs and loads of beautiful babies." Farrier whispers, sliding the ring onto your finger.
"Don't forget Collins. He'll get upset if we don't include him." You joke.
"Of course. We can't forget Collins. I will love you until my last dying breath."
"Do you promise?"
"I promise."
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