#alexa play that one song of the neighbourhood
bunnighost · 2 years
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taeyongdoyoung · 2 years
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summary: tired of his friends minho and chan rubbing their happiness in his face, changbin decides to see for himself what’s so special about hybrids. his best friend and roommate hyunjin follows his example soon enough. only they both get something they didn’t bargain for...
pairing: human owner!changbin x bunny hybrid!reader x human owner!hyunjin x fox hybrid!jeongin
genre: angst, fluff
warnings: rich bin & obsessive hyun (basically canon 🤭), swearing, mentions of past abuse, jealousy, unrequited feelings, yelling, chasing kink, kissing, trust issues (alexa play the weeknd), cuddling, strength kink, lots of misunderstandings, making out, crying, unresolved tension, sleeping pills, inappropriate jokes about eating people, half-naked hyunin (yes, that’s a warning in itself), angry changbin, infidelity, manipulation/corruption, implied drugging
author’s note: the title is inspired by the neighbourhood’s nervous (i used it to symbolize the lack of healthy communication going on) and the story itself takes place in the same universe as sharing my heart fic and in the holes paws of my sweater fic; there are some song references in italics so keep an eye out 😉
word count: 7.7k
part two
Changbin's POV
Changbin was a curious man. Especially after his closest friends Chan and Minho kept talking to him about their hybrid partners and how lovely they were. Changbin had had a couple of relationships in the past but things had never gotten serious. He was longing for someone to come home to and cuddle after a long day. And no, his roommate Hyunjin (aka the biggest physical touch hater) didn't count. Changbin wished he could confide in someone the way Chan did with Seungmin or Minho with Jisung, Felix and their girlfriend (that lucky bastard). He was craving that special feeling he heard so much about from his friends. Which is how Changbin ended up at the hybrid shelter.
"Can I help with something? What kind of hybrid are you looking for?" the man working there asked.
"Um...I don't really have anything particular in mind."
"That's alright. Why don't you look around and let me know if something catches your eye."
Changbin nodded and started marveling at the variety of beautiful creatures residing at the shelter. He knew that he couldn't adopt more than one hybrid (he could technically afford it but he was too busy with work and he was aware that hybrids required a lot of attention and affection) so he hoped that they all found a caring home someday.
Soon enough, his stare met the nervous eyes of a bunny hybrid. She had the most adorable pout and the fluffiest tail. Changbin wasn't the type to believe in fairytale stuff like love at first sight but seeing her was enough to overwhelm him with the most intense urge to take her away and protect her.
"Hi, what's your name?"
"Y/N," she replied. "Are you looking to adopt?"
Changbin confirmed his intentions.
"Found anything to your liking?" the bunny hybrid kept up the conversation.
Reader's POV
Your eyes widened in shock. You'd spent so long at the shelter that you had abandonded the foolish desire (hope) to get adopted long ago. You couldn't believe what you were hearing.
"You...want to adopt...me?" you had to make sure.
The man nodded calmly.
"How do you feel about that?"
You didn't want to show your true emotions (them being extreme excitement and intense joy) out of fear that he'd change his mind. So you tried to play it cool.
"That's fine, I guess," you shrugged, when in reality you were bursting with impatience. You would finally get a real home!
"Great, then I'll go deal with the paperwork," the man said confidently. "I'm Changbin, by the way. It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise," you gave him a small smile.
Soon enough you were inside Changbin's home. No, it was your home now, too. This would take some time getting used to.
"This is the living room, this is the gym, this is the kitchen, this is the music studio, this is my room, this is my friend Hyunjin's room, this is the bathroom and this will be your room," Changbin began showing you around the house.
"Wow, that's a lot of rooms," you were amazed.
"I'll show you the pool later," he smirked.
The what now? Had you died and ended up in heaven? This seemed too good to be true.
"So, um, what exactly are your...expectations of me?" you asked nervously.
"What do you mean?" Changbin seemed confused.
"I mean...what do I have to do in return? For you to let me stay here."
Changbin blinked in shock.
"You don't have to do anything, cupcake. I just...want you to be happy and make yourself at home, yeah?"
You were definitely dreaming.
Hyunjin's POV
Hyunjin was a possessive man. Especially after his best friend (who was also the guy he was crushing on) adopted the bunny hybrid Y/N. Hyunjin was haunted by questions filled with self-doubt. Wasn't he a good enough roommate to Changbin? Wouldn't he make a wonderful boyfriend? Why did Changbin have to replace him so easily with this...bunny girl (albeit a very beautiful one)? Hyunjin was also a hopeless romantic. He kept fantasizing about the perfect relationship and making playlists about love. He would draw figures stuck to each other in an affectionate embrace. He would often dream about his ideal type. And all his dreams had a face. Changbin. Changbin. Changbin.
"So you just decided to take her home without asking me?" Hyunjin scoffed.
"I already told you I had been thinking about adopting for a while now," Changbin defended his choice.
"Thinking about something and actually doing it are two very different things," Hyunjin groaned in annoyance.
"Why are you acting like this? Y/N is so nice."
Nice. What a terrible word. Hyunjin could be nice, too. Why didn't Changbin see how much he liked him?
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes.
"She deserves a loving home. Every hybrid does."
"So I suppose you wouldn't mind if I adopted a hybrid myself?" Hyunjin said as a joke. He just wanted to make Changbin as jealous as he was.
"Fine by me!" Changbin shrugged.
"FINE!" Hyunjin yelled and grabbed his jacket, already heading out.
"FINE!" Changbin shouted after him.
And that is how Hyunjin ended up at the shelter. He had no previous knowledge about them. Sure, he had heard some basic facts from Chan and Minho, but still. Hyunjin didn't even know what he was looking for. He just took one look at the mischievous fox hybrid and felt an immediate connection.
"Do you wanna get out of here?"
"What's in it for me?" the fox hybrid raised his eyebrows.
Hyunjin hadn't planned that far.
"Uh, having a warm bed and a proper home not good enough for ya?"
"I've seen far worse than the conditions at this shelter," the hybrid replied darkly.
Well, shit. What could Hyunjin possibly offer?
"Unlimited food? A bunny hybrid friend to play with? Cool clothes?"
"You had me at food."
Jeongin's POV
Jeongin was a hungry man. Especially after his former owners abandoned him in the most cruel way. Jeongin had practically been starving for ages. So the opportunity given to him by Hyunjin wasn't one he could resist. But Jeongin had lied. It wasn't the food that had him interested the most.
"How could you adopt a fox hybrid?" Changbin yelled at Hyunjin. "Foxes eat bunnies, it's common knowledge!"
"He's a hybrid, not an actual fox, you idiot!" Hyunjin screamed back.
"You're so fucking irresponsible!"
"At least I informed you about my plans instead of telling you post-factum!"
Humans. So loud...And dramatic.
"I promise I won't eat the bunny hybrid," Jeongin raised his hand politely and did his best to look as amiable as possible.
Changbin nodded thoughtfully.
"You better prove it."
"He will," Hyunjin defended his hybrid's honour.
"Then, I guess he can stay," Changbin acquiesced. "But if I get any complaints from my precious bunny, he's out."
Jeongin promised he wouldn't eat her. But he made no other promises.
When he met her for the first time, it was like all his fantasies had come true. Oh, she was so adorable and helpless he wanted to ruin her.
Reader's POV
You fearfully hid behind Changbin's back when your eyes met with the fox hybrid's. As if a human could defend you against this...dangerous predator.
"Relax, cupcake," Changbin murmured. "Hyunjin will keep him under control. Right, Hyunjin?"
"Sure, don't worry about it," Hyunjin responded.
You sneaked a peak uneasily. The fox hybrid was so handsome, you had to admit. It was as if nature itself had designed him to be alluring enough for prey like...well, you.
"My name is Jeongin," he introduced himself. "I hope we get along, bunny."
You sensed shudders running down your skin. The way he said that last word...It was almost menacing. And yet his innocent face was in stark contrast with the goosebumps he was giving you. It was deeply confusing. And despite the promise of danger, you were already aching for more. To hear his voice again.
"I'm Y/N," you blurted out. "N-nice to m-meet you."
You felt so pathetic, stammering like a fool.
"It's a beautiful name," Jeongin smiled. Saccharine sweet. "Y/N."
"Um...thanks," you mumbled.
"It wasn't a compliment, just the truth. I promised these nice hyungs I won't eat you. It is only right I make the same promise to you, don't you think?"
You nodded, almost in a daze. Empty words. You were too nervous to speak. He had said he wouldn't eat you. But why did you have the feeling he was capable of so much worse?
Your earlier suspicions were correct. This whole thing was too good to be true.
Changbin's POV
Changbin was a cautious man. Which is why, despite Jeongin's sparkly eyes and his profound promises, he didn't want to leave him alone with Y/N. Yet. He knew it was most likely just prejudice, considering two of Minho's partners were cat hybrids, while his third was a hamster hybrid and they were all living in peace. No casualties. But still, he couldn't help but be a little overprotective when it came to his precious bunny. Which is why he created this whole schedule thing. When Changbin had to go out, Hyunjin would stay with the two hybrids. Or vice versa.
"How are you liking this place so far?" Changbin asked Y/N one day, around a month after he adopted her.
"Oh, it's great, but not much different from the shelter. No offense," she responded.
"What do you mean?" he pouted.
"I mean...I don't get to go out."
Shit. Fuck. Changbin couldn't believe he had forgotten about that. Of course she wanted to go out, she was a bunny hybrid!
"I'm so sorry, it totally slipped my mind!" he apologized sincerely. "Do you wanna join me for a run in the park?"
"I would love that!" she squealed excitedly and gave Changbin a quick but deeply grateful hug.
When in the park, Y/N completely transformed. She seemed more carefree and energized. Practically glowing. It was refreshing to see her this way. When she was inside, it was as if she had a hidden worry behind her eyes that she couldn't quite seem to shake.
"Can you do me a favour, Binnie?"
"Sure, anything."
"Can you...like chase me?"
"You want me to chase you?" Changbin smirked.
"You do know I work out...like a LOT," he said confidently.
"I know," she smiled in anticipation.
"Go ahead, then. I’ll give you a headstart. Run."
Reader's POV
And run you did. It was such a rush. You felt so free and happy. A surge of adrenaline was coursing through your veins as you kept running faster than ever before. After a couple of minutes, you felt your energy levels decreasing. And you slowed down, allowing yourself to be captured by Changbin's strong arms.
"Caught you," he announced proudly.
"You did," you smiled fondly.
"Do I get a reward as the winner in this race?" Changbin teased.
"What do you want?" you asked.
"A kiss?" Changbin said as a joke.
But you weren't in the mood for playing around. After he had done as you asked and chased you so nicely, you felt like it was only fair to give the man what he desired. So, you wrapped your hands around the back of his neck and kissed him eagerly, taking him by surprise. He tasted like summer and salt and freedom.
"Woah," he whispered after you broke the kiss. "I was just messing around."
"You didn't like it?" you blinked dejectedly, your lips forming into a pout.
"No, no, I loved it, but I...hope you didn't do anything you didn't want to do just because I said so."
"Trust me, Bin, I wanted that kiss. Perhaps more than you did."
"Wanna bet?"
"I would but I don't believe feelings can be measured. Degrees of comparison would be irrelevant. Thus, it would be difficult to determine the winner in an unbiased manner."
"Smartass," Changbin flicked your nose gently. "So where does that leave us? Do you...wanna be my girlfriend or something?"
"Sounds nice," you grinned, burying your head into his chest.
"Let me take you out, then."
"You already did, silly. We're at the park. The park is out."
"Fair point, girlfriend," Changbin chuckled and hugged you.
Hyunjin's POV
Hyunjin was a jealous man. Especially after he found out that his crush had started dating the bunny hybrid he'd adopted a while ago. However, she was too pure and kind-hearted Hyunjin didn't have the heart to be mad at her. The way she looked at him with those sparkly eyes...Hyunjin was almost tempted to steal her away from Changbin. Nah, he wouldn't. Unless...
Other than jealousy, Hyun's mind was consumed by thoughts of wanting to prove himself to Changbin. He wanted his crush to view him as responsible. As an adult. Which is why, he made it his mission to turn Jeongin into the sweetest, most obedient angel. He wanted to rely on the fox hybrid and make sure that Y/N would be safe around him. If that could be achieved, then maybe Changbin could rely on Hyunjin, as well. After a month of getting closer to Jeongin, Hyunjin was hopeful that the younger man would behave well.
One afternoon, while Changbin was working, Hyunjin decided to test his fox hybrid. He knew it was against Changbin's rules to leave the two hybrids alone and it was kinda risky, but he hoped it would be worth it.
"You'll be good, yeah?" Hyunjin made sure.
"Yes, hyung, don't worry about me," Jeongin blinked innocently.
"I'm not worried about you, little fox," Hyunjin ruffled the boy's hair affectionately. "I'm worried about Y/N over there."
"I thought you didn't like her," Jeongin smiled mischievously.
"It's not that I don't like her," Hyunjin defended his previous words. "I just like Changbin more."
Hyunjin had confided in Jeongin about his feelings for Changbin. He had no idea why. Something about the fox hybrid made Hyun want to trust him. Like no one else before.
"Where do I stand in your pyramid of affections?" Jeongin wanted to know.
"You're climbing up steadily," Hyunjin admitted. "Okay, I'll head out. Don't eat the bunny."
"Relax, hyung, I have no use of doing that. You and Changbin-hyung gave me a home. I wouldn't do anything THAT reckless."
Hyunjin's eyes narrowed. Jeongin was kinda strange. Did he only do things that were of use to him? Oh, well. He would worry about that some other time.
Jeongin's POV
Jeongin was a patient man. He had waited so long for an opportunity to be alone with Y/N. He couldn't let it go to waste. He wouldn't be stopped by the fact that Changbin was now her boyfriend. He would still use this chance to get closer to her. As a fellow hybrid, he was sure she would understand his feelings better than anyone.
"Hi, bunny," Jeongin greeted her.
Y/N shuddered and wrapped her arms around her own waist as if to shield herself from the fox hybrid.
"Shh, I won't hurt you. I just want to talk. Is that alright with you?"
She nodded reluctantly.
"I wanted to tell you about my past life. About how my former owners abused me, both physically and mentally, made me feel like the scum of the earth, and then abandoned me on the street. Like I was worth less than nothing. Which is why I strongly distrust humans. Of course, Changbin-hyung and Hyunjin-hyung seem nice. Different. I'm not saying all this shit to scare you. It's just a warning. If they ever hurt you, I want you to come to me, yeah?"
"Why would they hurt me?" Y/N asked. "They...seem so caring."
"I don't know, bunny. Why do you think humans do anything? For fun. Because it gives them pleasure to torment others. Makes them feel superior."
"We're half-human, too," she reminded him.
"I hate that half."
"I don't," Y/N said softly. "It's still...a part of us."
"You're...not what I expected," Jeongin mused out loud.
"What did you expect? A scared little bunny who does nothing but tremble in fear at the sight of the big bad...fox."
She pronounced that last word in an almost challenging way. As if to remind Jeongin he was just that. A fox. Not a wolf.
"No. I expected you would share my distrust of humans. Didn't you hate every second of being locked up in that shelter? Waiting, begging, praying for a better life. Better food, warmer bed, safer home. Didn't you yearn for...more?"
"I did. And here we are now. Isn't it good enough for you?"
"Do you want the ugly truth or a pretty lie?" Jeongin inquired.
"Whatever you choose to share."
"It's good enough for now," Jeongin grinned mysteriously and climbed into her bed.
Reader's POV
"W-what are you doing, Jeongin?" you asked in terror when you saw Jeongin moving closer towards you and started crawling back.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. Yet."
"What does that mean?" you whimpered.
"It means I'll take my sweet time ruining you."
"It'll be a lot harder than you think," you tried to put on a brave face. "It won't be that easy to tempt me."
"Oh, bunny. Imma make it look so easy," Jeongin leaned in and caressed your cheek with his cold index finger.
You wanted to push him away. You really did. But it was as if you were frozen into place by the inexplicable magic of his intense stare.
He laughed like a maniac and lowered his finger.
"For today, I just want to hold you. Will you let me?"
"You want to cuddle?" you raised your eyebrows in suspicion. The request seemed innocent enough.
"Nothing more, nothing less," Jeongin vowed.
"Do you expect me to believe that?"
"I expect you to give me a chance."
"Why bother asking me, though? You're so much stronger than me, physically," you observed, your voice tinted with longing.
"I don't want to take anything by force. Not from you, bun."
"Hold me, then. If you catch me," you stuck your tongue out at him and jumped from the bed, running towards the door. Opening it quickly, your sprinted down the corridor, randomly entering room after room. Luckily, Changbin's home was big enough to prolong the chase. However, you soon grew bored with it and decided to let Jeongin catch you. Running was no fun for you without the sweet surrender of being cuddled.
"Do you like it that much? The chase?" Jeongin read you like an open book, as he wrapped his firm arms around you in a tight grip.
"I like being captured more," you confessed.
"Why what?" you played dumb as he pulled you towards your room, where you both landed back on the bed, still holding onto each other for dear life.
"Why do you like being captured more?"
"Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't like it if it was a stranger. But with you...and Changbin, I feel safe. I don't know."
"Tsk, you were doing so well and then you had to fuck it up by mentioning another man's name while you're in my arms."
"He's my boyfriend, Jeongin," you reminded him.
Jeongin grinned and looked at the half-open door. Changbin was just...standing there.
"Speak of the devil."
Changbin's POV
Changbin was an angry man. Especially when someone touched something that was his.
"What the fuck are you doing?" he snapped at his girlfriend and Jeongin.
"We were just cuddling," Y/N explained.
"You expect me to believe that?" Changbin was fuming with rage.
"It's the truth," Jeongin shrugged.
"Yeah, well, I don't buy it," he hissed and stormed out of the room but not before he could hear Y/N telling Jeongin:
"I'll go talk to him, you stay out of it."
She caught up with Changbin soon enough and wrapped her tiny arms around his waist, thus, hugging him from behind. Despite his anger mere seconds ago, Changbin couldn't bear the thought of pushing her away. She seemed so fragile and soft-hearted.
"I promise you nothing happened, Binnie. Don't you trust me?" she whispered and he could practically hear the pout in her voice.
"I trust you. It's Jeongin I don't trust," Changbin responded.
"Why not?"
"Just a feeling. I don't want him to steal you away from me."
"He won't," Y/N promised. "My heart will always belong with you."
Changbin turned around to face his adorable girlfriend.
"Of course. You're my hero, you saved me and gave me a home and-"
"Is it just that, though?" Changbin asked. "If I hadn't adopted you, would you not fall for me?"
"How else would we have met?" she chuckled sadly.
"It's a hypothetical situation, cupcake."
"Whether we met at a park or a restaurant or another planet, I would have still fallen for you. You make me feel safe and free. And you're so beautiful and warm, how could anyone not fall for you is beyond me."
Changbin smiled proudly and his cheeks flushed with colour.
"You mean that?"
"I don't say or do things I don't want to."
Changbin's mood suddenly turned sour again.
"Is that why you cuddled Jeongin? You wanted to do it so badly you had to do so behind my back?"
"He asked politely. And it was purely platonic, I don't get why you're upset."
"I'm not upset, I'm mad. I want to be the only one that gets to cuddle you."
"Isn't that a bit greedy? I believe everyone in our house deserves cuddles, no?"
"I hate it," Changbin groaned. "But I'll try to live with it because I trust you and treasure you. And I don't want something so silly to stand between us."
Reader's POV
Jeongin was wrong. Not all humans were like his previous owners. His warnings were useless. And you were certain that Changbin wouldn't hurt you. He was so sweet and kind and understanding. You couldn't ask for a better boyfriend.
Jeongin was also wrong about another thing. You couldn't possibly imagine hating your human half. Humans like Changbin had hearts of pure gold and smiles full of sun. He was making your days brighter and you couldn't imagine your life without him.
And thirdly, even though you didn't know what Jeongin meant with all that talk about ruining you, you were determined to make it difficult for him. Changbin gave you the truest happiness you had ever experienced and the last thing you wanted to do was something that would take that happiness away from you.
You were sitting in Changbin's lap on the couch in the living room, playing with his gorgeous dark hair.
"I'm sorry," he murmured gently, rubbing his nose against your neck.
"For what?" your brows furrowed.
"For behaving like a jealous ass."
"You don't have to apologize, Bin. I'm just glad we talked."
He smiled fondly at you and placed his hand on your cheek.
"You're an angel," he spoke tenderly.
"Nah, I'm just a bunny hybrid," you giggled.
"Same thing," Changbin replied and pulled you into a deep kiss, the thumb of his right hand simultaneously caressing your chin, while his left hand was gripping your waist. You were running your fingers through his hair, while your other hand was holding onto the back of his neck. Changbin started kissing you more hungrily and you wanted to give him everything you had so that he would never starve again. You became so lost in the feeling you didn't hear the door unlocking. It was Hyunjin's voice that caused you to pull apart from Changbin.
"Ugh, keep it private, guys," he whined loudly. "The living room is a shared space!"
"Hey, you have no right to complain!" Changbin scolded him. You were confused. What had Hyunjin done? "I can't believe you left Y/N alone with Jeongin!" Oh. That.
"He didn't eat her, so mission accomplished. Can't you just praise me for training Jeongin so well?"
Changbin glared at Hyunjin.
"You were willing to risk my girlfriend getting eaten so that I would fucking praise you? I swear, Hyunjin, I don't know why we're friends sometimes."
Hyunjin flinched as if struck by Changbin's harsh words. You could see the tears starting to form in his beautiful eyes. You felt so bad. Honestly, you didn't mind being left alone with Jeongin, so you didn't see why this was such a big deal to Changbin. So, you decided to interfere.
"I'm okay, Bin. Hyunjin made the right call. It was bound to happen eventually. You can't stay inside to guard me 24/7 and put your entire lives on hold just because of some stereotypes."
"Oh, so you're taking Hyunjin's side now?" Changbin scoffed.
"I'm not taking anyone's side," you explained yourself. "I just think it's more sensible for us all to trust each other if we intend to continue living in the same home."
"Changbin made it abundantly clear he doesn't know why he's friends with me. I suppose that also means I'm no longer welcome here, so I guess I'll move out. Don't worry, I'm taking Jeongin with me."
"Hyunjin, wait!" you exclaimed but Hyunjin was already running towards his room, presumably to start packing his bags. "Talk to him, Changbin! He's your best friend!"
You figured it was the use of his full name that scared him out of his mind, as he immediately rushed after Hyunjin.
Hyunjin's POV
Hyunjin was sitting on his bed, crying. He couldn't bear the thought to start packing. Also, he was lowkey hoping he wouldn't have to. Even though it was immensely painful to watch Changbin with another, it would be even more painful to lose his best friend. He could bottle up his feelings for him, but he couldn't imagine their entire friendship ending. Luckily, his prayers were answered soon enough. He heard a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" Changbin asked.
"It's open," Hyunjin called out, rubbing his eyes in an attempt to hide his tears. It was useless. Changbin knew him better than anyone.
"Have you been crying?" he inquired, even though the answer was obvious.
"I just need some time, I'll gather my-"
"Don't," Changbin interrupted him half-sentence. "I don't want you to move out."
"Yeah?" Hyunjin mumbled doubtfully.
"Of course not, dumbass. The reason I give you so much shit about being responsible is because I want what's best for you. Not because I don't trust you. I'm sorry I said the thing about not knowing why we're friends. It wasn't true. You are so dear to me, so funny and gentle and hard-working. I couldn't imagine a better best friend. I never meant to hurt you, though."
Hyunjin, who generally disliked any physical contact, couldn't resist the urge to hug his friend tightly. Changbin patted his pack comfortingly.
"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have left Jeongin alone with Y/N without talking to you first."
"It's alright," Changbin waved him off. "They just cuddled."
"Without us?" Hyunjin exclaimed dramatically, putting a hand on his heart.
"I know, right? That's exactly what I thought!" Changbin chuckled and high-fived his friend.
"The audacity of these hybrids," Hyunjin complained as a joke. "We give them a wonderful home and they don't even bother to invite us for cuddles!"
"Hey, since when are you such a big fan of cuddling?" Changbin eyed him suspiciously.
"Since you."
Changbin's POV
Changbin didn't want to ask Hyunjin what he meant by that. It was too late for that now. Changbin had spent too long pining after Hyunjin. But his best friend had been clueless when it came to Changbin's feelings for Hyun. Therefore, he had done the only thing he possibly could - he moved on. And now that he was genuinely happy with Y/N, Changbin didn't want to go to the time when he felt so helpless, quietly crushing on his roommate. He'd been so pathetic back then. But he had a lovely girlfriend now. So Changbin was determined that he wouldn't let Hyunjin's words confuse him.
"Don't you dare think about packing your stuff, alright?" Changbin swiftly changed the subject.
"You're stuck with me, hyung," Hyunjin replied, staring at him in such an affectionate way Changbin wasn't sure what to do. If only he'd done so before he'd gotten with Y/N. No! Changbin couldn't afford to have such thoughts.
But Hyunjin seemed intent on making it extremely difficult for Changbin to suppress his feelings. Feelings he thought he'd gotten over. Hyunjin pulled Changbin by the hand and buried his head into Changbin's chest.
"I missed this. Just us two," he slurred.
"Don't say shit like that," Changbin swallowed nervously.
"Why not? It's true," Hyunjin confessed.
"Y/N and Jeongin are...wonderful."
"I never said they weren't. I just said I missed having you all to myself."
Changbin shook his head. Where were these words back then?
"Hyun, please, don't do this to me," Changbin said seriously.
"I'm not doing anything," Hyunjin blinked innocently.
"Let go," he whispered weakly.
"I won't. If you want to get rid of me so badly, you'll have to push me away."
Changbin couldn't do that. He wanted to be even closer. No, this was wrong. He had a girlfriend. He couldn't do that to her. Changbin gently removed Hyunjin's hand from his wrist and took a step back.
"I'll...go check on Y/N."
"Of course you will," Hyunjin sighed wistfully.
Hyunjin's POV
Hyunjin was a spontaneous man. So, when Changbin remained blind to Hyunjin's hints, he quickly made up his mind what to do next. He was so tired of being invisible to the one man he aspired to have so desperately. He needed to win his heart one way or another. And he knew just the thing that might help him succeed.
Hyunjin entered Jeongin's room in a hurry.
"Sorry, forgot to knock," Hyunjin said instead of greeting.
"It's fine," Jeongin shrugged and paused the video he was watching. "What's up?"
"I fucking hate Changbin!" Hyunjin groaned.
"No, you don't," Jeongin replied coldly. He already knew him so well, it always amazed Hyunjin. Were his emotions that transparent to everyone but Changbin?
"You're right and I fucking hate that, too," Hyunjin cried out dramatically and sat down on the bed next to the younger man. "What am I supposed to do?"
"The wisest thing would be to just confess to Changbin-hyung and end your misery," Jeongin suggested.
"I'd rather die," Hyunjin shuddered.
"Do you have any better ideas?" Jeongin glared at him sceptically.
"How about...I kiss you?" Hyunjin blurted out randomly.
"You want me to be your fucking rebound?" Jeongin hissed in disbelief.
"Not exactly a rebound. I just want to kiss you and somehow get caught by Changbin so I'll make him jealous."
"Hm, that doesn't sound too bad," Jeongin acquisced. "But we'll have to practice beforehand to make it believable. If our first kiss is directly in front of Changbin, it may look awkward and he'll know we're faking it."
"You're so smart!" Hyunjin exclaimed and leaned his head towards Jeongin. But the fox hybrid was quick to place a hand between their lips before they collided.
"I don't do anything for free, hyung," Jeongin grinned devilishly.
"You're so pretty, Innie, will you please let me kiss you?" Hyunjin was practically begging.
"Compliments will get you nowhere. What will you give me if I let you kiss me?"
"Anything you want," Hyunjin promised without thinking.
"Hm...can you get me some pills against insomnia? I've had troubles falling asleep during the past week," Jeongin explained sadly.
"Of course I can! Even if we don't kiss, I'll get them for you 'cause you're precious to me and sleep is very important and I want you to be healthy and feel safe and-"
Jeongin's POV
Jeongin thought that Hyunjin was too loud and talkative sometimes. So naturally, he had to shut him up as fast as possible. Therefore, he interrupted him mid-sentence and crashed their lips together. Hyunjin was taken aback but quickly eased into the kiss and placed his palms on Jeongin's cheeks. The fox hybrid bit on the human's tongue greedily and pulled his hair. Hyunjin didn't seem to mind and let the younger man tease him as he pleased. Jeongin was so hungry. Eventually, they pulled back from each other, gasping for air.
"Oops. Guess I kissed you first," Jeongin lifted his shoulders, pretending to be surprised by his own actions.
"Guess you did," Hyunjin chuckled. "Wanna go again?"
"Later. I'm kinda hungry and super tired right now," Jeongin said, subtly reminding Hyunjin of his earlier promise.
"Oh, okay," Hyunjin mumbled, a little disappointed. "I'll go get those sleeping pills you asked for rightaway."
"Ah, yeah," Jeongin played it cool as if he'd forgotten all about them. "Thanks, hyung."
"No problem. I'll be back soon, alright? Do you want me to get you something to eat, as well?"
"I'll find something in the fridge," Jeongin reassured him.
"Cool, cool," Hyunjin scratched the back of his head anxiously. "See you later."
"Bye, hyung," Jeongin waved at him as he was leaving the room.
Finally. His sleepy face immediately turned energetic, as he rushed into the kitchen. When he opened the fridge, he was extremely overjoyed to find some fried chicken left from yesterday. He couldn't even be bothered with heating it up. Forgetting everything about manners, Jeongin stuffed his mouth full.
"What are you up to?" his alone time with the delicious food was interrupted by Y/N's soft voice.
"I'm eating. Obviously," Jeongin snapped at her. He wasn't himself when he was hungry.
"Gee, relax, I was just trying to make conversation," Y/N pouted adorably.
"I'm sorry, bunny," Jeongin murmured apologetically. "Wanna join?"
"You're willing to share food...with me?"
"I don't share food with anyone. I was asking if you would like to be eaten by me?"
"You're messing with me, right?" Y/N asked in horror.
"Duh," Jeongin rolled his eyes. "If I had such intentions, I would have eaten you the night we first met."
"I suppose I should be flattered I still haven't become your meal?" she joked.
"I don't particularly enjoy eating creatures that can talk. Kinda kills my appetite," Jeongin confessed.
"Does that mean you've tried...eating someone who talks?" Y/N gasped.
"I'm joking," Jeongin smiled innocently. "Or am I?" His eyes darkened once again, causing her to shudder.
"You're so weird," she shook her head in amusement.
"Bad weird or good weird?" Jeongin wanted to know the bunny hybrid's honest opinion of him.
"Hybrids and people are neither entirely bad nor good. Besides, those are human categories. I don't care about them," Y/N shrugged. "You're funny weird. That's all I meant."
"I can live with that," Jeongin nodded, lost in thought.
Reader's POV
One evening, you were bored out of your mind. Your incredible boyfriend Changbin still hadn't returned home. He was so hard-working and you admired him for that but you missed him immensely and wished you could spend more time with him. So, after staying inside your room all day, reading books and daydreaming about Bin, you wanted a change of scenery. So, you entered the living room, intending to watch some TV. However, you were greeted with a sight you hadn't expected in the slightest. Jeongin and Hyunjin were making out on the couch. Their hands were all over each other and even their shirts were off! You were too shocked you couldn't speak. And yet, they somehow felt your presence.
"Oh, hi, Y/N," Hyunjin welcomed you calmly.
"Um, hi, Hyun," you mumbled nervously. "Hi, Jeongin."
"Hi, bunny," Jeongin grinned wickedly and you could swear he did that on purpose! He wanted to annoy you and make you curious to know what his lips tasted like. But it wouldn't work! You were going to stay loyal to Changbin and-
"Last time you cuddled Innie without me," Hyunjin pouted dramatically. "Care to fix that?"
"Changbin hates it when I cuddle other men," you explained.
"Aw, damn," Hyunjin sounded pretty bummed out about that. You started to feel bad for him. Hyunjin looked like a decent guy who deserved cuddles. But if you agreed to this, it would also mean having to cuddle Jeongin again. And for some reason, you wanted to avoid that. You didn't like how it made you feel. You wanted to forget about it.
"How about a pillow fight?" Jeongin suggested cleverly.
You couldn't say no to that and grabbed the nearest pillow, using it to attack Jeongin's head and take out your frustration with him...on him. However, he was a dangerous opponent and wasted no time going easy on you. Instead, he also took a pillow and hit your belly with it. Hyunjin, the poor angel, decided to stay out of it and not pick a side. Meanwhile, you and Jeongin were at each other's throats like animals. Well...half-animals, anyhow. Soon enough, you felt exhaustion creeping in and Jeongin took advantage of your momentary weakness to grab your wrists tight enough so that you would drop the pillow. You gave in, letting him pull you into a hug. Hyunjin, who had been making out with Jeongin mere minutes ago, seemed confused by the turn of events.
"So greedy," he muttered under his breath and enveloped the three of you into an unexpected group hug. You melted into their embrace, feeling so warm and fuzzy on the inside. "Y/N, you should watch more romcoms. A proper pillow fight inevitably ends in cuddles. Jeongin used that knowledge against you."
"Jeongin doesn't watch romcoms," you scoffed.
"She's right, I don't," Jeongin admitted.
"So, how did you know your suggestion would result in...well, this?" Hyunjin eyed the fox hybrid suspiciously.
"Pure instinct," he grinned wickedly.
Soon enough, you ended up with your head resting in Jeongin's lap, while he was stroking your hair softly, and your legs curled up in Hyunjin's lap, as he was petting your fluffy tail gently. It was so safe and comforting you were starting to doze off when you heard some noise. However, in your sleepy state, you weren't fast enough to jump from the compromising position you'd found yourself in. Again.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Changbin yelled angrily.
Your eyes flew wide open and you blinked on confusion, scanning your surroundings. Yeah, the fact that Hyunjin and Jeongin were half-naked probably didn't work in your best favour. You gulped anxiously and pushed yourself off the couch and closer to your boyfriend.
"Bin, I swear to you, we were only cuddling. I mean, me with Jeongin and Hyunjin. These two were having a full-blown making out session!"
Great job, Y/N. Rat them out to defend your innocence. You mentally scolded yourself for being so quick to throw your poor cuddle buddies under the bus.
"They were doing WHAT?" For some reason Changbin appeared even angrier. Wait, what?
"Yeah, Jeongin's my boyfriend now! You got a problem with that?" Hyunjin snapped at Changbin.
Hold on a second. Was...Hyunjin trying to make Changbin jealous?! By getting together with Jeongin?! You were so lost right now.
"Since when?" Changbin asked. He was not buying it.
Jeongin was weirdly quiet in the midst of it all.
"Since now," Hyunjin lied.
"Since never," Jeongin denied Hyunjin's words at the same time.
"Get your story straight," Changbin groaned.
"Unlike my sexuality," Hyunjin joked.
"Not the right time, Hyun," Changbin sighed loudly. "I don't care what you two have going on." You'd thought that Changbin would never lie to you. But he just did. He was obviously fuming. And you were pretty sure it had more to do with Hyunjin and Jeongin making out than it did with you cuddling them. Still, he was making an effort to act unbothered, you'd give him that. "But why did you get Y/N involved? She's my girlfriend."
"She came to us willingly," Jeongin, that sly fox, said.
"I told you we were just cuddling," you were starting to tear up. You hated being accused wrongfully. "It's a misunderstanding!"
"I feel so betrayed, you guys should have talked to me first," Changbin was still mad.
You were already sobbing. It was so unfair! Changbin clearly had some unresolved feelings for Hyunjin that needed to be addressed. And yet, he was painting you as the villain? The injustice!
"My silly bunny, can't you see he's messing around?" Jeongin interfered. "He's not actually mad at you."
"Is this true?" you asked Changbin.
"Um, yeah, cupcake. I know you didn't do anything wrong. I told you I trust you, didn't I? I was just making a joke-"
"A joke?" you cried out. "Do you think my feelings are a joke?"
"Of course not, darling. I just said I'm not mad at you."
"Well, good for you. Because I am! I'm mad at both of you!" you turned to Hyunjin, as well.
"What did I do?" Hyunjin blinked in surprise.
"Because no one is mentioning the elephant in the room!" you lifted your arms up in frustration. "Changbin and Hyunjin obviously have feelings for each other and you're both too blind to fucking see it and just talk to each other. And you decided that adopting two unsuspecting hybrids to help you move on would be a brilliant idea. Well, guess what? I'm not a pet."
And with that, you stormed out of the living room, hurried into your own and locked it on the inside.
Hyunjin's POV
Hyunjin had never heard silence so loud and uncomfortable.
"I need some fresh air," Changbin groaned and grabbed his leather jacket. "I'll go out for a bit."
"You should talk to him, like Y/N said," Jeongin suggested to Hyunjin. "Look where not communicating got us all."
"You're right," Hyunjin quickly put on his shirt and hurried outside. He managed to catch up with Changbin and grabbed his wrist before he'd gone too far. Changbin turned around to face Hyunjin. He was still angry. But Hyunjin couldn't help but be attracted to him even more.
"Is it true? What Y/N said..."
"It's true. I've had a crush on you for ages," Hyunjin confessed. It seemed so easy now. Why had it taken him so long? "That's...why I adopted Jeongin and why I made out with him in the living room. I wanted to make you jealous."
"Funny way of showing you have feelings for me, don't you think?" Changbin spat out sarcastically. "You could have just told me. Before I got together with Y/N."
"I know. It's all my fault," Hyunjin looked down in shame.
"It's not entirely your fault. Because I'm such a hypocrite, you know? I'm not angry at Y/N for cuddling you. I'm angry at you for kissing Jeongin."
"Why? You...you can't possibly..." Hyunjin refused to believe it. It seemed too good to be true. And at the same time, it was a tragedy.
"Because I should have kissed you first," Changbin blurted out, lifted himself up on his toes and crashed his lips against Hyunjin's.
Changbin's POV
Changbin knew it was wrong. He knew Y/N deserved better. But his mouth seemed to have a mind of its own, choosing to go after Hyunjin's. He couldn't think straight. Oh, the irony. Changbin pulled Hyunjin's hair aggressively and Hyunjin was generous enough to lower his head even more. He was kissing him back. Thank the universe.
"What will we do?" Hyunjin asked desperately when they finally broke away from each other. "About Y/N and Jeongin..."
"We tell them the truth. It's only fair."
"No more lies," Hyunjin nodded.
"No more lies," Changbin confirmed.
"If we're lucky, they might be willing to share," Hyunjin teased.
"Do you think we deserve that?" Changbin was doubtful. He'd fucked up big time. He wasn't sure he deserved Y/N's forgiveness. He thought he never deserved her in the first place.
"Everyone deserves a second chance," Hyunjin shared his belief. "Even assholes like us."
Changbin chuckled sadly.
"Why are we such fools?" he wondered out loud. "We could have avoided this situation altogether if we'd just talked to each other."
"Y/N was right. Communication is pretty important," Hyunjin pointed out.
"Us men are idiots," Changbin shook his head.
"I couldn't agree more."
Jeongin's POV
Jeongin couldn't bear the sounds of Y/N sobbing. All alone in her room. She didn't deserve that. He had to make it stop.
"Can I come in?" he knocked on her door. "It's just me. Changbin and Hyunjin are out."
He didn't expect her to let him in so easily. She must have felt pretty lonely. Y/N unlocked the door and returned to her bed, still crying.
"Talk to me. Please." Jeongin pleaded but his serious tone suggested he wasn't asking.
"I thought Changbin loved me. Guess I was just deluding myself," she laughed but there was no amusement in her voice.
Jeongin debated whether he should tell her the truth. Changbin did love her. But he also loved Hyunjin. People were complicated like that. But the truth was never on Jeongin's side.
"I warned you humans were only going to hurt you," Jeongin responded coldly.
"Changbin didn't hurt me," Y/N shook her head in denial. "I hurt myself believing I was special."
"But you are special, bun. You have no idea how special you are," Jeongin spoke sincerely.
"I am?" she sniffed in disbelief.
"How can I prove it to you?"
"Just hold me," Y/N begged.
Jeongin pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tightly.
"I'm right here, bunny. You're safe with me," he promised.
"Thank you, Jeongin," she mumbled. "I feel much better already."
"I'll get you some water, you must be pretty dehydrated from all that crying," Jeongin observed.
"That'd be nice."
Jeongin went into the kitchen and poured a glass of water. Then, he took a couple of the sleeping pills Hyunjin had bought from his pocket, crushed them up with a knife and slipped them inside the glass. He used a spoon to make them dissolve quickly. Soon enough, he returned to her room, handing her the glass.
"Thanks," she whispered and gulped the water thirstily without thinking. All of it. Then, suddenly- "I'm exhausted. Will you tuck me in?"
"Of course," Jeongin pulled the blanket on top of Y/N. "All cosy and warm."
"Mmm," she murmured mindlessly, already beginning to doze off.
"Sleep well, bunny," Jeongin smiled devilishly as her consciousness faded into darkness.
To be continued...
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lgwifey · 2 years
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platonic!lennon gallagher x fem!reader
platonic!gene gallagher x fem!reader
summary : In which a nepotism baby finds herself dealing with her first true life issue, letting him go.
warnings : n/a
It was Saturday, Saturday morning.
Near eight-thirty five, Saurday morning.
Y/n had been woken up by clattering outside. She'd found out that the block of apartments across from her's where going to be having work done on their roof starting tomorrow, today they where just putting the scaffolding up.
She didn't live anywhere too fancy, it was a nice neighbourhood of run down 80s council estate flats which had been bought by a developer a decade back and refurbished.
She moved out of her dad's house when she was seventeen, moved into this place on her £500 a month sallary from small modeling jobs.
At first she had lived there with Lennon. They split the costs, it made it more managable to pay for the overpriced London housing. But when they both became more well known to more inclusive brands, Lennon moved out. They where going to both moved out, each get a apartment near each other in a better part of the city, but y/n had already made a home there.
Plus, it wasn't a bad flat and it was only her living there, so it wasn't as though she was running out of space or squashed.
It was too chilly of a morning to be walking about in the thin, satin pyjamas, so y/n had immediatly grabbed one of the hoodies off of her floor and searched the depths of her sock draw for some of her hiking socks, from when Gene went on a fitness spree and made them all climb up Snowdon in the October weather.
When she came to think about it, she didn't actually hate that day, like she always told Gene. Sure, she started her period early and had to climb the sheep infested rock whilst she was pratically dying from cramps, and they had to get the train back down because Thalia had an asthma attack when they reached the halfway point, and Lennon was hungover and nearly fell of the side of the mountain. All in all, it was a total shipwreck of a day out, but it was a little bit fun. Not that she'd ever admit that to Gene.
Her mind paused as she felt herself laugh a little. Why was she suddenly remenising everything ?!
She pulled the hoodie, which happened to be another one of Gene's which he had 'borrowed', this one was from a night out when her dress was refusing to protect her from the cold.
"Alexa, play 2000s indie rock." "Playing station, noughties indie rock."
She muttered a thanks to the machine before rolling the socks up to slide them on, and once they where on, throwing her folded pyjama bottoms back straight.
When she realised she wouldn't be able to hear the dot in her bedroom, she stopped it.
The model catwalk strolled through the open doors to her kitchen to find a bottle of the smoothie Gene had totally butchered the day before. She wasn't one for throwing away perfectly good food and drink.
"Alex, wait no, Echo connect to Y/f/n's iphone" "Searching... Connecting to Y/f/n's iphone... Connected."
"Merci Beaucoup."
As she scrolled and tapped her phone to find her favourate Spotify playlist, the one filled with breakup songs which was hidden under the concerning amount of true crime, girl's beauty, general waffle and ancient history podcasts. After second thoughts, she clicked onto one of her favourate true crime podcasts and played the episode which was based on the Kray Twins, having been obsessed with the gangsta siblings since Tom Hardy played them in Legend when she was fourteen. She had already listened to it twice but always found that she would end up hearing a fact that she hadn't picked up on the first time round.
As she listened to the slightly annoying Bristol accent start talking, y/n opened up the rustic red bread bin which was sat on the worktop counter and dropped two peices of the bread her mum always freshly made for her, once her daughter left home Debbie made sure to drop by every other day 'just to drop off a loaf of bread', into the more modern designed, bright red toaster.
As her breakfast began to toast, she tapped onto her insta to see if anyone had updated their stories or pages, if they hadn't then she could always resort to some good ol' fashioned 'stalking people you went to school with to take the mick out of them'.
As y/n clicked off King Alfred's Year Eleven slag's account, a text came through from Lennon.
"Dad's for dinner 6:30 . U and gene are together still"
Gene had a hold of Y/n as they arrived back in the dining room, Molly having had left a few minutes before them so that they could act out the situation they had thought up.
Just a simple situation which would infuriate Lennon, well hopefully infuriate Lennon.
The younger man's arm rested around her waist, the metallic black fabric being slightly dissheveled.
Lennon was the first to catch sight of the 'couple' when they reappeared after their twenty minutes of dissappearing. That meant that he was the first one to catch sight of y/n's faded out lips and the slightly rose tint around his brother's mouth. The slight tint which ran a trail over his cheeks and neck.
Upon seeing the expression on her brother's face, Molly held off a smirk from her face.
Liam caught onto their presence once they had seated themselves.
The chairs had been pushed in from where they had left them so the sound of the wooden floor having something pushed along it awared the rest of the table to y/n and Gene.
"Had some fun ?"
The time had arrived.
Gene gave an annoyed side eye to where Molly sat, slightly hunched over with her hand over the bottom half of her face.
"I wish."
Y/n lightly smacked him up the side of his head, pulling him to sit down in the chair beside her.
"So, Jane" Y/n took a sip out of her crystalised glass, the lightly shaded pink liquid slipping down her throat like it had been doing all day. "Why d'you like our Lens then ?"
Jane looked over to where she was sat with large eyes, completely shook by the question. Before she could open her mouth to answer, the Taylor was already blabbing on.
Gene and Molly where holding in laughter whilst Liam pretending nothing out of the usual was happening, Debbie sat excluding herself from the conversation in hopes she wouldn't laugh too loud and Lennon glaring at his friend as she made hand gestures and almost knocked a full glass of white wine over Molly.
"Because, sure he could be considered attractive but why do you actually like him."
"Y/n/n, I think you've had enough now-"
"No it's alright babe."
The evening continued like that, y/n coming up with bizzare question which interigated Jane and annoyed Lennon. Sometimes Liam, Molly and Gene joined in whilst Debbie attempted to discourage them.
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nuri148 · 1 year
So... I've been a bit MIA bc this past weekend I was in my dear London for the 7th time and omg, it never gets old! There is SO much to see, and do, and discover, and revisit! And this has been the 2nd most eventful London trip ever (after the first one when we were still student-poor and the pound was super high and we crammed so much stuff in it no one believed us it'd been just 3 days.)
The excuse for this trip was concerts- We saw Billy Joel at Hyde Park on Friday and Blur at Wembley on Saturday. Both were great, my only gripe being that BJ didn't play my favourite song of his (The Downeaster Alexa), but he did play Piano Man and we had the surprise of the night when he sang Uptown girl with guest... Joe Jonas. Blur did play all their songs I like and it was endearing to see Damon Albarn being actually moved by being upstage in a full Wembley stadium.
An aside to say that, just like when we went to see U2 at the O2 arena a few years ago, I can only applaud the flawless organization of London transport around moving so many people in and out of venues. You'd think you'd have to wait forever for the tube afterwards, and that you'd travel like a canned sardine, but no, though we moved along throngs of people, we only had a bit of a queue for tapping in into the tube, but the train came right away (past 10:30pm!) and it wasn't particularly crowded. All hail TFL!
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From the "typical tourist spots" in the city, my favourite is the Picadilly/Chinatown/Leicester sq./Covent Garden area, and the only that's been a constant on every trip. We returned to Greenwich (we'd gone to the Observatory in 2013) for the Astronomy Photographer of the Year exhibition at the Maritime Museum, walked around bit the neigbourhood before it opened and, after it, we visited the Queen's House, which we didn't know existed but it was free and I never get tired of visiting palaces, because EveryGirlIsAPrincess and shit. Even me.
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Did you know there is a 121 year old pedestrian tunnel under the River Thames? I found out only a few days before the trip, and of course we crossed it. The tunnel south entrance is right next to the Cutty Sark - and we emerged on the north side on a normal neighbourhood on the Isle of Dogs (no, not the Wes Anderson film. It's really called like that). Headed for Canary Wharf, and to shield from the strong midday sun, we cut through Mudchute Park and... found the farm there. THEY HAVE ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS OMG!!! I spent a good while petting and feeding the sheep and goats, god, I love goats! I could have stayed for hours if it wasn't for my poor Husband and his please-can-we-go face. It was the highlight of the trip.
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We also went to Battersea Power Station, recently reconverted into a shopping centre. I knew, of course, that the former power station was an iconic building in the London skyline; it's huge and for many years provided a good chunk of the electricity to the city, not to mention its appearance in Pink Floyd's Animals album and films like Children of Men. What I didn't know was that it was also a fucking masterpiece of Industrial Art Deco. And I fucking love Art Deco. Not only that, they have made an incredible, amazing, absolutely stunning job at restoring the building to its original Art Deco glory. The butchers that turned Barcelona's former Arenas bullring into the current pastiche could learn a thing or two from them. The respect for the original building is such that one of the control rooms has been turned into a glamorous cafe, keeping all the control panels at the back; and the bar is like stepping into the 1940s, from the decor to the old furniture, to the design of the coffee cups and the delightful menus mimicking a power plant instruction boocklet. We could've stayed for ages but we had tickets for Lift 109 - a different tour that takes you to the top of one of the chimneys. The tour starts with a gallery about he plant's history and a somewhat silly videomapping with more of the same (cool lights, bad audio, couldn't understand the guy much). Then you take a lift, climb a set of stairs and take the second lift to the top of the chimney, at 109 metres high. The twist is: you don't exit the lift. The glass lift becomes the observation deck. Even with the rain, the views were spectacular, and the wow factor of emerging from inside the chimney is really something new. Price? Ridiculously expensive, but I indulged husband because he indulged me in...
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My personal highlight of the trip: we went for Afternoon Tea. But not just anywhere, no. If I was going to do Afternoon Tea I was going to do it with all the glamour that I deserve, so I booked us a table at Fortnum & Mason, no less. Do I need to say I felt like a princess? Everything was just so nice and fancy! The salon is just beautiful, so luxurious but without feeling heavy. The bathrooms had individual fabric towels to dry your hands.
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We could each choose which tea we wanted; Husband went for the Afternoon Blend (that's my fic's #8!) and I had the Wedding Breakfast blend, because I hadn't tried it before. It was nice, mild and balanced. They came in this nice china that you can buy on the store first floor for a lot of money.
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The food was great as well. The sandwiches were excellent; my favourite was the egg one; Husband preferred the salmon one. There was also chicken, ham, and cucumber. For the scones, I was a bit weary because I'm not a cream lover and the scones I'd had so far tended to fall on the dry side. But, oh my goodness, these scones were absolutely delish, and the cream + jam (or lemon curd) passed so well to them!
The sweets were, surprisingly, the least fabulous of the lot. Maybe it's a matter of local taste vs. my own; the quality and presentation was of course top notch. It could also be that I was already pretty full. I once read an iterview where a chef said something like, dessert is a thing people order when they're not hungry anymore. So it has to be totally scrumptious and tempting and delish to fully please the guest. For me, only one of the five samples filled that criteria, the cream tartlet with a freaking pansy encased in jelly on top. Both the mousses (Earl Grey + bergamot jelly, black cherry) were delicious, but not so much as to wow me. The chocolate cup could've been number one save for the raspberry filling - I love raspberries, but fruit in chocolate is a pet peeve of mine. Finally, the rose eclair definitely ticks the decadent checkbox (anything with rose does, IMO), but it's not a flavour I'm wild about. Much like truffle, to name another fancy eat, I feel it's easy to go overboard with it.
On top pof all that, we visited the Tate Britain and the Design museum, had breakfast(s) at Pret, bought rare-colour M&M's at the Leicester Square shop, walked down Portobello Street Market, visited Holland Park and Japan House and had lots and lots of fun!
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ttheriddlerr · 3 years
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summary : in which, getting high w/ peter parker isn’t always a bad idea
warning : literally just fluff
pairing : peter parker x reader
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“cmon peter don't pussy out on me now! I've spent my last cash on this stuff!” you said as you giggled.
“what if I slip up and say something stupid-” you cut him off
“its not like we will remember anyways! look if you don't wanna do it its fine, but im never buying for you again! got it?” you questioned as you started to pack the bowl to the bong you had hiding under your shared bed.
you and peter were broke college students living from paycheck to paycheck in queens, new york. barely being able to take times for yourselves you thought getting him to smoke with you would at least make him stress less. you hated seeing him so stressed, especially with being spider-man and whatnot. 
when you and peter were in high-school you’d both smoke a bunch of pot together to destress after big tests or failed dates (mostly from your end because peter was literally perfect!) 
“alright alright, just for tonight..” peter said and with that you got excited
“woohoo! peter parker letting loose!” you exclaimed excitedly
you finished packing the bowl, you grabbed a lighter from your side table and stuck your lips inside the bong and lit up the pot, inhaling once you felt ready. you passed the bong to peter as you coughed a little, you knew you weren't high yet because you couldn't feel it. you weren't much of a lightweight smoking since high-school made you build a tolerance. you grabbed the alexa from the side of the bed as it was too quiet for you, the only sound being the air conditioning in this cold weather because you and peter were always hot no matter what. 
you asked alexa to play songs by the neighbourhood, the first song that came on was crybaby. one of your favorite songs at one point in life so you dance along to the beat of the song giggling as peter passed you the bong again. you took hit after hit and before you noticed you were high. you laid down and stared at the ceiling, you heard peter shift and lay next to you. 
“thanks for this [name], seriously i feel better already thanks to you.” you heard peters words slur a little 
moments like these you loved, just you and your buddy peter in your run down apartment building. 
“you know one day i wanna travel the world, that would be wonderful. maybe we could travel together once we are done college. lets get out of here peter.” you turned on you side and looked at peter, your eyes shining with euphoria.
“hmm id love that [name], just us both no stress no cares.” he smiled at you
you put your hand on his cheek and caressed it, closing your eyes an humming with the music. 
“[name], i know we are so stoned right now, but after this can i take you on a date?” you could hear the nervousness in peters voice
“of course you can pete, we always go on friend dates together you know this!” exclaiming the last part a bit
“no- no i mean a REAL date [name], i have genuine feelings for you.” you were caught in a daze, you opened your eyes to see a hopeful looking peter
“is this peter or the weed talking to me right now?” you interrogated because you couldn't believe it 
you've had feelings for peter since sixth grade when you both met, he was so perfect and still is. he has always been there for you when you needed it, you couldn't as for a better friend. 
“its me [name], i barely took hit while you went at it” with that you both giggled
“sure peter parker, you can take me on a date. just don't be tricking me now or we will have a problem and ill kick you out our shared apartment” you laughed hysterically because you gave such empty threats.
“okay ms.[last name], i promise im not playing with you, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on.” you took that to heart, jesus how could you ever function correctly when he is being so nice to you right now. 
“c-can i kiss you? im tired of talking” and with that you nodded excitedly. 
you felt so many sparks once his lips hit yours. the taste of your strawberry lipgloss and his vanilla lip-balm made the kiss even better. it tasted as what you'd think love would taste like. pure euphoria, sweet and good smelling, just overall perfect. you may have been higher than peter but you'd remember this night forever. 
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shisui-uchiha-anon · 3 years
Shisui & Itachi
Hello everyone ^^ This is the play list for Shisui & Itachi .
I will be probably constantly updating list as ideas hit me....
Fleurie - Hurts Like Hell
Metallica - Nothing else matter
Endless War
The Neighbourhood - A Little Death (Official Audio)
Jaymes Young - Infinity [Official Audio]
Son of the Wind
Hurts - Better Than Love
Placebo - Running Up That Hill
Imagine Dragons - Warriors
Hurts - Illuminated
Nightwish - From G To E Minor
Azure Ray - On And On Again
Ailein Duinn (lyrics and translation)
Karen Matheson and Donald Shaw - Ailein Duinn !
Hari Mata Hari - Otkud ti ko sudbina -
Beautiful Madness - Michael Patrick Kelly (Lyrics)
Somewhere - The Best Duet Ever
Swedish House Mafia, The Weeknd - Moth To A Flame
The Weeknd - i saw the fire in your eyes
In Vain
Yu Grupa - Crni Leptir
Dino Merlin - Sve je laz
One Direction - You & I
Birdy - Shelter
Hari Mata Hari - Sreća
Within Temptation - Firelight
Supernova (Single Edit)
Within Temptation - Raise Your Banner feat. Anders Fridén
Within Temptation - The Reckoning feat. Jacoby Shaddix (official music video)
I'd Pluck a Fair Rose
Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise
Fleurie - Breathe
Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight
Dido - My Lover's Gone
Roxette - It Must Have Been Love
Jenny of Oldstones (Game of Thrones) · Florence + The Machine
Podric signs a song -someone remembering them ;-;-
Lovers Death
The Passing of the Elves-modern AU their fav movie LOTR
Forest Elves - Lullaby From a Distant Land
Alan Walker - Faded
Itachi Uchiha Theme - Senya | Violin Cover ;-;
I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU | by Andrew Haym & Morten Malvik (Ft. Alexa Ray)
Fire Breather - Laurel (Lyrics)
The Ghost Club - Antique (Official Video)
PVRIS - Use Me (feat 070 Shake)
Nightwish - While Your Lips Are Still Red
Morandi - Save Me
When You're Gone - Avril Lavigne
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds ft. Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow
LP - Lost On You
LP - One Last Time
The Rasmus - Livin' in a World Without You
In The End (Epic Cinematic Cover) feat. Fleurie & Jung Youth - Tommee Profitt
Apocalyptica - 'I Don't Care' feat. Adam Gontier
Gloria Regali (feat. Fleurie) - Tommee Profitt
Depeche Mode - It's No Good
Within Temptation and Metropole Orchestra - Somewhere
Within Temptation~ Angels
Within Temptation - Memories
In Your Room
Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned
Medhel an Gwyns
Lana Del Rey - Born to Die
Birdy - Shelter
Florence and the machine - Never let me go
Charlotte Cardin - Main Girl
Evanescence - My Immortal
Evanescence - Bring Me To Life
From G to E Minor
The Poet and the Pendulum
Naruto Shippuden - Itachi Theme (Senya) (Kayou. Remix)
Naruto Shippuden Soundtrack Version 2 | Sonido de Lluvia y Truenos para relajarse 🌧️⛈️
Naruto: Shippuden OST | Saika | Matt Houston Remix
The Rasmus - In the Shadows (Official Music Video)
David Guetta - Titanium (Lyrics) ft. Sia
Holy Ground
Madonna - Frozen
Nenad Manojlovic - Ti meni, ja tebi
Sun Kil Moon - Heron Blue
Awake and Alive- Skillet
Skillet - Hero
Numb [Official Music Video] - Linkin Park
ZAYN - Dusk Till Dawn (Official Video) ft. Sia
Slobodan Trkulja Lepe moje crne oči
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ohnoiamback · 3 years
assigning some of my favourite music artists/albums to the dps boys because why the hell not:
charlie/nuwanda: arctic monkeys. the energy, the aesthetic, the sass it all just SCREAMS charlie dalton. he blasts their music at every single meeting and sings his lungs out. he fell head over heels in love with alex turner and made it his entire personality for months.
„okay, but did you raise your arms during the chorus of pretty visitors?“
neil: the 1975. the lyrics, the low key angst of it all, the whole happy songs with sad lyrics thing? tell me it doesn’t just beg for neil to listen to it. his favourite songs are probably love it if we made it, guys and loving someone. his go to mental breakdown songs are the ballad of me and my brain and i always wanna die (sometimes)
„no listen the message of their songs is so important like first of all...“
todd: folklore and evermore by taylor swift. he doesn’t really tell anyone about it but listens to both albums religiously every day. he has cried while listening to exile at least 300 times and secretly wants cardigan to be his and neil‘s relationship anthem.
„will you give me your cardigan? no particular reason i’m just asking.“
knox: lana del rey. okay hear me out on this one: the hopeless romanticism? the low key simp energy? the DRAMA? you can’t tell me that he didn’t listen to sad girl while pretty crying in the mirror at least once. charlie definitely makes fun of knox for it but kinda thinks is slaps too.
„you just don’t understand! her music is amazing so shut up charlie.“
pitts: the neighbourhood. he discovered them by accident, liked one or two songs and then BOOM he became obsessed with them. pitts and meeks have listened to stargazing while dancing around on multiple occasions and he introduced the rest of the group to the band. naturally the all loved it.
„that’s so sad, Alexa play daddy issues by the neighbourhood.“
meeks: pretty odd by panic! at the disco specifically. he thought it sounded fun and although he had to listen a few times to like every song he did eventually fall in love with all of them. he now plays the album up and down especially to cheer everyone up and quotes the lyrics on the daily.
„man, things are shaping up to be pretty odd.“
cameron: the killers, especially hot fuss. he heard mr. brightside once and was head over heels. he quickly discovered that he also liked the rest of it. sometimes he listens to jenny was a friend of mine for days at a time to feel edgy. cam definitely gets mocked for it but kinda doesn’t care.
„mr. brightside is a masterpiece and y’all just aren’t ready to accept it yet.“
i’m sorry literally no one asked for this
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lovinmullen · 4 years
the pacific: part one, live blog because i said so
he looked so pissed when he has to make the sign of the cross to mary..... I KNOW ITS BECAUSE HES FALLING AWAY FROM HIS RELIGION but all i can think is undercover protestant????? i hate that i find myself funny stfu tom like he’s some angsty protestant like ‘this is fucking bullshit why the fuck DO THEY PRAY TO MARY’ which..... is a huge missconsperion but i’m not gonna get into that right now but hey if anyone needs an rs teacher? i got you
are you telling me i could have heard the most BEAUTIFUL monologue about the saint mary’s church and her plans for the day as well as being able to see that sweet sweet smile on vera’s face for longer but it was cut short because bobo went ‘i joined the marines’ GOOD FOR YOU BUT.....
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rOBERT...... you really gonna give her THAT look...... IN GODS HOUSE is this allowed? is THIS ALLOWED???? if you don’t say it in the voice of the vine we can not be fteejssn sorry i don’t make the rules
#BOB: i wanna catholic girl that go to church AND READ HER BIBLE (is that even right??? omg i can only remember the jewish one *in the voice of ryan reynolds severely slowed down* FUUUUUCCCKKK)
on a real note this man saw her at church ONCE and his ass went finna wife up like........ take her out to dinner first. OR AT LEAST ASK HER HOW SHE IS IN THE LETTERS like we get it you’re emo, the aussie won’t shag you anymore and you keep pissing your pants. i understand it’s a hard not life or how ever that song in annie goes but bro.........(this is obviously a joke i am dumb of ass please ignore me i love you m8 and i’m sorry you’re gonna embarrass yourself in front of everyone but chuckler shifts to momma mode so you good)
can we please acknowledge jon’s acting..... sir? PHENOMENAL he’s not even saying anything??? he’s just looking at the lt yet i’m near tears
gentle reminder i love the basilones🥺🥺🥺 the way they are so supportive even though they don’t understand and they are scared for him but they accept and respect that john wants more, needs more and they’re putting their own fears aside so he can spread his wings for no better turn of phrase.
‘just get the job done, and come home to us’ the way his head falls and he has to stop his voice from breaking. i’m s fucking bitter
leckie:((( look hes a bastard and he pisses me off but no matter how much i bully him i do love him a lot and the complete disregard and uncaring nature from his dad breaks my heart. a handshake then gone just like that? HIS FACE BEFORE ‘there’s a war on everybodies got to make sacrifices’ he looks so hurt and broken baby
‘gene, supper’s ready’ ma’am i’m sorry but he does not give a shit
SIDNEY MY SWEET SWEET BOY get in a pram if you’re going to be so baby. look while i love him so much and i know he didn’t mean it to be !!!!! he’s just small of brain !!! but when he says “i wish we where going together” that lowkey rubs it in man......... like he’s already heartbroken PLEASE STOP but the “yeah well you take care of yourself greaser” - “you don’t have to worry about me” IM SOFT🥺
“guadal...kenel...guadal BLEEHHH” didn’t realise hoos was recreating the audience of my english speaking exam. LOOK I REALISE NOW TALKING ABOUT STOICISM TO A BUNCH OF 15 YEAR OLDS WHO DON’T CARE WAS A BAD IDEA BUT I GOT A DESTINCTION SO FUCK YOU TO THAT ONE KID
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chuckler baby..... i’m in love with a dumbass. also the hit across the head. i’m soft (lads lets take a shot every time i say i’m soft in this liveblog ITS GONNA BE A FUN NIGHT jk drink responsibly and all that jazz or be dick winters that’s cool too!! heck do a babe heffron and get yourself a caprisun you deserve it)
“professor leckie” please don’t fuel his ego HE DOES NOT NEED IT
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okay two hoos things: 1.) he looks SO DONE and i’m living for it 2.) can we talk about jacobs nose..... IM DYING TO TALK ABOUT JACOBS NOSE
okay the boats scene give me saving private ryan flashbacks i came out here to have a good time AND I AM NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME oh wait never mind runner just went ‘i could really use a stiff one right now’ i hate that but he saved the day with his dumbassery so thank you good sir i love you with all my heart
fun fact my how co ranking goes chuckler, runner, hoos, leckie
OH FUCK I FORGOT SID SJAKSJSJ y’know for someone who talks about how much they love sid i forget about him a lot. thank you for blessing my screen with your pretty face it helped me remember you exist LMAO guys my memory is not okay i’m actually concerned...... but more importantly i’d put him between hoos and leckie in the ranking :,)
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call it what it is. babyism. y’all better stop before i cuddle you LOOK AT THIS SHIT THEY’RE ADORABLE
runner is the only bitch i respect in this house he’s so fucking funny
‘they’ve? poisoned? a? billion?! coconuts?’ that poor son of a bitch BLESS HIM don’t shoot the messenger okay? he seems like a sweet bean
that shot of hoos, leckie and chuckler looking down at the camera into the bunker? my sexuality. my left brain: tomas stop thirsting it’s an intense and serious show. my righ brain: but?? they’re pretty?? me nodding smugly and in agreement: BUT THEY’RE PRETTY.
THIS MAN AND HIS GUM I CAN’T why is that me. i am the gum man at my school that sounds so weird ajsksjsj i just always have gum. ALSO spearmint is superior to normal mint. NORMAL MINT BURNS LIKE ITS SPICY BRO. bubblemint is superior superior but that’s more expensive rip😭😭😭😭😭😭
‘it’s like the fourth of july’ nice to my boy sufjan getting some rep he is king of the gays after all mr i can’t explain the state that i’m in the state of my heart he was my best friend. we all owe him EVERY parallel on this goddamn app. jk there’s one other king of the gays and that is demon! shane (bfu). no this is not up for debate
the shot of the ships is phenomenal. that’s one thing i do have to credit hbo on. the special effects and cinematography are beautiful and so fucking impressive like???
WHY DOES SID LOOK OVER HIS SHOLDER BEFORE TAKING THE WINE SIR NO ONE IS GONNA TELL YOU OFF AT WAR FOR DRINKING UNDERAGE like???? i don’t think an 18 year old having a swig is their biggest problem bless his heart
‘can’t fight em drunk don’t fight em at all’
bill if you are reading this i’m free on thursday night and would like to hang out. please respond to this and then hang out with me on thursday night, when i am free😌😘🥰😳🥺👉👈😤💘💓🙄🥴
‘skipper? skipper are you okay?? goddamnit he’s lost it come on’ :(((((
god the shots in this show really are phenomenal. i know it’s very gory and very hard to watch at times but it definitely has the best shots of the three en mi opinion. i’m a slut for the close up of dick screaming ‘move out’ with rounds flying. like who’s ever call that was? outstanding but like that’s just one? the pacific has so many emotive and excellently shot scenes.
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how seemlessly the scenes flow one after the other despite being opposite ends of the spectrum i DID NOT GIVE TP ENOUGH CREDIT like yeah it makes me sad as fuck but from a production point of view the writing? the acting? the cinematography? DAMN
how visibly torn and pissed off hoosier looks over the other marines tormenting the japanese soldier, stringing out his death when he’s obviously in a lot of mental as well as physical pain? the only bitch i respect in this house.
okay so like? while the shot is scarring both for him and the audience to see that kind of effortless murder it was the right thing to do? it’s better then have him be tormented and it will help leckie in the long run? how broken he looks though? like the distance is his eye and the way he swollows....... WHO IS CUTTING ONIONS HUH???? brilliant james BRILLIANT
the way i just said ‘if biology would have permitted it i would be asking you to have my babies’ at the sight of a man shoving smokes up his nose....... now ladies theyzies and gents, a prime reason to show why you should do your work. this is tom. tom didn’t do his work. with nothing to do all day tom became bat shit..... don’t be like tom. okay like it is cute though COME ON
HOW PROUD AND SMUG AND HAPPY HE LOOKS AT HIS PREMOTION ‘yes ma’am i am a corporal’ HE IS SO BABY AND FOR WHAT. oops sorry lads looks like i dropped this:
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the shot of leckie swimming in the water fading off to the shot of the dead bodies mirroring his movement but obviously a life less version OOOH IMMA SUE
god love me some men with black lungs LECKIE DO BE LOOKING GOOD LIGHTING THAT CIG DAMN
“i have a girlfriend lucky me” HOOS IS LIKE MY GAY ASS YOU SURE????
“you guys step aside the real marines are here now” “AND I’VE BEEN HERE FOR SOME TIME” that shuts iconic even i said wahayyyy
also runner..... i am looking RESPECTFULLY👁👁
you’re not special leckie we all want hoosier
can you really call yourself a hbo war an if you don’t sing along at the end... ITS A TUNE also hoos’ voice...... its about the drawl....... 
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nfwmb · 6 years
* — answer the questions and tag followers you want to get to know better.
tagged by: @kingsleyshacklebolt the ravenclaw queen of my heart <3
age: 23
birthplace: flushing, queens, u.s.a (same as The Nanny!)
current time: 12:07 a.m.  (i’ve apparently spent over an hour on this wow.)
drink you last had: ginger ale
mbti & moral alignment: enfp & chaotic good 
current favourite outfit: hmmmmmm my black and white grid print pencil skirt + burnt orange pullover, with a little black belt at the waist BUT ALSO my high-neck, frilly, victorian-style white top and black culottes (both are worn with black platform/wedge heels bc I live in those shoes); all of the above styled with hair down, a cat eye, and a viva glam 1 red lip <333
favourite song: usually this is such a hard question for me but right now, the faves are:
 tints by anderson paak + kendrick lamar and movement by hozier. but also anderson paak’s new album has been played on repeat since it was released and smile/petty is another standout for me. 
hogwarts house:  ravenclaw !!!
in love: HOZIER, jon bernthal, FREDDIE MERCURY, gemma chan, jason momoa, sonoya mizuno, bob morley, deborah ann woll, zoe kravitz, gwendoline christie, alexa chung (it would’ve been easier to answer who i’m not in love with tbh)
colour: deep dark red <3
love at first sight or walk around again: cardio is good for your health, you know? but uh walking when it comes to people, love when it comes to doggos.
middle name: i have three middle names, one of which is illuminata and it’s probably the one i’m proudest of.
number of siblings: zero !
favourite place in your neighbourhood: lemme just say -- jax is exactly how the good place describes it but ALSO WE HAVE LIKE 4 NICE THINGS I PROMISE. some local faves are: good dough, the artisan donut shop; the florida theatre (i saw hozier there in 2015 !!!); and memorial park by the river, the park where i stayed for a whole day after my first breakup and, most recently, the park that hosted the first anti-gun violence rally/protest I ever attended. it’s such a beautiful little park <3
person you called last: my good buddy jordan because we ended up at the same stoplight out of sheer happenstance and he was jamming out to his music and didn’t notice at first ! we ended up getting drinks after and he totally made my night !!
question you are asked most?: toss up between ‘where did you get that?’ and ‘can you help me?’ -- my students ask both pretty much daily
tv shows: PARKS AND RECREATION, The Punisher, Daredevil, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Luke Cage, The Good Place, Hannibal, Bob’s Burgers, This is Us, The IT Crowd, Black Mirror (i love tv okay.)
last song you sang?: 5000 Candles in the Wind from PNR (rip li’l sebastian)
time you woke up: 7:30am, but i didn’t get out of bed until 9am
worst habit: procrastinating on doing very necessary things like eating and cleaning, opening messages and forgetting to reply to the point that they get buried under more messages, swearing/cursing
favourite food: pad see ew, grilled pork + vermicelli noddle rolls, grilled salmon with parboiled veggies, a cheeseburger and extra crispy fries, I LOVE FOOD AND IM VERY HUNGRY RN
zodiac sign: cancer sun, capricon moon, sagittarius ascendant !! i’m still finding the ways my moon sign manifests, but i definitely vibe with my sagittarius aspect the most <3
i tag: imma try to tag as many people as i can think (don’t feel obligated to do it if you don’t want to!) but im super tired rn so im sorry if i miss some people ! but also if anyone who reads this wants to do it, fuckin do it, it’s v fun and i like getting to know people <333
@lobacabrona @jewishkarenpage @hozieer @clairetvmples @evaduartes @thehound @grantaere @otherworldlywrites @cosmicslcve @inkdcath @thearchvillainess @fairyslight @saberwood @prettywriter
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lordmeowdemort · 6 years
taggy tag game baybey
@the-superior-of-the-inbetween tagged me thanky thanks
Nicknames: Mara, Ginger Gender: do i have to pick one Zodiac: aries im angery Height: 160 cm, 5′2″ Age: 23 baybey Time: 4:05 pm Favorite Bands: Nirvana, Panic!, FOB, u know all those emo douchebags,  Favorite Solo Artists: the weeknd, halsey, drake, kanye, britney, kendrick, beyonce, elvis Song Stuck In My Head: put your head on my shoulder by paul anka, im feeling 50s today Last Movie I Saw: i reqatched a tale of tales its dopppee Last Show I Watched: malcolm in the middle Last Thing I Googled: picture of a demon Other Blogs: @lordcookdemort where i post the shit i cook so that i can check it out when i dont have any ideas Do I Get Asks: the corn lords Why I Chose This Username: it was an intrusive thought Followers: 6589 Following: 2587 Average Amount Of Sleep: 8 hours daddy Lucky Numbers: 4 Instruments I Play: alexa What I’m Wearing: white shirt black leggings Dream Job: rollercoaster tester Dream Trip: fucking greece Favorite Food: BBQ Nationality/ Ethnicity: White, portuguese, i wanna find out about my ancestors tho since im the only ginger in a dark family Favorite Songs: honest by the neighbourhood, young  god by halsey, hols on we’re going home by god himself, xo by beyonce, love me tender by elvis, love buzz by nirvana Last book I Read: o primo basilio by eca de queiroz Top Three Fictional Universes I Wanna Join: hp universe, got universe, the universe where malcolm in the middle is still runnin
I tag: @smileitssylviaxd @imonlyadumpling  @fishyfishgul @jonnyoid @latte-salute
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