#all because when she was a teen and she hated having chats with her dad because my grandpa's go to sentence was
sherlock-is-ace · 27 days
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alexblakeisgay · 13 days
Daddy's Sweet Angel
Pairing: Alex Blake/Reader
Summary: Your father invites you out to the bar with his team and you meet Alex Blake for the first time...and are immediately enamoured.
Word Count: 1616
Author's Note: Free Space fill for @cmkinkbingo2024. Requested by @mariskalover88.
“Won’t it be weird?” you asked your dad through the open door to your en-suite bathroom where you were putting on your eye makeup.
“Why would it be weird?” he asked, a note of amusement in his voice. He leaned against the wall outside your bathroom, arms crossed over his chest while he waited with faux-impatience, a small smile of amusement playing about his lips.
You rolled your eyes in the mirror, even though he couldn’t see it. “Because most of them still think of me as a goofy-looking pre-teen with those ridiculous glasses and frizzy hair...” you said pointedly.
“So?” he countered.
You scoffed. “Dad,” you whined, but had nothing with which to back it up.
He just chuckled. “Do what you want, kiddo, but I think you should come...”
You couldn’t have said why you ultimately decided to show up that night; maybe it was because you hadn’t seen them in nearly a year while you’d been away at college and you couldn’t help but miss them, many of them like aunts and uncles to you.
Born to Hotch and Haley their senior year of high school, most of your formative years were – in one way or another – tied to the BAU. Derek had been your work-out buddy when you were trying to get on the high school track team. Reid had tutored you through your much-hated calculus class. You’d spent many nights babysitting Henry when Will and JJ wanted to have a date night.
True, they’d all seen you at the worst of your ‘awkward phase’, but they were like family and you missed them. So, you’d given in to your father’s cajoling and showed up...
Reid was the first to spot you as you entered the bar, waving awkwardly from across the crowd. “Hey! Y/N!”
You couldn’t help but smile and offer him a fist bump in greeting once you’d woven your way through the mass of people. “Long time, no see,” you said.
He poured you a beer from the pitcher in the centre of the table (though it was more than half head). “How’s Pepperdine?” he asked.
You shrugged. “It’s a lot of math and physics stuff for now, but anatomy is fun! We get to work with cadavers!” He pulled a face, causing you to laugh. Your attention, though, was quickly diverted by the approach of a face you didn’t recognize.
Reid, following your gaze, was quick to offer up, “That’s Alex Blake – she’s new. Well, not new, I guess, because she worked for the BAU before, but...” He trailed off with an awkward little hand wave. “I can introduce you?” he offered.
You nodded. Perhaps too eagerly...
You waited until your dad was distracted, then grabbed for his phone where it sat forgotten on the table. You knew his password (of course) and were quick to find what you were after, phone returned to its place before anyone could notice your clandestine mission.
You typed out a quick text, then set your phone aside to await the response... You watched as Alex’s eyes alighted on you from where she stood near the bar, awaiting drink refills. You couldn’t quite read her expression as she seemed to vacillate between several different emotions. Then, she spent several long moments typing.
When your phone buzzed, you were quick to read the message.
“How old are you?” you’d asked.
“Old enough to be your mother,” she’d replied.
With a wicked grin, you changed the chat’s theme to Love...and then, you waited.
She caught your gaze, her expression changing to a wicked grin. She quickly typed out another message. “Oh, sweetie, this can be our little secret...”
“You’re fucking soaked, Princess...” Alex husked. “Is this all for me?” She nipped her way down your throat, paused at your clavicle to suck a bruise to the surface of your skin.
You were whimpering and whining and squirming against the wall behind you, surely scratching up your bare back against the bricks. Spreading your legs, you silently begged for her attention where you wanted it the most.
Deliberately ignoring your wordless pleas, Alex continued her quest to mark you up as much as possible. “Does this turn you on? You’re a little exhibitionist slut, hmm? Knowing anyone could walk by – even your father – turns you on? At any moment, he could find out what a little whore Daddy’s Sweet Angel is...”
You gasped sharply as her fingers found your clit through the fabric of your panties. “Alex...” you whined.
She immediately stilled her hand, causing you to whimper pitifully in protest. “You can call me Dr. Blake or you’ll be silent,” she commanded.
“Fuck...” you hissed, eyes falling shut and your head falling back against the wall of the alley. There was something so incredibly arousing about the power dynamic at play and you were willing to do just about anything at all she asked of you, so long as she would continue touching you...
“What was that?” she asked, brow rising.
“Please please touch me, Dr. Blake,” you begged.
She grinned wickedly. “Oh, Princess, you have no idea what you’re in store for...” She offered two fingers to you and you were quick to obediently take them into your mouth, laving them with your tongue – desperate to please her, but also impatient to have her fingers back where you wanted them most.
When she dragged her fingers past your lips upon commanding you to stop, the light of the lone streetlamp casting a dim greasy glow into the otherwise dark alley glinted off the saliva coating her fingers.
Then, she was dragging your panties down your legs to pool around your ankles and her fingers were sliding easily into your soaked cunt, drawing a breathy moan from your throat.
“Is this what you wanted?” she asked, watching you with intensity.
Sinking your teeth into your bottom lip, you nodded desperately. “Please...” you panted, “Please... I need more.”
She just laughed. “Needy little thing,” she purred. Her thumb found your clit, drawing sloppy circles on it causing your cunt to clench around her fingers. “Hear that?” she asked, then paused so you could hear the sound of your juices squelching with each thrust of her fingers. “You’re so fucking wet for me...”
“All for you,” you said breathlessly, “Fuck... Dr. Blake...” You could barely string two words together, but she seemed to understand all the same and sped up her thrusts.
“Are you going to cum for me, Princess?” she asked. “Cum all over my fingers like the desperate little slut you are?” You nodded, squeezed your eyes shut tight. That earned you a sharp pinch to your inner thigh. “I didn’t say you could do that,” she hissed, “You’ll watch or I stop.”
You pouted a little, but opened your eyes nonetheless, turning your attention to the movements of her hand between your legs.
She proceeded to milk two climaxes from you in quick succession, hand never stilling even as you were sobbed, begged her for mercy. “This is what you wanted,” she taunted, “You’ll take what you’re given and you’ll be fucking grateful, won’t you?”
Nodding, you clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle any further protests that might escape, wanting very much to be a good girl for her.
“That’s what I thought.”
If asked later, you couldn’t have said how long she spent torturing you – switching between leisurely slow strokes and relentless fast-paced thrusts until your thighs were trembling with the effort of keeping you upright. The hand not muffling your increasingly high-pitched keening was scraping for purchase on the brick wall behind you.
What followed was the most intense orgasm you’d ever had, the pressure building inside of you suddenly releasing with a jet of wetness from between your legs. You could scarcely remember how to breathe as your entire body spasmed, your pussy still clenching and it took several moments before you even had the brain power to process what had just happened.
You could almost hear the smirk in Alex’s voice as she purred, “Such a messy little thing...” Pulling her fingers from inside you, your cum dripping off them to stain the pavement below. She brought her fingers to her lips to taste you. “Fuck, you taste so sweet... Have a taste,” she suggested, offering her fingers to you.
Once again, you laved your tongue over her fingers, licking up every last drop of your juices in your eagerness to please her. The combination of affection and lust with which she looked at you nearly had your breath catching in your throat.
Suddenly, self-consciousness washed over you as the wave of endorphins from your climax ebbed. You had no idea what to do now, what Alex was thinking regarding your tryst... You opened your mouth to say something (though you had no idea what), but before you could get any words out, Alex leaned in and kissed you properly for the first time, stealing your breath away.
“You must be starving after that,” she said gently once she pulled away, a small smirk playing about her lips. Eyes wide in surprise, you could do nothing but nod, not sure where she was going with this... Chuckling, she held out a hand, patiently waiting for you to take it in yours.
Later on, when you were falling asleep in her bed, what you would remember most about the evening wasn’t her making you cum in a dirty alley, but her making you laugh ‘til you cried as you sat on the hood of her car, parked at the top of the look-out, eating burgers and drinking milkshakes while you stared up at the night sky.
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blueparadis · 2 years
▏tastes like honey ▏o.tooru ▏
CWs — female anatomy, she/her pronouns, established relationship, angst & fluff | nipple play, lactation kink, implied breeding kink, soft smut.
precis — oikawa misses his beloved’s touch after coming from mrs.iwa's babyshower.
notes — part of sizzling sextember + sintember. ft envy hosted by my beloved RØME0 ( @romiyaro ) Please check other author's works :>
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It was such a silly mistake to come here without you. The room is filled with people and their joyous chirping makes him so irritated that just gave in to the thought of calling you. His relationship with you is not full of roses and bursts of sunshines like others, especially Iwaizumi.
“Hey, listen! You don’t have to wait for me today. Just have dinner without me…”
“Okay. I’m still at the office so, maybe we could have dinner at some restaurant.”
“Nahh! I won’t be able to make it.”.
As soon as Oikawa ended the call bubbles of regret rippled in his pool of thoughts. That’s not what he wanted to tell. He wanted to tell you how much he missed you during this baby shower, where his desert friend, Iwaizumi, and his wife were standing side by side accepting gifts from guests. The smile that plastered on his friend’s face was different, full of pride.
It has been more than a year since he got married and it is a wonder to Oikawa how he managed to be a dad so easily. It’s not the sex, it’s the responsibility to raise a child which is why he never thought of having a kid. But with that baby bump, a flower crown on her head while she wore a creamy ivory gown sure made him think how you would look in that form. With his baby in you and breasts full of milk.
He finished the drink in one gulp and left the ceremony immediately. Oikawa talked to you about this already, about not having a baby till he was financially ready. He lied since he thought it would be better not to tell you that he is never planning to have one since he thinks he is not capable of being a father. Hence, envy crawled into his heart when he saw his dearest friend bestowed with fatherhood. Can he have that too? Would you listen to him if he changed his mind? Wouldn’t you be a little suspicious?
You did not press him since it was a sensitive matter to you as well. What if there are problems? Problems that could shut out the possibility of having a baby. You did not want to know that, you were not prepared either.
The sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella was far more soothing than the chit-chat of the baby shower ceremony. Oikawa was standing outside your office holding an umbrella in one hand and packed food in the other. What was he thinking?
“Tooru, you are here”, you squealed in excitement as you crossed the road standing beside him. He immediately took you under the umbrella. It is a rare occasion that he is waiting for you outside your office and indeed surprising when he has a packet of foods.
“I was …uh…”, he scratches his head bashfully. Of course, that fool did not prepare anything to say at all. “Bored at the ceremony without me?”, you supplied gaining a grin from him before he quipped, “Well sorta”
You searched your tote bag for your phone to call a cab. Oikawa who was watching you carefully with thoughts that would not stop even if he tried to push them away, thoughts like having his cock buried deep inside you. He kissed your cheek lightly gaining your stern gaze full of utter surprise.
“Let’s walk”, he just doesn’t want to be like this. He thought the more he would delay reaching home, the easier it would be to get rid of those sinful thoughts. He hated how he is contracting himself just because of jealousy. It’s so impulsive, almost like a teen boy in love.
But it did not go as planned as soon as you opened the door, the moment the sound of latchkey faded his lips were crashing on yours with waves of lust and desperation. “Tooru, what’re you…” He was cautious enough to keep the food on the table but threw the umbrella somewhere else as he placed you on the couch.
Oikawa was already nipping your neckline. “I missed you, ya know.” you try to decipher his thoughts with that shaky set of words he just breathed out. You let out a trail of laughs watching him undress in haste. His cock sprung free hard at your display.
“Think, you can take me in ?”, he drawled out grazing your folds with two sets of fingers. You were soaking wet yet not enough to have his hefty cock inside you but he can work on that. He inclined to go for your neckline, chest, and your cleavage. Every time he kissed you, his cock was nudging your entrance, challenging your patience.
Arching a little you guided his cock along your pussy. His lips curved in delight. He just loves how you are hungry for him even though you have been married long enough, and had a fair part of dating to get bored.
“Want me in already?”, he remarks pushing forth his cock full up to the base until he feels his balls hitting your ass cheeks. You gasped at a sudden jolt but it immediately faded away when he started to suck your perked nipples.
Soft moans and feeble pants escaped your lips. Eyes closed in waves of pleasure. You opened your eyes for a moment but he was sucking like a starved man with his eyes closed, humming and moaning tasting your skin.
You winced as he bit the flesh around your nipples. “You’re sucking so hard. toru’ It hurts.”
He pulls out scanning your coy features as you murmur, “It’s not like you can taste …”, you failed to finish your sentence since the thought of ruining this moment by talking about something that is just a mirage.
“Maybe we can change that.”, the moment those words escaped his mouth he winced since being inside you while sucking your nipples was enough to make his cock-tip limp with pre-cum.
You conjectured that he was not going to pull out any sooner when his lips started to suck your breasts again and this time he was holding your hands to not have you squirming underneath him.
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richincolor · 1 month
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With spring on its way out, I thought it would be fun to do a quick roundup of some contemporary romances. Here are three that are out this month--which ones are on your reading list?
Bite Me, Royce Taslim by Lauren Ho Disney Hyperion
Agnes Chan never expected to be the punchline of her own life . . .
But how else do you explain getting accidentally run over and seeing a lifetime of careful preparation, endless training, and all your hopes of a track scholarship to college destroyed in a split second? Not to mention the only witness to your humiliation being your #1 archnemesis, Royce Taslim.
So, when Agnes finds a new answer to her scholarship predicament in the form of an international stand-up comedy contest for teens, the last person she expects to be up against is also the last person she wants to Royce. Because for years Royce has represented everything Agnes extreme privilege, popularity, and physical perfection (ok maybe she doesn’t hate that part so much).
Behind the scenes, though, Royce’s flawless façade fades away, revealing someone Agnes never expected—someone who shows her that perhaps the best parts of life are the ones you aren’t prepared for—and as the competition heats up, so do things between these two rivals. But will the pressure to win be too much for them to handle—or will Agnes (and Royce) get the last laugh?
Queerceañera by Alex Crespo HarperTeen
Joaquin Zoido is out and proud of it. And while he knew his dad and sister, Carmen, would be super supportive, he wasn’t quite ready for them to surprise him with a queerceañera, a coming out party to celebrate him. Between all the talks of tastings and venues, and the chirping of his family’s RSVP texts, the question of who will be his chambelán is on everyone’s minds.
What Joaquin is decidedly trying to not think about is whether his mom is going attend or if she’s finally replaced him with her favorite godson, Felix—the boy who made Joaquin realize he was gay and who was his first kiss. But when an impromptu lie snowballs into a full-fledged family-group-chat rumor, every Zoido from Texas to Mexico starts believing that Felix is not only Joaquin’s chambelán but also his brand-new boyfriend.
To avoid the pity and sympathies of an ill-timed breakup, Joaquin and Felix strike a deal—they’ll stay fake boyfriends until the party. Yet, as the day draws nearer and old feelings spark anew, Joaquin will have to decide whether a picture-perfect queerceañera with a fake boyfriend is worth giving up the chance of something real.
True Love and Other Impossible Odds by Christina Li Quill Tree Books
College freshman Grace Tang never meant to rewrite the rules of love. She came to college to move on from a grief-stricken senior year and to start anew. So she follows a predictable Attend class, study, go home and visit her dad every weekend. She doesn’t leave any room in her life for outliers or anomalies.
Then, Grace comes up with an algorithm for her statistics class to pair students with their perfect romantic partners. Though some people are skeptical, like Julia, Grace’s prickly coworker, Grace is confident that her program will take all the drama out of relationships. That’s why she keeps trying to make things work with her match, a guy named Jamie. But as the semester goes on and she grows closer to Julia, Grace starts to question who she’s really attracted to.
In award-winning author Christina Li’s YA debut, Grace will have to make a choice between the tidy equations she knows will protect her from heartbreak or the possibility that true love doesn’t follow any formula.
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
The One That Got Away
Vi x Fem!Reader Arcane AU
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Word Count: 4.6k
Warnings: Vi beating people up, nervous flirting, teenage crushes, Loving someone even when they’re gone, Vi leaves Caitlyn for you, sensual sex, strap-on use
Summary: You had a crush on Vi as teens, but you’re forced to move away the night before your date. Years later, you run into each other again and feelings return.
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You’re perched on a balcony railing watching as a group of guys get their asses handed to them. Your older brother - Mike - was one of the guys down there. He was supposed to be at church with the rest of you, but you noticed that he would sneak out when the sermon would start. Your parents were sailors and took turns going out on ships so that one of them was always home. They attended church to pay their respects to the Goddess of the Winds, Janna, who protected all sailors from death at sea. So, you decided to follow him one morning and found out that he joined a gang. You couldn’t tell your parents until you knew which gang, because your brother knew how to lie to them and make it seem like you were the liar. And you hated that.
So, you watched with great amusement as this pink-haired girl gave him a black eye and a bloody nose. You were given the name of the gang by her when she shouted it out in anger. When you saw her approaching the group of ten guys, you got worried for her. She had clearly come looking for a fight, but you hadn’t seen any weapon in sight. Then, the fight started and you were concerned for the guys instead. She was quick with her fists and she fought with no reservation.
“Next time you assholes want to mess with my little sister, remember this.” Pink spits, before turning and walking away. You let out a squeak and scramble after her, running along the railing and sliding down a rooftop.
“Hey!” You call out, “Hey! Pink! Wait!” Your feet hit the ground as she stops and turns to you. There’s an annoyed look on her face but you didn’t care.
“What?” Pink huffs, crossing your arms.
“I wanted to say thank you. You totally just beat up my brother and gave me the chance to tell our parents he’s been lying about being in a gang.” You grin, starting to back away, “Also, you throw a wicked punch!” You call, waving at her before you turn and start sprinting home. Your parents are going to have a heart attack when they find out, and you were excited to finally see your brother get grounded.
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Today was a slow day at Gretchen’s but you didn’t mind. Your family has been tight on money lately after your dad broke his leg. There was an accident and his leg got caught in the rigging. You decided to get a job to help out and Gretchen - who’s a family friend - asked you to work in her bakery. So, you jumped at the chance and were actually making decent money. Most of the time the place was packed with customers who came in for fresh bread or sweets. But, today you haven’t been seeing as many people. Normally that wouldn’t worry you, but you were hoping a specific person would come by today.
Pink. You ran into her a few times before you started working at the bakery. There was something about her that got you all flustered. Maybe because she was a really cute girl who actually talked to you? After you got the job, you found out that she was a regular along with her siblings. Gretchen told you that they came in once a week. You nearly burned yourself the first time you saw her walk in, happily chatting away with a blue-haired girl and a large smile on her face. She seemed similarly surprised when she saw you, and that’s when you learned her actual name. Violet.
That once-a-week visit eventually turned into every day. Every time she came in, you could’ve sworn that she was flirting with you! She would ask you what you recommended to try or if you had a favorite flavor or sweet. If she came in before closing, she’d playfully complain that you needed to stay open longer so she didn’t have to run here. You thought you might’ve been reading into it because you were crushing on her, but part of you hoped that you weren’t. You finally got confirmation one afternoon when Vi came in with her siblings.
The bell above the door rings announcing that someone has entered the bakery. You put up the tray of cupcakes and head to the front while your co-workers continue baking. When you get a peek at who’s at the counter, you feel your pulse pick up slightly. You take a deep breath before walking into their view, “Afternoon, guys!” You chirp, putting your hands on the countertop, “What can I get for you today?”
“Do you guys have any jelly tarts?” Powder questions, giving you puppy eyes.
“We have some ready to come out of the oven. Luckily for you, it’ll be a two-minute wait.” You wink at her, making her cheer. You look to Vi who shakes her head and motions to her brothers. Claggor asks for a bear claw pastry and Mylo grabs a few cookies. They go and sit down with Powder to wait on the jelly tarts, but Vi stays standing at the counter. ‘Why is she still standing here? Did she change her mind about ordering?’
“Did you find something you’d like?” You ask, nervously drumming your fingers on the countertop. ‘Why am I so nervous around her? I see her every day.’
“Yeah, actually. Can I get one of the strawberry brownies?” Vi points to it in the window.
“Sure thing.” You smile before opening the window and grabbing one, hesitating briefly before you put a second one in the bag. Vi raises an eyebrow when she sees you do that and you put a finger to your lips, “I’ll pay for that one.” You giggle. Vi hands you the money for the one brownie and you blush when your fingers touch. You count the money, avoiding Vi’s gaze before giving her the bag.
“Thanks.” Vi flashes a smile, nervously shuffling her feet. You two sit in silence for a minute before you remember to respond.
“You’re welcome.” You nod, “I uh… should go get that tart for your sister.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll wait here for you.” Vi clears her throat. You nod and whirl around, hurrying to the back to grab a few of the jelly tarts. ‘Oh my Janna, that was awkward. What’s going on?’ You sigh and head back to the counter. You swallow when you see Vi, noticing that she looks nervous which is an expression you’ve never seen on her face before.
“Powder!” You call, “Here are your jelly tarts!” Powder jumps out of her seat, running up to the counter and snatching it from your hands. As she does that, Vi puts the money on the counter and you tuck it into the register. They get ready to head out, and Vi comes back up to the counter as her siblings step outside.
“Hey, uh… Y/n?” Vi messes with her wrappings, “Are you free anytime this week?”
“Free?” You parrot, your heart racing, “Y-Yeah, I am. Why?”
“Ah… Would you like to go on a date with me?” Vi meets your eyes. ‘She’s serious? Is she serious right now? Did she just ask me out?!’ You think you might faint.
“I-I would love to. Yes!” You grin excitedly, making Vi grin as well, “I’m free tomorrow afternoon. I work the morning shift and get out at lunchtime if that’s okay with you?”
“Yeah! Yeah, that’s okay with me.” Vi nods, “I’ll um… come and get you after your shift?”
“I’ll be waiting for you.” Your cheeks hurt from how hard you’re smiling.
“Great!” Vi looks outside to see her siblings still waiting, “I’ll see you tomorrow!” She leaves the bakery, glancing behind her one last time to give you a silly grin. You squeal happily, jumping up and down before rushing into the back to tell everyone the news. ‘I have a date with Vi!’ You couldn’t be happier.
Unfortunately, that same night your parents announced that you were leaving Zaun in the morning. Your brother had gotten into trouble with another gang - even though your parents forbid him from getting involved - and they had enough. Gretchen had been informed and stopped by with your last paycheck and a sad smile. You were heartbroken that you were forced to leave your home behind, especially after Vi had asked you out. So, you begged Gretchen to tell her what happened and she promised to. It was with a heavy heart that you left Zaun before the morning sun came up, getting onto a ship and going who knows where. Your parents wouldn’t tell you or anyone, fearing they’d chase down your brother. You hated him more than ever, and you didn’t know if that would ever change.
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“We’ll be stayin’ here for two weeks until all of the cargo comes in!” Your captain shouts from below you, “You’re in charge of findin’ your own place to stay!” She continues, making the crew groan. You snort, nudging your crewmate in the nest and sticking your tongue out. He snickers as you jump off the edge and slide down the ropes. With a grin, you kick one of your friends before you hit the deck and start running for the gangway.
“Y/N, YOU FUCKER! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUTTA ME!” They holler after you, making you laugh. You weave your way through the crew, ducking underneath wooden beams and heading for the intake gate. You hand over your ID form and it only takes a few minutes for them to give you the go-ahead and cheerful “welcome home”. You take a deep breath and make your way to the drop into Zaun, knowing that your old place should still be there. It was an apartment building owned by your family so it was always available to stay in. You stare at the city you used to live in, taking in all of the changes as the bathysphere brings you down. You’ve been gone for years, and in your absence, Zaun has changed… in some ways.
As you make your way to the apartment, walking through a back alley, a guy rushes at you with a switchblade and you kick him in the throat. He chokes and wheezes, eyes going wide right before you stomp on his wrist and nab his knife. You whistle a sea shanty as you continue your way to the building, twirling the knife in your hand. Not bothering to unlock the gate, you carefully parkour over it, breathing a sigh of relief that the razor wire doesn’t catch your skin.
“Y/n?! Is that you, child?” You hear someone shout as you come around the front.
“Auntie R?!” You laugh incredulously, seeing your aunt and her friend hanging out, “I didn’t know you were still living here!” You embrace her and her friend.
“Where else would I have gone?” She snorts, “I’m not adventurous like your parents. No, sir, I stayed my ass right here.”
“Did those guys ever come by for Mike?” You ask curiously.
“They sure did. That very morning ya’ll booked it. I told them if they didn’t get their asses off of my property, I was going to throw my grenades at them. They never came back after that!” She laughs. Your aunt was a woman you admired greatly. She was the one who taught you how to parkour and would share stories about how she lost two of her teeth in a gang brawl as a teenager. Auntie R was the wilder one in your family and you loved her a lot. It makes you happy to see that she’s still hanging around Zaun.
“I’m glad that you’re doin’ good, auntie. I’m going to head inside and shower 'cause I’m tired of the smell of salt water after tw’nty-three days at sea.” You laugh. You were one of the few on the ship that wouldn’t be caught dead sticking to high hell. During the straights, you and a few others would hoist up a bucket of saltwater and scrub yourselves clean at night. Your Captain joined you as well, saying that she loved the sea but she’d rather not have people cringing away from her.
“You can borrow a pair of my clothes until you get some. Let me give you a crash course on what has changed, yeah? You’ll be surprised.”
“Sounds good.” You nod.
Your aunt told you about all of the new changes, giving you money to get more clothes even though you wouldn’t be staying long. You couldn’t believe what she was saying, but as you made your way through Zaun, you could see it. People looked like they were doing better and clothes seemed much cleaner. The clothing stores had a lot many different styles of clothing and you were happy about that. Living in Bilgewater had opened you up to a lot of things that you didn’t have in Zaun, and being a pirate had helped with that, too.
And like any ol’ pirate trying to wind down after a long month at sea, you headed to where the alcohol was. Even though you’ve been gone for a while, you’d never forget the way to The Last Drop. You were playing with that switchblade you had nabbed, idly wondering if that guy would come looking for it. You raise an eyebrow at the two bodyguards standing outside the building, but you shrug. Slipping the switchblade into your pocket, they only glance at you as you stroll past, pushing the door open. The loud chatter in the Drop makes you feel at home, and you grin when you see your Captain and a few other mates around a table.
“Y’all are over here drinking and you don’t even have a pint for me?” You shake your crewmate’s chair, making him choke on his beer. The others laugh and you plop yourself into the empty seat, putting your feet onto Captain Andi’s lap. The two of you have a little thing going on and keep each other company during the long journeys you make. It was no secret among the crew, especially because you’re not quiet about it.
“Don’t worry, the next round is coming.” Andi snorts, “I see you got new clothes.”
“Zaun was my home before Bilgewater. I’ve got family in the city.” You shrug, “Besides, we’re here for two weeks. I had to get a new pair anyway after someone dropped my bag into the sea as an offering.” You glare at Hector.
“I didn’t want to drop my things in!” Hector protests, “I didn’t have anything else, and you can’t go through Siren’s Keep without an offering!”
“Watch. Y/n is going to be blessed with an amazing love life because it wasn’t your stuff. The sirens know the difference.” Jayla snickers.
“W-wait, hold on!” Hector sputters, making your group crack up. You all start teasing him, telling him that he could offer his own body and at least he’d die by a siren’s hands. The next round of drinks comes over and you down your pint of beer, sighing in relief at the cold drink. A few people come by to flirt, offering to buy drinks or boldly requesting that one of you come to keep them company. The conversation rolls easily, more drinks are brought to the table, and you finally get to decompress. Your stomach was growling, dying for a hot meal that wasn’t soup and something more solid. As if everyone else had the same idea, you all ordered burgers and you nearly cried when you took the first bite.
After eating, the rest of the group gets up to play a couple of rounds of pool, while you choose to stay seated. Your gaze wanders around the bar and you find yourself pausing as a group of people walk in. A little tipsy, it takes your mind a moment to process who you see, “Oh.” You blink watching them walk towards the bar. Powder - who else has such vibrant blue hair - meets your gaze from across the bar and you get to witness her face go from confusion to excitement. “OH, MY GODS! Y/N?!” She screams, drawing attention to her as she races your way, making you panic. You jump up from your chair in time for her to crush you in a hug. You yelp as you stagger back a bit, but you catch yourself from falling.
“Powder!” You gasp, surprised by her reaction and that she recognized you.
“I can’t believe you’re here!” Powder grins, hopping from foot to foot, “VI! VI, Y/N’S BACK! SHE’S BACK!” She screams at the group she came in with, who’s a lot closer than they were a few seconds ago. You feel speechless. Vi was attractive when you were teenagers, but now? She’s handsome as hell. A few scars on her face, a nose piercing, and a tattoo on her neck. Vi seems as shocked to see you as you are to see her. Claggor and Ekko give you a hug like the sweethearts they are, while Mylo nods at you. The woman with them is someone you don’t recognize. ‘She’s probably someone they met after I left.’
“Y/n.” Vi says in disbelief, lips twitching into a smile, “I-I didn’t know that you were back in Zaun. When did you get here?” She steps forward to hug you, and you think you might melt in her arms. There’s something off about her hug that you can’t put your finger on. ‘This is nice. Her hugs are nice… Oh shit, right, she asked a question.’
“Today, actually. My crew and I are in the city waiting for a trade-off of some cargo.” You step away from her, thinking you drank too much when you feel your cheeks warm, “I’ll be here for a few weeks before heading back out.”
“Crew?” The unknown woman speaks up, “What crew?”
“Pirate crew, miss…?” Hector tosses his arm over your shoulder, making you scowl.
“Caitlyn.” The woman introduces herself. You pick up his half-finished pint and shove the glass into his chest. He winks at you and stumbles back to the pool table. ‘Nosy ass, urchin.’
“You joined a pirate crew?!” Powder gasps, hitting her sister on the shoulder, “Vi! Date a pirate instead! Even better, date Y/n!”
“Ha ha, Powder. Very funny. I’m not breaking up with Caitlyn.” Vi rolls her eyes, “For the thousandth time.”
“Oh, you two are together?” You feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach for some weird reason.
“Yup! Weird, right?” Mylo laughs, “Vi’s dating a Piltie- OW!” He clutches his head as Vi’s fist drops back to her side.
“Why don’t you come and hang out with us?” Vi suggests, “Unless you want to stay with your crew?” You glance at your friends and Andi waves you off. ‘I can hang out with them another time. I’m stuck with them at sea for days anyway.’ You snort.
“I’ll join you, but I’ll warn you that I’ve had a bit to drink.” You chuckle.
“That’s fine.” Ekko grins, “We were going to have a few drinks ourselves.” Powder squeals, grabs your arm, and starts dragging you to the back. You end up spending a long time with the group, talking and catching up on things that have happened. Hearing about what happened in Zaun a few years after you left was appalling. Especially when you found out that Vi got arrested and sent to Stillwater! Then came your time to share what happened when you moved away from Zaun. You talked about the reason you left and how you haven’t talked to your brother in years. You were so pissed that you were forced to leave your life behind because of him that you never forgave him. Eventually, it was only you and Vi awake after everyone drank too much and passed out. The two of you sat in a corner and talked, the only two who can hold their alcohol. You found yourself really falling back into conversation with her before you fell asleep.
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You’ve been back in Zaun for a week and a half and it’s been more stressful than you thought it would be. After you ran into Vi and her family, you spent a few more days hanging out with Vi. The two of you spent hours talking and running around Zaun together, trying to catch up while sober. Ever since you left Zaun, you hadn’t been able to successfully date anyone. As a result, you stuck to regular hookups or one-night stands. After a while, you stopped thinking about Vi and you thought that you had gotten over her. It was during these moments with her that you had a terrible realization… You’re still in love with Vi.
It felt like you were back to being a teenager when you were around her. You giggled at her jokes, got flustered when you couldn’t think of what to say, and you even pinched her at some point! One night as you tried to sleep, you ended up wondering what would happen if you hadn’t left. What would that date have been? Would you have gone to the school brawl together? Would the two of you be together now or would it have been a short fling? Those thoughts buzzing in your mind had you returning to the one place you went for some privacy. It was a rooftop near your apartment that had a perfect view of Zaun and Piltover.
You were sitting at the edge, resting your chin on one knee as you stared out at the scenery. ‘I can’t believe I’m still into Vi. It’s been years! I should be over her by now. I mean… I was only crushing on her back then… How could that turn into love without doing anything? Ugh, this is so frustrating. It’s a good thing I’ll be leaving in a few days.’ You sigh to yourself.
“What’s got you sighing so heavily?” You hear Vi say from behind you. You turn your head as she sits down next to you, nudging your shoulder as she does.
“Ah, something on my mind.” You shrug, trying not to show any telling emotions on your face, “I couldn’t sleep and I used to come here to clear my mind.”
“Really? I’ve brought Powder up here a few times growing up. We usually have our important conversations here.” Vi sighs, leaning back on her hands, “I came here because I have something on my mind, too.”
“You can talk about it if you’d like. It might help.” You offer. ‘Even though Vi is currently the one haunting my thoughts, it feels good to have her next to me.’
“Alright, well… I’ve had this woman on my mind for a while. It made being in long-term relationships hard because all I could think about was her. I kept asking myself “what if” and eventually I managed to stop thinking about her. I got into a relationship and imagine my surprise when I see her again after eight years.” You meet Vi’s shaded gaze with wide eyes as she continues talking, “And the more I talked to this woman, I realized that I am irrevocably in love with her… So, I broke up with Caitlyn and decided to try and find you. I gave up when I couldn’t and came here to think and found you.”
“Y-You’re in love with me?” You stutter, staring at her in disbelief, “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” Vi nods, caressing your face in the low light, “I was heartbroken when I came to get you for our date only to find out that you skipped town. I honestly couldn’t move on from that and seeing you again reminded me that I never did.”
“That’s-” You laugh joyously, “I feel the same way about you. You’ve been on my mind for years. I-I came out here tonight because I realized that I love you, and with you being in a relationship… I thought I didn’t have a chance.”
“I left her for you… I’d really like to take you out on a date.” Vi smiles, “And hopefully you don’t run away from me before I can do that.” She jokes, making you giggle. You look up at the sky and realize that it's around two in the morning. ‘I should be getting back to bed… but I don’t have to go alone.’ You peek at Vi in the corner of your eye. You stand up and hold your hand out to her, Vi taking it and letting you help her up.
“It’s late. My apartment is nearby if you want to spend the night.” You offer, “I don’t want you to fall off a rooftop from exhaustion.” You say teasingly.
“Lead the way.” Vi grins, making you smile.
The moment you close your apartment door, Vi’s lips are on yours and you have to blindly feel for the lock. You kiss with your back pressed to the door, before you break it to push her towards your bedroom. Not wanting to lay in bed dirty, you invite her to take a shower with you. Vi’s eyebrows shoot up, but she joins you in the shower where you end up against the cold tile. Slow, unhurried kisses are exchanged that increase the intimacy.
Vi surprises you by gently toweling you off, leaving soft kisses along your body as she does. Her care of your body has a warmth rising between your legs. You return the favor, drying her off and letting your fingertips caress her body, especially her back. There’s an unspoken agreement between you two as you watch Vi put her strap on, laying down on the bed for her.
Not a word is spoken as she settles between your legs. You were almost afraid to speak, not wanting to break whatever spell you two were under. All you know is that you want her, so you spread your legs and Vi takes the cue. The soft groan that leaves your lips as she slowly slides into you is what breaks the spell.
“I want to worship your body.” Vi whispers, fingertips pressing into your hips, “Is it okay if I go slow?”
“That’s okay with me.” You whisper back, relaxing in her arms. Vi’s careful with you. Touching your body as if you’ll break underneath her if she’s rough with you. Her thrusts are slow and methodical, making you gasp every time her hips meet yours. You’re holding her to you, legs wrapped around her waist as moan into her ear. Just because you were taking it slow didn’t mean that you weren’t desperate for each other.
“I’ve thought about this.” You breathe out, letting your eyes slip shut as you enjoy it, “You touching me like this.”
“I have too.” Vi mutters, kissing your temple, “My guiltiest pleasure has always been you.” Her thrusts are consistent and it feels as though she’s caressing you from the inside. It doesn’t take long for your orgasm to teeter on the edge, and when it happens you’re holding her closer in a tender embrace.
Vi takes off the strap and lays with you, snuggling under the covers as you bask in the bliss she brought you. This was the intimacy you craved. The intimacy you couldn’t obtain from anyone else because of your love for this woman.
“I genuinely thought I’d never see you again.” The words come out of your mouth before you can stop them, “I was heartbroken that I lost you.” Vi kisses your cheek, pulling your body closer to hers.
“You’ll never lose me. My heart has been yours from the day I met you, and it always will be.” She leans in and kisses you deeply, chasing away all of the doubts of your youth. Vi was right, after all. You were hers forever and always.
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dimepdf · 2 years
can i request sub!steve and he has had the biggest crush on reader and he’s completely head over heels for her and he gets rlly shy and stuttery every time he tries to talk to reader? could reader also be fem!reader pls? love ur writing!
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? summary. Steve Harrington made you a music tape. He felt as if he was dying, or at the very least on the verge of dying, his heart pounding against his chest. He paced around his house, a piece of paper twiddling between his fingers on which he had written your phone number. author's note. This is me pleading with someone to give me shows/movies with small fandoms like the society, the 100, my babysitters a vampire, and moxie so that I can help the under appreciated characters in need. everyone thank @hprefect for proofreading!
[ ❥ ] pairing. steve harrington x reader
[ ❥ ] word count. 2.9k
[ ❥ ] genre. fluff
[ ❥ ] warnings. fem reader, not show canon, slut steve, one sided pining, friends to lovers, slight enemies to lovers, misunderstanding, himbo steve, simping, good 80s music, king steve
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Steve Harrington hated driving around in his dad's car.
Although it was majorly convenient–considering the number of times he would creep down the steps of his home and snatch the keys from the hook before slipping out of the front door, just to meet up with his usual group of friends that spent all night partying and drinking–it didn't take away the stress of actually being behind the wheel, swerving down the dark Hawkins roads, intoxicated.
Getting your license when you were of age was a necessity in the small town, not having to bike around to places or take the school bus with everyone else was like the entrance to the unwritten passageway of being at-all relevant at Hawkins High School.
Steve didn't really understand the whole “rules” thing, but he wasn't one to stick a toe out of place seeing what the “less fortunate” students in school had to deal with in terms of not being “cool enough”.
Steve was cozy and comfortable with his statue at the top and wanted the status quo to stay as such all the way until he graduated.
He had gotten used to it so far, being popular for most of his life. Since there weren't any new people in the rural town in Indiana, everyone just sort of grew into their respective places of cliches.
Despite his forward image of being "King Steve", he was still a teenage boy who didn’t understand the hearts and minds of women his age.
As the last class bell rang, signaling everyone to go home, it was normal for teens to linger outside of the school–waiting for buses, their parents or chatting with friends.
Steve was doing the latter, leaning his butt on the back of his father's car as Tommy had his own parked next to him, standing between Carol's thighs as she sat perched on the trunk of his hood.
Steve didn't find the conversation that they were having very interesting, mostly because the couple made him feel like a third wheel by redirecting whatever he would respond with to whispering something sexual to each other.
The main reason behind the problem was Tommy didn't know how to whisper correctly, as his lewd comments made Steve cringe more word by word, curling into himself as his arms crossed, pretending like he wasn’t hearing his friends talk about having rough car sex in earshot of him.
Steve didn't want to come off as sour, nervous to tell the two to knock it off because his weekly girlfriend had recently ghosted him–just because he had moaned another girl's name during sex.
He thought it was a totally normal and very common mistake. Steve rolled his eyes, noticing Tommy shoving his tongue down Carol's throat and grasping at her thighs as he pushed against her.
He knew that he couldn't get angry about it, not bothering to hide his own displays of affection to other women in public that he had been dating, but it didn't make it less awkward being someone on the outside looking in.
Then there was you, standing just at the corner of his eye, wrestling to get your bike out of the stand, with your messenger bag strap hoisted around your shoulder.
Fumbling with the lock on your bike, you seemed to have forgotten the password.
For some reason, this mesmerized Steve. You were always the one girl in his entire grade to catch his eye.
Maybe it was because of how your brown skin seemed to glow as you sat at your desk in the only class you two shared, your chin always resting on your palm as you slouched against the desk.
Maybe it was because you two used to be best friends before Steve gained his "King'' status as a freshman in high school. Or because you cursed at him and sneered at Coral for accidentally bumping into you in the lunch line, the mess from her lunch tray colliding with the book cover you held in your hands.
Steve had noticed it was the same book that you liked to hide your nose in between the pages of, your glare pointed at him the second she had collided with you.
 You hadn't taken too kindly to the exchange.
Thinking it was just another one of Harrington's shitty jokes, whenever you caught him having fallen trance to your looks, you would return his hopelessly romantic look with an almost deadly glare.
Ignoring the fact that he was weirdly attracted to you, simply wanting to earn back your attention since you were just so beautiful in a quiet way.
Since then, Steve hasn’t seemed to make it up to you, not knowing when the relationship between you two drifted apart.
Being caught up in being someone he wasn't all the time was confusing, but the only thing that seemed to stay the same was you.
He hated how you just seemed to be the main reason he couldn't figure out women, like a puzzle missing a single piece, and only as he was reaching to finish the puzzle you had taken a sledgehammer to the table and scattered all the pieces again.
He knew the feelings he had for you were more severe than just missing the friend he once had.
You were just so hard to talk to, he thought, his eyes squinting as Jonathan Byers walked up to you, Steve watching how your eyelashes fluttered and your face curved into a bright smile to greet your friend.
God, how he wished that smile was directed towards him.
You were friends with Jonathan, he knew, watching as you made small talk by the bike rack.
Jonathan reached down to unlock your bike for you as you made some type of big gesture reaching out your arms before pulling Jonathan into an embrace.
“Dude, Steve, did you hear me? We’re gonna head out,” Tommy interrupted, snapping his fingers in front of his face, Steve flinched away, pushing Tommy’s arms as he rolled his shoulders back.
“Alright, alright I got it, see you guys later,” Steve grumbled, mentally deciding that staring at you the entire time was getting a little weird as he hopped into the driver's side of the car.
Just as he was about to pull out of his parking lot his foot slammed against the brake, his head peeking out the car window after hearing a thud.
"What the fucking fuck Harrington," your voice startled him out of his car, leaving the door open as he ran to your aid.
Seeing your bike practically under his tire, the handlebars bent at an ugly angle, no doubt broken, he was at least happy that you weren't the one under the tire.
Your eyes are big, almost like a deer caught in headlights before switching to your usual glare at Steve.
The boy almost freezes as you look up at him, his mouth opening to apologize or at least say something that would save him from your sharp tongue.
"Hello, Earth to Steve. You ruined my bike." He'd just realized how long he'd been staring at your face, which had turned a flushed pink as his hands stretched at his side.
 "Uh, yeah I—I’m, I'm so sorry." Steve stuttered out. 
You moaned, hunching down to your knees and burying your face in your hands. "Fucking hell, Steve," your groan was muffled in a whine as Steve paced behind his car, mind racing with ways to not screw up any more than he already had.
"Okay wait, I'm gonna back up and–yeah." Not finishing his sentence as he sprints towards the front of the car, pulling just a bit forward and bouncing off of the metal of the bike. It was still usable, as you yanked your bike from the ground, climbing over the seat, wanting to do nothing else but get home.
"Steve," you shout. Looking at you from his rearview mirror, gripping his knuckles white against the leather steering wheel, he bowed his head for just a moment. 
"Y—yeah, yes?" Steve’s brain was fumbling as he swore he could feel smoke coming out of his ears from the thoughts firing in front of your presence.
Who would’ve thought that you could be the only woman to make King Harrington so nervous? Just now realizing how loud his radio was, he reached to dial down the volume enough to hear you.
"What song is this?" you asked, pushing yourself closer to the car window as Steve was caught a little off guard by the sudden question, being the only actual conversation you had given him the chance to have in years. 
Wearing taffeta and lace
That matched her braided hair
With their coraled beads that sang to me
The lyrics in the background hummed, as Steve refused to make eye contact with you, standing so close to him, glancing at his lap as his words were once again caught in his throat.
Not wanting to slip out the fact that when he first heard the song, he instantly thought about you and had not stopped listening to it since, caught in an unbearable loop.
His hand accidentally hit his own horn as a car behind him had honked.
Upon reminding Steve that he was in fact sitting parked in the middle of the exit way, hearing you giggle at the interaction only added onto to his flushed state, finding yourself noticing how adorable it was to see Steve so nervous for no reason.
"Alright, I’ll spare you just this once, Harrington. Just promise me you’ll tell me later, okay?" he heard you say, watching you pedal away ahead of him. 
Reaching the exit of the parking lot, grinning as you waved your hand, still looking ahead, Steve wanted so badly for the conversation to continue.
Smacking his fist against the wheel, flinching as he honked his horn once again, swearing under his breath, he accelerated forward, dialing up his music as he tried to process what the hell just happened.
Your last words to him, already circling his thoughts. "Just promise to tell me later?" meaning that you wanted to talk to him again? 
You were truly going to be the fucking death of him. Steve couldn't count the number of times he had found himself glancing in your direction, only to find you already staring at him. 
The first time he'd caught you was when his eyes trailed up your thigh.
His bottom lip got caught between his teeth, just as he glazed up to your torso.
His blood ran cold as he met your gaze, his hand wiping any traces of drool from his mouth as he nervously chuckled. 
Trying to point at the window trying to come up with the excuse that he was “just staring out the window” and “totally not checking you out”, you mouthed something to him, almost as if you were begging him to watch your lips. 
Your mouth curled with every syllable, finishing whatever you were saying with a grin and your eyebrows raised. That's when Steve watched you attempt to repeat the string of sentences.
This time he was actually paying attention before he realized what you were saying to him.
“My eyes are up here Steve.”
I looked up at her and smiled
And said, why I don't know
But would she agree, to stay with me
As the bell rings, you pack up everything into your binder hurrying for the next class period.
You’re both surprised to see Steve standing beside you, his hand clutching the strap of his book bag as he gives you a nervous closed-mouth grin.
“Well good evening Harrington, come to get a closer look at my thighs?” Steve’s brows furrowing in confusion he didn't understand why you would switch from addressing him to his first name one second only to call him by his last a second later.
Maybe you were still pissed at him, he thought. You giggled watching the familiar pink tint flush across his face. “Oh the song!” you suddenly smiled, your eyes beaming brightly up at him in a way that made Steve’s knees buckle, his mouth opening before he could close it again, wincing at himself before covering it up with another nervous chuckle. So much for King Steve.
"Yeah! yeah , the–the song, uh, it's…Never in Your Sun by Stevie Wonder, I uh, recently just started listening to it and it just sort of…stuck." Steve was trying hard not to stammer his words, but it was so damn hard to act normal when you were looking at him like that, like you and him were the only two people in the classroom.
“Stevie Wonder huh, okay white boy I see you.” you smile, playfully punching his shoulder as you gestured for him to follow you to your next class. “Oh wait, awe man, I'm totally gonna forget if I don't write this down.” Steve watched you shuffle your arm around in your messenger bag before pulling out a black ink pen, scribbling the song name onto the back of your hand and then without any protest taking Steve’s hand in yours, inking your number onto the back of his with big bold black ink.
“Can't believe we’ve known each other for so long and you’ve never called me once in your life, Harrington.” there you go calling him Harrington again with that look on your face, it was like you were toying with his head, knowing that teasing him would cause him to short circuit–almost like you got a rise out of it. “I say–for putting me through so much emotional stress–you owe my own music tape.”
The request left Steve a bit stunned as his foot dragged against the floor stumbling over his feet catching himself on your shoulder as you suddenly paused, “Only of songs that you’d think I'd like though, I'm putting trust in your music taste right now white boy,” you waved him off, parting to walk to your next class leaving Steve tongue-tied as he cringed, realizing how little he responded to you.
It took Steve only a day, a whole fucking day, to try to fix every single song he could fit on the tape.
He raised it above his head, almost like it was a nobel prize, “for [childhood nickname]” it read. The case was just plain clear plastic, no funny designs but the bold scribble of font on the front.
When you found it in your locker the next morning, you were less concerned on the speed with which it was created, moreso on how the hell Steve had managed to get into your locker.
Even more, that he probably bribed someone to give him your locker combo.
But it was passed aside the moment you stepped inside your bedroom, fishing for the clear case and tossing your bag on the floor, flopping on your mattress and pressing play on the cassette player.
Not bothering to hide your excitement, as the first song played through your headphones, your feet kicked up and you neglected to brush the knot of curls from your forehead as you pushed the front of your face into your duvet to muffle a yelp.
Not quite believing yet that Steve Harrington, the King of Hawkins, had made you a music tape.
“for [childhood nickname]”
Never in Your Sun — Stevie Wonder
Every Little Thing She Does is Magic — The Police
Just Like Heaven — The Cure
Everywhere — Fleetwood Mac
Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes — Paul Simon
Maneater — Hall & Oates
Steve felt like he was dying–or at least felt close to it–his heart hammering against his chest as his fingers curled around the phone line connected to his wall.
Listening to the dial tone managed to get his heart racing as he bit his lip, his mind raking over every possibility that could have been your reaction to the tape. 
Just the mere thought of you managed to cloud all of his thoughts for the entire day, from the plush of your thighs as you sat down in a chair, to the way your plump lips formed every word. 
He wanted to hear from you the instant he had gotten home, but alas, under all of that expensive hairspray, Steve Joseph Harrington, was actually a huge fucking softie.
Procrastinating the time for as long as he could, he had paced around his home with the piece of paper he had written your number on twiddling between his fingers.
“Harrington?” was the first thing that came from his phone, already feeling himself get breathless as he exhaled away from the phone. “I never expected you to be such a musical softie. I really like it.”
“Really? like …really?” Steve freezes, not expecting you to praise him this much. It was actually starting to become a little overwhelming in his mind.
“Yes, really Steve, thank you so much.” Hearing your laugh helped any ounce of insecurity clear from his mind as he couldn't help but to copy the breathy chuckle.
“Well, I mean I'm like, happy you like them so much,” he smirked, his smile so large on his face that it was starting to strain the muscles in his mouth, half convinced the look would be stuck there forever.
The effect you had on him should have been considered illegal. “So.. Do I need to worry about lyrics and song titles, or is it only a vibe thing?”
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[ ❥ ] taglist. @prettyeyedmaureen @torynicholsgf @bucky-daddy-barnes @eldriidd @ycarlii @guitarromantic @lafresamilk @loveshineslikethesky @haechaniebom @hello-100 @vxid42 @biggestslutever-1stnamegrea-blog @spenglerslime @slvdsjjk @misaamaneswifey @kyyellaxi @eichenhouseproperty @hotgirlsshareaccounts @ran-rap @avasjunkpile @punkrockrocks @first-edition-dumpster-fire @batmetallady @woahhhfidget @ireadstoriesnotmakethem @notsoshynomore @the-night-owl-blr @1efleur @todoroki-slut @mjauqeen @scarlet-kazuha @astralwaifu @prettyplant0 @imliterallygonnagetviolent @strangerthanfanfiction713 @graktung @sughcashsaiki @fzzybrain @caseket @spiritualwhore444 @xoxo-dede @joyrubyjanee @irlbeaniebabey @myheartlikesu @elliebellsblog @universallygiantwagonhumanoid
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
Can I request gojo x child reader? Like fem reader and she's 16. Gojo's really overprotective of her and a bit clingy. And she suddenly starts dating megumi and he doesn't approve🙏🤗 (dad gojo)
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No questions asked
Ommggg! I love this a lot! Dad! Gojo is on the same pillar as Dad! Douma
Father! Gojo Satoru
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Satoru is a overprotective, loving and clingy father. He loves you more than he loves anything in this whole world, you’re his one and only love so he won’t let anything happen to you
So he can’t stand the idea of boys coming into the mix, they can hurt you and your heart. This is where the drama of you and Megumi’s secret crushes blooming into an relationship begun
Satoru never approves of it when you tell him about it. He has a close bond with Megumi himself and almost views the boy as his own child. He is the last one you should have picked, that doesn’t mean he would approve any boy
Satoru wants you to stay his cute little princess forever and he constantly babies you, even at your current teen age. His little Gojo, born with the eyes of Six Eyes, but can only use Limitless
Satoru is about ready to commit murder each time he catches you and Megumi on dates together, from the back. His baby is growing up too fast and he is almost desperate to reverse it, he wants you to be a cute 4-year-old again
Satoru isn’t against Megumi because he hates Megumi, he actually knows that the young Fushiguro is the right choice but he doesn’t want to lose you yet, his bubblegum-bubba. He remembers holding infant you in his arms like it was only yesterday
Satoru is 100% the type of parent to tell stories about baby/child you and show off your baby pictures to everybody who’ll listen. He is proud of how cute his daughter is and he doesn’t mind bragging:
“Faaaattthher” You whine annoyed, planting your head on the table as Satoru shuffled to sit at the table too, swiping a spare chair from nearby table without care. You felt so embarrassed as Megumi smiling nervously at you. “Good afternoon, angel” Satoru purred, smiling genuinely as his black shades hid the way his gorgeous galaxy-like blue eyes flared at Megumi. He actually didn’t mind the Fushiguro, in-fact, he was one of his most beloved students but that favouritism wasn’t enough to save Megumi from Satoru’s overprotective dad senses kicking in
Rather he be a good boy or not, Satoru wasn’t okay with his baby princess seeing anybody romantically behind his back, it actually hurt his feelings. You don’t trust him enough to tell him? Satoru shuffles forward, leaning onto his elbows as your head rose to lock gazes as your sky blue irises sparkled in sync of his becoming visible when the dark shades slide down the bridge of his nose
Could you and Satoru be anymore similar? Nanami called you a mini-version of him, with your snowy white hair and your matching cloudy blue eyes. You almost had no traits from your late mother, you had all the looks from your father that it made people wonder if Satoru is actually just both of your parents, that you had no mother and you just one day, popped into existence from Satoru’s cursed energy or some sorts
“So. What are you two doing?” He asks smoothly, tapping his thick fingers against the wood of the round polished table in a aimless beat as his eyes darted between your glittery pretty date dress and Megumi’s simple but sleek date suit, the way he held his hand over yours. He couldn’t believe that he didn’t notice you sneaking around behind his back sooner, going to eat and chat with one of his most prized pupils at some fancy restaurant
“We’re on a date, Sensei” Megumi bluntly responded, your head rose up just to look at him, you always found yourself admiring the looks at your boyfriend. Your cheeks flamed at the way his defined jaw moved and his smooth skin glowed whilst his sapphire blue eyes made your heart beat faster. Megumi didn’t see any reason to lie to your father and his teacher, even if he wanted to, in case it may save your butt from the older Gojo and his clinginess
You sighed, throwing your head in the direction of your father, who picked up the unused silver fork in front of you to pick out a forkful of the piping-hot spaghetti, he seemingly cared less for the steam flowing up as he stuffed the twirled pile of saucy noodles into his mouth whilst keeping his stern, powerful gaze on Megumi. He was here to crash this little date and talk to his daughter about what she has been doing without his permission or knowledge
Your father is such a immature brat for a nearly 40-year-old man with the title of the strongest sorcerer in the world. You huffed out in defeat as you picked up your handbag in a clean swipe, in which laid peacefully on the floor, besides your white heels, and strapped it over your chest as you snapped your fingers suddenly to draw back Satoru’s attention onto you. Apologising to Megumi, you stood up with both boys’ eyes following your every action
You have quite the talk to give to Satoru
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camywamycam · 1 year
what was left behind in the rubble P.3
702 words
soon to be harry x reader 
I know this is a short chapter and im sorry 😭 I finished writing this at 4 am because I can only write at night since I'm with my mom and siblings all day and I refuse to write in front of them 😭 maybe it wasnt a good idea to start a full ass fanfic story with a plot 2 weeks before I leave for summer camp but yolo, ive decided im gonna have this fic go from the summer - hoggwarts and y/n will start acting a lot more like Sirius iykwim 
y/ns pov
If you had been in the right mindset, you would have impatiently pushed Remus away the second he stepped foot into your room. However, at that moment, all you needed was a hug. You clung onto the soft fabric of his cable knit sweater, which carried the strong scent of chocolate, cigars, and parchment. Remus held you firmly in his arms, patiently waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to open up about your thoughts.
"I hate him," you said in a broken voice.
"You don't mean that," Remus replied, his uncertainty evident in his words. "He loves you, he just... doesn't know the right way to express himself, that's all."
"Well, he obviously doesn't have that problem with Potter," you spat, your voice tinged with envy. "When I traveled all the way to Europe to see my biological father, I was kind of hoping he wouldn't be a total dick."
Remus sat and listened attentively as you rambled, finally realizing how left out you had truly been. The other children never spoke to you, and neither did the adults, except for the usual greetings. The more he spoke to you, the more he learned about your experiences. He discovered that while you were neglected at Grimlands place, you had met a group of muggles who had welcomed you into their friend group so at least you hadn't been totally alone. In the mere 45 minutes of conversation, Remus had already learned more about you than your very own father.
You and Remus continued to chat throughout the night in the room which you had made your own. For the first time in a while when you woke up that morning you didn't feel absolutely terrible. you turned to your side and checked your phone notifications before getting ready for the day.
you tried to sprint down the stairs as quietly as possible knowing the other adults in the house wouldn't be so happy about you sneaking off to hang around strange people whom they knew nothing about. It was almost comical how much they tried to control you when you and they both knew they didn't care about you in the slightest. As you raced down the stairs you bumped into a pale boy with messy black hair and glasses that were a tad bit too large for his face. "black." he spat "potter." "and where do you think you are going?" he said sassily 
harrys pov
it was strange seeing y/n actually dressed. since none of the kids went outside we mostly stayed in our lounging clothes. I took note of y/ns red top, flared jeans, a jean jacket that was covered in patches, and Converse. She actually looked quite nice... but I would never admit that. 
"out." that's all she said as she tried pushing past me. I grabbed a hold of her wrist "What's your problem? You've been acting rude ever since you got here. You could at least try to talk to your dad." she scoffed in my face "Oh I've tried. he's the one who doesn't want me here." "Maybe he would actually like you if you weren't such a bitch." I was shocked at the words falling from my mouth. did I say that out loud? my thoughts were confused as y/n turned around and punched me square in the nose. Adults rushed in as they heard me fall into a vase smashing it while holding my bloody nose. Mrs. Weasly scolded y/n “what on earth have you done!” she screamed at y/n but she just looked around with a red face and big eyes as she rushed towards the door slamming it shut, not that anyone cared.
"don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry," you thought to yourself as you ran to your friends' house. luckily she asked no questions and just welcomed you in with open arms. you eventually told her what had happened at Grimmlands place and she was pissed. both her parents said you could stay with them as long as you needed. they even let you move into the guest room so you wouldn't have to continue sleeping on your friend's floor. you know that you can't stay here long since school is starting soon, but you might as well enjoy it while you can.
tag list 
@moonys0chocolate @venomsvl  @quackitysdrugdealer @superduckmilkshake
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hollow-keys · 10 months
I'm reading New Teen Titans and I finally got to the part that Joey's in (three cheers everybody!) and I have thoughts/feelings on how they treat him as a disabled character.
What really sticks out for me is how little he gets to define himself or choose his own path.
Marv Wolfman had a strict policy of not letting him have any thought bubbles and only showed his thoughts through narration. All the other characters have thought bubbles, but he doesn't and I can only assume it's because he's mute.
His thoughts are always shown via narration which keeps a level of separation between us and the character. Like this:
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[Tales of the Teen Titans #45]
And Wolfman knows how important thought boxes are with other characters:
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[New Teen Titans (1984) #13]
He's not allowed to actually explore and resolve his personal conflicts and he rarely gets to disagree or have his own ideas. He's usually going along with what everyone else wants.
He's introduced going along with what his mother wants. She describes him, she introduces him. She's not acting as an interpreter either, she's talking over him. The narrative isn't self aware about how he's treated, it just is. She talks, she acts, she has her motivations explained. His muteness is her motivation for revenge. Joey is just an extension of her, not allowed to define himself or his motives.
He was then run out of the Titans because they thought he was a traitor. Does he get to confront them about it? No.
He ends up on a mission with his mother where she tries to get him to kill someone who tortured her and he refuses. Then he chooses to save an art collection rather than capture him. And yes it's nice to get these character moments, but where's the confrontation + resolution between him and his mother? It's up in the air.
During the trial of Deathstroke he's the only Titan who's not present because he's being questioned by Interpol. This should be an important moment for him but he's not there.
And when the Trigon fight's over, Jericho is in hospital while all the others (including Lilith and Terry, who's literally not even a hero) get to have the post Trigon "talk about our feelings" chat but he doesn't. They don't hold the chat in the hospital or wait for him to recover. He's just left behind.
We're shown his insecurity over his masculinity, how his parents tried to force him to be like them and made him feel ashamed for not being manly enough, but he doesn't get to reach a resolution. He doesn't get to have his "what my parents said and did was wrong" moment. It's in the air. Things kind of just happen to him.
He's also framed as fundamentally pure, rarely getting to be angry and never hateful like literally every other character gets to be.
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[Tales of the Teen Titans #44]
Ironically, this is a very condescending way of speaking about him, but we are meant to take her word as true. No one on earth has never had a condescending thought, to separate him from those very human feelings and to treat him like he's pure is to dehumanise him.
He's a pacifist who doesn't care for violence but was forced to train for it against his will. Literally, why are you a hero if you didn't even want to learn how to fight? What changed for you? How do you reconcile your distaste for violence with your violence? There's no answer. His opinion doesn't matter. His mother wants him to fight, so he does.
The conflict between Cyborg and his dad who wanted him to be a scientist while he wanted to be an athlete is shown. They do fight over it and there is a resolution.
The conflict between Raven, her cults strict pacifism, her preference for non violence and the violence she commits is shown. She is conflicted, always musing over it and we get to hear her thoughts about it from her.
Jericho, however, is put in these conflicts without genuine exploration. There's no catharsis, there's no resolution. It just is. He just is.
He doesn't get to be angry at his mum, dad or genuinely argue with his fellow titans. He doesn't get to mess up and be emotional. Every other character gets this. Not him.
Like yes, he does have his moments sometimes but there's a huge disparity between him and other characters.
This all plays into tropes about disabled people. The idea disabled people either have to be beacons of perfection who inspire everyone else to be better or are discarded as needlessly bitter and angry, with this either being an explanation for their evil if they're a villain (Komand'r), or a flaw they need to get over if they're a hero (Cyborg). The idea that disabled people cannot make their own choices or have autonomy over their own destinies. The idea that disabled people have less of an internal life and aren't as complex as abled people.
Let Joey be a three dimensional person with complex motivations who is angry and hateful sometimes. Who gets to actually confront people, add to the conversation and have his own thoughts.
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chickensoup1025 · 1 month
Onto Bubbler...
Before it starts I wanted to say I have beef with Nino in this episode cause he makes his best friend's birthday about his hurt feelings and it's annoying and he didn't even get him a present
It was actually pretty nice of Plagg to try to give him that present
We love Sabine on this blog
Did Nathalie not even try to get him something herself??? She practically raised him!
Y'all should throw a small party at school if a house one isn't gonna work
Marinette is beyond thoughtful for MAKING him a gift.
Are you seriously telling me Paris's Teen Sweetheart didn't have a fan club that is celebrating his birthday at all? He's not getting letters in the mail? Or fans coming up to him at school? Or MORE people telling his dad to throw a party/throwing one for him??? This episode is just. Idk man.
Marinette has been a called a push over in the last two episodes (and this is the SECOND EPISODE) so it's amazing to see how far she's come!!!!
Bro. Nino says he's gonna go to Adrien's house and Marinette and Alya are in the background. Cut to only Marinette and Alya at Adrien's house. Did Nino get lost????
Alya can you please tell Adrien later that it was from Marinette?
Wild how Gabriel really did come out to talk to Nino. Ohhhh he wanted to make Nino an akuma. Gotcha.
DONT SIT ALONE AND BE UPSET NINO. THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU. BE WITH ADRIEN. HE WAS JUST TOLD ON HIS BIRTHDAY THAT HIS BEST FRIEND COULDNT EVER COME AROUND HIS HOUSE AND YOURE JUST GONNA WALK AWAY??? GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOGETHER AT LEAST????? Speaking of, that photoshoot was super quick? And why was he dropped off at his house? No way lunch break is that fast???? Go to school??????
Ugly ass akuma
Gabriel seriously made an akuma who specifically hates and is mad at him 🤦🏽‍♀️
What even counts as an "adult" here? 18+ or like out of university or like old enough to have kids or-
I'm a Nathalie hater I dunno yall I can't believe her this episode.
Just a weird ass akuma
This being his first party makes me wanna cry.
I think Ladybug should be allowed to use her power selfishly like this more often.
Did no one hear when Ladybug said "yours truly"??? It was pretty loud
No one knows how old ladybug and chat noir even are so people might be imagining they're also just stuck in bubbles lol. Oh god, if Adrien and Marinette were adults then they wouldn't be able to transform like that out in the open and THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A GOOD PLAN TO TRAP THEM OR FIND OUT THEIR IDENTITIES HAWKMOTH JESUS. What you have to do is: Bubbler brings all the bubbles together so you can see them all in one spot. Have Bubbler WATCH, not just throw a party. If someone inside transforms then great! You know who they are. But if LB and or CN show up anyway then you know they're not an adult and that whittles down your search BY A LOT.
Girl is pretty brave for writing "Love, Marinette"
Nathaniel has some Shuichi energy hm
Cool moves...
"But adults keep children, safe, and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!" "Most adults do, anyhow." JESUS CHRIST WAY TO GO STRAIGHT FOR THR HEART
Him throwing his staff for her to swing her yo-yo around was completely unnecessary-
You can really see how the stakes change between the beginning and end of the show. "Oh I'm stuck in a bubble for awhile and just have to wait an hour at most to go back to my normal day" to "oh the world is ending"
Adrien is such a good boy...
One day- NO ONE HOUR of no adults and suddenly every thing everyone is trying to mail will be late for another week. Huh
Marinette didn't take the credit 🥺
"You're amazing Marinette, someone Adrien will see that too." Cut to not even a full season later Adrien leaning back in Marinette's desk chair, "You're amazing, Marinette."
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iamsuperbi · 2 years
My “The Quarry” HCs (2/9)
Dylan Lenivy
- He is gay. Absolutely NO attraction to women.
- He/him, transmasc.
- He has ADHD and probably undiagnosed autism.
- He has anxiety.
- He is either an only child to rich, workaholic parents or the oldest of several little sisters with not a lot of money. I can’t choose.
- His social media only features pictures of his friends and his cat, he never posts about himself
- After losing his hand, he gets a hook just to make Kaitlyn laugh. She laughs til she cries.
- Everyone assumes that he’s never dated anyone before Ryan, but he was actually a total player as a teen. He’s very proud of it.
- He likes to wear dresses and skirts sometimes! Emma does his makeup sometimes if he asks.
- He used to have really long hair but cut it all off to donate it.
- Is really into self-care and hygiene and doesn’t care when other men mock him for it. Gets the rest of the guys into routines after seeing almost all of them wash their faces with shampoo.
- Plays guitar!
- He was left-handed. Has to learn how to use his right hand after that night.
- Really close to his mom and barely knows his dad despite living together.
- So passionate about quantum physics that he can talk about it for hours, but he’s too worried that people will call him annoying and to shut up.
- He wears glasses most of the time, but at camp he swapped to contacts so he wouldn’t be made fun of.
- Used to be really insecure of his height as a teenager but now he loves to use everyone else’s heads as a resting place.
- He lets Sarah paint his nails every time she asks even if she already did the day before. He can’t say no to her.
- Bribes Sarah to tell Ryan that she loves Dylan more than him. She does and then immediately fesses up. Ryan finds it adorable.
- Kaitlyn makes him go to self-defense classes with her and he actually gets really good at it.
- Has a phobia of dogs post-canon.
- He gets panic attacks often, and always goes to reread the group chat to calm himself down.
- He and Nick are really close, to the point where the others once assumed that they liked each other. It’s an inside joke, now.
- His group chat name is ‘hooky mchook face’ and only Kaitlyn finds it funny. He refuses to change it.
- Really good at braiding hair. Like so good that Emma is jealous.
- Always offers to be a reference for Abi when she struggles with certain poses while drawing. If she accepts, he’s willing to sit for hours for her.
- Cries really easily for anything, but especially when people raise their voice at him.
- Doesn’t understand why Jacob wants to hang out with him all the time but likes that Jacob doesn’t judge him for anything.
- Gets several different prosthetics for his hand, all various stupid shapes.
- Has a fun sock collection, all different colors and patterns
- He is scared of Ryan sometimes after he cut off his hand and is so ashamed by it. Ryan notices and always tells him he shouldn’t be guilty for it.
- Has Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
- A horrible driver. Like so bad that he is banned from driving during group road-trips.
- If he was bitten and didn’t lose his hand, Dylan makes dog puns 24/7.
- He is codependent with Kaitlyn. Everyone is aware of it. The others try to help when they have bad days without each other.
- Had a septum piercing for like a week before deciding he hated it. Wanted one again about a month later but Ryan told him no.
- He’s really good at singing but shy about it
- Avid collector of scented hand-sanitizer.
- Likes when people play with his hair. Often lays his head in people’s laps if he’s comfortable with them.
- He and Max get along incredibly well and play pranks on the others together, much to the chagrin to Ryan and Laura.
- Is, surprisingly, a morning person.
- One of, if not THE most clumsy person alive
- Listens to every episode of Bizarre Yet Bonafide despite not liking podcasts just because he knows that Ryan enjoys it. He and Ryan will then talk about the most recent episode for hours.
- Has an orange cat named Schrödinger. He’s an asshole and only likes Dylan.
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cheemken · 10 months
Steven being the only one with an okay-ish parent is meannn. Gave the other champions either trauma or daddy/mommy issues that won’t get resolved, but Steven gets to have an actual dad lmao
Also I really like the idea that Iris’ parents were teen parents/very early twenties that didn’t think they could handle the responsibility of a child or didn’t want to put their life on hold for her
The way I see it happening is that Iris gets asked to be in an interview, perhaps 5-7 years after she became champion. It’s one of those interviews where the celeb gets asked about their life, the significant events that have happened, how they got to fame, etc.
She mostly talks about her life with Drayden, how she trained under him and learnt what she knows from him. Even sharing some of her version about the events in BW and BW2. But when she gets asked about her REAL parents (which she was annoyed about, cause Drayden was her parent figure and they’re disregarding him with that question) she only mentions how they abandoned her in Blackthorn city when she wasn’t even a year old, and that nobody knew who her parents were. But she ended the question by saying she’s grateful it happened because she wouldn’t have got to meet Drayden if they never did
I say her parents only found out because let’s be real, the champions are celebrities and celebs always have bat shit crazy fans who invade personal business. And now they just got a bunch of info about Iris’ life. So a group of her fans on Discord, or whatever the Pokémon equivalent of it is, probably found her biological parents and got in touch with them, cause this type of stuff always happens on a discord server 💀
Imagine the drama that occurs after this, titles and headlines are something like “Champion Iris of Unova gets in contact with her bio parents!! 😱😱😱 (NOT FAKE!!!)”
Very last thing I want to add, but Iris has definitely listened to Leon rant about his ‘dad’ trying to reconnect with him after he became famous. So now she has that fear that her own bio parents are trying to do the same thing with her
Real quick but does that really happen in discord servers😭😭
Ah but anyways cbdmdn hahaha
No but cjmxnx before the interview, that's where Leon and Iris talked abt stuff tho, and god she doesn't want that, she's already overthinking abt all the different things happening if she ever meets her bio parents
And then the interview happened, the question has been asked, and suddenly a few days later the Champions are messaging her, saying how they've been seeing a lot of news articles abt her parents, how there's a ton of posts going online how these two specific peeps were so adamant and so insistent that they're Iris' parents, and they sent a pic to the group chat and god the fucking resemblance is uncanny and she fucking hated it
There's like a million thoughts running in her head. Maybe those are just edits, maybe they just dyed their hair purple to get clout that they're related to her, or maybe it's just coincidence like how it was coincidence she and Leon looks related to each other. But then these two people wanted to talk to her, they were so insistent she's honestly annoyed by it. She asked for the other Champions to be there for her at least, in case smth actually happens, she doesn't trust these two ofc, and she knows her grandpa will be there for her and the Unova League and her friends too, but it's best to have more people to intimidate them yknow
And in a more secluded part of Opelucid, or maybe even at their own home, Iris invited the two. Drayden, the rest of the Unova kids, and even the Champions were there. But the two knows there's more people there, more Pokémon than they can see. They could see the Mistralton Gym Leader flying w her Vullaby around Opelucid for a while now. Sees the Nimbasa Gym Leader heading towards the mall, but she gave them a side eye as she went. They saw the Elite Four roaming around Opelucid as well. And while they had no plans to fight (ofc, they only have two Pokémon between them, they aren't even trained, and they wanna fight literal champions?), it still made them uneasy
And just chmdnd
Ough yo pls Iris is there just glaring at them, and the two are so uncomfortable yknow, bc for one, Drayden was also glaring at them. At Iris' right was Diantha also looking at them w a bored expression, but it's the one where the champions know it's best not to cross her. Behind her were Leon, Hilbert, and Cynthia, w Hilbert having his arms crossed, glaring at them, he honestly looks terrifying. And Iris just sighs, she'd rather get this over w than to prolong it even more.
She asks them if it's real, that they are her parents, they have no proof ofc, but shit man they're just so goddamn insistent. And they told her ofc, told her everything, why they left her at Blackthorn, how they were young and stupid when they had her, and that kinda set Iris off, "so I was an accident?" God that shut them up. Technically. She was. They didn't want her. That's why they left her, because they were so young when they had her, and they were terrified, and in a spur of the moment, they decided to leave her in Blackthorn, hoping someone would take care of her there.
Iris didn't even want to hear the rest of it. Now they're back? After everything, now they're back? Why? Because she's suddenly a strong and famous Champion? Is this what Leon meant? Of course, how could she be stupid too, ofc this was what he meant. And even tho she already knows, she asked them, asked them why they suddenly wanna see her again, why just now?
Her "mother" hesitated, but her "father" was quick w his response, "we just wanted to see if you're alright!"
Iris smiled. The one Diantha always taught her and Hau when they're finally done with the conversation, but didn't want to be rude. But she did want to be rude. God she wanted to scream and yell and lash out. "Well. That's sweet of you. But I'm doing great. Better than I could've been, honestly." She said through her teeth, "you two are free to leave now."
But idk,,, imagine,,, imagine if her father got low-key pissed bc they really thought Iris would accept them, and they can finally live the life they wanted, the life of wealth and fame together w their daughter. "Iris, listen—"
Tho as he stood up, both Lance and Drayden stood up as well, block his view of Iris, the Dragon specialists having looks that are downright homicidal, and they'd rather not cross them, as they know how Lance could actually get.
They finally relented, as Iris' mother tugged on her husband's shirt, telling him that's enough, they're powerless against the Champions. They know that. And just imagine her looking at Iris, smiling sadly at her, tears in her eyes, and tells her how she doesn't fault her for being like this, as they probably deserve this, and told her that despite it all, she's happy she found a family for herself, a family that really loves her, and before they left, she told Iris she was proud of her. Smth her so called father never said, as he left without another word.
And just jcmxnxmx after that tho, they watch them leave, hopefully they won't return again, and Iris is there crying, being held in Drayden's arms as she sobs in his chest, god that was smth yknow, that really was smth hahah she never wanted to relive that, never wanted to see them again, never wanted to hear word of them again, she doesn't want them, not like they wanted her too, and she already has a family. And her family, despite them not being related to each other, is so much better than her so called parents.
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pbandjesse · 8 months
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Sadly baby mouse died overnight. I am not shocked after how quickly he deteriorated yesterday. I just hope he was comfortable in the end. I feel really bad. But I tried my best. I really did. I would bury him with his brother in the clover pot.
I felt sad this morning because of that. I hadn't slept bad. And let myself sleep until 9. When I woke up I had a sore throat. It's like deep in the base of my skull. Which might be be allergies but it for sure not comfy.
I got dressed. And tried to feel fine. I cleaned up all the mouse stuff. Said goodbye. Tried to feel normal.
I had a little breakfast. And I worked on the sweater project. I decided that it's not the right shape. Which is alright. It was a fun try and I will move on to the next project now. I am not sure what that will look like but I'm looking forward to trying to make something else
My hands need a little break I think though and I might do some sewing to get ready for the Christmas market. Or draw some new bears. We will see.
I would chill on the couch after I vacuumed up the yarn fluff I got all over the living room. I thought about cleaning but then I was just a bit paralyzed. I was tired and couldn't do anything. So I didn't. I had a deviled egg. I ran downstairs to get a package for a neighbor when the doorbell rang. I laid in bed for a little while.
I got up at 12 and finished getting ready. I put my shoes on. And I was off. I said hello to my neighbor outside. And drove to awah.
I put on music to hype myself up. And got there early. I was most of the way set up when Zoe got there.
It was a fun day. I was really pleased to see the sisters back from the spring who I really like. I also just really liked the project. We were talking about geometric shapes and colors and patterns. And everyone seemed really into it. Which I always love. I just want everyone to have fun. And this was a good one.
Me and Naomi also made some art to encourage the teens. One of the sister, Tiffany, loved the black outlines on my art and asked if she could do it too. Of course!! She seemed so excited, it was so sweet. Her sister, Sierra, held my hand and told me she was afraid of bees. She also was very concerned with the dates of the class which I think is very sweet. She just wants to know what's up, which I can absolutely relate too.
We had a lull between groups and were able to reset. I had a nice conversation with Mary Ellen about what puhtok does and the group I work with on Tuesdays with profoundly disabled students. She got a little misty! I was surprised but I also got it.
The adult class was fun. I had a nice conversation with Andrew and his dad about how Andrew has such a beautiful eye for color and his work reminds me of Hilma af Klint. Which I think made Andrew flattered.
I also just had some nice interactions with Richard and his aid. About pop art and painting. It was a fun class.
Me and Naomi would chat about her trip next weekend and how we have no class. It'll be nice to have a free Sunday. And we were pretty good at reminding people about it. Hate to mess up any of their routines, I know how important that is for them, but everyone seems mostly chill about it.
It would take a little bit to get all of the materials out away. Andrew and Brian had helped us bring things to the table and I got everything put away. Chatted with Andrew's dad. But soon it was time to go.
I remembered to alarm the building. And then walked to my car. Which was surprisingly warm. I took my sweater and socks off. And wrote my notes for the class while the ac cooled down the car.
I I went to target. I was originally going to go this morning but I am glad I waited. It was fun. But it was also incredibly busy. Target was having some kind of sale if you used the app. Which finally pushed me to download the app.
And I saved so much??? I had $18 in Cashback on my account I didn't know about and a $5 gift card, plus 30% off half my items. I ended up getting a $95 order for $58! That's crazy!
I did really good sticking to my list. But I also treated myself to a beautiful green fleece jacket that I love. Its so soft. And if we use girl math, with my discounts today I got it for free.
Of course it's way to warm to wear it. But in the coming weeks I am sure it's going to be great.
I paid after waiting on a very long line. Almost left the store without getting the security tag taken off the fleece but after the door beeped at me twice I went back and got it fixed. Oops.
I dropped off my purchases in the car and walked to five below. Which was also to busy but it was fine. I did not have luck finding what I was looking for. The final items on my list. Pimple patches and brown sugar chapstick. I still had fun looking around.
I remembered I had a $10 gift card for Ulta so I walked next door and had great luck. I found a new brand of patches that weren't expensive and the brown sugar chapstick! Which had a redesigned package so I'm glad I was able to find it even if it didn't look like I expected from the old packaging.
The girl at the counter was excited for me that my total was $4 after my gift card. Excellent. Love a deal. She also helped me fix my Ulta account that wasn't set up correctly. Why it had my Minnesota address and my brother's name I will never know. Weird weird weird.
I walked to the Michaels next. No luck on the strap material but I found a few other little things I was excited about. Some ribbon and super glue. A cup and a wall hook shaped like a heart. I had a coupon for there too. I was doing really good today.
I got a piece of candy while I was there and ate that while I walked back to the car. And then home.
It was a nice drive back. And I was really happy to be back. I was tired.
James was playing DND with their friends. I put things away and laid on the couch with sweetp. James said they would play for another hour. And once that hour was up I requested they get off and have dinner with me. So they did.
They would run to the store to get dressing. And then we had a salad, fries, and grilled cheeses for dinner. James just made one dinner that we shared and it was very sweet. I love my husband.
I have been hanging out all evening. Texting Celia about how whimsy is the best prevention for COVID. Sweetp was being a little cutie cuddling me. I got a shower. James and me are in bed now. I am very much ready for sleep.
James told me that they are very sorry that baby mouse died. But they feel like taking care of him healed something in them for the mouse tests they had to do in highschool. I am glad that we tried. I am sad but I know we showed kindness and that is important to me.
Tomorrow we are taking Sweetp to the vet for a check up. He is to fat so I am expecting them to tell us that. But besides that I think we are just having a chill day. I hope it is restful.
Sleep well everyone. Wash your hands and take care of eachother.
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Unpopular Opinion Time (Yes, I’m back at it again)
Note: For the sake of keeping my #Unpopular Opinion tag uncluttered, I’m considering maybe creating a separate tag for my MLB brain vomit. Would that be a good idea/helpful? Anyhow, let’s get rant- I mean “talking”.
I have always wanted to say this - the Adrigami breakup in “Lies” was forced as hell. There was no buildup/set up at all for it. While I can 100% believe Adrien and Kagami would have broken up eventually (from falling out of the honeymoon phase of the romance to just coming to the conclusion they might just be better off as friends/rivals than romantic partners due to points of conflict with their personalities), I just can’t see them doing it for the reasons the episode presented. Things seemed to at least be going well from last we saw of them in “Miracle Queen” - but now all of a sudden, Kagami being ultra-controlling and apparently hates when Adrien tries to act like Chat Noir out of costume, saying it’s “not the real him” (As if Kagami would not have loved the stupid cat puns with what a little goober she’s shown herself to be in the show.), and Adrien’s purposely skipping dates for patrol not to protect the city from possible akumas and reluctantly sacrificing his relationship to do this, but because he’s apparently still harboring a crush on Ladybug (even though we spent an entire season talking about how he was getting over her actually) and eagerly awaiting Akumatizations because it means he and “m’lady” can spend more time together. It just feels like the show made it happen so they could force that parallel with “Truth” and because, well, Marinette’s single now - might as well reward her for having to give up her relationship with Luka (because she realized she couldn’t really give him the transparency he wanted and he respected that enough to agree to remain friends) by making her old crush available again by destroying his (admittedly) stable relationship with his girlfriend (by having Adrien come off as untrustworthy and dishonest and Kagami resenting him for that for several episodes). I mean, not like we could actually play out the relationship for the season and make it an interesting point of conflict for our main characters “Miracle Romance” here - that’d be crazy!
Also, I find it absolutely weird that Gabriel, who is established as totally willing to purposely aggravate the feelings of his son’s friends and in “Chat Blanc” tried to engineer a breakup between Marinette and Adrien just so he could akumatize the former over her heartbreak...didn’t do similar to Kagami (And don’t say “Well, he’d lose Tomoe as a potential business partner if he did that!” because by that logic, “Style Queen” should have been 10 mins instead of a two-parter). You’d think “Lies” would have had him gaslighting Kagami into thinking Adrien was avoiding her because he considered her “unworthy” of the Agreste name and brand so he could use those feelings for a Akuma/Sentimonster killer combo (all while highlighting just how damaging his controlfreak tendencies are being to his son in civilian life and how he’s now crossing more lines than before with actively sabotaging his son’s relationships himself), then end with her confronting Adrien with the idea and him dismissing (and maybe defending) it because it’s his dad and then having that whole “I can’t trust you” speech before having them break up - but instead, it’s just Hawkmoth doing business as usual and seeing yet another emotionally vulnerable teen just conveniently available to exploit, with said teen just happening to be his son’s girlfriend (speaking of, did Gabriel not worry this might result in another “Style Queen” situation where the Akuma ends up targeting his son and getting him put in danger?)
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The talk
Zes sighed as Kat showed up. Just like she said she would when she texted her. Days trying to distract herself from what happened weren't helping.
That and Gaz was making a sweater. It would be time to face this sooner or later.
I did tell dad I wasn't gonna get aggressive with it. Though..I did miss having a sparing partner for a bit.
Kat just folded her arms and looked at her. "I said I would be ready to listen. So here I am."
"Here I was hoping for you to say fight me to make this easier." She just paid attention to what the other teen was doing.
Kat was putting her entire focus on this. It was almost refreshing but at the same time, it didn't help the nerves.
Kat's eyes narrowed. "That would be a different time. You said you wanted to speak about it. So here I shall listen. Though if you need, we can resume a different day so you can feel more comfortable."
When was she the sensible one?! Great, maybe she's right and I am older than I thought to even be thinking that.
"I said I was gonna do this talk now and if I say I'm going to do something then I'm doing it." She sighed. Though for a second she could see Kat smirk from the expression.
If I run from it because it might hurt then I'll just be where I was before. Besides, not like it really has to change much between us.
Kat just leaned against a tree and kept eye contact. "Then I'm listening. I already explained some of my reasons in our text chat."
"Though..why me? Sure you like a good fight, but beyond that, I don't see why anyone would." Normally she would catch thoughts like this a lot better but this wasn't the time.
I know a lot of people who would give me a list. I just don't see why myself.
Kat just walked up and flicked her on the head. "Are you done? Sure there would be a list, but I believe you would short circuit again if I said it. Simply put, I like you. That was true even before the inhibitors were fully removed."
Great..why does she have to say it like that? No calm down Zes. Don't get worked up until you get your words out.
"Yeah...I can see why I wouldn't have registered that before now." The teen looked up as Kat patted her head in response.
She grinned. "I know, but as I said. I won't do it again unless you ask. I do know the meaning of boundaries. Despite what people may think now. There was just little way to get through to you otherwise."
She had to do the head pats. No, I still need to make words. There will be no head pats.
"You jackass...though it did give me time to think." She brushed away the hand to get to the point. Already part of her Pak was starting to glow.
Oh, I probably should have waited a bit longer. Curse her tattling to Gaz.
Zes took a deep breath to calm down the blush and her Pak lights. "I do like you too. Though beyond that..I don't know what you want."
"You are my enemy, my equal, and the one I push to be stronger for. Other titles, they just say the same thing." Kat crossed her arms again and looked her in the eyes.
Is she saying what I think she's saying? I have no idea about her anymore.
The other teen smirked. "Though since you are more adapt to Earth customs. I wouldn't mind being called your girlfriend."
That caused Zes to brighten up a bit before she had to calm down again. "Well..geez, I'm not even 14 yet and this is already happening. Ok, but if we're going to be dating let's just take it much slower."
"I already said I would. Besides, I'm sure I'm right and you are older than you think. You're going to hit your 14th year soon." Kat was already smug again at her intuition.
Now here is something familiar. Well, I did kinda miss her being around.
She pouted. "I hate you sometimes."
"I know, but not all the time." Kat already took Zes's hand and was starting to lead her in the direction to go back home.
Zes paused trying to think. "Tak, what is it now?"
"I'm being a proper girlfriend and taking you back to your home. Though I suppose I should have some dimensional transport for when you move out. I will still take you back to whatever home you choose." Kat was being so confident about it.
Dad's gonna want to hear how this went. That or I'm probably gonna have to talk to Knelt. I'm definitely going to have to talk more to this girl.
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totallyf1ne · 14 days
Chapter one - Bus stop
I hate riding the bus to school. It's loud and people don't know how to just sit the hell down, But I guess as long as I have my earbuds on and I'm sitting in a window seat I'm totally fine.
I just can't wait until Chester gets the money to finally buy himself a car. He's had his license since sophomore year, so it's about time he has a car.
He wants a Mazda Mx-5, a silver one to be specific, how do I know? Well one, he tells me about it all the time, and two, he makes us go to the auto mall near the rundown KFC and just stares at it for literal hours on end.
Last week when we revisited it I asked him “Why don't you ask your parents to just buy it for you or something?”
His parents are wealthy as hell, so it was a pretty good question. He said the reason was because they wanted him to learn to make money for himself and not always rely on his parent's wealth. I think that's pretty stupid and personally believe that if you have money, you should spend it.
I'm Jane McCarter, I'm 17 years old and I live in Bakersfield California with my dad and my pet fish.
I am currently a senior at Westfield High and my best friend, the dork I mentioned earlier, is Chester Allen, we've been friends since 5th grade.
I'm not really “close” friends with any other person besides him and if I'm being honest, Id prefer to just stick with that. Well, I have these... “Acquaintances” that I don't really hang out with but just chat with, like Markus for example, he's chill.
As Jane hops off the last step of the bus, she almost bumps Markus Reed, who was on his longboard but quickly makes an abrupt stop and takes off his headphones. “Oh shit, I'm sorry Jane,” he says as he picks the longboard up with one hand. “It's whatever, don't worry about it.” Jane says, dusting off her denim skirt “soo, I didn't see you last Sunday? You said you'd cover my shift?” Markus said scratching his elbow. “Oh yeah uh, I forgot to tell you, I quit.” Markus’s grin fades “What? Really? Why??” he whines as they start walking down the sidewalk.
“I dunno, my parents want me to get a better-paying job with more hours.”
“Oh, I see,” Markus says before loudly sighing, a little disappointed that he’s lost one of his favorite working buddies. He always liked working with Her. “Well, good luck with that. I’m sure you’ll find something good.”
They walk in awkward silence for a moment before Markus speaks up again. “So, how’s Chester doing?”
“He’s good,” Jane says. “He still hasn’t gotten that car, though. I really hope he gets it soon 'cause I’m tired of taking the stupid god-forsaken bus.” She says before rolling her eyes.
“Yeah I hope he gets that car soon too, I want him to drive me to the Winter Formal this year,” Markus says as he flutters his eyelashes and clasps his hands together, cartoon hearts practically appearing in his eyes.
“Ugh,” she groans. “don’t tell me you still have a thing for fucking Chester Allen. Trust me he’s not into you He thinks you're, and I quote, “spazzy super–senior”. Jane air quoted with her fingers.
“I can’t help it! I have a thing for nerdy, zit-ridden, glasses-wearing men! And i don’t give two shits about what he says nor thinks about me.” He flips his jet-black hair over his shoulder. Jane rolls her eyes at his antics.
“Mark! Over here, dude!” One of Markus’s friends called out from one of the corners of the school. “Well, I’ll see you later, Janey Waney.”
“Never call me that again, please.” Jane pinches the bridge of her nose as he chuckles and continues down the sidewalk on his longboard toward his group of friends.
She starts walking towards the school doors and pushes them open, a whiff of cheap Ross cologne and smelly sweaty teens fill the air.
Humming a tune to herself, she wondered where the hell her best friend was and why he was so late.
Walking down the hallways she unclasps her grey, sticker ridden, Nokia flip phone from the waistband of her long skirt, a Skelanimals keychain dangles from the end as she opens it up, clicking the tiny buttons to find Chester’s number. Once she finally finds it, she presses and hears the ring, waiting for an answer.
“JANE!” Chester shouts out from behind her. “Holy shit Chester don’t fucking do that! I nearly pissed myself!” people turn their heads, but when they see where the loud voice was coming from they roll their eyes and go back to whatever they were doing.
“Sorry! Sorry! But I’ve been looking for you for a long time! you weren’t at the bus stop or at your locker?!?” He frantically says, out of breath from all the speed-walking he’s been doing searching for her.
"Relax! got sidetracked talking to Markus Reed," Jane explains, placing her phone back on the waistband of her skirt as they begin walking down the hall.
. "I had to tell him about me quitting Hot Topic, and then he started talking about how much he wanted to rail you or something, I don’t remember, I kinda tuned him out."
Chester’s face cringes. “Markus reed? Gosh, I hate that guy. He’s so weird with me.”
“Yeah I know, you tell me every time his name comes up,” Jane says before finally approaching her locker, twisting the lock to enter her combination and swinging it open to grab her textbooks.
She changes the subject. "The school bus can be such a pain sometimes. But at least I don't have to worry about finding a parking spot.”
Chester lets out a small laugh. "True, true, I can't wait until I finally get my baby (his car). Then we can drive ourselves to school and not have to worry about being late, fighting for a seat on the bus, or having our parents drive us."
Jane lightly grins. "Yeah. But in the meantime, we'll just have to make do.” She says before locking back her locker and placing the textbooks in her satchel.
As they walk back down the hallways towards their shared first period, She starts to wonder if she'll ever be as “outgoing” as Chester is. He seems to know most people in the school (seeing how he is vice president of the student council) and is always involved in some sort of activity or club. Jane herself has always been more of an introvert, preferring to stick with her small group of friends instead.
As they approach their English class, Jane spots Ms. Silvera, their teacher, standing outside.
Before they could enter the classroom, someone else pushed them to the side to enter before them. “excuse me!” They say with a soft giggle, pink Prada kitten heels tapping their way to their seat.
When Jane realizes who it is, anger and frustration start to boil up inside of her.
“Fucking.. Merianna Smith…” she says furiously under her breath.
It takes Chester a second to realize and when he does he has a face of worry and concern for his fellow goth bestie. “Jane just ignore her and don’t let it ruin your day, trust me it’s not worth it dude.” He says while comfortingly rubbing her shoulders.
As Chester tries to console her, Jane feels a pang of guilt for letting her hate toward Mary almost ruin another year of school. She takes a deep breath and shrugs her shoulders out of Chester's comforting hands.
"You're right, you're right," she says, calming herself down. Chester gives her a big smile before leading her inside Ms. Silvera's English class. Jane takes her seat next to Chester and tries to focus on the teacher's lesson, but she can't help feeling that her tension is still palpable.
Her eyes shift towards Mary, who is sitting 2 seats away from her and applying mascara while chatting with her posse/clique, not bothering to listen to the teacher's lesson.
Jane tries to remember when she even started to hate this girl. Was it all because of some stupid middle school drama? Or was it jealousy?
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