#all hail this quest tho
berry-hwa · 2 years
congratulations to version 2.7 perilous trail for being the first quest to ever break me, 5 month anniversary (since i played it)
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look at my meow meows...
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jolioiseau · 4 months
hail cyric, says the shapeshifter ooze
ur insides twist in abhorrent rage, the feeling familiar but the reasoning yet another mystery to add to the questionable list of Who You Are. a passing fancy of murder shrouds ur thoughts as u pick up the Strange Apple, shiny and firm. crisp, or would it be slimy? - you could eat him for ur god.
—-which is silly bc you don’t have one at the moment. everyone else’s god problems have turned you off of the idea. you’ll pick one up later, like choosing which head of cabbage has the least worms when you’re at the grocer
this thought fills u with dread - cabbage doesn’t go well with much of anything, worm-cabbage less so. the apple and its divine leanings are stowed in ur pack.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 10 months
Yk Back At The Random Ghost Rebel Stuff
A straight up ramble but does anyone feels this retching feeling in their hearts whenever they think about the High Cloud Quintet and its lore and go like "Dang, if only we COULD change what had happened bc this crap is dark and sad as hell" because that's what I feel like right now
And lemme tell you: It's not a good feeling bc I don't even want to think about how they're all just old and tired grannies and grandpas. The only person that has proper solace in the High Cloud Quintet is flipping Baiheng bro—poor Yingxing got turned into Blade bc yk—he's the beloved of that one relic set story.
Dan Flipping Feng becomes Dan Heng and even as Dan Heng he doesn't get a single drop of solace bc now the former-artisan-now-maniac dude is chasing him all across the universe bc of the sins of the past and it's just so heartbreaking bc Dan Heng isn't Dan Feng and Blade is only the shadow of Yingxing (this concept with Yingxing and Blade heavily reminds me of Makoto and Ei—Ei was the shadow of Makato and the shadow of the light is all that remains ykyk)
And then there's Jingliu who just straight up asks her student to kill her if she ever becomes mara-struck and in the end she still lives somehow and then she decides to go full-traumatizer with Blade back when he was the Unnamed that wandered the place—as if he needed MORE trauma and honestly her weak grasp over the mara which in turn makes her insane is so upsetting bc in the end she ends up having beef with a 14 year-old lieutenant who's trying to do his job and protect the Luofu (though, I have to admit it: as much as I want to protect my child Yanqing, his methods were kind of flawed—) even if he doesn't know who Jingliu is.
And ofc we got the last man standing Jing Yuan who just sees ghosts in everyone around him. Istg I feel like bc he sees ghosts, he can't move on from the past, and when he can't move on from the past, it's honestly a red flag bc it might mean that his present relationships with everyone are (sometimes) only just one-sided or something. Like, take the relationship between Yanqing and he: Yanqing trusts the General with his life bc he raised him as a baby. But the fact that he calls Jing Yuan "General" and not some sort of parental title says that Jing Yuan is being unnecessarily secretive due to his fear of vulnerability. I mean—literally in 1.2 Story Quest, Jing Yuan quite literally just left Yanqing on the island alone after he got beat up by two men that have beef with one another, practically leaving him in the dark with no explanation. And even before that, Yanqing was still left in the dark. Jing Yuan doesn't open up easily bc of the crap he's been through, which is understandable, but his lack of explanation backing up his highly meticulous moves—that's not really healthy. In the end, it just leaves a gap of mistrust, be it intentional or not, between Jing Yuan and Yanqing. In some cases, and this one (imo atleast) is one of them, if you don't explain your actions, it pretty much just leaves the person that's been left in the dark with their waves of emotions, which might cost said-relationship between the two people in the long run.
It also seems like (based off what we know of, at least) at least half of Jing Yuan's choices are also connected to sentimental reasons and seeing ghosts in people. I think he sees a ghost in Yanqing (idk who tho—ppl say it's Yingxing bc of his obsession over the sword), he sees one in Yukong (definitely Baiheng), he sees one in Dan Heng (obvious reasons, very evident throughout the game) and possible Bailu (because she's technically being hailed as the next Imbibitor Lunae after Dan Feng's sin), and it could possibly go on. This old grandpa really is comparing the present with his past and that's honestly a little heartbreaking, bc there is a chance that that might mean that Jing Yuan found more happiness (serotonin work hardcore fr) in his past than he does in his present. He should at least be happy enough of the present to not be this sentimental of the past, but he's really suffering of the incidents like bro—
The High Cloud Quintet is like The Five Yakshas from Genshin Impact but with more lore (that we know of) and more angst twists (that we know of) to it fr. It's so heartbreaking and angsty, I both love it, hate it, and cry about it.
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Like bro, look at these two groups. It's always a group of five sobbing.
They're all fine as hell too like CMON
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kyogre-blue · 6 days
Wuwa act 1-V ongoing.
The game warned me that the next section is gonna be long, so I was decided to leave it for tomorrow (probably).
Anyway, this section introduces the Black Shores group and some Rover answers (small answers). We also get to see mystery opening cutscene girl again for a moment. Still pretty! So pretty!
Black Shores: To make sure you don't think this shady organization is like the other shady organization you just dealt with (Fractsidus, the actual apocalyptic cult), they make it really clear that, Camellya aside, these are the Silly People. Unfortunately, I think Encore's voice acting is probably the worst of the EN dub so far? The EN dub in general suffers from fairly poor voice direction (flat delivery on some characters, one sentence and the next having completely different emotions and intonations, etc), but Encore is just... she's meant to be a cutesy little girl, but man. They did not manage it at all. I'm sure she sounds adorable in JP tho. Regardless, she and Aalto are just max silliness. Oh, Aalto had this to say about his boss:
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Rover stuff: One of the reasons everyone Knows about Rover and how cool we are is apparently because we have appeared previously (to presumably help fight disasters). The previous time Rover "descended," they were a member of Black Shores. So it's possible the ancient hero who helped found Huanglong was also Rover, though it's not entirely confirmed.
Mystery Girl: The mad scientist referred to her like this:
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A "future being hailing from our past" who must reach the real Gate that can change the world... Well, it'll be explained later.
I stopped after beating the mechanical monstrosity, when Aalto reactivates the Lament detection system and runs out in a panic. You can tell I'm getting kind of invested here because I spun around in a circle for a while going "oh no, this is gonna be bad, what's happening up there" (before chickening out for the night). I'm not actually scared, of course, but there's some real sense of anticipation about what might happen next.
I think it's because they have done way more about answering questions than I had genshin-expected. Yeah, we obviously still don't know the majority of things, but I have a fairly clear understanding of the world state just from what the actual story tells you and we're even slowly being told about Rover's deal(tm). So whatever happens next might actually be A Thing With Relevance.
That aside, we've been seeing some playable characters in small roles, which is nice. We saw Jianxin before she peaced out, Verina for a bit, and now Encore. Since Lingyang introduces himself in his character quest, he probably isn't in the main story (government subsidy conspiracy intensifies). So that just leaves Sephiroth clone Calcharo of the standard 5 star characters. Curious to see what his deal is! He's pretty edgy, it'll be fun. (There's obviously also a ton of 4 stars, but there's so many that I don't see how they could fit them in anyway, so it's not a big deal.)
I think Act VI is the last part of the currently available story (Chapter 1: Huanglong 1?)... It'll probably be about Jiyan, since Jue had a vision of us meeting him. I actually thought that would be our next destination, but I guess we decided to do the Black Shores stuff first, since the front line is supposed to be so dangerous. Twitter and a storyteller insert narration have promised me that Jiyan might have something something with another guy steeped in tragedy (Geshu Lin).
Oh, one more thing. While the "side quest"s" parts of the main story aren't exactly all gripping, they do seem to generally have their purpose. Even the stupid mangosteen token was setting up the Jiyan stuff, since we otherwise don't see him for so long and the front line ties into the Threnobian and Lament danger. But what was the point of the sugar candy vaccine?? That has to tie into something, right? But what??
Goddammit, I can't believe I'm developing expectations here...
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snail-studios · 29 days
For Orca lady (Orcitoh perhaps or Orphae??) here are some questions!
after 100 years passes, does she realise that she misses link's rivalry and camaraderie? when he comes back how does she react? How does she react when she sees Link in Mipha's engagement armour? What does she think of Muzu? did she help Mipha on her journey to collect things for the engagement armour and help her keep it a secret? Did she know about the armour in the first place? Did Mipha start resenting her for her dislike of Link/ was Link's dislike of her a topic of argument between mipha and link? does she begrudgingly respect Link for his cooking prowesses? What's her favourite food and weapon? what's her relationship with Doraphan like?
Hope that helps unveil a bit about her character :)
Ahh those are great name suggestions!!!
Long answers under the cut ⤵
Feel free to send me more questions like these, too!! it was super fun to answer all of these ♡
after 100 years passes, does she realise that she misses Link's rivalry and camaraderie? 
I think she does! She finds herself missing their spars and arguments, and while she really resents Link for failing Hyrule and Mipha (in her mind), she wishes he was still around. 
When he comes back, how does she react? 
Anger, at first. She can’t believe he has the gall to show up at Zora’s Domain after letting everyone down with no memories. It makes her furious, because at the very least he could have remembered Mipha, but he doesn't. After he regains his memories and kills Ganon she warms up to him a little, and they even become good friends. I’d like to think in an AU where the Champions come back (i have a fic about that on a03 wink wonk), she’d be a lot nicer once he brought Mipha back :))))))) 
How does she react when she sees Link in Mipha's engagement armour? 
I think she would be hurt and a little heartbroken, but try to be happy for them as long as Link treated Mipha right. 
What does she think of Muzu? 
I think she would find him a little annoying and disapprove of how hard he works the Zora siblings, but she doesn’t hate him. Muzu on the other hand loves her, since she’s hard working at her job. Maybe they’re even both out-of-towners in Zora’s Domain and hail from the ocean.
Did she help Mipha on her journey to collect things for the engagement armour and help her keep it a secret? 
I think she would when it was too dangerous for only one person, but understands it’s a pretty private quest so keeps her distance.
Did she know about the armour in the first place?
Not for a while, and she only realised it was for Link when Mipha told her. She’s not one to go snooping around a princess’ room, after all.
Did Mipha start resenting her for her dislike of Link/ was Link's dislike of her a topic of argument between Mipha and link? 
There’s a little tension but I like to think if things got really serious between them before the Calamity (which it most likely did) Link and the Orca would try to make up, or at least be civil. Maybe they’d get into a bit of a brawl and then realise they shouldn’t fight… ✨ mipha’s happiness is more important ✨
Tho a brawl might be a bit OOC for this OC as she’s quite level headed. Although, orcas can be pretty vicious irl…
Does she begrudgingly respect Link for his cooking prowesses? 
She prefers most of her stuff raw, so she’s not that interested in it, but she does get jealous when he prepares stuff for mipha lol.
What's her favourite food and weapon? 
Anything with salmon in it! And favourite weapon…hmm. Probably a really jagged spear made of teeth that she took with her when she left the ocean. I think she’d use her wits and bare hands and teeth too. She’s not someone you would want to get into a fight with, and I doubt Link could beat her alone.
…Now I want her to have a villain arc. 
What's her relationship with Doraphan like? 
They’d probably be really close! He'd known her since she was young (maybe mid-teens?) and probably rescued her from the ocean or the jaws of a monster, so he’d think of her the same way he thinks of Link. That doesn’t mean he approves of everything she does, though, but he thinks she’d be a good leader.
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aaami · 2 years
Can you tell me about your oc? (Kajo?) I just came across some of the art you’ve drawn of her and Cicero and she seems really cool
Oh!! There is A Lot!! I guess it's easiest to start with the basics and I'll try to avoid rambling but!!
So yeah, Kajo is a bosmer originally from Marbruk, Valenwood. 35 years of age in 4E 201, so a bit young for an elf, but don't let that fool you; She has been travelling around Tamriel for quite some time before she arrives to Skyrim and has a lot of experience in adventuring and surviving. Also a skilled archer and good at being sneaky sneaky.
Her full name is Kajo Faura Puuri and she hails from an old bosmeri family, who are kind of known as "village idiots" wherever their family members live. The family doesn't mind the reputation, they actually find it quite amusing. Kajo's parents are mother Mal (half bosmer, half altmer) and father Farenin (bosmer) and she also has two younger sisters, Kuisma and Kuura, who are twins.
She is very bubbly and lively, sometimes using her loud and joyous appearance to mask her anxiety and insecurities. Doesn't handle big responsibilities well and instead avoids them the best she can (like the whole dragonborn thing, she avoids it for a while because it's just too much to handle and she feels like she is alone with the burden). However, finding her place in the Dark Brotherhood and becoming their leader eventually helps her grow and handle these responsibilities better.
Due to being a bit of an odd person herself, Kajo is drawn to other "weirdos", which is kinda why she latches onto Cicero quite quickly. Their relationship doesn't start off romantic, it's very much platonic at first, but slowly starts turning romantic during their adventures together and getting to know each other. The beginning if quite rocky (the cure for madness quest and so on), but they manage to start from a clean slate and create such a deep bond. They understand each other in a way that feels different from everyone else and they do feel like they are each other's soulmates, brought together by their precious Sithis and the Night Mother. Kajo absolutely adores Cicero (and it is ofc mutual, even tho they are oblivious dorks and for a while think that it's one sided, just trying to kill boredom with kisses and cuddles and more), she appreciates everything about him, the good and the bad. She is curious about his past and what he used to be like, but would never try to "fix" him or whatever, she loves him as he is.
Before the DB, Kajo doesn't consider herself very devout to anything, but finds herself very intrigued by Sithis and all that, wanting to learn more. Something about it feels right and like a restless part of her is being soothed, so she does end up becoming very devout to the Dread Father and as the Listener of course to the Night Mother.
By nature Kajo is quite a forgiving person and believes in second chances, which sounds like it might contradict with her job as an assassin, but really it doesn't. Oftentimes the contracts she does are on people who have done crimes that cannot be forgiven and she will gladly get rid of those people to give someone who was wronged peace. Sometimes she does get a bit out of control with the contracts, toying with the target to make them really suffer for what they have done.
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yostresswritinggirl · 3 years
The new quest made me think
If dainsleif was one of the royal guards does that mean we will meet the others at some point? Or are they already dead?
Also we know that time is kinda weird in the abyss, so is it possible that kaeya left khaenri'ah during its destruction and only found out that its been 500 years since then way later, which would be even scarier for him because he was suddenly in a new place where no one really knows about his homeland
Were the archons involved in khaenri'ahs destruction or were there only other gods from celestia? Why didnt the archons help? Is celestia more powerful than them and maybe threatened to destroy their nations if they did anything? Did they just not care or not know until it was too late??
Why didnt we destroy the statue at the end of the quest??? Did the traveler just forget to do it??
Overall what this quest made me feel was just AAAAAAAAAAAAAA and now i have too many things to think about -💎
As a specific Twilight Sword title, I felt as tho it was implied he was a single person and he was the only one cursed with immortality to suffer and everything. Did I somehow miss something? Admittedly I missed a lot of the dialogues so I'll have to revisit the quest through Youtube
It's hard to tell but I'm pretty sure that in canon it's still pretty much a stable timeline since if by some chance it's still the destruction (500 years ago) and he left to go to Mondstadt (around 10+ years ago) then it's very fucked up to know which time is actually accurate, the records or the Abyss. Somehow this made me more aware that yeah, there really is a huge disparity because it's implied that there's still remnants of a human civilization hailing from Khaenri'ah despite supposedly being extinct/abyss'd.
I ACTUALLY thought it was just the Celestia gods, however when the dialogue choice suddenly mentioned Venti and Zhongli, I've retracted that thinking. It would make sense that the archons are related to it if the Tsaritsa is willing to steal their gnosis and everything, although in the context of Zhongli's gnosis bargain, it might be that he's actually siding with the Tsaritsa (assuming the contract is about the Tsaritsa winning)
I am ALSO hella confused about that part with the statue. But, if I were to guess based on the dialogue I remembered, they're leaving it to Dain lmao- STILL need to recheck shit, but otherwise, yeah it's all wack
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weemsbotts · 4 years
The Disappearing Pitter Patter of Feet: The Colonial Girls Lost in Time
By: Lisa Timmerman, Executive Director
Participating in any of our outside walking tours, day or night, includes a trip to Dumfries Elementary Public School and Dumfries Cemetery. One ghost story specifically refers to the appearance of “colonial girls” and in a town filled with Civil War folklore, it is intriguing this particular association attached itself to the school. But if Dumfries Graded School and later Dumfries Elementary Public School operated in the early 1900s, why colonial ghost children?
In 06/19/1795, Mrs. Simson advertised the opening of her Boarding School in the Republican Journal and Dumfries Advertiser. “Where she intends teaching all kinds of needle-work, in silk and worsted; she also teaches the tambour and embroidery, with the art and elegance of shading, and taste in the arrangement of patterns.” She wished to “cultivate their young minds, as well as form their manners” flattering herself “that she has given satisfaction to the parents of those whom she has already had the honour to instruct – and gained the love of her pupils.” Besides for needlework, she advertised “reading, spelling, and writing taught with propriety”.
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Mrs. Simson’s indicated that the Boarding School was “at the House of Thomas Lee, Esquire, on the Hill”. The famed Lee family owned property throughout Virginia including the Town of Dumfries and while both Colonel and former Governor of Virginia Thomas Lee and Thomas Ludwell Lee, Sr. died before the 1780s, Thomas Ludwell Lee, Jr. presumably placed a newspaper ad in the Alexandria Gazette on 09/17/1787 for persons wishing to rent “a large Commodious Store house in Dumfries, as well situated being nearly in the centre of the main streets…” Charles Lee also advertised in the same paper and date “…to be leased forever at public auction…about 15 lots situated in the town of Dumfries on the main street opposite to McDaniels Tavern being part of the square now occupied by Henderson, Ferguson & Gibson”. While the Lees rented and sold property in Dumfries, some to the Merchant family, the house “on the hill” likely referred to the area around the current Dumfries Elementary Public School.
In 18th century America, middle- and upper-class white families usually hired tutors to instruct their young daughters the basics of writing and arithmetic, with more advanced and skilled instruction in needlework, music, manners, and other forms of arts and crafts. If the parents could and were willing to send their daughters to a boarding school, they would hone their skills in needlework and come back with a “level up” – a finished needlework to display prominently in the home, discreetly (?) informing guests of the family’s wealth, sophistication, and refinement. These “female accomplishments” were important signals to a society focused on appearance and marriage. Virginia prohibited the gathering of enslaved children for the purpose of education extending from the constant white paranoia that educated enslaved persons were more likely to rebel. However, the Bray Schools in Virginia instructed enslaved persons in Christian education through biblical literacy. Both Williamsburg and Fredericksburg operated official Bray schools ranging from 1760-1774, although Fielding Lewis encountered low enrollment and white hostility forcing him to close the Fredericksburg location sooner.
Although siltation was an issue by 1795, the town of Dumfries still attracted people as the Henderson family resided in Dumfries and Mason Locke Weems had yet to purchase the lot for his book depository. However, we have so little information beyond the newspaper advertisement for the boarding school. Did anyone pay the fee to board their children? If so, which families took advantage of this offer and what were their experiences in Dumfries?
Interestingly, the Republican Journal and Dumfries Advertiser also included the following song in the same paper with Mrs. Simson’s advertisement, titled “Domestic Felicity”. Although not attributed to any person in the newspaper, this song appears in Isaiah Thomas, Jr.’s ed, “The Sky Lark: or Gentlemen and ladies’ complete songster. Being a collection of the most modern and celebrated American, English, and Scotch songs”.
“Though grandeur flies my humble roof,
Tho’ wealth is not my share,
Tho’ lowly is my little cot,
Yet happiness is there.
A tender wife, with mild control,
By sympathy refin’d,
When rage the tumults of the breast,
Becalms my troubled mind.
Three pledges of our mutual love,
Kind Providence has given,
And competence, to nurse their hopes,
Is all we ask of Heaven.
Still, from the little we enjoy,
A little we dispense;
And watch the buddings of their mind
Just blossoming to sense.
With arm entwin’d in arm we fit;
And join their hands to pray;
And teach the accents of their tongue,
To hail the rising day.
At eve again they kneel and bless
The hours which are now past;
And hope their cherish’d virtues may
Prove happiness at last.
Accept, Great Father of us all;
Accept their little prayers,
And grant the nurslings of our youth
May crown our silver hairs.
Let those whose weak and infant limbs
With tenderness we guide,
Be props unto our age when down
The steep of life we glide.”
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(Image: Instruction with Delight. Thomas, Isaiah. Little Robin Red Breast. A Little Pretty Pocket-book Intended for the Instruction and Amusement of Little Master Tommy and Pretty Miss Polly. Massachusetts: Worcester, 1787. The Colonial Society of Massachusetts: 18th century Massachusetts Songsters, Volume 54, Music in Colonial Massachusetts, 1630-1820: Music in Homes and Churches)
While the “colonial girls” will not respond to repeated queries (naturally), they and all the ghosts, such as the enslaved persons, represent our quest to understand everyone living in Dumfries. While essays and books are continually written about the white male society, they are not the ghostly figures people claim to see in this town – instead, it is the ones whom society did not equate as equal.
Note: While our closed season begins on 11/01/2020, we will continue to offer online virtual tours! The online tour includes a meeting with the staff and a video of the house. Stay tuned for special virtual November Member programs along with news of possible holiday outside walking tours! Click here to access info regarding our latest & upcoming programs and tours!
(Sources: The Republican Journal and Dumfries Advertiser, No. VI, Vol 1, 06/19/1795; HDVI Archival Files: Dumfries – Town Lots, Newspaper Notices; University of Michigan Digital Text Collections: Evans Early American Imprint Collection Text Creation Partnership; MET: Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History: Peck, Amelia. American Needlework in the 18th Century, 10/2003; Library of Virginia & Virginia Humanities: Encyclopedia Virginia. Bly, Antonio. Slave Literacy and Education in Virginia)
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oswednesday · 5 years
despite not having much story and the booring-est gym challenge, i really liked kabu! he had a lot of character, with his pokemon team and the lil cutsceen you get with him, like when you bump into him in the coal mine and the send off and the really surprising to me battle animation after he was like extra upright serious? loved all that! i want to play off more on it, so in this nuzlocke 
hes an heir to the coal mines, like his family long time before he was born bought up them all , he like stupid wealthy but had no interest in doing anything business and coal related, but out of a mixture of both fear and respect for his family, he essentially waited for them to knock off to pursuit a career in professional pkmn battling so he started along in his 30s rather than 18 like most trainers in galar do (the trainers are all going to be at least 18 in this thing its so silly you spend a literal hour fighting preschoolers dggggf when has there Ever been that many!!) 
he sold the coal titles over to the government’s transportation sector (so like the trains)(also there are rumours going around about how kabu’s family’s company and rose’s company are connected in some way, same goes for the transportation sector, its no secret the chairman has an energy company tho its that alternative energy), so he doesnt have to bother with it, and in return they sponsor him completely, covering any needs he has so he never has to do anything but train with his pkmn
 he enjoys traveling and studying under pkmn master in other regions, because of this he has many luxury pokemon from other parts of the world! another thing that reflect his multi-regional studies is his gym quest
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( a part of me thinks a mining cart mini game would be fun and im bummed out there wasnt one in game but i think it would be more in character if there was just a no frills stair case leading further into the earth, with a trainer under kabu's tutilage standing in the way)
(ability: steam engine, moves: tar shot,high horsepower, ancient power, explosion)
(the terrain triggers the effects of its ability!)
(championship cup thingy: tar shot, ancient power, burn up, explosion) (note: the order of pkmn he sends out is in verse this time so coalsorra last! this is the one he also gigamaxes or w/e, it uses its special one for the big match!)
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( like i think kabu, opal and piers are the only characters where it makes sense that they'd have like Gym Trainers under them cause the Lore is like these are sports atheletes whose lively hoods are all wrapped up in pr with challengers threatening to take that from them like,,,why would the younger ones train anyone? like thats silly)
(ninetales has some LAME ASS abilities so kabu’s extra rare ninetales has storm drain cause wouldnt that fuck you up? like oh okay sorry ma’am wont use water gun anymore have a nice night, probs like vulpixs that live in urban areas of like unova)
(ability: storm drain, moves:spite, will-o-wisp, grudge, mystic fire)
(the cup: spite, mystic fire, grudge, fire blast)
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(in kabu's case its because thats how its done in eastern regions and its both a nod to his ethnic heritage (rather than being from another region straight up more like his moms family is, giving him more connections to the plot) and to his abroad training) 
(ability: flash fire, moves: extreme speed, flame wheel, retaliate,fire blitz)
(cup update: extreme speed, fire blitz, wild charge, double-edge)
(each gym trainer has one pkmn, each level you go down gets hotter which boosts fire moves and reduces damage to water, ice, grass and normal, something like its warm, its hot, its very hot! with very hot having a chance to inflict burn on any pkmn not part fire type)
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(after you finish up with very hot, you enter kabu's stadium, which is a platform surrounded by lava and the terrain is like steaming with coal mounds, theres a safe place for you to stand but not much protection else wise, also ive been imaging like a protective thin see through barrier around the crowd thats like protects them from the battle, sometimes it does crack and strain but its never broken before, mr mimes probs put them up)
(ability: speed boost, moves: double kick, dual chop, dynamic punch, mega kick)
(cup update: it evos into the mega form cause i prefer the design and it matches kabu’s motif! in verse i think the mega forms will be treated like rare alt forms you can get when you have pkmn with the hidden abilites so you dont need the z stone to have them and theyre perma as an evo, moves: blaze kick, sky upper cut, dual chop, brave bird)
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 (n was right)
(ability: magician, moves: future sight,howl, heat wave,wish)
(cup update: future sight, psyshock, heat wave, wish)
(cinderace is making me appreciate delphoxs design more lmao)
(note: while the rest of the order is reversed in the cup, delphox always goes second to last)
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(any pokemon that isnt fire or have levitate take damage on the terrain each turn thats equivalent to ember kinda like hail or sandstorm but for fire-type, the air being very hot also has a chance of inflicting burn, i have more nit and grit about like air and fire terrian but i think ill save it for when i get to that!)
(ability: flame body, moves: wrap, bug bite, fire fang, coil) (just like In The Game he makes this cutie extra big and uses that special attack, i keep picturing it like a bonus attack you pick when you enlarge them rather than what it actually is, im sure the hypothetical battle emulator will deal with that)
(cup update: this sweet baby goes first! moves: wrap, bug bite, lunge, fire lash)
(its also shiny! it matches kabu!)
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spirit-shroud · 5 years
Ask meme time. Kein & Evie! 28. If they could have one wish, what would they wish for? 53. What is something that they want but can’t have? 67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile? 70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them? 73. What attracts them to another person? 83. What is something that they are good at?
hi hi !! from this here ask 
i have like. no real actual development on these goons outside of their dynamic, alignment, and appearances so please note i am making these up 100% on the spot and hoping that these qualities stick lol. also this got... lengthy fast. 
28. If they could have one wish, what would they wish for? Evie: would probably wish for the ability to always have a potion that’d fix whatever ails someone on hand. halfly because he genuinely wants to help people, but also halfly because he just really wants to be needed by people. having a magic cure-all readily available for everyone would be his ultimate dream as an alchemist. Kein: Much simpler than Evie, would probably just wish for an instrument that he didn’t have to tune, just because he finds the tuning process annoying. it’s... definitely a wasted wish on his end, comparatively.  53. What is something that they want but can’t have? Evie: my boy just wants to feel like he has all the stability he’s built for himself. because like, yeah, he has a shop and a house and Kein and a future carved out for him, but he always feels like he’s trying to skate on thin ice. he knows he has a lot of things that people never will and he should be glad for it, but he just. doesn’t. there’s too much that can go wrong and rip him away from it all. even through his story arc where he literally saves the world and restores magic to it he returns home, getting hailed as a hero and panicking over when the next Bad Thing will be happening. 
Kein: he wants to, in a similar vein, be able to like. be able to think about the future without feeling an immediate, overwhelming dread. like, it’s ultimately the result of his past that keeps him locked in place, but he feels like whenever he tries to do something about it, it’ll ultimately be pointless. so he just kinda lives in a cycle that he passes off as ‘living freely’ when he’s really just. outrunning demons tbh 
even tho they’re both heroes they got like. issues that need much more than a death defying quest to properly work through. maybe i should give their world proper therapists lol  67. What is something that is simple, but always makes them smile? Evie: is a huge slut for having permanence in other people’s lives, so like. if you tell him you thought of him while doing something, he’ll like. think about that association for weeks. which is especially true if he’s given flowers or a song or offered some misc ingredients for his shop. 
Kein: same as evie tbh, like, if someone tells him they got reminded of him for something he’d just. die on the spot out of Feelings Overload bc he’s gay and dramatic
70. What do you, the creator of this OC, like most about them? they’re both me !!!
i have a p hard time with feeling like i’m pretty split up, like, i just have so many interests and things i love and so many wildly contrasting Things about me that it’s much easier to process these feelings of contradiction as two people -- 
Evie is optimistic, cozy, an attention-seeker, and genuinely wants to trust people even though he’s always let down by them. he thinks that as long as he puts good things into the world, it’ll always give him good things back. he’s childish and gentle and has a lot of anxiety when it comes to things that are out of his routine. he’s lawful good to the extreme. a lot of his traits and mannerisms are derived from my experiences with being autistic/having anxiety/being raised in a negligent household. 
Kein, on the flipside, is equal parts the opposite and the same -- he calls himself a ‘realist’ but he has a difficult time seeing the bright side. he views the world through the lens that it’s out to get him. he pushes people away because, to him, only bad things follow after him and he’s afraid of weighing people down. besides, to him, it’s the end times. nothing really matters, so why he should he bother thinking about what’s coming next? there is no ‘next.’ he’s derived from depression, having cfs/chronic pain, and ptsd. 
they slowly realize over the course of their arc that they do need each other to be whole and that they bounce off each other really well -- kein teaches evie he doesn’t have to be afraid of everything while helping him navigate the things that are harmful, and evie keeps kein sane by offering him an actual, tangible future and an opportunity to heal from what happened to him in the past. 
73. What attracts them to another person? Evie: he wants to fix people. if someone is “broken” to him in the emotional sense, he’ll drop everything and wear himself thin trying to help that person become a better version of themself, even if he isn’t actually equipped to deal with that kind of emotional turmoil / responsibility. 
Kein: has a tendency to just kinda... end up places, honestly. he doesn’t necessarily seek people out or even really do much socializing on his own unless it’s through music.
83. What is something that they are good at? Evie: aside from alchemy, evie is good at sewing, fortune telling, and gardening! he also has a great knowledge of edible wild plants!Kein: aside from playing the lute, kein is also pretty good at the harp, cooking, drawing, and pretty much any magic that lets him be as lazy as possible. he also has a great eye for fashion and colour !!
so yeah that’s the boys ™ !!! i’m really excited to actually like... work on their story and. y’kno. actually finish up their character sheets lol 
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abrieenthusiast · 5 years
Best parts of the lighting thief musical (yes i saw it, it was magical)
until the show started, there was lighting and thunder sound effects. it was kinda scary for my friend
so in the front is a giant blue banner with the logo and in percy’s entrance, everyone pulled it apart
percy just..falls into the front of the stage in his entrance
the tiny sphinx
the very VERY quick transitions with the wings
AND the swordd
percy just CHOKING UP when he finds out he got expelled
they actually got blue marshmellow
grOvER! ur a FURRy!! whATS goOING ONn??!!!
another terrible day is..amazing
DONT CRY CHRIS when he finds out that his mom died
JORREL MADE A BE MORE CHILL REFERENCE ON PURPOSE (he said so at the stage door) HE SAID “cm0n percy, lemme show the amphitheater, the CAFETORIUM.”
put you in your place as a whole
how can clarisse hit those darn NOTES THO
“All hail percy jackson, supreme lord of the bathroom.”
everyone not knowing what to do when chiron says “remeber my lecture, he ate his children”
Lukes shakey voice when he says “chIRON wiNS”
percy being too excited when he finds out that his dad is posiden and everyone else is just in terror
Mr. D just wants to turn Percy into a dolphin
“no sons of hades” WELLLL.....
“no DAUGHTERS OF ZEUS” cue a few girls going “awww”
“and my mom turned her into a mdfaosdhfiod(drinks water)” “a what” “She means a monster” “GROVER”
My Grand Plan as a whole
“hERmes exPrESS shiIpIng, by PeRcY jAcksoN and AnnABETH CHASE.”
“The gods will think we’re impertenent” “oh we ARE impertenent”
“we are TOTALLY killing this quest. SAY IT.” “we are   totally killInngthis quest...” pause... “Guys we GOT THIS-
“why my brother and i arrived just yesterday. may first. 1939″ BIANCA IS THAT YOU
REMEMBER THALIA enter complete silence’
“mom i cant go to the movies im on a quest..”
Annabeth comforting levels: 100000000
did she say ETERNITY
“its like my feet aren’t connected to my brain” “well tell ur brain to dO SOMETHING”
like,, the FISH SAUCE
wierdest family reunion ever
“thats my dad..” “thATS ur dad (uwu activate” its okay sally we know you love him
Every squirrel in the northeast is out for him
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tatiana-starwalker · 3 years
Character Intro ~ Blaze Hexwraith
Let’s introduce the Universe’s newest pick, since it couldn’t puppeteer the wooden dancer.
Blaze Hexwraith is a Myth Student, and a lot closer to the ideals of the Savior than the last pick. He’s a bit quieter, too, but that’s really what you need in times of crisis, right?
And the Universe may have been wrong again.
Being around Hexwraith is an interesting experience, knowing them or otherwise. He tends to move without a defined purpose, carried along by some underlying language that’s long-dead and they certainly can’t read. He calls it intuition. it isn’t. the insistence - the desperation - to be universally and cosmically unimportant shines through, but you know it’s not the case. You Know. You feel and can see the burden on their shoulders.
You can tell that he feels at least somewhat othered, what with his way of seeing the world. Most people considered his peers are at least partially haughty, backed up with a knowledge that they can make things work, but Blaze... not so much. You can tell they didn't know where to go when going to Ravenwood - their name crosses all boundaries. Blaze representing fire; Hex coinciding with a spell they've since learned from Another Spellbook, and Wraith sourcing itself from among the dead. Myth being his school was chosen by no one but luck and a dartboard. And by the Great Curvature, does he hate that you could make an argument for fate. He doesn't like the idea of Fate as a concept - you can tell he has to bite his tongue in Grizzleheim, right? - and wants no part in importance.
Due to never being able to rest - save the Spiral, save the Spiral, save the Spiral through their ears - they don't really have that sense of being that a lot of people do. There isn't time to mess with presentation. There isn't time to mess with how you are perceived. There isn't time.
Hexwraith also tends to want to specialise in many schools. He's dabbled in most of them, actually, and it has caused a few awkward moments of eye contact when attending a few Storm School seminars. It's amazing how they have time for it, but it's hard. Hard to fit everyone in. Hard to say no to an elective that they absolutely do not have the time or energy or care for. Photomancy? Gardening? Fishing? Duelling? They're busy, Stars be damned! But saying a simple "no" just doesn't feel like an option. It isn't. Can't be. Won't be. So there Blaze sits, nodding and hoping nothing is asked as a followup, before a barricade of avoiding eye contact.
It's not really a far stretch to say they Blazes comes off as distant. Exhausted and apathetic, even. Not really doing much to dispel the (mostly true) feelings towards Myth School students being differently-centred on the emotions front, but it's a school of storytellers and embellished details. It's the same as expecting those in with the arts to articulate a scientific discovery with the same clarity. Haughty with stage confidence isn't the same as being outright horrible or arrogant or conceited, you know?
Blaze feels very much pushed into Wizard school, coming from a family of prominent spellcasters hailing from Grizzleheim, specifically just on the outskirts of Ander's Holt. The people there care for the family as if they were their own, and the family provide magical help to issues plaguing the town. Of course, he isn't aware - due to never having the time to travel or even send letters home - of what's going on there. Their parents insisted that he went, instead of taking up the more tactical or studious side of things, and since then he's been embroilled in everything under the sun.
As far as fighting goes, since he's had to get good at it, he's a lot more confident than he used to be in the circle. He has to think faster, too, which is actually a good habit to get into rather than taking thirty years and getting buzzed out of a round while sparring. It hurts when people that he knew - thought he knew - said he was an entirely different person after they came back from questing, though.
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argumate · 7 years
Wonder Woman
This movie was great fun! It hit all the right notes for a superhero movie, and although it was not particularly original it was very well executed and I liked it.
 - The movie is bookended with references to Bruce Wayne, who thankfully doesn’t show up in person, so let’s just ignore those scenes. Actually I’d like to see her meet Steve Rogers, but I guess that would require corporate merger shenanigans at the highest level.
 - (Actually the movie does share plenty of tropes with Captain America: a hero taken out of time, a band of brothers in the war, a villain with apocalyptic plans, a love that is not to be, an aeroplane, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves).
 - Hot diggity, Amazon island! (I keep wanting to say they’re from the Amazon, but that isn’t right at all). It’s got unrealistic waterfalls and everything, that’s how you know it’s blessed by the gods. Oh and a forcefield bubble to keep out the rest of the world, that’s cool too.
 - This has to be the most satisfying representation of the female warrior race ever devised in the past three thousand years, and the movie could have just been two hours of Robin Wright kicking Gal Gadot’s ass while Connie Nielsen smoulders in the background and the audience would have been well satisfied.
 - No Futurama jokes were made in this review. Not even petite ones.
 - Princess Diana (wut? I only just noticed the main character is Princess Di, although in fairness they always refer to her the other way around) I mean Diana, Princess of the Amazons, has the standard chosen-by-destiny origin story and a mother who can’t bear to lose her to fate, and gives her heavily redacted stories of the past. (She boned Zeus! That’s nothing to be ashamed of, everyone has boned Zeus).
 - What could possibly trouble this peaceful island of crazy warrior ladies besides the arrival of... a man. In the form of Chris Pine, whom I must admit I was a little wary of since I haven’t seen him in any movies before so to me he’s a bit of an unknown quantity. But he’s great! In this film at least. Funny guy, charismatic, good love interest, solid support without overshadowing, I think his character works really well.
 - All that dick innuendo while he’s in the bath tho.
 - The man brings news of the Great War, and the Amazons’ sacred duty is to restore the peace... kinda. It’s a bit vague actually; the artfully rendered backstory montage of god fights certainly suggested that, but then what have they been doing for millennia on their island while wars rage across the world outside? Anyway, the bubble has been broken, a bunch of Germans got what was coming to them, Robin Wright took a bullet for Diana and will grimace no more, and Diana is just itching to go kill a god.
 - I mean seriously she is thirsty for god slaughter; when she was six years old her mother showed her the magical god-slaying sword and she literally drooled at it, this woman doesn’t even need a reason she’ll slaughter a god just for sport.
 - Sorrowful partings as Diana sails away from the only world she’s ever known, and spy boy tries to mack on her when they’re barely out of sight of shore. Lucky for him that magical force bubble shields his amorous intentions from her mother, who can and will throw a spear that far if she has to.
 - Wonder Woman, of course, is demisexual.
 - The London scenes where they try on outfits and fight spies in alleys and rustle up a posse of misfits are a lot of fun indeed, then things turn serious as they approach the Western Front. Sometimes the Great War really does feel like the abstract concept of war reified and instantiated in the world, soldiers and generals and politicians alike helplessly forced to dance to its tune without any way to stop, the logic of game theory gone mad. It’s certainly tempting to imagine that there must be an off switch somewhere, and if you could just stab the right guy everything would grind to a halt. Of course, you could say it was shooting the right guy that kicked things off in the first place.
 - Diana charges into no-mans land without even tossing her hair back first and saying “but I am no man”, but you know we were all thinking it.
 - Quick shout out to the cinema audience who laughed and gasped and cried at all the right moments, although I thought I could hear someone behind me repeating the lines slightly before they happened, perhaps closed captions? Either way it was a nice atmosphere, top stuff.
 - That charge scene though, it was something. I’ve heard it described as every woman’s experience facing a machine gun hail of microaggressions, and frankly the less said about that the better. But you can’t help thinking about the men and boys who trudged through that mud without magical shields or bracelets or plot invulnerability to bullets and were cut down in their thousands and left to rot where they fell. It was notable that when she finally reached the German trench she smashed not the soldiers, but the machine gun.
 - I think the movie handled Diana’s gradual power boost very well. She starts off capable of defeating people in hand to hand combat, and slowly levels up to the point where she is casually smashing through walls and swinging tanks through the air with one hand. Amusingly she’s so focused on her quest that she doesn’t think through the implications of her having god-like powers, and everyone around her just accepts it because honestly what else can you do? “Excuse me miss, I can’t help noticing that you just smashed face first through a brick wall and yet your lipstick is still impeccable-”
 - Perhaps her powers scale up based on having Something to Protect, and a lot of tension comes from her realising that she can’t be everywhere and can’t save everyone.
 - Wonder Woman gets busy with Chris Pine; I hope she’s gentle with her new-found strength. (She didn’t try the beer though, which bugs me a little; in fact we never see any of the Amazons eat, I think. Do they grow food on their island? I assume the climate and soil is magically good, so farming should be easy work, and they can spend the time between harvests punching each other).
 - He sketches out a future of life together and work and kids and growing old together (he don’t know she’s immortal, which saves some awkwardness). Sure would be a shame if he selflessly sacrificed himself for a noble cause, especially after he’s already signed a contract to feature in multiple movies.
 - Oh yeah, there is a ludicrously villainous German general (an actual asshole from the Real World, and future Nazi!) and a tortured femme Phantom of the Opera who delights in poison gas who sort of has a thing for him. I reckon a good relationship is one that makes both participants healthier, and what they have going on is the exact opposite of that. I don’t think they quite get enough attention, but since War is the real adversary perhaps that’s intentional.
 - There is obvious awkwardness with making the Germans the main bad guys in this story while the British push for peace, even though the film does make some token efforts at calling for a pox on both their houses. Along with Ludendorff, the real villain could be... Winston Churchill, who as Minister for Munitions at this time was in fact stockpiling a vast armoury of gas and bombs and tanks to be deployed in the offensive he was planning in 1919 that would destroy the German army and win a decisive victory for Britain. Churchill was despondent when they signed the Armistice instead and crushed his dreams of annihilation; he didn’t get his victory until 27 years later, when he finally pissed in the Rhine.
 - I’m grateful that the misfit sidekicks didn’t heroically sacrifice themselves in this movie, they needed to catch a break.
 - Ludendorff might bitch about the Dolchstoßlegende but he didn’t seem to enjoy being stabbed in the front, what a hypocrite.
 - The final showdown arrives in a blaze of rage and glory... and Remus Lupin is the god of war! Now that’s a nice twist, I appreciate a softly spoken man in a bowler hat who wishes to end the pestilence that is humanity. Turns out his powers are not what they once were (although he seems tough enough!) so he has just been chilling on Earth whispering rude thoughts in people’s ears and waiting for Diana to show up so he can make her a Darth Vaderesque offer.
 - You could say that he’s been waiting for Gadot.
 - And it’s over, god is dead and a new day dawns. The soldiers taking off their gas masks is a nice touch; it’s a shame they didn’t get to show something like the 1914 christmas football match. Ultimately the ending echoed Age of Ultron: a being of ultimate power and contempt for humanity is zapped by another being of ultimate power who believes in the redemptive power of love. So it goes.
- Terry Pratchett would say that killing the god doesn’t stop the war, but stopping the war would kill the god, divinity flowing from belief and not the other way around. If no human believed in war, what would Ares even do? Fighting for peace is always a tricky concept, but the structure of a superhero movie based on god-like physical abilities inherently demands it. This one did its best to thread that needle and didn’t mess it up too badly.
 - It’s a shame we didn’t get a reunion scene back home on the island, given that she not only achieved the destiny of her people but survived the attempt. Maybe she can’t find her way back and she’s stuck living with the humans now. The shot of her with a laptop at the end raises the disturbing scenario of Amazons tearing up social media all day instead of throwing down.
 - It’s not clear how Wonder Woman occupied her time during the Second World War and all the other craziness that filled up the 20th century, but no doubt we’ll find out. 
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psychostrilondes · 7 years
sorry i havent done dirkjohn or johndave yet?? im rly thinkin about it , how john would act as a Comforting person when he comforts, like i know hes super goofy and fun to talk to, and sometimes it can seem like hes not even capable of serious emotions even tho he definitely is!? like “more mature than he seems at first” is a good way id describe john :2
i think the best example i have to think of is the conversations with jade on the gold ship thing?? he seems more grown up in a way that he can point out problems, and, ive read one or two fanfics where dave and john had this way of figuring out problems that was sort of Unique to their broship, theyd sort of, shoot the shit lol, like talk about it in roundabout metaphors that leaves dave feeling oddly better afterwards even though they barely spoke in laymans terms at all in the conversation?
like maybe like, john would bring it up that dave’s been awful quiet in the last few days, somehow by asking if he would want to go with him and jake to this thingy later today, to which dave says no by saying theres some lasagna in the fridge that has his name on it, metaphorically, and the lasagna needs to be eaten, i mean someones got to do it, its been in there for like a week john :p so sorry, ive got plans,
and john would say that maybe this leftover lasagna needs to be aired out before its eaten?? dave its probably growing mold by now, being all in the fridge, ugh, listen, itd be good for you to get fresh air and stuff. cmon, start getting ready, youll like it
dave just kind of sits there as john walks away like, wow ... he really did not just give me a chance to even think up a comeback to say to him, geez, and dave just groans and plants his forehead on the kitchen table ugh, he guesses he maybe needed someone to shove him outta the house because hes honestly been indoors and only talking to karkat and john for like the last 3 or 4 days or however length of time he doesnt even know lol
OH OH and maybe when dave says some of his more worrying analogies like some dude on a mission to assassinate the president to explain how he Needs john to get him this one snack food, he’ll be his double best bro, for life, and then his analogy of an assassination quest gets to the part where his dude shoots the president and has to look away from the screaming and outburst (and dave’s got a grimace on his face to make this part poignant) to message his superiors that the deed is done so he can go back to his gang or mafia or whatever and be hailed as a hero, weirdly, that would be you john, you’ll be a hero dude,
and john would just kinda stand there like Huh, like thats a color off from dave’s usual banter?? um?? so he tells dave that he doesnt really feel like goin to jail, if it was up to him he’d leave the assassination job up to someone else. 
its totally his way of telling dave to keep this metaphor going and see what he can bring out and maybe parse of his mood?? and why hes even too lazy to run to the corner store to go buy sour gummies
so dave takes it further now that hes been asked, totally, and he tells john no yeah its cool i can take one for the team and go out by myself to go kill a guy of federal importance, no big deal, man i dont even know how i’d handle that, if the presidents visiting our town then there’d be the news following him by helicopter and stuff, and what if the news sees me? they’ve got tons of cameras i bet, channel 13 would catch allll of me doing the deed dude .. jail for sure.
and theyre really getting somewhere!!! dave doesnt want to go out because he feels really uncomfortable about it, being watched or something. so john offers to go out with him on this quest, and maybe substitute the gun for the sour gummie worms and substitute the president for a cashier guy, yessssss, he did it, him and dave go out to the corner store just fine :d
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leondaltons · 7 years
hello! Would you please recommend me Senshi/Shitennou fics?
oh hi anon! And yesssss, of course i can! Sorry for the such late reply but i actually made some kind of masterpost with some notes???? Anyway, here it is, both complete and incomplete fics. 
Awakening by Yeah-Well-Hey (it’s not exactly S/S but more about the awakening of the Shittenou, although if you look closelly you can find the clues)
As we Were by VO1 (It was one of her first fics, but i actually enjoyed it a lot!)
The Dawn of Serenity by Jessica Pendragon (I’VE SUCH A MIX OF FEELINGS ABOUT THIS AR, although i should probably say that not all the S/S pairings happen)
Meanwhile on the Moon by Antigone2 (it has both S/S and U/M, it’s super cute)
Airmail by LovelyLytton (THIS IS A FUCKING MASTERPIECE, it’s all i’m gonna say)
Be mine by MintChocolate5 (Mina adopts 4 dogs, that’s all i’m saying!!!)
The Dreamer’s Kingdom by A. Cullen
The long Road Home by ElvisFV101 (Serie of oneshots)
Blossoming by floatingbubbles (this is short but actually super cute, so yeah)
The Queens by LaLaland328
Memory Trap by vinterthunder
The Holiday Season by Etoile mignon 
Angel Electric by His lordship Chaos (GET READY TO FUCKING START CRYING WITH THIS ONE, it made me cry even more than the manga, it’s so so so good and so so sad. It does have s/s but if you like jupiter and neph, well yeah i would stay away. This fic will forever hunt me)
In progress/Incomplete:
Ticket Stubs in Your Diary  by Sarsaparillia (THIS FUCKING MASTERPICE, it’s mainly related one shoots of them without powers, THIS ONE IS MY FAV IN THE ENTIRE LIST AND I PRAY FOR THE DAY SHE ACTUALLY WRITES MORE)
Arrow Through the Heart by he-be-forgot (Au and really good!)
Ordinary World by BugeishaKyasarin (college AU with magic and updated regularly)
Midnight Club by BugeishaKyasarin (normal life AU AND CAR RACES!! what else do you really need?)
The Quest by Warrior of Ice (college au with magic, eveything from her is amazing!!)
A Chronicle of days by Warrior of Ice (Mix of stories)
Witches of Luna by lalaland823 (the inner senshi are in a coven!!)
ShitennouxSenshi Shortsby dutchesscourtney (the name says it all, a big amount of chapters and of incredible quality, one of my favs authors!)
Cowboy, Take me Away by dutchesscourtney
Hail to the Kings by Jessica Pendragon (collection of one-shoots, 8 chapters)
Silver Alliance by Lynnwood (I actuall adore this story a lot!)
Shorties by Apsara (some of this are SO SO good)
2B or not 2B? by AuroraFireMadness (it’s actually quite nice, i do not agree with some characterization, but i still really enjoy reading it, and she is still updateing!!)
A Scout’s Wanderings by Bethany89 (everything about her is damn awesome!!!)
Hooligans by Charlie Chaplin 2 (she is one of my fav author’s!!! this fic hasn’t been update in a while, but is still worth reading)
Cupid’s Last by Chickay
Meus Amour et Mea Culpa by Chickay
On the Way to the Wedding  by Chickay (I recommended 3 fics of her, what else you need to know?)
Twisted by d.honey (collection of drabbles, not all are happy tho)
Reflections of Time by dreammelody (i’ts a secuel to The Awakening, it takes place during season 2 of the anime, i actually enjoy reading it!)
Loss, lust, love by Laidiiv (AU, updated regularly)
Note: This list isn’t really complete, i didn’t posted all the fics i’m following, only the one’s that i really like or being updated at the moment. There are different qualities in this list but all of them are worth a try
I do follow some more that are great but havent updated in a while and don’t really have much chapters; although if you really want them, let me know and i will share them!
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azunara-archive · 7 years
The puppers for the NPC thing
ur getting ‘em all. usin’ some d&d stuff for the classes/races tho
Character Name: MelloriRace / Element / Class / Specialization: Half-elf Ranger (Beastmaster) Element is Plague. She has a black wolf by her side named Lonan.Gender Identity: FemaleShort bio: A veteran of numerous wars and conflicts, most know Mellori by the title of Houndmaster and not by name. There’s numerous rumors surrounding her past, although she rarely speaks of it, instead keeping her focus on the present.
Recruitment Quest: Mellori is recruited alongside her daughters--a quest is given reporting of a small scouting group that ran afoul of some Shade creatures. The party goes to investigate and finds Mellori and her daughters surrounded by the beasts and nearly defeated. Upon intervention, you can speak with any of the three and they will all join. Each one has different dialogue, however.
Mellori: “It seems I owe you a debt, traveler. Had you not intervened...” She drifts off.
Mellori: “If you would allow it, my Pack will aid you for now.”
Where they can be found in your headquarters once recruited: Often found in the stables of some sorts or patrolling the camp. She wanders a lot and the best thing you can really do is just find her mini marker on the map and go there. Side Missions (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests): Most of her side quests focus largely on killing whatever creatures lurk far too close to the camp and dealing with them. Personal quests:
Quest 1:  Wolfsbane: Mellori reports that Lonan is sick and needs a special herb in order to cure him. The herb grows in a rare location and is guarded by an ancient creature in the Shrieking Wilds. The party goes to it and kills an barkback boar, upon which the player can retrieve and cure Lonan. If this quest is not completed, it is impossible to gain maximum approval with Mellori.
Quest 2: A Return Home: At maximum approval and the party travels through the southern part of the Scarred Wastelands, she’ll ask for temporary leave. Once granted, the player has to sneakily trail her without detection. She reaches a small graveyard and stops before two graves that lie besides each other. Once she stops, she says her hound could smell you a mile away. The player can ask about the graves and she explains the story of her mate and her son, killed by the Shade. She talks about her past some before she finally turns to the player and gives them a gift. The item is an old sword kept in impeccable condition. Mellori tells the player to keep it and leaves. The player can investigate the graves, they read “Ixchel of the Dark Lightning Clan. Beloved mate of Mellori, Co-Captain of the Day Watch” and “Caderyn of the Dark Lightning Clan, son of Ixchel and Mellori”.
Quest 3:
Things that raise their affinity with the player: Killing Shadecreatures, petting Lonan, raising her daughters’ approval, straightforward or aggressive responses/approaches, generally being in a party alongside one or both of her daughters.Things that lower their affinity with the player: Insulting/lowering her daughters’ approval, scolding Lonan, dabbling with Shade magic, being in the party without her daughters.
Are they romanceable? NoCan the relationship become sexual? NoAre they open to polyamory? N/AIf they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who?: N/A
Which other characters are they friendly towards? Her daughters predominantly and anyone who treats them well. Is at the very least respectful to those who are much more powerful than she.Which other characters do they not get along with? Not a fan of anyone rude to her daughters, or generally anyone who acts cowardly or dishonorable.
Opinions on other races? Other elements? Doesn’t care, just don’t be Shade.How do they feel about magic / religion / the government? See above. Also, she largely sticks to herself and finds alliances in individuals and less so causes or governments.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: If the player massively affiliates with the Shade (either by purposely growing Shade-infected for power or otherwise allowing the Shade to use them as a host) in any way shape or form, she will immediately leave the party.
Character Name: KaleaRace / Element / Class / Specialization: Human Sorceror (Shadow and Arcane predominantly) Gender Identity: She/HerShort bio: Kalea is the more cheerful of Mellori’s “twin daughters”, and is far more personable and easy to get along with than either her sister or mother. She enjoys hearing of the tales of others and sticking her nose into places it doesn’t belong.
Recruitment Quest: Kalea is recruited alongside her family--a quest is given reporting of a small scouting group that ran afoul of some Shade creatures. The party goes to investigate and finds Mellori and her daughters surrounded by the beasts and nearly defeated. Upon intervention, you can speak with any of the three and they will all join. Each one has different dialogue, however.
Kalea: “Hey, thanks for the help there! We would’ve been in a real tight spot if you hadn’t come by, although I’m sure we would’ve pulled it off in the end. But if y’want company, I bet we can stick along with you for a while!”
Where they can be found in your headquarters once recruited: In the main tavern of the headquarters usually. Side Missions (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests): A series of quests called “Armor of the Fallen”. It’s a series of fetch quests/kill quests that send the player across the map to gather armor specialized for Kalea. She remarks about each piece as she finds them, explaining how they belonged to an older brother of hers who died. The final set is called “Armor of the Fallen Son” and is the best possible set of equipment Kalea can wear.
Personal quests:
Quest 1: A Mother’s Love: Kalea asks the player if they can visit Camelcase, whereupon there’s a cutscene where she spends time with her family, CrossPoison and FellStinger of CamelCase. There’s a feast and it’s largely just a fun dialogue based quest for flavor.
Quest 2: A Daughter’s Inheritance: After a certain point in the game, if Kalea is at high approval, there’s an event where the camp is under attack by some monster. Kyrja is trapped and nearly killed when Kalea releases an explosive blast of magic that nearly destroys the camp and defeats the boss. She passes out shortly after the player investigates the cause. If they’re a mage, they’re realize she has a massive amount of magic that she constantly radiates, and when she grows distressed in some way it reacts very negatively. If the player isn’t a mage, then Kyrja will explain her sister’s circumstances. Either way, the player works to find a way to contain the magic--this can be done in either two ways. One is by stealing her necklace and having it enchanted by an ally of Kyrja’s (dragons of her birth clan), or the player can forcibly sever Kalea’s connection with magic. This will forcibly reclass Kalea into a rogue archetype. She won’t realize the player caused this, and thus approval won’t be affected, but she’ll be devastated by losing her magic ability for some time.
Quest 3: A Whelp’s Revenge: The quest begins when Kalea is at max approval and after A Daughter’s Inheritance. She tells the player that she needs their help with something. She’s evasive, although if the player has high charisma, Kalea will explain that when she was young she was taken away by from her parents by someone named Rasa. She wants to find this Rasa and know why. The player and Kalea track down Rasa, who sneers and insults Kalea, talking about how Mellori used to be a scourge of the Wastelands who only knew death and murder and she would have had Kalea killed first. Kalea grows distressed by this and can either kill Rasa or be stopped by the player. If Rasa is killed, Kalea insists that they were lying (This will cause her to gain a perk that increases defense). If she is stopped, she grows angry and Rasa escapes--however there’s a follow up event where Kalea speaks with her mother. Mellori explains the entire situation and how Mellori came to love her newfound daughter, upon which Kalea is reassured of her place among her family and gains an increase in strength/magic depending on her class.
Things that raise their affinity with the player: Giving her any sort of gift, talking with her, complimenting or praising her, telling her about yourself/your adventuresThings that lower their affinity with the player: Being rude to her, if she catches you taking her stuff, insulting her mom/her family
Are they romanceable? N/ACan the relationship become sexual? N/AAre they open to polyamory? N/AIf they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? N/A
Which other characters are they friendly towards? Largely any character.Which other characters do they not get along with? None particularly.
Opinions on other races? Other elements? No strong feelings.How do they feel about magic / religion / the government? Likewise.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: Kalea won’t leave the party unless her mother does.
Character Name: Valkyrie “Kyrja”Race / Element / Class / Specialization: Elf Fighter, PlagueGender Identity: She/HerShort bio: The elegant and reserved daughter of Mellori’s twins, hailing from the legendary Bone Castle. She’s well learned and a capable fighter, although she seems to spend much of her time keeping her sister’s antics under control.
Recruitment Quest: Kyrja is recruited alongside her family--a quest is given reporting of a small scouting group that ran afoul of some Shade creatures. The party goes to investigate and finds Mellori and her daughters surrounded by the beasts and nearly defeated. Upon intervention, you can speak with any of the three and they will all join. Each one has different dialogue, however. Where they can be found in your headquarters once recruited:
Kyrja: She watches you for several seconds, as if trying to gauge your intentions. “...Thank you. My sister won’t admit it, but I know the tide of battle was against us. You have our assistance if you require it.”
Side Missions (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests): She’ll often duck into weapon shops or libraries to brush up on her training, and generally seeks to find information wherever possible. She’ll also do several bounties like her mother. Personal quests:
Quest 1: Ivory and Red: She’ll ask the player to return to the Bone Castle. Once home she’ll speak with her family and seems eager for their approval. She’ll spar with her father--in which the player will play her in this match--and if she wins she gains the Seasoned Veteran perk which increases health and strength. If she loses she gains the Drive to Succeed, which increases health and defense.
Quest 2: In the Shadow of Greatness: She’ll ask to spar with the player with themselves. If she loses, the player can agree to spar again with her daily in order to increase the player’s strength. If she wins, the player can continue to spar with her in order to increase defense.
Quest 3:
Things that raise their affinity with the player: Agreeing to spar, giving her gifts of books or weapons, treating her respectfully, generally respectful/regal/polite interactionsThings that lower their affinity with the player: Being hasty/bold/choosing more irrational options, arguing with her or otherwise insulting her, not taking her out on the field
Are they romanceable? N/ACan the relationship become sexual? N/AAre they open to polyamory? N/AIf they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? N/A
Which other characters are they friendly towards? Her family largely, generally fairly polite to other fighters. Is a bit more open and loose and less uptight.Which other characters do they not get along with? Not a big fan of the more political types, tends to be a bit guarded and harsh around them.
Opinions on other races? Other elements? Thinks Plague is superior above all, and has some degree of elves > everyone else, but is generally not too obnoxious about it. How do they feel about magic / religion / the government? Very much a lawful character
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: She won’t leave under her mother leaves.
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