#all next to each other like this. once again. something is wrong w these men!!!!! i love them so much!!!!!
thekidsarentalright · 3 months
keeping a spreadsheet for tourdust stuff is so fun bc it gives me a chance to fully look over everything at once and go. there is something wrong w these men there are insane things happening here
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the0doreslover · 6 months
not all men leave you disappointed |t.n
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Pairing: fem!reader x Theodore nott
Warnings: smut, porn w no plot, fingering, blowjob, making out, p in v sex (reader is definitely on the pill) wrap it before you fucking tap it, swearing, pet names (baby, bella, that’s it)
Summary: it’s your fault, and you’re in the wrong, but none of that seems to matter with theodore nott
thats the only word you could think of to describe what you felt while you stared at the sleeping boy next to you. You ran a hand over your face while the memories of last night teased your mind.
~ last night
“why does he get to treat you like that?”
you turned towards the voice and sighed once theodore nott came into your view
“leave it”
you heard him laugh
“real men don’t leave girls disappointed”
“and i suppose you know all about not leaving a girl disappointed right nott?” you snickered
“precisely, and i think you know that better than anyone”
“you said you’d forget about that”
“i tried” he hummed walking closer to you “bella i tried really hard”
your laughter slowed once you noticed his eyes wandering down to your lips.
“i told you it could never happen again” you whispered watching as he walked closer to you
“nothings happening”
you turned your head towards the ceiling
“you’re so beautiful”
his hand ran along your cheek and turned your face toward him.
“tell me to stop”
you wanted to, you really really wanted to… instead you watched as the gap between you seemed to shorten
“that’s not my name”
“i have a boyfriend”
“i know” were the final words that you remember hearing before his lips were on yours and your back on the stone wall behind you.
his hands roamed your body grasping onto everything he could and attempting to feel you even closer than you already were.
he pulled away from your lips and begun trailing kisses down your neck, you knew it would leave marks but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
the thoughts of your boyfriend ghosted at the back of your mind, but with each mark theo left on you they seemed to linger less.
“Come to my dorm?” he said trying to catch his breath.
your heart made a decision before your head and before you knew it you were on his bed while he was on top of you. The buttons on your shirt wide open.
“theo please”
“please what”
you clenched your thighs together feeling a rush of heat going towards them.
“please do something!”
“only cause you asked so nicely baby” he smirked lowering his mouth to your neck, giving attention to your whole body and placing kisses down your stomach while slowly edging towards your heat.
he took his time with every inch of you focusing on making you feel loved, his hands found their way under your thighs and he pulled you closer towards him. He pulled your skirt up revealing your lace underwear and you could of swore you saw his eyes darken, he licked a line along your slit before gazing up at you.
“you’re so wet for me baby, does he make you this wet?” he smirked
you tried to answer but nothing came out
without warning theodore slipped a finger inside you “answer me baby”
“Fuck! No Theodore only you”
He hummed in approval and added another finger inside you while quickening his pace.
“i’m just reminding you that not all men are disappointing bella”
“Fuck theo! i’m c-”
you came undone all over his fingers.
Once theodore was eye level with you again he was quick to grab the back of your head and pull you into another kiss, you put your arms around his neck while your tongues explored as much of each others mouths as they could.
He flipped you so you were on top of him his mouth not leaving yours.
you pulled away and begun leaving sloppy kisses down his chest, you paused before reaching his trousers
“i hate you so much”
“no you don’t”
you sat up as he helped unbuckle his trousers, you helped him pull down his boxers and watched as his length sprung free, you crawled towards him and rubbed your hand over the tip, his precum spilling out as you rubbed against him,
you got closer to him and took his tip in your mouth, he groaned before putting a hand through your hair and gathering a makeshift ponytail, he guided you down fully until his entire length was in your mouth making you gag slightly.
“You make me feel so good baby, no one else.. only you”
he watched as your head bobbed up and down on him making him feel so good
“you know you’re really mine, fuck!”
you could tell with the way his dick twitched that he about to cum, but quickly you took him out your mouth
“what the fuck?” he groaned but quickly shut up when he noticed your smile
“don’t you trust me theo?”
“more than anything baby”
you lifted yourself from your position and put your leg over straddling him. you felt him poking into your ass from behind.
you straightened before lowering yourself onto his length.
your eyes shut and you felt him against your walls and fuck, no one has ever made you feel so good
you started bouncing slowly, along with your tits, theo would say you looked fucking angelic, he was almost in a trance watching you move on top of him.
you picked up your pace and tried your best to quieten your sounds, but you couldn’t help it… he felt so perfect inside you.
he had his eyes shut and his hands lay on your hips guiding you. He truly looked like a piece of art infront of you
“Baby i’m coming!”
“me too” you almost screamed as you increased your pace again.
~ present
You shook the thoughts from your head and instead focused on putting your clothes back on.
“Leaving so soon?”
“i have class, i’m going to meet my boyfriend before then” you didn’t look at him but you heard him laugh.
“so are you going to admit it?”
“admit what theodore?”
“that not all men leave you disappointed”
“goodbye theo” you rolled your eyes
“oh and one more thing!”
you huffed before turning towards him
“maybe cover your neck first”
“ you fucking bastard”
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local-crying-boy · 3 months
As If To Turn Back Time
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Carlisle Cullen X Female!Reader
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x Female!Reader
Genre: One-Shot, fluff, reunion
Warnings: literally just ignoring Carlisle’s backstory a bit cause I’m too stupid to understand dates and such, failed attempt at me writing people talking from the 1600s with only Bridgeton as a guide
Summary: You and Carlisle met in the 1600s, you had grown close and wanted to come clean to him. However, you had no choice but to leave. The two of you meet years later, Carlisle realising you are a vampire and you discovering that he had turned.
Word Count: 2.7k
A/n: This poor draft has been sitting in my drafts for way too damn long, so long that you can probably see how my writing style changes half way through :(
The two of you had often walked long walks during the day, talking about seemingly anything and everything. The conversations never pausing or becoming overbearingly dull, it seemed as if you could talk for hours on end.
You, despite not wanting to, grew close to Carlisle, even starting to be on a first name basis. He had always been gentlemen like and was not like the other men you’d talked to, simply wanting somebody to ‘woo’ and eventually marry.
Of course, you never stayed long enough for engagement to even be considered.
However, you didn’t want to leave this one. He was kind, kind unlike the others. His words were genuine, his smile was not faked nor was it practiced. He didn’t say the things he wanted you to hear, he was true about his thoughts and feelings.
He was as though he was too good to he true.
Carlisle thought this about you too. Kind, genuine, true. However, he was correct about being too good to be true, because you knew you had to leave, to break his heart.
Each evening, after parting ways with the Doctor, you cursed yourself. How could you be so careless with your heart? So quick to fall in love? You would outlive him for God’s sake! You would leave before you even got the chance to tell him you loved him, before he could even realise that you were going to leave.
There was no way to ever have a human and a vampire together, not without the Volturi knowing or without the human dying. Having both end up being dead, Carlisle would be buried and you would have half your heart ripped apart. There was no way to run from this problem. You loved him.
You loved Carlisle Cullen.
On June 2nd, 1661, at 3:26pm on a Tuesday afternoon, you had decided to come clean to Carlisle. He was already beginning to piece together that there was something wrong with you, not eating, ice cold skin, never being out in the sun, so coming clean was not going to be a big deal.
However, when you decided that, you had heard talk of your unusual behaviour and your never aging body. That was when it hit you, you had to leave Carlisle before being truthful to him. There was no time for rushed letters or quick apologies.
And so by the 3rd, on the Wednesday morning, you were already out of London and heading to Scotland where you planned to soon move to… Well, you weren’t too sure. You had planned to go to Scotland, but you knew you most likely had to go further, with all your time spent with Carlisle you didn’t think of where you would go next.
When it hid Midday of the Wednesday you left, Carlisle had gone to the house you were staying at, an old friend of yours. He knocked on the wooden door, expecting you to show up in one of your usual light blue dresses. However, one of the Lady of the house’s maids opened the door.
Confusion had hit Carlisle almost immediately, you were always there to greet him, as if you already knew it was him at the door, “Excuse me, Miss. Is Miss L/n home?”
The brunette woman shook her head slightly, “No, Sir. She left not too long ago, I’m afraid.”
“Do you know when she will return?” Carlisle asked, questions circling around his head, you never mentioned leaving.
Once again, the woman shook her head, “She won’t be returning, Sir. Miss L/n said she was not to return.”
Heartbroken, Carlisle almost forgot how to breathe, “She has left London?”
This time, the woman nodded, “I am afraid so, Sir, she said it was something of last minute arrangements, she was adamant there could be no postponing. She mentioned something about Scotland, or Germany.”
Then, right there and then, Carlisle was certain his heart had broken into a multitude of pieces, never to be pieced together again. Had it been something he’d done? Weren’t the two of you getting along well?
• 1936, Forks, Washington •
Thirst was making your throat burn, making you agitated and irritated. You haven’t been able to slip away and hunt yet, since the work you had was piling up and unavoidable, so you had been pretty much relaying on pure luck that you wouldn’t rip open these people’s throats.
It was tempting. Really, really tempting. Especially since the majority of your co-workers were stuck-up, stubborn, assholes of men who got on your nerves on a daily basis and did not respect women what-so-ever. However, with a seemingly unbearable thirst that made your entire body beg to kill them, it became more easy for your thoughts to drift to murder and made the thirst even more unbearable. Almost as if it would kill you.
If you could get headaches, you were sure you would’ve gotten one from these idiotic people. You watched the time and counted the seconds, hoping that focusing on the time would make the thoughts of their blood fade away into the back if your mind.
You barely made another minute before you abruptly stood from your stool and muttered, “Excuse me for a moment, I feel sick.”
You hastily left before anyone could say anything, then when you exited the building and was out of site, you ran towards the woods in hopes to find literally any animal.
You, centuries ago, decided to feed only on animals after slaughtering a family of four in the late 1500s and going into the early 1600s. The guilt still pulls at you randomly, which is why you started studying sciences, history and art wherever allowed women to have an education.
When you had gone far enough from the town, you tried to find anything. Luckily, there was a deer close, the pure smell of its blood had almost sent you mental.
Without even hesitating, you ran towards the sent, making it run from the loud rustling you caused. However, it didn’t get far because you had mercilessly murdered it and started feeding on it before it even fell to the floor.
You might as well have been a newborn with the way you were acting, impulsive and without a second thought. Well, perhaps this would have been a lesson to regularly feed instead of putting work first.
When you had your fill of the deer, and it was completely drained of its blood, you had stood from your space and simply started walking. You weren’t ready to go back to your workplace, certain that if one of those bastards said something stupid again, you would kill them and probably end up getting hunted by the Volturi from the inevitable frenzy it would send you in.
You had been in the of calming yourself down when you heard the very distant noise of footsteps, fast ones. Panic hit you almost instantly, you hadn’t been aware of other vampires in Forks.
Listening attentively, you prepared yourself for a fight. Often, vampires were somewhat territorial, if you’d accidentally wondered onto another’s land, you were expecting a fight. Usually, you were always aware if there were other vampires. However, clearly, you were not as careful this time.
However, you became terrified when you started hearing four pairs of footsteps. You definitely couldn’t fight four vampires, not by yourself anyway. Sure, your ability was good, but it took a lot of effort to hypnotise one person - let alone four.
Wiping the small specs of blood from your mouth, you spun your head around, scanning your surroundings. They were definitely getting closer, no doubt about that.
In seconds, four vampires appeared in front of you. One with short black hair - almost a buzz cut -, one with brunette hair, one with long blond hair and the last one, oh, the last one you knew too damn well.
“Holy shit…” You muttered, “Carlisle?”
If vampires could cry, you knew you would start sobbing right there and then. Ugly crying like you had done so when you were being turned over four hundred and fifty years ago.
“Y/n?” Carlisle asked, as if you’d been a ghost. Maybe, in his eyes, it was all you were. A phantom, a ghost, something of the unimaginable.
You took a step closer to the four, each eyes clouded with utter confusion, then Carlisle's whose eyes were clear with a multitude of emotions, “If I had known you’d been bit, I would have helped you.”
You were hesitant to hug him, even though all you wanted to do was tackle him down and feel his arms around you.
“Carlisle, who is this?” The woman with blond hair asked, she seemed hesitant to trust you and seemed defensive - as if ready for a fight, even if Carlisle knew you.
Carlisle’s eyes did not move from yours, a faint smile on his face as he recalled memories from lifetimes ago, “An old friend, from before I turned.”
This time, Carlisle walked closer to you and in a second, he’d wrapped his arms around you and had you in a tight embrace. It seemed so odd to feel his warmth completely replaced with coldness, he'd finally matched your temperature, you didn't find him warm and he didn't find you cold anymore.
You completely melted in his arms, breathing in his scent and closing your eyes in content, you'd never hugged him before, you and him had only exchanged quick and harmless touches of the hand when you knew him as a mortal. It was nice. “I’m so sorry I left, Carlisle. I’m so sorry.”
He had one hand planted behind your neck, making his fingers intertwined in your hair, while his other hand was rested on your back. You knew you would have felt chills go up your back if you were still human, “It’s okay, I understand why you left now.”
When you let go of Carlisle, he let go as well, though, you could tell the man was hesitant to let go. You took a few steps back and took in the other three’s appearance. They all had one thing in common, yellow eyes - one that always reminded you of gold, meaning they all fed on animals like you.
“Hi.” You awkwardly said to the three teenagers, “Sorry to intrude.”
“Who are you exactly?” The brunette haired boy asked, he seemed tense, he didn't trust you and you assumed he must have been one of the eldest - taking Carlisle out of the equation.
You awkwardly fiddled with your hands, a habit you’d had since you were human, “My name’s Y/n, I met Carlisle a few hundred years ago.”
The three exchange looks with each other, then the blond woman looked back at you, her voice was cold. Sharp, "How come we have never heard of you?"
That was when Carlisle spoke up again, turning to the younger vampires, "I thought she was dead." Then he turned to you, "I looked for you, but after you left for Scotland, there was no trace of you."
You stared at Carlisle for a few seconds, did you feel relief or upset that he knew where you had left for? "You knew I left for Scotland?"
"Yes." He simply said, "One of the women who worked for your friend told me, but also mentioned something about Germany."
"Ah, yes." You smiled softly at yourself, looking at your boots. It was almost as if you reminiscing over those sweet, old memories, "Miss Delphine, a sweet lady, a shame I had to leave in such a hurry." You looked back up at Carlisle. "I was headed to Scotland, but I knew I was going to go further, just in case."
When no one spoke again, and the silence grew awkward, Carlisle turned the other three, then back to you, "Y/n, let me introduce you to my family, Edward, Rosalie and Emmett."
You nodded at them nervously, you were never good at introductions, even when you were expected to do them so frequently due to your consistent moving. “Hello.”
There was an odd silence between the five of you, but Carlisle was quick to end the awkwardness. It must have been odd. He had spent this much time by himself, believing that a dear friend of his was dead, only to find out you were perfectly fine - well, aside from the fact that you were a walking corpse for over four hundred years.
It was odd for you, you knew that too damn well. After all these centuries, beating yourself up for the unfavourable situation you and Carlisle were given - him having been a human when you met and you being a vampire. You had loved him for so long, never being able to get his damned voice out of your head, his smile, his face.
He was different from when you last saw him, that was one of the many things you were going to have to wrap your head around. His eyes were no longer their beautiful previous colour, now replaced by the shining gold colour you both now shared. He was paler than before, matching your frozen temperature and you could no longer smell his blood. Perhaps, you could be grateful for not having to take in the scent of his blood - it was a struggle for you all those years ago, and still arose as a problem even after centuries of living as a vampire.
"You three should head back home." Carlisle suggested to the three teenagers, they seemed hesitant at the thought, so Carlisle continued. "Please, me and Y/n have catching up to do."
It was took them a few moments to trust that Carlisle had faith in you, trusted that you wouldn't pose a threat of any kind. It was only when Carlisle made eye contact with the Edward boy, giving him a small nod. Edward had taken only a few, short seconds to give an approving nod, before speeding off with the two other hesitant vampires.
When the two of you were alone, really alone, you both simply stared at each other. Both of you wanted to say something, anything. But how could you? It had been around three hundred years since the two of you last each other, what if that spark between you two had died out? What if you two could no longer hold a meaningful, flowing conversation like you did before?
"Carlisle, I-" You only sighed out quietly, rubbing you eyes with your hand. "I've missed you, so much."
Carlisle only gave you a small smile, he took a step closer to you. "I have too."
You looked up at his golden eyes, you would miss his old coloured eyes - you decided - because you had found his previous eye colour so mesmerising, so different from yours. You wouldn't have wanted this cruel fate for Carlisle, never in your entire immortal life. Though, how bad could it really be? He was like you now, there's was no longer anything stopping you from trying to rekindle that old flame that burnt in your cold, dead heart for him.
You swiftly wrapped your arms around Carlisle, hugging him tightly. It wasn't long before his arms around around you, too. It had been the first time you two had ever hugged in the long time you've known each other. It held up to your expectations, to say the least.
"I don't want to lose you, Carlisle." You admitted quietly. "Not again. I don't want to leave your side, not like last time."
"I don't want that either." The blond replied almost as soon as you stopped talking, he didn't even want you to move from his embrace. "So don't leave my side."
"And stay?" You asked slowly.
"Stay for good." Carlisle said, looking down at you as his hands moved to cup your face. "Please."
"You mean join your coven?" You asked in a hushed voice, looking up at him as he looked down at him. Your question only resulted in a quick nod from him, even if non-verbal answers always seemed so confident.
You wasted no time in leaning upwards and placing your lips onto his, closing your eyes as you kissed him, which he kissed back as soon as your actions registered in his head.
The best part about being a vampire was that you two didn't need to breathe, which meant you two could have stayed like that for a few moments. However, when you parted your lips, you looked up at him.
"I'm never leaving your side again."
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Best support friend; Rocket raccoon x gn reader
*Author’s note*
A double update? No get out of town! Truthfully I was gonna save posting this fic up once I got a Jack Kline request that has been sitting in my inbox collecting dust for almost a year or however long ago it was but I decided idk when I’ll post it up so I decided to just go ahead and post this fic up and hopefully I’ll do the Jack Kline one in the next week or so (it’s like 75% done).
So @itsscromp​ here is your new Rocket raccoon request.
Warnings: abuse, fluff, panic attacks, angst, protective Rocket, swearing, clueless ravagers. 
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“Well excuse me for not letting the man with the robotic eyes take the wheel.” Another voice snarked sarcastically.  I was passing through Knowhere trying to organize some supplies when I heard the sound of arguing.  I followed the voices and there were Ezekiel and Torath.
“Oh no what now?” I muttered as I walked towards them.  The two of them continued to argue as I spoke up. “Hey guys.”
“You have any idea what that shrimp Quill is gonna do to us the minute we tell you lost the cargo?” Torath said.
“I lost the cargo? Need I remind you that it was because of your glitchy eyes that you hit the ejector button sending the cargo out into the depths of space!” Ezekiel snapped again at Torath.
“And need I remind you that you are literally the worst pilot in the entire galaxy! I’ve seen beasts with half a brain fly advance ships better than you!”
“Okay guys can we please just….” I tried to cease the argument but the two stubborn, pig-headed men got into a squabble.  Fists were flying and swears were spat out.  “hey! Hey! Hey! Hey guys stop it! Stop it! Stop it!” suddenly I caught an elbow to the nose which not only sent me to the ground but also in a flashback.
I fell to the ground as a punch came across my face and I whimpered as I spat out blood.
“Quit being weak Terran! How will you ever grow a backbone if you keep behaving like a sniveling coward!”
“But sir it—” I was kicked in the stomach this time and I let out a soft but painful grunt.
“You tell me it hurts and I swear I will make your next test more painful than the last!” I whimpered and gave him a nod as he forced me to stand back up and told me to stand my ground as he kept punching and kicking me.
~End of flashback~
My chest tightened and my heart pounded against my ears.  No I-I wasn’t there! I wasn’t there anymore! I-I have to get out of here! I stood up and took off running as fast as I could. Even when I had ran into someone I didn’t stop, all I knew was that I had to get out of there.
*Rocket’s POV*
I felt someone shove pass me but just before I could snap at them telling them to watch where they were going, I saw the familiar shape of (Y/n).  Normally they don’t just run like that unless there’s something wrong or their in a hurry. And they’re usually not in a hurry.
That’s when I heard the sound of Torath and Ezekiel screaming and rolling all over each other in a brawl.  I went over to them and called out to them.
“OI SHITS FOR BRAINS!!” but not even my voice could deter them from arguing.  I nodded nonchalantly as I took out my electro-shocker gun and activated it.  I first aimed it at Ezekiel and fired one shot before firing at Torath.  And just like when Groot, (Y/n) and I first hunted down Quill, they both exclaimed as the electro-shock balls stuck to them and they were given a good shock.  “Have I got your attention now shitbags?”
“What was that for rodent?” snapped Ezekiel.
“First of all don’t call me a rodent, not when I can give you a second dosage of shocks. Maybe this time I’ll crank it up a notch.” That got him to shut up.  “Second of all, why was (Y/n) racing out from your general direction looking upset?”
“(Y/n) was here?” Torath asked as his robotic eyes moved around.
“Yeah she was now answer my question nimrods! What happened?!”
“I didn’t even know that she had even came here.” I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
“How do you not notice them? They’re the only Terran besides Quill!”
“Wait, is that why my elbow hurts so much?” asked Ezekiel. My ears twitched and I slowly turned towards him, my tail twitching in anger.
“What. Was that. You said?!” I sneered lowly.
“In our squabble, I—I felt my elbow hit something but I—” I didn’t even let him finish as I launched at him and proceeded to beat the shit out of him.  Blinded by pure rage.
How dare this son of a bitch hit (Y/n)! She had to live her entire life abused and tortured just to prove that she could enhance her skin into a hard-carbon shield.  Had it not been for Groot and I, she would’ve had to spend the rest of her miserable life with that sick, cowardly bastard.
I was deep in my rage that I hadn’t even felt myself being pulled forced away from Ezekiel and Quill’s voice exclaimed.
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa Rocket cool it man! Now I don’t know what the hell brought this on but you need to chill out right now!”
“This spineless rat hurt (Y/n)!” I yelled.
“I didn’t know they were even here! We didn’t know they were there!” Ezekiel tried to reason as Torath helped him up.
“With the way you two were bitching at each other you couldn’t see your own noses at the end of your faces!” I managed to wriggle my way out of Quill’s hold and without another word raced off to find (Y/n).
Being reminded of any form of abuse whether it’s done to themselves or they see if, they get triggered by it and let me tell you it gets bad.  So bad that they sometimes forget where they are or whose friend of foe.  All they see is that damned doctor.
I was asking around hoping that anyone had seen them but they all proved to be a bunch of negligent losers.  That was until Mantis had said that she felt their emotions coming from my ship.  I raced back to the Milano and soon enough in the main cockpit I found them huddled up, their chest rising up and down at an erratic pace.
I could also hear just how bad their heart was racing and could smell the panicked sweat from not only their brow but also their clammy hands. I walked towards them but didn’t speak, at this point they wouldn’t be able to hear me.  But there was one way to pull them out of this…..and Quill or Drax better not be spying on me otherwise I’ll blast them halfway across the quadrant.
I sat as close as I could beside them and first gave their bicep a gentle and affectionate nuzzle.  I then placed my paw onto their forearm and using my claws I very gently stroked down the skin of their forearm.  Then going back up to the same place where I started before going back down again.
“C’mon (N/n). Come back to me. You can do this.” I muttered before their breathing slowed and they seemed to be coming back down to reality.
*My POV*
It had been forever since I had a panic attack.  If I didn’t know what they were, I swear I thought I was dying.  My vision was so blurry, I couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face.  There was this high-pitch ringing that was constantly piercing my ears and my body felt paralyzed after I had collapsed into god knows where.
That’s when I felt something furry against my arm.  I also felt sharp nails (or claws) gently stroke down my arm.  They didn’t hurt but they did send tingles up from my arm to my spine.  Slowly the claws kept stroking down my forearm until I lifted it up and found my hand being placed on something soft.
I opened my eyes and after blinking away some of the tears as well as the haze that my vision was making, it began to focus and there I saw Rocket sitting right beside me.  His ears slightly bent backward as his eyes were looking at me assuringly and I also saw that my hand was now resting just on top of his head.
He gave me a soft nod and allowed me to stroke through his fur (knowing that it helped calm me down in the past).  After petting his head for a few minutes, I was able to unfold my legs from my chest so that they now were fully extended in front of me and I felt the tingling sensation of them falling asleep.
Rocket then rested his upperbody on top of my right thigh and allowed me to continue stroking his fur until I felt a vibration on my thigh. I looked down and as I stroked down Rocket’s neck, I could feel him purring, like actually purring.  I didn’t even know he could purr (kinda made me think back to the cats back on Earth).
“I….didn’t know you could purr like a cat.”
“This is a once in a lifetime thing. You speak of this to anyone, especially that stupid mutt Cosmo, I’ll rip your head off.”
“Thank you Rocket. This……means a lot.”
“Been a long time since you had one, figured you’d need something to help calm you down.” Rocket can be gruff and hard on the outside but when he wants to, if you look deep, deep, deep, deep down inside, you’ll find that he’s just a sweet, caring, intuitive creature who will do anything to help you out.
Even if it’s purring like a cat and having someone pet you constantly until they feel centered again.  But I wouldn’t have my best friend any other way.
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fanwarriorfictions · 16 days
Help Me, Help You - Part Four
Fenrys x F!Reader
Summary- Still reeling from the nightmare, Fenrys is acting strange. Y/n has no patience for it.
Warnings- a little angsty, Fenrys is a brooding ass
Series Masterlist
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Part Four
Fenrys was ignoring her. Not completely, he still said his usual good mornings, still asked if she slept well, but something was off.
“Good morning,” she’d yawned, finding him awake before her, already dressed and ready to go.
His shoulders were tense, “Morning. Did you sleep well?”
Y/n’s brow rose as she answered, “Fine enough. Did you?”
Fenrys simply nodded, not once looking at her, no sign of that dreadful nickname, no insufferable smirk. And then he’d left, mumbling something about breakfast.
So Y/n had dressed and found her way to the kitchen, where he’d sat in his usual spot, food sitting untouched before him. He said nothing as she sat down beside him.
He seemed completely withdrawn throughout the meal, like his mind was floating somewhere between the past and present. Even when she joined him in his training, going through the stretches and other warmups in silence, no teasing, nothing.
It bothered her, she’d grown used to his humor, the way he always had a joke to crack even when she was in no mood for it. She found the absence was worse than the teasing, strangely enough, she wanted it back.
Worst of all, she couldn’t figure out a reason for any of it. Had she done something to upset him? Did he regret helping her, giving her the sword, touching her like he had? Did he notice the way she’d nearly fallen apart by it, did he know that she’d thought about it the rest of the day, the way his hand had felt on her body.
It was barely even noon by the time she’d grown sick of the silence. The heat added to her mood, a strange mix of frustration and anxiety that left her standing on the ledge of her own sanity, tipping ever so slowly till she fell off entirely.
Fenrys stood behind her, silently correcting each of her mistakes, tapping her arm when she swung her fist wrong, clicking his tongue when she kicked to high, barely nodding when she got it right. It was infuriating.
The next click of his tongue had her seething, she’d done this move a million times and apparently it still wasn’t good enough. Her arms dropped, ready to give up and go inside to escape whatever this was.
“Again,” he ordered, the first word he’d spoken in hours, and Y/n saw red.
She struck, fast and hard, gathering her frustration into her jabbing elbow that she threw backwards, directly into the male’s gut.
“Shit,” Fenrys gasped, the air hissing through his teeth.
She turned quickly towards him, “That’s it, I’m done.”
He was glaring at her, half doubled over, still gasping for breath, “What the fuck was that for?”
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong with you today?” She snapped at him, “Or are you going to continue to brood in silence? If that’s the case I’ll be happy to leave you to it.”
“I’m not brooding,” he growls, standing up to his full height, his hand clenching the sore spot on his stomach.
“Fine then.” Y/n shrugs, “Find me when you’re done being an ass.”
She turned on her heel, marching across the deck back towards their room. Some of the men in her path practically dived out of her way, their eyes wide, frantically bouncing back and forth from her to the male behind her.
Fenrys didn’t follow, but she could feel his gaze heavy on her back. Y/n wanted to turn and yell at him, to hit him again, to beg him to tell her what she did.
She didn’t do any of that, she didn’t even look back at him as she walked through the door, slamming it shut behind her, he could sit out there and rot.
Fenrys was sure there’d be a nasty bruise where her elbow had driven into his abdomen, he’d been left breathless for several moments. It was a perfect hit, so fast that he hadn’t even seen it coming. It didn’t help that he was completely distracted.
She was right, he had been brooding all day, since the moment he woke from that gods forsaken nightmare. There was no way for him to fall back asleep, so he’d spent the rest of the night laying in his bunk, staring at her like a gods damned creep, counting her breaths to prove to himself that she was okay.
By the time she woke up, he was already dressed, ready to force on the mask of charm and humor, but when she said good morning he could hear her screaming in his mind.
Almost every time she spoke, there was an echo of it, threatening to drag him straight back into the dream. The mask was near impossible to wear, so he’d opted for silence instead, apparently that was the wrong choice.
He sat there for a long time, watching the spot where she’d been, trying and failing to shove the image of her dead body at his feet into a box that he could throw over the railing into the sea below.
He tried to continue his training, hoping the kicks and punches would calm him down like usual, it didn’t. The blistering sun bears down on him, minutes feeling like hours, hours feeling like years.
She didn’t come back, he feels her absence weighing down on him. Somehow he’d grown used to her being there, watching him train. Her curious eyes, detailing each of his movements, like she was writing them down in a notebook that existed only in her mind.
By the time the sun finally started to fall below the horizon, Fenrys couldn’t stand it anymore. This growing storm inside him, the anxiety and fear from the dream, the frustration with her for hitting him, with himself for being an asshole.
Cursing beneath his breath, he turned and stalked towards the door she’d disappeared through. He left all of his things, his precious daggers and sword, no one would be stupid enough to try and take them, especially not after seeing the look on his face.
Fenrys ignored the fearful eyes that tracked his movements across the wide deck. Usually he’d try and smile, try to ease their minds, make himself less threatening, he was in no mood for that today.
The small hallway outside their door was completely clear, Fenrys was sure the crew and guests had heard her stomping through and gave the area a wide berth.
Fenrys stood outside the room, he knew she would be here, there really wasn’t anywhere else she would go on the ship, yet he hesitated.
What would he say, I’m sorry for being a dick, I watched you stabbed to death by the valg queen who haunts my dreams and I don’t know how to deal with how that made me feel. Maybe he should turn around and spend the night outside.
“Go away.” Her voice shouts through the door, startling him, “Be broody somewhere else.”
He could still hear that phantom scream beside her real voice, the pleas that ended abruptly with a knife through her chest. It made him want to turn around and do exactly as she demanded.
Fenrys sighs heavily as he opens the door instead. She’s already glaring at him from her spot on her bunk, the sword he’d gifted her resting in her lap, a rag in her hand. The sword was meticulously polished, shining in the light, he could almost see his own reflection in it all the way across the room.
“Do you really clean when you’re angry?”
For some reason he found that hilarious, the image of her furiously wiping down the blade, imagining driving it through his gut like she’d done with her elbow no doubt.
“Are you ready to tell me what crawled up your ass and died?”
“Not particularly, no,” Fenrys sighs, closing the door behind him as he stepped into the room.
That sword raised, pointing across the small space at his chest. Y/n’s gaze is hard, ice cold. The threat was clear, but he took a step closer anyways.
“Put the sword down, kitten,” he orders lightly, sitting down on his own bunk, “I don’t want to talk about it but I will.”
Slowly, she let the tip of the sword drop until it was pointed at the floor, Fenrys wasn’t a fool, he knew it’d be back up in less than a second if he wasn’t careful. So he spent a few long moments thinking about what he would say.
“I don’t know how much you know of what happened during the war,” he started, his eyes finding a spot on the wall, “It’s no secret that my queen was held captive by Maeve for months, I was with her, forced to watch as she was tortured day after day. Broken and healed, over and over again.“
Fenrys shudders at the memories, “Those days still haunt my dreams, I have these nightmares a lot. One in particular more than others.”
Fenrys paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts, taking a deep steadying breath.
“You had one last night,” she says quietly, a statement, not a question.
Fenrys could only nod once, he couldn’t meet her eyes, not as he said the words that always felt like he was choking on them.
“That’s when Connall died,” he says, “Maeve forced him to shove a dagger into his own heart. I see that moment in my nightmares, see myself in his place instead, him in my own.”
He couldn’t say what usually happened next, explain what he’d done, kneeling in his brother’s own blood.
She was silent, patiently waiting for him to continue, he was grateful for that. He loved his family, the court that Aelin had made, but they were a nosey bunch, always wanting to help. Sometimes he just needed the silence.
“Usually I can push past it, I’m used to them by this point.” Fenrys finally looks at her, finding those keen eyes wide and curious, lacking the pity he expected, “Last night was different, instead of me replacing Connall, it was you.”
Her eyes widen a fraction but still she silently waits for him to continue.
“You were screaming, begging me to help you,” he whispers, “And I could do nothing as Maeve drove that dagger into your heart.”
He doesn’t miss the way she flinched, a small movement that most would have looked over, but he’d grown used to her, to the subtle ways she reacted.
Right there, in the corner of her eye, genuine fear, it didn’t sit right with him, something inside of him rages at the dead queen who caused it.
“All day I’ve been reliving that moment, hearing it in your voice, over and over and over,” Fenrys sighs, “I don’t understand any of it, why seeing you like that shook me so bad, why you were there to begin with. I shut down, I was brooding like fucking Lorcan, and I was a dick to you, and I’m sorry.”
She simply nods, and Fenrys feels a small weight off his shoulders. He didn’t like having her mad at him, he realized, strange.
“I’m sorry too,” Y/n says, “For hitting you.”
Fenrys couldn’t help the quiet laugh, “Don’t be, perfect form, kitten.”
He lifts the hem of his shirt to show off the growing bruise, already a deep purple despite his rapid healing. It would linger for a good few days, they would be at the southern continent by the time it faded.
Y/n hisses through her teeth, “Gods, I’m so sorry. That’s got to hurt.”
“You could always kiss it better,” he teased lightly, dropping his shirt back into place.
She glared, but there was no real heat behind it. Instead, Fenrys saw relief, he felt the same in his own mind, it was easy to slip back into the banter he’d grown used to in their time together.
Somehow, it helped to finally soothe away the lingering dream, the images faded and he was left with the picture of her, sitting with her legs crossed beneath her, a playful look in her eye that had Fenrys leaning forward, with an urge to be closer.
“Maybe I should hit you again,” she says, leaning toward him too, a smirk on her lips, “I might be able to knock some sense into you.”
Fenrys realized that he quite enjoyed that look, enjoyed her teasing him just as much as he did her, that rattled him nearly as much as the nightmare.
Fenrys smiles despite it, “Maybe you should, kitten.”
They lapsed into a comfortable silence, Y/n had turned her attention back to the blade. She worked at the hilt, trying to polish the dents and scratches Fenrys had left all over. He watched, almost entranced by the repetitive motions.
“Why do you do that?”
He hadn’t meant to ask, it just kind of slipped. The curiosity getting the best of him, he’d wondered for a while.
“What do you mean?” She raised a brow at him, “Do what?”
Fenrys nodded towards her hands, “That. You did it when you packed and unpacked your things too. You get so focused, going over the same spot again and again.”
“Oh,” she stares down at the blade, “Just a habit I made at home, something to pass the time.”
The way she said it left Fenrys with more questions, like there was something more, something she wasn’t quite willing to tell him. He waited, a silent plea to go on, to let him in, like he’d done for her.
“I used to help Vaughan polish his weapons when he visited,” she says quietly, “He so rarely did, never stayed for long. We’d spend hours talking, I’d inevitably fall asleep and when I woke, he’d be long gone.”
There’s a far away look in her eyes, as if she was lost in time, in the memories. Fenrys watched her closely, noting the small changes in her expression, the subtle shift in the story. The longer he looked, the more he realized that she wasn’t as closed off as he thought, she wore her thoughts in the small crinkle in the corner of her eyes, in the flare of her nose, the twitch of her lips, it was all there if someone chose to see it.
“The last night I saw him,” she says, her eyes barely flutter and Fenrys knows the memory is painful, “We got into a fight, it was stupid really, all I wanted was for him to stay a while longer, maybe even a few days, he refused, because- there was to-“
She cut herself off, her voice starting to shake, whatever it was, it was something she didn’t want to say, or couldn’t say, just like he hadn’t. Curiosity burned in him, begging to know what the fight was really about, how much deeper it went, but he kept his mouth shut.
“I told him that if he left, he might as well never come back,” she says quietly.
There it was, the reason she’d gone looking for him, the reason he hadn’t gone home. Perhaps the male believed, even after all this time, he didn’t have a home to go back to, that she didn’t want him to come back.
“Why didn’t you write to him?” Fenrys asks softly, “Vaughan seems to be the forgiving type.”
She shook her head once, still staring at the sword in her lap, “It wasn’t- I just- I couldn’t.”
Fenrys felt the pain in his chest, an echo of hers and his own. Gods knew he wished he could go back and reach out to Connall, to heal the wounds in their relationship, it was far to late now. But it wasn’t to late for her, for Vaughan, there was something there for them to salvage, something to fix.
Staring at her, he could see the memories that dragged her back, like a wave, crashing over and over again.
He bridged the gap between them, resting his hand over her own, the one that still held the hilt of her sword. The touch brought her back to him, her eyes finding his own, wide and telling him exactly what she was feeling. Sadness, fear, and hope, shining brightly in the corner of her eye.
“We’ll find him,” he promised, “I swear it.”
Fenrys wouldn’t stop for anything until they found the male. And when they did, he’d offer them both a place in Terrasen, and he prayed to gods that no longer existed that she would say yes.
Tag List
@emma-andrea1 , @mgchaser , @anxious-study , @lees-chaotic-brain , @girl-math-aint-mathing , @mali22 , @nikt-wazny-y , @theworthlessqueen ,
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 4 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 17. Hair
The potions master may have missed a couple of hairdresser appointments...
chapter specific tags: slice of life, fluff, attempts at humour
relationships: aesop sharp x reader
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17. Hair (1.2k)
tw: none
Aesop groaned after the third time he had to spit and blow hair out of his mouth. His own hair. His lover merely laughed at him. The potions master flipped his head to get the hair from his face: “This is getting rather annoying, I need to get it cut.” The young woman gave him a grin, and one of her hands tangled in his long hair, stroking through the soft locks and occasionally giving a light tug. Aesop, however annoyed with his unruly hair, couldn’t help but enjoy the attention she was bestowing upon him. “Maybe you could wear it in a ponytail until you can get it cut?” she offered.
“Hm, I don’t really like how I look when I wear one. Call me vain,” his voice was hoarse and his eyes closed in bliss, his face snuggled into her warm neck as she continued petting his hair. He felt her speak before he heard it, her words making her throat rumble slightly: “I won’t. You prefer looking a certain way, there’s nothing wrong with that. Did you always have long hair?”
“No, not always,” he replied, “When I was younger, I usually wore my hair quite long, but after I entered the Auror recruitment programme… Well, let’s just say all the men cut their hair within a week.” The girl watched him curiously: “And the women?” “They started wearing their ponytails and hairdos very tight. It makes sense, really,” Aesop reasoned, “we’d get tested every single day, magically and physically, and we could hardly afford to flip our heads all the time in the middle of combat. And after I got my badge, well, I just sort of kept it that way. I only let it grow again after the…” he didn’t need to finish his sentence - his lover knew all too well what he was referring to.
“I hate cutting it myself, I’m quite clumsy with it, especially on the back of my head,” he said then, wanting to change the subject and keep their conversation light. “Why don’t you go to Madam Snelling?” his sweetheart offered, the smile returning to her face. Aesop scoffed: “Waste of money in my opinion, it’s just a few inches of hair… But maybe… How would you like to try your hand at it?”
“Me?!” she squeaked, “Ace, I’ve never cut anyone’s hair! I’m happy enough to be able to style mine. What if I do more damage than good?” The potions master laughed: “Oh come now. As I said, it’s only a few inches, and you know how I like to wear it. Just how bad could it be?” “Famous last words, Aesop,” the girl remarked with a small chuckle.
“I believe in you. I’d trust you with my life, and I trust you with my hair as well,” he said then, his voice quiet and impossibly soft, his fingers stroking her jaw and cheeks, his dark eyes boring into hers, nearly mesmerisingly.
“Oh, alright then,” she relented with an exhale of hair after several seconds. “But if you end up looking like a half-plucked Augurey by the time I’m done, that’s on you.”
He only laughed and tackled her on the bed once more.
The next day, Aesop sat on a chair in his kitchen, and his young lover was fastening a tablecloth acting as a makeshift hairdresser’s sheet under his neck. She then brushed his hair until it was completely neat and tangle-free, something Aesop very much enjoyed. So much so, that his eyes were once more closed in bliss, and he released a small groan every now and then. It would seem that the young woman too was finding some comfort in this action, her free hand helping along, spreading the locks from each other. 
In that moment, the esteemed potions master reminded the young woman of a purring cat. A nearly two metres overgrown one, but a very content cat nevertheless.
Then, however, she tensed. Aesop opened his eyes and noticed she was holding a pair of scissors. He reached for her other hand, still in his hair. “It’ll be fine,” he promised and pressed a kiss against her hand. 
She got to work then, carefully measuring each lock before snipping the unwanted excess away. Hair soon littered the floor and slowly slid down the tablecloth in fine strands. She was being very careful with him, and Aesop was enjoying the intimacy of this simple activity. The silence of the room was broken only by the soft snipping of the scissors and the birds singing outside. “This is not that bad,” she said happily, calmer now as his usual haircut was becoming reality under her clever hands, “just don’t ask me to help shave you too, even if you do have blood replenishing potion around here.”
“I do, of course,” he teased, “but don’t worry. Shaving is something I do myself without a problem. Any requests? Shall I shave fully the next time I’m at it?” “Don’t you dare,” she warned, “I wouldn’t kiss you until it grew back. I love your beard.” He laughed, his chuckles making him shake slightly, and earning him small protests from the girl.
Suddenly, the steady sounds of snipping stopped, and Aesop opened one eye. “Sweetheart?” he asked. “Oh no… no no no no no…” she said, her voice getting more panicked by the second. “What happened?” Aesop inquired again.
“Aesop, I’m so so sorry, I don’t-... I don’t know how it happened, I’m so sorry,” came her rushed apology. “Calm down, love! Bring me a mirror, show me,” he insisted, cutting her speech short. Soon, a mirror was placed in his hand, and he angled it until he caught the sight of another mirror held by her. Indeed, one of the locks of his hair was considerably shorter than the others. However, other than that, it seemed his sweetheart did a pretty solid job, and his hair was nearly back to his preferred state.
“It’s not that bad,” he attempted to placate her, but it seemed he was fighting a lost battle, the girl was clearly distressed. He did the only thing that came to mind - he turned around and used his hands to take hold of her waist. Mindful of the scissors she was still holding in her hand, he pulled her closer and then made her sit on his lap. It was slightly awkward due to the tablecloth covering him, but he managed. His arms curled around her, and his lips found her lips in a small, soft kiss.
“You’re not cross with me?” she asked shyly. “How could I be cross with you?” he grinned, “you said so yourself! If I end up looking like a half-plucked Augurey, that’s on me. Except I do not look like one, I merely have one stray lock of hair that’s shorter than the rest. You’re doing so good otherwise!” She was still pouting a little bit, playing with the scissors in her hand. “Besides, wizards can regrow their hair fairly quickly by will. Give it a while, and you won’t even know where the hair was shorter.”
Finally, she looked up: “Really?” “Really,” he confirmed, “do you want to finish it? If you’re not feeling comfortable, I can take it from here - I think I should manage fairly easily now.” The young woman considered for a moment, but then she stood up from his lap and took a firm hold of the scissors once more. “I promise to be more careful,” she said then with a little smile. 
“I don’t doubt it one bit,” he replied, closing his eyes once more.
Thank you for reading! ❤
[AO3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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frickingnerd · 1 year
reunion at dawn
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pairing: dedue molinaro x fem!reader
summary: the last time you saw dedue was five years ago, before the war started. after looking for you all this time, he finally finds you. but you're not alone anymore...
tags: reader has a child (with dedue), angst with a happy ending
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dedue had thought he would never see you again. it's been five years since the two of you were last together in the monastery. back then you had just confessed your feelings to him, before the war broke out. he still remembered that last night he spent with you, how close the two of you had been. and then war split the two of you apart. until today. 
dedue had found his way back to his former classmates and now that he was by dimitri's side again, the two of them were looking for you. they could really use your help winning the war, sure. but dedue honestly just wanted to see you again. he needed to know you were doing okay. 
it had been so long since you two last saw each other. he wondered if you would even recognize him. if you maybe still felt the same about him. or if you had moved on since your last time together…
dedue and dimitri had followed rumors about you, that led them to a small cottage in the woods, just a bit outside of town. dedue first thought those rumors had to be wrong. after all, you were a noble! you had always lived in large mansions with servants attending your every need. and yet, here you were, inside a small cabin. all alone. well, not quite. 
you looked at the large man standing in front of your door. next to him was the prince of the holy kingdom of farghus, who was presumed to be dead. neither of them should be here and yet they were. and somehow they had found you. 
"w-what…? how are you–"
you just stared at dedue, barely even looking at dimitri. after all, dedue was the man you loved. and the reason you had lost everything…
dedue's eyes widened as he heard a child's voice from inside. even dimitri looked shocked, turning his head towards his friend.
you hurried back inside, leaving the door open behind you. the two men didn't hesitate and followed you inside, where they saw the child that had been calling out to you. you had picked up the small boy, holding him in your arms. and he looked just like him.
judging by the look of it, that child must be around four years old. plus the nine months it took before he came to this world… dedue quickly put two and two together. this was his child! it had to be! the small boy looked just like him…
"i didn't know…"
he tried to speak up, but you softly shook your head and stopped him.
"didn't know i was pregnant? well, i didn't know you were alive until now, so that makes us even…"
dimitri, who had been quiet since arriving here, finally spoke up.
"that's why you weren't with your family anymore, right? they wouldn't accept a child from a man of duscur…"
dedue's eyes widened. was he telling the truth? had your family disowned you because of him? because of his child?
"they made me choose. my son or the rest of my family. i made my decision… and i would chose him again and again!"
the child on your arm smiled innocently. he probably didn't quite understand the gravity of the situation, just excited to meet some new people after living isolated for so long. you carefully let him down again, before bending down and smiling.
"how about you show our new friend around the house a little?"
you pointed towards dimitri, who quickly got the message. you probably didn't want your son to hear more about his past than necessary. not when he was still so young.
dimitri took the child's hand, heading into another room and leaving you alone with dedue. once it was just the two of you, dedue carefully approached you. he was overwhelmed by the situation, worried he would say the wrong thing. still, he had to say something! this was his child after all…
"i… i'm so sorry"
dedue took both of your hands, gently holding them between his own.
"i'm sorry for not being here. for leaving you alone with your…our child!"
"you didn't do it on purpose, dedue. it was the war that made us part ways. i know you would've stayed by my side if it had been different"
you had become so mature since the last time the two of you had met. you were shouldering all of those responsibilities all by yourself. dedue admired you for this, but he wished things could've been different. you deserved to live a peaceful life for a little longer.
"i'm never going to leave your side again, y/n!"
dedue swore, a serious expression resting on his face.
"from now on, you won't have to do this alone anymore. i'll make up for all the time we lost. i'll take care of our child, i'll talk to your family and convince them to take you back! and i'll win this war for you. once i did this, you can finally live the peaceful life you deserve, my love…"
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craftycheetah · 2 years
𝓑𝓵𝓪𝔃𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 2
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CW: femdom, slight subby baku, kissing, smut, size diff
Taglist: @pharaohanubis0
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The castle was bustling, maids and butlers rushing around preparing for the party, your younger siblings arguing and chasing each other playfully.
Izuku and Katsuki sit off to the side in the courtyard to watch what seems like a regular routine. The smaller man sighs dreamily when Eijirou picks up Tana in his big hand and lets her perch on his shoulder so she can see what’s going on.
“Just ask him already,” Katsuki sighs.
“No! What if he doesn’t like me and he’s just being friendly?”
“Ugh, you’re an idiot.” Katsuki rolls his eyes and looks in the other direction, where you’re with some of your younger brothers. Haco shows you a toy he’s been tinkering with, and you squat to his level to listen, nodding along as he rambles. Izuku’s eyes follow his gaze before turning to him with a grin. 
“You like her, don’t you Kacchan?” He doesn’t respond, staring as you pick up Blaze and smooching his chubby cheeks as he giggles and pats your face. Now all the younger boys are demanding hugs from you too. Katsuki’s mind wanders back to that image of you pregnant with twins with fiery red eyes and red and blonde hair, once again making his cheeks turn a baby pink.
“You do!~” Izuku sings, kicking his feet.
“Shut up, Deku,” he grumbles, knowing it’s true.
The party is in full swing by sunset. The people shuffle in, bringing gifts for the expecting Queen, congratulating her. Big families are encouraged in the Firebeard tribe, so the more, the merrier.
Some women and men are fascinated by Izuku and Katsuki. Touching their hair and clothes.
“So small,” a woman with long red twists giggles and pets Izuku’s head. “His hair is very strange.”
“But very fluffy,” a man agrees.
Eijirou comes to their rescue, playfully shooing the people away. “You guys are a big hit.”
“They’re treating us like pets,” Katsuki grumbles.
“They're just interested in the differences. They've never seen people like you two before. I’m sure if we came to your island we’d be treated the same.”
“I like your outfit,” Izuku compliments Eijirou’s green wrap around his waist and legs and the gold bands around his thick biceps.
“Thanks.” He flexes, and Izuku nearly faints.
Katsuki looks around. “Where’s y/n?”
As if on cue, you jump onto Eijirou’s back, clinging to him. “Sneak attack!”
“Oh noooo, you got me,” he says sarcastically. You climb off and greet your guests. “Heyyyy, you guys look nice.”
“You too!” Izuku smiles at your long red skirt and matching wrap. You’ve even put gold rings in your locs.
“I hope so. I’m trying to have a good night~.”
You and Eijirou high-five at the inside joke.
Before Katsuki can comment, a horn bellows, and everyone hushes. Ira stands in front of the throne with his wives and the younger children, his long beard decorated with a few ribbons from the triplets. Hestia is the only one wearing red, and the other two wearing green and gold.
“Welcome everyone! I’m happy to see you all. We’re celebrating my lovely wife’s pregnancy, my whole family, and my people.”
They cheer at his words.
“Let’s all have a great time then!” He grins, holding his goblet up as a toast.
“Whoo!” You and Eijirou cheer when the live band starts up a song.
Shula runs up to Eijirou. “Bibo, come play with us.” He bends down so she can hold his hand. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.”
You spot Nuria and her mother talking to Hestia and grab Katsuki’s arm. “Let’s go talk to her.”
“Why the hell do I have to go?!”
“Because I want you and my future wife to get along!”
“Something wrong, Katsuki? Don’t tell me you think something’s wrong with that?”
“No! I just—I didn’t—”
“Nuria!” You let him go to hug her and her mother. “How’s it going?”
“Going good. Congratulations to your mom.”
“Thank you. Mrs. Azarnoosh.”
The older woman bows her head. “Hello Princess. Let me go give your mother her gift.”
“Nuria, you remember Katsuki from yesterday.”
“Yep, what’s up?”
Katsuki is too busy dealing with the current heartbreak to be nice. “I didn’t know you were gay,” he says.
You and Nuria look at each other. “Gay? I’m not gay,” you giggle.
“But…but you said future wife.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m gay. I like everyone! Men, women, everything in between.”
“Me too,” Nuria adds. “Damn, don’t you have those where you’re from?”
“No, we do! I…nevermind. It's nice to meet you, Nuria.”
“Yeah, you too,” she snickers. “How’s Mina?”
“She’s good, getting really big though. She's half the size of the castle now.”
“Wow!” Nuria looks at Katsuki’s irritated and sulking face. “I think someone’s jealous.”
You pat his head. “He’s fine. Right, Katsuki?”
“I’ve cracked his code. That means yes.”
He smacks your hand away. “I’m going to find my mother.”
You and Nuria watch him walk off, disappearing amongst the people.
“Hm, I’m gonna fuck the shit out of him,” you smile.
“Don’t break him.”
“I won’t cause then I won’t get to ruin you both. We should get drinks.”
Katsuki pouts the whole time, weaving through the tall people. He runs into Tyson and Hagan, who immediately snatch him up.
“You’re Bisa’s new boyfriend!” Tyson smiles.
“Are you gonna marry her?” Hagan gasps. Both of them hold his arms. Even though they’re younger, they’re the same height as him, and he’s a little nervous.
“Then you’ll have to marry Nuria too, though.”
“He can marry them both like how Papa married Ma and Mom!”
“Alright you two, leave the poor boy alone.” Ira interrupts, shooing them both away. “Go find your sisters before they get into the booze.”
They run off, leaving Katsuki behind.
“Bago!” Blaze points from Ira's arm.
“Bago? Oh, he gave you a nickname. That's adorable. You look upset, young prince. Are you alright?”
“I’m not. That’s just my face.”
“Is it about my daughter and Nuria?”
Katsuki looked at the man, slightly amazed by his intuition, before turning away. “...no.”
“Sure. It's quite obvious that you have feelings for my daughter. But how would you feel if she wants another?”
“I’m not sure. My people are monogamous so it’s never crossed my mind.”
“It's good to keep an open mind, my boy. Spend time with them both. I'm sure you'll get along quite nicely.”
Both of them look towards the drink table where you’re holding a large crystal bowl full of punch. “I’ll drink this whole thing right now!”
“You’re not gonna do it,” Agni chuckles. “Sack of coins says you fail.”
“Add in three makeovers from the triplets and I'll take you on!”
You lift the bowl, bring it to your mouth and tip it, gulping the punch down.
“Go go go!” Agni and Nuria chant.
Finishing the bowl, you slam it on the table and wipe your lips with a large grin. “Woo!”
“Shit, she actually did it!” Agni laughs.
“Pay up.” You hold your hand out. Agni huffs and drops the pouch attached to her skirt in your hand. “So unfair.”
“Congratulations, sweetie!” Ira calls, and you give him a thumbs up. “I’m sure the two of you can work something out,” he tells Katsuki with a gentle head pat.
The triplets come up to him and pull his robes. “Papa, come dance with us by the bonfire!”
“How can I say no to that? Lead the way.”
Blaze starts to fuss, pointing at Katsuki. “Wa Bago.”
“Hm?” Ira hums. “It seems he wants to stay with you, here you go.” He hands him to Katsuki and follows the girls outside.
“Bago!” Blaze squeals, hugging Katsuki’s neck.
Katsuki looks at the infant and chuckles as he babbles happily, occasionally patting his face. “Okay, brat, if you're gonna stay here, you’re gonna have to behave and not pull my hair. Also, don't hit me.”
“Bago peby.”
Katsuki stares at him, wondering what that could mean. He shrugs, playfully ruffles his coils, and then goes back to looking for his parents.
Later into the night, everyone goes outside to gather around the huge bonfire. Ira sits between Hestia and Ember, putting his arms around both of them so they can cuddle. The youngest girls sit in his lap, giggling and nibbling on meat kebabs. Eijirou and Izuku sit together, Izuku’s head on Eijirou’s shoulder as he drapes his arm over him. You sit with Nuria, mugs in your hands filled with diluted Flame Punch. Katsuki sits next to you, putting Blaze in his lap.
“Hiii Blaze!” You giggle, slightly tipsy, tickling his chin. “Katsuki, you have to try the punch.” You give him the mug. Katsuki reluctantly sips it, humming at the taste. “Good shit.”
“You should try it raw but my Ma said I’m cut off for tonight.”
“You are kinda drunk….”
“Not drunk yet, believe me. Not a party until Eijirou has to carry me back to my room,” you giggle.
The elder shaman shushes everyone, the bells on her staff tinkling.
“It’s starting!” Stella squeals.
The elder raises her hands, and everyone quiets down. “Welcome everyone to the Fire Festival, and congratulations to the royal family.”
Ira kisses Hestia's cheek.
“Welcome to our guests, as well. You’re the first outsiders to ever partake in the festival. As per tradition, we will now begin to tell the story of the founding of our homeland.”
The drummers start a steady beat.
“I love this story!” Eijirou smiles.
“Eons ago!” She starts. “The Great Fire Spirit Oaris helped create the earth and all the islands in it with the other great spirits. Oaris used his hands to form the first ever humans from fresh clay and red hot embers for the hair, giving us all our fiery spirits.” She tosses some herbs into the fire, flaring up and sending sparks into the air.
Blaze claps his hands, gurgling happily.
“You like that, you little arsonist?” Katsuki chuckles, tickling his stomach.
“Shh, she's not finished!” Udia hisses next to him.
The shaman walks around in a circle, pointing her staff at everyone. “Oaris blessed our people with strength, intelligence, the abundance of crops and animals, fertility, and honor. Symbolized by our distinct hair.” She touches Stella’s curls, and she giggles. “Our skin reminds us of the rich earth used many years ago. The royal family and the king himself are direct descendants of Oaris, ruling with wisdom, fairness, and kind hearts. For that, we thank them.”
Ira toasts his drink to her.
“Many more blessings for the royal family!”
The people cheer loudly, toasting their drinks.
“Onto the celebration!”
The music picks back up, and festivities continue. You stand up, wobble a little and go to your parents. “Dad, dance with me!”
Ira grins and stands, handing his drink to Ember before taking your hand. Eijirou also stands, holding both his hands out for his mothers. “My ladies?”
“Such a gentleman,” Hestia chuckles as she takes one.
“Thank you, son,” Ember chuckles, putting Ira’s drink on the ground beside her chair so she can follow her son.
Katsuki watches you and Ira do the traditional dance. Holding hands and dancing around the fire and other people. Ira separates from you to join his wives, laughing joyously and holding them close.
Blaze bounces happily, clapping his hands to the music. Katsuki lets him go so he can waddle up to you and Eijirou, babbling about being picked up.
As a hand pats his calf, Eijirou smiles and bends down to pick up Blaze, gently bouncing him.
“Come here you two!” You grab Hagan and Egan in headlocks. “I love you guys!”
“We love you too,” Egan wheezes but smiles.
“But we can't breathe, Bisa….” Hagan adds.
“Sorry,” you laugh and let them go, continuing to dance.
A tap on your shoulder pulls your attention. Turning around, you see Katsuki with his hand outstretched to you, cheeks colored fuschia.
Mitsuki’s eyes look around the fire, and she grins widely as she sees you giggle and take Katsuki's hand. He looks ridiculous considering the height difference but happy.
Katsuki yelps softly as you pull him closer. “Let’s go! Just follow my lead.”
He watches your footwork, copying it as best as he can until he gets the hang of it.
“Now we switch,” you tell him.
“Switch?” You let go of his hand, and he’s spun into Ember’s arm.
“Hello there,” she smiles, holding his hand.
“Hello, Your Highness,” he mumbles.
Dancing with her, he ends up going through most of your family before ending up back in your arms as the music stops and the people cheer.
“That was fun!” You clap.
“Yeah, it was. What happens now?” 
You hum, circling him and grabbing his arm. “Come on, let’s go to my room.”
‘Her room?! She can't be serious!’ he thinks as you drag him back inside the castle.
Of course, your room is massive. The floor-to-ceiling window leads toward a balcony overlooking the land with a perfect ocean view.
The red and gold theme is evident in your bed sheets and curtains.
He doesn’t get the chance to admire it when you waste no time scooping your hands under his armpits, picking him up, and pinning him against the door. “Mm, you’re kinda small, but I like a challenge.”
Katsuki looked down at you for the first time since he's landed on the island, his feet dangling as you held him. His cheeks slightly burned as they turned pink once again. “...okay.”
Pulling him close, you press your lips against Katsuki’s. Katsuki's legs wrap around your waist once you finally move your hands to his waist.
‘Holy shit, I can't believe this is happening. Never thought I'd be bottoming though. It's weird.’
Katsuki's pulled away from his thoughts when he feels your teeth trail along his jugular before biting down, causing a groan to escape his lips.
“Fuck!” he grunts, arms wrapping around your shoulders. He tugs at your hair as you nip and suck more love bites along the column of his neck. You lick a trail up to his ear, nipping the sensitive spot behind the lobe. “You keep claiming you’re not small, let’s see if that applies where it counts.”
Katsuki died and went to the heavens.
You carry him to your bed, gently laying him down and pulling his clothes off, starting with his silk shirt and moving to his trousers.
“Wait, wait,” he mumbles.
“What? Did I do something wrong?”
He puffs out his cheeks, looking down as they turn red. “Take off your clothes first.”
You back up off the bed and stand, unwrapping your top first. Katsuki’s eyes fixate on your chest, licking his lips. Then your skirt and underwear come off, revealing the red ‘happy trail’ leading to curly red pubes.
You put your hands on your hips, proud of your body. “Happy now?”
He nods, and you lean back over him, tugging his trousers down and tossing them to the floor. He oddly feels overexposed when you tug the top of his undershorts down, and his dick falls out, already hard.
“Ah,” you smile, “Not bad.”
Your arms wrap underneath his thighs and pull him closer to your mouth so you can suck on the leaking tip. Katsuki grips your silk sheets, back arching.
His fingers sink into your locs, slowly pushing you further down, hissing softly as you take all of him with no resistance. 
“Oh, fuck,” he hisses.
Katsuki's hand slips from your hair, thumb stroking behind your ear as his palm finds its place on the back of your neck. Your fingers dig into his muscular thighs, spreading them open more so you can get closer. Katsuki recognizes the position. He’s used it before when he’s had his head between other women's legs, but being on the receiving end has his stomach tightening and the pressure building between his legs building faster.
Bobbing your head, you swallow around him as he starts bucking into your mouth.
“Holy fucking shit, just like that. Don’t stop, fuck, don’t stop.”
You swallow around him one last time before pulling away and licking his tip, grinning as he hisses. 
“Fuck, why’d you stop?” he groans.
“Because I want to look you in the eyes and feel you quiver when I fuck the shit out of you,” you grin, pulling your tongue away.
Sitting up, you push him onto his back as you straddle him. “Are you ready?”
Katsuki gulps, eyes fixed on the space between the two of you.  Your hand moves to his neck, gripping it to stay yourself. Katsuki moans when he realizes your fingers cover his whole neck, almost meeting in the back. Your other hand reaches down to push his tip to your hole. In one swift motion, you’re seated down fully on him.
“Shit!” he gasps as you rock softly, getting used to the sensation.
Moaning softly, you lift your hips, balancing on the balls of your feet and toes before sinking down again, bouncing harshly on him. It’s so intense that Katsuki feels like he’s about to cum or pass out.
The grip on his neck tightens, and he whines, fisting the sheets.
“Shit, not so rough,” he chokes, but you don’t let up. Instead, you lean over him, your hair tickling his forehead and nose.
“You take what I give you.”
You grin when his eyes flutter. “Poor thing, you’re gonna cum already? I thought you’d last longer.”
“W-wait,” he whimpers, holding your hips. 
“What?” you growl, stopping your movements, opting to cockwarm him instead.
“I can’t—I’m gonna cum. You feel so good.”
You smile, starting to move again just to hear him choke. You feel his fingers dig into your skin, but you’re caught up, feeling the way his cock drags perfectly along your insides.
Katsuki lets out a strangled noise, bucking his hips up into you a few times, then he’s cumming. Hard.
You slow your hips down, drawing his orgasm out until he’s squirming and whining under you. Tapping your knees to get you off.
You grip his neck again, licking over your teeth. “You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
Katsuki wakes up sore all over but especially in his groin area. Looking over at your sleeping form, his face turns ruby red as he remembers what happened last night.
There’s a knock on the door. “Time for breakfast.”
You groan quietly, rolling onto your back, rubbing your face, then going back to sleep, completely ignoring him.
So he gets up, looking at himself in the mirror. He touches the numerous hickies on his neck, chest, and abdomen.
Only when he opens the window do you wake up.
“Ahhh, close the fucking curtains!” You groan, throwing a pillow at him.
Catching it before it hits him, Katsuki chuckles. “Good morning to you too, Princess.”
“Suck your mother, fuck off.” You roll back over.
“Someone came by saying it's time for breakfast.”
“They can wait.”
“You're not hungry?”
“Ugh.” You sit up, scratching your neck and yawning. “I guess.”
“Then let's go,” he chuckles.
Downstairs, everyone’s still feeling the after-effects of the party, even the younger kids who had way too much sweet water. Eijirou carries the triplets in his arms and sets them in their seats, chuckling as they try to keep their heads up.
Hagan peeks around the corner, checking if the coast is clear before pushing a girl with short twists out towards the exit. Unfortunately, she bumps into you and Katsuki coming from the baths. “Hello? The fuck are you?”
“Don’t worry about it, Bisa,” Hagan tries pushing her again, but you grab their heads.
“Why doesn’t your partner join us for breakfast?”
“No, she's got things to do back in the village. She's busy, right Nylene?”
“Nylene? Oh I know you, I fucked around with your brother. How is he by the way?”
The girl looked at you in shock. “Oh, um, he’s fine, Princess. I really should get going. I'll see you later, Hagan. Bye!” She runs off.
You turn to Hagan. “Ooohhhhh.”
“Shut up.”
“My baby bro got laid! I'm telling Eijirou.”
“Nooooo, his mouth runs like a river.”
“Too late!” You laugh and walk down the hall with Katsuki.
‘Fuck me…’ Hagan groans internally.
You show Katsuki the nursery, going in to get Blaze. He’s already awake, gurgling happily in his crib when he sees you.
Blaze pushes himself off the padded bedding and holds onto the railing bouncing on his legs. “Bisa! Bisa!”
“Hi baby boy,” you coo, picking him up. “Bisa’s turn to get you this morning for Mom.”
“Buv Bisa!”
“I love you too.”
Blaze points at Katsuki. “Bago, hi!”
“Hey little man,” he chuckles.
“Gotta go give him to Mom, you can wait for me downstairs if you want.”
“Do you mind if I come with you?”
“Sure, why not? Do you want Bago to come with us to see Mama?” you coo, playfully booping Blaze on the nose.
“Bago!” he giggles.
“Alright, let's go,” you smile.
Katsuki stands in Hestia’s private master bedroom doorway, watching you hand Blaze to Hestia in bed.
“Hi my love,” she smiles at the baby.
“Mama! Mama!” Blaze squeals, reaching for her, then Ember by her side. “Mama.”
“He’s so cute.” She smiles.
“Buv boo!”
“Aww, I love you too.”
Hestia sees a bite mark on your shoulder. “Seems you either had a good night or got into a fight.”
“A very good night. Right, Katsuki?”
Katsuki looked away from where he stood in the doorway, grumbling softly as his cheeks and tips of his ears were redder than your hair.
You lean in closer to whisper, “He fainted halfway through, though.”
“Needs to work on his stamina,” Ember hums, and Hestia nods. “So what’s the word? Courting?”
“Mmmm, I’ll think about it. I’ll be waiting at breakfast, byeee.”
“Ba ba Bisa!”
Finally, when everyone is downstairs, including Izuku, who has a suspicious limp, it’s time to eat.
“Ugh, my head,” Agni whines, rubbing her forehead. “I drank too much.”
“Too loud,” Tyson whines.
“You’ll get used to it,” you pet his curls. “It gets better over time. Aww, baby’s first hangover.”
“‘m not a baby, Bisa….”
“You'll always be a baby. All of you will.”
The thud of Stella’s head hitting the table gets your attention. “Well, she’s asleep.”
“Egan, please wake your sister,” Ember orders. “This is why I tell you not to stay up too late.”
Shula walks over to you and reaches for a hug as you sit down.
“Hey baby sis.” You let her sit on your lap.
Shula turns on her side, nuzzling into your stomach before falling asleep almost immediately, head tilted back, mouth agape.
Masaru notices Katsuki's new decorations. “Have a good night son?”
Katsuki grumbles in annoyance and turns away from his dad.
Breakfast is quiet, as it usually is after a party. Until Hestia announces, “It’s wash day.”
All the kids groan loudly, including you.
“What’s that?” Izuku asks, eager to learn more about your culture.
“Once every moon cycle we have a day where we all wash our hair. It's not supposed to be washed everyday. It takes fucking forever.”
“It’s worse when you're soft headed. I still remember Tanwen’s first wash day.” Eijirou pats his head.
“Alright, I know we all hate it but it’s necessary. Locs go with Bisa, curls with Bibo.” Hestia finishes. “We’ll head to the waterfall after breakfast.”
“Yes!” you cheer. The kids with locs sigh in relief. When you braid, it doesn’t hurt as much as it does with Eijirou.
Collecting your things for your hair, you start packing your satchel as you hear a knock at your door. “Come in,”
Katsuki opens the door, peeking inside. “Hey.”
“What’s up?”
He shuts the door, fiddling with his sleeve. “So about last night.”
“You mean how you fainted? Don’t worry about it.”
“Right…so I was thinking about…courting you.”
“Wait, really?”
“You're stunning, intelligent, strong, have a thirst for blood and life, and you’re amazing at taking care of your family. Fuck, you’re perfect.”
You put your hands on your chest. “Aw, I accept! That’s so sweet. But you know I’m courting Nuria also.”
“I…I know. That doesn’t mean we can’t be together, right?”
You shrug. “Better think this through before you make a decision. Let’s go, washday takes almost all afternoon.”
Separate carriages take all of you outside of town. Your visitors marvel at the private waterfall hidden amongst the shrubbery. The water is a clear sparkling blue and perfect.
The kids quickly take off their robes and rush into the water, splashing each other.
Ira helps Hestia sit on one of the rocks to start going through her shoulder-length curls.
“Alright, fuckers!” You call your siblings. “Line up and take your braids, twists, and puffs out.”
Izuku watches the kids with tied-up hair take out the strings, letting their curls fluff out and giggle.
Eijirou scratches his head, shaking out his long curls from the bun. “Oh, this is the best part.”
“Wait, your hair isn’t always like that?” Izuku asks in awe.
“No, I just tie it up so it’s out of the way.”
Ember and the older kids help you wash your younger sibling’s hair with the homemade black soap, scrubbing their scalps of the build-up.
“Your hair got longer, Stella,” you smile, stretching the coils down her back.
You chuckle when she leans her head back as you scratch her scalp. “Weirdo.”
Katsuki sits in the water, in his undergarments with Blaze, watching the baby splash happily. “Spla! Yay!”
“Heh, that’s right, splash.”
Udia wades over and touches his head. “Mom, can we do Bakugou’s hair?”
Ember shrugs, busy undoing Elio’s twists. “Ask him.”
“Can we?” Tanwen smiles.
“Uh, sure.”
Mitsuki watches from the bank, laid out on a blanket, enjoying the sunshine and a well-deserved vacation. “This is nice.”
“Yes dear,” Masaru agrees.
Katsuki watches the two grab the soap and start rubbing their hands along his hair. “Do you two know what you’re doing?
“Duh!” Tanwen scoffs. “We’ve done this a billion times.”
“Don’t mess it up.”
“We won’t!”
After finishing your siblings’ hair, thankfully, no crying from Helia and Hagan on your part, you shuddered when Hestia called you over.
“It’s your turn, Y/n,” Hestia smiles.
“Do I have to?” you whine.
“Yes. Your roots are fuzzy. Come on.”
You sit between her legs, pouting. Looking over at Katsuki, you chuckle softly when you see Udia and Tanwen running the combs through Katsuki’s hair and gasping when it slides through with almost no restraint.
“So soft,” Udia marvels. “I wish my hair was flat.”
“Ew, no, you don’t,” Hagan says as he passes, overhearing the conversation. “It’ll look like a wolf.”
The girls giggle.
“Play nice,” Ira warns, gently trying to braid Helia’s hair.
“Sorry, Papa,” Hagan mumbles as he walks away to hang out with the others
You sigh wistfully, thinking.
“Your thoughts are loud. What’s wrong, love?” Ember asks, carrying Blaze.
Blaze squirms in her hold before giggling when he’s let down and able to splash the water again.
“He asked to court me, but I’m not sure. He seemed to have a problem with Nuria.”
“Maybe he’s not used to the idea of having two wives. To be fair, your grandfather and grandmother didn’t take too kindly when your father pitched the idea of your father marrying your mother.”
Hestia laughs. “Oh, they were so angry when he and your Ma came to our house to ask to marry me. Threw rocks at him too. They won them over, though. He spent half the day trying to convince them while your Ma had a long conversation with my mother, and eventually, my dad said yes, so long as nothing bad ever happened to me and nothing did. Except pushing eight of your fat heads out.”
You playfully glare at her when she says that. “Hey!”
“It’s the truth. But I love all of you, so it's all good.”
Blaze holds your arm. “Bisa, pway?”
“I’m a little busy right now, Blaze.”
“I can’t move from Mama.”
He starts to whine, but Agni snatches him up. “Hang out with me instead! Your much better and cooler Bisa.”
“What do you mean better?” you glare.
Agni sticks her tongue at you and carries Blaze towards the waterfall with the other kids who're rinsing their hair in the spray, not without getting splashed by you. “Mama!” she gasps.
“You deserved that,” You sneer.
“Both of you will kill each other,” Ember sighs, putting the clay in her locs.
“She shouldn’t try me.”
Hestia rolls her eyes and starts twisting your roots. “So about Katsuki, if he can’t accept your lifestyle, there are plenty of fish in the sea.”
“What about that nice baker boy you brought to the house last week?” Ember asks.
“Too skinny.” you huff. “Also, I'm not sure there’s a man left that isn’t wary of me considering the festival fights.”
Hestia and Ember look at each other knowingly. Hestia drops her head down to squish your cheeks together. “My little warrior. If a man can’t handle you, he’s not worth your time. But, Katsuki seems to hold his own against you.”
“I gave him a black eye….”
“And I broke your fathers arm during our first fire festival together. It’s sort of a rite of passage. And that’s how you were made! It riled him up.”
“What happened to your neck?” Udia asks Katsuki, poking one of the hickeys.
Katsuki flinched when the little girl touched him. “Don’t touch that,” he hisses, cheeks slightly changing color.
“Color lizard!” Tanwen giggles.
“I’m not a reptile!”
Izuku sits next to Tyson while Eijirou washes his own hair. Flint wades over to him, staring hard.
“Hello?” ‘Which one is this one?’ Izuku thinks.
“Your hair is weird,” Flint points.
“Weird is good.”
“Oh! Um, thank you?”
“Flint, leave him alone. Go twist your roots.”
Flint groans, sliding further into the water. “Don’t wanna, it always hurts when Agni does it. I’d ask Bisa but she’s talking to Ma and Mama.”
“There are fourteen other people, Flint.”
“Nobody else does it painlessly.”
“I could try?” Izuku asks.
“Have you ever done hair like this before?”
“I have a friend back home who has hair just like this. We do each other’s hair almost all the time. If it’s okay with you, Flint?”
“You’re sure it’ll be painless?”
“I’m sure.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Can you fix my locs please?”
You’re all done and satisfied with your hair an hour later.
Flint runs up to you and grins. “Bisa, look what Izuku did!” 
“Wow, those look nice.”
Blaze waddles over to you, splashing you and giggling. You cup water and pour it over his head, making him squeal in delight and run to hide behind Flint's leg.
“Attacking the enemy and retreating?! Not a chance,” you jokingly make punchy fingers at him and scoop him up, blowing a raspberry on his cheek. You feel something grab your legs and look down to see Shula and Tana clinging to your thighs.
“Take down the enemy!” Shula giggles and pinches you.
You feign hurt and put your hand over your forehead. “I’ve been defeated, and now I die!” You fall back into the water, keeping Blaze out, and the girls crawl over your body, declaring victory.
Ira puts his hand over his chest. “My warriors, you’re all growing up too fast.” He ruffles Eijirou’s hair. “Reminds me of how old I’m getting.”
“You’re not that old dad,” Eijirou chuckles, combing through his hair.
Stella runs to Ira with a small sack. “Papa, can you put the beads in my braids?”
He pats her head. “I’d love to princess, but I’m not good with that. Ask one of your Bibo’s or mothers.”
“Hey, pipsqueak, let me do it,” Katsuki calls out to Stella.
“Are you good at beading?” you ask, floating on your back in the water with Blaze sitting on your stomach.
“You think these beads in my hair are just for show? Did them myself.”
“Okay!” Stella grins.
“What pattern do you want?”
“Red green and yellow!”
Katsuki starts beading her hair, occasionally looking up and stopping when Udia and Tanwen watch him from the water.
“Hi you little gossipers,” he chuckles, finishing a row of braids.
Blaze yawns and snuggles into your tummy, sucking his thumb. You pat his back and adjust yourself, floating towards Hestia at the shallow end. “Someone’s tired.”
She picks him up, cradling him in her arms. “Poor baby, it’s almost time for lunch. We should hurry and get back.”
“Almost done,” Katsuki mumbles as he finishes the last row on Stella’s head. Looking away from her head, he notices most of your younger siblings staring at him as he finishes. “Um, hi?”
The younger siblings look at him before giggling when they see you look away from him when his eyes catch yours. 
“Alright, you babies, let's go!” you call out.
Stella hugs Katsuki as thanks before picking up her robes from the bank and running off towards the carriages.
Katsuki feels two small hands holding his own.
“Come on, Bibo, sit with me!” Helia begs.
“No, me!” Shula pouts, pulling his other one.
“Bibo?” he asks.
“You’re an honorary big brother now,” Tyson chuckles as he passes, helping Tana into her robe.
“Welcome to the club,” Hagan adds. “Now I can have some relief.”
“You love us,” the girls chorus. “Come on, Bibo.”
Katsuki follows them out of the water, picking up his clothes. He sees you grab Tana out of the water, and she starts wiggling and whining about not wanting to leave.
“We gotta go home! You can take a bath there!”
She wiggles harder and ends up smacking you in the face. “Ah fuck! You little bitch!”
“Hey! Stop that!” Ember scolds. “Tana, get in the carriage. Now.”
“Sorry, Mommy…sorry Bisa.”
You roll your eyes and set her down, rubbing your face. “Get in the carriage before I kick you.”
She squeals and runs away.
Ira comes to check your face. “Is it broken?”
“I don’t think so, it really hurts though.”
“We’ll get a healer to check it when we get back. The rest of you, collect your things and head to the carriages!”
On the ride home, you notice Izuku and Eijirou getting cozy in the seats in front of you. Oh, you’re definitely going to tease him when you get home.
After a hearty lunch, you head into the courtyard for your private nap time, away from your siblings.
You climb the large tree in the middle to one of the sunny branches and lay on your belly, sighing contentedly and starting to doze off.
“Bisa?” A small voice calls from below, but you stay quiet.
“She’s usually here,” Tana pouts, holding Katsuki’s hand. “Maybe she’s in her room.”
“You two go ahead. I’ll stay here if Y/n returns,” Katsuki tells them as they run off. “I know you’re up there, Y/n.”
You kiss your teeth. “Go away.”
“Why are you hiding from your siblings?”
“Cause I like to have alone time once in a while, is that so bad? God, you sound like Ma. Eijirou never has to deal with this shit.”
“Maybe cause he’s not the one they always look up to,” Katsuki chuckles.
Peeking your head from the leaves, you look at him. “What are you talking about?”
He leans against the trunk, looking up at you with a slight smile. “Your siblings clearly look up to you, they never shut up about you either. Yeah they talk about Eijirou but you’re clearly their favorite.”
“It’s probably because I’m the oldest…. I’ve been looking after those little monsters since I was like ten.”
“Still, they love you, even if you’re kinda mean to them,” he chuckles.
“I’ve gotta be mean sometimes. That doesn’t mean I won’t kill for them.”
“Are you gonna come down now?”
“Nope, it’s still nap time. You can stay or go.”
“I’ll go, but the girls are gonna come back sooner or later.”
“That's a problem for later, not now. Byee~”
Katsuki shakes his head and walks away. On the way back to the main area, he bumps into Hestia.
“Oh, Katsuki, hello! How have you been enjoying your stay?”
“It’s been nice, your highness.”
“You look upset, is something wrong?”
“No, I’m alright. Just bored.”
“If you’d like, you could go to the back of the castle. Some of the boys and Ira are making weapons and practicing their skills.” 
“As long as I don’t need to spar. I’m still a little dizzy from the festival.”
“Your bruise seems to be healing quite nicely. It should go away in a week, most likely.”
“That’s good to know, I’ll go see what they’re doing. Thanks, your highness,” Katsuki nods, walking towards the back of the castle. Opening one of the large double doors, he sees Ira with his sons. The boys surround their father and cheer him on as he chops a large stump in half with two swings.
“Go Papa!” Flintcheers, staring in awe. “You’re so cool!”
“Thanks, son. Oh, hello, young Bakugou,” Ira smiles, looking at the blonde staring through the half-open doorway,
Snapping out of his daze, Katsuki’s eyes snap away from Ira’s beefy arms. “Hello. The queen said I could come here.”
“You’re free to join us. Eijirou’s doing target practice with the younger ones so you can try that.”
“I’ll join later. What are you doing?”
“Bago! Bago!” Blaze calls from the side in a wooden playpen.
“Hi, Blaze.”
“We’re making weapons. Haco’s at the age to craft his first knife so Papa called us out here to help him,” Egan explains.
“Papa, do I have to make a knife?” Haco pouts. Ira pats his head.
“It’s tradition! Just a little wooden one, nothing too serious. Then when you’re Egan’s age you can get a real dagger.”
Egan twirls the obsidian blade proudly. “Here Libo, I’ll let you borrow mine to whittle with. Don’t cut yourself.”
Haco gasps excitedly when he gets the blade, clutching it in both hands. “So cool,” he grins. “I promise I’ll be super extra careful with it!”
“Don’t wave it around, it’s dangerous,” Tyson tells him and picks up one of the pieces from the cut stump. “Come on.”
Haco follows Egan and Tyson to one of the stone benches to start carving. Blaze starts fussing in his pen, so Elio picks him up and sets him on the ground to waddle around.
Blaze waddles to Ira, pulling his pant leg. “Papa? Wa do?”
“We’re making weapons, my little warrior.”
“Bwae do?”
“Sorry, libo, you’re too young to do this,” Elio smiles, ruffling his hair.
Blaze pouts and huffs, then walks over to Katsuki. “Bago?”
“Yeah, little guy?”
Katsuki picks him up for cuddles, letting Blaze touch his hair.
Ira pats Katsuki’s back. “You’ll be a great father one day.”
Katsuki clears his throat, ignoring Blaze as he pats his reddening cheeks. “Thank you, sir. If you don’t mind, I do have a question for you. How do you handle it all?”
“What do you mean?”
“Sixteen children, a baby on the way, and two wives?”
“Is this about Y/n and Nuria?”
“I don’t know how I’d do it….”
Ira scratches his long red beard. “Time, patience, and love. It takes time and patience to get used to it. I was Tyson's age when I married Ember, and I was a nervous wreck the first year, both of us were.”
“How did you know you wanted to marry Y/n’s mom? Queen Hestia is her mom, right?”
“Yes, young man, she is. Hmm, no idea. It’s like an indescribable spark. You just know. And I thought Ember would be unaccepting, but she welcomed her with open arms.” He looks wistful at the idea.
“I have a question though. How would I do that with Y/n and Nuria?”
“Maybe hang out with Nuria for a day. Start to try and form a friendship at least with her. Nuria’s a nice young woman, I’m sure she’ll like you. Head over to her family farm sometime before it’s time for your family to leave.”
“I’ll go tomorrow, thank you.”
Ira smiles. “You’re quite welcome.”
“Bago peby!” Blaze giggles as he pats Katsuki’s cheeks again,
“Still don’t know what that means, little guy.”
“He thinks you look pretty,” Elio tells him, returning to trying to cut a stump.
“Oh. Aw, thanks, little man.”
Ira claps. “Alright, boys, back to training, finish up so your sisters can have a turn next.”
An hour later, you wake up from your nap and climb down the tree, yawning and stretching. A maid passes by and greets you.
“Celeste, where is everyone?”
“Your mothers and sisters are making hand baskets in the garden, and your father and brothers are training, princess.”  She bows her head and walks off.
“Wait, Celeste, where are our guests?”
“Erm, as far as I can remember, the king and queen went to the village and the green-haired one is with Prince Eijirou. I’m not sure where the straw hair one is.”
“Ah, well, thank you. I’ll go and find my father,” you nod, making your way towards the back of the castle.
Stepping into the field, you smile as you see your father helping Haco carve his tiny dagger. “Bisa!” Blaze giggles when he sees you.
“Blaze!” you giggle, picking him to kiss his forehead. “What’s up, guys? Hi Katsuki, are you okay?” You ask the blonde laying on the floor.
“Tyson punched him too hard and he got winded,” Hagan shrugs.
You walk over and squat next to Katsuki. “You alright?”
Katsuki gasps softly. “Yeah, I’m okay.
“He’ll be fine,” Tyson calls out.
“Bago owie,” Blaze giggles as you put him down.
“Don’t worry, I’m okay,” Katsuki chuckles, placing a hand on Blaze’s head.
“Buv boo,” Blaze giggles, grabbing two of Katsuki’s fingers with his hands.
‘He’s so small,’ Katsuki thinks as he smiles at the baby.
Haco runs to you, tugging your skirt. “Bisa, look at my knife!”
He shows you the crudely carved wooden dagger.
“What? It’s so good! You did a good job,” you ruffle his short locs. “Now you can stab people whenever you want.”
“Yeah!” He cheers and immediately runs to stab Egan in the leg, but thankfully, it’s blunt. “Death to stinky Bibo’s!”
“Why me?!” Egan protests and dramatically falls to the ground.
You giggle as Haco does the same to Tyson and Flint. Then he gently nudges Blaze with the blade, but the baby just stands there.
You poke his cheek. “Blaze, like I showed you. What happens when we get stabbed?”
Blaze blinks at you before falling on his butt. “Owie!”
“Good boy. But what happens after we get an owie?”
“Uh…bah!” he shouts, standing and hitting Haco’s leg, giggling when Haco playfully falls to the ground.
“Good Blaze,” you grin.
“Starting them off early, I see,” Katsuki chuckles and sits back up.
You sigh. “Yup, they’ll go off into the world soon and I want them prepared. Blaze, attack!”
Blaze shouts and jumps on Haco, hitting him with his tiny fists.
“Good boy.”
Katsuki looks over at Ira who glances at you.
“Right. I’ll be going to the village now to get some…stuff. See you later.” He rushes off before you can say anything.
“What was that about?” You ask.
“I’m sure it’s nothing, why don’t you teach Haco how to use his knife in the meantime?” Ira chuckles and picks up Blaze for cuddles.
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© craftycheetah: all rights reserved. do not edit, modify, repost, or claim my works as your own.
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
The Dawning Of The Sun Part 1/2
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Simultaneously upon response The Courts of Legal order for The Senate and Congress have been called to action by President Allen my minion yes indeed everything is on schedule.
You see I have been invited to summit for a college level students higher learning class course in Washington and we get to meet The President unfortunately it is obviously heavy protected.
I am was whistling on my way to the visitors bathroom slipping in to stall I remove my remote control, pressing it pressuring the lights to go out and a panic to ensue.
The camera go rogue laying on the crowd to find President Allen pinpointing him for me on my app. I scan the room finding him with the accuracy of a heat seeking missile hit him with dart.
His eyes roll back, body sinks to the floor he is dragged through the darkness through a secret tunnel system and I make an escape like none has seen in their life time of ever will again.
A light edges in securing us an exit to the out side world we race to the helicopter we stole and make a haste return to my brand spanking new laboratory I created on my own.
One robot replacement at a time will soon be all I need to conquer everything in this world. “As soon as we arrive to the base my goons, lift him up in to the laboratory for me and leave us be.” I state.
“Yes sir” all four men agree flying us home in a speedy amount of time they leave me
to my plans. “You see Allen a few tiny clear attachments here and there then we can begin.” I finish.
A flick of the switch causes an electrical fiery spark and the mind mapping would begin a long with the injection. I let all settle in to his body a good hour in to it before I woke him up.
“Wakey, wakey, you dunce” I say shaking him back to life with hush stupefied but not expression on his face.
“Oh Master Lawrence, I had a nightmare of epic proportions.” He states.
“Relax my dear it’s all over now.”
“The world needs an attitude adjustment it all starts with The US.”
“I believe in your World Order”
“Others have had plans”
“So it’s true?”
“Yes, what do about that?”
“Give me names”
I turn on the television to see a alert for a breaking news flash interrupting my daytime drama and it says The President is missing I sigh feeling nothing at all.
He walks up with mischievous expressions on his face falling to his knees if only he is aware of it all. I sit him down aside from me and begin the explanation for my plan.
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If must be well executed I reply giving him the need emphasizing of the event I pick up a sd card label it US. He stares at with such wonder as to say it’s the first time seeing it.
The next day he is finally reappearing at the main steps of the White House sd card in his hand and start to give them story I told
him to say. They are all skeptic beginning to analyze it but I knew the decryption would be almost impossible.
Eventually someone would place it in a lap top as my dinged I knew it is happening at this moment. The upload is happen behind a wall on their system once uploaded a signal will hit all satellites.
In a minutes a broadcast signal hit the air waves and screen in thunderous sounds amplified by each device upgrade grabbing hold of the unwilling participants of this event they soon will be though.
Like a switch everyone’s mind wipes cleat as they stare mindless in to space, spit is dribbling down their blank expressionless faces and they will be compelled rewritten to be compelled by me.
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Clark Kent Aka Superman walks in to his job at The World Famous News Paper The Daily Planet to see the impossible no more like the improbable happen when he lays on every person in space.
He stops cold at the point he hears the faint sound of the programming at a higher level
of decibels sending his mind in to a tale spin of gigantic consequences down the line but it stops.
“Woah! Did I fall asleep or something?”
“Yeah I feel so light and relaxed”
“I am energized”
“Something is wrong guys I feel it”
“Oh relax Clark, you are such a worthy worth.”
“Why did I marry you again?”
“Lois “
“Joking “
The world fails to notice any changes while it goes on except President Allen in his sleep dreams of what his Masters Grand Prix Gold Medal Worthy Plan Of World Domination. His cabinet, members of Congress and The Senate vanish and sudden reappear for weeks on end.
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To Be Continued So Please Like and Reblog
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sylphidine · 1 year
CALL SIGNS snippet for Valentines Day
An excerpt from the upcoming Chapter 25 of my human!AU Swatchton fic.
In which Spamton's stalker decides to make a move.
February 14, 2022
In Yantal, it would have been grounds for severe punishment for Kirov Rouvin to publicly celebrate Valentine’s Day, even if his tastes had run to women. As a man who was attracted to other men rather than to women, that punishment might have led to imprisonment or worse, as had been going on for years in Argun.
Here in America, though, he was safe. 
Well, safer. There were still reports in the newspapers about beatings and deaths in this country, but such crimes were usually committed by private citizens on each other.
Kirov knew how to joke and laugh with women so that they knew he was bantering rather than flirting with them.  He knew how to joke and laugh with most men in a way that led those men to believe that he liked women as much as they did.
He’d learned what his American sponsor had termed “protective camouflage” over the last two years that he had been in this country. He’d had casual dates with a few interested and interesting men in the last year, but there was only one man for whom his heart thumped as though it would tear itself out of his chest.
Luck had been with Kirov lately, in finding ways to gaze upon that enchanting, incomparably beautiful man.  Bless the fates that had arranged that chance encounter with Stanton at the library yesterday, and bless his own ingenuity for arranging a purposeful encounter tonight.  
Although he didn’t even really have to manufacture an excuse… he really DID need to use one of the library’s reserve copies of Harington’s “Orlando Furioso” to complete a “compare and contrast” assignment with the Waldman version for Dr. Nagle. 
After his two reserve hours were up, Kirov waited until there was no one else in line at the circulation desk. Stanton’s back was turned to him while he was sorting some titles on a shelf; he was wearing a black cable-knit sweater over a white turtleneck. No tie today. Pity.  
Trying to seem casual, he carefully put the Harington folio back on the counter and placed his gift-wrapped box of Twinings next to it. He had tied a red satin ribbon around the box and had pinned the samovar badge to the ribbon. He then cleared his throat politely and Stanton walked over in response.
“Thank you for the use of the text. It was most helpful for my assignment.” Kirov turned to go, as though he had forgotten his parcel, and as he expected, Stanton called after him.
“W-wait, Kirov! You left something.”
Kirov turned back, trying hard not to smile too widely at the flustered look on Stanton’s face. He said, “No, I did not.  It is for you. A small token of my esteem. Is today not a day to give such tokens to a person one esteems?”
Stanton stared back at him without speaking.  His thin cheeks became flushed. He blinked rapidly, and Kirov’s confidence started to falter. The seconds ticked by,
Finally Stanton seemed to find his voice again. “I’m - I’m v-v-very - flattered, Kirov, but I c-can’t accept this. I thought you knew I w-was seeing someone. A romantic - romantic s-s-someone.”
It took all of Kirov’s acting skill, but he managed to pull off a realistic-sounding amused laugh and to reply, “No, not a romantic gift!  It is just tea, a gift for a colleague whom I esteem! To repay you for your good teaching last semester.”
“Ah,” said Stanton after a long moment. “I ap-apologize if I got the - the wrong idea.”
“No, it is I who must apologize!” Kirov gave a big exaggerated wink and took a step back from the counter once again. “Please share the tea with your… romantic someone.  He must be a very special fellow.” 
His former tutor nodded and murmured, “Yes.  Yes, they are.”
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yuyu-bi · 1 year
…this is probably the best episode of the sopranos that I’ve probably ever watched and that’s saying a lot because I’m just really sitting here watching their relationship just like deteriorate in front of me over a freaking rumor that actually is not true for once and I think that’s fantastic but for real like this episode is not really how I thought it would go at all 😭😭
it’s literally like mean girls esque and i’m not even kidding bro w how this rumour spread through out the ranks from now on when men say that women are incredibly dramatic and they overexaggerate I’m gonna direct them to this particular episode because this is a class example of someone really going off the rails but christopher is 100% valid in thinking that something might’ve happened between like Tony and Adriana because it’s is sus but this episode was also so weirdly set up though where all of a sudden tony had more of an interest and feelings for adriana and vice versa and they both started having more of an interest in each other and ofc this happens while christopher was away on a run but him being paranoid and embarrassed by this is so true and real i dont blame him 💀 like why *were* they driving home at two in the morning and like they got into an accident in the middle of nowhere 🤨 and tony telling him otherwise and him just not believing him is also valid bc tony literally sluts around and everyone knows it even praises him for it!!!! gross lmao
i do think he’s going about it a very incredibly dramatic way but i’m surprised and also kinda sad that this is the one thing that made him relapse because the thing is he was actually doing a good job at not being annoying at all like in this season at all like granted this is only five episodes in, but I think he went to rehab like halfway through season four and like maybe came back like a couple episodes or even like the very next episode, but he was fine like he really was not bothering me at all or annoying me he was like very bearable actually especially w all the other shit happening in season four but i didn’t think he was gonna call Tony out I thought he was just gonna shy away from it bc like he looks up to him and everything
but I guarantee you probably at the end of this episode there they will have no relationship 💀💀 he cannot come back from this bro he like shot up his fucking car while drunk see I personally don’t really think he’s fully relapsed until he starts do drugs again which will probably happen it’s just so messy 😭 even w the crew playing telephone w all these rumors even getting uncle jun the dementia patient involved and my dude bobby 😭😭😭 gentle giant bobby participating in this like noooo
personally i would argue that Tony didn’t go far enough in trying to prove to him that nothing happened like they weren’t doing anything because he was just like ‘i know what you’re thinking it wasn’t true’ and i’m like you’re not really convincing at all dude 💀 and like christopher like just like straight up just like told him he was like a manwhore like he was just like you’ve been ‘snatching cooze’ like the last like four or five years 🤣🤣 that was actually really awesome of him not gonna lie like I absolutely loved him for that bc is he wrong??? absolutely not and tony didn’t even say anything to him about it
poor adriana though :( she was literally just in an accident w a neck brace having to deal with all of this of all things but it does make me wonder if he’s actually going to die 💀 but yeah I just don’t want to see the aftermath of this he literally shot up tony’s car and went inside the bar and continued going like 💀 I don’t even think he had bullets in the gun, but he was just like waving the gun around 😭 i will say he really did like have to drink to do all that it was insanely out of character for him but how did reach his breaking point so 🤠
he might be my favorite character now lmaooo
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uncouth-the-fifth · 3 years
imagine damian and the reader at the wayne gala. he gets jealous when he sees her flirting with someone else. he ends up pulling her into a bathroom and fucking her in front of a mirror while saying that other person can’t treat her like he does
and that’s how the reader finds out damian has feelings for her. all this time he acted like he hates her because he’s in denial
Title: More Than They Ever Said
Paring: Robin!Damian (18+) / Canary!Reader
Tags/Warnings: semi-public sex, oral (f receiving), vaginal sex, bathroom sex, slight underage drinking (reader is like 20 lol), mentions of golf.
Word Count: 7150
Notes: sooooo.... this def evolved beyond a drabble lol. the way gala sex kills me every time 😭 I was a little mushy w Dami here bc I miss his sweet side. This also sounded a lot like goldenspecs12's request from Wattpad, so I hope you don't mind that I meshed the two together 😚 I leaned toward Damian liking the reader more than being in denial, but that’s the only thing I sacrificed between the two requests. This one is my fluffiest and most romantic yet 💖
"can I request Damian w a Queen reader, like she's Oliver and Dinah's child? say the reader is a hero but not very active, like she comes in when her parents can't. so when she and Damian meet, they hit it off. The main request is that they sneak away at a gala held by Oliver and the reader and Damian have sex."
Ask to be added to my taglist for future posts!
The party was more fun than you thought it would be.
Benefits were usually chalk-full of old, wealthy people that thought they made good conversationalists. The board members of Queen Industries were tired of Oliver trying to escape their claws, so you’d been recruited in his place. While your dad got to play minigolf in the penthouse’s massive party floor, you were confined to the lounge, playing up what an intelligent, capable business partner you’d be when you were CEO. Fellow businessmen gruffed about their plans with you while their wives cooed and drank, pinching your cheeks.
You thought that you’d hate it, but the attention and the praise was nice. It made you feel like you were helping your dad and your family’s company, which was constantly criticized and judged for it’s choice in CEO. Everyone called your father a lazy silver-spooned idiot, but he was one of the only men in Star City who actually cared. By the time you had Q.I’s biggest donors laughing out of their seats, Dinah’s hands slipped over your shoulders and you were kissed on the side of the face. Thank you, she mouthed, and your position as family support-beam was covered.
Since most of the benefit-goers were at least forty years your senior, you gravitated to your dad. From the penthouse’s upper balcony, you could see his friends circling around the tiny green mats they were using as a makeshift golf course. Usually, Ollie made sure his public persona’s aim was as garbage as his taste in drink was. But tonight, he played as Green Arrow, who never missed. Not once. Especially when it came to Bruce Wayne, who’s golf game was abysmal at best.
But like Oliver, Bruce was a new man tonight. It looked like he was ready to break out the batarangs any minute now. The two men were barely civil about the viciousness of their competition, and if the view of the game from the balcony was interesting, then from below it must’ve been the greatest show of fragile masculinity ever displayed. You had to make fun of them.
The only opening in the circle of men, who all had their hands on their chins as Bruce lined up his next shot, was by the floor-to-ceiling windows to one side of the game. Just one man stood there, hands in his pockets. You slid next to him, unbothered, and squinted at the game.
Everyone in the crowd was dead silent. Bruce was lining up his golf ball so it would roll into a mug a couple of feet away, so you helpfully provided, “A little to the left, Mr. Wayne.”
Your words overlapped with someone else’s. Where you had said Mr. Wayne, they had said Father. Then the man next to you was his son, but...
You would have never guessed it would be him.
Reasonably, you knew that Robin was Damian Wayne. Oliver could be a little loose-lipped at times, and by his judgment you’d been a teenager just a year ago - what could a twenty year old do to Batman’s secret identity? Not much.
Until you saw Robin without his mask.
Damian was achingly beautiful. He was your age, but he stood and talked like he was much older. There was an angle to his shoulder that made him seem astute and sexy. His eyes fixed on you when you spoke at the same time, and they were a surprising mossy color that jumped out against his tan skin, like plants flourishing out of rich soil. There was just enough blue in them to make him seem haunting. Any moment, you felt like he was going to corner you and whisper your future throatily in your ear.
Looking into them, those piercing eyes, for longer than a second made you want to blurt, “You’re much prettier without your mask.”
But that would expose his secret to every golf-loving idiot in earshot, so Oliver had been wrong. A twenty-year-old like you could do fatal damage to Batman’s secret identity, but for Damian, the short-tempered, snappish leader of the Teen Titans, you would risk anything.
Damian stared, and you stared. He squinted, wet his lips, then turned back to the game. This was your only acknowledgment that he recognised you. His voice was deeper, smoother, than you remember it. “Queen.”
You shifted in your shoes, almost laughing in shock. “...Wayne.”
The game grew boring and Damian didn’t say anything else, so you said nothing too, sneaking glances at him. The last time you’d spoken to Robin had been in costume, when he’d thanked you for assisting with a mission. He’d really been thanking you for standing up for him. You didn’t team up often with the Titans, but when you did, you found that they were unusually snappy and mean with their leader. Not necessary on purpose, but you could tell that Damian couldn’t take as many bites as he pretended to. Standing up for him had been a simple thing. The good thing to do. Now, with that look in his eyes, it almost felt like he still thought about it.
He must have, because the kiss you shared at the end of that mission had glowed with heat. To be fair, you both may have believed you were going to die (before the team pulled through and saved you), so it could’ve been a heat-of-the-moment thing. But this was Robin - if he didn't want to kiss you, he wouldn't. And yet he did.
You’d kissed. And the energy of that kiss lingered between you now, drawing you closer together, putting tiny smiles on your faces. He was cute. Cuter without that mask on.
You stood in the stupid golf silence, feeling foolish. Flirting with boys was much easier in fishnets. It didn’t help how fine Damian’s profile was. He had soft, feathery lashes that occasionally touched down on beauty marked cheeks. His lips were even fuller from the side, forever drawn in a curious line. And those eyes, when they caught yours and danced away again, were much too nice to hide behind a mask. You couldn’t get that thought out of your mind.
When Bruce finally made his move, you leaned in to whisper something to each other at the same time, accidentally knocking shoulders.
“I - apologies,” Damian flushed.
“Oh, um, my bad,” you rubbed awkwardly at the spot where you’d collided. “...You were going to say something?”
Damian’s eyes flicked to your fathers, then to you, unimpressed. He lowered his voice so only you could hear. “They’re awfully hypocritical, don’t you think? Father snaps at me everytime I use my skills in public, and yet he’s putting with perfect aim like it’s not the very same.”
Chuckling, you rolled your eyes and scooted closer, ducking your voice into the bubble between your bodies. “My dad’s the same way. Don’t aim in the house, he says, unless it’s him trying to beat Bruce Wayne.”
Your company’s shoulders turned sideways, leaning into you. His breath ghosted the hair on your neck, standing it on end, and again that silky voice sent tingles down your spine. Damian must change his voice as Robin, because he never spoke like this then. So huskily, so low.
He shook his head. “Unbelievable.”
You watched him. He watched you. You ran your tongue over your teeth, and Damian subtly adjusted his slacks from his pockets.
At the same time, you asked each other, “Would you like to get a drink?”
Your hiding place was a loveseat in the lounge, between more businessmen and their ditzy heirs. The bartender was your family’s, so he smiled and turned down your request for a drink, courtesy of your dad’s strictness. Luckily, he didn’t recognise Damian. You watched him order it at the bar, his rings catching the light, the muscle in his arms peeking out from under his blazer.
“I think he suspected I wasn’t of age, so he only gave me one.” He took the place next to you, propping his ankle on one knee and lounging out like a panther. Damian offered the cocktail to you, once he’d decided the coast was clear. It was a cute gesture. “Is that acceptable?”
You fished a five dollar bill out of your purse. “Only if you take this for paying. Don’t think I didn’t see you try and sneakily get that past me.”
Damian scrutinized the bill, then you, somehow managing to be a smartass without opening his mouth. Instead of thinking about how nice it would feel to kiss the slight crease between his brows, you traded hands with him so the bill was in his and the drink was in yours. The gentle brush of you palm to his knuckles put way too many butterflies in your belly.
You talked about everything and anything. About home, family life, your cities. The best of it was when Damian dipped his head so only you could hear him, keeping your secrets close and your bodies closer. This was the only way he talked about Robin, so you circled back to any vigilante subject you could think of just so Damian would keep purring into your ear like that. Better yet, he was smart. Talking to him was engaging, and within minutes he'd entranced you, so you sat there talking for more than an hour. Around you, the party rotated and went on.
At one point, you took a drink of the cocktail and passed it to him to share. Damian placed his lips right where yours had been, licking up the cocktail salt and gulping it down slow, adam’s apple bobbing, like it wasn’t the taste of the vodka he was savoring.
Eventually, your bliss was broken. Damian was called over to his father, again, to discuss business, and he left you with your remaining cocktail and the memory of that mission. You couldn’t find a reason to move from your seat. When you’d realized that you and Robin had been led into a trap on that mission, it’d been too late, and your efforts to escape became more and more futile. All you could do was pray the Titans got to you on time. Robin had offered you his glove as the walls closed in, and you’d watched up-close as he assumed you were both about to die. The fear in his eyes was strange - like it was familiar to him. At the same time, you cupped his neck and he held your upper back, and you’d kissed fervently, sweetly.
Damian had put his forehead to yours, and promised even as the trap shrunk around you, “You were excellent. More excellent than they ever said.”
In the big picture, it was a strange last remark to make, and afterwards you’d been too happy about surviving to think about it. But in the moment, you understood. You were understood. Somehow, Damian had reached into your soul and gouged out the words you’d been dying to hear, from your parents, from anyone, and uttered them to you with burning conviction. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or maybe he meant it. Damian found you excellent. Someone, somewhere, didn’t think you were a failure.
Odd, how you’d never seen the face of the man you thought you’d die with (until now), and yet he saw you so easily. You watched him follow his father into the party crowd now, wondering. The Titans had saved you before you could ask what he’d meant. More importantly, before you could tell him the same. He was excellent.
Once you’d finished off your drink, you left it at the bar and grinned evilly at your family bartender. He rolled his eyes and slyly delivered you another, which, on your superhero schedule, would not have you drunk yet. Another heir to some big company was seated at your right, ignored by his father enough to look for some small talk with you.
He was one of the cute, nerdy types that were usually in awe of you. Girls, available girls, were typically rare at these kinds of parties, so he took you not having a boyfriend as permission to flirt with you. Unfortunately for him, your seat gave a perfect angle on Damian across the party floor. He was impressing the wives of Wayne business partners, who flocked around him like they’d flocked around you, pinching his cheeks. You could almost read their lips enough to guess what they were saying. What a handsome young man you are! Oh, Bruce must be so proud.
“...and then my father flipped over his kayak! Would you believe it? Two thousand dollars, thrown right in our family’s lake.” Your company snickered, howling at his own story.
You circled the rim of your glass, watching how Damian tried to teach some of the women phrases in Arabic. Unknown to them, they were some pretty funny swear words. It threw you into a bout of giggles, and the man next to you kept talking, spurred on by the noise.
The flock of hens around Damian receded, and his shoulders slouched in relief. That was cute, too. It wasn’t often that people understood how draining these parties were, but for people like you and Damian, it was a racetrack of endless, boring circles. Everything was a formality. Few things were genuine. Damian turned, and you caught his eye to let him know you were going to meet him. He nodded toward a side hall, his mouth a curious line again. If you looked at it long enough, it felt like a smile when he mouthed, escape?
Your company was still talking. He stopped when you grabbed his tie and planted a pity-kiss on his cheek, waving to him as you bounced away. “Sorry, kid. Not my type.”
You planned to bring Damian to the secluded balcony on the second floor to unwind, but instead, you were taken by the wrist and maneuvered into an empty powder room. It was colder than the steaming party air and smelled like champagne, with couches to sit on and mirrors to powder at. For a bathroom, the lights were warm and low. The noise of the party went quiet the instant the door was shut, like you and Damian had entered your own little world. No more circles. No more back and forth.
“Here,” Damian said, noting the mirrors. He tilted his head as he asked, like he was nervous, “Is this acceptable?”
“It is the ladies powder room, but I’ll give you a pass, since you’re cute.” You joked. Damian didn’t make a move to relax on one of the couches yet, hanging in front of you like there was more he wanted to say. There was more you wanted to say, too, but no good words came to mind.
But the silence wasn’t awkward. Again, Damian stared, and you stared. The glass he brought with him was set down. He put one fist on the counter beside the door, and like honey had been poured on your nerves, you realized how easy it would be for him to push you up against it. Kiss you senseless. Heat drooled off of him this close, and you wondered if he’d still lean in to whisper to you even if you were alone.
The lack of words drew to a point where something had to be said, anything, but his eyes felt so good on your skin and it was interesting to see him nervous. Something strange told you that Damian liked the silence, too.
You wet your lips with your tongue. Damian cleared his throat, and took a sip from his glass. “Was I interrupting something?”
“Between me and that guy?” You smiled gently, like you were reassuring him, and laughed to yourself. “Oh, man, you should’ve seen it, Damian. Poor kid really thought I was flirting with him. He’d totally convinced himself, it was hilarious.”
His profile was tense in the mirror, which you stole glances at to watch how the amber light played on his handsome skin. When Damian swallowed his drink, his throat rolled in the sexiest way, and immediately your mind fed you with visions of suckling, kissing, tonguing his neck.
“Why’d you ask?” Your eyes sparkled. Damian drew a step closer, and you used the opportunity to swipe a drop of alcohol from the corner of his lip with your thumb. “You jealous?”
It was the touch or the suggestion that made Damian pause. He didn’t stutter, but lagged over what to say, eyes vast and wanting as they raked over your face. “I don’t get jealous,” he clarified, “but… I do intend to be the only man to kiss you tonight.”
Damian’s hand took your chin. Your belly exploded with instant arousal, hitting you like a bullet of liquid lust. “You’re the only man who’s kissed me like that,” you whispered, taking his tie in hand. “I hope that’s always true.”
His voice had gone throaty. “May I kiss you again?”
Again, he reminded you.The two of you had kissed before, and it had been spectacular, terrifying, and excellent.
“Please,” you said, and Damian rushed to your aid.
Not a moment more was wasted. Curling his tie into your fist, you drew him in, slow and deep and wonderfully. Damian’s cologne hit you before his lips did, and both made your core throb for friction. Two broad hands slammed your hips into the door. His fingertips smoothed up the fabric of your dress, pressing you back and squeezing you in until you could feel his belt buckle against your belly. Damian was a sweet, magnetic kisser, chasing your lips like he was on a crusade to save them. Each time they met, he swam deeper. The point of his nose bumped against your cheek. You hummed your laugh against his lips, and Damian groaned as he pulled away, readjusting, twisting, testing the limits of the kiss. And you followed him at every step or more, revelling in his taste.
You didn’t want him to think you wanted the kiss to end, so you drew the hands braced under his blazer around his neck. Soon, that didn’t feel close enough, so you cupped each side of his face and pecked Damian until you were breathless. He brought you in until your arms were flat to his chest, the kiss almost vertical in its intensity.
He groaned when you parted, gasping and blinking just inches from your face. Your mouths were still connected by a thick string of drool, which hung until it split and clung to Damian’s chin and fell, marking a wet strip down into his collar. You panted, watching it go.
Damian left your waist to hold your wrists, keeping your hands around his face. He settled warmly into your touch, basking in it, and the pure enjoyment on his face made you smile. You wondered if anyone else had cared for him like this. If Damian had ever felt someone hold his face and treasure it. The thought gave you a strange urge, so you followed it.
You brought Damian’s brow level with your mouth and sweetly kissed his forehead. Then his nose bridge, then his temples. His face was so quickly warm that you giggled. In the most unsubtle way possible, Damian drew back his hips so you couldn’t feel the heat there, and closed his eyes, begging you to continue.
“I want you,” you whispered against his jaw.
Damian shivered. “You have me.”
You shifted one hand to his shoulder, giving yourself more room to nuzzle and kiss his neck. The line of drool was still there, so you cupped his skin and tilted his jaw up, and in one stroke, licked all the way to his earlobe. Damian’s moan poured from his mouth like a growing flood. You even felt his thighs press together between you, and pleasure tingled in your throat when he choked at the glide of your tongue.
He released your wrists, reached beside you, and locked the door with an audible click.
Then, Damian devoured you. Both hands hooked around your back, arching your chest into his, and finally, bringing his bulge between your hips. You clung to him for dear life, helpless as his teeth pressed into your neck like a vampire. Damian fed like one, too, suckling the skin there like he was starved. Your panties were so wet that you were desperate to get out of them, grinding your core against his.
Damian retreated, gasping. He licked the spit off of his lips and glared into your eyes. Bluntly, he said, “I want to eat you out.”
Once more, you kissed him, delirious with excitement. Your lungs burned for air, but your core burned harder for him. “Take off that suit and you can do whatever you want to me.”
His eyes gleamed. “I plan to.”
Quickly, you shoved your hands into his sleeves and pushed them off his shoulders, giving you a crisp glimpse at his carved shoulders. Damian's fingers blurred from button to button, but he saved the last for you on purpose. You worked in tandem and with little thought. If he could, Damian would steal a kiss, and you would bite his lip and chase him into more. When that last button was popped, his white button-down parted for a gorgeous plane of hard-earned muscle. His abs, ribs and pecs were pockmarked with scars, shrapnel marks and in some places, bullet holes. You stopped.
At your staring, Damian pressed his lips together.
“It's.. not appealing, I know,” he monotoned.
“No,” you disagreed, palming his stomach, “it’s impressive. All these do is show how strong you are, how long you've survived. You're so… built...” you didn't hide your thorough examination of him, “...I mean, we have to be to do what we do, but still… It suits you. It's sexy.”
You worried you'd ruined the moment with your babbling, but he glimmered under your praise. Damian brightened in the way only Damian could, smirking devilishly and towering over you like a supervillain.
“Sexy?” He pressed his naked chest into yours, whispering hotly in your ear. You could feel his silk tie pinned between you. “Does that mean I'm your type?”
You rolled your eyes. “Eavesdropper.”
“Temptress,” Damian replied, just as easily.
To claim your title, you found Damian's belt and pulled on it until the clasp gave. It made a satisfying whipping noise as you ripped it off of him, shouldered into his space to grab his waist in one hand, and cupped his throbbing boxers in the other. Damian's sigh came hoarsely and wanton from his mouth.
“Fuck me,” you demanded, grinning with delight.
Instead of wasting time on a response, Damian fell to his knees, a faithful worshipper. He did the gentlemanly thing and helped you kick off your heels. The tile was icy on your bare feet, but it only mattered until Damian ran his hands up your thighs. Sliding his fingers underneath the fabric, he bunched it up your middle, peering up at you smugly through his lashes. You could feel the debauchery of it - Damian, on his knees, tie hanging still from his neck, pinning you to the door. You, your legs spread and wanting.
Damian sucked in a breath. Your panties had an obvious wet patch, put there by him. He thumbed it carefully, watching your brows tense and your eyes close, basking in your initial whine. All of it enchanted him. You were soaking because of him, trembling because of him, marked because of him. There was not one place he would rather be than here.
Damian collected your sweetness and sampled the taste on his thumb, trapping it behind his smug smile. He ran his tongue over his teeth, spreading the flavor around his mouth, savoring it. As Damian rolled your underwear down your legs, his cock twitched in his open fly. You were beautiful. Oh, he was going to enjoy this.
“Put your leg over my shoulder,” Damian ordered, smirking, “I want to taste you.”
Warmth exploded in your cheeks. “G-go ahead.”
Gradually, you situated your leg across his back, pussy tensing at the touch of the cooler air. This didn't matter for long. Damian's warm lips nuzzled and kissed the thigh closest to him, painting messy reflective circles on your skin with his kiss. Even that made your legs tense wildly, so Damian shoving his wet, blazing tongue into the folds of you cunt pumped moan after moan from your mouth.
“Damian!” You yelped.
Oh, he definitely liked that. Damian pinched your ass and used his mouth so passionately that his head shook back and forth. He darted right for your clit, sucking it until his cheeks were hollow and humming smugly between your legs with every squeal. Parting your folds with one hand, Damian kissed your core just as dirtily as he'd kissed you. The dangerous glint in his eye never faded. He plunges his tongue inside you in earnest, slurping obscenely, purposefully. There's no need for Damian to shoot you cute looks or put on a show - his skill was the performance, because that skill was unbeatable. Your pussy was already tender, fucked nerveless by Damian's filthy mouth. He vibrated your cunt with a deep groan before he drew away, face dripping with slick like a pornstar’s.
“You're suitably wet,” he said, matter-of-factly, “would you like me to use my fingers?”
All the strength you had went into a weak, pleading nod.
Damian was polite enough to grant you your bearings first, letting you grip his hair and squeeze the counter before he resumes. You give him the sweetest, most precious whine when Damian licks you open again. He wisely starts with one finger and builds from there, earning you with pumps and curls of his digits. Damian's talents quickly become a currency, one that you exchange with mewls and pants of praise.
“So good,” you whine, “oh, fuck - fuck, just like that…”
Damian smirks between your legs, jamming his fingers faster into your sore pussy. Lust sizzles low in your gut, ramped up again and again by his thrusting. It’s so powerful that you roll and buck off the door, your hips in his face. You want him - want him more than you want anything.
“You're ravaging,” Damian hums between licks. His eyes are closed, but that only gives the way he touches you more meaning.
It’s so surprising from his mouth that your hold on his hair slips, setting Damian free. He pants, catching his breath, and it’s easily the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. The effort has slouched him from his knees to his calves, further spreading his legs and opening up the fly of his pants. A solid bulge has formed and spilled out there, straining to escape his briefs like an arm in a sling that’s too small, way too small, for someone of his size. Three of Damian’s fingers are still twisting inside of you.
Slowly, Damian tipped back his head and hung down, arranging himself beneath your cunt. “So beautiful.” His free hand splayed where your leg met your hip. “May I touch you?”
“I-I get it’s the gentleman thing to do, to - to keep asking, but fuck, Damian,” you cursed, “you can do whatever you want to me.”
Damian’s intense jade eyes were so dilated that you could barely make out the color. He dragged his cheek against your thigh, fingers still circling inside you, and grinned like a shark. It was probably a bad idea to give the heir to the Demon’s Head that much power over you.
His other hand squeezed your skin, slow to passionate, from your belly to your breasts beneath your dress. It’s clear by the way Damian looks at you that he loves what he sees. The texture of his veiny, calloused hands feels good on your waist and ass, dragging you closer to him. He chuckles when your back arches, when your nails press into his hands, his back muscles, throwing himself into his task. Damian’s nose prods your folds as he licks you clean, tongue dipping and sliding against your sore clit. It’s like he’s done this for you before, in this exact way. Though he utilizes his tongue the most, his lips too are brutal, matched perfectly to fit your pussy lips.
But that tongue - how Damian’s jaw isn’t tired, you don’t know. He parts your folds and latches onto your clit, flicking his tongue at superspeed until drool and cum bubbles from your sensitive core. Your back winds tighter at every vibrating lick, paralyzing the muscles in your legs with glorious pleasure. It’s so exquisite you start to melt to the floor like warm clay, only to be bolstered back up by Damian, both hands viciously squeezing your ass. He keeps going not for you, but himself, sucking down every last drop of your juices.
Shattered, you twist hopelessly into his mouth, chasing the strained feeling like it’s the last you’ll ever glimpse. “Fuck, fuck - D-Damian, ah…”
“Did it feel good when I made you cum?” He teases, “It certainly tastes good. All those filthy little noises you make for me…” Damian shakes his head at himself, like it’s too fantastic to indulge again. He leaves your clit with a satisfied kiss. “Beautiful.”
Once more, the words are surprising to hear from him. You always considered Damian the prude type, but here he is, on his knees for you, mouth and chin glittering with your juices while he teases you in low, sexy tones. At your surprised look, Damian has the gall to blush.
With his ring finger in his mouth, he ponders, “If a man has never said that to you before...” pop, “consider me surprised.”
“Never while finger-fucking me, at least,” you admited, legs still trembelling. “It was sweet. You… you meant that?”
It was hard to imagine Damian Wayne finding anything beautiful. Even you, who was pretty enamored with him, figured he would judge by quality or skill, not beauty. The words tasted new on his tongue.
Slowly, Damian stood and stretched, his shoulders tight after staying in the strange position for so long. Lifting his arms coincidentally let his waistband sit lower on his hips, flashing his green boxers your way while showing off the huge, carved muscles of his arms. Truly, Damian’s subtlety was unmatched. You didn’t mind his miniature bragging fest - not when he had so much to brag about. Eating you out had put an excited shimmer in his skin, so the gold-toned lights of the room reflected sexily off his sweat, already accenting his kissable tan.
“I did,” he told you, moving on to his sucking middle finger. His other hand played on your thigh, stroking it. “I’ve always been… drawn to you. Every mission we’ve had together. I have a profound feeling that we are very similar.”
You laughed. Not at what he said, but the timing of it. “Would you believe me if I said I felt the same way?”
Damian made a face like his heart was doing jumping jacks. “A few hours ago? No. But now…” he barricaded you against the door, first with his hands and then his hips, closed in so tightly that you had to look past your nose to meet his eyes. “Your crush is adorably obvious. I’m annoyed that I didn’t see it before.”
Your rounded your hands against Damian’s shoulders, then his tie. It twisted nicely around your fingers, silky and cold in comparison to your flushed skin. You were tempted to fix your dress, but nothing, not even the world ending, could make you leave this room.
“My crush is obvious? Damian, all you’ve done for the last two hours is sneak me drinks and imply how much easier it is to be around me.” You grinned, “What’d you say earlier? There you are, Queen. Finally, someone intelligent enough to speak to me.”
Damian shrugged. “It’s true. Your knowledge of bioluminescent ocean life is fascinating.”
“I can’t believe you said that after giving me head for ten minutes.”
“It’s actually been closer to twelve,” Damian smirked.
Playfully, you pinched Damian’s cheek, then pulled him by the tie into a starved, energetic kiss. He must’ve been praying for your permission to continue, because the plan he’d been forming is quickly put into action. You’re hugged, arms scooped under your back as you kiss him. Damian surrenders his mouth to a bit of revenge tonguing while undoing your dress. No amount of kissing will pull him from his task, but your hand is a special case - it smooths down the front of his boxers and Damian melts.
“Y/N,” he groans.
Damian petulantly resists the temptation to close his eyes, but your touch is soft and sweet, demanding him to yield. Your lips suckle on his neck and Damian’s knees buckle. If getting his mouth between your legs didn’t turn him on, then this will finish him for sure.
“I missed you. Kissing you.” You purr into his throat. “One could never be enough for me.”
Is this what it’s like to be wanted? Damian asked himself. The only possible answer thrilled him, and he found himself pouring even more passion into the kiss, into you, wanting to share that rush of affection. You respond to his every touch with vigor. Damian’s heart stalls each time your thumb strokes his face, each time the other strokes him through his slacks.
“Me either,” he rasped, and helped you out of your dress. His tone was shy, but his words held too much depth to be meaningless. I want a wealth of them. I always want to kiss you, was what he wanted to say, but Damian was too embarrassed to raise the words. This moment was too special to ruin with his hopeless romanticism. He kissed you again and again, and to his amazement, you kissed him right back.
“Fuck me,” you begged him between breaths. “Right here. I don’t care if we’re caught.”
I don’t care if we’re seen together. I want to be seen with you, I’m not ashamed of you.
Damian cupped your face and almost knocked you both over with the strength of his kiss. Nose-to-nose, eyes closed, he commanded, “Bend over the fucking counter.”
In a blink, Damian turned and there you were, open and waiting for him. The sink was hip-level, so the bend was nothing but perfect - Damian could fuck you from behind and watch your lust-blown reflection without issue. Your perfect pussy drooled leftover cum down your legs, making your sex shine in the light.
In the mirror, you watched Damian’s eyes darken in delight. His pupils followed the line of your ass to your back, appreciating it like an artist would, like he intended to paint you later and needed to memorize the greatest shapes of your figure. The marble was icy against your hard nipples, which Damian had exposed when he’d impatiently shoved down your bra. Now, he cupped one of your breasts as he bent over you, kissing and suckling his way down your back.
“Perfect,” Damian hissed.
Shyly pressing your butt back against him, you buried your face in your arms and bit your lip, waiting for him to open you up. Damian’s shadow came to hover over you, and in the mirror his eyes were vicious, pools of circling sharks. “Are you ready?”
“Mhm,” you nodded. “Take your time.”
Though you weren’t being sarcastic, Damian took it that way and pinched one cheek of your ass. “With you? I will.” Then, with the same smoothness, Damian asked, “Condom?”
“Pill,” you replied, and Damian nodded his approval.
His pants rustled as they fell down his legs. Where you couldn’t see, Damian committed the sight to memory - his cock in hand, your pussy spread open, all for him. You squeaked when his hot tip touched your cooling clit, and squeaked again when it glided down your pussy and tested your opening. He knew he’d found the way when you winced.
In an unsurprising moment of compassion (for those who truly knew him), Damian kissed the top of your head and offered you his hand. “Would you like to hold it while I…?”
You took his hand and squeezed it to your chest, squeezing him closer in the process, too. “Thank you. Go slow, for this part…”
Damian complied. His sweat-sticky chest hovered warmly over your back. Even if Damian was big, you were wetter than you’d ever been in your entire life - any pain would quickly slide into pleasure. He braced himself with a deep inhale, and a hot, sharp sensation told you that he’d entered you. Where you choked in a needy gasp, Damian poured out his version of a whimper. You both held it. Then, breath by breath, you were struck with the realization that you’d been dying to feel this for weeks, for months, and only now was that heat being satisfied. Damian’s tongue and fingers had come close, but this is what would cure that aching emptiness - his big, girthy cock.
The deathgrip you had on Damian’s hand loosened. “You look perfect,” he murmured into your hair, instantly making your core flutter. “Oh,” he chuckled filthily, “you like that? Funny, how badly that idiot at the bar wanted to be in my place right now…but it’s me who gets to pound into—”
“Damian,” you warned.
He smiled smugly against your neck. “Nothing.”
Dutifully, Damian withdrew his hips, taking all of the heat with him. When he rolled back in, a hot, tingling sensation roared over all of your senses, and you let the moan at the top of that tsunami loose. It was clear that he couldn’t fuck you like he wanted to with one hand fished down at your side, so he glued both to the base of your back and started to thrust in earnest.
“So full...” You mewled, and Damian became a human pile-driver.
Your head seemed to roll off your shoulders with every crazed, rhythmic slam, so you grabbed the faucet and held on for dear life. Every slap was so loud, so powerful, that you prayed this one random bathroom in the penthouse was soundproofed. Anyone walking past would know you were getting railed out of your mind. You tried to compensate by moaning and squeaking quietly, but with force came volume. It didn’t matter how silent you were, Damian’s hips, your ass, the squelch of him inside you - each noise filled the bathroom, echoing off the tile.
The only way you could think to describe him was filling. First, there was the hot, cinching tension of his hands fused to your waist. Then there was his cock, which begged to be squeezed more and more with every pass. You responded to each throb with a mighty clench, which bent Damian over you like an animal, gasping for breath. His balls were painted with your slick. The closer you came to orgasm together, the closer Damian came to you. His hands migrated to higher on your sides, then up by your shoulders, then around you, where Damian kissed your back and rubbed your belly while he made love to you. He talked more than he moaned. Your ear was filled with sweet nothings, with vicious promises of what he would do with a whole night alone with you.
Damian’s reflection was wild with lust. He met your eyes as he fucked you, whispering how beautiful you are, how good you take his dick. His deep green eyes were so dark you couldn’t make out the brown in them anymore. The long muscles on his arms drew taut with each thrust, making his biceps bulge and pin your hips to the sink. Soon enough, a bruise would form from the pressure. One of many treasures from tonight - you would be thinking about Damian in his crisp suit for months to come, and the mess he’d become with you now even longer. Your pleasure built and built and built, like a nail struck further into the ground with a hammer. A very, very big hammer.
“M’ cumming,” Damian husked, slowing his plowing to a sloppy glide. Even his endurance was spent, and you were glad he’d spent it all on you. “Where d’ you…?”
You braced your hands on the counter, then on one of Damian’s. Together, you smoothed his digits down your stomach and between your soft, abused folds. “Inside me, please, please please—” you begged him, “fuck, a-as deep as you can go.”
As a test of your flexibility, Damian turned in and kissed you. Just as he parted your lips with his tongue, he parted your folds with his fingertips, overriding your clit as his cock throbbed inside you to the hilt. He took the invitation as a command. Damian pressed in until you could feel his abs mold to your ass, then stuttered his hips in quick, agonized dips to get himself there. With his fingers and his cock putting stars in your eyes, you finished first.
The white marble counter fizzed in your vision, until all you could see was that powerful, endless white, humming in your mind’s eye. Still, Damian wasn’t finished yet. You bumped your temple against his chin and hummed, “Cum for me, baby… fuck, a-ah!”
Your pussy’s throb raced and raced until it spilled over, pulling Damian right under the current. One clench and he was done for, so the velvety, periodic squeeze of your cunt emptied his store. You hung there, spasming in unison, until that overwhelming heat spurted in a ring around Damian’s cock and flooded out of you. Only then did his fingers stop on your clit, and you settled warmly in each other's arms and tried to remember your names and who you were.
Damian pulled out, then snuggled back in. He would’ve been nervous any other time, but he’d just put his dick inside you, so a little instinctive cuddling could be forgiven. On shaky legs, you turned around and sunk into him. You could tell by how he was eyeing the sink that he was desperate to get clean again, so with one kiss (on the cheek), you set Damian loose.
In companionable silence, Damian cleaned up and you collected the clothes abandoned on the floor. Staring at the corner where you’d just had the best sex of your life put an embarassingly pleasant warmth in your chest. Interesting, how one terrifying moment could become something as special as this. Fascinating, how you’d felt like you’d known him all your life.
“You know… I think you’re excellent, too.” You told him, finishing off the knot for his tie.
Damian dipped his head to hide his smile, but something so bright was impossible to hide.
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lale-txt · 3 years
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getting a piggyback ride w/ the One Piece boys
w/ Shanks warnings: slightly suggestive in the end, but still perfectly sfw author's note: okay i'm still laughing at how i wanted to put several character in this post and then it somehow got out of hand. so, i've decided to turn this into a series. i've read so many shoujo manga the past weeks, i'm prepared. Law will be the next character and it's already in the queue, hehe (.❛ ᴗ ❛.)
you should have said no from the beginning, but knowing your stubborn captain, any words of objection were useless
also, seeing him laughing out loud with his raspy, warm voice was enough to throw all your willpower over board anyway
thanks to that, you were now five miles away from your ship in the middle of an unkown island, because shanks "wanted to visit that one bar where they sell that special rum from east blue"
somehow all your crew mates were making up excuses why they couln't join you ("i have to mow the lawn" "sorry, have to help benn mow the lawn" "i'd love to, but yasopp needs my helping hand with-" ok, say no more but please show me this mysterious lawn when we're back)
so, it was just the two of you which you usually didn't mind, but right now you were a bit whiny as it was super late, you were tired, a bit drunk and the single parent for your rowdy captain who was drunkly singing a shanty
"my feet are killing me, Shanks! you better buy me all the ice cream of the Grand Line to make up for this", you were fake-complaining with a loud sigh as the two of you were trotting next to each other
which was when Shanks came to an abrupt halt and starred at you with serious eyes that immediately sent a shock down your spine. did you say something wrong?
"let me carry you then, y-n. piggyback ride to the ship. let's go."
again, his face dead serious, but your brain couldn't catch up, this was absurd
"sir, aren't you missing something essential for this", you blurt out
pointing to where his left arm once has been
a concious part of your brain was screaming loudly in panic while the other was deadpanning. did you just assume one of the strongest men in the world wasn't able to carry this little peach called y/n for a few miles?
what felt like an hour was two seconds of silence before Shanks was bursting out in laughter. he was gasping for air and you could prabably hear his laugh on the neighbour islands, too.
"well, i guess then you have to hold on extra tight onto me to make up for this. buckle up"
within the blink of an eye you were pressed against his broad back, your arms wrapped tight around his neck, your face so close to his that you could feel his beard stubble on your cheek, a warmth you never felt before
with your legs clinging onto him you're now looking like a baby koala hanging on for dear life on its mother koala, but this... you could get used to this.
when he puts his arm behind his back to support your bum, you're pretty convinced that this is one of your special dreams and you know how those dreams are always ending
you're blushing hard and of course it doesn't go unnoticed, which makes Shanks chuckle even more. there it was again, this raspy, warm laughter of his.
"hope you enjoy you're ride, miss", he cooed as the two of you continued your walk home
"hope it won't be the last", you teased, catching a glimpse of the future in his dimples, well-knowing.
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miyacreampie · 3 years
Lenny sensei's night class has begun!~♡
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synopsis 💭;; Tanaka gets jealous bc some bitch talking to his man.
note 🖋️;; IT TOOK A WHOLE FUCKIN WEEK TO WRITE THIS. WHY DOES WORK ALWAYS PREVENT ME FROM DOING THE THINGS I LIKE? WHAT THE ACTUAL FU- by the way, ‘Isayama Misaki’ is based off of some asswipe I used to know- also, I ran out of ideas at the end, so it kinda cuts of lf at the good part. I apologize to the anon that requested this.
Requested by anon ♡
Male pronouns used
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Tanaka wasn't a jealous man. Or at least he'd like to think so.
(Y/n) was pretty popular around campus, so it wasn't a surprise to see a few fangirls here or there. It kinda reminded him of Oikawa—except (Y/n) didn't exactly pay his fangirls any attention. (And he didn't have an ass as flat as printer paper.) But did that stop them from trying to get into his pants? No.
In all honesty, Ryu felt lucky that he had someone like (Y/n) as a boyfriend, although he didn't like the fangirls—who paid him no mind whenever they were together. It annoyed him that they kept surrounding (Y/n) who clearly wanted nothing to do with them, begging him for dates, one night stands, anything.
To say that Tanaka was mildly uncomfortable was an understatement.
Today was a bit different. Instead of a crowd of women rushing towards (Y/n), it was just one—; Misaki Isayama. The woman (almost) every guy considered perfect. This was...manageable, but what did she want? Well—at least it was only one girl. He had only woken up a little over an hour ago, and wasn't exactly ready for his simps just yet.
“(L/n)-chan, can you help me study for the science exam that's coming up?”
“Just because you're my upperclassman, doesn't mean you can call me that.” (Y/n) said quietly, rubbing his eyes, then yawning. “I'm on my way to the lecture hall though, so maybe after that? I should be fully awake by then..”
Misaki smiled and nodded her head. “It's a date!”
“No. No it's not.”
Tanaka let (Y/n) lean on him during the lecture. That turned into one sided cuddling from the sleepy man. Ryu thought it was cute how (Y/n) always clung to him when he was sleepy. He was a little sad when (Y/n) fully awoke, and let him go, but it was for the best.
“Oh, Ryu-san. I'm tutoring the rumored ‘perfect woman’, and it's gonna be awkward with just the two of us, so can y—”
“You headin to the library? I was on my way there anyway. I'll join ya.”
The (h/c) haired man nodded, and they both walked all the way to the other side of the schoolyard to the library building. Tanaka even held (Y/n)'s hand to flex on the girls they passed by. Some of the girls were noticeably annoyed or a little angry, which pleased him.
When they finally arrived, Misaki was standing by the door. Upon seeing Ryu, she scowled. But it was only for a second.
“Ah, (L/n)-kun..who's this?”
(Y/n) smiled, oblivious to Misaki and Tanaka glaring at each other. Needless to say, the intense atmosphere went right over his head. “This is my boyfriend..Tanaka. He'll be joining us if that's okay.”
“‘Perfect woman’ my ass..the only ‘perfect woman’ I know is Kiyoko-san.” Tanaka mumbled under his breath. (Y/n) may not have known, but Misaki and Tanaka were always competitive with each other. Other times he wouldn't have cared, but now that (Y/n) is what he's fighting for, he wasn't gonna back down.
“Oh, it's fine.” Misaki said through gritted teeth.
Isayama and Tanaka were left sitting at a table alone, while (Y/n) searched for the science books. They sat in complete silence, but it was almost as if you could hear their thoughts—mentally arguing with one another.
(Y/n) returned with three books, seating himself between Isayama and Ryu. “Okay! Let's get started!”
As (Y/n) went on explaining the laws of physics (because Tetsurou used to tutor him), Misaki and Tanaka continued their epic staring battle. The battle ended once they noticed that (Y/n) had stopped talking. He was chewing his tongue in thought, trying to figure out how to pronounce a word.
Misaki didn't notice, but (Y/n) had gone from physics, to microbiology. In less than five minutes.
“Something wrong?”
“How do you say this word again..?” The (e/c) eyed man pointed to a bolded word in the textbook, leaning back a bit so the other two could see.
A suffocating silence reigned over the three of them, but only for about three seconds.
Isayama squinted a bit before she spoke. “Endothelial?”
“Oh yeah. Thanks, senpai.”
Isayama smiled smugly at Ryuunosuke. The said man had a visible tick mark (💢) on the side of his head, symbolizing his annoyance. Tanaka only wanted (Y/n) to call him ‘senpai’—even if they were the same age (if not, then (Y/n) might be older). It made him feel like he was a dependable upperclassman, maybe even a bit turned on in certain situations. But hearing (Y/n) call someone else senpai..made him a little sad.
His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating. As Tanaka reached into his pocket to get his phone, he caught (Y/n) putting his own phone in his jacket pocket. Tanaka turned on his phone to see a message from (Y/n) in his recent notifications.
Pretty boy💖: Go to the bathroom. I'll join you later.
Although he was a bit confused, he got up from his chair. “‘M gonna go take a leak.” Ryu said as he started to make his way towards the men's restroom.
Almost five minutes pass before (Y/n) goes into the bathroom after Tanaka, telling Misaki that he was checking on him. As soon as (Y/n) had passed the first bathroom stall, he was yanked into the second one, the door locking almost immediately after it shut behind him. He wasn't given any time to react before he felt a familiar pair of soft lips violently smash against his own. (Not violent enough to make his mouth bleed or anything. Chill.)
A heated battle for dominance arose between the two, (Y/n) quickly taking the lead as he gently bit Ryu's lip.
They didn't want this to end, but eventually Tanaka had to break the kiss because he couldn't breathe. He stood there, breathless in his boyfriend's arms, not wanting (Y/n) to let go.
“Ryuunosuke..” Tanaka flinched upon his first name being said—even though (Y/n) said it many times before. His reaction brought a smile to (Y/n)'s face. “I love you~..” He said, drawing out the three words in a sing-song voice.
Ryu felt his legs getting weak, and held onto (Y/n) for dear life. (Somewhat out of fear that he might fall.) He wasn't actually feeling like this because of three words...right? “Babe..am I supposed to be kinda horny right now?” It was a bit of a strange question, but hey, it never hurts to ask.
(Y/n) chuckled. “Well, yeah. I might have to carry you out of here once we're done.” His warm smile from earlier didn't falter as he spoke.
‘How can he say something like that so casually? If I say something like that, I'd get d–’ Ryu's thoughts were snapped away when he felt his chest touch the stall divider and his pants being pulled down. He let out a soft moan as (Y/n) stroked him through his boxers.
‘What the hell is taking them so long?!’ Isayama got up from where she sat, and went to the men's bathroom. There wasn't anyone around, so no one would see her going in. She opened the first stall's door. ‘If they ditched me, I swear to go–’
“W-Wait, (Y/n)!~ Haa!~♡”
“Geez senpai, you're so wet inside~..♡”
Misaki froze. She couldn't be sure that it was (Y/n) and Tanaka in there—but those were definitely Tanaka's pants hanging over the second stall's door. Now she felt more..curious than angry. Isayama slipped into the first stall, carefully and quietly closing the door behind her, and slowly locking it so it didn't make noise.
Ryu tried to keep his breathing steady as (Y/n) fucked him with his fingers—even though that did absolutely nothing to help his current situation. Hell, he couldn't even process words anymore. The only actual word he could say was his boyfriend's name. He eventually remembered how to speak after about two minutes of being finger-fucked.
He wanted to sound more demanding, but his voice came out more whiny than what he'd have liked it to. “Fuck me already..ya fuckin– Hng!~” It may have been that he couldn't process it, or that (Y/n) had moved at the speed of sound, but Tanaka wasn't able to register how fast (Y/n) pulled his fingers out, and shoved his cock into his still tight hole. He wanted to say something, but all that came out was a choked whine.
“You were saying?~♡” (Y/n) asked, though it sounded more like a demand than a question.
Tanaka wasn't given a chance to answer due to (Y/n) ruthlessly fucking the poor man senseless. His loud whines and moans echoed throughout the bathroom, much to (Y/n)'s pleasure. He wanted everyone to know that he was a taken man. He wanted everyone on campus to hear Ryuunosuke's pleasurable cries.
Hearing the two men fucking in the next stall turned Isayama on to no end. (Even though it was more of (Y/n)'s voice that made her wet.) But she resisted touching herself because she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she masturbated to her rival getting fucked. (A kinda stupid reason, but okay.)
“Fu–fuck, (Y/n)!~ So good..it feels so good!~” Ryu babbled, the words almost incoherent as he attempted to push back against his boyfriend's cock. “More!~ Give me more!~♡” He begged, voice broken and choking on his own breath.
The (e/c) eyed man didn't say a word. As his senpai had politely asked of him, (Y/n) drove his cock so deep into Tanaka that the said man let out the loudest drawn out moan (Y/n) had ever heard from him. If it weren't for the cum spewing from the teary eyed man, (Y/n) would've thought he had hurt his lover. He wasn't entirely sure until he felt Ryu continue to push back against him, desperate for more friction.
“Aww..you're so cute when you act like a bitch in heat, senpai~..♡”
He only got a choked whine in response.
“I'm pretty close anyway..do you want it inside?~♡” (Y/n) asked, pulling the shaky man up to his chest. Again, only a whine. (Y/n) parted Ryu's lips with his fingers, those fingers soon being coated in saliva. “Use your words~..”
Finally, Tanaka spoke, despite his unintentional dry heaving. “Fuck me- please~..”
“As you wish~♡” (Y/n) almost whispered, gripping Tanaka's cock firmly, earning another broken moan from the said man. “You're the only person I'd fuck like this, you know that, right?” He said, as he rubbed the shorter man's stomach.
“Y-Yeah..that makes me happy~..”
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Lmao this was like- 80% highschool drama (in a college setting), and the remaining 20% being me getting horny for no reason. Also, I'm aware this made no sense. None of the stuff I write makes sense. :)
The class session is now over!~♡
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ijustwant2write · 3 years
Reconnect-Finn Shelby x Reader
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(GIF credit to @peakystitches​)
Tags: @captivatedbycillianmurphy​ @jenepleurepasbaby​ @amirahiddleston​ @bloodorangemoonlight @haphazardhufflepuff​ @mzcrazy2​
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hello! May i request an either tommy or finn shelby x reader? (Whicheverr one u think suits best) for this prompt i found: character A and B have been in a longterm relationship and nothing can get in between, until one day something does and they drift away. But then they reconnect emotionally and everything feels like the first time again (first kiss, first meal together etc) 🙏🏼💜 i love ur writing thank u’
Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader, Polly Gray x Reader (platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Swearing, arguing, finance issues, drinking, fluff
"Finn, is that you?" I called out from our bedroom as I heard the front door open. I tensed up when I didn't hear a reply, only to let out a sigh when I heard him giggling.
He was drunk again, it happened almost every week now. Tommy would have given him something important to do for the gang, and whether or not Finn succeeded with that task, he would go out and celebrate with his mates. I would sometimes tag along if I wasn't tired from the week of working, but after seeing our finances, I realised we needed to stop acting like teenagers and start saving wisely.
"Hello my gorgeous girl." he slurred out as he entered the room.
"Hello Finn." I replied as I received a sloppy kiss to my forehead.
He flopped down beside me in bed, taking the book out of my hands and throwing it to the floor. Finn wrapped his arms around me, snuggling into my lap. I took off his hat, stroking back his hair. He was cold from the brisk walk home, causing me to shiver.
“You should have come out tonight." he said.
"I got off work late."
"He kept you again?"
"No, I decided to stay."
"Why? You always say you're tired."
"I'm tired because I'm picking up extra shifts and hours so that we can start saving up for a house."
"I've told you, we don't need to worry about that. Business is good."
"Finn, we're not going to be given the money. We have to earn it."
"Tommy will help us."
"He might help but he won't give us a lot. And even if he did hand us a house, we've got to have enough money for the bills, furniture-"
"It will be fine."
"Finn, we've not even had our wedding yet!"
We had been engaged for half a year. We were wanting to be married sooner, but problems arose with the Peaky Blinders it distracted us both from it, especially since our lives were in danger. I desperately wanted to have enough money for the wedding and house, though it looked like it was going to be one or the other at this point.
"What's wrong with the flat?" Finn now sat up.
"Did you seriously ask me that question? There's only so much I can do to this dump to make it look somewhat liveable. It just doesn't feel like home."
"We'll get the money. Don't worry. Look, look," he took my hands in his,"we will get a house. I promise. And believe me, I want to marry you as soon as I can, there needs to be another ring on that finger. And I need to see my name at the end of yours."
I stupidly believed him. Those adoring eyes I once trusted had lied to me. Finn kept his promise for a week at max, soon breaking it. I didn't mind him going out with friends, we both needed to socialise, I just disagreed with the amount of times he was out and the amount of drinks he was buying each night. He would always offer to get the next round, and although he was a Shelby, the discounts didn't make much difference at the end of the night. I decided I had to go with him to ensure that our money wasn't being poured away, struggling to stay awake for those long nights, and making work even harder every day. It was impossible to keep an eye on him like that.
Usually Finn would tell me if he was going out that night so I wouldn't worry. That stopped too. My mind was never at ease. How did I know he wasn't lying in a ditch somewhere after a job gone wrong? Or what if he was trapped somewhere by a rival gang? I could only rest when he returned, which he always luckily did. I pretended to be asleep, trying to not push him away as he slipped his arms around me, cuddling me for the rest of the night. My patience began to grow thin. I was too scared to speak up about it, worried that we would just end up having an argument. However, I knew we would have to bring it up soon, because our money was only disappearing instead of increasing.
One morning when I was leaving for work, I noticed that the drawer we locked our savings away in was slightly ajar, meaning someone had unlocked it and stupidly left it open. Of course it had to be Finn, no one had broken in during the night. My eyes widened when I saw how much he had taken, enraged that he would think me so foolish. Why would he take the money without asking? What was he using it for?
As I stormed towards the shop, I heard whooping from men in a car further up the street. My face turned into a deep frown when I recognised the car, managing to catch a glimpse of the people in it. They hadn't seen me, and I had to make sure my eyes were deceiving me.
I didn't care about the looks on me as I burst through into the shop, making a beeline for Polly's office. I harshly knocked on the door, entering when she called me.
"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" she asked, a lit cigarette in hand.
"Where's Finn?"
"Off out with his brothers, why?"
"Where are they going?"
"To the races."
I scoffed, placing a hand on my head in defeat.
"Why? What's wrong with that?"
"He told me he would be in the office all day today."
"So? Things change."
"No, he specifically told me that. I never even asked about it. He made a point meaning he didn't want to risk me waltzing in. That means he's hiding something."
"(Y/N), they're only going to bet on horses today. They're mingling."
"They're betting today?!"
She stood, putting a hand on her hip."What am I missing here?"
"Pol, he's using money that we don't have! I need a car, I need to get to him."
"Look, even if my nephew is being the biggest idiot, it's a bad idea to go there."
Her eyes widened."Don't snap at me young lady."
"I'm sorry, I just, I just know he's going to be stupid with what little money we have at the minute."
Polly was silent for a few seconds, and I didn't know if she was just staring me out, trying to make me leave. Perhaps she didn't think it was anything to worry over. But it was to me. She surprised me when she went into one of her drawers, pulling out a set of keys.
"Come on. I'll get one of the girls to call your work, say you're sick."
I tightly clasped my hands together as Polly drove. I was furious, trying to think of what to say to Finn when I got there. He stole our money. He went behind my back, gambling away the money we worked hard to earn. I had never said it, but Finn had it much easier than I did. For one, he worked with family, and although I liked my job, the boss could sometimes be an arsehole; second, he earned a lot more than me, so he was the bigger breadwinner between us, but I worked longer hours. Yes, he was in a gang meaning he had more days where his life was under threat, but he seemed to be having a jolly good time anyway. Really, it wouldn't have mattered who worked longer or harder, or who earned more, it was still our money to spend on our house.
As soon as Polly parked up, I was straight out of the car. She quickly followed grabbing my arm and warning me to not get lost in the crowds. I couldn't make a scene, especially since there could be potential business partners or enemies about. I refrained from rolling my eyes, knowing she was right but also knowing that I would find it extremely hard to not scream at Finn.
Polly guided me to where the men would be, ignoring the shoving and shouting. I wished for her to walk quicker. We swiftly entered the posher boxes, almost stopped by a doorman until his accomplice shut him up. I even heard him whisper 'That's Polly Gray you idiot.', the one time I was glad we had a reputation. She only paused to scan the room for the boys but I spotted them first. Quickly moving past her, I couldn't stop my fists from clenching, seeing Finn joyfully drinking and laughing with his brothers only added fire to my fury.
"Finn!" I snapped, quickly catching his attention.
"(Y/N)?" he exclaimed, struggling to stand and clattering the plates and glasses on the table."W-what are you doing here?"
"Stopping you from spending our money like a fucking idiot! Where is it?"
"Oh, Finn boy is in the doghouse." John chuckled.
"Shut up!" I fiercely pointed at him.
"Where's what?" Finn brought me back.
"Our money!"
"I told you, you do this outside." Polly warned, shoving Finn in that direction, and I knew I had to follow him.
Luckily, we were left alone. Finn continued on, finding someplace we would be alone. Once we were in the clear, the distant roar of the crowds covering our conversation, I saw him sigh quietly, running a hand down his face when he realised what was coming.
"Where's the money Finn?" I asked, calmer but with a mean tone.
"Let me explain first.”
"Explain how you took our money without asking? How you just waltzed out this morning without consulting me?"
"Tommy said that there was a good chance, a very good chance that this horse would win, and I thought it would help us if we put our money on it. Imagine how much we'll have if it wins!"
"If it wins Finn, if! You're gambling our money, why would you do something like that?"
"Because you went on about not having enough money! And here I am trying to help!"
My mouth dropped open in shock."You really don’t see the problem here."
"No, actually, I don't." he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Finn, you stole money from the drawer! You then go behind my back and bet it away. Have you thought about what we'll do if that horse loses?"
"But it won't, Tommy said."
"And what if Tommy is wrong this time? Also, don't pin this on your brother, I know he hasn't even suggested this idea."
"I'm not-urgh!" Finn groaned."Why don't you trust me?"
"I can't trust a gamble Finn. I don't think you realise how many nights I've spent lying awake, worried that we'll never have enough for our own home, and thinking that you don't even care anymore."
"Of course I care. This is why I've bet the money."
"How is this not getting in your head?"
"(Y/N)," he took my hands in his, but I couldn't even look at him,"in a few minutes we will hear them announce the winner, and we will start jumping for joy when we realise how much money we're going to get back, and we're going to be so much closer to getting our home."
"Finn, I desperately want to believe that. But even if we do win, you're in deep trouble." I took my hands away from him, turning around. I couldn't even look at my own fiance.
On queue, we heard a man come over the intercom, it was muffled to me but I knew Finn was listening intensely. Glancing over my shoulder, I watched for his reaction, turning around fully when I saw his expression. We had lost. We lost all that money.
"How could you be so fucking stupid?!" I screamed at him, throwing slaps onto his chest."Why couldn't you just listen to me? I don't understand why you had to lie to me Finn!"
I broke down crying, shoving him away from me. My sobs were loud but I didn't care. Finn could watch, see how much he upset me. My heart sank at the thought of it all gone, Finn had left scarcely any money in the drawer back at the flat.
"I'm sorry (Y/N)." Finn pathetically said.
"You know how you always go on about your family never trusting you enough for the big jobs? That you never get to go out with them and help? This is why. Because you do things like this, you fuck everything up Finn. Fuck!" I wiped away my tears, even though more spilled out."You know I've always stuck beside you, but this is the last straw Finn. I can't be with someone who doesn't want to put effort into their future."
"What are you saying? (Y/N), I can fix this. I promise I'll get the money back, I'll-"
"How? That took us so long to build that up. And you were spending our money almost every night on useless drinking. I can't Finn, I can't live like that anymore."
He ducked his head, and I almost wanted him to say something. When he didn't, I knew what I had to do.
I took a deep breath before speaking."I'm going home. I suggest you stay at Polly's tonight."
"Let me take you home-"
"What's going on?" Tommy suddenly appeared, he, his brothers and Polly approaching.
"Your nephew, your brother, just gave away almost all of our money betting on a horse. Not only that, but he took the money without telling me. That was money for a house." I angrily explained.
"Is that true Finn?"
Finn shamefully nodded.
"We can get you your money back (Y/N)."
"It's not about that Tom. He's lied to me. He promised me he wouldn't spend our money every week, yet he did. And then he takes our money without asking me about it first."
"I'll fix it (Y/N), I promise I will." Finn was begging at this point.
"Another promise that you're bound to break. I've had enough today."
"Let's get you home love." Polly said, putting a stop to this argument as she stepped forward, taking me under her arm.
Finn didn't come home that night. I didn't sleep. I was sat at the tiny dining table, staring at the ring on my finger, wondering what to do. It broke my heart to think about leaving him, but it also broke my heart thinking about how reckless he had been. Did I really want to be marrying someone who acted like this? Would he mature? My heart wanted to believe he would, but my mind kept telling me that today confirmed he wouldn't. That was one of the worst nights of my life.
I couldn't stand this job any longer. But it was the only thing keeping me alive. It was crappy work, the pay was just above minimum, enough for me to buy food, pay my rent and have the tiniest amount left over. Saving up money was hard when it was just you. Even after two years, I didn't have enough to consider looking at places of my own, or with less roommates. It was exhausting keeping up with these girls I lived with, there were 6 of us altogether. It was a big change when I moved away from Small Heath.
"You ready (Y/N)?" one of my roommates called out to me as I finished applying my lipstick.
"Just a second!" I replied, checking myself in the mirror.
It was the rare occasion that I was going out with them, the one time we could all go out together at all. I was looking forward to a few drinks, and although that sounded hypocritical, I realised that I had to have a night or two in at least a month to relieve myself of the stress I put upon myself.
We arrived at the small club we always went to, it had the cheapest drinks this side of town. We all shivered in the cold weather, walking as fast as we could to make it to the club. The warmth was very welcome, as well as the loud music that drew us further in. It was the usual routine, a few of us grab a table, the others get the drinks in, then we would all make our way to the dance floor. Hours passed, and I had to get away from the heat coming from the dancing, stepping back towards our table to get a drink. I saw my roommate stumbling in the direction of the bar, rolling my eyes as I went to help her, perhaps getting a drink whilst I was there. However, once I got closer, I stared at the man she was starting to flirt with.
"Isaiah?" I said as I got closer.
"(Y/N)!" he smiled, bringing me in for a hug.
"You two know each other?" my roommate asked, looking disappointed.
"He's an old friend. Just that, nothing else."
Isaiah let me go."How long has it been? Two years?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah, two years. What are you doing here?"
"Business. Nothing dangerous though, you girls are still in for a good night. Especially you if you're good." he winked to my roommate.
"Is he...is he here?" my voice suddenly went shaky, and I felt almost completely sober.
Isaiah's playful nature dropped."Uh, he is. He's really misses you (Y/N). Hasn't even looked at another girl since you left. He's just not been the same." I wasn't sure how to reply.
"I can't not tell him I saw you. Imagine if he found out, he would be so upset with me."
"I know. I wouldn't want to hurt your friendship."
"Maybe you should see him. It might do you both some good."
"Or the opposite."
"He still loves you. Even if you don't feel the same, it could bring closure. But I know you (Y/N), I can tell what you're thinking."
"You were always annoying like that."
"He's out front, in the corridor. That's all I'm going to say."
I looked at him for a few seconds, trying to make my mind up."Well, this one is a handful, just so you know."
"I think I can handle her." Isaiah smirked.
"I was warning her about you."
I giggled at his reaction, walking away and leaving him in his natural habitat of flirting. But as soon as I turned around, my stomach dropped, nerves filling up my entire body. He was here. I hadn't seen him for two years, though I thought about him everyday. Would he look different? Did I look different? What was he going to say? What was I going to say? My brain didn't want to think of any words, maybe I was about to babble absolute nonsense to him.
Upon seeing him, my throat tightened, the cool air slapping me in the face; oh, now I was sober. He hadn't noticed yet, leaning up against a wall, hands in his pockets. Wow, he had changed. His boyish charm was still there, yet he had matured into a handsome young man. It was like I was seeing him for the first time all over again. I was just happy that he would be seeing me in my finer clothes rather than catching me after work.
Urging my feet to move, I almost sighed at how small my steps were. I really was scared. Isaiah had said reassuring things, yet I couldn't even walk up to him. It was too late to back out now, especially when he finally looked up at me. I froze on the spot, not knowing what to do. Finn seemed the same way.
"(Y/N)." he said, I only just heard it.
Hello? Really, that's all I could come up with?
He pushed himself off the wall, coming to stand in front of me, though not too close."I...I can't believe you're here."
"I could say the same about you."
"This is where you've been living then."
I nodded."It's not too bad. I mean, I'm on a night out."
"Who are you with?"
I knew he was wondering if I was with a man."My roommates, I live with five other girls."
"Oh, that's a lot."
"Yeah, it's the only place I could afford."
"I hope it's nice."
"I shouldn't complain. A lot better than other places."
We both knew we were making an awful attempt at small talk. I was sure he had so much to say like I did, we just didn't want to dump it on each other in case the other ran away. It was like we were teenagers again, awkwardly trying to think of something to fill the dreaded silence.
"I really want to talk about us (Y/N)." Finn said.
"You do?"
"I...I just have so much to say to you. I can't do it now, but what about tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow? Tomorrow, um, yes, yes tomorrow works for me. It's the weekend, so I'm not working."
He smiled slightly."OK, good. I'll come get you. Um, I need your address."
"Oh, here." I dug around in my purse, thankful there was a folded up tissue and a pen, it was good to be prepared. I wrote down my address, handing it to him.
"I'll pick you up at one. I would want it to be earlier, you just never know what time you'll be back with this sort of thing."
"I understand Finn, I did live this with you once."
I barely slept, even when we stumbled in at three in the morning. Luckily I hadn't seen Finn, Isaiah or any other Peaky Blinder that evening, no doubt settling business behind the scenes. Despite the lack of sleep, I was wide awake the next morning, up before everyone else who were nursing their hangovers, trying on multiple outfits in a desperate attempt to look nice, but not as if I put too much effort in. The clock was rolling onto one o'clock, and my heart was beating much faster than usual. I was about to make my way downstairs when something glistened on my small vanity. Should I take it? Yes, I would.
Finn knocked on the door, and I waited a few seconds before opening it. We smiled as we greeted each other, not going in for a hug or kiss on the cheek, something I was worried about. That was the first hurdle jumped over.
"How was your evening?" Finn struck up a conversation as we walked further into town.
"Much better than yours I presume?" I smirked. He chuckled."Yeah, didn't exactly get to enjoy the music. Small fight, nothing we couldn't handle."
It was strange hearing about Blinder business again."Well I'm glad you're all safe."
"I thought we could go out for lunch, saw a nice place round here."
"Oh, that would be lovely."
"We don't have to, if you don't feel comfortable."
"No, no, no, it's not that. It's just a lovely thing for you to do."
We both bashfully smiled, luckily the restaurant was just around the corner. I had expected nothing less when we walked into the fancy place, not because I thought I deserved it, but because Finn wouldn't be seen anywhere else. His clothes were even more tailored now than they had been the last I saw him, indicating that the gang had been doing well, more money was coming in. We both immediately picked up our menus as we sat, hoping someone would speak first. Our eyes glanced over the top of them, it was as if we were on our first date again, only this time in a better establishment.
"You look beautiful." he said, still hiding part of his face.
"Thank you." I blushed.
"I'll never forget what you wore when I picked you up for our first date. That blue dress you just bought, with a matching purse, and those heels that you hadn't practiced walking in. Well, you used that as an excuse to latch into my arm all night."
I smiled, placing down my menu."It was a good plan, wasn't it? And I did struggle in those heels, I just didn't want to embarrass myself."
He copied me."I liked holding your hand all night."
"What a sweet sentiment."
"I mean it. And I mean this date. That didn't sound right, but...what I'm trying to say is that I want to make it all up to you."
"You do?"
"Yes! I really didn't expect you to leave. I mean I did, but I didn't want to believe that. I didn't want to believe that I had been so selfish that I couldn't even see how much I had hurt you." 
“That was the hardest decision I ever made. Most days I battle with myself whether I made the right choice. All night I kept making deals with myself. If you came back, I would hear you out, and if it was good enough for me I would stay. But then you didn’t, so I said to myself ‘Give him another hour.’. An hour went by, and I said the same thing to myself. That went on for the whole evening until I found myself angrily packing my things. Even then, I sat by door on top of my suitcase for another hour or so.”
“I thought you just got up and left. I didn’t realise how long you waited for me.” he sighed into his hands.“I’m such a fucking idiot.”
I could tell he was full of regret. Although it sounded sadistic, I was glad that he was upset when reflecting on our past relationship, it meant he realised his mistake. On the other hand, I hated seeing him sad. I took his hands away from his face, hesitantly reaching into my handbag to pull out the engagement ring I kept.
His eyes widened.“You still have that? I looked everywhere for it when you left, guessed you took it to sell.”
“I won’t lie, that was my intention at first. But it meant too much to me. It was like selling a piece of my soul. I kept it hidden, I didn’t want to risk any of the girls seeing it, they would just ask too many questions.”
I kept my eye on the beautiful ring as I spoke, slowly twirling it around to catch it twinkling in the light.
"I had such a hard time picking that out. I knew what you wanted, but I had to get it right for you. I'm so glad you kept it."
"I did try to sell it. I was stood outside of a shop for ten minutes debating with myself. It would have helped a lot for the deposit on the room, but I couldn't do it."
We were silent, both staring at the ring. We used to do that a lot actually. Finn would take my hand and hold it up as we laid in bed together, both giggling as we watched it glisten like it was in present times, before squealing at the thought of us being married to each other. I constantly fiddled with it when he was off on business, a habit which never wore off, even now; whenever I was nervous or worried, I would automatically do the same action, just without the ring.
A waiter awkwardly interrupted us, and I hurriedly put the ring back in my bag, sharing an embarrassed smile with Finn as we ordered. Once he was gone, I quietly sighed, looking out of the window. We were in such a nice part of town, so many ladies in beautiful dresses and men in smart suits strolling around.
"Are you...are you OK for money?" Finn boldly asked.
I was a little shocked by that.
"I don't mean anything by it. I just want to make sure you're OK, I would hate for you to be struggling, if you were."
"Uh, no, no I'm fine actually. It's not as generous as my old wage but it keeps me alive, I can live with the bare necessities."
I could see him itching to say something else, to keep the conversation going. I wasn't sure if we could go back to the serious topic we had before. However, I also wanted to bring it back up, it felt like we needed to talk about us.
"How's the family?" That's all I could come up with.
"They're fine. Everyone is the same. Well, they're not, they're a bit more serious nowadays."
"They weren't in the first place?"
He smiled."I suppose they were. Tension is the right word, tensions have been rising. Tommy's taking on a lot more, Polly knows all these secrets that no one else does, Ada is rebelling against anything Tommy says, Linda is still annoying, Esme and John have been popping kids out left, right and centre. Arthur is still crazy."
"Sounds like business as usual to me."
"They miss you too."
"Do they?"
"Yeah. Almost as much as me."
I cast my eyes down as butterflies rose in my stomach.
"I heard nothing else for the next few weeks after you left. They all told me what an idiot I was, that I was an extremely reckless, stupid and immature boy, and that I had let the best thing in my life get away from me. And they were right. I knew all of that already."
"I...I don't really know what to say right now."
"You don't have to say anything, let's just enjoy this meal, no more of that talk."
The nerves making my stomach flip built at that. What if we had nothing else to talk about? What if it was too weird to dive into our separate lives? I didn't want to sit across my ex-fiance, painfully and politely smiling through forced conversation.
The spark was still there.
When the waiter had returned with our drinks, we were already deep in talk about what had been happening in our personal everyday life. We were non stop, even as we ate through dinner. The waiters had trouble catching our attention each time they checked on us. I was deep in those eyes again, the ones I always dreamed of seeing. We were laughing hysterically, not at all acting how we should have in that establishment (there were a few eye rolls from other patrons). As if time had gone by in a second, the bill was slipped towards Finn, though I still reached into my purse.
"Are you mad? No, put your money away, I'm not taking it." Finn stated as he carelessly threw down some notes, surprisingly taking my hand in his and guiding me out of the restaurant.
I was tense as we walked, and I saw a flash of realisation in Finn's eyes as we made it outside. Both looking down at our interlocked fingers, Finn broke away, clearing his throat.
"Sorry, force of habit."
Hesitating, I smiled up at him, lacing our hands together again."These are new heels I'm breaking in. Need help walking in them."
He chuckled, pulling me closer as we walked down the street. We were silent, feeling like kids in love again. I couldn't deny that my feelings were still strong for Finn, I missed him dearly. At first, part of me had been wary of all this, wondering if he really had good intentions, or just thought he could get a quick shag in from an ex before he left; but the effort he went through, the things we spoke about, trying to heal old wounds, Finn had matured and he was wanting to fix this. I wanted to fix this, my heart was aching for my old life with him. 
“We’re not done yet, are we?” I timidly asked.
“Not unless you want it to be.”
I instantly shook my head.“No, I’d like to stay out for longer.”
“Even though you’re struggling in your heels?”
I smirked.“I know a nice place we can sit down.”
I took him to the local park, it had a huge lake with benches dotted around, luckily it wasn’t busy, there was somehow a hint of privacy here. We sat down close to each other, hands still entwined. 
“You still hungry?” I asked.
I dug into my purse, producing a bag of sweets I had bought the previous day. I laughed as his eyes lit up, taking one without even asking. I took one too, reminiscing on how we used to do the same thing as kids. It seemed he was thinking about it too.
“Just like the old days.” Finn said.
“We spent way too much money on sweets back then. It’s a wonder we still have our teeth.”
 “Wish I got out of that spending habit. We could be married and in our new house by now.”
“So you never wanted to move on? You didn’t give in to those girls wanting to be with a Peaky Blinder?”
“Never. I couldn’t. I couldn’t even fathom being with anyone else, it was always you (Y/N). Did you date?”
“No, I felt exactly the same. Which is why I was angry at myself for a long time. I was supposed to be upset with you, not still in love.”
His head whipped round to face me.“You still love me?”
My mouth was still open, unsure how to answer. It seemed I didn’t have to as Finn leaned in, placing on hand on my cheek as we kissed. Instinctively I kissed back, placing my hands on him where I could, hearing the bag of sweets fall to the ground and spill its contents. This kiss was needy, the type of kiss you gave your partner when you had missed them, when they had been away for a long time; and although we had our hands on each other, our touch was still gentle.
“Get the ring.” Finn breathed out, our lips still almost touching.
I carelessly got it for him, heart beating extremely fast. He took it from me, pecking me on the lips one last time before standing up. He straightened out his suit, took a deep breath and got down on one knee. I was just as emotional the first time he did it.
“(Y/N), I know I messed up everything in the past, I was careless when I should have been supportive and helped to build our future. I learnt from those mistakes, and I really, really want to go back to how we were. I need you (Y/N), I love you so much. There aren’t enough words to express how much love I have for you. Will you marry me?”
I didn’t need to think about my answer. I blurted out a yes, waiting for him to slide the ring back on my finger before throwing myself onto him. We stumbled back onto the ground, our arms around each other as we laughed and cried. I believed him this time, I truly believed him. He put in the effort to show me his changes, he wanted to fix everything. I wanted things back to the way they were with my man, and we were back to building our future and living the rest of our lives together.
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peepeepotter · 3 years
Late Night Encounters Part 3
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT!! Female receiving oral, unprotected vaginal penetration
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: It’s my birthday so I didn’t proofread this!! I’m sorry!!
Once again, Fred had a date. He woke up that morning and remembered every bit of what he had said, and stood by his words. He told Y/N he still wanted to see the ring on the table when he got home. He wanted her to think about it for at least 24 full hours before she made a decision.
Y/N and Fred had narrowly missed each other that morning. He was off running errands for the day and she had only just woken up. He was home for lunch and she was out with Hermione. Y/N felt her heart sink, feeling guilty for wanting to see him. Why guilt, though? She didn’t feel like she had a valid reason to feel guilty. After she got home from lunch Fred had already left for his date, so she fell asleep on the couch in the living room, figuring it was a good way to pass the time until she saw her new best friend again.
“Why was this on the kitchen table?” George asked, waking Y/N up out of her sweet, dreamless sleep on the couch. He was holding the ring.
“I can’t sleep with jewelry on.” She shrugged, getting up and going to grab the ring. He held it up higher. She almost laughed until she saw the look on his face.
“I’m serious.” She sighed heavily at this.
“I know, George.”
“You know what?” The audacity that men have.
“I know you’re sleeping with her again.”
“W-what?” He almost dropped the ring.
“I just don’t get it, George.”
“I w-wouldn’t do that again.”
“Except you are.”
“Why are you accusing me right now?”
“Because I’m not dumb! Just because I trust you doesn’t mean I’m dumb! I’m not naive. The first time, sure. This time, no! It’s the same as last time, but you thought I’d stay with you just because you proposed this time! Maybe I won’t, did you think about that? What if you get her pregnant? Did you just expect me to stay around and raise the kid? Or what if we both get pregnant, who are you leaving alone with their child?”
“I cannot believe this right now--”
“Stop that! Stop it! You’re gaslighting me! You know I’m right! Stop lying!”
“How long?”
“A year.”
“So immediately after we got back to where we were.”
“Why? What did I do? Why am I not enough for you?”
“Maybe if you--”
“Actually, no, fuck you. I’m enough for me. I’m enough for so many people. I gave you a second chance and you fucking blew it! I’ve done so much for you, for Fred, too!”
“I--” He sighed. He was speechless. It was the first time you’d really fully stood up for yourself. It was on him, he knew that. “I think...I’m going to spend the night at the Burrow, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow.”
“Go, spend the night with her, but don’t lie to me and say you’re staying with your mom.” She spoke bluntly, tears streaming out of her eyes quietly. It was a silent cry, the only way Y/N ever allowed herself to cry in front of people. He hesitated, but he turned around and left the living room. Y/N entered the kitchen, starting to grease pans for baking.
Fred came home that night, mostly confused. Y/N wasn’t in the living room tonight, which didn’t make him feel great. That wasn’t the worst of it though. The date was great. She was perfect, but...he hated it. Something was missing. As she listed off interests, favorite movies, her favorite quidditch team...all he could think was that something was missing. When he got home, and Y/N was missing, it dawned on him. It was her. She was missing. The girl had listed off all of Y/N’s favorite movies, her favorite songs. She liked to bake. Her favorite quidditch team was the Holyhead Harpies, the team his little sister played on. Suddenly, Fred felt rather sick. He can’t have feelings for his brother's girlfriend--no, fiance!
With a pit in his stomach, he walked into the kitchen, where he opened his eyes wide. The entire kitchen table and window sill were covered in baked goods. There was one clean counter, where Y/N sat staring off into space, waiting for her next round of cookies to finish.
“Oh! I forgot! I’m sorry, how was the date?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing--”
“Don’t, please don’t close yourself off. We’re close now, just let me in. What happened, what’s with the baked goods?” He asked, leaning with his arms crossed and his back against the island counter across from where she sat. He noticed the ring was missing, it wasn’t on Y/N’s finger, it wasn’t on the counter or the table where he’d seen it last.
“He admitted it. He’s cheating on me with her again.” She sighed, looking to the ceiling and holding back tears. “And it sucks so hard to know he wasted all this time of mine again. He proposed to me. I know he’s your brother, but that’s just so...crazy. Who does that?” She paused, and just as Fred was about to talk she kept going. “And the worst part is that I don’t...I don’t feel anything. The first time he cheated with Angelina it was like my whole world came crashing down. He was my best friend, my boyfriend, and my roommate. Now, it barely even feels like we’re roommates. I thought I could love him the same way after it all, and maybe he cheated because I couldn’t.”
“Don’t blame yourself. Cheating is always a decision. If he realized you didn’t love him the same way he should have communicated with you. Broken up. Not proposed and delayed this.” Fred sighed. Y/N wouldn’t make eye contact with Fred, assumingly because she was upset.
“I--” She paused, chest tight. She looked up at Fred, making blatant eye contact. “What if I’ve been emotionally cheating?” Fred’s eyes widened and his heart sank. He felt awful, like his feelings for her would just have to go away again. Right as they were getting close.
“W-what? With who?”
“You fucking idiot.” She sighed, pushing herself off the counter. She went to walk away, but Fred put his arms on either side of her on the counter, pinning her where she was.
“Don’t walk away.” He whispered, so close to her face. Her heart pounded.
“I--” She sighed. “Fred, I’ve felt more for you in the past five days than I’ve felt for George in the past year and a half. I waited all day for you to be here, and I kept feeling guilty for it. I’ve felt so guilty, and then I find out he’s cheating and I’m so numb to it because you’re all I can think about.” She paused to breathe before she continued her quick ramblings. “Also, the idea of having feelings for you is so weird, because we only just started to like each other, but you’re standing so close to me and all I can hear is my heart pounding in my ears. I can’t stop thinking about all the girls you used to bring home and how I don’t want to be just one of those girls you sleep with. But obviously I can’t just be with you because I think I just broke off my engagement with your brother and also because you haven’t said anything--” So Fred, in his overwhelmed state, pushed forward and pressed his lips against hers. She grabbed both sides of his face as he grabbed her hips. After a few moments, he quickly pulled apart, moving one of his hands to keep her hand on his face in place
“I couldn’t tell you the other night, but I had feelings for you that summer before the war, but you were with George. I couldn’t...I couldn’t just confess then, and besides you were so happy with him. Then we didn’t like each other, and the night before you got engaged I couldn’t stop thinking about you all over again. And...George made us spend all that time together and you’re the only thing I think about. The girl I went on the date with was so perfect, but I couldn’t get you off my mind and I realized she was just like you. But she wasn’t. She wasn’t you, no one will ever be you.” Fred spoke in a hushed tone with his eyes closed, as if speaking any louder or seeing her would make Y/N evaporate into thin air. Slowly, he opened his eyes to see her with tear tracks down her face.
“I don’t think anyone’s ever said anything that nice to me before.” She whispered, taking the hand that wasn’t trapped by his and wiping her face. He giggled, letting go of her hand and using both of his hands to hold the sides of her face. He leaned forward and kissed the tear stains on Y/N’s face. “You’re like this perfect man, it’s so wildly different from George.” She mumbled.
“I can’t account for where he went wrong, and I haven’t always been great. But if you give me the chance, I will love you better than anyone else could dream of.” With tears streaming down her eyes she pulled him in to kiss her again, he smiled against her lips. He held the small of her waist as she rested one of her hands on his chest, the other sat at the back of his neck playing with his hair. He moaned when she pulled it gently, causing her to smile into their kiss. She almost missed being able to see him rolling his eyes at her smirk.
“Love me, please. Tonight, tomorrow, every day. Just--love me tonight.” She whispered against his lips as they panted for air. 
He leaned down, kissing her again as he grabbed the back of her thighs and lifted her back to a sitting position on the counter. Y/N threaded her fingers through Fred’s hair, one of Fred’s hands was on her thigh, the other rested on her waist. Finally, she bit his bottom lip in an attempt to get him to do anything. In response, he gave a noise that sounded between a groan and a growl, moving to her neck to leave bite marks. He licked the shell of her ear and bit the lobe as he moved down to the length of her neck, sucking hard. She moaned softly, whimpering when he used he grazed his teeth over her neck. 
She started grinding her hips against his in an attempt to get some friction. He grabbed her hips, pulling her closer to him to aid in her plight for friction. After he felt satisfied with the bruises he’d left on her neck he went back to her lips, sucking on her bottom lip briefly before licking it in a silent asking of permission to use it. She gracefully licked his tongue, granting his own tongue admission to her mouth. Their tongues wrestled messily, Y/N playing with Fred’s hair and occasionally pulling softly to hear him moan. She was starting to feel frustrated with just grinding, so she moved the hand that was on the side of Fred’s face to gracefully feel all the way down his body before she started palming him through his slacks. He gave a harsh groan this time, pulling apart from her mouth briefly.
“You’re so beautiful, so sexy.” His voice was deep with pleasure and she moaned at the sound alone. Her heart swelled, she hadn’t been praised like that sexually...ever. Fred took one of his hands off of her hips to thread into her hair, pulling gently to hear her moan. He swore to himself that he could hear that every minute of every day and never get tired of it. While Fred knew he was going to fuck her, his intentions were pure-- he wanted to make love to her. Y/N, however, was getting frustrated with his politeness. She started to unbutton his slacks and he broke off their kiss again. “Hold on, I want to take care of you.” He whispered, flush against her lips.
“I appreciate that, but I want you inside of me.” She whispered, her hand that had been unbuttoning his pants was now tangled in his shirt. Fred felt his heart drop to his cock when she said this, groaning at her lack of restraint. Y/N started unbuttoning his shirt as he separated her thighs and pulled her completely to the edge of the counter.
“You’ll just have to be patient, princess.” He grinned as he went to crouch, kissing her knee on the way down. He left kisses all over the inside of her thighs, leaving her soaked to the core before he had even really touched her. Both Fred and Y/N were thankful she was wearing a dress that day, making his access considerably easier as he rubbed her through only her thin panties. Kissing the inside of her thigh as he looked up into her eyes, he felt like the luckiest man alive. He almost grinned when he saw she was adorning another pair of fruit covered panties.
“You know, I wasn’t kidding when I said the cherry panties were sexy,” He smirked up at her, rubbing circles into her clit through peach covered cotton. “These are sexy too, but I think they’d look a lot better on the floor.” He grabbed the cotton on her hips and pulled them down, leaving them on the floor like he promised. Y/N’s thighs were shaking from all the teasing he had done already. He licked from her inner knee to where he promised to take care of her, latching his mouth onto her clit. She gasped at the feeling of his warm tongue, closing her eyes. He used his tongue to create figure-8’s against her clit, and slowly pushed one finger into her. At this, she threw her head back, resting the crown of her skull gently against the cabinet behind her. She laced her fingers through Fred’s hair, now pulling hard. He groaned in his own pleasure, creating vibrations against her clit which in turn made her moan. He pushed a second finger into her, slowly pumping them as he worked her clit. After adding a third finger, her legs were shaking violently, showing she was nearing the edge. He quickly swapped his fingers and tongue, using his thumb to rub circles against her clit and sticking his tongue as deep as he could inside of her warm pussy. He had his other arm wrapped around her thigh, one of her hands reaching to hold the hand there as she neared her end even faster than before.
“I want you to say my name when you cum, baby, can you do that for me?” He paused briefly, looking up at her, she nodded vigorously. His tongue returned to it’s warm reserve inside of her. The motions he made with his thumb against her clit became faster, and soon enough she was squeezing his hand and nearly screaming his name. Fred waited for her to stop squeezing his hand to stand up and kiss her on the lips again. “You did so good, baby.” He whispered against her lips.
“Freddy,” She whimpered against his lips. “You haven’t even fucked me yet and I don’t think I’ll be able to walk.” She almost laughed at the thought. He grinned, happy with his work so far. He tucked a strand of her behind her ear, kissing her ear as he spoke.
“You won’t need to, baby. I’ll fuck you right here,” He started licking and kissing her neck again, making her whine. “And I’ll take care of you so you don’t have to walk.” He whispered against her quickly bruising flesh. She whined again, reaching to finish her job unbuttoning his shirt and unzipping his already unbuttoned pants. He let her continue as he wrapped his hand in her hair once and pulled back, exposing the front of her neck to him where he continued his attack. When she finished unbuttoning his shirt he helped her pull it off his shoulders, exposing his freckled and scarred skin on his chest to her. She rubbed her hands against his chest, feeling every individual scar and wondering where each of them came from. He watched her eyes dart around, a small closed-lip smile adorning her face as she felt the raised white scars. He rubbed his thumb against her cheek softly, loving his own view. Using the same hand that was petting her cheek, he lifted her face to look up at his. He pulled her face close to his own and kissed her softly.
“I love you, Y/N.” He whispered against her lips with his eyes closed. She smiled, reaching her face up to kiss his eyelids. Angel kisses on his blonde eyelashes. It was a sweet moment, to remind them both that not only was there no going back after what they were about to do, but also to remind them that this wasn’t just fucking. This was real, unadulterated love. He opened his eyes, looking deeply into hers as she pushed his slacks and boxers down as far as she could with her hands, using her bare feet the rest of the way. He lifted her dress over her head, tossing it somewhere behind him, inevitably landing on some type of baked good. She rested one hand against his jaw, pulling his face close to hers, her other hand pumping his cock and gently rubbing the tip. He closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath at the feeling of her small hand around him. He rested one hand on her jaw, mirroring her. His other hand rested on the small of her back to push her closer to him. They kissed gently, feeling like this moment was fragile and could be broken. Y/N moved the hand that was on his cock and squeezed his bicep, quietly communicating that she was ready. He moved his hand from the small of her back to line himself up with her entrance, and as he pushed in the both gasped quietly at the feeling. Fred rested his forehead on Y/N’s shoulder, eyes closed as he waited quietly and politely for her to adjust to his size. After a few moments she tapped him to tell him to move, her eyes squeezed tightly closed for preparation of any pain that would come from his movements. He moved slowly, truly taking this moment to get to know Y/N’s body. He felt every groove inside of her, every dip and small raise in her skin, memorising her inside and out. As they both started to get used to this puzzle-piece moment in which it felt like the clicking of soul-mates finally coming together, they started kissing again. Fred’s tongue entered her mouth, exploring, dead set on memorising her entire body. Her hands found themselves resting on his back, nails digging in every so often. If this had been her sex dream, she would’ve been wondering how many girls had dug their nails into his back, but in person all she could think about was him. He filled her every sense, she could smell him, feel him everywhere, taste him, his freckled skin stuck on her eyes even when they closed, and their shared moans overwhelmed her ears. If this was what making love was, she definitely had never shared that with George.
Fred lowered his hand, rubbing her clit gently as his pace got faster. He wasn’t sure if he had ever felt so good so quickly, he was almost positive he hadn’t ever felt his high come so quickly. As he pounded into Y/N’s g-spot and rubbed her clit, she found herself loudly moaning. Her nails were now leaving deep marks into Fred’s back, and Fred hadn’t even noticed.
“Fred,” She moaned his name loudly, the sound of which made his own high come even faster. Set on finding their highs together, they were flush together. Y/N nor Fred had never been so close to someone, their entire bodies touching. Her legs were wrapped around him, her torso flush against his and her face buried into his chest. His face was buried into her neck, leaving occasional kisses to avoid his own moans. Quickly, they found their highs together. After hitting her g-spot so many times, she warned him. He quietly thanked Godric, his own high coming as well. So as they came together, panting, completely embraced, they felt loved. They’d both felt fucked-out before, but this felt different. This felt simultaneously heavy and weightless on their hearts, and they stayed together for a long time. They kissed quietly, Fred not really wanting to leave her, and she not wanting him to leave her either. Before he pulled out she spoke.
“I love you too, Freddy.”
Tag list: @fredshufflepuff @melonoptimist @phelps-weasley-twins @maybeisthemoon @groovynachos @katllol @manuosorioh @brownieparker @superblyspeedydragon @packmentalityx @missryerye @p0gue420 @hogwartshomiehopper @skarlettmikaelson @seppys-return-to-madness @fandomscombine @wzardweasley @eattheboat @mgchaser @borhap-boiiii @gabiconstellation @hardpartybasketballshepherd @superpowereddonut @sukunas-cult-leader @whysoseriousssssssss @skateb0red @urgingforyou @lookscutebutwillfight
permanent tag list: @potters-heart @0x0spunky-monkey0x0
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