#all of us are dead Gwi-nam
quack-quack-snacks · 10 months
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My Navigation and Masterlist
Pairing(s): Gwi-nam x Fem!Reader Author's Note: For the sake of fanfiction - and this applies to all of my aouad stories unless stated otherwise - we shall make it so that Gwi-nam never sexually assaulted/harassed Eun-ji and neither did his friend group because what they did WAS SA/SH and I feel like so many people gloss over that fact. They have never SA/SH anyone and are just regular bullies who just harass and beat people up normally.  Summary: Even turning into a zombie won't stop Gwi-nam from getting back to you before you wake up. Warnings: Normal AOUAD gore and violence, Gwi-nam pushing that girl to her death in the kitchen scene, I think that's it but lmk if there's any more you can find! Word Count: 6,106
One of your favorite parts of the day, because everybody is too preoccupied with their food and their friends to look at you. You always sat alone at your table, right in the middle of the lunch room. You had a great view of everybody around you from here. People-watching became something you were used to doing. 
You didn’t really have any real friends, only ones you would talk to occasionally in the halls and at the beginning of classes. You never would actually text them outside of class, and the conversations would dull after the topic of school stopped, but you liked them nonetheless. You were more of an introvert anyways so not requiring yourself to make friends outside of school was nice. No requirements or plans to attend. There was really only one person who you would actually consider your friend; the only person you would willingly get out of bed to hang out with. 
And he was currently throwing pieces of broccoli at the back of your head.
Yoon Gwi-nam. The school bully’s gopher and, unfortunately, your best friend. You’d been his friend since 7th grade before he joined the group of the bad and left you alone. You weren’t too upset since he still hung out with you outside of school and showed you his friendly affection in other ways - such as with the broccoli bits that were tangled in your hair at the moment - but it got lonely at times. You also knew he only was in their group because of how you’d gotten bullied at the beginning of freshman year and he stood up for you. From there, he also got bullied until one day it just… stopped. For the both of you. The next time you saw him, he was smirking with an arm wrapped around Myeong-hwan’s shoulder as the boy berated a timid-looking girl who had tears running down her cheeks. 
He’d explained everything after school when you’d been ignoring him and you reluctantly agreed to his actions, knowing he was doing it for your benefit as much as, if not more than, his. You didn’t like it, but you weren’t sure of any way to stop him after he’d already dug himself too deep. 
Another broccoli piece hit your head and you leaned your head down to hide your face and your smile. To everyone, you just looked like another one of Gwi-nam and Myeong-hwan’s victims but this wasn’t bullying. This was something you had been doing since the both of you were in seventh grade. It was a test to see how long you could go without getting annoyed and if it lasted more than 10 minutes then you got a beautiful reward of a nice, crisp 5 dollar bill. If you lost, you had to lose said nice, crisp 5 dollar bill. 
The constant hitting was getting on your nerves and you prepared yourself to lose $5 just until you saw students. They were acting weird, crowding around the glass wall leading to the outdoors and screaming. They banged on the door until it broke and everyone fell to the ground in a pile. You stood up to rush forward to help them but stopped halfway across the room when you saw blood.
They were… eating each other.
You stood there paralyzed as you watched and couldn’t move even as one of them started rushing towards you. Just as the bloodied student got within a foot of your face, it was suddenly launched backward by a familiar sneaker.
“Are you okay?” You heard Gwi-nam ask you and scream your name but you just stared in shock at the body that contorted on the floor before it shot back up and roared. Just as it started to charge at you, Gwi-nam yanked you as he grabbed a lunch tray and slammed it across the beast’s face. It fell to the ground and Gwi-nam grabbed your hand to drag you away from the swarm. The sprinklers had turned on from the kitchen catching on fire and suddenly everything was slippery and you could barely keep your footing.
Correction, you couldn’t keep your footing. You slipped to the ground and Gwi-nam’s hand fell from your own when he was tackled by a zombie. He only barely was able to grab another lunch tray and stick it between the beast’s teeth before it could bite him. You quickly stood up and kicked the zombie off of him, slipping while trying to lift Gwi-nam and running hand in hand towards the closing doors of the kitchen. You crouched down and ducked under the metal table before any of the ones in the room could see you. Quickly after, you were joined by two others, a boy and a girl. 
“Get out! No!” Gwi-nam whisper-yelled as he tried to force them back out but you just pulled his hands away from the boy’s hair. 
“Gwi-nam stop! They’ll hear us! Just let them in,” you whispered to him and he rolled his eyes but knew you were right. As everyone piled in, you almost yelped when your legs got pushed out into the walkway but held your hand over your mouth as you pulled your legs back in, holding your breath as you waited to see if any zombie had seen you. Luckily they hadn’t. 
Gwi-nam cursed and glared at the boy who had unintentionally, or maybe intentionally, pushed your leg out. He grabbed you by the waist, pulling you in between his legs so you were laying against his chest to make room for the two as you curled in on yourself. You were too much in shock to think about the crush you’d been harboring for him for years as the first of many tears started to fall down your cheek. A small and almost inaudible whimper escaped your lips but Gwi-nam heard it and quickly used one of his hands to cover your mouth while the other wrapped around your waist and pulled your back further into his chest as he rocked you slightly. No other sounds left you but the tears continued to fall. 
The girl across from you wasn’t as lucky. She whimpered loudly as she cried and you reached out to take her hand, trying to get her to calm down but she just cried louder. 
Gwi-nam let go of your mouth and waist to reach forward and wrap his hands around her face to cover her mouth. “Shh! Shut the fuck up!” He gritted out through his teeth quietly. His head snapped up when he heard snarling before making the quick decision to just kick her out from under the table. She screamed, attracting all of the zombies’ attention and she tried to get up and run away but they got her. You covered your mouth as your breathing quickened and clenched your eyes tightly together. Gwi-nam pulled you into his chest and your head rested in the crook of his neck. The water from the sprinklers was still dripping down the sides of the table the three of you hid under. Your clothes and hair were soaked completely and so were Gwi-nam’s. More tears fell from your eyes and you clinged to his shirt tightly. 
“Go get it,” you heard the boy from above tell the boy across from the two of you. 
“No. I won't,” he protested, whimpering when he saw the glare on his face grow. 
“You stupid little…” Gwi-nam reached forward to grab onto his hair and yanked it. 
“Stop. Please!” He begged. “Just send her! She’s crying just like the other girl was!” He suggested, thinking he was giving a good solution. 
Gwi-nam didn’t speak for a second and you heard the boy let out a sigh of relief when his hair was released. “You know what, you’re right,” you heard him say and your body tensed. He wasn’t actually going to send you out there, was he? “She is crying.”
You forced your body to relax, accepting whatever would happen to you next but tensed back up in surprise when Gwi-nam kicked the boy out into the open. 
“But she’s important.”
The boy quietly started crying when he saw the zombies running towards him and latching onto his leg. He grabbed onto your leg, pulling you with him as he begged for help. 
“Please, help!” He dragged you out from under the table and you had to bite your tongue to keep from screaming as you desperately kicked at his hands. Gwi-nam came up from behind you and dragged you away, helping you to your feet before moving the both of you to dodge a zombie approaching him from behind. He quickly pushed you down so you were climbing through the space under the metal table before following closely behind and moving out of the way just as you put another, smaller, table in between the space of the two of you and the zombie. It just barely stopped the zombie from underneath, who you realized was the girl Gwi-nam had kicked out from under the table, from biting the two of you as she reached desperately but to no avail. As the two of you took a deep breath of relief from the zombie being out of reach, you quickly tugged Gwi-nam away by the sleeve after seeing another zombie approaching from the right and pushed a moving cart in front of the undead boy, causing him to fall over and scramble to get up. You both backed up and you heard someone trying to get your attention from beside you. 
“Hey, kids. Down here. Come quick!” The older lunch lady told you and motioned for you to join her under the countertop. You let out a breath of relief as you moved towards her but it faltered when you saw the zombie you knocked over with the cart get up and rush towards you. Gwi-nam quickly grabbed your wrist and moved you out of the way as he grabbed the woman’s outreached hand and pulled her in front of him just as the zombie latched its teeth onto her neck. Her screams echoed through the small room and you let out a shaky breath as he pushed both the woman and the zombie away before rushing forward, your hands still interlocked, and trying to get to the other side of the kitchen. He stopped short and turned around to go the other direction when he saw the boy who suggested throwing you to the zombies contort his body in odd ways before getting up and scrambling towards you. Another zombie ran towards Gwi-nam but he stopped just short to avoid being the next victim of the virus, pulling you away from the zombie boy sneaking up on you from behind. Gwi-nam bent down suddenly and grabbed a knife, holding it out in front of him as he pushed you behind him and into a corner. Feeling useless, you looked around for something, anything, to help and luckily saw a butcher’s knife laying on a cutting board where lettuce pieces were scattered around on. As Gwi-nam was looking at one of the zombies on the other side of the room, the girl trapped underneath the metal table had escaped and jumped towards him before you grabbed her hair to yank her back, slashing her across the neck and getting blood scattered across your hand and face. You didn’t have any time to be disgusted or wipe yourself off when the lunch lady came up to you, now zombified, and tried to pull your arm into her mouth only for you to slash her across the face with your knife and then again across her throat, successfully making her drop to the floor in a lifeless heap. You looked over just in time to see the boy who turned the lunch lady into a zombie charge for Gwi-nam only to be thrown to the ground after he stabbed him through the neck with his own knife. Hastily, the two of you killed off the remaining zombies in the room together and breathed heavily after you finished. 
You walked over to the sink and grabbed a paper towel from a roll to your left before wetting it and wiping down your face before turning to Gwi-nam and walking over to him. It wasn’t a lot, but he had blood drops scattered along his face so you gently reached up to wipe them away and he just watched you in silence with an unknown look in his eyes as you did. 
Once you were done, you let your hand fall to your side and dropped the wipe to the side with a heavy sigh. The sound of creaking was heard to the side and the both of you looked over in fear as the gate protecting you from the horde of zombies surrounding the kitchen started to break in some areas. “We should go. I don’t think that will hold them for much longer. Especially since they know we’re in here and probably won’t back down anytime soon,” you told him and he nodded in agreement. He looked around before setting his eyes on the window of the room and pointing to it. 
“There. We can use that to leave. We definitely can’t use the kitchen entrance so I think this will be the best option,” he explained and you hummed in agreement as you both walked up to it. You saw a lever to the side and quickly unlatched it before pushing the window open and looking around outside to see if there was anything, or anyone, out there that would put either of you at risk. The sun was going down and it was harder to see but you looked over and saw a small alleyway that appeared to be empty. You quickly jumped up onto the windowsill and Gwi-nam frantically put his hands on your waist to stop you from falling, which you let out a small laugh at. You sent him a look behind your shoulder and he rolled his eyes before playfully pretending to push you forward which you flinched at but then let out a small laugh. Jumping down onto the other side of the window, you kept watch as Gwi-nam helped himself get over the sill to hop down beside you. The both of you snuck behind the alleyway and peeked behind the wall to look for any escape. By that point,  the sun had faded behind the horizon and the world was encased in darkness besides the lights that automatically turned on from the school’s lampposts. Looking around, you noticed a bike. Without looking, you lightly tapped Gwi-nam on the chest to get his attention and pointed at it. 
“Fuck, luck us,” he exclaimed quietly and looked around to see how much of a risk the path to the bike was. “All we need to do is get to the bike.”
Grabbing your hand in one of his and his knife in the other, he quickly set a path to there. You noticed zombies had realized your appearance and tried to tug him back but it was too late. Letting go of his hand, you grabbed an oncoming zombie by the shoulders and threw it to the ground behind you, helping Gwi-nam up from where he’d fallen. You both sprinted to the vehicle and you grabbed both Gwi-nam and your own knives while he hastily got on the bike, trying to get it started and going quick enough for you to jump on so the two of you could go. Unfortunately, as he started ascending the bike, the two of you noticed the chain was broken and you cursed at your luck. 
Not so lucky after all. 
Abandoning the bike, the two of you jumped off and made a run for the school’s front entrance. The bike had slowed down the zombies behind you but the ones in front of you were still a risk and you had to stab one to stop it from getting too close. You gave Gwi-nam his knife back after you two had successfully made it back into the building and closed the glass doors behind you. Letting out an exasperated groan, you yanked Gwi-nam’s hand and pulled him along as you saw more zombies chasing after you, these ones inside of the building with you. You both ran around through the corridors, getting cornered by zombies but luckily finding an open door. 
The principal’s office.
You both ran in and Gwi-nam slammed the door shut behind him. You turned around just in time for a zombie to lunge at you and you shoved its chest hard so it fell backwards. Gwi-nam grabbed one that was creeping up behind you and stabbed it a few times through the neck before throwing it over the principal’s desk where you heard it twitching and groaning before going silent. While he dealt with the another one, you handled the other two and the two of you cleared the room with great amounts of exerted effort. 
You bent forward and rested your hands on your knees as you took deep breaths in to try and regulate your breathing. “Fuck. What the fuck. This is so fucked up,” you rambled under your breath and was Gwi-nam carelessly threw his knife down onto the coffee table before resting his hands above his head to try and regulate his own breathing. 
“I hate this fucking school,” he complained and unceremoniously plopped down onto one of the soft chairs in the room. Walking over, you plopped down onto the one next to him and sighed. 
“Let’s just go to sleep for a bit, we’re both too fucking tired to think properly, let alone fight anymore. Maybe tomorrow we can try to find another way out,” you reached over to where a modern rotary phone resided and tried dialing 119 but the dead dial tone playing through showed you that it was either broken or the calling services no longer worked. You sighed in exhaustion before falling to the side and resting your head on the arm rest of the chair. You could feel Gwi-nam’s eyes on you but didn’t bother looking up at him as your eyes fell heavily closed and your breathing seemed to even out on its own. The soft hand that fell onto your hair and gently caressed it away from your face didn’t help in keeping you awake and you felt your consciousness slipping through your fingers like sand at the beach. 
The next morning, Gwi-nam woke with a start as he felt tapping on his arm and turned to see the one and only principal next to him. His hand fell away from where it limply rested atop your head and you let out a small groan of protest in your sleep which he would have thought was adorable if he wasn’t just rudely awoken by one of the last people he wanted to see. “Hey. You're Gwi-nam, right?” The principal asked him while he looked around nervously.
“What? Why?”
“How is it outside? Still the same?” He pestered and Gwi-nam groaned as he realized the situation he was still in, turning over in his seat to try and go back to sleep, now knowing neither you nor him were in any danger. 
“You can drive a car, right?” The principal asked him and he just looked up at him before shaking his head lightly. 
“I can't,” he denied. 
“Come on!” The principal complained. “I had to cover up your mess last year when you guys drove your dad's car and caused an accident!” Gwi-nam just looked around in slight embarrassment before looking back up at him questioningly. 
“Why do you ask?”
The principal reached into his pocket and retrieved a keychain with his car keys attached. “Here's my car key. It's in the parking lot. License plate, 7340,” he turned to go to his desk, opening a drawer and retrieving something from there before closing it loudly. Gwi-nam’s head snapped over to where you were still laying asleep and breathed out a sigh of relief when you didn’t even stir. “Bring it here,” the man walked over with a new pair of fresh socks in his hand and sat down on the couch beside you to put them on. 
Gwi-nam slowly sat up and leaned forward with his elbows resting on his knees. “Why?” He questioned. 
“Go to the night duty room and out the window, it's in the lot.”
Gwi-nam groaned, realizing what he was being asked to do and layed back in the chair with his feet resting on the coffee table. His head laid against the back of the cushion and his hand returned to resting on top of your head, lazily scratching your head with his fingertips. “No way.”
“You punk. Listen to your principal at once!” The man arrogantly ordered him but Gwi-nam just sat back up and looked at him in annoyance while he defied him. 
“I said no,” his eyes looked over at his knife just as the principal’s did too and they both reached forward for the object at the same time. The principal was quicker and grabbed onto it, holding it out in front of him awkwardly but threateningly. 
“Give me that,” Gwi-nam demanded before grabbing onto the principal’s wrist and wrestling him for it. “Give me that!”
“You punk!”
“I said to let go!” Gwi-nam raised his voice as he finally got the principal to let go and looked down at you briefly only to see you still sleeping peacefully on the chair. “Damn it,” he sighed quietly and waved the knife back and forth as he looked back at the principal who looked terrified. 
“Fine. Just get out of here.”
“Go with me.” Gwi-nam insisted but the man shook his head in rebuttal. 
“Why should I? You go.”
“Go with me to the car. It'd be nice to have a shield, anyway,” Gwi-nam told him while gesturing to the older man’s body as he explained the purpose he would be using him for. 
“What's wrong with you? Stay away!” The principal picked up a plant pot from beside him and held it above his head as if he was going to throw it. 
“My god. Look at you,” Gwi-nam degraded and rolled his eyes at how pathetic he looked. “All right, Mr. Principal. If this were a game, I'd be… happy to kill you… sir.”
“Stop! Stay away!” The older man begged after Gwi-nam took a step forward, his voice raising. “Why don’t you just take her!” He pointed down to where you were still sleeping peacefully, undisturbed by the loud noises coming from above around you and Gwi-nam hosted a smile for a moment before turning back to glare at his so-called principal. 
“God, why does everything suggest that?” He took another threatening step forward. “Is it so fucking hard to see that she’s important to me? I guess everyone is just too fucking dense to see it.” The principal looked worried for his own safety and suddenly Gwi-nam had wrestled him down so he was pressed against the coffee table with his chest down. “And keep it down, would you? She may be a fucking deep sleeper but anyone would wake up with a voice annoying as yours blaring in their ears.”
Suddenly, the door burst open and a familiar face popped in. 
Cheong-san looked back and forth between the two of them, his eyes falling on the sleeping girl on the couch before training back on where Gwi-nam had the principal restrained against the table. 
“Is that the principal?” He questioned, confused.
“Get this jerk off my back!” The older man protested and begged. “Get this psychopath!”
“Shh! I told you to shut the fuck up, didn’t I?” Gwi-nam grabbed his collar roughly to stop him from talking.
“What the hell, Gwi-nam?” Cheong-san asked the bully only to receive no answer but a demand instead. 
“Cheong-san. Come here and tie his arms. The bastard won't stay still.”
“Hey. What are you doing?” He questioned with his eyes blown wide in shock.
“Come and tie him up,” Gwi-nam tried again. 
“You're finished. Do you hear me? I'm expelling you! Untie me now!” The principal yelled only for Gwi-nam to shush him again and press his knife against his throat.
“Gwi-nam! Stop that!”
“Stop what? This fucking guy…” he stood up, pointing towards the helpless and pathetic man on the table before pointing the knife towards himself. “Tried to kill me. He said to go out and get his car!” He then switched the knife to his other hand and pointed his now knife free hand towards you. “And he tried to make me use her as a shield!” Gwi-nam leaned back down over the principal and pressed the knife onto his neck again. “You call yourself a principal.”
He suddenly got off of the principal and hid the knife behind his back as he saw Cheong-san bring out a phone from his pocket and start recording him.
“That's right. Good idea!” The principal praised Cheong-san’s quick thinking.
“I'm filming everything,” the boy explained. “Let go, or I'm gonna send this to the police immediately.”
“You little… I will kill you,” Gwi-nam threatened. 
“Just stop acting like human garbage. No one respects you just because you act tough.”
“I'm the new boss of this school,” Gwi-nam explained to him like it was obvious. “Don't you get it?”
“Don't make me laugh. You're just a fucking loser who will serve bullies for his entire life,” Cheong-san spat at him and Gwi-nam’s face fell to a much more intimidating and annoyed one. He let his arms fall from behind his back, the knife no longer hidden from the camera. 
“Yeah? Say that again,” Gwi-nam dared him but turned around after the principal had maneuvered himself off the table so he was near you, his leg pumped into yours and you stirred faintly which caused Gwi-nam to rush forward, slicing the side of the principal’s neck where he fell to the floor and bled out. 
He walked towards Cheong-san who lowered the phone down in shock after seeing what he just witnessed. “You fucking…” Cheong-san couldn’t finish his sentence because of his shock as Gwi-nam walked towards him slowly, wiping the blood from his knife into his red-stained white button up shirt. 
“So am I… still a loser? Are you with me or not? The phone,” Gwi-nam stuck his hand out as he demanded him to give him the phone with the video on it. 
“You just murder-”
“Give me the phone!”
Gwi-nam lunged forward, trying to slash at Cheong-san who narrowly avoided his attack. The two ran around each other and scuffled for a bit before Cheong-san got ahead and ran out of the room with the cell phone in his possession. The zombies in the hall followed after him and Gwi-nam ran after him before turning back to look at you where you were still sleeping. It amazed him how heavy of a sleeper you were, not waking up even after all of that chaos. He rushed forward, giving you a sweet kiss on your forehead before silently promising you he would be back, running out the door and softly closing it behind him before chasing after Cheong-san. 
Soon enough, the two ended up in the library. After seeing Cheong-san getting mauled off of the top of a bookshelf, Gwi-nam jumped on top of the bookshelf and yanked the shirt of the boy who pushed him off, successfully returning the favor and causing the zombies to lunge for the fallen boy. Gwi-nam chased after Cheong-san, both boys avoiding zombies whenever they came into near contact with them. The latter had jumped up onto a bookshelf but was stopped when a couple of zombies had tried to pull his leg down so he would fall. He managed to kick them off him and got onto the bookshelf but one followed him up. It miscalculated its jump and slammed into the light, bringing it down with it as it fell to the ground. Cheong-san had no time to breathe in relief as he saw Gwi-nam appear on top of another bookshelf and jump after him. They both scrambled after and away from each other, now crouching next to each other only separated by the gap of the two bookshelves and the zombies below. 
“Cut it out,” Cheong-san grit out while both of them breathed heavily.
“Give me the fucking phone,” Gwi-nam demanded and held out his hand, waiting impatiently. He was desperate to get back to you, desperate to just hold you again and finally be able to say what he’d been too much of a coward to for the past three years. Now might as well be the perfect time. 
“You killed the principal. You're a murderer.”
“You made me kill him, you shit!” Gwi-nam hissed. “You wanted proof I wasn't a coward.”
“You're insane.”
Gwi-nam slowly stood up, ready to fight and Cheong-san followed his lead. They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before Cheong-san dashed in the other direction. Gwi-nam followed and lunged for the boy’s legs, knocking him down so he hit his head on the top of a bookshelf before falling to the floor where zombies quickly followed after and tried to take a bite of his flesh. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on who you asked, Cheong-san managed to get back up on a bookshelf only to find Gwi-nam already there. He kicked him in the stomach only to have ended up landing on his back with Cheong-san on top of him, trying to stop all of his attacks. The bookshelf rattled from the two’s fighting and from the zombies below trying to knock them over. 
Gwi-nam noticed the pulling the zombies had been doing to the bottom of his pant leg and screamed at them, “Get off me!”
Just as he managed to get the zombies off and stood up, Cheong-san pulled down the light above them and slammed it against Gwi-nam’s back. An act that seemed to have no effect. The boy grabbed Cheong-san and slammed him down against the bookshelf before forcing his head over the edge and making it so he was dangling above the zombies who reached up and tried to grab at his hair. 
“Should I save you?” Gwi-nam taunted. “What do you say? Beg for your life. Come on.”
“Screw you,” the other boy refused and Gwi-nam pulled his head up to punch him a few times, succeeding in knocking him out before searching his pants for the phone. 
Just as he found it and tried to search for the photos app, Cheong-san woke up again and hit the phone out of his reach, just barely managing to catch it in his other hand above the zombie horde who reached endlessly for a bit of his flesh. Gwi-nam angrily resorted to choking him to try and get him to either pass out again or to reluctantly give him the phone.
Neither of which happened.
Gwi-nam screamed and whimpered in agony as he found himself with the edge of the phone lodged in his eyes, screaming even more as he then found himself being pushed off of the bookshelf and into the void of death below. 
He fought for a way out, pushing the zombies away but only ending up to where he was laying against the top of a table and the zombies piled on top of him. He reached out for Cheong-san, now begging for his own life in an act of life’s cruel irony. “Damn it! Shit! Help me! Cheong-san! Fuck! Oh, please!” He begged and begged but Cheong-san only looked down at him before looking away, trying to plan for his escape. Gwi-nam cursed him silently, vowing to end his life and not let him get away with this.
“I'll kill you. I will kill you. Fuck you,” He cursed him in his head. “I'll…”
He stopped moving all together as his body gave in to the call of death, only leaving one last thought as he left the land of the living. 
Less than an hour later, Gwi-nam awoke in the same spot on the table, confused and scared as zombies still surrounded him. He looked down and pinch lightly at where he saw a bite mark had appeared on his stomach. “Oh, shit. Did I die? Am I dead?”
Suddenly zombies came running towards him after hearing the noise. He gasped and flinched back as he prepared himself to be attacked again only for the zombie to stop short after smelling him. More followed but none attacked him. They all just turned away like there was nobody there. 
“Hey!” He experimented after the zombies turned around, looking for their next prey. They all turned back to him but turned back around after not smelling fresh meat. 
A small smirk started to cover his face as he started to realize what was happening. “Aren't you gonna eat me, you zombie bastards?”
When they all growled but made no move to attack him. He let out a confused laugh before deciding to stand up, still cautious of the zombies surrounding him. When none of them tried to go after him, the fear he harbored started to dim and he gained more confidence with every step. He walked up to where a cracked mirror was and took slow steps as the memory of Cheong-san stabbing him with the edge of the phone refilled his mind. He slowly touched his eye, wincing when it stung a tiny bit but much less than he expected it to. 
“Cheong-san, you son of a bitch! I'll kill you,” he vowed before his one good eye widened in realization. “Fuck!” 
He started panicking as he thought about you being all alone before realizing he had closed the door and you were safely inside, probably still asleep from how deep of a sleeper you were. He calmed down and walked around, finding a ONE HEART club jacket and putting it on after taking off his blood-stained white button-up. 
“What the fuck?” He sighed as he put the jacket on and zipped it up. “That means…” He paused as he looked around at the zombies who were growling and running into the walls around him. “I'm God.”
He rolled his eyes at the zombies before making his way back towards the principal’s office. He opened the door quickly and entered the room before any zombies could follow up behind him. He walked over and saw you in the same position he had left you in with your head resting on the arm rest and your legs curled up. He let out a small and quiet laugh as he walked over, making sure to be quiet as he gently lifted you from the couch and gathered you in his arms so you were sitting on his lap with your head resting against the curve of his neck. You let out a small groan of protest as your eyes fluttered open slightly. 
“Gwi-nam?” You whispered out in confusion and tried to lift your head but he just gently pushed you back into his chest which you followed without any more complaint. “Where’d you go?” You asked, your words mumbling together and he cursed himself for you waking up while he was absent. 
“I just had to deal with some things, but I’m back now.”
“You should’ve woken me up,” you scolded him lightly while wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“But then you would’ve been awake and I would’ve had to listen to your dumbass scolding me,” he teased lightly and you lightly slapped the back of his arm from where you were holding him. 
He smiled softly and leaned his head on top of your own, his cheek pressed to your crown, waiting for you to go back to sleep. He wasn’t satisfied until he heard your breathing even out once more. Lifting his head up, he looked down at you with a soft gaze as you breathed in deep breaths through your nose. Every exhale would softly blow against his neck but he didn't care. He tried to suppress his emotions but couldn’t stop the love bubbling underneath his skin and threatening to escape. He leaned down and pressed a loving kiss to your forehead before leaning his head back onto yours and closing his eyes, trying to get more sleep of his own. 
“To hell with Cheong-san,” he thought to himself. “I’m never leaving you again.”
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justice4gyeongsu · 1 month
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SYNOPSIS ➢ a fast-spreading outbreak soaks the school in blood. quite literally & figuratively.
PAIRING ➢ lee suhyeok x male!reader
AU ➢ enemies-to-lovers au!
CONTENT WARNING ➢ this chapter contains; classism, homophobia, bullying, embarrassment, mentions of gore, blood, cannibalism [let me know if i missed any!]
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sitting at your front door, tying your shoes, you can't shake the feeling that something's off. last night's sleep was weirdly quiet - no dreams, no whispers in your ear, no memories bubbling up to the surface. just a big, empty space where your subconscious usually runs wild. it's unnerving, to be honest. you're used to your mind being a bit of a battlefield, even when you're sleeping. but last night, it was like someone hit the mute button. and now you're left wondering if this is what it's like when... well, when it's all over. is it just silence? nothingness?
the thought sends a shiver down your spine. you're not sure what's more unsettling - the idea of an afterlife that's just a blank slate, or the possibility that last night was just a weird fluke. either way, you can't shake the feeling that something's shifted, and you're not sure what's coming next.
your father's footsteps broke the spell, and you refocused on tying your shoes as the TV droned on in the background. the familiar sounds of his morning routine were comforting - washing dishes, drinking tea, and making job calls. occasionally, he'd cook breakfast, a rare treat when finances allowed. you'd learned to supplement your meals with snacks from school, stashing them away for weekends.
as the news anchor spoke, a name caught your attention - "missing student from hyosan high" - and you turned to see the scientist teacher's son on screen. but before you could process the news, your father's gruff voice cut in, "what'd you do to your hair?" his question was a stark reminder of your own daily struggles. you hesitated, a sheepish shrug your only response. the salt spray you'd applied to enhance your natural texture had slipped your mind, but the 35 anxious glances in the mirror hadn't. you'd sought validation in your reflection, ensuring the subtle waves framed your face just so. "just wanted to, uh, try something different," you mumbled, the words trailing off like a hesitant confession.
your father's gaze lingered for a moment, as if searching for a hidden meaning, before he turned away, disappearing into his room. the unspoken dismissal was clear: time to head out. with a quiet sigh, you grabbed your bag and slipped out the door, leaving the uncertainty of your father's reaction behind, like a lingering whisper in the morning air.
as you locked the door, a spark of excitement ignited. you headed down the steps with enthusiasm, careful not to trip. today was a first: ditching the bus for your bike. it was a small change, but one that filled you with unexpected joy. the prospect of feeling the wind and sun on your face was exhilarating. you smiled at how something so simple had awakened a sense of adventure. your feet hit the concrete with a loud thud, and as you looked up, three imposing figures loomed before you. their black coats billowed behind them like dark wings, and their smiles seemed to hold a sinister intent. you knew exactly who they were - and your heart sank. one of them concealed a bat behind his back, and your excitement was replaced with icy fear. paralyzed, you couldn't even think of calling the police. your father's words still lingered in your mind: "if you want me to live, let them beat me." the memory of his scolding made your stomach twist with anxiety. the men simply walked past you and began to head to the door you once came from only seconds ago. with shaking hands, you hastily untied your bike and stuffed the chain into your backpack, desperate to escape the ominous scene unfolding before you.
as you entered the classroom, your gaze instinctively sought out choi namra, your deskmate and sole point of reference. the murmur of conversations momentarily subsided as you took your seat, but you stood firm, refusing to be swayed by the subtle scrutiny of your peers. today, you had made a deliberate choice to style your hair, sweeping it aside to reveal your face in a departure from your usual disheveled appearance. the tangled locks that often obscured your features were now neatly parted, with wavy bangs framing your tired eyes. just as you settled into your chair, a gentle voice pierced the air, speaking from behind namra, who was engrossed in her textbooks. onjo's warm, kind eyes met yours, accompanied by a soft smile and a subtle thumbs-up. "y/n-ah, you look great today," she said, her words catching you off guard with their sincerity. a spark of surprise ignited within you, leaving you momentarily breathless. did she just say.. great?
your eyes only blankly blinked at her words until you cleared your throat, “w-what?” you asked. unfortunately, the sound of a high-pitched voice had cut off onjo’s next words. “yah!” the entire classroom was now facing a pink-cardigan-wearing nayeon who angrily stepped towards her desk. to which, he was surrounded by wujin and his friends. “get off of there. you stink,” she commanded to gyeongsu, who was sitting on top of her desk. your eyebrows raised at the interaction, gyeongsu hopped off the abnormally upset girl's desk. “oh, okay. my bad,” he spoke with a slight confusion in her tone. he proceeds to wipe off any excess ‘stink’ that he might have left, nayeon raises her voice once again at this. “cut it out! you're so dirty,” she shouts in disgust while moving her backpack away from him. to say that nayeon was privileged was an understatement, but you knew that already. “what the hell is your problem?” gyeongsu murmurs before taking a step forward in rising annoyance.
luckily, his friend cheongsan wraps his arms around his shoulder and tells him to just let it go. knowing that arguing with a disdainful girl like nayeon was practically a suicide mission. before the situation could escalate for the worse, the teacher stepped foot into the classroom. signaling everyone to stop chatting and head to their respective seats.
as the chairs scraped against the floor, your gaze wandered to the window. a tiny mosquito buzzed against the pane, trying to get in. this reminded you of what those threatening men called your father - a mosquito. they said he was a nuisance who took risks and left problems behind. you wondered why your father never talked about his life, before or now. he kept his secrets to himself, never sharing anything you wanted to know. his silence was frustrating, and you wished he would open up.
“alright everyone, c'mon bring up the phones.” your teacher announced. everyone piled to the front to bring their phones, it wasn't something you cared for. the only person you would text nowadays should be your father. if he didn't get a new one every other week that is.
with what money? you never did ask.
when everyone finishes turning their phones in the teacher, being as intelligent as she is, texts the classroom group chat and you suddenly hear a notification sound coming from right in front of you. your long-ago friend, wujin, and to the right of him, was daesu. who quickly looked behind him and looked at namra and you. pretending it was you two who had their phone still, however the entire class knew it was him. including your teacher. “daesu, seriously?” a voice asked in disbelief as the rest of the class laughed at his failed scheme so early in the morning.
the teacher began to go on about english studies and you tried your best to focus this time. to put in effort and change your lifestyle around. you're gonna be the best version of yourself, you're tired of trying to blend in and be accepted, and you will exceed in everything you do your studies, the way you carry yourself, everything. today was the day when you no longer lived in fear and humiliation. the new you was something you are ready for and you're starting to no longer care if others aren't. “y/n-ah!” your head snapped up to the teacher who smiled at you and pointed at your hair, “you look so handsome, wow.” to say your cheeks heat up in embarrassment was an understatement, the class had quiet giggles and all eyes were on you once again. you nodded your head and awkwardly cleared your throat. “let's see… how about you give me your take on individuality, in this case?” she points to the chalkboard where she wrote her previous inquisitions.
with a surge of determination, you straightened your posture, shedding the timid persona that had held you back for so long. just 24 hours ago, you were a different person, but now, you were ready to evolve. taking a deep breath, you began to speak, your voice steady and clear. "um, in this character's case, …she lacks the idea of being her own person. she feeds off of what her friends decide at every moment.." you carefully avoided eye contact with your classmates, focusing intently on your words. "meaning that she kinda sets herself up for disappointment when her results don't match her peers." as you finished speaking, you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. your teacher's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and a moment of silence hung in the air before she responded, "perfect answer." the words hung in the air like a badge of honor, a testament to your growth and newfound confidence.
suddenly, her eyes darted to the other side of the classroom and her gleeful demeanor changed instantly to a sternful one. “you, bare-su, stand up.” everyone's eyes shot to the back of the class, except yours. “what's with ‘bare-su’?” she asks as he stands up and everyone laughs once again but a little louder now. as you stare out the window, the uncomfortable conversation fades into the background. you'd rather not dwell on the past or revisit old emotions.
the warm sunbeams streaming through the glass wrap around you, and your mind begins to wander. a familiar figure pedals into your daydream - the boy from the bike shop, with eyes like a fox and dark hair that makes your heart skip a beat. the memory of him is a balm to your soul, a sight that soothes your eyes and stirs your pulse. the thought of seeing him again sends a thrill through you, and you can't help but wonder when your paths will cross once more.
kyungho, kyungho, kyungho…
the name stuck to you while you gaze at nothing in the classroom. “oh yeah? what did y/n just say then?” the teacher's question cut through the air, snapping you back to reality as it echoed off the wooden classroom walls. suhyeok's eyes widened in surprise, his gaze fixed on you as if seeing you in a new light. your hair, styled differently, and your eyes, no longer hidden, seemed to have caught him off guard. as his gaze met yours, you quickly looked away, pretending not to care, trying to conceal the flutter in your chest. you didn't want him to think you still had feelings for him, that his presence still affected you.
“he uh… he said..”
just as suhyeok was about to speak, hyeonju burst into the classroom, her shocking appearance captivating everyone's attention. her face was pale, with blood trickling down her cheeks and lips. gasps filled the room as the teacher called out her name, but hyeonju collapsed to the ground, unresponsive. classmates rushed to her side, forming a circle around her as ms. park rushed to her aid. you remained seated, stunned, as ms. park cradled hyeonju's limp body, her face a picture of brutal injury. it looked like she had been hit by a car, with deep gashes and bruises covering her skin. the room was filled with worried murmurs and shocked expressions, as everyone struggled to process the scene unfolding before them.
you stood slowly from your seat when you heard someone ask their friend beside them “did she just say the science teacher drugged her?” your heart dropped. you had had some odd conversations with the science teacher before. him asking you to stay a bit after class and telling you if you felt like you needed to defend yourself from others, to always fight back, and then they’ll leave you alone.
little did he know that you have already done that and it still didn't exactly solve your crisis. you would just nod and awkwardly look away before saying you had to be home soon or else your father was going to come looking for you, even if you both knew, he probably wouldn't. on certain days, the man's demeanor shifted to one of frantic urgency, as he emphasized the harsh principles of survival of the fittest. his intensity was unsettling, leaving you concerned about his well-being. before you could ask if he was okay, he would dismiss you, leaving your questions unspoken. reflecting on these encounters, you revisited the memories, searching for any subtle signs that might have hinted at his inner turmoil.
“we gotta get her up, can you get up, hyeonju-ah?” the teacher tried speaking calmly, but every student in the room knew she was frightened just as much as you all were. “i'll carry her,” suhyeok offered, and began carrying the drifting girl on his back with isak and onjo following out shortly behind. ms. park closed the sliding door, leaving all the students to gather in small groups and discuss what they had just witnessed.
the lunch bell's gentle chime echoed through the school's corridors, signaling the start of the midday break. students sprang into action, eager to escape their classrooms. but you lingered, lost in thought, as you made your way out. questions swirled in your mind: what was wrong with hyeonju? why were people blaming the science teacher? would she recover? and then, a nagging doubt: was suhyeok really looking at me-
you looked up to see cheolsu, a quiet boy often overlooked by his peers, crumpled on the floor. he winced in pain, his eyes wide with surprise, as if your accidental stare had been a physical blow. "oh, cheolsu, are you okay?" you asked, offering a helping hand and lifting him up with ease. the height difference between you two was striking, with cheolsu's slouched posture making him appear even smaller. "ugh, s-sorry...i was in a rush," he stuttered, his eyes cast downward, a habitual gesture that spoke volumes about his struggles.
you shook your head and apologized, "no, sorry, my fault, I wasn't paying attention." as you took a deep breath, your gaze lingered on the scabs around his neck, a subtle hint of a hidden struggle. sensing your notice, he seemed to shield his secret, and you instinctively covered the area with a gentle touch, pretending to rub his neck. seeking to shift the focus, you asked, "heading to the cafeteria?" but he sidestepped your question, his eyes locking onto your hair as he asked, "what's up with your hair?" the familiar criticism stung, a reminder of the constant scrutiny you'd been facing.
“j-just uh,” you hesitate, “doing something different,” you responded while clearing your throat, trying oh so desperately to avoid the awkward ambiance. cheolsu stared at your new look for a few more seconds until he looked at something behind you, his eyes widened before moving to the wall quickly. bewildered by his action, turning to see someone you despised. myunghwan, walking with changhoon smirked as they looked in both of your directions.
your heart sank as you turned to face myunghwan, his smug expression making your blood boil. changhoon, walked alongside him, a sneer twisting his features. you felt cheolsu's tension beside you, his eyes fixed on the duo with a mixture of wariness and hostility.
"look at this," myungwhan stated. they snickered to one another. you rolled your eyes and looked away trying to keep yourself neutral despite the growing unease in your chest. myunghwan chuckled, his eyes gleaming with amusement. his gaze roved over your new appearance, his expression dripping with disdain. "i see, you're trying to.. reinvent yourself," you rolled your eyes, fists clenched. “fuck off.”
but myunghwan just laughed, his eyes glinting with malice. "what, y/n? you gonna defend your new boyfriend? how cute.." you felt a surge of anger at his jab, but cheolsu's warning glance kept you from responding. changhoon, however, seemed eager to stir up more trouble. "yeah, what's going on between you two? you're not...together, are you?"
the air seemed to thicken with tension as myunghwan's smirk grew wider. you knew you had to defuse the situation before it escalated further. but how? you felt a familiar knot in your stomach as myunghwan's smirk seemed to grow roots, digging deeper into your skin. "what's going on here?" a soft voice interrupted, slicing through the thick air.
you turned to see a quiet figure emerging from the crowd, their eyes fixed on changhoon with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.
myunghwan's smirk faltered, and for a moment, you saw a glimmer of uncertainty. "just having a little chat," he said, his tone dripping with false nonchalance. the nurse's gaze lingered on myunghwan before shifting to you and cheolsu. "looks like a pretty one-sided conversation to me." the air seemed to vibrate with unspoken words, and you sensed a hidden dynamic at play. myunghwan's eyes narrowed, but the nurse's calm demeanor didn't waver. you looked down to see a rather odd looking infection on the nurses arm. her arm turning an almost black color, her neck twitching. cheolsu and you shared a look of concern, “um..m-miss…” cheolsu couldn't bring himself to ask so he simply pointed at her revealing forearm.
but before he could say another word, the nurse's eyes rolled back in her head, revealing only whites. her body began to twitch and convulse, her limbs flailing wildly like a puppet on a broken string. her skin turned a sickly shade of green, as moldy bread and dark veins bulge beneath the surface like twisted rivers. a low, guttural moan escaped her lips, growing louder and more menacing with each passing moment. she lunged at changhoon, her fingers grasping for his face like claws, her teeth snapping wildly with almost animalistic hunger. changhoon screamed, his voice high-pitched and terrified, as the nurse's zombie form tackled him to the ground. her hands closed around his head, her fingers digging into his hair like talons. cheolsu stumbled backward, tripping over his own feet as he desperately tried to escape the horror unfolding before him. his eyes were wide with fear, his face pale and sweaty. “what the…?”
suddenly the nurse took a huge chunk of the screaming boys cheek with her teeth. his screams reached new heights as he frantically tried to shake off the nurse's grip, but she held firm. his eyes widened in terror as he realized the nurse's eyes had turned a strange, almost feral gray. just as suddenly as it had begun, the nurse released her grip on the boy's cheek, and he stumbled backward, clutching at the wound. myungwhan saw the opportunity to shove her however, she had other plans. she rushed at him next but myungwhan turned around and shoved you while swiftly running away down the hallway. where many students were gathered around eyeing the intense and gorey happening just seconds ago. they all screamed and began to scatter, seeing that now changhoon was thrashing on the ground uncontrollably.
you hold your shoulder with your right hand, myungwhan had shoved you with full force causing your shoulder to ache and sting. you wince as you quickly gather yourself. you grabbed cheolsu’s arm, pulling him away from the chaos with a strength that was almost desperate. "we need to get out of here, now!" you yelled, dragging him down the hallway as the sound of the nurse's moans echoed behind you, growing fainter but no less terrifying.
cheolsu stumbled after you, your heart racing with fear. the hallway seemed to stretch on forever, the lockers and classrooms blurring together in a mad whirl of color and sound. you could hear the distant moans of people, growing fainter but still echoing through the corridors like a chilling reminder of the horror you'd just witnessed.
"wait, slow down!" he yelled, his voice hoarse from fear.
you didn't listen. your eyes were fixed on the outside quad, you could hear the distant moans and screams, growing louder with every step. you wrenched open the doors and shoved cheolsu first outside before you. "close it! close it!" you shouted, following close behind. as you shut the doors, you see students screaming inside and running into classrooms. panting, you gripped your shoulder once again in pain, while you both noticed people running away outside as well. “shit,” you cursed. “run! everyone run!” you turned to hear a girl screaming while running across the schools soccer field only to get tackled by two other bloodied peers. cheolsu shared a look with you before you both ran toward the outside set of stairs of the school as the infected horde burst through the doors you were once holding behind you.
climbing up the stairs, step by step, you felt weightless until a sudden jolt sent you flying. your body rolled and bounced, landing with a sickening crack on your shoulder. the pain was excruciating, and your scream echoed through the staircase as you finally came to rest at the bottom. gritting your teeth, you opened your eyes to see the cause of your fall: a girl with black braided pigtails, her leg twisted at an unnatural angle, bone protruding from her skin. her eyes, bloodshot and wild, locked onto yours as she gurgled and began to crawl towards you with an unnatural speed. you rolled onto your side, desperate to escape, but she climbed on top of you, her grip on your sweater tightening as she pulled herself up to your face. with a surge of adrenaline, you grabbed a nearby rock with your one good hand and swung it behind you, connecting with a sickening crunch.
in a stroke of luck, the rock sent the girl flying onto the grass, momentarily freeing you. as you gazed up, cheolsu remained paralyzed on the same step, his eyes wide with shock. “cheolsu, help-” you yelled, but the girl latched onto your ankle, attempting to sink her teeth in. you grunted, shaking her off with a series of swift kicks. cheolsu's horror-stricken expression lingered as the girl scaled you once more, her relentless grip unyielding. trying to wriggle free from the girls grasps, you look around quickly to find anything to get away.
just as all hope seemed lost, a fleeing girl accidentally collides with your attacker, diverting her attention. seizing the opportunity, you broke free from the infected girl's grasp. you looked up to see cheolsu's fleeting glance before he turned tail and sprinted up the stairs, abandoning you. “wait, w-where are you going?” you shouted, alarm rising in your voice.
as cheolsu vanished from sight, you sprang to your feet, still reeling from the harrowing encounter. but your relief was short-lived, as another classmate - bloodied and bizarre - began to stir across the school yard. his eyes locked onto yours with a menacing glare, and he charged towards you with a ferocious intensity, plowing through others in his path. his bloody mouth twisted into a snarl as he sprinted closer, and you gasped in terror, bracing yourself for the impending impact. but just as he launched himself into the air, something unexpected happened - a shocking savior appeared out of nowhere, sparing you from the brink of disaster. your eyes widened in astonishment as you turned to behold the last person you ever expected to save your skin.
“we gotta move! come on,” suhyeok grabbed your good arm and pulled you alongside him. you grunted while running feeling a sharp pain every time you moved your body to keep up. you noticed he wasn't alone, choi namra was beside him as well. you never seen her face in any other emotion besides serious. right now, it was horrified.
"what's.. what the fuck is going on?" you panted, wincing in pain as suhyeok's grip tightened around your arm. "what's happening to everyone?"
suhyeok didn't answer, his eyes fixed on some point ahead as he dragged you through the chaotic school yard. choi namra kept pace beside him, her horrified expression never wavering. her eyes darted towards you, and for a fleeting moment, you saw a flicker of concern before her mask of seriousness slipped back into place.
"let me fucking go!" you demanded, trying to keep up with suhyeok's frantic pace. you ripped your arm away from him as you kept running.
"hurry up,," he gritted out, his jaw clenched in determination. "we need to get out of here, now." as you ran, the sounds of mayhem grew louder - screams, crashes, and an eerie, unsettling laughter that sent shivers down your spine. you risked a glance over your shoulder, and what you saw made your blood run cold. the school yard was descending into chaos. students were attacking each other, their eyes vacant, their movements jerky and unnatural. some teachers tried to intervene, but they were vastly outnumbered. the once-familiar surroundings were now a war zone, with desks overturned, windows shattered, and debris scattered everywhere.
suhyeok yanked you back into a sprint, his grip on your arm like a vice. "don't look back!" he yelled. "keep moving!" choi namra kept pace beside him, her eyes scanning their surroundings with a mix of fear and determination. "we need to find a safe place to hide," she shouted above the din. suhyeok nodded, his eyes fixed on a point ahead. "there!"
he led you towards the ladder that was leading up to a window in the school building. you all rushed towards it, once close enough you pushed namra to go first, “go, try to open-”
“no, its not safe. i'll go,” suhyeok states before moving her aside and beginning to climb the ladder, you attempted to hold back an eye-roll. if namra and you were down by where the crazy students were, how were you guys safer..?
you didn't ask the question aloud, as there was no time to bicker over insignificant things. suddenly, you seen two figures barreling towards you and namra. “namra, go up, now!” you grabbed her hand and hoisted her onto the ladder, “go! climb!” you seen suhyeok was being pulled into the window, quickly going back to reach for namra. as namra's feet disappeared into the window, you felt a surge of relief wash over you. but it was short-lived, as you saw suhyeok's eyes widen in terror. "hurry! hurry!" he shouted, his voice strained. you turned to him and tried as quickly as possible to climb with two legs and one working arm. you could hear then snarling as you went upward, when you start to feel the ladder tipping back and forth. the weight of the two men making the ladder almost fold under the pressure, “come on! you got it!”
suhyeoks voice rung through your ears, the burning in your shoulder making you wanna just give up, as you reach your arm for the next step, you suddenly feel yourself being grabbed and hoisted upwards. your body feeling light when you came through the window. suhyeok pulled you with all his might and the pull carried you both to the nearby wall. you stumbled into your dimly lit english classroom, gasping for breath. suhyeok slammed the windows shut behind you, leaning against them to catch his breath. choi namra stood guard, her eyes fixed on the doors as if waiting for the inevitable. you leaned against a nearby wall, your mind reeling with questions.
“so? whats going on out there?” nayeon asked impatiently. out of breath, you held onto to your shoulder gently. everyone out of breath or staring was quiet. no one dared to speak. “are you deaf?” she shouted with a voice crack.
“shut up,” you muttered. everyone's eyes were glued to you now. “what?” she asked with disbelief, folding her arms over her chest. you closed your eyes while holding in tears because of the pain in your shoulder. “i said…shut up.” you repeated with vigor this time. standing upwards nonchalantly while looking at the doors who were being held by your classmates. “oh you little piece of-”
“stop it! both of you! now's not the time for this!” jimin shouted. you winced again with a heavy breath this time. once again all the attention turned towards you. “what happened to you?” onjo asked while walking towards you, only to be stopped by her best friend, cheongsan. onjo glared at him before removing his arm, however choosing to still stand beside him.
“i fell,” they stared at you for more information, “down the stairs outside. one of those..things tackled me.” upon being further informed the students all seemed to be getting more nervous.
“oh..my god. what the hell are they?”
the two girls huddled in the corner with freak-struck facial expressions. meanwhile gyeongsu looked like his arms were gonna break from holding the door from opening. “don't you know? theyre.. zombies.”
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nessinborderland · 2 years
Hungry for You
Pairing: Yoon Gwinam x Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Dark fic
Word Count: 5k
Summary: You want to stay alive.
In your school, zombies roam the halls and death is certain. Unknown to you, a bigger threat lingers nearby, and he's hungry. Lucky for you, he doesn't want you dead either. He just wants you as dead as he is.
Warnings⚠️ Extremely Dubious Consent, Vaginal Sex, Character Death, Blood and Violence, Blood and Gore
Notes: This work was inspired by a request that was sent via my google forms. Thank you to the anon that requested it, this was a fun one to write ;)
If you enjoyed it, please consider leaving a heart and reblogging <3
AO3 | Masterlist
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Plunk! Tink! Bum! Bang!
You can’t listen to that fucking piano anymore. Your head hurts for a multitude of reasons, and the goddamn piano noise just outside is going to make you lose your mind, you’re sure of it.
Who are you kidding? You feel like you have lost it already. The last thirty-something hours have been nothing but a hell straight out of your foulest nightmares, and you can’t wait for it to end so you can go home and sleep the headache away. But that seems something further and further from happening with every passing hour.
A zombie apocalypse. A fucking zombie apocalypse. You can’t believe that something as unbelievable as the dead rising is fucking real. You refuse to believe it.
All you want is to sleep – beyond tired from all the running, the crying, and the fear that still makes your heartbeat race – but that seems to be impossible. Your back and neck hurt from your half-sitting, half-lying position against the wooden closet behind you, and your eyes sting from hours of crying and lack of sleep. You sigh; what you wouldn’t give right now to be safe and sound in your bed.
Tink! Bang! Plunk!
You cover your ears with a grunt and change positions on the bench you’re in, stretching your legs that are starting to tingle from being bent for so long. Your feet collide with your companion’s thigh, and you mumble a quick apology before bending your legs again with a sigh.
“It’s okay,” comes the weak reply.
You glance at the girl in front of you, eyebrows furrowing as you take in her almost catatonic state. Lee Nayeon; that’s her name.
She saved your life.
You had been so close to being a zombie meal, your legs almost giving up on you as you tried to find someone or something, or somewhere that would help you stay alive. You got inside that classroom by sheer luck, and it was by Nayeon’s grace alone that you didn’t die outside that room. If she had never opened the door for you, you would be growling with the other monsters in the corridor, waiting for the chance to sink your teeth into the flesh of the living.
So here you are, you and your companion, seemingly alone in a school that quickly became a death trap, with zombies growling in the halls and a piano grinding on your nerves.
“That’s it, I’m stopping that thing,” you proclaim as you rush to get up, limping on prickly legs as you make your way to the door.
You hesitate, your hand on the handle; is it safe? You know the answer to that: a big, fat, NO.
“What’re you doing?” Nayeon questions, her tone hesitant as she glances at your hand before looking at your face. “It’s not safe.”
“I know,” you say with a nod, followed by a gulp as you take up the courage to unlock the door. The sound of it unlocking makes you slightly jump, and your shoulders tighten as you slowly open the door just a crack. “I wanna stop the noise, that’s all.”
The adjacent room is messy, with broken furniture and musical instruments painting a chaotic scene together with the blood on the floor, but at least it appears to be empty. You are aware of the couple of zombies trapped in the room, their growls making it easier to pinpoint where they are in the dark room. You open the door a little more before remembering that the sliding doors that access the corridor are wide open.
“Nope,” you say to yourself as you close the door again, cringing as it makes a loud noise. You let out a small whimper as the zombies in the room start a wave of agitating noises, no doubt alerted by the sound of you carelessly closing the door.
You hold your breath as you wait for them to calm down, hoping that no zombies were alerted by their ruckus. The last thing you need right now is even more zombies in the area.
“Do you think that the piano will attract others here?” Nayeon’s voice right beside you startles you, and you turn to face her.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m trying to make it stop,” you answer in a whisper, “but I’m scared more will come. The sliding door is open.”
“I’ll help.”
You nod, taking a deep breath before forcing yourself to open the door a second time. Everything seems as calm as before, the growls of the trapped zombies now back to normal. You glance at the lit hallway, relieved at seeing it empty.
“Okay so,” you start, “I’m going to stop the piano while you close the door and keep watch, okay?” Nayeon nods and you give her a brief smile. “Cool, let’s do this then.”
“You were supposed to keep watch!” you loudly whisper, trying your best not to shout your words. You shoot a fearful glance at the door, where new zombies bang against it with all their might, and you feel like sobbing. Fresh blood slides down your arm and drops to the floor, and your whole body shakes as you try not to panic from the burning scratch on your forearm. You see red from how furious you are. “I was almost bitten back there because of you!”
“I’m sorry!” Nayeon pleads with tears in her eyes. “I got distracted and–”
“And I almost died!” You push her then, unable to control your rage as your voice raises in tone. She falls back against the bench, eyes on the video camera in her hands. You feel your anger grow. “And all for a goddamn camera?”
“I said I was sorry, okay?” she snaps, sending you a look that reminds you a lot of the Nayeon you are more familiar with. “You don’t have to be a bitch about it, it’s not like they bit you!” You were never friends, or even in the same class, but you always knew her as the preppy rich girl with a superiority complex. And here she is, proving herself as exactly that.
“Fuck you,” is all you say as you remove yourself to a corner of the room, grabbing a roll of toilet paper with shaky hands from a nearby box before sitting back on the floor against the shelves.
You do your best to clean up your wound as you try your hardest not to panic. Is a scratch enough for you to get infected? Is this how you will die? By turning into those awful monsters?
At least I’ll eat her as revenge, you think to yourself before shaking those thoughts away. You don’t want that to happen, doesn’t matter that you almost died because of her recklessness. You want both of you to live. That’s all you want right now.
A sound from across the room makes you look at Nayeon, that is focused on the video on the camcorder like nothing else matters. Some voices and names sound familiar, but you’re too tired and dizzy to focus exactly on what they’re saying. Still, hearing other people brings you some comfort, and you’re dozing off to sleep before you realize it.
A sudden noise startles you awake, and you open your eyes wide to search the dark room, fearing the worst. Nayeon is standing across from you, filling her bag with the food and drinks from the shelves with a vigor you can only describe as desperate. You can still hear someone talking from the video camera.
How long have I been asleep? you ask yourself as you feel your injury burn. A look at it tells you that at least it has stopped bleeding.
“What’re you doing?” you ask her, hating the way your voice sounds. Your head hurts now more than ever, and you consider going back to sleep.
“I’m just–”
She interrupts herself before finishing her words, and you look up at her with a raised brow, sensing that something is wrong but unable to realize what.
“It’s my fault he died,” says someone in the video, grief clear in the boy’s tone. “Please let his grandma know.”
Your eyes widen at the words, and you think you just realized why Nayeon is staring at the camcorder with such intensity, a tremble to her lower lip.
“You know them?” you ask. She nods, and that’s all the answer you need. “I’m sorry.”
You stay quiet, deep in your thoughts as the words in the background go by you. You don’t know these people personally, but their faces are familiar. They are students, just like you. Teenagers with dreams and hopes that suddenly don’t matter anymore. All that matters now is surviving; at least to you. Still, most die, as shown by the dead walking just outside this door you’re hiding behind. Kids are dying in here. Outside the school grounds too, for all you know.
Maybe that’s why no one has come to our rescue after almost three days, you think to yourself, quickly shaking those thoughts away; losing hope won’t help you stay alive.
A beep snaps you out of your thoughts, and you look back at Nayeon to see that the camera has seemingly run out of battery. She’s looking in your direction; but not at you. At something beside you.
You glance in the direction of her stare, relieved and confused by seeing nothing but a wall and more furniture. There’s no one there, but the look on her face makes you believe she’s seeing a ghost.
Nayeon suddenly drops the bag in her hands, and you watch as the look on her face deepens into something you can’t quite comprehend, but looks a lot like grief and regret. She hugs her knees to her chest and buries her face against them. Her shoulders start to shake.
“I killed them,” you hear her whisper in a tone so low you have to force yourself to comprehend her words.
“I killed them,” she repeats in a shaky voice. “They’re dead because of me.”
Before you can process her words, she stands up and reaches for the bag on the floor, refilling it with food and beverages with newfound vigor before heading for the door.
“Wait, where are you going?” you ask with wide eyes, forcing yourself to get up and follow her. Your scratch still hurts like hell, but at least it has stopped bleeding. That – and the fact that you’re yet to crave the flesh of the living – brings you some relief.
“Got to go back to them,” is all she says as she opens the door and walks out.
You follow, hesitating by the door as you see her peek into the corridor. You quietly walk towards her and pull her by the hand, hoping that the zombies lurking in the hallway aren’t attracted by your presence.
“What’re you doing?” you whisper, trying to pull her with you back inside the room. She shakes her arm off your grip. “This is dangerous!”
“They’re on the roof,” she explains, eyes wide as they lock on yours. They look desperate as she passes by you to search for something near the wall. “They don’t have any food or water, so I’m bringing them some. I have to help–”
The sound of a door shutting roughly behind you makes you both jump, and you turn around to look at the source of the noise. Relief floods through you as you see who it is, the sight of seeing someone else alive – even if it’s him – filling you with hope. You had avoided thinking about him at all since this all started, but part of you was sure he was dead. You should’ve known better.
“Gwinam!” you exclaim at seeing the tall boy, a smile gracing your lips as you take a step closer. Your smile quickly drops as you take in his appearance.
Something isn’t right.
He’s covered in blood, white jacket stained red. But that is not what worries you.
“W-What happened to your eye?” you ask, gulping at the expression on his face. You reflexively take a step back as he takes a step forward, the way he looks at you sending a chill down your spine. Something is very very wrong. “Gwinam?”
“What’s that?” he asks instead with a nod in Nayeon’s direction, ignoring your questions.
“It’s… nothing.”
“Well…” he says, passing by you, his eyes locked on Nayeon. “I have to go to the roof. But the door’s locked. So, I’m going that way,” he says while pointing at the window.
You stare at him in surprise; what is going on?
“You’re not a zombie, are you?” Nayeon asks in a hesitant tone, her eyes jumping to you before she focuses back on him. You can see the growing fear in her eyes.
Something is very very wrong.
“Zombie? Fuck that!” You can’t help but flinch at Gwinam’s tone. He might not be a zombie, but he is starting to scare you almost as much as one. He was never kind, but this is not normal – even for him. “So, is that food?”
“Yes, we–”
He interrupts your attempt at claiming his attention. “Are you hungry?”
“Gwinam, what’s–”
“I’m not talking to you, am I?” he snaps at you, turning his bad eye in your direction before focusing back on Nayeon. “Are you, huh? Are you hungry?
Nayeon nods.
“Me too.”
You hear it more than you see it. The scream; the gurgling sounds; the blood spraying the room – spraying you – and dripping onto the floor.
The look on Nayeon’s face as Gwinam buries his face in her neck and starts to feed.
It all happens so fast that you have no reaction but to freeze for the first few seconds. Your heartbeat quickens and your knees tremble, and you do anything but stare as Gwinam pulls Nayeon to him before biting into her neck with a disgusting, wet sound. Blood spatters and dribbles onto the floor as you watch him feed on the girl like she’s nothing but a bag of blood, the slurping sounds coming from his feeding making you retch as you double over and fall to your knees, eyes unable to leave the carnage in front of you.
You see the moment life vanishes out of Nayeon’s eyes, her body going limp before falling to the ground. Then slowly, he turns to you, and your eyes lock.
“What about you,” he takes a step forward, a gory smirk on his bloodied face. “Are you hungry?”
You have to run, or he will eat you too, screams the voice in your head.
He’s so much faster than you. Or maybe your eyes give it away. Either way, he’s grabbing you before you can even attempt to escape.
His strong hands squeeze your wrists in a tight grip, and you gasp as he forces you to stand up and shoves you against the wall with so much force it pushes the air out of your lungs. The look in his eyes is predatory. Hungry.
“Do you have any idea how good you smell?” he asks, leaning towards you to run his nose against your pulse. You jump at his touch, whimpering as his tongue licks your skin. “I bet you taste fucking amazing.”
You’re about to die; you’re sure of it. He’s going to eat you alive, just like he did with Nayeon.
“Please,” you beg, shaking your head in supplication. “Please don’t.”
He laughs. Like you said something funny. Nothing about the last three days has been funny.
“Lucky for you, I’m not hungry anymore,” he says, and you almost relax in his grip. But the look of bloodthirst in his good eye doesn’t let you.
Gwinam was always… complicated, to put it simply. You’ve known him for as long as you’ve attended Hyosan High School. In the beginning, he was just another classmate. Yes, he was cute, but he was also mean most of the time and liked to hang out with the wrong crowd, so you avoided him as much as possible.
Until you couldn’t.
When he asked you on a date – all red ears and avoiding eye contact – you had half a brain to say ‘no’. In retrospect, that’s exactly what you should’ve done, but the younger you was beyond happy to have a boy like you enough to ask you out.
So, you said ‘yes’, a shy smile on your face and the fantasies of a naive girl running through your head as you accepted his request.
Your relationship evolved naturally from there, and before you knew it he was stealing kisses when no one was around and touching your hand when you passed by each other in the hallways. It quickly became something more, with heated make-out sessions that ended with both of you naked and panting.
It was good; until it wasn’t. It broke your heart to end it, but you couldn’t ignore what he did anymore. How his group – him – treated others so badly that they dropped out or hurt themselves. Even to you, he was toxic; jealous, possessive, pushy… It took you some time to realize, but you knew he wasn’t good for you.
That was almost a year ago. You’ve barely said a word to each other since then, but – to your surprise and relief – he never tried to seek revenge after your breakup.
You hope that part of him still likes you enough to keep you alive.
“Are you going to- to eat me?” you can barely choke out your question amidst your sobbing. Funny; you were sure your tear ducts had run out of tears. Apparently not.
“No.” His answer makes you relax just a bit; you know he’s not lying. He’s not going to eat you. But that doesn’t mean he’s not going to hurt you.
“T-Then are you–”
“I’m not letting you go either,” he says in a decisive tone. That’s when he leans his head to the side, observing you like he’s seeing your face for the first time. One of his hands releases your wrist to catch a falling tear, following its path up your face until his palm is cradling your cheek. It’s surprisingly gentle. “Why are you crying? You never cried before.”
“You’re scaring me,” you whimper, not able to control the tremor in your voice. “Please let me go.”
He scoffs, thumb wiping away your tears.
“Remember when we used to fuck after school? I swear I can still smell you on my sheets. Fuck,” he swears, pressing his forehead against yours. A sob escapes your lips at the proximity, and he chuckles. “You used to make the prettiest noises. I wanna hear you moan like that again. It’s been way too long.”
His body presses against yours at the same time he forces you into a kiss.
“No!” You cry out at the feeling of blood on your mouth and face, gagging when he deepens the kiss. You push him away with all your strength, but he barely budges. “Stop!”
A loud crash from behind you is what finally has him release you. You scream as a hoard of zombies barges into the room, you the clear target of their hunt. Gwinam barely reacts to the intrusion, grunting in frustration as he throws you into the other room before any of the dead can get you.
You fall to your knees as he closes the door behind him, and you do nothing but stare as you hear what goes on outside, the swears of Gwinam indicating that he’s fighting them off in some way. How he’s doing that, you can’t even begin to imagine.
Whatever he is, you’re sure of one thing: he’s not human anymore. Not completely.
The commotion outside lasts a few minutes, and you hold your breath as the last growl gives place to an eerie silence. Then, the doorknob turns, and in comes Gwinam, alive and well despite the blood on his clothes, skin, and hair. You can’t believe he’s alive. A small part of you wonders if he is alive.
You say nothing and stay on the floor, waiting for him to do or say something. But Gwinam barely sends you a glance before walking to the couch and sitting down with a sigh, his good eye closing as he leans his head against the wall.
“Why are you doing this?” you ask after your sobs have subsided. You can’t take the silence anymore.
“Why shouldn’t I?” he scoffs with a shrug, opening his eye to finally look at you. A chill runs down your back at the intensity of his gaze. You want him to look away.
“You ate her.”
“Be glad I didn’t eat you.”
That makes you shut up. You could be like Nayeon right now, body rigid and growing cold as your own blood sticks to your skin. Dead. But you’re not. That’s when you remember the blood in your mouth. Her blood. You rush to clean your bloodied face, gagging at the taste of it on your tongue.
“Are you going to kill me?” You rasp out after a moment of dry heaving.
“Not thinking about it, no. Why? Feel like dying?”
You shake your head, new tears falling down your cheeks. You want to live. You really do.
And that’s why you stand up, eyes not daring to meet his as you straddle his lap, hands hesitantly going on his shoulders as you try not to gag from all the blood on his face. The same blood that is also on your face, even though you did your best to clean it off. The blood that belongs to neither of you.
Without a word, you use the sleeve of your shirt to wipe off the blood on the bottom half of his face. If you’re going to do this, you’re not doing it with Nayeon’s blood on his skin.
He watches you in silence, a light smirk on his lips that only widens when you start to unbutton your shirt, button by button. You can feel his heated gaze on you, burning you in a way that makes you want to press your thighs together. You know what he wants, and you don’t think you have any good options but to give it to him. It’s not like it’s your first time, anyway. Sex with him, if anything, is familiar.
Gwinam’s impatience gets to him, and he’s soon ripping your shirt open, buttons popping to the ground. You yelp as he roughly palms your breasts, ripping your bra apart before pulling them into his mouth. You close your eyes at the sensation of his warm tongue on your nipples, trying not to think about how he was eating someone not even twenty minutes ago.
This all feels like a nightmare, and you want it to end. But fuck, does he know how to touch you.
His mouth trails its path up your chest to the curve of your neck, marking your skin in ways that make you shiver and wonder when he’ll break your skin and turn you into a monster. Just like him.
You shiver at the thought, and he must take it as a sign of enjoyment because he’s pulling you down for another kiss before you can stop him, soft lips roughly forcing yours to respond to him as he tastes your mouth. A whimper escapes you as his teeth graze your bottom lip, his smirk clear as he stops you from pulling away.
So, you quickly give in.
When he breaks the kiss to pull your body under him, you let him. When he lifts your skirt and rips off your panties, you open your legs wider, ashamed of the wetness that shows him just how ready you are to get him inside you. His fingers are rough and fast as he touches you, thumb pressing on your clit as two of his fingers stretch you for him, making you arch your back and sway your hips as you chase more of that shameful pleasure.
“I’ve missed this pretty pussy of yours,” he groans against your ear as you hear him pull himself out of his pants. You gasp as he starts sliding his dick up and down your folds, making you moan every time his shaft bumps against your clit. “Always so wet for me.”
When he finally slides into you, it’s agony; the good and the bad kind, all mixed into one delightful experience. The head of his cock inside you makes you shake and moan in pleasure as he fills you up to the brim, your legs trembling as he lifts them over his shoulders before starting to thrust into you so roughly you have to cover your mouth to muffle your screams.
He doesn’t slow down as he fucks you, hands squeezing your tits as he leans over again to suck at your nipples, your legs still bent over his shoulders just making him fuck you even deeper as the angle shifts. You lay there as you let him use you, eyes closed tight as tears slide down your temples and your palm stops your moans of pleasure from escaping.
This shouldn’t feel this good. But it does. Fuck, it does.
If you try hard enough, you can imagine you’re still dating, and this is just another normal school day where he fucks your brains out after school. He wasn’t always the most giving lover, but he knew how to make your legs cramp from pleasure and make you moan the loudest.
And it seems he hasn’t forgotten how your body works.
“Look at me,” he orders with a thrust so deep it makes you whimper in pain. “Open those pretty eyes and look at me while I’m fucking you.”
You do what he says; that’s when the illusion is shattered. He’s not your boyfriend anymore and you’re not in his room, having sex just like normal teenagers. No.
Gwinam is a monster who just ate another human being and forced you into having sex with him. What choice did you have anyway; dying, just like everyone else? No, that’s not a choice. Not to you.
So, you endure it, all the long minutes it takes him to fuck you to completion, his gaze never leaving yours till the moment he comes with a groan and a shudder, burying his face in your neck. His thrusts get shallow as he comes in you, the feeling of it overwhelming as the weight of this whole situation throws you back into reality.
You just lay there as he comes, wincing at the burning feeling in your core that only grows when he pulls out of you, his cum seeping out of you to stick at your inner thighs. You stay still as he rests on you, your heart beating like a galloping horse as you catch your breath. You’re surprised to feel his fluttering heartbeat against your breast, fast and shallow, but there.
For whatever is worth, he’s alive, somewhat.
You lock eyes again when he finally pulls himself up from your body, a satisfied glint in his eye that shows you how satisfied he is. His features are relaxed and there’s a light smile on his lips, an expression that reminds you so much of the boy you used to date. It brings you some comfort; he won’t hurt you now, will he? You want to believe he won’t.
No words are shared between you as he stands up in all his naked glory, and that’s when you see it; the very gruesome, very recent marks that scar his body. You hadn’t noticed these before, but now they’re very clear in the contrast they make against his pale skin.
He shouldn’t be alive.
“What happened?” you ask before you can stop yourself. You slowly rise to a sitting position, leaning over to grab your mangled shirt off the floor. “What is wrong with you? Your body…”
He halts his movements and his eye narrows.
“There’s nothing wrong with me.” He looks almost offended, like you’re the weird one. “I’m better now than ever before,” he continues as he finishes dressing. “You’re the one that should ask herself what is wrong with you.”
The look he gives you is enough to make you recoil, and you flinch as he kneels before you, grabbing you by the arms with so much force you cry out.
“Please,” you beg, in a shaky tone. “I gave you what you wanted, now let me go.”
He shakes his head as he cradles your cheeks, pulling your face to his.
“You could be like me,” he starts, growing excitement in his voice as he pulls you in for a short kiss that you don’t return. “Do you trust me?”
“You know I don’t.”
“Too bad,” he shrugs, followed by a low laugh. “It would be a waste to watch you die. I can do you one better.” The grip on your face tightens slightly, and you tense under his touch.
The feeling of his teeth on your neck feels like blinding pain. He moans as you scream, trying to push him away, but he acts like you’re not even trying. You can feel it in his grip, the moment he tastes your blood. You’re going to die; you can feel it.
“No!” you cry out, thrashing against his hold.
He stops then, pulling away from your neck with a groan, mouth covered with your blood. You shakily cover the wound, eyes wide as you take him in, breathing deeply with a satisfied smirk on his lips. You shake as the feeling of pain intensifies, the blood running down your still naked chest warm against your cooling skin. You’re terrified, and you know he can see it in your eyes.
“Shh, it’s okay,” he says as he forces you to lean back, long fingers brushing your hair from your face. “You’re gonna thank me for this later, I promise.”
“Am I-am I going to die?”
“Nah,” he laughs, kissing your trembling lips. “You will live forever. We will. Together.”
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annefolklore · 7 months
HI sooo I was wondering if you could write Soft Gwinam x reader from all of us are dead like in the apocalypse and like how it would go with those two like what would they do when he turns into like half zombie thing stuff like that (I don’t know if you do Soft Gwinam so sorry if you don’t😭😭😭)
Sorry I’ve left Tumblr for a bit but here it is
Warnings: Kinda depressing, talking about kys
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He’d protect you at all costs
I feel like he would ask you if you want to become a halfbie like him. If you do, he would bite you the less painful he can. If you refuse, he’d still respect your decision.
He kills every zombies in a room and throw them out before hiding you there because he knows you would be too scared to stay near them even if they’re dead
He’s the one to go find food for you to eat
One day, when he was cuddling you to sleep, he confessed on how if something ever happened to him he wanted you to take his knife and look for Cheong-San and everyone else. Because even if he does everything to keep you happy and safe, what if something happens?
If you know your constellations/stars ect, I imagine you teaching them to him at night when the sky is clear. It makes the world stop for a while and you guys forget that flesh eating monsters are hunting you down.
He tries his best to make you forget about the apocalypse I could say. He goes to find food for you to eat, take a shower if it’s available and keep a conversation.
He teaches you how to survive
“I would still love you if you decide to go with them you know?…” he said one day, referring to the other survivors. He gets insecure about himself on if he can really protect you and that you must find him annoying or smtg but you always comfort him.
But after all this time in an apocalypse that didn’t seem to be ending, you were getting tired. Seeing your old friends now laying chasing you around to make you become one of them or laying dead on the ground was becoming too much for you to handle and your mental health had deteriorated. You haven’t had a proper meal in weeks and despite your efforts to keep it up…giving up didn’t look so bad.
Plus, your boyfriend’s rivalry with Cheong-San was upsetting because it was all he could talk about sometimes.
Ofc when Gwi-Nam saw your state, he blamed himself and damned the whole world for letting this happen.
The same night, you had an argument with Gwi-Nam.
You tried talking to him about how he should stop blaming everything on Cheong-San and because you were becoming sick of it, but he didn’t listen and took it personal. This soon transformed about your mental state, then how dangerous it was outside, then how he wants to make you join them to make you happier.
Then you started getting angry at how he wasn’t making any sense. He hated Cheong-San but wanted you with him and his friends??
“As long as you’re safe, I’m surviving and if I have to leave, I will” is the last thing he said.
The next day, you thought he was taking you out to take a shower like he usually does but instead, he took you somewhere else.
And there, there was your friends. Still alive.
You ran toward them, happy to see them and when you turned around, Gwi-Nam wasn’t there anymore.
Time went by and you missed your boyfriend, wondering how he was doing and where he was. The only updates you got were from Cheong-San.
Until there wasn’t any updates anymore. Cheong-San and Gwi-Nam were dead. From an explosion.
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unbloomedrose · 11 months
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No plagiarism
This is pure a fictional story as I wrote this from my own ideas
No hate or anything towards the characters
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧✩♬ ₊˚.🎧⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
Her pov"
Run run run y/n ! ", su hyeok screamed when he saw the zombies running towards us we ran fast as fast we can namra pulled my hand and ran pulling me with her we all ran inside a classroom and breath in and out geongsu locked the door and slipped down there breathing heavily Cheong San throwed the water bottle at him he grabbed it struggling and gulped it in a sec we all looked at each other then sighed
Hey you are infected ! ", nayeon screamed looking at me grabbing everyone attention onjo took her steps infront of me and checked my arms while looking in my eyes
Is that a bit mark ? ", she asked me as i shaked my heart as no
Ofc ! That's what a infected person would say
nayeon said making evryone look down then walked towards me grabbing my arms but before she could pull geongsu stepped infront of her pulling her from me she stumbled on her steps and glared at him
What ?! Don't tell me that you don't belie-.
I don't believe you at all ", geongsu said as he stood infront me
It's alright geongsu I'm fine I'll leave ", i said while walking away but he stopped me again
You don't have to leave just cuz that b*tch said (reader name)___ ", he said as he glared at her she gasped as she looked around to gain attention
"Tf you just called me? a*shole ! ", she said as she punched him as they fought with each other cheongsan screamed and stood infront of them as he pushed them away from each other ", stop it guys ! He screamed at them
(reader name) ? Is that really a bite mark ? "He asked as he stepped closer to me
No ! It's not I was with you guys ..", i explained to them but they don't seem to believe I just smiled then walked to the door about to open untill geongsu stopped me again
Don't go i believe you
I can't stay with one person trust geongsu..",i said walking out of the class smiling at them one last time i ran out of the class sobbing on the way trying to forget that my own friends didn't believed me i ran ran ran and ran pushing all the zombies I was exhausted but still I ran I ran outside the school halls i saw a bat there I took it and swing it around the zombies face there I saw a small way to somewhere being scared I ran inside there
I cursed at myself when I saw lotts of zombies were coming towards me I ran into another side and there were none i sighed heavily as i sat there taking a deep breath sobbing my eyes out I was crying untill someone patted on my shoulder I got scared and about to swing the bat on that zombie but someone grabbed it and held it tight when i saw who it was it was a boy clothes dripping in blood one of his eyes are damaged he looked at me up and down
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Who are you ?"he asked as he pulled the bat towards him I got scared for dear life he stepped closer to me he smelled me and smiled creepily as I was shivering to dead because of his cold gaze
I'm ---",i said as he raised his eyebrows in confusion
I've never seen you here before?..
I'm a new transferred student from ___", I said as he laughed giving the bat to me i smiled and thanked him as he looked confused ", did you just smiled at me ?", he asked as he looked at me with tense face
Yes is that wrong ?", I asked smiling at him
It's weird ", he said while yawning I took a teddy bandage from bag and sticked on his wood he frowned and stepped back but i stepped closer to him and sticked that bandage on his nose feeling proud I went back smiling he looked at me and then touched his nose glaring at me
Here have this with you this will help "I said giving the bandage to him he pushed it from my hand making me sad I looked away from him taking the bandage from the ground he glared at me again then I was about to walk away untill he said something
Where do you think you going ?
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poisonedprose · 2 years
perv gwi-nam who is always trying to sneak pictures of you when you're changing
perv gwi-nam who always drops something when he has multiple things in his hands so he can watch you bend down to pick it up for him
perv gwi-nam who 'accidentally' grabs your waist and slides his hardened cock against your ass when he needs to get past you
perv gwi-nam who can't help but stare in complete jealousy when you eat a popsicle or a lollipop
perv gwi-nam who put cameras in his bathroom so he could record you when you took a shower at his house
perv gwi-nam who would make all the random people he fucked pretend to be you and threatened to kill them if any of them said anything about it to anyone
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written-in-flowers · 1 year
A Different World: Gwinam x Reader
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Pairing: Yoon Gwinam x Plussize!fem!Reader
Genre: Smut. So much Smut. Minors DNI please
Word Count: 12k
Rating: M....very much M, explicit
Summary: Before the outbreak, you never thought you had a chance with Yoon Gwinam, and he thought the same about you. But, once you've both come into a new state of being, a "hambie", suddenly sexual fantasies don't stay fantasies.
Tags: Fat Shaming, Bullying, Toxic Friendships, Dom/sub, Light Sadism, Light Masochism, Spanking, Pulic Masturbation, Masturbation in bathroom, Mutual pining, blood and gore, blood kink, spit kink, rape fantasy, thigh worship, body worship, rough sex, rough oral sex, oral sex (m. and f. receiving/giving), anal sex, rimming, anal fingering, face slapping, facials, cum swallowing, multiple orgasms (m. and f.), multiple positions, no breaks, they're both fucking pervs and so horny for each other, kind of a forbidden romance? well, until all their friends die anyways. ****
You fixed your shirt for the millionth time that morning. You hated how your stomach and chest lightly pushed on the clear buttons of your shirt; it made you look fatter tucked into your skirt. The skirt is a different breed of annoying. Your thick thighs used to chafe from rubbing together throughout the day. You usually pull on gym pants if it becomes too much, but deodorant sticks and your thigh high stockings make it easier to bear. Other girls can wear the pants without a word; you, the chubby one, can't. You hoped the shirt did not pop open from the stretch. The laundry schedule at home meant you'd have at least one day with the smaller school shirt. Fixing it again, you decided to button your blazer over it for now. When you get to class, you can unbutton it to breathe before doing it again.
"Stop doing that. You're going to make it worse," Hyejin said from beside you. "You should've gotten a larger size."
"The store didn't carry any more of it," you admitted quietly. "I need to go there later to see if they have them again."
Choi Hyejin, small and narrow, was one of the two people you're certain you hate. A petite, brown haired girl from an upper class family, she carried the haughty air and snotty opinions of the high society she came from. Had you two not grown up together, you're sure you'd be her favorite punching bag. But since your fathers worked together, and your mothers ran in the same social circles, she resorted to backhanded compliments like this.
"Or you can have it tailored like my brother did," said the girl on your left.
Slender and tall, Kim Soomin was part of the girl's volleyball team and well liked in the athletic scene. Her black hair tied back in a long plait, she wore her volleyball jacket over her uniform, which made her look broader but slimmer at the same time. Another girl from an affluent family, you and her became close on your first day of primary school. That is where your trio-friendship forged, and where it would remain until the end of time. Soomin didn't discourage you like Hyejin did, but you knew why she hung out with you. It's the same reason they both did:
They look hotter when compared to you. Because even with Hyejin's hooked nose and Soomin's height, at least they're not fat.
"I suppose, but my mom might say no," you told her, holding your books to your chest. "She'll just tell me to lose weight."
"Then why don't you? It'd be better for your health, if anything. It can’t be that hard.”
The false concern for your health stabbed another hole in you. Hyejin and Soomin might not be ideal friends, but it was certainly better than having none. With at least these two, you avoided the cruel, harsh bullying you often witnessed happen to others. If Choi Hyejin and Kim Soomin liked you, then you must be cool. However, the trade off is the occasional 'you're fat and that's why your life sucks' discussion. You knew they didn’t actually care if you lost any weight. The longer you remained fat, the better they’d continue to look in comparison. In your mind’s eye, you saw all the boys who flirted with Hyejin at school. They ignored you completely. Not that you cared. Only one boy in Hyoson High School caught your attention, and he’d never notice you. Not in a million years.
"You can always come to the school gym with me!” said Soomin. “I don't mind having a partner and the coach won't say anything about it."
"No thanks. I hate gyms. I always feel people are watching me."
"Nobody watches you, YN," Hyejin scoffed. "They don't care as much as you think they do."
You wanted to tell her that a fat girl in a gym often attracted some kind of torment, but the words caught in your throat. Looking up the path leading into school, you spotted him. Yoon Gwinam. A tall boy with black hair that reached his neck, he wore the school shirt open with a black sweater underneath, likely to fight off the chill. Long limbs made him look longer and broader. You often imagined him completely encapsulating you in a hug, your head on his shoulder and hearing his heart beating. Your heart fluttered seeing him standing in the distance with his friends. He stood, chuckling and smiling when one of them made a joke. You wished it was you making him smile like that. You’d do anything to see it up close. Gwinam is a tough guy; you’ve seen him beat up people with little effort. The sort of guy who’d protect you and care for you above everyone else; the guy whose heart would only melt for you. No guy you’d managed to date treated you the way you wanted.
“-We did it by that old railroad track outside the train stations,” Hyejin’s story broke into your thoughts as you walked. Your eyes kept focusing on Gwinam, leaning against a building near the school. Absent-mindedly, you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, thinking it made you more attractive. “I love it when they groan. It’s super hot when a guy is vocal.”
“I can’t believe you did that,” Soomin laughed. “Especially since he’s dating Aro.”
“Aro should take better care of her man then, if you know what I mean.”
You tuned out Hyejin’s recount, and thought of saying something Gwinam as you walked by. ‘Hey Gwinam’. ‘Morning Gwinam’. ‘Gwinam, please rip off my panties, and fuck me hard.’ No, the last one is a bit too much. Besides, if Soomin and Hyejin saw you talking to him, they’d ask why you did. His reputation around school wasn’t very good; he hung around with bullies who picked on people weaker than them. Yet, it was this bad reputation that made you want him more. You didn’t want to “fix” him. You wanted him as he was, meanness and all. You couldn’t really explain it. Something about him attracted you, and they wouldn’t understand.
“Are you still talking to him?” asked Soomin, amused. “Or have you already thrown him away?”
“Nah, we’re still talking,” she said. Of course they were. You knew Hyejin would eventually forget about her newest conquest and move onto someone else. “He said he can’t get enough of me.”
“Oh my god, you’re so bad.”
The thought of Gwinam only wanting sex from you crossed your mind. It was why most guys approached you: they thought heavy girls are desperate and will sleep with them for crumbs of affection. Normally you reject these guys, since high school boys like to brag. Yet, if Gwinam ever showed interest, you’d crumble immediately. If you put out for any guy in school, it’d be him. Deep down, you sensed he enjoyed the kind of sex you did…At least, in your fantasies he did.
“You know, YN, he’s got a pretty cute friend,” she told you. “I mean, he’s not Namjoon hot, but he’s okay looking. He’s definitely your type. I could set you up-YN? Are you listening?”
“Huh? What?”
Hyejin looked between you and where Gwinam stood and let out a soft laugh. “Oh my god, no way,” she teased, “You’re actually checking out Yoon Gwinam?”
“What?! No,” you defended instantly. “I wasn’t looking at him at all.”
“He’s a jerk, YN,” said Soomin. “He’s a bully. How could you like a guy that bullies people?”
“He’s also a total idiot,” added Hyejin.
“I wasn’t looking at him,” you repeated firmly, heat rising in your cheeks. “He’s just…He’s in my eyeline, that’s all.”
“He’s not even a cute bully,” said Soomin. “You know, like the guys in the dramas. He’s ugly. He’s got a weird face shape.”
You wanted to hit her. Gwinam is by no means ugly. You liked his face, his body, his hair, and everything else. In your daydreams, he liked your body too. He’d spend ages telling you how beautiful he thinks you are, and how much you turn him on.
“Not to mention that ugly haircut,” Hyejin scoffed. “Besides, I wouldn’t bother. It’s not like he’d be into you.”
“Hyejin,” Soomin said carefully. “Don’t be so mean.”
“I’m not being mean. I’m being honest,” she retorted. “Guys like him are total assholes. He’d probably laugh at you and walk away if you confessed.”
“I won’t confess because there’s nothing to confess.”
It pained you to admit it, but Hyejin was right. Gwinam would never like a girl like you. You looked at him one more time as you came closer. He didn't even look your way. Why should he? There’s nothing special about you. Guys never looked at you; why should he be any different? You walked past his group, and your eyes met him for a split second. You quickly turned away before he noticed you. It made your cheeks burn more, simply having him acknowledge you for a second even if he thought nothing of you.
“Ugh, so gross,” Soomin huffed.
“The dude’s a walking red flag. You should like someone else,” Hyejin smiled slowly, “Like Lee Suhyeok. Isn’t he gorgeous?”
Yes, Suhyeok was the handsome, friendly guy any sane girl would like. Yet, you didn’t. You found it difficult when you compared him to Gwinam, who checked all your boxes. Your fondness for bad boys will eventually come back to bite you, you know. It was best for everyone if you kept it to yourself.
“Gosh, I’d kill to get a slice of him,” Hyejin sighed.
“But he’s not into you,” you said to her. A little dig into her made you feel good. “He likes someone else, I heard.”
“That’s because he hasn’t gotten with me yet,” she replied with a sly smile.
“Maybe he doesn’t want to get with you because you fuck any guy who gives you attention,” you heard yourself say to her. You instantly gasped and Soomin laughed out loud. “Oh, um, well, I mean maybe-”
“-Maybe ‘what’? At least guys actually look at me, unlike you. Namjoon told me he and his friends have a bet going, you know,” she spat back. “Yeah, to see who could bag The Pig. He told me to introduce you to his friend, since he said if he wins, he’d split the money with us. Want to know what I said? I said ‘no’ because I’m a good friend.”
“What?” Your throat dried up at that confession. It was always your worst fear: a guy showing interest as a dare from his friends. “So, you were going to set me up with someone who means to play a prank on me?”
“Oh, come on, like you’re that dumb. I told him you wouldn’t fall for it. He’d have to try really hard since you always get all weird when you like a guy.”
“But you still knew,” you stopped walking, and gripped your books tightly. “You were still going to go through with it just so some asshole keeps liking you.”
You wanted to hit her. You wanted to call her every name in the book, and smack her until you drew blood. She thought herself so above you and Soomin. You pictured yourself literally knocking her down a size. Your nails dug into the soft cover of your textbooks, so tight your knuckles burned. Images of you sitting in a restaurant, waiting on a guy who might never come, tightened your chest. You hated her.
“I was going to tell you,” she said, “Stop being so dramatic. It’s not like you’ll go through with it. You chicken out every time a guy comes onto you. I told you about it just now, didn’t I? See, I’m a good friend to you and you say mean things to me. I was only looking out for you.”
She turned on her heel and continued walking. Soomin stayed behind for a moment, seeing your eyes glare at Hyejin’s back. “YN?” she came to you cautiously, “YN, we gotta go to class.”
Why were you friends with her? Why were you friends with either of them? You knew why. Because it was better to be friends with them, taking the licks, than not having friends at all.
“-Fuck off,” you hissed at her before leaving her side.
You blinked back the tears building up in her eyes. Going into the school with teary eyes might attract more attention than you’d like. Crying in front of people showed weakness. You couldn’t let people know you’re weak because then you’d become a target too. Walking away from the school pathway, you ended up in the construction site beside the main building. You aren’t sure what the school planned to make the building, but that didn’t matter to you. The half finished, concrete building remained abandoned during the day time. Nobody will hear you crying. You walked until the sounds of the other students faded into nothingness.
You’re a joke to them. You’re the dumb, ugly fat friend who they can look at when they feel bad about themselves. Every rude word, every mean comment from everyone in your life came rushing back to you. Your mother scolded you for eating more than you should. Your father said he was glad because then he didn’t have to worry about boys coming to his door. Hyejin liked pointing out the flaws in your outfits and Soomin constantly offered unsolicited health advice. You doubted this “friend” of Namjoon’s would actually like you. Not even the boys you’d gone out with before liked you. They always shift uncomfortably or tell you to keep it a secret. God forbid their friends should find out they liked the fat girl.
You collapsed against a bare, concrete wall and looked outside a window frame. Fresh air blew past the window, only just brushing the window sill you leaned against. You forced yourself to enjoy the free air to drown out the pain festering inside you. Visions of beating every single person in your life passed like a movie reel. You briefly imagined Hyejin getting into an accident that disfigures her pretty face forever; you pictured your mother finally dying and being free of her hateful words. Why couldn’t people just let you live?
As you stood there thinking, your favorite daydream came back. Gwinam is your boyfriend, and he hears what Hyejin said to you and what Namjoon’s friends planned to do, and beats them all up for you. In this daydream, you have a protector who adores you; who loves you as you are. A Gwinam who’d burn down the world for you; who’d bring ultimate pain to anyone who hurt you. You knew this Gwinam did not exist, but you comforted yourself with the fantasy anyways. Wiping your eyes, hoping the redness won’t be noticeable, sudden footsteps from the next room made you jump. You listened closely and realized it was multiple people.
“I told you to have the money with you.”
The familiar voice of Gwinam sent shivers down your body. You didn’t know who he’d come with, but you guessed it was his gang of bullies. Visions of what they might do if they caught you in the building, weeping and weak, and you pressed yourself against the wall. You could stay there until they left, or maybe you could sneak out through the window. But, the temptation guided you to the nearby hole in the wall meant to be a doorway. You rarely get a chance to watch Gwinam undisturbed this way. Usually, you’re with one of your friends or in a crowded room, and someone might see you. These moments didn’t come very often, so you seized it. Quietly, you walked to the door nearby and peeked one eye into the main room.
There he was, standing a few feet from a short, skinny boy. You immediately recognized the boy as Park Jisung, a boy from your homeroom. Jisung cowered away from Gwinam, who had him cornered in the empty room. Gwinam looked at Jisung the way a cat looked at a mouse. Your eyes scanned over his long frame; you pictured him standing front of you with the same stare. If you wanted anyone to bully you, it’d be Gwinam.
“I’m-I’m sorry, Gwinam,” Jisung gave a bow, shaking and nervous. “I’ll bri-bring it tomorrow.”
“But I need it today,” he said. He sighed, “Guys like you really fucking piss me off.”
‘Yes. Yes, get pissed off. Make him regret it,’ your darkest fantasies screamed. You pushed yourself against the wall, heat starting to flare up in your body despite the cold wall. ‘Hit him. Hurt him. Hit me. Hurt me.’
“I’m sorry, Gwinam! If you give me a little bit of time, I’ll get you the money. I promise. My parents didn’t have any to-”
“-I don’t care,” he said. “Fucking asshole.”
You flinched as Gwinam’s hand slapped Jisung across the face. Jisung stumbled to the side. Psh, weakling. He didn’t even hit that hard. You looked at Gwinam’s face, anger rising in him as he smacked Jisung around more. If only he did that to you. You clenched your thighs together watching him swing his long arms in each slap. Once Jisung hit the ground, Gwinam’s kicks began harsher and deeper. He looked so hot. Being angry or scared brought out a person’s true nature; Gwinam liked hurting people, and you liked watching him hurt people. You liked how Gwinam threw Jisung around like a rag doll, smacking and kicking him. You thought of him doing the same to you. Guys like Gwinam made you feel small and weak, despite your heaviness. You bit your lower lip thinking of those hands pinning you to the ground, leaving bruises around them for later. He’d throw you on the ground, tear open your shirt to bite and slap your tits before fucking you. No foreplay. No gentleness or kindness. You’d be wet from his ferocity alone.
“Piece of shit,” Gwinam growled.
“What a loser,” you heard one of his friends laugh.
Your body slowly began grinding into the side of the doorway. Nobody would see you in the dimness, surely. They’re preoccupied with Jisung, who wept and begged them to stop. Your pussy pulsed watching Gwinam kick and stomp on him. You stuck your hand underneath your skirt, carefully running your fingers over your sex. It’d have to be quick, but watching Gwinam in the flesh this way made you wetter. Tightness built between your thighs, that familiar arousal burning as your fingers trailed over your slit. The chilling wall caused your nipples to harden, and you thought of Gwinam’s mouth on them. He’d bite and suck as his cock grinded into your pussy. You’d grip his shoulders and arms, nails clawing his flesh as he teased you.
You’d let him take you however he wished. You’d be his personal fuck toy; a thing only made to pleasure him.
“Psh, pathetic motherfucker,” Gwinam spat at Jisung. He crouched down and lifted his head by the hair.
You bit down on your lip as you circled your clit. His tongue swirls around it greedily, gripping your thighs hard and growling from the taste. He stood Jisung up to his feet. He’d do the same to you. He’d laugh at you for getting so wet so easily; he’d call you a whore, smack you one more time, before continuing the sexual torture. Maybe he’d do what he did to Min Eunji once. He’d grab a marker and write filthy words on your body, on your clothes, so people knew you belonged to him. Screw what your friends thought. This is your fantasy, not theirs. Your lips grew wetter, and you pushed your panties aside. You started rubbing yourself quicker. A slew of dirty thoughts came as Jisung groaned, and coughed.
Gwinam spanking your ass until it becomes tender and hot.
Gwinam spitting in your mouth, then calling you a filthy bitch for doing it.
Gwinam tying you to his bed at home and leaving you there for whenever he gets horny.
The climax hits you hard with the usual scene: Gwinam chasing you through a forest, feral and high on adrenaline, until he gets his hands on you. You rode it out on your hand as you pictured him fucking you like an animal. His teeth gritted, his muscles tense and tight, and his cock shooting cum over your face and breasts. It’d hurt, but you’d love that. Your juices coated your fingers, and you shivered as you came down into your post-orgasm glow. Gwinam finished beating up Jisung, who tearfully ran away when Gwinam and his friends let him go. Panting, running his hands through his hair, Gwinam stood there a moment while his friends left the building. You continued circling your sensitive nub, wishing you could go for a second time. The bold fantasy of you offering yourself to him right then crossed your mind, but no, you’d never do that. Then, the unthinkable happened.
Gwinam saw you. He’d turned his head casually; you supposed he’d done it to check if anyone had seen him, and spotted you in the other room. You froze in place, quickly withdrawing your hand from your panties. Due to the angle, Gwinam didn’t see your lower half, but him having seen you was enough. Dark eyes swept down the parts of your body he could see. What if he suspected what you’d done? What if he’d heard you and purposefully prolonged the beatdown? You gasped and whipped your body around out of sight. You worried he might confront you. You held back a whimper imagining him coming over to you, sticking his hands in your panties, and telling you how naughty you’ve been.
‘Insatiable slut. You can’t even wait until we’re alone to touch yourself for me. Do it again. Now.’
Unfortunately, that didn’t happen. You heard Gwinam’s friend call out to him, and you heard him leave. In reality, he’d never want to touch you. He’ll no doubt go to his friends and tell them what he suspected. They’ll taunt and tease you forever about it. Soomin and Hyejin would be disgusted with you, because even if you disliked them, they’re all you have. On wobbly legs, you picked up your things and left the construction site.
Your fantasies will always be exactly that. Fantasies. Nothing more.
How did you do it? How did you catch his attention when nothing else does? How do you make this entire world slow down when you walk past him? Any time Gwinam saw you, he swore everything around him stopped for you. Most girls at school didn’t have that effect on him. They were too skinny or too annoying. Gwinam liked girls with soft curves that made him drool. You are such a girl. The briefest of glances from you haunt him throughout the rest of the day. That small twinkle of acknowledgement sent him into a stunned silence for several seconds, if not minutes. So, to see you in that half-finished building, breathless and clutching the wall, inspired a fresh series of fantasies. He thought of going up to you in that building, pulling down your panties and shoving himself inside you. You’d stay up against that wall, shirt open and tits bouncing, as he pumped his cum into you. He loved your tits. And your thighs. He liked peeking at them during class. The desk always stopped just underneath them so he had a nice view. Lord knows what he’d do if you sat beside him. He’d leave class with wet fingers every day.
But, sadly, those dirty thoughts would never come to be. A smart, clever girl who always did well would never want an idiot like him. Girls like you wanted handsome, smart guys like Suhyeok. Gwinam is forced to live with thoughts of you in his arms in his dreams. You must be so soft. You always smell nice too. He’s noticed it before; it’s a flowery perfume that drew him to you. He thought of your laugh as he walked towards school with Myunghwa and the others. He wished he could be the one making you laugh. Visions of kissing you, walking hand-in-hand with you, and being with you clouded his mind. He’d be good to you. Gwinam wasn’t kind very often, but he’d treat you so well. He’d give you anything you wanted; do anything you asked of him.
He’d hurt someone for you, if you wished it.
The group entered the school before classes began, and Gwinam caught sight of you rushing past them. A hint of floral perfume hit his nose, causing him to breathe it deeply. He noticed you heading towards the bathrooms. He smirked. You must’ve made such a mess. Too bad he isn’t there to lick you clean. He shook the image of your soaked pussy from his head when Myunghwa smacked the nape of his neck.
“-Are you listening to me?” the short boy asked him irritably.
“Huh? Yeah, I was.”
Myunghwa scoffed disbelievingly. “Fucking idiot,” he said, “You never pay attention.”
“He was checking out Park YN,” Changhoon, another part of their group, smirked. “I can’t believe you like that fattie. She’s not even pretty in the face.”
“I wasn’t checking her out,” Gwinam said defensively. “I wouldn’t touch her even if she was the last girl on earth.” He considered the feeling might be mutual. You’d never truly like him. If you were doing what he thought, it must’ve been for someone else. The idea alone boiled his blood. “She’s ugly.”
No, you’re not. You’re beautiful. So beautiful. He thought of the other day when he saw you in the library. You often go there during lunch to catch up on homework or to read quietly. You liked reading, he noticed. You’d sat beside a window, and he admired how the sun caught in your hair, illuminating your face. He put the image to memory for those tough nights at home. Whenever his dad called him useless or his mom shook her head in disappointment, he pictured you in that chair. You’d lift your head, smile, and tell him he’s not a waste of space. You’d encourage and lift his spirits up…and he’d kiss you. He thought of your lips and the cherry lip balm he spotted in your bag. They must taste so good.
And he’d never have them. He’d never have you. He’s not supposed to like girls like you. He’s supposed to like skinny, pretty girls like your friends. Yet, those girls didn’t excite him like you did.
Myunghwa went on with some story about how someone mentioned his name in Jinsu’s disappearance. The police went to his house to question him. Gwinam wanted to tell him they’d done the same to him and the others. It’s not their fault Jinsu made it so easy for them; he never fought back until that night. Gwinam recalled the way his body hit the sign, hit a balcony, before finally crashing into the alleyway. He’d never seen a dead person before. He’d been sure that the police might arrest him. They could’ve found fingerprints on Jinsu’s skin or caught him on camera somehow. Yet, they’d done the opposite. They believed the story of them having been out in the street and nowhere near Jinsu’s last location.
Gwinam walked into class on his own, and spotted you in your usual seat next to him. You shared a desk space with your friend, Soomin, but his desk was across the aisle. He bit the inside of his lip seeing you crossed your legs under your desk. A small peek of your thigh high stocking stirred more dirty images in his mind. He liked how a bit of pudge went over the stocking bands; if he ever got his hands on those thighs, he’d lose his mind. He took his seat nearby and did his best to not look at you. He thought about the construction site again, picturing you fingering yourself to him and cumming hard on your pretty fingers. He shifted his gaze slightly to see your chest exactly where he knew it’d be. The combined picture of your thighs and your breasts caused him to swallow thickly and look elsewhere. He’d die of embarrassment if he got a hardon in class, but how could he ignore such a sensual sight?
As Mr. Lee, their science teacher, began class when Gwinam noticed you starting to pull off your blazer. Logic and reason said you must be hot, considering you’re sitting near the windows. But his horny, perverted mind said you were taking it off for him. You wore a tight shirt today, so it showed off the curves of your bosom and tummy. His jaw dropped when he spotted a white strap through the fabric. Your bra, he hoped. He quickly thought of you in his lap, wearing nothing but your skirt and stockings. No bra. No panties.
His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he dared a chance to look at it. A message from Myunghwa.
‘Wow, you got it bad for her, huh? Bet she’d crush you if she got on top.’
He clenched his jaw and put the phone away. Whenever he felt a new fantasy coming on, his friends ruined it for him. He wished he could sit closer. He wished he could talk to you, and only you. You’re so smart. You answer Mr. Lee’s questions without hesitation and so eloquently. Your friends might be pretty, but they’re complete airheads. You’re the intelligent one. The intelligent one with pretty lips and eyes that made him melt.
Gwinam went through absolute torture during class. Not even amusing himself by bullying Eunji distracted him. Seeing the buttons between your tits stretch from the size, he knew he’d have plenty of jerk-off scenarios tonight.
‘Gwinam? Could you help me with my shirt? It’s so tight and uncomfortable. Please, take it off me.’
He squeezed his eyes tightly and bit his tongue as the signal for lunch rang through the school.
‘The cold’s making my nipples hard. Would you warm them with your mouth? They’re so hard and my hands aren’t as warm as your tongue.’
Fucking hell. Gwinam stood up from his desk before you did, and decided a walk to the cafeteria might clear his head.
‘Oh, Gwinam, your cock’s so big-’
Fuck. No.
‘-Put it between my tits, and fuck them. I want to make you cum using my soft, huge tits.’
He pushed into a bathroom stall, locked the door and started unbuckling his pants.
‘God, they just swallow your dick. I can’t wait for you to cum all over them. I love cum. I want you to cum on me. Please, Gwinam, cover me in your yummy cum.’
His dick throbbed in his hand in every stroke. His eyes closed and he thought about you in the construction building. He thought of catching you touching yourself, and taking advantage of your vulnerable position. Gwinam pictured himself tearing off your clothes, exposing your luscious body, and tasting every inch of you. You’d struggle at first, pleading and whimpering for him to stop, but you’d soon give into him. Gwinam focused on the image of you riding him to climax. Your tight walls clenched hard around him as he rubbed his thumb over your clit; your breasts bouncing in his face until he suckled on one of them. The thought made him cum within minutes. That’s what you did to him. He wished you didn’t have such a fierce hold on him. He wished he didn’t desire you so much, but he couldn’t help it. He’d become completely blind to any other woman he met. He only wanted you.
Coming down from his orgasm, he cleaned himself up and decided to head to the cafeteria. He felt refreshed having gotten you out of his system. He wondered if he might see you there or if you’d go to the library again today. He didn’t care which one. He’d have to keep his leering to a minimum now that Myunghwa saw him looking at you. He came up with explanations to why he’d been looking your way, but none of them sounded convincing. When he entered the cafeteria, he did see you there. You stood in line with Soomin. You’d put your blazer back on, which dampened his spirits a bit. But then again, it might be good for him. He’d only just finished rubbing one out to you. He can’t do it twice in such a short amount of time.
He got into the line two people behind you, and looked at his phone instead. Myunghwa and Changsoon taunted him over what they’d seen in class. They made fun of you, talking about how your buttons must be holding on for dear life or telling him to be careful as you might break his bed getting into it. He wanted to kill them. He didn’t care if they talked badly about other girls; he didn’t want them talking badly about you. But, rather than tell them off, he joined in the conversation.
‘Kekeke, she probably jiggles around like jello.’
This amused them. Yet, he looked at you as the line moved. You styled your hair differently. Usually, you wore it tied back from your face, but today it flowed freely around your face. Gwinam did not have a particularly favorite look; he loved anything you wore or did to yourself. He watched you chat with Soomin. By your annoyed gaze and clenched jaw, he assumed you’re arguing quietly. No doubt your “friend” Choi Hyejin said something to upset you, and Soomin defended her. He often overheard you three talking at lunch or in class. He liked the sound of your voice, so sue him. Hyejin in particular liked putting you down, and you let her. Just like how he let Myunghwa talk down to him.
He shoved the person in front of him out of the way, stepping to them when they protested until they backed off.
“-She didn’t mean anything by it. She only meant that you’re not that good with guys, so she was trying to help,” Soomin said to you as you started down the line. “She didn’t know Namjoon planned anything until he said it.”
“Oh, YN, you know Hyejin cares about you. I do too.”
You shut down. Whatever Soomin said to you left you defeated. He thought of pushing Soomin aside and holding you close. Whatever prank or mean thing Hyejin said to you would be smothered away by his kisses. He grabbed a tray, and began going down the line with you. Seeing your cold stare, and how you avoided Soomin’s gaze, you’d gotten locked inside your head. It happened to him a lot too. Whenever Myunghwa insulted or hit him, or whenever his father called him a worthless piece of shit, he’d sink into the dark, lonely place in his mind. If only he could pull you from it, then you would never feel pain again. Soomin must’ve given up trying to reach you, because then she scoffed and walked away to sit down. This left a gap between you and him. He thought about what he’d just done in the bathroom, and wished he’d taken you with him. As you reached the end of the line, the both of you reached for a pair of utensils at the same time.
“Oh, sorry,” you said timidly. “I didn’t…I’m sorry, I…”
“It’s okay,” he said, picking up one of the wrapped pairs to hand to you, “Here.”
“Thank you.”
Oh, your eyes. He never gave them enough appreciation. So much innocence and sweetness shined from them, yet they hid something much darker within. He could tell. He wanted to say more, but what? Rarely did he get this close to you. He was always worried someone might see and make fun of him for it. But, there’s nobody who matters around him. He saw you turn away from him shamefully. No doubt you’re remembering what happened on the construction site. When he did not look away from you, you squeaked out:
“I won’t tell anyone what I saw. I promise.”
Did you think he’d hurt you? “Good,” he said, bending down to your ear, “I won’t tell anyone what I saw either. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
What in the hell was he doing? Trying to scare you away? He mentally kicked himself when he spotted your widening eyes. He watched you scurry away from him like a mouse, and it left him disheartened. He couldn’t help himself, could he? What did he think you’d say to that? Gwinam bit his tongue again, then went to sit with the gang. He forced himself not to look at you. Looking at you in front of the guys meant more teasing. He only liked one kind of teasing, and it was the teasing he got from you.
You woke up with a gasp. Your heart hammered in your ears, and suddenly you croaked in pain. You felt as if someone dislodged your bones, then put them back into place. Heat burned behind your eyes, and briefly you smelled blood all around you. Hunger. A distinct hunger rumbled in your body, but something inside you fought it back. Your mind went back and forth between this limbo of cravings and denials before you paused all together. You blinked your eyes a few times as your vision cleared.
It took several moments for you to register that you were soaked to the bones on the cafeteria floor. All around you, you hear gargled snarling and sharp hissing sounds. You heard feet shuffling or skidding across the floor; the cracking of bones made you flinch every time it sounded in the room. You kept your eyes closed, hoping if you open them, you’ll be back home in your bed. But, no you weren’t. You knew you weren’t.
Sitting up, you felt a distinct soreness in your neck, shoulder, stomach and arm. You looked down at your shaking hands to see them stained with blood. You found more of it on your uniform and stockings. You took deep breaths as you spotted the deep, crimson stain on your left forearm. Gingerly, you pulled up your sleeve to see a bite mark deep in your flesh. It looks fresh, as if it’d never healed. But, when you touched it, you felt no pain. The same was said for the scratches and bites on your stomach, the injuries having slashed through your shirt. You pressed down on the mark on your neck, only to hear the squishing of severed flesh. Curious, you poked your pinky into a hole in your neck, feeling no pain whatsoever. How could this be?
“Am I dead?”
You stared around the empty cafeteria. The people who’d been there had not escaped. The blood stains on the walls, windows, floors and tables told you as much. The creatures who’d once been classmates must’ve attacked the others, turning them into beasts as well. But, why had that not happened to you? You jumped suddenly when the gnashing, guttural sounds came from behind you. Your eyes widened in shock. Hyejin. At least, what was left of her. Hyejin, once dainty and posh, now cracked her neck this way and that as she snapped her jaws like a turtle. You saw her front covered in blood, more of it smeared around her mouth and on her hands. Blood red eyes instantly locked with yours. You let out a scream as she rushed towards you, hands outstretched and clawing for you. You shielded yourself in a fetal position, ready to be devoured by her, before you realized she wasn’t touching you. Hyejin, reeking of rotting flesh, only hunched a few inches from you. You heard her sniffing the air around her. She moved her head side to side, still biting and growling as drool came from her yellowed teeth. But, she did not touch you.
Soon, Hyejin backed away. She jolted upright, and began moving from you to the center of the room. You realized she was not the only one in the room. Other students who’d sat in the cafeteria now jerked and stumbled around. You stood up, almost slipping on the wet floors, and waited for one of them to notice you. But, none of them did. They should be charging at you; they should be ripping and tearing at your body, but they did not. To them, you’re not there. Touching your wounded neck again, you realized something: You’d become one of them. That is why they did not attack you as you walked out of the cafeteria.
Nor when you reached the pathways outside school. All around you, students walked around, sniffing and searching for more human meat. None of them bothered you unless you bothered them first. Even then, they only snapped their teeth at you before moving away. It felt surreal. An ignorant person might believe they’re in a dream, but you knew better. Whatever happened here has led to hundreds of students being infected with a mind altering disease. You wondered what could’ve caused this as you walked around the school. Biochemical warfare? Chemical lab experiment gone wrong? You couldn’t think of anything else. You could only focus on trying not to attract any of the zombies around you.
It all came back to you as you walked. One minute, you’d been apologizing to Hyejin for what you’d said about her, and the next a rush of students flooded the room. You’d been the first to stand from your seat. You remembered students screaming with terror as they ran through the cafeteria. You remembered seeing the things chasing them: other students, all of them red-eyed and feral. They screeched and growled hysterically, as if possessed by demons. But, that’s childish; this was something worse. You’d grabbed your bag once you saw an infected student tackle a girl by the wall and instantly bite into her throat. Soomin, the athlete, managed to get to a back door before either you or Hyejin. Some friends. It truly became every man for himself. Hyejin had screamed in absolute terror when one zombie, a large boy, blundered after her. You remember being a few steps ahead of her by then. You’d reached for the kitchen doors when a hand yanked your head back.
Hyejin used you as a means of escape. You’d slipped and tripped over the floors as the sprinkles above went off, causing it to rain inside the cafeteria. The large zombie grabbed hold of you, but you’d managed to fight him off. Another zombie, a girl with short hair, launched at you. That’s how your arm was bitten. But, you hadn’t stayed under her for long, since you threw her off you. You’d gotten up a second time where you watched Hyejin running through the kitchen to the back doors. Seeing it up ahead, you knew instinctively she’d close the door on you if she reached it. You recall leaping. You never leapt before, but you leapt towards Hyejin. Your hands found her long dark hair, fisted it tightly, and dragged her from the door. She fell to the ground with a painful groan. By the back door, you saw the two zombies attack her. You sidestepped another zombie when you realized the back door was locked. Running into the main kitchen, you dodged zombies and screamed when one of them lurched for you. Due to the slippery floor and chaos of humans and zombies, you’d fallen face forward. All air knocked out of you, you scrambled up before a zombie caught you.
That’s when more of them came. You squeezed your eyes tightly as you thought of the stink of death and harsh pain of teeth breaking skin. You’d howled from the nails digging into your skin, and the number of zombies all vying for a piece of you. Kicking and screaming, you eventually caved when one of them sunk his teeth into your neck, the one that was most obvious to you. You touched it again, walking back into the school to the library, your sanctuary. You didn’t find anyone there. It appeared whatever zombies were here had left.
Empty. That is what the world became: empty. Yet, it didn’t feel like it to you. You heard the sounds of zombies groaning outside perfectly. You could smell the paper of the books underneath the foul odor of blood and corpses. Tapping a table, the sound was louder to you. Your ears became sensitive to any sound you made after. You guessed the other zombies, mindless and aimless, reacted to noise as well. Grabbing a book, you opened the window to test your theory. You saw several zombies walking around the fields outside. You launched the book out the window, watching it fall and crash onto the ground. The small slap alerted every zombie within a twenty foot radius. They clambered over to the sound, but growled their discontent when they only smelled more dead flesh. So, a unique sense of sound. You wondered what else your new existence brought you.
This heightened sense came in handy an hour or so later. You’d been setting small fires across the library, trying to see how far your sense of smell went, when you heard it. At first, you thought it might be another zombie, but your new nose said otherwise. The newcomer did not smell like rotting flesh or congealed blood. They were something in between. You took a whiff around, and the trail led towards the library entrance. You’d been thinking of testing out your strength and speed. You saw how indestructible your fellow zombies were: you’d been throwing computer parts at them from above and barely making a dent. You might have a similar strength. You knew whatever being sauntered into your hideout will be your guinea pig. You put out your small bonfire with a wet paper towel, and followed the sounds and smells with your new body.
You made to move, but the intruder stepped out from behind the bookcases. It was Gwinam, except he looked drastically different from the boy you saw this morning. Firstly, he wore a new jacket that obviously wasn't his. Secondly, a hideous, nauseating gash went through his left eye, leaving a gory mess behind. He stopped when he saw you. You stared at him. He stared at you. Neither of you said anything. It was like meeting one of the zombies; you did not have to speak to understand one another.
"You too?" He asked, his deep voice breaking the silence.
"In the cafeteria?"
"Yeah. You?"
"In here."
"A few hours ago. Cheongsan pushed me off there," he pointed to one of the high bookcases, "And I got bit." His good eye surveyed you from afar.
"And your eye?"
"He shoved a phone into it."
"A phone?"
The idea of a cell phone never occurred to you. You could've called for help, but that didn't seem to matter anymore. Who could help you? And if help was called, they would have come by now. "Yeah, the corner part," he said, acting out the gesture with a stabbing motion, "But it's whatever. I don't really feel it. I plan on killing him." He spotted the deep wounds on your neck, and said, "Those don't bother you either?"
"Not really. I thought they'd at least itch, but they haven't," you said. "I tried recording the healing process, but it's very slow. I think because we're still partly human, we can't feel the pain but our muscles and skin react to it. Look, see," you showed him your bite marks, the skin barely together but no longer leaking blood. "It stopped bleeding, but the wound hasn't healed."
"Is that what you've been doing here?" He gestured to the trash can at your feet. "Experimenting?"
"Well, yes," you said, sheepishly. "I want to see what my body is capable of now that I've reached this new level of being. My senses are certainly sharper: I can smell things from at least twenty feet; I'm able to hear things from a further distance too, since sound echoes and bounces. I've discovered I don't die. I can't die. Seeing you now, I'm assuming it's the same for you?"
You caught him looking over your body again. You became self-conscious immediately. Being undead, you doubted you'd lose any weight from your previous life. Add the disgusting bites and scratches on your flabby flesh, and you're absolutely distasteful. You didn't need Gwinam staring at you like that.
"Stop it," you said, not meeting his eyes.
"Stop what?"
"Looking at me. You don't see me staring at your eye, do you? I don't need reminding of how ugly I am."
"You're not ugly."
You scoffed, "Please, don't insult my intelligence. I know how my body looks."
"I know too, and I like it."
"Huh?" You saw it once you met his eyes.
"Nothing about your body has ever bothered me," he said, licking his lips at you. "In fact, everything about it turns me the fuck on."
You walked backwards from him as he approached. Your heart thumped in your chest, the sound spreading to your ears and freezing your bones. A sudden heat flared up in your body, and you gulped thickly as it went all over. The glint in his eye is unmistakable, and it excites you. Never did you think this would happen. Yoon Gwinam was only meant for your dirtiest, smuttiest fantasies reserved for lonely nights at home. Yoon Gwinam was the forbidden fruit that you'd never reach; Hyejin and Soomin being the ones raising the branch with each disgusted word. Yet, as the world turned upside down, those fantasies quickly turned into reality as Gwinam moved towards you.
"You make my cock so fucking hard," he nearly growled, already unbuckling his pants. "It drives me crazy. I have to sit in class…seeing you there in that little skirt…seeing your tits almost bursting out of your shirt…I know why you wear it that way…you like showing off those big tits just for me, don't you?" The way he walked reminded you of Jisung from that morning. A lion coming upon its prey. Something about this brazen, direct Gwinam caused your mind to wander back into those fantasies. "And don't get me started on those thighs of yours,” his eyes scanned your body and stopped to your thighs, “I love looking at them, especially when you wear stockings…the way they hug your thighs so some pudges out…fuck, you know it does things to me…"
"What?" Your voice quivered slightly.
"Don't act innocent with me," he said, getting closer. His dark eyes full of frustration and lust brought back to the last scenario you imagined. Your arousal throbbed between your legs. "You act all clean cut but I know deep down you're just a whore who wants to be fucked senseless every second of the day.” He unzipped his fly, but did not pull anything out, "You made me so horny in class that I jerked off in the bathroom during lunch. I remembered you at the construction site, all breathless and horny, and I couldn't help it."
He came within inches of you. The heavy scent of blood and sweat reached your nose, and you bit your bottom lip. A sharp gasp left you when his body pressed into yours. Gwinam tugged down the front of his pants and boxers to withdraw his dick. The sight made you wet instantly. Not too long, it was certainly thick with heavy balls underneath. You knew you'd definitely feel him stretching you soon. You already imagined it tearing you apart as he ravaged your body.
"Open your shirt and let me see those tits," he demanded, eyes focused on your chest. "You were so eager to show them before. I want to see them now."
With trembling fingers you unbutton your shirt. Underneath, Gwinam saw the white undershirt you wore stretched over your large breasts. You untucked your shirt so he may see more of you, which he liked. You worried about the gashes zombies left on your stomach and chest, but Gwinam hardly noticed them. He sailed up your body past them and to your breasts. He cupped one right away, causing you to whimper from the touch. Gwinam smirked and squeezed it so you whimpered again. You never considered stimulation before this moment. You might not feel any pain, but you certainly felt the small sparks his hand alone brought. His hands warmed up as they fondled you over your bra and shirt, the temperature hardened your nipples so they poked into the fabric. The cotton fabric of your bra did nothing to hide this from Gwinam, who bent down to bite gently down on one. You made a mental note to write down ‘sexual stimulation’ as part of your human side.
He put your hand on his crotch, and instinctively you grabbed it. You liked the feel of him against your fingers. Even with his half undead existence, his body felt human as ever. You sensed the blood pumping through his cock, and could almost smell it through the thin skin. Big hands remained nearly lukewarm on your chest; their gentle squeezes were certainly stronger than your daydreams concocted. Full lips didn’t skip over the bite mark on your neck, kissing upwards and licking the dried blood. The feeling of his tongue against your skin sent chills down your body. You needed more of him. You continued lightly touching his cock, sometimes slipping lower to the ball sack underneath, which caused several deep groans.
“You feel so fucking good,” he groaned in your ear, still fondling your breasts. “So addicting,” he went back to kissing your neck, “I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
You brought him into a kiss, and you're thankful he didn't pull away. His plush lips caressed yours, carefully opening them with a small flick on your bottom lip. Blood tinged your lips, sliding from one tongue to the other, but you liked it. That undeniable hunger for flesh and blood came over you; you growled and sunk further into his kiss. You didn’t know if a half-zombie could eat another half-zombie, but you found his taste to be particularly intoxicating. You pushed yourself against him, roaming his body with your free hand to unzip his jacket There, you found his bloodied black sweater where zombies bit into his torso. You didn’t mind it. This new discovery only aroused you more. It was as if he'd opened the floodgates repressing your desires. You couldn’t stop yourself.
"Let's get rid of this," he growled between kisses.
He took the collar of your tanktop and tore it open easily. Gwinam groaned at the sight of your tight white bra, which squeezed your breasts more than you liked. He kissed fiercely along them, even giving a bite that pinched you, groping and squeezing them. You kept your hand on him, his shaft growing even harder while you jerked him. The touch made your sex clench within you, and your clit throbbed from the newest sensation. Gwinam roughly tugged down your bra, so your tits spilled over the wire supporting them. He stopped kissing you to admire the soft mounds filling his hands. You whined as he grazed his thumbs over your nipples, the two peaks hard against the rough pads.
"Fuck," he moaned, kissing one of them, "They're exactly how I imagined them to be. So big and soft. I could suck these all day." He took it in his mouth, rolling his tongue around it and sucking hard. He did this to each one since you squirmed at the mixture of pain and pleasure. "You can't imagine," he grunted, nipping at your tits, "How many times I felt like ripping your shirt open to play with them…How many times I thought of taking you…fucking you…raping you…"
"Gwinam…" you whimpered at his words, the filth causing you to stroke him faster. Droplets of precum stuck to your hand and slickened your motions. This only amplified your arousal.
"Like today with Jisung," he flicked his tongue over the very middle, which sent shocks of pleasure down your body. "I saw you standing there watching me hit him. I saw how you panted and bit your lower lip. You were touching yourself, and I wanted more than anything to fuck you. I wanted to chase you down, rip off your panties and have my way with you…whether you wanted it or not. I don’t care anymore.” He sucked particularly hard on one nipple, then came back up to you, “I’m the boss here now. I can have whatever and whoever I want, especially you.” He cupped your chin for a hard kiss, “I should’ve fucked you there. I would’ve given you the fucking little teases like you deserve.”
"What stopped you?" You asked him breathlessly, sliding one hand over his shoulder to feel more of him. You started pumping him faster. "Hm? What stopped big bad Gwinam from fucking the shit out of me right outside our school? You could've tossed me on the floor, fucking me into the dirt or into the bushes with your hand over my mouth-"
He cut you off by grabbing your throat. The slender digits squeezed both sides of your neck, cutting off air but not hurting you. The pain came from the harsh slap that went across your cheek. When you cried out, he did it again to the opposite cheek. He stared at you for a moment, surveying the need written on your face. Your clit throbbed for his attention, hoping your grinding hips might clue him into that. He then slapped you again, then kissed you roughly.
"You filthy slut," he grunted against your lips. "You like that, huh?” he smacked you again, “You like being hit?”
The truth was: yes, you did. The stinging pain mingled with the desire burning inside you. Being in his strong grasp, pinned by his long body, you knew you could easily escape him. This elevated, evolved being you’ve become came with a strength you’d never known before. It made you invincible. Breaking away from him wouldn’t be a problem, yet you don’t push or thrash in his clutches. You instead spread your thighs and begin pumping him once more. From his heavy breathing, you knew you’d gotten the effect you wanted.
“Let me see for myself then.” He stuck his hand under your skirt and roughly pushed your panties aside. You gasped from the sudden invasion of his fingers on your sex. Boys touched you there before, but not like how Gwinam did. Three fingers cupped your dampening center to rub carefully up and down; he didn’t care if you let him or not, your pussy was his now. “Oh, you do enjoy this kind of thing,” he sneered, releasing your throat and grabbing at your hair instead. A quick tug and a forceful pull brought you to your knees in front of him. “I’m going to show you what I would’ve done if I’d caught you. Open.”
He prodded his tip to your lips, which opened right away. The taste of salty precum slid over your tongue and savored the sticky substance. A huge part of your fantasies finally came true. Gwinam kept his hold on your hair while he guided you over his hips. The girth of his filled your mouth completely, and his head hit your throat once or twice. It’s exactly how you imagined. You sucked the hard muscle firmly, a move that made Gwinam groan. You wanted to please him; you wanted his approval and satisfaction. It became harder to breathe once he forced you right up to his base. You gripped your knees tightly as pain started burning your throat and chest. Inhaling through your nose, you tried your best to breathe as Gwinam’s cock nearly suffocated you. You loved it. Something about his dick blocking your airway, causing you to gag and choke on it excited you. Your eyes teared up whenever he held you to him for too long, only moving his tip from your throat in short strokes. Yet, you did not object or force him away. You hummed in your throat as he moved in and out. When he mumbled about enjoying it, you kept on going. Streams of his precum and your saliva started dripping from your mouth, leaking through the corners. You pointedly rocked backward and forward so your tits jiggled for him, and you saw him eye them right away. When he pulled away, streams of it came out and you gasped for air.
“Look at you,” he groaned, tapping his wet cock on your lips and cheeks. “You love choking on dick,” he sneered, pushing his tip into your mouth once more. He kept you still with one hand under your chin and the other on the back of your head. More tears spilled down your cheeks as he fucked your throat. You started playing with your nipples, and moaned around his shaft. “Your mouth is fucking heaven,” he moaned, “Like a silk toy. Because that’s all you are…A mindless, stupid fuck toy for me to use whenever I want.”
Your muffled moans made him laugh. “And, to think, what I’ve become gives me so much more stamina than before,” he continued, shoving himself fully inside. “I can do all the dirty things I’ve wanted to do with you, and never get tired,” he withdrew himself to let you breathe, “And you know what that means, right?” As you tried swallowing the thickness in your mouth, he said, “It means you’re going to learn what happens to sluts who think they can flash their tits and ass at me. You thought you could flaunt those thighs and those tits and that ass and I’d do nothing about it? Hm?” He plunged his cock right back into your mouth, laughing as you cried. “And there’s nobody around to stop me; nobody to laugh at me about it. It’s only you and me, and you make me horny nearly every second of the day.” He thrusted rapidly, drowning out your cries with his moans. “That means you might as well not wear anything at all.”
He pulled out a final time, and watched you sputter and gasp for air. You massaged your throat, which felt hoarse and ached. Gwinam tugged your head back, and rested his balls right on your mouth. You knew exactly what to do. You took one in your mouth for a tender suck, licking your tongue over the curves and skin. Gwinam stroked himself slowly as you tongued his balls; he occasionally grinded into your face so you’d swallow the whole thing. Little moans vibrated over the sensitive skin, and Gwinam gritted his teeth. You grabbed his thighs for some stability, a thing he did not deny you, and buried your face further into his crotch. Gwinam pulled his balls away and had you lick his shaft up and down while you fondled them instead. Your pussy became so wet, you felt your juices sliding between your thighs. You loved how he used you. You loved giving yourself over to him entirely, and being the sex doll he wanted. Gwinam is the only boy you ever considered yourself fucking this way; you knew he had the ferocity, the depravity, the perversion to do it how you’d wanted. Other boys you’d managed to hook up with always showed hesitancy. Not Gwinam. You’ll be his whore and nothing else.
That was what you wanted.
Long, drawn out moans and panting preceded the thick, hot semen suddenly filling your mouth. You eagerly and greedily swallowed the substance going down your throat. It tasted delicious. Whether it was being undead or because it was Gwinam, you swallowed his whole load. Gwinam’s orgasm made him push harder and faster, making your neck and jaw burn from the pain. He didn’t stop until each drop left his tip and into your mouth. You swallowed whatever he left, even opening your mouth to let him squeeze it onto your tongue.
“You’re the perfect cum dump,” he breathed, running his tip over your lips so you’d lick off the droplets remaining. When he spotted worry in your eyes, he laughed, “Don’t worry. There’s more where that came from. Stand up,” he ordered, lifting you with little effort, and turning you around.
Excitement brought out your smile as he forced you to bend over. Your mind whirled from the thoughts going through your head. Spreading your legs, you arched your back slightly for him to see underneath. He lifted up your skirt to show your panties, and the cold air touched over your sex. No doubt he saw the wet spot pooled right in the center, since he then cupped it in his hand. Long fingers rolled up and down each inch of your sex, and stopped right at your clit. Your cotton panties, white and cheap, must be almost see through with how wet you’d made them.
“Your pussy is so fucking wet,” he moaned, one finger finding your clit and teasing it gently. “I thought about it so many times. Even today, when I jerked off during lunch, I thought of your sweet, tight cunt.”
“And I thought of your dick in it,” you admitted, whining when you felt his finger push delicately against your panties. “I want it so bad. I can’t think about anything else when I’m…I’m around you, oh fuck…”
His fingers teasing your clit only caused more wetness to develop. Gwinam then took both sides of your panties and threaded them between your buttocks and folds. A small bit covered your clit yet exposed it to him at the same time. While one hand spanked your ass cheeks, the other used the tip of his finger to pass over the sensitive nub. Streams of mewls, cries, and whimpers left your lips. Every little touch to it tightened the ball building inside your loins. He knew exactly what to do, and how to make you whine like a bitch in heat. Gwinam’s constant torture had you clawing the table and wriggling around in front of him. You thought you might cum from just the teasing alone.
“Fuck,” he hissed, “I could feel that pussy fluttering for me already.” He moved his finger side to side and threw down more sharp spanks to your ass. “I bet you’re dying to have me in there, aren’t you?”
“Yes,” you sobbed, “Yes, yes, please.”
“Please, what, slut?”
“Please fuck me,” you said, tears brimming your eyes.
“Ummm, no.”
Using both hands, Gwinam did not pull off your panties. He did not slowly peel them off and slide them to your ankles. He took the seam keeping front and back together and tore it apart. The sound of shredding fabric reached your ears. He did not remove the waistband. He only ripped it enough to expose your ass and pussy to him, leaving a long tear that went from back to front. Gwinam left your side and crouched down behind you. You felt him dangerously close to your center; you shuddered when something hot and slippery slide over your clit. Gwinam pulled the lips apart and focused his tongue there. You cried out feeling the tip circle it repeatedly; you grabbed at the table whenever he dipped beneath or on top of it slowly. The obscene lapping and slurping from below added to your uncontrollable moans. When he turned you around, your thighs immediately locked around him and with your own strength, you forced his mouth to take your clit. Gwinam gazed up in amusement, eagerly sucking and licking the cunt right in his face. He didn’t stop you from grinding over his mouth and nose; it’s not as if he’d suffocate. That was a perk of being partly dead, you guessed.
“I’ve wanted this for s-s-so long,” you said, gasping when his tongue entered your clenching and unclenching walls. “Oh god, just like that,” you started fucking his face in return, “Your tongue feels so fucking good! Ah!” his sudden grasp of your thighs with a hard smack let out a sudden squeak from you. “I’ve wanted you to fuck me for such a long time. My pussy gets wet just looking at you. I thought…I thought if I teased you, you’d give in and take me. I would’ve let you fuck me however you wanted, as long as I got your cock inside me.” You gripped his hair, soft and silky in your hand, and cried out from the pleasure he brought. “I saw you beat up Jisung, and I couldn’t help…couldn’t help touching myself to it. You being so big and long and strong-”
Gwinam interrupted you by rolling you backwards so your body curled into a c-shape. He pinned your knees to your chest as he wagged his tongue over your pussy. That’s when you came. In a blinding, gut-tensing, muscle-contracting orgasm, you came right on his face. Gwinam only growled his delight at your cum in his mouth. You bucked your hips around, the table underneath you moving slightly, and pushed into his face more. He sucked up all the juices until your clitoris turned sensitive from your climax; it didn’t stop him. Gwinam kissed down to your ass hole where his tongue moved teasingly before coming back up. You're normally concerned with him going from one hole to the other, but not anymore. You’re dead. What infections could you get from it?
“Looks like,” he said, kissing up the backs of your thighs, “We’re both going to get what we want then.”
With total ease, he pulled you to the edge of the table and onto his cock. Keeping your thighs on your stomach, Gwinam charged into you as he liked: hard and rough. The stings of pain did nothing to you. It only made you want to cum again.
“Oh my god,” he growled, squeezing your thighs tightly. “You really must be a whore to take my dick so well. You’re the perfect fuck hole; the perfect cum dump…and you’re all mine.”
“Yes, yes, I am.”
He grabbed your throat, hovering over you and making you face him as you moaned his name. Your lips parted from your constant moans, Gwinam spat into your mouth. He slapped you when you didn’t swallow it immediately. He did it a second time, and you bent to his whims. Then, he gave you another sloppy kiss. You loved the dirtiness of it all; you craved more and more of it. You’d dreamt of this moment for months; you’d desired, lusted, and fantasized about it. When Gwinam grabbed your wrists to keep you on the table, hungrily kissing you, you almost came again. His shirt brushed lightly on your clit which made you weak and shuddering. Biting down on your neck, you winced from the pain, but you knew it wouldn’t last.
“Push back on me,” he said, kissing down to your nipples where he sucked harshly. “Show me how badly you’ve wanted this dick, slut.”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you kept Gwinam in place as you pushed your hips into his own. His thick cock stretched you pleasantly, bringing you nothing but pleasure as you drove him deep inside. Gwinam stuck out his tongue to let your nipple brush over the flat part, flicking it once or twice or sucking it for you. You purposefully made them bounce in his face which made him growl and grunt. He let go of your wrists and grabbed your tits. His tongue teasing your nipples and his dick hitting that spot inside your pussy brought you closer to another orgasm.
“Gwinam, Gwinam, I’m going to cum,” you wept, the pleasure overwhelming your body. “Oh fuck, you’re going to make me cum again.”
“Good. Do it,” he gripped you by the chin, “Cum on my dick. Do it. Now.”
The second wave made you scream. You worried undead classmates might hear you, but they must’ve been somewhere else. Not that it mattered. They didn’t touch you. Only Gwinam touched you, and he rode out your orgasm in a few thrusts. Still shivering and whimpering, Gwinam ignored your weakened state and tossed you onto the library floor. On your front, air punched out of you for a second before he was on top of you. Without warning, his fingers entered your ass, and his cock shoved into your pussy. You arched your back for him, nearly dizzy from your orgasms and his relentless abuse of your body. And then he fucked you. He fucked you exactly how you’d always wanted. The depravity of the scene made your head swim in the haze of it all. With his free hand, Gwinam gripped your throat so your head lifted from the floor. The slight pressure cut your airway, but not enough that you’d suffocate completely.
“I’m going to cum in all your holes,” he huffed, his fingers knuckle deep in your ass while his dick filled you. “You’re going to be limping out of this library with cum dripping from you. I only wish everyone was alive…then they can see what a fucking…fucking…fucking whore YN is!”
More cum squirted into your pussy, and you couldn’t be bothered to protest. You accepted every drop. “Please cum in me,” you cried, fists underneath you and humping his cock, “Please. I want you to fill each one, please.”
“Don’t worry. You’ll be more than filled,” he grunted, going faster and harder like before.
In a few more strokes, he finished his second orgasm. You took a moment to notice that he did not need a small refractory period. A surprise perk to being dead, you supposed. Not even taking a moment to breathe, Gwinam removed his fingers from your ass and laid back on the floor. You knew immediately what he wanted. You turned around to stuff his coated cock in your mouth, slobbering over it to make it wet as possible. Gwinam groaned, hands going through his hair as pleasure came over him again. A part of you wanted to stay there, cleaning his cock of your combined juices until he came again, but you knew what your lover really wanted. When his cock was prepared, you turned your back to him and sunk down on it…with your ass. This new tightness had Gwinam cursing and moaning your name. You leaned forward, broken panties and skirt over your hips so he’d have a perfect view of your ass, and bounced as much as you could.
Being undead left you stronger and faster. Before, you could never properly ride a guy. Your body felt too heavy and you worried you’d hurt them somehow. Not Gwinam. He handled you with ease, and you had no trouble riding him. You wanted him to cum again. You enjoyed his deep, throaty groans and the names he called you. He dominated you and you couldn’t help but submit. He went back to smacking and grabbing your ass while you touched your soaked, hard clit again. If anyone came upon you two, it’d certainly be a feast for the eyes. The feeling of him fully driving into you, stretching and filling you, drove you wild. You did whatever you could to milk more cum from him.
“Stay still,” he ordered, and you stopped at once. Luckily, it was for him to continue the pace on his own. “Your ass is as good as your pussy, fuck,” he panted, grabbing your hair to pull you backwards, “I could fuck this forever.”
“I wish you would,” you replied, meeting his hips nevertheless so loud smacking sounds filled the space. “I want to be a good toy and make you cum.”
“Oh my god,” he grunted, “Say that again. Say it.”
“I want to be a good toy and make you cum.”
“Then make me cum, slut. Come on,” he smacked your ass hard, “Make me cum with that fat, round…oh fuck, yes, yes, like that-”
The sheer motion of him cumming in your ass had you joining him. You kept going, not feeling exhausted at all. In fact, it heightened every sense. Everything became clearer, and the hunger nestled inside you had you slamming down on him. Once you drained him of cum, Gwinam still did not stop. He seemed incapable of it, and you did not complain. Rolling you onto your side, hands on your breasts, he used one leg to spread your thighs and sink back into your pussy. He let you continue your third orgasm on your own, rubbing your clit and pinching your nipples. You screamed once more as the climax truly hit you this time. Gwinam smacked your clit a few times during it, the light stings having you saying his name. He put you into a scissor position, the new angle driving home and leaving you senseless beneath him. Squelching sounds told you that his cum mixed with yours, and leaked out of your sex. You almost felt it pooling underneath him in every thrust. The new pace and position had you screaming his name a fourth time, and his own soon followed.
You did this for a while. It felt as if all those months of repressed feelings and sexual frustration exploded into this unrelenting, insatiable bomb. You couldn’t stop. You both bit, clawed, slapped, spat and growled throughout the day. Yes, the day. It was a thing you didn’t think possible until you’d turned into this half-human, half-zombie lifeform. Gwinam took you on every possible surface: the tables, chairs, against bookshelves and cabinets. It continued even against the glass doors where the bloody, snarling, stumbling and shuffling zombies went right by. The most exciting was when he fucked you right in the hallway, having you on all fours as he grunted about people watching you both. Pure bliss. That’s all it was.
Fantasies do come true.
A/N: wow, this one is wild! lol it's one of my longer pieces, but I hope you still enjoyed this. It's my first Gwinam fic, and I'm really proud of it. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed it <3
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iheartcake123 · 1 year
Hii, i like your Gwi Nam postsss, i have a request, can you do a "Gwi Nam x Reader" Where Gwi nam was already a Hambie and he is crying and sad because he can't find y/n around and once he found y/n he hugged her immediately and crying because he misses her, like they were close friends when the zombie apocolypse was still not spreading but because of he was a bully, y/n didn't wanna be friends with him anymore but Gwi nam changed and apologized to y/n, he tried his best to get along with Cheong san and the others and also confessed to y/n and accepted it?
Here is your request <33 i didn’t know how to end is so sorry about the abrupt ending💀
☁️missed you-yoon gwi-nam☁️
gwi-nam had searched the whole school, yet he just couldn’t find you. the fact that he hadn’t seen you as a zombie gave him some hope but his hope was running thin.
tears brimmed his eyes as he thought about you, the last time you both spoke was when you decided not to be friends with him anymore. when you found out he was a bully, you instantly cut him off. you didn’t want to be friends with someone who hurt people.
gwi-nam missed you like crazy. when he became a hambie, it was an eye opener for him. he’d been given a second chance to change and it would start by making things right with you.
“where are you” gwi-nam whispered under his breath holding back tears as he was unsuccessful in finding you yet again.
it had been days since he’d last even seen a human being. with a sigh, he decided to try once more. he couldn’t give up easily. gwi-nam dragged his feet up some more stairs and headed down the hallway, he entered the first classroom on the left which was the music room. as his eyes scanned the room all he could see was zombies.
with a sigh be turned on his heel to leave but he then noticed a familiar smell. it smelt like you. your perfume was very distinct as it was very floral and sweet. a glint of happiness filled gwi-nam as he then went to look around the room, maybe you were hiding behind a desk?
after searching, he still couldn’t find you.
and that’s when he heard it.
your voice.
it was extremely quiet but with his new hambie senses, he could just about here you.
you were talking to yourself. about a plan to get to the roof.
“if i wait for the coast to be clear, i could maybe slip past the zombies when they aren’t looking” you were muttering to yourself.
gwi-nam let out grin as he then approached small closet that was in the music room.
he knocked on the door gently, loud enough for you to hear but not loud enough to bring attention to the zombies in the room.
when you heard the knock, you instantly froze. had zombies figured out how to knock?
with a gulp, you pressed your ear to the door to see if you could hear anything. silence. and then you heard it.
gwi-nam’ voice.
never in a million years did you think you’d be excited and happy to hear his voice again. but, what was he doing standing there and leaving himself a target for zombies?
“y/n is that you?” his voice was soft.
you quickly unlocked the door and pulled gwi-nam in before locking the door again.
“you’re an idiot you know that? standing there like bait, the zombies could’ve gotten to you. seriously, how childish-” you began to scold him but immediately stopped speaking once you felt gwi-nam envelope you in a hug.
he was surprisingly warm and you found yourself returning the hug.
“i missed you so much” he whispered into the hug and you sighed slightly “im glad you’re safe y/n”
“im glad you’re safe too” you hummed before pulling away from the hug, when you finally looked at him you gasped slightly.
gwi-nam was missing an eye.
“w-what happened to you?” your brought your hand up to cup his cheek.
you couldn’t help but be nurturing towards gwi-nam. even though you stopped being his friend, you were once really close to him. you couldn’t stop yourself from caring.
“it’s a long story..y/n im so sorry for everything. im sorry for being a fucking bully and im sorry for being a bad person. i should’ve realised earlier but i regret everything, im sorry that my actions broke our friendship off. i care about you so much. please forgive me” gwi-nam took a hold of your hand that you had on his cheek.
you looked at gwi-nam’ facial expression and it broke you. he had tears in his eyes and he was definitely being genuine. you nodded your head, you were more than willing to forgive him. you now also had tears in your eyes and gwi-nam wrapped his arms around you again.
“thank you” he said into the hug and you tightened the hug.
after pulling away, you let out a small smile before rubbing his cheek.
“now tell me, what happened to your eye?” you questioned him and gwi-nam explained it all.
how he killed the principal and how he and cheong-san had gotten into a fight, how he was now a hambie and how he regretted it.
although it shocked you, you knew he trying to better and you could tell how much he regretted all of his actions. you thought about it before telling gwi-nam your plan. which was you were trying to get back to your friends including cheong-san who were now on the roof.
in an instant gwi-nam agreed to help you get to the roof so you both planned how to get to the roof.
you then soon found yourself knocking on the roof door. gwi-nam was fighting the zombies off while you desperately knocked to be let through to the roof.
“guys! it’s me, please open the door!” you yelled through the door and eventually it was opened.
you hastily called out to gwi-nam and you both quickly went through the door before slamming it shut. adrenaline pumped through you as you caught your breath, when you looked up you saw all of your friends stood watching you and gwi-nam.
“y/n why have you brought this asshole with you!?” cheong-san picked up a large piece of wood and held it up like he was ready to his gwi-nam.
you understood why but gwi-nam was going to be better so you instinctively put yourself infront of gwi-nam.
“look, i know you guys aren’t the best of friends but-” you began.
“not the best of friends? this asshole tried to kill me!” cheong-san yelled and you sighed.
“i know…but, i’ve spoken with him and he’s trying to be better. he asked for my forgiveness and i gave it to him. im not asking you to forgive him or to be friends with him..just give him a chance to prove himself” you said your part.
it took a while but eventually your friends agreed to give gwi-nam a chance. the only condition, was that you had to stay with gwi-nam no matter what to keep an eye on him.
you were more than happy to do so, you were just grateful your friends were even giving him a chance.
all of you were waiting for the army to hopefully arrive. you needed saving. a fire was burning in the middle of the roof and you all sat around it in a circle. cheong-san to the left of you and gwi-nam to your right.
“so what’s the plan if the army don’t arrive?” gwi-nam spoke up and cheong-san kissed his teeth in annoyance.
“we haven’t thought of that yet” you answered gwi-nam since no one else would.
“we should all start thinking about that, we can’t trust that they’ll come”
“i know, but we’re all trying to have some hope” you patted his leg.
“maybe it’s time to just breifly start thinking about it though”
“don’t tell us what to do! you just want to get us killed! you’re just the bullies gopher so know your place” cheong-san spat at gwi-nam while staring daggers into gwi-nam.
you paused as you noticed gwi-nam’ jaw clench and his fist roll up into ball.
god, this couldn’t be good.
you looked between the two who were glaring at each other now and gwi-bam for a split second looked at you before taking a deep breath in.
he then stood up and walked away into a corner.
“cheong-san please just give him a chance” you sent your friend a small smile before going to check on gwi-nam.
he was taking some deep breaths in and out while pacing up and down.
“that was really big of you to walk away” you told him and he stopped what he was doing.
“im trying to be better, for you” he looked at you and you nodded.
“i promise you y/n, i will be better. this might sound crazy to you but, y/n i care for you a lot. i didn’t even know it was possible to care this much for someone. i missed you so much and now that im here with you i feel things” gwi-nam was now standing directly in front of you.
your heart began to beat fast.
“i feel things that i’ve never felt for anyone before. y/n i love you and want to be with you. will you be my girlfriend?” gwi-nam finally admitted while placing a hand on your cheek.
you didn’t know what to say. you swallowed hard as gwi-nam rubbed soft circles on your cheek. you then let out the biggest grin while nodding.
“yes. a hundred times yes” you told him.
in an instance, you leaned in and pressed your lips onto gwi-nam’ lips. he kissed you back and brought his other hand to cup your other cheek to deepen the kiss.
you could feel him smile into the kiss as your hands rested on his torso.
after the kiss was over, he rested his forehead onto yours and you both just appreciated each other’s presence.
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hufflepuffwriter1995 · 3 months
 Title: His Queen 
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Pairing: Gwinam x Chubby!Named Reader (Ryoko)
Fandom: All of Us Are Dead 
Summary: She was his queen and god help anyone who disrespected his queen. 
Warnings: Now: Mentions of abuse, swearing, pain.  Eventually zombies, swearing, blood, gore, fighting, and smut.
Notes: Gwinam is still a bully but never filled Eunji topless, that still happened but he wasn’t a part of it. He is also a tad less insane in this but still toxic. Enjoy. I fell down a rabbit hole of this and it's time I share. 
Two Years Before The Outbreak.  
   “You need to find a way to prove it.” Jisoo sighed as she carefully began to patch up the cut over my right eyebrow. I let out a sigh, wincing as she gently wiped the alcohol swap against the cut. I had hoped that with how often I was in this position, I had gotten used to the slight sting. Being my brother's punching bag had left me covered in small cuts and bruises and more often than not, a few broken bones that I was left to treat on my own. 
  “We have been through this.” I sighed, holding still as she began to apply the bandage to my eye. “Unless we can get his face on video no one is going to believe it’s my brother. How many times have my parents made up some random excuse about how he couldn’t possibly have done it because you can’t see him?” Jisoo was my only friend, the only person that my brother and parents haven’t been able to drive out of my life by employing threats or bribes. Her parents were saints, her dad a high-profile doctor who handled all my injuries and her mother a lawyer who was working endlessly to get me away from my parents. The problem was, that my parents were too careful, too eager to use their government standing to their advantage. So they never got far in the process of getting me out and were too afraid to push too hard in case I was forbidden to see Jisoo. 
   “We will find a way. He’s getting too confident, he will have to mess up at some point.” Jisoo sighed, her concern for me breaking my heart. Even after three years of having her by my side, I wasn’t used to having someone who not only cared but truly loved me. Years of abuse from my brother and my parents telling me if I was a better sister, their precious son wouldn’t have to hurt me, had taught me I wasn’t one to be loved. 
   “I am sure you are right. Myeonghwan isn’t all that smart.” I winced, waiting for the hit even if I knew it wasn’t coming. She pats my cheek with a loving smile. 
  “If he doesn’t I will find a way to make it happen.” She spoke with so much confidence, so sure that she would help, that I couldn’t help but smile at her. I started to say something when the door to the classroom we were sitting in opened and my brother glared at me. 
  “Come with me.” He demanded, ignoring the way Jisoo tried to valiantly to protect me. Squeezing her hand, I reminded her it would be worse for me if I didn’t go before moving to my brother. He grinned, gripping me by the hair and pulled me from the room.  
  Giwnam didn’t like people, he could tolerate people at best. That is until she came into his world. The first time they had met, he had been injured, a nasty cut along his arm from a prick that tried to surprise attack him with a knife. He had been sitting on the tennis course, cursing angrily at the prick as he tried to stop the bleeding. She had come up on him without a word, silently taking his hand in hers as she began to clean out the wound. Her voice was soft as she wiped at it with an alcohol swab. She didn’t scold him, or yell at him, only told him that if it happened again applying a tight dressing would stop the bleeding. She had left him with clean bandages and gauze, telling her to change them before he went to bed.  
  The second time it had been her that had been hurt. She had been limping down the hallway when an asshole ran into her from behind. Gwinam had barely been quick enough to get his arm around her waist to keep her from falling. After making sure she was alright, he tracked the boy down, beating him before pulling around until he found her again, forcing the boy to beg for her forgiveness on his knees. She had been shocked, her eyes widening in surprise before telling him she would only forgive him if he promised to be careful in the future. With Gwinam promising hell if he didn’t, the boy had promised he would between stammers. She had nodded then, thanking Giwnam with a smile that stopped his heart, before turning back to her friend. A clear dismissal for the prick at her feet. 
  Since then he had been uncomfortably aware of her. Doing what he could to help make her life a little easier, while also plotting revenge for whoever was the cause of the near-constant injuries. While he hadn’t figured out who had hurt her yet, he was determined to figure that out. Whoever it was, would pay tenfold for every injury that she suffered. He had just settled down for lunch when her friend came running, frantically looking around before finding him. Relief seemingly washed over her. 
   “Gwinam!” She screamed, pushing past a few startled students as in her frantic way to greet him. He raised a brow at her, wondering what the hell could be going on, when she slammed her hands on the table, chest rising and falling. “He’s going to kill her. He’s going to kill Ryoko!” She whispered. 
  “Who?” The wave of protection-filled anger washing over him took him by surprise but he promised to deal with that later. 
  “Her brother, Myeognhwan. He broke her ribs earlier this morning, if he hits her there again he will kill her. We can’t get him to stop, if we don’t get his face on video he will get away with it.” She spoke quickly fear causing her voice to shake. “No one else will do anything.”
  “Follow me and keep quiet. Keep that phone in your fucking hand. Where would he take her?” 
  “Behind the school, tennis court.” She breathed out, hope starting to flash in her eyes. He tossed his drink onto the table and stood up, racing out of the cafeteria with the girl, Jisoo he thought, following on his heels. By the time they reached the door that led to the back of the school, his hands were clenched in panicked-filled fury. What if he was too late, what if she had waited too long? Shaking the useless fears from his head, he slowly opened the door, holding a finger to his lips as he slipped out, phone in hand as he filmed. Jisoo followed the look of pure rage in her eyes, earning some respect from him. She was ready to go swinging for her friend. 
   “Faw stupid cow!” Myeonghwan grunted with each kick to her stomach. His girl didn’t a sound, only breathing harshly through her nose with each kick. Her eyes were closed, but tears still fell silently. Oh, the things he was going to do to the boy. Myeonghwan would pay for each tear, for every injury and then some. 
  “Son Myeonghwan.” He called out once he was in a position that would cause both of them to get his face. Grinning wickedly, he zoomed in on his face, catching that stupid prick as he realized what happened. “This is what is going to happen. You are going to listen to me, if you don’t Jisoo posts this all over social media.” 
   “Send. To. Your. Dad.” Gwinam couldn’t help but the pride that washed over him at his girl, beaten and weak, took her power back. 
   “You fucking PRICK! You will p…” He was cut off as Gwinam snapped, pinning him to the wall by his throat as he punched him hard in the stomach, pulling back to punch him again. 
   “Touch my girl again and see what happens.” He snarled, pulling away as the prick began to show signs of passing out. Without another word, Gwinam turned and carefully scooped up Ryoko, tucking her against his chest as he nodded at Jisoo. “I got you pretty girl.” As he headed to his car, Ryoko smiled faintly, moving her head just enough to kiss his cheek. 
  “I’m safe.” She whispered before passing out, her body relaxing as the pain became too much. Her words though echoed through his head. Never once has he made someone feel safe but he made her a quiet and silent vow. So long as he drew breath, no one would hurt his Queen.
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lying-on-floors · 10 months
All Of Us Are Dead as Text Posts
I made all of these a while ago and I don't think I posted them here.
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I'm gonna rewatch the show, so I might make more.
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quack-quack-snacks · 9 months
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Star Crossed - Chapter 4
❤️Happy Holidays all! Hope you all had a wonderful time and if you didn’t I hope sincerely that it gets better for you!❤️
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
The Star Crossed Masterlist
My All Of Us Are Dead Masterlist
My Navigation and Masterlist
Warnings: Normal AOUAD things, Word Count: 7,717
“Gyeong-su…” You heard Cheong-san say from behind you but it was like you were hearing it from underwater. The only thing you could hear was the sound of your own heartbeat.
And the thoughts that Gyeong-su might not have one soon.
As Gyeong-su wiped his nose to find it bleeding, he brought his hands up to see black and purpled prominent veins growing from underneath the cuff of his undershirt and he looked at them in shock, shaking his head and mumbling indistinctly.
He stood up and breathed shakily as he tried to speak while his chair skid across the flooring. “Hey, hey. What’s wrong with me? Something’s wrong!”
You stood up from your chair and stood in front of him. You grabbed his hands and he looked you in the eyes. You nearly started sobbing on the spot as you saw the whites of his eyes turning red but swallowed down the lump in your throat before smiling at him.
“Y-yo…” you tried the first time but couldn’t get the words out so you cleared your throat and tried again. “You just need a t-tissue. It’ll be okay.”
He nodded as tears filled his eyes. The both of you knew you were lying but it was okay to be delusional sometimes… right?
He’d be okay… right?
If you just kept repeating that then he would be okay.
Everything was fine.
Gyeong-su was fine.
You were fine.
You frowned as you heard the scurrying of footsteps behind you while you reached into your pocket to grab one of the crumpled tissues you had from earlier and gave it to him but he couldn’t seem to grab it and it dropped to the floor.
“It’s not true…” You heard Cheong-san say from behind you yet you kept all of your focus on the boy who was in front of you.
“Come on. Get rid of him. Get rid of him now!” You heard Na-yeon scream and just as you were about to yell at her to shut up you felt someone grab you by the hand and pull you away from the boy.
“No, no…!” You tried to complain and weakly pulled against the hands restraining you, already knowing who it was. “Su-hyeok, he’s not. Gyeong-su’s not! I was with him for half an hour, he’s not!” You tried your best to convince him and looked up at him just to see him trying to keep a straight face while tears filled his eyes. “No!”
“Gyeong-su, stay where you are!” You heard On-jo say from behind you which brought your attention back to the group as Gyeong-su had rushed forward but everyone stepped back into a corner to try and avoid him like the plague. “Stay back!”
“I swear, I’m fucking not!” Gyeong-su begged and your heart broke at hearing the confidence in his words faltering.
“I’m sorry, Gyeong-su. Please, stay back.”
You watched as the remaining bit of hope in Gyeong-su’s eyes vanished like a flame being doused by water. “I’ve turned, right?” He asked, his voice quivering. “Cheong-san, what do I do?” He begged for guidance that none of you could provide, especially not Cheong-san who was dealing with the fact that his lifelong best friend was about to die at the hands of a virus that turned the kindest of souls into a flesh eating monster.
“No, no. This doesn’t make any sense. Why would you…” He started, just as confused and in denial as you were when On-jo came up from behind him and tried to pull him away.
“Cheong-san…!” She begged but he just yanked his hand back.
“Let go!” His voice broke as he was finally coming to terms with what was written in blood red ink in front of him. “This cannot be true. Why would you suddenly…?” He shook his head, false certainty refilling his voice as he stepped towards his friend. “No, no. Gyeong-su you weren’t-”
“Step away. Don’t come any closer!” Gyeong-su yelled as he ran backwards in an attempt to put distance between his friend and himself. You stopped struggling against Su-hyeok’s hold a while ago and just let him hug you to his chest while you watched in shock.
“B-but, you were fine. Gyeong-su, you were fine!” You tried to convince him and yourself when suddenly his neck cracked to the side.
Na-yeon looked around frantically as everyone stood there in shock as their friend turned right before their eyes. “Hey! What are you doing?” She sputtered out. “We need to kick him out! We’re all gonna die!” She screamed and you suddenly found the voice you’d lost before.
“Shut up! He-” your voice dropped from its screaming tone to one barely above being completely silent. “He just needs a tissue.”
“W-what’s happening…? Fuck!” You could hear Gyeong-su desperately get out as he gripped his head like it was pounding.
Na-yeon ran over to the door and yanked the umbrella away that was blocking it from being opened. “Get out. I said, get out!”
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed before discovering a newfound determination within himself. “I’ll leave by myself! I’ll leave. I’ll go on my own!” He started sobbing. “Why would I bite you? We’re supposed to be fucking friends. If I… If I leave, it will be better for everyone.”
Every step he took towards the door you could feel more of your hope for him to be okay being lost.
“Gyeong-su,” Ms. Park spoke up and you looked over to see she had walked forward to the front of the group to speak to him directly. “Why don’t you just go into the recording room until we can figure out-”
Na-yeon interrupted her before she could finish. “If he stays in here he’s going to kill us all!”
“Na-yeon!” Your teacher screamed at her.
“I’m just trying to stay alive,” she whimpered out.
“I’ll leave. I’ll get out of here on my own,” Gyeong-su grunted out while breathing heavily and staggering towards the door, using the table and chair on his way to support him. He turned to look at everyone around him but his gaze stopped on your shocked one for a moment. “Don’t worry,” he started sobbing more and your vision started to get blurry with unshed tears. “I’ll get out of here.”
“Gyeong-su!” Cheong-san begged as his own eyes filled with tears that had yet to stain his cheeks. His lips quivered as he tried to remain strong in front of the group.
“It’s okay. Thank you for everything. Stay alive.”
Right as he tried to open the door to leave, he turned around and started looking at all of you in terror while thrashing around and mumbling things under his breath before his body contorted in strange directions, his bones creaking and breaking until he stood up and let out an unnatural roar and growled at all of you. Dae-su started walking towards him and both you and Su-hyeok tried to grab his arm to pull him back, knowing your friend was gone, until he shook you off and rushed forward when Gyeong-su’s empty shell of a body charged at the group standing by the speakers. He threw him against the table in an attempt to save himself as well as his classmates. Just as the monster who you briefly viewed as your friend was about to attack again, the sound of a familiar tune filled the air.
While everyone was focused on the fight, Cheong-san had managed to raise himself onto the window and grabbed a hold of the rope, hanging off the side of the building with only that to support him. He sang their tune, the tune of Auld Lang Syne, and the body of his old friend came rushing toward him before Cheong-san jumped out of the way just in time.
The group had sat in shock for a while until some started to cry. Cheong-san had gone into the recording room and threw the table to the ground in a fit of emotional turmoil. On-jo had walked up to the door for a moment before deciding to walk back and to just give him space.
A gut feeling told you space was the last thing he needed right now.
You walked away from the spot you had been leaning against the wall with Su-hyeok. You had been comforting him on the loss of his friend as you knew he was grieving right now and didn’t want to focus on your own pain. He and Dae-su had hugged and were currently exchanging tissues.
That was what you had learned to do the best. Block out the pain. Be the emotionless girl everyone knew and few loved.
You walked over to the recording studio’s door before taking a deep breath and walking in. You took slow steps as you entered and saw Cheong-san sitting right underneath the large window on the wall of the door. He’d been crying until you walked in, that much was clear by his red eyes, glistening cheeks, and sniffles. He’d wiped them away and turned to look in the other direction of you. You walked over to him and sat next to him against the wall. You both sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke.
“I’m fine, if that’s why you’re here. You can leave now,” he spoke rather harshly but this time it didn’t affect you as you knew he was on stage 2 of grief.
“Go,” he told you, his voice breaking at the end and he pointed towards the door where you came from but you just looked at his hand before looking up to him.
You sighed and felt your nose and eyes stinging but pushed it down.
“You don’t have to be strong with me, you know?” He was taken aback by your words and looked visibly confused. You sighed before looking down at your fingers where they were playing with the hem of your vest. “I know none of you like me, and most of you think I’m like my brother,” you took a deep breath before you built the courage to look back into his eyes which looked even more astonished than before. “But in the short amount of time that I spent with Gyeong-su in this recording studio,” you gestured to the mess in front of you as you looked at the book and string Gyeong-su had been playing with before everything went down, now places in the corner of the room. “I’d like to believe I was able to call him my friend, and I’d like to be able to call you one too,” you looked back up at him once again to see tears had once again gathered along his waterline and he was looking at you with his lips quivering as he still tried to hold back his emotions. “So I’ll say it again,” you grabbed his hand from where it was resting on his knee and gave it a friendly and comforting squeeze. “You don’t have to be strong with me, Cheong-san.”
There were a few moments where the two of you sat there and stared into each other’s eyes before a teardrop streaked down his cheek. Another followed after that one, and then another, and then another, until he had started sobbing and you brought him into a hug while hiding your own tears which slipped onto his shirt. You didn’t say anything, you couldn’t even try to think of something to say in a situation as bizarre as this one. You just held him in his time of grief.
After a few minutes when Cheong-san had calmed down, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve and pulled away from you. Standing up, he lowered a hand down to you so he could help you up and you gave him a small smile as you accepted it.
The two of you walked out and Cheong-san gave you a smile before walking over to lean against the window, looking out onto the field. This time you let him be alone as you walked over to sit down next to Su-hyeok who was on the ground. You mirrored his position with your legs bent and your arms resting on your knees. Your shoulders were grazing ever so slightly and he leaned over to bump into your shoulder ever so gently. You looked over to him and he smiled at you. You couldn’t handle the softness in his gaze so you blushed and looked away, knocking your own shoulder into his as he laughed lightly.
“That asshole,” you heard Dae-su sob after a little while when the grieving atmosphere set in again. “Gyeong-su, why did you have to turn?”
Na-yeon opened her mouth and you just knew what she was going to say next would piss you off. “I told you all. He was infected.”
“Well, are you happy now?” Dae-su said as he looked at her in despair, you quickly stood up and put a hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. He looked back at you and had a bit of a shocked look which you internally rolled your eyes at but stopped when he put one of his hands on top of the one you had resting on his shoulder. You smiled softly but it fell immediately when Na-yeon started talking again.
“You were all wrong. Only I was right. What would you even do without me?” Your head snapped over to her.
“Na-yeon. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up and let us mourn the loss of our friend. Don’t be heartless on top of being a bitch,” you told her and just as you looked back at Dae-su, you saw her roll her eyes and scoff.
Just as you were about to talk again, Nam-ra started speaking. “Hey,” she paused and you looked over at her. “Maybe you did it.”
“What?” Na-yeon questioned her in an annoyed tone.
Nam-ra grabbed everyone’s attention as she walked over until she was standing right in front of Na-yeon’s sitting form.
“I saw everything… Na-yeon,” Nam-ra told her, accusing her of something that had yet to be revealed.
Na-yeon stood up to be face to face with the class president. “What? What did you see?” She asked and seemed to get on the defensive quickly which had suspicion rising in your gut.
“You are the one who did it,” Nam-ra revealed, yet everyone was still confused.
“Who did what? I didn’t do anything to Gyeong-su,” she defended.
“I didn’t say anything about Gyeong-su,” Nam-ra told her, which kind of confused you.
It’s kind of inferred because we were talking about his death less than a minute ago, but okay.
“Knock it off!” Na-yeon told her, raising her voice a little.
“What are you talking about?” Wu-jin asked as Su-hyeok and Cheong-san - who were both minding their business - turned to look at the scene.
“I didn’t do anything,” Na-yeon insisted.
“While we were all watching Gyeong-su, you were in the back alone,” your friend explained, then turned and pointed at the broken mop that laid against one of the cabinets in the room. “You wiped that blood with your handkerchief.”
She hesitated before replying in a shaky and slightly fearful voice. “No, I didn’t.”
“You wiped that on the scratch on Gyeong-su’s hand.”
At Nam-ra’s explanation, everyone had a shocked look on their faces, unable to comprehend that their classmate was the cause of their friend’s death. Even you had nothing to say and your hand went limp on Dae-su’s shoulder, only being held there by his own, which tightened on yours.
“I did not,” Na-yeon tried again to defend herself but it was getting less and less convincing as Nam-ra was insistent on proving her to be the murderer of Gyeong-su. The innocent boy who was everything good yet died for nothing.
“It’s in your pocket,” the other girl voiced.
“So what?”
“Take it out.”
“If you’re so innocent you’d take it out and show us,” you sneered at her and your hand closed into a fist while tightly gripping the fabric of Dae-su’s vest.
“I said no,” she insisted while looking at you and slapping away Nam-ra’s extended hand. You glared and she visibly shrunk in on herself.
“Should I take it out?” Nam-ra paused for a split second before reaching for Na-yeon’s pocket until the girl pushed her hand away and slapped her face, most likely a lot softer than she intended to.
“Fuck you! Who the hell do you think you are? Huh? Class president?” She mocked before Nam-ra sent a hard slap across her face and her head snapped to the side.
“You never treated me like president.”
Despite the situation at hand, you smirked slightly as you saw your best friend standing up for herself and just being a complete badass. You let go of Dae-su’s shoulder and went to lean against the table beside where he sat.
“Nam-ra, that’s enough!” Ms. Park exclaimed as she sped-walked up to the two girls to break up the argument. She looked back and forth across the floor as she tried to figure out what to say before continuing. “Nam-ra, do you realize what you’re saying right now? If that is true, it means Na-yeon killed Gyeong-su.”
“It’s true. Na-yeon did it,” the girl confirmed. You looked over at Cheong-san as he watched. His eyes were filled with so many conflicting emotions: anger, sadness, betrayal, remorse. “She killed him.”
Na-yeon scoffed and rolled her eyes before she reached her hand into her pocket. “You fucking cunt,” she exclaimed angrily before throwing the handkerchief in Nam-ra’s face. Dae-su had to grab ahold of your sleeve to keep you from rushing forward. “There. Happy?”
Nam-ra, who seemed unaffected by Na-yeon’s treatment, reached down to pick up the cloth from the floor and inspect it. “This is blood.”
“I wiped Gyeong-su’s hand,” she claimed and you scowled as you could see the cloth.
“This is his blood?”
“You can’t tell?”
“If it was his fucking blood there wouldn’t be that much of it, you cunt. He’d stopped bleeding 10 minutes into staying in the studio room,” you told her and her eyes flashed with fear but her expression remained the same.
“Then put it on your wound,” Nam-ra told her in an attempt to show either her innocence or her guiltiness. “Wipe yourself with it if you’re so confident.”
You could see her searching for an answer. “Like his blood is so clean? He was a zombie.”
Nam-ra threw the cloth to the floor and stepped closer to her offensively. “He was just fine until you infected him with your handkerchief.”
“Na-yeon… you-” Cheong-san started and started marching towards Na-yeon until Su-hyeok held him back.
“Damn it! It wasn’t me!” She screamed while crouching down and picking up the handkerchief, hovering it above her wound as she looked around for someone to tell her to stop, that they believed her, anything for her to not do it.
Ms. Park, ever the mediator, ran up to her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand and the handkerchief away from her scrape, trying to pull it from her hands but Na-yeon resisted. “Don’t do it. Stop it.”
“Let go,” she whimpered as the teacher tried to yank it from her hands.
“I said to stop it. Give it to me.”
“Leave me alone! Fuck!” Na-yeon screamed while breathing heavily. She let go of the handkerchief and stood up with teary eyes. She looked across the room at everyone, “I should just die too then, huh? That’s what you want, isn’t it?” Nobody answered and so she sighed, looking away before turning back. “Why is Gyeong-su better than me? That dirty welfie pushed me,” she whimpered.
“You little cheat!” You yelled at her while trying to rush forward but Dae-su was still holding onto your sleeve. Su-hyeok abandoned his spot as the one to hold back Cheong-san to wrap his arms around you, restricting any movement of your arms while you struggled and kicked your feet.
“Na-yeon,” Park said after a while of silence, “You didn’t…”
“So you did do it,” Cheong-san spoke, devastated, until he raised his voice to yell at her. Dae-su rushed forward to hold him back. “How could you fucking-”
“I didn’t kill him, okay?” She insisted and you could hear your heart pounding in your ears with rage. Rage and loss. “Gyeong-su fell, but he got up and ran. He’s still alive. He didn’t die, he just turned.”
“You mother fucker! They’re the exact same fucking thing!” You yelled out at the same time On-jo spoke.
“Are you kidding me right now?”
“Stop ganging up on me!” She whined and threw her hands around like a toddler having a tantrum. “When I said he smelled, you all laughed. You all made fun of him too. Don’t try to act all innocent now.”
You thrashed around harder as you felt your eyes burning and your cheeks wet and you finally realized you were crying.
It had been a while since you’d done that.
Dae-su lost his grip on Cheong-san and he ran towards Na-yeon, Su-hyeok unable to stop him because of you in his arms already.
The boy pushed the girl to the ground and breathed heavily. “How could you kill him?” He screamed while Ms. Park told him to stop it. Na-yeon kept her head down.
“You’re… a murderer.”
Her head lifted and you saw tears falling down her face but you had no sympathy at all.
“I have no friends at all,” she whimpered out.
“I wondering fucking why,” you growled.
“I don’t need any of you. Fuck you,” she then stood up and shakily walked out of the room, Wu-jin rushing after her just as the door closed and Ms. Park moved to stop him.
“Listen,” she started and you were finally released from Su-hyeok’s grip after you stopped struggling. “No matter what happens, you stay alive. Also, you must never take a life. If you cause someone else to die, life becomes meaningless.”
She looked at you all with a remorseful and fond gaze and you were sure you knew what she was about to do. “All right?”
“Ms. Park?” You whispered shakily and she looked at you with a small smile before turning and running out the room, rushing after Na-yeon.
“Ms. Park! Wait!” Dae-su yelled and ran towards the door and Wu-jin held him back to the best of his ability.
“Dae-su, don’t go!” he begged.
You had never felt so helpless. Your feet seemed to be glued to the floor and your eyes stuck to the door where she had stood only moments ago.
Dae-su started sobbing into Wu-jin’s shoulder and your heart broke for him.
“Fuck!” You heard Cheong-san scream followed by the banging of his fist against a computer. You didn’t have the energy to stop him, even though you knew if he did it too much he could seriously injure his hand.
You were sitting in the corner next to Su-hyeok who had an arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest as you were too much in shock to cry; again. You saw On-jo walk up to Cheong-san as he was staring out the window but you couldn’t hear their hushed whispers.
“I feel like it’s my fault,” you said suddenly, only a breath above a whisper. Su-hyeok looked down at you in surprise and confusion.
“What’s your fault?”
He sat up from his leaning position against the wall, bringing you with him, and looked you in the eyes. “How is it your fault? You didn’t do anything!” He tried to convince you, still whispering so the others wouldn’t butt their way into your business .
You let out a sad laugh as you felt your nose burning. “Exactly. I didn’t fucking do anything,” you wiped your nose slightly with the back of your hand to subside the sting. “I didn’t notice what she was doing. If I only noticed and was a little more attentive then Gyeong-su would be alive! It’s my fau-”
“No,” Su-hyeok insisted as he brought your head back into his chest to keep the guilty thoughts at bay. His heartbeat worked just enough for your soul to take a breath. “No, (Y/n). It’s not your fault. How could you have possibly known what she was going to do. You didn’t need to be attentive at that moment because it was someone who was supposed to be loyal to the group and not fucking kill someone. That is not your fault. Thinking like that will just drive you insane.”
At his words, a small sob escaped your lips and your body started to shake with your silent tears as he trailed his hand up and down your back. His lips were pressed against the crown of your head as he whispered the reassurances that you were needing.
After you calmed down and wiped away the tears on your face with your sleeve, you sat up and gave Su-hyeok a grateful smile.
“Thank you,” you breathed.
“You don’t need to thank me.”
It was then you noticed how close the two of you were, faces only inches apart and you could see his eyes travel from your own down to your lips a few times. You backed away with your cheeks flushed and gave him a small smile. He seemed delighted with the effect he had on you and that made your cheeks burn even hotter.
“I’m going to go sit by Nam-ra, I haven’t really spoken to her much in the past day,” you told him, avoiding eye contact as you stood up.
“Okay,” he smiled and got up himself before winking at you and walking over to lean against the counter where Wu-jin was sitting. You took a breath to cool your cheeks and calm your nerves before going over to sit next to Nam-ra.
“Hey there, prez,” you greeted and she met you with a cheeky grin.
She nudged you in the side. “Hey there, lovergirl. How’s it like in paradise, hm?” She teased in a whispered voice and you covered your face with your hands.
“Stop that, we’re just friends!” You whined softly and she giggled for a moment until her face slowly fell back into a frown.
You didn’t want to ask if she was okay because you knew the answer would be no. Nobody was okay right now, Nam-ra wasn’t any different. Instead, you just grabbed her hand and held it in your own affectionately while she leaned her head on your shoulder.
You stayed like that for a while until Cheong-san spoke up and broke the silence. “I didn’t hear anything at all. I just couldn’t hear anything.”
“Like what?” Su-hyeok asked but Cheong-san didn’t lift his gaze from where he stared at the floor.
“I mean after Na-yeon went out and then Ms. Park went after her. I didn’t hear anything after that.”
“You mean, screaming?” Su-hyeok asked and Cheong-san finally looked up at his friend to confirm.
“Maybe they didn’t die, then. They wouldn’t have been quiet if zombies were biting them,” Dae-su spoke his thoughts. “They must be alive.”
You let out a hum of acknowledgment while everyone else stayed silent and he huffed in annoyance, feeling left out. “Why won’t you respond? No one answers me. I’m always talking to myself,” he looked down and played with his tie. You couldn’t help feeling bad even though you were the only one to acknowledge his thoughts, albeit with only a hum.
Just as you were about to say something, On-jo beat you to the punch. “I think you’re right.”
“Forget it,” Dae-su waved her off with an eye roll but she continued.
“I didn’t hear anything either.”
“Me neither,” Hyo-ryung threw in her own thoughts. “ I was scared because I didn’t know how I’d feel if I heard them screaming, but I didn’t hear anything.”
“Come to think of it, neither did I,” Joon-yeong added.
“Then I’m right. They’re alive, right?” Dae-su asked and Joon-yeong nodded in confirmation.
“Should she be alive?” Ji-min asked angrily and you turned slightly to look at her, Nam-ra still resting her head on your shoulder, unmoving.
“What do you mean?” Joon-yeong asked.
“She’s a murderer. She killed Gyeong-su and walked out of here on her own. Is it even right for her to be alive?” She asked angrily, using rage as a coping mechanism for everything that was happening. “Aren’t you all being fake?”
“What about Ms. Park? Should she have died too?” Wu-jin questioned and Ji-min was quick to reply.
“Is that our fault?”
“Either way, we’re responsible for what happened,” he argued.
“Why is that? What did we do wrong?” She asked and you turned back to looking at your hands which were interlocked with Nam-ra’s, unable to look at the emotion in Ji-min’s eyes anymore. “Na-yeon killed someone, then played the victim, and chose to leave on her own. All because we didn’t listen to her,” She defended her own argument and Wu-jin remained silent. “If no one’s on your side, is it okay to kill?” Everyone stayed silent as they churned her question over in their brains. “Ms. Park acted like we were wrong. We didn’t tell Na-yeon to go out there. We didn’t tell Ms. Park to go out there, either. Why should we feel bad? What the hell did we do wrong?” Hyo-ryung leaned over to hug Ji-min and comfort her but the hand she placed on her shoulder was shoved off.
You noticed On-jo looking down at the table and a teardrop falling down her cheek and you reached over to grab onto her hand with your free one, squeezing gently. Surprisingly, she didn’t look shocked by your movements or the fact that you would do something like this, she just gave you a watery smile and sniffed before slightly wiping her nose on the sleeve of her slightly bloodied jacket.
Speaking of jackets, you realized you still didn’t have your own after using it to cover up Hyeon-ju when she came into the classroom. Although it wasn’t cold right now, you were sure it would be later, especially with the broken-open window.
“Hey,” Su-hyeok spoke up and interrupted everyone’s thoughts. “I feel weird saying this, but-”
He was interrupted when Wu-jin smacked his stomach. “Don’t say it.”
Su-hyeok groaned and took a strange moment of silence before continuing with what he was going to say. “Does anyone else have to go to the bathroom by any chance?” Nobody responded. “Am I the only one?”
Dae-su raised his hand slightly. “I do.”
“We have to go, too, actually. But we can’t go out,” Hyo-ryung spoke on behalf of her and Ji-min.
“I also have to go,” you added in and everyone’s head snapped towards you, making you shrink back in on yourself and press your cheek against the crown of Nam-ra’s head in embarrassment.
Joon-yeong sighed before pressing his forehead against the table.
“I’ve had to poop for a while,” Dae-su spoke up again and you held back the smile that threatened to take over your face.
“Dude… that’s… ew,” Wu-jin told him as he threw a pencil at him which was placed near his sitting spot.
“Why are you blaming me for this? Su-hyeok’s the one who brought it up. Poopings not a crime.”
“It’s not a crime, but-” Wu-jin told him with an amused face.
“But what? Don’t you need to go?”
“Yes, I do. Not poop, but, you know…” He informed.
“What about you?” Dae-su asked Cheong-san as he pointed at him, pleading for anyone to be on his side.
“I don’t… Pooping? No.”
He turned to Hyo-ryung. “Don’t you need to go?”
“Why are you asking me?” She whined.
“Why are you getting annoyed?” He shot back.
“What do you want from us? We can’t go out, anyways.”
Dae-su sighed deeply before his eyes caught on yours and he shot up straight. “(Y/n)!”
You smiled, amused, and Dae-su looked ecstatic at your expression. “Yes, Dae-su?”
“Do you need to go? Do you need to poop?” He asked, practically begging you to agree.
Your head tilted a bit as you looked up while thinking. “Yes,” you finally replied.
His hands shot up in victory. “Really?”
“No,” you laughed and he deflated like a balloon back into his seat with a playful glare. “I do have to go though.”
He sighed out again before he looked at the window. “I have an idea.”
You sighed and slapped your forehead, knowing exactly where he was going with this and not liking it one bit.
Dae-su walked up to the window, leaning against it slightly. “First, the girls and the guys will take turns.”
“Where?” Hyo-ryung asked, not understanding the context clues or deliberately being ignorant in hopes of him choosing a different answer.
He looked at her before gesturing to the window in front of him. “Here.”
She scoffed. “You’re crazy.”
“Stop it, man,” Cheong-san said and rolled his eyes at Dae-su’s strange suggestion.
“Why?” The boy asked with a slight whine. “The girls can wait in the other room, and the guys can just pee out the window.”
“What about… poop?” Wu-jin and you groaned out while shrinking in on yourself as you were sure you knew exactly what his idea would be.
He pointed at Wu-jin before looking back at the window. “Poop. Well…” He was silent for a moment as he thought before he slapped the frame in realization. “You can take your pants off and hang out the window,” he explained and climbed up the window so his butt was hanging off on one side while he held onto the window frame. “Like this.”
You couldn’t help yourself from snorting at his demonstration. “Outside!” He went on as you hid your smiling face underneath the collar of your green sweater. He stepped down from the window. “Like you’re taking a dump off of a cliff,” he then squatted down before continuing. “Like this.”
“What reaction is he hoping for?” You heard Wu-jin whisper before you spoke yourself.
“You seem to know a lot about this, Dae-su,” you teased. “I’m guessing you’ve had a lot of experience with pooping off of cliffs.”
He looked at you with an unamused look and you couldn’t help yourself from bursting out into laughter that everyone else joined in on as Dae-su rolled his eyes in annoyance. Nam-ra lifted her head from your shoulder and hid her smile behind her hand.
“I’m being serious!” He exclaimed over the laughter.
“Stop being ridiculous,” Hyo-ryung told him with an eyeroll after she calmed down.
“But someone has to hold you, so you don’t fall!” He quickly added when he saw a break in the giggles.
“How are you going to wipe your butt?” Joon-yeong asked him.
“Well, someone else should.”
“What is he saying?” Hyo-ryung facepalmed.
“Let’s just hold it,” Ju-min told everyone. “If the rescuers come-”
“It’ll take a while for them to get here,” On-jo looked at her as she interrupted her before looking down at her hands woefully. “It may be the same outside of the school.”
Nobody moved. Nobody spoke. The joking and laughter filled atmosphere was replaced with the sullen one as everyone thought of the situation they were still in.
“I don’t know how long we’ll be stuck here, but my dad always told me to separate the bathroom from where you sleep if you find yourself stranded,” On-jo continued, sounding like she had an idea.
“What do you suggest?” You implored.
“We create a makeshift bathroom for the time being,” she said confidently.
“Where will we create a bathroom and how?” Ji-min inquired, confused.
“Right there,” On-jo pointed to the recording booth and everyone turned to look.
“That’s smart, if we do some things to make it more private it could be the perfect place to make one. Good thinking,” you praised her and she blushed slightly as she looked back down to her hands while a small smile graced her features. You stood up with a slight hop before turning to On-jo and clapping your hands together. “Okay, boss lady! First order of motion?”
She tried to hide her smile but failed as a small laugh escaped her. She stood up herself and turned to look at the group of girls. “Nam-ra and you guys, try to look for something to cover the window.”
They nodded before scattering across the room to find things they could use.
“Cheong-san and Joon-yeong,” both boys turned to her at their names being called. “Make something that can absorb urine and feces to use as a toilet,” they nodded and got to work. “And then the rest of you…” she paused, knowing they needed something else but not sure what it was.
“A screen?” You suggested and she snapped in your direction in appreciation.
“Yes! A screen.”
“A screen?” Wu-jin asked to confirm in slight confusion and On-jo nodded.
“Yes, a screen to block.”
Wu-jin, Su-hyeok, and you walked into the recording booth and looked around. The both of them seemed stuck on what to use but you saw something immediately.
You walked over to where a few filing cabinets were and started moving one of them so it was positioned parallel to the wall with the window. Going over to start moving the second one, Su-hyeok realized you had been doing the work while they were just watching. He slapped Wu-jin’s chest before jogging over to you with a smile.
“How about you two move that one,” you pointed over to another filing cabinet on the other side of the room. “And I’ll move this one so they can be ‘walls’ on each side of that one,” you then pointed to the previous filing cabinet you had moved which was across from the window.
Su-hyeok frowned before moving over to where you were and going on the other side of the filing cabinet you were about to move. You reached over to smack the back of his head. “I don’t need help, idiot. Go help Wu-jin,” you pointed to where Wu-jin was struggling to move the filing cabinet on his own despite trying to seem like he wasn’t. Su-hyeok turned and rubbed his head where you smacked him before you could see the smile and blush that blessed his cheeks. He mentally slapped himself.
All she did was slap me on the head and call me an idiot, why the fuck am I smiling?
You laughed as you watched him walk away and he blushed harder at the sound of it.
Oh… that’s why.
After moving the two filing cabinets, you moving yours comically faster than the two boys did and rolling your eyes before helping them, you walked out of the room to see Dae-su laying his head down on the table. Cheong-san and Joon-yeong were almost done with what you assumed was the makeshift bathroom.
You walked over to them and rested a hand on Joon-yeong’s shoulder as you leaned over to look at the basket. “Is this the homemade toilet?”
Joon-yeong jumped at first before relaxing. “Yeah, we’re trying to figure something out for where to sit, though. With just this, everyone would probably just have to hover above it.”
You nodded and looked around for a second before something caught your eye and both of them lit up. You practically skipped over to the seat next to Dae-su and grabbed his neck pillow from where it was resting and walked back over to the two boys.
“Put this on top, I think this might be the best option we’ll have,” you suggested and placed the pillow on top of the rags in the basket.
“Dae-su's got a big butt, so let's…” he said as he opened up the button that held the two ends of the pillow together and spread it a bit.
“Perfect!” you smiled and opened the recording booth’s door for the two of them as they brought the basket inside. Walking over to where Nam-ra, On-jo, and the rest of them had set up a little circle of chairs, you sat in the one next to where Nam-ra was standing just as everyone was rushed out of the room by Su-hyeok who slammed the door harder than he probably intended to. You laughed.
“Do you want to sit down? I can pull up another chair,” you suggested to your best friend but she just politely shook her head with a smile. You held your hands up in mock surrender. “Okay, if you say so.”
After a little while, it was your turn and you used it quickly before grabbing a hand sanitizer bottle from one of the cabinets and pumping a little into your hand.
“Oh, thank god!” You heard and turned around to see On-jo, followed by Hyo-ryung, beside you. “I was worried about that. Even if we’re in a zombie apocalypse, I don’t really want to go to the bathroom and not wash my hands,” the bob hair cutted girl said in relief before holding her hand out. You put some in her hand and then some in On-jo’s as well and both grinned at you gratefully.
The bottle got passed around as everyone took a little and then started chatting.
“At least there are cops and soldiers out there, right?” Hyo-ryung questioned hopefully.
“But if you watch the movies, they can’t do anything either, right?” Wu-jin answered with his own question.
“I’m hoping that this situation will be different from the movies, that this thing will have a cure and everyone outside of the school is doing just fine,” you muttered with slight optimism. Hyo-ryung smiled at you and grabbed your hand.
“Exactly, and they always save everyone in the end.”
The door slammed shut and you noticed Joon-yeong, who had been standing outside of the door, waiting for his turn, had gone inside and Dae-su was standing on the other side with the tissue box you all had designated at the toilet paper in his hand.
Everyone’s face had turned sour as the smell of the recording booth flooded out with the small time the door was open.
“Shit!” Su-hyeok exclaimed as you all plugged your nose or wafted away the stench with your hand. “Why don’t you just stay inside?”
“Does it smell?” Dae-su asked cluelessly.
The door to the studio opened again before slamming as Joon-yeong came running out. “S-shit.”
“What?” Dae-su asked again as Joon-yeong ran towards the window to get some fresh air. “Stop being so dramatic. It doesn't smell at all.
“Oh, it does more than just smell. I’m pretty sure the zombies will bust down the door just because of that,” you joked and grabbed a piece of paper from behind you to use as a fan and blow away the air.
“Sit somewhere else,” Hyo-ryung demanded as Dae-su sat in the seat next to her but he just ignored her and she rolled her eyes.
You looked up at Nam-ra and saw that she was just staring off blankly out the window. “What’s up? What are you looking at?” You asked her.
She took a breath and hesitated before speaking her mind. “There’s nobody there. There are no lights on in the stores and apartments out there. They all ran away.”
“Or died…” You added depressingly.
“What do you mean by that?” On-jo quizzed.
“No one’s coming here to save us,” Name-ra stated.
“Why do you have to be so pessimistic?” Joon-yeong asked as he shifted uncomfortably under the change of tone in the air.
“Don’t you know my mom?” She shifted so she was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed over her chest. “She would’ve torn the school apart looking for me, but she isn’t here yet.”
“So, what do you wanna do?” Ji-min asked in a bitter voice and Nam-ra turned to look at her, annoyed.
When you realized she wasn’t going to reply, you replied on her behalf. “I think she’s just trying to point out the facts, even if they are depressing,” you looked up at Nam-ra to see if your assumption was correct and she nodded.
Ji-min turned to face you. “We all know that no one’s coming. So I think we should just figure out what we’re gonna do next.
“We have to wait to be rescued,” On-jo vocalized. You all looked to her and you especially knew that she might have the best knowledge of what to do in a situation like this considering she had some information passed down to her from her dad. “We can’t leave somewhere safe to go somewhere dangerous.”
“But from the place where we are right now, we’re not exactly in a visible spot for someone to see and rescue us from,” you told her, knowing that even if rescuers showed up to save people, they would most likely go to the roof first before anywhere else if at all.
“And what if nobody comes?” Nam-ra added on and you nodded.
“We haven't been waiting that long yet,” the girl insisted as she stared up at her.
“How long do you think we have to wait? Do you think we should wait until we die?” Nam-ra asked in a slightly snarky tone which you winced at but didn’t make any move to interfere.
“No,” On-jo clarified. “I’m saying let’s wait as long as we can.”
“But when will we know when we can’t?” You asked and On-jo just looked at you, her mouth opening and closing a few times before she looked down at her lap.
“I don’t know… but there’s no way we can go out right now, anyway.”
“It’s probably because it’s nighttime. I’m sure somebody will come in the morning, maybe. There are a lot of choppers flying around,” Su-hyeok pointed out and everyone looked out the window to inspect the sky for a second before leaning back. He let out a sigh. “Let’s just wait until tomorrow, and we’ll see.”
Everyone nodded in agreement when Joon-yeong took in a deep breath and ran back into the recording studio while plugging his nose which you and Hyo-ryung slightly giggled at. Su-hyeok looked down with a smile at the sound but you didn’t notice it from how you leaned forward to talk to Hyo-ryung. You also didn’t notice the questioning looks that On-jo passed back and forth between you and Su-hyeok.
| Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 |
Lmk if you want to be added or removed!
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hermionejacobs · 1 year
We do love a creepy psycho                                     ☆𝓴-𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖆 𝖊𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓☆
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[image description: a set of gifs that shows six characters from various korean dramas. there's lee rang in his iconic red suit in tale of the nine-tailed. then there’s gangster sang-wook from sweet home, young gang-jae from the drama my name and yun-oh, the serial killer from somebody. I’ve also added seo moon-jo of strangers from hell and my beloved psycho gwi-nam from all of us are dead. end of description.]
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fivesslut8 · 5 months
Imagine gwinam eating you out on a table in an empty classroom, door left open his tongue licking a stripe up your cunt circling around your clit as you bite you lip struggling to not let out a moan almost drawing blood “your such a slut aren’t  you”he smirked “don’t make a sound or the zombies will come running” he threatened as he licked and sucked harder bringing you closer and closer to pure bliss as you struggle not to make a sound fearing the zombies walking outside the classroom door
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annefolklore · 2 years
Gwinam Dark headcanons
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Warning: Toxic, abusive behavior, nsfw content at some point
The relationship is toxic, I’m sorry but you know damn well it would be
Maybe he wouldn’t abuse you physically, but he would physiologically
I know he would claim you as his and his only, but not in the good way babe.
“You don’t need friends, I’m already here for you”
When you vent about a fight you had with friends or family he would say things like “I could never do such things to you” “See? I told you they’re not good enough for you”.
He always grab you by the neck
If you try to leave him, he either try to sweet-talk you into not break up or blackmail/threaten you.
“I do all this because I love you”
Love language? He could maybe do act of service
He has a god complex. Come on don’t be surprised we’re talking about Gwinam🧍🏾‍♀️
He would do the thing narcissists do. He spoils you a lot at the beginning of the relationship, then slowly starts revealing his true self.
After you told him to stop bullying, he only stopped doing it in-front of you but still does it behind your back.
Dominant as fuck
This man is into some intense shit during intercourse. Choking, degrading, edging, breath play, blood sometimes, bdsm, blindfold you, gaging, spanking, overstimulation…Sorry I got lost a bit but you get what I mean😭
Favorite thing to do is taking you from the back (not anal) in doggystyle, one hand either pulling your hair or choking the back of your neck and the other one giving you backshots. He would put mirrors in front so you both could look at him fucking you and the expressions on your face.
Easily jealous
Controlling and manipulative
He must know every single one of your passwords and if you want to change them, he has to know what the new ones are
His kisses are always rough
He could do anything for you and that’s not always a good thing…
He’s obsessed with you, like he deadass stalks you.
Sometimes follows you without you knowing, so he knows what you’re up to when he’s not with you
No need to say that no guy approaches you, scared of what he could do to them if he learns about it
Your parents? They’re a bit skeptical about him, but since he always put on the perfect-boyfriend mask when he’s with them, they don’t suspect a thing
Pet names? “Mine” “Bitch” “Slut” “Whore”. He sometimes add adjectives during intercourse like “Such a greedy whore for my dick huh?”
During the apocalypse, he wouldn’t hesitate before killing anyone who comes near you two.
After he turns into a hambie, he would definitely threaten you that he’s gonna bite/kill you if you don’t listen to him. You suspect that it’s not true since he protects you, but don’t want to test his limits, by fear he really does kill you
Humm….Did I went too far?😭 But yeah I think that’s how he would be like. If you don’t like what I wrote DNI please. Maybe I really went too far, but after I read again the other headcanons I realized I sugarcoated him too much so to make it balanced I wrote this.
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poisonedprose · 2 years
₊˚✧ touchy, feely
yoon gwi-nam x gn!reader
warnings: pre apocolypse, nsfw, perverted nsfw, uncommon pet names (babydoll, lollipop), curse words
based off perv but can be read as a stand alone
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You were stood between two tables in the lunch room. Your friends chatting to you about their previous classes. The room was loud, everyone having the same idea as you and your friends. 
You gasped when you felt hands graze your waist and a hardened object on your ass. "Sorry, babydoll." You recognized the voice that belonged to Gwi-nam. His mouth hovered over your ear after whispering his apology. 
He took his time squeezing past you through the tight space. "You coulda said 'xcuse me." You bit your lip and tried not to acknowledge the uncomfortably hard object. "You were just so interested in your conversation, I didn't wanna interrupt." 
He finally slid past you, his hands no longer on your waist, but they still felt like they were. "Sorry, lollipop." He winked. "It's okay." You quietly forgave. He turned around, heading to where he was going before your exchange.
You watched as he talked to his same jerkass group. He looked over at you while he was mid-conversation and you quickly looked away, with a blush coating your cheeks. You could feel the smirk he was sending toward you burn into your body.
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dramastream · 1 year
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EYE FOR AN EYE│All of Us Are Dead (2022 – ) dir. Lee Jae Gyoo
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