#all the christmasy domesticity
creedslove · 9 months
I'm watching my husband Dave York in Equalizer 2 while I'm wrapping Christmas presents 🎁🎅🎄
Imagine waking up to Dave York in Christmas morning 😩🥵
Dave York x f!reader
A/N: Merry Christmas besties!!! 🎄
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• okay so if you don't have kids in the house, say his girls are spending Christmas with their mom, you can be sure waking up to Dave on Christmas morning will be erotic af
• he will start by groping and caressing your body gently, feeling you up until you're half awake, his cock will be already hard for you and you will most likely find him between your legs once you look down
• the important thing is that the minute you are conscious on Christmas morning, you will be given pleasure by Dave, because he's a dedicated man to his queen, which is you
• he will do anything he can to make you happy, because I'm sure his love language is spoiling you with anything really
• so once you both enjoy your time in bed just to get the day started, I guess Dave would either make you breakfast or he would go out to buy you some, in order to make things special; he would definitely find your favorite donuts, mini croissant sandwiches, and all the waffles or pancakes you'd like
• then after your great breakfast, it's time to check the Christmas tree and see what's underneath it and let me tell you: there's plenty boxes and bags for you
• as stated before, Dave likes spoiling people he loves, he's got the money, and I'm also sure he's got a good taste, which means he will surprise you with clothes, shoes, bags and jewelry, they'll all be beautiful and suit you
• but he can spoil you with simpler stuff that you'll enjoy, whether we're talking about books, gardening material, a painting kit, decoration items, pretty much anything you might enjoy due to your hobby or your personal passion
• Dave also enjoys the domesticity and he'll be glad if there's relatives coming over, or if you and him are going over someone's for lunch, he'll have fun just the same, but he cannot lie about preferring to spend a special day just by yourselves
• he'll help cooking and cleaning up because he doesn't want to make you exhausted on a day that's supposed to be about you both enjoying each other's company
• in the afternoon, if he's feeling lazy he'll suggest you both snuggle up on the couch watching something (fun fact: Dave will either use this time as an excuse to finger you under the blankets or he will be able to watch five minutes of the movies before falling asleep)
• or if he's feeling playful, he'll suggest going outside and playing in the snow for a bit
• in the evening you will both have the leftovers for dinner and have a warm bath together, then he'll wait for you in bed while you put on your christmasy red lingerie for his enjoyment
• and he will make sure you have fun with a final present: Christmas sex toys, which features a candy cane themed butt plug
• he loves Christmas because he gets to spend it with you, and well, you are his favorite person after all
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A Little Honey - Chapter 6 - The Christmas Special - Part 1
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Pairing: Josh X Reader
Series list
Warnings for series: Alcoholism, toxic parents, domestic abuse, drug use, alcohol use, explicit sexual content, NSFW, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, oral, blood kink, praise kink, daddy kink, and probably so much more that I am forgetting
Word Count 6.6K
A/N I can not thank everyone enough for all of the love and support I have received. You are all magical beings of light and I am beyond grateful to exist on this floating rock with you. I have been moving and unable to write as often as I would like. That being said I decided to make The Christmas Special two parts. I hope you enjoy part one. Peace and love.
December 2021
The boys had finished their shows for the year and were planning to head back home for Christmas. Over the last few months you and Josh had worked out what the new boundaries of your friendship looked like. To some it still seemed to cross the lines of friendships but you didn’t care. You and Josh were both comfortable in your understanding of the relationship. You still felt so deeply for him and at times you could see him reciprocate those feelings. But you had an agreement that neither of you were willing to mess up.
When you weren’t working you were with Josh or the group. The guest room at Jake and Josh’s place was essentially your room. You kept a few articles of clothing there along with some toiletries. At first it was weird sleeping in a separate room, but you both agreed it would be for the best. Josh planned hikes for the two of you on the weekends, weather permitting. You would surprise him with movie nights. Fans had spotted you together and assumed you were his girlfriend. You both just laughed it off. Together you had found a new normal for your relationship.
“What do you mean you don’t have plans for Christmas?! It’s Christmas!” Josh yelled comically over the phone.
“It’s no big deal Josh! Nora and I have never been Christmasy people. Something to do with our shitty childhood I suppose.” You say attempting to make a joke.
“That is unacceptable!” You hear him tapping on his phone. “Guys can you believe Y/N and Nora aren’t doing anything for Christmas?” He asks the guys, you could tell he had placed you on speaker phone.
“Unacceptable!” Sammy mocked Josh.
“I mean it! You guys should come up to Michigan with us!” Josh repeated his earlier offer.
“I have a healthy fear of meeting mama Kiszka!” You chuckle.
“Smart girl!” You hear Jake chime in.
“I am picking you up at noon tomorrow! You both better be packed!” Josh says ending the call.
You huff and walk into Nora’s room throwing yourself down on her bed.
“Time to go play Santa’s little helpers up at the North Pole!” You joke.
“Josh will make a cute elf!” She fires back. You smack her with a pillow.
“He said he will be here at noon so…”
“So be ready by 5 pm!” She said finishing your thought.
Noon rolls around the next day. Knowing better than to expect Josh to be on time. You slowly gather your warmest clothing to pack. Josh had shown you pictures of Frankenmuth. It was a winter wonderland. Something you did not have the wardrobe for. You raided Nora’s closet in search of a heavy coat but no luck. You pack what you deem warm enough and change into some comfy road trip clothes. Still no sign of Josh you gathered some snacks and drinks in a small bag.
From Josh
I am outside!
To Josh
Only three hours late! I am so proud of you!
Be out shortly.
You grab Nora and load into the Jeep. She takes the back to herself. You sit upfront with Josh.
“How long is the drive?” Nora asks.
“About 9 hours.” Josh responds with a yawn.
“Do you want me to start the drive so you can rest?” You ask.
“Absolutely not! What kind of host would I be if I let you drive?” He protests.
“Fine, but if you get too sleepy please tell me BEFORE you run us off the road!”
Nora falls asleep in the back and you keep an eye on Josh for the first few hours. About half way you stop for gas and dinner. Josh insists on paying as always.
“I think I am tapping out.” He says looking over at you.
“Can I drive?” Nora asks. “I am bored as shit sitting back here!”
“Be my guest! Literally!” Josh pleased with his joke, switches spots with Nora. You swear he falls asleep before Nora is even able to put the car in drive. About 45 minutes outside of Frankenmuth you decide to wake him.
“Good morning Sugar.” You say lightly tapping his leg. “Would you like to give us directions to your family’s place?”
“You ladies will be getting the FULL tourist experience. I got us rooms at The Frankenmuth Hotel!” He announces. “The house is too small for all of us to stay in comfortably nowadays so everyone normally gets a hotel anyway.”
You pull up into town, it is covered in a thick blanket of snow. Christmas lights liter the buildings and lamp posts. Giant ornaments hang in windows, resembling Santa’s village more than a Michigan town. You get to the hotel. Josh reserved two rooms one for you and Nora, the other for himself. You settle in for the evening and order room service. Josh joins for dinner in your room.
“I told mom we would be over there before noon tomorrow.” Josh informed you as he said his good nights.
“Josh I will not be late to meet your parents!” You yell as he runs back to his room.
“Chill out!” Nora says as you walk over to your bed. “It’s not like you guys are dating.”
“Thanks for the reminder!” You say crawling into bed.
The next morning came and you were up and getting ready for the festivities of the day. You decided to keep your outfit simple with a pair of light wash Levi’s and a black distressed sweater. You throw on you black hi-top vans, knowing you didn’t have the proper footwear for this weather. It was Christmas Eve and Josh had told you to prepare for drinking, games and lots of food. No presents were to be exchanged until tomorrow. You took the few extra hours to go into town and find some gifts for Christmas Day. You found a small gift for everyone and even had time to wrap them before Nora got up. You were both ready by eleven and you decide to go wake up Josh.
“Joshua Micheal Kiszka…” You began to bang on his door. Nearly fall into him as he threw the door open.
“I have been up for hours waiting for you!” He said sarcastically. He was wearing your favorite jeans and long white sleeve shirt. He paired it with his tan furry parka and white vans. You couldn’t help but stare at how cute his rosey pink cheeks were.
The drive to his Family’s home was long enough that you started to feel your anxiety building. You brought a bottle of wine from what Josh said was his mom’s favorite winery in Nashville. You hoped it would get you some brownie points. He could tell you were nervous so he took your hand, looking at you to make sure it was okay.
“Green.” You say holding his hand. You had implemented a color system to ease communication. Green meant something was good, or deemed friendly. Yellow meant something was on the verge of more than friendly, signaling the initiator to adjust. Red was too much, or deemed romantic. You both found the comedy in this system resembling the one many partners use in the bedroom.
He removes his hand from yours as you pull into the driveway. He gets out first and opens your door for you. Taking your hand he guides you to the front door.
“I am fine, Thanks!” Nora teases Josh as she shuffles her self through the snow behind you.
“Joshie!” You hear Karen yell running to the open front door. She grabs him up and almost lifts his feet off of the ground. “You are so cute! I just want to grab those little cheeks!” She plays, pulling at his face.
“I tell him that all the time!” You chime in, laughing at Josh’s embarrassment.
“Mom, this is Y/N.” Josh says stepping back for you to greet Karen.
“I am so glad to finally meet you! Everyone has told me such great things about you.” Karen said.
“All lies!” Nora joked.
“And this is Nora.” Josh added with a playful roll of his eyes.
“Nora, Jita and Danny have not shut up about you! I am pleased to meet you as well.” Karen hugged you both and thanked you for the wine. You all followed her inside.
“Where is dad?” Josh asked.
“He had to run out to the barn to grab some more fire wood for the evening. Why don’t you go help him before you take off your coat?” Karen suggested. Josh reluctantly went back out into the cold to help Kelly.
“Girls you can set your bags where ever you like. Make yourself comfortable by the fire and I will bring over some hot chocolate.” She gestured toward the living room. You did as you were told. Nora found a seat but you opted to stand in front of the fire to warm up. She brought over two huge mugs filled with warm cocoa, marshmallows and whipped cream.
“Thank you Karen this looks divine!” You say.
“I am just so happy you girls are joining us this year. When Josh told me about your family situation and that you had nowhere to go on Christmas, well… I don’t know who was more eager to invite you? Me or Josh?” She explains.
“Well we are so grateful to be here!” Nora responds.
“Josh doesn’t bring just anybody home.” Karen says nudging you. “You must be pretty special.” She shoots you a playful wink. You hadn’t spoken with Josh about what he had or had not told his parents. You figured they knew your relationship status like everyone else.
“Where is everyone?” You ask attempting to change the subject before relationships were discussed.
“Running late if you can imagine that! Well Danny is with his family, but he will join us for dinner tonight.” Karen explained as Josh came through the door with Kelly. “For once Josh is early! She must be a good one!” Karen said pointing at you.
“She is.” Josh agreed shooting you a wink as he walked over to join you by the fire. He grabbed your mug and began chugging it.
“Red!” You teased him.
“What was that dear?” Karen asked.
“It is a weird game they play. We all just choose to ignore them!” Nora quickly offered an explanation. You mouth “Thank you” to her.
“Girls, I am Kelly. I am sure Karen already said all the formalities so I will keep it short. It is lovely to meet you both. Thanks for helping to keep the boys in line.” Kelly said offering you each a hand shake. You giggled with Nora returning to the couch.
Realizing you were feeling slightly buzzed. “Is there alcohol in this?” You asked pointing to the mug.
“Tons!” Josh popped back laughing at you. A look of concern crossed the faces of both you and Nora. You had already finished one mug each. “We don’t need to repeat the cabin incident, Honey.” Josh said trading your mug for a glass of water.
“What happened at the cabin dear?” Karen asked.
“Someone had a little too much and ended up throwing my clothing out of a window!” Josh jested.
“Too be fair you totally deserved it for being so stubborn!” You bite back.
You continue to sit around the fire and inform his parents about yours lives. Your nerves were completely settled and the conversation was pleasant. The couples eventually made it over and Danny was the last to join.
“Well I will call Ronnie and let her know we are ready to eat! She stayed at a friends house last night.” Karen announced.
Shit you forgot there was still a sister you had to meet. You opted for another mug of hot chocolate that you agreed to split with Josh even though he had a good buzz going already. Ronnie entered the house and everyone stood up to greet her.
“Ronnie, this is Y/N.” Josh introduced you again despite you telling him you could do it yourself.
“Ah, the girlfriend!” She said sarcastically while she nudged Jake.
“Hi, Ronnie its nice to meet you.” You say offering out a hand. She pulls you in for a hug.
“Nice to meet you too! I am grateful my intolerable brother found someone to tolerate him.” She said flashing a toothy grin resembling Josh’s.
“Well on that note, lets eat!” Josh redirected you to the table where you sat next to him.
Dinner was delicious and you all caught one another up on what you had been doing since you last saw each other. Sam and Hannah had been working on some of Hannah’s projects. You insisted that she let you hear some demos before the trip was over.
“I am so happy to have all of my boys home! And I am even more excited to finally outnumber them with women!” Karen toasted. Eliciting a cheer of Woohoos from the table.
You helped Karen clear the table before everyone returned to the living room to play some Christmas games.
“Okay so in this one you have to shake the snow balls out of your butt!” Karen began explaining the game poorly.
“Mom you have officially lost it!” Sam teased, receiving a firm slap to the head from Karen.
“It’s fun I promise!” She responds.
It was one of those games where you tie an empty tissue box to your hips and it is filled with ping pong balls. Who ever shakes out all of their balls first wins. Everyone split up into teams. Karen and Kelly. Jake and Jita. Sam and Hannah. Nora and Danny. Then you and Josh, of course. The girls decided they would take on this first challenge. Kelly starts spinning a Christmas record and the games begin. All of your years working in bars and clubs had thought you the basics of twerking. You knew Nora possessed similar skill set. You both start having a twerk off, cackling at yourselves in the process. You ultimately clear all of your balls first, winning the first round. You sit back down next to Josh still catching your breath.
“I did not know you could do that!” Josh said laughing through a grin.
You wink at him as he stands up to take his turn.
The guys went next which had the women absolutely rolling in laughter. It took them a good fifteen minutes to have a winner. Danny took the round for the boys.
“That’s my guy!” Nora cheered as she smacked a hand against Danny’s ass.
You continued similar silly games until you were all out of breath from laughing so hard.
“This is definitely the best Christmas we have ever had.” You say to Nora.
“And it’s not even Christmas yet!” Sam yells drunkenly.
Josh pulls you into hug. “I am so happy you are here.” He speaks soft enough only you can hear.
“Joshie don’t look now, but there is mistletoe above you.” Karen says in a suggestive tone.
“What do you say, Honey?” He asks you.
“Hmm..” You say as you pretend to think about it. “Green.”
He plants a small kiss on your lips. The whole group cheers.
“Looks like you guys have had some practice!” Sam jests. Nora now being the one to smack him on the back of the head.
“Hey!” Sam retorts.
“Shut up.” Hannah cooed rubbing his head.
Everyone says their goodbyes for the even and returns to their respective hotels. You drive the Jeep back and make sure Josh gets into bed. Before you leave his room you want to ask him about his parents.
“You told your parents about… us, right?” You ask.
“Yeah, they know.” He responds already drifting off to sleep.
You leave it at that. “Goodnight Sugar. I love you platonically.” You say walking out.
As you shut the door you hear him say “ I love you, Honey.”
You head back to Nora.
“I am pretty sure Karen thinks you and Josh are dating.” Nora states the second you walk into the room.
“I just talked to Josh about it and he said he has told them about our situation.” You respond.
“He said those words?”
“Well, more or less.”
“Yeah. But surely someone has clarified things. We have been friends for months now.”
“It didn’t seem like it tonight.” Nora ended your conversation climbing into bed.
You stayed up replaying the conversations of the evening over in your head. Ronnie clearly knew, so surely their parents did. You tried to reassure yourself enough to get some sleep.
The following morning came way too quickly. You did not sleep well as your mind continued to go over every word Karen said. You got up and took a hot shower to try and melt the nerves. You wanted to dress nice for the holiday so you sacrificed being a little cold. You had a dark green, long sleeved, skater dress that had a deep V with mesh detailing. You paired it with some insulated black tights and your black docs. You threw on some gold jewelry you had packed and applied some light make-up. Having some time before needing to leave you decided to give yourself a blow out. Nora joined you in the bathroom as she began to get ready. You heard a knock at your door.
“Coming!” You shout opening it to find Josh with a bag of presents in one hand and a bouquet of red flowers in the other.
“Sugar, you shouldn’t have!” You tease knowing the flowers are for his mom. “But you do know those aren’t my favorite flowers!”
“Trust me Honey, I have that too.” He said pulling a joint from behind his ear.
“My hero!” You say imitating Olive oil from Pop-eye. “I just need to gather up my presents for everyone and we should be ready to go.”
You drive over meeting the rest of the group who was already at the house. Minus Danny as he was spending the day with his family.
“Look at the the presents! You guys are better than Santa Claus!” Karen cheers as you come through the door.
“My present is my presence.” Nora announces eliciting a laugh from everyone.
“Y/N dear come help me set these under the tree.” Karen says. You follow closely behind her. You begin placing gifts around the base of the tree. “I am so glad you and Josh are so happy together. You know this is a big deal for him.”
Shit. You think to yourself. She has no clue. “Um…” you say clearing your throat. “Josh and I… we aren’t… we are just friends.” You stumble over your words.
“Oh! But Jake had said you were his girlfriend?” She responded confused.
“Of course he did.” You say placing your face into your hands in frustration. “Let’s not tell Josh that. We do not need them fighting tonight.” You add.
“Good idea! I am so sorry! You guys just seemed so… close!”
“We are, but you know with tour and the whole lifestyle relationships can be hard. We just want to be really good friends.”
“If you say so!” She hums as she walks into the kitchen.
You take the opportunity to slip away and reprimanded Jake. You find him in the basement with Sam and Hannah. “Jake, what the fuck?” You spit at him.
“Something the matter sweetheart?” He responds.
“Woo there cowboys, what seems to be the issue?” Sam asks stepping between the two of you.
“Somebody thought it would be funny to tell Karen that I am Josh’s girlfriend.” You say peering over Sam’s shoulder starring daggers into Jake.
“Oh shit. Y/N I am sorry.” Jake says with genuine sympathy in his eyes. “I told mom that long before the cabin. I completely forgot. I will go make it right.” He says walking towards the stairs.
“It’s fine Jake… I already took care of it.” You say as your anger dissipates.
“You know I can be an idiot!” He says giving you a side hug.
“Oh I know!” You tease back, offering him a small punch to the gut.
“What’s going on down here?” You hear Josh yell as he comes down to find you.
“Oh nothing. Just letting Jake know I will kick his ass at pool next chance I get.” You quickly make up a cover story. Josh throws an arm around you as he joins the conversation.
“We can all go play downtown for Danny’s birthday!” Sam recommends.
“It’s settled! Now anyone care to smoke with me?” Josh says shooting you a wink.
“Let’s wait until after dinner. I would rather not spend my first Christmas with your family higher than a kite.” You suggest.
“That sounds rather amusing for the rest of us.” Jake teases.
You all return upstairs. Karen and Ronnie were setting the table for lunch. Kelly was outside grilling a ham. You helped prep some of the sides and set them on the table.
“This out does any Christmas dinner we have ever had.” Nora says as she approaches the table.
“What does your family normally eat on Christmas Day?” Ronnie asked.
“Chinese food.” You answered.
“Whatever was open.” Nora adds. You both laugh at the contrast of the meal in front of you compared to meals of Christmas past.
Josh walks up behind you placing his hand to the small of your back. “Care if I steal her away for just a moment?” Josh asks referring to you. He pulls you over by the fire. “Sam told me about Jake.”
Cursing yourself for not telling Sam to keep his mouth shut. “Jake and I already discussed it. Everything is okay. I clarified things with your mom as well.” You tried to reassure him.
“Now I get to hear about how stupid I am for not dating you.” Josh said in a playful tone.
“Well you deserve that!” You chime back as you pull him into a hug.
He places a quick kiss on your cheek. Your eyes flutter closed at the contact of his warm, velvety lips. “That was yellow, wasn’t it?” He asks realizing his mistake.
“It was, but I will forgive you if you find me a drink.”
He walks into the kitchen to mix you up a mimosa which can only be described as champagne with a suggestion of orange juice. You drink it anyway. You decided to prepare the rest of the groups drinks to save them from Josh’s version of a mimosa. Karen thanks you.
“Hams done! Come and get it while it’s hot!” Kelly announces placing a beautiful ham on the table.
Everyone gathers for another lovely meal. Dinner is filled with discussion of new music and the upcoming tour plans. Once again you helped clear the table after everyone was done. Trying to help out as much as possible you start doing the dishes.
“Are you sure you have to go back to Nashville? I could use your help around here!” Karen jokes.
“I think Josh would die!” Jita teases. “Those two are connected at the hip.”
“Well Josh will have to figure that out before tour starts!” Karen adds.
You finishing with clean up and join everyone around the Christmas tree. You and Josh sit on the floor in-front of the fire.
“I think that is your spot!” Karen says motioning to the spot you and Josh continue to find yourselves in.
“I guess so.” You chime through a grin as you nuzzle into Josh. In response he places an arm around your waist.
“Alright Honey as the guest of honor, you get to open one first.” Josh says pulling a small present from behind his back.
“Gee thank Josh!” Nora quickly jests, causing everyone to laugh.
“Shouldn’t you be at Danny’s house?” Josh jokes. You give him a quick smack to the chest in response to his comment. “Sorry.” He says reluctantly to Nora. He places the box in your hand. “Now this might be a little red, and if it is I will get you something else.” He says just loud enough for you to hear.
The box was delicately wrapped with gold paper. It had a white star on top. You remove the paper finding a black velvet jewelry box inside. You look at Josh and lift an eyebrow.
“Open it!” He says gently pushing the box towards you.
You slowly open the box just to tease him. Once it’s open you see a delicate gold chain necklace, adorned with a small rectangular pendant. On the pendant was a small “J.” For Josh, you thought. You felt tears well up in your eyes.
“Green, very green.” You threw your arms around Josh. He pulled away slightly to reveal he was wearing a matching necklace adorned with your first initial.
“Friendship necklaces.” He said with a big relieved smile. “I wanted us to have something to remember each other by when I am on tour.”
“It’s perfect.” You say wiping the tears from your eyes. “I was really worried I would forget you.” You joke as he helps you put the necklace on.
“Well that was disgusting.” Ronnie says poking fun at her older brother.
Everyone exchanges their gifts and enjoys each others company. As it gets late you find yourself alone with Josh on the couch. With just the light of the fire illuminating the room.
“I was so nervous you would think it was red.” Josh says reaching out to hold your necklace.
“Josh this is the most thoughtful gift anyone has ever given me.”
“Honey… I am going to miss you so much on tour.”
“I will miss you too. But we have trips planned during your breaks and I will be at as many shows as I can. You know Sam did offer me the job of Greta Van Fleet’s official mixologist!”
“And you turned it down?!” He said jokingly. “You better be ready for FaceTime calls at 1 am!” He continued to tease.
“I don’t have to answer them!” You poke back. He wraps you up in a hug around your waist. Threatening to pick you up. “Red! Red!” You yell through your giggles.
“Oh no! That’s not fair Honey!” He grabs you throwing you over his shoulder.
“Josh! Put me down! I have to say goodbye to everyone!” You laugh as the playfully flail your limbs for him to set you down.
He turns to the group who are all watching your antics. “Goodbye everyone!” He laughs turning away quickly and carrying you out the door. Nora running behind. He sets you in the Jeep and you flip him off while he climbs in on the drivers side. Nora rolls her eyes at the two of you. Josh drives you back to the hotel. You decide to stay up with Josh after Nora goes to bed. You change into the complimentary robe. Grabbing a bottle of mini bar wine and head to his room.
“Open up I have alcohol!” You announce at his door. He unlocks the door, as you walk in you see a fort of blankets and pillows around the bed. “How did you know I was coming over? Or do you do this every night?” You fire at him.
“I had a hunch.” He came over grabbing the wine and taking you over to the bed. “You get comfortable. I am going to change and grab some cups.” You settle in and admire his handy work assembling this with just the hotel furniture. You knew this was all feeling a little too romantic, so you decide to leave the robe on before getting under the blankets. You look at the TV to see Josh already had a movie cued up on Netflix. He returns from the bathroom with cups and hands you one. Pouring you a stout glass of wine.
“Woah there, you know I am a cheap drunk.”
“There is nothing cheap about you Honey.”
“I think someone is a little drunk themselves!”
“Nora did look pretty wasted.” He teased trying to redirect from his own state of intoxication. “Can a man not celebrate?” He asked shooting you a grin.
“What are we celebrating tonight?”
“Our first Christmas together!” He responds
“As friends.” You correct.
“As friends.” He says through a half smile attempting to mask his defeated tone.
You cheers and each take a sip.
“That is awful!” You say as you make a sour face spitting the wine back in the cup.
“That is pretty bad.” Josh says taking your cup and setting it on the end table with his.
“Hopefully the movie is better?” You say as you snuggle into the blankets.
Josh starts the movie and joins you under the covers. You had watched movies together in bed before. You had a standing agreement it was best to not cuddle and that any sleeping be done in separate beds. About half way through you felt yourself getting tired. When you looked over Josh was already asleep. You told yourself you will just shut your eyes for a minute and then return back to your room. No such luck. You slept all night in his bed. It was the best sleep you had in months. In the morning Josh was completely wrapped around you and you around him. You found your face in his chest and before thinking you nuzzled in. Letting out a small hum as you felt his warmth.
“Fuck!” You said jumping out of bed.
“What?!” Josh yelled jumping out on the opposite side. He looked at you with the most adorable confused expression.
“I fell asleep in your bed.” You said apologetically. Holding your robe tightly around your body.
“I will never forgive you!” Josh said in playful dram-antics.
“Josh I am serious! We were even cuddling! That is very, very RED!”
“Hey, we slipped up. It will be okay.” He came over giving you a hug of reassurances. You always melted into his touch.
You had two more days left on your trip and you didn’t want anything to ruin that.
Most businesses were still closed the day after Christmas so the boys had the bright idea of going sledding. Luckily Ronnie had some extra snow gear for you and Nora to borrow. You head over to the Kiszka’s and find everyone dressed for the occasion. Ronnie shows you where her clothes are and tells you to help yourselves. You get changed and head back outside to meet the group.
“You guys look like northerners now!” Danny said slightly teasing Nora and yourself.
“Still hotter than you!” Nora bit back shooting him a wink.
“You are not wrong.” Danny agreed.
The guys lead you to a spot behind their property that they have sled down since they were in diapers. Sam insisted everyone go down at once causing a predictable massive pile up on the test run. After that Jake was put in charge of the races. Two at a time everyone raced one another until Nora was crowned champ. She gloated the entire walk back to the house. Everyone stripped their layers once inside and secretly made plans for Danny’s birthday celebration the following day. You had Jake help you put together a tray of hot toddy’s for the group. It was your second best cocktail. You serve the group the warm drinks while you take a seat with Nora on the couch.
“Y/N these may be better than your margaritas!” Jita chirps and everyone nods in agreement as they take their first sips.
“A perfect drink to end a perfect day!” Nora says as she rests her head on your shoulder.
“Hey!” Josh whispered catching your attention. He slowly pulled the blunt from behind his ear. He nods toward the basement. You follow his lead slowly removing yourselves from the group. You meet him downstairs sitting on the old couch. He passes you the already lit joint. “You looked cute today.” He said.
“Thanks.” You respond flashing him a smile. “You looked pretty cute yourself, Sugar.”
“I mean it. Something about you all dressed up for me…”
“Josh, this feels… red.” You interrupt him.
“Fuck red, fuck all of the colors.” He responds playfully. “It gets pretty tiring doesn’t it? This game we play.”
“We only play it because of your rules.” You say unsure of where this is going.
“What if…”. He pauses. “What if there were no rules.”
You think very carefully about how you chose to respond. “What about tour?”
Before Josh could open his mouth to respond Sam and Hannah bust through the door.
“Stoner senses.” You and Josh say in unison.
“Keeping it all to yourself?” Sam says as he takes the blunt from you.
“Well it is my weed.” Josh responds annoyed by his brother’s intrusion.
You all finish the blunt and head back up. You are extremely high and find yourself reaching for Josh’s hand. He was your comfort.
“Josh not in the basement!” Karen reprimanded him but he was much too high to care.
“At least they aren’t fucking down there.” Sam jests. Kelly smacking him and Josh upside the head as the walk through the basement door.
“I would prefer it to THIS!” Karen fires back. She gets a fan out trying to remove the stench.
“Me too.” You whisper into Josh’s ear causing him to bite his lip.
“We are leaving.” Josh announces playfully to the group. As he pulls you toward the front door.
“No we are not! We are both way too high to drive.” You remind him as you attempt to stop him from walking out the front door.
“Shit.” He huffs.
“I will drive you guys back. I will need to be well rested for tomorrow night.” Nora pauses. “I didn’t mean it like that… you know what forget I said anything.” She tries to back peddle as everyone laughs at her choice of words. She drives you back to the hotel. You sit in the passenger seat falling asleep during the car ride. “Come on sleeping beauty.” Nora says practically carrying you to your bed. Josh follows behind to tuck you in and place a goodnight Kiss on your forehead. You wake slightly under his touch.
“Goodnight Joshie.” You hum into your pillow.
“Goodnight Honey.” He says before returning to his room.
“You two are a mess.” Nora says softly as she crawls into bed.
Your last day in town was the day before Danny’s birthday. The group had made plans to surprise him at a local bar. Nora was going to take him out for dinner and then bring him to the bar. Nora, Jita and you were up before anyone else. You guys took the Jeep into town, picking up Jita on the way. You sat down for coffee and breakfast at a little cafe.
“So… Josh was very…” Nora started talking watching closely for your reaction.
“He was very high.” You finish her sentence for her hoping she will drop it.
“Oh come on!” Jita took her turn attempting to fish something out of you. “He was undressing you with his eyes before any substances ever touched his lips.”
“And the necklaces? Who are you guys kidding?” Nora chimes back finding some bravery from Jita’s support.
“Things have been confusing on this trip. Lines blurred… but I am sure it will go back to normal when we are back in Nashville.” You try and convince the girls but they were not buying it. You weren’t either. Something was different this time. Josh was different. “He has been more… affectionate lately, but tour is coming up. He is probably just trying to make up for the time apart.” You try and end the conversation.
“We all just want to see you both happy.” Jita says squeezing your hand.
You finish you breakfast and drive over to a local craft and party store. You grab way more decorations than you need. Nora fills the Jeep with balloons. Jita had been in contact with the bar manager who said you could begin setting up anytime. You all agree to set up first then go get ready for the evening. You spend several hours helping the girls put up decorations. Nora strung lights and streamers. The ceiling was filled with gold and silver balloons. The tables were covered with flashy table cloths and metallic confetti. Banners were hung and a photo booth was brought in.
“I think that is enough, don’t you?” Nora asked unsure of herself.
“It is more than enough!” You say in an attempt to calm her nerves.
“Danny won’t know what hit him!” Jita added.
You drop Jita back off at her hotel before returning to yours.
“I have nothing to wear!” Nora says collapsing on the bed.
“You brought three bags! I am sure we can find something!” You begin sifting through her suitcases. You grab several articles of clothing and bring them over to the bed. “Are we feeling sexy or sophisticated?” You ask while holding up a few options.
“Somewhere in between I guess.” She shrugs
“Got it! Sexy librarian it is!” You jest.
You play around with a few outfits before settling on one. You throw the clothes at her and instruct her to try them. She slumps over to the bathroom and gets dressed.
“Okay… I was wrong.” She says stepping out of the bathroom and striking a pose. She looked stunning as always. You put her in an burnt orange satin dress that hit mid calf. Layering it with a black, long sleeve, turtleneck underneath and finishing the look with Chelsea boots. Her blonde, blunt bob complemented the look exquisitely. She added a single silver chain necklace.
“Jita was right! Danny won’t know what hit him!” You say in a singsong manner. You knew Danny and Nora were just friends but you suspected Danny had feelings for her. On occasion you thought Nora may reciprocate said feelings.
You kept it simple with black skinny jeans and docs. Pairing it with a black, long sleeve, off the shoulder body suit. You added a black belt with gold hardware, and your gold necklaces. You wore your hair down and decided to do winged liner with a red lip. You look in the mirror and giggled a little bit. Your look for the night resembling that of Sandra-Dee when she breaks bad for Danny Zuko. Josh insists that the girls take the Jeep and the guys will follow behind in Jake’s car. When you get to the bar everyone goes inside besides Nora. She grabs the keys to the Jeep and goes to pick up Danny for dinner. The bar was nice enough to give your group the entire place to yourselves. Jake and Jita begin ordering food for everyone. Sam orders a round of beers, while Hannah finds a table to set the gifts.
“This place looks fantastic!” Josh says handing you a beer.
“Nora did most of the work! There would have been even more balloons but they wouldn’t fit in the Jeep.” You laughed as the image played in your head of Nora frantically shoving balloons in through the trunk window. Josh laughs with you thinking about the three of you in the Jeep surrounded by balloons.
“You also look fantastic.” He hums into your ear, placing a kiss on your cheek. Unsure of where you stand after your last conversation you decide not to comment on his action.
“Speak for yourself hot stuff.” You giggle as you fluff his hair a bit.
“I mean’t what I said last night.” Josh pauses as he scans your face to gauge your reaction. Your stomach started to do flips. “No more rules.” He said as he wove his fingers through yours.
Part 2 to follow soon.
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peachymilkandcream · 10 months
Levi Christmas Headcanons
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(A/N: I'm obsessed with regal and old elegance Christmas okay, and I was curious how Mr. Rainbows and Sunshine would deal with Christmas with his wife and kiddies. And I don't know, might to a Christmasy oneshot although I'm not sure of the promprt, if anyone has any ideas hit up my inbox!)
WARNINGS: Misogyny, implied noncon/dubcon, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, domestic violence, yandere behaviour/themes, etc,
The only reason Levi celebrates Christmas is because it's another ploy to make his wife love him. Since Evelyn is super into it and everything he sees it as a way to get her to be affectionate towards him.
Of course if the Captain is set on doing something he's going to do it right, the biggest and best tree that will fit goes in his foyer and he'll demand it be decorated to perfection. (Although the lower branches he leaves for her to do since it makes her happy and he can watch her do it) Garlands, everything, he will even pay to have someone make iceburst stone lights so that it meets his approval. He wants Evelyn to be awestruck by everything he's done for her.
Gifts are an excuse to spoil her, and while he is harsh and unfeeling, he does love spoiling her when she behaves because usually her thankfulness gets him what he wants. For her, it's adorable to see her ask him for some money to go out and buy a gift for him. Even she can put her hatred aside for Christmas, she says it's because she won't let him ruin the time of year for her but he knows better. He'll playfully roll his eyes and wait for her outside of a shop or two to pick him up a present, holding it under her coat so he doesn't see.
As someone who demands perfection in everything let's be honest his gift wrapping skills are immaculate. Bows and ribbons are too gaudy but the paper is sleek and folded to perfection. Although Evelyn makes bows out of ribbon and always likes the brightly coloured paper.
When they have kids Levi isn't one of those dads that has the wife buy everything for the kids and it's just "from the both of them". Usually he'll have a nanny take care of the kids while they both together Christmas shop for them. Surprisingly he's not against toys for them, his goal is for them to adore the ground he walks on after all, and if he spoils them on birthdays and Christmas they will.
Even though it's his birthday on Christmas day, Levi doesn't make the day about him for once, to him it would cause his kids and his wife to resent the day and him if it was all about himself. Instead he says nothing, and Evelyn and the children wish him a happy birthday, act more affectionate and of course, Evelyn compensates for the day not being about him that night. To him he would rather the day continue to be about Christmas, and such a fond memory will be centred around him.
Levi's kids will be the only ones who aren't taught about Santa Claus, he refuses to lie to his kids and believes they're stronger for not believing in a fictional person. A make believe man will not get his credit for giving gifts, he is the centre of praise always.
Every day when he comes home in December Levi brings his kids each a bit of candy since they aren't allowed it any other time, he loves how eager they are to see him when he walks in the door. He's the hero then.
On the morning of, his kids will come wake him and Evelyn up since Levi was up late Christmas Eve making sure everything was perfect gifts wise. He makes his kids wait until he's dressed, shaved, and ready for the day before anyone is allowed downstairs.
They all take turns opening gifts so it lasts longer, Levi hiding a smirk behind his tea cup when his wife unwraps many gifts from her doting husband. Especially the ones she has to hide quickly before the children see.
They don't travel for holidays, staying at home and enjoying each other's company. Christmas dinner is traditional and they end he day by the parents watching the kids play with their new toys in front of the fire.
Aside from his family the only people who get gifts is Hange and Erwin. Erwin because he's the Commander it's only proper, (even then its a haphazard gift since neither of the Ackermans like him) and Evelyn gives Hange something more heartfelt and personal. Who would have thought Levi was a Christmas fan
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lfc21 · 2 years
Gingerbread house - Day 8
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TW : Fluff
Summary : you and kostas try and get into the Christmasy spirit by making a gingerbread house! Not one of you are the baking type so mess and broken gingerbread is the only answer right?
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"Last Christmas I gave you my heart," you heard being sung from the kitchen door. You weren't sure how, and you weren't sure why kostas had decided to take up a karaoke session, but whatever the reason you loved. "But the very next day you gave it away!" He added with even louder words and even more effort in his dance moves. You stared at him from the door in admiration, you didn't understand. You knew kostas loved Christmas, but this much was slightly concerning as it was still two weeks to go.
"This year," you added as you made yourself known in the doorway.
"To save me from tears!" Kostas shouted back as he used his spatula for a mic. You shimmyed yourself over to him.
"I'll give it to someone special!" You replied back with as you couldn't help but let the laughs fall from your mouth.
"Abit of George Michael," kostas said as he turned the volume down at your presence. You smiled to yourself at how happy and cheery kostas had recently been. With the break of the World Cup, he had found fondness in doing everything he could to bring positivity and perfection back into his life. "How are you?" He asked as he dried his hands off with the teatowel and finished washing up.
"I'm very good! I just finished that meeting online then" you explained with a smile as you picked up your puppy due to her begging attention. "It was so boring," you added with a laugh as you leaned in to kiss his cheek.
"I bet it was," kostas agreed as he kissed your forehead and your puppy's small wrinkley fair. Kostas had a suspicious smile plastered on his face as he looked down at you both.
"What?" You asked as you couldn't understand what his suspicions where.
"I have an idea for us," he explains with a smile as he pushes himself onto the kitchen work tops and guides you to stand in between his legs.
"Elaborate, please," you politely instruct as you looked up at his dark brown orbs. Every inch of his face was something so magical and addicting. The way his smile crept on his face and caused his cheekbones to become more prominent was something so secret to you, something so niche and unique.
"I want to make a gingerbread house with you," he answered with a slight giggle as his hands played with your curled hair. Your heart stopped slightly at his words as neither one of you ever excelled in your cookery skills or even creativity.
"Erm, are you sure that's a good idea?" You asked with a smile as he reached over to grab a small box. "Awww, kostas, you bought one," you cooed as you realised what he was holding. Normally, kostas was filled with plenty of strange and random ideas, but this idea was something he truly meant. This is what he wanted.
"Knowledge," kostas said as he pointed to his brain. He was a sarcastic king.
"Strange," you said back to him as you pointed in the very same spot he did. He rolled his eyes at your cheeky joke and jumped off the hard white marble. This wasn't your fortey, but you were sure you could give it a good go. Well, you hoped and prayed. "What do we start with?" You asked as you leaned across the kitchen counter with your cheek pressed against your hand as you waited for Chef Kostas to fix you with orders.
"All we need to do is stick it together and make windows and doors and stuff like that" he dryly explained as he read the box again as carefully as possible as his tongue stuck out slightly in concentration.
"Well, that should be easy, shouldn't it?" You asked with a laugh as he started pulling the contents of the box out.
"I hope," he simply said back with a roll of his Greek accent coming off his tongue. There was something about kostas being so domestic that made you want to kiss him till the end of time. His arms were so prominent in his thin grey jumper, and his hair was so slick that you could see every pattern and structure in his face. He was heaven, he was perfect, he was art. "Oi where supposed to be a team," kostas pointed out as he clicked his fingers in front of your distracted eyes.
"Alright, moody," you snapped back to him as his face turned up into a smile he was reluctant to show. He never wanted you to win in jokes. Everything was about winning to him, but he was so sure that he had already won everything in life. That was you. "I'll hold these two pieces," you mumbled under your breath as you tried to concentrate on the two slabs of gingerbread. Kostas's hands gently went across yours to lightly place the icing between them both. His wedding band was cold against your fingers as you felt every last detail in his hands.
"Done that one," kostas proudly said as he stood back and took a look at his piece. As his words left his mouth, you took it as a free invite to let go. As your hands released the two slabs, they came falling back down onto the white cold marble. "Babe," kostas warned as his eyes went wide. "What did you think was going to happen then?" He sarcastically asked as he shook his head with a laugh.
"I'm sorry" you apologised with a laugh as you kissed his cheek. Your hand swiped the piece of white icing from the ginger bread and wiped it onto the tip of his nose. "Ooops" you dumbly said with no sense for the words you spoke.
"Y/n," kostas warned again with that smirk you became so familiar with. "You little shit," he joked before picking you up and spinning you around the kitchen. You knew it wouldn't end well, but you did also know that it would make some of the best memories. Yours and his laughs filled the large kitchen as well as the dog barks and huge smiles from all.
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Hey guys! This is day 8 of my advent calendar 📅 please leave feedback and requests as they are greatly appreciated, and they make me smile 😃 your support is amazing at the moment, so thank you ever so much 😊 requests are open and my messages are also open if anyone wants to chat or needs cheering up during the festivitie period 🥰 merry Christmas 🎄 have a great day 🙏 main masterlist ❤️
@prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentalexanderarnold @robbo-trent-fanfiction26 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @tsimikasfamily @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @hendersons1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn @superkittywonderland @virgilvansike @virgilvandickmedown @hopefulromantic1 @robbo-trent-fanfiction26 @robbo38
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Could you do a CandyBats Christmas/holiday fic pls <3 thx
It’s a little rushed as I’m a day late (sorry), but here’s a little Christmas fic of just Kevin and Streber being domestically soft. Hopefully everyone enjoys it. And Merry belated Christmas everyone.
The house smells like egg nog and chocolate. Two odd things to mix together. It's making Kevin's stomach churn as he hangs up the mistletoe in the kitchen partition. Streber’s out at the store so it's the perfect time for Kevin to put up the decoration.
He likes to pretend he doesn't care for such things, it's embarrassing, but secretly, Kevin loves to do sappy and cute things with his boyfriend.
With the mistletoe secured in arguably one of the most common spots in the house, Kevin feels pretty satisfied with himself. He steps down off the stool and folds it up to put away before Streber gets back.
The house really is coming together in the strangest way as Kevin remarks at all of Streber’s decorations. Everything is still Halloween themed (little skeletons atop mantles, paper bats hung on the walls as garlands, tiny pumpkin candle lights on shelves) except Streber painstakingly took the time to put little Santa hats on everything, the skeletons, the bats, the pumpkins, and somehow it works. Kevin can feel the Christmas spirit despite being surrounded by Halloween memorabilia.
The Christmas tree is another thing however. A white, plastic tree, absolutely covered in black and orange ornaments of vary designs of Jack o’ lanterns, skulls, bats, Halloween banners draped across. The topper is even a witch’s hat. Streber loves it, it’s his pride and joy of the Christmas season.
Kevin doesn’t really have an opinion towards the tree (it could be a little more christmasy) but Streber’s huge grin every time he sees it makes it worth it to Kevin.
Just as Kevin is closing the storage closet after having stashed away the stool, he hears the front door open roughly.
“Kevin? Little help?” Streber calls from the door. He must’ve gone nuts at the store and is now overwhelmed with shopping bags. Kevin makes his way over, a twinge in his bad leg with every step that he pointedly ignores.
At the front door, Streber is juggling four shopping bags in his arm, another three at his feet. His keys are hanging from the lock, the lanyard swaying. Kevin holds back a laugh. He grabs Streber’s key out of the door and wraps the lanyard around Streber’s neck through the bags. He leans in like he’s going to kiss the man and Streber leans in, following Kevin’s obvious signs, only for Kevin to grab the most precarious bag out of Streber’s arms.
Streber makes a noise of shock, “wha—hey!” He playfully frowns at Kevin’s teasing. Kevin shrugs, an almost shit eating grin making its way onto his face.
He grabs the three other shopping bags off from the ground, utilizing the hauling methods he’s learned from work (moving inventory and all that). Kevin makes his way through the doorway, his leg throbbing with each step and the new added weight.
Streber follows with the remaining bags in his arms. He kicks the door closed behind him. “Thanks. I got more stuff to bake cookies. You’re still up to handing them out with me, right?” He asks, stumbling slightly behind Kevin through the walkway. Neither takes off their shoes. They’ll do that once all the groceries are in the kitchen.
“Of course. Looking forward to it.” Only when he is roped into it via bonding time with Streber, will Kevin willingly seek out children’s company. It’s only because Streber likes kids and likes being a good, fun neighbour that everyone thinks highly of.
Kevin makes his way unto the kitchen and dumps all the shopping bags in his arms onto the island. Streber follows him. He didn’t seem to notice the newly added decoration Kevin put up while he was gone.
“Awesome!” Still it doesn’t seem to matter that he didn’t notice because Streber, impassioned, kisses Kevin on the cheek. “You’re the best.” He pulls away, focusing on the groceries now.
Kevin is left, a blushing fool. He’s weak in the knees for Streber just inherently, but every time the man pulls a stunt like that, Kevin has to fight to stay standing.
Streber is humming something vaguely similar to this is Halloween but it’s a little too out of pitch to be absolutely sure while he takes out the ingredients for sugar cookies.
Now that he’s gotten started, Streber won’t stop until the cookies are cooled and decorated. This will be a few hour affair. So Kevin goes to the living room. He’s on standby, but otherwise, he doesn’t want to get in Streber’s way while he’s baking. Plus his leg has been throbbing for a bit now and he could really stand to sit for a bit.
“Here you go, egg nog just as you requested.” Kevin hands Streber the cup of egg nog he asked for. The living room is dimmed and and kitchen light is off. All that illuminates the house is Streber’s little pumpkin tea lights. It’s the perfect atmosphere to watch a movie.
“Thaaank you!” Streber replies gleefully. He takes an immediate and large sip through his straw. Kevin takes his seat next to him on the couch, setting his own glass of oat milk on a coaster on the coffee table.
The movie’s all queued up and ready to go. They’re watching The Nightmare Before Christmas because it’s Streber’s favourite holiday movie. Kevin likes the morbidity of it more than the holiday aspect of it so he’s always down to watch it with Streber at Christmas.
“Man. This is the perfect way to end Christmas. I’m definitely going to bed right after this,” Streber laughs, leaning his head on Kevin’s shoulder. Kevin can relate, they’d spent all afternoon and evening, going door to door and handing out the cookies Streber made. They’re both beat and a movie sounds like the perfect way to relax for the rest of the night just the two of them.
“You said it.” Kevin grabs the remote from the coffee table and hits play. Streber must really be as tired as he says, because he isn’t reciting the opening lines along with the narrator like he usually does. Kevin huffs a quiet laugh to himself, wrapping his arm around Streber’s waist, pulling him in closer.
This was a nice, quiet Christmas and Kevin couldn’t have had it any better.
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
❛ Could you stop galloping for, like, two seconds? ❜
❛ Better able to withstand peer pressure when you can't catch me. ❜
❛ Friends don't let friends photocopy their butts at company Christmas parties. ❜
❛ I've already had an eggnog, if you can't tell. ❜
❛ Will you escort [name] to the Christmas party and make sure she doesn't photocopy her butt? ❜
❛ You robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn, it stops. You tell it to stop, it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage, it watches reruns of Firefly. ❜
❛ Hey, we've got about half a liter of pure alcohol here. Dump it in the eggnog, and we've got the best Christmas party in history. ❜
❛ You really think [name]'s gonna let you spike the eggnog after the Fourth of July fiasco? ❜
❛ Listen to me. There is a party going on upstairs, okay? A Christmas party. We're going up there. We're gonna talk to some people, we're gonna sing some carols, we're gonna drink some eggnog. ❜
❛ You are going to kiss me under the mistletoe. On the lips. ❜
❛ There's no use panicking until we know what it is. ❜
❛ Hey, I got into the decontamination shower with [name]. Haven't I been through enough hell? ❜
❛ Anyone besides me worried that a guy dressed like Santa is in charge? ❜
❛ Okay, you know what? If this is fatal, I will shoot both of you. ❜
❛ Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're saying that we're stuck here over Christmas? ❜
❛ You know what? I never realized how pretty all this shiny stuff is. ❜
❛ That word's just a little bit Christmasier than what I was thinking. ❜
❛ It's after midnight! Christmas Eve day. Both an eve and a day. It's a Christmas miracle. ❜
❛ You don't seem too upset about missing Christmas. ❜
❛ Oh, right, right. You can't measure the man upstairs in a beaker, so he can't possibly exist. ❜
❛ Could someone in a position of responsibility please order [name] to shut up? ❜
❛ Since we're gonna be stuck together for Christmas, we should make the most of it. ❜
❛ Wow, that's deep. That's a very deep pile of crap. ❜
❛ You know, you make it very, very hard for me to be nice to you. ❜
❛ At least I'm an accidental Grinch. All due respect, you're the Grinch on purpose. ❜
❛ Okay, brief announcement. You guys might recognize my dad, but I don't really want to talk about it, so, thanks. Okay? That's all. ❜
❛ Were you being metaphoric? ❜
❛ I need a receptionist. I can't just have anybody waltzing in here. ❜
❛ When you say things like that it's just to bug me, right? ❜
❛ I'm always gonna drive. You know that, right? Me behind the wheel; you over there on the grandma side. ❜
❛ They're guys. They should just lay them out on the table and measure. ❜
❛ Do you want to speak up because it's really hard to hear every word in this very very quiet waiting room? ❜
❛ You touch her; she'll break your arm. ❜
❛ Is that your way of apologizing? ❜
❛ I love your guts, sweetie. ❜
❛ Science is no country for storytellers. ❜
❛ You're ordering a prostitute from my cell phone? ❜
❛ This is the type of situation where people say oh my God. ❜
❛ We were born unique. Our experiences mold and change us. We become someone. All of us, and to have that taken away by murder, to be erased from existence against our will, it's just…unacceptable. ❜
❛ I'm not swearing any damn loyalty oath. ❜
❛ You know if this works, I'm gonna buy you a puppy. ❜
❛ I don't know how you do that. Bring a kid into this world, knowing what you know. ❜
❛ It never occurred to you that might be a sensitive topic? ❜
❛ You're certainly making the whole domestic scene more and more attractive. ❜
❛ I've seen people kill for 50 bucks. ❜
❛ Why dread something that hasn't happened yet? ❜
❛ I know things that would make your blood curdle. Including a formula that literally curdles blood! ❜
❛ Intelligence doesn't determine what you do so much as how effectively you do it. ❜
❛ Just back out of my personal space there buddy. ❜
❛ Usually, I enjoy your company. It's times like these that you give me a little something else to worry about. ❜
❛ I think it's a very bad sign when discourse become suspect. ❜
❛ If there's a slight chance that I can save him by shutting up, then that's what I'll do. ❜
❛ Analytically I understand that many lives out way the one. But I cannot trade my son's life. ❜
❛ You know what? You tough guys are all very sentimental. ❜
❛ Way to go. We went from genius to idiot in 3 seconds. ❜
❛ Do you have bullet-proof vests in the trunk? ❜
❛ Please, just be someone you aren't for the next ten minutes and hang back. ❜
❛ It's not often I get to help save someone before they die. ❜
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
Ok so I’m in a very autumn/Halloween/winter holidays mood (my tiktok is very christmasy rn lmao) but that’s just the perfect Remus time to me!!
Like imagine the sweaters. All the sweaters. Him wearing sweaters, you stealing the sweaters, you’re both so cozy all the time because his sweaters are always perfectly worn in and warm and comfortable and they always smell like him, no matter how much you wash them, and it’s wonderful.
Doing all the fun fall dates together like pumpkin patches and apple picking and making all sorts of fall desserts and eating tons of candy and just spending hours watching Halloween movies together all curled up on the couch, that just sounds like the perfect weekend to me, spending all day super cozy together but also imagine the bookstore dates omg those would be a dream come true, he’d have the best recommendations for you and imagine picking out a book for each other and reading together curled up in bed
And like decorating your apartment/house together and you make it all cozy and safe because those are the most important things and you both take so much pride in making it into a home that you love spending time in and maybe you’re a little too successful because sometimes you don’t want to leave the wonderful little bubble you’ve made and switching up the pillows and blankets and towels and other decorations for fall and Halloween and then for Christmas and your fridge is covered in drawings from Harry and it’s just such a cute little place to be and having guests over and I can’t even properly articulate how wonderful this would be to me, like having a space to make your own and it’s so clear that it’s your and Remus’s home
I’m in my domestic feels lmao sorry this is kind of all over the place I just have so many thoughts <3
fully just posting this in all its glory bc its great!
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anderson-residence · 2 years
favourite colour(s): Blue. Particularly poppong bright shades.
favourite flavour(s): Sounds weird but burnt. You know like not actual burnt food but the nice char on something?
favourite genre(s): crime, drama, mystery, horror, supernatural, familial domesticity
favourite music: Most songs tbh all are good. Hard for me to pick favorites.
favourite movie(s): I don't watch movies enough to have a favorite
favourite series: Emergence. It got canceled after one season back in like 2018 or 19 abd I'm still salty.
last song: Nancy Mulligan - Ed Sheeran
last series: Scsrket Falls Novel Series
last movie: I have no clue. I don't watch a lot of movies so probably something last month that was Christmasy
currently reading: Seconds to Live by Melinda Leigh
currently watching: The New Detectives (an older true crime doc/dramatization series from like the late 90s think the first episode originally aired a year before I was born)
currently working on: My rp genetator site, some 3D models of muses, character bios, and an original fiction piece
tagged by: @wynterlanding 😘
tagging: anyone I'd tag has already either been tagged or done it. So if you see this just nab it.
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coeurxbrise-blog · 7 years
who wants to give me pregnancy & baby threads angst & fluff because im craving domestic shIT
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iworshipkeanureeves · 4 years
Tiny Presents
Domestic!John Wick x Reader
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Haven’t written in a while, but @toomanystoriessolittletime​ writing celebration was a good motivation (so thank you for that!). I really hope I still got this in me.
Prompt: “This is our last Christmas with just the two of us.”
Words: 1054
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You can’t believe it.
Elated, you squeeze the key bundle in your freezing hands, failing to grasp the right one, as the excitement is making you extremely hyper. You want to tell him. You need to tell him.
Shutting the door behind yourself, you finally feel the warmth of your home. “John? I’m back!” you call him, tossing the groceries to the side, yet only the Christmasy smell of gingerbread greet you; no sign of John whatsoever.
Not surprising, you think to yourself. He must still be where you’ve left him – in the basement, binding old books, which you’ll be donating to the local library for Christmas.
Times are different now and since you won’t be meeting friends and family this year, you’ve both decided it is the perfect time to give back to your community and spread the jolly spirit.
You glance at the corner – on the top of your grocery bag lies the best Christmas give you could ever give; maybe a bit frightening one as well. Just this morning, you had a completely different plan in mind. First, the tailor’s shop to pick up a Christmas present for John, then the doctor’s appointment, and finally grocery shopping for Christmas bakes. Now, your grocery bag is missing half of the things you’ve been planning to get, and instead you’ve ended up with a vintage book sheathing a whole new chapter for you and John.
You take the new purchase out of the bag and exhale heavily, pressing it tightly to your chest. It’s happening.
Descending, you find John just where you’ve expected to. His broad frame surrounded by stacks of numerous revived books, and the smell of leather complimenting his tough virile look. Right away, you notice a paring knife in John’s hand with solid focus adorning his face; yet, the second he spots you, it all fades.
“Hey,” John beams. “Managed to get everything you needed?” He stretches his arm, bringing you closer for a chaste kiss, but you manage to get in between John and his desk, ending up in his lap.
“Yes,” you try to remain subtle, but John can notice your cheeky grin. “And actually, more than that,” you uncover an old-looking brown book with golden edges form behind your back, handing John the early vintage edition Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen.
“Merry early Christmas, John,” you smile, gifting him another quick peck, before his mind wanders off to a captivating item in your hands.
Very carefully, John takes it, running his fingertips along the delicate and a bit frayed spine. He’s silent, as his sturdy fingers keep examining the book; you can see he’s interested but you’re eagerly anticipating for John to open it and take a look.
And once he does, the book opens in the exact right place, with a monochrome picture conveniently acting as a bookmark, making John immediately aware of what this means. For a moment, his breathing ceases and he looks up trying to find words. “Is that...?” He mutters, holding a picture in his shaking hand.
“Yes, that’s exactly that,” you giggle, leaning closer to give John a tight hug. His heart is pounding, you can feel it through his chest. Together, you’ve been dreaming of this for so long, that it is still incredibly hard to believe. You and John will be bringing new life into this world, surreal.
With you still wrapped around his neck, John glances back at the picture, with one tiny detail catching his sharp eye. “Wait a second,” he leans his head back, making an adorably confused frown, “Is it possible there’s two of them?”
“Yeah,” you laugh; the thought of having not just one but two is still hard to grasp, and John definitely isn’t the only one astounded in this place. As joyous as it is, you’re freaking out a bit. Twins, who would have thought. With John, however, you’re pretty sure it’s going to be manageable; he’ll be the best dad.
You’ve no idea what he’s thinking, but as you notice John’s eyes beginning to pool, you remember how emotional he actually is. Trying to help John sort his feelings, you briefly run your fingertips along his jawline, with your palms ending up cupping his cheeks. And then, as the first tear emerges, you drag your soft thumb over it. “Is this still a happy cry or…?” You smile.
“What do you think?“ As John giggles, another pair of tears escape his lively eyes. “It only doubles the happiness,” the glee in John’s face makes you completely certain that this one of the most joyous moments you’ve experienced together so far.
He’s still shaking, he’s excited, ecstatic. Not even for a moment, John can’t stay still, he can’t calm down; already, John has peppered you with kisses more than a dozen times, and you can feel he wants to squeeze you, but in his eyes you’re too fragile now.
After a while, you begin to notice that John is slowly coming back to Earth, and his gaze drifts towards the book spread out on the table. From the way he stares at his gift, you know John can’t wait to start working on it.
You, on the other hand, have something else in mind. “Wanna celebrate it upstairs?” You wiggle slightly, sitting in his lap, and with a light tug on his shirt, you give John a suggestive smirk.
“This book needs a lot of work,” he speaks, completely fixated on his Christmas gift.
You can’t be too mad, you see how important that is to him. “John,” you chuckle, “You’ll have seven more months to finish this up.” Tucking a loose strand behind his ear and then pressing your lips to his tense forehead, you encourage John again. “Come on.”
The seven months part must have really gotten to him; hearing you say it out loud made everything feel much more real. In seven months, John will be welcoming a pair of newborns with the woman of his dreams. “Can you believe this is our last Christmas with just the two of us?” He speaks. 
“Exactly, so let’s g-.” Even before you can finish your words, John stands up with you secured around his hips. A playful squeal escapes your throat and he mutes it with a passionate kiss.
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Tag-list: @keandrews​​​​​ @rdjloverxxx​​​​ @greenmanalishi​​​​​​ @lilywoood​​​​​​ (message me to be added or removed)
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supernatural-reacts · 3 years
Season 15 episode 14
- Abaddon is in the recap and that’s honestly rude I miss her
- ahahsjkdkdg Dean wearing an apron
- “we fought the devil. I killed Hitler. I think we can handle a few old pipes.”
- Dean really said turn it all off and back on again lmao
- oh hey there’s a lady here
- a wood nymph! Cool I like her
- oh this poor lady oh my god ;-;
- “we’re not really holiday people” “it’s worse than I thought” I LIKE HER
- a monster radar!! This is really cool
- I want to give Jack a hug
- “I mean we do have the son of Satan living down the hall” QHAHJSK
- “ignoring your trauma doesn’t make you healthy.” “Sure it does.” IM
- they didn’t even check if these vampires were actually evil though?
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- “she was a good friend” poor Jack :(
- this montage is the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen oh my god
- I assume the whole episode probably won’t be just this but I wish it was I love them getting to be domestic
- the fact that Cas isn’t here is a crime though
- if Mrs Butters is evil I am going to be so sad
- Jack saying “son of a bitch” is so funny
- “nazis are hardly men” she’s not wrong
- oh nooo she’s a little evil :(
- “so we can go kill Jack” NO
- Dean was literally ready to die instead of interrupting Sam’s date I love that
- please don’t be mean to Jackkk
- Dean’s actually doing really well with this I’m proud of him
- “Jack is a kid! A kid that’s gone from one tragedy in his life to another.”
- “problem solved” that seems unlikely
- this poor lady
- “it’s an inter dimensional geoscope.” “I looked in it earlier I didn’t see anything.” “Well that’s not good” AHSJJDKL
- this is kinda sad I liked her
- Sam is always trying to be there for Jack 🥺
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buckevantommy · 4 years
'(Un)Happiest Season' review
Simply put, it wasn't enjoyable as a romance or a comedy or a Christmas flick. It failed on many fronts, but this reviewer from Salon.com puts the thing into words for Happiest Season's main failings: 
What's bad: There were two main criticisms of "Happiest Season." The first being: Can't LGBTQ audiences have a holiday movie where the main plot isn't about mining the anxiety and trauma associated with coming out, being closeted and casual homophobia? Then there's the fact that Harper really is just kind of the worst. After pushing Abby back in the closet, Harper ditches her in a town where she doesn't know anyone to go drink with her ex-boyfriend until two in the morning, then proceeds to call Abby "suffocating" when called on it. It's a pattern of s**ty behavior that is pervasive and present throughout the movie, so her redemption arc doesn't feel super genuine. 
Why can't we have main queer characters in Christmas movies without their presence being all about their queerness? We want fluffy festiveness, dammit! They could've made Harper less selfish and more attentive while still playing into the *I'm not out yet Because Reasons so we need to hide our gay relationship* trope, but they didn't. Who knows why, but what a waste. 🎄👩‍❤️‍👩☃️
^ Look at that trailer and tell me you don't expect Misunderstandings with fun and tropey antics + Domestic Christmas Shenanigans + Comfort for Hurt! You will be sorely disappointed. 😞 
NOTE: The flick does have a few good moments. And it's probably worth the watch just to see what's missing/mishandled when it comes to queer characters and queer romances in mainstream movies. 
But it's not really fun or funny or heart-warming - where are the snowball fights? Insightful conversations? Christmas elements like eggnog/spiced wine, candycanes, mistletoe? Where are the many colourful side characters and the hungover brunches? We get one scene of ice-skating for a few minutes and it's wasted on sibling rivalry bs rather than, say.. Abby and Harper skating together but not being aloud to touch—omg the tension!! 😍 
There's just not enough comfort for the hurt Abby (Kstew) goes through; the film wholly lacks those warm-n-fuzzy Christmas vibes; there's just way more wrong with it than is right with it - which sucks, because this had the potential to be such a great movie if only Harper was written as less ignorant/selfish and we'd gotten more enjoyable family interactions and more festive fun - like a celebration in town. Instead we get a few limited shots of the adorable town, a crappy bar, and an OTT fancy Christmas party for performative rich white folk on a career path for power and "perfection" (ie. wholesome family values). 
The story they went with was definitely better suited for a dramatic film, so in a romcom setting it really didn't work. Plus the side-characters were flat; we needed more depth from the supporting characters, more meaningful interactions. 
^ Look at those intro credits!! Look at all the domestic happy moments and tell me you don't want to see a movie filled with such fluffy festive goodness!! Well, if you don't want to see such moments, don't worry because you won't. I naturally thought we were going to get this kind of romantic-and-non-romantic happiness dispersed throughout the entire film, but no. Not a one. There's 5 minutes of Happy Couple at the start, and that's it 📸☹️ (unless you count a photo collage of the happy ending and year that follows stuffed into the end credits). 
BTW: That intro song is the most Christmasy song in the whole movie. The soundtrack features modern pop songs which 1) don't help set the festive vibe and 2) are really fucking annoying; the song choices are grating, not pleasant, not enjoyable, and they overpower the scenes with a whole lotta noise. I really wish we'd gotten more tunes like the one above. 🎶 
About the image below—Abby is actually miserable the entire time, getting worse by the day, barely a smile seen on her.. while Harper is the one schmoozing her family and contacts with teeth bared, so.. this image isn't what you'll get, just fyi:
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(also: the only POC actors they had were the perfectionist-stone-faced-bitch's husband and his girlfriend - wife + hubby being secretly separated.) 
The things that the Salon reviewer liked are the same things I did (see below), but imho even those elements weren't enough to save this film from being: 
an infuriating 102 minute-comedy of errors buoyed by a healthy dose of gaslighting 
More cons of the flick are pointed out by denofgeek.com: 
Some of its issues come from the structure of the film, which shoehorns very real queer struggles into wacky rom-com tropes too fluffy to contain the stakes at hand. Meanwhile the choice to have one half of the lead couple be so aggressively and repeatedly cruel—while her high school ex Riley, played by the ever-perfect Aubrey Plaza was standing right there having all the chemistry in the world with the other romantic lead—was a fatal one.
It really was a dramatic plot idea crammed into a fluffy narrative. You can see the conflicting genres fighting to stay alive and they both die a slow, agonisingly dull death throughout the film. The whole *Abby being converted to loving Christmas by Harper inviting her to spend the holidays with her family* thing, only to have Harper force their relationship + Abby into the closet. Straight conversion much? I'm 100% sick of heteronormative bs in my queer Christmas films. 
For the most part, when you're not feeling for Abby's harsh treatment by her would-be fiance and everyone but Riley ignoring her completely, you will be bored af from the lack of festive cheer - not just twinkle lights and boisterous seasonal music, but those good ol' homey family Christmas vibes. With the Harper house + family members, everything's a performance, so that lack of sincerity and warmth makes for a depressing viewing experience: 
^ Jane (one of Harper's 2 sisters) is the only character allowed to be consistently genuine in the narrative (aside from John, but he's restricted mostly to phonecalls, and Riley - but even she's keeping Harper's secrets). Jane is the only character who is naturally vibrant and reminds us of some of the reasons we get excited about Christmas movies: to feel joy and to enjoy the company around us during the holiday season! 🎄☃️🥳 But rather than give us a fun day out with Jane + Abby, we get Abby + the second sister (i don't even remember her name, just BitchFace) which leads to more bad treatment of Abby - this time by two spoiled af no-smile rich kids. *le sigh* Jane carries the spark of honest joy for the entire Harper clan and that is TOO MUCH to expect of one character, let alone a side-character. 😪 
There are so many ways the story could've been tweaked to make more sense and be somewhat enjoyable, including: 
The orphan!Abby thing is just bad. Rather than give Abby a voice, chances to let her personality shine, almost everyone interacts with her to merely briefly express their condolences for her long-dead parents 🙄 
Abby is a pet-minder, ie. she's an animal lover, yet at no point do we see her interact with animals! Not a dog or cat or hamster, no reindeer at the petting zoo, nothing. 🐕🐈🦎🦜🐠
Riley + Abby getting together (even just a kiss) 👄 
Abby + Harper separating so Harper can get her shit together - and then we get several flashforward shots of them separately living their lives (Harper especially), and then meeting back up again - maybe the next holiday season, after some much-needed time apart 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 
side characters who engage with Abby in a sincere, meaningful way instead of ignoring her (again, we got Riley, but she was outside of the family dynamic) 😊 
MORE FESTIVE CHEER! where were all the staple Christmassy passtimes, the smile-inducing season-specific experiences??? 🎉 
More from denofgeek: 
Where the script gets into trouble is that it doesn’t distinguish between Harper being closeted and her poor treatment of Abby. The two are separate issues and treating them as one does no favors to Harper, nor others struggling with the closet. As Dan Levy’s beautiful monologue late in the movie alludes to, the closet is a safety mechanism—but it’s not a free pass to treat people like garbage. [...] ��🏳️‍🌈
Even a brief conversation teasing out that being in the closet doesn’t justify how Harper acted, and that plenty of people in the closet don’t treat others like trash, would have been important. Instead once Harper is out (which the movie takes pains to make clear only happened because Harper’s sister Sloane outed her), and a gesture so small it could never credibly be called grand is made, all bad behavior is washed away. [...] 😤🙅‍♀️ 
The jarring underlying issue is that 'Happiest Season' attempts to apply the standard rom-com and made-for-TV-holiday-movie tropes to queer life. So Abby having to go back into the closet isn’t framed as a painful regression or being forced to deny an essential part of herself, but rather a fun twist, in the vein of “but the guy she insulted on the plane is the owner of the ornament factory she has to impress to win the Christmas contest!”🚪😒 
All of Harper’s behavior adds up to making her feel like something the audience wants Abby to be free of, not someone Abby should be fighting for. Once Riley tells Abby about Harper’s cruelty in high school, where Harper outed Riley and mocked her rather than standing up for her or finding an excuse that protected them both, it becomes incredibly difficult to root for the lead couple to get back together, or for Harper at all. 👏💃 
With this information, Harper’s other transgressions go from frustrating to part of a larger pattern. Sadly, it’s a pattern Harper repeats when her sister outs her and she throws Abby under the (lesbian) bus. 🤬 
all interactions between John (Dan Levy) + Abby (he's witty, honest, and 100% the most entertaining element of the entire film; i wish we'd gotten more of him) 😆 
Riley (Aubrey Plaza, Harper's ex) + Abby's scenes together because CHEMISTRY, both between the characters and the actors 👩‍❤️‍👩
Notable between Abby + Riley scenes include 3 instances of Riley comforting Abby's hurt: outside at the fancy party (Abby feeling excluded/ignored/not worth anyone's time due to the way they treat her even though they don't know she's gay), at a gay bar in town (sandwiched by scenes where Abby's made to feel like crap by Harper), and at the fancy home Christmas party where Riley gets Abby something stronger to drink after hearing Abby was going to propose to Harper (but it's been a helluva shitty week and those plans are dead) 👭 
Every scene with Riley was blessed relief from the hurt and discomfort and boredom of the rest of the time with Harper's family. 🤩 
Sister Jane, for being a genuinely fun character 🤗 who was written starkly different to her family and treated somewhat like an outcast 
Aubrey + Kstew killin it in various pantsuits 👀 
In contrast, Riley connects Abby to queerness, bringing her to an LGBTQ bar to decompress and enjoy a Christmas-themed drag performance. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable Abby is on screen since the opening scenes, a chance to glimpse Abby’s authentic self before Harper summons her back to heterosexuality, and where she once again ignores and disappoints her. Riley actually talks to Abby at the various holiday parties whereas Harper keeps leaving her to please her family, especially her father. It’s not hard for the natural chemistry between Plaza and Stewart to take over
I wouldn't watch this film again. For a hopeful Christmasy love story I'd just watch all Abby + Riley's scenes: 
In closing, here's a batshit article title from observer.com that just makes you go, huh? 🧐:
‘Happiest Season’ Isn’t Happy, But That Doesn’t Make It a Bad Rom-Com
Um.. yes, yes it does. 
Rom-Coms are supposed to be fun, light-hearted stories about love even when the plot deals with lying - The Proposal, Sweet Home Alabama - so a movie that leaves you hurting more than comforted in sympathy with one of the main characters because the (apparent) love of their life is treating them like shit, then it doesn't deserve to be in the genre of Rom-Com. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞🎬
In summary, Abby and Harper got 5 minutes of happiness in the beginning, and an eventual happy ending after a super rocky middle. The journey was painful and unenjoyable, and it made their happy ending unbelievable and, for Harper, undeserved because of her behaviour through 90% of the story. 
In short: it was not, in fact, the happiest season. 😕👎
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But You Can Never Leave [Chapter 6: Something Borrowed, Something Blue]
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I’d like to give a very special shout out to @killer-queen-xo​ and the insightful prediction she left on Chapter 5 about Y/N and the camera...you were close! 😉
Chapter summary: Y/N breaks a promise; John gives a gift; Freddie has a request; Roger makes a scene.
This series is a work of fiction, and is (very) loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
Song inspiration: Hotel California by The Eagles.
Chapter warnings: Language, creepy male behavior.
Chapter list (and all my writing) available HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii​ @loveandbeloved29​ @killer-queen-xo @maggieroseevans​ @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @queenlover05​ @someforeigntragedy​ @imtheinvisiblequeen​ @joemazzmatazz​ @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye​ @namelesslosers​ @inthegardensofourminds​ @deacyblues​ @youngpastafanmug​ @sleepretreat​ @hardyshoe​ @bramblesforbreakfast​ @sevenseasofcats​ @tensecondvacation​ @bookandband​ @queen-crue​ @jennyggggrrr​ @madeinheavxn​ @whatgoeson-itslate​ @brianssixpence​
Please yell at me if I forget to tag you! :)
“Welcome!” Mary chimes as she opens the door for you, then her eyes flick down to the gift bag decorated with Santa hats and sprigs of holly. “Oh, love, we said positively no presents!”
“It’s just something small, I promise. Very inexpensive.”
“She’s here!” Freddie announces with a flourish of his hands, leaping up from the couch. The apartment he shares with Mary is tiny and very cluttered, and absolutely none of the decorations match. The walls are a collage of Bohemian tapestries and family photos and prints of Rococo-style paintings and magazine cutouts of articles about Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, Aretha Franklin, Elvis Presley, Queen. Freddie pecks you on both cheeks; Blue Christmas is drifting from the record player. You’re suddenly aware that the apartment is brimming with the scent of baking cookies. In the living room, Roger, Brian, and John are hanging strings of popcorn and paper ornaments on a short, rather scruffy Christmas tree. There is a vast array of presents scattered around the tree stand; all are small, with the exception of one large square box swathed in silver and sapphire wrapping paper.
“I see no one else respected the no presents rule either.”
“You Bostonians and your insatiable need to rebel,” Freddie quips, shooing you towards the tree.
“Y/N, look at this,” Chrissie says from where she and Veronica are sitting on the couch threading popcorn. She’s frowning and holding up a piece of paper cut into the shape of a Pontiac Firebird. “Will you please inform Roger that this is not Christmas themed?”
“Awww!” You grin as she hands it to you. He’s even drawn on a windshield, headlights, and a smiley face floating behind the steering wheel. “Let him hang it, Chris. It’s the only car he’s going to be able to afford for a long time.”
Roger bounds over and embraces you, nearly knocking you over. “This is why you’re my favorite American in the entire world. Possibly my favorite person period. The love of my life.” He takes the paper Firebird and impales it on an ornament hook, then combs through the tree branches for an ideal location.
Brian points heatedly at Roger. “If he gets to hang the damned Firebird then I get to hang my Saturn!”
“Look what you’ve done,” Chrissie tells you, but she’s smiling. She’s wearing a gorgeous green velvet dress and pieces of mistletoe weaved into her long dark hair. Veronica is beside her in a chunky red sweater and denim skirt, not particularly flashy yet festive nonetheless; she waves to you as she pushes pieces of popcorn one by one down the string. She’s wearing makeup tonight, which is unusual. Her lace-white cheeks are tinged with rouge, her slate-blue eyes rimmed by lavender shadow. Freddie and Mary are removing a sheet of cookies from the oven and quibbling over whether they’ve browned enough.
Roger gestures to the gift bag as you place it under the tree. “You better not have spent your own money on that.”
“Oh, tons. It’s diamonds and gold and a dash of overpriced modern art, just to spice things up.”
Roger growls theatrically in his high, raspy voice. Brian stands back and admires the tree as John loops a strand of multicolored Christmas lights around it.
“It’s actually very modest,” you assure Roger. “Not impressive at all. Chris helped.”
“You enabled this behavior?!” Freddie scolds Chrissie as he traverses the room with an overflowing plate of chocolate chip cookies.
She sips cheap red wine impishly and shrugs. “I know a girl in fashion school, I can get their extra yarn if I buy her a cup of tea and pretend to care about her disastrous love life.”
You smirk. “Disastrous love life? I’ve got one of those.”
“You knitted something for us?!” Roger shouts, delighted.
You wiggle your fingers in the air. “What can I say? I’m good with my hands.”
Roger groans. “Don’t tease me.”
“You certainly are,” Brian tells you. “That roadie who busted his forehead open got fixed up straightaway.”
“That was literally two stitches. Head wounds just bleed a lot, it looked way worse than it was.”
“Well,” Brian insists. “I was impressed.”
Freddie claps his hands, slick obsidian nail polish gleaming. “Ahhhh, I’m so excited! What have you made for me, love? Oh, I hope it’s a nice thong.”
“It’s probably not,” Chrissie says.  
Mary pours you a glass of wine and glances around the room. “Does everyone have enough cookies? Drinks? Veronica, dear?”
“I suppose I could use a refill.” She passes Mary her glass and smiles as John sits beside her on the couch. You’ve never quite been able to figure out Veronica; she’s cordial yet removed, kind yet wary, extremely dogmatic in her Catholicism and yet simultaneously socializing with rock stars who are unmistakably living in sin. Her most redeeming quality, as far as you’ve observed, is her steadfast devotion to John...or, perhaps, to the life she’s envisioned they could build together. She rests her hand on John’s thigh and glances coolly at you as you pretend not to notice.
Mary returns with a fresh glass of wine for Veronica. “Alright. Should we start with you, Y/N?”
“What, for the gift exchange we all promised wasn’t happening?” You grin. “Sure, I’ll start.”
You open your Christmasy bag and start doling out small boxes. It’s December 23rd, and Queen is enjoying three weeks off for the holidays before the Sheer Heart Attack Tour resumes. The next show is in Columbus, Ohio—not exactly a cultural mecca, it’s true—followed by a scattering of stops across the continental United States. Half of you is thrilled, especially for the night the band will spend in Boston; the other part of you is dreading it. You don’t talk to Roger about what he does with groupies on tour—or what Brian does, or what Freddie does—and Rog doesn’t mention it around you either. He asks you to join him after every show, for dinner or drinks or clubbing; and you tell him no (though it’s never easy to) and try not to think about the apparent eventualities of stardom. Then Roger goes one way, and you go another.  
“Let’s see, what do we have here...” Brian begins prying open his box with long careful fingers.
“You can’t judge me,” you plead. “I’ve only had the tour break to work on them, and I’m really not an expert knitter or anything, and I—”
“Oh, it’s lovely!” Freddie gushes, holding his black and white striped hat aloft for everyone to see. He pulls it on over his silky hair and turns to Mary. “What do you think? Am I dashing?”
She beams as she kisses him. “Overwhelmingly so.” And you think about how being on the road feels like one dimension, and being here in London another. Here, fidelity and domesticity; there, freedom from the familiar world and all its browbeating rules.
“Mittens!” Brian proclaims joyfully. They’re an olivey green, and just large enough for his hands. “They’re so comfy, feel these Chris...”
Roger whips his hat out of the box; it’s very fuzzy and a fiery red with flecks of burnt orange. “I’m obsessed! I adore it! I’ll never take it off!”
“I can’t believe you did all this,” John says. He’s sliding on his mittens, which are a soft greyish blue. “This must have taken you days.”
“It’s Christmas! You’re supposed to slave away for the people you love at Christmas. And you’ve all done so much for me, the scales will always be hopelessly lopsided, don’t you worry.”
“The color is beautiful,” Veronica observes as she touches John’s mittens, but perhaps guardedly.
“They match his eyes!” Freddie exclaims; and they do. “This is delightful, Nurse Nightingale. Truly. How can I ever repay you?”
A smile ripples across your face, full of serenity and relief. They really do like the presents. I didn’t stay up until 4 a.m. knitting for nothing. “The cookies and wine are more than sufficient. I’m so sorry I didn’t have time to make anything for the ladies, but hopefully your charming future husbands will share and there are chocolates in the bottom of the boxes for you—”
“Oh please,” Chrissie snaps. “You’ve already made the rest of us look thoughtless enough. Kindly shut up and drink your wine now. Thank you, obnoxious Bostonian.”
You laugh as Chrissie distributes her and Brian’s gifts for everyone. She decreed weeks ago that you’ll spend Christmas Eve and Day with her family in Dartford. You can help me keep Brian distracted and in good spirits, she’d told you. His father is livid about us living together without being married, and I’m petrified Bri will give himself another ulcer over it.
Inside the small boxes Chrissie passes out are fancy teabags that smell like pomegranate and peppermint. Freddie and Mary dispense pouches of little pink soaps shaped like dolphins and seashells. John and Veronica give everyone homemade candles, which are either ruby red or evergreen. Roger has picked out three novelty mugs: Led Zeppelin for Brian and Chrissie, cats for Freddie and Mary, and raining gold coins for John and Veronica.
“Well I hope that’s prophetic,” John jokes.
“I don’t get a mug?” You’re trying not to show it, but you are hurt that he forgot you.
“No, you don’t.” Roger rummages around under the tree and passes you the large square present wrapped in silver and blue paper. Chrissie and Mary whistle and clap.
“Oh, big spender!” Freddie chastises.
“Roger, no,” you breathe, horrified.
“Roger, yes!” He drums the coffee table eagerly. “Open it.”
“No real presents allowed! You don’t have the money—”
“Are we married?” Roger asks.
You blink at him. “What?”
“Are. We. Married?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“Then you don’t get to tell me what to do with my very tiny sliver of earnings that the record company doesn’t steal.” He grins. “Now open it.”
Slowly, cautiously, you tear through the wrapping paper as the others hover on the edges of their seats. John is squinting suspiciously. Roger balls up his fists and presses them to his smiling lips. You open the top flaps of the box.
“What is it?!” Mary begs. “The anticipation is agony!”
“Yeah, love of my life,” Roger taunts, his blue eyes luminous. “What is it?”
Carefully, you lift it out of the box. It’s brand new and shiny and perfect.
“A camera!” Freddie cries.
“A Canon F-1, to be precise,” Roger says. “And a manual too. For our aspiring wildlife photographer. Us feral musicians being the wildlife, of course.”
“Roger...” You reach for him instinctively, and he rushes over to wrap you in a hug. “Thank you so much. I don’t know why you would do this for me.”
He laughs. “Because you’re the best gift I ever got, Boston babe!”
“Let’s give it a try!” Freddie plucks the camera from your hands and begins loading film. “Alright, click this...press that...oh fuck, how do I do this?! Deaky, come over here. You can fix anything.”
“Sure thing, Fred.” John readies the camera in just a minute or two, no longer than it takes Mary to refill glasses and send around another plate of cookies. He looks a little ashen to you, a little stunned; but when you ask him if he’s okay, John just smiles and nods.
Freddie snaps photos of Brian and Chrissie as they snuggle on the couch, of John posing sheepishly in front of the Christmas tree, of Veronica waving as she nibbles a chocolate chip cookie, of Roger in his flame-colored hat. Then Roger makes sure you get your camera back, and it’s your turn to take the pictures. You sit beside the tree, the kaleidoscopic glow of Christmas lights speckling the walls like stars, and collect still frames of memories like catching lightning bugs in jars, like it’s July instead of December, like it’s the heart of a year instead of the end. After a while Freddie comes over to sit next to you, to toast wine glasses with you, to make fun of your flushed cheeks. Then he watches as you gaze at Roger from across the room. Rog is trying on Brian’s mittens and clapping his hands like a seal, grinning hugely, flashing his pointy little canine teeth. And despite all those oh-so-rational promises you’ve made to yourself, you begin to wonder.
“Don’t do it,” Freddie says quietly.
“Don’t tell me what to do,” you sling back, pleasantly tipsy. And then: “Why not?”
“Because I like having you around. And if you do this, eventually you won’t be around anymore.”
When you’re finally exhausted enough to drag yourself away from them and catch a taxi, John follows you out into the hallway of the apartment building.
“I have one more gift for you.”
“John, no, absolutely not, I am thoroughly unworthy—”
“Stop.” He pulls a thin, rectangular item from behind his back. It takes you a moment to recognize it.
“Your notebook...?”
“I know it’s not wrapped.” He’s anxious, you realize, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “I kept trying to work up the nerve, and I still wasn’t sure about it when we came over here, and now, well...here I am.” He gives the notebook to you, and you open it, and you gasp in awe.
Inside are sketches from Rome: the concert, the temples, the museum, the beach on that cool breezy afternoon, and, best of all, the people you shared the city with. You and Roger laughing in front of a statue of Perseus. Brian and Chrissie contemplating ruins. Freddie hunched over a piano, his dexterous hands stretched across the keys. And you sitting in that sweltering, fire-lit corner of the Italian restaurant, smiling from behind a glass bottle of Coke. You trace your fingertips over your own face; it’s blissful and peaceful and beautiful in a way that you’ve never seen yourself. “John...”
“Because, you know, you said that you wanted to document the tour so you could remember it all, and I figured...since you didn’t have a camera...maybe this would be better than nothing.”
“It’s a lot better than nothing, John. It’s incredible.”
“They’ll do for now. You won’t need drawings anymore,” he notes, somewhat mournfully. “You can put them on your refrigerator until you have photos to replace them with.”
You shake your head, still staring. “The way you captured my face...”
He shrugs, smiling crookedly. “I just borrowed it.”
“Thank you.” You climb onto your tiptoes and wrap your arms around the back of his neck. He’s warm and gentle; his fluffy hair tickles the sensitive undersides of your wrists.
“Happy Christmas,” he whispers to you; happy, not merry, like a true Englishman. And he’s right. You can’t remember a time you’ve been happier.
The phone rings like a scream, like shattering glass. It wrenches you out of that fogged, heavy precursor to sleep and your hand fumbles from beneath the covers to grab the receiver. The cord bounces clumsily against your nightstand and nudges the blush-colored conch shell that lives there.
“Darling, there’s an emergency.”
You bolt upright in bed. “What happened? Are you okay? Is the band—?”
“There’s going to be a party on New Year’s Eve and you have to come.”
You groan and fall back into the embankment of pillows. “Fred, that’s not an emergency. Jesus christ. I thought someone died.”
“Then you should be overwhelmed with gratitude for your friends’ continued existence and delighted to join us!”
You glance at the calendar tacked to your wall. “That’s tomorrow, right?”
Freddie scoffs. “Of course it’s tomorrow! Some bloke from the record company is hosting and I need a date. Makes me more marketable or something. Mary can’t come, she’s got the flu. So you’ll have to take one for the team and play the adoring paramour. Shouldn’t be too heavy a lift. I’ve been informed that I’m very adorable.”
“Make Roger do it.”
There’s an edge to Freddie’s voice when he speaks. “They aren’t quite that progressive, dear.”
“I’m really more of a museums and restaurants person than a getting coerced into socializing with strangers person, if I’m being completely honest with you.”
“You’ll survive,” he replies brusquely. “Chrissie and Brian will be there. You’ll have fellow boring people to hide in a corner and eat biscuits with and discuss planetary movements or whatever the fuck.”
“Great. Roger and John are coming too?”
“Not Deaky. He already has plans with Veronica’s family and can’t weasel out of them. It’s not like he would schmooze anyone anyway.”
“Oh.” That disappoints you, more than you thought it could. “Maybe I have plans I can’t weasel out of, ever think of that?”
Now Freddie sounds amused. “You don’t.”
“How do you know?”
He laughs. “Because there’s no one you love in London more than us.”
The paramour ruse doesn’t go very well; within twelve minutes Freddie has abandoned you and is guzzling martinis with Elton John and some record company guys you don’t recognize, pointy party hats on their heads and silver balloons bobbing against the ceiling. It’s not 1975 yet, but it will be soon. The mansion is decked with suits and ballgowns and expensive-looking vases perched precariously on end tables. Elegant white columns rim the vast living room. You, Brian, Chrissie, and Roger are chatting nervously by a massive punch bowl carved in ice, swiping appetizers off the waiters’ trays and trying not to break anything.
“I feel completely useless,” you say, nodding to Freddie.  
Chrissie chuckles. “I think he just wanted you to be here. He thinks you’re good luck, you know. All our fates turned around when you showed up.”
Roger points at you with his punch glass. “Your people specialize in witchcraft, don’t they?”
“Oh, so close. That’s Salem, about thirty minutes up the road. No witches in Boston.”
“Hmm. Sounds like something a secret witch would say.”
You brandish your hand through the air. “I summon more mini crab cakes.”
The others glance around. “It didn’t work,” Chrissie observes sadly.
Brian sips his punch, which is bubbling and a vivid red. “Maybe you have to invoke Satan first. I saw a toy poodle on the couch you could sacrifice.”
“Yes, yes,” Roger agrees. “Just toss it in the oven and see if anyone notices.”
You throw your head back and laugh. “Now that would make a fantastic impression.”
Roger grabs your empty glass, plops it on a passing waiter’s tray, and takes your hands in his. They’re rough and strong, and they feel a little too good. “Alright, are you going to dance with me now?”
“Don’t harass her,” Chrissie warns. “She’s here, she’s working on conjuring more snacks, she’s under no obligation to dance with you on top of all that.”
He frowns at you, those intense blue eyes bright beneath shagging bangs. “Really?”
You smile, reaching up to straighten the collar of his sparking rainbow jacket. “If you’re still interested in 1975, you can ask me then.”
“Yes ma’am.” He grins triumphantly at Chrissie, and she smirks back. “Can someone kindly tell me what that clock over on the mantle says? Obviously I can’t see that far.”
“11:19,” Brian says.
“Fantastic. I’ll be back.” He winks at you, then looks to Brian. “Stay with her, will you?”
Roger lights a cigarette and saunters away, smoke drifting around him. Several young women—escorts or daughters of producers or soon-to-be-ex-girlfriends of musicians—descend upon him and start asking about Killer Queen. Roger is radiant when he replies, enchanting, wearing charisma like a snake’s skin, climbing ever onwards up the rungs of the social ladder; and you think about how there’s Home Roger and Tour Roger—though he felt like home in Boston, and  though he feels so distant now—and how any woman who chooses him will have to spend her life watching him devour other people’s love from across the room, from across the world.
“Be careful,” Chrissie tells you softly.
“He won’t be back at midnight.” You pour yourself a fresh glass of punch, avoiding her eyes, hiding your disappointment...or, embarrassingly and infinitely worse, perhaps your hope. “They’ve been staring at him all night. And he’s noticed.”
“Oh, honey...” Chrissie rubs your bare shoulder, not knowing what else to say.
“It’s fine,” you tell her. And you plan to drink until it feels like it is.  
Some guitarist from Genesis appears to introduce himself to Brian, and Bri leaps into a fevered discussion of how much he admires the band’s work and how he built his Red Special and the merits of guitar techniques that sound like Russian or Japanese to you. Before you know it, the mysterious Genesis man is hauling Brian off to present him to someone equally important. Chrissie shoots a worried glimpse at you as she follows Bri away.
“Go!” you insist, forcing a smile. Just abandon me in this super intimidating mansion full of rich important strangers and breakable museum artifacts, that’s totally cool.
“We’ll be back in five minutes, I swear.”
You wave cheerfully. “Take your time!” You peer at the clock. Thirty minutes until midnight.
As you’re dishing yourself yet another glass of punch, a man in a posh white suit approaches from the other side of the table. “Are you hiding from people as well?”
“Not too successfully, apparently.”
He recoils and raises his eyebrows. “My apologies. Want me to disappear?”
You almost say yes—it wobbles on your lips like an unsteady toddler—then you reconsider. He’s tall and blond and polished; he looks a bit like Roger from an alternate universe where Rog went to boarding school and plays polo. More significantly, he could be someone important, someone the band needs, someone you don’t want to offend. “No, I’m sorry, that was so impolite. Please forgive me. My judgment is quite impaired, that’s my excuse, I blame the punch. Also I’m a New Englander and thus inclined to be uncooperative towards Brits.”
He laughs, a full genuine laugh; and it feels like a victory. See? I’m clever, I’m charming. Anyone would be lucky to have me. “I’m Eric.”
“It’s a resounding pleasure to meet you, Y/N.” He gestures towards the open area on the floor where buzzed men and giggling women are tripping over each other. “There’s no way I could interest you in that, is there?”
You ponder it, nursing your fourth punch. You aren’t much of a dancer, that’s true; and this handsome stranger of a man isn’t Roger. But he might be able to get your mind off him.
You sling back the rest of your punch and slam the glass down onto the table. “Okay. But only because there’s an Eagles record on.”
He follows you to the dance floor, weaves his fingers through yours, sways easily with the music. Eric tells you that he’s from up north, in the Lake District; his family owns an estate that used to be the seat of an earldom or something. He describes endless emerald hills and castles and horse farms until your mind starts to swim, until the effects of the punch and scant appetizers roll over you like a wave.
“Okay,” you announce dreamily. “Thank you so much, Eric. This has been lovely. But I have to go sit down now.”
“Oh come on, one more song!”
“I’m flattered, but I have to pass. Maybe after midnight...” You move to pull your hands away, but he doesn’t let go. His fingers are locked with yours. You try again. Eric’s still smiling, but his eyes have gone flinty. Oh no. You look around for Freddie or Brian, both of whom have vanished.
“One more, come on,” he presses. “I insist.”
“Eric, I’m really dizzy—”
“Don’t be rude. We’re having such a nice time, aren’t we?”
“Please let go of me.” You try to keep your voice level, try not to offend him. Everyone around you on the dance floor is laughing and drinking and smoking, not paying any attention at all.
“Look, you said you’d dance, so that’s what we’re doing. Am I suddenly not good enough for you?”
“Seriously, you need to let go.” You try to tug your hands away. Your heart is racing, blood rushing in your ears. The room is listing to the right, now the left. You realize that Eric is gradually leading you away from the center of the room and towards a quiet hallway. I can’t let this guy get me alone. I’m weak and I’m drunk, and I don’t know what he’ll do to me. You struggle harder, more visibly. His grip on your hands tightens. “Let go, Eric, let go of me!”
“Calm down, bloody hell lady, I’m just trying to—”
And then Eric is ripped away from you and his face smashed with vicious force into the nearest column. You scream, your hands covering your gaping mouth; the room goes silent. Eric crumples to the floor, unconscious. Blood pours from his broken nose and litters his white suit with crimson blotches and smears. Droplets drip crawlingly down the column. Roger stands over Eric, shirt completely unbuttoned, jacket rumpled, shadows of lipstick peppering his neck and chest. He wipes his own palms on his rainbow jacket, scowling, disgusted. Then he turns to you.
“Ready to go?”
“Roger, I...” You gaze in shock down at Eric. I hope he’s not dead. That might make things awkward with the record company. “I-I-I’m so sorry,” you manage finally. “I’m sorry, Roger, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything—”
“No, I’m ready to go.” He lays his hand on the small of your back and guides you towards the front door, grabbing both of your coats off the rack. “Let’s go.”
“Okay.” And relief floods through you. Okay.
Brian pushes his way out of the stunned crowd as Roger swings the door open. Frigid air skates over your cheeks. “Rog, what happened?!”
Roger glares savagely. “When I tell you to stay with someone, you fucking stay with them.” And then he steps with you out into the bitterly cold, nearly-January night.
“It’s not his fault,” you explain as you and Roger hurry down the sidewalk, your words spinning mist into the air. “Some guy from Genesis showed up and you know how Bri is about them, and I told him and Chris to go, please don’t be mad—”
“Are you alright?” He’s scrutinizing you closely; you can still see the rosy lipstick stains on his skin as you pass beneath each streetlight.
“I’m fine, I’m completely fine. Please don’t be mad.”
He narrows his eyes. “Well obviously I’m not mad at you, babe.”
“Oh god, I hope this doesn’t hurt the band. I don’t know who that guy was with. You broke his nose, you know.”
You shake your head, trying to chase away those ghosts of lipstick and the girls who left them there. I won’t fall in love with him. I won’t fall in love with him. “I know you were busy, I know the party was important, I know I ruined midnight for you—”
“You didn’t ruin it. We still have a few more minutes. We’ll duck into a pub somewhere and have a pint to welcome in the new year, it’ll be grand. Maybe get you some food. You look like you could use it.”
“I just...” You bury your numb, shaking hands in your coat pockets and brace yourself against the cold. “You left the girls. Left the party. I just don’t understand why you would do that.”
“Are you serious? Obviously I’m going to drop everything if you need me. I’m always going to do that.” He pulls his fiery red, hand-knit hat out of his coat pocket and slips it over your wild, windswept hair. “You’re still on my list, you know.”
You sigh. “You’re a smart man, Roger Taylor, but that’s the dumbest idea I’ve ever heard.”
“What,” he says, a tad bitingly. “Because I can’t promise you a picket fence and precisely two well-mannered, unremarkable children and a golden retriever? You’re right, I’m not going to promise you that. Because that’s not who I am. That’s not who you are either, by the way. But I can promise you that your life will never feel like a cage. And isn’t that what this was all about for you anyway?”
And that stops you, here in the cold dark heart of London, here beneath a cascading streetlight on the opening page of 1975. Because Roger’s right.
He takes your left hand and lifts it to his lips, and you know exactly what he’s going to do even before he oh-so-feather-lightly bites your goosebumped knuckles. “Look, forget about it. Don’t worry. Don’t freak yourself out. We’ll get a drink, we’ll watch the fireworks, and then I’ll walk you home. No questions, no answers. You just let me know if you ever change your mind, okay?”
You watch Roger, his cheeks ruddy from the wind, halos of streetlights reflected in his eyes. And you echo: “Okay.”
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
12/17/2020 DAB Transcript
Nahum 1:1-3:19, Revelation 8:1-13, Psalms 136:1-26, Proverbs 30:7-9
Today is the 17th day of December the 352nd day of this year welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it is wonderful it is a joy to be here with you today as we take the next step forward. And, so, right off the bat as we’re moving toward the…the Old Testament we finished, completed the book of Micah yesterday, which was the sixth of the minor prophets, the sixth of…the sixth of the 12 minor prophets. So, we’re going into book 7 of the minor prophets today. And this is a book called Nahum and we will read it in its entirety today in one sitting. But let’s talk about it.
Introduction to the book of Nahum:
Let’s first remember a city called Nineveh. Remember that city, the capital city of the Assyrian Empire. We remember this story probably most vividly from Jonah, Jonah the prophet running from God but than having to circle back around and obey God and go to Nineveh and the Ninevites repent at the time. Nahum deals with Nineveh, but we have to go forward about 150 years after Jonah. And the thing about Nahum is almost nothing is known about them at all. The name Nahum means comfort and the book says he was from Elkosh, but the problem about that is nobody knows where Elkosh is. Like, was it a village, was it a town, like where are we talking about? Placing Nahum in time is a little bit easier because there are some references to events that are historical events contained within the prophecy. For example, Assyria conquered Thebes, which is in Egypt and that is a well-known historical fact and that happened in 663 B.C., but it's referenced in Nahum. So, we…we know the Nahum was written after that date. And Nahum also prophesies the…the fall of Nineveh. And that's also a historical fact, it happened in 612 B.C. So, Nahum probably did his prophetic ministry between those two events. And like I said this is a prophecy against Nineveh and this time the destruction of Nineveh is foretold. So, whatever repentance they had 150 years previous…well…was over. And the Assyrians were known for their brutality and known for their mistreatment of those they had conquered. I mean like a legendarily known for it. And they had destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel. And we remember this. We read the entire story. The Assyrian Empire came and destroyed Samaria and took the northern 10 tribes of Israel into exile where they were assimilated and never were cohesive tribes ever again. And, so, God uses Nahum to foretell the destruction of Nineveh. And there are many scholars who believe that Nahum…like Nahum didn't travel to Nineveh to give this message. This was a prophecy likely issued from Jerusalem and was likely intended to be heard by Hebrew people who knew about the destruction of the northern kingdom, and then this prophecy would come and tell them God's intentions, which would give them encouragement to live true and live into all of the things that they were facing knowing that God was just, and that God would in the end would do what God will do. And, so, in the major and minor prophets we've seen God foretell things but also invite repentance and then tell of a future where things would be restored so we know that God is merciful and patient. But we also know that God, He’s not a pushover, and nobody's gonna push…the…this is God. And, so, no nation will stand before God and God will not stand for a nation's sin forever. And, so, with that we will read the complete book of Nahum. We’re reading from the Good News translation this week. Nahum contains three chapters, and we will of course begin with chapter one.
Father we thank You for Your word. We thank You for the 136th Psalm today that over and over in the face of everything reminds us that Your love is eternal no matter what. And we are grateful for that. We bask in that. We relax in that. We exhale in that. Thank You for Your eternal love for us and we invite Your Holy Spirit to continually remind us of this. This Psalm is so beautiful because it won't let it go. Your love is eternal over and over and over. And, so, let that sink in today. Holy Spirit come we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, home base, and its where you find what's going on around here. And it's been Christmas around here. It gets more Christmasy every day as we move towards Christmas in the world. And, so, it's been Christmas time around here. So, let me let you know about something brand-new for Christmas.
So, my wife Jill is a singer if…if you didn't know. Not like, she's my wife and she sings, like a professional singer. This was…this was Jill’s career and my career was in the music business as well as a record producer before…before life tipped upside down and we found ourselves in full-time ministry. Something we really really thought was never on the radar. So, she has several albums and has toured all over the world singing. And, so, virtually she will be performing a candlelight service with some of our friends and partners in ministry in the Global Campfire community. Churches all over the world are part of what we do here. And, so, she’s gonna be singing and we’ll post a link to that, especially if…especially if you are virtual and maybe have no home then we’ll definitely post that on our social media links on Christmas eve. But she was asked to sing O holy night, which any of you out there who are singers, you know, that’s a singer’s song and that is a deceptively difficult song to sing. But she and I got together, and we were like, “let's…let’s make this real. Let’s do this like we always did. Let's…let's create a single that we can release into this holiday season into this unforgettable year. The words of that song just cut through which is why it's one of those songs that’s just stood the test of time, it just cuts through. And, so, we produced the single and she sang her heart out and we released it and you can hear now. Look for Jill Parr. Of course, her names Jill Hardin, she's my life but she was Jill Parr before she was Jill Hardin, and she was already known as Jill Parr and that's who she's known of…as known as…as a singer. So, just look for Jill Parr and look for O holy night the single and there you go, you can stream on Spotify, modify Apple music, Google play, YouTube music, wherever. You can also buy it from any of these stores and $0.99 track is like a stocking stuffer for the Daily Audio Bible. Everything helps, especially everything in a year like this one. And we’ve just kind of always had a little bit of an unspoken motto - if we’re gonna ask, we’re gonna give too. And, so, we worked hard and it's available now for your Christmas listening pleasure and I hope it encourages you tremendously and inspires you.
Also, kind of while you’re streaming or, you know, downloading albums and stuff there’s the Family Christmas album that is the soundtrack to the season for the Global Campfire. And you can get that at the Daily Audio Bible Shop if you want like a physical CD copy, but if you just, you know, your music is digital, and you download your albums digitally then look for Family Christmas. You can look for my name Brian Hardin and you’ll find Family Christmas and stream or buy that record. It is the kind of record that…well…that really follows the sensibilities of the Daily Audio Bible where we really, really seek out peace, we really seek out serenity when we read the Scriptures, we really try to create a space that’s holy, a space that’s different, that's sacred and separate from all of the cares of this life, so that we have an oasis, a place to go. Well, Family Christmas is the soundtrack inside of that for Christmas. It’s the kind of thing you just sip your hot cocoa. And like I’ve always said, because it's what I like to do - turn off all the lights, leave the Christmas lights on, and just sit and take it all in. And Family Christmas is a great soundtrack for that. So, check it out.
The other thing that we have been talking about is the Daily Audio Bible Shop and resources that are available there that make fine gifts and inspiring invitations to engage with the Scripture on a more intentional…in a more intentional way. So, a couple more days and we will have reached the end of the road there as far as shipping goes. We’re well past shipping for arrival for Christmas time internationally but here domestically with in the United States, a couple more days and then we will have reached that threshold as well. So, we’re kind of in the final…final days. So, to check out the Daily Audio Bible Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that dailyaudiobible.com as well. There is a link on the homepage. Thank you humbly and profoundly for your partnership. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if that's your preference, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Good morning siblings it’s your little sis His Little Cherry in Canada. Today is the third Sunday in Advent the beginning of joy and I’m so grateful for Advent this year. Every day in Advent I have been walking to the sunrise and it’s been such a nourishing exercise. Today is bitterly cold. It’s -17 right now that’s Celsius which is about 1°F and I still plan to walk to the sunrise. I’m just getting ready to go, bundling up. I’m putting three pairs of pants on and my big wool sweater and then my big knee length down jacket and I am bundling my head up with just a slit for my eyes showing and deep Arctic gloves and on and on and on. And I will be waddling to the sunrise this morning but I will be there and I just have come to depend on seeing the sunrise. Hosea 6:3 says, “as surely as the sun rises the Lord will appear. He will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth. So, come Lord Jesus I will meet you at the sunrise. We will both be there.” And family I’m taking you with me today to discover the certainty of joy.
Hello DAB family I was just listening to this song that says, “yes I will choose to glorify your name, the name of all names” and I was thinking about just 2020 and how we can say as believers God has been good in 2020. God has been faithful this year. We’re going to look at all of the things that he’s done for us and know all of the things we don’t know that He’s done for us to take care of us, to show us love, to protect us. He’s done so much. And, so, I choose to praise Him. I choose to give thanks for all that He is and all that He’s done in 2020. I am praising Him for it. This has been a great year. It…it still has and sometimes I have to go to the store, and I wear a mask and I feel claustrophobic and I don’t like it but I’m praising Him and when I hear about people sick, I pray for them. So, that’s the way I choose to live but I choose to praise the name of all names, Jesus and I just encourage you all to do the same. And I love you and bless you and I’m so happy to finish out the year with DAB.
Grace and peace Daily Audio Bible family this is RJ calling for Jesus. I just want to say this year 2020 has been a year of bitter and sweet. This year I’ve actually lost my mom. A month before that I actually got married to the love of my life. Three months before that I actually contracted the…the Covid virus and was tested positive and wow…during the season, you know, with my mom when we had her a home going I was able to reconcile with to my children one of my…one of my boys here that’s with my new wife has gotten in trouble with the law, you know, my job is at a…has had…a lot of things have been happening, a lot of ups and downs. But I pray to God in the name of Jesus. So, a word of encouragement to those who are listening and to just never give up. Our God is able. He’s faithful to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think according to the power that worketh in us through Christ. So, I pray that each and every one of you guys that are listening that you’re encouraged, that you let the love of God shine in your hearts and in your mind that whatever you do or what you see will be through that lens of love and you will share it to others. Be encouraged my family. Let the love of God continue to shine. Love you all. May God bless you. Amen.
Good morning this is Boyce in northern Nevada and first of all I want to thank Brian for this amazing community and this app that helps us to start our day with the word of God. I feel burdened to pray for all of the delivery people that are working right now many times around-the-clock. I’m a USPS mail carrier myself. And, so, I know that all…all delivery drivers and carriers are working tremendously harder than normal during this season. And, so, I just want to pray. Father God just be with all of the…the carriers - FedEx, UPS, USPS, Amazon drivers - that are having to work just around-the-clock tremendously longer hours and under the burden of this Covid 19 situation that is adding tremendous strain to their…to their jobs. And just give them a sense of gratitude for all of the joy that we get to…we get to help people to receive the things that they ordered and that they need and that we have good jobs that are providing for our families. Also, Lord give them a sense of, you know, the harder that we work the more that we enjoy our…our time off. So, I just ask that you be with them and keep them safe, their family safe in Jesus’ name.
Hey Daily Audio Bible family this is Jason from North Carolina area. Brian I just wanted to say thank you for this. I’m glad that the Lord convicted your heart and allowed in His good grace you to produce this podcast. And I look forward to the God of My Story that I purchased for me and family members for Christmas. I look forward to using that as a companion to the Daily Audio Bible next year. This is my fourth you’re listening, and this is going to be the first year that I complete the Daily Audio Bible completely. And I thank the Lord God for that for it has changed my life profoundly. Jim and Janet if you’re listening to this just know that I love you so much and I thank you for this gift. I thank you for the encouragement and I’m glad that I truly believe the Lord prodded you to tell me about it because it is definitely within the wheelhouse of how I learn and just cannot tell you enough how it has grown me and matured me, and I look forward to keeping it a part of my life for as long as the Lord will allow. And I definitely look forward to using the Chronological Daily Audio Bible next year in the evenings. I’m a nurse so in the mornings I love having this quiet time making breakfast listening to the Daily Audio Bible, but I’ve been convicted and know lately that in the evenings I’m kind of board and I just look forward to hearing from the Chronological. So, again I thank you for that resource as well. I love you all and I thank you very much for this. Just it is wonderful again to have this example of community within our own local churches and families but as a church abroad. In Jesus’ name I pray. Thank you, guys. Amen.
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templeofshame · 6 years
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sex tape: danandphilKINKS (notably ch. 9) by @snsknene​ - I think it somehow came to pass that I hadn’t read this fic until now. Hard to believe, but I don’t think I’m cheating. There are too many great things here that I would have remembered (and I would’ve left kudos at the very least). It’s deceptively simple, but so firmly rooted in character and in the dynamics of their relationship. It’s so tender and playful and yes, a lot of other things too.
featuring Jimmy: Three’s Company by @tobieallison - This is such an interesting canon divergence take on poly fic! I love the communication and nuance of it, and the way Dan’s feelings about Jimmy and the situation evolve. I just love the way it blends the ideas of threesome fic, poly fic, and 09 fic into a canon divergence that’s fresh and compelling.
de-aging/aged up: Won’t Even Wish For Snow by dandrogenous - There’s something to be said for a sweet Christmasy fic with some uni AU innocence. The writing in this one lured me in, the voices and details and just fondness, even as things are just beginning.
hot tub: Broken But Not Bent by @allthephils - This is half charming romantic getaway fic, seeing D&P playful and relaxed away from it all... and half supportive injury hurt/comfort. I would have been happy with either by itself, but they fit together well and give us the chance to see this D&P’s dynamic in good times and in hospital. The balance was perfect for me.
creepshot wars: In Any Light by DryCereal - I love this take on Phil’s goofy selfie poses and Dan’s view of photos of Phil. I love how it addresses branding and audience while delving into emotions and their dynamics together, the teasing and encouragement behind the creepshot war, and the ways they see each other when no one else is looking.
fic set in 2010: forever plz by @phinalphantasy7 - The return from India fic deserves to be a genre, and this would be a perfect start. It has a lovely specificity and blends the eagerness of the moment with the sort of nervousness that comes when the surreal -- like a video valentine -- is met with the reality of sweat and jetlag and train stations full of strangers.
bakery AU: Syrup and Froth by rey_of_sunlight - This is a potentially-abandoned WIP on which I was the first comment. Also a sweet, light scene of Dan and Phil preparing to open a bakery-and-coffee-shop together. I hadn’t really thought about how often this kind of AU is associated with getting together fic, but here we get the domesticity of all the setup and dreams (and only having the first chapter of an established relationship fic is a lot more satisfying than of a getting together fic).
fic with under 5 comments: Get drunk on the good life by midgetphan - I forget when I was looking for Mediterranean vacation fic, but this is such a lovely one, capturing the comfort and relaxation of being totally away, the four of them and also the two of them. It’s playful and sweet and so evocative in the details, I can feel the sun and the rolling waves and the peace they find there. Shoutout to @quercussp for introducing me to this author!
coming in pants: Grand Theft Autumn by @gorgeousdan - What I love about this is the voice. It caught my attention from the first line (”Okay, Dan’s not gonna lie here, it’s kind of surreal”) and kept it by really capturing the racing, overthinking, fanboying mind of 09 Dan (albeit in a virgin AU). It feels very immediate and specific and it channels the sort of frantic excitement of the moment really well.
nightmare: living in a dream by @capriciouscrab - I love the layers here, the immersion in nightmare and the way it plays with fear and relief and different types of fear. And then once things are really safe and we can sigh relief, it’s so lovely to see that dynamic of D&P and the dream Phil(s) really highlight the characterization once it’s the one we know.
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howdy love bug! would you answer 2, 8, 10, 16, 20, 23 for the music aesthetic asks?
I freak tf out whenever you call me love bug. it’s really precious. I’m never answering that last ask you sent me cause I wanna keep the “love bug” there forever. anyways
2. A song that gives you hope
songs that remind the that I’m not terminally unique in my struggles tend to give me hope. therefore:
My Body’s Made of Crushed Little Stars by Mitski is a millennial anthem and we should all listen to it - my body’s made of crushed little stars and I’m not doing anything/I don’t know how I’m gonna pay rent, I wanna see the whole world/I better ace that interview, I should tell them I’m not afraid to die. iconic and relatable
Good Morning by Two Door Cinema Club is a depressive episode ™ anthem and we should also all listen to it - I’m a sinner, I’m the victim. I’m an alien when I’m myself. I’m a healer, I’m a fixer, I’m a present danger to my health/why did I let it go? why did I leave myself no explanation as to why I’m here and not somewhere else? it’s reaping what I sew, I think I need some help
Class of 2013 by Mitski is my current early 20’s crisis anthem - mom, I’m tired, is it okay if I sleep in your house tonight? mom, is it alright if I stay for a year or two?/mom, am I still young? can I dream for a few months more?
8. Favorite holiday song that makes you feel cozy
Ho Ho Hopefully by The Maine is probably my all time favorite christmas song (tied with Last Christmas) and it’s definitely the coziest. just hearing the first chords at the beginning makes me feel all homey and christmasy
10. Song that represents the kind of role you’d have in a romantic relationship
Sunlight by Hozier - know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty, my sunlight. strap the wing to me. death trap clad happily. with wax melted, I’d meet the sea under sunlight.
aka I’m a scorpio sun cancer moon
16. Song with a domestic vibe in your mind
Long Away by Queen has a soft/mildly uplifting domestic vibe, Drowse by Queen has a super depressing domestic vibe, Cigarette Daydreams by Cage the Elephant has neutral domestic vibes.
20. Song that feels like a dystopian future scene
Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde and Meltdown by Stromae feat. Lorde, Pusha T, Q-Tip and Haim. both were written for the Hunger Games soundtrack Lorde curated which I guess is kinda cheating but they’re both just so fitting and Lorde did such a good job with that entire soundtrack. I love her and I love Stromae and I love Hunger Games
23. First song you would teach to your children
this one’s hard!! I feel like I’d probably sing Hozier and Mitski to my kids as lullabies. Work Song by Hozier and Nobody (live acapella version) by Mitski
thanks for the asks, qt!!!! sorry I turned a couple of them into essays!!!
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