#all the feelings are just kind of bundled up together in this mess of tears
gemini-sensei · 1 year
Biggest Surprise - Hawk
Part One | Other options: Miguel | Robby | Demetri
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After a while of sitting around and almost everyone getting a chance to hold the baby, Moon said she'd treat everyone to some lunch - especially promising to bring Reader back something delicious that wasn't from the hospital cafeteria. Everyone followed her out the door, save for one person who volunteered to stay behind with Reader... Hawk.
Once they were alone, Hawk came to sit beside Reader's bed. She was holding her sleeping baby boy in her arms, watching him with soft, tired eyes. He sat quietly, watching over him too. He was so small, with a cute little nose that matched Reader's to a T. However, when he'd been awake just a little while ago, he had shining blue eyes that Hawk recognized every day in the mirror.
"He's pretty cute," he said after a while. He didn't know what else to say, unsure of how to approach the situation.
When he came into the room, he thought he was going to find his girlfriend in bad shape; he thought she had been in some kind of freak accident or something. Then he walked into the room and was greeted by a bundle of cooing blankets and a smile from Reader that lit up the whole place. His heart was a jumbled-up mess of emotions and his head was all over the place trying to figure it all out. It was so much change at once, he could hardly believe it.
Yet here they were, new parents with a tiny little baby to take care of.
"Yeah," Reader said, smiling up at him. As they looked at each other, she lost some of her luster. "I'm sorry I dragged you here like this. I just... didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know if you'd believe me."
"Reader, we've been together almost a year," he said, laying the groundwork for everything he was about to say. "I've spent so much time with you over this last year, and you never showed a sign. You never got sick, you never got a belly, nothing changed. How could we have known?"
She gave a light shrug. "He was determined to be a sneaky little guy, I guess."
They shared a soft laugh, which came to an end when their baby boy whimpered in her arms. She shushed him gently, promising that he was okay. They stayed quiet a moment as he settled again, then breathed a sigh of relief.
"I can put him in the bassinet if you want," Hawk told her.
She shook her head. "I think he likes sleeping in my arms. The bassinet is kind of cold anyway."
He nodded and licked his lips, still unsure of what to say. He watched them, so enchanted by them. "Well, um, you know, I'll be there for you two. You can even move into my place."
"What about Demetri?"
"Screw Demetri. He'll understand."
Reader held back a laugh, feeling a little bad for their nerdy friend. She smiled nonetheless and looked at Hawk. "You mean that?"
He nodded and came closer, getting on his knees beside the bed and looking up at Reader. "I do. I mean it. I want us to be together. I want us to be a family."
Tears brimmed Reader's eyes. It had been an emotional 24 hours for her, and it wasn't until recently that she started thinking about her boyfriend. She'd put her baby first, then thought of Hawk, but now she was thinking of them both. He was thinking of them all too and it made her heart swell with love and admiration.
"Oh, Eli," she said softly, a few tears slipping down her cheeks. He stood up and leaned over her, wiping them away and kissing her head. "I love you."
"I love you too."
Their baby boy cooed and drew their attention. He was looking up at them with tired blue eyes, his little fists pulled to his chest. His gaze was beautiful and it made his parents smile down at him.
Hawk leaned down and kissed his little head. "Hey there, bud. I'm your dad."
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a-distantdreamer · 2 years
Daylight . Daniel Ricciardo.
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A.N. Just a random little thing I started writing a little while back. I needed some Daniel fluff in my life to distract from the heartbreak of his (potential) last race week. 💔 Please like, comment, reblog and let me know if you’d be interested in more parts🫶🏻 thank you to @vroomvroommbtch for encouraging me to post and helping me choose a song as my title for this. ✨🤍
Daniel’s hand is warm and soft when he caresses my face. My eyelids lift, feeling sore and gritty as I try to blink the exhaustion away.
Even a decade of global travel and jet lag couldn’t compare to this kind of tiredness.
He gives me a sleepy smile, his free hand coming up to run through his slightly frizzy curls - the result of not taming them properly for a few days. Even in the most tired state I had ever seen him, he’s still unbearably handsome.
“Hi, love,” Daniel looks apologetic, as I groan and try to stretch awkwardly on the little loveseat in our lounge. Every part of me still aches, my muscles screaming in protest as I grimace. I could really use more sleep.
“Already?” I croak out softly, trying to ignore the press of tears in the corner of my eyes. It only felt like two minutes ago that I’d managed to settle to sleep.
Daniel nods, and my eyes drift down to the tiny, mewling infant in the crook of his right arm. Despite my exhaustion, a little smile creeps onto my face at the sight of her. So tiny, so perfect, and the source of all of my discomfort. Yet, I adore her, wholeheartedly, along with the man standing in front of me, holding her carefully.
I take a moment to right myself, gingerly easing into a sitting position on the couch. She isn’t quite crying just yet, but if the last 48 hours had proven anything about our daughter, it was that she could quickly work herself up into an inconsolable mess if not soothed. She likes to make herself heard, just like her Daddy.
Flinching as I settle onto my bottom, I let out a hiss and see Daniel grimace in sympathy. He’d been by my side through the entirety of my tough labour, dutifully holding my hand as I’d pushed for nearly two hours, eventually managing a natural birth after the threat of a potential c-section if I couldn’t deliver quickly enough. As a result, I’d torn, needing stitches. He’d kissed my face as I’d cried and cursed him through the contractions, showering me with praise and affection peppered with silly jokes that made me want to throttle him at the time. However, the deep sobs and words of appreciation that escaped him the second our baby girl entered the world and was bundled onto my chest was more than enough confirmation that he was the man I needed by my side as we started our family together.
By the time I’m relatively comfortable, the little girl is squirming in Daniel’s arms, her mouth open as she lets out shrill cries. He bounces her a little in his arms, making soft shushing noises and urging her to ‘wait just a little longer, princess’.
I open my arms for her and Daniel settles the baby into them, unerringly gentle as he always is with her. His honey-brown eyes watch us closely, even as he sinks onto the sofa next to us.
I run my fingertip down the baby’s cheek, smiling a little when her face immediately turns towards me, mouth wide open and chirping like a little bird as she roots for me. Daniel reaches over to adjust the sleeve of her sleepsuit, which swamps her tiny body and covers her hands entirely. She’s still too small for even her newborn sized clothes.
“It’s a good thing you’re so cute,” I grumble jokingly as she complains, shifting her slight weight into the crook of my arm. I unlatch the strap of my nursing bra and roll down the fabric to expose my breast. It takes a moment for her to latch properly. After all, we’re still getting used to each other, and every time I feed her still feels like the first time.
Sometimes she’s slow and sleepy, almost hesitant to suckle, and others she is ferocious in her hunger, her tongue rough and unforgiving against my hypersensitive skin. This time is a happy medium, and I sigh in relief. She seems more settled now that my milk came in properly.
Daniel’s warm hand comes to rest on the back of my neck, massaging the sore muscles there. I close my eyes and lean against him, tears welling beneath my eyelids. I inhale and exhale slowly to calm myself. Often the anxiety is overwhelming, and I have to lean back on rusty coping mechanisms to bring myself back.
“Peach, what do you want for breakfast?” Daniel’s deep voice jolts me from my dozing when he finally speaks, his fingers still stroking patterns into my skin.
“It’s time for breakfast?” I ask, finally lifting my head to glance out of the windows. Sure enough, the sun was beginning to rise, the sky burning orange. Last time I’d checked, it had been the middle of the night.
“Yeah,” he confirms, “we came down at 3:30 with her and it’s almost 7 now.”
I let out a little hum of surprise. We were already entering our third day of being parents, and it was a complete blur. Daniel’s hand reaches over to gently cup the back of the baby’s tiny head, his fingertips swirling over her dark hair. She has a particularly thick patch of hair on her crown, which sticks up if she’s been laying down. I find it adorable. Every moment Daniel and I spend with her, we notice something new, and point it out in amazement to each other. The fact we made someone so uniquely beautiful is surreal.
The baby slows her suckling as her eyes drift closed, her little gulps gradually tapering off.
“Ah-ah, little one. Mama needs you to feed off the other side too before you sleep,” I warn, using my pinky finger to unlatch her from my left breast. Immediately, she began to fuss at the disturbance. I lay her down on my lap, and Daniel leans over to press his forehead against hers as I adjust my bra.
“Hi baby bear,” he murmurs, pressing kisses to her cheek to soothe her, “Mama and Daddy are here. Shhhh.”
I look down at them both, smiling at the sight. I always knew Daniel would be the most amazing father. After all, he was playful, kind and affectionate to those close to him, but I never quite expected how ferociously he would love our child. Since she had been placed in his arms for the first time at the hospital, he had been completely enraptured by her. It made me love him even more than I thought possible.
My fingers gently smoothed his slightly frizzy curls as his voice gradually soothed our baby, until she was just whimpering, her fingers having found their way to her mouth for her to suckle on instead of my breast. I would have left her there for a moment longer, but the uncomfortable heaviness in my chest interrupted the moment.
“I need to nurse her on this side,” I sigh, sliding my hands beneath her little body. Daniel sits up at my side as I bring her to my chest. I ease her tiny fingers from her mouth so that she can latch again. Daniel’s arm loops around my shoulders and I lean against his chest.
“This is hard,” I admit in a whisper, as Daniel’s hand comes up to gently hold onto our daughter’s tiny hand while she feeds.
He hums in agreement and I feel him nod as he rests his head against mine, pressing a kiss to my hair, “I know, Peach. I’ve got you.”
The promise of a warm drink and the sound of familiar voices drags me back down the stairs - we have visitors.
After eating breakfast, Daniel urged me to shower and take a nap while the baby was settled. Reluctantly, I’d agreed, having to fight the instinctive urge to curl up on our bed and sleep the entire day away as I roughly towel dried and braided my wet hair. I slipped gingerly into some sanitary wear and one of Daniel’s comfy Ric Rodeo tracksuits before heading back downstairs. I didn’t quite manage to get any sleep, but she would need to nurse again soon.
Daniel’s mum perches on the sofa beside her son, their smiles identical as she cuddles her newest grandchild; her third grandchild and second granddaughter. Daniel is pointing out the little tuft of thick dark hair on the baby’s head, commenting that it looks similar to Michelle’s hair when she was a baby. Grace agrees with a nostalgic smile.
I step into the room, a little hesitant about interrupting them. I take my phone out of my pocket and swipe away the notifications from my friends before snapping a photo of Daniel, his mother and our daughter on the sofa. I’d send it to them both later.
Grace is first to notice me, and hands the baby over to Daniel so she can stand up and greet me, “Hi, sweetheart.”
She wraps me up in a warm hug that makes me start to cry again. She doesn’t question it, just holds me and strokes my back as if it had been expected.
“It’s okay, darling,” she soothes, “you’ve made a beautiful baby. She’s just wonderful.”
I nod, uncurling my arms from around her and looking up at her, grateful to have Grace in my life. She was the maternal figure I never knew I needed after losing my own mum as a teenager.
“How was your shower, love?” Daniel calls from his spot on the sofa. He’s still cuddling our daughter, her tiny body curled up on his chest, which seemed to be one of her favourite spots. His feet were kicked up onto the coffee table, allowing him to stretch out.
I smile at him tearfully and nod again, “nice, thanks. Better than the one at the hospital for sure.”
“Nothing beats having a hot shower at home,” Grace agrees, gently giving my shoulder a squeeze, “do you want a cup of tea? A juice?”
“A tea would be wonderful,” I say gratefully, her offer almost bringing me to tears again.
Grace urges me to go and sit next to Daniel before she leaves for the kitchen. Daniel calls after her that there’s a new box of decaf tea in the cupboard near the kettle, which makes me smile. I don’t know how I got so lucky.
“Want her?” Daniel asks, as I watch our daughter sleep peacefully. How could I possibly disturb her?
I shake my head, although every instinct I have wants her pressed to my skin all the time, as close as she can be, “she looks so happy with her Daddy.”
Daniel beams, the corners of his eyes crinkling, “I still can’t believe that I’m a Dad, and you’re a Mum.”
“I know,” I agree, resting my head on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry I didn’t let you know Mum was coming. I missed her messages on my phone and then she was at the door,” he apologises quietly, just in case Grace was within earshot.
I shake my head at him, “don’t be sorry. She’s a godsend. You know I love her, and she’ll be helpful.”
“Honestly, the woman is full of baby wisdom,” Daniel quips with amazement lacing his voice.
“It’s almost as if she’s raised two of her own,” I joke in response.
“Almost,” he laughs, turning his head to kiss my forehead. My ability to come back at him with a response that makes him laugh pleases me - it makes me feel a little more like myself
Grace comes back a moment later with a tray carrying three mugs. She’d made all of us a decaf tea in solidarity, quipping that we were all in it together. Once she’d unloaded the mugs onto the coffee table, she settled into the plush armchair alongside the sofa, pushing her glasses up to settle into her perfectly curly hair.
“Well this feels surreal,” Daniel jokes.
I laugh, shaking my head at him as I lean forward to reach for my mug. Grace sees how I flinch at the movement and hands the mug to me instead. I smile gratefully at her, saying a quiet thank you.
“It does feel surreal,” Grace agrees, as I blow across the surface of my tea before taking a tentative sip. It’s a little too hot still, but I can’t bear the pain of pulling at my stitches by reaching to set the mug down again, so I just hold it in my hands.
“Does she have a name yet?” Grace asks.
I shake my head, biting softly on my lower lip as I turn my head to look at our little unnamed baby. As much as I knew she would never remember these first days of us calling her silly little nicknames, I felt guilty that she didn’t have a name when she entered the world.
“Naming a human is hard,” Daniel states, “everything just feels a little …off.”
“It took a week for us to name Daniel,” Grace said reassuringly, “especially because Michelle kept calling him different names every few hours and confusing things.”
I laugh, able to picture little three year old Michelle trying to name her newborn baby brother.
“I’m glad she didn’t win that battle,” Daniel laughs.
“He was ‘Koala’ for about three hours,” Grace added.
“As long as you don’t want a daughter called Koala,” I give him a pointed look, bringing the mug to my lips again to take another sip.
Grace and Daniel smile at that, and Daniel shakes his head, “no, she needs something perfect.”
“You’ll think of something,” Grace insists, taking a sip of her own drink.
Daniel and I decide that the most practical way of deciding a name is to simply start using potential names in conversation about the baby, and see if any fit.
We start at the top of the list on Daniel’s phone, dropping each name into a sentence as we go about our routine. After each time, Daniel, Grace and I pause, look at each other, and either Daniel or I will grimace and shake our heads before we continue on. Quite a few names are eliminated quickly, and I begin to lose hope that we’ll ever find something to suit her.
It’s as I’m changing her nappy after lunchtime, and outstretch my hand towards Daniel, that another name pops into my head, “babe, can you pass more of Elsie’s wipes, please?”
Daniel pauses, raising his eyebrows at me from across the sofa, “more of Elsie’s wipes?”
I freeze too and turn my head to look at him, a small smile appearing on my lips as I nod, “more wipes for Elsie. Please.”
Daniel chuckles, grabbing the pack of baby wipes from the caddy on the coffee table to pass them to me. As he hands them over he says the name again, “Elsie is being such a good girl.”
I beam at the way his accent rolls around the vowels of the name, “she really is.”
Grace was peering between us with a smile, watching the exchange closely but not interfering.
I open the pack of wipes and watch as the little girl lays contently on her changing mat, peering around with her big brown eyes. Her tiny fist finds it’s way to her mouth again and she gums at her small fingers softly, making me smile, “what do you think, Pudding? Is your name Elsie?”
As I wipe her carefully, Daniel appears at our side, chattering away to her in a silly voice and occasionally dropping the name in. Probably to test whether I would back out of this one, or if it sounded silly in another context. It definitely didn’t, and the more he used the name, the more I loved it.
Once I fasten her into a clean nappy, I turn to look at Daniel, who’s still beaming from where he kneels next to the sofa, his head resting next to our baby girl on her changing mat. His golden eyes watch me, scanning my face for any kind of hesitancy.
“Elsie Grace Ricciardo?” I prompt, and he nods, his gorgeous smile splitting his face.
He leans up enough to cup my face in his hands, and he kisses me softly, still smiling against my mouth even as he pulls away again.
“Elsie Grace Ricciardo.”
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roetrolls · 8 months
Damage Control II
Cylion is still sitting in a daze when Nymira reaches his room, her sudden awakening leaving his own consciousness to snap back into place like a spring-loaded rubber band. He can almost envision a cartoonish halo of stars circling his head, the static in his skull akin to stinging.
It’s not as if he wasn’t expecting this, though. She needed a scare––a proper scare. He knew what that meant when he was crafting it. The odds that she even notices the state he’s in are next to none, especially having just woken up herself.
The door flies open more dramatically than usual, clearly driven more by frantic terror than Nymira’s typical childish distress. She stumbles in, face wash with tears, and he nearly finds himself distracted by the inky rivulets running down her cheeks. They pour out of her at a hurricane’s velocity, each drop a swirling dance of color in the way they refract the light.
“Cylion!” She blubbers, choking on her own sobs. “Father– I-I saw Father–”
His heart twinges at the anguish in her voice, and he finds himself once again wishing that his sister were a less stubborn sort. He would have much preferred it never come to this.
Even in his stupor, Cylion wastes no time in opening his arms to her. Nymira falls into them just as quickly.
With a gentle shush, the prophet smoothes his goddess’ hair and hugs her to his chest, holding firm even as he feels her shoulders wrack with sobs. He angles his head to press a kiss to her hairline, again petting the younger troll with one steady hand.
She always looks so tiny from this angle.
“I-I couldn’t find anyone,” she hiccups, gripping him as if terrified he will vanish into smoke. “I couldn’t find you and then–”
“It’s alright, Mira. I’m here.”
A pitiable sob draws itself from her throat, and Cylion can feel cool tears soaking through his shirt.
“Take your time,” he soothes her, “we’ll decipher it once you’re ready.”
She acknowledges him with a feeble nod against his chest, weary hands still clutching the yellowblood with all the strength they can muster. He bundles her further into his arms and rises from the kitchen island, tension melting from his shoulders as he corrales her toward his bedroom.
As they pass Somnia’s door, he taps his foot two times against the wood.
Somnia never bothered to ask what Cylion had planned for their sister that morning, but after hearing her reaction to it, he figures it must have been a doozy. One might even suggest that Cylion took it farther than he had to, but hey, who is he to question the master?
His biggest gripe, really, is just that he’s been forced out of bed for this mess.
He scratches idly at his ear as he steps into Nymira’s room, lips screwed together in thought. If he were a severed arm, where would he be?
Before he can lose himself to the thought fully, Somnia’s attention is captured by the faint scraping of metal, a grating screech that sounds in short, choppy bursts from across the room.
Nymira’s curtain inches open, seemingly on its own, and a thin strip of sunlight dips inside to cleave the room in two.
There’s a pause, then another scrape, and the beam widens ever so slightly.
Somnia can’t help but grin.
With all the confidence of a playground bully, the goldblood strides to the window and thrusts a hand towards the sill, fist closing tightly around smooth, sun-soaked wood. He can feel the doll’s joints tighten in his grip, a charming mimicry of tensing muscles as response to his intrusion.
It twists in his hand, little legs kicking fruitlessly and arms pinned at its sides, and he gives it a small shake as he draws it into view.
“That could have been smart,” he admits, patting its head with his thumb. “Shame you didn’t start sooner.”
Little Friend glares up at him, painted face displaying a rather impressive amount of vitriol. Amusing. On any other night, he might have been inclined to take a break and bother it a while.
With how stressed Cylion has been, though, that kind of delay seems likely to give the poor man an aneurysm. 
“You can go back once I’m finished here,” Somnia assures the doll before shoving it headfirst into his pocket. It thrashes, fighting to turn itself upright, but he pushes it deeper before it can gain much leverage.
Satisfied that the thing won’t be climbing out any time soon, he laces his fingers to stretch his arms in front of him and sweeps his gaze around the room, thoughts drifting back to the topic at hand. That being, of course, Marrie’s hand.
He checks the reasonable places first––desk, bookshelf, reading nook––but to no avail. The closet and dresser prove similarly useless. When it finally hits him, he feels more than a bit ridiculous.
Where else would Nymira bring something she was trying to safeguard?
It takes some patting down to find it in her bed, tangled up in the mass of pillowy blankets she burrows into each morning, but he knows he’s guessed correctly when his palm hits something solid.
He’s struck with the realization that his sister has more than likely been sleeping with this thing, and Somnia’s face contorts in disgust. Sure, it’s made of wood, but it’s still a bit creepy, isn’t it? He pictures her clutching it to her chest like some kind of demented teddy bear, a visual that is, for once, too grim to be hilarious.
For a brief moment, he allows himself to pity her. He stares at the ring still sitting on Marrie’s finger, a knot forming in his stomach. Nymira made that, didn’t she? She’d shown it off to him when she did, buzzing excitedly about the opportunity to give her friend a gift.
Would it ruin Cylion’s plans to let her keep it?
Somnia chews his lip, eyes still locked on the trinket. This doesn’t seem like the type of decision he should be making.
But with circumstances being what they are… who else can?
After some extended deliberation, he pulls Little Friend from his pocket and drops it on the desk. The doll, disoriented at first, takes a moment to clamber to its feet before turning back to resume its glaring.
Somnia holds up the ring. “Where would Mira lose something like this?”
A look of confusion crosses over Little Friend’s face, and he responds by shoving the object into its chest, knocking the doll over in the process.
“She made it for Marrie. She never gave it to her. Where did she lose it?”
It looks dumbfounded by the question, dotted eyes shifting back and forth as it searches Somnia’s expression. Then, it raises an arm and points toward her bed, little hand angled at the floor.
“Under the bed?”
It nods.
“That’ll work.”
Finished with the doll, Somnia flicks Little Friend to send it spinning halfway across the desk, whatever brief sincerity he had donned morphing right back into his usual satisfied smirk. 
Genuine care sufficiently stifled, he sets the ring in place and tucks Marrie’s arm under his own, traipsing out of the room without another glance.
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sinfullyrosey · 2 years
Sometimes I come up with prompts and scenarios that have nothing to do with any specific character. And by sometimes I mean all the time. Here’s one I feel like is worth actually posting for all to see.
Unspecified Male X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Sexual Punishment, Spanking, Orgasm Denial, Cock Gag, Chastity Belt, Mentions of Blowjob, Sub/Dom Dynamic, Sub!Reader, Dom!Male
All characters are 18+
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Your ass was still sore from the serious spanking he had given you, both cheeks painted a bright, cherry red and making your ass almost glow. It still stung and prevented you from sitting down any time soon. Not like you can just sit around in your current state, anyways.
The chastity belt was secured snuggly along your crotch, preventing any wondering touches from reaching your poor, neglected cunt. The only touches felt were that of the leather rubbing against your leaking folds, sticky juices spilling past and dripping between your trembling legs.
Your clit was absolutely throbbing, puffy and red, just begging to be properly touched already. A buttplug was shoved deep into your tight hole, making you feel full, but not in the way that you so desperately wanted to be.
You let out a soft whine, unable to speak with the cock gag in your mouth. The dildo was thick and long, and filled up your mouth nicely, making you in a constant state of deepthroating the phallic object. And just like your lower lips, drool seeped past the corners, making more of a mess to yourself.
The cherry on top was your lack of overall covering, only a pair of thigh highs and matching silk, elbow-length gloves were permitted for the time being. The rest of your body was left bare and on full display to his sharp, prying eyes.
You looked completely pitiful and desperate.
But what else was expected of a punishment? You knew the rules and you broke them, despite his gentle warnings. You just couldn’t leave him be to finish his paperwork for the day, could you. Too horny and hopeless for his attention, you interrupted his work and went too far. After not getting what you wanted for the fifth time in a row, you threw a tantrum and acted like a brat, knocking over some of his papers and scattering them all over the floor.
You were sorry, truly you were. He works hard for the both of you to afford the things you have, and you didn’t mean to cause such a fuss. But by then it was too late. You wanted attention, so he gave you attention, just not the kind you were aiming for.
Instead of his fingers and tongue working wonders on your very needy pussy, he instead used his hands to strike down your exposed bottom. With every punishing lick, your cheeks bounced and skin stung. Redder and redder your ass became until eventually you were sobbing and begging for some relief, for some mercy on his end. Your eyes grew puffy and red, face stained with your salty tears and snot, as you looked up at him with pleading, bleary eyes.
But he wasn’t quite finished with you yet. The spanking may have been over, but he wanted to make sure the lesson stuck. His fingers finally worked at your sticky, wet folds, massaging and rubbing against every sensitive spot, eventually slipping in a finger or two to reach that special bundle of spongey nerves that had you seeing stars. Your moans filled the room as he abused that spot, thumb sending bolts of pleasure straight to your core as it pressed against your other special little button.
And right as you were about to reach that oh-so mind-numbing release you had been waiting for, he stopped all together. You whined, upset that your orgasm had been stolen from you so cruelly. But soon whimpers turned to cries as he slipped on the belt, followed by the plug and gag. He had scolded you afterwards and told you that you would stay like this until he had finished his work and you had learned to behave for him.
You nodded obediently and let him be while you ran off to try and pretend that your lower region wasn’t completely on fire with unsated lust. You wanted to be good for him, really you did, but the burning flames of desire just wouldn’t dissipate and so you were left to try and quench your thirst by uselessly humping a pillow.
After about an hour and a half of getting nowhere, you let out a muffled cry of frustration and gave up. Desperate once more, you wracked your brain for a way to finally get off and get him to forgive you, so that he would, hopefully, make love to you and let you cum. Your haze-filled thought briefly cleared enough to come up with a plan.
Maybe you could make it up to him?
Maybe he’d be willing to let you replace this pesky dildo for the real thing, instead?
You grew giddy once more at the thought of getting on your knees for him. Your tongue poking out and lapping at his girthy length in a silent apology for being such a naughty brat towards him earlier. Lips wrapping themselves around his swollen head and slowly working his whole cock down your throat. The mere prospect making you drool through your gag some more.
That settles it then! You stood up and made your way back towards his office to get to work on your apology, a newfound skip in your step.
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wildemaven · 2 years
Weekends with Frankie: Flea Market Finds
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x Reader
Words: 1,002
Rating: T
Warnings: mentions of food; let me know if I missed anything
A/N: Getting this out later than I wanted to, this sickness hit me hard. This isn’t beta’s and kind of feels like a mess. My brain feels like mush, so I’m not even sure I like the ending, nothing was working as I was writing it— it is what it is now lol.
Weekends with Frankie Masterlist / Masterlist
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The paper cup is warm, its contents fueling this chilly morning. You’re tucked into Frankie’s side, your favorite spot to reside on the weekends.
It’s the third Sunday of the month. Which means it’s not your slow serene kind of morning. But sometimes sacrifices equal greater rewards.
The house you share with Frankie is modest but homey.
When you moved in, while spacious, it was lacking a sense of style. No fault to Frankie, the man is simple in his ways and never put much thought into decorating his home.
That was years ago. Since then, with Frankie’s approval, you’d been able to meld both of your aesthetics to design your home— his warm earthy tones and your contemporary mid century modern.
But it was your shared appreciation for all things from decades before that gave character throughout the space. Items laced with history from those who had previously owned them.
Thrift stores and flea markets are where gravitate towards when purchasing things.
That’s where you find yourselves this morning. Bundled in layers, ready to browse through a treasure trove of collectibles and piles of rare nicknacks strewn out for pickers to rummage through.
You didn’t necessarily need any one item in particular. Through thrifting together, you’d both found a love for collecting.
Frankie’s collection of vinyls was impressive. He had a real knack for finding some old gems. His most prized one being Prince’s Purple Rain album. More often than not, it was streaming through your home.
He was diligent in his purchases. Each album had to hold meaning or reference a time in his life.
You found joy in collecting old film cameras. You’d grown up before digital was the norm, and pictures took close to a week before you were able to see them. You love the accessibility of your phone for quick snaps but there’s just something about the click and winding of a vintage camera body.
Frankie appreciated the photos around your home even more so because they were taken by you. Your sweet little Canon AE-1 was always stowed in your bag when leaving the house. It accompanied you on many camping trips to the mountains. It was always with in arms reach during barbecues with the guys— you made each of them photo books through out the years of birthdays, weddings and group vacations.
Today your find yourselves digging through a pile of well worn tshirts, Frankie’s second love. It’s stacks and stacks of band tees, the images so faded they’re just barely visible. They’re aged to perfection, the fabrics so buttery soft from years of wear and tear.
You’d gifted Frankie a vintage Fleetwood Mac shirt when you’d first got together. It had quickly become his favorite. Dark blue, faded in some areas now littered with holes all over it. The offer to replace had been brought up several times, but he refused stating it was just starting to break in and fit right— it makes the man happy.
Sifting through a few piles, he’d found a few winners— new to him Styx and Rolling Stone tees.
Frankie and you have a love affair with books. Your home is filled with them, any and every subject. Early on in dating, Frankie had mentioned his aversion for reading when he joined the army. With all the studying he’d done over the years for flight school, he swore he’d never pick up a book again. But it was on his first deployment, the long days filled with trepidation and uncertainty, where he found books were the one thing that made his down time a little more tolerable. They kept his mind busy getting lost in the pages, the words leaving a lasting impression on him. Books were his escape.
You’d found him a first edition of East of Eden, the book that resolved his love for reading. He’d briefly mentioned it on your second date, a mere fact he’d given that you tucked away for a later time. When he’d unwrapped it 3 years later for Christmas, he was speechless. It was in perfect mint condition, every page crisp and pristine— but also he was so in awe that you’d remembered such a small thing he had mentioned years prior. It sits on his nightstand now, his watch and glasses placed on top neatly every night before climbing into bed, nestling himself against your sleeping frame.
It’s a small stack of books that you’ve both decided were worthy of a new shelf life in your home. Their pages grayed and worn with faintly legible marks littering the page margins, a glimpse into the thoughts of those who’d found wisdom among the lengthy chapters. Both of you looking forward to adding your own remarks in time.
Items tucked away in the trunk safely, as Frankie drives you home. The leather creaks as you shift forward to adjust the vents, the air ambient and warm. You relax back into the seat, sensation slowly coming back to your frozen fingers. Movement from the driver’s seat pulls you from thought. Frankie’s saying something, but the afternoon sun is filtering through the driver side window— you’re taken aback by his backlit presence.
The golden rays peeking through his over grown curls. That breathtaking dimple making an appearance as he reflects on the day, your life’s mission to make him smile just so you can witness it. He’s a force that makes life memorable and authentic.
You both haven’t moved since settling into your be couch when you arrived home, not before trading your warm layers for one of Frankie’s soft tees and leggings. Containers of pasta from your favorite Italian cafe are strewn out on the coffee table— stomachs satiated and nearly bursting. The low hum of the record player fills the room, Purple Rain. Frankie flips through one of the books from today, dog-earing pages as he reads.
The weekend nears its end with work life on the horizon. Your mind is already reeling with what’s in store for next weekend.
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mshades01 · 1 year
2023 Birthday Tarot
Every year on my birthday, I like to do a little divination with music. And, because I have a fondness for Tarot, I pull up Spotify and meld the two into my Birthday Tarot. I go to the “Liked Songs” playlist, hit shuffle and see what happens. So, with that, let’s get started.
Present: “Torn” by Ednaswap This should represent my here and now, and it’s a little grim. The song is famously about heartbreak and clear realization about the state you’re in at the moment. Which, to be fair, is kind of why I’m doing this. But I do have a habit of trying to bring myself to a place where I’m disappointed in the world I’m in. Maybe I should try to appreciate the illusion a little more? And note that this isn’t the famous Natalie Imbuglia version. It’s the original, lesser-known one. Perhaps representing a search for authenticity?
Problem: “A Better Son/Daughter” by Rilo Kiley
Well, that’s a bit of a kick in the nuts. This song is about a very broken person trying to pull their shit together in hopes of better future. It’s an affirmation of sorts, so to see it as a “problem”…  Not gonna lie and say this hasn’t been on my mind - that I’m not enough as a friend/teacher/son/brother/partner. That I keep telling myself that I will be someday instead of being now. Hmm.
Past: “Help I’m Alive” by Metric
This song reads like a bundle of mood swings - utter terror that “they’re gonna eat me alive” moving to “my regrets are few if my life is mine.” It’s switching between panic and optimism, like someone trying to talk themselves out of a panic attack. If the last song was depression, this is anxiety and I GET THE POINT, Spotify. Why this should be relegated to the “past” spot in the reading I have no idea. It could fit pretty much anywhere.
Future: “Requiem for a Tower” by London Music Works
Okay, two things: this is a remix of “Lux Aeterna” from “Requiem for a Dream”, which is not a movie one wants lurking in their future. Second, The Tower is an actual Tarot card, often signifying the destruction or downfall of something. Long story short (too late): all that mess in the previous cards will not end up anywhere good. Sometimes we need to tear something down to build something better, but that process is not something any feeling person wants to go through.
Conscious: “People Like Us (Doom Patrol)” by Matt Bomer, Alan Mingo Jr.
Oh, this shit’s got LAYERS. The song itself is an affirmation of identity and community - “people like us, we gotta stick together.” That’s awesome. In the show, it’s sung by Larry Trainor, who has to remove his coverings to be who he really wants to be, and Maura Lee Karupt, a drag queen who puts a costume on to do the same. The number is meant to uplift, BUT we find it’s just a momentary fantasy in Larry’s mind - a performance he could never put on because he’s utterly invested in never, EVER showing his true self. He feels too alien to be part of the community that the song advocates for, and so he doesn’t even try.
Nope. No idea what this is doing here at all.
Unconscious: “Exandria Unlimited” by  Critical Role
This was a bit of a surprise. These are the opening titles to Critical Role’s “Exandria Unlimited,” an occasional series where guest players and DMs get to come on the show and play in Matt Mercer’s world for a while. It’s unabashedly triumphant in tone, and the show it’s for celebrates having fun with friends and creatively exploring the world. I reckon it sits here because there is this deep down - a desire to be someone to celebrate. To be unlimited. Quite the contrast to the last ”card”, which tells of self-limitation and isolation.
Internal: “Benny Got Back” by Bass211.com
This is a bit of a mystery. The position in the reading should tell me about myself - what I care about, what I bring to the table. And… not what I’d expect. Maybe an affirmation that people should like what they like? Or be who they want to be? The fact that this is a remix might suggest a certain irreverence of “the original”, that I am open to seeing things done anew. It needs more thought.
External: “Yuve Yuve Yu” by The HU
If the last was a mystery, this is even more so. How is the world around me affecting me? By trying to mold me into a proud Mongolian? The translated lyrics tell of almost unbridled pride in one’s ancestry and blood, as well as a defiant vow to bring back days of glory. So how is the world trying to put that on me? Not sure - I’m no nationalist. I don’t particularly ally myself with “a people” that I want to stand for. I’m not a joiner, really. But maybe the world wants me to be? To pick a side?
Hopes and Fears: “Stacey’s Brother” by Mad Tsai
Yikes. In a very literal way, this is a terrifying song in this position. I’m very happy and secure in a relationship I’ve been in for a long time. This kind of high school crush, this uncontrollable passion for a secret lover - no. I’d throw myself under a train first. In a more abstract sense, though, it works. I find myself hesitant these days to try new things, to follow new passions, because I believe I’ll just end up abandoning them for something new. Maybe Mad Tsai is telling me to run with it, chase after that new thing - not because it’s better or even because I’ll stick with it, but because it’s a thing that I want to do and maybe that’s enough.
Outcome: “Sunshine” by Tony Momrelle, Ben Jones
Well isn’t this nice. It’s happiness, satisfaction, to love and be loved. The song is straightforward and uncomplicated - just what I’d like from a life. As the “outcome”, it’s a little frustrating. There’s a lot of messiness in this reading, and it seems like it’s telling me that everything will work out, but not how or why. A hint would be nice, Universe. 
Bonus Card: “Do Ya Wanna Taste It” by Wig Wam
I sometimes like to do a bonus card - Columbo turning around on his way out and saying, “Just one more thing…” This song is just such fun. It carries the weight of Peacemaker’s journey to being a better man, sure, but on its own it sings of taking control of your life if you want to get what you want. Can’t beat that.
That’s it! Anyone want to take a stab at this reading, go ahead!
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 6 months
The Alpha's Addiction - Chapter 33 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
Home - Koa
I hurriedly rush out of bed, only bothering to put on my slippers before I am out the door, locking it behind me.
I make my way to his room, heart pounding a mile a minute.
I just need to see him.
Even if it's only for a moment.
When I knock on his door and don't receive an answer for almost a minute, a flood of disappointment washes over me.
Is he in a deep sleep or does he sense that it's me and not want to answer?
I'm about to turn on my heels and silk back to my room, chastising myself for running to his room in the middle of the night like a crazed lunatic, when I hear the click of the knob.
A haggard-looking Cyrus appears, hair a bit mussed up from sleep and dark circles beneath his eyes.
It doesn't look like he's shaved in days.
His eyebrows crease in what I figure to be confusion as he takes in the sight of me.
"Can I come in?" I ask, voice so timid it doesn't feel like me talking.
He doesn't answer, merely moving aside for me to pass by into the room.
I do so, hands clutched together nervously as I breeze by him, the blast of his scent emanating from every corner of the space taking me by delicious surprise.
I nearly run for the bed, wanting to bury myself in the sheets and blankets and cocoon myself in there forever.
The prospect of being all bundled up in his mouth-watering smell of pine and rain sounds close to heaven.
"Is something wrong?" his deep voice startles me at its closeness, and I whip around to see him standing right behind me, staring down at my face intently.
Moon Goddess, I want to throw myself on him.
"No, no..." I trail off, biting my lip.
Fuck, what do I do?
Now that I'm here, I realize that I had no game plan going into this.
It was pure instinct to see my mate driving me here but now that he's right in front of me, I'm at a complete loss.
"Koa..." Cyrus starts but is quickly halted by what I do next. I drop to my knees in front of him.
"I-I want to make it up to you."
I put my hands on his lower torso, just over the waistband of his sleeping pants.
"You can punish me how you see fit. Fuck my mouth, be rough, hit me, whatever. Just take. Don't worry about giving, like you always do. I'm the one who acted a fool, a-and I'm so sorry, so please, use me as you like, Cyrus..." my words die on my tongue as I catch sight of his expression.
His eyes glint to his wolf, absolutely murderous.
"Who taught you that this kind of thing is what's required for you to 'make it up' to someone?" his voice is dangerously low, a deep rage simmering just beneath the surface.
My throat tightens, stomach flipping in fear.
Shit, this was definitely the wrong move.
"I just... I don't have anything else to offer."
"So I'm supposed to fuck you into obedience?" he growls.
"Is that the kind of Alpha you think I am?"
My face grows hot, tears blooming in my eyes.
All I wanted was to please him but I've only accomplished the opposite.
"I-it's okay if it's you, Cyrus."
"No, Koa," he says through gritted teeth.
"This is never okay. Frankly, I'm insulted that you'd make me such a proposal."
My lip trembles as I bite the inside of my cheek in an attempt to hold back more tears but it's like a dam breaks.
I bring my hands to my face, letting out a choked sob.
Of course I'm fucking crying in front of him again.
Except this time, there's nowhere to run, to hide what an emotional mess I am.
I'm here, a sobbing lump on the floor in front of my mate who probably wants nothing to do with me ever again.
He's quiet.
I can't even hear him breathe.
I stumble to my feet, wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt.
"I got it," I sniffle, keeping my face down.
"I'll l-let you be, now."
I make for the door but no sooner than I reach for the handle am I being pulled back into a warm chest, strong arms wrapping around me.
"That's not... I don't want you to go," Cyrus's tone has softened, the remnants of anger in it fading fast.
"Really?" I squeak out hoarsely, cursing myself for sounding so pathetic.
"No, of course not, my moon," he buries his face in my hair, pressing a kiss to my head.
The action only makes me cry more.
He's my Cyrus again.
My sweet, doting puppy that he was before I pushed him too far.
I turn around in his arms, burying myself in his chest.
"I'm sorry," I sob as I clutch my fists into the fabric of his sleeping shirt.
"For sneaking out, for this, I'm sorry for it all. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me."
Cyrus lifts me into his arms and I curl around his body like a pup, legs encircling his torso.
He brings us to the bed, sitting down as he continues to hold me like that, a soothing hand rubbing up and down my back.
"I am sorry as well. I don't have the best control over my reactions, my moon. Lashing out at you as I did has been weighing heavily on me... remembering your face, your tears... I can do nothing but lose sleep over it."
So that's why he looked so tired when he opened the door.
My poor Alpha.
My heart aches for him and I pull back to tenderly cup his face.
"And now look, I've made you cry again," he remarks sadly, taking in the tears that continue to stream down my face.
I shake my head, thumbs caressing his cheeks and jaw in comfort.
"I do things I'm not supposed to and cry when shit goes south. I'm a piece of work."
The corners of his mouth turn up at that and then he's pulling me in to kiss me... the action filled with longing.
I melt into it, the tang of the fresh salt from my tears mixing in.
When his tongue meets my own, all I can think is how good it is, finally being able to taste my mate after being deprived all these days.
When we pull back to breathe, he murmurs against my lips...
"You are my piece of work."
It feels like home.
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transphilza · 2 years
fuuuck i miss techno
#i can honestly never really tell how much is my own grief and how much is the grief i absorb from other people bc of my hyperempathy#but fuck if it doesn’t all hurt the same#there’s like so many nice positive and sentimental things i could say about the server and the community and how good this vid was#but it’s kind of all smearing together into me crying about techno again#all the feelings are just kind of bundled up together in this mess of tears#i’m grateful#dunno what else to say#great work tommy i love that kid so much i can’t wait to see what he does next#personal#cw grief#fuck it i’m just gonna keep talking here#grief is like confusing and complicated but the more i grieve the more simple it feels#like it seems obvious but like. it’s just so upsetting that someone so wonderful isn’t around to be wonderful anymore#like that’s all#obviously that’s why grief hurts like obviously but idk i overthink things and the feelings are so all consuming it’s hard to word it well#it’s so debilitating i just think about how bad i feel and i think less about the simplicity of why#techno was an amazing person and now he’s gone and that’s awful#loved ones are little beacons of light yknow. and when one is gone you can tell because everything is dimmer without them#and your eyes can adjust but every once in a while you’ll remember the light that used to be there and it’s like you never adjusted at all#it’s all dim again#i miss him cause he’s gone. it’s different to missing him when he was still alive maybe that’s why saying it in such simple terms feels odd#i am sad because someone good is gone and can no longer be good#his legacy is and his memory is. and that helps#but he’s…. finite now. does that make sense?#obviously we’re all finite like mortality but you don’t think about it because it’s an awful thing to think about#as a creator i admired i was always looking forward to something new. and now there can never be anything new again#it’s obvious but i don’t think about it in such simple terms. because it’s awful to think about#but probably important in terms of like processing and all that#i continue to love him despite that he’s gone#but it’s different and i can’t deny that i can’t pretend it’s not
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Kinktober Day 1
Somno/Sleepy Sex with Argbur/Editor Wilbur
warnings for somnophilia, dubcon, unsafe sex
It wouldn’t be a stretch to say you’re used to sharing a bed with your roommate, at this point. Between the failing electricity your landlord never got around to replacing and the below zero temperatures the winter brought, you’re both desensitized to grabbing your blankets and crawling into the other’s bed for warmth. Maybe for comfort sometimes, too. 
He’s been gone more, lately. Out for days at a time, working on a project of his. You’re happy for him, in many ways, glad he has something to be passionate about, like this. But god, you wish he’d at least text you back and let you know he’s okay, especially on days like these when the already frigid temperature drops into the kind of cold that feels unreal. You check your phone as you double check the locks before bed, sighing at the lack of new notifications, and resign yourself to getting extra blankets out of storage to block out the cold.
You don’t really know when you fell asleep, your phone slipping out of your hand and falling under your pillows, but you become aware of it when you’re ripped from it by a loud noise. The room is pitch black, making you blink hard as your brain stutters, thinking you hadn’t opened your eyes yet, the absence of the lights of your electronics gone. Another blackout. 
You startle when your bedroom door opens, but you feel only relief when you see Wilbur, buried in blankets, his phone flashlight on as he staggers into the room. You scoot over in bed automatically, letting him collapse next to you. He groans dramatically as he does, burrowing closer to where you were asleep, leeching off the warmth there, and you huff a laugh. He’s always craved warmth, almost desperately.
You move his phone so it’s lighting up the room, and start helping him bundle in, frowning when you realize he’s still wearing his coat and shoes. It takes some convincing to pull his face out of your blankets, but you manage to bully him into taking off his outerwear, pulling him back into bed the moment he’s done.
His phone light turns off as the battery dies, and you’re left lying together in darkness, face to face, blankets pulled up over your heads to keep in the warmth.
There’s a moment of silence.
“I’m home, by the way.”
You hide your laugh in your pillow, “I never would have guessed! Welcome home, Wil.”
You ask him how his project is going, listening to him ramble about it as you doze off. He never goes into the details, tries to be vague about it in a way that tips you off that it’s probably more than a little creepy, but you’re long used to him. You let his voice lull you back into sleep, sighing contently as you register the smell of some kind of cologne, and your last amused thought is that he must have put some on before coming home.
When you wake up again, it’s still dark, and you’re unwilling to spend enough time outside the blankets to check the power. In your sleep, you’ve changed positions. Wilbur’s arms tight around your waist, dragging you back into his chest, his face tucked into the nape of your neck. It’s endearing, the way he always ends up clinging to you.
You almost slip back into sleep, your eyes heavy and your roommate comfortable, when he shifts in his sleep, the hot breath of a sigh against your skin making you shiver. Then you feel the press of his hips, and your cheeks flush hot. God, he’s so hard, his hips rocking gently into yours as his grip tightens momentarily. You breathe out shakily, a hand fisting in the sheets as you hide your hot face in the pillow. 
Your relationship with Wilbur has never gone there, before. He’s always been gorgeous, even when he’s a mess, and you can’t deny you’ve thought about it before, but you’ve never been brave enough to say something. You should pull away now, pretend it never happened, that you never guiltily basked in the way he pulled you close to grind against you in his sleep. 
But you don’t.
You don’t, instead taking a shaking breath and experimentally rocking back against him, savoring in the way his hands fist in your sleep shirt, in the quiet, low groan against the back of your neck. It feels like sin, and you almost want to cry, that this is all you’ll get, that you’re such a pervert you’ve resorted to this.
You’re so caught up in it, the feeling of his cock pressed against you, the thought of more with him, that you barely notice when he goes still behind you, your hips still rocking back lazily. You do notice, however, the sharp breath he takes, and the quiet curse he lets out. The drawn out fuuuuck in a voice heavy with sleep is intoxicating, and you whimper before you can register that you should be pretending to sleep, pretending you’re not- not this kind of creep.
Wilbur is still behind you, and you think he’s even stopped breathing with how quiet he’s gone. You can feel tears of embarrassment pricking at your eyes, making you squeeze them shut, biting your lip at the thought of the conversation you’ll be having. Your mind is running, spiraling into anxiety and worst case scenarios, images of Wilbur calling you names, demanding you move out.
Then, his hands are tight on your hips, and he’s rolling his hips deliberately into yours once, twice, experimental and hard. The sudden stimulation makes you choke, half gasp and half whine of his name. You barely have time to process how you’ve given yourself away, because he’s groaning, loud and needy, and then his face is buried in your neck, pressing soft kisses over your pulse point.
“You’re- god- you’re awake, fuck… You want this, don’t you sweetheart?” 
Your gasping reply is a needy whine of his name, a shy please as you tilt your head to give him better access to your throat, a squeak as he groans and nips at your skin. His hands slip up under your shirt, skimming over your stomach and up to grope your chest with greedy fingers. The way he squeezes your tits, pinching and rolling your nipples gently, has you squirming against him, torn between pressing back into him more and arching your chest into his hands.
You can barely think past your own desperation, barely comprehend the words Wil is saying, the steady stream of desperate filth spilling from his lips between harsh bites and soft kisses. All you know is he’s wanted this for ages and you have no idea why he’s not inside you already. When you voice this, he goes still for a moment. Then, you’re being flipped onto your back, his hands sturdy and firm as he squeezes your thighs, settling between them and thrusting against you, only a few layers of cloth keeping you apart. 
He stays like that for what feels like eternity, languidly grinding against you and listening to you whine, before he finally pulls away, just far enough to strip you down, abandoning your bottoms to the ocean of blankets but only shoving your shirt up enough to expose your chest. 
You’re half expecting him to fuck into you right away, desperation making both your hands shake, but instead he tucks his face into your neck to mouth at your skin as he slides a finger, then two inside you. You tangle your hands in his hair, accidentally pulling as he curls his fingers up and makes you moan, loud and pleading. He preps you methodically, working you into a soaking, needy mess as he does, compliments moaned into your ear the whole time.
When he finally presses the head of his cock against you, you nearly sob. You didn’t know you could get this wet, but when he pushes in it’s effortless, filling you so perfectly your mind shorts out. He bottoms out and you’re in nirvana, in heaven, in every form of paradise all at once. You’re so full and he’s so deep inside you, he’s everywhere, cold hands smoothing over your hips and his mouth on your chest, pressing wet kisses down towards your ribs.
He rocks into you, gentle and sweet, and god, if it isn’t everything you’ve ever needed. His breath is shaky, moans slipping out through his stuttered praise, and it’s so clear he’s trying to hold back, trying to be good for you, and it’s so sweet you could almost cry.
Instead, you hook your legs behind his back and beg him to fucking ruin you.
He sobs on a moan, and obliges you, quickly shifting the pace until he’s pounding into you, making you wail. He pushes you over the edge so fast, and when you come it’s to a snarled chorus of mine, mine, mine. 
He fucks into you almost mercilessly, lost in pleasure, and all you can do is cling, squeezing tight around him, and when he finally chokes on a final moan and comes, it’s to your needy plea for him to come inside, Wil- please!
He presses his forehead to yours as he comes down from the high, collapsing on top of you, only to roll to the side so you’re held by him again, and you nuzzle into his neck as you breathe. 
You’ll have to talk, in the morning when you can both be clear headed adults, but for now you sink into his hold and savor the touch. He feels warm, a rarity for him, and you can feel his cum hot on your thigh as it leaks out of you. It’ll be gross later, but for now it just feels like another mark that proves you’re his.
You slip back into sleep quickly, but before you do, you could almost swear you hear a murmur of I love you.
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
Could you possibly do sneezing and you feel warm from the bingo for a sick ed trying to hide his symptoms from someone? Could be stede but it might be cute if Izzy were the one to call him out
ahhhh this is kind of that! it's definitely those prompts but it's ed/stede and izzy is also there. i hope you enjoy it anyway!!
One thing about Edward Teach that you won’t find in any of the fucking books, is that he hates being sick. 
Ed thinks that deep down, he might honestly take a little light stabbing over whatever the fuck is happening to him now, because this constant run down, achy all the way down to his bones, shivery-sneezy-sniffling mess currently feels like a fate worse than death. 
Which is how he ends up alone in a corner of the deck, nearly tripping over a bundle of loose rope. Ed kicks at it, already frustrated and ready to resign himself to an evening of this: swiping at his nose and stopping whatever he’s doing to sneeze a good few times in a row. It wouldn’t be pleasant, but if he could just track down Stede, Ed’s confident he’ll know what to do. 
In the absence of Stede, though, Ed had mostly been keeping to himself, no easy feat on a boat full of people as nosy and chaotic as the Revenge, but he’d done his best for the better part of the day. He’d even refrained from shoving Black Pete out of his way when he’d yammered on about plans for a trip off-shore for twenty straight minutes. By the time Ed had escaped him, his nose was streaming and he’d had to sneeze half a dozen times in a row. 
At least when you get stabbed you get a cool scar at the end of it.
Ed huffs a sigh, then has to turn to the side and cough, the spasm wracking through him and making him shiver more than ever. He really should just call it a day, head down to the Captain’s Quarters, and wait for Stede to come back.
Just thinking about taking off his knee brace and falling into Stede’s ridiculously plush bed, letting Stede fuss and make him tea makes him feel a little off kilter. He’s never had someone he could go to when he feels bad this way. 
Ed’s always the one who has to keep himself together for everyone else. He’d never really thought he could let those walls down in front of someone the way he has with Stede, either, and as new and strange as it is, it’s surprisingly nice, too, letting his guard down a little bit more as the days go by. 
Ed’s on his way down below deck when his breath catches, and a sudden, urgent itch deep in his sinuses stops him in his tracks, his whole body snapping forward as he sneezes, twice in quick succession.
“hih’H'GXNt! hH!… hiih’NGDTtsh!” He only manages to stifle back the first one, his throat aching with the force of the second sneeze, eyes bleary with irritated tears. He’s so distracted by it all that he runs nearly head-first into Izzy, who frowns up at him. 
“Fuck’s wrong with you?” Izzy asks, brows furrowing unpleasantly. 
Ed scrubs a hand over his face, his throat feeling suddenly, mortifyingly tight at the question.
Wrong with him.
Because there is, isn’t there? Always something wrong with him? Ed’s pretty sure that’s always been true, and having Izzy looking at him like this all the time lately, like Ed’s a piece of shit beneath his boots, is wearing on his nerves. 
Now, though, that irritation is going to present itself in the form of a crying pirate captain, and that’s just about the last thing he needs. 
“Fuck off, Iz,” Ed says. He hears the congested, raspy quality his voice has now, and he knows Izzy probably does, too, but Ed just shoves past him and continues on his way without a second thought. 
By the time he gets to Stede’s — their — quarters, Ed feels entirely wrung out, like the entire day is catching up to him all at once, and he’s so desperately happy to see Stede already there and waiting for him that it’s all he can do not to collapse against him. 
“Oh! There you are,” Stede says, smiling at him from where he sits at his desk. “I’ve been looking for you… oh, are you…?” 
Stede trails off as Ed shakes his head quickly, his eyes and nose burning with itchy irritation again, and he waves a hand to indicate that Stede should give him a moment. 
“uh… H’uhhTSCHieew! h’Uhh… TChschshh!” He doesn’t even bother with trying to hold them off now that he’s alone in here with Stede. Instead, Ed lets himself stand there as the fit shivers through him, sniffling and a little breathless by the time he’s finished. “Hh!’utCHshhew!”
By now Stede’s on his feet, moving across the room to give him a soft, fond, worried look, his forehead creasing with concern. “God bless you! Are you alright, Ed?” 
Ed just looks at Stede, at the way he looks genuinely concerned for him, at the way he really wants to know, and compared with the look of disdain on Izzy’s face, it makes another rush of emotion run through him all over again. It’s dizzying, really, being sick and having his emotions fuck around with him this way. 
“Knee’s fucked,” is what comes out of his mouth, though. 
“Your knee,” Stede repeats, frowning.
When Ed just coughs and shivers instead of replying, Stede steps closer, lifting a hand to Ed’s forehead, then his cheek, his hands cool and soft against Ed's skin. He closes his eyes when Stede just holds his hand there, touching him gently.
“You feel a little warm,” Stede says softly. 
“M’freezing, actually,” Ed says, another shiver running through him. 
“Fever’ll do that,” Stede confirms. “Come on, come all the way in, get warmed up.”
Stede guides Ed over to the bed and sits beside him as Ed fumbles to remove his knee brace, then gives up halfway and tries to take off his knife, gun, and vest. But apparently even his hands can’t work properly when he feels like this, and he’s just about to give up and sleep in exactly what he’s wearing when he feels Stede’s hand cover his own, a murmured let me, undoing the rest of Ed’s already limited resolve. 
And so he does let him. Ed lets Stede undo the buttons on his vest and shirt, and doesn’t argue when he suggests Ed might be more comfortable if they lit a fire, despite the warmth of the day. He lets Stede make him tea, and keep touching his face, making soft, fond sounds as he goes. 
Ed feels his sore throat tighten again, but with a different, grateful feeling this time, as it hits him all over again that he’s never had anyone look at him with such determined care before. Though, truth be told, he wouldn’t have been too keen to let anyone do so anyway, not until he met Stede. 
By the time Stede decides that everything is in order, he's essentially wrapped around Ed like a fifth warm, soft blanket, and not at all deterred by the fact that Ed’s sneezing or sniffling or coughing just about every two minutes now. Ed looks at him, eyes bleary and increasingly heavy as he lays curled up around Stede, but words escape him, so he just… looks, and hopes that maybe Stede just knows what he's feeling. 
“What’s wrong?” Stede asks. 
Not what’s wrong with you. Just what’s wrong. And though everything feels bad right now: his head, his streaming nose, the relentless coughing and sneezing, Ed shakes his head. 
“Nothing,” he says. “M’tired, though,” he adds. 
Stede smiles, lifting his hand and brushing a stray piece of gray hair back behind Ed’s ear. It’s a simple thing, but the tenderness of it sends another shiver through him, which Stede mistakes for a chill and pulls him closer. 
“Sleep,” Stede says, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “I’ve got you.” 
And the thing is, the part that changes everything, is that Ed believes him. 
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
S/o’s birthday but locks themselves in their rooms because they don’t feel special [Genshin Impact]
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Characters Included: Aether, Childe, Diluc, Kaeya & Venti.
Notes: Ayeeee! Since it’s my birthday today, why not make this? :))) I actually got carried away 🥲 this is around 3.5k words in total. Hope ya’ll like this!
Reader’s Gender: Neutral (tho i think there’s a slight implied female hehe…)
Warning: probably some swear words here and there knowing me- and mild suggestive themes in kaeya’s part 
[albedo, scaramouche, xiao]
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Aether remembers your birthday more than he knows his- like srsly, he’s the kind that remembers his s/o’s bday more than his. He’s also the kind that celebrates it privately unless you want to celebrate it with others, which he doesn’t mind. He might have a hard time deciding what kind of gift you want, but sooner or later, he already has one (or multiples bc he can’t decide-). 
Imagine his confusion when your day finally arrives but he can’t find you anywhere, even Paimon, who was excited to celebrate your bday (“oohh~ I can’t wait to eat the cake!” - Paimon), seems confused. Probably the culprit in planting worry in the travellers head as she jumps to conclusion that you might’ve been kidnapped. 
Luckily, he checked your house before he could report it to the knights of Favonius or the Qixing (like any normal person should do really-). When he received no reply, he takes out the spare key you gave him and entered your house, an invasion of privacy he knows but it's an emergency- 
Knowing that you’re in your room when he can’t find you downstairs, he knocks on your bedroom door softly while calling your name. Imagine his (and Paimon’s) relief when the door cracked open. Immediately engulfing you into a hug, he lets out a sigh of relief. He then proceeds to ask you what you were doing inside your room when it’s your birthday. His heart literally broke when you stated your reason. Tightening his hold around your figure, he smiles bitterly, knowing that feeling all too well..
“That’s not true. None of that stuff is true. Everyone deserves to feel special on their birthday, most especially you. We’ve brought some food, and cake of course. Also some gifts from other people. If you want, do you want to celebrate it with just the two, or rather three, of us?”
You, who was a literal angel in his eyes deserve the world. He honestly wants to find whoever put that idea in your head but that was reserved for another moment. For now, his main priority is your happiness. Guiding you downstairs where Paimon was (she left when aether hugged you, knowing you two needed privacy. also the cAKE-), he watches as your eyes sparkle at the sight of the cake. 
Grinning softly he made sure you had fun with your birthday. Even though it would be more fun with more people, it feels more special if it’s celebrated with just the two of you. Staring you with pure adoration as you laughed merrily at the sight of Paimon stuffing herself with food. He couldn’t help himself but lean forward to place a kiss on your forehead and then on your lips, leaning back with a smile on his face. 
“Happy birthday, my love. May many more to come. Maybe next time, we can invite other people. Though I don’t mind if we’ll celebrate it with just the two of us only-” And Paimon! Don’t forget about Paimon!” “Yes yes. And Paimon.”
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Similar to Aether, he would most definitely remember your birthday. After all, it holds a special place in his heart, alongside his family. And since this boi is rich af, he would most definitely try to spoil you on your birthday. Piles of expensive (or just cheap yet meaningful) gifts, reservation to a high-class restaurant in Liyue Harbor, and all that glamour. 
Actually, he didn’t find it odd that he didn’t see you immediately, thinking that you overslept or just relaxing in your house. But he soon finds it weird when it’s already around 3 in the afternoon and no sign of your face in the crowd, something he raised a brow at but shrugged it off. It isn’t until it’s almost the time of the reservation he made when he finally realized what’s going on. 
When he arrived at your house, dressed in a suit similar to Zhongli except it’s entirely black and white, waiting for you to come out. After a couple of minutes, he soon got concerned and decided to enter your bedroom through the window (pls do not do this at home). Startled at the sudden appearance of your handsome yet cheeky boyfriend, he stares at you with eyes asking the questions he didn’t dare to tell. 
Knowing he will get his answer one way or another, you decided to tell him about your dilemma. After you finished explaining yourself, silence surrounds you, which is quite worrisome since your boyfriend is known for his rather talkative behavior. Blinking in surprise at the sudden embrace of the 11th Harbinger, his hug was rather tight but not too tight that it cuts your oxygen. Speaking in a low, faint voice, a surprising feat for him, you can make out what he said as clear as day. 
“I’m sorry. I should’ve noticed it sooner. I was trying to be a perfect boyfriend for you but I guess I failed in that aspect. You know, if you feel like you aren’t special enough to celebrate your birthday, then what about me? Me who stained his hands with the red blood of his enemies, always engaging in a fight, clashing with other blades. Insecurity is really an asshole huh? Let me make it up to you now. Let’s not anymore go to that stupid high-class restaurant, c’mon, up you go. You better dressed comfortably when I come back or else…”
Leaving you quickly before coming back immediately, this time in more comfortable clothing rather than the stiff suit he wore earlier. This time as well, he entered your house normally through the door. In his arms, he was holding a bunch of stuff and proceeded to dump it on the living room table. It was different kinds of movies in different genres, you spotted some of your favorite movies in them (makes you also wonder where he got these from since you don’t remember seeing these in the room he stays-).
He would suggest making a pillow fort, and while making the pillow fort, he proceeded to smack you with one. Which ensued a pillow fight between you two. It successfully made the both of you a laughing mess by the end, filled with feathers. Childe then carries you bridal style to the incomplete pillow fort and starts the movie you chose. Placing you in his lap and placing his head either on your shoulder or head depending on your height, cuddling you from behind tightly with a contented smile on his face. 
“You know what? This might not be how I envisioned how your birthday would go, but I’m not complaining. Happy birthday, comrade. My most adorable and most cutest and only love. I love you so much that you’ll be the very reason why I die so suddenly. So stop being so cute okay?” 
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(You two are living together in this one.)
Diluc has the probability of forgetting your birthday due to his busy schedule, especially if it’s starting to rise when your birthday draws near. He might neglect you for a couple of days, too engrossed in his work. When the day finally arrives, it completely leaves his mind. Like he’ll think of it as a completely ordinary working day. It isn’t until one of your friends told him to send you their birthday greetings that he remembered. And oh boy does he feel guilty, like srsly, he literally froze when he realizes what day it is today. And you know what that means? ✨Panicc✨
Honestly, I can see him buying the whole store XD. In the state of panic, his common sense just leaves him completely that he ends us buying practically the whole store. It would be sent to the Dawn Winery immediately as he buys some flowers from Flora, who also sent you her birthday greetings, which made him more guilty-
When Diluc steps foot inside the manor, he tries to search for you outside the gardens where he usually finds you but when he doesn't, he gets worried. Asking the head maid immediately about your whereabouts, and his concern and worry (and guilt) grew even more when he finds out that you haven’t gone out of your room. He quickly went to your shared room, with the flowers still in his hands, and knocked on your door. Calling your name softly and asking for permission to enter, when granted he entered the room as quickly as possible. But seeing the sight of you bundled up in your blanket made his heart crack.
Placing the flowers at the bedside table, he quickly made his way in front of you and kneeled down to meet your eye level. You can tell he was very worried about you with how frantic his eyes seem and the concern underlying it. With the way he was staring at you, you can’t help but spill your insecurity to him. The reason why you were hiding in his room rather than go out to celebrate your day of birth. Every word you spill made his heart break even more. Seeing tears started to leak from your eyes, he placed his two hands on your face wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Smiling at you gently and placing a kiss on your eyelids and on your nose.
“I completely understand, my love. Even I sometimes feel that way. Also to the point where I don’t want to celebrate my birthday even, but that won’t do my love. You are so special, you deserve your special day to be well special. If you want to simply lay here and sleep, then so be it. If you want to go out and do something, then I’ll happily oblige. Let’s obliterate those awful thoughts, and if those keep persisting, I’ll slice them up for you. I’ll keep picking you up when you fall. So, what is your command, my love?” (i'm so tempted for him to say master-)
Whatever your answer may be, one thing for sure, Diluc is seen smiling adoringly at you. Even the maids noted how soft the master is around you, particularly today. Whether curled up together in the bed, with him embracing you tightly to his chest and placing a kiss on top of your head. And if you listen carefully, you can hear him quietly humming a tune that his father (or mother) sang to him. Or you two outside in the garden, simply admiring the view with his hand around your waist. 
Either way, at the end of the day, he would wake you up or make you go inside for dinner. You haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch yet so you’re probably hungry by now. If you don’t want to leave your room or want to return to your room, he would understand and make the maids bring the food to you. When the maid(s) finally arrives with the food, you notice the cake on the tray. Looking at him as he chuckles, taking the trays from the maids. Humming a light tune, he scoops a spoonful of cake and holds it to your mouth, with a slight smirk on his face, eyes twinkling with mischief. 
“Stop staring at me like that, did you really think I would let the day go by for you to not celebrate your birthday properly? From what I know, birthdays have cakes in them, whether a huge cake or a cupcake. Say ‘ahh’~... Happy birthday my love. May next year be more enjoyable than now.”
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Kaeya remembers your birthday like the back of his hand, I think he’s even more excited than you really. Eagerly awaiting your birthday as he counts down the days, dropping hints and stuff to you birthday-related, and probably plans a birthday party for you. The knights immediately agreed on it, including a certain bard, traveler, and wine master (albeit more hesitantly). He made sure that this party would be successful, constantly checking on the plans and such. To the point that everyone was practically fed up with his constant questions. But they understand that he wants this to be a successful and enjoyable party for you. It got to the point where Diluc kicked him out of his Tavern after asking for the umpteenth time. 
When your day finally arrives, he was practically beaming with joy and excitement. To the point where he can’t hide it behind the cool and suave facade he wears. He quickly made his way to you, going along with the plan of distracting you as they started to prepare for the party. In his total excitement, he didn’t notice the rather gloomy atmosphere around the house. But when he arrived at your door, that is when he noticed how quiet your house is.
Now albeit worried, his excited smile slipping from his face and now replaced with a worried frown, he knocked on your door, calling you in his usual teasing voice. When he didn’t hear your response, the bubble of anxiety appeared in his body. Twisting the knob and finding it unlocked, he quietly and carefully opened the door. Seeing your back immediately, seeing your side rise and fall making him sigh in relief that you were still alive. Closing the door gently but made a noise to alert you of his presence. Taking a seat behind you, he ran his cold fingers on your back, watching you arching at the sudden coldness of his fingers. Smiling slightly, he asked what’s wrong. 
Turning around to face him, you buried your face on his chest, inhaling his strong masculine scent. Instinctively wrapping his arms around you, he played with your hair with one of his hands. Tapping on your head slightly, beckoning for you to answer his question. With no way out, you decided to come clean. You explain how you feel like you don’t feel like you deserve to be treated as special on your birthday and all that sort. His face was void of emotion as he stared at the ceiling with his unique pair of blue eyes. Outside he might seem emotionless. But inside, he was on the brink of insanity. Who dares to put such an idea on his s/o’s mind? Why would you think of that? Was this insecurity of yours also his fault?
“That must be the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. You’re not special? Please. Don’t try to make me laugh with that joke ‘cause it’s not funny. You are a jewel, a star, a constellation. As rare as the gems, or rather visions. You can even rival the very sun with your smile. I know those demons in your head keep saying those words to you, the temptation is so tempting, right? Just succumbing to them to make them quiet. But that’s why I’m here, my dearest snowflake. I’m here for you. You’re so special to everyone, most especially to me. You mean the world to me. Anyway, enough of this tear-jerking stuff, we have a party to celebrate. And we can’t celebrate it without the birthday gal/guy now can we?”
Despite your protests, he lifted you effortlessly and carried you outside and into the dawn winery where the party was held. Placing you on the ground and pushing you forward where people from Mondstadt came and greeted you with happy birthdays. Smiling at the sight of you being overwhelmed at the warm greetings, and then chuckling at how bright your face became. Diluc nudges him to you, beckoning him to help you before returning to what he was previously doing (most likely trying to force a bard to not finish all the wines in the vicinity).
After a while in the party, Kaeya brings you to a secluded place with no people for air. Being in a party filled with people could be suffocating at times, especially if you’re not used to it. He intertwined his hands with yours and bends down to meet your eye level (or leans down if you have the same height as him-). He gives you a cheeky smile and proceeds to place a peck on your lips. Chuckling when you pouted and glared at him, wanting more kisses.
“My my, what a greedy vixen~ But it is indeed your birthday so I guess I have no choice but to oblige to whatever my birthday vixen wants me to do. Would you like me to strip as well? Haha. Kidding kidding. Happy birthday, princess/prince. May many more to come. Oh! I forgot. I heard from a certain birdie that you ordered for a personal performance from me~ would you like to get it now?” 
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Since we all know that Venti practically doesn’t do anything like every day, I would safely say that he would remember your birthday. Probably save some mora to buy you a gift for your birthday, even though it’s not as fancy as the people in Liyue (they all rich kids-), it’s still meaningful. He probably made a bracelet all by himself with the beads he either bought or also made by himself. Nevertheless, he was as excited as Kaeya for your birthday. Already prepared songs to sing for you when that day comes. 
Venti immediately searches for you when the day finally arrives, but his excited and bright smile vanishes when he can’t find you in the crowd of people. Raising a brow at your sudden disappearance, he searched for you everywhere, the tavern, the church, the headquarters, everywhere but your house. So when he finally arrives at your house, he was filled with worry and concern. Entering your room through the window like usual, he sees your figure sitting on the floor while reading a book.
He pouted at the sight as he made his presence known by asking you why you were here and reading a book on your birthday. He watches as you jump from where you are and turns to look at him, sighing at the sight of him. He slowly made his way to you and sat next to you, his legs sprawled across the floor. He takes note of the food around you, which was non-birthday festive, it was just ordinary food. Not understanding why you’re sulking in your room, he asked you what’s wrong. 
Venti’s eyes widened at your explanation, feeling the sadness leaking at the words you said. They weave themselves around his heart, squeezing it, making him have a hard time breathing. He shares your pain. He was your soulmate after all. He immediately engulfed you in a hug, stuffing his face on the crook of your neck. You were so vulnerable in his eyes. You were so fragile. He desperately wants to protect you from the pain. But looks like he can’t protect you from your own demons. 
“Even though I promised myself to not say or do anything that’ll make you sad, I just need to get it off my chest. I’m sorry you had to suffer through that, those demons that a simple bard that weaves stories into songs can’t erase. Alright, no more feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get out and spend the rest of the day enjoyable, perfect for my precious Cecilia.” 
Without any warnings, he picked you up and jumped out of your window. Shrieking at the sudden fast pace, you instinctively wrapped your hands around him as he landed on the ground. Giving you a smug smile while saying “didn’t think i’d let you fall now?” Please slap him. Anyway, he laughed at your aggression and continued to run. Even if you ask where you’re going, he just says it's a secret. So might as well enjoy being in his arms as he continues to run (you swear you can feel the wind adding to his speed but that was just maybe your imagination-).
After a while, he placed you down and you realized where you are. It was Starsnatch Cliff, surrounding you were Cecilia flowers. Venti jumped on you, making you fall to the ground as he giggles. His hat flown back from the force of his sudden attack, he still has that stupid big smile on his face. Since his laughter is contagious, you couldn’t help but laugh alongside him. His eyes glistened with delight at the sight of your smile finally. Grabbing your hand and placing the bracelet he made, he pressed a kiss on your knuckle.
“This bracelet shall be a promise from me to you, a fellow bard to the fairest queen/king. I shall love you for eternity, this heart will only beat for you, and this body belongs to you. If you’re in dire need of assistance, don’t hesitate to call me. I’ll be there, forever and always. Happy birthday, my sweet flower.”
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[x] Main Page || [x] Mondstadt Page || [x] Fatui Harbingers Page 
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Welp, since I’m a regular now; I’mma just park my chair here and spin the idea wheel. And so the idea wheel has decided!
Let’s have the Brothers and Undatables react to MC just barging in unexpectedly while they’re busy doing whatever. Everyone’s just vibing together at Diavolo’s talking about things, playing games, and all dat jazz and suddenly MC comes in with a blank face before they get a sad expression (they’re this close 👌🏾 to having a breakdown, it’s so sad).
MC:....Can I have a hug? 🥺 *says weakly as they were seconds away from crying*
Bby needs comfort! (Let’s just say they recently lost a loved one and they want some affection)
My first ever regular. You have no idea how much I cherish you. Thank you for the funniest and angstiest asks ever. This hits too close to home. I've lost two very close people to disease and suicide in the last few years and the feeling is horrible. So this might end up being a bit self indulgent... apologies.
Please if any of your friends seem not okay, check up on them regularly. Even the adults in your life. And most importantly check up on yourself. Take care okay?
I will do my best to do this justice too. Sorry if it's a little late college and extra classes are a pain sometimes.
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It was not news you were prepared to receive. Not that day. It was supposed to be a day of celebration.
Lord Diavolo had announced a small party just for Council and the exchange students. Asmo had taken hours to get you ready. Everyone was excited and in good spirits, clinking their glasses and cheering for a joyous reunion. There was music, dancing and laughter so loud, it felt like it was echoing all across Devildom.
And yet here you were in the bathroom, bent over a sink, staring at yourself in disbelief. You had received horrible news from the human world.
A last message an old friend had left for you.
"Hey MC, thanks for being kind to me. Although we have a long and sweet history, it felt good to reconnect and feel wanted in my last few days. Thanks for the last hug, MC. It was the best one I've ever had."
What kind of bittersweet message was this? What was the point of making them feel wanted if they still left anyway?
No you must keep your composure, you think. The laughter keeps echoing louder. While internal screams creep up your throat. You have to go back before they start worrying about you.
The doors to the ballroom feel heavy as you push through. "Hey look! MC's back! Now we-- MC...?"
You don't know what face you were making, but everyone went quiet. Some looked horrified, some worried and some panicked. You felt your head go dizzy with the pain, tears stinging the corners it your eyes.
Looking directly at one of them, you croaked out the first thing that came into mind.
"C-could I have a hug?"
This man isn't a hugger. But for you he'd make an exception every day.
Especially when you asked for it so desperately.
Walk up to you swiftly, holding the back of your head and pressing it to his chest, while his other arm wraps around you.
"Would you prefer to spend some time in private?" He whispers as you break into soft sobs in his arms and nod.
"Excuse us. We'll be back shortly. Anyone who follows us will face consequences. MC needs some time alone." He calls out to the rest and whisks you away to his room.
Makes you sit in his lap as he cradles you while you cry. Keeps telling you it's not your fault and you tried your best.
Someone save this boy, he is a mess himself.
He feels guilty already. He can't stand to see you this way. What couldn't he protect you from??
Aren't you the one who rushes to give people hugs?
He returns the favour. Sprinting towards you and engulfing you instantly in his arms.
He feels your shaky breath as you cling on to him and goes bezerk.
"Oi. I'm taking MC home." It's the most serious he has ever been.
Doesn't hesitate to bring out his wings and fly you home as soon as possible. He cups your face as you cry, his fingers wiping down each tear. His eyes are pained looking at you like this, it wasn't even your fault. You tried till the end didn't you?
This man's protective trigger has been switched. Who dare be the cause of this?
You're his cheery best friend. He simply won't stand to see you like this.
Runs towards you and hugs you as tight as he can, like you've done for him so many times. Embarassment be damned.
You asked for a hug, he will definitely give you one. You grab onto his jacket with trembling fingers and lean into him.
"MC would you like to go home ?" He asks softly, patting your head. You nod softly.
Takes you home as fast as possible, and lays you down in his tub. When start crying violently he starts to tear up alongside you. Losing a friend isn't easy afterall.
His first instinct was violence. His fist tightening, about to murder whoever did this to you.
But the moment you raised your arms, asking for a hug in that small voice, it was like looking at a helpless kitten in pain.
Another one who sprints towards you to hold you close. His hug feels gentle yet urgent at the same time.
He cupped your cheek, and stared as your eyes grew misty. "Don't worry we're getting out this instant." Slammed the doors behind him as he left. A subtle message to leave them be.
He took you to common room, near the fireplace to warm you up, one of his arms always around you, as you wailed and choked on your tears. He presses kisses on your head too and tells you how kind you were. You did your part. You weren't responsible for someone else's actions.
He is gasping and tearing up at the sight of you. Oh you poor thing who dare hurt you?!
How could he ever say no to your hugs? Especially now when you needed him most?
He comes at you with such speed that you both almost topple over. He rubs your back and arms trying to calm you down with his touch as he hugs you.
"Would you like to be alone with me MC?" The moment you nod, his wings are out and you're soaring through the air until you find yourself in his bath.
You lean against him and cry your heart out, he holds you from behind, pressing kisses on your head whispering it's okay.
Baby boy is heartbroken. Why do you look like that? Where are you hurt?
He immediately hates that look on your face. He must do something to fix it immediately.
Runs and lifts you up in his arms and holds you so close to himself, his arms providing endless protection.
"MC will food make it better?" You shake your head so he takes off. He doesn't care about the feast he missed, he just wants you to be okay.
Flies you into his room and gives you plushies to hold onto while he gets you all your favourite food. Will hold you tight as you sob into his chest and will feed you later on cause he knows how exhausting crying can be.
He knows that face. And he knows the pain behind it. And now he's feeling it too.
Who did this? Who dared? Tell him their name and they're gone.
A hug, huh? He's ready to give you much more than that if you ask.
Walks towards you and wraps you up in his jacket and then his arms. His hug is so warm and soft you could fall asleep right there.
"Let's go lie down together." He will take you home and put you down in his bed, bundled up in his blanket, his soft pillow under your head. Pulls you flush against him as you sob and scream into his pillow.
He is human. Of course he knows the face of ultimate pain. He's been through it so many times he's made himself immune.
But he wasn't immune to yours. Your ever smiling face - that was what he liked. This irked him, made him restless.
He's next to you in the blink of an eye, wrapping his arms around you, cloak and all, his mouth pressing down on your head.
"Let's take it to the sky shall we? Don't worry I've got you." He says softly. You nod, your fingers grasping at his shirt.
And in mere seconds you are soaring above the clouds, the gentle air cooling your burning heart as you cry into the wind. He holds you close and whispering to make you feel better.
He has seen this face only once before. When Lucifer came to him Lilith dying in his arms.
He saw the look on yours and he was determined to help you however he could. And if it started with a hug so be it.
Takes big strides and hoists you up in his arms, as you wrap your shaking arms around his neck and press your face into his jacket.
"The party is over. MC shall stay with me tonight I'll send them back when they feel better." Gone was his usual cheery tone. He seemed distraught, angry almost.
Took you to his bedroom and laid you down softly, still holding onto you tightly, keeping you from falling apart as you sob into his arms. Takes the next days off to be next to you.
His emotions mirror your own. Seeing you in such pain, makes him feel the same.
His heart is breaking seeing you this way. He can't hold you fast enough.
He swiftly runs to hold your hands first. He feels them tremble in his own and he wraps himself around Immediately, cradling your head delicately.
"Let's get you away. You'd like that won't you?" He says running his fingers through your hair. You let you a breathy yes and he's off.
You land in Purgatory hall, curled up into him on the couch, freshly brewed flower tea on the table. He holds you close as you cry into his arms. Tells you that your friend is in a better place because you healed their soul before they left.
You made the usually composed demon crack. Even if for a moment, he felt the need to do something extreme.
What was causing you this much discomfort? He was ready to eliminate it.
A mere hug? Is that what would make you feel better? He is ready to deliver.
He's there before you know it, holding you like delicate royalty. You could crumble at how soft he was for you.
"Would you prefer somwhere more quiet?" He asks. You only need to nod once and he's already sweeping you off your feet and into his chambers. Picks the most calming teas for you as he sits by your side holding your hand.
He knew the demons were no good. Of course it was a matter of time before MC got hurt again.
He was about to cry looking at you, ready to throw hands at the whoever caused this.
A hug? A hug will help? YES OF COURSE.
He flies straight into, wrapping his little arms around your neck. Like a baby brother comforting a distraught older sibling.
"Come on MC! Let's get away from here!" He says and flies you off to purgatory hall. He brings you to the kitchen and starts whipping up your favourite desserts to cheer you up.
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lustbile · 3 years
Okay so can you write a short scene with Johnny seeing you weak after rearranging your guts and getting up to follow you like
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I want you to know this picture is fucking killing me like dear god what did they do to goofy. but anyways! your wish is my command lmao
You could feel your legs were weak, the muscles twitching and aching as you lay there as still as you could be. Your entire chest was flushed and warm, and the idea of having to move and stand made you want to let out a groan loud enough to shake the walls of your apartment.
The second you walked through the door, it was as if Johnny was laying in wait like a hungry animal. You didn’t even get much of a chance to say hello and ask him about his day before his mouth was latched to your throat and he was shoving you over the back of your old worn couch with his fingers wandering past the band of your pants.
You can kind of understand his reasoning, with your work and his you hadn’t had much of a chance to be together. But with the sweet words and promises of having a nice and romantic night in with him, the almost ravenous way he jumped on you was a bit jarring.
He couldn't let you get away with just one orgasm, the idea of being that simple just never crossed his mind. First being bent over the couch was good enough, but as it got harder and harder for you to stay on your feet as he fucked into you from behind, you could tell he was getting frustrated from the way the position restricted his hold on you.
How he stayed buried deep in you as he wrapped his arm around your waist was impressive, but once he shoved you face down onto the cushions of the couch, you didn’t have the brain capacity to be wowed at your boyfriend’s strength.
His big hands pressing your spine into an arch as he rocked into you kept you trapped to feel every inch and spark of pleasure. And the way your hips tilted up gave him perfect access to torture you sensitive clit.
After one orgasm, he still showed no interest in stopping. He could have just came and let you two finally go on to your nice night, but instead he just kept his rough fingers on the little bundle of nerves between your thighs until tears were falling down your face and you were calling out his name loud enough you feared a noise complaint would be filed at any second.
When he finally did finish, he did so with his chest pressing against your back, and his lips pressing against your ear and neck and any other inch of skin he could get to. His spilled words of how badly he missed you, along with hollow apologies for all but ambushing you, before with a gruff voice he excused himself to get you both a glass of water.
You were expecting an attempt at aftercare, and after such an intense amount of pleasure so suddenly you probably did need it. But you’ve become very accustomed to your boyfriend’s stamina, and found you could bounce back generally quickly regardless of the weakness in your muscles from the way he loved to manhandle you.
So after a few huffs and whines, you start to stand on your shaking legs. You squeeze your thighs together tightly, already feeling the evidence of his orgasm start to slip down your inner thigh, and with an unflattering grunt, you bend to collect your discarded underwear and pants before risking a waddle to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” You hear his voice from behind you, his tone far too calm for what evil he just committed on your bones, and you hesitantly turn towards him with a pout.
“Going to clean up the mess you made so we can start dinner.”
You try to ignore the way he starts to stalk towards you while lifting his glass to his lips. His eyes are too dark for your comfort, his height and strength becoming suddenly too apparent and you can only idle in curiosity as he moves until he’s looming over you with a mischievous grin.
“C’mere,” he mutters as he wraps his free hand around your waist, the feeling reminding you too well of how he threw you around the last time he held you like that only moments ago. You watch cautiously as he lifts the glass he just drank from to your chapped lips, “take a drink for me baby.”
And it’s as if your brain turns off at the simple demand, you take a mouthful of the cool water and coat your dry throat with it as you look up with him with sweet eyes, and from the way his fingers flex into the flesh of your side, you know the action affects him.
“You can start dinner a little later,” his voice is so quiet and calm, his tone so solid and assured it makes your aching thighs twitch again, “I said I was sorry for jumping on you without much of a hello, and I still am, but I never said I was done with you.”
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
lunch date
part 2 of this childhood friend drabble (ok fr frshould i name this childhood friend series or public sex series bcs hmm you'll see) pairing: gojo satoru + fem!reader genre: smut bcs i think with my hand down my pants when i see gojo tags//warning: established relationship public sex, gojo thinking with dick part 2, mention of breeding kink tagging: @unabashednightmarepizza @sukirichi @sassyeahhhh [lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] note: the obligatory trio of mine: unedited, lowercase intended, the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it.
“toru- ah, that hurts!”
his grip to her thighs tightened, “shhh, they can hear you.”
when gojo satoru suggested that they have lunch together, she happily accepted. she didn't suspected anything odd of his behavior. he was so kind to offer to bring her something over and she has been so stressed with her works, she just accepted it with no questions. it was the first text she’d replied after ignoring his many messages and calls.
it has been two weeks since the staircase incident and she started to suspect that he knew that she was actively trying to avoid him for almost a week. she knows gojo satoru like the back of her own hand, she knows he will not forget his promises, and he will hold against her until he gets it. their newly blossomed relationship was doing okay until he popped the question out so casually as she cooked. she couldn’t forget the look on his face.
“so, when are we going to have a baby?” his question that freaked her out lingered in her mind.
a baby
what was she thinking? she smacked her head on the table. “you could’ve asked for a house, or his black card, or something else. but a baby?” her voice strained.
“yes?” the hair on her back stood at the familiar deep voice.
she looked up so fast, her head spun to see her door opened wide. sara, her colleague stood with a slight frown on her face and on her side, gojo satoru. he wore teasing smile, traded his blindfold for his glasses and he looked different. he wore a white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up with a pair of black pants and boots. his outfit looked simple and minimalistic, but don’t be fooled. she knew his shirt costs about the same as her monthly rent.
i can’t believe i picked a baby over his black card, her mind cried at the thoughts.
“i’ve tried stopping him,” sara explained, a glare on her face. he interjected. “i don’t need appointment to see my girlfriend,” gojo stepped inside, holding the door. “girlfriend?” sara questioned. she couldn’t help but to feel satisfied at the reaction her assistant’s face held.
“she gave you, her number?” she asked, one night where he came over. the bed sheet wrapped around her bare body as her eyes raked up and down satoru’s own bare body as he leaned against the headboard. his eyes shut close with his arms flexed behind his head. a small satisfactory smile on his face as he said, “right after telling me that you like me.”
“that bitch,” she hissed, gritting her teeth.
“y/n chan,” his eyes opened, a teasing smirk grew on his face. he leaned forward, the blanket pooled around his waist as he cupped her face in his hand, “didn’t see you as a jealous kind.”
it wasn’t that fact that she was jealous that sara is actively into gojo. she was fuming at her assistant for divulging her personal matter to him. that part first, and then maybe she was a little jealous. but then, sara was the reason she finally gets the guy she’s been waiting for; so at the end she still wins. sara will remain a bitch for a reason.
“it’s okay, we are having lunch together. you can leave,” she dismissed her, rubbing her strained eyes. gojo happily slammed the door shut.
“so, wanna tell me why you’re avoiding me?”
she sighed, her fingers ghosting over the keyboard, his presence has disturbed her mind, “i’m not. i-i’m busy.”
he sat on her chair, crossing his legs as he rested his lanky body against the chair. “you can’t even look at me. what is it?” he asked. her finger stopped above the enter key. she wanted to press it, but she can’t. something is holding her back. she knew what he’s doing. she sighed in defeat and turned to face the elephant in the room. her brows frowned when she realised; “where’s the food?” she asked staring at the empty table.
“lunch? you told me we are having lunch?” she frowned. this idiot did not just suggest that they’ll have lunch together, show up at her office without the promised food. gojo looked at her sheepishly, a small smile on his face.
“oh, that. yeah, i just want an excuse to see you,” his small smile turned sinister as he lolled his head to the side, “you could be my lunch.”
her face pressed against the glass window overlooking the city. her floor wasn’t that high, they could see the streets bellow and the office in front of them. she repeatedly told him that they can’t do this. “they can see us,” she panicked, despite being delirious from his kisses as she let him unbutton her shirt. but a few kisses later, her skirt hiked up, panties in his pocket and his dick hitting her cervix roughly, she was convinced.
“you think you can come for me six times?” he heaved, lips against her bare shoulder, accentuating his words with his every thrust, “six for the amount of days you've ignored me. another five to go, buttercup. should be easy.”
his hand trailed down her chest, her belly until he found her neglected clit. a gentle tap of her bundle of nerves had her throwing her hair back. she was about to come undone; he could feel it from the way she was desperately clamping down on his length and her whining. tears streaming down her face as she bit down on her lips to hold herself from screaming, she could taste blood. her body shuddered, her sweaty skin leaving marks on the glass and the way he just mewled against her ears, praising her made her legs buckled.
he was quick to catch her, hands gripping her waist.
they moved to the desk, pushing all her files and pens aside as he laid her down. he showered her with kisses, slowly trailing them down to her cunt. he eyed her glistening slit, mouth watered. grabbing her legs, he held it open, she whined at the feeling of his warm breath ghosting over her. “satoru, i can’t,” she moaned at the first lick, her hand pressed on his head trying to get away, but he held her tight. “n-no more, ah fuck, fuck!” she could feel his eyes on her, watching her every reaction as his tongue worked their ways. the feeling on his teeth grazing her clit, the tip of her tongue teasing around her entrance, before slipping in.
she tasted so good; it was more pleasurable for him than her. she looked pretty squirming to get away as he held her tighter, tongue darting in and out. overstimulation was hitting her full force and she was high in pleasure. her brain couldn’t comprehend; between the feeling of his breath against her slit, his tongue fucking her, his calloused palms against her waist and the sound he was making. she didn’t give two fucks if the office heard them fucking.
“close, fuck, toru i want-” her words cut off by her own moan.
his tongue switched, sucking on her swollen clit as his finger took over the fucking. it didn’t take long for her to gush out. her head was pounding, his words went in one ear and out the another. he stood up, drools and her fluid covered his chin and onto his bare chest. he helped her sat, she was beyond exhausted. the feeling of his fingers brushing her hair back brought back to the office, she looked up to him with her eyes half drooped. a soft chuckle escaped his lips as he pressed it on hers. “you okay?” he whispered, planting kisses after kisses. “i miss you so much,” he cooed.
“miss you,” was all she could mustered out.
“did i scare you? with the baby talk?” he asked, pulling her in his arms. truth be told, seducing her into fucking in front of the glass window wasn’t the actual reason gojo was here. but her words were just so inviting, he doesn’t mind a little detour. she tasted delicious. she mumbled something against his chest, but he was sure it was a maybe.
“i thought you wanted it.”
she pouted, finally the first sentence her brain could scrambled, “maybe i change my mind.”
“that’s why you ran away from me? you’re scared?” he tilted her head up, his heart warmed at the little pout she had on, “oh buttercup, i won’t lie. the thoughts of you all round and milky with my child is turning me on-” not a lie, because she could feel his cock pressing against her slit, “but it’s okay. one day i’ll change your mind but for now, i’m fine with a little practise now.” she groaned against his lips as she felt his tip slipped in, stretching her once again.
this one was quicker, she was already sobbing mess, clutching desperately on his chest as he chased his high.
the deeper he pushed into her, the faster he had to circle her clit. he’s not a selfish lover, he wants her to feel as good as him too, despite being borderline torturous as she was clearly an overstimulated mess. “you’re so good to me,” he hummed, “you take me in so well. i love the way your tight cunt suck me in.” she really was, with mouth apart panting his name, eyelids drooped, and fingers dug into his flesh with legs apart.
she’s his good little girl.
she nodded, soft mewls could be heard through her pants. the wet kisses he was peppering her skin soon turned into a desperate attempt to leave a mark. she was beyond exhausted to berate him for doing it, so she learned to enjoy the feeling of his fangs against her flushed skin.
“toru, it feels so good,” she rolled her eyes back and he hummed in agreement.
gojo held her throat, not too harsh but not exactly gentle too, “it does, does it?” he grinned, “come, clench around my cock, y/n chan," he teased, in a sing-song tone, "i’m about to fill you up to the brim.” he tightened the grip, she whined. the way the walls tightening around him, had the world strongest’s sorcerer a moaning mess, as his hips snapped faster.
the sound of their skin slapping each other got louder and louder with the squelching of her cunt. his eyes rolled to the back of his head, as he forced his cock all the way inside, his thick seed shooting directly into her womb. his grip on her waist tightened, he was all choke up. they stayed in each other’s arm, struggling to catch a break.
he pinched her cheek for the fun of it, seeing her annoyed and bothered for his own personal pleasure. “what luck you have, y/n. falling in love with someone like me,” he brushed the tear stains on her cheek.
“who said i love you?”
he pressed his hand on his chest, faking the pained look on his face with an ouch. it was never an exchange of i love yous between them; it was him annoying the fuck out of her and her being constantly concern by his childishness. “would you still come home, y/n. i miss you so much, no lies.” he asked as he pulled his pants back up. "i will," she promised. he helped her off the desk, cleaning the mess they’d made and her chasing him around for her pair of panties. she never got it back, her face was as red as her stilettos as she made her way out of the office bare under her skirt. she could hear him snickering behind her.
“c-cancel the rest of my day please, sara. i have some business to take care off,” she glared at the white-haired man running toward the elevator. lunch time was over, and she was beyond fucked to continue her work. literally. not when gojo had made sure to give her the fucking of her life, she couldn’t focus on her work no more. sara gave her a glare, a dirty one, as she eyed her skewered hair and wrinkled clothes. she placed the files on her assistant’s desk, rushing as gojo held the elevator opened.
she made in, jumping instantly in his arms as the door closed. it was just two of them in the empty lift.
she giggled in his arms; his huge smile was contagious. he kissed her so gently, thumb on her back rubbing shapes. his smile grew wider as they pulled away. she tilted her head, confusion on her face and he nudged his head to the door. she turned around only to see their reflection on the elevator’s door. “look closer,” he whispered, and her eyes widened as she realised a trail of his cum, peaking out of her skirt down her legs. her face got even redder as she wasn’t sure if it had just happened or gojo has been letting her walk around with his cum down her legs.
“i’ll murder you, satoru.”
the lift suddenly halted. the number stopped at the ninth floor and she cursed. the lift wasn’t malfunction; she knew exactly what he was doing, and he wasn’t even trying to hide it.
“not going to lie, seeing my cum down your legs, it looks hot,” he said sheepishly, a kiss on her cheek while his hands already made their way underneath her blouse. his brows raised up suggestively.
“will you stop thinking with your dick, satoru?”
“you still owe me two more orgasm, buttercup.”
the light of the lift suddenly tripped, engulfing them in a pitch-black darkness. she jolted in his arms. the emergency light turned on and under the dimmed light, she could see his blue eyes on her like a predatory to its prey. she could feel her throat drying as a kiss landed on her neck.
“we better make our time worth.”
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peace-for-levi · 3 years
And They Were 'Just' Roomates? [Levi Ackerman x GN!Reader]
Synopsis: Levi and reader are roommates and he is stuck with his feelings while you are dating Zeke Jaeger. Two years after graduating university, they now live together and Levi is still stuck pining for you whilst you're with Zeke... until you break up.
Tw: alcohol consumption, reader is a drunk, emotional mess, some drunk making out, levi being a diehard SIMP and Zeke being kind of an asshole.
This was part of july prompt event 'Roommates', hosted by @anlian-aishang ! thanks for hosting this!
From fellow students, to friends, to work colleagues, to roommates and… well, that was it, right?
Levi Ackerman walked down the hallway of the apartment, his hands trailing against the architrave. Leather satchel was thrown around his shoulder that was full to the brim of English papers and his other hand had a glass of water. He was wearing a buttoned up blue shirt and grey slacks and his nice shoes. One would say he was dressed nicely… but could the same be said about his roommate?
“[F/n].” He called out to you through the door after knocking.
It was Friday morning, and anyone would be in a good mood on a Friday, right?
Wrong; not you, anyway. After what happened last night, you traipsed into the apartment late at night and the sight of you made Levi stand up from the sofa and pause the nature documentary he was blindly watching while correcting papers. You walked through the door with the spaghetti straps of your dress hanging down your shoulders, your mascara dripping down your face from your tears and your eyes red-raw as you continued to gasp in massive strokes.
It was an ever-evolving situation with your ex, Zeke. He had grown increasingly angrier and more jealous of your living situation with your friend. Loads of fights and resentment from him towards you and the raven-haired man you lived with had you questioning your feelings towards him. And perhaps towards the end, your love for him had run out… You don’t know how they zapped up so quickly; you and Zeke had once considered marriage and a life together, and it was going well even when you and Levi moved in together initially. After all, Zeke was over at your apartment basically all the time.
And perhaps he noticed the way the raven-haired man looked at you, or the way his hand rested on your shoulder a bit too much, or the way he had your takeaway order memorised.
Perhaps he had figured out Levi’s secret feelings for you…
But that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt when he dumped you in public last night. At you two’s favourite café. At the place of your first date.
And so you wandered in late last night sobbing your heart out, instantly throwing yourself onto the couch next to Levi, despite you knowing he wasn’t the most touchy-feely person out there. Still, to your surprise, he wrapped his arms around you after a few seconds and rubbed your back in circles as you cried. You looked and felt disgusting; fat teardrops and snot dripping down your face, and yet he still chose to hug you
He was just such a kind person. Such a kind friend. A kind roommate.
He wasn’t an idiot. He had been listening to you cry yourself to sleep for the past month now, watching you intently type away on your phone when you two were probably having another fight. He heard you crying and yelling over the phone during arguments from your bedroom. After all, he had his failed relationships too. He knew the process and the path this was taking. And you were there at his side when his relationships had failed.
Being roommates and teachers at the same school did have its perks. Levi had rang ahead of you and told your principal you were taking a sick day.
Levi sighed when you hadn’t opened the door. He wasn’t running late by any means, but he loved to be early. Loved it.
They’re alive… right? Yeah, of course, he said to himself. He leaned down onto the door handle - hands being full and all - and pushed inside.
Curtains were drawn shut, your takeaway from last night knocked over on your desk, teddies and various gifts from the relationship were torn apart on the floor… Levi did his best to walk around every obstacle in his way until he came across the bundle of sheets and blankets. He walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down. He peered down at the floor below him and saw all the tissues you had tossed out over the side.
You wasted the entire box of tissues - the lavender scented tissues and that were his favourite! - but he’d lecture you another time. You were clearly not having a good time.
“[F/n]...” he called out gently. You shrivelled up in response and he sighed for the umpteenth time. “Will you at least crawl out of your blanket prison and drink some water? Damn it, I can’t have you getting dehydrated from your crying last night.”
Oh, but he couldn’t resist the urge to lecture you even the tiniest bit!
“And you used all my good tissues… Erwin got those for me.”
“Erwin can take those tissues and shove them up his ass!” you yelled.
Levi’s face softened at the fact you were still so miserably looking. You didn’t show it on your face - in fact, you looked totally emotionless and empty - and you didn’t respond to his advances. He peeled away the covers and saw you lying in a fetal position clutching your phone, eyes staring at the text messages intently. He snatched your phone and typed in the PIN - you two were that close that you knew each other’s PINs - and he saw you had been texting Zek And he had sent a few messages back.
Zeke: You still don’t know why I dumped you? Are you that slow?
Zeke: I have seen the way he looks at you. I have seen the way you look at him and the way you smile at him. You two are so-called ‘roommates’ but don’t pretend I have forgotten you two’s history in college! How can you two ever expect to be just roommates?! Never contact me again. What a damn waste of two whole fucking years.
The raven-haired man shook his head and he made the decision for you to block his number and delete all media and traces of him from your phone.
“You’re not texting him anymore,” he told you, “He wasn’t good for you. He was never going to be good for you, [F/n].”
Your hand reached out for your phone and you plugged it back in to charge it and you rose from your lying position. Good heavens, you looked… not good. The bra you had worn to bed was poking out of your camisole and your hair was a mess. Levi reached forward and pulled the strap up, being careful to not let his hands linger too long.
You didn’t seem to be in the mood for talking, and he didn’t blame you. He was just trying to look out for you, as a roommate… right?
He pressed down on his knees as he stood up and stretched. He reached down for his leather satchel and told you when he’d be back and to try not to let this take up more of your sick days. “Drink your damn water, too.” He warned.
Levi left with a ruffle of your hair and you collapsed back into bed, pulling the covers back over you. He procured his blazer from the coat hanger that he normally wore over a button-up and put it on. He felt around for the keys and wallet in his pocket and hurried down the stairs to the carpark. He opened the door to the car and buried his face in his palms.
Was he really not that subtle? Had Zeke seen through it all?
How could he help himself… not when he had been hiding his feelings for you for over two years now… He thought that by being roommates and by living with you, he secretly hoped your living styles would conflict, or you two may not have clashed as friends but maybe living together would be too difficult…
...Or was that all an excuse just to be closer to you? After all, you were two freshly out of college looking for an apartment each, but when he told you he found a nice enough place that was decently priced - and how he was your best friend - how could you say no?
Levi wasn’t one to fake innocence or naivety; he knew exactly what Zeke was referring to when. By which you two had drunkenly hooked up four times throughout your degree. And so started the intense feelings he had for you.
He remembered his feelings started out so innocently. You two were in the same education programme and you took a few modules together and naturally by spending more and more time together, you two got closer. Feelings developed and were repressed time and time again. You’d go out together all the time on walks in the middle of the night or grab a drink at the end of exams, but by not giving this a label, nothing came out of it. You two were just hanging out - not dating - and over time, you convinced yourself that that was all you two would ever be: just friends. Friends with feelings for each other, but friends nevertheless.
And this worked until you two got obscenely drunk at your twenty-first birthday party in your dorm, and woke up in the same bed together the following morning, clothes strewn about and his muscular arms wrapped around you.
And you both told yourselves that it would never happen again, and that it was a one-time thing. That you two would remain friends and never cross that boundary ever again.
Until it happened again not too long after… and again and again and again.
And you two both knew the last time that you two weren't even all that drunk…
He shook his head. No, he couldn’t allow this to clog up his mind and leave him feeling mentally congested. But of course his mind couldn’t help but wander to how good you looked - not including today - or how kind you were. And he recounted the sounds you made and the way you moulded to his touch those few times.
Fuck, I’m in too deep, he says to himself as he begins to drive.
By the time the clock ticked five in the evening, he checked his phone again having not checked it for a few hours. He was sitting in his car now and removed his blazer. He was sitting in the private teachers’ carpark but that didn’t stop a few people knocking on his car window. He would get startled initially but he would give a lazy wave of his palm.
[F/n] [L/n]: Hey Levi. Sorry for all the tears last night. But a few friends have invited me out to get my mind off of… everything. I’ll be heading out at around 5 for a meal and then I’ll be back a few hours after that I think!
Levi shrugged. At least you told him you were going out so he didn’t have to worry.
Alright, see you then and be careful. Don’t lose your keys while you’re out, he texted back.
A notification came through right away.
[F/n] [L/n]: You’re too mean! :( You have no faith in me bestie?
He rolled his eyes. No, he texted back and put his phone onto the phone holder and headed home. He was happy you managed to crawl out of bed as it is, never mind you heading out with your friends. This would do you some good. You normally hung around with the same friends from college too and he knew they’d take care of you in this more fragile state.
Good, he didn’t have to worry about you not eating properly - because, no, Ben and Jerry’s did not count as a meal - or you staying in your duvet prison. He could go home and relax and watch his favourite series he was watching. Perhaps he’d order food or do some yoga…
Wow, he was so easily pleased.
Normally you would text your roommate every couple of hours or so. By 10PM rolled around and no update from you, he eyed his phone and placed it down again. You were fine, surely. He just needed to know you still had your keys so that he didn’t have to stay up waiting for you.
They’re fine, hopefully, and I’m getting tired, he said to himself, his eyes fluttering shut. He reclined onto the sofa more, head connecting with one of the plump cushions and sleep overcame him for a short while.
Or so he thought.
He woke up again when he heard a crowd of young people parading outside the alleyway where his apartment block was located. He inhaled sharply and rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm and leaned over to check his phone. Damn, still no update from you.
He stood up from the couch and knocked on your bedroom door. “[F/n]?” he called out. No answer.
Okay, clearly it was more than just a meal. You were probably out drinking. No, he wasn’t going to fret.
You didn’t drink too often, but if you were ever emotional while drinking, you were definitely wild and more prone to danger. As soon as the intrusive thoughts began, his phone began to ring. He could feel his palms sweating already. He wiped them off the slacks of his pants he had not changed out of and answered the phone.
“H-Hello? [F/n]?”
“Hi, this is Levi, right?” the female voice came. A little bit slurred but the person seemed okay. “We took a few classes together in college, it’s Christa Lenz.”
“Ah, Christa, yes. Is [F/n] alright?”
Christa seemed hesitant at first. “Um, well… no. Not really. We had a meal and whatever and they were fine then, and then another girl, Sasha, suggested a few drinks. [F/n] seemed up for it and it was all going okay. A bit tipsy but they--”
“Get to the fucking point.” He snapped.
“--[F/n] saw Zeke enter the bar around an hour ago, and they panicked and drank a lot more… Like they downed seven shots already.”
“Is [F/n] okay? Are they awake or conscious?”
“I mean… we’re outside Trost Bar now not too far from your place, but we’re sitting down because they feel nauseous standing. That, and they’re crying a lot. Uh. They’re kind of a mess right now.”
Christa didn’t hear Levi say anything else, but once she heard the footsteps, the door opening and the jingling of keys, she knew he was on his way. Levi momentarily stopped and ran back inside your apartment and grabbed a bottle of water, some painkillers, an empty shopping bag in case you needed to get sick and a few other essentials. He raced back down to his car as fast as his legs could carry him to rush and collect you.
He stepped on the gas. Thankfully, Trost bar was no more than a ten minute drive away but that didn’t mean he was going to take his sweet time.
He could recall the bar vaguely, it was an ideal location for students. It was spacious, but it was also popular so people crammed into it leaving little to no space for anyone else. The bar is hundreds of conversations all trying to compete with the rock music that dominated the atmosphere. It would boom in the speakers and there were speakers everywhere. At first he was confused how he could recall so little else about it but he remembered how much the loud music used to deter him and he’d only ever stay for an hour at a time.
He slowly came to a halt when he found your friend group sitting with you on the pavement. He parked across the road and after looking both ways, he ran across to you. Christa looked up, followed by Mikasa and Sasha. You on the other hand had your head buried between your legs. Levi knelt down and pulled your face into his hands.
“Sheesh, you’ve seen better days.” He remarked. You were clever to have worn waterproof mascara but everything else smudged and rubbed away. He pulled you up by your hands and slung your arms over his shoulder. “Thanks, you guys. I appreciate this.”
He walked you over to his car, but he heard the not-so-silent remark from one of your friends.
“There’s no way they’re just roommates, right?”
He only sighed, sat you down in the seat and passed you the shopping bag he brought from your apartment. He went round to the boot of the car and got you a bottle of water before sitting into the front seat. Leaning over to the glove compartment, he tossed your makeup remover wipes at you with the simple command “wipe” and he pressed on the accelerator.
You could say he was prepared, for sure.
An inexplicable feeling of anger had overcome the short man once you saw you in this drunken, emotional state. You would be able to see it in the way his thin brows had knitted together and the way his teeth ground against each other. Even in your drunken state, you could tell he was driving a bit faster than normal.
The ride home was silent, the tension was palpable. You finished removing the makeup and most of it had gone. Levi noticed you toss the wipe on the floor in your half-sleepy, half drunk state. Under normal circumstances he would have snapped at you to pick it up. Not tonight, though.
“Leviiii…” you drawled, your speech still slurred. When you didn’t get the response, you poked at his muscular thigh repeatedly until his hand reached down to seize your wrist. “You’re-” followed by a hiccup, “you’re angry at me.”
He was angry and he was trying to piece his emotions together. He felt anger towards you for drinking yourself into this state rather than dealing with your emotions in a more healthy way. He was thankful and appreciative that as a roommate, you never drank too often so he never had to come collect you like this, but he hated being held to that title.
Maybe he was angry he was only your roommate. Or he was angry at himself for being jealous of Zeke and angry that he wasn’t the one who got to wake up to you in the mornings after a night of euphoric, raw passion. Because, wow, that man had to grit his teeth and put on headphones many times when Zeke came over.
He was angry at Zeke for upsetting you this much and getting you so upset in the first place. For being so awful to break up with you in the place you two had your first date. He was angry at the thought of not realizing how much more you deserved. If Levi had gone to the bar, he was sure his first would have connected with the bearded-man’s jaw at some point. He was angry that Zeke never appreciated you the way he would have, even if he wasn’t the most emotive or touchy-feely person.
“I’m sorry, Levi…” you murmured, and Levi found himself slowing down. He didn’t want you to apologize, but the tone in your voice that was laden with guilt made his heart lurch forward. He saw a hazy light in the distance and began to glide towards the side of the road. In your blurry state you could make out where he was taking you to. “Levi?”
“Get out.” He said, plainly.
You blinked a few times as you prepared to get out of the car, knowing you’d probably wobble a bit. The dimly lit sign of the OPEN above the diner did make you suddenly hungry.
“I need coffee.” Levi muttered as he opened the door for you.
“Y-You could have used m-mine…” you mumbled, speech still slurring but you were becoming more lucid now.
He could have used yours, but he knew how nice it was to get some fried food after having a few too many drinks. Plus, he knew that you have gotten quite sensitive before when drunk or even a bit hangry. He walked to the double doors that were polished so clean you couldn’t see the glass. He walked in ahead and opened the door and held it open.
When the pair of you sat down, you ordered a cheeseburger and a vanilla milkshake which came with a side of fries. The already forming hangover was starting to hit but the smell of fried food was doing well to neutralize it for now. Fluorescent lights kept the counter lit and the slight hum that came from them was giving Levi a headache, but he tried to zone in on the jukebox in the corner that was playing some classics from the 70s. Still, Levi’s anger continued to brew and he knew he’d pop if he didn’t get home to sleep away his turbulent feelings. Once the food came, Levi quickly stood up to go to the bathroom and you eagerly ate, too engrossed in the saltiness of your burger and the sugar of your milkshake to even realize he had gone. He did swipe a chip from your bowl though and dipped it into some tangy garlic mayo once he came back, once he had shoved something into his pocket. You eyeballed him for a second.
“You didn’t actually go pee, you paid for me.” You deduced.
“You have no proof.”
“I can check your online banking,” you said, leaning over to swipe his phone. You heard him mutter something about how you didn’t know his PIN or login-details. “Two, five, one, two...” you whispered, the date and month of his birthday.
Levi only blinked and leaned over to snatch his phone. “Just shut up and eat your food.”
You munched in more tense silence. Once you finished, you two left and walked back to Levi’s car. Given how no one chased after you two, that confirmed that Levi had paid.
The more you babbled on the way home, the harder Levi gripped the steering wheel. The sooner you get over this breakup, the better for him. He knew it was just drunk rambling but he was getting so obscenely frustrated. He was tired, he wanted to sleep.
When you two arrived back home at the apartment, he walked inside and held the door open for you. If anything, he needed the paracetamol more than you now. He walked over to the counter to get a glass of water for himself until you beckoned him over.
You weren’t an idiot, you knew he was pissed. And you hated going to bed if you knew someone was angry at you.
“Sit next to meeeee!” you called out in a sing-song. You patted the seat next to you. “You’re so grumpy! Can we talk about it?”
“No. Don’t wanna talk about it. You’re drunk.”
“Am not!” you cried, standing up.
Levi leaned back against the countertop, chugging on the glass of water. “Oh, yeah?” he challenged. “Go on, then. Stand on one foot, hold it for thirty seconds.”
“Nooooo problemoooo…” you replied. You raised the sole of your foot to touch the side of your knee and calf and brought your hands into high prayer. You were doing it… you were doing it…
Until you stumbled and fell after four seconds.
“Hammered.” Levi declared.
You pouted. Okay, if he wasn’t going to talk, you’d have to make him. And what better way than to try to cheer him up?! You sprang to your feet and ran around behind the opposite side of the countertop, before crawling on top of it. You heard Levi beginning to question your actions but he had no time to react when you wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. You just managed to force Levi into giving you a piggy-back.
“Smile for meeeee!” you beamed, pulling at his lips.
“Fuck off!” he yelled as he walked you over.
“NO! Get off me!” he cried, louder this time and flipped you onto the couch. “Fucking hell, you’re so fucking annoying and dense and you never know when to shut the fuck up!”
His uncharacteristic outburst shocked you as you looked up at him with doe eyes. He was tired and fed up, and he was feeling his jealousy simmering over. Like, hell, this never would have happened if you were never dating that furball to begin with. You never would have drank yourself silly. Even if you were dating Levi and you broke up, he could safely say he’d hate to hear you drinking away your emotions. He hated seeing you so upset over a man and he had to listen to this for over a month. For the past two years of him sitting with his feelings, he’s had to see you with a man who never appreciated you and you didn’t see just how much you deserved. Even if you didn’t find it with him, he was so convinced that anyone would have treated you better than Zeke.
In fact, he didn’t care if you never looked at him the same way he did you; just as long as you were happy with someone. He’d get over it eventually, even if it killed him in the process.
But how many more men would come and go because they could never accept the fact you lived with your best friend - your best friend you have been intimate with?
He’d never be able to forget those moments with you. Especially the last time you two slept together.
You two were basically sober, and yet you still wound up with Zeke not too long later…
Maybe hearing it from you as to why you could never give him an answer. He was your best friend after all… why couldn’t you tell him you weren’t interested?
He stood before you as the thoughts circled in his head like a never ending merry-go-round; one that had a scratchy, out of tune melody but still droned on and plagued him. He glanced up at you and saw your eyes were now beginning to water.
Shit, he forgot how easily sensitive you were when you were drunk.
"You know, Levi… I think you're so mean and grumpy at times, and that you don't understand me!" you cried. Even though you were deep in your feelings and a slobbery mess, you still threw your arms around him, always finding comfort in his arms.
Levi sighed and relented, guiding the two of you down to the sofa and he waited for the emotional, tearful outburst to pass. You sat on the right and he made what could be considered as a potentially suggestive gesture to rest his hand on your thigh. But that was it, he just rubbed your leg up and down as you continued to bawl and be a mess.
"Yeah, perhaps I don't understand you…" he murmured once you begun to calm down.
You sniffled and looked up at him. "What?"
"I don't understand you at times, [F/n].."
You blinked owlishly. "I don't get it. What are you referring to?"
Gosh, he was going to lose it. He knew he was going to lose it but he knew you couldn't help it if you were still confused, even if you were beginning to sober up.
Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t say it, don't say it...
"Why him, why Zeke, huh? You knew I loved you two years back. I still do. I knew at the very least liked me. So, fuck-- why would you even tough it out with him that long if he made you so unhappy?"
Fuck, he said it.
“Why couldn’t you at least tell me you didn’t like me back?” he asked, smoothing his black hairs back. “It’s been both great yet simultaneously agony living with you.”
You were silent, uncomfortably silent. He wanted to just tell you to forget what he said, but how could you? Not when he openly confessed.
Why did you get with Zeke… He never captured your heart the way Levi did in the first place. You tried thinking back to two years ago, but your mind was still fuzzy. It was a shame he did this while you were still a bit drunk, but at least you’d be most honest this way, no? Drunken words are sober thoughts after all.
At the time, were you, perhaps, scared to get romantically involved with your best friend? Was the timing of it all too wrong, close to graduation, where afterwards Levi planned on moving away? Could you have coped with long distance after being with him for the four years of your undergraduate?
“Maybe because I knew we were graduating soon and you wanted to study more out of state…” you murmured. “Maybe because you were my best friend and that would have made things messy… And if you were going to leave, I guess I needed to find someone else because I assumed nothing would happen…”
Levi looked at you as he spoke. Sure, that was the original plan - to move away - but he realized he’d be better off finding a job first to pay him part of the way and maybe take a sabbatical of sorts a few years from now to further his education. And it just so happened you two both ended up applying and getting accepted at the same highschool. And that you had been dating Zeke for four months now so what could he do except live with it.
“Maybe I was scared you only liked the times we were physical together and nothing more…” you added.
Levi sighed heavily. He had watched you the entire time as you spoke before turning to look at the countertop in the dimly lit kitchen area. He pressed down on his knees as he went to stand up. “Look, I’ll just--”
“N-No!” you interjected, grabbing him by the hand. “Stay.”
Levi’s eyes widened marginally and he sat down again, not shaking away your hand. Your lower lips trembled as you continued to stare at him, and he back at you.
You leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. It lasted just a second and there was no time for you to savour it.
“I’m sorry, Levi.” You mumbled.
But before you could babble another apology, Levi raked his fingers through your hair and placed a kiss to your lips.
“Don’t be. But fuck, wow, we really need to work on communication. Even if we are just roommates.”
You shook your head and you quickly moved to straddle him. This action shocked Levi to his core, evident by his wide eyes but they quickly became clouded with lust as you ground against him and leaned in for a soul-sucking kiss. His hands found your hips and his mouth moved in tandem to your own. He let you explore the recesses of his mouth with your tongue and he could only respond in kind as he removed the jacket you were wearing. He could tell you were definitely eager by the way you hand cupped his cheeks and smoothed over them constantly, pushing yourself in for more and more.
He was displeased at how much you had dominated him so quickly and had his head spinning and was quick to tighten the grip on your hips and pushed you down onto the cushion of the sofa. The two of you continued to kiss and grind against one another, your fingertips raking across his back. You arced your head back as Levi moved to leave sloppy kisses against your neck, sucking and biting occasionally until he was sure to have at least left some sort of mark in his wake. You pulled his head back to yours and bit on his lower lip. He let out a soft yet animatlistic groan and it only spurred you further. Every blissful noise that escaped you made his blood overheat and left a burning desire in his bones.
Fuck, he wanted this so badly. He had been waiting so long. It was just perfect; you fit and moulded to him perfectly. He’d love to take you right then and there on the couch but his conscience just wouldn’t allow him.
You weren’t entirely sober.
This could all change in the morning.
He groaned and pulled away once your fingers tried to pull at the fly of his slacks. He was quick to grab your hand and sit back up. He looked down at you again. “I respect you too much to do this now, not until I know you want this as much as me.”
“But, I do--”
“You’re drunk, you’re not able to properly say you want this or to consent. I can’t allow myself to do this now. It’d be different if you weren’t.”
“I can sober up quickly, look!” you pestered. You closed your eyes for a few seconds before they opened again. “See? Sober!”
He scoffed. “You just counted to five with your eyes closed and opened them again. The answer is no, [F/n].” He said, and stood up. “I’ve waited too long for you not to properly enjoy this anyway…”
You couldn’t help but blush at his last words. “Alright, roomie, will you at least come to bed with me then?”
He scoffed but you could see him smiling amidst the murky darkness of your apartment. “I guess so.”
You two pattered down the hall, you stopping to remove your heels halfway. You opened the door to your bedroom and changed while Levi put on his nightwear. You shuffled into bed in just a vest and cotton shorts and Levi was soon to follow. He extended an arm and you sidled up next to your roommate.
“Depending on how this weekend goes, you and I may just need to take a sick day on Monday also.” He uttered after a few minutes of both your eyes being shut.
“What do you mean?” you asked, yawning.
“I haven’t had you in two years, ‘s been far too long…” he replied. He knew that alone would get you to blush so he settled in closer to you. He smirked and said, “sleep well, roomie” before heading off to dreamland.
You, however, continued to fantasize for the next hour or so before sleep overcame you too.
Was this the right decision to make after getting out of a long-term relationship just a day ago? You couldn’t tell. But you did realize back then when you were kissing him that there was something that was never there with Zeke. Maybe it was more love, or it was sensitivity. Maybe it was more attention to detail and consideration. Maybe it was the pining and the restraining he had to do that left to unbridled passion.
Well, you had a whole weekend to yourselves now - and perhaps Monday, too - and you were already excited for what was in store tomorrow.
Once your hangover goes away, of course.
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Okay, so.
You’re hanging with the Baku squad, playing truth or dare (Mina’s idea). When you are dared to make Denki short circuit. So you take Denki aside with a plan, but he takes over.
other than the usual tags, electricity(because he likes to give small shocks), biting/marking, domination
Figured I’d ask since I don’t see a lot of Denki! Thank you for being awesome!
- 🐷
Sweets I like the way you think. This is actually my very first time writing Denki, so I hope I got his characterization right.
Denki Kaminari x Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
Needless to say if you’re under 18 you shouldn’t be here.
Warnings: Dom! Denki, a tiny bit of choking (but not really), a hint of praise, use of ‘good girl’, fingering, quirk play/electrostimulation, overstimulation, unprotected sex, biting/marking, creampie, aftercare
Word Count: 1.1k
Author’s Note: So I wrote for a female reader....it wasn’t specified so I just let the prompt take me wherever cause this was a big brain ask. Sorry if it’s not quite what you had in mind, sweets. Anyway, this got kind of long but that’s okay cause I had fun writing it. 
You’re sure you had a plan, going into this. Flirt a bit, get a little handsy and bam, dare fulfilled.
What you didn’t expect was to be pinned against the wall with a hand on your throat the second the door closed.
“D-denki?” To say you were shocked would be a bit of an understatement. He gave a low chuckle as he leaned in close, lips ghosting over yours.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Those golden eyes were piercing, sharp like a predator about to toy with its food. And you’re his prey. As hard as you try you can’t hide the shiver that runs all the way down your spine.
“Oh don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you I promise.” His tongue darts out and licks at your bottom lip, a tease through and through, before he closes the distance in a heated kiss. Your tongues dance together, tasting each other, then suddenly you feel a little spark of electricity flow through your veins and your squeal is swallowed up by his mouth. Did he just-?
“You like that, sweetness? I can do it again~” He’s dragging you over to the bed by the neck, unceremoniously tossing you onto the mattress. You always forget how strong the man can actually be. Then he’s on you, hands squeezing at your waist and hooking your legs around his hips, kissing up your neck and leaving a sloppy trail of saliva.
“Ready?” You don’t know what you should be ready for until he’s activating his quirk again, sending electric sparks up your wet neck and making you thrash and squeal.
“Shh, you’re supposed to be flustering me aren’t you? Can’t let the others know you can’t finish the dare. But that’s not your fault sweetheart, I’m sure they won’t hold it against you.” His fingers slip under your shirt and tug at the fabric.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You shake your head, a whine slipping past your lips.
“Please don’t stop, Denki.” That’s all he needs, and before you know it you’re completely bare beneath him. He groans at the sight of you, hands toying with your flesh wherever he can grab you.
“You’re so gorgeous. So much better than I imagined.” A hand dips between your legs, deft fingers slipping between your folds to find you dripping for him. 
“Fuck, already so wet. So good for me, aren’t you?” You’re a whining mess as he pumps his fingers into you, curling them to hit that sensitive spot and your back arches when he doesn’t let up. His hand clamps over your mouth just before a shock makes your whole body thrash, and you scream into his palm as the aftershocks course through you.
“Shhh you’re okay. Feels good doesn’t it? Come on, I know you can cum for me.” His thumb reaches up to swipe at your clit, giving it a tiny jolt from his quirk. It’s all you need to come undone around his fingers, legs trembling and tears pricking at your eyes. He pulls his fingers out and makes a show of licking them clean, groaning when your essence hits his tongue. He dips down and gives you a quick kiss, knuckles petting your cheek.
“Stay still for me okay?” Then he’s off the bed, stripping himself of his clothing before slotting his hips between yours again. You’re nearly drooling at the sight of him. He’s so pretty, lithe muscle beneath smooth skin and a blonde happy trail leading down to his equally pretty cock. And he’s long, veins trailing along his length like lighting and a pretty curve to the right. 
“Like what you see?” You nod absentmindedly and he chuckles.
“Can’t use your words, pretty thing? That’s okay.” He lines himself up and slowly pushes in, groaning as your velvety walls close in around his cock. His hands are holding your hips so tight you know there'll be bruises by morning. When he finally bottoms out he stills his hips, his fingers dip down to toy with your clit again, sending more little shocks into the little bundle of nerves and you’re squealing and thrashing as he pins you with his free hand.
You can’t stop your second orgasm from slamming over you, punching the air from your lungs as you claw at the sheets beneath you. Denki groans and takes his hand away, leaning down and kissing at your neck. 
“So good for me, cumming around my cock like that.” He sucks and nips at your skin, slipping his arms around your waist and holding your body impossibly close as he snaps his hips into you. You sob, overstimulation and his electricity making your whole body sensitive. 
“You gonna be a good girl and cum again?” You shake your head no, tears falling down your cheeks. There’s no way you can cum again, it’s too much, you feel like an exposed nerve.
“I know you can cum again, sweetness. Let go for me~” You’re sobbing as he sends another wave of electricity through your body, his mouth clamps down on your shoulder, teeth sinking into your flesh as he pounds you through your third high of the night. He detaches his mouth and licks over the bite, then moves to another spot and chomps down again. Over and over, bite after bite, shock after shock, he’s making your brain fuzzy. 
There’s so much he’s doing to your trembling body, frying your nerves and pulling at your skin, you don’t know how many times you’ve cum, can’t even focus on the way his cock drags over your slick walls so deliciously. It feels like ages before the steady pace of his hips begins to stutter, his arms squeezing you tighter as hot ropes of cum fill you up and warm your belly. 
He collapses on top of you for a few moments before rolling over, tugging your body over his and stroking down your sweaty back as you whimper into his neck, brain and body completely fried.
“It’s okay sweetheart, I got you.” He holds you until you stop shaking, stop sniffling. Then he’s laying you down and leaving the room, returning with two cold bottles of water and a damp washcloth. He cleans you carefully, gently wiping over the bite marks littering your shoulder and very, very gently cleans the cum leaking out of you. He shushes you as you shake from it, not yet ready for any more stimulation down there.
“Just a little bit more, I gotta clean you up.” When he’s done he sits you up and tips a water bottle to your lips, making you sip at the cold liquid and singing little praises into your ear. Soft whispers of ‘good girl’ and ‘pretty baby’. Soon you’re drifting off, exhaustion settling into your bones. The two of you lay down and you get comfortable in Denki’s arms, fall asleep to the rhythm of his heart beating.
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