#great work tommy i love that kid so much i can’t wait to see what he does next
star1yx · 8 months
Pretty Girl
Two lovers working during summer break while having their own little fun and helping kids sneaking into the movies
♡Steve Harrington x f.reader ♡Small fluff & super short fic ♡Nicknames are used in this story ♡note: first fic
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Summer 1985
If someone told you two years prior that you would be dating Steve “The Hair” Harrington, King Steve, or King of Hawkins High, you would have never believed them without a doubt.
Yet here you are in his embrace as he kept on kissing your neck during your break time. In Scoops Ahoy. It was unbelievable.
Steve wanted you to work with him here during summer break since he would be lonely. And you can’t say no to the man you adore so much. You couldn’t babysit Dustin with him at summer camp anyway. But, Harrington decided to be affectionate with you during the time Robin, a friend of yours, is working at the counter.
Honestly, he changed immensely from how he was with his previous friends Tommy H. and Carol Perkins. He went from a jerk to in your opinion a great babysitter and mother.
He’ll never know you think that of him.
The feeling of his lips on your neck was warm and familiar. It was one of his favorite spots to kiss. If you got a dollar for every time he kissed you, you be pretty rich according to the Party’s definition of ‘rich’.
You wished that the moment would never end. You both have been through a lot in two years. From protecting some kids to being on the verge of death. And yet that’s what created a bond between you two which led to developing feelings and a relationship. You’ve been together for some time now.
“Steve, my break’s about to end…” You said in a low tone so that Robin wouldn’t hear you. It would not be the first time she caught you both red-handed. If your boss ever came to work here, you would have gotten fired alongside him.
“Relax pretty girl, I’ll be done in a second.” Your boyfriend responded with a nickname he gave you. It never failed to make you blush which Steve loved seeing.
Suddenly, the sliding window opened up with the face of Buckley appearing. You both jumped out of each other’s embrace as she let out a small disgusted sound for doing this in here. You still had a few minutes until break was over so Robin shouldn’t be calling you now.
You were flustered and standing behind Steve while he told her “Could’ve warned us first.”
“For your information, I called your names five times Steve, Y/n. Five.” Robin stated unamused which embarrassed you and surprised him for not hearing.
“Anyway, your children are here Dingus and Mrs. Harrington.” She continued teasing you in the last part as you looked at the counter to see Lucas, Max, Mike, and Will. Wheeler rings the bell at the counter continuously waiting for Steve and you to let them in the back.
“Again?” Steve said now his turn to be unamused as he stared at the four teens while leaning onto the counter of the window.
You let out a sigh as you went to the front and welcomed them in as usual. This was a secret between you all to let them get to the movie theater for free. These kids used your job to their advantage. They sure were a lovable pain in the ass.
Your lover went on and opened the back door for them to pass through. He then gave them his usual warning.
“I swear if anyone hears about this-“
“We’re dead.” The members of the Party completed on his behalf which led him to sigh and you chuckling at the interaction.
You and Steve watched as the kids walked away into the mall’s back corridors towards the theater like parents watching their kids leaving the house to go somewhere.
You smiled as you remembered how they looked like 1983 and 1984 compared to now. They grew up fast. To fast. You wished that they had gotten a better childhood. Not one where you had to go defeat some threat to save Hawkins.
This is the least you could do for them.
Steve noticed you in deep thoughts and frowning a bit. He immediately knew what you were thinking about and grabbed your hand reassuring you that everything would be alright.
“There’s no more danger love. We closed the gate. No more Upside Down, Demogorgon, or demo-dog.” He told you as he placed a kiss on your temple making you melt under his touch. This guy never failed to put a smile on your face.
Still charismatic as ever.
Maybe being in grave danger isn’t that bad. After all, you both would have never interacted with each other.
“You think Dustin’s gonna be back soon?” You asked him since you both did miss his presence.
“Maybe,” Steve said while shrugging his shoulders.
“Well, do you think he got a girlfriend during his time in summer camp?” You asked while also expecting a ‘no’. You wouldn’t believe it either anyway. If he did get one, it was probably his imagination.
“Not in a thousand chances,” Steve said also hardly believing the possibility.
You nodded and decided to try something. You planted a small peck on his cheek which caught him off guard. He decided to continue with a kiss on the lips dropping the subject of Dustin while saying “Love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too Harrington.” You said as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Y/n! Break’s over so stop kissing each other and get over here!” Robin yelled out loudly for you to hear leading to a chuckle.
“Coming!” You yelled back as you pulled away from your boyfriend’s kiss and dragged him back inside Scoops Ahoy as he made a sad face making you laugh.
God, you wished that you could stay every minute of your life with the man of your life.
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Hello! This is my first fic on Tumblr. It’s a small one so do bear it with me (also feeding my delusional self). I hope you liked it! (Maybe there are a few mistakes here and there, but oh well)
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onthewaytosomewhere · 3 months
Guess ‘hot goddamn mess’ is your type then (Got Weird - dodie) Buck/Eddie
alright so it's been a crazy weekend and i've worked on this in bits and pieces but here it is :) - actually my first buddie as my only other person who wants 911 regularly wants bucktommy so here's hoping it's alright 💚
“Seriously, Eddie, you and Buck are made for each other I’ve never met two men that the description ‘hot goddamn mess’ fit quite so well. One of you needs to make the first move and well, it’s not gonna be him.”
Eddie looks at Chimney, and the breath he was apparently holding slowly escapes his lips. “What makes you an expert on Buck? How do you know he won’t eventually make some sort of move?”
“Well, I may not be an expert on Buck, but I am married to a Buckley. He’s had time to get over Tommy leaving, and I have heard over and over how he’s been in love with you since before he even knew he liked men, too. So, maybe for my sanity, do something about the feelings you also have for him, so my lovely Maddie will stop talking my ear off about the two of you, please.”
“First of all, just because Maddie thinks Buck wants anything to do with me more than friends, we don’t know if that is the case. Also, I have seen no sign that he is ready to move on from Tommy. He’s not looked at anyone that I know of. When he’s ready, I’ll be here, but I’m not going to rush him; he needs to get there on his own. I want him to want me not because I’m there but because he can’t stand to be without me.”
The voice behind Eddie throws him for a loop, as he’d know it anywhere, “What if he’s just been waiting for you all this time, probably for longer than he’s realized?”
Eddie seems Chimney turn and walk away, and he sees the smirk telling him he knew Buck was there for at least part of their conversation. He turns to Buck and says, “Well, then maybe he should use his big-boy words and say something.”
“Big-boy words, you’re such a dad, a great dad; I love how wonderful a dad you are, really. If I think back on it, it might actually be one of the things that drew me to you all those years ago. Not that I just want to be with you for your kid, but he is pretty damn amazing.” Buck stops talking and chuckles, “You should know you’re also amazing, and I’m so in if you want to do this, we can be “hot goddamn messes” together.”
“Wait, how much of that conversation did you overhear?”
Buck laughs, and Eddie thinks it’s one of the best sounds he’s ever heard. He wonders how he never realized before how melodic Buck’s laugh is. “Enough, but I know that are the three words Chimney and Maddie have been using to describe us for a while now, so I figured he had said it, considering he mouthed it to me when you turned around. Eddie, I—”
Eddie cuts off whatever words Buck is going to say with a kiss; as the first kisses go, he’s surprised by how much it feels like they’ve been kissing forever. Not that it really should be surprising, but they’ve been major parts of each other’s lives for so long, and it’s probably inevitable they would get to this point. They may have taken their time to get here, but Eddie won’t let this go now that they are. He stops thinking and just kisses Buck, hearing the catcalls around them and the occasional “about time” from their friends, and he has one last thought that they are right. It’s about time they got here.
can also be found on ao3
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tawneybel · 11 months
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Note: Decided to repost this here, after posting my Vecna story on AO3. It’s from 2018 and my writing style’s changed a bit since then lol. Contains noncon, mind control, voyeurism, and oral.
Imagine Steve finding out Jonathan's a Peeping Tom and doing something about it. In front of you.
“So, why are we waiting by Jonathan Byers’s car again?”
Nicole shot you another sympathetic look. She’d been doing that since Steve came to escort you to the parking lot. At first you assumed he was going to be a nice guy and invite the missing kid’s brother to hang out. But the inclusion of the other three felt off. You knew for a fact Carol and Tommy thought Byers was a total dweeb. And you weren’t well-acquainted with Nicole but you got the impression that she never really liked Will’s older sibling, either.
The two lovebirds were engrossed in each other. Steve was resting his butt mock-casually on the hood of the Ford Galaxie 500. You tried not to look too confused as Nicole kept glancing at you like she expected you to start crying. Before anyone could answer your question the Ford’s owner appeared. 
“Hey, man,” your boyfriend greeted as he hopped to his feet.
“What’s going on?”
“That’s what I want to know,” you replied, hoping Jonathan found your tone jovial. “Nicole here was, uh, telling us about your work,” continued Steve. “We’ve heard great things,” Carol trilled and her boyfriend mockingly added, “Yeah, sounds cool.” 
“And we’d just love to take a look, you know-” Steve took a second to breathe out and give you a glance. “-as connoisseurs of art.” 
The hard look on his face as he finished speaking made your heartbeat faster. The other boy had fucked up somehow. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
He tried to hurry to his car but Tommy snatched his backpack. Jonathan, you thought, what did youdraw?
You weren’t sure you wanted that question answered so you tried to ignore the conversation going on around you. If the others weren’t there you would’ve asked Steve if you could leave. 
“Oh, man.”
“Let me see.” Tommy was eager to find out what juiciness lay in the bag. “Dude.”
Oh, right, Nicole’s a photographer. Again you tried to tune out. You failed when you heard Steve say, “This is called stalking.” 
“Who was he stalking?” 
“You’re the starring lady.” Once those words left Tommy’s smiling lips your heart dropped. His girlfriend explained, “This creep was spying on us last night. Probably going to save this one for later.” Carol handed a photo to Nicole to pass to you.
Now the throbbing in your chest was almost painful as you realized you were holding a candid of the moment you lost your virginity. Your naked back was visible through the window as, off-camera, Steve ate you out. But there was no way anyone else here could know that, right? You just looked like you were undressing. 
“How? How could you…?” you demanded of Jonathan. Both of your hands were gripping the photograph and you were so tempted to rip it up. But you thought of how much more satisfying it would be to report him. Nicole wordlessly retrieved the picture and you subconsciously wiped your hands on the sleeves of your shirt, like that would clean your hands of the sleaziness. 
“See,” explained your boyfriend, “you can tell he knows it was wrong but that’s the thing about perverts. It’s hardwired into ‘em. You know, they just can’t help themselves.” You heard him angrily exhale again. “So at first I was thinking we just have to take away his toy.” 
“No, please-”
“But looking at ______, I think you really need it hammered in how much your sleazy shutterbugging hurt her.” 
That made you look up. It was kind of a strange thing for Steve to say. Sure, your moister-than-usual eyes made it clear you felt more victimized than the others. But again something about the situation felt odd. You expected Steve to start ripping up the photos but instead he let them fall to the ground. The other girls did likewise. 
“I think you need to know what it’s like to have your privacy violated,” your boyfriend decided as he reached forward to grab a handful of Jonathan’s crotch. 
Your gasp seemed to go unnoticed as the older Byers’s eyes bulged out. You looked over to Tommy, expecting him to ask what the hell was wrong with your man but he just chuckled. Carol’s mouth formed an O before morphing into a half-smile. The other half of those assembled were too shocked to wonder aloud what was wrong with the other three. It was starting to feel like one of your fantasies. The kind you were too ashamed of to write in a diary. Your beloved Steve Harrington had absolutely just groped a boy. In front of you. Foryou. 
Tommy made no effort to hide how much he was relishing this. “You can’t report that to anyone.”
As Steve’s hands shot out you thought for a split second that Jonathan was going to get felt up again. Instead, they took hold of the pitiable stalker’s head. You wondered if your honor’s defender was going to forcibly makeout with him but what happened next was much worse. Steve looked down at him with an uncharacteristically cruel smile before pushing Jonathan’s head down. If your hand hadn’t clamped itself over your mouth you would have gasped again. 
Jonathan was no longer too shocked to move as the stronger male attempted to force him to his knees. Just as the photographer started to shake himself out of your angry boyfriend’s grasp, Tommy strode forward and placed a sneaker-clad foot on the back of the eldest Byers’s head. He grimaced as his face was pressed against the bulge in Steve’s jeans. 
At that point you expected your boyfriend to let go. For Tommy to remove his foot and say, “Did you actually think you were going to have to suck his dick?” Even joking about whether or not Jon was hard was almost cruelty-free compared to a forced blowjob in front of four of your rapist’s friends. From where you were standing you couldn’t guess his state of arousal. You licked your lips. 
“You know, in that picture of ______ you took I’m giving her head.” There was no verbal response, only confused dread on the Byers boy’s face as he looked up at Steve. “Not sure if you realized what we were doing or not but I’m sure if I’d had her pressed naked against a glass door you would have gotten a snapshot of that.” 
“Steve.” The realization that the six of you were standing (or, in Jonathan’s case, kneeling) in a high school parking lot made your heart sink even lower. “The game’s about to start.”
“Who cares?” countered Tommy. “If I don’t get to see you get your pussy eaten by either of them, at least I get to see cocksucking involving Steve.” 
Why the hell would Tommy say that in front of the girl who had been his sweetheart since seventh grade? You looked over at her. Carol didn’t seem to mind. She looked like she was about to burst out laughing. You also found the situation absurd. Just not in a way that was remotely mirthful. 
Tommy: “Come on, ______, don’t you want to see this weirdo get his?”
You did a quick scan of the visible school property and were dismayed to see that no one else was taking notice of Jonathan Byers’s degradation. In fact, almost everyone else had cleared out. 
“Yes, but shouldn’t we tell a teache-?”
“Come on, ______,” Steve assured you. There was no malicious grin. He looked benevolent and sounded almost reasonable. Or at least he would have looked benevolent if his hand wasn’t already wrapped around his free erection. “He’s a pervert. He already knows what he did was wrong, now we just got to give him incentive not to do it again.” 
“He’s a pervert.” (“We.”)
What does that make you?
And, with your silence, Steve pushed his throbbing member into the candid photographer’s mouth. Tommy had since put his foot back on the asphalt. If someone had told you last night that Jonathan Byers would get the opportunity to blow Steve Harrington before you did…
Nicole turned to you, mouth hanging open, looking as uncomfortable as you felt. She was about to speak up but then looked down and stayed quiet. You were crossing and uncrossing your legs and rubbing your thighs together. Your eyes briefly skimmed across the debauchery in front of you. Jonathan didn’t seem to know how to orally pleasure anyone but that didn’t deter Steve, who was doing most of the work. Your boyfriend’s fingers were digging into the other boy’s scalp as he forced his thick appendage in as far as he could. Jonathan’s eyes looked blank as his aching jaw was thrust into. 
Would the owner of the gray Ford Galaxie 500 please be allowed to stop getting to third base against his will?
When you looked up you saw Tommy smiling at you. He chuckled at your awkwardly quirked lips. You wanted so badly for this just to be a wet dream. Later, you would think back to how you could have easily stopped this. Drawn attention to the fact you, Tommy, Carol, and maybe even Nicole were having a mental circlejerk in public. But at that moment you just continued pressing your thighs against each other. One hand wiped itself on the sleeve that covered your tattoo. 
“...that’s the thing about perverts. It’s hardwired into ‘em. You know, they just can’t help themselves.”
Your face felt like steam should be issuing from it. Despite that, it was a bit too cool out to be getting sweaty. Tommy went back to enjoying the sight of his friend violating a disliked classmate. As more of your cum dripped into your panties, your nose discharged blood. 
No one is ever going to bring up Jonathan Byers sucking Steve Harrington’s dick, you thought as the spunk of the latter dribbled down the former’s chin. 
Later, after you noticed that the wind hadn’t moved a single photograph off the ground, after you carefully slid the raciest shot back inside Jonathan’s bag, after you threw a handful of tissues at the poor bastard’s face before catching up with Steve (who helped clean up your face), after the stupid basketball game... 
You invited Steve to your place that night. For your second time, Steve managed to give you two orgasms while he was inside you and a third one with his fingers. Afterwards, as you lay in his arms, you wondered what Jonathan was doing.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Rose time! I realised I didn’t look at the tag… WHAT DO YOU MEAN EXECUTION?!?! Like attempted murder was a given, but execution?! That invokes fear. Execution could be anyone (except Wilbur cuz he’s the pov character). You know what invokes more fear? Friends to enemies. Bee, what have you done to rainduo? Bee, please. Unless all three of those relationships are the same (probably crimeboys) relaxation, which would be a rollercoaster, I am very scared for Niki and Wilbur’s friendship (which fair but I’ll get to that complexity). Also, Enemies to family, but like in an unhealthy way -> of course it is, it wouldn’t be a Bee story without some unhealthy relationships. Also this one definitely is Crimeboys.
Anyway, don’t mind me getting distracted by the tags, I just always forget to read them but there’s a lot you can get out of them. (Don’t mind me looking at that dysfunctional family tag and glancing and Sandduo.) like this story is going to be spicy and I’m here for it.
For the rest of this ask I’m just going to yell about things and then I’ll get to the analysis next ask. The origins tag? Amazing! 1. Because o!Phil is such a cool character I wish we got to see more of and that’ll be very fun mixed in with dsmp!Phil. 2. Sneeg!!! 3. Phil and Sneeg origins dynamic, which is obviously going to be in the background, but still!
Also, Ranboo being on Wilbur side compared to the other side is very interesting given how you wrote him in Stars, like he was a flawed character, but he did fool both Wilbur and Tommy on multiple occasions. Which rip Rose!Tommy already, I’m sorry that kid is going to have a TIME. And probably not a good one.
And the Wilbur dynamics are off the charts, childhood best friends rainduo is *chef’s kiss* especially with the shared habits and Wilbur’s clear loyalty, but how loyal is he really? Tntduo strike the perfect, we are technically on opposite teams, but we are still friends and Quackity saying Wilbur would still have a place says a lot about their dynamic and how Quackity views Wilbur (I’ll get to that). And the Sandduo. Bee, I have WORDS about the Sandduo. There’s so many layers, I’m going to have a blast peeling them all back. Wilbur has daddy issues and it SHOWS. And Phil loves his son. He really does want the best for that boy. He may just also be slightly fucking him up in the process because this man has the emotional intelligence of a grain of salt.
Also, Techno! I hope we get to see more of him! We should with the meetings and all, but I can’t say to much about him because we’ve barely seen him. Btw, what does Keeper mean / do? I’ll look it up too, but I wanted to ask.
(I’m going to have to look up so much of the vocabulary in this, which is great because I’m learning new works, but imagining some of the clothes is hard because those tend to be the words I don’t know and I didn’t have time to look it up while reading yesterday.)
LMAO I knew the execution tag would get people. it's been very funny to see everyones reactions to it so far. can't wait for it to actually come into play :) also it's really funny to see everyone try to guess which pairings fit up with which tags. also I don't want to give too much away but, like, I'll give you the obvious one that yeah enemies to family but in an unhealthy way is crimeboys. we all knew that one was coming lmao
YEAHHH o!phil my beloved! I mean we actually did see a bit of o!phil in stars. stars!phil was a mix of dsmp, origins, and smp earth phil for sure, but the o!phil influence is definitely going to be a lot more obvious in rose. also I think I said this in one of the other asks I just answered, but besides o!phil the main reason I wanted to throw the osmp tag on there was because I just really want to have sneeg in a fic lol. I love o!phil and o!sneeg's dynamic so much so I'm so excited I get to include it in this.
lol yeah ranboo's definitely not going to have as big of a role in rose as they did in stars, but it'll be interesting to have him on wilbur's side this time around. or rather, I guess it's more fitting to say they're on phil's side. wilbur just reaps the benefits of finding out everything ranboo knows because they tell sneeg and sneeg tells phil and phil tells wilbur. little game of telephone going on here.
so glad you're enjoying the wilbur dynamics so far because I'm having so much fun with them :D childhood best friends rainduo means so much to me. they share so much of themselves with each other. so many shared habits, secrets, promises, memories—I'm so excited to dig into that friendship and let the stress of their situation press down on the seams :)
tntduo too there's so much going on there. they're friends but also they've always technically been on opposing sides. they have a lot of mutual respect for each other. they're also childhood friends but it was always niki and wilbur vs quackity. it's a lot going on
YEAHHH the sandduo was the bit i was most excited for you to see. there are so many layers to them. oh my GOD wilbur's daddy issues are off the charts in this, and it's not even like phil's a bad dad. i mean, the lessons he's already instilled into his son's head are definitely questionable, but he loves his kid a lot! he wants him to succeed. he wants him to continue his legacy. he wants to make sure wilbur learns all the lessons phil himself had to learn the hard way. but also, he has no emotional intelligence whatsoever. surely this will have no long lasting impacts on wilbur's psyche.
we'll get more of techno I promise! he's not going to be a main character but he'll be very present! the 'keeper' is meant to be a 'keeper of knowledge' (I haven't officially decided on the full job title but it's something like that). essentially, he's the palace librarian/archivist. he manages important documents and records and also oversees the library, and was also charged with being wilbur and niki's tutor as they were growing up.
yeah I'm so sorry about the clothes I'm trying my best to describe them but a lot of them you're just gonna have to google because I can't describe them all very well and sometimes I just gotta use the lesser known official term for them. if there's ever any outfit/item of clothing I mention in the text that you don't know, feel free to shoot me an ask about it and I'll find a reference pic for you!!
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sortasirius · 2 years
You know, anyone that knows me knows how much I love these games. The first game I purchased when I finally got a PlayStation was TLOU, I took multiple days off of work to play Part II. These games mean so, so much to me.
And yeah, I didn’t really think the show would fail, just with the creative team (I am also obsessed with Craig Mazin’s Chernobyl miniseries), the studio, and the cast.
But really, this episode blew even my high expectations out of the water.
Let’s get into it.
First things first: I said this the moment he was cast, and I was right. Pedro Pascal was destined to play Joel.
The very beginning was very Craig Mazin, a cool way to set up the eventual outbreak without our characters having to talk about it.
I cried at the intro which is not surprising lmao.
The level of detail is phenomenal, how Sarah is caring for Joel just like Joel cares for her. I especially loved the dynamic they had. He was very much her dad, but because he had her so young, you could tell they grew up together in a way, and there was a friendship almost, a camaraderie there that most parent/child relationships don’t have.
I will say, I’m from outside of Austin and live in Austin now. That is not how the skyline looked in 2003 lmao. But the old Cap Metro bus?????? Literally only a small percentage of people would pick up on that and I sure did.
I also like that we followed Sarah at first, and could see that she knew that something was up on outbreak day.
The old woman turning behind her while she was looking at the movies? Now THAT is the horror I was looking for.
Loved the scene of Joel coming home and the watch. It’s such a lovely scene in the game, and I felt like they just added to it with the show.
It’s amazing how much I loved this Sarah. Of course I love Sarah in the game, but Nico did SUCH an amazing job with limited screen time. She was phenomenal.
Tommy getting arrested and sent to the downtown jail. Lmao. My king.
Sarah finding those people in the house was absolutely horrifying. 10/10 no notes.
There are so many homages to the game, the show takes on a life of its own but there were so many times where I was pointing to the screen because I recognized something from the game.
The sound design is also completely insane, it sounded real and my tv is not new lol.
Look, I have played and watched TLOU nearly a hundred times at this point. I knew what was coming, but man, it was like watching Sarah die for the first time all over again.
Nico’s obvious, gut wrenching pain coupled with Pedro’s raw and unendurable grief took that scene to a place I didn’t know it could go. And I cry every time I play the prologue.
They did a great job with the QZ, with the harsh reality of the inside and the terror everyone has of the outside. I’ll be interested to see if we find out who the kid who wandered into the zone was.
Tess. My beloved. That’s all.
I really can’t wait to find out more about Tommy and Joel. Because obviously they’re still in contact (which is markedly different from the game), but there still seems to be some sort of falling out there from his involvement with the Fireflies. Also interesting that Joel and Tess are actively trying to leave the zone to find him.
The game only hinted at it, so I’m glad they put so much focus on Tess being the boss. Also big spoon Tess? Please and thank you.
Bella is so fucking amazing as Ellie. Her intro is PERFECT.
I love that they kept Merle as Marlene, it was just cool to hear her and see her there. And she and Ellie’s scene was so great, it’s crazy to think that that (unless something huge changes in the show from the game) is the last time they see each other.
They did a really good job of cutting things I think. We didn’t really need to see them going to find Robert, it was more of a point to point for potential gameplay, but they still managed to bring him in in an interesting way, especially because Joel and Tess aren’t the ones to kill him in the show.
Pedro and Bella’s immediate chemistry. As if you needed more reasons to be obsessed with this casting.
SO cool to know that Tess and Joel know Frank as well as Bill, I can’t wait to meet them.
The scene of them in the apartment, nearly an exact replica of the game. Thanks I cried again.
The moment where Joel is protecting Ellie from the soldier, and it flashes back to him holding Sarah moments before he lost her. Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin I am kissing you both on the mouth.
And ending with a clicker noise. Perfect.
It’s like…kind of unbelievable how good it is. It’s one of those things that could have felt like a copy of the game, or lacking major beats, but they somehow managed to make it feel completely new and yet not lose any of the beauty that the game had.
I literally cannot wait for next Sunday, where I will be glued to my tv once again, waiting to see Ellie and Joel.
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wtfnoie · 2 years
Valentines Day Gifts
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Hiya Bean @ittybittylittlebit-hot​! Because I am hella extra and avoiding hw, pictures of their card with what each note reads!
Hi Jellybean, you're probably just waking up and wondering why im not next to you. That’s due to your next surprise. As much as I love waking up next to you, I have to get a head of the game and make sure, you're day goes more than perfect. I love you husband. You're the best decision I've ever made, you're the best husband, partner, father, grandfather, great grandfather. I love you more than I can say or express. Now that you’re more awake and done reading, come down stairs and see your first surprise. I love you. xx Shawn
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I swear someone heard us fight about this. Happy Valentine's baby. It’s been years and you still don't know how the dishwasher works, you still leave clothes everywhere, you still can't cook, you hate the word grandpa, and you still put up with my love for pets. I wouldn’t trade any of that for the world. I love you David, even when you ignore me for video games, and you don't listen. I’d rather fight with you about dirty dishes than have someone who does it the first time I ask them to do it. You’re my favorite Goodmorning and goodnight. I love you Babe. Jax
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Luca & X: 
Happy Vday baby cakes! I love you hottie. Heres to our first vday! xx Luca
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CT & Jack: 
Hey baby! Happy love day baby!! I can’t believe we’re dads now. I couldn't do this without you baby. You're the reason I am the person I am today. Love you much! Jack x
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JT & Bryant: 
Baby, we’ve been married for almost 2 months now, and I still can't believe I get to wake up next you every day for the rest of my life. I love you, and your crazy love for tacos, and the way you love not just me but my family too. Thank you for everything you've done babe. I love you, and happy valentines day. Bry xx
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JJ & Crystal: 
Happy Valentines day baby! Here we are doing round two, with 2 already under 2. If someone told me two years ago this would be my life, and that I would be married to you, I would have laughed. Now I can’t see my life without you or any of our kids. Thank you for loving me the way you do, and giving me the greatest gifts in the world. I love you Jace, more than anything. xx Crys
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Cody & Olivia:
Hiii. (: Thank you for everything, and being there when I needed you. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to me and im so glad I listened to my crazy cousins and went on a blind date. I love you babe! xx livvy
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Lara & Jordan:
You amaze me day after day. I will never understand how I have been so blessed to even know you, let alone be married to you. Watching you become a mother has been the greatest sight. The way you love Yelly, and how you are with her. I will never not watch you two together. Happy Valentine's day baby, you deserve the world and more. 
Love,  Jordan
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Emmy, Thank you for picking me up. I never would have thought id be married, and in love. But you taught me how to love, and even better you taught me to love myself again. You helped me find myself again, and I can't wait to see where the rest of our story goes. I love you more than anything, even when the club gets all your late nights. I love the way you, you care about your club and you family. You’re my favorite forever. Happy Valetnines day em, I love you. xx L
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Husband, my Kiki. Happy vday babe. Thanks for keeping me grounded and level headed when I need it. love you. seb x
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HI baby. Happy valentines to the other person who gets me sappy. I love you Thomas. I can't wait to enter the next stage of our life with you. Being dads together is all I look forward to. I love you more than you know baby. 
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B, Thanks for putting up with me. Thank you for being the most amazing father to our babies. Getting to you be a dad shows me a whole new side of you. I feel like I fall more and more in love with you everyday. You’re not just my husband, and father to our children. But you're also my best friend and I love you more than you know B. Happy Valentines day bay. xx
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Henny baby! Happy Vday. I love you. As the card says, you can give me the D tonight. I love you baby! -Dani xx
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Baby daddy, husband, love of my life, pain in my ass. You drive me crazy, and sometimes you piss me off and I swear you do it on purpose. I love you though, even when you make me so bad, I wanna lock your office door from the outside. I love you jax. Always and forever. Happy vday lover. -Izzy. xx
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AJ, I love you. Happy valentines baby. -Lana xx
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Baby! Next vday, we’ll be married and I can't wait till then. I love you and im looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. - Rissa x
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Baby. You’re the only one who could have made me want to be a husband, and a dad. So thank you. I only ever wanted this with you and only you. I love you. -Brook x
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Thanks for sticking by me baby. I love you more than you know. Love being your husband, and can't wait to spend more vdays together. KC
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BABBBBYYY, another valentines day together. I love you baby! My husband, life partner, spouse, and father to our babies. I love you. My favorite vday date for life. Waiting for you at home is me, the same way we spent our first vday. so hurry home babe, it melts fast. -Josh xxx
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Jude, baby. I love you. Happy valentines day.- Jay x
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Chris, baby. I love you. You scare me with your reckless ways sometimes. but I hope our keeks get your adventurous side. Love you and love getting to go halves on a mini us. Love you Cam. Happy Vday. 
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Babe, Hi. I love you. I know I probably don't tell you that enough but I do. I love getting to be parents. You’re my everything and you've given me everything I didn't know I needed. Thank you Elil. Happy valentines day. Mon xx
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Dear Ry, 
Thank you for allowing me to be apart of your life. For trusting me to love your daughter. I love you Ryland, happy valentines day. -Luna xx
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Happy love day baby! I love you! Be ready to be naked for 24 hrs. Our honeymoon all over again. -Noah x
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Happy Valentines day babe! I love you, and can't wait to marry you!
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Happy valentines day baby. I love you babe. -Gi xx
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Ky, all yours babe. Happy valentines day. 
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I love you baby, thanks for putting up with my crazy life. I love you today and always. Happy vday babes. -O
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Nate, I know I tell you this all the time and it could get overwhelming. But I love you. A lot probably more than you know. I can't wait to move into together. Thank you for putting put with my family, and all the crazy. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, happy valentines day. -Lexi xx
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Happy vday baby. -Con
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transphilza · 2 years
fuuuck i miss techno
#i can honestly never really tell how much is my own grief and how much is the grief i absorb from other people bc of my hyperempathy#but fuck if it doesn’t all hurt the same#there’s like so many nice positive and sentimental things i could say about the server and the community and how good this vid was#but it’s kind of all smearing together into me crying about techno again#all the feelings are just kind of bundled up together in this mess of tears#i’m grateful#dunno what else to say#great work tommy i love that kid so much i can’t wait to see what he does next#personal#cw grief#fuck it i’m just gonna keep talking here#grief is like confusing and complicated but the more i grieve the more simple it feels#like it seems obvious but like. it’s just so upsetting that someone so wonderful isn’t around to be wonderful anymore#like that’s all#obviously that’s why grief hurts like obviously but idk i overthink things and the feelings are so all consuming it’s hard to word it well#it’s so debilitating i just think about how bad i feel and i think less about the simplicity of why#techno was an amazing person and now he’s gone and that’s awful#loved ones are little beacons of light yknow. and when one is gone you can tell because everything is dimmer without them#and your eyes can adjust but every once in a while you’ll remember the light that used to be there and it’s like you never adjusted at all#it’s all dim again#i miss him cause he’s gone. it’s different to missing him when he was still alive maybe that’s why saying it in such simple terms feels odd#i am sad because someone good is gone and can no longer be good#his legacy is and his memory is. and that helps#but he’s…. finite now. does that make sense?#obviously we’re all finite like mortality but you don’t think about it because it’s an awful thing to think about#as a creator i admired i was always looking forward to something new. and now there can never be anything new again#it’s obvious but i don’t think about it in such simple terms. because it’s awful to think about#but probably important in terms of like processing and all that#i continue to love him despite that he’s gone#but it’s different and i can’t deny that i can’t pretend it’s not
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
May I request a john smut in which, despite being the cocky beast that he usually is, he manages to get all gentle and intense when, after years of mutual pining, he finally makes love to ada's best friend who's younger and totally inexperienced. Idk I just need this to be fucking intense, like John suffocating his desire for ages and now finally indulging in his worst temptation and showing her what lust is... please i'll burn in hellll
a/n: first of all let me say: this killed me. like, it’s literally all i can think about. god help me. but thank you so fucking much for requesting this bc i liked it sooo much that i decided to make a mini series out of it with the help of my babe @stxdyblr-2k who was sweet enough to offer to ghostwrite on the series 🥰 and to all my other angels who requested fics, don’t worry i will get them done! just wanna give you guys the best quality work i can. my 1st priority are some tommy requests i got, as well as some michael ones after :)
love, abi xxx
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (1 of ?)
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warnings: nsfw! eventual smut, slow burn, john being sexy as all hell but also soft
John couldn’t tear his eyes off of you. From the moment you walked into the Garrison, arm loosely linked with Ada’s, clad in a black lace dress that hugged you just right, he couldn’t stop staring. Even Tommy and Arthur had noticed, cracking some joke about him being pussy whipped. The words floated right over his head, his mind on one thing only. The last time he had seen you, you were barely eighteen, cheeks pink as you waved goodbye out the train window to Ada as she sobbed. Ada had always had a flair for the dramatic, but the two of you had practically been attached at the hip your entire lives. So, he consoled her, reminding her that university wasn’t forever, that you would be back soon enough. And back, you were, red-stained lips sipping at a glass of something that Ada had practically shoved in your face. You weren’t a girl anymore, black heels crossed at the ankle as you sat across the room in a booth, laughing as Ada waved her arms, telling some sort of story.
“Just fuckin’ talk to ‘er, John-boy,” Arthur’s voice cut through John’s train of thought like a sharp knife, and he focused his eyes on his two brothers sitting at the booth across from him, clouds of smoke from Tommy’s incessant smoking heavy in the air around them.
“Fuck off,” John returned as he stood, earning a chuckle from Tommy.
“That’s right,” Arthur shouted as John made his way towards the bar, rolling his eyes at his older brothers. “Make sure you show her a real good time, eh?” Arthur’s voice was soon drowned out by the crowd around John, as they parted to let him walk through. He didn’t even see them, his eyes trained on your smile. Fuck, you were pretty.
“So, then I fucking kicked him in the balls.” Ada’s eyes sparkled triumphantly as she recalled the time she’d incited a riot, managing to cause great injury to a certain part of a policeman’s body. She did so casually, like it was no big deal. You couldn’t control your laughter as Ada grinned, pleased that she’d been able to make you laugh. “Fuckin’ missed you, Y/N,” she professed, shooting the rest of her gin and gesturing at the bartender to “leave the fuckin’ bottle, already.”
“Missed you too,” you smiled back at her, happy to be back in Birmingham in the company of an old friend. London was beautiful, but lonely. There was something inside you that missed the dirty streets, the crowded pubs bursting with familiar faces.
“Had to come over here myself to make sure it was you,” A deep voice interrupted your reverie and you looked up to see none other than Ada’s older brother John, looking even handsomer than the last time you’d seen him, in a grey-three piece suit, a cigar hanging from his lips. You’d had the hugest crush on him growing up, and the butterflies swimming around in your stomach seemed to confirm that you still found the tallest Shelby brother irresistible.
“Hi, John,” You offered him a shy smile and scooched over as he slid into the booth next to you, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to your cheek. You couldn’t help but drink in the smell of his cologne, the various drinks that Ada had encouraged you to down making you press yourself closer to him.
“M’kay, if you’re going to fuck, at least wait until I’m gone.” Ada’s voice snapped you out of it and you looked away, a pink blush staining your cheeks.
“Says the one who managed to fuck three of my best mates before you left school,” John retorted, causing Ada to roll her eyes, shooting her whiskey and pouring the three of you another glass each.
“I feel like getting drunk, and I’m not doing it alone,” Ada announced, causing both you and John to crack a smile at her forcefulness.
“Good thing we took a cab here,” you returned, before shooting your whiskey. If you were going to have to stare at John all night, you thought, you might as well be drunk doing it. Wasn’t like he was going to be staring back.
Ada was shitfaced, dancing in the middle of the pub. Luckily, Isaiah had stepped in as her partner, making sure her stumbling didn’t cause her to trip and fall. Unluckily for you, this left a tipsy you and John alone tucked into a booth in the corner of the room, out of view. The conversation was friendly, and you were trying your best to keep your mind off the way you could see John’s forearms practically bulging out of his suit. It wasn’t fair, you thought to yourself, for him to walk around looking like that. Especially when you knew that he was probably fucking the latest movie star, or something. It was almost impossible for you to keep your head straight, yet you managed to keep it civil. However, you couldn’t help your gaze from drifting to his lips. God, they were so pink and looked so soft, it was unfair. You couldn’t stop yourself from imagining how they’d feel on your mouth, let alone other parts of your body. Jesus, you were fucked.
A third of a bottle of whiskey later, you couldn’t help but let yourself slide closer to him, heart beating fast in your chest as you sat tucked into his side, his arm around you as you laughed at a joke he’d made, something about the stick up Tommy’s ass. Your eyes shone as they met his blue ones, his arm sliding down until his fingers were brushing against your waist, radiating heat into your skin.
“Y’know, I’d tell you how fuckin’ pretty you look tonight, but I think you already know that,” John rumbled into your ear, lips just barely brushing against your neck. Your breath hitched, and he noticed, a small grin spreading across his lips.
“You’re something else, you know that?” You shot back, a small smile threatening to take over your lips.
“M’not just sayin’ that. Couldn’t take my eyes off ‘ya, since you walked in.” John wasn’t kidding. For a second you didn’t know how to reply, staring up at him with a slight look of disbelief. The whiskey, however, had other plans, and had decided to respond for you.
“Can't keep your hands off me now." You smirked, waiting for him to escalate the moment, anticipation and liquor silencing the blaring alarm in your mind. God, you shouldn't want him as badly as you do.
"Can you blame me?" He muttered, dragging his fingers across the lace of your dress, tracing the pattern's loops absentmindedly, watching your jaw tense and lips part to take a gasping breath, your jacket having long vanished into the chaos of the pub. Your arms wound themselves around his neck, fingers twisting into his short hair. "Fucking come 'ere lass."
His strong arms lifted you onto his knee, gripping a thigh to help you balance, the friction of his rough hand against the stiff fabric pushing your dress up slightly. The need for more and the desire to know him completely intoxicated you far more than anything from a bottle; you'd never felt as though you were on fire from your drunk hookups. His fingers found the zip of your dress, tugging it down desperately, gripping the flesh of your exposed shoulder blades. A small groan erupted from your lips as you felt him chuckle below you, pressing a thumb to your lips to quieten you.
"John," you whined, pouting playfully against his thumb.
"I'll sort you out, I swear," He muttered, slipping his thumb between your lips. Instinctively, you sucked, locking eyes with him, his hand straying from your back to roughly grab your jaw, holding your gaze. "But if you're going to scream your 'ead off, we'll get caught."
"You wish you could make me scream, John-lad."
"Come off it, I could ruin you, Y/N." He stated, lifting your jaw, as though memorising the construction of your face, tone brimming with a cocky confidence only John could make attractive. "You want that?"
"More than anything." The words tumbled out of your mouth thoughtlessly, watching how his jaw tightened in response as you attempted to read his expression. He studied you for what must've only been a few seconds, but the moment passed so slowly, you could barely remember what it felt like to not be examined by his dominating blue eyed stare.
His grip guided your face to his, fingers tilting your chin so John's lips could brush against yours, before pulling you into a heated almost aggressive kiss, the straps of your dress barely grazing your shoulders, the hem of your dress bunching around your waist as he reached down your back to grab your bum in a firm squeeze. Your mouth gaped open in a gasp of pleasure, John taking the moment to run his tongue against your lips, gaining access and deepening the kiss. You were so caught up in the thrill of John's seduction that you hadn't noticed his hand suddenly pull away after moving your skimpy underwear to one side. You had instinctively ground your hips against him, he'd broken the kiss to let out a string of curses, complimenting you through his quickening breaths (“Fuckin’ wet for me already, aye?”), gripping your thigh. But as soon as he had pulled the thin silk from your thighs, the atmosphere shifted, his lip curling in frustration as his hands left your skin as though your flesh was suddenly scalding.
"John?" You prompted, resting a hand on his shoulder, noticing the dark shadows under his eyes for the first time.
"It's getting late."
"What?" Your voice sounded high and whiny, you mentally scolded yourself for sounding so needy. It was embarrassing to be rejected by the man you've admired for many years, but even worse to be openly vulnerable and so pathetic in front of your best friend's brother.
Oh fuck.
Realisation hit you, it was either that or the unholy quantity of alcohol you'd downed which turned your stomach. You had gone too far this time. It was one thing to flirt with John and desire him from a distance, it was an absolute betrayal to have sex with him, knowing Ada's insecurity about being used to get close to her gangster brothers- sex, power and politics. You had sworn during those tearful walks around the canal that you'd never hurt her. You couldn't do that to her.
Your sudden panic must've been obvious, you tried to stand up from John's lap, stumbling slightly, only regaining balance due to a sudden arm across your back, anchoring you upright.
"No one has to know. It's our secret yeah?" He muttered into your ear, his words comforting.
You nodded silently, the reality of the situation settling in. Your hands are shaking by your sides, John catches them, locking his fingers with yours.
"It's fine, now. Nothing happened yeah?" He stood up in front of you, his muscular physique looming before you, the creases across his torso reminding you that just a few minutes ago his body was under yours, he was breathless, needing your skin against his, desperate and vulnerable. "I'll zip you up. Turn around."
His hands dropped from yours to fumble clumsily with your zip, struggling in the gloom and fog of intoxication, he eventually succeeded, the lace clinging to the curve of your hips, waist, back and chest again. You wished it was him instead that was skimming your figure but you pushed the thought away with a simple, "Thanks."
"I'll walk you home yeah?" He offered, as he straightens your skirt and his tie, allowing you to fix his crumpled shirt collar and the row of shining buttons below his throat which you'd ripped open as he whispered dirty nonsense in your ear, smirking at how you arched your back and swore back at him through your moans.
"Isaiah already said he would, it'd be better for us both that way. You know how people around here talk." You replied, glancing at the mirror on the wall of the booth to quickly smooth your tousled hair. Despite only recently returning to Small Heath, you'd already encountered the rife gossiping and quickly realised your neighbour was incapable of minding his own business. "Nobody has to know, right?"
John nodded, disappointed but appreciating your rationale and quick thinking despite your state, "Right."
"Good night, John," You said politely, ignoring the tension in his tone and the sudden soft sadness of his eyes, turning your back and walking to the door. Back to the sticky dance floor, back to Ada, Isaiah, Finn, Tokyo, back to spilling drinks, ashing cigarettes, back to noise, safety and far from the man who made your morals vanish with the same lines he uses on probably every single one of his conquests. Fuck it. You were going to enjoy it, you sped up your pace in your heels, trying to ignore your shaking legs. You tried to ignore the guilty twang in your gut when Ada screamed your name across the pub and stumbled over, dragging some lad on her arm, pressing drunken kisses to your forehead and cheeks.
You couldn't help but look back to see his shadow sloping away into the darkness of the booths closer to the dance floor, being bullied mercilessly by his brothers you assumed. You watched him fake a smirk, take the knuckles to his brow from Arthur, snap an insult back to Thomas and settle into his rightful seat. You only shifted your gaze to Ada for a moment but when you looked back up, he was staring at you, jaw tense, icy stare burning into yours, arms folded on the table, the gold chains of his sleeve garters barely glinting in the dim light. He looked away but you could see his cheeks were flushed with blood even in the glow of the oil lamps.
Pretending nothing happened was going to be impossible.
to be continued!
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n tubbo jack niki and george
pairing: platonic y/n,tubbo,jack,niki and george
summary: minecraft cave in real life
content warning: cursing
an: the word love is used a couple times but this is all platonic <3 i still don’t know how to add read more on mobile i am sorry about that, part 3 to great adventures series
it was around 4 am when the heat became a problem, unable to sleep you grabbed your phone and decided to facetime ranboo just as he was ending stream
“hey boo...you look like you’ve seen a ghost what the fuck were you doing”
“fnaf vr”
“I’m sure it’s not that bad you’re being dramatic”
“okay we shall see how you like it when I make you play it when I’m in the UK”
“okay bet I’ll add it to our list of videos and stream ideas anyway I can't sleep it’s too hot and I’m so confused as to why Tommy keeps asking me if I like and I quote being high”
“tubbo was telling me about that he keeps teasing him about planes you never know maybe you’re all going on an international adventure... or being pushed out a plane”
“doubt it there’s no way Tommy would pull something as crazy as jumping out a plane it would be pretty cool, I was thinking about doing it for my birthday”
“with a parachute? I hope”
“eh with or without, either way, is fine for me”
an hour passed you and ranboo sat talking about what was happening tomorrow and how you wished he was going to be there with you, after all, you knew how it felt to be watching people you care about making plans and doing things without you.
“didn’t you say you were going to a cave tomorrow? Minecraft in real life, nice”
“I’m begging please touch grass”
“I’ve already done that it made me want to become an engineer now get some rest y/n you’ll be getting up in a few hours, I’ll call you tomorrow goodnight”
“see you tomorrow I love you”
*y/n has ended the call*
when you woke up at 9 you couldn’t shake off the awful feeling you had, today just didn’t feel like a good day you needed some time to yourself to recharge however you knew you’d be okay later on
Niki: good morning y/n!! would you like us to pick you up now or do you need a bit longer
y/n: don’t worry about it I’ll make my own way!! :]
Niki: okay see you soon!!
George: we will pick you up in an hour and a bit
Tommy: wait what are you guys doing
tubbo: following jack and Niki around
y/n: what he said
Tommy: have fun then guys without me
y/n: don’t you have work to do big guy
Tommy: don’t you have to get ready
y/n: leave me alone
soon enough you saw jacks car pull up outside so you grabbed your bag from the other day as it still had everything you needed except this time you decided to bring along a mini first aid kit as you knew your clumsiness and a cave wouldn’t mix well. now you were fully awake you couldn’t wait to go explore the caves, you sat next to Niki who decided to play with your hair and spent half of the journey on a call with an unhappy Tommy who was in college waiting to go to lesson the other half of the journey was spent singing along to the radio
jack started recording and turned around to see you Niki and tubbo leaning over looking down at the floor
“oh hi jack” you waved at the camera “so what’s the plan of action”
“we’re going up there”
you loved heights so hearing that you were going to go on a cable car made you pretty excited once you all got into the car you and George tried opening all the windows whilst tubbo complained
“stop trying to open things”
“it’s a window”
“scared you’re going to get pushed over the edge hmm? scared you’ll have to free fall? it’s not that high you'd probably survive the fall, it’s not like I'm trying to open the door on a plane”
“y/n I mean this in the nicest way possible I’m never going on a plane with you”
tubbo laughed and joined the conversation “we shall see about that”
you tilted your head to the side and blinked a few times trying to process what he just said
“tubbo if we fell we would die right”
“you know jack I've done a lot in my life”
you took the phone from jack and began filming him and George
“why is it slowing down”
“we’re going to die”
“I didn’t bring enough food”
you sat laughing at your friends' reaction before explaining that it’s slowing down for a reason
“they’re slowing it down so you can jump out, what I didn’t tell you is there’s actually a parachute underneath where you’re sat, good luck gamers”
“We could probably climb out the window”
“NO, where do we go”
you just sat shaking your head laughing whilst your friends sat screaming about it stopping
“y/n we’re going to die”
“oh no.. let me just text ranboo to start planning our funerals”
eventually, the cable car began moving just very slow you then ended the recording after jack made jokes about it moving as fast as a George video comes out, you all then spent the rest of the time enjoying everyone’s company.
tubbo noticed a park and ran to the ropes giving you time to update your community a stream will be happening later on
y/n has tweeted: I am outside, stream with ranboo when we get home :]
you laughed as you posted that as all the comments started rolling in questioning if ranboo had come to the UK. you walked back to your group and wrapped your arms around jack and Niki making them both jump out of shock
“Sorry about that ahah now if you don’t mind I want to play in the park”
they laughed as you ran to the rope trying to swing without falling that’s when you gave up and started climbing the net close to Niki.
“that’s not a swing George”
jack ran towards them “I’m getting on the swing with George”
Niki laughed as she recorded what was happening in front of her, she looked to her left expecting to see you stood next to her however she heard you laugh and run towards your friends
“I’m getting on the swing with tubbo”
a few moments later George pointed out a castle and tubbo mentioned the ‘wet rocks’ you just stood with your arm around Niki's shoulders enjoying the view of the castle that was until a dog caught your attention and you walked off to go ask if you could pet it
“Niki where’s y/n they were with you last”
“with the dog”
“tubbo when they come back just follow the path towards the castle, me and Niki are going to record”
“got it, boss man”
after a few minutes, you walked back to tubbo and George realising jack and Niki weren’t there you tilted your head shrugged then sat next to tubbo on the swings as George began recording
“jack and Niki have left us but we’re having fun on the swings..”
“maybe we’ll lick some rocks”
“if we’re quiet we can sneak up on them”
the three of you ran down the path towards the start of the castle steps looking at the cameras that allowed you to see the top of the castle
“there they are”
“they’re vlogging”
“We can just see them through the castle cameras they have no idea we can see them”
you stood leaning against George until you all noticed they were about to make their way back down the steps so all ran off to hide
“there they go”
the three of you ran back down the path ignoring the stares from strangers and comments about how your hair was obnoxiously bright, the three of you scared the pair who were looking for you all
“I’ve never been less displeased to see George”
the five of you continued walking around after joking about the green water and questioning George on how he could tell what colour it was
“I’m a genius”
a few fans can over and took photos with you all and George began questioning them
“George you’re really self-promoting right now”
“George I am disappointed in you”
“dude it’s boiling”
“ice cream?”
the five of you stood inline
“I’m dying to tubbo”
“I’m not going to ask questions, I love how you just accepted defeat”
“you’re next y/n” tubbo let go of George and began walking towards you
“FUCK OFF NO” you ran behind George and used him as a shield
“y/n George isn’t going to protect you”
“I will y/n don't worry tubbo fuck off” the three of you stood laughing not realising jack was walking towards you all with the ice cream
“thank you”
“you’re welcome how’s the ice cream”
“great thank you”
you laughed at jack who somehow managed to get ice cream on his nose
you and tubbo noticed a wishing well and walked over to it
“wanna make a wish”
“yeah but we have no money”
you both looked at each other then at jack them looked back at each other and nodded
“what are you two doing”
“We wanna make a wish”
“come on give me your money”
everyone stood laughing at you and tubbo determined to make a wish whilst jack argued he had no money however tubbo noticed a £20 note and grabbed it
“y/n quick make a wish”
the pair of you held the note and then dropped it into the well
“We made a wish”
the pair of you walked off whilst jack stood telling you both how he can’t believe you and the pair of you had stolen over £100 from him today making you both laugh
“tell me the wish”
“We can’t or it won’t come true”
“right cave time”
“we’re going to die”
“well thanks for that George”
you stood next to tubbo trying to ignore your friends as they made comments about there being mobs like creepers in the cave
“you two really need to go outside more”
everything was going well for you until the worker said to everyone
“I think we do have some kids here who are doing a vlog”
you could feel your cheeks heating up from embarrassment although you loved your job you still weren’t used to people pointing it out
“This cave has a door”
“naturally formed door”
“y/n tubbo were in the caves, where are the diamonds”
you pointed in a random direction then continued walking whilst tubbo kneeled examining the rock claiming there were diamonds, as you all kept walking you had to put up with tubbo jack and George making Minecraft jokes whilst Niki followed behind them staying rather quiet, everyone’s as focusing on the cave not saying much till George spoke up
“it’s turned into a horror movie”
“why’s the cave so low why can’t they just dig up”
“y/n did you really just ask that”
“yes I did my neck hurts from ducking under the rock”
“so sorry to hear that”
“thank you for your concern George”
“I’m not concerned”
the tour continued and you were genuinely having a good time, you found all the different rocks and information given to you by the worker fascinating and slowly stopped listening to what your friends were saying behind you
“so this little tunnel up here is where they would send the kids”
“off you go tubbo and y/n”
“please no”
you all continued for a while till you were told you were going in the dark despite the fact you were excited you were also very afraid of the dark so stood closer to tubbo who instantly noticed and pulled you into a side hug
“we’re going dark”
“oh wow that is the only source of light”
a minute or so later they turned on some softly coloured led lights so you could all look at the geode
“holy shit that’s beautiful”
“I thought a geode was a small animal”
“that’s a pokemon dude”
you were all given time to go for a wander however rather than walking with the others you decided to stay with the geode and started a group call with ranboo and Tommy
“hi guys can’t stay long break is almost over”
“that’s okay Tommy but look at this giant fucking rock”
you flipped the camera so they could see and went around showing them parts of the cave
“holy shit”
“looks great y/n”
“cool right I have to go the worker wants us to get ready to leave see you all soon”
“wait y/n one last question, how are you with heights”
“oooh I’m great I love them we went in a cable car earlier”
“awesome see you all later”
*Tommy left the call*
“I’ll call you when I get home boo I’ll see you soon!!”
“bye y/n stay safe”
*ranboo has left the call*
*y/n has left the call*
as you all left the cave you and tubbo noticed two rocks and went to pick them up
“hey look our wish came true”
“yeah we wished for a weird looking rock when we left the cave”
“you paid £20 for a rock”
a few minutes later you and tubbo just started walking away only to be later followed by everyone else
“where are you going”
you all got the cable car back at this point you were exhausted you used all your energy running around the cave determined to show Tommy and ranboo everything
“What did you all think of the cave”
“loved it”
“you lost your rock tubbo?”
tubbo pulled out the rock and smiled at jack
“no, I didn’t”
“but you chucked it”
“told you we wished for a magic rock”
jack finished the recording and you all just sat talking about your day and any future plans
the journey back home was extremely quiet you and tubbo sat next to each other, you fell asleep with your head resting on his shoulder, Niki sat in the front with jack quietly singing along to the radio and George and tubbo quietly spoke to each other trying not to wake you up.
when you finally got home you woke up on your couch confused as to how you got there it was only when you checked your phone you got the answer
Niki: you looked exhausted we didn’t want to wake you, hope you don’t mind. your keys are on the table next to your bag!! see you soon it was lovely meeting you <3
you decided to reply thanking your friends for today.
*incoming call: ranboo*
you accepted the call
“hey y/n tell me all about your day whilst you get ready to stream I'm already set up”
“oh they’re gonna be so annoyed I've joined in with making jokes about you being in the UK anyway so my day was pretty good but I did end up asleep on my couch and had no idea how I got there”
“let me explain”
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sirensmojo · 3 years
"Big Bank!" - Hubby! Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warnings: Big Fluff, Old Money love story vibes.
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Summary: Tommy decided to let his wife take care of his Gin. He comes to taste it for the first time after the Gin was met with great success.
A/N: We stand for a caring & trusting Thomas, sorry not sorry.
It was a windy day when Tommy entrusted you with his Gin distillery.
The sun was out, as your children were running around the garden, their giggling easing his mind. His head dropped backward on the garden chair as fingers of one of his hands were fidgeting with his cup or whiskey, as a cigarette was locked in between his lips.
Spring was early this year, much to your family’s pleasure. Spending time outside was something you loved to do, and knowing Tommy’s busy agenda, you made sure to make every family moment the best one.
No need to say time flew so fast, the days becoming months, becoming years.
Tommy and you was an evidence. From the day you bumped into each other in the London’s library his sister Ada used to work, you were inseparable. Thus you didn’t know each other for very long, but everything between you made this fact questionable.
You were acting as if you knew each other since children, a single look and you understood what the other thought. Not too many words were said, but not too many words were needed.
Although you weren’t Tommy’s first wife, you were “the perfect two”, making all the people you knew jealous and envious.
“My love,” you announced your presence when coming closer to the garden table as your husband was eyes closed. “I did some thinking.” You added, catching his attention.
Tommy straightened back his head and he was now facing you as you seated in front of him, glimpsing from afar of your three little boys.
“You know I don’t like your whiskey or any type of alcohol, truly.” You raised your brows, and he puffed on his cig, waiting for you to continue. “I want to make Shelby’s Gin.” You let out outright.
No need to turn around your wish, by the way he shifted position you already knew he was ready to hear anything, and you didn’t want to disturb him from his peace. You knew how he dearly appreciated those little moments in which he didn’t have to think about running a business or dealing with dirty gangsters and rude people.
“You want to do what?” He raised a brow not too sure he heard you well, but when he caught eyes of your lips curling at the corner of your mouth, he knew he had heard it well.
His family was his haven of peace and you would do anything to take off some weight off your Shelby’s shoulders. it was a regular task, a daily basis habit that you quickly took and that you’ll probably never lose.
“I already tried a mixture.” His deep voice accentuating your smile.
“It’s my turn now, you played enough with that, you need to focus on real business now. Put your mind elsewhere and let me fill my bottles.”
You couldn’t quite put your finger on what changed precisely, but you noticed a shifting in your husband’s expression along with the gleam animating his iris.
You thought it was worry.
You lost your father a few months ago due to lung disease and your mother died long ago when you were the age of your own children, and as an only child, you were now all alone without your parents.
Gracefully you had Tommy and the kids because if you hadn’t you didn’t know how you would’ve handled this loss.
As being a sensible cord, your husband didn’t bring it up, and he wasn’t the type of comforting people with words anyway, but he tried it his way, which means he bought you a ridiculous amount of new jewellery and books because he knew how much you liked to read and how you were a simp for big diamonds.
Incidentally, Tommy always found it funny how much time you spend with your nose in books while having a voracious appetite for jewellery. He would never miss an occasion to make fun of you when catching you reading as you had to wear glasses, and it was all funny and stuff till he too, had to wear glasses to read.
Now, in bed, you looked like two old people, instead, you were reading adventure and dramatic novels whereas he was stuck with political subjects.
“Okay.” He didn’t hesitate a single moment which made you smile.
“Okay?” you repeated, your smile growing as seconds passed. He straightened back, leaning over the table to you and his hands reached for yours.
You intertwined your fingers together with ease, sparkles spreading at the tips of each of it.
It was that way with every of his touches. He just had that power over you, which you were proud of as it was just love. It could never be anything else.
His deep blue eyes were anchored into your Y/C/E’s ones and you knew he was trying to bring you comfort. He knew what it felt like to lose people, and was ready to give you whatever if that meant to ease your pain.
You neared your faces and he ran his thumb over the end of your nose, down to your lips as cupping your cheek with his palm. Tommy’s head was slightly tilted to the side, his only purpose being to reach your soul with either his touch or his soul hidden behind his iris.
You leaned your head into his touch and closed your eyes for a second, enjoying that moment between the two of you as the breeze made its way to your neck under your mane.
Now, nearly five weeks later, all Birmingham was only speaking of the Shelby family as the people making “the good priced good gin” according to what you heard in the streets. From the fancy restaurant to the underground pubs, everyone in town had tasted of that oh so liked liquor.
Tommy first heard how good the gin was by his brother Arthur. He, who liked to get drunk all day long and all night long, was always keeping a bottle of it in his car or even on himself.
Then it was Ada, always offering him a drink of it whenever he would visit her.
It was 4 in the afternoon when Tommy walked through Charlie’s yard to join the Gin factory, when opening the door he was surprised to see you, seated at the old dusty desk filling paper and sipping on several cups.
Your husband frowned, “Y/N?”. He didn’t know if he should be worried or glad to see you working in such a place while drinking a lot knowing you’re not even a drinker in the first place.
You lifted your gaze to him and a huge smile instantly warmed up the atmosphere in the space, “Tommy!” You exclaimed as you got up. Being a bit dizzy you were strongly holding onto the table while getting up but you wanted to join him, and that’s when Tommy noticed your reddened cheek and little eyes.
“You’re drunk,” he stated, concerned. His expression shifted. He seemed a bit worried as he took one of your wrists to help you walk correctly.
You waved your free hand before you as to blow away his remark, “I was trying a new mixture for the Gin.” You informed him. You slid a hand into his rough one and stepped backwards, to the desk. “Here, choose one and tell me.” You proudly pointed to each of the cups. “This one on the left is spicy, the middle one a little too sweet for the Americans, this one to the right is the version that is out, and the last one is a bit strong. If the sadness hit too much.”
“The sadness?” Tommy asked while grabbing the third cup, being the gin that was already out. He was quite startled by how implicated his wife seemed to be, he didn’t actually think she would invest that much time and energy in this activity, but he was relieved she found a reason to get up every morning other than their beautiful family.
He knew how living a life without having or serving a purpose was meaningless and boring, even more, when being saddened by something you can’t control such as the death of a loved one.
The Shelby brother will sleep better now, knowing his other half found purpose somewhere, even if seeing her drunk was a sight he could never get used to…
At this moment, he felt the need to feel her skin under his touch before doing anything else, and that’s what he did, putting his hand at the end of her back, he pulled her closer, his thumb rubbing her skin over the fabric of her dress.
Tommy then drank from the cup and took his time judging the taste of it.
He opened his eyes and dropped the cup on the desk before turning to his wife, she was looking at him, impatience spreading all over her face. She seemed ready to hear Tommy’s opinion on her Gin... On their gin.
The blue-eyed man grabbed her face in his hands and pressed his forehead to Y/N’s. She closed her eyes a couple of seconds before opening them to a staring Tommy. He was fondling her cheeks with his thumbs before exhaling deeply, “I now understand why everyone’s talking about us, Shelbys, being fucking genius’, eh” He got distracted by her lips.
“This,” he pointed to the bottle standing at the corner of the table, and, once again, Tommy got distracted, he noticed words were present on the bottle down the name. “Distilled for the eradication of incurable sadness.” He read out loud.
A faint smile was found on his face before he agitated the bottle in his hand. He was proud.
He put down the bottle and directly sealed his lips to Y/N’s, the calling for love being too loud to resist.
That was exactly why it was her and no one else, she was always unpredictable and versatile. Who would have thought his bibliophile wife could be a real gem in the making of gin?
She put away, gasping for air before looking him in the eyes, “What? Did I never tell you the fact that my grandpa was making alcohol?” She teased his lips by speaking inches away from them, “I know one or two tricks. That’s why it’s selling well.” She concluded before pressing their lips together eagerly.
“This is a big bank, yea” He succeeded at saying in between two kisses.
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alkaysani · 2 years
and for a completely unexpected turn of events, i’d like to continue to scream about how much i adore judd ryder, grace ryder and the ryder family in general this entire season, thanks to this post
s3 was the best ryderdie season yet. i love everything that happened with all of them in this one. i mean obvious things would be getting charlie and all of that, but how about the best, and most beautiful portrayal of what a healthy, adult relationship looks like?
because this season we found out that judd had a son from a previous relationship, wyatt and we witnessed the most nuanced way such complicated feelings needed to be addressed and it was just so beautiful to me. with grace and her initial anger and her recognition that her initial anger didn’t make sense, to her being her namesake and opening up her home to wyatt’s mom, and then to wyatt was just so beautiful.
and like we knew that judd ryder was the best, but he was just so amazing this whole season. when we first met judd, like FIRST met him, he was so angry and so hurt from all the things that had happened to him, and he had grown so much from that, and from who he was before he found grace. and so to have him be here, be presented with a son he didn’t know, and watch him work through that was just...man i want to be like judd ryder. because he never argued, he never doubted, he knew exactly when and where and while he hesitated at first, he knew in his heart what he had to do
but most importantly? he listened. to grace, to tommy, to wyatt. and when i say listened i mean he really listened. and when grace was talking to him about the hurt she knows doesn’t make sense, he just listened to her. and you knew that grace knew that’s what he was doing. and that’s such a perfect way to show how much he’s grown and how much he’s trying for everyone. not just grace, but for the rest of the family including wyatt. 
and we see that as they get closer and closer to him. like he goes on full on papa bear mode, but still continues to listen. he locks wyatt’s anger just by how he’s acting - and that’s what a parent is. someone who is present enough to know you, and that’s amazing! he just met wyatt that year and he’s a teenager and c’mon. for him to be able to see that, clock it, and empathize because he knows what it’s like to be that age and angry? it’s just remarkable.
and for grace to continue on and be by his side as he grows to be a father to not one but two kids? ugh, everyone should have a grace in their life. honestly. the two of them together it’s just a powerhouse of a couple because they understand each other so well, to the point that they can get to the nitty gritty of each other’s flaws and address it! i love that so much, seeing all of those little moments where things that should just be noticed “in passing” was put to the forefront. grace with her coworkers at dispatch, judd with his gaming. until this season we just knew judd was the gamer, but then grace starts dropping gaming terms to the point that we go “oooooh there’s more to that.”
that’s how in tuned and in love and in partnership they are with each other and for them to be growing together as parents with charlie, and the two of them opening up their hearts and home to wyatt, and then papa ryder coming into the mix and just always providing his lovely sage advices of sweetness is just...this family man. it’s such a good family and i was so happy throughout this whole season seeing them.
and c’mon!!! grace is written as MY HEART in judd ryder’s phone. as if they need anymore cherries on top of their wonderful beautiful relationship
yeah. yeah. they’re amazing. and it was so great witness in s3. i can’t wait to see what happens next.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom has a problem when you get asked a sexist question
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“For Robert, how has it felt for you as an actor to see what’s branched from that first Iron Man movie?”
You sat back in your chair and looked around the panel as Robert answered his question. He had been to a hundred of these panels throughout his career, but you were still getting used to them. An impressed smile tugged at your lips as he got the audience laughing with an otherwise well worded answer.
“For Tom, how has joining the MCU helped you to grow as an actor?” Tom was asked by the same journalist. He was seated next to you and sat up slightly when his name was called. He gave an answer that showed his appreciation for the opportunity to act along side these actors as well as what it meant to him to be a role model for kids who didn’t fit in. You squeezed his hand under the table, proud of him for answering the question like a professional. Finally, the journalist looked at you.
“And for Y/n, you’re new to the marvel universe and had to join a cast full of very established, attractive men. Did you have any intimate relationships with any of your male cast mates?”
The silence the settled in the room was painful. Robert let out a loud scoff and shook his head in disapproval while the rest of the cast looked at you knowingly. Tom Hiddleston shot you an apologetic smile as Chris Evans laughed to himself. You leaned forward to get closer to the microphone and looked at the journalist.
“I’m sorry?”
Chris laughed harder, gripping his left side the way he did as the audience let out an awkward laugh.
“Well, being around actors like Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth all day, surely you must’ve gone after one of them.” The journalist continued. Chris burrows his face in his hands, unable to stop laughing at how stupid the question was. You saw Toms jaw tighten beside you as he gave you a pointed look. You put your hand in his knee to let him know it was okay and he gave you a stiff nod.
“I know I’m not actually Iron Man but do you want me to blast her ass?” Robert leaned over to whisper in your ear. You laughed at his offer and gave him an appreciative smile.
“I got this.” You assured him before looked back at the journalist.
“I really want to thank you for asking me that. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for someone to ask such an important question such as that one.” You sighed dramatically. “And you’re absolutely right. It was super hard to be around these actors everyday since they’re all just so sexy. How could I possibly pick, you know?” You laughed like it was obvious. The journalist opened her mouth to speak but you continued.
“Since I am so notorious for being an alluring, devious slut, I do make it a point to sleep with every single person, cast and crew, that I work with.” You said seriously and the cast laughed. “It’s easy when everyone’s on set and I can just pick and chose who to sleep with next, but it can get pretty difficult to track down all the editors and executives so I can sleep with them too. Of course, I always start with the main stars of the film and gradually work my way down the list. I even sleep with all the interviewers so hopefully I’ll be seeing you later in my hotel room.” You winked after her. “It’s really nice to be appreciated for my hard work so I again have to thank you for asking that question.”
You gave her a polite smile and she immediately sat down. A new kind of silence settled in the room as your answer hung in the air. No one said a word as you sat back in your chair and shrugged smugly. Tom looked down at his lap with a proud smile as he reached for your hand under the table.
“Can we take a moment to appreciate that answer?” Sebastian said into his microphone to break the silence. Anthony started a slow clap and Chris quickly joined. Robert grabbed your shoulders and shook you proudly as the room broke into applause. Your smiled shyly as the cast loudly whooped and cheered for you. You weren’t exactly quiet around them, but you certainly never said things like that. You preferred to sit back and watch them interact with a deep appreciation just to be a part of the cast. Shutting down the journalists sexist question officially solidified your place in the friend group.
“That’s a great answer. That’s how it’s done.” Chris Pratt said into his microphone as he looked at you. You waited for the applause to die down before speaking.
“Thank you.” You laughed. “To answer your question, yes I did have intimate relationships with my male cast mates. My female ones too, actually. Over the course of filming these movies, we’ve laughed together, eaten together, traveled together, celebrated birthdays together, even cried together. I consider all of those to be intimate things.”
You looked at your cast fondly as they looked back at you. A chorus of “I love you”‘s rang from the cast as the ones closest to you patted your back. Tom grabbed your face and planted a big kiss on your cheek, too proud to care about the cameras.
“I think that’s a great place to end the panel. Thank you to everyone who came. Let’s hear it one last time for the Marvel Cast.” The host of the panel spoke into his microphone. The audience applauded and you all began to get up from your seats. Tom let you walk in front of him, keeping his hand on the small of your back the whole way out.
“I have to give Harrison something but I’ll be right back.” Tom told you once you got backstage.
“Okay. I’ll be here.” You assured him. He leaned in to kiss you but you held up a hand.
“Tom!” You whispered as you looked around. “There are cameras everywhere. You can’t kiss me in public.”
“But you did so well out there.” He pouted. “I should be able to kiss my girlfriend no matter who’s around.”
“I know. But we agreed to keep our relationship a secret.” You quietly reminded him. He stared at you for a moment before huffing out a breath.
“Right. Fine. I’ll be right back.” He mumbled before leaving to find Harrison.
You sighed as you watched him leave, knowing it upset him to hide your relationship. You didn’t have a minute to think about what to do as people began to pile out of the panel, all commemorating you for your answer. Scarlett found you backstage and enveloped you in a hug.
“Hey, good job back there kid.” She said as she rubbed your back. “You handled that question like a pro.”
“Is it always like that? They get the cool questions and we get that?” You laughed it off, but you hoped she’d say no.
“Unfortunately, it is.” She nodded. “I’ve had to sit through interview after interview where they ask Chris how it feels to be a hero and they ask me how I fit into my body suit. I’m sorry you have to deal with it too.”
“It’s whatever. I mean, it’s not, but you know. Nothing we can do.” You shrugged. She gave you a look that told you she knew exactly what you were trying to say.
“I know. And between you and me, I’m a little offender she only asked if you slept with the male cast mates. What about me?” She scoffed, making you laugh heartily.
“She probably mistook you as a tree and didn’t see you.” You shrugged, recalling Scarletts infamous tweet.
“You’re so right. I’ll see you around, slut.” She squeezed your arm lovingly and walked away right as Tom came back.
“Did Scarlett just call you a slut?” He asked in confusion
“Yes. But I liked it.” You replied, only confusing Tom further. “Let’s go home.”
“Do you want Chinese for dinner?” You asked Tom once you were back at the hotel. His typically gentle features were hardened as he scrolled through his phone from the couch, not even looking up at you when you asked the question.
“Sure.” He mumbled.
“Or should we just order room service?” You asked as you glanced over the menu provided by the hotel.
“Okay.” He said, still not looking up. You eyed him curiously, knowing he wasn’t paying attention to anything you were saying.
“What I really want to eat is some danimals crush cups right out of Dylan Sprouse’s hands. Let me go see if he has some.” You tested him to see if he really wasn’t listening.
“Sounds good.” Tom grumbled. You walked over to him and pushed his phone down from his face with your finger.
“What’s up with you? You’re not listening to me.” You asked him. He finally looked up at you and sighed heavily.
“I’m sorry. I’m just a little distracted.” He set his phone down and pulled you into his lap, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
“What’s wrong?” You wondered as your soothingly brushed your fingers through his hair. Tom impatiently tapped his fingers on your leg as he thought about what to say. You could tell something was seriously bothering him from how flushed his face. His body was tense beneath you, slowly loosening up with your touch.
“I just can’t believe that reporter disrespected you like that.” He grumbled, keeping his eyes down. You furrowed your eyebrows at his statement, having forgotten about the situation yourself.
“That’s what’s been bothering you?” You laughed slightly. “I handled it, Tommy. The journalist is gonna be dealing with backlash from that question for years.”
Tom shrugged and rested his chin on your shoulder with a pout.
“It’s just not fair.” He stated. “You shouldn’t have to deal with these sexy questions-“
“Sexist questions.” You cut him off with a chuckle to correct him.
“You shouldn’t have to deal with these sexist questions all the time.” He repeated with a huff. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, reminding you of a timid child. You leaned your head on top of his and wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“That’s just how it is, baby.” You shrugged, not sure what else to tell him. You wished it was different too, but it just wasn’t.
“It shouldn’t be.” He mumbled against your neck. You rubbed his back to let him know you understood.
“I know it shouldn’t be. But all we can do is educate the people who ask those questions and give them sassy responses. And you know how much I love being sassy.” You pulled away so you could smile at him. He stared at you for a moment before giving you a half smile back. You thought you had assuaged the situation until his pout returned.
“She didn’t even mention me.” He recalled. “You’re my girlfriend and she thought you slept with everyone but me.”
“In her defense, no one knows I’m your girlfriend.” You reminded him, unknowingly making him feel worse. His face faltered and he kept he slumped back on the couch.
“Do you think people would stop asking you things like that if they knew?” He wondered out loud after a beat of silence.
“Maybe. Or maybe I’d get asked even worse questions.” You laughed sadly. “There’s no way to tell.”
Tom seemed unsatisfied with your answer and let out a sigh. He sat up from his seat position and wrapped his arms firmly around your waist.
“It’s getting really hard for me to sit back me listen to people disrespect the women of this cast. Or the women of Hollywood in general. Especially you.” He stated. “I’m your boyfriend. I should be defending you.”
“I understand, baby. But I can defend myself.” You reminded him with a soft smile. “Don’t worry about me, Tommy. I can handle a few sexists.”
Tom reluctantly nodded and leaned back in the couch, pulling you with him so you were resting on his chest.
“It still bothers me.” He mumbled before kissing the top of your head.
“I know.” You tilted your chin up to look at him. “It bothers me too.”
“I should’ve said something.” He cursed himself as he shook his head in disdain. “I shouldn’t have just sat there.”
“It’s alright.” You assured him, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“It’s not.” He said definitively. “And it won’t happen again.
The conversation you had resonated with Tom and sat in the back of his mind for the rest of the press tour. The incident at the panel did bring some good, which Tom was happy about, as journalists often sided with you when it was brought up. Since Tom was often put with you for interviews, he was able to closely monitor the questions you were being asked. You managed to get through the rest of the press tour without another sexist question, and Tom assumed you had actually ignited some change.
Until the final day.
“Tom, how would you like to see Peter Parker mature and grow in future MCU films?” Tom was asked during your last interview of the day. It was a simple question that he had gotten before, so he answered it simply. You smiled at him as he spoke, proud of all he had done so far and excited for what he’d do in the future. He finished his answer and the journalist smiled at him.
“I’d love to see that too.” He nodded at Tom. “So, Y/n, your suit is obviously very form fitting. I’m sure you’ve seen the comments so I have to ask, can you wear underwear under the suit?”
You blinked in surprise for a moment as you processed the question. You could hear Tom suck in a sharp breath, practically feeling the heat radiating off of him as anger pulsated through him.
It had happened again.
He was asked an intelligent question about his character and you were asked about your body.
“I’m sorry?” You raised an eyebrow, trying to give the journalist a chance to redeem himself.
“I’m asking since there are plenty of shots from behind but never any panty lines.” The journalist smirked at you in a way that made you deeply uncomfortable. “Fans wanted to know if you were wearing underwear under your suit or not.”
“That’s funny, I’ve never had a fan ask me that. Only you guys.” You kept a tight smile as you tried to keep the situation under control. You shot a look at Tom, who was giving the journalist a lethal stare. He was gripping the sides of his chair so tightly that his knuckles were white. You quickly reached over and took his hand in yours, not caring about the cameras and just wanting to comfort him.
“Well we-“
“She doesn’t want to answer that.” Tom abruptly cut you off as he shot daggers at the journalist. The journalist snickered and rolled his eyes a little as he looked at his list of questions
“All right, moving on.” He said, slightly bitter. “Tom, which Avenger, other than Tony, would you like Peter to train from?”
Tom looked at you, as if asking for your permission to continue. He was ready to walk out of the interview but only on your call. You gave him a reassuring smile that encouraged him to continue.
“I would say Captain America because I think he understands how it feels to be the little guy. Peter and Steve were both picked on before they got their powers, although Peter was still picked on after he got his powers. But neither Captain America or Spider-Man have guns or fire blasters, just fists and strength, so I think they would get along well.” Tom answered, looking at you the whole time instead of the interviewer. You squeezed his hand and gave him a gentle nod.
“That’s a good answer. Well done.” He commemorated Tom. “And Y/n, like we mentioned before, one of the most noticeable things about your character is her skintight suit. How did you train to fit into that?”
You and Tom exchanged knowing looks before you answered.
“Again with the suit.” You laughed awkwardly. “Are you trying to fit into one or something?”
“I just want to know how you fit into the suit.” He shrugged. “Trust me, I’ve studied pictures of you in it pretty closely. It looks like a second skin.”
“Well, they measured me, so it was gonna fit regardless. Because, you know, they made it my size.” You answered like it was obvious, because it was. Your straight cut answer didn’t satisfy the prying needs of the journalist.
“So no extra squats to make it look as good as possible?” He winked at you and Toms grip on your hand tightened.
“I didn’t exactly go into this film hoping my ass looked good, if that’s what you’re asking.” You said flatly. “I was more looking to be a powerful role model for girls to look up to.”
“But your ass looking good would just be a plus, right?” He laughed and looked at you as if you were supposed to laugh too.
“Um, no.” You squinted your eyes and tilted your head.
“I’m about to end this mans whole career.” Tom said under his breath. From the look on his face, you could tell he had bitten his tongue long enough.
The boy was about to burst.
“What was that, Tom?” The journalist asked, not having heard him.
“Stop being sexy!” Tom demanded. You looked right at the camera with the surprised pikachu face as the journalist laughed in confusion.
“What?” He asked.
“He means sexist.” You informed him.
“What is wrong with you? Is that question seriously on your sheet?” Tom asked angrily, letting go of your hand to point at the paper the journalist was holding.
“Tom, it’s okay.” You put your hand on his shoulder to relax him, but he was seeing red.
“No, I want to see it. I want to know if you’re dumb or just the company you work for.” Tom snatched the little blue sheet from the journalist and read it over. “Look at that, it’s just you.”
He held up the sheet and the questions you had been asked were in on it. You looked at the sheet and made another face at the camera.
“I’m not the first person to think she looks hot in her suit.” The journalist defended with his smirk still present, only angering Tom further.
“But you’re the first person to piss me off enough to the point where I’m about to walk out of this interview.” Tom snapped back and your jaw dropped. You looked at the camera and pointed at Tom before giving a thumbs up. You were almost enjoying it too much to interrupt, but you didn’t want him to get too interrupted.
“Tommy, relax.” You said as you soothingly rubbed his arm. “It’s okay. I get it all the time.”
“That’s exactly why I’m mad.” He told you. “I know you get this all the time. We get the deep, philosophical questions and the girls get the sexy questions.”
“Sexist questions.” You corrected with a smile.
“The girls get the sexist questions.” He fixed his mistake. “I’m so sick of listening to people disrespect my girlfriend all day long. The girls aren’t here for you to drool over during action sequences. Girls strong and smart and tough and deserved to be asked about more than what underwear they’re wearing. Let’s go.”
Tom got out of his seat, took your hand, and walked out of the room. He lead you all the way to your dressing room in silence and didn’t let go of your hand until the door was closed. You folded your arms and looked at him as he looked at the ground sheepishly. His anger was gone now and he just looked apologetic.
“I’m sorry, I know you said you could handle it but-“
You cut him off by throwing your arms around him and kissing him. He stumbled back a little but regained his footing and kissed you back.
“Don’t apologize.” You smiled and rubbed your nose against his once you pulled away. “I loved what you said.”
“I know you can take care of yourself.” He told you. “But I’m gonna take care of you too.”
You smiled in appreciation before kissing him again.
“That’s okay with me.”
Later that night, you found Tom on the hotel couch again and sat on his lap. He wrapped an arm around your waist to keep you in place as you wrapped an arm around his neck.
“Check out this article I just read.” You smiled innocently at him. “‘Tom Holland goes on feminist rant to defend girlfriend, Y/n L/n. Click here to watch.’ Sounds pretty interesting.” You said sarcastically and Tom grimaced. In the midst of his argument with the reporter, he let it slip that you were his girlfriend.
“Oh.” He pursed his lips. “I messed up pretty bad, huh?”
You laughed slightly and kissed his forehead.
“I don’t think my boyfriend defending women like it’s his day job is messing up. I think it’s pretty sweet.” You shrugged and brushed his hair out of his face.
“But I exposed our relationship.” He pouted apologetically. You took his chin between your fingers and kissed his pouted lips.
“A small price to pay for salvation.” You quoted Thanos, making Tom laugh. “Thanks for sticking up for me.”
“It doesn’t even matter. You’re still gonna get asked sexy questions.” He grumbled as he toyed with your fingers.
“Sexist questions.” You corrected yet again.
“You’re still gonna get asked sexist questions. One feminist rant want solve that.” He mocked the article and let out a sigh.
“Maybe not, but at least I know I have a whole defense team to back me up next time I get asked a sexy question.” You teased him and kissed his nose. “I love you, Tommy.”
“I love you more, baby doll.” He smiled sleepily and pulled you into a real kiss.
“Now that I think about it, what do you wear under your suit?” He wondered once he pulled away. You pretended to be shocked and gasped.
“Hey!” You playfully slapped his arm. “Stop being sexy.”
Tag List 🏷
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dreamerstreamer · 4 years
Speak Your Mind
Pairing: GeorgeNotFound / George x f!reader
Summary: Usually, you left George feeling tongue-tied, but apparently not today.
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: requested by an anon who wanted a cute, clumsy george story! another anon wanted something similar, so i hope you both and all enjoy <3 this was inspired by this quote by lemony snicket :)
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George slipped into his chair with a slight groan, nudging his mouse with his elbow as he took a sip of water. He watched as his screen came to life, glancing over at the time. It was still kind of early, and he had a few hours to himself before his scheduled stream.
I could probably just play by myself for a while, he thought to himself, setting his glass down to his left as he opened up Minecraft. He reached across his desk, grabbing his headphones and settling them over his head. It’s been a while since I’ve played in a hardcore survival world. 
But then his gaze flickered down to a particular server, and he found his cursor automatically clicking on it, almost like clockwork. In an instant, his avatar was standing on the Prime Path, the blocky world rendering into view around him. Shifting his mouse a few times, George smiled and opened up his inventory.
He spent a few moments sorting everything out, quietly humming to himself. A few seconds later, something popped up on the bottom left of his screen, his gaze darting over to catch it.
[y/n]: hi george!
[y/n]: how are you doing?
George’s heart almost immediately stuttered in his chest, and he spent a moment or two simply staring at the two lines of text.
He couldn’t believe just how much power you had over him.
The two of you had been friends for a long time now—nearly as long as he had been friends with Dream, even. The two of you had met almost entirely by accident, having simply been jokingly trapped together on a random server by one of the admins for a few hours. Under any other circumstances, George probably would have felt awkward to hell and back, but the two of you had just instantly hit it off together.
You were kind and cheerful, while he was practical and goofy. He loved your optimistic innocence, and you lived for his sarcastic quips. While the two of you had never met in person, both of you had most definitely seen each other’s faces before, and George would never forget the first thing he said when he saw your face.
“Woah. You’re really pretty.”
He had blurted it without warning, surprising even himself at his own words. Your face had flushed while you immediately turned off your face cam, letting out a quiet whine. “George, you can’t just say that!”
He remembered sputtering in his chair, then sending an earnest smile at his monitor. “But it’s true!”
The image of your cheeks plastered with an embarrassed, sheepish grin and your wide, shining eyes would forever be ingrained in his mind.
Years later, that picture hadn’t changed a bit, still as clear as ever in his head, but the feelings he held for you had transformed. It didn’t happen quickly, nor did he ever want to admit it, but he was incredibly aware of it—almost too aware of it.
You made his cheeks hurt from how much he smiled around him. You filled his stomach with butterflies just with a single giggle. You made his ears turn bright red whenever you made a sly joke.
The three little words sat at the back of his head at nearly every hour of the day, and he just knew that one of these days, he was going to tell you what they were.
With a smile on his face and a million thoughts swirling around his head, all of them beginning and ending with you, he closed his inventory and began to type back a response.
GeorgeNotFound: i’m doing good haha
[y/n]: i’m happy to hear that! <3
His breath caught in his throat. A heart—you had sent back a heart. He could feel his own heart seize in his chest at the sight of two simple symbols on his monitor screen.
Oh god, he was so screwed.
He walked forward a bit, his head still spinning with thoughts of you and that stupid heart as he contemplated what he should do next. An idea popped up just then, a small wave of anxiety creating over his head. With shaky hands, he began to type.
GeorgeNotFound: wanna join vc 2?
A moment ticked by, and George chewed on the side of his cheek. Then, your username appeared in the corner of his screen.
[y/n]: okay! i’ll be there in a sec :)
A smiley face. His own lips curled upwards to match the smile emoticon as he entered the voice channel, patiently waiting. A few moments later, something caught his attention from the corner of his monitor. Turning, he flinched as your avatar jumped down and landed in front of him, briefly turning red from the fall damage. A split second later, he heard a familiar ping.
“Boo!” you chirped, your voice echoing in his ear as bright as day. He felt warmth blossom in his chest just at the sound of a single syllable spoken in your voice.
“What a grand entrance,” he said teasingly, unable to hide the fact that he was grinning while he spoke.
“You know me,” you said, giggling, “I always have to make a big show of things.”
“I sure do,” he said, secretly thinking to himself.
But I wish I knew you better.
“Woah,” you suddenly breathed, something like awe seeping in your voice as your character stepped forward. “I feel like we haven’t talked in, like... forever.”
He blinked, shifting his mouse slightly toward you. “We talked yesterday.”
“No,” you said quickly, your pitch raising, “I mean like, talk talked. You know, over call or something?” Your voice grew quiet. “I missed hearing your voice.”
George wanted to throw a pillow across his room. Cute. “Well, I’m here now,” he said softly, chuckling, “so you get to hear it all you want.”
He heard you cough, but it was slightly muffled. He wondered what you looked like right now, and he half-wished that you two had your face-cams on. “Now that you’re on the sever,” you prompted a second later, suddenly sounding normal again. “what do you wanna do?” 
He thought for a moment, the wheels in his head turning. “Well, I kind of wanted to work a bit more on my house.”
“Oh, you mean your new house? The one you were building during the, uh—” You paused, searching for the right words. “—big battle?” 
He could imagine you making fake air quotes with your fingers, and he laughed, thinking of your scrunched up face. “Pfft, yeah. That’s the one.”
“I haven’t seen it yet,” you admitted, some rustling coming through his headphones. “Do... do you mind showing me it?”
He smiled sheepishly. “No, not at all. But I’m not a very good builder, I hope you know.”
You let out a brief shout, and he jumped in his chair. “Nope! Illegal!”
His eyebrows knit together. “‘Illegal’?” he parroted.
“Illegal,” you said in an affirmative tone. “It’s illegal to be mean to GeorgeNotFound. Even by GeorgeNotFound himself. Sorry I don’t make the rules.” Before he could even think of a response, your character began jumping up and down on his screen. “Now, show me the goods! I’m sure it looks great.”
He was pretty sure he was just a puddle in his chair, now. You were just far too much for his poor heart. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take of this before he lost his mind.
Shaking his head free of thoughts of you, he pressed the W key and watched as he moved forward down the Prime Path and over a hill. “Here, follow me. It’s a bit far from the rest of the server’s homes, but I kind of like it.”
You hummed, thoughtful and soft as the two of you jumped your way over a few hills. “I get you. I mean, we all need our space. I think having your home being more far away is just cozy. Quaint. Probably not going to get robbed by Tommy. It’s a win-win situation!”
He snorted at your words. Probably not going to get robbed by Tommy was a positive he would never pass up. “I’m glad it’s not just me who thinks that.”
It was then that a splash of red among a horizon full of browns and greens came into view. You let out a soft gasp as his hobbit-hole house came into view. “Sooo,” he began, clicking his mouse, “ta-da! Here it is! I know it’s not much, but it’s pretty okay, I think?”
A cry of awe flew from your lips. “Are you kidding me? Your house is so pretty!” You ran forward, your eyes wide as you gazed at the hobbit-style home. “It’s so round and cozy and—oh, the mushrooms!” Your avatar jumped up and down, punching at the air towards his house. “You even added a little moat with a bridge!”
A certain sincerity flooded your voice as you added, “George, don’t lie to me and tell me you suck at building. I love your house.”
He felt his heart melt at your eager tone. Just how endearing could one person be? 
“Can we go inside, can we go inside?” you asked, your voice growing bolder as you turned to look at him expectantly. 
A bashful smile shot across his face, even though he knew you couldn’t see him. “I—ah, I haven’t actually built the inside yet,” he admitted shyly.
You let out a soft squeal, your avatar running around the screen with a hop. “If you want, we can build it together!” you offered. “I know you’re not super confident in your building skills, but I’m more than happy to help out!”
His heart melted. You were so kind. Too kind, really. How could he say no?
“I would love that,” he said. He moved inside the house, revealing the hollowed out, blank space that would serve as the interior of his house. “So, as you can see, it’s still a work in progress.” He glanced back at you. “Where should we start? 
There was a slight pause. “Hmmm.” He could imagine the way you scrunched your nose as you thought, your fingers tapping against the nearest flat surface as you did so. “We could make most of the inside out of birch planks,” you began, “and have some dark oak details. You know, so there’s some really neat contrast between the light and dark parts of your house.”
He could hear you growing giddier and giddier with each passing second. “And we can also add some red and white carpet to match the mushroom aesthetic! Oh, that would look so good! “Your character turned to look at him, a block of birch wood already in hand. “What do you think?”
His heart beat a little faster. I like you, he thought, clear as a bell. I really, really like you, that’s what I think.
“You what?”
He froze.
Oh my god. Did I just say that out loud?
Your voice filled his ears, quiet and shaky. “Um. Yeah.”
A second passed in awkward silence. Then another.
If a Minecraft skin could blush, George’s face would be a tomato.
“I, um,” he stammered, his eyes darting every which way in search of an excuse to leave the call. Just then, his gaze caught on the glass of water he had set to his left. He barely gave himself even a second to think about what to say before he started rambling, speaking in a single, blurted breath.
“I just um spilled water all over myself and wow it’s about to get all over my set-up and that would be really bad so I’m just uh gonna go now okay great bye—”
Before he could embarrass himself anymore, he found himself pressing the ‘end call’ button and closing the window, hanging his head in his hands as he let out a long groan of despair.
Why did he do that? How did he do that?
Groaning again, he slammed his head into his desk, turning to press his cheek into the wood as he stared at his keyboard. 
He was an idiot—a big, fat idiot.
In the corner of his eye, he watched as his phone screen lit up. It‘s probably a message from [Y/N], his brain helpfully supplied. She’s probably confused as hell.
“Not helping,” he muttered to himself, sitting up once more.
Well, there was really only one thing he could do now, and that was to get help. Fortunately for him, he knew two people he could definitely ask for advice. Unfortunately, he had a feeling he knew how this conversation was going to go.
Sighing, he opened up Discord again on his monitor.
He was sure things could only go downhill from here.
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“You what?!”
George grimaced. He was right. This was a terrible idea. “You don’t have to rub it in my face,” he grumbled.
“I’m—” Wheeze. “I’m not rubbing it in,” Dream explained between gasps for air, “it’s... it’s just that it’s funny.”
George pursed his lips. “I don’t know about you, but that sounds like you’re rubbing it in.”
Sapnap’s voice cut through Dream’s laughter. “Okay, okay, Dream, you’re not helping. Gogy here is having, as Tommy would put it, ‘women problems’, and he needs some help.”
All of a sudden, Dream’s laughter stopped. “If I’m being totally honest,” he said, “I’m not really seeing the problem here.”
There was a beat of silence. “How are you not seeing the problem?” Sapnap said. You could hear the frown in his voice. “George just prematurely confessed his feelings to [Y/N].”
“Yeah, and?”
Another beat of silence.
“What the heck do you mean, ‘and’? That’s the problem!”
George sighed, sinking down in his desk chair. “Dream,” he muttered into his headset, rubbing at his temples, “just spit it out.”
“Look,” he began, “I’m just saying that here’s no advice we could possibly give you, because there’s only one solution.”
“Which is?” Sapnap prompted.
“You just have to tell her outright how you feel.”
George’s jaw dropped and he scrambled to sit up. “No way I’m doing that. Nuh-uh, no thanks.”
Sapnap made a noise of approval. “No, wait—Dream does have a point.”
George felt a stone of uneasiness drop into his stomach. “You’re just saying that because you want to see me make a fool of myself.”
“No, no, nonono, I’m telling the truth!” Dream cried. “Seriously, what other options do you really have? Pretend that you never said anything and just act like nothing happened to confuse her and hope that she forgets?”
“Pretty sure that’s called gaslighting,” Sapnap mumbled.
George glared at his monitor, knowing full well no one could see him. “Not helping.”
“Ignore her for the rest of eternity?” Dream continued. “You’ve already declined six of her calls!” There was a pause, then he carried on. “George, seriously. I want the best for you, and I’m not kidding when I say this is the only viable option, really.”
He stared down at his lap, his hands shaking where they lay. “What if,” he began, “she doesn’t feel the same?”
“Well, tough luck then, Gogy,” Sapnap said bluntly, “You’re just gonna have to suck it up and move on like the rest of us.”
George pressed his lips into a thin line. While it wasn’t exactly the nicest way to put it, he supposed Sapnap was right. “What if...” He swallowed. “What if I’m not ready?”
A soft sigh came from the other end. “George,” Dream said, his voice sincere, “believe it or not, but no one’s ever ready, really. But if we all waited until we were ready, then we’d be waiting for the rest of our lives.”
George fell quiet. A strange sense of comfort fell over him as he let Dream’s words soak in. Mustering up a deep breath, he smiled.
“Okay. I’ll call her back tonight, alright?”
Sapnap let out a hoot, the sound of clapping filling his headphones. “Let’s go! Get ‘em, Gogy!”
“You really need to stop calling me that.”
“Nah. It’s funny.”
Before George could retort, Dream stepped in. “Remember buddy, no matter what happens, we’ll be here for you, okay? Don’t let your fear hold you back. Hell, you know what? Don’t let your—” Dream suddenly cackled, his voice wheezing into his mic as he sputtered, “Don’t let your dreams be dreams, George!”
George let out a groan, barely able to hear himself over the deafening sound of Dream’s wheezing. “Oh my god, I’m hanging up.”
“Good luck, Gog—”
It was at that moment that he clicked the ‘end call’ button, the sweet sound of silence washing over him. Leaning back in his chair, he stared up at the ceiling, the tiniest of smiles gracing his lips.
Maybe calling his friends wasn’t such a bad idea, after all.
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George stared at his monitor, the dark screen reflecting a mirrored image of himself. His hand opened and closed on his lap, itching to hold onto the mouse.
It had been two days since he’d blurted the words he’d been procrastinating saying for the last god knows how long. 
Every time he closed his eyes, he could only see fluttering shots of you. You, with your mouth agape, staring at your screen with your headphones sliding down your neck. You, frantically texting on your phone about everything that had just slipped out of his mouth. You, with your face inevitably twisting in disgust at the thought of someone like him liking someone like you.
I’m not ready, he thought, his reflection blinking back at him.
That’s exactly why you’re going to do this, his reflection said back as his hand moved to his mouse, hovering over it.
You suck, he thought.
The monitor smiled back at him as he moved his cursor. I know.
His screen burst to life, Discord already open and waiting for him. George moved his cursor to hover over your username, his palm starting to sweat. Clicking, he reached over to his keyboard and began to type.
GeorgeNotFound: hey! did you wanna video call?
The moment he hit enter, he ripped his hands away from the keyboard like it was made of hot coals, wiping his hands on his pants. With bated breath, he waited, staring at the green circle accompanying your profile picture. Suddenly, his screen moved.
[y/n] is typing...
His heart leapt into his throat.
[y/n]: okay!
He exhaled a sigh of relief through his nose, his mouse moving to press the hit ‘video call’ button. A few seconds passed with the ringtone echoing through his headphones. A moment later, the ringing stopped and your face filled his screen, the familiar set-up of your room fading in at the corners. His heart swelled at the sight—both with affection and anxiety.
“Um, hi!” you said with a shy smile, your gaze darting away from the screen as you waved at the camera. Despite your bright demeanour and cheery tone, he could practically feel the tension in your shoulders the moment he laid eyes on you.
“H-Hi,” he said back, swallowing as he mustered up a shaky smile. Your gaze flickered to his for a brief second, and in that moment, it almost felt like you two were actually looking at each other in real life. Then you looked away again and something in his chest cracked.
“How are you doing?” he asked slowly, trying to prompt a conversation. “It feels like we haven’t talked in forever.”
Your lips quirked as you tilted your head at him. “We talked, um, two days ago.”
He ignored the embarrassment flaring up on his cheeks. “I mean like, see-each-other-talk talked.” He paused, then adding in a near-whisper. “I missed seeing your face.”
Your rosy lips parted in awe, and he was almost certain that he was never, ever going to forget that expression of yours.
“And, um, h-how—how are you, George?” you stammered out with a shaky voice, curling up a little in your chair. “Are you doing okay?”
George opened his mouth, then shut it. Whenever people asked him if he was okay, his mouth always defaulted to “fine” or “good” or “okay”. Rarely did he ever find himself telling the truth. But now, as he looked at your shy, bashful face, he knew what he had to do. Straightening up, he looked his webcam dead in the eyes.
“I,” he said, “am really, really nervous right now. Like, nervous out of my mind.”
You blinked, finally turning to face him directly at last. “Really?”
He nodded, his anxiety slowly falling away. “Yeah. Do you know why?”
Recognition flickered through your eyes, and your cheeks grew hot once more. “Why, George?”
He took a deep breath, steeling himself, and smiled.
It’s now or never.
“I like you, [Y/N]. A lot. What I said earlier was true. It wasn’t some bit, and it wasn’t just some spur of the moment thing. I really do like you a lot, and I would like it if you would be my g—”
He almost choked on his own words, oh-so very aware of just how hot his face was. “And I,” he began again, squeezing his eyes shut, “would love it if you would be my girlfriend.”
He couldn’t look—he couldn’t. He missed seeing your face, he really did, but he knew that if he looked now, he would only be met with disappointment. You, with a frown on your face, only deepening with each passing second. You, with guilt in your eyes for not reciprocating his feelings. You, with your soft lips mouthing four words he wish he didn’t have to hear. 
I’m so sorry, George. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so—
“I like you, too.”
His eyes flew open, his mouth agape.
Those were not the four words he was expecting to hear.
He lifted his head, his gaze taking in every inch of his screen. A bright, glowing smile was plastered across your face, your eyes crinkling at the corners.
“For real?” he breathed, disbelief wracking every inch of his being.
You nodded, a laugh tumbling from your lips and lighting up his insides. “Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes.”
George felt a smile of his own creep across his face as he ran a hand through his hand, something happier than joy rushing through his veins. 
Oh god, he thought, wanting to scream it from the top of the nearest building. I like you, I like you, I like you. I like you a lot lot.
“I like you a lot lot, too.”
He froze. Did I say that out loud, again?
Your grin widened. “Yes.”
For a second, he almost shriveled up in shame. But then he shook his head and laughed, basking in the warmth of your smile.
A few days ago, he might have been embarrassed. But now? 
Well, if it was with you, he supposed he wouldn’t mind speaking his mind more often.
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Under The Floorboards (Pt. VIII)
(Technoblade x Reader) First Part: Pt. 1 Latest: Pt.VX
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(Feel free to play this while listening to this chapter! Full credit to @Alexx-Kun on Wattpad for suggesting this gorgeous song)
Day 1: Forgiveness
Step one you needed to find a venue, you had assigned Ranboo as your honorary maid of honor. The young boy was just as thrilled as he was confused, did you not have any other friends? You were Technoblade’s perfect match if that was the case. Ranboo had no problem voicing that to you and you pouted at him, you argued that everyone who lived with Techno was antisocial. He reluctantly agreed and you smiled proudly, he rolled his eyes and shoved your shoulder with his hand. You laughed, glad you were sitting down, or else you would’ve for sure fallen. Technoblade and you had decided to split the jobs for the wedding between the both of you. You were in charge of the invitations and flowers, basically anything to do with decorating and interacting with other humans. Technoblade meanwhile was in charge of the venue and the official rings, it’s not that you didn’t trust him with more duties it was more that he didn’t trust himself. That and he also believed that you both could just get married in the woods. You at least wanted a small wedding with a few people you cared about, you rubbed your pointer finger and thumb together with a frown.
    “You alright?”
     “Just thinking about the invitations. Who will come...stuff like that.” Ranboo glanced over at the minuscule stack of letters by the table, it was clearly small, but Ranboo hand wrote them for you in swirl print. They better show up, Ranboo would be pissed if they didn’t, he put a lot of work into those invites.
    “They’ll come.” He nodded his head picking them up with his claws, one was for Tommy, another was for Ghostbur, and Ranboo also suggested an invite for Captain Puffy he figured the both of you would get along considering you both had a habit for adopting misfits. You also needed a female friend. “We can deliver them and search for flowers, then tomorrow we can search for a dress for you that sounds okay right?”
    “For someone with such a bad memory, you’re surprisingly good at planning,” You watched the boy preen at your compliment.
     “Thank you, I also figured we can use the stasis chamber so you only have to walk one way with your ankle.”
     “Smart boy.”
    “Why thank you,” Ranboo smiled proudly over at you reaching out his hand for you to take. You grabbed it and he pulled you to his feet, he kept his hand interlocked with yours, it was minuscule in comparison to the half enderman’s. “Ready?”
Slowly but surely the two of you made your way over to the nether portal and into the once-great country. Ranboo placed his hand on your lower back and helped guide you through the rubble of the city. He knew much better than you did where everyone resided, even if you didn’t meet them face to face you’d make a chest and drop it off. Ironically the first person you ran into was the woman Ranboo insisted you meet, Captain Puffy. She’s gorgeous, was your first thought, she was some form of a sheep hybrid dressed like a pirate, two of your favorite things, sorry Technoblade you might’ve met your new wife. You talked with her well into the afternoon, she was just so easy to talk to,
    “Can I just say I feel like I’ve known you forever,” She gushed, taking your hands within her own and squeezing fondly. “I’m so happy Ranboo has found someone to watch out for him,” Ranboo flushed in response but didn’t argue against Puffy’s words which warmed your heart.
     “I’m happy too. I just want to help these kids in whatever way I can,” You smiled a little forlornly thinking once again of the obnoxious blonde. “They just don’t deserve all the shit they have to deal with, they’re kids you know? They should be living their lives.”
    “Yeah keep talking like I’m not here,” Ranboo mused over your shoulder which caused you to laugh with a shake of your head, “no need to stop please continue.” Puffy smiled at the both of you,
     “She’s right though Ranboo. You should be out causing mischief or getting into trouble, not fighting in a never-ending war.”
    “Oof getting into trouble? No thank you, I just wanna tend to my pets and go on adventures with my friends.”
     “You’ll get to do that I promise. Once my ankles healed we’ll go woodland mansion hunting, I’ve been to a few in my time. They’re a lot of fun.”
     “Yeah of course!” You beamed and Ranboo smiled right back at you, he brought his journal out of his bag and quickly scribbled something down in it. In the end, Puffy ended up accepting the invitation with a blinding smile,
     “You’re going to be a gorgeous bride. Could I bring my girlfriend Niki? You’ll love her!”
     “I don’t see why not. I can’t wait to meet her!” You assumed Technoblade wouldn’t mind one more person, especially because he’s never mentioned Niki which was a good thing in your eyes. Usually, if Technoblade talked about you, it was because he wasn’t a fan. You all said your goodbyes, you felt warm inside you couldn’t believe you were about to have TWO friends who are girls.
     “I love her.”
     “Told you so,” Ranboo smirked. He was proud of himself for forcing someone else to socialize so he didn’t have to. Ranboo was relieved that list of people to invite wasn’t long; considering Technoblade had more enemies than friends. The only thing that rubbed him the wrong way was he didn’t even know that you had invited Tommy in the first place.
So if Tommy did show up, your wedding might be a bloodbath.
You and Ranboo stood outside of Tommy’s house, he glanced down at you and watched your hands clench the envelope. He brought his hands over yours and rubbed them gently, you looked up at him with wide eyes.
     “Deep breath and relax okay? He’s Tommy so I won’t say he won’t flip out at you, but I can say you’re a wonderful friend, you’ll be fine.”
     “I can’t believe Mr. Panic Room is telling me to relax.” You let out a nervous laugh, he made an offended face.
     “Ya know what, never helping you again. You can walk home.”
     “Ranboo it was a joke!”
     “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you stuck your tongue out and headed up to Tommy’s door and knocked. You already knew Tommy might not even be home, the boy was a wanderer by nature. Yet, much to your surprise, the door opened with a loud BANG, and in the doorway stood Tommy looking better than you’ve seen him in all the time he spent with you and Technoblade.
     “Hi, Tommy.”
     “(Y/N)?” He blinked looking surprised before he steeled his face, “What’re you doing here wench!” Tommy pointed an accusatory finger at you and you raised an eyebrow,
That wasn’t going to fly.
    “Try again.”
Tommy sputtered as you narrowed his eyes accusingly, his eyes trailed down to the netherite sword at your side. His entire demeanor changed when he spotted it at your side,
     “(Y/N)! My friend! Good to see you! How’ve you been? Good? Good!” The boy rambled wrapping an arm around your shoulder with a big smile, there’s the Tommy you remembered. “I’m sure you’re doing good fo’ sho’! Now what do, I owe this pleasure women!”
    “I wanted to invite you to Technoblade and I’s wedding,” Your voice was soft and hesitant, holding out the invitation out to him. The teenager blinked a few times before taking it from your hands, he flipped it over confusion was etched deep on his brow.
    “You’re getting married? To Technoblade? He’s going to have a wife and I’m not?”
You blinked a few times trying to process what Tommy said, was he more mad at the fact that Technoblade was getting married in the first place? “Well yeah, considering I’m his fiance and all…”
    “That motherfucker! He gets to have a wife! I want a wife! (Y/N) acquire me a wife!”
You let out howling laughter at his response, tossing your arms around the boy, he went silent and a confused look came across his face. His ears turned red as he looked over at Ranboo with a face that screamed help me, Ranboo simply looked away holding up a prominent middle finger at the boy. “Okay, okay! Enough hugs,” Tommy ranted shoving you away from him with a huff, “I don’t know what’s so funny about me needing a wife.”
    “You’ll find a wife eventually,” You couldn’t help but smile as he frowned down at you. “So? Can you make it?” Voice quiet as you looked up at him, the nervousness from before creeping back into your body, he chewed on his bottom lip while looking at you. Tommy wasn’t about to be soft while Ranboo was standing less than a foot away so he did the next best thing which was whacking you on top of the head.
    “I-well-...” Tommy rubbed the back of his neck looking nervous for the first time in his life, “I can’t.” He saw your face fall and he grabbed your shoulders tightly, “Not because I don’t want to! I… I guess you’re not TERRIBLE.” He admitted begrudgingly, “Tubbo and I...we have some unfinished business we need to deal with before things get any worse for people.”
     “I don’t know what you mean Tommy.” You suddenly grew very concerned, “You don’t have to hold the entire world on your shoulders.”
     “Yeah, I do,” Tommy responded with enough seriousness to shake you to your core, you didn’t know about his past with the discs fully, but you knew enough to know this situation was about that. “Just know I’m happy for you, seriously I am,” He gave you a sad smile.
    “Stay safe Tommy. Please don’t be stupid.”
     “I’m never stupid you BITCH!”
     “Call me a bitch again you BRAT!”
     “MAKE ME!”
You frowned, hitting him in the side so he would double over, while he gripped his stomach you pulled him into a headlock and began digging your knuckles into his skull. “Apologize!”
Ranboo looked sheepish as he stared at the scene, his shoulders slumping forward. “(Y/N) we have a schedule-” Reluctantly you released Tommy and he stumbled back, he huffed dusting off his shirt. You smiled slightly over at the boy,
     “See you soon raccoon boy,” you gave him a proud salute.
     “Hasta La Vista Miss Blade,” Tommy responded, saluting you right back.
You turned away from the boy and headed back over to Ranboo’s side, “You ready?” You nodded in response with a little smile on your lips. “Good. Next, up is Ghostbur right? We need to find him.”
     “If we can locate Friend we can locate him.”
It took a while, but eventually, you and Ranboo found Ghostbur and Friend wandering around a forest nearby the crater. Immediately spotting you a bright smile spread across the ghost’s face, “(Y/N)!” He shouted, throwing his hand in the air with a wave, “How’re you doing darling!”
    “I’m good Ghostbur! Have you met Ranboo?”
     “Briefly. Nice to see you again!”
     “Ugh, ditto,” Ranboo responded with a shy smile shuffling a little behind you.
You smiled and pulled an envelope out from your bag, you held it out to him.
     “You and Friend good sir, are invited to Technoblade and I’s wedding.” He gasped loudly, eyes lighting up with pure and utter joy,
     “Technoblade getting married! Oh my god, that’s phenomenal! You’re going to make the most beautiful bride,” he praised excitedly as your face turned red at the compliments, “Gosh, you two are so lovely together, I wouldn’t miss this for the world! Do you have a dress? You have to show me!”
You rubbed the back of your head, rocking on your heels, “Well...about that.”
     “Do not tell me you don’t have a DRESS?” He practically yelled crossing his arms, “I’m disappointed in you!”
      “It’s in two days Ghostbur! I had no time! I’ll make do with something. I’m sure I have an old dress somewhere-”
     “UNACCEPTABLE!” He grabbed at your hands, “I’m getting you a dress. I’ll meet you at Technoblade’s tomorrow, just hold on!” Ghostbur ran his hand through Friend’s wool with a smile, “You’re going to be one of the most gorgeous brides, only second to Sally.”
     “Well I’m honored, I’ll see you then.” You smiled adoringly at the little ghost as he floated off his sheep buddy by his side.
    “Do you think he’s getting you a dress?”
     “I have no idea,” You responded with a shrug, “It’s sweet he’s willing to put in the effort though.”
      “Or creepy.”
     “It’s sweet you jerk,” You nudged him with your arm Ranboo smiled,
    “I’m just glad it’s off our to-do list for tomorrow.”
     “True that means you can sleep in,” You teased as his multicolored eyes lit up,
    “Hell yeah.”
Day 2: Ghostbur’s Gift
You woke up to sleepy kisses and tender touches, one of the loveliest ways to wake up if you might add.
    “Morning big guy,” You cooed fondly as he made a soft purr-like sound in his throat. You turned over to face him and he immediately pressed a kiss to your lips. The voices couldn’t help but point out how cute you looked in the morning.
    “Helloooo...How’s your ankle?” He asked his thumb brushing against your cheek, closing your eyes you let out a soft,
    “Much better.”
    “Good, I heard from Ranboo Ghostbur’s supposedly stopping by today. Any particular reason?”
     “He says he has a dress I can wear for tomorrow.”
    “How does he have a dress exactly?”
    “No idea, but I’m going with it.”
     “If you’re sure. Just don’t look bad.” You frowned and bonked him on the side of his head, “it was a joke!”
     “It better be a joke or I’m leaving your ass. I look good in everything so fuck off.” You hissed as Technoblade groaned,
     “Heard you loud and clear Princess. Scouts honor, you’re the most beautiful girl to me you know that.”
    “I do. Just don’t joke around like that, makes me feel bad okay?”
He frowned a little and moved to hover over you, his hair framed his face and fell past his shoulders. It tickled your cheeks and you ran your hands through it meeting anything but his eyes suddenly feeling very self-conscious. Technoblade kissed the tip of your nose,
     “Hey, Princess look at me.”
Turning your head towards his voice, the two of you locked eyes, a sense of calm washed over you, the only thing in his eyes was pure, unadulterated love.
     “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world to me. No matter what I’m always going to think that you are, you could grow a third eye and I’d still want to marry you tomorrow. I’m sorry I made you feel bad, it was a joke but I won’t make it again. I swear.” You felt your eyes water as you tossed your arms around his neck, the sudden movement caused him to fall forward crushing you beneath him.
    “I love you too bubba. Thank you for listening to me.”
     “That’s part of my job idiot.”
You smiled against his neck and held him tighter, Technoblade reciprocated the hug and decided the both of you could stay in bed just a little while longer. The two of you shared soft kisses, every once in a while Technoblade would reinforce how precious you were to him, eventually, it all got to be too much and you shoved your hands in his face.
     “Enough is enough! I’m embarrassed now.” Technoblade laughed at your flustered expression and pressed a fond kiss to your lips, obviously you kissed him back, your fingers threading through his hair.
      “Princess…” He let out a pleased sound in the back of his throat, “you’re making it hard to get out of bed. I still have some stuff set up for tomorrow and you gotta look out for Wilbur.”
     “Or hear me out. You can stay in bed with me all day, and keep giving me kisses,” You pressed your lips to his own before whispering in his ear, “Anywhere you’d like.” You nipped teasingly at his earlobe and suddenly felt the heat radiating off his face. As you expected his face was a deep red color and you felt his head fall against your shoulder,
    “You’re going to kill me.” You only laughed in response, finally pulling away from him you swung your feet over the side of the bed, “you can’t just say that and walk away.” He whined loudly with a little pout on his lips, “Especially since I won’t see you until the wedding.”
     “Suck it up buttercup,” You stuck your tongue out at the man “I’ll just be at Ranboo’s if something goes wrong I’ll be within reach.” He reached his hand up and threaded his fingers through your hair, you sighed pleasantly at the physical touch, “I love you.”
      “Love you too, see you tomorrow.” You gave him one last fleeting kiss before standing up leaving the warmth of the covers and your half-naked fiance behind much to your dismay. You tossed one of Technoblade’s old shirts over your head, it came down past your knees and Technoblade let out a happy sigh from behind you. You let out a little laugh, looking at him over your shoulder his eyes were half-lidded as he stared at your now bare legs. “Hold on don’t change just yet I wanna stare a little bit longer.”
     “Perv.” You snickered ignoring his wishes and sliding on a pair of pants, afterward, you tied a corset around your waist. He responded with a ‘heh?’ of disagreement before he groaned loudly and flopped over in the bed, “see you soon Bubbas.” You leaned over and pecked his forehead before sliding down the ladder and out of the house. Ironically your timing was perfect as you greeted Ranboo right outside Technoblades cabin, “Good morning!”
     “Morning, you and Techno sleep okay?” You nodded with a bright smile, “Good Wilbur should be stopping by any minute now by the way. He sent me a note earlier this morning that said he’d be around this time.”
     “Works for me, wanna wait by your house?”
     “You just wanna pet my bunny,” You smirked and laughed,
     “Can you blame me?”
     “I suppose not. Whatever makes you happy.” Ranboo sighed but there wasn’t any real defeat in his tone, “Let’s go.” Ranboo and you walked a little ways away to his humble little shack so you could play with Ranbun. You were set up in Ranbun’s pen holding him in your arms and cooing softly at him, Ranboo joined you after a few moments of jealous staring. The two of you spent the next hour playing with his bunny and feeding him lots of treats, he was one happy bunny. Ranboo was the first person to see Ghostbur coming through the trees, a large box in hand, had he actually managed to get you a dress?
     “(Y/N)! Ranboo!” Ghostbur shouted excitedly floating over to the both of you, “I managed to find the dress I promised you! So long as it fits of course.” Your jaw fell open as you stumbled out of Ranbun’s pen,
     “How the hell did you manage to find me a wedding dress?”
     “Oh! It was Sally’s.” A fond smile spread across the ghost’s face, both you and Ranboo looked at one another brows furrowed. Ranboo put a hand to the side of his face and whispered loudly to you,
     “I thought Sally was a fish.”
You whispered back in the exact same manner,
    “Me too, but at this point, I’m too afraid to ask for clarification.”
Ranboo nodded seriously and stood back up to his full height, you stepped forward and took the box from the hands of the ghost he stared at it longingly like he was afraid to let it go. You chewed on the inside of your cheek for a moment before speaking up,
     “Are you sure?” Your voice was barely above a whisper but it was still as tender as ever, the ghost of Wilbur snapped his eyes up to meet yours. He seemed to be reading the expression in your eyes before smiling almost fondly, handing the box over to you officially. He pulled out a small patch of blue and fumbled it around in his hands, like a nervous tic,
    “I’m positive love. I trust you to take good care of it and Sally would want you to have it, she was wonderful like that. Just please take good care of it.”
    “I’ll protect it with my life. I promise you.”
     “I know you will, you’re going to be a beautiful bride, my dear.” He somehow took your hands and pressed a faint kiss to them, “Go on then try it on.” Your eyes sparkled in delight and he turned to Ranboo,
     “Well go on, we’ll still be here to judge you immensely.”
    “Oh fuck off.” You laughed heading into his shack to change, you managed to find an area not completely out in the open. The only nerve-wracking thing was you didn’t have a mirror so you had to pray you looked alright and that Raboo and Ghostbur wouldn’t lie to you. You opened the box and pulled the dress out, Sally really knew how to pick a damn good dress; the dress was stunning, you definitely wouldn’t do it justice. The dress fell past your feet and pooled a little ways behind you, it was more of an off-white creme color, and was made of soft lace. It was sleeveless so the winter wind gave you a chill, you hoped Technoblade picked a place that wasn’t freezing cold. You took a breath to hype yourself up and stepped out of the shack, the dress trailing behind you, you had left the veil in the box figuring you didn’t need it right now. The first person to spot you was Ghostbur, who gasped loudly bringing his hands up to his face after spotting you. You shrunk in on yourself a little bit and your cheeks turned a light pink in response, “That’s a good expression I hope.” You meekly laughed as Ranboo turned around and let out a shaky break of surprise. He reached forward with his claws to touch the soft fabric,
     “It’s perfect! Fits like a glove.” Wilbur hummed happily floating around you, “I was right by the way, you look beautiful. Techno’s going to pass out.”
    “Shut up I can’t look that good.”
    “You do though!” Ranboo shouted excitedly, “It suits you perfectly not that I had any doubts or anything.” He jumped a little on the balls of his feet, he pulled out his memory book quickly scribbling something down inside it, as he did so he muttered “I’m the best honorary maid of honor ever.”
     “You definitely are.” You praised the halfling who only seemed to grow more excited at the praise, Ghostbur cleared his throat, was he looking for a compliment too? “Ghostbur you’re a lifesaver, if it wasn’t for you I’d be walking down the aisle in Netherite. Thank you.” Ghostbur seemed to preen a little as he smiled proudly,
    “I know. I’m pretty great aren’t I? I basically saved the day.”
    “You certainly are.”
    “Oh! Just return the dress the next time I see you after the wedding okay?”
     “I will have no fear, it’s in safe hands.” The ghost nodded, “I can’t wait to see it in action tomorrow.”
     “Me too,” you sighed lovingly, doing a little twirl in the dress you could only imagine the look that would appear on Technoblade’s face when he saw you.
You hoped the voices would approve because Technoblade was absolutely going to short circuit and go feral, you could hardly wait.
Day 3: The Wedding Day
The night before the wedding Technoblade couldn’t sleep his body was buzzing with nerves, which was a foreign feeling to him. He was worried about you not sleeping by his side, this was the first time since you’ve officially gotten together that you weren’t there. He didn’t realize how much he missed your presence and warmth, he pulled the pillow you usually used close to his chest. He felt like a love-struck teenager cuddling the pillow of his missing girlfriend because that’s basically what he was, except instead of a girlfriend it was his fiance. The voices didn’t help his longing either; they were roaring in his head asking where you were and when you would come back.
Where’s (Y/N)? I miss her! Can Ranboo protect her if something goes wrong? What if Dream gets ahold of her in the meantime and you’re up here sleeping? I wanna squeeze her thighs again right now. E. That’s disgusting, stop, don’t sexualize her like that. B U T T. Can I get a big pog for butts? Thighs for the thigh god.
His entire face went a deep scarlet, “What does that even mean guys.” Technoblade let out a loud groan of embarrassment, some of the voices laughed, some others rumbled with anger. “I just want her by my side is all, I miss her. I miss her touch...I don’t know when I became such a sap. I hate that I care about her this much, but god without her I’d be lost.”
     “You shits.”
The morning rolled around and Technoblade woke up as soon as the sun shone through the windows. He fell asleep around three in the morning, tired as shit, bees buzzing around in his stomach.
Today’s the day! Gotta get ready as soon as possible, you’re gonna look so handsome! I bet (Y/N)’s gonna be equally as beautiful! Don’t fuck it up. Celebratory murder spree pog? She’ll think you’re so hot covered in blood. No! E. Normalcy is key!
He shook his head to get rid of the nagging voices rattling around in his head, he knew what he had to do, and listening to the voices wasn’t one of them. Phil was going to come soon and Technoblade had to look presentable so they could head to the venue and Phil could set up some last-minute decorations. Techno would say he felt bad making Phil do most of the work, but he honestly didn’t, especially since he was so inept at romance in the first place. Never one to wear a suit Technoblade decided his best outfit would be his arctic retirement one, a suit would be too constricting. After all, what if it was attacked and he needed to jump into action, Phil had told him that he was absolutely not allowed to bring weapons which he was not happy about at all. Although the man did reassure him that he would be armed and have an extra weapon just in case something was to occur, he guessed that was FINE. With a soft huff, the man stood up from his bed and pulled out his outfit, the soft blue made him yearn for the days before they found Tommy living under the house. In a way wearing this symbolized a time in their relationship before he was forced into bloodshed once again, plus he knew you loved the fuzzier outfit.
Putting on everything, he brought the fur cape around his shoulders, his crown glittering on his head in the light. He looked regal, he would say he looked like a king but he hated all forms of government so he just looked like his usual badass self. In his closet sat his wedding gift to you, it was a gold tiara that matched his crown in his own way finally solidifying the both of you as a blood god duo.
Turning away from the tiara he grabbed a hairbrush to tame his wild hair, he wanted to do something different with it. It spilled around his back and down to his waist, he managed to tame the frizz with some product that he ‘borrowed’ from you. In the end, he had two small braids framing his face, he grabbed both of them and pinned them together on the back of his head. A half-up half-down look almost made him look like a Viking, he liked it. Technoblade placed gold earrings along with his ears and added some gold accents on his wrists and fingers, none overshading his engagement ring.
His ears twitched hearing the door open downstairs, Phil was here, it was time.
     “Hellooo!” Technoblade called from upstairs and Phil responded with a cheerful,
    “Hey mate!”
As Technoblade descended the ladder, Phil smiled fondly at his old friend, he immediately adjusted the cape on his shoulders. Technoblade huffed a small laugh, “Was that really necessary?”
     “Obviously. I’m the married one, I know what I’m doing.” He shot back snickering, “You ready to go?”
     “As I’ll ever be I suppose.”
    “I’m proud of you man,” Phil responded with a fatherly smile “You’re never going to forget today. It’ll be the best of your life.”
    “Ehhhh I don’t know about that. Spawning those Withers and blowing up a country really gave me a rush.”
     “Oh fuck off,” Phil howled with laughter while shoving the snickering piglin. “This’ll be an entirely new feeling, I would know.” His wings puffed out happily remembering his marriage fondly,
     “Didn’t you marry a fridge?”
    “You’re literally the worst.”
Technoblade smirked just happy he steered the conversation away from any of that mushy crap. He was going to get enough of that as it is in a few hours, oh look at that the bees are back. Phil gave him a pat on the back and the two of them left the house side by side. The spot Technoblade picked out for the wedding was one both of you would like, a snowy taiga, it was warm enough that you wouldn’t freeze to death but still had the beautiful powdery snow that Tecnhoblade loved. Phil had done an amazing job of setting everything up, on the arch, there were beautiful blue flowers interspersed with white roses (both of which you picked out prior), they stood out beautifully against the wooden trellises. There was a carved stone pathway leading the way up to the arch and a few wooden benches decorated with light blue silk so whomever (Y/N) invited could sit down. He knew most of them would only be there for her, he was okay with that, all he needed was Phil and Ranboo and he was content. Next to each booth was a stone pillar, on top of them sat a bouquet of white and blue roses.
     “You really outdid yourself, thank you.” Technoblade whistled,
     “You know I’d do anything for you mate. Glad I could provide, I do have one last little decoration though.” Phil mused reaching into his bag he pulled out a small gold bell similar to the one he had inside his house. He placed the bell above the arch so it would chime softly when the wind blew against its side. Technoblade smiled fondly at the sight and wrapped his arm around Phil’s shoulder.
     “I love it. (Y/N)’s gonna love it too.”
     “Thanks, man.” Phil said softly bumping against the blade, “Do you know who’s going to show up by the way?”
    “Absolutely no idea.”
     “Guess we’re gonna find out, look.” Technoblade stepped away from Phil and looked in the direction of his friend, cresting over the hill seemed to be two girls, Technoblade was immediately confused because he didn’t realize you had friends who were women. Phil let out a small laugh, “Oh it’s Niki and Puffy, Ranboo must’ve introduced (Y/N) to them.” Technoblade only nodded his lips twitching into a frown, new people...gross.
     “Hi, Phil! Technoblade!” Puffy chirped brightly, her hand intertwined with Niki’s tightly, “Congratulations to you Mr.” She lightly tapped Technoblade in the chest he blinked in surprise,
     “Thank you?”
     “I may have just met (Y/N), but just know if you do ANYTHING to hurt her at all I will slaughter you.”
     “Darling please…” Niki sheepishly smiled, “you realize you’re threatening Technoblade right? Not the best idea.”
    “It’s alright. I admire your gumption,” Technoblade gave the both of them a thumbs up in response, “I’m glad (Y/N) has someone else like that looking out for her. But, just so you know. The same to you.” He eyed the both of them with a sharp look in his eyes, Puffy let out a nervous laugh and Niki narrowed her eyes warily.
     “That’s fair.”
     “Anyway!” Phil cleared his throat, “let's not ruin this before it even starts.” He led the two girls over to their seats with a small smile, “(Y/N) will be super happy to see you both by the way. Thank you for coming.”
      “Of course, (Y/N) and I are soulmates after all.” Puffy swooned happily as Niki giggled fondly at her antics, “Technoblade better watch out. Niki and I will steal her heart.”
    “I’ll be sure to warn him,” He snickered, glancing over at his friend who was sniffing at the flowers in the pots. “If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask, Wilbur should be here soon then (Y/N) and Ranboo will come and it’ll start.”
    “Sounds good,” Niki hummed playing with the sleeves of her blue dress “I’m super excited to meet her.”
While Puffy reassured her that she would, Phil noticed his son floating over to the area. “Hello, Phil!” The ghost’s eyes lit up seeing all of them, “Oh wow everything is so beautiful!”
    “Thanks, Ghostbur.” Technoblade hummed walking over to Phil and the ghost,
     “I’m proud of you too Mr. Engaged!” He snickered as Technoblade’s nose scrunched up in distaste, “Who knew the big, scary Technoblade would settle down with a wife, maybe start a family eventually.”
     “I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear any of the cringy nonsense that just came out of your mouth; so I can enjoy today in peace.”
    "Boo! I’m just happy for you!” Ghostbur huffed in annoyance, “I was telling (Y/N) yesterday that marrying Sally was the best day of my life! I’m so making fun of you when you get all mushy.”
     “IF I get all mushy, which I won’t.”
    “Sure you won’t man,” Technoblade glared at his friends in frustration if this teasing was going to continue. He was kidnapping (Y/N) himself and getting married to her elsewhere.
     “I do love all the blue though!” The ghost of Wilbur swooned happily at all the flowers, “This just makes the entire day even better!-”
However he didn’t get to continue as Ranboo cleared his throat rather loudly, the enderboy looked dapper as always, a rose was pinned on his lapel, obviously from (Y/N).
     "Ready Techno?” Phil looked over at him, the pigman’s frustration and confidence fell from his face all at once. Even Ghostbur was shocked at the way Technoblade tensed up and fumbled with the soft fluff on his cape, “Techno?”
It’s time. Holy fuck! She’s going to be stunning, he’s going to be a husband! HE’S GOING TO BE A HUSBAND? Oh fuck.
     “Techno mate you alright?”
     "Yeah. Yeah, I’m good. Let's do this.” Technoblade took a deep breath walking over to the altar with Phil, Phil was obviously officiating the wedding. He didn’t want anyone else doing it, Ranboo smiled at the two of them as he walked down the aisle throwing little flower petals everywhere before standing on (Y/N)’s side of the altar. He gave him a happy little nod, Technoblade nodded back at him in a sign that he was happy to see him. Music began to flow through the air, Technoblade just knew Wilbur had managed to bring a jukebox, but he didn’t mind it was fitting.
He turned towards the rich sound and for once in his life the voices...stopped.
Technoblade could hear the music perfectly, he heard the chiming of the bell every time the wind blew, everything seemed clear and for all the sounds that were playing around him without the rancorous voices, it all seemed deadly quiet.
The true reason the voices stopped though was because he saw you.
Elegant. Magnificent. Royalty.
The words spun around in his head, because god you looked angelic as you walked towards him. He wished your face wasn’t obscured by a veil, he wanted to see you, to cup your cheeks and pull you into a desperate kiss. He wasn’t worthy to marry you, he was barely worthy to breathe the same air as someone so pure. Technoblade bit down on his tongue rather harshly, for once in his life he wished the voices would speak up so he wouldn’t feel so small in his head.
Your silvery voice snapped him out of his thoughts, he drew in a shaky breath and looked at you.
     “Hi,” His voice cracked a little and he flushed all the way up to the tips of his ears. He reached out to squeeze your hands tightly, he felt you squeeze back and he knew that everything was okay. Fuck, he was tearing up a little and he hasn’t even seen your face yet, fuck...Ghostbur was right. He was a mushy gross mess, you giggled a little at his flustered expression.
     “You look handsome,” You whispered softly tilting your head to the side.
     “You’re Aphrodite herself.”
    “Take it back. Take it back right now.” The teasing tone your voice took made him relax considerably, you were still you. His lovely almost wife who’d he got to spend the rest of his life with, it was perfect, you were perfect.
    “You know I do, even if it kills me to retract the statement.” His hand reached forward and gently pushed the veil back over your head.
It took all his strength not to kiss you senseless. Phil cleared his throat and smiled at the small crowd of people who came to the wedding, Puffy seemed to already be emotional, Niki rubbing her back with gentle circles. The both of you barely paid any attention to the introductions and the little details too engrossed in one another to truly listen to anyone that wasn’t each other. They both snapped to attention when Phil spoke their names with a tender smile and their wedding rings were in his hands.
     “Your wedding rings are the outward and visible sign of the inward and invisible bond which already unites you two hearts in love. Groom, place the ring on Bride’s finger and repeat after me….I give you this ring…”
     “I give you this ring.” Technoblade swallowed thickly listening carefully to Phil’s words as you smiled adoringly, the pink spreading across your cheeks was adorable. He shakily slid the diamond ring on your finger,
    “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “As this ring has no end, My love is also forever.”
    “As this ring has no end, My love is also forever.”
    “Good job man.” He winked teasingly at Technoblade breaking character to complement his friend, “Bride, place the ring on Groom’s finger and repeat after me….I give you this ring.”
     “I give you this ring.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “Wear it with love and joy.”
     “As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.”
     “As this ring has no end, my love is also forever.” You breathed softly staring into Technoblade’s eyes and right into his soul. No doubts, only love. Phil continued on,
     “May the wedding rings you exchanged today to remind you always that you are surrounded by enduring love and so now by the power vested in me by...me, it is my honor and delight to declare you husband and wife. You may seal this declaration with a kiss.” You didn’t need to be told twice as you threw your arms around Technoblade’s shoulders smothering him with a kiss. He let out a breathy laugh against them, before kissing you back just as passionately. Technoblade’s hands rested on your lower back and he held you like you were a perfect porcelain doll. “I am pleased to present the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs… ugh Blade! We’ll go with that.” The man laughed as you pulled away from Technoblade to join in his laughter, you pulled Phil into a hug and motioned for Ranboo to join in, both did so, although Ranboo’s was slightly reluctant.
     “Thank you both for everything. My sweet Borealis boys.” You cooed, Phil only laughed and Ranboo’s entire face flushed deeply at the nickname.
     “We love you obviously,” Phil hummed “You don’t need to thank us. Right Ranboo?”
     “Do I really have to say it?”
    “Yes.” Technoblade spoke gruffly, “If you don’t she might cry.”
     “Yeah, Ranboo don’t make me cry on my wedding day.”
     “Oh, Christ...Fine! I love you too…thank you for giving me a home. Caring for me...all of that. You don’t know how much that means to me.” Ranboo looked up at you and you immediately wrapped him in another tight hug, he let out a little whimper and buried his face in your hair.
     “You’ll always be welcome here Ranboo. We’ll always be your home so long as you’ll have us.”
     “Shit,” He laughed a little wetly pulling away from you, “I’ll have to write that down.”
    “You mean you’ll forget it? Rude.” It was Technoblade who chimed in this time and Ranboo flushed in embarrassment once again. He hunched in on himself before sputtering,
     “No, no, no not what I meant! What I mean is like-”
    “Ranboo you’re fine mate.” Phil snickered, reaching up to ruffle his hair, “loosen up a little.”
     “(Y/N)!” You turned towards the shouting of your new friends and your face lit up,
    “Puffy!” The two girls threw their arms around you in a warm hug, even though you didn’t know Niki yet you’re never one to turn down a hug.
Your final conclusion of the night: Niki was absolutely lovely and she and Puffy were relationship goals.
Candles were littered around the room as you and Technoblade swayed gently to soft music in your bedroom. The both of you were finally alone, and officially married, the first thing Technoblade wanted to do was have the first dance with you. It surprised you that a dance was that important to him, but you came to the conclusion that he just wanted to hold you as close as possible. “I have a gift for you,” Technoblade spoke up rather suddenly and you frowned,
     “We said no gifts.”
     “When have I EVER listened to authority Princess?”
     “Touche,” You snapped your fingers in his direction and he snickered. He pulled away from you and you flopped down on the bed, you watched him walk over to the closet and pull out a medium-sized velvet box. “Bubs what the hell…” You murdered as he placed it into your arms, “please tell me you didn’t go too crazy.”
    “I didn’t. I made it by hand,” Technoblade urged you to open it. You did so pulling off the top, jaw-dropping onto the floor. He knew that reaction was positive and pride swelled in his heart, he knew his girl well. He watched as you lifted the golden tiara out of the box, it was littered with gems that matched his crown, your thumb brushed against them in awe.
     “You made this?”
     “Just for you Princess. Thought you needed something to fit your name.”
     “I’m so in love with you.”
     “Good thing you're my wife then,” he felt his stomach swoop happily and by the way you gently caressed the crown, he knew you felt the same about him. “Put it on Princess I wanna see how it looks on you.” Your face turned red as you did as he asked, his eyes grew half-lidded and he kneeled down in front of you, “Stunning.” He kissed the inside of your wrist, his voice turning gruff, “beautiful.” A kiss was placed on your forearm, “gorgeous,” On your shoulder, “My princess. My good girl.” Technoblade pressed a hot kiss to your neck, you leaned back your breath hitching in your throat.
     “Techno…” You whined softly, “I love you.”
      “Love you more.”
     “Love you most,” He purred, capturing your lips in a heated kiss.
The dogs' rapid barking stirred you from your rest, Technoblade grumbled beside you as you sat up in bed letting the covers fall from your shoulders. The air nipped at your bare skin and you frowned, you couldn’t help but wonder what bothered the dogs so suddenly, “Go back to bed.” Technoblade demanded his hand caressing the small of your back, you leaned back against the warm touch but you couldn’t shake away your worry.
     “I’ll be back in two seconds.” You leaned down to kiss the top of his head, he only hummed in response. Big guy knew you could handle yourself just fine, n’ that’s why you loved him. You slipped on a robe and your slippers before making your way to the dogs, stepping inside you heard quite a few of them whining, they just seemed genuinely bothered. “What’s going on huh guys?” You cooed scratching them behind their ears, sensing your comforting presence they seemed to calm down considerably, “What’s got my fearsome guard puppies so spooked.”
      “That’d probably be me.”
You jumped halfway in the air, whipping around you came face to face with the hollow white mask that Dream commonly wore.
    “Fucking shit Dream what the hell?” You pressed your hand to your heart, your dogs growling lowly all around you. “You scared the shit out of me!”
    “My bad.” He smirked in a way that showed he wasn’t at all sorry, “I’m a little disappointed I didn’t get an invitation to the wedding.”
     “Would you have even shown up?” You raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer to you, Nightmare was at his hip making your bad vibe senses light up like a wildfire. He hummed thoughtfully rubbing his chin,
    “Probably not. But, I decided I’d drop by and give you my congratulations.” He was close enough that you could smell him, he smelled like burning wood and dirt; like a little pissbaby worm.
     “Well thank you,” You wrapped the robe tighter around your body like it suddenly dropped ten degrees. “You can go now-” You started before you were pressed up against the wall, his fearsome blade Nightmare at your throat. The dogs began to bark and howl at the man’s heels but they couldn’t do much without a direct command, but you hoped it would be enough to draw Technoblade out of the house.
     “Clearly Technoblade cares about you much more than I had originally calculated. It’s kind of pathetic if I’m being honest. Someone like you who's so small, so pathetic, could bring Technoblade, the fearsome blood god himself, down like that. Make him soft. We can’t exactly have that now, can we? We need him...How do I say this...a bit feral, unhinged.”
     “You realize you kill me, you can count on him hunting you down and slaughtering you right? I can’t say for sure the ‘favor’ is completely off the table but he’ll half-ass it that’s for sure.” You snarled right back in Dreams face, tempted to spit in it.
    “Oh, I’m not going to kill you, babe.” His voice dripped like honey, its sickly sweet tone made your stomach churn. “But we’re going to get really comfortable with one another, for the time being, you’re under my custody.”
     “What the fuck does that mean you freak-” He hit you on the back of the head with Nightmare, successfully knocking you out. That caused one of the dogs to absolutely lose it, jumping up and tearing off a piece of Dreams bright green hoodie. He snarled at the dog and jolted when he heard Technoblade call for (Y/N), it was close. He quickly messaged his accomplice and was teleported out of the situation, via his own stasis chamber, appearing back in his home base. He smiled wickedly under his mask, as Enderman noises could be heard behind him. He adjusted the girl in his grip, the next few days were going to be a lot of fun.
: )
Leave your comments below and I hope you enjoyed! Memes and fanart is also always welcome your girl is thirsty for any scrap of content. 
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angeli-marco-writes · 3 years
Tom Felton - Baby on the Brain
A/N - First request! I hope this is what you wanted, I really like this idea. I don’t know Tom, nor do I claim to, and the other characters are fictional figments. To celebrate 100 followers, I'm uploading this early. Thank you!
Warnings - overloads of fluff, mentions of baby sick, mild language, slight angst, hints to a breeding kink whoops, lightly implied smut.
Summary - Visiting Tom’s brother and his new baby should be a walk in the park, really, but some unwitting truths come to ahead that you can’t refute. You’ve always wanted a family, but does Tom? (Request for Tom Felton: you guys meet his brother's new baby and then decide to have your own.)
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Tom’s bruised knuckles rap thrice against the oak wood of his brother's front door, squeezing your smaller, trembling hand in his, running his fingers over the band of the ring in pride of place. Taking a deep breath in sync with yours, he turns his twinkling blue eyes towards you, lending you a twitch of a reassuring smile.
“Why are you so nervous? It’s only my brother,” he says, his voice gruff following the cigarette he smoked in the car.
“It’s the baby I wanna see,” you breathe, “less nervous, more jittery.”
“Maybe you should’ve gone for tea this morning instead of a double shot coffee.”
You nudge his ribs with your elbow, and then his overly sensitive hip bone with yours, coaxing a gentle chuckle from his lips, “Maybe I wouldn’t have needed it if you hadn’t kept me up so late.”
The devilish, shit-eating grin creeping onto his lips tells you that he feels no remorse, but then again, you’d take tiredness and a night like that over anything. His fingers twine tighter around yours as footsteps begin to shuffle behind the door, followed by an ear-piercing, blood-curdling screech, absolutely unholy.
“See he’s having fun with the kid, then?” you begin to whisper, but your words trail off as Tom’s very exhausted looking brother appears in the doorway, feeding bottle in hand, burping rag over his shoulder, deep purple bags beneath his eyes.
“Alright mate?” Tom greets, stepping one loafer-clad foot over the threshold, offering his brother a man hug.
“Tired, yeah. How you doing, man?” he responds warmly, patting Tom’s back.
“I’m good, I’m good, Jon.” Tom says, though you can feel him almost imperceptibly tense beside you.
Turning ever so slightly, all eyes are cast on you. Naturally, you offer Tom’s brother your warmest smile, teeth and all, sympathy welling both in your eyes and your heart. Kids must be tough if he looks like this with a three-week old.
“And who’s this?” Jonathan asks, sweetly, inquisitive more than anything, though he does look at you a bit peculiarly, scrutinising you, perhaps your outfit, the mom jeans you paired with a cropped cardigan perhaps not his style.
“This is my fiancée, Y/N.” Tom says, his words holding an inflection or pride perhaps, but whatever it is, it sends a pang of excitement shooting down your spine, a smirk creeping its way onto your lips, one you have to bite back, “I’m sorry I haven’t bought her over before, but you know what it’s like.”
“Yeah, course. Nice to meet you.”
“And you! Where’s the baby?”
Tom chuckles softly, and he curls his arm around your body, hip to hip. “She loves kids.”
Jonathan stands aside, a welcoming hand to beckon you into his home, the laminate floors covered in baby commodities, pastel blankets strewn everywhere, but other than, surprisingly clean considering Tom mentioned his brother was a hoarder and was always the most untidy of the bunch all throughout their youth. Considering how bad Tom is and how often you’re stuck cleaning away his dirty dishes and putting his laundry on, you were expecting far worse, but maybe Tom was the worst of them all along.
He tickles between your ribs as you wander through the halls, greeted in the back room by a tiny blonde headed baby, cradled in two arms of a just as exhausted looking lady donning a kind smile, stars dancing in her eyes as she stares down at her temporarily placated child. Tufts of blonde hair pair with enamoured hazel eyes to compliment the soft yellow of their clothes and the rosiness of their chubby cheeks. The hair, the nose, the tiny dimples; this baby looks just like Tom - and all his brothers - did when they were little dots themselves. The same little treasures. You, however, were an unattractive baby compared to this ball of sunshine.
“This is Ainsley.” Tom’s sister in law says lazily, her words falling off as she gapes in adoration at the gurgling blob of joy in her embrace. “And I’m Zara.”
“I’m Y/N.” you smile widely.
Should he not know better, Tom would quite possibly think you’re going to either collapse of hyperventilate, judging by the flush of your cheeks, your elevated pulse, heart beating out of your chest, the tiny, delightful, desperate whimpering noises from the back of your throat, elicited from a single glance into the babies eyes.
Said baby begins to make some indistinguishable noises and flails its arms around faintly, feebly, in your general direction. You’d be lying if your heart didn’t do a somersault in your chest.
“M- may I hold Ainsley?” you stammer out, extending your covered arms in a similar cradle to that of Ainsley’s mother.
“God, you’d be doing me a right favour,” she retorts, her accent broad, Geordie.
She shuffles softly down the pale green sofa, so perfectly complimenting the oak floors, to make a room for you that you take gratefully, and position yourself astutely against the back of the sofa. Before retrieving the baby, though, Tom grasps for a muslin cloth and affectionately drapes it over you, affectionate in the manner that he does it with such care, grazing his thumbs over your collarbones as he goes, ever so gently, barely even a touch, but enough to let you know he’s there. He holds your gaze for a moment, his lips twitching into a smile. This alone sends butterflies to your stomach and sets a sheen of fog about your head, taking you even more by surprise when the baby is laid in your arms, writhing and smiling and blinking so sweetly.
“Hiya darling,” you coo, “aren’t you just the most precious thing.”
“Gender neutral name and clothing...” Tom interjects, sidling up on the arm of the sofa beside you, “may I ask their sex and the pronouns you’re using?”
“Male, but we’re trying to be as gender neutral as possible so they can grow up not feeling pressured.”
You can’t wipe the beam from your face, or prevent the small ‘awwh!’ from escaping under your breath, curling the cloth slightly around the child, “That’s a wonderful attitude. Tommy, would you fetch my bag from the car, please?”
In a second, he’s bouncing up, his hand thrust deep in his chinos to fish for the car key. “You asked me to grab it before we got out as well, sorry sweetheart. Back in a minute.” With a nod to his brother, he’s racing out the door, his footsteps thundering through the house. Your attention, however, remains glued to the baby.
“Would you like me to set them down for tummy time afterwards, or is he going back to sleep?” You ponder aloud, eyes glued to the wry tufts of hair so soft and silky between your fingers.
“If he falls asleep in your arms, that’s fab. We’re just livin’ minute by minute.”
You release a small laugh, “Fair enough.”
Jon sits beside you tentatively, between yourself and his wife, his arm wrapping around her as she leans her body weight against him, her hair--held in a bun before, now just kind of flopping into her eyeline--tickling her shoulder and causing him to wince a little.
“How do you know so much about babies?”
The sigh you don’t mean to release is wistful at best, plain pining at worst--and probably most obvious. “I’ve always wanted them, kids, but Tommy’s the first guy I’ve settled down with, but despite being engaged, we’re still taking things slowly.”-- You shrug, as best as you can with the baby in hold, and cock your head to the side to peer down better at every tiny freckle on Ainsley’s skin.--“I love him to bits, but he wants to wait, and I’m still young, a good chunk younger than he is.”
“If it helps,” he starts, “I’ve never seen Tom as in love with someone as he is you. He’s besotted. You say the word, he’ll do it.”
“I know. I just don’t want to make him do anything unless he’s 100% sure.”
“And that’s what makes you his perfect girl.”
Your heart swells. There’s a beat, a pause of silence, filled only with the zapping of the car outside, no more than a couple of seconds before Jon’s wife speaks again.
“Enough of that. Show us the ring!”
If they’re all this excitable at something as simple as your engagement ring, perhaps you’ll fit in with his family better than you anticipated. ** Certainly, if their amiable gasps are anything to go by as you display your hand to them, your ring finger held out, supporting Ainsley’s head in the crook of your elbow as they gawk at the diamond glistening in the sunlight streaming in from their floor-to-ceiling patio doors. You have to admit it’s a pretty damn beautiful ring, the one you always dreamed of. An oval cut 0.5ct diamond held in place by a delicate split-shank 18ct gold band. It glows ethereally in whatever light there is, but most spectacularly in Tom’s eyes.
“It’s the most gorgeous ring,” she gushes, “apart from mine.”
A smile creeps its way in. You’re not entirely sure what the hell you’ve done right in your life to deserve this incredible, expensive ring, or even Tom for that reason. This is the life you’ve always dreamed of, the one that Tom’s brother has, and if you’re even half as happy as they are after being married for 5 years then you’ll consider your life to be a great success. You always wanted the quiet family life in the suburbs, with a lovely house and a nice garden and a couple of kids, working a part time job that pays well and allows you time for your children and your husband… then you fell in love with him. Loving Tom, though, that’s the true gift in your life, and you’d take him over that life any day. He’s the best, truly.
Speak of the devil and he shall arrive, since Tom comes puffing into the room, his heavy footsteps coming to a halt in the doorway as he hands over your abnormally large handbag.
“Here,” he gasps, but turns his gaze upon your hand, witnessing their marvelling at the rock he put there, “it is a pretty boss ring, isn’t it? Worth every penny.”
He bends down to ghost a kiss over your lips, his slightly long dark-blonde hair tickling your cheeks, smiling warmly down at you before deciding to sidle up next to you in the small gap between you and the arm of the sofa. However, half way down, his hip bones are digging in, and he winces up like he’s just been shocked. You know how sensitive his hip bones are, a fat you use against him incredibly often for all the best reasons, but today, he’s been so good, and you shan’t make him sit uncomfortably.
Keeping your hold on Ainsley--who’s almost asleep already, quieter than he was before with only faint gurgles escaping, their eyes droopy--steady, you begin to stand, and shuffle yourself up a bit, allowing Tom to take your previous seat, before placing yourself back down with as little ‘umph’ as you can manage, hooking your thigh over tom’s in the process. He knows what to do, it’s always been your calling card at home or at a party: as soon as you sling your leg over his, he pulls you into his lap eerie time, and today is no different. Well, perhaps it is, as he furrows his dark eyebrows inquisitively, gazing adoringly at you and the child in your arms, waiting for your nod okay before he hitches his arms around your waist and tugs you, as gently as he possibly can with his delicate grip, into his lap, giving you both ample space.
“Babe,” you whisper, “can you fetch the gift out of my bag?”
He’s instantly ferreting around until he finds the presents you neatly wrapped in polka dot paper, and hands them to Jonathan. Eagerly, they're unwrapped, and it seems that your many arguments over what to get Tom’s niece or nephew were worth it, considering the fact their eyes begin to brim with tears.
A soft grey elephant plush, holding a yellow heart, embellished with ‘Ainsley Felton, love Uncle Tom’, and a Peter Rabbit china crockery set for when they’re older.
“Thank you,” Zara exclaims, the way only a mother can, in gracious relief, “they’re adorable, so perfect.”
And before you know it, both you and Tom are being embraced wholeheartedly, as though you’re already their family. It’s been a life since anyone besides Tom hugged you, but this, this is nice.
“Well, lunch?”
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Said lunch is a tumultuous affair, with a delivery pizza being ordered from the local dominoes, but with Ainsley so comfortable and calm in your arms, it was an elected decision not to move him, and instead, Tom fed you your pizza. It isn’t the first time, his love language seems to be feeding you things, but normally it's strawberries or chocolate truffles. Never before have you covered an entire medium pizza being fed to you while trying to avoid dropping any toppings or tomato sauce onto a peaceful baby, but that is just an indicator for the rest of the afternoon, Tom’s hands or eyes never once leaving you.
Completely accidentally, Jonathan and his wife drift off to sleep. You smile sadly at the sight, unable to blame them, they must be knackered, the problem simply lies in the fact that Ainsley begins to stir just as they drift off.
“See if there’s any milk in the fridge, please, I think they’re using formula.” you hiss to Tom, standing up cautiously.
Aghast, he grapples for words, “I-I’m sorry, what?!”
“Forget it,” you sigh, “take the baby and change him, please.”
“Change him?!” Again, that same tone of staggered surprise. “I don’t know how!”
“You have four nieces and nephews already, yes you do. He’s going to start screaming in a minute and wake your very tired, very groggy brother. Change the baby.”
When your eyes begin to thin, nostrils flaring, eyebrows raising, he knows not to mess with you, so he swallows thickly, his throat bobbing up and down, and scoops a crying Ainsley from your arms. As he treads upstairs, you find your way back into the kitchen, and find on the counter the bottles done with their sterilisation. This is okay, this is great, you know how to do this, and years of babysitting taught you exactly how to do this. It’s almost like that scene from Outnumbered, assembling the bottle with your eyes closed, muscle memory taking over from your brain. When your eyes flutter open, you almost let out a little squeal at your achievement. If only you could learn this all over again, have this life with a little child of your own, with Tom being as good a dad as he’s acting right now. When you handed him the baby, though, you couldn’t help but notice the fear that flashed over his face, paling him a shade, his pupils dilating to erase the blue. You wish he wasn’t so scared…
A few minutes later, with the kettle boiled and the formula made, you appear in the front room where Tom is swaddling Ainsley, holding the bean against his beating heart, making only the very slightest movements to entertain them.
“Give him a bit of tummy time while the milk cools, do you want to feed him?” you offer, stepping over the threshold .
“N-no,” he exhales slowly, “I think you’d best do that. Can I just put them down?”
“I’ll grab the mat from the corner”--you spied it as you walked in, a colourful crinkle mat rolled up and tucked away from view against the cream walls, behind the flat-screen on its grand stand--“and then yeah.”
Even as he puts Ainsley down, stomach first, onto the playmat, he looks petrified. Taking a seat on the floor to watch over them, you tug on Tom’s tan trouser leg. Indecisiveness gnaws at him, tugging him away from you, but he concedes to your widened puppy eyes, and tumbles onto the shag pile rug next to you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders like its second nature.
“You okay?” you whisper.
“Yeah, course. You?”
You let your head fall to his arm, a blissful smile creeping its way onto your lips when Ainsley looks you dead in the eye, hazel orbs twinkling, full of hope.
“I love you.”
“I know,” he hums, “I love you too.”
“Then why are you being so… prickly with me today?”
He shifts away from you the most miniscule amount, “I’m not.”
“We’ve been together for years, Tom. I know when you’re bloody lying.” you lower your voice for the final words, “now tell me why you’re being such a pouty puss.”
You mimic his frown, knowing full well that he hates it when you do so. He hates seeing you sad, even if it's just pretend, so makes a swooping move to kiss the frown away.
“Would you leave me if I said I didn’t want kids?” his voice breaks on the final word, little more than a whisper, but his next move is so animated that it almost startles you with the bottle in hand. “I mean, you know I want them. I love kids, I want us to have a family, but…”
“Nothing would ever make me leave you, Tom. You couldn’t do anything that’d cause me to fall out of love with you.”
The pain in your statement sends a shock through you, singing your heart, poisoning your mind, sending a sour bile running up your throat. No matter how many daggers shoot at your heart, it remains to be true. You’d do anything for him. If, tomorrow, he turned around and said he wanted the two of you to stay together but never marry and never have children, you wouldn’t back down without a fight, but you’d accept it. Despite all your lifelong hopes, nothing trumps Tom.
“I’m gonna feed Ainsley now.”
Picking the baby up from the rug, you put a bib around his neck, and throw another cloth around you, taking a seat in the corner chair to feed him.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” he says, and walks out, shoulders slumped.
You watch him wistfully as he leaves the room, and even when he returns--refusing to look at you--your gaze is still trained on his every move, slumping into the shag pile rug to watch the TV on a low volume. You can feel his eyes on you, that burning pair of eyes that follow you everywhere, your every movement, his ears honed, trained to your every shift and whisper. The second you turn upon him though, he’s looking away.
“I’ll put Ainsley down now,” you announce after burping him, “we need to leave soon if we want to make it home before dark.”
He doesn’t even bat an eye as you sashay past him, Ainsley’s cries muffled by a dummy, but the second he hears your footsteps heading back downstairs, his own begin to thunder, pounding against the stairs to meet you halfway.
“Wait,” he whispers, “come on, sit down, talk to me. I love you.”
A sigh heaves your chest, “I love you too. Talk about what?”
“You’re being arsey with me.”
“Because you said you don’t want kids!”
“Well I didn’t mean it, I’m just”--he pinches the bridge of his nose, and ushers you up on the stairs, your calves hitting the carpet--“there’s a lot to think about. We just met the kid, and I saw how your face lit up when you held him.”
“You know I want kids, Tom.”
“I know, but can we not talk about kids for a second? I want to talk about you. You’re my fiancée, I want to make you my wife. I’m just scared.”
“What of? You have nothing to be scared of. I’ll be here no matter what.”
“That’s why I’m scared!” he exasperates, flailing his arms about, “I don’t want you to senselessly follow me and love me if I can’t give you what you want. I’m scared of fucking this up, fucking you up. I’m scared of this going wrong, with children or marriage or saying something wrong, because I can’t lose you.”
“Tom,” you murmur.
Your hand flies up to cup his jaw, grazing your thumb over the stubble growing there, the faintest shadow.
“I love you. I- I need you. Y/N, sweetheart, please. I just wanna stay how we are, just stay this way for a bit, slow down because the world is moving too fast, and I’m gonna fall, but I can’t drag you down with me.” he croaks, cradling your neck with trembling, callused hands. “Can we stay how we are? Just us? Just you and me?”
“Babe you aren’t gonna lose me. Everything else off the table, we’ve got this, we’ve got us. We can stop the world and get off if that's what you want. Nothing is immediate, everything can wait.” you promise, your eyes boring into his.
All at once, his lips come crashing down onto yours, swallowing any inhibitions with his lavishing tongue, his hot breath slanting and fanning over your lips, leaving innocent adoration in their wake. Until a piercing scream resounds.
“Except maybe that.”
You duck from his grip skilfully, and slip into Ainsley’s room, two fingers reaching out to tickle their stomach, causing the scream to hiccup in their throat momentarily. Then, as if wondering what to do next, he just stares up at you imploringly, questioningly.
“Come on Ainsley, I just set you down to sleep. Be good and let mummy and daddy sleep too, okay?” you coo, tucking his blanket back up to his neck, slipping his cuddly toy closer, “go back to sleep.”
This child is already one with an attitude, you can tell that by the vehemence with which he yells out. You don’t even have to think twice before you’re stooping into the cot, swathing him in blankets, and lifting him to your bosom, where his screams fall to mere gurgles.
“Do you think he’s sleeping in the bed with them?” you ask Tom, keeping your voice at a steady whisper even with the slight bounces you’re offering the baby, “because I think that causes parental problems above all else because they’re being kicked in the back all night. Still, decreases the risk of SIDS. Why do they have a cot up if they are? He can’t sleep without contact…”
You don’t even realise you’re thinking aloud until Tom presses his thumbs into your shoulders, buckling your whole body. It’s the instant tension reliever, truly, and your shoulders do seem tighter today, perhaps from all the baby wrangling.
“Lets just sit, shall we?”
You do, taking up refuge in the front room once again, with an extra blanket of his, as well as a supply of cuddly toys, rattles, and dummies. Tom watches you with fascination for the rest of the afternoon, everything you do drawing his full attention; enticing, entrapping. His heart swells at the sight of you bouncing Ainsley around to make him laugh, cooing and giggling with him to coax a smile back after a wail that you hushed down, holding him so closely as he sleeps. He’s finally seeing it, after all these years, you, in your true home habitat, caring for a child, so kindly, so motherly, so naturally. Everything you do instantly seems to set the infant at ease. He knows it should be him, Ainsley is his nephew, but… you’re just better.
In fact, before he even realises it, he’s craving what he doesn’t have. Not that he can’t have it -- you’ve been together for a long time, you’ve discussed a future with children more times than he can count, and of course he wants it. Tom, he’s always wanted to be a dad, to read his kids books and sing them lullabies and show them what daddy did for work… but it's always been a pipe dream. Your wishes of a family have never come to fruition, and all because of his selfish fears.
The world can’t stop turning just because he’s getting cold feet and wants to climb off for a minute to catch his breath. That’s not how life works. If you want something, you’ve gotta grab it by the balls, because the opportunity will be gone before you know it. And with Tom? He won’t lose you because he won’t take a chance to make you happy and give you what you want. If anything, seeing the crestfallen look that settles between your brows when you actually have to give Ainsley back to their parents just further instils and confirms the idea in his head. There’s his future, in his mind's eye, as clear as day. This is what he needs to do, but better still, this is what he wants.
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The drive back to your home is spent in relative silence, and a pensive one at that. You know like instinct that Tom is replaying your final conversation with Jonathan and his wife the same way you are. After all, the simple words did put a dampener on your reconciliation. Your hand is on the gearstick the whole way, though, your fingers entwined with his, the simple contact enough for you. You were right at lunch: all day it's been his hands or his eyes on you: you like it when it's both simultaneously, the way it was when you said your goodbyes.
Tom’s hands settled on your hips, his chin atop your head, and you just fell into his enveloping warmth, smiling lazily at the couple you rescued for the afternoon.
“Thanks so much, we owe you one.” Jonathan said, giving Tom another one of those manly hugs as you stand in the dusk-darkened wooden porch.
“Really,” Zara chimed in, her feet shuffling on the tiled floor as she held her husband's hand, “you’re welcome to have him any time. That is, of course, if you don’t have a little one of your own by the time you’ve recovered from that blighter.”
You forced a dry chuckle at her words, an awkward sound, but you seemed to recover well enough, “Well Ainsley’s been a pleasure, and I’m glad we could give you some respite. Take care.”
“And you. Drive safe.”
“We will,” Tom said, offering them a smile, flashing his keys, keeping his grip on you resolute, “thanks for having us.”
Their words still loom over you like a dark cloud. It was a throwaway comment, one they’d have thought nothing of, and most people, and even you on a good day, but you’d had that… spat earlier on that changed everything. Dredging it up would just put an even further dampener on your mood, though, and with a drive home in the semi-darkness already hanging over you like a massive impending storm cloud of fear, that’s definitely not ideal.
“Nice baby, Ainsley,” Tom mentions, turning his indicator on to pull off the dual carriageway.
“Yeah, and he’s cute.”
“Nice eyes.”
And a couple more comments like those are the only conversation you share as the journey goes by, but soon enough, you’re on the home stretch, and your street rolls into view. With your head comfortably rolled back against the headrest, your eyes shut from a tiring day of exertion and childminding , you don’t notice Tom stepping out the car and unravelling his grip from you. Only does it become apparent when he opens your door and unclips your seat belt, kissing your lips tenderly, the chapped skin arising you from whatever zoned out, thoughtful state you were in before.
“Come on, let's get you inside sweetheart.” he murmurs, taking your hands in his as he helps you out the car, His chivalry never fails to astound you--he even carries your bag.
“Thanks darlin’.”
You follow him inside, kicking off your shoes routinely, shrugging off your coat to hang on the peg with your name etched above it. What happens next, though, is what shocks you the most: this isn’t part of your normal ‘returning home’ routine, not if you’ve had a day as tiring as this one. You’re neither complaining nor disappointed, though. How can you be when Tom’s lips latch onto your pulse point and he has you writhing in seconds, only his arm around the small of your back there to support you.
In one fell swoop, he has you spun around and pinned to the wall, his figure with lust-blown eyes hovering above you, every line in his face so loving, even the subtle part of his lips. They only do that when he’s so desperate to kiss you he can barely breathe, when he’s so eager to confess his love again and again that all other words are inconsequential. This is your Tom.
“Let’s try for a baby.” he says, completely resolutely, no trace of hesitation anywhere in his perfectly, delectably gruff tone. “I want one, I want us, and I don’t wanna wait to build a family with you.”
You can feel tears begin to form in the corners of your shock-widened eyes. This… this is- What changed his mind? Just hours ago, he was hell bent against the idea, but now? His cheeks are glowing at the mere prospect. Courtesy and patience be damned, that is if you can get the words out with how choked up you are…
“Really? Y-you mean it?”
His faint smile widens into a full blown grin, one that confirms everything for you. This is it, this is the Tom you agreed to marry, the happy Tom, the smiley Tom, the one who can barely contain his excitement even as he nods, a stray lock of dark blonde hair falling into his eyes as he does so.
Reasonably, you can’t be expected to hold back, and when his hair gets long enough that it falls into his eyeline? That’s your main weakness, so who can blame you when you catapult yourself up onto him, your legs joining around his wait, your arms settling around his neck. He holds you right back, catches you like he was already waiting, and pins you against the wall again. Perhaps the serotonin is too much as you both grin into a searing kiss, the every press of his lips against yours holding more passion than you can fathom a cohesive thought about. He’s… incredible.
And besides, with this enthusiasm, his kiss alone leaving you gasping and clutching onto his hair for some kind of grounding, perhaps it’ll be the first time lucky…
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teddy06writes · 4 years
sorry to request yet another one, but you are such an amazing writer. Could I possibly have a romeo and juliet type story where reader is sleepybois sibling and is in love with either poly dream team (dream,George,sapnap) or just george xx
dream x george x sapnap x reader + sleepy boys x sibling!reader
trigger warnings: swearing, yelling, character death, Wilbur being a dumbass
premise: you are one of Philza’s children, and have fought for L’manburg’s independence, we follow your secret romance with the enemy, of course, this tragedy knows no happy ending
You carefully dropped down over the side of the L’manburg wall, ducking into a roll before standing up and dusting yourself off, starting to sneak away.
A hand clamps around your forearm, pulling you around the side of a tree.
You hold back a yelp, instead turning with a smile, whispering, “Mr. Sapnap we simply must stop meeting like this.”
“And what? You’d have us march through your gates announcing ourselves to your brothers, I think not.” Nick chuckled.
“Well, I suppose that would put a damper on things.” You grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips.
He fit your hand into his, pulling you along as you started for where the others would be waiting, “Especially when they are so against our dear Dream.”
“To be fair, he was against us.” You argued.
“But no more.” The man himself pointed out, stepping out of the shadows, rising his mask enough to press a kiss to your knuckles.
“Because we continued to fight? or Because you wanted an excuse to talk to me without it being over a declaration of war?”
“I believe it was because Tommy gave up his disks,” George offered, leaning in to place a kiss on your cheek, “Hello dearest.”
You sighed, “Phil gave him those disks. They were one of the only things to survive the blast.”
Behind the mask you could tell Dream’s face fell, and he started to turn away, “I- we did what we thought was right.”
“Blowing up my country was what you thought was right?” You challenged, crossing your arms, “You even had the audacity to cheer as my head was separated from my body by the sheer force.”
“Here we go again.” George muttered.
“We didn’t know you then! Things have changed! You and your people are free now!”
“That does not change our history.” You said indigently.
“What about when Sapnap burned the forests? That’s part of your history too yet we don’t see you yelling at him!” Dream exclaimed.
You sighed, “The forests were replanted with his help, and he has shown remorse, and regret over his actions.”
Surprisingly Dream wrapped his arms around you, pulling you flush against his chest, “If that is what I takes to gain your trust, then I am sorry. I hope my past mistakes do not haunt you any longer.”
Reluctantly you wrapped your arms around him, smiling as the other boys joined the embrace.
After a few moment Dream pulled away, “c’mon, we may even have time for a proper date.”
“An election?” You questioned, “But your already the president.”
Wilbur grinned, “But I put myself in that position, if we do it this way everything is fair!”
You glanced down at the papers littering his desk, “Wil I don’t see how this makes things fair, I mean,” You picked up the note book where he’d been witting makeshift ballots, “Closing the ballots early? The people will only have one option! How is that fair?”
“Actually, I’m running as well.”
You turned to see Quackity entering the office, “You? You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
The man frowned, “Well, I figure if Wilbur here gets a chance to do it fair why shouldn’t I?”
“We’ll be able to beat him easily.” Your brother quietly assured you.
“You alright love? You seem stressed.” Nick said quietly.
You sighed looking up at the sky, “Wilbur plans to hold an election. He believes we can over take Quackity and Swag 2020, but now Fundy and Niki have made there own party as well.”
George turned, propping himself up on his elbow, “That doesn’t sound good. If he’s already in charge why does he need to be re elected?”  
“We put him on the throne, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Fundy and I. He wishes to be there fairly with the support of the people.”
Dream hummed, “Do you think he could win?”
“It’s possible,” You sighed, leaning back against Nick, “But campaigns have been tricky, Tommy managed to dig up Jshlatt. They though he could help, but now he’s trying to make a claim to having a spot on the ballot.”
“I thought he was dead.” George said.
You laced your fingers through his, “Well now he’s just a drunk who’s running for president. God I hope it was just a joke.” You muttered the last part.
The boy shared glances, Nick hazarding, “What happens if someone else wins?”
“Well, I suppose it wouldn’t change much for me, technically I hold no office other than managing my brothers and the campaign, it’d shift me further out of public eye, but, I think Wilbur wouldn’t handle it well.”
Dream began to trace shapes into your open palm, “Well, with you in charge of the campaign I doubt your brother will fail.”
You smiled, “Let’s hope so.”
A few hours later, as the sun began to disappear beyond the hills of L’manburg you stood up from the picnic, bidding your lovers farewell, “Wilbur’s meeting starts soon, and I’ll be missed.”
After a few traded kisses you started back through the woods toward L’manburg, sneaking back in through a gap that had never been fixed in the wall, pausing at your house to change back into your L’manburg uniform before hurrying off to the white house.
“Your late!” Tommy called sharply as you entered Wilbur’s office.
“I lost track of time working on the last of the posters.” You pulled the rolled up tubes of paper from the bag you’d grabbed at the house as well.
Wilbur took the tubes as Tommy looked at you skeptically, “Yeah, doing that and what else?”
“Well I was talking to Phil today telling him about the election,” You sat down next to Tubbo, “But not much else.”
Wilbur sighed, dropping a flyer on the table, “We have more important notion to discuss, it would seem that Shlatt is serious about this.”
You grabbed the flyer, looking over the bolded, ‘Shlatt 2020′ and then back at Wilbur, “This can’t be real. I thought you closed the ballot.”
“The people favor him enough to allow him a spot on the ballot.” Tubbo sighed.
“We still stand a chance though,” Tommy said quickly turning to Wilbur, “Right Wil?”
Your older brother hesitated, wavering for a moment, before nodding, “Yes. Yes of course.”
“(y/n) I must ask you some thing.” Wilbur said as the meeting ended and Tommy and Tubbo headed out.
“Why do you sneak out?” Your breathing hitched but he continued, “Who are you meeting? What are you hiding? Who do you talk too from- from the SMP lands?” His voice turned to acid at the last words.
“I don’t go anywhere, outside L’manburg. Other than for walks in the forest on occasion.” You lied.
Wilbur examined your face, as if searching for something, “Fine then. Don’t tell me, I will find out sooner or later.”
He strode out of the room, leaving you to pull out your com tablet, privately messaging Dream, ‘it might be a bit before I can see you guys again’
You rolled your eyes quickly typing, ‘Wils getting suspicious, I’m just trying to keep you safe’
‘george also says :(’ Was all you received in reply, so you quickly put the tablet away, heading out of the office and out to the street.
You took a deep breath, looking back at the podium, ballots would be collected tomorrow, and then everything could change.
“Last night, before the last of the ballots were collected, Mr. Quackity of the SWAG 2020 party made an agreement with Mr. Jshlatt of the SHLATT 2020 campaign, that if neither party won the popular vote, they would combine there votes, creating a collation.” WIlbur announced.
From your place to the side of the stage you froze, fear coursing through your veins.
“And so, the combined percentages of SWAG 2020 and SHLATT 2020, bring the coalition to 46% of the popular vote.”
Your heart pounded in your ears, feeling Tommy freeze beside you.
“Which means, the coalition government of SWAG and SHLATT 2020, have won the L’manburg election, by 1%.”
The world seemed to slow as parts of the crowd erupted into cheers, Quackity jumped around on the stage yelling as Wilbur slowly moved away from the podium, out of the corner of your eye, near the back of the stands you see your boyfriends all looking down, but you paid them no mind, instead looking Shlatt dead in the eye as he grinned maliciously at you, before turning to address the crowd.
Wilbur tugged you and Tommy away from the stage, “We’re citizens tonight.”
Shlatt leaned over the podium as you took seats near the front of the crowd, “Well that, was pretty easy.”
You felt your brothers grip your hands, as you stared up at Shlatt.
“You know what I said when I announced this campaign? I said ‘things are gonna change’ I looked every citizen of L’manburg in the eye and I said ‘you listen to me... this place will be a lot different tomorrow.”
He smirked down at you, “So let’s start making that happen. My first decree as president of L’manburg- as EMPEROR! Of this great country!”
Your breathing hitched, “Is to revoke citizenship-! Of TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, and (Y/n)! Get them out of here!”
Suddenly it seemed as though every weapon in the city was trained on you as Tommy dragged you up out of your seat.
Wilbur was yelling at you to run, but you remained frozen on the spot, turning to look at the podium one last time before following your brothers, only a few steps behind, most of the crowd beginning to disperse
Some one practically screamed your name, and you turned in time for an onslaught of arrows to bury themselves in your body.
The last thing you saw before crumpling to the ground was Dream, Nick and George rushing toward you.
Shlatt strode off the stage, trying to move closer to your body only to be blocked by Dream’s outstretched sword.
He peered around where George had flung himself over you, “I want them out of here as soon as they respawn.”
You woke to someone pressing a damp cloth to your forehead, and excruciating pain spreading throughout your body.
Your eyes flicked open, looking around at the cave you found yourself in, in confusion. When you tried to sit up a gentle hand pushed you back down, “Don’t, you only respawned fully a day ago, you're too weak for that.”
“What’re you doing here?” You groaned.
Technoblade chuckled, “I heard someone say rebellion.”
You looked at him confused for a moment before he elaborated, “This is Pogtopia, cause apparently Wilbur can’t go more than a few months without establishing a new country. Tommy found the cavern after they were ran out of L’manburg. Tubbo is working with Shlatt to hunt you guys down, and Wilbur is trying to start a plan to get the country back.”
“How’d I get here? my bed is all the way in L’manburg.”
Techno grabbed one of the baked potatoes he’d brought up to your room, offering it to you, “That’s the thing I was meanin to ask ya, is there a reasonable explanation as to why it was the Dream Team who brought your body back here? All dramatic and not wantin to leave?”
You face flushed and you turned your head away from him, “It’s a long story.”
“I’ve got time.” You brother said, moving to lean back against the wall.
You giggled nervously, “I guess it technically started when L’manburg was still fighting for independence...”
You told him of the strange glances during war councils, the way Nick had stopped in his tracks when he saw the way you looked forlorn at the burning wood, the way George found ways to sneak you trinkets signed ‘from someones special’, and the way you were never in any real danger during many battles.
You recalled your first real meeting with Dream after you had gained independence, the way he’d seemed so different then than at the signing of the peace treaty, the way that You’d received help replanting the forests, and the quiet still moments shared by the channel George almost unaware of your being there.
It was the first time you had really spoken about your lovers to anyone, and though it took a weight off your shoulders it added another as Techno subconsciously pulled out his axe and began to sharpen it.
“They wouldn’t hurt me, and the conflict that we shared was between the SMP Lands and L’manburg, not us.” You finished quietly.
Techno looked at you quizzically, “Your telling me Dream, the Dream, Mister Manhunts and smp and god among men Dream, would willingly put away his conflicts, his gains, his leverage, just for you?”
“For all of us.” You said firmly.
“That why he kept Tommy’s disks?”
“Tommy willingly gave up those disks for the country.” You muttered.
Your older brother ignored you, “That why he openly endorsed Shlatt as soon as your back was turned?”
You froze, pushing yourself to sit up, even as it made your head spin, “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“Shlatt’s key endorsement, you know, the endorsement given to the guy who was suppose to endorse Wil?” He watched as your face fell, before quietly starting out of the room, “I won’t tell either of them, but if Dream loses a life cause you find out it was true, don’t look my way.”
You fished your com tablet out of the pack that was lying next to your cot, ‘we need to talk.’
“(y/n)! Thank god your okay!” Nick exclaimed, throwing his arms around you.
You hugged him back before turning to face Dream, “Why did you endorse Shlatt?”
He opened his mouth to say something but you cut him off, “And I don’t want a denial or an excuse, or- or any of that. I just want to know why you did it. Why you didn’t tell me?”
Shakily Dream pulled off his mask, looking you in the eye, “I didn’t mean to do anything that would hurt you. Technically I never publicly endorsed him, he took a piece of advice and ran with it to the people. If I had known he was going to do that I would’ve never talked to him in the first place. If I had known he was going to exile you, if he was going to take one of your lives I would have killed him where he stood with no hesitation.”
The mask shook his hand, and George gently took it from him, lacing there fingers together encouragingly.
“I know I fucked up talking to him but if he goes near you, or tries to get you exiled further, or anything like that, he’ll be dead. I- I will do what it takes to help you get L’manburg back.”
You bit your lip, still partially holding on to Nick, “Why did you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to add to the stress.”
“Also, you said Wilbur was getting suspicious, and you stopped talking to us for two days.” George pointed out.
You nodded, quietly rubbing at your eyes, “Uh, yeah, uh, so Techno knows.”
Nick stiffened, “What?”
“Technoblade knows about this- uh- us.”
“T- Technoblade, your brother, as in, The Technoblade, Mister violence, and blood god and technoblade never dies,  knows about us?” George gulped.
“He only threatened Dream, so don’t worry?” You said sheepishly.
Nick chuckled, “Wonderful, that means we get out with our heads and Dream gets to fight to the death.”
“I don’t see how that’s fair.” Dream pouted.
“Maybe I just thought it better to threaten you cause I know if I tried to take the other ones you’d come for me anyway.” Techno said, striding into the clearing.
The boys sat there looking at him for a moment before he sighed, turning to you, “You better get back inside ‘fore Wil goes insane. An’ you guys better clear out before Tommy sees you and goes berserk.”
Reluctantly your boyfriends nodded, quickly muttering goodbyes and leaving, only slightly in fear of Techno, and you turned to your brother with a sigh, “He can’t keep me locked up forever.”
“He’s worried. Paranoid even, thinks Shlatts gonna send someone to kill you again,” Techno explained, guiding you back towards one of the entrances of the cavern, “The stress is getting to him.”
The days spent in Pogtopia began to blend together, the only memorable ones being the ones that were spent sneaking out and seeing your lovers, though you never excepted to see one of them within the cavern itself.
You had come down one of the narrow walkways of your new home, and when Tommy had grabbed your wrist, hissing “Dream is here! And he’s going to help Wilbur blow up L’manburg!” you were not nearly prepared to see him handing Wilbur a rather large bag.
Wilbur grinned wickedly, “This is perfect.”
“Wilbur,” Your little brothers voice was shaking, “Give me that tnt.”
Dream drew his sword, holding it up almost lazily in Tommy’s direction, “I’m going to have to step in on this one Tommy.”
You could see him smirking under the mask as you pushed Tommy behind you, “Wilbur what are you doing?”
“What needs to be done.” He said coldly, “If I can’t have Manburg no one can have Manburg!”
“And you think blowing up our home is the right move?” You said cautiously.
There was something different in Wilbur’s eyes, “No survivors.”
Techno watched this from his spot on the wall, “Wilbur I think we need to have a discussion, things like this take time to plan. (Y/n) why don’t you escort our guest out.”
You nodded sharply, starting towards the back of the cavern, “This way green boy.”
As soon as you got outside the cave you grabbed his wrist, shoving him against the rock wall, “What the fuck are you thinking?”
The now lopsided mask reviled his cocky smirk, “Shouldn’t this be the other way around?”
“Shut the fuck up! What are you thinking?”  You hissed.
“I’m helping you get back your L’manburg!” He sounded all too happy about it.
“By siding with him? He’s gone manic Clay! He’s fucking insane!”
Dream winced at the words, “He’s your brother. You have to side with him.”
“My brother is gone. I side with that man because I am loyal to my family, so long as Techno and Tommy are with him I am. If there was ever a time for you two to ever get along it would not be this.” You backed away from him.
“(y/n), I’m just trying to help.”
“I know,” You said softly, turning back to the cave entrance, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Wars tomorrow.” George said quietly.
You nodded, carding your hand through his hair, “That it is.”
The month had passed quickly, and after the incident at the festival, and then Quackity’s meeting with Shlatt you seemed to have blinked and the eve of war was upon you.
You had snuck out, now spending your last night before the world changes again with your boys, huddled up together in one of the castles parapets. (It had been quite a shock to you when Dream dethroned Eret)
“We will be on different sides, how will this even play out?” Nick asked.
“Only time will tell.”
Dream, mask long since forgotten to the side, bit his lip, “(y/n), George, I want you to stay out of the fighting.”
“We can handle ourselves.” You argued.
“It’s George’s job to stay neutral, and you’re on your last life. None of us want to lose you.” He said softly, looking over Nick’s head at you.
“I will fight for my country. No one will stop me.”
“Even if Phil came back and told you not too?” Nick asked with a chuckle.
“Well-” You laughed, “I suppose it would depend.”
A while later, you began to head back to Pogtopia, your boys insisting on walking you back.
Upon reaching the cave you kissed each of them, “Until we see what tomorrow brings.”
They gave similar goodbyes, and you darted back into the cavern.
Coming around the corner someone grabbed your wrist, tugging it hard, and you came face to face with Wilbur, “Where the fuck were you?”
“uh- o- out.” You stuttered.
“Out with your boyfriends?” He taughtened, dragging you down through the cavern, past the new rooms that had been carved out recently, “When were you planning on telling us of this little fling?”
“What are you talking about?” Tears sprung to your eyes.
“Oh I know all about you and Dream and Sapnap and George! You and your fucking betrayal! Why the fuck would you try to betray me? I’m your brother!” He exclaimed, practically throwing you into a newly constructed cage.
You dug your nails into your palms, “Wilbur, please.”
“I know it was them who disconnected the TNT, who you keep sneaking out to meet, who you were conspiring against me with!” He locked the cage and you caught a glimpse of Techno, leaning against a wall looking down.
“Wil I never conspired against you!”
“We’ll see about that.” He hissed, “You’ll stay here until this is over. I may fail at regaining my L’manburg but I will not fail to kill those men.”
As he strode away you looked to Techno, “Techno what’s going on?”
“I’m sorry.” Was all he managed before hurrying away.
Tears began to stream down your cheeks as you looked around the abandoned alcove of the cavern, there was no getting out of this.
Quietly you pulled your com tablet from your sleeve, sending a messege to Phil, ‘dad I need help, Wil’s gone insane’
You leaned against the bars of the cell, Pogtopia’s few members had long since left for the battle, and you were still here, trapped where Wilbur had left you, none of your boyfriends were responding to your pings, feeling utterly hopeless.
“(y/n)?” A yell echoed through the cavern.
“Phil!” You called desperately, “I’m in here!”
A few moments later your adoptive father appeared in the doorway, shocked upon seeing the locked cage and your tear stained cheeks, “(y/n).”
You nodded as he quickly began to work at the lock, pulling you into an embrace as soon as the cage opened.
“Dad,” You hiccupped, fighting back a new wave of tears, “He’s insane! He’s gonna try to blow up Manburg again! And he’s gonna try to kill them!”
“Who is?” He asked gently.
“Wilbur! He’s gone mad!”
Phil pulled away from you to look you in the eyes, “Are you sure?”
You nodded, sniffling.
Phil took a deep breath, looking around, “Okay, you get down to where they’re fighting, you try to keep Wilbur distracted once it’s over, I’ll try to think of something to stop the tnt.”
You nodded, quickly forcing yourself up, running out of the cavern.
You hurried through the woods, pushing yourself to go faster, making it to the crest of the hill as people flooded out of the van, cheering, people of Pogtopia, L’manburg and the SMP lands alike.
You charged down the hill, not seeing Wilbur standing to the side.
“Dream! Sapnap! George!” You yelled.
They turned to see you running at them, relived to see you okay, still not understanding the cryptic things Wilbur had been saying.
“(Y/n)-” Dream was cut off a yet another arrow planted its self in your back.
“Love?” You whispered, before crumpling to the ground.
They rushed forward, but it was too late, you were gone, and George early screamed, burring his face in an expressionless Nick’s shoulder.
Dream looked up at Wilbur, whos cross bow was still raised, utterly broken, “What the fuck have you done?”
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