#and your eyes can adjust but every once in a while you’ll remember the light that used to be there and it’s like you never adjusted at all
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Dance Lessons—
Colin gives you private dance lessons at the Bridgerton’s drawing room.
tags/warnings: fluff | 2.2k words | f!reader | friends to lovers esque 
“Try it once more, but perhaps focus on avoiding my toes as you do it,” Colin grunted, attempting to conceal a painful groan after you had accidentally stepped on his foot.
“I am god awful. How shall I have a successful first season when I dance like a lame horse?” You huffed, fussing at the scratchy tulle on the neckline of your dress.
“Do not be discouraged. I promise you are improving,” He gave you a sincere and kind look.
You deeply exhaled through your nostrils as you held out your hand toward him.
“You make it look so effortless, Colin. I shall never understand what sorcery you possess. You are talented at everything,” You huffed, once again following his lead in the dance. 
You knew Colin to be charming and handsome for his entire life. He was humorous, charismatic, and well-liked.
An encouraging smile appeared on his face while watching you take his hand gently encircling yours as a soft expression filled his eyes.
“That is because I have been doing it for years,” he chuckled, leading the two of you in the gentle flow of the dance. 
Colin’s eyes remained locked on yours, a soft grin on his face. “You’re making improvements I swear.” He assured you, tilting his head slightly. “I assure you in a few days, you’ll be doing brilliantly.”
Your eyes widened at the hope his eyes communicated back, however, you quickly looked away to prevent a blush from creeping upon your cheeks. 
“Well then, I believe I should take your word for it. I ought to trust my dance instructor after all,” You gave a warm smile back, focusing on reacting to his movements.
“Of course you should,” he replied immediately, a smirk quickly appearing on his face, as his feet continued to guide your own. “I’m always right, you should know that by now.” 
A hint of a smile was still on his face as he carefully led you to dance to the music coming from across the room. “Keep your head up and your shoulders back.” He suggested softly from beside you, gently adjusting you during the dance.
His light, mindless touches caused a stirring in your stomach. You were now finding the task at hand more difficult due to the manual control of your breath. Having this close of proximity to him was vexing, to say the least.
“Is this correct?” You inquired, keeping track of every step.
“Perfect.” He said gently.
Colin’s smirk widened a bit as the dance continued, he was unable to prevent the playful comment from leaving his mouth. 
“Are you certain you are focusing on dancing?” he teased
“What else could I be focused on? It already pains my head to remember all the steps to this dance,” You retorted, unsure why Colin was insistent on asking you something so uncharacteristic of him.
“Oh, I can think of a few things,” the smirk on his face widened as he spoke, almost challenging you to question him further. 
“Although, based on the way you’re gripping my hand, I doubt my theory,” he teased.
You scoffed in jest. “Colin, what are you on about? Do not confuse my head, I shall lose my focus and trip on your toes once more,” 
You were silently curious about the way he held your hip. You had never been touched in this way and somehow it felt more intimate than it was supposed to be. You refused to bring attention to it. He would surely mock you.
“Now, we can’t have that, can we?” He quipped, feigning worry over his toes and leaning in a bit closer to you as if letting you in on a secret.
His hand slowly rubbed his thumb against the material of your dress, a gentle, soothing feeling, and he chuckled softly. “My apologies. I shan’t tease you while you’re trying to focus.”
“It is quite alright,” Your words were stung out, wary of the feeling he was creating in the atmosphere of the drawing room.
You tried to brush off the feeling of his hand wrapped in the soft curve of your waist. It was as if it could ignite if you paid too close attention to it. Instead, you spun around him, feeling pride swelling within you as you had finally timed it correctly.
His smirk did not disappear as a look of pride flashed through his eyes, clearly happy that you were able to successfully execute it.
“Well done,” he praised gently, a hint of playful sarcasm in his tone. “I’m rather impressed that you spared my toes again.”
He pulled you closer as the music continued around them, a hint of genuine pride on his face, still. “See? You are indeed improving”
“I believe I should owe the accomplishment to you. You are brilliant, truly,” You sighed, stepping back to bow toward him.
Your eyes gleamed with appreciation. You blushed as you prevented your smile from growing wider. A brief pause of silence fell upon you two before you broke it.
“I was wondering if you’d save a dance with me at Lady Danbury’s upcoming ball?” You asked, fiddling with your gloves.
He chuckled softly as he mirrored your movement, bowing in return and his eyes flicked to how you fiddled with your gloves. It was as if anticipating just what he could do with this request, and he feigned shock, his eyes widening for a moment at your question.
“Why, I thought you’d never ask,” he said dramatically. “Of course I will.”
“Excellent,” You said in a happy breath.
Colin was well-known and well-liked, so surely a dance with him at the first ball of the season would catch the eye of many suitors. You enjoyed the confidence your friendship with him instilled in you. 
You stood before him a moment, watching his expression as he gazed back at you. It was a gaze that you had never seen before, it was hard to read. You stared back and blinked for a moment. Colin was well aware of your nervousness about your upcoming introduction into society and thus had agreed to be your partner in dance for this first dance. But now, as he stared down into your eyes, his expression softened and a thought suddenly popped into his mind. He wondered if others would notice the way your eyes sparkled now, how your hair fell around your face.
He shook his head slowly, gently coming back to reality before responding.
“Is something the matter, Colin?” You tilted your head.
He had been standing there silently looking at you. It was causing you to be self-conscious. 
“Nothing’s the matter, I promise you that,” he assured you softly. He didn’t quite want to admit what was running through his mind, so he simply continued to look down at you, studying your features.
“I was just thinking how nervous you are for the season, and how silly that is,” he said gently.
You giggled and mimicked the way he shook his head. 
“Is that not what a new debutante typically is like? You’ve witnessed three of your sisters debut in society already, surely you saw how terrified they were,”
You appreciated his attention, but you did not know of the extent of how he saw you. You only knew that you enjoyed his company more than others and hoped he felt the same. These dance lessons have been your favorite moments in your preparation for your debut.
“You make a fair point,” he said, chuckling as you mimicked the way he’d shaken his head. 
He was amused by the way you had mirrored his actions and then chuckled again at the memory of all three of his sisters going through their debuts.
“I remember how nervous they all were. It was very amusing to watch, I promise you,” he scoffed as he recalled the memory of their terrified expressions. “And yes, perhaps it is. All three of them survived their debuts, however. As will you.”
“You flatter me, truly. I do have high hopes for the season, I just wish it comes swiftly and I find myself victorious by the end of the season with a great match,” You nodded as you confessed your wishes for the season.
“Of course you will. Any man would be honoured to court you,” Colin watched the determination in your eyes and the hope in your words. 
He found it endearing how determined you were for the season, though a hint of worry flashed through his eyes as he realized that you would no longer need these dancing practices with him once you found a well prospect. You heard something vulnerable in his compliment. You felt it meant more than a friend wishing another good luck. Your brows lifted in surprise.
“And what of you? Are you planning to take a wife this season or have you set your heart on traveling once more?” You asked, your hand out and lifted toward him.
He chuckled softly and tilted his head. He was aware that you had noticed a hint of vulnerability in his words, but he masked it quickly and raised an eyebrow as he answered your question.
“You’re quite observant, aren’t you?” he mused. “If I am truthful, I have not yet made up my mind on that matter,” he answered with a playful smirk.
“Well if it is a wife you seek, I assure you, you will have no difficulty in it. I’ve spoken with other young misses in the ton, they say you are quite the catch,” You folded your arms and looked at him in admiration.
Colin chuckled and mirrored your movements, folding his arms as he watched you with a hint of amusement. He was certainly aware of all the many women who found him attractive, but that didn’t change the fact that you had spoken with other young ladies about him.
“Oh, you’ve been discussing me with other ladies, have you?” he said, raising his eyebrows in surprise, though he then smirked. “What exactly have they said, my friend?”
“Well, they do not say much beyond your heavy purse and your good looks, even when I remind them of your other wonderful traits,” You scoffed, thinking of those chittering ladies speaking about Colin.
You did share in the shallow nature of the surrounding ladies. You wished to find a man for yourself who was true of heart. Colin chuckled, noticing how you’d scoffed at the ladies’ comments. 
“I am wounded,” he feigned hurt and placed a hand dramatically on his heart. “All they seem to notice is my handsome face and fortune? How insulting!” he said, though a playful tone still filled his words.
You joined him in a laugh before stepping forward and placing a hand on his shoulder. 
“Do not trouble yourself with that thought, dear friend. I know you are bound to find a lady who will appreciate you for your heart, which is larger than any I’ve encountered before,” You said very forthcoming, unaware of how it would make Colin’s heart swell.
Colin suddenly felt his breath catch in his throat, and a hint of vulnerability flashed in his eyes again at your kind words. 
“You say that with so much confidence, darling.” he retorted. “Do you know something that I do not?”
“I do not know much, but I do know a good man when I see one, Colin,” You said grasping your hands together in sincerity.
It felt delightful to instill confidence in Colin as he did for you. His shy smile was a sight to see indeed. You stared at him for a moment longer, melting under the effects of his dazzling eyes. You then cleared your throat.
“It is getting late, is it not? I must return home before my mama frays her nerves,” You said suddenly.
Colin was swiftly trying to recover from your words and the way you were looking at him. He couldn’t understand why he was suddenly feeling the way he was. No other young lady had that effect on him before. He glanced at the window, noticing that the sunlight was starting to fade slightly. “Ah yes, it is getting rather late,” he muttered in agreement. 
He looked back at you and felt the slightest hint of disappointment at the thought of you leaving.
“We shall see each other soon, yes? At Lady Danbury’s ball?” You asked as you reached the threshold, holding onto it as you waited for his response.
A feeling lingered that you still wished to spend time with Colin. You worried now that you would no longer see him as often as you’d like once your lessons had ceased. Colin nodded, shoving down that odd mixture of regret at the thought of you leaving and the realization that these dance lessons would soon come to an end. 
“Of course you shall,” he assured quickly. “I promised you a dance, didn’t I?” he reminded you, trying to keep a grin on his face to make this separation seem as normal as possible.
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orchidsangel · 10 months
going to a tree farm with jason because he once mentioned how bruce used a real tree every christmas when he was younger. he says the smell of pine around the house comforted him when he was a child, and alfred used to make him hot cocoa while he did his homework beside the fireplace. it's an off-handed statement, and he didn't mean for the idea to worm its way into your brain. still, it did, and so you insist on getting a real tree this year as a way to bring his past and present together. 
hand in hand, you walk through aisles and aisles of trees, searching for the perfect one; the abundance of green and the foresty smell of pine, almost overwhelming. you lean over, gently taking a branch in your hand, a soft hum escaping your lips as you search for a sign that it's a good contender. but after a couple of seconds of running your fingers over the needles, you sigh. "you don't know what you're looking for, huh?" he asks, and you turn your head towards him, a sheepish grin on your face. he just draws you back by the shoulders with a laugh. "it's alright. i'll help."
leading you by the hand, he weaves the both of you in and out of rows of soon-to-be christmas trees. it takes a few minutes, but he finally stops at a beautiful eight-foot-tall specimen, pointing out the shape, branch density, color, and smell. he tells you it's nothing you need to remember, but you make a mental note of the light in his eyes when he's explaining to you what makes it perfect. 
getting the tree up the six flights of stairs to your apartment was difficult but surprisingly not as difficult as getting it to stand up. jason holds it up while you screw it into the tree stand, adjusting screws over and over again until he can safely back away from it without holding his arms out in fear that it'll fall over. you crawl out from under, a smile on your face as you admire how perfectly upright it is, tip almost touching the ceiling; and you take a step, moving forward to separate the branches but jump back when you feel something sharp under your foot. needles. lots of them. 
he sweeps them up while you grab the ornaments you'd been keeping in a spare closet. last christmas by wham plays in the background, and a pot of cocoa boils on the stovetop, waiting to be seasoned with a dash of cinnamon just the way he likes it. "need any help?" he shouts, tossing clusters of pine needles in the trash. "no!" you shout back, pulling down boxes of glass bulbs and bobbles; but you still hear his footsteps as he treads down the short hallway to you, and grabs the box of decorations from your hands. 
he looks down to see a mess of red. frosty red spheres, red birds, red metal engraved with his name and yours, et cetera. red on top of red on top of red, and he looks up at you, the beginning of a smile playing on his lips. "what? too on the nose?" you ask. he just shakes his head with a laugh, turning away to set them down in the living room before helping you with the rest. “at least tell me you’ll break up the color scheme with some silver tinsel.” he says, taking another box from you, this time red glass stars. “sorry," you say holding up a long line of sparkly red string. "the tinsel’s red too.”
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throneofsapphics · 1 year
a special surprise
Rhys x f!Reader
Summary: Day 3, Lingerie with Rhys 
Warnings: smut, rough oral sex, lingere, light d/s dynamics, minors dni! 
kinktober masterlist
After dinner, you were determined to do something special for Rhys, even if he would say it’s completely unnecessary. He’d been gone since before dawn, and although he wouldn’t tell you, you knew he had a rough day. You rummaged through your closet, finding a golden lace set, one you hadn’t worn in a while. 
“I’m taking a bath,” you yelled, not waiting for a response. The bath was one of the quickest you’ve taken, ever. After, you put on some of your favorite - and his favorite - rose scented oil, and slipped the set on. Beautiful, if a bit uncomfortable.
You slowly opened the door, slipping silently through the hallways, and finding him in one of the sitting rooms, hands tucked in his pockets as he looked over a map on the table.  
“Hello,” You say softly, leaning against the doorway. His head turned, and his eyes widened before a smirk formed on his face. 
“Hello darling.” He purred, stalking towards you in a way that made your pulse flutter. You felt like you couldn’t breathe as he stopped before you, his hands brushing over your ribs, feeling the fabric beneath his fingers. His thumb ran possessively over the column of your neck. 
He hadn’t seen this particular set in a while. Rhys remembers every single one you have, and loves them all. He never asked you to wear them, letting you choose to put them on when you’d like. His hands pressed under your thighs, and you laughed softly, locking your legs around his waist. Rhys winnowed directly to the bedroom before lowering you to the sheets, his eyes took in every inch of you, listening as your heart rate and breathing sped up. Your skin, soft and smooth underneath his fingers as he traced them along your stomach, fingering the edge of the lace, pulling it slightly before letting it snap back against your skin. A soft moan left you, back arching. He thanks the Mother, every day, for you. 
“Gorgeous.” He murmured, “and all for me.” 
“All yours,” you breathed. 
Rhys took his time with you, his fingers ghosted over every inch of your skin, and you were soaking wet and he’d barely touched you. You squealed as he pulled be back towards the edge of your bed, peeling the set off of you, painfully slow, but you knew better than to whine or complain. 
“Please,” You begged instead. His eyes lit up with feline amusement. “You’ll have to be more specific than that.” 
“Please touch me, Rhys.” You pushed yourself up, propping on your forearms. “Or can I touch you?” You swallowed harshly. He usually preferred to take his time with you, driving every inch of you crazy before you ‘earned the right’ to feel his cock, as he liked to say. Lust and desire made his eyes darken, and maybe for once you could go first. 
“I won’t be gentle,” he murmured, and you could scent your own arousal flooding the room. “But that’s what you want, isn’t it?” 
“Yes.” You breathed. You want all of his frustrations, all of his anger, to be that outlet and person for him - in any way you can. His hands trailed down your front, sending your back arching as his thumb brushed over your nipples - the lace rubbing against them. 
“On your knees my love.” His hands pulled you off the bed, switching your positions. You carefully undid the laces on his pants as your hands shook with each movement. “Hands behind your back,” he murmured as he noticed. You followed his instructions without question, and nearly salivated as he adjusted his pants just enough so his length would come out. As much as you love seeing his naked body there’s something erotic about him being fully clothed in front of you, as you’re left almost completely bare. 
“This pretty little mouth, all mine to use,” he commented, almost absentmindedly, running his fingers through your hair. 
“All yours.” You replied, unable to take your eyes away from his. One finger tapped your cheek, and you parted your lips. His fingers gripped your chin, tilting your head to the perfect angle to take him. You teasingly ran your tongue up his length, before one hand fisted the back of your hair, the other guiding himself inside you. His eyes closed in pleasure, the quiet moans leaving him as you swirled your tongue around. He groaned as his movements sped up, his hand pressing you down, forcing you to take him more and more. “Breathe through your nose,” he instructed, and you listened, following his every instruction. 
“Look at you, taking me so well.” He praised, and his hands gripped you tighter, as he thrust into you without abandon. A sense of pride filled you as it took mere minutes for him to spill down your throat. You swallowed each bit, licking your lips to make sure you got every last drop.
As soon as you had, he tugged you up and tossed you on the bed, chuckling as you squealed. 
“I might not take this off you,” he murmured as you propped yourself up on your forearms. 
He hummed, running a finger up your core, lightly pinching your clit. You let out something between a whimper and a moan, your legs instinctively trying to close but Rhys used his knees to keep them parted, sending a warning glance at you before kneeling between your thighs. You groaned as his teeth scraped over the fabric, one finger running underneath the edges of it.
“Let’s see how many we can get out of you, darling.”
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
In Losing Grip On Sinking Ships (8/?)
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Chapter summary: You and Wanda wake up, each in your own way, but with a shared realization that ultimately leads to the same conclusion.
Chapter word count: 4,061
Trigger Warnings: mentions of suicide
Author's note: Please read the trigger warnings before proceeding. This chapter is short, but it concludes the ending of Part I (ILGOSS will be told in 3 parts). We are 1/3 through the story after this! Any mistakes are mine, unbeta'd as always.
AO3 | Masterlist 
Next chapter: Nine
Taglist: @blackluthxr | @esposadejoyhuerta | @secretbackrooms | @justgotlizzied , @casquinhaa | @marvelwomen-simp | @sunsol-22 | @wandanatlov3r | @kyaraderuwez | @justyourwritter69 | @stanolsevans | @sayah13 | @aliherreraa
Eight (end of Part I)
When you dream this time, it’s that night again.
You’re back in Westview, New Jersey, or at least a version of it that’s forever in the midst of a storm. Yet, in the thick of the tempest, the familiar sights greet you.The deep hue of dark blue engulfs everything, while the moon casts its enchanting display of twisted tree shadows upon the room's walls. You don’t see a calendar anywhere, but you know what day it is. The day you consciously removed your wedding ring while Wanda begged you not to leave her. It’s the day your heart stopped beating. 
There, in the bedroom you once shared as spouses, Wanda is kneeling on the floor, cradling your face in her hands, the gold metal band on her left ring finger burning against your cheek with how cold it has gotten. 
But this Wanda is battered and bruised; a cut on her lip and discolored patches adjourned her once-pristine features; a chilling testament to the pain and suffering she’s endured. 
“Wanda, who did this to you?” you ask. Your fingers come up to gently graze the ugly marks. Wanda only sighs and closes her eyes at your touch; she seems to revel in the sting they bring to her fresh wounds. A seething rage simmers in the depths of your being, momentarily tamed by the presence of the fragile woman in front of you. 
The cut on her lip stretches as a smile works its way to her lips, adding a touch of complexity to her expression. “Baby, don’t you recall?”
As you gaze into Wanda's eyes, her question lingers in the air, stirring fragments of memories within your mind. The weight of her words hangs there, urging you to search deep within the recesses of your consciousness.
But she tells you anyway.
“You did.”
Your mouth opens in horror. “That can’t be right.”
“It’s okay, baby. It has to be this way.” Wanda says, her eyes shining with sadness and resignation.
"Why?" you ask, your eyes welling up with tears as a few of them manage to slip free.
Wanda catches them with her chapped lips, tasting the salt from them.
“So we can be together again.”
This time around, when you wake up, you remember every detail of your dream. 
You think about calling Wanda. Maybe even seeing her. 
But you don’t think you’ll ever stop hurting her if you do.
The light is blinding when Wanda’s consciousness gradually reawakens. As her eyes slowly adjust, Wanda's ears are immersed in the backdrop of sounds surrounding her. A steady beep emanates from a nearby machine, signaling that her vital signs are stable. Voices resonate nearby, discussing the medications she recalls consuming moments before succumbing to unconsciousness. 
It wasn’t her intention to wake up in a hospital. But at the same time, she’s too scared to admit that waking up at all was the least of her concerns when she emptied a bottle of sleeping pills in one night. All Wanda wanted was to numb the pain. And it worked perfectly. 
For three days.
When her vision finally refocuses, it is Pietro's face that greets her, hurt and confused. Wanda struggles to get up, but her muscles, weakened from inactivity, fail her. With a hand on her shoulder, Pietro carefully urges her to remain lying down.
"Hey, don't strain yourself," Pietro says, pulling his chair nearer to Wanda's bedside. “You just survived the darkest moment of your life, you know?” Pietro smiles softly at her, willing the wetness pricking at his eyes not to fall. 
“Are you hungry? Shannon went out to buy some of your favorite snacks.” Pietro says, caressing the top of Wanda’s head. 
"I..." Wanda attempts to speak, but only a hoarse sound escapes her parched throat. Then she starts coughing uncontrollably from the dryness of her throat. Pietro hurriedly pours her a glass of water and brings it to her lips, assisting her as she takes a careful sip. 
“I’m sorry,” Wanda says softly, once she has recovered her voice a little. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t want to–”
“I know,” Pietro couldn’t bear to hear more. He wouldn’t be able to keep it together longer if he hears the word ‘die’ fall from Wanda’s lips. “It was just an accident right?”
Wanda nods, her lower lip quivering as the gravity of what she’s put her brother through comes crashing down on her. They’ve been orphans since they were twelve, and one of their parents had willingly orphaned them by succumbing to a toxic combination of alcohol and prescription pills. It was a nightmare that took them years to wake up from. For Wanda, it took meeting you and experiencing your unconditional love and devotion, to completely heal from that.
With what’s happened, Wanda has no idea how Pietro can look at her with anything but resentment. And even then, overwhelmed with guilt for letting her brother undergo the same trauma they went through as kids, she thinks of you. 
She wonders if you knew; if you’ve seen her in the worst possible way. She considers herself to be utterly pathetic, believing that she has nothing to offer you anymore. In the past, she had something when she basked in the warmth of your love and affection, but without it, she sees herself as unworthy and devoid of any value.
“Did you–” Wanda clears her throat when her voice breaks again. “Did you talk to Y/N?”
Pietro’s jaw hardens at the mention of your name. Wanda senses that his knowledge extends beyond mere speculation; in the last 72 hours she had been indisposed, Pietro had all the time to find out what he needed. 
“She’s not your emergency contact anymore,” he says, his voice rising in volume as his temper edges closer to the brink of his control. "And if anything had happened to you, I would have put her in this very hospital."
“Piet, don’t say that, she’s got nothing to do with–”
“Don’t fucking cover for her, Wanda. She’s toxic for you,” he hisses through gritted teeth, and Wanda’s eyes fall shut from hearing the truth. 
“W-What I did to her was worse–” 
“Worse?” Pietro’s voice steadily rises. “She wasn’t the one who ended up with a tube down her fucking throat just to be kept alive!” he yells out, catching the attention of the nurses passing by Wanda’s room. 
Wanda says nothing. She stares at the oximeter clipped around her finger as she absorbs Pietro’s anguish. 
“Agatha told me everything,” he continues to seethe. “Everything. She used you like a toy. For what? To cure her own damage?”
Wanda recoils as if she’s been slapped. You don't deserve his wrath; none of this is your fault. She made her own choices—
"I don't care what you think you did, or if you think you deserve all this shit because you don't," he says firmly. "She doesn't have the right to treat you like trash."
"But she does, Piet," Wanda responds, her voice filled with self-blame. "I hurt her so much--"
“Do you even hear yourself?” he interrupts; there’s just so much frustration that he couldn’t release the way he’d like because of Wanda’s delicate situation. “How many times?” he asks.
“What?”  Wanda replies, confused by the sudden question.
"How many times did it happen?" Pietro presses.
Wanda shakes her head, refusing to answer. “Why does that matter?”
“Jesus, Wanda,” Pietro sighs sharply. “You have bruises on your skin. They showed me where they are mapped all over your body.  Between your apartment and the cafe, you couldn’t have gotten them from an accident or anyone you interact with daily. It’s her, isn’t it?”
"Please, Pietro, that's enough," Wanda pleads, attempting to lift her head from the pillow to get a better look at him but her world suddenly spins, causing her to groan in discomfort.
"If I had been even a second late bringing you to the hospital, you'd be dead by now. So, no, Wanda. I won't let her near you ever again," Pietro asserts, jaw clenched and eyes red from being up all night and from crying.
"I wasn’t asking for her," Wanda interjects once Pietro's anger subsides momentarily. “I–I wouldn’t want her to see me like this. I was worried that you contacted her.”
Pietro's mouth twists into a humorless smile, his gaze fixed on Wanda’s pale form. In that moment, he wonders if his sister has truly lost her mind, still worrying about you above all else. 
"I don't know, Wanda. Maybe if she knew what she drove you to do, she'd finally stay away for good," he spits out bitterly, his anger burning fiercely and showing no signs of dissipating.
"Keep her out of this," Wanda warns him, summoning what little energy remains within her. "Promise me."
Pietro breathes audibly through his nose, and then reluctantly obliges with a sharp nod. The thing about addiction is, one wouldn’t know the lengths an addict would go through for the very thing they fixate on. He's acutely aware of the need to be cautious with his words and actions around Wanda. While she may have survived this particular ordeal, who knows about tomorrow or the day after that?
"I promise I won't say anything to her," he says, leaning in to lock eyes with her. "But I need you to promise me something in return. Promise me that you'll seek help."
Wanda doubts that therapy will be able to alleviate the emptiness she feels every minute of every day. However, she realizes that it won't hurt to tell Pietro what he needs to hear at this moment.
"Okay," she whispers softly. "I promise."
To your astonishment, you are offered the job at Stark Industries.
The news comes three days after the interview that you initially thought was a disaster. A small talk with the hiring manager informs you that the interviewer found your honesty refreshing; too refreshing that he doubled your asking salary in exchange for starting as early as Monday the following week. You could start today if it was possible, but you quell your excitement so as not to come off desperate or too eager. 
After dropping the call with their human resources representative, you thumb through your contacts, stopping at Wanda’s name briefly, before scrolling down to Yelena’s number. Calling Wanda used to be your go-to in these significant moments, but you reassure yourself that it's just a habit that will fade with time.
“Y/N?” Yelena’s voice is hoarse from sleep–hopefully just that, and nothing else. Since the night of your visit, there has been a notable silence between you, particularly regarding the voice message she sent you in her drunken state.
"Hey, it's me," you utter, pausing to take a few deep breaths in an attempt to steady your racing heart. “Just checking in, and uhm, guess what? I got the job at Stark Industries. I start on Monday.”
“That’s awesome, Y/N. Congratulations!” Yelena sounds sincerely happy at your news and you smile at hearing the glee in her voice.
“Thank you. Unemployment was starting to suck.” you chuckle, switching the phone to your other ear. 
“Who else knows? I think your mom is going to be so relieved to hear that.” Yelena says.
“Actually, you’re the first one to know,” you say, blushing at your confession. “I mean, I’d call Nat but she’s in some unknown part of the world and you know how it is when she’s working.”
You hear Yelena hum, and then carefully, she says, “So you called me first because my sister is unavailable?”
Her insinuation that this was a proxy call causes you to tightly shut your eyes, reflecting on your own stupidity.
���No, that’s not it.” you say, a little hastily. “I called you because you’re the first person I want to tell. I-I don’t know why I said the other thing.”
“I see,” Yelena says, her tone even and unaffected. “Okay.”
You sense the shift in her mood. The ball is now in your court, and you can tell that she's anticipating your decision on how to proceed with it.
“Listen, uh, about that night–”
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. Sending you that message was… I couldn’t be more embarrassed,” Yelena says, sort of deflecting. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Don’t apologize. I needed to hear that. It was a wake up call for all the shit you had to put up with for me.”
You hear Yelena take several deliberate breaths, before she says, “Okay, Y/N. Okay…”
"Can we discuss this further? Perhaps over dinner tonight?" you ask, as you tightly grip your device to your ear.
On the opposite end, a prolonged silence ensues as Yelena remains quiet. Moments pass, filled only with intermittent sniffling and the faint sound of sheets rustling. Right before you’re about to check if she’s still on the line, she finally murmurs, “Will 8pm work for you?”
You release a breath you didn't realize you had been holding. 
"I'll pick you up.”
You reach Yelena’s place ahead of schedule, arriving before eight in the evening. In fact, you find yourself thirty minutes early, yet you willingly choose to wait outside her door, preferring not to appear disrespectful of the time she specified for the two of you to meet. 
Positioned with your back against her door, legs crossed, you entertain yourself by scrolling through your phone, engrossed in useless facts you somehow find amusing. You’re so engrossed about the science behind why strings get tangled, when without warning, the door swings open, startling you to the point that you nearly lose your balance, teetering on the verge of landing unceremoniously on the floor.
“Y/N!” Yelena jumps and yells your name in surprise. “You scared the shit out of me. What the fuck are you doing?”
"I was early," you mutter, squinting as you look up at her. Tonight holds a distinct aura, far removed from the casual dynamics of your previous basketball outings as friends—well, sort of. It dawns on you only now as you find yourself on the ground, gazing up at Yelena's radiant visage, that she is too exceptional and breathtaking for you to ever feel deserving of.
Yelena laughs deep from her belly. “You could have knocked?”
You grin at her sheepishly. Yelena looks down at you, mirroring the silly smile on your face, and then offers a hand to help you up. You graciously take it, pulling on her a little as she supports some of your weight into a standing position. 
“To be honest, I’m not that hungry.” she says, putting on her stud earrings as she toes the pair of stilettos she had picked earlier to go with her outfit.
“Oh,” you frown, disappointment washing over your features. “A rain check then?”
Yelena shakes her head, her glossy rose-colored lips pressing into a thin line. “I kind of want to take a walk… if that’s okay with you?”
“A walk sounds lovely.”
“Let me just change into something more comfortable.” she says. You kind of expect her to go back to her room for a change of clothes, but Yelena simply kicks the stilettos to the side and pulls out a pair of Nikes from the shoe rack. And somehow, it goes even better with her sundress. 
You haven’t noticed you’ve been staring until Yelena calls you out on it. 
“What?” she asks.
“If I had known I’d be walking next to the coolest person in the city, I would have offered dinner at my place instead.” you remark, looking down at the ripped jeans and v-neck black top you’re wearing. You miss the way Yelena’s eyes travel with you, sweeping your body once with an appreciative glance. 
Yelena playfully mocks you with a teasing, "Loser", and then sort of shoves you into the hallway with a strength that is unmistakably Romanov. 
You don’t want to get your hopes up, but this walk already looks promising. 
“God, that made me so hungry.” Yelena comments around a mouthful of her hotdog sandwich. Circling the neighborhood, you’ve walked a total of three miles, at a speed that couldn’t even be called a snail pace. 
“Thought you weren’t hungry?” you tease her lightly.
“Well, maybe, if you didn’t make me walk a marathon–”
“For your information, a marathon is 26.2 miles.”
“Whatever. Semantics.”
It really isn’t, but you roll your eyes anyway and let it go. It’s a debate for another time.
After falling into a brief, comfortable silence, Yelena asks, “So, you relapsed. That’s all there is to it right?”
It seems you’re back on the heavier topics, but that was precisely the purpose of meeting Yelena tonight; to put a name to whatever that’s been going on long enough between the two of you. Navigating the space between being more than friends but less than lovers has proven to be a precarious situation, one that has placed you in the predicament of almost losing her friendship altogether.
Which is why you told her everything–well, maybe not everything. Most of it. You recounted how you found Vision in Wanda’s cafe, how it triggered something in you that you didn’t know existed. How you thought you had already moved on from the hurt of her betrayal, only for it to resurface at a greater intensity.
And then you told her about that night you showed up at Wanda’s, consumed by an overwhelming desire to ruin and exact revenge the only way you knew how. 
You do not, however, disclose the nights that followed, or the several times you went to Wanda in the middle of the day to have her in the stockroom of her cafe, or that one time in the public restroom of the company who just hired you. Well, semantics, right?
“Relapse?” you tilt your head at her quizzically. 
"When you slept with her," Yelena clarifies, unapologetically, despite her own clear romantic interest in you. It's as if she sees it as a commonplace and almost normal occurrence for someone to sleep with their ex-wife.
“I’m not sure if it’s as simple as that.” you reply.
“Did it happen because you’re in love with her?” she asks. 
At this second, you’re no longer pretending to walk. You’ve both stopped at an intersection even though it’s not a particularly busy one.
“I wanted to hurt her,” you quietly confess. The rational part of your brain knows that it’s the farthest thing from love as far as a healthy and nurturing relationship goes. So, it’s rational thinking that prods you to answer with, “By definition, no.”
Yelena seems satisfied with it.
“Okay.” she says.
“Okay, what?” It’s starting to bother you how often she’s been throwing that word around all day.
“Okay. You relapsed. I’m not easily fazed by such things if that’s what you’re worried about,” Yelena tells you with a soft smile, the lamp post hitting illuminating her face in the best way. “I still think we have a shot at this. Do you?”
More than a decade after your relationship took a backseat to Yelena's dreams, you both feel that you owe it to yourselves to at least try. For a long time, you both regretted not seeing your relationship through, and now you have the opportunity for a second chance at your first love. It's a rare opportunity that few people are given in their lifetime.
“I do,” you say. It’s unthinkable to do otherwise.
“Good. Because I think you can be happy with me. We were happy, Y/N. We can have that again. You know I’d never hurt you.”
You can’t exactly say the same for her. But by not trying, you have hurt her.  When you’re with Yelena, you feel like you’re capable of becoming a better person–at least better than the person you were for the last several days. 
“This is the part where I kiss you, but maybe we should take things slow.” Yelena says with a teary laugh.
A smile graces your lips in return, and you lean in to envelop her in a warm and tight embrace.
Yelena sighs into your shoulder, and you nuzzle her head with your cheek, the sweet strawberry smell of her shampoo giving you a feeling of lightness that you haven’t felt in a long time.
“You know what I should do first though?” you whisper after some time.
“Hm?” Yelena hums, still clinging onto you comfortably.
“Move out of your sister’s place.” you murmur softly into her hair. 
"Good. Because I don't date people who still share a living space with their best friends in their thirties," Yelena replies, her voice muffled against your chest as she snuggles closer to you. The vibrations of your laughter resonate through your throat.
“Pot calling the kettle black.”
There is a phenomenon called ‘Rayleigh Scattering’. It’s basically the change in hues of the sky, when the sun is low in the morning and the blue light scatters away, so that a sea of orange and red floods the heavens instead. 
Wanda learns about it while she waits for you to show up at her doorstep, the night following her discharge from the hospital. In light of recent events, she successfully managed to talk Pietro out of moving into her place temporarily. Though she agreed she’d take his calls at specific times during the day, or else he will pack up his bags and take his residence in her guest bedroom.
So, going back to her old ways, Wanda stays up all night, attentive to your impending arrival; a human time lapse looking directly into the eyes of time. 
But your familiar steps never echoed in the hallway when the clock struck nine in the evening.
And the night after. 
And the next. 
Until one day, your smell no longer lingers in her pillows and her sheets.
For the following weeks that you keep failing to show up, Wanda makes an effort to refrain from checking on you. She’s done enough to push you away; to hurt you even even further by forcing herself to be with you in any capacity that you allow. Unconsciously, her insistence only turned you into a lesser version of yourself–the only version of you that was willing to be with her. 
It hurt Wanda to know that she’d be the one to bring out the worst in you.
She wanted to be better for you; to fill in the mold of someone you deserved to be with. She tried to, by putting up her own business and dedicating all of her efforts to establish it. She did something for herself for the sake of learning and growing, and moving on from the idealistic and unreliable wife you used to know. 
Ironically, her progress took a nosedive when you reentered her life. Seeing you awakened that selfish part of her that always wants you to be hers–at all costs. 
She was scheming to get you back at all cost. The realization of that came too late. She had already ended up further than when she started. 
Wanda stares off in the distance as she stirs the coffee she’s made for herself in her own kitchen, its rich aroma providing the smallest comfort.
Somewhere, you’re in New York, probably taking your morning coffee as well; probably drinking it black because you’re too lazy to add the cream and sugar yourself. If you were together, you’d be having your coffee in an entirely different way because Wanda loves to keep the little things extra special, especially when it comes to your pleasure.
Somewhere in New York, you exist; it serves as the sole source of solace while she chooses to leave you in solitude, at least for the time being.
With the business card that Pietro had discreetly slipped into her jacket as she was leaving the hospital the other week, Wanda ponders her options, flipping it between her fingers. After a moment of contemplation, she resolves to retrieve her phone and dial the number on it.
You’re still Wanda’s dream. She doesn’t think that’s ever going to change. 
But now she understands that in order for dreams to turn into reality, she needs to wake up and fight for herself as well; after all–love isn’t something that weak people do.
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lixhours · 2 years
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Help me out (pt.2)
Pairing - Best friend!Lee Felix x Fem!Reader
Genre - Smut, Fluff
Word count - 8k words (I got carried away)
Warnings - Dom!Felix, Sub!Reader, absolute filth, language, Felix has a thing for y/n’s thighs, Reader being overly nervous, car sex, unprotected sex (stay safe y’all), oral (m receiving), fingering, voice kink, slight humiliation/degradation, Praising, light choking, orgasm denial, possessiveness, begging, hair pulling (lmk if I missed something).
A/n - So after two years it is here! It’s good to be back after a while TT , didn’t even plan to make it to two parts but oh well, thank “taste” for that :) I don’t know how to feel about this one but I hope you’ll enjoy this as much and I enjoyed writing this 🥹(also English isn’t my first language so sorry beforehand)
Part 1 ➾ here
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After that night you two have never spoken about it again, as if everything went back to normal. Only that… it didn’t for you.
A month already flew by so fast you didn’t have a chance to blink, the two of you didn’t even get the chance to be alone since then, still hanging out regularly in your group of friends. The thought of Felix just looking downright mean at you when you made a mess over his thigh , the way he had his way with you and gripped your hair locks couldn’t vanish out of your mind, leaving you desperate for more of him every night you tried to get off without the thought of your best friend popping all the time.
That’s why it didn’t go back to normal for you, once your eyes meet images of being under him kept flooding back into your mind, but instead of averting your gaze you seem to be locking eyes with him quite often. But the difference is that it seems as if he’s unbothered, already forgot about the incident and went back being your best friend.
On one side its good, because nothing changes between the two of you, you don’t seem to make things awkward and ruin things about your entire friendship, he’s still the sweet goofy caring Felix you always knew and loved. Oh but that other side… you just wish to throw the friendship out the window just this one time for him to ruin you all over again. You can’t remember the last time someone railed you this good.
Ugh, Y/n. Come back to your senses.
You snapped as you once realised where you are, even though the coffee shop didn’t have much customers and you had more time to yourself, doesn’t give you the right to just get horny over your best friend, you got a little ashamed over these thoughts.
What are you thinking about? You’re at work, focus!!
It seems that you finished eating your lunch a few minutes ago and you didn’t even notice, the cold leftovers of your omelette sandwich and cappuccino reduce your appetite as you feel full, thinking of taking one last bite before throwing it away. your mind is all over the place. You’re sure Felix put this aside a month ago like it should be and you should do exactly the same.
You stood up and went to the kitchen to put the plate and cup in the sink, throwing the leftovers in the bin next to it. You cleared your voice and adjusted your clothing, no more daydreaming, need to focus at work and set your mind into the right place, just like your best friend Felix does, he seems unaffected, you should too.
Just don’t think about it too much, easy right?
“Do I really have to come? I’m so tired I’m absolutely exhausted from all the work and studying I just want to sink onto my couch, watch movies and eat food. If you want to, you can join me…” your voice trailed off.
To be honest, you don’t feel the need to party all night right now, especially when you’re still recovering from Felix and if he’d be there you don’t know if you’ll be on your right mind.
Minho sounded upset over the line, you really do miss and love your friends , it’s not like you’re avoiding them or Felix, you still talk to all of them over the phone and text everyday. Felix keeps checking up on you every day asking how have you been and if you need anything, this ball of sunshine made you feel a bit bad for rejecting his offers. Of course you miss him and his company.
“Come on, Y/n. It’s just a small gathering at our place, we really want to see you, let loose a little and have fun! You do deserve it , we’ll buy some drinks and snacks , good music! I promise you’ll have a good time just please come, for me at least?” Minho was pleading and it made it even harder to say no to him, how could you say no to him in general? He always knew how to convince you.
You signed and threw yourself on the couch, staring at the ceiling, it took you a few seconds and you only imagined Minho’s face lighting up with hope, you don’t want to disappoint. You hear the other boys screaming in the background whether you’ll come or not, you hear Chan loud and clear when he says “Let her know that if she won’t make it tonight, I’ll stop bringing her favourite brownies she always steals from our kitchen, She’ll be banned for eating those yummy goodies!!” Shoot not the brownies… you love eating them with coffee!!
The loud noises give away the planning of their “gathering” tonight, you could only sigh once again in defeat when you clear your voice and close your eyes “Fine!!!! I’ll make it to your place tonight, just… don’t hide the brownies!” You could practically hear Minho jumping victoriously over the other line , letting the boys know that you’ll make it and let someone know who could pick you up from your place so you wouldn’t have to call for a cab.
“Y/n, if I could I would probably squeeze you to death from my hug right now but we don’t want that, so just settle on that that we missed you and have your fun with us, it’s been a while” he sounded sincere and it made your heart warm, you don’t hear Minho acting like that ever so often and it only gives away the fact that you really didn’t see them much lately.
You let out a giggle over his comment and proceeded to answer “don’t worry, I’ll be there , just let me know when to be ready” you stood up from the couch and made your way to the bathroom , wanting to fill hot water in the bathtub to take care of yourself before you do your other routines and choose your outfit.
“9 pm tops, be ready by then. Felix will come over to pick you up”.
It’s just Felix, why did his name made your heart thump like crazy? Why was Felix the one who will pick you up? Why can’t it be Hyunjin? Out of all names.
It’s just a ride to their place, he’s your best friend and you missed him, your heart ached to see him. You took a deep breath and nodded even though Minho couldn’t see it “alright fine, tell him to text me when he’ll be outside”.
Minho and you shared your fair goodbye’s over the phone and hung up, putting your phone aside as you stripped from your clothes, entering the hot bath before sinking down.
You took another deep breath and closed your eyes as you felt your body sinking deeper and deeper into the hotness of the water, filling your bathroom in steamy aroma. you let yourself to relax your tense muscles for once and clear your head from everything.
You don’t know why did you even get these butterflies just from hearing his name, or thinking about him. It was just a one time thing, the mood was right, it felt right…
But it doesn’t change your friendship status, you’re still the best friends you are for each other, you miss and adore your sunshine. Yes, your nickname for him was Sunshine. Only that he proved to be far more than that last month in your very own bed.
You think you just need to let it go, yes the sex was absolutely amazing, you didn’t feel this euphoria for a very long time. But, maybe you just need to get laid and let out all the pent up sexual frustration instead of avoiding your best friend. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings or ruin it all for the both of you just because of your issue.
So Tonight, you need to change your mind set. You’re going to have fun with your friends and maybe even get lucky with someone else who isn’t your best friend.
You didn’t see Felix in a long time, maybe everything will go back to normal between the two of you like it used to be from your side. From his side it seems as he already forgot about everything and put that aside as it should be for you two. You’re both adults, it happens right? If Felix doesn’t make things weird then you should too.
At that thought, you finished taking your bath and stepped out. Now, you wrapped a towel around your figure and on your way to your room to choose what to wear, what to even begin with to make yourself ready.
You stood in front of your closet and stared at it for a few seconds. should you go casual? Or all the way sexy? You wanted to show yourself off tonight and get it going out there, let you feel things you didn’t feel a long while. Yet, you didn’t want to look like a try hard…
Fuck it.
You’re going to pop everyone eyes out.
You picked out your tight black dress with spaghetti straps that emphasised all your curves. Some black heels, not very high one’s. you thought about curling your hair but decided to keep it straight, you’ll definitely add some light make up just to make yourself glow. To sum it all up, you’ll definitely be ready by night time.
You played out some music in the background and started to get working.
You looked at your figure through the mirror and you look stunning to say at least. Really simple and sexy , not too much and not way too much. You adjusted the skirt of the dress and stood on your heels, finishing applying the gloss lipstick and brushing your hair through your fingers. It’s been way too long since you got ready like that and you felt excited to get out there once again.
As you looked at your reflection for the past few minutes, you hear your phone buzzing lightly on the table, allowing you to process that someone is calling you. Your breath hitched and your heart raced as you read the name “Sunshine ☀️” spread across the screen. You didn’t even notice that it’s already night time, you hurried to pick up.“Hello, Lix?” Afraid your voice will betray you , you somehow managed to answer normally, picking up the first perfume you see to put on while holding the phone with your shoulder.
“Are you ready or am I gonna sit here waiting while you’re fashionably late?” You heard his deep voice through the line and you swear it wasn’t as deep as it was a month ago, is he going through puberty again? You smiled at his comment and proceeded to grab your tiny bag with you while turning off the lights and opening the door, you saw his car right at the parking lot.
“I’m right outside, dummy” you said and locked the door , putting your keys inside the bag and just standing there waiting for him to get out the car “are you just gonna sit there and be a terrible gentleman instead of greeting me?” You were sarcastic of course and managed to laugh it off right after, you somehow saw his big smile forming on his face as he got out of the car and stood up. you felt relieved to say at least that there wasn’t any tension and you both acted completely normal like it alway had been, maybe you overreacted after all.
But alas, you may need a reality check because the second he took a few steps towards you and came closer, you felt like air got knocked out of your lungs.
For the first time in your entire friendship, you had a loss of words for his appearance.
His blonde hair now gone, replaced with new coloured black locks. He wore a simple casual white T-shirt and a leather jacket on top, black ripped jeans that fit him nicely and white sneakers. what was really breathtaking was the way you locked eyes with him after observing his appearance. he smirked and looked down at you once you were close face to face and took your hand, he chuckled and bowed down before you.
“Oh my lady, I’m so sorry! Where are my manners?”
You didn’t even notice that he hung up the call and your phone still pressed to your ear, you felt embarrassed and your skin was burning hot, you managed to pull away the phone quickly and laugh lightly at his antics. you hit him playfully at the back of his head and managed to pull his hand that he’s holding and lead you both to the car, just walking casually hand in hand.
Felix just yelped in response and cried out at the hit, rubbed his head with the other hand in the process. “Oh, don’t be such a baby” you rolled your eyes and before you knew it you were randomly pulled in for an embrace which caught you off guard. It felt like you were inside cozy home walls, not feeling the night breeze as much as before, he wrapped his arm and covered you like something he needs to protect. you returned his hug and wrapped your arms around him too, hearing him sighing in peace. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, you literally breathed him , his scent surrounding you.
“I missed you” he said and you smiled, tightening your arms around him, realising how much you missed him too and how bad you felt for avoiding any chance of meeting him while he has no idea why, you felt a bit stupid, but you’re here with him now and you need to fix it.
You pulled away from him and looked into his eyes once again, now a lot less nervous “I missed you too, I’m sorry I didn’t have much time to see you or the boys, I’ll make it up to you” you took his hand in yours once again and you both smiled brightly at each other.
“You better be, princess” you both reached for the car and he opened the door for you to get inside “ or else I’m gonna be stuck to your hip one way or another, I don’t care”.
You stuck your tongue out to him and sat down, he closed the door and went all the way around to get onto his seat as well. Once you’re both sat he started the car and searched to put on the address the boys gave him.
You had a questioning look on your face, you were confused for a moment “Lix.. what is this address? Aren’t we going to Minho’s place?” You asked as you looked at the screen on the car media, You heard Felix sucking in a deep breath before sheepishly looking at you “yeah well, about that…” he began and laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head, something here smells fishy and you looked at his face from up close wanting to hear an answer.
“Well, Minho thought you’d decline the offer once you’ll hear it won’t be at his place here close, so… we are driving off to Han’s, he’s organising and planning this party for a long time and he really wanted you to be there with us. That’s why I wanted to come and pick you up so you wouldn’t have to drive alone.. Surprise?” He looked at you wishing for a positive answer and by the expression on your face he didn’t know what to except.
You lean back in your seat and put two hands to cover your face before you speak up “not only the road to Han’s place is half an hour long, it isn’t a small gathering either?” You returned looking at him and he pleaded with his eyes while nodding his head, but before you could say anything further he started driving, ruining any chance of you escaping, his eyes now on the road as he chuckled to himself.
You sighed “What can I say? If I’m here might as well enjoy your guys company, I missed you all too much for me to be pissed” you laughed to yourself and instead of getting angry for being tricked, you just smiled and relaxed.
“Yes! Princess that’s the spirit, consider this as your punishment for overworking yourself lately” you blushed at the name he gave you, you always liked it when he called you that and didn’t give any mind about it, but now it seemed different, it made you warm inside.
“I guess you’re right…” you trailed off and looked at the outside of the window, it was open a bit so you closed it as the cold air gave you goosebumps, regretting not taking any jacket with you. As you kept looking at the view and the comfortable silence continued, you got hit with the realisation. It was a half an hour long drive with Felix alone in the car. You suddenly got these butterflies in your stomach and shifted in your seat, you turned to look at him and regretted the second you did so.
When did Felix driving started to seem so hot to you? The way he gripped the steering wheel with one hand that was decorated gently with his veins , the other one leaning against his window , his legs spread a bit and his jawline sharp, his new hair color didn’t help either. A few second ago you got chills from the cold, when did it get so hot in here?
Felix noticed you being quiet than usual and got curious because you always talked about random things when you had the chance.
“Everything okay , Princess?” Oh god the pet name made it much worse for your condition, all your thoughts from earlier flooding back to mind as you can’t help but think about the events that happened in your bed under him.
“Y-yeah sure, just hot a little .. can you open the window a bit?” Your voice almost betrays you as you speak.
“Didn’t you just close the window a few minutes ago?” Felix asked taking a quick glance at you and the way that you subconsciously pressed your thighs didn’t go unnoticed by him, averting his eyes now onto the closed window and back to the road. “You were literally shivering” he questioned you and you felt like it was getting even hotter, his low voice doesn’t help either.
“Well yeah, but I feel like the car keeps you warm enough inside so I’d rather the window just to be slightly open” you answered and Felix shrugged trying his best not to grin, doing as you said while you sighed in relief.
Felix knows that you’re talking bullshit.
He knows you well enough and can tell when you confidently tell the truth and when you’re lying. Just like when he stayed over a night at your house, the way you greedily rubbed your ass against his cock with no shame whatsoever when you thought he was asleep and the way you were stuttering in such a cute way when he asked you what were you doing exactly. Your lame excuse of a blanket matched the same energy with your window excuse.
You thought he was over what happened between the two of you? Hell no.
Nothing stayed the same way for him, all he could think about was how helplessly you submitted to him and how you trembled on his thigh while you asked oh so pretty permission to cum. It made him go crazy hard for you for days. Even before it all went down, he always fantasised about this but knew it’ll never happen, never wanting to cross the line of friendship and ruin things , but eventually it did happen. He didn’t complain because he saw how much you wanted it yourself, but after that he had to move on for your both sakes so no one could get hurt.
You mean the world to him and he knew you only viewed him as your best friend, so he acted as if it never actually happened. pretending everything went back to normal and he did great, really! But that was until he saw you today after weeks, in that skimpy little dress of yours looking gorgeous. He didn’t know how he managed to compose himself until now.
When he saw you pressing your thighs deliciously now and catching you red handed in your lie, made him realise you feel this same attraction over and over again too, it seemed like your minds always wondered to think about one another. And that relieved him, so why the both of you are holding back? Because of your friendship once again?
Felix had the urge to test his luck today, just like you tested yours, you are such as needy. He steals a few glances over your figure as his hand tightens a bit around the steering wheel, the way your exposed thighs distract him, maybe you don’t bother to pull the hem of your dress down just so you can tease him, you wanted to test his limits? Not today, he thought to himself.
You on the other side were still hot and bothered , suddenly finding the road way more interesting as you sat in silence taking a deep breath. Felix took this golden opportunity and put his hand on your exposed thigh. The moment you felt his slightest touch your breath hitched completely, you don’t even notice that you hold your breath. eyes widening and looking at him , then at his veiny hand that gives it a light squeeze , sending tingles down straight to your core.
“Y/n, are you okay? You look quite pale..” Felix asks as he gives another squeeze reassuringly, knowing exactly what he was doing , watching you crumble. It’s interesting to see when exactly are you going to brake, but he wanted to hear it from you and you just needed a little bit more of guidance.
“Y-yeah totally!! It’s just that it’s still hot and I’m not feeling so well because of that, can you maybe open the window a bit more?” You managed to squeak out but this time Felix couldn’t stop his grinning, chuckling, and you swear that he lowers his voice on purpose “how are you feeling hot but a shivering mess huh?” His warm hand beginning to caress your thigh up and down, waiting for you to shove his hand away but that never comes, you don’t know why you don’t stop him either, it was way harder for you to think straight right now. you didn’t even notice your shivers that sent goosebumps down your spine, feeling overwhelmed.
That bastard… you thought to yourself.
You weren’t stupid either, you felt a shift in his energy and mood the second he started driving but felt unsure, he knows how you’re feeling but hesitates to take further actions because he’s afraid from rejection. But how could you reject him when he is the only one that’s on your mind?
“Hmm doll?” Here are the pet names again. “Are you going to answer me or are you going to keep me waiting again? Just like you did with that dress of yours?” His hand crept up higher and higher taking place inside your inner thigh once again, so close to the place you wanted him the most, reminding you of last time. but this time you let out an evident gasp, you looked over in shock at Felix only to find him smirking to himself and turning left on the road.
“F-Felix what are you-“ he cuts you off as he started speaking again , feeling you melting under his touch “Let me ask you a different question Princess, for who did you dress up so prettily for? Hm? Are you planning to impress someone?” His deep tone of voice didn’t help to your state , still processing his words but hurried to answer him at the same time.
“I didn’t think of impressing someone b-but.. wanted to have fun” you say suddenly feeling a bit shy over your words, Felix was rather amused at your answer nodding his head at your statement “and what kind of fun did you think of exactly? Huh? With who?” He leaned back in his seat and he looked ethereal, how come you never viewed him that way? You’re surprised all over again.
But his question did wonders to you, the tiny little voice in the back of your head telling yourself you wanted to impress him and nobody else. The tension was getting unbearable at this point but the two of you still continued to play this game for some reason. Felix’s hand didn’t help you either, his touch only making more heat pool between your legs.
“Y-you..” you began but swallowed the lump in your throat first “you know what kind… y-you’re not dumb Felix..” you said, almost whispering the words but Felix heard you perfectly. he couldn’t help but bite his lower lip at your statement, feeling his jeans getting tighter and tighter the longer you tease each other. He decided to take one more glance at you before continuing to drive but hissed the second he looked at your figure.
You looked completely fucked out and he did absolutely nothing. looking so hot at him with half lidded eyes , as if they beg him to touch you. Your legs slightly open, you’re literally inviting his hand to slip into your dress, he only imagined how drenched you were already, thinking about how sensitive you are if you’re reacting like that just from these small gestures. he swears he never saw you like that not even last time, although you looked so nervous it was almost cute. he felt like he couldn’t concentrate driving, he needed to give you his full attention right now, fuck the party.
You felt a bit impatient from his lack of response, did you go too far? Before you even began to think of a million reasons why you did cross the line, Felix pulled over to the nearest emptiest place to park the car. Oh boy , here you thought to yourself.. with all that’s happened you really don’t know what to expect next but tried to compose yourself either way.
“Oh so now you’re not answering?” You saw the instant tick in his jaw the second you asked confidently and fully finished parking the car, his hand never leaving your thigh now squeezing it a bit harder, making you gasp once again , he leaned fully in his seat now giving you this downright dark look as he observed your figure.
He cleared his throat and scooted closer, you held your breath again and stayed glued to your seat not moving an inch “so you wanted someone to fuck your brains out don’t you ? Don’t be shy Y/n you can say exactly these words, no need to go all the way around” his other free hand came in contact with your chin, holding it with his fingertips so you’d look him straight in the eyes.
Then there was silence, you couldn’t even speak. You couldn’t even get a word out from the way he affected you so much, you’re not thinking straight and afraid you’ll blurt out something you shouldn’t say. So you just sat there and breathed heavily, the only sound in the car was both of your hot breaths fanning each others faces. Felix waited for your response but gets no comment back, slowly a smirk crept up on his face and he licked his lips in a way that almost had you whimpering over nothing.
“I get it Y/n, it’s totally normal…” but something about the way he said that didn’t feel right, instead you felt him getting even closer until you could feel his full lips right next to your ear whispering lowly “but don’t forget who made you a dumb soaking whiny mess over my thigh, sweetheart”.
Your heart should not have sped up. Your fingers should not have tightened against the seatbelt . You should not have pressed your thighs against each other with his hand in between . You should not have had your throat dried up at his very words. But it did and you are staring at Lee Felix in an angle you had never seen him. 
And the barriers have been broken, you couldn’t deny it anymore, you absolutely wanted him right now in this damn car.
Before Felix could even react you placed your hands on his broad shoulders taking him by surprise and smashing your lips against his. Not many moments after took Felix to return the favour, his lips danced perfectly agains yours like it was always bound to be placed there. The kiss was messy and both of you panted into each others mouths, Feeling Felix’s hand now on your hip pulling you closer, gripping you so hard with his fingers you swear he could leave a mark but you don’t care at this point.
You broke the kiss to breath air from lack of oxygen, you both continued to stare at each other with heady desire as he looked once again at your abused lips, he couldn’t get enough of you.
His mouth claims yours once more, and where the connection between you had grown quiet with intensity, it now gains the thrilling hunger that overtook them earlier, reminding you the battle of dominance in the heated kiss a month ago. You can barely breathe as he squeezes your thigh with his other hand for the tenth time today that slowly crawls higher and higher to the hem of your tight dress, reminder of the possessiveness that runs into every word, every touch.. you couldn’t help but whimper against him.
He took this opportunity and slipped his tongue to collide with yours, groaning deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him even closer, you deepen the kiss, lust and want slowly washing you both and consuming your mind. Felix then nibbled and licked on your bottom lip tugging it gently, you let out a small moan and Felix felt satisfied from your reaction ignoring the aching of his cock.
He pulled away looking once again on your swollen puffy lips, cheeks flush as you looked at him and whispered. “Felix. I need more”. You managed to press your thighs even harder for some friction with his hand in between.
At that moment Felix snapped, you didn’t know he had that strength in him to just rip the seatbelt off you and lift you up by placing his hands on your ass. He cupped under it and made you straddle him in his seat, flashbacks from the last encounter of this event flashing through your memories. Your dress rides up so high it doesn’t do a good job at covering your bottom half, Felix hisses under you at the blissful sight, feeling his very prominent bulge.
“look at you, my little princess… just as needy as last time” his voice practically dripped with honey, his hand making its way straight to wrap around your throat gently, pulling you down to connect your lips again.
“Fuck” Felix cursed between wet kisses “look at you, with that tiny dress.. you did this to me on purpose didn’t you?” He added a bit pressure on your neck and you couldn’t contain the moan that slipped out of your mouth, turned on like you’ve never been before.
He noticed you liked his gestures and smirked “you like that don’t you? Having my fingers pressing on your pretty throat?” He observed you up close and his eyes were hypnotising, the way he looked at you, intimidating and so far from the sunshine you know on a daily basis. He lets go of your neck and continues to intertwine his fingers with your hair strands, pulling on them to keep you in place. You wanted to say something, do something, anything! But you felt like Felix controlled your every movement and you missed the way he did that so much, you didn’t do anything but listen to him.
“Couldn’t even sit a few minutes without thinking about my cock in you, are you that desperate for my fucking dick baby?” You furrowed your brows and bit your lips, your hands now moving on their own to keep you steady on his shoulder, you nodded almost instantly when he asked you that and he tsked, not satisfied from your answer.
“Speak up, doll. Use your pretty words like you did last time, be a good girl” he almost purred and it took you all your will not to start grinding against his length. Your hand slid down from his shoulder and onto his firm chest rubbing it up and down , you looked at him with your pleading glossy eyes and Felix swears he could come bust in his pants right now.
“Y-yes, yes! I’m desperate for your cock Felix..” you decided to take it up a notch since he wouldn’t do anything and show him exactly how desperate you are. Starting by grinding your hips all over his clothed bulge, earning a groan from him, his hands came flying onto your hips and gripped you hard. Taking onto your obvious hint he thrusted his hips up to meet yours, making you weak to your knees as you threw your head back and moaned loudly.
You felt like you were burning from desire and so sensitive, you can’t remember the last time you felt that way.
“My baby is so responsive huh?” He ground his hips once more and held you so you wouldn’t move, locking you in place.
“Too bad you’re not calling the shots here” another whine escaped your lips, clearly frustrated and wanting to feel him, his words affecting you wondering just how wet you are. seeing him taking every bit of control makes you even weaker, wanting to submit fully than you already are, do everything he says.
Leaning in, he noses at your jaw, his breath hot on your neck. His free hand draws the straps of your dress down your shoulders. It pools at your waist, revealing the laced bra covering your tits. “What’s wrong, kitten? Has nobody fucked you right since I left?”.
He began kissing and licking at your neck, making you grab on his hair and tug on the locks gently as you close your eyes and moan from the sensation, you were super sensitive and it made you let out shaky breaths making Felix smirk against you boosting his ego.
“I’ll take that as a yes then” he rasped and kissed down your jaw giving attention now to your breasts, two hands holding them and kneading them.
“I couldn’t make myself cum after you left..” you whimpered out just enough for him to hear and something within him triggered.
A low growl reverberates deep from Felix’s chest in response. Between licking and teasing your nipples through your bra and the next he’s tugging up your dress with rough hands you have fucking missed, the flimsy lace of your panties gone in one go almost ripping clean from your hips that makes lewd excitement surge throughout you, getting them off you so quickly. Thick fingers brush over the swollen lips of your pussy, the sweetest torture you have experienced, and when he parts you to find the slick arousal your game has drawn, Felix’s low groan reflects that shared affliction.
“Fucking drenched for me, baby,” he murmurs, voice rough as gravel. His free hand digs into the flesh of your thigh, keeping you open for him. “I’ve missed this pretty, little cunt too princess. so fucking receptive.” Two fingers tease the opening of your pussy, and just as your body fell victim to his words, your cunt instinctively clenches in response. Felix chuckles, pulling back to drink you in wickedly, his words making you warm inside.
His gaze is burning, alight. He curls his fingers to begin working you, the heel of his palm grinding against your clit. “Tell me who this cunt belongs to.” The moment you feel his fingers without any further warning is making you loose your damn mind, it takes you all your will not to cum right there on the spot, the stretch feeling amazing.
“Yours…” you barely speak as he continues his slow pace of his fingers knuckles deep inside you, working you up so deliciously.
His pace was torturous and you needed more of him “hm? What love? I didn’t quite catch that. Speak properly or… you can’t do that either? Your little body can’t handle it so you lost your words?” He cooed, he never thought he could see you in such a sight , so beautiful and the way you react to him, makes him loose his mind.
His words sending more tingles down your core continuing to drip down his fingers, you were close to your sweet release than you’ve ever been before, feeling complete bliss washing your body and ignoring his question, forgetting about everything that surrounds you. You forgot that you’re in this damn car in the middle of who knows where, on top of your best friend and his fingers deep inside you. The thought excited you even more and the look Felix gave you, his intense gaze made you even hotter.
Felix felt you clenching repeatedly over his fingers knowing what’s about to come, just as you were about to reach your high he stopped his movements completely.
You trembled with desire for him, your legs shaking as your orgasm has been taken away from you, tears of frustrations pouring down your face.
“W-why” you sobbed , you don’t care how pathetically desperate you look but on the other side you never wanted this moment to end , the position you’re in right now had you literally crying from pleasure.
“I asked you a question and you never answered angel, bad girls don’t get to cum do they now?” He groaned as he pulled his fingers away, sucking them and lapping on your juices, moaning at the taste of you.
You clenched at the sudden emptiness and at the sight of him licking his fingers “such a shame, you taste so fucking good”.
“Felix please.. I’ll be good I promise” you slid your hand down, touching his clothed prominent bulge over his jeans, making him hiss at the contact. He was quick to grab your hand and with his free one to once again pull onto your hair, his hot breath against your ear “didn’t you learn you how to behave last time? Need me to refresh your memory?” You nodded immediately and that made him chuckle darkly, his deep laugh didn’t help you as also the way he looks at you like he wants to devour you.
“Get in the backseat, Y/n” he ordered and you complied, not wasting any second giving him the full view of your ass, making him twitch in excitement in his jeans.
Once you’re both in the back, he fumbles with his belt, pulls the zipper down and finally freeing his hard cock out , the tip leaking with pre-cum making your mouth water.
“If you want to make it up to me..” he reached to caress your puffy lips with his thumb “then let your pretty mouth prove just how much you want me” without any hesitation you let his thumb enter your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around it, making Felix groan in return.
He pulled away and smeared his wet thumb on over your lips before leaning back and signalling you to lean further, holding his erection.
What a fucking sight. You slowly reached out for his length, Felix felt smooth as fuck under your touch. You grabbed him gently and took him in your mouth while fluttering your eye slashes at him.
"Just like that. You're so pretty with your mouth full of me. Just the way it's supposed to be."
His goddamn words… You didn’t know what it was about them that turned you on this much, pushing you to an utter state of enthusiasm.
"Harder, Princess. Suck me harder." He grabbed you by your hair making it into a ponytail and guided you through, You hollowed your cheeks to provide him with harder suction while working your tongue, which caused Felix to let out husky grunts for you.
He breathes deeply as you bob your head in slow motions, taking him deeper each time until you gag. His grip on your hair tightens, his face twisted in pleasure, his eyes dark and wild.
You pull back with a ‘pop’ sound and swirl your tongue over his angry tip focusing on it, making him moan in response and you swear that’s the hottest sound you’ve ever heard, pushing you further to please him.
“F-fuck y/n…” he grunts between breaths “how are you this good with you mouth baby? I won’t last..” he threw his head back and his Adams apple bobbed as he gulped.
You smiled a little at his reaction feeling satisfied with yourself.
“You really are a good girl.” He groaned at the sight of you with his dick in your mouth, eyes glossy and you moaned back in response sending vibrations and further pleasure. so you took more of his dick, trying not to get lost in all the warm feelings springing up from your chest.
you started to bob your head up and down while moving your tongue, letting it lick and touch his dick, which kept him moaning and grunting your name.
“Oh my God, yes,” was about the best he could do when you started sucking. He seemed in loss of words just like you are but felt pride bubbling up your chest on the way you make him feel.
You pull away once again to breathe and looked up at him while you work him with your hand “am I doing good for you, Lixie?” You asked in such a way Felix felt he’s going to cum right here on your hand, his jaw clenched.
He released the grip on your hair and pulled your leg now that you straddled him, once again putting you on top of him and changing positions, your core just mere inches from his hard cock.
No words needed to be said as you both knew what you wanted, both feel the same need and desire for each other as he pulled you down for another passionate kiss, tasting each other. It was messier than before and got your head spinning and him aching for you.
He tapped his tip against you clit making you moan in response “I need you inside me right now Felix, I can’t take it anymore please ” you were begging him at this point but you didn’t care as you wanted to feel your sweet sweet release against him.
It was like music to his ears “is that right baby? Come on then, sit on my dick show just how much you want me..” he said lowly and kissed your lips one more time before letting you slide down slowly on his length.
You threw your head back at the newfound stretch, a moan ripping out of you as you steady yourself on him, Felix’s hands found their way on your ass helping you with each movement, breathing on each other faces.
“That’s it Princess, ride me just like that” he almost whispers at this point, both of you lost in pleasure “just as tight as I remember, and so fucking wet..” he guided, leaving trails of kissed down your neck making your knees weak.
His words instantly shoot right down to your core and Felix feels his sentence has caused just the right reaction out of you by the way your walls clench around his cock.
“I wanted this for such a long time, Felix please.. don’t make me stop this time” you whined and started moving faster against him, making his dick twitch inside you, loving the way you beg.
“I won’t baby, I promise. loose yourself on my fucking cock, I dare you to make a mess all over it” he demanded it at this point and you don’t complain, picking up your pace until you’re practically bouncing on him, feeling the car move with each action but the both of you could care less.
Both moaning, breathing heavily and sweating. His thumb reached for your clit and circled it with just the right amount of pressure making you loose it, Felix groaning at the process.
He felt you clenching on him so hard , you kept moaning his name over and over again and knew you were close.
“Keep moaning my name baby, I want you to cream around my cock when you do so” he gripped your chin, faces inches from each other “look me in the eyes , sweetheart” he nibbled on you bottom lip tugging and sucking on it, the the speed of his thumb on your clit increases.
“Oh god, Felix!” It doesn’t take him long to get you to do just that, hips chasing after Felix’s, meeting his every thrust. “Shit, so fucking tight, pretty, so tight,” he grunts at you when your walls flutter around him, making you see absolute starts, orgasm finally hitting you like a truck. At this point he thrusts his hips up helping you with your movements and helping you through your high.
Feeling your walls spasm around him makes him moan out for you as well, you know he’s close by the way he thrusts sloppily and throwing his head back exposing his neck for you , so you take this opportunity even when you’re still on cloud 9.
“You’re so fucking good,” you say, resting the side of your face against his, placing soft kisses on his jaw. “Fuck me so well…”
You reach out for his earlobe and suck on it gently, roaming your hands over his chest and practically purr in his ear “give it to me lixie, I want you to fill me up so badly, please…”.
That’s all it takes for Felix to cum while inside of you and reach his high, pumping himself “F-fuck yes” he had a death grip on your hips halting his movements and reaching to the brim. You both panted heavily against each other, the two of you stayed close as you came down from your highs, not wanting to part from each other.
You placed your forehead against his, processing what the fuck just happened, you both smiled sweetly at each other.
“How you feeling?” He asked deeply and you giggled in response, moving your hand to cup his cheek and caress it with your thumb.
“I’m feeling pretty amazing to be honest” you answer and you see playful amusement glint in his eyes “is that so y/n?” He reached out for you lips but kissed you gently this time, savouring the sweet moment.
After that, you looked into each others eyes but he spoke once again “would you maybe.. want to go out, for real this time?” Suddenly loosing his voice, feeling a bit hesitant.
You thought it was cute and far more different than the Felix you saw a few minutes ago, there goes the duality of your ball of sunshine.
“Lixie, I would want nothing more than to go out with you” you reassured him and held his hand, making him feel warm as you kept kissing, wanting it to last forever.
It made you laugh a bit about the situation, because usually you go out on dates and then fuck, not the other way around.
But, you guess with Felix a lot of things just worked different and It was more than okay with you.
A call suddenly interrupted you from your session, the car media letting you know the name “Han” that was written across the screen, letting you both forget completely about the party.
You burst out in a fit of laughter and collapsed on top of Felix, he joined you as well “how am I supposed to go to that party looking like that??” You were very aware of your appearance and Felix had a smug smile on his face.
“Show the whole world you’re mine, princess”.
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝑷𝒖𝒎𝒑𝒌𝒊𝒏 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒖𝒓 | 𝒎𝒂𝒙 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒏
☁︎max verstappen x female reader
☁︎you know just how to select the perfect pumpkin, and it’s time your boyfriend learns how as well…
☁︎no warnings, very cute fall fluff!
☁︎my third fall celebration fic! thank you guys for reading and enjoying! it means the world to me!
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October was the season for pumpkins, growing up you cherished the time you’d visit local farms and spend the days picking the best pumpkins for your house to decorate for the fall season. It wasn’t until you’d met your boyfriend Max that you realized there really weren’t any places to go pumpkin picking in Monaco. The city itself was filled with luxury in every aspect, which was beautiful but you missed your pumpkins and the fun of picking them in the fall.
“Babe you busy?”
Hearing Max’s voice grow closer to where you sat in the living room you smiled
“No, is everything okay?”
“Mhm just need you to back a little bag”
You looked at him confused, placing a bookmark between the pages of your novel and getting to your feet
“Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise you’ll see.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead, laughing at the skeptical look on your face before he watched you disappear upstairs, returning after a few minutes with a little bag packed.
“Do I get a hint at least?”
“We’re flying to Munich, that’s all you need to know”
Before you could get another word in he was taking your hand and ushering you outside and towards the car, a smile on his face while you were dying to know just what he was planning.
Max loved the element of surprise.
“Can I look now?”
“One second”
His hands came up and untied the blindfold you had on, when your eyes adjusted to the light around you, the sight in front of you brought a smile to your face.
“You-what…? Max you brought me to a pumpkin patch?”
He nodded taking your hand as you began to walk towards the pumpkins
“I know how much you love fall and Monaco isn’t the most fall place for pumpkin picking so I just thought why not”
“You remembered…”
You paused looking up at him as he smiled, placing a gently kiss on your lips
“Of course I did baby”
Pulling him into a bone crushing hug, you couldn’t help the warmth that had spread through your heart at this surprise, to someone else it may have meant nothing, but to you it meant everything.
“So how about you show me how it’s done miss pumpkin connoisseur?”
If Max could replay the sound of your laughter on repeat he would, it was his favourite sound in the world. Watching as your eyes lit up before taking him throughout the rows of pumpkins, all which varied in size and colour, seeing you this happy was worth everything to him.
“Are you listening my love?”
Max hums, snapping himself out of his thoughts to see you standing there with a cart, a pumpkin already sat nicely within it.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I was saying, these are the perfect pumpkin, if they stay sitting when you place them down, the bottoms are flat, these are easiest for carving!”
He nods
“Then we have these ones-”
Pointing to a group of smaller almost gourd looking ones you looked back towards him
“These are more like gourds, so you can decorate your table with them, or make little crafts with them, I used to turn them into turkeys with my family”
Max couldn’t wipe the smile from his face as he watched you so vibrantly explain everything you knew about them. He remained by your side, pulling the cart along as you filled it with pumpkins of all shapes, sizes and colours, making sure to tell little facts about each one.
“Alright, I think we have enough…”
You checked over the cart once more frowning slightly at the amount you’d chosen
“What’s wrong baby?”
“I think I chose to many…”
Max took your chin in his grip softly, tilting your face up so you were looking at him, a smile on his face noticing the hesitation in your eyes
“You can never have too many pumpkins y/n, I brought you here for a reason, I think you chose the perfect amount”
Pressing a kiss to your lips he was quick to answer your question
There was quite literally nothing that could wipe the smile off your face as you took your pumpkins and paid for them, loading them into your rental car and knowing they were coming home with you. Never in a million years would you have thought Max would remember that little joy of yours from growing up, and today he exceeded your expectations, only making you fall more in love with the man who held your heart so gently.
“Thank you for my pumpkins honey…I love them so much..but I do love you more”
Max smiled taking your hand in his as he brings it to his lips to kiss your knuckles
“You’re welcome, I’d do anything for you, including spend a whole day at a pumpkin patch in Germany, if it means seeing that smile of yours”
You leaned over to kiss his cheek as you settled into the passenger seat as he pulled away from the fields of pumpkins
“I love you you just as much baby, I cant wait to see what you do with all of these”
Max was a little scared to see just how many pumpkins you’d picked, and what you were planning to do with them, but he would be more than willing to help you with whatever you’d started to envision.
He was dating a pumpkin connoisseur, it was in his boyfriend job description.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
yo i want to see headcannons of any of the marble hornets or even ticci toby with a cottagecore fem s/o, how would they react with the way she styled herself? i mean.. they are a vicious ruthless monster and then here she is their s/o who is just love nature, 70s fashion, sweet and friendly like yk
Proxies with a cottagecore S/O 
Toby, Tim/Masky + Brian/Hoodie x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately) 
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons 
Content/Warnings: Toby’s section gets a bit suggestive because that’s how he is (small touches, staring, ogling, but it’s all light), a minuscule mention of blood, mostly fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Oooohhhh this boy 
Keep in mind, he’s about 19, 20 
Those horny teenager hormones are still coursing through him, and they aren’t leaving any time soon 
Seeing you in such cute little clothes gets him a liiiiittle worked up, he just can’t help it! 
If you’re wearing pants, he’s eyeing you up when you walk away, 100% 
If you’re wearing a skirt, don’t be surprised if his hands wander up your thighs 
He’ll stop if you tell him to of course, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable! But if he knows he’s got the green light, you know what to expect 
He also loooooves that you love nature! He loves it too! 
Be prepared to pick all the leaves and sticks out of his hair when he comes back home after a long day/night 
And also wash the blood of off him (don’t be surprised if he asks you to join him in the shower) 
AND be prepared for him to bring back random bugs, frogs, and other small animals and try to convince you to let him keep them
(do not let him) 
He’ll definitely be bringing back random plants and berries to see if you can cook with them 
He’s really good at foraging, although he’d be significantly better if he could remember what’s edible and what’s not 
He’s got some brain damage and ADHD but he tries his best yk 
Just pat his head and tell him he’s done good 
He also may or may not sneak into your closet to try on your clothes every once in a while 
Masculine, feminine, androgynous, he doesn’t care! He likes your clothes! 
Overall he’s rather sweet, if a bit oblivious; you may have to teach him a few things, but he’ll learn for you! 
Tim grew up in an old farmhouse, he knows a lot about this sort of thing! 
In fact, your cottagecore aesthetic is borderline nostalgic for him, it really warms his heart in a way he’s waaaay too embarrassed to ever admit, even if he personally doesn’t partake in the lifestyle 
He’ll totally adjust fine to the cottagecore life 
He’s had his fair share of experience with cooking with whatever he can forage from the woods (and he actually knows what can and can’t be eaten), so he’s very helpful in the kitchen! 
He’s also a very skilled hunter, so he’s more than willing to bring back a fresh kill for you to cook 
He’ll skin it and do all the dirty work for you, that way your job is easy 
In return all you have to do cook him dinner while he’s in the shower washing off the smell, and he’ll be happy
He thinks your style is absolutely adorable, even if he won’t outright say it! 
That’s okay though, because you can see it in the way his eyes widen a bit when you come down the stairs all dressed up in the prettiest little outfit he could ever imagine 
He’ll pause and look down, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette before looking up and giving a brief compliment: 
“Lookin’ good, sweetheart.” 
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but you’ll learn to read him 
If you craft, please give him homemade gifts! 
Baskets, wreaths, flower arrangements, whatever little cottagecore trinket you can conjure 
You’ll have his heart forever 
One of Tim’s favorite pastimes is whittling, so don’t he surprised if he leaves a little deer statue on your beside table as a thank you 
Tim isn’t high maintenance or hard to satisfy at all, he’s more than happy to share a quaint little cottage with you 
All he needs is a kiss on the cheek when he leaves for ‘work’ to keep him warm until he can hug you again 
Brian is probably the most well versed on internet aesthetics, and dare I say may even be a bit cottagecore himself! 
It’s a lot more subtle of course, but you can see it in the way he hoards potted plants and persistently makes sure the hummingbird feeder and bird bath are full 
He’s also the most invested in nature, if that makes sense; he knows a lot about the native flora and fauna of his area and will always point them out to you if you’re around 
It’s not unusual for you to catch him staring out the window at the birds 
He doesn’t really like to cook and he doesn’t forage since it’s not something that’s ever interested him, but he has a way with sewing! 
He collects patches for his bags and clothes, and he likes to alter and add to his own garments 
He’s phenomenal with patchwork and fixing up tears 
Never again will you have to be upset about a rip in your favorite dress or a split seam in your best pair of pants! 
Brian will have it fixed up like new in no time 
You won’t even be able to tell it was ever torn! 
Although he doesn’t forage, Brian always brings a bag with him to pick up any plants he hasn’t seen before or wants more of
If he particularly likes one he’ll uproot it and put it in a pot to keep in your cottage 
Soon half of your house will belong to the plants, but it’s okay because he makes sure they’re arranged cutely 
He cares just as much about the aesthetic as you do, don’t worry 
He definitely likes to match outfits too! 
If he’s ever in town and sees a piece of clothing he likes, he’s buying another (or at least the closest thing) for you too 
Be ready for many fashion shows, all while he compliments every single outfit (and you’d better do the same for him!)
When he’s home there will certainly be many calm, domestic nights filled with mundane couples activities and exhausting laughter 
He’s a romantic at heart, and nothing will ever change that 
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triplesilverstar · 2 months
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Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Pre-Canon, internal musing, implied smut
Word count: 2K
A/N: A night of watching the stars out in the dunes. With Vash reflecting on the two things he wants most in the world.
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You lift your hand to the sky, counting the stars between your fingers while the pair of hands on your waist shift and you feel the vibrations of the behind you as they chuckle. “What are you doing?” 
“Counting stars.” Laughing as you look up at the mass of fixed lights in the sky. 
“I very much remember someone once talking about stars while drunk in a rather romantic fashion.” Whispered against your ear before tugging you more against his chest with the blanket wrapped around both of you. 
“Well I’ve only been drinking once, so I know which night you mean. I talked about the stars?” You let out a small airy breath at the question as you keep your eyes out into the distance watching the inky blackness and the bright points of light. 
“You did. Something about how a lot of them were burned out but we still had their memories.” The blanket slips a bit down around your bodies as Vash adjusts, leaning more against you before raising his hand and extending it out.
A giggle bubbles up from your throat, his hand sliding to line up with yours and you’re reminded just how much larger he is with his fingertips extending well past your own. “You’re cutting down my viewing space.” A tease since you can still see the stars through the translucent metal of his hand as some of the chill starts to seep into your palm.
“It’s a tragedy but I want to hold your hand.” A short shiver racks your frame from his moist breath washing against your ear. “Is it strange that I like seeing the size difference?”
“No. I was just thinking about it too.” You admit, your voice dropping as if sharing secrets with the blond that you aren’t sure you ever want to be without. “It’s funny how those larger hands of yours make me feel safe.” 
“Good, because I’m finding it harder to think about being without you.” Twisting his wrist and intertwining his fingers with yours, gently guiding your arm back closer to your body but he doesn’t pull it back within the confines of the blanket. Instead lifting it to kiss your knuckles, every single one. “You help me feel lighter.” 
“I guess it’s my turn to say good.” As he tried to tuck your joined hands back inside the blanket you stop him, taking the time to kiss the metal wrist and the delicate balls that make up the joints of his thumb so his arm isn’t held at an uncomfortable angle. “You can’t keep carrying the weight of the world Vash, so if being with you helps then I plan to never leave your side.”
Lowering his arm inside the blanket you let out another shiver from the chill night air but refuse to let go of his hand when he tries to pull it away. “You’re chilly.” You don’t care that some of your warmth is seeping into the metal that reminds you more of crystal with how it’s translucent. 
“Don’t care.” Wiggling your body so you’re more settled against him sitting in the sand. “I know you’ll warm me up, silly man.” A choked noise from the man and you snicker. “Not like that.” Letting your head fall back so you’re looking at the bottom of his chin that had moments before been resting in your hair. “Even right now you warm me up, encased in those strong arms and held close. I know no matter how cold I might get, by your side, I’ll warm up in no time.”
A quirk of his lips and you see the flex of his facial muscles, he doesn’t need to look down for you to picture the way his eyes are probably shining behind the rims of his sunglasses. It doesn’t matter that it’s nighttime, he wears them whenever the two of you aren’t secured inside a building. The orange shades help to hide his secret even now that those blue orbs give away far too easily, or at least they do once you know what to look for. “I guess that means I can’t just walk away from the scariest bounty hunter on Noman’s land now then can I?” A joke and you can hear the amusement beneath his fake wounded pride. 
“You could try, but I’d get you in my scope and follow you to the end of the world.” Lifting your other hand to touch the side of his face and brushing downwards until your fingers brush along his pulse, the steady beat growing quicker. “I love you Vash the Stampede, and everything that comes with that.” A heavy declaration, but you know deep down you’d make it again and again. 
Tilting his head he kisses your palm before letting out a long sigh. “I love you too my dangerous Mayfly, I just wish you were a little more wary of what loving me means.” Wrapping his arms tighter around your frame, you understand. You understand so well that you don’t need to think about the dangers or any perils, instead, you just think of how you want to keep walking along beside him. 
A silence descends around the two of you for a while as you go back to watching the stars, enjoying the silence of the night and each other's presence. At least until your eyelids start to droop. “Go to sleep Mayfly.” Opening your mouth to argue only to feel his warm gloved hand slide over your lips. “We’ve got a few hours until daybreak and should be in the next settlement by noon. I can sleep once we get a hotel, so sleep, my dangerous lady.” Removing his hand and kissing the top of your head.
You grumble a bit, but with another few adjustments of the blanket and Vash leaning back into the sand, you find your head just above his heartbeat. It’s calmer once more and as much as you fight it, the steady tone lulls you to sleep along with the sweep of his hand along your back. 
Vash chuckles to himself when the sound of soft snores starts to leave you, staring out over the dunes and not for the first time wondering if he’ll understand the strange front you put on when others are around.
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When the first hint of the sky lightening appears Vash lets out a sigh, minus a few small worms darting by it was a quiet night. Then again most nights in the dunes are, with no one around to intrude on the two of you Vash often feels strange about it, like his heart is pulled in two directions. 
The first is because he enjoys the time he can spend with you, holding you against him or doing what the two of you had done last night as you stared up into space. It’s too much of a danger to flaunt your relationship out in the general public, to many risks of people going after you to try and get to him. As much as you might argue that you’ve got a few enemies of your own deep down Vash knows hiding your relationship is all for his benefit. 
The second is simple. Vash loves people, he loves humanity and while that lonely void in his heart is filled by your presence you’re still just one other person. Vash likes being part of a community even if it’s just for one night, to be a part of their daily lives, and trying to help make the struggle less even if it’s just doing the dishes or cleaning out Tomas pens. 
And right now, when the two of you are in town some of those walls come back up, and when you’re out and about the facade of just being traveling partners comes back to the surface. When people hit on you, as often as you miss the fact that’s what they’re doing, he’d love to walk up and tell them to leave his girlfriend alone. That would just create problems. Instead, he has to be sly about the way he approaches you, and sly in the way he ensures those flirting with him get the hint that he’s really not all that interested. He might act oblivious to it, but he likes being on the receiving end so he can watch the ways your lips quirk in frustration. It might be a little mean on his part, but that hint of jealousy you get makes him feel better about when it happens to you and he’s the one seeing a little green. 
Vash sighs, low in his throat as another worm darts by. A conundrum to be sure for the plant, that wants to walk into every town, village, and city the two of you come across and scream his adoration for you to the world. Instead, it’s silent, his two largest desires fighting for what he wants. 
A low murmur from you as you nestle more against his chest, your arms sliding along his covered body to form a small triangle to block out some of the growing light. An unconscious move he finds adorable and you sleep mused hair sticks up in strange shapes. Nowhere near as bad as in a hotel room.
It’s that thought of how much waking up beside you that makes his heart churn and reinforces how he can’t scream his affection aloud where others can hear. If even a whisper about you gets back to Nai, Vash knows down to the very core of his being that his twin would try to take you from him. Just like he tried to kill Luida that day well over a century before.
Nai’d just see you another human trying to get between them, and if Vash lost you because of that he knew he’d never be able to forgive himself. Unaware his hand was adding slightly more pressure until you let out a small noise of discomfort and the movement ceased, lifting your head with a long yawn. 
“Morning.” You’re still half asleep blinking slowly and it makes his heart thump harder inside of his ribs. “Anything” Another yawn “Happen?” 
A soft laugh followed by a smile that crinkles the corner of his eyes. “Nothing exciting. Well except maybe you calling out my name wantonly, gasping for me to go harder.” 
“Nice try.” Pushing yourself up with your arms and stretching in a way that reminds him of a cat as your stomach presses more against his lean body. “But if that was the case you’d be a lot redder and you’d be hard.” 
A blush shoots up his neck as quickly as your words tumble from your mouth. “Hey! Maybe I know you won’t let me get any while in the desert!” That gets both of you laughing at the remembrance of the day after and Vash pulling sand from his underwear for the rest of the walk through the dunes until he was able to get cleaned in the hotel room when you reached town. 
“Come on big guy, time to get up and get a move on.” Sitting fully up on his lap before you wink, leaning back down for a quick kiss. “The sooner we get to town the sooner you can have a nap, which brings us closer to me trying to make you match your coat again.”  
Later in town, you do just that and as Vash relaxes in the post orgasm haze he has to admit, at least being around other people still has you in his bed. A compromise he hopes one day he won’t have to make with his heart anymore.  
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saphirered · 11 months
for the prompts candlelight fluff with helion??
Ask and you shall receive! Tooth rotting fluff. 😘
Unlike the season courts Night, Dawn and Day adhere to the rules of this world. They do not remain a constant. As such the nights grow longer and the days colder. The rays of the sun become rarer and more distant. The radiant heat does little to warm cold bodies and when the light fades, what more is there to illuminate the darkness? Thousands of lanterns light the paths most often traversed. Candles litter the hallways and chandeliers in the homes and palaces casting that warm golden glow. Despite what Prythian might expect, the people of Day welcome the colder days. Where the sun is lacking they bring warmth of their own. Their High Lord is no different. He finds when the cold settles within him, when his glow is less bright, there you are, like the will o’wisps guiding the lost back where they belong. 
Even now, Helion has been hitting the books from dawn to dusk, until the words dance before his eyes and he can see no more the scribbles of ancient texts. The keepers of the palace have begun their journey, replacing the old lanterns and candles, and lighting those still usable. He rubs his eyes, pushes back from the stacks he collected and rises. His back hurts, his neck too and his head rings with a dull pounding. He hears your warning echo through his head. You’d told him to move every once in a while, to get up and put the books aside. Instead of heeding that warning he had binge-read what he could and couldn’t remember when he last got up from that chair since dawn. You’d give him hell for it. Helion missed your company and he supposes even your scorn would be a relief at this point. He’ll bear it. Not that you’ll be mad at him, nor will you remain upset. You’ll be more likely to look at him with a hint of exasperation. Nothing a kiss can’t fix. 
Wandering among the familiar halls is but a haze, his mind has floated off somewhere far beyond and he is but a ghost stuck in the same routine until that familiar door comes within sight. No light bleeds from under the crack. No sound emits from beyond that carved mahogany. It’s just dark, light and lifeless. Still Helion wanders in, the door falling shut behind him. Was he not so familiar with this space the complete darkness might have had him tumble and fall over the furniture but this had become a habit, was it not for his exhaustion or whenever you had yourself occupied with his lips, your fingers in his hair and your legs wrapped around his waist as he held you. He’d become quiet used to navigate the space without the need for sight. This time it was not your glorious being that required him to use that memory. This time Helion finds himself without the energy to make it to the bedroom and instead unceremoniously allows himself to drape over the couch, making himself comfortable among the pillows as much as possible. He lets the darkness carry him off and dreamless sleep enter his soul for some rest at last. 
You were late. You got carried away in some ongoings and plannings for the upcoming months, dealing with correspondence and ambassadors who did not so much adjust to your schedules it seemed but still you handled yourself graciously. You’re tired and glad to finally be on your way home. If anything, you don’t know how he does it. Helion doesn’t know you took on more of the tasks set out for him but you’d seen him struggle between helping his friends and running his court. You might not be as well-versed in the ways of healing or be able to pick the exact book you need off of any shelf within those endless libraries, but you know you can put up with people and so you did, for his sake. He’d been so engulfed in his research he hadn’t even noticed the passage of time, let alone the seemingly endless list of responsibilities suddenly needing less attention. You’re glad for it. 
It is days like these where you follow the lanterns until you enter the palace. The staff and residents have long since lit the candles that line the halls creating the every lasting golden glow you’re used to, now even more prominent in the darkness of night. In a way it reminded you of the muted glow you’d woken up to on many occasions, when that power of Day bled through the restraint its wielder kept. It never failed to bring a smile to your face. You know at times he’d do it on purpose if only to see that very smile and it had simply remained an unspoken truth. 
You approach the doors you’re all too familiar with but do not see that golden glow from within. Instead you see a basket of candles set out at the door, some wicks too. You shake your head to no one in particular as you pick up the basket and are met with darkness. You have the mind to light one of the candlesticks from one of the flames outside, that very source of light being the only one to illuminate your path. You don’t see or hear anything out of the ordinary and thus simply make your way through. Setting the basket on the side table the glow of that singular candle illuminates the fae shape on the couch, the peaceful features and gentle rise and fall of the chest. 
Helion is fast asleep. You kneel down to brush some hair from his face and take the blanket from the back of the couch to gently drape it over him. Quietly you make your way around to the other side of the room and light the candles already set out and replace the burned out ones, collecting the wax remnants in the assigned bowl. Slowly but surely the room is cast in that same golden glow you’re used to. The cold air begins to grow warmer. Every once in a while you’ll cast a glance over your shoulder to still see the High Lord fast asleep. You hum to yourself as you move through the room until your task is complete. 
A gentle melody guides him back to consciousness. No more does he feel that night cold within. Even behind closed eyes Helion notes the light that was not there before. The air feels different, more alive and more welcoming. The smell of melting wax and firewood enters his senses. With a satisfied sigh he opens his eyes. Your steps are featherlight as you illuminate the path you take, candles sparking to life in your wake. When you turn and see him, eyes as golden as the glow around you smile and Helion melts inside. You set the last candles. Alight like a halo behind you, like a truly angelic being you close into him as he rises onto his elbows. You catch onto his slight wince as he rises. 
“What did I tell you about reading for too long like that?” You scorn playfully. 
“I will better heed your warning next time, my love.” He all but grumbles, sleep still heavy on his voice. You chuckle as he sits up fully and you sit next to him letting your fingers lace with his as a mere force of habit. He brings it to his lips and kisses your hand watching the flush spread through your cheeks. Beautiful. 
“Promising words yet no true promise I hear.” You retort. He looks at you through his lashes in a way that admits guilt. “Move over. Turn your back to me.” You order. Helion raises an eyebrow you just roll your eyes. He does as he’s told either way. You have half the mind to mutter ‘good boy’ but keep your comment to yourself lest this turns a certain way before you get to do what you intend to do. 
“While I’d prefer to see your face, I’m curious to see-“ His words are cut off by his own moan when your skilful fingers work the muscles of his back, starting right between his shoulder blades. Damn does it feel good. He can feel the tension release as you go, working down his spine, across his shoulders and up the back go his neck into his hairline where you hit just the right spot that makes him feel lightheaded. 
“Please don’t stop.” Helion breathes when your hands pull away. 
“Not so opposed now, are you?” He can hear the smile and satisfaction in your words. The candles dance in his vision, their warmth and light pulsing with his own and it takes him a second to realise he is glowing too. When he goes to snuff the flame within him you stop him. 
“Opposed to your touch? Never.” He muses with a deep sigh. You keep working, untangling every muscle that burned throughout the day, washing ease and calm over him until his shoulders slump and head hangs lower. Only then do you stop. He makes a sound of disappointment but is quickly sussed when you get up from your spot and push him back among the pillows on the couch. Your hand on his shoulder, he takes your wrist. 
“Now rest a little while longer.” You go to step away but he keeps his hold just light enough to make it noticeable. With a gentle pull, You sit on his lap and feel his fingers dance up and down your spine. You’re not opposed to his advances, in fact you welcome them but you do grumble when you bring your lips to meet his, when his arms wrap around your waist and hold you close until you’re laying on top of him. Even when the kiss ends and he tucks your head beneath his chin, where you can hear the ease of his heartbeat, when you melt into his warmth, he glows like the candles and so do you. 
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bg-brainrot · 6 months
WHaBFHtLA - Astarion x GN!Reader - Chapter 10: Overheard in the Underdark
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader (Elf!Tav)
Genre: Reincarnation, Angst, Mystery, Slow burn
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Tags: Gender-Neutral Pronouns, POV Second Person, Canon-Typical Violence
WC: 2.6k words, 10/?? chapters
Summary: You traverse a new landscape, looking for Astarion. What you find might be more than you bargain for, and what you hear might be too much to handle.
A/N: Tav’s best stat is definitely their Int, not their Wis…
Ao3 | [Ch9][Ch11] | WHaBFHtLA Masterlist
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Every time you’d dreamt about it, the Underdark was a wild, unruly place filled with magic and monsters. No matter how realistic they were, your memories couldn’t have prepared you for the frightening beauty of the Underdark. Even the grass looks otherworldly, and you carefully tiptoe around it when you get to solid ground.
The road that Astarion likely took is laid out before you: a dirt trail only slightly overgrown with mushrooms and grass. Now that you’re on the ground level, you can see past the enormous mushrooms that blocked your view to a large glowing field of smaller mushrooms ahead. Its eerie glow lights your path forward, and despite your fear, you urge yourself onward.
You identify the mushrooms easily, Bibberbangs, a common fungi in the Underdark. Hundreds of them, by the looks of it, and you know better than to get too close. Keeping several meters between yourself and the start of the field of mushrooms, you take a look around– surely Astarion didn’t just walk through this explosive disaster waiting to happen?
No, there’s a trick here, you just need to be able to see it. Either that or you’ll have to Dimension Door across, but you’d rather save your magic for when you need it. So you inspect the field, trying to see if there’s any trace of Astarion’s path for you to follow. 
While you don’t see anything as helpful as footprints, you think back to the previous security measures– all of them had been illusions. Whoever helped them set up this hidden passageway was an expert in illusion magic, which meant that maybe, just maybe, there was an illusion to this too. 
You hone into the Weave, opening your mind’s eye to the magic surrounding you. The Underdark is a naturally magical place, so you detect traces of Evocation magic from the mushrooms, Transmutation magic in the air. However, just as you suspected, you find a trail of Illusion magic leading a path through the mushrooms– some of them are fake.
One careful step at a time, you walk into the first illusory Bibberbang. When you find that it doesn’t explode, and neither does the next in its path, you know you’re safe to continue, following the trail of illusion magic all the while. Once you make it to the other side, you let out a breath you weren’t aware you were even holding.
Now that you’ve left the detonating mushrooms behind, you find yourself at the entrance of a large, secluded cavern. It was difficult to tell from where the path ended, but you can see a structure set deep within the cavity. You take a few cautious steps into the darkness and let your eyes further adjust before you can make out the shape of what looks to be a massive fortress tucked into this cave. No, fortress doesn’t do it justice– it’s like an entire small town carved into the stone face.
The thought that entered your mind as soon as you stepped foot in the Underdark finally feels real enough to voice. “The vampire spawn.”
It’s been quite a while since you’ve dreamt of Cazador’s surviving vampire spawn, but you do remember your past-self and Astarion going into the Underdark to meet with them, help them establish themselves. However, the last time you dreamt of them, they were in a ramshackle keep in the middle of the Underdark, constantly endangered. This? Well, this feels like a distinct upgrade.
Considering how hidden this place is, you doubt they will accept visitors. However, given how Astarion ran away, you also doubt he’ll be making his way out any time soon. I’d best investigate, you decide. So you cast invisibility on yourself, giving yourself one hour, the spell’s duration, to investigate. Carefully, you make your way into the fortress with three goals in mind: find Astarion, learn anything that might help you tackle this situation, and get the hells out.
This is quite possibly the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, thinks the logical part of your brain. Or are you just finally living the life you’ve always dreamed of? counters the part of your brain that is still reeling from excitement. It’s a mental argument best left for when you’re not in danger, so you wave the thoughts away and continue forward.
You walk past several guards. As you near them you hear snippets of their conversations, including mentions of someone you hope is Astarion. “Why do you suppose he’s here? Do you think something went wrong?”
The other guard replies with a huff, “Who cares? At least if something goes wrong we’ll have something to do.”
You continue past them only to walk past a group of other mingling vampires. None of them are Astarion, but several have a wild look in their eyes that you haven’t seen before in Astarion. You knew you were entering a vampire’s den, but it’s only upon seeing the hunger in their eyes that you realize the very real danger. You take a quiet gulp and keep walking.
As you make your way through an entrance, walk from building to building, you hope to spot Astarion. However, the more unfamiliar vampires you encounter, the more you begin to wonder if he even made his way to this fortress.
Knowing you’re wasting precious time– you think half an hour has already passed– you decide to focus on finding any vampire you recognize. So as you continue to sneak, you try your best to spot someone, anyone, you might remember from a past reverie.
This proves more effective, as within a few minutes you spot one of Astarion’s siblings from afar. You’re not sure which it is, but you can recognize the shape of her face, the blonde hair on her head. She’s carrying a crate and looks to be moving with purpose. I should follow her. 
You trail behind her a respectable distance until she makes it to a door. As she struggles to open it around the crate she’s carrying, you prepare to dive in after her. She whips it open after a second, and you dart in quickly, careful to avoid bumping into her. A second later, she closes the door behind her.
You’ve followed her into a room full of crates, clearly something of a supply room. To your surprise and delight, a certain silver-haired vampire is in the room as well, sitting in a corner, writing something down. 
Astarion looks up at his sibling’s arrival, and your heart stops at the blatant misery on his face. The man wipes the expression as best as he can and stands up to go inspect the pile of crates that his sister just added to. “Oh good, you’ve received the latest. Should we run through our list now?”
You hear his sister agree and they begin to chat.
After a moment of focus, you think you recognize the vampire he speaks to: Dalyria, also known as Dal– one of the siblings that he helped save from Cazador, and one of the siblings that helped establish this underground society of vampires. 
It seems that neither of them have sensed your invisible presence as they speak, so you carefully tiptoe around them, settling in the far corner of the room behind a large pile of crates to eavesdrop. It’s not the perfect vantage point, but you can see most of Astarion’s upper body and the lower half of his face, so you’re satisfied enough to brace yourself in the position and just listen.
For a while, it’s honestly quite mundane for vampires. You only hear about things related to the spawn colony, such as who is behaving, who needs more blood, who is currently using the sunlight rings, what upkeep needs to happen to their fortress and other types of logistics. It seems like a conversation they’ve had countless times before, with how easily the flow continues.
All of it fascinates you to an extent, but it’s only when Astarion heaves a hearty sigh and his conversation partner asks him a question that you perk up, truly listening now. “So why are you really here, Astarion?”
“No reason,” he says, and you catch the glint of his bright smile from your hiding spot.
“Doubtful,” Dal replies. “You never come down without sending a message first. And you look rather… out of sorts.” You can’t see her expression, but you can practically hear the once over she gives him.
“Excuse me,” he says, and you see his hand cover his chest in offended shock. “I look perfectly fine.” Dal must make a face at him because he continues, “If you must know, I had an unwelcome guest.”
“Ah,” she says in understanding. “But that’s not usually enough to ruffle your feathers. How repulsive was this one?”
You catch your breath as you see Astarion give a noncommittal shrug. “They weren’t… repulsive per se. Maybe if they were a little less mad, we could have used them as a source of blood.” Internally, you practically cheer. ‘Not repulsive’ is a distinct step up from what you expected him to say.
“Oh gods, do we have someone trying to track us down?” Dal asks, and you can hear a genuine fear in her voice.
A shake of Astarion’s head quells her worries. “Not that type of madness. Honestly, it’s nothing. I shouldn’t bring my problems to you.”
“Astarion,” you see Dal step forward, obscuring your view of Astarion. “We’re family. We help each other. You know that.”
After a wordless exchange, Dalyria steps back and you see Astarion again, his head hanging a bit. When he finally speaks, his voice sounds defeated, “They claimed to be the Hero of Baldur’s Gate. As if my lost love would ever refer to themselves as such.” You see a grimace on his face. Ah, you think. I’ll have to avoid that one.  
Dal’s tone is gentle as she responds, “What if it is them? You know that elven souls make their way back to the Material Plane.”
Astarion scoffs. “Believe me, I know. I’ve been reminded of it every time someone like this shows up at my doorstep. At least this one is an elf! The last one was a half-orc, I don’t know how they expected me to believe them.” With the way he tries to make it sound more amusing than terrible, you get the sense that this particular tactic was new to Dalyria.
“If this has happened before… Why are you down here now?” You can hear the genuine confusion in her voice, and you decide that you quite like Dal. You’ll have to refresh yourself on any journal entries mentioning her. She continues, “Is this one particularly problematic?”
“You could say that,” he responds, and you catch a wry smile on his face before he promptly drops it. You don’t have time to process it before he’s taking back his words. “Well, no. I don’t know– Some have tried staying for months and this one has barely been here a day. No, this one just gets under my skin.” His mouth ends in an exaggerated frown.
A soft hum comes from his sister and she asks another question, “Perhaps they’re just incredibly annoying?” After that statement, you decide to reserve your judgment of Dal until the end of the conversation.
“If only,” he says with a sigh. “If they were simply annoying, I would ignore them, like I have the rest. No, this one is worse. I’m the one behaving differently.”
“How so?”
“For starters, I let them stay in my old room. I was at the door before I even realized where I’d led them,” he says, voice angry, though you’re not sure if that anger is meant for you or himself. Your heart jolts at this admission, but you remain silent. “I could have left them to fend for themselves, like the rest. Now I’ll have to have someone over to clean it thoroughly. Does Petras have time?”
“It’s just a room, Astarion. Surely allowing one person to sleep there won’t ruin it,” she says, in a chiding tone. 
You don’t need to be able to see Astarion’s eyes to know that he’s leveling a murderous glare at her. “It’s not just-a-room, Dal,” he growls through gritted teeth. “It’s–” he breaks off, clearly not wanting to finish the sentence. “It doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that I get this crazed person away from me.” Your heart pounds in your chest at his rage, and you suddenly hope that they can’t hear it.
Dalyria must have years of experience dealing with him at this point because she only gives a soft huff at Astarion’s outburst. “Very well,” she relents. “What do you need from us?”
The man visibly calms down at these words. “Perhaps somewhere to hide for a few days,” he responds, “And ample opportunity to complain.”
His sister gives a lighthearted chuckle at that, “We can certainly manage both. Would you like to keep complaining?”
“Gods yes,” he says, tilting his chin to the earth above. “Did you know, this whole ordeal had me rereading Volo’s damned book for the first time in decades. You know, the one where he claims we killed a dragon of each color atop the brain? It’s absolute drivel, why would I subject myself to that?” You stifle a laugh at this particular revelation, vowing to read this book if you ever manage to get your hands on it again. When you go to cover your mouth, you realize the invisibility has worn off, and crouch down further to avoid notice. You’ll have to recast it once they leave the room.
��I thought you threw that book away,” she points out, and you can hear the disapproval in her voice.
He makes a face at her, “That’s not the point! I’m descending into utter insanity.”
Dal gives him a second to calm back down before she makes an observation, “I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen you this worked up.”
Astarion clicks his tongue. “Last time I was this worked up, I think it was…” His voice trails off, and you’re afraid of the answer. The man seems unwilling to speak it into existence either and his lips press firmly shut.
“Astarion?” Dal asks, tentatively.
“Never mind that,” he says, putting an end to that train of thought. “My point stands: I can’t stop acting like a fool and I don’t know what I’ll do if I see them again.” A fearful little shiver runs up your spine at that.
“I know you may not want to hear this,” Dal starts, gauging his reaction. “But are you positive they're not who they claim to be?”
Yes, Dal! you think, verdict all but decided now. I do like you!
Astarion definitely did not want to hear that. “Ugh, please don’t say that. The gods would be unreasonably cruel to reincarnate my past love into this one.” His voice is harsh, laced with the deadliest venom meant only for you.
Oh that is so much worse than being non-repulsive. An arrow could have stricken you in the heart and been less painful than the ache you feel in your chest right now. An involuntary gasp leaves your mouth, as you clutch your chest in a futile attempt to staunch the pain.
That gasp was all that they needed.
Like a jungle cat, Astarion pounces upon your hiding spot, a knife already brandished. You meet his beautiful red eyes for the first time in hours, only to find them burning with rage. Once he takes in who you are, he snarls a single, disgusted word, “You.”
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astridthevalkyrie · 2 years
tell me why I can’t actually write anything for jumin and keep writing dumb little ficlets.
this takes place after seven’s route but seven x mc never happened :) just based off one of the spaceship thoughts where jumin says that three hours of sleep is enough
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Jumin’s eyes are bloodshot when he answers the door. It makes you gasp silently, and you take two seconds to take in his appearance and he yours before your hand is on his cheek.
“Are you okay?”
He flinches—you immediately retract your hand. But the hard gaze in his eye melts when he seems to fully recognize you. “What are you doing here?”
“I thought I’d visit.” Holding up a bag with a container of soup, you offer it to him. “I know you have a chef to make you something much more nutritional and delicious, but just in case you needed a…a pick me up, I thought I’d…I just wanted to…”
You swallow, feeling yourself giving up. This is stupid. Why are you here? The security guards recognized you well enough now to let you up, but why did you think Jumin would want you here in the first place?
You’re about to leave when he reaches out and takes the bag, fingers briefly grazing yours and sending the exact same jolt through you as they did the first time he shook your hand. “Thank you,” he speaks softly, without even looking at the contents. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a…pick me up. Would you like to come inside?”
Graciously, you accept. Once you step in, you smile at Elizabeth, who regards you curiously but seems to remember you when you kneel down and stroke her head gently with two fingers. Behind you, you hear Jumin place the bag on the kitchen counter.
The penthouse, though clean as always, feels more disorganized than normal, like it’s still waiting for someone to come and live in it. You wonder, how much living has Jumin really been doing since V’s death?
“Can I get you something?” comes his voice, more hoarse than you’re used to, as though it hasn’t gotten any rest at all. Which is no surprise, given the state he’s in, bloodshot eyes and dark eyebags.
“I’m fine, thank you.” You stand up, making your way over to him. Jumin has started to rummage in his cupboard, likely looking for something to serve anyways. “Jumin.”
“Jumin, I mean it, I’m not hungry.”
“Let me call the chef. He can make something light—“
When he turns, you’re right behind him, albeit with a step to give him his space. “Jumin, when is the last time you slept?” Before he can answer you add. “Slept properly.”
Averting his eyes, Jumin seems to focus on some part of the floor. “The RFA has lost its leader. Saeyoung and his brother need security, so do you. And C&R is losing stock because of my father’s recent divorce.” You tilt down, meeting his gaze with your own set ones, demanding an answer. Jumin sighs, closing his eyes for a second.
“Three hours is more than enough for me every night.”
“Three hours!?” you cry, taking his hand in your own. “Jumin, you need to sleep!”
“I can’t,” he seethes, not angrily but determined. “There’s too many things to—“
You move without meaning to, sliding your arms around him and burying your face in his neck. There’s only so much you can stand to, and seeing him work like this, day and night, it hurts you too. You’ll never, ever regret helping Saeyoung when he needed you, but you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t neglect your friendship with Jumin.
His hands hover in the air for a second, but eventually land on your back. “I…am sorry to make you worry. There’s simply too much to do.”
“It can wait. I promise you it can wait.” Both your heads adjust on their own, his to tuck you under his chin properly, yours to breathe in his wonderfully comforting scent. Despite his obvious protests, his body melts into yours, like all he needed to completely relax was someone to just hold him. “Please at least sleep. I can call the chef for you once you wake up or I can even make something myself, but please just—“
“You’ll stay?” Jumin asks weakly, hopefully.
The sound you hear might just be your own heart breaking in two.
“Of course I’ll stay.” With one hand on his chest, you hear his heartbeat, a bit faster than your expected, but reassuring. “Unless you don’t want me to.”
“I do.”
“Then I’ll stay here as long as you need.” You’re still wrapped up in his arms, and selfishly, you don’t want to let go. You remind yourself you’re here for him, and not to flirt or to seek the comfort that only he provides. It’s time to do Jumin a favor for a change. “Don’t worry about Saeyoung and Saeran, and don’t worry about C&R. Nothing will happen if you sleep for a bit. And don’t worry about me either.”
Visibly, you see him swallow. “I…always worry about you.”
“There’s no need to when I’m right here, right?” Never mind that his concern for you makes your heart skip a beat. “You know that I’m safest here in the penthouse with you. So it’s okay. Don’t worry about me, I’m safe.”
Then, your body moves on its own again, and you kiss his forehead. Jumin’s eyes flutter close. Softly, he nods.
After doing a quick mental victory dance, you tug him by the cuffs of his shirt to the bedroom. Like you’re his girlfriend or wife nagging him.
No. No. None of that.
You sit on the opposite side of the bed, expecting him to simply lay down normally, but Jumin is gone. You can tell that the second he let himself relax even a bit, his tiredness him him all at once. Instead of slipping under the sheets, he collapses on the bed, resting his head on your lap.
Any protest you might have had that this wasn’t good for his neck is silenced the second he presses into your stomach, his breath evening out.
Okay, maybe this was fine. It’s not like you invited him to do it, you were just being a good friend. And if you began to stroke the soft strands of his hair between your fingers, then that was just being an extra good friend. He seems to like it, a low purr coming from his throat.
You bite back a smile. It seems he and Elizabeth share more similarities than some would think.
Finally, Jumin looks peaceful. Somewhat blissfully, you tuck a tuft of his hair behind his ear and sit back, guarding over the man as sleep totally, completely takes him.
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mcsacaria-blog · 9 months
Sorrow P3
Authors note: idk where this is going btw I have not story in mind this is just improvised. Also part 3-4 were supposed to be one big chapter but tumblrs dumb and it won’t let me post it all in one.
Warnings: kidnapping, OC Dabi lol I’m not good at writing for him, Yandere-like content, stalking, blood, dingy warehouse, fire, needles, swearing
The next day I’m walking back to my hotel and I smell cider and ash. I pause and mentally pray, hoping Bakugou hasn’t found me. It’s been 3 months of silence..
I inhale once more and settle down after I realize there’s no lingering scent of burnt sugar and caramel following behind the smoke. However as I continue walking, I now notice the smoke is coming from the hotel I’m staying at.
I rush the rest of the way there until I’m standing in front of the smoking building. I catch a glimpse of black spikey hair and.. a trench coat of sorts the suspect turns around and through the smoke I make out piercing vibrant blue eyes that match the vibrant flames. My eyes widen and my realization of who I’m looking at hits me similar to the metal bat that’s making contact with my head-.
That day when the agency got targeted by the League of villains.. There was smoke everywhere; they had bombed a quarter of the place while Bakugou was on a mission in another state. I was in the control room when it happened. I was working on helping Bakugou detonate a bomb, ironically..I didn’t remember much after that. When I finally came to and the smoke started to clear I caught a glimpse of him exactly like I did at the hotel. He had a wicked grin when he noticed I was awake.. I thought I heard him say “just wait”. It was such a short encounter it slipped my mind so easily I forgot the memory even existed until I saw his face again... I wake up with a sharp migraine as my eyes adjust. I notice blood dripping from somewhere.. I try to move and get this uncomfortable pain under my skin. As my eyes adjust I notice I’m in a dingy warehouse. It smells of mildew and dust. I turn my head and notice needles under my skin and blood dripping from where they are seethed into my skin. There's a single lamp swaying from the ceiling due to the cold draft. I’m bound to a wooden chair. There's a machine next to me huffing out air every few seconds. There are tubes that are connecting the machine to the needles under my skin… it’s pumping my blood.. It's silent otherwise until I hear a dry chuckle come from somewhere in the warehouse. Suddenly the man I saw before appears under the dim lighting. He smiles wickedly and sighs in what seems like satisfaction. “You’re finally awake” he says, still smiling, the strange staples? He has on his face straining to hold together. I don’t speak, instead I continue to stare at him as my forgotten memories come back to me. The patchy man hums as he gets closer to me. “I’ve been waiting for this moment you know.. the very second I would be able to catch you. I’ve been watching you for a while now” He pulls a chair over, placing it close to me he turns it backwards and sits. He just stares at me, the crevices of patchy skin starting to bleed from his wide smile. He sighs “Sorry about the needles, love. But I had to make sure you wouldn’t be going anywhere and Toga went a bit overboard when I said she could help…” He gets up and picks up a set of handcuffs from a tool box. “Ah, these should do the trick” he presses a button and they open, a bright blue light illuminates from them. He strolls over behind me to my rope tied wrist and places them on me. I can feel his breath against my neck. “These are quirk canceling cuffs… they also double as debinators so I suggest you try not to struggle too much or you’ll die.” He says ending the sentence with a chronically deceitful laugh. He starts to pull the needles from my skin and turns the machine off. “Why am I here?” I ask him calmly “Oh! She does speak!” He says sarcastically. “To be honest I was expecting you to be shitting your pants by now but I guess you’re a lot more level headed than you seem..” He says finally pulling the last needle from under my skin and sitting back in his chair “Well in any case I’ll tell you why I took you since there’s no sense in hiding it. I've been.. waiting for you. Ever since we first met..” He smiles darkly again and sighs. “What a glorious moment it was, don’t you agree?” “Do you remember what I told you that day? He asks rhetorically. When I noticed you leaving town I got a bit worried..but I was relieved to find you and even more relieved to see it seems like you’ve dumped that boom boom prick when I caught sight of you over here.. I was curious so I took you to ask, why?” He just looks at me like he just asked me what my favorite color is. “Oh c’mon.. you can tell me, sweets. Did that asshole hurt you?” “That’s not your business” I respond shortly. “So he did then?” He sucks his teeth. “Douche” he says looking off to the side at nothing in particular with an angry expression. His face shifts to a blank look and he sighs. “Well.. you’re with me now so we don’t have to worry about that shithead getting in our way anymore right, doll?”
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ahdraftingco · 2 years
Chapter Nine: Never Be Afraid To Dream | Series: Lesson Learned
Pairing: The Mandalorian x Reader
AO3 Crosspost: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40653303
Rating: Explicit, readers are advised to read the warnings below before proceeding.
Series Warnings (in no particular order): Porn with Plot, Dark!Din Djarin, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Extremely Dubious Consent, Hate Sex, Master/Slave Relationship, Knife Play, BDSM, Rough Sex, Genuine Fear, Sexual Coercion, Power Play, Degradation, Face Slapping, Spanking, Choking, Gagging, Enemies to Lovers, Possessive Behavior, Spit, Forced Orgasms, Hair Pulling, Multiple Orgasms, Threats of Violence, References to Death/Suicide, Stockholm Syndrome, Emotional Manipulation, Book of Boba Fett Spoilers
Chapter Summary: The Mandalorian is not in great shape and there's nothing you can do about it. He's fading…and fading fast.
Word Count: 10.0k+
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***This chapter is part of my Lesson Learned series, if you haven’t read the other chapters, go to the series masterlist: here!***
A/N: For the final two chapters, I would like to say that while there could be warnings, I elected not to write them out so I don't spoil the content. Just think of all the warnings you've seen in the previous chapters and prepare yourself because anything can happen ;)
You've made it this far, let's see if you'll last until the end… ~ ♡
You are so tired. It's hard to wake up because your eyelids are heavy, sealing your eyes shut. But, you need to wake up.
You need to know if Din is okay.
So, you muster all your strength to open your eyes and a piercing warm light radiates into the room. It hurts a bit as you adjust to the sudden brightness and your surroundings.
Though once your eyes do finally adjust, you're…confused because you're in bed. A nicely made bed, with the comforter tucked around you like someone wanted you to sleep in a little more. You get up, looking down to see that you're wearing a matching set of pajamas.
Clothes you've never even seen before.
There are indoor slippers at the end of the bed waiting for you so you don't have to touch the cold ground with your bare feet. You slip them on and walk to the door, following the sound of food sizzling in a pan. You walk through an unfamiliar hallway, stumbling a bit when you notice that it's Din who is cooking in the kitchen.
It's a small kitchen, but it fits the two of you perfectly. He looks back at you, smiling when he spots you, saying, "sorry, did I wake you? You should lay down for a little longer. Food will be ready in a few minutes."
Din is wearing the same matching set of pajamas too and there's no helmet or armor in sight. He looks…so normal. Like a regular man.
You shift your eyes to a mirror in the hallway, noticing then that you have a ring on your finger, the gemstone catching the morning sunlight and reflecting it back in the mirror. It's nothing like the ring from before and you can slip it off easily.
What's going on? Is this…a dream?
If it is, why can't you wake up, now that you're aware that it is?
You slap yourself lightly, trying to force yourself awake but you're stuck in this dream. It must've been whatever they injected you with.
Sweet dreams. You remember them saying before you drifted off into sleep.
Now, you have to deal with this dream version of Din you've cooked up in your head until your body finally wakes. The version of Din you've always wanted to be real.
The pain numbs your heart as you walk over to him, watching as he plates the food and puts the pans away into what you assume has to be a dishwasher. Once that's loaded, he turns back to you and again, he smiles.
"Breakfast is ready, my love."
You nearly break down at the sound of those words coming out of his mouth. He looks so happy, walking up to you, his hands securing at your waist before he leans down and kisses you like he does this exact thing every morning. It's habitual. It's comfortable.
It's not real…but you wish it was.
"Is there something wrong?" Din notices your hesitation once his lips part from yours.
You're just a dream. You want to tell him that but the words refuse to leave your lips, so instead you go, "I don't feel hungry right now. I'm not feeling that great, actually."
"Why's that?" Concern fills his eyes, his arms pulling you in for a hug you didn't know you needed. "I've got you. Tell me what's up."
"I had…a nightmare." You wrap your arms around him, fighting back the tears that want to drip from your eyes. "You got hurt, real bad, because of me. Because you were trying to protect me. It scared me, seeing you like that."
"It was just a dream." He gestures to his body, showing how intact he is. "I'm perfectly fine."
Except Din isn't. Not in reality. Here, in your mind, in your dreams, he's okay but the truth is you have no idea if he's actually alright.
You just hope he is.
That's all you have right now, hope.
Which is why you say, "I hope so."
Din presses a kiss against your forehead and it feels as real as his hands sneaking beneath your shirt, caressing your bare back with his calloused fingers. You meet his gaze as he looks down at you like you're his whole world.
"You don't need to hope. I'm right here for you." He's soft-spoken and gentle, trying to comfort you. You must seem so distraught, which you are but not over reality.
If this is just a dream, then maybe it's okay to enjoy it. To enjoy loving Din in case you never get the chance to again.
So, you reach up and grab his face, tugging him down to kiss you. When your lips meet his, you know then that you can't possibly let him go. And, he knows it, because he picks you up in his arms, carrying you back to bed. You love the way the sheets feel beneath you, but you love the way Din looks on top of you much, much more.
"Breakfast can wait then." He chuckles at his own joke and you laugh with him, watching as he peels off his shirt.
You go to do the same but he stops you so he can do it himself, undressing you fully until you're completely naked beneath him in bed.
Din bites his lip, glazing over your body with intensity in his eyes, before his voice goes all low and sultry, "I love seeing how comfortable you are with me."
"Shouldn't I be telling you that? You're the Mandalorian and yet you're showing me every bit of you." You sit up, running your hands over his warm skin, feeling every muscle and every scar you've come to memorize after months of being with him.
Has it really been that long? It surprises you to this day how much time you've spent with him. The yearning has really built over all these moments.
"I'm not the Mandalorian anymore." His words catch you off guard, especially when he says, "right here, right now, I'm your husband and you're my love."
That's all it takes for your heart to burst and you can't hold it in anymore, your tears slipping slowly from the corner of your eyes. You can't tell if you're crying because you're sad or happy but either way, you know this is a dream.
Just a lovely dream worth drowning in…
"When did you learn to be such a flirt?" You tease him, blinking away your tears.
"I have to seduce you somehow." He leans down, kissing your wet cheeks. Then, he whispers, "would you rather I be mean to you?"
You bite your lip, reading between the lines of his attempt to rile you up. "I thought you wanted to comfort me."
"I wanted to eat breakfast." He gazes up and down your body before a smirk appears on his face. "But it seems like my pretty little thief wants to rob me of my meal. Don't you think that's worthy of a punishment?"
"Sounds like an excuse to bully me." You chuckle, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him in so your bodies are pressed together. You want to remember the feeling of his warmth against you, the warmth that has kept you afloat all this time.
"You love being bullied by me." He brushes his nose against yours, a sweet little gesture that makes your heart flutter.
"You love me." You state because it's the truth.
"I do. I love you so very much." Din whispers quietly so that only you can hear him say that, like those words were only ever meant for you.
"Are you happy?" You don't know why that question pops up now but seeing him so relaxed and openly loving is…you just wonder if such a reality could exist.
"Why wouldn't I be?" He rolls over then, so he can lay on his side, pulling you in for a hug. "Talk to me, my love. Tell me what's bothering you."
You lean your head on his chest and you want to say you aren't real, none of this is real, the real Din is–
"Why can't I imagine a life without you in it?" You mumble into the crook of his neck, the words getting eaten up by his skin.
"What did you say?" He acts like he couldn't catch it but you know he definitely did.
But, you elaborate anyways, sighing from the heartache. "I used to be all alone and I…I don't know if I was happy. I was surviving, but I wasn't really living. Then, you caught me and…I don't know if that was living either. It was somewhere in between, a limbo of sorts. Coexisting, codependent, we were interlocked but were we living a life? I don't think so and yet, I can't imagine life any other way. I can't imagine trying to live without you, Din. I…"
I love you. Those are the words you want to say but you can't even breathe them out to the dream version of him.
"I'm not going anywhere." His hand rests on the back of your head, patting it gently as he kisses your forehead. "We'll figure things out. We'll learn to live together properly. We'll be okay."
"I hope so." You say those words again but you're unsure how hopeful you are given the circumstances.
"What do you hope for?" Din asks and perhaps this is your subconscious trying to parse out what you truly desire.
So, you confess, "I hope for a future where you trust me to stay with you. I hope for a life where we're happy together. I hope for friendships and a steady, comfortable job, for the both of us. I hope for you to love me despite everything I've done to you."
"You say that like you've done something unforgivable." The concern plasters across his face.
"I stole your heart, didn't I?" You cup his face with your hands, tilting him towards you so you can feel his forehead pressed against yours. "I made you into who you are now and that's something I can never take back."
"Do you think I'm a monster?" His heart is racing, his pulse drumming against your palm.
"I would be foolish to say you aren't." You gently kiss his cheek before whispering, "but you're my monster. The only man who can haunt my dreams and be all I dream of too."
"Why would you ever want a man like me?"
Din is right. Why do you want him so much?
"Maybe I am a fool." You giggle and he gives you a half-smile.
"A fool in love with a monster." He smirks before laying you on your back again, getting on top.
"In your dreams." You jab at him, feigning sarcasm.
"In your dreams." He becomes incredibly self-aware.
"Yes." You open your arms, wanting to be held. "In my dreams, we're happy."
"Then maybe it's okay to dream for just a little longer, my pretty little thief."
That's when Din leans in and kisses you. It feels so real that you sink into it, needing more, needing him. You allow yourself to dream, to revel in this beautiful fantasy.
A happy, healthy Din Djarin and his pretty little thief who he loves so very much.
"How do you want me?" He asks as his fingers trace along your inner thighs. "I want to spoil you today."
You think for a moment before saying, "I want to feel you imprint onto me. I want to remember every inch of you. I want you to hold me like this is the end."
"Is it…the end?" He swallows his nerves and you can feel your own nerves ball up in your throat.
"I hope not." You reply, not knowing if you believe yourself yet again.
He loosens up at your reassurance, guiding his hips to settle between your legs. "Please keep hoping for me, okay?"
You nod firmly before wrapping your legs around his waist. Din slowly enters you, the familiar feeling of his cock melting your mind inch by inch. You love the way he makes you feel. You always have.
You always will.
"Hold on tight and don't let go." He pats his shoulders and you listen, digging your nails into his back as he starts to quicken his pace.
What you wouldn't give for this to be real. You want to be able to scratch into his back when you get close to your orgasm so he knows to angle himself exactly the way you need him to in order to finally burst. You want to be consumed by the warm, fuzzy, loving aura radiating all around you because you know when you wake up, it'll be dark and cold and–
"Focus on me." Din snaps you back into the moment, into the dream. "This is the end, right?"
Yes. You want to say. No. You also want to say.
But, neither word leaves your lips.
Instead, you nuzzle your face into his neck, breathing in the smell of him so you can remember. This is much more important. Keeping his memory in your mind, clear as day, just in case…
The moment you wake up, that perfectly okay Din zaps from existence as your eyes catch onto the real Din, battered and bruised in the corner of this jail cell, chained up just like you are.
Thankfully, the chains are long enough, at least for you, to go over to him. He's asleep, or knocked out, maybe both, so you maneuver him so you can cradle him in your arms. His broken arm is swollen and he'll need to get to a doctor soon or there's no saving it. He must feel terrible, both from the torture and the fact that they stripped him nearly bare. You're grateful they left him in his underwear at the very minimum.
A strained voice mutters your name and you shift your eyes down to see that Din's eyes are open, but they're only slivers given the bruising. They gave him a nasty black eye and a busted lip.
"You're okay." You try to comfort him, patting his head like he would do for you when you weren't well. "I'm here with you. You're not alone, Din."
"Where are we?" He manages to say that before a coughing fit overtakes him, blood spewing out from his mouth in droplets.
"Looks like a holding cell. We must be in a dungeon of sorts, maybe their lair." It looks like the cell in Mos Espa, with its powdery tan stone walls and the thick metal bars.
You can't reach the door with your restraints, which means there's no use trying to pick the lock. The chains don't have a lock on them either. You'll need to be cut out of them and you doubt they'll do that for you…
"Did they hurt you?" That's the next thing he asks when Din gains the strength to speak again.
"No, not at all." You show him how your clothes remain completely untouched with no blood in sight so you don't have anywhere close to the injuries he has sustained.
"Good, that's good." He lets out with a pained huff of air.
"You don't have to talk anymore." You tell him, needing him to save his strength for his recovery. "Just rest, Din."
"I…" He trails off for a moment, his breaths growing heavy before he manages to say, "I want to listen to your voice."
"Okay, but only if you close your eyes and rest." You agree to his request and he listens, shutting his eyes, his features relaxing.
You try to think of a story to tell him but nothing seems right for this situation. So, you decide to tell him about your dream.
"I had a dream and you were there." You start to speak, keeping your voice quiet and soft. "We had a house together. With a really nice bedroom that had cozy sheets and a warm comforter. We wore matching pajamas and it was…"
You can't find the right words to describe it.
Perfect. You think that might sum it up but that would make it all too much of a fantasy.
"Very cute." You finish your sentence with that, chuckling. "You cooked me breakfast, like you had been doing it everyday for your whole life. It felt so real, I could smell the sizzling pan right now."
"Were we happy?" The air catches in his lungs and Din coughs a bit so you rub his back, hoping that eases the pain.
"Yes." You reminisce fondly on that scene you created in your mind. "We were married. We held each other with so much care and comfort. We were very happy, Din."
"I'm sorry." He fights the bloody coughs to say, "I wish I could make that dream real."
"It's okay." You tell him, leaning down and pressing a kiss on his forehead. "I wish I could make your dreams real too."
Din shakes his head, saying, "you don't owe me anything anymore. I'm the one who needs to repent for all the things I've done to you."
"Then fight to live, my Mandalorian." You hold him just a bit tighter, not wanting to let him go. "Live so you can show me how sorry you are."
"I'll try." A brief smile appears on his face before he finally succumbs to the pain he's been fighting.
You sit with him there, his head on your lap, your hands gently drawing lines all over his bare skin. You talk about random things to him, to keep him conscious, to help him stay alive. You sing a few of your favorite songs and recite other warm words you've been told before.
"You're so beautiful, my pretty little thief." Din wears his heart out on his sleeve for a moment, as if it's his last. "I love you. I love you so much that I would do this again, and again, and again if it meant having you care for me like this."
"You're an idiot if you think I'd let you get beat up for my sake again." You shake your head in disapproval but a grin peeks through.
"I would go to the ends of the galaxy to see you smile at me like that." He reaches up with all his strength to touch your face with his uninjured arm, his hand gently caressing your cheek. "I'm never losing that smile again. I'll do anything to keep you happy if we make it out of here, I promise."
"If?" Your heart tugs at the thought of losing him right now.
"I don't want to make a promise I can't keep." There's so much layered in his words but you know the truth is, he's hoping for the best. That's as much as either of you can do right now.
"I won't either then. I promise, we're going to get you out of here and you'll be okay soon." You swear with every fiber of your being.
"I hope so." Din shuts his eyes, his breathing slowing down. "I really hope so…"
Just as you are about to shake him awake, you hear footsteps coming towards the cell. He opens his eyes immediately, almost instinctively, feeling the possible danger approach. You shield him with your body, not wanting any more pain inflicted onto him. He won't survive if he gets hurt again.
A cloaked figure walks to the metal door and you hear several small clicks before it swings open without a sound. You grip onto Din tighter, scared for his life, until the person takes off their hood and kneels before you.
Your eyes widen at the sight of– "Willa?"
It is her, in the flesh. Willa pulls out a pen of sorts and goes, "stay still, I'm going to get you out of here."
With a push of the top button, the pen shoots out a red laser and slowly melts away at your restraints. You're still full of disbelief at the sight of her so you whisper, "how did you find us?"
"Celine, the girl you sent to me for help, she told me about the trap. About how they forced her to guilt trip you into wanting to come back, so that whoever was after the Mandalorian could ambush him."
"The bounty was fake, then. They didn't need our help freeing them. They just needed to plant the idea." Din adjusts so that he rests his back against the wall, giving Willa easier access to your leg restraints now that he isn't laying on your lap anymore.
"The whole thing was a set-up and I couldn't let those people hurt you for whatever the fuck he did to them." She shoots Din a nasty glare, her hostility very apparent. But, Willa softens when she looks at you, explaining more, "I took a job on Glavis Ringworld so I could keep an eye on that club. Thankfully, I saw those bandits enter the club so I put a tracker on one of their ships and it led me here. Are you alright? Did they hurt you?"
"No, but…" You shift your eyes over to Din, who is obviously the injured one. Not like Willa cares for him, but you tell her anyway, "he took the beating so that I wouldn't. He protected me."
She scoffs as she gets the final restraints off your ankle. "I've heard enough stories of Masters protecting their property. That's all you are to him. Property."
"That's not true." Din cuts in, wanting to assert his side. "I haven't been her Master for some time now."
"Then why are you still with him?" Willa can't comprehend the logic behind your actions.
"I needed him to right some wrongs." You reason with her, formulating the best way of saying this, "I wanted him to be my bounty hunter until I felt like he had done his part helping people instead of hurting them. Then, I was going to kill him."
"And I would've let her." He confirms your statement. "She can kill me whenever she wants. At this point, I'd say she's my Master."
"Is that why you came back to the club, to save those people?" Willa sighs at you. "You're too selfless for your own good, do you know that?"
"Can I be selfish then?" You turn to look at Din before facing Willa again, "will you save us both?"
"May I remind you that this is the man who knocked me out, tied me up, gagged me and then threatened to kill me?" Her glare only intensifies on Din. "What you've done to me and the others might as well be unforgivable."
"She's right." He agrees, looking into your eyes. "Like I said, you don't owe me anything. Go with her. It's okay, I'll be okay, I'll find my own way out."
"Come on," Willa urges you to get to your feet, "we won't have much time before they come to check on you two."
"They'll kill him if he stays behind." You can't bear the thought, your chest aching.
"It's what he deserves for what he's done." She's cold with her words but rightfully so.
"Go, my pretty little thief." Din musters up the will to smile at you softly. "Live your life, be happy and free."
You feel the two parts of you tugging you in either direction. Do you stay and find another way to save Din? Or, do you go and make a new life for yourself with Willa and the others?
Neither option feels right, which is why you beg Willa one more time, "I can't leave him. You can hate him all you want but please help us both. I'll do anything, he'll do anything, please."
Willa grits her teeth, visibly irritated at the thought of saving Din. So, she wagers, "I'll save him too if the Mandalorian swears on his life to never harm you again."
"I swear." Din crosses his heart. "I'd rather die than hurt her ever again."
"I'll kill you myself if you do." Willa faces you once again, a long sigh leaving her lips. Then, she goes, "if you want me to save him, you have to agree to live on Naboo with us, so we can keep you safe from him if need be. That's my offer."
"Deal." You say without hesitation. "I would want nothing more than to be surrounded by my friends."
Willa's face lightens at your words and she gives you a smile before handing you the pen. "You free him. I assume you need to search for his armor so be quick about it. I'll create a distraction to draw them away. The pen has a tracking device in it. I'll find you both later, once I've denoted both bombs. That's your timer. The moment the second bomb goes off, I'll come find you. You'll have to leave with me immediately right then."
"Thank you." You get to your feet and pull Willa in for a hug. "I owe you one."
She hugs you back before saying, "consider us even. You saved me and now I saved you. So hurry, please."
Throwing her hood back on, Willa leaves the cell to go plant the bombs she has brought. You quickly laser off Din's restraints before tucking the pen into your pocket. With Din's good arm around your shoulder, you lug him with you. He can walk, but it's unsteady, so you let him lean on you.
The first bomb goes off as you both are wandering down a corridor. You haven't found any rooms, just more and more tunnels. You know what that armor means to Din though, so you have to try and find it.
As of right now, you haven't ran into any bandits so Willa's bomb must've drawn their attention exactly as needed. You shake Din, who is limping a bit, before asking, "hey, how are you holding up?"
"Been better." He jokes and you chuckle, giving him a quick peck on the cheek.
"We'll get you to a medic soon. Just stay with me, okay?"
Din nods and you both turn a corner. At the end of the tunnel is a room, hidden off to the side. Maybe that's where they hid his armor. You drag him over there, going into the room. There's a curtain covering the entrance so you push that aside to enter.
It's definitely not where his armor is, but it seems like some kind of break room. There's lockers, a few of which have been left open. They must've ran immediately after the bomb went off to see what happened.
You help Din sit down on a metal chair and quickly sift through the lockers for supplies. You manage to find some clothes that would fit him, so you give them to him so he can get dressed. You hear him breathe a sigh of relief when he finally gets his pants on.
"I would help but I should pick these locks." You feel bad that he's struggling to put his clothes on.
"Do what you need to. Be the thief I know you are." He sounds much more cheerful now and you're grateful for it.
When you get the remaining few lockers open, you find a gun, a headscarf and one of the bandit's masks. That'll have to do for now, until he finds his armor and weapons. You go back over to Din, helping him slip on some boots and gloves before strapping on the mask and bundling him up with the headscarf.
He looks like any other bandit…which benefits him, but not you.
Why? Because the moment a bandit comes into the room and see you with your hands around Din's neck, a bullet fires straight at you, piercing you dead center in the chest. The knock back throws you across the room, your body sliding until you hit the far wall.
As if by instinct, Din lifts the gun you had left on the table and shoots at the bandit, but he misses because his dominant arm is broken, the bullet hitting the cave wall instead. The bandit runs away at that, presumably going to alert the others of the intruders.
That's when the second bomb goes off.
Willa will be back for you two soon…only, it won't be the two of you. It'll just be Din if you lose consciousness right now.
You clutch your chest, redness covering your hands. It smells like metal and it's hard to breathe because of it. Or, maybe because you got shot where your lungs are.
Din rushes to your side, his gloved hand pressing a rag into your chest, staining it the same red as your hand. He rips the mask off his face because he wants to see you directly.
"You'll be okay." Din says those words but you know he doesn't believe them, not when this much blood is leaving your body. "Please, you have to be okay."
You're getting so tired…so dizzy…but you fight the pain to breathe out, "go and find your armor before Willa gets back. You can't–you can't let them steal–"
"I don't care about my armor. I don't care about being a Mandalorian anymore. You are all I care about, my pretty little thief, so please, don't go. Don't leave me too." He chokes up, holding you against his chest, sobbing uncontrollably. "I can't live without you. I can't–I can't lose another loved one, please."
You've never seen him so broken before. Is this how he would react if he lost you? It must be…
"Do you love me?" You say with a strained breath, your consciousness fading more and more with every passing second.
"Yes." He cries out your name before telling you, "I love you so much. Please, please, stay with me, my love."
"Ask me." You whisper to him, your eyes slowly closing against your will. "Ask me if I love you."
"Do you love me?" He asks, the words accompanied by his tears hitting your face.
"Yes." You use your last remaining strength to reach up and caress his jaw with your hand so you can tell him what you've been holding in this whole time, "I love you, Din Djarin. I always have."
"I know." He watches as you grow limp in his arms. "I should've been better. I should've treated you better. I should've been the man you loved when you needed me the most. I'm so sorry."
"I forgive you." You say your final words before the darkness takes over your vision, "so please, learn to live without me."
This is the way…the only way to save Din…
Your skin grows cold then and Din shakes you, not willing to let you die. Your pulse is slow, your breathing is strained, but there's still hope in his heart that you can make it.
That's why he answers the way he does when Willa finds him holding you in his arms and asks, "is she dead?"
"No." Din replies firmly, "but she will be if we don't get her out of here and to a medic fast."
"Fuck!" Willa curses, her eyes darting towards Din. "You were supposed to protect her!"
"I know." There's not much else he can say.
"Can you carry her with that arm?" She gestures to his broken arm.
"I can." He lies because he knows even though he can, he's going to lose his arm in the process. There's no saving his arm if he overworks it like this but that doesn't matter to him.
The pain that pierces through him as he lifts you up doesn't phase him. Nothing will ever hurt more than the possibility of losing you forever. So, with the adrenaline pumping through him, he follows quickly behind Willa as she guides him out of the cavern.
"I have a friend nearby. They're not a professional medic by any means but they probably have enough to get her stable." Willa kickstarts her motorbike before patting the seat behind her. "Now, get the fuck on before it's too late."
Din lets her boss him around, taking the seat without any comment. He constantly checks your breathing and your pulse, but it's so faint, it scares him.
"What happened?" Willa asks as she transverses through the rocky terrain.
What planet is this? Din wonders but won't ask.
He answers Willa instead, "I had on the bandit mask. They thought I was one of them and that she was the intruder, so they shot her. I missed my shot on them and they ran away."
"Are you going to get revenge?" She's convinced he will, given everything she has seen from him, but he shakes his head.
"No. I'm tired of fighting all the time. I just…I just want her to be okay." His tears drip onto your shirt. "I don't care about anything else except her."
"You have a shitty way of showing it." She offhandedly insults him before she stops the bike in front of a large hut. "Let's go."
Willa and Din rush into the hut and immediately, her friend sees you hanging on by a thread in Din's arms, so they gesture for him to follow them downstairs, where their medical hub is. They have him lay you down on a bed and begin performing tests.
"Leave them be." Willa tells Din to stop hovering and to follow her back upstairs.
"Do you trust this person?" He asks, his nerves higher than ever.
"I trust them way more than you." She points to a bed in the corner. "Go sit so I can check your injuries."
"Why would you want to help someone you don't trust?" He understands her hostility towards him, but not the kindness she's showing.
"Because unlike you, I can hate someone and not want to see them looking like a bruised sack of shit, even if you fully deserve whatever happened to you. Plus, she'd be sad if I said I didn't try to help, so get your ass over there." Willa goes to grab some supplies.
The next hour is spent cleaning Din's wounds while her friend works on stabilizing you. Din has trouble sitting still, which results in a very annoyed Willa.
"Will you quit making such a fuss!" She groans, purposefully jabbing him a little too hard with the disinfectant stab.
"How can you be so calm?" He's on the brink of collapse and she's completely fine.
With a sigh, Willa goes, "do you think she'd like it if you had your panties in a twist?"
"You're a very rude person." Din huffs out angrily.
"Yeah, yeah, shut the fuck up and just hold still."
As much as he doesn't want to comply, Din decides that he'd rather not have you wake up and hear stories of him being stubborn from Willa so he behaves as she finishes stitching him up where he needs it. Then, she wraps bandages around his shoulder and arm, creating a makeshift cast.
"That's the best I can do given the circumstances." She says with a yawn, blinking away her tiredness.
"You should rest now." Din gets up from the bed, no longer needing it. "You've done a lot for us. Thank you…"
"Willa." She tells him her name, partially peeved he didn't even care to remember one of your friends.
"Thank you, Willa." He manages to say without sounding dishonest.
"What's your name?" She asks even though she's sure he won't tell her.
But, to her surprise, he answers, "Din."
"Don't bother Tex, Din." She refers to her friend downstairs. "They'll find you when they're ready."
He nods, obeying. Willa lays down to rest while Din goes around the hut, trying to be useful. He washes dishes, picks up trash, cleans anything that needs cleaning. Whatever he can do to keep his mind off of you for the time being.
Soon enough, Tex comes upstairs and walks over to Din, saying, "she's stable but I'm not sure if she'll wake up. I've got her hooked to a machine so now it's just a waiting game. Do you want me to ring you if she wakes?"
"Can I stay here? I mean…" Din realizes he's overstepping, asking a stranger if he can stay in their house while you recover. "I-I'm sorry, I don't mean to impose."
Tex laughs at how formal Din is being. "Willa said you were a murderous manaic and yet all I see is a fragile man deeply in love."
"I'm trying to change my ways." He feels awkward that people view him so negatively but it's not far from the truth…
"Then, you can stay if you put in the work." Tex lays out their offer. "I need some machines fixed, my ship could use some repairs and I'd like some self defense lessons. Nothing fancy, but just enough to protect myself and the people I care about and I'm sure a bounty hunter like yourself could teach me a few things."
"Fine by me." He doesn't mind doing manual labor if it means staying by your side.
"I put a cot downstairs, so you can rest there with her." They pat Din on the back before heading over to Willa, who wakes when she sees them.
Willa leans her head against Tex's chest and they whisper to each other, chuckling. Tex ruffles her hair and Willa pouts at them, but she smiles endearingly despite her annoyance. Din is surprised to see this vicious girl who only insulted him act so soft and mushy around someone, but Tex treats her with the same care, teasing her until she pulls them into her arms, dropping them into the bed with her. There's something in the way they look at each other that is filled with warmth and love.
Is that what real love looks like?
Din grapples with that thought when he sits in the cot downstairs, listening to the way the machine beeps every time your heart beats. Steady, stable, okay. You're fine. You'll wake up. You'll come back to him.
He rolls the cot over so that he's closer to you and then, he starts to talk, hoping his voice will draw you back to him, "I had a dream too. It was a lot like yours, except now I realize they're nothing alike. In my dream, I forced you to stay with me and you did. I thought that would make me happy, knowing you'd never leave me, but you weren't happy. I don't think you ever truly were happy with me and I was supplementing it with pleasure in a poor attempt to justify my own actions. I know now that…I can't control whether you leave me or not. I was a fool to think that I ever could."
Din feels the weight of his words, understanding everything that you both have gone through together was a result of his own insecurity. He takes the time now to admit the truth to himself. He knows why he is the way he is. He has avoided it for long enough.
In order to better himself, he needs to be honest and he needs to stop shielding himself from pain. He needs to open his heart back up, even if it scares him.
"I lost my parents when I was a child." Din tells the tale of his life to you, holding your hand in his as he does. "The Mandalorians found me and I thought I had been given a family but…it wasn't the same. We were a clan, but we weren't family. I didn't have a family again until I found a child. The child you knew. His name was Grogu. I loved him with all my heart but that wasn't enough to get him to stay. I had to let him go, to let him be with his real family, people who were special like him. I tried to convince him to come back, which is why I made such a fuss about that chainmail shirt. I really thought he'd pick me but…he chose to leave me, like everyone else in my life. I shoved so much of my frustration over losing him onto you and…I hadn't realized how much comfort you had given me unknowingly during my darkest time. Holding you as we slept together, making you feel good when I knew you needed it, no longer being alone anymore. I took all of that for granted because I was so scared of losing you too that I made you hate me even though you loved me."
He leans forward, resting his forehead against the back of your hand. Then, he whispers to whoever is listening. He doesn't believe in mysticism or anything of the sort but if asking is enough, then he might as well try.
"I want to make your dream come true. I want to be the man you deserve. I want to be loved, even if it means breaking my heart in the process. I want to learn how to love you the way I should've all this time. I would do anything to get the chance to make things right."
You don't sway an inch at his words and that tears him apart but he suffers through the ache.
Learn to live without me. That's what you told him, those were your final words and that's what he has to do. He needs to fulfill your wish. He needs to learn to cope with losing you before he's allowed to love you. He understands that now, which is why he will work towards it.
Din will be everything you've ever wanted and more.
Days pass and things grow ever so mundane. Din recovers from his injuries, though Tex had to learn how to fix a broken elbow and that results in Din being partially mech now. He doesn't mind it, though he does get phantom itches in his now metal joint.
Willa decides to stay and Din suspects it has less to do with you and more to do with her unspoken love for Tex. She has gotten very used to bossing Din around, making him carry groceries and helping rearrange furniture in the hut.
Tex, on the other hand, is kind to Din, since they don't know him as a bounty hunter or as a slave Master. This openness to the new side of Din allows him to have deep conversations with Tex, asking how to be a better person and how to improve himself. They're filled with wisdom and Din appreciates all the advice and the time they take to help him understand the things he isn't good at.
Everyday, Din does tasks around the hut or gets dragged into town with Willa and Tex. They show him what it means to have friends and to "hang out". He's not very good at hanging out, but they enjoy his company because he's the butt of most of their jokes. Din oddly doesn't mind it. He likes seeing them happy together, which is a thought he never thought he'd have about anyone.
Is that what friendship is? It's nothing like his working relationship with Boba Fett, but he realizes that more his fault than anyone else's. He closed himself off to these kinds of casual friendships and he realizes now how much lighter he feels having the peripheral joy of others beside him.
When he's finished with whatever they've badgered him to do during the day, he spends his nights sitting by your side, telling you about his day, hoping the sound of his voice soothes you in your dreams. You don't wake, or stir, or really do anything. Tex teaches Din how to care for you while you're immobile and he does so with the most care and love he can.
After a while, even Willa grows to be amicable with him and Din listens to her advice about love and life. He feels like he's so behind on these things when he's learning so much from those younger than him but they don't make him feel terrible for it. Or, well, Willa chooses not to berate him as often anymore. She still jabs at him on occasion and it's a good reminder that not all wounds heal perfectly. He has caused plenty of scars, but he's trying to make amends for them everyday.
Willa and Tex both see how much Din has grown, though there are moments where he nearly falls back into his ways. Like today, when they're out having drinks, there's a dark aura surrounding Din as he sits with Tex, watching Willa get swarmed by people at the bar while she's trying to order drinks. They're all obviously flirting with her and Din turns to Tex, who isn't annoyed in the slightest, which confuses him to no end.
"Why aren't you bothered by their blatant disrespect? They all know Willa came in with you and yet they're still making moves onto her."
Tex laughs wholeheartedly at Din's observation, which makes him even more agitated. They quickly catch wind of his shifting behavior so they explain, "why should I care what's out of my control? Those people will flirt with her regardless of if I do something about it. All that matters to me is that Willa is coming home with me. She's sleeping in my bed, in my home, choosing to be with me. She can entertain other people's advances, but at the end of the day, I trust her to pick me every time."
"How can you…trust that?" The whole concept is too foreign for Din to understand.
"Because I love her." Tex says like a quiet confession, something Din can tell they haven't even said to Willa. "Loving her doesn't mean making her stay. It means willing to choose to make her happy regardless. If it makes her happier to be with someone else, then that's fine by me and I'd support her even if it meant letting her go. If it makes her happy to stay with me, then I'll do my best to keep her happy. That's all I can do, after all. It's the only thing in my control."
Din knows Tex is right but it's still difficult for him to realize how controlling he once was. It's like every time he thinks he's getting better, he remembers how monstrous he once was and it scares him. There's the constant anxiety that he'll fall back into his old ways and hurt you again.
"Din." Tex calls to him so he pauses his mental spiral to listen. "You know, we all make mistakes. I didn't magically understand all of that from birth. I hurt people too, people I loved, people I thought I knew how to love. We all have lessons we need to learn and sometimes, it takes undergoing terrible things to see how wrong we once were. Life isn't always fair, but that doesn't mean we can't be better people. There will always be people who won't ever forgive us for the things we've done in the past, but that shouldn't stop you from trying to be a better person for the future people you meet. You have to learn to forgive yourself too so you can move on."
"I've done incredibly horrible things, Tex." Din feels disgusting admitting that aloud.
Before, he used to hold his murderous tendencies with pride but now…he sees how none of that actually made him happy. It was just a release. Everything he has ever done has been him chasing a high and he hasn't ever learned to deal with the lows. Not until now…
"We're human." They pat Din on the back, trying to comfort him. "If you have the power to be evil, who says you can't have the will to be good too? Life isn't a binary, after all. It's not all black and white. It's not easy to figure out what the right thing to do is because sometimes there's not a right way to do things. We can only hope for the best."
"Can I really hope for a better life?" Such a thing seems…impossible for a man like Din.
Tex chuckles lightly then says, "that's a question only you can answer, though I'm sure you know the answer already."
"What's got them all smiley?" Willa suddenly appears with a tray of drinks, drawing Din and Tex away from their deep conversation.
"The sight of liquor, obviously." Tex jokes, flashing a loving smile at Willa, who gets flustered at the sight of it.
She manages to regain her composure quickly so she can cheerfully exclaim, "well, thank me because I managed to get us free drinks! I never realized how easy it is to bat my eyelashes for a couple of drinks. I should swindle people professionally."
"Thank you, my sweet Willa." Tex pulls her in by the waist, their arms wrapping around her securely. She nearly drops the tray from the sudden warm gesture but Din catches it before she can, placing it at the counter between the three of them.
"I almost spilled everything, Tex!" Willa glares at them and they laugh at her angry expression. "You're the worst, I swear."
"And yet, why do I sense that you want to dance?" Tex hops off their bar stool and gestures to the dance floor. "Shall we?"
She groans but then answers, "fine, but only after we all take a shot. That includes you, Din."
Din doesn't know why but the inclusion makes him happy, so he hands them both their shots before taking his own, lifting it up before saying, "you both better not get too drunk. I'm not cleaning your puke out of the ship again."
"You know you will whether you want to or not." Willa winks at Din before downing her shot.
"Sorry." Tex says to Din before taking their shot. Then, they add with their own wink, "but not that sorry."
Before Din can argue with either of them, Willa drags Tex to the dance floor and they both dance to the obscenely loud music that seems to be getting louder now that there are more people dancing. Din shakes his head at his friends but…he strangely doesn't mind having to clean up after them if they're this happy to be drunk and in love. He watches them dance terribly and he laughs to himself, sipping his drink every now and then.
There's an odd calm to these outings that Din likes. He always thought going out with friends would be more of a hassle, where he'd have to entertain and stay present. But, Willa and Tex never make him feel like he needs to do everything they do. They accommodate his apprehensive nature quite well, even though either of them outright admit it. He enjoys that they want him there and it helps him enjoy being there.
Though, he could do without the constant advances other people make at him now that he's going without the helmet…
"What's a handsome man like you doing all alone?" Someone strolls up behind Din, tapping him on the shoulder.
He turns to see a man who reminds him a lot of Cobb Vanth, but he's certain it isn't him. Cobb is forward, but not that forward.
"Having a drink before I have to take my friends home." Din answers bluntly, which makes the man grin at him.
"Well, do you want some company?" The man sits on the bar stool in front of Din, where Tex was earlier. "Hate to have a fellow like you sitting all on your lonesome."
"I'd rather be alone, thanks." He brushes off the man's advances, but he won't budge.
"Why's that? You got a man at home?"
Din finds himself getting irritated but he quells himself from acting violently on it and instead responds rather plainly, "actually, the person I love is in a coma and I'm waiting for her to wake up. So, I'd like to enjoy my drink alone, please."
His please come out harsh but it's enough for the man to get off his case. "You could've just said you weren't interested."
Din opens his mouth to say something like you could've just left me alone but Willa and Tex run up to him and Willa goes, "come dance with us!"
Normally, Din wouldn't accept, but he needs to get away from this man before he snaps his neck so he lets them drag him to the dance floor. They both laugh when Din attempts to dance but then they start to dance like he is and they all laugh together, enjoying the shared experience.
Thankfully for Din, they don't end up drinking anymore so he gets them all home without a single puking incident. It's like having two adult children, needing to tuck them both into bed or else they're going to keep bothering him all night. Again, he weirdly is okay with it.
Din is growing to be okay with living like this and he smiles at the thought of you being here too. So, he goes downstairs and spends the time before he falls asleep telling you all about his night out and the things he's learned and he swears, you must've smiled in your sleep…
You've started to twitch. It's progress, but you still haven't done much else. Tex says it's a good sign you'll wake eventually, but they're not certain when. Din hasn't lost hope, since that's all he has, but he finds himself wondering what he'll do if you don't end up ever waking up.
Who will he be if he has to live without you? Would he go back to being a Mandalorian? He lost his armor, so he's unsure if the clan will take him back. He could always be a bounty hunter again. He has recovered from all his injuries and his once-broken arm is even sturdier now with the metal joint.
Din just doesn't feel like that's his life anymore. He likes the domesticity of housework and odd jobs. Tex always needs something done around the hut and Willa somehow finds a task for Din to do whenever she sees him with his hands free. Sometimes her tasks are ridiculous, like building her a vanity with custom lights, but he does it out of his growing respect for her. He has apologized time and time again for what he did to her and she may still bug him about it, but it's getting clearer and clearer that she forgives him.
That's why Willa goes out to look for him when he's ruminating over his future.
"What are you going to do if she doesn't wake up?" She asks Din when she catches him sulking outside, staring up at the stars in the sky. It's a beautiful night, which are always the nights that make him miss you.
"She'd want me to live." He knows that for a fact. "She'd want me to help others as best I can just like she would."
"You know, you're pretty good at teaching self defense." Willa nudges him a little, hoping to give him a light push in the right direction. "You could always work at that rec center near our town. They're always looking for teachers. Tex and I would give you a good recommendation."
"Do you think they'd want to deal with a former Mandalorian?" Din can't seem to run from his past. It's hard for him not to dwell on it.
"Why do they need to know?" Her words draw him to stare curiously at her so she elaborates, "no one knows what you looked like under the helmet. The person you are now doesn't have to be the Mandalorian anymore. You can close that chapter of your life and start a new one, as Din Djarin."
"Can I…do that?" He doesn't think it's possible to just become a new person. Again, his past haunts him.
"It'll take work and constant checking on yourself to make sure you aren't falling back into old habits, but anything is possible." She pats him on the back before getting up, wanting to go back to Tex. "There's nothing wrong with dreaming a little bigger."
Din ponders her words as he looks up, seeing the night sky decorated with beautiful stars. You'd love this view, he's sure of that.
Would you want a house with this kind of view? He's been looking at places on Naboo with Willa since Tex is going to be moving there. They've finally made it official, though that's a result of Din getting a bit impatient with them individually spewing their feelings for each other to him. He's happy they're happy though. You would be happy for them too.
There was a small house a bit of a walk from town that he likes. It's isolated enough that Din feels comfortable, since he wouldn't really want neighbors if he's being honest. He would have enough credits for it once he grabbed his hidden stack from the cave on Ossus. It would be just enough for the two of you and maybe even…well, that's a conversation he's not even ready for yet. He's not even sure he'd be a good father, not after how he reacted with Grogu, but he hopes one day, he'll be.
A new dream. As Willa said, a bigger dream, but a dream he'll let himself have finally. He's moving on from his past. He's letting go of who he was and building himself anew. He likes the new Din.
Perhaps he was always this Din, but he was just afraid to be fully vulnerable. He knows better now and that makes him think of you. So he gets up and heads back to the hut, wanting to get back to your side.
Whenever he has these little revelations, Din likes to talk it over with you. There's a comfort in it, like he's documenting his own progress to you. Those tiny twitches of yours fill him with happiness, like you're responding to his words. He can't wait to talk to you today…though, he's a bit surprised to see that he isn't alone.
Tex and Willa are downstairs too, which is odd until…he sees you, with your eyes partly opened. Almost like something is pushing him there, Din rushes to your side and you turn your head to look at him, smiling at him and everyone else in the room. It takes you a moment to steady your breathing, your heart racing and the machine beside you beeping loudly until it finally calms. Then, you let out your first words in weeks.
"Did you miss me?" You ask Din and he breaks down into tears at the sound of your raspy voice. He drops to his knees as he grips your warm hand in his, trying to ensure that this is real. That you're really awake and alive and here with him.
"I missed you so fucking much." He pulls your hand to his face, needing to feel your touch. You feel incredibly weak and tired, like you could fall asleep again at any moment, but you try to caress his cheek so he knows you're okay.
"We should let her rest. We don't want her overexerting herself." Tex shoos him and Willa back upstairs so that they can run some tests on you to make sure your recovery won't be stalled for any reason.
That's when Din can fully see how much he has grown over these last few weeks. Before, he would've killed Tex without hesitation for even thinking of separating him from you. But now, he trusts people. He trusts you.
Maybe someone did hear his pleas into the unknown because you woke up the moment he decided to let himself be honest with his desires and become the person he has always been afraid to let exist.
Lesson learned: never be afraid to dream.
All Din dreams of now is a life with you.
A happy life with the pretty little thief he loves.
A/N: I cried so much writing this chapter. I just love Din so much and seeing him grow up made my heart swell tenfold. I know some people were probably not expecting a redemption arc but I wanted a happy ending for this series and I think it fits given the events that have unfolded. He has friends now, wow!
Also, for those wondering, Tex is non-binary, which is why I used they/them pronouns, and I've always headcanoned Din as pansexual so I wanted a little representation there hehe ~ ♡
One more chapter left ;) and I'm sure none of you are ready for the twist I have in store. 
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
Look at the soul- Part 4 Changes
Cillian Murphy x OC
I’m deeply sorry it took me so long to update this series! I hope you still remember it, if you don’t head over to the master list to see the previous chapters! ✨🎭
Song: Changes by David Bowie (lyrics in italics as usual)
And new characters will be showing up as we continue to join this performance on stage!
Banner credit: @forgottenpeakywriter thanks Selene!
A/N: I’ve been reading a lot about theater and plays, it’s so so interesting but of course, I’m not an expert, also some inspiration comes from @heidimoreton ‘s help 😉
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“Hey Marianne, how did the fitting go?” Cillian greeted her with a kiss on the cheek backstage.
“Great! They showed me a few sketches already.”
He smiled pleased, everything seemed to be working fine.
“That’s good, anything you would like to change?” She immediately shook her head.
“Not a single thing, I love it!”
Cillian guided her through the hall. “I know this is all new to you, but please feel free to speak your mind, you’re part of this project.”
Marianne thanked him for his kindness, Cillian was making her feel so comfortable about everything, he introduced her to part of the staff they crossed paths with, he seemed to know everyone and showed her around the theater.
“Now how about we get on with it? Would you like to discuss something about the play?”
“Yes… how is it possible that Adria’s brother holds so much power, to the point of blocking every single door for her? The lawyer, the doctor and nurses taking care of her parents, the judge…”
“There’s this little lucky strike on his side when she’s away, is interesting how these series of events happens and he goes back and starts manipulating their father to get the last call on the properties and the legal rights to everything.”
“And there’s not a single scene with him?” She bit her lower lip, thinking about it.
“Not physically, he’s still in the story but all we know about him is what we see through Adria’s eyes. And the hints from the narrator.”
“There you are!” Heidi appeared with a sound tech. “Hello! Can we try these?” She waved off a little box connected to a long wire. She instructed Marianne to hold the tip against her cheek and helped her to place it around her ear, then she walked around her and adjusted the clip of the microphone on her jeans, Marianne winced at the unfamiliarity.
“That’s how we break the ice.” Cillian joked, while she blushed.
Heidi looked at Marianne, realizing of something important. “Sorry! I’m so used to this, I do it with my eyes closed.” She smiled, helping Marianne feel at ease.
She smiled back. “I’ve to learn a lot of things, right?”
“We just want to try it, once you’ve the wardrobe you’ll have the wire under your clothes.”
“Lights!” The tech shouted and the theater got dark, except from one bright light that was directed straight to Marianne. She blinked away, it was hard to see anything.
“This is going to be your spot for the opening scene.” Cillian showed her, walking to the corner, the bright light following her every move. “Can we start with the first line?”
“I will go up there,” Heidi pointed at one of the seats, “to make sure the sound works. I always get so excited on soundcheck days!”
Everything was still so surreal to Marianne, she saw Heidi walking down the stairs on the side of the stage and started giving instructions, unlike her, Heidi knew what she was doing. The lights started to change and now two were following her.
“Trying out light 1.” The tech called through the speakers.
As Marianne went on to read the first part of the script, Cillian corrected her posture, asked her to adjust her volume and showed her to repeat the lines with a pencil in her mouth.
“Be careful with your breathing, if you push out the air too hard, the audience will hear this.” He pointed out as he blew to the microphone. “Let it out slowly in three counts, or your next line will come out forced and you will be out of breath soon.”
She listened intently and tried to memorize all the instructions and guidance he was providing, he was extremely patient and spoke to her softly, but it was a lot of information to take in.
Marianne forced herself to focus on her breathing, a technique she learned that really helped her to stay calm in moments where a panic attack was around the corner, she was doing her best to push away those kind of thoughts.
“I’ll tell you what, let’s take this off, we don’t have to worry about it yet.” He pointed at the small device in Marianne’s ear and motioned her to take off the box from her jeans. Leaving them over the bar, he walked back towards her. “Let’s try to tell the story instead of just reading lines, play with your voice. Let me feel the emotion you reached when you broke the mirror.”
And she did as he suggested. But Marianne still felt a little bit out of place.
“Look at the audience, I think a small pause there will add a nice touch, let them wonder the next move, will Adria give up? Will she let her brother win?” His voice was deep, but soft like velvet, and he seemed to move his hands in sync perfectly.
“Sorry I forgot the line.” Marianne looked at Cillian worried, covering her face. With a frustrated groan, she bent down to pick up the script. Nerves started to kick in.
“Don’t stop, no matter what happens you have to keep going.” Heidi told her walking on stage.
They had been working for hours, the constant light changing irritated her eyes, she felt like she needed to pick up on everything they were instructing her to do, her volume, her spot, the way her feet moved, they asked her to speak from her diaphragm… she was too fast or too slow, she was late on her counts, she was looking at the floor…
“I’ll let you go to check the audition schedule. Try to practice with the pencil in your mouth, it helps you to articulate the words properly.” Heidi told her, taking her bag. “See you tomorrow.”
“But is still early!” Cillian tried to stop her.
“Promised my kiddo to shop new soccer gear.”
Cillian crossed his arms against his chest. “I thought he wanted to be a teacher.”
“When he was six, now he’s a big boy.”
“Thanks Heidi.”
As she waved goodbye, Marianne looked around, feeling so small on stage.
“Don’t let this scare you.” He said softly, she was so transparent, it was almost as if he could read her feelings.
“I feel so… small?” She took a seat on one of the desk chairs, it was only placed on stage to mark the place of one of the tables they would use for the play. “Like this is the last place I should be…”
Cillian recognized the worry in her eyes, she had a lot of reasons to be scared about, English wasn’t her first language, theater wasn’t something she was familiar with, they had only weeks until kick off…
“Let’s take a break.” He proposed with a smile.
Because he also knew the last thing Marianne needed right now, was more pressure.
“But I have a lot of things to learn and”
“Why are you so worried? You will learn everything you need, but not today, nor tomorrow.”
Marianne shuddered. “How can you be this calm? I feel like I have the time against me.”
Walking out of the Olympia Theater, a beautiful day welcomed them as the pair walked down the street.
“This is new.” Cillian pointed at the small but cozy café across the street. “And I’m always nervous about a new project by the way, excited, but nervous.”
“You don’t look nervous.” Marianne pointed out right before a chirpy redhead smiled at them.
“Hello sweethearts, welcome to Alex’s nook, make yourself at home, we’ve got books if you want to read.”
“I think you need to relax a little Marianne, what would you like to drink?”
Looking at the menu, she didn’t want to point out list of things she needed to do, but she really needed to learn the script, work on her warm-up exercises that Cillian already showed her and a million other things… “A flat white, please, this is a lovely place.”
“Oh! Thank you so much, we just moved in to the neighborhood about two months ago.”
“I love everything about this, the music, the vibe, the name is so fitting.” Marianne pointed out looking around.
“Aww bless you! I love it so much, well what can I say if I’m the one behind it, right? Oh, and Alex is not my name, but that’s a story for another day…” She was looking for something in her apron, then she looked at Cillian. “What would you like?”
“A tea, please.”
“We got green, cinnamon with apple, black… oh, here it is.” She giggled and retrieved the pen from above her ear. “
“Black tea please.”
“You guys are new around too.” She asked them politely. She noticed how the pair moved in complete sync. “How did you two meet, lovebirds?”
Mortified, Marianne shook her head. “We’re not a couple.”
But now, the chirpy redhead was the mortified and embarrassed one. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have assumed…” She blushed and apologized one more time.
“We are literally new, starting a new project at the Olympia Theater.”
Her whole face seemed to smile, if that was possible. She was genuinely happy. “Enda was one of my first clients! I guess you should get the VIP client card then.”
“VIP?” Marianne asked confused.
“Yes! The more you visit my café the more freebies you get! I’m still trying to figure out a system, but since you’ll be working so close, I hope you guys come often.”
“We will, thanks.” Cillian thanked her paying for their order, he refused to accept Marianne split the bill.
“She’s so nice and kind, I wish I could have her confidence.”
Cillian looked at her intently. Without even noticing, Marianne had so much of Adria’s character, and that made it all even more scary.
“What makes you think you don’t own those qualities?” He asked her softly from across the table. “I can bet you anything, you have a lot more you don’t even know.”
The way he said it, made Marianne think he could be right. Even if it was for a few seconds.
“But you barely know me.”
“It’s the little things that count the most, Marianne.” Cillian explained as the waiter brought them their drinks. “When we arrived, you saw the delivery guy carrying all of those coffees, and you rushed to open the door for him, I was distracted, I didn’t noticed it at first.”
She seemed to think about it, she did that because she wanted to make it easier for that man to get out.
“All of this goodness is already inside you, you’re tender, noticeable, but you’re also a bomb about to explode on stage.”
“I’ve been dreaming about this particular scene.” She couldn’t help but smile. “When Adria walks to the back of the room, the music stops as the lights go down, then she turns slightly to look at the audience over her shoulder, and smiles. That’s all I see, over and over.”
Cillian felt everything inside him tingle in anticipation.
“You’re what we call in theater a showstopper… and I can see is already burning you alive.”
On Sunday morning, Marianne rushed inside the theater, finding it empty. The venue was majestic, one look around was enough to take your breath away.
The red and gold decorations really stood out, the seats, lights, the different levels, the chandeliers added a glamorous effect, which was almost ridiculous, because the theater really held life by itself.
Surrounded by the curtains and the incredible energy the place exuded, Marianne closed her eyes for a moment, trying to imagine how it would look full of people, the lights down. She had been practicing a lot that morning in front of the mirror.
Despite all of her fears and internal battles with herself, taking this chance was all she wanted now.
“Sorry I’m late, I was caught up at home.” Cillian explained as he rushed to the stage. His arms welcomed her in a warm embrace.
“Is alright. Let me just get my script real quick.” Marianne asked walking towards her bag.
But Cillian had other ideas. “You won’t need that today, don’t worry.”
She looked at him confused. How would the do the rehearsal then?
Finding her quizzed face, he smiled, she followed instructions, tried to anticipate to what was expected, he realized.
“I want to start working with something that’s fundamental in theater.” He pushed up the sleeves of his jumper. “Sometimes things can go wrong when you’re on stage, and that’s alright too, a light can go down, someone could stand up from the seat, the wardrobe, someone might forget their lines… the most important thing is you having a solid base to improvise.” He leaned against the high bar and spoke softly, finding a pair of eyes full of expectation, hungry to learn.
“I thought you wanted me to follow the script?”
“You like numbers, right? From what you’ve told me… so yeah you will be following the script 98% of the time, the other 2% I need you to be ready to jump in and keep the dialogue going.” But panic was written all over her face. “Don’t worry, the audience won’t know there was a mistake unless someone tells them,” he the smiled at her, wanting to push her nerves away, “if you don’t tell them, I won’t either.”
That made her chuckle, Marianne started to feel how he could ease the tension so easily.
“So if you’re ready now, tell me a story, whatever you feel up to, I won’t know if you’re lying or not.”
“A story?” Marianne asked perplexed.
Cillian nodded, his hand motioning for her to get closer. “First thing that crosses your mind. Someone who helped you, someone who made your life miserable… You can either act on it, or just tell me as if in a casual chat.”
Taking a deep breath, Marianne felt her palms sweating.
I still don't know what I was looking for
And my time was running wild
A million dead-end streets
Every time I thought I'd got it made
It seemed the taste was not so sweet
“Three girls are at a café, there’s people around them, a high bar with a long table for costumers who are alone, some people are working, sipping on their beverages or chatting. There’s a guy behind them minding his own business.” She looked in the seats direction as she heard a noise.
“Don’t pay attention to that, is just noise, theaters are made of echoes, keep going, what happens with this guy? Let’s call him Adam.” His eyes were looking at her intently.
“Adam is working on his laptop, when he unintentionally listens to what Diane, Gina and Kacey are talking.”
Turn and face the stranger
He noticed the way her gaze changed as she used a different voice. “Kacey’s voice got louder as she mentioned how she didn’t like Julia’s new hairstyle, ‘it doesn’t fit her, she just wants people complimenting her.’ But Gina had something else to add, ‘Last week my cousin asked me her number, she had been trying to seduce him for so long, she just wants him because of his father’s business’ and of course, Diane couldn’t keep her mouth shut ‘I didn’t like her hair either, I’m sure she knew I was going to ask for it and she had to go first and months ago she told me she wasn’t interested in your cousin but I didn’t believe her’. Gina shook her head ‘She called this morning to see if I wanted to go with her for breakfast after the gym, she just wanted to brag about something.’”
Just gonna have to be a different one
Time may change me
But I can't trace time
Cillian saw her moving her hands.
“Kacey rolled her eyes, ‘She’s so fake I can’t stand her!’ Adam was intrigued by this Julia and the horrible person she seemed to be. But soon all his questions were answered as another woman joined the group, the conversation immediately changed. ‘I’m so happy to see you all! Diane, I got you the necklace with the initials you couldn’t find.’ Diane’s mouth flew open, she couldn’t believe it. ‘Julia, where did you get it?’ Her arms wrapped around the other girl. ‘A friend of a friend knows the owner of the brand.’ She explained with a smile. ‘You didn’t answer when I called you’ Kacey folded her arms in front of her chest. Julia placed a hand gently on her arm, ‘I talked to my Dad about your boyfriend’s resume, he doesn’t have an open position in his company in his field but he’s asking Human Resources to think about him as soon as they get something. I’ve to go back to the children’s foundation, we got new games and books for them, and we want to take them to the zoo so I’ve been working really late, but we’re celebrating my mum’s birthday next week I’d love to see you girls there… it will be an intimate dinner at home, see you soon! Gina, by the way that blue color suits you so well.’ And with that, Adam saw her leave a bill on the table even though she politely declined the waiter offering her something.”
Marianne stopped walking, and looked straight at Cillian in the eyes., but she couldn’t hold his gaze, so she looked at the empty seats of the theater instead.
“Adam didn’t know this Julia, but he did know that all of her “friends” were saying about her, it wasn’t the truth, it was only a reflection of what those girls saw in her that they didn’t have, what they wanted.”
“What happened to Adam?” Cillian asked, walking towards Marianne.
Her eyes were filled with tears when she looked back at him.
“He walked out of the café moments later, calling Julia, he asked her to be careful as he heard the girls talking shit again about her once she walked out.”
Sitting on the edge of the stage, Marianne saw him mirroring her.
“What about them?”
Taking a deep breath, looked up to the ceiling. Frustration building up.
“She finally opened her eyes and saw something that had always been there, but she refused to see, she decided to keep going without that kind of friendship.”
Cillian took his time to process her words, she exuded emotion through every pore.
Even though Marianne turned around her face away from him, he was able to see a tear rolling down her cheek.
Strange fascination, fascinating me
Changes are taking the pace I'm going through
“Sorry if I pulled a sensitive wound.” Cillian apologized rubbing his jaw. “Can I give you a hug?”
He was even more surprised as the words left his mouth, but when he saw Marianne nodding, and moving towards him, he knew it was the right thing to do.
“Pain can be something beautiful too, when you turn it upside down.” Marianne whispered.
Perhaps deep down it was Cillian who needed that hug the most.
Next part
Remember this is a slow start, as they are getting to know each other and work on the play, (hopefully you won’t find it boring) ☺️ I’d love to know what you think! It’s what keeps me going xx
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mymelodyisme · 2 years
The first signs of early morning light slipped through the windows of the farmhouse illuminating the creaky floorboards as the farmer sat alone in the kitchen. Everyone was asleep then. Their husband included.
Shane had been up particularly late last night.
Restlessness, he had excused it as.
The farmer remembered how big a role this “restlessness” played in his life until they had arrived in the valley. They sat quietly watching the steam swirl back into the air from their favorite mug.
The action reminded them of Shane. Though a very different, loving, and an honestly kinder man, his demons still haunted him. And every once in a while they would come out to torment the farmer’s favorite person.
I should go check on him, the farmer thought.
There was no harm in making sure their husband was okay. Was sleeping peacefully.
They walked back toward their bedroom and peeked at Shane.
He was lying on his back. One arm over his face the other hanging off the bed. His legs were wide open.
This made the farmer happy, as Shane only spread out when he was comfortable. It was something they certainly had to get used to.
Though, they stared at his arm concerned.
It’ll bring him shoulder pain… I should fix that.
So the farmer carefully, ever so gently, made their way to his bedside and raised his hand with their own palm.
Shane didn’t move, he didn’t wake up.
The farmer was satisfied. They turned to leave but felt the sudden jolt of being pulled back down towards the bed.
Fortunately, a large pair of arms caught them before they could fall.
“Sorry! Sorry! I didn’t meant to pull you so hard.”
“Shane? Go back to sleep!”
He looked so tired, he clearly had been up a lot longer than the farmer thought.
“Can you stay with me?”
Oh no.
“I have to-“
His eyes pleaded with them. Those damn droopy green eyes of his could make the farmer do anything.
They sighed and poked at his bare chest, “fine… but only because I think I might be madly in love with you.”
Shane grinned, the creases deepening from his newfound smile.
“Will you stay on top of me? Your weight brings me comfort.”
“When did I become your personal weighted blanket?,” they asked adjusting themselves against him as they always did.
“It’s part of the marriage contract. Sorry, but you chose to marry me.”
“Oh I did, didn’t I?”
“Should have thought about it harder, dumbass.”
“Oh yeah? Well you’re a dumbass too if you think I didn’t know what I was signing up for.”
Shane peered up at them. It didn’t matter how long they had been married, sometimes…
Sometimes he just needed the reassurance.
“I’m committed to this… to us.”
Shane looked off to the side. His arms came around the farmer tightly, perhaps a little afraid of what would happen if he let go.
“So you’ll stay?”
“Yeah…,” the replied with a nod, “I’ll stay.”
The couple eventually fell asleep nestled together. They woke up late in the afternoon, the farmer had finally rolled off of Shane and hit the ground with a thud.
Naturally Shane woke up and began to laugh. The farmer, wanting revenge pressed their hand into the side of his fat toppling him over with a scream. Next thing they know they were ticking each other’s weak spots, erupting into fits of unburdened laughter.
What a good way to start off the day.
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writtingforfun · 2 years
Two Sides of a Thorn (1)
Chapter 1
Visenya looked through the window in her mother’s chambers. Everything looked so serene.
“What are you looking at, my dear?” her mother asked, adjusting yet again in her chair.
“At the skies…”
“I do not like when you fly… But you can if you miss it”
Visenya sat in front of her mother, holding her hand “I am quite enjoying the company at the moment” she said with the fondest of smiles.
“You need to leave this room. You have been here for so long, you deserve to have some fun. Why don’t you go to your father?”
“I do not wish to be reminded of the failure I am, mother.”
“You are no such thing!” Aemma scolded her daughter “You are a blessing of the Gods my sweet child”
“Father doesn’t believe that. I should have been born a boy, not a girl.”
“Please do not torment yourself like this. Your father and I both love you so much. You are my little warrior”
Visenya smiled at her mother, it amazed her how her father always looked at her as a disappointment because she did not want what he said she should want, yet her mother always made her feel like she was the most precious person in the world.
It was no secret that she loved her mother above anything else.
“I’ll go for a walk for a bit. Many Lords have arrived for the Tourney. I must collect my thoughts before I speak about how foolish it is to have men fight for fun.” she giggled
The halls were quiet for once this week. She didn’t remember the last time she felt happy. she was terrified of losing her mother; with every pregnancy and loss she became weaker. It was impossible for Visenya to see her father’s side. Was it so important to have a male heir that her mother’s - no, his wife’s - health was just a meaningless detail?
“Princess” a voice came from behind her, making her turn.
“Ser Harrold”
“You have a visit” he spoke as he lead the way “he arrived early and went straight to the throne room”
“Has the king been alerted?”
“No Princess, he demanded that you’d be called first and brought to him”
The big door of the throne room opened, revealing Daemon sitting on the Iron Throne “Gods be good…” the guard muttered.
“It’s alright sir, you may leave”
“I didn’t know you’d be here Uncle”
“I heard that it’s being held a tournament in my honor”
“It’s for the heir” Visenya stopped
“Exactly” Daemon rose from the Throne and made his way to the princess.
“Not if you’re beheaded” she spoke in common tongue
As Daemon opened his arms, Visenya ran towards him holding him close “I’ve missed you uncle. Promise you’ll stay longer this time”
He saw her look up at him and smiled “Anything for you little dragon” he kissed the top of her head “I brought you something”
Her eyes widened as he held a necklace between his fingers “It’s Valyrian steel” he hummed in agreement “Just like Dark Sister and my sword”
“Turn around”
His fingers touched her skin, along her neck and to the back, clasping it together. It was odd, Visenya thought, how much Daemon made her feel. She was no fool, for she knew that the butterflies forming in her tummy and the light headed feeling she had around him weren’t the ones a niece had for her uncle. That was not what Rhaenyra felt for Daemon.
“Beautiful” he whispered near her ear.
He too was no fool. It was weird. The way she made him feel like himself. He didn’t have to pretend to be good when he wanted to do something bad, he wasn’t feared or laughed at by her, he was looked at with admiration. Pure admiration and respect. They spent hours talking every time he was around the keep. He remembered the day she was born, Viserys was too scared to take her flying and Daemon was too much of a stubborn barely teen to take no as an answer. And that’s how Visenya’s first flight was on Caraxes back, being held by a distracted boy.
“How is your mother?”
“Are you asking out of concern for her or for the throne?”
“You insult me” he smirked while leading her out “out of concern for you”
Her face fell. She didn’t want to admit what was going through her head. Something was telling her her mother wouldn’t survive another loss.
So Visenya simply told him she felt tired. Daemon knew what was going through his little dragon’s mind, it was easy to read how she was hurting. Instead of pushing it, he began to tell her about all the things he has seen abroad and all his adventures.He would do anything for that smile.
After a long flight on Balexion with Rhaenyra on Syrax, the sister went to the council meeting. Their father had agreed on allowing us to be there to understand more about the realms politics.
“My daughters,” he smiled widely. He was happier than usual, having dreamt about having a boy soon.
“We apologize for being late,” Visenya said, quickly going to her place by the wine.
“It’s quite alright. Continue Otto”.
The Hand continued “It was an unprecedented roundup of criminals of every ilk. Your brother made a public show of it, meting out the summary judgments himself. I'm told they needed a two-horse cart to haul away the resulting dismemberments when it was done.”
“Gods be good” The King exhales.
“The Prince cannot be allowed to act with this kind of unchecked impunity”
The doors opened and Daemon walked in “Brother”
“Daemon. You’re late”
“Princesses” he greeted us, smiling smugly.
Otto was trouble, they both knew it. He despised Daemon with the utmost hatred and would do anything to put him down in the king’s eyes. How Visenya hated that man…
“Carry on. You were saying something about my impunity.” he smirked.
“You are to explain your doings with the City Watch. Your new "gold cloaks" made quite the impression last night, didn't they?” 
“Did they?” the smugness was clear and it enticed the Hand even more
“The City Watch is not a sword to be wielded at your whim. They're an extension of the crown.”
“The Watch was enforcing the crown's laws. Wouldn't you agree, Lord Strong?” 
“My Prince, I don't think... Making a public spectacle of wanton brutality is hardly in line with our laws.”
“Nobles from every corner of the realm have been descending upon King's Landing for my brother's tourney. Do you want them mugged, raped, murdered?” 
Silence fell for a minute and Visenya went to fill Daemon’s cup with wine. He smiled at her.
“We installed Prince Daemon as commander to promote law and order.” the Hand pressed.
“The criminal element should fear the City Watch.” Lord Corlys chimed. 
“Thank you for your support, Lord Corlys.” 
“If only the Prince would show the same devotion to his lady wife as he does his work, Your Grace. You've not been seen in the Vale or at Runestone for quite some time.”
The mention of his wife made Visenya’s blood burn and freeze. She had grown to hate how he was forced to wed a woman he did not wish to wed. She liked to have his full attention and a wife would change that. He would have to be with her, have children with her and eventually forget all about her and Rhaenyra. Not that she would ever truly consider her sister in these thoughts… She always had a better bond with Daemon, everyone knew it. They were inseparable every time he was in King’s Landing.
Of course it helped to know that he didn’t even care to consummate his marriage. 
“I think my bronze bitch is happier for my absence.” Daemon laughed out
“Lady Rhea is your wife; a good and honorable lady of the Vale”
“In the Vale, men are said to fսck sheep instead of women. I can assure you, the sheep are prettier.”
Visenya didn’t mean to but she laughed. Louder than she should have, not that it was a laughing matter. It was the way Daemon said it. Maybe she felt jealous… Everyone in the room looked at the princess shocked, only Daemon smiled “Sorry”.
“You made a vow before the Seven to honor your wife in marriage.”
“Well, I'd gladly give Lady Rhea to you, Lord Hightower, if you're in want of a woman to warm your bed. Your own lady wife passed away recently.” Otto raised from his chair in anger “Did she not? Perhaps you aren't ready to move on just yet”
“You know how my brother makes sport of provoking you. Must you indulge him?” the King intervened, wishing to end this ridiculous conversation.
“My apologies, Your Grace.”
“You may all leave”
Soon after everyone left, it was only the younger girl and Daemon.
“The sheep are prettier?” She asked laughing
“They are”
“And that sounds like something you should say? In front of the council?”
He rose from his chair and walked towards her, and exhaled sharply “My brother is a fool”.
His hands came to cup her face forcing her to look at him “10 years he’s been king, yet he refuses to see the ones truly loyal to him and the ones that aren’t”
“You mean Otto Hightower”
He nodded.
“You cannot let him get to you. He knows you won’t let him have his way, he fears you”
“I do not wish to be feared but I’d gladly kill him”
“You look too happy for a man who just said he’d kill someone”
“Murder grows on you, Visenya”
“I need to go see my mother. The Tournament starts tomorrow and I have a feeling she will have the babe soon”
He nodded before letting go of her.
“Mother, may I?” 
“Come in”
Princess Visenya walked in and spotted father sitting next to her mother “I can come another time if-”
“No, stay” Queen Aemma patted the place next to her “how was your day? I see you have followed my advice not to stay here all day”
“I went flying with Nyra and then had the council meeting.”
“I’ve been here for a while” her father chimed in.
“I was talking with uncle Daemon. He’s competing tomorrow. I also got him to promise we’d practice sword fighting and we’d fly”
“Of course Daemon is competing. At least he’ll keep himself busy”
“Someone has to represent House Targaryen, father. Besides, no one can beat Daemon” It was normal for the princess to speak so highly and proudly of her uncle. Yet her father seemed to be uncertain about Daemon ever being around his younger daughter.
“I do hope Daemon stays for a while. He seems to be the only one who can keep you away from this room.”
“Careful mother, I’ll think you do not wish for my company.” the girl giggled at her mother.
“You know I love having you and your sister with me. But only I am confined to these walls. You are young. Go to bed sweet thing”
“Goodnight then”
The Princess then walked to her chambers, happy about the interaction between her uncle and the Hand. She loved how he made everyone eat up their words. Especially Otto Hightower and his shitty attitude.
In the next morning Visenya was dressed in a pearl dress with some red embroidery, as her father requested. She always liked to dress in her house colors, but apparently the bird of a new child calls for something light. Her front pieces were braided with a red lace going in between them.
She made her way to her sister's room, she wore a purple dress and her hair was up. 
Before going to the Tournay, they had to see their mother. The maester believed that the child would be born that way, which was later confirmed.
“Good morrow mother” they said in unisound.
“My sweet girls…” her face was contorted in discomfort “look how pretty you both look”
“Visenya is not wearing any black!” Rhaenyra exclaimed “and only a little red. Father finally got to her” she laughed as her mother did.
“Very funny Nyra… I like wearing our houses’ colors”
“I know, I know” her sister hugged her laughing.
“How are you feeling mother?”
“I am alright. I'm a little uncomfortable, but it’s quite normal at this stage of the pregnancy.”
The girls moved towards her mother and gave her a long kiss “We’ll come as soon as father let us” Rhaenyra assured her mother.
“Have fun girls”
“I’ll come when you go into labor. I do not want you to be alone with only maids and the Maester” Visenya promised and the Queen knew she would. Nothing could stop Visenya from being with her mother; and not many would risk making the princess angry.
Their father was already sitting in their box, along with the Velaryons and the Lord Hand and his daughter.
They sat in their seats - Alicent, Rhaenyra, Visenya, Laenor and Laena were seated by this order on the bottom level.
“Be welcome!” the King starts “I know many of you have traveled long leagues to be at these games. But I promise, you will not be disappointed. And this great day has been made more auspicious by the news... that I am happy to share: Queen Aemma has begun her labors!” Everyone cheers “May the luck of the Seven shine upon all combatants!”
Visenya turns around to see her father “Is it true? Has mother begun her labors?”
“Yes, my girl”
“I should go see her…” she stumbles her words
“The Maesters say it will be a while until she is close to having the babe. Stay a little longer and then we shall both go. How does that sound?” He tried reasoning with his daughter.
“It’s alright I guess” Visenya turned her attention back to the Tourney in front of her.
“A mystery knight?” Rhaenyra asks.
“No, a Cole, of the Stormlands” Alicent replies.
A man with the Baratheon sigil rides towards the box.
“I would humbly ask for the favor of “The Queen Who Never Was”.”
Princess Rhaenys rises from her seat and grabs her favor “Good fortune to you cousin”
“I would gladly take it if I thought I needed it”
As the Princess seats back down, Lord Corlys says “You could have his tongue for that”
The Princess desmises it but Princess Visenya joins the conversation “Don’t worry Princess, he’s going to lose either way” They laughed with the young girl “the other knight has a better dexterity”
“Do you still train, cousin?” Laenor asked her.
“Every chance I got. I will be the strongest fighter in the Seven Kingdoms”
Princess Visenya and Ser Laenor were the closest of friends, they told each other everything and never judged the other. Being a Targaryen meant that everyone only wanted to be in your good graces in order to get something, real friends was an unrealistic topic. Except for the Velaryon Twins and the younger princess.
While Princess Rhaenyra gossiped with her friend, the next fighter was called.
“Prince Daemon of House Targaryen, Prince of the City, will now choose his first opponent!”
Everyone cheered for the Prince, especially a young princess who even got up to clap at her uncle. As his opponent he chose Ser Gwayne Hightower of Oldtown, eldest son of the Hand of the King.
To anger the Hand even more, Visenya turned to her cousins “Five dragons on Daemon”.
The fight was over quickly. It was without a doubt that the Prince held a better chance at winning any of these men, he was trained since a child by the best of the knights, including his parents.
He made his way on his horse to the box and Princess Visenya rose from her seat and walked towards the Prince.
“Well done uncle. You have successfully annoyed the Hand”
He chuckled and replied in the common tongue “I do my best little dragon”. He glanced around the box and added “Now, I’m fairly certain I can win these games Princess Visenya. Having your favor would assure I am correct”
She walked to her seat taking hold of her father, not before receiving a disapproving look from her father. She slid the favor down “Good luck, Uncle”
“Thank you my little dragon”
Just as Daemon won the fight against Ser Criston Cole, someone called the King and urged him to follow. Princess Visenya noticed it and rose from her seat, follow the men towards her mother’s chambers. She hoped it was simply her baby brother having been born, but deep down she felt like it wasn’t.
She could hear the screams of the Queen and stood outside her door for a second, listening.
“What's happening?” her father asked.
“The infant is in breech, Your Grace. All attempts to turn the babe have failed.
“Well, do something for her!”
“We've given her as much milk of the poppy as we can without risking the child. Your Queen is a strong woman. She's fighting with all her might, but it may not be enough. “No!” the Queen scream.
“Aemma. Aemma... I'm here” he tried to assure her.
“Help me Viserys, help me” she begged and that’s when her daughter walked in.
“Mother!” she kneeled down at her mother's side, holding her hand.
“Your grace” the maister called and her father walked towards him.
“My sweet girl” her mother whispered and it hit her like a brick. It felt like a goodbye
“You’ll be fine, mother, they’ll help you” Visenya said with tears bursting from her eyes.
“During a difficult birth, it sometimes becomes necessary for the father... to make an impossible choice.”
“Well, speak it.”
“To sacrifice one... or to lose them both. There is a chance that we can save the child. A technique is taught at the Citadel, which involves cutting directly into the womb to free the infant. But the resulting blood loss... 
“Seven Hells, Mellos”
“You cannot father!” the Princess stood by their side, listening to such a stupid suggestion.
“You can save the child?”
“We must either act now or leave it with the gods.”
“Do it” he said.
“No!” the princess screamed again.
“Hold her” The king said to a guard
The guard held the Princess tightly, she tried to get out of his hold but he was too strong. She screamed and screamed at her father and the guards but no one cared. No one would choose the sake of the Queen rather than the order of the King.
“Viserys” the Queen pleads.
“They're going to bring the babe out now.I love you. 
“Ooh. What is happening?” she panics when other guards hold her arms and legs apart. She glances up and seems to finally notice how the princess is being held.
“No, it's all right.”
“No... what is happening? Viserys, what... “
“No, it's all right.”
“Wh-what are you doing?”
“Don't be scared.” 
“What is happening? Visenya…”
“Don't be scared. They're going to bring the babe out”
“Mother! Father please stop! Someone stop him!” The tears were floating from the princess’ eyes. 
“No! No! No!”
“I'm making the first incision.” Mellos says, cutting the Queen's womb as she screams louder. 
Her screams and her daughter’s were so intense that the people could hear it. “Congratulations, Your Grace. You have a son”
The sound of the crying baby felt like a curse on Visenya's ears. She was destroyed, and then, the guard finally let her go.
“It's a boy?”
“A new heir, Your Grace. Had you and the Queen chosen a name? 
“NO! NO! MOTHER!” she sat on the bed, blood covering her dress and hands “Mother, please…” her face fell on top of her mothers. 
The cries stopped and the Maester rushed to the boy. There was nothing to be done. The boy had lived for 5 minutes before succumbing to his death.
Visenya closed her mother's eyes and kissed the top of her head.
“Visenya” her father said with tears in his eyes.
“I hate you…” she whispered
“I HATE YOU!” she walked towards him and started hitting him with all her strength “YOU KILLED HER! ALL BECAUSE YOU WANTED A BOY! You’re a monster” she hissed and ran out of the room.
The Princess ran through the Keep, her father trailing after her until she saw her family - the Velaryons stood there with a crying Rhaenyra. She stopped and looked at her sister, who ran to her father. 
The pain of losing her mother was driving her insane. She wished she could kill her father instead. Once again, she was the mistake - the girl who should have been a boy. she stumbled and started running again, her name being called from behind her but she didn’t care. she didn’t even know where she was going until she bumped into someone.
“Daemon” she cried out and hugged him for dear life, hoping to know it was just a nightmare. But it wasn’t. He was real and if that hug was real then so was her mother’s death.
“I’m here, little dragon. I’m here” he assured her, holding her in his arms.
After a few moments of silence, she finally looked at him “He killed her… He chose the baby over her…”
“Calm down, try to breath”
“I can’t! I can’t!”
“Visenya” her father’s voice came from behind her once again and she buried her face in her uncle’s arms “Please Visenya… I-”
“You what? You killed my mother!” she didn’t even bother looking at him “She spent years trying to give you a son and you killed her!”
“Leave me alone” she cried out, losing the strength in her legs and almost falling to the floor if it wasn’t for Daemon.
“Give her time brother” Daemon said as he picked her up and carried her to her chambers. He would sit there the entire night as she cried into his arms and was kept awake with all sorts of horrible nightmares.
Let me know if I should continue this here. You can find it in AO3, under katherine_snape
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