#all the people. all the friends he's lost over the years due to violence greed politics and war
greatshell-rider · 2 years
Inda shook his head. “I won’t.” Tanrid took a step toward him, mouth thin, eyes dangerous. “It’s our honor at stake.” “Honor,” Inda croaked, “requires me to stand to the truth. Dogpiss died.” He gulped on a sob. “And it was not. My. Fault. I. Will. Not. Take. The. Blame.” ... “...Yet. I promise you, Inda, on my honor, on my soul, you will get justice.” ... Sponge’s arms closed round him, and held him, in compassionate, loving silence while he slept.
- Inda, book 1
“Yes.” Inda’s voice was so low, and tired. “Yes, Evred, I’ll stand up against the wall. Or if you’re going to flay me at the post, then do it. I won’t argue. I know what I did. Please. Just do it.” “I do not want to do it,” Evred retorted with barely suppressed violence.
- Treason’s Shore, book 4
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Requested from @ririshiana
Request: Can I request Pein with a female darling who is part of the otsutsuki clan and Kaguya’s sister?
A/n: Never in my dreams did I ever think of something like this, but now I’ve been inspired.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, paranoia, kidnapping, violence
Pain’s s/o is Kaguya’s sister
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🌧Pain is not someone who gets very easily shaken up, but this would be even for him shocking, having suddenly a celestial being in his village. When he first met you, he put you most likely under custody at first, not trusting you enough. He also didn’t want other villagers to panic upon seeing you since your appearance is the one of a typical Kaguya. The same white skin, pale eyes, which resemble the Byakugan, and the horns protruding from your head, even your looks being otherworldly.
🌧He wouldn’t really show it, but he was at first a bit scared of you when finding out just what exactly you where. He might have never met Kaguya personally, but he knows the stories of the rabbit demon and her powers. Whilst he also knows that Kaguya earned her powers because she ate a chakra fruit, there’s no guarantee in saying how much power and experience you have.
🌧But after he formed his obsession with you, the fear turned more into respect. He really couldn’t help, but respect you due to the fact that you possess longevity, having been existing for probably a few thousand years. That is what earns you his respect in the first place, you’ve seen more than him and you know more than him so he might feel like his whole experience wouldn’t really compare to you. That would be even more the fact when you tell him that you are one of the last survivors of your clan, except one member everyone else having massacred themselves and that you witnessed countless planets being destroyed and falling apart due to the chakra tree robbing them off their energy. Your sister plays a huge role in here as well.
🌧So given the fact that you lived thousand of years longer than him, saw whole planets being rotten out, lost your sister and barely managed to escape before your own clan destroyed itself, he can’t really say that he knows better about how cruel life and this world really is. It might be your first time on this planet, but if you saw the cruelty of one planet, you saw them all.
🌧You better not be like Toneri who thinks the earth has to be destroyed, but since Kaguya loved the earth, you might just feel the same. And despite everything Pain is still paranoid and I do not really know if the given situation would either increase this or ease him. Because he is pretty much torn apart. On the one hand you have longevity, far more experience than him, most likely a great amount of chakra and control over it and one inborn skill. That could be the most common one which would be the Byakugan or, given the fact that you are Kaguya’s sister, the same bone-manipulating skill which would make you an ancestor of the famous, but sadly died out, Kaguya clan.
🌧On the other hand it is your first time on the earth, you’re more inexperienced on this planet and despite everything you have seen, Pain believes that the earth has it’s own pain. Furthermore you are not nearly as strong as your sister since you didn’t eat a chakra fruit. So whilst you are strong, there are people who will be able to beat you. But the thing that terrifies him the most is the fact that people might loathe or torment you when finding out what you are. Your sister is not known as a demon for a reason so people might fear you as well, thinking you might possess the same power and greed to rule over this world just like her. If he should find out that your clan has forced you to be eaten by the Ten-Tail in the past in order to harvest the fruit before your soul was transferred in a vessel, this won’t help his paranoia either. He will grow even more overprotective over you than normally.
🌧So you would still be hold in that tower of his, Pain having told you that it would be more safe to come with him and offering you to tell you everything. Because whilst rumors about what happened on earth definitely reached you on the moon, you still don’t know a lot of things, making you appreciate the help of him.
🌧This is maybe one of the very few times that Pain feels actually insecure whether he will be able to keep you locked up in the tower or not. Because whilst he had so far always confidence in being mighty and stronger than his opponents, he isn’t certain if that counts for you as well. You surely aren’t overpowered like Kaguya, but you are still incredibly strong and if he’s being honest, he doesn’t want to hurt you.
🌧This is a first time as well, but comes from the huge respect due to knowing just how special you really are. If I’m being honest, it might just lead him to being a fully delusional Yandere. The whole ‘you’re going to be my goddess’ speech will sound a lot more believable than with a normal human s/o. Because Pain really does see you as a goddess. You are a celestial being, you possess powers which trump many others, you are otherworldly and your sister enjoyed herself a long time the name goddess herself. It just feels justified for him to see you as one as well. It makes him borderline a worshipper.
🌧That’s why it’s more important than ever for him to convince you from his plans that humans are evil and that he wants to finally bring peace to this messed up world. And depending on how similar you are to Kaguya, you might just start seeing what she saw, that humans can only fight and for that need someone who rules and watches over them in order to protect this world.
🌧Konan is the only person allowed near you and would become for that your best friend. They will at one point tell you their story since you told them at one point yours, making you maybe understand their intentions and beliefs even more. Weirdly feel like that since you saw so many things before, you might not be really afffected when seeing Nagato’s real body which is a huge relief for both, hun and Konan. In fact you might not even be intimated by Pain himself which makes bonding with you so much more easier.
🌧Won’t force you into telling him more about you and your clan, though he will not object if you let him in on the one or another thing. He is interested in you, your species and backstory after all.
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beyond-the-mirror · 4 years
The Blue Eyed King’s Gift
Oof! After an eternity incredibly long time I’m finally back to writing! This one will be a three part fic to accompany the Fairy Tale AU one I wrote with Dante x Fem!Reader.
Can you guess which tale I got inspiration for this fic? I won’t include it in the tags for now, but as the story progresses you will start to get the idea of which tale it is.
Warnings: Slight violence against children. Don’t worry, it’s nothing too serious.
Story under the cut.
IMPORTANT EDIT: I decided to make this a four-part fic rather than a three-part, mostly because I realized that the second part may be a little too long to be included in just one chapter.
Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
Part One
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"(Y/N)!! Where the fuck is my breakfast?!!"
Your father yelled from his bed chambers in such a loud volume you swore the entire house trembled in fear at his wrath. Letting out a defeated sigh, you hurried up placing all the served plates and the warm teapot on the tray before heading upstairs.
Life hadn't been easy at all for you, especially these recent years. Ever since you had memory, your father has been a cruel man to both you and your poor mother, the only reason she had ended up marrying him was because of an arrangement both their families had agreed upon. He was the sole heir of his family's fortune, but needed to marry a woman in order to keep their status unblemished. Eventually your grandparents passed away and your parents received the inheritance, the only problem they didn't take into account was their son's unmeasurable greed and hedonism. Soon enough, your father had wasted pretty much all your fortune in alcohol, unsuccessful business deals and gambling, reducing all your family's possessions to merely a modest but still pretty chateau in the countryside and a few valuables.
You still cried at the memory of your mother wilting away on her bed due to a most terrible illness, the medicines she needed to recover were far too expensive, not that the price mattered much since your father wouldn’t even bother to pay for them anyways had they been any cheaper. Alcohol and gambling were far more important for the man than his dying wife.
"Finally! I swear you're doing this on purpose." Your father scowled from his bed as you placed the food tray on his bedside table. "Do you wish for your own father to starve to death? Talk about an ungrateful child. Get out of my sight already!"
You only resigned to silently nod before leaving, the harsh words from your father never failed to hurt you deeply, cutting down your heart so much you weren't able to mutter a single word to him.
A few tears threatened to escape, but you forced them down. A new day full of possibilities was right before you, so you wasted no time in collecting some of the many fruits and vegetables you grew by yourself in your own garden. This year had brought an exceptional harvest, your crops would certainly make a great profit at the town's market.
Unlike your father, the townspeople respected you and treated you with utmost kindness. Often would they offer their help knowing your situation, something that you would forever be grateful for. You promised to yourself that one day, shall your economy ever recover that is, you would repay them to the last penny for their unwavering support.
After another successful day at the town market you decided to return home, all your produce sold out and now replaced by a small satchel of silver coins, some of them spent in meat, spices and bread for cooking meals at home.
It was a simple life, but you were happy with what little you had. Now if only your father weren't so cruel and abusive...
"C'mon V! Let's explore over here!"
You were in the kitchen when a soft giddy voice in the distance caught your attention.
"Wait Nero! I don't think it's a good idea to stray further. What if Father becomes worried?" A second voice answered back.
Peering out the window, you noticed two little children playing not too far from your chateau's front yard. Both had pristine white hair, one of them seemed to carry a black kitten in his arms while a blue bird was perched on his shoulder. It was a rather endearing sight and an odd one too since they weren't familiar to you at all, not many people lived in the countryside area you resided in. Perhaps a family recently moved nearby without you noticing.
"Don't worry V, after all he sent Griffon and Shadow here to look after us. Look brother," One of them pointed at your residence with the small wooden sword in his hands. "I found a tiny castle!"
"Whoa, what a lovely house! Do you think a tiny princess lives there too?" The other brother pointed out. You couldn't help but giggle at their adorable antics as they approached your yard.
Reaching for some of the pastries you had bought earlier, you decided to grab a few to give to the brothers. You were about to reach for the back door when-
As soon as you stepped out, you witnessed your father in a very drunken state harassing the poor children. "I SAID GET LOST NOW!!!"
You watched in absolute horror how he harshly grabbed one of the kids by his arm before throwing him to the ground, prompting his brother to wield his toy sword in an attempt to defend him, but ultimately failing as he was backhanded so roughly he too fell to the ground.
"NO! FATHER STOP!" You immediately sprinted to them, basically throwing yourself over harm's way as you shielded the children, pulling them away from your father's relentless attacks. Even the black cat and the blue bird that accompanied the kids had started attacking him, effectively helping you keeping the man at bay as you hugged the kids protectively.
"Damn animals, GET AWAY FROM ME!" The man struggled and flailed against the bird and the cat, missing every strike as he was too drunk and unfocused for their agility.
"Please father, you're completely inebriated and you will only hurt yourself and others. Just go back to the house, please?" You implored doing, your best to calm him down until he finally relented.
"Fine. Food better be ready soon though or you're sleeping outside tonight." His words came out slurred as he stumbled back inside.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you turned to the young twins in your arms, kneeling down before them to check for any wounds they may have gotten. The poor little ones were crying, a few bruises and cuts on their knees and faces.
"It's okay little ones, the bad man is already gone." Gently wiping their tears away, you comforted them until they calmed down. "Are you alright?"
"I-I think so... How about you V?"
"I... I’m fine. That man was so scary though."
A sigh of relief escaped you as you determined all the wounds were minor and merely superficial, nothing you couldn’t handle quickly.
"I'm truly sorry for what happened. Please come inside, let's get your wounds treated."
“Much better now, isn’t it?”
It didn’t take long for you to finish cleaning and disinfecting the boys’ wounds. Luckily yout homemade medicinal balm was already working wonders, their skin already healing considerably.
“Here! A gift for being the bravest boys in the world.” You handed each one the pastries from before. The brothers’ eyes began sparkling at the sweet treats before them, they didn’t hesitate for a second before grabbing them and taking a bite.
“Thank you so much lady (Y/N)! These are so delicious!” they happily ate their pastries, even sharing a bit for their company animals too.
“I’m glad you like them. And you don’t need to call me lady by the way, just (Y/N) is fine. May I know your names too?”
“I’m Nero!” The twin with short hair and blue eyes answered.
“My name is Vitale, or V if you prefer.” The twin with shoulder-length hair and green eyes replied. “Oh! And these are our friends Griffon and Shadow!” V hugged Shadow close to his chest while Griffon perched himself on Nero’s shoulder.
“A pleasure meeting you four! Does your family live nearby by the way?”
Nero nodded as he kept chewing on his pastry. “Our house is just north from here actually, but Papa doesn’t let us go out often.”
“And why is that?”
“Well...” V started, looking a bit down. “Father is very protective of us, that’s why he only lets us play outside as long as we stay close to the house. But today we tried convincing him to let us go explore a little bit farther, it was difficult but he finally agreed as long as we promised we would be alright...”
“I really hope he doesn’t get mad at us after he finds out what happened.” Nero added worryingly. Their saddened eyes really plucked at your heartstrings.
You knelt down so you could look at them in the eyes. “Don’t worry my children. How about I write a note to your father explaining the situation? I’m not sure if this would help much, but at least he would know he has my word that no harm will come to you. And if that doesn’t work, I could always go and meet him personally to get to an agreement.”
“You would really do that for us?” They looked at you expectantly, and when you nodded your answer, their faces lit up in so much joy that they unexpectedly enveloped you in a hug. You chuckled before wrapping your arms around them, returning the hug.
Since the brothers wanted to continue playing, you allowed the children to stay for a few more hours while you finished cooking. You let them keep playing in your garden, a place where you knew your father wouldn’t spot them and risk another scene like the one before.
Politely excusing yourself to your little guests before leaving to deliver your father’s meal. Luckily this time he received his food without saying much of a word, a very welcomed improvement from this morning’s rant.
As you returned to your guests, you noticed they were looking at you in concern.
“(Y/N), is that man really... your father?
“Yes, he is. Why the question?”
The glanced at each other briefly before V continued “Why did he treat you like that? I thought fathers were supposed to love their daughters...”
To say the question took you a bit by surprise would have been a underestimation. You simply sat down at one of the wooden benches, not knowing exactly what to say.
The brothers sat down next to you, each one by your sides.
You fumbled with your words, tears already pricking your eyes before you managed to control them.
“I know he is not exactly a good man, he made many mistakes in the past that cost our family so much… But, despite everything, he is still my father. Maybe I’m wrong, but I want to think he still has a good heart deep inside. That’s why I can’t give up on him. I stay with him in hope that one day he would finally change for the better.”
You forced a smile so you wouldn’t make the children worry anymore about you, and yet they managed to see through your façade. Their little arms wrapped around your waist and hugged you, an attempt to give you some comfort for the pain you were going through daily.
A warmth unlike no other enveloped your entire self, maybe it was cuteness of the situation or the great empathy of this wonderful children felt for you, but it felt so soothing how peace seemed to overtake you at the moment.
It was strange, yet so familiar. Like a distant memory of better days gone by.
The sun was about to set in a few hours, so you decided it was time for the children to head back home before it became dark.
As you had promised the brothers, you wrote a note for their father apologizing for the incident that happened and gave it to Nero. You also packed a few slices of fruit in a pouch for them to snack on during their trip back home.
“Um (Y/N)... can we come to your house to play again some time?” V asked in a shy voice. Both he and Nero had so much fun playing and staying with you, for them it felt that they had genuinely met a new friend that day.
“Of course little ones. You can come here and play whenever you want, as long as your father agrees to.” You ruffled their pretty little heads, making the brothers giggle.
“We promise to visit as often as we can! Right V?”
The younger one nodded his head enthusiastically.
And so, Nero and V departed. It was odd, how the chateau felt a hundred times emptier without them despite just meeting them earlier.
They were both so sweet and innocent, you just hoped their father wouldn’t get angry after reading your short letter. It would be a shame if the boys got punished for something that wasn’t their fault.
Going back into the kitchen, you cleaned a bit before tending to the plants at your garden, wondering if your new friends would soon brighten your day again with their presence
At the throne of a majestic palace, an all-seeing orb conjured at his hand, a demon king watched over his two sons.
The day they were born, he vowed to The Creator above that he would always protect them, even if that meant giving up his own life, he would gladly pay the price if it guaranteed they would keep living theirs in peace.
His kingdom may not be a vast one, completely isolated from others, but the land was prosperous and peace reigned over everyone. The king knew his sons would grow safe and sound behind the powerful barrier that surrounded the kingdom, but he couldn’t help a small seed of doubt that gnawed at his chest.
He feared for the day curiosity would awake in the hearts of his twins. They would want to know everything about the outside world, their innocent minds not knowing how cruel and dangerous it could be. The king often taught them of the outside world through the many books and scripts in the royal library, but he was afraid that would not be enough for his children.
So when that morning they had insisted of going beyond the barrier, no matter how much he had prepared himself mentally for this moment, his heart still ached with worry.
But he wouldn’t take their freedom away. Doing so is one of the most horrifying acts one could bestow upon another.
So the king allowed them to venture beyond their home. He had to let them fly, not clip their beautiful wings.
However, as much as he wanted to trust his sons, his concerns were bigger. He tasked two servants to keep them company, knowing that their eyes would keep guard on them. Using his demonic power, he summoned an oracle that would let him watch over them from his throne.
He watched as they approached a small chateau outside the forest, they were happy and playing along the way which brought a smile to his usually stoic face.
That contentment was gone in an instant.
A drunk man stepped out of the house and attacked his sons, scaring them and making them cry.
The king immediately stood from his throne, his fists tightly clenched as his eyes filled with immeasurable wrath and ire. He was about to unsheath his own sword to open a portal and go there, ready to end the miserable man’s life, when another figure ran into the scene. A woman who shielded his sons from the attacking man.
And when he finally managed to look at her face, he froze, almost dropping the sword in his hand.
For she looked exactly like-
… No. It couldn’t be her.
And yet there was a tenderness in the way she treated them. The way her soft hands cleaned the boys’ tears and kindly healed their wounds. The way she offered them a few pastries with a sweet smile in her face and warm light in her eyes. It was rather endearing, how this woman gained his sons’ trust in just a few minutes.
Releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding, the king sat down at the throne once again, attentive to what the oracle revealed to his eyes.
Maybe the outside world wasn’t so dangerous after all.
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youarejesting · 5 years
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Genre: [♤] = Angst                  [♧] = Adventure/Action  [♔] = Crack/Comedy  [♡] = Fluff  [❁] = Fantasy              [♢] = Thriller/Scary [☆] = Mature themes   [★] = Smut [➵] = Trigger warnings
Status:       [✎] = Projects             [✉] = Request   [✓] = Complete            [X] = Incomplete    [  ] = Coming soon       [∞] = On going
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[Sitting in their/your lap]  ☆♤♡♔
[Saying another name]  ☆★♡♔ 
[Wearing their/your clothes]  ☆♡♔
[Fidgeting]  ☆★
[Getting your Period]  ☆
[Crying]  ♤♡♔
[Getting hard] ☆★
[Favorite part of you]  ☆★
[Thigh Riding]  ☆★
[Pregnancy Reveal] ☆★♡♔
[Perfect]  ♡♔
[Walking in on them]  ☆★♡♔
[Walking in on you]  ☆★♡♔
[Being walked in on together]  ☆★♡♔
[Significant other is CEO]  ♡♔♤
First time for them  ☆★♡♔
First time for you  ☆���♡♔
Honeymoon night  ☆★♡♔
Star Signs:
Star signs as [RunBTS] Star signs as [BTS songs] [Part 2]
[BTS Text Imagines]
[Bangtan Sonyeondan and the Purple Magic]
BTS go to Hogwarts 
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[BTS Birthday - One Wish]  ♡♣️
[Kisaeng]  ♡♣️☆♔➵✎
[Mall Santa] NJxJMxReader ♡♔✎
[Cold]  ❁♤☆♢♧➵
[Lost Boys]  ❁♡♤☆♢♧➵
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[The Check-up]  ☆➵ [A Very Bad Day]  ♡♤♔✉  [Soul Food]  ♡♤♔✉❁ [Jinnie]  ♡♤♔❁♧ [Side Dishes]  ♢❁✎ [Even the cake is in tiers] ♡♤♔❁♧
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1. [Music is the spark that sets my soul on fire]  ♡✉✓            2. [Dance is the celebration of the flame]  ♡✉✓ [Baby girl]  ♡✉ [Bonnie and Clyde] Mafia au ♡♤☆♢♧✉ [Royal Pain]  ❁♡♧✎ [SEA]  ♡♤☆♧♔➵
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[Feel Better]  ♡♧  [Blue Side]  ♤❁➵ [Steal my sunshine]  ♧✎ [I wish there were more good days] ♡♤✎
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[Peace]  ♡✉ [Pizza]  ♡✉ [The bomb]  ☆♤♡♧♔♢➵ [Pandemonium]  ☆♤♡❁ [Namjoon the giant and his tiny friend] ♡♤❁ [Talk is Cheap]
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[Death need no invitation]  ☆★♤♡❁➵  (same storyline as [Me and the ghost in number 23] but a one-shot instead of chapters) [Herb] [Herb.2]☆★♡♤♔➵ [Kitten]  ☆★✉ [Beach]  ☆★✉ [Wild space]  ☆♡❁ [Daylight]  ♡♤♔♧❁ [I Kendo it]  ♡♤♔♧ 
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[Horror movies]  ♡♔ [Love Listening] [Part 2]  ☆★♤♡➵ [Stars]  ♡✉ [Dangerous]  ♡✉ [Um...]  ♡✉ [Like real people do]  ♡✉❁  [Video games] ☆★✉ [Salad]  ☆★✉ [Ramen]  ☆★✉   [Temptation] ☆★✉ [Mad]  ☆★♤♡♢➵
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[I will wait (Some say)]  ♤♡ [Dude]  ♡✉ [Stretch]  ♡✉ [Icecream]  ♡✉ [Autism]  ♡✉ [Lap] Mafia au  ☆★♤✉    [Jealous]  ♡♤✉ [Actions Speaker Louder Than Words] [Part 2] [Part 3] ♡♤✎
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Your life may be considered a little unsavory, but you would call it dangerously cozy. When a group of crime fighting young men put your plans on hold. Over run with criminals they work to protect the innocent and stop these malicious acts of violence.
[I’m Dead]  ☆★♤♡❁♔✓➵
Woken one night by memories of the past you meet a mysterious man on your balcony. He is cocky and charming and you find yourself swept up in something that is bigger than you can imagine. Why? Because he is death. And because your meeting is long overdue.
[Curse]  ♡♤❁♔✓
A modern-day fairy tale whereby seven young princes born under King Bang’s greed cannot find true love. Unless they break a special spell, called the ‘Bang curse’. In order to break the curse, Prince Seokjin must be loved by a ‘Blue’ blood, by a royal. That seems almost impossible when you have a pig nose. (based off the movie Penelope)
[Wash Out]  ♤♡❁♔♧✓
Taehyung and his best friend Y/N are Dolphin trainers at Wash Out; Marine Wildlife and Theme Park. When the nerdy marine biologist and resident veterinarian Doctor Kim Namjoon goes missing; the two friends form a ragtag team with Taehyung's rival Seokjin and a…. Fish?
[Midnight Circus]  ☆♤♧  
Traveling through the back alleys is the midnight circus. Step inside and fill your curiosity by gazing at the freaks of the night. IF YOU DARE.
[Family Secrets]  ☆★♤♡♔♧
Suga is a spy who threw away his name years ago. His latest mission requires maximum stealth he must find a wife, child and house. Taehyung aka 103899V is a child who has been the subject of extensive experiments and can now read minds, and you, you are a hitman. Each of you must keep your secrets from one another. A truly one of a kind family. (inspired by ‘Spy x Family’.)
[Choices]  ☆♤♡❁♔♧
Soulmate Au
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[Quarantine]  ☆♤♡➵✓  ( ★ in separate marked chapters)
ALERT! The city has shut down!
While you happen to be visiting the BigHit building. The government puts out an Alert across the entire Seoul area. Banning anyone from stepping outside, while they disinfect the streets. But you aren’t alone, you happen to meet the international Kpop boy group ‘Bangtan Sonyeondan’.
[Femme Ft. BigBang, TXT, NCT, BLACKPINK]  ☆♡★♤♔✓  
(Femme is french for female. I mean NO offense to any of my fellow LGBTQIA+ community when I use this term) The Year is 3019. Some Females (Femme) were preserved cryogenically in an effort to prevent extinction. Using Elite computer algorithms a Femme is matched with her Male applicants to find the perfect match. Male applicants are usually selected whilst in school and housed together to create trust before they are matched with their femme. It is common for a Femme to be paired with 3-5 applicants due to the shortage and the compatibility between each. But you, you have 7.
[Me and the ghost in Number 23] ☆★♤♡❁➵✓  
(the same storyline as Death need no invitation just extended into chapters instead of a one-shot)  Moving into your new apartment on the dance academy campus, you hear is haunted. You practice your routines with the ghoulish resident in the second bedroom. Things get heated, except you know ghosts are cold. so…
[Witching Ft. Monsta X]  ☆♤❁♧✓
After your brother goes missing, you find yourself in Seoul with nothing but a prosthetic limb as the only clue to what might have happened. Circumstances lead you to a coven of seven handsome young men. But they happen to be a well-known coven that goes by the name ‘Bangtan Boys’.
[Tiny Tan - Limited Edition]  ♔❁♧♡✓
It is your first time buying proper merchandise, there are new chibi figurines and the first person to order will receive a limited edition set. But what happens when BTS have gone missing without a trace and a few days later you receive your package. The box says congratulations, you open to find your limited edition figures, they look so lifelike. OH WAIT! it’s cause they are.
[Light it up]  ♔❁♧♡☆✓
In Bightville there is never any nonsense, the scariest thing one might face is tripping at the roller-disco. But, when you move to the small town, crazy things start to happen. Suddenly people are going missing without any leads. It’s when your neighbour Seokjin goes missing that things get serious because now his friends suspect you!
[BTS Among Us] ♔❁♧♡♢☆♤➵✓
You have a crew of 11, well now 10. The captain has been killed. Whatever it is doesn’t appear to be human but from the evidence you gathered, whatever it is, is pretending to be one of you. Who is it and why?
[BTS 365 Prompts] ☆★♡♤♔���♧➵✓
Seven boys. Seven days a week. 365 prompts. Find your birthday and read your special prompt. (feel free to use them.)
[MANIA]  ☆★♤❁✓
At eighteen everyone takes a blood test to find out their blood types. A, B, or O. Each blood type represents the person’s secondary gender Alpha, Beta or Omega and can be Dominant (+) or Recessive (-). When small thin Yoongi receives his letter he doesn’t expect A+. He knew there was no way he was an Alpha especially not a dominant.
[Hope in the Sheets]  ☆♡★♤♔➵
You held many titles: his neighbour, colleague, wingman… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things. What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
[Sly like a... ?] ♧♔❁♡♤X (☆★ in seperate marked chapters)
Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
[Sparks of the Heart]  ☆★♡♤♔❁   
In a world where Humans live alongside humanoid computers. They can download software, use the Internet, send e-mails, or receive calls. A learning software helps mould their personality, habits, and knowledge, to make life much simpler. They must stay charged up in order to continue working properly. But there are a small few that are changing. Feeling.
[Seoul Mates]  ☆♡★♤♔∞
Finding your Soulmate is one thing trying to keep them in Seoul another. The Bangtan Boys each have a different Soulmate mark. Follow their journey to discover their other half.
Story request OPEN!
[BTS Asks]  ☆★♡♤♔➵∞
You ask, they answer.
[Jodo-Myeon National School of Magic]   No set storyline or story format.
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The world's craftiest criminals held in the most expensive and elaborate prison. What do they do to capture your attention? 
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kinglazrus · 4 years
When the Time Comes
Phic phight 2020
Submitted by @pipermasters: how does Vlad react to having to spend ten years watching Dan destroy the world
Summary: Knowing you caused the end of the world isn’t easy, but Vlad's had to live with that fact for ten long years. A surprise visitor forces him to reflect on his role in Dan's creation and the destruction he brought to the world.
Word count: 2077
People say not to dwell on the past, but when the present is a hell of brimstone and fire, there's little else you can do. Ten years is a long time to watch the world burn, too long. Vlad often wonders what right he had to survive for so long, wasting away in the crumbling remains of his manor. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, yet still he lives. Even with his ghost half long removed from his body, he lives. It must be some cosmic punishment. His debt to pay to the world. Everything is his fault, and for his crimes, he must witness humanity's slow demise.
Vlad didn't realize what he was unleashing all those years ago, what havoc it would wreak. How could he? When he sank his claws, quite literally, into young Daniel's chest, he truly believed he was helping the boy. It seemed like such an easy solution. Ghosts, despite all their emotions, have always been simple beings. They are not restrained by heartache and loss, left to frolic in the life-after-life without worldly concerns.
At the time, Vlad wished someone had been around for him in his college years, the same way he was for Danny then, to rid him of his pain. Abandoned by his best friends, left aching, alone, and—he believed—dying, a younger Vlad would have revelled at the thought of release. He only wanted to give Daniel what he himself could never have.
Daniel, sedated and unconscious, felt nothing. Despite all his villainy, Vlad wasn't cruel. At least not unnecessarily so. There was always a chance the procedure could hurt, and Daniel had been through so much already. Vlad wanted to spare him whatever pain he could.
The procedure was a resounding success. His modifications to Jack and Maddie's Ghost Gauntlets worked like a charm, not leaving a single scratch on Daniel's human body. The ghost in Daniel resisted at first. Vlad did not expect it to fight back, and he almost stopped, believing Daniel didn't truly want this.. But then he remembered his years of pain and misery and spurred himself on. His arms trembled, sweat beading his brow, as they fought their little battle of wills.
Vlad won out, in due time, dragging the ghost out of Daniel's body, a pale shade of itself. For a moment, the sudden success shocked him. He always had faith in his smarts and his abilities, but there was a little part of him that whispered it wouldn't work, that something would go wrong. When Vlad raised up his arms, Phantom hanging off his claws, that voice was silenced.
Until the monitor watching Daniel's vitals started shrieking. Phantom reacted violently. His eyes, so much duller than they should have been, snapped open and he threw Vlad across the room. Vlad knew, then, that something was terribly wrong.
Daniel's heart was slowing, his lungs failing. Phantom looked moments away from destabilizing, the wounds on his chest bubbling and seeping ectoplasm.
"Wh... at... did y... ou do," Phantom asked.
Vlad wishes, now, that he had tried to explain. If only he had found the words, he could have told Phantom, this was is you wanted, isn't it? Neither of them could have foreseen it going wrong. But Vlad's wits failed him in that moment.
Maybe it's just wishful thinking, wondering if he could have stopped it all back then. Perhaps Phantom would have listened. Or he could have ignored Vlad's harried excuses, and nothing would change at all. Vlad will never know.
His next memories are lost to a haze of pain. After getting his own ghost half brutally torn out of his body, he was left on the verge of death. Spirit broken, his very being ripped apart, he collapsed in agony. He remembers only the shadows and how they writhed as Phantom tried to overpower Plasmius.
Mercifully, he did not witness Daniel's death. Vlad awoke, cold, alone, consumed by a gnawing pain, and found the body. It was mangled beyond recognition, but he knew it could be no one else.
Vlad didn't know what horrors followed that harrowing night until weeks later. He secluded himself in his mansion, mourning everything he had lost. Without Maddie, without Daniel, there was nothing left for him beyond these walls. His wealth meant nothing if he could not have them. Locked in a prison of his own anguish, surrounded by riches most men could only dream of having, he was resigned to wallowing in misery.
He wishes that's how it happened. But Vlad had a price to pay. Fate, the world, whatever or whoever, refused to let him die. So, Vlad watched. Hiding away in his manor like the coward he was, he watched Dan destroy the world.
The killings were brutal. Violent displays of power that levelled whole cities. Nothing could placate Dan. Like Vlad, he was consumed by greed, hellbent to obtain something he could not have. No amount of destruction could bring back the people Danny had lost.
That pained Vlad the most. Dan was a monster, a cruel beast with no remorse. But inside he was a child in mourning. He was confused and scared and hurt, and Plasmius' influenced twiste him in horrible ways.
Vlad tried to stop Dan, but only once. Four years after Dan began his crusade against the world, Vlad finally crawled out of his manor, a pitiful slug, and made his way to Amity Park. By then, it was well on its way to being the last city on Earth, the only place fortified against Dan's power. Vlad stood outside its walls, an ecto-pistol in hand, and waited. He didn't have to wait long.
"What a surprise! I never thought I'd see you again, old man," Dan said. He looked so much worse than Vlad ever imagined. Sickly pale, purple veins throbbing under his skin, bloodshot eyes. Despite all that, he gave off a suffocating aura of power. Vlad was instantly reminded of his own weak state. For the first time, he felt afraid of an opponent.
"Daniel, you have to stop," Vlad said.
"Daniel. I always hated it when you called me that." Dan raised his hand, firing a single beam of ectoplasm from his finger. Vlad flinched as it shot over his shoulder, singeing his cheek and burning his hair. The sight of it made Dan chuckle.
"Danny," Vlad amended.
Another beam shot over his other shoulder.
"That's not me anymore," Dan hissed, his forked tongue slipping between his teeth.
"Dan," Vlad finally said. When Dan didn't immediately attack him, he continued. "You can't do this forever."
"Funny words from someone like you."
"This won't bring them back." Vlad instantly regretted saying it.
Dan rushed forward, grabbing Vlad and pinning him against Amity's barrier. Despite not having a ghost half anymore, the barrier remained firm against his back.
"Don't act like you know me, old man," Dan growled.
"But I do, because you're part of me as well! Is this what Maddie would have wanted for you?"
"It doesn't matter what she would have wanted! She's gone! They're all gone!" Dan roared in Vlad's face, pulling him forward and slamming him back, over and over, against the wall. The back of Vlad's head struck the barrier, rattling his brain. It was like getting hit in the head with a sledgehammer. His vision blurred, dark spots filling his eyes, and he didn't realize Dan had stopped until he blinked and found himself on his hands and knees over a puddle of vomit.
The back of his head felt warm and wet.
Dan, disgusted, sneered. "It's not even worth killing a pathetic thing like you." Turning, he started flying away.
"Stop!" Vlad called weakly after him. Struggling to his feet, he raised the ecto-pistol in a shaky hand. "I will stop you, Dan. I can't let you do this anymore."
"Funny, you seemed okay with it so far."
Vlad pulled the trigger. The bullet shot out of the gun, flying straight for Dan, and... it did nothing. A hole opened in the middle of Dan's back, letting the bullet pass harmlessly through him. He didn't even look back. The gun fell from Vlad's hand with a clatter. He dropped to his knees, useless. That was the day he truly gave up.
"Why are you telling me this?" Danny asks.
Vlad pauses his tale, giving Danny a long, considering look. To Vlad, Danny's motives have always been scrutable, his face as easy to read as a children's picture book. Dan shares the same trait. He may be more brutal and more cunning than Danny ever was, but beneath all that sadistic violence are signs of the boy Vlad once knew.
Having Danny in front of him now is such an odd, yet liberating experience. It reminds Vlad of a time untainted by his machinations. This boy's future still has a chance. Vlad despises it.
"Since meeting you, little badger, my one wish has always been to impart my wisdom. You can't blame me for that. Humans are so attached to their legacies." Vlad leans back and gestures to the decrepit room. "This is my legacy."
Rising to his feet, he points to the ceiling. "That, out there, is my legacy. It is not one I want people to remember. I suppose, with how few people remain left, that won't be an issue for much longer. Is it so wrong for me to want to change that?"
"You want... to help me," Danny says.
Oh, how Vlad missed that slow wit of his. "Yes, Daniel. I want to help you."
"Because, as hard as it is to believe, that's all I've ever wanted."
Danny pressed his lips together. Nodding stiffly, he motioned for Vlad to continue.
"There isn't much else to say. I returned here and took up a silent vigil. If it is my fate to see this through to the end, then that's what I will do."
"That is pathetic."
Vlad's eyes hardened into a glare. "I don't expect you to understand."
"You're right. I don't." Danny gets up from his seat on the floor and gestures to the portal. "You all just gave up! So Dan beat you once, and you decided to never try again? That's just stupid. If you had all worked together, you probably could have stopped him. You guys might not care anymore, but I do."
Bitter, Vlad smiled. "Don't you see, little badger? That’s exactly why everything rides on you. Dan is both of us, even though he likes to pretend there's none of me in him. If your human half were still alive, Dan would be as much his responsibility as he is mine. I had my chance to stop him and I failed. Now, it's your turn."
Danny accepts, of course. A hero with a bleeding heart. Vlad removes the medallion from his chest, although not without one last threat, for old time's sake. The second it's out, Danny pops out of existence like a bad cutaway. One second he's there and then the next he's not.
Vlad stares at the empty space for a moment, then turns back to his chair, abandoning his gauntlets on the way. The medallion he keeps in his hand. It's been a very long time since he's seen one.
"It was you all along, wasn't it?" Vlad asked. He didn't need to hear the rustle of cloth to know Clockwork was hovering behind him. "How did you do it?"
"Time is a relative experience," Clockwork says with his familiar lisp. "Not everyone experiences it at the same pace."
"That's a lofty way of saying you kept me from dying so I could be here for Daniel when he finally arrived."
"Yes. Yes, it is."
Vlad turns the medallion over in his hands, running his thumbs across the gold surface. If he puts it on, here in his own time, he could live forever. But it would be in a hell of his own making. Sighing, he sets the medallion down on the arm of his chair and turns to Clockwork.
"What now?" Vlad asks.
Clockwork's gaze his kind, the wrinkles on his pale face tugging as he smiles. "I think you've paid your price."
Vlad closes his eyes and leans back, feeling older beyond his years. "Yes, I think so to."
Ten years is a long time to watch the world burn. He hopes it was worth it.
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solecize · 5 years
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                         01. “THE FIRST RACE”
summary: the city of seoul has been poisoned with the violence of greed and gang warfare. this takes a toll on your father, the police chief, and you start assisting him in the office for your year off. unfortunately, this means you have to deal with the new hothead detective, nakamoto yuta, who gives your father hell and even more so to the shadows with a need for speed that only come out at the ungodly hours of the night. the line between good and bad become blurred amidst the adrenaline rush of it all. you learn more about seoul’s underground and encounter these ghostwriters living in the luster of lights and overdrive —all while getting caught up in a cruel plot beyond the world of street racing. pairing: reader/? featuring: t7s line + yuta warnings: foul language
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maybe it was the alcohol coursing through your veins or the unknown to come, but your entire life flashed before your very eyes. it tasted like the sea salt waters of your mother's town and the bitter liquid that you've been stinging your throat with all night,—hell, week—long. you saw ruby blood oil paints slathered across a canvas, kissing the touches of ivory underneath. the rumbling anxiety pooling at the bottom of your stomach didn’t like it when mark drove into the not-so-friendly part of the city. you especially didn’t like it when he pulled off to a side road that was barely even a road, barren of streetlights and seemingly leading into a tunnel of darkness. the infinite, screaming lights of seoul disappeared and in exchange came the rustling crickets of the dim outskirts. then, the deep song of car engines sputtering filled your ears—wait, no. that wasn't in your head. it was happening.
“i told you trust me.” a devilish grin spread across mark's face, the same one he wore in your elementary school memories.
the narrow street once occupied with nothing, just in the blink of an eye, teemed with cars from both sides. it was mobbed with cars, even. glowing paints gleamed in the moonlight, countless with obnoxious paint jobs and designs and decals that wore out your eye. clusters of individuals clung onto and around the area, some showcasing whatever they had under their car hoods or their interiors. a crowd, even, all lost in the glister of the night and their vehicles to the assorted beats coming from too many radios to hear even one song.
your lips parted in at the sight. when mark asked if you “wanted to check out something cool,” this was not what you expected.
after all, this was mark lee. mark, who once literally saved a cat stuck in a tree. mark, who you trusted enough to pet sit your elderly cats. mark, your childhood best friend who was the typical boy next door with a heart of gold. 
“it’s pretty cool, right?” mark’s eyes were clouded with pure bliss, as he looked out to the surroundings.
when you caught him leaving the bar early that night, which he had never done while out with your group of friends, you thought he was leaving to go home or something. following him out to catch a ride, you figured you had nothing to lose when he asked you if you wanted to see “something real sick.” probably a new food spot, knowing him. you obliged and got into his car, as he raved on about this surprise he was going to show you.
mark said, “welcome to tonight’s run. now, this,” he parked into what seemed like the last empty spot, “is freakin’ awesome.”
“what the hell is this?” though you were still tipsy, the shock of the view around you sobered your sense up like a sponge. 
“i just said, tonight’s run.” he gave you a ‘duh’ look and pushed his car door open. “way better than the usual bar hopping we’ve been doing!”
you scowled and followed suit, despite a stiffness to your muscles when realizing that you’d have to enter this environment. “hey, i happen to like my mindless bar hopping. it distracts me from my—”
“—meaningless, dead-end life, yeah, come on now.” mark helped you out of his pickup truck by extending a hand and closing the door behind you.
looking around, you weren’t sure if you were really seeing what was in front of you. then, several cars, a blaze of rainbows, zoomed right past you by just a few feet. you yelped, whipping your head to watch them go faster than you’d ever seen a car go. just in a matter of half a second, they became specks in your line of vision. meanwhile, others whooped and cheered along at the sight.
“i. . .didn’t realize you were into this kind of thing.” you weren’t sure what to say, still completely boggled at what was happening. 
upon seeing him, several individuals started greeting him and shaking hands with mark. mark clearly had a place in this scene. you did not, by the way some people were giving you an odd side glance for being at his side. 
mark crossed his arm, chuckling. “with all due respect, we haven’t talked in years. i mean, i missed you, that’s why i reached out to you when i found out you moved back to seoul last month,” he assured, “but, this shit? it’s been like my other life for as long as i can remember, dude.”
you forced a smile, trying to understand. he was right. you’d only just moved back to seoul not that long ago after years away with your mother in a different country. it’d been that way since the divorce, until things got strained between the two of you and you decided it would be best to move back to the city to be near your aging, stressed father. 
he said. “just stay for a bit. numb your brain with something that isn’t alcohol,” mark was joking, but you still rolled your eyes at him. 
“oh, stop, you make me sound like a party animal.”
“we’ve been going out to bars every day since you started helping your dad in his office,” mark retorted. “it’ll be fine, picasso.”
that was his nickname for you, a fine arts major back in college, and normally you hated them, but you let this one slide once. 
you attempted to reason. “because my life sucks.”
“yeah, whatever, it’s just because you’re like every other university grad that can’t find a job,” mark shrugged. “and i know you’re trying to shed the good girl thing by partying every night, but—”
he was partly right. you never really wanted to move back to seoul and maybe you were trying to show off to your dad that you were no longer “his little girl” anymore or whatever. however, considering you were still stuck having to help him at work, it wasn’t going as planned.
scrunching your nose at him, “excuse me—”
then, someone called mark’s name. a lanky shadow sporting sunny yellow air force 1s and a matching bandanna tied around his head approached the two of you. the smallest of his movements were smooth and slick, as he if was floating on air and he owned this sky. 
“hey, ten,” mark grinned and gave a quick hug to the other male. 
looking up close, the male was quite handsome. there was a certain glow about him that was rare in people and you couldn’t seem to look away. clad in black leather and gold jewelry all over, you were sure that you’d be terrified of him and his good looks if it weren’t for the bright, calming smile that adorned his lips.
‘ten’ didn’t even notice your presence, much less acknowledge it. “you ready? it’s gonna be a big one.”
“of course,” he scoffed in response, then his eyes darted towards you. “oh, by the way, i want you to meet—”
but, ten’s attention was already whisked away to the next crowd, making a beeline for whatever else called for it. everything seemed to gravitate towards him. what a character.
mark scratched the back of his neck, sheepishly. “sorry about ten, he’s a ball of energy. doesn’t stay in one place for too long.”
“it’s fine,” you shook your head and begun to look around more. “um, so what am i supposed to do here?”
mark smiled as if he was waiting for you to ask. "promise me to stay right here,” he pointed to the pavement beneath your feet, “like, this exact spot and don’t move.” eyebrows raised with his hands in the air, he was dead serious.
you blinked. “what?”
before you could process the request, mark was already scurrying away. you tried calling his name, but he either ignored you or couldn’t hear your yells over the booming music in the atmosphere. 
it was no longer fear that you felt, but more so, confusion. looking around, this was clearly not a place for you. there were few females, but the only ones around were barely wearing clothes and seemed to only serve as arm candy to be strung along by racers. racers was the correct term, right? people going out of their way to gather and watch cars drive by didn’t appeal to you at all. you weren’t even sure how they could do all of this without the police catching them right away. 
the confusion slowly turned into intrigue when the same foreign song of roaring car engines returned from the near distance. the buzz grew louder and in a flash, rose gold glowed before your very eyes first. then came the rest of the ridiculously bright cars, though by a sizable distance. 
they all halted right after crossing the distinct white line drawn onto the ground and emerged from the first car was a man who was instantly welcomed by cheers. he couldn’t have been that much older than you, a clean mop of silver resting on his head and wearing plain, loose fit clothing. despite looking the most mundane out of all the other racers, his car was easily the most expensive looking at first glance. 
“taeyong, you the man!” someone yelled from the crowd, which initiated a chant.
the last person to exit their car was a six foot something tower, beefy in every aspect, and had a multicoloured sleeve etched into his right arm. he marched right over to taeyong, a fury in every step he took. the crowd parted like the red sea for the goon.
“hey, jo,” taeyong greeted casually, a boredom behind his eyes. 
then, the unexpected happened. the big, burly monster began to shake. if you squinted hard enough, you could see the tears forming at his eyes. the people surrounding them began to laugh at the sight. you wanted to, on the account of just how ridiculous it looked, but you felt a tug at your heartstrings for the guy.
jo tried reaching out for taeyong’s hand, which he brushed off. “please, taeyong! sir, i’ll do anything!” he wailed. “please! just let me keep my car—”
“you shouldn’t have wagered a pink slip then, dumbass.” he sighed, ramming his shoulder when he walked past jo. 
right behind him was a woman with cropped, strawberry blonde hair and cat-eye sunglasses perched low upon her nose. she sipped on a bottle of amber liquid in one hand and immediately snatched jo’s car keys out of his grasp with her other. the woman dangled them in the air, mockingly, and the crowd whooped in response. 
“miyeon, take it back to the garage.” taeyong asked her.
she rolled her eyes. “no shit.” and walked away right after, hopping into the car that jo was once in.
watching this from the sidelines, you were in awe of what you just witnessed. the whole ordeal seemed to happen so quickly for something as serious as losing your car.
meanwhile, taeyong finished collecting rolls of bills from the other untriumphant racers, he began making his way through the crowd and you realized he was coming in your direction, you thought about moving, but you remember what mark asked of you and you weren’t really sure of where else to go.
his eyes flickered up and met yours for the briefest of moments. then, as if something clicked in his mind, taeyong gazed back at you. the intensity created a stiffness in your joints and you couldn’t move. 
behind him, the crowd dispersed back to their former places, making room on the road again. they swarmed the sidewalk, creating clumps around you. however, despite being lost in the other faces, taeyong continued to stare at you.
“hi.” you managed to choke the word out, unsure of you should have said anything, but the atmosphere began to grow too weird for your taste.
taeyong’s expression hovered and the ferocity faded slightly with the introduction of a small smile. “sor-sorry, i was trying to figure out if i’ve ever seen you before.” the stammer threw you off guard, watching him tug at a earring dangling from his left ear. “i know basically everyone who regularly shows up to a run.”
“yeah, i figured from everyone chanting your name that you’re pretty well known,” you responded and felt the corners of your lips quirk up.
“did you enjoy the show, then?” he cocked an eyebrow.
honestly, you weren’t sure what to make of the entire thing. “the race or that last part?” you still felt bad about the other guy losing his car, but it must be a common occurrence in this kind of scene.
meanwhile, people began to turn down their car stereos, quieting the surroundings. someone yelled something about “5 minutes until we’re in the clear”  and you could feel some sort of anticipating wafting in the air, something you never felt before.
taeyong chuckled softly. "so, it’s your first time here, then?” he asked. “just guessing, but you didn’t plan to come here, tonight, did you?” he gestured to your outfit, a plain turtleneck and jeans. it was a far cry from everyone else’s attire, showing off their expensive fashion brands and chains. 
you snorted. “no. my friend brought me here after we had a few drinks and this was the last thing i expected.”
“a friend?” taeyong said, but he tore his eyes away to the road, where a new line of cars began creeping up to the line. “oh, looks like the last race of the night’s about to start. i was gonna leave, but this one looks like it’s gonna be a good one.” he glances at the lavish, rose gold watch on his wrist. 
then, you saw him, you didn’t recognize him at first, lounging in the driver’s seat of a baby blue vintage vassalo convertible, but upon further inspection, it was definitely mark. the car was certainly not the plain suv that the two of you arrived in, a beauty queen of a vehicle and unlike what you’ve ever seen before. he was the second last one to pull up to the line and he scanned the crowd, immediately finding your eyes. mark waved wildly with a grin and although you found it ridiculous, you waved back.
“oh, you came here with mark, of course.” taeyong leaned against a flickering streetlight. “he floats a lot, can be seen everywhere with all types of people.”
“yeah, he’s always been that way,” you shrugged, “i never really thought that this whole scene was a thing, so i was really surprised when he took me here.”
the sound of an engine chorus punctured your eardrums in the blink of an eye, loud and unforgiving. someone walked right in front of the cars, just in between two, and his arm rose in the arm. the excited chatter grew all around you.
“GO!” yelled the man, slicing his arm through the air and just like that, all of the cars surged by. whizzing by in the matter of a second, you could barely catch your breath before realizing that they were all gone.
a new voice emerged from nearby. “the job’s done, boss. jaehyun just came back with it.”
it was a man about the same age as taeyong, tugging on his arm and attempting to speak discreetly. however, you close enough to the two of them to be able to hear their conversation. taeyong simply nodded in silence and they continued watched the race from a far distance.
“who’s this?” the mystery man inquired, noticing your presence. he was cute at first glance with naturally innocent eyes, but the tone playing on his tongue was too intimidating to stick to such a mood.
taeyong said, “mark brought her here. uh,” he smiled apologetically, “sorry, we didn’t even exchange names.” you gave it to him and nodding, he opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by the other.
“welcome to seoul’s racing scene! i’m doyoung,” doyoung’s vibe completely shifted, as he enthusiastically shook your hand, which you did not offer. “and this is taeyong, but you already knew that by now.” at that, he rolled his eyes, but you heard no such denial of the statement.
then, before you knew it, you could taste the gas in the air and the sweet melody of a car’s buzz returned. to your shock, it was a whirl of baby blue that crossed the finish line first. curiously, the last car that finished was surrounded by a cloud of smoke, creating an ugly barricade around its pretty matte red paint. it had floundered its way back, barely moving in a straight line, and a clear dent was evident on the rear end of the car.
mark jumped out of his car with one of the biggest smiles ever painted across his lips. taeyong and doyoung moved forward to congratulate him, as you trailed behind and still unsure of yourself. they both gave mark a fist bump and you wanted to go in for a hug, but the celebration was cut short by the deafening slam of a car door, followed by a fist to mark’s hood.
“what. the. fuck. was. that.”
a six foot tower appeared out of the banged up car, steam coming out of his ears and red in his eyes. you all jumped at the noise and you especially shriveled up in fear upon noticing this new person. you saw the way a flicker of worry shone in mark’s eye, but he tried to compose himself and didn’t let it show.
“the hell you talkin’ about, johnny?” mark shot back, getting right up in the other man’s face and attempting to size him up. 
it honestly looked a little funny, but you snapped out of it quickly.
johnny rammed his finger into mark’s chest, poking it and looking at him dead in the eye. the spectators began to back up, some due to safety concerns and others taking out their phones to record. that’s when you realized that you of all people should get the hell away. you would be dead if you were caught in the frame.
he growled. “you son of a bitch, you fuckin’ cheated out there!” johnny spat and at this, doyoung stepped forward.
doyoung said, “woah, woah, woah!” he attempted to gently come in between them. “can we all just calm down for a second?”
as if there was no one around but him and mark, johnny grabbed the shorter male by the collar. “admit it!”
an army marched through your chest. what the hell was happening? your hand hovered over your phone in your back pocket, in case things were to escalate.
mark was barely able to shove johnny away. “get your fucking hands off me!” he sent pleading eyes to doyoung, who then tried to whisper reason into johnny.
while johnny was briefly distracted, mark zipped towards you and tugged at your sleeve. “you have to go.”
“seriously, this is not gonna end well and i don’t want you here when it does,” he grimaces. “this wasn’t supposed to happen when i brought you here, i’m so sorry—”
you scrunched your eyebrows together. “mark!”
“—taeyong, shit, can you do me a favour and take her home? i’ll owe you one, i swear to god.” mark ignored you and turned to the white haired male to just met.
taeyong said, “don’t worry about it, brother.” the answer came instantly and a nod of appreciation was exchanged by the two of them.
turning to you, mark pat your head. “i’m sorry again, i can’t drive you home tonight. go with taeyong, you’ll be safe with him.”
a shock of nostalgia overcame your senses, as you recalled the times when mark would give you his umbrella when you didn’t have one, as the two of you walked home from school. there was also the time when he taught you how to roller blade and helped you back up every time you fell. he was always that friend in your life and remembering these moment settled a feeling of comfort in your skin.
“okay.” that was all taeyong needed to grab you by the hand and lead you through the swamp of people. 
some glanced at the two of you oddly, but you tried your best to keep your head down. after seeing the amount of phones recording, there was no way you were going to let yourself be seen any further than you may have already been. shouting developed from where you left mark, but you tried to not look back.
“taeyong, where the hell are you going?” someone said and the two of you halted momentarily. “i thought you wanted to see the—”
“i’ll just meet you back at the garage, jaehyun.” taeyong responded. 
the man cocked an eyebrow at him, but said nothing. he was sitting on the hood of a car with the ten guy that you saw earlier, seemingly watching the situation from a distance. they both looked at you with questioning eyes, but taeyong already began walking away.
you came across the same gorgeous rose gold car that taeyong drove in the earlier race, still sparkling underneath the dingy streetlight. he came forward and opened the door for you.
“um, thanks,” you mumbled, as you got into the passenger seat of the car, which you now recognized to be a hirose model, the same kind your dad drove.
the inside of the car smelled brand new and you easily settled into the leather seat, a clean white hue. though, the car’s control system at the front, was unusual. it was clearly modified, with dozens of switches and controls that definitely did not come with a car. even the steering wheel was adorned with a few buttons, all labelled by different letters. 
taeyong appeared at the other side, jumping into the driver’s seat with ease.
“you like her?” it took you a second you process that he was referring to his car.
you snorted. “you’re one of those people?”
he rammed his key in and the engine purred to life, beginning to gracefully pull out of the parking spot with speed. “what are you talking about?”
“one of those people who refer to their cars as a ‘her?’“ you replied. you found it a little humourous, sure, but you also needed to break the silence.
taeyong chuckled. “yes, is it that weird?”
eventually, the loud music and clusters of people began to fade away, until the two of you were back on the narrow, dark road that mark took you to. the road felt different and a calm spread over you this time. 
“is it part of the whole ‘street racer’ thing?” you asked.
he shook his head. “nah, probably just a me thing.” taeyong leaned forward slightly and tapped on the custom screen positioned where a radio should’ve been. with a few more clicks, soft lo-fi music filled the car. 
for the next while, it was all you heard. the two of you sat in silence, strangely enough, until you were no longer on the outskirts of the city. the stupid city lights came into sight once again, as did other traffic. the ride was definitely faster than before, most likely attributed to your lack of a drunken state and fear.
you pulled out you phone from your back pocket and gaped at the time shown on the screen. “holy fuck, it’s five in the morning?” 
“is it?” taeyong tapped again at the monitor in front of you and 5:14 AM shone bright in red.
time flew by like it was nothing. it seemed like you were just putting on the finishing touches to your hair at eight o’clock earlier that evening. you’d met up with mark and your friends around that time and after that, everything faded into one. 
you groaned, leaning your head back in agony when you realized what awaited you in just a few hours. taeyong noticed this and chuckled.
“let me guess, early morning shift?”
scoffing, you replied. “and i’m not even getting paid for it. fuck.” the fact that you had to trudge back to the station for nine sharp felt like a slap to the face. 
taeyong said, “what? don’t bother showing up then.” the car came to a red light and he turned to you and looked at you—like, really looked at you. there wasn’t a hint of fatigue in his eyes and you were amazed. 
“i’m just helping my dad out,” you shrugged. 
the conversation should’ve flown after that, but you heard the unmistakable wail. just a few cars back. the sirens cried and the bright lights stung your tired eyes. at the realization, your stomach dropped seven feet beneath the ground. you felt as though something was crawling up your spine and the back of your arms and legs. this had to be a joke.
looking at his mirrors, taeyong cursed. “are you kidding me?”
you still couldn’t move. this was likely your end. your breath grew sharp and a sweat broke out on your palms. 
he turned to you, though eyes kept darting back to the red light. “will you trust me?”
“i said, will you trust me! we’re running out of time here!” you saw the way his eyes softened right after, as if he didn’t mean to yell, but adrenaline coasted through his entire body.
you had no choice. “OKAY, OKAY!” you hollered back, not knowing what was going to happen next.
in one motion, taeyong sent the car flying through the air with a ridiculous turn. that was the last thing you remembered when you woke up that morning at ten thirty. sunlight streamed through your translucent curtains, biting at your still closed eyes. your head was pounding louder than any speaker you encountered the night before, completely overtaking your ears and you let out a painful cry. 
burying yourself back underneath your thick sheets, the pounding still continued. what the fuck happened? you were still in your clothes from last night, evident by the atrocious smell coming from your sweater and the uncomfortable denim fabric clinging to your sweaty skin. you must’ve come home drunk or something, but how?
slowly, fragments appeared before your eyes. you heard the hum of a car engine. you remembered the face of a white haired man. the strongest one was of a police siren, bringing your ears to the verge of blood. 
without emerging from the covers, your single hand shot up from underneath, feeling around your bedside table for your phone. you had to text mark about this crazy dream. however, when you instead picked up the keys for a hirose X9, a car that definitely did not belong to you, you choked at the revelation that the crazy street racing dream you had was in fact, not a dream.
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edwards-shadow · 4 years
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repost, don’t reblog
basics !
FULL NAME. Pride PRONUNCIATION.   Pry-d NICKNAME.  Little One, Baby Brother, Monster, Freak He doesn’t know enough people to have many. GENDER. Male HEIGHT.  5′0″ AGE. 16-17 physical appearance, 2-3 living years ZODIAC. Unknown SPOKEN LANGUAGES. Amestrian
physical characteristics !
HAIR COLOR. Blonde EYE COLOR.  Gold BODY TYPE. Lean muscle. Small. Not quite atheletic. ACCENT.  Unknown VOICE.  Soft, light rasp if he hasn’t spoken in a while, often flat but not quite monotone unless upset. Tone brightens when interested or happy. DOMINANT HAND.  Right POSTURE.  Upright but withdrawn, and will curl in on himself easily. Folded arms, hunched shoulders, knees drawn, whatever he has to do. Eyes often cast away from the person addressing him, usually down at the floor, especially if uneasy. TATTOOS. Ouroboros on his left shoulder/upper arm. NUMEROUS red lines and markings that cover his body. They are not symetrical across his body, he is extremely self-conscious about them and unless comfortable with the other person will try and cover them up.
BIRTHMARKS.  Tattoos MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S). Blonde hair and golden eyes, and the tattoos. (People tend to notice his appearance mirroring that of Edward Elric first, and the markings second)
childhood !
PLACE OF BIRTH. Central, Amestirs HOMETOWN. Central BIRTH WEIGHT. 126lbs BIRTH HEIGHT. 5′0″ FIRST WORDS. “Envy”, “Father”, “I’m sorry”
SIBLINGS. Envy(often referred to as his “Big Brother” despite not being the eldest), Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, Greed(astranged) PARENTS. Father, aka The Dwarf in the Flask PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  Father had next to no involvement in Pride’s life, especially not early on. He was checked in with to see how he was fairing in terms of learning his place within the family and in understanding his abilities, but was largely left without interaction from Father. More of a passive but intense monitoring of him form a distance that Pride very quickly was taught to fear and “respect” due to him having the title of “Father”. But did not fill the role.
Actual “raising” of Pride fell primarely to Envy, though Pride does not see him in a parental role, clearly putting a difference between “Father” and “Sibling”. A sort of imprinting also fell to the older being the first person Pride saw after his birth, which was only strengthened when Envy was given the task of looking after him.
adult life !  
OCCUPATION.  N/A CURRENT RESIDENCE.  Tunnels under Central CLOSE FRIENDS. None (he has like one friend at present, and he doesn’t pick one over others) RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Single (verse dependant)   FINANCIAL STATUS.  With the homunculi pulling all the strings of the entire country, including taking the spot of highest authority and rank in Amestris, technically upper class. With how he lives and what he has to his name, probably closer to poverty(any and all Cenz he can find goes straight into buying food for his pet cat) DRIVER’S LICENSE. N/A CRIMINAL RECORD.  Trespassing, breaking and entering, (supposed) impersonation of a State Alchemist VICES.  “living in his head”, curiosity(to an extent)
sex and romance !
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  Demisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  Demiromantic PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE. submissive  | dominant |  switch  | the person who needs to know, knows. PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE. submissive  | dominant  |  switch |  the person who needs to know, knows. 
Note: He doesn’t exactly have a “preference” per say, but does have a very submissive personality. He has no interest in a domanant role however, because he doesn’t have many “dominant” like personality traits. Which he is perfectly happy and comfortable with.
LIBIDO. Extremely low TURN ONS.  Expressed care and affection, patience, compasion, showing interest in what he says when he says something. TURN OFFS. PAIN, lies, excessive violence/aggression,  LOVE LANGUAGE.  Praise/reassurance, physical shows of affection (hand holding, cuddling, etc.) in both platonic or romantic realms.  RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  A lot of physical contact. Pride is EXTREMELY tactile with affection. Holding hands, hugging when he’s happy to see you, cuddling, the works. For both platonic and romantic relationships. If Pride lieks you and is happy and comfrotable with you, TRULY, he will reach out for you. Touch from a stranger will make him pull away, touch from someone he’s uncomfortable with makes him squirm. Touch from someone he fears makes him pull away violently and even yell. If Pride is coming over to regularly touch you, or isn’t pulling away from your touch, it is the ulitmate sign of “he likes you”.
There are few people he has in his life that he deeply cares about. But he cares DEEPLY when he does. When you are hurt and upset, he hurts for you that you are. When you’re happy, he brightenes up because you’re smiling. When you’re angry he wants to listen or soothe or will let himself take the brunt of it until you’re okay again. Love from Pride, in any sense, is full and complete. He will show you all parts of his world and he will be happy to see any of yours. He will never turn on you, he will take a bullet for you, but he would never ask you to do that for him.
miscellaneous !
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG. Lost Carol - Long Version(this is actually the song intended for any “lullaby” referred to with him. HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  Drawing, people watching, exploring MENTAL ILLNESSES.  Depression(including self-harm and suicidal tendencies), PTSD, hallucinations(memories from Edward, and voices) PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  N/A LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED. Right Brain(creative) FEARS.  abandoment, being alone for long, not being good enough, loosing his loved ones, intense and prolonged pain, alchemists and the military, Edward Elric SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL. Very low overall. Pride believes he is good at drawing, that he is good at being quiet to the point of being soundless, and being able to watch/listen without people knowing he is. Everything outsdie of that, is extremely low. He has next to no sense of self worth, and it has been taken advantage of more than once. He can be hit adn yelled at and he’ll apologize over and over but not raise a hand to stop it. Because he deserves it. He’s done something wrong to get this kind of anger so he must be bad. To make thinse worse, he is constantly faced with people thinking he is “Edward”. People call him that name instead, demand answers about a boy he’s never met before, people WANT EDWARD, “Pride” is just in the way. No one wants him, he’s convinced his family only puts up with him so long as he behaves and “is being good.” VULNERABILITIES. Emotional, nieve and easily manipulated, ENVY, The Boy in Red, his mental stability, curiosity, low pain tollerance, honestly wants to see good in people(and homunculi) even if it hurts him
Tagged by : taken from @alchemic-elric​ because it looked fun Tagging : anyone who would like to do this, you can blame me for it
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resonanteye · 4 years
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via http://resonanteye.net/current-events-condensed/
current events; condensed
A condensed post including short writings on current events.
open up? conspiracies? here’s the real one.
  if They want to “cull the weak” and control us better, what better way than to present a false choice between going back to work and risking lives, or slowly going broke at home?
it’s a false choice. there are hoarders, greedy fucks holding money they’re not entitled to, billions. enough for everything to be covered. hell, the Pentagon LOST enough money to pay EVERYONE’S rent and mortgage for the best six months. LOST IT.
The conspiracy? PRETEND THAT MONEY ISN’T THERE. force people to fight over scraps, pretend there are only two options. don’t let people come together and agree that TOO MUCH MONEY IS IN TOO FEW HANDS, because that might mean we can beat this thing.
unity among the poor? PREVENT AT ALL COSTS. if you kill a few hundred thousand people in the process, fuck it. that doesn’t matter to Them. They want to keep their grip on power, forcing us to behave like serfs working at their pleasure, dying for their capital gains. Living in their damn bunkers.
There is more than these two choices, don’t let them suck you in. the current garbage video circulating is MORE OF THEIR SHIT. it’s part of this. it’s not “secret info” or “exposing an evil plan”.
to get what They want – they’ve just got to keep us arguing about whether to open up or not. that’s it. that’s all they’ve got to do. circulate some fake anti science garbage to make sure it goes over easy.
and murder a ton of people to make another dollar.
THAT’S your conspiracy. THERE’S your elite takeover.
they don’t need micro chips, 5g, or any of this other shit. vaccines aren’t “Them”, the anti vax movement is THEM trying to murder the “useless”.
” WAKE UP, SHEEPLE ” it’s obvious as fuck and you don’t need to go out on any limbs to see it. it’s plain as day. they’re saying it out loud. there’s no need for this conspiracy to be secret. half of you are HAPPY TO JOIN IN.
stop that. join together. fight for the end of greedy leeches stealing from us then pretending that money is gone and they can’t help. the big banks? THEY FUCKING OWE US ONE. it’s time we collect, TOGETHER. right/left/middle. all of us. they owe all of us.
Divine is disgusted by slumming yuppies
in a post about this photo, someone from Europe, younger, asked if segregation was a real thing, a real law in the US. comments were then closed, so I’ll post my reply here instead, in case anyone was not aware.
Elvis sits to eat at a segregated lunch counter while an elderly black woman stands, waiting for food to take away. she’s not allowed to sit there.
it was law, and when it wasn’t the law it was the unspoken rule, for a very long time.
lunch counter (restaurants of all kinds), bus sections, bathrooms, water faucets and schools were separated by race. the fight to desegregate schools is most well known, as it lasted a very long time and required buses, because people of color had also been segregated by neighborhood- many towns refused to sell and owners refused to rent to anyone of color in a “white area”. (the TV show “the Jeffersons” addresses this, and it’s also known as “redlining”)
many politicians on both sides of the aisle supported it, but the Democratic party eventually worked to pass the civil rights amendment and related bills to stop it, although there were those in the party who still argued in favor of these laws.
(of note- this happened after desegregation, that’s how strongly politicians felt about it! ten years in and they were still arguing that it had been a good thing.)
after it legally ended, thanks to the civil rights movement, there was blowback; people trying to vote, to eat lunch, ride the bus, go to school, were viciously attacked by crowds or groups of white people.
FILE – In this May 28, 1963 file photo, a group of whites pour sugar, ketchup and mustard over the heads of Tougaloo College student demonstrators at a sit-in demonstration at a Woolworth’s lunch counter in Jackson, Miss. Seated at the counter, from left, are Tougaloo College professor John Salter,and students Joan Trumpauer and Anne Moody. John Salter, who also used the name John Hunter Gray, died Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 at his home in Pocatello, Idaho. Relatives say he was 84 when he died Monday after an illness. (Fred Blackwell/The Clarion-Ledger via AP, File) ORG XMIT: MSJAD701
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Riders https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Crow_laws
during this time, due to so much police and community violence, the Black Panther formed to monitor and protect people.
members of the Black Panthers, preparing to feed the community
sure, we are slackers. yeah. we’re ok with staying home. you have just told a generation of latchkey tech addicts raised during the bridge from antenna TVs to HD internet streaming to sit at home. if you’d feed us, we wouldn’t even blink at it. this quarantine stuff? that’s not the hard thing.
but we’re watching friends and family die. a lot of us have been down this road before. we’ve watched right wing pigs (yes, I’ll say it) allow our friends to die before. we’ve been down this road of denial and greed and prejudice and all of it. we’ve seen what happens when politicians value money and ego over human lives, and we know it SUCKS ASS.
hell, we watched Reagan. Bush. Bush. Clinton, too-he was only a hair better. and so-
when we need to, we pound the pavement. we toss the bricks. we get arrested. we wipe mace out of our eyes and stampede.
we always tend to be masked, regardless of standards of the moment. I don’t think, in my life, I’ve been to a protest that didn’t have a contingent of masked people wishing to avoid cameras. Now, a protest for actual assistance for people? a real protest, a fight for better conditions, the 300-some strikes that have happened that the news ISN’T covering? yeah. surgical masks. they’re brilliant photos, but not as interesting for the crap media as a few fat guys with guns.
because that’s the joke they want to show us, yeah? not people actually fighting in solidarity, to protect each other, get better work conditions, protect the disabled, get better healthcare for all, support people financially… the shit the majority of people really want. no. they’re not covering that real shit.
the news, they like a spectacle.
we need to find ways to make the facts spectacular.
I have rarely seen my generation protest FOR corporate interests and find any such thing suspicious as all fuck. I don’t believe a bit of that shit. That’s paid for, that’s arranged, that’s a pony show. That’s the same tiny batch of zonked out cultists that don’t have a trump rally to travel to right now. it’s like a damn road show, the same hundred people, like some Boomer deadhead traveling bus shit. I don’t trust it and I don’t believe it. the older folks at them, yeah. they’re that little band of travelers. sure. but us?
Seattle police use gas to push back World Trade Organization protesters in downtown Seattle Tuesday, Nov. 30, 1999. The protests delayed the opening of the WTO third ministerial conference. (AP Photo/Eric Draper)
because even though we will go do Things, we are, in fact, ok with staying home.
and we don’t like your fucking company. and corporations bought our music and art and killed it in front of our eyes, and there’s no getting our trust back. and we will wear a goddamn busted ass thrift store sack before we spend money on slave-sewn clothes. and we would rather read and write and play music and watch movies all damn day, than go to jobs in cubicles.
War protesters and march to Gas Works Park protesting the US involvement in the Persian Gulf and the buid up to war against Irag January 15 deadline 1991 Seattle Washington State USA
I mean, we’ll usually go, because we gotta eat. so feed us. give us bread. you already poisoned the roses.
this is where your conspiracy videos are made. in the asshole factory.
what do you notice about these photos? do you see the threats? what kind of people are there?
it is almost like there’s a monthly event they’ve been going to, that’s been cancelled, where they could hold up trump signs and boo anything reasonable… wonder what that event is. where have you seen some of these faces before? I’ve seen a few in the rally photos and videos.
check out “small business” guy. who is he? does he own a “small business”, you think? (photos by Orin Louis)
a lot of people talking about immunity/reinfection and that study.
that study is just saying we don’t know yet. we just don’t know yet.
it’s early days.
Coronavirus is not influenza, they’re two different families of virus. VERY different.
this is more related to the common cold (in its behavior)than to the flu. (the cold is a rhinovirus. SARS & MERS, and Covid-19, if you want to find out more about these viruses, don’t look up the flu-they are Coronaviruses.)
it is contagious the way a cold is, but it has serious effects on any part of the body with ace2 receptors. (simply put- blood, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain)
they have been working on a cold vaccine for decades. no success. BUT. again, it’s early days. there’s never been this kind of pressure for a vaccine for it. so, to be direct: we don’t know yet. they’ve never been this desperate, this well funded, to find a cold vaccine.
this could be a seasonal thing, eventually- it could mutate to be less lethal and become just another cold we can get every year. it could mutate to be even more vicious and we all are in serious danger all the time. it could create immunity, and some will be ok for a year or a month or a decade… it might not, and people can catch it again and worse.
we just don’t know yet. the whole reason we are isolating the way we are is to buy time for science to find these answers. we’re not in quarantine to “kill it off” or stop it. we are slowing it down so science can have time to find answers, so less of us die while that happens.
  every day we don’t infect other people, is a day in which researchers can work. we need them to work. they are doing that. every day we don’t infect other people, is a day this virus doesn’t get a chance to mutate and change. this helps a lot.
science needs time. all this economic mayhem- it’s to buy them time to help us, to figure it out. the answers won’t come right away and during this time we may hear things that are being tried and tested, some may not work at all, some may be worse than nothing, so information won’t be steady or always correct. when you read a thing, wait a day. read more about it. read the actual study- and if you can’t, wait a few days and read what scientific sources say about it (the lancet, NEJM, etc). don’t rely on NBC, fox, etc to do a great job reporting on science. you’ll have to have patience, even science is having to watch and wait while things are researched, right now.
nobody has the answers; it’s NOVEL. brand new.
they’re testing, they’re researching, they’re learning this thing’s secrets as fast as they can, while we wait that process out.
be as safe as you can be while we buy them the time.
image: pink pangolin drawing in frame
You shouldn’t leave the house unless you absolutely have to: food, medicine, or other necessity of life. This includes going to other people’s houses.
Masks are good at protecting others if you are infected, and help protect you too, just not as much as others. Wear one.
Stores are closed, unless they provide food or medicine. Alcohol is a necessity for alcoholics who will have actual seizures and could die from withdrawal, so some of those are open. (Some states have been pressured into letting other things stay open, and people insist on going to church and being able to buy guns in public stores, but that’s political shit and you shouldn’t go places unless you have to.)
This virus is deadly to many people, even healthy ones, is as contagious as a common cold, and has killed more people in a month than the flu does in a year. You don’t want to catch it, and if you do, you want to catch it when doctors and nurses aren’t overworked from other people catching it too. There are 8 strains identified right now. This will change over time, because it’ll mutate- like every virus. EVERY virus.
Glovesw help, unless you change them after touching a contaminated surface. They’re good if used properly and if you’re not sure how to do that, don’t bother. Just wash your hands often.
Everyonen to stay home, but you can go outside- away from people. Staying a good distance from people is really the whole point of staying home.
There will be shortages of some things at the grocery store as supplies run out, and as things are shipped to replace them. Chill out.
The virus does spread through and sometimes kill children, but we weren’t aware of this until we had better information.
You will have many symptoms when you are sick, but you will be contagious for up to two weeks before you get sick. YOU WILL BE CONTAGIOUS WITH NO TEMPERATURE OR SYMPTOMS.
You really shouldn’t be eating restaurant food, unless you can reheat it. Wipe down or wash off your groceries.
You are safe if you maintain six feet distance from others, if everyone is masked and nobody is coughing or sneezing. If they are, you need about 27 feet of distance. Keep space from people.
The virus remains active on different surfaces for a time. The surface being porous may or may not matter; like many things, research by science will give better answers as they have time to figure it out.
We count the number of deaths but we don’t know how many people are infected because most places have not got enough tests to see who is infected. Until we can test everyone, stay home, stay away from people.
We have no treatment. There are clinical trials of many different drugs and at least one vaccine, right now, but it will take time to find out what works.
We should stay away from people to avoid spreading this virus until scientists can offer a treatment or preventative measure like a vaccine. There is no reason to infect people, help the virus mutate, or fuck around with this.
If you are an essential worker of ANY kind, you deserve a living wage, hazard pay, full PPE and kindness from everyone who needs you right now. we should be fighting for your safety, not to make things more dangerous for you.
Stop spreading misinformation. Science doesn’t know everything about this yet, information can and will change or become more specific as time goes by. Yes, business interests and governments have handled the entire thing like a clown show, but you don’t have to be part of making it worse.
protest for:
stronger unions
better pay
stronger social safety nets during a pandemic
your right to own and bear arms
your freedom of speech/freedom from unwarranted surveillance
safer working conditions
medical care for all
free education
fair elections
physical safety from police violence
safety from racist/hate crimes
fuck, BUYING things. don’t protest to be able to go buy shit? what the hell is wrong with you?!? you can buy a gun next month, dipshit. you can buy through private sale. fuck all the way off with that.
SOMEONE ELSE TO WAIT ON YOU (haircuts, restaurants, nails, tattoos, etc)
the right to block hospital entrances (we all saw the footage, shut the fuck up)
the right to gigantic church services during a pandemic. YOU CAN DO LIKE GRANDPA DID AND WATCH YOUR PREACHER ON THE TEE VEE.
going to a shit job that you’ve never liked instead of all the things above that would have allowed you to get through this shit without starving to begin with
by the way, local seed and feed stores are open nation wide; agriculture is considered an essential business. you can’t buy whatever the fuck at wallymart right now though, SO SORRY. maybe don’t even fucking shop there?
edit to add; if they were only endangering themselves I wouldn’t give a shit – but you know these fuckers are getting too close to store cashiers, walking the wrong way down narrow aisles, and touching every-fuckin-thing.
  also: 81% of people polled, from EVERY political group, think they should be staying home. and agree with that. THIS IS A CRAP PROTEST BY A TINY, UNIMPORTANT GROUP and should not be getting the coverage it is. they aren’t enough to restore an economy, let alone fill a small concert hall.
    I may split these into separate posts, if you’d like that, comment so I know people need/want that.
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gguksgalaxy · 6 years
IX. Greed | BTS | Horror!Au
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›› Au: Horror / Gore (non canon) ›› Genre: Angst ›› Rating: 18+ explicit (sexual content + violence) ›› Characters: BTS + Reader x PJM ›› Word Count: 2k Warnings Include: Psychological distress and manipulation, blood, character death, mild and severe injuries, vomiting, poison, asphyxiation, drowning, darkness, burns, acid, pain.
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It was at the third breath, that Hoseok shot up, head almost knocking into his friends as he coughed loudly. He turned over, water leaving his mouth from where he’d probably inhaled it. Yoongi helped him cough it up, and caught him when he slumped down again. “Hoseok? Can you hear me.”
You all rolled him onto his back, and he nodded softly, licking his lips. His lips were blue, and his skin was ice cold. It was then that you noticed the welts on his hands, probably from how cold the floor had gotten. “We need to get him through the door.”
“How?” Yoongi said.
“Carry him.” Jimin opted, moving towards Hoseok’s feet. “She goes first, then I’ll go, hold his legs, you pass him over to us and follow. But we need to be fast we don’t have much time left.”
Yoongi looked back at Jin, lifeless, drained, face lying in whatever it was that he’d thrown up. “Jin…”
“Yoongi, we can’t.”
“I know, let’s go.” He hoisted Hoseok up by the shoulders, Jimin by his legs. It was a complicated task, since he had to pass through on his own. That’s when you noticed something on the floor. Jin’s bracelet.
The moment Yoongi passed Hoseok’s swaying form over to you and Jimin you pointed to the floor. “Jin’s bracelet, take it! Who knows what we could use it for.”
Yoongi dashed back as Jimin slung Hoseok’s arm over his shoulder and dragged him along through the narrow hallway. You were up the front, it was pitch black, you couldn’t see anything, none of the other hallways had been this long.
“Ouch!” you yelped, as you ran into a wall. “What the fuck?”
“What’s going on?!” Yoongi called from behind you. “Please don’t tell me it’s a dead end.”
You felt around, fingers skimming the cold surface as your body struggled to regain it’s warmth after just having left that freeze room. “Oh, it goes off to the left? Jimin, can you grab my hand? Yoongi, hold on to them so we don’t loose each other.”
Jimin’s hand was cold in yours, as you used your other hand to navigate the dark hallways that seemed to never come to an end. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and strangely this was the most scared you’ve been up till now. It was so dark, if you looked back you couldn’t even make out Jimin’s form behind you. It was cold, and clammy, and you felt as if any moment someone could show up in front of you with a knife to just let you walk into it. What if there’s traps?
You stopped, Jimin bumping into your back. “What?” he asked.
“What if this is a trap?”
“What do you mean?” he answered in the dark. “A trap how?”
Suddenly you were unsure of everything. “It’s all about, atoning for our sins and this whole bullshit. What if we had to wait back where the hallways veered off? What if there was a door but it was closed? What if it’s a test?”
“We can’t go back.” Yoongi said. “Keep going, this has to lead somewhere or else it wouldn’t be here. This hallways has a purpose, like everything else in this game.”
You nodded to yourself, trying not the think about the purposing being to kill you all, so you forced your feet to move and go on. For a second you wondered, how many turns you’d taken. One left, another left, and then…one right, one left? You weren’t sure, for all you knew you might be going in circles.
Then you literally felt the floor stop underneath you and it took all your body strength to make yourself fall backwards onto the floor. “Fuck.”
“What happened, y/n?!” Jimin called, unaware that you were still like, 1 foot away from him.
“I’m on the floor, I think, wait.” You came up on hands and knees, feeling the floor and how it dipped…into steps? “It’s a staircase what the fuck. Are we going down into like the basement or something?”
Hoseok mumbled something and for a second everyone’s attention was focused on him. “Hoseok, what’s wrong?” Yoongi asked. “Do you need something?”
“Tired.” He whispered, and your heart sank. You knew, that it was possible that he’d suffered brain damage from the lack of oxygen. It wasn’t certain, but it was definitely possible. You wouldn’t know for sure until you got out of here.
“We keep going, this has to lead somewhere. It has to. Just be careful!”
Everyone carefully descended, and you wondered whether you were underneath a room, or underneath one of the hallways that you’d previously went through. Because you hadn’t seen any doors anywhere. Until now, all the rooms were in a straight row. Maybe you were crossing back to one of them? “Okay,” you stubbed your toe against something almost as soon as you took two steps on levelled ground. “I think we’re going up again.”
The stairs were short, maybe only 10 steps until the floor went level again. You had to just have passed underneath something. There was a quick turn to the right, and then to the left until you were certain you hid a dead end. You knocked on the walls, the iron sounding…hollow? “Hello?!”  you called. “Guys it’s a dead end, I’m not sure if this is a door or not. But I can’t find a handle, and I don’t know what to do. We’re stuck here.”
“Let’s go back.” Jimin offered. “Maybe you were right after all.”
A sudden sound scared you, like the scraping of a chair, or a table. There was a muffled sound on the other side, like a voice.
“Hello?!” you called out, pressing your ear to the metal. “Is anybody there?” You pounded your fist against the wall, in hope the person would hear you.
“Help!” the voice was broken and sounded helpless but indiscernible through the metal walls. “Please!”
“Who’s in there?” Yoongi asked, joining you. “Hello?! Can you hear us?!”
The other person weakly knocked on the wall. “Help, please.” It was almost as if they couldn’t hear your voice. 
There was the known sound of the intercom in the dark, crackling and buzzing. “WELCOME WELCOME!” the little girl called. “Welcome to the last game. My apologies for the inconvenient space, but in due time, everything will become clear. You did well y/n, figuring out my plans, and how I think of things. You are smart, I didn’t expect that. But thanks to you, Hoseok lived. I’ll let you know that he’s okay, but he’s unconscious. I can see his vitals, right, on my little screen here, all through your bracelets.” She chuckled, and you shivered.
“Welcome guys, to the - lets say - hallway of Avaritia. The sin of greed is common these days, materialism is on the rise, and people are greedier than ever. But greed is an ancient old sin as well, it has caused much destruction upon the world we know today. Charitable people are uncommon, everything has a price. Everyone has a price.”
“In hell, people who committed the sin of greed are boiled alive in oil. As you know I want to give aallll of you a fair chance. So lets get this one started.”
“Yoongi, please look down at your bracelet.”
You couldn’t see him, you couldn’t see anything, and that’s when you realised each and every one of your bracelets had been turned off to shroud you in darkness. Yoongi’s lit up, casting light over his features that looked absolutely terrified. The colour was bright yellow, almost hurting your eyes, before it flickered off again. “Just tell me what to do!” Yoongi yelled, making you flinch.
“Calm down Yoongi, calm down. It’s easy though, isn’t it? That you’d come this far. That greed is saved for the last person who’d never tried to sacrifice themselves before. The one person who hasn’t done anything yet? Oh, I know, you let Jimin beat you up, you even offered to die. But I know you wanted it to be the girl. At the start. Because you knew as well as I did, and everyone else in the room, that she was the reason that one of you had to die.”
“So here we are, with what might be the easiest task yet, or the hardest, depending on how you look at it.” She chuckled, and laughed, and just wouldn’t stop, as if this was the funniest thing in the world. “You see, that bracelet that you wear has a special heating technology equipped to it. Once I press this button, it will slowly start to heat up further and further until it will sear into your flesh and you’ll eventually loose your hand or bleed out if your arteries don’t get cauterised properly. See this as your…timer. Because if you do not do as I ask. Each and every one of you, will die the same way poor Seokjin did. Painful, fully aware, and slowly.”
The images of Jin’s convulsing body passed before your eyes, and you were suddenly terrified that Yoongi was not going to be able to do what he had to.
“I have one simple task for you Yoongi. Pick 3 people that you think should leave this place. Yourself included as an option. Remember, don’t be greedy.”
The intercom cut out, and Yoongi swore under his breath. There was 4 of you, only 3 could leave. And he had to pick, it had to be him. He swore again, punching his probably already broken hand against the iron wall. “FUCK!”
“Yoongi.” Jimin said softly. “Let me stay.”
“No!” you called. “Jimin, I’m not going without you!” Never, you’d never leave this place without Jimin. You’d never leave him behind, not in a million years. Even if he hated you, you would not let him die alone.
Jimin sighed, and you heard shuffling from where he probably sat down with Hoseok. “One of us has to stay, and Yoongi might be right. This could all be related to my father, maybe an upset client, or someone he got into jail or whatever. I don’t know, but it could be. I wouldn’t be able to live with the idea that this was my fault. Plus, I’ve lost everything. My two best friends are dead, my girlfriend cheated on me and humiliated me. What would I do when I leave this place, be on my own? Die to insanity and fear? I’d rather die here.”
You cried silently, not knowing what to tell him, unable to form words because in a way you knew he was right.
Yoongi suddenly cried out in pain, thrashing around and pushing you towards the wall. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, NO!” he called, crying out in pain, wailing almost. The bracelet, it must’ve started heating up, there was no other scenario. “NO, make it stop, fuck. MAKE IT STOP!” The smell of burning flesh filled the narrow hallways quickly, and you could hear Jimin gag 2 feet away from you.
With one hand over your mouth you tried to locate him in the dark, trying to calm him down. “Yoongi you have to make a decision!” you said when he accidentally slapped your hand away. “You have to choose!”
“FINE!” he yelled, tears so clear in his voice, high pitched with pain. “I choose, Hoseok, myself, and-“ He cut himself off by screaming again, body banging against the wall. “Shit.”
You waited, an agonising few seconds that would decide your faith for the rest of your life. It was you or Jimin, and you were practically certain that he would go for your boyfriend, Yoongi and you never truly got along, and he barely knew you. You were certain, until he called the last name. “And Jungkook!”
You were silent, baffled at the fact that he’d chosen Jungkook’s name. Both you and Jimin, both of you, were staying behind. To die.
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“Do As I Say, Do As She Does”, An Anonymous Student Essay
This essay was written for an Italian course last semester. The instructor thought it was exemplary and thought it would be an excellent idea to share it with a larger public. The student agreed to it, with the condition of remaining anonymous. We therefore publish it here with minimal edits due to the different medium and audience for which it was originally intended. 
“Yep, the ol’ man was a gigolo”, Papa says with a smoker’s chuckle and tears in his yellow, beady eyes. He’s remembering his father, Gaetano “Tommy” S***, or Big Papa as he is known by the great-grandkids, seeming to forget that I’ve heard the story he’s about to tell dozens of times already. Sometimes I wonder if he’s aware of this fact, but he proceeds to tell me anyway in a subtle attempt to admit just how much his father’s infidelity had affected him as a young man. Lately, though, I’ve been thinking that Papa is speaking less about the weakness of his dad, and more about the strength of his mother.
My great-grandmother’s name is Rita, but I never knew that until third grade when I attended her funeral. We all called her Noni instead, a name synonymous with the smell of Entenmann’s, Dove soap, and the beautiful garden of lemons, oranges, and roses surrounding my great-grandparents’ house on Ellery Street in San Pedro. She greeted us with the same delight at every Sunday lunch, stepping out of her kitchen to squeeze our cheeks and cry out joyfully, “Carme-nooch! Vincenzo! Gino!”. Her eyes would sparkle as she embraced us, and she gave the warmest hugs known to mankind. She greeted everyone like this, and in our big Italian family, that meant over twenty people on any given Sunday. On holidays, at least forty people would show up, cramped together in the living room to enjoy her delicious cooking and endless supply of stories. Anywhere you looked, the walls were protected by a cross, or a statue of Mary, or guardian angels. Always surrounding these items were pictures of S*** relatives, symbolizing the central role of faith in our family. Noni’s strong adherence to the Catholic beliefs had made her a welcoming and forgiving person, who treated everyone with the same level of respect and affection no matter what. It was no wonder why she was able to attract such great company through all the years up to her passing at the age of eighty-five, ten years ago. But it was only within the last five years, once Papa started to reveal more information to me during our back-porch talks, that I truly realized the sacrifices Noni had made because of her faith, and the very different role religion had played in my great-grandfather’s life.
By the time I was old enough to know who Big Papa was, he was already disabled (which, according to my grandfather, was the only reason he stopped messing around with other women).     I rarely saw him get up from his enormous throne of brown leather, but when he did, everyone made a big deal out of it. He still had the aura of a king, despite being in his eighties, which I’m told was passed down to him from his father, the first Carmen S***. My great-great-grandfather  Carmen was known as “Capodochiaro” by the fishing community in San Pedro, which in his dialect meant “king of the beach”. He came to America in 1913 from Ischia, Italy, bringing with him a childhood’s length of experience in fishing and specifically, net making. Over his lifetime he had owned ten commercial fishing boats in the Los Angeles Harbor, and was so successful that at one point the New Zealand government tried to recruit him to teach their fishermen net making. At his wife’s request, the Capodochiaro refused. Big Papa was raised in San Pedro to continue the family business and maintained three of the boats. His work ethic was just as strong as his father’s, which he then passed down to my grandfather. To this day, Papa can never seem to emphasize enough his father’s ability to show him what it meant to work and take pride in your work at such a young age.
When he was not working, however, Big Papa was a lot more reckless. He nearly smoked and drank himself to death at several points in his life and, as mentioned, got himself involved with other women. Yet he did all of this while maintaining a close relationship with God. The irony of these two truths occurring at once reminds me of the irony involved with certain initiations into the Mafia. In the video we watched on Michael Franzese, he describes the “made man” ceremony in which a picture of a saint was burned in his hand, a sacrilegious act to initiate him into a life of greed, deceit, and horrific violence. At the same time, these individuals identified themselves as proud Roman-Catholics!
On a smaller scale, Big Papa displayed the same dichotomy between his faith and his actions. Though he rarely attended church himself, my great-grandfather was a strong believer in Christ and made sure to put my grandfather and his siblings through Catholic school and all of the necessary sacraments. It really shocked me, to say the least, when I found out that the man who had made such an effort to instill Catholic beliefs and morals into his son was the same man to make him sit in the car during his pre-work “errands”. Thankfully, reading Jerre Mangione’s Mount Allegro has enabled me to explore this behavior in new ways. For instance, Mangione describes his relatives as having Catholicism “so deeply ingrained in their bones that they could violate some of its man-made rules without the slightest feeling of guilt”. Was my great-grandfather so confident in his faith that he could violate the     seventh commandment without remorse? If so, why was he then so adamant on raising my grandfather “by the book”? Once again, Mangione provides an explanation. In the same passage, he proclaims that “the young had yet to prove their devotion by going to church and following the rules of the Catholic Church”. In other words, the adults had done their time, and had reached the point at which they were essentially best friends with God, no longer His servants. In Big Papa’s case, he had served as an altar boy, got married in a church, and that was enough for him. His only responsibility after that was to put his kids through the same experience, for their own good and protection under God. It did not faze him that he was sinning in his own life or violating Holy Matrimony. My great-grandfather viewed God as a best    friend who he would often disappoint, but who would always forgive him. His greatest contribution to the friendship was offering his beloved children the chance to grow into honorable men and women, to do as he said and not as he did.
Noni’s approach was similar and different. She certainly made an equal if not greater effort to raise her children within the Catholic faith. However, as stated earlier, she practiced what   she preached; and it was because of this adherence to the faith that Noni felt obligated to sacrifice so much. For example, her propensity to forgive her husband for all of his affairs could only be attributed to a woman seeking to live her life in the image of Christ. It also revealed her devotion to her children, as she believed divorcing my great-grandfather would only create problems for Papa and his siblings down the road. She stuck it out because she truly believed it was the right thing to do for her children, not herself. For over half a century she slept under the same roof as the man who had betrayed her so many times, so that her family could remain unified. Her marriage may have been hanging by a thread, but Noni’s sacrifices proved to be worthwhile. Our massive Italian family stayed intact for all of her life, all thanks to her selflessness that she maintained because of her devotion to God and the Catholic faith.
When Noni passed away, Big Papa’s health was in steep decline. His mind was deteriorating, and he had lost almost all of his short-term memory. Because of this, he would always ask for my great-grandmother, and the adults would reassure him that she was on vacation. They never told her she had passed away, but my grandfather is convinced that he knew. Big Papa passed away on her birthday, within the same year.
Papa never complains about his upbringing as a child aware of his dad’s indiscretions. He  never feels sorry for himself, instead only for his mother. But he also expresses extreme gratitude for Big Papa and reassures me that although his shortcomings as a husband went without saying, he was still a “great father”. This conclusion used to strike me as odd, but now I am able to  understand it better. My grandfather inherited his mother’s warm heart and his father’s work ethic, the former allowing him still to appreciate the latter without resentment. His unconditional love for his father was the same kind of love given by Noni, who took Christ as her example.
I would like to make clear that I have nothing but love for my great-grandfather. There is so much more to him that was left out of this essay, for the sake of relevance, that I wish I could have included. I understand that people are complicated, and this essay was in no shape or form a  means to speak ill of Big Papa. This side of him was discussed solely for me to explore his relationship with God and how it differed from that of my great-grandmother. From everything I’ve been told, I can say without a doubt that my great-grandfather was a good man. He had flaws like   the rest of us, in some areas more than others, but I know in the end he truly loved his wife.
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wildmountainkid · 6 years
RULES: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
MUSE: Gon Freecss
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— basics
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? 154cm at 11 years old! slightly shorter than average!
▸ are they okay with their height? yep. he doesnt really care about height much tbh. he usually can make it up through his rather incredible jumping ability.
▸ what’s their hair like? black. or perhaps-- it’s a really dark green that it looks almost black?   gon himself doesnt know. the texture is quite rough. without water, the strands stick up like a porcupine, not unlike needles of grass. touching the spiky tips wouldnt hurt -- his hair is soft enough for that -- but it’s a little itchy. with water though -- fresh out of the shower -- his hair is down, and looks seemingly fluffy.
▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? nope. he only bothers to cut when his hair gets too long, and his head feels a little too heavy, since his hair seems to be incapable of lying flat on his head.
▸ does your muse care about their appearance? nope. gon isnt one who cares about their appearance at all. comfort over aesthetics.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? not really no. gon does what he likes, and if others dislike him, that will be that. though, he’ll think it’s a little sad.
— preferences
▸ indoors or outdoors? outdoors. ▸ rain or sunshine? sunshine. ▸ forest or beach? forest. ▸ precious metals or gems? metals. ▸ flowers or perfumes? flowers. ▸ personality or appearance? personality. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? a crowd. likes liveliness, but not against solitude either. ▸ order or anarchy? apathetic towards either. anarchy is fun, but order is good. ▸ painful truths or white lies? painful truths. or so, he’s trying to accept them. ▸ science or magic? magic. ▸ peace or conflict? peace. conflict gives him an element of challenge, which he likes, but he dislikes knowing people with completely opposing morals to his own. ▸ night or day? day. ▸ dusk or dawn? dusk. ▸ warmth or cold? warmth. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? many acquaintances. ▸ reading or playing a game? playing.
— questionnaire
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? impulsiveness and recklessness. he doesnt think before he acts, and mostly let his emotions take the hold of him. his stubbornness means that he usually doesnt heed advice either. or rather, even if he accepts others’ advice, he’ll usually still end up choosing his previous decision.
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? kite. though technically, not quite. but the sensation of loss, of his mentor who’s arguably his most important person in the world (thanks madhse for messing this part up) is probably never going to go away. he remains seemingly as cheerful as ever, though he falls into an inquisitive state much more often than before. especially as his actions dealing with kite’s ‘death’ had harmed his other most important person. he seems to have placed a lid on a lot of the motivation and curiosity that used to drive his spontaneity and actions prior to the chimera ant incident.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has? whale island with mito. hunter exam with killua, kp and leorio. killua and him in whale island. the picnic back at yorknew. greed island with bisky and the final quiz. many many memories, because gon is someone who enjoys and loves all his experiences easily.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? nope. he has a tendency to use violence and anger to bring his views and thoughts across to the other. but he’s generally someone who’s hard to anger ( unless you have morals opposing his ) and he doesnt tend to go so far as to actually kill someone.
▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? firstly unseen. his naivety leads him believe that everything will be alright in the end. though, that doesn’t mean that he isn’t aware of the possibility that everything could go badly. he makes a conscious decision to believe in optimism. and the little unease and anger he feels remains shut inside, and usually not visible. should the situation turn out worse than anything he could envision but he’s still unable to immediately solve the situation immediately, he bottles it all up inside, only wanting to lash out at the right target. its only when there’s truly no way of getting what he wants, that he breaks down in a fit of denial, anger. gon, being a person who relies on his emotions to move, is easily moved to revenge.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? yes. gon easily trusts people and in their good intentions, and is not afraid of the repercussions should someone backstab him. he’ll just handle it himself.
▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? a lot of laughter. eyes twinkling. though, it’s hard to tell -- and gon is usually unaware of it the whole time, as he isn’t able to differentiate between friendship and romance due to his young age & just the lack of thought on the subject. but he loves having fun with the person, and would find ways to spend time with them. physical affection too, if the other is comfortable with it.
TAGGED BY: i stole it bc its a good one. lmFAO
TAGGING: *chrollo voice* just steal it.
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What Lives in the Shadows  3 - Centuries
                                               Some legends are told,                                            Some turn to dust or to gold,                                              But you will remember me,                                            Remember me for centuries
                                                       -Centuries, Fall Out Boy
                          “Hi! Mine name’s Ɔ̛̳̦̹̹̒̈́̋̐̿͟͞σ̴̵̹̰̳̠̻̲͚ͪ̉͗͗̌͞ͅℓ̸̯̥̺̪̙̱̘̝͐͋̍ͨ͌̌̌̀в͇͎̺̱ͣ͛͂̀ἁ̛͓̰͓̙̜̮̗͞и̛͎͕͋́ What’s your name?”
                                     “.....My name is Я̶̪͙̤͖̜̘̖ͪ̓̒ʋ̴̡̦͔ͦ̌ͬ̍ͧ̏͞в̑̀̓̈́ͫ҉͈̹͔̟͉̯̭ʏ̯̻̝̳̲͑ͤ̐ͪ̋ͫ̓ͥ̓̀ͅ…”
                                        “Wanna be friends?”
                         She remembers how much she hates him.
Vendel crossed his arms, leaning back against the cold, stone wall of the tavern with a cold glare in his glazed eyes.
A glare that was met with equal intensity by the human Trollhunter.
It has been three days since the group had their encounter with the strange creatures, and despite their uneasy nightly patrols, they couldn’t find any sign of the beasts...even the one they believed to had killed previously. They had become...suddenly very sneaky with their killings...if that’s what they were. Small amounts of people had gone missing, just suddenly disappearing without a trace.
And Jim wanted to know what was up.
And it was clear that Vendel knew something, but was refusing to tell it. Why? Innocent people were dying out there and he wasn’t doing anything to help! It would be an understatement to say that Jim was angry with the older Troll.
“I told you. You shouldn’t have gotten involved in this.”
“And do what? Let my town get eaten by a bunch of monsters?” The teen snapped in response, though perhaps it was a tad bit harsher than he had meant it to be. “If this was a Gumm-Gumm invasion, you’d practically be cheering me on!”
They stared each other down for a few moments, blue eyes like oceans of ice boring into old, misty orbs that held secret knowledge. Blinky and Aaarrrgghh, watching from the sidelines, look at each other with anxious expressions.
When the defensive look softened in Vendel’s eyes, Jim knew he had won.
The elder took one more sip of his drink before he stood up, walking past the trio with a simple, emotionless “We can’t talk here. Follow me.”
“Everyone in the village says you’re scary, but you seem pretty nice to me!”
“Did I say something wrong, Я̶̪͙̤͖̜̘̖ͪ̓̒ʋ̴̡̦͔ͦ̌ͬ̍ͧ̏͞в̑̀̓̈́ͫ҉͈̹͔̟͉̯̭ʏ̯̻̝̳̲͑ͤ̐ͪ̋ͫ̓ͥ̓̀ͅ? I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you…”
“I do bad things...Can’t stop. Know one day I’ll do something bad to you.”
“Don’t be silly, haha! We’ve been friends for this long and you’ve never hurt me!’
                        She remembers how much she wants to hurt him.
The book landed on the table with a heavy thud, and instantly Blinky was in love. It was so bulky, so thick with its worn cover and beautifully ancient yellow pages. Why, he couldn’t stop himself from snatching it up in one pair of his hands, taking in every little detail.
“I’ve never seen these symbols before! Or the cover material! Oh Vendel, where did you get this!”
Vendel ran his fingers along his crystalline staff before setting it aside. “It was passed down to me from Merlin himself…” His arm shot out, snatching the decrepit book from Blinky’s hands and began flipping it to the right page. “I’ll tell you all I know.”
Back when the Earth was young, a massive, monstrous being or darkness came into existence. It was made from negativity- hatred, violence, greed, and everything bad. When it died, its body split apart and spread across the globe, planting the seeds of a dangerous species.
There were different sub species, each adapting to where their seeds had landed, for example, the Demons of fire, Demons of ice and many more.
But the most feared species, the deadliest of them all, were the Demons of the shadows
They were a proud, powerful race with the ability to become and hide in casted shadows, though they were very different compared then when you saw them those few days ago. They were led by an Alpha and preferred to keep to themselves mostly, hiding in the darkness of the realm in-between the ones of light and darkness. Occasionally, they would come up to hunt humans, though only the ones that had evil deep inside them and did horrible things. Demons, you see, are drawn to horrible actions and emotions, perhaps because that is how they were birthed into this world.
They didn’t really bother Trolls, as they could not eat stone, and if they did, it would be a territorial dispute that could be settled fairly quickly. They weren’t animals. They were smart creatures.
It changed when IT was born.
One day, a female Shadow Demon disguised herself as a human and infiltrated a human village. By pure chance, she happened to fall in love and conceive a child with one of the humans. However, she died giving birth to IT.
There is one thing Shadow Demons fear, and that is Half-Breeds .
Half-Breeds are worse than Changelings, as they a born with many deformities and mental and physical problems due to the difference in DNA. They rarely survive being born...and if they do, the demons, fearful of the abomination, abduct it, torture it, and destroy it themselves.
Surprisingly, the Half-Breed that was born had no outward deformities -other then the deformed wings it had in its true form- but inside...besides have no reproductive organs, or anything that could show it had a gender, its brain was horribly deformed, rendering it insane and unstable. It would usually kill any animal that stumbled into its way.
Despite this, the father tried to raise it, naming it and trying to pass it off as a female to the other villagers. But when it reached the age of three, it ate him. The overwhelming fear mixed with the scent of the abomination attracted the attention of its pure blooded kin, who came and took it away.
I don’t know what tortures it went through, or how...but it escaped from wherever they had been keeping it three years later. It wasn’t welcomed back in the village by any means, despite its tryings...and it was eventually taken in by a rogue demon who had been caring for three spirits that had been turned into horrible beasts.
The rogue, stern, smart, powerful and cruel, was able to figure out the Half-Breed’s patterns, and was able to raise it without any problems for herself.
While given care, the adopted parent was usually distant. And this rendered the abomination with a feeling every living thing is cursed with.
One day, a little boy wandered out of the village and stumbled upon the Half-Breed and offered friendship. They laughed, they played, they told stories...Perhaps it was happy then, perhaps it enjoyed the company. Or maybe it was just doing its best to mimic the expressions and emotions it had seen when it had lived in the village.
But the inevitable happened and it killed the boy.
Something snapped then, and the beast ran away with the body...or what remained of it.
Shortly after this, the rogue demon disappeared, blessing her spirit companions with godly powers, and was never seen again.
The abomination resurfaced a few years later, bigger, more psychotic and evolved. The first thing it did was return to the pure bloods, slaughtering the Alpha and taking control of the rest of the species. It made them evolve, turning them into an insect like hive, with it as the ‘ Queen ’ the only one who could reproduce, the one who could control them all, creating new, more powerful beasts from its own flesh.
After this, it went on a rampage. Forests burned, animals and humans were slaughtered, villages were destroyed...including my own.
I witnessed it as a child, oh so long ago. There was no meaning behind it, no purpose in those dead eyes. Only a deprived need to cause death and destruction. So many beings, supernatural and not, lost their lives over the course of a week…In fact, that’s why you’ve been feel those little chills. It had become a response in Trolls to tell when that threat was there...but without the danger it has practically faded away.
Merlin came after that, and with a magic spell that has since been lost to us, he cast them below into the darkness, sending them into deep sleep for thousands of years…
Until now…
Vendel closed the book, staring down at the ink with a sigh. “And that is all I know…”
That...was a bit more than any of them were expecting. Jim’s stomach did a small flip and he swallowed. There was something so tragic about this...but also so horrible. All this started from one messed up...Demon.
“Do you have any idea how to stop this?”
The elder, with his back turned to the trio as he placed the old book back in its place, responded slowly.
“No...but Merlin told me something on his deathbed...In case they rise once more, find the God of the gluttonous earth, the serpent of the sky, and the glass beast inside the frozen mind. Together, only Rage can quell the bloodthirsty beast.”
The young Trollhunter blinked, looking at Blinky and Aaarrrgghh for a moment before looking back at Vendel, his eyes narrowing in determination. “You wouldn’t happen to know where those ‘Gods’ are, would you…?
                                                  “Wake up.”
                                               “Wake up,  Ɔ̛̳̦̹̹̒̈́̋̐̿͟͞σ̴̵̹̰̳̠̻̲͚ͪ̉͗͗̌͞ͅℓ̸̯̥̺̪̙̱̘̝͐͋̍ͨ͌̌̌̀в͇͎̺̱ͣ͛͂̀ἁ̛͓̰͓̙̜̮̗͞и̛͎͕͋́.”
                                    “Please don’t leave me here alone…”
                                              “I...I didn’t mean to.”
She buries the mangled pieces of his body under the tree they used to play in, hanging clumsily from the branches like the children they were.
She drops a Bluebell, as blue as his eyes, on top of the unmarked grave.
                                                      “I’m sorry…”
               ...But she also remembers how much she misses him.
                                            And just one mistake                                                 Is all it will take                                            We'll go down in history                                         Remember me for centuries
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biofunmy · 5 years
‘I’m 17 Years Old, and I’m Terrified’: The Issues Our Readers Hope Come Up at the Democratic Debate
Discussions about health care have dominated the six previous nights of debates among the Democratic presidential candidates. Ahead of Wednesday night’s debate in Atlanta, we asked our readers what issue they most wanted the candidates to address, and why it mattered to them and their families.
One issue stood out: climate change.
About two-thirds of the more than 1,000 readers we heard from across the country said they wanted the next president to aggressively try to head off a climate catastrophe. These included young people grappling with the desire to grow a family ahead of a looming crisis, and grandparents fearful their youngest relatives would inherit a damaged world.
A middle schooler in Havertown, Pa., wrote simply: “I am young and want to live.”
In addition to the environment, readers cited health care costs, an economy that leaves many behind, gun control and student loan debt as the issues they most wanted the Democratic candidates to address.
Below is a selection of responses, which have been lightly edited.
Make climate change a priority
I am a young woman who cannot imagine a happy future because of these issues that older generations have caused.
I have lost hope in having children because it would be selfish of me to bring children into this doomed natural world. — Molly Meehan, Yardley, Pa.
I live on a beach, and rising water threatens to inundate my home and others. Sea walls that go unrepaired, and roadways and bridges that need replacement or repair mean I cannot count on escaping the waters if I need to. — Mary Klein, St. Pete Beach, Fla.
My home state of Michigan may become a last refuge from rising seas and worsening droughts. I’m afraid of what a rise in population will do to the beautiful natural spaces I love.
And the little things scare me, too. The uncertain future of chocolate and coffee, in part due to climate change, is terrifying in its own way. — Hannah Ellery, 20, Traverse City, Mich.
I live in southwest Colorado. Despite having an extraordinary amount of snow last winter, we are back in a severe drought. Our snowpack is changing. We are experiencing more severe wildfires.
I’m concerned about other countries and the impact the warming temperatures are having on them and also on places in our own country, with increased flooding and more severe storms. — Gail C. Harriss, Durango, Colo.
Strengthen our health care system
I am a single mother who is self-employed. My family depends on insurance from the Affordable Care Act. But the plans have become so expensive that just paying premiums pushes my business into the red some years.
You might imagine that I am a fan of “Medicare for all,” but I am not. I work in the health care industry and I know how complicated and traumatic it would be to try to overhaul the way health care providers and insurance companies interact.
I do not want to turn everything upside down. I just want the A.C.A. shored up so that it works for freelancers and small businesses. — Frances Verter, Maryland
The high cost of our prescriptions in this country compared to the rest of the world’s is my greatest concern.
In 1998, my sister and I spent three weeks in Spain. She became ill. I was sent to the pharmacy for her medicine. I gave them the prescription and they gave me the meds.
I paid a small amount, under $5, for what turned out to be a form of penicillin. From that moment on, I came to believe that there was something very wrong with our pharmaceutical companies and the greed of it all. — Jean Zappia, Morehead, N.C.
I work in health care. I see the devastation our health care system causes. The current stranglehold insurance companies have on medicine in our country is destroying us from the inside out. — Yvonne McCarthy, Kansas
I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and without health insurance the cost of my treatments would have been a quarter of a million dollars out of pocket.
When families are facing a devastating health crisis, they shouldn’t also face a devastating financial crisis. — Ann Dixon, Pennsylvania
Have a plan for implementing and managing health care changes
I am a cancer patient. I have to live in fear of losing everything I worked for my whole life, to stay alive.
I want to hear how candidates will get their idea passed through Congress and how it will be implemented. Otherwise ideas mean nothing. — Judith Salyer, Ypsilanti, Mich.
Thousands of Americans will be out of jobs if we move toward abolishing private health care. I want to know how politicians plan to transition the jobs that they will be eliminating.
I work in insurance and I know how many jobs there are in back-office functions in billing, collections, claim handling and customer service. Most of these jobs require a very specific set of skills that will not necessarily transfer to other industries. — Alex Sam, Philadelphia
Make our schools safe
As a survivor who was wounded in a school shooting, I have been waiting for a candidate who is passionate about the topic of gun violence and reform.
With Beto out of the race, I am looking for the person willing to take on this issue with as much passion and resolve as he did. — Taylor Schumann, Charleston, S.C.
I’m 17 years old, and I’m terrified. That my friends will be killed. That I will be shot down dead. All I want to do is go to college, but what if I’m not safe there? — Rachel Ellynn M., Missouri
I have a high school son and a husband who is a high school math teacher. With every school shooting I hear about, I become more nervous about it hitting home. — Kristy Fitzgerald, Frisco, Texas
Make our economy work for everyone
The rate at which the economy is changing affects all of us. I used to work at a now-closed retail establishment. My boyfriend worked in a distribution center. He saw the company automate jobs away. — Nicole Sanchez, Columbia, S.C.
I live in Dayton, Ohio, and our county swung for President Trump, yet also elected Obama. People are struggling. Our community has job openings but a serious skills gap. Workforce issues are huge here. Just because the overall economy is booming doesn’t mean we’re not being left out.
We need a president that will fight for working-class people and prioritize programs that get people the training and support they need to compete in today’s global economy. Our middle class has been hollowed out. I live in a city with 7,000 vacant structures. Wall Street and corporate greed have left the Midwest behind.
We need someone who will focus on supporting programs that help economic mobility across the country. — Bryan Stewart, Dayton, Ohio
I make six figures, but between me and my husband, we can hardly afford to pay all our bills. With day care and health care costs for two kids, we have no money to save.
If this was 30 years ago, a boomer would have a substantially more comfortable life at a similar life stage.
My generation is already doomed to be a lost generation. I want to make my children’s economic future less bleak. — Justine Graham, Plymouth, Minn.
Where is this tight job market and booming economy everyone is talking about? It doesn’t exist in my world, and I am a college-educated experienced professional. — Jane O’Donovan, Dunedin, Fla.
Reset how America engages with the world
I am a Vietnam combat veteran and come from a military family. I visited Vietnam last year and I can tell you that after 50 years, the effects of abhorrent combat behavior such as the My Lai Massacre continue to haunt the Vietnamese people.
Pardoning war criminals endangers the entire military community, and it sends a message to our troops that there are no repercussions for criminal behavior on the battlefield. — Mark McVay, Golden, Colo.
When my preteen son was adopted from Korea, I was so proud to bring him home to us in America. I held him in my arms just a few short weeks after we brought him home, and wept while listening to Obama’s inauguration.
It felt so right.
We were once the nation that gave hope to democracies around the globe, including Korea. We have our share of historical evildoing, but after World War II, American soldiers handed out Hershey bars. We’ve built hospitals in war zones and we put our money where our mouth was in upholding ideals with aid. — Sophie Johnson, Arlington, Va.
Help pay down student loans
I pay about one-third of my family’s income to student loans. This is crippling to a growing family.
It would be a huge boost to our family and to our spending if some or all was forgiven. — Jacob Theurer, Grand Rapids, Mich.
I pay more than my rent in student loan payments each month. I have paid about $20,000 over the last four years and I still owe almost as much as I borrowed.
My interest rates range from 5 to 7 percent. This financial situation is holding me back from goals like owning a home or starting a business. — Megan Gileza, Baltimore
Ensure women’s rights
My daughter is a scientist. She will continue her graduate studies next year. I want her to live in a world where her gender, studies and intellect matter to the country, to the world and to the future. — Susan Goldstein, New York
As a young woman, I feel my right to reproductive health services is under attack, especially in the Southern states.
I want to feel safe in this country and know that if I ever needed it, I could access specialized female health care without significant hurdles. I know that when women are properly cared for and provided the care they need (whether it be safe abortions, contraception, or necessary labs and tests) the entire community benefits in some capacity. — Isabel Watkins, Carrboro, N.C.
Improve the quality of public education
My community has an excellent education system, but looking around the country, you see the stark disparities so that our citizens cannot participate in our democracy intelligently.
It might be the downfall of our country. — Diane Pursley, Lexington, Mass.
I live in Florida and have two kids. One is in middle school and another is in high school.
Education quality here is less than excellent. I would like to see kids having a well-rounded, meaningful education, instead of being bombarded by standardized tests. — Teresa Restom Gaskill, Florida
Defeat President Trump
The only issue for the election is removing Trump and Republican senators, not radical proposals that have no chance of voter or congressional approval. — Jim Austet, Colorado
Get Trump out of office. He is the greatest threat to the United States, its values and its place in the world in my lifetime. — Joe Distelheim, South Carolina
At 84, I have never been so scared for our country. I see the destruction of our democracy as the most critical.
I will not live to see it repaired, but maybe I will live long enough to see this president removed and see his corrupt administration held accountable.
This affects everything we need to care for our people. — Sara Davis Huff, Atlanta
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kawsarjahanshimo · 5 years
I do not want to see divorce in this world
Subject: Women of divorce  (1st   page) Writer: - Kawsar Jahan Shimo
Date:- 22/11/2017
I do not want to see divorce in this world I do not want the fourth world war, I want peace "I worship the struggle This country, on this ground I will be on that day, happy, prosperous, peaceable No woman will be victim of violence called divorce One divorce, Two divorces, Divorce divorce Twenty-two divorces The sky, the air, the polluted, will not be shaken Taboo is a curse. "
The number one form of violence against women is divorce. Therefore, divorce in this society Do not try it either. And raise voice against the divorce:-
At this time, in the challenging times of the Twenty-first century  , the speed of living life, in the age of digital science, the form of sympathy towards women has evolved continuously. Non-feminine Violence against women in this world stage of walks is never going to stop Women's torture is increasing in the extreme. Various forms of violence against women (1) Village women of divorce in Bengal (2) Wounds to women through slap, kill, punch, kick, Are being constantly scattered (3) Acute victims of terrorism (4) Roads and congestion Every day hundreds of victims of wretchedness or harassment
 In order to protest against injustice, the women of Bengal are constantly being victimized by rape and are taking the basis of self-reliance. In this society, women are constantly being tortured, persecuted, niggardly, oppressed. Everyday women is disrespect, humiliation.
 This form of torture of mother, daughter, sister, and Zia till the end of the twentieth century To survive, it can be absorbed. This is not the time to be free from exploitation and Women who we think of as women, women in this society Independent, freedom-loving, free-breezes are flying, they are victims of divorce, Or prostitute, or whore. This is not my talk. The people of this society are called men's society.
 The women of this country are humiliated every moment of this country. Every woman living in this society with this taint. The range of torture starting from my home Extremely far reaching America. Women, who are very far from our village, are far away from Canada and Britain, who have been victims of divorce. So, divorce Against this illusory of burning women who are tormented by burning violence / violence The protest movement started to stand me. But what can I do ? Only through the stylus.
An advocate of this society, a doctor, an engineer or a person Journalist. Those women are not victims of torture. In their time and time, In the country, for many years, the number of violence against women in the country is called Divorce Victims of violence In this society, women who are being involved in awareness programs, protest against women's torture and victims of torture.
The new generation, the old generation, the previous generations, the people of the next generation, and the next generation of women are tortured. In this society, men who are wearing a pseudo coating, speak for women, Feminist women and women were tortured and punished. The wife divorces. The leftist said, And the right-wing said, extremist or middle-aged women and women Number one causes violence in divorce.
  In this society, when a bride is married to a family, the father or groom of the groom With this family, their relatives or friends all ask the bride to ask What's on the side? That is, what amount of furniture ornaments has been paid. How much money has been paid as dowry? All these words continue. Marriage will remain fixed, marriage will not break Day and evening There will be peace in the marriage. If the condition of all dowry betting Is paying. In this country (in the context of Bangladesh) in the life of many women, on the 1st day of marriage, Basar is married Many women came back from their husbands home without the end of the night. The reason for this is being Husband does not want her anymore. Darmoya handed him to his father's house. The women of this country are like two-piss, three-piece, four-piece, sari, clothes-like clothes. Whenever you want, you can get married. Whenever you wish, it can be done by giving a mortal to the dervos. Meera is a consumer. Apple, banana, orange koa. Enjoy the will when It can be done when you want to throw it away. At this moment, women of this country are victims of violence. The first and the main form of violence towards a minor is divorce. Holi game of torture is taking place every moment as a woman is facing a divorce in Bangladesh. And how many will happen, women in the world chess A horror tale called Holi game of violence.
   Subject: Women of divorce / Husband abandoned woman (4th page) Writer: - Kawsar Jahan Shimu Date: 24/11/2017 A terrible incident happened a few days ago in Matiagoda village of Chagalnaiya upazila. A family Number of family members. Mother, father, big brother, brother's wife, one of them Just daughter. And, there is also the wedding sister. And, her little sister Make family financial status. There is no time to mourn. Water to bring salt Fur state The burden of all the family over the elder brother. Bhad Bhai's name is Kamal Uddin. Presentation with Kamal Uddin With the financial condition of the family, Bhutto Chowdhury was born. Bhutto Chowdhury's father businessman Reckless because of being the only son of the father. Kamal Uddin came to the house - Votro Chowdhury's eyes went to Kamal Uddin The younger sister is looking at artist Aktar. To get married to artist Aktar by offering Bhutto Choudhury. However, the father of the artist Akhter, the mother and the brother could not agree to the marriage proposal. Because, Bhutto Chowdhury later assured everyone that he had managed his father and mother. (The actual incident did not propose a day or no to his father-in-law). At one stage Bhutto Chowdhury and artist, due to the urgency and interest of Bhutto Chowdhury Akter's marriage went to the four hundred thousand rupees for the dower. After marriage, Bhutto Chowdhury started traveling regularly to his wife Shilpi Akhter. And, there was a terrible strain on this. Bhutto Chowdhury's parents did not accept this marriage accordingly. Rather, his parents, relatives and relatives about him He started misbehaving with them. The married wife forced the "artist Akhtar" to divorce. And, at that time, three months have passed. Witro Akhtar, wife of Vitro Chowdhury Has become State wise, four / five arbitrators of Bhutto Chowdhury village, Members, the chairman sat in the darkness of the night. The crying roll fell into the house. I started crying in the oozing way Artist Akhtar and his mother And, within a hour, the settlement was done by the writer Akhtar's forehead. Thirty thousand The marriage was broken for the payment of money to the debtor. At the time of weakness became weak and weak. As the reason, Bhutto Chowdhury showed that he is wrong Has done He will not be able to pay the price for this mistake. Cash of thirty thousand Artist Akhtar's forehead in exchange for Taka's Dalmah Faisal Bhutto Chowdhury's greed is lust, khayesh and wish to fulfill the sacrifice of the artist Akhtar Artist Akhter and his mother, Ojhar, because of the humiliation, pain, suffering and this life is in the zodiac In the curse, we lost knowledge of weeping. Their father, brother, neighbors - come and visit They could not stop them. When the night was deep, shut the door of the house at four to four in the morning Threw the throats. In this life, unlimited humiliation and disrespect, mountainous pain and suffering were caused by marriages through suicide. The plaintiffs filed the case with the police. But, profit is nothing. Bhutto in exchange for money Chowdhury Law, Administration, Chalgolaiya Police Station Officer-in-Charge, Daroga, SI Police, Constable, all bought them. In the last six months, Facebook has strongly condemned the incident. And, meanwhile The verdict of the trial will be silently crying
  Subject: Women of divorce/ Husband abandoned woman / (5th   page) Writer: - Kawsar Jahan Shimo
Date:- 17/04/2018
Legal separation between husband and wife is occur in the society in Bangladesh . Divorce is one of the serious problems of the society . Divorce is a kind of abnormality , When any women deprived from the course of normal social life . If any women die out , the fate our female will be scaled for ever . This society is called mad / insane crazy
So, let's face divorce after the divorce, the result of the horrors of its reality after a terrible accident like divorce in the life of a man.
         Subject: Women of divorce/ Husband abandoned woman / (6th   page) Writer: - Kawsar Jahan Shimo
 What is divorce ? (In the context of Bangladesh) a husband by giving his wife a dowry (in many cases Dowry is payable in the name of payment of dowry) Divorce is given to divorce from her in-laws Say The husband and in-laws of the inmate make this incident against the wishes of the wife. In case of any divorce, there is no consent from the wife and her family No Only the husband named "one divorce", "two divorce" If you say "three divorces" (in the context of Bangladesh) divorce. Divorce with three divorces. Then there is no husband and husband. He becomes a stupid man. Taking a woman, then a legal suit, then the case Filed.
 Subject: Women of divorce/ Husband abandoned woman / (7th   page) Writer: - Kawsar Jahan Shimo
 Date-26/05/2018 There is always a woman who is always divorced (on this earth) as a wife. The husband has been divorced by the wife and will rarely listen to such incidents in this world. Divorce is extremely horrific, disrespectful, insulting, painful in a woman's life Painful events The woman who is prone to divorce - her relatives, family - relatives A friend-friend never comes to give him sympathy or sympathy. Rather about him Negative ideas are born, responsible for breaking the world. Relatives say "melted to death" Everyone else "oh" "Ah", I'm sorry to say. Women victims of horrific violence called divorce The real trouble is that someone in this world can not understand the ignorance of suffering.
    Subject: Women of divorce/ Husband abandoned woman / (7th   page) Writer: - Kawsar Jahan Shimo
Date: 01/06/2018
 The woman who is victims of this violence has a horrific act of "divorced woman", "husband abandoned woman"  (In the context of Bangladesh) Women who are divorced can not go anywhere, they can not visit. The woman thinks herself a criminal. Thinks of "thief". If he went anywhere, all the people are curious about him. He had questions about his previous husband. "Why the world broke - Question about the woman who was divorced. The divorce victim is at There is no importance in society. All of them kept neglecting, neglecting. No one listens carefully to him. He became laughing, in content of humor. In this society Human beings (in the context of Bangladesh) have been condemning the women who had been divorced before or behind him. If a husband is a husband, or divorced or divorced from his husband, if he is separated or separated from the husband, if he is abandoned from her husband, then this woman becomes alone, alone in this world. His body burns throughout the day, and his heart burns in ashes Goes. The heart continues to split. Seeing him till the suffering [laughs]
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OurTrueStory.com - Overview
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cerisbeech-blog · 7 years
Hopes, Dreams, Desire 1
Part 0- Empty, False Vision of the Misguided In this world, there are beings known as Phantasms. Phantasms are beings born from eggs. They can be anything one can imagine, and are born from the strongest inner desires of the heart and mind. However...Phantasms, because they reflect the human heart and humanity is impure, are cursed with the flaws of humanity...and being that is so, many of them were dangerous and went rouge. Why? Various reasons. Broken Dreams. Vendettas. Twisted Desires. Greed. Feelings of Hopelessness and Despair. Desires to Escape the world. Desires even for death and to cover up their crimes and to do evil and violence. ...Because of this, Phantasms were seen by many as dangerous beings and as demonic creatures, and thus were often mistreated and seen as monsters. Truth is...they're just the projections of ones inner desire and wishes. And as such, they often express what one would hope for and have strong desire to be as much as what one would rather hide about themselves and not have known... They aren't themselves evil, but are bound to human heart. As such, they need guidance and balance from the one they are bound to in order to grow and change and become forces for good, even if they were born from bad desires. ...Otherwise, should a human that has them die, they will remain, and ones that are left behind for good can do great things, and ones that are left behind for evil can continue to do harm. And there are those who worked with them in times past though few in the present to do great and amazing deeds that were known as heroic feats and stood as heroes against the evil that wished the weak and the innocent harm and healed and provided for them all the hope and pleasure and an end to their suffer. Where as there are also does, in greater frequency then ever, who use them as tools for destructive purposes and personal gain that hurt and abused the most vulnerable. Because of this way people are, they often take good for granted and exaggerate bad things, often for themselves, often by having or taking advantage of very real fears and concerns... Which is why... Reverend Nox, who was an agent of the Church, was very afraid of them and say them as a threat to the world. She was the sort that saw them as nothing but trouble and welcomed them not nor regarded them as anything but monsters. She saw the destruction caused by them. She heard of bad deeds done by Phantasms. She heard of terrorists and criminals who hurt others using Phantasms. She experienced hurt and suffering from Phantasms when she was young and blamed them even now for the suffering of the world. Which is why... ...She was giving another speech in her church. "Phantasms, the agents of evil, are deceiving the hearts and minds of the people! People say they are but the bearers and projections of their desires and wills? But what do we know about that, hmm? Human desires are set on their foolish lusts that leads them to sin and human will is corrupt and full of arrogance and hatred and contempt for the Lord! If nothing is done, they will take over this world and the deeds you see them do in the news will reach this shore and will hurt everyone in sight!" Then she saw a young girl that had a little cute fairy Phantasm who was her only friend and her playmate, since she was very lonely due to how busy her parents are and having no real friends in school due and being rather mistreated. In truth, the little fairy did want to just make her happy and to help take her mind away from the troubles of the world...but might of been doing so by trying to do what it could to dull the pain and to help give her some fun, since it did understand sorrow and pain and couldn't fight against bigger and more hostile phantasms...thus it resorted to escapism to help her. Yet Reverend Nox pointed to it and to the girl and said, "See what I mean?!? This rabble is here and wishes to bring deceit in the house of God! Fairies?!? Do you not know anything about logic? Fairies are liars and tricksters and are the sort that delude the mind with false visions and lead people to produce their propaganda against the church!" She then approached the girl. The girl was scared and the fairy hid from the mad woman, but Reverend Nox grabbed it and trying to kill it! The girl wanted Reverend Nox to stop, saying it was trying to help her and trying to explain why, but Reverend Nox didn't care to listen and said, "Child! You know nothing of this world! I must lead you to righteousness and destroy this twisted demon that is haunting you!" Reverend Nox then started to attack the little fairy, who didn't fight back at all, and only blocked the attacks to protect itself. It then said to the girl, "Run away. This scary lady is no ordinary bully!" The girl was terrified and had forced to come by her parents, who were concerned about the fairy anyway, which is why they had taken it because they believed it was a demon despite it just wanting to play with her and encouraging her to do art because it would lead to her 'spacing out' and ignoring what she was told, which they took as it possessing her. The girl, fearing her parents and the others around her, couldn't protect her dear fairy as the Reverend killed it and murdered it. The fairy said, "Don't cry. I understand why. You couldn't get away or they would hurt you. Forgive me, of my failure. Soon, you'll be somewhere else, somewhere better, where we can be together again." The girl couldn't help crying anyway... When she went home later that day, she was a heartbroken mess and was quiet and unwilling to speak or do anything. Her parents thought it was a curse and had tried to perform an exorcism later on, only for it not to do anything but lead to her being physically abused to try and beat the devil out of her. As the days went on, she wouldn't eat or drink or do anything she once enjoyed... And she died of a broken heart. Her parents blamed the Fairy for what had happened. As did Reverend Nox, who said that it claimed her soul for hell because of the curse put on her heart and soul. Mostly because she, in her mind, had failed. And also saw it as an opportunity to use it to promote herself. And even more, since a little girl had died, it would make a good story to tell people to be anti-Phantasm to get them to destroy Phantasms. However, her parents deemed it was her fault for failing, and decided to take her to court, where she immediately came under fire from Phantasm supporters and the media for being a failure of an exorcist and a priest who cared more about profit and spewing hate-filled propaganda then about a little girl's life, and thus...membership dropped and she found herself facing massive charges where she could lose the church, lose her money, and lose everything. ...Which is why she took what money she did have, for she was very rich, and fled the country. Her purpose? To seek out what she heard that the Catholic Church had hundreds of years ago attempted to do. That is, use a powerful art to control and enslave Phantasms. She figured that she could kill people by destroying Phantasms, but that should be reserved for the worst of sinners. So...she decided that if she could convince the world into binding their Phantasms under the vow in the scroll to take away their wills, that she could have the Phantasms serve her and be forced to be good, and therefore, force others to be good by controlling their desires and hopes and dreams and thoughts and actions and very wills, to lead the world into a golden age of righteousness. She wasn't aware that the Catholic Church, for all it's crimes past and present, sealed the scroll away for a reason-it was revealed to work by the Arts of Darkness and was given to the world not by any divine force of good, but an ungodly force of unholy evil who had tricked the Church in the past and had used it to cause a massive amount of corruption in it and cause several wars and schisms that were quite bloody and extremely violent that they, not wanting to repeat those mistakes, sealed away and banned the practice...even eliminating those who knew how to do it, and hoped it would be forgotten in their library, sealed away and forgotten. They had not counted on their loss of power over the many centuries and that the temple that housed the school was vacant and in ruins and the scroll and it's secrets lost to their memory, except in minds of a few enemies who had escaped it that themselves eventually lost the technique due to alterations and translation errors, meaning that he was aware of it and learned that the church once had it...so did some digging into it to learn where it had been stored from an old record that had been long forgotten yet still in their library with a bunch of old dusty books, and found the scroll... And began to learn it and use it herself for the power she wanted. After all, if people's ambitions and desires are what is causing sin in the world, surely controlling it and keeping it away from people and making it serve the will of God will restore a sound and perfect world, yes? At least, that's what it was to her. ...Little did she know by doing so, and doing so slowly but surely, she was actually acting out a plan that was enslaving the hearts and minds of man. Little did she know that while this would, in theory, eliminate all that she believed was holding the world back, that it would be resisted. They were devils, though, right? Surely...getting rid of them would be a service to God, yes? Surely people could see that. Surely they would understand-and if not-be made to by any means? At this, she was unaware that she was being consumed by the very darkness she feared, that she saw in others yet understood not... The corruption within the heart of man. The darkness of heart. Who's depths of evil, if explored too deep, lead to those who ignore it, those who know not what they do, those who justify it as right, will turn them into a Devil, and consume their souls in the hellfire of SIN. All because...she had good intentions. But as they say, the road to hell is paved with them. For what are good intentions, if the means to do so are the ways of abuse and manipulation and threats and tyranny? Do such things lead not to evil, even if the one who has them declares themselves a champion of good, a knight of righteousness, who says the are fighting the good fight, yet would destroy others for being different and be so filled with their own sense of they being right no matter what, that anyone, anything, that got in their way, must be an unreasonable monster? Now...even now... Reverend Nox has enslaved many Phantasms and even created her own force and elite units to destroy all whom, to her, stand in the way of the one true vision known as FORGET, that are a part of her fast growing and new cult that promises so much to save people from the evils within and make Phantasms serve a great and noble purpose. The people that were afraid of Phantasms promoted this freely, and told everyone to do so, and it spread...giving Reverend Nox all the power in the world, and helping her get all the connections to very ruthless people who wanted this power and to be a part of it for their own purposes a reason to join her and learn how to do it... Soon...there weren't many free Phantasms left in the world. And ones that still had free ones were hunted down and seen as criminals and deviants that were against all moral principals. And the world was a sadder, more dull, more colorless place without song nor dance nor play, for they had been banned and people were meant to work at real jobs and work for the Reverend at all times...and she and her people held all the power, so no one could escape or get away or rebel even if they wanted without massive and immediate resistance, especially from the FORGET agents and their...methods of making people submit or else lose everything, even their lives. What a sad, sad world! Well, you know what they say... When the world needs a hero, one will arise... One day...        
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