#all this back and forth makes things really fucking awkward for the group who are forced to watch the two passive aggressively argue over
ohnococo · 9 months
Fight Night | MMA Fighter!Sukuna x Reader
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“You know why you’re here. You can take it or leave it.” His hand pushes its way higher up between your thighs until his fingers meet your panties, rubbing against your pussy as he squeezes your flesh. His smile at having confirmed you were just as wet as he knew you were is absolutely wicked and your pussy is practically fluttering with the way he looks at you. He dips his head even lower to graze his teeth along your neck, hot breath followed by an even hotter tongue licking a playful path. “You seem like you can take it, though.”
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You weren't familiar with Infamous MMA Fighter Ryomen 'The King' Sukuna when he entered the club, but he certainly wants to become familiar with you.
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Warnings: public sex, slight exhibitionism, size difference bordering on size kink, Sukuna has a monster hog that's pierced, fingering, creampie, rough sex, reader doesn't realize there's a voyeur present.
Notes: Based off of the AU in this post.
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Only an hour and a half into your night and things had already gotten interesting.
You’re among the many heads stretched and straining to see what the hell the commotion was about, or rather who it’s about. The staff cutting back and forth through the crowd had only been noticed by a few. The dozen people walking in at once had garnered a bit more attention. Then, the absolutely massive guy that followed them, moving into the centre of the entourage, gathered even more attention. You don’t even know who he is, but the most annoying guys in your immediate vicinity all seem like they’ve just seen God himself enter the club, shouting to each other about him winning something big, followed by drunken recountings of what was apparently a fight. He’s flanked by a sizeable group of men and if he weren’t fucking huge you’d assume most of the entourage were bodyguards from the way they part the crowd to allow him through unhindered. With the way people nearest to them were pointing and smiling he was apparently recognizable to enough people here. You weren’t among those people, but your interest was piqued nonetheless.
You can hardly see him at this distance, but you reckon he must be over 6’5” with the way he’s head and shoulders above everyone. You can’t quite discern his features but he looks like he’s scanning the crowd, only pausing for a moment to lean down before he makes his way to his own area, accompanied by his own small crowd. The glass balustrades allow you to watch him as he goes past the bouncer unquestioned and up the stairs to the VIP section. Even when he’s out of view the feel of the room has shifted entirely, mark effectively left on the place.
Your eyes had been so intent on him you hadn’t noticed the person who’d broken off from his entourage until they’re in front of you and waving a hand at you before leaning in to shout and be heard over the music.
“Do you party?”
What the fuck did they think you were doing? Dress held onto your body by a hope and a prayer, eyes glassy, pupils blown, and this stranger was being coy? Maybe you would be too.
“Maybe. Who’s asking?” They were too young for you, having that awkward ‘are they 19 or 30’ appearance. They were too small too, but you’d seen them trailing along behind the big guy with their fuck ass bob and knew exactly who it really was asking from the way they were looking at you like another errand.
They point up to the balcony, speaking with a reverence coated in the assumption that you’d be impressed, “The King.”
“You’re joking?” They look offended, like they might rescind the offer that hadn’t yet been made, but you knew it wasn’t their choice to come over here, it was this King’s.
You shrug. “I don’t watch boxing.”
“He’s not a boxer.” They spit out the word, boxer, like it had been an insult. “He’s the reigning heavyweight champion of JFC.”
Your laugh at the name has them dumbfounded, explaining even though you couldn’t look more unphased by his apparent celebrity.
“Jujutsu Fighting Championship?” They say it like it explains everything. Like it meant anything more than anyone else’s accolade’s in terms of you having a good night.
“Does this King have a real name? Or just a pretend one?”
“Ryomen Sukuna, and he’d like to invite you up to the VIP lounge. Do you want to go or not?”
You did. You knew you didn’t get up there without spending an exorbitant amount on bottle service, and having the additional funds to beat out anyone else looking to enjoy its amenities. Besides, you knew you weren’t going to turn down free drinks and maybe a story for tomorrow. So you put on a coy smile, indicating that you’d play nice for the opportunity.
The way they take off, cutting through the crowd at a brisk pace, keeps you on your toes as you try to follow along, pushing against people as you do - some dancing, some looking up at the balcony above and hoping for another peek at the man you were just about to meet.
Once you’re in front of the bouncer at the bottom of the stairs, your temporary escort is annoyed at having to give their name, huffing out a curt “Uraume.” as the man slowly looks through his clipboard, stepping aside once satisfied.
You’re just as quick to keep up when going up the stairs too, trying to look casual as you finally enter the VIP lounge, scanning the room as though your attention wouldn’t automatically be brought to the giant man seated near the wall. Uraume gives a nod to the man, and you’re surprised to see he returns it with a friendly smile, though any trace of warmth is soon gone as they then settle into a corner and The King turns his attention to you as you approach.
Looking at him up close it’s obvious he’s a fighter, you don’t know how you hadn’t immediately guessed it even from seeing him across the club even before people around you started mentioning fights and belts and such. Besides him being built, he has dyed hair that’s a faded colour usually seen among those showy men you meet around Vegas, uniquely employed enough to opt for bolder styles yet dedicated enough to training to let it fade ever so slightly. Nevermind the prominent tattoos on his face, neck, and disappearing down beneath his shirt. Eccentric appearance and fucking huge typically meant one thing around here: fighter. Or wannabe fighter, usually, but with the handles of liquor and nervous energy of the staff that had been rushing around since he’d arrived you knew for sure he wasn’t just some wannabe. From the look of his entourage he might not be just a fighter either.
Well, at least he was handsome.
The only seat available is right next to the man himself. He’s cross legged with his arm draped over the back of the leather couch - over the space you were presumably going to be sitting in. You imagine him instructing his goons to leave it free and feel slightly flattered, not too flattered though as you’re sure it’s a regular occurrence given his apparent popularity.
“Aw, no one wanted to sit next to you?” You give him a teasing pout and he laughs, loud and booming and rich, and you feel everyone around you relax collectively. He liked you up close too, and the feeling was mutual as he pats his lap.
“You can sit here if you prefer.”
Cheeky, you want to get a feel for him first though, so you sit next to him instead. “Buy me a drink first.”
He gestures to the table in front of you, littered with bottles. You look over them, considering your choice carefully. When he puts a hand on your upper thigh and leans into you, brushing his nose against your neck and bypassing any pretence of what he’d invited you up here for, you decide your tastes are a little more expensive. At least when it comes to playing with him.
“No Dom Perignon?”
The way his hand squeezes your thigh has you wondering if he was mad that you were taking advantage. The hungry look he flashes when he leans back to look you up and down lets you know he didn’t care as long as you both got something out of tonight. He glances over to a man who had been standing in wait for his every word, and he skitters off to make it happen.
You feign having only a passing interest in him while you wait, looking at him with brows raised, appraising him as he must have done to you when he’d entered the club. “So you’re supposed to be famous, right?”
Famous, you say it with a slight dry singsong that indicates as dazzling of an occurrence as meeting a celebrity might be, you weren’t quite so dazzled. He raises a brow in amusement, still rubbing at your thigh in a heavy reminder that you both knew why he’d called you up.
“Not famous enough, apparently.” He doesn’t seem nearly as perturbed by your ignorance of him as his small companion had. In fact, it doesn’t seem to phase him at all.
“So are you good at fighting?”
He makes no attempt to stop his cocky grin, and a predatory look flashes in his eyes as he seems to reflect on his own skill. “Yes.”
The staff sent off earlier returns with a bottle and glass, making a show of presenting it to you before opening it. As he does, Ryomen puts a finger on your chin, turning your attention back to him.
“I fought tonight, actually.”
“Oh?” As soon as his hand is off your face and back on your thigh, you turn back to the man pouring your drink, reaching out to accept the glass before he rests the bottle in a bucket of ice and returns to his spot near enough to be at Sukuna’s call.
“I put a man in the hospital.”
You sit back, taking a sip of the champagne as he puts his heavy arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer into him. You take in his expression carefully. Wasn’t that the point of fighting? You deduce that maybe he’d gone a bit further than was typical from the way he looks at you though. There was a sense of pride in the way he’d said it, a sense of satisfaction, even as the smallest flash of his narrowing eyes hinted at it being a warning.
“Does that scare you?” He looks as though he might just love it if the answer were yes.
You cross one leg over the other, trapping his large hand between your thighs, as you finish your drink in one long sip. Maybe it was a waste, but it wasn’t your money. “Should it?”
He dips his head low until your faces are close, and the size difference is enough that it’s as if he’s closing you off from the room as he does it, giving you a false sense of privacy as his lips meet yours. You’re surprised at the pacing of his kiss. It’s far from gentle, but slow, languid, and even if you weren’t ready for it to deepen you’d have had no chance of denying his tongue entry as he pushes it into your mouth. Happily, you match his intensity, opening yourself to him as he explores your mouth. His teeth catch at your bottom lip, nipping hard enough to keep you from getting too lost in the feel of his lips on yours, even as the tinge of pain has your pussy clenching.
When the arm draped around your shoulders slides further round so he can shove his hand into your top you arch into him, thighs squeezing his right hand tighter as he slides the heavy fingers of his left across your nipple playfully. You’re snapped back to reality only slightly when you feel the empty glass being pulled from your hand, glancing to the side even as you keep kissing him to see one of his entourage setting it down on the table in front of you before taking a place standing against the wall, staring out and over the balcony at the crowd below as if there were truly nothing to see here.
Sukuna rolls your nipple between two of his thick fingers, pulling your full attention back onto him. You bring your now freed hand to his head, tangling your fingers in his hair as you tilt your head back and lean further into his touch. Between the tightness of the fabric across your chest and the sheer size of his hands, he’s quickly tired of being so restricted in touching you, pulling his hand out and tugging the top of your dress down to free your breasts as he resumes his teasing. You pull back, having to turn your head away entirely to stop the chase of his lips as you pull your dress back up.
“Whoa-“ you haven’t even moved your hand from your chest before his much larger hand is covering yours, squeezing tightly but not moving to expose you again. There’s a slight warning in his touch, even if he’s smiling at you, bemused by your sudden modesty even as he broadcast to you clear as day that this was precisely what he’d had you brought up here for.
“You’re cute.” The way he says it doesn’t quite feel like a compliment, it feels more like he’s calling you a brat with a bow on it. The fact that it only makes you wetter isn’t lost on you though. “Don’t play with me too much, though.”
He’s moving the ball into your court, making sure you know that you weren’t up here just to get drunk and look pretty. He watches as you consider how much you want to do in front of these people, how much you want to show, and sighs, growing bored already. You asserted a boundary, so he’d assert his in no uncertain terms. Whether that was acceptable was up to you.
“You know why you’re here. You can take it or leave it.” His hand pushes its way higher up between your thighs until his fingers meet your panties, rubbing against your pussy as he squeezes your flesh. His smile at having confirmed you were just as wet as he knew you were is absolutely wicked and your pussy is practically fluttering with the way he looks at you. He dips his head even lower to graze his teeth along your neck, hot breath followed by an even hotter tongue licking a playful path. “You seem like you can take it, though.”
The shiver that runs through you as he uncrosses your legs with one hand and pulls your panties to the side with his thumb has him chuckling against your neck while he begins sucking marks into the sensitive skin. His fingers are as rough as you’d guessed as he slides them through your wetness and your eyes shut as you melt into his touch. He’s skilled, teasing you enough to have you angling your hips up for more, pushing one of his thick fingers in just before you’re lost in the sensation enough to whine for it. Once you clench around it he wastes no time, adding a second before digging deep and sliding calloused fingertips over the spot that has you tugging at his hair.
Suddenly, his fingers withdraw, and he pulls your legs open wide, laying one over his lap to give him better access to you. Your eyes snap open as the momentary loss of contact brings you back to your senses enough to remember you were surrounded by a dozen strangers. You tense and snap your legs back shut, and Sukuna sighs again.
“They don’t care what we do.”
Still, having your pussy spread wide in the direct line of sight of strangers was just crossing the line tonight, so you pull away from him slightly and glance around the room to reaffirm your boundary.
He looks you up and down, and for a moment you think he might actually send you away to finish the night with the masses, wetness still smeared along your thighs. It was clear he could have someone more willing up here in a heartbeat. Instead, his lips curl into a smile, and it both unsettles you and makes your pussy clench.
“Go dance.” His eyes hadn’t left yours as he said it, but it was clear it was an order to everyone but you despite the fact that he hadn’t said it to anyone in particular. The crowd in the room moves at once - getting up, grabbing drinks as they go, and leaving the two of you alone. Your eyes are still locked on his, held captive by the intensity of his gaze, heart beating faster and faster as people filter past and down the stairs.
In lieu of an answer you slide your panties partially off, leaving them bunched around one ankle as you climb onto his lap, straddling him. He slides his hands up your thighs and cups your ass, letting his fingers sink into your flesh before deciding he’d have your tits out just as he’d wanted earlier. He tugs your dress down enough to give him the view he’d wanted, then pushes your dress up from the bottom as well to give him better access and you let him do as he pleases at both ends, wrapping your arms around his thick neck and kissing along his tattooed jaw. You settle yourself down onto his lap, starting to grind against him to get an idea of just how big his cock is, but he’s insistent on having his hand between the two of you, sliding his fingers back inside for you to ride them instead.
His thick knuckles catch at your entrance in a way that has your wetness leaking all the faster as the fucks them up into you, and once you’re grinding down to meet his movements he moves his other hand to the back of your head, keeping your lips pressed firmly against his. When his thumb starts stroking at your clit and you moan into his mouth he takes it as his cue to push a third finger into you, pace picking up as his fingers curl just right to add to the sensations he was pulling from you. They’re pushing so deep and fast that it almost distracts from the stretch as he spreads them each time he’s as deep as he can get. As the coil in you tightens, you try to break your endless kiss to warn him you’re close but find you’re held firmly in place. Not that it mattered how much of a mess you made of his lap at this point.
You’re so wet you know his pants must already be absolutely ruined, and as his tongue tangles with yours you realise that you still haven’t gotten a chance to sneak a feel at his cock, thanks to his hand between the two of you. You want to see it, feel it before you cum on it, taste it even, as you become keenly aware of how desperate you are to have it in your mouth. It’s as if his attitude had made you want to match his cockiness, it had made you competitive, and you want to knock him down a peg with your tongue, your mouth, your throat.
As you try again to pull away you have to dig your nails into his shoulders to stop him from kissing you, he was large enough, and hungry enough, that you couldn’t evade him otherwise. When you lock eyes he looks annoyed, tired of any further delays.
“Get your cock out.”
Your words have his eyes sparkling, and he flashes you another wicked grin that only makes you absolutely desperate to feel him in your throat.
He pulls his fingers from you and slides you down just enough to sit atop his knees as he makes quick work of both button and zip with one hand as the other hand stays tightly gripping your ass to hold you in place. He pulls his cock out from where it rests hard and heavy across his hip within his pants, stroking it with an iron grip as he looks into your eyes, gaze nearly as intimidating as the thing in front of you as he revels in your reaction at seeing its size.
It is, to your awe and slight horror, perfectly proportional to the rest of his massive frame. Thick, heavy, with a fat head almost flushed red and veins rippling along the girthy shaft. The steel beads of the piercings trailing down underneath his length glimmer in the dim lighting of the room and add an extra amount of flair and fright to the honest to god mean appearance of such an intimidating cock. He squeezes at the base and when he releases it it flops back against his stomach, unable to stand with all of its weight. As much as your mouth is watering, you know your limits. Gone are your hopes of taking it to the base, watching him marvel at disappearing into your throat - and sucking on the head while you jerk him off wasn’t exactly what you’d pictured.
“Too much for you?”
The words, filled with mockery, pull your gaze back up to his, and he looks so very smug when you let out a less-than-confident, “No.”
“Well?” He wasn’t going to let that weak answer stand, pressing at you and enjoying the falter in your face from just how greedily you’d asked him to get it out just a moment ago.
“I just don’t know if I can suck that.”
Your honesty delights him, and his cock jumps slightly as he tenses from laughter. “I’m not asking you to. I didn’t stretch that cunt open for nothing.”
He pulls you closer with the hand gripping your ass, and slides three fingers back inside you unceremoniously. They had indeed gone in with much more ease than they had several minutes ago, and he begins pumping them inside you again. With the way he was stirring you up you know the noises would have been absolutely obscene if not for the music, not that you would have cared what people hear at this point.
You really had wanted to show off for him, slurping, gagging, taking him to the base and looking up at him with tear streaked eyes. But he was a fucking monster and you’d just have to accept that loss, something relatively easy to do as his fingers are right back to stirring you up. Those thoughts of knocking him down a peg with your head game are long gone as you rock into his fingers, meeting his palm for some needed friction, and just when you get it he pulls his fingers out and rubs your slick along his shaft.
He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth as if you were some servant, pulling your attention from his cock alone to his face as he gives you an order with a bemused expression. “Sit on it.”
With your pussy desperate to be full again, you’re in no position to delay the inevitable any longer, bracing yourself for your cunt to take what you weren’t sure your mouth could. He takes you licking your lips and rising higher onto your knees as accepting his order and spits on his hand, rubbing it over his cock to join the wetness that was already coating it. A few minutes ago you’d have questioned if that was necessary with how wet he’d gotten you. At this point you’d take what you can get, not that anything could stop you now.
He wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you forward and up until he can line the head of his cock up with your entrance. The thick head swirling through your wetness for only a moment is the last warning before he’s sinking you down onto him. He turns his attention to your chest as he does, sucking a nipple between his lips, latching onto as much of your breast as he can suck into his large mouth. He stops only once, half way, pumping up and into you a few times, helping coax your wetness down his shaft, before he’s pulling you down onto him completely, groaning once you’ve taken it all.
He releases your breast, tugging on your nipple with his teeth as he does, and that pain almost eclipses the absolute stretch of having him in your guts. It’s as if the wind has been knocked out of you, and you let out a few gasps as you try to clench and adjust to him. He chuckles, and the feel of his cock throbbing inside of you as he does has your thighs jumping, fingers digging into his pecs as you rock your hips slowly. His hand falls between the two of you, palm pressing at your abdomen, thumb swiping at your clit, coaxing you back into yourself.
“C'mon, where's all that fire now?”
’Just a second,’ you think, ’just give me one fucking second.’ You don’t say that, though, you can’t. Instead you let out the tiniest little stutter, a noise you’d have been mortified at if your brain weren’t so focused on the feel of being so completely stuffed full.
“Aw,” you open your eyes at this and see Sukuna donning a pout not unlike the one you’d given him upon entering meeting him, “didn’t think I’d break you before I’d even fucked you properly.”
Between his words and his thumb swiping insistently at your clit, something clicks and you bring your knees up, planting your heels on the couch for purchase as you start slowly moving up his length before seating yourself back down. You clench around him as you rise, letting out moans once you settle back on him and he wraps a hand around your jaw, pulling your face close to kiss you as you ride him.
“Mmm, there you go,” he nips at your lower lip before releasing your face to lean back, fully relaxed against the couch below as his thumb continues to lazily swipe at your clit.
He watches you moan, and tense, and struggle to ride to the very tip of his length before coming back down and rocking your hips. You feel him making his cock twitch inside of you when you stop riding, baring his teeth in a wicked smile at the moan it elicits from you. It’s not easy work to ride him, and he knows it. Even just being on his lap, he’s too big to ride with your knees comfortable on the couch. Nevermind adding the considerable length you have to work your way up without coming down too fast or hard.
Still, you give it your all, thighs shaking both exertion and the intensity of having him so deep. Your hands dig into his pecs as you watch him taking you in, eyes burning, biting at his own lip in what you think might be an attempt to stifle his own deep moans as you find your footing and begin riding him in earnest. His eyes flick down to your tits, watching them bounce, pushed together by the positioning of your arms and he begins rocking his hips up every so often. It’s just enough to have your tits bouncing harder, just enough to throw you off too - pussy quaking every time his hips snap up into yours with no warning. He watches your face again, laughing as frustration builds at him throwing off your pace even as he helps to build the pressure in your core.
You let loose a groan between your huffs and sighs of pleasure and dig your nails into his pecs, earning a thrust from below hard enough to send you toppling forward into his grasp. He holds you firmly in place, biting and sucking at the tits now in his face before he’s releasing them in lieu of pulling your mouth down onto his by the back of your neck. He matches the pace you’d set earlier, letting you rock your hips into his movements and think, just for a moment, that you still had some semblance of control.
“Cute…” he almost growls it into your mouth, and his lips curling into a smile against yours is the closest you get to a warning as he thrusts up into you at a pace too punishing for you to even begin to match.
You feel like a rag doll as he holds you chest to chest with him, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you down and onto him. He’s fucking you hard enough you swear you can feel him in your chest, and his heavy balls slap at your ass with the speed and strength of his hips snapping against yours.
“Fuck…” it’s the most intelligible thing you can say at this point, and that has his cock throbbing inside of you as he bares his teeth at you in another of those wicked grins that have your stomach and pussy tightening in unison. All you can do is hold on to him, hands clutching to fistfuls of the fabric of his shirt as he uses your body, the fast approach of your orgasm seemingly incidental as he chases his own high.
He lets loose a noise just short of a roar as he fucks you so hard you begin to understand why he’d asked if you were scared of him earlier. Your brain feels like it’s threatening to break with the feel of him and the way the girth of him presses and slides against every inch of your pussy is the only thing anchoring you to your body. As he begins pumping you full of cum the slowing of his thrusts gives your cunt something to cling to once the pressure within you reaches a fever pitch and you cum, tensing, clawing at his chest as you resume riding him weakly for a just a moment through the rest of your orgasm.
He gives you a moment, as he takes his, enjoying fucking his cum up into you until you’re squirming. When you push at him he lifts you off of him, sliding you back onto the couch, and you’re far too spent to even worry about the cum dripping out of you and onto the likely expensive leather below. You catch your breath, body buzzing and barely aware of the man next to you idly waving his hand at the corner of the room as he tucks his cock back into his pants.
As someone emerges from the dark of the corner of the room you snap your legs shut and pull your dress in place, realising in horror that not everyone had been dismissed earlier. The very person who had annoyedly guided you here earlier then heads to the stairs, presumably to retrieve the rest of the entourage.
Sukuna leans forward, pulling the previously forgotten champagne from its resting place, filling your glass before bringing the bottle to his lips as he settles back into his seat. While you’re processing what the other person in the room had seen, sheepishly pulling your panties back up, he’s already past it, ready to continue his night as people filter back in, equally unphased.
“Drink up, the night’s still young.”
Through the embarrassment of having cum leaking out of you in a room full of strangers is a small excitement building, and you’re more pleased than you’d like to admit that you were apparently invited along to whatever this man had in mind for tonight.
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572 notes · View notes
syoish-aot · 3 months
"I Found You" - Reader/Eren reverse isekai - PART 3
word count: 1022, still rated T [updated June 27]
<- PART 2 | PART 4 ->
“Eren’s acting weird today.” You tell Jean, an hour later and shortly after arriving at the restaurant. It was the soft opening of Niccolo’s bar, and he’d invited all of his friends to try out the menu and get day drunk.
To all of your friends, it seemed like the perfect way to spend a Saturday.
The bar was right in the middle of downtown, split into two levels with a more fancy dining area and a patio upstairs, and the casual bar in the lower level. Niccolo had been working for years to open it, and everyone was beyond excited that his dream had finally come true.
You wished you were more in the mood to celebrate. Unfortunately, all you could do was run your weird morning through your head as you thought about Eren.
About how he was being so… well--....
“He’s always weird.” Jean dismisses your comment with the casual wave of his hand as he takes another sip of his beer from where you’re both standing, leaning against the bar as you look out at the restaurant.
“I’m being serious.” You reply.
“So am I.” Jean shrugs.
When you don’t reply to the obvious ribbing from your friend (something that would normally get you caught up in at least five minutes of back-and-forth banter), he looks over at you. Jean clears his throat. “What happened?” He asks.
“I think he had another nightmare that really fucked him up he-” you sigh, “he totally forgot about today and the whole drive here he was just staring out the window, not saying a single thing. He’s been raving about the restaurant opening for months and now it’s like he completely forgot it was even happening. It’s just-... It’s reminding me of third year, I guess.”
“What do you mean?”
You begin fiddling with the sleeve of your dress. “Remember that morning he had just... disappeared.”
It was back when most of your friend group was still in university. Back then, Eren and Armin were sharing a dorm and one night Eren vanished. All day, no one knew where he was. He’d left his phone, keys, and wallet at home and hadn’t told anyone he was going somewhere. He’d missed class, practice, and the plans the two of you had made to meet up for lunch.
You were ready to put in a missing persons report when that evening he just-… came back.
Around 7pm, he walked back into his dorm acting completely normally. He said he needed some time away from everyone and think about something, but as he said it he had this look in his eyes. A look that… you weren’t sure what to make of.
The same look he’d had only a few hours ago; after he released you from where he’d pinned you to your bed.
“Yeah...” Jean agreed as he swirled his drink in his glass and stared down at it in deep concentration.
“It’s just reminding me of that.” You say. “All morning he was so stiff and awkward. He said it was just a bad dream messing with his head but he-... he didn’t know who I was, Jean. He knew who Armin was though. And you. Sasha, Connie, Reiner, Annie, Mikasa, Marco, Ymir- literally everyone but me and I-”
Then Jean starts choking on his drink.
“Jean!” You exclaim as you move the drink from his hold and place it on the bar, patting his back with your other hand.
“It’s-” he manages before another cough, “It’s nothing!” Jean coughs again. “b-bye” He status as he pushes away from the bar, still trying to clear his throat. “Armin-”
You’re left there, alone at the table with only Jean’s beer for company. Completely confused as you watch him push through your group of friends in search of Armin.
You’re somehow left even more confused than ever.
And as you glance across the restaurant, Eren is nowhere to be seen.
Armin looked different than he had before.
Sure, he still had the same blonde hair and wide blue eyes; but the way he was looking at Eren reminded him of the little boy in Shiganshina, wishfully rattling off facts about the outside world.
There was life to him, Eren realized in an instant.
There was life.
“Eren,” Armin laughed. “You really are spacey today.”
“Sorry…” Eren mumbled, unable to look away from his best friend as he recalled the last time he’d seen him: when they’d sat together in a pool of blood and Armin had held him tightly, crying about how they were both irredeemable monsters.
“What’s that look for?” Armin asked him with another laugh.
��You’re… You’re here.” Is all Eren can manage to say. 
“Oh no.” Armin sighs. “Did you already get to the champagne? It’s barely even two in the afternoo-”
“Where’s Mikasa?” Eren suddenly asks. He hadn’t seen her yet.
He had seen plenty of other people he knew, which made him do a double take as he entered the restaurant and everyone greeted him like nothing was wrong.
Like hadn’t recently killed 80% of humanity and led to the deaths of plenty of the people in the large restaurant.
Like he was meant to just be here and some-... some party or something.
Honestly Eren wasn’t sure what the event was; but that wasn’t important, what was important was finding Mikasa. 
“Eren are you feeling alright?” Armin asks, pulling Eren out of his thoughts.
“Where are we, Armin?” He asks bluntly.
“Um… fourth and center street?”
“No. I mean-...” Eren looks away from the restaurant and back at Armin. He has to know what’s going on, right? “We said we’d-... you and I promised. We promised we’d meet in hell. Is that where we are? Are we... Armin, are we in hell?”
Armin’s eyes widened as the playful twinkle of life that had been in them before completely vanished. “Eren you-”
“Armin!” Suddenly Jean was at their sides, he grabbed Armin by the shoulders and shook him. “It’s Eren he’s- he’s-”
Armin finished the sentence for him as both of their eyes fell to their friend:
“Eren’s awake.”
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chadleys · 1 year
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rose colored. | will poulter
›› pairing: will poulter x reader
›› wordcount: 3.6k
›› genre: smut, pining, friends to lovers
›› rating: 18+, mdni
›› synopsis: you're an actress who has been friends with will since filming your last project together. you've always had a small crush on him, but seeing him in glasses might be the thing that pushes you to make a move.
›› warnings: unprotected sex, swearing, oral sex.
of course you knew will wore glasses. it was just, he typically wore contacts. in fact, you didn't think you had ever seen him sport an actual pair of glasses since you'd met all those months ago when filming first started.
today, however, you're chatting with your co-stars when will - who's been running late - comes hurrying through the interview room door with his hands held up. ❝ sorry, everyone. i'm here, i'm here. ❞
the rest of the group starts to razz him, especially because he's normally the punctual one, but you're only able to sit and stare.
he's ditched his contact lenses for the day, instead replacing them with a pair of chunky clear frames. your heart flutters, and you've no idea why. to your knowledge, you've never had a thing for men in glasses before. so there really is no reason for the way you're acting, other than that will poulter looks really fucking hot in glasses.
will has made his rounds throughout the room, greeting his old co-stars, and as he reaches you he leans in for his customary hug. but you're still just staring, apparently unable to move with how turned on he's got you with one simple wardrobe change.
❝ are you okay? ❞ he asks, eying you with a small smile. ❝ am i not allowed to hug you? ❞
your face is burning; your cheeks must be beet red by now. hoping he can't tell, you stutter, ❝ no ... i-i mean, yes! of course you can hug me. ❞
with an awkward little laugh, you lean forward to embrace him. he smells as good as you remember, and the hug is full of warmth as he squeezes you, rocking you back and forth for a bit. it's been a while since you've seen each other and though you've been working on a few other projects since then, you were never quite able to forget him. he was always so sweet and polite and just ... darling. you suppose you've always had a bit of a crush on him, but the glasses? the glasses are taking this to a whole other level.
as you reluctantly release will from the hug, he takes his place in the interview lineup.
the cast for this particular project was fairly large, so the interviewer has set you all up in a semi-circle before him. you're dead center, and will is off toward the end of the line, and with that angle you have a clear, dead shot to stare at him the entire time.
and stare you do.
you can barely keep track of the questions and conversations around you, chiming in every once in a while so as not to seem rude, but your focus is almost entirely on will. on his bright eyes, the way his glasses frame them, his dark brows, the contemplative look on his face. the glint of light off his lenses gives his normally ambiguous eyes a sharp green color. fuck, no one has eyes that green. he's so fucking hot.
will meets your gaze suddenly, and grins. he raises his eyebrows questioningly, but you're unable to do anything but stare, open-mouthed, at him. he must think you're a fucking idiot.
as the interview drags on, he glances at you a few more times, smile slowly fading. you hardly realize, though, squeezing your thighs together in your seat, picturing all the things he could do to you, with the glasses or without.
finally, the interviewer wraps things up and as you stand you're waylaid by one of your co-stars. ❝ so, i was thinking, since it's been a while, i'm gonna get the cast together for some drinks after this and catch up. you wanna come? ❞
you give your assent as you're all filtering out into the hallway, and a strong hand catches your arm, giving a gentle squeeze.
it's will, staring down at you through those glasses, and now your underwear are well and truly soaked. ❝ hey. can i talk to you? ❞
you nod, wondering what this could be about as will leads you down the hallway and away from the group.
for a moment, he just stands with his arms crossed, one hand running a thumb slowly over his lower lip. seriously, can he fucking not?
he eventually speaks, with a sigh, ❝ is everything alright? ... have i done something to upset you? ❞
you frown, shaking your head. ❝ no? why would you think i'm upset? ❞ he does not even realize you're the exact opposite of upset right now.
will runs a hand through his hair and sighs again. ❝ you were just ... acting kind of strange. i mean, first you wouldn't even let me hug you. and we always hug, y'know? whenever we see each other. and then, during the interview, i mean. you were giving me that look. i just want to know if i've upset you or made you uncomfortable or something, because if i have i'd love the chance to apologize and make things right. ❞
he's rambling, and it's hard for you to keep track of what he's saying. uncomfortable? upset? if he only knew how badly you want him to fuck you right here in this hallway, he wouldn't be saying all this.
... should you just tell him? honesty is always the best policy, right?
completely unaware of your internal dilemma, will continues, ❝ i know i can come off a bit strong sometimes, and i'm so sorry - ❞
❝ i think you look really hot today, ❞ you cut him off suddenly. ❝ in your glasses. ❞
will inhales sharply, blinking at you. he's so unbelievably cute, it's unnatural. ❝ oh. well. ❞ he clears his throat. ❝ th-thank you, i ... i'm flattered. ❞
trying not to let your hands shake too badly, you shove them in your pockets. ❝ yeah, so. that's why i was staring. i just think you look really nice today. ❞ you shrug in a desperate attempt to seem casual, even though your insides are twisting around themselves and there's a veritable puddle between your legs just from looking at him.
❝ are you coming out? ❞ you ask, gesturing to the retreating backs of your cast members. ❝ for drinks? ❞
❝ o-okay, yeah. ❞ he nods, and you gesture for him to follow you out.
› › ›
you're staring again. fuck, you can't help it.
will is so beautiful, sat across the table from you, nestled between two of your castmates, cheeks flushed from the drink he's nursing.
you yourself are only one drink in, but you might have to call it quits after just this one. the way you're feeling today, there's no telling what you'll do if you get well and truly drunk.
will frequently catches your eye, and at one point he uses his middle finger to slowly slide his slipping glasses up the bridge of his nose, which leaves you gasping for air.
❝ jeez, are you okay? ❞ someone beside you asks with a laugh, and you nod, gritting your teeth and digging your nails into the palm of your hand as you continue to ogle will, who hides a grin behind the rim of his glass.
what a cheeky bastard.
› › ›
your front door swings shut after the last of your co-stars and you sigh, leaning back against the hard wood.
will is the only one left, and the longer you spend in the entryway to your apartment, the further you can see him crane his head back from the living room couch to look at you.
he calls your name. ❝ are you coming back? you didn't leave me, did you? ❞
❝ i'm here, ❞ you tell him unsteadily. with measured steps, you make your way back to the living room. standing by the arm of the sofa, you look at him. he looks at you. neither of you says anything, but he does offer the slightest hint of a smile and your heart melts.
❝ something to drink? ❞ even though everything inside of you is screaming at you to jump on him right there on your couch and ravish the everloving hell out of him, your feet somehow manage to ignore all of that and carry you to the kitchen instead.
will hums as you pull the fridge open. ❝ i'll just take a water, thanks. ❞ is that disappointment you hear in his voice?
with a water for him and an iced tea for yourself, you venture back to the living room. water in hand, will takes a sip and then moves to place his glass on the coffee table.
❝ ah-ah, mister, ❞ you reprimand him. ❝ this is a new apartment. ❞ leaning over, you grab two coasters from the pile and set them down for your drinks.
trying to lean back to take a seat, however, you misjudge the distance between will and yourself and find yourself seated half in his lap. ❝ shit, my bad - ❞
when you go to move, however, now embarrassed as hell, you find a strong arm around your waist preventing you from doing so.
you turn to will and find his face incredibly close to yours. your breath hitches in your throat. you seem to have lost the ability to speak.
but that's alright, because will speaks in your place, with a quiet ❝ sorry. ❞
finding your voice, you swallow before muttering, ❝ what for? ❞
will's gaze is on your lips, then your eyes. ❝ well, for that. ❞ he gestures to your drinks on the table. ❝ but also, i realized that when you said i looked nice today ... i didn't say anything back. i didn't tell you you look fucking gorgeous. ❞
❝ are you serious? ❞ you're not sure why you said it like that; you sound so ungrateful.
❝ yeah, ❞ will chuckles. he makes a face. ❝ is that weird? ❞
you shake your head so fast you're afraid you'll get whiplash. ❝ god, no, will ... ❞ unsure what to say next, you realize your hand has somehow found its way to his thigh. with a soft squeeze, it then begins to travel up the length of his jeans, over the hem of his shirt. the delicate cotton rides up and your thumb brushes against the warm skin of his lower abdomen, but he doesn't stop you. drifting further still, your palm cups up and over his shoulder, his neck, until your fingers are cradling his ear, and your nails click against the plastic of his glasses. ❝ i mean ... only as weird as me thinking these are seriously the hottest things i've ever seen in my life. ❞
not wanting him to get the wrong idea, you stumble over your next words. ❝ i mean, you're hot all the time. there's just something about the glasses, y'know? you never wear them, it's ... something new, i guess. ❞
will's fingers are playing with the ends of your hair, a bemused smile stretching his lips. ❝ you never told me you thought i was hot. ❞
❝ i was nervous, ❞ you admit, and the heel of your hand slips down so you can cradle his neck. ❝ y'know, what if ... what if you weren't interested? ❞
without hesitation, will answers, ❝ i'm interested. ❞
you make the most embarrassing noise and lean swiftly in, but will's hand is planted on your shoulder, pushing you away.
❝ shit, sorry. i won't - ❞ your hand has fallen from his neck, but will's palm is there, catching it against his chest. you can feel his heart hammering away beneath.
❝ you're okay, ❞ he soothes you, sitting up straighter so that he's towering over you as he normally does.
❝ i want to be the one to kiss you. ❞
breathless, you nod, waiting patiently.
he rewards you with a thumb sweeping across your lips, both of his large hands cradling your jaw, fingers sinking further into your hair so that he can drag you closer.
it's easy for him to do so, strong as he is, but it's not like you wouldn't have gone willingly anyway.
your lips meet gently at first, the kiss growing more fervent as your bodies melt together. one of your hands is still braced on his broad chest, the other hanging onto his wrist, afraid to let go. he makes you feel so safe.
at one point your nose bumps the bridge of his glasses and you break from him with a gasp.
❝ what's wrong? ❞ he asks, and you're glad to hear that he's as breathless as you are.
❝ mm, nothing. just ... ❞ you squeeze your legs together, wondering if you should again just tell him the truth. hell, you already did once and it paid off. ❝ you're making me really fucking horny. ❞
his face goes red at that, and his gaze flickers toward your bedroom. ❝ d'you want to ... ? ❞
› › ›
in your room, he lays you carefully on the bed, teeth worrying over the side of your neck. there's going to be a rather nasty hickey there tomorrow and you couldn't care less.
he pulls back just long enough to get a hand between the two of you and starts to rub slow, gentle circles over your shorts. his mouth back on your neck, teeth tugging at your earlobe, he mumbles, ❝ i wanna put my mouth down there. ❞
those words are enough to make your vision go black. it's been so long since you've been touched like this, let alone by someone as hot as this, your brain doesn't know how to react.
❝ is that okay? ❞ he queries, and you can feel his smile against your neck.
❝ fuck yes, will, of course it's okay. ❞
when he leans back, there's a devious look on his face. ❝ shall i leave the glasses on? ❞
truthfully, it doesn't matter to you whether he keeps the glasses on or takes them off right now, but you can't deny how cute it's going to be watching him go down on you with them on, so you nod. ❝ please, ❞ is your answer.
will kisses his way down your body, rucking your shirt up so he can kiss and nip at your stomach, before hooking his fingers into your shorts and pulling. he takes your underwear with them at the same time before gently spreading your thighs with his large hands.
❝ fuck, ❞ he moans, eyes going wide at the sight of you. ❝ how long have you been this wet? ❞
❝ since you came into the room and i saw those fucking glasses, fuck! ❞ the last half of your sentence is a garbled mess because will's long, thick fingers have started slipping through your folds, spreading your wetness, working tight, glossy circles over your clit.
❝ god, i have to get my mouth down there. ❞
wasting no more time, he drops to his knees and wraps his arms around the tops of your thighs, tugging you to the edge of the bed so he can give one long, slow lick from right at your entrance all the way up to your throbbing clit. ❝ fuck, baby ... d'you even know how good you taste? ❞
your head thrown back against the pillows, fingers knotted in the sheets, you nod.
will chuckles, warm breath ghosting over your clit. ❝ you do, do you? ❞ he teases.
❝ i-i mean, no. i don't ... i think you should have another taste, and tell me how good it is. ❞
apparently thinking you're right, will dives back in with abandon. his lips and tongue make you squirm, rubbing your body along your cool, crisp sheets. realizing your shirt is still on, you rip it off and press your breasts together, rubbing and kneading.
when he decides to add a finger, your head shoots up and you stare down at him, your chest heaving. ❝ you gotta stop or i'm gonna cum. ❞
❝ already? ❞ he huffs a laugh, finger pumping slowly inside of you.
❝ sorry, 'm not normally this easy, i promise. ❞ a flush crawls its way up from your chest and over your neck. ❝ you're just so hot, and those glasses ... ❞
will shushes you, skirting a comforting thumb over your hip. ❝ you don't have to apologize, my love. i quite like it, it's ... flattering. ❞
your chest is heaving with the effort it takes to pull yourself back from the edge.
will pulls his finger from inside of you and sucks the taste of you off, coming to brace himself above you again.
before he can do anything, though, you're tugging at the bottom of his shirt. ❝ you have entirely too many clothes still on. ❞
you work to divest him of his clothes, and you gasp seeing his cock spring free from his briefs. ❝ you're big, ❞ is all you manage to say, which. what did you expect? the man's 6' fucking 3".
❝ i'll be gentle, ❞ he whispers, dipping his head to kiss your chest. ❝ d'you have a condom? ❞
shit, of course you don't. you haven't been in a relationship recently, been too wrapped up in thoughts and memories of will to want anyone else, so condoms aren't something you've had to think about. ❝ uh, no. but ... ❞ you shrug, hoping he knows that means you don't fucking care about protection when it comes to him.
❝ you're sure? ❞
❝ positive. ❞
his response is a lingering kiss to your forehead that makes your entire body flood with warmth.
when he lines himself up at your entrance, you grasp onto his arms for support. your pussy is already pulsing, trying to draw him in, and your knees tremble where they're pressed to his sides.
keeping true to his word, he doesn't start to push so much as roll his hips forward, letting just the head of his cock sink in, then another half inch and another. it feels so good you gasp for air like a drowning woman, and will kisses you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his lips.
❝ i'm all the way in, ❞ he mutters, breaking the silence in the room with his mouth pressed to your chin.
your walls flutter around him and you make this strange hiccupping sound that makes you want to crawl in a hole and die.
❝ everything feel okay? ❞ will checks in, and you bite your lip hard, nails still dug into his arms.
❝ y-yeah ... if you could just ignore all the sounds i make from now on, that'd be great. ❞
will laughs, not unkindly, and mumbles, ❝ sorry, but there's no chance of that. ❞
and he starts to move, spearing through all your defenses, hips meeting yours with what starts as mild urgency and soon devolves into utter abandon as your pussy absolutely creams around him. you don't know if his dick is just made for you or what, but it's hitting all the right spots, making you see stars. which is pretty shitty, considering all you really want to see right now are his eyes through those fucking glasses.
❝ close, ❞ you gasp at some point, drawing him down by the back of his neck.
he nods, just resting his nose against yours, the frames of his glasses cold against your brow. ❝ me too. ❞ his voice is more measured than yours, though not by much.
you clear your throat, fingers carding through his copper hair, tugging lightly. ❝ inside? please? ❞
❝ you're on birth control? ❞
haven't had to think about that recently either. shit. ❝ uh, no. but, ❞ you say again, with another shrug.
will laughs harder this time, nudging his nose against your cheek. ❝ you're sure? ❞
your answer is the same as last time. ❝ positive. ❞
❝ i'll wait for you, ❞ will mutters, but his breathing is ragged and his arms are shaking and it's so obvious he's trying to hold himself back.
knowing he's so close to cumming, to giving you everything, is enough to push you over the edge. ❝ it's like. right now. ❞
both of you gasp at the same time, his cock starting to pulse, your cunt doing the same, drawing him in and taking greedily as he gives eagerly. hot, sticky cum floods into you as will kisses you, both of you gasping, licking into each others' mouths, bodies rocking together as you shake apart.
when you've done this with others, the comedown is always kind of awkward, picking yourselves up, getting dried off, saying your goodbyes.
but with will, it's perfect. still twitching inside of you, he slips to lay half on top of you, lips pressed to your shoulder as you continue to pet his hair. his eyelids flutter, and his breath comes hot and heavy against your skin. he must be so jetlagged after the flight from england.
he mumbles something you don't quite catch.
❝ hm? ❞ you can't seem to stop rubbing your legs against his.
❝ can i take the glasses off now? ❞ he asks a bit more clearly.
you hum, gazing down at him gazing sleepily up at you. your fingers dance along the edge of his ear again, toying with the hard plastic of the glasses.
❝ only if you agree to stay the night. ❞
he looks at you incredulously. ❝ how could i leave? and miss the chance to do that again. thanks, i'll stay. ❞
with a laugh, you finally take the glasses off for him and seal your lips to his.
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well students,
i really thought we might get have a nice quiet weekend without the resident wannabe-queen-bees trying to make a play for the kingdom. but here we are with grassy checking in for duty posting their harangue against the 'opinions everyone is entitled to, but cling to the pr angle and isn't it weird...'. normally i write this fool off to another wannabe-mean-girl who thinks they're doing something while no one actually cares about them. but, they've made posts policing this fandom (and me, but i'm more focused on the fandom) and i feel the need to share my piece. since everyone is entitled to their opinion and all.
this person made an account to purely give attention to the 'delulus' they can't stand and call out 'bad behavior'. yes, those delulus are fucking insane and need to be called out; but isn't what you're doing giving them the attention they want? it's all you talk about. this constant back and forth, launching thought turds to try start a fandom war is played out. but now you are going after the people who think this might be pr and lumping them in with the crazies? i hope you are including yourself with the crazies, because you sure are one. everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? just not these people who are discussing a celebrity's relationship on their blogs or in group chats. and probably not my opinion when you read this (hi!) and start using terms you don't understand to call me names. imo you are trash just like the rest of them. you and your friends are deeply concerned about those group chats, aren't you? odd. but i digress.
why do you care so much what these mods think, when by your own accord, they aren't harming anyone or sending nasty notes or hate? sorry, i added that last part, but it is implied by your other posts. you spend so much time fighting to confirm a marriage that isn't yours. you give the 'delulus' airtime time and time again. are you that bothered by people disagreeing with you? and why does it automatically have to be jealousy if someone doesn't believe the bill of goods they are being sold? fyi, seeing the awkwardness or plot holes is not confirmation bias. maybe these fans are trying to grapple with the upset of their favorite actor not living up to ideals he has claimed to hold. maybe they are just trying to continue to enjoy his projects without associating her in them. we do not have to bring her into absolutely every conversation about him, but both dumb ass 'teams' sure try. and yes, his wife is plenty problematic. she may not have directly said the horrible things her friends have and then tried to throw (at least one of) those friends under the bus, but you know what is said: when someone sits down at a table with three nazis, and if they don't call them out, there are four nazis at the table.
so what's the real reason for your constant vitriol and desperate attempt to make people 'see the truth'? why are you fighting so hard for a relationship that isn't yours? do you, just like those 'delulus', think you'll get some big prize for being his biggest defender? you don't want to have genuine conversation with anyone, you just want to argue your point of view time and time again. you want everyone to see things through your lens and agree with your confirmation bias.
yes, you, your friends, and the delulus all just love to police the fandom. i thought it was a joke when i was told about the constant policing, but here you all are, over and over, day after day. telling people what to think, telling people what to post, cruising around tumblr to comment on posts that have nothing to do with you. for what? i'm starting to believe the rumblings that you all are part of the plot to advance a certain narrative and keep the nunemployed at the forefront of the discussion. i can't prove it, but again, it's rumored.
i'll close with some words you might recognize, grassy.
these two people do not know you. they don’t care how you feel about them. you will likely never meet or know them in your lifetime. therefore it is really weird to INSIST you are right about certain things happening in their lives and/or behind the scenes when absolutely none of his fandom knows anything beyond what he presents to us.
think about it for a while. why do you care so much if someone doesn't believe this narrative? are you getting paid for this? because if not, it is very strange to be this invested in someone else's marriage. maybe you are jealous because you aren't married. i don't know. but jealousy is your go to.
from the archives: you once told people they would be accepted by you and your ilk if they admitted they were wrong. that announcement and offer gave very strange, cult leader- like vibes. so fucking odd. so here's this -if you can admit you're just a bitch who wants tumblr notoriety (HA) and has an axe to grind, we'll accept you. there's no prize for being an asshole online. ce will never care if you were his greatest warrior on the world wide web. you're just another asshole existing on the same coin with the others and think you are better than everyone else.
i will definitely be using tags on this. i will continue to use them. and as you say: most people are doing no harm. they are discussing things in private chats, but i understand that you all are so upset about not being invited. i promise, being honest with yourself will set you free.
and grassy? shove your dollar store, rip off musing up your ass.
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saucyjothoughts · 2 months
Something for you to nibble on, dear saucy. Assign the boys according to who...
...sends you dirty texts?
...sends you explicit pics?
...sends you little clips of them touching themselves?
...voicenotes you while they play with themselves?
...facetimes you so you can play together?
And feel free to elaborate as much as you want on your choices. 😏
Do you agree with my choices?
(nsfw under the cut)
Dirty texts: Kris. Surprisingly filthy by text in a way that he rarely is in person. You'll be out as a group and he'll be wholesome on the surface, having normal conversations, but texting you everything he wants to do to you when he gets you alone. His true skills come out if you're both bored in your respective homes and he can really focus his attention on his fantasies, sharing every little detail with you, his spelling and punctuation getting worse and worse as he gets closer to losing control.
Explicit pics: Jan. He'll pepper them to you throughout the day with no warning, just whenever he's hard and thinking about you. In public bathrooms and fitting rooms and in nature when there's no one around. It's all part of the foreplay, feeling naughty and making you want him before you can get your hands on each other. Often they're not completely explicit, just suggestive - the outline of his cock or his hand slipping under his clothes, his boxers pulled down just enough to tease. Every now and then though, you'll be gifted with something you definitely shouldn't have opened in public.
Masturbation clips: Jure. Jure likes to film tributes - the camera pointed downwards to record his own POV of himself jerking off over a photo of you, splattering cum over the image of you're face to the soundtrack of his pleasure. Sometimes it won't be a picture but a fleshlight that he says reminds him of how you look, how you feel. He'll use this stand-in pussy to show you how he'd fuck you if you were there, in up-close detail, including cum dripping from it when he's done. Sometimes the clip is just the mess he makes he makes over his own belly while thinking about you, panning up from his softening cock to that boyish grin.
Masturbation voicenotes: Nace. Trying to get flattering pics of his body can very quickly ruin the mood for Nace, no matter how complimentary you are. But voicenotes are easy, he can relax, feel hot, and god damn is he good at it. He always makes sure you can hear a rhythmic wetness in the background (or sometimes a buzzing) behind his dirty comments and breathy moans - grunting if he's feeling virile or whimpering if he's craving some attention. It comes in fragments so you can flick back and forth between them, saving your favourite to repeat later, until he eventually taps record just as he's about to finish. It always ends with his laughter or affection or blowing kisses.
Dirty Facetime: Bojan. He'll cling onto any intimacy he can get when the distance makes things tough, and carve time out of his day to spend with you like this. It was awkward at first but now you've got the angles figured out and it always ends in that warm, loving feeling that usually only comes with real sex and not masturbation. You've started trading shirts to have each other's smell close (maybe he puts yours on a pillow to cuddle) and for your birthday he'll gift you a toy based on the exact shape of his own dick so he can watch it make you come when he's not there to pleasure you himself.
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xiaq · 1 year
What was your relationship with HP in your childhood and what did it mean to you?
Warning: long answer is long.
I read the first HP book when I was 10. It felt like coming home. I was a deeply awkward, anxious kid dealing with bullying at school. I felt wrong and out of place and like everyone except for me had a manual for how they were supposed to navigate life; without the manual I was certain I would never catch up.
Books were a fucking haven. And THIS book. This book was about a kid that I empathized with so much. Except he's bullied and feels out of place because he IS out place. He's meant to be somewhere better, with people like him, who (for the most part) treat him kindly and with respect. And suddenly he's able to make friends and excel at his studies, and he settles into this fantastic world where he fits, and he's bright and likable and he has a purpose. It was just. God, it was everything I wanted for myself. AND there was magic and a train and a cool castle.
I think the first two books were already out when I started reading and I read the rest as they were released (re-reading them all multiple times in between). The friends I did manage to make also adored the books. I went from "playing Harry Potter" on the playground to writing fanfic to going to midnight book releases and meeting up with friends to see the movies as they started coming out. The final book came out shortly after I started high school, and the final movie came out when I was in college. I went to that midnight showing with a good portion of my friends and we all cried like babies at the end. Because it was over. This thing that had sustained us for so long. This thing that marked our childhoods.
You have to understand that Harry Potter-related expectation was a constant for the majority of my life. Since I was in elementary school there was always a new book to look forward to every year or so. And when the book series was completed, there was the next movie to look forward to. And then it was over (and with such an unsatisfying epilogue). That's when I really got involved in fandom (outside the fic I wrote amongst friends in a the group journal we kept and passed back and forth during studyhall, ofc). And fandom was the most accepting, glorious, place for an anxious queer kid just starting to come out of her shell as college afforded her the freedom to realize that maybe the very narrow (private Christian school k-12) concept of normalcy she'd been afforded until that point wasn't entirely accurate. And it continued to be glorious. I went to cons and got merch and put my House in my online dating profile and 3D printed custom HP cookie cutters and joked about having a HP themed wedding some day and my friends and I loved our nerdy little world that made us happy. Until Joanne ruined it.
And I'm honestly not trying to be dramatic, but when something has been so intrinsic to your life and your social circle and even, to an extent, part of your identify, it's fucking devastating when you find out the creator of that thing is a bigot and actively using her platform to target people you love. I stopped supporting her (buying books/movies/merch etc.) a couple years back, and I was content in embracing the concept of Death of the Author (or, as I've previously termed it, "we've killed the author and are now rifling through her stuff to keep the good bits and throw out the bad"). But now, in light of her continued escalations and the recent TV series announcement, and the conversations I've been having with friends (particularly Jewish and trans friends), I do mean that the very concept of Harry Potter is ruined for me. My, now decades, of nostalgia just...aren't enough to supersede what feels like an irresponsible attachment. Before, I wanted HP's social presence to live on in spite of and without JK Rowling. Now, it's becoming more and more apparent that the entertainment industry is going to squeeze as much money out of the HP world as possible which will, by extension, continue to give her a platform and money with which to actively support her shitty dogma.
So. Here I am, too sad to pick up my HP books for my annual summer re-read, or start the new fic a writer I love has just posted or open the document to work on my own HP fic. Which is not at all a condemnation of folks in fandom who ARE able to keep reading and creating and loving the world while thumbing their nose at her. I just can't right now.
So I'm stepping back and blocking the tags and ignoring the show and trying to let other worlds consume me.
Anyway. That's what it meant to me. Sorry for the tiny violin moment but your ask made me sit down and confront the fact that I'm dealing with an extremely weird sort of grief I haven't ever encountered before.
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boydepartment · 1 year
MY ONLY LOVE- Jake Sim x Reader: Ch. 10
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description- y/n is an upcoming soloist in belift, she was previously in a disbanded group and the company decided to give her a chance. one day she runs into ex-boyfriend, jake sim, in the canteen. it was awkward and embarrassing and for weeks she tries to avoid him. you can’t avoid people forever though, especially when the company who gave her a chance tells her she has to fake date her ex boyfriend publicly.
genre- exes to lovers, fake dating, idol AU, romcom.
includes- enhypen, y/n (obviously), bahiyyih (kep1er), hikaru (kep1er), new jeans, different idol cameos (i.e probably mark lee, bangchan, etc)
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you sat at the canteen alone, your phone on the side of you.
how are you supposed to explain to bahiyyih the situation?
you weren’t supposed to share the situation
the circumstance
what are you supposed to do?
your mouth felt dry and you grabbed your water bottle, you had a ton of vitamin powder in it aswell. the taste hopefully sustaining your dry mouth.
it didn’t.
ugh this whole situation sucked really bad, you pushed your plastic plate to the side, food still in it. making the ramen swish back and forth a bit. you laid your head down and sighed, watching your phone buzz.
you jumped and looked to your other side, jake was sitting next to you his head on the table too. you settled back down and resumed your position.
“hey…” you mumbled, you were confused and you felt insecure around him. it wasn’t like this before when you were a teenager. you didn’t understand what changed so much.
he watched your facial expressions intently, “i’m sorry i’ve been brushing you off. it probably made you feel like shit.”
you shrugged, “a little…” jake gave you a knowing look and you sighed, “a lot.”
“i’m sorry, i genuinely thought i was coming off too strong and i scared you.” he whispered, and looked away from you, “all my friends said that if they were you, they’d be running for the hills.”
you laughed slightly, “it did take me off-guard a bit. i didn’t expect the boyfriend mode that quickly…”
jake nodded and lifted his head up, “noted. is there anything else i’ve done that bothers you?”
his eyes definitely did not miss the fact you were wearing the bracelet he made you.
“no… i was just overwhelmed over the whole situation…” you sat up aswell.
“okay then let’s make a deal between me and you okay?” he pushed his chair in and looked at you.
“another deal?” you laughed and put your hair behind your ear.
jake nodded and kinda eyed the noodles you were previously eating. you pushed it towards him and he happily dug in. putting his hand up motioning to give him a second to eat.
after wiping his mouth with a napkin he continues, “okay so, whenever you feeling overwhelmed with our situation. talk to me please. that’s technically what i’m legally obligated to do now.”
the way he was looking at you made you feel like you were staring at the boy you dated when you were just a trainee. your heart racing.
“the way you put it makes it sound horrible.”
jake’s eyes widened before he gained composure once more, “even if i wasn’t legally contracted to, i want you to talk to me- well…. communicate…”
“you’re right… we do need to communicate .” you nodded, jake put his hand out.
“shake on it with me, y/n.” he grinned at you. you rolled your eyes and shook his hand. you both went back to doing your own things next to each other. after a couple smiles and glances back and forth you turned to him again.
“i have a question…”
jake looked at you, “yes?”
“what do we tell our friends or colleagues?” you started to nervously bite your cheek, “my best friends have been asking about you for like ever…”
jake took a deep breath, “the contract says we can’t tell anyone. so we are kinda fucked in that sense.” he chuckled and leaned back stretching. you scoffed and slapped his stomach slightly.
“you’re not helping!”
jake yelped and put his hands over his stomach then looked at you, “just tell them we’re dating! that’s what i told my friends! that i was pining after you!”
your eyes went wide and you turned slowly toward him, “you what?”
“what was i supposed to say when we went out to dinner that one night!”
“that night was literally the day the contract was made!” you whisper yelled at him.
jake shrugged, “i said i was on a date with you so.”
you groaned and laid your head down loudly, you felt jake pat your back.
“do your friends not like me?”
you looked at him, laying your head to the side and blowing some hair out of your face, “they think you’re a dweeb.”
jake pretended to be hurt, “ouch….” then he quit the facad very shortly after, “good luck telling them you’re dating a dweeb, princess.”
jake got up at moved hair out of your face for you, when he left you immediately sat up, flustered and blinking.
your phone was still buzzing near your water… oh right…
taglist- open :)
@bloofairyfox @enluv @kaykay11sworld @tumblemumblr @haisuken @bluxjun @breadlover01 @ghostiiess @filmofhybe @yourmomscuntis2tighy @beomgyusonlywife @enhaz1 @surefornext <3
comment, dm, or send an ask to be added <3
if i ever forget to add you to the taglist please remind me! i get a lot of notifs everyday and sometimes i miss one or two
a/n: i really have to learn to not fuck up on my tags bruh. also hi everyone ❤️ hope you’re well :)
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thewebcomicsreview · 1 year
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Okay, this one got submitted to me, so lets take a look.
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Okay, first things first. This is a pretty solid first page. It immediately establishes our protagonist, an external conflict (”broken rules”) and an internal conflict (”What am I if I’m not obedient”) in three panels and fifteen words. This is a page that makes me want to read more. Good job!
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This leads into a scene that we later realize is a few minutes ago, and I like that the first page was “smoky” like that, which made it feel more like an “intro page” than the actual page 1 of the story. If there had been a detailed background this transition would’ve been more jarring but as is it works.
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Your getting a lot of mileage out of this art. I like that our unnamed trans catgirl is sitting with her legs crossed in a feminine way, and the way the director is covering the P in the sign in the background. HERE TO HELL!
Anyway, our catgirl escapes in a smokey pod while she has a think, letting us know we’ve “caught up” to the intro. Cool.
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She’s found by a group of normal people who awkwardly explain to the black person that slavery is bad, which is an unfortunate blocking decision. Also, I feel like the preceding 16 pages did such a good job explaining the helpers that this exposition is redundant, and it makes Isabelle (who we soon learn is in “the resistance”) look a little dumb, like she joined an anti-slavery network but is only learning about slavery just now. This is kind of nitpicking, I know, but the comic’s been really smooth up until here and this has been the first speed bump I’ve noticed.
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Okay, so, our protagonist is technomagically compelled to fall in love with Isabelle, who is also the most anti-slavery member of the group. There’s a lot to unpack there, and me saying that isn’t a criticism. 
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Isabelle reveals this is a t4t romance and I’m not sure how I feel about the trans flag being in grayscale there. Like, the whole comic’s in greyscale, so it fits, but also the only way to tell it’s a trans flag is from context because otherwise it’s just kind of stripes.
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On the other hand, even ignoring my shit ten-seconds-in-MS-Paint recoloring skillz, busting out the Sin City splash colors makes it really fourth wall breaking, but it’s literally a giant trans flag magically appearing so that ship’s sailed....but also if you ever want to print this book it’d be pain....but also also you could keep the spot colors in the book maybe....I dunno. I’m bouncing back and forth on it.
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Anyway, Isabelle names her pet slave Pandora.They go to a doctor and are all “Can catgirls get HRT” and the Doctor’s all “Fuck if I know, let’s ball” and I’m not sure if that’s handwaving away a detail in the service of the main story or setting up Pandora having an allergic reaction that causes anime shenanigans to happen. Either/or in this comic
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Pandora offers to be a sex slave and Isabella is like :| and they sleep next to each other in an awkward but happy embrace that feels like this comic could end there and be a complete short story, one that I’d say is pretty good.
There’s another six chapters, and I kind of skimmed them and I’m still a little iffy on the resistance side of the story, but at the least this is a pretty solid opening.
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I got to admit, though,...I’m not super fond of the handling of the cops. Not that it’s Objectively Wrong, but I feel like they’re not quite bumbling enough to be comedy foils but they’re too bumbling to be dramatic threats so they’re just kind of there.
My subjective suggestion is think about making the cops even dumber. Having them come in guns ablazing as a serious threat like in the Matrix or whatever doesn’t seem like it’s the tone you’re going for, and you can always have the rich people have Elite Private Security if you need a scary competent villain later.
All-in-all, though, I think this is comic is well-done!
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acheronist · 11 months
ok here's my player fansign event gossip
i was running a teensy bit late so i didn't get to say hi to rasmussen but he did look VERY handsome and looked a bit afraid LMAO. my sweet moose was probably out of his depth.. socially awkward darling
debrincat came out second and he was so so so so kind to fans. he was taking a ton of time to stop and sign something for EVERYONE who wanted something signed. about 8 or 9 guys passed him and went inside before he was nearly done walking thru the crowd to sign stuff... :'-) welcome home kitty we love u + it was so nice to see him recognize how excited we are for him too rahhh
i honestly dont remember seeing andrew copp at all but he must have walked by lol
berggren was sooo 🤏🏻🤏🏻 and cute and polite. he signed things very neatly and small and carefully (literally just JB48 in like a 1" square. its ok baby u can take up more space) + we congratulated him on getting called up again because we all love to see him skate and he seemed really genuinely surprised/pleased to hear it
it seemed like ville was bouncing back and forth between both sides of the walk a ton... also just trying to sign everything for everyone who wanted it... he was so 🙂 shaped though.. and he really is pale as fuck i think my guy was refracting sunlight as he walked by. i liked his signature a lot though it was very tight + angular + neatly written. big emphasis on the double Ls in his name. I dont even remember if he spoke though i'll be real.
ben chiarot looked sharp as FUCK. he had a turtleneck on under his suit jacket and his hair all slicked back..... he was serving sexy team dilf without children realness. so my bestie asked him if he just got done at a GQ model shoot while he was signing her shirt and he smirked and laughed under his breath a bit. whore <3
fischer was really fun to look at irl. his face is crazy i want 2 draw him. thats all i got LMAO. i dont remember anything else sorry to the christian fischer stans of tumblr dot com
compher was very polite too but he was moving thru the crowd really quick.. again i think he was just awkward and a little out of his depth w the crowd in the same way ras was? but he was very polite + nice + softspoken tho and i took a selfie w him for @comphy-and-cozy because she's violently in love with him but couldn't be there LOL
ghost looked SAUR sexy.. dark green suit well tailored very kind and polite.. i like that boy ! he was really softspoken too which surprised me because he's been such a freaky bitch on the ice lately
i also dont remember sprong at all but i do remember thinking it was kind of a #serve to match the toque to be the same burgundy color as his suit (also extremely well tailored. everyone looked very handsome). creative ways to make early male pattern baldness be kind of cunty + well dressed for the weather.
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he was so so lovely.. definitely doing the same move as debrincat where he was just taking his damn time to sign smth for everyone who wanted smth. he was kind of in Good Captain Autopilot Mode it really reminded me of clips of stevie from the 90s... hockeytown loves our captains so much its unreal. but he signed my jersey and said hi to our little group and i sooo shaky lmao. but i handed him the art & he started to sign the plastic sleeve it was in? and I went no it's for you! and he kind of checked back into real life and went oh OH!!!!! and smiled when he actually looked at it and carried it w him thru the rest of the line :'-) idk i feel like he must get a lot of gifts from fans? but he definitely looked at it inside the doors of the LCA and he definitely carried it w him and didn't throw it away immediately so. big win for people who are me.
lucas and mo were funny asf they made it about 75% of the way thru the line and then the sun came out and was in their eyes and they both said ok i'm done now thank u and left. #respect
joey was so cute.. my bestie made a sign calling him a himbo last year and (then) he asked what a himbo was so we said Lmao google it, and this year he was signing stuff and talking to us and we were like "did you ever google what a himbo was" and he went huh. ohhh yeah lol like he was somehow both Pleased and Very embarrassed about it . cutesie.
newsy came out too!! and his daughter was with him and it was so cute they had matching friendship bracelets and newsy was like (to us the crowd) omg guys can we take a selfie ? can we do that?? and we were like Dawg you're head coach you can do anything you want..... so we all got a selfie w him LMAOOOO and he was so sweet and gently spoken and kind to fans. which still is crazy. i get whiplash every time how different he is to blash (the old coach who was a bitch and looked like he wanted to call people slurs but knew better) its unreallll
i think all the interviews where walman's said how much he likes detroit + feels wanted here weren't lies or exaggerations at all.... he stuck around so long to sign things for everyone (like dylan and debrincat did) and I think he was the last guy on the walk? and he was so funny and smiley and happy to be there.. my fucking GUY!!!!
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thesilverlock · 1 year
Sorry for sending asks everytime you drop a banger art but your last post made me wonder
What is Jey's relationship with the main three?? Of course we all know how he's not totally so gay for astral 🤭 but what about Yuma, Shark and Kite??
(( PLEASE never apologize it makes me so happy that you’ve sent me asks about him 🥺🩵✨ That’s a rare, rare treasure in this fandom afsgdhj 🩵✨🩵 I appreciate it so much you have no idea ))
⟢∿✧ Yuma 
Wholesome vibes! Gets to a quick comfortability where they are affectionate and close. Of course Jey is a teaser, and poor Yuma falls for it every time with the perfect overdramatic reactions that just feeds Jey to do it even more.  Jey quickly gets into a role of a good friend, even an older brother type of figure, and Yuma is all too a natural with acting the part of ‘little brother’ role. Jey also gets quite protective of the boy — but that is also more generally typical. He’s a very protective type. Yuma is given the nickname “sunshine”, and from hence forth, in Jey’s mind and vocabulary, that is his real and only name agshj. Yuma really pretends to be pouty about it, but it’s hard to keep the fake frown when he’s being hoisted up and spun around in some affectionate roughhousing. They have their struggles of course, they both chronically self sacrifice and then turn around and yell at the other for doing it. There's also tension with Jey being a natural born leader and often can get or seem commanding due to overprotectiveness, treating Yuma like a kid, which shdgfhj Yuma doesn't like so much lmao.  And then Yuma, bless him, but his immaturity and stubbornness gets them into a lot of senseless fights and hot water. But they love each other, and it’s obvious ♡ Little cuties.
⟢∿✧ Shark
So with Shark, it's not tension, more just regular animosity - that's quite one-sided in the grand scheme of things fdghfj. He of course started out hostile to Jey, and in reply, Jey would just be like "lmao” and quip back more good-natured. Jey's older and wiser and a good leader, and I think Shark feels a bit threatened. He can act as emo as he likes, but reality is; he's still just a silly little awkward middle schooler pretending to be a scary 'cool guy' wannabe. Jey represents a version of elements he wants to be, and Jey does it without guises of “tough guy” exteriors. Or.. being a dick lol. There would definitely be times where Jey would try and initiate a talk with Shark “man-to-man” when the boy’s behavior gets particularly sour or is being too much of an asshole. Which would be met with varying responses of “Fuck Off” and “Fuck You”. But it often would succeed to Shark to back off or right himself. Which gets Jey brownie points from both Rio, who lives to see Shark taken down some pegs nsbvdbdn There are times when Shark actually reeeally does get on Jey’s nerves or piss him off (who wouldn’t, have you met the kid lmao) but typically does okay about not getting too explosive with him. (at least in S1~ In s2, though.. hehehehe) They are primarily Yuma’s friends who are kind of forced to hang sometimes, for sure, but again Shark’s ‘’animosity’’ to Jey isn’t to be taken seriously. Not friends explicitly, but they’re fine. Lol
⟢∿✧ Kite
Okay so you know how I said Shark’s deal with Jey was mainly one-sided because of course it is since Shark is just a dumb pre-teen who doesn’t know who he is and is faking it till he makes it? Well, Kite has a similar issue, except for the itty bitty fact that - Kite is a grown ass man? The way Jey sees Kite, and what he does, and how he operates, as almost a weird Batman syndrome? It’s hard for Jey not to look at Kite and go “why tf are you acting with the same amount of immaturity as these middle schools”. Not even being a particularly good role model or trying to look out for the kids very well...Things that Jey himself puts a lot of effort and consideration into, especially around the little group. And obviously Kite is Kite, so he isn’t going to give Jey or his opinions the time of day. So they’re at a bit of a longstanding impasse. Figure it’s best if they just mutually only talk when necessary. I will say; Jey does respect and have agreements with Kite’s in regards to the Hart situation. He clearly loves his brother, and is sweet and good to him. It hits closer to home especially because Jey is also the type who has a tendency to hit a “burn-the-world-down” mode when someone he loves is in danger, so that flaw is something mirrored in each other them. That’s pretty much it, though. If Jey and Shark hardly consider one another friends, then these two are definitely not lolol
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impyssadobsessions · 2 years
Bully: Political Arsony
“Gary, we could get into some serious trouble for this.” Pete whined as they crept in the hallways, looking out for prefects.
“Stop being such a baby, Pete. Sheesh. I knew I should've asked that moron instead. He wouldn't have whined.” Gary hissed at the smaller teen, “Now keep it down. They're almost done patrolling.”
Pete huffed, but kept quiet. He didn't want to do this, but Gary never took “no” for an answer. His grip tightened on the stink bomb in his hands.
“Coast is clear, c'mon,” Gary waved Pete to follow as they walked up to the second floor where the front office was.
“Oh, this is going to be good. I bet that nerd Earnest is going to throw a fit when the Head refuses to do a re-vote.” Gary snorted a dorky laugh.
“Earnest is going to throw a fit anyway. There's no way he would have won.” Pete said as he followed Gary to the voting box that sat on Ms. Danvers' desk.
Gary rubbed his hands together, practically bouncing in his spot. “We should have picked up a dead rat too. That would really give off the patriotic spirit.”
“Uh-huh. Let's just do this and go-”
“Ahh!” A short scream came from out of the hall, as sound of sneakers squeaked on the floor.
“Shh! Algie! You're going to get us caught.” An awkward voice hissed in a not so quiet whisper.
“I can't help it! I-I tripped!” Algie's voice squeaked, “Aww, man. I think some went down my leg.”
“Shh, mighty warrior, Algernon. We must hurry with our quest, for behest our dearest leader.” That was definitely Melvin.
Gary and Pete locked eyes, for a moment. Gary grinned cheekily as Pete gave him a frown in return. He shoved the box to the table in the corner of the room and then dragged Pete to hide behind the counter.
Gary put a finger to his lips and whispered, “On three toss the stink bomb at those losers.”
“Gary-” Pete clasped his hands tight around the stink bomb. His palms were sweating.
“Shhush-and just do it.” Gary warned with a glare, before returning to his grin. His legs swaying back and forth as he tried to keep his excitement down.
Pete pressed his back to the counter and listened as the small group of nerds shuffled into the office. Biting his lip to hold back a whine.
“Box procured! What now?” Algie asked as he grabbed the box.
“Now I shall place my enchantment of deception. These fools have too low of intelligence to figure out my illusion.” Cornelius, Pete's thinks, said as the sound of paper shuffled.
Pete looked back at Gary who was mouthing the conversation, in a mocking way by making silly expressions. Pete shook his head at the boy's dramatics, but a smirk was plastered on his face. He was trying hard not to snicker.
“Wow, did you write all those yourself?” Algie asked.
“No, of course not. I just wrote a few and had them copied. As long as there is enough variants, Ms. Danvers won't know the difference!”
Pete covered his face with his hand, as Gary started going off script. By Gary's gesturing and lip movement, Pete had guessed Gary was going something on the lines of: “Oh Fuck me Cornelius, I want something in my pants besides pee!”
Pete was starting to think he hung around Gary too much. Not that he chose to but still..
“Hold on, brave knight. We must open the sacred box before slipping the charms in. We can't have an amount more than what is in the box, otherwise the succubus will suspect tampering.” Melvin spoke.
“Oh-haha.. right.”
Pete looked back at Gary when he nudged him. The scarred teen raised a finger, signally one. Pete nodded, as he scooted closer to the edge of the counter. Carefully he peered around the corner.
He saw them all huddled around the box, trying to pry it open. How many nerds does it take to open a box? Apparently more than three. Gary would probably have a better punchline for that.
“Ugh, its no use. I should have brought my axe.” Algie whined.
“That dull thing would have crushed it. I do believe I have a lock-pick in my inventory.” Melvin patted his pockets.
“I can't believe you guys! You guys were suppose to figure out how to open it!” Cornelius huffed.
Trouble in paradise. Seriously, they were suppose to be smart.
Pete jolted as he felt hot breath on his neck. Gary was peaking over his shoulder, and snorted at the pink shirt boy's reaction.
“You hear that?” Melvin asked, turning behind him.
Pete and Gary leaning back behind the counter, before he could see them. Gary held two fingers in front of Pete's face, wiggling them.
“I didn't hear anything over Algie's grunting and wheezing.” Cornelius was agitated.
Pete fixed his grip on the stink bomb, shifting his stance. Knowing that they were probably going to run.
“I still scored higher than you on the physical test! So there-neh!” Algie stuck his tongue out at the dark-skin teen.
Cornelius and Algie started pushing and slapping at each other.
Pete felt a chill down his spin as he heard a flick and sizzle behind him.
“Gentlemen- please!” Melvin tried to pull them apart as they bumped into the table making the box fall off the table.
“Now, Pete! Fire in the hole!” Gary tossed a firecracker at the nerds, then jumped over the counter.
“You said on three!” Pete hurried to toss the stink bomb, blinding the three and covering them in stink. He scrambled across the counter, pulling his collar over his face.
“Three smee. I gotta keep you on your toes somehow.” Gary and Pete ran out of the office as they heard sounds of the three throwing up and screeching.
“Well, now that went unexpected. Nonetheless, I do believe we succeeded Pete.” Gary claimed as they made there way back to the dorm, taking a shortcut through the fence.
Pete coughed and wheezed, trying to get air back into his lungs, before climbing over. He was not cut out for running for long and the stink bomb didn't help.
“Uh-huh.. How so?” Pete asked as he hauled himself over the broken fence with a grunt.
Halfway over the wall, Pete whipped his head back at the sound of fire alarm. It rang loudly from the main building. The three nerds falling and stumbling down the main steps as they headed their way back to the dorm.
Pete looked back over to see Gary grinning, then shook his head with a sigh.
The next morning, Ms. Danvers' voice rang through out the school on the intercom.
“Attention little rugrats- Because of the little stunt last night, it took firefighters an hour before they came to assess the VERY REAL fire. Luckily, thanks to the sprinkler system the fire was put out before further damage could be done.”
“We have reason to believe the cause of the fire was politically motivated, as the damage was remotely done to the voting box. So, in turn, we have revoked your rights in choosing the school president this year. I need not remind you that as adolescents you have NO RIGHTS and voting was merely our way of encouraging you to make the RIGHT choices. Which you have time and again proven that you cannot.”
“That saying, our new school president is Ted Thompson. Let's celebrate with a polite and non-disruptive clap for Mr. Thompson.”
The class erupted into a roar, by mostly the four jocks attending it. Pete politely clapped with the rest, until he felt something bounce off his head. He turned to look back at Gary sat leaned back in his chair. His feet sat on the desk, his arm was behind his head, and he was playing with a pencil in his free hand.
Pete raised a brow, wondering what got Gary so wired now. Gary rolled his eyes and gestured with the tilt of his head down. Pete looked down, seeing the wad of paper that had hit him moments ago. He reached down to pick it up.
“And NO, Earnest, this is non-negotiable. We must honor all students successes, even if it was due to unfair circumstances. That's simply how the world works. Thank you.” The intercom screeched before shutting off for good.
He opened it up and immediately regret it. He glared back at Gary, who just snickered into his hand.
It was a drawing of last nights events, or at least a Gary retelling. Pete just shoved the paper into his bag, praying no one saw it as Mr. Hatterick tried to get everyone's attention again.
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needfulfrights · 2 years
“Dark Places” by Gillian Flynn: A Review
Goddamn do I love an awful bitch of a protagonist! There’s just something about “bad women” in books that hooks me instantly, even if I don’t really “like” the character themselves, I still adore reading about them and their fucked-up selves. Some sort of weird catharsis, maybe? Whatever the reason for my dubious devotion to twisted fictional women and what makes them tick, Gillian Flynn hasn't let me down to date; in fact, Dark Place’s Libby Day may be my favorite of Flynn's horrible heroines.
 Libby Day is a sad, angry woman with no family. Well, that’s not quite true. Libby’s family consists of her cat Buck, an estranged aunt, and oh, her brother, Ben who is currently in prison (and has been since he was a teenager) for the murder of the rest of the Day family when Libby was just a small girl. And it was young Libby’s testimony that sealed Ben’s fate.
 Now “Little Libby” is all grown up and in her early 30’s. The money she’s lived off of up until now, donations from well-wishers after her family’s murders, has all but dried up. And so, Libby needs some cash. Now. Or else she’ll have to get an actual job. This conundrum eventually finds her meeting Lyle, head of the “Kill Club,” a group of people obsessed with true crime. For Lyle, his grisly obsession is not focused solely on murders of the Day family, but of Ben Day’s innocence. Such an obsession that Lyle offers to pay Libby to talk with people from her past who were involved with the murders in order to help clear Ben’s name and find the true killer. What starts off as a purely financial pursuit soon finds Libby in a desperate hunt for answers, no longer just for the money, but to help Libby find her own sense of closure about that bloody night, and the person it shaped her into.
 The plot of the story kept me engaged the whole way through. I liked that different plot points and character moments were weaved in so masterfully by Flynn that when the truth about the murders of the Day family finally was revealed it felt well-earned and carefully thought out. Flynn laid down the trail of crumbs to a delightful buffet of an ending that more than satisfied me as a reader.
 However, as I’ve found with the Flynn’s other two novels, while the plot may be engaging and well thought out, it’s her character writing that elevates the whole thing from “great” to “amazing!” All the characters, whether I loved them or loathed them, were interesting to read about and felt authentic. From awkward but oddly charming Lyle, to mean (and sad) as hell Diondra, there wasn’t really a single character in the book that I don’t think added something to the novel.
 I found Libby to be a very compelling protagonist, strangely likeable in her own way, though I would hate to meet anyone like her in real life. A chronic liar and thief (among other things), Libby still managed to win me over through her moments of grudging vulnerability and kindness she shows to others, especially the friendship she builds with Lyle, though I appreciate that she never quite loses her overall acerbic personality. Which is another topic I thought was captured quite well: Libby Day is an extremely damaged person. She has been through some of the most terrible shit anyone could ever go through, never mind going through it as a child. She sleeps with the lights on, she lashes out at others, she holds people at arm’s length. It doesn’t paint a pretty picture of a trauma survivor, but I felt it painted one of the more truthful portrayals I’ve seen.
 The other standout character for me was Libby’s mother Patty. I could feel Patty’s anxiety and hopelessness through the pages. I wanted to hug her, wanted to help her, all while knowing she ended up dead, and then somehow even more devastated for her once the “how” and “who” of the murders were revealed.
 As for Ben…. ah, Ben. Whenever I got to a “Ben” chapter I just kept flipping back and  forth between two thoughts: “Jesus Christ kid, quite being such a pushover” and “Jesus Christ can someone help this poor boy?” I admittedly didn’t like Ben as a person, but I did find him an interesting character. I don’t hate that he was an annoying teenage boy, but the whole sad sack, “woe is me” thing did get old by the end of the book. I kept hoping that he would eventually stand up for himself, start asserting himself, or that someone would come and you know, help this clearly struggling child; but by the end of the novel, even with Ben being a grown adult he still just lets things happen to and around him by other, which I guess is kind of the point of Ben’s character, but it was still frustrating.
 Overall, I really enjoyed the time that I spent with Day family during my time reading Dark Places. I would place it right in the middle of Gillian Flynn’s three works, with Sharp Objects being number one and Gone Girl as my least favorite (still a great book! I’m sorry Amazing Amy!) Whatever urgency the plot may lack by knowing the fate of the Day family from the beginning is more than made up for by the delightfully disturbing cast of characters that Flynn has put to paper.
Rating: 4.25/5
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bisluthq · 2 months
Omg all the core memories! I also had a reputation that was so confusing to me! Ok so I was just easily friends with boys and never went through a boy crazy phase or really had crushes. My friend group was very “sweet” so we had sleepovers with boys and girls (we always slept in the living room and there were at least 4 people at each of them so it’s not like we were doing activities). I was never girl crazy either, but I was/ am bi but just… didn’t get crushes on people. Sex and everything about it was so far out of my mind, even when my friends were going through heat and having all these celeb crushes, I was just like ?????
My indifference however was my downfall.
The mean girls saw our photos from sleepovers and one photo could easily be cropped to make it look like I was taking a selfie in bed with a boy. Then they saw me talking to boys they liked and I was just talking to them like any other friend, I was never a touchy feely person, so I can’t imagine I was flirting? But the girls started a rumour that I was dating multiple boys from other schools and they saw me making out with them and basically anyone I was friends with, I was hooking up in some form with (they picked the ugliest boys to say I slept with them).
A girl I barely knew came up to me in class and asked if I was a “slut and done xyz” like this mean girl said. And because I was OBLIVIOUS and thought the idea of me even KISSING was hilarious, I dryly said ‘oh absolutely, yep I fucked them all 🙄’
That girl then spread what I said.
My own friends started being weird around me and I didn’t know why.
I was always early to class so had my regular seat in most classes. Boys I didn’t talk to started sitting next to me but I didn’t want to be mean and tell them to move cause I figured if they were sitting with me instead of their friends, they were probably fighting with their friends. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Then a teacher asked me if my reputation was true. And I laughed BECAUSE I WAS OBLIVIOUS! I thought my reputation was being the nice and mother hen type friend, because that’s what it had been until the mean girls rumour!!! So again, I’m like ‘oh yeah, I hope I live up to expectations’ 🥰 and my teacher said ‘it’s not my place to judge but are you ok, is something going on at home and are you being safe?’
And I was like ????? HUH WHAT??? Still completely oblivious!
There was a lot of awkward back and forth until he saw I had no idea what was going on for real, and he said that he had heard I was being promiscuous and it came up in a staff meeting of who should talk to me about it, BECAUSE I WAS LAUGHING AT WHAT I THOUGHT WERE JOKES!!!
I fully broke down in tears and said ‘ewww I’ve never even been on a date or kissed anyone!!!’ Then the teacher asked why I said to this other girl that I was a slut, and of course I said ‘because it was ridiculous and I’m not????’
Honestly it was like the movie Easy A. Only I cried when I found out people thought I was a slut and didn’t embrace it 😂 I had to explain to my friends that the rumours were just rumours and no, I hadn’t been deliberately messaging their crushes to get in first, screw around and then move on to someone else 😭😭
It became a big thing and I had to sit down with thr teacher who reached out to me, the principal, the councillor and someone from the school district where they basically went through a list of rumours about me and asked if there was truth to any of it, and we did an investigation into the origin of it all. They told me I had a right to press harassment charges because stuff had been said online and shared around about me 😬 I said no because I didn’t want to tell my parents because I was MORTIFIED! I had so much anxiety about going to school. But then the girls who started it got a soft punishment but part of it was admitting they made it up, which actually worked better than I expected and all these people said sorry to me - I was so oblivious I didn’t even realise when boys were coyly asking me out! 😂
I got the bitches back though. The queen bitch who started it all used 1234 as her passcode on her phone, so I waited til we had a class where her bag was out of sight, I took her phone and went to the toilet and looked for any dirt. This bitch had a group chat literally called “my name is a slut” so I took screenshots, downloaded schedugram and scheduled the screenshots to be posted when she was working (thank you calendar app 😇) and I tagged as many people as I could in the caption at that time where her group chat said how they’ll tell everyone I’m a slut so people wouldn’t want to date me.
The screenshots showed all her accomplices names and they all got suspended and everyone could see in 4K I was set up (not everyone believed it was 100% false cause where there’s smoke there’s fire 🙄)
I told no one I did it and when I was called into the principals office to talk with staff and these girls, I just started crying (because it had been awful and I was sad but also scared I was going to get in trouble lol) and they didn’t even ask me if I posted the screenshots - I thanked them for setting the record straight for me! 😂😂
So that’s when all the girls got suspended and to make things better, everyone thought they were psycho and the boys warned other boys not to date the psycho girls! 😂 then 2 of the boys asked me out and I said thank you but no thanks, friends? And one of them I’m still friends with! lol
This was like a novella but the other story about the vaccine unlocked it and I sort of pushed it out of my mind. And now I’m happy I have an appointment with my therapist on Monday cause there’s a lot that I need to unpack there lmao but it’s too good not to share with my online anonymous besties 🩵🩵🩵🩵
bro this was a journey lol like hope you got to talk about this stuff with someone 😂🤷🏻‍♀️❤️👌🏼💀
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 4 months
I became friend with this guy a couple of months ago we had a lottttt of similar intrests he felt like the boy version of me almost we are apart of a big friend group but we didn’t start talking until like a couple months together and hanging out together in the hang out. He is so funny and so nice and respectful and when we went to a trip he made sure I didn’t fall we play games together and all of that. But like there is this idk tension? It feels like he likes me there are some signs. sometimes flirts a bit and he even drew me as a gift. Idk how to explain it but sometimes he gives me butterflies but he isn’t my type at all he is skinny and just a bit taller than me but he is still pretty. Idk if it’s because it’s been a while since I have been respected or because he is really nice but I keep having this on and off feelings about him. It’s like suddenly I want him and then after a while I’m like no I hope he dosent confess to me then I’m like I want a boyfriend. Maybe it’s the idea of wanting my first boyfriend maybe it’s because he is nice maybe I’m just so confused but he isn’t my type and idk why it has this effect on me. I feel like I will not find a guy as nice as him anywhere and just waste my chance and sometimes I’m like it’s better if I waste it and sometimes I’m like what if I like him cuz he shows interest or if he is nice. I’m so so confused it's taking my energy. And I’m afraid if things don’t work out we ruin the friendship and make things awkward.
im really sorry for just ranting here i just really need some advice🙏🙏🙏
Ok anon, first of all I am SO FUCKING SORRY BUT I AM NOT THE PERSON TO ASK FOR BOY ADVICE! I’m not kidding I’m actually useless.
I had 1 actual relationship before my partner of going on 5 years, and that was a high school thing that carried over into a few months of college. Again, I’m so sorry but all I can offer you, especially if your feelings for him are swinging back and forth:
Especially when you’re young, figuring yourself out, relationships and navigating them are part of that. There’s good, there’s bad, there’s putting yourself out there and finding what works for you. But ultimately, you’ll know when you know.
(For future reference yall I really don’t want to put non SP asks on my fandom blog just dm me if you need to vent pls) :)
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chicken2potato · 1 year
You ever do something that you absolutely can’t tell anyone about, ever?
I did that. Today. This morning. 
If any of my friends knew, they would kill the both of us. Our whole friend group would implode. 
I didn’t think that it was going to happen. We’ve spent years fake flirting with each. Making stupid innuendos. Not meaning anything. Then alcohol and break-ups got thrown into the mix. 
Last night we were all over at Mk and Ant’s place. I had three shots of some stuff and a Truly. Not a whole lot. And yes, I made sure I was sober enough to drive before I left, I’m not a moron. He had several shots and several beers but over a longer period of time. During the time spent at Mk’s we were fake flirting, like we always do. We’ve done it for years. Just small comments here and there. 
We were messaging back and forth on the couch, and he had mentioned coming over to my apartment to “help me lift and move any furniture I might have.” I told him I was sure I could find a job for him to do. Just stupid talk like that going back and forth. I figured he wasn’t being serious. 
Then, as we were leaving, he walked past me and said that he would follow me there. I said “Yeah, okay” sarcastically because it was 12:45 in the morning and I live about half an hour away from Mk. He lives like an hour away from me. No way was he going to follow me. 
Then he turned out right after I did. 
He missed his light to head his way home.
He followed me to the rotary and took my exit.
Went onto the highway right behind me.
Took exit 127. 
And pulled right into my driveway.
I thought he was pulling some kind of prank. Like “Ha ha, you thought I was coming over? Dumbass!” Then he just kept following me. 
We sat down on the couch and just shot the shit for a bit drinking some more. He had just gotten out of a three-year relationship about three months ago and just found out that she was already seeing a new guy. She basically started seeing him right after they broke up. (Hm, that sounds familiar.) I was no longer in a relationship after Rowan fucked me over. I think that both of us being screwed over played a factor into this. That, and alcohol. 
At one point on the couch he just said, “So, you want to make-out?” 
I started laughing my ass off, because who leads with that? We joked about it for a few minutes, his absurdness, and continued talking about random shit. Some time passed and he was just like “Okay, come here.” Got up from his spot on the couch. Climbed on top of me and just started making out with me. And not like heavy kissing. Like going down my neck, biting and breathing in my ears, and rubbing his hands all over my body, like he couldn’t get me quick enough. 
It was hilarious because like two or three minutes in, he just stopped and was like, “This isn’t going to make things awkward, is it?” I laughed and told him it was probably too late to ask that question.
I knew once he pulled into my driveway that this was going to happen. He said that he didn’t think that anything would happen, but I knew that if he really did follow me that something was going to happen. I was thinking about it the whole car ride home, watching him follow me. I especially knew once we got into my apartment. I could tell by his demeanor on the couch, the way he would reposition so each time he was slightly closer to me. The way he would graze my hand when grabbing my vape. Subtle, yet predictable. 
It just kept escalating. And to be honest, it was like I had always thought it would be, and yet somehow so much better. He was aggressive. He pulled me around to where he wanted me next, he pulled my hair, he bit my neck. He did all the right things. We finally moved to the bedroom and things just kept going. We didn’t go all the way. But anything else we could have done, we did. And it was hot as fuck.
At one point I was laying on the bed, he was doing his thing, and I just remembered thinking “What the fuck? Is this really happening?” Like... It feels like it was a dream that I had. But at work today, when it was slow, I would find myself remembering that it wasn’t a dream, it was real. He was really there. He was really doing those things. 
The after part was hilarious. This dude straight up gave me a high-five after cleaning himself off. It was the most hilarious thing to happen to me after a guy and I get together. But that’s like how we are. We joke and shoot the shit and it doesn’t affect us. It was hilarious. We sat down on the couch after and talked about it. We rated each other, lmfao. We talked about how no one could know. Everyone would fucking kill us. He said that it wouldn’t happen again, which I’m totally cool with, I didn’t think that it was going to happen in the first place. A part of me feels like this might not have been a one-time thing. But he also is the kind of guy where he tends to say what he means, unless he is being a sarcastic piece of shit. I don’t quite care either way. 
When he was walking out the door he said, “I love you.” We both just laughed our asses off. I asked him to marry me. He said he’d see me at church tomorrow. And then I told him to get the fuck out while we were both laughing our asses off. 
He left at like 3:30 this morning. Needless to say, I overslept and didn’t go to church today. 
It was so weird to think about today. To think about the fact that it actually happened, and I can’t tell anyone. I got to go to parties with my friends and pretend that he hasn’t seen my tits? That I don’t know what his dick looks like? That’s going to be so fucking wild. This was a plot twist I didn’t see coming. 
I did end up telling my coworker. I had to tell someone. I’m not very good at keeping things to myself. I needed to tell someone something. That, and when I was at work, I rubbed my neck because I had an itch and I panicked because it hurt. I had asked her if there were any marks on my neck and she said that I was good. Then she asked why. And I told her. She thought it was hilarious and thought that it was great for me, lol. 
I can’t believe it happened. I guess we’ll see how it goes once we get around our friends. We’re both really good at hiding shit we don’t want people to see, so I’m not too worried. The only thing is, next month, my entire friend group is going to Bethel for our big trip, and I know we’re all going to get shitfaced. I’ve never been totally drunk before and I’m nervous that drunk me is going to say something. Or drunk him will. Or we’ll do something in front of everyone. I don’t think we will. But there’s always that possibility. I guess only time will tell. 
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puthyflapps · 2 years
dude im stoked i can't wait to read the response those asks. make it 5k i don't mind. just put the majority of it under a cut ✂️ if you don't wanna post it on ao3
Let’s temper our expectations because I feel like it’s not as good as what you think it is 💀💀
To me, it feels long because my brain had to like think of every detail and also I’m a slow reader rip😭😭😭😭 but I just feel like everyone else is gonna read it in 5 seconds. Also I haven’t written like a drabble/one shot in a hot minute so prayers up for your big dog
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