#another idea pop into your head so your brain is being pulled in two different directions
gretavangroupie · 2 years
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Word count: 7.2k+
Pairing: Josh x Female Reader
Warnings: Language, Smut, Fluff.
 “Two percent?!” you screech.
Looking down at the cellphone in your lap as you follow the winding directions you see the red battery icon and your anxiety starts to bloom. Your signal has been spotty at best and the constant in and out of service has drained your battery quicker than anticipated. With another hour to go you are starting to panic. Of course your phone would die while you are somewhere in the mountains. 
It started snowing last night, and unfortunately has stuck around. So when the snow didn’t stop this morning you knew you would be in for an eventful drive home. Six inches turned into ten very quickly, and the roads were becoming slick. Your little sedan was not equipped for this type of weather, something you were pretty sure you wouldn't experience in Nashville but boy were you wrong.  
The two lane road you found yourself upon currently was slightly off the beaten path, on the side of a mountain. Houses sprinkled in here and there, with their long winding driveways, painted white in a wintery scene. In different circumstances you would think it was quite beautiful, but right now, your white knuckle grip on the steering wheel has made you feel differently. Your windshield wipers are going full blast, further obscuring your view of the winding back road. You glance down to your phone to check the directions.
Four miles until you turn right.
As you read the directions out, you're met with a loud thump as your car moves 60 miles per hour over a perfectly placed pot hole, jostling you, your car and its contents.
“Shit!” you cry out as your head bounced back on the headrest.
Reaching down to pick your phone up off the floor, you type in your password and unlock it. But that was all it took. That measly 1% was gone in an instant. Panic swept over you, all you knew was that you had 4, maybe 3 miles now until you turn right. But what about the rest of the directions?
Okay, next shopping center I see, I will stop and grab a car charger. 
The snow is falling quickly, and the sun is setting, leaving you to only rely on the light from your hi beams. You swallow thickly as you squint to see the lines on the road. You haven’t seen a car pass you in what feels like forever. 
I knew it was a bad idea to get off the interstate.
You saw it, but it was too late. You couldn't react in time. If you slammed on your breaks your car would go sliding into the ravine. So you hit it. Whatever it was. It looked like a crow bar or some type of bent metal. That's what it sounded like too. As your car met with the object you heard a loud popping and you knew your night just got ten times worse. Your car began to limp further down the road with a metallic clatter against the wet asphalt.
You see a driveway in the distance and decide to push forward to pull into it, against your better judgment. As you pull off into the entry of the long driveway you put your car in park and immediately get out and see that your front left tire is completely blown out. The combination of the pothole earlier, and whatever that metal thing was, has left you stranded in the drift of someone's driveway. 
You get back into your car and grab your phone, realizing that it died 15 minutes ago. As you sit back into the seat you rub your hands over your face and wonder what you did to deserve this. You turn on your hazard lights and pray that someone drives by and stops. But you know the likelihood of that happening is slim. Anyone with half a brain knows better than to drive in conditions like this. 
As you wrack your brain for what to do, it occurs to you. 
Maybe, there is someone in the house at the end of this driveway…
You know that this area that you are in is home to most peoples vacation homes, tucked deep into the side of the mountain. The chances of someone being here are small, but not zero. You grab your coat out of the backseat and put it on. From the looks of it, this driveway is fairly long and the snow is piled high and growing by the minute.
Turning off your car, you grab your dead cell phone, and your keys and get out. Now that the sun had set it was dark, and the wind was cutting like a thousand knives. You lock your useless car and shove your keys into your coat pocket. You pull your hood over your head and thank yourself for choosing a pair of sensible boots this morning. 
As you walk the long snowy, gravel lined driveway you think to yourself that it must be a mile long, and uphill at that. Just as you think it could stretch on for another mile, you see a soft yellow light ahead of you. A light is on in the house. 
Oh my god, someone is here.
Knowing that the house more than likely is warm, has your feet picking up their pace and landing you at the edge of the trees, opening up to the clearing where the occupied house sits. There is one car parked outside of the house and you can hear the soft vibrations of noise from inside. The house is large, old, and wooden. You can see that there are two stories and the ivy growing on the side of the house gives it a certain type of rustic charm you don't see too often anymore. There is smoke filling the air, coming from a chimney, and huge glass windows adorn the entire front of the house.  
As you step up to the porch you brush the snow off of your coat and hood, pulling your frozen hand out of your pocket and nervously knocking on the black wooden front door.  
The large glass window set into the door has you holding your breath as you see a figure approaching from across the house. Pulling a hoodie over their torso, they peer through the glass to see you standing there and run their hand over their face, as the door opens.
“How did you get this address?” he says. 
You nervously stare back at him, “I– I didn’t…my car –I hit something. My phone is dead– I…” you stammer.
“You hit something?!” he asks, shocked.
“Yeah, it was dark, and the snow – I couldn't see. I think it was a crowbar or something.” you reply anxiously.
“Are you okay?” he asks, looking concerned.  
“Yeah, I am okay. I am so sorry to bother you. My front tire blew out and my phone is dead so I can’t call Triple A…Do you think I could borrow your phone or, could you call, or…” you stammer.
“Yes, absolutely, come in. It’s freezing.” he says, opening the door. You can feel the warmth radiating from inside and graciously step into the house.
“Do you have your phone? I can plug it in?” he asks.
“Oh, yeah!” you say fumbling into your coat pocket and handing him the freezing device. 
“My god, your hands are freezing! Here, come sit here by the fire.” he says, leading you from the front door, and into the open, spacious living room. He points to the couch next to the fireplace and says he will be right back. He runs up the wooden staircase and you can hear some banging around upstairs before you see him quickly flying back down the stairs, waving a phone charger in his hand. 
You look around the house, and are intrigued by the charm of the renovated old home. The cobblestone fireplace, the wooden beams adorning nearly every inch of the walls and ceiling. It’s a split level home but it has an open floor plan, granting you visual access to almost every part of the house. Small sets of stairs lead to various rooms and loft areas. It’s a very uniquely designed floor plan, and you are interested in the history of the home. Admiring its charming old quality, your eyes flit around but stop when you see the massive windows. You are instantly taken with the wall of windows providing a picturesque view of the snowy scene outside. It’s very charming and you find yourself relaxing into the cozy couch by the fireplace, staring into the snowy sight. 
“Better?” he asks, walking down the steps into the living room, before sitting in a chair across from you. 
Realizing how you must look, you shoot straight up and fix your posture. “Oh, yeah. Yes. Thank you. This is a really cool home.” you say nervously fidgeting with your coat. 
“Oh, thank you, I moved in about two years ago now. Still fixing things up here and there. Trying to bring it up to date without losing its rustic qualities.” he smiles. “I’m Josh by the way.”
“Oh, god, how rude I didn't even ask your name before I made myself at home on your couch.” you laugh. You introduce yourself and shake his hand, which is much warmer than yours and oddly soft. The room is dimly lit by the floor lamp in the corner and the small fixtures illuminating the bookcase in the upstairs loft. The fireplace is glowing brightly behind you. You can see the flames dancing along rhythmically in his eyes. Honey brown and glossy, he must have been drinking before you interrupted his night. 
“When my phone turns on, I will call Triple A and I’ll be out of your hair in no time.” you say biting your lip.
“What in the world are you doing driving in this weather?” he asks.
“I was driving back home. I went to visit my parents for the week. The traffic on 40 was so bad, I decided to take a back road thinking it would be faster, but then I got lost and my phone was dying, then this happened... It was not a good choice in hindsight.” you laugh. 
“You’re brave. I’m from Michigan and even I wouldn’t be driving right now.” he smiles, his cheeks scrunching tightly beneath his eyes.
He is sort of…cute. Maybe in different circumstances…
“I know, it’s not too much farther…I think? I feel really bad that I interrupted your night.” you say pointing to the movie that is paused on the TV screen.
“Ahh, don’t worry about it. I’ve seen it a thousand times.” he says, waving his hand in the air.
You focus on it, and recognize the character on the screen. “Is– Is it A Clockwork Orange?” you ask, suspiciously.
He seems taken aback as he replies, “Yeah. Yeah it is…” a twinkle of intrigue in his eyes.
“Cool, that's a great film.” you say, politely.
A small smile forms at the side of his mouth, “Yeah, it really is...” he looks like he wants to say more, but stops himself.
Why do I feel like I am supposed to be here?
“Well, I should go see if my phone is turned on. I have bothered you long enough.” you say standing up, and walking up the small set of stairs into the kitchen. 
“It’s on the kitchen counter by the fridge.” he calls out to you.
As you grab your phone you see it has come back to life, and you quickly dial out the number for Triple A. You lean over onto the counter as the call rings out. You stare out the windows at the snow still continuing to fall and explain to the man on the phone exactly what happened.
“What do you mean…But I don’t…. I can’t get anywhere…. Okay. Alright. Yeah, thank you.” you end the call staring at the screen dumbfounded. 
As you stand there silently trying to figure out your next move you see Josh walk into the kitchen to join you at the counter. He leans his hip onto the countertop, facing you.
“Is everything okay?” he asks, his curly brown hair falling onto his forehead. 
You turn to face him and with a blank face you set your phone back on the counter. “No. Apparently they can’t send any trucks out until the morning after they plow the roads. The snow is too bad on the mountain?” you question.
He shakes his head, “Yeah, I was afraid of that. Listen, I don’t want to sound forward but, you are welcome to stay here until the morning. I have a guest room, and anything you might need.” he says kindly.
“Oh wow, that is so nice of you to offer, but I really feel like I am intruding. I mean, you don’t even know me.” you say. 
“The alternative is what? You sleeping in your freezing cold car? No. I know we don’t know each other, but I am a human being and from one human being to another, please. Stay. You can leave as soon as you’d like in the morning. They should have the roads plowed by 7:00.” he says, scratching the back of his neck. 
You stop for a second to think, but something is pulling you to stay. 
“Are you positive that I am in no way putting you out?” you ask, hesitantly.
“Absolutely not. Glad to lend a helping hand. I mean, you must be alright if you knew I was watching A Clockwork Orange.” he smiles.
You nod your head, agreeing and his face lights up with a smile.
“Should we… finish it?” he asks. You bite your lip and stare at him. You know his brown puppy dog eyes have never been rejected in his life. You can feel it.
“Okay, I guess we could. But can I use the bathroom first?” you ask.
“Oh, of course. If you step through that guest room, it’s in there.” he says pointing across the kitchen. 
“Thank you.” you say nervously.
As you make your way into the bathroom, you quickly relieve yourself and wash your hands, noticing the eclectic artwork hanging on the walls in the bedroom. He has very interesting taste in furniture and decor, but it kind of fits the feel of the house perfectly.  As you make your way back into the living room you step down into the warm space, and see Josh waiting for your return sitting on one side of the couch with his feet crossed on the coffee table. 
“All good?” he asks, he has noticed you have removed your coat and grants you a smile.
“Yeah, thanks. I am sure you didn’t see your night going this way.” you laugh as you sit down on the opposite side of the couch. But you feel it. A magnetism to be closer to him. 
What? You don't even know him…
“You’re right I didn’t but I’m kinda glad it did.” he smirks with sultry eyes.
Maybe he feels it too…
You feel your cheeks blush as he unpauses the movie, and it roars back to life. 
You spend the next hour talking instead of watching the movie, discussing the theories surrounding it and even further discussing Stanley Kubrick. You have a lot of the same opinions on his work and career. Josh is super knowledgeable about film making and even tells you how it was always his dream to be a filmmaker himself. Your heart warms at the fact that he is passionate enough to tell a complete stranger about his dreams.
You talk until the fire in the fireplace dies down and you find yourselves sitting in a dark living room, lit only by the small lamps on the book case. 
He looks over at you and stares for a second, “Let me go grab you some clothes for you to sleep in, I'll be right back.” 
“Oh, that's not necessary, I will be okay, really. I can just sleep in this.” you reply.
“Please, I insist.” he says standing and walking up the stairs, his bare feet padding up the wooden steps. 
You stand awkwardly in the living room, waiting for him to return. You walk over to the windows and stare out at the snow, still falling. You walk back into the living room, and notice the bookcase on the second floor loft. You look around to see if Josh is coming back and when you see that he isn't, you make your way up the stairs and over to the full book shelves. 
Browsing the titles you see a lot of classics. You run your index finger over the spines, stopping on names you recognize. The leather bound books are beautifully displayed and lit with tiny sconces on the front of the shelves. Bending down to look at the next row of books, you are surprised when you notice Josh standing next to you.
“Well, what do you think? Any good ones?” he laughs.
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn't mean to pry. Well, actually. Maybe I did.” you smile. “But yeah, all the classics, you are well read.”
“I spend a lot of time traveling, and books are a great way to pass the time. I pull a lot of inspiration from these old books.” he says. He reaches a stack of clothes out to you and your hands brush his. You both recoil and look at each other like you have been zapped by lightning.
Surely he felt that?
You grab the stack from him, and look down. “Thank you.”
He bites his cheek like he wants to say something, but again, doesn’t.
“Come on, I will show you the guest room and get you some blankets.” he says, gesturing for you to follow him.
After a few minutes he has retrieved a few blankets for you and provided you with an extra phone charger, handing them to you with a soft smile. In the dim lighting you can see the dimple that forms in his cheek, perfectly situated above a tiny scar.
“I will turn the heat on a little warmer, sometimes it gets cold because of the windows. If you need me, I’m at the top of the stairs to the left.” he smiles, and shuts the door behind him.
You sit on the bed examining the pile of clothes he has so graciously brought you. A long sleeve white tee shirt and a pair of well loved sweatpants. You peel your clothes off of you, and slide into the much comfier attire. Maybe he was right, this will be warmer.
You plug your phone into the charger and spread the extra blanket over the twin size bed. You flip the switch on the wall and climb into the bed. You lay there hearing the wind whip against the old house. You think about your evening and how it went so completely different than you imagined. You are sleeping in a stranger's bed? The room is quiet except for the sound of the snow falling on the windows. You drift off to sleep and think of the beautiful curly haired man sleeping right above you. 
You wake yourself up shivering. Your eyes open and you're met with total darkness. The light from the alarm clock long gone, the air growing colder by the second. The distant whirr of the refrigerator reduced to nothing. The power must have gone out. Your feet are frozen, hands too. Trying to pull the blankets closer to yourself you realize they are already as close as they could be. Your body shivers under the sheets. If only you had some socks you could make it through until morning. 
You lay there for a few minutes trying to rub your feet together to create some warmth, but nothing was working. Your brain remembers the fire in the living room. It had been a few hours since it had gone out, but surely the hearth was still warm. You grab your phone, and turn on the flashlight, illuminating the floor below you. You quietly twist the door knob on the old door, and tiptoe through the hallway into the kitchen. Looking around, you see that the power is definitely out. Walking quietly down the small set of steps you find a place on the hearth of the fireplace, only to find that it too, has grown cold.
Rubbing your freezing cold hands together you think back to what Josh told you. ‘If you need anything, I’m up the stairs to the left.’ You think about going up there to ask for socks but quickly talk yourself out of it. As you look out the large windows it seems the snow has finally stopped falling, but it has accumulated quite a few inches. More than likely making the power fail. 
You scroll through your phone on the couch, but your service is weak. You can't get anything to load. Tiredness begins to creep in on you as the stinging stiffness in your hands and feel remind you of their temperature. 
Okay, just do it. Just go ask for some socks. Tell him the power is out. He will understand. 
Setting your phone on the coffee table you swallow deeply and quietly make your way up to cold wooden stairs. When you reach the landing you turn to his door, which isn’t a door at all. There is no door, it’s just an open archway. The sight in front of you nearly takes your breath away. He has a fireplace up here, and it is still glowing with embers. Your legs carry you over to it where you place your hands and are greeted with the feeling of warmth. 
Inadvertently you release a sigh as you feel your extremities warming. You hear the bed rustle behind you and you flip around, not even fully realizing that you are standing in this mans bedroom. He leans up on his arm, and you can see his eyes slowly opening as he sees you standing in front of his bed. 
“Is everything okay?” he asks, his voice light and groggy. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I just– the power went out, and I was so cold I was just going to come ask you for some socks…” you stammer. “But then I saw the fireplace from the doorway, and my legs carried me here. I thought maybe if I could just warm my hands and feet I would be okay.”
He peels the blanket off of himself and stands up pushing his hair out of his face. His body clad in only his black boxer briefs, showcases his chiseled torso, glowing in the fireplace embers. You have to peel your eyes off of him as he walks across the room. 
He returns a minute later with a pair of wool camping socks, “For your feet.” he says, handing you the socks. You reach out to grab them and his hand brushes yours sending that same electricity through your system.
“My god, you are freezing!” he says. How long have you been awake and cold?” 
Bending down to pull the socks over your feet you answer, “I’m not sure, maybe twenty minutes?” 
“Why didn’t you come up here sooner?” he asks, grabbing your cold hands in his warm ones, rubbing them together to attempt to warm them. 
“Well, you were already nice enough to let me stay here, I didn't want to wake you up too.” you say bashfully. Your eyes travel down his body and back up. “Aren’t you… cold?” you ask.
“No, I’m a warm sleeper.” he answers.
“Ah, that sounds nice.” slips from your mouth before you even can register what you’ve said.
You clamp your hand over your mouth in regret and he smiles, a giggle almost leaving his chest.
“You know, I figured I would lose power. I’m not surprised. How about this… why don’t you stay up here? I will throw another log on, and we can both be warm.” he says, with innocent eyes. 
Your eyes travel to the bed behind him, plush with white fluffy duvets and blankets. 
You pull your bottom lip between your teeth as he goes to speak again, “It’s a big bed. We won’t even touch. I just won’t be able to sleep if I know you’re down there shivering.”
He bends over and tosses another log onto the embers, poking it with the fire poker until it lights. Feeling the warmth on your back, you look back to him. “Okay, but only because I am freezing.”
“I know. I’ll get you warm, don’t worry.” he smiles. 
He walks over to the other side of his bed, pulling back the blankets and gesturing for you to slide in. He pulls the thick blankets over you and nods his head as he tucks you in.
You can’t even think of a time when someone took care of you like this. It’s kind of sweet.
He walks back to the fireplace and prods the log making sure it won’t roll off, and closes the mesh divider. 
He makes his way back to the bed, returning to the warm spot he left only minutes ago, sighing in relief as warmth washes over him as he pulls the duvet back over his now slightly chilled body. 
He rolls to face you, though you are on your back, eyes cast to the ceiling. You can feel his eyes staring into the side of your head, so you turn your head to look at him. The room is dark, the only light coming from the small flames in front of the bed. The orange hues dance across his cheeks, highlighting his cheekbones, and producing a sparkle in his tired eyes. 
“Do you feel it?” he whispers.
You feel your heart leap in your chest as your breath catches in your throat, “What?” you ask, nervously.
“The fire, do you feel it?” he asks.
“Oh, yeah, I do. Thank you… for letting me stay up here. This is beyond…hospitable.” you reply, turning your body to face him in the bed. 
“Are you warming up?” he asks, the log crackling in the fireplace. 
“Yes, I’m starting to. I think it will take longer for my hands and feet.” you giggle.
“Here,” he says, reaching across, grabbing your hands and clasping them tightly between his. “Mine are plenty warm.”
You feel the electricity traveling through your body, and from the look on his face, he feels it too. A light hum leaves your chest as the warmth of his hands works quickly to heat your own.
“Does that feel good?” he asks, you are positive that he can see the pink blush creeping across your cheeks as you stifle a nervous smile.
“Yeah, it does. You’re lucky you’re so hot.” the words falling from your lips before you can stop them, something that seems to be happening far too often. 
A smirk flashes across his face as you stumble trying to correct yourself. “Warm, I meant warm. Not hot. I’m sorry... But, not that you aren’t hot, you are. Really. But–I meant…I’m not making this better am I...” you sigh.
“No, you know what? I think it’s perfect.” he says, his hand gripping yours, thumbs gently exploring the valleys and peaks of your knuckles.
“You do?” you ask quietly.
“Mhmm…” he hums. The rumble from his chest sends a shiver through your body.
You can feel your body temperature rising, but it isn’t from the fire. Josh’s hand releases yours and your eyes flick down as he pulls them away. He notices your furrowed brow and looks up at you.
“I told you we don’t have to touch.” he smirks, rolling to his back, positioning his hands behind his head. You roll back to your back, mimicking his actions. 
You both lay there in silence for a few minutes. You can hear the wind whipping against the windows, the thought causing you to shiver. You let your eyes travel the length of his body under the sheets and you bite your cheek as you meet his bare chest moving slowly up and down with each breath.
Pursing your lips together, you let your foot wander across the bed until it makes contact with his. You let the tips of your toes trace the curve of his ankle, as you watch a small smile play upon his lips. 
He turns his foot to meet yours, rubbing slowly over the top of yours as he twists his body to face you again. He places his hand next to his face on the pillow, pushing down the fluffy feather filled fabric, “So you do want to touch?”
You turn your body to face him, letting your foot slide up his leg, feeling the soft hairs tickle you. “Maybe a little…” you answer.
“You feel it too, don't you.” he asks. But this time, you know he isn’t talking about the fire. 
“Feel what, Josh…” you say in a playfully sultry tone.
“This.” He grabs your arm and pulls you as close to him as possible, his bare chest pressed directly to yours. 
Your legs intertwine with his as his hand cradles the back of your neck. Yours rests on his warm chest. He really wasn’t kidding about the warm sleeper thing.
Your fingertip traces the line of his collarbone as your eyes flick up to his, “Yes…I feel it too.”
You feel his breath on your forehead and you sink into him, as his body heat warms you quickly.
Feeling bold, you press a barely there kiss to his throat, stretched taut over your head. You feel his Adam's apple bob against your lips as your lips connect with his skin. His legs twitch against yours and you feel a warmth creeping down your center.
A closed mouth groan rumbles through his chest as his grip on you tightens. You have never made the first move, but tonight wasn’t a normal night. He was a stranger. A beautiful, warm stranger and you had already taken the first chance by knocking on his door.
You feel him hardening against your stomach and you smile up at him. His eyes have grown dark with want and you know yours probably look the same. “Josh…” you ask.
“Hmmm…” he hums into the top of your head.
“You know you could have just started a fire downstairs… I could have slept on the couch.” you say.
“You’re right. I could have, but I knew both of us weren’t going to fit on the couch.” he replies, voice soft as velvet.
“So you did want me in your bed…” you tease.
“From the second you asked me if I was watching A Clockwork Orange…” he says.
You crane your neck, lips furiously in search of his. You would be lying if you said you didn't catch yourself staring at his plush pink lips all night as he spoke of his passions. Thought about how they would feel, how they would taste. You thought about kissing the tiny scar you noticed on his cheek in the guest room. But nothing you imagined came close to how he actually felt. How he actually tasted. His tongue slides across your bottom lip as it begs for entry into your mouth. Slightly parting your lips he slides in, his tongue searching for yours.
You twist your fingers into his curly hair and it’s softer than you imagined. His lips pull away from yours and you whine at the loss of the heat of his tongue against yours. His lips connect with your jaw and neck as you scratch your nails against his scalp. You feel him hum against your neck as you pull on his hair, begging him for more. 
“You like that?” he murmurs against your skin. 
“Yes… kee– keep going…” you beg.
“God you’re sweet. I have to know you.” he says, as his kisses travel further down your neck. You feel his warm hand slide underneath the hem of the borrowed white shirt. His hand radiates heat across the sensitive skin of your stomach burning a path as it travels up. 
His eyes look to yours for permission, and he takes your deepend kiss as a yes as his hand connects with your hardened nipple. A moan leaves your mouth and travels into his and he rolls the taut flesh between his thumb and forefinger. 
He releases it as he grabs a handful of your breast, massaging the pliable skin. Sliding your knee upwards between his legs, you feel his full erect length straining through his boxers. You press your pelvis into his causing him to groan and pull you in tighter. 
“I want you to know me Josh, all of me.” you say, reaching down to grasp him in your hand. 
“Are you sure?” he asks.
You detach your lips from his neck as you respond with a nod, “Didn’t you say you would warm me up?”
“I did say that, didn’t I…” he teases, lifting the hem of the shirt to pull it over your head. As you lay there next to him, the orange glow of the fireplace reflects onto your skin.
“Shit, you are…for once I don’t have words.” he smiles.
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” you laugh.
“Good. I always have words. My brothers give me shit for it all the time. But you have me speechless…” he says with a smile.
You blush, and you're positive that even in the dark room he can see it. His dimple shows through and you pull his neck down to connect your lips with his once more. 
Your hands travel down his sides, feeling his soft smooth skin beneath your hands. Supporting himself with one hand next to your head, the other hand skims to the top of the black sweatpants, teasing the sensitive skin across your hip bones.
He hooks a finger into the waistband and tugs downward pulling them to rest at your knees. You kick them the rest of the way off, leaving you bare beneath him.
“I can’t believe you got a flat in front of my house. I can’t believe I was actually here.” he says as if thanking God for his good fortune. 
“Why wouldn’t you be here?” you whisper.
“I travel a lot. I’m not here probably six months out of the year.” he answers.
You know you want to dive deeper into that at a later time, because right now, you need him. Like you need air. Lungs burning from not having him. 
You look directly into his beautiful brown eyes as you quickly rid him of his boxers. He kicks them off and your eyes travel down his chest to see the outline of his length glowing in the fire light between you.
He drops down to place wet kisses over your stomach and hips. Stopping and looking up at you as he presses a kiss to the mound between your legs. His tongue slips out and licks a warm path up your center causing you to breath sharply at the contact. Your hips flex backwards as your body silently begs for more friction. He pushes your legs apart slightly as he repeats the same motion, a sigh releasing from your chest. 
His tongue pointedly circles around your clit, you groan becoming more audible. His hand reaches up and grabs yours placing it on the top of his head. He wants your hands in his hair and you willingly oblige. 
Weaving your fingers through the curls you find yourself instinctively pressing down on his head to bring him closer. A growl racks through his chest. 
“Josh… I….” you whine.
His lips detach from you, “I know beautiful, give it to me. I want it.” he demands.
His tongue begins to furiously swipe against you and within seconds you are free falling into your release bucking your hips up into his mouth. The moan from your chest echoing through the silent house. As you float there in the darkness you feel his mouth leave you, and once you’re fully back, you feel him pressing kisses to your thighs. 
“Josh…I want you.” you say, pulling him up to hover over you. 
He presses a soft kiss to your lips, “You can have whatever you want, as long as you keep making pretty sounds like that.”
Gripping his dick in your now much warmer hand, you pull him to you, pressing him against your soaked core. 
You let go as he takes the lead, slowly sliding into you with a whispered ‘fuck.’
You adjust to him quickly, almost as if your body had been waiting for him since the minute he opened the door. His curls hang down his forehead as he sets a steady pace moving back and forth inside of you. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to you as your lips find his. You can taste yourself, but more, you can taste him. His essence. You can smell his earthy scent, pouring from his skin. Like a mix of damp wood and sweet vanilla. 
He rolls his hips into you eliciting a moan from your mouth. He does it again receiving the same response and a smile crosses his face. His thrusts become harsher, hitting the spot you so desperately need him to hit, and he does. Flawlessly. Your moans fill the air in the room. 
“I have heard so many things in my life, but god damn if this one isn’t my favorite.” he says, punctuating the sentence with the most sinful groan and you tighten around him. 
“Fuck… just like that gorgeous.” he says pressing deeper with each thrust.
“Josh, fuck…” you whine.
“You gonna give me another one baby? I want it…Need to feel you cum on my cock.” he pants. His hips begin to falter, thrusting wildly and inconsistently. You can tell he is close and you’re not far behind him. 
You squeeze around him as your fingernails dig into the soft skin of his back.  “Please, harder.” you beg.
Sweat drips down the side of his neck as he bites his bottom lip, thrusting into you harder than he has been, the smack of skin ringing through the vaulted ceilings. “Fuck, you want it hard baby? God you’re fucking perfect.” his hips snapping into you repeatedly like a rubberband. 
You toss your head back as you feel your stomach tightening. 
“Ahhh… fuck you’re squeezing me so fucking good… I won’t last much longer, I need you to cum for me angel. Let me have it.” he begs.
His words send you spiraling into your second release, tensing around his cock so hard, that he meets his own ending. You feel him pulsing inside of you. Groaning with each spurt your name falling from his lips like a prayer. 
His breathing is erratic as he collapses onto your chest, his messy curls tickling your face. You giggle as you push them away from your nose. He rolls off on you and onto his pillow, turning his head to face you as his breathing evens out. 
He pulls you close to him, your head laying on his chest. You listen to his heart beating and feel the rise and fall of his chest. His fingers run through your hair, occasionally twisting a strand around his finger, feeling the silkiness of it between his digits. His fingertips massage your scalp practically putting you to sleep.
“You live in Nashville, right?” he asks, finally breaking the silence.
You nod your head against his chest. “I do.”
“Good.” he replies.
You kiss his chest and he places a kiss on the top of your hair, letting his arm fall loosely around your back. Sleep overtaking both of you, finally warm.
When your eyes open, you see daylight. It is bright, brighter than usual. The sky is gray and heavy with snow clouds, an ominous reminder of what looks to be another snow storm impending. Sitting up, you find yourself still in the king size bed in Josh’s room. You see now in the light of day, the entirety of the wall of windows that overtakes the back portion of his home. His bedroom opening up to the bright light of the day as soon as the sun would begin to rise. You see that he has gone from next to you, and you bite your lip, wondering if he regrets what happened. 
You pull yourself out of the warmth of the bed and redress yourself in the borrowed clothes flung onto the floor with haste last night. You make his bed, a gentle thank you, for him to find later, before you step out of the doorway and make your way down the shiny wooden steps. 
The power is back on, evident by the smell of the coffee pouring out of the kitchen. You look around the house but you don’t see Josh. Where did he go?
You walk to the coffee pot situated next to the stove, and begin opening the cabinet doors looking for a mug. Settling on a blue mug with the state of Michigan on it, you pour the steaming hot liquid into the mug, breathing in deeply the invigorating scent. 
You carry the hot mug into the guest room, setting it on the bedside table as you change back into your own clothes. A few minutes later as you reemerge with the empty mug, you see Josh standing at the counter. He has on a sweatshirt and pants, and his hands are dirty. His cheeks are flushed pink from the cold outside air.
“I was wondering where you went.”  you say sheepishly, placing your mug on the counter. 
“I woke up and decided, ‘Who needs Triple A’... I can do it. So I went and dug your car out of the snow, and changed your flat. I have to admit, I haven’t had to do anything like that in a while. Probably since I was home in Michigan. It may have taken me longer than it should but … it was kinda nice. But I will admit it was hard to peel myself away from you this morning.” he smiles.
“You didn’t have to do that!” you implore, “Gosh I feel so bad, I already feel like I have imposed so much!”
Peeling his hoodie off, he rushes to you. “You weren’t an imposition. You were the unexpected surprise I needed. The best surprise.” he says, grabbing your hands. “Last night was…perfect and I want to see you again. In fact I don’t even want you to go.” he says shyly.
“Really?” you ask, nervously.
“Yeah, but I understand you probably need to…” he says looking down to the floor. Your heart clenches realizing how nervous he is, and that’s when you decide.
“I actually have nowhere to be… but… I do need a shower and I’ll probably need some clothes.” you smirk.
“You know…I think I can help with that.” he smiles.
You peer out the window behind him, snow flurries just beginning to fall as you ask, “Have you ever seen 2001: A Space Odyssey? I feel like you’d like it…”
He shakes his head in amazement as a smile spreads across his face, making way for his perfect dimple. With his look suddenly turning to a devilish grin, he throws you over his shoulder and carries you up the stairs, laughing the whole way. 
Taglist: @gretavansara @jordierama @starshine-wagner @gretavanfvckface @gretavanmoon @gvfjess @misshunnybeebee @fretaganvleet @gvfpal @joshkiszkas @ascendingtostardust @raviolilegs @sammysprincess @gvfpal @objectsinspvce
If you'd like to be added to my taglist, send me an ask!
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marloree · 5 months
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    A sweet weekend
Pairing: bf! Huening Kai × Reader
Genre: fluff
Summary: you and your boyfriend, both being unimaginably busy with your work, finally get a chance to spend a day outdoors
A/N: this is my first fic ever so please be understanding!
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That morning you were waken up by the bright sun shining straight into your face, only to see your precious boyfriend already awake - admiring your sleeping self with a small smile tugging his lips.
"Kai..", you muttered, still half asleep, as he pulled you into his gentle embrace, "what time is it?"
"7 am", Hyuka chuckled, "remember our plans?"
The thought popped in your still blank sleepy brain, bringing the image of already packed bags. Your lips curled up into a faint smile, eyes glistening in anticipation.
It was the day you two decided to spend outdoors, to have some fun and finally get the fresh air you both so needed.
"I do, I do", you returned his chuckle with one of your own, sitting up on the bed and admiring the view out of your window.
Indeed, the weather was perfect. The sun shining so brightly, not even a single cloud in the sky, birds singing cheerfully in this early morning hour.
"Ready?", Hyuka smiled, carefully untangling your messy locks.
You gave a positive, cheerful nod, getting up with full energy, as you both went to prepare for your little adventure.
After brushing your teeth and washing up, you prepared a sweet little breakfast together: some oatmeal with a dozen of different fruits and berries.
Once you dressed up and checked your backpacks, you got on your bicycles, now fully prepared.
Exchanging a quick smile with your boyfriend, you two made your way to the countryside.
Taking little breaks here and there since the ride was a really long one, you finally got out of town, both smiling from ear to ear at the sight in front of you: grass, flowers and green trees surrounding you, the sun shining as if it was happy to see you, and birds chirping.
Pedalling your bikes, you slowly moved further into the meadows surrounding you, taking your time to admire every single flower and tree on your way.
Once you finally reached your destination, you got off your bikes, pulling out a plaid from your bag and spreading it onto the ground.
You let out a content sigh, finally sitting down. Turning to Hyuka, you saw him already being busy picking up flowers. Smiling, you laid down, closing your eyes and enjoying the buzzing and chirping coming from everywhere.
As you laid like that for a while, you suddenly felt something being placed onto your head, followed by a giggle coming from your boyfriend.
You opened your eyes, now seeing a flower crown decorating your head.
"Aww, Hyuka", you let out, swiftly standing up to pick flowers as well. Not so long after, another flower crown decorated your lovely boyfriend, as you two were all giggles and smiles.
You suddenly got another idea, quickly pulling out a lunchbox with grapes out of your bag.
"Catch", you chuckled, throwing one of the grapes into Kai's mouth.
Successfully catching and swallowing it, he followed along; now both of you challenging each other and trying to catch a grape with your mouth.
Once you two grew tired of it, you laid down, looking up at the sky and trying to put each cloud into a figure.
"Look, this one resembles you!" you pointed at the cloud that looked like a circle with holes ingraving a little smily face.
"And this one looks like you!" Hyuka smiled, pointing at the cloud that looked like a heart, "you remind me of love, baby."
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stusbunker · 8 months
Spotless: Lontano
Chapter Seven
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela
Other characters: Crowley(mentioned), Sam, Annie, Madison, Lee, Gibson (child OMC), Pamela, Kevin, Bobby, Claire and Krissy
Word Count: 2250
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, Reader is left in the dark (for now), Reader's lack of self esteem, Pamela being kind of blunt, hinted past Sam/Annie, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
Divider courtesy of @cafekitsune
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You laid in bed staring at the burst of sunlight sprouting out of your valances. You did not want to get up, or check your phone. It was a rare, quiet Sunday morning and you had no plans besides laundry. Bela had a big event the night before, so you weren’t meeting for brunch, for which you were kind of grateful. It felt like you had been staring at her face all week anyway, as much as you had been scrolling for chatter about her and Dean. You groaned and buried yourself beneath your comforter.
 The outside world could wait for another few minutes, not to mention the constant nagging worry of work could fuck right off. 
Because that’s all this anxiety was, work stress. The pressure from the label felt like it weighed solely on your shoulders, despite the band’s extended recording schedule for the new album and everyone’s thinning patience with Dean’s perfectionism. There was nothing else even going on in your life that could even compare. You were probably dehydrated. You shifted to peek out of your covers to find your water bottle empty on your nightstand, oh well.
Eventually, you got up, went about your business, and started a pot of coffee. Resigned to checking your phone while the coffee brewed, you shuffled back to your bedroom to pull it off the charger. Before you could even begin to sort through your text notifications, a headline alert glared at you from your lock screen. Panic flooded your uncaffeinated mind and you clicked on the link.
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Gaping, you scrolled through the short article about the benefit filled with speculation about Dean’s presence at Bela’s side. You backed out of that article and dove into the rest of your updates. The pictures were fantastic, filled with easy smiles and casual touches. Dean in a tux was a rare thing, but he kept up his end of the bargain and dressed to match Bela’s standards. Your brain still stuttered over seeing them together, two parts of your life that hadn’t really overlapped until now. A silent ‘how was I not there?’ popping up as you continued to scroll.
The shrill beeping of the coffee pot pulled your eyes off your phone and back into the kitchen around you. It was just after ten, and you had to stop yourself from texting Dean or Bela an interrogation length message each. For the most part, the publicity seemed positive and more than curious about these two from such different worlds. 
Was it actually working?!
You inhaled and finally poured yourself a mug, letting the hope fizzle in your chest as you sat down at your desk and really began to dig. Sometime after one, you were pulled out of your email inbox by the doorbell. Who in the hell? Dumbfounded, you threw on a hoodie as you rushed to answer the door. You had to kick the rug because it always folded on itself underneath the lip of the door. Grunting, you gave up, sticking your head out to answer a disinterested floral delivery driver.
“Uh, I’ve got flowers for Ms. Y/L/N?” They checked their tablet. 
“That’s me,” you said, straightening up to look at the bundled bouquet as they handed you the stylus to sign confirmation of the delivery. You had no idea who would be sending you flowers, and it definitely wasn’t your birthday.
“Alright, that’s all I need. Here ya go,” they said, presenting the vase to you with the practiced ease of a single balanced hand. “Have a good one.”
You took the flowers, which you could smell through the paper barrier and watched them get back into their truck and back out of the narrow driveway that no one ever used. Confused, you set the package down on your kitchen table and started to tear out the perfectly spaced staples. They were gorgeous, lilies in whites and oranges. Tucked into the ribbon tied around the vase was a handwritten card.
Keep up the good work. Regards, Crowley
“You’ve got to be freakin’ kidding me!” you balked. You checked the back of the card, there was no ‘gotcha’, it really was from the label exec. You set the card down face up, resting beside the vase and snapped a picture. No one was going to believe you, you needed the proof, right?
You told yourself it wasn’t bragging, no matter how smug it made you feel.
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 The adoption event was something the band did every year, helping Annie (and now Madison, too) with a pre-holiday push to clear out the animal shelter and also spend time with adorable animals. Sam was in heaven, taking dogs through the yard, parading the dogs along the side of the building in the makeshift track, and running around with the excitable pups. Madison mained the welcome table while Annie oversaw a lot of the paperwork inside, helping people get approved and matched with pets that would fit each prospective adopter’s lifestyles and hopes.
The staff knew everyone by reputation, though Sam had been a regular volunteer since before Madison had even been hired on as a receptionist. So, they helped you all get eased into your rolls for the day, however informal they were. Lee brought Gibson along and they were making small talk with a family as the mother filled out forms. Kevin, new to the event, stood back and waited to be told what to do. Bobby kept the breakroom and the waiting room stocked with coffee and pastries. Though Dean’s allergies and his unwillingness to budge on his no pets rule with Sam meant he always bowed out, you knew he was a regular not-so-anonymous donor. 
Which left you and Pamela in the cat room, playing with a litter of kittens that were too young to be adopted out this round, but were all the more frisky with all the excitement buzzing around the shelter. 
“Oh my god, hello, tough stuff! Aren’t you the biter?!” Pamela cooed at a gray tiger who was overly fond of her jewelry.
“No fiercer a predator was there ever,” you agreed, dangling a stick with feathers on the end in front of its sleeker, paler littermate.
After a few minutes Pamela leaned back and let the kitten attempt to scale her lap. “God, I needed this. This album— fuck, it’s been brutal,” she sighed.
Worry clouded your thoughts, but you knew better than to ever say the first thing that came to your mind around Pamela, she always read between the lines. 
“Everything going okay?” you asked, hearing about the sessions from Dean was one thing. He may be the lead singer, but he really was only one dude in a band of five differing personalities.
Pamela huffed and tilted her head, you felt like she was measuring your capacity for the truth. “The sound is good. We’re meshing. It’s just— since Cas leaving for that ephemeral crap or whatever that pipsqueak is calling it— Dean’s been on edge about every fucking thing. And Lee’s offered to help, hell he’s got a half dozen songs ready to go, but—”
“Dean feels like he has to do it all himself,” you finished for her.
“And he’s being a complete martyr about it.”
You nestled a kitten against your chest and hummed, ruffling its ears as you thought. You hadn’t really talked to Dean all week, after all the publicity you had to sift through after Bela’s event and trying to line things up with Meg at Rolling Stone, finally. You couldn’t have known any of this, since you were so separate from that part of the process.
“And no offense, but this friend of yours? Was it really the best timing? He’s just getting his groove back— he doesn’t need more distractions,” Pamela tacked on in her no-nonsense way.
You couldn’t stop your eyebrows from raising in surprise, because this was coming from the woman who had married and divorced her bandmate multiple times. But Lee wasn’t Dean, and you knew they still played their parts despite whatever was going on at home. The band came first, well, after Gibson.
You told yourself it was Sam that agreed it was best to keep it from the band, the extra pressure you had inadvertently put on Dean. You knew you had to toe that line. 
“Dean’s a big boy, Pamela. If you think he needs to loosen up, you gotta tell him. He listens to you more than anybody, probably even Sam. Especially when it comes to music stuff. Bela and him— that’s his business. I’m not even sure how serious it is, as much as I love them both—.”
Pamela chuckled, breaking your momentum, but you pushed on.
“I’m staying a neutral party. I can’t really play matchmaker and then question if it’s a good idea. They can make their own choices.”
Another kitten crawled into your lap and you set the one you had been holding down next to it, so they could play. You felt Pamela watching you with her knowing eyes and from experience you knew she was going to continue to throw you for a loop with whatever she said next.
“Now who’s playing the martyr?”
You sighed and looked back at her, and luckily it seemed like she was at least teasing and not being snide. One of the kitten’s claws dug through your jeans and you yelped, pulling it off of your thigh. You stood to put it back in the crate with the rest of the litter.
“Just talk to him, he’ll let Lee get a song down, I can almost guarantee it.”
You gazed down at the innocent fur balls and wished your life held more silly little pleasures than it did. But you knew you didn’t deserve it, deep down.
You dragged out your phone and snapped some pictures of the kittens, then held it up to Pamela in question. She nodded and snuggled her kitten against her cheek, scrunching up her face for the shelter website. You’d send all of your shots to Annie later, let her pick and choose how to celebrate the event and advertise for next year.
Throughout the day, you got plenty of shots of the band with animals and the workers sending happy families off with new fur members. The day was winding down, but you stuck around to help anyway you could. You wiped down the breakroom table as Sam hauled the last of the pastries out to Bobby’s truck to bring home for Dean and to the studio if they lasted until Monday.
You tried not to pay attention when two of the younger staff members came in muttering, the blonde girl making the brunette openly gape. 
“No way! Grossssssssss.” 
“Shut up, she’s still got it, for her age.”
The brunette sighed and shook her head. “Sure, I guess, but didn’t she like set them up?”
The blonde shook her head. “I don’t think so, he was just here a lot when his brother was being a dick, and then Madison and him like bonded over shit.”
After that you couldn’t help but listen, because they were obviously talking about Sam. 
“Besides the thing with Annie was like forever ago, she’s been married for like three years or something and Madison just started here over the summer,” the blonde seemed unfazed by the amount of gossip she was conveying.
“I guess I just didn’t think about how well everyone knows each other.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” the blonde smirked.
Lee chose that moment to come into the breakroom with Gibson thrown over his shoulder, but the crook in his eyebrow told you he knew the college kids were being snarky. “Hey, Trouble, you ready to go? Little man here said his Uncle Dean told him everybody could come over for grub.”
The girls seemed to freeze in place, having not noticed your presence. You looked around the room, checking to see if it was cleaned up enough to call it a day. “Uh–”
You had no reason to bail on the band, but you had been looking forward to a night alone at your place. As lame as that seemed for a Saturday night, something was telling you that you’d make an idiot of yourself if you were left alone in Dean’s presence, or even Sam’s after the juicy details you’d just heard.
“I’ve actually got to get home and start sorting through the photos, but thanks for the offer.”
Lee’s face changed, bright eyes squinting in suspicion, but Gibson started to struggle. “You sure?” he asked, flipping his son over in front of him so he was back on his feet facing you, a giggling, miniature version of himself standing guard.
You looked down at the six-year-old and couldn’t help but grin. “Buddy, will you tell your Uncle Dean that I’m busy working and I’ll see him later?”
Gibson nodded excitedly, showing off the gap where he’d lost a tooth, and gave you the thumbs up, happy to play messenger for his favorite uncle.
 Lee spun towards the door, guiding Gibson at his side, “I guess that means it’s just us in the car cuz Mom’s already headed out. Later, Trouble!”
You shook your head at the adorableness and pulled out your phone to order a ride. Sometimes it was a real pain not driving by yourself, but you made your peace with never getting behind a wheel again long ago.
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Tagging: @deans-spinster-witch@mrswhozeewhatsis@cosicas-cuquis@fics-pics-andotherthings-i-like@suckitands33@ladysparkles78@deans-baby-momma@stoneyggirl2@sassy-pelican@leigh70@globetrotter28
Chapter Seven: Lilt
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dema-heart · 1 year
☆♡☆♡☆♡Dream boy♡☆♡☆♡☆♡
Hobie x gn reader
Just a lil blurb thing not a whole story technically
Hobie calls you starlet or little star. I just loved the nickname starlet or anything star related when writing this.
Not edited I wrote this in between customers at work so sorry for any errors I'll edit later!
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Random spider person: So what are you two?
You: Nothing! I don't even know him!?
Hobie at the same time: I'm the man of their dreams *winks as his arm comes around your shoulder*
You: NO you're not get off me! *huffing as you throw his arm off and he laughs* I keep telling you just beacuse I'm dreaming and you keep showing up doesn't mean you're the "man of my dreams" *rolling your eyes as he looks at you with that sexy ass smirk and that cute, playful glint in his eyes*
Hobie: Mhm I'll believe it...when you stop popping up in front of me during your so called "dreams" *his goofy boy next door smile definitely doesn't have you grining back as you shove at him*
You: I don't! For some reason, every time I dream up this spider people filled clubhouse, you come yelling my name and following me around trying to sweet talk me. *your eyes narrow at him but your smile doesn't fall 'man does your brain know how to pick em'*
Hobie: *smile faltering as a portal the color of purple sunsets opens up behind you* Time to go.... *his hands pull you to him by your waist before coming to rest on your cheeks, making you look at him. longing and sadness in his eyes as he gives you a sad smile* try to remember me this time,yeah?
You: of course how could i forget "the man of my dreams" *your eyes search his not sure why the mood of your dream had turned somber like this. Your hands on his hips as he refuses to let go of you*
Hobie: *gives a sad chuckle* Whatever you say,doll. I'll make you love me all over again next time, regardless. Goodbye,starlet *He kisses your forehead as your eyes close the portal pulling you in*
You: *wakes up to the sound of your alarm going off. Head pounding, chest rising and falling heavily with your uneven breaths, and heart hurting. You squeeze your eyes closed and focus on your breathing. All you remember were gentle hands and.... 'goodbye, starlet' another pang to the head as the affectionate words and glitchy images came rolling through. You groan rolling over to grab your water bottle and dream journal hopeful that writing what little of the dream you remembered down would ease the ache*
You: Starlet, huh... *you whispered into the empty room touching your face expecting to feel hands holding your cheeks...not sure why..before shaking your head and getting ready for the day.* These dreams are getting out of hand.
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This is based off a story I was working on but haven't finished (it was gonna be long ;^; and it was just for me so i slacked). Basically I came up with the whole idea of being a different worlds "M.J." (the characters name starts with a J and in the story everyone calls her M.J. aka Ms.jay as she's a nurse at her old high-school). She's best friends/roomates with her worlds Peter Parker (doesn't know he's spider man but jokingly calls him spidey cause hes always acting all heroic and getting himself hurt even tho he's a clumsy nerd *nudge nudge* ). He recently saved her from doc ock but something went wrong during the rescue and she's been mutiverse jumping in her sleep but doesn't know it and always ends up in the spider society beacuse that's where her Peter,the person she feels safest with (for now) aka her anchor is. There's no love between Peter and M.j beacuse they're basically family and he has Gwen that they're both also best friends with.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
I don't know if you're taking prompts or ideas but! If you'd like, this popped into my mind: Four/the colours around another link who just so happens to be colourblind
I take your hilarious request and raise you - what if Four himself is colorblind?
The palace hummed strangely as he reached for the sword in its pedestal. It felt like it had taken forever to get to this point, but now that the sword was in front of him, he felt a strange dread.
Shaking his head, Link reached forward and touched the sword, and it immediately started glowing and humming. Startled, he took a step back, but he couldn't release his hold on the hilt. His body felt like it was being pulled in a million different directions, his mind screaming and voices overlaying so loudly he wanted to pass out just to silence it. His breath was knocked out of him, and he dared to hope that he actually would faint, and his brain processed holding... four swords?
Four swords. Four breaths. Four hands. Four views of the palace, four--
Blinking, he looked around and screamed. What the--who was--
"Who are you?!" he yelled.
"Who am I?! Who are you?!" he yelled back.
There were--was this--
There were three more of him! They looked a little different by their clothes, wearing yellowish, and purpleish, and... yellowish.
Wait, but he was wearing yellow too! Or wait, no--he looked down and gasped in horror - now he had a purple colored tunic as well!
He stomped his foot. "What the actual hell."
Why was he suddenly--this was--okay, this was freaky, this had to be fake, he needed to fight these creeps!
Wait, no, maybe I need to just figu--
Fight! I need to fight! The aggression and fear was overwhelming, slamming into him and spurring him to swing the sword. One of the Links yelped and leapt out of the way while another deflected it.
"We need to figure out what's going on!"
He blinked. Wasn't he going to...? No! No, he needed to fight, this was a trick!
"Guys! It's called the Four Sword, maybe it--"
"There's no way it could possibly split me into four people, that's just completely impossible."
"It's magic!"
He huffed, tears stinging in his eyes. "It's stupid!"
He hated this. He hated this, he hated it he hated it--
"But, like, why am I wearing purple and so are you? Are we cursed?" the other purple one asked.
"Yeah, what the hell, why do you two get to be yellow!" Link snapped. Nothing made sense and nothing was familiar and he was altered and he couldn't even wear his clothes right?!
A yellow Link held up his hands to calm him down. "We can figure this out, okay?"
"No! This is stupid! I want this to stop!"
"I do too!" the other yellow one yelled, openly crying.
"But the legend says it took four people to stop Vaati," the other purple one said. "Maybe we can use this?"
"Are... are we ever going to be normal again?" Whiny Yellow asked.
Not Whiny Yellow looked worried. "I... I hope so."
"Okay, well, if we're doing this, we need to be able to coordinate," Other Purple said. "We'll need nicknames."
"Already got them," Link huffed, crossing his arms. "Let's go kick Vaati's butt so we can be normal again."
It took a good deal of time to figure out how they were supposed to work together, and it quickly became apparent that aspects of Link's personality were suddenly highlighted in different Quartered Links, nearly to an extreme degree that made it difficult for him to control himself. As they became less of a petrified mess and more of a team, a hot debate for nicknames started to break out.
"I am not Whiny Yellow!"
"Why can't you be Yellow, then we could call you Pissy."
"Come on, it's like, so appropriate."
"Everybody, stop!" one of the Yellow Links said, holding out his arms. He cleared his throat and started pointing. "Smart Purple. Stupid Purple. Sad Yellow. Not Sad Yellow."
"I like Smart Purple," one of the purple pair said.
"This is ridiculous!" the other purple snapped. "We'll figure it out later, let's just get out of here!"
When the four emerged from the dungeon, they realized they really were terrified to go anywhere and reveal what had happened. Their father would have a meltdown.
Of course, that would imply they could keep such a secret from him. Which they could not. Because he was standing right outside of the dungeon.
Leon took a hesitant step back, eyes wide and confused. "Link...?"
Sad Yellow immediately started crying. "Father, we don't know what's going on, we just grabbed the sword and it did this to us, please don't be scared or mad at us please I--we don't know how to fix it--"
Angry Purple groaned, burying his face in his hands, wanting to punch Sad Yellow and scream. He didn't even dare look at their--his--their?!--hell if he knew.
"It's okay, it's okay," Leon quickly said, holding out his hands, but all the Links could see his hesitation in getting near them, and it stung. "We'll... we'll figure this out. At least the colors make it easy to distinguish you."
"What? No they don't!" Not Sad Yellow said, his face scrunched in confusion. "We have two yellows and two purples! We don't understand why we were picked with specific colors, but the purples are different from our usual yellow outfit."
Leon blinked. Then he blinked again. "Link... you're all different colors."
Everyone stared at him. "What?"
Slowly, their father pointed to each one, starting with Angry Purple. "Blue. Red. Green. Violet. None of you are yellow."
Angry Purple gawked another moment and then groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. "You've gotta be kidding me. That dumb sword thought it was a good idea to differentiate us by freaking color?!"
Not Sad Yellow--wait, had Father said he was wearing green?--shrugged sheepishly. "Well... it's not like the sword knew we were colorblind."
"I almost forgot our tunic was supposed to be green!" Emo Yellow said thoughtfully.
Leon finally smiled, kneeling to be closer to their height and holding out his arms. "Well, you're all still my boys nonetheless. Let's get back to the city and see if we can figure this out."
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puthyflapps · 2 years
dude im stoked i can't wait to read the response those asks. make it 5k i don't mind. just put the majority of it under a cut ✂️ if you don't wanna post it on ao3
Let’s temper our expectations because I feel like it’s not as good as what you think it is 💀💀
To me, it feels long because my brain had to like think of every detail and also I’m a slow reader rip😭😭😭😭 but I just feel like everyone else is gonna read it in 5 seconds. Also I haven’t written like a drabble/one shot in a hot minute so prayers up for your big dog
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gravessyard · 2 years
Birthday Poptart
Notes from the Crypt: Happy birthday Tartaglia! *shoves him off a cliff* jkjk, or am I? I wanted to do something for his special day. Yes, I am still quite ill so this fic took off on a completely different direction than I expected so I may have to add a second chapter, but regardless, I hope you enjoy
Tags: GN!Reader, angst with some fluff sprinkled in
Summary: All you wanted to do was spend his birthday with him
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Two weeks. You spent 2 weeks wracking your brain for ideas on how to celebrate Childe’s birthday only for it to go down the fucking drain. You sighed hard, swirling the glass of wine you had in your hand as you sank further into the warm bubble bath that was drawn for you, thanks to your generous host who welcomed you into his home after he found you wandering the streets of Liyue, soaked to the bone from the storm. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, the pain is a nice distraction from the ache that is now the hole you feel in your heart, the very one Childe carved out himself. You thought you had a great plan, a nice candlelit dinner at home, a bubble bath with some oils and fresh flowers you spent at least a good hour meticulously picking and sharing wine underneath the stars! Hell, you even thought of going further should the mood strike, but it would seem the gods had something else planned for you. He had work, he said. He’ll be home late, he said. Let’s celebrate tomorrow, he said, and while you were disappointed, you still happily agreed, simply content that he was still willing to celebrate his special day with you even a day later.
You scoffed into the wine glass as you took a sip, thinking back to how he kissed your cheek this morning but ignored the empty feeling it left behind, like he did it as some chore. At the time you thought nothing of it, too caught up with changing dinner plans since Childe seemed to want to postpone the grand birthday dinner. It was no issue to you, all you had to do was pop into town to grab a couple of vegetables and some meat and cook something simple that you can save for him when he comes home. What was meant to be an easy trip ended up turning your life upside down, as when you were in the middle of picking out radishes from Chef Mao, you heard the unmistakable laugh of your boyfriend. Confused, you looked around the busy street to catch him idling nearby, his arm around the traveler’s shoulders. You wondered for a second if they had crossed paths just now when you felt your heart drop, watching Childe pull them close to press a kiss to their cheek, and then another to their lips. You didn’t even realize you had dropped the radishes you were holding, Chef Mao calling your name with concern.
“y/n? hey, are you alright?”, Mao asked, walking around his place behind the booth to your side, where he gently placed a hand on your shoulder and finally broke you from your spell. You whipped your head at him, eyes wide and glassy and stuttered out apologies, quickly gathering the radishes you had dropped and giving him possibly way too much mora before mumbling something about being in a hurry and rushing off, unable to stop the tears from flowing freely down your cheeks. You weren’t aware if Childe had seen you, nor did you really care as you know exactly what you saw, and you certainly didn’t want to stick around for an encore. Your mind was in shambles, cursing not only yourself but also the man who apparently preferred to celebrate his birthday with the traveler rather than with you. While you were walking with no destination in mind, you were also piecing together the times Childe claimed he would be held up at work or the nights he came home at ungodly hours, it became clear as day that he didn’t need to work overtime hours with how fucking rich he already is, he was just using that as an excuse to go meet up with the traveler! And you let it happen for months! You choked back a sob, stopping in the middle of the bridge before the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and going to the ledge, suddenly feeling nauseous. You didn’t register the rain that was now soaking through your hair and clothes, too numb to notice you had begun to shiver and teeter a little too close to the edge, you couldn’t even register the rushing footsteps approaching you until you felt a hand roughly tugging you away. You shrieked, losing your balance, and falling into a pair of sturdy arms.
“y/n? What on teyvat are you thinking? It’s highly dangerous for you to be that close to the ledge!”, Zhongli sternly scolded you, the poor heart attack you gave this man when he exited the parlor and looked to see you practically about to jump. He couldn’t think of any reason why you even would, which only made him worry even more as he looked you over carefully, making sure you weren’t physically injured. He gave you quite the fright too, enough to make you sob hard in his arms, your own arms struggling to hold the radishes you were still cradling for dear life.
“Ajax… I saw him… k-kissing the… the traveler”, you whimpered, and Zhongli’s shoulders began to relax, his worry of you trying to throw yourself off the bridge morphing into worry that you had been a witness to adultery. He rubbed your shoulders, mentally wonderig how cold you must be and quickly began to usher you away, straight to his place. Being romantically involved with Childe, you had also made friends with Zhongli, so you were no stranger to his abode, it was a humble little place, nice and cozy for someone like him. You had even joked with Childe, telling him if he was ever caught cheating then you’d move in with Zhongli because his place was so nice, how unaware you were back then. Zhongli welcomed you into his home, not caring that you both were soaking wet as he coaxed the radishes you were holding out of your grip and onto the side table, the sounds of your sniffling and sobbing was breaking his heart, you didn’t deserve to have this happen to you, so he made it his personal mission to make sure you are very well taken care of.
“y/n, may I have the honor of taking care of you tonight?”, he asked gently while he held your hands as if you were made from porcelain. You sniffled, remaining silent for a few seconds before nodding, and with a squeak you were lifted bridal style into his arms and carried into the bathroom where he began to draw you a bath. You fiddled with the hem of your shirt, feeling drained from all the crying as you watched Zhongli pour all kinds of stuff into the filling bath, it was kind of therapeutic. Milk, flowers, dried fruits, oils and bubblies, the room was beginning to fill with steam and the heavenly scent of his concoction before he deemed it satisfactory enough and straightened up to look at you.
“Please step in and relax, I’ll return shortly with some wine. I recently acquired a bottle recommended by a friend in Mondstadt and I would like to get your opinion of it, so if you’ll excuse me”, he bowed his head before leaving the bathroom, giving you the privacy to peel your wet clothes off and step into the water. To say the temperature was perfect would have been an understatement, you felt like you were being hugged by a blanket fresh out of the dryer. You sighed out, dipping low enough to keep your chin above water and just soak before you heard knocks on the door after some time.
“Come in”, you called out, Zhongli enters with two glasses of wine in his hands, passing you one that you gratefully take and sipped. It was smooth, semi-sweet and doesn’t attack the taste buds, which you appreciated since you weren’t a fan of bitter wines. You noticed your host had changed into silk pajamas as he took a seat on the edge of the tub, sipping at his wine and giving you an expectant look. It was a look that told you he was ready to listen, and you couldn’t help but give him an appreciative look before laying your breaking heart out for him. You told him everything, from the times Childe had lied to you about work to seeing him kiss the traveler today, and he simply nodded while you spoke, taking sips of wine in between and even extending his hand out to you when your voice began to crack, tears threatening to fall again. He ran his thumb over your knuckles while you ranted at him, pitching in his opinions, and expressing immense disappointment in Childe over this outcome of your relationship until you both fell into a comfortable silence.
“I’ve laid out some clothes for you in my bedroom, when you finish up come meet me in the kitchen while I prepare a hot meal for us to enjoy”, he stood and once again bowed his head, a gesture you couldn’t help but smile at while he left you alone. You took a moment to soak in silence, the water long gone lukewarm, but you paid it no mind, you mostly wanted to gather your thoughts for yourself. You scoffed at the kiss Childe gave you this morning, it was definitely different than the one you saw him give the traveler earlier. You finished your wine along with your bath, draining the water and tossing out the rehydrated fruits before wrapping yourself in the robe that thankfully Zhongli keeps in his bathroom before stepping out and making your way to his bedroom. You thought of proposing the idea of rooming with Zhongli while you searched for a place of your own, archons know you don’t want to continue living with Childe if he was just going to keep stringing you along like he currently is. You stopped in your tracks when you saw the matching pajama set that was laid out on the bed, your emotions getting the better of you and you began to sniffle again, chuckling to yourself while you got dressed and walked into the kitchen where Zhongli was finishing up a simple dish of radish veggie soup using the radishes you were clinging onto earlier. You were grateful to have met a man like him, his friendship was something you treasured and even now, when you’re at your lowest, he’s been nothing but a gentleman and doting on you, you were beginning to think that maybe you had made a mistake in choosing Childe to date.
“Zhongli… Thank you, for everything”, you began, giving him a teary-eyed smile and your cheeks flushed slightly when he cupped your face in his hands, wiping away any stray tears and giving you a warm smile.
“You need not thank me; I’m simply doing my duty as your closest friend and confidant… Now sit, we’ll eat and maybe head to bed? You must be exhausted after today’s ordeal”, he laid a hand on your lower back while he ushered you to sit, preparing a bowl of soup for both you and himself and sitting across from you to enjoy dinner.
“Hey ‘Li… Can I stick around for a while? I don’t think I wanna… go back to Childe’s house after today”, you asked sheepishly, pushing your spoon around the bowl. Zhongli didn’t hesitate to agree, putting your heart and mind at ease and even suggesting he accompany you to retrieve your belongings if you liked. You nodded happily, flashing him the warmest smile he’s ever had the pleasure of seeing and making idle conversation while you both finished dinner. After the dishes were washed, he insisted on sleeping on the couch while you took his bedroom but couldn’t deny your request of sharing a bed after you held onto his sleeve, a sad look in your eyes over the thought of sleeping alone. He held you that night, whispering all the fun things you both can do after you move in until you fell asleep.
Morning came quicker than you anticipated, waking up from a dreamless sleep, you could still feel the fatigue in your muscles as you took in your surroundings. You stretched a hand out to feel for Zhongli but felt something cold instead. Confused, you sat up and picked up the cold metal, looking at it and all at once you felt like the air was punched out of your lungs. Tucking it into the waistband of your pajama bottoms, you met Zhongli back in the kitchen where he was preparing breakfast, and afterwards you both changed and made the way back to Childe’s place. You were half hoping he was home, possibly concerned that you hadn’t returned the night prior, but you were hurt and frustrated when there was no sign of him, instead there was a note saying he missed you and he was once again, going to be late coming home. Zhongli made no comment on the subtle drop in temperature, instead asking where you two should begin and you lead him into the bedroom you once shared with Childe and began to gather your things. You two worked in silence, Zhongli packing your items in the luggage you provided while you silently wiped at your eyes and nose, you could feel your blood grow colder the longer you stood in this space that held so many memories. Despite the time you spent with the harbinger, you didn’t have a lot to your name, which you supposed could be a blessing now since it meant you didn’t have to return. Zhongli carried your luggage for you out of the house, but before you could step further you faced the home you once called yours and stared at it, the hurt and pain that Childe put you through fueling your new vision to allow you to thrust your hand out and encase the entire home in ice.
“Take that, asshole”, you puffed out, turning on your heel and following Zhongli back to your new home. He made a mental note to congratulate you on your new vision while you both began a new chapter in your lives. Somewhere in Liyue, Childe got the coldest chill up his spine he’s ever experienced and felt something was terribly wrong.
Epitaph: This piece can also be found on AO3. Oops, accidentally made it zhongli x reader, hence why I may need to add a second chapter, but hey congrats on your new vision! It's weird how I write a lot about cryo vision lmao I'm really hoping this isnt just a jumble mess because I'm still really fucking sick lmao I just couldn't resist writing something that involved our favorite harbinger, even if he barely made an appearance asdhfk
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Not Enough
has anyone else just wanted Danny to go completely fucking feral at Dash? anyone?
yeah me too
this is some truly self-indulgent shit y'all
"Hey Fenton!"
Danny slammed his locker shut, sighing as Dash clapped him roughly on the shoulder.
"I'm throwin' a huge ass Halloween party this weekend, ghosts are all about Halloween right? You should totally come!"
It wasn't the first party Danny had been invited to since being outed as Phantom, but somehow Dash didn't seem to get the hint that he wasn't even remotely interested.
"No." Danny snapped, he threw his bag over his shoulder and turned his back on Dash, walking away without another word.
"What's your problem?"
Danny stopped, turning back around with a face of utter disdain.
"Excuse me?"
"I've been trying to be nice, but all you do is just brush me off! Like you can't even pretend to be busy or something?"
Danny stared, mouth halfway open as he tried to find the words to respond.
"Are you actually serious?" he finally choked out, almost too bewildered to be angry.
"You're not still mad about all that stuff from before right?" Dash asked. "Like, I don't even do that shit anymore, it's over."
"Is it?" Danny's eyes flashed brightly and Dash took a half step back as the air went cold. "Because I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday that I pulled Mikey out of his locker."
"Well, yeah but that was Mikey." Dash laughed. "C'mon man, I wouldn't do that to you. We're totally cool now, so why you gotta keep blowing me off? You talk to Kwan like it's not big deal, and he used to wail on you all the time!"
Danny took a deep, slow breath, then another.
"Have you considered that maybe it's because I don't like you?" Danny said through gritted teeth.
Dash huffed, shoving his hands into his pockets and staring at the ground.
"Look, I get it, I was a jerk, but it's over! I'm actually trying to be nice, now you're the one being an asshole."
Danny looked as though he'd been slapped.
"You're such a fucking idiot Dash." Said Danny, his voice trembling with barely restrained rage. "You can't just treat someone like shit every single day for two years and then expect them to get over it because you invited them to a few parties."
"Then how come Kwan gets to hang out with you?" Dash could feel his face heating up. "You're just gonna let him off the hook? That's not fair!"
In one thunderous moment, every locker in the hallway slammed open, sending papers and books flying across the floor. The few students still packing up their things got the fuck out of dodge, whether this was a ghost thing or a Fenton thing (was there even a difference at this point?) they wanted no part of it.
Dash couldn't move, his feet felt heavy, he wasn't entirely sure if Danny had done something to him with his ghost powers, or if he was just afraid.
Because he was certainly afraid.
Even after everyone found out, Danny still didn't use his powers at school unless it was a ghost emergency. He didn't use them for pranks, didn't use them to get even, didn't even use them to show off.
But he was sure as hell using them now, and Dash suddenly realised why he was always holding himself back.
He was terrifying.
Danny took a few steps forward, stopping barely an arm's length away from where Dash was rooted to the spot, trembling.
"Kwan apologised to me." He said, quietly this time. "He apologised to my friends, he even apologised to some other kids, and when I told him that I wasn't ready to forgive him, he accepted that and left me alone until I was ready to talk to him again."
Dash wanted to speak, but he couldn't seem to make his brain form the words he needed, it was too busy buzzing with danger run danger get out run run RUN.
"You made every single day of my life miserable for two whole fucking years, and that isn't even counting the bullshit you pulled in middle school. How do you feel right now Dash? Does it scare you to be around me? Does it scare you to be at the mercy of someone that you know damn well can hurt you?" Danny leant in, grabbing a fistful of letterman jacket. "I hope it does, because now maybe you'll have an idea what it was like for me going to school every fucking day knowing that you would be there, ready and waiting to hurt me. Every single FUCKING day."
Dash found himself being thrown backwards, his feet finally able to move again as he caught himself.
"I'm s-sor-sorry." he mumbled, his lips felt numb and tingly and his head swam with panic as he struggled to get the words out. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Are you?" Danny's voice cracked, his face wasn't twisted in rage anymore, his eyes were blue once again, and shining with tears. "Are you really sorry for hurting me? Or are you just sorry that the guy you were beating the shit out of turned out to be Phantom?"
"I didn't... I didn't know." Dash gasped out, he could barely hear his own words, all he could hear was his own heart beating loudly in his ears as he struggled to draw in breath. "I didn't know it was like that, I just thought-"
Thought what? What had he thought? That he wasn't really hurting anyone? That it wasn't that big a deal?
No, he hadn't thought that, because he hadn't thought at all.
"And you're gonna stand here and tell me I'm an asshole." Danny was almost sobbing as he raggedly spat out each word. "Because I won't forgive you for something you never even apologised for. This is the first time you even acknowledged that you were an absolute jerk to me, and you followed it up by demanding that I just get over it."
Dash stared down at the floor, it sounded terrible when Danny put it like that.
"I wasn't... demanding anything." he said, he was embarrassed by how whiny he sounded. "I was just trying to make it up to you, I was trying, I just thought... it's not fair that I can't have second chance. I was trying so hard and all I wanted was a second chance-"
"I DON'T CARE." Danny's eyes were screwed up tight, but it didn't stop the tears of fury from pouring down his cheeks, his voice so shredded with pain it was barely recognisable. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT. I DON'T OWE YOU A SECOND CHANCE. I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING. YOU FUCKED ME UP AND YOU. CAN'T. FIX IT."
Dash didn't know what to do. Danny was openly sobbing, his breaths came out in grunts as he couldn't hold the rage and misery back.
He was still standing within arm's reach, Dash cautiously put out a hand, to comfort him? He wasn't sure, but he barely brushed Danny's shoulder before Dash found himself spinning violently and his cheekbone exploded with sudden pain as he hit the floor. Cold hands drew away from him roughly.
Dash watched as Danny grabbed his backpack and his footsteps disappeared down the hall.
It was over, just like that it was over.
Dash sat up and touched his face, he wasn't bleeding but he knew it would bruise pretty bad. It hurt, he would be squinting through one eye for a few days.
Danny could have done this to him at any time, he could have done it to him every day if he wanted, and maybe he would, now that he'd done it once.
The thought made Dash feel cold as dread pooled in his stomach.
The next day Dash told people he'd gotten his black eye from playing football, his team knew it wasn't true, but they didn't ask. He kept his eye out for Danny, wondering if he would pop up invisibly and knock him off his feet, or drag him through the floor, or hit him when nobody was looking.
He clung to Kwan's side all day, afraid to be alone.
Phantom could be anywhere, he could get him anywhere, if he wanted to hurt Dash nobody would be able to stop him.
Nobody had been able to stop Dash, and he didn't even have superpowers.
But in the end, nothing happened.
Dash went through the day untouched. Danny didn't even look his way. Not once. He just acted like yesterday never happened.
But it did happen, Dash still had the bruise on his cheek, and the terror set deep in his bones.
In the following days, weeks, months, Danny still never touched him, never looked at him, never talked to him. Dash realised that Danny probably wasn't going to do anything else after all, that maybe he hadn't even meant to hurt him in the first place.
He was a hero after all, he protected people, even people he didn't like. The only time he had ever come into contact with Dash again was to haul him out of the way of a ghost, and he did so with the same care as he would with anyone else.
Danny wasn't like him, he didn't gloat about hurting him, he didn't revel in the fact that Dash was scared of him. He just went about his day, acting for all the world like Dash didn't even exist.
Dash never gave him a true apology, it was clear Danny didn't want one, it was far too late for that.
It left Dash with a sick feeling of unfulfillment. He understood now what Danny had been going through, the pain, the terror, he wanted Danny to know that he was truly sorry, that he really had changed this time.
But he couldn't, because forcing an unwanted apology on him would just make Dash the asshole all over again, he was trying to steal a forgiveness that he could never have.
So he had to find his closure somewhere else.
He stopped picking on Mikey, and Nathan, and all of the other nerds he frequently hassled. He even tried apologising to them, some forgave him, others didn't, and he had to be okay with that. He struggled not to lash out, it still felt unfair, the world had always told him that you were supposed to forgive people when they apologised. It always happened that way on tv, in the cartoons he grew up watching. The mean kid would apologise, the other kids would forgive him, and they would all become friends.
He was realising that the real world was a whole lot more complicated than that, he didn't earn forgiveness just because apologising was hard, he was learning fast that he didn't earn any brownie points for taking responsibility for his actions. He was just doing what any decent person should.
It took him a while to come to terms with that, to stop being angry at people for not letting him make it up to them. For not letting him prove that he had changed.
All it took was to occasionally pass by Danny in the hallways for him to cool his jets and think more clearly. To remind him that he was the bad guy, he was the one who hurt people, that his victims did not owe him anything.
In his last year of school, he had found himself watching the juniors below him falling into the same behaviours, the same struggle for power and control. Pushing other kids around without so much as sparing a thought to how it made them feel.
After a lengthy chat with Mr Lancer, Dash was given permission to pull out younger students from detention one day a week. He would talk to them, ask about their lives, ask about their feelings. He would ask why they lashed out, why they thought it was okay to treat people that way. Most of them didn't have an answer, or simply refused to give one, but he would push, he wouldn't let them hide in ignorance like he did.
Some of them did feel guilt for the way they treated people, and they only needed someone they could talk to who could understand what they were going through, so they wouldn't take it out on whoever was around at the time.
Others would take more effort, they need a far stronger push in the right direction, they were defensive and combative, selfish and unapologetic.
Dash had been one of those kids, he knew they would be hard work, but he did his best. He couldn't help all of them, some were simply unwilling to change.
So he contacted the school-board, he pushed for better protection for students, more programs to help troubled kids, he volunteered to keep running his own counselling groups even after he graduated.
It still never felt like enough.
After graduation he turned down his favoured college to attend one closer to home so he could continue his volunteer work. He joined petitions and rallies for change across entire school districts, he spoke at other schools' anti-bullying campaigns. He'd attended enough of them in his own childhood that he knew they did next to nothing, but it gave him the opportunity to reach out to kids for one on one support.
He found more volunteers for his counselling groups, he helped people start them up in other local schools. It was a lot of work, especially when he was also juggling his college studies. He was taking a major in psychology, it was brutal, Dash had never been good at studying, but he'd decided that this was what he needed to do, this was important to him.
It still wasn't enough.
It would come at him in the night, as soon as he laid his head down on his pillow. He would see the faces of all the kids he hurt, it felt so much worse the older he got, they just looked younger and younger every time the memories came back to plague him.
He had beat the shit out of children. Kids who were the same age as the students he now counselled. He beat them until they were bloody or bruised, he shoved them into lockers, pulled pranks that humiliated them in front of the whole school, and he had laughed.
He'd laughed at their pain.
When the guilt weighed him down, he would begin searching for new programs to volunteer for, new petitions or rallies to get behind, always finding another way to help protect kids like Danny from kids like him.
And to protect kids like him from doing things that would one day haunt them.
He had spread himself thin across every school in the district, barely keeping afloat at college, but it wasn't enough.
It was never enough.
Kids still slipped through the cracks, schools were still too lenient, there were too many kids, not enough volunteers.
Casper High was holding another anti-bullying assembly. It had been a few years since Dash had attended one at his old school. This year they had excitedly announced that they'd even secured an appearance from Phantom himself.
Dash's blood ran cold, his hands shook as he went over his notes, he was slated to do his speech alongside Phantom's, they would be sharing the stage for a solid 75 minutes, barely a few feet from one another.
When Danny showed up he was already in Phantom form, Dash spotted him discussing emergency exit plans with one of the organisers in the event of a ghost attack.
He was so different from when they were in school.
He was tall, and broad, he stood with confidence and had a good natured charm to him. He was a hero, he was strong, he was brave. He could fight monsters ten times his size with a smirk and a witty one liner. He could take on anything, he wasn't afraid of anything.
He was a kid, running down a hallway, screaming words that still pierced through Dash's mind every time he saw the hero's face.
Dash's hands clenched around his notes, shaking so violently that they barely even looked like words.
A deep voice cut through the chaos in Dash's mind as cold hands closed over his tremblings ones.
"It's good to see you again."
Phantom was smiling at him, his hands still closed around Dash's.
"Good... good to see you too." Dash mumbled, not able to meet the man's eyes.
Phantom paused before releasing Dash's hands.
"I've heard all about your work." Phantom grinned as Dash finally looked up and met his eyes.
"Yeah." he said, and then before his mind could catch up with his mouth, he blurted out, "I'm sorry, for everything."
Phantom's eyebrows rose for a moment, before he gave a gentle smile and clapped a hand on Dash's shoulder.
"I know." he said warmly. "Thank you."
They gave their speeches, Dash had told his story many times before, the victim that he'd pushed to breaking point, the boy whose words drove the change that made him the man he had become.
For the first time ever, that boy was listening.
After the assembly had packed up and the volunteers were heading home, it was Danny Fenton who approached Dash and asked if he wanted to go grab a beer together.
Dash thought it would be rather awkward, but Danny had plenty of experience socialising with the public, awkwardness slid right off him, and soon enough Dash found himself laughing alongside Danny as he told a story about the new misadventures of the Box Ghost.
He returned to his dorm that night, head still swimming from one too many beers, and he had the best sleep of his life.
He pulled back on some of his volunteer work, hunting for new people to take his place as he focused on college. He was falling far behind, but he would work hard to make his way back. As a volunteer he could only do so much, but with the right education and training, he could do so much more.
The guilt still haunted him, every so often when the pressure and the stress weighed heavy, it would creep back into his mind. It would probably never go away, not entirely, but at least now he had his closure.
Finally, it was enough.
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goobiegoobert · 3 years
Hi! I'm new here!
Ok so I though about a fic scenario. It's pure fluff.
How about moon's/sun's s/o bringing one night a cat at the daycare (after hidding from Vanessa and other gard's). Animatronics sure don't know what it is so s/o explain that the cat is their kid. Being a cat parent myself I totally see Sun playing with the cat with some string or even his bells while Moon will just sleep with the cat. Also feel free to make with the other Animatronics and to change the cat by another animal if you want.
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Won't you come a little closer?
A/N: oh my fucking god.. this, this is it. I love this so much <3 ty for blessing my brain with these dumb and gay little thoughts
Warnings: None, pure fluff rn Word count: 1.1k words
[ GN reader ]
Entering the pizzaplex within the day was most definitely different than the usual nighttime dread of loneliness children were screaming about, others struggling to drag their parents to attractions, teens in secluded groups simply here to relive past memories, and rather tired adults struggling to keep up with all the bustling ruckus provided. It was enough to give a normal person a pounding headache just from the already too-bright fluorescent lights adding character.
Usually within your schedule checking up on the other animatronics as polite courtesy would simply make the day feel normal, but alas clutching a bag that was shaped like the old bunny animatronic who used to perform at the diner/bowling alley here made you uneasy attempting your best to hold it away from people until arriving at your destination. You see, there was one strict rule here, any animals that weren't sanctioned by the county to be considered service animals weren't allowed. Something you knew by heart at this point that two people that seemed to plague your thoughts constantly had never seen. So it'd been your mission for the past month to bring your cat in, it was a rescue taken in long ago as a birthday present to yourself, and now you planned to brighten someone's day with them for at least a little bit. Heading into the daycare brushing past adults leaving their kids behind and others picking the rascals up to go home for now. It was perfect, all you needed to do was wait out the time and you'd finally pull this off without a hitch!
That's exactly what went down, moving over to the employee restrooms and going to the changing table of the unisex single-stall area and finally pulling out a rather sleepy cat who had been napping within the bag undisturbed by everyone's noise for a good tidbit of time till now. Allowing them to stretch out and yawn, moving a hand to scratch right behind their ears as the fuzzball purred leaning into the sensation. Only forty minutes till the plex closed down for good with the gates shutting locking you in for the night, god if you hadn't been working here as a nighttime staff member you'd have earnestly shit at the idea of being locked in some Chuck E. Cheese nightmare world pasted with 80s references and pop culture theme for its period. Shivering at the thought was just enough to keep you occupied. So putting it simply the time in this restroom messing with the cat took a while awaiting your shift to start was very quiet.
Though out of everything Sunny was in the daycare absolutely losing his shit, normally you'd already have been there chatting it up! How was he going to clean up if you weren't there to help out, it was truly a disaster as they'd haphazardly try to make do with what could try to make you happier when you did eventually arrive. You would right? Of course, you would, it was nothing to worry about really! Maybe one of the other animatronics got your attention today. Gripping one of the cans in their foam hand started to creak as it dented inwards at the thought.
When you finally did pop up to the daycare attendant he was ecstatic! Running right over to pick you up and swirl the two of you around several times until wrenching you into a tight squeeze, practically bursting at the seams to see you after being left alone for such a looong day.
❝ Heeello there little sunshine! What took 'ya so long huh, huh? ❞
Confused at your response simply being a giggle, slowly getting put down on the floor only to stop mid tracks, there you were just holding out this furry little thing like a cheeseburger up to Sunny. It was confusing, to say the least, barely able to tune into your words before snatching the little thing from your arms into his own holding it up under the daycare light getting a good look at it, before laughing a bit and dancing around with it practically jumping with joy when you mention it was your cat!
Sunnydrop truly felt like a bit of a parent at the moment and proceeded to try giving the usual treatment of nuzzling against the cat only to get jumped on, the cat climbing on top and going up and around over the animatronic then stilling to rest on his shoulder next to the warm wires curling up the attendant's neck. Sending shockwaves through his body as the creature purred almost like a reaction to tickling from Sun!
All that could be done was have you slightly be worried about Sunny getting hurt by the cat's curiosity, you hadn't even told him the name of his childhood trying to desperately get the ct back eventually leading to you chasing the lanky fellow across the daycare as he screamed for you to back off so he could keep playing with the cat! Let him live his life!!
Though what happened made you feel slightly bad, whilst chasing Sunny you'd been unable to notice the cords strewn on the floor, tripping over them far enough to tear them out of its socket causing everything to dim out. Sunny in the distance could be heard letting out a yelp in the sudden blackout, almost sounding ready to cry that this time was cut short already!
It took so long to find the attendant afterward, and it landed with a familiar rasped voice laughing to nothing in particular. Well, that's what you'd believe until getting pulled up into the air.
❝ Tsk, tsk, what a naughty thing being up so late. Breaking many, rules it seems? Poor thing. ❞
God did you hate heights, and yet here you were dangling above the daycare resorting to your arms clinging onto Moon truly hoping that you wouldn't be dropped from such a high place.. Thankfully you weren't, it was simply really you'd been dragged around until the naptime attendant found a suitable stop to rest for the night pulling a blanket up for you. Not exactly noticing the cat at first until it moved from their neck climbing up top to mess with their sleep cap, getting an annoyed grunt out of him to simply try to pull the thing off of him but to no avail. Your laughter in this truly didn't help out for this, only leading to feeling defeated at this and slamming the pillow on your face in retaliation.
❝ Naughty little things don't get to stay up past bedtime. Sleep. ❞
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Hello Kitty Band-Aids~ // Dabi X Reader
Hi! I know what you're thinking, "LMAO Hello Kitty??? With Dabi??? Noooo, he's too badass for that!" Well, I'll have you know, only badasses roll with Hello Kitty! (≖ˇ3ˇ≖) Genuinely, this story started off with a whole different song as the inspiration, but it slowly shifted to this, and I could not be happier TBH! I CAME UP WITH AND WROTE THIS WHOLE MOTHERFUCKING PIECE IN ONE DAY. HOLY SHIT. I went absolutely bonkers for this. WOW, I guess I cannot contain the horniness I have for Dabi. I cannot believe how I came up with this, but I love how it turned out. I hope you enjoy reading! I am head-over-heels in love with stinky trash man Dabi (ᴖ◡ᴖ❀)💖
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Style of Story: Oneshot [Fluff!] // Originally, this was supposed to be an imagine. Short and sweet. Then it developed into this monstrosity because I can't control myself. Enjoy.
Word Count: 4.5K
Warnings: Excessive swearing (I'm talking so much LOL especially during the spoken lines), blood, wounds, threats (mostly made by Dabi and mostly empty), falling in love with a villain because Dabi is TOO HOT, etc.
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.☆.・∴.・∵☆:・∵.:・☆.☆.。.:★ :・∵.:☆.。.:・:・∵.☆:*・∵.
"Hello Kitty! Play with us today
We'll laugh and sing on this lovely sunny day
All your friends are waiting for you
Ready to run and play!"
The two of you "lovebirds" met on very strange terms; him running from the police, and you sitting at home, comfy on your couch. It was an otherwise peaceful night in the (Y/N) abode, when out of the god damn blue, this battered and bruised body comes crashing through your window one full moon night. You? Well, you were simply being a normal sane human being and watching a good movie on your night off, when this disaster occurred. The scream you bellowed rivaled that of a Banshee when he flew in, but he didn’t react the same. When this psycho's body hit the floor, he was knocked out cold. Even from all the way across the room on your safe couch, you could see the huge gash marks all across his body, as well as the spreading blood leaking through those marks and from his shirt. Though you didn't know of his affairs only minutes prior, he was most likely exhausted from running for so long with so much blood loss, found your place, and decided to crash (literally) there.
You stood off the couch and crept closer to his unconscious body, contemplating your options. You knew who he was. Who didn’t? He’d been all over the news with the recent events regarding his crimes against that pro-hero training high school, UA. His name didn’t immediately come to mind in the stress of the situation, but it didn’t matter. He was a villain. He was a bad man. You should kick him to the curb, or maybe straight to the police, and make sure he can never wreck your peaceful Saturday night ever again.
He looked…awful. That's to say the least.
Blood dripped from his fresh wounds, scratches and gashes littered his flesh, staples that previously held his marred skin together had now popped out, making his skin stretch and droop. His hands were singed with burn marks, whether it was from his pursuers or from his own quirk, you weren't sure. Not to mention all the cuts and glass suck in his skin from the window he just burst through. And his face. His brows were scrunched up together even while he was asleep, he was in so much pain that he was unconsciously showing it. His mouth was pulled into a frown. Half-soft, half-burnt lips bruised and red with a sizable tear on his upper lip. And…well…damn, he has a strong jaw. Could cut metal with that thing.
WAIT, WHAT?! No no no no nooooo! Do not think that! He's not hot. He's not cute. You do not find a villain sexy. Shut up, brain.
Anyways, you wrestle with the idea for another minute until you glance at his blood seeping onto the floor and curse. Fuck! You're only renting this apartment, and you cannot afford to pay for the replacement of the hardwood flooring! Not in this god damn economy with your shitty landlord. So, for certainly no other reason than to keep his inky blood from soaking into the wood flooring (and definitely not because you felt a little bad for how bad of shape he was in, nor because he was just the slightest bit cute), you dragged his limp body into your bathroom to fix him up.
Now, you're no doctor, but you know some of the basics of healing people. You've slapped on your fair share of band-aids in your day. How much harder can sewing up lesions in skin be! Plus, YouTube is readily available!
Turns out, they're much harder to do properly than you gave credit for.
After a half hour or so, he was nearly put back together. Most of the blood he was profusely spewing earlier you'd either stopped from coming out or it had coagulated on its own. His minor scratches you covered up with gauze, though, you soon ran out and had to use the backup Hello Kitty band-aids to cover the rest. What? Hello Kitty is adorable! Your eight-year-old niece loves her, and it makes you smile at the fond memories they bring. One time about two years ago, she and her guardian came over to hang out for the day. She was being a cute kid and showing off to her "favorite adult" (a label you bragged, and still brag, about to her peeved guardian all the time) all the tricks she's learned on her scooter. She was doing great! Until she wasn't. She fumbled one of the moves and promptly fell to the ground, scraping her knee in the process. She wailed and cried, until you busted out one of the cute Hello Kitty band-aids, and made her day all better again! You'll never forget her beautiful, wide, gap-filled smile as she reiterated that you were her favorite person in the whole world.
Being reeled back to the present, you focused on the task at hand. The larger wounds on his body you tried your best to stitch together, and though they were a little wonky and crooked, you'd say you did a fine job. You cleaned all of his wounds with alcohol and other medicinal items to the best of your ability. Now, it was finally time to clean him up.
You'd previously hung up his coat after you'd settled him in the bathroom. You took the bloody shirt you'd stripped off him earlier to access the wounds on his chest (and you totally did not admire his chest or abs while you'd fixed up his body) and yours that was now covered in his blood, and threw them in the washer. You shimmed into a different clean shirt, and skated back to the bathroom. Running a washcloth under warm water, you bent down to clean his crusty face. Wiping down his face, you cleaned the soot and dirt off of him. You minded the piercings, staples, and burnt flesh of the lower half of his face and eyes as you went along. You stopped to gently dab his busted lip. You leaned back after a minute admiring your work, looking for any other specs of dirt or debris, and decided he was all set. You wanted to leave him there to rest, both because you didn't want to move him too much too soon and because he was heavy as shit, even though he was as thin as a toothpick. But as you thought about it more, you realized leaving a highly dangerous villain unsupervised in a place he doesn't know where he could easily get the upper hand and attack you wasn't the best decision. So, reluctantly, you dragged him back to the living room and plopped his deadweight body down onto your couch.
Looking at the mess he made to your window and to the floor when he busted his way in, you sighed. Guess there's still more work to be done.
.☆.・∴.・∵☆:・∵.:・☆.☆.。.:★ :・∵.:☆.。.:・:・∵.☆:*・∵.
Dabi blearily awoke to the sounds of metal gentle clanking together, and the smell of something absolutely delicious invading his senses. Maybe it was just because he was famished because, if he remembers correctly, the League's cooking never smelled quite as good as whatever was wafting in the air. Wait, correction, they've never cooked shit since he's been a part of the group. Hell, he doesn't think any of them actually know how to cook without burning the place to the ground (himself included).
So, who the hell- where the hell- ugh, fuck it. His brain's too scattered to form questions.
He groaned as he sat up to investigate. His head felt like shit. His body felt like shit. He couldn't focus. Fuck, maybe he got a concussion. Just add it to the list of his issues. He swears when he finds those god damn heroes and police, he's gonna tear them apart limb by-
"Oh, look at that, Sleeping Beauty's awake. 'Bout time."
He nearly jumps out of his stapled skin at the gentle voice coming from across the room. With wide eyes and palms raised to blast scorching fire at any moment, he looks at you. You're just as wide eyed as he is, staring him down from what seemed to be your kitchen. So, the divine smell was coming from your cooking.
He looked you up and down, deeming you not a threat by the lack of any weapon or notable powerful quirk aimed at him. You didn't seem to be a cop either. He broke eye contact with you to look around. Painted walls, nice flooring, pictures and paintings scattered around the place, good view of the city outside. He's in your house.
Interesting. That answers one of his questions; where he is.
Now to find out who the fuck are you, and how stupid you are to have not turned him over to the authorities.
He looks back at you, not saying a word as he stares into your eyes. You fidget under his gaze. Okay, skittish. Nervous. Probably not a hero, nor are you probably gonna put up a big fight against him.
"Um...hi? The name’s (Y/N)…,” you mumble, subtly urging him to return the favor of giving a name. Though, the asshole doesn't respond, only continuing to stare with a blank expression.
"Okaaaay...well, nice meeting you too. Thanks for bursting through my window earlier." you roll your eyes, but get back to focusing on the meal you were cooking. Ah. He forgot about that. He looked towards the window that he obviously smashed through, seeing as it was the only broken one of the group. He glanced at the majorly clean floor directly below it, aside from the large red stain left of the ground. Whoops. Well, that's not his problem.
His eyes drifted further, back to his body. He realized he was laying on something plush, bouncy. Your couch. It's...nice. Nice to feel like he got a good rest. As good of rest as you could get with your body fucked up and half dead even before the chase from earlier. Much nicer than the ratty bed at the hideout. He noticed then the blanket bunched up on his lap. Due to the way it was clumped, it must have been lying up on his chest before he sat up. You tucked him in with it while he was unconscious. Fuzzy, soft. Huh.
Finally, he looked at his body. Looking past the old burns, it was covered in gauze and stitches. Nothing looked professional, everything was sloppily wrapped and jaggedly sewn. He imagined he looked like a kindergartener's art project with the way he was crappily put together. Nonetheless, something pink and glittery caught his eye.
A band-aid. Wait, no. A whole arsenal of band-aids. All themed in...
Hello Kitty.
There were currently more Hello Kitty band-aids on his body than whatever was left of his normal skin.
He looked back at you with a dead-pan expression.
"Really? Hello Kitty???" were the first words he spoke.
"Ah, so he can speak," you smiled to yourself, "And, yes. Hello Kitty. Got a problem with her?"
"Nah," he scoffed, twisting his arms around to see more and more of the cheerful cat, "she just doesn't really fit my style, 'is all."
"Hm, that's good. 'Cause I was gonna throw hands if you disrespected her." you joked, stirring whatever you were cooking in the pot. He huffed out a tiny laugh at your words.
While he sat calmly on the couch as if he owned this whole goddamn apartment complex, inspecting himself, you were not so calm on the other hand. HOLY SHIT. A VILLAIN IS CURRENTLY IN YOUR HOUSE AND IS MAKING SMALL TALK WITH YOU! While you were still quaking in your fuzzy night slippers, you tried to look on the bright side. At least he didn't immediately burn you to a pile of ash when he woke up like you half expected him to do.
"There's some painkillers on the nightstand next to you. I'd advise you to take them if you want to relieve the pain from your wounds a little bit. Or I think I have some antibiotic ointment somewhere around here that you can rub on them, if you'd prefer." you called to him as you spun around the stove and oven. He saw a few of the pills sitting patiently there, as well as the glass of water you'd left for him. Hm. What a dutiful nurse. He took the pills, tossed them back into his mouth, grabbed the water, and swigged it.
It was then he realized that he was both shirtless and coatless.
He looked back at the nightstand and noticed that his shirt, now stunningly clean with not a splotch of blood to be found, was folded neat and proper right there. As if it was waiting for him. Dabi looked around for his jacket, seeing it hanging up on the coat rack by your front door. A devious remark formed on his tongue as a wicked grin settled on his stupidly handsome face.
"Wow, sweetheart~," he began, slowly standing up so as to not open any of the stitching you'd so carefully given him, "using a poor, helpless man down on his luck in his sleep is really beneath you. I was starting to think you were a better person than that~," he teased, watching your eyes grow wide and your mouth open and close like a gasping fish, trying to find words that escaped you. Cute.
"Oh- shut up, you," you felt an embarrassed heat rise to your face even though the words that swiftly shot out of your mouth reeked of confidence, "I-I...I only took off your clothes to reach your injuries!"
"Uh-huh, suuuuure~," he prodded further, sliding on his coat, and moving back to the couch to rest, "and I wasn't bleeding out on your floor a bit ago." You huffed in defeat, not wanting to battle him on a rumor you knew he knew wasn't true.
"Speaking of which," he grunted as he sat down, "how long's it been since I oh-so gracefully entered your home?"
"Only a few hours. Three, or so." you answered. His response was simply a groan of acknowledgement. The conversation died for a minute, until you continued.
"Sorry I don't have any staples to replace the ones you lost. If I had some, I would have tried to construct you back together, Frankenstein's Monster. Though, I'd doubt you'd want me to put them in for you anyways." you piped up.
He side-eyed you and said in a monotone voice, "Oh, I get it. Ha ha. Very funny. Haven't heard that one before," he sassed. He continued, this time with a tone of sincerity, "S fine. I lose these fuckers all the time. Got more back at my place," he ended it there. You chose to follow his lead. Silence filled the room yet again, nothing but the clanking of the pots and pans filling the thick air.
In those few minutes you had to think, you came to a conclusion. As charming of company as he is, he can't stay here. It's too risky. Too risky for your safety, too risky for the other tenants, and too risky for the building. If someone other than you saw him flouncing around your apartment like he comes over every other day, things would not end well for either of you. You're a good person, and you don't want society to deem you a bad one just because you helped someone who was shunned by the masses. It's not right, but sadly, it's the way that it is.
"You eat. Then, you're gone." you decided to finally cut the stale tension. You held your breath, waiting for his response.
"Damn, kicking me out so soon? And here I thought we were having a good heart-to-heart," he shifted his body on the couch to face you, donning a crooked smirk on his face. Oh. A smirk. A smirk is better than anger, or, even worse, indifference. At least you know you're entertaining the criminal rather than pissing him off.
"Hey, you can't blame me," you turned to face him with your arms crossed, "I don't want the cops hanging around here. Who knows what would happen if someone figured out I helped and housed a...less than savory individual." You chose to mutter that last part to yourself under your breath. You might think he's okay so far, but many others in higher positions of power than yourself would disagree.
"So, you know." He stood from the couch. It startled you; the way he could switch his emotions from 0-100 in milliseconds. One minute ago, you two were laughing about a stupid printed band-aid, and now you're scared you pushed too many buttons too quickly.
Your hands shook, and you dropped the cooking utensil in your hand, "K...Know what?" He snaked across the room with no hesitation or issue, like the spacious distance he covered so quickly was nothing to him. You wanted to not back down, to not show any fear like him, but it was impossible with this large of a threat coming so close to you. You inched back as he breached the kitchen.
At that moment when he stood like an impenetrable wall directly in front of you, when he lowered his face to look directly in your eyes, when his own lips were only a few inches from your trembling ones; his name finally came to mind
"You know I'm a villain...," Dabi finally whispered. His breath was laced with the overwhelming scent of cigarette smoke and some kind of strong whiskey. A combo that wasn't exactly pleasant like fresh roses, but who needs roses when it shook you down to your core (scared horny). BUT GOD DAMMIT, THAT SHOULDN'T MATTER RIGHT NOW!!! Why is it that even when you're stuck in this very vulnerable position with this highly dangerous criminal, you can't get your mind out of the filthy gutter?!?!?!
"Y...Yes?" you wanted your words to be strong and unwavering, impress Dabi with your bravery, but they were meek and hooked up at the end to form a question more than anything.
"So," he suddenly wrapped his powerful arm around your waist and walked you back to the nearest wall. You yelped at the intrusion of your space, and again when his other arm caged you into the space as he leaned his hand against the wall, "why?"
"Why what?!" you squeak out to him, lightly pushing your hands against his hard chest in an extremely weak effort to get him to back off. Please move away, powerful and sexy man, before you melted into a puddle of goo and made a fool of yourself.
"Why would a sweet, innocent civilian help the big, bad villain?" he finished. You were stumped at his question as you too had been debating it in your head for the last few hours. Why? Why did you heal him? Why did you give him shelter? Why did you protect his whereabouts from the police and heroes? Why were you cooking him food!? WHY?!
You took a deep breath, shook off whatever nerves you could as fast as you could, and looked him dead in the eye, "I saved you because I saw not a villain, not a wanted man, but a person bleeding out on my floor. A person in need of help. If I didn't help you, how could I call myself a decent person after idly standing by as someone dies on my watch?"
Saved. That word caught Dabi's eye. You think you didn't just help him, rather, you saved his life.
Oh, this could be fun~!
After letting your words have a chance to hang in the air for a moment, Dabi's face curled up into a sinister grin. Which made yours instantly fall. Shit. You fucked up. He didn't like your answer. You're screwed. Goodbye, world. Goodbye, Hello Kitty. It was nice to see your happy face before burning to death.
"I see, little hero~," he teased, leaning back and taking a step away from you. He was still cornering you, but he'd at least given you some space to breathe properly. You took a few more shaky breaths to calm your nerves, not fully dropping your guard in case he was simply torturing his prey before enacting the kill.
"How brave of you to care for the dastardly villain. Heh." Dabi chuckled to himself. He turned around, and sauntered off to the living room. You didn't pursue him, you couldn't even if you wanted to with how similar to Jell-O your legs were as they had begun to wobble. As to not fall flat onto your face, you slid down the wall, and planted your butt onto the ground. Dabi fixed his coat, and stalked off to the broken window.
As he bent his leg up and took one step out of the window, he looked back at you. He looked ethereal, practically glowing in the moon's beams that shined through the city. His turquoise eyes bore into your soul, as if marking it with their own special burn as a parting gift. You couldn't forget those eyes, not after seeing the hope in them. How extravagantly his emotions swirled in them.
He spoke in a rumbling voice, "Not gonna say goodbye because this isn't one. You're something. Definitely something. I like things that catch my eye. And you...you certainly have. But be wary of who you expend that kind heart of yours to. I went easy on you this time, but there are plenty of people in my line of work who aren't willing to give civilians like you a chance. Can't have my newest interest be clipped so soon~," he smirked at you.
"See you later, little hero," Dabi called.
Before he could climb fully out of the window and off to who the hell knows where, you found your words and snarkily yelled, "You're welcome anytime, Dabi! Though, maybe next time don't come barreling in and breaking stuff. The front door works just fine. If you hurt yourself, I'll just have to stick more cute band-aids on you!"
He paused at the name drop, looking back at you with shock. But the shock quickly faded as a grin took its place. He let out a genuine laugh this time. One that made your heart flutter.
"I'll think about it, (Y/N)~," he winked. And with that, he turned around and sped off on the fire escape.
You watched the window, heart still jumping in your throat at his words. You eventually let out a small sigh, "Bonding with a villain over Hello Kitty band-aids...what exactly has my life come to?" You continued to mindlessly stare at where the dashing man had so quickly entered and left your life. Slowly, your mind became less foggy, and you only now noticed a pile of something on the ground. It lay near the spot on the couch where Dabi sat not long ago. Curious, you walked over to it. Bending your knees, you grab one of the items, and throw your head back in frustration.
A small pile of Hello Kitty band-aids had been dumped unceremoniously on the rug.
You growled, "Pussy. How wasteful! I put them on so carefully too...oh, well, I guess." you scooped up the pile and waltzed over to the trash can in your kitchen.
"Sorry, Hello Kitty," you apologized to the inanimate objects as you threw them in the trash, "he's just not used to the 'bad bitch' lifestyle."
You looked over at the abandoned food on the stove. Black curling smoke was rising from all of the pots and from the stove, an image that made your vocabulary lit up with curses, "GOD DAMN FUCKING HELL!!!!! DABI, YOU SLEEZY FUCK!!! YOU MADE ME BURN MY FUCKING FOOD!"
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A few floors above your apartment, Dabi sat idly on the rooftop. He gazed wordlessly upon the colorful city, smoking a cigarette placed between two of his fingers. Though, the stick was harder to grip than normal due to a lone Hello Kitty band-aid clinging to his pointer finger. Noticing the cutesy wrapping, he scoffed.
Snuffing out the cigarette, Dabi brought his finger closer and twisted it around, watching it glitter in the moonlight. He moved to rip it off, wanting for it to fall the same fate as the countless others he'd removed in your apartment, but something stopped him. He brushed his opposite hand's thumb against the protective paper as if he was mesmerized. It made him think of your touch, your laugh, your smile. How you had so much care to give to the world that you would spend your time saving a ruthless bum like him from Death's doorstep. You're too good for this lousy, undeserving world.
He thinks back to the ideology of Stain, the blueprint he follows so closely in his methods of destruction. In his master's very own description, your traits all point to that of a true hero. One of the rare few this world truly has left. Someone who does things not just for their own benefit, not for money, not for fame, but because they genuinely want to help others. They genuinely want to help this world thrive. Too bad you were a nobody civilian. And too bad he was a...
"Tch," he shook his head at his own disgustingly mushy thought. Sappy bullshit. Damn, what the hell had you done to him? Maybe that was your quirk. Effect his emotions and shit like that. However you managed to dig those up out of their graves, he'll never know. But even he has to admit, it felt...sorta...good to be cared for.
"Guess the nickname fits you after all, little hero~," he mumbled to himself and the moon.
He knows he shouldn’t be so weak for a nobody who he met completely by accident only a few hours ago. He’s got goals, goals that mean more than risking it all for some dumbass who saved his skin once. But he forgot what real kindness felt like after living so long in a world of darkness and constant backstabbing chaos. He missed those conversations. He missed the days in the sun. He missed being treated like a person and not like a weapon or a maniac. He missed...ugh, whatever.
Whenever the soonest date he can see you again comes, he'll be there.
"Hello hello kitty! Hello dear friend 
Your smile's pretty like a flower that's in bloom 
Love is in your heart and things are happy too 
Hello hello kitty! Play with us today!"
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Well, damn. (゚ Д゚ ;) This ended up much longer than I intended it to be! 。゚(゚∩´﹏`∩゚)゚。 BUT OH WELL, I GUESS! Hope you enjoyed my filthy brain ideas!
Song: "Hello Kitty and Friends - Intro Theme" // Lyrics found on: Theme Song
{I did not make Hello Kitty, nor do I own her. I did not make this song, nor do I take credit for it. These items listed belong to the original creators.}
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hmmm would you be happy with writing a knj with corruption kink? I feel like it would suit him a lot-
like fem!oc is knj's bestayyy and they confessed before and began dating and got married, but they didn't get to have some fun with each other-
*cough* you know I like dom!namjoon-
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Just clearing out my inbox little by little...
It all started when you could no longer be under your parents' health insurance plan, and upon finding out how costly it would be to have your own, you said, out loud to your best friend: "maybe I should find a husband." Health insurance is not something that you would actually get married for, so you thought Namjoon knew you were joking. That's until he said: "why don't we get married?" You disagreed from the start, and he didn't understand why. He didn't understand that you had been in love with him for years and having a fake marriage with him would absolutely break you. You told him once: "I wouldn't marry you like that because I want to get married for love." And he didn't talk to you for about two weeks after that.
He showed up at your house all of a sudden to confess. "I do love you, I've always had, and when I say I want to marry you I don't mean just for the papers. For me, it would be a marriage of love, if that's not how you feel then–" Yeah, you kissed him after that. And within a few months, you were already going through with your plan... getting married. It made sense. You were already best friends for years, you knew everything about each other, you knew you could co-exist like that... And now you knew what it was like to be in a romantic relationship too.
As best friends, you knew everything about each other's sex lives too, for better or for worse. For example, Namjoon knew all of your partners had been, well, rather disappointing. There was so much you hadn't done. You rarely ever branched out of missionary, you only had someone go down on you once and it lasted two seconds and you had never even finished with another guy. Namjoon knew all of that. It made him think of you in that innocent manner, how young and inexperienced you still were compared to him... Part of him wanted to keep you like this, fragile, and part of him wanted to ruin you until your mind was anything but pure. He was careful every time he kissed you, careful even when he made love to you; he tried hard to keep the beast inside him controlled and not fuck your brains out. Perhaps he thought it was what you wanted: to stay innocent.
And you... You knew all about what Namjoon was normally like in bed. You could see it in the mess all the girls were the morning after, or the marks he got and caused, the way every single one seemed to get addicted to his dick and you've even had the misfortune of listening to the whole ordeal once from the next room. You dreamed about Namjoon fucking you ruthlessly every time you touched yourself. But now that you actually had him, he was only gentle. Too shy to ask him to use you like one of his sluts because you could tell he thought you were different.
"Joonie..." you moaned as he had his face buried in your pussy, licking you slowly like he was enjoying a refreshing ice cream in the middle of the hot day of Thailand. Your honeymoon. He hadn't kept his hands off you the past few days you were here, constantly talking about how amazing it was to be married now. But still so gentle, so little, and you wanted more. Your fingers ran through his hair. "Joon, please..."
He popped his head off just a bit. "Yes, darling?"
"Want you to fuck me." Your voice was coarse and barely audible.
He smirked. "I will, baby." He moved to get back to what he was doing, but you stopped him with both hands on his cheeks.
"No, I–" you gulped. "I want you to really fuck me. Hard." You could tell your words affected him by the way his face got serious and he squirmed like he had gotten goosebumps. His grip on your thighs tightened, and then he moved up until he was hovering above you.
"Careful what you wish for, baby..." His arms were slightly shaking and you had never seen him like that. Like he was fighting to stay back, to control himself. A sound in the back of his throat like a drowned moan as his eyes traveled down your form and he bit his lip. "I might completely ruin you if I fuck you hard." Your legs pressed together, your wetness rubbing in between your thighs. And he noticed. He put his knee right there, opening you up and pressing hard against your core until you gasped. Your cheeks were burning, still so shy and it was making it even harder for Namjoon to hold back. "Do you want me to ruin you?"
You scratched his back. And nodded slightly. "I– I just want you to do what you really want and not what you think I want."
He had his hand on your waist now, moving until he was more lined up with your body and grinding his knee harder against your clit. "If I do everything I want to you right now you'll probably get scared and run away." He was holding you so tight, like he was afraid you would slip between his fingers right then and there.
And you shook your head. "We're married now, Joon. I won't leave you no matter what."
Something about the reminder made him growl. You were his now. He flipped you around without a warning, making you yelp as you hit the mattress. His to do whatever he wanted. "You tell me to stop and I will, yeah?" he whispered as his hands started kneading your ass cheeks, and you nodded. Suddenly, you felt your hair being pulled harshly, back arching as you were forced to stay on your hands and knees. "Good girl," your husband rasped in your ear. And you felt his dick pressing on you from behind. He spanked your ass once and it stung but made you moan loudly. "Fuck, you have no idea what's waiting for you, baby. I'll wreck you so bad. Soon you'll be begging me to use you like a little fuck toy, you'll be excited to be my little cock slut." Be it his promises or his dick pushing inside you, your fingers were curling around the sheets and your mouth dropping in a silent scream. "You like that?" he continued as he started thrusting harder and faster than you had ever felt before. Abusing your cunt like it belonged to him. "Like the idea of me turning you into the bad girl you've always wanted to be for me?"
"Ah–" It was hard to form any words when he was fucking the breath out of you. And he spanked your ass again, harder.
"Answer me, darling."
You cried out. "F– fuck, yes!" Tears started forming in your eyes, Namjoon's dick somehow felt bigger than before as it was reaching deep enough to kiss your cervix and was stretching you out completely, your legs shaking before you even came. "Namjoon, fuck, so good!" You couldn't form a single coherent thought and you've never wanted anything more than this right now.
Your husband felt your walls clench around him and he pulled your hair more, your head hitting his chest. "Shit... You really do like that," he gasped. "If I knew I'd have railed you long ago." Spanked you a couple more times and you gushed around his dick, body falling forward. Before he grabbed you around the waist and lifted you again, dick still thrusting in and out of you slowly. "Sorry, babe. Ruining you means you only get to stop when you've passed out. Now be a good girl and cum on my dick one more time, yeah?" Hand wrapping around your throat and it had you moaning immediately as Namjoon picked up the pace again.
"Fuck... Yes, Joon."
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
The Babysitter
Kuroo Tetsuro Oneshot
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Summary || After months of sexual tension, Kuroo can’t resist fucking his pretty little babysitter on the couch
Pairings || Kuroo Tetsuro x Babysitter!Reader
Warnings || Smut, fingering, blowjobs, age gap (reader is 20) light praise, pet names, unprotected sex, creampie, daddy kink
Authors Note || In celebration of 3k, here is some Dilf!Kuroo that we all need in our lives
It was inevitable, you supposed. The tension between you two was simply too thick, and it had been for months— ever since you had started working for him.
Kuroo was a man that was very busy, and with a two year old daughter and a mother that was absent, it was no surprise that he needed some extra help.
That’s where you came in- fresh faced and right out of college, majoring in (Y/M/N) and needing a job for the summer.
A friend of a friend had been the one to hook you up, Kuroo taking a liking to you almost instantly.
He had to admit, it was your pretty face and bright smile that draw him in at first, but truly, you were most qualified candidate for the job.
Like a ray of sunshine, a breath of fresh air if he’d ever seen one.
Not to mention how his daughter absolutely loved playing with you from the moment she met you, so in Kuroo’s mind it was a no brainer.
That’s how it started— but your story with the older man would end much, much different.
With lingering glances here and there, subtle touches and late nights where you’d both just sit down and talk, it was no surprise to either of you that ended up here— face down on his couch and completely at his mercy.
Truthfully, it wasn’t supposed to end this way. You were only supposed to have a few drinks and then head home for the night, but somehow before Kuroo could even open the wine, the tension between the two of you had reach the boiling point.
Everything between you two had been spilled in an instant, and now you were a moaning mess as Kuroo’s soft lips attached themselves to your clit, biting and sucking softly while his long fingers worked magic on your cunt.
“You like that babygirl?” Nicknames, so many of them, and they sounded so sexy coming from his lips. You damn near came right then and there as he leaned down to whisper in your ear, nibbling a little while his assault on your pussy continued.
“Y-Yes,” You found yourself squeaking out a reply, too wrapped up in pleasure to respond with anything coherent. But alas, Kuroo wasn’t satisfied. He gave you pointed look as he fingers came to a still, a whine leaving your throat at the loss of contact.
“Ah, ah, ah. That’s not my name. You know better,” He said disapprovingly. It only took you a few seconds for your brain to catch up, a spark of realization flowing through you before you uttered out the correct word.
“That’s it,” Kuroo gave you a huge smirk and in no time, continued on with brining you to your high. Admittedly, the man was skilled. Despite never having explored your body before, he knew exactly where to touch you, knew exactly the right spots to make you see stars. “Let me hear you baby- let see hear you cum for me.”
“F-Fuck, fuck!” A breathless moan left your lips as you threw your head back, pleasure taking over every sense. You could barely breathe, too focused on the orgasm that came crashing over you, knocking the air out of your lungs and rendering your brain useless.
You came, harder than you ever had before, all over Kuroo’s slender fingers. In fact, your little pussy made a mess all over his expensive couch but at the moment, Kuroo didn’t care.
His cock was growing harder by the minute as he watched you come undone under him, because of him.
He’s never seen anyone look so sexy, already looking fucked out even though he just started.
“You alright there babygirl?” He’s kind enough to ask, leaning down to stroke your cheeks. Wordlessly, you nod, but Kuroo can tell there’s something on your mind. Suddenly, you sit up, and there’s a hopeful look in yours as you crawl over towards him and pout.
“I wanna ride you, daddy,” You tell him, jutting out your lower lip and tugging on his belt. Fuck. How could Kuroo resist you when you looked at him like that? All needy for him, pussy throbbing at just the idea of him fucking you senseless.
“Fuck, you sure, baby?” He checks to make sure you’re serious before making his next move, and sure enough- you nod eagerly and tug at him again, a whine leaving your throat. He was moving too slow, being a gentleman, sure, but right now you wanted him to fuck you like a whore.
“Yes daddy, I’m absolutely sure,” You tell him confidently, and it doesn’t take much after that to get Kuroo to agree. Quickly, his hands replace yours at pulling at his belt, fumbling with the material and cursing himself for tying it too tight. Eventually though, he manages to get the damn thing off and throws it across the room, making a small clatter that neither of you pay attention to.
And suddenly, Kuroo’s sitting down on the couch and letting you do all the work of undressing him, chuckling at how eager you are. You grab at his clothes like your life depends on it— first his shirt, then his pants, and finally his boxers come off and Kuroo has the absolute pleasure of taking in your ‘O’ shaped mouth, jaw dropping at the size of his cock.
“D-Daddy, you’re so big,” You tell him, eyes wide. Way bigger than any of the college boys you’ve been with. Kuroo was hung and is was making your mouth water, desperate for a taste.
“Go on,” He softly encouraged you after seeing the look on your face, snaking his hands behind your head and gripping your hair. “Give it taste. Let me cum all over those pretty little lips babygirl.”
You’re all eager to fulfill his request, blinking innocently before leaning in and darting your tongue out. Kuroo groans at the action, back straining against the couch as you do it once more before finally giving him the real thing.
Your mouth is hot and tight wrapped around him, pure Heaven, Kuroo thinks, as you get to work and start sucking him like a pro.
Your head bobs up and down, taking him as much as you can and using your hands to stroke the parts you can’t reach. You open up your throat and take him deeper- so deep that you start gagging on his cock.
Kuroo moans at the vibrations and despite your teary eyes, he pulls your head further down and stuffs your mouth with his cock.
He moans again as he feels a pit in his stomach, his orgasm bubbling up the more you pleasured him.
You could feel it, too, by the way he was turning into putty under your touch and groaning every time you stroked him. Slowly, you look up to meet his eyes as you tease his tip with your tongue Kuroo suddenly lets go- sinful noises leaving his lips as thick, white ropes of his cum shoot out and down your throat.
Like the good girl you are, you swallow every last drop before finishing off with a ‘pop!’ Kuroo panting heavily as you sit back on your knees.
“Was I good, daddy?” You ask him, Kuroo frantically nods as he pulls you up, positioning you on his lap and just over his cock.
“The best, babygirl. You took me so well,” Kuroo praises you, stroking your hair before smiling. “You think you’re ready to take my cock now, pretty girl?” He asks, and you nod frantically.
“Yes, please Daddy. I want it so bad,” You tell him, gripping his shoulders, and that’s Kuroo needs to hear in order to spread your legs and lower you on his cock.
You moan as his tip begins to push past your tight walls, the breath leaving your lungs the more he fills you up. God, he’s so big, and he knows it too which is why he give you a little time to adjust to his size before slowly fucking into you.
“Fuck!” It’s so painful and delicious at the same time. The way you stretch around him, your little pussy desperately trying to take him. You throw your head back in pleasure when he bottoms out, hands coming up to steady you.
Your movements are slow at first, only rocking your hips and bouncing a little while you ease into a rhythm. However, you’re practically dripping around him and that makes it all the more easier to move, finally being to able warm up to his size.
The pace that you settle on leaves you both a moaning mess, trying to keep it down as to not disturb his daughter that’s sleeping upstairs. You have to bury yourself into the crook of Kuroo’s neck in order to mask your moans, walls clenching around his cock.
He’s so deep that it has you crying out every few seconds, wrapping your body around him to keep yourself ground. Kuroo doesn’t mind though, in fact he pulls you into a deep kiss as you continue to bounce around him, both of you moaning into the other’s mouth.
Somehow, your hands find his messy hair and you tug on it gently as you begin to feel another orgasm rising up. Kuroo can feel the way your walls are clenching around him, and decides to take the lead. Grabbing your hips, he steadies you before thrusting up and matching your pace, pounding into you while you try to hold on for dear life.
It’s no use though, pleasure clouds over you in an instant, your vision going in and out as you moan and whine against his lips. Eventually though, you’re forced to pull away for air and take deep breath, your body shaking. You’re not sure how much longer you can last like this, and Kuroo knows.
He feels the way you’re squirming and whining against him, he loves the way you’re going absolutely feral for his cock. He wants nothing more than to make you cum around him, and so he snakes a hand down and rubs at your clit, teasing you just enough to send you over the edge.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” You cry out as your walls clamp down on him, creaming all over Kuroo’s cock. Your eyes roll into the back your head and you hear Kuroo groaning underneath you as you squeeze him like never before. Fuck, you’re so tight that he has no choice but to cum too, a loud moan leaving his lips as the milky white substance paints your walls.
He stuff you full of it, his good little girl milking him dry before he pulls out at watches run down your thighs.
You’re breathing heavily as your eyelids slowly open, coming down from your high to see Kuroo as equally as flustered. You both need a minute to calm down before you speak, slowly moving off of his lap and collapsing on the couch next to him.
“That was...” You don’t even have the words for it. You’ve never been fucked so good before, the man making you cum twice which had never happened with any of your other hook-ups. It seems that Kuroo was feeling the same, a low chuckle escaping his lips as he nodded.
“Yeah,” Kuroo agreed as he leaned back on the couch, sweat dripping down his forehead. Even in his fucked out state though, he still looks incredibly handsome. Black hair sticking to his face, brown eyes wide with blown pupils...man, he really was beautiful.
You found yourself smiling the more you admired him, and Kuroo quickly caught onto your stare.
“What? Is there something on my face?” He asked jokingly, shying away from your gaze. You grinned at the light blush that crossed his cheeks.
“No, no...I just...you’re really handsome, you know that?” You found yourself saying, taking Kuroo by surprise. His brows furrowed together at your words, but he quickly recovered, a sly smirk forming on his face.
“Took you long enough to notice, didn’t it?” He teased, lightly nudging you. You giggled at the action but shook your head.
“No, I’ve always noticed. But honestly I didn’t think-”
“You didn’t think I’d see you that way,” Kuroo finished knowingly. You nodded. “Huh. Well isn’t that something.”
“I just thought...well I dunno. I didn’t think you’d be interested in me. I mean after all I’m just the babysitter, kinda cliche isn’t it?” You said.
Kuroo chuckled. “Yeah...I suppose it is. But this...us...it’s not just a one time thing, is it?”
“Not if you don’t want it to be,” You tell him seriously, turning to face him. “I mean...I’m willing to you know...be more, if that’s what you want.”
“You mean like a date?” Kuroo asked, shocked.
“I’m free on Friday’s,” You tell him shyly. But despite this, Kuroo finds himself smiling and slowly nodding at your proposition.
“Friday yeah? I’d say we’re doing things a little backwards, but I’d love to take you out,” He can’t help the goofy grin that spread across his face, his heart pounding a little at the shy, relived grin on your own.
“Okay...Friday it is then,” You beam, reaching for your lost clothing that’s been scattered on the floor. It was getting late, and you really should be getting home before your roommate starts to worry, but you find yourself not wanting to leave at all. Kuroo had completely intoxicated you, making you want to do nothing but stay in his arms for the rest of the night. Unfortunately though, you both froze as a cry pierced through the house and Kuroo cursed as he frantically got up, and slipped his clothes on
“I’m sorry,” He sent you an apologetic look as Kiana began to cry, having woken up from her sleep. “I hate to leave things like this but...”
“It’s fine,” You shake your head, smiling a little as you gesture upstairs. “She needs you, I understand. I’ll get my time on Friday, yeah?”
“I can’t wait,” Kuroo tells you honestly, stopping momentarily to press a quick kiss on your lips before darting to the stairs. “I’ll call you later this week, okay?”
“I can’t wait,” You repeat his words, grinning at his toned figure before watching him disappear up the stairs. Even from where you were, you could hear Kuroo gently cooing and trying to soothe baby Kiana (named closely after her uncle) and it made your heart absolutely melt.
Shaking your head, you gathered the rest of your stuff and quickly slipped out of the door before you ended up in a puddle due to the cuteness. Already, you had your phone out and rang up your roommate -also your best friend- as you walked to your car, excitement bubbling through your veins.
“Hello?” They answered on the first ring.
You grinned. “Y/F/N, you will never believe what just happened to me...”
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pretendicanwrite · 2 years
O'knutzy week day 7
Character credit to @lumosinlove and prompt credit to @oknutzyweek !
Free day
Oh my god. The end is already here! I'm very sad, but please leave me prompts in my asks, and I'll see what I can do.
I have this feeling that the most random debates just pop up over absolutely nothing in the O'knutzy household, and they all take them way too seriously.
CW: Mentions of r*pe (No explicit details, just mentioned about a Greek figure)
One of the most common things to happen in the O'knutzy household was debates. They rarely ever got heated, and were most of the time about the most random things.
Finn, as an English major loved debating. He found the back and forth of different opinions enthralling and enjoyed proving, and being proved wrong.
Logan enjoys these debates. He has no problem arguing his side of things, and will gladly listen to either of his boys prove him wrong, but he usually ends up right. Neither Finn nor Leo knows how, it just happens most of the time.
Leo wasn't sure how he felt about the debates. He enjoyed joking around with his boyfriends, but sometimes things got a little too random for him.
One time, Finn had just randomly asked if cremated remains could be turned into paper like how people on TikTok make their own paper with the sieves.
Leo and Logan both looked up from their respective tasks to give Finn a look that said, 'What the hell?'
Finn asked his question again and explained how he was watching a TikTok user make paper and said that the paper was similar to ashes.
"Finn, babe, I love you but your brain is weird."
The next debate that popped up was whether or not a puck could skip across water.
Leo had asked it when they were at a lake one day, and all of the boys immediately started bringing up their points knowing how these conversations usually went.
Leo won eventually, proving it by pulling one out of the trunk of the car and throwing it across the surface of the water. It did pretty well, and Leo was so happy that he won, that he forced his boyfriends to buy him ice cream on the way home.
They had gone a while with out a debate popping up, but they were doomed when they went to a team dinner at the Dumais household.
They had made it through the dinner portion of the night and had moved to the living room before the inevitable happened.
Logan had been on his phone for about two minutes when he randomly burst out saying, "If you were a gay sailor and you encountered a siren, would you drown?"
The team paused at the question, looking even more confused when Leo and Finn both smiled.
"Well, that depends. Which idea of sirens are you using? Because some scholars think that sirens could drown anyone, but others think that sirens could only drown those that were attracted to them. I think the siren could drown anyone. Gay or straight," Finn jumped in, laughing as the team looked absolutely shocked.
"I don't know though. Sirens are described as a symbol of desire, and a gay man wouldn't desire a female siren." Leo said, still playing with Finn's hair.
Logan heard a quiet, 'what's happening?' from James before he continued with his point. "Siren's attracted sailors with their voice. Voices don't really have a gender, and I think they are like half chicken or bird with arms and a head maybe, so looks weren't really a thing for those sailors."
"Okay, yeah, but I think they were made into sirens as a punishment for allowing Persephone to get raped. That sounds like they get to punish men for hurting a woman, so I don't get why they would drown a man that isn't even attracted to women."
The debate continued for another 7 or 8 minutes, the team staying silent as they watched the cubs. Nobody really understood what was happening, and were curios as to how the topic even came up.
The cubs went another 3 weeks without getting into another debate, but once again, it was inevitable when they were with the team in the locker room pre practice.
Someone had mentioned their last debate, and Finn perked up.
"I've been meaning to ask, I just kept forgetting. If a blind person looked Medusa in the eyes would they turn to stone?"
"What the hell brought that up?" Kasey asked, looking at the red-head.
"You were talking about our siren question, which is in Greek mythology, and so is Medusa. So again I ask if a blind person made eye contact with Medusa, would they turn to stone?"
"I don't think so. You have to see her eyes to turn into stone, so if you can't see, I don't think you would," Logan said.
"But at the same time, it's the eye contact people were making when they turned into stone. So if you did happen to look directly into her eyes, I think you would."
Everyone looked at Remus when he jumped into the conversation.
"Yeah, I'm with Remus." Kasey's confession caused a bunch of the team to side with the different opinions.
"Okay, but have you noticed how in all of the artwork of her victims they are always cowering in fear? That suggests that they had to see her attacking them," Leo said, pausing with his jersey half on.
"I don't know what is going on in this locker room but I do know that you better be on the ice within the next four minutes, boys. Also, you wouldn't turn to stone if you were blind. Practice time."
Coach walked out of the locker room, laughing at his boys' shocked faces.
AGHHHH!!! It's over! Thank you for reading!
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bullseye, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: Are you the insufferable, cocky, absolutely-no-good-for-anyone female equivalent of a fuckboy? Maybe. Okay, yeah. But guess who decided to come along and interrupt your conquests? Jeon Jungkook. What now? Complain to your best friend Kim Taehyung all day or fucking do something about it?
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; alcohol consumption; Taehyung getting shitfaced lol; you're a cocky asshole and so is Jungkook, welp; schemes; smut (fem reader, making out / dry humping in public, cowgirl, m-masturbation, edging / orgasm denial, penetrative sex, so much kissing); non-idol!BTS; (secretly pining) fuckboy!Jungkook x bisexual, fuckgirl!reader; ft artist, best friend!Taehyung; mostly reader's POV with a short JK's POV
yes, it's purple-haired Butter JK
now playing – 마.피.아. in the morning by itzy
“Are you kidding me? Fucking Jeon Jungkook, again?”
“You need to calm down,” Kim Taehyung said, patting your shoulder and handing you a mojito.
“What I need is a fucking bow and arrow to shoot down this fucking pest!”
“I know you were the archery champion in high school, but that’s still a weird thing to think,” replied that baritone voice, pushing you into a chair so he could sit down as well, observing you violently chugging down the entire mojito in your rage. He seemed highly amused, looking a bit like a young French socialite in a black beret, loose tan dress shirt, and black slacks with black loafers. Gold accents because Kim Taehyung was that bitch. “Never ceases to impress me that you can do that.”
You pulled the glass from your lips, ice and mint clinking. “This is the third girl I’ve been dating that he’s just–” You flapped a hand in the general direction of the crowd at the bar, completely ignoring Taehyung’s comment about your record-breaking skills of draining cocktails. “–unashamedly making out with when clearly I’m right here.”
Taehyung rolled his eyes, far too crass for how drop-dead handsome he was, but it seemed that he didn’t care. “I doubt he knows you’re here or that you’re dating them. And to make it fair on him, you were casually dating them all at once, so technically, no one is at fault here,” he added.
You narrowed your eyes. “I wasn’t–”
Taehyung gave you this look.
The look of ‘shut-up-you-know-I’m-right’.
Being your best friend, he had a right to do that.
“Shouldn’t you be mad at the girl anyway? Being faithful and all that, which, by the way, you are not.”
“Dating is not the same as being in a relationship,” you argued.
“Mmm, so fucking them is not indicative enough that you should be less of a fuckboy.”
“I’m not a fuckboy,” you muttered. “I’m a woman.”
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. “The general term still stands because you’re a class-A asshole.”
You closed your eyes and sucked in a deep breath, trying not to bolt home and buy a bow and arrow online to shoot, not Jeon Jungkook, but Kim Taehyung, because he was testing your last nerve with the truth.
“Again, why are you not mad at them?” Taehyung reoriented the conversation with a sweep of his arm when you opened your eyes, prompting your gaze to shift and witness Jeon Jungkook with his tongue down a pretty girl’s throat. This cheeky bastard was even wearing a leather jacket and white shirt, just like you. The only difference was that you wore a leather miniskirt and he wore black jeans with rips in the thighs, but both of you were wearing heeled black moto-style boots.
“Because he’s the denominator in this equation,” you snapped, smacking your glass on the table.
“Please do not make math references. My brain is not made for that.”
“Fractions? Tae, seriously, are you defective or–”
“Maybe he’s doing it to piss you off.”
“Well, I am pissed off!”
The bar was very loud with music and noise. Your shout was still clearly heard. Neither you or Taehyung seemed to care that people turned to look at you two and shake their heads.
Taehyung shrugged. “Then he succeeded.”
You clicked your tongue. “Why, though? I didn’t do anything to him. He just started popping up stealing my girls. What if I switch back to chasing dick and he takes them too?”
Taehyung snorted. “I doubt it. You’re just continuing on this train because you’re stubborn.”
As usual, he saw right through you.
He raised an elegant hand and tapped his lips. “Maybe he likes you.”
You gave Taehyung the most disbelieving, fiery, indignant look that you had ever produced in your life.
“Or, he doesn’t,” he hastily corrected. “Let’s face it, sometimes I don’t even like you and I would murder for your dumb ass.”
You tapped the melting glass of icy mint onto the tabletop.
“If you think about it,” Taehyung began tentatively, scooting his chair slightly away from you with your flaming eyes boring holes in the back of Jeon Jungkook’s head. His hair was dark violet now so you could spot him easily, pinning your (not yours, but you know, that was your prey at one point) girl against the back wall of the bar. “He always goes after your target. He wants you to notice something.”
You watched a YouTube video once about making your own bow and arrow. It didn’t seem that difficult, all things considered. Sharpening a long stick with a knife and–
“Stop thinking about murder.”
You jerked your head back to Taehyung and his honey-brown curls framing his amused expression. You glared in response.
“I’ve never interacted with him a day in my life,” you frowned, abandoning your homicidal tendencies for the moment. “What does he want me to notice?”
Taehyung gave you a pained look. You returned with a black stare. Then he sighed and shook his head.
“He’s a fuckboy. You’re the female equivalent of a fuckboy. What do you think he wants?”
“My body count?”
Taehyung slapped his own face, muttering under his breath. “… be part of your body count.”
“Sorry, what?” You raised your voice over the bass. “Can’t hear you over the music.”
He raised his head. “I don’t know. Fight him. See what happens.”
“I’m not gonna win a fistfight.”
Taehyung looked ready to fistfight you.
You stood up, dragging him by the arm. “Come on, wingman. I need another drink. I’ll buy, since you got me the last one.”
Taehyung laughed, loud and full, yanking his arm out of your grip and clapping a hand around your shoulders, pulling you to him so your body knocked into him. You grimaced, now forced to walk side by side with him, not seeing the looks shared between the patrons witnessing you two together.
“Now we’re talking. I wanna get trashed.”
“Cure for a broken heart, am I right?”
“Mine’s shattered,” Taehyung chuckled, rubbing the left side of his chest playfully, but you couldn’t help but notice the hurt in his eyes. It was his idea to go out tonight and assist you with getting laid but, one, you didn’t need assistance and, two, he had recently broken up. It was pretty obvious he just wanted you to buy him drinks and have an excuse to do something.
Which was fine with you, until Jeon Jungkook showed up holding your previous eye candy.
Whatever, you had a Taehyung to nurse back to health with an obscene amount of alcohol.
Two hours later, you were standing in the men’s bathroom, holding Taehyung’s beret with one hand and his hair in the other as he vomited loudly into the toilet.
The guy looked in the stall and then looked at you.
“You’re not supposed to be here…”
You raised an eyebrow. “You wanna hold his hair?”
The guy slunk away at your dismissive tone.
Taehyung tapped your thigh and you patted him on the head soothingly. He flushed and coughed.
"S... sorry," he croaked wetly.
You chuckled. "Wash your mouth, ya nasty."
He got up and you straightened his clothes in an almost maternal fashion.
"Need water, I think..." he winced, stumbling past you to the counter. You followed him to make sure he didn't hurl in the fucking sink.
"I'll be right back. Don't do anything crazy."
"Heh, that’s you," he slurred as he put his hands under the tap to wash up.
You plopped his beret on your head and sauntered out of the men's bathroom, unbothered by the stares and the people trying to catch your eye. It took you no time at all to waltz to the counter and obtain the water, striding back to the men's bathroom with the tall glass.
Only to run into you-know-who.
The girl sputtered your name in surprise as if she hadn't met you in this very bar a couple of weeks ago.
You completely ignored her existence, narrowing your eyes at the smirking face of Jeon Jungkook.
There was no denying his attractiveness. His purple hair was a little messy now, curling around his high cheekbones and large brown eyes. The dim light of the bar cast strange shadows over his chiseled jaw and shapely lips, curved into a devilish grin. He had a mole and red lipstick residue underneath his lower lip.
You had a strong urge to douse him and his leather jacket with your giant glass of water.
Taehyung was the one who found out Jungkook's name for you. You sent him on the mission after the first time this little shit started meddling in your business.
At this moment, you remembered that.
You pointedly looked away, walking past Jungkook, knocking into his arm forcefully and on purpose, annoyed that he seemed pretty strong under that jacket, muscular and lean. Whatever. You had a large bear cub named Kim Taehyung to take care of. You didn't have time to waste on Jeon Jungkook.
You stiffened at the deep, silvery voice. Of course. He had to have a sexy voice too. Bitch.
"You should apologize."
Your eyes flickered to the glass of water. It was pretty cold in your hand. You raised your chin back up, facing towards the bathrooms.
The choice was easy.
You continued waking and raised your free hand to flip Jeon Jungkook the bird, off to deliver the water to your best friend.
Some guy at the urinal screamed as you entered the men's bathroom but you completely ignored him, only focusing on Taehyung, who was gripping the corner of the sink, turning not to pass out, pallid face dripping and looking green.
"Drink this and I'll take you home."
"Ugh, thanks for the other day... sorry I wasn't the best wingman... I ended up making you exorcize my demons instead..."
You laughed, jabbing a toothpick in the steaming fried chicken. You and Kim Taehyung again, hanging out in the afternoon at the local chicken spot.
"It's cool. I know you needed it."
Taehyung frowned. "If you knew, why did you play along?"
You shrugged. "You would've done the same for me."
He smiled and popped a piece of crispy chicken in his mouth. "Yeah, if you ever had a serious relationship for once."
You glared. "This is a non-judgment zone. Shut up."
He chuckled. Then he leaned in and you grimaced, catching a whiff of his chicken breath. He was wearing a pinstriped shirt and neglected to button the first two because he was too hot to bother with some stupid buttons. You weren't going to say you could relate, but you were wearing a loose black sweater dress that was bordering on flashing your panties, so, maybe.
"I heard from a little birdie that you had a run-in with the bane of your existence."
You raised an eyebrow. "The tax man?"
Taehyung rolled his eyes. "No, the other one."
Now it was your turn to roll yours. "Oh, right. The Dark Lord."
Taehyung gave you a weird look. "Is that a movie reference or..."
"Harry Potter, ever heard of it?"
"You're such a nerd."
"That's not... anyway, so what?"
He wiggled his eyebrows. "He spoke to you."
You narrowed your eyes. "Where do you get your information?"
He fidgeted. "Uh... a reliable source that chooses to remain anonymous."
Your eyes became slits. "Who."
Taehyung stick his tongue out at you. "The whole point of anonymous is you not knowing!"
"Who are you, fucking Rita Skeeter–"
"Stop with the weird references!"
"For fuck's sake," you hissed, causing a mother sitting at a table near yours to chastise you, covering their kid’s ears. You frowned, lowering your voice. "Alright so what? He opened his mouth; nothing original came out." You jabbed another piece of chicken.
"Well? Feel any tension? Sweet romance? Unbridled fury?" Taehyung piped, greatly interested in your two-second interaction with Jeon Jungkook.
You chewed, huffing. "I had a big kid to take care of. I didn't give a shit."
"Hey, I'm not a kid!" he shot back.
"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, you’re more important to me than poking his pretty eyeballs out of his head, so I didn't even reply."
Taehyung paused, mid-chew. "Really?"
"Yes, I didn't say–"
"No, that I'm important to you."
Taehyung was doing that thing where his big brown eyes went all sparkly and sentimental. It was making you uncomfortable. Bad with feelings and all that. The only reason you tolerated it was because Taehyung had been like this ever since he was that dorky weird kid you defended from bullies in elementary school. A folding chair was involved and you might have watched too many WWE TLC (tables, ladders, chairs) matches as a kid, but hey, those bullies didn’t bother Taehyung ever again, did they?
You got sent to detention for the rest of the year and anger management counseling appointments, but Taehyung remained your friend throughout the whole ordeal and for years to come, tolerating your poor life choices so… worth?
You reached over and shut his open mouth. "Of course, you are, that's why I'm not calling you a disgusting pig for chewing with your mouth open."
"Oi, that's bullying!"
"You bully me all the time," you snorted and the same mom made a noise of distaste that you pretended not to hear. "Like now you keep bringing up the spawn of Satan."
"You're also the spawn of Satan, by the way."
"Yeah, and you're my guardian angel and he ain't got shit, so I’ve already won this war."
Taehyung laughed nervously.
"Er, yes... totally..."
Another day, another conquest.
Well, you had to find the prey first, but that wasn’t going to be hard.
“You’re a chronic asshole.”
“Thanks, Tae. You sure you don’t wanna come?”
He rolled his eyes at you as you shrugged on one of his black dress shirts. You checked the tag. Silk. Damn. Kim Taehyung was a fancy bitch. He leaned against the closet doorframe as you fitted your black leather corset-style belt at your waist to cinch it in. You often raided Taehyung’s closet and paired it with your accessories. Did he enjoy your fucking in his clothes? Probably not, but you always returned them cleaned in the proper way, so he couldn’t complain.
He did anyway.
“No, I don’t. Let me sulk.”
“Ah, yes, moody starving artist, I’ll let you be,” you snickered, slinging the waist bag over your shoulder, wearing it across your chest instead of your hips. You lightly punched him in the arm and he pretended to topple over exaggeratedly. “You going to paint today?”
He shrugged. “I think. Dunno what media I want to use.”
“Just use a bunch of different ones. Your mixed media stuff is amazing,” you replied, waltzing out of his bedroom, past his messy studio with a blank canvas balanced on a wooden easel in the center of absolute chaos of paints. You helped him organize them once, but Taehyung often was too in the zone to pay attention to neatness.
“When’s the exhibit? I want to drop by,” you commented, seeing the line of his works safely wrapped up, leaning against the wall.
“Um… next week, Thursday through Sunday,” Taehyung replied sheepishly, cheeks flaring red at the mention of his own art exhibit. He was humble even though he was talented. “I’ll text you the address. Don’t show up looking like a high-paid escort.”
You tucked your feet into your heels and raised an eyebrow.
Silk black men’s shirt worn as a dress, belted at the waist to show off your curves, bare legs out, toned calves standing out due to your sleek black high heels.
“Who, me? Never.”
Taehyung shook his head. “Text me if you need a ride.”
“You got it.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
You tapped your nails on the bar, having already finished your peach mojito.
“Fucking Jeon Jungkook, again?”
You needed to invest in a bow and arrow, like, yesterday.
Shoot right between his pretty eyeballs. Dude even pulled back his long, deep purple hair into a smooth ponytail with wispy strands framing his sculpted face. Was that damn eyeliner and mascara making his eyes look sharper, sexier? Fuck, he even knew how to make himself look even hotter.
Not as hot as you, of course.
“How does he always know where I’m at?” you muttered under your breath, turning away to look at the bartender and order another mojito. Watermelon. It seemed interesting. Fuck it, you were going to focus on drinking rather than the thorn in your side, Jeon Jungkook and his black dress shirt halfway buttoned and his tight-fitting black slacks with sleek oxfords. The bartender slid your glass in front of you, a gradient of pink to transparent with a little sprig of mint on top. It was a pretty drink.
You reached into your waist bag to pay, but the bartender stopped you.
“The gentleman over there paid for you. A gift.”
Oh? Maybe a potential for the night. You shifted your gaze to–
“Tell him to fu–”
But the bartender was already off servicing other customers on this busy night.
You know what? Fine. He put himself up as the target. He wanted to play this game.
And you never missed a bullseye.
You tilted your head to survey Jeon Jungkook out of the corner of your eye, making his way over to you, bringing your drink close to your lips. He stopped right next to you. The colorful lights of the club made rainbows dance across his lightly tanned skin and his dark lips, curled into a smug smirk.
You cocked an eyebrow.
Mmm, fuck, that was some deliciously smooth rum. The watermelon was a refreshing addition to the mint too. You probably weren’t meant to drink it all at once, but you were glaring at Jungkook who was pointedly watching your throat swallow and it was aggravating you more and more, the entire drink disappearing in record time, leaving nothing but ice and mint.
You smacked the glass down on this table with a hiss.
Jungkook purred your name with that deep, silvery voice of his. His eyes flickered down to your exposed collarbones and then back up to your face.
You clicked your tongue.
Then you turned away from him dismissively, walking past him, knocking into his arm forcefully and on purpose.
But instead of letting it happen, Jungkook shifted his weight and slid to block your path. You stopped, eyes darting up to narrow at that conceited little brat’s face. Now you could smell his cologne, fresh, sensual, a mix of pungent dragon fruit and black coffee.
Hold on.
You inhaled. Yup, no mistaking it.
That was your perfume.
Jungkook grinned as the realization hit you. How did he know what perfume you used?
“The fuck you want?” you growled.
He licked his lips slowly. He ticked his chin, taunting you.
“Finally got you to talk to me,” he purred, chuckling.
Alright, you were past causing actual bodily harm these days – jail being your primary reason – but that didn’t stop you from staring down Jeon Jungkook and his self-satisfied smirk with your signature tapering of your sharp stare.
You just stood there.
He bit his lower lip, exposing that tiny mole underneath, shivering under your gaze. “Are you mad at me?” he asked, almost innocently, but there was no chance in hell that he was.
You quirked your head, lifting your chin defiantly. “Absolutely fuming,” you replied acidly.
He took a step towards you, closing the distance, so close you could feel his warmth, your breasts brushing against his chest. Now people were whispering around you two, sensing the tension between you and Jungkook. The similar outfits, the same violent energy, the same predatory aura.
As if the fox had confronted the wolf.
“What’s there to be mad about when we play the same game?” Jungkook drawled.
Cocky. The fox was so damn cocky.
“You’re just nibbling on my leftovers,” you countered, stepping forward so you pressed against him, burning body heat to burning body heat. “Which makes you the scavenger.”
Jungkook leaned down, dark brown eyes glittering with amusement.
“Then why so angry?”
His lips ghosted over yours, breathing in your exhale.
“I’m just a pest, right? A mere annoyance in your eventual victory.”
His lashes lowered, arrogant smirk reaching his dark eyes.
“Play your ace. Let’s see if it works,” he purred in the deep, sexy octave of his.
Shut up.
A low snarl rumbled in your chest.
“Shut up, Jeon Jungkook.”
You gripped his belt and yanked him to your body, rolling your crotch into his, your lips colliding with that maddening smirk, alcohol, dragon fruit, black coffee, flint igniting the dry wood, devouring his lips hungrily, his hands sliding up your sides, and his smile.
You couldn’t give two fucks about Jeon Jungkook and he was into it.
Like the impossible enigma, he couldn’t figure you out but he was drawn to you anyway. The whole world was your plaything, and you treated it as such. There was something exciting about you, the thrill too irresistible to avoid when you made your presence known. Always you and that teasing smile, never getting serious, making everyone hesitate to take it farther with you. Who could blame them with your borderline brash attitude and ease of moving from one to the next?
That and your friendship with Kim Taehyung, who was a whole damn tiger next to your wolfish nature.
At first, Jungkook was intrigued.
As time went on, he became frustrated and annoyed.
What gave you the right to ignore him?
You picked up guys far less attractive than he was, not that he was that vain but, seriously, he was right here! Waiting to be caught. He didn’t try to interfere at first. In fact, Jungkook wasn’t even the sleep-around-and-mess-with-feelings kind of guy. But the more he watched you, the more impressed he was, seeing the way you charmed your way into everyone’s hearts, the way you focused on them for that moment, making them feel like they were the most perfect creature on Earth before slinking to the next, leaving them with a pining heart and lost in fantasies of what-ifs.
And, yeah, you were hot.
What was Jungkook going to do?
He could do nothing.
Or he could befriend Kim Taehyung, get under your skin, and make you notice him.
Not a scheme, per se.
Kind of a scheme.
Alright, definitely a scheme.
In Jungkook’s defense, your best friend Taehyung was all for it. Taehyung was the one who came up with all the ideas, informed him of your location, and the names of the girls you were after.
“Give her a taste of her own medicine. She needs a reality check.”
The problem was, Jungkook didn’t really want to let you go now that you were in his arms.
“Silly pretty boy.”
You had his chin in your palm, pressing your thumb against Jungkook’s lower lip, opening his hungry mouth to tease him with your tongue, tracing his soft lips and thrusting in, his low moan filling your lungs. His hands on your waist tightened, pulling you closer even through you were already in his lap, murmurs and eyes on you, but neither your nor Jungkook cared, used to this by now.
You were, after all, making out in the club.
The chair scraped against the ground as Jungkook firmly placed your thighs on either side of his, thrusting upwards into your core, letting your feel his rapidly growing hardness with every one of your kisses. Your hair feathered his cheeks and shoulders as your free hand toyed with his ponytail, twirling it in your fingers, smirking into his lips with his gasp from you grinding back down on his crotch, rolling your hips into him.
“Thought I was the bane of your existence?” Jungkook taunted under you, squeezing your ass through the silk and meeting your movements, staring into your eyes with his. So dark, so smokey, so fucking sexy, almost like looking into a mirror, because you too wore similar makeup, maybe a little darker and a little more of a flick to your eyeliner. “Just going to kiss me to shut me up?”
You wouldn’t be surprised if the other clubgoers were eagerly watching now, waiting to see what was going to happen between you and him.
“I don’t need to be on your mouth to shut you up,” you mused, tugging his ponytail back and kissing down his neck, tongue tracing the contours of his muscles, feeling him shudder under your lips and teeth, lightly nipping at his skin. Tracing circles, gentle kisses, relishing in his gasps and his tightened grip on you, letting your breath linger for that extra second, that extra what-if, kissing back up his neck and onto his jawline, murmuring his name sweetly, tip of your tongue curling around his earrings and bouncing them, sighing softly in his ear.
“Can’t claim my leftovers when my leftovers are you, now can you, naughty boy?” you chuckled darkly, pressing your breasts on his hot chest and your clothed pussy on the tip of his stiff length, rutting against it, making him hiss your name.
“I have no intention of being leftovers,” he growled into your ear.
Your eyes flew open as his lips transfixed to the space under your ear, sucking hard, forcing you to squeeze your thighs at the attack on your erogenous zone, sparks of arousal flinching through you, soaking your panties. You gasped, hips bucking into his needily, barely processing his words, his tongue flicking against your throbbing skin, lips and teeth, and then his mouth was moving, traveling up your earlobe, nipping at the curve, your eyelids fluttering, clutching his purple ponytail tightly.
How did he know? Did he ask your previous conquests to spill the information? There was no time to think, his hands traveling up your back, clenching fistfuls of your shirt and digging his nails into your back, your body responding and squirming against him, the quiet whine of his name escaping your lips and drifting right into his ear.
“J… Jungkook…”
He groaned, turning your head forcefully, him kissing you this time, just as ravenous, just as powerful, basically simulating sex in the middle of the fucking club with the way your hips were twisting into his and he was thrusting back against you, breathless, whispering in your mouth so only you could hear his words resonate in your chest.
“Fuck, you’re so hot, you turn me on so fucking easily, I just have to have you,” he murmured, his forehead pressed against yours, capturing your lips again and again. “There’s no way you’re any good for me, but I don’t care, fuck.”
You snickered, eye to eye, trapped in those expanding pupils and his heavy pants. “They say the same about you, Jeon Jungkook.”
You felt him smirk. “Nah, not me. No one calls me the spawn of Satan.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You sure? Because I do.”
Jungkook’s tongue licked your lips, making your shiver in delight. “That was special treatment. Just for you.”
Hold on a second.
Through your hazy buzzed brain, you began to piece the puzzle together. With each part falling into place, the amusement in Jungkook’s eyes grew and grew, seeing you fill in the missing blanks. Your eyes widened and you curled a finger around his ponytail, yanking roughly to pull his grinning face away from yours. You jerked back, but his strong hands held you in place.
Wispy strands of violet framing that devious expression.
“Taehyung,” you breathed, venomous.
Jungkook had the audacity to cock an eyebrow.
You were going to kill Taehyung. That little shit! Taehyung was no idiot, so he must have planned this somehow. He always telling you to get serious and stop messing around. That’s why Jungkook always knew who you were dating, where you were, and what you were wearing! Did Taehyung recruit Jeon Jungkook to trick you? Fuck! He was dead meat, scheming against you like this!
Jungkook brought you out of your homicidal tendencies with a soft drawl of your name.
“For the record, he was helping me out,” he murmured, pulling you to him, pressing your chest to his. You narrowed your eyes, his hard cock still throbbing against your panties. “I want you.”
He lowered his face, breathing hard.
“Not just like this.”
Your eyes widened.
“I said I’m not going to be leftovers.” Looking deep into your eyes, holding you tightly. “I’m not going to let you throw me away like the rest.” Every inhale making your body rise into his touch, his deep, silvery voice saturated with lust and determination. “I’m going to make you fall in love with me as much as I am in love with you.”
You opened your mouth to retort, but…
Jungkook gave you this look.
The look of ‘you-know-you’ve-already-lost’.
You could sit here and pretend, but you were also grinding back onto his dick right out here in the open, clutching his purple hair and his pretty face. His hard body was tucked snugly in your thighs. That smug little smirk. Shit, shit, shit.
Jeon Jungkook got you and he got you good.
He knew it too, his hands sliding down and grabbing your ass again, rolling his hips into yours.
“Come on. Let’s fuck.”
“Oh, fuck, yes, yes, yes!”
Jungkook threw his head back onto his pillows, exposing his straining throat, veins popping out, clutching your hips strongly to rut back against you as you smacked your crotch down onto him, riding him hard and fast, your hands next to his head, his long purple hair a mess even if it was still in the ponytail, sweat glistening on his forehead, moaning loudly with your walls closing in on his hardness. You were too busy fucking the daylights out of him to say anything, but Jungkook had plenty to say, hazy eyes opening and gasping as he viewed your body hovering over him, naked with his hickeys on your neck and breasts, strong thighs flexed on either side of him, his rock-hard cock repeatedly disappearing into your tight, wet hole.
“Fuck, I knew it, I knew you would be so fucking good and so fucking sexy,” he whined, nails digging into your hips and adding more force to your thrusts.
Your clothes and his clothes were all over his bedroom floor.
Your phone was on his nightstand.
Tonight, you sent one text to Kim Taehyung.
I’m gonna buy a bow and arrow and shoot you in the ass.
You screen flashed, indicating Taehyung had replied. One quick flick of your eyes and you smirked.
Oh shit.
Jungkook squeezed your ass, making your return your attention to him.
“Focus on me,” he begged, blown-out pupils. “Only me, please.”
“So needy,” you teased, licking your lips slowly. He groaned under you, mouth opening, his pretty pink tongue lolling out, desperate to be sucked. “If you think you can keep me, you’ll have to last longer than this, Jungkook.”
He swallowed hard at the way you said his name, a mixture of warning and desire.
“P-Please… it’s too good, I-I can’t…”
You redoubled your efforts, roughly slapping your hips into his, enjoying the loud sound and the way your core tightened, constricting him inside you, telling him he couldn’t cum until you did and deliberately holding yourself back, shifting your attention when you felt it rise, denying him over and over, until he was like this, whole body shaking, grasping your ass, sweat on his chest. His right arm, covered in tattoos, looking extra delicious in the moonlight, so fucking perfect with his forearms flexed with tension. You purposefully stared into his brown eyes overtaken with lust, his lips trembling from denying himself his own orgasm.
Jungkook whimpered your name.
On the verge of breaking, helpless at your command.
A sharp throb inside you, wildly turned on by his duality.
You smirked.
You inhaled deeply, sighing in satisfaction with the wave of pleasure, intense shivering pulses running up and down his length, sinking down so he could feel it all, the tight and rough massage of your orgasm taking over, low moan of his name emitting from your throat, and Jungkook followed suit, louder and lewder, eyes rolling back as he shot into the condom with jerking hips, burying the twitching head deep inside you, swelling the latex with thick cum, rocking you back and forth on his length, your juices dripping down and coating the inside of your joined thighs.
“Oh, fuuuuuuuck, so good, s-so fucking good…”
You know what, he was right.
It was so fucking good.
You savored it, the ecstasy that seemed endless and overwhelming, squeezing Jungkook between your thighs and moaning, just something about it, so satisfying and gratifying listening to his wheezing gasps and content whimpers, lowering yourself to his face, and he raised his, your hands sliding under his head, giving him what he wanted, light, maddening, carnal kisses, his cheeks, his chin, his quivering lips, whining your name, pleading with you to play with him more, more, tugging on his ponytail and his hands stroking your breasts, rolling your hard nipples between his index and thumb fingers, shaking at your hissing inhale.
“Hey,” you murmured, clenching him between your legs to get his attention.
Jungkook blinked at you, brown eyes unfocused, panting hard. “Y-Yeah?”
“You should apologize.”
The side of his swollen lips quirked upwards despite his fucked-out state. His deep voice was slightly hoarse. “What for? Tell me and I will.”
You raised an eyebrow. “For your scheming and using my own best friend against me.”
Jungkook smirked slyly.
“I’m sorry.”
He lifted you and made sure he had the condom before he pulled out, still semi-hard. You narrowed your eyes. He sure as hell didn’t sound sorry. Didn’t look sorry either, peeling the condom off and crawling over the bed to toss it in the trash before straightening.
“Sounding insincere there,” you remarked coolly, balancing your chin on the back of your knuckles, elbow on the bed, tapping the air impatiently.
“I mean it,” he purred, reaching for the towel beside the bed and knocking the condoms from his nightstand to the sheets. His right hand wrapped around his glistening length, still covered in lube and his cum, toned hips thrusting into his closed fist, grinning with his lower lip between his teeth as you watched him.
“I’m so, so sorry.”
Slowly jacking himself off as his eyes roamed over your curves, moaning lustfully, lingering on your legs, clutching the towel in his left hand so hard his knuckles were pale, forearms flexed, the slick head of his cock turning purple-red, emerging from between his closed fingers, throbbing as it was choked by his harsh grip.
“Let me make it up to you,” Jungkook shuddered, stroking faster, making wet squelching sounds, his muscular thighs bulging with effort.
Fuck, he was so damn attractive.
You kept an indifferent look on your face, raising your leg, your free hand sliding down, tracing the outside of your already wet opening. Those hungry dark brown orbs immediately fixated on it, moaning imploringly as you dipped your fingers in it, soft squishing noises as you spread open your soaked pussy, slipping a finger in your heat, gently thrusting.
He gasped your name, begging you.
It made you wetter, seeing his want. He knew it too, brutally fisting his cock, hips quivering.
Jungkook whined despairingly, pulling his hand away, his stiff cock bouncing from the swiftness of the movement, cutting off his own orgasm. He sucked in a shivering breath, tipping his hips up to you so his glossy, hard length twitched.
You shifted, laying back against his pillows, opening your legs.
Smirk on your lips.
“Mmm, fuck, yes, fuck me with that.”
Jungkook smirked back.
It took him no time at all to wipe his hand and crotch off, ripping open another condom and moaning as he rolled it down, the mere contact of the thin encasement stimulating his sensitive skin. He slid up to you, gripping your knees and spreading you even wider, pressing the tip against your drenched heat.
He whispered your name, like sweet smoke.
Jungkook leaned down, kissing you deeply as he sank into you, drinking in your gasp at the fullness.
“I’m going to make you feel so, so good,” he mumbled into your lips, pecking you softly.
He was about to retreat but your hands snapped up, tangling into his messy violet waves, clutching his ponytail. Jungkook blinked at you, questioning.
“Not too far away,” you said with a playful smile. “I wanna see that handsome face of yours.”
He bit his lower lip, tiny mole and wicked grin revealing themselves.
He lifted his hips and plunged fully into you, the connection of your hips making a loud, wet smack.
“Fuck, Jungkook…!”
And you could tell from his elated expression and his furious pace that he was ecstatic at your response, chasing it, chasing you, moaning as you caught him between your thighs and wrapped your legs around his waist, gaining some leverage and meeting his thrusts, fingers tightening in his soft hair, fuck, so beautiful, the way the pleasure overtook his handsome features, his hazy dark brown orbs shrouded in lust, his pink lip trembling in his teeth, sharp jaw set, but still maintaining a little bit of that cunning exterior that ensnared you in the first place, unknowingly at the time, the side of his lips ticking up, this cheeky bastard.
Jungkook saw the way you looked at him.
He adjusted the position, hitting deeper, swelling inside you, and, fuck, you couldn’t help it, you smirked too because he was so, so full of himself and so were you, insufferable, troublesome, competitive even now, the obscene smack of his crotch hitting your hips, wet and noisy, the squish of your juices smearing against his inner thighs as you wildly matched his rapid, bruising rhythm, your moans blending together, sweet hot harmony, his bedframe ramming against the wall, and, as usual, neither of you caring, far to occupied with yourselves, pleasure snaking between you, up your spine and into your head, mixing with the light buzz of alcohol, a different kind of euphoria from every other one-night stand, because this was Jeon Jungkook and he wasn’t going to be a one-night stand.
His lower lip popped out of his teeth and he gasped your name.
Longingly, breathlessly.
Was he thinking the same thing?
You lifted yourself a little, your hands molded to his head, whispering intensely against his shaking lips.
“Don’t worry, Jungkook. We have all night and the morning.”
Fuck, he had a brilliant smile.
It was actually doomed for you, but you weren’t mad about it.
Eye contact, and he didn’t waver, thrusting deep into you, low moan pulled from his chest, jolting shudders sliding down his shoulders and then in between you and him, his cock twitching and spilling into the condom again, roughly clamped by your tightness, and you were already there, falling over the edge with a soft cry, straining your neck and pushing his head down to you to collide your lips with his, greedy for his kiss, his taste, his whimpers at your forcefulness.
“Jungkook, ah…”
He said your name in the same tone, delicate and possessive, a bullseye right to the heart.
“On one hand, I’m glad you’re finally serious about someone.”
You paid absolutely no attention to the annoyed baritone voice of your best friend.
“On the other hand,” Kim Taehyung gritted out, smacking you in the shoulder blades as you crawled into Jeon Jungkook’s lap, kisses intensifying, a needy whine in his chest, his hands wrapping around your waist. “Really feeling like a third wheel, you two! Stop making out for one goddamn second!”
He threw up his hands as both of you pretended to be deaf.
interlude respect drabble — "how much did you see?" popcorn drabble — "who are they?"
part ii threesome, ft kth — got it bad
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poisonouswritings · 2 years
M3 and Taken
So, you've been kidnapped! Why? And by who? And how do you get home?
Wish I could tell you how this idea popped in my head but,, I dunno. Rogue brain worms or something. Fun idea to play with tho
GN!reader, (lighthearted) 'kidnapping' with happy end, mostly fluff
Felix Escellun
It's a typical enough day. Felix is in the study doing his experiments. Stella is snoozing on the sofa. And you've been sent into town to pick up some supplies for his work. Not alone of course - Sage is supposed to accompany you.
It's an hour later when Sage comes back, bristling with anger and unease. He explains to Felix that when you two were out, this trio of weird formal men had grabbed you, saying something about 'Archmage business'. Sage had been ready to fight but you had told him to just go get Felix.
Felix frowns and pulls out a parchment, scrawling out a message to his father. 'Really, Escell? You couldn't get my attention the old fashioned way, so you kidnap my partner? This is low, even for you. Make sure MC is unharmed and I shall be by to collect them forthwith.' He sends it via magic.
He's not all that concerned. Escell is a dick, obviously, but he wouldn't hurt you. More likely than not you're back at Blackthorn Hall with Florian keeping you company (since Escell sure as hell doesn't want you around). So he starts packing up his supplies. It's about ten minutes later when a little portal opens. A letter pops out.
'Pardon? I haven't seen nor heard from MC since the last time I saw you both. Think before accusing, Felix.'
Felix rolls his eyes. That's just like Escell to feign ignorance.
A few minutes later there's another letter, this time from Florian - 'What is it that's going on? MC isn't here, and Escell is in bed with the flu. Is everything okay?'
Felix leaves his supplies scattered on the desk, opening a portal straight to Blackthorn, heart in his throat.
You, meanwhile, are bored. Some stuffy old guy named Dante Von Stein or whatever has been going on and on about how he's gonna ransom Escell by holding you - his 'child in law' - hostage. You already tried pointing out that Escell would sooner kill you than let you impact his career but no one wants to listen.
You talked too much, so now you're being magically gagged. Any time you try to talk a band of magic around your throat tightens.
Unfortunately your hands are being held behind your back with a similar spell, so trying to use your own magic to escape is out.
This sucks. Fantasy politics and scheming are cool to read about but who'd have thought it would be so boring to experience?
At least your surroundings are nice. You're sprawled out on a velvet couch, looking up at the smoky ceiling. Black-and-gold wall tiles surround you. It's a classy prison but a prison nonetheless.
You've been here for about an hour, by your count. They've treated you well enough. Offered you some snacks. Given you water when you asked. All in all it could be worse. But it's still so insanely boring. The people around you - the politician and his cronies as near as you can tell - are blabbering. Some of it is in a different language, but the bits and pieces you can understand are little more than gossip. Orion is being weird, Escell is being sleazy and underhanded, some Sunstone troops have been accepting bribes. None of it surprises you.
You twist your body and sit up, rolling your shoulders to try and keep your limbs from falling asleep. No one pays you any mind. Nor do they seem to notice when you stand up to stretch your legs. Not surprising. They can bind you with magic whenever they want.
You pace around- only for a portal to open beneath your feet.
Finally. Took long enough.
Of course Felix didn't account for how you would fall out, so the portal hurls you into him. You both hit the ground, you on top and him on his back. 
You uh,, you manage to elbow him in the stomach. Ouch. You roll off and start to apologize but that makes the band around your throat tighten, so now you’re trying not to choke. 
Once Felix gets his bearings he finally notices your predicament. He’s good at breaking spells! So he quickly undoes them and frees you before fiercely hugging you. 
‘I’m so sorry! This is all my fault! I should have gone along with you, or, or known Escell would somehow be responsible for something like this, or taught you more defensive spells, or-’
Please cover his mouth. He’ll keep tambling anyways but at least you’ll be able to get a word in. 
Once you’ve both calmed down a bit and you assure him you aren’t hurt, he lets Escell know what happened. He doesn’t particularly want to but he needs to make sure you won’t pay the price for his father’s political dealings again. 
Escell doesn’t apologize or anything, just says he’ll take care of it. That’s probably the best you could have hoped for though. Florian checks in periodically over the next couple of weeks to make sure you’re alright. 
Felix teaches you more defensive spells and how to open portals. He also insists on going into town with you from now on. 
Anisa Anka
Anisa doesn’t really like leaving you alone all day, but she doesn’t have much a choice when her Sunstone duties need her. But it’ll be fine. Saaros will be keeping an eye on you. 
It’s been a long day. Anisa trudges back to her apartment still in her armor, sore and tired but excited to see her favorite person. Maybe she’ll take you to dinner tonight as a treat to make up for abandoning you? It can be a date night. That’d be nice. 
Oh, there’s a letter tacked to her door. 
‘Taken MC to Solaris for business. Time is of essence. Meet us there’
... *scared hair poof*
With no more future-telling journal, Saaros has been hesitating over every decision they make. That includes what they can get their ‘friend’ as a gift. 
It’s a brilliant Porrima morning. You’re in Anisa’s apartment trying to get rid of all the spoiled food (seriously when was the last time she cleaned in here?) when the door swings open. You poke your head out to see an aggravated Saaros. 
As soon as they spot you they’re striding over to grab you, saying they want to get a backup gift in case the one you had originally chosen from the marketplace isn’t good. Instead of checking there again, they plan to drag you to a nearby seaside town that’s known for having an exceptional crafters guild. You agree to go with but point out that Anisa isn’t back yet. Saaros scoffs. 
The two of you work together to find paper and a pen. They scrawl out a note, stick it on the door, and you two are off on an adventure! 
Solaris is this little port town that’s a little over an hour away. You lament that there are no cars and trains here in Astraea. Once you explain what those are to Saaros, they just shrug and say they wouldn’t want a bunch of roads decimating the landscape. You think about it for a moment, look around at the nature you once would have never imagined, and nod in agreement. 
Solaris is nice. Maybe you and Anisa can come back down here some other time. But for now you have a sidequest to focus on! So you and Saaros start going from shop to shop, discussing Azimuth and the things they like and don’t like, what it is Saaros wants this gift to say, and so on. They are,, incredibly unhelpful. Partially because not having the journal gives them anxiety and partially because they’re embarrassed. 
Saaros wants to do this as fast as possible, but you refuse to be rushed. This sort of thing is important! You’re also not entirely sure what half of this stuff is. Saaros doesn’t seem to either, saying they don’t have anything similar in Rivath. You guys end up getting into a lot of conversations with the various shopkeepers. 
By the time the sun sinks beneath the horizon, you two still haven’t found what you’re looking for. Saaros is upset and insists you take one more lap around the town. You agree and off you two go. 
The stars blink pleasantly in the sky, reflecting off polished steel and glazed ceramic. Some of the stuff out here is different from earlier. The shopkeeps explain that some of their wares look best in starlight, so they stow them during the day. Invigorated by this new information, you two set off to double-check all the stores. 
The sound of a frantic argument catches your attention. You glance over at Saaros and see they’re listening too. 
‘MC, doesn’t that voice sound familiar?’
The two of you head over to see Anisa, still in her Sunstone outfit, in a heated argument with one of the shopkeeps you’d been talking to earlier. Her hair is poofed out and she looks like a wreck. A gorgeous wreck, but an anxious one too. You have to call out to her several times to catch her attention. 
Once she hears you! Sees you!! Oh you can see the tension rolling off her shoulders. She quickly inspects you for injuries while Saaros apologizes for her rude behavior to the shopkeep. 
She’s,, not happy about the fact that you two left, or that Saaros left such a vague letter on her door without even signing it. But she’s able to laugh a bit once it’s over. 
You point out a few things you’d seen that might be good for Saaros to further investigate, then go take Anisa to get food. She’d ran here - literally ran - as soon as she saw the note. She’s hungry and thirsty and tired. 
Once you guys have gotten some treats, you sit on a bench to let her recover while you tell her about your day. She’s glad you got to explore but please leave a better note next time! Her poor heart cannot handle going through that again. 
Sage Lesath
Sage doesn't bring you along to all his bounties. Sometimes they're a little too dangerous, or a little too far away, or Tulsi's claimed you to help out in the forge, or Anisa's captured you for a training lesson, or Felix has recruited you for an experiment.
Honestly if he had it his way he'd keep you close, but he's not surprised the others wanna spend time with you. He doesn't blame them. You're pretty great.
Today that actually works to his advantage. He'd managed to get three massive hauls, and he's planning on using at least part of the reward to buy you a gift. If you ask why he'll say it's nothing special, just some compensation for putting up with his dumb ass all the time.
In reality he can't find the right word to explain exactly what he feels about you, but he knows whatever this feeling is, it makes him want to give you the world. And if he can't do that then he'll at least give you a few gifts now and again.
Anyhow, today you're with Tulsi. He was supposed to meet up with the both of you a few hours ago but then he'd popped in to a tavern on the way back and gotten caught up with a game of darts and then suddenly it was sundown. So he heads to the forge and ignores the 'Closed' sign entirely, pushing the heavy door open with his shoulder.
There's Tulsi, pounding away at a sword. You aren't there though. Sage hops over to the workbench to get his sister's attention and ask. Tulsi blinks and says you left to meet him at the bar over an hour ago, like you guys had initially agreed on.
Oh yeah. Sage forgot about that. So he heads over to the bar... Only to see you surrounded by thugs.
About an hour ago, you'd wandered into the Runny Eye to pull up a stool and wait for Sage to show up. You'd made a bit of friendly small talk with the barkeep and tried to avoid the drunken flirting of a couple regular patrons, most of whom recognize you from how often you come by with Sage (or show up to drag his drunk ass back home).
A group of bandits approached you. You were on edge until they explained that they know Sage, and he owes them money, and he hasn't paid
Damnit. You apologize on his behalf and say that you've been on top of him no not like that to pay everything off, but he's kind of lost track on who he owes what to.
The bandits ask if you wouldn't mind playing along as 'collateral' to give him a little scare. You shrug and agree, figuring it'll at least give Sage a little kick in the ass.
But by the time he finally reaches the tavern, you're playing an intense game of Go Fish with everyone. And you're winning.
Sage storms over all growly 'Get Away From My MC!' and you're just
'GIVE ME YOUR FOUR YOU BASTARD' at one of the bandits. They hand it to you. You cackle and set another pair down.
Basically,, all the coin Sage got for his hunts today is used to pay his debt.
He's really upset he couldn't get you anything >:( and beating himself up that you had to get involved in his shit >:(
Scratch behind his ear and tell him you had fun with your card game. But also he needs to settle his tabs. That can be his gift to you.
At the very least he has enough money left over to buy you dinner. But not himself. You end up sharing something. You can tell he's a bit self-conscious about it so wrap him in a big hug and thank him. He gets all flustered but is happy.
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The Brothers and Side Characters Go on a Road Trip!
So, Diavolo, Lord of the Devildom, wants to go on a road trip for reasons unknown. You know what? Screw it, the reason is because Dia wants to do a fun human thing because MC brought it up during tea time. No one can defy the king, so TIME FOR A ROAD TRIP!
He was going to turn that car around. That’s it, he was going to leave. Someone else drive.
I hope your MC likes staticky traffic updates because that’s what Lucifer constantly had on the radio.
Obviously, some of the brothers complained, so Lucifer put on Beethoven’s Symphony no. 9. HELL YEAH TURN IT UP DJ!
Lol JK no one can car-dance to classical music. Just go back to the staticky traffic updates…
Lucifer would have preferred it if MC or Barbatos were riding shotgun next to him, but Diavolo ended up getting it. Dia is constantly asking Lucifer to stop so he can take pictures of the most mundane shit.
Lucifer stopped stopping after the first fifteen requests.
“I’m not stopping at McDonalds- hang on. Hi McDonald’s employee, one black coffee please.”
In true father fashion, Lucifer got lost and REFUSED to ask for directions. They were lost for five hours before Diavolo finally asked:
“Lucifer, you can turn on the GPS right?”
“Yes, but I don’t trust it.”
Everyone screamed in frustration and were all fully prepared to abandon Lucifer at the side of the road.
Please… can someone else drive? Anyone else…
Are We There Yeeeet..? (Mammon)
Okay, so, Mammon was one of two ways on that road trip. One: complete ADHD daydream zoned out. Or type Two: AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRREEEEE WEEEEEEEE THEEEEEEEEERRRRRREEEE YEEEEEEET???!
He wanted to stop and go to all the tourist traps, by the end of the road trip Mammon wanted to open his own.
The Avatar of Greed loves driving, problem is, he’s used to driving off into the sunset as a lone bachelor, not with his friends and brothers in the car as well.
He only got to drive once, and it was awful. 0/10 would not recommend. Luke thought MC was driving and called shotgun…
Mammon just turns on the radio for music and hopes something good is on at least ONE channel.
Not all of Mammon’s time driving was bad, the combined powers of Luke and Mammon meant that everyone stopped at a petting zoo at the side of the road. Everyone had a good time, even though when they got back into the car they all smelled like a farm.
Did anyone else hear that oinking in the car-
*Vibes to Music in the Backseat* (Levi)
After being cruelly dragged from his room and placed in this stupid van… he just climbed into the backseat and put on his headphones.
Maybe anime openings could drown out this problem…
Levi only drove for fifteen minutes, it was the most terrifying fifteen minutes of everyone’s lives.
Mario Kart is not a substitute for proper driving school!
Listen- Levi actually saved the entire trip, after stopping at a gas station everyone noticed that Levi never complained about what was on the radio because he was wearing headphones, so everyone bought their own pair and the car trip was so much more pleasant…
No matter how many times Lucifer told Levi to get his feet off the seat, he wouldn’t listen, he was GAMING and they took him away from his gaming chair! HE NEEDED TO SCRUNCH HIMSELF UP LIKE A GOBLIN TO FOCUS DAMMIT!
Whenever the car would stop so everyone could get out and take a picture or look at something, Levi had to be practically dragged out of the car and manually posed for the pictures.
“Is this one of those vans with TVs in them? I brought the first five volumes of TSL on DVD!”
While Satan was driving they stopped at a lake, and Levi burst out of the car and made friends with all the lake fish.
He was still soaking wet when they had to leave.
I’m a Responsible Driver- IS THAT AN OLD BOOKSTORE?! (Satan)
Satan, we believed in you…
Our favourite nerd wanted to stop at any and all historical spots or cool looking bookstores he saw.
When everyone went to buy headphones, he got a pair with cat-ears on them! Because obviously!
Satan’s a responsible driver, and he’s not as prone to road rage as one might think. He has patience, remember in the Jobs event when he worked in customer service? Those kinds of jobs take a godlike amount of self control to do.
Asmo called shotgun and Satan got to have the wonderful experience of having his ear chatted off by his dear brother.
Satan was not about to have fast food for the eighth time in four days, if everyone wanted food, he’d stop at a restaurant.
He was terribly sorry to anyone who needed to use the restroom, but they should have gone at the last rest stop.
When Satan stopped at the lake, he gave everyone a long lecture on the historical significance of the place, then noticed that Levi was being crowned king of the lake and decided he should cut his history lesson short before Levi abandoned his family to chill with the fish forever.
I wanted Satan to be the normal chill one with the radio… I really did… but deep in my subconscious I feel like Satan would put on one of those language learning DVDs so he can learn another language on the go like a total dork.
Road Rage (Asmodeus)
No one saw this coming but- Asmo gets some B A D road rage. Someone cuts him off? “Hi hello dear, WOULD YOU LIKE ME TO SHOVE MY FOOT UP YOUR ASS?!” Someone doesn’t use a turn signal? “YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON! LEARN TO DRIVE!” Someone just pisses him off? “*prolonged horn sound*”
It’s just… the car trip was so taxing on the poor Avatar of Lust… he was crammed into the middle seat for the majority of the trip… he had to give his sleeping mask to Belphie… Beel was getting crumbs all over him and he couldn’t move over… just so tragic…
Solomon called shotgun and it was the greatest couple of hours of his life. He got a front row seat to Lucifer and Barbatos dragging Asmo back into the car because he tried to pick a fight with another driver.
Asmo wasn’t having a good time…
He didn’t want to stop for any gas station food or go through a drive-thru so it was another expensive restaurant trip. Rest In Peace to the gang’s wallets.
When he wasn’t driving, Asmo was loudly talking with MC or talking on the phone. It was a blessing in disguise when they went through an area with bad phone reception and Asmo finally had to shut up.
Oh well… at least he got a few nice pictures for Devilgram.
We all know Beel is massive, right? His head is touching the ceiling and every speed-bump hurt.
He’s the one begging to stop at every gas station or fast food place they pass by.
Beel’s section in the car was covered in empty bags of Doritos by the end of the trip.
When Beel got to drive, Belphie got shotgun! Hell yeah dream team!
Poor Beel, he got distracted and ended up somehow popping a tire. He pulled over next to a farm, changed the tire, then got back in the car and kept driving.
Uh… there was an awful lack of snoring next to Beel- OH FUCK THEY LEFT BELPHIE!
Belphie was found sleeping next to the cows on the farm they had stopped at earlier.
The cows didn’t want to give their sleepy god up so easily…
After that… Beel didn’t want to drive anymore…
“Look, cows.” (Belphie)
I really need to stop with the cow jokes but I CAN’T
Belphie’s crammed between Beel and MC for most of the trip and is probably drooling all over poor MC’s lap or shoulder.
Beware, he jolts up randomly and looks around in a panic before he realizes he’s in a car. This happens every three hours.
Belphie’s not allowed to drive, he’d fall asleep. But when Lucifer takes the wheel and puts on that fucking staticky radio, Belphie forms an idea.
“*ahem* four thousand bottles of beer on the wall, four thousand bottles of beer,”
Mission success, Lucifer wanted to tear his hair out.
Belphie ended up asking to stop when they get to a stretch of road with no streetlights, everyone got out of the and stared at the stars.
…listen, it’s a miracle no one got axe murdered but the stars were gorgeous.
Remember when I said Satan put on those language learning DVDs? Yeah uh…. Belphie woke up from his last nap of the trip almost fully fluent in Spanish. At least one person gained a new skill on this trip…
Oooo, Look at Thaaaaat! (Diavolo)
Even though the side characters were in a different car most of the time, sometimes people would switch to the other car if they met up at a gas station.
By the end of the road trip Dia looked like one of those tourist dads, Hawaiian shirt and all.
Dia can’t drive
He’s absorbing human culture… and human culture involves ordering everything at this random Wendy’s.
Diavolo’s camera roll is so unbelievably full by the end of the trip and he refuses to delete ANY of the pictures.
Most of the pictures are of really weird and boring stuff, like traffic signs and trees, but the picture he ends up printing out and putting in a picture frame is a picture of the whole group at the petting zoo having a grand old time.
He wanted to take home a baby goat but Barbatos said that wasn’t a good idea :(
Help. (Barbatos)
So, it could have been worse for Barbatos, he could have been stuck in the car with the brothers and MC.
Dia always had the seat up front, but when he left the car to go hang out with the dude-squad, Solomon got the passenger seat.
Solomon decided it would be a good idea to pester Barbatos to go faster and take weird shortcuts through (probably not legal) backroads and creepy forest paths.
Good thing Barbatos, Luke, and Simeon had functioning brain cells and knew that’s how horror movies began.
Barbatos stopped for fast food once and only once. It’s not healthy!
He’s the only driver to take suggestions for music, meaning that the side characters’ car was the best one of the two.
He’s just… he’s just trying his best not to vomit…
Simeon thought the car would be a good place to get some writing done while they drove down long stretches of road. Simeon was wrong in that assumption.
With his head down way too much while the car zoomed down the highway, Simeon felt himself getting *very* sick about four hours in.
He was worried he may have accidentally eaten something of Solomon’s… but nope. The angel was carsick.
Luke had the important job of patting Simeon on the back as he leaned over the barf-bag while Solomon dry heaved up front.
Hurry and open the windows before Solomon barfs too!!!!
Other than the car sickness, he had the job of making sure Luke was entertained, there was a good hour of eye-spy until they just got to a stretch of forest.
After that, Simeon realized that he could just give Luke free permission to ramble about whatever he wanted and that would keep the little guy entertained for HOURS.
What do You Mean I Can’t Legally Make This Turn?! (Solomon)
Shifty bastard can drive, problem is, he doesn’t care about the laws of the road.
He ended up getting pulled over after breaking approximately 11 traffic laws in less than ten minutes.
“License and registration.” “Yeah yeah yeah…” “…sir, this license expired in 1989.” “…shit.”
Solomon gunned it and managed to use his magic to hide the car and evade the very confused traffic cop.
Luke was completely aghast at the flagrant law breaking, but Solomon’s excuse was that the 80s were a lawless wasteland and he completely forgot he legally had to update his license.
He’s an equally obnoxious passenger as he is driver, but at least no one in the car is bored.
“You know, back in the day cars didn’t have seatbelts.” “Solomon put your seatbelt back on.”
…Can we keep it? (Luke)
He was against this from the start. A road trip? With those nasty demons? No! Never!
Okay fine… maybe he wanted to see some more of the human world… he agreed to go.
After helping Simeon through his car sickness, he misheard the other car say that MC would be driving, and Luke wanted to hang out with his third parent 🥺
That’s how he ended up riding shotgun next to Mammon. It started out rough, but when the two spotted the petting zoo it was all sunshine and rainbows.
Luke made friends with all the animals! He was like a little Disney Prince. He got especially attached to this one piglet, it was a surprise to Simeon that the goodbye wasn’t tearful.
Luke smuggled that piglet out of the petting zoo and they were all over fifty miles away before anyone noticed.
Of course, everyone was just shocked that Luke had stolen something, but he looked so cute holding the little piggy… awwww…
The bros obviously joked that Luke had gone to the dark side and was totally evil because he had taken the pig, much to the poor kid’s dismay.
Simeon tried to convince Luke that he needed to return the piglet but Luke was adamant that he could totally take good care of it.
Welp, time for Lucifer to fix this.
“Luke, you need to go put the pig back, it’s not yours.”
“No! I’ll take good care of it!”
“That doesn’t matter, you stole it. It’s not your property, do you want to end up a scummy thief like Mammon?”
“No not at all. Let’s go return the pig.”
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