#all this to say -- might be even slower at answering asks than usual </3 will b too busy writing papers rather than long roman analyses lmao
f1-ferraero · 2 months
Your analysis is very informative and interesting!!!
I too am looking forward to seeing what the imola upgrades bring.
Correct me if I'm wrong but did ferrari not say they were going to upgrade the floor in miami? Did I hear wrong or plans changed or smth?
Also dis the track temperature in miami have a great impact on ferrari tyre performance? And will imola being colder bring issues like china?
I hope I don't come across as irritating i just really appreciate your takes😅
Hi anon! You're definitely not irritating! I love receiving asks and being able to discuss/rant about all kinds of f1 related stuff. You're very welcome here! And I'm sorry that my answer took a while :)
Floor in Miami:
Yes. After the team's struggles in China they made the decision to bring the floor early, hoping that it might solve their issues with tyre warming. However, a sprint weekend isn't ideal for bringing upgrades and the tyre data from the sim made Ferrari confident enough to revert to the original Imola plan.
Track temperature and tyre performance:
The reported issue in China was that the Ferrari drivers spent about 20 laps (of a 35/39 lap stint) trying to get heat into their hard tyres (track temperatures slightly below 30°c), but when they finally got them into the right window temperature wise they were worn down/past their peak and gave no real performance gains. The mediums were better, but not great.
It's necessary here to make the difference clear between tyre degradation and tyre wear. Degradation is caused by the rubber gradually losing its grippy properties as the polymers break down or deform after continuous heat cycles, which makes them slower as they have less grip. Tyre wear can be better explained as damage or deterioration of the tyre itself. The wear is usually visible through graining or blistering. Degradation can often lead to tyre wear, as sliding and wheel spin caused by low grip will cause more deterioration.
Shanghai is generally a track that is quite harsh on the tyres: asphalt abrasion is very high (a high level of abrasion tends to lead to higher tyre wear), as is the overall tyre stress, the braking and the lateral forces caused by the track layout. As a mouldy cherry on top, asphalt grip is very low, and even lower than usual because of the low temperatures.
This means tyres get worn down quite quickly, especially if they are cold like Ferrari's were. Most teams were therefore on a 2-3 stop strategy, with the only exception being Ferrari and Norris on a 1 stop
Track characteristics of Shanghai:
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Miami however is much kinder on the tyres: asphalt abrasion is low, and stress, braking, lateral and grip are all at a medium level. With the high temperatures (track temperatures of 40-45°c) Ferrari had little problem getting the tyres into the right window. Miami was a 1 stop for almost everyone. So to answer part of your question, yes. Compared to China the temperatures and track characteristics of Miami did have a big positive impact on Ferrari's tyre performance (most obvious in qualifying), but at the same time none of the other teams were disadvantaged by it so Ferrari didn't gain anything beyond fixing their own issues.
Track characteristics of Miami:
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Imola is predicted to be colder than Miami but warmer than Shanghai at around 20-25°c air temperature, so I'd estimate the track temperatures to be somewhere around 30-35°c (but don't quote me on this lol). Even with the current version of the sf-24 this wouldn't be a repeat of China. While asphalt grip is the same, the asphalt abrasion, lateral forces, traction and tyre stress are all lower than Shanghai which will cause less tyre wear. The downforce of Imola is also a bit higher, which helps put more temperature into the tyres. The point I'm trying to make is that yes, temperature definitely matters, but what made China such a shit show was an unfortunate combination of temperature, track characteristics and bad setup choices by Ferrari. This is unlikely to happen in Imola.
But most importantly, Ferrari will be introducing their first upgrade package next race. Of course, this package isn't centered around the tyre heating issues as these were discovered while the development was already underway, but they've had many weeks now to either tweak it or to include upgrades that will target this issue. Regardless, the floor will most likely at the very least improve it, so I wouldn't be too worried about the temperatures at Imola! Hope this answers your question!
Track characteristics of Imola:
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abyssalshriek · 1 month
what kind of music would your agents listen to?
I'm no expert of music, so I apologize if I'm not using proper music terminology. Also, this is long, so answered under the read more:
Captain 3: They like video game music, mainly boss themes. When listening to this music, sometimes they reminisce about the days when they were healthier and could take on real bosses. When thinking of these moments, sometimes they think of the enemies they faced as the bosses, and sometimes they think of themself as the boss.
They also like to make remixes of music, and they post their favorites online under their DJ alias. They don't intend to pursue this as a career, just as a hobby. They get a solid amount of views, with their most popular remix getting almost a million views (it has about five times the views of their second most popular remix).
They learned to expect remixes of their friends' songs (Squid Sisters and Off the Hook) to be copyright claimed, and sometimes even taken down. They still post them occasionally, though.
Their favorite song changes a lot, but when asked, they will claim its one of the Squid Sisters' songs (usually Calamari Inkantation) because they're their close friends.
Agent 4: For the most part, she prefers songs that are calmer, lower energy. She also likes listening to Marie's songs because of how close they are, and because Marie has a lot of songs that fit this vibe. It's usually songs like this she listens to when she draws.
She also likes songs she can sing along to. Like Captain 3, she has no intent of pursuing this as a career, but she did get singing lessons from one of her friends for a while.
She does listen to pop music, too. When listening to mainstream music that doesn't have Marie in it, her go-to is Off the Hook. She was actually a little starstruck when she first met them. No one noticed because this nervousness was indistinguishable from her normal nervousness around strangers.
Her favorite song is Tidal Rush. The first time she saved Callie was one of the few times, before she started treating her mental health, that she felt truly happy with and proud of herself, so this song is nostalgic because of that.
Eight: Her tastes lean more towards mainstream music. Partially because she likes how it sounds, but also because she thinks it helps her immerse herself in Inkling culture. She thinks it helped her with learning the language, too. She will listen to songs in any language.
She isn't a musician herself. Many of her friends (the Captain, Pearl, Marina) tried teaching her some, but she never took anything far past the basics. She will still happily try playing music, uncaring of how good or bad it sounds. She will help the Captain write song lyrics using her experience with poetry. The Captain rarely posts these because neither of them can sing very well.
It might not be her favorite to listen to, but she will always say the Calamari Inkantation is her favorite song because of how it changed her life. Her favorite to listen to is Now or Never, with her preferred cover changing a lot.
New Agent 3: They say they will listen to anything. Really, they will listen to anything with lots of energy. Slower songs, or even songs with some calmer moments, aren't their preference. The Squid Sisters gave them an early preview of Wave Goodbye, and they smiled and said it was good, but they struggled to pay attention to it.
They like the music that plays in Turf War. They've learned to recognize them all by name as soon as a match starts, even the ones they aren't as a big a fan of.
They're favorite band is Damp Socks, and they may have (unintentionally) been rude when they met Off the Hook because they kept asking about the band they collabed with, rather than stuff relevant to them. Off the Hook didn't mind, though. They were glad the rising stars they worked with were getting attention.
They want to learn an instrument, but they can never settle on one, often going back-and-forth between the handful they own. They are best with the drums, but they worry it isn't as impressive of an instrument, so they don't play it as much as they should.
(Bonus) Little Buddy: Little Buddy hasn't worked out their tastes yet. When they are in control of what song they listen to, they decide in the first two seconds whether or not they want to hear the whole thing. Agent 3 still hasn't figured out what the pattern might be to what songs they will and won't give a try.
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creamymilkk · 2 years
I hope ur still active but can you do teenage Kyle finding out his s/o has a thing for red heads??
🦊♡ “I mean.. yeah..I do have a thing for redheads…" ♡🦊
༉‧₊˚ #Teenage!Kyle x GN!Reader 
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
██████████ 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐞
. ˚₊ ꒱ Pairing/Pairings: Teenage Kyle and Reader.
༉‧₊˚ -Format: Headcanons/Blurb
× &﹕Summary: All of your friends try to bring up a fact about you to Kyle but you didn't want that until he found out...
×﹕♺ AUTHOR’S NOTE(S): Hey! Im getting back to writing:D so I will 100% be more active, AND MY GOD THIS IDEA IS SOOO GOOD!! I’m in the writing mood sooo BLURB TIME:3 (Y/F = Your friend’s name, E/N = Ex name.)
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♡- Let’s begin, you two met at highschool. Sooner and later, you two become a thing. Which you two were honestly such a power couple.
♡-  I mean everyone wanted a relationship like you two, even Wendy wanted Stan to act like his best friend. ANYWAYS, back to the main thing.
♡- Let’s just say when you introduce your new boyfriend to your friends, let’s say they were giggling and whispering to you about your boyfriend…
♡- “Really, y/n? I thought you were done with…” before your friend could finish the sentence. You were already pulling Kyle away from them. 
♡- He was already wondering what ‘you were done with’ her words not his. He kept asking you what they meant but you kept changing the topic.
♡-”Hey sweetheart, what was your friend about to say-”
♡- but before he finished “Look at the time! I have to go to math class, I don’t want to be late like last time!!” Then you were fast walking to your ‘math class’ even though you were just going to the bathroom.
♡- You were just shy about the topic and didn’t know what Kyle would say.
♡- Kyle would usually drop the topic after knowing you didn’t want to talk about it but he couldn’t get this out of his mind. So he did some digging (by digging just asking your friends)
♡- And oh boy..he didn’t think it was that..
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
Kyle didn’t know what you were hiding, I mean it couldn’t be that bad right? The red head boy just sighed as he closed his locker. The school day couldn’t be faster? I mean for him, the day went slower than a snail. Yes. A snail. But luckily he made it through lunch time, where he saw your friends looking at him and was giggling. Then there was his partner, in the middle. Blushing like crazy, soon they made eye contact. Then they quickly stood up and headed to the bathroom, he just knew there was something she was hiding. But he couldn’t quite pin what was the reason, they couldn’t tell him. So he walked where your friends were. They all saw him walking towards him. They all stopped talking and passed ‘shhh.’ ‘He's coming, act normal!!’ 
“Hey you…” one friend said to Kyle, so awkwardly. “Well me, Y/F and Y/F have to go… to the bathroom!” the friend said and got up with the other friends. Leaving the awkward friend with Kyle. Great. “Um ... I really need to go also! See you!” they said trying to leave before this gets anymore awkward. “Hey no wait-” Kyle said while grabbing their arm. “Look. I really need some answers and I think you might know the answer.” He said while trying to make them sit down, he really hoped that they might answer the question. “Okay fine! What is it?” they said their voice was growing louder than before. “What’s Y/n hiding?” “What do you mean?” “You know what I mean! The reason why you guys were giggling” He said clearly getting annoyed. He knew they were acting dumb. “Ohhh! That” they giggled. “I thought Y/N already told you” Starting to smirk at him, “Well if they did, I wouldn’t even have asked you!” he said, getting mad. “Okay, so you already know they dated other people right?” “um..yeah?” He said confused. “What’s E/X hair color?” “Red?” “yup! Now what's E/x hair color?” “Red?” ‘What are they getting on?’ he thought. “Now what's your hair color?” “It’s Red.” “your so dumb.” “huh? What do you mean, I don’t get it.” “dude. Y/N has a thing with red heads.”
︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵  ‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿
♡- So there he was in front of the bathroom, waiting for you to come out.
♡- He couldn’t help but get flustered. Something about that just made him blush just like his hair color.
♡- He used to hate his hair when he was younger, I mean Cartman made fun of him for it. Nobody even used to like it.
♡- Just you liking his hair color just made him blush like crazy. So you did kinda boost his ego. 
♡- When you finally came out and saw him. All you could do is stare at him, your friends already quickly told you what happened. You were going to kill F/N.
♡- “Hey Y/n, I finally found out what was brothering you!”
♡- he said while smirking just a little.
♡- “So your into read heads?” He said clearly knowing how much that made you blush like crazy. Just. Like. His. Hair color. He thought.
♡- “NO!” you almost yelled.
♡-  “So all of your friends are lying to me?” He said while lightly laughing.
♡-  You sighed, you couldn’t hide it anymore. “I mean.. yeah..I do have a thing for redheads…”
♡-  He couldn’t help but blush. Those words just made him melt.
♡-  You looked up and there was your boyfriend, blushing, eyes wide open, and lost for words. All of that ego was now gone.
♡-  Of course, you couldn’t help but giggle.
♡-  So you kissed him.
♡- “God..I love your red hair.”
♡-  Kyle was just standing still, with such a love struck smile.
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yenyen-o3o · 1 year
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⌑ . featuring ; nagi seishiro x gn! reader
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⌑﹒⌣﹒💙﹒synopsis ; just some wholesome bf headcanons for my pretty boy nagi<3
⌑﹒⌣﹒💙﹒cw ; pure fluff
⌑﹒⌣﹒💙﹒wc ; 1.403k
⌑﹒⌣﹒💙 . note ; this is some weird test thing I did at literally 3 am so it's definitely going to be trash- ok just checked the time now it's nearly 6 am and I'm still wasting my time writing something I'll probably never publish nor gonna show anyone :)
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first of all, the way he just casually confessed to you was so out of the blue that it took you a good minute to realize what he just said
nagi is blunt and you of course knew that but this really caught you off guard
you two were just enjoying lunch together or better said you were enjoying your lunch munching on some food and watching him play a game on his phone when he just randomly stopped to look at you with his usual deadpan expression while you gave him a questioning look and then it happened
you just kept looking at him and answered like it was a reflex and you just waited to finally say it
and when you realized what not only he but also you just said realization hit you hard
you literally looked at him with that 'wait- what' face and wanted to say something when nagi decided to ask this time if you two are official now and even though you were still a little confused on what just happened you, of course, said yes and accepted his blunt little confession
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"we should date"
"yeah we should"
"so we're officially dating now?"
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ok- so the beginning of your relationship is basically just like before when you two were friends except that he is a bit clingier now
he probably takes it a little slower because he doesn't want to rush anything and just wants you to be comfortable
the progress might be slow but it's there okay?
now you and him have been close friends for a while and stuff like hugs and cuddles are normal for both of you but the first time he took your hand he was a little skeptical at first because he doesn't want to cross your boundaries
so what he did was brushing his hand against yours a few times to see how you would react and when he noticed that you didn't seem to mind it at all he just softly grabbed it and held it
you were a little surprised and flustered but didn't mind it and just smiled at him
after that he would often hold your hand when you two are walking through the school or a park and would put his hand on top of yours when you two sit together
you also like to lean into him and slightly hug his arm while watching him play games on your phone or just when you're tired which he thinks is adorable
he also likes to lean on you when you two are sitting somewhere and he gets bored and or tired which can be a little challenging for you if you're much smaller than him since he just rests his whole body and weight onto you
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"I have nothing against you leaning onto me but could you please not do that with your whole weight?"
"you're practically crushing me"
"...m' don't wanna move"
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Hugs and cuddles are a common thing for you two and sometimes nagi doesn't even realize he's clinging onto you since he does it subconsciously
one thing he likes to do is hug you from behind especially when you are doing something just resting his head and watch whatever you do
but I think we can all agree nagi's hugs are 100/10 no one can convince me otherwise
but your cuddle sessions are even better
when you two are at school during the break you're just sitting between his legs and he'll rest his chin on top of your head and either rest, play a game, and or watches you play on his or your phone now when he watches you play something or rests he'll have his arms wrapped around your waist
meanwhile when you two are at his or your place cuddling will be even better
nagi is lazy and he loves doing nothing we all know that but he loves being lazy and do nothing with you even more! so it doesn't matter whether you two are laying on the couch or in the bed one of you two nagi will either have you laying between his legs and just wrap himself around you or lay on top of you sometimes he'll also cling to your side
even though nagi prefers to lay on top of you because that way you can't get away from him and he'll place your hand on top of his head so you can play with his hair while he cuddles with you
also as soon as you stop playing with his hair he'll look at you a little annoyed and would ask why you stopped and be a little whiny about it
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"sei...are you asleep?"
*takes hand away*
"why did you stop?"
*casually grabs your hand and puts it back onto his head*
"don't stop..."
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reo and you get along very well but sometimes you have to fight him to get your boyfriend back because reo keeps hogging him from you
sometimes that turns into a small war between the two of you where you keep snatching nagi from each other and come up with strategies to either defend him or get him back which can get a little chaotic but aside from that you two are still good friends and at least have something to laugh about in the end
now as lazy as nagi is he does care a lot about his friends and even more so about you so it really makes him happy to see that you and reo get along so well
and he thinks it's even funnier watching you too talk about football it doesn't even matter if you barely know anything or a lot about football or perhaps even play yourself when you and reo talk about football the two you come up with the weirdest ideas and strategies and of course, in the end, you'll always share those weird ideas with nagi
he once even tried one of the weird strategies you came up with with a little help from reo and actually scored a really good goal
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"reo! have you seen seishiro?"
"what? no I haven't seen him" (obviously lying)
"mm...okay if you say so" (clearly not believing him)
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nagi is not only lazy but also doesn't really express his emotions and pretty much always has the same boring deadpan expression so it definitely took him a while to open up to you about his feelings and compliment you or call you any pet names and you respect that wholeheartedly and he definitely loves you for that
he puts a lot of effort into your relationship and it's the small things he does for you that you love so much about him yes of course by now he compliments you and from time to time makes slight remarks about how important you are to him which you love and definitely appreciate but you just think it's so much sweeter of him when he does those small things for you
like helping you reach things that are too high up for you or buying you your favorite snacks and food
he shows you how much you mean to him with acts of service and quality time and all he asks for in return is attention
one thing you also appreciate a lot about him no matter how lazy he is for you he's willing to get up and do something productive even if its rare and he won't admit it he actually enjoys the productive things he does as long as it's with you like going grocery shopping or just very small walks in the evening
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"hey seishiro"
"I wanna go to the store...wanna come with me?"
"eh...how annoying"
"fine...but only this one time...and because it's you..."
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all in one nagi is just perfect boyfriend material<3
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moody4world · 2 years
Got my twin with me like the parent trap (pt.2)
A/N: yuuuh part 2 lets gooo, i hope you guys like it.
Part 1
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The twins started working on their plan first thing in the morning. Andre had to learn the ins and outs of Haydens life and Hayden had to learn the ins and outs of Andre’s life. At their breakfast table Andre pulls out a photo of a very fancy looking man. “This is grandfather.” he tells Hayden. “He looks adorable i’m not gonna lie. So what do you call him?” his excitement was uncontainable. “Just grandfather.” Andre shrugs as they both laugh a little at Hayden’s obvious question.
After teaching Hayden about all the people he needed to know on his mum’s side of the family, it was time to teach Andre everyone he needed to know on his father’s side of the family. To his surprise it was a lot more people and a lot of nicknames he has never heard before. “Wait..so his name is Nemo? Like the fish?” Hayden nods and answers “Yeah pretty much. Don’t ask me if that’s his real name though i have no idea.” They both shrug it off and continued their lessons.
The twins spend the whole day teaching each other every detail they can think of. This time, Hayden was teaching Andre their house rules which to be fair were not really any rules. “You seriously drew an entire platform of your house for this Hayden?” “I need to make sure you understand what i’m saying so pay attention.” “Alright alright i’m listening.” “Okay so as you can see this is the living room, that’s where we usually hang out when everyone else comes over. Unless we’re in the studio downstairs recording something with Jack.”
The twins spend the whole day teaching each other every detail they can think of. This time, Hayden was teaching Andre their house rules which to be fair were not really any rules. “You seriously drew an entire platform of your house for this Hayden?” “I need to make sure you understand what i’m saying so pay attention.” “Alright alright i’m listening.” “Okay so as you can see this is the living room, that’s where we usually hang out when everyone else comes over. Unless we’re in the studio downstairs recording something with Jack.”
Andre nods signaling that he understood and Hayden continues with his lecture. “This is the dining room but we don’t really eat there to be honest. So don’t worry too much about it.” The day continues with Andre trying his very best to teach Hayden the secret and special handshake he shares with Martin. Unfortunately it was going much slower than he was expecting.
“Hayden it’s left hand, fist bump and theeen right hand fist bump.” “I’m trying bro but this shit is complicated.” “It’s not that complicated i’ve been doing it since i was five years old.” “And i’ve been dapping the guys up since i was 3, why couldn’t you and Martin just stick to the usual?!” Andre rolls his eyes at how dramatic his brother was. “Anyways Hayden come on, from the top.”
And so they spend the next few weeks of camp making sure everything would go accordingly. However there was one small detail they still had to work on….well two small details. “Hayden you have to cut your hair….there’s no way my hair would have grown so much in the span of eight weeks.” “That’s fine i’ve been thinking about going shorter anyway, make my curls look a bit healthier ya know?” “Trust me..you need it.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked offendedly. “Oh don’t worry just sit down i’ll go grab the scissors.”
After multiple deep breathes and constant stalling from Hayden they finally were able to get his hair the same shoulder length as Andre’s. They were both amazed at how they looked even more identical now. “Wow your hair was pretty long.” “Yeah now it’s kind of the same length as dad’s hair…i kinda fuck with it.” “You might want to start cussing less if you’re going to pretend you’re me…especially around mum and grandfather.” “They don’t let you cuss?” “I’m allowed to say certain things like shit or hell but please don’t say fuck around them.“ Hayden puts his right hand over his heart and turns to his brother. “You have my word Andre, i’ll be the best little brit boy you can think of.” “Okay now you’re just mocking me- wait..”
“Wait for what?” “Look in the mirror.” The two identical boys both turn and look into the mirror. “Okay..now what?” Hayden asks, still confused. “Your ears are pierced and mine…aren’t.” Haydens eyes go wide as saucers. “ABSOLUTELY NOT ARE YOU INSANE?! I CAN’T PIERCE YOUR EARS” “But you have to! Otherwise we cut your hair for nothing.” Hayden was questioning his entire life by the time he was warming up the needle to pierce Andre’s ears.
Two loud screams and a sunrise later it was finally the day. Camp was officially over and everyone was getting ready to return home. And in the twins’ case, switch homes. Everyone was hugging their friends goodbye and some were even hugging their favorite counselors. “Okay this is it” Hayden says dressed up as his brother. A style he wasn’t used to, he missed his baggy pants with crazy prints and his favorite hat that was now on Andre’s head of curls. “So remember. You’re going to find out how mum and dad met.” Andre says. “And you’re gonna find out why they broke up.” Hayden adds.
A loud screech from the microphone can be heard through the air followed by a counselor announcing that they were officially here to pick up Andre (Hayden). “Okay, here’s your ticket and passport. Martin will pick you up at the airport tomorrow morning.” “And when do you leave?” Hayden asked. “Oh not for a couple of hours. Give mum a kiss for me.” Andre says a bit emotional. “And give dad a hug for me.” Hayden adds as they hug each other one last time before Hayden makes his way to the limo.
As the airplane flies over London city it starts to hit Hayden how real this all was. He was so excited to meet his mother yet so nervous. He took deep breathes and closed his eyes. “God i hope she likes me. Please like me. Please.” He whispers to himself. The airport is packed with people and Hayden of course has no idea which way to look. He stretches his neck a bit more while looking around to see if he can spot Martin.
“Andre!” He hears a man scream enthusiastically and of course it’s Martin. Hayden yells back in his best british accent “Martin!” “Glad to finally have you back home.” Martin says to him all smiles, to which Hayden replies “Glad to finally be back home, Martin.” “What did you do to your ears?” “Oh i pierced them…well a friend did. Looks cool doesn’t it?” “Very cool.” Martin says.
“Give me five, Andy.” As soon as Martin says those words Hayden knew that this was the moment of truth. Did he finally have the handshake down? Guess he was about to find out. He starts exactly how Andre taught him, the two fist bumps from the left fist and then the right. Once Hayden got the first step down he was much more confident and did the handshake successfully. Some of the people who walked passed them would stare in amusement but the majority didn’t even bat an eye.
On the drive home Hayden couldn’t help but keep his head outside of the window. He was so amazed by everything around him. Yes he had been to London before due to his uncle’s job but it was only for a day. Not even nearly enough time to explore or get to know the huge city. And as the car turns into a street full of fancy white houses, his nerves come right back.
His heartbeat picks up slightly as the car comes to a stop. They step out of the car and he walks through the fence, bracing himself for the moment of truth. He walks up the front doorsteps and once he opens the door, he’s met with an empty entrance and a long stairway. “Hello” he says softly while looking around but no answer.
He walks into the living room area and sees a giant decorated banner that says in giant letters “WELCOME HOME ANDRE!!” but still no one in sight. So he continues towards the office that he remembers Andre telling him about. At the desk there is a person holding up a giant newspaper in front of their face. Hayden doesn’t remember the last time he held a newspaper in his hands. He knew it could only be one person. “Grandfather?”
The newspaper comes down and it is indeed, his grandfather. The old man squints his eyes and says “Andre? is that my grandson? already so tall!” He says to the boy in a comforting manner. “Yes, it’s me. I’m home.” Haydens thoughts were nothing but positive. He already felt so at home in just a few seconds of talking to his grandfather for the very first time. “Welcome home boy!” He approaches Hayden with open arms and he gladly accepts the hug and of course reciprocates it.
“Did you have a good time son?” “I did.” Hayden says as he’s still holding on to his grandfather with his eyes shut. “What are you doing dear?” The old man asks questioningly. Hayden replies “Making a memory.” and grandfather doesn’t think much of it and waits for Hayden himself to pull away. Right as they break their warm hug, Hayden hears what can only be his mother’s voice, your voice, calling his name, well his brother’s name from upstairs. “Andy?” He walks with big steps towards the end of the staircase and at the top he sees you for the first time.
“Mother” He calls out to you as calm as he possibly could while on the inside his heart was beating extremely fast. Yours was too because you had missed your son immensely the past eight weeks. “You’re back!” You say excitingly. Hayden runs up the stairs as you quickly meet him halfway and the two of you engulf each other into a big ,warm, heart melting hug. You kiss his temple and sway him side to side. He may be almost seventeen and already taller than you due to his father’s genes but you will always hug him as if he was still your little newborn.
Hayden was so happy in this moment he could cry. But of course he couldn’t so he fought those tears back while he absorbed this moment. Once the two of you pull away he couldn’t help but stare at you in amazement. “I can’t believe it’s you.” He says happily and you repeat “I can’t believe it’s you and with pierced ears.” “A friend did it at camp..do you hate it?” He asks all worried. You were quick to reassure him that that was not the case. “No i absolutely love it.”
Hayden couldn’t hold back his tears any longer. “I’m sorry” he apologizes “It’s just that i’ve missed you so much.” It has been a while since you’ve seen your son this emotional and it tugged at your heartstrings so you pulled him in for another hug. “Aw i know, it feels like it’s been forever.” you say as you squeeze him a little bit. “You have no idea.” Is what he replied.
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The two of you sat on the window nook in your bedroom, catching up about everything he did over the summer. Well…not everything of course. Hayden was telling you about the day they went canoeing until your phone rang. Looking down at the number you could tell it was work. There was a big photoshoot for one of your designs today but you chose to let the photographer lead so you could spend time with your son.
“Hello? Yes how is the photoshoot going?” Hayden couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation which you seemed very engaged in. He decided to walk around your room to let you have your talk. On your big vintage dresser he could see multiple fancy bottles of perfume, jewelry and what appeared to be your sketchbook. Hayden decides to gently browse through the pages and he could not believe his eyes.
He had always enjoyed sketching and attempting to design his own clothes but he never actually made something of any of said sketches. He was about to turn another page when you paused your conversation and called his name. He jumped slightly not realizing how invested he got in your designs. “Yes?” “Would you mind going to the photoshoot with me? Seems like they need my help.” Hayden could not be happier at your request. “Of course not, let’s go.”
And so, you two were on your way to your wedding gown shop. Walking passed the showcase, Hayden suddenly comes to a stop causing you to pause as well. “Wow” He says amazed by the beautiful white dress. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” He nods his head immediately. “But do you know who would look even more beautiful in it?” He asked you. “Who?” You expected him to say some kind of celebrity but that was not the case. “You, mum.” He said confidently.
You laughed just a little at the unexpected answer. “Oh please Andre, come on.” You pulled him away gently into the store. Hayden had more questions but he guessed those would have to wait since you quickly got into work mode once the two of you walked in. Everything was going much faster and smoother now that you were there. And all Hayden could do was sit there with such a proud smile. He couldn’t believe that this amazing woman was his mom and he finally got to meet her.
After the photoshoot the two of you take a walk through central London. “So after designing all these wedding gowns have you ever thought about getting married again? Or at least think about the F-word?” “The F-word?” “My father” Hayden replied as if it was an obvious answer. “Well no actually because i didn’t even wear a wedding gown when i married the ‘F-word’ ” To say he was surprised was an understatement. “You didn’t ? Why not?” You stopped walking and turned to your son and asked him “Why the sudden curiosity about your dad huh?” And Hayden replied defensively “Well maybe because of the fact he’s never mentioned? And you cant blame a kid for wondering. Mother you can’t avoid the subject forever, at LEAST tell me what he was like?”
Giving in to his begging you decide to tell him. “Alright i’ll tell you. He was quite lovely, your father. We met through an old friend when i visited New York, there was a big dinner full of celebrities and their plus ones and we were seated next to each other. He’s an American you know?” “No kidding? So was it love at first sight?” You sighed at his non stop questions but not in an annoyed manner. “I knew you were gonna ask me all these questions one day.”
It began to rain as the two of you were leaving the central of London and although you had an umbrella, you’d much rather get a taxi. You called for one as quickly as you can and the two of you step in. Meanwhile you’re thinking “Where is this sudden curiosity coming from?” Hayden was thinking “Dear old Andy, i wonder what you’re doing at this very moment.”
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deeptrashwitch · 4 months
For the oc ask game that was very in depth
I am giving you a free ask to answer any of those questions for any of your ocs
Brain is not braining so this is a "get to rant" free card cause I can't pick 😊
Ohhhh ok ok :3 it's rant time! I'll do two for the ones I've wrote bios for so far.
18 (community and relationships). What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Ruffling their hair and shoulder pats. Since she isn't such a fan of hugs anymore, her way of showing affection is ruffling her friends or family's hair or giving them a pat on their shoulder. Mostly is a way of expressing pride on their achivements. And everyone always smile when she does.
1 (objects). Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
Yes. The karambit she has off duty.
She carries it because she knows what is being hopeless and helpless, and hates that feeling. That knife is for self-defense only, she'll use it if they're cornered or are suddenly attacked. When she leave her place or the base without it, she feels really uncomfortable and even naked. (Also it might or might not be because after Operation Firewall she became a bit paranoid of her suroundings, more than usual anyways)
14 (weather and nature). Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Even though he can wok on every weather possible, he personally loves cold weather. He's happy when they are on a location with cold and cloudy weather, obviously somewhere they don't need artic equipment.
Fun fact: Luke is like a human heater. So, once the Captain found him with Francis and Noah bared to him. It's an amazing anecdote. (She'll deny that she stays near him when it's cold too.)
4. Is there an activity your character used to enjoy that they now dislike?
Yep. He used to love playing soccer on the beach, but after what happened during his adolescence and all the thing with his scar...now he prefers to stay away from beach sports.
14 (objects). Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
He has seen this white seal plushie on a toy store, and he loves it. But he's embarrassed of even think of buying it, it's just that he is already too old for it and he wasn't even a child, so what for? (Funny enough, if he buys it, he wouldn't be the only one with plushies inside the base)
6 (food and drink). Would your character eat or drink something they didn't like to appease someone?
Haha. No.
Jackson can be anything but he'll never do something he doesn't like just because he needs to appease someone. On the contrary, if you try to make him do that, most likely he'll fight you.
17 (mind, body and soul). Is your character more energized in the morning, afternoon or at night?
To someone who isn't him...none of the above. In reality, he has more energy during afternoon, that's why he does everything related to the physical matter inside the plane during that time.
17 (hobbies and activities). Does your character prefer music or silence?
Silence. He prefers silence over everything, but has his moments where he blasts music on his earphones just to distract himself.
10 (mind, body and soul). Is your character a light, medium or heavy sleeper?
A medium sleeper, and to be honest? That makes him the heavy sleeper on the team, everyone else are light sleepers and wake up with everything. He...is a bit slower, but he always make it on time!
9 (appereance). What does your character smell like?
Lavender and roses. What Elijah and Elizabeth say is that usually he smells like a mix of lavender and roses, and it is true. That's his soap's smell!
10 (food and drink). What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
He loves what his mom calls her "special steak". It is a salmon steak with a secret sauce, that only that side of the family knows how to prepare, and with a salad bathed in cheese.
13 (weather and nature). What element best represents your character?
He can be as silent and delicate as a breeze or be as harmful and loud as a hurricane if he wants to. Also he can accomodate on every situation he encounters, he can adapt and help as is required.
5 (community and relationships). Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
Edward, no doubts. He would look for Edward since he's the one he considers as his closest friend and family, then he would be dragged to the medical bay to be treated. And yes, he definitely gets chewed up by Jackson for not going with him to help him with a wound.
14 (mind, soul and body). Is there something secret your character longs to hear?
Yes, he wants to hear that someone tell him that they want to adopt him, legally speaking. He gives a fuck if he's already an adult, if it would be a pain in the ass or whatever. He just wants to be sure someone wants and like him enough to make him part of their family.
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queenofbaws · 9 months
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ahhhhHHHHHH it's been a hot minute since i've stopped and done one of these, but i figured now's the time, huh??? a quick little update here on my end: i'm hoping to be finishing of mummy men & bathtub soup, my conrad manofmedan-centric ghost hunting fic, in the coming weeks, so everything else is likely to be running a little slower for the immediate future. it's one of a handful of wips i'm REALLY trying to wrap up before the guilt eats me alive, telltale heart style, M O S T L Y because i have so much stuff planned for the creepiverse that i'm just...bursting at the seams to get some sort of momentum going there, haha!!!
my weekends have also been a bit more chaotic than usual lately, between health crap and family crap, so once more, if you've sent me a flash fiction prompt recently that i haven't gotten to, i promise you'll see it filled one of these days 😭 just waiting for things to calm down a bit.
BUT HEY with all that in mind, i'm throwing a chunkier sneak-peek of like wringing blood from a stone here under the cut! never fear: i'm way too deep into hackett hyperfixation to NOT be working on it in the background, but until conrad's story comes to a close, hackett house will just be a littttttttle quieter than usual ;P
(as always, i hope you're all doing well out there, that you're being as nice to yourselves as you possibly can, and that YOUR creative endeavors are going well <3 you got this!!!)
He knew better to bring those questions to Constance; in his heart he suspected she would’ve known plenty and more about this bizarre side of things, but in nearly sixty years of marriage, all she’d ever willingly shared of her life before him was that the mother and grandmother who’d raised her up had been ‘ugly, witchety women,’ and not much else. Not ‘witchy,’ mind, not ‘wicked,’ not ‘wretched,’ but ‘witchety.’ That was as far as she’d be pressed on the subject, and he’d been raised to let sleeping dogs lie, so that was as far as he’d tried to press.
Jack, though. Jack you couldn’t get to shut up.
And he was more than a little witchety, himself. He hadn’t been able to make heads or tails of that word until the first time the Fiddlers had shown up on his doorstep—then it’d made perfect sense. Witchety. Yeah.
“I’m gonna ask you something.” Jed didn’t wait for him to react, instead sitting back in his own chair and rubbing tiredly at his stubble. “Figure I might as well, seein’ as how you’ve got an opinion on every other thing under the goddamn sun. You level with me now…this curse shit, it real?”
“Oh, it’s real. Real as the shirt on your back, I promise you that.”
He frowned. Not only was it the answer he’d least wanted to hear, but Jack hadn’t even paused to mull it over. That told him a great many things at once; very few of them good.
“Tell you something else, though,” Jack soldiered on. “Since you went and opened the door and all.” Then he did pause, looking down at the whiskey in his glass as he swirled it. After another couple seconds, he took a belt of it and set the glass back down. “People think of curses like a cold. Someone gives it to you, or it’s…I dunno, catching.” He shook his head. “But that ain’t right.”
He narrowed his eyes, trying to make sense of it in his own head. “No?”
Jack shook his head again. “No. Curses are something you bring on yourself. If you’re cursed, well…that ain’t anybody’s fault but your own.”
Much as it pained him to do so, Jed held his gaze, dead eye and all. He wanted to see if he might backpedal, apologize for the slight when he realized what he’d said…but the only thing Jack did was take another drink of his whiskey.
“That don’t sit well with me.”
“Doesn’t have to. It’s the truth, Jed, and you know what they say about the truth. It shall set you free.”
“You understand you’re sittin’ in my house, telling me to my face that it’s—”
“Your own damn fault you’re up Shit Creek,” he finished for him. “Unfortunately, I am.”
“Now, you listen. Those kids were—”
Jack held both his hands up, rolling his eyes towards the ceiling. “Helpin’ that boy. Uh huh. Yeah. I know. Six years I’ve been hearin’ about how helpful the pack is. Six fuckin’ years. And know what? That’s great. Real swell. And if I were a different man, maybe this is where I’d pat you on the shoulder and say somethin’ conciliatory. ‘No good deed goes unpunished,’ maybe. ‘There but for the grace of God go we.’ Only I’m not, and so you’re stuck what I’ve got to say. Which, if you hadn’t noticed, rarely runs on the side of consolation.” He took another breath, Jack, then sat forward with his arms on the table such that he could lean in. “They meant to help that boy, Jed. What they actually did was kill his whole family right in front of him.”
“Family,” he scoffed, leaning further back to show him what he thought of that one. “What family would that be? A truckful of carnies roaming town to town…that ain’t a fuckin’ family.”
Jack didn’t drop his gaze. “No? It ain’t? Huh. See—to me at least—sounds an awful lot like what you married yourself into.” He gave his glass another swirl. “An awful lot.”
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thenicanbeaphantomx · 2 years
my review of Midnights that nobody wanted but everyone’s getting
Lavender Haze: sets the stage for the different vibe of the album but also has “I Think He Knows” vibes. was tapping foot entire time
Maroon: beat slows down, but is still very pop-y. the sounds in the chorus gave me chills. almost haunting?? it doesn’t have one particular vibe idk
Anti-Hero: most vulnerable song I’ve ever heard from her while still remaining upbeat sounding. The Archer feeling to it. again with that different vibe. the line “sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby” threw me though I didn’t like that line lol idk I feel like I missed it. “did you hear my covert narcissism disguised as altruism like some kind of congressman” tho ok go off sis
Snow On The Beach: pretty sound. wished we could’ve heard more from Lana Del Rey other than background though. lyrics are super gorgeous. didn’t have a huge opinion on this one. probably my least favorite oddly enough
You’re On Your Own Kid: hurt my feelings tbh LOL obv it’s track 5 but like. it was too relatable. lots of vulnerability while still sounding upbeat like the others. has a lot of healing in it by the end of the song. the music in the bridge sounds so good I’ll fight anyone who says otherwise my God
Midnight Rain: might be my favorite song on the album. top 3 at least. what an absolute BANGER. the lyrics = fire. the sound = bathe me in it. the mood = exceptional “he was sunshine I was midnight” shut the fuck up that’s so good
Question…?: really needed a slower sad track and this gave it to me. sounds like insecurity in song form. she says the word “dickhead” and that gave me life
Vigilante Shit: reputation vibes. THANK GOD. tied with Midnight Rain for favorite song in the album. “draw the cat eyes sharp enough to kill a man” Taylor if you wanted me to die for you, you could’ve just asked. you didn’t have to do this, but the answer is yes. cocaine/drug reference too like wow ok we are GOING IN
Bejeweled: threw me off cause I was ready to fight with the last song and now we’re back to bopping but okay. reminded me of dreaming and you wake up and go back to sleep and the dream is different DOES THAT MAKE SENSE whatever ok yes very empowering and fun. want to be twirled to this song while dancing.
Labyrinth: this song is going to not get the credit it deserves, I can already tell. THIS SONG IS FOR THE ANXIOUS AND WERE GRATEFUL. high note is gonna be a bitch to sing along to but I’ll give it my best. “I’ll be getting over you my whole life” was way too profound. scared of elevators ? same. this song TRULY sounds like what an anxiety spike feels like ?? its?? so good??? made it to the top 3 battling for the top spot because OOF ITS SO GOOD
Karma: this grew on me ok I wasn’t into it initially but then I couldn’t help it I was jamming. “cause karma is my boyfriend” PREACH. the shade in it, the cat reference. it’s a solid song. I couldn’t hate it if I tried.
Sweet Nothing: slowed way down to start wrapping the album up. also didn’t win me over initially, but then the lyrics ruined my heart of ice. this song is what true love is. reminds me of a Sunday morning in New Orleans and I can’t describe it any other way
Mastermind: I don’t even have alot to say at this point. it’s so good. this song tied the album up beautifully. I absolutely LOVE the lyrics.
this album is good. I was terrified it was going to suck. I do this every-time because I didn’t like Lover that much, but this gave me everything in a pop album that Lover didn’t and wow. blessed. thanks Taylor we don’t deserve you. I usually don’t call a whole album a no skip album, but this one make take the crown (other than my beloved Reputation, OBVIOUSLY) the lyrics, the sound, were all a 10 from me.
Midnight Rain, Vigilante Shit & Labyrinth live rent free in my head now. thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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kazuwhora · 3 years
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ft. mikey, draken, chifuyu, mitsuya, kazutora, && baji
cw: implied mental health struggles and angst, but also fluffy, not proofread, depression, anxiety, mental illness
summary: sometimes life just sucks. this is how the tokyo revengers boys will help you deal with your gloomy days <3
an: im just out here trying to distract myself from the reality of chapter 222 :(
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- mikey has a hard time reading your emotions and will often find himself stuck on words, feeling slightly guilty that he may have been too insensitive or too oblivious to your shift in mood and behaviour.
- lets be honest, he's not all that emotionally mature. emotions, especially struggles with emotions, are not his strong suit, but seeing you suffering to just get through the day throws him off much more than he ever expected it to.
- for someone that puts on a persona based around being aloof, for you mikey finds himself highly susceptible to your shifting stability, especially considering he's the one to typically lean on you for support.
- but he'll try his best, he really will. not knowing what else to do (considering words is out of the question), mikey is the type to just try and make you comfortable. he'll go out of his way to make you tea when you wake up, he'll fold the laundry for you (albeit horribly, and you'll have to redo it later anyways), and he'll try his best to keep your shared space as tidy and stable as possible. you might even feel like he's walking on eggshells at times.
- mikey will notice you struggling to do much beyond move from the bed to the couch, and this is when he feels the most useful. once it starts getting more downhill, he'll feel this weird sense of responsibility that he's never really felt before to get you out and distracted.
- distraction. that must be his thing. he'll think, tossing his helmet in your lap where you nested on the couch. "I wanna go for a ride" mikey will whine, in the slightest tone of annoyance and demand. he wont take no for an answer, even when you huff and tell him you don't really feel like going out on his bike. "But babe :(" cue the pouty face, arms crossed at his chest and he might even do a little stomp for dramatic effect. how could you deny that?
- he'll take you down along the water at sunset, he'll try to tap into his childlike ways and make you stop at food trucks lining the streets and beg you to get a snack with him, he'll do all of this in an odd attempt at trying to bring out your nurturing side, desperately trying to re-ignite your usually sweet self. it might just work if he tries hard enough.
- unlike mikey, draken is actually pretty good at knowing how to handle and take care of you when you're feeling down. he wont ever say it, but he notices the way your steps get slower, plans begin to thin out, and your eyes get tired when the rainy season begins. day in and day out of darkness, clouded by a thick fog and heavy rain that weighs on your shoulders more than it should.
- draken hates seeing you like this. he can't explain it but it makes him mad?? he's irritated that something so measly as the weather can shift your mood so drastically, but he's able to put that aside to deal with the real issue at hand: how to help.
- he's a man of service and dedication, so he'll start with putting your favourite blanket of his in the dryer to warm it up, bringing it to where you're sitting and wrapping it around you like a giant warm hug. he'll leave his arms there, draped around your shoulders, chin resting in the crook of your neck. he doesn't even have to say anything. the presence of his embrace is enough, protective, loving, and warm.
- when he notices this only works for a moment, he'll find himself slightly frustrated. but it wont stop him. he's stubborn, and determined to somehow make your days a little brighter. "d'you wanna come to work with me?" he'll ask, not really sure how that helps but it's the only thing he could think of. "you could be my assistant? I could use someone pretty like you to help me out for the day"
- you'll notice he's much more talkative when you're like this. not that he isn't talkative normally, but he's clearly trying a lot harder. he would never just ask you to hang out with him at work, it's uncharacteristic of him. yet here he is, stretched out on the couch with your legs on top of his, asking you to join him at work. the effort he's putting in is almost enough for you to break.
- "I'm good" you'll reply, and he'll finally let out an audible groan. "please let me help you-- I just want you to feel better" to which you'll let out a soft chuckle, one that brings the slightest of twinkles to his eyes because NOW he's done something. and that's enough for him to keep trying.
- sweet chifuyu is no stranger to your struggles. he prides himself on being an empath after all, and is anything but disrupted by the struggles you're going through, and honestly he's the best person to turn to in these times of need.
- its my personal belief that chifuyu is an excellent piano player. he'll get you all cuddled up in his clothes, make you a cup of tea, and just let you listen to him play. his favourite is chopin's nocturne, so expect to hear it quite frequently. he might even take requests if you ask nicely.
- don't worry about chores when chifuyu is there to take care of you. he's already taken care of it. the dishes, the laundry, anything that might add another stress to your shoulders has already been dealt with by him. as much as he hates seeing you this way, he loves seeing the anxiety drain from your face when he tells you not to worry because he's taken care of it all.
- you two definitely have a cat, and he definitely encourages lots of cuddles. he'll bring it from whatever room it was sleeping in, and place it in your lap where your soft strokes will elicit the gentle hum of a purr, coaxing your mind and topped off by the soothing pressure of chifuyu's lips resting on the top of your head.
- chifuyu will also be the type to run you a bath, every single night. he'll make sure it's the perfect temperature, he'll light candles, he'll bring you a glass of wine, and drop the sweetest of bath bombs in the water and leave you be. that is unless of course you request him to stay with you. in which case he's happy to both join you in the water, or sit by your side. after a couple episodes of this depression he's invested in a mini projector for his phone where he'll broadcast your favourite comfort shows on the wall while you rest in the warmth of the water.
- he really just loves you so much and makes it his entire life goal to get you through these times.
- kazutora is like a less emotionally aware version of chifuyu in these situations. he wants so desperately to help, but he's never really been aware of the emotions you're faced with because his coping mechanisms have always been violent and toxic to those around him. but in a way, experiencing your lows alongside you has taught him a lot about his own emotions, and how to empathize with others in their struggles.
- he'll try exponentially hard to make you happy. at first it will be too much- far too overwhelming for you to process. it can only be described as something along the lines of love bombing. he's not energetic, per se, but he's just intense. desperate to renew the dwindling light inside of you because if that goes out, what does he have left? in a way, a lot of his emotional stability comes from you, so when you're down he's left lost and starving for a solution.
- he learns with time though, just how to make you feel better, and he feels like kicking himself for not realizing how simple it was sooner. all you need, is his love and care. it's a hard thought for him to process, because kazutora has a hard time believing that he could ever be truly loved, or love someone else the way they want to be loved. but he can see it in the way you soften beneath his touch when he cozies up beside you on the couch, nestling his head into your neck and moving your arms to reach around his torso in a one-sided hug. you'll smile down softly at him, almost pitying him for being so touch starved. who was the depressed one again? oh right. not him.
- he has to remind himself of this often, and when he did he would perk up, eyes bright, suggestions picking at his brain. "do you wanna watch a movie? you can pick! I promise I wont complain!" even though secretly he might to himself, especially if you pick something he isn't particularly interested in. but just the pure nature of his attempts to lift your mood is enough to make you giggle, knowing just what will happen if you don't pick something you both like.
- you'll settle on howls moving castle, one of his favourites and yours too. the relief in his face at the decision of what to watch will again, elicit a giggle to fall from your lips. in turn, kazutoras eyes will once again light up in satisfaction, eyebrow raised as he'll cock his head to stare at you in surprise. "am I making you laugh?" he'll tease, already knowing the answer and you'll respond with a gentle shove. he'll secretly pat himself on the back for this accomplishment, excited at the progress he's made thus far.
- "I love you baby" he'll coo. "love you too kaz", said with an eye roll and the hint of a smile. "say I love you! not love you! don't you love me??" you just might have a soft spot for a pouting kazu, and he just might know it too.
- at first baji is defensive and a little intense about the dramatic shift he's noticed in your demeanour. usually you can match his energy quite well, but now, something feels off and the only explanation he has for it is either he did something to you, or someone else did. baji did not like either of those options.
- it takes many conversations to convince baji that nothing in particular is wrong, things are just hard. he doesn't get it, so he'll go to chifuyu for advice who will smack him upside the head and tell him he's dumb and that he just needs to be there for you.
- of course, that answer isn't good enough for baji. instead, he'll make it his own personal goal to get you out of this funk one way or another, and it will become somewhat of a competition with himself in his head. no way will he lose. nope.
- it can be overwhelming, and he'll constantly report both his accomplishments and his losses to chifuyu, who can do nothing but shake his head at baji. he'll offer his advice, but it will fall on deaf ears. baji is going to do this the way baji wants to.
- you might need to be serious with him a couple times, especially when he's trying to push you out of the house to do things he wants you to do in a desperate attempt to help. but as much as it exhausts you, you know he just wants to help so you really can't blame him. eventually he'll start to understand when he notices certain activities burn you out a little more than others, and he'll keep mental notes (which end up being texted to chifuyu as a record of success) when he accomplishes anything that resembles you acting like your normal self.
- baji isn't a cook. but he's happy to order your favourite food every night and share it with you. its a win for you, and a win for him. he'll eagerness to please you in this state makes you chuckle, but don't let baji see it because he'll jot it down to send to chifuyu as proof that his plan is working.
- honestly baji is just going to be the one to distract you from everything with excitement. lots of tackle hugs, lots of pinning you down with kisses, lots of late night walks in the park, pinkies intertwined and swinging through the cool seabreeze air. once you're beginning to return to some sense of normalcy, baji will do anything to prevent it from ever happening again, even if he knows it's out of his control.
- "I'll do anything for you babe. you know that right? I love you so much I hate it!"
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ghstandpucks · 3 years
Teacher Appreciation Part 3 ~ Nathan MacKinnon (4+1)
Here it is! Part 3 (and last) of Teacher Appreciation! I'm so thankful for all the comments and love, thank you to everyone who has read it! Let me know what you think of this part! Shout out to @cozynightscandle for asking about a part 3 and providing some inspo, as well as @avsfans95 for always letting me bounce ideas off of her!
Also, sixth grade is still considered elementary in my district, so I kept it that way for purposes of the story!
Summary: The four times Nate surprised your class, and the one time your class and Nate surprised you.
Warning: mentions of the pandemic (not the main focus, just touching on how teaching was during that time as I spent the beginning of my teaching career pretty much online)
Word Count: 4,634
Master List
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Your first year of teaching sixth grade was actually more successful than you would have thought. It was a different type of bond you were able to build with your students. Instead of having to tie shoes and clean boo-boos, you became someone that your students would come talk to if they were too stressed. They told you their dreams and aspirations; all the while still relying on you to calm their fears when math became overwhelming. Long story short, you absolutely loved it. Yes, some were taller than you, and on more than one occasion Nate would lose you among your kiddos when he would come to help in your classroom. Still, you built connections that you didn’t think were possible after always working with the younger kids. Nate loved seeing how excited you were, and loved when you would come home and tell him all about what your kids did that day.
And yes, home was now with Nate. During a bad snow one evening, you were panicking about having to get back home so you could change just in case school wasn’t cancelled for the next day. Nate, off-handedly, suggested that it would be easier for you to just move in, since you were over all the time anyways; his office half taken over with craft supplies already. You agreed with a sarcastic laugh, thinking he was joking, but woke up to him clearing out space in his closet. During winter break, you officially moved in. Now it was your second year in sixth grade, and a handful of your kiddos from third grade when you first met Nate were back in your class. And if you thought third graders were intrusive, they just got worse, especially when they already knew you.
“Miss Y/L/N, could you not give us homework tonight? I have practice,” Steven asked right after the morning bell rang and you were checking over last nights homework.
“Steven, I already don’t give you much homework and you have time to usually start it in class. Use your time wisely kiddo,” you said, stamping his paper as he groaned.
“But Miss Y/L/N…”
“But nothing, do your work,” you responded, making a face at him that caused the young boy to huff out a laugh. You had only been in school for a month now, but have been having a great time with your kids. Today, the Avs would be on campus talking with the fifth graders as they do every year about the presidential fitness test. Last week when your students caught word that the hockey team would be there, half of them pleaded with you to get the team into your classroom. Little did they know that you had a different surprise planned for them. During recess, Nate ran into your classroom as you gathered your PE supplies. “Do they know yet?” he asked, giving you a quick kiss and taking the kickball from your hands.
“Not a clue,” you giggled as he retreated to his teammates and you went to get your kids from line. Leading your students into the gym as you had PE after recess, they all started to shout and jump around when they saw who was joining them. You waved as Nate came into view, accompanied by the entire Avs’ line up.
“Hi Teacher Dad!” Alexa squealed over the commotion, and you swore your face was beat red. She hadn’t used that term yet this year and to be frank, you had forgotten about it.
“Alexa,” you started as the guys laughed.
“Hi Alexa,” Nate called out, smiling at you with a look that told you not to get upset. Looking back at the girl, she sent you a sweet smile and you just shook your head with a laugh.
“You know better,” you said and she giggled. “Alright, ladies and gentleman gather around please! Today we will be continuing our game of….”
“Kickball basketball!” your kids yelled, running off to their teams and taking their positions. “Wait wait wait. Before we get started, would someone kindly explain the rules of kickball basketball to our newcomers,” you gestured towards the Avs who looked completely confused at your fusion of the two ballgames.
“So one team pitches the ball like in kickball and the other team has to kick it. Then they skip around the perimeter of the basketball court and have to make it back home before the other team can get the ball and shoot it through the hoop,” Justin explained.
“There are also no bases so you can’t stop. You aren’t safe anywhere unless you make it back home,” Kalel added.
“This is really a game now?” Andre asked you and you nodded.
“And it is our favorite. So I have my kids playing odds vs evens based on their class numbers. I think you all can split up that way too,” you said, gesturing for the guys to join their respective teams. Nate watched as you settled the argument about who the pitcher would be between three of your boys, not handing the ball over till they figured it out diplomatically.
“She wasn’t joking when she said her students were taller than her, was she?” Andre laughed from beside Nate as he chuckled along. You stood on the sideline, cheering and calling out foul balls for the duration of the game. The Avs took it easy with your kids, just laughing and having fun. Your kids were ecstatic, being able to call some of the guys their teammates; getting high fives and being cheered on by the pro athletes. You PE time was about to end within another five minutes as the teams switched sides after the evens got three outs on the odds. You saw Isaac hand Nate the ball to make him pitcher, smiling as Nate gently rolled the ball to Kiely. After she kicked it and almost made it around, Steven was up.
“Miss Y/L/N, will you kick?” he called out to you, and your class started to cheer. It was no secret that you played PE games with your kids from time to time. A chant of your name was started as you laughed and put your keys and walkie talkie off to the side.
“Teacher Mom vs Teacher Dad, yaaaasss,” Alexa cheered and you shook your head.
“Alexa,” you called and she smiled sheepishly.
“Sorry!” Nate laughed and turned his attention back to you. He rolled the ball slower than you knew he could, but that didn’t stop you from kicking it with all your might. Your kids (and the Avs) on your side were cheering loudly as you skipped around the perimeter laughing, coming back to home a second before Tyson got the ball in the net.
“Evens win!” you called out, then made your two teams shake hands with each other and collect the equipment as it was time to head back to class. As your class was saying goodbye to the Avs, Nate walked over and bumped his arm into you.
“You know I went easy on you right?” he asked, ever the competitor. You laughed and smiled sweetly at him.
“You know you shouldn’t have, right?” you shot back, laughing as he rolled his eyes. “I’ll see you back home. Love you,” you whispered.
“Love you,” he whispered back. You gathered your class and ushered them out of the gym and back to your classroom. The rest of the day went well as your class was floating on cloud nine from their interaction with the Avs.
One Thursday afternoon before Winter break, you came home with several bags of potatoes in hand. Opening your apartment door, you walked in on Mikko and Andre watching a basketball game with Nate; your boyfriend automatically getting up and taking a few bags from you. “What’s with all the potatoes?” Mikko asked.
“We’re mummifying them tomorrow in class,” you answered casually, walking off into the kitchen as Nate sat back down on the couch while Mikko and Andre looked entirely confused.
“Did what she just said not phase you at all?” Andre asked Nate and the center shrugged.
“I’ve been hearing about this project for like 3 months now,” he said casually. You walked back into the room and sat on the edge of the couch near Nate.
“Mummifying potatoes?” Mikko asked, looking slightly horrified.
“Yeah, we’re learning about ancient Egypt. We’re going to wrap the potatoes in foil and decorate them with plastic jewels like they were death masks,” you explained in an excited tone.
“How?” Andre asked, now completely more interested in what you were talking about than the game.
“I’m going to cut large slices of potatoes so ever student gets a handful. Then we’re going to pour baking soda and salt on them to dry it out like the Ancient Egyptians would dry a body. Then we are going to wrap it in tin foil like a sarcophagus and decorate. When we get back from winter break, we’ll ‘excavate’ them by unwrapping the potatoes and see how we did with drying it out, documenting changes and what we see like archaeologists,” you explained. Nate smiled up at you as Mikko and Andre tried to figure out if the project seemed cool or crazy. They settled on cool.
“Can we help?” Mikko asked and you laughed.
“Nate’s coming in tomorrow to help. The two of you can come with him if you want,” you said and the guys nodded.
The following day, Alexa answered the door when there was a knock as you were starting to explain to your class what they were going to do with their potatoes. “Teacher Dad! You’re here!” She said quietly as to not get in trouble by you. Nate chuckled, nodding as Mikko and Andre planned on chirping him later for how comfortable your class was with him if they were calling him teacher dad like it was no big deal. It was one thing when they were younger, but took on a different comfort level as they were older.
The guys helped you pass out the materials and made their own sarcophagi as you circled the classroom making sure your students were staying on task and not just goofy around. A few of your sports obsessed boys clung to the hockey players and copied their every move, decorating their sarcophagi to look similar. You laughed, passing by Nate’s and adding an extra jewel because you wanted to make it more sparkly. He narrowed his eyes at you, but let you keep adding jewels until you were content and circled the class again to see how your kids were coming along. Mikko and Andre snickered; only you would be allowed to touch anything of Nate’s and not have him explode on you.
“Mr. MacKinnon?” two of your girls came up to Nate with little giggles. He looked at them confused, but answered.
“You and Miss Y/L/N are dating right? Like you’re here all the time. Ever since third grade,” Audrey asked in a hushed tone while Cierra continued to giggle. Nate flushed, not sure how to answer them.
“You must really like her. Like, marry her like her,” Cierra added as Nate cleared his throat and his teammates started to laugh. Before Nate could formulate a sentence though, you were calling for your class’s attention, letting them know it was time to put their ‘sarcophagi’ on the back counter and clean up for the day. As you circled the room again, you noticed Nate looking a bit red with the two forwards trying to hold in their laughter.
“You okay?” you asked him quietly.
“Fine,” he shot you a smile, and though you were skeptical, you returned to your class.
“Yeah Teacher Dad Mackinnon. When are you going to make her Teacher Mom MacKinnon?” Andre chirped quietly, muttering a sorry when you shot him a look having heard his voice, but not what he said. Truth be told, Nate had already thought about it and had plans for an off-season proposal.
Campus was quiet on a Thursday after school. You had made copies and stapled a few packets together, graded math tests, and prepared a social studies test for Friday. One task led to another and you kept walking around your room hanging up new student work. Sitting down, you started working on going through your students work from the week to check for understanding and participation. As you were stamping and writing comments, you heard your door being unlocked. Figuring it was the custodian, you kept on plugging away. “Hi Ms. Kay,” you said cheerfully, before looking up and jumping in shock. “What are you doing here?” Nate looked at you incredulously.
“Why are you still here? Y/N I thought something happened to you,” he walked over to you and pulled you up and into a hug. Was he worried about you?
“No, I was just getting some things done. How did you get in?” you asked as he let go of you.
“Ms. Kay gave me your room key when I ran into her in the parking lot. Why the hell are you still here? I tried to call you like ten times,” Nate said, obviously worried, but you still weren’t sure why.
“I have bad reception in my room, I’m sorry babe,” you said, grabbing his hand. “Why are you so worried. Is everything okay?”
“You don’t know what time it is, do you?” Nate asked you, laughing humorlessly.
“It’s only like 4:30,” you said, looking at him confused.
“Hun, no,” he said, showing you his watch. “It’s 7:30.”
“Oh my gosh Nate. I am so sorry! One thing led to another and I wasn’t paying attention and…” you rambled.
“Hey it’s okay,” Nate tilted your chin up with his forefinger. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, realizing you had worried him. Nate smiled softly at you, giving you a quick kiss before grabbing your backpack and keys.
“Let’s go home,” he tugged on your hand but looked back when you didn’t budge.
“Nate I have so much to do. I don’t know how I got behind this week but I need to get all their work together and sent home in their Friday folders,” you rushed out, starting to feel overwhelmed that you didn’t have all the time you thought you had.
“Then they can get them on Monday. You need to come home and get some rest,” Nate tried to reason patiently with you.
“Nate, they’re called Friday folders for a reason,” you said.
“And I’m sure if they get them late one week no one will riot,” he responded.
“You don’t know that.”
“I know your class adores you as their teacher. Now let’s go home and you can finish them tomorrow if you’re going to stress over it,” Nate started to pull you along.
“Leave it.”
The next day you were running on pure caffeine and more thankful than usual that it was Friday. The unfortunate part, your schedule had no room for you to work on your Friday folders. Figuring you would skip lunch to get it done, you went about your day as usual. You were helping Noah with dividing fractions when there was a knock at your door. As you continued to help your student, Justin got up and answered. “Mr. MacKinnon!” he yelled and your head shot up.
“Justin, that is not an appropriate classroom tone,” you said as your class was all trying to get a better look at Nate. “Get back to work you guys. I’ll be right back Noah. Try number 12 by yourself,” you suggested, getting up and walking over to Nate. “Everything okay?”
“What do you want me to file?” he asked.
“What?” you asked, confused by his question.
“You were stressed yesterday about your Friday folders and they still look empty,” Nate gestured toward your hanging files on the wall with all the student’s folders in them. “I figured I would stop by to see if you needed help.”
“Are you my room mom for the day?” you laughed quietly and Nate nodded. Checking the time, you shook your head.
“You just got out of practice. I appreciate the help, but I’m sure your tired. Go home and rest,” you said, feeling guilty that you had worried him yesterday.
“I’m good. Where should I start?” he smiled.
“Please let him stay Miss Y/L/N. I love making my brother mad that Nathan MacKinnon spends time in our class instead of his,” Isaac said from behind you. Turning around, you laughed looking up at the tall sixth grader.
“Why are you up?” you asked.
“Oh! I need help on number 15,” he showed you his messy paper.
“We’ll go over everything right now. But did you flip the second fraction and then simplify?”
“Ohhh, I would start there,” you smiled.
“Yes ma’am,” Isaac saluted you and went back to his desk. You laughed softly, shaking your head and turning back to Nate. “If you’re sure you want to stay, their work is all ready to be filed and it’s sitting on my desk. Thank you.” You smiled at Nate with a sigh of relief. He squeezed your arm reassuringly for a moment, then walked over to your desk to grab the stack he needed. “Alright my crazies, let’s go over our keep, change, flip.”
This wasn’t actually happening, was it? There’s no way this is real. These thoughts swirled in your head on a Friday in March. The school was closing for an extended spring break due to an outbreak. COVID-19 was closing your school. Nate’s season was just postponed, and now school. You went home in tears that day, not knowing what was going to happen next.
Over the next two weeks, you prepared Google Classrooms and work to do digitally as your school year was called. A month in a half online, then summer. Nate was getting agitated, not knowing what to expect with hockey and also worried for the both of you in the city. “I’m getting us a flight to Coal Harbor before they close the borders,” he mentioned one night during dinner.
“Nate, I can’t leave. What if I need to get back into my class? What if my kids need me?” you asked, your anxiety heightening.
“Then I’ll find a way to get you back here as quickly as possible. I just think we would be safer at home with more space, not an apartment in the middle of Denver,” he explained.
“I don’t have anything to teach there. At least here I have a white board, I can’t take that on a plane,” you rambled. Nate reached across the table and grabbed your hand.
“I already ordered you one for there. It’s being delivered tomorrow. You can turn one of the spare rooms into your classroom, or you can take my office and I can do things somewhere else. I just want to go back home, and I’m not comfortable leaving you here,” he said, wiping a tear off your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You weren’t sure if you were stress crying or worried crying at this point. He did have a point though, and you were online for the remainder of the school year. You nodded.
~ ~ ~
Three weeks later you were laughing at a story one of your kids was telling you over Google Meet. You had to give it to your class, they were very resilient and working hard to finish the year off. Deciding that you wanted to do something fun for PE, you roped Nate into a low-key training session. You told your kids to come to class that morning in their favorite sports gear and be ready to move. Opening your meet, you appeared in your MacKinnon jersey. “Of course you have a MacKinnon jersey Miss Y/L/N,” Cierra said laughing. You looked at her shocked.
“Who else should I have?” you laughed with her.
“Crosby,” Kiely unmuted herself quickly.
“I heard that Kiely!” Nate yelled from somewhere in the hallway. Your kids started laughing and you smiled at them, thankful to have them all healthy and safe in front of you, even if it was through a screen.
“Okie dokie kiddies. I have something fun planned for us today. Are you all ready to meet our special guests?”
“We know Mr. MacKinnon is there Miss Y/L/N,” Steven unmuted himself and laughed.
“I said guests as in plural Steven. But if you don’t want to meet him, I guess I can just send him back home,” you shrugged, starting to turn around in your chair.
“No no no! Steven stop talking. Miss Y/L/N, who is it?” Noah called, practically bouncing out of his seat.
“Hey, be nice Noah. Alright ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. I would like you to meet your PE coaches for the day. Mr. MacKinnon you already know, but say hi!” your kids all unmuted themselves to say hello to Nate as he walked into the room. “Okay now, drumroll please! Your other PE coach, Mr. Crosby!” The screams of your kids had you pressing ‘mute all’ really quick. If only there was a mute all in real life. Sidney waved at your kids while Nate laughed as Kalel fell out of his chair in excitement. You saw parents running into the rooms of your students, all waving and excited themselves once they saw there was no danger.
After a 30 minute workout with Nate and Sid demonstrating and counting for the kids, you let them have time to talk with your class. They had been working so hard, you figured some time missed from learning to enjoy themselves in this hectic experience was needed. Friday was half day for you online, so after a math review and reading time, you said goodbye to your kids as they all started to log off. Waving till the last one left, you sunk back into your chair as you ended the call. Nate came into the room and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Thank you for doing that today,” you said, smiling at your boyfriend.
“Of course. I would do anything for you, you know that,” he said simply and you smiled. “I am mad at Kiely though. Why should you have a Crosby jersey?” Nate made a face and you giggled.
“She just wants what’s best for her teacher,” you teased him, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss and then standing up to head to the kitchen for a snack.
“Yeah sure,” Nate said, then comprehended what you just said. “Hey!” he ran after you, circling his arms around your waist while you laughed and tried to get away from him.
It was the last day of school for the year, and you were watching a movie with your kids on Google Meet. After the meet you talked about the summer and what they hoped to do if they could. You had them also talk about what their favorite part of the year was and what they look forward to in Junior High. “You guys know that I will always be here for you. I know you will all be awesome seventh graders and I can’t wait to run into you all at the grocery store one day and have you all tell me about it,” you said, starting to get choked up with having to say goodbye to them after such an insane year.
“I’m gonna miss you Teacher Mom,” Alexa unmuted herself and you almost broke. Even though you would get after her when she would call Nate Teacher Dad, you loved being her Teacher Mom.
“You’re going to make me cry,” you said, tearing up and laughing as your kids all started to unmute themselves to tell you not to cry.
“Miss Y/L/N, can you call Mr. MacKinnon into the room please?” Kiely asked softly and you nodded, figuring she wanted to say goodbye to him too. You called for Nate, laughing at a joke one of your boys told you while he walked into the room. Seeing him through the camera, you turned around in shock.
“What’s all of this?” you said to all the little presents and cards Nate was holding and placing down on the desk beside your laptop.
“We all wanted to get you something, so my mom emailed Mr. MacKinnon to plan how to get it to you!” Isaac shouted.
“Email?” you asked Nate, not knowing they had his email.
“Instagram,” he whispered. Your actual room mom DMed Nate.
“You guys! This is too much! Thank you,” you gushed, looking at the outpour of love from your class. “You’re all the best and I love you guys,” you said, not helping the tears that came to your eyes.
“Love you Miss Y/L/N!” a few of your girls shouted while your boys just laughed.
“There is also one more thing,” Nate muttered to you, rubbing the back of his neck. “You guys ready?” he asked your class, and you could hear the nerves in his voice. Why was he nervous? Your kids all nodded, big smiles on most of their faces. “Okay, hold them up.” You watched the screen as your kids held up colorful posters with different sayings on them. Confused, you started to read them.
“Teacher Mom + Teacher Dad”
“Mrs. MacKinnon’s Class!”
“Say yes!” … Kiely’s had a picture of a ring on it. Your jaw dropped as your heartbeat sped up.
“Turn around!” Alexa yelled through the speakers. Spinning in your chair, you came face to face with Nate kneeling in front of you, a beautiful ring in his hands.
“I had a whole speech planned out, but I’m forgetting it now,” he chuckled and you giggled with him, more tears filling your eyes. “I know this time has been crazy, and I didn’t plan on purposing to you during a pandemic, but I didn’t want to wait any longer. I love you Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N. I’m thankful everyday that those kids brought you to the rink that day three years ago. I love having crafts all over my desk because you need more space, and I love being Teacher Dad; more than I thought I would. But most of all, I love the peace and steadiness you bring to my life, even if you’re running in circles yourself. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
“Say yes!” shouts came from behind you on the computer screen. You smiled, nodding your head.
“Yes, of course,” you said, tears falling. Nate smiled at you and slipped the ring on your finger, standing up and bringing you into a hug. He wanted to kiss you, but knew you would get mad that it was in front of your class. Cheers erupted from the meet, and you turned to see not only your students but their parents also. Laughing, you showed your class your ring quickly.
“Yay Teacher Mom and Teacher Dad!” Alexa shouted and you couldn’t get mad at her this time. After they all calmed down and you said your final goodbyes, you ended the meet and found Nate laying on the couch. You lowered yourself on top of him and kissed him.
“How did you get them to do that?” you asked, referring to the signs.
“When Isaac’s mom messaged me, I brought it up. She coordinated it all with the other parents,” he said and you laughed.
“I love you,” you said, kissing him again, Nate wrapped his arms around you, holding you close.
“I love you too, future Mrs. MacKinnon.”
Tagged: @avsfans95 @capsvsducks @justjosty @tysojost @natxpat @evphemia @stlbluesbrat21 @fallinallincurls @joeyisourranger @kyratallent @drewseph93 @ayohockeycheck @tkbarzal @stormingroses @dreamandrow @handwrittenheros @brandonbagel @bakerclaire123 @miranda0102 @cherrylita @musiclove-12 @reallyawkwardbandlover
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watch-grok-brainrot · 3 years
can i enquire your opinion on what i perceive as misuse of the words "zhiji" / "zhiyin" by western authors? it's often translated as soulmates, or even used synonymously, and for wx, often in romantic situations to fulfil non romantic soulmate fic tropes. i often get a bit frustrated by it. zhiji and zhiyin are both bosom friends, people who get you, appreciate you but they are not the western term of soulmates. what do you think? seeking perspectives to shape my opinion!!! thank you!!
nonny! I am so sorry! I meant to answer this the week you sent this and then i kept on getting sidetracked and forgot. >.> this is why i don’t get asks. i’m terrible at answering things. 
First of all, for those who are reading this and not nonny, i’m assuming you are either familiar with chinese or have read the blog post by @/hunxi-guilai by now. If you are not chinese and/or have not read her blog, go to her blog and go to linguistic meta and then read the post titled “ all right guys, let’s have a conversation about soulmates ” (gonna delete the link if i can’t get this to show up in tags since this is a nonny ask i want nonny to be able to find this... )
ok. now that we’re on the same page, let’s talk about translation. translation is messy. cultures don’t have the same concepts. when expressing words as complex as 知己/ 知音, you do what you can. 
do i think soulmates is an acceptable translation? yes. i would not hesitate to call wangxian soulmates. 
Is 知己/ 知音 inherently romantic? no.
do i think the connotations of 知己/知音 and the connotations of soulmates match perfectly? no. 
am i fine with fanfiction authors writing what they want? yeah. if i don’t like it, i just won’t engage with the material. it’s the idgaf of old age that i’m really glad i acquired. i can just nope right out and go find something i prefer. e.g. if i see a baobei in a wangxian fic, i usually nope right now. it’s not worth getting worked up over. lol. 
yes 知己/ 知音 are bosom friends but it’s deeper than that, right? 
Actually, i’m really glad i’ve waited. I’ve just binged Word of Honor (or what eps are currently out) and they toss out 知己/ 知音 a lot -- as they should. The show is spectacular (thus far 25 of 36 eps are out and i am dying at how amazing the main CP interactions are). Basically my heart is full of  知己/ 知音 mood so i think i can do a better job of explaining what it means to me now. 
To me, 知己/ 知音 is knowing someone/hearing someone so deeply that your souls are in sync. It’s being open and vulnerable. The mortifying ordeal of being KNOWN and/or HEARD. it’s joyous to discover that your eccentricities are understood implicitly. it’s stolen cheeky grins and stupid laughs that makes you feel alive again. It’s precious and rare and if you get one person in your life that REALLY knows/hears or tries to know/to hear you, you are lucky. this can be part of a romantic or platonic relationship. 
someone wants to call that a soulmate? sure. by all means. 
But if I were to see it in a novel or show I was trying to translate, I may translate it differently each time. The beauty of translation is, as the translator, I have the power (and the terrible responsibility) to interpret a work. My choices will be the text moving forward. My diction, if the only translation around, could be overanalyzed by a portion of the fandom. So would i always translate  知己/ 知音 as soulmates? no. Sometimes I might say say, “You’re the only person to know me truly.” or “To be truly heard in this life by one person is enough.” or I might say “soulmate” sometimes. 
so, i guess i do agree that soulmates limits the translation of the concept. but if you’re watching a show and there are subs, the subbers have more than meaning to worry about. you have to consider characters per second: 1) physically focusing on words with one’s eyes and then reading them takes time; 2) some people are much slower readers than others. (subbers also have to consider sentence structure and how to breakup a lines. and, depending on the show, sometimes the subs come out at an INSANE pace. it’s approximately 3-4 hrs of translation work once you have the chinese in front of you for a 20ish min ep if you’re being neurotic and probably just as much if not more of timing work to get an episode out. not to mention the translation checks and quality checks. so sometimes shortcuts are required... but i digress...) Is soulmates a good, succinct way to get the message across? yes. so i’m fine with it. and if it captures peoples’ imagination and brings someone joy, then even better. 
fandom should be fun. it should be happy. it should be a place where you grow and meet people that bring you joy. :) so am i upset that it’s the preferred translation of the mdzs/cql fandom? not really. it’s not perfect but it’s good enough for fandom (and horseshoes and hand grenades as people would say). 
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sopxhiea · 3 years
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Alfie Solomons X Friends with Benefits!Reader
Summary: The chase continues under the disguise of being friends who occasionally help each other out, but Alfie gets tired even though she doesn’t stop running.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Warnings: Blood
“You need help with that?”
“Is there some secret to winning you?”
The curtains are closed today.
The inside of the venue is booming with loud music, almost to a point of being obnoxious but it’s easy to tune it out at this point. The inside is crowded, there are more men in the club than there had been in a while. Mostly high end men, to note, since they all seem dapper and rich in their newly tailored suits.
The girls prance around in their new costumes, a dress but mostly in lace. The color matches the wooden interior, a hint that was done to draw in the rich more than anything. Some of the newer girls do the chatting, since that’s easier and the more experienced ones handle the dancing, touchier ways of dealing with rich lads.
And that includes you.
It’s been a while since you’ve worked this late. Not to mention you always work late, but late as in after the sunrise. The club opens later in the day to begin with but today’s busy to a point of keeping you later than usual, not that you complain with the hundredth tip of today in your hand as you walk towards the back part.
The room’s decorated with a bunch of mirrors and too much light compared to the where the men are being entertained. There are a couple girls sitting on their stools, touching up their make up or getting ready to leave as you’re about to do. After settling on the stool, you pack your bag and start taking your make up off but just as you’re about to do just that, the head of the club comes in with a scared look.
His name is Jack, a proper man with a talent in dabbling in bad side of entertainment. He hasn’t been unkind to you but not particularly kind either. You think he’s alright in general, but not when he looks like a ghost as he does now. You know men like him and they aren’t easily scared of anything, so when he comes in with a broken voice and pale lips, it makes you stop your movements and wait for him to speak.
“There’s someone here to see you, Y/N.” he says and you know better than to ask who it is. You already have a pretty good idea anyway so you put on a robe and seal it tightly around your body before shaking your head.
“Out on the back.” Jack speaks and you nod, you know he’s not coming with you from the way his eyes roam around the room.
The back exit is through a dingy corridor, with not so bad lighting and a couple other girls smoking in the hall. You murmur small greetings with a faint smile as you pass by and open the door to the exit. The weather is colder than you thought, also due to the early hour of the morning.
And there he stands, covered in an ungodly amount of blood.
His breathing is uneven, there is a cut on his upper lip and left eyebrow but his stance is not tilted, just slightly lower than usual. He waits as you take it all in, with the blood covering his once crispy white button up but the blood is vicious. You can see the lines of his black coat soaked in it as some of it drip down his left hand to the pavement.
Nothing about it surprises you.
You know what kind of a person he is, the work that he does is anything but safe so you don’t expect him to show up with flowers every time he drops by. Your eyes meet his once more after you’ve scanned his entire figure and there’s the ghost of a smile on your lips when you speak which comes as a surprise to him, but a pleasant one regardless.
“You need help with that?” you ask and he can hear the amusement in your voice.
Because there he is, knocking on your door again and rather than turning him down, you can’t help but try and stitch him back together.
You know he’s not about to faint on you or die, you can make out from the way his breathing evens out. Sure, he’s probably been shot or stabbed but he’s a tough brute, you know not to doubt his capacity to handle pain. It’s clear that the blood that is currently soaking his coat isn’t his but someone else’s. 
But all is fair in love and war, so you decide his wars have been picked.
Although it is not love, and you’ll make sure of that.
He scoffs at first, the first rays of sun finding their way through the street into the back exit as you stand. You don’t wait for him to answer before you motion him to sit in front of the exit where there are a couple benches and pull him by the coat when he doesn’t move. For all his might and power, he is spent as he moves towards you as you pull him.
“Don’t make this harder than it needs to be, Alfie.” you whisper as he sits down and you ask one of the girls to bring you alcohol and the first aid kit.
And much to your surprise, he doesn’t.
He’s a stubborn lad, someone who will do what they think is right even though they know they’re wrong but Alfie doesn’t even make a noise as you crouch in front of him. He sees the glint of tiredness, mixed in with a thin layer of sweat and make up as your skin under the streetlight glistens. His eye twitches every now and then due to the pain he’s experiencing but that is about it as you clean him up.
He needs three stitches, one on his left bicep, one on his left side and one more on his cheek. You figure they’ll heal up well, even though he’s told you that he doesn’t heal as fast while he talked about his younger days. 
He’s still at times like this.
But it’s like how a stallion would be still. He’s never calm, you know this from the way his anger latches on to anything in close proximity. He might get offensive at any given moment as he’s a beast among men, knows it too and that’s the most dangerous part but it doesn’t scare you. He’s just a man after all.
His breathing evens out as you work through the last stich. His eyes are glued to yours as you clean the cut on his eyebrow. The blue orbs don’t leave yours as you make sure your eyes don’t meet his, you don’t need this today. Not at this hour and especially not during work. He watches as you lick your lips and dab the last bit of alcohol on the cut before putting everything away and getting up.
The robe you had on is slightly covered in blood now, not his but someone else’s. He sees no bother on your face, no remorse as you stand up in front of him and get ready to walk back inside. He knows he broke the rules, your rules, and sees the slight annoyance on your face but it’s mixed with something else. Almost overcome by it.
Dare he say, you look worried.
He knows you’ll be the last to admit to it, since you’re even more stubborn than he is, but he likes seeing your delicate features a bit etched than usual. And all because of him. 
He’s a right bastard.
“Thank ya’, lass.” he says as you stand in front of his seated form. He’s not as pale as he was when he first arrived and it makes you sigh inside.
You nod and speak, voice stale.
“No problem. Just don’t bleed out somewhere in an alley.” you say and his eyebrows raise.
You’re being considerate and it makes him feel like he’s been punched.
He then pulls you closer by the sleeve of your robe so your knees are touching his seated ones. He’s almost as tall as your standing form, that’s how big the size difference is but it doesn’t faze you. You feel his breath tickling your face as you look down on his seated form. His hand is on your wrist while the other remains on his thigh and he speaks, almost in a hush.
“Ya’ worried about old me?” he asks, a glint of amusement mixed with affection is thrown your way and it makes you smile. Almost.
“Well, I’d like my landlord to be alive.” you say, reminding him about how he had gotten you the place.
He hums then, nodding as he looks up at your standing form as small strands of hair frame your face. It’s almost sunrise and he feels fucking hopeless underneath your gaze, like he’s a teenager again. “That right?”
“Hm.” you nod and speak once more, hand now resting on his thigh and the other on his shoulder as you talk with a softer tone than usual. “He’s a grumpy old man but he’s alright.” you say and it earns a laugh from him.
And it’s not the usual laugh either.
When Alfie laughs, it’s usually at some stupid joke the blokes working with or for him have made a dumb fucking mistake. It’s mocking, degrading in some occasions to make sure the other person knows who’s in charge. It’s rarely because he’s found something funny, seeing as there’s very little humor in his life.
But this time, he really laughs.
You smile at the sound and the vibrations almost make you want to pull him in an embrace but you know where you stand. You hear the commotion from the inside as the girls get ready to leave, as you were about to do before he showed up and realize that it’s much later than usual. You sigh and pull away from him while speaking slowly, tiredness getting the best of you.
It catches him off guard, makes him feel much younger than he is.
“Take me home, Alfie.” you speak and hear an answer right away.
“As you wish, ma’am.”
He is a right bastard.
His breathing gets faster by the passing second.
It’s been a while since you’ve been like this with him but it seems as though he’s missed you more than you’ve missed him. The bed creaks each time he moves, sharp groans spill from his mouth and you revel at the sight. His hair is messy in a way that you don’t associate with him, bruises from the fight earlier still on his skin as he moves on top of you.
He’s less aggressive, though. You make a note of it.
A curt thrust brings your attention to the present moment as he moves, at a slower pace now. Like he’s trying to thoroughly enjoy the split moment of you almost adoring him. You smile at him then, it’s a faint one but he catches it as it turns into a small moan at the end. His hips rock at the same, slow pace as he watches the sunrays illuminate your face and hair.
Your eyes close, slowly and your small mewls fill the room along with his grunts here and there. He wants to bask in the glory of the woman laying in front of him. He hears your moans become louder as he moves slightly faster. He takes a moment before fully speeding up, hand gripping the headboard as the mattress moves slightly with each stroke.
Your voice comes out low, like a plea you’re afraid to put out but he hears it. “Slower.”
His eyebrows furrow at that, knowing your climax was near. But he listens, unlike most men, he takes his pace down and kisses you feverishly this time and speaks against your lips. It’s a low murmur when he does, goes back to kissing you once he’s spoken between all teeth and tongue.
“What’s wrong?” he says before kissing you again and you just groan at first, pleased with the pace he’s set even though you know both of you are close.
Your words are muffled against his lips but you speak regardless.
“Just go slow, please.” you speak and it makes him halt for a second.
Because it’s far too gentle.
For a man who works exclusively with dangerous people, the existence of the word ‘please’ sometimes escapes him so acts if kindness makes him slow down on its own. It makes him feel hopeless inside, to know you have graced him with some kindness despite the cruel acts you know he is capable of.
“Alright, lass.” he speaks against your collarbone and kisses his way down until you feel him reach over to connect your lips with his in a kiss.
And you’re right. He reaches his climax right after you do with a low moan, filled with curses you’re sure would make anyone red-faced but you lie still under him, panting with a smile on at the words. He stays like that for a while, kissing your neck and cheeks before he lies down next to you and his eyes are on you again.
Like damn clock-work.
It’s like a ritual of sorts for him. After you’re both done panting and moaning and he’s laying down next to you on the bed, he watches you. You don’t do anything spectacular, just try to catch your breath and sometimes even fall asleep but his gaze doesn’t leave you, not that it bothers you.
Just makes you curious.
You see the glimpses of the man he used to be: young, naughty for sure and maybe a little shy. His beard covers up the blush that rarely graces his cheeks but you see it in his eyes, the giddy man he becomes every now and then. He’s gentle with you, you’re not complaining but merely curious of how he used to be before the cruel ways of world got to him.
“You’re staring again.” you state and he chuckles lowly at that. He’s aware of the fact that it doesn’t bother you.
“Any complaints?” he asks and you can hear the sarcasm dripping from his words.
It makes you wanna punch him.
Because he knows that very little of what he does actually annoys you, yet you act like everything he does is a menace. You won’t admit to it, but you’re fond of him in certain ways that keep you up at night.
“It’s not smart to ask questions when you already know the answer.” you speak and he laughs this time, which makes you look at him with a smile.
He looks happy. Unbothered, like this.
“Smart lass.” he says under his breath as he faces the ceiling and then his eyes are on you again.
He realizes this is where you two always end up.
Doesn’t matter of he’s coming your way with bloody fists or if he’s in your house alone, waiting for you at sunrise and you arrive with bags under your eyes. Your bed seems to be the place where things stand still and it’s only you and him. Not when you’re fucking either, although he’s very much a fan of that part as well. It’s when you lie down next to him that he feels the weight of the world lift from his shoulders and he’s a simple man again.
Not Mr. Solomons but Alfie.
And he knows this is doomed from the start. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. You won’t quit, he certainly can’t and it makes the entire ordeal confusing. He reckons he’ll never have you, you’ll never be his but he can settle on being around you. Or so he thinks.
“Is there some secret to winning you?” he whispers at a low tone.
You stare at the ceiling for a minute and make sure you heard him correctly. It wouldn’t matter if there was a secret, you think to yourself before smiling and turning to face him on the bed. There is no smile on his face, just serious questioning.
“Probably not.” you say, unaware of just why he’s asking but you don’t dare question him further when he’s looking at you the way he is.
“Fuckin’ probably eh?” he says once more and it makes your eyebrows furrow.
“Well, I’m not exactly sure.” you say and hold yourself up on the bed by your elbows. Hair messy and eyes wide, you face him and speak once more. “You’ll have to figure that out for yourself.”
He chuckles and then watches you roll out of bed. Your hair is messy from earlier, no matter how many times you try to straighten it down with your hairs. You pick up the robe from the nightstand and shoot him a smile before disappearing into the kitchen to make coffee.
He shakes his head when you ask if he’d like some, hair framing your face. Time is somewhere around six and he’s supposed to head to work, make sure the lads are in place and so are the orders but he finds himself in the kitchen next to you, watching as you make yourself some coffee for the day and look to see he’s already staring.
He likes puzzles, is fond of complex things and enjoys threatening people on occasion. He’s smart, has to be when he’s doing what he does. He prides himself on always having the upper hand but maybe not with you. He takes one look at you then, yeah, definitely not with you.
He decides he likes a challenge, and you’ve provided him with a good one.
Tagging: @clairecrive​  @parkbearum​ @sourirez​  @vetseras​ @mollybegger-blog​ @babylooneytoonz​ @peakascum @fuseburner​ @ttzamara​ @babaohhhriley​ @fairypitou​  @paintballkid711​ @manamajil  @tommydoesntpayforsuits​ 
A/n: Hello! I hope you enjoyed yet another chapter of this. We’re getting close to the end!! Let me know what you thought. You can comment under the post if you’d like to be tagged <3
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softrenjunnie · 3 years
4 am l ljy
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pairing: gn!reader x fake boyfriend!juyeon
characters: juyeon, hyunjae
genre: angst?, fluff, fake dating!au
word count: 1.1k words
warnings: mentions of crying but that’s it i think
request: CONGRATS ON GRADUATING!! youve worked really hard and a bright future awaits you!!💕 I would like to requesr for a Juyeon fake dating with promt number 29 🌟 thank you ❤❤ - from anon
note: uhhhhh not sure how i feel about this... i had an idea kinda like this a while ago so i thought “lets put it into this request!!” but then failed. so idk, i might post something similar in a while when i figure it out. anywho, i hope you all have a good day and eat something delicious, you deserve it <3
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you drank a few sips from your tea, letting the warmth of the drink spread across your body. you shifted your position a bit and pulled your legs in to your body, to try to fit all of your body underneath the soft blanket. you were currently sitting on the couch in juyeon and hyunjae’s shared apartment, a big cup of chamomile tea in your hands as you gaze out through the big window in front of you. the apartment was at the second to top floor, and the building was quite tall, so you had a nice view of the entire city. one could say that you were up very early, considering the fact that it was currently 4am, but you would say that it was late - since you had not yet fallen asleep.
you had gotten out of bed just a mere half hour ago, when you had finally admitted to yourself that you wouldn’t be able to fall asleep without doing something. your mind was too crowded, and your thoughts too messy. so you once again found yourself sneaking out of juyeon’s bed and coming here to overlook the city just pre-sunrise.
you heard a sound behind you, and instantly turned your head to the direction where it had come from - right outside the door leading to juyeon’s bedroom. and there he stood, in his usual pyjama pants, rubbing his eyes while letting a yawn escape from his lips. “did i wake you up? i’m so sorry,” you say, voice low to not accidentally wake hyunjae. 
“it’s fine,” he answers, walking over to you and sitting down on the other side of the couch. “how are you feeling?”
you shrug, looking away from him and out through the window again. “not sure.”
“you’ve been crying again, haven’t you?”
your eyes dart back at him. you’re not wearing any makeup, so you know he couldn’t tell it from a messy mascara, and it’s been a while since you stopped crying now so your eyes are likely not red any longer. you don’t know how he does it, but he reads you so well. it’s like you’re an open book, even though everyone has always told you that you are the exact opposite. it’s like he understands every single thought you have, and many people would just blame it on the fact that you’ve been dating for so long now - except, you haven’t. you’ve been fake dating.
you and juyeon have been good friends for a couple of years now, having met when you first started college, and there had never been any romantic feelings between you two. not even the flirty kind of banter friends can have that makes their other friends sure they’re gonna get together; which is why all your friends were shocked to hear that you were dating all of the sudden.
juyeon’s best friend hyunjae had made fun of him once, telling him that he would never be able to have the same partner for over a year - so the boys made a bet. and you had for as long as you could remember been nagged on by your parents about never finding a partner. so you and juyeon came together, and made a deal; you would fake date each other for one year, so juyeon could win his bet, and so you could have someone to bring to family gatherings to please your parents.
you just hadn’t expected to fall for juyeon in the meantime, and you never thought you’d end up wishing those 12 months went by slower.
just a few months into the deal, you had started noticing the smaller things about juyeon. like how he acts towards his younger brother, how he treats his friends, how he takes care of you even though there’s nothing between you other than a deal. it made you grow fonder of him - and you started to like him for real.
you didn’t answer, and you didn’t need to - he already knew the answer. “is it me?”
you tilted your head, your eyebrows furrowed. “what?”
“am i the reason you cry at night? when you think i’m asleep?”
you sighed, taking a sip from your tea to calm your nerves. “i...” you pause. “i don’t know, i guess so.”
juyeon’s gaze was worried, and he pulled a hand through his hair. “please, talk to me. tell me how you feel.”
you were sure you wouldn’t get anything out of this situation if you told the truth. he’d only laugh at you, or feel bad for you, before leaving you once again. yet, something inside of you urged you to tell the truth. “i wish we didn’t have to end this next month.”
you were surprised at your own honesty, and seemingly so was juyeon. but he didn’t laugh, and he didn’t look like he felt bad for you. “neither do i.”
your jaw dropped in surprise and your eyes widened. “what?”
“are you really that oblivious?” you rolled your eyes at him, but there was a grin slowly creeping up over his lips. “i’ve been giving you hints for such a long time now.”
you paused for a moment, not sure what to say. “i- you’re not as easy to read as i apparently am!”
“okay, okay,” he laughed, moving a bit closer to you and cupping your cheek with one of his hands. “i like you. i don’t want our relationship to be fake anymore.” you closed your eyes, not daring to look at him. “was that clear enough?”
you nodded, your lips curving upwards into a smile. “yeah.”
he took you by surprise as he leaned forward, pressing his lips onto yours. you had kissed before, when trying to prove yourselves to be a real couple to other people, but this was different. this was a kiss shared between two people who liked each other, who also knew that the other liked them, and it felt so much better. when you pulled away, you were both grinning like idiots.
“you think you’ll be able to sleep now, then?” he asked, and you faked a gasp.
“oh, you only did this so that you could go back to sleep?” you mocked, still smiling. juyeon stuck out his tongue at you.
“yes. so can we, please?”
you nodded quickly, placing your cup of (now cold) tea on the coffee table, right before he took your hand in his and pulled you along to his bedroom again.
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Jude and Cardan headcanons, taking place during and after Jude’s abduction part 3
• As much as Cardan wanted to think that Jude was completely recovered from her time in the Undersea, it was becoming more and more obvious that she was not. Cardan could see her hands shaking in a way they never did before; he saw her practice with her sword and her knives as she usually did but saw that her movements were slower than usual, like they caused her pain. When she watched herself in the mirror, the way she looked at herself mirrored the way she used to look at him in their earlier days as enemies- with loathing, and anger and challenge evident in her eyes.
• Jude could not stop overworking herself- she felt like she had to catch up with everything that she missed while she was away and worked until very late. Cardan started spending more and more time in her company, at first there just so she wouldn’t be alone and eventually, actually helping with all the work. Sometimes, when she fell asleep with her head on her desk, Cardan would gently wake her up so she could move to the bed. He didn’t miss how in the first second of being awake and looking at him, she always flinched, moved away from him, as if he were someone else.
• Cardan was desperate to ask Jude what happened to her, but he was also aware than Jude was not really the type to be vulnerable, especially not with him. So he didn’t ask, and he pretended he didn’t notice the changes in her.
• One night, when he was laying on her couch and she was sitting at her desk, he couldn’t bare not knowing anymore. She was going on and on about some political issue that needed to be urgently solved but his mind could not focus on anything else other than how she seemed to forget who he was sometimes, how her expression changed when he looked at him, how her eyes went glossy and unfocused, looking as if she was glamoured- it was only a couple of seconds and then she was back to being Jude, but it was enough to plant questions that he wasn’t sure he wanted the answer to. Not being able to take it anymore, he simply blurted ‘What did they do to you?’.
• When Jude fixed her glance on him, he felt suddenly ashamed and wanted to avert his gaze for even thinking of making her relive her time with Orlagh. But he had to know, and he thought that it would be good for her too.
• At first, Jude didn’t want to answer. She planned on ignoring him as if he said nothing, but then she realized that she had been hoping for someone to ask, someone to care, someone to comfort her. Because she wasn’t okay and she was so tired of not being allowed to be vulnerable.
• So she took a deep breath, and started talking. She told him about Nicasia’s punch and how it left her breathless, of her drowning Jude until she was unconscious, of her threats that she could do whatever she wanted because Jude wouldn’t remember anyway. Cardan’s face was unreadable, but his tail kept whipping side to side, as it usually did when he was agitated. She told him about allowing their humiliations so they wouldn’t guess she wasn’t glamoured, how they slapped her and made her sleep in a cage, surrounded by violent currents, and how she couldn’t get the sound of the water hitting whatever charm was surrounding her cage to keep it dry; how she sometimes saw the light from above and hoped and hoped somebody was coming for her. How they kept her in clothes that barely covered her and how vulnerable she felt. How scared she was that they were going to break her. She didn’t say that she thought they might’ve.
• She did not want to tell him about Balekin. She did not want to think about what it was like to have to kiss him even though he was everything she despised. How he asked her to kiss him as if he was Cardan; how he twisted what he guessed about her hidden feelings into something ugly or how Cardan’s kisses were now associated with Balekin. How every time she thought about kissing Cardan, she was forced to remember Baleking. His voice was soft, and quiet when he found the courage to ask ‘Jude, what did he do to you? I can see how you flinch when you think it is him waking you up.’
• Jude closed her eyes and took a deep breath; ‘He asked me to kiss him’, she said and then went to explain how he seemed to be delighted with the idea that he was ruining one of his brother’s toys. He seemed delighted to have the chance to break her, the High King’s mortal. Jude did not say that Balekin guessed at their feelings for each other, and how he rejoiced in turning them into something that he could use. But she did tell Cardan that Balekin liked her kisses best when she was forced to pretend it was Cardan she was kissing.
• Cardan felt rage boiling in him. His brother took so much away from him- even when he was King, Balekin would not stop trying to take from Cardan what was dearest to his heart. He wanted to kill Balekin, carve him up and throw him in the sea for Orlagh to understand what happened when someone messed with what Cardan loved. But he couldn’t. He could not do anything; he was as powerless as he was when Balekin used to punish him. He was the King of nothing- he couldn’t even protect his people, couldn’t protect Jude, couldn’t protect his heart.
• Cardan did not know what to say, so he was quiet for a while. ‘I’m so sorry Jude,’ he said eventually. And then he apologized for not being able to protect her, and for taking so long to get her back and for the suffering Balekin caused her.
• When Cardan said ‘I understand if you do not want to be in my accompany’, Jude’s head snapped up and she fixed her eyes on his. His eyes might look similar to Balekin’s, but the look in them as they were studying Jude was completely different. Balekin’s have been hungry, a sociopathic gleam in them as he forced his mouth on Jude’s. Cardan’s were apologetic, soft, carefully taking in her features; there was nothing cruel in them, not now.
• ‘I’m glad you’re here, Cardan,’ Jude said, voice barely a whisper. ‘Your presence reminds me you’re nothing like your brother. The memories of him will fade, and they will be replaced with ones of you.’
• Cardan stood up from the couch, and walked to her side. Put a hand on shoulder, warm and secure, and for once, Jude did not overthink, did not shy away from being comforted. She leaned her head on the hand on her shoulder, while his other hand slowly came up and gently pushed the hair away from her face. ‘I won’t let it happen again,’ he said and because he couldn’t lie, Jude believed him.
• After that night in her room, Jude felt lighter. It was good to have someone you can be vulnerable with, she thought, and it was even better that Cardan behaved like his normal self- no weird awkwardness or tip-toeing around each other, no matter the vulnerability she shared with him.
• Which is why, when Jude could not sleep because of the sound of rain on her bedroom window, she felt comfortable enough to go knock at Cardan’s door. When he opened the door, she simply said ‘I can’t sleep’ and he moved out of the way to let her in. He asked no questions, and simply got back in his bed, watching her skeptically walking to the bed too. ‘Well, get in already’ he said and it was enough to make Jude roll her eyes and forget the strangeness that was starting to creep up on her.
• Cardan turned on his side, and so did Jude so they were facing each other. He raised a finger and pushed some of her hair behind her ear, tracing the curved part of it. It reminded her of a time when he wasn’t yet King, and she wasn’t his seneschal. She closed her eyes and sighed; his bed was warm and his presence comforting, the steady rhythm of his breaths reminding her that she was on land, on land, on land. She was alright. There was enough air for her to breathe freely, and a soft bed she was laying in, and a fluffy pillow under her head. Cardan next to her, not Balekin. ‘The sound of rain on the windows makes me feel as if I’m in that cage again,’ she admitted. ‘The cage was dry and I could breathe, but there was water all around me. I can’t forget the sound of it crashing all around me.’
• Cardan didn’t say anything, and she didn’t want him to. He just pulled her closer to him, and she nuzzled her head in his warm chest, one of his hands playing with her hair, and one hugging her to him. The sound of the rain was distant now, the beating of his heart the only sound that mattered. She focused on it, counting the beats, matching her own pulse to his, and gently fell asleep feeling safe and far away from the dangers of the water.
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sister-dear · 3 years
Sentence Structure and Flow
Someone on discord asked me about how I structure sentences and how I learned to write. I’m going to do my best to answer! Hopefully it’s useful. It got long, so I made it a Tumblr post.
On learning to write:
Sky_squido, the author of “What Hyrule Hadn’t Seen” made this presentation and there were several points in it that I found incredibly helpful.
The two main ideas that I found most beneficial:
It’s about the ~vibes. Every story or scene has some kind of overall theme or emotion. Once you’re far enough into your story to have found what that is, edit your word choice to match. If a word technically works but doesn’t fit the mood, replace it with something else. The actual definition of a word is sometimes less important than the emotion that word conveys.
Verbs are incredibly important. If you’re having trouble with your sentence structure - if your story seems boring or like the prose drags - look at your verbs. I tend to use “is” as a verb far too often (or “was” for those of you who write past tense), so a lot of my editing comes down to reworking some sentences to make the stronger, more interesting words be the action words. So instead of “Legend was walking,” the sentence would be “Legend walked.” Or, even better, “Legend strolled/stalked/slouched along.” We’ve gone from a passive sentence to something that tells us, in engaging fashion, not just what Legend’s doing but how he’s doing it and maybe even a little about how he’s feeling.
Filter Words
Another post I found incredibly helpful: examples of how to cut out ‘filter words.’ It’s great for adding urgency, establishing tone, and introducing strong descriptions into your writing. Basically, this is how to put ‘show, don’t tell,’ into practice at a sentence-structure level. I use this approach a lot when it comes to conveying character emotion.
A couple other points
Variation is your friend.
Repeating things draws attention.
Description slows things down.
1. Variation is your friend.
For most writing, it’s a good idea to vary your sentence structure and length. Dialogue with no tags is rapid. Same with short sentences. Short and choppy reads disjointed and fast. This also applies to paragraph lengths! Longer sentences and paragraphs read slower, and in turn cause your reader to linger; sometimes maybe even linger too much. A combination keeps things interesting.
Too many long sections in a row - be they sentences or paragraphs - causes reader fatigue. Don’t be afraid to break those up. Let your readers take a breather.
If all your sentences start the same way, rework some of them. Lead with the action in one sentence and the subject in the next.
Starting a new paragraph gets a reader’s attention. You can use this for punch.
You should have one topic, or one person speaking, per paragraph.
Important things go at the start of the paragraph. Readers won’t tend to remember as much stuff from the middle or ends. Speed readers might not read those sections at all. The above note about one topic per paragraph? This is why.
2. Repeating things draws attention.
This applies to everything from individual words to overall themes to something like a series of sentences all with the same structure. It can work for you or against you.
A lot of my editing winds up being me reworking sentences to avoid using the same word too closely in succession. I’m not talking basic words here, like ‘he’ and ‘said.’ Those are non-words. If you have enough strong words around them, they disappear. They’re fine. But to use a snippet from a current work in progress:
...(Legend) bares his teeth, river water dripping off his hair and sticking his tunic to his legs. He braces his legs, wet muck squelching over the sides of his boots.
I wound up changing to “sticking his tunic to his thighs” to avoid the repeated word “legs.” I didn’t want to draw attention to his legs themselves, but the state of them. “He braces his feet,” would also work, or I could just cut the sentence down. “He braces,” does the trick just as well, and might be what I go with for the final draft. If the sentence makes sense without the word, then you can let the unneeded word go and your writing will often be stronger for it.
This can be much harder to do with nouns than verbs. Sometimes you just need to call a sword a sword. That’s usually where I start to alternate between a small group of words. “Sword,” “blade,” and “weapon” can all be alternated between to try to avoid using the same word too close together. You might also be able to get around using the problem word at all, as in the example above.
Another note on non-words. Names and pronouns qualify! You can use them over and over again and readers won’t notice. In fact, trying not to use these words can actually draw more attention than just using them!
For example, referring to Hyrule as “the Traveler.” Is it relevant, in the context of what I am writing, that Hyrule travels a lot? Or am I just trying to avoid using his name too much? If the answer is the latter, either don’t bother or change your sentence structure to remove the name entirely. If you have a solid action word, the name will disappear in favor of the action.
Using ‘Traveler’ in this context draws attention away from whatever Hyrule’s doing to what he is. That may not be the best thing to draw attention to. If what you are writing is a story about Hyrule finally getting a safe place of his own to call a home, you could use it for contrast. In which case, save it. Use it once, so it has impact. But if I'm writing about Hyrule teasing Legend, referring to him in that way can disrupt the flow of the story. It draws attention away from Hyrule's personality and his interaction with Legend to his background.
The point is to do it deliberately! It’s okay to use names and pronouns a lot. ‘Traveller’ is a title. Titles stand out.
3. Description slows things down.
Anywhere you want to linger or draw attention is where your descriptions should be going.
The middle of a fast paced action scene where your character is concentrating on the fight might not be the best spot to go into deep detail about the surroundings or what the enemy looks like. Convey those details in bursts that are worked into the action: “Time nearly rolls his ankle on the rocky ground.” Be very sparing. What makes an action scene interesting is how the character feels about what’s happening. You only need enough information on what the surroundings look like for a reader to follow along, and you can probably do most of that setup in a brief paragraph before the actual action starts.
On the other hand, if your character takes a shocking injury in said fight and you really want to dwell on that moment? Or if they’ve got a really cool, flashy move that they unleash in one single exciting burst of fighting prowess? That’s the spot to let your inner poet shine. Slow those spots down and let the reader really enjoy what you’re doing by using your detailed descriptions there.
This applies to all action, not just fighting. Walking through a busy marketplace? Action. A conversation? Can be approached as action. The best spots to use lots of description will be the spots you want to linger on: the first glimpse of a long-lost friend through the crowd, that last hug as they say goodbye.
Description slows things down. Use it accordingly.
Most everything else I can think of is less to do with flow and structure and more to do with other aspects of writing, so I'll stop here.
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simeonisalesbian · 3 years
Hey so how would the obey me demon bros deal with a s/o who’s been a bit distant all week and if the demon boy asks what is wrong, s/o tells him “I’ll let you know when I’m done thinking about it”. They’re thinking hard about whether to take this potion they obtained or not. A week goes by and s/o confesses that they made a decision about something and they’ve took a potion to expand their lifespan a couple thousands of years instead of just living to be 100, s/o wants to spent more time with their demon boy, but they also realised 100 years is such a short amount of time for a demon, they’d be all alone after just 100 years for thousands of years?
Lmao you're filling up my ask box with so many big brain ideas all at once! This isn't a complaint at all btw so thank you ^.^
He notices you been a bit more spaced out through the day and asks you about it later in his office
he's content with your answer. There are times when he needs a bit of space to reorganize his thoughts so he doesn’t mind
Of course, he is curious what you could possibly be thinking about. It couldn't have possibly been something he's done, right?
He does try not to dwell on it however he does start snapping at his brothers more often and for the smallest of things.
He also seems to be working later than usual. You can't help but wonder if he's slept at all actually.
He looked half asleep when you came into his office to explain what you were thinking about the past week.
When you tell him what you decided he visibly relaxes.
"You know you could have discussed this with me, love. That's a large decision to make on your own, though I am very pleased with the outcome."
He hadn't realized how worried he was about losing you until you were so distant this past week.
Now he just held you in his arms glad to have you with him longer than what would have originally been.
when you start being a bit more distant and don't seem to be paying as much attention to him he immediately panics
your response doesn't help him much either
Thinking about what? Did he do something wrong? He stole a couple of your sweatshirts but that can't be it, right?
If you suddenly start finding objects that you thought you lost well Mammon doesn't have much to say about it.
it's not like he took em or anything so you can't be mad at him for it. Please don't be mad at him
you acting weird and distant makes him act all weird and he ends up sucking up to everyone trying to figure out where he fucked up.
Now you have all of the brothers worried because Mammon doesn't pay off his debts for any random reason.
when you do finally explain he just hugs you
"Just tell me this shit, you stupid human. I was worried you hated me." The last part was mumbled.
It then sinks in what you finally said.
He's thrilled that he has longer to be with you. He's hugging you even tighter now telling you just how much he loves you.
He didn't ever want to bring it up but your mortality did weigh on his mind everyone and a while.
Insist you two go to a casino to celebrate. You just made him the luckiest demon in the world Mc he's gotta take advantage of this luck while it lasts!
he notices your more distant when you weren't paying nearly as much attention while you two were playing a game
he pauses to ask what's up and nods as you give him the answer
He's fine with it at first. Then he starts getting in his head about it.
What were you thinking about that you didn't want to tell him? Did he forget a date again? He did get really into a new game the other day it's possible he forgot. Oh shit, what if he forgot too many dates and you were thinking about breaking up with him. Maybe your sick of being with a gross otaku like him...
Levi's mind really is his own worst enemy here.
He becomes more reclusive and stays in his room the entire week just kinda moping about.
When you finally do come to tell him what you were thinking about he completely interrupts you crying his eyes out
"Please don't break up with Mc. I- I- I know I'm not the be-best at dating or even being your boy- boyfriend b-but I can try harder! I can give up video games for-uhh- for a few hours- no wait days and- and-"
you have to stop him and reassure him that you are definitely not breaking up with him.
When you finally do explain what you were thinking about and that you chose to take the potion he starts tearing up again
Don't worry they're happy tears this time He's just so overwhelmed. In fact, he's so excited he just hugs you crying into you mumbling 'I love you's between breaths
he notices you were staring at the same page of a book for far too long to actually be reading so he asks what wrong
He's fine with your answer but makes sure he's there to listen if you want to talk about whatever it is you're thinking about
He does keep an eye on you just to make sure you don't seem unhappy with him or anything
and you don't seem upset. Just lost in thought. He is still slightly concerned though. You've been think for a while now. You'll talk to him if you need to, right?
He definitely seems a bit more irritable this past week and Lucifer is growing really sick of how many pranks have been played on him.
When you do finally explain why you were so distant he's speechless. He's just so filled with love and adoration he can't find words to express it.
He just holds you close thrilled he'll have more time than planned for with you.
If you notice his eyes are a bit wet well he found some dusty books is all. He's not crying don't be ridiculous.
He's very concerned when you start acting a bit distant.
He smiles telling you not to "think too hard it will give you wrinkles!"
He does worry a bit though. Is he being too clingy? Is he not being attentive enough?
He's so good when it comes to short flings or one-night stands that he worries he's not good enough to be in a long-term relationship.
he does try to push the thoughts out of his mind. He does trust you enough to tell him straight out if he did something wrong. Communication is key after all.
That doesn't stop him from having a self-care day every single day. The stress of you thinking is going to ruin his natural glow!
When you do finally tell him he practically screams out of excitement before attacking you with kisses
"Oh, darling this is so exciting! I'll make sure you never regret your choice ever I love you so much!"
He is worried as soon as he notices you eating a bit slower than usual and seems a bit spaced out.
He asks if he did something wrong first, before asking what's wrong in general.
he doesn't mind that your thinking about something. He's just worried that something happened that has you thinking this hard.
Are you certain he didn't do something wrong? Did his brothers do something wrong? Was a random demon mean to you? He can just eat them if that's the case.
He does eat a bit more than usual causing everyone else to get annoyed that they have to refill the fridge 3 times in one day
when you do finally come forward and tell him you drank the potion he just engulfs you in a bear hug. He's so very happy he doesn't have to worry about losing you anytime soon. You might have to tap out of the hug though since he'll start breaking bones if he hugs you any tighter
Asks you when you zone out instead of actually napping with him.
He grumbles joking that you should think quieter since it woke him up.
He doesn't actually fall asleep afterward though.
He's concerned he did something that made you upset again. You'd tell him if he did right? He doesn't want to go through the effort of pushing you if you aren't going to tell him. If you're upset you should just yell at him instead of saying you thinking or whatever.
He'll act all petty until you tell him what's up. Your best pillows are magically going to disappear and the soft blanket you love so much is now always being used by the sleepy demon
When you finally do tell him he feels like a bit of an asshole for stealing your entire bedspread.
He's not the best at expressing his feelings so he'll just cling to you mumbling how he loves you to the moon and back.
Not only have all your pillows reappeared but you have the best dreams for a few months straight.
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