#all you can do in his company is to smile
joelmillerisapunk · 3 days
Tastes like strawberries
Dbf!Joel miller x f!reader
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Wordcount: 6,367 (ma bad)
Summary: after accidentally sending your dads best friend a provocative photo meant for someone else you go to "apologize" in person.
Warnings: 18+, age gap (make it your own), handcuffs, scissors, power imbalance, alcohol consumption, f&m oral receiving, joel wrecks your clothes, unprotected p in v, reader has hair and wears a dress, just two consenting adults
Notes: this wasn't meant to be so long. But here we are. Thank you for reading hope you like it <3 Thank you @syd-djarin @joelslegalwhre and @mountainsandmayhem for beta'ing sending you all smooches! and @saradika-graphics for the divider <3 <3 <3
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The soft glow of your phone screen illuminates your face in the dimly lit room. Your heart races with a mix of excitement and nerves as you craft the perfect message to the guy you've been chatting with on Tinder. His name is Joel, and he seems different from the others—charming, mature, and undeniably intriguing.
With a deep breath, you attach the sexy photo you'd taken earlier, one that you hope he'll find irresistible. You type out a flirty caption, double-check the name at the top of the chat, and hit send before you can second-guess yourself.
The next morning, you wake up to a message notification. Your heart leaps, thinking it's Tinder Joel, but as you reach for your phone, a sense of dread washes over you. The message is from your father's best friend, Joel Miller, a man you've known since childhood and who has seen you grow up. The preview of the message from last night is enough to make your blood run cold.
11:58PM: I think you might have sent this to the wrong person, sweetheart.
Panic sets in as you read the full message and your face flames with embarrassment. You type out a flurry of apologies, each one more frantic than the last. Joel's response is swift and unexpected.
8:05AM: It's all good, baby girl. You don't need those Tinder boys when I'm right here for ya.
The message is accompanied by a winking emoji, and despite your mortification, you can't help but feel a thrill at the familiarity and warmth in his words. 
Determined to apologize in person and clear the air, you find yourself outside the sleek glass building that houses Joel's wine company Vita Vino: where every sip is a celebration of life. You certainly don't feel very celebratory at this moment as the receptionist leads you up to the top floor, where Joel's office overlooks the city with floor-to-ceiling windows.
You step into the office, where you see the cityscape sprawling behind Joel. He rises from his desk, a smile playing on his lips, his presence commanding the room. "Come in, sweetheart, was hopin’ to see ya," he says and winks.
You manage to find your voice, despite the fluttering in your chest. "Mr. Miller, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I was mortified when I realized - I don't know what I was thinking, it was meant for someone—"
He cuts you off with a gentle raise of his hand to still your frantic words. "Please call me Joel, you know better than callin me that. It's okay darlin. Really. These things happen."
You look up at him, searching his face for any sign of judgement, but find only a calm, reassuring smile. "I just—I never meant for you to see that. I feel so stupid.”
Joel's smile broadens, and he takes a step closer. "You have nothing to feel stupid about. You're a beautiful, confident woman. Ain't no shame in that. Listen, what you sent—it was for my eyes only from the moment it reached my phone. I want you to know that you can trust me. I would never disrespect you by sharing that with anyone.”
His words resonate with you, and you feel the weight of your embarrassment start to lift. "I appreciate that, Joel. I really do."
He takes a step toward you, closing the distance between you two. His hand lifts, and you feel the warmth of his fingers as they gently tilt your chin up, forcing your gaze to meet his. "You've got nothing to thank me for darlin. I'm just being honest with you."
The intensity of his stare sends a jolt of electricity through you. He's close enough now that you can feel the heat radiating off his body, and the scent of his cologne fills your senses, making your head spin. But before you can respond, he releases your chin and moves to the side, gesturing toward a large, framed map of the world's wine regions that hangs on the wall. As you both turn to look at it, your bodies are almost touching, and you can feel the subtle brush of his arm against yours.
"I want to show you something," he says, pointing to a very tiny out of the way region highlighted in gold. "It's where we get the grapes for our signature blend. You know, just like those grapes, sometimes the best things in life are unexpected surprises." 
As he explains the intricacies of the wine-making process, his hand drifts to the small of your back, a possessive gesture that sends a shiver down your spine. His touch is light, but the message is clear—he's staking a claim. 
As Joel's hand lingers on the small of your back, his thumb traces small, intimate circles that make it hard to focus on his words about wine. The room seems to shrink, the city outside the windows fading into insignificance as your awareness narrows to the man beside you.
 You swallow hard, your breath hitching as Joel's thumb continues its maddeningly delightful exploration. The heat from his hand seems to seep through the fabric of your clothes, branding your skin with his touch. "Joel," you whisper, your voice barely above a murmur. His name feels foreign and familiar on your lips.
He turns to look at you. "Yes, darlin'?" he replies, his voice a low rumble that vibrates through you.
You take a deep breath, steadying yourself against the intoxicating effect he has on you. "I -I should go," you say, though the words feel hollow even as they leave your mouth. The last thing you want is to leave this room and the spell Joel has cast over you.
A slow smile spreads across his face, and he shakes his head slightly. "Do you really want to leave?" he asks, his hand pressing ever so slightly into your back, urging you closer.
The question hangs in the air between you, charged with anticipation and the promise of something deliciously forbidden. You know that saying yes will irrevocably change things between you and Joel Miller—the man who is friends with your father—but in this moment, none of that seems to matter. 
The air between you crackles with tension, the weight of your decision pressing down on you. You're acutely aware of the way your heart is pounding in your chest, the way your breath has become shallow and rapid. Joel's eyes are locked onto yours, a silent challenge that dares you to take a leap into the unknown.
"No," you admit, the word tasting like a confession. "I don't want to leave."
The smile that lights up Joel's face is predatory, triumphant. "Good girl," he murmurs, the approval in his voice sends a thrill through you. He steps back, giving you both a moment to breathe, to let the gravity of your decision settle in the space between you. "I've got something special I've been saving for an occasion like this," Joel says. He moves toward a polished wooden cabinet on the far side of the room. The cabinet is locked, but he produces a key from his pocket with a flourish that makes you smile despite the tension coiling in your belly.
Inside the cabinet is an array of exquisite bottles, each one surely holding a story as rich and complex as its contents. Joel's hand lingers over them before finally selecting one with a label that looks older than you are. "This," he says, holding it up to the light so you can see the liquid within, "is a 1947 Cheval Blanc. One of the finest vintages ever produced."
Your eyes widen at the sight of it. "Joel, I can't... that must be worth a fortune," you protest weakly, even as part of you yearns to experience such rare luxury.
He chuckles softly, shaking his head as he retrieves two crystal glasses from the cabinet. "Money isn't everything, darlin'." His gaze meets yours again, filled with an intensity that takes your breath away. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather share this with than you."
You watch in silence as he expertly uncorks the bottle and pours a small amount into each glass, the wine swirling like liquid rubies. He hands one to you and then raises his own in a toast. "To unexpected surprises," he says with a knowing smile.
The wine is velvet on your tongue, rich and complex with layers of flavor that seem to unfold endlessly as you sip it. You close your eyes for a moment, savoring the experience—and when you open them again Joel is watching you with an intensity that makes your knees weak. The atmosphere in the room has shifted, becoming charged with a desire that's as intoxicating as the wine you're sharing.
"You look so beautiful when you enjoy something.” 
As the last drops of the exquisite wine coat your throat, you lower your glass, your senses heightened by the rich flavors and the man standing before you. Joel's gaze is fixed on you, his eyes dark with desire that mirrors the pulsing need growing within you. He takes a step closer, the heat of his body enveloping you as he reaches out to brush a stray lock of hair behind your ear.
"I want to show you more than just wine," he says, his voice a low growl that sends shivers down your spine. "There's a whole world of pleasures I can introduce you to.”
“Joel, I dont know what to say.” 
“Nothin’, you dont have to say anything pretty girl.” 
As the last drops of the Cheval Blanc dance on your tongue, Joel takes a step closer, his gaze never leaving yours. He reaches out to take your glass, setting it aside on a nearby table. His fingers graze yours in the process, sending a jolt of electricity up your arm. You're acutely aware of the warmth of his body, the way his shirt stretches across his broad chest, the subtle hint of stubble along his jawline.
Joel turns back to the wine cabinet to return the precious bottle to its place of honor. As he opens the cabinet door, there's a soft clinking sound, and something metallic tumbles out from one of the shelves, landing with a thud on the plush carpet at your feet.
You both glance down simultaneously. There, gleaming under the soft glow of the office lights, is a pair of handcuffs. They're not just any handcuffs—they're high-quality, with a polished finish that suggests they've been well cared for. Your eyes widen in surprise, and you can feel a heat creeping up your cheeks as you look back at Joel.
"Well, that's not something I expected to show you today," he says with a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of his neck in a rare display of awkwardness.
You stare at the handcuffs and then back at Joel, your heart pounding in your chest. "Are those...?" You trail off, unable to finish the sentence.
Joel chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he nods. "Yes, they are.”
You're not sure what to think, you can only imagine how many women he's used those on, right here in his office. The thought sends a thrill through you, a mix of jealousy and excitement at the idea of being one of those women, of sharing in this secret, kinky side of Joel that he's kept hidden from the world. "I didn't peg you for the type," you say.
Joel's eyes lock onto yours, the playful glint in them replaced by a serious intensity. "There's a lot you don't know about me, darlin'," he admits. "And there's a lot I'd like to show you, if you're willing.”
You know that picking up those handcuffs would be crossing a line, stepping into a world of pleasure and exploration that you've never experienced before. But the thought of surrendering control to Joel, of letting him guide you through uncharted territory, is exhilarating.
Slowly, you reach down and pick up the handcuffs, the cold metal warming in your grasp. You hold them out to Joel, your heart racing as you give him a silent nod of consent. A slow, approving smile spreads across his face as he takes the handcuffs from you. 
His fingers brush against your wrists, sending sparks of electricity through your veins. You hear the soft click of the handcuffs as they close around your wrists. The sensation of being bound, of being at Joel's mercy, is both thrilling and terrifying.
"There," he says, his breath hot against your ear as he steps in front of you, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Now you're mine."
The words send a jolt of desire through you, pooling low in your belly. You're aware of the way your body responds to his words, to the dominance radiating off him in waves. "What are you going to do with me?" you ask.
Joel's smile is wicked as he reaches out to trace the line of your jaw with his finger. "Whatever I want," he says, the promise in his voice making your knees weak. "But don't worry, darlin'. I'm going to make sure you enjoy every single second of it.”
He guides you toward the large, mahogany desk that dominates his office. The surface is clear, save for a sleek laptop and a few neatly stacked papers. With a gentle hand on your shoulder, he urges you to sit on the edge of the desk, the cool wood against your skin a stark contrast to the heat radiating from his touch.
Joel steps back, his gaze raking over you as he begins to undress and it's as if time slows down, allowing you to take in every inch of his mature, ruggedly handsome form. Joel's suit is tailored to perfection, emphasizing his broad shoulders and muscular arms. Each movement he makes stretches the fabric across his toned body. With practiced ease, he removes it and then unbuttons his crisp, white dress shirt. His chest is a canvas of sun-kissed skin pulled taut over defined pectoral muscles. A smattering of gray hair dusts his chest, trailing down his toned abdomen and disappearing into the waistband of his trousers. Joel's hands move to his belt, and with a flick of his wrist, he unbuckles it, the metallic clink echoing in the quiet room. He slides the leather out of the loops with a slow, deliberate motion. His trousers follow, pooling at his feet to reveal a pair of black boxer briefs that hug his powerful thighs and leave little to the imagination.
His arousal is evident, straining against the soft fabric, and you can't help but feel a thrill at the sight. As he pushes his boxer briefs down, his cock springs free, thick and heavy with desire. His cock is a thing of beauty, perfectly proportioned to his large frame, with a defined shaft and a bulbous head that glistens with a drop of arousal. It's clear that Joel is a man confident in his sexuality and the effect he has on you.
"Eyes up here, darlin'," he teases, but the heat in his gaze tells you he enjoys your appraisal. Joel's eyes twinkle with mischief as he reaches into the top drawer of his desk, the sound of metal against wood sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. He produces a pair of scissors. The sight of them in his large, capable hands is intimidating. "These," he says, holding up the scissors for you to see, "are going to help me unwrap my present." His voice is filled with a promise that sends a thrill straight to your core.
You swallow hard, your breath hitching as he steps toward you. "Joel, wait—" you start to protest, but the words die on your lips as he places a finger gently against them.
"Shh... trust me," he murmurs, and there's something in his eyes that makes it impossible for you to do anything but nod in silent acquiescence. With a tenderness that belies his strength, Joel takes hold of one of the straps of your dress. The cold steel of the scissors brushes against your skin as he carefully slides the blades beneath the fabric. You feel a momentary resistance and then—snip—the strap gives way, falling limply to your side as Joel cuts through it with practiced ease. The front of your dress sags slightly, revealing more of your cleavage than intended. You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as Joel's gaze darkens with desire. "You are exquisite," he says reverently, his fingers tracing the newly exposed skin along the neckline of your dress.
Before you can respond, he's moving again, this time cutting away the other strip of fabric that hold up the rest of your dress. The material falls away from your body like petals from a blooming flower, pooling at your waist and leaving you feeling deliciously exposed under his hungry gaze. 
"Joel!" you gasp, both startled and exhilarated by his boldness. "My dress—" 
He silences you with a kiss—a deep, searing kiss that leaves no room for doubt about how much he wants you right now. "Don't worry about it," he says when he finally pulls away, “I'll buy you ten more just like it.”
With your heart pounding in your chest, you watch as Joel's attention shifts to your bra. The scissors glint in the soft light of his office, and you can't help but hold your breath as he positions the blades against the delicate fabric of your bra strap.
"I've been wanting to see these since the moment ya walked in baby," he confesses, his voice a low growl that sends a shiver down your spine. With a swift, precise movement, he snips through the strap on one side, then the other. The bra loosens around you, but it's still held in place by the underwire and your modesty is preserved—for now.
Joel sets the scissors aside and hooks his fingers under the remaining fabric of your dress and bra. He tugs gently, peeling away the layers of clothing that separate you from his touch. You lift your hips to assist him, and with a final tug, he frees you from both garments. You're sitting before him now in nothing but your underwear, feeling more vulnerable and exposed than ever before.
Joel's eyes roam over every inch of exposed skin with an intensity that makes it clear just how much he appreciates what he sees laid out before him on his desk like some kind of erotic feast prepared just for him. "You are absolutely breathtaking," he murmurs appreciatively as his hands follow where his eyes have just been caressing every curve along its way. Joel's hands continue their exploration, his fingers skimming over the soft fabric of your underwear. You can feel the heat of his touch through the thin material, and you can't help but arch into his touch, seeking more.
"Eager, aren't we?" he teases, his fingers tracing the edge of your underwear before dipping beneath the fabric. His fingertips graze your sensitive flesh, and a gasp escapes your lips as pleasure courses through you. "I like that," he murmurs, his voice thick with desire.
Your body responds to his touch with an eagerness that surprises you. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your underwear, pulling them down slowly, his gaze never leaving yours. "Lift up for me, darlin'," he instructs. You do as he says, lifting your hips so he can slide the underwear down your legs. Once they're off, he tosses them aside carelessly, as if they're nothing more than a bothersome impediment to what he truly wants—you. Now you're completely exposed to him, sitting on the edge of his desk with your hands cuffed and your legs spread slightly. You feel vulnerable like this, but there's also a sense of empowerment in knowing that you've driven him to such lengths of desire.
Joel steps back to appreciate the view, his eyes darkening with lust as they roam over your naked body. "You are a masterpiece," he says reverently, his gaze lingering on the apex of your thighs before traveling up to meet your eyes. "And I am going to worship every inch of you."
Before you can respond, he drops to his knees in front of you, his hands gripping your thighs as he buries his face between your legs. His tongue swipes across your sensitive flesh, and a moan escapes your lips as pleasure shoots through you.  Joel's tongue delves deeper, lapping at your folds and teasing your clit with gentle flicks. You gasp, arching into his touch as he explores you with a skill that leaves you panting for more. His hands squeeze your thighs, holding you in place as he devours you. You feel the world around you melt away as his attention focuses solely on bringing you pleasure.
As he works his magic between your legs, Joel's other hand travels up to cup one of your breasts, tweaking a nipple gently before rolling it between his fingers. The sensation sends shockwaves of desire coursing through you, heightening the pleasure he's already coaxing from below. Your hips buck against him in response to the exquisite torment and ecstasy that overwhelms you.
You can feel yourself growing wetter by the moment under his ministrations, and when Joel finally takes your clit into his mouth with a soft suckling sound that echoes in the quiet room, it's almost too much to bear. He sucks gently at first before increasing the pressure until your whole body tenses and shudders with release.  As the waves of pleasure crash over you, Joel's mouth never leaves your sensitive flesh. He laps at you with long, languid strokes, drawing out your orgasm until you're left trembling and gasping for air. Your body is still pulsing with the aftershocks when he finally pulls back, his lips glistening with your arousal.
He looks up at you, his eyes dark with lust. "You taste as sweet as I imagined," he growls, his voice rough with desire. He brings his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean with a groan of satisfaction. The sight of him tasting you is incredibly erotic, and you feel a fresh surge of arousal at the thought of him enjoying your pleasure so thoroughly. "Come on now, be a good girl and follow me,”  he says, rising to his feet. He reaches for the chain between the handcuffs, using it to guide you off the desk and toward the plush leather couch that sits against the far wall of his office. 
You stumble slightly, still dizzy from your orgasm, but Joel's strong arm wraps around your waist, holding you steady. He positions you on the couch, your back against the soft leather and your hands still cuffed, placing them above your head. He kneels beside you, his body looming over yours as he captures your lips in a searing kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it makes you dizzy. "Spread those pretty legs for me, darlin'," he murmurs against your lips, and you comply without hesitation, eager for whatever he has planned next. He reaches down to stroke your inner thighs. "You're so wet for me, so ready," he says, his voice filled with approval.
He positions himself between your legs, the tip of his cock nudging against your slick entrance. You look up at him, your eyes meeting his in a silent plea for more. He responds with a slow, deliberate thrust that fills you completely. The sensation of him inside you is overwhelming, and you can't help but cry out in pleasure.
"That's it, such a goodgirl, aren’tcha?" he groans, beginning to move inside you with a rhythm that quickly has you panting and writhing beneath him. "I know baby, s'big but you can take it darlin. C’mon take me inside that pretty pussy.”
His thrusts grow more urgent, more demanding, and you meet each one with a desperation that matches his own. The sound of skin on skin fills the room, punctuated by your cries of pleasure and his low, guttural moans.
Joel's hand snakes between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit and rubbing it in time with his thrusts. The added stimulation is almost too much to bear, and you feel another orgasm building within you, stronger and more intense than the first. "Come for me, darlin'," he commands. "Wanna feel you make a sweet mess on my cock."
His words push you over the edge, and you explode around him, your body convulsing with the force of your release. He continues to thrust through your orgasm, drawing it out until you're left limp and boneless beneath him. 
Just as the waves of your orgasm subsides, Joel slowly withdraws from you, leaving you feeling empty and exposed. He stands before you, his cock glistening with your arousal, and there's a predatory glint in his eyes that sends a thrill of anticipation through you.
"On your knees, darlin'," he commands, his voice a low growl that brooks no argument. You scramble to obey, the handcuffs clinking together as you shift your position on the couch. He steps closer, his cock at eye level, and you can't help but lick your lips in anticipation.
Joel's cock is a sight to behold—a testament to his virility and raw masculinity. It's thick and long, with a prominent vein running along the underside that pulses. The shaft is smooth and warm to the touch, the skin soft yet taut over the steel-hard erection beneath. His girth is substantial. The head of his cock is a deep shade of pink, almost purple with engorgement, and it glistens with a bead of precum that entices you like the sweet promise of a popsicle on a sweltering summer day. You can't help but lean forward, extending your tongue to taste him. The salty-sweet flavor of his essence dances on your taste buds as you lap at him, eliciting a deep groan of pleasure from Joel that vibrates through his body and into yours.
"Open wide," he instructs, his hand fisting his shaft as he guides himself toward your waiting mouth. You part your lips obediently, and he slides inside, filling your mouth with his impressive girth. He tastes musky and salty, a heady combination that makes your head spin.
"That's it, baby girl," he groans, his fingers threading through your hair as he begins to thrust gently into your mouth. "Take it nice and deep."
You relax your throat, trying to accommodate his size as he sets a steady rhythm, fucking your mouth with slow, deliberate thrusts. You can feel the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat, and you fight the urge to gag, wanting to please him, to show him that you can handle everything he gives you.
"Such a good girl," he praises, his words spurring you on. "You look so fucking beautiful with my cock in your mouth."
His praise washes over you, filling you with a sense of pride and arousal. You moan around him, the vibrations making him hiss with pleasure. His grip on your hair tightens, and he pulls you closer, pushing deeper into your throat.
"Fuck, yes," he groans, his hips jerking as he hits the perfect spot. "Just like that. Don't stop."
You can feel the tension building in his body, the way his thighs tremble slightly with each thrust. You know he's close, and the knowledge that you're the one bringing him to the edge fills you with a sense of power.
Suddenly, he pulls out, his cock leaving your mouth with a wet pop. "Not yet," he says, his voice strained. "Wanna come inside ya baby, make a mess in that tasty cunt."
He helps you to your feet and guides you back to the desk, bending you over it so that your ass is in the air and gives you a light smack to one cheek. He reaches between your legs, his fingers easily sliding into your soaked pussy. "Goddamn baby, you're still so wet," he marvels, his fingers pumping in and out of you with a rhythm that quickly has you panting for more.
Without warning, he pulls his fingers out and replaces them with his cock, slamming into you with a force that makes you cry out in surprise and pleasure. He sets a brutal pace, his hips slapping against your ass with each powerful thrust.
"You feel that, darlin'?" he growls, his hands gripping your hips tightly. "That's me claiming what's mine."
His words send a jolt of desire through you, and you push back against him, meeting each thrust with one of your own. You can feel another orgasm building, the pressure coiling low in your belly.
"Come for me one more time," he commands, his hand reaching around to strum your clit with quick, expert strokes. "Wanna feel you milk my cock."
His words push you over the edge, and you come around him, your entire core pulsing around his girth and with a final, powerful thrust, Joel buries himself deep inside you, his cock pulsing as he finds his own release. You can feel him filling you up, the warmth of his seed spreading through you as he groans out his pleasure.
Spent, he collapses on top of you, his body heavy and sated. After a moment, he pulls out and helps you to stand, his hands gentle as he uncuffs you and massages your wrists.
"You are somethin’ else that's for sure babygirl," he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
You smile up at him, "I'm glad I could make you feel good," you reply with a soft voice.
Joel chuckles and gives you a quick, playful swat on the ass. "Make me feel good? Baby girl, you blew my mind."
He reaches into a drawer and pulls out a sleek, black whip. "Next time," he says, holding it up for you to see, "we can play with this. But for now, I think we've both had enough excitement for one day."
You stand there for a moment, still reeling from the intensity of your encounter, and then you remember—your dress is in tatters on the floor. You gather the remnants of your clothing, holding them up in front of you like a shield. "What do I do about this?" you ask.
Joel looks at you with a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "What size are you, darlin'?" he asks, reaching for his phone on the desk.
You tell him your size, still feeling a bit flustered as he dials a number and speaks into the receiver. "Hey, Lexi? Yeah, I need you to pick up a dress for our guest here.” He looks at you questioningly, and you repeat your size for his benefit. "Got it. And make it something nice—surprise me.” There's a brief pause as he listens to his assistant's response before hanging up the phone with a satisfied nod. "Lexi will take care of everything," he assures you with a wink that sends butterflies fluttering in your stomach once again despite yourself.
True to his word, less than twenty minutes later, there's a knock on the office door. Lexi, Joel's assistant, enters the room with a professional smile and several shopping bags from high-end boutiques. "Here you go, Mr. Miller," she says, setting them down next to where you're standing, like this is completely normal. "I hope these will suffice."
"Thank you, Lexi," Joel responds with a nod of appreciation. "I'm sure they'll be perfect." Lexi exits the room as quickly as she came in, leaving you once again alone with Joel. He gestures toward the bags with a playful smile. "Go on, darlin'. Pick your favorite."
You rummage through the bags and find an elegant black dress that looks like it would fit you perfectly. It's sophisticated yet sexy—just like the man who bought it for you. With a shy smile, you hold it up for Joel to see.
"Perfect choice," he says approvingly. "Why don't you try it on?"
You slip into the dress, feeling its soft fabric hug your curves in all the right places. When you turn around to show Joel, his eyes light up with appreciation. "You look stunning," he murmurs sincerely while walking over towards where you were standing before wrapping an arm around your waist then pulling you closer so he could whisper into your ear "But then again I knew you would." His words send shivers down your spine causing goosebumps to form all over your skin despite how warm it was inside his office at this moment.
 As Joel takes a moment to drink in the sight of you in the new dress, you can't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction. The way his eyes darken with desire, even after everything you've shared, is intoxicating. It's clear that his interest in you isn't just a fleeting attraction—it's something much deeper and more intense.
You smile at him, your heart fluttering in your chest. "Thank you, Joel," you reply softly. "For everything."
He chuckles and shakes his head slightly. "Don't thank me yet, darlin'. The day's still young. Now what do you say I get ya home safe."
With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air between you, Joel helps you into your coat—a thoughtful gesture that makes you feel cared for. He escorts you out of his office and down to the parking garage where his sleek black sports car is waiting. The ride back to your place is filled with easy conversation and shared laughter, the chemistry between you two undeniable and electric.
When he pulls up in front of your building, he turns off the engine and turns to face you. "I had a great time with you today," he says sincerely, reaching out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind your ear. "I hope this isn't the last time I get to see that beautiful smile of yours."
You look up at him through your lashes, feeling bold despite the vulnerability coursing through you. "I don't think that will be a problem," you say with a playful smirk. 
Joel grins back at, “that's my good girl.” 
As you step out of the car, the cool  air wraps around you. You turn to say goodbye, but he's already getting out of the driver's seat, coming around to your side of the car.
"Let me walk you to your door," he says, offering his arm with a gentlemanly charm that belies the fiery passion you've shared. You accept with a nod, and together, you walk toward the entrance of your building.
The silence between you is comfortable, filled with the unspoken knowledge of what transpired between you two. As you reach your door, you turn to face him, your heart pounding in your chest. "Thank you again, Joel, for today," you say softly, "for everything."
Joel smiles at you. "The pleasure was all mine," he replies with a wink and leans in close enough that his breath ghosts over your lips when he speaks again. "But I have a feeling we're just getting started."
With those words hanging in the air between you like a promise of more incredible days to come, Joel takes a step back and heads back toward his car parked by curbside leaving only echoes behind him.
As the door to your building clicks shut behind you, you lean against it. The memory of his touch, his kiss, his words—they all send shivers of delight coursing through your veins. You can't help but smile to yourself as you replay the events of the day in your mind, each moment more thrilling than the last.
You're startled out of your reverie by the buzzing of your phone in your purse. Fishing it out, you see a notification on the screen - a new message from Joel. Your heart skips a beat as you open it, curiosity and excitement mingling within you.
1:07PM: Can't wait to unwrap that pretty little package again." 
The words alone are enough to send a jolt of desire through you, but then you notice an attachment—a picture. With trembling hands, you open it and find exactly what you were hoping for - a photo of Joel's large burly hand wrapping around his even thicker, larger cock, hard and ready for you once more. You realize he must have taken that in his car.
Your breath catches in your throat as you take in the sight of Joel's arousal, so potent and vivid on your screen. The knowledge that he's thinking about you, that he's hard and ready again so soon after your encounter, sends a thrill of power through you. You type out a quick response, your fingers flying over the keys with a boldness that matches the newfound confidence he's awakened in you.
1:10PM I hope you're not driving and texting that picture. Keep your eyes on the road, Mr. Miller.  you tease, adding a winking emoji for good measure.
His response is almost immediate, a testament to his eagerness. 
1:10PM Don't worry, darlin'. I'm parked outside your building. Couldn't resist sending you a little something to dream about tonight.
You can't help but smile at his words, your body already aching for his touch once more. But before you can respond, another message comes through with an address.
1:11PM Tomorrow, 8 PM. My place. Wear something comfortable and easy to take off.
1:12PM Yes sir.
1:13PM Oh baby you're walking Into whole new territory calling me sir. I'm going to put that pretty mouth to good use tomorrow.
Just as you're about to put your phone down a last message comes through 
1:13PM And leave the underwear at home.
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daycourtofficial · 2 days
Azriel’s Girls
Pairing: Azriel x reader | WC: 2.6k | warnings: none
Summary: you overhear a conversation between Azriel and his brothers that has you second guessing your boyfriend’s faithfulness. What will you find when you follow him out one night?
Author’s note: two fics one day! This is crack lmao I wrote this in a blur this afternoon from a silly convo with @milswrites @prythianpages and @ninthcircleofprythian lmao
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You and Feyre came into the River House giggling over the amount of paint that covered the both of you. The two of you stop laughing long enough to look at each other, before devolving into fits of giggles once more. One of the boys in the studio had insisted on today’s topic being finger painting, which led to the children essentially dipping their hands into paint before smearing it over all of your clothes.
“Are you sure you don’t want to shower here?” Her voice is soft and kind, a slight rasp to it from talking to the kids all afternoon.
“Thanks Fey, but I’d rather shower at home so I can slip into my pajamas and go to sleep.” You look away from her, as if you could see him through the walls. “Maybe I can even convince Azriel to rub my back. I shouldn't have given some piggy back rides.”
Feyre hums, a soft ‘told you so’ on her tongue, but you give her a pointed look and she keeps it to herself.
“Well, I’m going to go wash up. Good luck finding the boys.”
Her voice floats down the hallway she takes, and you start thinking about where to look - the most obvious place being Rhys’s study. Your feet pad through the halls until you start to hear three loud laughs coming from the cracked study door.
You keep moving towards the source, ready to make your presence known, when you hear Cassian say, “when will you see them again?”
Your boyfriend responds with a soft, “tonight”, eliciting raucous laughter from his brothers. You still, pressing yourself towards the wall, tilting your head in contemplation.
Azriel had told you he had plans tonight, that he was doing something important for Rhys. Had he lied to you?
Cassian’s voice cuts through your train of thoughts, “I’m sure the girls at Rosehall have been missing you.”
You scrunch your eyebrows, trying to remember if you had ever heard of Rosehall. Was it somewhere in Velaris? Was it a pleasure hall? Who were these girls Cassian spoke of?
Had your sweet Azriel been sneaking around, and his brothers were aware of it? Had they been condoning it?
“I haven’t been able to see them in a while, they’ll be glad for the company.”
“I’m sure they’ll be crawling all over you, brother.”
Their laughs were knives in your heart. Did everyone know? Were you nothing more than a fool to them? Nothing more than a mere joke to these males? Your mind was racing, not paying any mind to the rest of the conversation as you ran down the hall into the kitchens, getting yourself a glass of water. You chugged it, the cool liquid giving your racing thoughts something else to focus on. Like a plan to figure out the truth.
After a few minutes of allowing yourself to seethe and panic, you retraced your steps towards Rhys’s study with your plan in tow: get to Rosehall, find out who these girls are, and yell and scream at Azriel and his brothers for playing you for a fool. As you approach, the males within were now speaking of some sporting event you were not the slightest bit interested in. Azriel’s face brightens as you knock and enter, pushing the door that was slightly ajar. You hate the way your heart picks up a bit at seeing him, at seeing how his face lights up at your presence, your cheeks heating at his attention.
He’s a lying, backstabbing, good for nothing-
“How was painting with Feyre?”
The attention from all three of them pulls you from your thought spiral and you choke on your own spit, coughing a bit. Azriel’s smile turns into a look of concern as he watches you, but Cassian chuckles. “Did you eat the paint by accident?”
Rhysand’s low tone chimes in, “I believe she’s wearing half the paint in Feyre’s studio, and I’m sure my mate’s wearing the other half.”
You chuckle, “uh yeah, Feyre was heading to shower when I left her.”
Rhys dips his head, “that's my cue to leave. BRothers, always a pleasure until better things come along. I’ll see you all later.”
Cassian laughs as Rhys disappears in front of you all, “horny bastard.”
Azriel glares at his brother, “and the pot calls the kettle black.”
Cassian scoffs, flicking his wrist in the air, “pish posh, Azriel. The past is the past.”
“Your past was last week when everytime I came back to the House of Wind for two weeks I got front row seats to your ass.”
“Well, it's our house. And I have a fantastic ass.”
Cassian flexes his thighs, as if Azriel just had to see it to mitigate his annoyance.
“I live there too.”
Cassian shrugs, as if this was a matter of opinion to just accept differences over.
Azriel looks back to you, his eyes making you feel warm, just as they always did. But the warmth was quickly devolving into a ball of anger and sadness, warming your stomach with jealousy and annoyance.
You slap a smile onto your face as you look towards Az, taking in his lazy grin as Cassian slaps him on the back. “I’m off to see Nes. You kids have fun!”
Cassian walks toward the balcony, taking to the skies. Azriel turns toward you, offering his hand so the two of you could embark as well. You accept his hand in yours, a little part of your mind telling you this is the last time you’ll do this. You laugh, pushing the thoughts to the side as you allow Azriel to pick you up, the two of you shooting up into the air.
Azriel flies you back to your apartment, his wings expertly moving over the streets of Velaris. You can’t help the smile on your face as you two fly through the air, watching the people below you until he lands right in front of your home.
You open the door for the both of you, and he follows closely behind. He chuckles at your paint covered clothes, and you fidget slightly, wanting him to make the move to leave.
The clock in your living room chimes, and his gaze moves towards it. “It’s getting late, I have to go. Will you be okay?”
You nod, your arms tightening around yourself. He takes your nervous energy as your hatred for sleeping alone, not wanting to upset you further by making you speak about it.
“How long will you be gone?”
He ponders for a moment, “I should be back tomorrow or the day after.”
He turns toward the door, but you shoot out your hand to grab his wrist. “Can I have one of your shadows? To keep me company? I like having them around.”
One shadow in particular dances at your words, coming from behind Azriel, practically spinning in the air as it immediately rushes to you.
“I hope you like that one because I don’t think it’ll let a different one stay with you.”
You giggle as it weaves through your hair, picking it up into a ponytail before dropping it.
“Perfect, so I’ll have someone to be witness to my antics.”
You giggle, but his face is solemn as he looks at you, something feeling so off about your behavior.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
His words are so soft, and every part of you wants to tell him no, I’m not okay, because you are seeing other women who will be crawling all over you once you leave from here.
Instead you nod, making up an excuse about your eyes being tired from all the painting. He kisses your forehead, his lips soft and light against your skin before pulling away and stepping out of your door before winnowing away.
You count your breath for a few beats before turning to the shadow, “do you know where Rosehall is?”
Of all of your terrible ideas over the years, this one was perhaps the worst. You had asked the shadow where Rosehall was, expecting it to be somewhere in Velaris, likely in the parts of the city you were less familiar with. You did not expect the black wisp to wrap around your wrist and begin tugging you away from Velaris very forcefully.
You had started getting nervous when it kept pulling you towards the outskirts, but you were in it now, and you were going to see this ridiculous scheme through to the end.
The shadow had been pulling you for hours it seemed, across landscapes, your feet killing you as you walked, and somewhere several miles away from Velaris, the shadow’s hold loosened on your wrist, opting to move up and down your arm, as if telling you this was your destination.
“Are you sure this is right?”
The shadow danced all around you as if it were confirming your statement. You looked at the gated entrance, the estate so lush and green and not at all what you had expected, it took you by surprise.
This was where he brought women? To do scandalous things and have nights full of debauchery? Was this some beautiful and well-tended pleasure hall? Before you can debate going through the gate, the shadow moves forward, unlatching it and pushing it open for you.
You sigh, thinking to yourself no going back now.
You enter through the gate, preparing yourself to hear the sounds of females giggling, perhaps even moaning, but you are completely taken aback at the chorus of meows you hear, followed by a door opening, and Azriel’s soft voice calling out, “if you’re here for my mother, she has stepped out-”
His voice stops as he takes in the sight of you, the two of you standing before each other across the lush estate. His eyes swim with confusion, and you’re not sure you’ve ever seen him at such a loss for words or the situation before. He continues to look at you, before realizing he’s carrying a tray of various raw meats and fish. He takes no notice of the dozen or so cats circling him, several trying to climb up his legs toward the food he carries.
“You- what are- how did you get here?”
You lift up the shadow that was entwined with your arm before it skitters off to join the other shadows playing games with the cats who weren’t paying attention to Azriel. You try not to wear the confusion on your face, hoping desperately to have some upper hand here.
“Is this Rosehall?”
Azriel sighs, setting down the food as one of the cats lunges to bite at his arm, missing and falling back into the pool of cats at Azriel’s feet.
You puff up your chest, confusion seeping through your features as you ask, “and where are the females? The girls?”
“The girls?” His voice is incredulous, and you want to roll your eyes at it.
“Yes, the girls. The ones who wish to climb all over you because you haven’t been paying them attention.”
His long legs start to make their way across the front garden, the sea of cats at his feet parting as he makes his way through them. “The girls who climb over me?”
You sigh, exasperation evident, “must you repeat my words? Yes, okay fine. I overheard Cassian speaking of your plans this evening with ‘your girls’. Now why don’t you bring them out and show me to be a fool?”
A deep, belly laugh comes from his mouth, and you are utterly offended.
“Azriel, I came here to put you through the ringer for stepping out on me, and you find it funny?”
He steps forward, trying to put his arms around you but you step away from his embrace. His laughing continues as he asks, “you walked all the way here?”
You stick out your chin, determined to look strong and confident.
“You walked all the way from Velaris to here, to find out I had cats?”
“Why yes, I did walk all the way here to find out-”
Your words die on your tongue as you look around, not seeing any other females anywhere. You picked up the scent of one, but the scent smelled so much like Azriel, they had to be related in some way.
He watches your nose twitch, separating out all the smells beneath the ever present smell of cat.
“My mother lives here.”
He coughs, the joyous look from his laughter gone, his hands moving behind his back. He rocks on his feet, and you found it quite endearing.
“With my cats.”
“Your cats?”
“Yes, but they’re not really mine. They just show up.”
“Your cats show up? What does that mean?”
“It means, if I spend any time in Illyria the cats seek me out. I’ve already fixed the stray cat problem in Velaris.”
He opens his arms wide.
“They’re all here. Problem solved, I suppose.”
You blink, slightly convinced Rhys had finally broken your mind and made up the most ridiculous scenario he could imagine. You feel one of the cats rub against your legs, and you bend slightly to nuzzle its face. It was pitch black with bright green eyes. It was so little, you couldn’t help but pick it up despite its verbal protests.
“You have cats.”
“Yes, and Rhys and Cassian despise the cats. Rhys says he’s allergic, but I think he’s just too worried about his damn furniture.”
“And Cassian?”
“Cats hate Cassian.”
He says this as if it’s an uncontested fact.
“How can all cats hate one person?”
“He likes to swing them by their tails.”
You nod, “okay, maybe all cats can hate one person.”
As the two of you spoke the shadows had lifted a cat up onto Azriel’s shoulders, where it stood meowing and pawing at the black wisps. You watched in bewilderment, unsure if the shadows were playing pranks or not, when the cat slid from his shoulder into the crook of his elbow, nuzzling into the warmth there.
You cross your arms, heat blooming in your cheeks at your rash decision making. “So there aren’t beautiful females here?”
“There’s one.”
“I knew i- oh. You meant me.”
You deflate once more, letting the adrenaline seep from your body. You were exhausted, well and truly. He nodded before putting the cat down, watching it scamper off into the grass. “I shouldn’t have lied about where I was going. Several dozen cats are just… a lot to spring on someone at once.”
You look to the ground, fingers scratching the ears of the kitten you were holding, “and maybe I got a little…. carried away.”
He quirked an eyebrow, “you picked the wrong shoes to hike out here from Velaris.”
You looked down at your sneakers, chuckling, “uh yeah, I definitely need to soak my feet for a bit.”
“Do you want to come inside?” He watches you hesitantly before asking, “Or I could take you home?”
You look toward the beautiful estate before peering back down at the wiggling kitten in your arms, before deciding that you did want to see Azriel’s mother’s home and to hopefully meet her. “Are you going to tell your mother about how I got here?”
He chuckles, slow and soft, “of course I am. She’d be endlessly amused.”
“Do you have any black felt? I’d love to make this little guy some wings.”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes as he puts an arm around your shoulder, leading you inside. “While you play arts and crafts, I can formally introduce you to all of the other cats.”
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @ninthcircleofprythian
Azriel taglist: @brieflyclassymortal @thisiskaylin
Thanks for reading ❣️
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laneywrld · 3 days
call out my name | Lewis Hamilton
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request: heyy, can we get a story with call out my name by the weeknd as the base line of the story .
word count: 3.6k
warnings: none
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When you first met Lewis, you had a feeling it'd end like this.
If you could go back and change that night, you would, with no hesitation. You missed the days when Lewis was a nonfactor in your life when you didn't know he existed.
You remember that night all too well. Miami was always alive when the Grand Prix came around, your friends, like the partygoers they were enjoyed taking the opportunity to take on the vibrant nightlife and enjoy the crowds the race brought in.
It was an annual tradition, you could say, to party like tomorrow didn't exist when the lights shut down and engines roared to life.
When you first moved to Miami, you hadn't understood the essence of the sport or the crowds it brought in, until you met an overly enthusiastic Daniel Ricciardo.
You had no clue who he was when he quite literally stumbled into your path; his boyish smile and golden retriever energy made it almost impossible to be mad at him as his drink soaked your dress.
"I'm so sorry!" He calls out, stumbling over himself.
"You're not from here?" You called out as you reached down to help him stand up straight. His thick accent was a dead giveaway.
"No, I'm Australian."
"Long way from home," you shouted over the music, dragging his frame into an open seat further away from the dance floor.
"I'm working." He slurs, smiling up at you.
"Mhmm, doesn't look like you're working," you trail off, "what's your name?"
"Danny. After work fun."
"Ahh," you hum, "okay, understandable. I'm going to get you some water, okay? Did you come here with friends?"
"No. Was actually planning on making some friends." He laughs, and it makes you chortle as well.
"Miami is not the place to make friends Danny." You informed. "Stay here, I'm going to grab that water."
You saunter away, keeping an eye on the lean man as you approach the bar. You order a water, paying for the overpriced bottle with your Apple wallet, and quickly return to the drunken man. You don't know why you helped him; it was just in your nature to assist anyone you could.
Danny smiles up at you with an appreciative smile as you uncap the bottle for him, "Can you hold it, or do I have to give it to you?" You inquire.
"Give it to me, please."
You both break out into childish snickers at his words. "Easy there, buddy," you warn, tilting his chin up and directing the bottle to his mouth.
You pull it away, tightening the cap and placing it in front of him on the table. You then slide into the booth beside, "I'd feel better with myself if I stay with you for a while, just to make sure you're okay."
He nods, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows, "Yeah, I get it; I'm so shitfaced right now."
It is quiet between the two of you for a while, you constantly reaching over to make sure he's hydrated and him smiling at you all dopey-like.
"You from here?" He asks as he starts to regain his sober mind.
You shake your head, "No, just moved here though."
"You can be my Miami friend." Danny grins.
"I'll probably never see you again after tonight, Mr Australia." You joke, nudging his shoulder with your own.
"I come here every year around this time." He announces. "Work."
"Work," you nod. "Right."
"Yes or no?" He prods.
"Have to see if you can hang; it doesn’t look like you can." You joke.
He scoffs, leaning away and eyeing you. "Please, I am a good time, the best time."
"Sir, I've just met you, and I'm taking care of your drunk ass." You cackle.
"How about this, stick with me for the rest of the night, and if we have a blast, every time I'm in Miami, you ride with me."
"You're going to get white girl wasted every time?" You inquire with a raised brow, and he laughs hard.
It was safe to say that Daniel was a blast. Even if he did party like a fratboy, you enjoyed his company. He gave you the energy of a teenage coming-of-age movie, doing whatever and saying whatever with his friends. It was a connection you hadn't experienced before.
And you enjoyed it, you liked spending time with your Australian friend. Which is how you ended up meeting Sir Lewis Hamilton six years later.
Lewis didn't know why he allowed his enthusiastic coworker to convince him to spend a night in Miami with him. The only solace he found in the situation was knowing that he wasn't the only driver there. Everyone was there, in a section booked by no one other than Daniel Ric himself.
It was nice for sure, and Lewis was curious as to how Daniel, of all people, knew so much about the lively city of Miami and their restless nightlife.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. Lewis, just felt out of place a little bit, without his usual crew.
"Hey Guys, I'll be back in a second, I'm going to grab my friend."
Lewis rolls his eyes taking another sip from his glass.
He doesn't know who he was expecting, a Ken doll, a high-energy frat boy like Daniel, or even a valley girl with a high-pitched voice. This was Miami, so logically his smartest anticipation would be a surgery-riddled Kim Kardashian lookalike. But not you, Lewis would never expected you to enter the section, arm wrapped around Daniel's waist as you cackle at whatever nonsense leaves his mouth.
He is instantly intrigued, his phone being powered off and stuffed into his hoodie pocket.
You were beautiful with your rich complexion and beaming grin as he walked you down the line introducing you one by one.
His eyes never leave you as he watches you interact with everyone. You cloud his vision as you get closer. His eyes trace your hair and flow down to your brows and your alluring eyes. His view travels down your nose and lingers on your spread lips. And he physically lets out a sigh as he traces over your body.
You would drive him mad. He knows it.
As you take the time to introduce yourself to Danny's coworkers, you aren't surprised to see, well, to make it short, people who are not of your crowd.
But to your surprise, they're all friendly and welcoming. You're not surprised to see that you have met some of them before on your trips with Daniel or when you fly out to see him.
When you reach the end of the line you see him and your confidence falters as your eyes meet his. You should've known by the way his eyes were drinking you in that he'd be a problem.
With conviction, you approach him, bearing a sly smirk on your face.
"I'm y/n." You declared, and Lewis returned the same decency.
"I'm Lewis."
Your hands meet in the middle and he has a soft grip on you, refusing to let go.
"What's a girl like you doing with Daniel."
"He's my friend." You reply.
"Just a friend?"
"Just a friend." You confirm, and the way he looked at you through his fluffy lashes was evidence enough of what was to come between the two of you.
Lewis wasn't all that the media portrayed him to be. He wasn't overly confident or carefree. He actually worried a lot and was stressed a lot.
You knew that he felt like he had something to prove. You met him at his peak, and even now, when he feels like he's at the worst in his career, you're still here.
"So you're going to leave?" You hum, rubbing your fingers through his parts.
"Do you think I should?"
He looks so stressed out that is it has your heart is aching for him.
He's slumped like a kid in your lap with his face set in a frown. "I think that if you're unhappy and there are ways that you feel can change that, that you should look for something new, yes."
"Did you mean what you said last time?"
You think back to the last time you were in his presence, how he had gotten drunk for the first time in years. You wince internally as you recall how you had to nurse him back to health that night, how he cried like a baby when he mentioned how alone he felt at Mercedes. Lewis Hamilton wasn't used to being an afterthought.
"Yes, I don't think they appreciate you, Lewis. I don't think they are valuing your feedback or honoring your talent. I think they are making you miserable." You confess. "There are so many other teams that would love to have you, who would fight for you to reclaim your eighth. I don't think you should keep going through this with that team. Look at how they have you."
"Is your favorite team still Ferrari?" He opens his eyes and stares up at you.
When you first met Daniel, you had only heard of the sport, but as time went on, he fully immersed you into the world of Formula One. You quickly took a liking to the red team and its intricate history in the sport. When you met Lewis in 2018, he was shocked that you knew so much about them (and barely anything about him).
"Don't tell me you're considering Ferrari, Sir Hamilton." You grin and he only smirks up at you.
"We'll see."
After the eventful first night you had spent with Lewis nearly six years ago, Miami has become a frequent destination of his. And New York of yours. The two of you guys had a chemistry unlike any other, every night filled with breathless pants and chants of each other's names. It was electric and erotic all at the same time.
You were fully aware that you and Lewis weren't necessarily together.
You were fun for him and him for you.
It was a mutual agreement, a bond strictly built from the amazing sex that the two of you had together.
You were aware that when the time came for Lewis to settle down and spend the rest of his life together it probably wouldn't be with you. You had believed you'd come to terms with the fact. But the idea of you two being together in the future still lingered in the back of your mind.
But as you scroll through Twitter, images and small clips of Lewis walking hand in hand with a Brazilian model have your heart tightening.
It wasn't like Lewis hadn't given you that false hope of a relationship, because you'd like to think that all of those little small things were him giving in. Surrendering that stupid ideology of his that made him believe he was a permanent bachelor.
You'd been by his side and in his bed over and over again for the last six years. And you’d be doing the same again tonight.
You almost feel grimy, sitting and waiting for him in his hotel room as he takes another woman out on a date, but a part of you knows that you’d accept anything from Lewis. You had standards and you had morals, but for a man like him, you always seem to throw them all out of the window.
Your phone vibrates and pings as your social media erupts in a frenzy.
That was another thing that had your mind in shambles right now.
How open he was when it came to you.
How quick he was to show you to the public, none of his other flings had gotten that opportunity, well until whoever this chick was.
Before you, Lewis hadn't introduced his "fun times" to his friends or even bothered to take any of them to the track.
That was something reserved only for you, though, you feel sort of naive, watching the tan and leggy woman prance around hand in hand with Lewis as he leaves the paddock.
You feel like you're stuck at the crossroads as you wait for Lewis to return.
He'd flown you out here partly because he claimed he missed you so much and the other half because of how much of a hard time you'd been having with your life in general.
Lewis was also a sort of saving grace for you, when you were with him, none of your other problems mattered. So you were quick to accept his invitation.
You'd never have accepted if you knew that he'd be playing a cruel game with you like this.
When the door creaks open and he emerges with a happy grin on his face, and bags filled to the brim with what you know are gifts for you, you can only grimace. Your attempt at a smile seems good enough for him as he approaches you and places a sudden kiss on your head.
"Hey love," He smiles, "I've got some gifts for you, yeah, knew you'd need a pick me up."
And you can't help to wonder if you'd needed the pick me up from his actions or what had transpired within this last week which was the sole purpose of you going to see him.
"I'm going to wash up, really fast, yeah? And then it'll be me and you tonight."
You say nothing as he places the bags at your feet and rushes into the bathroom.
You don't move, but you allow your eyes to skim through the bags and sigh as you see just how much he spent on you.
You had gone and done it.
Gone and made some glorified elaborate fairytale out of a man, who'd only treasured your body and in return showered you with gifts.
You laugh at yourself as your hand comes up to palm at your forehead.
You were his goddamn sugar baby, not the kind of woman he'd settle down with.
You feel even more stupid at the realization, that all of the nights you'd lay with him and console him after giving him your body were not as you had made them out to be.
It wasn't romantic, it was transactional. Those nights where you offered Lewis emotional solace always came with a hefty reward the next morning.
And now, you feel tainted, knowing that all it took was a simple call of your name for you to come flying to him and land in his bed, wrapped around his body.
You found Lewis in his prime and stuck by his side through his decline. You comforted him throughout his entire descent down the totem pole. Helped him out of that broken place, and gave him reassurance and something to look forward to.
You treasured this man.
Put him on top, time and time again, when he would leave you feeling used after your time together. And if it was up to you, you'd probably continue this cycle. Giving him your all and getting nothing in return.
You really wanted him, you wanted him to want you, which is why you were fine with keeping his bed warm, at least he wanted you in some kind of way, craved you even if it wasn't the way you wished to be desired.
When he emerges from the steamy bathroom, body clad only in a pair of briefs and his body soft and glowing, you swallow back all of your thoughts allowing yourself to take him in.
He nestles beside you on the bed, taking one of your hands in his, "everything okay?"
You can only push out a meek "yeah."
And the night goes on as planned.
The dim light of dusk spills through the blinds of the grand hotel room, casting long shadows that dance across the walls. You sit against the headboard, The melancholic melody of the empty night mirrors the turmoil in your heart.
Six years ago, you met Lewis at a nightclub, your paths crossing in a haze of neon lights and pulsing music. He was charming and mysterious, with eyes that held secrets and a smile that promised adventure. Your connection was instantaneous, a spark that quickly grew into an all-consuming flame. You spent endless nights talking, laughing, and dreaming about a future together. Well at least on your end.
But as the years passed, you began to notice the cracks in your seemingly perfect world. Lewis' past as a bachelor was a shadow that loomed over your situationship, a constant reminder of the freeness he carried within him. He would disappear for days on end with no communication, leaving you in a state of anxious uncertainty, your mind racing with thoughts of where he might be and who he might be with. Yet, you had no right to concern yourself with these sorts of things.
As you lay in bed, the weight of unspoken words pressing down on you, you find the courage to ask, "Lewis, do you love me?" His silence is deafening, and the look in his eyes speaks of a love that is nonexistent, a love that is more of a need for you than a want.
"I care about you," he finally whispers, his voice tinged with regret. "But my heart belongs to someone else. I’m sorry."
Your world shatters at that moment, the pieces of your heart shattering like broken glass. You know you have to let him go, to find a way to heal from the pain of a love that was never truly yours.
You realize that you have been holding on to a love that was destined to fade, a love that has left you feeling empty and lost.
You deserve a love that is real and true.
He’s like medicine, he makes you feel good and at the same time, he’s like poison, running through your system and finding a new part of you to sicken. Lewis is a walking contradiction, you don’t know if he’s helping you or hurting you, if he loves you, or if he hates you. Surely, he hates you, why else would he be okay with making you feel like this?
And as the city lights flicker on, you vow to never lose yourself again.
You shouldn't ask, because you know you can't bear the weight of his answer but you do.
"The woman from earlier?"
He sighs, his response weak, "Yes."
"So no more us? Right?"
"I think this is the last time." He admits and you swallow back your tears.
"I still want to be your friend."
"We were never friends Lewis, and we're not going to be friends after this."
Lewis swallows, sitting up to catch your gaze through the darkness.
For years, you and Lewis had maintained a delicate balance, a friends-with-benefits arrangement that allowed you both to keep things uncomplicated. You cherished the intimacy, the shared moments of laughter, the comfort of his presence. But deep down, you always knew that this arrangement had an expiration date, an inevitable end that you tried not to think about.
And now, that end has arrived. Lewis has fallen in love with someone else. You can only turn away from him.
You stand up, the cool air of the room a stark contrast to the warmth of the bed. You begin to gather your clothes, each movement mechanical, your mind numb with the reality of it all. You glance around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings that now feel foreign and distant.
As you pull on your jacket, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Your eyes are filled with unshed tears, your expression a mixture of sadness and resolve. You know that this is the moment you have to let go, to walk away from a love that was never truly yours.
You think it's kind of ironic.
How you'd been there for Lewis, and when you needed him most, he's leaving you behind.
"Do you love me?" Lewis' voice echoes from his place on the bed.
"No." You lie. "It was fun, was fun being a pit stop for you." You chuckle.
"It wasn't like that-"
"No, it's fine, we weren't anything, you fucked me and brought me gifts in return, I ate that up, that's all. I knew I was only here until you made up your mind, I'm happy you did."
You had a tendency to become a bitch when you were hurt and you knew that your words were low blows, but your pride was too hard for you to allow Lewis to see himself affect you in real time.
In reality, you'd hoped that if the unfortunate and impending doom would occur, that Lewis would have the decency to allow you to fall out of love with him first.
Then it wouldn't hurt.
You knew what the arrangement was, you knew that you and Lewis were technically nothing and you always thought that when the day came for him to finally leave you, you'd be fine. You'd feel nothing. But you do.
It feels like when that one character who doesn't care about dying has a sudden brush with death, how almost dying rids you of every sane thought you have, a person who fears nothing all of a sudden fears death, fears everything.
You always thought you'd feel nothing, but losing, could you even say losing Lewis? 
Being left by Lewis feels terrible, being left by him feels scary, like everything you knew before was not as it seems. 
You always thought you'd feel nothing, but you feel everything you thought you never would.
And in the end, you still wanted him to stay. You wanted him to choose you. Even if he didn't want you.
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here you go babes @greedyjudge2 !! I'm sorry it took so long <3
part two in the future fs.
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hazbinshusk · 17 hours
husk x reader. written for @rileyglas. alastor has always enjoyed finding new ways to torture his favorite little bartender, and when he notices husk's eyes lingering just a little too long on you, he finds a new method of torment. husk can only take so much before he reaches a breaking point, so when you arrive at his door later that night, what else is he to do than claim what's his? 1.7k
featuring: jealous husk, possessive sex, and my first attempt at writing alastor.
(reader is afab and husk uses phrases like 'good girl'. Alastor calls you a 'lady').
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Bambi ass motherfucking bastard.
Husk can’t help but glower as he watches that infuriating, nauseating grin spread wider on the Radio Demon’s face as he listens to you laugh from across the room. Alastor had summoned you away from the bar, from Husk, twenty minutes ago and the cat has been glaring daggers ever since. Even the ever-persistent Angel has given up on trying to wrest a conversation from the bartender, simply rolling his eyes as he picks up his drink and meandering off to find someone else to talk to.
Your back is to the bar and yet you swear you can feel the prickling on the back of your neck that means you’re being watched. When you dare a glance behind you, Alastor notices immediately, and gallantly sweeps an arm towards the bar.
“Why, how rude of me, my dear!” he announces, touching a hand to the small of your back as he guides you back over towards Husk. “Here I am taking immense pleasure out of your company and I’ve gone and neglected your needs.”
You’re a little surprised by the way he urges you back towards the bar but you go along with it obediently, taking a seat on the stool at the far end. Your eyebrow arches at the way Husk avoids your eye, his lips turned down in an even deeper scowl that you’re used to seeing. You turn your head to give Alastor a slightly uncertain smile. “It’s fine, I don’t need—”
“Nonsense!” Alastor waves you off, turning his attention to the bartender. You notice his smile widen incrementally as he meets Husk’s eye. “Husker, my good man, I’m sure you can fix the lady a drink, can’t you?”
Husk nods tightly, and Alastor continues talking as he turns to fulfil the request.
“You are a darling little thing,” he tells you, and you flinch slightly as he reaches up to touch his fingers to your chin. He tilts his head back and to the side at a bone-breaking angle to meet the cat’s eye. “Wouldn’t you agree, Husker?”
Husk sets a glass down in front of you a little too hard, the glass meeting the wood with a thud. He picks up the bottle he’d just poured from, taking a long, heavy slug from it. He meets your eye for a moment, studying your face before shrugging. And even though you know he doesn’t mean it, you still feel it sting. “Sure. Whatever you say, boss.”
Alastor chuckles, the sound distorting slightly. “My, my, we are testy today.” He turns his attention back to you, leaning his face down towards yours. “You’ll have to ignore my poor pet, my dear. I’m afraid his customer service leaves something to be desired.”
You clear your throat uncertainly, picking up your drink. You take a sip, letting the liquor warm your throat. You speak quietly. “Thank you, Husk.”
He meets your eye again, lips tightening into a thin line. “‘s fine.”
“Ah, maybe you’re just the thing to help teach him manners, after all!” Alastor says with amusement, and with a glance towards Husk, reaches out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. His smile widens even further as you hear a growl rumble quietly through Husk. “You are one of many talents. I can’t wait to see just how many you can share with me.”
*             *             *
Husk is still stewing hours later in his room, feathers fluffed out in agitation as he paces across the carpet. He starts at the sudden, soft knock on the door, his ears flicking towards the sound. His eyes widen, annoyance leaching from his features when he hears, “Husk?”
He strides across the room, and even though he recognizes your voice – part of him swears he already could anywhere – he’s still somehow surprised to see you at his door.
“Hey,” you say with a small, awkward smile, your hands clasped together in front of you. “Are you… are you okay?”
“’m fine,” he says cagily, and you notice him glance down the hall behind you.
He shakes his head, avoiding your eye. You see his claws flex by his sides. “What’re you doin’ here, doll?”
You feel that same tiny thrill you felt whenever he let the pet name slip in private, and you swallowed. “I wanted to… you seemed upset. At the bar.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he says with a sigh. His tone turns bitter, his tail whipping back and forth behind him. “You should be… ain’t you supposed to be sittin’ through one of Al’s broadcasts right now?”
The radio demon had invited you up to his tower for the evening, but you hadn’t realized Husk had heard that. You nod slowly. “And you’re… mad about that?”
You roll your eyes, tossing up a hand in exasperation. “Damn it, Husk, just tell me what’s—”
Your request dies on your lips as he reaches out and grabs your waist, tugging you into his room and kissing you, hard. You freeze for a moment in shock, feel his claws flex against your ribs, feel his teeth graze your lip. Then you’re kissing him back, and Husk groans into it, bringing you tighter against him.
The door is kicked closed and you’re forced back against it, your breath leaving you in a huff as your back meets the wood. Husk’s kiss is rough and deliriously needy, his body flush against yours. You find yourself twining your fingers in his fur, carding it through the soft fluff of his chest and up to his shoulders. He growls against your lips as your fingers find his cheeks, his wings curving around to cage you in against the door, trapped by his body against yours.
You hear a whimper and realize it’s yours when Husk presses his thigh up between your legs, his claws digging so tightly into your hips that you’re sure you feel them break the skin. When he finally allows you to breathe again, he moves his mouth to your neck, the rough edge of his tongue sending a shiver into the small of your back.
“Husk…?” you whisper in a shuddering breath. Still, he can hear the question in your voice and he speaks against your throat, voice hot and rough and so addictive already.
“Don’t like him talking to you,” he admits, teeth scraping against your collarbone. He lathes his tongue over the same spot and your eyes roll back. “Don’t like the way he fucking looks at you.”
“Who? Alas—” Husk growls, low and aggressive in the back of his throat, and you suddenly decide it’s better not to mention the other demon’s name. Still, the sound doesn’t repel you, instead you feel the fire blooming in your belly flare, and you swallow. You feel the need to reassure him somehow, and you bring his mouth back up to yours. You push the suspenders down his shoulders before fumbling with the fastenings of his pants, and Husk moans into your mouth as you slip your hand into them to palm his growing erection. He presses his forehead against yours for a moment before kissing you again. You let out a squeak of surprise as Husk bands his arms around your thighs and lifts you as though you weigh nothing at all.
He almost chuckles at the sound and you wrap your legs around his hips, whispering fuck as he presses his cock up against you. With your skirt now bunched up over your hips there’s almost nothing between his cock and your warmth, your wetness, and Husk curses.
“Not his,” he mutters into the kiss, so low you almost don’t recognize it as words. He slides his cock up against your cunt, and even through your underwear it makes you moan. Husk echoes the sentiment, dropping his head against your shoulder. He rubs his forehead against your collarbone, the side of your throat, and your jaw, his paws clutching at your thighs. He sounds needy, almost desperate. “Tell me…”
“Tell me.” he entreats again, his lips brushing against the hollow of your throat. You can feel his fur tickle against the swell of your breasts. you reach between you, fingers brushing against the firm line of his cock before pushing your underwear aside. Husk whimpers at the first slide of his cock against your bare cunt. “Please…”
“I’m not his,” you assure him breathlessly, and the next words slip out without thinking when you feel the head of him pressing just inside of you. “I’m yours.”
Husk thrust himself into you and you both moan aloud, your head falling back against the door. Husk’s mouth finds your throat, and you shudder as you feel a rumbling purr roll through him.
“Say it again,” he orders brokenly. His cock is stretching you, the small barbs along its length making you cling to his shoulders, his back. He exhales heavily, unevenly as your fingers graze the spot where his wings meet his back. “Please, baby, say it again.”
“Yours.” Husk’s lifting you and pulling you down with each thrust, your thighs meeting his hips with a brutal, agonizingly delicious force, the feathers of his tail tickling against your calf. “Fucking yours, Husk.”
“Christ,” he laps at the curve of your breasts, presses kisses far too sweet for the way he fucks you to your sternum. Husk’s eyes are blown wide whenever they meet yours, his purr echoing in your ears. “Fucking Christ, yes… yes, you’re mine baby… fucking mine…”
“God… fuck, I’m gonna…”
“Feel so fucking good, kitten,” he tells you and you let out an almost pained moan, as he touched claws to your clit. You buck up against his touch, eyes squeezing closed as the movement sends him deeper inside you. His tail is wrapped around your calf so tight it’s almost painful, but you can’t think of anything other than how good it feels to have him inside you, filling you, marking you with his teeth and his claws and his tongue. “So fucking good for me… tell him who you belong to an’ you can cum, baby… be a good girl and tell this whole fucking hotel you’re mine…”
“Fuck, Husk!”
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nexysworld · 2 days
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Summary: Your boyfriend surprises you with a vacation. Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, Fingering in public, Unprotected Sex, Finger sucking, mildly dubious consent, Fluff and Smut, Toji is Toji, Established relationship. (This fic is not a joke for once 😭) A/N: This is a belated birthday fic to a super cool cat and fellow Toji lover. ♥️
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“You’re not serious.” You said, irritation already bubbling up inside of you. “Vegas? For a week? You’ve barely been home for a day after your last bender. I’m getting really sick of this To -”
“Woah, hold on.” He said, putting his hands up defensively. He rolled his eyes, that stupid handsome smirk of his stretching across his features. “You didn’t even let me finish, the best part is you’re comin’ too.”
“Huh?” There was no way. Not in all the time you’d known the man, much less the time you spent dating him, had he ever taken you anywhere. “To vegas? You’re taking me with you to Vegas?” You repeated, testing the words out. “What’s the catch?”
“No catch, sweetheart. I just wanna do somethin’ nice for my special girl. That a problem?”
“What’s the catch, Toji?” You repeated.
“Why do ya always have to act like this?” He kept his eyes averted as he scratched the back of his neck. “There’s no catch, I promise. The Luxor package was an extra tip tossed in by our last client. Shiu’ll be there too.”
You raised a brow at him suspiciously. “Your client.”
“That’s what I said.”
“And what kind of client could afford something like that?” There was always a feeling that Toji hadn’t been honest with you about his line of work. He didn’t like questions about it, and you’d already ignored enough red flags in the man, you figured, why not a few more? But this had alarm bells going off.
“A fancy one.”
“Uh huh. And are you finally going to tell me what kind of clients you work with?”
“Nope.” He said with a shrug. “Just gonna spoil you rotten ‘til you stop askin’.” He leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead. “Get packin’.” He added before giving a slap to your ass and walking off as the surprised squeak left your mouth.
You should’ve known better. There was a catch. There was always a catch when it came to Toji. “How’s your night been?” His heavy arms wrapped around you from behind as you sat before the slot machine. A slight slur to his words told you he’d been drinking, odd, it wasn’t usually his thing.
“M’good. Won a few times.” You said, leaning back into his warmth. He was like a human wall, it felt nice against the freezing AC blown air of the casino. “What about you?”
“Tch. Ya even have to ask?”
“That bad?”
“Worse.” He was resting his chin on the top of your head, you closed your eyes for a moment, relaxing against him.
“You need more spending money, don’t you?”
“It’s not my fault. I was hittin’ it good at the black jack table….until I wasn’t.”
“Toji…we haven’t even been here 24 full hours yet.” He responded by kissing you on the neck, sucking a bruise into the soft skin. “St-stop! We’re in the middle of the casino!”
“Mm, so?” He gently brushed your hair out of the way so he could do it again, right above the second one. “No one’s lookin’ anyway.”
“Wait til we get back to the hotel room, at least.”
“Don’t wanna.” You squirmed on the little stool, making it creak. “‘Sides, not like I got anythin’ else to be doin’ right now.”
“It’s not my fault you blew all the money in only a few hours. I’m not giving you more until tomorrow.”
“Fine by me. Means I can just sit here and keep ya company all night.” You could feel that bastard’s smug smile, like a sixth sense.
His game was easy to see from a mile away, and you weren’t going to give in this time. “If you want to sit there and watch me win, be my guest.” You shot back, putting another coin in the machine before pulling the lever.
Cherry. Cherry. Seven.
“Damn.” It rattled out a sad noise at the loss before resetting for another round.
“What was that about winning?”
“Shut it, you’re just bad luck.”
He snorted in response. “Am I?” His hand came down, dipping under your top groping at your chest. You hissed in response, pulling the lever again.
Seven. Seven. Lemon.
He tweaked your nipple, making you gasp and jump in your seat. “You’re like a child, you know that?” He replied with a hum, moving the same hand down your stomach, stopping at the hem of your pants. “Don’t even think about it.”
“What? I’m not doin’ anythin’.” The feigned innocence in his voice made your eyes roll so hard you thought they might pop out of your skull. When his hand remained exactly where it was for a few moments, you finally decided to accept his response. Again, you slipped a coin into the machine.
Ten. Ten. Ten. Jackpot!
The machine lit up, lights dancing around as the winning noise blared. “Holy shit!” It wasn’t the big winner, but you’d at least made back what you put in. You didn’t hear what he mumbled against your cheek, but you felt his hand finally dip lower, pressing at your clit through your panties.
“Toji!” He clamped his hand over your mouth with his free hand, the other using two fingers to rub gently at that sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Shhhh. So loud, everyone might just hear ya over the slot machine.” Murmuring against his hand, you tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but there was no use. “Go on, play again.” He commanded, slowing his hand down enough to let you better focus. You couldn’t stop the groan that worked itself out of your throat, or the way your hips rolled slightly to get more pressure to alleviate the aching need you were beginning to feel. The asshole.
‘Ignore him. Ignore him. Ignore him.’ You told yourself. ‘He’s acting like a damn child. Don’t give in and he’ll get bored and leave.’ Despite that mantra, your arm shook a little making you miss the coin slot the first time, dropping it onto the ground.
“Clumsy.” He teased, adding firm pressure before circling your bud. He nipped at your ear before blowing on it. You held back the heady whine that wanted to escape.
Not acknowledging him, you pulled another coin from the cup, this time managing to get it into the coin slot.
“Come on…come on…”
Seven. Seven. Cherry!
“Too bad, sweetheart.”
“You’re distracting me!”
“Distractin’ ya’ from pullin’ the lever?” He chuckled, pulling his hand away for a moment. Much to your dismay, you realized it was only so he could work it down your panties this time, the direct heat from his fingers feeling like heaven.
“Sh-shut up!” He was getting to you, and that wasn’t good. A man coughing the row over made you stiffen, looking around to see if there were any other bystanders.
“Don’t worry ’bout it sweetheart. No one’s around. And even if they were, they wouldn’t see a thing…” He pinched your clit between both fingers before massaging it between them. The sensation had waves of tingling heat down your legs, and earned him a poorly muffled moan. “they would just hear it.”
“Toji…” You flopped your head back against him, reeling from the pleasure. The thought of someone seeing you was a little thrilling, you couldn’t lie. But you weren’t gone enough that you’d lost all of your self-preservation. ‘Don’t give in. Don’t give in.’ “I’m still not giving you any money tonight.”
“That’s ok. I’m havin’ fun.” He sped up the movements of his fingers, an erratic, quick pattern. It was intense, drawing pleasure from you while not letting you settle into it, really feel it. Despite that, you were so close now, white knuckling the slot machine to keep yourself grounded. Then, just like that, he stopped again. “Tell ya what. Hit another jackpot for me, and I’ll let you cum. Be an extra good girl for me, and I’ll even help ya stay quiet.”
You could feel his own arousal poking into you through his pants, hard against your back. “And, if I don’t play along at all?”
“Then I guess I’ll just bend you over the craps table, make ya scream my name so loud the rich assholes on the top floor could hear ya.”
“You wouldn’t!”
“Try me.”
He said the words so smoothly, confidently, you honestly couldn’t tell if he was being truthful or not. Something told you not to try and find out.
“That’s my girl.” He pat your head with the hand that wasn’t still stuck in your panties.
He began slowly again, massaging you with his fingers. That scorching heat fanning over your entire lower half. You took a moment to breathe before focusing on the task at hand. Another coin. Another pull of the lever. He sped up the movements again, you rocked your hips to meet his, grateful his foot on the bar at the bottom kept the stool from moving with you.
“So close.” He commented, as the red lights indicated another loss, and the loss of his movement.
Frustration and pent-up need coiled within you. An irritated hiss, another coin. Another loss.
“Toji, please.” He’d cracked the shell of your willpower now. “Wanna cum.”
“Guess you better hit that jackpot then, huh?” He pressed a loving kiss to your cheek.
“Why are you being like this?”
“I’m not being like anythin’. Just spending time with my woman.”
“I’ll give you the money.”
A deep chuckle rumbled from his chest. “Too late for that. This is way more fun.”
He pinched at you a little too roughly this time, making you squeak. Your panties were soaked and uncomfortably sticky. The wood stool was beginning to make your ass sore from pressure, and all you wanted to do, was cum all over his fingers before riding him back to the hotel room.
“Come on baby, I know you can do it.” He cooed so sweetly, you thought you might melt.
Dollar sign.
“Oh fuck!” You were grinding against his hand again.
Dollar sign.
You mewled, but he muffled it, sliding two fingers into your mouth. Eagerly, you sucked on them to focus.
Dollar sign.
The excitement of the jackpot was overwhelmed by the feeling of your looming orgasm. White heat exploded from your core, legs shaking and kicking against the stool. He pressed the fingers in your mouth down against your tongue, forcing you into silence. His other hand slowed down, but didn’t stop, gently working you through the oncoming waves and aftershocks.
The quickness in which he pulled away from you nearly gave you whiplash, a small trail of saliva lingering on your face. Then you realized why.
An attendant had come by, all smiles on his face. “Congratulations, Miss.”
“Th-thank you!” You sputtered out, knowing you probably looked like a mess.
“I can take you to the front to cash you out, I just have to verify the winning ticket. Per company policy.”
“Right of course.”
As he bent down to yank the ticket from the machine, you quickly patted yourself down, let out a few breaths to try and make yourself look more put together. If not for Toji wrapping a supportive arm around you, you’d have dropped like a sack of potatoes onto the floor, legs too wobbly still.
“Follow the nice man, baby.” He said, all but dragging you along behind the attendant.
Cashing out was like a blur, your brain on autopilot. Your ID, some signatures. How much had you even won? Not a clue, but it was enough that Toji seemed more than pleased.
Despite your earlier release, it wasn’t enough, that asshole had you craving more, and it didn’t take long before you were jumping his bones. The high of winning, the high of release. It had your brain all out of wack. Lips attached to his, arms around his neck the moment the elevator door closed.
“Easy now, mamas.” He pet your hair gently, prying you away from him as more people filled into the tiny metal room. You didn’t want to wait, you’d have him in the elevator itself if you could. Before you could resume your attack on him, the little ding trilled inside the box as the doors open. Within a second, he hoisted you up and over his shoulder, carrying you with one arm like a child.
“Toji!” You kicked about lightly, embarrassed slightly by the witnesses who caught a glimpse of him toting you away as the doors slid closed behind you.
“What? You didn’t seem to mind people watching when you were ready to pounce in there.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re too cute, I should take you on vacation more often.”
“Toji, just fuck me already!” An elderly woman gasped at you, clinging to her husband’s arm as she yanked him down the hallway towards where the two of you came from. You hadn’t the care to be shameful.
“Alright, alright. I’m gettin’ to it.” He dug in his pocket for the key card.
He had you on the bed within moments, back to the sheets, clothes strewn about the room. You weren’t even sure if he’d closed the door. You didn’t care, pulling him down on top of you by the cottony fabric of his shirt. “Faster”
“Who the hell you think you’re bossin’ around?” He asked, pulling your legs up. He squeezed your thighs together, rutting his wet cock between them, the leaking tip bumping against your overly sensitive clit with each movement. “I brought ya here on vacation, make ya feel real nice on my fingers, even helped ya win the jackpot. And instead of a thank you, what do I get? Faster. Quicker. Hurry up. Tch. Brat.”
“’M sorry.” You whined, lifting your hips up to try and get more of him. “Just want you so bad.”
“I have half a mind to just fuck ya like this and cum all over those bratty lips, then take half of my earnings back down to the slots.”
“W-wait!” You reached up for him making grabby hands. “Don’t, I’m sorry. I’ll be good, just want you to fuck me. Please.”
“How bad you want it, doll?”
“I’ll give you more than half.”
“That right?”
“Y-yeah, swear it. Please.”
The answer seemed to please him as he sunk himself inside of you, burying his length so quickly the wind was knocked out of you. No matter how many times you took him, that familiar burn as he stretched you open never went away - he was just too big. You loved it though.
“You got a deal, baby.” He leaned forward, folding you in half as he went. Ankles over his shoulders, your knees almost to your face. You leaned up to press a peck to his lips, before he pulled out, slamming back in so hard you saw stars circling your head.
“F-fuck!” You whimpered, circling your arms around his neck. He didn’t slow down, rabbiting his hips into you as the bed rocked and slammed against the wall. Hopefully you didn’t have any neighbors, but if you did, that was a problem for the later version of yourself that could feel embarrassment again.
“Suckin’ me in, shit.” He groaned, not letting up. “Could fuck this tight little cunt the whole vacation.” Where you were caged between his thick arms, he leaned back, detangling your limbs from him.”Touch yourself for me. Wanna feel that pussy clench when I fill her up.”
You followed his command, snaking your hand between you where your bodies were connected together, desperately pawing at your clit. The mix of both your arousal making it easy to pleasure the slippery bud. Still sensitive from earlier and the added sensation of his cock hitting every angle inside of you just right, it didn’t take long until you were spilling over again.
“Shit!” His hips lost their rhythm, his breath was uneven. He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut as rope after rope of sticky cum coated your insides. He wrapped an arm around one of your legs, using it as leverage to gently keep thrusting as he worked himself down from his high, not quite ready to pull out yet. “Too fuckin’ good, baby.” He complimented, finally pulling his softening cock out, and dropping your legs to the bed.
“You don’t have to say it.” He cut you off, laying down next to you. “You wanna cuddle, I know.” He pulled you close to him, letting you catch your breath.
You humphed in response. “Was gonna say, ‘I love you.’”
“Love you too.” He played with your hair as he looked down at you, taking in your features. You were always the cutest like this, disheveled, tired, clingy. He brushed some hair out of your face, kissing your forehead then your lips. “Y’know, this could be a good opportunity for us.”
“Huh?” You asked sleepily, more focused on his heartbeat than his words.
“The money. I’m not gonna blow it all this time, I swear. Gonna play some on that lucky machine, the rest? I’m gonna spoil you. Get ‘Gumi back. Make sure neither of you want for anythin’ ever again.”
“Really?” You asked, falling closer and closer to unconsciousness.
“Yeah, gonna marry ya too. ’S time for a new last name anyway. New beginnin’s and all that.”
“You’re silly Toji.”
“Bein’ serious, sweetheart.”
“Ok. I believe you.” You didn’t.
But it was nice to hear anyway. “Well we’re in Vegas……you know what that means.”
“Hmm? Nah, doll, no way. I ain’t dressin’ up like Elvis just to marry ya.”
“Aww, c’mon. You’d look handsome.”
“No. No way.”
“Finnneee….we could still do it you know. They have non Elvis weddings.”
“We’ll see.” He cooed, pulling the blank over you both. “Get some sleep.”
“M’kay.” He didn’t have to tell you twice.
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r4spb3rr13s · 1 day
juicy couture + shinsou please !! love your blog 🎀💖
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real or cap??
♱ shinsou x reader, fake dating stylez 🫢
♱ 1000 follower special ♱
♱ 2.2K words!
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Hitoshi had so many other things he could be doing - studying for a class he actually took, for example. Instead, he sat stuffing his face with chips as you ranted at him about something called 'The Doppler Effect'.
This poor psych major's head was about to explode.
You faltered at the bewilderment on your friend's face and slumped down next to him with a groan. "I'm so fucked, 'toshi."
"You're notttt," He yawned. Hitoshi lifted his arms up to stretch, and you looked away quickly - ever since Mina pointed his happy trail you crumbled a little inside.
It was extremely distracting.
You cleared your throat, and pushed yourself up, snatching the bowl away from him.
"'Scuse me?" You huff, "I need to eat too so I'm not drunk after two shots tonight."
Hitoshi froze. There was a pause. His voice came out meek, like a scared mouse.
You snorted at his blank face. His eyebags weren't as bad today, but they still cast a shadow on his pale face. The panic on his face made him look like a horror movie character at that moment.
"We're going out tonight? With Mina and Denki?"
Hitoshi's eyes widened, and let out a small 'fuck' under his breath. He desperately avoided your gaze, but still he shook his head in protest.
"Fuck you mean 'nope'?" You scoffed. It was a struggle getting Shinsou to come out with you all, but you knew he did actually enjoy everyone's company. His intense lack of energy balanced the other three of you surprisingly well.
He slumped back into the cushions and smothered himself in one of the pillows, groaning into it like a teenage girl. You chuckled at the adult baby and poked his shoulder. "You're coming. You even agreed on the group chat!"
As Hitoshi stood at the entrance of 'The Three Boars' he'd never wanted to turn into a turtle and sink into his shell more.
You, on the other hand, stood beside him with a bright grin. And a very small outfit, he'd noted when he picked you up. He'd spent the Uber over gulping every time your skirt rode up and good god when you walked in front of him-
He broke out of trance and looked at you. A frown crept on his face, but no real ill intent sat behind it because the smile on yours stopped it. He nodded.
Your hand brushed against his, and for some reason the hairs on the back of his neck stood attention. Your fingers reached out hesitantly, like you wanted to curl them into his palm and tug him along. But you didn’t.
Instead, you strode forward in front him and he found himself staring up, because he know if he didn’t, his eyes would find themselves glued to the backs of your thighs.
It was loud in the bar with music thrumming through the floor and people hollering at each other at the tops of their lungs. Two people managed to stand out in the crowd though - those two obviously being your two friends.
Mina and Denki are scream-laughing at strangers dancing, clearly already off their tits. Mina catches your eye and screams - the whole bar jumps at the shrill sound, but she pays no mind and hurtles towards you.
You laugh and hug her. "Y/n, I have a secret, c'mere," she mumbles. You stifle a laugh and lend her your ear. She cups her hand around your ear and... makes a fart noise.
Denki comes up behind up the two of you and cackles at the both of you. Shinsou can't help but let out a little snort at the sight. Seeing you smile would always make him the smile, anyways.
"Should we get drinks?" You ask. It's pointed at Shinsou, but Mina screeches 'yes' and drags you to the bar. You send a ‘sorry’ look at Hitoshi, and he just shrugs with a smile. You order your drinks and sit with Mina at the stools.
She's patting her hair back into place, eyes searching for the yellow-haired boy in the crowd. God knows where he's taken poor Shinsou.
You can see the look on her face - it's more obvious now she's drunk. Furrowed brows, jutted out lip and she's curled into herself a little bit more. "You still haven't told him?" You pry.
She jumps at your question and moves a pink curl from her eye. "No..."
"He's crazy about you," You sigh. The bartender puts your drinks down, you thank him, and take a sip- fuck, it's strong.
She raises a brow and rests her clumsy head against her hand. "Nahhhhh, he isn't."
"Yes, he is!"
"No, he isn't!"
"Plus, can you even talk?"
That shuts you up, and your face twists in confusion. You let out a breathless laugh, "You're so drunk, dude-"
"Okayyy?" She says, an evil grin lighting up her dark eyes. "Hitoshi still has a big, fat crush on youuuuu," she sings. Her finger comes up and boops your nose, much to your dismay.
You waft her finger away and take a glance at the boy across the room. Both boys are sat down, Denki on some rant that includes waving his arms around like a car dealership blow-up. Your eyes drift to the purple haired boy.
He's sat back in his chair, his jacket off and arms straining at the short sleeves of his cotton shirt, and he does his signature stretch - the one that you 'hate' so much. Your eyes betray you, and your glancing down at the dark strip of hair leading to his belt-
"Jesus, just ask him out already. The whole room can feel you eye-fucking him, Y/n," Mina slurs. You snap your attention back to her with hot cheeks and shove her lightly. She's stuck between giggling at you and looking at something behind you.
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump out of your skin. You let out a small shout, and spin around. A tall guy looms over with a leering smile - it makes your skin crawl - and eyes drawing everywhere but your face.
He’s got dark, greasy hair and black eyes that look like pits into whatever ‘soul’ he has. There’s an air around him filled with arrogance, douchery, and frankly, danger.
"You single?" He drawls. He's uncomfortably close - nearly caging you in against the bar, with one hand on the counter behind you. The other hand is busy holding an empty pint of beer that you're thinking hasn't been his first.
Mina's watching the both of you with wide eyes, mouth opening and closing like a fish. You shake your head and laugh with anxiety. "I'm not interested, sorry," You mutter and slide off the stool.
Mina joins you and you're pushing through the crowd. She's in front of you, and you're nearly at the table, but there's a hand on your arm. It's holding tight.
A yelp leaves your lips but Mina's already through the crowd, probably at the table. You’re pulled back into the chest of the guy, and his face reeks of alcohol. A horrible grin spreads across yellow teeth and he flips his dark hair out of his face.
"I asked if you're single, so answer the question, sweetheart." He slurs, nose almost touching yours.
You tried to wrench your arm out of his grip, panic rising. The thrumming in your ears is getting louder, but your throat is so dry that nothing will come out. The few sips you had of your drink are making you foggy, but you know you need to move.
You managed to push some words out. "Listen, I just wanna sit with my friends-"
He presses himself against you, and your heart feels like it's going to burst out of your chest when he moves his mouth next to your ear. "Why can't we be friends?"
There’s a beat where you’re not really sure what happens, but something does.
You blink and you're free, a waft of air making you shiver for a second.
There's a back in front of you - a back you recognise immediately as Shinsou's, and his familiar smell of lavender and cedarwood fills your brain with the same feeling second-hand smoke from Denki’s blunts do.
The guy scoffs loudly and peers around Shinsou, gesturing at you with a pointed finger.
"She didn't fuckin' tell me she had a boyfriend! She was leadin' me on-"
Hitoshi let’s put a groan and puts his hands to his temples, “Shut the fuck up? Please?". He’s scowling, arms crossed, looming over Creep Mcgee. It's apparent he's a foot taller than the moron, the width of his shoulder making the two of them look like a comical before and after gym-plan ad.
If you hadn't been so shaken, you'd have laughed.
Instead, you found your hand subconsciously wrapping around Shinsou's bicep and glancing up at him. His gaze was steely and dark through narrowed eyes, and his tongue poked through his cheek.
The guy moved to say something again, but Shinsou shook his head. It was a warning, if anything.
Creep McGee just sighed and left, muttering things about you.
A few people had been watching, but they got bored and went back to their dancing and drinking. He looked down at you and his face softened, clenched jaw turning into a small smile on his lips.
"You okay?"
You nodded and tightened your grip on his arm. Your legs were shaking a bit, but you were alive so you couldn't complain.
He gave you a once-over and took your hand off his arm, holding it instead in his own. He looked at it for a second, and Mina's earlier words flashed in your mind.
"Hitoshi still has a big, fat crush on youuuuuu."
The memory made your face go hot again. Shinsou huffed, and started leading you to the door.
"No- I don't want to ruin it, I wanna stay for a bit-"
Hitoshi let out a chuckle in front of you and looked back with a smile you thought you'd swoon over. "We're jus' gettin' you some air, kay?"
His voice was soft and warm and felt like a million hugs and lit you on fire. You nodded obediently and let him lead you outside to sit on the curb a few steps from the door.
You sat clumsily, tugging your skirt down while Shinsou shook his head at you.
"Why do you even wear that stuff? It's always stressful for you," He asked as you finally sat next to him.
"'Cus it's cute? What, do I look bad?" You asked with a cheeky smile, nudging him.
He went quiet for a minute and looked out into the street, eyes following the passing cars. "Nah. You look beautiful." He admitted quietly.
Your heart jumps into your throat at his words. Your hair stands on end, and you feel like you've been electrocuted by Denki with the tingles and shivers flying across your skin.
You turn into Mina for a minute, and open-an-close your mouth like a fish. "...Thanks, boyfriend."
Hitoshi snorts and pushes your shoulder with a teasing smile. "Yeah, you wish, Y/n."
"Yeah, I do," you reply without a beat. You don't even realise what you've said before Shinsou turns to you with wide eyes.
Your hands fly up to smack your mouth in panic. What the fuck? Why would you say that! Y/n, for fuck's sake-
But a grin breaks out on his face, lighting up his violet eyes and they shine in the lamppost's light above him. Fuck, he looks like an angel with the white light halo-ing him, outlining his silhouette like a movie screenshot.
"Yeah?" He asks, and his voice has lowered a bit. His teasing tone is gone, and there's something different, you've never heard before - it's electrifying.
Hitoshi's inched forwards, and his eyes are flitting from your eyes to your bitten lips, making your body shake in anticipation. You know you're doing the same, watching his gaze on you darken and his lips form a shit-eating smirk he'll use to annoy you later.
But you don't give a fuck, because you nod.
He moves fluidly, hand snaking up to cup your neck, half in your hair, and rush you towards his lips. A muttered 'fuck' leaves his mouth before he kisses you, and it's everything you've ever imagined.
He tastes like tobacco - a habit he pretends he doesn't indulge in - and minty gum, making your head spin more than it already is. He's soft, moving with your mouth slowly and taking you in.
Your hand rests on his chest, and you can feel his heart hammer at an unhealthy rate. Air is rushing out of you, so you force yourself to separate from Hitoshi. It’s reluctant, and you wish you could spend all your time against the soft pillows that are his lips, but unfortunately you require oxygen to survive. A cruel reality.
You're both panting into the cold air, staring at each other. A little giggle escapes you, and Hitoshi laughs, and then you both end up in a fit of laughter with your hands still cradling the other.
"Boyfriend?" Hitoshi asks contemplatively, pretending to think it over. You snort and hit him on the chest.
"Take me out on a date, first, pushy."
He grins and pecks your nose, hand still cradling the back of your neck. "I guess I'll have to, then."
"Well, in that case... can you go get me another drink? I left mine on the bar-"
"Good God, Y/n."
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taglist: @todoslutbyheart @aespie @itzlittlemissperfect @im-so-tired-sorry @mangalovesanime-blog @livingmydreamlife5555
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 days
1k challenge request- what is Ghost like on vacation? NSFW always preferred lol
Ghostie on vacation? Vacation?!? Yes, please. Funny enough, Ghost is currently on vacation in Ink & Needle, and that boy is being naughty in that AU. But that’s not what we’re talking about here. Thanks for sending this in! I hope you enjoy it (and the steamy bits).
Most of these are gn!reader with one or two exceptions!
Word Count: 729
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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Do y’all remember the bit of banter between Soap, Ghost, and Laswell in MW3? And Ghost replies “why not both?” when it comes to whether they prefer the beach or snow. To me, that means Ghost is down for anything. He’ll take a road trip or a week-long stay in Bali. Man just loves a good vacation.
On that note, when Ghost and Soap were being a bit cheeky about the “tan lines around the eyes,” he insinuates he wears the mask, but I don’t believe that. When Simon isn’t in the field, he’s not going to wear his mask, especially on vacation. He’d stick out like a sore thumb.
If Simon is taking a vacation with his S/O, he’s really down for anything. It can be simple and romantic. It could be camping. Hell, you could drag him to Disneyworld and he’d probably still enjoy himself.
However, he’s very much controlling when it comes to traveling. He’s the Dad in this scenario. He packs in advance, he wakes up way too early to go to the airport, he checks to make sure the plane is actually at the gate, he keeps the schedule, and Simon isn’t necessarily going to just “go with the flow” in the moment. Simon is the one holding the passports and tickets. God help you if you try to seize them from him.
No mask. Period. And no work. Simon isn’t taking phone calls, emails, or anything else. Price can deal with any shenanigans on his own.
Terrible about putting on sunscreen. You’re always making sure he’s protecting his skin.
Most of the spending money is spent on feeding Simon. Dude is a brick wall and he’s always eating. And when he’s not eating something, he’s buying you whatever you want.
If the vacation requires driving, Simon prefers taking his own vehicle or renting one. He doesn’t skimp here. Simon will select a reputable rental car company and select something roomy.
Holds you accountable on everything, but is also incredibly indulgent. You might complain that something is expensive and you won’t get it, and Simon will say good on you for sticking to your guns, but he’ll also just fucking buy it anyway because he can’t help seeing you smile.
Vacations (or rather holidays) are Simon’s one opportunity to forget everything. He can spend time with you completely uninterrupted. No life shit. No work shit. Just you and him.
Enjoys the outdoors but is also down for exploring cities, walking through museums, and trying new things. Simon is open to exploring a culture he’s never interacted with before, especially if he’s doing it with you.
Likes to travel and go on vacation during off-seasons. Simon isn’t a fan of crowds and it’s not from an anxiety standpoint. That military training is hard to dislodge, and he’s often overly aware of potential threats in a crowd.
Has a terrible sweet tooth. Simon will eat more desserts than actual food if you’re not watching him.
Loves long road trips because he enjoys all the lazy blow jobs you give him while in the car. Sometimes he has to pull over and just have his way with you.
Basically, you and Simon are fucking regardless of where you are.
Going on a destination vacation to a beachy oasis? Simon is fucking you in the cabana, in the hotel room, in the private pool, under a waterfall. Sometimes it might be lazy and slow, and sometimes he’s just chasing his own end and needs to be inside you.
Camping? That tent is seeing some action. You’re little spoon. Simon is big spoon. And he probably has his cock buried deep inside you, rocking his hips lazily while is hand is playing with other parts of you.
But he’s smart not to fuck out in the wilderness. Bug bites are the fucking worse.
In the cabin in the Pacific Northwest? He’s fucking you by the fire while it rains outside.
Simon’s intimacy and romantic side really flourishes during this time. Because there are no outside distractions, he’s able to put his entire focus on you. Along with the sex, Simon is simply an attentive partner. While he’s here to enjoy himself, he is also highly aware of your needs.
Hates when the two of you have to go back to the real world. Would rather disappear with you forever.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @wren5650 @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36
@miss-mistinguett @keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @enfppuff
@cinnabeanz @berarenado @rogerrhqpsody @josephquinnschesthair @saoirse06
@haven-1307 @therealbloom @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu @marispunk
@thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan @beebeechaos
@enarien @xxkay15xx @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666
@lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67
@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg
@webmvie @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe
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excuseme-greentea · 3 days
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~to be updated when I post a new fic, so I have them all in one place~
you can find me as bucksclipboard on ao3 💕 kudos and comments make my day!
buddie fic masterpost here
kiss in the kitchen (like it's a dancefloor) (T, 1.5k) | ao3 | rebloggable
When Buck realizes Bobby is going to be ok, it feels like a weight has been lifted off his chest. Tommy insists on coming over and keeping him company – and for the first time, they make dinner together.
or: maybe buck and tommy get a little distracted
(set before their scene in 7x10)
born to make you happy (T, 1.8k) | ao3 | rebloggable
Buck kept thinking of that Parks and Rec quote. “If I keep my body moving and my mind occupied at all times, I will avoid falling into a bottomless pit of despair.” He smiled to himself as he opened the door to his loft, exhausted and ready to collapse on his couch but feeling somewhat accomplished. He had spent the morning volunteering at a dog sanctuary, and then raced home to take a quick shower before going to his annual checkup and to get a haircut he didn’t really need but hey, why not. It was his birthday after all.
or: tommy surprises buck on his birthday
more under the cut
written all over your face (T, 2.5k) | ao3 | rebloggable
A completely smitten Buck decides he wants to keep Tommy all to himself for just a while longer. When an accidental goodbye kiss exposes their new relationship, the 118 wants to be respectful – but when has that ever worked?
or: buck and tommy try to keep their relationship a secret and fail adorably
let me hold your hand (T, 1.1k) | ao3 | rebloggable
They could’ve lost their jobs over the unauthorized cruise ship rescue – instead, they’re receiving medals. Buck and Tommy arrive at the ceremony together and share a sweet moment before going in to join their crews.
or: buck and tommy can be professional AND hold hands in public
better than revenge (E, 3.5k) | ao3 | rebloggable
Buck is having a hard time adjusting to Captain Gerrard’s reign of terror. After weeks of keeping his worries to himself, he tells Tommy – and they get their own kinky version of revenge.
or: does this qualify as revenge sex?
series: I think we'd feel good together (4/4)
the fics can be read in order or as standalones
you talk to me like lovers do (M, 2.3k) | ao3 | rebloggable | (1/4)
After that beast of a fire, Buck makes sure Tommy is taken care of. He brings him home to the loft – not only so he can kiss him some more but sure, that too.
or: tommy shows up for buck and buck shows up for tommy
you better come get your man (T, 3.2k) | ao3 | rebloggable | (2/4)
Buck and Tommy bask in the early stages of their relationship – but there’s one concern Tommy just can’t seem to shake. He decides to confront Eddie about a careless comment he made and learns more than he bargained for. In the words of Chandler Bing: can open, worms everywhere.
or: tommy tries to understand the 118 dynamics and gets a little overprotective
oh what a beast, oh what a man (E, 2.2k) | ao3 | (3/4)
Tommy doesn’t want to pressure Buck – and Buck has been holding back for his own reasons. One night, he decides to take the next step and ask for what he wants.
or: buck finally gets to have sex with his beast of a boyfriend
it's in his kiss (T, 3.4k) | ao3 | rebloggable | (4/4)
Buck finds out Tommy confronted Eddie about the comment he made, and it leads to the first fight in their relationship. It’s time he learns: This is what it feels like to be someone’s priority.
or: I hope buck gets a kiss on his birthmark every day
if you made it to the end of this post: thank you so much for reading!
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staylovesmiley · 3 days
Collision— Chapter 1
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Pairing; Stray Kids x afab!reader
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩Summary; You’ve known him for years but you never would have guessed the charming guy you’ve been online gaming with has been an idol this whole time.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ᯓᡣ𐭩ᯓᡣ𐭩Warnings; implied afab reader (only they/them pronouns used for reader), angst, smut, mild violence, pls I haven’t written fanfics since 2018 patience and kindness is appreciated
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It was already getting late, the sun having set hours before and the soft sounds of the city’s night life stirred out his bedroom window. Felix had just returned from a long day of schedules but was finding it hard to wind down now that he was left to his own devices. He had already reached out in the group chat to see if any of the members wanted to keep him company only for them to turn him down in favor of sleep, working on things in the studio, or even extra practice time which didn’t sound appealing to the blonde at this point in time. Needing something to distract himself from his idol self, Felix sat at his desk and began firing up a familiar program.
A soft lullaby-like melody began to drift into his headphones as he adjusted them on his head, quickly logging into the popular open world game as the opening theme soothed some of the restlessness he had been feeling since returning home. At first he was just going to play solo but curiosity got the better of him and he decided to pull up his friends list just to see who out of his gaming buddies might be online. To his surprise he saw one of them, a player that went by the name Starlight, on and decided to send over the co-op request.
Just as the request went through he heard the familiar chime of a call coming through on his discord. Quickly, Felix turned on his voice distortion software and answered the call with an amused smirk pulling at his lips. “Now, what are you doing up so late Star?” He questioned, listening to their laughter ring through the line. “It may be late for you but I’m actually on my lunch break at the moment, sir.” They responded in a teasing manner. He laughed sheepishly in returned. “You caught me there- was having trouble sleeping after work so I thought I’d game for a bit.”
Star hummed in understanding. “What time is it over there, like midnight right?” “Half past eleven, but you were close.” The Aussie cringed slightly at the sound of his voice echoing slightly in his ears with the distortion. For the safety of his privacy he always made sure to use a voice changer when on calls with his online friends, and never accepted video calls despite the curiosity a lot of them had as to what he looked like behind the screen. Star was one of the only ones to never push him for any photos or a video chat. He appreciated them for respecting his boundaries, though it would have been hypocritical of them since they also refused to show themselves though to his knowledge they didn’t go as far as to distort their voice in any way. “So, got anything in particular you wanna do or just sorta fuck around for a bit? I could use some help farming for Wanderer you know~” Their voice in a sing-song tone at the end. Chuckling at them, Felix agreed to help them out and quickly followed their lead in game.
About an hour later, their game cut short due to his companions lunch break ending. “Sorry bud- I’ll have to catch you some other time and I can repay the favor! You know how much I hate farming solo so this was a big help.” He could hear their smile in their voice, wearing what he assumed was a matching expression as he shrugged though he knew they wouldn’t be able to see it. “It’s no big deal, really. I’m glad we could keep each other company. I should probably head to bed myself-“ “Oh! Before I go I wanted to tell you…I’m actually going to be in your neck of the woods soon so maybe we can play some in the same timezone for once!” Felix paused for a beat. They were coming to Korea? All of his gaming buddies knew where he lived, though that and the fact he is originally from Australia was as far into his personal life as he was comfortable going with any of them.
Starlight had been one of his longest Genshin friends, having started playing around the same time as him they had met in a server for newbies to the game and hit it off quickly. The thought of them being so close was exciting yet a bit nerve wracking. Curiosity at the reason for their trip from the states to South Korea itched in his mind. “Oh really? What’s bringing you all the way to Korea?” Star squealed a litte, and he could lightly hear the sound of what he assumed was their feet tapping at the floor with excitement. “Well- I’ve been wanting to make a trip there for a while….not to sound cliche or anything but I’ve been a huge fan of kpop and kdrama since I was in like- middle school and I’ve never traveled outside of the states before so it seemed like a fun place to start.” Felix had to keep himself from choking on nothing. A fan? Of kpop- they had never mentioned this to him before in the years they had been online friends. His mind began to wonder. What groups did they like? Did they know about Stray Kids? What if they were a Stay? He felt his heartbeat quicken and reflexively put his fingers to his pulse and took a deep breath to calm himself. “Oh that’s cool! Any plans for when you get here?” He questioned, finally feeling a bit calmer. This was fine, the odds they would be stay were slim, and besides there was no way for them to know who it was they had really been playing with this whole time as he himself went through multiple precautions to hide his identity online. Then, he felt his worlds colliding with a single string of words from their lips. “Actually, yeah! One of the groups I’m a fan of is having a concert I was able to snag tickets for! Not sure if you’ve heard of them but they are pretty big these days, Stray Kids?” His eyes felt comically huge and the blonde thought he may faint. “Stray Kids?” Was all that he could muster as a response, throat suddenly very dry. “Yeah! They are like so incredibly talented. I wasn’t able to see them when they came here on tour last so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity after I finally decided to book a trip to Korea and they happened to be holding a concert at the same time. I’m so excited! But- oh i really gotta go or I’m gonna be late getting back from lunch. I’ll talk to you later okay?” Felix blinked a few times before fully registering their words. “Oh uh- yeah definitely. Talk to you later Stay- Star! Bye Star!” And with that he abruptly ended the call. Fuck. He called them Stay- hopefully they didn’t catch it in their haste to get back to work. His next conversation was sure to be interesting if they had happened to hear him….
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author’s note: I’m super rusty at writing so I hope this is okay…feedback is welcome and encouraged! I started this cause it has been super slow at work and I’ve personally never read a fic having to do with reader and Felix being genshin co-op buddies and I thought it would be a fun concept (as a genshin player myself lol) Again, I hope those of you reading enjoyed it and I’m looking forward to updating soon. ᕱᕱ⊹ ࣪ ˖
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sutaagaaru · 12 hours
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౨ৎ synopsis: nanami kento is finally dragged out to a bar by his work colleague, satoru. against his better judgment he ends up drinking, and finds himself spending the night with a pretty girl. he can’t seem to stop thinking about her, or if he’ll ever see her again. turns out she’s closer than he thought….
౨ৎ content: workplace au, colleagues to lovers, slight age gap, gojo is a shit stirrer, suggestive themes, alcohol consumption, pushing the agenda that nanami can dance
౨ৎ chapter summary: after a messy breakup with your boyfriend, but landing a new job, your friends decide to both cheer you up and celebrate at a bar.
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nanami kento was exhausted. it was bad enough that he was constantly drowning in work, not to mention the overtime, but he also had to endure his work colleague, satoru (if you asked, satoru would be adamant they were best friends.)
every single weekend, without fail, the white-haired man would beg him to come to a bar with him to drink. and every single weekend, nanami would refuse.
so why was it that nanami was sat on a barstool in the corner of a bustling club?
“come on, nanamin!! i finally convinced you to come here with me, you can’t sulk by yourself here.” satoru whined, as nanami realised he did often a long time ago.
“i agreed i would attend just this once, that doesn’t mean i’m going to make a fool of myself which no doubt you will be doing tonight.” the stoic man answered with a coldness that satoru wasn’t unfamiliar with.
“you’re such an old man, nanamin. i swear that wrinkle on your forehead gets bigger every time we hang out-”
“do you forget that you are older than me?” nanami rubbed his temples. the regret of agreeing to this outing was bringing on a headache.
“nuh uh. we’re basically the same age.”
“you’re an insolent child.” nanami sighed, and ordered a glass of whiskey. maybe that would soothe his ache– or drown out the 30 year old man child in front of him.
“fine, while you drown in that glass, i’m gonna find me a woman. enjoy your loneliness!” satoru sped off in the direction of the crowd, leaving nanami by himself.
life has a way of making things turn out how they’re supposed to. you had just broken up with your boyfriend of 2 years after finding him cheating… and then the next day you were rewarded by finding out your application to a job was accepted. a career in literature was something you had wanted for a while, and working at the Kaisen Company was everything you wanted and more. it definitely took your mind off your pathetic excuse of an ex boyfriend.
but your friends’ plans for the night were the best remedy of all.
you were in the middle of the packed dance floor, ice cold cocktail in your hand. it had been a considerable amount of time since you last went out dancing with your friends; your ‘insecure’ ex boyfriend didn’t want you going out and cheating on him– how ironic.
regardless, tonight wasn’t about him. it was about your exciting new job as a publishing and marketing assistant, and being free to have as much alcohol as you wanted before you started on monday.
“are you having fun?” your best friend nobara shouted in your direction over the noise of the crowd.
“tons. thank you for taking me out tonight, you two.” you smiled, sipping your drink.
“well we had to celebrate. it’s not every day a woman gets to escape the clutches of an evil toad.” your other friend maki joked. she’d never liked your ex.
you’d met maki and nobara when you started your old job. nobara was four years younger than you at 20, with maki a year older than her, but you were so close and you were sad the three of you were no longer going to be working together.
“speaking of, do you think you’ll end up with anyone tonight? anyone here would be a serious improvement.” nobara asked you.
“unless i meet the perfect man in here, i think i’m gonna pass on the male species altogether for a while.” you considered dating an older man the next time around, hopefully the maturity level would increase slightly.
“who needs men anyway, me and nobara are way cooler than any guy on earth.” maki swung her arm around the both of you and you giggled.
“you’re right. who could possibly be perfect in a place like this?”
nanami was at the end of his fourth drink of the night. every now and then he would turn his head to find satoru being incessantly irritating with some woman, to which he would roll his eyes. it amazed him how any woman would even be attracted to him in the first place.
maybe women liked a man who was boyish and grabs everyone’s attention. that could be why nanami never seems to get very far with women. he couldn’t even remember the last time he was in a relationship, never mind been interested in a woman.
truthfully he wasn’t social enough to meet anyone.
“could i get another-” “can i please get-”
before nanami could order his fifth glass of whiskey, someone else had ran up to the bar to get another drink.
he peered over at the woman next to him. there you stood, wide eyed like a stunned deer which completely contrasted with your outfit. you couldn’t have been older than 25, he thought, and his eyes couldn’t help but wander over you.
nanami made a mental note not to drink much anymore.
“sorry, you were ordering first.” you smiled politely at the lonely man at the bar. he was handsome, which was certainly an understatement, and his hair was sort of wild and untamed. you took a quick glance at his clothes; a crisp white shirt paired with some black pants, and you came to the conclusion he didn’t come to bars often.
“no, you go ahead, i’m starting to think i should stop ordering myself alcohol.” the man gestured to the bartender who began making your drink as you waited.
“i hope you don’t take offence, but why come to a place like this if you don’t want to drink?” you took it upon yourself to sit down at the stool next to him.
“you see that tall idiot over there, dancing behind that woman?” he pointed over at a man with bright, white hair, “he’s a work colleague, and he dragged me here.”
you smiled at his honesty, it was refreshing.
“what brings you here?” he questioned, his body turning slightly to face you.
“i’m here with my friends, we’re celebrating my new job.” you tactically omitted the drama of your love life. no stranger needs to hear that.
“congratulations, i hope it goes well for you. my name is nanami kento…” nanami held out a hand for you to shake, waiting for you to introduce yourself.
you told him your name, and took his hand in yours, shaking it firmly.
just as you let go of his hand, the bartender comes back over to you with your cocktail.
“so, tell me about your job. do you hate all of your colleagues or just the so-called tall idiot?” you joked, and nanami let out an airy laugh.
“satoru and i knew each other before we started working together. we were in the same high school, and he won’t let me escape him 15 years later.” he explained, but one detail stuck out to you.
“wait– you’re in your 30’s? but you look so young…” you spoke incredulously.
“i am taking that as a compliment, just so you know.” nanami smiled.
“good, because it was supposed to be one.” you didn’t miss the way he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. you weren’t stupid, you could see this man was absolutely attractive, and he seemed to be a real gentleman. it made you want to rile him up.
“hey, this might be forward, but do you maybe want to dance with me? i haven’t seen my friends in a while and i’m enjoying your company.” you asked him.
“i wouldn’t be opposed to that, but i don’t really dance…” he held his hands up defensively.
“then it’s a perfect time for me to teach you. come on, nanami.” you grabbed his hands and pulled him up from his seat.
following behind you to the dance floor, nanami took a glance around to see if satoru was lurking. he would be mortified if he were to see this.
once you had led him far enough into the crowd, you faced the man. you underestimated how tall he was when you were sat on the barstools, but it was just another reason as to why he was so attractive.
“okay, put your hands right here,” you slowly moved his hands to the sides of your waist, noting how large they were before resting yours on his arms.
“now you just feel the music.” you swayed your hips to the upbeat song blaring from the speakers, all the while nanami watched.
“you’re not a very good teacher.” he chuckled, but his soft voice made it hard for you to hear him.
“what did you say? it’s too loud for me to hear.” you shouted, standing on tiptoes to get closer to his height.
“i said you’re not a very good teacher.” he repeated himself, getting a whiff of the scent of your hair.
“hey! i told you to feel the music, you’d think they were playing some sad ballad.” you laughed at him before standing back down on your feet.
“maybe i’m too old for this.” his hands squeezed at your waist.
“you just need to move your lower body a little.” nanami took your advice and started to move his hips with yours. your eyes never left his as you danced together, and he finally began to let loose. can’t dance, my ass.
as the seconds passed, your bodies got closer and closer, until you were practically pressed against him. you felt the vibrations from his chest indicating he was speaking to you, but once again his voice was lost.
“could you say that again?” you leaned back slightly to look at him.
you assumed you were going to stand on tiptoes again, but instead he leaned down to you, next to the shell of your ear.
“i said you’re beautiful.”
not what you were expecting.
nanami pulled his head away from your ear to face you, but found himself leaning in once again to press his lips to yours.
what started out slow and methodical quickly turned into a heated dance of tongues and hands.
you felt his thumbs caressing your sides as he closed the small gap between your bodies. lifting one of your hands to the back of his head, your fingers threaded in the strands of his hair, and tugged gently. nanami sighed into your mouth, pulling you impossibly closer.
you were so caught up in the moment with him that neither of you noticed a white-haired man heading towards you.
“my, my, my,” satoru interrupted, causing nanami to break away from your lips and let out a huff of indignation, “i leave my good friend alone for five minutes and this is what he gets up to?”
you hold in a laugh at nanami’s face of disgust.
“we haven’t met yet, but i’m sure nanamin’s tongue can introduce me.” you could see why a man like nanami would find him so idiotic, but it was entertaining to say the least.
“i’m going to try my best to ignore what you’ve just said for the sake of my embarrassment. please leave.” nanami pinches the bridge of his nose, meanwhile satoru completely ignores him.
“my name is gojo satoru, but you can just call me toru.” he grins cheekily.
“it’s great to meet you, gojo.”
“ouch, i’m wounded. it’s bad enough that nanamin here calls me by my last name when we’ve known each other for so long.” satoru places a hand on his heart dramatically. it truly surprises you that the two of them are friends when they’re complete opposites.
they sort of reminded you of itadori and megumi, two of your friends from your old job.
“hey, we were just looking for you!” you heard nobara from behind you, with maki beside her.
“oh hey, this is nanami, and his weird friend gojo.” you gestured to the two of them.
“i can’t believe you just called me weird. i thought we were closer than that.” satoru gasped.
“she met you 30 seconds ago.” nanami spat, still scowling like he was as soon as satoru arrived.
“so did you, but you don’t see me giving her mouth to mouth!” he ruffled nanami’s hair, and you pursed your lips, glancing at your friends who raised their eyebrows at you.
“you’re lucky you are somewhat capable at your job or i’d be emailing HR with a lengthy paragraph of your degeneracy.”
“wow, you did a lot while we were gone.” maki side eyed you, and you nudged her with your elbow.
“didn’t you say you weren’t going to-” nobara began but you cut her off.
“i said nothing.” you widened your eyes at her hoping she’d get the hint.
thankfully she did, but satoru certainly did not.
“wait, she wasn’t going to what? tell me, tell me!” he bounced over to nobara, who just looked him with a deadpanned expression.
“stop embarrassing yourself, gojo.” nanami dragged him away by the arm.
“well actually, she said–” you quickly covered maki’s mouth before she could speak and pushed both of her loudmouth friends so they couldn’t say a word.
“i didn’t say a thing! we have to go, see you later!” you scurried away from the two men.
“wait,” nanami called your name, but you were too far to hear him.
damn this loud music.
it was the beginning of the week, and nanami had spent the last two days thinking about the woman he met at the bar. you occupied his mind even as he made his commute to work; the smell of the shampoo in your hair, the jokes you so easily made and the effortless way you got a man like him onto the dance floor.
but thanks to satoru, you had left without giving him any way to contact you. he wondered if he may never see you again.
as the elevator reached the floor of your new workspace, you felt nervousness hit the pit of your stomach. what if you weren’t any good at your job? what if no one liked you and you couldn’t make any new friends? even though there was a low chance of these things happening, the thought still crossed your mind.
then you thought back to your weekend. you had a great night with a stranger, and stupidly forgot to ask for his number. it was unlikely you’d see him again too, seeing as he didn’t go to bars. it was a shame, but you supposed if it was meant to be, things would have turned out differently. or at least that’s what you were telling yourself.
walking through the bullpen of desks, you felt people staring at you. it made sense, they’d never seen you before, but it only added to your nerves.
“hello, it’s my first day today and i was instructed to introduce myself to the publishing and marketing manager.” you walked up to the first person you saw standing, a woman with dark brown hair and tired looking eyes.
“oh yeah, i heard we were getting a new member today. you’re a little early so you can just wait in his office. i’m gonna go for a smoke before he gets here so just let yourself in, it’s through that door up there.” the woman pointed to an office behind you.
“thank you!” you bowed politely and headed for the door.
once you entered the room, you immediately noted the lack of decoration. it was quite a bare office, the only interesting thing about it was the large oak bookshelf at the back of the room. out of curiosity you decided to look at the collection of books there.
nanami exited the elevator, exactly on time just as he did every morning. he figured if he was on time for every shift, he’d have less overtime.
“morning, mr. nanami!” one of the staff greeted him.
“good morning.” despite the ungodly amount of workload he had to tackle, nanami did enjoy working with every one of his colleagues (with the exception of satoru, of course. he thanked every god he could think of that he was in a different department.)
“oh, hey nanami.” shoko held a hand up, closing the door of the smoking room.
“you’re smoking again? at 9 in the morning?” nanami sighed, he’d known shoko as long as he’d known satoru.
“old habits never die. by the way, the new starter arrived about 10 minutes ago, i sent her into your office.”
ah, yes. he’d almost forgot there was another colleague joining his team.
“thank you.” nanami walked swiftly to his office door, and through the window he could see a woman taking a look at his bookshelf.
he turned the doorknob and entered his office to greet her, “good morning, you must be the new–”
as the woman turned around, he realised it was the same woman who had been living in his mind all weekend.
authors note: thanks for reading my first chapter of STAR BOY! i apologise in advance for future updates, because there’s a high chance it will take me a while in between chapters. i sincerely hope you can ignore my mediocre writing.
i’m trying to figure out which characters from the anime/ manga to include, because i don’t think i’ll include all of them. there will definitely be more than i have introduced so far though.
see you in the next chapter!
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© SUTAAGAARU 2024. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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yourlocalmerchgirl · 13 hours
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Soft! Jackson Joel Miller x Neurodivergant/ ADHD F!reader
Summary: Joel hasn't felt hopeful since before the outbreak, that is before he meets you when he arrives in Jackson. Hes falling for you, but you couldn't possible fee the same way, could you?
Soft! Jackson Joel miller x Neurodivergant\ ADHD reader AU
Warnings: unspecified age gap (i wrote this with reader in her early 30s and Joel in is early 50s but no ages are specifically said) soft Joel, concerned Joel, protective Joel, Neurodivergant, audio overstimulation, anxiety. He falls first. Match maker Ellie. Smut. Oral (F! receiving) Fingering, heavy make out sessions. Joel's chatty. body imagine issues, low self-esteem. Swearing, dirty talk. Praise.
A/N: Man this story really got away from me! what i thought would be a short story turned out to be rather length but im proud as hell of this story and i hope you enjoy!
There’s not a lot of descriptors about reader other than eye color and mentions of curves/ plush but they can easily be changed.
Hopeful wasn’t something Joel felt since before the outbreak. But when he met you, it started brewing slow and low just below the surface until he couldn’t deny it anymore, couldn’t push it away any longer. You made him feel hopeful.
“Dude if you stare much longer the whole town is gonna notice.” Ellie teases as she jabs Joel with her elbow.
“Oh stop it, I wasn’t staring”
“You’ve been looking at her for like 10 minutes, just go sit with her”
Joel turns away quickly feeling his face getting red. He thought he was doing a better job of keeping his fondness for you hidden. He figured there was no way you’d share the same feelings, why would you like a guy like him? Old, beat up, and someone the whole town talked about. He figured there just wasn’t any way.
“She don’t want me bothering her” Joel shrugs
“Im not lying when I say she asks about you when you haven’t been to the stables yet.”
A slight smile tugs at Joel’s lips, he always asks Ellie about you too.
“Go sit with her”Ellie nudges him
Joel let’s out a nervous sigh and makes his way over to your table.
You’re fully engrossed in your book that you don’t notice Joel standing there for a moment.
“Is this seat taken darlin’?”
You don’t even have to look to know it’s Joel, you’d know his voice anywhere.
You chuckle, looking up at him with that smile and those big beautiful hazel eyes he loved so much.
“What’s funny?”
“Unless Ellie and Dina are sitting with me, that seats never taken”
Joel frowns at your comment.
“You want some company? It ok if I sit?”
“I’d love some” you say trying not too seem to eager but your bursting with butterflies over Joel wanting to sit with you. Your smile happens automatically, like it always does with Joel.
You’d been fond of Joel since him and Ellie arrived in Jackson. Despite all the whispers about him in town, his presence always calmed you in a way nobody ever had, you couldn’t explain it even if you tried. You absolutely adored Ellie from the moment you met her, Joel always telling you she trusts you in a way he’s never seen before.
The two of you fall into comfortable small talk as you both finish breakfast.
“Didn’t see you at the town dance last night”
“That’s because I didn’t go, you went?”
“Well Ellie and Dina wanted to go cause they’re always reading about dances in the diaries they find, so I went too. Plus Ellie’s always teasin’ me that I need to get out more”
“I don’t normally go to stuff like that, I’m too awkward and I don’t want people asking me to dance because they feel bad.”
“Now I’m sure there would be lots of people who’d like to dance with you” Joel has all he can do not to tell you he’d show up to dance with you everytime if he knew you’d be there.
“That’s really kind of you to say, but incase you haven’t noticed the people here don’t really know how to take me.”
“You headin to the stables?” Joel already knows the answer. He knows it’s not your day to work at the stables but he asks anyways because he doesn’t want the conversation to end.
“ No, today I’m working on getting the little town library set up, now that you and Tommy are finished building the shelves, I’d like to open it soon.”
“Y’need any help? I’m off my normal duties today”
“Oh no, it’s ok. You don’t have to do that. I don’t want to bother you on your free time”
“It’s really no trouble at all, I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to help” Joel’s jokes, smiling at you.
Your laugh.
He’d give anything to hear your laugh over and over again.
“And I guess I wouldn’t accept if I didn’t want help and company” you teased back, trying to stifle the giggle that bubbles up.
She wants company, my company?
The two you you load up the first wagon full of books and wheel across the center of town to the little store front soon to be the The Jackson Town Library.
“Here we can unload them. Then I can keep making the trips back and forth with the cart while you set them up in the shelves”
“Sounds like a deal to me. Why don’t we make like 3-4 trips and stop for the day. Because if not we’re both the type of people to work on our whole day off.”
“You got yourself a deal sweetheart”
Joel can’t help but smile as he turns to make the second trip. There was just something about the way you made him feel at ease, that he couldn’t get over.
When Joel returned with the second load of books he found you and Ellie chatting as she was helping you.
“What was it like to have a birthday party and sleepovers?” Ellie asks you.
“What makes you ask that?” You ask chuckling a little.
“Well I’ve been reading about them in the people from before the outbreaks diaries but I never had either of them”
“They were fun for a lot of people, I um didn’t really have a lot of friends, so my birthday parties were always mostly family. And I only ever went to a few sleep overs. I was always so excited to be included when I got to go to them.”
It breaks Joel’s heart listening to you and Ellie talking. It wasn’t fair that Ellie never got to experience what life was like before the outbreak, never really getting a childhood. Hearing you talking about how hard and lonely your life was even as a child tore him up. You were different sure, but you had a heart of gold. You were so caring, always supporting everyone who needed something and all you wanted was love and care in return.
He wanted to be that person for you so badly, the one who made your heart soar with all the love and support you never had. To be the one to make you laugh on the good days and take you into his arms and take the pain away on the bad days.
He’s not sure exactly when he started to fall for you, but it was coming on faster and stronger by the day.
“My birthday is next weekend, could I have a birthday party?”
You looked up locking eyes with Joel
“Of course you can, we can throw you a birthday party Ellie” you smile at him as you answer.
We. She wants to help me throw a birthday party for Ellie? There’s no bounds to how wonderful and caring this woman is.
“ I of course want to invite you, Dina, Jesse, Ethan, uncle Tommy and Maria. Ooo can I have a sleep over?”
“No boys are sleeping over”
You can’t help but laugh at Joel’s abrupt response.
“Eww no of course not, but Dina and (y/n) could stay over couldn’t they?”
“ yes if they want to they are more then welcome”
“Oh this is awesome, I gotta go tell everyone!”
“Wait, shouldn’t you ask if (y/n) wants too?” Joel’s looking at you to gage your reaction
“Of course, I wouldn’t miss it for the world”
Ellie smiles wildly as she runs out of the store front.
The day came for Ellie’s party, and you loaded up your wagon with all the supplies and headed over there early to help set up.
“Jesus you’ve got a lot of stuff, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble”
“I know but I really wanted to make this as special as I could for her. She deserves to have the experiences she never got too”
Your big heart made Joel’s soar, you were so kind and thoughtful.
“ I do have a big surprise for her, for all the kids really”
“Oh yea? What do you have up your sleeve?” Joel teases.
“So I went through some boxes that had been in the house in one of the closets. I never bothered to before because it’s not like I really have a lot of stuff so they weren’t in the way. But I wanted to see if there was anything I could use for Ellie’s party and man I hit the jackpot”
Joel just smirks and raises a eyebrow signaling you to continue.
“Well one I found another Will Livingston pun book, which she’s going to love and I found a Nintendo console with a bunch of game cartridges. I figured we could teach the kids how to play and then Ellie can keep it”
There it is again, we. Maybe I’m reading into this to much. But I can’t help but feel like she actually likes spending time with me.
“Shit, they’re all going to love it! Man I haven’t played with one of these in ages”
“Me either, I was never any good at them and the sounds drove me crazy”
Joel relished moments like this, when you pulled back the curtain you shielded yourself with and let him see you.
You sat there completely content and full of joy watching Joel teach the kids how to play each game before he joined you on the couch as they went crazy battling each other.
As the kids cheer and the Mario music blasts Joel looks over to see you struggling. Your eyes shut tightly, chest rising and falling quicker than normal
“Hey, want to have a drink in the kitchen?” Joel whispers as he places his hand lightly on your arm.
“Please” you whisper, embarrassed that Joel saw you like that.
You sit at the kitchen table while Joel takes out two glasses with ice and pours whiskey doubles into them.
“Everything alright darlin’?” Joel ask as he takes his seat sliding your glass over to you.
“Oh..yea..everything’s alright” you say staring down at the amber liquid. Embarrassment flooding your system.
“I ain’t gonna push you if you don’t want to talk and I know I probably ain’t your first choice of someone to talk to, but just know you can talk to me.”
Joel desperately wants to know about your struggles, what makes you the way you are. He wants to be the one that helps you through life, the one who makes the bad days good and the good days better. But he pushes aside the thoughts that you’d want to be more than just friends, if you even considered him that. Because after all why would a girl like you like someone like him, could he really be that lucky?
You think about your answer for a few beats, and realize there’s no use trying to lie to Joel. There was just something about Joel that was comforting, that made you feel safe, but in a different way than the way you felt with Tommy you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
“No its not at all like that. I like talking to you.” You don’t miss the way Joel’s eyes light up a little.
“It’s just….I usually just retreat into myself, it’s easier that way. Most people don’t want to hear about my weird issues that can’t be solved with a why don’t you just ignore it?, why can’t you just change? Can’t you be a little less weird?” You said with a defeated shrug.
You wanted to talk to Joel, but part of you hoped he would just change the subject and move on. Because your quiet sure he doesn’t actually want to hear about your ADHD and all the weird idiosyncrasies that came with it.
“Well I’m not most people” he drawled as he lightly touched your arm. Nodding his head to encourage you to continue.
Truthfully he wanted to hear anything you wanted to tell him, Joel wanted to be your comfort point, the person that you went to for anything. To be the person you felt the safest with, to let your tired shoulders relax from holding up that wall around yourself. Letting your true self shine, free from judgement and surrounded by the love you deserve.
“I have sensory issues, especially with audio and textures. It’s hard to explain and it’s been along time since anyone wanted me too, so bare with me because some of this isn’t going to make a whole lot of sense.”
“You take all the time you need sweetheart, there no rush or pressure. I’m here for you”
Joel can’t help but notice your eyes soften and body langue relax a little when you realize he’s got you, that he’s hear for you and truly listening.
“I get overwhelmed easily by a lot of sounds happening at once, like in there with the sounds of the game and all the yelling and cheering at the same time makes my brain feel scrambled up. Like I can’t sort any of it out, it just sounds like one big mixing bowl of sounds. And when that happens I get anxious, my heart starts to pound, my ears ring and sometimes I lash out coming off to aggressive in the moment to try and make it stop.”
“ you’ve been around enough at the stables, you’ve probably heard me come on a little to strong with a razor sharpe tongue when it all gets to much. I always feel so bad, I never mean to snap. But sometimes when it’s so overwhelming it’s like I have no control of my tongue and I just blurt it out before I even realize I’m saying anything.”
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Ask me anything you’d like and I’ll do my best to answer”
“I don’t want this to come out wrong, I’m realizing now this might sound a little weird. But I’ve noticed you fuss with your clothes, like your pulling them away from your skin constantly, is-is that part of the sensitivity?”
You can’t help but look at Joel for a few beats to long, stunned by his question. Not because of the way he worded it but because of the context of his question, that fact that he’s picked up on your discomfort and is curious about it instead of just asking why you can’t just deal with it like everyone else ever has.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean t’make you uncomfortable” Joel says taking your silence as a bad sign.
“No, you didn’t at all. I just got lost in the thought of you being so observant but always wanting to know.”
“I always want to ask if your alright but I never want to pry, I know you like your space”
You can’t help the smile that dances across your face.
“You can ask me anything Joel, if I’m not comfortable answering I’d tell you.”
“But yes, the clothing thing is part of it. The texture of some fabrics against me make me want to crawl out of my skin. It’s hard sometimes for me to fall asleep too because the way the blankets and sheets touch my skin doesn’t feel right. I know it’s weird, I can’t really explain it.”
“It’s not just with clothing or fabric either, it’s physical touch too, which is the worst to get people to understand. I hate being touched, the feeling of most people touching me makes my skin crawl. And they love to brush it off by being like oh well I’m a huggy person or oh I’m just a touchy person so it’s ok.”
“I’m sorry, I know Ellie hugs you all the time and I know I touched you earlier”
“See now this is the most frustrating and complicated part about this. There are people like you, Ellie and Tommy that are in my bubble that I’m comfortable with, that I trust, that that kind of contact is welcome from.”
She likes when I touch her? Am I a welcome presence for her? I’ll drive myself crazy thinking about this too hard, but maybe just maybe she’s trying to tell me she feels the same as I do?
“Then the flip side of it is that there are also sounds that bring me so much comfort, like songs that I could listen to on repeat without batting an eye. The sound of someone’s voice that brings me back to earth when the anxiety is unrelenting. A scent that soothes me beyond explanation.”
Joel can’t help but let his thoughts run wild, indulging in the thought that you might be talking about him. He’s about to ask about your comment when Ellie barges into the kitchen.
“Oh sorry to interrupt” she says when she realizes you two are deep in conversation.
“Oh no it’s ok, you probably just saved me from really embarrassing myself” you chuckle
Joel doesn’t miss the way you stiffen up, as if you feel like you’ve said to much.
“ I’m ready to watch my birthday movie but I’m also really ready for the guys to leave so it’s just the four of us, could you kick them out?”
“ course I can do that, we’ll be right in”
You quickly get up from the table to follow after Ellie.
“Hang on, sweetheart” Joel says softly as he reaches for your arm.
“Can-can I give you a hug? Or rather would you like a hug?”
You can feel the embarrassment really take hold as you pull your eyes to the floor. He had no idea how much you wanted a hug from him and you had no idea how badly he wanted to hug you.
“I would like that” you said meekly as you nod your head. If Joel wasn’t listening intently, hanging on your every word he would of missed it
He takes a few steps closer to you hesitating for a couple beats before he wraps his arms you.
As if you’d been waiting for this moment, your entire body relaxes under his touch. Joel can’t help but notice they way you bury your head into his chest as you wrap your arms around him tighter. The way you stay there in his arms for longer than he expects, like your completely at ease in this moment.
“Thank you….thank you for listening. For letting me talk.” You whisper
“Thank for trusting me, for letting me in” he whispers back.
It had been a few months since Ellie’s birthday party and Joel couldn’t help but boil over with happiness at seeing more of you. You started coming around often and listening to him play guitar on the porch after your walks with Ellie. You started joining them for family meals more in the mess hall, though Joel couldn’t tell you he called them that- not yet anyway.
Because honestly he was waiting for the other shoe to drop, for you to decide he wasn’t the type of person you wanted to spend alot of time with. It’s why he didn’t press you on wether or not you were coming to his birthday gathering at the tipsy bison tonight that Tommy was putting together. He didn’t want you to feel pressured.
You slip into the dimly lit tipsy bison about 45 minutes before Joel’s party is supposed to end. You were so nervous to come, that it took alot for you to actually leave the house. You realize as you slip into a table in the dark back corner that you also forgot his present at home too.
Somethings seriously wrong with me when I remember to bring my security book and not this man’s damn present.
You scan the room and see Joel and Tommy talking to a few people at the bar. Nervous about interrupting you open up your book and try to block out all the loud chatter.
Joel scans the small crowd hoping to see you when he over hears Caleb talking to Tommy.
“Why would she come to something like this if she’s not going to speak to anyone?”
Joel follows Caleb’s motion, feeling a tugging in his chest when he lays eyes on you. You’re sitting in the dark corner of the Tipsy Bison hunched over your book, rubbing your finger back and forth on the cover. Something Joel picked up on that you do when your anxious as a way to sooth yourself.
“Sorry we can’t all be rays of fucking sunshine like you” Joel hears Ellie snap back as he’s making his way over to you.
The closer he gets to you the more his heart pounds. When was the last time I ever felt like this if ever. Joel doesn’t know when it started happening but he can’t fight it any longer, he’s falling for you hard and fast like a fright train. You consume his every thought, which terrifies the hell out of him but he can’t turn back now, not even if he tried.
“Hey there sweetheart, you came” for one fleeting moment Joel feels nervous, maybe you don’t want to be bothered because after all you didn’t even tell him you were here. But that all melts away the moment you look at him. The smile that touches your eyes, the shimmer of happiness that dances across your face.
“It ok to join you?”
“Of course, I’d love that. As long as I’m not taking your time away from anyone else?”
“There isn’t one person in here I’d rather talk to”
The way you beam up at him as you quickly but your book back in you’re bag says it all. This is another sign of yours that Joel’s picked up on, you only do this when you’re comfortable and want to talk to someone. You always do this when you see him, he trys so hard not to read into that but at this point it’s impossible.
The two of you sit and talk for a bit. You can’t help but be consumed by all things Joel when you were around him, and you loved that. The way he looked at you like you were the only other person in the world or the way he made you feel when ever he was near was both to much snd not enough. Your feelings for him charging full steam ahead, there’s no way you’d stop them even if you had the option.
But could he really feel the same?
“Well I should go I don’t want to take you away from your friends to long”
“Oh, let me walk you home”
“No no it’s ok, I’ll be alright, it’s your party” you say frowning, not wanted to inconvenience him in any way.
“Sweetheart…I can promise you most these people ain’t here for me”
You pause for a few beats
“Ok, in that case I’d love that” unable to control the sincere wild smile that dances across your lips at the thought of Joel Miller walking you home.
“Um ah- would you like to come in for a minute? I ah have a gift for you but I forgot it when I left for your party” you smile sheepishly up at Joel as you reach your little house.
“You have a gift for me?”
“Yea…I made you a birthday present”
Joel follows you inside your house, and instantly the scent of you is filling his senses. He watches as your disappear down the hall and into a room, unsure if he can follow you mixed with not wanting to scare you has him staying in the kitchen.
“Here it’s not much, but I wanted to do something” you say nervously handing him the small gift wrapped in a scrap piece of fabric.
You lean back against the counter as Joel takes the gift, unwrapping the corded string holding the fabric around the gift like wrapping paper.
You’re overcome with anxiety watching him, making it near impossible to look at him. What if he doesn’t like it? What if it’s to much? Joel doesn’t miss the way your fidgeting around nervously.
As Joel pulls back the last fold of fabric he reveals a smallish leather bound note book. As he turns it over in his hands the light catches right for him to notice stitched into the cover in a slightly different colored string than the leather is his name.
“You made this for me? Christ it must of taken forever” Joel asks as he runs this fingers over the the letters.
“D-do you like it? I hope it’s not to much?” You say sheepishly, retreating into yourself as your wrap your arms around yourself.
“No no, it ain’t like that. I love it, I’m just surprised you took the time to make something for me of all people.”
“It took me about two months to do, because I worked on it when I had the energy after rounds at the stables. But I wanted to do something special for you, because.. well because your special to me. When I heard you saying your note book for your patrol and maintenance notes was almost full I got the idea to make this without knowing how to go about it”
“Nobody’s ever done anything like this more me before. Is it ok if I give you a hug sweetheart?”
When Joel takes you into his arms he expects you to be tense before you relax like the few times before,but not this time. No this time was different, this time you melted under his touch immediately burying your face in his chest. He can’t help but think maybe you’ve been needing his touch, his comfort as much as he needs yours.
You feel him pull back from the hug, making you painfully aware you held on to him for a few beats to long. You’re anxiety takes over as you pull back, you’re gaze dropping to the floor immediately.
“Sorry. Sorry, I made that weird”
“Give yourself some credit sweetheart, you never make anything weird. I just wanted to look at you, that’s all”
Pulling your gaze back up, your met with his beautiful deep brown eyes. They’re filled with a soft tenderness as he reaches up caressing the curve of your cheek.
Joel’s large warm hand comes to cup the side of your face, smoothing his calloused thumb back and forth over your cheek bone. His heart thunders in his chest when you lean into his touch, looking more free than he’s ever seen you. Almost as if you’re letting him see a glimpse of yourself from before the world fell apart. He also sees a lightness in your body language that he only notices when the two of you are together.
His eyes flicker between your lips and your eyes a few times, trying to search for any fear or discomfort.
Fuck it.
Your eyes flutter closed as Joel’s lips connect with yours in a soft and tender kiss. Your mind in desperately trying to process everything as Joel takes your stillness as hesitation and pulls away at the exact moment you brain catches up.
“Sorry I misre-“
“Wait, Do it again” you whisper
Joel grabs both sides of your face as he lowers himself back down connecting with your soft lips again. Only this time you don’t hesitate, you return the kiss as you bring your hands to loop round his neck, your fingers sinking into the hair at the nape of his neck. Joel skims his hands down your sides resting them on your hips, a action that makes you gasp as you tilt you’re head up.
“Is this ok?” He whispers as he pulls back enough to rest his forehead against yours.
“Yes” you whisper back, running your fingers deeper into his dark graying hair. This action unlocks something deep inside Joel as he hooks his one hand around your lower back and the other around the back of your head pulling you closer to him. When you resume kissing it’s more passionate and frantic than before and as Joel licks along the seam of your bottom lip begging for entrance you tilt your head up immediately allowing him to deepen the kiss. As your warm wet tongues dance together the grip you two have on each other tightens. Neither of you wanting to show the other how terrified you both are of the other slipping through your fingers if you not holding on for dear life.
As you both pull back to catch your breath you can’t help the giggle that escapes you.
“I guess it’s safe to say you liked your present?”
“It’s safe to say I like more than just the present sweetheart”
He can’t possibly be saying what I think he’s saying can he?”
“I’d invite you to watch a movie but I moved the only tv into the bedroom because it helps me sleep alone and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
What I wouldn’t give to spend every night next to her. I never want her to feel alone.
“I’d be more than comfortable with that but only if you are”
Christ I could get lost in the big hazel eyes of hers.
“I honestly would love that” youre trying to hide your smile not wanting to come off too eager but it’s impossible.
You lead the way to your bedroom, once inside you gesture to the bed, “you can pick the movie and make your yourself comfortable I’ll be right back.”
You beeline it for the bathroom, splashing some water on your face and looking at yourself in the mirror. You take a few deep breaths trying to tamp down the anxiety.
Did I really just invite Joel Miller to watch a movie with me in my bed and he accepted? When did I get so bold?
Making your way back to the bedroom you see Joel sitting up with his back against the wall with the few pillows against the wall next to him.
The way your smiling at him makes him feel like it’s just you and him in this world, I feeling that nobody has ever given him before.
“Why don’t you have any pillows you rest your back on?” You say as you settle in next to him.
“I just want to make sure your comfortable, I’ll be fine”
You laugh, that beautiful laugh Joel has come to love so much.
“Well I certainly don’t need all of these, you should be comfortable too” you say as you hand him a couple.
Joel absolutely melts at this action. It speaks volumes to him that your advocating for his comfort as well as your own without even thinking about it or being asked too.
As he’s settling back against the pillows Joel notices you rolling one of your shoulders back as it’s it’s bothering you.
“You alright sweetheart? I’ve been noticing you rolling youre shoulder a lot this week, it botherin’ you?”
“Oh yea… it’s fine, I just tweaked it at the stables. Shimmers stables doors been sticking and the saddles are a little high for me sometimes, but it’s fine. I just gotta go easy on it for a bit”
Joel feels a wave of concern mixed with anger, but not with you with himself.
I should of asked sooner, she shouldn’t be getting hurt at work because of something I could of helped fixed. I need to go down there and fix something.
“ let me take a look at it sweetheart”
You’re embarrassed, your sure he thinks your the biggest idiot as you turn facing your back to him.
“Where does it hurt?”
“It hurts kind of along my shoulder blade”
Joel starts feeling along your shoulder blade applying light pressure.
“Ugh right in there” you quietly groan
“It’s a little swollen, maybe a pinched nerve…I could rub it, try to work it out for y’ou if you’d be comfortable with that.”
“Please don’t feel like you have too, it’s ok”
“It’s no trouble sweetheart”
Joel helps you settle back between his legs as he slips his hand into the neck of your shirt messaging his thumb along your shoulder.
Joel doesn’t miss the relaxed sigh you breath out as your eyes get heavy and you slowly fall back until your back is completely flush again his chest, your head on his shoulder.
He wraps his arms around you tightly, looking down to see you completely asleep in his arms. He leans down softy placing a kiss on your forehead. Warmth slowly creeps up his spine, over his shoulders and deep into his chest. This is what safety feels like, you- are what safety feels like. Joel doesn’t have to have his walls up with you. He can relax, let his guard down, not have to be in a constant state of fight or flight around you. The more Joel let’s this realization consume him, the heavier his eyes get and before he can stop it he starts dozing off.
He snaps awake 10 minutes later to the feeling of you squirming in his arms followed by the sounds of mumbles and whimpers in your sleep. You cry out briefly before you roll over, clutching him with your head buried in the crook of his and your chest flush against his own. Joel can feel your heart pounding against his chest.
“Shhhh baby girl it’s ok, I got you. You’re with me. Your safe” Joel speaks softly rubbing his hands up and down your back.
The moment you hear his voices, the tension drains from your body and your cry’s stop as you fully relax against him.
“Don’t leave me please…I need you ” you’re soft voice speaks against his neck
Joel holds you tightly, unable to shake the memory of you telling him that someone’s voice was soothing to you, that it made you at ease when ever you heard it. He’s 100% confident that you were talking about him.
“Im not goin’ anywhere sweetheart” Joel says as he squeezes you tighter and kisses the crown of your head.
Your so incredibly raw and vulnerable in the moment as you look up at him, your eyes swirling with comfort mixed with fear as you sleepily sit up.
The next time Joel opens his eyes it’s early morning, your curled up to him, your head on his chest. He can’t help but think he won the lottery. The idea that a women like you would take comfort in him, that you’d want him by you’re side. Joel will make it his mission to make sure you never feel alone again, that he’s by your side for the rest of your life. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you in his life because he sure as hell didn’t feel like he deserved it.
Joel’s pulled from his thoughts by you sleepily stretch and sitting up. His hand is firmly on your lower back keeping you steady.
“You sleep ok?” He asks slipping his hand under your shirt to rub your lower back.
“I don’t think I’ve slept that deeply since before the outbreak, I’ve never really been a good sleeper”
Christ she’s so beautiful first thing in the morning, givin’ me that cute sleepy smile as she tells me how she slept well next to me.
“Where you able to sleep?”
I can’t tell her I slept better than I have In 20 something years.
“I did get some sleep”
“You hungry? We could go grab Ellie and get breakfast in the mess hall”
Ellie. Fuck I have no idea if any of this is ok with Ellie. I can’t do this to her. I don’t want to drive a wedge between her and Joel or her and I. She’s been though enough I don’t want her to think I’m trying to break up there family.
“ Oh, no it’s ok. You go a head I’m sure you and Ellie have stuff to do today” you say as you you stiffen to sit up straight, the feeling of panic crashing in like a wave.
“No it’s no trouble at all, she should just be over Dina’s anyway” Joel feels your body going ridged, he can tell by your eyes that somethings changing.
“ I have so much to do at the library still before it can open, I’m really not hungry. I’ll just grab something before breakfast ends.” You say swinging your legs over the side of the bed and hurriedly looking for clean clothes.
Joel feels it, he sees it your body langue that somethings wrong. He doesn’t know what flipped the switch but he’s desperate to fix it.
“You should take it easy on your shoulder, rest it so it don’t get worse”
Your body relaxes, your eyes softening briefly at him being protective, showing concern for your health before going ridged again.
“I promise I’ll go easy on my shoulder, I just desperately need to get some projects done. Everyone’s counting on me to get it done and open soon.” Your voice sounds strained and pleading like your trying to convince yourself and much as you are him that you believe what your saying.
“Can I at-least walk you there?”
The walk into town was quiet, neither of you saying much. Just the silent sound of you both battling your own inner self doubt.
“You sure you don’t want breakfast?”
“I’m sure….I’m not very hungry” your voice is soft and strained, almost as if your trying to hold back tears.
Joel cups your face pulling your gaze up to meet his.
“You let me know if you need anything sweetheart, can’t have you hurtin’ your shoulder worse.” Joel drawls before leaning in, closing the gap and placing a soft kiss to your lips. You return the kiss briefly as you run your fingers over his patchy beard.
“I promise I’ll go easy on myself”
Joel can’t shake the feeling that somethings wrong. You never skip breakfast because you get very hangry if you don’t eat in the morning.
Did I scare her? Did I move to fast? Did I make her uncomfortable in some way?
It hits Joel like a ton of bricks as he turn onto his street.
Ellie. She’s worried about how Ellie will feel about us. She’s worried it will drive a wedge between her and I or with them.
Joel stops up the steps and frantically grabs his tool bag.
“Your to old to be staying out all night and then doing a terrible job sneaking back in the next morning” Ellie teases behind Joel.
“I gotta do some extra work in the work shop and at the stables but when your done with your green house shift, we need to talk”
Joel’s never had a way with words like most people, he’s never been eloquent speaker. His love language more came in the form of acts of severance or in words of affirmation. He spends the next few hours building a safe sturdy step stool for the saddles, fixing not just Shimmers stable door but all the horses stables doors so none of them had the possibility to stick and tinkering around and fixing up anything he could find.
You stay at the library for several hours trying completely the simplest tasks, but without much success. Your just going through the motions as your mind is a mile away, thinking about Joel.
Resigning to the fact that you were getting nothing done, you decided to go home to take a hot shower to sooth your racing mind.
As the hot water streams over your body and the steam fills your lungs your mind drifts to Joel. You haven’t stopped thinking about how you can still feel his lips on yours. How he makes you feel seen and heard without any judgement what so ever.
Youre heart aches from how deep your feelings for Joel go, even if it feels like you don’t deserve having him in your life. But you need to apologize to him for how abruptly you retreated back into yourself when the feelings felt to real this morning.
Joel’s nursing a glass of whisky when Ellie gets back from her shift at the green house.
“What’s up Joel, everything alright?”
“Yea, nothin’ bad I just, I like someone and wanna talk about it”
“Oh congrats, your getting soft in your old age. Did you finally become friends with your horse”
“Jerk, no I like a woman. I like a woman, I wanna date her. But are you ok with that?”
“Your so bad at this, why are you being so awkward?”
“We’ll Christ, I’ve never done this before, had this kind of talk. I never brought anyone around Sarah. I don’t know what I’m doing”
“Wait… is this about Y/N?”
Joel nods cautiously
“Man you really are dense aren’t you?” Ellie playfully pokes.
“What’s so funny?”
“Joel.. I’ve been trying to set you up with her since we got here. Tommy’s been helping too”
“What? Really? You’re ok with it?”
“You guys are perfect for each other, it’s so obvious you two really care about each other, at least it is too me because I get to spend time with you guys together away from everyone else.”
Joel just stairs at her stunned
“Look I never wanted to admit this because it sounds stupid, but the times when it’s just you, me and her…it’s feels like we’re a family, like I actually have the family I’ve been dying to have my whole life. She got to know us and excepted us the way we are without listening to all the whispers around town and I think that’s fucking beautiful.”
“I gotta go see her”
“I swear to god Joel don’t fuck this up, she’s the happiness we both deserve, but yes, go to her, go right now”
Joels out of the house and down the street before his brain catches up.
Your scrambling around the house trying to get dressed as fast as you can before you get to anxious and decide not to go to Joel’s when you hear a knock at the door.
“The book drop off box is on the porch” you yell down the hall, figuring someone was trying to pick up or drop off books they borrowed since you weren’t at the library. But you hear who ever is is knock again.
“The book pick up is also on the porch” you yell again hoping the person hears you and gets the point,but they do it yet again. Completely flustered at this point you rip your shirt down over you head and pad angrily to the door.
“The book drop off and pick…” you aggressively swing the door open, stoping dead in your tracks at who’s on the other side.
“Joel” you whisper in surprise. All you can do is stare for a few beats to long at how the evening light highlights his already beautiful features.
“Sorry, this a bad time sweetheart?”
“No…sorry I just thought you were someone else”
You immediately pick up on his change In body langue and quickly follow up with “I just thought it was someone trying to pick up or drop off books” you watch as he relaxes right away again.
“I…I um was actually on my way over to your place”
Before either if you know it your smashing together in a kiss like two magnet’s. The kiss is all teeth and tongues, it’s desperate and awkward, messy and beautiful. Your both clutching on to each other like the other might fly away as Joel walks you backwards through the door way as he pushing the door closed with his foot.
As you both pull back for air Joel cradles your face with his large hands, caressing your cheek bones with the rough pads of his thumbs. His deep brown eyes lock with you hazel ones ands it’s as if they rest of the world doesn’t exist, like it’s only the two of you left on earth.
“I’m so sorry about this morning, I wasn’t trying to be weird. I-I I just…I scared myself with everything”
“It’s ok sweetheart” Joel says as he kisses you softly.
“I talked to Ellie, she’s ok with us being a thing. Honestly quiet excited about it”
You’re speechless for a moment, as you eyes start to well with tears.
“Joel, you didn’t have to do that, I’m sorry if you felt like you had too”
“I did have too, because it’s important to me”
“It’s…it’s important to me that you did”
At hearing that Joel lunges forward again capturing your lips in a kiss pulling you flush against his chest. He swallows the gasp that escapes your lips when he takes your bottom lip between his teeth. You snake your arms around his neck tugging the hair at the nape of his neck. The growl that, that action elicits vibrates through your chest.
“Bedroom?” Joel grits out, his deep voice drips with desire mixed with love.
Joel can’t convince himself otherwise any more, he loves you.
“Bedroom” you echo
Joel’s walking you backwards down the hall to your bedroom when he turns slightly pinning you against the wall just outside your bedroom.
“Are you sure about this sweetheart?” He pulls back just enough to lock eyes with you.
You nod your head yes.
“I need to hear you say it sweetheart. I don’t want to push you farther than your comfortable going because i thought it was ok.”
“I’m sure about this Joel, I want it…I want you”
Joel let’s out a low groan as he attaches his lips to your jaw, nipping his way long it until he reaches that soft spot where your jaw meets your neck. He sucks hard and then soothes the spot with his tongue as his hands sneak inside the hem of your shirt squeezing your plush sides. This earns him another tug at his hair as you let out a whimper. Joel’s head spins from how breathless you are already for him and he hopes you can tell how breathless he is for you.
Joel rips his shirt off at the feeling of you raking your hands up and down his chest. He’s been touched starved for so long that the desperate need for your touch, to feel your skin on his takes over.
Most people wouldn’t describe Joel as beautiful, but you always found him to be. You thought as you took in the sight of him shirtless.
Joel watches you nervously as you trace over old scars on his chest. He’s afraid you’ll want to run and hide from him bearing his soul to you in a way he never has or ever wanted too. But the moment you press your lips to the scars on his chest this worry melts away. You pepper every scar you can see across his chest, arms and shoulders with kisses before you make your way to his neck. You sneak your hands around him to slide them up his back as you reach his ear.
“Every part of you is beautiful” you whisper as you kiss along his jaw.
Joel feels dizzy from your words as your lips make it back to his. Never in his life has anyone ever called him beautiful much less been this tender and sensual with him. He can’t get enough, as he grabs at your waist again. Pulling you tightly to him as he presses you firmly again the wall causing your shirt to ride up.
“It’s ok… you can take it off” you breath
Joel wastes no time ripping your shirt up over your head.
“Your so fuckin’ gorgeous” he growls as you arch into him so he can unhook your bra.
You let the straps slide down your arms until it falls to the floor between the two of you. You’re mind goes blank from Joel’s intense gaze. Slowly he slides his hands up your torso to your breasts. They barely even touched you and your nipples are already hardened peaks. The sensation of him rolling them beneath his slightly calloused thumbs as he’s squeezing your breasts hits you hard. Your eyes flutter shut as your head falls back against the wall, if your not carful you might just climax from this alone.
“Fuck…your skins so soft” Joel growls as he pulls you away from the wall and into your bedroom, not stopping until your legs hit the end of your bed.
His eyes burn right through you as you slid your pants down, leaving yourself in just your panties as you climb on the bed.
The two of you hold each others gaze for a few beats as Joel undoes his belt and steps out of his pants. You instinctually spread your legs to make room for him as the bed dips down. He doesn’t care how long he has to draw this out, Joel’s not stopping until he’s explored every inch of your body. Making you feel like the goddess that he sees you as.
Your eyes flicker from his eyes to his hard outline straining his boxers and back to his eyes. The way he playfully smirks at you makes you realize just how exposed you are to him, making you start to wrap your arms around your body to cover yourself.
“You ok sweetheart?” Joel asks rubbing circles into your thighs.
“Do you want me to cover up some?”
“Wait why would I want you to cover up?” He half huffs, confused
“Im not the skinniest…I don’t look as good as you”
Joel hates the idea that someone(s) made you feel like you weren’t worthy because your body isn’t their ideal body. He’s loves your curves, the plushness of your skin.
“Everything about you is gorgeous, and if it s’ok id like to show you just how gorgeous I think you are.”
You frantically nod and with that Joel dips his body down kissing right above your clothed clit, pulling a whimper out of you. He then moves to your hips, kissing them both before kissing all the way up your stomach til he reaches your breasts.
He licks along the swell of your breast, pulling your peaked nipple in between his teeth as he palms the other one with his free hand. Then does the same to the other.
“So fuckin’ sexy” Joel whispers against your breast as he swings his leg over to straddle one of your legs.
He crashes forward, his rock hard bulge pressing into your hip to capture your lips in a passionate kiss. Your hands automatically plant firmly in his hair as his tongue dances with yours. Making his way down your neck sucking the soft skin where your shoulder meets your neck between his teeth, then sooth it with his tongue. You know it’s going to leave a mark, you want it too. Even if this is just for tonight, you want Joel to mark you as his. But you had no idea how much he wants that too. To make you his.
Joel plunges his tongue back into your mouth as he dips his free hand where you need it most. His finger grazes your clit has he slips it through your slit, deep into your core with a audible squelch. You both swallow each others moans.
A breathy moan escapes your lips as he gathers some of your wetness to your swollen clit with tight circles.
“Christ baby…y’so wet. This all from me?” Joel breathes, as you pull back. He wants to see the pleasure he’s giving you.
“All day…a-always” you breath unable to get more out.
“Fuck” Joel groans as he pulls down your panties, seating himself back between your legs.
“Fuck..baby you feel s’good around my fingers”
Joel’s trusts his fingers in and out of you at a steady pace.
“J-Joel…it’s feels s-s good” you say through a stifled whimper.
“Don’t hold back baby. Lemme hear ya. Wanna hear how good I make you feel.” Joel purrs as he’s stroking that soft spongy spot so well.
Your climax crashes over you like a wave against a rocky coast. You couldn’t stop even if you tried.
“Fuu- J-Joel…it feels so good”
“Thats it baby let go”
You clench around his fingers perfectly as you fall over the edge.
“Doin’ so good for me sweetheart. Soundin’ so beautiful.”
Joel leaves a trail of kisses and praise in the valley between your breasts and down your stomach.
“Can I taste you sweetheart?” He growls as he nips at the insides of your thighs. Pupils blows wide open when you lock eyes with him.
“Please” you whine
Joel gives a few kitten licks up your center to watch you squirm, then dives in like a starved man eating his last meal. You thrusted your hips forward grinding into his face desperately chasing anything he’ll give you. Joel’s harder than he’s ever been before, head dripping with pre-come at the feeling of you grinding on his face to chase your release.
He’d give you this every single day if you’d let him. He doesn’t even care about his own release. He could drown in between your legs and die a happy man seeing the pleasure he gives you from his tongue on your face.
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resonatorover · 1 day
In which, you, are requited to be with the General, in a prophecy by Jué.
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[ c.w ] — not proofread, incomplete and diverts from the canon storyline. reader is a havoc resonator.
[ g ] — gender-neutral, they/them used.
[ t ] — subtle fluff/comfort; star-crossed lovers.
[ a/n ] — should i make this a fluff or angst? i'm not tooo sure, but we'll see. feel free to leave your comments or any requests !! have a nice day and stay hydrated <3.
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To be mentioned in a prophecy said by a Sentinel itself, one must either be of great importance, or destined for great demise. However, what the General of the Midnight was not expecting was a silent saying by the Loong, that, "On the blue-lit night right when the moon rises, will come a resonator that can annihilate matter at the Gorge of Spirits. Protect them with all your might, or watch them turn to the void."
Before, Jué had always made purposefully vague prophecies or comments, yet this one was relatively not as much. In fact, it is probably the most concise prophecy he's been told. Although, this one was similar to the one of the Rover's, it felt a lot, lot different.
And so, Jiyan waited patiently, for the day that prophecy was to be fulfilled. However, when the day did come, it was of a sight he was not used to— although, undeniably, was prepared for.
The lines in the sky were brighter than before, and the moon casted down its grace to the land and sea. Many citizens had come to view the scenic moon, taking spots at high altitudes to gain better view of it. The Magistrate had deemed it as a safe occurrence, yet Jiyan could not help but feel unsettled as he made sure to keep his guard up whilst travelling to the Gorge of Spirits.
Lo and behold, there they were. With no one else in sight, it was obvious that the one in front of Jiyan was indeed the one Jué had talked about. It further proved his confirmations, when they glanced his way, querying with a shy, or embarrassed, smile. "Excuse me? Do you know where Jin..zhou city is?" The horrible accent was enough to explain that they were from a foreign land, if the apparel did not. Nodding, Jiyan would escort them there. But, what they did not know was that Jiyan was keeping out an observant eye for the other whilst they chatted leisurely.
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Days passed steadily, yet Jiyan was uncertain what he was in actuality protecting them from. But, his silent determination never wavered.
However, he did not expect to get closer to the person themself. Whether it be talking to them at a distance where their shoulders touched, fixing little mishaps in their apparel, or even teasing them occasionally. The soldiers have gotten used to the resonator's appearance already, as Jiyan offered to keep them safe in the company of his quaint cottage, albeit it was neglected before their existence in his life. The shared home was made into a cozier place, almost reminding Jiyan of his mother.
The plants they brought in provided a freshness to the ambience of the home, the paraphernalia being remnants of their hobby strewn around. Jiyan did not mind, not when they brought such a positively light presence, releasing some of the tension from his shoulders.
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"Wait... you're a General?.. The General of the Midnight Rangers?" it was evident from their voice, that they were both embarrassed at their own informality and nonchalance regarding their introduction, but Jiyan was swift to soothe any worries.
"Yes, but don't feel obliged to speak formally with me. You're fine as you are." He spoke, offering them an almost imperceivably visible smile.
It took a while, but eventually Jiyan managed to calm them down, and make them comfortable around him.
Little did he know, peace and their amity was just a red herring for what would appear next in the two's lives.
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© @resonatorover do not reproduce.
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paranoiastudio · 23 hours
Good company
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pairing: Art Donaldson x f!reader x Patrick Zweig
summary: An active evening in pleasant company, what could be better?
warnings: +18 smut, threesome, p in v, orel (f for m and m for f), cumshot
English is not my first language, sorry about mistakes
- She won’t come... - Art looks at the ceiling.
- Why do you think so? - Patrick smiled, but seemed no less nervous. - Are you afraid that she didn’t like you?
A quiet knock on the door. Then another one, a little more confident. Both athletes rush out of their seats and quickly get dressed. When they finally opened the door for you, they were both breathing heavily.
- Did I distract you two from something? - You straighten Art’s blond curls and walk into the room.
- We just... We were waiting for you.
- I get it. - You sit down on the edge of the bed, noticing that they pushed them together. - Very nice room.
Patrick called you, you met at a party. You, ambitious and active, barely out of junior age, attracted everyone’s attention with your white dress.
Art treated you to a cigarette, Patrick brought you beer and you didn’t notice how you gave these two all your attention. And this is exactly what you planned to do today.
- Will you have a drink? - A cold bottle of cider, foggy and wet, ends up in your hands and you immediately take two large sips.
- What are your plans? - Art sits down next to you and you hand him the bottle. -Have you decided how you will entertain me, boys?
- There are a couple of options. - Patrick sits on the floor in front of you. - But...
- But?
- I don’t think all of us are ready. - You catch his gaze, it slides over Art’s figure and you yourself fix your gaze on Donaldson.
- What are you talking about? - You frown, seeing how Art is slightly nervous under your gaze.
- Our babyboy wasn’t... Well, you know... - Patrick smiles, seeing his friend’s embarrassment.
- So what? - You take the bottle from Art’s hands and hold the touch, playing with his fingers. - I don’t see a problem with that, especially when he’s such a cutie.
Art’s ears turn red and you want to spoil this innocent baby even more, who, as intuition tells you, is full of passion and desire.
- We can show him how to do it. - Patrick is already stroking your bare knee, you know why you are here and Zweig clearly did not intend to waste time.
- I think it’s easier to learn in practice. - Art finally looks into your eyes and you can’t help but smile at him, you liked him much more than Patrick and you wouldn’t mind being alone with him at all.
The guys are silent and you take the first step, taking everything into your own hands. Handing the bottle to Patrick, you quickly sit on top of Art and giggle when he grabs your hips, holding you close to him.
- You hold me so tightly. - You kiss the man on the nose and move your hips, watching his pupils dilate. - Tell me the truth, Art...
You could haven't asked, he could never lie to you. Especially when you sit on him, hug him by the neck and are not at all embarrassed by the fact that his dick is already resting against your clothed pussy.
- I want you so much. Is it true. - Art strokes your back. - But I really wasn’t with someone... There are three of us.
- Don't worry. - You kiss him on the corner of his lips. - I will be near.
He really hopes so, Art wants to be as close to you as possible. Now he regrets wearing the T-shirt; he wants you to feel him.
- You won’t be offended by me, will you? - You bat your eyes and look sweetly at Patrick. - You can sit here for now, you will see everything very well.
Patrick doesn’t object and sits down next to you, not taking his eyes off you. You kiss Art, moan into his mouth from the taste of the gum that was just recently in his mouth and raise your hips again, catching his boner hidden by his underpants.
Art answers you, pulls you closer and moves his hips towards you, thrusting into you with a precise rhythm and with that amount of despair that only spurred you on more.
You hear Patrick quietly grumbling and puffing next to you, opening your eyes, you see that he has already grabbed himself and is not at all embarrassed to touch himself in front of you.
- We won't need this. - You pull off your top and grab Art’s T-shirt. - So what about you?
You wink at Patrick and he, without wasting any time, undresses completely, brazenly sitting on the bed. He is big and looks better without clothes: not too pumped up, flexible and strong, he looks at you with greed, wanting to be in the place of his friend.
Art places kisses on your neck, squeezing your breasts, glad you weren’t wearing a bra. You whimper, your nipples already hard and Art’s movements as he slowly licks your breasts cause a tingling sensation between your legs.
You stand up and pull down Donaldson’s underwear, freeing his dick. The head turned red, you smeared the droplets that appeared at the tip and earned a pitiful moan.
- My poor baby. - You coo, moving the fabric of your underwear under your skirt. - You really need a release, right?
- Please. - Art himself doesn’t know what exactly he’s asking for, but he doesn’t intend to let you go.
You spit on your palm and pump the tennis player’s penis a couple of times. There's a wet spot on your underwear, but no one notices because the next moment you rise up and impale yourself on Art in one motion.
The stretch burns your muscles and you hiss with pain and pleasure. The sight of Art gasping with pleasure flatters you and you pull him into another kiss.
- Shit... - Patrick attracts your attention and you reach out your hand, wanting to touch him too.
He crawls closer and now you are already holding him by the balls. Your pussy quivers around Art's cock, and Patrick's tongue rules your mouth. You move your hand more actively and the guy moves his hips towards your gentle palm.
You raise your ass and fall back onto that perfect cock, clutching the other one in your hand. You hear squelching sounds when you touch Art, you spit on your palm again and jerk Patrick off with renewed energy.
-You look so hot, baby. - Patrick squeezes your tits, twists one of your nipples and reaches hand down, spreading your folds and touching your clitoris.
You squeak and speed up, Art moaning loudly from how hard you’re squeezing him.
- I wanna cum... - You look into Patrick’s eyes as you say this and he lets out an obscenely loud moan. - Please.
Your long, neatly manicured fingers play with his balls, with your other hand you touch yourself and rub your clitoris, chasing an orgasm.
Art enters you harder and harder, he caught the right pace and each thrust ended with a precise blow to your spongy spot. Everything swims before your eyes and you open your mouth, you feel saliva running down your chin and dripping onto your bare tits.
You stick out your tongue and guide Patrick’s pulsating length into your mouth. He groans again and grabs your hair, holding you down, carefully and gently.
Art, watching this, feels his balls tightening, he needs to cum, he desperately wants it. But your pleasure is much more important and the man only squeezes your hips harder.
You move your head, taking all of Patrick, your throat taking him in so perfectly that it’s even strange. The member twitches and you suck it in harder, and after a moment you feel hot sperm flowing down your throat.
Patrick moans, tugs at your hair, and mutters something in post-orgasmic ecstasy. You move your head a couple more times and release the dick from your mouth with a loud, wet pop.
Your pussy tightens more and more and you fall apart on Art’s dick, mewling and rolling your eyes. Art wanted to cum inside you, he was almost ready when Patrick pulled you off of him and threw you onto your back.
You, flushed and out of breath, don’t even try to close your legs when Patrick falls to your wet folds with his mouth. His beard is slightly scratchy, but the strong grip on your hips does not allow you to dodge these caresses.
-Are you going to sit like this or what? - He throws it over his shoulder and Art is immediately next to him, you extend your hand to him and open your mouth again, ready to accept everything he gives you.
Patrick rubs his nose against your sensitive clitoris, his hot tongue penetrates inside and you squirm, rising on your elbows and swallowing Art’s still wildly hard cock.
- You are so beautiful, so kind to me... - Art strokes your head, whispers sweet nothings. His eyes are closed, his lips are red, and his hair is flying in different directions. He looks beautiful and you almost cum just looking at him while Patrick fucks you with two fingers.
You lick the underside of Art’s cock, squeezing his in you're small hand. The sensations are so pleasant that it seems as if it was all a dream.
-Will you cum for me, baby? - Patrick lifts his tongue from your clitoris and moves his fingers more actively, your pussy squishes with excitement, you feel yourself dripping onto his hand like the last whore.
- Yes, yes, yes, please! - You fall on the bed, releasing Art from your mouth and he immediately hugs himself, caressing your body with his eyes.
Patrick doesn't stop and you come again, squinting from the force of the stimulation. Art watches his friend eat you out and can’t look away.
- Can I?... - You nod and squeeze your chest, bringing it closer. Art whimpers and spills onto your chest, white droplets now decorating your neck and tits.
And only when Art lets go of his dick does Patrick stop, only caressing your quivering pussy a couple of times.
- Everything is fine? - Art sounds hoarse, he is still standing next to you.
- It couldn't have been better. - You pick up a couple of drops and lick them off your fingers. - I need a shower. Who will carry me?
Patrick, who was still holding your hips, pulls you closer and rises to his feet. You wrap your arms around his waist, feeling that he seems intent on continuing the party.
- Let's go to. - You manage to put your hand on Art’s shoulder. - Rub my back.
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pascaloverx · 12 hours
Summary: You are the new guest of the Bridgertons. Your mother, an old friend of Lady Violet Bridgerton, has requested that you spend a season at the Bridgerton house in hopes that you will change your perspective on true love and marriage. You are convinced that love is a fictional construct and that a marriage without love will be your downfall; but some time with the Bridgerton siblings might change your mind.
Author's Note: The characters belong to the Bridgerton universe and Julia Quinn. However, the story will have some changes from what happens in the Bridgerton series (2020-). Dear readers, this story may contain strong language and steamy romance scenes. It may even feature a love triangle. Be warned and enjoy the reading.
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The next few days at the Bridgerton house are chaotic yet incredibly fun. Between walks and conversations with Eloise, helping Francesca with embroidery during silent but very focused hours, and spending time reading with Colin, who introduced you to his favorite books and recommended others, you are quite busy. Every day you have tea with Lady Violet Bridgerton, who is enthusiastic about the idea of finding a suitor for you during the ball season. You try to share her enthusiasm, but the truth is that spending time with her family seems more adventurous than getting married. Today, for instance, you are taking Hyacinth and Gregory to pick some apples in the garden. In reality, Gregory wants to practice archery, and you think it would be a good exercise for the younger ones. Regarding the two older brothers, you have been avoiding them. It's not an easy task, but with Lydia's help, you have managed to escape any moments alone with them. You feel embarrassed for pretending to be hurt in front of one and for covering for the other. Daphne is the only one you have yet to meet, but according to the Bridgerton family, you will soon. Recently, Eloise introduced you to a close friend named Penelope. You found her to be very perceptive and kind, which is good since she seems to be part of the family, and you want to make a good impression.
"Lady Violet Bridgerton, I assure you that the three of us will be very careful while picking apples. When I was Hyacinth's age, it was my favorite pastime," you say as you finish adjusting your shoe. Lady Bridgerton still looks a bit concerned as she watches Hyacinth and Gregory run off with their bows and arrows. You smile, imagining how it will be to spend time with them.
"Believe me, dear, you will need someone to help you with those two," Lady Violet says, somewhat nervously. You look at her, feeling uncertain, and then you hear someone approaching the room where you are.
"I believe I can be of use as the older brother at this moment. I was just finishing up some financial matters, and it seems that fresh air will do us all some good," Viscount Anthony Bridgerton says, surprising you and Lady Violet. You know that Lydia will be joining you, but staying with him and the younger siblings seems like a risk.
"That won't be necessary, Viscount. There's no need to disrupt your busy schedule when I am more than capable of handling this task with my companion," you respond instantly, as if the answer were at the tip of your tongue. Anthony gives you a mischievous smile, indicating that he plans to accompany you anyway, which makes you feel a bit uneasy. Lady Violet, however, seems more relieved.
"Miss Y/L/N, forgive my frankness, but it seems that you do not desire my company. If that is the case, I would like to clear up any misunderstanding by reaffirming that I will be accompanying you and my siblings on this apple-picking outing," Viscount Bridgerton says assertively, taking a step closer to you. You stare at him, almost forgetting that there are others around you.
"Viscount, I can assure you that such an impression is a misunderstanding. I would never have any problem with your company. I simply would not want to disrupt the busy life of a Viscount, especially as a guest in his house." A lie on your part, as you really want to avoid spending time with Anthony. The Viscount Bridgerton is one of the most sought-after men in society. One wrong rumor about the two of you, and your mother would be demanding a wedding at Queen Charlotte's doorstep in a matter of minutes.
"Y/N, I can assure you that my son, busy as he may be, always finds time to spend with his siblings. You will essentially be helping him look after the younger ones. And certainly, my son will be honored by your company," Lady Violet says, lightly tapping her eldest son's arm as if expecting him to support her statement. Anthony nods slightly, as if in agreement.
"In that case, please join us, Viscount. Goodbye for now, Lady Bridgerton," you say, looking kindly at Violet and heading towards the exit of the house. Gregory and Hyacinth follow you while Anthony says something to his mother and then approaches you. Your companion, Mrs. Lydia, comes behind you silently. She seems to want to give you or Anthony space to talk. The two teenagers seem to be having fun walking among the trees.
"Miss Y/L/N, how long exactly do you intend to avoid me?" Viscount Bridgerton speaks near you, pretending to pay attention to something else so that Lydia doesn't suspect he's trying to talk to you.
"You don't need to pretend to be looking for bees among the flowers, Viscount Bridgerton. Lydia won't suspect you. As for your question, I think it's fair to say that given the nature of our last encounter, some distance seems plausible." You try to answer his question without really answering it. He smiles slightly, but it's a nervous smile. He watches the siblings ahead of us, while Lydia takes the opportunity to chat with the young Bridgertons.
"I wasn't pretending. A bee around here is too dangerous. But getting back to our main topic, I would like to apologize for the first impression I gave you," he says as if it were an obligation for him to say so, without truly wanting to apologize. You look at him, finding his pretense amusing.
"Apologies accepted, Viscount. Was that why you wanted to come with us? To apologize for your mistake?" You ask as you and Anthony walk side by side. Hyacinth and Gregory shout, calling for their brother and you as they find an apple tree.
"Not only to apologize for my mistake," Viscount Bridgerton clears his throat loudly, "but also to give you the chance to apologize to me." As soon as Anthony says this, you shoot an arrow accurately at one of the apples at the top of the apple tree that Gregory and Hyacinth are looking at. The two are pleasantly surprised and shout that your aim is great. However, Viscount Bridgerton seems to have become nervous, perhaps even a little irritated.
"Apologize to the Viscount for what reason?" You ask as you both stop walking and face each other. He seems indignant for some reason.
"For not behaving as a lady of your stature should. Surely you know you should have forced me to marry the young lady because of what happened. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to get married, and certainly not to you. I just think that in your place, I would be more concerned about this issue," Anthony says presumptuously, leaving you offended. You look him up and down and smile. He seems not to understand.
"Viscount, I must say that you seem to have misunderstood what happened. You intruded into a room designated for me, a lady. Yet somehow, you think I owe you something. Very well. I give you a warning: if a situation like this happens again, I will be your wife faster than you can pronounce Bridgerton." Your threatening tone seems to intrigue the Viscount.
"Is that a threat, Miss?" Viscount Anthony Bridgerton speaks as if surprised by the way you speak to him.
"The trick to hitting a target like that is to always have concentration and patience. A bit of determination is also appropriate." As you approach Gregory, who can't take his eyes off the arrow, you notice Anthony looking at you with a hint of mockery.
"I believe the young lady is mistaken. Hitting the target is about strength and often talent." You hear this and feel as if he is belittling your technique. So, you raise your bow and arrow in his direction, holding it out to the Viscount in front of you.
"Try to hit the target with your method then, Viscount. Let's see which one of us knows more about what we're talking about." You say, challenging him. He doesn’t hesitate to try to hit an apple almost in the same place you did. He is so sure he will surpass you that it's almost comical when his arrow hits an apple below yours. Gregory and Hyacinth are shocked while he shows no expression.
"Dear brother, I think Miss Y/L/N's method seems to be more effective," Hyacinth says with a humorous tone. Anthony looks annoyed.
"I want to try hitting the target using your tactic, brother," Gregory says as he grabs his own bow and arrow. Hyacinth laughs at him while he struggles to place the arrow on the bow.
"I actually prefer using Miss Y/L/N's tactic," Hyacinth says, showing you how quickly she can place the arrow on the bow. You guide her to focus on the target and tell her to think of something that makes her angry to make her more determined. You can hear Anthony assisting Gregory. Anthony and you exchange glances while helping the younger ones practice archery. Later, you all gather some apples together.
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ayacokeandpepsi · 13 hours
hi i really like ur niki smuts and i have a suggestion
can you do one where like you and niki are mcs on Musicbank and one day you guys where like fucking or just a quickie before the show started..
uhmm that feels weird to write but if you do consider it and write it plz tag me
Cw: smut
This is kinda long lol
You met Riki while mcing for Musicbank, you had both heard of each other before, having both been popular.
You were a YouTuber and artist who had millions of subscribers, sometimes making vlog videos and fashion videos, which led to companies taking interest in you and sending you their products for you to model, and recently Calvin Klein asked you to be in one of their advertisements, which you happily accepted.
Riki was charming and charismatic. He was tall and slim, well dressed and groomed and looked so fresh always. He could be a Vivienne Westwood ambassador, you thought, if he wasn’t already with Prada.
You were invited to host Musicbank unexpectedly but positively. You had mentioned in one of your videos of how you liked one of Enhypen’s albums; Dark Blood. You also did occasional fan arts for some of the members on your art channel which were very successful.
Riki has seen some of your fashion vlogs, having noticed you from your Calvin Klein commercial, it was cool toned and sexy; you were in unbuttoned jeans with the logo of your white underwear sticking out, wearing a white bralette, your hair wet, they wanted it to look beachy, they told you. When he found out you knew enhypen, god he was like a middle school boy with a crush. Were you an engene? Did you like him? Was he your bias? He wanted to ask you so many things
Your outfit was classy and stylish for the night. Your hair was straightened and glossy, minimal brow makeup and clear mascara as well as soft blush and sheer lipstick, you looked like you were in an Inisfree ad. Your body was dressed in an off the shoulder black fitted dress, that came down to your mid calf, that complimented the natural curve of your body. Your feet were covered in modest Gucci black socks that came up just above your ankle, with some same brand patent black loafers with a small heel and a slightly pointed toe. Your jewelry consisted of small earrings with bright stones to match your eyes, and a few rings and bangles that dangles and made a jingle when you held the microphone. You smelled of Prada’s blossom perfume.
Riki was also well dressed. He was in a simple black suit that complimented his sharp features but also was soft and juvenile, not making him look older. His eyes had grey contacts in and feathered black eyeliner around his eyes, his hair lightly brushing his face sometimes. If you didn’t know any better, you would say you looked like you were both in an ad for the same brand, as the stock cool and young couple that drives off in an expensive car.
You smiled when you caught him looking at you, giving you a small and nervous smile back. His voice was like molasses, so charismatic and deep, so alluring when he spoke to you, or at least what was on the script for your conversation. You caught yourself gazing at him unintentionally, getting embarrassed.
You were exhausted from the bright flashing lights and noise of the crowd after it was done, having to squint because of the harsh light. You felt a hand on your shoulder when you were perched on one of the steps. It was Riki, smiling.
‘How do you get used to all of the chaos?’ You ask him, rubbing your temple with your thumb as you give him a small smile
‘Well for me, I love all of it, so it doesn’t tire me as much,’ he says
‘You look really handsome by the way,’ you tease, giggling
‘Handsome? You think so?’ He chuckles,licking his lips
‘I do,’ you coo. ‘If you weren’t an idol all busy, I would totally ask you out,’ you laugh
‘Is that so? Well, what makes you think I would say no?’ He sits down on the steps next to you, running his fingers through his dark hair
You straighten your back before tucking your hair behind your ear and looking up at him, you knew your eyes were beautiful, and how hard it was to resist you like this. He clenched his jaw, his eyes softening as he looked into your eyes
He closed the distance between you, connecting his lips with yours, softly holding your face.
You pulled away, making him whine internally. ‘I’m tired, do you wanna come to my hotel?’ You tease, kissing him again and holding his collar
As soon as you opened the door, you quickly shut it and pulled him by his tie to your lips, running your hands through his hair as he held your waist closer to his, softly groaning
He was dominant but clearly new to physical touch, though he was confident and a quick learner. He pressed his body against you, letting your wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist as he carried you to the bed. You quickly undid his belt and unbuttoned his shirt, letting him unzip your tight dress and letting it fall to the floor.
He let you ride him, his back pressed against the headboard as you kissed him and straddled his cock. He kissed your neck as he gripped your hips, helping you up and down himself.
You let him stay the night, holding you as you fell asleep, both naked and warm.
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beautifulchris · 2 days
pairing: dancer!lee minho x videographer!gn!reader
summary: minho was the most perfect guy you had the privilege of encountering—and working with. without even trying—or meaning to—, he got you wrapped around his fingers
genres: fluff, angst, strangers to lovers to exes!au, colleagues!au, first person pov!!
wc: 4,4k
tw: obsession, toxic relationship, swearing (in lyrics only, who would've thought), violence, injuries, mention of blood
notes: heyyy! this fic is part of my collection of fics! indented are the lyrics, banner made by me on canva. andddd i'd appreaciate it greatly if you could tell me what you thought about it!! happy reading!
listen to the song for a more immersive experience: spotify link | youtube link
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @kwritersworld @whipped-kpop-creators @straykidsland
permanent tag list: @soobin-chois @exfolitae @linos-catnip @prettymiye0n (tell me if you want to be added/removed)
stray kids tag list: @raethethey
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Lee Minho (1998).
Have you seen this man?
Perfect skin, heart face shape, a sharp nose, wide cheekbones, cat-like eyes, long eyelashes and pretty, pouty lips.
The moment I laid eyes on him, I knew it was over. He was just so attractive, always walking like he owned the place, and, without realizing it, I became infatuated with him.
I was a newbie videographer in this dancing company called Twinkle Toes. Yes, I did apply there because of its name, being an ATLA fan and all. Anyway, Minho was the best dancer they had.
The obsession started when I first saw him dance. His technique and control were perfect, I could clearly see why he was a professional dancer. All the fluid and effortlessly looking movements he made gave me goosebumps every time I was behind the camera. Or anywhere inside the room, really.
I approached him first. Complimented him on his dancing, which seemed to please him. I kept being supportive and throwing seductive glances his way every now and then. I became hungry for his attention.
Oh, my Lord, never met someone like you before Think I'm kinda going overboard Now I'm obsessed, how can somebody be so perfect? Boy, you really got me by the neck Whatever you want, you just gotta ask
I made no secret of my admiration. Soon, everybody knew but I couldn’t care less.
“You’re so strong, Minho,” I mused from behind the camera. “Thanks to your efforts, the video will come out perfectly.”
He failed to suppress a smile, yet dismissed the compliment with a vague movement of his hand. “It’s a team effort.”
Of course, I knew that. Yeah. The fourteen other dancers were good, but none of them were in the same league as Minho. He was above everyone in this company.
I was usually right.
After filming ended, I took my stuff—camera, tripod, laptop—and walked towards my designated studio where I could work on editing. I wasn’t totally installed when someone knocked on the door. It was so faint I thought I’d dreamed it, until they knocked again.
I opened the door, revealing a shy looking Minho, who didn’t seem to be able to meet my eyes. I found it adorable.
“Uh, I… Can I come in?”
Now, why would he even want to come inside? Was my flirting so powerful that he already wanted to spend more time with me? I wasn’t one to complain about that.
“Sure,” I said, taking a step back and closing the door behind him.
“So that’s what your studio looks like,” he commented, looking around.
It was a small room with a large desk filled with everything I needed to do my job. The stuff I had with me in the danceroom plus a computer, lenses, microphones, cables, memory cards… Everything was perfectly organized. Bigger equipment—camera bags, studio light, reflectors, tripods—were tidied next to the desk. A gaming chair was in front of it, and on the other side was a two-seater sofa.
“Do you mind if I stay with you while you work?”
I smiled internally. It was so easy.
“No, of course. Are you done for the day?”
“Yeah, finally. Thanks.”
“What for?”
“For letting me stay with you.”
SCREAMING. PUNCHING THE WALL. I could’ve smacked his arm right now for saying this so casually. Sure enough, I didn’t. Instead, I motioned for him to sit on the sofa while I placed my laptop on the desk before opening it.
I could tell I was professional with how well I handled the situation I was in. I kept my desire to turn around and stare at him buried inside me as I edited the video. I had a week to finalize it for an upcoming dancing contest. I was determined to show the dancers’ best side through the video. I also tried not to show Minho too much, even though he was around 20% more present than the rest. It wasn’t my fault the videos he was in were better.
Oh, well. It was common knowledge he was our best hope at winning.
It was getting late, and I was feeling hungry. I saved my progress, switched off the computers and turned around. I’d imagined Minho to be fast asleep, as my job could be found boring from the outside. To my surprise, he was looking straight at me.
“Are you OK?” I asked, conscious he had been waiting for a long time.
See, I checked the time before closing my laptop. I had been working for a bit more than two hours.
He nodded. “Are you, though? Don’t you feel sore?”
Now that he mentioned it, I couldn’t feel my butt anymore. A common occurrence in this field. I got up, stretched arms, back, legs and unintentionally yawned.
“Do you want to get dinner?”
He seemed nervous all of a sudden. Ah, if I could make him mine right now…
“Only if you pay.”
Ten minutes later, we were walking side-by-side toward a little restaurant owned by a strict-looking yet lovely grandma near our workplace. We’d eaten there before, with our coworkers.
As a typical small-business Korean restaurant, the room was approximately ten times bigger than my studio. Twelve four-seater tables were placed around the room at a relatively safe distance from each other. On every one of them were a wooden cutlery holder for four, and a matching little box full of thin napkins. The walnut-colored counter was on the far end of the room, and the hole that was supposed to be a door behind it led to the kitchen. The only thing giving a bit of privacy to the cook were white lace curtains attached to each side of the… door-shaped hole. On the left side of the room, a TV screen and posters—with pictures—of the menu were displayed on the wall. While on the right side, as well as a bathroom door, were decorations and an ‘appreciation wall’ with a lot of little notes and doodles from customers.
I wanted to sit next to it. If we ran out of things to say, we could always talk about that.
Grandma greeted us with a smile when she saw us, showing us to a table on the opposite side. “Hello grandma, can we actually sit at that one? It’s easier to watch TV there.”
Of course, I had no intention to watch TV, but no one needed to know that.
“Sure, my child, go sit. I’ll be right there.”
Thanking her, we sat right next to the rating wall.
There was one other customer closest to the counter. A regular, by the looks of it. Grandma went to the kitchen and came back with a steaming dish. She delicately put it down in front of the man before providing us with the menus. He thanked her and resumed his reading of a journal. Which I couldn’t identify because I don’t read journals.
Minho and I looked at the menu like we had no idea what to order. While I already knew what his favorite dish was, I opted for something I hadn’t tried before. You see, I like to try everything on the menu. It was a habit in restaurants I often went to. Of course, if it were to be a one-time restaurant, I would order the food that makes me salivate the most. Minho preferred savory foods. The tastier, the better.
He rapidly scanned the plastified paper on the table before looking up at me. “I’ve chosen. You?”
I straightened up, flashing my signature grin, and nodded once. “Same. Any drinks?”
Three young people entered the place. Grandma placed them on the left side of the room and came to us. “What would you like, my children?”
“Bulgogi bibimbap for me, please.”
“Jajangmyeon and a bottle of soju, please,” Minho ordered, taking the menu from me and giving them both back to grandma with a sweet smile.
She smiled like a lovely grandma would—contently with a hint of nostalgia.
We never got to speak about the appreciation wall nor did I once glanced at the TV, because we talked a lot and there were few moments of silence.
After that dinner, we spent a lot of time together outside the company. I believed he enjoyed my presence as much as I savored his. We flirted, went on dates every now and then, and recently started dating.
Then, around two months after our first day together, a new, talented dancer entered the company. Her body had beautiful curves. She had long, black silky hair, and toned abs. It didn’t help that she was gorgeous, social, and easygoing.
In just a few days, she had befriended the whole building. It felt like she had always been there. To my dismay, even Minho seemed to like her.
“What do you think of Soojin?” I asked as casually as manageable, considering I was eager to get an answer.
“She’s cool.” Minho shrugged, looking up at the blue sky. “And a good dancer. Why do you ask?”
How he could manage to look so ethereal under the sunlight yet give me such a soft glance was beyond my understanding. He got a hold on me, that was for sure.
“I agree, she’s good. You might have to share your spotlight in the next competitions and projects.”
He smirked. “Was about time. It’s been lonely up there.”
I knew he was joking. He never considered himself as above his colleagues. I frowned for another reason. I couldn’t ignore the thought from overwhelming me. Was I not enough for him? Was I just a pastime? I wasn’t a dancer. Was it a dealbreaker for him? 
Minho’s gentle glance became a concerned stare as he stopped in his tracks. “What’s wrong?”
“Do you like me?”
He opened his mouth, but I couldn’t wait for his response.
“Am I good enough? Do you like Soojin more? Do you want to date her? Are you just playing with me?”
Because I would still be wrapped around your finger either way.
“Hey, breathe, babe. I’m here, I’m with you.”
I did as told, and my next words came out as a whisper.
“Are you though?”
“Where is all this coming from? Why would I be interested in Soojin?”
“She’s gorgeous, talented, and a sweetheart. Who wouldn’t like her?”
He smiled softly, taking my hand in his. “Is this your way of telling me you’re interested in her?”
“I’m serious.”
“You have nothing to worry about. I like you.”
I wanted to believe him, but I couldn’t get rid of the voices.
Soojin and Minho were the jewels of the company. Meaning they had way more screen time—which was my job—and training sessions together—which was their job. I had to stand behind my camera for hours while watching them dance together. Helplessly watching their bodies touch and their breaths tangle. The sensual moves made me want to break something.
Jealousy stirred up inside me, and I think it showed, because several colleagues around the room sent me looks of pity and sorry.
I knew it was just the job for Minho, but I couldn’t help it. It was beyond my control. Ever since the choreographers created this dance, I have been vile to Minho. Exposing my jealousy to him in private.
“I’m sorry, sweetie. I hate hurting you. Really. However, I can’t simply stop dancing. It’s my dream life.”
“I’m not asking you to stop doing what you love, I’m asking you to stop doing it with her!” I snapped.
“Doing that will get me fired, you know that. I told you I picture you whenever I’m dancing with her. Is it not enough?”
He was pleading, but I could sense he was tired and frustrated.
“I like you, not Soojin. I need you to understand that.”
“You say that now,” I said in a low voice, “but I see the way she looks at you.” My voice broke, and I looked away.
Minho shook his head. “Please, stop. I’m exhausted. I’m dating you, aren’t I? What more do you need to be satisfied?”
It stinged. The worst part was he didn’t scream. His voice was stern and accusing. No words would leave my lips. He took my silence as a cue to leave the toxic environment I created. I couldn’t blame him for wanting to stay away.
But I could blame someone else.
I tried to film Soojin in her less good angle, but it felt like she was flawless under any angle. It was frustrating, not even being able to compromise her while doing my job.
Minho, being smart and all, realized what I was trying to do while Soojin was doing a solo dance. His eyes were glued to me the whole time. He grabbed me by the arm the minute I finished for the day and brought all my stuff back to my studio. He made me turn around to face him.
“What did you do back there?”
I was hurt by his suspicion, even though he was right. I stood my ground and lied through my teeth. “I didn’t do anything.”
He sighed in exasperation and let go of me. “Look, I won’t say I know you because clearly, as much as I thought I did, I actually don’t. But I know you did something.” His face softened, but his lips stayed pressed in a thin line. “Please, help me understand. Why would you resent Soojin so much you’re willing to risk your job? What do I ignore?”
I was angry. Why would he defend her if nothing was happening between the two?
“Why do you care so much, Minho? Who is she to you?”
He stepped back, blinking a few times. “This again? I don’t recognize you anymore, Y/N. I thought I knew you. Since Soojin joined our crew, you’ve changed. I believe I didn’t give you any reason to be jealous of her, excluding my job. Then again, I know how to separate professional and personal matters. I chose not to where you’re concerned because I liked you. But now, I don’t think I want to do this any longer. It’s draining me, and I lost my will to fight for us.”
Wait. What?
“Are you breaking up with me? Is that it?” I sounded frantic—and I was. All I understood from his tirade was that he was leaving me, probably for her. This bitch. She dared steal my boyfriend.
“All these past weeks fighting made me reconsider our relationship. I’m sorry, Y/N. I like you, but I can’t be with you.”
He silently stared at me for a moment, hurt and determination visible on his face, before turning heels and heading out.
My legs gave out. Minho broke up with me. I had no intention to accept this. It was all this woman’s fault. She had bewitched him, I was sure of it.
When I ran into Minho the next day, he avoided looking me in the eyes. Everybody could see something was wrong. They could even sense it, as the tension was thick in the air.
“Is something wrong?” Soojin asked as she entered the room. She looked around the room and offered me a sweet and innocent smile.
I wanted to lunge at her. It took everything in me to stand still.
“Let’s get started,” the director said as soon as his left foot touched the floor. He clapped his hands, getting everyone’s attention. He stopped at the center of the room. “Today we’re going to film a two-minute promotional video for our project. I count on you, Y/N, to make this video as appealing as all the other ones you made until now.” He winked at me. “Dancers, I expect you to be in good shape. I need you to accentuate your moves.” This time, he winked at Minho and Soojin.
I was close to rip my hair out.
We did as told. While the dancers gave their all in their dancing, I moved around them with my camera to capture their moves from different angles, creating a nice flow. Nowadays, videographers would use a gimbal to provide support and stabilization, but my camescope and feet were all I needed. This type of work called for a more natural flow, which could only be done without any device.
I knew how to be professional, too, but hated every second I spent filming the top dancers sensually touching each other’s bodies, especially from this close. The looks they gave one another, were they really only professional? I wasn’t sure Minho had ever looked at me like he was staring at Soojin at this moment.
I decided to put aside my anger for the sake of my job, and made the best promotional video yet. Not that I would ever admit it, but their chemistry was undeniable and greatly increased the quality of the video.
Slowly, but surely, I watched Minho and Soojin grow closer. I tried multiple times to reconnect with him to prevent the inevitable, but he was unyielding. He wouldn’t let me touch him and refused to be in a room alone with me. I found his reactions a bit over the top and insulting. But, even worse, he seemed to be protective of Soojin, as if he was scared I would hurt her if he let her out of his sight.
I would, but it was still vexing.
If you go and get yourself somebody new I don't know what the hell I'd do But if I found out, I will go and turn up at her house Break a nail and rip her hair right out Huh, and I hope you like that I'm crazy like that
Life went on, Minho still got me by the neck unbeknownst to him, and I was still wary of Soojin. A month had passed and a new project started.
“This time, crew, the theme is love. I want to feel it, alright? Do whatever it takes. I’m not worried though, because I believe in you all.”
The little speech the director gave ended up with a round of applause and a whistle from several of the dancers. The choreographers were sending each other smirks, as if they were waiting for this moment. I, obviously, loathed the idea. I had barely managed to contain myself this past month. That was going to be torture.
I was right.
The first official practice for the dance, a week after the announcement, I was behind the camera. If I thought they were close during the past month, I was mistaken. For the most part, their bodies were colliding with each other in a way that made the young managers embarrassed. My blood boiled. If there weren’t all these people around, I would’ve ripped Soojin’s hair out already.
When the song ended, their faces were mere millimeters from one another. They closed the gap between their mouths. I heard a few gasps from the crowd. My eyes lost focus. The fury building inside me sent a throbbing pain in my head. I left the room in a hurry before I could regret my actions. The last thing I saw in the long mirrors were their lips connected in a heated kiss.
I wanted to throw up. I ran to the restroom and sat on the ground in one of the cabins. I touched my cheeks with the back of my hands to check my temperature and realized I was crying. I couldn’t possibly be sad, could I? I stayed seated for what felt like hours, developing a plan to get revenge on Soojin. I was not going to let her go unscathed after what she had done.
The pain eventually subsided. Rage was all that was left in me. I was determined to make the bitch pay. I checked myself in the mirror, relieved to see there was no trace of me crying, and nodded to myself to give me courage. I came back to the dance room like nothing happened. Everybody stopped moving and watched me walk to my camera.
“Sorry, I had an emergency,” I told no one in particular, shooting an apologetic smile around the room. “Please, continue.”
I changed a few parameters on the camera and the room came back to life.
I was one of the first ones to leave the room. I stored my stuff in their respective places. Minho was waiting for me when I walked out of my studio.
“Y/N, I’m sorry—-It just happened—”
I scoffed. “Whatever.”
I'll do anything for you, boy, anything Yeah, I'll do anything, anything for you Yeah, I'll do crazy shit And I'll get away with it Boy, I'll do anything, anything for you
I raced to my car and waited there until Soojin entered her own car. I watched Minho go to her window and talk to her when she rolled it down. She nodded and smiled at him. Sickening. He went to his own car and I followed Soojin when she exited the parking lot. I stayed at a safe distance, but what if Minho knew what I had in mind and warned her?
I shook my head. It didn’t matter. She drove around fifteen minutes and parked in front of what looked like a family house. Was it her own place or did she come to her parents thinking I wouldn’t dare touch her there?
I smiled conspiratorially. None of them really knew me. I parked right behind her and stormed out of my car. I stopped at her window like Minho had done earlier and waited for her to roll it down. She stared at me with fear in her eyes and gulped.
I put on a fake smile and my sweetest voice. “Come on out, Soojin, don’t be scared.”
She slowly reached for the handle and opened the door.
“Look, I’m sor—”
I grabbed her by the neck and threw her on the asphalt. She grunted and rolled over. I pulled her hair up and ignored her faint struggle, whispering in her ear. “You really thought you could steal my boyfriend from me and get away with it?” I let out a nasty laugh.
She shuddered, tears welling up in her eyes. “You’re not together anymore,” she cried. “I’m sorry for hurting you. I didn’t mean to, I swear.”
“You’re too cute. I guess that’s your advantage.”
I pulled her hair a little higher and balled my other hand into a fist. I moved my arm back to gain momentum, but never got to use it. Minho shouted my name from his car, parked right behind mine. I let go of Soojin and watched him dash towards us.
“What’s happening?”
He kneeled next to her, checking her face and scratched arms. She cried, burying her face in his chest and wrapping her arms around his stomach. I huffed and folded my arms over my chest. The second she calmed down, Minho got up and faced me. He frowned.
“What did you do?” His tone was accusing. It angered me.
“Are you for real? How could you get over me that easily? Was I nothing to you?”
“Y/N,” he warned, pinching his nose bridge. Then he gave me a firm stare. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I never meant to. I just assumed you got over it the way I did.” His voice matched the look on his face.
Got over it? Oh, boy.
“I guess I loved you more than you ever did me.”
His surprised expression made no sense to me. He did not comment on it. Instead, he reached for Soojin’s hand and helped her up. “I’ll get you home,” he said softly.
He used to talk to me like that. Take care of me like that. My blood boiled but I just watched, feeling abandoned, as they walked away from me.
When he returned, a few minutes later, I was waiting, my back pressed against the driver’s side door of my car. “What was that about?” he inquired, stopping around three meters away from me, arms crossed over his chest.
“I’ll do anything for you, Minho. Anything. And I got angry at the way she snatched you from me.”
He stepped back, dropping his arms at his sides. “What do you mean, anything?”
“Literally anything.”
“But, Y/N, we broke up. You don’t have to. Besides, she didn’t snatch me, I fell for her.” My heart hurt. Did he really stop loving me that easily? “I’m sorry. Really, I am. I can’t undone our history, nor can I control my feelings.”
“You would undone our history if you could?” That was what hurt the most, I think. That, right there. He regretted being with me.
“No, but what you did today… I’m not sure I can forgive you. You scared Soojin, you scared me. If I knew you would be like this, I—”
“Don’t finish that sentence, please.”
Minho sighed. “I enjoyed being with you, Y/N, honestly. However, that was too much. I won’t ask you to quit your job, but can you please, leave Soojin and I alone? I feel like a dick asking you, especially since you’ll have to watch us a lot, and I also don’t want to quit this amazing company.”
“I’ll do it,” I breathed. A single tear ran down my face. “I’ll quit. I can’t stand by and watch you both all lovey-dovey. And I don’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
It was my fault. I planted the seed of desire in Minho’s head, and my jealousy nourished it. The plant grew and he fell in love with her. I should've known. He never explicitly told me he loved me.
Minho reached for me and for a second, I was tempted to just let him, but that would've been wrong. I wasn’t sure I could leave if he showed me affection. I turned around and hopped in my car.
“Have a good life,” were my last words to my beautiful ex boyfriend before I took off.
The next day, I gave my resignation letter to my boss, and apologized a ton for leaving so suddenly. I pretended to have an urgent family matter hundreds of kilometers away, and moved out during the week. I wanted to put as much distance between Minho and me as possible to help me forget about him. It wasn’t an easy feat. But I moved into a small apartment in another city, got a job in a dancing company named “Encore Dance” and resumed my life.
There, I met a man so pretty I could cry.
Hwang Hyunjin.
Have you seen this man?
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