musk7 · 5 months
They asked: Why do you love God so much?
I replied: Because I feel and see Him in everything. I find Him in the gentle rustle of leaves, in the rhythmic patter of the rain, in the wise wrinkles of old persons, the innocent laughter of babies, in the warmth of my parents' smiles, in the laughter of my sisters, and in the simplest tasks of my daily life. Most profoundly, I sense His comforting presence even in my darkest moments, offering solace and strength.
My love for God is a deeply emotional connection, woven into the fabric of every aspect of my existence.
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gokkusaginda · 9 months
Of babam simdi balığı doğum gününde alıcam diyo aklımı çıldırıcam
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narinss · 1 year
Toz Pembe Hayalleri Bilmem Ama ,
Rengarenk Dualarımız Var Bizim ;
- Elhamdulillah. . !
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harcadinlanbeni · 1 year
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madurai80s · 1 year
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crescentmp3 · 2 years
hiii we're home !!
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karagozkuyumculuk · 2 months
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neyim-var-ki · 11 months
Ben olduğum gibiyim, kimse beni değiştiremez.
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musk7 · 1 year
أريد أن أشارككم موقف حدث معي الآن شعرت فيه بمعية الله و لطفه و رحمته بي. كان من المفروض أن أجتاز امتحان هذا الاسبوع. المادة تعتبر صعبة و بسبب ظروف شخصية اضطررت أن لا أكون حاضرة في ثلاث أول حصص و الإمتحان كان من المفروض أن يشمل الأربع الحصص الأولى أي بالتالي الثلاث حصص اللاتي تغيبت عنها. فكنت متوترة و خائفة أن أسقط هذه المادة لكنني كنت ملازمة للذكر عسى ربي أن يخرجني من هذه الضائقة. البارحة ليلا اتصلت بي صديقتي تريد مني أن أساعدها في الحصول على وثائق كي تجتاز بهم امتحان معين هذا الصباح. التقينا صباح اليوم أمام جامعتها كي أسلمها الوثائق (علما و أننا لسنا بنفس الجامعة) و كنت طوال الطريق أذكر الله في سري. إلا انه عند عودتي و قبل دخولي البيت مباشرة وصلتني رسالة "الامتحان أجل للأسبوع القادم".أيقنت حينها أنه ما طالَ بي حُزنٌ واللهُ يسمعنيواللهُ يرحمني إن نالنِي عُسري..فعلا الإحساس بمعيّة الله إحساس آمِن وكأن ضمادات الكون التفّت حول قلبك فبات قلبًا هادئًا آمنًا مُطمئنًا.الحمد لله حمدا واسعا طيبا مباركا فيه.لا تستهينوا بأثر الذكر في صلاح يومكم و استقامة حالكم فذكر الله حياه.
I want to share with you a situation that happened to me now, in which I felt Allah's presence, kindness, and mercy on me. I was supposed to pass an exam this week. The subject is considered difficult, and due to personal circumstances, I had to not be present in the first three classes, and the exam was supposed to include the first four classes, which means the three classes that I missed. I got nervous and worried about missing this test, but I was attached to the dhikr, hoping that my Lord would get me out of this hardship. Last night, my friend called me to help her obtain documentation to pass a certain test this morning. We met this morning in front of her university so that I could deliver the papers to her (Knowing that we are not in the same university) and I remembered Allah in my secret every step of the way. However, when I returned and just before going into the house, I received a message saying, "The exam is due for next week." I knew then that I had not been sad for long, and God can hear me. God will show mercy to me if I get the test.. Indeed, the feeling of being with Allah is a secure feeling, as if the bandages of the universe wrapped around your heart, so it became a calm, safe, reassuring heart. Praise be to Allah, a wide, good and blessed praise. Do not underestimate the effect of dhikr in the righteousness of your time and the righteousness of your condition, so remembering Allah is life..
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yannlizkiz · 1 year
Aslında ağlayarak birşeyleri başarıyoruz . İçimizi kendimize döküyoruz. İnsanlar derdini dinler ama anlamazya işte o an seni dinliyicek ve anlıyıcak iki kişi vardır. Bir Allah iki kendin.
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dikeshwarprasad · 2 years
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कबीर, राम कृष्ण से को बड़ा, तिन्हूं भी गुरु कीन्ह ।
तीन लोक के वे धनी, गुरु आगे आधीन ।
सरलार्थ :- गुरु बनाना अति आवश्यक है बिना गुरु के मानव का कल्याण संभव है श्री राम,श्री कृष्ण जी जिससे बड़ा हम किसी को नही मानते उन्होंने ने भी गुरु धारण किया था।।
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makineyecanverin28 · 2 years
gecen gun biri tornavida dedi sonra iki kisi donup bana tornaa dedi
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inanılmaz stres oldum elim ayağım birbirine dolasti resmen hayir konularimin cogu bitti gibi ama bi kac kitap daha bitirmek istedigim dersler var edebiyat gibi.. asla aklimda kalmiyo bu sorunu bi an önce çözmem lazim tarihi artık çok seviyorum matematikle bi sorunum hiç olmadi şükür (tyt haric ehe onu da kendi haline biraktim nasip artik denemlerle götürcez) geometri kismina hicbi sey diyemiyorum hiphizli sekilde kitap bitirmem lazim bunu yaparsam inaniorm hallolucak bi tur daha deneme kampina soksam kendimi istedigim yerlere gelicem gibi net bi istegim de yok aslinda artık hukuk olsun da gerisi umrumda degil kafasindayim cunku cidden yoruldum gidip erzincanda bile okurum yani biktim cunku iki senedir, her anlamda çöktüm keske gecen sene son dönemde birakmasaydim daha cok calissaydim su an iyi kötü bi hukukta olurdum yipranmazdim neyse hayallerimiz icin deger az daha dayanicam ve bi ömür huzur (nolr sen oyle san falan demeyin birakin azcik motive olmaya calisiyim lutfem) siz de calismayi birakmayin hayallerinizi düşünün çabalayın biraz daha 48 gün sonra çabalamak istesek bile oyle bi şansımız olmiycak su ana kadar calismadiysaniz bile hala geç degil birakmayin en azindan bi ay kendimi yirttim dersiniz umarim hepimizz istedigimiz yerlere gelirizz
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