#allison argent smut
sundrop-writes · 2 months
are you currently open to doing reactions for teen wolf characters? cause if you are i’d love to see how you think stiles & allison would react to seeing a fem reader naked by accident hehe
yeah, as it says in my Rules, I love doing reactions and MLTs (especially cause they're fun, shorter fics that I can write quickly in order to get to know the characters better. they're a lot of fun)
so here we go
Requests for Teen Wolf are OPEN!!! Please read the rules first, though <3 also vote in this poll if you like Teen Wolf fics
How would Stiles Stilinski and Allison Argent react to seeing you naked by accident?
Warnings: mentions of sex/arousal/sexual desire (characters wanting to fuck the reader after seeing them naked), sexual themes but no explicit smut, reader is described as having breasts/is called a 'girl', mentions of Scott/Allison, mentions of Jackson/Reader (background, unimportant), mentions of the reader taking nudes/nude pictures, Allison's section is way longer than Stiles's oops (but that's because I've never written for her before and I got excited).
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Stiles would be coming to visit you on a random Saturday - something that he did often. And after letting himself in with his spare key and bounding up the stairs to your room, he would hear music coming from your room and think nothing of simply letting himself in. He could imagine that you were cutely dancing in your pajamas, using your hairbrush as a microphone - something that he would tease you for, but secretly loved.
He hadn't even thought to knock. The two of you were so close - best friends since you were in diapers, having grown up together, gone through everything together.
So when he opened the door and found you standing at the foot of your bed, naked, rubbing lotion over your skin almost sensually - a towel in a rumple at your feet as you had clearly just gotten out of the shower - in seconds, it changed his entire perspective of you. Seeing your gorgeous breasts, the roundness of your thighs, the perfect swell of your ass, the softness of your stomach - it put nothing but downright filthy images in his mind. And in seconds, you went from being his dorky childhood friend to a woman he now desperately wanted to fuck.
He didn't get to stand there for long and stare before you noticed him, but the image of you so beautifully bared was easily seared into his mind forever.
"Stiles?!" You screamed when you noticed him in the doorway, and he felt so terribly caught.
His instinct was to turn and run, but he was dumb from the amount of blood pooling in his cock. He tripped over his own feet and rammed headfirst into the doorway - hard. He became dizzy from the hit fell to the floor within seconds, groaning loudly in pain (and embarrassment) as he clutched the bruise blooming on his forehead.
You rushed to pick up your towel to cover yourself, and then rushed to see if he was okay.
"Oh my god, Stiles." You sighed, kneeling down by his side. "What is wrong with you?"
Well, he could add 'intense sexual desire for his best friend' to that list now.
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Allison loved having you over at her place. Between the chaos of dating and not-dating someone that her family had vowed to kill, and being trained by that family to kill others of his kind in the most traumatic and tiring way possible - you were a breath of fresh air in her life. You were the soothing relaxation she needed among the chaos.
She invited you over as often as possible because of this. Whether it was dinner with her family, studying, sleepovers where the two of you talked all night and ate junk food - you were over at her house often. Her family knew that the two of you were the best of friends, and they loved you because you were a smart, respectable, normal girl.
On this night, the two of you were having a regular study session. Nothing special - just sitting on her bed going over some homework. More so, enjoying each other's company in quiet while you worked individually.
"Do you have the notes that Mr. Hoffman wrote down today?" Allison asked you, looking up from her book. "I know he didn't want us to do all the problems, but I can't remember which numbers he wrote on the board."
"I took a picture of it." You told her, unlocking your phone and passing it to her. "Just flip through my camera roll, you'll find it. I gotta pee."
You slid off the bed and left her room for the bathroom, and she opened your camera roll looking for the picture of the blackboard that you had taken. She grinned when she saw that the first picture was of a random squirrel that you had seen outside during lunch. Very you.
Then - a picture of Stiles making an ugly face. Of course. He had stolen your phone during lunch. Then - Scott and Stiles. More Scott and Stiles. Then, pictures of your outfit that you had taken in the bathroom that morning at school. Then - wait, what?
A picture of you naked.
Allison's insides tensed.
It was a gorgeous picture of you, and though she felt a twinge of guilt over the fact that she knew she wasn't supposed to see it, she couldn't stop staring. You were laying on your bed, the morning sun pouring in through the curtains - it had probably been taken before school that morning. The picture showed everything from your collar bones to the tops of your thighs, your arm holding the camera high up to get a good angle of your amazing body.
Your breasts relaxed and your nipples peaked (it had to be from you teasing them up for the picture and not from the cold air, your room was always soft and cozy), your stomach so wonderfully soft, your pussy on display - showing off the dusting of pubic hair that you had their. Your knees pressed together, presenting your thighs in a soft, alluring position.
It made Allison's throat dry.
Before she could even think to keep looking for what she had actually needed, you came back into the room.
"Hey," You grinned at her as you moved to sit by her feet at the end of the bed. "You find it."
One thing that Allison knew by now - lying was useless and something she absolutely hated. You were one person in her life that she upheld honesty with as her greatest treasure.
"No." She said, taking a moment to re-moisten her mouth with saliva before she continued. "But - I found this."
She turned the phone screen toward you and your jaw dropped slightly before snapping shut again with a harsh sound.
"Oh." You breathed out. "That." You paused for a moment. "I - uh. Sorry you had to see that."
You took back your phone from her and locked it, staring at the floor with shame.
"I'm not." Allison said quickly. "You - you look beautiful."
It would be a few days before you fully unpacked what she had meant by this. Even Allison herself still hadn't fully acknowledged that she felt anything more than friendship for you.
You nodded. "Thank you." You took another moment. "I - just - I'm sorry it's awkward."
Allison nodded. She wasn't sure why she didn't feel as awkward as you did.
"Well - who was it for?" She couldn't help but to wonder.
She could only assume that you had taken the picture with the intention to send it to someone.
"Um, well... it was for Jackson." You told her.
The two of you had been texting a lot more frequently since he had broken up with Lydia.
Allison frowned.
"You are way too good for him." She insisted.
And that was the comment that stuck in your mind - that truly got you thinking about what your relationship with Allison meant.
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zoyaofthegardvn · 2 years
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okay so i am a huge teen wolf fan like i have rewatched that show countless times. i adore it. it's perfect. but i watched the teen wolf movie and it was a flaming pile of dog shit. i didn't really expect it to be good but like my god it was awful. i blame paramount tho fr idk if that even makes sense but i seriously think if it had been literally any other streaming service it may have been better LMAO. but anyway it did remind me how whipped i am for allison argent. allison was my first ever fictional crush really and i've been in love with crystal reed ever since. so this is me saying imma open requests to teen wolf girlies specifically allison. are there even any teen wolf fans on here tho lol?? like is this post maybe gonna disappear into the void???? perhaps. but allison is bae so imma at least make it known that i'd write for her.
also let me just say allison x lydia was my first ever sapphic ship. and obvi i've moved on to canon ones but i was like 10 ok leave me alone. they were my number one sapphic ship for ages and i still adore them. my fave bestiessss
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samdeancass · 4 months
Allison Argent Masterlist
Figuring Herself Out
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redroses07 · 3 months
Just Friends // Stiles Stilinski
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Fem!Reader
Summary: Stiles is struggling after being controlled by the Nogitsune, and he turns to you for help. But little does he know, it will turn your friendship into so much more. Takes place after season 3. (Allison isn't dead!!!)
Warnings: Swearing, angsty as fuck, sad Stiles, kissing, implied smut if you squint?, PTSD.
A/N: HI GUYS!!! I really like this fic and ofc I hope y'all will too! This is my first time writing about Stiles and I think I did pretty well! As always, enjoy!! And comments and reblogs are appreciated. P.S. lmk if y'all want me to do a part 2 where they tell their friends (Scott's reaction hee hee) - Claire ♡
After Stiles was released from the control of the Nogitsune, things seemed to go back to normal. Well, at least that’s what one would think from the outside.
The series of events had taken a severe toll on Stiles’s mental health, and even though he did a good job of hiding it, you were the one person who seemed to know what he needed.
It all started about a week after everything happened, it was the middle of the night and you were jolted awake by the sound of your phone buzzing by your head.
You were about to hit decline but then you saw it was Stiles and feelings of worry began to stir within you.
You quickly answered, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you forced yourself awake.
"Stiles, is everything okay?"
"Yeah...well not really. I hate to ask, but do you think you could drive over to my house. I just really don't want to be alone right now." Stiles's voice was groggy, and laced with exhaustion. The fact alone that he was asking you this made you immediately agree.
You hopped out of bed, not bothering to change out of your pajamas, slipped on your slippers, and you were on your way.
Your house wasn't far from Stiles's, about a five minute drive with no traffic.
You lived directly in the middle of him and Scott, being only a short distance from each. The close proximity was the main reason the three of you had stayed so close throughout your school years.
"Friends", that's all you and Stiles had ever been. Although, neither of you could deny the chemistry between the two of you, risking your friendship never seemed worth it.
It was on this night that all that would begin to change.
When you arrived at Stiles's house, he had left the door unlocked for you so you wouldn't have to fumble around with the spare key in the dark.
You found Stiles laying on his bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He looked lost in thought, his eyes rimmed with dark circles. It hurt seeing him look so drastically different from the Stiles you knew, and you wanted to do whatever you could to help.
You laid down next to him, your body facing his.
"Hey..." Stiles began, still staring at the ceiling.
"Stiles, what's going on? You know you can trust me with anything right?"
"Yeah...It's just a lot to put into words." Stiles's voice cracked, which told you that he was fighting tears.
You sat up and stiles copied the movement. You were now both facing each other, sitting legs crossed on his bed. You pushed aside the unspoken vow between the two of you and placed his hands in yours. Stiles's breath hitched, and you could tell he was avoiding eye contact with you.
"Take all the time you need, I'll listen to every word." you said softly.
"I know everyone thinks I'm doing okay, but I can't even function. I can't sleep without having nightmares. I can't eat or do anything without remembering all the awful stuff he made me do. I didn't know who else to tell except you. Scott has his own set of issues, and you're the only person I trust like this."
Stiles began to ramble, and your heart broke as he did. How had you not noticed earlier? Yes, it had only been a week, but you knew Stiles better than anyone. You felt like an awful best friend.
"I'm so tired, I just want to feel normal again." He could no longer hold back the tears, the dam broke and Stiles became a sobbing mess.
You pulled him into your arms with no hesitation, which only made Stiles want to cry.
"No, no I'm going to get your clothes all wet." Stiles protested trying to pull away, but you wouldn't let him.
"A few tears never hurt anyone." You said.
At that Stiles let himself fall into you, his body going limp with exhaustion. You tried not to cry along with him, wiping your burning eyes to prevent the tears.
"It'll be okay." You whispered as Stiles's sobs turned into sniffles. He finally looked up, his cheeks wet from the tears that had escaped his puffy eyes.
You did the only thing you could think of and gave him two kisses, one peck on each cheek. Stiles lips turned up in a small smile, his cheeks still turning red despite his current state.
"I think the first thing we need to do is get you to bed." You smiled, pushing Stiles's messy hair back.
He looks at you and nods without moving from your arms. You lean back on his bed, pulling him with you. You positioned yourself to where Stiles was resting on top of your body, his head pressed to your chest. You kept your arms wrapped around him, squeezing his body in an attempt to comfort him.
As you were settling down you heard Stiles whisper your name softly.
"Promise you'll wake me up if I'm having a nightmare?"
"I promise." You replied as you reached down and laced your fingers with his.
Stiles gave you a half-hearted smile in response, his puffy eyes glazed over from fatigue.
"Thank you." Stiles murmured, fighting sleep.
"Shhh." Was your only response as you traced your fingers along his back.
"I love you." It was an incoherent whisper, so much that you couldn't be sure of his words. But something told you you had heard correctly.
By the time you went to reciprocate the statement, the room was filled with Stiles's muffled snores.
You sighed and proceeded to fall asleep yourself.
Stiles slept through the night for the first time in weeks.
After that the trajectory of your relationship began to shift.
From holding Stiles's hand to remind him that everything was okay when you were with your friends, to staying up all night listening to him talk.
You rarely got to sleep at home anymore, but you didn't mind. You weren't far if you needed something, and it helped Stiles get a good night's sleep. Yet he would still apologize every time. "I'm sorry to bother you again.", "I promise this is the last time.", when in reality you were definitely okay with an excuse to spend more time with him.
You had become his anchor to reality, and Stiles could feel things beginning to look up with every day that passed.
Your friends picked up on it too.
"So, are you and Stiles together, or..." Lydia and Allison asked when they managed to corner you at your locker one day. It was a question you didn't know how to answer. Eventually landing on, 'it's complicated.'
"What's going on with you and Stiles, I'm starting to feel like a third wheel when we're together." It was a joke, but there was certainly some truth behind it.
You laughed it off and changed the subject, but didn't forget the comment that night when you and Stiles laid in each other's arms drifting off to sleep.
Surprisingly, it wasn't you who finally brought it up, but Stiles.
It was a Friday night, and the two of you were at your house instead of his.
"Shit, I forgot clothes to change into." Stiles said as he fumbled through his backpack.
"It's all good, I have a spare pair of clothes in my drawer for you." You replied, pointing to the dresser.
Stiles smiled and laughed, holding eye contact with you for perhaps a moment too long.
"You take care of so much for me, sometimes I feel like you're my wife." It was a casual statement, but it put you at a loss for words.
You laughed awkwardly, failing to come up with a reply.
Stiles could very clearly read your emotions, he pushed the drawer shut and walked back over to sit next to you.
You tried to calm yourself, but your heart wouldn't stop beating at what felt like an unhealthy pace.
"You're my best friend..." Stiles began, taking your clammy hands in his.
"You've done so much for me in the past few weeks, just like a best friend should; but I can't help thinking that this feels like something more."
You felt as if the world stopped. You knew this conversation would come, but definitely not now. Your brain seemed to stop producing thoughts.
"Please tell me I'm not imagining all of this. I know this is a lot at once, but Y/N I love you." Stiles's voice shook from the overwhelming nerves.
"I love you too." You spoke for the first time in minutes, it felt amazing after you had heard it fall from his lips that first night you spent together.
Stiles's eyes gazed into yours, and suddenly the feeling of just your hands touching wasn't enough.
You reached over and grabbed Stiles face, finally closing the gap between the two of you.
You pulled Stiles down as you did, his body landing on top of you sinking into the kiss.
You tugged on his hair lightly, pulling him as close to you as humanly possible. Stiles fell deeper into the kiss, locking your hands together and pressing your body further into the soft mattress.
After a few minutes of pure bliss you broke apart. The air that filled your lungs was both a blessing and a curse. You needed to breathe, but the absence of his touch only made you want him more.
Stiles hovered over you, the sound of his heavy breathing was the only thing you could hear over your own beating heart.
"So I take it you're not just my best friend anymore?" Stiles giggled, pressing his forehead gently against yours.
You gave a sly smile before pulling Stiles down by his shirt and connecting your lips once more.
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ilovewriting06 · 8 months
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A/N- So I just watched the episode where Stiles has his panic attack and I came up with this idea and couldn't get out of my head so welcome to my fucked up thoughts. Also gonna pretend Void!Stiles doesn't exist for this fic.
Stiles and I are walking down the school corridor when Stiles suddenly stops after checking his phone. I continue walking a few steps before I realize he isn't beside me anymore. I spin around and notice the panicked expression that's on his face, "Stiles, what's wrong?"
His breathing gets a little faster and I notice that his hands are starting to shake, "She has-she has Allison's dad." I suck in a breath knowing what that means but Stiles says it first, "She's got all three...she's ready for the sacrifice."
I search for what to say and blurt out the first thing that I can think of, "We still have time, right?" There's a few seconds of silence before Stiles gasps and my eyes widen, "Stiles? Stiles, talk to me, what's wrong?
He sucks in breath after breath before choking out, "I think I'm having a panic attack."
Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god. What do I do? Think. Think Y/n, think! I look around before seeing the locker room and I grab Stiles' hand dragging him behind me and into the room.
I help him stumble through the room before he slides down the side of the locker. I sink down on my knees trying to figure out what to do, "Uhhh...think about something, anything."
He takes in gulps of air trying to regain his breath as he gasps, "L-like what?"
I pause for a split second, "Happy thing, friends, family."
He gives me a look when I say family and I mentally facepalm and outwardly cringe, "Oh crap, sorry, sorry. Uh, t-try and match my breathing, can you do that?"
He grabs his chest and shakes his head muttering, "I can't, I can't," repeatedly. He starts hyperventilating and I'm about two minutes away from a panic attack myself if I can't calm him down.
I shuffle closer before cupping his face and turning him to look me in the eyes, "Stiles, hey, shh, it's okay. Look at me, Stiles, shh."
He looks at me and I feel my heart twinge at the fear on his face and I realize how close we are, definitely not how I imagined how we would be in this position. I feel helpless as I stare at him and I mentally curse, fuck it, maybe it'll work. I grab his face a little tighter and pull him forward a little as I surge forward and capture his lips in a kiss.
I feel him hold his breath and freeze before he stops shaking and wow, okay, pretty sure I'm not supposed to feel like this when kissing my best friend. I pull away from the kiss slowly to come face to face with a wide eyed, dumbfounded Stiles, "W-why did you do that?"
I almost say what I know is true, I wanted to, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you but I'm terrified to say anything because the thought of losing you tears my heart apart, but I chicken out and make yet another excuse, "I, uh, I read somewhere that when you hold your breath it stops a panic attack. When I kissed you, you held your breath."
I see the disappointment filter across his face and I feel hope fill in my chest before it fizzles out when he nods, "Wow, I uh, yeah. That was really smart."
I smile and nod before shifting to sit beside him, "Yeah, I-I guess so. You feel a little better?"
He nods, "I...yeah Y/N/N, I feel better, thanks."
I kiss his cheek before standing, "You're welcome, Sti."
It's been a few weeks since the panic attack and the sacrifices and Stiles has been avoiding me. Like hardcore swerving to the complete opposite side of the hall when he sees me and ducking into the boy's bathroom or the boy's locker room. It hurts, a lot.
I slump into my seat in English class after yet another failed attempt at talking to Stiles. When I see Scott look at me with a sympathetic smile it registers that if anyone know what's wrong with Stiles, it's Scott.
At the end of class I scramble to run and catch Scott before he disappears, "Scott!" I see him stop for a split second before he starts weaving through students and I can't help it, I'm desperate, "Scott, please!"
This time when he stops he turns around and looks at me which has me running to him before coming to a stop in front of him, "Scott-," He cuts me off grabbing the strap of his backpack that's over his shoulder before speaking, "Look, Y/N, if this is about Stiles you have to talk to him, not me."
I almost cry in frustration when I yell, "I've tried! Dammit Scott, I've tried! He won't talk to me, he won't even look at me."
I can see Scott falter a little bit at the sight of the tears that start to slide down my cheeks so I beg one last time, "Scott, I'm begging you, help me. I can't lose him Scott, please."
He bites on his lip and looks around before sighing, "Locker room after lacrosse practice." I perk up and he continues, "I'll make sure he's there."
I smile and nod, "Thank you, Scott, thank you."
As I slip into the locker room after lacrosse practice is over I can hear Stiles yelling at who I assume is Scott, "Dude, that's not cool! Why won't you watch Star Wars? It says things about you dude, and it isn't good things."
I come around the corner and falter slightly at the sight before me, Stiles is wearing a pair of black basketball shorts...and that's it. Literally, I'm 99% sure he's not wearing boxers either because they're hanging low on his hips and there isn't a single sign of an elastic band. His hair is still damp and there are a few droplets of water on the expanse of his back and when he turns around at the sound of me catching myself on a locker I can't help but wheeze a little because, holy shit, who knew Stiles Stilinski was ripped?"
His smile drops before he looks between me and Scott. I look at Scott and he nods slightly before turning to Stiles, "Look, dude, just talk to her. I'm gonna head home."
When the door closes behind Scott I look at Stiles as I take a few steps towards him and whisper, "What did I do wrong?"
He licks his lips and stutters, "Uhh-nothing, nothing, why would you think you did something wrong?"
I try to stop the tears from welling up in my eyes as I take a shuddering breath, "Maybe the fact that it's been close to a month since we've talked. You constantly avoid me by ducking into the bathroom or the locker room or you use Scott as a buffer, you don't answer your phone, or the door when I come to your house. I just-I just want to know how to fix this. I just want to know what I did wrong."
Stiles takes a breath before shifting slightly, "Y/N, there's nothing to fix, we're fine."
I feel all the frustration, hurt, and anger pour out of me at his obvious lie, "DAMMIT STILES! Stop lying to me! Is this because I kissed you? Is that why you've been avoiding me?"
Stiles opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water and I know that's what it is but there's something else, something I can't decipher. I gulp before asking, "Is it because you figured it out? Did you figure out that I've been in love with you for years and you couldn't figure out how to let me down easy?"
Stiles' eyes widen before he speaks, "You're in love with me? Y/N, I'm in love with you! I thought the kiss meant nothing to you and I couldn't pretend anymore. I thought you-...you're really in love with me?"
I nod and step closer until our chests are brushing together, "Yes, I've been in love with you since my 15th birthday." He grips my waist before smiling, "I've been in love with you since I was 14, I've got you beat."
I grab his bare shoulders and whisper, "Not everything's a competition. Now, are you gonna kiss me or not?" His left hand stays on my hip but his right hand cups the back of my head and pulls me into a kiss. We kiss until our lungs our screaming for oxygen and when we pull apart I slide my hands down his chest and brush across his abs, "Stiles."
His breath catches as I trace his abs as he chokes out, "Uh huh, yeah, what's up?" I brush a finger down the dark strip of hair that disappears into his shorts before I slip my index finger under the band and whisper, "I want you."
The loud clang of Stiles' head hitting the lockers rings throughout the otherwise quiet room as he groans, "Fuck, Y/N, I-I've never-, not here."
I know what he's trying to say because I feel the same way, but that wasn't my plan, "I know, I'm a virgin too and I'm not losing my virginity in the boy's locker room, but I wasn't talking about sex." I whisper the last little bit in his ear at the same time that I cup his half hard cock.
He tangles a hand in my hair pulling my head back to look in my eyes, "Are you sure? You don't have to." I smile and slide my hands up to rest on his sides, "I want to, I really, really want to. Unless you don-."
"NO!" My eyes widen and he clears his throat, "I, I mean, um no, yeah I want to, too."
I smirk and lean forward to capture his lips in a sloppy, eager kiss. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance but I release his lips and kiss across his jaw. I start making my way down his neck looking for that spot that drives him crazy. When I find his sweet spot he lets out the prettiest moan I've ever heard, which is like, none, but still think it would sound prettier than anyone else's moan, especially when its the boy you love moaning your name.
I give extra attention to his sweet spot leaving behind a small mark as I continue my descent of his body. I kiss across his collarbone and down his chest to his abs making sure to leave hickies scattered across his skin. When I get to the waistline of his shorts I pull back and look up to see him looking down at me with pupils blown to hell and wet hair laying flat on his head. His breathing is uneven as I ask, "Are you sure? No turning back after this."
He grabs my chin in between his thumb and index finger as his gravely, panty dropping voice fills the silence, "If you stop, I swear to god you'll regret it."
My eyes widen as I rub my legs together and whine. He smirks and rubs his thumb across my cheekbone, "You like that? Does it turn you on thinking about what could happen if you didn't listen?"
I nod my head as I lean into his touch, "Yes."
He groans and runs his hand through my hair, "You can't get any more perfect could you?" I turn my head slightly just enough nip at the palm of his hand. When he pulls his hand away I surge forward and kiss the dark trail of hair causing Stiles to groan again, "Alright, okay, we'll talk about that later."
I curl my fingers around his shorts before pulling them down and yup, no underwear and oh lord, there is no way I can fit all of that in my mouth. I freeze with my hands still holding his shorts when they're right above his knees, "Oh."
I can feel Stiles' eyes staring at me but I'm too busy pushing his shorts to pool around his ankles to look at him. I shuffle closer before realizing that I have no idea what to do. I blush as I look up at Stiles and he lets out a shaky breath, "You look so fucking innocent." He pauses before he raises an eyebrow at my flushed face before realization dawns on his face, "Oh, you are aren't you? Do you need me to tell you what to do?"
I feel my face burn in embarrassment but Stiles rubs his thumb against my jaw, "Hey, it's okay Sweetheart. I think you just found a new kink of mine, actually."
I furrow my eyebrows and tilt my head and he chuckles, "You are so goddamn adorable, and innocent. Corruption kink, Sweetheart."
I smile and blush before looking back at his dick that is red and angry at the lack of attention. I watch as a bead of precum drips onto the floor before looking back at Stiles with wide desperate eyes.
He nods, "Okay, okay, spit on your hand." I wrinkle my nose and he snorts, "You can lick it instead but it's not going to be easy or comfortable for either of us if your hand is dry."
I look at my hands but before I decide what to do he grabs one of my hands and pulls it up as far as it will go before he ducks down the rest of the way and licks a long stripe from the bottom of my palm to my fingertips. He releases my hand and I let it sit there for a second as I stare at him with wide eyes before I visibly swallow.
His eyes widen and he looks like he would back away if he could, "Oh my god, I'm sorry! I should have asked first, I am so sor-," I shake my head and cut him off, "Hot, dunno why, but it was...hot."
Stiles blushes before I whisper, "What now? Hand's wet, so now what?
Stiles gently grabs my wrist and guides it down, "Okay, now grip the base, but not too hard." I nod before wrapping my hand around him gently, marveling about how my fingers don't even touch. I glance up at Stiles as his hand wraps around mine but I blush and look back down at our hands when he winks at me.
I hear his light chuckle before his starts moving his hand and in turn moving mine with his, "Just like this okay? You don't have to do anything special, this feels great." I can hear him holding back a moan as he softly asks, "Do you think you've got it figured out?"
I nod and watch as he pulls his hand away not missing the way he subtly drags his thumb across the slit but the little jolt he tries to suppress is what catches my attention the most. I shift on my knees slightly before deciding to move my hand faster which receives a choked off curse that turns into a brief moan, "Fu-nghh."
I watch as his eyes flutter, struggling to stay open and decide now is the perfect time to try that little trick, but with a bit of a twist and the reaction I get has me moaning. I lick my lips as I watch my hand glide up and down his shaft before darting forward and licking the tip a little surprised at the sweet yet tangy tase of the precum.
I kept my eyes on Stiles' face as I licked his tip and his response is instantaneous. His eyelids close and stay closed, his whole body arches, and his face scrunches as his mouth drops open but he doesn't make a noise, at least not until I've engulfed the head of his cock in my mouth and suck.
"HOLY SHIT!" I hum around him and he starts rambling curses as I run my tongue over his tip, "Holy shiii-oh god, oh god! Don't stop!"
I pull off of his cock, mouth and hand, and the whine he lets out is pitiful, yet adorable, "Whyyy?" I rub the back of my hand over my lips before speaking, "Touch me, please."
I sound just as whiny and desperate as he does and the look he gives me is a look that can only be described as hungry, "Okay, Sweetheart." He runs his hand through my hair before cupping the back of my head, "How's that, Baby?"
I smile before turning back to his dick trying to remember everything Lydia has ever told me about how to get a guy to cum within minutes and I can practically hear her now, 'Now, listen I swear it'll come in handy someday. Lick it, base to tip, they love it. The first time you suck someone off you probably won't be able to take all of them in so you have to substitute with your hand for what won't fit. Okay, now here is the important part when you have to do that, corkscrew their dick. Don't violently twist or anything but as you move your hand, rotate it, has them cumming in seconds...and don't forget to suck!'
I glance at him one last time to see him slightly confused until I do what Lydia told me to do all those months ago, base to tip with a quick flick of the tongue over his slit. She was right they love it. "Ohh, this is so much better than jerking off, like infinitely bet-," He cuts himself off with a desperate gasp for air, more like a wheeze, when I take in as much of his dick as I can. He's about 8 inches long and I can only fit a little less than 3 inches into my mouth leaving 5 inches to be jerked off.
I cup my tongue on the underside, along a prominent vein as I hollow my cheeks around him before pulling back and taking it all back in, blinking back tears from him touching the back of my throat. The whimpers and moans he lets out cause a tingle to shoot down my spine and my panties to become drenched in slick, it doesn't help that his hand tightens in my hair when I run my tongue along the vein.
I moan around him at the precum that coats my tongue before whining when Stiles tugs on my hair, "F-f-fuckkk! 'M close. God!"
I move my hand faster as well as my mouth and I can feel Stiles tense and twitch under my left hand that's holding his thigh. I increase the suction on his tip as I start flicking my wrist and grip him a little tighter and in mere seconds he's trying to pull me off, "C-close, gonna, mmm, g-gonna, SHIT!"
I know he's trying to pull me off because he doesn't know if I want him to cum in my mouth but a part of me craves it, craves the taste and the feeling of it sliding down my throat. It takes approximately ten seconds until my craving is fulfilled and when Stiles cums, he lets out a deep throaty groan of my name and it has me whining as I try and get every last drop.
When he's sucked dry he whimpers from overstimulation and tries to pull me off, and I let him. I look up at him with a full mouth and a small trickle leaking down my chin from the corner of my mouth. I make eye contact with him and swallow what's in my mouth before licking my lips, "Did I do okay?"
He stares at me dumbfounded before nodding, "Y-yeah, honestly wondering if that really truly was your first blowjob slash handjob."
I blush and nod, "Uh, yeah you're the only guy I've seen naked, I hadn't ever seen a dick either." He blinks before grabbing my biceps and hauling me off my knees and onto my feet. When I'm steady he grabs my hip slipping his thumbs under my sweatshirt and rubbing small circles, "You have blown every expectation I had for what I expected from a blowjob so far away it's floating around somewhere in another galaxy. And Scott's a fucking liar."
I raise an eyebrow at his last statement and he pulls me closer, "He told me blowjobs and handjobs weren't all they were cracked up to be, but fuck, Allison must not be good at it. Best. Orgasm. Ever."
I blush and rest my forehead in the crook of his neck before pulling back and looking at him, "What does this mean? For us."
He takes his hand off my hips and bends down to pull his shorts up before he stands up straight, "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to grab dinner, maybe from that little diner on 2nd street?"
I smile and lean forward before pecking his lips in a chaste kiss, "It's a date." He smiles as I spin around and grab my bag from the floor where I had discarded it by the door. I sling it over my shoulder and I'm halfway out the door when he yells after me, "I'll pick you up at 7!"
I smile as I walk down the hall with a smile on my lips, looks like I panicked for no reason.
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salliesimpkins · 6 months
“I like you a lot”
Isaac lahey x fem!Reader
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TW: Smut, oral (fem receiving), use of pet names, claws, nipple play
+16 read at your own risk. I’m not your mommy A/N: first smut to write + english isn’t my first lang word count: 2.5K
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You were at school, leaning against your locker. smiling at and laughing with Stiles, until you caught Isaac glaring at you across the hall, visibly upset.
"alright Stiles I've got to go now, I'll see ya" you walked away after Stiles nodded and walked to Scott, and you made your way to Isaac.
"hey" you flashed him a smile and he blushed. How could he not? he thought you were the most beautiful thing ever.
The beta glanced over Stiles before turning back to you. "hey.." he spoke softly.
"Just tired... I uhh, I’ve got a lot on my mind lately" he said slowly and softly, not wanting to ruin this moment between you two.
You nodded slowly, feeling bad for him. "well you know, you can always talk to me" you said softly, reassuring him that he's got someone by his side.
You watched him closely as he looked at you quietly, and you didn't want to rush him to speak, you knew how sensitive Isaac is. It made him feel pathetic when he opened up to anyone or asked for help, that's what his dad has taught him. That a man is a man, boys don't cry, but Isaac knew you, he loved you, trusted you, and he knew your listen and get him anytime.
"I've just been going back.. thinking about my family" He looked down as his expression softened.
"oh" you whispered softly and placed your hand on the boy's back, rubbing it gently. "I know you've suffered from your dad your whole life, but his death Isn’t your fault".
Isaac flinched, but he didn't move away from you. Even though your gesture was tiny, it felt huge to him, It made him on top of the world. He let out a soft sigh and ran his fingers through his hair. "I know... I just-" he paused, unsure if he can keep going or not, but he really counted on you, so he kept going. "I didn't even cry at the funeral and everyone thinks I don't care, that I was wishing the whole time i'd get rid of him, and the problem is.. it's true. I was relieved that he's dead"
"Honey listen to me" you took a step closer, placing both your hands on his shoulder. "your dad used to lock you in a freezer. that night.. that night he hurt you and you ran like any other night, because you didn't know what he would die" you then place your hand on isaac's cheek, caressing it softly "you were just scared, you did nothing wrong"
Isaac paused for a moment and leaned into your touched as he shivered. The relief he felt when his father died was a burden to him, but he knew you were saying the truth so he bit his lip thoughtfully. He wanted to say that your hand felt to right on his skin, but he didn't and rubbed his face with his hand then looked at you hesitantly as he spoke. "I- Iwas scared" his voice trembled as he stammered softly, making you unsure if he meant you to hear him. he slowly smiled at you softly and leaned into your touch again, causing his breath to hitch.
you sighed softly as you try to build up some courage and confidence to ask him to go out with you, but you were too scared that he'd turn you down so you just looked quietly at the ground until you heard a familiar 5 taps on the locker next to you and looked to the direction to see lydia. She must have noticed your flustered face because she tilted her head at Isaac and winked at you. You two have been talking about it and she was eager for you to confess to him, and apparently she was so sure Isaac wouldn't let you down for a reason she wouldn't tell.
you snapped out of my trance as Isaac cleared his throat and looked at the same direction you were just looking at, except there was nobody there.
"sorry about that. I was just wondering if you would want to go home with me? I mean-" You paused and took a deep breath. "why don't you come over and we can just.. relax?" you asked nervously as he just looked at you quietly. "Scott's sneaking out with Allison again and our mom won't be home until ten.. so I was thinking if you'd want to just come over instead of staying alone or with Derek, he could be lame sometimes" I chuckle nervously and put on a fake confident grin.
Isaac stayed quiet for a moment or two, taking in your words, and he thought there was no way he could turn that down, the thought of you and him alone in the house with no distractions. He knew he wanted it but he wasn't sure if you did. if you were just doing him a favour because you felt bad, but he decided to push his paranoia to the side and smiled at you softly with a blush on his cheek, nodding. "I'd like that, if you're okay with it"
"ahh perfect! we are gonna have so much fun! we can watch the notebook too if you want to, or maybe cook or play or just" you pause for a second or two, not wanting to creep Isaac out with your sudden excitement. "we could just.. chill you know?" You looked up at him with a smile.
The two of you walked to your house, as Stiles has already left with his jeep, and while you were walking you felt Isaac's hand brush against yours until he took it in, intertwining your fingers together. you could feel how his hand shakes softly and you knew his stomach was probably flipping, he was a nervous wreck.
You held his hand confidently the way home until you reached it and opened the front door for the two of you. After walking in, you turned to Isaac and smiles. "do you wanna stay in the living room, or go to my room? or we can even cook something!" you asked excitedly.
"Your room...?" He asked hesitantly. Your room was usually off limits, that's where you go to relax on your own, away from the pack. He couldn't deny how much he wanted to be there with you. But part of him knows it won't end at just being in your room. Not that he had a problem but that he was worried from Scott's reaction if he knew Isaac was in his sister's room alone in the house. Scott and Isaac were best friends and Isaac didn't want to risk it, but he still loved you.
you saw the look on isaac's face as he started to look overwhelmed, and more anxious than he was, so you decided to cool it down. "I mean it's okay but if you don't want to that's fine. we can sit in the living room" you shrugged, leaving the decision for him to make as you looked at his eyes.
Isaac nodded slowly, looking at your lips then your eyes. "your room" he said softly and carelessly. He wanted to be with you alone. he didn't care what scott would think, he didn't care what the whole pack would think, he only cared about you and being with you, he wanted you.
you smiled and tilted your head for him to follow you. you walked past Scott's room until you reached your room then you walked to the bed, After taking off your shoes, sitting on the bed, then patting on the space next to you for Isaac to sit on.
Isaac followed you to your room, closing his door behind him. His heart skipped a beat when you asked him to sit next to you and the only thing he could think of is how nervous he is. he looked at you and he thought you look so vulnerable, sitting alone waiting for him to join you, so he took a few steps, trying to regulate his breath before sitting next to you. He was so close and nervous, slowly turning his neck to look at you.
"so.. what would you like to do?" you asked softly, trying to make sure he's not uncomfortable.
Isaac looked at you and for the first time he has walked in the room, he didn't know what to say. A part of him wanted to kiss you and see what happened but he didn't want to make you pressured, and he didn't want to risk kissing Scott's sister, he was the leader of the pack, so he let the silence between you linger before he decided to break the ice.
"can I be honest with you?" he stressed.
"of course, I won't judge" i nodded in reassurance
Isaac struggles to speak so he leans closer to you. He just wants you to understand him, he needs you to know how he feels, what he's been thinking of, but it's hard for someone like him, someone whom emotions always were rejected. He took a deep breath and leaned closer as his eyes fluttered between your lips and eyes then he opened his mouth to speak but he failed so he looked one more time at you before smashing his lips on yours as he moved one hand on the back of your neck as the other ran over your back to your hips, pulling your whole body into his lap while you froze in shock before pulling him closer, cupping his cheeks while you kissed him back with the same amounts of passion.
After a few moments he pulls away, and looks at you in shock, he had expected everything other than you kissing him back.
"I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't have kissed you and if scott finds out he's gonna kill me and-" you cut him off pulling him in another kiss, slowly pushing him to lay down as you move on top of him.
"Scott doesn't have to know" you whispered pulling him in a deeper kiss that made him forget everything.
he was in a daze as he pulled away from you. "you look so beautiful when you kiss me like that" he said softly with a soft smirk that caused you to blush.
He smiled softly as he gently ran his fingers thorough your hair. "you're so beautiful you know? it's just so hard to focus on anything else when we are like that, when you're with me. We can take this as slow as you want"
you pulled him for a kiss in response, breaking it as you smiling against lips, and he moaned softly, slipping his hands under your shirt, caressing your soft skin.
"i want this. you. Right here, right now, But I also don't want to hurt you so tell me what you want, darling." he whisper in your ear as his breath hit your neck, causing you to shiver.
"i want you, please" you whined and pulled him into another kiss as your tongue begged for entrance in his mouth. he let out a soft involuntary moan, as his caresses on your back got faster. His tongue danced with your and he began to grind on you, making you feel the hard bulge in his jeans that rubbed your throbbing pussy, until you pulled away from the kiss breathlessly, pushing him up by his chest, reaching to his shirt, playing with a soft fabric slowly. He sat up on his knees in front of you between your legs, taking off his shirt. You looked up at him, slowly placing the balm of your hand on his chest, tracing your finger over it to his stomach. He let out a low groan while he watched you trace your fingers over his chest, his muscles tensed under your touch.
"you're killing me honey" He whispered, moving closer to you as he kissed your neck slowly, then he sat up again as his hands found their way between your legs. Should undo your bra, or maybe start with these pants?" he teased, and sprung his claws out, moving them swiftly above you, tearing off your clothes.
"i loved that set" you pouted and he smirked
"i'll get you new ones" he pulled your clothes off your body, tossing them away on the floor with his shirt.
He smirked when he saw the blush on your face when you looked away, leaning down to your neck. "don't be shy baby" he whispered, before tracing kissed down your collarbone.
you moaned softly, moving your hands to caress his back softly and he let out a sigh against your skin. His hands found your thighs as he rubbed them slowly, kissing lower and lower. His kisses and nibbles reached your chest, taking a nipple in his mouth, swirling and sucking around it while he groped the other one with his hand, pinching the other nipple between his thumb and forefinger teasingly.
"I love you, so much" He showered your stomach with smooches and pecks, until his mouth found your slit, running his tongue through your wetness, humming in satisfaction. "so wet baby" he flicked your clit with his tongue as you struggled to answer him back, running your fingers through his hair as you pulled them gently. He took one of his hand, wrapping it around my waist to keep me down while he slid a finger in you with the other, slowly and gently, causing you to moan softly.
he sucked your clit harder making you pull his hair tightly, causing him to moan which vibrates against your pussy as his fingers go faster, feeling you clench around them, sucking them in. "Fuck Isaac" you whined. "i'm so close" you whispered, wondering if he even heard you, then he confirmed as he added a finger in, moving his fingers in a scissoring motion, stretching you out as you pull his hair tighter. "Isaac!" you warned, and he understood as you reached your climax, coating his fingers with your cum while he kept his gaze on you then he pulled them out, lapping at your pussy hungrily, taking in your juices.
"you're so sweet baby" he moved up to kiss you as you taste your own arousal. He pulled away from the kiss and you bit your lip, panting for air and you moved your hand to his head, pulling him back down to kiss you, you couldn't get enough of him.
hope you guys liked this 🎀
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Party Guessed
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Fury
Prompt: Scott is hurt, Jackson isn't easy to stop, Lydia's birthday is coming up. And to top it all off, the full moon is tonight.
a/n: I read through this once and edited it so I hope I got all the mistakes
It took a while but Isaac had finally calmed you down, Erica had left and even though Stiles wanted to stay because he was worried about you, Isaac had convinced him that he would take care of you.
"Are you sure?"
By now you had yourself tucked into Isaac as Stiles talked to you. You nodded wiping your tears away, "Yeah, Stiles, I'm fine. You should go home and rest. I need to find Scott and then I will too." He hesitated again before slowly nodding, you didn't see it but Isaac and Stiles had shared a knowing glance like some kind of exchange that just said 'make sure she's safe'.
Stiles had finally left and it was just you two. You guys sat in silence and he just caressed your hair. Even though no words were being exchanged between you, it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable. Even with all the dried tears on your face and the sniffles, it felt right to be there with him.
"How you doing, baby?"
You were startled by the nickname, you had heard him call you that while you were whaling but you hadn't thought he would keep calling you that. "What happened to 'your favorite girl'?" Your voice was so hoarse and it hurt to talk but you couldn't help but joke.
He chuckled at your question, "You can still be my favorite girl and be called baby."
You giggled, "I know, just teasing."
He smiled softly at you, you were still in his arms curled together on the floor. His hand was on your cheek, his thumb brushing your cheekbone, "Nice to see you back to yourself, if you're ready we can walk to the station, Derek will probably take Scott there after." You tilted your head up, nodding lightly, "Yeah, I'm ready."
Sure enough when Isaac and you reached the Hale pack hide out both Derek and Scott were there.
"Scott! Are you okay?" You crashed into the boy's back, who let out a gasp from the impact. He turned around and his eyes widened, "Have you been crying, what's wrong?"
"She was worried about you," Isaac had caught up with you, standing behind you two. "But I'm okay now, you're okay so everything is good," you hugged the boy once more. When you pulled away, you noticed Derek staring off into space, "You guys were having a serious moment, weren't you?" Scott tilted his as if he wanted to say no but in reality it was a yes.
"We can't save Jackson." Your head snapped to Isaac and then back to Scott, "I'm sorry what?"
"We can't seem to kill him either," Derek mumbled. "I've seen a lot of things Scott. I've never seen anything like this. Every full moon is just gonna make him stronger."
"Then how do we stop him?"
The Alpha shrugged, "I don't know."
"Maybe you should just let the Argents handle it then," you chimed in sitting on a chair.
"I'm the one who turned him, it's my fault."
"Yeah but you didn't turn him into this," Scott argued, "This happened because of something in his past, right?"
"That's a legend in a book. It's not that simple." You crossed your arms in annoyance, "What do you mean?"
"What are you not telling us," Scott asked at the same time as you.
"Why do you think I'm always keeping something from you?"
"Because you always ARE keeping something from us!" The both of your voices had resonated, it had even startled Isaac. "Well, maybe I do it to protect you."
"Doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets," Scott asked quietly.
"Go home, Scott. Take (Y/N) too. Sleep. Heal. Make sure your friends are safe. Cause the full moon is coming and with the way things are going, I got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one."
It was officially spring break and that meant Lydia's birthday was almost here. Much to your surprise, there was a box on your porch from the red haired girl. She had sent you a dress to wear to her party tonight. You thought it was sweet considering you two weren't really friends. You were planning on going to her party so the gesture made some sense, unfortunately, you would have to leave early due to the full moon.
Derek had asked you to find something for the Betas to get through their first full moon, he had mentioned a spell and while you couldn't find anything like that you were able to find a type of potion to deprive them of their senses and calm their minds.
This morning you had decided you should probably pay the newly formed pack a visit, especially since you needed to let Derek know what you found and your plan. Which is why as soon as you got up and got dress you were on your way to the abandoned station.
You walked down just in time to here the pack talking once more, you did always seem to do that. "It's a spiral. Reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Betas or even Omegas," Derek explained.
"Like Scott?" Isaac stood looking at Derek.
"Scott's with us."
"Really? Then where is he now?" Derek looked at the Beta, "He's looking for Jackson. Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight either. None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power." Derek picked up the chains, which you had recognized to be the same ones you had seen before, "You get the ability to heal. But tonight you're gonna want to kill anything you can find."
You had walked further into the room as Erica joked, "Good thing I had my period last week, then?"
You saw Derek pull out another chain, this one had a large circle and spikes on it, "Well this one's for you." You cleared your throat to let your presence be known and the whole pack turned towards you. Derek had nodded at you, like a peace offering on some kind, "Did you find it?"
You pointed at him, "The spell, no. But I did find this potion type thing that's able to deprive someone of their senses for purposes like this.
Derek looked relieved, "Thank you, do you have it?" You shook your head, "No, it takes a little bit of time to prepare and I just found it the other day. Deaton is helping me though to make sure it's perfect, should be ready tonight."
"Okay, thank you, bring Scott tonight, I might need some help." You hissed slightly, "Oh, yeah that might be a problem."
"What do you mean?"
You sat on a crate nearby as you began to explain, "Well you see, Lydia's birthday is tonight and Allison and Stiles are making us go. So Scott's gonna probably be busy with that and the whole finding Jackson thing." Derek had given you a deadpanned look, unimpressed by your answer. You raised your hands in defense, "Hey, don't look at me like that, they're making me. Lydia's even pressuring me," you leaned forward like you were gossiping to a group of best friends, "She sent me a dress and it was on my front porch this morning. I mean now I have to go, right?"
You scanned the room and almost everybody in the room was amused by your words, except for of course Derek. You sighed, "Don't worry, I'll be here to drop off the potion stuff tonight, I'm not gonna stay there for very long." Derek finally excepting defeat and just nodded walking away.
Erica and Boyd starting to converse from across the room and Isaac made his way to you slowly. You stood quickly, trying to play it off as best as you could. He made you nervous, especially now that you could let your guard down around him.
"You're going to a party?" You nodded slowly, confused since you had just finished talking about it, but when you looked up into his eyes, you saw it.
"And Stiles and Scott are going too, right?" You nodded once more this time slightly more amused. "Yes, they are even if they weren't going you don't need to worry, I'm not gonna go around dancing with guys." His eyes widened as he realized he had been caught. You grabbed his hands softly pulling him a little closer and whispered, "When you get this whole full moon thing down, there will be nothing stopping you from being my plus one to every party."
Your words had gotten him flustered, you could see it in his eyes and in the way his cheeks glowed a little redder. It was like the old days, with the soft shy Isaac you knew before, "Walk me out?" He nodded his eyes just focused on you like a trance.
You had gotten ready for Lydia's party, of course wearing the dress she had given you, and you were at the clinic before you met up with Scott and Stiles.
"So, you added a little bit of rosemary to the water and then what," you asked watching as Deaton crushed the rosemary and threw it in the bowl. "Evening primrose, it's native to America and the oil extracted has been know to be quite anti-inflammatory. When combine with a Nymph's magical energy it was discovered to be able to affect supernatural species however they choose depending on the concoction," he laid whole petals into the water.
He turned and opening a cabinet, pulling out a Bunsen burner and rigging the small bowl above it. He looked at you and pointed to the bowl, "Rosemary is known to heighten concentration and memory, it will allow them to remember their human side more. Normally you would want to let the flowers ferment in the water for a week to allow the water to naturally be flavored."
You looked at him as he turned on the flame, then water instantly starting to steam, "But since we don't have time for that, heating the water will just have to do, it won't be as effective but with Derek and you there I'm sure it'll do the job." He gave you a smile before sliding your book over to you.
"You mean with Derek there, I'm still useless in a fight," you muttered, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you saw Deaton open the book. "Not anymore, I'm going to help you learn a basic offensive spell that uses a similar technique to your barriers. Since you've become more familiar with that and your natural talent, it should pretty easy for you to catch on." Your hand gripped the table, finally, you wouldn't be useless. You could actually hold your own, protect your friends.
"Okay, what do I do?"
He guided you away from the table and into the open space, he stood next to you. "For the most basic offensive technique you keep your hands here," he showed you, his elbows bent and his palms facing out, "You then will push out like your pushing someone away from you."
You copied the movement that you were very well acquainted with, considering you were constantly pushing Stiles around. "This doesn't seem that hard," you commented.
"The movement no, the build-up and timing will be."
You gave the man a confused glance, "What do you mean?"
"You essentially have to build up, in simple terms, your magic power to use this. What you're doing is using the amount of power you allow to either push an opponent back or even strike them. If you don't put enough magic pressure into, you could very well die to an enemy."
Your lips pursed, "Ah, there's the catch, it's never gonna be easy is it?" He chuckled, "No, unfortunately for you, your powers are all about balance. It's all tedious strategy and technique. Now try for real, let your power run through your veins and into your palms," he gestured into the open area.
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, trying to feel every ounce of the power you spent so long keeping down. It felt like a weight had been lifted and you felts tingles in your hands. You took the stance and pushed with as much force... nothing.
You tried again.
"Why can't I get it," you groaned.
"Relax, you have time. When you build a barrier what do you do?" You huffed at his question, crossing your arms, "Well, I imagine the energy flowing around whatever it is, that seems to work best." He nodded and pointing, "You see, just as I had said to Stiles, the imagination is a wonderous thing, do that and try again."
Shaking your limbs out to loosen up, you took another breath. A few nervous hops later and you brought yourself into the stance once more. You went through the motions, this time even with your eyes opened, you imagine the same iridescent glow you're used to. You pushed it out and this time...
You felt a blast whish passed you, blowing your hair. Everything on the shelves rumbled and shook, clattering around. "Yes! I did it!"
"And just in time too, the water is ready. All we need is just a spark of your power and it'll be good to go." He had bottled the waters into small vials and raised them up to you. Maybe it was the happiness of everything but without even thinking you raised your hand and instantly the vials shined your usual iridescence. When you realized what you did, your eyes widened, "It seems you're becoming more comfortable with who you are," Deaton smiled, "Now, I believe you have a party to go to."
"Hey! Allison! Wait up!"
The dark haired girl turned around to see you running, well trying to at least, to her. You were in heels and while you didn't have problems with walking, anything faster was immediately not as easy. "Damn it! Why did she send me a dress," you complained adjusting the fabric, "Normally I wouldn't say anything but tonight is not the night for me to be wearing something even slightly inconvenient."
She laughed at you giving you her arm, which you gratefully took, "You're still helping Derek tonight?" You nodded patting your little purse which held the vials, "Yep, sadly Derek created a problem that he needs others to help fix." Allison nodded along, "Yeah it feels like this whole semester has been about Derek and his pack."
You scoffed, "Tell me about it. We also never get to hang out anymore either so it makes it that much more impossible to not focus on the Derek problem." Allison smiled at you, you two really hadn't been that close recently. When she first came to Beacon Hills, you had easily befriended her (mainly for Scott you will admit) and even though she had hung out with Lydia and Jackson, it never deterred you from the girl. She was truly your closest girl friend if you were being frank.
"Well I'm glad you're here, I've missed being able to hang out," she said tugging you further up the driveway. You reached Lydia's front door where she had greeted you both with a smile, a smile that made you slightly uneasy. You chalked it up to the fact that you just weren't close with the girl and went back to scanning the room for Jackson, and your best friends.
"I'm gonna do a walk of the house, see if he's wandering about," Allison said pointed in the distance. She started walking off when you nodded, "I'm gonna look for the boys, be careful."
"You too."
She was now gone and you once more let your eyes wander the backyard, this time you had actually seen the two boys you were looking for. They had just made they're way outside when you reached them, "Hey."
They acknowledged you, "Have you seen Allison?" You nodded at Scott, "Yeah, we came in together." Scott went to ask you another question but he was quickly shut down by the clicking of heels, you turned to see Allison walking back up to you, "Uh, Jackson's not here."
"Yeah, no one's here," Stiles observed the backyard and he was right, it was eerily quiet. "Maybe it's just early," Scott suggested.
"Or maybe nobody's coming because Lydia's turned into the town wack job," Stiles expressed. You kissed your teeth and gestured to the boy in agreement, your eyebrows raised. "Well, we have to do something, because we've completely ignored her for the past two weeks," Allison said.
"She's completely ignored Stiles for the past ten years," Scott argued and shrugged. Stiles tried to defend himself, "I prefer to think of it as me not having been on her radar." You rolled your eyes, "Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night."
Scott made an unconvinced look, "We don't owe her a party."
"What about the chance to get back to normal?" The question shocked Scott, "Normal?"
"She wouldn't be the town wack job if it wasn't for us," Allison countered. You held up your hand, "Now hold on. First, just want to clarify, not against throwing her a party, it's her birthday. But it's not our fault she's gone coocoo for Coco Puffs, alright? That was all on Peter. Peter is the reason any of us are even in this mess to begin with, so she can blame him like the rest of us."
There was a silence after you made your point and you broke it once more, "Now that I've made my point let's throw her a good party," you said offering Allison your support.
"I guess I could use my co-captain status to get the lacrosse team here," Scott had relented. Stiles nodded as well, "Yeah, I also know some people who can get this thing going. Like really going." He dug into his pocket for his phone and Allison tilted her head, "Who?"
"I met them the other night. Let's just say they know how to party."
You chuckled catching on to who he was referring to, "Well then I'm sure this party is going to be in good hands. Chop, chop, people, let's go."
Soon enough Stiles' and Scott's called guests had made it and now the party was much more lively, you were pretty sure you could slip out now without Lydia noticing. You were standing with Stiles and Scott, watching as Allison stood across the pool with Lydia.
"Are you gonna apologize to Allison or what," Stiles asked. Scott's head snapped up to look at the boy, "Why should I apologize?"
"Because you're the guy. It's what we do," Stiles pointed out. You snorted at his answer and it caught both your best friend's attentions, "More like, you've made her feel ignored for the past couple of weeks."
"But I didn't do anything," Scott said cluelessly, you shook your head with a slight roll of your eyes as Stiles continues, "Well then you should definitely apologize. See, anytime a guy thinks he hasn't done anything wrong it means he's definitely done something wrong." You nodded this time, "Now, that, is true."
Scott grumbled, "I'm not apologizing." You nudged the boy slightly, "Is that the full moon talking, buddy." Scott looked at you and agreed, "Probably."
"Why do you guys care, anyway."
"Because, Scott, something's gotta go right here," Stiles emphasized, "I mean, we're getting our asses royally kicked, if you haven't noticed. People are dying. I got my dad fired. You're gonna be held back in school. This one is in love with a nut job," he gestured, "And so am I. If on top of all that, I gotta watch you lose Allison to a stalker like Matt, I'm gonna stab myself in the face."
"Hey, I'm not in love with Isaac," you exclaimed. Stiles scoffed, "Yeah, okay sure, I never said Isaac, Mrs. Denial." You went to argue again but was cut off by Scott standing, "You know what, you won't need to stab yourself in the face because I'm gonna do it for y-."
"Don't stab yourself in the face."
Both you and Stiles paused, looking at the Omega, "Why not?" Scott didn't look at Stiles, "Because Jackson's here." You three looked across the pool and there he was just staring at you guys. You blew out a stream of stressed air, "Alright, that's my cue to leave. You guys got this?" Both nodded wordlessly, keeping their eyes on Jackson.
Leaving the party was pretty easy actually, you got out like the Flash and now you had to deal with your anxiety of being in abandoned train car with three crazed out Betas. You had rushed into the car to see Erica and Boyd chained up in the back huffing from rage and Isaac and Derek in the front.
"Okay, so I see I might have been a little late," you said awkwardly.
Derek gave a pointed look, "Yeah, no kidding." Isaac however looked much more relaxed than before, still you could see he was definitely struggling. That's when you heard the two Betas in the back to cry and scream. The noise made you wince as you crouched down next to Derek and in front of Isaac.
"How do you not feel this," Isaac gritted his teeth.
"I feel every second of it," Derek had basically snarled. That didn't stop Isaac from shooting back, "Then how do you control it?"
"Find an anchor. Something meaningful. Bind yourself to it to keep the human side in control," Derek instructed tightening the chains, he jutted his chin out to other set on Isaac's other side and you got the message. You took the other chain and began to tighten it as best as you could.
"What is it for you?"
Derek took a pause before answering the Beta, "Anger. But it doesn't have to be that for everybody."
"You mean Scott?" You nodded slowly and whispered gently, "Scott's is Allison, even just the thought of her is able to calm him down." Derek indicated that you were right, "Alright, that should do it," he declared.
You opened your little shoulder clutch and grabbed the three vials, "Here, if you can get these two to take it now, it should help calm them down." You handed him two bottle and he nodded starting to get up but then he was interrupted by a loud break. Isaac had broken the seat holding his chain, he gave you both a knowing look.
"Go, get out of here," Derek urged you and before you panicked even more you opened the third vial you still had, "Take care of those two, I'll be okay." He didn't even respond as he was already moving to the back. You looked at Isaac who had sweat dripping from his forehead, "You need to go, it's not safe." You shook your head sitting on the chair, "Do you trust me?"
Isaac didn't even hesitate before agreeing, "Okay then I need you to drink this, okay?" He nodded and tilted his head back slightly and you poured it into his mouth, resting your hand in his hair to support his head.
"It might take a moment but it should kick in soon," you didn't get to see his reply because Derek had rushed towards you, grabbing your forearm and dragging you out of the train car. You could hear all their screams as Derek left a voicemail for Scott, "Hey Scott, could you call me back, I think I'm gonna need some help." Cue the violent and guttural growls and screams from Derek's pack.
"I thought you said it would help them?"
"It will but it's gonna take some time for it to kick in, it wasn't that strong since I couldn't properly prepare it."
Derek nodded, "Definitely gonna need some help." He unleashed his claws and walked inside the car. You followed closely and quietly behind, Derek had side stepped to stay out of Isaac's slash. You stayed in front, out of the away but also because your body ran cold, the sight of a blood thirsty Isaac terrified you.
Erica and Boyd had broken free and started advancing towards Derek. You had gotten distracted and hadn't even realized that Isaac also broke free until you heard the crunch of metal and the smash of glass. You lifted your hands up protecting your face from the flying shards, "Isaac!" He had already jumped out and you couldn't afford to take care of him yourself, not when Boyd and Erica were currently slashing at Derek, who was on the ground.
You had a clear shot to hit at least Boyd, maybe if you could get him off Derek, the Alpha would be able to fight off Erica himself. You focused your energy trying to make sure your blast was gonna be power and then when you were ready you pushed it out, watching as the glowing blast knocked Boyd off and made him forget about Derek. Only then did you realize that meant Boyd was now on you.
Derek had done exactly like you had thought and started to fight off Erica. You on the other hand were currently using small blasts to at least keep Boyd back. "Boyd, listen to me, I don't want to hurt you. Please, just calm down!" The Beta didn't listen, he snarled before raising his hand high to bring it down for a big slash. When he made a dash for you, you were prepared to feel something since you had no time to push him back.
But you never did.
Instead you heard another crash and felt someone shove passed you, you opened your eyes to see none other than Isaac holding Boyd down against the seat. He acknowledged Derek with a nod, letting him know he was in control. Things calm down once Derek had also knocked Boyd out and locked him and Erica back against the pole.
Isaac calmly sat in his old seat just staring forward, his eyes glowing. You sat next to the boy while Derek began to rechain him. "I think you'll be okay now," Derek started, "Looks like you found an anchor." You noticed in the corner of your eyes him direct his gaze at you but you paid no mind to it, only keeping your focus on the boy in chains.
"My father."
Your eyes widened. You didn't know what you were expecting as his answer but it certainly wasn't that. You saw the same confusion on Derek's face, "You father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you." He had said it as a statement but it sounded more like a question.
"He didn't use to."
Isaac set his hand down in his lap and Derek jangled the chains to confirm its security. "Go, take care of them, I got this," you said softly to the dark haired werewolf. He silently looked at you before walking away. You hesitated for just a moment and then you lightly rest your hand on top of Isaac's. "I'm glad you found an anchor, although I wasn't expecting it to be your dad." His head slowly rotating to you, "It's not."
You eyebrows scrunched and you tilted your head, "But you just said-."
"I lied."
Nodding slowly, you adjusted your position, sitting more comfortably, "Okay... then what's your anchor?"
"Me," you whispered, "but how-." He cut you off once more, "When I ran out, I heard your heartbeat pick up. You sounded so scared and I came back to myself instantly. I had to come back, to protect you, to make sure you were safe. Nothing else mattered." Your whole body dropped out of awe, you're sure you looked lovestruck by now. How do you not after hearing that?
"If it weren't for the audience back there and outside, I would totally kiss you right now."
The boy chuckled lightly, "Guess I have to wait until morning then."
a/n: hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think!!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo @mxltifxnd0m
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andreafmn · 1 month
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 20
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Word Count: 3.1K
Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack, as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined.
A/N: so, I was planning on updating three stories this week but my body decide otherwise and put me out of commission for the past three days. I had a fever of 102.4 that lasted all of tuesday, accompanied with a wide array of other symptoms. Then wednesday and today, I had a mind breaking migraine. I was able to finish this chapter and I hope I can finish the others too 🤍
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They were late.
No. They were later than late.
By the time Isaac and (Y/N) rolled up to the school, the game had already started and was going in full swing. Cheers and screams were heard from the parking lot, and they hoped nothing had gone down just yet.
“Get to the locker room and get the rest of your stuff,” (Y/N) said as they hopped off her motorcycle. “I’ll go down to the field and see what’s going on.”
“Be careful, (Y/N),” Isaac worried. “We don’t know what we’re facing yet.”
“I’ll be fine. Just go,” she affirmed. “I’ll see you out there.”
She waited until he had disappeared into the school before tucking a gun in the back of her waistband and her knives inside the holsters on her ankles. One thing was certain: if anyone, whether it be the Kanima or her family, tried something that night, she was going to fight back and defend the people she cared about.
In the field, there was a shared nervousness between all those who knew the truth of the world that was hidden in plain sight. But no one felt the pressure more than Scott. Not only was he forced to sit out of the game, putting everyone on the field in danger, but he also had to protect his mother and his friends from Gerard and Jackson.
“Let’s put a real clock on this game, Scott,” the boy’s ears twitched towards the man’s voice. “I’ll give you until the last thirty seconds. When the scoreboard clock begins counting down from 30, if you haven’t given me Derek, then Jackson is gonna kill someone.”
Dread settled in the pit of the boy’s stomach. The man listed off potential victims, putting in the pool his mother and Stiles’ father. Even Lydia’s and the coach’s names were mentioned. What he had not expected was the last person he said. He knew the man was cruel, but he never thought Gerard would stoop so low. “Or maybe I’ll send him off on (Y/N),” he said. “Maybe Derek will hand himself over if I do that. You know how much he likes the Argent girls.”
Scott’s head snapped behind him, his gaze colliding with a frantic (Y/N). She was speaking into her phone, at a tone so low even he couldn’t hear, but he could tell she was worried. He just hoped it had nothing to do with what was going to go down that night.
“It’s up to you, Scott,” the man instructed. “But you are going to help me take Derek down. Because if you don’t… I’ll have Jackson rip someone’s head off right in the middle of the field and drench everyone you love and care about in blood. And I’d really hate for that person to be my own granddaughter.”
Even without the Kanima, there was a slaughter on the field. With Stiles' little to no experience actually playing the game, the team had no chance of winning, much less of benching enough players to get Scott in there. It was wrong move after wrong move, and there was nothing he could do—at least, not just yet.
As the coach forced him to sit back down when he tried to join the team, he felt a presence next to him. Someone he wasn’t quite expecting.
“You came to help.” 
Surprise was splattered across his face as the other boy smirked at him. “I came to win,” Isaac said before his eyes fell on Gerard’s threatening gaze. “Do you have a plan yet?”
“No,” he sighed, “right now it’s pretty much just keep Jackson from killing anyone.”
“Well, that might be easier if you’re actually in the game,” the blond stated. “We have to make it so coach had no choice but to play you.”
“How do we do that? He’s got a bench full of guys he can use before he ever puts me on the field.” All it took was one look before both boys knew what had to be done and how. “Can you do it without putting anyone in the hospital?”
Isaac took a deep breath, knowing he could not lie. He said, “I can try,” before sliding on his helmet and joining the team on the field, and setting off to work.
Whoever saw him on the field would think Isaac was playing for the opposite team. With jabs, swipes, and kicks, the boy got his teammates out one by one. He knew they’d be hurt, their bodies and their egos, but there was a greater good to be fought for. A couple of bumps and bruises would heal a lot better than a dead body.
The plan was working and working well. One by one, his teammates were driven on and off the field. It was going too perfectly. Until Jackson rammed himself into Isaac, sending him to the ground and dislocating his arm while inconspicuously nicking him with venom. Either way, Isaac was out of the game, and Scott was in. He was out his only supernatural advantage, but he would protect everyone like he had an entire army behind him.
(Y/N) couldn’t stay in her seat as she saw Isaac being taken away. She sped down the bleachers to follow the medics but stopped dead in her tracks. She wasn’t the only one that was heading back to the school. Gerard and two hunters followed the men back to the boys’ locker room, their sights set on the werewolf.
The girl knew where her grandfather’s head was at. He was going to torture information out of the boy and kill him afterward. He had no need to let Isaac live once he got what he wanted. He saw no need to let anyone live.
The medics had left Isaac by himself in the recovery room after putting his shoulder into place. But it wasn’t enough to completely trigger his healing and not fast enough for him to protect himself from three men and a sword.
“It was a good effort, Isaac,” Gerard called as he motioned to his hunter to hand him his sword. “This would be so much more poetic if it were halftime.”
Gerard and the hunters made their way toward Isaac, the older man dragging the tip of the blade on the ground. It was intimidating, sure. But not when the boy knew he had backup. As the older Argent raised his weapon toward him, Isaac smirked, making him stop dead in his tracks.
In the reflection of the mirror behind the blond boy, (Y/N) stood, knife in hand and a smirk on her face. Before the younger hunters could do anything, she hit one on the back of the neck with the handle of her knife, knocking him out cold before turning to the other.
The second man put up more of a fight since he knew what was coming. He was strong and agile; she would give him that, just like she gave him the first punch he threw to her jaw. But he had no idea who he was fighting. (Y/N) had been trained her entire life for that type of situation, even if she didn’t know it.
(Y/N) went low, using his height to her advantage. She drove a punch into his abdomen, making him hunch over in pain. As he bent down, she grabbed the back of his neck before slamming her knee one time on his nose, making a bloody mess of his face, and another on his temple, right between the bridge of his nose and his eyes. The man tumbled to the ground as though he weighed nothing more than a doll, succumbing to the blow she had managed to land.
“You know this looks very predatory,” she said between pants. “Three grown men cornering a teenage boy in a dark room, not a great look. Especially the principal of the school! What will the parents say?”
“(Y/N),” Gerard announced. “Can’t say it’s a surprise to see you here. I should have known you’d betray the family. At the end of the day, you do have your father’s blood running through you.”
“But this is not about that, is it?” she questioned, slowly making her way toward him. “This is about you using innocent kids to get to Derek Hale because you can’t do it on your own.”
“None of this concerns you anymore, (Y/N),” he said. “Maybe you should take a page out of your cousin’s book and accept your fate. You’re a hunter. You always will be. These people… these things, they are not your blood. They will turn on you the second they need to protect themselves.”
“Weird,” she chuckled dryly. “The only people who have done that is my own family.”
“That’s because you have no sense of loyalty, granddaughter. But I can’t blame you. Not when your father turned out the way he did,” he sighed. “Although, he seems to have learned his place now.”
“Enough chitchat already, old man,” the girl exhaled. “Why don’t you show me a real fight? Something those two clearly didn’t have in them.”
“Come on, (Y/N). You wouldn’t hurt your dear old grandpa, now, would you?” Gerard smirked deviously. “I don’t think that’s a line even you would cross. Not when I have the information you have been dying to know.”
“What could you possibly know that I don’t already?”
“I know all about the mystery woman your parents always talk about,” he smirked. “I also know why you’ve always felt so… different. Especially this past year. Everything is just so… heightened.”
(Y/N) wanted to accept his offer. Something in her told her that his information was reliable, that he knew everything her parents were hiding and more. But as much as she wanted the truth, there were bigger things in play.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you a piece for free,” he said. “Ever wondered why you don’t look quite like us? Like your mother? Ask your father about Raina, and maybe you’ll find out. Or let me go, and I will tell you all you want to know. And something tells me you’d prefer the latter.”
“Wanna test your theory out?” she threatened as she pulled her gun from her waistband and pointed it at her grandfather. “Because you may have the years of experience, but I have my health.”
The words made the man stumble in his stance, the phrase sending shivers down his spine. There was no way she could know what he thought she was implying. Her choice of vocabulary had to come from a catalog of random remarks she could use to hurt him. Because she couldn’t know, no one could.
“I think it’s best if you just go while you still can, Gerard,” Scott called out as he came into the locker room. “I’ve seen her fight, and it’s better if you just go.”
The man didn’t think twice as he took steps back, his gaze set on his granddaughter. “This isn’t over yet,” he said. “But the game almost is.”
As Gerard ran from the locker room, (Y/N) took a stumbling Isaac into her arms. “Okay, I have to trigger your healing, okay?” she told him. “Just, please, don’t fight back.”
She sank her knife into his arm, flinching as he let out a painful scream. Blood ran down the knife and onto her hand, but she knew it was the fastest way he could recover. “Hold on for just a bit more,” she said. “Gotta make your body work hard.”
“It’s fine,” he winced. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“What did Gerard mean about the game, Scott?” (Y/N) asked as she turned her head to face the boy. “He said the game is almost over. Why?”
“Jackson’s gonna kill someone if I don’t give up Derek,” he said. “Gerard gave me until the last thirty seconds of the match.”
“Then take these two out back and get to the field,” she instructed. “I’ll clean up here, and Isaac will be with you as soon as possible.”
Scott set off quickly to work, pulling one of the men onto his shoulders while dragging the other out. But he stopped as (Y/N) called out, “Be careful, Scott. Night’s not over yet.” And he was gone.
“Alright, Isaac, I’m gonna pull this knife out now,” she said as she turned back to the blond boy. “It will sting, but it’ll hopefully be enough for your body to metabolize the rest of the venom in your body.”
Just as she had said, the girl slid the blade from her friend’s arm, holding her hand over the wound as it healed. She could feel his blood pool under her hand, warm and sticky, and all kinds of uncomfortable. His body was slowly healing, but it was still healing.
Slowly, she removed her hand from Isaac’s arm, letting out a breath of relief as the cut disappeared before her very eyes. Only then, when she was sure he was recovering, did she set off to get towels and a mop to clean off the trail of blood the hunter had left behind. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to warrant concern if anyone else saw it.
“Somehow, I keep forgetting you were raised to be a fighter,” Isaac muttered as he helped (Y/N) wipe away the last of the water on the floor. “Really saved my ass back there.”
“I told you I could protect myself,” she smirked. “Maybe now you’ll stop worrying about me.”
“I’ll always worry,” he said. “I can’t help it.”
“Well, at least you’ll know I can hold my weight in a fight,” she chuckled, bumping her shoulder against his. “I’m okay, Isaac. I’m gonna have a pretty bruise on my jaw, but nothing I can’t handle.”
Suddenly, the sound of a whistle echoed through the room, signaling the end of the game. Terror washed over the pair as screams followed soon after. Fear infiltrated the locker room, sending waves of dread through the teens. Something had happened out on the field, and Scott hadn’t been able to stop it.
“Go,” (Y/N) instructed. “I’ll finish up here.”
“What if Gerard comes back?”
“He brought a sword to a gunfight,” she smirked. “I think I know which of the two is most lethal.”
(Y/N) finished cleaning up the floor, making sure there was no evidence that a fight had ensued there. Her jaw ached and her limbs throbbed but there was an exciting rush that flowed through her. She knew she was good. She had bested her parents in sparring matches since she was only fifteen, but being able to prove herself in front of her grandfather made her feel proud of the progress she had made. She was strong, and that was something no one could take from her.
But Gerard’s words hung at the back of her mind, taunting her. Mocking her. Raina, he had said. It was a name she had never heard before, much less from her father’s mouth. But he’d known exactly what question it would answer, and what information she craved for. If it hadn’t been for the situation at hand, (Y/N) knew she would have gone as far as torturing even the smallest detail from the old man.
Still, as much as her brain yelled at her for answers, she knew she had to focus on that night. Whatever Gerard had planned would change everything between the hunters and the wolves, and they had to do everything they could to stop him.
Once she was satisfied with her work, (Y/N) ran out of the locker room and into the commotion of the lacrosse field. The lights of an ambulance van and police cars flickered in the field, painting the groups of concerned people in red and blue. She quickly spotted Isaac and Scott close to the ambulance, and she ran to them for an update on the situation.
“What do you mean Jackson’s dead?” she questioned. “And Stiles is just gone? None of this makes sense.”
“I know,” Scott sighed. “When the lights turned back on, Jackson was on the ground, and he’d stabbed himself in the stomach. My mom checked him, and he had no pulse.”
“But Gerard needs him,” she muttered. “There has to be something we’re missing here.”
“If there is,” he said, “I have no idea what it is.”
“What about Stiles?”
“He disappeared,” Isaac answered. “He won us the game and was gone by the time the lights turned on. We’re gonna look for him after we change out of our uniforms.”
“What can I do? How can I help you find him?”
“Hang around the locker rooms until everyone else is gone,” Scott said. “We’ll get his scent, and you and Isaac can look for him.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she agreed. “This is gonna be a long night, isn’t it?”
“You can bet on that.”
(Y/N) waited in the dark hall as boys left the locker room, doing her best to keep out of sights. From where she hid, she could hear the Sherrif’s heartbreaking plead to Scott and Isaac to let him know if anything came up about his son. She had not felt as useless as she did at that moment. She could fight, she could defend, but she could do nothing to find someone who had seemingly vanished. 
When the man walked out of the room, she fought the urge to tell him she’d make sure his son came home. On the one hand, she didn’t have a lead on him yet. And on the other, she wasn’t even supposed to be there.
“Coast is clear, (Y/N),” Isaac called out. “Get in here.”
Inside the room, Scott and Isaac both held something of Stiles—a shoe and a shirt. “You know I could have just picked the lock,” she said as she noted the twisted locker door on the ground. “Save the school a couple of bucks.”
“I’m gonna need your resumé for future occasions,” Scott chuckled. “There are too many things you can do.”
“You have no idea,” Isaac smirked before his gaze turned back to the shoe in his hand. “But how come you get his shirt, and I get a shoe?”
Before he could answer, a sudden presence made the hairs at the back of (Y/N)’s neck stand up. And the wolves had noticed. Their attention was no longer held by the items that could help them find Stiles. Instead, their sights were set on the man standing before them. The very man who had been avoiding (Y/N) like the plague.
“Derek,” she breathed. “What are you doing here?”
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tylerandcrystal · 19 days
I WANT YOU (Sofia falcone X reader)
Warnings: smut
This is my first time writing something like this. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think please :).
WORD COUNT: +2000. sorry if it's too long.
SUMMARY: Sofia Falcone and Y/n confront each other in a tense showdown, filled with accusations of lies and manipulation. Sofia remains calm and seductive, claiming Y/n as her partner, while Y/n tries to resist her magnetic pull, returned between anger and attraction. As Sofia teases and challenges Y/n, the tension between them escalates into a passionate kiss, hinting at a complex, power-driven relationship where neither fully trusts the other, but both are undeniably drawn together. They end up fucking each other.
warnings: manipulation, seduction, power play, +18, licking, fingering, dom!Sofia, bottom!reader, smut.
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Sofia Falcone was sitting behind her desk, shrouded in a mysterious half-light that highlighted her cold gaze, as she read some papers, left by her father. 
The door swung open with a thud, and Y/n entered with a determined step, her eyes blazing with anger and disappointment.
"You lied to me, Sofia. About everything," blurted Y/n, approaching the desk with a stiff face.
Sofia barely lifted her gaze, finishing composing her charming grin. "What are you talking about?"
Y/n slammed her hands on the desk, emotion palpable in the air. "Don't pretend you don't know. You can use anyone as a puppet, but me? I am not one of your puppets."
Sofia, on the other hand, smiled conspiratorially. "You are right, you are not. You are so much more." Her eyes merged with Y/n's. "You are my partner."
Y/n almost laughed, incredulous. "Your partner?"
Sofia slowly got up from her chair, approaching with smooth movements. she did not stop looking into her eyes. "Yes."
Y/n kept her face hard. "Don't think you can buy me with so little."
Sofia, brimming with confidence, replied, "Honey, I gave you power, respect, a place by my side. Whatever you desired, you got it."
Y/n replied sharply, "I only wanted sincerity. Instead, you came to me studying my every single step, flirting with me, and only used me for your power games."
Sofia chuckled softly, her gaze piercing. "And you think you're different? Did you really think you were here for any reason other than your own self-interest? Don't pretend with me, honey. We both know it's a game you like."
Y/n, infuriated, approached Sofia further, although a hesitation crept into her voice. "I have never played, Sofia. I believed in you-that was my mistake. I no longer need you." She turned, ready to leave the room, but stopped, pressing on, "By the way, it's time for you to leave Gotham."
Sofia smiled, with an air of defiance, grabbing a wine glass from the table with an elegant gesture. "Leave Gotham? Oh, Y/n... I'm not going anywhere. This is where I need to be." With an inviting motion, he tilted the glass toward Y/n. "Why don't we toast instead?"
she filled a glass for Y/n, then returned to her, offering it to her with an intriguing smile. Y/n looked at her with disgust, but her expression betrayed uncertainty. "I'd rather die of thirst."
Sofia raised an eyebrow, the smile remained impassive. "Whatever." She set the glass down on a nearby shelf, without losing her composure. "But you know, not everything was a game. I see something in you, something that others never noticed. A strength, a potential. That's why, from the first moment I saw you, I decided you had to be mine, my sidekick, my partner. The two of us, together, could do great things."
Y/n, unperturbed, countered, "Partnership or manipulation? That is the question."
Sofia's smile disappeared. "That hurt, you know? Because, contrary to what you think, you were the pawn holding the whole chessboard." she moved closer, their faces almost touching. "No manipulation, just a reflection of your desire for power and control."
Y/n felt a chill run down her spine; the atmosphere became tense and charged with electricity. Sofia's eyes were piercing, and Y/n could not look away.
Sofia drank her glass of wine completely and, with an almost defiant gesture, passed her glass to Y/n. "Know that I know you better than you can imagine. I know what you desire, I know what you seek. Everything you have ever wanted has been at your fingertips, here, in this very room. Your anger, your resistance -- these are just signs of how deeply you are involved in all of this."
With a gentle gesture, Sofia placed her hand on Y/n's arm, a light but intensely charged touch."It is not manipulation if you and I are cut from the same cloth. It's inevitable that we clash, that we challenge each other, because, after all, we both want the same thing: to dominate, to conquer." With an uncanny delicacy, Sofia placed her hand on Y/n's face. "You know how tempting that power is, if you just let go."
Y/n tried to keep calm despite Sofia's voice, her getting close was almost irresistible. "What if I don't want any of it? What if I just wish to leave?" Her voice trembled, revealing a moment of vulnerability.
Sofia moved even closer, her face inches from his. "Then why are you still here? Why haven't you left? You are attracted to me, Y/n. You can't deny it. Something keeps you anchored and it's the same spark that shines in me, that desire to dominate and be dominated."
Y/n looked away, turning away from Sofia, placing the glass on the desk. "You don't know anything about me."
Sofia replied, her tone soft but hypnotic, "Don't lie to yourself. You can say whatever you want, but I know you feel what I feel-there is a spark between us, you won't deny it, will you?"
"I'm not going to stay here and keep hearing your nonsense," retorted Y/n, struggling to maintain her resolve.
Sofia, with a teasing smirk, said, "Then why don't you shut me up somehow?"
"Why don't you just tell me what you want?" asked Y/n, frustration vibrating in her voice.
"Maybe I just want you," declared Sofia, and Y/n felt his heart skip a beat. 
Did she really desire her? 
With a bold gesture, Sofia moved, moving closer, her face so close that Y/n trembled. "And maybe you want me," she whispered in a seductive tone.
Y/n closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by the moment. 
Sofia brushed Y/n's lips with her own, never quite touching her, creating a wave of tension. It was a thin boundary, a game of attraction and resistance in which both seemed trapped.
Combatted, Y/n let a whisper escape, almost losing herself, "or maybe I just want what's coming to me. And if you won't give it to me..."
Sofia peered at her thoughtfully. "...You'll get it yourself. I like this determination of yours. It is a rare quality. You could get it all.... as long as you really want it."
Y/n breathed deeply, her heart vibrating in her chest. "You are dangerous, Sofia."
Sofia smiled, triumphant, aware that he had almost won her over. "And you love that... I know." She took a step away, approaching the desk and picking up her already full wine glass. "And now ... come. Let's toast...to our future."
Y/n paused for a fleeting moment, then cautiously reached for Sofia's glass. A spark of satisfaction flickered in Sofia's eyes; her trap had been deftly set. With a clink of their glasses, they toasted to the unfolding tension.
In a sultry, enticing whisper, Sofia breathed, "You see, Y/n...you can't resist me."
Y/n took a deep breath, searching for a sliver of rational thought. Yet, with their faces mere inches apart, that fleeting hesitation dissipated.
Sofia's lips captured Y/n's in a slow, passionate kiss. It was deep and sensual, a release of the tension that had been building in that seemingly eternal moment. Her hands glided down Y/n's body, exploring with an assuredness that only someone well-versed in the dynamics of desire could possess.
Y/n, initially tense, began to surrender to Sofia's skilled touch, her hands threading into Sofia's dark hair, pulling her closer, intensifying the connection. The atmosphere crackled with electricity, a tantalizing battle between resistance and longing that had just begun.
With a stifled moan between kisses, Y/N uttered Sofia's name."Shh," Sofia replied, laying a gentle finger on Y/N's lips. "Let yourself go, I know you want to.""I would," Y/N replied, breathing hard, "but the door is open.""Let them watch us," Sofia replied, a mischievous smile lighting up her face. "Why are you so afraid?" Sofia's hands tightened around Y/N's waist as his mouth rested on her neck."You're completely out of your mind," Y/N said, panting.Sofia pulled away slightly, her face inches from Y/N's. "Do you want to continue chatting or would you rather...fuck?"
Sofia's eyes stared at Y/n with intensity, silencing all protest. A magnetic tension hovered between them, and wordlessly they kissed again, the contact urgent and consuming.
When they broke away, Sofia's voice was low and authoritative: "How about getting down on your knees for me?"
Y/n's heart sped up, looking for signs of hesitation in Sofia's eyes, but there were none. Only a confident, seductive smile from someone who knew exactly what she wanted and how to get it. Defiance and surrender struggled within her, but Sofia's command was impossible to ignore.
"If that is what you desire," whispered Y/n, as she slowly knelt down.
The warmth of Sofia's gaze was enveloping and possessive, Sofia murmured, "now you are exactly where I wanted you to be."
sofia's hands tangled in y/n's hair, gathering it into a tail, as she watches y/n lift her skirt. y/n's mouth opening at the sight of the red lace that sofia was wearing.
"fuck," mumbles y/n at the sight of the visible wet spot, as he leans forward to give her clit a kiss through the fabric.
"don't tease, Y/n," Sofia says in a rough voice, with an inherent voice of dominance, as her hands clench in Y/n's hair even harder, like a warning.
Y/n obeys, using a finger to slide her panties to the side so his tongue can slide between her folds."good love" moans Sofia as she feels his tongue swirling around her clit, Y/n's fingers clinging to her thighs and slowly moving closer to her core.
Y/n alternates between sucking and licking her clitoris enjoying the labored breaths and the small moans escaping Sofia's mouth. the loud moan escaping Sofia's mouth the moment Y/n slips 2 fingers in effortlessly.
"yes darling" moans sofia as you slip your fingers inside her at just the right time, now pumping at a steady pace.
Y/n can feel her walls tighten around you and as Sofia's hips try to move slightly toward her face seeking more friction.
Sofia's hands gripping even tighter in Y/n's hair as her orgasm approaches. Y/n sucks harder on her clit. one of sofia's hands leaves Y/n's hair to cover her mouth as she moans your name. her body stiffening and legs trembling slightly as her orgasm overwhelms her. your name falls from her lips like a prayer as she tries to calm herself.
"come here" sofia gasps, her hand goes to Y/n's throat pulling her to her feet before crashing her lips on his.
Y/n slides her fingers out of Sofia, earning a moan from the woman.
"fuck you're so good when you don't talk and obey," murmurs Sofia. her mouth returns to yours for another passionate kiss. her hands go to Y/n's waist pushing both of you so that you are pinned against the desk, before lifting you up onto the wooden surface.
"Sofia," moans Y/n, as Sofia sweeps everything off the desk, unconcerned about the mess created, and abruptly pushes Y/n onto her back, resting you on the desk. Her body towers over you as she stood between your legs, her hand resting gently on your throat. Sofia knew Y/n liked her by the way she moaned each time.
"Please Sofia," whispered Y/n desperately.
"but look how cute, begging me" sofia smiled in satisfaction "do you want me to fuck you like this?' tightening her grip on Y/n's neck, making her roll her eyes back slightly. "do you want me to fuck you here on my desk?"
y/n nodded.
"use your words dear" sofia whispered.
"yes. please. stop teasing... fuck" y/n was stressed.
"oh, are you giving orders now?" asked sofia amused. her hand moved to unfasten y/n's jeans so she could slip her hand into your panties.
"god" moans Y/n when she thrusts two fingers into you, without permission.
Sofia's other hand supporting her body on top of yours so she can watch you as Y/n undoes herself beneath her. her fingers are relentless as she fucks you, Y/n's mind clouded with pleasure as all she can feel is the way her fingers move inside you, the dirty words sofia is whispering.
"god, I always want to see you like this, every second of my life," sofia whispered.
Y/n's hands gripping Sofia's forearm as she felt her orgasm growing rapidly.
"Look how your body responds," whispered Sofia.
her name with moans coming out of y/n's mouth.
Sofia's thumb encircling your clit as she pumps her fingers in and out of y/n in a way that makes you see stars "is that better?" whispered you as she moved closer to y/n's ear.
"let go y/n... come for me," Sofia whispered again, her sensual tone sending y/n straight to orgasm. obscene noises filled the room as Sofia fucked you through your first orgasm and guiding you through your second.
y/n's legs are trembling on the desk, her mouth opening in a silent scream as she tries to come down from the climax of her 2 orgasms. 
her breathing becoming labored as she looks up into sofia's face, who still maintaining eye contact sticks her fingers in her mouth to taste you.
sofia in a softer, almost consoling tone. "see, you don't always have to struggle, sometimes you just have to...let go," she whispers, kissing you softly and guiding you to sit on the edge of her desk.
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wintersnwnderlnd · 1 year
Ick (pt 1)- Issac Lahey x Reader
POV: The reader has sex with Matt Daehler. When she reveals to her friends at lunch the experience, little does she knows a certain beta over heard her troubles.
Gender neutral reader, mentions of afab genitalia.
Lights flashed around the Jungle, body's moving to the beat of a song no one could hear the lyrics too. The smell of alcohol and something sweet wafted through the air, mixing with the overwhelming stench of b.o. and sweat from all the dancing bodies.
Nursing my cocktail, I looked around the room, a small laugh leaving my lips as I spotted Erica in the background dancing with and enthusiastic Stiles and Scott, who looked utterly uncomfortable being here.
I felt someone lean against the wall beside me and looked over to see Matt looking at me with a smirk.
"What's a pretty lady like you, doing all alone over here?" He called over the music.
"Waiting for someone." I replied, not wanting to deal with his advances right now. I huffed slightly as he moved in front of me, running a hand along my cheek.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. I can promise you a good time." He whispered against my ear, breath hot as it tickled my skin.
"Fuck it, sure. My place or yours?" I questioned, body already all hot and bothered Erica's comments earlier at lunch.
He smirked, leading me out of the club. Climbing into his car, I silently thanked the gods that I had rode with Stiles and he wasn't expecting to take me home since I didn't live to far away or could always call a rise.
We drove away, pulling off onto a side rode before he pulled me on top of him. My hands tangled in his shirt as he kissed me, his hands settling on my hips as I rocked back and forth.
Pulling back, I leaned back against the wheel to sit up properly as he huffed below me. His grip on my waist tighten as he began to speed up my movement.
I rolled my my hips, trying to find the right angle to get some friction. I gripped his shoulders attempting to chase some friction again when he I felt him throb beneath me.
Are you fucking kidding me did he just cum? Just from dry humping, seriously?
He panted below me, pulling me down to kiss me again, helping me back to my seat. I glanced at the clock, not even 10 minutes since we started.
I squirmed a little, still unsatisfied as he leaned over to ask if I got off. I put on a fake smile, nodding before letting out a yawn asking him to take me home.
‐--------------------------time skip-----‐----‐------------
The next day, I sat at the lunch table with Erica, Lydia and Allison as we laughed about last night.
"Oh come on, let's talk about y/n. I saw you leave with Matt last night, any comments about that?" Erica giggled, I rolled my eyes a grimace crossing my face.
"Please, it couldn't have been that bad. Could it?" Lyds asked.
"Lady bonner gone," I said, causing them to burst out laughing, "he dry humping and huffing like a dog. And he whispers in my ear did I get off. Then he finished, turned over and on our way to drop me off called his mom.".
"You can make this shit up, what the fuck." Allison exclaimed causing us all to laugh again, a small cackle leaving my lips.
Little did I know a certain beta was listening in on my troubles.
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
Sundrop's Official Teen Wolf Taglist
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So - I recently found out that Tumblr only allows 50 tags maximum per post, which means that I am going to have to divide up the way I track each tag list into individual posts, and it means that there will only be 50 slots per taglist. So please regard the rules that I have outlined here, and know that if you don't follow those rules, I will drop you from the taglist - because this is extra work for me when posting fics and I am doing this for the benefit of people who want to have easier access to fanfiction, not for myself.
This post has been made as my personal way to keep track of the taglist - you can ask to be removed at any time.
Teen Wolf Taglist: @makeyouminemp3 | @bigheartsthings | @adat4r | @chicaconfundidaycuriosa | @peterbenjaminparkermcu | @vikingqueen28 | @destinys-dreamer | @acourtofidiots | @olivelovesolives222 | @katie-tibo | @taylorswift0192983 | @figurantedefilme |
If you want to be added to this taglist, you can do so by replying to this post or interacting with this post in some way. But please make sure that you have your mentions turned on first, otherwise I literally cannot add you to the taglist.
I do not do taglists for individual characters, so being a part of this taglist means you will be included in being tagged in fanfiction about Stiles Stilinski, Allison Argent, Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, and any other characters from the series that I take any interest in writing about. Happy reading!
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star-stilinski · 23 days
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ilovewriting06 · 8 months
Hello I have a question do you do requests if you can you do one of Chris Argent is dating Lydia's older sister of 23 years old and they are in the woods standing guard and form one moment to the next they are having a smut moment ( if you do ) and she finds out she is pregnant
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Loveeeee the idea, I tried my best lol. Lydia’s sister is human but knows about the supernatural and she’s going to college to become a lawyer. In this Y/N is 23 and Chris is 38, so there is a 15 year age gap.
I hope you enjoy it Anon!!
The darkness of night settles on the woods leaving the only light to be provided by the full moon and the stars that are breaking through the trees. The only noise is the occasional chittering squirrels and a few different birds squawking and if you focus the calm even breaths of two different people.
“So, why exactly are we standing around in the middle of the woods together?”
Chris looks at me and raises an eyebrow, "To stand guard incase that omega comes back through the territory."
I snort, "I know that part. I meant, why are we out here together? I didn't think you liked me. You always avoid me so I'm just a little surprised you would willingly spend time with me."
His ever-present frown deepens as he takes a few steps coming closer to me with each one, "Y/N, I don't dislike you, it's just that you, well, it's a little complicated to explain."
I cross my arms and raise and eyebrow, "Are you telling me I made the, Chris Argent speechless?"
The corner of his lip ticks up just a little before falling back into his frown, "No, I just don't think you'd appreciate what I have to say, or understand it."
I furrow my eyebrows and shrug, "Lay it on me, I'm on my last year of law school, I think I have a pretty good understanding. That and I don't know what on earth you could say that I wouldn't 'appreciate' as you like to say." I put air quotes around appreciate before sending a small smile his way hoping he'd finally tell me why he treats me like the plague 98% of the time.
He closes his eyes and looks up to the sky deciding whether to speak before he finally looks at me, "You make me feel things I shouldn't feel for a 23 year old kid, things I haven't felt since my wife died, and even then it wasn't this strong."
My eyes widen in surprise because out of a thousand and one theories I had, that never once crossed my mind, but I'm not mad about it, I've liked Chris ever since I met him but I didn't think he would ever feel the same way.
I swallow around the lump in my throat trying to stutter out a response, "Oh-okay, well, that was not one of my theories. I'm not mad about it though, other than the part where you called me a kid."
Much like mine did, his eyes widen before he speaks, "You shouldn't be okay with this and to me you are a kid, you're fifteen years younger than me. You're only six years older than my daughter. It's wrong on so many levels."
I take a step closer to him until I'm only about a foot away from him before softly speaking, "What if I don't mind? What if I told you I felt the same way? What if I don't care about the age gap?"
"That doesn't change the fact that I'm fifteen years older than you. So many people would have problems with it."
"Maybe people would have issues with it, but why does it matter to us. I'm 23, I'm old enough to make my own decisions and I know what I want, and I want you."
In the blink of an eye my back is pushed against the bark of a tree as Chris's arms cage me in with a hand on either side of my head. My breath catches in my throat as I look into his lust blown eyes as he whispers, "This is your last chance to walk away. One last time to change your mind. I don't walk away from these things, Y/N. I'm all in and you need to decide if that's what you want."
I let out a small noise as I arch my back to rub against him, "I want it, god I want it."
Without another thought lips are pressed to mine and I'm pushed farther into the tree. I moan when his hands dig into my hips pulling me impossibly closer to him as I wrap my arms around his neck. We separate only when we need to breathe and even then his mouth continues planting little kisses across my jaw and down my neck until he hits the sweet spot on the juncture of my neck.
I can feel him smile against my sweet spot before he gently bites, careful not to leave any marks but hard enough that I could feel it.
I throw my head back against the tree and cup the back of his head with my hand as his hands find their way under my shirt and up my ribcage, "Can I take it off?"
I hum as I nod, "Mhmm, take whatever you want off. This is me giving consent for you to do whatever the hell you want from here on out."
Like that snapped something in him our clothes start disappearing and before long we were both naked with one of my legs hitched around his waist as our tongues fight for dominance.
The hand that isn't holding my thigh against his hip is slowly getting lower and closer to where I crave him. I whine and wiggle, "Chris, please."
His mouth, which is now on my collarbone hums against my skin as his deep gravely voice speaks, "What do you want, Baby?"
I grab a handful of his hair and tug him back to look at me before half begging and half demanding, "Fuck me. I want it. I want you and the thought of you inside me is causing me to fucking drip, so please, please, please, fuck me."
He growls before kicking my right leg, the one not wrapped around his waist, so that he had easier access to my core. I shiver as a cool breeze blows against the sensitive area before shuddering as his cock brushes my clit, "H-holy s-sh-shit."
I'm not usually this sensitive but unlike my sister I haven't had sex for over a year. Luckily she's only sleeping with one guy and I have a feeling this one's gonna last a long, long time. God bless, Stiles, he must have the patience of a saint for dealing with her.
My thoughts are quickly brought back to the here and now when Chris thrusts into me with little to no warning. I let out a cross between a whine and a moan as he hits my g spot on the third thrust. He smirks as he brushes my hair out of my face, "There it is. Come on pretty girl, sing for me." He enunciates his words with a hard thrust that has me moaning for him.
I whine and dig my nails into his shoulders as he groans, "Fuck, this is better than I ever could have imagined. How long you gonna last, Sweetheart? I can't imagine it's too long, you're already quivering."
I whimper and squeeze around him earning a delicious sounding moan from his lips. I surge forward and kiss him before pulling back just enough to whisper, "So close, feels 's good."
He smirks before pulling me back into a heated kiss never slowing his thrusts. Just when I thought I couldn't feel anymore pleasure there's suddenly a thumb tracing figure eights on my clit eliciting a gasping moan as my manicured nails drag down from his shoulders to his biceps leaving behind red lines with little specks of blood along his skin.
He pulls back from the kiss and manages to get out a question around his heavy breaths, "Where do you want me?"
I pull him closer and pant, "In-inside, on, on the pill. Mm, fuck, I'm so close."
He grabs my other leg around the thigh before hoisting me up to completely wrap around him. When my back slams back into the tree I can barely register the pain because it feels like his thrusts got ten times deeper and he's kissing my cervix with his cock just enough to send pleasure coursing through my veins.
I throw my head against the tree as my legs start to shake, "C-Chris, I'm c-cumming."
The pressure on my clit increases as his dick twitches, "Come on Baby, cum for me."
I open my mouth in a silent scream as my orgasm crashes over me followed by Chris'. He rides us through our highs before his thrusts stop and he leans his forehead against my shoulder. As I'm coming back to earth I notice a flash of two blue eyes in the distance.
My breath catches in my throat and Chris looks at me in worry but I gently whisper, "Omega, behind you in the bushes." His eyes widen as he processes what I said before he slowly and gently pulls out of me and sets my feet on the ground. Once he's sure I can stand on my own he slowly bends down to pick up the pistol with wolfsbane bullets that he laid by the tree.
It all happens in a blur one minute Chris is picking up his gun, the next I'm yelling at him because the omega is running at him, and then there's a gunshot followed by the unmistakable growl of a wolf before his body hits the ground with a dull thud.
He turns and runs to me gently grabbing my arms, "Are you okay?"
I turn to him and give him a quick kiss, "I'm perfect. Coulda done without the bloodthirsty omega but other than that, it was perfect."
He pulls back with a chuckle and kisses my cheek, "God, you're the perfect woman. Come on let's get dressed before I call Scott."
It's been about a month since the night in the woods with Chris and we've been seeing each other ever since. I don't head back to college for another month so we decided we would wait for a little bit and see if it's going to go anywhere before we tell anybody.
Lydia being Lydia and a nosy little sister figured out I was seeing someone within a week and has been trying to figure it out on her own. Luckily, Stiles, who I'm seriously contemplating replacing Lydia with, has taken on the role of distracting Lydia to get her off my back.
However, he can't always be around which led to the stare down currently happening in my bedroom, "Lyds, just drop it already. I'm not telling you."
She narrows her eyes and stomps her foot like a toddler, "Why not? I'm your sister, you're supposed to give me these details. I told you about Jackson, and Aiden, and that one other dude, and then Stiles."
I roll my eyes before scoffing, "I also remember telling you when you started dating Jackson, Aiden, and that one other dude, that it wouldn't work and you were going to marry Stiles. And look where you are now. Also, he is such a sweet sarcastic boy isn't he. You know you should really go call him, maybe fight over baby names again, see if you can get him to cave and name your first son Jasper."
She blushes at the mention of marrying Stiles and turns a darker shade of red at the mention of baby names, "You heard that?"
I nod once and smirk, "I'm just saying, you could do a lot worse, sometimes I contemplate replacing you with him but that's because he doesn't stick his nose in my business."
She huffs and rolls her eyes, "Fine, if you want to get brutally murdered by some stranger or get a raging STD you go ahead, see if I care."
I stand and gently yet forcefully push her out the door, "Goodbye, Lydia. Thanks for stopping by but go back to your room and text Stiles or something."
She huffs, "Whatever, maybe I'll just call Allison and see if she wants to hang out or something."
I stiffen at the mention of my boyfriend's daughter before nodding, "Uh, y-yeah, you do that I'm gonna go down and make lunch."
Not even ten minutes later Lydia comes prancing down the stairs and stops abruptly when she sees me, "What the hell is that?"
I look down at the island before looking back up and shrugging, "Peanut butter and pickle sandwich."
Her mouth drops, "Haven't you been throwing up the last couple days? Why the hell would you eat pickles and peanut butter together?"
I shrug before taking a bite, "I feel better."
She blinks and then squeaks, "You don't even like pickles and you aren't a huge fan of peanut butter either. Are you sure you're okay?"
I wave her off before walking towards the couch to watch Spongebob, "I'm fine. I assume you're going out with Allison so be careful and have fun."
Lydia's POV
"Allison I swear she's being all secretive and it's weird."
Allison shrugs before taking a sip of her sweet tea, "Maybe she really likes the dude and wants to see if it's serious before she says anything, or maybe she's just having a summer fling and doesn't see why she should tell you."
I shake my head and set my fork down, "No, you don't get it. Ever since I was little we were always open and honest with each other, she has always told me about boyfriends, and hookups, one night stands, or summer flings. It just isn't like her. What if he's a criminal or like a pedophile or something?"
Allison roles her eyes before patting my hand in a reassuring manner, "Relax, I highly doubt she's dating a pedophile, more than likely she's probably dating someone older and doesn't want to say anything because she's worried you and everyone else won't approve."
I perk up and smile, "Yeah, yeah that makes sense. That definitely sounds like something Y/N/N would do." I frown as a thought hits me, "Why would she be worried I wouldn't approve? She could be dating a 50 year old and I wouldn't care as long as he treated her right and she was happy."
Allison just shrugs before digging back into her cheeseburger.
As Allison and I are walking around the mall I stop walking when I see a woman that looks similar to Y/N except her hair is a different color, but that isn't what caught my attention, the huge baby bump is. "Oh my god."
Allison stops and lays her hand on my shoulder, "Lydia, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
I tear my eyes off the baby bump before looking at Allison, "Yeah, I just realized that Y/N/N hasn't been feeling good so I was gonna make a stop for her. Do you mind if I go ahead and leave. I feel bad leaving her when she's sick, she was always there for me so I feel it's only fair that I'm there in case she needs something."
Allison smiles and nods, "Yeah, go ahead. Let me know when you get home."
I promise I'll text her before rushing out of the mall and to the small drugstore not far from the house. As I stand looking at all the options they offer for pregnancy tests I huff before grabbing two different kinds just to be sure.
As I'm paying for them the cashier is giving me a once over and I roll my eyes, "They aren't mine, I think my sister might need them. Trust me, no baby for me until after I graduate." She nods and then rings me up before she finally speaks, "Don't know what news your sister wants but I hope she gets the result she wants."
I smile and thank her before speeding home deciding if I get pulled over I'd pull the whole 'do you know who my boyfriend is' card and get out of a speeding ticket.
When I get home I barge into her room holding the bag from the drugstore scaring Y/N. She's on the phone but she hurriedly whispers to the other person on the phone before hanging up.
I throw the bag at her and bite my lip a little nervous, "I think it might be a good idea if you used them."
She tilts her head before looking in the bag and her eyes widen more than I thought possible.
I jump as Lydia bursts through the door before quickly ending the call with Chris. When I look up I get ready to ask her what the hell she's doing when a white bag gets thrown at me.
I look in the bag and feel my eyes widen and my stomach become queasy because, holy shit the symptoms fit, and then holy shit my sister just bought me pregnancy tests and she was with...oh my god, "Did you buy these with Allison?!"
She shakes her head before sitting on the edge of the bed, "No, no of course not. I figured you wouldn't want anyone to know so I ditched her a little earlier than planned telling her you weren't feeling well before stopping at the drug store for you."
I breathe a little easier before realization sets in that I could be pregnant with my little sister's, best friend's father's baby. "Oh god, this wasn't the plan. This wasn't supposed to happen. FUCK!"
Lydia jumps a little before laying her hand on my leg, "Hey, it's okay, no matter what the results are I'll support you either way." I nod before asking, "Will...will you stay with me?"
She smiles and nods before pulling me towards the bathroom while i carry the bag in a death grip, "Go ahead and do your thing and I'll wait here for you to be done."
After I come out of the bathroom my hands are shaking and my palms are sweaty because somehow, deep down, I know what the results are and it terrifies me yet excites me and I feel guilty for feeling excited.
Lydia stops my pacing and pulls me into a hug and we stand like that until the timer on her phone goes off. She pulls away from the hug before looking at me, "Do you want me to look at them first or do you want to do it?"
"I-I'll do it, just, can-can you stand with me?"
"Of course."
I take a deep breath grabbing one of the tests in each hand before flipping them over revealing with one revealing a plus sign and a line and the other showcasing the blaring word that reads 'Pregnant.'
I clutch them to my chest before sliding down the wall as I feel sobs start to wrack my chest. Within seconds there's a small hand on my shoulder before a head of red hair is laying on my shoulder as Lydia tries to calm me.
After I've calmed down and we're just sitting in silence I whisper, "How am I supposed to tell him?"
I feel Lydia shift so she's leaning across the sink to look at me, "I don't know. Who is he?"
At her words I feel my tears starting anew, "You're gonna hate me. Oh god, this wasn't supposed to happen like this."
She rubs a hand on my shin as she speaks, "I'm not going to hate you unless you're sleeping with my boyfriend but I know you view him as your little brother so it would be like incest."
I scrunch up my nose and let out a small chuckle before I look down and whisper, "Chris."
And just like that Lydia's touch is gone and she's staring at me with a slack jaw and wide eyes, "C-Chris? Allison's dad Chris?!"
The tears start overflowing again as I nod, "I swear he's not just a hookup." I hiccup as Lydia scrambles to her feet and walks out of the room, "I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, it wasn't supposed to go like this."
Realizing Lydia left the room the tears fall harder and the sobs come out quicker and slowly get louder before I can't breathe. I don't process what's going on until I feel someone kneel in front of me and hands cup my cheeks wiping away the tears, "Hey, it's okay, I'm not mad, I promise I'm not mad come on Y/N/N, calm down for me."
I lean into the touch as my breathing turns back to normal and my vision clears I notice that Lydia is kneeling in between my legs with a box of tissues by her knee. After a few seconds my breathing's back to normal and I'm blowing my nose with one of the tissues.
"I'm sorry Lydia. I'm sorry for lying to you and then losing my shit like that."
She shakes her head so hard her hair flies in her face, "No, don't apologize, I'm sorry. I overreacted and I shouldn't have walked away like that. I should have told you I'd be back but I was a little mad and figured a small walk to grab tissues would help me calm down and I realized something, you know what that was?"
I shake my head and she smiles, "I realized that you've been through everything with me, you've sacrificed your happiness for me time and time again. When Mom and Dad were fighting you'd always comfort me and have this brilliant idea to listen to these cool new songs you just found or have a movie marathon so I wouldn't hear them screaming. When it was really bad and you couldn't shut them out anymore you got in between them so that they'd stop. You helped me study for school so I could get good grades and you wouldn't leave for college until I gave you permission and told you that I'd be okay. You love me and you'd give everything up for me and the one time you really needed me I walked away. So, I'm not mad and I'm happy for you because the last few weeks you've been happier than I've ever seen you and it would be wrong of me to take that away from you. I'm sorry and I love you."
I sniffle and pull her into a hug, "I love you too Little Red."
She pulls away and has a dreamy smile on her face, "I call Stiles, Little Red a lot because he runs with the wolves and he always wears this red hoodie, which is like literal magic. It's so soft and it smells like him and it may be my favorite thing ever."
I snort and ruffle her hair, "You're down bad little sis."
She shrugs with a lovesick smile, "And so are you."
As the minutes tick by Lydia and I don't move from the bathroom floor as I try and process everything. "I don't know how, I'm on birth control."
Lydia hums before asking, "You remember my friend Violet from middle school?"
I nod before Lydia continues, "Well, last year she got pregnant and I know she was on birth control because she had an alarm set for it so she wouldn't miss a dose. When she found out she was pregnant she freaked out and came to me crying because she didn't understand how she could get pregnant because they were so careful. Sometimes birth control doesn't work but if you're keeping the baby I would stop taking it."
I frown, "Wow. I hope she's okay, I really liked Violet, she was a sweet girl."
Lydia nods with a smile grabbing her phone off the sink before scrolling through it and turning it around to me. There was a picture of a smiling Violet holding a baby that looked to be a few months old and in the picture was a boy with dark hair and eyes that matched the baby’s.
Lydia chuckles, "Everything worked out in the end, her and James got married a few months after she found out she was pregnant because her parents and James's parents pretty much disowned them. She was a little upset about it but they got married and moved to New York to live with her grandparents, which are ecstatic to have another little girl to spoil."
I smile and hand the phone back to Lydia, "I want the baby, but I don't know what Chris will say. What if he doesn't want it, what if he's mad at me."
Lydia turns her phone off before setting it on the floor, "Y/N, everything will work out in the end. Just like Violet the beginning will probably be a little rough but in the end you'll be happy."
I let out a deep breath, "Yeah, but what if I don't get the happy ending? My luck I'll get stuck with the crappy ending where everyone hates me and it's just me and the baby."
Lydia snorts before grabbing my hand, "That's not gonna happen, you're going to get a happy ending because you deserve one."
I smile and lay my head on her shoulder before sighing, "I think I'll tell him tonight, just so I can get it over with."
I put the car in park outside of Chris and Allison's apartment before taking a deep breath, "You can do this Y/N, just calm down."
I take my keys out of the ignition and shove into my purse that also holds the two pregnancy tests, before getting out of the car and walking into the apartment building.
I knock on the door while maintaining a death grip on the strap of my purse before taking a deep breath to prepare myself as I hear footsteps walking towards the door. When the door opens I come face to face with a surprised Allison, “Oh, hi, Y/N! Lydia told me you weren’t feeling well.”
A small yet genuine smile tugs as my lips as I reply, “Oh you know Lydia, she’s overprotective. I have been sick but I’m feeling a little better now. But, uh, I actually came by to talk to your dad about something important, is he here?” I know the answer to the question because I got off the phone with him about an hour ago and he was about to get in the shower then so I know he hasn’t went anywhere.
Allison opens the door a little wider looking a bit worried before stepping to the side, “Yeah, yeah come in. Is this something that is life threatening or just something else?” I lick my lips before forcing a smile, “Oh no, Ally it’s just something else, nothing supernatural right now.”
She nods and leads me into the living room before going down the hall to knock on Chris’s bedroom door, a bedroom door that I have been through more times than I can count and pinned against almost as much. “Hey dad, can you come out here, someone’s here to talk to you?”
There’s a muffled response before the door swings open to reveal Chris dressed in grey sweatpants and a grey t shirt. When he follows Allison into the room he stops and his eyes widen slightly at the sight of me standing in the middle of the living room, no doubt looking like an emotional wreck. “Y/N? I wasn’t expecting you, is everything okay?”
I force a smile and a nod before speaking, “Uh, yeah I hope so. Can we talk, privately, please?”
He ushers me to his office as Allison resumes watching whatever tv show I interrupted her from with my arrival. Chris closed the door and locks it for safe measure before turning to me, “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve been through hell.”
I sniffle before apologizing as tears well in my eyes, “I am so, so sorry. I swear I never meant for this to happen, please don’t hate me. Don’t leave me.”
He takes two giant steps forwards before gently grabbing my arms, “Hey, hey, it’s okay, relax. I’m not going to hate you, there’s nothing you could say or do that could make me hate you. Now, deep breaths and then tell me what’s wrong.”
I do as he says and take a deep breath before stepping out of his grasp. I set my purse on the desk so I can dig through it easier before grabbing the two little white sticks that have brought me more emotions in an hour than anything else ever has. With shaky hands I pull them out before walking back over to Chris and handing them to him.
He takes them with confusion on his face before he looks away from my eyes to actually look at them. The moment he realizes what he’s looking at his eyes widen and his hand tightens around the sticks turning his knuckles white.
There’s a beat of silence followed by another before I whisper, “Say something...please.” I can’t stop the tears and emotions from altering my voice as I speak but it seems like it got his attention.
For the first time in what feels like hours, he looks up at me and I can see the start of tears in his eyes. He clears his throat and shifts slightly, “I thought, how? It was only the one time we didn’t...” He doesn’t have to finish what he’s saying because I know what he’s thinking, it was only the time in the woods that we didn’t use protection.
“I know, I’m on birth control, well, I was. I don’t want to hurt the baby so I’m going to stop taking it, but I don’t understand how it happened either.”
There’s more silence before I swallow, “Chris.” He looks at me expectantly so I continue, “I-I, I want to keep it. I don’t know what you want but I’ve always imagined having kids, and although it was never supposed to happen like this I can’t just get rid of them. It’s my child, hell, it’s yours too, but if you ask me to-to get rid of it, I can’t and I won’t.”
His eyes widen and he steps closer so he cup my face with his empty hand, “No, no, I want it too, I want you. I’d be an idiot to get rid of you, and I've always wanted more kids.”
My eyebrows furrow in question because I remember having a conversation with him one night after dinner where he told me that they never tried for other kids after Allison. He seems to pick up on my confusion because he reaches around me to drop the tests back in my purse before pulling me closer to him, “Victoria was the one who didn’t want anymore kids. I however always wanted a big family. A nice house with four or five kids running around, maybe even more, but after Allison was born and Victoria decided she didn’t want anymore kids I thought that I’d never have more kids. Then the craziest thing happened, I met this woman, this strong, beautiful, intelligent woman and it felt like I was given a second chance, and now she’s standing in front of me telling me she’s having my baby.”
I blush as happy tears flow down my face but my heart explodes at his next words, “And I swear to god and any other higher power there might be, that I have never been more in love than I am right now.”
My heart stutters and my stomach fills with a thousand butterflies as I smile and lean into his embrace even more before I respond, “I’ve never been more in love than I am right now either. I want it all with you Chris, the big house and a bunch of kids, I’d love to give you what you’ve always dreamed of.”
He brushes his nose against mine as he whispers, “Baby, you already have.”
A/N...again: I'm thinking about writing a part two where they tell Allison and maybe even small little milestones of Y/N's pregnancy so let me know if you want a part 2!
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sidneylover122 · 5 months
Sidney Prescott
Jill Roberts
Tara Carpenter
Sam Carpenter
Maddy Perez
Lexi Howard
Teen Wolf
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Katherine Pierce
All Mine
Elena Gilbert
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Hermione Lodge
Or Nah
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom
Fiona Gallagher
Daphne Blake
Guinevere Beck
Love Quinn
The OC:
Summer Roberts
Marissa Cooper
Pretty Little Liars:
Emily Fields
Spencer Hastings
Melissa Hastings
Hanna Marin
Aria Montgomery
Gossip Girl:
Blair Waldorf
Stranger Things:
Nancy Wheeler
Total Drama:
Sex Education:
Ruby Matthews
The Party and the After Party
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem! Reader Series
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Shape Shifted | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: Joining forces with Derek was difficult to say the least. Not only because he wanted to do things differently but it also meant you had to spend more time with Isaac.
a/n: heyyyy everybody! another chapter is here! super grateful for all the love you guys have been giving me seriously, thank you guys so much! ALSO YALL I DIDNT REALIZE I WAS SPELLING MR. HARRIS AS MR. HARRISON UNTIL JUST NOW. WHY DIDNT YALL TELL ME!?!? i went back and changed them so we should be good now lol
"Oh, what the hell is this?"
You and Stiles were sitting at the station with food for Sheriff, who was very unhappy with what he had been given. "Veggie burger," sang Stiles as he rearranged the contents around the table. He handed you yours before setting his salad in front of him.
"Stiles, I asked for a hamburger," complained Sheriff his mouth still full.
"Well, veggie is healthier. We're being healthy," Stiles argued. You nodded along as you rustled your fork through your own salad to mix the contents around equally. Sheriff sighed but went back to unpacking his food, when he uncovered the basket of carrots and celery his face took on the look of disappointment once more, "Oh, hell, why are you trying to ruin my life?"
You gave the older man a pointed look, "That's very dramatic, don't you think? We just do this because we care." You weren't lying, Melissa may have been the one that took you in permanently but the Sheriff had always been like a father to you just as Melissa had been like a mother.
"I'm trying to extend your life, okay? Could you just eat it, please? And tell us what you found."
Sheriff disagreed, "No! I'm not sharing confidential police work with teenagers." That didn't stop you two from looking behind the man and at the wall. You pointed to it as Stiles called attention to the board, "Is that it on the board behind you?" He turned to look at it, "Don't look at that." Stiles continued to not listen, his eyes glued onto the wall.
"Avert your eyes. Hey!"
"I see arrows pointing at pictures," Stiles said move about in his chair.
He finally gave up when he realized that you two were not going to listen. "Okay, okay, stop! Fine. I found something." Both you and Stiles brought your attentions to him, instantly satisfied with his words.
"Mechanic and the couple who were murdered. They all had something in common."
"All three," you and Stiles asked.
"Yeah. You know what I always say. One's an incident. Two's coincidence-."
"Three's a pattern," Stiles finished for his father.
"The mechanic, the husband, and the wife- all the same age. All twenty-four."
Your eyebrows scrunched together, "Then what about Mr. Lahey?" Stiles looked over at you and agreed, "Isaac's dad isn't anywhere near twenty-four."
Sheriff had stuck his finger out, stopping your questions, "Which made me think either 'A,' Lahey's murder wasn't connected or 'B,' the ages were a coincidence, until I found this," he rolled his chair backwards a little and turned. Grabbing the file and handing it you, you opened it so both of you could expect the contents.
"Which would be 'C.' Did you know that Isaac Lahey has an older brother named Camden?" Even though the question was in general, meant for both of you, Sheriff did make the most eye contact with you. You shook your head, going back to reading the words.
"'Died in combat,'" whispered Stiles.
"But if he were alive today, take one guess as to how old he'd be."
"Twenty-four," you said.
Eating was apparently going to have to wait, since both men stood up and began to go over the board. "Man, I really just wanted to eat," you whined begrudgingly getting out of your chair. Your complainants were completely ignored as they started to plot.
"Now what if same age means same class- I mean did you think of that?" Sheriff brushed off his son's question with a slight wave, "Yeah, yeah." There was a brief moment of dead air until Sheriff confessed he hadn't thought of it.
"Well I would've. I mean- look I just got Lahey's file two hours ago." Even though the statement made sense to you, Stiles didn't accept that.
"TWO HOURS? Dad, people could be dying!"
"Yeah, I'm aware of that, thank you."
You placed a hand on Stiles' shoulders to make your presence known, "He can only keep looking at this stuff for so long, Stiles. Sometimes you need to step back to refresh your eyes."
Both guys settled down at your words, before turning towards the photos, "Same class," murmured Stiles. You all shared a look, "Do you have any old yearbooks, Sheriff," you asked.
Like on cue, they scrambled to get any old yearbooks and school files they could get their hands on. To be honest, your glad they didn't need your help on that because truth be told, you really were hungry. You only got a moment to stuff your face with food because they came rushing back soon after slamming all contents on the desk.
Stiles had found the file he was looking for, "Okay this is it, class of 2006. They all went to Beacon Hills."
"Including, Isaac's brother," stated Sheriff.
"Meaning they could've, theoretically, known each other," you said finishing your carrot before standing up once more.
"Two of them were married- so maybe they all just hung out."
Sheriff shook his head lightly, "Well, they could have had the same classes together. They could've-." You saw the man's face fall into a look of recognition. Stiles had caught it too, "What?"
"Same teacher." Mr. Harris' picture was on the page, clear as day.
"All four. Now I don't know how Mr. Lahey fits in, but this- kids, this is definitely a pattern. Alright, get me the 2006 yearbook. These names, we need faces."
"Which ones," you asked as Sheriff went to make a phone call. "Everyone in that chemistry class," he answered, "If the killer's not done killing..."
"One of them is next," Stiles said.
Later that night, you had promised to meet Scott at the clinic to relay everything you just found out. He wanted you there though because Derek was planning to show up and he figured a three versus one when it came to opinions would work better in his favor.
"So, you weren't able to get tickets," you asked currently perched on the half wall in the lobby. The boy confirmed your question, "Nope, but we need to find some because Jackson seemed very hell bent on getting them."
You nodded slowly, "Meaning whoever is controlling him, desperately wants to be there." Scott agreed and then his head perked up, looking at the clinic door. You figured it was because he heard Derek so you felt no need to stand up from your position.
Scott walked over, unlocking the door letting Derek in, "What's he doing here," you heard him asked.
You looked up and felt your breath get caught in your throat, you weren't expecting Isaac to come. Guess it was only fair since Derek wasn't informed of your presence either. "I need him," the Alpha said bluntly.
"I don't trust him," Scott shot back. Mean while all you could do was stare and the Beta made eye contact with you for just a second.
"Yeah, well, he doesn't trust you either," you would be lying if you were to say that his voice didn't make your heart flutter. Once he finished his sentence he walked passed both the other werewolves standing close to where you were sitting on the wall.
"You know what and Derek really doesn't care."
You raised your hands as you blurted out, "Oh my god, one more person talks in third person and (Y/N) might just punch you all in your throats." You heard Isaac snort out a quiet laugh as he turned his head to look at you. His eyes gleamed like stars when they met yours.
Derek had interrupted your little moment, "Now where's the vet? Is he gonna help us or not?" You scoffed at the Alpha, "What great patience you have there, grumpy." You hopped off the wall and crossed the little group to stand next to Scott, just in time for Deaton to come out of the back room.
"That depends, your friend Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?"
"Save him," you and Scott synced.
"Kill him," Derek had said at the same time.
You and Scott both whipped around looking at the dark haired werewolf in disbelief, "Save him," Scott argued once more before looking at you. Your eyes both met and stared at each other for a moment, like a form of silent communication. You nodded at him once more before both of you turned back to Deaton and synced again, "Save him."
Deaton had a small smile on his face and nodded, gesturing for you all to follow him. Derek had silently walked passed definitely grumpy of being out numbered. Scott followed a second later, leaving you and Isaac alone for just a moment.
You turned to him quickly whispering, "Derek made you come?" He nodded in response, "And now I'm glad he did because I get to see my favorite girl." He stood next to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder, keeping you from walking towards the back room door. You chuckled lightly, rolling your eyes, "You're never gonna stop with the nicknames, are you?"
You moved passed him, his arm falling back to his side and you spoke once more, your voice still lowered, "Fine but we still need to talk everything through. After this is all over." He nodded with a smile on his face following behind you and into the room with the others. He took his place in between the other two werewolves and you stood next to Deaton and helped him lay everything out. The sound of Derek's voice made you look up.
"Watch what you touch," he said with Isaac's arm in his hand. Deaton had picked up a jar reading it then showing you the label and pointing to the ingredient in the book laid out in front of you. He had become some what like a teacher to you, every chance you got you were here, learning, reading, practicing and he would guide you. Seems like he thought now was still a good time to show you some things.
Isaac had leaned down resting his arms on the table and now at eye level with you. He smirked when he saw your attention on him before asking his question to Deaton, "So, what are you, some kind of witch?"
"No, I'm a veterinarian."
Deaton's reply made you shake your head in amusement. You saw Isaac process the answer with his lips taking an "oh" shape silently, before he looked at you again. It felt like every chance he got, his eyes were stuck on you.
"Unfortunately, I don't see anything here that's going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin. Except for when (Y/N) is able to learn healing abilities, but even then, that could take time we don't have and it would really only be effective after the fact." Your head shot up, your body still leaned over from reading the pages. You glanced at everyone in the room before meeting Deaton's eyes.
"Wait, I can do that?" Deaton chuckled at your astonishment and nodded, "Well that's news to me," you said looking at your best friend.
"We're open to suggestions," Derek continued to conversation. "What about an effective offense," asked Isaac.
"Unlikely," you scoffed as Derek began speaking again, "We already tried, I nearly took its head off. And Argent emptied an entire clip into it. The thing just gets back up."
You mumbled lightly, "I'm really glad I haven't had to fight this thing." The boys looked at you, a certain Alpha showing a very obvious annoyance, "What? I'm sorry, okay. Stiles isn't here to voice my thoughts like he always seems to, I can't help it."
Deaton looked at all of you, "Has it shown any weaknesses?"
Derek answered his question, "Well one- it can't swim."
"Does that go for Jackson as well?"
"No," Scott interjected as you shook your head, your posture now straight and your arms crossed. You continued for the Omega, "He's the captain of the swim team." Deaton nodded along at both inputs, "Essentially, you're trying to catch two people."
He turned grabbing something from a drawer, he show you an amulet, "A puppet... and a puppeteer." He set it on the table and continued, "One killed the husband but the other had to take care of the wife, do we know why?"
Scott piped up gaining everyone's attention, "I don't think Jackson could do it. His mother died pregnant too, and she was maybe murder. I think he couldn't let the same happen to someone else."
"How do you know it's not part of the rules?" Isaac's eyes were slightly glazed over as he stared at the table. When his eyes blinked and his attention was no longer stuck, he continued, "The Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wife, then the baby dies too."
He looked at Scott and when he did, you felt your body jolt. It was the weirdest sensation and you didn't understand why it happened. It wasn't a normal reaction so your only guess could've been it was something supernatural. You checked to see if anyone noticed and when you confirmed no one did, you made a mental note to ask Deaton about it later.
"Does that mean your father was a murderer," Scott questioned.
"Wouldn't surprise me if he was." His eyes were back in your direction only his focus was on the wall behind you; you were okay with that though, you didn't want him to see the frown you had.
"Hold on. The book says they're bonded, right?" Deaton's hand was held out as he hypothesized, "What if the fear of water isn't coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him." You nodded along adding to his words, "Like they're not only bonded as in partners but mentally." Deaton pointed to you grabbing a small jar.
"What if something that affects the Kanima also affects its master." He circled the sand like substance around the amulet on the table, "Meaning what," Isaac asked.
"Meaning we can catch them," Scott started.
"Both of them," you finished.
The next morning consisted of both you and Scott telling Stiles everything on the way to school. "There's got to be some other way to get tickets, right?" Scott hopped out of Roscoe as he finished his question, helping you out as well. Stiles met you both on the sidewalk, "It's a secret show, there's only one way, and it's a secret." You adjusted your bag onto your shoulders, "Real helpful, Stiles," you joked.
All three of you turned to find Matt, "You guys know why no one's getting suspended after what happened the other day at school?"
"Just forget about it, nobody got hurt," Stiles tried to convince him. Matt gave him a confused look, "I-I had a concussion." You turned your head and laid it into Scott's shoulder, hiding your small laugh threatening to come out.
"Okay well no one got seriously hurt."
"I was in the E.R. for six hours."
"Okay, do you want to know the truth, Matt? Your little bump on the head is about this high on our list of problems right now." Stiles had proven his point even more by leaning over and placing his hand just inches from the concrete. Your cover of your amusement was taken from you when Scott moved forward to ask if Matt was alright.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine, now. So, you didn't get any tickets last night either."
"Are they selling?"
"Uh, no, but I managed to find two online. You should keep trying. Sounds like everyone's going to be there." He gave Scott a friendly fist to the shoulder before walking away.
"I don't like him," You and Stiles both said, once he was far enough.
"Hey, are you sure about this," he asked Scott. "Last time, whoever's controlling Jackson had to kill somebody because he didn't finish the job," Scott said.
You chimed in, "So, what do you think he's going to do this time?"
Stiles sighed, "Be there to make sure it happens," He shook his head before both boys turned, taking their places beside you as you walked in the school.
"Can anybody tell me where the hell Jackson is and why he missed morning practice?"
Coach was right, practice was already over and there was no sign of Jackson. Everyone shook their heads and Stiles leaned over so you and Scott could hear him better, "I thought I told you to keep an eye on him."
"STILINSKI!" You three straighten and looked at Coach, "Jackson!" Stiles shrugged, "Sorry, Coach I haven't seen him since the last time I saw him."
"Oh, and when was that?"
"The last time I saw him was definitely the time I saw him last."
"Again, Danny, tell Jackson no missing practice this close to the championships, okay," Coach was leaned over in Danny's eyesight. The boy nodded, "Sure, Coach." Coach started to back up into his office, "That goes for all of you. I should be coaching college." He started to close his door but just before he did, he looked at you, "(Y/N), I'm going to need to see you later for game plans."
You nodded, "You got it." He finally closed his door, which allowed the boys to go back to talking to Danny. "Sorry, but I only got two myself," Danny said.
"What- do you even have a date, yet?" Your head snapped to Stiles, your arm shooting out to smack him in the stomach, "Really?"
Danny's tone changed, "I'm working on it."
"Okay, okay, hear me out. You give us the tickets, and you devote your life to abstinence and just-." Before Stiles could finished both him and Scott were pulled away and you felt someone right behind you, "How do you two losers even survive?" It was Isaac, you looked behind you to see him looking between the two boys, his hands still gripping their shirts.
You scoffed and pointed to yourself, "That would be thanks to me, actually." Isaac looked at you and smirked, acknowledging your answer. Scott huffed, "What are we supposed to do? No one's even selling." He gestured to the whole locker room, where all the boys stood around, probably waiting for you to leave so they could begin changing.
Isaac's eyes were focused somewhere in the distance, you felts hands lightly place themselves on your waist guiding you closer to Scott. The tall werewolf patted Stiles on the chest, moving passed him, "Wait here, boys."
All of you gave each other looks of confusion, Scott asking, "What is he-?" But he never got to finish, thanks to the crash caused by Isaac. You guys flinched at the loudness, "Ow," you commented.
"Yup, that's excessive," Stiles added on, the sounds only getting louder as Isaac continued his actions. "That'll bruise."
"Ow," Scott repeated your first comment.
"Wow, okay." Isaac walked back over, tickets in hand, he handed you each one before turning around his hand in his pocket, "Enjoy the show."
You guys were in shock until you broke it with your words, "That was... so hot." Both boys looked at you, wide-eyed, when you saw them you just shrugged, "What? He's on our side now, I can say that."
Stiles pointed at you, "I thought you were mad at him?" Scott nodded in agreement.
You rocked your head from side to side, "I was and still kind of am, but that doesn't mean I can't find that," you circled your hand motioning to the boy walking away, "Extremely attractive." Scott and Stiles both scoffed, the spastic both pushing you slightly, "Get out of here, you dummy, let us change."
You laughed and walked out the room, only making it a few steps out the door before you heard your name once more. You turned to see the boy you were just talking about leaning against the wall, "I heard you." You smiled as cluelessly as you could and walked closer until you were inches from his figure, "Heard what, exactly?"
His arm came around your waist again, this time turning you so your back was pressed up against the wall and his body was trapping you. "You find me attractive, huh?" His eyes were on you, glancing at your lips before reaching your eyes once more, "Always did," you answered. You leaned a little closer missing his lips and bringing yours close to his ear and whispered, "See, isn't it so much more fun when you're on our side?"
You grabbed the wrist of his hand that was laying itself on your waist, removing it gently and sliding out of his grip, "I'll see you tonight, Isaac."
"It's the same stuff we use on the dogs, just a higher dosage."
Deaton set down the syringe and bottle, "If you can get close enough to Jackson, it should slow him enough to buy you some time." He turned picking up a jar with that same sand from the other night, "This is some of what you will use to create the barrier. This part is for you, Stiles. Only you." He placed it down and Stiles picked it up his eyebrow raised, "Uh, that sounds like a lot of pressure. Can we maybe find a less pressure-filled task for me?"
"It's from the mountain ash tree, which is believed by many cultures to protect against the supernatural." He gestured to the walls, "This office is lined with ashwood, making it difficult for someone like Scott or (Y/N) to cause me any trouble."
We turned back to Stiles to see him still confused, "Okay, so then what? I just spread this around the whole building and then neither Jackson or whoever's controlling him can't cross it?"
"They'll be trapped," Deaton confirmed.
"Doesn't sound too hard," Scott reassured.
"Not all there is," Deaton said. You sighed and slumped your posture, "There's always something."
"Think of it like gunpowder. It's just powder until a spark ignites it." He pointed to Stiles, "You have to be that spark, Stiles."
"If you mean light myself on fire, I don't think I'm up for that."
Scott looked at Stiles worried and then you to which you rolled your eyes. Deaton gave a silent chuckle, "Let me try a different analogy. I used to golf. I learned that the best golfers never swing before first imagining where they want the ball to go. They see it in their mind and their mind takes over. It can be pretty extraordinary what the force of your own will can accomplish."
Stiles mumbled, "Force of will." You grabbed his hand, "You got this, no sweat."
"If this is going to work Stiles, you have to believe it."
The night had finally arrived, your nerves were definitely getting to you. It also didn't help that the car ride over seemed really awkward. Stiles was oddly quiet and you could tell that Scott noticed as well.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, why?"
You and Scott shrugged lightly and you spoke, "You didn't say anything the whole way here." Stiles grabbed the bag out of the Jeep and looked at you both, "No, I'm fine. Let's grab the other bag."
Scott looked at Stiles, "We can't, remember Deaton said you have to do this alone."
"Okay, this plan is really starting to suck."
You smiled, "There's our Stiles."
"No, not here, not now."
You turned to see Scott running off, panicked you looked at Stiles who was just as bewildered as you. "What," Stiles said.
"Scott!" You called as Stiles continued on, "What am I supposed to- plan officially sucks!" He looked at you and you just shrugged. "I'm going to go look for Isaac and Erica, you got this Stiles." He waved his hands at you in frustration, "Yeah, whatever, go make out with your boyfriend." You gasped, "He's not my boyfriend!"
You pointed behind him, "Go play with your sand." He huffed a laugh and you turned to make your way into the building. The music could already be heard from inside but still it was quite a shock on how loud it actually was. The lights were blinding, you squinted to try and find the two Betas but to no avail they were no where to be seen in the sea of people.
Deciding that staying on the outskirts was your best course of action, you began to make your way to the side where a line of pillars were. You leaned on one of them as you scanned the area again, looking for any signs of any werewolves.
"You planning on dancing tonight?"
You jumped at the sound of Isaac's voice right in your ear. You turned and you were sure you looked like a deer in headlights considering the boy only started laughing when he saw your face. You punched his shoulder and he faked a wince, "Don't do that! Where's Erica?"
He nudged his head in the direction of the crowd behind you, "In there, thought I would come look for you while she looked for Jackson."
"You and Scott."
You scoffed, "You said me." He smiled making the motion to press his forehead against yours, "Okay, it was mainly for you." You laughed and moved your head away, leaning back on the pillar, "My, you're quite the flirt these days." He shrugged leaning against the pillar with you, one hand in his pocket. He looked down and crossed your pinky with his.
"You're not as mad at me as you have been, it's a little easier now."
You chuckled and nodded, "True, true."
You saw Scott come around the corner, you let go of Isaac and that caused him to look where you were looking. You dashed towards the Omega and hugged him quickly, "Where did you go?"
"Allison's here."
You looked at him, "That means her dad is here." He nodded and started making his way to Isaac, who was still leaning against the pillar watching you guys. Scott handed him the syringe, "Why me," Isaac asked. They were standing side by side while you stood just slightly off from them.
"Because I got to make sure that Argent doesn't completely ruin the plan. Okay, look, you gotta do it intravenously, which means in the vein. When you find him, you pull back on this plunger right here. The neck is probably gonna be the easiest, so you find a vein, you jam it in there, and pull back on this trigger right here. Be careful."
Scott had given him a whole lecture on the plan, Isaac chuckled, "Oh, I doubt it'll even slightly hurt him." Scott shook his head, "No, I mean you. I don't want you to get hurt." Isaac's head shot to the side in surprise. There was this moment of silence between them and that's when you felt it... another jolt. This time it was stronger.
What was going on? Why has it happened twice now?
Your thoughts were broken when hands grabbed your shoulders. You blinked and refocused on Scott, "And you be careful too, okay? Stay out of the way." You scoffed, "Okay, Mom."
"(Y/N), I'm serious."
You laughed and pushed him away, "Yes, I know, I'll be careful. Now go growl at middle aged men." He smiled at you before running off. You and Isaac were left alone once again. He seemed to still be in shock at the conversation he just had.
"I told you so."
"I told you, we care about you guys." He turned to see your smirk wearing face. He snickered, "You always have to be right, don't you." You gave a bright smile and a quick nod, "Yep," you grabbed his hand, "Seriously, be careful."
He used the grip you already had on his hand to bring you closer, his forehead back to resting on yours, "I will but it would be nice to have some incentive." You let your eyes lock with his, "Okay, you get out of this alive and I'll forgive you completely." His face practically lit up and he tried to hide it but you saw the bright expression just before he went back to his usual resting smirk.
"Now that's what I like to hear," his head shifted upwards and you felt his lips on your forehead. He pressed them there ever so gently before letting them leave your skin. "I'll see you soon, beautiful," he made the move of leaving first but was stopped by you grabbing the front of his shirt.
"You do anything too sexual with Erica and I'll kill you, Lahey, understand?"
He smirked, "Yes, ma'am."
You went to find Stiles after you had set up the area you guys were planning to keep Jackson. You guys had caught each other at the front entrance and you were now making your way towards the room, listening to Stiles excitement on how he had done his task.
You two had made it to the door and when you opened it you had startled the two Beta wolves. "Uh, no, no, no, just us. It's just us. Don't freak," Stiles rambled. You let out a breath of relief when you saw Isaac was alright and it looked like Isaac had done the same when he saw you.
"Is he okay," your best friend asked.
Isaac walked over to Jackson, raising his claw up, "Well... let's find out." When he went to swipe at Jackson his hand was caught as the lizard boy started to crush his hand. Isaac let out a groan of pain and he pulled back as hard as he could. He backed up to guys and you instantly grabbed his arm, "Are you okay?" Even when he was still grunting in pain, he nodded.
"Okay, no one does anything like that again, okay," Stiles pointed to everyone and he received unanimous nods. Isaac groaned one more time, "I thought the ketamine was supposed to put him out."
"Yeah, well, apparently this is all we're gonna get, so let's just hope that whoever's controlling him just decided to show up tonight."
Almost as if on cue, Jackson's eyes opened. You erratically began tapping Stiles and Isaac, "Guys, guys. Something's happening." Everyone watched Jackson as he started to speak, "I'm here." His voiced echoed and you could hear not just Jackson but someone else. It had to be the person controlling him.
"I'm right here with you."
You and Stiles looked at each other and slowly stepped towards the boy in the chair. "(Y/N), come back here." You ignored Isaac's words and crouched next to Stiles.
"Jackson, is that you," you asked quietly.
"Us. We're all here."
Stiles was taken aback by the answer, glancing over his shoulder at the werewolves behind you. "Are you the one killing people," Stiles questioned.
"We're the ones killing murderers."
His voice was full of venom and it was nearly as paralyzing as his actual toxin. It made you shiver out of fear. "So all the people you've killed so far-."
"Deserved it." He cut off Stiles violently.
"We got a little rule book that says you only go after murderers."
"Anything can break if enough pressure is applied."
You looked at Stiles again and took over the questioning, "Alright, so the people you're killing are all murderers then?"
"All. Each. Every one."
"Well, who'd they murder?"
"Me." His reply to your question truly stunned you, "They murdered me." Jackson's eyes rolled into his slitted ones and his head turned straight, "They murdered me." You and Stiles got up and started to back your way to the other two. Isaac had a small grip on your hip, keeping you close. You started to see Jackson's hands move, breaking free from its previous stillness.
"Alright," Stiles panicked, "Ketamine, the man needs more ketamine."
Isaac picked up the bottle, "We don't have anymore." Your best friend whipped around, "You used the whole bottle?" You saw Erica tap Stiles and you all looked to see Jackson standing, he hissed and his head began to shake violently.
"Okay, out, everybody out," you pushed Erica and Stiles forward. They needed no help from you though, all four of you rushed out of the room, bumping into each other until you closed the door. Everyone pressed their back on it and Stiles gave out instruction, "Okay, (Y/N), make a barrier hurry." It was too late, Jackson had busted through the wall and had made a break for it.
You guys all ran for the front door as everyone began leaving, you and Stiles made it outside and he crossed the line meeting Derek who was jogging over.
"Hey so we kind of lost Jackson inside, but it's-," Stiles' attention was on you and the two Betas who had also just walked out. You three were right on the line, they looked at you for reassurance and you raised your hand coming in contact with an invisible wall, it glowed a blueish color as you put more pressure on it.
"Oh, my god! It's working! Oh this is- yes! I did something!"
You heard a roar, it was so guttural. You felt the heat in your eyes, this time it was intense, if you weren't used to it by now it might have actually bugged you.
"Scott?" Derek had voiced your thought, he looked at you, he saw your eyes glow and he heard it too. The roar of a dying Scott.
"What," Stiles turned to Derek.
"Break it."
"What? No way!"
"Scott's dying!"
"What? How do you know that?"
"Oh, my god, Stiles! I just know! Break it!" Stiles broke the line and Derek took off. You could feel your feet moving before you could even think as you started to try and run too. You were stopped, however, by Isaac grabbing you, both arms wrapped around you.
"NO! LET GO! ISAAC! LET GO! SCOTT HE- HE'S HURT! YOU HAVE TO LET ME GO!" It was almost manic how much you thrashed to try and get out of the boy's hold. He held on tighter, "(Y/N), no, okay you can't, you can't fight yet. Derek will save him, okay, Derek will save him."
Your eyes were pouring tears at this point, "No, no, Scott he needs help, he needs me," you whimpered as you fell to the ground, Isaac coming with you but his arms never leaving their position around you.
His lips pressed against your hair and he just continued to comfort you, "I know, baby, I know. But he's gonna be okay. Derek's gonna save him. You have to stay here, okay, baby?"
You nodded still crying now holding onto Isaac like your life depended on it, muttering the same thing over and over again, "Scott he's- he's dying. He's dying- he's-."
"It's okay, baby, it's gonna be okay."
a/n: I finally gave you guys more isaac and y/n, aren't you guys happy with me? lol anyways hope you guys enjoy! let me know what you think!
taglist: @somiaw @vvicaddiction @mushroomelephant @breadbrobin @traumverloren-anderswelt @fandom-princess-forevermore @vanessa-boo
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andreafmn · 1 year
I'm Not Afraid | Chapter 10
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Word Count: 4.3K Story Description: (Y/N) Argent arrived at Beacon Hills to put to rest her father’s sister, Kate Argent. For the first time, her family has decided to settle down and sustain a life in this interesting small town. After 17 years, (Y/N) has the opportunity to establish interpersonal relationships but will she be ready to face the complications that come with relating to her cousin’s, Allison, friends; especially, the infamous Derek Hale. She will face the adventure of being associated with the Derek and McCall pack as well as being faced with the discovery of certain aspects of her life she never imagined. Chapter: 10/? A/N: cough cough sorry, dusting off this story after more than a year 😶 honestly, cannot believe it's taken me this long to update this story. So, if there are still any fans of it… Hey!!! I am so sorry for taking forever, but I will absolutely try to keep to my new writing schedule [if you wanna see it, it's on my Tumblr andreafmn]. Thank you to all the peeps that are reading. I hope you enjoy! My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing or buy me a coffee TikTok • Instagram • Business | MASTERLIST If you’d like to be tagged in this or any other story: click here Make sure you have my notifications on so you know every time I post! 
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Chapter 10
(Y/N) could not help the feeling that took over her. It was a giddy excitement that filled her as she rode back home. She couldn’t quite place it, only knowing what it could be from books she had read and movies she had seen.  
She liked him. She truly liked Derek Hale.  
Derek Hale.  
Derek Hale.  
Derek Hale.  
The name repeated inside her head like a grounding mantra. 
Derek Hale, the werewolf.  
Derek Hale, the alpha.  
Derek Hale, the most wanted man in her family.  
The girl wasn’t afraid of her feelings. Those she could guard, those she could shield from her world. Her emotions weren’t the ones she wanted to keep safe. She wanted to keep Derek safe — keep him safe. Her family had already caused him so much pain. Her own flesh had burned away his family like they were nothing more than insects. The same blood that rushed through her veins had been able to kill a group of innocent people leaving Derek on his own.   
That was what she wanted to protect him from. (Y/N) wanted him shielded from all the horror her family would continue to enforce. When she turned eighteen, she would be able to escape and find a way out of the circle that had forgotten the code of a hunter and had decided that supernatural lives were worthless.  
All they had to do was reach mid-December. Nine months, that’s all they needed. Nine months and they could dive head-first into whatever it was they were feeling. Whatever new adventure life wanted to throw their way.  
“Well, someone seems chipper now,” Isaac teased as (Y/N) balanced her motorcycle on its stand. “I take it things between Derek and you have been fixed?”   
“Something like that,” she chuckled. “We at least put some things on the table.”  
“What does that even mean?” 
Isaac followed her into the house, waiting for her answer. But she simply waltzed through the house, landing in the kitchen. She got a bottle of water and a slice of pizza out of the fridge, eating it without heating it up.  
“(Y/N), just tell me what you meant,” Isaac chuckled as he followed her to the living room. “If this is you being happy, I don’t like it.” 
“There’s not much to say, honestly,” she mumbled. “We just talked.” 
“Give me something here, (Y/N),” Isaac exasperated as he plopped down on the couch next to her. “Judging by the way you’re acting you two did more than just talk.” 
“Ew, Isaac,” (Y/N) gasped dramatically. “Need I remind you that I am a minor.” 
“He’s not that much older than us and you’re only 17 for a couple more months.” 
“9 months to be exact, but who’s counting?” The girl got up from the couch and headed back to the kitchen, dancing around all of her friend’s questions. “You know what this pizza needs? Ranch. It needs some ranch.”  
“(Y/N), why are you avoiding me?” 
“I’m not.”  
“You’ve been skating around the topic since you got here. I just wanna know what’s going on between the two of you.”  
“Truthfully, there’s nothing going on,” she shrugged. “There’s nothing that can go on just yet. Nothing for nine grueling months. Nothing more, nothing less.”  
“What happened a couple of hours ago wasn’t nothing, (Y/N),” he added. “There’s only a few years of difference between you. Are you really telling me you wouldn’t risk it?”  
“I could, Isaac, but not with him,” (Y/N) sighed. “I cannot give my family any ammunition against him. If they ever found out that we were together they would find a way to get the authorities involved and trap him afterward, even if he’s innocent. And that not only would put Derek in more danger, but it would set a target on you and everyone else. I simply cannot do that.”  
“We can protect ourselves, (Y/N).” He rounded the kitchen island, stopping once he was right next to her, and placed a comforting hand on her arm. “You deserve to be happy. I mean, Allison and Scott are making it work. Why can’t you?” 
“Are they making it work?” she questioned. “They sneak around all the time. They have to pretend they hate each other when they’re in school. They can’t admit they’re in love without putting the other in harm’s way. I don’t want that.”  
“So, instead you’re gonna pretend that you feel nothing for him? How is that the better option? In the long run, you’re only hurting yourselves.”  
“And what am I supposed to do, Isaac? What am I supposed to do if you guys get hurt because of a decision I made?  How could I live with myself if my family got their hands on you because of me?” (Y/N) spoke through gritted teeth, holding back the tears that threatened to spill. “I can’t do it. I refuse.”  
Isaac remained quiet for a beat, her words sinking into him as every second passed. He understood her need to protect them, the desperation to withhold her wants in order to keep everyone safe. “Is this about Josie?” he whispered, carefully choosing his next words. “Your job is not to protect everyone. At some point, you need to allow yourself to want things for yourself.”  
“I can’t. There are too many lives at risk right now and I won’t let anything happen to any of you if I can help it,” she responded sternly. “I don’t care if it takes a lifetime. If it means that you will all be safe, then I will stay away from him.” 
“You’re as stubborn as they come, (Y/N),” Isaac responded in defeat. He placed his hands on either side of her face, pressing his forehead to hers as he gifted her a smile. “But if you ever change your mind, just let me know. I’ve got your back, Argent.” 
“Thank you, Isaac. I’ve got your back too.” 
“You better,” he chuckled. “Now, let’s go to bed. We’ve got a couple of long days ahead of us.”  
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”  
School had been uneventful the next day, the only thing that could be felt was the anxious excitement of the students as talk of the secret rave kept spreading. Tickets were already scarce as it was and as more people knew of its existence the harder it would become to get them.  
Thankfully, talk of the rave was strong enough to quiet any whispers of what had transpired in the library. The fact that it had been completely destroyed by supernatural creatures the student body had no idea of had been hidden under the rumor that it had simply been a teenage fight. It was baffling and incomprehensible, yet everyone accepted the answer at face value. At the end of the day, it was simply school property and nothing more interesting.  
“Here you go,” Isaac said after math class was over, slipping (Y/N) a yellow and pink piece of paper. “One ticket for tomorrow night’s secret rave. Courtesy of one Derek Hale.”  
“Is that what you left so early this morning for? I thought they were already sold out!”  
“If there’s one thing I know about Derek it’s that he has connections. And that he’d stop at nothing to stop Jackson.”  
“You mean save,” (Y/N) corrected as she walked by his side to her locker. “We are going to save Jackson.”  
“Yeah, that.”  
“Seriously, Isaac. He’s being controlled by someone else and has no idea of what he’s doing,” she added. Her words were filled with compassion and worry, concerned for a boy that, though despicable, was innocent in the whole ordeal. “Jackson Whittemore might be a whole lot of things, but I know he’s not a killer.”  
“You sound like Scott,” Isaac chuckled. “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard more people rally behind that guy since he’s become a sort of murderer.”  
“Everyone deserves a chance,” (Y/N) said. “If they didn’t, I would have cut you off the second you turned into a cocky ass.”  
“Hey, I’ve always been nice to you. It’s other people I don’t like.” 
“Who? Stiles and Scott?” she teased. “Is it because Derek doesn’t like them?” 
“Contrary to popular belief, I can think for myself,” he scoffed lightly. “I don’t like them because they haven’t given me any reason to like them. That could change at any point, but it seems unlikely.”  
“And have you ever even talked to them?”  
“Not exactly,” he shrugged into his seat. “But I don’t really care to talk about that. Tonight, we’re gonna go see Scott’s boss, the vet. Apparently, he can help us catch Jackson tomorrow night. Wanna come with?”  
“I suppose I could. There’s not much happening back home,” she sighed happily. “I think it’s cause my dad’s away.” 
“Well then, we’ll have fun,” he smiled. “Just you, me, Scott, and Derek. What a fun group of people.” 
“I get along fine with everyone,” she returned the smile. “It’s Derek and you that need to learn how to be able to deal with other people.”  
“A couple of weeks ago you couldn’t even say more than five words to them. Now, you’re the biggest team player?”  
“What can I say? I really flourish in a stable environment.”  
“Between kanimas, werewolves, and hunters,” he laughed. “What a stable environment.” 
“At least I’m not moving at the end of the year,” she grinned, slamming the locked door closed. “Now, let’s go eat before we meet the vet. I can’t think on an empty stomach.”  
As the day transitioned into night, Isaac and (Y/N) left her house for Derek’s. It was in moments like those that the Argent girl forgot what her world had turned into. She wasn’t just going over to her crush’s house to admire him from afar as she spent time with her friend. No. She was on her way to pick up an alpha to figure out how to stop a reptilian-shapeshifting teenager.  
(Y/N) had only ever wanted to have a normal life, and for most of it she thought her biggest obstacle was moving every year. In reality, it was the fact that her parents had been secretly training her to become a supernatural hunter. Everything she had been craving was farther from her reach than she could have ever thought.  
Still, she could only deal with one problem at a time. Stopping Jackson was the most pressing matter and that’s what her mind had to focus on. Especially when half of the people she surrounded herself with wanted the boy dead. She couldn’t, and wouldn’t, stand for that. 
She killed the engine of her motorcycle as Isaac hopped off the back. They were met with a scowling Derek, his arms crossed tightly across his chest. The sight alone had the girl biting back a laugh, finding the façade he wore when others were around to be the most hilarious acting he could do. She had already seen the side of him he so desperately hid from others, and she could not think of him otherwise. 
“Oh, come on, Derek,” Isaac grinned. “There’s no need for jealousy. (Y/N) and I are just friends.”  
“I’m not jealous. How could I be?” he devilishly smiled as he got into his car. “There’s no real competition.”   
“Cool it, boys,” (Y/N) interjected, settling into the passenger seat. “It’s not like there’s much to choose from. We are terribly lacking in the casting department here in Beacon Hills.”   
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Derek grumbled.  
“It means that I have to pick from a really small pool of options,” she said mischievously, a playful grin on her face. “You’re definitely number one. But you’re a close second, Isaac.”   
“Hear that, Derek?” Isaac laughed, peeking his head to the front. “You better play your cards right or I might have a chance.”  
Instead of responding, Derek slammed on the brakes, making Isaac’s seatbelt lock as his body lurched forward, knocking the air out of his lungs. Quietly, he sat back onto his seat, his eyebrows furrowing and his arms crossing across his chest like a child after a tantrum. But all (Y/N) could stare at was the cocky grin that was plastered on Derek’s face.  
“Alright, enough of this pissing competition,” (Y/N) laughed softly. “We have real business to tend to and I don’t wanna be late.”   
“You heard the lady, Derek. Step on it.”   
“Watch it, Isaac.”   
“Guys,” she called their attention, scolding them with her gaze. “Let’s just go.”   
The rest of the short car ride was quiet, filled with the soft hum of the radio and the air blowing out of the A/C. But there were stolen glances and smiles between the people in the front of the car. Their arms rested on the center console, their fingers itching to interlace as they stretched toward each other, neither really giving in.  
One second, they were leaving Derek’s loft, and the next, they were parked in front of the Beacon Hills Animal Clinic. Before they could reach the door, Scott was already unlocking it, his face contorted in confusion as he stared at (Y/N) and Isaac.  
“What’s he doing here?” Scott questioned. 
“I need him.”   
“I don’t trust him,” the boy added as he walked back inside.  
“Yeah, well, he doesn’t trust you either,” Isaac said cockily, his mask quickly slipping on.  
“You know what?” the older man said annoyed. “And Derek doesn’t really care.”  
“What about you, (Y/N)?” Scott asked, his tone softening. “Why are you here?”  
“Just along for the ride. But at the end of the day, I’m a good mediator for whatever tension is roaming here.”  
“That won’t be necessary,” Derek quickly said. “Now where’s the vet? Is he gonna help us or what?”   
“That depends,” the doctor answered, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. “Your friend, Jackson. Are we planning to kill him or save him?”   
Derek answered, “Kill him,” at the same time Scott and (Y/N) responded, “Save him.”   
Both of the teens stared at the alpha, not shocked at his answer but a tad disappointed. Scott had been clear when he agreed to work together, things would be done his way and that meant doing everything possible to rescue Jackson. And if Derek had any doubts, there were none left once Scott reiterated twice that Jackson would be saved.  
Then, and only then, did Dr. Deaton allow the group back into the treatment room. They all stood behind the exam table, following the vet’s every move. He took hold of a tray with neatly arranged vials with symbols on the lids.  
With childlike curiosity, Isaac reached for the glass containers. Only to have Derek snatch his hand away. “Watch what you touch,” he said, and (Y/N) couldn’t help but agree. She had learned rather quickly that when it came to that secret world it was better to air of the side of caution.  
“So, what are you?” the blonde questioned, keeping his hands to himself but ignoring Derek’s reprimand. “Some kind of witch?”   
“No, I’m a veterinarian,” Deaton responded to him before he shifted the conversation to what they were there for. “Unfortunately, I don’t see anything here that’s going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin.”  
(Y/N) was intrigued by the man. Even if he claimed to be a mere human, she could tell there was something more to him. There was a powerful energy that emanated from him, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was or what it could mean.  
As the man questioned about the Kanima and the others answered, her mind was deadest of figuring out what the energy she was feeling meant. If he was truly just a human, she was afraid she was losing her mind.  
“Essentially, you’re trying to capture two people,” she heard him say as her brain focused back on the situation at hand. The doctor turned for a second and pulled out a medallion. “A puppet… and a puppeteer,” he explained as he placed the disk on the table. “One killed the husband while the other killed the wife. Do we know why?”   
“I don’t think Jackson could do it,” (Y/N) finally spoke. “His mother died pregnant too, and she was maybe murdered. I think he couldn’t let the same happen to someone else.”   
“How do you know it’s not part of the rules?” Isaac questioned. “The Kanima kills murderers. If Jackson kills the wide, then the baby dies too.”  
“Does that mean your father was a murderer?” Scott asked him.  
“Wouldn’t surprise me if he was.”  
Instinctively, (Y/N)’s hand flew to Isaac’s forearm and gave it a comforting squeeze. Even if the man was a horrible human being and had made the boy’s life a living hell, she knew how hard it still was for him to talk about the man.  
“Hold on,” Deaton pondered. “The book says they’re bonded, right? What if the fear of water isn’t coming from Jackson, but from the person controlling him? What if…?” he continued as he grabbed a vial of something (Y/N) recognized as mountain ash and drew a circle around the silver medallion. “Something that controls the Kanima also affects its master?”  
“Meaning what?”  
“Meaning we can catch them,” she smiled at the blond. “Both of them. If this theory is right, that means we could get Jackson and whoever is controlling him in the same place.”  
“In theory, it should work,” the doctor added. “But you should plan for all possibilities. Scott, you can come over tomorrow and pick up what supply I have of mountain ash. Hopefully, this plan works.”  
“I hope so too,” the boy added. “So, we’ll meet up tomorrow before the rave to make sure we’re all on the same page. Right, Derek?”   
“Right,” he grumbled. “We’ll see you tomorrow night then.”   
Once everyone had agreed to the plan, Deaton and Scott walked the trio to the door, wishing them a good night and safe travels home. But keeping up their macho bravado and feeding their air of dominance, Isaac and Derek made a beeline for the car rather than return the sentiment. It was childish and petty, but it forced a smile out of (Y/N).  
“I apologize for those two. It seems they have forgotten their manners,” (Y/N) said. “But thank you, Dr. Deaton, for all your help. And thank you, Scott, for everything you’re doing to make sure Jackson comes out of this alive. He may be a shitty guy, but he doesn’t deserve to die.” 
“Thanks, (Y/N),” Scott smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. “And although I cannot say I understand why you’re even in the same presence as Derek Hale, I’m glad you’re there to keep him in line.”  
“Eh, he’s not that tough,” she chuckled. “Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow. And thank you again, Deaton.”  
“Please, call me Alan.” 
“Then, thank you, Alan.”  
“Get home safe, (Y/N),” Scott called out as she walked to the car.  
“You too, Scott,” she smiled. “We’ll get them tomorrow. Even if it takes everything out of us.”  
As soon as the girl had closed the door of the black Camaro, the car sped out of the parking lot. After such an influx of information and the slightest sliver of hope, silence befell them. The ride was silent, once again filled only with the soft sound of the radio and the blast from the A/C.  
There wasn’t anything more to be said. They either trapped both the kanima and his master, or they would die trying. And it was that sense of dread that kept them mute until they reached the loft where Isaac excused himself to grab a change of clothes.  
(Y/N) walked to Derek’s side, leaning against the car right beside him, enjoying the smoothness of his leather jacket against her. It took every ounce of self-control for them to not deepen the touch, to reach out to one another in seek of comfort.  
“What do you think will happen tomorrow?” (Y/N) asked, her voice barely above a whisper.  
“Honestly, I have no idea,” he sighed. “If it were up to me…” 
“If it were up to you Jackson would be dead,” she finished sternly. “An innocent life would be taken.” 
“Jackson is not innocent.”  
“Someone is literally calling the shots for him, Derek. He doesn’t even remember what he’s done,” she retorted. “He shouldn’t be faulted for something he is not doing on his own.”  
“I know,” he exasperated. “But he’s still done so many horrible things, even if he doesn’t know it. And he’ll continue to do them if he and whoever is controlling him isn’t stopped.” 
“Just please, Derek.” (Y/N) turned to face him, her eyes desperately searching into the darkness of his. Her hands rested on his crossed arms, the only way she found she could convey the level of her worry. "Promise me you won’t kill him. Do whatever it takes to stop him but kill him.”  
Derek could only sigh at her plea. He could see the desperation behind her eyes, the way they were looking for any sign of deception in his. But he knew he could not lie, at least not to her. “All I can promise is that he’ll remain alive as long as he stays away from you,” he said. “If he does anything to harm you, he is as good as dead.”  
“I’m serious, (Y/N). I’d be so much as digs a single claw into you, I will make sure I’m the one to rip his throat out.” 
“Even if we know his venom won’t do anything to me?” (Y/N) blurted. Derek’s eyes grew wide, thinking she would never find out about his transgression. But she had told him that Scott had revealed everything to her, that was just part of the story. “Yes, Scott told me you tested me and Lydia. And at some point, I was everyone’s favorite suspect. What would you do if it had been me? Would you not hesitate to kill me as well?”  
“I never doubted you,” he told her, softly cradling the side of her face. “It was never my intention to test you. You just so happened to shade that piece of candy with Lydia. I knew it could have never been you.” 
“How could you be so sure? You didn't know me, Derek. You still barely know me,” her voice croaked. “So, I'm asking you. If I had been the kanima, would you be advocating this hard to kill me?”  
“Absolutely not.”  
“Then, you shouldn't want to kill Jackson either.”  
“It's not even comparable to how I care for you,” he smiled. “But I promise you, and only you, that I will not kill him.”  
“That's all I can ask for,” she said, returning the warm smile. “And I'm glad to hear you wouldn't have killed me. I think death wishes would really tamper with our chances.”  
“I'm glad it wasn't you then,” he chuckled. “Although, I think we could have made it work. We just would have to make sure your scales were always hydrated.”  
“A kanima and a werewolf,” she laughed. “What a match it would have been.”  
As they laughed in unison, their gazes met under the light of the moon. His green eyes shone brightly as they studied every inch of her face, every so often falling to her lips. He noted the pinkness of the skin and the plumpness. He saw how they trembled slightly whenever his eyes landed on them. He spotted how they parted to allow a deep breath to slip through. 
Oh, how he wanted to taste them. To crash his lips onto hers and savor every second of connection. All it would take was a single move. In less than a second, he could answer every question he had about her mouth.  
So, he slowly leaned in.  
And she did too.  
They were millimeters away from breaking their resolve and throwing caution to the wind. A gust of air and their nine-month pact would be broken. At least, they would have given in to the feeling they most craved for.  
“Welp, ready to go!” Isaac's voice startled them apart. His head was focused on his bag, making sure he had everything he needed, and had no idea he had ruined a moment for the pair. “You think we could stop for some food on the way back? I'm starving again.”  
The duo could only stare at the tall blond, their faces growing red in embarrassment. “What?” Isaac muttered. “Is it too late for food?”  
"It's fine, Isaac,” (Y/N) chuckled at his obliviousness. “We'll get something on the way back. Go start the bike. Let it warm up.” 
“Alright,” he said, easily catching the keys she threw him. “I'll let you two lovebirds say goodbye.” 
Once he was out of sight, the pair laughed quietly. They had once again been interrupted by one of Derek's teenage strays. And once more they had been that close to giving in to their urges.  
“It seems like the universe wants us to wait,” she grinned. “For the record, I really want to kiss you.” 
“For the record,” he whispered into her ear. “I really want to kiss you too.”  
“I mean, there’s nothing really stopping us right now,” she said, biting her lower lip. “We could just... do it.”  
“Not with Isaac right there,” he reminded her. “He might not hear us well, but he can definitely see us. And, not gonna lie, I don’t really wanna kiss you with an audience.”  
“Neither do I,” she chuckled. “A year, huh?”  
“Nine months,” he smiled. “But who’s counting?”  
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