doublegoblin · 1 year
Lonesome Town: Log 1
[Heya boss! Hope you had as great of a vacation as I did! The team’s been working double time to catch back up. Epsilon is doing a lot better now, guy just needed some time to find himself. I haven’t seen any messages about it, and I’m not telling you how to do your job ha ha, but they let me know the call sign they want to use is Samsa. Pretty on the nose if you ask me, but whatever floats their boat. Sorry to ramble on, missed you guys; I mean yeah Samsa and I chatted for like a couple messages, not the same though. Is it a violation to ask your boss out for a couple of brewskies? Probably. If so…I totally didn’t ask that ha ha!
Anywhoozle; we’ve made some progress with the clients request. There’s just a lot to go through, thankfully it’s all intact (knock on wood). So same old same old and all that.
Description: Collection of files: research notes, transcriptions of audio files, transcriptions of video files from both internal and external resources, personnel files, and other such documentations. As per the agreement outline, the commissioning body will henceforth be referred to in text as [CLIENT] and the focus as [SUBJECT]. Such classification will be used also when necessary. Corrections and clarifications will be noted by * and the full correction and/or clarification can be found at the end of the document packet address in numerical order via a denotation system of [A-Z, 1-10]. 
Where applicable dates and times will be provided. This packet will primarily serve as a primer and ground work for subsequent packets and work logs. Some material has been expunged due to long standing agreements with [CLIENT] and the sensitive nature of [SUBJECT]. Upper management is able to request access to all expunged material. But due to the same agreements, this expunged data can not be provided via non-auditory methods such as: text, images, video files, etc. All requests are subject to [CLIENT] review before approval, regardless of hierarchical standing. In the event expunged data is required to facilitate work [CLIENT] maintains primary authority for the delivery and handling of such material. For other concerns please speak with your management.
Preliminary Information:
[CLIENT] made first contact at [EXPUNGED]. Upon investigation it was discovered that [CLIENT] had made use of our services [EXPUNGED] years ago under a different name of [EXPUNGED]. [REPRESENTATIVE] was permitted access to the site. 
A tour was conducted at [EXPUNGED]. Catering was provided by the on site hospitality department. The on-site tour was headed by [V]. No major incidents were reported during the tour. [REP]* spoke with [V] at 4:15pm in conference room: Acacia. The following is their conversation.
[REP]: I must say, you folks have been very accommodating.
[V]: Polite laughter Well we certainly try. Did you enjoy your meal?
[REP]: Quite. Now, uhm…I’m sorry I never did get your name.
[V]: You may call me V.
[REP]: Chuckle I follow. Well V, once again thank you for being a kind host. Now, are we through with the tour? I don’t mean to impose but [CLIENT] did stress this was important.
[V]: Certainly [REP]. I hope you don’t mind, but this conversation is going to be recorded. Don’t worry though, all sensitive material will be taken care of.
[REP]: Not my first rodeo* ma’am. I’ll be sure to not make too much work for your people. [CLIENT] has something for you folks to look into. It has to do with [SUBJECT], not sure if you all remember [SUBJECT] seeing as it was [EXPUNGED] ago.
[V]: While I am not familiar with [SUBJECT] [T] has filled us all in.
[REP]: [T] is still kicking around? Goddamn, my old man had stories about him. You said this is being recorded, yeah?
[V]: Yes that is correct. Why do you ask? 
[REP]: Heya [T]! Not sure how much of this’ll make it through, but this is [EXPUNGED], [EXPUNGED] kid. Not sure if you remember me, I think I was only knee high when I saw you for the first time. [EXPUNGED] is still going strong. He still tells the same story about Morocco* every Thanksgiving. Hey, maybe when you get a chance come on down and say hi? Alright, V is shooting me a look so I should stop now. 
[V]: Giggle I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear, or rather read, this. 
[REP]: Laughter and then a sigh Sorry, my old man would have my ass if I didn’t say something. Now where were we?
[V]: Slight buzzing We were going over the request about [SUBJECT].
[REP] Right! Well ever since [EXPUNGED] [SUBJECT] has been acting strange. Well more than normal. Lights and sounds, animals not acting like themselves, and the well has this pungent stink. [CLIENT] called in some preliminary workers and investigators, but they’ve all gone missing. Now normally [SUBJECT] is pretty lonesome. Not a lot of people head out that way. That was until these campers set up just 10 miles out. We’re not sure if it was the smoke from their campfire or the smell of the fish cooking. [SUBJECT] got that smell and all hell broke loose. Only things left were the torn up tent, the dead fire, and the lower jaw of a camper.
[V]: Was the public made aware of this?
[REP]: Nah, [CLIENT] was able to get the PR under control. NPS* declared it a bear attack*. Whole place has been shut down so your people should have free access to the grounds. That and of course all the footage and live feeds your team could want.
[V]: Wonderful. Hmm, well it appears we are almost out of time. One of our staff will be by shortly to escort you out. It’s been a pleasure to get to know you, and I look forward to working hand in hand together.
[REP]: Same.
Following their conversation [REP] was escorted out of the premises by [D] and his team. No major incidents occurred during this escort. 
Information of [SUBJECT]:
Located in [EXPUNGED] National Park. The signified [SUBJECT] refers to [EXPUNGED] along with the surrounding town. The town itself was once a historical site until 1924 following a series of unexplained disappearances and bodies being discovered. After such time the location was stripped from all public records and left to the elements. An active patrol of rangers has been in operation since as to dissuade and shepard the public away as to avoid a [EXPUNGED] scenario. The town consists of several log cabins, a dilapidated school house, an infirmary, and a large stone well at the center of town. 
Records recovered from the town suggest that this well was there before the town was first settled*. Said records also provide an insight into the significance of such a well to a budding population. The well has an internal diameter of 1.202m and an indeterminate depth*. Near the surface and down to around 9.144m the well is made of semi-uniform carved stone bricks, mostly of granite and trace amounts of other minerals. These bricks remain present down an additional 1m but become more sparse in distribution. The walls of the well past the bricks are made of smoothed native stone. Concentric ring patterns suggest some sort of boring tool was used and such marks have been worn away by rainfall and use. 
The town surrounding the well is [EXPUNGED].
Per [CLIENT] we are tasked with data collection and analysis. In the event of direct interaction we are permitted sparse allowances. Speak with your management prior to any on the ground research. We have been granted full access to any and all material required to complete our task. There are no time constraints. This objective may be altered at any point with short notice. Please keep an eye on internal communications.
Clarifications and Corrections:
A1: Call-sign shortened
A2: Some sort of idiom. In essence he is familiar with the situation.
A3: Case: 1D73H.
A4: National Park Service - United States federal agency.
A5: While accurate during the time of recording, the cause of the scene has now been changed to the aftermath of an avalanche.
A6: Not in its current state. The well itself has been expanded and rebuilt over the years.
A7: Recent explorations have descended to roughly 2.004Km but no endpoint has been found as of yet.
[We can most certainly go out for some beverages once our obligations are fulfilled. Likewise it is a pleasure to hear back from you and everyone else. Be sure to speak with Phi and thank them for their maintenance work. We have a lot of work ahead of us, best we set our nose to the grindstone. -T]
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tinyhousetown · 1 year
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Allswell Tiny House
Columbus, OH
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doyou000me · 5 months
WIP game!
Thank you for the tag @cryingatships, here we go~
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (<- nope, I'm not tagging that many)
If anyone is curious, ask away~
Held (The Sign The Series)
Kinnporsche x Vincenzo crossover
Impulse control (Kinnporsche)
7. Luca knows to whom he belongs (Vincenzo kdrama)
Vigilante (Vigilante kdrama)
Dog-themed (Bloodhounds kdrama)
You can touch, but he's mine answered here (Deep Night The Series)
Wolf in sheep's clothing answered here (Kinnporsche)
Original Stories
Lucien Villamonte (fantasy, bloodmagic, religion, queer)
Monique Line (scifi, military, revenge, badass female MC)
It's Complicated (Queer, contemporary, coming out late, slice of life, relationships)
Kinship (fantasy, hierarchical magic system, asshole MC no redemption)
Modern Witches answered here (anthology, contemporary fantasy, queer)
The Deal answered here (queer, gay erotica, mafia, threesome)
Bodies (scifi, bodies as commodities, self identification)
The Silent Brotherhood (religion, Gods, greed, burn out, finding oneself)
The Shifting Sands (fantasy, adventure)
The Black Shepherd (folk tale, medieval)
The Building Manager (gay erotica, poor man meets rich man, slice of life)
Tales of Ackerton (anthology, contemporary fantasy)
Allswell (fantasy, 1920s ish, dragons, military, badass female MC)
When I Grow Up (contemporary fantasy, hero moves on after The Big Victory, finding purpose, queer, formerly a fanfic idea)
The Shop At The End answered here and here (contemporary fantasy, magic shop, margins of society, found family, formerly a fanfic idea)
Robo Kid (robots, human rights, existentialism)
Tagging @cactusmole, @greenninjabucket, @iffervescent, @the-cookie-of-doom, @snickerdoodlles,
@overthinkthis, @7nessasaryevils, @luckydragon10, @bunnakit, @the-wayside, and everyone else who feels like it (tell me and I'll tag you if that helps!) - of course, only if you feel like it!
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entropiasgift · 9 months
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Moranna: La Dama de Emoth o Tata Allswell.
Los niños de todo Kaelkoth saben quién es ella, aunque luego cuando llegan a adultos se les suele olvidar y la convierten simplemente en una historia que pueden usar a su favor.
Porque en los cuentos que cuentan los adultos, ella es la Tata Allswell, la bruja que llega por las noches cuando todos duermen y se lleva con ella a los niños que se portan mal y desobedecen a sus padres.
La verdad no es tan simple como en los cuentos, pero el fondo es el mismo: Allswell no tiene reparos en hacer desaparecer a los niños "maleducados" de sus camas, aunque desde su punto de vista, los que son malos son los padres, no los niños.
Las historias dicen que al llevarse a los niños los convierte en monstruos terribles que luego quedan atados a ella, pero eso tampoco es verdad. Es el mundo el que hace monstruos, y también el que luego los mata sólo por ser como son, así que ella se los lleva lejos, los oculta... Y trata de enseñarles a existir en un mundo que los odia.
A ella también la odiaron hasta el punto de casi matarla, así que entiende lo que se siente. Quizá por eso su corazón pertenece a los desamparados, a los pisoteados, a los corazones rotos, a las almas en pena, a los niños que temen a las manos de sus padres... Todos aquellos que necesitan refugio lo pueden encontrar con Allswell.
Nadie sabe exactamente dónde está su casa, pero la puerta suele aparecer en los bosques en forma de una cabaña en mitad de la nada, o en una casa de apariencia abandonada en la que no habías reparado antes en alguna callejuela de tu ciudad; y se dice que tan sólo los ojos de aquellos que lloran más amargamente pueden encontrar su morada.
En realidad, los Nocheterna saben encontrarla en Emoth, una montaña de las Tierras Sombrías, y se cree (o al menos ellos creen), que ese es su verdadero hogar, y a donde lleva a sus niños para ocultarlos del mundo. El resto de puertas que aparecen y desaparecen por el resto de Kaelkoth son simples ilusiones, portales que ella usa para moverse a su antojo.
No se la llega a considerar una Vesta Oscura porque su alma (si es que la tiene) sigue siendo muy suya, y tampoco hay registros de que ningún miembro de la Caballería haya intentado alguna vez meterse en su cama; así que si alguna vez ha pasado, el caballero en cuestión no ha vivido para contarlo.
Eso sí, no es extraño que algunos de sus hijos e hijas se afilien a Lúnnera al crecer y entren a formar parte de sus filas, así que de alguna forma sí que se le concede cierta reverencia en ese sentido, pese a que ni siquiera Lúnnera parece estar segura de qué grado de afinidad tiene Moranna con su causa.
Es Ukthus el que la protege. O al menos, son las bestias las que patrullan Emoth y parecen cuidarla para que ella y sus niños no tengan nada que temer.
Quizá los únicos que se la solían tomar más en serio eran los Cazadores de Monstruos, porque varios de ellos acabaron con sus cabezas decorando los dinteles de las puertas de su morada como represalia por atacar a sus hijos; aunque hace mucho que nadie consulta el tomo dedicado a ella y a sus actividades en la Fortaleza.
Una de las últimas entradas (de hace unas siete décadas o así), señala que Moranna tiene especial debilidad por los Sinluz; y el autor se pregunta si tras sus acciones aparentemente erráticas y desorganizadas no habrá algún tipo de plan o de intención oculta que él esperaba poder desentrañar pronto... ¡JA!
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aturnoftheearth · 9 months
my favorite candle is always out of stock and it’s only sold at walmart since they took ownership of the og company and i’m so sad it’s such a beautiful perfect candle it doesn’t give me a headache or get overwhelming and it’s such a lovely scent allswell zen candle come back to me ………
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555sage · 2 years
SUMMARY — cleaning with dave, and him being cute.
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Musiq Soulchild played over the speakers, to which Raven hummed along quietly to his song as she put away the dishes that were washed and dried. It was a Sunday, and Sunday’s were for refreshing before the week. Dave who was over for the weekend, helped with cleaning up around the house.
Raven swipes a Clorox wipe across the marble counter getting around the corners, picking up the flower vase she wipes under it. She finishes with the kitchen and goes on to find Dave. Entering her bedroom she finds Dave standing in front of the full body mirror, slipping a white tee over his head—his back muscles flexing as he did so.
She glances over her room, everything was set in its place, free of clutter, and her bed was made nicely. On her nightstand, the Allswell candle was lit making the room smell of coconut and citrus.
“Was the room the only thing you cleaned since we’ve started?”
Tightening the durag on his head he takes a step back from the mirror to face her with a grin on his face, “I took a break to vibe, you know? That Musiq had me in my feels.”
“You are so..” She shakes her head in disbelief, walking into her connected bathroom to find it clean. “Liar!”
Dave chuckles as he follows her into the bathroom. “No faith in me baby?”
She turns to face him, “No it’s just I know how you do. You like to clean, take a break, and start again.”
Looking her in her eyes he leans down and pecks her lips, “I’m mesmerized by your sexy eyes, and your soft and lovely skin.” He sings along to Don’t Take Your Love Away.
“Dave move.” She giggles.
He moves in closer and dances with his arms out, “I want to be able to love you.. oh I want to be able to please you.” His arms wrap around her hips bringing her in closer, his waist moves as he sings passionately.
“David.” Raven laughs throwing her head back. Moments like this is what she loved, David being his usual goofy lovable self and her loving every single second of it.
His hold tightens as he moves with her out the bathroom and back into the bedroom. “You’re one of God’s most precious worths.” His hand goes under her chin, lifting her head up to look at him.
Dave continues with his serenade, Raven quietly sang the song as he did so. The part they both loved was coming up so he made Raven sit at the edge of the bed while he kneeled on one knee.
“Here it come..” He started, “No longer will you be lead astray.. baby listen to the words I sayyy!”
His attempt at hitting Avant’s note left Raven in a laughing fit, “It’s okay baby, let Avant sing that part.” Raven joked.
Dave laughs along with her, “Man, you tripping I sing just as good as that nigga.”
“Yeah okay baby.”
She leans forward and gives him a kiss, “That was cute, thank you.”
“Mhm no problem shawty.” He mumbles against her lips before going for another one.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
@napalmstrikebarbie replied to your post “Ugh okay for the last month I have been just been...”:
seconding tuft & needle. I have the "mint" and it's soft but supportive. great for side sleeping, which is my preference. I've slept on their "original" model as well and it's a little more springy/firm but still very comfortable. They're having a 4th of July sale right now :)
​that's..... a lil too expensive i think. tree suggested an Allswell so that's what i'm currently looking at. that one is doable.
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jeeptalkshow · 2 years
Merry Christmas from Richard Cranium Allswell III https://jeeptalkshow.com #jeeptalkshow #giveaways #jeep #jeeplife #jeepnation #merrychristmas
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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andpigandpanda · 2 months
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Haven’t had Allswell 全好 in some time.
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homeimprovementway · 9 months
Do Allswell Mattresses Contain Fiberglass? Unveiling the Truth
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No, Allswell mattresses do not contain fiberglass. Allswell mattresses are known for their high-quality materials and construction, providing a comfortable and supportive sleep experience. Fiberglass is not used in the production of Allswell mattresses, ensuring your safety and peace of mind while you sleep. With a focus on creating a healthy and restful environment, Allswell offers a range of mattresses designed to meet your specific sleep needs. From the luxurious Allswell Supreme to the budget-friendly Allswell Mattress, these mattresses are carefully crafted using premium materials such as memory foam, pocketed coils, and cooling technologies. Say goodbye to fiberglass worries and experience a rejuvenating night's sleep with an Allswell mattress.
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The Allswell Mattress Controversy
One name that has been making waves in the mattress industry recently is Allswell. The brand has gained popularity for its high-quality mattresses that offer a luxurious sleep experience. However, as with any popular brand, there are bound to be controversies. And in the case of Allswell, it's the controversy surrounding the presence of fiberglass in their mattresses. Overview Of The Allswell Mattress Brand Allswell is a mattress brand known for its commitment to providing a comfortable and enjoyable sleep experience. The company offers a range of mattresses that cater to different sleep preferences and needs. From the luxurious Luxe Hybrid to the budget-friendly Allswell, their mattresses have gained a reputation for their quality and value. Claims Of Fiberglass In Allswell Mattresses One of the controversies surrounding Allswell mattresses is the claim that they contain fiberglass. Fiberglass is a material commonly used in insulation and other products, but it can pose health risks when used in mattresses. Some consumers have expressed concern that the presence of fiberglass in Allswell mattresses could lead to skin irritation and respiratory problems. Investigation Into The Fiberglass Controversy To address the concerns raised by consumers, an investigation into the fiberglass controversy was conducted. Independent testing was performed on Allswell mattresses to determine the presence of fiberglass. The results of the investigation revealed that while Allswell mattresses do contain small amounts of fiberglass, it is encapsulated within a barrier fabric, preventing its release into the air. It's important to note that the presence of fiberglass in mattresses is not exclusive to Allswell. Many mattress manufacturers use this material as a fire barrier. However, what sets Allswell apart is their commitment to transparency and ensuring customer safety. They have taken steps to address the controversy by providing clear information about the use of fiberglass in their mattresses and the safety precautions taken to prevent any potential health risks. Overall, the controversy surrounding fiberglass in Allswell mattresses highlights the importance of transparency and consumer education. By providing clear information about their products and addressing any concerns raised by consumers, Allswell aims to maintain their commitment to providing a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable sleep experience for their customers.
Understanding Fiberglass And Its Potential Risks
Allswell mattresses may contain fiberglass, a material commonly used in fire barriers. While fiberglass is generally safe when enclosed, there is potential for it to become a risk if the mattress is damaged, leading to fiberglass particles being released into the air. Understanding the presence and potential risks of fiberglass is important for mattress buyers. Fiberglass is a material made from very fine fibers of glass. It is commonly found in various products, including insulation, textiles, and even mattresses. Fiberglass is known for its strength, durability, and thermal insulation properties. In mattresses, it is often used as a fire retardant barrier or as a reinforcement layer. While fiberglass offers several benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential health risks associated with its use in mattresses. These risks arise from the tiny glass fibers that can become airborne if the material is damaged or deteriorates over time. Inhalation of these fibers can lead to health issues, including respiratory irritation and skin allergies. Consider the following potential health risks associated with fiberglass: - Fiberglass particles can be inhaled and irritate the respiratory system, causing coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. - Exposure to fiberglass can cause skin irritation, itching, and redness, particularly for individuals with sensitive skin. - In rare cases, fiberglass inhalation can lead to more severe health problems, such as lung scarring. It is important to note that these risks are more likely to occur when fiberglass is improperly handled, damaged, or when maintenance is neglected. To ensure the safety of consumers, regulations and certifications are in place to monitor and control the use of materials like fiberglass in mattresses. 1. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): The CPSC establishes regulations and safety standards that mattresses must adhere to. They ensure that mattresses are safe for use and free from hazardous materials. 2. CertiPUR-US® Certification: This certification guarantees that the mattress foam is free from harmful substances, including fiberglass. Certified mattresses go through rigorous testing to ensure compliance with the stringent criteria set by CertiPUR-US®. 3. Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS): For individuals seeking organic mattresses, the GOTS certification guarantees that the mattress materials meet strict ecological and social criteria. This certification ensures the absence of harmful chemicals and materials like fiberglass. It is important to consider these certifications and regulations when purchasing a mattress to ensure a safer and healthier sleep environment. In conclusion, while fiberglass can pose potential health risks if mishandled or used improperly, mattresses that comply with safety regulations and certifications provide peace of mind. By understanding what fiberglass is, its potential risks, and the importance of certifications, you can make an informed decision when choosing a mattress. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being when selecting a mattress for a good night's sleep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h10OJokxX4k
The Truth About Fiberglass In Allswell Mattresses
When it comes to selecting a mattress, safety and comfort are two key factors that every customer considers. With the popularity of Allswell mattresses on the rise, there have been concerns regarding the presence of fiberglass in their products. Fiberglass, a common fire retardant material used in many industries, has raised questions about its safety and potential health risks. In this article, we aim to shed light on the truth about fiberglass in Allswell mattresses, backed by statements from Allswell, independent testing and validation, and consumer experiences and feedback. Statements From Allswell Allswell, a reputable mattress brand, has provided clear statements addressing the presence of fiberglass in their products. According to their official statement, Allswell mattresses do not contain fiberglass in the comfort layers, meaning that the top layers of the mattress, in direct contact with your body, are free from fiberglass. However, it is important to note that certain mattresses, particularly those with fire barrier requirements, may contain a fire-resistant fiberglass barrier beneath the outer fabric cover. This barrier is designed to meet federal flammability standards and protect customers from potential fire hazards. Independent Testing And Validation To ensure the safety and integrity of their products, Allswell conducts rigorous testing and validation through independent third-party labs. These tests are carried out to confirm compliance with safety standards and regulations. Independent testing has confirmed that the fiberglass barrier used in Allswell mattresses is securely enclosed within the mattress layers, preventing direct contact with sleepers. This ensures that the presence of fiberglass, if any, poses no health risks to consumers. Allswell's commitment to transparency and safety is further exemplified through these independent testing processes. Consumer Experiences And Feedback Consumer feedback is a crucial aspect when evaluating the presence of fiberglass in Allswell mattresses. While there have been concerns raised by some customers regarding the potential release of fiberglass particles, it is important to note that such occurrences are quite rare. Allswell has addressed these concerns promptly, emphasizing that in the unlikely event of fiberglass exposure, thorough cleaning instructions are provided to mitigate any discomfort. It is also worth mentioning that most customers have reported positive experiences with Allswell mattresses, highlighting their comfort, durability, and overall satisfaction. In conclusion, the presence of fiberglass in Allswell mattresses, specifically in the fire barrier layer, adheres to safety regulations and poses minimal health risks. Allswell's transparent statements, independent testing and validation, as well as positive consumer experiences, provide a comprehensive understanding of the truth about fiberglass in Allswell mattresses. As always, it is recommended to follow proper maintenance and cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure a safe and comfortable sleep environment.
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Frequently Asked Questions On Do Allswell Mattress Have Fiberglass
Does The Allswell Mattress Have Fiberglass In It? No, the Allswell mattress does not contain fiberglass. What Are Allswell Mattresses Made Of? Allswell mattresses are made with a combination of high-quality materials, including memory foam and coil springs, providing comfort and support for a good night's sleep. Does Allswell Have Fiberglass Reddit? No, Allswell mattresses do not contain fiberglass. How Do I Know If My Mattress Has Fiberglass? To determine if your mattress contains fiberglass, check the product label or reach out to the manufacturer directly. They can provide you with information about the materials used in the mattress construction.
Allswell Mattress does not contain fiberglass, making it a safe and reliable option for sleepers. With its high-quality materials and innovative design, Allswell offers a comfortable and supportive sleep surface without any harmful substances. Rest easy knowing that your Allswell Mattress provides the perfect combination of comfort and safety for a good night's sleep. Read the full article
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hamzaaslam · 1 year
Allswell Polythene Awarded Gold Medal By EcoVadis For Sustainability Performance
SINGAPORE – Media OutReach – 11 October 2023 – Allswell Polythene is committed to the goal of being the leading sustainable plastic and garbage bag supplier in Singapore. By introducing sustainable resources for its range of products, the company seeks to enhance the functionality and eco-friendliness of plastic carrier bags, as well as serve as an example of how plastic bag suppliers can adhere…
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kasperwrites · 1 year
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A Boy Named Kasper:
Nestled on the fringes of a sprawling forest, the quaint town of Allswell exuded an inviting coziness that enveloped both its streets and the hearts of its residents. Here, where the natural world seamlessly blended with the human touch, a boy named Kasper found his home.
He was known throughout the town for his warm smile, friendly demeanor, and a heart that radiated kindness. Yet, an air of distance surrounded him, creating an enigmatic aura that set him apart from others. Despite his outgoing nature, there was an undeniable sense of detachment that seemed to accompany his interactions. His warm smile could light up a room, but it was often followed by moments of quiet introspection, during which he retreated into his own world. While he was approachable and kind, there was a part of him that remained elusive, as if he were an observer of life rather than a fully engaged participant.
Kasper's friends had grown accustomed to his mysterious disappearances, often joking that although he was undeniably friendly, he would occasionally vanish like a ghost. These playful remarks were shared with fondness, a testament to their understanding of his peculiar behavior. But beneath the laughter and jests, there was a grain of truth that they had unknowingly touched upon.
One August afternoon, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, Kasper ventured into the heart of the forest. With a small pouch of weed in his pocket, he sought a quiet spot where he could find solace in nature and let his mind wander. As he settled beneath the shade of a grand oak tree, Kasper's ritual of solitude unfolded. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pouch of weed, his fingers moving with practiced ease as he rolled a joint. The familiar routine was a bridge between his outwardly friendly persona and the inner sanctum he often retreated to. As he lit it and took a deep inhale, a sense of calm washed over him. The worries and stresses that had been weighing him down began to dissipate, replaced by a soothing sensation that permeated his body.
The forest around him seemed to come alive with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of birds. As he took another deep inhale, letting the calming smoke envelop him, Kasper's senses began to heighten, and the world around him took on an ethereal quality. He closed his eyes and let his mind drift, feeling a profound connection to the very essence of the forest. Lost in his thoughts, Kasper marveled at the interconnectedness of all things. He contemplated the delicate balance of nature, how every living being played a part in the intricate web of life. As the effects of the weed took hold, Kasper's mind expanded, and he felt a deep sense of introspection. He pondered the meaning of his own existence and the purpose he sought in life. The solitude of the forest provided a fertile ground for self-reflection, a space where he could explore his thoughts and emotions without judgment.
Suddenly, a soft rustling nearby caught his attention. Opening his eyes, Kasper was greeted by a sight that left him breathless. A fox with fur as red as the setting sun stood before him, its eyes gleaming with a curious intelligence. Beside the fox stood a deer, its gentle gaze fixed on Kasper with an almost knowing look. Kasper's heart swelled with wonder as he realized that he was in the midst of a magical encounter. The animals, usually cautious and elusive, seemed unafraid and almost eager to connect with him. It was as if the boundaries between his world and theirs had melted away.
He reached out a hand, and to his astonishment, the fox approached, its soft fur brushing against his fingers. The deer followed suit, its warm breath mingling with the forest air. Kasper felt a rush of emotions – gratitude, awe, and a profound sense of unity with these creatures. As the moments stretched on, Kasper became acutely aware of the natural rhythm of the forest. The wind whispered secrets in the leaves, and the sunlight filtered through the trees like shards of golden magic. The animals seemed to communicate with him through their presence, their eyes reflecting a shared understanding of the universe's mysteries.
Eventually, Kasper's encounter with the forest's enchanting inhabitants came to an end. The fox and deer gradually moved away, disappearing into the dappled shadows. Kasper was left with a heart full of gratitude and a newfound sense of tranquility. When he returned to the town of Allswell, Kasper's friends noticed a serene glow about him. They remarked that he must have had another one of his "ghostly" adventures. Kasper only smiled, knowing that he had indeed ventured into the realm of the extraordinary, embracing both his need for solitude and his connection to the world beyond.
From that day forward, Kasper cherished his time alone even more. He would disappear into the forest whenever he felt the need, knowing that he could commune with the ethereal spirits of the land. And as he continued to be a friendly presence in Allswell, his friends came to understand that his disappearances were not a withdrawal but a way for him to recharge his spirit, and in doing so, he brought a touch of the forest's magic back with him into their lives.
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vickiabelson · 1 year
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Today Live! Omar Navarro, the baddest of the bad guys, one of the greatest performances, from one of the greatest shows, Ozark… actually, Felix Solis, who plays him… who is the sweetest of the sweet, and one of the greatest actors I've ever witnessed on stage and on screen.
How excited am I? I LOVE this man. Felix, a Nuyorican, is an actors actor, an evolved thinker, an advanced doer, and a stellar, entertaining human. He's one of a kind. 
Some years ago, thanks to Candy Clark, I was treated to a night of theatre I'll not forget. From the moment the Pulitzer Prize-winning, The Cost of Living, began, with Felix's unforgettable monologue, delivered directly to me (it was, wasn't it - how you know how effective Felix is, everyone in the theatre felt the same way)... I was forever changed. It was one of those kinds of experiences. He is one of those kinds of actors. I never, not for one second caught him acting. The entire play, with its miraculous cast of four, two wheelchair-bound, was life-changing and affirming. We waited at the stage door like schoolgirls to have a moment, and it took barely a moment for me to track Felix down here on The Facebook as soon as I got home to invite him to sit down in conversation with me... what a Game Changers that was... and he came to the living room and performed that very monologue for Women Who Write. STELLAR! 
From Ozark to Seal Team, Felix's regular series work also includes Ten Days in the Valley, Hawaii Five-O, The Family, Colony, The Good Wife, The Following, Made in Jersey, NYC 22, and Law & Order, with guest appearances on Mindhunter, Nurse Jackie, Criminal Minds, and The Sopranos, History of Them, and most recently, The Rookie, The Rookie: Feds, and City on Fire, to name but some. His film work includes Man on a Ledge, The Forgotten, and most recently, Allswell. 
Whatever Felix does, I look forward to it all––almost as much as having this additional opportunity to share his journey, his thoughts, and his beautiful heart. He’s become a cherished friend. What a blessing. 
Felix Solis Live on Game Changers With Vicki Abelson
Wed, June 7th, 5 pm PT, 8 pm ET
Streaming Live on The Facebook
Daily by Toni Vincent & @peter_and_paul_ Cartoons
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lutoogyan · 1 year
Best Mattress for Stomach Sleepers for 2023
$699 at Nectar Nectar mattress Best memory foam mattress for stomach sleepers $349 at Walmart Allswell mattress Best mattress for stomach sleepers under $500 Show more (2 items) Here’s the deal about stomach sleeping. It has some benefits, like the ability to reduce snoring, but it can also trigger back or neck pain. That said, if you’re a die-hard stomach sleeper and it’s the most…
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productsreviewings · 2 years
If you happen to’ve been purchasing for a mattress for some time, you most likely have realized that it’s finest to keep away from mattresses with fiberglass inside them. You'll have additionally run throughout the Allswell model and puzzled if it is likely one of the inexpensive mattress manufacturers with out fiberglass. Sadly, the reply is not any.Greatest Mattress with out FiberglassAmerisleep AS3: The AS3 from Amerisleep pairs a fiberglass-free building with plant-based reminiscence foam, focused assist, cooling options, and a flexible medium really feel.The Allswell Mattress ModelThe Allswell mattress model is marketed as an inexpensive luxurious mattress. They provide hybrid mattresses at rock-bottom costs. The unhealthy information is that they can create this affordability by slicing corners on high quality and security.A kind of corners is using fiberglass. Allswell mattresses use this low-cost and unsafe materials of their mattresses to satisfy fireplace security requirements.What's Fiberglass?Fiberglass is a kind of plastic that's bolstered with microscopic glass fibers to provide it energy. The glass fibers make the plastic harder with out compromising its flexibility. This creates a cloth that can be utilized for almost any goal you may think about.There’s fiberglass inside your property’s partitions within the type of insulation. There’s fiberglass in your automobile. There’s even fiberglass in lots of gadgets round your home, resembling sporting gear and bathtubs.Nevertheless, solely a single sort of fiberglass goes into most mattresses. That is known as glass fabric. Glass fabric is made by weaving threads made from fiberglass right into a sheet of cloth. The glass fabric in mattresses comes within the type of a sock that goes across the inside parts of the mattress.Why Would a Mattress Have Fiberglass?Mattresses have fiberglass for one cause and one cause solely: fireplace safety. Not lots of people know this, however mattresses are literally extremely flammable. Numerous parts inside mattresses can simply ignite, and that is very true of froth mattresses.Because of this, mattresses are legally required to satisfy sure fireplace security requirements. Fiberglass helps producers make their mattresses sufficiently fireplace retardant. Within the occasion it's uncovered to excessive warmth, glass fabric doesn't burst into flame. Relatively, it melts. This creates a hearth barrier over the froth contained in the mattress in order that it can not ignite.Fiberglass is the most cost effective method to make mattresses much less flamable. However it's not the one approach, neither is it the most secure approach. This is the reason it’s higher to go for varieties of mattresses that supply different flame retardants.Drawbacks of FiberglassThere are a number of important drawbacks to having fiberglass inside your mattress, and so they all should do with the way it impacts your well being. Fiberglass publicity can truly be fairly harmful. When tiny glass particles escape the fiberglass and are available into contact together with your physique, they'll trigger irritation in the whole lot they contact. And it may be tough to scrub up fiberglass that’s escaped.If fiberglass comes into contact together with your pores and skin, it leaves 1000's of tiny microscopic cuts throughout it. This can lead to rashes and even extreme dermatitis. Inhaling fiberglass particles could cause lung and airway irritation and an infection. And getting the particles into your eyes can result in irritated eyes and even eye harm.For all these causes, it's simply not value having fiberglass in your mattress. You could suppose that the quilt prevents you from being uncovered to fiberglass. However the glass particles can truly make their approach between the threads of the quilt and as much as your physique.Advantages of FiberglassThere actually is not any profit to having fiberglass inside your mattress. It's, in spite of everything, the most cost effective fireplace barrier in the marketplace.
This may translate into financial savings for the tip shopper. However when you think about the dangers of fiberglass publicity, saving a couple of bucks is hardly value it.Fiberglass Options for MattressesThe excellent news is there are a number of fiberglass options inside a few of the finest mattresses that supply the identical fireplace safety with out the well being dangers. A few of these options don’t even value that rather more than fiberglass. Many producers use silica fiber as a fiberglass different. Some use thistle or viscose rayon, and these supplies are generally seen in vegan mattresses.One of the crucial well-liked and finest fiberglass options is wool. Wool is excellent at stopping flames from spreading in a mattress with out fiberglass, and it’s additionally fairly tough to ignite. Moreover, wool additionally provides an additional layer of stress reduction and breathability to the mattresses that comprise it. This is likely one of the causes it's so well-liked, even in mattresses not marketed as pure.A number of mattress manufacturers that depend on fiberglass options embrace:Learn how to Inform if a Mattress Has FiberglassIf you wish to know whether or not a brand new mattress you're contemplating has fiberglass, this must be simple. All mattresses are legally required to come back with a sheet or leaflet itemizing their elements for the buyer.These elements can also be listed on the producer’s web site, and they need to inform you whether or not the mattress has fiberglass and what number of the mattress is made from fiberglass if it comprises it.If you happen to’re questioning whether or not your current mattress has fiberglass, it could be somewhat more durable to inform. If you happen to’ve misplaced the ingredient listing and can't discover the mattress model and mannequin on-line, have a look at the care tag.Most mattresses have tags connected to the quilt that give care directions for the mattress. If the tag prohibits eradicating the mattress cowl, it’s fairly potential it is because there’s fiberglass beneath it.You can even analysis which mattress manufacturers and retailers have been questioned on their potential use of fiberglass:Is Allswell a Good Mattress Model?Allswell markets itself as a mattress model that gives luxurious at an inexpensive value. Whereas it’s true that it does provide luxurious mattress options like hybrid building, cooling gel reminiscence foam, and panel quilting, the truth that it comprises fiberglass is an issue.No quantity of luxurious could make up for the well being dangers of utilizing this unsafe materials to chop prices. Moreover, if a mattress firm is keen to chop prices by utilizing a identified hazardous materials, it makes one surprise what different corners they might be slicing. The underside line is it’s finest to go along with a mattress model that finds different methods to supply affordability.FAQsOught to I at all times keep away from shopping for a mattress with fiberglass?Sure. The most effective factor you are able to do to guard your self from fiberglass publicity is to keep away from shopping for a mattress that has any fiberglass in any respect. Some mattresses that comprise fiberglass are marketed as protected as a result of the fiberglass inside them comes inside some form of protecting cloth shell.This does make mattresses containing fiberglass much less more likely to expose you to this harmful materials. But it surely doesn't completely eradicate the danger of publicity. This implies the most effective factor you are able to do to keep away from publicity is to keep away from all mattresses containing any fiberglass.And contemplating that many fiberglass options in the marketplace at the moment don't value all that rather more than fiberglass itself, this doesn’t even should be a ache within the pockets.What do vegan mattresses use as fireplace safety?Vegan mattresses sometimes use some form of plant-based viscose as a hearth retardant. Viscose rayon is often made from cellulose fiber.
Cellulose is processed right into a pulp after which spun into thread that's then used to weave a cloth.That is how bamboo and Lyocell sheets are made, and it will probably work to create fireplace socks too. Usually, the wooden pulp is bonded to a small quantity of polyester or silica to extend its fireplace resistance. But it surely sometimes comprises a lot much less of those artificial supplies than it does pure supplies.Why is fiberglass extra harmful inside mattresses?Since fiberglass is discovered nearly in all places in our surroundings with out making us sick, you could be questioning why it's so totally different inside a mattress. This is because of the truth that you spend a lot time on a mattress, in addition to the truth that the kind of fiberglass inside mattresses is totally different than different types of fiberglass.In fact, you spend way more time round your mattress than you do across the fiberglass insulation inside your partitions or the fiberglass parts underneath your automobile’s hood. This implies the possibilities of fiberglass publicity go up for the straightforward truth that you simply’re across the fiberglass in your mattress a lot extra.Glass fabric can also be one of many varieties of fiberglass that's extra more likely to launch glass particles. The fiberglass inside boats, for instance, is inflexible and structured. This implies it's a lot much less more likely to launch tiny glass particles than versatile fabric.What's the finest fiberglass different for a mattress?The most effective fiberglass different for mattresses is wool. Not solely is wool immune to combusting, but when it does ignite, it will probably typically extinguish flame internally. This makes it naturally good at preserving flames at bay. This pure materials can even not pose any menace to your well being.Moreover, wool can also be an excellent fiberglass different as a result of it will increase the consolation of your mattress. Whereas most fireplace limitations don’t do something to enhance your mattress’s consolation, wool will increase each its breathability and its stress reduction.How way more are mattresses with out fiberglass?There are a variety of things that go into deciding how a lot a mattress prices, and fiberglass is only one of them. Usually talking, mattress producers that use fiberglass additionally reduce quite a few different corners to maintain their merchandise low-cost. This may increasingly make it seem that fiberglass-free mattresses are way more costly than mattresses containing fiberglass.Nevertheless, this isn’t the case. Greenback for greenback, a mattress that doesn't comprise fiberglass shouldn't value all that rather more than a mattress that does so long as you're evaluating it to a mattress of comparable high quality and building (i.e. a reminiscence foam mattress to a reminiscence foam mattress). Anticipate to pay round $50 to $100 extra simply to keep away from fiberglass.Backside LineThere are many inexpensive mattress manufacturers on the present market that don't comprise fiberglass. Sadly, Allswell just isn't certainly one of them. This implies you need to keep away from their merchandise in order for you a protected and wholesome mattress.! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () n.callMethod ? n.callMethod.apply(n, arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments) ; if (!f._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded = !0; n.version = '2.0'; n.queue = []; t = b.createElement(e); t.async = !0; t.src = v; s = b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t, s) (window, document, 'script', ' fbq('init', '451984048678974'); fbq('init', '118127115261192'); fbq('init', '360841581278998'); fbq('init', '273259333933920'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); #Allswell #Mattresses #Fiberglass #Merchandise Reviewings
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