#alola is not one of my favorites by a long shot but it's probably not as lame as i thought it was
antirepurp · 5 months
im starting to see alola as such a peculiar region now that im revisiting it again and i feel like its problems stem more from the presentation and the slowness of events rather than the new stuff it tried to do. like i don't dislike the story for the most part, it still does some stuff i have my gripes with, but it's the performance of the cutscenes that makes them infuriating. it's the characters performing animations and turning their models one by one in such a strict sequential order that makes things take much longer than they need to, or turning after waving at a character to then wave at another character standing next to them. i now that it's a 3ds game that's built onto the code of previous pokemon games but unfortunately the little things add up.
another big thing is the sanitized presentation of your adventurous journey where you play tourist around alola covered in safety gear and fences and guides who show you exactly where you need to go. ride pokemon are fine from a gameplay perspective even if i enjoy the concept of HMs and using your own team to forge a path ahead more, but when they are covered in comfortable chairs and saddles and straps to make sure you don't accidentally fall off and scrape your helmet or knee-pad they start feeling almost mocking to me. you can be trusted to adventure as long as you're coddled and are never given the opportunity to fuck around and find out. the trial gates also gripe me dearly, because not only do they make their game design purpose glaringly obvious, but also the less meta message is that you cannot be trusted to venture over here. the previous games had silly NPCs blocking paths where you weren't supposed to go yet for whatever reason, and sure it was silly but imo much better than slapping a literal fence in your way.
the totem pokemon are alright and provide a new challenge to the gym formula. i like having an rpg with more story and developed characters. i like big urban areas and a region that feels lived-in and maybe, just maybe, i like the freshness of an evil team that consists mostly of wet poodles rather than old men set on world-domination/destruction. unfortunately alola is slow and treats you like a child that cannot be trusted to do anything on their own and i think those are its biggest downfalls
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Would A Trubbish Be A Good Pet?
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Remember the other day when I called venomoths “living, breathing biohazards”? Well, I probably should have held onto that title for trubbishes, everyone’s favorite literal living, breathing biohazards. As much as it may sadden those who, like myself, see a little charm in these little stinky monsters, keeping a trubbish as a pet would be a truly disastrous idea.
I always thought that trubbishes were simply creatures that resembled trash bags. My dismay at discovering how wrong I was hit me about as hard as the stink of walking within twelve feet of one of these pokémon. Trubbishes are, in fact, literally trash bags which have been given life through the power of toxic industrial waste (White, Shield). Are they radioactive? Maybe. It probably depends on the individual. I can tell you this much, though: anything that has been in contact with toxic waste powerful enough to create life is not something to cuddle. Goodness gracious, please do not cuddle a trubbish!
Trubbishes feed on garbage, which on first examination may be a great thing (Black2/White2, Moon). However, much like in the case of Alolan grimers, trubbishes don’t eliminate trash without creating a dangerous byproduct: as a result of consuming garbage, trubbishes generate a toxic gas that they release into the air by belching (Black, Moon). This gas, if inhaled, is enough to send an adult into a week-long coma (Black) requiring a hospital visit (Moon). If inhaled by a young person or pokémon, however, this gas can be lethal (Ultra Moon). It is not a good idea to bring a trubbish into an enclosed, indoor space.
Sure, if you keep your trubbish outdoors and avoid breathing in this gas, you may be able to avoid being sent into a coma by spending time with your little buddy. There’s an unfortunate side effect to keeping a trubbish outdoors too: the stench of their gas attracts other poisonous and toxic pokémon. In the Alola region, trubbishes are known to attract the deadly Alolan variants of grimer and muk (Sun, Ultra Sun), while in Galar their gas attract the region’s variant of weezing (Shield). If a trubbish alone isn’t poisonous enough, they’re likely to attract other poisonous pokémon in your area right to your home. Outdoors or indoors, trubbishes are a lose-lose situation.
They may not be a particularly violent species, but trubbishes can be pretty formidable if they need to attack. They have a truly startling barrage of moves that can induce poisoning, both through physical contact with toxic materials with moves like Toxic Spikes or Gunk Shot and through the inhalation of poison gas with moves like Belch. Again, like I said, living, breathing biohazard.
Look, I know trubbishes are kinda cute, in their own trash-goblin way. They’re really friendly with humans too, as they have adapted the instinct to know that we are the best sources of their food around (Black2/White2). Unfortunately, they are simply too dangerous for anyone to keep as a pet, unless you’re willing to live your life in a hazmat suit while putting all of your neighbors at risk. All of this analysis is pretty mute though, for one reason: I think a lot of people won’t want a trubbish as a pet because they are stinky. Very stinky. You won’t be a very popular person if you share your home with a sentient trash bag.
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
I went on an unfiltered positive soapbox rant in a doc about green oak last night at 1am
please note that I usually post with moderation on my language but this rant does not have this
I have to give you the original. I have to
yo it’s almost 1 in the fucking morning and I played pokemon for 4 fucking hours today and I’m gonna ramble about GARY FUCKING OAK
to start off my ted talk with something partially irrelevant, I cannot get over the fact that green and gary are almost 2 very distinct personalities. they have similarities, but in my head, green has a genuine capacity to be personally malicious, while gary exists for the sole purpose of being as much of a chad as possible
scale of oak: <————————————————> emo bitch         smartass       tax fraud (manga)             (game)              (show)
(I haven’t read the manga in like 10 years and I’m having these vague recollections and I’m like whoa god. I forgot that red and green didn’t know each other in the manga they were literally strangers it’s so weird also they were ALL SO YOUNG)
so basically, gary is a hilarious fucking character whom cade (my brother) and I have distorted beyond belief by making him a rich snob and making endless tax history jokes, and green oak, green fucking oak, is a much more elaborate human being.
real character development as a real life person is growing up and realizing that green is your favorite pokemon character, and not just because he’s comically an asshole and easily mockable, it’s also because he goes through so much fucking implicit character development and it’s VERY IMPORTANT AND COOL.
call it extra and biased but fuck off. no character in pokemon has ever gotten more character development than green oak, and not seeing any of it happen on screen is actually really interesting.
pokemon isn’t generally about character development beyond the dialogue you see on the screen. I mean, apparently it’s little enough about the story that sword and shield completely bailed on the idea of actually having a fucking story, even though sun and moon had a pretty decent one. ANYWAY, green oak is such a fucking cool character because there’s so much room for speculation, and I’m gonna go on a list of reasons why everything about this is neat.
1. he is the only character whom you actually see change in a pokemon game off camera and between long timespans, to my recollection. the only thing to compare this to is the transition between the two fifth gen stories, and while my memory is foggy since I only played black 2 once, I don’t remember any of the characters in that game changing much at all. maybe cheren became less of a dick, whatever. no one cares because he has absolutely no subtext.
2. red is the only protagonist in pokemon history who has made a second appearance. red is a real fucking person, a real pokemon character, and isn’t just a convenient fill-in for the player who gets thrown away after the game is over (LOOKING AT YOU, BLACK 2 AND WHITE 2). green’s relationship to red, no matter how damaged, is a real thing, and a real story element. this is never done in any other pokemon game. green is the only rival whose story continues after the game is over because his counterpart continues to exist.
3. the context of the game. after green barreled through the entirety of kanto, talking red down all the while, and then becoming champion, he gets beaten by red once and for all and his dream of being champion is torn right out of his hands moments after being obtained. everything green cared about is taken away from him by the person he was always mean to. karma, bitch.
so green becomes the 8th gym leader. it doesn’t take two moments of thinking about this to understand how much he doesn’t want this. it’s like, settling for 6th best after your dream job falls through, since nobody knows how the structure of the elite four works.
to top it all off, red RUNS THE FUCK AWAY TO A GODFORSAKEN MOUNTAIN. he takes everything away from green, shatters his world, and then won’t even take the dream that green wanted. can you imagine how mad he’d be about that? green is already having an existential crisis about his behavior problems, he doesn’t need this fucking bullshit. somehow lance becomes the new champion meanwhile even though he’s an elite four member. you’d think green would at least take his place, or something. the amount that I’m confused about this is probably also applies to green. there’s a chance that green rejected the position of champion due to being defeated by red right away, and all the shame he got, but even so, it undoubtably would have taken a toll on him.
finally, here’s the kicker. in spite of all this, green doesn’t make it his business to end the world or some shit. in spite of this, he becomes a better person. green fucking oak has a fucking soul. also, it’s been a VERY long time since I’ve played all of soulsilver, but does green ever complain about red being isolated on mt silver? maybe that’s wishful thinking.
final bout: after years and years, green and red arrive in alola together as grownass men. red came down from the fucking mountain, and green is the one he came to the islands with. this implication of reconcile is so FUCKING IMPORTANT because of what these two have been through for like, the last 20 years.
you cannot POSSIBLY look at this like it’s not a big deal. like, they didn’t just “grow up and get over it.” red had to kick green aside to become the champion (which is still such a fucking good conclusion for the game, like, thinking back on it having a rival who’s a dick to you for the whole game and then destroying his life is grimly poetic), RAN AWAY TO A MOUNTAIN and gave up the title, indicating to green that it didn’t even matter to him (whether he meant that or not, whatever, running away to a mountain is fucking stupid), and in spite of all this, they ended up reconciling. they reconciled. green could have been mad at red for the rest of his life for destroying his dream, regardless of how he treated red when they were younger. maybe green figured that he still had a shot at becoming champion again, but maybe that’s the point. he continues to want to be stronger than red but doesn’t let it carry into how he treats people anymore.
I’m curious, though. what really happened? did red and green put it all behind them? did they deem there someone to blame? did red just become the champion to get back at green after all, and then ran away because he didn’t know how to live with it? or did he run away because it truly didn’t matter to him? or did red become the champion purely out of his own self goals and wasn’t even thinking about green? if so, why did he run away? so many things to think about.
anyway, tldr, green has been through more character development than any other pokemon character and I adore him
also. where the fuck is gold. he defeated red and then ceased to exist
update: in heartgold and soulsilver, green doesn’t seem to know where red is, but in some of his dialogue over call, he tells you that you “remind him of someone” and he mumbles dejectedly about red before hanging up
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stillchaoticlogic · 4 years
Falling: Chapter 2
Pairing: Raihan x Reader
Falling in love is easy…
It’s falling out of love that’s the hard part.
As you try to run from old feelings you meet someone who is determined to bring the spark back into your eyes. Raihan isn’t sure what happened in the past and he doesn’t care. He’s got one shot to make you his and he’s going to take it.
First Chapter: Here
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London Bridge is Falling Down
You honestly can’t remember the last time that you had fun while you battled. Being a trainer then a champion was something you strove to do because you loved the thrill of battle. And yet, you can’t recall the last time it wasn’t something you forced yourself to do. The thrill and the excitement had long since vanished. It was one of the reasons you moved to Alola. They didn’t have a league and you could just focus on your pokemon and yourself. That was before Kukui…
You glance down at your phone as it rings for the 5th time that morning and ignore the call sending it straight to voicemail. The battle tower in Wyndom looms before you. You smile in excitement as you look over to Raihan before you rush in. He’s right behind you a moment later. 
“You said you’re a fan… Who’s your favorite?”
“Havoc, your Garchomp.”
You smile as you put him in the front. A small crowd forms around the two of you. With a smirk, you enter the arena and proceed to demolish the tower. Perhaps it was unfair of you but it’s been a while since you were able to let loose. Your pokemon loved every encounter and preened with every victory. Havoc had way too much fun and seemed to thrill at the battles. Once you reach the top you feel yourself take a breath as you take the victory. With a sigh, you return to the bottom floor where Raihan and a huge crowd had formed. They are all silent as you send them a sweet smile and walk out the door. Raihan trailing along behind shocked. 
“That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life…”
Your laugh is musical, “I’m sure there are far cooler things that you’ve seen.”
“No… That was it.”
You chuckle as you shake your head, “So what now?”
“Yeah! Beating a battle tower makes a girl hungry…” 
“I’ll say…” He says as he takes you to a nearby seafood restaurant. 
“You know this might be the best first date I’ve ever had…” you muse as you plop some dessert in your mouth.
“First date?!” he asks before choking on his drink. 
“Yeah… I mean you want to get married we should probably start at the beginning…”
Raihan hides his face as he chuckles awkwardly, “I’m never living that down am I?”
“Of course not…”
“Don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“No… What makes you say that?”
“Well, there’s always that guy near you.” “Kukui?”
“No, not the professor, that really tall handsome guy… Kinda looks like an anime character…”
“There are all those rumors about the two of you…”
“OH! You mean Joker…”
“Yeah! Joker, my Zoroark! He can cast illusions. I had an overzealous fan a few years ago and Joker cast an illusion to get him to back off. It’s kinda stuck, now he will cast illusions every once in a while just to mess with the media. He has fun doing it, and it helps to control the crazies.” 
“That’s… your pokemon?”
“And you just let him mess with the world?”
You just shrug, “It’s a harmless prank.”
“You aren’t afraid it’s going to….hurt your love life?”
“What love life? I’ve spent the last three years running a league and being its champion. Who has time to meet people when an entire region relies on you?”
“You sound like Lee…”
“It’s the way things are… If anyone told me what being a champion entailed then I would have passed… It’s no wonder Red disappears into the mountains so regularly.”
“You know Red?!
“We’ve battled a few times…”
“So were you serious about this being our first date, cause I think I’m in love…”
You throw your head back with a laugh, “I bet the girls love you.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Oh… cause you’re smooth… it’s too bad I’m immune to smooth.”
“Immune to smooth? What does that even mean?” he asks with a smirk as he leans forward and rests his hand on top of yours.  
You lift your foot and brush it up his leg stopping when it reaches his inner thigh, you smirk as he gets very still and swallows. Your eyes are locked with his and you part your lips giving him a sultry look as you lean into him. 
“What-” he begins.
You slip your foot from his thigh and take your napkin and wipe the corner of his mouth, “You have crumbs here.”
He leans back and turns away from you. You let out a sweet giggle as you lean casually back in your seat. 
“You okay there dragon boy?”
“Dragon boy?”
“I’ll think of something better later.”
He lets out a scoff and you smirk as you hold his gaze, he looks away again and your smile widens. 
“Can we go shopping? I need some new clothes… Everything I have isn’t warm enough.”
“Uhh sure, I’ll just get the bill…” he practically leaps from the table. 
“Sweet I’ll meet you outside.”
Flurstering Raihan was more fun than you had had in a long time. After being expected to be so busy and so serious all the time, it was nice to let loose a little. Did you probably take it too far? Maybe… You doubt he was complaining though. You know how men like Raihan work. He’s a ladies man and he likes to fluster the women in his presence. You were only playing along, it’s not your fault that you’re a better player than he is. 
“You ready?” Raihan asks as he comes up behind you and murmurs in your ear. 
You glance over your shoulder in boredom before you turn to face him fully, “Of course.”
“I’ll get you back before the day is over.”
“Of course you will Dragon Boy…”
He sends you a smile, his sharp canine showing.
The two of you head down the much busier streets. Raihan gets quite a bit of attention from pretty much everyone he passes. He loves it, you can tell from the way that he waves or smirks a the girls he passes. He gives little boys autographs and stops to talk to trainers that approach him. You mostly stay in the background content to be left alone. You’re not opposed to fan service, it’s just annoying that all you want to do is go shopping and the world won’t let you. 
You finally make it to the boutique and you heave a sigh as walk in away from the prying eyes of the public. 
“Oh thank Arceus!” you exclaim.
The girl behind the counter looks confused but you just send a smile and head off to find something you like. After you have gathered several outfits you head to the fitting room.
“What do you think about this one?” you ask as you open the curtain. 
Raihan looks stunned when you walk out wearing a pair of tight black jeans, a cami with a sweetheart neckline and a red jacket. 
“Looks good…” he says after he got his bearings back. 
“Hmm…” you hum before you go to try on another outfit.
The next one is a cobalt blue form-fitting dress that had the man going wild. 
“That’s a good one...too…” he says as he looks away. 
“One more!” 
You pop out wearing a black skirt with a deep red cami and a black blazer. 
“Everything looks great on you, you know that!”
“Aww thanks, Raihan!” you say a smile and a wink. The man thought his heart was going to come out of his chest. 
“Come on… I have a surprise for you,” Raihan says after he had all your purchases sent back to the inn you’re staying at. 
“Oh? Is it our wedding?”
“Could be… You ready to lock it down?” he asks as he pulls you along behind him. 
“I can do better…” you tease. 
“Than me? No way!”
“Speak for yourself Dragon Boy!”
“What’s with the boy shit?  You know I’m a man right?”
“Oh? Have I offended the great and terrible Raihan?”
“Dragon Boy makes me sound like some wannabe… You’re going to have to come up with something better if you’re going to be my wife.”
“I’ll get on that…”
Raihan stops in front of the sky wheel and you gaze up at it in wonder. 
“Ready?” he asks as he glances back at you. 
You nod and the two of you make your way onto the sky wheel just as the sun starts to set. 
“You know… this would be the perfect place to get married…” you say as you glance over to him a smirk on your face. 
He sends you a boyish smile as he moves your hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear, “Is that what you want?” he whispers as he draws his thumb down your cheek then over your jawline. 
“Yes…” you breathe out, “Call Leon…”
Raihan pulls back and laughs and you do, you lean against him in hysterics.
“You would marry Leon over me? It would take 3 hours for him to get here from that light pole,” he says indicating a light on the bridge. 
“Probably not… He seems nice but he’s not my type…”
“Oh? Who is your type?” he asks looking genuinely interested. 
You look away from Raihan and back over the city. You currently had fifteen missed calls from the man you fell in love with. 
You let out a light scoff, “That doesn’t matter because I don’t have time for such things anyway.”
Raihan frowns, “Doesn’t mean you don’t have a type… Plus you deserve someone to take care of you too.”
You glance over at him, “Someone to take care of me? Who would want to do that?” You can’t keep the bitterness from your voice and you clamp your mouth feeling the playful mood die.
He frowns at your question, “Why wouldn’t someone who loved you not want to do that?” 
Your gaze is guarded as you hold his stare, “Hmm… I suppose that’s the question isn’t it?”
Raihan moves closer to you and puts his arm around you pulling you against his much larger frame. You’re surprised when you feel a sense of protection coming from him. He rests his chin on the top of your head and you feel yourself stiffen at the contact. 
“Raihan what-”
“Shh… just… I don’t know what happened to you to make you think no one wants you but that’s bullshit. You’ve always been so strong, but has anyone ever stopped long enough to allow you to breathe? It must be hard having to be strong for everyone all the time.”
“How do you…”
“Leon puts on a brave face, but he gets so tired sometimes. When he gets a day off all he wants to do is sleep. I can’t remember a time when he wasn’t running around having to do Rose’s bidding or taking care of a catastrophe or making public appearances. Even just going out for a beer is an event where people won’t leave us alone. You’ve been doing for 3 years what Leon has done for a few months. I know you’re tired…”
You just nod unsure of why you’re opening up to a man you just met, “I am...I’m exhausted.”
“Don’t worry… I’m going to find a way for you to get your spark back…”
“My spark?”
“Yeah! You didn’t become my favorite trainer because of that cute butt of yours… even if it did help…” he says as he scratches his cheek looking innocently up at the ceiling. 
“So you’re a butt guy?”
He sends you a wolfish grin in reply. 
“Hmm… interesting…”
“Why is that interesting?”
“Just is…”
“Why do I feel like I’m being judged right now?”
“Because you are.”
“What does that mean?!”
“Nothing…” you say innocently. 
Raihan pouts as he just pulls you closer to him, “Nothing my ass…”
“I mean you have a nice ass too… but not as nice as Leon’s.”
“Did you just say Leon has a better ass than me?!”
“I’m hurt! He can beat me in battle and deny me the championship, but he can’t have a better ass than me!”
You laugh as you wrap your arms around his waist and rest yourself a little farther against him snuggling against him, “You forgot that I’m going to marry him too.”
“That’s it! Get off of me you can’t use me for my body while insulting me.”
You giggle as you go to pull away.
 “Damn girl I was kidding! Come back!”
You laugh even louder as he possessively pulls you back against him. He sends you a devious smile as he pulls you into his lap and rests his chin back on your head. 
“Someone is a little possessive…”
“Well… I’ve had my eye on you for years… what makes you think I’m okay with letting you go now?”
“Uhh… well…”
“You turn to look at him, “You’ve been my fan for years??”
He looks away unable to meet your eye, “Yeah… Ever since…”
“Ever since….?”
“Ever since you destroyed everyone in the Unova League…”
“That was years ago…”
“Yeah well… I like your battle style…”
“Umm hmm…” you say with a smirk. 
“What does that little ‘umm hmm’ mean?” he asks defensively.
“Damn woman… You’re going to be the death of me…”
“Nope, I’m going to be the death of Leon… He’s my future husband…”
“Damn… that’s cold.”
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! This was not the intention at all and yet here we are... I have no regrets though... Let me know your thoughts in a comment! I love reading them!
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Let’s Talk About Pokemon - Gen 7 Retrospective
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That's at least a little more sizable than the XY generation was. Granted we have some Alolan Forms to help inflate the numbers a bit. Sure, if you were to count Gen 6′s Mega Evolutions, Gen 7 would be the actual smallest Gen to date. But remember what I said last generation's recap with how Gamefreak seemed to be taking a “quality over quantity” approach for that generation? That mentality seems to be back in full force here. 'Cause we're looking at my second favorite Gen right behind Gen 5.
I did bring up that Gen 6 was my third favorite generation in terms of the new, numerical Pokemon introduced. What has Alola muscle over it is how it's crammed as much inventiveness into the designs as they could think. The starters, the Legendaries/Kinda-Legendary Ultra Beasts, even the common fodder Pokemon have a little more going on than their typical ilk. And even some of the more boring designs like Oranguru and Passimian have interesting battle mechanics by changing the way you can approach double battles entirely on their own.
That also seemed to be a focus this generation. Not all of course, but a lot of the new Pokemon seemed to be based on different gameplay interactions and having unique abilities or signature moves. Between Salandit's Corrosion to Minior's Shields Down to Mimikyu's Disguise to Toucannon's Beak Blast and to Toxipex's Baneful Bunker. They really tried taking a shot at making each Pokemon have something unique to bring to battles. They even essentially made a more tournament-rules friendly alternative to Arceus in Silvally.
But there's a little subject more contentious about Gen 7 than the Pokemon, of course. That being the games themselves, which feel like they got the fandom split. I like Sun and Moon, but even I'll admit Gamefreak's gotta try a little harder for Gen 8. All the inventive things they've tried from a gameplay perspective ultimately don't change much. The game still had an 8-mini-act structure just like the Gym games. HMs getting replaced with Ride Pokemon is nice, but is still the same mechanic with different dressing. The biggest changes in the usual story structure don't even matter that much, the biggest change feeling like you get to know the region's Legendary Pokemon from the very start in the form of Nebby. Otherwise, it's just A Little Bit Better Written Than Usual. Y'know, not that Pokemon games tend to be master classes in writing anyway, its only real competition there being Black and White's story. (And even then, Sun and Moon's in desperate need of a Skip Cutscene button.)
Then there’s the Let’s Go games, which I suppose are technically Gen 7 games. Those got even more divisive. Some love it, others hate it. I personally just find it boring as a rather dumbed down remake of the Kanto games, only really playing because it was an excuse to use Melmetal. There’s some neat things in there that I wouldn’t mind seeing implemented in the main series (namely overworld-wandering Pokemon and AVs replacing EVs.) Just please keep the very poorly implemented Go-imitating catch mechanics as far away from the main series as possible.
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Pokemon’s also starting to get more competition recently as well. Other than Digimon of course. Ni No Kuni, eventually Tem Tem, of course, the rise of the mighty Yokai Watch, which to my understanding, has been wrecking Pokemon in terms of sale numbers in their home region. Each of them implementing monster-catching RPG mechanics in their own unique way. I can’t speak for Yokai Watch, but Ni No Kuni is a lot more like a traditional JRPG, with the monsters being familiars that still fight in battle, but the trainers themselves also participate in the battle as well! And Tem Tem, while very much like Pokemon, is giving it more of an MMO angle. While I’m not one to shout about how much Pokemon just NEEDS to make an MMO with ALL THE REGIONS already, I am interested in seeing where TemTem winds up. It IS a Kickstarter game that made way more than it asked for, but as we know from a certain Strong Numerical Value That Is One Less Than Ten, that’s no guarantee it’ll be amazing. But worth keeping an eye on. It still has the potential to be something Gamefreak’s gonna have to watch out for.
Whether I like these other games or not, I appreciate that they exist, because they mean that sooner or later Gamefreak's gonna have to get their ass in gear and do something about it. I'm really getting burnt out on a new Pokemon game coming out literally every year. What I've wanted more than ever is for Gamefreak to at least take a hiatus from the yearly releases to have the game that comes after said break to really kick it out of the park. I get that the Ultra games probably didn't take up much development time and from my understanding Let's Go was made by a whole different team, so those games coming out in the years between Sun and Moon and Sword and Shield might not have much bearing on the latter's quality, but still. Pokemon's not had a major mechanical update since they introduced Abilities in Gen 3. I just hope Gen 8 does something interesting or has some form of major mechanical overhaul. Not asking Pokemon battles to be in real time or anything. Just some new Super Forms and powerful one-off moves aren’t gonna cut it for me. After over 20 years of Pokemoning and on, what, year 8 of a new Pokemon game coming out every year? I'm a little bit fatigued.
...Okay, let's end this on a better note than that.
I AM still exciting to see what Gen 8 has to offer, and I hope they mean it when they say they're trying something different. And of course, I'm ALWAYS gonna be excited to see some more new Pokemon. Gens 5, 6, and 7 are proving they're nowhere close to being out of steam yet, and I can't wait to see more Gen 8 Pokemon come our way in the coming months.
Top 10 Favorites of Gen 7:
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Dangit this is hard. So many to love! So many new super-duper-tippity-top favorites!! Shout outs to Palossand, Silvally, Salandit, Xurkitree, and Buzzwole. There's just too many good'ens!!!!
Bottom 10 Least Favorite of Gen 7:
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Amazingly, the only Pokemon here I really “dislike” is Zeraora. The rest are just that cherry-picked handful of Alolan Pokemon I don't really care that much about. Hurray!
Bottom 10 Least Favorite Overall:
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Almost got through with no new additions. Almost.
The Cutest:
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God this Generation was good for Pokemon I just want to pick up and hug. Or in Mimikyu's case, get horrendously murdered by because I got a little too close to taking its rag off. And I'd still say “Thanks.”
The Coolest:
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The Prettiest:
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The Spookiest:
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This gen was really good to scratch a Halloweeny itch. A BUNCH of cool new ghosts, complete with the eerie head leech Pokemon I never would’ve suspected would make it into Pokemon!
Most Creative:
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Weirdest/Most Unique:
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This section here could've been filled with Ultra Beasts alone if I really wanted to, haha.
Most Forgettable:
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Magearna is here not necessarily because I think the design is forgettable, but gee wizz I keep thinking it's not a Gen 7 Pokemon.
Most Personality:
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Here's a new section! Gen 7 had a lot of personality-based designs, so there was actually a fair bit of competition for a slot like this. Buzzwole and Bewear are just hilarious, and I'm still thoroughly impressed with Meltan. They managed to cram so much adorable personality into such a simple design. And I’ll eat my hat the day we get a Pokemon more smug than Salandit.
Most Under-Appreciated:
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Poor Stakataka keeps getting dismissed because of its bad typing... not that I can blame anyone because Rock/Steel is easily the most boring of all the UB typings, especially when we had room to have a Ghostly duo between it and Blacephalon to have us our first Rock/Ghost type!
Most Long Overdue Concepts:
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Seriously, how'd it take 7 generations to get a wolf and a mosquito? Let alone 6 generations to finally get a second MANTIS and traditional horse Pokemon?! As far as spooky Pokemon go, you'd think a shipwreck would be one of the easier and more obvious concepts to go after, even if the one we finally got didn't take the form I expected it to. And Araquanid's just here because a fully evolved BUG/WATER was a long time frickin coming.
Best Regional Variants:
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At least I'm naming the category that way because Regional Variants better be a series mainstay from now on!! These are the Alolan Forms with the most fun alternate take on their original forms. And Vulpix and Ninetales are there because fox solidarity.
Best Ultra Beasts:
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Again, I really hope Ultra Beasts won't be an Alola-Only thing. I want to avoid talking about Gen 8 spoilers to be considerate of anyone that wants to avoid those, but a certain image carved into the ground in a particular scene has me hoping Ultra Beasts might be returning. And that Xurkitree could have a big brother in the near future. There's hardly much basis because said carving could literally be anything, but. Please.
Anyway, I love the Ultra Beasts as a concept of extra-dimensional alien beings. Some sell the look of freaky aliens better, especially ones like Nihilego, Xurkitree, Kartana, and Celesteela. But nonetheless, these 6 are my favorites out of our roster. HOPEFULLY so far.
Pokemon That Should’ve Gotten Alolan Forms:
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I tend to agree that limiting Alolan Forms to Gen 1 Pokemon only was a silly thing to do, but even minding that, I feel like there was crazy amounts of missed potential here. Seel and Dewgong just desperately need some fresh attention to stop being Pokemon’s more forgettable critters. While I suppose Lapras and Tentacruel are excusable given they’re sea dwellers regardless, I totally wouldn’t mind electric jellyfish versions of the Tentas, or even a Kracken-based form for the former. This was also MORE than an opportunity to redeem Dragonite with a more Dragonair-like variant. And some tropical jungle variations of Paras and Venonat would be neat. I’m just saying, a Venomoth turned into more of a Tropical Hawkmoth would’ve been killer.
And Parasect hurts the most. You’re telling you’re gonna have Parasect inhabit this jungle area along with another, brand new mushroom Pokemon. AND you’re gonna introduce the concept of Gen 1 Pokemon taking on new forms based on the new and radically different habitats in Alola. And you’re just NOT gonna place some glowing mushrooms on their backs, turn them pale white, and call them Bug/Fairy types?!?!?! Hello?!?!!??!?
...Oh, am I forgetting something?
Top 50 Favorites Overall:
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...Surprise! Yeah, just sorta decided “why not?” This is our last Gen for the rest of the year, so let's end it on a “Look At All My Favorites!” type of a bang. Also because it pained me to see all these not make it to some sort of Top Favorites highlight. And of course, they might not be 100% consistent with scores or previous Top 10 favorites. I'm only a human with a finicky brain that is constantly changing how absolutely precisely I feel about every single one of these. 
And... that's it... that's every single Pokemon reviewed. Every single Gen Recapped. We've had lots of ups and downs and plenty of getting a little too excited about cartoon animals. Gen 8 is still a ways away, and even when it comes out, I'd like to wait a few months to let the new designs settle into my mind before I go writing opinion pieces on all of them. And of course, for official artwork to be out for everybody.
BUT I do have a handful of ways to pass the time until Gen 8 does come out... What's up next exactly? Well, we won't have to wait too long, thankfully...
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What do you know about legendary ghost pokemon, like giratina or marshadow?
Oh, I’ve been hoping I would get an ask like this! legendaryPokémon are some of my favorite things!
First of all… you might not believe it, but I’ve actually hadthe chance to meet one of the legendary ghost Pokémon: Lunala! The exactdetails of how and when are confidential, but I can confirm that she lives in Alola!Lunala has two pre-evolutions: Cosmog and Cosmoem, both psychic types, butLunala is psychic/ghost (it’s also possible for Cosmoem to evolve intoSolgaleo, part steel!). Lunala has connections to another dimension calledUltra Space, and can open up Ultra Wormholes to those spaces. One really coolthing Lunala can do is harness the power of the moon’s light, making it appeardark, then can use that power in concentrated blasts. She’s a really sweetPokémon, and I wish you could meet her!
Speaking of Ultra Space, I have heard of at least two moreexamples of Pokémon that come from there. One can apparently fuse with Lunalato become ghost, and I know almost nothing about the other that comes fromthere, other than that it has the code name “UB Burst”. I’ll make sure toresearch both the next time I’m in Alola.
I suppose the next one to talk about is Hoopa. I haven’t donemuch research on this one yet, either, and probably don’t know much more aboutit than anybody else. It’s psychic/ghost, like Lunala, and has another formthat’s psychic/dark. It’s known to teleport things with the hoops it has, andsome legends state it stole an entire castle, but I don’t have much other thanthat.
Giratina, though… this is one of my favorites. I’ve studiedthe Sinnoh myths for a long time, as that’s my native region, and everythingabout Arceus and the Pokémon it created are fascinating to me! I won’t go intotoo many details about that now, though. It’s a ghost/dragon type, and it livesin the Distortion World, a different dimension. Its body is made of a substanceunlike anything even in our universe, so it’s forced to change its shape andcomposition upon entering ours.
And, of course… Marshadow! Marshadow has got to be the mostmysterious legendary I know. From what I can tell, it’s a fighting/ghost type,and that’s basically it. But! After meeting with Johto’s ghost Gym Leader,Morty, I’ve learned he’d been adamantly studying legendary Pokémon, and inparticular, Ho-oh. And, in his research, he’s found vague records of Marshadowguarding it! It might be a long shot, but since then I’ve been studying andsearching for Ho-oh with him, and in the process, for Marshadow!
There is more I know abouta few of these, but I tried to keep it simple for now-this is already a VERY longpost. I’ll be sure to talk about them in the future, though!
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beowulfs-booty-call · 6 years
Professor Willow for that character challenge
Me, currently about to go writing another field journal report: Plz don’t judge me Arceus. You MADE him like this.
Sexuality Headcanon: Honestly all professors are gay end of story. waioesjdfi I’m gonna say gay. Simply because there isn’t anything straight about him too like have you seen the way he dressed himself? Literally gay athlete who douses himself with the sports bottle he carries with him.
Gender Headcanon: Male. Just your average guy who dedicated himself to Pokemon and has been traveling the world to stretch his research internationally. (Probably was a Gen 1 fan at first seeing as Oak is his mentor) What an icon™
A ship I have with said character:
Willow and the GO™ trainer (Aka all of us awfesdg)
Willow and his star field researcher! (I have yet to, but I’m gonna be drawing up a series of like one shots between me and him because Y E S)
A BROTP I have with said character:
Oak / Willow = “Wow dad you’re so old.” “Look in the mirror smartass” The two are... Well, one may be the teacher, but both are rivals in the way they’ve studied Pokemon. I’d say Willow is more than eager to surpass his old teacher and learn more, but Oak’s still on the cusp of teaching him that knowledge and wisdom comes with both age and experience, not just talent.
Willow / Sycamore = Sycamore teaches him how to flirt but all he can say in French is Omelette du fromage. Sycamore just gives him a thumbs up and nods. Also likes to talk to Willow about his thoughts on Lysandre and other presumptions of Mega evolution. Currently, the professor has been researching it with me!
Willow / Kukui = Nut Oil 
The two are super super close in terms of being pretty darn compatible! One likes to trek the world, the other likes to TAKE Pokemon moves front and forward. I’d say they’d both pull up at the gym to compare research before getting down to it (Don’t think like that, ya nasties. Unless you DM about it so I can die with you on it.)
I’d say because they’re the most newest professors to be “here”, they’re more than eager to prove their work, but once the Professor told me that he’s worked in Alola for a short while to get a better understanding of Z moves... I wonder if he has a Z ring..? I heard those are WAY special, even for a regular guy like me!
Willow / Juniper = Can you imagine if Willow like, had a past with her / knew her when he was younger and they had a “thing”? Like, maybe not BF / GF but like, openly flirting with each other but neither actually taking a step. They’re close friends regardless and do like to chat when free... But I think internally, Juniper’s greatest “regret” would be similar to Agatha: She never really had time for romance or for being “a simple person” since she’s always gonna be Professor Juniper: Woman extraordinaire. And I don’t mean this in a bad way at all, what I’m getting at is: Juniper is the pillar of stability for Unova as a professor, so, she doesn’t have time devoted to being anything else but that. I like to think that she and willow have that in common; The desire to be unique, yet... Also the desire to be a normal person too. 
In reality, it’s probably Willow who reminds her that everyone can be that too: Self care’s important as if you don’t take care of yourself... How the hell you gonna take care of anybody else can I get an amen?
It’s that reasoning that causes Juniper to take Bianca as her assistant: not just to give her help round the lab but to help Bianca form her identity like she wanted to with the help of the BW protagonist as we see in her Dreamlink battle.
Willow / Elm = He... Doesn’t know Elm much since Elm’s more than happy to take time to simply work on Pokemon breeding and abilities, but the two get along alright. In reality, Elm was the one who gave Willow advice / basics of Pokemon eggs and helps him develop theorems based on what eggs can hatch what Pokemon we have now! TBH, I’d say if given the chance, Willow is literally the “Cool guy” at the party and Elm is the “Hey I’m just here for the dog” dude. They both bond over Candela’s growlithe who was hatched out an egg and had ice fang as a move.
Willow / Masked Royal = Willow keeps a poster of him in his lab! (I had to REALLY get him to get me one too, god, so lucky!) He’s a fave of the professor and even Willow has been “trying” to wrestle! Tho, given how much he’s had to be bandaged afterwards, and Kukui prolly told him how he once got guillotined by a Vikavolt I don’t think it’s a good idea... That said one time the professor showed up to alola to see a match and the Masked Royal invited him to fight against him and boy oh boy I STILL wanna hear what happened! Supposedly the joint said it was one of their biggest events yet! The headliner? 
“Rag-tag wannabe Wrestler sizes up the comp. with the Masked Royal! Blow to blow and and Pokemon to Pokemon, there is no competition without motivation!”
Willow and the other assistants = 
Spark: “Thanks so much for Mcdonalds dad!”
“Dad?”All three, eating a McFlurry in summer ‘17: “Dad.”
Honestly Willow trusts them a great deal and it’s obvious he’s the guiding hand to their exploits and understandings of their own journeys. Blanche learns about the power of emotion and trusting in others, Candela learns about taking things easier and letting go, and Spark understands the essence of both knowledge and power: He still walks the middle path.
He sees aspects of himself in each of them, but I’d say that’s his favorite thing about them: it reminds him he’s still growing and journeying on his own too!
A NOTP I have with said character:
Child characters as a whole
A random headcanon: Willow once tried out to be a Pokemon ranger, but in regions and times where Rangers aren’t “very well used” globally aside from Fiore and certain other places, Willow dedicated himself instead to research as he was more so interested with reading his Styler’s bestiary rather than to simply befriend Pokemon alone.
Because of this, he can still USE a capture styler, and he’s a fairly good ranger, but in spite of the effort to BE a ranger, he’s much more better and tossing curve balls and getting an “Excellent” on a jigglypuff!
General Opinion over said character:
Daddy of my ass
And the coolest professor thus far! There’s a lot of things unsaid about him but man... I’m totally here for him! And not JUST because he’s cute as fuck. He’s always a caring character who watches your trainer grow and motivates you to keep on going forward! 
It’s hard not to like that when you’re playing the game and incorporating that in your daily life! 
I think unconsciously I also still have that big dad issues thing where that when I have a father figure in life, I WANNA do things to make them proud because of the little to no relationship with my own father. I’ve done that with my high school teacher, and I’ve cried when I saw that in Lisa’s Substitute from the Simpsons. It reaches into that for Willow to be so welcoming and a breath of fresh air, it’s turned into a “I wanna do this not JUST to be praised for it. I wanna do it because it’s for ME.” instead. I mean, I’ve grown from the person I was, but there’s still the need for wanting to make someone proud and to see that Willow is pretty big now on measuring your journey now with these daily tasks, I think that sorta makes me idk more grateful for a character like that?
My feelings for the dude as a whole started out as thirst, but it’s become more of a psychoanalysis of my own relationships with men and my “types” as a whole. I quite like that, since he isn’t so “detailed” as it stands. It gives me more of a chance to make him out to be instead something I want to be, rather than what I just find ideal.
Pfftt, sorry, it sounds rather complicated, but really saying? Willow is kinda like the new beginning I wanna start for myself for a long time. I’ve reached it, but it’s the fact that he’s such a cool character that it’s really just me projecting wanting to be that cool on a character that COULD really be amazing. I’d say I’ve reached that coolness now, being myself. So, only thirst remains.
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jolteonjordansh · 7 years
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Day 1: “Successor”
Synopsis: It’s been five years since Wes and Rui have defeated the criminal syndicate Cipher, and since their disbandment the duo have advanced their travels to a wider scale as they visit multiple regions. Upon making their recent arrival to the tropical region of Alola however, Rui discovers the potential uprising of old adversaries.
Author’s Note: It’s the first day of 2017’s Orre Week! I hope to get everything in on time, but if I don’t I’ll still be sure to post everything I have planned! This may disappoint some people, but this is pretty much the only prompt that will directly connect to the events of Pokémon Colosseum. My focus will be the events after Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. But this is a story I wanted to get out. I should confess though: This is actually my first time drawing Wes and Rui. Okay, maybe not first time ever—I did an old comic back in elementary school regarding origin stories of this duo, but my headcanon has drastically changed since then and I can’t even find the original material. Still, this is my first time actually drawing default Wes and Rui and as much as I wish it was better, I’m mostly happy with how it turned out! Still, I never realized how ridiculous Wes’ hair is… lol
I hope we all have a great Orre Week, and I hope you guys like my contributions! I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous as this is some of the first writing I’ve posted online in years, so I could be a bit rusty. Proceed under the break to read today’s one-shot!
His black boots trampled against the wooden stairs as Wes trekked up to the next floor, his Espeon and Umbreon trotting adjacent to his left and right. Reaching into a pocket in his blue coat, he pulled out a card as he made his way towards a door. Placing the card up against the knob, it clicked and he opened the door as he and his Pokémon companions passed through the door.
“Oh, you’re back already?”
Wes looked towards one of the beds, where Rui laid back as Espeon stood up to the side of the bed, rubbing his head against her hand with a soft purr. She was one of the few sights that could crack a genuine smile out of Wes, and he nodded as the door shut behind him. “The trainers are still pretty sparse around here, but I’ve noticed they have quite a close connection with their Pokémon, even if they’re not as challenging as some from the other region.”
“Yeah, a lot of them walk around with their Pokémon everywhere. There’s so many cute companions around here!” She giggled, looking down at the pink feline and his approaching ebony ally. “But not as cute as you two, of course.”
“Don’t spoil them Rui. They’ll become too content with all of the attention you give them.”
“Oh, relax. You keep them well-trained as it is. Just because you’re not as affectionate doesn’t mean I can’t be,” She reached her hands as she pet them both, their purrs harmonizing.
“You make it sound like I don’t care for them at all. These guys are the closest thing I have to family,” Wes sat down on the adjacent bed. “And how have you enjoyed your down time?”
“Oh, I just woke up from a nap. I can’t believe how much there is to do on Melemele Island! This place is just so beautiful, and this region still has other islands we can visit. I had to have a day to take it all in!”
“I guess this is our most relaxing visit yet. I guess you made the right decision picking it out.”
“It’s almost like if Agate Village were a whole island. I think I’m ready to pick it out for the both of us to stay here!”
“Come on, cut that out. You’re being silly,” Wes looked down and scratched underneath the chins of his companions, noticing what seemed like a pair of smirks between them. “I still want to be able to go back to Orre too. I’ve got pals to meet up with at the Outskirt Stand when we go back, if hell hasn’t frozen over and Officer Johnson hasn’t caught them.”
“I know, and I want to go see grandma and grandpa when I can too,” Rui looked over towards the TV running in the background as she held the remote out. “I do hope they’re doing alright though. The P*DA’s service doesn’t really work outside of Orre, and you know how my grandparents are with technology…”
“You’re not trying to search for the ONBS through the TV service here again, are you? You’ve done that in every region we’ve visited, and you’re never successful. I get that you’re so blown away by how many channels they all have, but ONBS just has too limited of a broadcast.”
“I just want to try, alright? Is that such a bad thing to do?”
“Well, alright. I’m just saying it’s probably a hopeless cause,” Wes shrugged as he scratched behind Espeon and Umbreon’s ears, listening to their shrills of delight as his two friends turned over towards him instead and leaned into his hands. His ears blocked out the clicking of the TV, staring into the violet and red eyes blinking at him as he gave them a gentle smile.
I do wonder how things are in Orre, His mind wandered, but easily he remembered just how little Orre had changed in his time living there. Even in his life living alongside Team Snagem, his life had been mundane. The places he saw never changed. The people barely changed. Regulations never changed. Even when Cipher had reared their ugly heads into the scene, only a handful of people took action.
The police force was nearly nonexistent after all, as Chief Sherles and Officer Johnson were the only ones who strived for any sort of peace. Only the occasional bystanders like Duking ever bothered to step in. There was the Kids’ Grid, of course, but they were just as their name implied—kids. As skilled as they were with technology, they didn’t have the resources to reach any further than Orre. For all Wes knew, they could have been continuing with their usual work behind the scenes in The Under as he and Rui continued to travel.
But Orre had found peace after he had stepped in, and that was what mattered. The usual petty crimes of bandits and lone wolves would continue throughout the region, but he wasn’t a superhero meant to handle the region’s problems. These were mere misdemeanors that would take care of themselves. The world was built to handle those who could survive in it, and nature would take its course. It was only if humanity strayed nature too far from its course that it required such interference.
Still, I can’t help but wish to see Orre improve for the better. Solving everyone’s problems is a nice thought, just not feasible, He ruffled his hands against Espeon and Umbreon’s heads. I suppose it’s just best to believe Orre is on a road towards improvement.
He lifted his head up at the sound of her gasp. “What? You didn’t seriously find it, did you?”
“In a way, but… Not in a way I was hoping. Look!”
As Rui sat up and pointed towards the screen, like an excited child pointing out her favorite superhero, what she pointed towards was nothing to be thrilled for. A bold red banner laid at the bottom of the screen, reading its news report.
“Orre News Broadcast Station Attempts ‘Shadow Pokémon’ Hoax”
“What…?” The words squeezed out of Wes’ mouth like a ghastly breath.
“Today on the Pokémon Conspiracy Network, we have probably one of our strangest stories in years,” A red-haired woman appeared on camera as video footage played to the left of her. “From the obscure ‘Orre Region’, we received word of supposed news reports of an entire city being taken over by a criminal organization named Cipher, with weapons the news station— ONBS—has reported as ‘Shadow Pokémon’.”
“Why would ONBS report false news? I know they weren’t the most accurate when I blew Gonzap’s base, but this doesn’t sound right…” Wes mumbled.
“If this story sounds crazy enough to you, don’t take our word for it—Here’s the full footage of ONBS’ supposed news report,” The camera panned away from the woman as the video to her left then filled the screen. It was the usual ONBS set-up, but rather than having the station’s standard broadcast woman reporting the news, a somewhat familiar brown-haired boy sat alongside a monitor playing back footage, with the young narrator beginning his speech.
“Hello, viewers! This is Secc, ONBS’ Director. We bring you a special scoop.”
“No way… That’s Secc? He really grew up!” Rui exclaimed.
“And he’s ONBS’ Director? I guess that was only a natural progression for him in Orre, the kid being so smart…” Wes then rose his hand in a gentle hushing manner, as Rui’s voice calmed to whispers of disbelief.
“The courageous actions of a young boy thwarted a group of Cipher operatives who had infiltrated Phenac City,” The monitor’s camera then panned towards a young boy with long red hair clad in yellow, a strange mechanical arm adorning the left half of his body. “This footage shows the boy and his Pokémon driving off a top Cipher Admin from the city’s Stadium.”
Wait, that machine… That can’t be…! Wes’ eyes widened as the robotic arm caught his attention, subconsciously glancing towards his own left arm to the machine that he wore as rusty armor, his voice reduced to a raspy whisper. “That’s Phenac City, no doubt about it…”
“I don’t think we ever saw that guy from Cipher though. He… kind of looks like Ein had a little too much fun at a costume party,” Rui said.
“He’s got a weird get-up, I’ll give you that,” Wes added.
“Cipher had been trying to take over the entire city by replacing its citizens with the syndicate’s members,” Secc continued. “ONBS was also targeted for takeover by Cipher. Despite this setback, Cipher appears to be growing more active.”
“Wait, they tried to take over ONBS too!?” Rui piped up.
“So did Venus try that nonsense again? At least it sounds like Orre’s smartened up to know not to let them influence them… I bet the whole Kids’ Gridd works for ONBS now. That’s why they managed to actually capture good coverage of Cipher… if this is real.”
“Wes, you don’t really think Secc would fake thi—“
“Hang on, let it finish Rui.”
“The authorities have issued a caution to all citizens and organizations to be alert to the possibility of further attacks,” Secc said. “As you have seen, Cipher has returned with a vengeance. The entire Orre Region is endangered again. ONBS promises to doggedly pursue this story and provide you with the most accurate information on Cipher’s actions,” A look of determination flashed into Secc’s eyes, one Wes recognized from nearly half a decade ago. “We must not allow Cipher to carry out its conspiracy of fear. Let us all protect the peace of Orre with courage!”
And with a final outcry, the video faded to black, returning to the red-haired woman at the center stage of the TV recording. “The ONBS report was sent to multiple news stations from Kanto to Hoenn. However, most officials have dictated the footage to be false and controversial at best. The so-called ‘Shadow Pokémon’ that were reported could not be seen in the footage, as the battle seemed no different than any other Pokémon battle,” The woman explained. “The obvious bias towards the Orre Region and justice for it also leads officials to believe that the report was put together to gather attention towards a region even I have never heard of before.”
“Of course that battle seemed regular to you guys!” Rui’s face turned red with anger as she found herself getting up out of bed. “Normal humans can’t see Shadow Pokémon! You wouldn’t know the difference unless you watched the battle closer!”
“Rui…” Wes murmured.
“While the report talks as if these attacks have happened before, we could not find any evidence of such incidents between several news stations through multiple regions. It seems the whole ‘issue’ is a self-contained show with over the top acting, particularly with the ridiculous cloaked man. For now, the ‘Cipher’ reports are being dismissed. We’ll show you what other locals had to say after seeing this stage sho—“
The TV blinked off as Rui held out the remote, slamming it down next to the TV as she turned around to Wes. “I can’t believe these people! The ONBS is actually reaching out to other places in the world and they won’t listen because Cipher’s work has always been so under-handed and secretive! How was any of that fake!? Secc and the other kids would never lie and spread it around like that!”
“Rui, you need to calm down. You’re hardly rational right now,” Wes hushed.
“I’m not rational!? Wes, you should be mad too! That’s our home these conspiracy jerks are talking down about, and our friends too! They’re hardly being reasonable about this to! And everyone could all be in grave danger but no one else is bothering to get involved!”
“Rui,” Wes stood up as he placed a finger on her lips, immediately silencing her ranting. “Let’s think through this, alright?”
Her shoulders slouching, Rui sighed as she looked up at Wes with her blue eyes crying of despair. “Wes, I just… I can’t believe this is happening again, and we weren’t there for it… What if this has been going on since we left?”
“I can’t imagine it’s been going on for that long. I know our connection with Orre has been limited in the last five years, but we’ve found ways to send e-mails at some places with wired connections. I would have gotten an urgent message back when we visited the PokéCom Center in Johto last year. It must have been within the last few months at most.”
“I guess… But do you really think this was faked?”
“No, I think there’s some legitimate news here. Sure, Secc was pretty vocal about justice for Orre, but… He’s not wrong. And I wouldn’t put it past Cipher to take over a city. Evice posed as mayor for Phenac City all while we remained unaware, and they built a whole tower for themselves. They have resources and connections, without a doubt.”
“Yeah, this has to be legit… But it doesn’t look like Orre is completely vulnerable.”
“You’re right. They had a boy fighting that Cipher Admin, not to mention that mechanical arm…”
Rui nearly felt her soul leap right out of her skin as she recalled the machine Wes had just pointed out to her. “Wait, you don’t think that was a…!?”
Wes nodded. “It’s got all the parts. That kid had a Snag Machine on him, no doubt about it.”
“Do you think maybe Team Snagem is working with Cipher again, and that boy got his hands on their Snag Machine?”
Wes snickered. “That thing looked way too fancy to be Snagem’s handiwork. Besides, they’d practically fallen apart by the time we left, but the Old Man insisted he’d bring Team Snagem back. Besides, after Cipher made a fool of themselves, he’s got bad blood with them. He told me all about it before we left.”
“So you went to see Gonzap even after everything that happened? Wouldn’t he have bad blood towards you?”
Wes shrugged. “It is what it is. I figured I’d at least try to set things straight with him. Either way, that kid doesn’t really look like Snagem material. Gonzap was barely willing to take me in at my age as it was. That Snag Machine was probably reverse engineered somehow, I’m sure. And if the boy fought off a Cipher Admin, sounds like he’s doing a lot of the dirty work.”
“I guess so… But I can’t believe Cipher would return, and with more Shadow Pokémon too…”
“Were you able to tell if that crony was using a Shadow Pokémon? Or maybe that kid?”
“I don’t know, I couldn’t really tell but the battle was pretty violent… Maybe since the footage is recorded and I’m not seeing the Pokémon directly, I couldn’t see the black aura around it.”
“I see… I guess that only makes sense,” Wes looked out towards the window, his yellow eyes gazing out away from Rui. “ It’s in their hands then.”
“In their hands!? That’s all you have to say!? Wes, we need to go back there and help! We can’t just leave Orre’s people and our friends and family out there to just deal with it!”
“What do you propose we do then?” Wes gave her a sharp glare. “You know as well as I do that finding a ferry that takes us back to Orre only comes once in a blue moon in regions like this. And there’s certainly no airports nearby. We couldn’t afford a private jet even if we wanted to.”
“What about your Skarmory? She can fly us there, can’t she?”
“She couldn’t fly two people to a far off region efficiently, that’s for sure. I can’t put that kind of stress on her.”
“But Wes, if we just try—“
“Rui,” All Wes needed to do was firmly say her name for her to realize she needed to calm down. There was a stiff silence between them, Rui’s heart dropping to the pit of her stomach as she began to understand Wes’ logic was sound—far more than her rampant emotions.
The silence held as if the legendary Celebi had entered the room, with time itself frozen to a halt. Umbreon and Espeon stared up towards the argument of their two human friends, but remained neutral with their own sense of tact. Only the soft sound of Wes’ feet shuffling and turning towards the door could be heard among them.
“Wes, I’m sorry. I just…” Rui broke the silence as Wes had turned away from her. “I want to help everyone back home. I can’t stand the thought of thinking they might be in trouble. I don’t know what I’d do if Cipher took over Agate Village and did something to grandma and grandpa.”
“I know it’s frustrating,” He extended his right arm out, as if signaling her to hush, but now with a sense of understanding. “I want safety for Orre too. There’s a reason I left Team Snagem so many years ago—I understood how important its people and Pokémon were. But we’re not in a position right now.”
Rui had no response. She didn’t have to remind him that he was right. He already knew, and she did too.
“But you have to remember too, just because we’re not there doesn’t mean Orre is helpless. I think it’s fair we give the rookie a chance.”
“Oh, the kid? You really think he can handle it though?” Rui asked.
“The footage spoke for itself, don’t you think?” Wes grinned. “He fought pretty well with his Pokémon, and defeated a Cipher Admin. It seems like he has the tools, especially if the Kids’ Grid have made connections with him.”
“You’re right… You always seem to figure things out quick, don’t you Wes?”
“I’ve got street smarts. That’s about as well as I can put it,” Wes turned back to her as he placed one of his hands over her shoulders, then gently bringing her into a supportive embrace. “I’m sorry if I came off as cruel. Why don’t we try to find a place like the PokéCom Center and connect my P*DA so we can communicate with the others? If we can do that, we can at least see if we need to make drastic measures to intervene and make sure everyone else is okay.”
“Yeah… That sounds good. Maybe we should go start asking around?”
“Sounds good to me,” Wes released Rui from her grasp, though reaching and holding her hand in support. “It’ll all be okay. I’m sure of it. And if worst comes to worst, we’ll make sure to fix everything.”
Rui nodded, as her eyes suddenly lit up. “Hey, maybe we can even spread awareness outside to the other regions so people believe that it’s true! We can tell them it’s no hoax!”
“I’m not sure how much they’ll believe us. To the rest of the world, we’re nobodies. But I suppose it couldn’t hurt.”
“Come on then, we shouldn’t waste time! Let’s get going!” Rui grasped Wes’ hand as she charged towards the door, Wes feeling his body being thrown forward along with her. Standing back up, Umbreon and Espeon yipped and skipped along as they followed after their master and his companion. The discovery of such a dire situation was disheartening to be sure, and perhaps now their master had more work to do.
But a new hero had stepped forward now, one they had now decided to place their trust into for the sake of the Orre Region.
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itstimetodrew · 7 years
All the Reasons Why I Like Drew
The Big Essay
To truly celebrate this Drew Day, I’d like to talk about why I like Drew and what he means to me. This whole blog is kind of dedicated to that idea, but it’s not all stated outright, and definitely not all in one post. So…. here’s the granddaddy of them all. Happy reading! :D
How I found The One
So, the matter-of-fact portion: How did I get into Pokémon? When did I decide I liked Drew as a character? It was mostly on accident. I remember I was 10 and getting over my big interest in the Tokyo Mew Mew/Mew Mew Power series. I always had some sort of Big Interest, and it was boring to be without one (it had been Yugioh before and original Pokémon before that, funny how all my favorite things came back). Since I had dropped early Pokémon for Yugioh, I didn’t care for Pokémon. It was old news, not that great, not worth going back to. But then one morning before school I went through the TV channels and stumbled upon an airing of Pokémon. All the characters except Ash and Brock and Team Rocket were foreign to me…and who was that green haired guy? I thought he was cute and needed a rebound anime crush.
By 10 years old I had started using the internet a lot, and so I found out about this new series of Pokémon, and that what I saw on TV was part of the Hoenn Grand Festival, which included that interesting Drew character. Then I found out about what a fandom was, fanfiction, AMVs, fanart, everything. It was hard not to get sucked into a fan base that had so much content and excitement surrounding it! I really doubt 10-year-old me would have imagined liking the same characters at age 21, but here I am! So, the next question…
Why Drew? (Let’s do bullet points for convenience.)
-        He’s smart and resourceful! He’s sharp enough to see through Team Rocket and Harley’s plans more than a couple times. His appeals and battle techniques can also be pretty neat…mostly. Sometimes it’s just a Petal Dance and he gets a perfect score for it pfft but stuff like that Dragonbreath + Razor Wind combo? Neato.
-        The snark…I love the snark. I like that Drew brings some comedy to the show and says what I sometimes think as the viewer (The infamous scene...
May: What’s extremespeed, Brock? 
Brock: It’s when a Pokemon uses its speed to the extreme! 
Drew, appearing from offscreen because he never misses a chance to make fun: Only an amateur would ask a question like that, May. 
(like honestly girl what did you think it meant))
-        Drew is helpful! He’s obviously a challenge and barrier to May, but he doesn’t want to see her fail. Drew helps to get May, Ash, Brock, and Max out of 4 situations with Team Rocket, and his eagerness to do what’s right is cutely summed up in his first appearance 
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“No clue what’s goin’ on, but happy to assist!” 
He’s a gem and has a good heart.
-        He’s so talented! This boy is a winner plain and simple. …Ok most of the time. …Some of the time. It just isn’t onscreen. You know, it’s the attitude that counts. But really!! He got to the final round of his first contest? That he got the final round of his first Grand Festival (I assume)?? He’s a STAR. A prodigy.
-        He has realistic flaws: doesn’t like spontaneity, doesn’t display emotion well, not the best with some social interaction, stubborn, secretive etc. He is definitely not a perfect character, which makes him that much more likable.
-        Drew’s motivation and dedication inspire me. He’s so passionate and focused about what he does, and he’s worked hard to get where he is. It’s difficult for me to not want to see him succeed!
-        He’s polite and respectful! Drew isn’t a jerk to everyone, he just likes riling up May sometimes, and even then, he knows when to knock it off and be a friend. Also, when he’s uncomfortable around over-excited fans, he thanks them for their support and tries to make a quick but smooth exit. He could just as easily be mean or look down on people who think of him so highly, but he doesn’t take anyone’s praise for granted.
-        That aforementioned awkwardness around fans? Absolute plus. The irony of Drew pursuing a path that’s filled with glamor and style but being weird about personal compliments is adorable, 10/10. (But it does highlight how he loves contests for the sport itself, not for fame or vanity!)
-        He means everything he says. Drew never once apologizes for his outbursts, which can be a problem and highlights a stubbornness in not wanting to admit he was wrong. But I think it also shows how Drew is careful in what he says and has little regret about his opinions, despite how they come across.
-        Drew is mature! It’s fun seeing him become more mature over the course of the series. At first he’s a typical brat and instigates conflict with May to an obnoxious degree, but by the end we see him and May having nice heart-to-hearts about losing and how to regain motivation to try again. Amazing.
-        His bond with his Pokémon. Drew is tough and not overly affectionate with them, but it’s those little hints of friendship that make it all the better. Especially him and Roselia. They’re my lifeblood. That he keeps Roselia out of its Pokeball to see fireworks? To sunbathe? Adorable. Look at them....
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And knowing Roselia was Drew’s only Pokémon for the first few contests we see him, it makes his sadness over Roselia getting hurt that much more important. His small conflict and resolution with Absol is great, too. I kind of think May and Drew’s differing opinion during the Kanto Grand Festival is the same theme that goes on to compose a large part of Ash and Paul’s rivalry. That idea of what a ‘proper’ way to train is to get results. I’m getting sidetracked and wrote about this before but anyway!! They’re all great, the whole team is great. And I can’t believe Drew’s Roserade is making lovely teas for the whole region of Alola.
-        And of course……. he’s so cute. You know this point had to come in somewhere. But look at him! 
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Those bright, sharp eyes. Those lovely lashes. That smirk and – if you can catch a rare glimpse – genuine soft smile. His hair, that signature hair flip he does when he wants to seem Really Cool, his controlled mannerisms, his clothes that are way too warm for Hoenn and I don’t know why he wears them but he obviously doesn’t care---- everything!!! He’s so cute and cool and lovely and 
I Adore Him.
He’s a bit of an idol of mine at this point. Some sort of ideal self. Which sounds weird since he’s a 10-year-old secondary anime character who hasn’t been seen onscreen in like 8 years, but whatever. I admire Drew’s drive to succeed, how he helps others, respects their feelings, and doesn’t change just to impress other people. I wish I could be as unconcerned with other people and follow my own path the way he does.
But his flaws are good to reflect on, too! His strict means of training make him inflexible, and I think his lacking ability to adapt is what holds him back a bit. It’s nice to know what you’re good at it, but if you focus only on your strengths, weaknesses become that much more obvious, and new opportunities for growth may be missed! I relate to this a lot because I’m afraid of doing new things because I’m so uncomfortable at appearing unskilled. But there’s no way to improve at something if you never attempt it!
His line about there always being someone better out there than you sticks with me, as well. I think Drew takes a different take on his own advice (“I guess there’s always someone better”) between the two grand festivals we see him in. In Hoenn, Drew uses the idea of someone always being better as a consolidation as to why he lost to Robert, he doesn’t seem too upset about it because I think it was more about the person he was facing. Robert is older, presumably more experienced, so it’s fine and understandable to lose to him. 
But when he’s faced with the prospect of May having a good shot at beating him, he’s agitated and nervous. Scared. Because May wasn’t just a ‘someone’ that could be better than him. He had seen her as a novice, and so the idea of losing to this kluzty beginner girl wasn’t acceptable. When Drew has time to sit and think about why he’s so upset, with Ash and Brock giving him some thoughts, I think Drew realizes that if he comes out of the competition stronger and more experienced than when he went in, having won or not, that is more valuable than focusing on being better than specific competitors. That’s what rivalry is. The end goal of a rivalry shouldn’t be to definitively be the winner in the relationship, but to keep challenging each other to become more skilled. You hope your rivals and friends help you improve, and you want to see them experience that same growth as well.
Pursuing any goal in hopes of being the best will get discouraging fast because there really is someone better than you, eventually, if not now. The most reliable thing is to just keep improving yourself. Hope that your past self would be in awe of what you can do now, and know that you still have a lot of growth and accomplishment ahead of you.
The reason I love Drew so much, and why this essay is so ridiculously long, is probably because I’ve locked myself into a bit of an echo chamber, honestly. Since I watch episodes with Drew most often and reflect on him a lot, he’s become extremely important and fascinating to me. I realize he’s a standard character from an objective view: the love interest and classy, arrogant rival…but after a full decade he’s developed a whole life of his own in my mind. Making headcanons and backstories and predictions for the future is so much fun! I know I build him up to be a lot more than he is in the series (I mean I usually get disappointed at the lack of depth he has when I go back to watch episodes) and it seems silly but…I’m okay with that silliness at this point. I kind of have to be after a solid decade lol
After all, I only picked up art again after wanting to bring fanart ideas to life when seeing a challenge for drawing favorite characters. Is that a laughable reason? Yeah! But do I enjoy art and I’m glad I decided to try again? Definitely!
And I thought AMVs with Drew on YouTube were so neat that I decided I wanted to make my own. So, I tried video editing, and I liked it! I still do video work and may incorporate it into a career. A career – from wanting to put clips of Drew and May to cool music. It’s so bizarre, but I’m glad that started me on this path!
Last year I also decided to finally get serious about learning Japanese which unsurprisingly, probably wouldn’t have happened if I wasn’t so interested in the Pokémon anime and my doujinshis with you know……. Drew. Learning a new language is rewarding in itself because I think it’s so neat to develop the ability to communicate with an entirely new group of people. To share ideas and culture and conversation…it’s amazing! Speaking of which – the people.
I’ve met so many people because of my love for Drew. Quite literally all of you reading this. Otherwise my YouTube account wouldn’t have existed, this blog wouldn’t, the videos, the shitposts, the fanart, all the cards and packages sent to one another, the hilarious, thoughtful, bizarre, uplifting text messages, every interaction and friendship online…none of them would have happened. Not that I don’t have bonds built on things other than Pokémon (it’s hard to believe, but some people have no clue how much I like Pokémon, much less Drew lol), but it seems like a butterfly effect. Since I’ve loved him for literally half of my life and I’ve gone through my teenage and now early adult years with this Thing for him, I don’t even know how much of my own personality and experience living as myself would be different. It’s wild and weird. My time in the Pokémon fandom has factored into so much of my life that I can’t possibly imagine what my life in some Drew-less parallel universe is like. Not to say my life would be bad without this fixation, but it’s too much change and I love my life the way it is!
Although this Drew Day is entirely arbitrary and June 12th has no real significance for him as a character, it’s great to get all my thoughts and feelings focused on one date. It all probably sounds ridiculous, all the importance I put on Drew as a character, but I’m aware of that ridiculousness. I thoroughly enjoy it! Drew will likely always be my favorite character in all of media. Perhaps someday I won’t think of him much anymore, but I would have guessed that as a 10-year-old thinking of her 21-year-old self, wouldn’t I?
All I can hope for is that I continue to have a great time with the Pokémon series, and that maybe my love for Drew will end up leading me to new passions and interests even further in my life. I’m so thankful he exists as a character and that I’ve had such a great time discussing him in stories and jokes and art with so many others. So, thank you! Everyone!!
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
fandoms and originals
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I'll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner's response length.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don't mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won't play it out. I'm not too keen on large age gaps unless we're playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don't really care for unhealthy ships. I don't like cheating or abuse in relationships--that sort of stuff. I'm not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I'll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won't do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you're under my age limit, I'm going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I'm also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I'm just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it--but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I've given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
- If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I'm at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven't scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. Anything is good. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I'm pretty flexible. I like steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy, would like to try cyber punk even? Never played it, though. I'll give anything a shot and I'm sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I'll outright say no to is slice of life unless it's monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I'll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don't mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I'll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you're sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf!
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I'm craving the most. I've played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they're mxm and fxf.) I'm mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I'm sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either... though I'd rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Addendum: Currently really craving Leo/Corrin.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I'd like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I'm VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don't say I didn't warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character's butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don't even ask for it.
  Tales of. The first thing I'm looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn't mean you can't play these characters! I'm totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I'm only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I'd prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won't tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn't like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. Would love this, too. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but would like. I can play Ravio or Midna for one of your ocs, if you'd like. With Breath of the Wild out, I'd be happy to do something similar to that, too--or just do a Breath of the Wild RP.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I'd love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We'd each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you're not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku--I'll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I'm cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I'll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I've played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I'll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you'll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I'll play certain canons for you, too! ... or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Addendum: I just finished FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis--looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto--or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct, too.
  Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I'd like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won't do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Parasite Eve. Does anyone even know what this is? We can discuss--ocs, canons, I'm sure we can figure something out.
    Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I'd like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don't mind gijinkas or whatever they're called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I've also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I'm looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I'll do mxm with. I'm really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn't seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I'll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill... I'm up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I'm a little out of touch with this, though. It's been a while.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
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gayroleplayads · 7 years
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I'll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner's response length.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don't mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won't play it out. I'm not too keen on large age gaps unless we're playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don't really care for unhealthy ships. I don't like cheating or abuse in relationships--that sort of stuff. I'm not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I'll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won't do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you're under my age limit, I'm going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I'm also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I'm just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it--but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I've given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
- If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I'm at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven't scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. Anything is good. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I'm pretty flexible. I like steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy, would like to try cyber punk even? Never played it, though. I'll give anything a shot and I'm sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I'll outright say no to is slice of life unless it's monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I'll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don't mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I'll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you're sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf!
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I'm craving the most. I've played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they're mxm and fxf.) I'm mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I'm sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either... though I'd rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Addendum: Currently really craving Leo/Corrin.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I'd like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I'm VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don't say I didn't warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character's butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don't even ask for it.
Tales of. The first thing I'm looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn't mean you can't play these characters! I'm totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I'm only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I'd prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won't tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn't like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but would like. I can play Ravio or Midna for one of your ocs, if you'd like. With Breath of the Wild out, I'd be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I'd love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We'd each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you're not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku--I'll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I'm cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I'll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I've played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I'll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you'll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I'll play certain canons for you, too! ... or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Addendum: I just finished FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis--looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto--or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I'd like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won't do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I'd like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don't mind gijinkas or whatever they're called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I've also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I'm looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I'll do mxm with. I'm really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn't seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I'll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill... I'm up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I'm a little out of touch with this, though. It's been a while.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
0 notes
mostly looking for fandoms
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I'll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner's response length.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don't mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won't play it out. I'm not too keen on large age gaps unless we're playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don't really care for unhealthy ships. I don't like cheating or abuse in relationships--that sort of stuff. I'm not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I'll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won't do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you're under my age limit, I'm going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I'm also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I'm just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it--but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I've given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
- If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I'm at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven't scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. Anything is good. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I'm pretty flexible. I like steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy, would like to try cyber punk even? Never played it, though. I'll give anything a shot and I'm sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I'll outright say no to is slice of life unless it's monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I'll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don't mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I'll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you're sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf!
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I'm craving the most. I've played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they're mxm and fxf.) I'm mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I'm sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either... though I'd rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Addendum: Currently really craving Leo/Corrin.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I'd like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I'm VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don't say I didn't warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character's butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don't even ask for it.
Tales of. The first thing I'm looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn't mean you can't play these characters! I'm totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I'm only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I'd prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won't tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn't like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but would like. I can play Ravio or Midna for one of your ocs, if you'd like. With Breath of the Wild out, I'd be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I'd love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We'd each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you're not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku--I'll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I'm cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I'll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I've played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I'll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you'll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I'll play certain canons for you, too! ... or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Addendum: I just finished FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis--looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto--or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I'd like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won't do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I'd like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don't mind gijinkas or whatever they're called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I've also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I'm looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I'll do mxm with. I'm really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn't seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I'll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill... I'm up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I'm a little out of touch with this, though. It's been a while.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
0 notes
ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
15K notes · View notes
fandoms and originals =D
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots. A few things about me: - I am looking for people who play in the 
third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses.
 (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I’ll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner’s response length. - My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don’t mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won’t play it out. I’m not too keen on large age gaps unless we’re playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age. -
 I don’t really care for unhealthy ships
. I don’t like cheating or abuse in relationships–that sort of stuff. I’m not about that life. - I
 am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I’ll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won’t do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are
. If I find out you’re under my age limit, I’m going to delete you immediately. - All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I’m also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that. - I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for. - I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me. - Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it–but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I’ve given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground. - If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I’m at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did. Well, if I haven’t scared you off, you can check out the rest! Contact:
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
. Hit me up. Anything is good. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I’m pretty flexible. I like steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy, would like to try cyber punk even? Never played it, though. I’ll give anything a shot and I’m sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I’ll outright say no to is slice of life unless it’s monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I’ll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don’t mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species.
I’ll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you’re sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf!
Fire Emblem Awakening.
 I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I’m craving the most.
 I’ve played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they’re mxm and fxf.) I’m mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I’m sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either… though I’d rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
: Currently really craving Leo/Corrin.
. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too. I’d also like to do something with
 Black Butler
. I’d like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I’m VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don’t say I didn’t warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character’s butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) 
*Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don’t even ask for it.
Tales of.
 The first thing I’m looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn’t mean you can’t play these characters! I’m totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I’m only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You
. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I’d prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won’t tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn’t like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. Also craving! 
I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but would like. I can play Ravio, Zelda, humanized Sidon (maybe) or Midna for one of your ocs, if you’d like. With Breath of the Wild out, I’d be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2
. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I’d love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts
. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We’d each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you’re not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku–I’ll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy
. I’m cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I’ll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I’ll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you’ll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I’ll play certain canons for you, too! … or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
: I just finished 
 and would love to try out being Noctis–looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto–or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is
IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct, too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second.
 Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I’d like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won’t do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Parasite Eve.
Does anyone even know what this is? We can discuss–ocs, canons, I’m sure we can figure something out.
. I have a male Elite Four trainer I’d like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don’t mind gijinkas or whatever they’re called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney.
Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I’ve also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I’m looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I’ll do mxm with. I’m really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn’t seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I’ll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool. There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as:
 Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for
Silent Hill
… I’m up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals. The same goes for
The Last of Us
. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I’m a little out of touch with this, though. It’s been a while. Maybe something based on 
? Or 
YoKai Watch
Yomawari Night Alone
? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari? Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: 
(Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, 
Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing
 (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs. Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at
0 notes
1358456 · 7 years
Review Response, DE/Cycle
... Might as well do this, since I doubt either one would reach 10, and this will be the very last time I respond to their reviews.
DE I'm actually doing this a BIT early, as I usually wait at least a week unless the chapter's review count reached more than 10. It's been 5 days, and less than half of the previous chapter, so I'd normally wait a few more weeks. But... meh.
1) *Sniffle*. Agency is my favorite pairing for Pokéspe so this hurt somewhere deep. Hope you get around to updating the Red and Green one.
The... what? I did say that DE is over, right?
Black & White is the favorite pairing for quite a few people, which is precisely why I choose to hammer them over and over.
2) Oh, this is the end? It's so bittersweet!
Bitter... maybe. Sweet? ... Also maybe. DE is over, and I gave Black & White a parting shot instead of a parting gift.
3) That was good.
Thank you.
4) Awwww. But I call BS, it's never goodbye (unless someone dies, heh) It's 'see you later'.. like "yo, miss President guess who just came back as an alola champion blah blah blah." ... probably doodles something to make myself feel better lol.
It really is never goodbye. Except here in DE, since DE is over, so Black and White really never met ever again in the story.
Especially bullsh*t since... in the drama where this scene was taken, they split and... sort of see each other immediately. Then he moves out and... well... that separation sure as hell didn't last long.
But for the sake of "closure", let's say that... it took Black many months to conquer the Alola League, but by then, White wasn't in Unova anymore. And not in Hoenn either. White and her BW Agency would've expanded to Sinnoh before moving onto to another seemingly random ass region. And... both Black and White found someone else in the meantime! Because why not.
5) Never? As in never, never? But those two are...meant to be! *wails*
They are meant to be, and they are meant to separate. They should either die together, or... never see each other ever again. Their dreams conflict too much.
6) Wow what a farewell chapter! Definitely a scene best suited for Black and White. This kind of scenario is was a first in your stories and it was executed well. Hopefully it was the last though because my heart ached a little for these 2...
Was it really the very first time I had a permanent separation story that did not involve a death or physical incapacitation? ... Wow. Well, I always said that Black & White were my... experimental guinea pigs.
I really doubt there are any more "live separations" (as in, permanent separation while both are still alive and well) in my stories. Probably.
Cycle This story's second and last chapter's results were... pretty much what I expected. I think a few months ago, I made a post about how I didn't think that Cycle would be worth ANY effort anymore. Chapter 1 had 13 reviews, so I expected chapter 2 to have between 4 and 6, so less than a third to less than a half. It has 5. As in, exactly what I expected. Which was why I really didn't bother putting in too much detail. Because f*ck it. Why waste the effort.
1) They say that to this day Gold is still trying to display good behavior
Some day, White is going to have her own grandchildren, and they'll ask "grandma, is Gold still trying to be on his best behavior?"
2) And 20 years later, the cycle still continued.
And so the cycle begins aga... yeah, yeah, yeah.
Do Gold_behavior += 1 Gold_behavior -= Emerald_sabotage Loop Until Gold_behavior > Platinum_behavior
3) Man. Poor Gold. He must really think Crystal is the perfect woman to try that many times. One would think that Crystal would realize how highly Gold thinks of her considering how many times he's tried to go out with her. That alone should make her give Gold a chance. He'd do anything for her. Sadly, it looks like that won't come to be. Also, cool side thing that this takes place in the Legacy Universe.
That was the "sweet part" of the story that pretty much everyone else missed. Gold must really view her highly to try endless amount of times. And yet... some thought of this as "Gold is objectifying Crystal".
Yep. Legacy has Cycle in it. Which means, Legacy's Gold would be post-Cycle Gold, which means... he's not like how he used to be in the other stories. And depending on how Legacy treats that pairing, Cycle could actually have a hidden tragic ending. "After all that, Crystal died!"
4) Awe I was hoping something disasterous would happen to Gold... But hey a very fun chapter to read. Definitely had that SE/SR vibe. It was nice to feel that again :)
Sure has been a long while since SE/SR vibe was a thing huh? ... Never again, unfortunately. Probably.
5) Poor Gold. I feel so sad for him. More than like 2 months, and she still rejects him, and it's not even his fault. Cruel Crystal needs to be put down a notch. Even if it's her choice and whatnot, Gold has improved radically. Maybe Gold should do a prank for when she finally goes out with him. Because Gentleman!Gold is too ... boring. He's kinda like Red now, and we don't need another Red. Plus this gets rid of the comedy relief character. And the original CrystalXGold dynamic is ruined. What will they do now? Work together? Bleh.
I suppose Legacy/Cycle Gold is quite similar to Legacy/Cycle Red. But Legacy Red is really nice, and I think having a nice Gold for a change is... nice.
Comedy relief? Pff. Haven't done that sh*t in a long while. I think. ... At least not in a non-"Alternate Lines" situation.
PT: "Look you stupid idiot, you got no arms left!" Y: "Yes I have!" PT: "LOOK!" Y: "... It's just a flesh wound!"
And what would Legacy/Cycle's Gold & Crystal do? ... I don't know. Something off screen, probably.
0 notes
gayroleplayads · 7 years
fandoms and original
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I’ll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner’s response length.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don’t mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won’t play it out. I’m not too keen on large age gaps unless we’re playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don’t really care for unhealthy ships. I don’t like cheating or abuse in relationships–that sort of stuff. I’m not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I’ll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won’t do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you’re under my age limit, I’m going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I’m also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I’m just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it–but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I’ve given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
Well, if I haven’t scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. Anything is good. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I’m pretty flexible. I like steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy, would like to try cyber punk even. I’ll give anything a shot and I’m sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I’ll outright say no to is slice of life unless it’s monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I’ll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don’t mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I’ll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you’re sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf!
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I’m craving the most. I’ve played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they’re mxm and fxf.) I’m mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I’m sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either… though I’d rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I’d like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I’m VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don’t say I didn’t warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character’s butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don’t even ask for it.
Tales of. The first thing I’m looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn’t mean you can’t play these characters! I’m totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well.
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I’d prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won’t tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn’t like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but would like. I can play Ravio or Midna for one of your ocs, if you’d like.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I’d love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We’d each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you’re not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku–I’ll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I’m cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I’ll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I’ve played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I’ll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you’ll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I’ll play certain canons for you, too! … or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Ammendum: I just started playing FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis–looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto–or a mix of all four, I’ll play two and you play two, for one big ot4! I’m only one chapter 10 so please, no spoilers. My favorite ship is IgNoct if you want to do just one and one.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I’d like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won’t do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I’d like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don’t mind gijinkas or whatever they’re called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I’ve also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I’m looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf OR Phoenix Wright for mxf.
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I’ll do mxm with. I’m really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn’t seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I’ll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill… I’m up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
1 note · View note
gayroleplayads · 7 years
mostly fandoms
Hi, my name is Coll! I’m a 29 year old lady with a full time standard 9-5 job. That said, I have some free time on my hands. I’d really love some new RPs.  =D I’m very friendly and willing to plot. I mostly roleplay video games and original plots.
A few things about me:
- I am looking for people who play in the third person and post multiple paragraphs in their responses. (Please give me at least 3 paragraphs and I'll be happy with that. Anything less and I get put out and most likely will not respond back to you out of disappointment ^^; Sorry.) I will also match my partner's response length.
- My hard limits are rape, vore, mpreg (good god no mpreg never ever mpreg), pedophilia, and a few others in between, but those are the big ones. If you ask for any of these four things, I will delete your post immediately. I don't mind rape being mentioned in a backstory, but I won't play it out. I'm not too keen on large age gaps unless we're playing a supernatural creature with a human. They need to look about the same age.
- I don't really care for unhealthy ships. I don't like cheating or abuse in relationships--that sort of stuff. I'm not about that life. - I am a slash (both mxm and fxf) roleplayer. I will not tolerate seme/uke paradigms. You will play a switch or there will be no smut. There are only certain canon ships I'll do mxf for. (like Lightning/adult!Hope or Tidus/Yuna for example.) I won't do mxf for originals.
- I will only accept roleplayers who are 21+. If I find out you're under my age limit, I'm going to delete you immediately.
- All kinks are based off of character preference, not my own. I'm also not really a kinky person. Sorry about that.
- I like canonxoc for certain canons. If I play a canon for you, I expect you to play one for me. Compromise! Some ships I will not do canonxoc for.
- I know this sounds like me being a hard ass, but I really like becoming friends with my partners and exchanging headcanons and songs!
- I roleplay through email only. No exceptions.
- I try to post every day. I really do. Sometimes, I'm just too tired to do so. ^^;;; Be patient with me.
- Once the roleplay gets off the ground, I have skype. You can ask for it--but only after intros are exchanged. Every time I've given someone my skype before we started, the roleplay never got off the ground.
- If for some reason I stop responding, I legitimately forgot. Just poke me. There are times when I'm at work and look at an email and forget to respond to it later because i thought I did.
Well, if I haven't scared you off, you can check out the rest!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica. I can play Kyoko, Homura, and Mami. I can also do originals in the PMMM setting, gender bends, or Puer Magi. (Magical Boys.) Seriously, my kingdom for a PMMM roleplay. I’m also not opposed to mixing canons and originals!
Original. Hit me up. Anything is good. If you want a something with a lot of smut, just let me know up front. I'm pretty flexible. I like steampunk, horror, creepypasta, victorian era, medieval/fantasy, modern/fantasy, would like to try cyber punk even? Never played it, though. I'll give anything a shot and I'm sure I have a character for it or at the very least, can make one. It must have fantasy, by the way. I’m also a big fan of supernatural beingxhuman, or two different races mingling with each others. The only thing I'll outright say no to is slice of life unless it's monsters/supernatural creatures trying to live among humans. I'll only accept mxm and fxf for original lines. Please note, I DO NOT play vampires or werewolves. I don't mind roleplaying with them, but I personally do not like playing them. If you want to do a plot that is vampire or werewolf based, you have to play those species. I'll also take random intros for original! Just tell me the genre you're sending me in the title or if you want platonic, mxm, or fxf!
Fire Emblem Awakening. I’ll die of happiness if you’d like to do m!tacticianxChrom. I’m looking for a Chrom. I can also play m!Morgan, Lucina, and a couple others. Let’s chat about it. I have a couple AU ideas, considering, well, you know how Fire Emblem is. There’s a war, let’s go fight the war!
Fire Emblem Fates. This, here, is what I'm craving the most. I've played all three paths, but prefer Conquest and Revelation. I want to play Corrin. (Male.) and am open to ships. (As long as they're mxm and fxf.) I'm mostly looking for a Xander (!!! Boy, I want Xander the most. Xander/Corrin happens to be my otp.), Leo (!!), Takumi (!), Ryoma, Silas, or Kaze. I also ship Selena and Camilla. (I play Selena.) I like AUs and doubling, so I'm sure we can figure something out. I am also leokumi trash and can play either... though I'd rather do Corrin/Leo and Corrin/Takumi. I also like Sakura/Elise! (Slight preference toward Sakura.) I much prefer AUs and am willing to hash something out with you. No OCs for this. Sorry.
Addendum: Currently really craving Leo/Corrin.
Persona. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a Persona or Persona based roleplay!. My favorite pairing for Persona is Yu/Souji/ProtagonistxYosuke. I play Yosuke. I am seriously craving another Yu/Yosuke roleplay like woah. We can discuss this. I also REALLY like the idea of the P3 Female Protagonist/MinakoxMitsuru. I’d be playing the female protagonist. We can also do a whole new Persona group, too.
I’d also like to do something with Black Butler. I'd like to play a male oc against Ciel If you play Ciel for me, I’ll play Elizabeth for you in a fxf line or I will also consider playing Sebastian for your oc, but I'm VERY picky on this because Sebastian is a vainglorious bastard who needs entertainment. So! Try me, just don't say I didn't warn you if I tell you no. I also have a demon, if you want to play a contractor in an all original variation. (Note: my demon will not be your character's butler. He laughs at the very idea. He can change his gender, so he can be a she.) *Please note, that sebciel is a GIANT NOTP of mine, so don't even ask for it.
Tales of. The first thing I'm looking for is a Sorey to my Mikleo. My kingdom for these two babies who are too pure for this world. The second thing I’m looking for a Richard to my Asbel and kinda have some vague ideas for this! I also roleplay Tales of cross overs and have a vague idea for that, too. I would also love a Gaius for my Wingul. Can discuss other Tales pairings, will be fine with ocs if you’ll afford me the same. I’ve played all of the Tales of games released in the US EXCEPT for Eternia and Vesperia. That doesn't mean you can't play these characters! I'm totally down for Asch/OC and will try and accommodate you as well. I also recently bought Tales of Berseria. I'm only about 40ish hours into it, so no spoilers!
The World Ends With You. I play Josh. Mostly looking for a Neku or whomever you want to throw at me. I'd prefer AUs (kind of have a basic idea for one) or post-game. Please, for the love of all things holy, do not play Neku as a weak willed little thing who won't tell Josh to go eff himself if he doesn't like what Josh is doing. We can also do a whole new Game with all ocs.
The Legend of Zelda. I’m looking for a Link and am looking to do a brand new Zelda roleplay where we split the cast and have fun times~! I have a male oc. There doesn’t need to be romance, but would like. I can play Ravio or Midna for one of your ocs, if you'd like. With Breath of the Wild out, I'd be happy to do something similar to that, too.
Devil Survivor 2. I want to play the main character (Hibiki/Hiro/MC) against a Yamato LIKE BURNING Also, Shin Megami Tensei IV, I'd love a Flynn/Walter chaos route roleplay where I play Flynn.
Kingdom Hearts. I kind of want to do an all-original setting with new Keyblade wielders, new villains and everything. We'd each play a keyblade wielder or something and fill out the cast. If you're not up for that, I do love SoraxRiku--I'll be playing Sora. (I love this ship with my whole heart.)
Final Fantasy. I'm cool with most things here. Some characters I play are Lightning (my favorite), Cecil Harvey, Yuna, Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Vanille, Terra Branford, Garnet til Alexandros/Dagger, Bartz, Faris, Noel Kreiss, Ramza (Tactics), and some others here and there. Some of the ships I play are Lightning/adult!Hope (I play Lightning and have some au ideas for this), Zack/Cloud (I play Cloud), Tidus/Yuna (I play Yuna), Fang/Vanille (I play Vanille. I'll also play Fang/Lightning), Zidane/Garnet, Cecil/Kain (Cecil) etc. There are others. I've played almost every Final Fantasy except the online ones, so just ask. There are a few canons I play that I'll pair with ocs, like Noel Kreiss for example. This is probably the only place you'll catch me for mxf. I would really love a Ramza for one of my ocs as well? Like I said, I'll play certain canons for you, too! ... or maybe just something with Final Fantasy Tactics in general.
Addendum: I just finished FFXV and would love to try out being Noctis--looking for Gladio, Ignis, or Prompto--or a mix of all four. We can discuss but my favorite ship is IgNoct. Will be happy to do Promptis or GladNoct too.
Bravely Default/Bravely Second. Ringabel/Edea, otp for life. I'd like to play Edea. Also willing to consider Tiz/Agnes (Tiz.) or Yew/Magnolia. (Magnolia.) Prefer an AU for this. I won't do this genre without Ringabel/Edea, though, keep that in mind.
Pokemon. I have a male Elite Four trainer I'd like to use against any character. I have a couple other trainers here and there. Why not, bring it on. If you want romance, it has to be m/m for this. I don't mind gijinkas or whatever they're called. I also beat Sun/Moon! So we can do some Alola stuff! Maybe a plot with the Ultra Beasts? Neaaaat.
Ace Attorney. Okay, okay. I only do canon/oc for this one, fam. I've also only played the first three games and Ace Attorney Investigations. I'm looking for a Miles Edgeworth to my male oc and for you, I can play Franziska von Karma for fxf. Might be talked into playing Phoenix Wright for you, depending on your oc. 
ATLA. I have a male earth bending oc (with a spirit pal who follows him) that I'll do mxm with. I'm really up for anything here, except LoK verse since he doesn't seem to fit in there so well. Canons? OCs? Sure, whatever. I'll leave it open. You wanna test a new OC or practice a canon against him? Cool.
There are also a few fandoms that I play, but only with an oc cast such as: Dead Space, Gravity Rush, Fatal Frame, Etrian Odyssey, and Silent Hill. Note: for Silent Hill, I will NOT be playing romance.
As for Silent Hill... I'm up for putting canons in a Silent Hill verse as well as using originals.
The same goes for The Last of Us. Canons in a TLOU universe could be fun. Same with ocs. I'm a little out of touch with this, though. It's been a while.
Maybe something based on Transistor? Or YoKai Watch? Yomawari Night Alone? Hey, maybe some creepy Japanese horror with a haunted town in the vein of Yomawari?
Suggest! If it’s along the lines of what’s mentioned above, then by all means. Other fandoms are: Okami (Human form!Amaterasu), a 999/Zero Escape based roleplay, Demon Gaze, Dragon’s Crown, Animal Crossing (humanized villagers), and more. Seriously, just ask. Ask away. I know some older animes but video games? I most likely know it, especially if it’s an RPG. I’m also a fan of AUs.
Again, if any of this interests you, mail me at [email protected].
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ecoamerica · 1 month
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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