#alp luachra
moneteres · 2 years
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Alien Infeysion 09: Joint-eater x Monoped
10/29/22 - Witness recalls being stunned by a bright light then brought about the craft. He claims multiple robotic entities surrounded him, single footed and covered in scales. Two entities held the witness down while a third attempted to insert something into witness’ mouth. A slimy, wriggling thing had been deposited down his throat, causing witness to scream . The scream proved lifesaving, resulting in the entities falling over like bowling pins and the oily object to dislodge from his pipes. The thing appeared to be alive, orange and wet like a newt. The witness has reported no symptoms from his experience, but notes he had spied his neighbors consume extreme amounts of food despite appearing skeletal and malnourished since the encounter. A follow up interview was scheduled, but upon returning to witness' home he appeared to be away from home.
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briefbestiary · 2 years
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A particularly nasty fae, the alp-luachra is a parasite that subsists on the essence of its host's food, slowly starving them.
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dollance · 7 months
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— “ Found across Ireland, the Alp Luachra is certainly not a benevolent member of the fairy host. Meaning “ferocious little creature”, this small animal is a fairy parasite, causing illness and withering in humans. Regional dialects give him different names; Art-luachra, Airc-luachra, Arc-luachra, “Dark-looker”, or even Ail-cuac. Should a man be stricken with a thinning sickness, it is usually the Alp Luachra to blame, starving the man of his nourishment, no matter what he eats. “
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— pink rocky exoplanet filled with nitrous oxide, or more known as laughing gas
because of the laughing gas, he is almost always constantly loopy, out of it, and doing things that someone WITHOUT laughing gas wouldn’t do
— alp LOVES tormenting his planet-mates
if you have moons, you better hide them😭 he is quite literally crazy and will torture them with strange cryptic ass messages. but! he enjoys torturing his fellow planets too. somnus and pre-dosore specifically (<— my buddies’ planet ocs)
— while humanoid, he is about 7’0 feet tall, doesn’t wear clothes, and has light pink fairy wings and antennae. despite his cutesy appearance, he is fully grown, and would be considered an adult
though, in his regular planet form, he is about the size of mars (tiny guy!)
— patterns always change on his surface, due to the rapid shifting of his tectonic plates constantly. he is also incapable of harboring life
— he has strange cartoon logic, being able to bend, twist, express comical emotions, summon strange weapons (that he’d have no idea even existed), and more. he is fr an ai bot 🗣️🗣️🗣️
yaaaaay das it for nowwww!!!
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special mention: their star def makes him wear a monkey children’s leash
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neverpaint · 6 months
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Mythological creature. Newt-like parasitic animals in the waters of Ireland.
Inspired by forgotten.creatures‘ & elifsiebenpfeiffer’s novel “Fast Verschwundene Fabelwesen“, which I learned about at the Leipzig book fair last weekend. Thanks for the signatures and this wonderful creation!
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myth-lord · 2 years
A Bao A Qu Aatxe - Khalkotauroi Abaia Abere Abuhuku Adaro - Zitiron Adze Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahuizotl - Ugjuknarpak Airavata Ajaju Ajatar Akaname Akashita Akheilos - Isonade Akhlut (Amarok) Alp-Luachra Amhuluk Amikuk Ammut Amphisbaena - Ouroboros Anggitay Aniwye Aproxis Apshait Asanbosam Asdeev Aswang (Manananggal) Awd Goggie
Banaspati - Soucouyant Banshee - Limos - Pesta - Nemain Barghest (Cadejo) - Cu Sith - Cwn Annwn - Osschaert (Pesanta) Bauk (Nalusa Falaya) - Gaueko Baykok Berberoka Berserker - Einherjar Binaye Ahani Boitata Boobrie - Hverafugl Bruch Bubak (Tatty Boggle) Buckrider Buggane Bukavac Bulgasari Bunyip - Dingonek Burach Bhadi Burrunjor - Kasai Rex Butatsch Byakko
Cactus Cat Cacus - Belacko Caladrius - Zhenniao - Alicanto Caleuche Camulatz Carbuncle - Arkan Sonney - Cagrino Caspilly Catoblepas Cherufe Chipfalamfula Chochin-Obake - Aoandon Chon-Chon Chupacabra - Nadubi Cipactli Cockatrice - Basilisk - Codrille - Aitvaras (Pukis) Cuca Cuero - Rumptifusel Curuara - Inulpamahuida Cyclops - Papinijuwari - Tartalo
Dijiang - Hundun Dire Boar (Erymanthian Boar) - Bonguru - Babi Ngepet - Ao-Ao - Cuchivilu Djieien Djinn Doppelganger - Fetch - Frittening Dorotabo - Landvaettir - Ahi At-Trab (Seitaad) - Tsenagahi (Planctae) Drop Bear Dryad - Radande - Batibat - Askafroa - Yanagi-Baba - Mandremonte Dullahan - Ankou
Ebajalg - Hala Echeneis Egregore - Ewah Eintykara Enenra Erote
Fachen Fad Felen Fafnir - Pixiu Fomorian Fossegrim (Nokken) - Encantado (Boto) Fulad-Zereh
Gaasyendietha Gardinel Garei Gargoyle Garmr - Orthrus - Cerberus Gegenees Girtablilu Globster Gloson Goblin - Nuno (Trenti) - Kobold - Grindylow - Curupira - Ijiraq - Spriggan - Pukwudgie - Eloko (Chaneque) - Likho - Dactyl - Bilwis - Bugbear Gold-Digging Ant Golem - Invunche - Wulgaru - Celedon - Terra-Cotta Griffon - Sak - Hieracosphinx Grootslang Gulon - Rompo - Taotie
Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy - Siren - Erinyes (Fury) - Alkonost - Lechuza Heikegani Hinnagami - Jenglot Hinqumemen (Engulfer) - Umibozu Hrimpursar Hyakume Hydra - Orochi - Ladon - Nyuvwira
Ichneumon Ikuchi (Ayakashi) Imp - Incubus - Scarbo - Bushyasta - Skrzak - Galtzagorriak Intulo Ipetam Issitoq - Aghash - Aten Itqiirpak Ittan-Momen
Jba Fofi - Tsuchigumo - Aasivak Jinmenju - Wak-Wak - Zaqqum - Lunantishee Jinshin Mushi Jorogumo Jubokko Juggernaut
Kamaitachi Kameosa Kampe Kappa - Suiko Karkadann Karkinos - Saratan Kelpie (Each Uisge) - Each Tened - Helhest - Apaosha - Ceffyl Dwr - Skinfaxi Kerit Keukegen - Otoroshi Kholkikos Kikimora Kirin (Qilin) Kitsune - Kumiho Kongamato - Ropen Kurage-No-Hinotama
Lakuma - Charybdis Lamia - Echidna - Gorgon Lavellan Leprechaun - Gancanagh - Clurichaun - Far Darrig - Amadan Dubh - Domovoi Leshy - Bies - Anhanga (Waldgeist) Leucrotta Libelula Diablu Longgui Lou Carcolh Lusca - Iku-Turso - Migas (Tree Octopus) - Kraken - Rogo-Tumu-Here
Makalala (Tuyango) - Colorobetch Makhai Mandarangkal - Empusa Mandragora (Tiyanak) - Davalpa Manticore - Sphinx - Piasa - Lammasu Mapinguari Marool Minotaur - Erchitu - Sarangay Miraj Mishibizhiw Mngwa Morgawr - Mamlambo - Mokele-Mbembe Moskitto (Xan) Muhuru - Mbielu-Mbielu Muirdris Musca Macedda - Druj Nasu Muscaliet Muse - Leanan Sidhe Myrmecoleon
Nakshatra Meenu Namazu Nekomata (Cat Sith) - Kasha (Ovinnik) Nereid - Rusalka Ngoubou - Odontotyrannus Nidhogg Nocnitsa (Mara) Nosoi Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe
Olgoi-Khorkhoi (Death Worm) Olitiau - Popobawa - Camazotz - Guiafairo Omukade - Ek-Chapat - Con Rit - Kugdlughiak Oread - Lampad Otso
Pard Penchapechi Peuchen - Haemorrhois - Seps Piskie (Sprite) - Ishigaq - Phooka (Puck) - Attercroppe - Tooth Fairy Polong Poltergeist - Dybbuk - Isogashi Poludnica (Lady Midday) Psoglav
Qalupalik Qinyuan Qiuniu
Rahara Raiju Ramidreju Rat King Rawhead (Bloody Bones) - Stuhac Redcap - Ly Erg Roc (Ziz) - Minokawa - Thunderbird (Impundulu) - Phoenix (Rarog) - Psonen - Tsenahale - Nachtkrapp - Naujakuksualuk Rock Bolter Roperite
Salamander Salawa (Sha) Satyr (Faun) - Shurale (Mahaha) Sazae-Oni Scarab - Khepri Scorpios - Sandwalker Scylla Sermilik Shadhawar Shen Shinchu Sianach - Delgeth Sigbin Skinwalker - Rougarou - Selkie - Bouda (Kishi) Skolex Sluagh - Hidarugami Spartoi - Gashadokuro - Tupilaq - Mekurabe - Ahkiyyini Stella Stray Sod - Hungry Grass Succarath
Tarasque Tesso Tiddalik Tlanusi Troll - Kayeri - Kapre - Porotai - Aigamuxa - Yehwe Zogbanu - Shellycoat Trolual - Raudkembingur - Bakekujira
Valkyrie Valravn Veela (Sylph) Velue (Peluda) Vish Kanya Vodyanoi - Bagiennik - Arzhavennik - Bolotnik - Cmuch
Wanyudo - Ophanim Water Leaper Wendigo Will o Wisp (Luz Mala) Wyvern (Vouivre) - Cuelebre - Tizheruk - Scitalis - Knucker - Suileach - Caorthannach
Xhumpedzkin (Ix-Hunpedzkin) Xiao - Ahool Xing Tian
Ya-Te-Veo Yale Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yowie - Yeti - Fear Liath - Hidebehind Yuki-Onna
Ziphius Zirnitra Zlatorog Zmey - Azi Dahaka Zombie - Draugr - Mummy - Topielec - Corpo-Seco - Gaki - Aerico
Cat Sith / Pyrausta / Impundulu / Ninki Nanka / Khodumodumo / Minhocao / Marabbecca / Metminwi / Qupqugiaq / Myling / Moroi / Bloody Bones / Rokurokubi / Ifrit / Ghul / Ghawwas / Tiyanak / Mara / Acheri / Tikbalang / Baku / Calopus / Mahaha / Trollgadda / Tetragnathon / Vatnsandi / Ungaikyo / Naglfar / Oniate / Petsuchos / Sessho-Seki / Waldgeist / Tienlong / Tiamat / Asag / Hongaek / Ga-Gorib / Dalaketnon / Dobhar-Chu / Gbahali / Zheng / Antaeus / Maenad / Green Knight / Tulpa / Hiiden Hirvi /
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skreeonkg · 11 months
May start a chain of reblogs talking about UK mythological creatures.
In Irish mythology there’s a type of faerie called an Alp-luachra or Joint-eater and it’s most commonly depicted as a newt with insect wings. Basically, if you fall asleep next to running water (like a river or a stream), the Alp-luachra will crawl out of the water and into your mouth and start eating your stomach contents until you eventually die of starvation. The only way to prevent this from happening is to eat large amounts of salted meat and wait with your mouth open over running water then the Alp-luachra will crawl out because the salt made it thirsty.
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theonpilled · 11 months
I wonder why some of the local legends of fontaine have medieval chanson names (yseut, the twins angelica and medoro) while others have irish folklore names (dobharcu, like the otter king dobhar-chú, and luachra, either from Liath Luachra or the Alp-luachra)
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hoganddice · 2 years
First up in the Supernatural Starvation segment is the story of the Alp-Luachra. Major content warning for Body Horror Thumbnail: @f1restart3rr Original music: Thomas Boyle Website | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bandcamp
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thisnorthernboy · 6 years
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Inktober Days 5 to 8. Alp Luachra, Red Cap, a Hand of Glory, and Jenny Greenteeth.
I’m drawing 31 characters or creatures from British Folklore as a theme for this year’s Inktober.
Drawn on cartridge paper with Comic SP Multiliners and a Kuretake No.8 brush pen.
Buy prints of my work here.
You can find more of me, and of my work, here… Facebook Instagram Wordpress Twitter
If you like my work you can, if you like, buy me a coffee (Ko-fi) to keep me going!
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heathenhole · 6 years
Season 2 Episode 2 - Legends of Ireland.
Synopsis: Dating back centuries Ireland has been known for its supernatural and superstitious beliefs. We dive into a few of them in this episode, including the Alp-Luachra, Nuckelavee, the Banshee and a haunted location called Duckett’s Grove. Jon unveils what the “Joint-Eater” is and a possible real world explanation to it. Nikki tells of a terrifying tale of the Nuckelavee, is it a horse or a human or neither? Lisa tells of the crazy past of Duckett’s Grove and why it is haunted by a Banshee. To finish it off, Jay talks about the Banshee, the different types and where they came into existence. Of course we end the episode on an article of a woman dropping trousers and licking faces in a Waffle House parking lot.
With your hosts Jay Zippo, Nikki Notaro, Lisa B & Jonny B.
#paranormal #paranormalpodcast
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that-spider-witch · 3 years
The Fair Folk: Fairy Myths Around The World
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🦋 The following list contains different names used for Fae or Fae-like creatures and spirits around the world, as well as the place/culture they are from. Since the European Fae are the most well-known of the bunch (and there’s a lot of them), this list shall mainly focus on what I think are the less known ones.
WARNING: This list was just made with the intent of gathering more information about them and as a writing resource/inspiration. It is NOT meant to be used as a “beginner’s guide” to contact with these spirits for witchcraft purposes or anything like that. For those wanting to work with spirits, Fae or otherwise, witchcraft-dedicated blogs have already made some really good posts about the subject. Some of these spirits also belong to closed or semi-closed cultures. Please, always do your own research.
(Germanic and Romance) European Fae:
Aos Sí (Ireland): “People of the Mounds” Umbrella term to describe most of the Celtic faeries and nature spirits. 
Alp-luachra (Ireland): “Joint-eater” A type of fairy who would adopt the form of a newt to consume half of a person’s food or nourishment.
Brownie (Scotland): Household spirits said to inhabit the unused corners of the home and aid in tasks around the house.
Bluecap (England): Cavern spirits known for helping miners with their work.
Caoineag (Scotland): Female spirit whom, like the Banshee, weeps and wails to foretell death and misfortune.
Cat sìth (Scotland and Ireland): Feline fairy said to resemble a black cat with a white spot on its chest.
Cù sìth (Scotland and Ireland): The Cat sìth‘s canine counterpart. They are said to resemble large hounds with shaggy, dark green fur.
Clurichaun (Ireland): Male fairies with a taste for alcoholic drinks. Known for their tendency to haunt breweries, pubs and wine cellars.
Dobhar-chú (Ireland): Water spirit said to resemble a dog, an otter or a half-dog, half-fish creature.
Duende (Spain): Small house spirits known for their mischiveous trickery, but some can also be helpful and kind to humans. 
Fachan (Scotland): Mountain spirit described as having a single eye in the middle of its face, a single hand protruding from its chest instead of arms, and a single leg emerging from its central axis.
Far darrig (Ireland): Small fairies described as having dark, hairy skin, long snouts and skinny tails, as well as wearing red coats and caps. They are sometimes associated with rats.
Kelpie (Scotland): Water spirits said to haunt lochs and lonely rivers. It is usually described as appearing as a horse but is able to adopt a human form. Mostly known for tales of them tricking humans into riding them, after which they’d take them to the water to drown.
Púca (Ireland): Shapeshifting nature spirits, which can take the appearance of horses, goats, cats, dogs, and hares. While able to take human form, animal features usually remain, such as ears or a tail.
Trasgo (Spain): A chaotic type of Duende that its mischiveous and playful at their best, malevolent and hateful at their worst.
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Américan Fae:
Almamula (Argentina and Uruguay): “Mule soul/Mule ghost” Malevolent female spirit described as a black mule or donkey able to breathe fire. Associated with wildfires, droughts and sexual urges/lust.
Caipora (Brazil): "Inhabitants of the forest" Forest-dwelling, dark-skinned fairies. They are said to demand smoke and tree-bark offerings from hunters before allowing them to have any luck in their hunting.
Chaneque (Mexico): “Those who live in dangerous places” or “The owners of the house” Spirits of the soil, found on forests, lakes, rivers and jungles. Similar in many aspects to the European Goblin and the Duende, they are described as having child-like faces and voices, as well as tails. 
Curupira (Brazil): Nature spirits described as having red hair and feet turned backwards, they are said to be vengeful against poachers and hunters that take more than what they need of the forest.
Momoy (Venezuela): Small male faeries who are described as bearded men who wear tall hats, similar in appearance to the Scandinavian Dwarf. Associated with rivers, fog and agriculture, the Momoyes are peaceful water spirits who are said to be helpful to those farmers who treat them with respect.
Sisimique (Costa Rica): Earth spirits described as having the face of a human and the body of a monkey, as well as just having four fingers on each hand. They are said to inhabit caves and caverns.
Wefuke (Chile): Mischievous spirits who feed on negative emotions, said to sometimes be malevolent in nature but who are also known to punish wrong-doers. They are an important part of Mapuche witchcraft traditions, as they function as ‘Familiar’ spirits to the Calcu (Name given to those Mapuche witches who choose to specialize on baneful magic and hexes, as opposed to healing shamanic magic or Machi). These Wefuke are said to stay loyal to a human bloodline for generations: A Calcu will sometimes inherit the Wefuke companion of their mentor or family member after they pass away.
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Slavic and Scandinavian Fae:
Bauk (Serbia): Large fae, described as being bear-like in appearance, whom inhabit dark places, holes, or abandoned houses and are scared away by light and loud noises. Said to enjoy the taste of human flesh, parents used to scare their children with tales of these creatures.
Hulder (Norway and Denmark): Female spirits described as beautiful women with hollow backs and with a cow’s tail. Said to lure human men into marrying them to kill them later, but folktales of Hulders seducing human women to spirit them away into their realms also exist.
Iele (Romania): Nature spirits who are portrayed as wearing bells at their feet and dance in circles to enthrall humans. If you approach them as a man, then you are forced to dance with them untill your feet bleed for their amusement. If approached as a woman, you dance with them until sun rise without being hurt. If you run away after seeing them, they are said to hunt you down. The place where the Iele had danced would after remain carbonized, with the grass incapable of growing on the trodden ground, and with the leaves of the surrounding trees scorched. Later, when grass would finally grow, it would have a red or dark-green color, the animals would not eat it, but instead mushrooms would thrive on it.
Leshy (Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Poland): Nature spirits who rule over the forest and the hunt. Masculine and humanoid in shape, but also said to be able to assume any likeness and can change in size and height. Sometimes portrayed with horns and surrounded by packs of wolves and bears.
Mavka (Ukraine, Austria, Serbia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary): Nymph-like female spirits, most commonly associated with the Carpathian Mountains. They are described as being eerily beautiful, as well as not casting a shadow nor reflections.
Nisse (Norway): Brownie-like creatures (As in, the European fairy, not the chocolate cake), whom live on farms and are said to help farmers with taking care of animals and keeping the soil bountiful. Though mostly benevolent, they're still Fae, and they are said to cause mischief when disrespected, including killing/harming the animals and/or turning the soil infertile. Their Swedish equivalent is called Tomte.
Rusalka (Russia): Female water spirits, described as having long, wet hair and pupiless eyes. Similar to the Greek sirens and the mermaids in that they are said to seduce humans with their singing and dancing to bring them into the water, where they then drown them and eat them.
Samodiva (Bulgaria): Woodland faeries commonly depicted as ethereal maidens with long, loose hair, and in some cases, wings. They are often described as blonde, tall, slender women with pale, glowing skin and fiery eyes, typically dressed in free-flowing, feathered white gowns.
Underjordiske (Norway and Scandinavia as a whole): “The Underworldly”, “The One Living Underground” or “Those who live down below” Umbrella term to describe most Scandinavian faeries.
Vila (Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia and Bulgaria): Female faeries described as young-looking girls with bird or butterfly-like wings, golden hair, white dresses and armed with bow and arrows. Some tales have them as being fearsome warriors despite their cutesy appearance, and that they could be seen riding elk or wolves into battle. Associated with dew, certain flowers and rainbows.
Vittra (Sweden): Nature spirits who live underground and are indifferent towards human affairs, but who are said to be fearsome when enraged.
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bestiarium · 3 years
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The Alp-Luachra [Irish mythology]
Are you slowly starving to death, despite eating three full meals every day, as if some magical creature snatched the food out of your stomach? According to Irish mythology, you may be haunted by an Alp-Luachra, a malevolent faery! Or perhaps you’ve got worms. Probably best to consult a doctor.
In any case, the Alp-Luachra is also known as a joint-eater. It originates from Celtic mythology. It dwells in a stream of water and waits for a human to fall asleep on the riverbank. When the coast is clear, the faery crawls out of the water and into the mouth of its victim, where it will nest in their stomach. From then on, it will eat half of all the food that its host consumes.
The parasitic creature, commonly depicted as a salamander or a salamander with some fay-like traits, will grow fat and large which causes the stomach of its host to swell up. When it stole enough food, the Alp-Luachra will lay eggs. Despite the presence of the faeries causing hunger and thirst, the human victim is usually unable to find enough food for the parasite and its offspring, and will die of starvation. The faeries then burst out of their victim’s torso and crawl into the nearest stream of water, where they will wait for another foolish human to take a nap.
If you manage to capture one, however, you can burn it and collect the ashes. Sprinkling these ashes on a wound caused by an Alp-Luachra will cure it, and the ashes can also be used to ward off the devil for some reason.
One folktale tells of a farmer who managed to get rid of these parasites by eating a large amount of overly salted meat and then laying down next to a river. This made the Alp-Luachra very thirsty and they left the farmer’s body to drink from the river.
Source: https://exemplore.com/legends/Fairies-Alp-Luachra
(image source 1: Miguel Firewolf) (image source 2: Polyanna Jones)
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Sorry if you already answered this but is their something like a boogeyman in om
Do Alp's and Mare's count?
Alp's are monsters from German Folklore, not to be mistaken with the similarly named Alp-luachra, control people's dreams and creating horrible nightmares.
Maron/Mara/Mare's come from German and Salvic Folklore of the same nature, some comparing it as the female version of alps. They appear to cause nightmares and rest on people's chests while they sleep (which personally reminds Me of sleep paralysis). They are also called Night Mares apparently and I wonder if that term game specifically from them.
They also both liked making knots in people's hair while they slept
or you know
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proserp · 3 years
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The O'Cionaoiths: A Flame Sprung family of Magicians. Inspired by celtic music, Aliester Crowley’s occultism, tarot cards, moonless nights with wind that whips, Irish folklore, red hair streaked across dark robes, mean-spirited tricks, and blood in black dirt, this is a family of magicians that do not limit themselves to the light side of the craft.
"Oillipheist" (Sam Heughan), The Eldest One
"Clurichaun" (Aaron Taylor Johnson), The Mischievous One
"Merrow" (Alina Kovalenko), The Sharp One
"Leanan Sidhe" (Saoirse Ronan), The Widowed One
"Banshee" (Madelaine Petsch), The Scorned One
"Alp-luachra" (Holliday Grainger), The Searching One
"Púca" (Ruairi O'Connor), The Ambitious One
"Changeling" (Amybeth McNulty), The Spirited One
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mavespenc · 4 years
Imagine, if you'd like, laying by a stream, or a nice river, falling asleep with your mouth open. The warmth of the Sun and the ground, the sounds of nature around you. Pretty relaxing, yes?
Well that is unless you know Irish mythology and of the Alp-Luachra, or the joint-eater as the name translates to. The Alp-Luachra is a type of fairy who in Irish folklore, sits invisible by a water source, awaiting a person from which it can feed.
It does not eat people, nor on food itself, but what it does still sounds pretty horrifying.
Upon the above tale being true, the Alp-Luachra changes form into that of a newt and moves towards the person and crawls inside their body. From here it is said to feed and multiply in numbers, living within the person.
In 'Secret Commonwealth of Fairies' by Robert Kirk, the Alp-Luachra feeds upon the "pith or quintessence of the food".
It is said someone plagued with the Alp-Luachra infestation will never gain weight and could never get fat, such is the allure of the energetic residue of food for the parasitic-like creature such as this is.
There is a story told about a farmer, in Douglas Hyde's 'Beside The Fire' who was starving to death due to his body being infested by a mother and several daughter generations living within him.
To free oneself of the Alp-Luachra, it is necessary to only eat salted meats, to drive the creatures out, from dehydration due to the salt, into the waters from whence they came.
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myth-lord · 2 years
Ice and water creatures
Geez, I'm having a lot of water and ice creatures for ya.
Creatures living in frosty conditions: Ugjuknarpak / Ahkiyyini / Akhlut / Amikuk / Ijiraq / Issitoq / Itqiirpak / Ishigaq / Qalupalik / Psonen / Sermilik / Tupilaq / Wendigo / Tizheruk / Yeti / Yuki-Onna / Qupqugiaq / Hrimpursar / Mahaha / Colorobetch / Barbegazi
Creatures using ice as weapon/magic: Ijiraq / Issitoq / Ishigaq / Qalupalik / Psonen / Sermilik / Tizheruk / Yuki-Onna / Hrimpursar / Mahaha / Colorobetch
Creatures living in lakes/seas: Abaia / Adaro / Zitiron / Afanc / Ahkiyyini / Ahuizotl / Ugjuknarpak / Akheilos / Isonade / Akhlut / Alp-Luachra / Amhuluk / Boobrie / Bukavac / Bunyip / Dingonek / Burach Bhadi / Caleuche / Chipfalamfula / Cuero / Echeneis / Globster / Grindylow / Haietlik / Siren / Heikegani / Hinqumemen / Umibozu / Hydra / Ikuchi / Kappa / Karkinos / Saratan / Kelpie / Lakuma / Charybdis / Longgui (dragon turtle) / Lusca / Iku-Turso / Migas / Kraken / Marool / Mishibizhiw / Mokele-Mbembe / Mbielu-Mbielu / Muirdris / Nakshatra Meenu / Namazu / Nuckelavee / Qalupalik / Roc / Thunderbird / Sazae-Oni / Scylla / Shen / Skolex (Indus Worm) / Tiddalik / Berberoka / Trolual / Raudkembingur / Bakekujira / Vodyanoi / Bagiennik / Arzhavennik / Bolotnik / Will o Wisp / Knucker / Topielec / Ninki Nanka / Morgawr / Marabbecca / Tlanusi / Cipactli / Rusalka / Nereid / Shellycoat / Fossegrim / Encantado / Water Leaper / Ghawwas / Butatsch / Trollgadda / Vatnsandi / Stella / Ziphius / Caspilly / Naglfar / Petsuchos / Con Rit / Dobhar-Chu
Creatures using water magic: Abaia / Ahkiyyini / Amhuluk / Caleuche / Hinqumemen / Umibozu / Ikuchi / Kameosa / Kelpie / Lakuma / Charybdis / Mishibizhiw / Qalupalik / Berberoka / Tiddalik / Vodyanoi / Bagiennik / Bolotnik / Topielec / Marabbecca / Tlanusi / Cipactli / Rusalka / Nereid / Fossegrim / Encantado / Ghawwas / Cuca / Stella
There are tons more, especially creatures living in water, but I'm not really a fan of those, so I'm gonna leave it up to you to find them ALL lol :-p
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