#alpha lena
scribbling-punk · 5 days
A Fresh Start
A/B/O Lena & Sam, eventual Lena/Sam/Kara. A delicious wee commission from a very kind and patient person who has been wonderful towards me.
Lena glances down at her cell phone as it vibrates, her jaw firmly setting as Kara’s name appears on the screen for what feels like the 1000th time in the last few weeks.
She’s in no mood for another round of desperate apologies; for Kara to continue pushing her to offer forgiveness before Lena has even had a chance to wrap her head around the truth that Lex had so gleefully forced on her with his dying breath.
The revelation that Kara is Supergirl had shattered her entire world, her heart ripped to shreds in real time as Lena had watched the truth play out on the screens behind her dying brother’s head.
Lena had stalked into the games night afterwards and announced in front of everyone that she knew the truth and, without a glance backwards, had stormed back out and ignored all attempts at contact from her friends since then. There’s a part of her that doesn’t blame the others—it wasn’t their secret to tell—but Lena feels like a fool and wonders if they had ever laughed at her for being the only one to not know.
She had trusted Kara with everything. Lena had even told her about her Alpha status, the admission pouring from her lips after one too many drinks, but Lena hadn’t regretted being honest with her best friend.
At least, not until now.
Perhaps it’s ridiculous, but Lena fears that everyone else knows now, that the others are painfully aware that she is the Alpha without a mate; the alpha who suppresses her inner desires at all costs.
Lena stands in the middle of her dimly lit private lab, her fingers trembling as she adjusts the dosage on her suppressant injection. Lena wrinkles her nose against the smell of the antiseptic wipe as she swipes it against her hip, the needle scratching her skin as she injects herself with her own creation, a suppressant much stronger than anything else on the market.
Her eyes squeeze closed as the solution briefly burns as it flows through her veins, the tightness in her pants soon dissipating. It’s a relief to feel the symptoms of her looming rut disappear into thin air, Lena’s shame lessening as she regains control of herself and her actions.
Her relief is short-lived, though, when a heavy knock rattles the door of her lab, startling Lena as she awkwardly throws the empty syringe into the trash.
Isolated, paranoid, and filled with a rage that terrifyingly reminds Lena of her relatives, she makes a point of ignoring the pounding at the door. If it is a work emergency, her assistant would call her, which means that whoever is behind the door, they are here for personal reasons, and Lena has no time or desire to deal with personal issues right now.
“Lena?” Emerald eyes widen when Lena hears Sam’s voice through the door, “come on, don’t make me burst through the door… you know I have a bum shoulder.”
Read A Fresh Start early on Patreon.
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slunatic · 2 years
Also on FFN: Not Playing Games: chapter 1. 
*This story was a request from a patron.*
Summary: Lena’s curiosity is piqued when she realizes Alex is an omega. This leads to Alex teaching Lena how to play pool and Lena teaching Alex to play chess. Huh?
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Relationship: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Agent Vasquez
Additional Tags: Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Omega Verse, Futanari, Alpha Lena Luthor, Omega Alex Danvers
Words: 7064
1: Shoot Your Shot
The night started out as normal. The Superfriends were celebrating another victory. M’gann had the alien bar open just for them, keeping the alcohol flowing and everyone was just smiles and laughs. The joyfulness made the place seem much more crowded than it was, just over ten people altogether. The music hummed around the bar, not quite loud, just enough to encourage people to sing along if they knew the song. Conversation could still be had without having to shout at each other.
Lena was with Kara, sitting close to the door. Kara’s cheeks were flushed, even in the bar’s dim light, as she caught Lena up on a piece of the action she missed as they saved the world. Apparently, while she was busy rigging explosives with Brainy on an invading ship, Alex was busy getting slimed and that was why Alex was not there right now. She had to take a decontamination shower...
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 3 months
Moi Devochki: Chapter 10
Authors note: This is the last chapter of this series! Thank you for reading and enjoying it, and I hope the ending is satisfactory! 💖
Word count: 2320
WandaNat Masterlist Marvel Masterlist Moi Devochki Masterlist
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Five Years Later:
    Natashas back lays in the cool grass that's shaded by a large oak tree, and her eyes light up as she laughs at the sight before her. The pup straddling her chest bounces slightly because of this, but he doesn’t seem to mind the action. In fact he starts to giggle along with his Mama, oblivious to the fact that he was the one being laughed at.
   “Look at you, you're a mess!” she exclaims as her hand comes to soothe his wild head of hair full of small twigs, leaves and some mulch, “What did you go down the slide head first or something?”
   “Uh huh, was fun!” he admits with a wide smile
   She glances beside her to the backyard playground where the other two toddlers are playing. Sure enough at the end of the slide is a patch of messed up mulch and his stuffed tiger lays beside it.
   “You are crazy, Pietro. It’s a good thing you came to Mama to help sort you out instead of your Mom or Mommy”
  “Why?” he asks as his head tilts adorably, letting a small leaf fall onto the Alphas abdomen
   “Because they would have worried. Especially your Mommy.”
   “Oh, m’kay” he states, likely filing that information away for future mishaps.
   She chuckles at him and continues to work on cleaning him up. He behaves and sits there, letting her make him look presentable while he watches his siblings continue to play. His sister, Sasha, is working on a sandcastle in the sandbox that was recently put in after a trip to the beach. And his half sister, Lena, is swinging on her swing with her stuffed bear.
   “There we go my handsome little man, all fixed up” 
   “Thank you Mama!” he exclaims, glancing down at her briefly before darting back off to the playground
   She watches him fondly as he picks up his tiger and brushes off the debris from it as he makes his way to one of the swings next to Lena. He sticks the plush between his legs so it can swing with him and he pushes his little legs off the ground to get his momentum going. The pups all laugh and smile, and Natasha knows without a doubt that retiring and having a domestic life was absolutely what she needed to truly feel whole.
   “Alpha! Pups! Lunch is ready!” Wanda suddenly calls out the back door to them
   Ever the hungry one, Lena jumps up and sprints towards the house, “Did chu make macs with cheese, Mommy?”
   “Lena, baby, change out of your sandy clothes and wash your hands first! Then ask Mommy questions!” the Alpha shouts out as she stops the swings for the other two, “Go wash your hands too, please.”
   “Yes Mama!” they both reply before darting into the house as well
    Wanda smiles as they all rush by her to do as their told, and she greets her Alpha with a kiss, “Hi love, you all looked like you were having fun”
   “Hi dorogoy(sweetheart)” she replies, holding her close for a moment, “We were, them more so but I do love watching them just get to be pups”
   The brunette nods in understanding, “Me too. So happy and carefree, as they should be”
   The patter of small feet gains their attention and Lena bursts into the room in a mismatched outfit, “Macs with cheese Mommy?”
  Wanda giggles at the small girl, “Yes honey, I made some”
   “Yay!! Tank you!” she says, hugging Wanda's leg briefly before scrambling into her seat
   The other two pups file into the kitchen next, and Pietros shirt clearly shows evidence of a mishap with the sink but neither of them mention it. He smiles a gap toothed grin, waiting to be given his plate as little Sasha struggles to get her chair out far enough for her to climb up on it
   “Careful baby, let me help” Wanda says as she moves to do just that
   “I'll go get Y/n and the little twins” Nat tells her mate before heading upstairs. She makes her way down the hall and into the large master bedroom, “Hi medovyy(honey)”
   “Hi Tasha” you greet, shifting slightly in your nest
   She comes over and joins you in the nest and gently cups your face, her eyes scanning the small pups by your side, “You and the pups doing ok?”
   You smile at her, “We’re fine Alpha, I finished feeding them a little while ago”
   “Well, Wandas just made lunch and I think it's your turn to eat now”
   “Yes please” you agree, moving to pick up one of the two month old pups, “Mind carrying Scarlett downstairs?”
   “Of course not” she replies, getting out of the nest and carefully taking the small pup in her arms, cradling her
   You get out of the nest too, and pick up Rico cradling him similarly as you follow your mate back downstairs and into the kitchen. It warms your heart to see all the toddlers sitting at the table with their plates of mac n cheese and dino nuggets.
   “Hi detka(baby)” Wanda greets, kissing your cheek while caressing the pups head, “Did they eat well?”
   You nod, “Very well, they passed out almost as soon as they had enough milk”
   “Good” she exclaims, taking the small pup from you, “Now you sit and start eating, Tasha and I will get them settled”
   You do as you're told and sit, watching on fondly as your mates help get your littlest ones into their highchairs beside you and Wanda. Your Alpha places a gentle but loving kiss on each of their heads before grabbing your plate and Wandas. She sets them down in front of you both before grabbing her own and taking her seat.
   “Thanks for making lunch baby, it looks delicious”
   “No need to thank me, you were both busy with our pups, lunch was the least I could do” she replies before taking in a forkful of macaroni 
   After a few bites of your meal you turn towards your pup Lena, “Did you have fun outside baby?”
   She nods and swallows the bite of her chicken, “Mhm, I was swingin’ the whole time”
  “Tell Mom how high you were going” your Alpha encourages
  “So high up! And without Mama's help!”
   You smile, “Good job baby!”
   Wanda looks over to her twins, “And what did you two get up to?”
   “I played in the sands” Sasha tells her with an excited smile, “Made a castle”
   “I didn’t go down the slide headfirst, so no worries. Just did the swings” Pietro says, winking at his Mama
    You giggle as the Alpha hides her face in her hands and Wanda does her best not to smile, “Oh, well, ok then. I won’t worry.”
   Nat sheepishly looks up at the Omega, “Sorry dorogoy(sweetheart)”
   “Its ok Alpha, pups are a bit wild at that age. He's not hurt and that's what's important.” she smiles and looks back at the boy while he tries to shove an entire nugget into his mouth, “Besides, he's just living up to his namesake”
   After lunch you, Natasha and your twins head into the living room while Wanda makes her way upstairs to put the other pups down for their afternoon nap. Your Alpha snuggles up to you on the couch as you both hold the twins, she still remembers when the other three were this small. And it seems like only yesterday she was running around like crazy trying to supply both her Omegas with their every craving, keep them sexually satisfied, take care of them and keep them safe.  
   You glance over at your mate and notice her pondering gaze, “What are you thinking about?”
   “Just how much I love our family” she admits, “And how glad I am Wanda chose to carry more pups at a later date, because you two were a handful”
   She chuckles at your fake expression of hurt, “I was not. Wanda definitely was though”
   “Wanda was what?” she asks, walking through the threshold
   “Y/n said you were- ”
   The Alpha is cut off by your free hand cupping over her mouth, “The most beautiful Omega in all of Sokovia”
   She quirks her brow at the two of you, “Now, why don’t I believe that's what was said?”
   You give her your best innocent smile while Nat playfully glares at you. Wanda only shakes her head with a smile before she joins you both on the couch, snuggling into your other side. 
   Nat huffs and you remember your hands position and quickly move it away, “Sorry babe, couldn’t risk it”
   “I’ll get you back for it later” she teases, leaning in for a gentle kiss. As soon as she pulls away Wanda's lips are taking her place, and the three of you settle down to snuggle and watch tv.
    About an hour later the thudding of small footsteps down the stairs alerts you all that the pups have awoken from their short lived nap. The three scuttle into the room, trying their best to remain quiet in case the younger ones are still asleep. Once they see them sitting up in their playpen and hear them softly cooing they know they don’t have to remain silent
   “Mama! Mama!” little Sasha squeals as she reaches out for your Alpha
   “What's wrong baby?” She asks, picking up the girl
   A large grin spreads across the pups face, “Nothins wrong, I’s excited!”
   “Oh?” the Alpha says, casting both you and Wanda a look, “And why is that?” 
   “I did what Mommy does!” she answers, making the three of you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion
   “What do you mean honey?” Wanda asks 
   She excitedly looks over at the Omega, “The wisps you do with your fingers!”
   Wanda may not be an active Avenger anymore, but that didn’t mean she stopped using her powers. In fact she used them on quite frequently to help her with household activities, calming one of her mates down from a ptsd induced nightmare, and helping lul the pups to sleep when they needed it just to name a few things. So the pups have definitely seen her use it, and since they weren’t really old enough to fully understand they story about them and she didn’t want them confusing her magic with that of fairytale story magic the three of you decided to refer to it simply as wisps for now.
   Your Omegas eyes widen slightly, “You did this?”
   The three pups watch as scarlet tendrils leave her fingertips and sore into the air before they dissipate. She nods, “Mhm! Only not so big”
  Natasha had anticipated the possibility of the pups inheriting powers, but she hadn’t expected it so soon. And based on Wanda's wide eyed expression, she hadn’t either.
   “Well, guess that means you’ll have to start teaching her about everything so she doesn’t accidentally do anything she shouldn't” 
   Wanda nods in agreement with you, “And that means we need to keep an eye on Pietro too”
   You move your gaze from your mate to your pups only to see that in the last few seconds the boy in question had wandered off. It doesn’t take you long to spot him though. He's next to Natasha, reaching up onto the end table to try to sneakily grab her currently unattended coffee cup. You weren’t sure why he's been so fascinated by the dark liquid lately, but a certain feline is usually pretty good at deterring his interests.
   As if your thoughts had summoned her, Liho hops up on the table, making Nat turn in that direction at the sound. Before she can scold the boy Liho does it for her, slapping his hand repeatedly with her paw. He quickly withdraws in who;e pouting at the cat
   “That’ll teach you.” Nat giggles, ruffling his hair, “Mamas coffee isn't for you, and I don’t know how many times you have to be told that”
   “Natasha Romanoff” Wanda scolds, “I swear, if that cat of yours ever ends up using her claws on one of my precious pup hands, you and she both will become acquainted with the doghouse”
   “But Mommy, we don’t haves a dog” Lena tells her with a perplexed face
   “It's just an expression baby” you explain, “It means Mama and Liho will be in lots of trouble”
   “And they’ll be sleeping on the old couch too” Wanda adds with a huff
   Nats complexion pales, “But dorogoy(sweetheart)”
   “No now, there's no need to worry Tasha” you tell her, “Liho has never used her claws, except on the cat scratch post. You have nothing to worry about. She just likes putting the pups in their place, printsessa(princess).”
   Wanda melts a bit at your affectionate nickname, though you've been using it since you started sleeping with her all those years ago it never fails to make her knees weak  
   “I know.” she sighs,  “I just don’t want them to catch her on a bad day and end up getting hurt”
   “I’ll make sure to keep her claws trimmed” Nat says, before turning to her beloved cat “And you’ll behave, only smack them if they get into something they shouldn’t. And no claws. We don’t want the couch. Bad for our backs”
   You smile at the one sided conversation and though things are sure to get a bit hectic with your pups having powers, you know this is where you're meant to be. A home, with your mates and pups, away from everything hectic in New York. Being a hero was fun and it gave you your mates, but being here with your family meant more than words to describe. Looking over at Wanda as she holds Sasha, you know she feels the same. 
   Nat seems to sense this too as she turns to look at you both, “I love you, moi devochki”
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Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @when-wolves-howl @danveration @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories@imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastorm @zoomdeathknight @aeroae @sashawalker2 @maggieromanov @doveromanoff @mommyluvu @404-almostdone @tarathia @ayoungexwife @loki-laufeyson68 @elle161989
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buckyshoneybunny · 2 months
The White Wolf (Part 2)
Wolf/Alpha!Bucky + Wildlifephotographer!curvy!reader   
W.C- 1000 
Warnings- None really, slow burn 
A/N- OMG!!! Thank you for all the likes, comments, reblogs, and follows!! You have no idea what this means to me! Anyway, I’m so sorry this is late, I hope you all love it though! Part three will be in Bucky’s POV! I will try to get the next part out sooner but shit kinda got busy here so no promises. Anyway hope you enjoy! (Let me know if you want to be added to the tagslist)
Taglist-  @blackbirdwitch22 @lesleurs
Part 1, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Masterlist Series Masterlist
Duffle bag in hand, you run all the way back to Bucky’s cabin, which was a lot farther then you thought. You run in and toss your bag on the couch.  
“Bucky?” You call, even though you know he isn’t here. You run back outside.  
“Steve!” You yell. You run around the forest yelling his name for what seems like forever. You come across a group of cabins, sitting on one of the porches you see Steve, two red heads, another guy, and a brunette.  
“Steve!” You speak desperately.  
“Y/N?” He gets up and walks over to you, confused. “What’s going on?” 
Before you can answer, the scarier looking red head speaks up, “What the hell is a human doing in here?” 
“There’s no time for that!” You pant.  
Steve puts his hands on your shoulders, “Y/N, what’s going on?” 
“It’s Bucky, he’s gone! H-he was supposed to be waiting for me at the edge of the woods but when I got back, he was gone and there was a blood where I had last seen him. I-I can’t find him a-and-” 
“Y/N, deep breath. It’s okay, we’ll find him. I think I already know where he is.” Steve cuts you off.  
You take a deep breath to calm your nerves. “How can you know what happened?” 
“A regular person couldn’t have taken him; it would have to be another werewolf.” 
“Rumlow,” the other man growls.  
“Who’s Rumlow?” You ask, confused.   
Steve explains that he’s the leader of the other pack, that Bucky and him are rivels. You also learn the other man is Sam, the other people in the pack are Clint, Wanda, Natasha, Kate, Yelena, and Peggy. You explain how you met Bucky. 
“You mean to tell me Barnes didn’t kill you?” Natasha grins and tilts her head. “Did he happen to sniff you?”  
“Yeah, he buried his face in my neck,” you laugh.  
“Oh my god!” Sam laughs, “You’re Bucky’s mate!”  
Your eyes widen. “What?”  
“Werewolf's can only smell their mate,” Peggy, Steve’s mate pipes up. 
“B-But that’s impossible, I’m human, there’s no way I’m his mate,” you feel like you’re dreaming, this whole day so surreal.  
“I’m human.” Peggy says.  
“Oh yeah, it took me a while to wrap my head around it too. But once I did, everything fell into place.” She smiles and looks at Steve, she’s in his lap. He looks back at her with heart eyes.  
“How does the whole claiming, marking, and rut thing work though?” You ask, you have headache at this point.  
“You have to be claimed in front of the pack, if you weren’t human then it could just be you and Bucky but the pack needs to see it happen to officially welcome you.” She explains.  
“Is that what you did?” She nods. There’s rustling in the woods behind you, you all turn to see the other man, Clint, running towards the cabin in his wolf form. At the last second, he transforms into his human form. 
“I found drag marks leading to Rumlow’s camp,” he pants.  
Steve and Sam jump up, “Let’s go,” Steve says. “You girls stay here.” 
“Wait but-” 
“No, Y/N, wait here while we check it out,” Steve interrupts you.  
“But Steve-”  
“If they find out you’re Bucky’s mate, they’ll kill you without a second thought. Stay. Here.” You nod. 
As the boys leave, you plop back into your seat and put your face in your hands. “I can’t help but think this is all my fault,” you mutter.  
“I mean it kind of is,” Yelena’s Russan voice answers.  
“Lena!” Natasha, her sister, scolds.  
“Look, Barnes is strong, he’ll make it out alive and then you will be reunited again,” Yelena adds, gentler this time.  
“Yeah, but what happens then? Do I just drop everything to be with Bucky? I can’t just drop everything, my life I-” 
“Y/N, calm down, let's just focus on bringing Bucky home, okay?” Natasha cuts you off. You nod.  
The boys come running back.  
“He’s there,” Sam pants.  
“What’s the plan? How can I help?” You ask, frantically. 
“You,” Steve grabs your shoulders. “Need to go to Bucky’s cabin and mark it with your scent.” 
“Huh?” You ask with a dumbfound look on your face.  
“He has a plan, but when he gets loose, he’ll be a feral alpha wanting nothing more then to claim his mate.” Steve answers. “Go.” 
You look at everyone unsure and worried. Natasha stands up.  
“Go, it’ll be okay.” She gives you a reassuring smile.  
As you walk back to his cabin you can’t help but spiral in worry. What if he doesn’t like you or make it back safe? What will your parents and friends say, will they think you’re crazy? Every single ‘what if’ runs through your mind, but every time Bucky crosses your mind, it’s like a soft comforting presence settles over you.  
Just as you reach the cabin’s front porch, the sound of a twig snaping breaks you out of your thoughts. You tense when you hear a growl, one that sounds nothing like Bucky. On instinct you dart into the cabin, shutting the door just in time.  
Looking out the window you see a wild haired wolf, chipped teeth, and scary looking. You slide down the wall, the weight of everything finally catching up with you. You break down in tears, yearning for the one person who can make things better.  
Once you finally calm down you set about ‘marking’ his cabin with your scent. You throw clothes here and there, lay in his bed and couch, did basically anything you could think of to make the place smell like you. 
The next couple of days are spent twiddling your thumbs, not so patiently waiting. When finally on the second night you’re woken by a familiar growl. Looking over at the owner of the noise, you see two steel blue eyes shining in the moon light staring back at you. A shiver runs down your spine.  
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shepherds-of-haven · 1 month
Hi Lena hope you've been well! Just wanted to say I've been loving the alpha and Patreon goodies (can't wait to jump Red's bones 🥰)! I had a question that I'm not sure has been answered before: For the inner circle members with their own squad of recruits to train, what is their leadership style like? (ie. if someone were to be a fly on the wall during trainings, what would they see? (the Chase scene with our squad had me SCREAMING 😳))
Hi anon, thanks for your great question! I hope you've been well too, and thank you so much for your lovely words! I'm so glad you're enjoying the alpha build and Patreon goodies, that's so motivating to hear! 🥹💖
Blade: Blade basically hand-picked his squad to create clones of himself, so he essentially has a death-squad of elite assassins who have a similar personality to him, whether due to nature or his training LOL. He's naturally pretty strict and has those rigid Ket standards of what's acceptable behavior and what's not, but because they were already so terrified of him and so intimidated and honored to have been picked by Day 1, his squad was so eager to gain his approval that they've never really had any true issues, lol. You hardly ever see him interacting with them, but he could turn his head and speak a quiet word and one of them would materialize out of thin air like a royal guard shadowing his king, lmao! The other recruits are scared of them 😭
Trouble: he's in turns quite strict with his squad and also quite friendly and jocular with them! He's just as prone to be found drinking with them as he is scaring them witless by bawling orders at them like an army commando and forcing them to sprint through mud obstacles while he's pelting them with rubber bullets. He has a surprisingly soldierly demeanor when it comes to training and field discipline, which I find hypocritical, given what a pain he is about authority and taking orders from other people and his general rebellious spirit... 😒 strangely, this hot-and-cold demeanor does not prevent his squad from being obsessed with him, lol
Tallys: Tallys has the kind of presence where she never acts any differently, no matter what situation she's in, which really makes people pay attention to her! It's kind of like those people who say something in such calm, even tones that you find yourself really leaning forward to hear them and find yourself intent and hanging on every word they say? She hardly ever raises her voice or shouts at her squad, but she doesn't really have to... her coolness makes them crave her approval so much that it's kind of a "yes mommy 🥺" energy with them lol, she only needs to communicate what she wants with a glance and they're running to do it!
Shery: she doesn't really have her own squad, she has a team of staffers who work under her! They mostly get along great, though sometimes some of them can accidentally take advantage of Shery when they're being thoughtless--it's not really malicious or on purpose, it's just that they don't really hesitate to ask her for a longer break or a day off, and sometimes that workload ends up falling on her! But overall things between them all run fairly smoothly, especially because she has other people (including Caine) who keep an eye out for that!
Riel: Riel also doesn't have his own 'squad,' per se, but a team of staffers... he basically just treats them like they're the hired help lol, he knows their names and whatnot, but he's basically the extremely busy CEO and they're just like the administrative assistants scampering after him as he strides into the office and starts rapping out orders lol!
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Beyond the necessities of work, he hardly acknowledges or exchanges a word with them, but they learn so much just from watching him maneuver and think and politick lol, so they're very grateful to just be in his proximity!
Chase: Chase is extremely slack with his recruits... He teaches them the skills they need to know, and they're quite good at what they do, but the team discipline on that squad is like a 0, lol. He's done a lot of his own "teaching" and leading in Thieves Guild, taking younger or more inexperienced thieves under his wing to show them the ropes, so he's sort of not into doing the whole thing all over again, lol. To be completely honest, he basically lets his squad do whatever they want and only interacts with them during mandatory training and missions. Like a really chill TA or substitute teacher who shows up because they have to but lets you watch a movie or go hang out in the hall or something, go nuts kids, he's not really the boss of you!! As a result, his squad adores him, but they're also really chaotic partiers lol. Once in a blue moon they'll try to wrangle him like "CAPTAIN!! You promised you would be here to train us at dawn, why are you two hours late?!" "sorry guys, I got lost on the road of life~~"
Red: I feel like his entire squad is hopelessly in love with him, lol. He basically teaches them like they're his interns or teacher assistants and he's a professor; he's fairly mild-mannered and hands-off, but they do learn a lot from him and respect him immensely (to the point of practically hanging on his every word). Having his own squad is extremely low-priority for him (he prefers deploying on his own missions and focusing on his research, plus he still teaches some classes at the Circle now and then), so he often lumps them in with his classes or is on hand to advise them as they run their own missions, but he's more of an advisor or "teacher who sponsors your extracurricular club" rather than being "club president," if that makes any sense?? Like you typically go to him for help, which he's always willing to provide, rather than he's the one really pushing for more time together!
Ayla: at first she hated the idea of having her own squad of dweeby little recruits, but now that she's used to it, she relishes having someone to boss around! She trains them like a drill sergeant, barking orders and subjecting them to Mr. Miyagi-style domestic chores with a sadistic kind of relish, but they're still extremely proficient at what they do. They're also terrified of her. She does abuse her power slightly sometimes by like making them pull the weeds outside her window, but it's typically as punishment for some legitimate misdeed... typically.
Briony: her squad didn't initially take her very seriously because she came off as a bit nervous and burbly and not really an authoritative figure, and her amnesia puts her at a real disadvantage, so initially they would be like, "oh the high lord of Lancastre is in town today, I wonder if there will be trouble" Briony: "who is that :D"
So for a little while, her squad were sort of bewildered by her, and it started to become a dynamic where they were on the surface nice but somewhat condescending, like, "hey guys, could you go do so-and-so?" "...sure captain 😏 we'll get right on that!" They'd eventually do it, but they'd take their damn time, which is something Ayla, Trouble, or Blade would never tolerate, but Briony would pretend not to notice!
But then they saw her pulverize a tree with her fist for the first time (._.), and now they're very meek and obedient! Nowadays they get along well, and she treats them warmly like they're all friends, and they're pretty tight-knit, though Briony still has some trouble outright ordering them to do things rather than requesting it nicely like they're equals/comrades-in-arms... she's not fully comfortable with having command over anyone yet!
Lavinet: Lavinet, as a late-comer, actually got to pick her own squad rather than being assigned one, so she was able to avoid the inevitable resentment and defiance of a random team who probably would have doubted her skills due to her being a noble and thought she was some kind of nepo baby who bought her way in! The people she ended up picking tended to be people who appreciated and understood who she was and wanted to work with her. As a result, she's quite polite and amiable with them and doesn't have to get strict, though she secretly longs for the ability to just let loose one day and start barking orders like one of the others... That wouldn't be seemly, though! Even as an instructor and a captain, she still has to maintain her courtly composure and just delivers her orders in a calm tone (which sounds more icy and deadly when she's displeased).
Halek: squad? what squad? He already had the Black Shield Hunters, the elders, and Naolin dogging him around everywhere, now he has to babysit some snotty recruits? he can't even teach them anything, he basically just joined! 😩 he spends a lot of time dodging them and hiding places to nap, but either they or someone like Blade or Tallys go and drag him back by the ear. Eventually he had to be like, "...you really want me to train you?" "yes!" "the way I was trained to hunt demons?" "YES!" "...okay... if that's really want you want..."
*cue the most grueling, back-breaking military regiment you've ever seen* The White Order doesn't play around with how it trains its younglings, so he just applies the same techniques to his squad! If he has to be awake and suffering, so do you :') He doesn't yell at them or anything, you just look into the slight malice in his courteous smile as he asks you to get on your knees and crawl into a mysterious hole and you suddenly feel a deep, existential terror...
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louroth · 1 year
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IT IS UPDATE TIME! For those of you who missed the dirty draft in the discord, the original play link has now been updated with 35 thousand words and two chapters sizzling with exposition, and heated rivalry. I'm so excited!
Here's what's new:
Before we start, it took some honest critique for something to click for me, plot wise. I have been meandering with the plot, partly because I had no idea what I was even doing, and part because I really wanted to meander around in this new medium. But, the plot I have planned is very high octane and epic in scale so I don’t want to bore you to death before we get to the good stuff.
So, don’t hunt me for sport when I tell you that (for the time being) I have removed the entire section of RO 101’s. I was so stubborn with shoehorning them in for the better part of a year, leading to writer's block and utter despair since it just wouldn’t fit; it wasn’t how you were supposed to learn about the RO’s. I have put them aside for now and tweaked Lenas scene once more so that it flows better- I am hemming and hawing over Id’s 101 because that one actually makes sense to have there, plotwise. It might go back in where it was, but I am still thinking about it.
Ok, for real this time though:
The scenes where you scream and your RO busts down the door Kool-Aid man style are there now.
A meeting with Oma and a blast from your [origin] past!
A whole chapter of lies and deceit, but it could literally be anyone lying. Careful who to trust.
Is that… [REDACTED]?? Surely not.
Another chapter where you get to choose your weapons and the way the Surge manifests with your hunter.
On topic of the surge, the magic in Ouro, it is now a default for all players; you can choose from 4 different classes. The Battlefrenzied Zealot, The Beastmaster, The Etherweaver or The Vox Psion. I had a terrible time writing the codexes for these classes, so some are partial and others missing, but if you continue you will experience them in actual action-scenes instead, weaponized. Don't forget to save! For now, each class comes with its own weapon, but I will add more whenever extra time strikes, or when the draft is done.  I am going to remind you as I remind myself: This draft will get rougher around the edges, a little bit messy, as I am going to try to just draft the whole thing without even looking back. It will make my life so much easier when it comes to figuring out key scenes and motivations. While I wrote quite slowly as I treated OUROBOROS as a hobby, now I am working on it, which means skipping content I cannot think of on the spot just to keep the ball rolling. If you don't want to read the alpha draft, please wait with reading until the edited twine demo is out. Thank you!!
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scar-lie · 1 year
Omega Pt. 2 [Natasha]
Summary : After Y/N’s heat, Natasha left her alone on her bed
Pairing : Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warning : Yelling, curse word
Word Count : 1,531
A/N : This part is requested on my wattpad account
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it let me know.
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Your little heart starts to hurt again; it just keeps breaking every damn minute of the day that it hurts so much. You cry in your bed, the bed you share with your Alpha, where her smell is still lingering in the pillow, blanket, sheets, and around the room
It hurt to keep you reminded of her in this room from the best day of your life—the day she claimed you and you claimed her—from the day she turned you down, and now you're here alone again, in your house and in your own bedroom
You remember every second of that day, 1 month ago, every word, their faces, and how her eyes burned you. How could you forget it? It's the day your mate, your Alpha, rejected you as her Omega, and it's already lingering in your head
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You woke up with a smile on your face and stretched your limb, then reached out to your left side of the bed just to find an empty, cold sheet. You frowned, looking at the empty space besides you
The sadness is starting to creep up your spine, and your heart is getting torn apart a little by the thought of your Alpha leaving you, but you took deep breaths, thinking of a possible reason why your Alpha isn't in the bed with you
Maybe she's in the bathroom, maybe showering or peeing—no, that's impossible; the shower isn't on, and neither is the light—or maybe she's downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast—that's impossible too; you know that your Alpha can't cook even a single egg—
Maybe she just went outside to buy something—maybe food? or things? or whatever, but you decided to wait for her
While waiting, you get up and do your morning routine, going down to make breakfast since you're hungry. You've been in heat for 3 days, 3 days in bed with your Alpha, and 3 days since you ate food properly, so you're pretty starving
After that, you sat down on the sofa with a book in your hand—the book you were reading before you went into heat; you're almost at the halfway point of the book
And then you wait and wait and wait until it's near midnight, and your Alpha still hasn't come back to you; she didn't even leave a message, let alone reply or answer you
This broke your heart, so you decided to just sleep it off before you became an emotional wreck. That means you will cry, and you can't afford to do that, not after your heat. You're pretty dehydrated after the heat, so you need every drop of water in your body
But the next day is still the same; there is no Natasha Romanoff in your house, so you decide to pay her a visit in the compound, talk to her, and just be with your Alpha, so that's what you do
Going to the compound with Mac and Cheese for your best friend Yelena, who's Natasha's sister, and Lasagna for the rest of the team
You happily drove to the compound from your house that day because you were going to see your Alpha, and gosh, were you excited? Hell yeah, you're beyond excited to see your mated Alpha since after your heat
"Y/N?"  You smiled when you heard Yelena's voice once you got inside the compound
"Lena, hi," you say and smile at her and hug her
"What are you-Wait," she said when we pulled away, but she stopped when her eyes landed on your neck, where my Alpha Mark is
"You're—oh my god, you're a mated Omega now." Her jaw drops, and she tries to rub the mark away, but you giggle and gently push her
"I am," you confirm, making her eyes pop out
"WHO!" she screamed in shock. You just shake my head
"Natasha....." If she was shocked earlier, now you think she lost her mind
"Wha-" You use this opportunity to slip away while she's in her shocked state and go to Nat's office, knocking on her door
You waited and waited until you heard footsteps, so you stood up straight and wore your sweetest smile until she opened the door
"Hi! I missed you," you told her, and you kissed her cheeks, but she didn't move or show any emotion; she just stood there, looking at you with her stone-cold eyes and expression
"Nat, are you okay?" You asked her and proceeded to touch her forehead to see if she had a fever or something, but before your hand could touch her face, she swatted it away, glaring at you in a way that made you feel so small, so you swallowed the lump on your throat
"What are you doing here?" She asked you in her monotone voice, which makes you scared of her. Sure, you both were friends before, and now she's your mate, but you've never encountered her being like this, and this makes you scared of her
"I'm here to bring you.. food and the team.. you didn't come back yesterday," you stutter, fidgeting with the paper bag holder while looking down, afraid to look at her eyes
"Throw it away," she said, and she proceeded to slam the door in your face, but she stopped in her tracks when you called her
"But Alpha..." You shut up when she gives you a death stare
"I'm not you're fucking Alpha, understand!" She said it with her gritted teeth while towering over your small figure
"But, but... you are my Alpha... you claimed me," you whisper, lips quivering
"No, you're not. Listen to me carefully, you slut; I am not your Alpha and will never be; that mark on your neck doesn't mean anything; I'm in a rut at that time and I will not willingly want to claim you; you're just a piece of shit." You look down; tears are already coming down your cheeks from your eyes, but you try to stop them from falling
"I don't want to do anything with you; I don't want you to be my omega; I don't want to have a family with you; I don't want to have pups with you. I am not your Alpha." She said the last six words with anger and hatred while gripping your checks together in one hand and making you look at her
"And for the stupid mating mark, I want it gone!" your lips quivering and a few tears rolling down your cheeks
"Now fucking get your ass away from me," she threw your face to the side and slammed the door shut
With that, you sob, looking down while gripping the paper bag you're holding. You can't believe that she rejected you after just a few days of claiming you; now you're a used, rejected Omega
And in order to unmate her, it means getting as far away from each other as possible, which will cause pain or, at worst, death
You sniff, wiping your tears, and try to be strong and start to walk away from her office with a heavy heart, and that's when you saw her teammates, in the living room, minding their own business
"Y/N?" You look at the kitchen and see Wanda preparing to cook something for the team
"What are you doing here?" she asked as she put her apron on, so you smiled at her the best you could, and the team greeted you, so you returned the greeting
"I'm just here to drop this off," you say, lifting the paper bag in the air for everyone to see
"What is that?" Wanda asked, walking towards you
"Oh, uh, food. I decided to drop some food here," you whispered loudly enough for them to hear, and before Wanda asked you, she frowned, noticing your red nose and eyes
"Are you ok?" Wanda asked, and you just scoffed, waving your hand with a puff
"Yeah, here, everybody eat this food now before it gets cold," Wanda gives you a tight smile, as does the other team
"I'm going to go now, everybody, bye," you said, putting the paper bag at the top of the near cabinet, and before anyone can ask a question, you're already heading out
You sigh, so you get to your car quickly while in your own headspace; you didn't notice the voice calling you, Yelena, and you just drove home with a heavy heart
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Since then, you never leave your house, not unless you need to get groceries or pay bills. Wanda and Yelena are constantly visiting, texting, or calling you, but you didn't respond to any of those. You keep the door shut when they're knocking on your door for hours, and you put our phone on silent
They are worried sick about you; since that visit, when you clearly did not look good, they have tried to reach out to both you and Nat to know what happened, but neither of you has answered them or the team
And it's been a week since you found out something you didn't expect to have; this only serves to remind you of what happened and what your life is now
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owl127 · 4 months
Supercorp idea - Let Us Have This
(abo, alpha!kara, omega!lena- Rated M)
I have 3ish chapter for this idea, and I wanted to see if there is any hope for it. Posting chapter one here (unbeta´d):
Kara bit her lip, puffing her cheeks in a long exhale. “Kara Danvers didn’t sleep with Lena.” She met Alex’s confused expression. “Supergirl did.” (...) Feeling her ears burn, Kara nodded. “It has a zipper.” “Oh my God, why did I ask,” Alex groaned and threw her half-eaten pizza slice back into the box. 
For a moment, Lena was sure she was going to die. 
Part of her knew the attack was coming. She knew something big and nefarious was sent her way the moment she ignored her mother’s single message requesting L-Corp’s archives on synthetic kryptonite. 
So for that brief, frightening moment when the warmth of the explosion kissed the back of her dress and the pressure sent her forward, Lena was absolutely sure that was her end. Eyes closed, she leaned forward and surrendered with surprising peace while wishing for it to be quick. 
And then she was up, up and away, cold wind biting her face as dizziness took over her mind at the sudden acceleration. She could smell the telltale of scorched fabric and a touch of musk. Weightless, her arms crushing a strong neck she knew so well, Lena winced as the white noise from the explosion below flooded her hearing. 
When her heart caught up with her mind to understand what had happened, Lena shuddered and autumn's chilly air filled her lungs with a tinge of strength and alpha that sent her mind reeling again. 
“Supergirl,” she breathed, tightening her grip around her superhero. She couldn’t see well with the deafening wind speed, but she could swear the Girl of Steel smirked. 
“You seem very intent on getting yourself killed, Miss Luthor,” Supergirl said as they stopped many feet above the city.
“I don’t know. Seemed like a typical Wednesday for me.”
Supergirl laughed, clear and low, adjusting her grasp on Lena’s body. 
“Let’s try and tone it down to once a month, shall we?” 
Lena smiled, her body pumping adrenaline and her lungs fighting for air, because with the same conviction she had known it to be her end, she also knew to trust the Super. She opened her mouth to reply, but the hero frowned suddenly, looking behind Lena. Iron-grip fingers dug firmly into her back and legs, and Supergirl’s voice was calm but stern as she spoke, “Miss Luthor, try to get yourself very small and hold tight.”
But Lena’s answer came in the form of an armored suit busting into their solitary air space, and she was off in mind-blowing speed, head cradled against Supergirl’s collarbone. Her scent was stronger there, and Lena was getting lost in it until her entire cocoon of protection shook with an impact, and Supergirl groaned.
As another shot flew past them, Lena realized that Supergirl would be fighting off whatever was targeting them if it wasn’t for Lena’s human, frail body that needed protection. However, as the city’s skyscrapers flashed below them, letting go did not seem like an option. So she did what she could: she held tight as Supergirl shielded her from blast after blast. The alpha swallowed groans that Lena could imagine were of pain, her own body shaking violently at each impact. But Supergirl held tight, hands firm and steady as she guided them away from the city.
“Take a deep breath.” 
Lena heard it almost too late, inhaling Supergirl’s essence from her neck and hiding against the fluttering cape as they surged upwards. When Lena realized clouds were getting closer, she closed her eyes and wished to not open them again.
But they turned, completing a loop, and a sudden increase in heat made Lena open her eyes in shock to see the powerful beams leave the hero’s eyes. An explosion ahead of them, and the fingers that surely bruised Lena’s hips relaxed, if only a bit.
She could hear Supergirl’s heartbeat, fast but steady, and the radiator that was the woman’s body was the only reason Lena wasn’t a shivering mess.
Or maybe she was.
She couldn’t speak as they flew back to the city grounds, and she didn’t question why Supergirl knew which building and balcony to land outside her apartment. When her legs hit the polished balcony floor, her knees gave away instantly and Supergirl, also in shaking hands, swooped her back up in bridal carry. 
Lena didn’t protest and let herself be carried into her dark living room. Supergirl guided them to the couch, sitting down slowly but not letting go of Lena. A brief thought that Supergirl was hyperventilating crossed her mind, but then she noticed she was the one having a hard time breathing. 
“You’re safe,” Supergirl said, not complaining about the fact she had been holding Lena for what must have been a good part of an hour. “You’re safe,” she repeated, one large, warm palm resting over Lena’s on the superhero’s chest.
Lena’s fingers grip the crest over the suit. She tried to and matched Supergirl’s breathing, slowing down until her desperate pants didn’t fill the room, only the sirens far down echoing in the background. She breathed more of the alpha’s scent, earthly and fresh, and it was all new and at the same time familiar.
The moment shifted, fast like a winter sunset. Lena’s hand continued to rest under Supergirl’s, hot and clammy, and Lena took a deep, deep breath in the soft spot where the suit revealed skin. Supergirl’s breath caught at the back of her throat, and Lena was suddenly aware of how they were pressed together on her couch. 
Lena almost died today.
But as she rested her lips on Supergirl’s neck, the remnant adrenaline in her body made her feel most alive. She felt the pulse against her lips quicken. She was not sure what she was looking for, but as the grip on her body became a shy touch away from hurting and Supergirl moaned low at a second kiss on available skin, Lena knew she had found it.
“Miss Luthor,” Supergirl asked—or pleaded—and when Lena gathered the courage to look up under the low light, she saw bright blue eyes shut close. 
“Supergirl.” Lena’s voice was unsteady, breathy, rough. If anyone was pleading that night, it would be her. She watched as Supergirl blinked her eyes open, a whimper escaping her mouth under Lena’s touch on her neck. Blue eyes seemed dark in her living room, consumed by what Lena hoped was arousal but also a tinge of doubt. She had never seen the hero so close.
Trembling legs straddled the superhero’s waist, trapping the most powerful alpha on the planet under the weight of an omega. 
Supergirl gulped. 
Not thinking twice, or not thinking at all, Lena reached down for a proper kiss. Her chapped lips touched soft ones, once, twice. Supergirl didn’t respond but for the hands on Lena’s back warming up. Now that she could feel it, Lena wondered, perplexed, how something so powerful could be that soft.
When she pulled away to apologize, to take a breath, or anything else, Supergirl met her halfway and finally responded to the kiss. Slow, moderate—until it wasn’t, and Lena opened her mouth to deepen the kiss and her need. 
“Miss Luthor—”
“Don’t,” Lena found her voice, hands diving into messy blonde curls. “Let us have this.”
“We don’t—”
“We can have this,” she insisted, and the storm of emotions shining in blue eyes was too much. Not letting her hero rethink anything, Lena leaned for another kiss. 
Arms maintaining their death grip on Supergirl’s neck, Lena grinded herself down on the suit, smiling at the resulting bulge.
They established a rhythm in their kissing and grinding. Lena attacked every available skin on Supergirl’s neck, face, and strong hands fumbled with Lena’s dress zipper just for them to hear the fabric tearing. 
Wide blue eyes met Lena as they stopped at the sound. “I’m sorry!”
Smiling, Lena shrugged off the scorched, destroyed garment with minimal effort. She was left in her underwear; she wondered if she should have picked something else than a comfortable bra and panties, but as wide blue eyes zeroed on her chest, she thought that it might be okay.
She met Supergirl’s lips again, hard, and moaned into the responding thrust between her legs. Lena looked between them, and then back at the gaping hero. 
“Oh, Rao,” Supergirl said, her cheeks darkening in the dim room.
A pale hand rested between Supergirl’s legs, and she hissed on Lena’s neck, tongue licking her way back to the omega’s mouth. 
They were impossibly close, moving together, finding secret spots and whimpers to pull out of each other. Noses bumping, they shared the same air, a sudden need for touch consuming Lena and prickling at her skin. 
As much as Lena enjoyed the suit, she wanted it gone. But she had no idea how to get the alpha out of it. Was there a secret zipper somewhere? 
Her frantic search around Supergirl’s crotch went to a sudden stop as the same warm hand that was on her hip rested on top of Lena’s. She thought Supergirl was going to put a stop to it, stand up and leave her wet and bothered on her couch. A protest formed in her throat, but the strong hand simply reached between them, and a satisfying zipper sound echoed in the living room filled with labored breaths. 
“Yes,” Lena whispered and captured the softest lips she had ever kissed once more, swatting Supergirl’s hand away so she would have the satisfaction of freeing the hero from her confines.
Suit on, then.
It was dark, messy, and Lena was partially in shock. But none of that broke through the calming certainty that took over Lena, and she pushed her own panties aside, dripping, and watched the Girl of Steel zero her attention between their bodies as she sank down in one swift motion.
God, she should have taken her time.
Hissing, she swallowed Supergirl’s moan when their lips reunited as they began to move, the discomfort ebbing away at each new thrust.
One hand on her hip and the other pushing her down by her shoulders, Lena let herself be guided by the hero, accepting the rhythm she imposed with strong pushes of her thighs. 
Lena did not expect it to be sweet or kind. She did not expect this at all, only following what her body and the moment guided her to do. But there she was, with Supergirl under her, inside her, soiling her couch in the best possible way. And still, not expecting anything, Supergirl found home in the warm spot on her neck, leaving a new collection of marks that Lena was sure to cherish. She spoke something in a foreign tongue, clipped and slow, words that broke every time their bodies met. 
Lena gasped and pulled her closer, nails digging into a covered shoulder, knees spreading wide over her white leather couch. 
A hand traveled to between their bodies, clumsily slipping between them to find Lena’s point of pleasure. She spread her legs wider, trembling knees digging into the couch, muscles flexing, and she moaned out loud when the soft pad of a thumb found her.
Was that talent or superspeed? 
Whatever it was, when coupled with the deep thrusting reaching the right places inside, it led Lena to a shuddering, breathtaking orgasm. Her mind went blank for a sweet second, and she sucked firmly on Supergirl’s neck. 
“Lena,” the hero breathed wetly on her cheek, hands finally undoing the mess that was once her bun, and hips picked up speed as Lena bounced freely. 
Supergirl was going to come inside her, and Lena never felt so complete. 
It was quiet; the long moan that left the alpha’s mouth was close to a whimper, stretched thin and fading to a gasp as she lost her imposing rhythm and shuddered. She trembled and grunted, pushing one, two, three final times before allowing their heated bodies to cool down with elaborated breaths.
Lena did not know Supergirl could pant like that.
The weight of the day hit her hard, and she slumped over the alpha’s chest, spent, tired, ultimately satisfied. 
“I’ve got you.”
It was the last thing she heard before closing her eyes to the sight of cornflower blue.
Lena woke up in her bed, blinking against the early morning light. Her body felt tired, bruised, aching in all the right places. 
Was it a dream?
She touched between her legs, finding dampness and a delicious soreness. She touched her neck, the skin prickling under her fingers, sensitive. She bit her lips at the memory of warm skin and soft, soft lips. There was a single flower on her nightstand, fresh and red.
Not a dream.
Kara would not know what they were watching for the life of her. Throughout the evening of the typical sisters’ night, she tried to find a way to talk to Alex as they lounged on her couch. More like to confess to Alex.
“I can hear you thinking,” Alex probed, reaching for another slice of pizza. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
Kara took a deep breath and faced her sister. Unimpressed, Alex took another bite from the meat lovers pizza. “Kara, whatever it is, I am sure we can—”
“I slept with Lena.” 
Alex stopped mid-bite, swallowing dryly. “When you say sleep, do you mean sleep or sleep sleep?”
Kara fidgeted with her glasses, blue eyes scanning her loft before tentatively finding Alex’s again. “Sleep sleep.” Her hands moved in front of her under the blanket, but the movement was not lost on Alex.
“Oh, Kara.” The older alpha perked up. “I’m happy for you?” It sounded like a question since whatever was warming up Kara’s face was not joy. She took her glasses off, put them on again. “I thought you liked her?” Alex tried.
“No, that’s not—I mean, I do, I do like her but…” Kara bit her lip, puffing her cheeks in a long exhale. “Kara Danvers didn’t sleep with Lena.” She met Alex’s confused expression. “Supergirl did.”
It took a second or two, but Alex widened her eyes. Her pizza slice sat between them, forgotten in her hand. Alex frowned after the initial surprise. “What do you mean, Supergirl did? How would she not notice—oh God, Kara… with the suit on?” Alex’s mouth contorted into disgust at Kara’s burning face. “How do you even?” It was Alex’s turn with the vague hand gestures between her free hand and the pizza. 
Feeling her ears burn, Kara nodded. “It has a zipper.”
“Oh my God, why did I ask,” Alex groaned and threw her half-eaten slice back into the box. 
They remained in painful silence. “Kara,” Agent Danvers asked, since at that moment she was not asking as an older sister. “Do you think she can ID you?”
“I don’t know! It was kinda dark and—”
“Please no details,” Alex begged, hands in a protective stance between them. 
“I honestly don’t know. She’s been on leave since the attack last week—”
“During an attack, Kara?” Alex’s lips pulled down again, and Kara rolled her eyes.
“Not during, more like, after!”
“Ugh.” Alex ran a hand through her short hair. “You cannot expose your identity to Lena Luthor.”
“I guess I’ve exposed enough.”
“Kara! This is serious.” Alex stood up, pacing in front of the couch as Kara observed. “We need to find out what she knows.”
“As I was saying”—Kara reached for a slice herself—“she is coming back to work tomorrow. I will try and figure that out.”
“Good, good. Sounds like a plan.” Alex nodded at each affirmation. She closed her eyes, one hand massaging her temple. “I don’t think I can look at you the same in that suit anymore.”
“I thought you would be happy for me for… you know, living my life and everything,” she said with her mouthful of pizza. 
“But the suit, Kara?” Alex whined.
“It’s machine washable!”
“Don’t ever let Winn know. He will sew up your zipper.”
Kara made a face, and Alex flopped down on the couch. 
“But how was it?” Alex was trying hard to balance her roles as DEO agent and sister there, Kara had to give her that. 
The little gasps that puffed into Kara’s neck each time she drove into Lena. The combined heat of their bodies and how Lena opened up for her, breath caught in her throat. 
“Really good,” she confessed, ears burning all over again. 
“This is messy.” Alex reached for her abandoned pizza slice. “You need to promise me you won’t tell Lena your secret identity, no matter how good sex was with her.”
“For now, Lena Luthor thinking she had a thirsty night with Supergirl is safer for everyone.” 
Kara played with the threadbare end of the blanket covering her legs. “I understand.”
They ate in silence until Alex couldn’t hold it anymore. 
“With the suit on, Kara. I can’t believe you.”
“It has a zipper!”
Monday rolled around, and Kara found herself double-checking her email every other minute. Lena had yet to show up at CatCo, and the waiting was gnawing at Kara’s patience. Not that she was an example of patience, but still. 
She cleared her spam box and went as far as checking the promotions tab.
The elevator dinged to put her out of her misery as she excluded an expired Calvin Klein’s coupon. 
Lena emerged from the elevator in her usual grace—pressed, knee-length black skirt and a soft-looking turtleneck the color of the rose Kara left next to her bed a couple mornings ago.
Kara knew exactly what the burgundy solid-knit hid. Marks, an entire constellation of them, left by her mouth on alabaster skin.
“Hi, Kara.”
Lena was in front of her.
“Lena! Hi!” She went for a hug that Lena responded in kind. “You didn’t answer my messages, are you okay? You never take sick days.”
Lena took a deep breath, and a shy smile graced her lips. “I needed some time to center myself after the last… event.” Her lips pulled down, and Kara wondered if there was a better word for “when my mother tried to kill me… again”. 
“Yes, of course. But are you okay?”
Lena stared so deeply into Kara’s eyes that Kara thought that was it; Lena knew, she saw the truth, the suit and zipper were not enough to keep her secret. 
But the intensity in light green eyes faded, and Lena eased back to her smile. “Yes, I’m feeling much better.”
Eve showed up with coffee for Lena, and Kara followed her into James’ office. James wasn’t there yet, and Lena dropped her bag on the empty couch. “Kara, do you want to have lunch today? I wanted to talk to you.”
She didn’t meet Kara’s eyes as she asked, but the phrase sent a shock down Kara’s spine nonetheless. 
Yep, that was it. Lena clearly knew. 
“Yes, of course.” Kara was a little breathless. Lena took a sip of her coffee and looked up at Kara again, eyes glinting. 
“I need to tell you something,” she said, eyes looking around them discreetly, as if she had a secret. 
“Yeah, sure,” Kara replied and thanked Rao she didn’t break the pencil she was holding. 
“I need some friendly advice on something,” Lena continued, her back to Kara as she left her coffee on the corner of James’ table and fished a tablet from her purse. “So don’t bail on lunch.”
Kara nodded and walked back to her desk. She had half a mind to call Alex and request the pile of NDA documents Lena would undoubtedly have to sign after this but decided to wait for lunch.
As she sat back down on her chair, the pencil finally broke in two between her fingers.
Lunch came too fast and horribly too slow. A few hours later, Kara found herself at the outside area of their floor with two boxes of Chinese food while Lena had enough greens to feed an entire rabbit family.
“So… what do you want to talk about?” Kara fought to keep her eyes on her food but lost the battle quite quickly as she watched Lena playing with a cherry tomato. 
Green eyes as sharp as a knife fixed on her, and Kara swallowed a dumpling without chewing. 
“Have you seen Supergirl lately?” Lena measured her focus back to the cherry tomato as Kara blushed as red as the fruit. 
So much for being subtle. 
“No, not really, no,” she answered and went straight for her water to wash down her nerves.
It did not work. 
Lena hummed, catching the stray tomato and chewing it slowly behind lips just as red. 
“Do you know if she has any… companions?”
Kara had the decency to chew her dumpling this time. “What do you mean?” 
“As in a lover.”
Nope, more like half chewing it as it bothered her throat going down. 
“Not that I know of, no.” 
Lena’s tongue poked out to lick at the side of her lips, capturing a stray drop of olive oil. Kara’s eyes followed the motion, hypnotized. When Lena caught her staring with a slight frown, she focused back on her fried rice. 
They ate in silence for a moment, and Kara wondered if Lena was getting ready to drop the truth bomb. She had an excuse ready and cleared her afternoon so they could both head down to the DEO, and J’onn would scold her so badly, and—
“I had sex with Supergirl,” Lena said in a natural tone, gaze on her salad, and Kara widened her eyes. It worked well, since Lena probably thought it was a simple surprise and not Kara’s honest reaction to Lena not connecting the dots.
The glasses did work! 
“Kara?” Lena raised one sculpted eyebrow, and Kara nodded, blinking raptly. 
“Oh, wow, I mean, oh.” She didn't know what would be the appropriate response, lips opening and closing, face flushed. Should she say congratulations? 
Thinking about it, she was in a unique situation to get interesting… feedback. 
“But like, how was it?” Kara pretended to go back to her potstickers, but when Lena smiled broadly, she gave it up to drink in Lena’s reaction. Lena bit her lip, cheeks coloring a beautiful shade of crimson that harmonized with her turtleneck and lipstick. 
“Really good,” Lena laughed, and Kara preened a little under the indirect praise. “I mean,” Lena continued, pushing her salad aside to lean over the table. Kara did her best not to lean and meet her halfway. “It was kinda fast.”
Kara sat back against her chair, stuttering. “Well, I suppose it was what, at the end of the day? Supergirl probably works a lot, like a lot, and—”
“Kara.” Lena laughed freely at that. “I didn’t mean fast like that! You alphas.” Lena’s face flushed further, and Kara felt her own ears tingle with heat. 
“It was fast in a way that it was not planned,” Lena corrected, drinking a sip of water to wash down the last bit of her amusement. “It kinda just happened.”
“Okay, I may have pushed it a little bit,” the omega admitted from behind the rim of her water glass. 
Kara busied herself with another dumpling. “So it was good?” she asked with a mouthful.
Lena looked to the side while biting her lips. She drummed her fingers on the table and played with her fork. Kara held her breath. 
“You’re my best friend, and I need to gush about it with someone,” she said in a rushed breath, and Kara reminded herself to breathe like a proper human.
“Yes?” There was soy sauce on Kara’s lips, but she couldn’t care less as Lena knocked on the table excitedly with both hands, light touches to expose part of what seemed to be barely contained giggles. 
“Okay.” Lena folded her hands in front of her. “It was a bit dark, and it was fast and all, but, Kara.” She looked up, and Kara felt a responding tug in her pants. “Supergirl has some talents.” 
Talents, talents? Kara needed specifics! 
“Her hand, her finger.” Lena looked down at her own hands, eyes a little fogged, eyebrow knit in concentration. “It vibrated, like a legit vibrator. Maybe it’s a superpower thing?” Lena faced Kara once more, and Kara shrugged in response. 
But yeah, it was a superpower thing. Kara tried to control her smirk, but it showed some of it by the way Lena blushed and rolled her eyes. 
“And she’s… okay, don’t go all alpha dog on me,” Lena excused herself before any further admission, and by then, Kara was sure of two things.
One: Lena did not recognize her that night.
Two: Kara had freaking good game. 
She stared at Lena, holding herself together not to smile. She could feel her lips fighting it, twisting up, but she nodded at Lena to continue. 
Lena rolled her eyes. “She is well endorsed,” she admitted with a bright new flush. “Not like, too much, but God, perfect. It was almost too much at first but then...” She got lost in memory, and Kara bit the inside of her cheek. “It was good.”
Kara’s smile was out of control now, but Lena avoided her eyes. “Yeah, so, that happened,” Lena added, one hand pulling her salad back in front of her. 
Kara sucked on her lips, smiling and probably looking like a total fool. She ignored the alpha pride bubbling in her chest and her instinct making its own party down her pants to look back at Lena.
Then she asked what she should not, probably. 
“Do you want to do it again?”
Lena's eyes squinted in what appeared to be concentration. She took her time to think, eating a mouthful of greens. When she finally swallowed, she fixed Kara with eyes that could only be described as predatory.
Kara knew that stare; she had seen it in the dim living room before Lena kissed her senseless. 
Rao, why did she ask that.
“I do.”
Thank Rao she asked that.
“Do you want me to tell her that?” Aiming for nonchalance, Kara played with the peanut in her fried rice. She was out of dumplings and potstickers already. 
“What if she wants to keep it a secret? Oh God.” Lena’s hand landed on her own heart, and Kara heard how it accelerated. “Should I have not said anything?”
“Lena, calm down.” Kara had a small smile. “She won’t mind that you told me. I’m pretty sure she’ll tell me when we meet again.”
Lena’s eyes darkened in that predatory way that Kara thanked Rao she chose dark chinos today. 
“If she does, you better let me know what she says about me.”
“Will do,” Kara laughed quietly. “But for the record, I’m sure any alpha would be amazed to be with you.” 
Lena blushed at that, light and pink, different from the previous blushes of their lunch.
“Thank you, Kara.” 
“Anytime.” Kara’s entire face worked on her smile. “Now, do you have plans for that milkshake of yours?”
“I got it for you.”
Lena woke up feeling good, ready to face the day. In yoga pants and a black tank top, she made herself buttered toast with a touch of cinnamon and opened a new bottle of orange juice. 
Her treadmill faced the full wall window with National City waking up forty floors below. The sun had just started to rise when Lena began her run. Classic music played from the speakers on the treadmill, the watch marking the first ten minutes of her run.
At first, she didn’t think it would be something major. The rising sun seemed too bright and the music too loud, so she shut part of the blinds and lowered the volume. The stopwatch marked fifteen, and Lena had a sudden change in her mood, feeling exhausted, almost dizzy. At twenty, the dizziness intensified, her legs threatened to give away, and she had half a second to press on the emergency red button before she stumbled off the moving lane. 
Lena breathed hard, controlling her intake of air not to hyperventilate. She sat on the floor and crawled to the living room couch, resting her back against it. As the room spun around her, Lena tried to keep her breakfast down. Her stopwatch marked thirty-five by the time she could stand up on wobbly legs. 
She took a long time in her morning shower, washing her hair and staying under the lukewarm spray until she could feel like herself again.
By the time she made it to CatCo, dressed in a navy pantsuit and white satin shirt, her day did not look any better. She felt tired, exhausted even, and the smell of coffee turned her stomach. She sent Eve away with a promise to bring peppermint tea instead.
Lena turned at the call of her name, finding worried blue eyes. Mint scent filled the air, and she gratefully took the tea Kara offered. 
“How are you? You don’t look so good.” Kara helped Lena into the chair at her desk outside James' office. 
Leave it to Kara to be delicate about the fact that Lena looked like shit. 
“I’m not feeling well today,” Lena mumbled before taking a scalding sip from the offered tea. It burned her lips but distracted her from the lingering dizziness. 
Kara pushed another chair next to her, one warm hand finding Lena’s forehead. “Do you have a fever?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Lena looked up to find Kara’s eyes crinkled in worry.
The bluest eyes Lena had ever seen fixed on her face as Supergirl rocked her entire body at each deep thrust. 
“Lena? You okay? Maybe you should go home.”
Lena shook her head, pulling away from Kara’s touch. 
“No, I’m okay, just… déjà vu.” 
Kara’s hand hovered between them for a bit, unsure. She nodded, clearing her throat. 
“I still think you might want to take the morning off.”
“I’m fine, Kara.” 
Throughout the day, Lena had a hard time shaking Supergirl off her mind. 
The fight had been all over the news. From the multiple screens at CatCo, Lena watched Supergirl fight, and get really close to losing, with an alien three times her size. The Girl of Steel had heroically taken the fight away from the city and the people, and helicopters and drones struggled to keep up with the superhuman duel. 
Whatever happened that cameras did not catch, Lena was sure it had taken a heavy toll on the superhero.
Still feeling a little off like she had been in the last week, Lena left James responsible for the coverage of the fight and headed home. Her phone screen flashed with updates all afternoon: it had been messy, and hard, but Supergirl had prevailed and captured the rogue alien. 
Lena saw the pictures of Supergirl—lips bleeding and a trickle of red lining her forehead—and grimaced. She had never seen her bleed before.
She made herself tea at home, trading her skirt for sweatpants and fluffy socks. Lena had a book under her arm and steaming tea in her hands, ready to retreat to her bedroom, when she heard her balcony door open.
A shiver went down her spine, pure and raw fear at another possible attempt on her life. She turned suddenly, some of the tea sloshing down her hardwood flooring. 
Fear left her at once when she saw the figure hovering at her window, not quite entering, hair moving with the night breeze. She left the tea and book on her coffee table and walked to the window in time to let the tired body lean over her smaller frame.
“Supergirl?” she asked breathlessly, hands going to the back of the hero. She was warm, maybe too warm. Her suit was torn in places, and her cape was missing. 
Supergirl’s nose found the side of her neck, and Lena smelled blood and soot. She hugged Supergirl closer.
“Can I—”
“C’mon.” Lena stepped back, one hand guiding the hero that looked smaller under her living room light. They walked past the couch, Lena pulling the suddenly shy hero until they made it to her bedroom.
Supergirl blinked, looking around and taking a step back. “I shouldn't,” she said mostly to herself, but one knee buckled when she turned around, hitting the floor with a crack. 
“Nonsense.” Lena helped her up, or more likely, stood next to her as she balanced once more. Without another word, Lena helped the hero to her bed. 
Supergirl complied like a trained puppy, head hitting the pillow in a long exhale. Lena helped her out of the suit—there were many hidden zippers everywhere—and watched as the pile of muscles that was Supergirl lay on her bed with nothing but boxer shorts and a tank top. The blood on her face had dried, but there were different cuts all over her golden body. Under the light of her bedside table, Lena pushed Supergirl’s hair behind an ear, inhaling the alpha scent under the remnants of her battle.
It felt strangely familiar. 
Blue eyes blinked open, and Supergirl turned off the light next to them. 
“You’re safe,” Lena said to the dark room, finding her place as the small spoon. 
She felt the alpha’s responding smile against the back of her neck.
Lena awoke to the sensation of heat. Her bedroom was warm, and she moved to kick the covers, but she was not under the blankets. As sunrise made itself known against the blinders in her bedroom, Lena took a deep breath of alpha.
Last night came back to her, and she turned between the arms of her personal space heater to face the most relaxed, peaceful Supergirl she had ever seen. She couldn’t make out the details of her sharp jawline, the sun barely hinting at east, but she could feel her chest expanding and hear the little snores. 
Lena smiled.
She reclaimed her space under the Girl of Steel’s neck, not shaking the feeling of odd familiarity. Lena’s hand rested on Supergirl’s exposed waist and ran it over her arms to check for the bruises and cuts from last night. They were there, but less pronounced. 
“Hmm,” Supergirl mumbled in her sleep under Lena’s touch, pulling the omega closer, Lena’s cheek resting on a strong collarbone.  
Lena would have been content with that, the comfort of a night together. 
“Do you want to do it again?”
Kara’s question came to her, uninvited, sudden, and Lena shivered.
Supergirl had slept in her bed, and yes, she would like to sleep with her again, whatever that meant. 
If only Kara could see her now.
A small kiss on her temple got her out of thoughts, and Lena melted against the strong chest warming up her bed. 
“Hi,” Supergirl said huskily against messy dark hair, arms wrapping Lena and turning so Lena could rest her chin over a dark tank top. She felt nipples hardening against her own cotton shirt. 
“Hello,” Lena replied, taking in the scent and warmth around her. “I’m glad you stopped by last night.” She looked up to meet sleepy eyes.
Supergirl blinked, slowly, and stretched in the languid way cats do after a nap—neck turning to the side and legs spreading so Lena could fit snugly between them. 
“I should go,” Supergirl said as the sun kissed Lena’s curtains, never stopping its west crawl.
“Can you stay a bit longer?” Lena herself stretched, her hips grinding in front of Supergirl’s boxer briefs and eliciting a moan from the superhero. 
“I could stay a bit longer,” Supergirl confessed, dipping to catch Lena’s lips in a kiss that woke them both up.
So Lena started her morning on her hands and knees, head buried in her pillow as Supergirl made her day so much better.
Kara chewed on buttered popcorn as cars exploded on her TV from one of the Bourne movies. She wasn’t sure which one, but it happened in Europe. Maybe.
Alex had picked the movie.
Alex watched the car chase and shootings fascinatingly, murmuring some of the lines along with all kinds of spies. Kara waited for the final car chase scene to end until she had Alex’s attention. 
Mouth full of popcorn, Kara stared at the TV, not brave enough to meet her sister’s eyes.
“I did it again.”
“What?” Alex got the popcorn bowl from Kara’s lap.
Alex promptly choked on popcorn. 
“I know!” Kara covered her warming face with a pink cushion. 
“You need to stop before that woman develops a kink for suits,” Alex said after downing half of her beer and clearing her airways. 
“There was no suit this time.”
“Kara, did you tell her?” Alex stared at Kara with stern dark eyes that made the superhero shrink to her side of the couch. 
“No. But it was different. I slept there.”
“Oh, Kara,” Alex’s eyes had something that might have been close to pity, and Kara couldn’t take that. “Does she know?”
“I don’t think so.” Kara looked down at her hands, wiping the popcorn grease on her sweater pants. “It was kinda…” Her ears burned, and she avoided Alex’s questioning eyes. “Like, from behind.”
Alex made a face at her and fake-gagged. “Please, no details.”
“It was dark, so I think I’m good.”
“Just stop.”
“I might have forgotten my cape there.”
“Sometimes I wish you were an omega.”
“I’d still do it.”
“Of course you would.”
The email did not call for her immediate attention. Lena had received it at 9:37 am and only looked at it by the end of her day, the clock nearing 8 pm as she made her last checkup on Sam at L-Corp.
She had done the diagnostic tests in her own lab, of course. Being the CEO of one of the most powerful pharmaceutical companies had its perks. But even Lena knew that, sometimes, a specialist should take a look at the results. After an entire week of feeling constantly exhausted and surprisingly hungry, Lena had performed her usual, annual checkup a few months earlier. Most results seemed normal, but a few hormonal levels caught her attention, and she ran them with her head researcher of their omega-focused department. 
Seemed fitting. 
The doctor had sent her an email, at 9:37 am, with the simple title of “Lab test 127 results”. Very innocuous and unassuming. Easy to ignore, considering Lena’s busy life.
She said good-bye to Sam at the elevator, and she had to reassure her CFO that, yes, she was fine. Sam had looked at her with a somewhat puzzled expression, but she didn’t press it. When Lena checked her reflection on her phone inside her car, she realized that she might have been looking like… total shit, yeah, exhausted and wishing she was home with warm tea, pizza and fluffy pajamas, and maybe her strong alpha to cuddle her to sleep.
The last thought hit her so hard that she wondered if she should add scotch to her tea. Was she going into heat early? It would explain her wandering thoughts.
As she finally opened the email when she padded into her kitchen, make-up-free and wearing warm winter socks even though it was still autumn, she realized the scotch would have to wait.
It would have to wait quite some time.
The following morning, Lena did not expect the buzz next to her front door, her intercom startling her out of her email inbox. 
“Miss Luthor, there is a Miss Danvers in the lobby for you. Should I let her in?” Came the gruff voice of the doorman, and Lena looked puzzled from her forgotten phone to her closed door.
Did she sound desperate in her text earlier?
“You can let her up, Charles, thank you.” She was still a little breathless from hurrying to her door to respond. She checked the messages to see what could have caused Kara to drop by unannounced after her texts an hour ago.
Yeah, considering the protective-labrador personality Kara had, she could have framed that better.
Which was why she found herself opening her front door, in pajamas and bed hair, to a whirlwind of pastel and chinos at 9:47 am. 
“Lena, are you all right?” Kara had coffee and donuts in her hands, but she balanced everything on one side to place a warm palm over Lena’s forehead before stepping in. “Do you have a fever? What happened? Is it bad? Oh no, Lena, are you dying?” 
Lena took it all like the champion she was, getting one donut from the bag and ignoring the coffee, opening the door wide and thanking God for her lack of neighbors. 
“I’m not dying,” she mumbled after her first bite—glazed, simple, just what she needed—and herded Kara and her endless questions to her couch.
She wondered if Kara would be mad if she knew what else had happened on that couch, but the alpha was already blushing and adjusting her button-up after dropping the rest of the baked goodies on the coffee table. 
“You kinda look like you’re dying,” Kara said mostly to herself, one hand pushing her frames up her nose. 
Lena fixed her with her most convincing glare, which, admittedly, could be lacking strength without any make-up and hairdo, just a sloppy ponytail she barely bothered to do this morning.
But she had reasons!
“Thanks for stopping by, even though it’s unnecessary,” she said. “But I do need to talk to you.”
“What happened?” 
Kara had one of the bluest eyes Lena had ever seen—warm and familiar and insightful. She closed her own eyes at a warm wave of other blue-eyed memories. Images of another pair, so shockingly similar, shining with tiredness in her darkened bedroom.
If only Kara knew what a stare like that could do to an omega.
Lena used her thumb to clear nonexistent sugar from her lips, watching as Kara took an entire mouthful of a powdered donut. The alpha had white powdered sugar all over her mouth, but she didn’t move to clean it up. Lena smiled, and at that moment she knew she could count on Kara for anything.
“Remember when I told you that I had sex with Supergirl?”
Kara nodded and emitted a confirmation sound from her donut-filled mouth. The white of the sugar became more prominent as she blushed.
“I did it again.”
“Oh.” Kara had completely stopped chewing, just hanging in there with chipmunk cheeks.
Lena reached for her donut but didn’t bite it. She played with the glaze between her thumb and forefinger, pursing her lips.
Would Kara be disappointed?
Only one way to know.
“And I found out last night, you see…” Lena took a deep breath, meeting blue eyes as she exhaled. “That I’m pregnant.”
Kara had the courtesy to look away from Lena as she spat a half-eaten donut all over her coffee table and coughed for a good ten seconds. Lena grimaced at the scene but padded her friend in the back, waiting patiently as she gathered her breath.
Kara held a finger up, clearing her throat and using an offered napkin to wipe her lips. She almost succeeded.
Eyes glossy from almost choking, Kara finally looked at her. “You sure?”
“Precisely.” The word tugged Lena’s lips to the side, and she glanced at her laptop where she had double-checked the results. She had also called her doctor, had bought a collection of pregnancy tests from the downtown pharmacy, and all in all, had looked for any direction that could let her out of this situation. 
Kara stood up, pacing relentlessly in her living room. “Okay, okay. I see. I see. You’re pregnant.” She looked at Lena, who remained on the couch watching Kara freak out. Kara pointed at her, not accusingly, just fitting together the pieces of her speech. “You’re pregnant. With Supergirl’s pup.” She glanced behind Lena, fingers now pointed to the window. “Supergirl’s alien pup,” she completed. 
“Yes,” Lena confirmed, eyes studying as Kara kept pacing back and forth behind her coffee table. 
“Okay. Okay, that is…” Kara stopped, both hands on her hips, her head down, and when she looked up, Lena was not expecting the brightness of tears. “That is kind of amazing,” she said in a shaky voice, biting her lip, and Lena could not take a second look at a crying Kara and not feel her own eyes fighting the flood. 
“Is it?” Lena heard her own voice—small, unsure. 
Kara nodded, sinking back on the couch and reaching for Lena’s hands. “Yeah, yeah it is.”
They sat like that, hands together, and Lena wondered if every friendship was like that.
“Oh, Rao,” Kara breathed out, releasing Lena’s hand to massage her temples. “I need to take you to the DEO.”
When Kara looked up, she had a panicked expression that did not help Lena’s turning stomach. 
“Alex’s gonna flip,” Kara whispered, and Lena felt utterly confused. “Oh, Lena.” She stared at Lena, then at Lena’s window, and back at Lena, and Lena felt like crying again.
Kara took another deep breath and a veil of determination covered her face. “I need to take you to a facility that will be able to help you. Supergirl works there. They need to know this. Supergirl has so many enemies, and if anyone finds out about a pup they could…” Kara’s scent grew, a metallic tinge of fear, and Lena recoiled unconsciously. 
“It’s ok, you’re okay,” Kara reassured her, closing her eyes for a moment as the scent dissipated. “We will help you.”
Lena had many questions. There was a strange feeling growing in her stomach, and she had the suspicion it was not morning sickness. 
“Kara, I have enough equipment at L-Corp to go through with this.”
“Lena please…”
“I don’t want to expose myself to the government or… anyone else.” Lena stood from the couch, ready to turn her back to Kara, but the alpha held her hand, gently pulling so she could face her again. Kara didn’t stand up, instead looking at Lena from her place on the couch. 
“I’m sure Supergirl would want to know. She would want to protect you,” Kara pleaded, lips in a thin line that ghosted a smile. 
The feeling in Lena’s tummy grew. 
“Just for today,” Kara insisted. “Do you trust me?”
The memory came back. Blue, blue eyes with specks of gray and amber. She shivered. 
“Yes.” Lena tightened her grasp around Kara’s hand.
 Oh, Rao; oh, Rao; oh, Rao; oh, Rao.
Kara messed up. 
She knew that. She was aware of that. She was painfully aware she had messed up beautifully this time.
It was not that she had anything intrinsically against what had happened. It just didn’t go the way she had hoped. After months of having feelings for Lena and preparing herself to ask the omega out, all it took was one night of weakness, and Kara messed up everything.
Okay, one night and a morning.
The order of events was supposed to be something like: declare feelings, date, mate, pups. 
They jumped a lot of steps.
Now she got a visitor’s badge for Lena while they went through security at the DEO, and even though she never felt sick, she wondered if the feeling was anything close to the turmoil in her stomach. 
Oh, Rao.
She ignored the questioning glances from the other agents as she strode in all her pastel glory into the DEO with a very confused, very curious Lena Luthor following behind.
Winn almost had a heart attack. 
“Kara! Lena!” He stood up from his rolling chair, hand holding one of his toy guns. “Kara? Lena?” He looked between the two women, their linked hands, Lena’s questioning gaze, Kara’s silent plea. His eyebrows hit his hairline. 
“I need to see Alex in the med bay,” Kara said and hopefully her tone would not require further explanation. Lena’s hand was stiff and clammy in hers, and she guided them to the stairs and into the med bay. Thankfully, it was empty. 
Kara helped Lena to a seat, and before she could roll a chair for herself, she heard Alex making her way upstairs. 
“Just a sec.” She squeezed Lena’s hand and left the room to meet Alex outside. She watched Lena from the inside with a frown, lips pushed together as if she had swallowed a protest.
“Alex,” Kara whispered, closing the door behind her. She could still see Lena watching them from the glass, green bouncing between the sisters. “I need to tell Lena.”
Alex was unimpressed.
“Why is Lena Luthor in my facility?” she asked with a stern tone reserved for Kara’s mishaps, arms crossed over her black polo. 
“Alex, this is important.” Kara reached with both hands to hold Alex’s forearm, and maybe with a little extra strength because Alex frowned and hissed, but Kara didn’t let her go.
“What’s going on, Kara?”
Kara took a deep breath and met Alex’s eyes with unshed tears. 
“Lena is here to tell Supergirl she’s pregnant.” Kara’s voice was hardly above a whisper but clear enough for Alex to hear every word.
“Ouch!” Alex tried to slap the back of Kara’s head, but since it was equivalent to slapping solid rock, her own hand hurt in the process. She shook the pain off, but her stare was still murderous.
“Why did you do that?” Kara said, concerned, reaching for Alex’s hand.
“Because I don’t know if I should hug you or slap you!”
“I could really use a hug right now!”
They angry-hugged which turned into a long hug while Lena, puzzled, watched the exchange from the other side of the glass. 
“Jesus fuck, Kara,” Alex whispered. “You okay?”
“I really need to tell her.” They separated from the embrace, and Kara wiped a stray tear. Alex schooled her shocked expression to something neutral as she opened the door. 
“Don’t make us all regret it,” Alex said and walked inside, finding Lena, still completely confused, staring at them. Kara closed the door behind her, leaving the three of them alone inside. Lena stood up to greet Alex.
“Luthor,” Alex acknowledged Lena with a nod.
“Agent Danvers.” Lena arched one sculpted eyebrow. 
“Your discretion about this facility will be expected.”
“Alex,” Kara warned, eyes widening and her hand finding Lena’s. Alex looked down at their hands for a total of a single second before focusing on Lena again.
“And your discretion about this conversation will also be expected,” Lena replied in a similar tone. 
“You do not give orders here.”
“Alex!” Kara’s free hand rested on her sister’s thigh, bringing her attention back to herself. “Lena won’t say anything. We’re not here to expose the DEO.”
“I need to see Supergirl,” Lena intervened. 
“I see,” Alex said, sparing a look at Kara. “Kara might help you with that.”
“Could you…” Kara gave a pointed look at Alex, who busied herself at the other side of the lab, gathering supplies. Kara pulled a rolling chair next to Lena so they could both sit down, bringing Lena’s hand up for a quick kiss.
Lena couldn’t look more confused, and Kara laughed to herself, a puff of air that almost ended in a sob.
“What was that all about?” Lena’s voice was small, tense. Her shoulders were pulled high and tight. 
“I told Alex so she would know what kind of equipment to bring.”
As if on cue, Alex gathered a tablet from one of the metallic desks and walked to the door. “I will get the ultrasound and will be back in a few.”
Kara waited until the door closed behind Alex.
“Kara?” Kara hated the way Lena looked at her—vulnerable, small. Afraid. Lena was too smart not to notice something was up. “Where’s Supergirl?”
“Yeah. About that.” Kara sucked in a breath through gritted teeth, gently laying Lena’s hand down. She turned around in her chair, her back to Lena. She took off two simple hair clips that held a lock of hair around her high ponytail. It fell to the side of her face. Both her hands reached behind to unlace her thin hair tie, golden waves finally free to spill over her shoulder. There were no hair tie marks on her hair, as it never had, no matter how tight the braid was. She took off her glasses, setting them on the table next to Lena, though her back was still to the omega. Finally, she turned around.
Lena stared, confused, but she blinked twice, her lips pressed together. The green of her eyes reminded Kara of the sea after a storm, with marks of repressed anger and uncontrolled waves. 
With a deep breath, Kara started to undo her shirt buttons. One, two, three.
When the House of El crest became visible, Kara heard the tiny gasp coming out of Lena’s mouth, and she lifted her head.
“No.” Lena shook her head, a humorless laugh escaping her lips. “No,” she repeated, eyes glossy, shaking her head still.
Kara gulped. “Lena…”
“You don’t get to do this,” Lena hissed, any softness gone, voice dripping with an anger Kara had never seen addressed to her before. “You don’t get to lie to me like this.”
“I never meant to—”
“To what?” Lena stood up, and Kara followed. “Never meant to lie to me for years?” 
“I couldn’t tell you,” Kara defended, but it sounded weak.
Alex chose that moment to open the door and wheel her equipment into the room.
“Oh, you couldn’t tell me, but you had no qualms about fucking me on my own fucking couch!” Lena’s voice raised, one manicured finger pointing at Kara’s chest, still blatantly exposing her identity. Kara took a step back if only to give Lena more room.
Kara heard Alex saying nope and wheeling her equipment back the three steps she had managed inside the room, and they were once again alone. 
“Lena, please, listen to me.”
“Oh, now I should listen to you,” Lena laughed sarcastically, and the movement sprung a tear out. “Let me guess, now that I’m pregnant, you felt some kind of obligation to tell me the truth since, you know, I’m carrying an heir to some dead species or whatever.” 
“It’s not like that.” Kara closed her hands in fists, turning her head to the side. She couldn’t meet the coldness in Lena’s eyes. 
“Humor me, Supergirl, how is it then?”
Kara bit her lower lip, one hand threading through her hair. She could feel the heat radiating from Lena’s body, could see her ab muscles flexing, could smell the swell of her scent, her omega presence, and if she focused, Oh, Rao, if she focused she could hear—
Kara snapped her head up from the intense stare directed at Lena’s midriff. The omega had taken a step back, a protective hand over her abdomen, and Kara gaped. 
“Don’t use any of your powers to get out of this conversation,” Lena warned, eyes bright. She had graced herself with light makeup and a high ponytail, but she wore jeans and a long-sleeved, gray shirt, a simple attire from her usual choices. 
“I like you,” Kara confessed, out of practice and out of timing. Lena took another step back, hitting the table with her hips. “I’ve liked you for a long time, and I couldn’t fathom destroying our friendship over my feelings. You were always part of Kara Danvers’ life and not Supergirl’s, and I just…” Kara Danvers, you are my hero. “I was afraid to lose you.” She found Lena’s eyes, and the intensity there softened for a moment. 
“I need some time.” Lena said and turned her back.
“I understand.” Kara took a deep breath; Lena’s scent, even when they were fighting, still soothed her nerves. Kara’s alpha had chosen Lena a long time ago.
Kara walked to the door and gave one last glance at Lena, who hadn’t moved. Alex was outside, but Kara wasn’t able to face her sister without the urge to cry, so she headed towards the stairs. 
Alex took it as her queue to enter the room. 
“So…” Alex started, wheeling her equipment close to the bed. 
Lena wiped at her face with her sleeve, feeling her cheeks warm. 
“There are two bathrooms at the back of the room, and there are gowns in there for you to change into.” Alex seemed surprisingly neutral with everything. Lena hardened her own expression and nodded. 
Her anger was not aimed at the older Danvers, since she could see the logic of keeping Kara's Identity a secret. But Lena hated being the only one in the room not knowing something so important. 
“What kind of exams do you intend to perform? I’ve done multiple tests at L-Corp and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.” Her voice sounded steady, and for that, Lena was grateful.
“How familiar are you with Kryptonian anatomy? My initial concern is how your body will react to a Kryptonian fetus.”
"Half-Kryptonian," Lena corrected.
Lena had many secret files on Kryptonian anatomy, but Alex did not need to know that. Also, Alex’s data were probably from Kara herself, which was something Lena lacked. As much as she wanted to leave that place as soon as possible, an unfamiliar instinct told her that the best for her pup was to at least listen to what Alex had to say. 
“What concerns would that be?”
“Superman didn’t present his powers until his teen years, but he always had a different metabolic rate, caloric ingestion, and disease resistance.” Alex was all business, and Lena breathed a relieved sigh. “But Kara did not grow up here and manifested her abilities from day one.”
“Are you suggesting this pup could have super strength in the womb?” The idea sent a cold shiver down her spine, and one hand rested on her belly. They both knew what that would mean for Lena. 
“You’re still here, so not for now. But it’s not unlikely.” Alex donned black gloves over her hands and started the process of sanitizing the probe.
Beyond the glass, Lena found Kara’s eyes on the other side of the DEO floor. She found blue laced with worry and frowned.
“Can she hear us?”
Alex turned her attention from her preparation to find Kara leaning over the railings on the opposite side of the hall. 
“Yes,” Alex answered without a beat. “But she won’t if you ask her not to.”
Lena locked eyes with Kara. “Stop.”
Kara nodded and paced away. She had closed her yellow button-up to cover her suit, but her hair was down and her face free of the usual frames. 
“Have you felt any tiredness? Nausea? Increased appetite?”
Lena’s attention went back to Alex, who was now closing the curtains around the bed to shield Lena from curious eyes. She nodded at each question. 
Alex noted something down on her tablet. As Lena turned to change, Alex called her back.
“I know this can be a lot,” she started, not meeting Lena’s eyes. “But please know you’re in good hands. This pup is family.” She looked up at Lena. Her alpha scent spiked for a moment, and Lena felt a soft wave of safety. 
“Thank you.”
She tried her best not to cry inside the bathroom as she changed. The water was cold against her face, and she could feel her emotions fighting to break free from the endless little boxes she had pushed them into. But she was Lena Luthor, and she was not going to freak out. 
The exam was simple, effective. Alex didn’t ask much, taking measures from the grainy image and typing away on her tablet. When she asked if Lena wanted to hear the heartbeat, the omega hesitated. 
After the whirlwind of emotions that had been the last twenty-four hours, that would be the moment to make it real. She wasn’t sure what to say, but she must have nodded because the next thing she could focus on was the rapid beating coming from the monitor.
“Would you look at that,” Alex said affectionately, and it was the first time in that morning Lena saw her smile. 
“Yeah,” Lena breathed deeply. She cleared her throat when Alex turned the machine off. 
“I’d suggest we keep the checkups here, but I understand if you want to do similar procedures at L-Corp. I’m not an OBGYN, but we have doctors who specialize in alien pregnancy.”
Lena had to admit she did not have that. There could be someone in the market for hire, but if anyone got a whisper of who sired this child… another unfamiliar wave of protectiveness filled her lungs, and she shook her head.
“I agree that we need to keep this in a low profile.” She stood from the table.
Alex discarded her gloves and pulled part of the curtains away to let Lena walk back to the bathroom to change.
Lena caught another glance of Kara at the same place against the railings. She was on her side, one hand fidgeting on her temple, and frowning so deep Lena thought she had never seen Kara Danvers like that.
Blue eyes found her again, and she looked away.
“Did you record it?” Lena asked, one hand on the bathroom doorknob. 
Alex threw her gloves in the trash and was working on pulling the rest of the privacy curtains away. “Yes. But you don’t have to worry, no one will—”
“You can give it to her.” The bathroom door closed softly behind Lena.
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black-dragon1998 · 4 months
Hell must be paid
Synopsis: (Y/N) is a ruling crime boss in National City and the alpha of the city's werewolf pack. When her lover Morgana(let’s pretend she is in this multiverse and the twin sister of Lena Luthor, who stayed behind in Ireland) gets hurt, somebody has to pay.
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Two sets of headlights illuminated the night sky as they drove in unison to the docks. The first car stopped with screeching tyres making it stop abruptly and rattle forward in front of the pier,. The figure behind the steering wheel stepping out of the car and looked at the scene around her, knowing it was a cliché but a good cliché.
As she approached the trunk of her car, five guys came out of the other vehicle and set up a perimeter. Blending so into the shadows that if she couldn't sense them (Y/N) wouldn't even know they were there. But (Y/N) could tell all her men apart just by smell. That is how she caught the rat.
Before opening the trunk (Y/N) gave her surroundings a once over. She wouldn't want unwanted guests at her party. Opening the trunk, she ignored the body, pretending to be unconscious. Her acute senses could tell the difference, but she would give him his false sense of security. No, first, she had some things to set up. (Y/N) grabbed the chains and heavy weights from next to the man and threw them at the end of the docks. She was letting them fall with a loud clang.
People always said she had a flair for dramatics. It also gave her time to calm down a little and go over what she was going to do to the dead man before he became a dead man.
Thinking back at what the low life in her car had done made her blood boil, and she could not help but think of who it had almost cost her.
When (Y/N) was sure she wasn't going to rip his guy's throat out, she went to pull him out of the car.
Looking down at the man (Y/N), she watched the man who almost took everything from her a couple of hours ago. She waited for him to look her in the eyes.
She knew who the guy was when her men picked him up: James 'Jimmy' Olsen, a former associate of the Kent Clan. What (Y/N) had heard as of late was that he was working for the Danvers sisters.
James finally opened his eyes after (Y/N) glared at him for a few minutes. He was trying not to show his fear, but (Y/N) knew better. She could practically taste his fear.
"Mister Olsen, how nice of you to stop pretending." (Y/N) said in a sweet voice and kind smile, knowing he wouldn't buy it. The smile dropped when he didn't answer.
"I suggest, Mister Olsen, that you don't look a gifted horse in the mouth. To begin with, you are already on thin ice. So don't throw my kindness in my face." (Y/N) half growls as she grabs him by the shirt collar and lifted him out of the trunk like he weighed nothing more than a trash bag. (Y/N) Threw him toward the weight and chains. He comes down while scraping over the ground. Because his hands and feet were bound, he couldn't prepare himself and landed face first, cutting him up just a bit.
Not even a curse. someone had done this before.
(Y/N) hiked over to him, making her footsteps be heard so he knew she was coming closer. She grabbed James roughly by the shoulder and forced him on his back, with her looming over him—eyes just a little too bright in the night and teeth just a little too sharp.
"what do you want from me?" James asked, trying to get away. The hand on his shoulder prevented him from getting very far.
with the poor lighting around them it was like a demon staring down at him, and he had to do everything he could not let his fear show. With the cocky look, James saw on your face, he knew you could tell anyway.
"I think you know what I want from you, Mister Olsen. Seeing as where my men caught you." Patience was not your strong suit; buy you could be when you had to be.
"your men snatched me off the street with no good reason." James started to struggle, trying to get free. He got nowhere, however, except for being slammed back into the ground.
"No, my men picked you up because you smelled like the explosives that set one of my warehouses on fire tonight. A wolf's nose never lies, Mister Olsen. So, who sent you?" He stayed silent and glared at (Y/N), making her furious. Did the little prick even know what he had almost done tonight, who he had nearly cost her?
If he wouldn't talk to save his life, maybe something else could rattle his cage.
"I heard your sister and her wife adopted a little girl recently." That seemed to strike a nerve because he started to fight like an animal. Making (Y/N) smile.
"you bitch. Keep away from my family!"
"I will if you tell me what I want to know…"
A car approaching them pierced the silence. As the vehicle stopped, a chorus of growls could be heard. The person getting out didn't seem to care as they came closer. (Y/N) craned her neck to the side as the mystery person got closer.
"Let him go (Y/N)." Just a little bit of her Irish accent came through, but otherwise, she sounded exactly like Morgana.
"Well, if it isn't the poster child of the Luthor clan herself. Oh, wait, you are nothing more than the breeding bitch of the youngest Danvers now. Here to save the boy toy? (Y/N)' s mouth turned into a loose grin, more teeth than a smile and a mocking tone.
Eyes rooming over Lena's body. Except for the suit and straight hair, she looked exactly like Morgana.
Morgana who was lying unconscious in a hospital bed after a wall collapsed on her. Caused by an explosion ripping through the warehouse, James Olsen had set on fire.
When Lena noticed (Y/N) wasn't budging, she repeated her request, making (Y/N) laugh.
"You knew me, Lena. Mercy isn't in my book." (Y/N) said. Her attention went back to the man under her. She put the chains around the weight before rapping the weights around James, making her intentions very clear.
"if I let him go, what would that do to my reputation?" (Y/N) could feel her rage build the longer Lena was around. Her scent resembled her wounded lover, setting her inner animal on edge.
Lena was smart enough not to get closer. Sensing that (Y/N) was getting more agitated. Slipping from being a brutal bitch to the animal that dwelled inside.
“(Y/N)! whatever you think James has done…"
"You mean setting my warehouse on fire?" It took Lena a little too long for (Y/N) 's liking to come to James's defence.
"so the Danvers sisters set you up for this, Jimmy." (Y/N) says, looking down at James.
Hoisting him up with one arm, she dangled him over the water.
"And here I thought we were getting somewhere in our meetings."
“(Y/N) please! James was ill-informed. He thought your men were responsible for something my brother did."
"the beating of Winn Scott? That's what this is all about." (Y/N) didn't know if she wanted to scream or laugh.
"the warehouse was empty. I checked!" James yelled, his brave demeanour cracking as he dangled in the air over the water.
"you know what is stored next to that warehouse?" Lena noticed (Y/N) 's demeanour growing colder and becoming more dangerous.
"How should I know!" James was getting frantic.
"next to that warehouse, they stored car batteries. When they caught fire, they exploded. Injuring a very important person to me." That sends Lena's mind into overdrive. Only so many people could get this strong reaction out of you. Before anything else could be said, one of (Y/N) 's men emerged from the shadows.
"boss, she is awake." Lena could feel the heaviness of those words. (Y/N) stepped back from the edge and let James fall to the ground without a second thought. She was walking away before he even hit the ground. When she passed Lena, she stopped for just a moment.
"This isn't forgotten. If Morganna doesn't fully recover, I will see this little stunt as an act of war. Also, you can consider our meeting over and get your men out of my territory within the next 2 hours, or I will consider them fair game." With that, (Y/N) got into her car and sped off.
Lena caught her breath momentarily, not knowing she was holding it. She got to James and helped him out of his binds.
"I hope for all our sakes, James, that Morgana isn't that injured; otherwise, we have a war on our hands. Also, you can explain this to Alex when we get back."
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insatiablesonao3 · 6 months
Chapter 5 is up since yesterday!
Chapters: 5/8 Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Samantha "Sam" Arias, Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015), J'onn J'onzz | Hank Henshaw, Nia Nal, Querl Dox
“She had felt the increasing difference in Lena’s scent and started to be worried that something was wrong with her friend. It wasn’t a different scent in the way that she wasn’t recognizing it. It was different because it was stronger. Stronger as if Lena was slowly losing control of her pheromones, which were usually pretty contained.
Then, the realization dawned on her. No, it’s her rut. She’s starting her rut.”
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suzukiblu · 8 months
may I ask if you have any fic recs handy?? dw if not
Hmmm, well, let's see, what have I read recently that I especially liked . . .
. . . oh okay yeah I got way too into this, lol. wELP, such is life!!
Eyes Like Kryptonite, by dragonez. Supercorp. Lena Luthor gets an either time or dimensionally-displaced Kryptonian on her balcony who inexplicably seems to think a Luthor can help him, and then she has to deal with that. Kara does not love this development (but definitely loves Lena) and Conner just wants to get home to his family.
I Want It That Way, by WynterSky. TimKon. I cannot even explain to you how good this fucking fic is. Just--TimKon, but make it 90's. Why are you still here? Go read it. Go read it NOW.
Catherine/Bruce Medieval AU, by iselsis and PotatoLady. Catherine/Bruce, past Catherine/Willis. What it says on the tin, and also omegaverse. I am WAY too into this fic, hah, "Bruce saves Catherine and takes in her and Jason both" is so, so small a genre but so, so GOOD a genre. [ tw: past rape ]
You and me and them. Let's be pack. Let's show the world we chose each other, by Ace_of_Hearts4444. TimKon. Tim finds out Kon is a newly-presented stray omega in an AU where being packless is a Big Fucking Problem and Young Justice has some fucking FEELINGS about that fact.
The tale of a cat who stole a diamond boy, by Ace_of_Hearts4444. TimKon. I'm not really into "Tim is Stray/Catlad" AUs, but I am VERY into this TimKon concept. Also, like yes, obviously Tim is exactly unhinged enough to do this.
in the shadows, by Kieron_ODuibhir. Batman was Bruce Wayne's imaginary friend, but now he's Dick Grayson's. I could cut a bitch for more of this concept, oh my GOD. 💔
A Hummingbird Suspended, by poisonivory. Thad/Match. Thad gets out of the Speed Force and wants to fuck shit up, but unfortunately Match is very attractive and has even more unfortunately grown some morals.
Gut Feeling, by Ao3time. Lois finds a superclone in a lab and welp he's hers now. No takebacksies.
With Violet Light, by Evilpixie. Jason Todd wants to blow up the Batmobile and ends up a Star Sapphire. There's, uh, an adjustment period.
This isn't how things are supposed to go. But we've always been unorthodox., by RenkonNairu. Superbat, TimKon. Kryptonian omegas are not the same as human ones, and human alphas are not the same as Kryptonian ones. And therefore Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake are having a fucking time of it with Clark Kent and Conner Luthor, and Lex is just doing his damnedest to ruin as much shit as he possibly can. [ tw: rape ]
Talk That Slick Talk, by thebodydies. Kenan/Kon. Kenan meets a weirdly friendly stranger who's apparently trying to pick him up. Kon is literally just wearing fucking glasses, man. Also I desperately need more of this pairing, especially in this interpretation, please and thank you. [ this is just smutty kinky smut and you should immediately go bask in it ]
( annnnnd not-DC-but-still-superheroes bonus round!! )
I wanna be that guy (the girl under you), by Stackthedeck. SpideyTorch. Peter Parker/Johnny Storm + kink = gender?? [ more kinky smut for you to go bask in!! ]
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slunatic · 2 years
Also on FFN: Not Playing Games: chapter 2: Goal!
*This story was a request from a patron.*
Summary: Lena’s curiosity is piqued when she realizes Alex is an omega. This leads to Alex teaching Lena how to play pool and Lena teaching Alex to play chess. Huh?
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: F/F
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Relationship: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Characters: Lena Luthor, Alex Danvers, Kara Danvers, Agent Vasquez
Additional Tags: Friendship, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Omega Verse, Futanari, Alpha Lena Luthor, Omega Alex Danvers, Not Beta Read, Sexual Content, Penis In Vagina Sex, Girl Penis
Words: 7064
2: Goal!
Alex groaned as she sat at a computer console at the DEO, studying the last game of chess she and Lena played. Intellectually, she understood how she lost, but it did not make sense in her head as she tried to figure out what else she could have done to avoid losing. So caught up in her loss, she almost did not realize Vasquez sat down next to her.
“I know it’s a slow day and all, but I’m sure you have better things to do with your time than watch computer chess,” Vasquez commented.
It was a very slow day and all of her paperwork was up to date. She had nothing better to do. “I’m studying.”
Vasquez made a curious noise. “Studying?”
“Lena’s been trying to teach me how to play chess and I’m terrible at it. She thinks it’s because she’s a bad teacher.”
Vasquez frowned. “Why does she think that?”
“Because roughly in the same amount of time, I’ve taught her how to be a pretty good pool player.”...
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 2 years
To Call You Mine
Chapter 8
Authors note: sorry it's been a while. Hope you enjoy! Stay tuned for a Xmas/NYE special chapter!
Warnings: a/b/o content(claiming,marking, knotting)
Word count: 4705    Nat Masterlist   Marvel Masterlist    TCYM Masterlist
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    You grunt as you thrust forward, the sound of the smacking of your hips against your Omegas ass fills the small room. Your grip on the underside of her thighs tightens as you press them further against her chest and she cries out, pleasure mixing with overstimulation as your knot slips into her for the fifth time.
   She whimpers as she shakes and her nails dig into your forearms. You have no doubt small crescent moon shapes will linger, practically imprinted into your muscles at this point. Once her grip on you relaxes you help her lay her legs out against the bed and help her get comfortable while running your fingers through her hair, not bothered that it's slightly damp with sweat.
   She tries her best not to fall asleep underneath you as your fingers lull her into a deeply relaxed state as they massage her scalp and she wraps her arms around you, letting her fingers trace along the edges of your many bandages as she revels in having you so close. You press your lips along her jaw a few times, finding it impossible not to shower her in your affections. 
   “Such a good girl, my Omega is. Did so well for me Natty, took my knot so many times.” She nuzzles into you, purring at the praise
   Despite being tired, that sentence kickstarts her brain. She realizes then just how much of your seed you had filled her with tonight, which means the probability of her soon being with your pup is extremely high. Excitement fills her and her heart swells as she thinks about the life that may soon be growing inside of her and her thoughts move to daydreams of the future with you.
   You pick your head up to look at her, “Yes Natty?”
   She takes a deep breath, forcing her anxieties away before asking her question, “Instead of staying here, can Dima and I go home with you tonight?”
   “Baby, you don’t have to ever ask that. You're my mate, my home is your home. So of course we can go home. And tomorrow we can go shopping to buy Dima everything he needs for his new bedroom, and I’ll buy you anything you want or need. For yourself or the house.”
   “Anything?” she asks, “You really mean that?”
  You nod, “Of course I do. I’m going to treat you the way you deserve. And that means spoiling you any chance I get.”
   Happiness fills her and she can hardly contain her excitement, “I love you” 
   You press a kiss against her temple, “I love you too, detka(baby)”
   Natashas eyes widened at the use of her native language,  “You know Russian??”
  “Well, I’m not fluent by any means, but Yelena had taught me a few words and phrases back in college.” you admit, “I had wanted to learn it, so I could surprise you and talk to you in your native language. But then after we graduated and I thought you chose Bruce, I stopped taking lessons with her.”
   She smiles fondly at you and cups your face, “Let me teach you then? I’d love to be able talk with you in my native tongue”
   “I would love that. Then we can teach our pups so they can all be bilingual too.”
   A purr leaves the Omega as she holds you tightly, “I can’t wait to grow our family”
   You rest your forehead against hers, letting one of your hands brush against her stomach, “That might happen sooner than you think with how much mating we did today.”
   “I hope so” she replies, bringing her hand down to hold yours, and the two of you remain like that for a few more moments until your knot deflates.
  “Now then, if you wanna go home tonight we should get cleaned up and then have Lena bring Dima back, don’t you think?” She nods so you slowly pull yourself from her, careful to not agitate her sensitive cunt. You nuzzle against her cheek affectionately before standing, “I’ll get the bath ready and be back for you, ok?”
   “Mhm. Thank you Alpha”
   You head into the motel's bathroom and turn on the hot water, only plugging up the tub when you've gotten it to a reasonable temperature. You smile to yourself as you notice some bubble bath. It's more than likely for the pup, but you see no harm in adding a few drops into the bath. You're sure your Omega will enjoy it.
   Once the tub is filled you return to the bedroom, where Natash still lays on the bed awaiting your return. She smiles and does grabby hands in your direction, causing you to chuckle at her cuteness, but of course you comply with her demand. You effortlessly lift her and she cuddles into your embrace.
   “You're adorable Natty” you tell her, causing her to smile widely at you from her spot in your arms and she nuzzles against you further
   “Mmm. Eh uv ou” comes a mumble of gibberish, and you laugh at not being able to understand her
   She moves her face away from you enough to glare at you, adding a playful nip at your jawline to showcase her annoyance but it only serves to make you laugh harder. She was far too cute to be intimidating, especially when you had to carry her because her legs couldn’t work properly at the moment thanks to your earlier activities.
   “Baby, repeat that for me, preferably not into my neck?” you ask as you stand in front of the tub with her
   She smiles and places a kiss against your cheek, “I said, I love you.”
   “I love you too”. Now let's get in this nice bath I prepared for us.”
   It's then she notices the bubbles that fill the tub and a smile lights up her features. You mentally high five yourself as you see her happiness and gently set her down in the warm water. She sighs at it soothes her slightly achy muscles and then eyes you expectantly. You carefully climb in behind her, and she practically climbs into your lap to cuddle against you. 
   “Is this ok?” she hesitantly asks as her insecurities show themselves. She doesn’t want to overwhelm you with her need to be near you.
   You kiss the top of her head as your arms wrap around her waist, “Of course it is, my Omega. You're always allowed to be near me. If you need or want to hold my hand, hug me, cuddle with me, sit on my lap or anything else then please do so. You don’t need to hold back your affections, ok?”
   “Okay” she responds looking up at you from your chest, “Thank you Alpha.” 
    “You're welcome, detka(baby)” you reply, causing butterflies to flutter throughout her stomach, “Do you want your hair washed?”
   “Yeah, I think I’ll wash it. It probably needs it”
   You shake your head, “Nuh uh, that's not what I asked. Do you want it washed?”
   She watches as you grab her shampoo bottle and then look at her expectantly. She's not used to Alphas actually caring, wanting to be helpful and take care of their mate. She absolutely knows you're capable of such kindnesses, but when all she's been around is Bruce, a selfish Alpha who only wanted her around to use for his own needs, it's understandable why she wouldn’t expect this. You hope that after she settles into life with you that your kindness and care no longer surprises her. 
   “Yes please” she finally responds, trying her best to ignore the few tears that have built up in her eyes
   After you finish washing and rinsing her hair she insists on helping you wash your body, knowing that your injuries would not only make such a thing more difficult but that they also need to be tended to appropriately. She relishes the way you relax under her touch, it shows that you trust her to care for you, and nothing could make her happier.
   Once you're both washed and clean you climb out of the bath and help dry each other off. You both head back into the bedroom and Natasha makes her way over to her duffle bag to grab herself an outfit. It's then she realizes you had no other outfit as you’d only had the one when released from the hospital. The one you slept in last night. 
   “Alpha, wait” she calls out to you before you can put on your shirt. You stand there in your pants as you watch her dig through her bag, “Here, wear this”
   You smile as she hands you one of your own shirts, an old one that you had given her a few years ago when she had ended up needing to change after an incident with some spilled ice cream.
   “You kept it.” you whisper in disbelief as you grab the old shirt from her extended hand
   “Of course I did. It was something of you, all I thought I would get. I wouldn’t have let it go for anything.”
   You pull it over your head and admire the way it smells like her. She had obviously worn it a lot over the years she had it. You hoped it brought her plenty of comfort and you couldn’t help but wonder if she had done anything more in your shirt though. Perhaps she touched herself dreaming that it was you doing so…you’d have to ask her about that later.
   “Well, now you have all of me Natty. But you can still wear whatever shirt of mine you’d like. I enjoy seeing you in my clothes.”
   She smiles as she grabs her phone, opening up her sister's contact, “Good, because I enjoy wearing them.”
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   As Yelena pulls her car into the parking lot she can see that you have already packed her sister's car full of all her and Dimas belongings and she smiles as she looks back at her nephew, “You're gonna go live with your…well, I don’t really know what parental figure term she’ll wanna be called but the point is that you and your mama are going to go live a happy life.”
   She sends a quick text and waits before she sees the motel room door open. She smiles and sends a wave back to you before getting out of the car to hug her sister. Natasha hugs her tight as her excitement radiates throughout her body and Yelen chuckles at her giddiness.
   “Someone is excited hm?”
   “Can you blame me?” Nat replies with a quirk of her brow
   The blonde shakes her head, “Not at all, but I have to tease you about something.”
   As the two Russians talk you make your way to the car's backseat. Dima squeals happily as you open the door and you smile at the pup. You quickly undo his buckles and scoop him into your arms. He grabs at your cheeks with his chubby little hands and you laugh as he gives them curious little squeezes.
   “Hi mister. I hope you behaved well for your Auntie.”
   He looks at you before his gaze turns to your mate and he lifts a hand out in her direction, “Ma ma!”
   Your eyes nearly pop out of your head and you smile wider than ever, “Natty!!”
   Natasha and Yelena both turn your way, worried something was wrong until they see the smile on your face as you rush over to them, the pup bouncing giddily in your arms as you do so.
   “What made you so excited, Alpha?”
  You smile at your pup, “He called you Mama! It was the cutest thing!”
   Yelena chuckles at your excitement, it was quite obvious you didn’t know what she did about the pup which she honestly wasn’t surprised about with how cut off Bruce had made you from their lives.
   “Oh, moya lyubov'(my love). You're so adorable.” she says pressing a kiss against your lips, “He's been calling me that on occasion for the past few months now. I’m sorry I didn’t think to mention it to you.”
   “Don’t be sorry Natty, I’m still excited either way! I got to hear him say it!”
   She smiles again as she takes Dima from your hold. She greets him with a kiss on the cheek which he does his best to reciprocate, “Hi malen'kiy(little one). I missed you.”
   He coos at her with a smile before looking back at you. You ruffle his hair and he looks back at Nat, “Ma ma!”
  She nods, “That's right, I’m Mama. My boy is so smart”
   He turns and outstretches a hand to you once more, “Ma ma!”
   You and Nat stare, wide eyed and open mouthed at each other while Yelena beams at the pup, “Oh he is very smart.”
   Natasha brings Dimas forehead to rest upon her own, “That's right baby. That's your other Mama. She loves us so so much”
   You quickly wrap your arms around them both, kissing each of their cheeks, “I really do. You guys are my world.”
   Yelena hastily wipes away the tears that escape her eyes at the scene before her, but she notices those same tears are spilling from your eyes and her sisters as well.
   “Alright you three, enough with the sappy. Go on and get settled into your new home sestra(sister)”
   Nat breaks away from her embrace with the two of you in order to hug Yelena. The blonde is sure to pepper the pups face in kisses before saying their goodbyes and then she comes to hug you as well. You hug her back and listen to what she whispers into your ear.
   “Thank you, for loving them as they deserve”
   You can only nod in response and watch on protectively as Nat works on strapping Dima into the car. Once Yelena drives away you both get in Nats car and you begin your drive home.
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   About an hour later you pull into the driveway, and you can see your car parked in front of your garage door. You make a mental note to thank Vis for following through with that. Your three car garage is plenty big enough to keep Nats car in as well, which also works in your favor because it keeps Bruce from actually having proof she was there should he drive by or send someone else to drive by. 
   “Natty baby, I’m going to go grab my keys from where Vis hid them and open the garage up for us ok? Then we can pull our cars in. I’ll let you park closest to the door that connects to the house since we’ll probably have Dima in your car most often.”
   She quickly agrees and moves into the driver's seat, waiting for you to open the door. Once you do she pulls into her new spot and you pull in beside her, leaving your motorcycle in the third spot, farthest from the door. You make sure the garage door shuts before leaving your car. You lock it and make your way over to Nats to assist her.
   You had only allowed her to carry in Dima, his diaper bag and his bag. You, being your strong Alpha self, brought everything else in. You set Dimas highchair in the breakfast nook before taking his bouncer to the living room. Natasha heads right for your bedroom, remembering where it was from the other few times she had been here over a year ago.
   You join her after a few minutes and can’t help but smile as you see her cuddling Dima on your bed, “I’m not sure if you remember but my extra bedrooms are upstairs. Ones set up as a guest room right now, but there's the other two to pick from as well as a bonus room to do whatever with up there too.”
   “Thank you, for tonight, since he doesn’t have the proper furniture I’ll make a nest in here for him. If that's alright.”
   “Of course. Tomorrow while we’re out you should pick up anything you'd like for your own nest. I have plenty of space in my walk-in closet for your clothes as well as mine so no dressers should be needed, for out here anyway. So even if you do find any furniture you’d like for in here there's still plenty of areas for you to set it up.”
   She looks excitedly around the room, “I can’t wait to have a nest again. I may not have liked Bruce, or the nest I had there very much because the supplies he let me have weren’t that comfortable, but I can’t deny it was the safest place I felt.”
   “Omegas need their nests, at least he wasn’t a complete asshole and let you have that safe space. I’m sorry he couldn’t even be bothered to allow you to be comfortable though Natty.”
   “Don’t worry Alpha, this one will be especially comfortable. And big enough for us both.”
   You join her sitting on the bed, “I think it needs to be a bit bigger too, just in case our pups need to join us.”
   She nods, “Yes, because I’ll want everyone close at first. After Dima was born all I wanted was Lena, Wanda and you and Bruce hated it. He couldn’t even be bothered to realize it was his own fault I didn’t seek him out for safety or comfort.”
   “Well, you're my mate, so you're now gonna get all the safety and comfort you want or need.”
   She hums appreciatively as she hugs you, “Thank you Alpha. But what I really need right now is some food. Can we order take out?”
   You chuckle, “Still like that family owned Chinese food place?”
   She nods enthusiastically and you quickly pull out your phone to look up their menu and order your mate her desired foods as well as finding something for yourself as well.
   Once you eat the rest of the night is spent helping your Omega get comfortable in her new home. You help her put her clothes away in your closet and even help get Dima settled in a nest before settling down to cuddle the rest of the night away.
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     You awake the next morning to find Natashas body practically laying on top of yours, her head resting in the center of your chest. You smile softly and carefully grab your phone to snap a picture. Soon after she shifts and begins to softly mumble nonsense under her breath. Eventually she wakes properly and once Dima is given his breastmilk the three of you head out to the kitchen where you prepare breakfast for your new family. 
   The rest of your morning is spent following Nat around as takes in your home's furniture and decor. She makes mental notes of anything she can think of that may need to be purchased for Dima and his new room, as well as taking her own few wants into account. Though she's hesitant to actually bring these things up to you, she's still not used to her opinion and wants actually being taken into account. 
   Once at the store You plop your pup into the child seat in the shopping cart and let your Omega be the one to lead you around the store. Just as you figured she would, she leads you to the pup section first. She starts by grabbing some new toys for him. Some blocks, stackable rings, an interactive talking plush dog to help him learn and a walking toy to entice him into walking more. Then she chooses some bath toys. A rubber ducky, an octopus that acts as a little fountain, and a small little floating boat. Lastly she chooses a few more stuffies for him. A teddy bear with a cute plaid bowtie and a large super soft dinosaur.
   Next is the pup supply aisle. She grabs a few plates for him as well as utensils then picks up a pump and bottles for his breastmilk before adding two sippy cups for his juices to the cart. She also grapes a new pacifier and pack of washable bibs before moving on. She then grabs a few packages of wipes and diapers, as well as picking up a few packages of pup food and snacks for him.
   She looks at the already full cart and then at you, “Are you sure about this? I mean we still have to pick out his furniture and nest supplies, not to mention my things.”
   “It's fine Natty. I may not work for him super often, but Mr. Stark pays me well and I have my military benefits too.” you tell her, grabbing her hand, “You both need things and as your Alpha I will happily provide them for you, ok?”
   “Ok, as long as you're sure”
   “I am. So whatever he needs and wants, put it in. Then we’ll work on your things.” you tell her, smiling as you watch her walk to the end of the ails to pick up a small outdoor swing to attach to a tree, “Good choice”
   “The swings always his favorite when we go to the park.” she replies with a smile
   “Then he’ll love swinging from my giant maple tree” you fondly reply, “Do we need anything else here before looking at nest supplies?”
   She nods, “Just one more thing. I want to get a nice pup monitor system. I never needed one at Bruces because the house was so small. But since his bedroom will now be upstairs I’d feel more comfortable with one.”
   “Alright, let's see what they have then.”
   After looking through the selection the store had to offer she finally decided on one that not only let her hear things but see things too. This way she had far less to be anxious about when she was downstairs, as she could also take the screen with her anywhere she needed to.
   You head to the nesting section after that, and though Nat had packed blankets and pillows those were for actual use not nesting. So she browses through the blankets until she finds a few that she believes will suit the pup and tosses a few more pillows into the cart as well. Now the cart was absolutely overflowing with things, but you were somehow able to fit the crib and the changing table on the rack underneath the cart.
   Before heading to where your mate needs to go you grab another cart, letting her steer the one all of Dima's things were in. She feels like she's being a bit selfish, asking for so many things for him and then herself. But then she remembers that this isn’t a new place for you, it's well lived in. While for her and Dima it's very new, and aside from their clothes she was only really able to grab the bare minimum of necessities so it makes sense to purchase so much. It is very reasonable. Still, she can’t help but feel like it's too much. Surely she would be ok without things as long as Dima was taken care of and had anything he needed.
   Sensing her thoughts you take her hand once she stops in the kitchenware aisle, “Stop thinking so hard baby. I want to get you these things ok? I want to take care of your needs, your wants, and you. Please let me.”
   “Ok, thank you” she replies
   “Of course. Now what would you like me to grab?”
   She has you pick up a new set of pots and pans, as being single, you only had one of each at home currently. You mainly ate out at friends houses, restaurants or picked up fast food and take out. Along with those you also grab some utensils to aid in cooking, a slow cooker and air fryer. 
   She heads to the furniture area next and picks out a small end table with a cute lamp to go with it, as well as a small bookshelf which you also load into your cart. While you had been doing so she had moved on to look at some smaller decor items. Dima happily babbles to himself as she browses the items, and she grabs a few picture frames of various sizes. Her intent is to add Dima all over the space. 
   Finally she finds something that catches her eye. It was a beautiful plate, painted with intricate flowers and design that was easily recognizable as that of Eastern Europe. She feels a connection to it immediately. There is one problem however, she's too short to reach it.
   “Could you come help me, printsessa(princess)?”
    Confused by the pet name your head shoots up, and you glance around the aisle to find who she deems cute enough to call princess. But when you find no one else you realize she was referring to you, and a slight blush settles over the apple of your cheeks. You’d never really thought of yourself as the princess type but if your Omega thought of you that way, you wouldn't object. You would 
   “Princess?” you ask with a raise of your brow
   She nods, “You are my big and strong Alpha, but you are also my beautiful princess”
   You can't help but smile at her, “Thank you detka(baby). Now what can I help you get?”
   “That plate, please.” she says, pointing to the exact one she wanted
   You easily grab it for her and carefully hand it over, “It’s very pretty”
   “I think so too. It reminds me of all of Mama and Papas things from Russia”
   Once her heart is content with her new knick-knacks she heads on to the nesting aisle. She's immediately drawn to a huge bean bag chair, she's sure it would make the perfect base to build upon as it's about 10 feet. 
   “Is that the one you want?”
   She nods enthusiastically, “Yes! It’s perfect!”
   You chuckle, “Alright baby, I’ll grab you one. Go ahead and look at the blankets and pillows. I’ll meet you there.”
   After you get her boxed bean bag into the cart you take a quick shortcut through the stuffie aisle. You remember how many she had as a teenager, and then even in college she had quite a few. You imagine she would have had to leave them behind. If Bruce even let her have any to begin with. So, your mind is set on getting her at least one of the adorable plush items.
   When you meet back up with your Omega she's immediately suspicious of what took you so long and then notices the proud look on your face, so before she places her pillows and blankets into your cart she takes a closer look at its contents. That's when she notices them, a teddy bear and a plush lion. A smile spreads across her face as she feels how soft they both are.
   “You like them?”
    “I love them.” she replies, briefly picking up and hugging the bear
    “I’m glad. Now let's go check out and we can go home and set everything up.”
    Sure enough, that's how the rest of your day had been spent. You helped Nat set up the kitchen before moving onto building all of the furniture that had been bought. While you were busy with that your mate was working on her nest. She decided to have it in the one corner, near the windows that looked out into the backyard, that way she could soak up some natural sunlight and warmth while laying in her nest.
   Once she was pleased with her work she picked Dima up from where he'd been playing on the floor and carries him up to his room. She's impressed by your ability to build things so quickly. And she absolutely loves how his room has come together.
   “Everything looks perfect, Alpha. Thank you.” she says, kissing you in appreciation 
   “Anything for the two of you” you reply, ruffling the pups hair, “Now that we have everything I hope you both can settle in easier.” 
   She hums as you kiss her again, “We’ll feel at home in no time”
Taglist: @wandaromamoff69 @mmmmokdok @nataliasknife @natashasilverfox @when-wolves-howl @danveration @naomi-m3ndez @sheneonromanoff @sayah13 @likefirenrain @nighttime-dreaming @readings-stuff @chaoticevilbakugo @crystalstark02 @wackymcstupid @xchaiix @iaminluvwithnat @lovelyy-moonlight @blackwidow-3 @mistressofinsomnia @that-one-gay-mosquito @yomamagf @yourfavdummy @justarandomreaderxoxo @scoutlp23-blog @whoischanelle15 @lissaaaa145 @eline03 @wizardofstories @imthenatynat @marvelonmymind @fluffyblanketgecko @bitch-616 @dakotastormm  @zoomdeathknight @rayeofmoonlight @naslt @lattayhottay16 @yelenabelov-ed @thatonebrazilian  @marvelwomen-simp @wannabe-fic-reader
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kurikive · 1 year
searching | kmj.
## MTshits
★ byun y/n (03)
— nicknamed wini because she wore a red crop top in high school and a teacher said she looked like winnie the pooh, kai never let it go, writer director and camera operator for MTseats, cat lover, chococat obsessed, filmography major
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★ park sohyun (02)
— intellectual girlie, book reader #1, does NOT watch yellowjackets (lie), also NOT gay (lie), popular with girls on twt but cannot get a gf for the life of her, writer and music producer of MTseats, literature major and music minor, also part of book club
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★ kang lena (02)
— poetry girlie, book reader #2, kinda mean to y/n but she's know her since middle school, homophobic /j, actress and music producer of MTseats, music major and literature minor
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★ huening kai (02)
— everyone has thought he and y/n were dating at one point, has known y/n since elementary school, emo furry even if he doesn't accept it, had a crush on lena in highschool but then they actually started talking and he realized he was gay he just always attracts lesbians for some reason, actor and director of MTseats, filmography major
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★ naoi rei (04)
— alpha sigma femcel cringe embracer, rap fan, got twitter fame for her femcel tweets and pinterest reposts, kinda crazy she hasn't taken her meds in a while, actor and writer of MTseats, music major
★ shin jaewon (04)
— token straight, always getting bullied by rei, everyone loves him though, on the process of finding a girlfriend because all the girls he likes are gay, director and camera operator for MTseats, filmography major
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shepherds-of-haven · 22 days
Hey Lena! Random question but during the bit at the Circle when you are speaking to "Zori" and they ask who, if anyone, is your RO, I noticed that it let's you input the descriptions for everyone in your party but when it comes down to choosing it only let's you select Red or Chase, as opposed to Blade for example. Is there a Stat check reason for this I wonder? Just curious, loving the alpha so far <3
Hi anon, thanks for reading the alpha: I'm glad you're enjoying it! You can only select an RO to tell Zori about if 1) you have enough romance flags with that person, and 2) if your character is a gender the RO is compatible with (for example, Blade is straight, so he isn't selectable for male MCs. Same with female MCs for Riel). Hope that helps!
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msbhagirathi · 6 months
IPKKND LIVE BLOG - Season 1 [Epi - 2]
Cooooommmmmmmeeee ooooooonnnnnnnn, letz start the second epiiiiiiiiii.
So we are starting right from where we had left them off. ANDDDDD BAAAAMMMM! Khushi jolts out of her (or rather their?) trance and realizes where her hand is, snatches it back. Pulling out Arnav from his trance as well.
I want you to focus on their expressions in the scene. Look closely, when she snatches her hand away from his collar. His gaze, instantly falls down to her hand and there's a moment where he steels himself and maybe even thinks that 'How dare she!'.
It's as if Arnav realizes that he needs to be angry and THEN all hell breaks lose, as he throws her out of his hands. He orders the head of his PR team to control the photos and videos of this 'scandal'. Khushi is locked in a room for interrogation.
Back in Gomti Sadan, the neighborhood aunties are gossiping about Khushi's absence. Buaji asks about the papers' whereabouts to Payal. But, Payal, already very nervous and tongue-tied, reduces to tears. I am surprised why did Buaji not see the change in her demeanor and most importantly her spilled tears. But, that's also not much surprising coz Buaji can hardly ever read Payal or Khushi's distress over anything that they seem to be facing alone, in the entire show. This scene also indicates that Payal has never been the rule-breaker kid, she's always been kind of a 'yes-man' to her parents.
Ohh! Did you notice how Khushi's voice sounds so off? Do you know why? Turns out Sanaya was sick with cold while shooting this sequence. She mentioned this in that interview with Mrs. Gul Khan, which was released right after IPK ended a few months ago.
Arnav instructs the team to interrogate Khushi and check whether a rival company (Re-Fashion? RI-Fashion? REE-Fashion? whatever, lol.) send her there to ruin his fashion show in exchange of some petty amount of money.
Payal's belief, of her Abhishek ji standing up to his family's demand of the dowry, breaks. She realizes that he is present there, knows everything going on but still refuses to speak up. She is heart-broken.
Was it only me or you also thought that the way Sanaya pronounced 'profession' is kind of-idk-intriguing?-sexy?-hot?-pata nahi choro (ok, leave it.)
Garima tries to associate the papers' absence to Khushi's absence. Payal has been caught like a deer caught in headlights.
Arnav comes to meet or rather to interrogate his wife 'that' girl, for 'answers'. Khushi requests him to let her go as she explains him that she landed there by mistake.
He is so adamant in throwing all the unfortunately familiar 'accusatory' questions. What was that 'Wipro-Fashion'? 'PRO-Fashion'? Whatever. See, many of you would disagree, here, but I think he is legit right in doubting her intentions, given the type of people he would have dealt with till now in this profession. Although, WE know, from Khushi's POV, that she is right, BUT that's the thing, he doesn't.
"Then let it (the marriage) break. Problems like these are nothing for girls like you. If one leaves, then trap another." ("Toh tut jaane do shaadi. Tum jaisi ladkiyon ka kya hai. Ek jayega, dusra phasaa lena.") And the BG score changes to something close to tandav beats. Maybe, just maybe he realized that he has struck a chord or crossed a line or fcked up real bad. It can be any of the three.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! The dreaded moment is here. Khushi retaliates but she does not realize the volcano in front of her, ready to burst out with hot, molten lava. She attempts to side step him but he grabs her by the arm and yanks at the dori of her blouse. Pearls scatter around, everywhere on the floor. Khushi is horror struck, devastated, horrified and all the girls watching this for the first time already knew what that meant. And hated Arnav for doing that to her for a long, long time.
See the irony, here. In the previous episode, we saw them together in that beautiful frame. No-one had any doubt of them being the alpha couple of the show. BUT. BUT. BUT.
After this scene, audience must have doubted, some might even have gone to the extent to declare Arnav as the villain. And later considered Shyam as the hero, coz of the way, he was introduced (we will come to that in that episode).
Hmm. I am thinking. Why did he let her go? Like? So....easily? After she pulled the ribbon from her hair and covered her exposed back, or rather her modesty. Arnav has frozen. At his spot. He isn't even moving a finger. (I will have to process this scene and then will let you know in a separate post.)
With this, the scene blurs and along with Khushi, we reach Gomti Sadan, where everything is eerily silent. Wait. Did we reach so early? Didn't Khushi take the whole day to reach SM? Then how come- ohh Guilty Arnav might have arranged a car for her to reach her home safely-Lol. Who am I kidding with? This is ASR, we are talking about. Let's stop with the wishful thinking.
Gomti Sadan. Gossips. Malign in their social image. A broken marriage. All of these are termed as a "Kali' (black ink) by Buaji. And who's at fault? Khushi. She talks of pulling off her braid and handing it to her. Basically, beat her ass off.
Buaji, I think, was never able to accept Khushi as her own child. She was always the only one to differentiate between the two. She was only the one who instigated Garima and Shashi against her. Although, Shashi had wholeheartedly accepted her as his daughter but Garima, often used to get manipulated into believing the worst, in Khushi.
Even now both Buaji and Garima are convinced that Khushi was, somehow, jealous of her sister's fate (that she was getting married) and so to malign it, she decided to sabotage the wedding by taking away the papers and fleeing out of everyone's sight until the wedding is called off.
Lol. Junior Engineer. And Buaji thinks, that's self-explanatory for them, having a right to ask for a dowry. Khushi explains herself. But, she is admonished by her (B-ji), for acting like a 'Dadi Amma', means trying to act above her age, by interfering in elders' matters.
Still, for the Guptas', specifically for Mrs. Garima Gupta, a broken marriage is worse than Payal getting married into a money-hungry family. Do you see it here? Getting MARRIED is of more importance than getting married into THE RIGHT FAMILY.
And as if all this admonishing and insulting is not enough, so, she kind of disowns her daughter. "Mat kaho hume Amma".
Khushi, who already had abandonment issues, guilt of being a burden to 'this' family, is now shell shocked. Someone please save this poor kid.
Buaji does it again! Hip, hip hurray guys! She again pulls up the orphan card and a non-refundable debt (of getting adopted by her brother and sister in law) card! What an awesome timing Buaji! Shut up Buaji. What? Shashi said this. Not me. I have manners, ok.
"Arre tujhse saga humara koi nahi hai." Payal's words calms Khushi to some extent. But, they are still not enough as we see that Khushi cannot sleep, and keeps tossing and turning, recalling her amma's harsh words.
She wakes up and opens their shop's door. Khushi is shown handling an LPG gas cylinder, an oil cannister and lighting a match stick, giving us the impression of her attempting to give up her life.
Precap starts. *quickly pauses it* I don't watch precaps. Spoilers. Don't like them. Bye. Such a stressful episode to watch.
P.S. : Remember the interview I was talking about? This is it. Please do give it a watch if you haven't already. It's so beautiful them sharing the off-screen things and being all nostalgic. You'll love it. :)
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