#alright i really have to do this midterm and i can’t keep getting distracted
skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Tadashi Hamada- Fanfiction (Big Hiro 6) - Chapter 1
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Tadashi's head turned just as the book hit him smack dab in the center of his forehead. He fell back comically, and you laugh out loud. When he picked himself off the ground, he glared at you. 
“I forgot to say duck.” 
He threw back the book, and you caught it easily. Tadashi huffed. 
“I swear your reflexes are inhuman. “ 
“Or you’re just an old man.” You teased.
You round the table as he wheels his chair to his desk.  
“Did Baymax have an issue?” 
Tadashi shook his head.
“He works fine. I’m doing upgrades this month, so I’m making notes of some suggestions. “ He continues scribbling down on his paper. When he’s distracted, your eyes linger. You inhale, not enough for him to notice. 
“He smells really good.” 
You’ve known Tadashi for a little over a year. It felt much longer than that. The both of you had actually met on one of Hiro’s little stunts. More specifically, his participation in bot fighting. Ever since then you've been pretty good friends. You didn’t attend SFIT. You went to a more average university in the area. So whenever you had time, you would stop by. It was nice knowing a group of geniuses. It really paid off when exams rolled around. 
Speaking of exams. 
“Hey Tadashi, if you’re not too busy maybe you can help me study for Midterms this week.” He perks up. 
“You’ve got midterms, why didn’t you say so! We can get started now.” You can’t help but smile. This guy was really one of a kind. You knew he couldn’t help it. He’d played the role of parent so long that now it was almost automatic. 
“What should we start with first?” You ask, dropping your bag as you begin shuffling through. 
“What is the hardest class you have?” 
“Then that’s what we’ll start with.”
So you grab the book, getting a few pencils to begin taking notes. Tadashi is a pretty good teacher. You slide a chair next to him, dropping your books on the desk. You pull your phone out of your pocket, eyes running over the time displayed on your lock screen.
“Good, I have a few hours.” 
One less thing to worry about. 
You flip the pencil over your finger a couple times as Tadashi looks at your notes and makes his own suggestion. At times you’d tune in and out. For the most part you’d catch what he was saying. You can’t help but keep a steady track on your phone though. 
Tadashi takes notice. 
“Are you alright? You’ve been checking your phone pretty frequently.” You blink. 
“Uhh-yeah everything is fine.” 
Tadashi’s eyes move to your phone. 
“Is she waiting for a call from someone..” 
He keeps his face as unreadable as possible. 
“If you have other plans we can do this tomorrow.” 
“Stupid, that’s not what you wanted to say.” He scolds himself. 
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to get rid of me Hamada. If you’re tired of me just say so.” You pout playfully, and he laughs. 
“No more than usual.” He nudges you with his elbow, and you smile. 
“I’m right where I need to be.” You clarify. 
His eyes train on you for a moment, and his smile matches yours. 
“Alright then, let’s get to it!” 
“Yes sir!!” 
The rest of the evening is about countless concepts and a few equations. For a moment you place your head on the desk. You just need a couple minutes of sleep, then you can head back to your dorm. 
That was the plan. 
“(Y/N), hey.” A soft voice lulls you awake. When you rub your eyes looking up, Tadashi is wearing a warm smile. 
“I’m about to start packing up. I really didn’t want to wake you. Especially since you looked so comfortable. “ 
You turn your head. The first thing you catch is the sun lowering in the sky from his window. The fading light makes you shoot up in your seat. 
“M-My phone!!” 
Tadashi is holding it.
“It's right here, is something wrong?” 
You looked panicked. 
“My alarm!! I set an alarm, why didn’t you wake me up!!” 
Tadashi is confused. 
“Y-You looked tired so I figured I’d just let you sleep.” 
You curse, and the second the light from the sun disappears, your knees buckle. Tadashi rushes to your side. You curl into a ball, breath staggered. 
His first instinct is to run to Baymax to figure out why you’re in so much pain all of a sudden. You forced yourself to your feet, and you only made it to his couch. You try to rush out, but your steps aren’t very coordinated. You end up falling over the back of his chair.
He runs to help you up, but instead of cries of pain, he now hears growling. It doesn’t sound human either. His steps slow.
Something jumps over the couch, and he’s pushed to the ground. Staring back at him is a white wolf. Teeth bared, eyes glowing. Tadashi’s breath catches. His heart is racing, and for a split second he really thinks this animal is about to tear him to pieces. But it looks at him. Like it’s gathering its wits. All at once its entire gait changes. 
Those lifted ears fall back, and it almost whines. The eyes are no longer thin slits, but bigger gems. Those beautiful orbs glisten under the lighting of his lab, and the animal moves back. Tadashi is stunned. He’s not sure what to make of it. He could be hallucinating but he feels like he’s seen those eyes. He knows those eyes. 
The wolf whimpers. 
Tadashi hardly believes what he’s seeing. He stands, cautiously, eyes drifting to the spot over his couch where your body once was. All he sees is a pile of ripped clothing. 
“It..really is you…” 
How is this possible?
You turn tail and try to rush for the door, but Tadashi gives chase. 
“W-Wait wait!!” 
You run head first into the door, but it doesn’t give in. 
“(Y/N) stop!!” 
You fall back unto the ground in defeat, and Tadashi’s eyes fall on your form. You’re curled in a ball, hiding from him. Now it made sense. Casting his memory back he realizes that he’s never seen you past a certain hour on particular days. He’d never thought much of it. 
You’re both college students. It’s not that strange. But that fear you’d shown when the sun went down. That must have been a trigger to whatever this is. You were different. It hurts him. Because it’s obvious that he was never meant to find out. He can’t hope to understand what having a secret like this must feel like. 
His call is so soft. He doesn’t want to make the wrong move or provoke you. You’re sitting in a corner. His steps are slow, and when he’s within reach, he swallows, reaching out slowly. His hand lands on the top of your head. He rubs it slowly, and he can see you physically relax. After a few moments, your head peeks out from under your paw. 
He’s not sure why, but the action is cute to him. 
“Can you understand me?” 
Your round orbs shift to the wall, then back at him, flicking your tail. 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” 
He’s not sure what to ask first. 
“Can you turn back?” 
Your face buries back into your shoulder and he panics. 
“Okay okay I get it! No, go on the turning back.” You huff heavily through your nose. Tadashi just rubs his neck. 
“I guess I understand why you were so frantically looking at your phone. I’m sorry (Y/N). This wasn’t my secret to discover. “ 
Somehow he feels like he’s invaded your privacy. Your head raises slowly, and this time, you don’t look annoyed. You rise on your feet, and as you approach, Tadashi prepares for just about anything. You press your head to the side of his leg, and he can’t help but reach out. He pets you lightly, gaining an appreciative sound. Tadashi smiles. 
“This is incredible..” 
He would have liked to know beforehand that one of his best friends was apparently a wolf hybrid, but he guessed this is the second best thing. You keep moving back and forth, rubbing your head like a puppy starved of touch, and Tadashi willfully complies. Wolf or not, you were his friend. 
“We might have to spend the night here. “ Your movement stops at those words. You tilt your head. He can see from your eyes that you’re displeased. 
“Well I can’t exactly walk you out of here.” 
You bark at him. 
“I’ve got nothing, this is the best plan.” You turn your head at him. 
“I can’t believe this. Even as a wolf you're a pain.”
You whack him with your tail, and he laughs. 
“Better get comfortable.” 
He grabs a blanket from the couch with a grin. 
“When the morning comes, I’ll find something to hide you in. “ 
It would be much easier that way. With all the people bustling during the day. All he would need is a trolley to hide you under without suspicion. After that he could figure it out. 
He had to. 
The morning rolls around and Tadashi shifts on the air mattress he’d laid out on the floor. A body cuddled next to him isn’t surprising. He turns, hugging it closer. Realization seems to hit when he feels the warmth of skin rather than fur. He squints, running his hands along flesh. When his eyes open, the action seems simultaneous. 
You both take in your position and surroundings. You clutch the blanket to your naked chest with a squeak, and Tadashi falls back, right off the bed. He grunts, then jumps up immediately. 
It would seem that this transformation only last the night. 
Your face was littered with color, and you were doing your best to cover as much as possible with the blanket. Tadashi spun around in the opposite direction.
“I-I’m sorry!! I didn’t know you changed back, I thought you were still..” 
“It’s o-okay!” 
You hide behind the couch, and Tadashi clears his throat. He moves to a small basket he has at the side of the room. Grabbing a  shirt and a pair of sweats, he turns it to your direction without looking back. 
“H-Here. I always keep some extra clothes here. You can use it.” You take it hurriedly from his hands, and Tadashi begins moving to the door. 
“I-I’ll give you a chance to change. “ 
He basically sprints out the door, closing it. All you can do is stare. 
You know now that your relationship has changed drastically.
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sluttywonwoo · 3 years
study buddies || k.mg x reader
Pairing: frat!mingyu x fem reader 
Summary: studying for midterms with the guy you’re hooking up with goes exactly how you’d expect
Warnings: swearing, light smut (18+)
Word Count: 1.6k
a/n: reworked this old blurb originally posted on my tom holland fic account ( @wazzupmrstark ) for my gf’s birthday :)) happy birthday @hotgirlmingyu
You woke up to banging on your apartment door. Groaning, you rolled over to check your phone and saw that it was six am. You pushed yourself up and out of bed and padded into the kitchen to answer the door. You were surprised the relentless knocking hadn’t woken up your roommate, but she was a pretty heavy sleeper.
You yanked the door open to see Mingyu with a handful of textbooks. You squinted at him in confusion, wondering if you were seeing things. Mingyu had never been to your place before, you didn’t even know he knew where you lived.
His appearance startled you a bit. His hair was messy where it was usually slicked back or styled and he was wearing gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him in anything other than khakis and a douchey printed shirt.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, rubbing your eyes.
He frowned. “You said we should study for midterms together.”
You thought back to the last time you’d seen Mingyu. You couldn’t remember saying anything like that.
“Was I drunk?”
“So why are you here?”
“To study. You agreed that we could help each other out.”
“Mingyu, I don’t even remember agreeing to that.”
“Well I’m already here,” he said and pushed past you into your apartment.
“Seriously? It’s Saturday.”
“Yeah, and midterms are next week.”
“Couldn’t you have waited until the sun was up?” you grumbled, mostly to yourself and shut the door behind him.
“We’ve got a lot of material to cover.”
You cursed under your breath as you watched him set up at your kitchen table, knowing you should probably study even though you desperately wanted to go back to bed.
You and Mingyu had met at a party at his fraternity and woke up the next morning tangled in the sheets of his bed. To say it was awkward would have been an understatement. You didn’t think you’d ever see him again, but to your horror, you saw him in your stats lecture on Monday and your mythology class on Thursday. This was a pretty big university. Why did the same asshole have to be in two of your classes?
As much as it annoyed you, you couldn’t stop thinking about Mingyu, and apparently, he was having a similar dilemma because every time you went out he seemed to be there, and every time you hooked up.
That was the extent of your relationship, though. You didn’t even speak to each other in class or at parties. The only time you talked was behind closed doors when one or both of you was naked. Even then you kept your guard up because you refused to let yourself fall for a frat boy with commitment issues who never wanted to be seen with the same girl twice. A boy who wouldn’t even talk to you in public.
But you couldn’t ignore the way your heart fluttered when he said your name as he was about to cum, or the way his lips felt against yours. He could be a total dick, but you’d also seen a softer side of him that he didn’t show many people. You forced yourself to forget about that side. It was easier that way.
“Okay, what are we starting with?” you asked with a sigh.
“We have the stats exam first, we should work on that.”
You made a face. Statistics was the harder out of the two for you. In fact, it was the hardest class you were taking this semester.
“I can’t believe I’m doing math before seven am.”
“You won’t be complaining when you ace the midterm,” he quipped, already working on a practice worksheet.
You watched him solve problems like he was checking items off a list. You knew he was good at statistics, but you didn’t know he was that good. Figures, a guy like him was good at pretty much everything. Everything except mythology apparently, because once you’d switched to that he was flustered and frustrated. You would quiz him on myths only for him to get every single question wrong.
“Mingyu, did you even read any of these?” you asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Yes, y/n, I read every one. How do you think I passed all the reading quizzes?”
“Cheating?” it slipped out before you could stop it and Mingyu gave you a hard glare. You held up your hands defensively. “Just a joke.”
“I don’t think it was.” He licked his lips. “But for what it’s worth I read them all. I just can’t keep them straight.”
You sighed. You felt bad, but you were getting frustrated too. And not just because Mingyu wasn’t grasping the myths. This was the longest you’d ever spent together (at least while you were awake) and you hadn’t even had sex. He just smelled so nice and looked so cute when he was concentrating that you couldn’t help feeling a little impatient. You had been at it for hours, you thought you would’ve done it at least once by now. But Mingyu was more serious about studying than you thought. It was kind of admirable and kind of annoying.
“Okay well reread through the Egyptian myths and I’ll quiz you again.”
He pulled out his reading packet and flipped to the section you took out your phone and scrolled through social media mindlessly as he read, but it quickly got boring. You wished Mingyu would take a break so he could rail you. He was still reading intently, but you figured a little distraction couldn’t hurt.
You started by taking your hair down from your bun and shaking it out so that it fell around your shoulders. You knew your shampoo drove Mingyu crazy and hoped it would have an effect on him today. He shifted his seat, but didn’t look up from the packet. Next, you leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. You’d never done something so domestic like this with Mingyu, but it seemed to work because he cleared his throat and adjusted his sweatpants.
“You know you could be working on math.”
You shrugged. “We already did stats for hours today. I think I’ll jump off a bridge if I look at one more differential equation.”
He fell silent and tried focusing back onto the reading, but you moved your hand to his thigh and kept it there as you continued to through twitter, not even reading what was on your screen.
“Stop that,” Mingyu muttered, making you jump a little.
“Fuck, because you’re distracting me. You look too hot right now.”
“I’m wearing pajamas.”
“I really don’t care. You still look hot and I’m trying not to fuck you senseless right now.”
“Well what’s stopping you?” you asked lowly and nipped at his ear.
“Need to finish this,” he replied through gritted teeth.
“I can’t convince you to take a break?” You moved the hand on his leg up so that you were cupping him over his pants.
He shook his head. “After.”
You leaned over and kissed his neck, then his jaw, and felt him get hard under your hand. “If I have to stop what I’m doing you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
“That sounds like more of a motivator than a deterrent,” you admitted. “I’ll suck you off,” you offered and hooked your thumb in the waistband of his sweats, trying to bribe him.
“If you let me finish I’ll eat you out,” he countered.
You straightened up. It sounded like a pretty good deal.
A few minutes passed in silence and you were waiting patiently, typing up a rough draft of an essay you had due for another class when Mingyu groaned.
“What?” you asked, wondering if he needed help.
“Can you please stop that?”
“Stop what? I’m literally doing nothing.” You were genuinely confused now.
“Just- I don’t know you’re making it so hard to concentrate.”
“Am I making it hard?” You smirked.
“Very funny.”
“Would it help if I put a paper bag over my head?”
“Come on, keep reading about Osiris.”
“I don’t want to read about Osiris anymore, he’s a dick.”
“The faster you finish the faster you can get off.”
“I thought you didn’t want to wait,” Mingyu pointed out, trying to deflect.
“I think I recall something about you going down on me if I let you finish reading.”
“Fine,” he grumbled, but didn’t turn back to the book. Instead, he continued to gaze at you with those big brown eyes. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking.
“What?” You felt your cheeks get warm.
“I just really want to kiss you right now.”
You smiled and raised your chin, challenging him. “Then do it.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes and kissed him back, savoring the moment.
When you pulled away, Mingyu’s eyes were dark with want and you could see that he was now fully hard in his sweatpants.
“How about I eat you out now anyway?” He suggested, leaning forward to kiss your neck.
You moaned and brought your hands to his hair.
“You trying to bribe me?”
“Is it working?”
“Fuck yeah.”
Mingyu stood and picked you up from your chair. You wrapped your legs around his waist again. He pulled on your bottom lip with his teeth and smirked.
“Promise you’ll finish studying after?” you asked.
He considered it. “Does what we’re about to do count as studying mythology? Because it’s going to be legendary.”
You scrunched up your face in distaste. “No, I take it back. Put me down.”
Mingyu grinned. “Hey! You know no ones gives it to you as good as I do.”
“That confident are you?”
His grin turned into a smirk. “Is that a challenge?”
lmk what you think i always appreciated feedback!!
forever tags: @haven-cove
shoot me an ask to be added/removed from my taglist
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miniscule-meow · 3 years
Millie and Ethan: Study Date (G/t)
Note: I changed the beginning of this, so I hate it less now. Enjoy.
Millicent has been best friends with Ethan since middle school, and she’s never told him her secret. Well, to be fair, she’s never told anyone about it. She’s a size shifter. There’s just never been a great time to tell him, how do you even bring that up? She’s shifted around him before, but she’s always managed to hide. Then when she grows back, she would just talk her way out of any suspicion. Sure, she trusts him. She’s known him for a long time, and she’s certain that he wouldn’t hurt her or blackmail her or anything like that. But still, she just hasn’t been ready to rip that band-aid off quite yet.
Today was supposed to be just like any other day! They met at their favorite spot in the library. It’s all the way in the back, past the computers. Anyone that finds their way that far back into the library are usually either horribly lost, or they know exactly what they’re looking for. They were going to study for their psychology midterm. Ethan was late, as always, but he brought them both smoothies, so she let it slide. Everything was normal, until she got that familiar tingling sensation deep in her bones. Sometimes shifting is triggered by strong emotions that makes sense to her. But other times, for seemingly no reason at all, it just happens. This must be one of those times where her body just decides that she suddenly needs to be four inches tall. Millie huffs, inconvenienced by this timing. Usually, she can control it, it just takes a little bit of focus. It’s just hard to focus on staying her normal height while reviewing psychology vocab.
“You good?” Ethan asks, lowering his flashcards.
“Yeah. Just a headache.” She mumbles, bringing a hand to her head.
“We can take a quick break if you want.” He shrugs.
“Yeah. I’ll be right back” It’s becoming increasingly apparent to her that she isn’t going to be able to fight this shift off. The safest thing to do is to just hide out in the bathroom or in some corner in the library until she can grow back. It’ll be fine. She’s had to do stuff like this before. Unfortunately for her she doesn’t get that far. She takes maybe five steps away from the table, and then in a blink she’s on the floor, four inches tall. Shifting can be so disorienting, especially when it happens so fast like that. It leaves her head swimming as she takes in her surroundings from her new perspective.
“Uh. Millie?” He calls out to her, tentatively. Shit. She can’t see a good way of getting out of this one. She turns to see him rising from the table, his wide eyes locked on her miniscule form. They stare at one another wordlessly for a moment.
“What…happened?” He takes a step towards her, and her instincts take over. She bolts, running in the opposite direction. If she can make it to the end of this bookshelf there’s a little reading nook. Maybe she could hide under the chair or behind something. Traveling down this aisle would have taken no time at her full height, but she feels like she might as well be trying to clear the distance of an airport runway at this size.
“Hey, wait!” He calls out. She doesn’t need to throw a glance over her shoulder to know he’s following her. She feels his footsteps thunder behind her, sending vibrations in her direction. They get stronger as he draws nearer, until it becomes challenging to keep her balance. She’s not even close to making it to the reading nook, when a massive hand comes down in front of her, blocking her path. She runs right into the palm and unceremoniously falls backwards. She looks up to see Ethan. Even though he’s on his knees he still towering over her. He’s frozen, just blinking down at her in disbelief as she picks herself off of the floor.
“Millie?” He stares at her, his eyes wide, his mouth agape, completely entranced. She fights the urge to fidget under the weight of his gaze, so instead she just crosses her arms, still trying to catch her breath from her mini marathon.
His size is staggering. He’s absolutely massive. Even though she’s been shifting her whole life, she never gets over the sheer scale of things when she’s small like this. She’s seen Ethan from this angle before a couple times, but she’s always been hiding, and he’s never seen her. Now, his gaze is absolute as he stares down at her looking completely awestruck.
She tells herself that this is going to be fine. They’ll both get over the initial shock and things will be okay. She tries to think rationally about this. She’s known Ethan for so long, she knows for a fact that he won’t hurt her. He has trouble hurting spiders. The logical part of her brain trusts him. Her instincts, however, are screaming at her. Seeing him at this size, having to look straight up to see his face as he looms over her, he probably doesn’t even realize that he’s looming, the whole ordeal is a little unnerving to say the least.
“Quit looking at me like that.” She tries to sound assertive and confident, but it’s like he doesn’t even hear her. In fact, he leans forward more.
“Is this really happening right now?” Before she can respond, his hand is reaching out towards her. “What happened to you?” He extends a finger and pokes her middle. It’s a simple gesture from him, but to her it might as well have been a shove. She stumbles back, as he almost pushes her off of her feet.
“Hey! Watch it!” She glares up at him, putting on a brave face to distract from how her heart is hammering in her chest.
“Don’t be scared.” He says quietly. His hand hovers nearby for a moment before curling around her and pulling her off of the floor. The world moves quickly around her as she’s brought to dizzying heights. He stands and brings her back over to their table. It takes a second for her stomach to catch up to her. She’s never been picked up like this before. In fact, the last time she interacted with anyone while she was this size was several years ago, and it was with her parents. Ethan sits at the table but doesn’t set her down. Instead, he holds her up so that his face is all she can see; his breathing moves the air around her. He just holds her there, his eyes slowly taking in every tiny detail.
“Wow. You’re so tiny.” Thankfully he whispers, so even though his voice rumbles all around her, at least it isn’t hurting her ears.
“Yeah, I know. Are you done? You-you can put me down now.” Her confidence is beginning to slip as he just, doesn’t seem to be listening to her. His other hand crowds in. She leans back, but quickly finds she has no where to go to escape him. One massive digit brushes lightly against her arm, tracing down to pull her hand onto his fingertip. His breath catches as he examines her miniscule fingers in comparison to his own.
“You are SO tiny.” He repeats as he continues to fidget with her limbs. She can tell he is trying to be gentle, but he’s still manhandling her, like she’s some kind of toy. As if on cue to confirm her thoughts he says, “You’re like, a tiny goth Barbie.” His chuckle vibrates around her, sending a chill down her spine. She’s too freaked out to even scowl at him.
“O-okay. Alright. Knock it off.” She tries to push away at the fingers that are crowding her, but it does nothing to help her situation. He is in absolute control here, and there is nothing she can do to stop it. She is absolutely going to kick his ass when she grows back to normal. “Ethan! Stop! Please!” She finally yells up at him, punching at the nearest digit as hard as she can. She hates how the panic caused her voice to be high and strained, but it gets his attention. His hands freeze for a second, before he slowly sets her down on the table.
“I’m sorry.” His hands hover for just a moment longer before he pulls them away. She crosses her arms, and glowers up at her very big, very dumb friend, while she tries to pretend that she isn’t shaking like a leaf. “I guess I got carried away there.” He says apologetically, looking embarrassed.
“Uh, yeah! What the hell was that?” She glares up at him.
“I don’t know. I just, I mean it’s not everyday that your friend shrinks. I don’t know. I’m sorry. Are you okay?” She looks up at him, trying to decide if she forgives him or not.
“I’m fine.” She sighs.
“So, like,” He fidgets in front of her, “what’s going on? Are you going to be stuck like this forever now?”
“What? No. This just happens sometimes. Give it a few minutes and I’ll be back to normal.” He blinks down at her, dumbfounded.
“What do you mean this ‘just happens’?”
“I’m a size shifter. I’ve been able to do this since like… forever. That’s why I was homeschooled for so long.”
“Wait. You’ve been able to do this the whole time I’ve known you, and you’ve never told me?”
“I’m telling you now.” Millie states with a shrug. Then, upon noticing his hurt expression she continues, “Look. There was just never a good time. I don’t know. I couldn’t figure out how to tell you. I mean who knows you could have freaked out, or you could have just picked me up and ignored when I told you to back off and- oh wait. That’s exactly what happened, huh.” She raises her eyebrows, annoyed, and he looks down guiltily.
“Alright. That’s fair. Millie, seriously I’m really sorry.”
“Yeah. Whatever.” She looks away.
“… Do you forgive me?” She doesn’t need to look at him to know he’s giving her big puppy dog eyes.
“Buy me lunch and I’ll consider it.”
“Listen. Just be more careful next time, please. And also, actually listen to me, maybe?”
“Alright. You got it.”
In the next few minutes, she grows back to her regular size. He has a million and one questions about all of this, but they have to make sure they can pass this midterm first. So, those questions will just have to wait.
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sapphosclown · 4 years
Treat You Better - Tyrus AU
Part XIV: i guess we carried each other
Cyrus and TJ present their history project.
Cyrus was woken up by his alarm, a pleasant scene where birds are chirping quietly in the background and a soft melody crescendos into a lovely morning song.
It absolutely infuriated him.
Nothing against birds or happy music, but it’s 6am and Cyrus has been studying for midterms all week and and now he has to present a project with the guy who is mad at him for whatever unknown reason and quite frankly, Cyrus didn’t want to leave his bed ever again.
The memory of his and TJ’s rehearsal on Monday has been haunting him all week. Andi and Buffy said not to worry about it so he’s really been trying not to, but he can’t.
He misses how it used to be. TJ was always so open and talkative during their study sessions even Cyrus was rude and dismissive. He made Cyrus laugh anyways, made him feel relaxed. It didn’t feel like a school project, it just felt like hanging out with a friend. And now that he can enjoy that atmosphere, it’s taken away from him. Because of course it is.
Cyrus begrudgingly got out of bed and threw on his clothes before going to brush his teeth.
He got to school 15 minutes before the first exam period and saw Andi and Buffy in their usual spots and Jonah sitting on the table across from Buffy in the cafeteria.
“Hey, Cyrus!” Jonah smiled wide at him and held his hand up for a high five to which Cyrus responded with a weak tap as he slid into his seat.
“C'mon man you can do better than that.” Jonah said disapprovingly as he held his hand over to Buffy who slapped his hand without even looking.
“I’m sorry, I’m so tired today.” Cyrus groaned, rubbing his eyes.
“Good thing I got a present for you,” Buffy sang as she slid an iced coffee across the table to him.
He looked at the coffee and back to buddy, eyes wide. “I love you.” He deadpanned, causing his friends to laugh.
“Today’s our last day and then it’s winter break, you got this!” Jonah nudged his shoulder gently.
“I think he’s just not excited for today in particular.” Andi replied, breaking apart each syllable of “particular”.
“Why, what’s happening today?” Jonah asked.
“He has his presentation with TJ today.” Buffy whispered loudly to Jonah.
“Oh.” Jonah whispered loudly back.
“You guys are so subtle.” Andi mimicked their voices.
“Whatever. I’ll be fine. Can we talk about something else?” Cyrus dismissed and took a sip of his coffee.
That lit up something in Buffy. “Oh yeah! Andi, tell him.”
“OH YEAH! Cyrus, you know how I was gonna ask Amber for her number?” She said excitedly.
“I do. Did you chicken out?” Cyrus teased, taking another sip of his drink.
Andi glared at him. “No.” she said quickly before shifting her eyes to the ceiling. “Well, I didn’t really get a chance BECAUSE SHE ASKED ME FIRST!”
Cyrus smiled at Buffy. “Called it.” He whispered loudly. Andi hit his arm playfully as he giggled and flinched away.
“Whatever. I still don’t know if she’s—”
“She is.” Jonah interjected.
Everyone turned to him with confused expressions.
“How do you know?” Andi asked.
“She told me. She doesn’t try to keep it a secret, did you not see the rainbow pin on her bag? Or the rainbow sticker on her name tag?” Jonah explained.
Buffy snorted.
“No I saw— She told you?” Andi asked again, still very lost.
“Yeah we’re friends.”
“Not the development I expected but a good one nonetheless.” Buffy joked to Cyrus.
“Since when?” Andi yelled.
“A while now. Our moms are friends and we have a lot in common. She told me she was gay like 2 years ago, I’m surprised you didn’t figure it out.” Jonah replied.
Andi stared at him.
“You knew her this whole time, and didn’t think to say anything?”
“I didn’t realize she was the girl you were madly in love with.”
Buffy snorted again.
“I AM NOT IN LOVE W—” Andi got cut off by the 5 minute warning bell and Buffy Cyrus and Jonah all started grabbing their bags to head to class. Andi stares at Jonah, grabbing her own bag. “We’re finishing this conversation later Beck.” She threatened before walking away.
Jonah looked at Cyrus with fear in his eyes.
“Don’t look at me man!”
“What did I do!” Jonah laughed as he and Cyrus headed to their first exam.
The good news is Cyrus had English for his first exam to distract him from his impending doom. The bad news is English is is over and now he has to go to history.
Under regular circumstances he’d be glad that his teacher is taking these presentations for their midterm grades, but he’s kind of too busy cursing whatever god is out there controlling his life to worry about his grade.
Cyrus subconsciously walked ever so slightly slower to his history classroom, knowing it doesn’t actually make a difference to what’s gonna happen but it’s worth a shot. Turns out it kind of worked, but in the worst way possible.
Cyrus got to the room at the exact same time as TJ and they practically ran each other over trying to get through the door at the same time.
“Hey, what the hell— Cyrus!” TJ said much louder than he probably meant to.
Cyrus stood at him in shock for a second. Of course he thought to himself. “Um, sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” He forced a smile and walked into class as TJ called after him.
“Wait, Cyrus—” TJ said, taking a seat next to him. “Can... Can we talk?”
Cyrus opened his mouth to respond but the only sound that came was from the bell signaling clad to start. Cyrus looked to the front of the room where their teacher had already started talking.
“Alright, we don’t really have time to waste so, look for you and your partners names on the board. If each presentation is 3-5 minutes we should have some time leftover to watch a quarter of a movie. Sound good?”
The class mumbled in content agreement.
“Great. If you and your partner feel like you’d like to go over your work one more time, you can practice in the hall QUIETLY, while the group before you is presenting. Alright, first up—”
And so Cyrus spent the first 15 minutes of class sitting awkwardly next to TJ as they kept looking over at each other in what was supposed to be sneaky glances but they’re kind of bad at being subtle and make contact almost every time. Eventually the people before then stand up to present and TJ turns to Cyrus.
“Hey, can we—” He whispered pointing to the hallway. Cyrus pressed his lips in a straight line attempting an awkward smile and grabbed his bag, TJ following him suite.
TJ quietly closed the door behind them and turned around.
He took a deep breath. “Um— I just wanted to apologize for how I acted the other day.”
Cyrus shifted a bit. “Okay...”
They stood in silence for a beat.
“That was it.”
“Have you ever heard an apology? Like ever?” Cyrus tried to joke but he knew it came off more bitter than he meant it to.
“I’m sorry, you’re right.”
“So you’ve apologized for not apologizing, but you still haven’t apologized.” Cyrus stated.
“Has anyone ever told you you’re hard to apologize to?” TJ retorted.
“No, actually. This would be a first.” TJ smiled at that.
“Okay. I’m sorry for how i acted the other day. That wasn’t fair to you. I guess I just thought that if I pretended like I didn’t care it’d make things easier but I was... very wrong.”
“Yeah. No kidding.” Cyrus snorted.
TJ looked at his shoes and Cyrus stared at him. “It’s okay. I mean, I guess I understand where you were coming from but it still kind of sucked. I thought you hated me.” Cyrus said.
“I know. I’m sorry.” TJ said again.
Cyrus nodded.
A soft smiled tugged at TJ’s lips before he tore his eyes to his notebook. “Um, good job on your section by the way, I don’t get a chance to say it but yeah. Not that I thought you’d do a bad job or anything because you’re really smart and I’m actually surprised you stuck with me as your partner because—”
“Thanks, TJ.” Cyrus cut off his rambling, laughing quietly. “You did a really good job too. And you pretty much nailed all the dates too so, congratulations.”
“Ha, thanks.” TJ clearly didn’t believe him.
“Seriously Teej,” Cyrus took a step forward and put his hand on the other boys shoulder. “You should be proud of yourself.”
Cyrus saw TJ’s cheeks turning a light shade of pink s he felt his own face burn a little. If nothing else, one thing hadn’t changed— TJ still had the prettiest eyes Cyrus has ever seen.
They were interrupted by the door opening and their teachers face popped through. “You boys are up!” He whispered enthusiastically before slipping back into the room.
The boys looked at each other a again and laughed awkwardly, both still extreme shades of red but pretending they weren’t.
Their presentation actually went pretty smoothly. The biggest issue they ran into was stuttering every here and there, but this was already ten million times better than their practice run had been. Both of them quickly melted into their dynamic and everything else came pretty naturally and they were done in about 3 and a half minutes. The class snapped quietly (as to not disturb the other classes) and they both sat down, continuing the rest of class “sneaking” looks at each other and smiling when they made eye contact every time.
Cyrus stared at his phone while his friends talked around him at Andi’s locker. It started with Andi scolding Jonah for not being her wingman earlier on but Cyrus lost tack pretty quickly as his mind wandered back to TJ.
He was staring at his contact in his phone and debating on sending a text. On one hand, he wasn’t entirely sure where they stood now. Were they friends again? Were they just school acquaintances again? They weren’t project partners anymore so should he keep TJ’s phone number? Cyrus could already feel that he was about to drive himself crazy and just pushed aside all his thoughts and typed out a message.
Cyrus: good job on the project today!! all things considered i think we did pretty well :)
Cyrus shuts off his phone and puts it back in his pocket as he tried to ignore the part of his brain screaming at him. He heard about 3 words in the conversation unfolding before him before he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He yanked his phone back out and read the message in the screen
TJ: thanks :) i can’t take too much credit tho, you definitely carried me the whole way through
Cyrus: you’re simply incorrect. you carried me
TJ: i guess that means we carried each other then huh
Cyrus: i guess it does
“Oooooooooo, who ya textin?” Buffy sang, poking at Cyrus’s arm.
“No one!” He tried to say but the smile on his face begged to differ.
“So did you and TJ make up then?” Andi asked.
“Yeah. We talked before the presentation and it helped.” Cyrus blushed harder.
“You should invite him to the spoon with us!” Jonah proposed.
Cyrus looked at all his friends. “Really? Are you guys sure its okay?”
“Of course! Andi’s invited Amber, who’s one more gonna hurt!” Buffy replied.
“Okay...” Cyrus turned back to his phone, his friends watching him intently. Cyrus stood still and cleared his throat aggressively. Catching the hint they all turn back to their own little conversation.
“So, words amirite?” He hears Andi say.
Cyrus: my friends and i are getting some celebratory end of semester shakes at the spoon, if you’re not doing anything you can join, if you want
He clicked his phone off again pretending like nothing was happening because technically, nothing was happening. He invited his friend to get milkshakes with his friends, big whoop. Except everyone had gone silent again and was staring at Cyrus.
“What we’re you saying about words, Andi?”
“Oh, uh—”
Their fake conversation quickly turned into a very real and heated debate about phonetics which Cyrus had invested himself in hoping to forget about the fact that a full minute and a half has already passed and he still hasn’t heard anything back.
Another minute passes and Cyrus was just about ready to call it quits when he felt his pocket buzz.
TJ: sounds fun :) i’ll meet you guys there?
Cyrus: cool :)
They get to the Spoon and see Amber sitting the the largest corner booth in her normal people clothes. She stands up and waves them over with a smile on her face.
“I already ordered some baby taters but I wasn’t sure what milkshakes you guys wanted because I can never remember who likes what.” Amber said nervously as everyone took their seat.
“That’s ok. There’s one more joining us so we’ll order when he gets here.” Jonah reassured her.
“Oh, who is it?”
As if on que, the door rang as TJ stepped inside and scanned the room, and then waving excitedly when he sees Cyrus.
“You’re joking.” Amber laughs in disbelief and stands up again, making eye contact with TJ who’s face drops like hers before they both start laughing hysterically leaving everyone feeling confused and kind of left out.
“Wait... that’s...” TJ laughed before Amber shushed him.
“I didn’t realize you were talking about...” Amber started before TJ shushed her.
“Hey, what’s going on...” Buffy whispered to the two of them.
“Oh, um, Cyrus remember when I told you I have a sister—” TJ said simply, gesturing towards Amber.
Amber turned to Cyrus and smiled and waved weakly.
“No way.” Buffy said to no one in particular as she smiled widely. She was gonna have a field day with this.
Jonah looked like he was about to pee his pants trying not to laugh and Cyrus and Andi were completely stunned and just stared at each other for a second before also laughing, the rest of the group doing the same.
“I hate it here.” Amber joked as she sat down next to Andi.
“I’ve literally never been happier in my life.” Buffy laughed as she moved so TJ could sit next to Cyrus.
“Jonah, why didn’t you tell them?” Amber yelled at him.
“I THOUGHT THEY HAD FIGURED IT OUT! Cyrus has been to your house multiple times how did you not know!” Jonah yelled back.
They dissolved into more playful yelling and despite being way too loud for this little diner, Cyrus still felt happier than he had all year.
A waiter came over after they had quieted down and took their orders. Everyone started talking about something but Cyrus had noticed that TJ’s pinky was touching his own and that was all he could focus on. It was the lightest touch and yet if felt like his skin was on fire. As if that wasn’t enough, TJ must have noticed it too, because he looped his finger over Cyrus’s, making Cyrus’s face heat up involuntarily and he hoped no one had noticed. When Cyrus didn’t move away, TJ carefully flipped his hand over and intertwined the rest of their fingers. Cyrus looked at him but TJ had gone back into the conversation. Cyrus smiled at him and then tuned back in himself.
He never wanted this to end.
He was happy.
previous // next
a/n: happy boys for today me thinks 😌 the angst is finally dying down and there’s i think gonna be two more chapters (excluding the epilogue) and our boys are gonna get the happy ending they deserve but for now, they hold hands under the table at the spoon and enjoy the company of their friends. ALSO I WAS LOOSING MY MIND WRITING THE PART WHERE W TJ AND AMBER OH MY GOD i hope you enjoyed lmao
also i’m updating my tag list to make sure the notifications are getting sent and if you want to be added or taken off just lmk!!
tag list:
@secretly-of-course @abg-blah @maybeldontwantheaven @thebisexualweirdo @randomsmilingpotatoes @iam-johnlocked @ohnoitsamistake18 @im-mormon-and-not-straight @unrequitedambi @marriedtobigfoot @fairygclds @c-ristopher @tylercamebackyes @tyrus-is-canon @craftyceleb @ana-lana-ding-dong @dancinglifeboat
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It’s me again lol thank you for the first one. I was wondering if you could do another fic w Fred with a admirer makes him a kandi bracelet, if you don’t know what that is then you can skip but thank you for considering- ❤️
I dead ass forgot the name of Kandi bracelets! But I totally know what these are I've got like six of these bad boys in a box somewhere
Fred was curious about this whole situation. He was finding bracelets... Everywhere. The weirdest part was he knew they were meant for him. Little phrases only he could understand would be left on these things, along with the fact they'd be left in places only he would go to. He wouldn't wear all of them. No. He'd simply keep them in a box but he would wear the newest one he could find the next one in hopes of it's maker seeing it and commenting on it. He was curious to know who knew him this well. And why he didn't seem to know them. He sighed, finding the latest one resting on a table in the library. He knew there was no point in asking if anyone had seen it's maker. Whoever you were you were otherwise well known and had everyone in on this, or you were practically invisible to people. He asked many times in open areas if anyone had seen you all with the same answer: Nope. You sat down next to him and rose a brow. "Still getting these from them?" You asked. "Yep." Fred said taking off the last one and sticking in his pocket. "still no luck in finding them hmm?" You asked. "I don't get it. How are they able to leave them in places beforehand without being seen." Fred asked. "I'm not sure." You shrugged. "What's the newest one even say?" You asked. "I solemnly swear that I am... Up to no good-- this person knows about the marauders map." He said. "That's limiting it to a very slim amount of people then." You pointed out. "I feel like Sherlock every time I look at these." Fred said curiously. You choked on air hearing that reference. "How in the world do you know Sherlock Holmes?" You asked. "I read it after you asked me to 'read at least one muggle book so I don't sound crazy' Y/n." Fred chuckled. "You read?" You gaped. "I know. Shocking. Don't tell anyone or else my reputation might be ruined." He said sarcastically making you smile. You turned back to your book and Fred smiled. He loved seeing that beautiful smile on your face, it was like he was seeing it for the first time everytime he saw it. You could feel him staring and hid behind your strands of hair but he tucked them behind your ear and you blushed crimson. Fred smiled even more and you sighed. "I can't study if you keep distracting me Fred." You whined. "Yes I am a fun distraction though." He said. "Midterms Fred. Midterms." You said making him sigh and rest his head on his arms. He soon fell asleep and you looked at the bracelet on his arm.
He wore them. All the time. It pleased you to see he did want to meet the maker. But would he still want them if it was you? You were the listener of the group, usually listening to everyone's problems but never saying your own. Fred was the only one though who actually listened to you. He would notice your tired stares and ask what was wrong. You'd give him a half ass answer but then he'd ask you to "elaborate on that please" and you'd wind up telling him. You and him would have little moments yes. But you've seen him do this with plenty of other girls. You didn't want a "fling" you wanted something more, something impactful. Fred liked you of course though unbeknownst to you. A part of him was hoping you'd drop a hint that it was you behind these bracelets. But so far... Nothing. The next day came and another clue was left by a spot in the staircase he and George would hang out at. "Oh, your secret admirer left a present again." George yawned as he sat. Fred lifted it and rose a brow. "Sherlocking time. Find me." Fred read looking up. George leaned up. "Think we'll meet the maker?" He asked. "Sounds like that's what they're trying to get me to do." Fred agreed. You stopped and noticed the boys. "Left you another bracelet?" You asked, motioning to the new one. "Yeah, they said 'find me'." Fred said. You rose a brow. "So are you going to go off looking?" You asked. "In a moment. I'm going to nap first. Long day. Long. Long. Day." He yawned. You chuckled and walked past. You knew he'd do that.
You knew this boy all to well. You started leaving them along his route, but only in places you'd knew he'd have to sit or stand in a specific spot to see. You were a clever little thing you. It was a wonder you weren't in Ravenclaw. Fred soon woke up from his name and leaned up, seeing the glint of a metallic bead. "...The chase has begun." Fred noted as he got up. George yawned and blinked a few times to see his brother finding another one. "Where you go to be alone." So... The lake? Fred started walking and George trailed after him. "Where are you going?" George asked. "They left another clue." Fred said. It took him a bit but he finally made it to the lake, looking around the area just to come up empty handed. Where was this damn thing? He sighed and sat on a rock before seeing a blue bead. You sneaky little shit. He walked over to the small plant it was on and found it. "Clever. Find the plant name." Was inscribed on the beads. "Now how the hell am I going to do that?" Fred grumbled. Luna rose a brow. "What do you have there?" She asked, her voice light and soft as she spoke. "Oh. A bracelet. Someone's been leaving these for me." He admitted. "Like a scavenger hunt?" Luna asked. "Yes, exactly. But now I'm reaching a dead end." Fred grumbled. "What's it say?" Luna asked. "Find the plant name." He muttered. "Oh... Have you checked in a book?" Luna asked. Fred facepalmed. "That's so obvious. Thank you Lovegood." Fred said making her chuckle as he ran past. He found you in the library reading and he tapped you. "Hmm?" You asked turning to him. "Do you know where I might be able to find a book on plants?" Fred asked. "Well that's a lot of books Fred. Can you narrow this down?" You asked. "Plants that grow near lakes?" He guessed. "...Hmm..." You got up and walked into a aisle before picking up six different books. "What's this for anyways? Finally doing homework?" You asked. "Aha. Funny." Fred said making you laugh and shake your head.
He smiled as he sat down flipping through pages. It wasn't until he read the fifth book he finally found the next bracelet, squished between it's pages. You rose a brow. "Whoever this is, they are thorough as fuck." Fred muttered. "Where you met me." Was inscribed. "Well that's where this dies out." Fred groaned. "Fred, we already know this person knows about the Marauder's map. So that's like four people." You said. "Shit. You're right." He nodded making you roll your eyes. Then Fred paused. "Wait... Three people know about the map." He said. "Hmm?" You asked. "Only three. Not four." Fred said. "Harry, Fred. And Angelina knows too. George had a slip up in front of her." You said. "...Shit." Fred groaned. "Process of elimination. We know it's not George." Fred muttered to himself. You snorted. "You're beginning to actually sound like Sherlock now." You laughed. "Shh. I'm thinking." Fred said with a tone that was joking. You bit back a snort and you shook your head. "Where did me and you meet?" Fred asked. "Uhm... Courtyard. I think?" You recalled. "Right! It was in the winter!" He nodded. "Where did I meet Angelina?" He asked. "Uhm... Also... The courtyard." You said. "Shit. You're right. Gotta be thorough." Fred said before leaving. Luna sat down in front of you. "Stuck around and told him didn't you?" You asked her. "I'm surprised his first conclusion wasn't a book." Luna giggled silently. You smiled and Angelina sat down next to you. "Alright, so who's directing him to the next one?" Angelina asked. "Uhm... I thought you were." Luna said softly. "We gotta keep this inconclusive, he'll catch on that's Luna's in on this if we give her the next spot again." You said. "Hmm. Alright I'll do it." Angelina said with a smirk. "Confuse him just a little bit. I swear making that boy read was both a blessing and a curse, he's gained deductive reasoning." You snorted making her laugh. Sure enough there was a confused Fred, trying to recall exactly where he met you. "Is it Angelina?" He asked before Angelina walked over to a confused Fred. "What are you doing?" Angelina asked. "I'm looking for a clue. And coming up with nothing-- where did I meet you two?" Fred asked Angelina. "we were sitting." She muttered before sitting on the bench pretending to ponder. Fred rose a brow and then sat next to her before noticing the next clue. It was under another bench across. Jesus this person knew how to hide things at an angle. He gripped the bracelet and read it "Where you go to think" so... The astronomy tower. He groaned and began walking and Angelina nearly snorted watching him gripe the entire way there. Six other bracelets were found, all of them being in obscure places before he finally found one. "Look for the listener." He rose a brow. What the fuck did that mean? He walked back to the great hall and everyone was sitting around. "Where have you been?" George asked. "Looking for these things." He sighed. "Hit another dead end?" You asked. "Yeah. 'look for the listener.' what does that even..." Then it hit him. You. The answer was you. "Fred? You look like the Bloody Baron just passed through you, are you alright?" Angelina asked. "The listener in our group is Y/n." Fred said looking at you. George and Angelina looked at you and you smirked. "Surprise." You said, taking off the last bracelet. "Found me." Was inscribed on the beads. He chuckled and shook his head. "You're thorough." He said. "I didn't think you actually read Sherlock Holmes... That caught me off guard." You chuckled. Fred got up and extended his hand. "Come on." He said.
"Where are we--" "we need to talk." He said and you took his hand with a confused look. "Fred if you're upset then I'm really sorry I just thought that it was fun and--" "I'm not upset, that was fucking brilliant." He chuckled. "...It was?" You asked. "You need to organize a group event or something because honest to God that was AMAZING." Fred said making you chuckle. "I had help." You said softly. "From who-- Angelina and Luna!" He gasped making you giggle. Fred smiled and shook his head. "Christ woman, you're going to make me fall harder for you if you keep this up." Fred said making your eyes widened. "You... You actually--" "Yes! Y/n I was hoping this was you! God I knew you were smart but you're giving the actual Sherlock Holmes a run for his money Princess!" He said making you smiled. "A...are you sure that you... I mean... I..." You shuffled. "I like you Y/n... And if you'll let me I'd like to be your boyfriend." He said. You smiled and took out the actual last bracelet. "Mischief Managed." He smiled at it and put it on your wrist. "I'll wear the other one. That way we're a set." He said with a smile. Your face must've been as red as the Gryffindor house colors as Fred kissed you. You smiled and chuckled. He took your hand and went back into the great hall, arm wrapped around you. "It worked!" Luna smiled, now sitting with Angelina. "We've got ourselves a trickster amongst the group." George teased. You smiled and Fred kissed the side of your head. "How'd you even know where to put half of these though?" Fred asked about the bracelets.
"elementary my dear Watson"
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cali-holland · 4 years
How Perfect You Are- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: After a rough day, Tom’s there to cheer you up.
Word Count: 1600
Warnings!!: cyberbullying, mentions of anxiety, self-image issues/slut shaming
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a couple months now, and it was written way before the rumors (because nothing has been confirmed by him yet) of Tom having a girlfriend. Respect Tom’s privacy and do not send hate to him or any of the people he is connected to, romantically or otherwise.
It was a rough day. Like a really rough day.
It seemed like every single uni assignment was due this week, and work was just the worst. You had a raging migraine, and your boss even offered to call someone in early to cover you, but you refused. You needed the hours, you needed the money, you didn’t need the constant searing pain on the top of your skull like someone was trying to pierce through it with a knife.
But you pushed through until you got home. The house was silent, just like the past few nights whenever you arrived home. Tom knew you had a lot of school work to do, so he tried to stay clear of your way. Earlier this week, he attempted to keep to himself in the living room while you worked in your shared room, but he found himself wandering into the bedroom periodically. He had been away filming for months, only to return during one of the most stressful parts of your school year- midterms. He just wanted to hold you, be with you in any way he could, but that was just distracting you and he knew it.
So he made himself busy at Harrison’s place for a few hours every night. It gave you enough time to buckle down and focus on your work, with him coming home shortly before the two of you went to bed. It was hard, but midterms were a bitch and Tom wasn’t about to help you with your fifteen page paper among other essays. 
When the clock struck 11 pm, you knew Tom would be home soon and that you should probably stop working in a sad attempt to help your migraine. You changed into your pajamas (which consisted of one of Tom’s t-shirts and your own pajama shorts) and continued to go through your nightly routine. Laying down in the king-size bed, you snuggled down into the warm sheets. As tired as you were, you couldn’t fall asleep until Tom came home, knowing he’d be on his way shortly- after all, Harrison’s home wasn’t far from yours.
Waiting in your comfortably warm bed, you began to scroll through Instagram, wondering what you could have missed in the endless hours of you being offline for studying and work. You smiled to yourself when you realized Harrison had a saved Instagram live posted. Your smile grew even wider once you clicked on it and Tom appeared on the screen beside him. The time stamp of the video showed it was from an hour ago.
They were goofing about, being their normal selves and answering some questions from the comments. One question in particular caught your attention as a fan asked if you and Tom were still together- wow, so much for privacy.
“Yes, we are. She’s studying right now, working very, very hard. I love her loads, so yeah, of course we’re still together.” Tom laughed, almost disbelieving a fan would actually ask such an oddly invasive question. As Harrison continued on and answered another question, you began to read the comments that were drifting over the screen.
‘Can’t believe Tom’s still dating her’,‘They’ve got to be fake- there’s no way Tom would date someone like her’, ‘Tom’s really got bad taste’, the comments kept coming through for the next few minutes. Your eyes shifted to rest on Tom’s face, who seemed rather unbothered, like he hadn’t been reading those hurtful words that not only mocked him, but you and your relationship as a whole.
The live didn’t last long after that. You were grateful that there were no more questions about you specifically. Tom would mention you here and there, but he always did that. You were his favorite thing to talk about (except maybe, you were tied with Tessa) and so he struggled to not constantly gush over you. 
You both knew when you started dating, almost 2 years ago now, that you’d be opening your life up to criticism. You were all for bettering yourself and hearing the opinions of other people, but that was with constructive criticism to help you become a better person, not crazy fans that hated you for no legitimate reason. It was definitely a challenge, but you kept your social media all private, only allowing people you know to follow you, like any normal 23 year old would do. Tom tried to keep his posts of you to a minimum, just sometimes he couldn’t help it. He loved you, and he wanted to show you off to the world; however, he did acknowledge the uncomfortable position it put you in.
It wasn’t like you hated his fans, no you loved them. There were some, though, that you didn’t appreciate, and you felt justified feeling that way. They were just upset over seeing their idol be “taken” by you- at least, that’s what you told yourself. You constantly had to remind yourself that no, you were not fat like they said; no, you were not stupid like they said; no, you were not ugly like they said; no, you were not undeserving of Tom like they said. You were you, and you were a great person, you liked yourself.
That was the mindset most nights, but tonight was not one of those nights.
Everything was stressing you out, your anxiety certainly was not in check. Those comments did nothing to improve your mental state, and yet you still found yourself on Tom’s account, looking at the pictures he had up of you, looking at the comments underneath them specifically.
‘Attention whore’, ‘cover up slut’, ‘her dress looks like vomit’, ‘why is Tom dating her’, ‘she doesn’t deserve him’, ‘their relationship cannot be real’. Each comment stung, yet you couldn’t pull yourself away from reading through them over and over again. Your vision began to get blurry from the tears that had welled up in your eyes. You rubbed your eyes, trying to hold yourself together, and threw the phone away from you- you didn’t care where it landed, it just couldn’t be near you.
“Ow!” Tom shouted, and you immediately removed the hand from covering your eyes.
“Tom?” Your voice came out as more of a pathetic squeak. He turned on the light and you could see he was rubbing his knee, where you assumed your phone had hit him.
“I didn’t mean to scare you. I just got in.” He said, placing your phone on the bed and beginning to change into his own pajamas.
“Oh, no, it’s fine. My bad.” You mumbled. You picked your phone up and took one last look at the Instagram comments.
“Is everything alright?” Tom asked. He turned off the lights and got into bed beside you under the covers. You wordlessly shrugged a little and set your phone on the nightstand beside you. Tom wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer into his warm, bare chest. His brown eyes softened, sensing something was wrong. “What’s going on, love?”
“I’m just stressed.” You replied quietly.
“I know when you’re ‘just stressed’. Something else is bothering you. What is it? You can tell me.” He frowned, his hand coming up to move a few loose hairs out of your face before he rested it on your neck with his thumb gently rubbing your jaw.
“I feel like the whole world hates me. School’s awful, work’s awful. And you get to go hang out with Harrison while I’m drowning in just work, and I feel like a bad girlfriend because you want to spend time with me, but I don’t have time for anything. And then, I go online and I just see all this hate. I know that they’re your fans and you love them, but it’s just so draining. I can’t handle it.” The tears were freely flowing from your eyes at this point. Tom shifted so that you could cry into his chest, and he held you tightly, reassuringly caressing your back as he did so.
“Hey, I love you, more than anything in the world. Don’t feel bad that you can’t spend time with me right now. Midterms and work- that’s your life right now. You’ve always waited for me, so I’m going to wait for you. As long as I get to come home and see your beautiful face every night, I’m perfectly content.” He paused and let out a small sigh, “And as for my fans, I’m sorry. I wish they could just understand. I love you, you are my girlfriend, our relationship is real, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Nothing that they say about you is true. Now, who is the most beautiful, kind-hearted, mesmerizing, brilliant woman I know?”
“Your mum.” You said, muffled by his chest.
“Who? I can’t hear you.” Tom teased. You pulled back to look at him. Despite the dark room only being illuminated by the moonlight creeping through the window and the alarm clock perched behind you, you could still see his kind smile as he looked at you. “Don’t say my mum. Come on, who is it?”
“I am.” You replied, unable to stop the small smile that crept its way onto your face as Tom nodded encouragingly.
“You are the most beautiful, kind-hearted- what else did I say?” He paused with a laugh, realized he’d forgotten his own words.
“Mesmerizing, brilliant?”
“Mesmerizing, brilliant woman I know. There’s just too many adjectives to describe just how perfect you are, darling.”
“I love you.” You smiled softly, leaning in to kiss him.
“I love you, too.”
Tag List: @viagracex​ @theamazingtomholland​ @hellomoveonby​ @heyitsshrez @tomkindholland​
Tom Tag List: @quaksonhehe
267 notes · View notes
papergirllife · 4 years
The Things Unsaid
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Kim Doyoung
warnings: fluff filled smut, unprotected sex, cream pie.
*gif credits to owner.
You were holed up with the 127 members on a Friday night of drinking in, soju bottles scattered on the floor and a bottle or two of Johnny’s vodka or hennessy. The lot of you were celebrating the boys’ end of promotions and nabbing 4 wins for this album repackage.
For the boys’ successful comeback, the company decided to let them stay in the big house owned by sm up in UN Village. Since you just finished your midterms, Doyoung invited you to join them for this 3 nights holiday.
All of you were sat in a circle, playing truth or truth, since Taeyong stopped the dares after nearly setting the kitchen on fire, again. It was a peaceful yet comedic scene, with Yuta cuddling Mark and Jungwoo trying to steal Mark away, Jaehyun mumbling incoherent things to an even drunker Taeyong.
Donghyuck spun the bottle in the middle of the circle, after having to spill the tea of his browser history, annoyance and embarrassment written on his face. After what seemed like forever, the bottle stopped, landing on you.
“Well, looks like it’s our dear Y/N, everyone’s favourite’s turn to spill her guts.”
“Ask away, devil spawn.”
You’re on the tipsy side, or you wouldn’t have the guts to call Donghyuck names, thank god Johnny was holding onto him.
“Fine. Who would you date among all of us?”
You slapped your hand over your mouth when you realised you spoke without thinking through your brain.
You looked around frantically, scanning your eyes over everyone’s expression, landing a fleeting gaze at Doyoung’s face, written in shock and confusion.
“Who is it?!” Donghyuck demanded.
You looked up from your hands that were playing mindlessly on your lap, you can’t just drop the bomb on Doyoung liike that, he’s known you since high school, a confession like this will definitely ruin the friendship the both of you have established. So you decided to force yourself, to the disliking of the tipsy side of your brain, to lie.
“It’s you, Donghyuck.”
When those words left your mouth, everyone was either screaming in frenzy or looking at you in disbelief.
“I’m gay, Y/N. Everyone knows that.”
“I know, that’s why I didn’t bother telling you.”
Your words were laced with confidence, not batting an eye at the lie you just spewed, your sober self taking over after the initial panic sat in.
“What an honour, no wonder you hate my guts, I would be frustrated not being able to date me too if I were you.”
Needless to say, Johnny told Donghyuck to stop before hurting your feelings, sending an apologetic face to your way. You grabbed the bottle and spun, your mind no longer in the game and throwing out a random question at Yuta.
Your eyes skimmed over to Doyoung for a moment, noticing him down an entire bottle as Taeil whispers something into his ear. What was his problem? You downed your own bottle of soju, wanting to calm your nerves down.
As the night goes on, one by one the boys seem to either doze off or pass out from the drinks they had, you and Taeil were the only sober enough ones to help the boys back to their rooms. Taeil was about to help Doyoung upstairs, but Mark clung onto him, saying that he wants his hyung immediately.
So Taeil entrusted you with Doyoung, who was very much drunk at the moment, it was odd to you, since Doyoung hardly drinks this much, at most a few shots, never downing one whole bottle like this, he was always the mature one among all his friends.
So you took Doyoung’s arm and slung it over yours as you guided him up the stairs, since his room is on the 3rd floor, that wasn’t an easy feat. You gave him instructions and encouragements at each and every step, Doyoung’s face was inches away from yours, so you looked down at his feet, making sure he is climbing the stairs properly, this was the safer way, for both of you.
“There you go, Do-ie. We finally reached your room.”
You said as you laid him gently down the bed, adjusting the pillow to the comfort of his neck, lighting a candle he bought along for the trip, just like how he does every night before shut eye.
Just as you finished tucking his whole body underneath the blanket, he trashes everything, a frustrated groan mix whine leaving his mouth.
“Why do you like Donghyuck among all of us?!”
“Shh! Doyoung, you’ll wake everyone up.”
You quickly closed the door of his room, enclosing the chaos that’s about to break apart.
“Why are you so worked up over it?”
“Because I like you! Since we were 16! Do you know how many years I’ve waited for you to like me?!”
“Doyoung, I’m sorry, I lied back at the game, I never and won’t ever like Donghyuck. I was about to say your name, silly. I just used Donghyuck as a cover up of my tipsy mistake.”
“Yes, and I liked you since we met.”
Doyoung pulled you down to join him in bed, his lips blindly crashing against yours, this wasn’t how you imagined the both of you will kiss, but as long as it’s with Doyoung, everything is the best.
Doyoung’s hands were all over your body, gently caressing every inch of your body as your fingers were tangled in his hair, keeping him close to you.
Doyoung flipped you over and was looking at you with a toothy grin, excitement and love spelled out on his face, his eyes and yours locked.
“You’re in for a long night, Y/N.”
Doyoung takes your face into his delicate hands, connecting your lips once again, but softer this time round, you love change in atmosphere, where everything was uncertain then is now in place, like jigsaw puzzles coming together.
Doyoung undresses you as you slid your hands up his t shirt,  feeling the muscles he constantly hides away from the eyes of his fans, your hands rested on his hips, content to a certain extent, pulling him closer to your touch.
You break off the kiss when Doyoung pulls the shirt off your head, you take the chance to undress him as well. His fingers make way to your upper thighs, cupping them into his warm palms, his fingers giving it a slight pinch, teasing you playfully.You playfully slapped his chest, a wide smile on your face.
“Kim Doyoung!”
“Don’t act mad on me, I know you liked it. Look at how pretty your smile is.”
You lean back, trying to cover your face from the how he pointed out one of your likings in bed, your cheeks numb from all the smiling, but you couldn’t help it, enjoying the love the two of you were basking in brings you a type of happiness you had never felt before, but somewhat familiar, even though neither of you have said the three big words yet, the both of you knew, that deep down, there has always been love in everyone of your actions towards each other.
“You know me best, Doyoung-ah.”
You lifted up your hips, signalling Doyoung to take off your shorts. He obliges, a slight blush dusting his face, hands a tad bit shaky. You sit up slowly and took Doyoung’s hands in yours, a comforting smile on your face.
“Hey… It’s still me, the Y/N you’ve known since 15. Nothing will ever change that.”
Doyoung takes a deep breath before answering you.
“Yeah, okay. I’m just worried I’m not up to your standards or I can’t make you feel good-
“Everything will be alright as long as it’s you and me.”
You took one of his hands and placed it on your breasts, the warmth engulfing you whole, but sending chilling shocks down your spine. Doyoung’s eyes were nervous with a tint of lust, this is the Doyoung you’ve grown to know, not the one who fights with Taeyong like a mad man on the daily.
You untied the knot on Doyoung’s sweatpants, making it slip to reveal his white balenciaga boxers.
“I only want this if you do, Doyoung.”
“Yeah, I do, hold on I’ll just…
Doyoung stood up to take his pants off, leaving  him standing there in his boxers.
“Don’t be shy Do-ie, take off some more.”
“You and your tiktoks.”
Doyoung shook his head at disbelief, but put on his serious face and took off his boxers, his cock slapping against his stomach, finally free from its confinements. You stared at his length shamelessly, taking in every curve and vein, your eyes wide at the size he’s sporting. Your utmost interest seemed to have peaked Doyoung’s confidence, as he crawls over your body, one of his hands playing at the hem of your panties.
“Who’s the shy one now?”
Doyoung said as he litters kisses all over your face, sensing your heated cheeks with his own. He gently tugs your panties off, hand coming down to your core to slide a finger in your slit, collecting the wetness that pooled from his actions.
“Please, Doyoung, more.”
Doyoung heeds at your demand, slipping a finger into your core, he could feel how tight and warm you are for him, he couldn’t wait to know how his cock would feel inside you.
Doyoung slips a second finger inside of you when he felt your walls loosening for him, he increased the pace of his fingers and thrusts deeper inside, brushing against your sweet spot but not quite there yet.
The moans slipping from your pretty lips could beat any instrument in this world, the way you whimper his name in between when he slips a third finger, is something he wants to keep hearing in the wee hours at night of his life.
When you were just about to reach your high, Doyoung pulled his fingers out, an annoyed whine leaving your mouth, face scowling in his direction in dislike.
“Patience, it’s our first time. I want us to cum together.”
“Then what are you waiting for? I waited my whole life for this, I want you now.”
“What Y/N wants, what Y/N gets.”
Doyoung aligns his cock at your entrance, he holds your hands in his as he pushes his tip inside, letting you adjust to the feeling of something inside you. He slowly slips inside of you as your walls stretch to accommodate his girth, inch by inch.
Doyoung stays put after he bottomed out, the feeling of your walls’ movements was driving him insane, but he told himself to keep it together as he peppers kisses on your face to distract you from the sting. When the pain turned into pleasure, you started letting out breathy moans.
“You can move now, Doyoung.”
Doyoung lets go of your hands to hold onto your hips as he rocks his length inside of you, slow but deep thrusts, making your toes curl from the accuracy of his thrusts at your sweet spot after a few times.
Doyoung could feel the sweat forming on himself as his body registers the pleasure flowing in his body because of your tight walls, a muffled groan leaving his lips every time he thrusts particularly harder, your walls clenching down on him hard.
“Doyoung, I’m close.”
Doyoung moves your legs to secure them around his waist as he thrusts inside at a faster pace, chasing both your highs, he could feel the way your fingernails scratch at his arms as you held on for your dear life as he rocks inside of you, but the pain just further fuels the pleasure he’s chasing, and for something bigger ahead.
When you reached your high, you let out a scream, Doyoung kissed you to muffle your voice before the two of you wake anyone up, your orgasm made your walls clamp down on Doyoung’s length, securing him inside of you, Doyoung tries his best to give a last few sloppy thrusts before the pleasure pushes him off the ledge, his length painting your walls white.
Doyoung brushes the stray hairs stuck on your sweaty forehead as you come down from your high, he looks into your eyes, checking to see any signs of pain or discomfort. He pulls out gently, a little cum dripping down your thighs.
“Are you okay? Was I too rough?”
Your eyes begin to droop as your body craves rest from all the love making, but you opened them wide to show Doyoung you were fine.
“I’m okay Doyoung. I’m not porcelain.”
Doyoung smiles at how the way your eyes hold so much adoration for him, he places a kiss on your forehead and smiles.
“Close your eyes and relax, Y/N. I’ll clean you up. Then we can cuddle.”
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lollercakesff · 4 years
It’s Sticky
A fic for @fulcrumstardust​ and her slime prompt.  Rated: Explicit Word Count: 5,200
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“I just - I don’t understand the pleasure in it,” Cassian’s voice, distinctive but muffled by the thin dorm walls, makes Jyn look up from her coding homework and focus her attention on the conversation filtering through the vent overhead.
Kay, the student who lived next door to her dorm room, had introduced them passively after Cassian had tried to be the good friend and return the drunken man to her room after one too many drinks a few weeks ago. Apologetic, he’d dragged Kay down the hall one more door and cursed when he’d discovered the man had lost his keys.
“Let me,” Jyn states, watching the struggle and trying to disguise her laughter as Cassian swears a string of expletives in Spanish. She ducks back into her room for a moment before returning to the hallway with a sock in hand.
“I don’t think that’ll solve his lost keys problem,” Cassian grumbles, desperately trying to steady Kay against the wall.
“It’s what’s in the sock,” Jyn returns and stuffs her hand inside. When she pulls it back out, Cassian frowns at the bits of metal with confusion.
“Hair pins?" 
Jyn shakes her head. "Lock picks. Move over a bit,” she orders and then begins fiddling with the lock. Cassian’s just about to tell her not to bother when she hears the click of the lock and the door pops open an inch. “Got it.”
“Where’d you - pendejo, por favor,” he grunts and counters the tall man’s tipping weight with his own to keep him from crumbling to the floor.
“I’ll let you get him to bed,” Jyn whispers and Kay chooses that moment to swing his hand between them.
“Cassian Andor - Jyn Erso. She’s chaos. Don’t engage her,” Kay warns and Cassian snorts.
“Yeah well, she might be chaos but she just saved your ass so be less of a dick about it. Thanks - I gotta get him inside - ”
“Yeah. No problem. Night,” Jyn bids and disappears back into her room, ignoring the struggle happening through the wall with a half-smile on her face.
Since that night, she’d tried to keep her ears from popping up whenever she managed to discern his accent through the walls but she was losing the battle. Big time. She wouldn’t admit it out loud, but Cassian was attractive - even when flushed from the drink - and Jyn had kept an eye out for him as the pair moved through the halls and elevators of the dorm ever since. Even though he was good looking, and even though his voice made her insides tighten, she’d tried not to interject herself into their path because the banality of Kay’s conversation was not worth a passing acknowledgement from his friend, no matter how good his gaze felt grazing over her skin.
And she’d felt it, no lie about it. She’d felt it quite a bit.
Tonight though, her coding project just wasn’t working and she was desperate for a distraction. So eavesdropping it was.
“There’s nothing wrong with it,” Kay returns evenly and Cassian snorts.
“It doesn’t feel natural. It’s too… Moist, or something.”
“It’s the most natural thing in the world. I don’t understand why you don’t like it. Is it the texture?”
“No, I mean, it’s soft and weirdly warm - ” Jyn nearly chokes, trying to discern just what they were talking about. Pleasure, moist, warm… her cheeks heated. Surely that’s not - “ - but it’s also slippery. It’s weird - ”
“That’s how it’s supposed to be,” Kay scolds. “How do you not know how to describe it? You’ve touched enough by now - you’re no virgin!" 
Cassian laughs, a deep belly laugh, and Jyn widens her eyes in silent surprise. Were they really talking about this? What was it, a rating game for pussy? If it was, she was pretty sure she did not need to be listening to this. The last thing she needed was to picture Cassian - or worse, Kay - evaluating women’s vaginas.
"But the folds of it. It’s almost ridiculously designed. Like, why have it look like that and feel like that? What’s the point?”
“Because it’s fun. Have you ever watched it up close on camera? People love the way it shines when it’s wet. And if you stick your fingers in it then it starts to get more slick.”
“That’s fucking gross, Kay,” Cassian chuckles. “Look, I get it, but you know other people are wanting to shove other things in it?”
“Now who’s being gross?” Kay grumbles, disappointed.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t feel the desire to touch it like everyone else. It’s messy and if you do it wrong it can get really sticky and that’s just not my thing.”
“Fine. I’ll have to find someone else to compare them with.”
Jyn couldn’t handle it anymore, her whole body flushing with the words. She couldn’t believe they were talking about this - about putting it on camera, no less. And things being sticky. Like, what? She hadn’t pictured Kay the type to disparage women’s bodies - hell, she had assumed he’d never even been with a woman - but here they were talking about how gross they were. And Cassian… though she barely knew him, the idea of it still stung. He’d seemed nice enough but now that she knew he was going to discuss her labia in detail with Kay, suddenly the idea of returning those subtle half-smiles and appraising glances was not as tempting.
Sighing, Jyn turns back to her project and leans her head in her hands, miserable and annoyed with how the evening had turned.
A month passes and Jyn keeps her head down, awkwardly trying to avoid Kay and Cassian whenever she sees them in the building. It’s hard - they seem to be everywhere - but eventually she runs into him and can’t escape during a floor party right before the Reading Week break. 
“Mind if I sit here?” Cassian says, pointing to the vacant seat beside her. Jyn looks around at the others and finds no saviours, shrugging in acquiesce towards him. “Thanks. How’s it going?" 
"Peachy,” Jyn replies and takes a gulp of her drink, cringing as the vodka stings the back of her throat. 
“Same. I haven’t seen you around lately. Were your midterms killer? I near drowned under all of the papers I needed to write.”
“Yeah, that’s it.” He gives her a pointed look and raises his glass to his lips, letting the silence stretch between them. 
She debates getting up, abandoning her prime people-watching spot on the couch, before one of the bros from down the hall stumbles down onto the other side of her, his body knocking into her arm and spilling her drink all down her front.
“Mother fucker,” Jyn groans, pulling the wet fabric from her chest. Beside her, Cassian curses and it’s then she sees that the impact has cascaded to him as well, his blue drink soiling his shirt and pants.
“I concur,” he growls and reaches across her to push the kid away. When the bro looks back to challenge her, Cassian lifts up his finger and wags it sharply, puffing himself up and intimidating the kid with just one look. Within seconds they’re left sitting on the couch in a wet mess of vodka and Kool-aid mix.
“Sorry - I didn’t mean to knock your drink too,” she mumbles, getting to her feet. Cassian follows and tosses his cup towards the trash, sighing.
“Not your fault. Just means I gotta head home early.”
“Can’t Kay get you a new shirt?” She questions and the laughs.
“He’s filming something in his room. There’s no way I’m interrupting that,” he adds. 
“Alright well - I could give you one of my brother’s sweaters. He leaves them here all the time. It would at least get you home?” She offers with a tentative smile. Cassian brightens, his brow rising in surprise.
“That would be great. If you don’t mind,” he says with a grin. Jyn nods and tucks her chin, motioning out of the common area and towards her room.
Minutes later and they’re standing in her small space, Cassian’s eyes scanning the bedroom with a calm interest. She busies herself digging through her closet and pulling out some of Bodhi’s larger sweaters before handing them to Cassian. Next, she turns to her dresser and pulls out one of her old t-shirts, turning back to face him. The move catches him shirtless, her mouth going dry as she takes in his exposed skin, thin torso and lithe muscles. 
“Sorry!” She squeaks, twisting back to face the wall quickly.
“It’s no big deal,” he mumbles as he pulls the fabric over his head. She spares one last glance at his disappearing ‘V’ before she hurries and tears her shirt off to replace it with the new one. In another second she’s unclasping her stained bra and pulling it through the sleeves, tossing it into the laundry hamper near her bed. When she turns back around to face him, she finds Cassian staring at her, his cheeks flushed and his knuckles white as they grasp the fabric in his hands. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean to - It’s just - ”
“Nothing I didn’t already see on you,” she manages softly. Their eyes lock and she swallows, the spark from their initial meetings rekindling into a bonfire.
No. Remember what he said! Her brain screams, recalling the overheard conversation and how disgusted he’d been by the women he’d been with.
“Did you maybe, um, want to go get something to eat?” He asks after a drawn out second, hands on his hips. Jyn swallows and clenches her hands together before wrapping her arms around herself.
“I’m not sure that’s the best idea,” she answers. Cassian’s hopeful expression dims and he nods, stepping towards the door.
“Alright. No worries, I get it." 
"It’s just,” she pauses, turning around to look at him as he reaches for the door handle. “I heard you and Kay a few weeks ago and I’m not comfortable being one of the conquests you seem to find so disgusting. And I’m definitely not into the taping thing so…”
“Excuse me, but what?” He nearly chokes on the words, his face paling. “What conversation are you talking about?”
“The one where you were grossed out by women’s genitals. You said they were weird and you guys were having a pretty good laugh over it - ”
“Jyn - I don’t know what you think you heard, but that definitely wasn’t it. I’ve never - not once in my life - discussed sex with Kay. If you haven’t noticed already, he’s a bit tough to have those types of conversations with - ”
“But you said he was filming - ”
“He makes YouTube videos. Slime ones. He makes me test out all of the different types and they’re pretty disgusting - ”
“Slime?” Jyn breaks in, confusion filling her brow. Cassian laughs and pulls out his phone, toggling the screen through search and the apps before he pulls up a video.
The screen fills with Kay in a faux laboratory, the video walking through quick steps on how to make the newest batch before he runs the audience through a variety of displays. She remembers watching a video like this before, on another app, and being engrossed in the way the slime moved and shined like a liquid that somehow existed at the same time as a solid.
“So you guys were talking about slime, not WAP?” Jyn jokes, glancing up at Cassian who somehow manages to turn an even more vibrant shade of red. 
"Which means you don’t find, er, sex with women gross after all?" 
"Do you think I’d be in here trying to ask you out if I did?” He counters to her nervous laugh. Cassian grins down at her, his eyes sparkling in the low light. 
“Right. That means you’re not weirded out if I do this?” She asks and reaches up on her toes to brush her lips against his. He freezes for a moment, unresponsive, before suddenly he’s reaching his hands out to grab her waist, one hand lifting up to cup her chin.
Jyn groans because she can’t handle his returning enthusiasm, his tongue grazing the seam of her lips and slipping inside. The whole kiss catches her off guard with how good it is, his chest pressing into hers and his teeth nipping gently when she has to break away to gasp for breath.
“And to think I almost kicked you out,” she says against his lips, her breath heaving as his body shakes with laughter in her arms. 
“I can’t believe you thought we were talking about that,” he replies. Jyn shrugs and meets his gaze with her own. 
“I only caught bits of it. The walls are pretty thin, you know. It’s easy to think you’re hearing one thing when you’re not.” 
“Really? So if we - and not saying we need to - but if we got up to anything, your neighbours would probably hear it?” He counters thoughtfully, his thumbs grazing the skin of her hip from where her shirt has ridden up. 
“There’s a pretty good chance Kay would definitely hear,” she states and lets her nails graze through the hair at the nape of his neck. His eyes alight and she thinks she’s definitely never felt a warmth like this spread through her, the burn of want flaring up in her belly. Stars, how was he this attractive? 
“Would you, perhaps one day, want to test that theory?” He whispers, his voice cracking almost like he wasn’t sure he could get away with asking it. Jyn grins like a cheshire cat back at him and raises a brow. 
“Could that one day be now? I’m still not 100% sure I believe that you weren’t talking about women’s bits,” she jokes. Her gaze catches the visible swallow, his adam’s apple bobbing and his fingers tensing against her skin before his thumbs slip into the band of her pants. 
“Well, I’ll just have to prove it to you,” he replies and ducks his head to kiss her once more. 
The kiss is intense, his mouth exploring hers as he guides them across the room until her back is pressed against the wood of the door. She drops a hand to the lock and flicks it closed as Cassian lets a small approving sound escape his throat. In another second he’s reaching for her knee, pulling her leg up to wrap around his hip so he can grind himself against her. The angle is awkward, just missing contact where she wants him most, and so she wraps her arms around his neck and drags him close enough to pin her so that she can lift her other leg and not fall to the floor. 
“Mierda,” he hisses, dropping his hands to her ass to more fully support her. She gasps into his mouth and tangles her fingers in his hair, nipping her way along his chin to his ear and neck. Cursing into her skin, Cassian squeezes her butt and backs away from the door, walking determinedly towards the bed and dropping her onto it. 
Together, they tear the clothes from their bodies in a rush, shirts and pants thrown to the floor until they’re clad only in their underwear. Jyn lay sprawled across her mattress as Cassian stands at the foot of her bed, his gaze appraising. 
“How could I find someone like you unappealing?” He murmurs thoughtfully, pausing as she sits up on her forearms to look at him, naked from the waist up. 
“A lot of guys do. They’re so focused on their own enjoyment that they won’t even bother to give any effort. You wouldn’t be the first - “ 
“Well, I’m not them. May I?” He asks softly, reaching his fingers into the elastic of her underwear. Brows furrowing, Jyn meets his gaze head on. 
“You don’t have to. I mean, I’m clean and everything so if you want, I’d be okay with just a good dicking down,” she counters on a false laugh, knowing perfectly well how college hook-ups were supposed to go. She wouldn’t hold it against him if he was only interested in getting his dick wet - he wouldn’t be the first and he wouldn’t be the last to disappoint her, she was used to it by now. 
“I’m clean too. I wouldn’t be okay with it though - I don’t want to just use you like that. But I won’t force you if you don’t want - “ 
“Oh,” she pauses, confused by his sincerity and the burning look in his eyes. He looked thirsty, like a man finding an oasis in the desert. “I mean, I won’t tell you not to, if you want to, that is. But you don’t have to is what I’m saying.” 
“I’ll be clear then - I want to go down on you. I want to taste you,” he adds and the rasp in his voice makes her believe it more than anything else in this world. She feels herself get even wetter, if that was even possible, as he watches her slow nod of disbelief. Dragging his knuckles along her legs, Jyn helps him discard the underwear before she moves to climb back further on the mattress. He shakes his head and tugs her knees, pulling her to the edge of the bed before settling down before her. “If you want me to stop at any point, just say the word. Don’t be afraid to show me what you like - I’m an honour student. I learn quickly,” he adds and Jyn can’t help the burst of laughter that escapes her at his words. 
“Of course you are,” she manages and she’s about to follow it up with another quip but is cut short by his mouth between her legs, his nose bumping against her clit and his tongue - gods, his tongue - dipping and licking at her folds. She nearly chokes as the feel of it burns through her, her brain shorting out as he moves and experiments with his strokes. 
She never - well, not never - but never this good - has had a man go down on her with such gusto. His attention to detail - the way he returns to the best spot after listening to her moans - and the way he holds her hips to keep her from rolling away from him when it becomes almost too much makes her see stars and she quickly finds herself racing towards the precipice. Her nails dig into his wrists, her knees tightening against his shoulders, as he runs her up one side of the mountain before guiding her slowly back down. When his fingers join his mouth she almost screams, the way he presses against a spot inside her making dots appear in her vision. It feels too good, so insanely good, that she can’t help tipping over the edge and curling into herself as he drags out her orgasm for another drawn minute.
“Fucking hell,” she growls, her throat raw and her body mush as his lips press kisses across her thighs, over her hip bone and across her stomach. 
“Do you still think I find women’s genitals gross?” He asks softly, glancing up towards her with a quirk in his brow. 
“Was all that just to prove me wrong?” She counters, challenging him lowly and keeping her eyes closed as the last jolts of her release roll through her. 
“I said I was going to, didn’t I?” He chuckles. 
Jyn shakes her head and reaches for him, hands grappling at his shoulders and tugging him upwards. He goes slowly, his mouth trailing across her skin and leaving gooseflesh in its wake. It’s almost too slow, she thinks, as he finally reaches her chest and mouths at her breast, the twinge of it flashing hot and sharp between her legs. He was going to kill her with his attention. She was going to die and he was going to ruin every man for her after this. 
Unless… She runs her fingers through his hair as he draws her nipple into his mouth, her fist clenching as he gently bites it then laves it with his tongue. The sensation makes her body hum and she turns the tables on him, pulling his hair and rolling her hips to force him onto his back. It seems to catch him off guard and he looks up at her with wide eyes, his lips turning up in the hint of a dangerous smile. Straddling his waist, Jyn runs her hands over his chest to push him flat onto his back, her head cocking to the side as she evaluates him. 
“Is it my turn now?” She murmurs, nails grazing the hair on his chest and following the trail down to the crux of his hips. 
“Be my guest,” he answers gruffly to her returning smirk. 
Not wanting to delay any further, she snakes her way down his torso, her mouth dragging across his skin until she’s kneeling at the edge of the bed. She makes quick work of releasing his length from his boxers, tossing the fabric to the side and palming him with her hand. His hips buck up into her grip and she gives him a slight squeeze, revelling in the way his breathing skips a beat. 
“This okay?” She asks, running her hand up and down his shaft. Her breath coasts over his skin and he groans, his fingers wrapping around her wrist. 
“I won’t last long if you’re not careful,” he breathes tightly. 
“S’okay. I like the challenge.” He hums his response and she dips her head to take him in her mouth, his frame practically vibrating below her. Small beads of pre-cum spill from his tip and she lets her tongue dart out to grab them, the taste of him causing a thrill to run through her. Was this what he felt only moments ago? No wonder he’d been so enthusiastic - the power and the desire of it was near throwing her brain into overdrive. 
Continuing on her efforts, Jyn moves her mouth and hand in tandem for another few moments, listening for his cues and reacting to the approving little groans and the tightening of his fingers in her hair. Just when she thinks she’s found the best pattern, his hand drops from her hair to his length and he squeezes his fingers around his base, his other hand guiding her face back away from him. 
“Did I - ?” She asks, looking up at him as he clenches his eyes shut. 
“No,” he grunts, breathing deep gulps of air into his lungs. “Too good. I almost came.” 
“Oh,” she whispers, trying to hide her satisfied smile. “I wouldn’t have minded if you - “ 
“Don’t say it. I’m trying not to cum and if you finish that sentence I’m not sure I can hold it together and fuck you like I want to,” he grumbles and Jyn nearly laughs, holding her breath and pulling back and away from him so she can lay beside him as he fights his way back from the edge. 
“Well, how do you usually calm yourself down? Should I talk about Kay? Or the slime? Would that help?” She asks, running her hand across his chest. He shakes his head and releases his cock from his grip, his eyes turning to look over at her. 
“I don’t want to back off that much,” he replies evenly, his breathing still heavy as his gaze flickers over her. She smiles softly then, appreciating the heat in his expression and the tenderness that seems to hide in the crinkles of his eyes. She could get lost in him, if she wasn’t smart about it. 
“Cassian,” she starts, measuring her words as his body slowly relaxes next to her. 
“Yeah?” His voice is gravelly and it sends small bursts of want to her core, her hand slowly drifting back down his belly. 
“Can I fuck you now, or do you want - “ 
“Jesus, Jyn,” he responds and reaches for her, hands desperate as he pulls her to his chest and his lips find hers. The kiss is bruising but she lives for it, giving as good as she gets as she throws a leg over his hips and straddles him once more. She pulls away to reach for her drawer, stretching and trying to focus on grabbing a condom as he sucks her nipple into his mouth. The pressure is thoroughly distracting and when she settles back on her knees she barely has time to reset herself and open the packet before his fingers are circling her clit. It feels too good and she crumples forward, her forehead resting against his chest as he dips a finger inside her. “You’re so wet for me already. I love feeling how turned on you are. It’s nothing like the slime that - “
“I swear to god, Cassian,” she grumbles, laughing and pulling back to catch the grin on his lips. She reclaims his mouth for a kiss and in her distraction he grabs the packet from her fist and tears it open, rolling the rubber down his length in one smooth motion. 
One second she’s sitting atop him, the next she’s swung onto her back, his body trapping her against the bed as he settles between her thighs. She can’t stop kissing him. Won’t. Not as he slides his length against her slit, not as his palm runs up beneath her knee, guiding her open for him. When he presses into her, bit-by-fatally-slow-bit, she finally breaks and cries out, clinging to his shoulders and gasping against his neck. 
“Fuck,” he hisses when he’s finally buried deep within her, his breath panting into her shoulder. “You feel so fucking good.” She nods because forming words is impossible. Instead, she rocks her hips up and feels him stutter and clench his hands, his forehead pressing against hers. “Give me a second, por favor.” She nods because she needs it to, her body slowly adjusting to the size of him within her walls. 
Eventually, he does start to move and Jyn feels herself tumbling, head over heels down into pure lust for him. Her mouth barely leaves his skin and her heart races, desperate to keep up as he begins to thrust earnestly into her. Each collision leaves her breathless, her body on fire as he rests her leg in the crux of his elbow. Sweat prickles at their brows and when he falters, his throat releasing a small sound, Jyn only holds onto him tighter as his pace picks up. She is right there on the edge of her orgasm when he cries out, a guttural sound that has him pushing himself in to his hilt, his arms desperately grasping at her and pulling her close. He cums with his mouth on her throat, one hand in her hair and the other wrapped around her shoulder, holding her to him. 
She’d been so close. 
So fucking close. 
The disappointment starts to flicker to life but is quickly stomped out when his hips jerk and his mouth moves up her neck to her lips, the deep kiss joined by a shift in his body. His hand drops from her shoulder to between their frames, easing its way down until his fingers are sliding against where they’re joined and then working back up to her clit. He circles her once and she keens, exploding back to life as her release comes back into reach. Rotating her hips up, Jyn writhes herself against him, riding what remains of his erection and his hand, desperately seeking the relief he is determined to give her. When she falls apart again it’s with a sharp yelp, the orgasm slamming into her and causing her to clench around his softening length. He slips out just as her body is relaxing back into the bed, boneless and spent, before he flops down next to her. 
Together they lay in exhausted silence, their breaths slowly easing and their flushed, sweaty skin drying in the cool air of the room as they both stare at the ceiling. 
“So,” Jyn says after her heart rate has once again returned to normal. “Was I better than slime? Or is that still your preferred method of getting off?” 
“I’m pretty sure we determined early on in this conversation that slime is not something I’m into,” he chides in return, glancing towards her. She’s just about to make a quip about it when his phone buzzes, his brow raising in challenge. “What do you want to bet that’s Kay right now?” 
“He wouldn’t - what did you tell him?” Jyn asks sharply, sitting up and looking at him with a terrified expression. 
“Nothing! I just asked him to keep an eye out if you were dating anyone. He’s probably texting me to complain about all the noise you just made - “ She slaps his chest and he laughs, grabbing her hand and holding it. “ - And how you ruined his video. I’ll have to get you a copy of the b-roll, just to see how thin these walls actually are.” 
“I don’t - if I was dating anyone? Why would you want him to spy on me?” 
“It wasn’t spying, per se. But if you were happily with some other guy, well, I wasn’t going to make it awkward for you where you live by asking you out. Figured if he did a bit of recon first we could all avoid the situation.” 
“Okay, fair. Get your phone - I want to see our review,” Jyn urges and Cassian laughs, rolling to the edge of the bed and grabbing for his pants. He pulls out his phone and plants his feet on the ground, opening the screen to the message which is indeed from Kay. 
She’s loud and inconsiderate of others. I stand by my earlier assertion that she’s chaos. You really shouldn’t have slept with her - Kay, 10:28pm 
Jyn snorts as she reads the message over his shoulder, resting her chin on his collar.  “Looks like he knew it was you in here, Hot Stuff. Do you have a secret tell that gives you away that maybe I missed?” 
I can hear you. Please try to be more considerate of your neighbours, Jyn Erso - Kay, 10:30pm
“I’m definitely going to get that b-roll footage,” Cassian whispers and turns to look at her, a wide smile on his face. Jyn can’t stop the thought that his smile was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen, her heart hammering in her chest as he twists to capture her lips once more. When he draws back this time it’s almost reluctant, his fingers grazing her cheek slowly before dropping to his lap. “Can I interest you in some food now? My treat?” 
“Didn’t you already eat?” She counters with a raised brow. Cassian laughs and gets to his feet, pulling her up into his arms. 
“Yeah, but that was soul food. Now I need actual food,” he responds and Jyn nearly misses a step, the goofy smile on her face at his words spreading as she thinks about what he’s said. 
Good sex and a decent guy? She could get used to this. 
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renjunvinates · 4 years
Latte Love
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summary; he’s always there whenever you order coffee, he’s always asking about how your day is and is always checking up on you, and you’re only assuming he does these things because that’s his job, but little do you know. 
genre: barista!jaehyun, cafeAU!, strangers to lover, fluff
pairing: Jung Jaehyun x reader (college student)
wc: 2732
Normally you’re not the type of person to drink coffee everyday, but with midterms always creeping up and then finals weeks attacking you, coffee was a requirement for you and your body. That was the only thing that would keep yourself and your body sane. Luckily, you lived close to a coffee shop, at this point you would consider yourself a regular considering you would go there everyday now. You didn’t mind it though, there was a cute barista and you couldn’t help but continue to go there because of him, he was always so nice to you, but you always assumed that he was just a nice person in general and besides it’s his job to provide good customer service. He would always ask about your day when he rang you up, and it was always funny that he would always be the one who rang you up, he would smile with his cute dimples appearing. So, as days passed and you became a regular there, you found out his name was Jaehyun, he works there almost everyday and all of the girls there are blessed by him and they always try to talk to him. You on the other hand look at him from afar and admire him from afar, and besides you had to focus on your assignments and study for tests and exams.
“Good morning!” Jaehyun greeted.
“Good morning,” You smiled.
“How’s your morning?” He asked.
“It’s going okay, just a regular day to study and finish my assignments,”
“Must be rough, well how can I help you?”
“I’ll take a vanilla latte today,”
“Sure thing! Don’t worry if you need to refill, I got your back,” He winked.
“I’ll be sure to let you know,” Your heart raced fast when he winked at you, you smiled and laugh nervously
He smiled and waved and your heart did a flip and bursted into an explosion, maybe you should stop coming here and go somewhere else… but he was so nice and cute, no wonder all the girls like him. You aren’t special, he’s just being nice and doing his job, you need to stop overthinking.
You went to go look for an empty table and luckily found one, it was sometimes super hard finding a table, considering all of his fan girls always steal the tables and just sit there and stare at him. Quite frankly it was very annoying because you needed a table to study, but then again, you were kind of like the girls, from time to time you would sneak small glances at him and see him work and make drinks. It seemed like Jaehyun didn’t mind the stares and didn’t mind working, in fact it looked like he enjoyed working and it seemed like he liked his job.
As you sat down at the table, you took all of your things out and organized it on the desk, you basically took up the whole table, but you needed too. Jaehyun walked over and placed the latte on to your table with pastries and smiled at you.
“My treat, a small snack won’t hurt,” He smiled.
“Thanks,” You smiled.
He is the death of you, and he’s going to be the death of you, he was so nice and considerate, you felt bad, you should’ve offered to pay him back, but didn’t have the courage to say anything but a simple thanks. All the girls glared at you and made nasty faces, they were jealous, but you wondered what they were jealous for. It was just a simple treat, nothing too important to be upset about, but you didn’t care, you needed to finish these assignments and study for your upcoming exams.
A couple of hours have passed and you decided to take a break, you stood up and stretched for a bit and sat down and took a deep breath. You were very tired and wanted to sleep but you knew better not too. You put your head down for a bit and it was until you felt someone's presence in front of you and heard the opposite chair move, you put you or head back up and saw Jaehyun sitting in front of you.
“I hope you don’t mind if I join you right?” He asked.
“I don’t but why me?” You asked.
“Well it just seemed like you needed a break, and well I’m on break also,” He smiled.
“Somewhat fair, I’ll say yes, because you gave me a treat,” You joked.
“I’ll take it, so how’s your studying going along,”
“Boring as usual. I cannot wait till this quarter is over, so I can be free and don’t have to drown myself in coffee,”
“Doesn’t that mean you’ll stop coming here?”
“Probably, it’s my last quarter there,”
“Can I ask what your name is?”
“That’s right, you don’t my name, I’m (y/n) Lee. Nice to meet you Jaehyun,”
“How did you know my name?”
“Uhm your name tag? And I hope you’re not dense but majority of the girls here fangirl about you so that also gives it away,”
“Right.. well I noticed you were regular here!”
“Yeah, I live close by, and it’s a good place to study and have a coffee majority of the time,”
“Well if you need anything this place is always here for you, as well as I am,”
You looked at him weirdly, and he realized what he said was kind of weird and awkward, his ears started to turn red and he was panicking trying to speak words but it was really scattered. You chucked at I’m and smiled at him, he was really cute and you didn’t know if your heart could bear this cuteness.
“I mean.. No… that's not.. I mean, I’m here to serve you coffee, because you know that’s my job,” He panicked.
“I know what you meant,” You laughed.
He looked at you and smiled, you could feel your cheeks turn red, and you looked down at your notes, trying to take deep breaths to calm yourself down.
“I think it’s time for me to go back to study again, you should go,” You said.
“Oh right, thanks for letting me sit down with you on my break, I’ll let you study again. Let me know if you need any more coffee later,” He smiled.
“Thanks Jaehyun,” You thanked.
You looked at him and he got up and smiled and waved off to you, and proceeded to go back to the counter and continue his work. After he went back you felt strong stares and turned around and saw a bunch of girls looking at you with angered faces. You turned back to your notes and heavily sighed, maybe it was better to not come back here if these girls were going to keep staring you down. You decided to ignore all the stares and continue to just focus on your studies.
More hours have passed and it seemed like it was night time already, you looked up at the place and it seemed more packed than usual, and you thought maybe it was a good time to pack up and leave and head home to do some more studying instead of here. You looked around to see if Jaehyun was still working, and you were correct, he was still ringing up customers and more girls came to stare at him. He looked very cute while working, and his smile to the customers seemed very cute. You were debating whether you should buy another drink before heading home. It seemed very busy and you didn’t want to bother and add more stress to Jaehyun, but a part of you wanted to talk to him and say goodbye to him before leaving.
You decided to wait it out until the line lessened and then decided to get your drink, you made the excuse in your head that you needed more coffee to stay up tonight to study for your exams. After the line got shorter you went up to him and he smiled at you.
“More coffee?” He asked.
“You bet, I got a big test soon, I need to study more,” You replied.
“You know, you should give yourself a break sometime,” He smiled. “You’ve been studying the whole day,”
“Oh? Were you staring at me?” You joked.
“What… No.. Of course not,” He stuttered.
“I’m joking Jae,” You laughed and then stopped, you realized you called him Jae. You thought to yourself, it was too soon to call him Jae, “I mean Jaehyun.”
“You can call me Jae, that’s fine,” He smiled. “So what would you like (y/n)?”
“I guess tonight, I will take an iced caramel macchiato,” You sighed.
“Alright, coming right up,” Jaehyun smiled.
You nodded and walked away and waited for your drink to be called, and after a few minutes he called out your drink and you walked towards him and went to grab your drink, he gave you another treat and you looked at him weirdly.
“You haven’t eaten anything the whole day today besides the other treat I gave you, take it,” He smiled.
“Jaehyun, I can’t. I don’t want you to get fired! Oh my goodness no,” You panicked.
“Don’t worry I bought the treat, just take it,” He smiled.
“You didn’t have too,” You frowned.
“I wanted too (y/n), just take it, you’re distracting me from my work,” He joked.
“Fine, thanks Jae,” You blushed and walked away.
“Bye (y/n)! See you tomorrow!” He said as he waved goodbye to you.
Your face turned red and you waved at him back and left, he knew he was a flirt and he knew he was playing with your feelings. You were falling for him and it wasn’t fair. You didn’t have time for romance, not now, but you couldn’t help it. You arrived home and debated whether you should skip out going to the cafe tomorrow, maybe it was better to avoid him, but you didn’t want too, he was just being nice to you, he’s just providing good customer service, that his job, you thought to yourself in order to convince yourself that he doesn’t like you.
In the end you lost sleep not because of studying but because of debating whether you should head to the coffee shop or not. You looked at your phone and realized it was 9AM already, you didn’t sleep until 5AM, you tossed and turned in bed thinking about Jaehyun. You felt very gross and pathetic, what were you doing? You didn’t care anymore, today was the day you were going to the cafe shop and confront him and tell him you like him, and if he doesn’t feel the same way then he should stop doing all these things for you, because if he continues to do these things, you can’t help but to fall for him more.
You started walking towards the coffee shop, and once you reached the place you grabbed the handle and closed your eyes and took a deep breath and walked in. You looked up and saw him at the register and he waved and smiled at you, your heart was beating very fast and you smiled at him and waved. You walked up to the register and he greeted you.
“Good morning, did you have a good sleep today?” Jaehyun asked.
“Not quite, I was stressed out about something and couldn’t sleep,” You sighed.
“Are the exams that stressful for you?”
“Not quite, they’re fine… It was about something else…” You trailed off.
“Oh? We can talk more about this when I’m on my break if you want. So what would you like today?”
“I’ll take a vanilla latte again,”
“Okay, coming right up!”
He smiled at you sweetly and his dimples appeared, you couldn’t help and stare, but realized there was somebody behind you and you walked away and headed towards the pick up area. As you were waiting for your drink you looked around to find a table, and this time you were in no luck, maybe today wasn’t the day to confess or ask him.
As you looked in the far back to see if maybe there was just a tad bit of hope left and you saw an empty table, your eyes shined and you felt relieved until you saw someone sat down and your feelings disappeared, you looked at the guy who sat down and realized it was Mark Lee. You smiled and rushed over to Mark and gave him a big hug.
“Mark Lee! What are you doing here! You’re suppose to be in Canada!!” You asked,
“I just got back, relax (y/n). It’s great to see you too,” He smiled.
“You should’ve texted me or called me, you big dork,” You smiled.
“Sorry, I was actually gonna show up and surprise you but I had some paperwork to do. What are you doing here?”
“Uh, can we actually wait, let me get my drink first,”
He nodded and you went back to the pick up drink area, Jaehyun looked at you and didn’t smile, he gave you the drink and then walked away without a word. Your heart sank a little bit, you grabbed the drink and walked away and walked towards the table where Mark was sitting.
“Something wrong?” He asked.
“It’s actually about the guy who works here…” You trailed off
“You mean Jaehyun?”
“What? You know about him?”
“He’s my roommate,”
“My roommate? Wait… Why? Wait… Do you like him (y/n)?”
“He’s cute,” You pouted. “How can you not like him,”
“I mean… I guess,” He shrugged, and then his eyes widened. “Wait, are you the girl he likes…?”
“What do you mean? He likes someone here?”
“Yeah, he came home after work and started talking about a girl and said that she needed a break from studying and that she’s too hard on herself. He ended rambling and saying that the girl is very cute and he admires her,”
Your face turned red and you remembered your conversation with Jaehyun from last night. You started sipping on your drink and avoided eye contact with Mark as you felt him staring you down.
“So it is you huh?” He asked.
“We had a similar conversation last night, and he somewhat said the same things you just said,”
“Well what are you waiting for! Go talk to him,”
“I can't. He didn't even look at me and give me a smile when I went to go get my drink, he was being kind of cold towards me…”
“Maybe he thinks we’re dating,” Mark joked.
“Gross! You’re like my little brother,”
“And you’re like my big sister,” He rolled his eyes. “I have an idea!”
“What are you thinking,” You asked in concern.
“Trust me you’ll thank me later for this,” He winked. Mark grabbed out his phone and started typing super fast and then he stopped.
You looked at him then heard a phone drop, you looked over to see who it was and it was Jaehyun and then he looked at you and started walking to you.
“Mark Lee, what the fuck did you say to him,”
“That you liked him and that we’re not dating and he should ask you out instead of being a stubborn prick,” Mark laughed.
“You better prep yourself, he’s coming closer to us,” Mark smiled.
“I wanted to tell him, ugh you’re the prick!” You pouted.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath and then turned around and saw Jaehyun looking at you and smiling at you.
“Hi,” He greeted.
“Hi,” You smiled.
“So, it seems like I might've assumed the wrong thing,” He nervously laughed.
“Apparently so, because Mark and I are not dating and I certainly don’t like him,” You replied.
“Sorry,” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I just assumed because I saw you came running to him,”
“It’s okay, I was just excited to see him, because SOMEONE didn’t tell me he was coming back,”
“I see,” He smiled, “Well actually… I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date… wel after you finals are done or whatever,”
“I would love too,” You smiled.
a/n: pls motivate me and tell me you want me to make more content bc I somehow no motivation to write and make stuff anymore this sucks, this has been siting in my drafts for 4 months lmao sorry. 
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nochanchu · 5 years
down for you
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pairing: wong yukhei x reader genre: best friends to lovers au | fluff, romance, themes of relationship jitters, includes a hookup mention (no smut though!) and overthinking but i promise it’s cute and sweet--hell, there’s a date at disneyland here! wc: 5,184 description: Contrary to common belief, being in a relationship with your best friend isn’t as easy as you’d think. It’s new territory for the both of you; luckily, you have him to remind you that it’s all learning process that you two are taking together. author’s note: hey y’all! em here randomly dropping a fic i’ve had in the works for like two-ish years now? here i am! maybe i’ll even wind up writing more~
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Sometimes you have to ask yourself if dating Wong Yukhei is a good idea, if the executive decision to cross boundaries from the “Should we try this?” to the “Holy fuck, are we actually trying this?” is worth the awkwardness of transitioning.
It’s not weird. Per se. It’s more… different.
There are things you’ve done with him that you don’t think twice about like going out to boba places or spending twelve consecutive hours at the 24-hour library on campus. They’re like secondhand nature. You don’t have to overthink when you hit him up at 2 AM to go grab some coffee or if something’s just weighing on your mind and you just need a distraction. Whereas, there are still things that you aren’t quite sure about like kissing or holding his hand. Like you really fuckin’ want to, but another part of you wonders if this is the point of no return. If you metaphorically consummate this agreement that you’ll be losing him if things fall to shit.
Perhaps it helps that you’ve only known him for a couple of years. Somehow forging a friendship with one another after only a few obligatory discussions in a comparative literature class you both breezed through as easily as you both seemed to formulate a bond over a hot pot place up near the state’s capital city, because “if there’s one place everyone needs to try for hot pot, then that is the place.” (His words, not yours, but you agreed nonetheless.) You can vaguely recall how tentative conversations about homework stopped being about homework and more about what kinds of things you like, where you both hung out, and who you both knew, because unbeknownst to either of you, Dong Sicheng would be the bridge over the small gap between you two.
Because once Sicheng became a variable in the equation, suddenly it wasn’t just study hangouts together, it was coming out at ungodly hours for caffeine and snack food from all the best places in town. It was the necessary transition to be where you both are now, and it was the very push that essentially established a something-more and something-that-could-be, that has led you down this path of hand-holding and shy pecks when you think (and hope) no one else is watching.
The very thought of a relationship with Wong Yukhei still gets to you too. Not only has he single handedly integrated himself into your life as your best friend, he’s become your significant other. Your boyfriend. Your boo. Your… something (everything). And, realizing just how easily he has transitioned his way across your life makes you queasy and nervous, bringing forth a new bundle of emotions you locked away so long ago.
When you look at him, you ask yourself if this is something you should be doing, if what you’re really doing by participating with your best friend is truly okay, and if or when this comes to an end, will you be ready to deal with those consequences? You ask yourself if holding his hand and kissing his lips feel right or if running his hands through your hair or if his large, firm hands on your hips should feel that foreign.
You see happiness and possibility with him, but at the very same time, you fear for the crash and burn—
“You okay?” Yukhei asks with his eyes trained on you. His once far steps begin to match your slowed pace, no longer as excited as they once were for the tea cups.
The two of you have been abandoned by the rest of the group for obvious reasons, and somehow it does not bring you as much comfort as you once confided to Sicheng. In fact, the lack of tomfoolery and rowdiness that the rest of the group brings actually emphasizes the sudden stiffness that you’ve been trying to avoid since arriving at LAX. Although this trip has been planned months in advance, the development of your relationship with Yukhei is still new.
Back at home, it’s too easy to let yourself fall into that small comfort of interlocked fingers and the small shared smiles of camaraderie in your classes. You don’t think twice about it when no one else is around, and yet knowing that everyone else is traipsing around Disneyland while you’re both off doing your own thing makes you feel exposed. Like they know you guys are together, and yet you don’t know what they’re thinking about you two. The most frustrating part of it all is that you don’t usually care about what people think when it comes to you. Your relationships are merely an extension of you, so how this bothers you as much as it does, still doesn’t quite register in your brain all that well.
You know everything’s okay with him. You haven’t had issues over dumb things or really any issues at all. You can’t even deny that things have gone surprisingly well since his confession to you a few months back. In many ways, it has felt like a long time coming, and just about everyone in your shared friend group can agree. But now that it’s here, present and glaringly so, you’re actually quite nervous.
He says your name.
Instead of at the three-foot distance you could’ve sworn you two were at, his voice reaches you by the shell of your ear. The deep, huskiness articulating your name as it has plenty of times before elicits a sudden jump of surprise from you in response.
You flash him a glare when he lets out an abrupt snort and half of a hearty laugh.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says with the corners of his lips twitching. “But seriously, are you okay? You seem a little uneasy. Is it the crowd?”
You look up from a stray gum wrapper just as a few passersby brush against you two in an attempt to get to the teacups that’ve been calling Yukhei’s name since you both arrived at the amusement park. The prick of guilt surges over you as the line looks like you’ve both missed your shot at riding the multi-colored pastel cups this time, you respond with a sheepish laugh.
“No, no, I’m fine. I’m sorry for making you miss the ride though.”
He doesn’t look particularly convinced which is to be expected with all the time you’ve spent together, but he still waves off your apology with a casual grin. He wraps an arm around your shoulder and guides you down the lane toward the line, so neither of you miss the line on the next session.
“No need to be sorry, there’s always a next time,” he says with a small glance your way. You meet his look very briefly before looking back at the spinning machines coated in soft shades of pinks, blues, and yellows. He leans in once more though you don’t jump (thankfully) to ask, “Are you sure you’re alright though?”
You nod, tentatively wrapping your arm around his waist. “The crowd’s no biggie for me. It’s not actually that bad right now.”
“Is it something else then?” When you half-heartedly shake your head, he raises an eyebrow at you. “You can tell me if something’s wrong.”
You blink as his gaze meeting yours does not waver. He never fails to surprise you even when you think he isn’t paying attention. It’s like the time he knew when you were disappointed about your first physics midterm and when you failed your driving test the first time you took it. As soon as he received the half-hearted text message about your failure, he was right over with milk tea and your favorite stew from that one phở place you both love. His perceptive eye almost always catches you when you least expect it, whether that’s when you’re hiding your true emotions or needing someone’s shoulder to lean on. He just knows how to decipher you and your safeguards. And at this moment, you’re not sure whether you love it or hate it right now.
Because the offer tempts you. Of course, you don’t like keeping things from him. You’ve come to a point in your relationship where you can tell him everything and just about anything isn’t off the table, though this has long since been a thing even before you both decided to give romance a shot. Being “together” together doesn’t change that. It shouldn’t. That’s what you both agreed on. Truthfully, you just can’t tell if it is just you struggling to adjust or if he was just that good at hiding how he really felt, because again, he surprises you more than you like to admit. And that thought is enough for you to back off, the self-assurance of your own thoughts telling you that he would tell you if that were the case.
“I’m fine, I promise.” You try to smile, knowing fully well how fruitless the gesture is but still deciding to try it out anyway.
He’s obviously still unconvinced. But the longer he looks at you expectantly, the more you grow silent as a power play response.
If there’s one thing Wong Yukhei hates, it’s silence. It unnerves him. He needs something to fill the air, otherwise he can’t help but fidget. It’s why you can’t study too long together, because then neither of you will get anything done. And it’s especially why he heaves a sigh before amending the situation.
“You’re super sure then?”
You simply nod and he leaves the topic be as you both wait to get on the ride.
Waiting in such a public area doesn’t give either of you much cover. In fact, it leaves you both out in the open, like fish laid out to dry on a burning hot summer day or deer prancing in an open road. It’s as though Fate wanted you both to get spotted, much to your displeasure.
There’s a chorus of raucous laughter and shrill shrieks that could only belong to the loudest mouths of the bunch as soon as you and Yukhei inch forward. The sounds are too familiar for your liking, eliciting only a glare in the direction of all the ruckus as you and the very tall, very noticeable man besides you gives a sheepish wave of his own as your group of friends drinks both your interlocked hands and close proximities in like dehydrated flowers.
“Hey lovebirds!” Yuta pipes up, accompanied by his girlfriend. She’s almost sympathetic to your embarrassment if it weren’t for how cute you and Yukhei looked together, then she might’ve helped you out by calming the excited ash blond whose hand is entwined in her own.
They’re cute and admirable, a perfect example of friends to lovers, though with some minor adjustments—some of which was Yuta’s initial position as her Japanese tutor before finding the courage to ask her out compared to yours and Yukhei’s initial drunk sex-capade, a detail that you still have yet to come to a proper conclusion on, because how could things be so different from then to now? You almost wished you two hadn’t done the deed and instead started things off normally like confession without the pretenses of messing around in the background. But you decide not to indulge in retaliation, merely releasing Yukhei’s hand and stretching your limbs in front of you before resting your hands behind your head.
Sicheng very briefly catches your eye as if to ask you if things are going alright, but you ignore him and the audible groans from the others at the lack of skinship between you and Yukhei. You know they’ve been dying for yours and Yukhei’s relationship since the group started and finally took notice of your close friendship. But while you relished in this unification between your respective friend groups, which so easily blended together, you kind of wished it didn’t create such an immense pressure on you to fall into those standards of what couples do and how they’re supposed to act around one another.
Even if the embarrassment is wholly eating at you, their departure is something you relish in as you and Yukhei are prompted into the ride, leaving behind your friends and their incessant teasing.
“Ah, don’t mind them,” he tells you.
You give him a small nod, which causes him to place his palm atop your head for a couple of a seconds. It earns him a smile, even if it does not wholly reflect the thoughts inside your head.
At the very least, getting on the teacups changes the mood.
Being that it is his first time there, and you’re a Disneyland veteran, you have made it your own personal goal to give him the full experience. Like everyone else flying at unmeasurable speeds, you start off by grabbing hold of the steering wheel between you and the ash blond man, giving the warm metal several good turns to get the canary yellow teacup spinning. This keeps the momentum up, moving you both so rapidly, you don’t even realize how closely it has brought you together until you can hear his laughter at your side and one of his hands covers yours to join in on the spinning.
It stays like that too. Even after you both have exited off the ride, you both shakily navigate around the park in search of another ride to quench your thrill-seeking taste buds.
When you look up, you find him already staring at you and looking away from you all in the same moment. It makes you laugh, but you try not to exacerbate the teasing or the pink in his cheeks as you two pass through the vicinity. He has these moments where you've caught him looking at you; at first, you assumed it was because there might've been something on your face that you didn't catch before walking out of your dorm, and eventually, it became abundantly clear that he was simply trying to capture the moment. Last time you shared a moment like this, you both crossed the bridge from friends to lovers, and now you two were at the point of no return.
“What do you wanna do next?” you ask him.
You needed to break the moment. It helped to blink, just so you wouldn't fall back into your previous disposition. You didn't want to worry him, you didn't like to. It wasn't like he meant for things to happen as they did. He hadn't been one to initiate the hook-up, though he consented and reciprocated with as much fervor as you had. He had blurted out his confession shortly afterwards; it was quick, slurred together because his heart was probably ready to jump out of his chest when he realized it was now or never. Either you two would have done that or acted as if nothing had happened, and truthfully, you don't think you could've done the latter. Not when all your feelings seemed to sit in your throat, ready to jump out.
Truthfully, you've been one to admit your feelings to those you admired, but never with close friends. You had never liked your close friends. It wasn't some kind of unspoken rule or anything. It was just a matter of keeping romantic and platonic relationships from being one; it was easier this way, less messy in case things went awry. Close friends were hard to come by, relationships always complicated things to a point where you didn't know whether you had the same person in your life. Previous significant others had used secrets of yours against you; they would take what they wanted from you and leave, and it all hurt like a bitch.
It hasn't with Yukhei, you reassure yourself. And it truly hasn't.
He's looking at you with a goofy grin spread across his handsome face. He tells you, “Whatever you want to do."
The gesture is contagious, and you begin to feel butterflies fluttering inside your stomach.
“You’re technically the expert here, so you take the reign,” he adds, running a hand through his hair. You know he doesn't want to do the wrong thing with you, partially from the group's advising and also because relationships just take that kind of patience. You two have spent a long time being friends, enjoying each other's presence without the same expectations as you two have now. Of course, it's a little different. Of course, you two can expect to be a little nervous. It's untouched territory, you have to remind yourself. You're both figuring shit out.
You don't want to freak him out, so you try to keep the banter up. It isn't hard when he's as expressive and funny as he is. It even helps you push aside all of these floating thoughts a little longer.
“Don’t I always?” you snicker as his jaw drops. It’s moments like this that are reminiscent of your relationship prior to now. Back then, it was easy to have flirty banter, because any sort of intention was simply in the background. It wasn’t mandated by your relationship status; instead it sort of just happened. It didn’t happen because it needed to. It happened because you two wanted it to happen.
He tries to muster up a serious enough tone, but you can hear the whine in it. The sound earns him another laugh from you. “No! I’m pretty sure I’ve had a fair share of being the leader,” he says, with a slight puff to his chest.
Tapping your chin, you reply, “I suppose so.”
The gesture exacerbates his dramatics by earning you a guffaw.
“I do! I may not be the Disneyland expert, but I can make a suggestion.” He tilts his head, ever-so-slightly. “Yeah?”
You stop tapping your chin to wave him on and his hand takes that hand into his. “Of course, you can!”
As he interlaces your fingers with his, you have a mild suspicion that he’s going to lead you to the Silly Symphony Swings. Only mild because it’s rather close and you could see that it was something he had his eyes on since you two arrived.
Something about the ride is reminiscent of him, perhaps he gravitates to them for the opportunity to make his childhood dream of flying come true. It was a superpower he mentioned during one of those god awful ice breakers on the first day of that comparative literature class, and something he went into further detail when you guys had your previous hangouts, before this relationship ordeal.
“Trying to fly, Superman?” You indulge in his desire to swing your arms. He loves it, practically bouncing as you two walk between the crowds.
“It’s just like how you make me feel,” he says, giving you a twirl as you approach the line. "Is that okay?"
It's so becoming of Yukhei to still ask if something is okay. You remember him mentioning how he used to get scolded for being too much with previous partners, always one for the cheesy gestures like twirling a loved one in those romantic comedies or quoting the absolutely cringey lines from movies just for the laughs. You found--and still do find--it endearing; the others not so much.
“Of course,” you say, laughing just as loudly as he does. “I can't control your feelings, silly."
"Can I kiss you?" he asks, "is that okay?"
You nod, almost ready to shut your eyes when he kisses the top of your head.
Moments like this serve to remind you that he still has your best interests in mind. He cares a whole fuck ton about you, and no change to your and his relationship status can ever alter that. He hasn’t changed into a completely different person like one assumes would happen in a relationship between friends, so why should you?
This feels right. The giggles, the weightlessness, his hand in yours.
You two finally catch up with your group for lunch at one of the all too expensive restaurants in the park. Since it is Yukhei’s first time there, you don’t mind it so much, as it is an experience you think people should have at least once.
Yuta eyes the two of you, seemingly ready to let loose another witty observation before his girlfriend shoves a French fry into his mouth. She smiles sweetly to him before flashing you an apologetic look.
You must’ve appeared a little disgruntled already. The time with Yukhei was both lovely and nerve-wracking, because a small but rather haunting part of you couldn't stop wondering if your time separated from the group would upset them. After all, they had extricated themselves from the two of you so you and Yukhei could spend more time together. What if you two had overindulged?
A part of your stomach churns as you and Yukhei take a seat beside the teasing boy. Being back with everyone begins to remind you of the initial doubts you had, the very ones you’ve had bubbling inside of you. And it makes you feel worse when you feel Yukhei reach for your hand across the table, because everyone is there, watching, waiting, and worst of all, expecting the two of you to be some sort of perfect, lovey dovey couple going through their honeymoon phase.
Maybe you guys should be, maybe it’s fine. You want to believe it is, but somehow the way you waver to hold hands, incites another comment.
“Trouble in paradise, love birds?” Yuta asks, raising an eyebrow at you two.
You give him a sidelong glance and shake your head.
“We’re fine,” Yukhei pipes in. He seems to overtake your thumb then, and he gives a short victory giggle, mainly to himself. It makes the corners of your lips twitch, though you stop short just as you hear Yuta speak again.
“Are you sure?” he inquires, looking at you this time.
“We’re fine,” you add, with a huff, “really.”
Yuta still seems to watch you both, though everyone else makes work of doing the same. It unsettles you just how much your relationship feels like it’s under a microscope, one wrong move and suddenly things are blown out of proportion.
Perhaps that's another reason why you aren't prone to going out with friends. The idea of a relationship having such an audience unsettles you. You like your privacy and keeping that kind of business under wraps. These things are supposed to be intimate, accepted if the partner is a good person for you (which Yukhei is on all levels), and yet, you feel like your relationship is proceeding jaggedly, because of the hyper-fixation.
You sigh, having already let go of Yukhei's hand once you and the others received your food. And the sigh doesn't go unnoticed either. You have a few glances from Yuta and Sicheng, Yukhei too, but you stand up and excuse yourself to the restroom.
Despite it being on the left, you take a right to get away from the restroom itself.
You manage to navigate through the crowd and remain within reach of the restaurant by hiding out in one of the souvenir shops that you and the others planned on visiting near the end of your visit. There's an assortment of Disney ears, stuffed animals from nearly all the movies, and things of that nature.
The ears have always caught your eye, the pink glittery ones, the blue ones. They're all made with different designs, based off of the various movies made by Disney and Pixar, and they remind you of a simpler time where relationships were yours, not part of an audience and watched. They also remind you of yours and Yukhei's mutual love for the movies; one of the main tipping points in your transition from classmate acquaintances to budding friends. His favorite had been the sweet and fun Hercules, while you heavily shared a love for that one, Treasure Planet definitely had your heart. Both were stories of characters trying to find their own in the world. You smile to yourself.
You’re just about to check your phone and update your friends and Yukhei about where you are when you see him. Your ash blond boyfriend who gives a small wave.
“Hey you,” he says as he makes his way beside you. He paws through the ears, probably to see if there are any Hercules-themed ears. 
“Hey,” you say, wishing you had found one just to give it to him. You decide to check for those on Etsy sometime later, or one of those Instagram boutiques, just to see him light up. 
“Doin’ okay?” he asks, stopping his search when he realizes it’s futile and looks at you. 
You don’t say anything, giving a shrug. “I’m sorry,” you say. 
“Talk to me,” he prods gently. “If that’s okay?” 
“I’ve been worried about us,” you admit. “Not that I don’t want this or you. I do. I’m just so uncertain about this whole thing.”
“That’s no reason to be sorry, you know,” he says. He offers a hand to you, an escape from the shop for more privacy, which you take. It's a brief walk to a seating area not too densely populated by the park visitors. It’s a bench beneath some of the all too perfect-looking shrubbery, where there are red little flowers with yellow dot-like centers to make it even more picture perfect. 
As soon as you two sit down, you immediately ask, “Did we fuck up by not confessing first?”
He shakes his head. “I think what we did was still special, even if it wasn’t very conventional to the kind of relationship we think should have. But I think whatever relationship we have, whatever start, is still pretty damn special.” 
Your hand is still in his, and he gives yours a squeeze. 
“Aren’t you worried?”
He lets loose a shaky laugh, “Of course I am. Relationships are so terrifying and new. I’m scared shitless wondering if I’m doing anything okay. That’s why I keep asking. I don’t ever want to put you in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or obligated in any shape or form. But you know what?”
You nod for him to go on. You didn’t realize he was feeling similar jitters.  
“As scared and nervous as I am, I’m just as excited to begin this new journey with you wherever it takes us. And if you don’t think you’re ready for it, then I’m fine backing off, taking things easy, or even trying to go back to the way things were. It wouldn't be the exact same, but again, I don’t want you to feel obligated to be in this relationship if it isn’t something you feel like doing.” 
“I want to,” you tell him. “I do. I really want to see how this goes, because you’re an amazing guy, Yukhei. I didn’t even realize you were scared too. I guess just thinking back on previous relationships and how we came to be got me overthinking. This is new for me. I’ve never dated a best friend before. If anything, that’s probably the most terrifying part about this. I don’t know what’ll happen by the end of it, if that comes and I don’t know when or if it will. But just not knowing drives me crazy.” 
“I mean, you were willing to consider that, so that says something, right? That you’re willing to take a leap of faith and see where we go together?” he asks, rubbing circles on your hand with his thumb. “I think us not being best friends anymore would suck, indefinitely. I think you’re one of my favorite people in this world, next to my mom.” You laugh just as he smiles. “But I think whatever happens happens because it’s meant to. We’ll be in each other’s lives, no doubt. I think it’d take time and space, but also communication if we wanna get through whatever pops up, yeah?”
“Yeah, you make a good point there,” you say, considering everything he’s said. It sounds like your rational side aloud. “I’m sorry for being such a mess.” 
He shakes his head. “Nah, I’ve been freaking out, wondering if I was doing something wrong. Being too much. If it wasn’t that, then I thought maybe I was being too much of a worrywart, but I’m sorry for not picking up on how you were feeling.” 
“You couldn’t have known unless I told you,” you point out. “Plus, another thing that’s been bugging me has been how doting our friends have been for some reason.” 
Yukhei agrees, “They have been, especially Yuta.” 
“I know it’s all in good fun, but I’ve been hypersensitive to it all. This whole trip has been giving me the jitters. I don’t know, it seems so silly,” from Yukhei’s look, it doesn’t see it so casually, which comforts you, “okay, not so silly, but it seems so odd to think that it wouldn’t be super easy to be with you. You’re great and I like that we can finally be honest with ourselves and our feelings, but somehow I expected best friends transitioning to a relationship to be less awkward?” 
“I’m sorry he’s been bugging you so much,” you give a shrug since you know Yuta means no harm by it, “I get what you mean. All the movies make this seem like it should be super easy and super perfect.” 
“Doesn’t it feel like we should be in our honeymoon phase already?” 
“Like the whole ‘I love you so much,’ ‘no, you hang up,’ and then that weird game of wanting to hang up but not wanting to hang up?” 
You both laugh at the ridiculousness. Neither of you are like that, kudos to those who are and can be, but it isn’t you guys. You laugh over silly things, nerd out over movies you love, break out in song and dance when the song absolutely calls for it. You guys have your own way of doing things, and even Yukhei understands the pressures and the uncertainties, and yet, he’s still more than willing to work through them and find ways that will. 
“You think we can make this work?” you ask, letting go of his hand because yours has gone a little clammy. 
He nods, “It helps with communication.” 
You laugh sheepishly as he pulls you into a hug. “No matter how you’re feeling I’m more than happy to hear what you have to say and I will try my damn hardest to help.” 
“I’m sorry,” you repeat, but he simply kisses your forehead after letting go of you. 
“I only want the best for you, silly. No apology needed.” 
In response, you simply pull him in for a kiss. It’s sweet and chaste, still different and new, but comforting all the same. He reciprocates, smiling into the kiss. 
Whatever thoughts you had earlier, you find that they don’t weigh as heavy on your shoulders anymore. Of course, it’s going to take some learning and communicating, but you’re as just as glad as he is that you guys get to do this thing together. 
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calmlftv · 4 years
can you hear me? - l.h.
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description: luke is a kind stranger you bump into on a bad day; the beginning of a long and beautiful journey.
word count: 2.8k
warnings: n/a!
w/n: i don’t see a lot of writing involving specifically hearing impaired readers, and as a hearing impaired writer, i decided to make something myself! 
taglist: @spicycal​
You have had it up to here with being hearing impaired. 
While the normal amount of annoyance about them occurred every day - like trying to properly fit them in your ear, changing your wax trap, all that - this day was different. You had woken up and realized your charging station had been unplugged somehow, meaning your hearing aids hadn’t charged all night. Also meaning you would have to wait another hour before you were able to wear them again, pushing back the routine you so desperately needed to maintain your mental health.
After plugging it in you huffed down the stairs, your roommate already sitting at the table for a Zoom class. You signed hello and went to the coffee maker, starting your own cup before turning to your roommate. 
“Did you unplug my charger?” You signed, their eyes quickly looking away from you in guilt. You threw your hands up in frustration before continuing. “Why?! What were you doing in my room anyway?”
Your roommate kept their eyes on you as they answered a question for their professor, your hand on your hip as their barely audible voice filled the house. No doubt they were talking at a normal volume, but it might as well have been a whisper for you, the hard consonants barely reaching your ears before disappearing as you turned around. You put together your coffee in your favorite mug, not even waiting to hear your roommates excuse as you carried it all back up the stairs to your room, probably making enough noise to wake up the neighborhood. 
After that it was a small series of things that pissed you off; the wind blowing through the microphones in your hearing aids, the too loud sounds of construction a few streets away, the sideways glances as you signed your order to your barista at the coffee shop. You were used to the extra attention you would get when you advocated for yourself like that, but today it just became the tipping point; loneliness enveloped you as you sat in at a table in the corner, angry tears pricking your eyes as you folded your hands in front of you. 
The noises in the shop only added to your frustration until you forced yourself to leave, your chair harshly scraping against the floor as you stood too quickly. In your rush to get out the door you stumbled, bumping into a solid body before you landed on the sidewalk, your to go cup spilling your drink all over the place. 
You froze in place until a gentle hand wrapped around your arm, a stranger carefully helping you up as your ears were ringing. Slowly a voice faded into focus as you looked at this person’s face. 
“-so sorry,” he was saying, his blue eyes crystal clear as they met yours. Your head was tilted up quite a bit, the man wildly tall. “Are you okay?” 
It took you a second to answer, your voice wavering a bit before it found the strength. “Y-Yeah, I’m alright,” you said, straightening a bit. His hand was still on your arm. “I feel like I should be the one apologizing, I wasn’t paying attention and I didn’t hear you-” 
The kind man chuckled a bit, his hand giving your arm a squeeze. “It’s alright, love, no harm no foul.” He looked at the now empty cup on the sidewalk and sighed. “Your coffee, on the other hand…” 
You chuckled a bit, moving to pick up the cup and throw it in the trash. “Yeah, the unfortunate casualty,” you joked, looking back at the man. Your eyes fixed on his lips as he spoke again, the natural pink tint a bit distracting. 
“Could I buy you a new one?” You opened your mouth to protest, the man quickly cutting you off. “It’s the least I could do.” 
You thought about it for a second before you nodded, letting the gentleman hold the door open for you as you stepped in. The overwhelming sounds flooded over you again, more sideways glances as you ordered with sign again. The man raised his eyebrows but kept his mouth closed as he paid, picking up your drinks and motioning towards the very table you had just vacated. 
Both of you sat, your drinks sitting between the two of you as your eyes flicked between Luke’s eyes and his mouth; reading lips was a skill you had been forced to learn from a young age, and it definitely had its benefits when you were in a noisy spot. 
“What’s your name?” The man asked, his hands moving around his cup. 
“Y/N,” you said, a smile on your face as your hands mimicked his. “What’s yours?”
“Luke,” he said, lifting his cup to his lips. For a brief moment they were covered, your hearing aids missing the words he spoke. 
“What was that?” You asked, your previous frustration already building again. 
He set his cup down and smiled. “You have a pretty name,” he repeated, his volume just slightly louder than before. “It’s kinda loud in here, huh?” 
You nodded, taking a sip of your drink. You took a breath and calmed yourself down before he continued. 
The two of you chatted for a bit, you asking Luke to repeat himself every so often when he covered his mouth. His brows would furrow when he would make a joke that you would miss, his lips pulled into a smile that would falter when you would just be confused. 
Eventually the cafe got quiet, the crowd leaving as the time went by. You breathed a sigh of relief every time someone left, the noise level quieting and making it easier to hear Luke. You both got on quite well, Luke obviously enjoying your company as he asked you on a date. A blush appeared on your cheeks as you accepted, the two of you exchanging phone numbers before continuing with a new conversation.
Another missed joke floated from Luke’s lips, you pausing and struggling to hear his words until you asked him to repeat it. 
“Can you hear me?” He asked, brows furrowed in confusion. 
You blushed again, looking at your cup. “Um...no,” you answered, wincing as the door scraped open. “I’m, um….hard of hearing. You keep covering your mouth.” 
Realization dawned on Luke’s face, his hands flattening themselves on the table. “Oh my god,” he said, wincing as he thought of all the times you asked him to repeat himself. “Oh my god I’ve been such an asshole.” 
You shook your head, covering his hand with your own without thinking. “No it’s okay! I didn’t say anything sooner-” 
“-but I should have asked when I asked you about the signing,” he finished for you, running a hand through his blonde curls. “I’m so sorry, y/n, I feel like such an ass.” 
You chuckled lightly, shaking your head. “Really, Luke, it’s fine.” 
Luke sighed to himself, his hands falling back on the table. “I’m gonna make it up to you, okay? On our date?” 
You smiled, another blush appearing on your cheeks. “Deal,” you agreed, knowing by now that he was too stubborn to let it go. “I’m looking forward to it.” 
He smiled at you, more of a beam really before he finished his drink. The two of you wrapped up your conversations and walked out together, Luke hugging you goodbye before walking away in the opposite direction as you. 
You had a dumb smile on your face as you got home, your roommate sitting on the couch watching a TV show as you walked in. Their hands and fingers immediately started flying, apologies about your charger spewing from them before you stopped them. 
“It’s okay,” you reassured verbally, your hands matching them. “I’m not mad anymore.” 
They sighed in relief, scooting over to make room for you. Together you watched whatever trashy reality TV you wanted, your mind dancing with thoughts of your date with Luke. 
A few days later you stood in front of your full length mirror, staring at your high waisted jeans and tucked-in blouse as you assessed your look for your date. You turned and grabbed an oversized jean jacket and threw that on, nodding to yourself as you looked it over before grabbing your phone. 
Can’t wait for tonight! Luke had texted earlier, a smile on your lips as you read it. Promise it’ll be nice and quiet for us. See you soon, x.
You quickly sent a text letting him know you were ready and about to leave, receiving an address in response. You tucked your phone into your pocket and grabbed your keys, stepping out and closing your door before descending to the living area. Your roommate was reading a textbook on the couch, flashcards and various colored pens scattered all over the coffee table in front of them. They looked up at you and grinned. 
“Date night?” They asked, sitting up and taking in your outfit. “Of course it is, you don’t look this hot for nothing.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Shut up,” you said, walking over to peek at what they were doing. You hadn’t been in school for a bit, opting to stop at an associates before taking a much needed break. 
Your roommate nodded and you smiled reassuringly, putting a hand on their shoulder and giving it a squeeze. “You’re gonna do great, bubs. I gotta go, but when I get back I can help you study?”
They nodded and smiled, shooing you out of the house before you were late. You obliged and blew them a kiss, jumping into the car and pulling up your Maps app to type in Luke’s address. 
Upon arrival you were a bundle of nerves, your fingers twisting the rings you had put on around until the skin begging you to stop. You stepped up to the door and knocked three times, waiting patiently before the door opened. 
Luke was smiling at you, a white shirt on his torso and ripped black jeans on his legs. He had put some product in his hair to hold it back a bit, some stray curls still falling against his forehead. 
“Hey,” he greeted, stepping aside to let you in. “C’mon in, it’s a bit cold out.” 
“Thanks,” you said kindly, taking your shoes off at the door. Luke helped you out of your jacket, handing it on the hooks by the door before he led you into the house. 
The smell of food hit your nostrils as you passed the kitchen, the dishes already cleaned and set to dry on a rack as he led you through the room. He stopped in the dining room, turning to face you with a big smile as he gestured towards the set up he had put together. 
The table was set with a beautiful array of food, a wonderful presentation of it already sitting on your plate as he guided you over. He pulled out your chair for you and helped you in it, a giggle escaping you as you sat and admired the candles he had also set. 
“Hope this is all okay,” he said, sitting down and adjusting his own chair before speaking again. “I wasn’t too sure what you’d like, so this is just a little bit of everything.” 
You giggled again, the nerves you were feeling disappearing as you got to settle in. “It all looks amazing, Luke,” you said, picking up your glass of water as he picked up his.
“To a hopefully amazing first date,” he smiled, clinking your glasses together before taking a sip. “If you want anything other than water, just let me know, I have a lot of other things in the fridge.” 
His nerves were palpable, your smile only growing as you picked up your fork and started eating. “Oh my god,” you said after your first bite, covering your mouth as you chewed. “This is amazing, Luke.”
He beamed, food sitting on his own fork before he took a bite himself. He sighed and nodded, proud of himself as the two of you ate together. It got quiet for a bit, the only sound being the clinking of your silverware as you both ate peacefully. It wasn’t uncomfortable, to your surprise; it was almost a welcome silence, both of you wordlessly on the same page as you just enjoyed being near each other again. 
Once you were both finished you helped Luke clear the table, both of you laughing as you talked and joked around. He had asked you about your hometown when a new noise sounded by you, causing you to look around for the source. 
Luke found it before you did, a smile on his face as he chuckled. “Piggy, you gotta wait for your turn to talk,” he teased, a beautiful white bulldog lumbering around the corner with the sweetest face you’ve ever seen. 
“You have a dog!” you said, your voice a bit higher than normal as you knelt down. The doggie smile made your heart melt, your hand reaching out towards her for her to sniff. 
“That’s Petunia,” he introduced, the dog sniffing your hand before giving it a lick. “She’s a bulldog-terrier mix and a very spoiled pup.” 
You laughed a bit, lifting a hand to scratch her ear. “Definitely should have led with this, Mr. Hemmings,” you teased, Petunia happy to let you pet her as Luke knelt down beside you, chuckling. 
“I definitely should have, she loves you,” he said, smiling as he pet the dog and kissed her head. You noticed the obvious affection in his eyes as he looked at his dog, the sight of that melting your heart once again. 
After your brief break with Petunia the two of you got back to cleaning up, Luke even making you some tea while you sat at the island in his kitchen. 
“When did you learn to sign?” Luke asked you, leaning against the opposite side of the counter with his steeping tea in front of him. He was fiddling with the bag, fingers playing with the string as you wrapped your hands around your warm mug. 
“I started when I was 9,” you answered, breathing in the scent of the spices in your tea. “My parents got me into a class when we got my diagnosis.” 
Luke nodded, listening intently. “And it’s both ears?”
“Yeah, bilateral,” you answered, your fingers also fiddling with the steeping bag of tea. “My doctors think it might have been caused by a lot of different things, but we’ve never really been sure of what made me hard of hearing.” 
Luke nodded again, his eyes moving to his cup before he pulled out the tea bag and set it on a saucer by the sink. He took yours and did the same, setting it back in front of you before grabbing out creamer and sugar. 
“And you mentioned you wear hearing aids,” he said, more of a statement than a question as you both fixed up your teas. “How do they work?”
You nodded to the statement, his question making you smile. It was obvious that he wanted to know everything, a student at heart who was eager to learn. 
“Well,” you said, sitting up a bit as you pulled out your left hearing aid. His eyes went wide as you did, fixed on the technology as you giggled. You pointed to the small piece that sat in your ear. “This bit sits in my ear, generally settles right against my eardrum.” Your point moved to the top piece that slipped behind your ear. “This has microphones in it that take in the sound, which travels down this tube.” Your finger snaked along the plastic tubing connecting the two pieces. “The sound comes through the piece in my ear and vibrates my eardrums, which helps make my inner ear do its job.” 
Luke nodded to your explanation, sipping his tea as you spoke. The way his eyes closely followed your gestures and how closely he was paying attention made your heart skip; no one’s really listened like this before, a whole new gleam to his beautiful blue eyes as he asked you questions and learned more about you. His interest was obvious, another thing that was new to you, but you loved it, drinking it in until he walked you to his door. 
He grabbed your jacket for you and held it as you put it on, his hands sliding down your arms for a second before he pulled them back. You smiled and turned around, your hands in your jacket pockets as you both stood by the door. 
“Thank you for tonight,” you said sweetly, a blush creeping up your cheeks one more time as you spoke. “This was really fun.” 
Luke smiled back at you. “So does this mean I get a second date?”
A laugh escaped you. “It absolutely does. I’d love to have a second date.” 
Luke grinned, his arms wrapping around you in a hug. When you pulled back you pressed a kiss to his cheek, his cheeks lightly tinted pink as you did. 
“Goodnight, Luke.” 
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fandomrewrites · 4 years
Season 2; Episode 6: Frenemy
Hello all! So I’m super excited because I have finally got my brother to watch Teen Wolf and he’s really liking it! I also recently published a book on Amazon so please go check it out! This is hopefully the stepping stone for me to get more books published. “50 Things to Know About Becoming a Zookeeper”.  As always constructive criticism is appreciated. 
Season 2; Episode 6: Frenemy
Pairings: Scott McCall x Twin Sister, Lydia Martin x Best Friend
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count: 2,772
Season 2 Masterlist
Sitting in the backseat of Stiles’ jeep, I kept nervously glancing out the window trying to find Jackson in the Kanima form. From the passenger seat, Scott yells, “There he is!” spotting Jackson before I do.
Stiles steps on the gas, speeding after the Kanima. Just as we start to close in Stiles slams on the breaks. We come to a sudden stop in front of a parking lot where severe tire damage spikes jut up from the pavement. “What do we do?” Stiles begins to ask my brother, only to look and see that he is already out the door.
I quickly climb into the passenger seat, “Go around.”
As soon as I’m properly in the seat Stiles turns the jeep around heading around the building to meet up with Scott. He quickly parks the car and we both jump out of the vehicle and run in the direction we think Scott and Jackson will be.
Out of breath, Stiles and I run to the side of the building spotting Scott standing alone. “You see where he went?” Stiles asks, gasping for air.
“Lost him.”
The three of us glance around trying to find any indication that the Kanima is near us. “You can’t catch a scent?” I ask, still looking around.
“I don’t think it has one.”
“Any clue where he’s going?” Stiles asks.
“To kill someone.”
“Right, that’s what the claws and fangs are for. Now it all makes sense.” I smirk at Stiles’ remark but Scott looks annoyed, “Sorry. I’m a hundred and forty-seven pounds of pale skin and fragile bone. Sarcasm’s my only defense.”
Well I’m assuming he went in this building,” I nod my head towards the building in front of us. “He can’t just disappear.” I pause, “Unless Kanima’s can turn invisible too. If they can we’re all fucked.”
“Thank you for that, (Y/N).” I nod my head with a smile, “Can you both just help me find it?” Scott asks.
“Not it. Jackson.”
“I know, I know.”
“But does he know? And did anyone else see him back at your house?” Stiles questions.
I shrug as Scott answers, “I don’t think so. And he already passed Derek’s test anyway.”
“Yeah, but that’s the thing. How did he pass the test?”
“Well a snake can’t be poisoned by its own venom but when Jackson is Jackson he’s not the Kanima. So maybe that’s why it still affected him?” I respond, but both boys are distracted. I follow their gaze up the side of the building just in time to make out a reptilian tail on the roof.
“You see that?” Stiles asks.
“He’s inside.” Scott replies.
“Told you he would be going in there.” I say smugly.
Scott opens his mouth to reply but pauses sniffing the air, “I think I know who he’s after.”
“What? How? Did you smell something?” Stiles quickly asks.
The three of us turn to look at the entrance. Danny is using a fake ID to get into the club.
We make our way around the back alley behind the club to find another door. Stiles turns the handle but it’s locked, “Maybe there’s a window we could climb through-”
A metallic crunch is heard, interrupting Stiles mid sentence. The handle is now in Scott’s hand, “Or a handle we could rip off with superhuman strength. How did I not think of that?” I lightly pat Stiles on the shoulder as Scott yanks the door open and hurries inside, Stiles and I following closely behind.
Once inside loud dance music and flashing lights is the only thing I can make out. I try and focus on finding Danny but Scott’s voice stops me, “Dude... Everyone in here is a dude. I think this is a gay club.”
We both turn to see Stiles surrounded by drag queens, “Nothing gets past those keen werewolf senses, does it?”
I lightly chuckle and then turn back around finally spotting Danny by the bar. I nudged Scott, “Found Danny.”
I keep my eyes on Danny as he walks away from the bar and onto the dance floor. Scott keeps a hand on my arm so I don’t walk into anyone as we make our way to the bar. Still keeping my eyes on Danny and trying not to lose him in the crowd I hear Stiles talk to the bartender, “Three beers.”
I immediately roll my eyes and before the bartender can ask for the ID’s I turn around, “We’ll take three cokes.”
He smiles and nods at me. The bartender quickly gives us the three cokes then points to Scott, “That one’s paid for.” He motions down the bar to a guy who raises his drink in cheers. Scoot and I both smile and turn towards Stiles who immediately says, “Shut up.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Scott replies, defensively.
“Your face did.”
We all turn around scanning the crowd to find Danny and the Kanima.
“I found Danny,” Stiles and I say in unison.
“And I found Jackson.” Scott says, eyes on the ceiling above the dance floor.
“You two get Danny,” I nod already starting to make my way through the crowd. Stiles rushes to catch up, reaching for my hand so he doesn’t lose me.
“Danny? Danny!” Stiles calls from my left. Dancing guys keep lightly bumping into us, forcing us to stand closer. Fog covers the dance floor obscuring the view. One-by-one people start dropping, their bodies paralyzed. When people realize something is wrong, the dance floor turns to chaos.
People are screaming and shoving others out of the way. Suddenly the music stops and the paralyzed people start yelling in a panic, “I can’t move, I can’t move my legs! Help, someone. Someone help me! I can’t move!”
Stiles tugs at my hand, I turn to face him, Go with Scott. I’m going to stay with Danny.” He nods and takes off as I move to Danny’s side.
I rush over to Danny, gently grabbing his face, “You’re going to be okay.”
“(Y/N/N)? What are you doing here?”
I gently smile, “You won’t think I’m weird if I tell you, right?”
“I already think you’re weird.”
“Touche. I was driving around and saw you out front. I was worried about you, with the break up and all. Thought I could be your wing-women. I lost you in the crowd though.”
Just as I finished talking the EMT’s started loading people onto stretchers and ambulances.
“Ma’am we need to get him to the hospital.” A EMT tells me.
“Can I come with him?”
“(Y/N/N), you don’t have to.” Danny says.
“I know, but you’re one of my best friends.”
The EMT looks at me then sighs, “Sure just get in.”
I look back at Scott and Stiles who are standing near Stiles jeep and nod, “I’ll see you both later.”
Once at the hospital I make my way over to the nurses station to see if my mom is there. I have to wait a few minutes before I see her walking towards me, her head in a file.
When she finally looks up she looks surprised to see me, “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?”
“I came with Danny. Do you know if he’s alright?”
“I didn’t know he was here. I was with another patient. We just had seven people come in from a club.”
I nod, “I know. He was one of them.”
She looks at me skeptically, clearly wondering why I was at a gay club. “I was planning on being Danny’s wing-women.” I say before she can ask.
She nods, “We don’t really know what happened. Possibly drugs. But they should all be alright.”
I nod in relief. Even though I already knew that everyone would be okay since I’ve seen how the Kanima venom worked on multiple occasions.
“You didn’t take anything, did you?”
“No mom. Promise.”
She nods, “Well, I’m almost done with my shift. We can go home together.”
I smile and make my way over to sit down and text Scott while I wait for my mom’s shift to end.
The next day after school I went with Scott to the hospital to check on Danny. We were asking him if Jackson was angry with him at the moment but Danny insisted that they were all good, “I was actually doing a favor for him.”
“What favor?” Scott asks.
“I’m not supposed to say.”
“What if we told you it could be a matter of life or death?” I ask Danny.
“I’m not supposed to day.” He repeated.
“What if we told you we could get your fake ID back?” Scott asks.
As soon as Danny answers we bolt out of the room stopping as our mother calls for Scott. I hover nearby trying not to listen but failing, “Did you know if you fail any of your midterms you’re going to be held back?”
“He said that?”
“All of your friends, your sister, are going to be Juniors while you’re still a sophomore. You understand, Scott? You can’t fail.”
“I know.” Scott nods then makes his way over to me.
“I can help you study, ya know.”
“Yeah,” He nods once more.
We quickly make our way to the club where Danny’s car is still parked. We hurry to it but notice that the trunk lies partially open. The metal around the lock is bent and twisted as if someone pried it open with a crowbar. Scott reaches out his hand to push the trunk open. It is completely empty.
Scott and I head to Lookout Point where the Prison Transport Van that Jackson is being kept in is now parked. A few yards from the van Stiles, Scott, Allison, and I stand together talking about our latest discoveries.
“If Jackson doesn’t remember being the Kanima he definitely won’t remember stealing Danny’s tablet.” Scott says.
“But why would he steal it if he doesn’t even know what’s on it?” Stiles questions.
“What if somebody else took it?” asks Allison.
“Then somebody else knows what he is.”
“Well didn’t the Bestiary say that the Kanima seeks a friend? Maybe this friend is trying to protect him.” I respond.
Scott speaks up, turning to Stiles, “You said the only thing you found online about the Kanima is that it kills murders. What if that’s true?”
“It can’t be. It’s tried to kill all of. You, me, (Y/N), and Allison. I don’t know about you three, but I haven’t murdered anyone lately.”
“But I don’t think it was actually trying to kill us, “Scott pauses, turning to Allison, “Remember when we saw it the first time at Isaac’s? It didn’t really go after us, did it?”
“You’re right. It just ran off.” Allison replies.
Scott the turns towards Stiles and I, “And it didn’t kill either of you at the garage.”
“It almost choked me!” I exclaim.
“But you said it let you go before you even blacked out. And you literally said it had the chance but didn’t. You were trying to help the mechanic, it probably just didn’t want you too.”
I frowned and subconsciously rubbed my neck, thinking about all the times I’ve encountered the Kanima.
“But it tried to kill us and Derek at the pool.” Stiles says.
“Did it?” Scott questions unsure. “(Y/N), you were the first person who said that you think the Kanima wasn’t killing just anybody.”
I nod, “Okay. Well, what are you trying to get at, Scott?” I question, wanting him to get to the point.
“There’s something else going on and we don’t know what it is. We don’t know anything about what Jackson’s doing. Or why someone’s trying to protect him.”
“Know thy enemy,” Allison mumbles. We all give her questioning looks, “Something my grandfather said.”
“Alright, I got it. Kill Jackson. Problem solved.” Stiles replies.
“He risked his life for us against Peter. You remember that?” Scott asks.
“Yeah, but what did we just find out? He got the bite from Derek. Funny how he got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us.” Stiles says.
“It doesn’t mean he’s not worth saving.”
“Scott right. He’s definitely an asshole. But I’ve been friends with him since kindergarten. We have to at least try to save him” I speak up.
“You’ve barely even talked to him since Lydia and him and you and Nate broke up.” Stiles rolls his eyes.
“True. But that doesn’t throw away all of the years of friendship we had.”
A little while later Stiles and I head to Lydia’s. Stiles said that he needed to check in with her and try to apologize for ditching her at her car the night the Kanima attacked us at the pool. She still hasn’t forgiven him for leaving her after he promised he would talk.
I waited outside her room as the two talked. About three minutes later he walked out, “She’s all yours.”
“Thanks. You don’t have to wait for me, I can have Lydia drive me home.”
He nods and heads downstairs as I head inside her room.
“Hey Lyds. How are you?”
She sighs, “Honestly? Not good.” Her eyes start glistening with unshed tears.
“Oh Lyds.” I quickly move to her side and pull her into a hug.
She chokes back a sob and grips onto my shirt tightly, fighting back the tears. It’s not long before she can’t hold it back any longer and tears pour down her cheeks soaking my shirt.
I rub her back and kiss the top of her head, “You’re going to be alright. I’m here for you. I always will be.” Seeing her so broken almost brings me to tears too but I blink them back as I wait for her to calm down.
It takes a few minutes before she settles down, “Thanks, (Y/N/N). I needed that.”
She stand up, moving to her vanity to clean her face.
“DId you want to talk?” I ask, watching her through the mirror.
She nods, “Yeah but, can we go to Allison’s? I want to talk to her too. It will be nice to get advice from more than one person.”
I smile gently, “Of course.”
Lydia and I sat in Allison’s room for an hour before she got home. I tried to ask her what was going on but rather telling me about what the issue was she only told me about a cute older boy at school that she has had a few conversations with.
Breaking us from conversation, Allison’s door slams open. “You both scared the hell out of me.”
“We’ve been sitting here for an hour waiting for you.” Lydia replies.
“I can’t hang out right now.” Allison says glancing at me.
“I don’t need someone to hang out with. I need someone to talk to. I wanted it to be both of you but I’ll just talk with (Y/N) if you’re really that busy.” Lydia snaps.
Allison turns back to us, finally getting a chance to really look at Lydia. “Okay, I know it’s important. And of course I want to be there for you. But if it can just wait.”
“Why does everyone except for (Y/N) ask me to wait? Why can’t anyone be available right now?”
“Because you can’t have everything right now.” I glare at Allison. I understand what is happening with the Kanima is important but it doesn’t give her the right to be rude to someone she considers a friend. “You know what I need? Someone who can read five pages of Archaic Latin. Obviously, that’s not going to be happening anytime soon.”
“I know Archaic Latin.” Lydia speaks.
At the same time I say, “Lydia knows Archaic Latin.”
Allison glances at me, probably just remembering that I have said that before. She then looks back at Lydia as she asks, “How do you know Archaic Latin?”
“I got bored with Classical Latin.”
Allison grabs the printed out pages to show Lydia. Lydia sits at Allison’s desk transcribing the pages. “Are you sure about that? Mr. Morrell said that word meant friend. The Kanima seeks a friend.”
“She was wrong. It means master.”
“The Kanima seeks a master.” I repeat in disbelief, glancing at Allison.
“What? Is that important?”
“Yeah. It means someone’s not protecting him...” I trail off.
“Someone’s controlling him.” Allison finishes.
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bohemian-napsodyy · 5 years
helping you study (Ahkmenrah hc)
A/N: okay so this may or may not have been inspired by my Scramble to study for my midterm??? and then while I was procrastinating I thought of what it would’ve been like to go to Ahk for study help and it had me giggling so uh.... enjoy :3
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you’d show up at the museum, armed with pencil crayons, markers, and boatloads of cue cards
“sorry Ahk, I know I promised I’d bring more movies and snacks but I’m behind on studying and I really need your help tonight”
Ahk would be a little disappointed to say the least because he was really looking forward to countless hours of bingeing Mork and Mindy and eating a family size bag of Cheetos with you
but he sees how stressed out you are and all his disappointment fades away
like you literally just chucked your cue cards across the floor of his exhibit with a sigh
Ahk’s heart just kinda... melted. 
you were pulled into a hug straightaway, with Ahk gently caressing your hair in an attempt to calm you down
“Of course I can help you, my love. Why didn’t you come to me sooner?”
“...I honestly just didn’t want to study, and I figured I could’ve memorized it all by myself when the time came”
Ahk just kinda giggles to himself because even he couldn’t remember all the kings that came before him
both of you would sit sprawled out on the floor of his exhibit, Ahk watching you as you wrote down the kings and their corresponding facts on cue cards
(you tried to split up the work and get him to help you but he ended up sheepishly admitting he didn’t know how to write)
“what?? Your english is impeccable!”
“Yes but... I was still locked in my sarcophagus every night at Cambridge. I picked up on the language, but I didn’t exactly have an opportunity to write in English”
Ahk would get kinda bored while you were still writing out your cue cards
so he’d start doodling little hieroglyphs on his hand
which would then progress to writing your name in hieroglyphs on your arm
“I don’t ever want to wash my arm now -- can I get that as a tattoo??”
getting constantly distracted by him
like how he’d stare at you with a little :3 smile on his face as he watched you concentrate on your cue cards with a frown
but then you’d see him out of the corner of your eye doing the :3 thing and you’d just lose it
lots of little giggle-snorts
“Ahk, you’re doing that face again!”
“What face?”
*cue the :3 face -- giggling intensifies*
ALSO little kisses that get carried away far too quickly
and have a 99.98% chance of turning into makeout sessions
“Y/N, come on- just- you’re almost done-”
you cut him off by pressing your lips to his once more, eager to shut him up about your studying
“mmph, five more minutes Ahk.”
“...alright, I won’t complain about that.”
Ahk has a bit too much fun quizzing you with your cue cards
“wHo’S thIS?” 
as you hesitate to answer, he’d fling the card over his shoulder
“Too slow! Next one!”
but all giggles aside, he’s super patient with you
if you don’t know something, he’ll give you little hints
“Who was Merenkahre, Y/N?”
uh oh
you can’t remember, heck, all the Egyptian dudes have nearly the same name
“I give up. Who was he?”
*cue the :3 face*
"He was my father.”
“...Well you would not be wrong.” 
more giggles
even though it felt like you weren’t accomplishing anything, by the end of the night you were able to go through all your cue cards and remember exactly who was who
and Ahk was so proud of you
not to mention he secretly adored the fact that you made a cue card for him, and on the back you wrote: “Fourth king of the fourth king, AKA The Hottest Pharaoh Who Ever Lived AKA My Boyfriend :)”
he can’t stop smiling every time he sees that card
so at dawn when you packed everything up and kissed him goodbye and headed home, he may or may not have snuck the Ahkmenrah cue card from you
he keeps it in his sarcophagus with him as a little reminder of how wonderful you are <3 
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dear-selena · 5 years
Sketchbook (Peter Parker x Stark!Reader): Chapter 2
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader (Female) 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | ?
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Summary: (Y/N) never understood science based subjects, despite putting all her efforts into studying them. Kids at school bullied her, her father, Tony Stark, was disappointed in her, and the Avengers looked the other way. Peter Parker, her best friend and secret crush for almost two years, was always there supporting her when she needed someone. However, since he became an Avenger and her dad’s ‘favorite kid’, (Y/N) doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be around. 
You find yourself struggling to exist with everything working against you, and instead of asking others for help, you turn to your sketchbook.
Warnings: Favoritism, fighting (battle wise), mentions of depression
A/N: Hey guys! thank you all so much for the support on my first chapter. School has been extremely crazy for me, so I’ve been struggling to write, but I really wanted to update tonight. Like I said before, updates for this story will be sparce because of my school schedule, so please be patient with me. 
Also, I’ve been experiencing extreme writer’s block with this story, so please be patient with me as I work through it. I think I’ve come up with a good path for this story to go, and feedback will be much appreciated. Thank you again for reading, and I hope you enjoy chapter 2! 
Chapter 2: Whipped Into Shape
Words: 2097
The ride home from school couldn’t have been any quicker. 
Happy always waits for you when school ends to drive you home. Normally, you would talk up a storm to him about how frustrating classes were, and he’d listen contently, chiming in sometimes to give you advice. However, today you stay silent, thinking about how you had to face your father at home and tell him about your D+ in chemistry. 
Hopefully everyone forgot you got your grades back today. 
“Everything alright back there kiddo?” You hear happy ask you, snapping you out of any negative thoughts that started to form. “Is it about grades again?”
You slowly nod, admitting defeat. “I failed my chem midterm. Again.” 
Happy looks at you through the rear-view window, pity evident in his eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?” 
You shake your head, not wanting to breakdown in front of your family’s head of security. 
Once Happy reaches the Avengers Compound, you thank him and quickly make your way inside. When you reach the common room, you find Bucky and Sam playing video games on the big screen, nodding at you when they see you’ve come back home. 
“Hey (Y/N), how’d the test go?” Sam asks without taking his eyes off the screen. Dammit they remember. 
You try to act dumb. “What test? I didn’t take any test…” 
Bucky turns to glance at you before giving his attention back to the game. “She probably failed again. Hope Tony doesn’t freak.” He mumbles. However, you heard everything he said, and quietly left the room before they could say anymore hurtful words. Bucky always liked saying things bluntly. But you weren’t in the mood to deal with him today. The truth hurt too much. 
Making a quick pitstop in your bedroom, you drop your backpack and quickly change into some training gear. After school you would train with Natasha, learning self-defense, fighting tactics, and how to use certain weapons. You started this routine when you entered your freshman year of high school as a privilege. Your father refused to have your trained when you were younger despite your constant begging. However, when he enrolled you into Midtown High, he started having Natasha training you as a way to keep you in check. If you did well in school, you were allowed to train, simple as that. 
Natasha was always so patient with you, no matter how inconsistent training you has been. Sometimes, your father would forbid you from training when you’re grades were at an all time low in order to make you study more, so you weren’t as skilled as you wished. However, your skills have gotten better over the past few months, and you thought that developing these skills might finally land you a spot with the Avengers. 
When your father allows it, training gave you a new sense of life. It made you feel as if you could do anything, even stop your bad thoughts from ever returning. You weren’t sure how it happened, but fighting alongside Natasha felt great, even if you weren’t the best. Natasha was a great teacher. 
But you secretly wish your father would be there helping you learn. 
Tying your hair into a high ponytail and giving yourself another look in the mirror, you grab your boxing tape and start the trek to the training room. On your way to the room however, you can’t help but get distracted by the lab. It was in the direction you were taking, and its walls were glass, so you could see everything. Normally, Bruce and your father were in there upgrading suits and weapons, drafting new tech, or testing gear. However, neither one were in sight, and the lab doors were wide open. 
Tony had strict rules about who was allowed in the lab, especially with you. You’ve always wanted to help your father build things and learn from him, but he simply didn’t allow it, not until you got your grades up. You understood why he was so strict with you, but you couldn’t help but yearn to get your hands on some of his prototypes. It especially stung when he started allowing Peter into the lab, teaching him how to use the equipment like you always dreamed of him teaching you. 
Peter was obviously his favorite child, and he wasn’t even a Stark. 
Walking through the large glass doors, you look around in awe at your father’s work. Despite being here 24/7, your father manages to keep this place in tip-top shape. Looking around, you notice that he’s currently working on upgrades for Peter’s Iron-Spider suit, giving his A.I. an upgrade and fixing his web shooters that he recently blew out in a recent mission. Of course. You also notice that him and Bruce have started drafting new weapons, and from the looks of it, it seems they’re trying to make these weapons unique for certain climates on Earth. 
“What did I say about coming in here?” 
Jumping out of your skin, you whip around to see your father at the lab doors, arms folded in front of him and staring at you intensely. “I-I’m sorry dad. I didn’t know you were here.”
“And I don’t know why you’re here (Y/N),” Your father retorts, making you shrink in place. “You didn’t touch anything, did you?” 
You shake your head rather quickly. “No sir.” 
“Good, now get out of here before you do. Natasha is waiting for you.” 
Before you could move, Peter speed walks through the doors. “Hi Mr. Stark, sorry I’m late I was-” Peter’s eyes land on you, his eyes lighting up. “Oh! (Y/N), are you joining us today?” 
You went to answer, but your father beat you to it. “Sorry kid, (Y/N) hasn’t earned that privilege yet.” 
You look down as you make your way out of the lab, your eyes meeting Peter’s. He stares at you with a look of pity, a look you hated coming from anyone, especially your best friend. Hopefully training would distract you from the ache that formed in your heart. 
“Hey (Y/N)?” You hear your father call out before you were out of range. Turning around, you see that Peter and your father were getting ready to work on the Iron-Spider suit. “How did your chemistry test go?” 
You freeze in place, body going numb at the thought of your failure. Your father instantly notices and eyes you, disappointment evident in his expression. “Let me guess. Another C?”
You blink rapidly, trying to hold back tears. “Worse than that.” Your voice barely came out as a whisper. 
Peter lifts his head from what he’s doing, eyes widening at your statement. He didn’t realize your test went that poorly. Your father on the other hand, looks down and nods, expecting that answer from you. “Just… just go train.” 
You immediately run out of the lab and all the way to the training room, seeing Natasha and Steve in the middle of a sparring match. You breathe a sigh of relief, being away from you father and all. 
Hopefully some training will help your negative thoughts. 
“Oof!” You gasp out as you fall flat on your face. 
Natasha currently has you sparring with Steve, and much to your dismay, he was winning. Avoiding his swings had gotten easier for you, but in a moment where you got a little too confident, Steve surprises you and kicks in your legs, knocking you off balance. 
Putting her hand to her head and rubbing her temples, Natasha sighs. “C’mon (Y/N),” She urges. “You can’t get too cocky.” 
You look up and see Steve extending a hand to you, pulling you off the mat with ease. “I’m sorry Miss Romanoff.” 
“It’s okay, but if you really want to go on missions someday, you’ll need to find a way to focus.” Natasha lectures. You nod sadly. She was right after all. “You’ve been getting better since your training has become routine, so is there anything you know you can do to help you focus better?” 
You take a good moment to think about this. Normally drawing and writing in your sketchbook helps you, but that definitely wouldn’t help in a battle. However, you do know that holding something in your hands helps you stay attentive. “May I try sparring with a weapon?” 
Natasha’s eyebrows raise, a small smile forming on her lips. “I hoped you’d say that.” 
You walk over to the training equipment as Steve goes to to grab his shield. The spar needed to be fair after all. When you use a weapon to train, you find a sense of comfort that you don’t get fighting with only your hands. Luckily, Natasha has picked up on this too. 
Looking through all the weapons Bruce and your father has provided for training purposes, you think about every weapon you’ve used thus far. You were fairly decent with staffs, guns weren’t particularly your favorite, and shields felt sort of like dinner plates to you. However, there was one weapon you’ve become quite fond of, smiling as your eyes landed on it. 
“A whip?” Natasha questions as you take the piece of rope off the hook and wrap the handle around your right wrist. “You really like that one don’t you?” 
You turn and smile at your mentor, playfully snapping the whip in response. Just then, Steve came back with his famous shield. “Ready to go (Y/N)?” 
“More ready than before,” you say confidently, despite what Natasha said about cockiness earlier. You and Steve go back on the sparring mat, taking up each side. Taking a deep breath, you swing your whip around a little, getting used to the feeling of the rope.
“Okay. 3, 2, 1, go!” 
With that, you open your eyes to see Steve lunge at you. Starting as well, you run directly at him and attempt snap the whip in his face. Steve quickly blocks your attack with his shield and slides under you, trying to knock you off your feet again. Luckily, you saw this coming and jump out of his way, turning to see him get back up again. 
The battle continues for a little while. Steve blocking your whips and swinging his shield as you roll around his attacks. The whip starts to feel like an extension of your arm, and even though you’re fairly decent with it, you smack yourself with it a few times, accidentally burning the skin on your stomach and thighs. However, you were more focused than ever. 
In a lucky snap, you wrap your whip around Steve’s shield, sliding it out of his hands and across the floor, shocked by your sudden move, Steve didn’t expect you to snap the whip around his legs and send him crashing into the mat. You yank the rope, sliding Captain America to your side and out your foot in his back. Steve’s eyes widen as he realizes his defeat, and your mouth goes agape. 
“Whoa, did I just do that?” 
“Yes!” You hear Natasha say, and you look up to see her start to clap, a proud expression on her face. “I’ve never seen you do something like that. I’m impressed.” 
Unwrapping Steve from the rope, you help him up. “Same, I have to say (Y/N), that was the best match I’ve had with anyone in a while, I’m pleasantly surprised.” 
Radiating happiness, you shake Steve’s hand. “Thank you Mr. America.” 
“I think it’s a good time to call it quits,” Natasha says, patting your back. “Good job (Y/N), I’ll make sure to tell Tony about your improvements.” 
You’re eyes light up. Maybe your father will finally be proud of you. “You will?” 
Natasha nods. “Just don’t get too confident now. I heard about your… recent grade, so I’m going to try and convince your father to let you keep training now that I see the potential.” 
Your smile falters a little. You completely forgot about that. 
With one last pat on the back, you run off to the kitchen to grab some water and back to your room for a well deserved shower. Even though you didn’t do well in school today, you felt immensely proud of yourself for taking down the one and only Captain America. Sure, you got lucky, but this was the exact type of luck you needed as motivation. 
This moment gave you another reason to keep going.
-Sketchbook Tag List-
@randomfanders-blog // @freestarlight // @depressing-as-shit // @sweetmilki // @supernerdycookietrashblr // @supermassiveblackhope
-Peter Parker Tag List-
@sweetcoffeeblandtea // @house-arya // @jovialpeanut 
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@mindset-jupiter // @romance-geek // @imcharishope // @fakindob // @cutiekoa // @wowursofunny
493 notes · View notes
vgckwb · 4 years
P5R: Rebel Girl (A FeMC Story/P5R Rework) Chapter 29: Making a Plan
After school the next day, Ren messaged the group.
Ren: OK. Wanna meet at the access panel?
Ann: Wait, really?
Ren: Yeah. It’s our new hangout.
Ryuji: Wait, WHAT?!
Ren: Well, we can’t use the rooftop anymore.
Ren: Miss Nijima wouldn’t allow it.
Ren: And two of our members don’t even go to school here.
Sumire: Right. That makes sense.
Ryuji: OK, and why the access panel?
Ren: We’ve met there before, and we haven’t run into any problems really.
Ren: And I don’t think it’d be wise to meet at the diner constantly.
Ann: Yeah, I feel ya on that.
Ann: Always ordering food so it won’t get awkward.
Yusuke: I wouldn’t mind that though.
Ryuji: Of course you wouldn’t.
Jose: Did something happen?
Ryuji: Once he started eating last night, he was wolfing everything down like it was going out of style.
Yusuke: How dare you!
Ryuji: ...sorry
Yusuke: You make it sound like I was eating like a pig out of a trough.
Yuuke: When really, I was dining exquisitely.
Yusuke: Every bite had meaning.
Yusuke: I may have eaten fast, but I ate with flourish!
Ryuji: THAT’S what you’re upset about?
Yusuke: Indeed.
Sumire: Well, I also wouldn’t oppose going to a restaurant for the meeting place.
Sumire: But I can see how it would be a bit distracting.
Ren: Well then, it’s settled.
Ren: The access panel it is.
Ryuji: OK. Seeya there.
Ann: Later!
Sumire: Seeya.
Jose: We’ll meet you there.
Yusuke: Indeed.
The thieves gathered their things and left to meet at their new hideout. “Huh. So, this is the hideout” Yusuke said.
“That’s right” Ren replied nonchalantly.
Yusuke looked out the window. “How brazen.”
“Alright, so now what?” Ryuji said. “Do we take the palace today, or what?”
“Well,” Ren began, “I want to do a few things first.”
“OK then” Ryuji said.
“Like what?” Ann asked.
“Well, I called us here today to review the facts of the case before we begin,” Ren said. “This isn’t like Kamoshida where we were sure of everything.”
“The dude’s a dirtbag, what else is there to figure out?” Ryuji said bluntly.
“While that’s true, you all knew Kamoshida well enough to take on his palace” Sumire added. “However, while Jose and I seem to know bits and pieces, the one who knows Madarame the most is Yusuke-senpai.”
“She’s right,” Jose said. “If we understood Madarame better, we might have an advantage in his palace.”
“Plus, there’s also the matter of Kosuke,” Ren added. “Yusuke is the only one who knows him.” They all looked at him to his surprise. “Are you up for it?”
Yusuke got serious. “It’s time I face my inhibitions and awaken myself further.”
“Alright then” Ren said. “Where should we start? Madarame, or Kosuke?”
“I feel like we need to start with Madarame,” Ann said. “After all, Kosuke is only doing what he’s doing because of Madarame.”
“Very well,” Yusuke said. “To the general public, Madarame is an artist that is well-renowned for his mastery of various styles of art.”
“Yeah yeah, but he steals them from his students, we know this,” Ryuji said.
“Ryuji!” Ann said. “We’re doing this to help.”
“Sorry,” Ryuji said. “I just don’t see the point.”
“The point is to know your enemy,” Jose said. “That way, you can take them down more efficiently.”
“Oh. Is that so?” Ryuji said. “Well then, carry on, I guess.”
Ann sighed. “You’re just as much of a meathead as ever.”
“If I may,” Yusuke said. “As you said, Madarame’s public image differentiates from the Madarame I know. Madarame poses himself as a quiet and charming figure, but he has a tendency to unravel with his students.” Yusuke shuttered. “Still, the cruelty I’ve taken from Madarame pales in comparison to the Madarame we saw in the metaverse.”
“His shadow,” Morgana said. “I guess there are things he even hides from his students.”
“I’ll say,” Ryuji said. “That whole business of art is just a means to get rich or teaching the value of art to make people not oppose him makes me sick.”
“Yeah,” Sumire said. “If my coach believed in any of what Madarame said, it wouldn’t be long before we left.”
“Well, unfortunately, a lot of Madarame’s pupils don’t have that luxury” Yusuke said.
“Wait, couldn’t you just live in the dorms at Kosei Yusuke?” Jose asked.
“Ngh. Well, it’s true that I could” Yusuke said. “But… Madarame has been like a father to me my entire life. Giving that up would be one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. But since it’s come down to it, I’ll make that decision.”
The thieves smiled. “Way to go Yusuke!” Ann said. “But still… It pisses me off knowing that Madarame takes people like you under his wing. People with nothing in the world. Pretending to be a light in the darkness. And then he just takes it all away.”
“Is that how Kosuke came under the tutelage of Madarame?” Ren asked.
Yusuke hesitated a little bit. “Kosuke’s circumstances are… well… They’re not easy to listen to…”
“Well, I think we’re all used to that kind of thing…” Sumire lamented. “At least somewhat…”
“Very well,” Yusuke said. “Kosuke’s parents were murdered by the yakuza when he was a child. This has affected him greatly. In his teens, he was violent and rambunctious because he couldn’t trust anybody. No one wanted to adopt him, or be friends with him, and he would constantly be under watch by the police. It felt like nothing could reign him in.
However, his art teacher noticed he was quiet and dedicated during art. He happened to be friends with Madarame, and turned Kosuke to him. Eventually, Kosuke calmed down and stopped getting into fights over every little thing.
However, when Kosuke realized what Madarame was doing, he didn’t take it lightly. Most students are upset when they decide that they can’t handle the pressure anymore. But Kosuke took it to a whole new level.”
“I can understand why,” Ann said. “Your source of sanctuary being ripped away from you like that. It sounds just like what Kamoshida did to Shiho.”
“No wonder Kosuke wants Madarame dead so much,” Ryuji added.
“Was this when he found out about the Sayuri?” Ren asked. Everyone was surprised.
“Well, I wouldn’t know,” Yusuke said. “I only heard the Sayuri went missing. This whole ordeal is news to me.”
“Well, I bet the two at least correlated with each other” Jose said.
“So, what do you know about the Sayuri Jose?” Sumire asked. “It seems like it’s going to be the focal point of why Madarame is acting the way he is.”
“Wait, you’re saying the treasure is this Sayuri?” Ryuji asked.
“Huh?” Sumire responded.
“Did we not explain that to you guys? We’re sorry” Ann apologized.
Morgana jumped in. “The palace ruler’s treasure is the thing that distorts a person’s heart. It’s the reason they became who they are.”
“I see,” Jose said.
“So, what can you tell us about the Sayuri?” Ren asked.
Yusuke thought. “Well, it’s one of Madarame’s most well-known works. Its use of technique, as well as the subject matter itself, is nothing short of amazing. I know that whenever I look at it, I feel a wave of positive emotions flow through me. It’s what made me want to become an artist in the first place.”
“Is there a chance Madarame stole this one too?” Ren asked.
“Hmmmmm” Yusuke thought. “Well, from what I’ve heard, Madarame started stealing his student’s art a little bit after that, but I can’t be certain that Madarame stole the Sayuri.”
“I see,” Ren said.
“So, we have our facts in order,” Morgana said.
“Hold on” Ren silenced him. “There’s one other thing I need to know. Yusuke. Is there a chance that Kosuke would go back on his word?”
“What do you mean?” Yusuke said.
“He told us that he would do the deed on the final day of the exhibition” Ren explained. “Do you think he’d give us a false date?”
“I see,” Yusuke said. “In all honesty, no. Kosuke might be corrupted by this Eris person, but he is an artist at heart. He views him murdering Madarame as his masterpiece. He wouldn’t dare do anything to mess that up.”
“Hm. Interesting” Ren said.
“What’s up?” Ann asked.
“Well, I wanted to get a good time frame for how long we have,” Ren explained. “If possible, I’d like to make a few preparations before we raid the palace.”
“That’s a good idea,” Morgana said. “We don’t want to go in unprepared.”
“Plus, it’ll give some of us some breathing room,” Ren added. “I mean, we did just get done with midterms.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Ryuji said.
“So, now we have a schedule,” Ren said.
“Wait, when IS the last day of the exhibition?” Ann asked.
“Oh, right,” Yusuke said. “The last day is June 5th.”
“And today is May 17th, right?” Sumire said. “That gives us some time.”
“Alright, now that that’s settled, “ Ren began, “let’s start with one bit of prepwork we can do now. Yusuke. What do you want your codename to be?”
“Huh? Codename?” Yusuke said.
“Yeah,” Ann said. “We do it to conceal our identities. After all, we are in the minds and hearts of our enemies. We don’t want them to see us coming.”
“Plus, it’s kind of cute,” Sumire said.
“Hmmmm” Yusuke said. What are your guys' codenames? I don’t wish to break any particular pattern you have.”
“Well, I’m Skull,” Ryuji said. “She Joker, he’s Mona, he’s Sunshine, she’s Panther, and she’s Violet.”
“I see. English names” Yusuke said. “How delightful. Hm. I was going to call myself Kitsune between my outfit and my username, but maybe Fox is the better name.”
“Well, if you’re cool with that” Ryuji said.
“Fox it is” Yusuke said.
“Yeah!” Ryuji said. He glanced over. “Hm?”
“What’s wrong, Ryuji-senpai?” Sumire asked.
“Ah, nothin’. I just thought I saw something” Ryuji stated.
Ren looked over where Ryuji looked. She didn’t see anything. “Hm. Well, let’s try to keep our meetings a little shorter in the future, OK?” The thieves nodded.
Meanwhile, Makoto was hiding behind a wall after spying on the thieves. She sighed, relieved that they didn’t appear to catch her. “That was close.” She looked over again, only to find that they had since left.
Meanwhile, at Madarame’s exhibit, there was a knock on the door to the security office. “Come in,” Kosuke said. Madarame entered, face full of fury. “Ah, Madarame sir. Is there anything I could help you with?”
Madarame glared at him. “You know why I’m here,” he said. “I could report you to the police.
Kosuke sighed. “Really? We’re going straight into this? No formalities? No chit-chat? Nothing? Well if you’re going to, I say do it. Let’s see what the police have to say about what I stole.”
“I’d tell them you’re lying!” Madarame snapped back.
“That might work,” Kosuke said, “IF I didn’t have the proof they needed. And once we’re in a holding cell together, you KNOW I can overpower you.” Madarame scowled. “But hey, I’m a generous man. I’m giving you the opportunity to be the master of the art world one last time. After all, you wouldn’t do anything to sully your reputation during your own exhibit, would you?”
Madarame stared at him. “Hm” Kosuke gloated. “It seems like I’m right.” He turned back to his work. “We’re done here.” Madarame started to leave. “If you can think of a way out of all this, then by all means. Just remember who you’re dealing with.”
Madarame left the room and closed the door. “Bah! ‘Remember who you’re dealing with.’ I’m dealing with a petulant child who wants the world to be more fair. Well life isn’t fair. You just have to make it unfair in your advantage.” He got out his phone. “I better make some preparations, just to be sure.”
Meanwhile, Kosuke was watching this on the cameras. “Hm. I guess I can apply one of your lessons after all. You’re so used to making it unfair in your favor that when the ball is in someone else’s court, you can’t handle it. This is almost too easy.”
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Making the Grade
For @fairladymorgana as requested for a Raffle prize!
Warnings: slight non/dubcon elements, rough sex, oral sex, masturbation.
This is (dark)Professor!Bucky and explicit. 18+ only.
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For any other college student, Friday night meant the party was just beginning. But for you and the twenty other students in Warfare in the Twentieth Century, it was yet another class. It was the most dreaded slot in the schedule. Any professor was certain to have barely fifty-percent attendance and any student desperate enough to attend was faced with a weekly sense of FOMA. Really, for everyone, it was a bad time.
Well, except for Professor Barnes. Of the twenty-one students who hadn’t dropped his weekend-crushing course, sixteen of them were female; including you. It was a poorly kept secret why and you often rolled your eyes at the obvious dopey grins which spread across the faces of your fellow pupils. All along the front rows they sat, elbows on the small table attached to their seats, leaning forward as they admired every move made by the dark-haired instructor. You doubted their attention went so far as actually comprehending his words.
You couldn’t deny that he was an attractive man. He was probably the hottest man you had ever seen in person and yet you opted to hide in the middle rows, slouching as you typed away. Your sole study buddy in the class, Colton, sat at your side, munching on Doritos as he listened. Despite his lack of notes, he had aced every paper so far and you, well, you were struggling. And behind. 
Even if this class wasn’t scheduled at the cusp of the weekend, you’d be pent up all until Monday buried under textbooks and academic journals as you struggled to keep stride with your workload. It wasn’t that you were lazy, merely overly-committed. You spent Saturday afternoons at the food bank volunteering, other evenings spent at the library as a an aide to first-years in the writing clinic, and the small amount of time left between classes you spent studying. College was not such a party for you.
Even now, rather than taking lecture notes you were typing away at the paper due Sunday night for that very class. You doubted you’d get it done in time but you were determined to spend every second trying to do just that. It didn’t help that you found yourself distracted by Professor Barnes’ voice every now and then, looking up to find him standing before the front row, describing in detail the tactics developed during the Pacific campaign. You should have been enthralled as it was a topic you actually knew a lot about but instead you were drawn to how his rolled sleeves bunched just beneath his biceps, nearly bursting through the fabric. Goddamn, don’t be like the rest of these daydreaming fools. You had a GPA you actually cared about.
And then he looked higher. His blue eyes catching your guilty ones as you tried to look like you had actually deciphered his words. Why the fuck had you chosen Monte Cassino? The Italian front was your least favourite. Whatever. It didn’t matter, you had to make this sound logical. You blinked at him until he turned his attention elsewhere, his hand drawing out the battle lines in the air. Describing the Japanese bunkers and the coral rock of Peleliu. You could read the slides later but you had to get this draft finished.
“Well, I think I’ll do you all a favour tonight. Go enjoy your Fridays a whole…” He checked his watched, “Twenty minutes early.” He clapped his hands together, “But remember you owe me. Next Saturday,” The class groaned, “I know, I know, I have a life to, you know? Anyways, open house in my office next Saturday. Midterm marks, comments, questions, everything you need to be successful in this course. Please, try to make an appearance.” He pleaded casually but you could here the genuine quality in his voice, “Ten minutes each. I’ll be there noon to five. That’s all.”
“Jesus, Saturday,” Colton grumbled as you were dismissed and he stood, draining the last of his Monster, “He must be desperate. I don’t even know any faculty who are here on Saturdays. The last time I was in the history building on a weekend, I swear I had a paranormal experience.”
“Well, I might just have to do it to get in his good graces. I doubt I’ll get my paper in on time.” You whined, “I should have dropped this when I had the chance.”
“You can’t abandon me like that,” He kidded as you walked down the steps, Professor Barnes was behind his desk packing up as a mob of his fans preened over him. They didn’t really have any real questions, just relative enough to justify their presence. You sighed and looked to Colton. “I guess I should wade into the herd and try to talk myself into an extension...I’ll see you later.”
“I can wait,” He offered.
“I don’t think so. With this crowd, I’ll be here forever. Besides, I know Devin’s waiting for you. Some sports thing tonight or whatever.” You shrugged.
“Yeah, some sports thing,” He scoffed, “Try to wait for them to disperse. They might bite.”
He smirked as he left you to wait for the gradual thinning of giddy college girls. You couldn’t deny that your professor was of the few attractive individuals among the faculty but you weren’t delusional. He was your teacher and by no means a love interest. College was not meant for romance but rather stupid mistakes to reminisce on when you were old and boring. Ha, sure. You had entered your boring phase the moment you stepped on campus.
Finally, the last pair of students left and you tentatively approached Professor Barnes. He raised a brow, the exasperation plain on his face. You hoped that because you rarely bothered him he’d take it easy on you. 
“Hey,” He greeted, setting his bag on his desk as if to communicate his impatience to be gone. “Y/N, is it?”
“Uh, yeah,” You smiled shyly, “I’m sorry. I know you wanna go as bad as everyone else but I just um, wanted to talk to you about the paper. I…” You bit your lip guiltily and looked down, “I don’t know if I’ll be able to finish on time.”
“No?” He said, his tone unyielding, “Well, you’ve known the deadline since week one so I don’t see how it should be a problem now.”
“I know, I just--” You looked back up at him and sighed. It was useless. “Okay, no. I just figured I’d ask.”
He glanced around the room as he thought. “Look, do what you can and hand it in. We can talk about it next Saturday at the open house. If it’s a complete disaster, I’ll consider a rewrite.” He looked down at you pointedly, “Consider.” He repeated sternly.
“Okay,” You nodded eagerly, “Alright, okay. Thank you.”
“We’ll see,” He reminded you, hooking his bag over his shoulder, “Now please, let me go home.”
You actually laughed at that and he ushered you to the door, closing it behind him. The two of you took different paths in the hallway and you let out a breath of relief as you turned the next corner. A little breathing room.
Well, it wasn’t enough. It had been a week and you were still fighting to finish your paper, adding footnotes, adjusting format, inserting points you had completely glossed over. You had failed to hand it in as you saw the pathetic mess as barely worth the bother of anyone trying to read it. Instead you were going to get it right and beg mercy at the open house. Even if it took all night.
Which it did. You fell asleep as the sun peeked in your dorm window, your face across the keyboard. You awoke with a jolt, your screen with a dozen calculators sprawled over it. You closed all thirty-six and printed out your final copy. You looked at the time in the corner and your heart jumped. Shit! It was already five-thirty! You got to your feet, stumbling as you pulled your canvas jacket over your tank top, not even bothering with a bra; you would keep your jacket zipped up. You stuffed your feet into your vans, sweatpants rolled halfway up your ankles as you seized your keys  and paper and charged out the door.
Your sides were burning as you reached the history building and tossed yourself into the ancient elevator, bracing yourself against the wall as it slowly lurched upward. You stepped out into the maze of upper hallways and grumbled. You hated the way these offices were laid out as if David Bowie had stolen your baby brother. First you ended up at a set of seemingly forgotten washrooms and then by some records storage, and finally, you felt like you were on the right path; all the signs told you so at least.
‘Professor B. Barnes’ was etched into a placard pointing to the next hall. You turned the corner, hoping he had lingered to finish up his teaching work or maybe another student was overstaying their welcome. As you neared, you realized how empty the building was. And quiet. Colton was right; there had to be ghosts up here.
You heard a moan and it all but confirmed your suspicions. Was it worth possession to hunt down a likely empty office? The moan came again and you tilted your head. No, that was a human. It was deep and luring. You looked at the square clock on the wall; quarter to six. You crept forward, the door denoting ‘Prof. B. Barnes, M.A’. The door looked as if it had fallen open and you got closer and closer, the noise coming from within. Slowly you pushed the door inward, poking your head around and gasping.
The back of a leather chair faced you, a head of dark hair pressed against the top of it as it rocked and the moaning continued. Oh, fuck. It stopped as the small wisp escaped your lungs, giving away your intrusion and you dropped the paper as you turned to flee before he could turn fully to you. Apparently no one else had shown up and your professor had chosen to take advantage of it. 
Oh god, you’d just have to take the fail.
You weren’t so lucky as that. You were pulled back as your name bounced down the empty corners of the hallway. You turned back and Professor Barnes released you, his face calm as if he hadn’t been caught. As if you hadn’t seen anything. “You’re late.” He said. He held your paper in his hand, “So’s this.” He held it up.
“I know,” You said weakly, unsure what else to say. You certainly didn’t want to talk about what you had walked in on. “But...I’m sorry, I just, I worked so hard on it.”
He shook his head, looking at the title page of your paper as he flicked it. “Right then, let’s talk and maybe you can convince me.” He stepped aside, standing parallel to the wall as he waited for you to precede him to the office. You were torn between flight and one last grasp at a passing grade. You took the latter and passed him, wringing your hands as you returned to his office. If you acted like nothing had happened, then it didn’t, right?
He followed you, keeping a few feet behind as you sat in the chair which faced his on the other side of the desk. You quirked your lips as you waited for him, the door clicking shut as he entered. Shit. You clutched your knees and hunched forward as he rounded to the other side and sat, steadying your paper on the edge of his desk as he flipped to the intro. He sighed and sat back, letting it go as he slid it onto the desktop.
“I really can’t make exceptions,” He said, “I’m sorry. It looks like a well-written paper but it just wouldn’t be fair. Don’t you think? I mean, how would you feel?”
You nodded and looked down, ready to just leave. He hadn’t even given you a chance. Did he get off on making students squirm? Well, I mean he got off on something judging by his previous activity. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I should--”
“You’d have to have a very convincing reason to make me change my mind,” He interrupted, staring at you as the corner of his mouth twitched. “So, why should I even read this?” He tapped the desk with his finger.
“I...I…” You stuttered, “I’ve just been so busy and I wanted it to be perfect. Between volunteering and all my other classes, which I’m also behind in, I just couldn’t...get my shit together, I guess.”
“Mmm,” He leaned back in his chair as he considered you. Still he didn’t really look mad. You rubbed your neck and he seemed please by the show of nerves. “And you didn’t ask Colton for help? You and him seem close?”
“We study together,” You explained, “But I mean, he’s not much of a help. He’s like an encyclopedia without pages. He doesn’t really write stuff down.”
“You see him often?” He asked.
“Uh, in class, sometimes we meet up at the library,” You forehead creased in confusion, “What does it matter?”
“So you and him, you’re not…” He raised a brow, “I mean. You’re both young college students, it only seems natural.”
“No, no,” You could have laughed, “Ew, no. He’s like a brother; the kind who puts gum in your hair and ketchup packets on your chair.”
He narrowed his eyes, pleased with your answer. He shifted in your chair. “It’s a big campus, there must be a guy.”
“I don’t have time for guys,” You huffed, growing tired of his interrogation. “Look, either you’re going to read it or I’m going to fail. Either one, I’d just like a straight answer.”
“Woah,” He braced the edge of his desk, standing up sharply, “I am your professor. Show me a little respect.” He leaned on the desktop, his tongue poking out and running across his bottom lip as he stared you down. “Take off your jacket.”
“Why--” He raised his hand in a gesture for silence, tilting his head in warning.
“So far you’ve not been very convincing so why don’t you put some effort into it,” He smirked, “Jacket.” He snapped his fingers and you stared up at him and gripped the arms of the chair.
Your mouth opened and shut without a response and you slowly reached up to tug on your zipper, pulling it down as the sound ruffled your nerves. You let it fall open, revealing the grey shirt which barely concealed your nipples. He touched his shoulders, a silent order to remove it. You obeyed, the process awkward as you remained in the chair.
He watched every move and you realized his eyes had strayed from your face, quickly finding the thin fabric of your tee. “I like my students to be comfortable with me,” He methodically stepped around the desk, looking down on you as he came up behind you, “When you’re in my office, I want you to relax,” He gathered your hair in his hands, “And I want you to listen.” He tightened his grip on your locks and pulled your head back so you stared up at him. “I know that’s not one of your better skills.”
Your face burned at his words. It was true that you rarely paid attention in his lecture but it was for good reason. One of his hands snaked around, spreading across your throat as he bent down to speak into your ear. “So, do you think you can change my mind or should I just mark this as zero in the books?” You gulped as his lips grazed your cheek, his breath singing you.
“Wh-what do you want me to do?” You asked in a whisper.
“Ugh,” He groaned, standing as he kept hold of your hair, his other hand playing with the neckline of your tee shirt. “I’ve been asking myself that for the last month. What do I want you to do? Hell, what don’t I want you to do?”
You were shocked. You had been certain you had barely been noticed past the flock of fan girls and yet it seemed the center of attention had kept all of his on you. He knew you sat with Colton and that you never listened. Well, it was easy enough for you not to notice as you were often halfway through a breakdown over your latest assignment.
“First, I want you naked,” He tugged your hair before letting go entirely, stepping back. “Stand and turn around.”
You rose and did as he said, his arms crossed as he waited and watched. You undressed one piece at a time. Vans slipping off as easily as they were donned, jeans unbuttoned with trembling fingers, slid down your thighs, tee shirt messing your hair as you shivered, your panties the last of your defenses. You hesitated before rolling them down, his gaze glued to your breasts at you bent to remove them. Thus you stood before him, bare and desperate for that A. And maybe something more.
“Stay there,” He neared but you were surprised as he passed you. You stood stalk still, listening at the sound of rustling paper and little clicks and clacks. He returned to your view and looked you up and down, his mouth slanted in a lurid grin. “On the desk. Turn around and on all fours.”
“Okay,” You said feebly and made to turn but he caught your arm.
“Call me Professor,” He squeezed your arm before releasing you.
“Yes Professor,” You uttered as you spun around.
You neared the desk, setting your hands on the cleared wooden surface before willing yourself forward. With one leg up, you were already exposed. The next and you were on full display, steadying yourself on hands and knees. You could feel the cool air along your pussy as warmth settled there. Rough hands scared you as they ran the length of your thighs, kneading your ass and spreading your cheeks for a better look at your pussy. You shook and he purred in approval at your reaction.
He pressed against your ass, leaning his weight on you until you felt his lips along your folds teasing you before delving deeper. You gasped at the first taste, the tip of his tongue poking at your entrance, your arousal spilling forth. He ran the length of your sex until he flicked your clit, the twitch it elicited made him snicker into your flesh. He dragged his tongue along your clit again, grazing it over and over as you pelvis flinched unwillingly.
“Ah,” You hissed, trying not to moan though it felt so good. You couldn’t believe this was happening. You were letting your instructor eat you out for a grade. It was like some poorly produced erotica. You clung to the edge of the desk, pushing your back end high as the first whine escaped you, the buzzing blooming and spreading down your legs. Your thighs trembled as he grew more persistent, his tongue agile as it drew forth an orgasm. It had been almost a year since you had been pleasured by more than silicone.
Your breath was laboured as you fell to your elbows, reeling in the after waves. His hands snaked around your legs and pulled them back off the desk, your feet barely reaching the floor as you were bent over. You heard his fly followed by a sigh and a prod along your ass. He guided his tip along your skin until he reached your entrance, hovering there as his hand spread on your lower back. “Now it’s turn. What do you want me to do?”
You lifted your head, looking over your shoulder as reality broke through your haze. You pouted, mortified as you realized there was only one answer. “I…” You swallowed your nerves and forced out your voice, “I want you to fuck me, Professor.”
He smirked and pushed inside roughly, allowing you no resistance as he filled you entirely. He was bigger than you expected. You dropped your head down on your forearm as you let out a low growl. He thrust sharply, allowing a moment between each as you were jolted into the desk. His hand was still on your back, holding you down as he slid in and out. Your pussy thrummed and you murmured in delight as each thrust against your sensitive walls sent a thrill up your spine.
As his motion steadied and his thrust grew closer together, your hips crashed against the lip of his desk and he began to groan. His voice was foggy as he spoke, slapping your ass so that it stung. “Naughty girl,” *slap* “Handing in your paper late.” *slap* “I don’t give easy A’s in my class.” *slap* He gripped your hips, hammering into you as you helplessly bounced against the desk, a withdrawn moan rising as another orgasm shook you.
He pulled out of you, forcing you back and you stood on wobbly legs. He pushed on your shoulders until you relented and fell to your knees before him. You stared up at him, his cock hanging out of his open pants, the untucked tails of his shirt forming a v around the base. He looked to his length, reaching out to clamp your head between his hands and drew you close. “You gotta work hard if you want to pass,” He gristled as his tip slipped past your lips and you opened wider and wider with each inch.
As he entered your throat and met his limit, you slapped your palms against his thighs, gripping him as he led your mouth along his cock. You relaxed your jaw, keeping your tongue taut against his length as he bobbed your head up and down himself, his pelvis working just as hard as he fucked your face. Despite your gags, he did not relent, your nails digging into his flesh. He sank deeper than before as he groaned and you felt a sudden burst of warmth, his cum leaking down your throat as you did your best to swallow, afraid you would choke.
He didn’t remove himself until he was empty, the last drops of his cum and your saliva dripping down your chin. You leaned forward, holding yourself up on shaky arms. He put his cock back in his pants, zipped them up and tucked in his shirt. He knelt before you, his fingers on your chin as he forced you to look at him. “I’ll read it.” He smiled, his thumb rubbed your cheek as you panted at him wordlessly, “Five percent docked for late submission.”
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