#alright whatever if you read this i love you xoxo
noxious-fennec · 1 month
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Local divorcee spending his 10 year wedding anniversary gnawing on the homewrecker's back
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81norris · 10 months
rougher, please? - oscar piastri x reader
pairing : oscar piastri x fem!reader warnings : nsfw, smut, p.in.v word count : 555 words summary : oscar is the sweetest ever when in bed with you, but you crave that touch of roughness. a/n : can’t believe i hadn’t write yet about my favorite boy<3 so here you go! it’s shorter than usual but i still hope you’ll like it! as always feedback is appreciated! xoxo bunny
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"holy fuck.." oscar whispered under his breath, his slow and deep thrusts emaning the sweetest of sounds out of you.
it was always like this with oscar. always slow, full of love and sweet touches. and that’s exactly how you both loved it and had loved it ever since the first time you had slept together.
you loved how caring he was with you, always making sure that you weren’t in any kind of pain or discomfort, leaving trails of kisses all over your body and massaging you most of the time. your pleasure always came before his, that’s just how oscar was, always putting your needs before his owns.
tonight was no exception, he was all over you, kissing and marking your collarbones while his hands supported his body. but you wanted more, you needed more. even tho everything was perfect, it was like something was missing.
you didn’t wanna tell oscar, but it wasn’t the first time that you wished he was a little bit… rougher with you in bed. you didn’t say a word but oscar could read on your face that you were thinking about something.
"are you alright love?" he asked, momentarily stopping his movements, one of his hands reaching your cheek. "i uh- yes i am".
he gave you a worried smile and kept caressing your cheek, "are you sure?". he was insisting and you thought it was now or never, it was the right occasion to ask him about your need of.. well let’s say roughness.
"actually, i need to ask you something"
"whatever you want my love, what is it?"
"could you be a bit.. rougher with me? i’m not asking to choke me or anything like that but y’know just be-"
"you want me rough?"
his eyes widened up at your request. you wanted rough sex ? that’s not something he would have expected but it was a pleasant surprise and your needs were orders.
you nodded, your cheeks heating up at his reaction. "whatever my lady wants, my lady gets!" he said in playful tone. roughness didn’t mean seriousness after all.
"d’you mind turning around for me?", and that’s when your eyes widened yet you did as told and turned around, laying now on your stomach with your excitement through the roof.
"that’s good sweetheart" he whispered to you while settling on top of you, one of his hand on your hips and the other guiding his cock through your folds. he thrusted back into you in one quick movement, his hips slapping against your ass.
and right there is when the real fun began, his thrusts were rougher than ever before, reaching so deep inside of you. he was also much faster, both of his hands holding your hips in a tight squeeze, a squeeze that would leave marks on your body for the days to come.
"that’s how you wanted me huh? rough?" oscar said before giving your ass a good slap, your moans louder than he had every heard them. you didn’t answer but he knew you loved that, it was just as rough as you wanted him to be.
what more could he ask for than you being fully satisfied and your moans consuming him more and more every second?
nah, nothing could satisfy him more than this. more than you.
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rustys-lodge · 8 months
Hiii could u possibly write something about a little sister reader with sam and Dean? Maybe reader graduated highschool and the brothers are just so proud. When they called the readers name they screamed the loudest
Warnings : none, except if you're scared of pure fluff. And being lifted in the air by a loving father figure.
A/N : We're going to call this character Lily, alright ? We can't be your naming her all the time. Also can we talk about this perfect gif ?
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"Come on, it's our turn."
With trembling feet, you stood up from your seat and followed your friend over to the stand, along with your other classmates, where stood 5 of your teachers as well as the director of your school.
You glanced over at the crowd, taking in the smiles and the claps of your best friends. And the sudden frantic claps of your idiot brothers. You would gasp, but you were standing in front of hundreds of people. And even though you could not control the sudden white wash that flooded your face, you tried your best to keep looking normal and collected.
"Lily Winchester."
Once it was your turn, your name erupted through the speakers. And sudden shouts of happiness filled the space.
Oh my god....You knew this was going to happen...Of course they wouldn't listen to you.
As your face reddenned a deeper color, you quickened your pace walking down the stand, pursing your lips as to not spit out the most forbidden words at your joyfull looking brothers.
"You..idiots had to embar-"
Your scolding was interrupted by a sudden embrace, and you found yourself watching people fly by as you were swinging in the air.
"You did it, you annoying little monkey."
A set of lips jabbed your cheek before you're fully let go. And you couldn't stop yourself from smiling. But you still rolled your eyes at him.
With a deep breath in, you turned around to take in the scene, watching as applause filled the room once again. Good energy roamed around. Specifically around y-
A tap on your shoulder snapped you back to life. You turned around to find yourself, yet again embraced tightly.
"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. You did it." Sam whispered in your ear. And you kissed his neck in response, wrapping your arms around his back.
As flashbacks of the past few months rushed back, your fingers reflexively gripped Sam's back tighter. It's been hard. Really hard, on all of you, having to stay in the same place while being enemies with a lot of people around.
Sam and Dean having to leave you multiple times to go on weekly trips.
And most importantly, being a hunter/apprentice who had to wake up at 7am to get ready for school, and go home as late as 3am after a hunt.
Yeah. It's been hard.
You pulled away from Sam, flashing him a reassuring smile as you noticed a change in his own mood.
"Alright. Let's go home now."
"Uh..." You spun around, your eyes pivoting from Sam to Dean and then once again to Sam.
You were supposed to go out with your friends. How-why would he suddenly change his mind ?You pleadingly frowned your eyebrows, causing a chuckle to escape Sam's lips.
"He's just playing with you, sweetheart." Your shoulders slouched. Go."
Your shoulders slouched forward in annoyance.
He always gets you.
"Alright, i'll see you later, Sammy."
The latter chuckled lightly. "Have fuun."
As you turned on your heels, you glanced back over your shoulder, flashing Dean an eye-squinting dramatic glare.
"Home by 11, kid."
Is there a remedy agaisnt one's own cringy endings ? Not sure. Anyways, hope yall enjoy reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. Xoxo ❤️❤️❤️⚘️⚘️⚘️
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scekrex · 3 months
Hello💕💕💕💕 me again I just really love your story's and I would like to be known has '💕💕'<3 another request 💕hurt/fluff 💕
💕Adopted child male reader x parent Adam, were reader died from his father and went to heaven but doesn't have a place to stay of course his like 2 and Sera does not know to do with him so she just give him to Adam and told him to just keep him for a while to find someone willing to take care of y/n.💕
💕While Adam first saw y/n he just take cared for the kid and kept on saying how the kid was soo annoying, after a few months he started to actually started to get attached with y/n but then Sera asked Adam for the y/n back because she found a orphanage that will like to take care of y/n and maybe find a real family but Adam quickly refused saying that he would like to keep y/n so Sera was alright.💕
💕So after a few 10 years y/n and Adam became inseparable! Going to their favorite bands and y/n knowing how to play the electric guitar and even the drums. This year y/n wants to go and see his dad killing those sinners but Adam isn't too sure on letting his son but he let him because he kept on begging him to come so he allowed it just this once and to try stay close to Lute ( Lute is kinda like a babysitter for Y/n ).💕
💕Y/n was rooting for his father while he was fighting with Lucifer ( more like Lucifer fighting with Adam) until when Adam fell on the floor while Lucifer was punching Adam, then Charlie said that Adam had enough before y/n could run to his father and tell him if they could go home now the little red demon girl stabbed his father, y/n quickly ran towards his father grabbing the girl out of his father, crying fat tears and keep on saying "please don't go, dad" ( or whatever you want)💕
You can write the ending I am too lazy 🙃
Okay so I've never written child reader before so I hope it matches your expectations! xoxo/p
Born to Lose
pairing: Adam & child!male!reader (platonic)
warnings: language, canon typical violence, major character death
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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The woman in the pretty white dress with the beautiful looking wings handed you over to that man with golden wings and long horns attached to his head, he looked a little grumpy.
“Why me though?” the first man asked, clearly displeased with the situation that had been forced onto him. What was he supposed to do with a two year old? Sure, he did have children back in the garden but… that was ages ago. He also had Eve back then, to help him raise them. How he was alone with nothing but you in his arms.
Sera was serious about this. A situation like that rarely happened and usually there had always been angels willing to take the child in, but not this time. Not when you had arrived in heaven. Your hands clumsily reached up to one of Adam's horns, you wrapped your small palm around it and giggled happily. Adam sighed. “I wish there would be a better, more permanent solution, it would be the best for the both of you, but sadly there isn't. It's either you taking him in or him ending up homeless.” Sera's words hung in the air for a moment before Adam sighed again, “Okay yeah, I'm taking him in. But fucking hurry up to find a family for that little shithead.” “Language,” Sera warned the first man who simply rolled his eyes at her before he flipped her off and left the building.
So he had to take care of a motherfucking two year old now. Fucking great, thanks for absolutely fucking nothing, god.
You were loud, most children your age were. Well, in Adam's defense, he didn't sign up to adopt a two year old. So he was allowed to complain about you. You needed constant attention, always silently begging to be lifted up into his arms by making grabby hands at him and considering that it was the only way Adam was able to get you to shut the fuck up, he carried you around more than he liked to.
You were a clingy, loud, annoying, stinky little brat and yet you made him soften up. Because carrying you around often resulted in the two of you playing. Adam would lift you up in the air, careful not to drop you of course, while you pretend to be flying - which one day you would be. He also complained about your nightly wake up sessions, how annoying and exhausting it was for him to get up at least five times a night to feed you, change your diapers, or simply give you whatever else it was you were craving.
Yet he loved you dearly and wouldn't give you up for anything.
He had already completely forgotten about what Sera had promised him. That she would find a permanent solution for your problem. To him, this was the permanent solution and he was more than fine with it. So when Sera had ordered him into her office and he had stepped inside with you sleeping in his arms, he was quite surprised to see other angels there too. “Who the fuck is that?” Adam asked as he steadied your little head that was resting on his shoulder. “Those are the people willing to take Y/N in, Adam,” the seraphim explained calmly to the first man, who turned his body away from the strangers in order to protect you. His wings were spread, working as a shield. “No fucking way, he's not leaving me now. I took care of this little fucker for the past six months, he's not going to live with somebody else now.” He pressed your little body a bit closer, yet he remained careful, the brunette had no intention in waking you up. And you remained asleep.
Sera folded her hands as she turned towards the angels that were there to pick you up, “As you can see, I'm very sorry to announce that Y/N will stay with Adam. He seems quite attached to the child and the young boy is visibly feeling comfortable around him. Therefore we don't need your service any longer.” And as soon as Sera had finished her little apology, Adam left the building. There was no need to stick around longer and possibly wake you up.
The years passed and before Adam knew it your twelfth birthday was in the past. Ten years had it been since the first man had been given the task to watch you, raise you. And he did. Once you had learned how to walk and fly, there was nothing that could possibly stop you in any form or way. Talking was also a skill you learned quite quickly, eager to repeat whatever Adam said. At first the first man had thought of it as annoying but he had quickly started to like that little habit of yours. It disappeared as you grew older though.
With six Adam had started to teach you how to play the electric guitar, music had always been a big thing in his parenting methods. He was a guitarist and singer, in God's holy name, of course he would raise you with music. So it had only been a matter of time until he took you to your first ever concert.
The drummer of Adam's band had insisted on teaching you how to play them after you had curiously asked him how he managed to stay so focused on it while also looking ‘badass’.
So. You were twelve, that was fucking old if someone were to ask you. Old enough to join Adam on extermination day. That had been a thing ever since he had adopted you, probably even before. But your father had always told you that you were too young. This year however, you weren't going to back down so easily.
“C’mon dad, you've taught me how to fight, I can defend myself okay? I'm not some whiney, helpless bitch like the other angels up here,” you begged your father.
Ah yes, the language. Your vocabulary was definitely heavily inspired by Adam. A thing Sera disliked, but had stopped commenting on. She still hoped you'd grow into it and learn how to articulate yourself properly.
Adam pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he furrowed his brows, “Jesus, okay, okay, fuck, yeah fine.” He had given in. He had officially allowed you to fight by his side during the extermination. “But you're not leaving my side and if you do, only in company with Lute.” That was something you could agree on. Lute was the most badass bitch you've ever met after all.
So extermination day rolled around quicker than Adam had liked it too, if he were to make the decisions, he'd skip it simply because that would mean you'd be safe, instead of being surrounded by demon fuck-ups. But he had already agreed, there was no taking it back now.
Adam was slammed into the ground, neither you nor Lute were in sight as it happened. Lucifer only showed mercy once his daughter reminded him. Adam crawled out of the crater, blood dripping from his face, his body was in pure pain.
You saw him, you also saw the little demon girl that was sneaking up behind him. But things went down way too quick. The little girl pulled out a dagger and stabbed Adam with it. Your father fell face first onto the ground. Pain shot through your body, not physically but emotionally. “Dad,” you screamed as you flew over to his body, the little girl sat proudly on his back. You grabbed her by her throat, your hand was wrapped around it tightly, strategically cutting off her air supply as you ripped the dagger from her tiny hands and lifted it, the tip pointing to her eye. And then you stabbed her.
As you pulled the dagger out, her eye popped out of its socket and blood covered your hands. You stabbed her again, this time in her chest. And again. And again.
The body in your hands went limp and you threw her away carelessly. “Dad, stay with me,” you dropped to your knees next to his head, pulling him onto your lab, “C’mon dad I wanna go home.” Tears started to well up in your eyes as Adam opened his eyes to look at you. His usually bright eyes seemed so lifeless, so dead. Tears streamed down your reddened cheeks and hit his face. “Don’t go dad, don't fucking leave me,” the brunette simply shot you a weak smile of thankfulness. Thankfulness that he didn't have to die alone, that you were there.
it was Lute who came up behind you to rest her hand on your shoulder. “Y/N,” she spoke so softly yet her voice sounded hurt, “He’s gone,” she stated as Adam's eyes fell shut. “No,“ you screamed as you pulled away from her touch and pressed your father's dead body against your chest, “He’s not- he's Adam, he can't-”
In the background Charlie, surprised, asked, “Adam had a son?” Lucifer nodded, “Well, he isn't one of the kids I know, he must either be heaven born or adopted, but Adam sure is a father.” Something tore in Charlie at the sight.
“Dad- Adam,” you hiccuped as Lute grabbed Adam's halo. “Y/N, we have to go,” but you shook your head violently, “I��m not leaving without my fucking father, don't even try it.” The lieutenant sighed heavily before agreeing to take him with you, to take him back to heaven.
You got up from the ground, straightened your back and spread your wings proudly as you and Lute picked up Adam and carried him to the portal the leader of the exorcists had opened only a couple of hours ago.
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intuitivesef · 11 months
A letter from your future spouse
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Pick a card reading
Don’t second guess yourself when choosing a card. Trust your intuition.
Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t.
Moodboard. Dividers.
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Pile 1:
Hi baby,
What’s up? How you doing? I hope you’re alright. I’m okay, I’m just dealing with some things, but you know when I meet you, I know I’m going to be so fucking happy. Just watch me light up looking at your dazzling eyes. Your beautiful smile. Your sassy walk. Everything about you is going to make me melt and I hope it does. HA, I can hear your laugh right now. I can't wait to do everything with you. Let’s go to the bakery, you have always wanted to go to? Hm, not right now? That’s alright, whatever you want baby. You know I think life is too short. I want to find you right now. I’m impatient, I know and I am working on that, but the thing is.. love hasn’t treated me so well and I just hope you treat me good. Of course, I ain’t going to project my past trauma with you.. I would never do that, but I just hope you treat me good. Because darling, I will treat you the best. I will spoil you like a princess/prince, flowers, gifts, dates, kisses, cuddles, whatever you want baby. Always and everything for you. I love you so much and I know I don’t say it as often, but that’s because I don’t know how to express my love.. it’s always through gifts. OH, I hope you like the gifts I make for you, please tell me you love them! 🧸❤. I’m kind of an anxious person, but don’t worry, I’m not CLINGY. Okay, okay, I’m kind of but like in a healthy way?? I just love your presence and attention; it makes me so happy. BUT, if it makes you uncomfortable, then please please pleaseeeee set a boundary with me. Okay? Do I sound weird to you? Was pleaseeee at the end too weird? I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I won’t do it again. Sorry. Sorry, I can’t stop apologizing, now I feel like I embarrassed myself. Again sorry.. I hope this message doesn’t bother you and I’m sorry it’s short. I feel awkward and embarrassed now, but please know how much I fucking love you!!!!”
Anxious love
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 2:
Hello my love,
I hope you’re okay. I’m alright. Right now, I am in the middle of studying. College isn’t fun, but that’s alright. I’m here for an education anyways. What am I studying you ask? Criminal justice, I like to become a lawyer. My father use to be a police officer, but sadly, he passed away. That used to be my dream job, but I do like crime and studying the topic, so a lawyer seems to be the best fit. I’d like to know more about you in the future. I cannot wait to cook for you and watch tv shows and movies with you. I am a patient person so when we meet, I will wait for you. Do not fret and assume I won’t wait for you.. I will always wait for you because you are my soulmate… and I will always choose you. Always and forever. What are your favorite flowers? I hope I can buy you your favorites on our first date, although, I won’t take you out to dinner or the movies. Let’s do something a lot crazier, yeah? I’m thinking of something classy yet amusing. I hope you have something in mind because we should plan it together. Do you like horror movies? I hope so. I find them amusing and I like yelling at the characters for doing something so stupid. I hope we can do that someday and if not, no worries. I see myself falling for you and moving in quickly. I’m not the one who follows blind faith, but you’re a lot different. I don’t know what it is because I always plan things out, but you—I must know you are my soulmate if I do something like that. Maybe you don’t believe in soulmates, but I do. I saw you in my dreams, so when we meet, I will know it’s you. I hope that doesn’t make you uncomfortable. I hope you can feel it too. Please do.. it will feel kind of lonely if you don’t. Maybe you aren’t intuitive like me and if you aren’t, that’s okay too. I will help you unlock your psychic abilities. Till then mi amor.
Future spouse.
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 3:
Okay so, I don’t know what to say to you because I always say what I want to say to you BUT I got a lot to tell you, alright?? Okay. First thing, I love HOW BEAUTIFUL YOUR SMILE IS AND YOUR EYES ARE SO PRETTY AND YOUR LIPS, I LOVE KISSING THEM. THEY'RE SO SOFT AND I LOVE YOU A LOT. OKAY YOUR PERSONALITY IS AMAZING AND YOU'RE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Yeahhh, I love you so much. I love the games we are going to play, the dates we have at the arcade, the fair, swimming dates, sports dates, really everything. I know you can handle my energetic personality because if you couldn’t then god wouldn’t pick you as my doll. Any who I’m so excited to see you and hold your hands. I’m a romantic bastard and I love the idea of love BUT DON’T WORRY, I am a good person. I’m not going to treat you like an object, I will treat you like a fairy. Like a queen/king. Like a god/goddess. Watch me. All my friends are going to be jealous because you are my lover and I hope they are because I’m one lucky bastard. Anyways, I hope you like reading books because I do. I love a good mystery and fantasy book. Right now, I’m reading acotar. It’s not that bad, but eh, whatever. You know what’s better? You ;). Yeah, you’re 100% better, wait.. actually 1k% better. I’m really flirty and naughty. Hope you can keep up, you better and if you can’t, of course you can. You just gotta get out of that comfort zone you keep putting yourself in. I know you do that and if you can’t get out then how are we going to meet? :(. At least try for me? You know I want to see you so BAD. Okay, I got a lot more to say to you, buuuuutttttt, let’s save it for the future, yeah? Alr, love ya. ;)))) (pssstt, imagine me winking and then smirking).
Hmm, how do I end this? I don’t care.
Kisses you passionately,
From the best lover from the whole entire town and world and beyond that and so on. Yeahhh, cya.
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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Pile 4:
Love, hi.
There isn’t much I want to say to you. I’d rather keep it for the future, but you’re getting kind of impatient and you want to see me, right? No worries, same, same, but the thing is, we need to be patient about it. Love is a long process and if we want to see each other then we both need to heal from our past traumas. If we don't heal our past traumas and we both find each other and get into a relationship, it won't last like it's supposed to, and I see a future with you. I see a marriage with you, so let's wait. Okay? Right now, I’m dealing with a breakup I’m currently going through. It’s not easy, but I know this painful experience is leading me to you. I hope you aren’t dealing with anything bad and if you are then know I’m there, in your heart. You can also pray to whoever you believe in, but we both have to be patient. I saw you in my dreams and we had a beautiful baby daughter. If you don’t want kids, that’s okay, I mean it will hurt a bit, but it’s okay. I’m going to keep it as short as possible because everything I want to say to you, I will in the future, but for now.. please heal your past traumas and I will do the same thing, and then we will meet, and our chemistry will be off the chart, but till then, please take care of yourself, be safe, and know that I love you so so much, my angel.
Take care,
Your future spouse
If you want to give tips, click this link. Thank you in advanced. -sef.
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writtenonreceipts · 9 months
Rowaelin Month Day Six: Forced Proximity @rowaelinscourt
link to masterlist here
She is a mess because I wrote her in one day between doing my real job and trying not to cry xoxo
Warnings: mild covid references/quarantine days, very poorly edited
level of concern (tell me we're alright)
The apartment was too small.  Aelin hadn’t noticed it until now, but two rooms and a single bathroom with a kitchen that easily melted into the living room was hardly enough space for two people.  Two people who hated each other.
Aelin threw herself down on the couch, gripping her coffee in one hand.  She’d long ago mastered the art of equilibrium where any sort of caffeine was involved so she didn’t spill anything as she sprawled across the plush cushions.  Groaning, she leaned her head back and tried, so very hard, not to lose her ever loving mind.
It was only week three of quarantine and she was going insane.
She missed going outside whenever she felt like it.  She missed going shopping.  She missed her friends.  She missed people.  Instead, she was trapped here with the one person she did not want to be.
“Do you always have to sound like a dying whale?” A very unamused voice called from the kitchen table, a grand ‘ol four steps away.
Aelin flashed a single finger over the top of the couch.  She got a grunt of disapproval in return.
“It’s eight twenty-two, well outside of your precious quiet hours,” she informed her roommate. “I can do whatever I want.”
Another grunt.
Aelin shifted to peek over the couch to glare. “You sound like a dying walrus.”
And Rowan Whitethorn promptly choked on his cereal.  Two days in a row—Aelin was on a winning streak.
When Aelin first moved to Doranelle three months ago, her plan was to have her own apartment, a dog, a perfect new job, and a social life.  What she got was a crash landing with her nemesis, no dog, the worst job known to man, and quarantine.
She and Rowan had been at each other's throats since they met one fateful night at a bar.  Rowan spilled beer on her, an accident, and promptly insulted her two minutes later after trying to hit on her.
As it turned out, he was friends with Aelin’s old roommates' boyfriends.  She should have known he was the worst considering he and Lorcan Salvaterre got on.  
The bar scene ended with a fight, more beer spillage (on purpose), and a promise of vengeance.
Unfortunately for Aelin, her prospective lease fell through and she would have been homeless if not for the extra room in Rowan’s apartment.  And then covid struck and Aelin was trapped.
Hence, her beached whale position (and sounds) from the couch.  Life was one cosmic joke after another.
“You don’t always have to make your presence known, y’know,” Rowan commented as he pretended, he hadn’t almost had multi-grain Wheaties shooting out of his nose.
“Of course I do,” Aelin argued, “how else can I annoy you before quiet hours begin?”
His green eyes flashed and he rose from his seat at the table, already dressed in a button up and slacks.  For Zoom meetings.  Like a lunatic.  If he’d been wearing a tie she would have teased him for it.  Of all things the man should still be in shorts and a t-shirt.  At least the button up stretched in interesting ways over Rowan’s broad shoulders.  He might have been the bane of her existence but he was nice to look at.
“Don’t you have a job?” he asked, putting his dishes in the sink. “Ah, I forgot, you don’t.”
“Freelance writing is a job,” Aelin said.  She sat up straighter so she could better glare at him. “It’s not my fault things have slowed down.”
Indeed, Aelin’s literature degree had taken a hit given the state of the world right now.  She’d hoped she would have a job at a major publishing company or magazine or something.  Instead, she’d been rejected from job after job and was trying to write freelance articles to keep up on rent.  It…wasn’t going well.  Which had led her to content creating for Instagram.  She read books and talked about them and it kept her somewhat sane.  Until Rowan mocked her for it.
“Rent’s due on the fifth!” he called as he disappeared down the hall to his room to shut in for his work day to begin.
Aelin had no idea what he did, only that it involved not having a sense of humor.  Something with marketing?  But his degree was in history if Elide was right…
She shrugged and took a long sip of her coffee.  She had less than twenty minutes before quiet hours started at eight-forty and ended at five thirty when the work day ended and she had every intention of making as much noise as possible.
Rowan knew he was an ass.  He’d always been known as the asshole throughout high school, college, the steps in-between.  Even his friends often thought he was worse than Lorcan.  Lorcan of all people.
Granted, ever since Elide came into the picture, Lorcan had mellowed out and even smiled once a week.
Rowan found scowling to be more beneficial.  Especially when it came to getting Sam Cortland to shut up in the daily staff meetings they had over Zoom.
His degree was in art history and appraising--a limited degree where all he’d wanted to do was work in a museum organizing exhibits.  Not writing legal documents for rich men to take art from their rightful owners.
The irony was not lost on him that perhaps he shouldn’t give Aelin such a hard time about her job and the fact she wasn’t using her degree very much.  
The only problem was he’d dug himself into a hole and now he had no idea how to get out.
Aelin, for all eccentricities, was smart and did work hard.  She was doing everything possible to stay afloat--sarcasm included.
Their first meeting at the bar had only gone so miserable because Rowan didn’t know when to shut up and apparently had a unique skill of insulting beautiful women.  What a time to learn that.
English?  Isn’t that the easiest thing to study?
She should have slapped him and not just dumped beer in his lap.
Rowan leaned back in his seat as the project manager started talking over the new contract that would be drawn up between a client and their acquisitions.  It continued on for too long and Rowan just wanted to get back to his own assignments.  By the time late afternoon rolled around, he was ready to log off and be done for the day.
He’d always considered himself to be a homebody, but this was getting ridiculous.  He wanted to be out doing things.  But the trails were closed, his friends were spread out over the country, and there was the risk of a disastrous illness running amuck.
So he was trapped in an apartment with Aelin Galathynius.  The place had always felt enormous until she’d moved in.  But she had a way of filling every space she occupied.  Other than the various bathroom accouterments she had there were the dozens of fleece blankets, the books, the personality.  Even he had to admit she was different from anyone he’d met before.
Unfortunately, she was very good at holding grudges.
He’d tried apologizing for getting off on the wrong foot when she first moved in, but her mind was already made up.  Then came the way she was loud, talkative, rambunctious.  Quarantine was not meant for her.  After one day he’d realized that she needed space and freedom and the ability to do whatever she wanted.  The jury was still out on how he felt about that.
He was finally able to mute his other coworkers when a loud crash echoed from the kitchen.  Rowan rolled his eyes.  It was two, so of course Aelin was getting snacky.  He’d clocked her eating habits and quickly learned she needed to eat at least eight times a day to be in a good mood.  Seven of those times had to involve chocolate.
She had been doing better at keeping quiet while he was in his zoom meetings so Rowan tried to control his ire.  Really, she hadn’t been a bad roommate.  She’d tried to keep the peace between them and even offered to include him on DoorDash orders.  All of her orders were from the local dessert shop and Rowan didn’t eat much sugar so that didn’t help matters.   
Another crash from the kitchen followed by the patter of feet to the linen closet.
“Damndamndamndamn,” Aelin chanted as she went.
Rowan froze.  She’d broken his sink again, hadn’t she?  He glanced at his computer but no one was paying attention, all engaged in their own work.  Besides, he could step away from a minute if he needed to.
Standing, Rowan slipped into the hall and down to the kitchen.  He braced himself for anything and everything.  Knowing Aelin there could be a dead body.
What he was completely unprepared for was the settling plume of flour and mess of various baking items scattered around the kitchen.
“What the hell are you doing?” he blurted before he could stop himself.
Aelin turned from the counter, her blonde hair spilling out of a messy bun.  Her t-shirt and shorts (that showed off her lean legs) were covered in a mix of flour and butter, her face smudged too.  He knew he should stop staring.  Really, he’d seen her first thing in the morning looking like the walking dead and in the middle of the night crying to Taylor Swift.  And now, covered in flour, eyes wide with panic.  He would admit it only to himself and deny it if anyone asked him--but she was still the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.
“It’s cookie Friday,” Aelin said, she had a towel in one hand, spatula in the other.  A bottle of vanilla was tipped over as she was trying to mop up the mess. “Sorry.”
“You hate cooking, or baking, or anything involving an oven,” Rowan reminded her.
“Which is why I’m only going to eat the dough raw,” Aelin said, voice growing quieter with each word.  Her blue eyes were comically wide as she gestured around the kitchen. “Then the thing exploded and the other thing tipped over and it turned into a mess and I was trying to be quiet because you are a grumpy buzzard, even on Fridays, and I know you’re at work but I really needed cookies.”
Aelin continued to look at him with her large eyes as she offered a sympathetic shrug of her shoulders.  
Rowan didn't know if he should laugh or be irritated or something else.  But all he really could do was stare at her.  It was such an Aelin thing for her to do that really, he couldn't be mad.
"You know raw cookie dough is bad for you right?" He asked.
"No, it literally feeds the soul," she set.
With a wet thwack, she dropped the towel in the sink and righted the vanilla bottle.  Most of it had spilled out leaving a sickly-sweet scent cloying in the air. "And I don't care what scientists or other miserable things you read say."
Rowan rolled his eyes. He should have known better than to try and reason with her. "Alright fine.  Eat your salmonella."
"I will, thank you," she said.  A patch of flour still clung to her cheek giving her bravado a little less umph than he was sure she wanted. "And I'll clean up, no need to worry your poor old heart about that."
"I'm not old," he said.  Thirty was a perfectly reasonable age.
"Yeah, yeah."  She patted herself down, sending little plumes of flour all over the place.  She tried righting her hair, but it seemed to be of no use—most of the tendrils had broken free and she was stuck with a curling mass in the nape of her neck. "Go back to work, I'm sure nothing will get done without you."
And Rowan in a bought of what had to be pure reckless abandonment shook his head. "Nah.  I'm not that important."
Aelin raised a brow. "Really? Even with your real degree and real work you put into college."
Well.  He deserved that. 
Aelin eyed him skeptically before tossing another clean towel at him. "You get the floor I'll get the cabinets."
And then because the apartment had somehow shrunk in the last three months—they were continually in each other’s way.  Rowan brushing her leg, Aelin grabbing his shoulder when she nearly fell over while reaching for the top cabinets, both going for the sink at the same time.  It was chaos.  And because Rowan didn't know how to sort out his own feelings, he found his skin heating at each touch, his heart race at each glance.  And he knew, he knew he was a fool.  But if the past three months had taught him anything—it was that he could be very wrong about a great deal of things.
When the kitchen was somewhat restored to order.  Aelin sighed. "I guess that'll have to do.  I'll dig out the real cleaning products in a minute, I have to meet with one of my editors.  Hopefully one of my articles was accepted this time."
She said the last part flippantly, but Rowan could sense the tension rolling off of her.  She wanted that job to go through, needed it.  
"I'm sure it will," he said.
Aelin rolled her eyes. "You don't have to offer a pity compliment buzzard; I know it's not your style."
“It’s not--” Rowan cursed and looked away, running a hand through his hair anxiously. “We both know what I said back then wasn’t true.  I know it must have taken work and dedication to get your degree.”
“Thanks.  It did.” She was unapologetic with her bold words, just as he would expect her to be. “I won’t keep you.  I promise I’ll have the rest of this cleaned up before bed.”
“It’s fine,” Rowan said. 
Aelin grabbed the dirty towels to take to the small laundry alcove but Rowan stopped her.
“You’ve got flour,” he tried to explain that there was still a steak of flour on her cheek, but he was already reaching out, brushing it away with a quick swipe of his thumb.
Aelin froze, watching him as if she didn’t recognize him.  Not that he could blame her, he was actually being nice.  Her lips parted as if to say something, but Rowan’s phone gave a loud ping from where he’d left it in his room.  He’d hooked his notifications onto a larger speaker setting so he wouldn’t miss anything during the day if he got up to leave his desk.
“Work calls, right?”  Aelin joked with a small, half smile.  And then she was gone down the hall.
Rowan cursed again, running a hand over his face. 
“Get it together, Whitethorn,” he muttered, before he too returned to his room.
tags are a joke rn. please consider reblogging?
love yall
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Big Fan (part5)
Chapter 5: where there's pizza involved but also...steamy conversations...
don't be shy, reblog, comment, like!
Enjoy, Cloudy
not beta read, english is not my first language. all mistakes are my own
tw: none, fluff, they are a warning... bucky and reader, just...ugh, so cute.
serie masterlist
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
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You couldn’t realise what was happening. Since Bucky was back from his mission, you saw each other every two days, at least for the past 3 months. He was the perfect gentleman, always making sure it was alright to kiss you, that he could hug you or even take your hand.
You liked this side of him, but you won’t lie, you would love for him to just…take you right here and there. You made out a few times, but he always stopped, finding excuses, you weren’t mad at him for it, you let him take his time, all the time he needed. But again, you won’t lie, you’d dream of him fucking you into oblivion… or just make love to you, whatever he wanted, you just needed to feel him in that way.
“Y/N”, called your best friend, you looked up at her. “Stop overthinking and just have the conversation with him for god’s sake… you are both adult and consenting one for this relationship.”
“I know, but…he’s not from “our time” I mean…I don’t know how they were back in the days, maybe it’s not...”
“You’re just making excuses to not talk about it with him. They were as frisky as we are. Maybe he’s shy or maybe he’s not feeling like he can lose control in that way, don’t you think?”
Your friend could be the wiser sometimes. She had a point.
From bucky
Hey dolly, I know it’s last minute, but I have to go on a mission tomorrow. Something came up. Are you free tonight? I can come over…? JBB
From Y/N (my doll)
Hey, yes, I’m free, you can come over whenever you want, how does pizza sound?
From Bucky
I’m on my way now, I’ll stop by the place you show me, same order as last time?
From Y/N (my dolly)
You’re the best, I’m opening the red wine now! See ya XoXo
Bucky smiled at his phone, things were easy with you, he was being himself more and more around you, he loved spending time with you, the bad voices shut up when he was with you. But…he could feel something was bothering you sometimes, he knew it’s been three months and he hadn’t touch you in that way or let you touch him in that way either. He loved making out with you, loved to feel your hands in his hair and on his chest, he appreciated for you to not adventure around his left shoulder or arm. He loved to touch your body, even above your clothes.
It’s been some time for him, last time he was intimate with a woman…he couldn’t really remember. He wondered if…when he was the winter soldier if he ever…had sex. It was something missing and it was blocking to go further with you. He knew, he should talk about it with you, but he shied away every time. Maybe that was what was bothering you… only way to find out…was to ask you.
Three knocks on your door, it was Bucky, you trotted to open the door, happy to see him.
“Hey there Handsome”, you press a sweet kiss on his lips, making his eyes fluttered.
“Hey doll, how are you?”, he leaned in for another kiss and you smiled and kissed him more.
“I’m good, how are you? Not to stress for the mission coming up?”
He shaked his head and kissed you again, making you giggled.
“You want to eat pizza or me?”
You both stopped mid-way to another kiss and looked into each other eyes, you wondered if Bucky was redder than you, your cheeks were burning from embarrassment. He cleared his throat and took a step back.
“sorry, i..”
“don’t be sorry, I would eat both… well I do want that, I just…”, he looked distress, you took the pizzas from him and held his hand.
You put the pizza on the dinning table and continued your way to the couch, making him sit, before you sat beside him.
“Bucky, if you’re not ready, it’s okay, I can wait, I mean, there’s no rush.”
He smiled shyly and looked at his hands.
“I’m scared to lose control, to hurt you…that you’ll be scared of me.”
You held his chin gently and made him looked at you. “We can use colours and words to let the other know if something is not to their liking. We can go slow and I’m sure you won’t lose control, at least not in the way that you’re thinking…” you smiled tenderly and stroked his cheek, knowing it would sooth him.
You saw him thinking, almost saw the wheels turning fast in his beautiful head. He looked at you, the deepest way someone as ever looked at you.
“I wanna take my time with you doll. It’s been so long since i…I was intimate with someone, that I can remember of.”
He brought you on his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly. “I want to take my time to explore your body, what you love and to worship you.”
Your mouth felt dry, and you felt hot all over, he wasn’t taking his eyes of you, and you could feel his heart beat fast.
“But not tonight, I can’t, when I’m back from that mission, I want to take you on a weekend date, I want to treat you right, I want to have you all to myself…selfishly.”
He pressed you against him, you could feel he was…excited about that idea, you were too, you whimpered quietly at the perspective of that weekend.
“Could we at least make out without as many clothes tonight?” you whispered out of breath.
He smirked and passed his right hand under your shirt.
“I would love that, doll.”
Are you hot? I’m hot…next chapter…will be the weekend, are you ready? The slowburn is almost just burn and steamy.
If you don't want to miss any udpate, go follow my sideblog: @cloudysideblog
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avalentina · 1 year
My Fic Recs!
My tastes are relatively straight forward. 90% of the time I'm going straight for the juiciest smut piece I can find for whatever my obsession of the day is. (LATELY: HARRY STYLES!)
For Harry Styles Fics, I recommend checking out the following writers: @watchmegetobsessed @gurugirl @fkinavocado @finelinevogue @lukesaprince @freedomfireflies @avocadoguru @eveningepiphany @justlemmeadoreyou @cupid-styles @jarofstyles
Story Recs for H.S.
We'll Be Alright by finelinevogue
Snacks and Sex by watchmegetobsessed
The Arrangement mini series by gurugirl
Forgive Me Father (Priestrry) series by gurugirl
Yours, Mine, Ours, Theirs (Mafia!Harry) series by freedomfireflies
Complicated Freak by lukesaprince
Rich Series by lukesaprince
Daddy Does It Better H.S. by lukesaprince 😝
Lupis Noctis by avocadoguru
Welcome to the final show series by eveningepiphany
Christian Pulisic Recs:
@thoseboysinblue @riahollywood @pulisicsgirl @neverinadream
Unbroken by thoseboysinblue
For Draco Malfoy Fics, check out:
@talesofadragon @littlemissnoname13 @goldenbuckyyy @weaselbrownie @maraudersaffair @slytherinwh0re @k2padfoot @somenewsarah
Story Recs for D.L.M.
I've read so many, I have to go back and investigate!😂
Essence of Belonging by talesofadragon
Walls & Veils, 2 part by littlemissnoname13
Forever by weaselbrownie
Literature by @fandom-puff
One of My All-Time Favorite Stories:
Baby Number Six (George Weasley x Reader) by @rip-us-xoxo
Check Out @sebastianwallows for Sebastian Swallow fics! I may or may not be more in love with him than I am with Draco.
Hope you find some you like!
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jake-kiszkas-smirk · 2 years
Little Heart
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Josh Kiszka X fem reader
18+ only, minors DNI
Warnings: oral (m&f rec), fingering, pegging, dirty talk,
(This won’t be for everyone so it’s it not your cup of tea just don’t read it, also it’s not proofread so sorry for any typos xoxo)
You stood at the kitchen counter cooking one of Josh's favorite meals when you heard the door to his home studio/office combo open and close. He had been in there all day working on whatever Josh worked on. It was his sanctuary, and it was an unspoken rule that when he was in there, he wanted to be alone. Josh got distracted easily and when he wanted to work you both knew he needed to be alone and away from distractions. This wasn't something that bothered you, because you also needed alone time, that on top of the fact that Josh showered you with enough attention in 5 minutes to last days.
You looked up as he turned the corner. His steps were slow and his lids looked heavy. He was in a pair of linen shorts that were sitting low on his waist. His eyes met yours and he gave you a soft half smile.
"Whatcha making love?" He asked as he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and settling his chin on your shoulder.
"Eggplant parm" you replied, but you were sure he wasn't listening. He had his face nuzzled into your neck and hair, taking a deep breath of you as he snuck his hand into your shirt and rubbed circles with his thumb over your stomach.
"Sounds good" He mumbled against your skin. He stayed like this, with his arms wrapped around you as you finished prepping the dish for the oven. He occasionally press a simple kiss to your neck or shoulder, or give your hip a squeeze, but he never left his spot against you. He got like this sometimes, after a long day or when he was tired. He would get touchy, clingy, needy. You loved it, you loved feeling treasured. Loved knowing that just holding you made him feel better.
"Josh, I have to put this in the oven" You said with a small laugh, "You have to let go" He reluctantly let go, and leaned against the counter as you put the pan into the oven. Then he put his hand out, you took it and he twirled you slowly into him, with your back flush against his chest as you stood between his legs. Your arms crossed in front of you and Josh holding both of your hands in his as he asked you to tell him about your day. He knew you had been home all day and that everything you'd say would be mundane, but you knew he just wanted to hear you talk. He rested his head against your shoulder and listened to all you had to say, humming in agreement or nodding every so often.
When the oven timer went off you pried yourself from his grip and made a plate for the both of you. Dinner went the same way...Josh had a hand on you the whole time. You looked at him in a moment of silence in conversation and his eyes trailed slowly up and down your form, and then he licked over his bottom lip before averting his eyes away from yours. You knew then, that little tell of submission, what he wanted. Josh was never one to shy away from asking for what he wanted, but he liked that you could pick up on things without him asking. Once you had both finished eating you grabbed his plate and went to move for the kitchen. Josh stood and followed behind you, taking a spot next to you to help with dishes.
"I know you're tired," You said sweetly as you caressed his cheek, "Why don't you go shower, I got this"
"Alright," He pressed a kiss to your temple and padded off towards the bathroom. You quickly washed both plates and put away leftovers. Then, a little too excited for what was to come, you hurried to the bathroom. You carefully opened the door and were welcomed by the blurred vision of Josh on the other side of the foggy glass. You could see him going through the motions of washing his hair, the smell of his shampoo filling the room. You stripped out of your clothes and slid open the shower door. You stepped in behind him, matching his previous movements as you wrapped your arms around him from behind. You pressed your hand to his chest and lower abdomen, holding him to you tightly as he let out a low hum.
"Hey mama," He said so quiet it was almost a whisper.
"Hey Joshy," You mumbled against his neck. His arms hung slack at his side as he craned his neck, silently asking for more kisses. You gladly obliged, kissing slow warm kisses against his jaw and neck. As you did this your hands moved down to his hips. You pressed your fingertips against the ridge of bone there, pressing his ass back into your hips. He groaned at this, his hands instantly finding your thighs and squeezing them,
"Will you" he asked, head still tilted as you sucked at his neck. You paused, smiling against his skin as his hands ran up and down your thighs,
"Will I what?" You asked, hands trailing lower. Your thumbs brushed against his pubic hair as your fingers settled on either side of his cock, still not touching it. You watched his throat bob as he reached around and grabbed your ass,
"Fuck me? Will you fuck me?" He already sounded so fucked out and needy. You moved your hand, lightly wrapping it around his half hard cock. He shuddered as you slowly started stroking him,
"Yeah? You want my cock baby?" you said with your lips next to the shell of his ear, "Want me to fuck you slow and sweet just how you like it?"
"god, please" he moaned, his grip on your ass getting tighter.
"I think I need some incentive," you smirked to yourself as you turned him to face you. His cheeks were already a light shade of pink and his wet curls were sticking to his forehead as his eyes fixed on you, he was hanging on your every word, trying oh so hard to focus as you continued to stroke him.
"Anything," He secreted away to you as he brushed his nose against yours, his eyelids fluttering with each sweep of your thumb over his sensitive tip.
"Make me cum," You said, pausing as he stepped closer and backed you against the wall, "Hands, mouth, cock, I don't care, but make me cum and then I'll fuck you till your little hearts content." He groaned as his eyes raked over you. He reached down, and removed your hand from his length. You watched him curiously, wondering what he was up to. He then took your other wrist and moved both arms above your head. He used one hand to keep your hands pinned there, his other hand groping your breast as his mouth crashed into yours. Your heart rate immediately skyrocketed, sending a rush of wetness between your legs. You moaned into the kiss as Josh toyed with your nipple, twisting and pinching as you arched into him.
"You and I both know you don't need any incentive" He nipped at your lobe as his free hand traveled down your torso, "You like fucking me just as much as I love taking your cock" His sudden forwardness had you feeling even hotter, "Spread these pretty legs." He ordered as he nudged them apart with his knee. He took his cock in his hand and began rubbing the tip against your clit. You rocked your hips forward the best you could with your hands still pinned. You looked at Josh, his brows furrowed as he held his cock against you, thrusting ever so slightly, using your slick to rub his length against your clit, but never entering you. He watched himself sliding against you, his mouth hanging open, "I want to fuck you so bad," He mused to himself more than you, "But I don't want to cum yet, and I won't be able to stop myself if I feel this perfect cunt wrapped around me,"
"Josh," You whined. You weren't sure when the tables had turned, but they had. He let go of his cock and replaced it with his fingers, his eyes moving up to yours,
"I'm right aren't I?" He rasped as his fingers slid into you, "You love fucking me." You nodded, more than willing to admit it. The corner of his mouth twitched up as he started to curl his fingers, his palm rubbing against your clit, "What is it about it hm?" he leaned closer as his fingers worked you, "Is it being in control? Is it the noises I make?"
"Yes," Your head was spinning as he spoke, thinking back to every time you'd ever fucked him, that coil in your stomach tightening,
"Tell me, I want to hear you say it" his mouth attacked your neck as his fingers worked with more intent,
"You-you take it so well" He groaned against your skin as you spoke, "You always sound so pretty, and-" You paused as a moan slipped past your lips, "Fuck Josh- I know how much you like it and- fuck I'm going to cum"
"Give it to me," he released your hands and abruptly sunk to his knees, his mouth finding your clit and sucking as his fingers pumped in and out of you. You nearly doubled over, your hands tangling in his wet curls as your orgasm washed over you. As you came back down and your head cleared you looked down to see him languidly licking up your release. God, he was a fucking dream. You tugged on his hair, pulling his mouth from your heat. The whimper that came out of him when you did this had you reeling,
"Go get on the bed" you ordered "Face down" He rose to his feet, half hazardly drying off before hurrying off into the bedroom. You followed suit, quickly tying your wet hair into a messy bun atop your head. You walked out into the room to see he had done as you asked. He was laying with his head resting on his hands and he looked back at you when you entered the room. You were wordless as you walked over to the nightstand, he turned his head, not taking his eyes off of you as you opened the drawer and pulled out the modestly sized strap the two of you had picked. You began fastening it around you,
“You’re so sexy..” he breathed out, he said it in a way that sounded like disbelief, and it made you smile over at him. You climbed onto the bed, running your hand down his back as you made your way behind him, situating yourself between his legs. You moved subtly, trying not to tip him off that you were laying down on your stomach as well. You knew what he wanted, and that he probably didn't want to wait, but you wanted to spoil him a little longer, and maybe get him a little more desperate. You smacked both of your hands down onto his ass, essentially spanking him before giving both cheeks a squeeze. He jumped, but then a low growl rumbled from his chest as you felt his body relax,
"Come on mama-" He was cut off as you delved in, licking over him. "Oh fuck-I wasn't expect-fuck" he moaned, you glanced up to see him fisting the sheets as you devoured him. You ran your tongue down to his taint and then back up, eliciting the prettiest sounds from him. You felt him squirming, and couldn't stop the moan that came out of you when you realized he was rutting his hips against the bed, getting all the friction he could as you continued to work your tongue over him.
"Look at you, fucking yourself against the bed, does it just feel so good?" you asked before going back to lap over him some more, you could do it all day, you loved the taste of him.
"So-so good" he whined, "Your mouth, I- I'm gonna cum, please-fuck, please fuck me" you didn't ease up, "Please, please, I want the strap" the way his voice cracked and the way he was writhing beneath you told you how close he had been when you pulled away. His breathing was rapid as he glanced back at you, his eyes blown wide but his cheeks flushed. You laid your body over his, kissing where his shoulder met his neck. He opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it,
"You've been so good baby, I'm gonna give you what you want" he nodded wordlessly as you peppered a few kisses over his neck and jaw, reaching your hand to blindly search for the lube you had tossed on the bed earlier "How do you want it?"
"Like this, just ple-" He sounded more and more desperate
"Shh, you don't have beg anymore" You soothed as you rose up slightly, reaching your hand down to stroke the lube over the strap before lining it up with him. The strangled noise that came out of his mouth as you slowly pressed into him nothing short of pornographic. You put your hands on his lower back, using them to balance as you slowly started thrusting. Moans and incoherent curses were tumbling past his lips. Nothing could have prepared you for what he did next, reaching both of his hands back and spreading himself, his fingertips digging into the fleshy part of his cheeks.
"Just like that," He choked out, "So deep-don't fucking stop"
"Josh, fuck-" was all you could manage as you kept your pace, at a loss for words. He whimpered out something about how close he was and then he was coming, those noises you loved so much bursting out of his throat and filling the room. You slowed your movements, fucking him through it until his arms fell against the mattress. You gently removed yourself, standing to remove the strap and tossing it to the floor. You walked around the edge of the bed, kneeling and looking at him. He gave you the smallest of fucked out smiles, “Hey,” you said quietly,
“Hey,” he said as he reached his hand out to caress your cheek.
“Do you need anything?” You asked as you reached out to move a damp curl from his forehead, his eyes fluttering shut at your touch. He shook his head, patting the bed beside him in silent request of your presence.
“Let me just change the comforter real quick and then I’m all yours” you rose slowly and maneuvered around him to get the comforter out from under him. You tossed it to the ground and grabbed another from the closet. You pulled the sheets over Josh and then spread the comforter out over the bed.
“Baby,” he mumbled and you knew you were taking too long for his liking. You giggled to yourself as you finally climbed into the bed,
“Alright, alright, I’m here” you cooed as he shifted, laying his head on your chest and wrapping his arms around you. Your fingertips danced up and down his back and in a matter of minutes he drifted off to sleep.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
Summary; Yn is always taking care of the group, making sure they are hydrated, they've been eating enough and sleeping well.
Looking after everyone leaves barely any time for her own self-care. Eddie notices this and had to make sure his best girl gets the TLC she needs.
Warnings; fluff, bit of angst
Requested by @i-always-come-back-xoxo hope you enjoy
As always yn was like the mother hen in the group. She loved to make sure her friends were comfortable and always made sure that they were eating right, staying hydrated and sleeping well.
She loved taking care of everyone and was always making snacks, keeping extra in her lunch in case someone forgot to bring something one day ( usually Max was the worst for this) and yn was always making sure that Max had snacks at hand.
Things had been tough for Max and anything she could do to help make the girl's life easier she would.
The only thing was in taking care of everybody else she would sometimes neglect herself in the process, she spent so much time worrying about her friends and not enough for herself.
Truthfully she was exhausted and had woken up this morning with a pounding headache and all the feelings of a cold.
She still went to school pushing through the aches and pains, hoping some fresh air would help with the cold. It would work right?
Wrong! No, she felt worse and by the time she reaches Hawkins high she kinda wished she stayed in bed.
Eddie notices how quiet yn is and grows worried, she was a sweetheart and was always looking after the group.
She even looked after him, baking him treats to take home for him and his uncle Wayne, she always had extra lunch on hand and was constantly making sure that he was alright.
He wasn't used to someone caring so much about his well-being, except for Wayne. He liked it and over the months he had known her, he began to fall for her and he hadn't felt this way about anyone, he was smitten.
Something Henderson teased him relentlessly for.
So when he notices how withdrawn she is he immediately makes it his mission to cheer her up.
He heads over to her and frowns, she's shivering barely touching her food and she looks exhausted.
"Sweetheart? Are you alright?" She peers up half smiling.
"No, not really, I feel awful" it takes him all of two seconds to gently help her up.
"I'm driving you home," he tells her firmly and she makes a noise of protest and then gives in. Fuck, she really must be feeling shit if she has given in without a word.
"I need to make sure my best girl is feeling good okay" he tells her softly and the way she looks at him makes his heart skip a beat.
"Best girl?" her eyes light up and he can't resist placing a kiss on her head.
"I've not exactly been subtle about it princess, now come on. Let me take care of you for a change"
Once she is at home Eddie practically orders her into bed, shes running a fever by this point but he ignores all of her protests to go.
"I don't want you to get sick Eds" he shrugs and gives her a huge glass of water and settles beside her.
"I don't give a shit about that babe, I'm going to make sure you are better then when you are we are going out to see a movie and go for milkshakes, whatever you want"
She perks up and feels her heart race.
"Like a date?"
"A date. Then I can make you mine like I've been dying to do for months now" he grins and she suddenly wishes this cold would go away so she could go on this date.
"You've had my heart since we first met sweetheart," he says as he holds her hand, if she wasn't sick then she would be doing a happy dance right about now.
"I feel the same way about you" his brown eyes warm at her confession and he smiles.
"I brought The Hobbit to read to you. Would you like that?" Listen to Eddie talk for hours? Do all the amazing character voices? Yes please.
"I'd love it" he pulls the book out of the bag he's carrying and then as he settles down he motions for her to cuddle into him which she does happily.
Then he begins to read to her and his voice is so soothing that she snuggles into him even more and falls into a peaceful sleep as she does she feels Eddie's lips press to her forehead.
"Sleep well my princess, I'll still be here when you get up" with that promise she falls asleep with a happy smile on her face.
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starssgalore · 2 months
word count - 500 (dis is a little short 🙈)
based off of - racks up by bktherula
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the car ride home feels tense. it's obvious that she's pissed off at you. 
"your always liking these other girls posts! like dude what the fuck! like your dating me, your not fucking meg the stallion or that hoe stacy!?"
her voice blends into the sound of rain hitting the top of the car and the wind whipping past the window pane as you speed down the empty highway.
"hello?!? are you even listening to me right now!!?" her rings catch your eye's peripheral view as she waves her hand back and forth frantically trying to steal your attention back onto her. 
after a few seconds of no response her back hits the chair and a heavy sigh leaves her lips. "this is exactly what I'm talking about.... you never pay attention to me-" "yeah cause I'm literally fuckin driving right now." snapping back at her, hoping to get her off your back.
"oh so now you can respond? when I give up you got sum to say now?.. you a big dog now huh?" she whispers in your ear and starts to push your buttons even further.
"girl whatever, you be looking at homeboy with the tattoos the same way you look at me when you wanna fuck or something..." your eyes are still locked onto the road even though you can feel her eyes searing holes into the side of your face.
for a few seconds there's not quip remark from either of you. that's until y'all reach a stop light and you finally look at her in the eyes. they seem hurt or maybe even guilty.
"fuck are you talking about? I don't even like mark like that... I don't even know why you felt like you needed to bring that up..." her voice trails off into some sort of incoherent mumble. 
"yeah but your out here talkin bout, ”oh well, you know my lil boo is cheatin on me with some ran through girl or sum shit..“ and it's like that's not even fuckin true, and you 100% aware of that."
"it just seems like your just trying to painte as a cheater so you can go sleep with marcus or whatever that boy name is..." 
the world comes to a stop as the last couple of words fall out of your mouth and into the world. you feel a bit of shame rise up in your chest but is quickly replaced with awkwardness after the light turns green and you have five more minutes to make it to your place.
"just drop me off at my place." your partner utters the words out of her mouth like she's afraid that she'll yell them at you. you glance over at her only to see that her head is leaning against the window, "alright." is all you say in response to her. a little scoff leaves her mouth; you could probably read her mind and see that's she's wondering why your not begging for her to stay.
this was mad short, and I kinda don't like it... but it's whatever. I saw bk perform this live last night (when I saw pink pantheress; 10/10!), and loved the live version so I wrote this kinda inspired by that version...
hoshi 💫
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lousypotatoes · 2 months
Hello can you pls write korekiyo shinguji x chubby reader (male reader if your comfortable with it)
Thx :)
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I'm not the best at writing for male readers, but I'll try my best for you, pookie <33
This story contains bullying, and Byakuya being a fatphobic asshole. If this makes you uncomfy, please read with caution.
Song Recommendation:
What Makes You Beautiful - One Direction
You're Perfect, My Dear - Korekiyo x Male Reader
You were laying in your dorm, swiping through your phone, trying to distract yourself from the previous events of that day.
You were sitting at your desk, trying to focus on the trigonometry assignment in front of you. "Who the fuck even came up with the idea of trig?" you angrily muttered.
"Is the boulder having trouble with the assignment?"
You looked up and saw Byakuya standing at your desk, sneering down at you.
"Nice to see you too, asshole," you muttered.
"I'm sorry, I don't understand you," he said. "I don't speak whale.
You gritted your teeth, "Fuck off Byakuya,"
Everyone in the classroom was now staring at the two of you.
"Byakuya, maybe you should stop bothering him and go back to your seat," Makoto nervously suggested.
"Honestly, Y/N," Byakuya said, ignoring Makoto. "For the Ultimate Weightlifter, you sure do have a lot of fat."
Just as he finished speaking, the bell rang, signaling the end of class, and the end of the day.
As fast as you could, you packed up your supplies and speed walked out of there.
"I didn't know pigs could walk on hind feet," you heard Byakuya say as you walked out of the classroom door. You heard a thud and assumed someone, probably Tenko, hit him.
You were watching a movie on your bed, eating some pretzels, when you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in," you said, your mouth full of pretzels.
The door opened and your boyfriend, Korekiyo walked into the room.
"Hello, love," Korekiyo said, sitting next to you on the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Fantastic, thanks for asking," you muttered.
"Tenko told me what happened," Korekiyo said, pulling you closer to him. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Would you like me to talk to him for you?" he asked, rubbing circles on your back.
"If you do that, Byakuya will make a bigger deal about it then,"
"He didn't have the right to talk to you like that."
"It's Byakuya, he's going to talk to anybody how he wants. He's a self righteous asshole." you sighed out, rubbing your forehead. "It's whatever, Kiyo."
"It is not whatever, Y/N" Korekiyo said, directing your chin with his hand so that you were looking at him. "You are one of the most beautiful creatures I have ever laid my eyes upon,"
You blushed. You felt embarrassed whenever your boyfriend would talk about you like this. But at the same time, you absolutely loved it.
"Anybody would be lucky to be with a man like you, Y/N. So please don't allow yourself to feel like that or allow someone to talk to you like that. You're perfect, my dear."
He lowered his mask, brought your face up to his face and kissed you. His lips molded against yours perfectly, they were soft and warm. It always warmed your heart and brought butterflies to your stomach whenever you and Korekiyo kissed. Only a tiny handful knew about your relationship, let alone that you were gay, so you were grateful when he would show affection in private.
"Thanks, Kiyo," you smiled when you two pulled apart. "I really needed to hear that."
"That's what I'm here for," he said, kissing your cheek.
Another short one lmao, the next onehshot will be longer I promise
everybody who see's this is perfect in my eyes and don't you dare think otherwise
i need coffee
stay safe and drink lots and lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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mrsagathaharkness · 1 year
What Are We?
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SUMMARY: Wanting to be more than just ‘friends’.
I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t. This has been happening a lot lately and I really didn't know why, but the one thing that did help me wind down for the evening was reading a book, so I decided to sneak out of my house and head on over to the town library. I also decided to invite Agatha, my neighbor, to join me.
Within 5 minutes, I got a notification. I grab my phone out of my pocket and take a look.
Agatha <3: Sounds fun! Meet you there, hon, xoxo
I couldn’t help but smile. Her and I have only recently started seeing each other and it wasn't anything serious…though I wished otherwise. I couldn’t help it. From how attractive she is to her charming personality, it was next to impossible. You try having a woman as exquisite as her shamelessly flirting with you for weeks and try not to fall. You can’t.
Since I was one of the employees who worked at the library, I had a spare key. I unlock the back entrance, get in and close it behind me. Five minutes were spent browsing through the isles, until I eventually found a novel I’ve been meaning to start. I found my favorite spot in the whole building, which was a small corner at the very end of it, and snuggled into the couch.
All was at peace, before I heard footsteps.
I figured it was just my mind playing tricks on me, so I chose to ignore it...then I heard it again. I looked back at the entrance and saw no one coming in or going out. I turn back to see someone standing right in front of me, making me almost scream, when she covers my mouth,
"Shhh, it's just me", Agatha said chuckling,
"That was NOT funny!", I yell-whisper,
She sat down next to me, amused at my jumpiness. I take a moment, before scooting closer. She takes the opportunity to rest her head on my shoulder and all I could focus on was how sweet her hair smelled and how soft it was against my face.
“Which part are you on?”, she asked,
Her question brought me back to reality. I placed my finger on the 4 line. She hums and starts to read along. Her hand finds its way onto my thigh, halting my breath. All I felt in that moment was the biggest rush of butterflies in my stomach, all from just her hand on my leg. God, what is wrong with me. She notices how stiff I’d become and looks up at me.
“Are you alright, baby?”, concern present in her voice,
She didn’t not just call me baby, while I’m over here trying not melt into a puddle. Come on, it’s now or never. Just do it, coward.
"What are we?", the bluntness catching the older woman off guard,
"What do you mean?", she questioned,
Straightening her posture.
"Well, we've been hanging out more and more recently, so I was just...wondering", I explained,
The room went silent for a moments. You could cut the tension with a knife. Her sky blue orbs meet my own, as Agatha finally spoke. She gently reached over, cupping my cheek.
"We can be whatever you want…”, she assured,
Taking my hands into hers.
“All I ask is that you keep me around", she replied,
It was as if time stopped and everything else disappeared…all except…her. Was this real? Was this just a dream? Will I wake up and be faced with nothing but disappointment. All doubts melted away, the moment I felt her thumbs rubbing the back of my hands.
"Do you really mean it?", I asked,
Wanting reassurance. She simply chuckled to herself, before returning her attention back to me.
"Of course, whatever your comfortable with, I'm okay with, but to be honest, I really like you, (Y/N)", she admits,
Looking at me with the most loving gaze. I couldn’t help but smile at her words. She leans in.
She kisses my cheek.
Then kisses my other.
Moves onto my forehead.
Her lips meet the tip of my nose, causing a giggle to escape my lips.
Finally, her lips locked with mine and it was something better than I could ever have dreamed of.
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iheartmyspotify · 1 year
The Redfields are sleeping over [Resident Evil Contemporary AU]
Claire Redfield x Chris Redfield x GN reader HEADCANONS
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A/N: there are NO sexual or romantic themes. Enjoy the good time and have fun reading this! The link to the spotify playlist is on the title.
TW: reader and Chris are the same age (19) and both are nic addicts. Slight mentions of alcohol and cigarettes usage, along with swearing from time to time. If ur not comfortable, feel free to skip the paras that mention this. Btw y'all live in Raccoon City and the outbreak had never happened.
⛧ your parents are on a business trip this weekend and allowed Chris and Claire to sleepover as much as they want
⛧ you guys had planned this moment for weeks already
⛧ ''No sleeping bags allowed and NOBODY sleeps on the floor. My bed is big enough for all of us!''
⛧ even if Claire is six years younger than you, her presence doesn't bother you at all. she's actually like a little sister to you and spending the weekend together has never sounded this good!
⛧ using the money you all put up together, Chris went out the night before and bought the snacks. he also managed to sneak in a few beer cans, a whole 34oz bottle of vodka and some other stuff that if Claire finds out about, she'll tell her parents and her big brother is going to be in some big big shit
⛧ the night starts straight wild. The neighbours come by from time to time, but after the third visit you decided to just ingore the loud pounds on the door.
⛧ Chris comes closers to you and whispers ''I had to suck some good dick to get these without and ID.'', then passes you a pack of Dunhill Blues. His words made you laugh your lungs out.
⛧ Just Dance, Mortal Kombat and Karaoke made your whole night
⛧ your and Chris' special song is Telephone by Lady Gaga. No one else is allowed to sing it. He sings Beyoncé's part and you Gaga's
⛧ the music y'all chose is such a vibe i swear
⛧ Chris made the playlist and you sent the songs
⛧ he's a sucker for oldies, especially Modern Talking and y2k europop
⛧ Jill comes over after you told her to and she spent the friday night with you all
⛧ while smoking on the balcony, trying do hide from Claire, she finds you and Chris outside and threatens her big bro she'll tell mom if he won't let her do his makeup
⛧ you locked the doors, Jill cuffs his hand and feet with some scarfs and Claire makes the magic happen
⛧ he's so slay istg😻 claire took the photo and sent it to their family group chat
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⛧ Claire gets bored first and goes to sleep around 3AM the second night
⛧ you and Chris insert the big ass speakers from the living room into the bedroom and blast machinegun sounds to wake her up. She stars crying on the spot
⛧ y'all get hungry and try cooking some fancy meal, but you ended up almost burning the kitchen
⛧ around 5AM the deep thoughts start to kick in, so you go out and things get serious. No laughs, no jokes, just sentimental moments that bond your friendship even more
⛧ ''So? Did you guys had fun this weekend?'' your parents ask.
''Eh, it was alright."
⛧ whatever happened those nights it's in the past and it should never be brought up, especially near your parents.
ㅤIdk about you, but I had so much fun writing this. I always imagine how nice life would be if I had a sleepover from time to time with the Redfields. Also, they've been through so much pain that i hope that in a paralel universe they get to party and relax all of the time.
ㅤI hope you enjoyed it and please don't hesitate to request me anything you want. I love recieving ideas.
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nancypullen · 2 months
Not Dead Yet
It's me, the lady who used to spread nonsense far and wide courtesy of this blog. I can't express how much I miss emptying my brain into this space. I drag home after nine hours in the book mines and it's all I can do to eat, soak in a hot bath, and go to bed. I'm sorry to the handful of readers that I have left. Don't give up on me, this isn't forever. The reason that I'm here tonight is because this handsome guy just had a birthday.
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He was born sixty-eight years ago in Washington D.C. when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. His father used to tell the story of walking around and around under those cherry blossoms waiting for news that his firstborn had arrived. That was back in the stone age when fathers weren't allowed in the delivery room. Although his birthday was earlier in the week, we'll be celebrating him tomorrow when the Edgewater gang arrives. I have to work until 2 o'clock but they can't start without me because I know where the presents are. He requested red velvet cake so that's what he shall have, and there will be gourmet pizzas (Jamie's recipes, Tyler manning the pizza oven - what a team!). Hopefully Mickey will feel the love and understand how happy we are that he was born. Of all the choices I've made in my life, he might be the very best one. While looking for an old photo of us to add to this post I came across this one. This was a few days before our wedding in 1984, at my parents' home in Florida. We were opening wedding gifts and apparently very excited about some flatware.
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But I have questions. Why are we dressed alike? More importantly why are we dressed like WHAM?
Weren't they the guys who popularized wearing t-shirts under vests? I think Hall and Oates did it too. Regardless, you can bet that Mickey and Nancy were on the cutting edge of fashion, and out on the dance floor every chance we got. In hindsight, we look ridiculous. But the point of this ramble is, we looked ridiculous together. That's how we've gone through life since 1982. Now he's sixty-eight and I'm sixty and we still enjoy looking ridiculous together. Again, I'm awfully glad he was born. As the song says, he puts the boom-boom into my heart. Moving on. I'll work Saturday, I'm off Sunday, then I work three more days. On Thursday our plan is to drive up to Lancaster, Pennsylvania and spend a couple of days. It's just about two hours from us and we'd like to explore the area. I was excited until I saw the forecast for rain, rain, and more rain. I'm not sure how much exploring we can do in a downpour. Crossing my fingers that the forecast will change. We may need to change our plans if it doesn't. I'm off to bed, busy weekend ahead - work and an energetic six year old who was recently visited by the tooth fairy, twice. She lost her first tooth on Easter, and another at school on Wednesday! I can't wait to hear all about it. Is there anything cuter than a snaggle-toothed kid? Alright, sweet people, I'll sign off and go read until I fall asleep. I'm reading about shipwrecks (kind of like my life since we moved to Maryland, but you know I'll sing in the lifeboat). I hope that spring is making your heart light. I hope that whatever troubles you is small compared to what brings you joy. And, as always, I hope that you are safe and well. Sending out loads of love tonight. Take some and pass it on. XOXO, Nancy
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
my unpopular opinions
peter is one the most complex characters IF YOU TRY your gonna get no where if you dont try to understand anything about him or give him no background or personality
alice and frank are in top 5, ONLY CERTAIN VERSIONS the little version i have of them
i dont like pandalily or marlily im sorry
wolfstar is ok but it isn’t groundbreaking
tiktok rosekiller is just morally gray wolfstar and it makes me want to punch walls /neg
any poly ships deserve 😚 little kiss on the forehead
I saw this ask and just knew you are gonna be right like...it's is we're always right y'know?
PETE IS THE LOML I WOULD DIE FOR HIM WHY DOES EVERYONE FUCK UP HIS PERSONALITY OR COMPLETELY TAKE IT AWAY, I swear they take his personality and give it to Remus like...give it back
I love MY version of pandalily but I don't think I'll ever read a MarLily fic or write for them bc I just can't like it? I don't know why but I can never get into it, it doesn't cause any emotion in me, good or bad, like I've tried but I can't do it 💔 I'll read the three of them as a poly ship tho idky i like that more. Either way crystalflower and pandacas are better anyway
The only wolfstar I can do is post Azkaban wolfstar, anything other than that makes me lose a couple braincells and I don't get why we're getting death threats for not wanting to read it like leave me alone with my padtail alright💀
Ever since may 2022 rosekiller has not had the same AKDKDSKF it used to give me, yes that is when tiktok found them. Yes I did throw a tantrum over it when they found it, yes I did the same thing when they found darksun and nobleflower. No I have not forgotten it xoxo
I love poly ships like...jegulily, RSKC or any variant of it, syb/pan/lily, PENRIAH, blackeclipse, I SAW RITA/BELLA/EVELYN A WHILE BACK, I take back the wolfstar comment too bc the only other time I can see them is Blackbuttonmoon/blackwolftail or whatever you wanna call themthat shit is cute asf, MARLILCAS TOO, Pete/xeno/Pandora??? Hello???? Yes please???
Anyway basically poly ships are the best
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