#alright...i think i got everything(for now)
pucksandpower · 3 days
Break In, Breakdown
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: when a break in destroys your peace of mind, Charles is determined to do all he can to help you regain it
Warnings: armed forcible entry
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You wake with a start, your heart pounding. The sound of shattering glass echoes through the spacious apartment.
You sit up slowly, straining to hear any other noises over the hammering of your pulse. Charles is away for the night, called suddenly to Maranello earlier to test new upgrades.
You’re alone.
Sliding out from beneath the covers, you tiptoe to the bedroom door and ease it open. The living room is cast in shadow, shards of moonlight slicing through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Broken glass glitters across the hardwood. A cool breeze drifts in through the now empty pane.
You freeze, listening. The only sound is the thudding of your heart. Whoever broke in must still be here. You consider your options. The front door is on the other side of the living room — you would never make it. The balcony? No, you’re too high up.
That leaves only one choice. The bathroom.
As soundlessly as you can, you close the bedroom door and lock it, then dash on trembling legs into the en-suite bathroom. You lock this door too, then scramble for your phone. Your hands are slick with cold sweat as you dial Charles’ number.
“Hello?” His voice, groggy with sleep, comes over the line. In the background, you hear the muffled sounds of his hotel room.
“Charles!” You whisper urgently. “Someone broke into the apartment!”
“What?” All traces of sleepiness vanish from his tone. Fabric rustles as he sits up quickly. “Are you okay? Where are you?”
“I’m locked in the bathroom. I heard glass breaking and got scared. I didn’t know what else to do!” Your voice cracks as you struggle to keep it low. Tears blur your vision.
“Shh shh, it’s okay. You did the right thing.” Charles soothes. “Did you see anyone?”
You hug your knees to your chest. “No, the living room was empty when I looked. But they have to still be here!”
A tense silence. Then rapid French. You imagine Charles running a hand through his tousled hair, brow creased in thought.
“The police are on their way,” he says finally. “They’ll be there soon. Just stay hidden and keep talking to me, alright?”
You nod before remembering he can’t see you. “Okay.”
For a few moments, the only sounds are your shaky breathing and the muffled noises of Charles moving around his hotel room. You flinch as a loud bang echoes through the apartment, followed by heavy footsteps. Whoever broke in is still here, and on the move.
“I heard something,” you whisper to Charles. “I think they’re looking for me.”
“It’s going to be okay.” Charles’ voice remains steady, but you hear the undercurrent of fear. “Help is coming. Just stay quiet and-”
He cuts off as the bathroom doorknob rattles violently. You slap a hand over your mouth to hold in a scream.
“Y/N? What was that?” Charles demands.
“They’re trying to get in!” You whimper. “The doorknob ...”
Another bang shakes the door. You scramble into the empty bathtub, trying to make yourself smaller. If they get in here, you have nowhere to go.
“Y/N, listen to me.” Charles speaks urgently. “I need you to stay calm. Breathe. The police will be there any minute.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, tears leaking down your cheeks. “Okay,” you whisper.
The intruder hammers on the door again. Wood splinters — it won’t hold much longer. You think of Charles’ smile, his bright green eyes. You wish more than anything he was here with you now, holding you in his strong arms. But he’s hours away, and can do nothing but listen helplessly as danger looms.
“Charles?” You say softly.
“Yes? I’m right here.” His voice cracks.
“I love you.” You put as much feeling into the words as you can. Just in case they’re your last. “So much.”
“Oh god, Y/N ...” Charles trails off. You hear a muffled sob. “I love you too. More than you can imagine. You mean everything to me.”
The bathroom door splinters open. A masked figure looms in the doorway, gun glinting dully in their hand. Your scream lodges in your throat.
Charles is saying your name, voice panicked. You can’t find the air to respond. This is it. You close your eyes as the intruder raises their gun.
A deafening bang. Your scream. Then … nothing.
When you force your eyes open, the intruder is being detained on the floor. In their place stand two police officers, weapons drawn.
“Madame, are you hurt?” One officer approaches slowly, holstering his gun.
You shake your head mutely. On the phone, Charles is frantically calling your name.
“I’m okay,” you gasp out. “The police are here.”
Charles’ ragged exhale echoes your own shaking breath. You cling to the phone like a lifeline. He murmurs reassuring words as the officers help you from the tub and wrap a blanket around your shoulders.
When you finally end the call, your hands shake so badly you nearly drop the phone. You wish desperately to feel his arms around you.
But the police insist no one can enter until the scene is processed. You wait alone on the sofa, raw fear seeping from your bones and leaving you limp and exhausted. As dawn lightens the shattered window frames, Charles’ car screeches into the street. He’s still in a rumpled t-shirt and pajama pants, hair wild from raking his fingers through it. The moment his gaze lands on you, he’s across the room, gathering you against his chest. You cling to him, finally letting the terrified tears fall.
“It’s okay. I’ve got you. You’re safe now,” he murmurs against your hair.
You breathe him in, the familiar smell of his skin and cologne. Here, wrapped in his embrace, you can almost believe the words are true.
Morning light filters through the blinds of Charles’ childhood bedroom, casting stripes across the quilt tucked around you.
It’s strange, being surrounded by remnants of his boyhood. Posters of racing legends. Miniature models of the Ferrari Enzo and Michael Schumacher’s F2002. A framed picture of a beaming preteen Charles standing in front of a gleaming kart. You trail your eyes over the silver trophies lining the shelves. Hard to believe that bright-eyed boy would become your own champion one day.
It seems easier to focus on the distant past than to think about the present.
You’ve barely slept, your body tense as a livewire beneath the covers. Every small noise makes you flinch.
Charles’ arms tighten around you. His chest rises and falls steadily with sleep against your back. Being here, wrapped securely in his embrace, is the only thing that kept hysteria at bay through the long night.
You shift carefully in his arms, turning to study his face. His features are relaxed, lips parted slightly. Dark stubble shadows his jaw. He looks younger like this, the crease between his brows smoothed away. You reach out to brush an unruly lock of hair off his forehead.
At your touch, his brows pinch. Slowly his eyes drift open, blinking against the sunlight. He offers a drowsy smile.
“Hi,” he murmurs.
“Hi.” You try to return the smile, but it wavers. Being awake again means facing the suffocating weight of remembered fear.
Charles’ own smile fades. Propping himself up on one elbow, he reaches to cradle your face in his palm. “How are you feeling?”
You open your mouth to respond, but your throat closes up. You just shake your head, feeling the sting of tears.
“Oh, mon amour.” Charles pulls you against his chest. You cling to him, fighting back sobs.
He begins to slowly stroke your hair. “It’s okay. Let it out.”
You do, great heaving sobs muffled in his t-shirt. He holds you silently, lips moving against your hair in a continuous litany of comfort.
When the storm of weeping passes, you keep your head tucked beneath his chin. His steady heartbeat thumps against your cheek.
“I’m scared,” you whisper finally.
His arms tighten around you. “I know. But I promise, you’re safe here. No one can hurt you.”
You nod against his chest. But the truth haunts you — nowhere feels safe anymore. Not when someone invaded the place you called home. Violated your very sense of security.
Sensing your spiraling thoughts, Charles pulls back. He tilts your chin up until your tearful gaze meets his.
“Listen to me. I will do whatever it takes to make sure you feel safe again. We’ll find a new apartment, one with top of the line security. I’ll hire personal protection to be with you whenever I can’t. Whatever you need, just say the word.”
You search his eyes, finding only earnestness and love shining back. “You’d really do all that for me?”
He brushes his thumb over your cheekbone. “Of course. I’d move heaven and earth for you. Your safety and peace of mind are the most important things in the world to me.”
Fresh tears well in your eyes, but this time touched by gratitude. You lean in to brush a soft kiss over his lips. “Thank you. Just … thank you.”
He smiles tenderly, kissing the tip of your nose. “Always.”
The bedroom door creaks open slowly. Charles’ mother peers in.
“Oh good, you’re awake.” She bustles into the room bearing a heavily laden breakfast tray. “I’ve brought up some breakfast. You both must be famished.”
She settles the tray over your laps before perching on the edge of the bed. Reaching out, she pats your blanket-covered knee.
“How are you holding up, dear?” Her eyes, so like your husband’s, are full of maternal concern.
You muster a shaky smile. “As well as I can be. Thank you again for letting us stay here.”
“Of course, of course!” She waves a hand. “You’re family. Mi casa es su casa, as they say.”
Charles reaches for your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze as he smiles gratefully at his mother. “We really appreciate it, Maman. This means the world to us right now.”
Pascale pats his cheek fondly. “I’m always here if you need me. Both of you.” She stands. “Now, eat up while it’s still warm!”
After the door clicks shut behind Pascale, Charles passes you a mug of hot tea. The chamomile soothes your frayed nerves. Under Charles’ attentive care, you manage to eat a few bites of crepe. But your appetite remains muted, stomach churning with anxiety.
Sensing your lingering unease, Charles sets the tray aside. He shifts down on the bed, resting his head on the pillow beside yours. You roll onto your side facing him.
His hand comes up to trail soothingly along your arm. “Talk to me. What can I do?”
You chew your lower lip. “Just hold me? I’m still feeling really shaky.”
“Of course.” He opens his arms and you nestle against his chest. His steady heartbeat thumps beneath your ear.
You cling to him like a life raft, fighting against the rising tide of panic. “I can’t stop imagining it all happening again. What if they find us again?”
Charles frames your face in both hands. His gaze bores fiercely into yours. “Listen to me. I will never let anyone hurt you. Not here, not anywhere. I promise you that.”
His passionate sincerity helps loosen the iron bands constricting your lungs. You can breathe a little easier.
“Okay.” You whisper. “I trust you.”
He presses a fervent kiss to your forehead. “I’ll do whatever it takes to rebuild that sense of safety for you. For now, just try to rest. You’re exhausted.”
He’s right. Bone-deep fatigue drags at you. But every time you close your eyes, visions of leering masked faces loom in the darkness. You shrink closer to Charles with a whimper.
“Shh, I’ve got you.” His arms tighten around you. “Focus on me, the sound of my voice. Picture us somewhere you feel totally at peace.”
You press your ear over his heart again, letting its steady rhythm center you. “Tell me about it? The peaceful place.”
“Hmm ...” He strokes your hair thoughtfully. “How about a tropical island? Powder-fine sand, so white it’s nearly blinding. The water so perfectly blue and clear, like colored glass. Gentle waves lapping the shore.”
You can picture it perfectly with the aid of his lyrical descriptions. The sun warming your skin, Charles’ hand clasped in yours as you stroll the beach. A light breeze tossing his hair as his laughter mingles with the cries of seabirds.
“There’s a little cabana right on the water, with an open balcony and gauzy curtains fluttering in the wind ...”
Lulled by Charles’ calming voice, you feel your body slowly relax, sinking into the mattress. He continues spinning vivid visions until you finally drift off. Safe in the circle of his arms, nightmares can’t reach you.
When you wake, sunlight slants through the blinds at a different angle.
You’re curled on your side, Charles a solid weight against your back. His chin rests atop your head, arms wound protectively around you even in sleep.
You snuggle back into his embrace. For the first time since the break in, you feel a spark of hope. With Charles by your side, you know you’ll get through this. He’ll keep you safe.
Keys jangle outside the door of your new apartment. You look up from your book with a smile as Charles steps inside, hiding something behind his back.
“What are you up to?” You ask, marking your page. Ever since you moved, Charles has been full of little surprises to help you feel at home.
He grins, eyes glinting. “I have someone who wants to meet you.” From behind his back he produces a tiny black Doberman puppy with soulful dark eyes. It squirms eagerly in his hands.
You gasp, immediately reaching for the pup. Its pink tongue darts out to lick your fingertips. “You didn’t!”
Charles laughs. “I wanted to get you a guard dog, one specially trained to protect you. She’ll go everywhere with us once she’s fully grown.”
Cradling the puppy to your chest, you nuzzle into her silky fur. Her tail thumps happily against your arm. “Well aren’t you just the sweetest little guard dog ever,” you coo. Looking into her deep brown eyes, one name springs to mind.
“I think I’ll call her Princess Fluffykins.” You grin up at Charles.
He rubs a hand over his mouth to hide a smile. “Princess Fluffykins it is.”
The newly christened Princess Fluffykins snuggles into you with a contented whine. Over the next few weeks she rarely leaves your side. At night she curls up at the foot of the bed, a tiny furry protector. During the day she trots after you from room to room, always alert for any signs of danger.
But none of her vigilance stops her from demanding regular belly rubs or stealing socks to play with. Princess Fluffykins she may be, but she’s still a puppy at heart.
As the weeks pass, she sprouts into a leggy adolescent, all huge paws and awkward angles. But her devotion never wavers. She accompanies you everywhere, even to Charles’ races.
The first time you arrive at a circuit with Princess Fluffykins straining at her leash, you get some strange looks. People eye the muscular dog warily, giving you a wide berth. Princess Fluffykins has matured into an intimidating specimen, despite the sparkly pink collar now circling her thick neck.
Charles just grins, ruffling her perked ears. “I know she looks scary, but I promise she’s a softie,” he assures the dubious Ferrari mechanics. Right on cue, Princess Fluffykins flops to her back, tail wagging furiously until someone gives in and rubs her belly. Charles winks at you. “See?”
When Charles disappears into briefings or practice sessions, Princess Fluffykins patrols tirelessly by your side. She positions herself between you and anyone who approaches, watchful eyes tracking each stranger. But the moment she detects true danger, her demeanor shifts in an instant.
One particularly eventful race weekend, a drunken fan gets belligerent shoving past you for an autograph. Princess Fluffykins is on him in a flash, knocking him back with a deep bellow. He recoils instantly, throwing his hands up and stammering apologies. You cling to Princess Fluffykins’ collar as she nudges you protectively behind her muscular bulk.
“Good girl,” you murmur, stroking her bristling fur until she relaxes. Over Princess Fluffykins’ broad head, you give the chastened fan a polite smile. Message received.
As you make your way to the garage, passerby give you and your four-legged bodyguard a wide berth. But Princess Fluffykins ignores the murmurs, attention fixed devotedly on you. Her responsibilities may be serious, but everything about her remains hilariously contradictory — the bejeweled collar, fluffy fur, even her tendency to doze off using Charles’ race boots as a pillow. You wouldn’t have her any other way.
Over time, Princess Fluffykins becomes as much a fixture at races as Charles himself. On mornings when you’re feeling anxious, you clip on Princess Fluffykins’ leash and walk the familiar route to the paddock, drawing comfort from each heavy footstep echoing your own. The bulk of her pressing against your legs makes you feel sheltered … protected.
When Charles is busy with sponsor events and interviews, Princess Fluffykins is your constant companion. She positions her large frame strategically to keep you shielded from jostling fans in the crowded paddock. Her intimidating presence and rumbling growl are enough to make even boisterous enthusiasts reconsider approaching too closely at the wild after parties.
At night in hotel rooms, Princess Fluffykins curls up on the foot of the bed, ever alert. The sound of her steady breathing soothes you to sleep. And in new cities where sounds and shadows put you on edge, her solid weight pinning your feet beneath the blankets makes you feel anchored.
On bad nights when phantom terrors jerk you awake, Princess Fluffykins’ huge head rises at your distress, the light glinting off her collar. She pads up the bed to nuzzle your cheek until the panic fades.
Over time, Princess Fluffykins’ watchful presence steadies something deep inside you. Late at night, her snores harmonize with Charles’ to drive away the ghosts. Her grinning face waiting eagerly by the door when you return from a quick trip to the shops makes your apartment feel like home again. When you scratch beneath her chin, for a moment you forget about the threat, remembering only softness.
On the anniversary of the break in, emotions run close to the surface. You’re quiet on the drive to the paddock, hands knotted tightly in Princess Fluffykins’ fur. But when the time comes to part ways with Charles for the day, you find courage in Princess Fluffykins’ wiggly butt and lolling tongue. You give Charles an extra fierce hug, breathing him in.
“Love you,” you murmur into his shoulder.
Charles cradles your face in his hands, eyes serious. “I love you too. We’ve made it through so much this past year. You amaze me more every day.”
You lean into him a moment longer before braving a tremulous smile. “Go show them what you’ve got.”
With Princess Fluffykins a steady presence at your side, the day passes in a blur of heat and roaring engines. When at last Charles appears, wreathed in sweat and victory, you leap into his arms with a joyful shout. Laughing, he swings you around before setting you down to ruffle Princess Fluffykins’ ears.
“I think this calls for celebrating, what do you say?” His eyes are bright with triumph and love.
You lean down to adjust Princess Fluffykins’ glittering collar before twining your fingers through your husband’s. “I say absolutely.”
Though the path forward held both beauty and pain, with loyal souls like them by your side, you never had to walk it alone.
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wileys-russo · 3 days
leah williamson, "i tried to get my lashes done with tooney and alessia but i didn't like it, so i tried to take them off myself. but now i've ripped half my eyelashes off" in the bathroom 🫶🏻
l.williamson II plucky
"hey babe, everything alright? you normally meet me in the tunnel." your girlfriend smiled curiously as you hovered by the car park.
"yeah everything is fine! i just had to call my mum about something and you know how loud the girls can get after a derby win." you excused, greeting her with a big hug.
"mmm talk about a headache. if i smell like cheap champagne its katies fault." leah grumbled feeling your body vibrate with quiet laughter against her.
"i missed you this morning. did you have a nice time with tooney and less?" your girlfriend asked, not having seen you all day as you were gone before she woke up and leah was gone by the time you returned.
"it was lovely! i've not really spent much time with ella but she and less together are quite the pair." you chuckled honestly as the two of you broke apart, leah shrugging off her gym bag and popping the boot, tossing it in.
"thats an understatement." leah grinned, reaching to steal your sunglasses as you ducked out of her reach. "get your own williamson." you teased, making your way around to the other side of the car.
"i'm trying to you little thief, those are mine!" your girlfriend protested as you only grinned, backing up against the window as she tried again.
"my eyes are sensitive to light and you left these in the kitchen, makes them fair game." your grin grew as the blonde started the car with a huff. "sensative to light? thats a new one." leah scoffed as you playfully smacked her knee before intertwining your fingers with her spare hand.
you allowed her the space to debrief after the game, knowing even if it was a win the girl always had some things to get off her chest about both her own and the teams performance.
so much so that by the time she pulled into the driveway of your shared home she was still going, causing an amused smile to be painted in your features as you patiently awaited the end of her rant.
"sorry." leah blushed a little once she had, something that was rare but adorably endearing as you leaned over to softly kiss her warm cheek. "don't be. my ears are always yours to command baby." you promised.
"my girl." leah smiled against your lips, the two of you exchanging a few sweet kisses before separating so the pair of you could head inside.
"why are those still on you freak?" leah laughed when she returned from putting away her bag to find you sat on the sofa texting, sunglasses still covering your eyes.
"i'm tired! some of us got up early." you quipped flipping her off which she reciprocated, wandering to the fridge as you finished the message to alessia, huffing as you pressed send and left your phone on the couch.
"take them off! it feels weird like you're my security detail or something." leah rolled her eyes playfully as you smiled. "maybe i am, i was just hired to protect you by your mum and our entire relationship is a lie." you teased sticking your tongue out at her.
"baby girl with those chicken arms? not a chance." leah smirked grabbing out a juice and closing the fridge. "yeah like you're one to talk chicken legs!" you retorted back as your girlfriend gasped.
"you know i'm sensitive about my legs!" leah scowled, lips puckering out in a slight pout. "well a bit more running them and not your mouth at training and maybe you'd see some results." you teased, backing away as the blonde placed down her juice and advanced on you.
"leah no!" you squealed as she launched, darting away from her and hearing her feet thump after you, laughing as her body crash tackled into you taking you down onto the bed.
"not bad skinny legs, maybe they're good for wind resistance, makes you speedy." you grinned as she hovered over you. "wind resistance? think's shes a sports scientist now." leah tutted with a shake of her head.
"no!" you pushed your head back as your girlfriend reached for the sunglasses, teasing smile wiped away in a second. "alright what is going on with the glasses?" leah frowned, moving off of you as you sat up.
"nothing! my eyes are just...sore." you excused lamely, cringing at the awful reasoning which leah clearly didn't believe either. "did less fall over and hit you in the face or something? do you have a black eye?" the blonde asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern as you shook your head.
"no no really, it's fine." you promised, but as leah tried once more to take the glasses you stood so fast you almost gave her whiplash. "take them off and show me then!" the defender demanded, standing up and crossing her arms.
but instead you fled, racing off to your ensuite bathroom and quickly locking it before your girlfriend could join you. "baby. this is silly, whatever it is you can trust me." the footballer sighed, knocking softly on the door.
"babe come on, i love you way too much for anything to change that. let me in?" she tried again after a minute or two of silence as you sighed, knowing you couldn't avoid her forever, slinking toward the door and unlocking it with a click.
"promise me you won't laugh." you warned seriously as the blonde joined you, nodding in agreement and sitting down on the edge of the bath as you exhaled deeply.
"well after coffee this morning i tried to get my lashes done with tooney and alessia but i didn't like it, so i tried to take them off myself-" you started to explain, slowly lowering the glasses from your face.
"-but now i've ripped half my eyelashes off." you revealed quietly, sunglasses placed down on the bench as you huffed, leah very clearly biting down on her bottom lip. "leah catherine you promised." you warned seeing how close she was to breaking.
"i'm fine! it's not funny, not at all." your girlfriend cleared her throat, still holding back a smile as you groaned and sat down on the closed toilet lid. "go on then, laugh." you mumbled miserably, burying your face in your hands.
"hey." you felt hands grab your wrists, tugging them away as a finger tapped your chin meaning your head raised with a frown. "you are so beautiful and i adore you." leah promised, hands letting go of yours and gently cupping your face.
"-even without eyelashes." the blonde added on with a smile that wasn't unkind, pecking your lips and mumbling how much she loved you against them. "okay! point made." you finally cracked a laugh gently pushing at her shoulders.
"they'll grow back. at least it wasn't your eyebrows! that might have been a deal breaker for me my girl." leah sighed as you scoffed and kicked at her which she easily dodged.
"come on plucky, lets go order some food." "plucky!?" "yeah! pretty and lucky...plucky." "nice save." you warned her with a glare, taking her outstretched hand none the less and letting her pull you to your feet.
"so babe i have to ask. what was the plan here? wear your sunglasses for the next three months while they grew back?"
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leah-lover · 2 days
Part 1.
Alexia putellas x reader. Smut 18+
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It was agreed upon in the woso community that a stay in ibiza was the usual holiday for football stars. Ibiza offered them a beach, cool resorts, adventures, and most importantly parties to celebrate the triumphs of the season. .
For you Ibiza was home, you lived there for the entire year. You witness celebrities, businessmen, and frat boys party all the same. However, your favorites were the tanned, mostly happy footballers that came to blow off some steam from all around the world. You liked hearing their stories and overall you loved their company.
This year was no different, coming off of a world cup, you knew the parties were going to be interesting.
The club you worked at was popular because of its strategic place in front of the beach. In it there was a place to party and another place to just relax. It was what drew the footballers to it as it was their favorite spot to hang out.
As you tended to the customer asking for tequila shots, you saw her enter the room. The impeccable queen of football, or as some might call her alexia putellas. She was as gorgeous as you remembered her to be. Her hair was less blond than the last time you two met. She was wearing a black, shoulderless jumpsuit with her hair resting on her shoulder. Surprisingly she was alone this time.
As she approached you, you got more and more nervous.
“Hola preciosa” she said with a big smile on her face. You tried to contain your smile as you looked in her hazel eyes, eyes that you have missed so much.
“ Sorry, do I know you?” you responded cheekily. You couldn't hold the joke any longer as you looked more into her eyes.
“You still drink vodka sodas? ” you rhetorically asked while preparing her drink.
“ no hey, i missed you, how are you?” she said with a pout on her face.
“ ale I am working now. You know I can't flirt with clients.” you respond as you hand her her drink.
“ So I am just a client.” she continues with the same pout on her face. You hand her her drink and she hands you her credit card.
“ No ale you are the light of my summer.” you smile at her. “ But you know my rules while I am working. I can't do this. Go enjoy your drink and say hi to your friends for me . Once I am done I will join you.”
She took her drink and left you after that and you continued serving your clients. You watched as one by one her friends all joined her. Her company included Mapi, ingrid, jenni, parti, and aitana. They all said hi to you as they ordered their drinks, patri even ordering a bottle of champagne. You watched from the corner of your eye as they laughed and drank until they were visibly tipsy.
“ Alright boss this is me.” you said as you closed all your tabs and headed to change your clothes.
You didn't know that Alexia was gonna join you tonight so your outfit was underwhelming compared to hers, nonetheless you still joined her at the beach.
She was again alone nursing her drink. “ hola.” you said as you made your way to her and sat on her lap.
“ Hey, how are you? I missed you.” you whisper into her ear. As she rubs her hand on your back she responds. “ I missed you too.”
“ what i heard was that you had your fun this year without me.” she continues.
“ Ale, you don't own me. We have our fun, but I can sleep with whoever I want whenever I want. No need for jealousy. ” you respond.
“ I know , I know. But I bet none of them make you cum like I do.” she whispered.
“ It's been a long time i think i forgot how you felt inside of me.”
“ Well that's not right. Let's go back to the villa and I will remind you.” she says as she takes your hand and walks you to her villa.
On the way there you talked about everything that went down since you last met, from her history making 4 trophies, to her struggle with injury.
Once you got to her house she eagerly pushed you towards the nearest wall and locked her lips with your in a needy hungry kiss. Her hands were all over you touching every available part to her as she bruised your lips and devoured your tongue.
You pulled apart just for a short while so that you can retake the breath she stole from you with her mouth.
“ Now I remember clearly all the times you made me cum and how hard I did reina.” you say with your voice filled with lust.
“I have been dreaming of this all year. Dreaming of you and of what I can do to your body. “ you say while looking in her eyes.
“ Let me show you how proud I am of all that you have done this season. Please reina.” you ask her.
She looks at you with confusion in her eyes because this is the first time you have ever asked to top her.
Without a word she takes your hand in hers and leads you to the bedroom. When you two arrive she lays on the bed and looks at you seductively. You take the hint and undress slowly.
Once you are naked you straddle her lap and begin to take her shirt off, then her bra.
“ you are so fucking beautiful.” you say as you memorize her upper body.
“ not more beautiful than you.” she says as she takes your face with her hands and gives you another kiss.
“ alexia tonight is about you.” you say to her when you pull out of her hold. You then move to her neck, her collar bone, her chest, and her stomach, giving her bruising kisses as you move down her body. Alexia wasnt loud when it comes to sex, so the small whispers you managed to get out of her as you kissed and squeezed her boobs were music to your ears.
You slid the rest of her jumpsuit off of her and pulled off her damp underwear too.
“ Are you enjoying the show reina. Because it looks like you are.” you say as you show her how wet you fingers are when dipped them in between her folds.
Alexia has previously shown you how she liked to be eaten so you didn't waste any time once you lowered your head to her core.
You gently kissed her folds before parting them with your tongue. Your tongue made slow contact with her clit a few times before you moved up to kiss her again.
“ I am so proud of you reina. You did so well this season despite everything. You deserve all the best in the world. “
You went back to her core again moving with more determination to make her come. Your hands roamed her body in the process before settling on her chest. Her fingers tangled in your hair as you do so.
She soon because to arch more and more as you changed you stepped.
“ just like that corazon. You are doing so well. So so good.” she said breathlessly.
You smile onto her clit and continue your motions.
“ I am gonna come nena.” she declares before her legs start to violently shake around your head and her cum and her come drops on your face.
After she settles down you clean her up and move to kiss her with her cum all over your mouth.
“ How do you taste?” you ask her.
“ not better than you.” she responds.
After she retakes her breath you ask her “ did you bring my favorite strap? ” to which she responds by getting out a thick rainbow colored strap from her bedside table.
“ Can you wear it?” you ask her.
“ do you want me to fuck you?” she asks, confused be you demand.
“ Please wear it and you will see.” She does as she is told and secure the harness on her core.
You then proceed to get on top of her and sit on the stap. It was painful at first but you got used to it quickly.
“ I told you I would give you a show.” you say as you blue on her cock.
Still shocked you take her hands and put them on your chest. She quickly realized your message and started moving her hands on your body. You kissed a few times before you threw your head back and focused solely on how the strap felt inside of you. Theatrical moans were soon to follow as alexias eyes and touches, and the strap were overwhelming you.
“ eres tan jodidamente sexy” says Alexia as you continue to bounce.
“ I am soo close ale. Can I come please?” you say desperately.
“ yes amor, come all over my cock.” it only took you a few more thrust for you to come undone. Alexia followed you soon after with the second orgasm of the night.
After you calmed down, you moved off the strap and layed next to her. She then disposed of it too and held you close.
“ if i knew this is what was in store for me i would have come here sooner.” she joked.
“ I am glad you liked it reina.”
“ We agreed you would stop calling me that last year.”
“ The nickname is still true isn't it you are still the queen.”
“ That's debatable.”
“ not really i would only put this show on for you and only you.”
“ So I expect that you will only be sleeping with me this summer.”
“ You wish but I have other plans with other people.”
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yaeverse · 3 days
Dinner Date | j.ww
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pairing: class president! wonwoo x playgirl!reader
summary: going on a date with your class president who actually have had a secret crush on you for a while
warnings: slight nsfw, fluff, a few wet kisses
a/n: helloo nyxies, i'm still new to writing so deepest apologies if there some grammatical errors found in my fanfic. anyways, enjoyyy
You could say you were hell ass surprised when he asked you out to dinner after winning the school art competition. Your class president, Jeon Wonwoo, also known as the campus heartthrob had a secret crush on you for sometime now. The man was undeniably handsome, hot, smart and basically a walking wet dream that had every girl or boy drooling over him
Walking and pacing around your room, figuring out on what to wear, making sure to not look like you're whoring yourself on your first date with Wonwoo, your mind brings you back to the moment he asked you out.
"y/n, will you go on a date with me..?" he asks as he looks at you with a stoic face. Wonwoo actually had this all planned in his head but things didn't really go as well as he thought it would, "I'll pick you up later at seven.." he continues, leaving no space for rejection.
(end of flashback)
"Dammit, Jeon Wonwoo.. you got me nervous over a date.." you sigh, deciding on wearing a turtleneck croptop partnered with a skirt. Yeah, you've had your past relationships and flings, but oh damn, did Wonwoo got you this nervous.
Hearing your phone ring, you immediately sat up answering the call.
"Hey.." you said,
"I'm outside.." he says in a husky voice, sending shivers down your spine,
"Alright, I'm heading out.."
This was absolutely the very first moment of you being nervous of stepping out your apartment. I mean, we are talking of Jeon Wonwoo, who wouldn't be nervous.
Stepping out your door, your eyes meet Wonwoo's gaze as he stands awestruck at your beauty.
"You look.." he stutters, "beautiful, y/n.."
"oh hey, we're twinning!" you smile excitingly at the adorable coincident
He stares at you, his heart fluttering at the sight of your smile. You had quite a reputation around campus, 'Playgirl Y/N', but couldn't care less. He just saw you for who you are.
The drive was comfortably quiet. Exchanging a few glances and questions to lift the awkward tension.
"so, congrats on winning earlier.." he says, glancing in your direction,
"thanks" you smiled back, "i never thought i'd win, i messed up a few paints due to nervousness.."
"what are you talking about?" he lightly chuckles, turning the steering wheel as he talks with you, "yours was the best one there, so of course you'd win.."
You can't help but smile at his words. "thank you, wonwoo.."
After a few minutes drive, you two finally arrive.
"We're here" he says, stepping out of the driver's seat to open your door
You can't help but your eyes widen and mouth drop in agape at how beautiful, and to say expensive the place looks. He really went all out for a first date, and you think you don't deserve this kind of treatment.
"Let's go..?" he asks, guiding you by your waist, "don't be nervous, y/n, be yourself.."
"Y-you didn't really have to do all this..." you look up to meet his gaze
"Well, I wanted to"
Dinner was mostly filled with a few exchanged talks and warm conversations. Getting to know each other, and finding a few interesting facts that none of the two of you thought to be possibly real.
Spending time and getting to know him made you realize that he is everything you could ask for a guy. After having failed relationships, and jumping from one guy to another, you finally conclude that Jeon Wonwoo is YOUR TYPE OF MAN. You now can see why almost everyone in campus say the he's the perfect ideal boyfriend a girl can ever ask. He's a complete gentleman, smart, handsome, hot, a walking wet dream, like everything. You just know that after this date, you will never be the same. You could already feel the effects this guy has over you.
"Did you enjoy the dinner, y/n?" he asks,
"Of course, I did," you smile, as you took out your wallet "Oh- I can pay the dinner-"
"You're not paying dinner, princess," he chuckled, gently pushing your hand back to yourself, "I already payed anyways.."
"Y-you're too much, won.." you smile warmly at him,
"Nothing's too much, y/n," he smiles back, "You ready to go home..?"
You nod and as a gentleman he is, he escorts you outside, holding your waist. The warmth of his palm on your waist was enough to send butterflies bursting to your stomach, making your heartbeat crazy.
"So, uh, this is goodnight i guess.." he mumbles as he walks you to your door, "good night, y/n..."
"wait-" you pause, realizing what you just said
"yes..?" he immediately looked back, giving you all his attention
he walks closer to you, leaning in as he sees your eyes laid on his lips, making him chuckle.
"my eyes are up here, princess.." he smirked, "may i..?"
No words came out but you just nodded. He slowly leans in. Your heart beats in anticipation as you close your eyes, ready to feel his lips on yours.
But, oh damn, was he soft like feather.
You tensed up feeling his lips on yours. 'Get a grip, y/n, it's not like it's your first time kissing someone' you mentally scold yourself. You then feel his hand settle on your waist as the other settles behind your neck, pulling you closer to him.
You two pause for a moment to catch your breaths as he rested his forehead on yours. You smiled, and you know he's smiling as well. He then leans in again with more affection.
"Mmhh.." you hear him moan to the kiss as he swiftly licks your lower lip, begging to get in. With pleasure, you open your lips partly and he slide his tongue in immediately.
You two get lost in the moment, feeling waves of pleasure and adrenaline rush through every inch of your body at the sensation of his tongue dancing with yours. His hand grip your neck a bit tighter as he pulls you closer to give him more access inside your mouth as he makes out with you.
The kiss slowly calms down as you two pull back, gasping for air, foreheads resting against each other.
"We're going for a second date then..?" he asks with a light chuckle, his thumb caressing your waist,
"You're a good kisser, by the way.." you laugh, "And yes, a second date would be fucking great.."
He pecks your lips as he replies, "Next time, you'll receive more than a kiss, princess.."
Your face becomes a blushing mess as he smirked at your reaction
"W-Wonwoo...!" you whine playfully as you hit his chest,
"God, I'll make you scream my name next time.." he smirked, chuckling in a low tone,
"See you around, princess..." he greets you goodbye as he drives his car away
You just know that there'll be no more next guy after Wonwoo.
And you just know that in the next date, you'll end up being unable to walk
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Yandere shop! Choose your yandere!
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I was thinking, did you ever listen to yandere asmr videos? If so, you will catch on quickly that this is based on the yandere shop, which was so popular in asmr videos during the pandemia. - coffee
If you didn’t, quick summary Coffee gave me: imagine if there is a place where you can enter and you can ‘buy’ (they pay you since you are going to take care of a serial killer so he don’t kill people while you two got your twisted love) a yandere of your choosing. - tea
Word count: 1.2k but this will be edited to correct misspellings or weird sentence structure later, sorry in advance.
tw: yandere behavior, willing reader, delulu, written in you/yours, reader is a little nervous but really interested, you can choose humans yanderes and non-human (although humanoid) yanderes!
You fix your clothing and take a deep breath, your mind filled with ‘what if..’ yet, you were here, in a place that you didn’t trust was real
A creak takes you out of your thoughts, a smiling man dressed rather formally, greets you cheerfully.
“Sorry to interrupt when you are so absorb in your pretty mind My dear, but you know, a little push may help you”
He said as he extended his hand to you, well, you already made your way here hoping to get a yandere so you gather all your corague as you take the man's hand. He led inside the shop, you can hear the click of the door closing behind you as you follow him.
“Oh, I hope you weren’t thinking of backing up so quickly Dear, want something to drink?”
You gently shake your shake as you sit down in one of the couches, on the inside it looks pretty much like a coffee shop.
“Smart choice but you still seem rather nervous, want to say something before I go ahead and show you the catalog?”
“Well, I wanted to know, what can you do for the yandere you like to like you back? What if the one I choose doesn't like me back?”
Your worries were met with a not-so-subtly laugh from the man which make you kind of annoyed and embarrassed.
“Sorry Dear, I just never thought I ever meet somebody that feel insecure about the love of a yandere”
Now you wanted to punch him, is a normal question to ask! The yandere have their own way to fall in love!
“Let me give you a quick explanation, if they had a darling, both of us know they would be busy stalking them. The yanderes we have don’t have a darling, but are eager for the sense of love on their own way which may not suit everyone so to avoid problems, this shop was put in place as a matchmaker between differents kinds of yanderes and people who enjoy them"
You sight in relief as you nod.
“alright, who is more likely to go even more insane if they don't get a darling soon.."
"Sorry, what did you just say? I couldn't hear you well"
"Oh, nothing Dear, I was just searching for the ones that been waiting the most, is how the list work, I will show you a few options first so you have an idea, you can ask for another kind if you had something else in mind, I'm sure we got something that will suit your taste; Although, do remember that is just one yandere, we had problems with that before"
"How is it that someone got the permission to have more than one? I thought you guys will keep in track that since well, it's dangerous for anyone"
"She didn't have permission but she manage because she stubbornly wanted a yandere harem, the result are expected, averyone in that house died except for one yandere, he is again on the list, and as you can guess, he end up more being more... intense. He is totally your perfect option if you like a very possessive yandere, he's a more serious yandere for that experience"
“That will be dangerous for me too?”
"Dont worry Dear, he is truly desperate for love like the rest, his name is Dizie. But if you rather a more gentle treat, Gabriel is your guy, I don't know much about him since he said that only his darling will get to know everything about him. As far as I know, he's kind of yandere that will kiss the ground were his darling walk, a worshiper you can say, if you like someone looks at you like you are a deity, he's definitely your perfect match"
“Isn’t every yandere a worshiper in their own ways?”
"Well, I guess? Is true that others have another específic ways to worship, look, he's the baker, relishes in your enjoyment of their pastries, a very skilled baker that knows how to include the most unique of ingredients to make the sweetest of treats, dreams of putting his heart and soul in every treat he bakes for his darling, his name is Oliver”
"What kind of ingredients tho?"
“The next one you may like is actually a popular singer, he chooses to keep anonymous unless chosen, but if you want to be a celebrity or date one, he is someone you can guess that will love to spoil their darling, he’s on the talkative side, if you like art or stuff like that, you will enjoy his house. although he babbles a lot of how he wish to hear the voice of his darling obsessively for hours”
The seller seems to dodge your question.
“Ah, of course, we also have some special yanderes if humans are boring or less attractive for you, look, he’s Myotis, the classic vampire, he even has wings! Isn’t it perfect to see the sky closer while you enjoy the company of a yandere that looks like he just came out of a book? If you are also into short kings, you gonna love him without a doubt”
"He's not going to drain me out of blood, is he?"
“Dear, why would a yandere who waits so long for their darling, kill them? But if vampires aren't your type, you could go for a mothman! You will be the light of his life, literally. He’s a big softie and kind of clumsy; he just eagerly waits for the arrival of his daylight. A good choose if you like special clingy yanderes, he is not around humans too much, but he said he wanted to be called Lior if he got chosen. Oh, if you are on the stronger side, you may want to keep your eye on Tarak, he said something about his name meaning something like star and protector I think, I guess he chose the name by himself, he’s a prideful dragon and really loves to talk, honestly, I’m not that intelligent to understand some things that he say, but if you like to know new things by listening, asking or reading, he's your man, you can try trying to teach him something new, I don't think is impossible to archive”
“You know what ag…”
You stopped talking when you catch a security camera in a corner moving around frantically yet appear like not seeing anything?
“Don’t mind him, is just Grier, even though I don’t know if that's his real name, I do know he loves trying to spy here using the security cameras so we end up having to put tape on them when a darling is coming to the shop; as you can guess, he’s a hacker, if you choose him, you will be very well protected and taken cared of since you gonna be being watched even if you think you are alone, if that what you wish for, please do choose him.”
The seller looks at you, waiting for an answer, to choose what kind of yandere you want or ask for a specific type now.
“You don’t really go outside too much, so I don’t think you gonna have problems with any of them”
You act like you didn’t hear his murmur as you look at the papers in your hand of every yandere he just talked about.
If your favorite options lose or you want something specific, just send an ask! We love comments and interactions in general so don't be shy.
sorry for any misspellings or weird sentence structure ❣
images from pinterest
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balletfilmss · 2 days
✸ pairing: rockstar! percy jackson x ballerina! reader
✸ synopsis: after months of sneaking around behind the media’s backs, you and your boyfriend make your relationship public!
✸ warnings: not proofread. like, at all.
✸ notes: hey so im alive btw…. so here’s pt.2 to could you make it any more obvious?
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“are you sure you want to do this?”
you asked the question for the millionth time, finger hovering over the bright blue button on your phone screen, identical to the one percy was eager to press.
the two of you sat together with phones in hand, seconds away from making instagram posts that would launch your relationship to the public after months of sneaking around. even though you’d already been caught once or twice…
“sweetheart, how many times do i have to tell you yes until you believe me?” percy chuckled, looking at you with those kind eyes of his.
this was his idea, for crying out loud. you knew that the media would eat it right up, with the two of you confirming their month-long suspicions and dating rumors.
that being said, you also knew that there’d be a lot more backlash from his fans than yours. who cares if a popular ballerina got a boyfriend, right?
but a eligible, hot, bachelor rockstar that had millions of fangirls all around the world?
oh, you were totally in for it.
one of the great things about percy was that he seemed to not only have great musical talent, but also the ability to read your mind.
“look, i can’t promise you that making everything public will be easy, though i think not having to sneak around definitely will,” a laugh out of both him and you. “but what i can promise is that whatever happens, we’ll deal with it together.”
that paired with a reassuring squeeze to your leg drew a smile right onto your face. you took a deep breath, reassured that no matter what happened, you still had him.
“okay,” you nodded, skimming over your Instagram caption one last time. “i’m ready.”
“on the count of three?” percy asked, holding his phone directly beside yours.
together, you clicked post and watched as the upload line chased the edge of the screen until finally, it was public. everything was public.
dropping his phone on the couch, percy wrapped his arms around your abdomen and squeezed, pulling you from the cushions until you landed in his lap.
with a shriek of surprise followed by a fit of laughter from you both, you held his face in your hands, grinning at it another like two idiots in love, which you were.
“alright, swan lake,” he smiled, face close to yours. “everything just changed.”
“i don’t think so, not really,” you shrugged. “i’m still me. we’re still us. only difference is now we don’t have to go sneaking down alleys to avoid people.”
“always a bright side with you,” your boyfriend swooned at the mere sight and sound of you, his eyes filled with nothing but adoration and love. you could’ve sworn you saw hearts in his eyes.
“well, you are mr. brightside.”
that reference to one of his songs was all it took. percy leaned back into the couch cushions, pulled you with him, and kissed you so good that it didn’t matter what anyone commented on social media.
…now playing: last call — greek symphony
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officially.yn: yeah, my boyfriend’s pretty cool 🤍🎸
tagged: impercyjacks
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impercyjacks: wow who’s that hottie in the last picture?? 😍
╰┈➤ officially.yn: idk, some musician 🤷‍♀️
its.piper.mclean: you big fucking liar, I KNEW IT
╰┈➤ its.piper.mclean: I DON’T BELIEVE YOU!!! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS 😭😭 breaking up with you IMMEDIATELY, yn ln
╰┈➤ officially.yn: NO, piper bby don’t do this 😔
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: i am RIGHT here
╰┈➤ user72: and HIS BAND’S song playing???
the.leovaldez: i KNEW i wasn’t crazy
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: bffr. you didn’t know SHIT
╰┈➤ jasegrace: leo. frank’s deaf cat knew he was sneaking around with someone.
╰┈➤ frankzhang: you leave maisie out of this.
user289: this is THE hard launch of all hard launches
╰┈➤ user: but was this REALLY the launch, or was it all those tabloid articles 👀👀
impercyjacks: spoiler alert: she didn’t break my heart & i did, in fact, see her again ;)
╰┈➤ username: SHUT THE FRONT DOOR
impercyjacks: love you, swan lake 🤍
…now playing: paparazzi — lady gaga
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impercyjacks: but i’m not as cool as her 🩷🩰
tagged: officially.yn
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officially.yn: last pic was not necessary.
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: but you look so cute :((
╰┈➤ user293: girl get a grip….
╰┈➤ user: okay but like the gf is YN LN, it’s okay
the.leovaldez: yeah and guess who knew first? ME
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: actually…that was jason
╰┈➤ the.leovaldez: …. GUESS WHO KNEW SECOND?? ME 🗣️🗣️
username: girls, we lost him 😔
jasegrace: thank god, im sick of keeping your secret
╰┈➤ officially.yn: didn’t you tell us once that it felt like gossip girl?
its.piper.mclean: im forwarding every last piece of media paper work to you.
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: send it on over 🫡
user29: majority of the pictures just being her 🥹
╰┈➤ fan9: and the fact that the FIRST one’s her, so she’s on his feed now
username: isn’t yn ln like…a terrible dancer? she’s so overrated fr
╰┈➤ impercyjacks: shouldn’t you like….get a fucking life??
╰┈➤ user28: OH GAH DAMN
╰┈➤ fan28: GAGGED THEM FR
officially.yn: i love you so big, rockstar ♥️
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vaaaaaiolet · 2 days
When you call Leon late one night, he knows something's up with his best friend and mission partner of two years. You're breaking down and your shitty on-and-off boyfriend's nowhere to be found, but that's not Leon's business. He's just supposed to be a shoulder for you to cry on.
But Leon's not very good at staying out of business concerning you. Feelings get involved, and he finds out he has quite a sticky finger when it comes to phone calls.
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f / m, friends / partners to lovers, angst + fluff w/ hurt + comfort, mutual pining, mild?? safe sex, phone sex w/ a twist, tw: shitty bf that's not leon but no cheating i don't condone cheating, porn w/ feelings + some semblance of a plot. oh, and happy ending :) mdni.
word count: 2.7k // read on ao3
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a/n: YAY GRACIE ABRAMS RELEASED CLOSE TO YOU!! idk what happened with this fic LMAO it just got way out of hand. i’m also working on "and they were roommates!"; it's my summer goal to finish that series (you can really tell how employed i am). also if you catch the touch tank lyric, i <3 u
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The phone on Leon’s nightstand buzzed impatiently the way demanding, intrusive phone calls do at 1 AM on weeknights. Jesus Christ. No one called him this late at night, nobody except his favorite mission partner who only had burning questions for him the minute the clock struck midnight.
In other words, you.
He ran a hand through his bedhead, picking up your call with half a mind to tell you off for real this time before his ears met wracking sobs. The snark sublimated off Leon’s tongue. 
“Hey, hey, is everything alright? What’s going on?” his voice rose steadily in pitch the more you cried. Worry thumped in his bare chest as he sat up on his knees, “Where are you?”
“Home, I’m at home, I- Leon, he’s with her, I don’t know what to do!” You sounded like you were drowning the way your words spilled out, punctuated with gasps for air. “He turned his phone off, and his-his friends said he wasn’t with them at the bar…” you hiccuped, “and I have the worst gut feeling, it feels like-” 
His stomach twisted as you heaved for breath. “I feel like I’m going to throw up.” 
Leon’s mind whirled. He knew, to his incredible unenthusiasm, that you’d been in an on-and-off relationship for the past two years. You couldn’t let go of your boyfriend from your training days. You’d sip apologetically from your drink and wave away Leon’s scolding each time you got left in the dust, only to bounce back the moment your boyfriend promised to do better. 
You’d been his saving grace in the field more times than he could count, and it was only because of his own woman in red that Leon could empathize where others rolled their eyes at you. You and him were the same. The only difference is that he’d given up on this part of life entirely while you clung tight. Leon had gone his separate way while you pined at the crossroads. 
But he was a selfish bastard, and he was a bit like you, too. Same coin. He gave you his shoulder to cry on and couldn’t help absorbing a bit of the blame for your needy heart.
“Stay right there.” Leon murmured, forcing his anger at your definitely cheating boyfriend into something softer for you to land on, "I'm coming right now, I'll pick you up and we'll talk about it."
 “Don’t, Leon, it’s late. I just called to…God, I don’t even know. You have work tomorrow.” 
“First time you’ve been concerned about my work, calling this late at night.” he chuckled, interrupting your budding apology, silver keys jangling in his pockets. “Don’t worry about it. Pretend I’m already there. I got you.” 
You laughed through your sniffles, “Stubborn ass.”
His heart lurched. “Have to be one. I can’t have you thinking you can call me crying and I’d do nothing about it.”
The snow whipped at his windshield when he pulled into your driveway. Who the hell went clubbing on a work night at 1 AM, Leon didn’t know, but as he killed his car’s headlights, he figured your boyfriend was just the kind of good-for-nothing to pull it off. He stuck his hands in his pockets and trudged to your front door.
You cracked the door open after two knocks, just enough for him to slip into your dark entryway. Leon frowned in the darkness as he let you pull him by the arm into your living room where a few tea candles flickered on your coffee table. They littered its glass surface along with a few tissues. 
“I'm sorry about the dark,” you wiped your eyes with a sleeve, “Sorry about everything, really.”
If he’d lifted your mood before he’d cut the call, he didn’t have a clue now. You looked so small, drowning in a long-sleeve shirt and pajama shorts, socked feet fiddling with a crack in the floor as Leon sat you on your couch. 
He couldn’t think. He just enveloped you in a hug as fresh tears threatened to spill over your lashes. "No. We're not doing 'I'm sorry,' alright? You have nothing to be sorry for." He gave you one more squeeze before popping the million dollar questions: "What happened? What did he do? Tell me everything." 
You crumpled into his chest. “You were right, you’re always right, Leon. God, why don’t I ever learn? What’s wrong with me?”
I’ve never wanted to be more wrong in my life. Tell me no like you always do.
“He’s been angry.” You mumbled, “Secretive, defensive…he bought jewelry that I only know about from the receipts.”
“…how long?” 
Leon wanted to fix this. Make your should-be ex pay. Hunnigan could always deal with the fallout later. She’d wipe your boyfriend’s existence off the face of the planet if he asked. Nicely. Hopefully. 
“I didn’t want to disappoint you.” You lifted your head to meet his gaze and all he could do was watch tears glimmering in those eyes he knew so well. “I didn’t want to tell you he’s been like this for a month…to be honest, I didn’t care.”
Leon’s brain wasn’t catching up as you continued, “I just didn’t want to disappoint you.”
He raised an eyebrow. 
"Disappoint me?" Leon repeated. "Sweetheart, you would never disappoint me. You're my best friend, alright?" Damn, he’d pulled out the double-edged sword, but this way, he could get you to listen. The tingly feeling was back. "Look at me."
He cupped your chin in his hand. Studied your face. 
"Why would you ever think that?" 
“…because you said he wasn’t good for me,” you choked out, words tumbling from your lips the more you gained momentum. “Because I know how it feels to be loved because you treat me like that and he doesn’t, he never did, he-”
You stopped yourself with a shaky breath, blinking up at him like a deer in headlights because there it was. 
Here you both were.
The one line you were both afraid to cross. The line between friends and everything more.
Your hands flew up to his chest, flitting from the soaked fabric of his open shirt to cover your face as you backtracked hard. “I’d make everything complicated. You don’t need that, neither of us do with this job – you don’t need me to mess up the stability you have in your life. I’m supposed to make things easier for you, like an actual friend, and instead I just cause trouble. I drag you into my mess.”
Leon could roll his eyes right about now. Said the girl who watched his back at every turn. Saved him limbs and further replacements for said limbs. The girl who started breaking him out of his shell with laughter and light the minute she stepped into his life like a hurricane, after losing Luis and the shock of Krauser’s betrayal shut Leon further into the abyss. You were the chief reason he’d stopped chasing Ada like a lovesick puppy and started seeing her as an advantage in the field instead. And you as something more.
You filled his life with so much to look forward to that he simply didn’t have the time to let the negativity in. So it was only right that he cut you off, sealing his mouth to yours to even the exchange. An eye for an eye – heart for a heart.
"There." Leon breathed out after what felt like an eternity, heat rushing to his face. "Am I messing up your life yet?"
The broken pieces of your heart kicked up like the snowstorm outside the moment Leon’s lips touched yours. The breath knocked out of you as he lifted your chin ever so gently with just a finger, your head reeling to keep pace: Leon. Here. Kissing. Kissing you.  
Is he messing up your life yet? Oh, baby boy.
“You could never.” 
A stupid, giddy smile threatened to split your face in half as your heart beat double time.
“...but I’d let you if you wanted.”
“Then let me, sweetheart,” Leon practically begged, his ocean eyes searching yours.
“I’ll stop if you say the word.”
His calloused fingers tucked your hair behind your ear as he leaned in again, drawing a beautiful gasp out of you as his tongue brushed the seam of your lips. You let him in, tilting your head, nose almost bumping his the way you chased him after he let go, everything that was suddenly too much now not enough. Leon’s heart kicked gleefully.
He hooked his hands under your thighs as he pulled you onto his lap. The strength he’d built up from his missions finally came to good use.
You blinked up at him, hungrily, pleadingly. “I do want something more. More than what we’ve got.”
“The sentiment’s mutual.” 
Leon took advantage of the fact you hadn’t done a single thing to stop him so far, purring sweet nothings into your ear as he began nipping at your neck to coax out more delicious sounds. He could play you like an instrument in the hands of Juilliard graduate; make you sing with a touch.
“Leon…I was scared. Terrified. Didn’t want to- didn’t want to lose you if I came clean.” 
You let his hands slip under your shirt to palm at your breasts, followed by profuse thanks in the form of tender touches everywhere else he could reach. Sweet girl, melting like snow on his tongue. He flipped you onto your back as you reached for him, trailing kisses down your neck as he eased your shorts down the minute you nodded yes. Feverishly. 
Maybe the warmth of your walls sucking in his fingers was what he needed to piece together why you kept going back to your shitty boyfriend when what you wanted was Leon.
You were distracting yourself. 
It was all so stupid.
“You’re never going to lose me,” he groaned; pressed a kiss onto your inner thigh, his hand locking onto your knee to keep it from twitching as you arched with every pass of his thumb over your tiny bundle of nerves. “I can’t even believe I let you keep this up for so long. Shit!”
It was devastatingly easy to bring you to climax. He followed the angle of your back arching at his touch like a step-by-step guide as he gave you one last kiss, right over your soaked entrance, and rose from his knees to sit your trembling body back up. Leon murmured for you to reach for the wallet in his back pocket, and you laughed breathlessly as you fished out a condom, kissing the corner of the lopsided grin he shot you. Angel. 
That’s one more name he’d been itching to call you.
“Let me keep you, angel. I’ll treat you right. You know that already, don’t you?” Leon kissed the top of your head, rolling on the rubber as you straddled his lap with shaky legs. His hands easily spanned the curve of your hips as you bit your lip. He didn’t want to hurt you any more than you already had been. 
“I’ll be gentle,” he murmured.
“You want to be gentle with me?” you repeated, smiling.
Fair enough question. Leon blew apart bioweapons for a living. But he could be gentle when he wanted to be.
He couldn’t help but smile back. “Yeah. Wanna take my time with you, sweet girl.”
Leon kissed you one last time before painstakingly, slowly, lowering you on his length. Really, it was because he wanted to hear you whimper his name all the more. You’re beautiful. Gorgeous. Your cries filtered into his ears sweeter than birdsong. Oh, he was going to make sure you forgot your boyfriend ever existed. You were all inviting warmth, plush walls and silk, but Leon barely had time to suck in a breath at the spectacular fit of you on his cock because of the infuriating trill of your phone’s ringtone breaking the blessed silence.
“Shut it up, Leon, I don’t wanna hear- oh shit! Oh my god,” your frustrated expression morphs into one of shock as he flips the screen to reveal your soon-to-be ex’s caller ID, “Hang up, baby.”
Leon wanted to listen so badly. You even called him baby.
“Sweetheart, you said you wanted me to mess up your life? We’re starting now.”
Your eyes flew wide open as he pecked your forehead and tapped the “answer” button, bucking his hips up just enough for you to moan out loud. Your saucer eyes fixed on the phone on the coffee table; your ex just got greeted with the most salacious sound you’d ever made in your life.
“Babe, what the hell?” went the tinny male voice, “Are you…okay?”
You were okay, alright. Leon was making sure of that. One more kiss to your jaw and you were whining right into his mouth. It was just too bad the phone couldn’t pick up the way your fingers tangled themselves into his hair, but Leon was confident your mewls made it through.
“I’ll apologize later, I promise, just let me do this for you.” he whispered, angling you so he’d hit that spongy patch of nerves deep inside. You promptly dissolved into tears. Good ones this time, begging him for just a little more, doing anything to trigger that switch.
Your soon-to-be ex, however, meanwhile resorted to shouting any insult he could think of from what sounded like the inside of his car. Frankly, it was killing the mood. 
“Hey, buddy?” Leon called out as you teetered on the brink of euphoria. “It’s fine. I’ve got her.”
The noise of your ex’s muffled surprise almost made you get up in alarm, but Leon wasn't about to have this moment taken away so soon. Now, it was a matter of satisfaction for him as your ex blustered, "I'm sorry, am I hearing this right? You've got her? Who the hell are you?"
“I’m Leon. You don’t know me?” 
“I don’t know any- wait. You work with her, don’t you?” 
Leon hummed agreeably, focusing his attention on making the phone an afterthought for you as you chased your high. “Maybe. I’m just doing what you couldn’t for the past two years, you know.”
“You bitch. You’re cheating on me with a coworker? Are you fucking serious? Unbelievable…you…I’m on my way. You two fuckers better be there, I swear to God, I’m going to ab-”
Leon tutted impatiently, pressing into your clit to hurtle you over the edge and drown out the tirade with your much more listen-worthy wails of pleasure. The phone call ended, without Leon’s help, only a few seconds after the last of your cries finished echoing in the living room. 
“Oops. Think we touched a nerve, sweetheart?” he chuckled, easing you off him as he swiped a tissue to clean you up. 
You glowered up at him – shit – only to break into an incredulous grin. His heart was mere inches from falling off a precipice. Good God, woman.
“You’re crazy.” you giggled.
“Yeah? And you want me anyway.”
“Love you, anyway.” 
He grinned. 
Leon didn’t stop you from slamming the front door in your now-ex’s face (oh, how he savored saying that). He also didn’t stop you from jumping into his arms the second your ex’s car pulled out of your driveway, your bulletproof breakup face traded for the smile he’d once tried to convince himself he wasn’t in love with.
Your voice was ecstatic. "I can't believe I just did that. Oh my god, I just did that!" 
"Wasn't that fun?" he laughed.
"Really fun." 
You got up on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "You know, ever since I gave you permission to ruin my life, Leon, you've been doing the exact opposite," you mused, your fingers playfully catching on the hem of his shirt. 
“I plan on keeping that promise, baby. I didn’t even have to ruin your life for you to fall in love with me.”
You arched a know-it-all eyebrow.
“Okay, okay! Maybe a little bit.” he conceded, warmth erupting in his chest. 
Yeah. If this counted as ruining your life, Leon was just fine with no rest for the wicked.
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psst! find more of my work here
comments and reblogs are very much appreciated :,)
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mm-lurking · 2 days
When the rain stops
I got soaked in the rain so I wrote this. Not proofread. Written with Blade, Al-Haitham and Jiyan in my mind but you can imagine your favourites.
Warnings: x fem! reader, angst WC: 817 — Nothing registers in your mind except the icy freezing water that washes over your body in large raindrops. Your fingertips are cold and rock hard from the downpour that has caught you halfway through your journey. The slashes and stab wound you have obtained from your body bleed into your clothes and the ground you stand on.
Everything feels numb in comparison to the rain. You’re trembling as the clothes you wear stick to your body and the harsh breeze that passes by makes it worse. The water has pooled around your feet, soaking through your shoes and no matter how hard you try nothing keeps the aggressive battering of the rain away.
By the time you reach your destination the biting cold gets to you and you find yourself stumbling in your steps. The loss of blood further exacerbates your fragile state. Each movement of your feet feels heavy no matter how hard you push through. The rain blinds you completely and your vision starts to blur.
Your knees give out causing you to go crashing into the gravel path. The metallic smell of blood mixes with the earthy rain assaulting your nose with the strangest odor you have ever encountered. Somehow, alongside the odor, you get a whiff of a familiar masculine scent, one that reminds you of him.
What follows are urgent footsteps and a warm pair of arms that envelop you from the back. Suddenly the rain stops above your head followed by a deep raspy voice you so dearly love to hear.
“You’re hurt.”
He says concerned as he discards his coat and kneels down to your level to wrap it around you. The additional layer of thick fabric greatly shields you from the rain and you can’t help but smile deliriously. Without a word he presses you deeper into his chest as he checks your injuries.
“This stab wound…who did this to you?”
You can sense a tinge of anger in his voice which further makes you smile. Something about him caring for you despite his reserved attitude surprises you. Instead of replying, you weakly cling your fingers on the thin fabric of his chest and lazily nod.
“Doesn’t…doesn’t matter…”
You mumble out and dig your head deeper into his chest. All you can think about is how incredibly warm he is compared to the raging rain that shows no sign of stopping. He wraps his hands tighter around you in response.
Then he immediately scoops you up in his arms making sure to avoid the injured skin before hurriedly walking to a place of retreat to tend to your weakened state. You’re cold and limp against his warm and alive body. Now that the rain no longer storms on you, you feel the pain of your wounds emerging from your throat as you uncomfortably groan.
“Shh…almost there.”
He responds soothingly to your agony. With the little energy you have left, you peek at the man who carries you so lovingly. All you can see is his sharp jawline and the popping of his neck veins as he looks ahead. You observe the rain soaks some of his hair and face, coating him with a glistening glow that makes your heart beat a tad faster.
“It’s alright…you don’t have to…”
He tries to ignore how shallow your breathing is and how your blood seeps into his own clothes. Your body feels more lifeless in his warm hands with each passing second. He notes how your tiny fingers have loosened their grip on his shirt and he tries not to panic at the lack of movement you display.
“Nonsense. We are almost there.”
His fingers almost dig into your skin despite the layers you have on. Even though his voice is unwavering and resolute, the pounding of his heart betrays him. Through the last few threads of consciousness remaining in you, you chuckle.
“You’re wasting your time on me…”
“Stop talking.”
He chides you and you smile. Everything is starting to feel more distant and dreamy as black dots swarm your vision. Your fingers that were holding onto his shirt so desperately drop into your lap and your head falls back. The sudden change prompts him to look at you and he feels blood drain from his face. You’re still like the waters of a lake with a tiny smile. He calls you out but you do not respond.
“Stay with me. Stay with me!”
He says with more urgency as he shakes you but only silence fills the air. There is a flurry of curses that run through his head as he finally reaches his destination and rushes to ask for help. When the rain finally stops and your wounds are observed carefully, all he can do is stare at your pale face in horror as your eyes remain closed and dried blood decorates your skin.
Maybe, just maybe it was too late.
⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ©mm-lurking 2024 do not copy, steal or reuse my work.
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penelope-potter · 2 days
Your Part Of The Deal~
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing: Alastor X Fem! Owl Hybrid! Reader
Summary: You and Alastor made out a deal in a tricky situation. Now you have to keep your part of the deal...
Continuation from the first story; 'Small Box'
Warnings: No one
Here's Part 1
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The morning 'sun' of hell shined through the curtains of your room. Reddish, orange light fell on the floor and on the side of your bed enough for you to open your eyes and to yawn.
You needed a few seconds to put the pieces back together because something felt strange about this day. It was the second you brushed your fingers over your lips as it hit you. You almost jumped out of the bed instantly as your mind brought you back to the very moment of yesterday where you and Alastor were trapped into Charlie's old closet. The deal. The kiss.
Fuck. The kiss...
You brushed your finger over your lips again and your heart started to beat as fast as it could this early.
You sat back on the edge of your bed as your memories of yesterday came back. The group found you two inside the old thing. Charlie agitated you two were trapped in it, Angel laughing his ass off, Husk giving you a kind of terrifying look. Nifty only caring about the mess you two brought with you and Vaggie ready to rip Alastor's body up every second. You instantly excused yourself and told her to fix it tomorrow before you almost tripped over your feet to run away from this situation. Freaking idiot!
You cursed yourself as you stood up and closed your eyes again. How stupid it was to actually make a deal with him, even if you never wanted to. He said he didn't owned your soul but why was this green light present, which was always present when he was about to take someone's soul?
The thoughts swirled in your head so long that only the light knocking of someone outside of your door could bring you back.
"(Y/N)? Is everything alright? Can I come in?"
You exhaled.
You fell back on your sheets as you could hear her coming in.
"Uhm well...h-how did you sleep? You seemed so...turned upside down yesterday-"
"I made a mistake."
You got up, looking at her. She blinked in surprise but smiled carefully.
"But why? Is it because of the closet? Well because-"
"No it's not about that..."
You started, and ran your fingers through your hair.
"I- I made a deal with Alastor...as we were- as we were stuck in the closet. It was a bad idea really. He said he didn't own my soul but I think he still do somehow...I- I trusted him but I don't know if I can really trust him after all."
You said breathlessly.
"What do I do now?"
Charlie looked at you with wide eyes and worry. She placed herself next to you and layed a hand on your shoulder.
"Well, I made a deal with him too and he said I still own mine, so I think there are other ways to make a deal with someone and to give them something other than your soul."
Her calming voice calmed you down a bit, but your heart still pondered inside your chest. There wasn't really something you could to about it, could you?
"Okay...okay thank you- Charlie."
You said smiling with all the force you could bring up now. She scanned your face with worry, obviously not believing you a single word.
"(Y/N), I think you are not okay with all of this..."
She started.
"You can tell me what's wrong you know. I love you guys- all of you, including you. We are friends and you helped me a lot too with my problems..."
She said, sheepingly looking to the side before turning to you again.
You inhaled first before telling her about your deal with Alastor. Charlie as she was- already with a high pitched voice and her fists up in the air.
"Aww how cute! I always knew there was something with you two!"
"Shhh not so loud!"
You shushed her and looked around as if you could sense it that way if someone is hearing too.
"Okay, I will not talk to anybody about this, promised!"
Her grin absolutely wide, she holds up her left hand and the other over her chest.
You laughed a bit.
"Alright, and could you maybe hold the others back in their place? I don't even want to take one step outside because everyone will tease me about this. Not to speak of Alastor."
Your face grew red.
"Shit, how should I act now? I messed this all up before what the fuck should I do now?"
Charlie laughed a bit.
"Well you can start by keeping your promise. You know- touch him and stuff."
She barely couldn't hide her smile and as you told her to stop she just screamed in your ear that she couldn't help herself.
You took an incredible long time to change and an even longer time to actually go through your door.
You ignored the laugh of Angel as he came out of his room himself and you also ignored the look everyone else gave you. You were just glad to not spot Alastor around and you already sighed in relief as you found him in the kitchen. The air smelled like coffee and toast and you froze in place. It came you in mind that you never really thought about how to start a conversation with him. You only thought about how to act around him. He sang along a tune from his cane, which leaned
against the kitchen counter. His sleeved were rolled up, exposing his arms till his elbows.
Shit, do something before the others come in!
You slapped yourself as you slowly made your way to the deer demon, whose ears peaked up by the sound of your footsteps. The second his head turned to you, you instantly forgot everything you made up five minutes ago.
"Good morning dearest!"
He happily sung, his smile impossible wide this time.
"Good morning... Al."
You said and hoped he accepted the nickname as well. His eyes glimmered as he bend down to you.
"Still flustered hmm? Well, I didn't changed my mind- it is still a delighting view~"
You pressed your lips together as you could hear the footsteps of Husk and Angel and the chatting which grew louder with each step.
If you didn't do something now, you won't do it for the rest of the day- you thought to yourself as you smiled and tried to appear calm as you brought all your courage you ever had in your soul together and placed your hand on his shoulder blade. He flinched by the sudden feeling of your touch and you also jumped a little but hide it as you leaned in too.
"Old tease. Tell me how to make myself useful and how to handle the torture the rest of us will give us in five seconds, rather than making fun of me will you?"
You hand slides back and forth for about one second before you pulled back. The shiver in your whole body was strangely a good feeling. He only stared at you, in completely shook. Shook that you actually keep your part of the deal. It was what he wanted, and the sudden burst of emotion flooding through his stomach felt strange. Unfamiliar. But not bad. Not bad like the touches he received before and which made him disliking them so much. No, from you it was different. It was different yesterday as you lied on him and he could hold your warm body against his. It was different now, the frame of your face so close to his and your fingers seemingly tried to burn through the fabric right to his cold skin.
He even felt a bit frustrated that it ended so quickly, but he set the rules himself. He'll just have to wait a few days, because now he's sure that you'll keep your promise.
"You are right darling...how about you pass me the salt would you?"
He answered to your question he almost forgot, and caught himself shaking as he reached for the salt you gave him. What was this now? The sudden burst of your confidence in combination with such a mundane touch almost brought him to his knees, when you lied on him yesterday for longer than just two seconds.
Oh in which game he got himself into?
Each day you grew more confident.
Yes you even looked forward to each morning and your little ritual. The others simply lost interest in teasing you all and each time and just continued to stare at you two acting almost like a couple each day.
"What's wrong with them?"
Angel asked and sipped his coffee, his eyes never leaving you two. Today was day 8 so one day more than a week. You had to come up with a new place to touch him without it turning out weird, because you already took every spot of his back, his shoulders and his arms. Even his hands you brushed yesterday which brought Alastor to almost choke on his coffee. His hands were slender, felt defined and his sharp claws brought shivers down your spine by just thinking of how they felt on your back earlier.
"I don't know, but I'm too sober for this shit."
Husk answered and bites in his toast.
Today you scanned over him a while because you searched for a spot to not make him feel weird so he just raised an eyebrow.
"Hm, what's the matter dear? Lost track?"
He asked, you laughed.
"No, just trying to find a spot..."
You said in a concentrated way and he chuckled.
"Go ahead dear. Surprise me."
You titled your head, because there was a spot you wanted to touch since day one you came into the hotel.
"Everything is fine with me. No matter what you do, I'll have to keep my part of the deal~"
He sung and you grinned to yourself as you nodded.
You watched him placing some eggs on the plate, and raising your hand to his head. You were excited as him as you gentle stroke his undercut, the short hair a bit itchy. He stiffed up and you flinched back a little, only for him to raise his finger and looking at you.
"Oh what was that? You know the rules, the time has to increase..."
In his eyes were something that was very much different from his usual look. It was filled with some kind of attachment, desire. You got lost in his eyes and just started to caress the back of his head, up to his longer hair and grew even this brave to touch his ears slightly. They shudder by your touch and his whole head flinched a bit as he turned his whole body in your direction.
You slowly stopped your movement and stared at him. Suddenly the worry of him already owning your soul grew more present than ever before.
"Is- is everything alright-"
He bend down at you, your heart racing in your chest, as you looked slightly sideways to the other pair sitting there and staring holes into your bodies.
You flinched as he suddenly took your wrist which was still hovering above his hair and a sudden swirl of black magic gulped you two.
You appeared into his radio tower as you opened your eyes again.
You looked around confused as you turned your head but he already pulling you closer to him so that your bodies crashed together.
Your eyes grew wide as you stared at him.
"Did- Did I do anything wrong? You said you were okay with-"
"Would- would you please be quiet for a moment...?"
His eyes couldn't decide where to look at so he just let go of you suddenly.
You watched him as he paced up and down the room, his expression almost painful.
You asked and worry flooded your gaze.
"I- I think I've made a mistake dear..."
You looked confused as he turned his gaze to you, his eyebrows itched together and his smile more forced than anything else.
He let out breathless.
"Because I'm feeling things I should not feel. I don't know how to process this attachment."
He run his fingers through his hair, in a possessive way rubbing a spot up and down as he continued walking forth and back.
"It's okay we can stop if it's making you feel uncomfortable-"
"No you don't understand, d-dearest..."
He calmed his already raising voice and his breathing grew more and more desperate.
"I grew fond of this, but- but this can't happen..."
He grew silent as he stopped his rubbing and looked at the tufts of hair in his hand.
"Alastor what are you doing!"
You said outraged as you walked to him, taking his hand into yours.
"Stop it! Please will you?"
You begged, looking at him with such a worry in your eyes it’s making him sick.
"It calms me."
He didn't knew why he told you that. It was a thing he kept to himself. You gently shook your head.
"Well it's a bad habit. Tell me what's going on inside of you and we can try to fix that."
You said, holding his hand with your both, looking at him pleading.
"I can't-"
"Yes you can, tell me how you feel."
The calming in your voice soothed him enough to do as you said.
"I want your touch. Every time it happens- it's not enough..."
He breathed out.
"I...I want you (Y/N). More than I've ever wanted something in my life. You are so kind to everyone. Even to me..."
He laughed awkwardly as he looked down at your hands.
"Even to me... you try to fix me when there is nothing left to fix-"
"Don't say that."
You stepped closer to him, the heat growing inside of him.
"You are important to me. And we can make this work. Whatever...this is between us."
You said, smiling slightly.
"We can take baby steps if you like. When it's the thing you want too..."
Overwhelmed by your kindness his legs started shaking, so he lost balance. You catched him, as he hugged you deeply. You blinked and hugged him back, slowly sliding to the ground for you two to sit.
"You are afraid of me. This can't work."
You heard him mutter into your neck.
"No Al. I never was afraid of you. I simply didn't know how to interact with you because I didn't wanted to to something wrong..."
He breathed out and you could feel him still shaking, his hands grabbing you like his life would depend on it.
"You could never accept the monster I am. I did terrible things I'm not even able to tell you-"
"Well isn't it the reason why we are here?"
You said, rubbing circles on his back.
"This place is all about second chances. If you can life with them it's alright. If not, I'll be with you even when all of hell itself is already redeemed. I will still be by your side. I would go everywhere with you but we don't have to take this so big right now. Let's concentrate on this thing between us first alright? Tell me every terrible thing you ever did and let me love you anyway. Will you?"
He let go of you a bit to look at you, a single tear flooding his view. You wiped it off and gently stroke over his features.
"It's okay. You are okay. We'll be okay."
He looked at you as if he would try to figure out if you saying the truth.
"Do you want to try it?"
You asked.
"Yes. Sweetest."
You chuckled.
"There you are."
You smiled, wiping a strand of his torn up hair in place.
"You showed me the real you. Thank you for trusting me."
You leaned your forehead against his.
"We can make this work. We make a deal remember?"
You stroke his neck in hopes to calm him with that. You were shocked but touched. He showed you the real side of him. He must be honest with you.
"I want to try it."
The static of his voice completely gone. You smiled.
You smiled, as he looked at your lips.
"Well...since I've touched you the whole time and you did nothing I...guess now it's your turn."
You said grinning, he confused.
"This wasn't our deal..."
"Oh come on now, you are the big scary radio demon. You can bend your own rules."
You winked at him and his casual expression came back.
"I guess you are right...you teased me every day I think I have to repay you for that..."
You smiled and bend forward.
"Go ahead."
The second you spoke it out, he grabbed your face and kissed you deeply. His hands exploring every inch of your body while you did the same. He moaned into the kiss and you smiled as you caress the spot where he pulled his hair out to soothe the pain it must bring with it.
You both pulled back panting.
"Thank you dearest."
You said, smiling.
"You started this so I have to thank you."
You pushed him slightly backwards so he dropped on the floor, as you placed yourself on top of him.
"We will figure this out together."
You said, entangle your hands together.
He answered.
"Of course we will.~"
There you are! I got so motivated I wrote this down in one :))
Also tagging this sweeto who requested a part 2 <3
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enthyya · 3 days
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Father's little knowledge of slang words
"There we go lyney your new costume"you said stiching the loose fabric on lyney " Thank you mother"He cheered "no problem" You got up and smiled "have a great time with Lynette, freminet and your father" You waved "I will! " He said while running outside 'how cute' you thought smilling while remembering him as a toddler. boy was he like arlecchino.
Like father like son
Anyway you were continuing your day without any distraction to think that you thought today was not gonna have any drama they are with their father just the four of them having father-children relationship right? oh how delusional of you.
Not long after lyney,lynette,freminet without their father already came home with juice all over their hair and body you quickly gasped and ran to them "what happened? Where's your father? " You asked grabbing a towel but they were actually giggling which earned a glare from you making them hold their giggle.
"What's so funny? " You raised your eyebrow "let father father tell you the story mother" Lyney snickered you just gave them the uh huh look nodding "go take a bath freminet lyney in your room Lynette you can take my old room" You said they all nodded and ran off to take a shower.
All you have to do is WAIT
It was already night and you could tell your husband was clearly doing this on purpose so you couldn't yell at her so you decide to turn off the lights and wait not long after, a creek was heard it was arlecchino with blood on her cheek"back so soon? " You asked opening the lamp she looked at you she could tell by your eyes you were pissed,eyes shooting at her.
The same eyes that made her feel like a very very very fragile woman. If anything she would rather fight all the archons than meet those eyes it haunts her especially when she knows she is in big time trouble.
"Sweetie i-" She gently said which make your eyes soften a little earning a quiet sigh of relief from arlecchino lowering the tension between her shoulders you sighed getting up grabbing a nearby napkin and started wiping it off "let's take a bath first" You sighed she nodded knowing better than to deny everything.
You prepared her bath which she quickly dive in "can you wash my hair? " She shyly asked you just nodded "alright" You sat between arlecchino head rinsing her hair washing the juice off you poured your shampoo on her hair and started massaging "now tell me arlecchino" You smiled it wasn't a pleasant smile it was more like a near death smile.
The thought of you calling her name and smilling kinda scares her "yes my love? " Clearly she was trying to keep her composure you turned her head to face "now tell me how the fuck did you get juice poured all over your head" You asked eyes widening at her.
"Oh well it all started you know how I really don't understand the slang words? " She asked "uh huh" You looked at her intrigued now. What could possibly go wrong with such an innocent woman?
"Well I told lyney the costume look like a cunt. " She blankly said wait were your ears betraying you "what? You called the costume a cunt?!? " You gasped "well lyney told me it was serving cunt" She answered
"Do you know what a cunt is? " You asked she just shook her head you still wonder how is this deadly woman so innocent "arlecchino the knave cunt is something that I have and you like to tease when we have a heated sessions. " You said she just looked up with an oh expression. How innocent was she!?
"That still doesn't explain how the kids and you got splashed and have blood on your face" You said "oh after I told lyney that the costume looked like a cunt, a lady told me I was whore to do so and I just pissed her off by calling her bitch then she splashed juice at me so I splashed a galon of juice at her eventually I killed her. " She explained.
Your jaw dropped and facepalmed "are you mad? " She asked with puppy eyes your eyes widen a little 'how does such dangerous woman posses such a cute puppy "you thought " No I'm not I'm just glad you stood up for the kids and yourself "you sighed drying her while her looking at you.
"Sorry" She apologize "don't be I'm proud of you" You kissed her forehead she just smiled and you can sometimes flowers flowing when happy even when she's not smilling
How cute..
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themeatpit37 · 2 days
(you don't have to write this if you don't want to)
Story Idea: MC brings Jack to the aquarium and to an amusement park for his birthday as a surprise. How would Jack react and feel? (MC tells the amusement park workers to secure the seat next to them to make them feel safer. Most of the time they do comply and if they refuse to, Jack will get off the ride).
SWWSDJ Mini Fic; Birthday Bash!
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(Art made by Sauce/Jambeebot)
Oh? Why this sounds like a lovely idea! I’ll see what I can make to do your request justice! Sorry if I couldn’t fit everything! I wanted to give each subject their spotlight, so some parts might seem rushed and I apologize!
Content included: Fluff, gender neutral second person reader, follows the yes route in story, short aquarium visit, amusement park visit, talks of Jack’s devotion, spoiling Jack for at least 80% of this mini fic, Reader worries there is imbalance in the relationship, reader decides to put the pants on in the relationship for a bit, and more!
Content warnings: Nausea warning and mentions of vomiting (none that actually happen or are described in detail)
You’d never seen Jack like this.
It wasn’t uncommon for him to get so excited that he’d start speaking too fast or try to gather up some fun facts to tell you about a subject, but right now he was completely silent. All he could do was stare in complete starry eyed wonder at the moon jellyfish that gently floated around their enclosure. His hands were clasped together behind his back, most likely to keep himself from touching the glass, and he would slowly yet subtly rock back and forth on his heels.
“Hey Jack? You… doing okay over there?”
“… It’s just like the night sky, don’t you think?”
Jack muttered softly, still sounding amazed even after staring at the tank for so long.
“The way they glow and light up the darkness of the water. Like small little spats in the vast darkness…”
He made a little snapping motion as he said “spats” for emphasis before he turned to you with a little smile on his face and a soft gaze to match.
“Kind of like you.”
It was funny how easily Jack could turn any situation into an opportunity to show his love for you, but this especially made your heart skip a beat. Were you really that important to him? Did he really see you as a light guiding him through the dark? Or were you looking too deep into it? Before you could think more about this, Jack gasped and made his way to the other room of the aquarium.
“Sunshine look they got crabs!!!”
You quickly follow him into the next room, mostly so you wouldn’t lose him, only to catch Jack immediately reading the little exhibit sign placed not too far off from where the crabs were.
“Giant Japanese spider crab! Woah, they certainly fit the title of giant!”
He laughed to himself and you decided to walk over for a closer look. The crab in question was in fact large with long legs, the legs that carried its claws at the front folding inward. The shell was a vibrant reddish orange with white on the legs and the underside of the crab in a speckled kind of pattern.
“Oh that reminds me, hey Sunshine!”
He gave a knowing smile before continuing.
“Fun fact, spider crabs are considered one of the largest crabs in the world! Oh also did you know that the innards of a crab are commonly referred to as miso?”
The first one was probably read off of the sign, but now you’re curious as to where he found out that second fact. It didn’t matter though because you were just happy to see him all excited. Even with all this excitement and energy coming off of Jack, you knew what you had to do. In fact, you were on a mission. Jack was distracted and that gave you time to get him something special. So you decided to give an excuse to leave for a moment and let him watch the crabs some more.
“I’ll be back, just gotta run off to the bathroom is all.”
“Alright sunshine, just don’t be gone for too long! I get lonely without you…”
You waved goodbye and walked away from the crabs, heading towards the gift shop in the aquarium instead. You had already gotten him a gift, but getting another wouldn’t hurt. Plus, you knew exactly what he would like.
You had hidden the gift in the car, under the back seat where Jack would never check. You knew he wouldn’t check because he sits in the front seat which was exactly where he was right now.
“Today was amazing Sunshine! Honestly, it was perfect! I don’t think I could ask for anything more!”
It was hard to keep a straight face as he said that. Very hard. The aquarium was only the beginning of the celebration! Now it was time for Jack’s first gift, so you took an unexpected turn instead of taking the normal route home. It took Jack a moment to even realize he didn’t recognize the road you were driving down and his suspicion was only confirmed the further you drove.
“Hey Sunshine? I thought… I thought the apartment was over there?”
“Mm-hm, the apartment is over there.”
You didn’t turn around though and instead took another turn.
“… Where are we going, sunspot?”
You only smiled and continued straight. Jack decided to look out the window for clues as to where you were taking him only to spot something in the distance.
“Hold on is that a…”
He didn’t even finish his sentence as the Ferris wheel got closer and closer into view along with the many other roller coasters and bright lights that weren’t quite as bright as they could be due to the sun being out.
“Wait, you’re telling me we’re going…!”
Jack couldn’t help but let out a giddy laugh as a grin spread across his face. You on the other hand pulled into the amusement park’s parking lot as a way of answering his question.
“Well aren’t you full of surprises today! I didn’t even know they had parks like this around here!”
His face and hands were pressed against the glass as you parked and got out of the car, walking around to Jack’s side to hold it open for him with a bow.
“After you, sir.”
You said with a playful tone as Jack eagerly hopped out of the car like an overexcited puppy about to go to a dog park. With a quick trip over to the enterance and the purchase of a wristband, you two were ready.
“So, where should we go first birthday boy?”
It wasn’t too abnormal to talk to Jack here since so many people were crowded around you, making it easy to mistake you talking to him for talking to anyone else around. Jack thought for a moment as he glanced around the park to figure out what to ride first, tapping his chin thoughtfully.
“Hmmmm…. Which to choose, which to choose.”
He then grabbed your hand and started guiding you over to the teacups, one of the spinning rides. It’s only a good idea if you can handle being dizzy, don’t struggle with motion sickness, or haven’t had any of the food here yet. It was cute though with the tea party aesthetic and pastel colored cups. Because it was a ride for friends, family, or kids, you’d probably have to come up with a reason not to sit with someone since the people running the rides tend to want to put as many people on as possible. Probably because of the long lines. Your wristband was scanned and you were told you go ahead inside.
As you made your way to one of the cups, you decided to speak up just as you had mentally rehearsed for cases like this.
“Oh hey, if you don’t mind, could I go on by myself? I just prefer some space to feel more secure!”
The person running the ride just shrugged and boom, Jack slipped right in and you followed suit. It just so happened you got the teacup with the cute hearts on it, fitting the two of you very well. Soon after the ride started up and the cup began to spin. It was slow, as these rides for younger audiences tended to be.
“So when does the ride actually go fast?”
Jack asked with curiosity which you couldn’t help but stifle a laugh at, hanging your arms over the rim of the cup.
“Jack this is a kid’s ride, they don’t go fast.”
As if the universe itself came down to punish you for your hubris, the cups suddenly cranked up in speed which caused a yelp to come out of you and a laugh to come out of Jack. As you spun, you caught a glance at the guy running the ride looking all smug at you in particular. Bastard. Fucking bastard. Jack put his hand in the air and leaned into the seat while you were just trying not to throw up right then and there… At least he was having fun. It may have sucked for you and your motion sickness self but it was much more bearable since Jack was enjoying it so much.
Finally, after several minutes of ungodly fast spinning, you two were able to get off. Jack stumbled out while you tried to hold onto him for support, which was a bad idea because you both were just stumbling around like you were two drunks who just came out the pub. However you were able to grab onto a nearby wall meant to keep people distant from those terrible teacups and use your other hand to pull Jack back over to you. It took at least a good five minutes for him to recover from the dizziness he was afflicted with and for you to recover from your nausea. Eventually, you stood straight up again to focus back on Jack.
“Alright we got on the teacups, what’re you thinking of doing next there Jack?”
You teased and gave him a nudge, probably confusing the people who you swear were giving you a weird look. Jack on the other hand was looking off somewhere else, possibly distracted.
“Do you still need a second there Jack?”
You asked, worried he still couldn’t tell left from right at this point, until he snapped out his thoughts with a head shake and turned to you with a sheepish grin.
“Oh sorry sunspot! Kinda got lost in my own thoughts!”
You decided to look where he was before and lo and behold, there was a food stall. How in hell could someone get off of a kiddie ride so fast it made you want to puke your guts up and decide afterwards that this was now the best time to eat?! To be fair though, it was later in the day and you did kinda mess up on the breakfast in bed this morning plus Jack didn’t seem nauseated at all so a little treat from the fair certainly wouldn’t hurt to get for him.
The stand he was looking at had lots of treats too like caramel apples, funnel cake, fried Oreos, popcorn, lemonade, those obsurdly large corn dogs, and cotton candy. With your hand in his, the two of you began to walk over, the smell of sugar, grease, and butter overwhelming yet tempting like a siren’s sweet song. You could see Jack already getting a little excited, a sight that was always pleasant to see.
“What do you wanna get?”
You decided to ask that instead of if he wanted a snack in the first place since it was clear he wanted to try something.
“Maybe some cotton candy? It’s been a while since I got to have some!”
Yeah that sounded about right. Last time he had cotton candy anything was probably when you made him that yogurt that one time at work. He seemed to like it, but you never did get that special surprise he promised… Stupid sprinkles probably, messing up the perfect yogurt… Now though you were going to remedy this! With a quick shuffle through your pockets you pulled your wallet out and got out your card. With a quick scan and the card returned, you were given a large fluff of blue cotton candy on a paper cone. You thought since the pastel blue made it looked kinda like Jack, he’d like it more just like the yogurt.
“Thank you so much sunshine! It looks so good!”
You nodded and watched as he tore off a piece and popped it into his mouth. It did make you wonder if anyone else could see Jack eating… Did they just see the piece floating in air only to disappear? Was anyone even paying attention long enough to care? So many things to wonder, but instead you tore off a small piece for yourself to nibble on now that you didn’t feel sick to your stomach, like a tax for paying for the cotton candy, as Jack continued eating his special treat. It was gone in no time since cotton candy is nothing but spun sugar, leaving a sticky residue on the fingers when finished.
“So tell me, what’s next there Jack?”
A chuckle left you as you watched Jack lick his lips which were stained with a touch of blue. He then focused on the question and hummed to himself as he tried to think of something, giving his chin a tap just like before. He was cute, there was no denying it but especially when he did silly, almost cartoonish stuff like this.
“Well we went on the teacups… Tried some fair food… Oh!”
Then a lightbulb went off, or you assumed it did when he suddenly stood up straight with a finger pointed up before gesturing to the huge Ferris Wheel with a big smile. The lights on the wheel itself were somewhat visible now that the sun was starting to set, giving off a glow like no other. They were colorful too, neon lights of red, white, and blue much more prominent than before.
“We can’t leave without going on the Ferris Wheel!”
Yeah, he was right about that. It was only something someone would avoided if they hated heights, but even then there is still something whimsical about getting on one of them. Plus if you were truly scared, it was Jack’s special day so making today special was worth it even if it meant going on one super tall ride like this one. Besides, it hopefully wasn’t going to be as bad as the teacups.
You stepped in line with Jack and waited. And waited. And waited… It was going to be a while of just waiting and following everyone else in line until- Oh! You were already at the front now! The guy in charge of the ride took a look at your wristband and scanned it why is everything here just done with scanning??? Bleh you feel like an old person yelling at kids to get on your lawn… but either way, you got into the Ferris Wheel’s passenger car and took your seat. You didn’t even have to worry about saving Jack the seat because most people don’t go into the cars with people they don’t know.
It didn’t take long until the ride was started up and the wheel went back to spinning, giving Jack and you some time together.
“You had fun today, right sunshine?”
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, noticing how the orange colored sky behind him made his bright blue hair stand out and almost glow from the light itself. But you had to snap out of your thoughts on how pretty he was to answer his question.
“Of course I did, why wouldn’t I?”
“No reason, just wanted to make sure you had just as much fun as I did! It wouldn’t be my birthday if you weren’t also having fun!”
Ah, he was just thinking about you was all. Huh. Now that you were on the subject, he thought about you a lot didn’t he? Sometimes you wondered if he thought about anything but you… If he ever thought about himself the same way. Did he ever get time to himself? You know he stays home from time to time but does he use this time to focus on himself at all?
“Sunshine! Look! The sun is setting!”
You snapped out of your thoughts to take a look at the beautiful orange and pink glow of the setting sun. The further the sun traveled, the more noticeable blues and purples became. You could stare at it forever… Yet instead you looked to see Jack who was still watching, the colors of the sky shining in the reflection of his eyes along with the emerging stars that lit up the sky in place of the new resting sun.
It reminded you of what he said earlier that day, about the jellyfish being like stars… And how you were similar to them in that regard. His sunshine, his sunspot, his sundrop… all were light. The stars and the glow of bioluminescence, also light. You were more than just someone he loved, you were the very light that guided him.
Is that why he was so devoted? Why he insisted on caring for you so much? Maybe, just maybe, today shouldn’t be the only day you get to be the one to take care of him. Yes, he would be the one to insist caring for you but did he ever want a turn to be doted on? To be the one carried up the stairs and pressed into the mattress? To wake up to a plate of pancakes in the morning? Did he… Did he ever get the chance to let go and let himself be vulnerable like you were able to with him? All these questions, yet no true answers. It didn’t matter though, you were going to be the one to give your fair share. If you wanted this relationship to be healthy and balanced, maybe it was time to follow Jack’s lead and make him feel cared for every once in a while. Let him know you love him just as much he loves you.
Jack had noticed you were staring for a while and turned to you with a head tilt and a touch of confusion.
“Sunshine? Are you okay?”
Instead of responding, you took his hand into your own and carefully pulled him over. You two had done this before, but with your objective to stay in charge, it activated the tingly feeling of butterflies fluttering around in your stomach and flying up your throat to seemingly prevent you from explaining yourself. It wasn’t needed though as you tugged at the strings of his jacket and lead him over, which he followed seamlessly as he ended up practically on your lap. The moment your lips met, Jack melted into them. Your hand traveled up from holding his hand to cup the back of his head as your fingers tangled themselves up into the thick locks of blue hair that you knew so well.
Normally Jack would try to take on a guiding role during kisses, but with you practically straddling him and holding him in place, there was no room for that. He didn’t mind either, leaning into your every touch and hugging you so close like he worried you’d let go. You didn’t want to let go anyways, not in a million years. In fact, the only thing stopping you from going down and completely ravaging him was both because you knew you were nowhere near a place where you’d get away with it and because you didn’t want to go too fast with this. You needed to be slow with Jack on this type of thing, not just plow right in without asking.
But all good things come to an end and your lips parted from each other, leaving you both a little winded for many various reasons yet yearning for more anyways.
“Sunshine… I love you so much…”
He whispered, voice softer than normal. So that’s what it was… He didn’t mind leading or following, he just wants your attention. With that in mind, you cupped his cheeks and press your foreheads together affectionately with a gentle nuzzle.
“I love you too, more than you could ever know.”
As you two parted though, you noticed the wheel was slowly turning and you could see the crowd of people coming into view for their turn. Ah, you forgot you were still in public. Let’s hope while it was spinning, no one saw you making out with what they probably assumed was just the air…
“… Hey Jack?”
“Yes sunshine?”
“You know what? Why don’t we explore some more here? The park tends to stay open pretty late.”
Jack smiled at this and nodded as you finally came to a stop and the doors of the Ferris Wheel opened.
“I’d love to!”
You two left not that long after, talking about things like the big shark at the aquarium and the guy you found who actually won that one rope bridge game the fair had. It was very late at this point, at least for Jack since he had a pretty good sleep schedule and tended to go to bed early.
“Wow sunshine! Today really was the most perfect day ever! You really outdid yourself!”
Even now after the aquarium and the amusement park, you still had a few more surprises for him. Jack didn’t know this though, which you took advantage of. You gestured for Jack to sit down on the couch.
“Well today isn’t over, now is it? Go ahead and sit down, and cover your eyes for me.”
“Oh? Well alright! It’s the least I can do considering how much you’ve done today!”
Jack closed his eyes and covered them up with his hands, humming to himself as you left the apartment. Immediately you went to the car and grabbed the present stuffed under the backseat and shut the door before quickly making your into the apartment again. The bag was placed on the table before Jack, who was still covering his eyes, and you walked into the kitchen to grab the second item. Once back in the living room, the stuff was put down and you began to prepare.
“Just gotta do this… And place those… Can’t forget this!”
He could feel something being placed on his head, almost like a headband.
“Aaaand… There! Jack! You can open your eyes now!”
“Alright Sunshine, let’s see…”
Jack uncovered his eyes and slowly opening them, blinking a few times to adjust before a soft gasp left him. He touched the top of his head to feel a party hat that was glued to a headband was on top of his head. What really caught his attention was what sat before him. Sitting on the table was a gift bag that had a rainbow striped design and the words “Happy Birthday” in the middle. There beside it was a cake that had sprinkles and a rim of white frosting in a wave like pattern decorating the top and bottom. Sitting on the flat top of the cake were thin, long candles in red, yellow, and blue matching Jack’s main colors.
“You… Did you get all of this just for me..?”
He placed his hand on his chest, taken aback and instead of answering, you quickly lit them all. But the moment they were lit, they began to sparkle and pop because they weren’t actually candles, but rather sparklers. Jack’s eyes widened and a gasp slipped from his mouth, watching with childlike wonder at the colorful sparks that flew. As per tradition, you began to sing.
“Happy birthday to you,”
Jack perked his head up and stole a glance at you before looking back at the sparkling cake.
“Happy birthday to you,”
The longer he listened, the more emotional he got. No one has ever done so much for him, especially not on his birthday…
“Happy birthday dear Sunny Day Jack,”
At the sound of his name, his eyes started to water and he couldn’t hold them back much longer.
“Happy birthday to you!”
You finished up only to look and see Jack was crying, albeit very quietly, which he tried to hide by covering his mouth with his hand.
“… Jack…?”
You asked with a hint of worry in your tone, catching his attention. Was something wrong? Did he not like it? Assuming the worse was common in such a situation but you decided to push these thoughts away and ask him instead.
“You… You doing okay over there…?”
Jack wiped away his tears and sniffled, composing himself before giving a smile, a genuine smile that lit up the room like no other. Reassurance is what it was really, that all this was perfectly fine.
“Yeah just… I’ve never been so… Happy? You’re… You’re just so amazing sunshine, I just got a little overwhelmed is all! But these are all happy tears, don’t worry!”
You smiled back at him before walking back to the kitchen just to return with a knife to cut the cake, one plate, and a fork.
“Okay, I’ll go ahead and cut this up. You can open your present while I’m cutting you a slice.”
The cake was cut into eight slices, one being removed and plopped onto the plate on its side to reveal it was a four layer confetti cake with vanilla buttercream between each layer. Jack on the other hand carefully grabbed the bag and waited patiently for you to finish. Once you did, you gave Jack your undivided attention and waited for him to begin but he just waited. Probably for your permission.
“Go ahead, open it. It’s your gift after all.”
Jack then gave a nod and opened the bag up. The tissue paper wrapped gift inside was taken out and placed into his lap as he put the bag off to the side.
“Oh wow sunshine, this has a little weight to it! Now I’m real curious!”
He began to pull the tissue paper away and stopped for a second. Sitting in his lap looked to be a fuzzy baby blue jellyfish with two plastic eyes. You decided to explain.
“Well… I noticed you were looking at the moon jellies earlier and thought you might like this. Plus- Hold on, let me show you this instead.”
With one press on the top, the jellyfish began to glow. It was a soft cyan color and the light itself was kind of the same brightness as a night light; Bright but not obnoxiously so.
“So do you like it? I kinda figured you might want a little companion. Y’know, since I noticed you tend to get lonely when I’m not here.”
He nodded and held the jellyfish up. All he could do was smile as it glowed like a star in the vastness of space. The only thing he could really say was five simple words;
“Just like the night sky…”
And that there is the end! Sorry it took so long! I got mighty busy and by the time it was starting to come together, I thought it would be a nice birthday present for Jack so I scheduled it to release on his birthday!
Sorry for any accidents in writing or rushed pacing! I was trying to complete this while busy with other things and they kinda both overlapped! But things are starting to calm down and requests are for the most part always open!
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tiddygame · 3 days
Ghoap god type au part 4! Now on Ao3!
part 1 /// part 2 /// part 3 /// part 4
I have not slept in A While because meds are meds so I don't know if this makes sense! Let's Go!!!
And shout out to these people for making me happy stim by requesting to be tagged! I hope this chapter is worthy of such an honor lmao:
@imjustheretofightforlove / @pieckyghost / @life-as-a-gamergirl
Ghost doesn’t know why he continued to give offerings to the god. He should have stopped when he had the chance, but he didn’t. Flowers, jewelry, rocks he thought looked cool, even an entire wallet he stole from a soldier who got on his nerves; It all went on the offering table. 
Something had changed. He doesn’t know what, but there was a difference. And not knowing was terrifying. Ghost liked to compartmentalize, to think things through and sort them into organized boxes. Decluttering the unknown was how he stayed sane.
If there is a problem, do not panic, just figure out what you can do. And if you can do nothing, then you have no reason to panic. The rigid line of thought was the only way he could trick himself into thinking he had any control over his life, that fate hadn’t already woven her strings.
So how do you think through something beyond your comprehension?
Try as he might, he could not and would never be able to truly understand divinity. There was no rationale he could apply to Soap that didn’t make his ears ring. It was all well within arms reach but firmly out of his grasp.
He shouldn’t continue to show patronage to something so unpredictable, so volatile.
“Besides,” Soap said, making eye contact once more. He grinned. It didn’t look human. “I’m not letting you go that easy.”
And yet, every night he would take his dinner to whatever lousy altar he’d created and sit down to eat with an entity that could kill him without raising a finger, would eat and talk to him like they were friends. He’s not sure of when he lost his fucking mind, but it was certainly long gone.
Everything about the god terrified him. It was ancient, domineering over one of the most prevalent parts of humanity. Everything had to die someday, and at the end of it all, Soap would still be there, even as it died too.
So when he appeared behind Ghost at a bookstore of all places, he damn near shit himself. 
He just wanted a book to occupy his time between battles, a distraction from the boredom of downtime. It was the same town as before, barely a few weeks since their impromptu meeting in the temple. He had been perusing the shelves and grabbed a book that caught his eye, some book about the history of the town, and was reading the back of it when someone was very suddenly right next to him.
“Anything interesting?”
Ghost flinched, reaching for a sword that wasn’t there as he turned to face the person who somehow got the jump on him. And just like everything else with the god, he doesn’t know how he knew that the person was Soap in disguise.
He looked nothing like the renditions he’d seen of the god; The man before him was short and had pale skin, light brown hair, and brown eyes. He looked about as non-descript as a human could get. Yet, he still knew that the man was no man at all, but a god that came from the heavens just to make his life miserable.
“Why are you here?” Ghost was too on edge and confused to put the fearful respect in his tone that he normally used when speaking to the god.
“I just came here to look for books, the same as you,” he replied, trying to keep a straight face and play it earnestly but smiling far too much.
Ghost didn’t dignify that with a response, continuing to stare down at him, book still in hand.
Soap sighed, “Alright, alright Mr. Grumpy, maybe I wanted to talk to you again.”
Ghost asked, “Why?” But he realized that probably wouldn’t get him the answer he wanted, “What do you need to talk about?” He was hoping to cut through the small talk and jump right to the essentials.
“I said want. Not need.” Soap corrected. When Ghost looked even more exasperated, he whisper-shouted, “I’ve been stuck in limbo for who the fuck knows how long! I need stimulation! Interaction! Conversation! Anything!”
Oh, gods above, this is the worst torture the god could have devised. He’d rather take eternal pain and misery over becoming a chatty god’s only conversation partner. Fuck, he’s done a lot of bad shit, but nothing to deserve this!
The god grabbed the book out of his hand from where he was still standing petrified and dumbfounded. Soap looked at the book, hummed, and then began browsing the aisle himself.
Soap mused aloud, “I’m not surprised you’re a history nerd… Is there anything else here that’s more interesting?”
A few weeks ago, the god had been so weak he could barely conjure a physical form, now he was in a bookstore to make fun of him?
“The god of death is calling me a nerd with shit taste.” Ghost hadn’t meant to vocalize that thought, but he was still trying to mentally catch up. 
It seemed to catch the god off guard as well, with him snorting as he tried to cover his mouth to stop from laughing, “I didn’t mean ye’ have shit taste, I meant history isn’t an interesting read when you lived through it.”
And at Ghost’s core, he was nothing if not a pain, so even as he was scrambling to figure out what was happening, he pointed out, “But you weren’t alive. You said you were in limbo.”
“Okay, smart-ass. Alive, limbo, whatever. I need a story — one I haven’t heard before.”
“Do you even know how to read?”
His accent became thicker with indignation, “‘Course I do!” 
“This language?” Ghost asked, gesturing to the shelves.
Soap immediately responded, “Ye—,” he cut himself off, looking at the book he grabbed from Ghost. It was upside-down and he twisted his hand awkwardly to have it back upright, squinting at it as he answered, now positive, “Yeah!”
Ghost mumbled, “Hmm, I figured you’d only be able to read dead languages.”
That one got a full laugh out of the god, he desperately tried to quiet his chuckles before they were told off for being too loud. Ghost isn’t sure why, but he felt oddly proud.
Soap was still smiling in an effort to stop laughing as he said, “That would make sense I suppose.” It seemed that not being able to laugh only made the situation funnier, huffing air out of his nose in a quiet giggle. “Well! What book would you suggest?”
Ghost pointed to the other side of the bookstore, “I’d suggest you stop looking in the non-fiction section.”
Soap looked around, muttering a curse under his breath. Seeing where Ghost had pointed, Soap grabbed his hand and dragged him along. Ghost was too surprised by the sudden contact to fight it, which was probably for the best. He may love his personal space, but he loved not getting smote even more. 
“Okay, well, now what book would you suggest?” Soap repeated himself, this time not bothering to browse the shelves as he looked at Ghost for a recommendation. 
Sighing in resignation, “What genres do you like?” If he could get this done with quickly enough, he might still have some time to himself before he had to return to camp. 
“I don’t know. All of them I guess.”
He is not going to get this done with quickly enough to have some time to himself before he has to return to camp.
Ghost let out an even longer sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose before coming to a solution. The store had their books sorted by genre, so it would be easy enough to grab one or two from each and then get Soap to pick one. 
The god of death’s personal shopper. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
Luckily for both of them, Ghost has had an exorbitant amount of downtime and knew of a few popular ones that weren’t complete garbage. Death seemed content to trail behind him as he picked out the books, admiring the simple building.
The store had large windows facing west, golden light stretching over the shelves and reaching across the floor to tell Ghost how much time he was wasting. The smart thing would have been to just grab a random book, sing its praises, and hope he didn’t get called out on his bullshit. Of course, that would require being smart, so instead Ghost went through almost the entire fiction section, ending with a total of seven books. 
The stack of books was ridiculously tall as he set them down on a table at the back, intending to explain them to Soap and let him pick a couple. 
“This is everything, one book each from most of the genres.” Ghost backed away when Soap stepped closer, looking like an owl as he turned his head sideways to read the spines. Ghost gave up trying to understand the god. 
He pointed to the one on top, “This one is—“
“Fantastic! I’ll take them all,” Soap said, completely ignoring what Ghost was about to say. 
“I’ll take them all!” Soap repeated, as if he hadn’t been clear enough the first time. He grabbed the stack of books, adding the one he’d snatched from Ghost to the pile as he walked to the counter.
“But… You don't have any money…” Ghost’s quiet protest went unheard as Soap walked away. He had a small existential crisis as he wondered what mistake he made that led him to this exact moment. He decided the mistake was being born as he followed after the god of death, knowing he probably wouldn’t have enough to cover the books.
Soap set down the books next to the cash register and gleefully asked, “How much for all of these?”
The shopkeeper looked a little surprised at the size of the stack but began checking them and adding up the cost. Even without seeing the number, Ghost was already bemoaning having to explain to a divine being how the economy and poverty work.
But apparently, Soap wasn’t done confusing him as he grabbed a wallet out of his pocket and began pulling out credits as the shopkeeper gave the total. 
At first, Ghost checked his own pocket thinking Soap had managed to steal his wallet and was in for a rude awakening when he found out Ghost was broke, but his wallet was still there. He wasn’t going to ask in front of the shopkeeper where he got it, but curiosity was eating at him. 
Ghost stared at the wallet. He recognized it vaguely but didn’t know from where. It was only when Soap was putting it away that he realized it was the one he’d stolen from that annoying soldier and offered to the god.
And who said your misdeeds come back to haunt you?
Once the books were all bagged, Soap gestured towards it and Ghost sighed as he grabbed the paper bag, supporting the bottom as it was lifted off the counter. Mirroring the same motion, Ghost gestured towards the door. Part of him was curious if the god would pop back out of existence when he walked into the light like he did last time.
Ghost whispered once they were far enough away, “You know I stole that wallet, right?”
Soap snorted, “That’s what made it one of my favorites.”
Ghost let go of the handles of the bag, only holding it from the bottom, and opened the door for Soap. Soap nodded in thanks like everything that had transpired over the last two or so hours was a normal interaction. 
Fortunately, the god did not vanish upon stepping outside, disproving his theory.
No, it was unfortunate. He wanted this to be done with. He didn’t want to keep talking to Soap.
His mouth didn’t seem to get the memo as he started to ask, “Why did you actu—”
The shout from someone behind him immediately sucked out any positive feelings he had. His usual glare was back as he turned to face the voice. There were two soldiers, a miserable little search party that looked disgusted at even having to go near Ghost.
“The General needs you for something.”
Of fucking course he does. He risked a glance to where Soap had been standing, unsurprised to see that he’d vanished. Ghost didn’t give them a verbal answer, just glared at them until they both began shifting where they were standing.
He felt a little relieved at being able to put the threatening tone back in his voice as he informed them, “I’ll be back before dinner.”
The one that spoke before looked to his partner and tried to forcefully say, “He needs you now.”
Ghost stepped closer, looming over them as he repeated, “I said I will be back before dinner.” He waited a moment, making sure they were properly threatened before he turned around and walked in the opposite direction of camp.
“Why were you at a bookstore?” One of them called out, almost accusatory as if it would stop him from leaving. He had forgotten about the rumor that he couldn’t read; He doesn’t know how it started, but it was a favorite amongst his fellow soldiers.
“What bookstore?” Ghost yelled back, not bothering to turn around.
The forest looked beautiful in the orange light of the setting sun. He was heading back to the temple, not because he missed Soap, but because it was the only place they wouldn’t be able to find him. If he really was needed, there would be soldiers crawling all over town searching for him.
He didn’t like going somewhere so secluded without his sword, but it was back at camp and he was not going back yet, wanting to piss off the general as much as he could. He hadn’t wanted to walk into the village with such an obvious weapon on his hip out of respect for the residents, but now it meant he only had a hunting knife to defend himself with. Nothing to sneeze at, obviously, but he would have felt a lot more comfortable making the hike through the forest with a heavier weapon.
A chill began to take hold as the sun dipped below the horizon. A cold front came through a few days prior that made sure the days were a lovely charming example of the upcoming fall weather and that the nights were frigid enough to make anyone regret not being on a tropical island.
He made the trek much quicker this time, now knowing the path. Which was a very good thing as the shadows grew stronger as he made his way through the trees, trying to make him trip on roots that seemed to appear out of nowhere.
When he got to the temple, he set the bag down and made quick work of gathering a small amount of firewood and kindling with the last of the waning sunlight, the chill turning into a freezing wind. His fingers shook slightly as he made a small campfire near the empty doorway to the right of the statue, paranoid about proper ventilation even with all of the cracks in the roof.
Using the light to see, he pulled down some of the vines, setting both them and the greener wood near the fire. Hopefully, they would dry quickly enough to be used later in the night. He quickly sorted through the books, taking them out and setting Soap’s collection to the side. 
He was trying to read the first page of his book when Soap appeared again. He didn’t look up as he greeted, “Good evening.”
“I do not like the way they treat you.” The god was blunt and Ghost couldn’t help but huff a small laugh at the amount of simmering anger the god held over what was a standard interaction for him.
“No?” Ghost asked, wondering why being told to return to camp was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
But he may have underestimated Soap’s anger as the god answered, “No. They don’t get to speak to you like that.” The sentence was punctuated by the campfire flaring slightly, the flames suddenly rising higher, illuminating more of the temple before they rescinded.
Ghost looked up at that, moving the book away to stop it from getting singed. He was not ashamed to admit that he was nervous, he just would never tell Soap that. To have him suddenly swap from someone friendly and charming to an undeniably pissed-off god was alarming.
“They treat you like a fucking dog and can’t even speak to you with a shred of respect?”
The god’s form was flickering. This is what Ghost wanted, to know the tipping point for the god, but he wasn’t sure if this was the scenario in which he wanted to find out. He’d prefer for it to have been on the battlefield, the god having lost its patience with protecting him, not next to a campfire in his own temple.
“Why do you fucking stay? They have no fucking right!”
The flames flared again and Ghost grabbed the handle of his knife. Just like the last time he was at the temple, he knew it would do nothing, but he could at least find comfort in the lie.
Soap noticed the movement, making eye contact. Soap was still breathing heavily and Ghost was doing the same, albeit for very different reasons. The god heaved a sigh, slouching over as he covered his face with his hands.
Once more, despite all rationale screaming otherwise, Ghost stayed. There was a long silence, the only noise being the crackling of the fire and the whistling of the wind. 
The god was sitting with his legs crossed, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands propped up his head. He was still staring at the ground when he asked, “Why? Why do you stay?”
“It’s complicated.” 
Soap looked unimpressed, “No, it isn’t.”
“No,” Ghost agreed. “But it’s a story I don’t like to tell.”
The god let out a long breath like he was trying to calm himself down as he rubbed at his eyes, “Didn’t you say you’d be back for dinner?”
“I lied. Late morning at the earliest.” Soap chuckled, much more tinged with defeat than it had been a few hours ago. The silence was back and Ghost hesitated before grabbing his book again.
“Thank you.”
Ghost wasn’t expecting that and felt a bolt of panic strike through him, not knowing what the god was thanking him for. 
Soap gestured towards the stack of books, “For humoring me today. I haven’t laughed in a long time. Thank you.”
The somber tone settled over him, the emotional whiplash from the past ten minutes alone was enough to make his head spin. Unsure of what else to say, he stuttered, “You’re welcome.” It sounded a lot more like a question than he intended.
Soap nodded and let his head fall again. 
And, just like that, he was gone, fading away with the wind. He stared at where the god sat, ruminating over his words. When he came back to the present, he saw that the books were gone as well.
He would have laughed, Death having grabbed his haul of books and scurried off in the breeze, but the honesty behind the god’s not-quite confession weighed on him. He tried to read, but was only flipping pages as his eyes ran over the words, not taking anything in.
He’s been in this situation before, waiting out time to piss off the general and he knew how it went. Sleep wasn’t an option; He always found something to occupy himself with to stave off the inevitable boredom. He was lucky to have a book this time, but try as he might, he couldn’t focus on it.
He gave up on reading and instead turned his focus to the campfire in front of him. He added another log carefully, taking care to not smother any of the other sticks. He didn’t have much fuel and he’d need to make it last until sunrise. 
Ghost woke up to light streaming in through the open doorway and birds chirping obnoxiously loud. He grumbled and tried to go back to sleep before remembering that he was never supposed to be asleep in the first place.
He tried to get up quickly, to stand to attention and scan for any threats or changes that indicated someone had come in during his nap. Instead, he sat up slowly, having to prop himself up on his arm to not lie back down.
His fire was miraculously still burning. The temple looked the same, there weren’t any assassins hiding in the corners, and his stuff hadn’t moved. It took him an embarrassing amount of time to remember that he never went to sleep with a blanket or pillow, yet now had both.
Instead of thinking about that, he stood slowly, his joints popping along the way. He yawned as he gathered his stuff, smothering the fire and folding up his bedding. Still not even half awake, he dropped the pillow and blanket at the base of the statue.
He grumbled out what was meant to be an expression of gratitude, but he’s not sure he got any of the syllables out. Taking as deep of a breath as he could to try to wake himself up, he began the walk to the river. 
It’s a miracle he didn’t get lost as he stumbled through the woods, listening for the sound of rushing water. When he finally got to it, he was sure to avoid getting too close to the slippery bank, not feeling like drowning so early in the morning.
He walked over the ramshackle bridge that crossed the river and led into camp in the early afternoon. Just like last time, most of the soldiers quieted upon seeing him. And, just like last time, the general came stomping out of his tent, though this time significantly angrier
“I need you to listen to me carefully,” he began, seething with so much anger over Ghost’s disobedience that he was twitching. “I am going to give you ten seconds to explain yourself. If you do not have a good reason for why you went AWOL, you are going to wish you had never been born, am I understood?” 
Ghost had mastered the voice of false innocence and remorse, “I’m sorry General, I wasn’t paying attention and got delayed by an hour.”
“An hour?” The general had a deceptively calm tone, one that spoke of being on the edge of doing something drastic. But the general was no god and Ghost had no qualms about giving him a shove.
“Yes sir, I know I said noon. I’m sorry for being late.” Ghost hung his head like he was ashamed. He was already mapping out a lie to explain why he arrived almost a full 24 hours after the search party said he would.
“Noon?” The general asked. Both of them were playing a very dangerous game, weaponizing an unstable but calm facade and putting on a little show for the rest of camp to sit back and watch.
“Yes sir.”
“I was told that you said you’d be back before dinner.”
Ghost lifted his head and glanced around, furrowing his brow in faux confusion, “Before dinner? No sir, I was trying to hunt for something to bring back to camp. They caught me right before I went into the forest; I might have said I was trying to find something for dinner, but I knew it would take me much longer than that.” Oh, how Ghost loved gaslighting.
The general’s lip curled, thinking he found a thread to pull, “Do you normally go hunting at night, son?” The words were full of poison, but Ghost already had an excuse.
“No sir, I looked for tracks yesterday afternoon, set up camp, and woke up early this morning to hunt. Unfortunately, I was no—”
“He’s lying!” One of the soldiers shouted, walking closer and shaking off his friend trying to pull him back. “He was walking out of a store! He wasn’t hunting!” Ah, that must be one-half of the search party.
Now emboldened, the other half approached from the stables, and joined in, “Yeah, he was leaving a bookstore with some guy.”
Uh-oh, that’s not good. He didn’t realize that they saw Soap. 
He was trying to figure out if he should outright deny it or try to claim that he, the notorious loner, had made a friend in town. A friend that just so happened to leave that day so they couldn’t ask for him to verify Ghost’s story. Hmm…
“What? No, he was alone.”
Never mind, that’s perfect; Only one of them saw Soap.
The two began arguing over whether or not Ghost had been alone and Ghost “timidly” chimed in, “Bookstore?”
The first one that had spoken paused his argument and turned back to the general, “He even had a shopping bag!”
Adding fuel to the flames of their anger, Ghost made a point of looking at his hands to show they were empty. He gently corrected like he was just trying to help the two remember, “I was walking out of a general store. Alone. I needed berries for bait.” 
The rest of the camp gave odd looks to the search party, the rumor of his inability to read not helping their legitimacy. Now he just had to hope they didn’t ask why he didn’t have any camping or hunting supplies aside from a small bag. 
The general looked more irritated than irate, “That’s enough. All three of you are being punished for insubordination. For now just get the hell out of my sight until tomorrow morning.”
Ghost tried not to smile too wide as he nodded and walked away, very happy that the general reached his limit before more glaring holes could be poked in his story. The other two looked offended at getting punished with him, one standing slack-jawed as the other even tried to argue before getting dragged away by his friend before he could dig himself a deeper grave.
Ghost was going to be punished regardless of what he did or when he returned, but dragging the other two down with him was well worth it. Plus, the rest of the camp would now think they were liars as well who tried and failed to get him punished.
All in all, it was a rather successful trip to the bookstore.
Had he been paying more attention, thinking more clearly, he might’ve thought to hide his tracks, to not leave an obvious trail to where’d been, to hide the evidence of his time spent at the temple of the god of death.
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antoncyng · 9 hours
౨ৎ. SUFFERED - h.sh
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synopsis - dreaming about his presence started to hurt again, so it was time to finally watch the VHS.
genre / warning(s) - angst, mentions of death, somewhat based off of 20th century girl, vhs tape is different tho, flashbacks based in 1999
word count - 1.0k (first fic to hit 1k???)
author’s note - this fic is for @cupidhoons because this woman wanted her heartbroken so what better way than to make it about seunghan :33 love u liz! want to read m0re . . ? cl1ck here !
24 years was the length you’ve had to suffer without the love of your life by your side.
waking up from this dream was a nightmare, the more you tried to reach out and save him, the farther you would get. it was so hard to accept the fact he was gone, no matter how long it’s been.
the words spilling out of his bestfriend’s mouth still and always will break your heart, deny deny deny was all your mind could comprehend.
7.18.00 6:45 PM
“what do you mean? seunghan isn’t dead.. he’s on a family trip!” all the excuses you could think of spewed out of your mouth with tears running down your face.
“no.. no yn. he isn’t on a family trip, he never went on a family trip. just accept it, he isn’t with us anymore, how would it make sense to go on a family trip if his family came home? he died yn, he died after his surgery. it was guaranteed he would’t live for more than a month, so he did it himself. he left this for you.” sohee did the best he could keeping himself together as well, not wanting to make your situation worse.
he kept quiet and gave you a VHS tape, only to walk away soon after, it looked like he wanted to say something to you(?).
HOW could this be? it only felt like a few weeks ago that seunghan was by your side, holding your hand as you two walked along the beach together, laughing the night away together as the world blurred around the two of you. when you were together, everything just felt right.
now, it feels like nothing would feel right ever again.
6.11.24 4:37 AM
it felt so real. sweat coated your forehead and parts of your body, your breathing grew heavy by the minute, your eyes shot open with water growing in them.
you tried so so hard to reach out for seunghan, but it just looked like the more you stepped closer to him, the further he would walk away. your fingertips touched, and his body slowly started to fade away. all you could do was cry, trying to scream but nothing would come out as you watched seunghan step further into the distance with an emotional smile on his lips, you swore he had a tear running down his face. why did it feel so real?
it hurt, it hurt like someone had just ripped your heart out of your chest and walked away so emotionless. what was so scary or hard that he couldn’t tell you?
you got out of bed, walking towards your desk and opened the drawer, pulling out the VHS tape sohee gave you 24 years ago, you never pulled yourself enough to throw it away. slipping it into the player, the video started to play.
sitting back in your chair, you didn’t know what to expect. a song started playing, it rang in your ears like a shooting star of nostalgia.
“are you alright? how are you doing these days? are you crying again..”
you heard his singing voice call out to you, it brought you to tears.
“because i’m not there? we used to chat a lot, now i don’t see your fine face..”
he appeared on the screen, guitar in his hands as his face focused on the strings, the tears slipped out of your eyes. he’s still the most beautiful boy you’ve ever seen, the most beautiful person you’ll ever meet.
the song stopped. a few clips of the beach you two always walked on together showed, there were clips of the places you loved to bring him to. you were shown clips of yourself falling asleep in an empty classroom, seunghan’s voice in the back.
“look at this girl, she told me she would stay behind during lunch to study..”
more clips were shown, memories were flooding your mind. then it cut to a scene on the beach, it seemed like the phone was set up.
and there he was again, your beautiful boy. just the sight of him on the old tv had your heart melting, he was just so pretty.
“hi yn. if you’re seeing this, you must be very angry with me.” he started off, chuckling dryly. “i recorded this before i went to the u.s. for my surgery, and you must already know the result. i’m sorry i can’t tell you, i would if i really could, but everything is too much for the both of us and i figured it would be better for your life in the future to figure out like this.”
he read off of a piece of paper like a script, clearing his throat as he was already getting emotional just from reading the next words. tears were already flowing out of your eyes, but you couldn’t stop watching the tape.
“i know living without each other is hard after sticking together for so long, i want you to know i truly love you so much, but there’s a reason that i could not tell you about the guaranteed result of my surgery. i don’t think i’ll tell you that now, maybe in another century?” he dryly laughs again, before looking back at the sunset behind him.
“its nice seeing this view again before i leave, i wish i could see it with you. you’re busy a lot but i understand that, i just wish i could spend just a few more hours with you.” his voice makes it obvious he’s starting to tear up, before turning back to the camera with teary eyes like he’s about to end the video.
“but don’t worry too much, i’ll make a pretty sunset and sunrise for you so you don’t have to suffer too much without me, how does that sound? i hope you’re saying good behind this screen..” he tries to cheer himself up with a smile, distracting you from the tears rolling down his face.
“i love you so much, i’ll see you again soon. don’t suffer too much, okay?” he says, waving with his sweet smile before the video ends and the old tv audio starts buzzing again.
but what seunghan will always know, is how much you already suffered without his presence.
🤍. ————————————
PLEASE DO NOT STEAL | antoncyng 061624
thank u for reading !! i hope u didn’t get too sad :pp ending is kinda bad because i’m bad at ending stories but whatever ><
perm taglist - @lcvclywon @jlheon @jwsdoll @ohmydollie @cupidhoons @junislqve @hyeinism @copyhanni @onlyjjong @seoktized (?)
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ikamigami · 3 days
I feel really terrible for Sun, always have but especially now, I mean think about it, ever since the day he came online it has been an unpleasant ride Any one of the things that has happened to him would break most people, like the relentless verbal, emotional, mental, and occasionally physical abuse from Old Moon both before and after separation, then Eclipse came along and became another source of pain along with constantly robbing Sun of his bodily autonomy(especially since unlike Moon he wasn't locked to only coming out in the dark), the complete lack of friendship and care from the other animatronics, save for Monty and sometimes Puppet who think he's a joke, Foxy who's just plain selfish and tries dumping his crap on people, Roxanne who just tossed him out, Golden Freddy who thinks Sun is not worth much, Bloodmoon being an active threat and source of guilt after being killed, the Creator just being a pure existential menace, getting locked inside a tiny box where he couldn't even move next to a mirror for who knows how long by Moon, the October takeover, July 16th, constantly being teleported to perilous dimensions on a whim, dimensional threats constantly coming out of the portal Moon made on a whim, then Moon's death, which he blames himself for, even though I'd argue it wasn't 100% his fault considering Eclipse was going to impale him with a sword and neither Golden Freddy or Old Moon bothered to teach him how to control his magic so he wouldn't have an outburst, and Golden didn't supervise him when Sun had to put the runes down since Sun had only one shot, Lunar getting blown up, Eclipse getting the star and making everyone hate their guts along with just being threatening by virtue of all the power he now had in his hands, all of the grief and stress...And I know I am missing a lot of other bad things But then...Things started getting better, Earth was kind and patient, New Moon had so much more empathy and integrity and even if it was rocky at the start New Moon just being there and being a decent person helped Sun start to heal even if it was off-screen which doesn't count or at least got a break, Lunar came back and started healing too, Eclipse was finally destroyed, Solar joined in, things started getting brighter, even if his issues weren't fully addressed things were looking better Even when Ruin appeared, the family managed to pull together and seemingly deal with him even if Bloodmoon and Eclipse were revived, which was stress all on its own, yet despite Ruin they managed to pull through and were okay, even when Earth got hurt things bounced back quickly ...Then Solar's death, there was great grief over Solar but it seemed things might be alright, but since then everything has gotten exponentially worse, Moon completely spiraled out of control, broke every promise he made, to so quickly transform into the opposite of who he was, who he promised to be, into someone willing to kill his own family if they get in his way, not even Old Moon dared to actually try and kill his family, or entertain the idea of making a deal with the Creator, in only a matter of a few weeks everything became a nightmare And after all that, being forced by Monty, Foxy, and Puppet to make the choice between effectively lobotomizing/resetting Moon, or killing him, either idea being too horrifying for him to consider, to the point that he's been crying all the time, and now this, having learned Moon almost killed Earth, leaving her half burned and in pain from star radiation for days, with the knowledge that had Puppet not gotten in the way she would've died It makes you wonder if he thinks anything will ever get better, or if this is all life is, a cycle of pain, isolation, and betrayal, yet the fact that he has not completely lost it, that he continues to try to love and do good despite everything... I hope things will turn out okay
Well said 👏
I don't need to add anything 🥹
Thank you, dear anon 💗
I also hope things will get better but I think that they'll go even worse before that.. after all Sun lost Moon once again.. I can't see him bouncing back from that too quickly.. 😔
But I'm sure that after the darkest of nights there will be the brightest sunset.. a new day.. and things will get better ^^
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ang3l0fthursday · 1 day
“Jus’ Wanna Feel You”
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summary: reader has a rough day and just wants her boyfriend, matt, who also really wants his girlfriend.
warnings: cockwarming | VERY SLIGHT angst(matt has some insecurities) | p in v | sub! matt x softdom!reader| i think that’s it
word count: 1.5k
matt is blue
reader is pink
i stumbled through the front door of Matt and his brothers home, putting my keys on the row of hooks, and throwing my shoes off onto the ground next to the door.
i fumbled my way up the stairs, which seemed endless at the time. i had such a rough day, my feet hurt from walking, and everyone i talked to had a stick so far up their ass it was peaking out of their mouths.
i just needed matt. he would make everything better. everything.
i made my way to his bedroom door, slipping in as quiet as possibly when i noticed he was at his desk with his headphones on.
i set my bag behind the door and made my way to my side of the bed. i took of all my rings and bracelets, and then taking off my necklace, before placing them all on the bedside table
i threw off my sweatshirt and finally, i could go to matt.
i shuffled my way to his chair
“huh? oh hello sweetheart i didn’t see you come in”
“are you streaming”
“no baby i’m not”
“can anybody see or hear you right now”
“no” he giggled at my assortment of questions
i stumbled into his arms and onto his lap, placing my head in the crook of his neck
“rough day baby?”
i let out a soft “uh huh” before closing me eyes and nuzzling further into his embrace
“jus’ need a minute”
“of course mama whatever you need”
i shuffled my hips and adjusted my legs to be the most comfortable i could be
matt lett out a low noise. i couldn’t really make it out from the way my ear was pressed to his neck
i sat up straight to analyze matt’s soft features and try and figure out what had happened
“what was that?” i asked curiously
“nothing m’ sorry! i didn’t mean to i just got overwhelmed from the way you moved im so sorry-“
“what are you- oh.” i looked down and saw his hardened cock. “oh baby you’re alright i know you can’t help it sometimes baby”
“i know but m’ so sorry, you had a rough day and i know you don’t wanna do anything like that right now baby”
“baby calm down, can you do that for me?”
he shyly nodded his head, his cheeks flushed and his hair slightly fell in front of his face, untucking from the band of his headphones
“good boy” i said lowly into his ear, kissing his jaw and leaning up to him
he bucked his hips slightly
“wanna make you feel good mama”
i giggled, “you just wanna get off”
“nuhuh, making you feel good makes me feel good”
“you mean it?”
“i’ve never meant anything more in my life”
“cornball” i snickered and kissed his blush-adorned nose
suddenly his face fell, “don’t start” he paused to poke my ribs “YOU made me like this”
he continued to jab my sides and i couldn’t stop giggling at the way it tickled my ribs.
“i didn’t MAKE you do anything”
he kept doing this and i couldn’t help but get frustrated, ofcourse i love his playfulness but it’s natural girl instinct to get scared from tickling. right?
i quickly grabbing both his hands and pinned them to the sides of his chair, next to his head.
his cheeks quickly flushed, saddening his already beautiful face. more hair had fallen into his face from our small play-fight and his breath had quickened.
what a sight.
“you’re so pretty baby you know that?”
“th-thank you mama” his eyelashes fluttered slightly as i slowly moved my hips along his length
“f-fuck..” his breath slowly sped up and his jaw hung lowly
“what if we just put it in and not move?”
“like- like cockwarming?”
“yes baby exactly like”
“okay mama”
he leaned forward and placed a soft b out meaningful kiss on my lips
i moved off of him and took off both my pants and my panties before making my way to the bed and grabbing a blanket
“what’re you doing ma?”
“i don’t want my ass too be out it’s too cold for that”
we both giggled before i made my way back over to matt
“come here baby” my hands made their way to the waistband of his dark grey sweatpants. my fingers slipped under both his pants and boxers waistband and i slowly brought them both down his legs. i met his gaze and smirked slightly to show i was teasing him.
“please mama i need you… jus’ wanna feel you”
“i’m coming baby” i finally pulled his pants and boxers off of his ankles and stood up, before making my way back onto his lap, wrapping his blanket acrossed my back.
with matt’s video game long forgotten, his controller having fell on the floor, i slowly hovered my way above him.
“you ready baby?”
“fuck- yes ma please”
i grabbed his cock and guided to my entrance before slowly sliding down onto his length. i made my way down slowly, inch by inch taking him in, holding matt’s flustered gaze.
when i finally bottomed out i shuffled on habit, causing matt to let out a loud, low whimper, his hands flying to hold onto my waist.
“fuck sorry baby i forgot”
i peppered kisses acrossed his forehead, waiting for his breathing to calm down
“mama-“ his gaze was on the floor, and as he started to speaking my hand went up to his face, landing on his cheek. his nuzzles his way into my hand. “m’ sorry for being so sensitive mama.” he looks up at me through his pretty lashes as he almost seemed to break down.
“oh sweet boy don’t be sorry for that, you and i both know you can’t help that. and it doesn’t bother me.”
his soft blue eyes never left mine before he spoke again, “you promise?”
“i promise sweet boy”
“oh and i’m also sorry for having you comfort me when you had a bad-“
“baby you have got to calm down okay? you’re okay i promise”
“i love you” i had never heard him say something so sincere before, it made my heart flutter and i immediately kissed him.
“i love you so much matty”
“how about i just-“ i swiveled my hips forward
“fuck- are you sure?”
“i’m sure matty”
i sped up my hips against his, quickly feeling the effect of my movements, and from the sounds matt was letting out, he was too.
“mmm- fuck you made me feel so good” he bucked his hips up before looks to me for approval.
“do whatever you think is best matty”
as soon as i finished my sentence, his hands made their way back to my hips before quickly thrusting up once more. his hands guided my hips in a gear-shift motion against his own. me made me feel euphoric.
his hands dug into the soft flesh of my thighs before he threw his head back, knitting his eyebrows and dropping his jaw and i took this as a sign to move my hips instead of letting him do it.
matt started shamefully letting out moans and whimpers as i brought my hips down onto his.
i decided to switch it up. i normally slide my hips back and forth, going the ready route, but god i knew that it would feel better if i properly rode him.
i put my hands on his shoulders before bringing my self up, almost completely off of his length.
he looked at me in confusion, before i quickly slammed back down onto his length. his face immediately switched into one of pleasure.
his jaw going slack.
his eyebrows knitting.
and his eyes fluttering shut.
god how i loved him.
i quickly repeated my actions of bouncing acrossed his length
“fuck- if you keep that up i’m gonna cum”
“well that’s kinda the whole point matty”
“no i know but- but i want you to- shit - feel good too ma”
“i know you do baby but im almost there too okay?”
a specific movement of my hips cut off his “okay” as i sped up my movements.
“holy shit i’m so close mama”
i let out a quiet moan, before throwing my own head back and leaning back to rest my hands on his knees
“ohhh shit matt oh my god”
he let out quiet whimpers. almost like a silent praise at the way i made him feel
“fuck fuck fuck i’m so close- mama please”
i leant forward and grabbed the sides of his face. i brought his forehead to mine, “fuck cum with my matty”
his hands made their way to my wrist as he closed his eyes and i felt his breath against mine as he quickly flung his hips up into mine.
his movements sent me over the edge. my core felt so tight as i came unraveled on his cock.
as i came undone on his cock, clenching tight on him, matt let out an extra loud moan, followed by quiet whimpers as i felt him cum inside me, costing my silky walls.
“fuck fuck fuck” he whispered into the close proximity we shared.
i slowly brought down my movements, hearing matt’s breath slow with mine.
“you make me feel so good mama”
“i try” i smile sarcastically
i try to pull off, before being stopped
“can we cockwarm- like for real this time?”
“okay baby” i giggle as i kiss his lips one last time.
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starlightfayee · 2 days
"I know you think you could run. Scared to believe I'm the one?"
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Yandere! Sung Jinwoo × Female Reader
Students Au ||
In which, Sung Jinwoo's head over heels for you. But, is that all there is to this?
"hmm, my love? Is there a problem?" Jinwoo asked in his voice that's basked in sweetness.
"no, nothing..." (Name) avoided his gaze. Truth to be told, things are getting annoying since a friend of hers keeps making a joke about her insecurities in front of her group friends.
"are you sure? You know, darling.. you could always tell me everything. I'm going to listen. I promise. We'll resolve your problems together. Alright?" Jinwoo walked over to you and held your chin. Tilting it so you're looking right at his eyes. Where you could not afford to lie.
"Well... A friend of mine..." (Name) felt comfortable enough. How could she refuse such a great offer? That's why, she started to tell him what actually happened.
Jinwoo listened, and then after a while, he wrapped his arms around your waist, letting you feel his warmth for comfort.
"don't worry, just continue to learn and listen to your teacher and ignore her. Okay?" Jinwoo kissed you all over your face and you giggled at the feeling. Nodding along with his every word.
And then, the disaster started. This is all where it started.
As always, your boyfriend, Jinwoo, always takes you to your own class before going to his.
Just before you got to the door of your class, he kissed you on your cheeks that surprised you. He just chuckled at you and waved his hands before going off to his own class.
You smiled at the sight. How lucky are you to have him?
But your smile quickly dropped. When you enter your class, the murmurs of your classmates can be easily heard.
"do you know? (Friend's name) was found to be murdered in her room! The culprit wrote in the wall of her room with her own blood!"
"what? What did the culprit write?"
"honestly, maybe karma got her. She's been bullying and backstabbing people left and right... But isn't this a bit..."
"the culprit wrote, 'she had learned her lesson.' The police think that the culprit is one of the people she bullied or backstabbed before."
Just as those words were said, all of them look at (name).
"huh? What? Don't tell me you thought I'm the one who killed her? Yes, I am annoyed by her actions. But I do not have enough reason to actually kill her." (Name) sweat dropped at their stares.
The others immediately look away. Some muttered sorry and some were still suspicious.
Throughout the whole class, there has been a tense atmosphere. As if all her classmates really thought that (name) is the killer.
She just shrugged it off. She knows she's innocent so she will never be nervous. Then, her class ends. Lunch break. She goes to the school's cafeteria while thinking.
(friend's name)'s death was quite... Suspicious. Specially those words written on her wall. People would definitely think that it was a revenge type of murder scene.
However, what if that's not the case? Maybe the killer was like a friend of hers and actually did that to hide from the police's suspects?
"argh! It's making my head hurt..." (Name) scratched her head lightly.
"what's making your head hurt, sweetheart?" Jinwoo appeared behind her and she jumped away.
"HEH?! Why do you have to appear like that?! You scared me!" (Name) glared at him jokingly and Jinwoo laughed.
"sorry. I didn't know you drink so much coffee today that you're easily getting scared." Jinwoo joked.
"funny guy." (Name) Playfully rolled her eyes at him, and they both ended up chuckling at their own antics.
Jinwoo took their lunch in the cafeteria while (name) waited quietly at a table near the window.
People kinda... distance themselves from her. Not only her, but to those who are bullied by her ex-friend.
Right now, her so-called circle of friends had decided to not interact with each other for a few weeks. Just to be safe.
'safe from what?!' (name) angrily thought. She didn't notice that she furrowed her eyebrows when the pointy finger of a certain someone touched them.
"you'll end up with wrinkles if you continue to look like that."
"but I will love you even if your look has changed anyways." Jinwoo smiled softly at her. Yet she can't ignore the glint in his eyes. As if there's a hidden secret on those deep gray eyes of his...
"even if I'm a cockroach?" (Name) Decided to joke to ease the atmosphere lightly.
"I'm honestly concerned."
"I was just joking!"
School's finished and your boyfriend decided to stay the night at yours.
You were on top of your boyfriend, your back in his chest as he hugged you while both of you were laying down on your bed.
He fell asleep, or you'd like to think he did.
As you scrolled to your tumblr, a guy from your class messages you.
Since you felt quite bored, you replied to him. He was asking if she had a book for a certain subject since he lost his.
Quite a reason, but she shrugged and replied she does, but can't get it as of the moment. They chat and chat, it even reaches a point where they just keep being sarcastically dramatic.
Due to this, (name) couldn't help but giggle at their chats that it wakes a certain someone from behind.
(name) didn't feel the stare she was given by her boyfriend. She couldn't feel how annoyed he is.
Jinwoo's here by her side but she chose to joke around with a mere human? How dare that guy even talk to you?
Due to this, another mission has been set on Jinwoo's mind as he looks at your conversation with the guy from your class.
The time went fast enough.
And another murmur entered your ears as you entered the class.
You're not quite sure, but you felt your boyfriend leaving your apartment in the middle of the night. But you'd like to think of it as just a distant dream.
Somehow, even if your circle of friends 'decided' to not talk for a while, you still found yourself at a friend's house.
The agenda for this is ridiculously... "Find the killer and revenge on her/him/them!"
Yes. The agenda is exactly like that. It's quite questionable since all of you are still students, what can you guys do? but they're still your friend. How could you refuse to meet with them when they're nothing but kind to you? Or are they?
But you didn't know, this whole gathering will be a disaster. A nightmare. You thought that this was all a gathering to get revenge and things. But your friend actually bought a beer and wine.
Someone slipped up. All the reason for a certain gray-eyed guy to show up is because someone slipped up.
"well, to be honest, what (friend's name) has been saying about (name) is quite true. (Name), don't lie to us. You killed her, right?" Due to their drunk state, they couldn't help but talk and talk.
"no. It's kind of cool. (Name)... Don't you think you look really hot right now?" The one who spoke so licked their lips.
"forget about her! Look at—" her drunk friends keep talking about dirty things as if it's normal. She shivered at the sight. This is not how she saw her friends before.
They're definitely not like this—
A crash sound was heard, and it all started again.
In the coldness of the night, you stood frozen as you saw your friends being massacred by... Shadows? They're like the shadows. They move so fast, yet when your friends try to hurt them, they fall and just resurrect like they're dead themselves.
And in the middle of all of this, a familiar face emerged from the shadows. (Name) Gulped nervously.
"J-Jinwoo? Are you... The one who did this all? Don't tell me... You're the one who killed (friend's name) and (the guy's name) as well?!"
"Cruel and terrible people have always surrounded you.. they're always on your side and you're so gentle to push them away. That's why... Is it so bad that I want to take revenge on them for you, my love?" Jinwoo looked at your eyes directly, and started to walk towards you, as you walked backwards. The shadow monster from earlier goes to his shadow itself.
You stared at him, completely scared by what your boyfriend is capable of.
"this is too much! Revenge is.. don't you think letting karma do its work is just more righteous?!"
"Baby, I'm the karma itself. I bloodied my hands so you wouldn't bloodied yours. I did all of this for love. My love for you is the reason why you and I are here right now." Jinwoo finally caught (name)'s hands. He caress it gently.
"forgive me. I did this for you. My love.." Jinwoo muttered, again with his sickly sweet voice.
"then, why did you kill (the guy's name) too?! He didn't do anything bad!"
"he did something bad. He dared to talk to you while you're in my presence."
"Sweetheart, you're mine. And only mine." And that time, in the lifeless air of the night, two hugged each other, one is worried for his love, and one is grinning behind her tears.
'don't worry. I'm all yours.' (Name) grinned when his eyes couldn't see her.
To keep her beloved Jinwoo, she must act like a saint.
All of it is working like a charm, and everything's going according to the plan.
'And just like how I'm all yours... You're also all mine, Sung Jinwoo.' (name) thought as she fake cried, while Jinwoo unknowingly comforted her.
I've finished the ORV manhwa and am currently reading the Light Novel. Goddsamn ORV has the hottest woman characters.
I'd let them step on me and I'd say thank you then beg them to do it again shamelessly 😓😓
Anyways I'm someone who has not experienced romance love and that's the whole reason I couldn't write a fluffy scene without f//cking it up...
As always, unedited cause I'm lazy! Loveyousomuch to whoever finished reading this once again!
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