#also!! thank you so much for complimenting my art!! you’re very sweet and it means a lot to me :-D
sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
relationship hcs ; astarion
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; baldur’s gate 3
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; astarion ancunin
outline ; “dating headcanons for astarion”
note ; i have never played this game and am going completely off of the clips and guide videos i’ve been watching pretty much nonstop for the past week so apologies if my characterisation is at all shaky in this piece
warning(s) ; brief references to canon torture, self worth struggles, and other related angst — but otherwise mostly fluff!
when it comes to being in a relationship with you — a real relationship, that is, and not the act he was putting on to try and manipulate you at the start of your journey as a group — astarion is, for lack of a better analogy, very much so a fish out of water
and, thankfully, that’s not something he’s ashamed or scared to admit to you, so the early days of your relationship are filled with a lot of trial and error as you navigate your new dynamic and he adjusts to being permitted to make his own decisions and set his own boundaries
some things definitely come easier than others for him — namely verbal shows of affection like using pet names for you or being playful or flirty whenever you’re together; things that are more instinct than anything else, but no less genuine in their use
as one might expect, astarion does also use quite the variety of pet names for you — to the extent that your friends have a running joke about him not actually knowing what your real name is (which he always refutes with about as much sass as one might expect) — with his main terms of endearment being ones that he settled into using early on like ‘darling’, ‘beautiful’ (or ‘handsome’ if that is your preferred term), ‘my dear’, and, when he’s being a bit of a tease, ‘my little treat’
actual physical intimacy, however, is a much different story given his rather unfortunate history with his body and how he was forced to use it by his tormentor
of course he knows that you’re different, that you’re not like cazador or his ilk, but that doesn’t make those old habits any easier to break, nor two hundred years of trauma easier to shake from his mind — love and patience can only go so far, after all, and those memories and their effects on him won’t just vanish overnight
so, naturally, that means that adjusting to physical touch unrelated to sex is a very slow process for him — though he’s thankful to have you there with him throughout
there are a few things that he learns he really quite enjoys and makes that abundantly clear to you when you’re together: kisses, gentle touches to the hand, and hugs, mainly
oh and his kisses are truly marvellous once you help him accept intimacy unconnected to sex — they’re soft and sweet but no less passionate for it, starting off with a brief peck before he turns his head and gently (oh so gently) grasps your chin or cheek or neck and pulls you closer to him, almost as if you’re melting into each other as the kiss either deepens or makes way for a string of chaste pecks before you eventually pull apart for whatever reason
he also always makes sure to sooth any places he’s bitten with some apologetic kisses once he’s had his fill (as well as plenty of compliments on your person and about your blood)
his other favourite places to kiss you are either on your hands or wrists (the gentleman that he is): the insides of your wrists, the tips of your fingers, each of your knuckles in sequence, the backs of your hands, your palms when you cup his face in your hands — truly the list is endless and he delights in finding new ways to fluster you and make you smile
shit talking and gossipping amongst yourselves is extremely common and astarion has mastered the art of saying just the right thing about someone he doesn’t like just loud enough for you to hear at the perfect time to make you laugh (or try your best to cover said laugh if you’re currently talking to the subject of said shit talking)
when it comes to sleeping arrangements, astarion just loves being held (but not too tightly so he still has the freedom to get up and walk away for whatever reason if he needs to), but the specifics of the position don’t really matter to him — he’s just as happy to have you laying on his chest, or him on yours if you’re larger than him, as he is to cuddle you on his side (though he does secretly prefer to either be the little spoon or to have his face level with your chest when you’re both on your sides as it makes him feel safer, though it will take him a long time to ever even consider admitting to that)
he is naturally very protective of you and has been known to pull a dagger on anyone he deems as a threat to you — which is very beneficial in combat scenarios or situations where you are actually at risk, but a bit inconvenient when you’re trying not to draw any attention to yourselves and the issue is just some drunk that can’t keep quiet (still not good and something that should be called out, but perhaps not worth having to leave the town you just got to early as to avoid getting charged with yet another crime)
he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself whenever you’re unwell for whatever reason (especially if it’s something a healer can’t contend with) because it’s been centuries since he’s experienced any sort of illness so he can’t even really empathise with you about your situation — he tries his best, of course, but it’s easy to tell that he’s really out of his depth
no matter how long the two of you have been together, astarion still melts whenever you ask his permission to do the smallest of things (like asking if you can kiss him or hold his hand, for example) — but he melts even more when you accept when he declines for whatever reason becaus the novelty of being respected and loved without expectation or conditions never really wears off for him and he appreciates it all just as much as he did the first time
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whirlwindimagines · 2 years
So I hear you’re taking requests? 👀♥️
Could we possibly have the reader be an artist and that’s how they make money for the group? But the reader has a personal art sketchbook that Vash stumbles upon by accident when someone tries to steal the reader’s bag. He then sees the drawings that consist of different people, scenery, doodles, and then of him and little notes about him like “literal sunshine”, “kissable beauty mark” “weak in the knees with this face”
Just a little something for baby girl ♥️
Requests are always open for babygirl lol also this is so cute, and I agree that beauty mark is very kissable. Give him to me 👏👏👏 😭
Also not me posting this with out tags I’m an idiot
‘If you saw him too, you’d know what I mean’
Vash x Reader
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Glancing up every once in a while, you admired the scenery in front of you making to observing every detail as you quickly sketch it out in your notebook. 
Smiling softly at Vash who sits across from you, he’s not paying attention watching a crowd of people instead. It was his idea to sneak away to this little outdoor cafe, and you greatly appreciated the gesture. It gave you time to just sit down and draw. 
And who were you to blame, if you happened to catch sight of Vash’s handsome face and want to sketch it as well? Was it a crime, you nearly drop your pencil when Vash suddenly turns to you with those sweet eyes. 
Trying to be nonchalant about what you were doing, you meet his gaze with a raised brow. “What?” You ask softly, he blinks and blushes maybe he didn’t know he had been staring at you as well. “Nothing, what are you drawing?” He answers quickly. 
It’s your turn to blush, as you quickly close the sketchbook. God, you’d die of embarrassment if he saw the sketches you’ve done of him. It’s not your fault, his face is so pretty that you need to capture his expressions! “Oh, just the landscape.” You say with a wave of your hand and a shy smile. 
You flip to the page you were sketching, checking it over to make sure it’s safe, and flip to show Vash. You smile as his eyes light up, looking over the drawing. You are a little nervous as he takes it all in, you're just hoping he doesn’t flip the page. Vash doesn’t and hands the notebook back to you. 
“Amazing!” Your heart warms at the compliment because coming from Vash you know it’s genuine. You smile, placing the sketchbook back in your bag, and you thank him. Vash places some double dollars on the table and helps you out of your chair. Shouldering your bag, the two of you walk out of the cafe side by side. Everyone was supposed to meet in the center of the market, you let Vash lead you there without complaint. 
You are shoved to the side harshly, letting out a startled yelp you managed to catch yourself with an annoyed huff. Vash turns to you concerned; you shrug going to adjust your bag when to your horror it's gone. Eyes widening, you frantically look around for it had you dropped it? Or… you gasp turning around. “That guy stole my bag!” You sob out, startling Vash beside you. You feel Vash place his hands on your shoulders, it forces you to look at him with a determined look in his gaze.
“Stay here, I’ll get it back.” You don't get a chance to reply when Vash takes off running. You frown, letting out a sigh as you listen and do what you are told for once. 
It's not difficult for Vash to catch up to the thief, he does so pretty quickly and is sure he can resolve this without any issues. The moment he saw that sullen look in your gaze, he knew he had to do something. It broke his heart to see such a sad look on your pretty face! 
“Hey stop!” Vash calls out, it startles the thief, who clearly thought they were in the clear. Vash lunges forward getting ahold of the bag, he didn't have much of a plan after that. “This belongs to my friend!” he says it with a cheerful smile, catching the man even more off guard with his attitude. 
The thief lets out a ‘tsk’ noise and tried to pull the bag back towards themselves, but Vash’s grip was stronger, and with one yank managed to get it out of the thief's hands… and spill all the contents. Vash cringed as the thief ran off, with a sigh he dropped to his knees to place everything neatly back into the bag. 
It seemed to all be mostly art supplies, he knew if you had to replace anything you would feel guilty spending the money. But you deserved it, hell if it wasn’t for you, they wouldn’t have enough to eat sometimes. Vash paused looking down at your sketchbook, you were always drawing in it but it was rare you’d show your work to him, and the others. 
Surely a quick peek wouldn’t hurt? It was already sitting half open, not wanting to psyche himself out Vash grabs it carefully and starts looking through it. His gaze softens as he looks at your sketches, familiar landmarks and places you've traveled, some animals, and people familiar and not. Vash turns the next page and flushes.
Sketches of him, is this how you see him? All soft lines, and gentle expressions. He can feel himself growing redder by the minute, he spots your handwriting, little notes around the sketches. The notes are about him as well, pointing out something in his expression, what he was looking at. And then some of the notes are cutesy with little hearts around them, the biggest heart seems to be around a note about his beauty mark. With an arrow pointing to the sketch. 
Vash slams the sketchbook closed, heart racing. He’s flattered, but unsure what to make of all of this. After a minute he smiles, you think he’s cute! Feeling light and fluttery, he places the sketchbook in the bag, making sure he’s gathered everything he stands heading back to where he left you. 
He stops when he spots you, he notices your nervous glance as you shift from foot to foot looking around. Vash watches you for a moment and his heart skips a beat, he walks towards you joining your side. You look up at him wide eye, your eyes shining when you noticed your bag in his hands. Taking the bag carefully, you hug it to your chest, “Oh Vash! Thank you so much.” 
You throw your arms around his neck, and his arms wrap around your waist without hesitation. “It was no problem.” mutters, you huff pulling back. “Oh, I’m sure, I didn’t think a bag snatcher would be the one to take down the big bad Vash the Stampede.” You tease watching him blush under your gaze. 
Vash rubs the back of his head with a slight chuckle, you smile leaning in and placing a delicate kiss on his cheek. He nearly goes as red as his coat, and you’re sure your face is flushed as well. “Seriously thank you.” stepping away from Vash, you turn going to find the others. You don't notice the soft look in Vash’s gaze as he places his hand over his cheek, or the whispered ‘you’re welcome’ he gives you. With a soft chuckle, Vash follows after you quickly joining your side.
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sharkboywrites · 10 months
I’m horrible at asking for requests so let me know if you need clarification for anything (or you know you can delete this lol)
May I ask for Steven from Pokémon with a shy/reserved reader (preferably trans ftm, but it’s fine if you don’t want to) who likes to make art of Pokémon for others can readers partner Pokémon be Houndoom?
Can be romantic or platonic whatever you’re comfortable with I’m sorry I’m very vague with this stuff 😭he’s just my comfort character I just have a hard time expressing my thoughts into words sorry
Steven Stone With a Shy/Reserved Reader
A/N: Hi, thank you for requesting, I like Steven but I've never really looked into his character. i think what I know about him should be enough though, and if it isn't I'm sorry
Ftm reader, reader has issues with things like anxiety and depression, can be read as platonic or romantic (although may lean to romantic)
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Steven is a bit of a hard person to keep up with, especially when you're on the quieter and more reserved side
he's ambitious and follows what his heart tells him to do, even though it may lead to him running all over the place or getting into trouble sometimes
He juggles being a champion, but also wanting to research rocks and Pokémon, while also still having the thrill for battle even when he says he's taking a break
When you sign up for spending time with him, you should know that you're guaranteed for some type of fun, whether that's doing things around the city, adventuring, or finding something interesting to do around home
This doesn't mean he isn't attentive though
in fact, how you're doing is really important to him and he always makes sure to check in every once in a while
He always has things on him that you may need in case anything goes wrong like water or something to fidget with
When you first opened up to him about your issues with anxiety, depression, and other things, he was very understanding
While he can't understand everything you go through, he always wants to be helpful and let's you know that he's always there
If you're ever having a bad day, he'll come and visit you
It's like he can always tell when something is wrong
If you're having issues with anxiety, he'll do his best to reassure you if it's a specific problem, but if it's general, unexplainable anxiety, he'll try to distract you
if it's depression, he does everything in his power to comfort you
Some hugs, words of affirmation, a warm drink, and a good show to watch are his go to's
He'll always make it a point to tell you just how important you are to him and that he wants you around
if it's a dysphoria day, once again he's doing everything in his power to reassure you
He'll tell you how much of a strong man he thinks you are, how much he admires you, and how much you mean to him
After that, it's a day where he just spends time with you
He'll cuddle you if you want, but if you don't want to be touched, he understands
He may even give you one of his own shirts or hoodies if you want
He likes seeing how helpful it is to you and he won't be lacking any compliments
While Steven can be a bit much at times, he really is a sweet person that just wants to spend time with you, and most importantly make sure you're okay
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I had a lot of fun writing this and I'm thinking about writing some more personal works (aka not requests) after this. Ty for reading and have a nice day <3
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2aceofspades · 10 months
I have a serious question. So, do you fully comprehend how awesome you are? Because damn. You’re legit one of my fav artists. You just consistently churn out these heartfelt masterpieces—sketches, doodles, finished or unfinished, they all MEAN something. You’ve also ALWAYS been so nice to talk to. I often get discouraged by the lack of interaction I get on platforms when I try to go outside my comfort zone and reach out, especially on Twitter. But any time I’ve asked a question or made a comment, you always take the time to respond and that’s just…so kind of you. So considerate. You don’t have to do that, but you do and it’s just lovely.
Anyway… I randomly remembered you saying that you didn’t feel as comfortable drawing Donnie and I just have to say that, whether it feels more comfortable now or not, he looks fantastic! Then again, every character you draw does! And of course Leo is my fav—my comfort character—so I’m not going to lie, it’s fun to see you draw so much of him.
I just can’t get over all the details in your work. I’m no artist, but I can appreciate how much emotion goes into your art. The squiggly lines when someone is nervous, the specific looks in their eyes, small details like scratching when anxious (I know I commented on that on a previous post)—you’re just so great with showing emotion!
Okay, okay. Gushing done… for now. Hope you have a fantastic week and thank you for being your awesome self!
Oh my stars waaaah-
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When I tell you that I was not prepared for such a lovely and sweet ask oh boy-
I'm like...literally almost speechless oh my shining stars in the sky 🥹 like, I'm struggling to respond without blubbering too much oh jeez-
Just...thank you so much, seriously. Putting emotion and meaning into my work is what I always strive for, so for someone to recognise and compliment that...it just means the world to me. I am so honored.
I also have definitely felt discouraged at times when interacting with posts and such. I do my best to not take it personally, but I understand that sometimes...it's difficult. I do my best to respond to asks, comments, etc., even if I'm a bit late with responding. I know I'm not perfect and I can be a little scatterbrained, but I really do enjoy engaging with y'all. I have such a lovely following, and I love giving back to y'all as well <3
Ah, yes...Donnie...my sweet sweet Donald. I still think he looks very stiff and wonky when I draw him...especially f!Donnie. His shell...confuses me. But! Thank you for your kind words and your support! It definitely helps pep me up to draw him some more hehe 🤗✨
Also, I have to comment on Leo cuz he's also my favorite and my comfort character as well :3 I love drawing him even if sometimes he gives me such grief. I don't wanna think about how many times I've drawn that goober 😶
Thank you again so so SO much for such a wonderfully kind and thoughtful message 🥹 I really appreciate you taking some time out of your day to send so much kindness my way. It really means a lot to me 🙌💙✨ Gah- I hope you have a fantastic week as well!
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churomo · 1 year
I'm gonna be honest with you...
I've been scrolling through your account whenever I feel sad and it always makes me feel better. There's something about your art that helps me calm down and feel so happy. (I get really twitchy when I'm feeling emotional so I'm glad to have found a healthy way to fix it) 😊
I remember seeing your trans link post and I've been questioning if I'm trans lately and stuff, so it made me really happy to see that. (You posted that so long ago but it still makes me feel happy every time I scroll through your account and see it)
I really, really love your art, but I'm a very shy person, so I would just stargaze at/or lurk your account. (Your art is so pretty!!!)
I'm so glad I worked up the courage to compliment you. I hope your doing well and loving everything you do! 💙🩷🤍
you’re so so so sweet!! and i’m so glad my art helps you in such a way (〃ω〃)
my trans fado post was admittedly a little self indulgent on my part too www so the fact it makes you happy means a lot!
really tho, thank you so much annonie <3 this ask was so sweet to read, and i hope you’re doing well also ❤️❤️
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dollscircus · 1 month
I know that this is likely a question you get a lot but... How do I start learning art? I'm not meaning 'just practice' but rather *what* should I practice? What aspects of art should I start with? What are the fundamentals that I have to get down above everything, and what are some of the ways you've found to be most effective to learn them? What aspect of the drawing process should I essentially abandon before I'm better at drawing (in essence, what are the pitfalls and most time consuming aspects that don't actually help that much - it just makes you think you improve?)
Sorry for the long ask, I'm just feral for your art and want to learn how to draw like you so I can inflict more Ranger x Clair upon the world.
I started my art journey with a lot of brute force learning since I was like 7.
So if I really had to say? Learn how the human body works. How it can bend and move. The joints in a human body. Anatomy. That’s kinda stuff! And starting with drawing people naked in a good place to learn how to draw the body. Clothes get in the way.
Don’t be afraid to use references pictures, even trace over them to understand the body. (If you are tracing, only trace over actual people not others art) I personally use Pinterest to find poses to reference.
And don’t abandon anything while you’re learning, art is bc a liner journey of learning. You’ll be better at some things then others.
Also! Push yourself out of your comfort zone with art. Don’t practice just the stuff you know you can do. Draw the stuff you struggle with because you won’t improve if you don’t.
And thank you so much for the compliment!! That’s very sweet of you. (Sorry if my thoughts are very scattered. I tried to keep it organised.)
If you ever draw something and would like a friendly critique, my DM’s are open. And if any other artist want to comment, please do! Id like to hear what you guys think
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I’m gonna do some fic recs today! Let’s goooo!
What Remains After the Storm, Complete, 86k, rated M by @hushed-chorus
This fic completely sucked me in and transported me to another world. Simon is a goatherd in a small seaside town who finds a nearly drowned man he rescues, only to find out it’s someone important from his past who also happens to be under a Fae curse that has turned him into a merman. The author weaves incredible lore, lush descriptions of harsh but beautiful settings and a meticulous plot that will blow you away. Plus! This fic is accompanied by a staggering amount of gorgeous art by @erzbethluna that compliments the story in such a delightful way. (Seriously, these two are geniuses.)
Swords into Plowshares, Complete, 6.5k, rated T by @ileadacharmedlife
I don’t often click on fics with the crack tag, but if they’re anything like this fic then I am thoroughly missing out! It’s a simple premise. Baz feels jealous that Simon is spending so much time with his new Excalibur sword. This silly yet sexy fic had me cackling with glee at nearly every turn. Come for the sword innuendos and stay for Baz’s paranoia clashing with Simon’s enthusiasm.
A Gift From the Propheseals, Complete, ~7k, rated E by @skeedelvee
Simon is sent on a mission to ask the propheseals to grant him visions to help with defeating the Humdrum and instead is gifted with visions of a future with Baz that is very different than what Simon would expect from his nemesis. This fic is tender, sexy and sweet and is accompanied with fantastic art by @letraspal that really adds a dreamlike quality to Simon’s visions. This premise is so creative and at just under 7k you will devour it quickly and be left with a warm feeling in your chest.
The Sexual Education of Simon Snow, Complete, ~15k, rated E by @eelwinks (LakeWitch on AO3)
Watford-era, Agatha wants to have sex so Simon sets off on a journey of educating himself on the intricacies of the act, with the help of his dread companion, and to the consternation of his roommate. I know, I know, this is an older fic, but some of us are slow readers and take a while to get to things. If you’re like me and you missed this one (or have been meaning to get to it) you should go for it. Of course the sexual tension between Simon and Baz is delicious but also I thoroughly enjoyed Penny bravely trying to teach her friend about sex with nearly zero boundaries.
Personal Best [Link to the Podfic version] Complete, 36min, rated T, written by @scone-lover and read by @petrodobreva
Man, there are some fabulous podfics in this fandom, and if you haven’t checked any out yet, this is a great one to start with. This Normal AU features Simon and Baz as rivals on the same swim team and does a beautiful job showing the progression of Simon’s admiration, frustration and feelings of inadequacy morphing into attraction and want. And @petrodobreva adds a rich layer of brilliant characterization, coupled with lovely voices/accents and extra touches of sound effects and music. Plus, if you like this one, she has a couple of other CO podfics that are done with equally superb levels of production.
And We Still Do, Complete, 8k, rated T by @facewithoutheart
Another one that came out months ago that I missed! This fic is really like 5+1 mini-fics, imagining Simon and Baz meeting in various different AUs. Each one is a mini world the author crafts beautifully in a short time, pulling you in and making you feel as if you’ve read 20k in each of them. My particular fave was Simon and Baz meeting at 5 years old, but honestly, they are all fantastic. Do yourself a favor and immerse yourself in each of these worlds. You won’t regret it.
That’s it from me for now! I’ve read other great fics but I’ll save them for another time. Thank you to everyone who continues to tag me btw! I love reading your stuff and hopefully I’ll have words of my own to share soon.
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livingfictional · 4 months
Hello! Can I have a rdr2 matchup, please? Im sorry if the info will be too much!
I'm 18 soon to be 19 (29/07) I do like (legal) age gaps tho! :)
Female, she/her, ExFJ 2w3, Leo Full typology: ExFJ 2w3 269 sp/so SLUAI FELV
I prefer villians and overall evil characters however I have a soft spot for kind, sweet big men :3 I prefer men in fiction
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile, but I do wish I would get something for being so nice in return, yeah it might sound greedy but I want to be appreciated! And get something nice haha, like just a compliment or something, when my helping and kindness gets unnoticed I might get upset because of how tired I am and I just want to be appreciated like I said before 😭 I wanted to be noticed and not ignored! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if it sounds mean. I also love being mentioned/involved in things, it makes me feel liked <3
People call me funny! Well it all depends because everyone has a different sense of humor! But I am most of the time unserious and I love to joke around, serious situations are stressful so I prefer to be joyful, but I do like talking about serious topics (sometimes) Like I said before I love to make people smile and laugh with my jokes and overall with make them happy with presence. It's my job to make others happy <3
My humor is definitely not for everyone, it's mostly the humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao (sometimes it's funny how people are annoyed by it) and some other things depending on how I feel. When it comes to annoyance I also like to annoy people <3 it's so fun! But I never want to make them really feel bad! Often I act like an asshole but this is just for jokes! (but sometimes I wanna be a real asshole lmao) Like I said I don't want them to actually feel bad, if I do, I will feel very guilty! When it comes to it I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that. Oh and Im clumsy 😭😭
People know that I am horny 24/7, like I said earlier I have a humor of a 12 y/o so there are a lot of sex jokes. I am very interested in nsfw things, kinks etc, I am the "horny" friend
I LOVE LOVE horror and scary things, I can't imagine my life without it, its just a such interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued! I adore horror games and I'm mostly interested in them, however most of the time I am scared of playing them so I just watch gameplays and stuff like that haha. You can say I am obssesed with horror! (its funny because its easy to scare me haha)
I love to eat food <3 especially sweet things
I also love cute things! Plushies, pink, clothes and other cute things! I just love it so much <3
I like games very much (I suck at them), art, anime, drawing and psychology! When it comes to music I love energetic ones!
I dislike slow music but there can be some exceptions.
I dislike cooking (I love when someone knows to cook however I suck at it
Around 156 cm height
brown eyes
chin length hair with bangs
round glasses
Thank you and I hope you will have a wonderful day/night!
I hoe you enjoy, you sound like a lovely person 🎀
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I match you up with… Sean!
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Throws sex jokes right back at you, a horny bastard.
He’s the show off type, so he will make a big deal of how much he loves you, how amazing you are, how cute you are.
So you’ll never have an issue with feeling unappreciated around him.
Has to have his hands on you 24/7, even in public. He’s not the shy type, PDA al the way. Unless you’re not a fan, of course.
In private he will hold on to you, calloused hands rubbing over your soft skin.
He’s more of an oblivious type, loud and a bit dumb. But he always tries his best, making sure you feel loved.
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ofmermaidstories · 9 months
Hi Mermie! I don't think I have ever sent an ask but I guess now is a good time as any. I actually found out about you from Andie (actually now that I think about it... I found a lot of wonderful writers through her) and lemme tell you BOY AM I GLAD I DID.
Your writing is like a box of chocolates :> whenever I see something new from you I don't know whether it's gonna be the sweetest thing I have ever read or if it's going to have me clutching my heart sobbing on the floor at 2 in the morning lol (casually side eyes the drabble you wrote about reader who can see the way ppl die- no joke I actually sat there on my couch for 10 minutes trying not to bawl my eyes out) Well but as if all that isn't just testament to what an amazing writer you are! I also LOVE LOVE LOVE your art! If I could eat it I think it would taste like strawberry wafers and marshmallow fluff. Oh shoot wait I was here for the game?! AHHH WAIT I AM SO SORRY FOR GETTING SIDETRACKED!
Ok wait lets see-
48. Who is your favorite character you have written for? Has this changed once you have started writing for the fandom?
I have a feeling it's bakugo but the way you write deku is so SCRUMPTIOUS.
49. What fic do you think is the best introduction of you as an author?
I am just really curious of how you answer this lol
69. What are your fave fics at the moment?
I just really wanted some good recs and I trust your taste!
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you have gotten?
Let's face it an amazing writer you must have gotten (well atleast you deserve) all the compliments in the world! I wanna know which one stuck with you. Also I am just petty I wanna one up that compliment and woo you~~~ <3
I am sorry oof I didn't think this ask would get this long. Regardless there is just one more thing... How... well is there a way you can send emoji's on laptop?? I really wanna send you that tulip bouquet emoji :(
Oh well I can't find it :< *sends you the most beautiful bouquet telepathically~*
lmaoooo, andie is very much incredibly generous, in that regard—uplifting other people. 🥹🌷 but hi castle! hi!! you’re very much like andie, i’m afraid—too sweet and entirely too generous with your kind words. 🫣 i am undeserving of the attention, but thank-you. 🥺 it means a lot, especially since i’ve seen you flitting about and spreading the excitement and the sunshine. ☀️ but okay let’s play. 😌
48. Who is your favorite character you have written for? Has this changed once you have started writing for the fandom?
lmao. bakugou is the love of my life, yes, but if i had to pick a favourite canon character to have written for, it’s izuku!! i think being the main character of My Hero gives him more to play with—which in turn makes him so much more satisfying. 🥹
if i had to pick a favourite character in general, though, to have written for—it’d be scribbles!
49. What fic do you think is the best introduction of you as an author?
oh, easy peasy. it’s surrender (whenever you’re ready).
i think it’s a fair representation of my style, and also does the hand-holding of gradually working up to those massive chapter lengths i tried to get away with in SJLT lmao. but more importantly, more than the one-shots i have sitting there on my ao3, it’s the introduction to what i guess is my biggest selling point: the serialisation and interconnectivity.
69. What are your fave fics at the moment?
i haven’t been reading much in the last year (mostly bc i’ve either preferred to stare at my wall and disassociate or crash hard into bed for five hour naps lmao) but the last fic i read that like, i consumed, was:
a blur of conquerors by her_black_tights
When Eren was ten, thirteen years felt like a long time. Most people he’d known died young, so he’d never expected to reach old age. But he’s in his ninth year of his term now. So is Mikasa. And he used to think he’d have something like forever to finally make sense of the way she’s weaved her way between his ribs, to learn the name of this particular brand of madness. But when he sees her skin knitting back together now, all he can think about is the day that it won’t.
Attack On Titan, Eremika, Marleyan Warriors AU, Explicit. it’s smut heavy; most of HBT’s fics are. HBT also writes a lot of daddy kink, and while it’s not apart of this fic, there is a dom/sub sensibility to their writing that does seem to influence HBT’s characterisation of Eren and Mikasa. i really enjoy their writing—when i found their fics i spent the whole day with them, completely useless for anything else. 🥹 but read your tags and remember to look after yourselves etc etc.
72. What's your favorite writing compliment you have gotten?
lmaooo, you’re cute castle. 🥹🌷 this one is hard tho because i think people underestimate the power even a handful of kind words have tbh. 🥺 all comments make me feel some kind of way (it’s not an excuse but it is why i get so bad at replying bc my brain basically keysmashes itself into knots at any hint of kindness), but i guess the most recent that have stuck out to me are a couple from the last chapter of the deku fic—from a couple of peeps who mentioned being surprised about seeing their own country or people in it. it meant a lot to me that it meant something to someone else, too. none of us live in isolation; we exist in a big world. and idk. it was just nice to be reminded of that. 🥺
don’t ever apologise for the excitement!!! it was fun. 🥺 thank-you for giving me something to mull over. 🥹 tbh with the emojis tho i just copy and paste from like emojiwiki or something lmaoooooo. but also, here, i drew u one instead—
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flowercrowngods · 11 months
do you ever feel weird just constantly liking or reblogging from someone’s blog? bc i do — i feel weird but i do it daily for you. YOURE JUST SO GOOD
i know it’s just my anxiety telling me this and i know for the most part it’s appreciated but like??? everything you write needs to shared and stored so i can go back to it
i’ve been thinking about this ask all day 🤍 first of all hhh i wanna say thank you, that’s so endlessly sweet 🥺😭🤍
and secondly, you are right, it is appreciated!! wholly and entirely!! i see you, i recognise the regular urls, i see those mutuals and regulars who always appear in quick succession and in my head you’re all friends. i am very attached. so please don’t feel weird, i really really do appreciate it, even if there are no tags added for gushing or yelling purposes, if it’s just a reblog, plain and simple. for safekeeping.
and that’s also a point you’re making: safekeeping. i know there’s this (very rightfully) writer-centric attitude of “reblog to spread the word, reblog so other people can see it too, reblog so the thing gets more exposure, reblog so the writer will keep going.” and yes. a thousand times yes. but this is a two-way street, and honestly if you reblog for safekeeping? if you reblog because you wanna read it again? if you reblog because you wanna collect art and fics like little trinkets in your safe little comfy place? then please by all means, never never never stop. go do nice things for yourself, go keep those little ficlets we put out into the world, go like and reblog from the same person constantly because you’ve found that person whose stuff you enjoy so immensely!!!
i know you sent me this ask to compliment me, and i appreciate it so much!!! 🤍 but more importantly, i want to put a hand on your shoulder and wipe that smile of self-deprecation and anxiety away and tell you, it’s okay. it’s so so fine 🤍 like and reblog and keep things for yourself. do whatever feels best, nobody can take that away from you 🤍 don’t feel weird. i see you and i appreciate you 🥰🌷🫶
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arainesque · 3 months
IM BACK AND IM LOSING MY MIND please im actually SICK this is the most wonderful thing ive ever read ok ok ok so
It was late nights in his bedroom, sharing things he’d never dreamed to speak aloud before. It was early mornings just watching the shapes his dark curls created against the cream coloured pillowcases and finally feeling content. It was someone who let him relax, someone who had mastered the ability to stop George from thinking. Someone who pushed him yet never made him feel overwhelmed.
STAWP. he never makes him feel overwhelmed oh they are so sweet i cant deal with this, just the way you write that soft intimacy makes me want to scream (in the very best way), it's so NICE, like, it's like im watching it as a film or something it's so VIVID oh my GOD
It seeped into his blood so slowly he was unaware he was being injected in the first place.
ART. oh my LORD. this is so like. i don't even know but i LOVE IT??? it's so !!!!!!!!! like, he's not even aware of it, but matty will aaalways be in him and part of him now and oh my god. i can't word what i mean properly, but i CAN yell and sound enthusiastic, so AAAAHHHHHHHHHH that is how reading that sentence feels
“You’re beautiful, too.”
“Yes, to the point where I feel like I can’t breathe if I look at you for too long.”
I AM DECEASED. something about the way george has to ask for clarification and mattys so confident about it because he knows george and he thinks george is beautiful (correct) and just hshshajshsjahsjasuhdahs BEST THING IVE EVER READ I SWEAR ohhh my god.
okay. apologies for the..........insanity, but can you really blame me when ive read THIS masterpiece???????? i have a headache and im convinced this is healing me ok ok ok bye bye i hope you enjoy your day and know how amazing you are at writing MWAH
(I'm so flattered when someone likes anything I've written I don't know what to do with myself!!)
I genuinely take these compliments to heart you know. I appreciate you so so so much :(((!!!! Especially with the emotions around the intimacy because I'm always so scared they're lost in translation (I'm obsessed with non-sexual intimacy, more to come.).
ALSO THE INSANITY IS SEEPING FROM MY BRAIN STRAIGHT INTO URS, WE'RE INTERCONNECTED NOW!!! Matty loves George so much and George /knows it/ deep down but something within him is always just thinking it's too good to be true. (We need to get him out of that headspace when it's so obvious Matty loves George, everyone within a mile radius can physically feel it).
THANK U AGAIN I love u :( <33333
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scarfwrites · 2 years
Forgive & Forget (To Mend a Broken Heart Part 10)
❅ Iwaizumi x Singer Fem!Reader
❅Format: Fluff, Crack, Angst, Comfort
❅Warning: none
❅Authors Note: a little fluff n comfort from the angst also mostly written
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“WE’RE HERE!” You hear a group of people yell 
You and Iwaizumi look where the noise is coming from to see all your friends pushing each other through.
“LET ME IN!” Hinata yelled pushing the others
“I WANNA GO FIRST!” Bokuto whined loudly
“Y/N's first friend privileges” Maki said pushing them aside
“THEN I'M GOING FIRST!” Oikawa yelled shoving everyone aside
“No I don't think so” Kuroo scoffed
“Stop pushing each other you morons” Tsukishima rolled his eyes
“Y/N are you okay?” Akaashi said heading in 
“Yeah! Thanks to Zumi” you smiled brightly at him as he blushed profusely
“Wow how sweet of him” Oikawa said smugly earning a pillow thrown at his face
“WE HEARD EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED, WHERE IS THAT BASTARD?!” Bokuto yelled as he got up from the floor
“Calm down Bokuto he’s clearly not here” Akaashi said
“Oh if he was here, he’d get murdered the moment we came here” Kuroo smirked
“He has some balls yelling at you” Oikawa said darkly
“Next time you’ll see him in the grave” Maki smirked proudly
“You don't have to crucify him it's not even his fault and he's only been like this once” you defended
“If he does it once he'll do it again” Tsukishima scoffed
“Let's not think about that idiot it's making us all depressed” Matsun chimed in
“YEAH CHEER UP TIME!” Bokuto jumped in joy as he ran to sit next to you
“DON'T FORGET ABOUT ME!” Hinata cheered as he sat in between you and Iwaizumi
“Godzilla again?” Matsun chuckled
“If you don't like it you're free to leave” Iwaizumi scoffed
“Awww is Iwa-chan mad because we ruined his alone time with Y/N-chan” Oikawa smirked smugly as the others burst out in  laughter
“Someone really needs to teach you how to shut your fucking mouth” Iwaizumi said intensely as an intense aura suffocates the room
“You're in for it now” you giggled 
“WAAAAH Y/N-CHAN HELP ME” Oikawa yelled as Iwaizumi began chasing him as the others continued laughing
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Suffice to say Oikawa got very harshly reprimanded both physically and mentally. After that everyone decided to watch movies whilst you, Tsukishima and Akaashi were in the kitchen making dinner for everyone.
“You still have the master hands for the culinary arts Kaashi” you smiled
“Thanks but it really isn’t that impressing” Akaashi smiled back
“I mean it you’re so much better at cooking than me” you continued as you chopped up some of the food
“Cut the gross sweet stuff don’t you have a boyfriend” Tsukishima said sarcastically
“Is it wrong to say sweet stuff to my friends? Or are you saying that because you want to be complimented” you teased playfully
“Pfft I wouldn’t want any of that sweet shit you say to your boy toy” Tsukishima rolled his eyes
“Speaking of which” Akaashi cleared his throat “I don’t mean to pry but can I ask if it was the first time he did that?” Akaashi inquired
“Yea this was the first time and he wasn’t mad per se” you tried to explain
“Pfft Iwaizumi says otherwise” Tsukishima scoffed as he turned on the stove
“Well he was a bit mad but mostly just worried but still a bit scary” you said sheepishly
“So you’re a pussy now” Tsukishima snickered as you glare
“Let’s stop with the jokes continue Y/N” Akaashi said pouring the ingredients in a bowl
“He just sounded worried but… his aura was tense and he didnt do anything wrong well besides what he said to Zumi” you sighed sadly
“What did he say?” Akaashi questioned
“He doesn’t trust Zumi like at all and he kept berating him and I don’t blame Zumi for defending himself but… I just felt really overwhelmed and i felt responsible for all the stuff he said to Zumi as he was really hurt” you said as tearings begun flooding your eyes
“Hey Hey don’t cry Akaashi” said as he hugged you “It was out of your control and was completely not your fault” Akaashi continued as he rubbed your back
“If it anything It’s that shithead’s fault for saying all those shit to him” Tsukishima said angrily
“Thanks but let's not talk about anymore please?” You said wiping your tears
“AKAASHIII Y/N TSUKIIII WHEN’S DINNER” you all hear Bokuto wail
“Calm down or you’re going under the table” Kuroo scolded lightly
“Calm your shits down you two I’m tryna watch the movie here!” Oikawa complained
“Then don’t complain so loudly” Matsun chimed in as you three sigh
“Dinner’s almost ready, don't worry! And Kuroo please don't put him under the table” you yelled from the kitchen
“I can’t keep that promise” Kuroo replied as you chuckled
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As the three of you focus on cooking dinner your phone was left unattended on the couch when a sudden ping was heard alerting everyone in the room.
“Isn’t that Y/N’s phone” Kageyama said
“Yeah it is!” Hinata said examining the phone
“Is someone texting her it keeps pinging” Matsun asked pausing the tv
“Lemme check” Hinata said opening the phone
“IT’S DAISUKE!” Hinata yelled quietly
“WHAT!” Oikawa quietly screamed
“CHECK IT! CHECK IT!” Bokuto insisted
“Alright alright wait!” Hinata said 
“What’s her password” Hinata asked looking at everyone
“Her birthday?” Kuroo said
“No she’s not as stupid as the flatass to put her birthday as her password” Makki scoffed
“HEY I’M RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW” Oikawa yelled 
“I bet Iwa-chan knows the password” Oikawa smirked smugly
“What makes you think that” Iwaizumi glared angrily
“Oh nothing anyways just open it!” Oikawa insisted as Iwaizumi scoffed and took the phone and imputed the password
“He really does know it” Kageyama said in shock
“I wanna know her password! Why hasn’t she told me!” Bokuto pouted
“Calm down Bokubro it’s not the problem here” Kuroo said as everyone read through the messages
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“Ew what is this apology” Maki said in disgust
“He’s more plastic than a Ken doll” Oikawa said in annoyance
“For one I agree with him” Kageyama said in annoyance
“He definitely did not mean that apology to Iwaizumi” Kuroo said reading the message again
“As if I care about that shithead” Iwaizumi scoffed loudly
“Let’s see more!” Bokuto said grabbing the phone from Hinata’s hands
“HEY WHY ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT MY PHONE” you yell as they screamed in surprise
“We weren’t peeking, we were looking at your new phone case!” Hinata lied as sweat dropped from his head
“You don’t have to lie it's so obvious” Tsukishima sighed rolling his eyes
“We’re not lying!” Bokuto insisted
“Alright fine just give it to me” you said snatching the phone away from Bokuto’s hands
You then read all the messages that Daisuke sent you and after a few minutes of thinking and everyone staring at you with weird faces you decided to respond
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“Water under the bridge my ass” Kuroo said in annoyance
“Ew forgiving? disgusting” Oikawa chimed in with Kuroo
“I FEEL BETRAYED” Bokuto whined
“Those three are unbearable” Tsukishima sighed looking down
“I didn’t say I forgave him Y/N” Iwaizumi glared at you
“C’mon Zumi like he said his emotions got the best of him and he was just worried anyways” you defended
“I don’t care didn’t you hear everything he said to me” Iwaizumi fought back as the others stare not knowing what to do
“Please Zumi I’m sorry for what he said but can you just give him one more chance? Please?” You pleaded looking into his eyes as they soften
“Fine but only just this once” Iwaizumi said looking away
“Thank you!” You hugged him tightly whilst he did the same
“HEY! WHERE’S MY HUG!” Bokuto pouted as he whined
“I want one too!” Hinata chimed in
“Alright fine you dummies” you said hugging them both as they both had the brightest smiles
“Everyone! Dinner’s ready” Akaashi called out
“Well it’s time to eat” you smiled
You all had a filling dinner and all decided to sleep at Iwaizumi’s house. They definitely planned sleeping here since they all brought clothes and other necessities for sleepovers. You fell asleep quickly as you were extremely exhausted from earlier. Iwaizumi admired your sleeping face. From the day he had he found it relaxing and quite adorable. It was a refreshment from the trouble he had sleeping that night knowing that you were still being manipulated by that shithead. He can’t do anything but watch from afar he thought.
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TAGLIST(OPEN) @byeolofseonghwa @noideawhothatis
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the-cannibal · 2 years
Could I please get a matchup, thank you for the opportunity!
I go by the name of Nex, I'm 5'8 tall, an Istp, Capricorn, ADHD filled with severe social anxiety. I have really short brown hair, brown eyes and I'm mixed.
I absolutely love drawing and making up Ocs (Original characters). I also have a huge obsession with Pokémon, I collect Pokémon plushies, clothes, books, cards and literally anything you can imagine. Cats are my absolute favourite animal and I own 3 that mean the world to me!
I'm kinda childish and I have the habit of constantly daydreaming or dozing off if I'm bored or sometimes completely randomly. I'm often called really lazy but I just struggle to find motivation for most things. I'm usually Very calm but if someone pushes me around too much I will physically fight them without no warning.
I bite when showing affection (only if the person doesn't mind) I'm not used to getting compliments so if someone compliments me I'll be extremely shy and flustered but deny it.
And again thank you for the opportunity! I hope you have a great day
Oh my gosh is your picture gengar because if yes I love that! I wrote this on my phone so I’m sorry if it gets laid out weird
I paired you with…
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Jason Vorhees!
This sweet man I think would be perfect for you! You’re childish? (Honestly same-) so is he! You can bet money that you would find him snuggled up on the couch with one… okay more like most, of your plushies wrapped in his arms.
He doesn’t quite understand what Pokémon is exactly, but he recognizes it! So do not be surprised if you wake up to some new books, shirts, plushie, cards, just laying on the table for you to find. I can neither confirm nor deny that the last owner of these items are alive.
I think his favorite Pokémon would be cubchoo so if you have a plush of them, respectfully that is now Jason’s. Sorry I don’t make the rules. Besides how could you say no to that cute face of his 🥺
Jason would try to braid your hair. You know it’s too short for that but he still tries! He is very determined! It’s quite adorable.
I totally see Jason as a cat dad. You guys laying in bed, snuggling with your cats as you contemplate getting up to start the coffee pot or tea kettle. Jason isn’t lazy, he has things to do around the camp to make sure no one trespasses, but he has offically made saturdays “Nex and Jason” day! You guys hang out inside the cabin, snuggling, watching movies, making art… just enjoying each others presence!
If he catches you day dreaming he will probably snap you out of it to make sure you are okay, he is a big mother hen and worries at the slightest things.
The first time you bit him he was a bit shocked? It didn’t hurt him at all (my guy has literally been stabbed, shot, killed and brought back from the dead. He can handle a lot-) but he had never seen someone give affection that way… no no no! Don’t stop! It’s cute! Just make sure you are biting him when he doesn’t have blood covering him.
He is very shy as well, so both of you are blushing messes when it comes to complimenting each other.
Oh look Jason! Another calm person just for you! Isn’t that so nice- oH MY GOD ARE THEY IN A FIST FIGHT-?!
Yeah he definitely holds you back in his arms as you flail around like a rabid raccoon.
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celiastjamesoscar · 1 year
Hi darling! I noticed I never shared my thoughts for No Hard Feelings, and with part 3 coming up, I thought I'd catch up. It's a bit much cause it's both for parts 1 and 2.
Nah nah nah. Sam can't fool anyone. She secretly enjoys Tara's little fucker energy, so she is a huge fan or R.
Sam is, to some extent, obviously saying no to Tara and Mindys choices out of pure spite because she is a petty grump but also because she is probably scared of letting someone new into her life. She would rather die than admit that she is scared of getting hurt again and trusting someone new. Bitchie (he who shall not be named) hurt Sam in more ways than just physical. That man baby betrayed her and used her trust to invade her life and try to kill her family. Poor Sammy fears that this will happen again. It keeps her from pursuing a relationship and letting someone new into her life.
With R she likes that she can be herself, her grumpy and bitchy self, because R is accepting her for who she is. Also, Sam really does enjoy Rs sass and stupid jokes. It makes her feel much more relaxed and comfortable with R. Sam's love language is definitely slight bullying/teasing and soft moments.
Now, I think that Sam definitely is a bit mad at herself for falling for R because she rather wants to stay guarded to protect herself. Sam is secretly very insecure; her job, her past and the fear of what could happen kinda makes her feel small and ashamed. She wants to "save/protect" R from that and herself. Her self-esteem is, despite her outwardly confident persona, very low. Thanks to baby duck Bitchie and Woodsboro. Sam is quick to act. She doesn't always think things through and when it comes to feelings she's very stubborn, so it's actually no surprise that instead of talking to R about everything, she chose to run away. To not only prevent her own heart from getting hurt again but also to "protect" R from herself. She doesn't think she's worthy of being with her. Her self doubt is stronger than her desire to have a new relationship.
A few more comments:
- This R is my favorite. She's a menace, absolutely hilarious, her sass is unmatched and she's just a lovely idiot.
- Sam not knowing what pics means is SO in character! Boomer Sam is real. The kys sent me over the edge. I can just image Sam wanting to be sweet and sending that so seriously. Poor baby didn't know better. I love it.
- Honestly I also wanna stare at Sam's boobs. Sam in general is a work of art.
- Sam's banter is THE best. You really are so talented when it comes to writing engaging and captivating characters.
I hope you're doing well and slaying college!
I have been waiting on your No Hard Feelings review for so long!!!
R accepting Sam for who she is, is the biggest thing that made Sam fall for her. She’s never had someone in her life accept with the open arms that R has, and that scares the shit out of her. Hell, even Tara screamed at Sam when she opened up about her father being Billy and revealing the real reason she left Tara. This person that she “hates” is the first person to look at her and say “You’re a grumpy old man and a bitch. But you’re MY grumpy old man and a bitch.”
Sam love language is definitely slight bullying and we will see it in the next chapter(s).
We will also see a bunch of insecurities arise in the part 3, and it will be the main reason for angst. Everything you said about Sam’s insecurities will be seen in that installment as well.
I also love this R so much!! I tried to base her personality off of my own, so I will take it as a compliment when you call her a ‘lovely idiot.’
Again, I love your reviews so much and they bring me so much happiness!! Thank you for reading my work and analyzing it! 🤍
I’m doing good. I have an anatomy practical and a chemistry exam next week, so depending on how I do will determine how much writing I actually do for the next several weeks 😬
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bunny584 · 6 months
Your page showed up randomly in my dash this morning. I mostly see jjk stuff as art inspiration (mostly suguru ngl), but today, I happened to come across ‘Obsessed’ (the version focused on Suguru) and now I’m obsessed.
I thought it was so interesting!
The thing is, I don’t often read stuff like that, and at times, as I read, I almost felt like I was intruding on something private, something that wasn’t meant to be shared with me, but I just find that to be so fascinating.
I found the way you wrote Suguru to be so… interesting. The thing is, I could believe this to be Suguru. In my mind, as I read, I pictured Suguru. I think it’s pretty amazing how you made Suguru sound like Suguru. That’s so damn cool! And really, really hard to do!
Afterwards, I ventured outwards and read your other stuff.
Maybe I’m a little superficial because Suguru happens to both be my favourite character and the character I find to be the most attractive, but personally, I just liked your stories with him, and after I read your stuff with him, I was like, “huh… I’m really craving more.” (Personally, ‘Obsessed’ is the one that stuck with me the most.)
I also started reading H&H, and I love some of the descriptions you used there!! You’re actually a pretty damn good writer!
What really stood out to me is the way in which you can capture that fiery, all-consuming feeling of want. I could feel that want through the screen. I could feel it: the desperation, longing, attraction, repulsion, obsession, affection, lust, and so much more.
I find your writing style to be fascinating. It feels simultaneously accessible, and yet so interesting. There are just some descriptions that I keep thinking of still.
You distract me.
I would love to read more stuff written by you. I just find it fascinating how you tackle and approach introspection/psychology/the psychology of want and attraction/feelings of perversion, morality, affection, jealousy, admiration, love all bundled into one.
However, I also do realise that you’re a busy person with a busy life, and that inspiration ebbs and flows, so I don’t want to pressure you into writing at all.
Anon, this…well you took my breath away with this one.
This read like a love letter in my twisty, silly head. The way you wrote about how I write made me very warm 😅
One: thank you for the leap of faith with my Suguru shorts/stories in general. I told another sweet anon that Suguru is the character I personally think I write the strongest. Your validation feels so, nice.
Two: you’re describing a literary principle of Verisimilitude!!! Ahh!!! This is SUCH a compliment. It essentially means to keep things true to form. I’m so honored that you said my work did that 🥹
Third: i have no idea why I found ‘you distract me’ SO HOT. 😅😅😅 feel free to skip over this point!!
Fourth: I definitely plan to keep creating. I hope you stay awhile 🩵
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
Hi, I was the anon that wrote in after Part Two of the Caelum Corruption Arc and talked about how it sucks people won’t just leave you be.
I am here, again, hating how fucking much the same people persist and admiring and how you persist in sharing your opinion and your voice in spite of it. I can’t imagine how discouraging the trash you must have in your inbox must be and how disheartening it is to have rampaging opponents in your replies when they should have just blocked you if they didn’t like you.
I just wanted to let you know, again, that I think your thoughts and art are well-spoken and eloquent and fantastic and perfectly within your godgiven right to create even if they’re not all for me. I hope you continue to do so, and I hope people stop shading you in the main tag and being mean in your inbox anonymously when you do, cause you’re kind of fuckin cool.
Even if you weren’t cool, that’d still be an abhorrent way to treat you when you mostly just mind your business.
I hope you have a good, nice, peaceful day.
-Lexi (AutisticEmpathyDaemon)
sorry if I didn’t send it through anon it would have sent through my main and that whole system irritates me so that’s why I did it this way I hope that’s okay also sorry if this is rambling and incoherent I got flustered
Hewwo, this was so so so incredibly sweet that it actually made me cry a lil bit last night. Thank you so very much for the kind message, i appreciate it so much.
It meant so much to hear you say you admire my persistent, every time i get a compliment like that or someone tells me they admire me it really makes my heart just swell with warmth. I tried very hard over the years to cultivate my assertiveness and persistent, and i absolutely refuse to lose all that work now by backing down because some (lets be honest, most 💀) people in this fandom disagree with me or don't like me or whatever. I can only hope that it emboldens others in this fandom to keep honestly speaking their minds.
To be quite honest, i haven't gotten a lot of anon hate or other such trash in my inbox. My anons are generally so amazing asdfasd, but that's one reason this latest resurgence of the Caelum drama really got to me. Random proship/profiction redacted fandom goers were getting disgusting messages in their inbox without even shipping him with people, whilst I, a Caelum shipper, sat in the corner unbothered. Not to sound savior-y or anything, but i really would have preferred if i got the messages instead of you guys. I saw what they were sending to you guys, and im deeply sorry you had to read them, much less entertain them with responses.
Thank you for calling my responses and art and whatnot "well-spoken and eloquent and fantastic," it honestly makes me wanna cry??? Long long story about why it means so much to me, but it makes me very happy to know im articulating myself efficiently.
Also you think im cool????
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I hope you have a good day as well! Thank you so much again! ❤️
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