#also “Whatever It Takes” makes me misty-eyed
coupleoffanfics · 10 months
Future Child
Okay, Batsis reader. Right? On board? This is around the time when y/n has given up the nightlife and hasn't detached herself from the family.
I'm gonna go off the wall and say what if the family was visited by y/n's child from the future? I know it sounds crazy, but please listen. The family could run a DNA test or the child could walk up to Bruce in broad daylight and whisper, "Hello, flying rodent".
They won't reveal their name, so they're just called V.
During their time there Dick would be so tempted to ask about the future. Maybe not things specifically about his life because he knows they can't answer questions like that. But he'll ask just stupid questions like do cats have jetpacks or something? He'd also try to get to know his nephew. What they like, personality, etc.
Tim and Bruce would be poking at them on how they got here. Though Bruce probably had to take a moment to crack a smile for a split second. He was going to be a grandpa one day and the thought made him tear up. It's just happy news all around for him but he wouldn't dare show it.
Damian would be observing them closely and taking note of their outfit which looked to be something a hero would wear. Making him wonder what kinda of hero they were and if they were any good at fighting. Both Jason and Barbara just stood back from the situation. Babs is still in a bit of shock but is happy to hear that y/n was able to gain the domestic lifestyle she wanted.
y/n's child gives them a gist of how ended up here without giving names. Dick would notice V glancing around the cave and offer to give them a tour. They except of course. He takes note of how V doesn't seem into small talk but asks a lot of questions. The whole family picks up on how X asks a lot of questions about y/n. Their mother. It's odd and a bit worrying to Bruce, but the others just think that y/n didn't talk too much about her time as Batgirl.
Everything is relatively calm until y/n walks into the Batcave for her laptop. V's calm, almost stoic mood is dropped. Tim and Bruce see how V almost took a step forward, but reluctantly stood still. How V started rapidly blinking their eyes and struggling to look at y/n.
Dick would probably zoom up to y/n with a big smile, "Hey, Mama bird, did you get the diapers?" And y/n just gives him a confused, maybe even sacred look.
Everything is going fine. The family is working together on getting them to their time. Cool, yeah, whatever.
But what if there's just something that triggers V. It could be something that was said or asked that leads V and y/n to argue. It's not even arguing. It's just V spilling out grievances about their father and kind of insulting y/n.
"I can't believe you'd still defend him even before you met him. How rich."…"You didn't plan me, but Dad did and you were somehow okay with it? I was only there to keep you down, but what about the other two? Did you love them more because Dad didn't plan them?"…"Dad may have cared about you, but not us. You weren't a monster like him, but letting him get away with so much makes you just as guilty."…"You're both broken people. Maybe you two are meant to be."
V storms off and y/n retreats to her room. Everyone is dumbstruck by this sudden revolution.
Eventually, V does apologize to y/n. When she awkwardly accepts, they get misty-eyed because they really didn't mean to say any of that. They know how she doesn't take the apology, not entirely, and they feel like shit. They do care about their mom, despite all that they said.
When it's almost time for V to return back to the future they pull the whole family aside. Excluding y/n so she won't hear what they're going to say.
"As you guessed my Dad wasn't the best. Mom never talked about any of you and with Dad being a villain I could understand why. He's not a good person in general. Mom deserved better, so this time around try doing a better job. Don't let her slip away or be taken away. If I'm born then you know you failed."
This resonates with the family and brings up questions that won't be answered anytime soon. I could see this leading the family to become yandere or overprotective. Either one is fine because their efforts are futile.
If going down the Yandere route then I could see them becoming so overbearing that y/n runs from them. They control her life. Who she talks to, where she goes, what she does. She can't live like this and she runs away when given the chance.
If going down the protective route then it's slightly better than the Yandere one. At least in terms of their relationship. They pay extra attention to her and check up on her regularly until one day she just disappears.
In each route, They'd keep a close eye on any guy that has similar physical features (ex: hair, eyes). Since V has stated they look more like their father. When she does go missing they'll search high and low for her, but there isn't anything that would locate where she is. Her disappearance keeps them up at night for many years until a vaguely familiar person visits the manor.
They awkwardly introduce themself, "Hi, my name is..."
They failed.
If anyone wants to write about this idea then go ahead. Doesn't even have to be the Batfamily. I won't write about it unless asked. I'm just not married to the idea. It almost 2 in the morning I need sleep.
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shieldofiron · 9 months
Heaven's On Fire
Also on Ao3
They used to kiss like it was fighting.
Freshman year, both of their freshman years, and they were fifteen and hopped up on hormones and anger. It was the first boy girl party and Carver’d been bitching all night.
So when spinning the bottle kept landing on him, Eddie kissed him like a fight. Bit Jason’s bottom lip so hard it almost broke. When they had to spend seven minutes in heaven, they made it hell, rolling around in Denise Sandderson’s coat closet, making the wire hangers bang together.
It wasn’t even kissing, then. Wasn’t kissing when Eddie started dealing and Jason would come over to score and he took his first hit from a shotgun, his lips bruised by Eddie’s. They both got held back that year, both had something to prove to each other when Jason would strut around like big man on campus. As if he didn’t groan when Eddie sucked hickey’s just below the collar of his uniform, and Jason wouldn’t take Eddie’s hand and wrap it around his own neck, making Eddie squeeze until they both gasped. A dance only they knew the steps to.
It was just fighting, a new kind of bullying and bullying back where Jason would straddle Eddie’s lap and suck on his tongue like he was trying to rip it out.
It didn’t count, no way it could count.
It was after another boy girl party when they actually kissed for the first time. Chrissy had just broken up with Jason- long time coming if you asked Eddie- and he’d been bitchy all day. Eddie was just counting the minutes until everyone was too drunk to notice and he and Jason would sneak off behind the woodshed, or to a closet, like always.
But he didn’t show, even long after the party was almost empty and Eddie’s lunchbox was empty.
Eddie ought to take the cue that he should go home, but the house was just a few doors down from Jason’s house, and he’d noticed that Jason’s parents car was missing, which meant they were out at one of their Bible retreats or hunting trips, whatever they did that had Jason all alone.
He’s never been there, but he guessed from the light that was on, that Jason was up in his bedroom.
Halfway up the tree, he kind of wondered what the fuck he was doing. Was he really about to knock on Jason Carver’s window and say… what? Why weren’t you there for me to make out with? Sorry about your girlfriend except I’m not all that sorry, she should have dumped your ass long ago.
And while he’s hanging off the tree, wallet chain swinging in the breeze, Jason walks by the window and freezes.
With nothing else to do, Eddie tries to wave and almost falls the fuck out of the tree.
Jason makes this big dramatic sigh like it’s a huge imposition for him to open the window, “You ever heard of knocking?”
“Thought you wouldn’t want me to be seen at your house.”
“Yeah,” Jason snorts, rubbing his nose with the back of his hand, “This is so much less inconspicuous.”
He’s been crying, Eddie can see it now. Not cute crying either, like when Billy Hargrove has had a few and gets misty eyed. Jason’s face is puffy and red, uncomfortable looking.
“You ok?”
“Why are you here?” Jason spits back.
Eddie doesn’t have a satisfactory answer, so he feigns ignorance, “Chrissy came without you to the party, I thought you might be sick.”
“So you came over to where I was sick?”
“I’m… high?” He wasn’t really, a light secondary buzz off other people’s smoke. But it was plausible enough that Jason’s shoulders relax.
“Got any left?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Its Eddie’s own joint, which he offers on fingers splintered from the window frame after he flips into Jason’s room.
Jason doesn’t wait for a blowback, just goes to the other side of the room to light it, as much distance between them as possible.
“We broke up,” Jason says, his face a mask of anger.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
“No, I’m not. But I kinda am. Sorry, Jason.”
Jason takes a rough puff, and then another.
“She… uh…” Eddie sputters.
“She broke up with me because I’m… I’ve been cheating on her,” Jason sniffs, handing the joint over, “So.”
“With who?”
It’s only after a few moments of Jason’s pointed silence that Eddie gets it.
“Right, but that doesn’t count,” Eddie says with a chuckle, waving the joint in the air.
“Get the fuck out,” Jason roars. His cheeks have gone bright pink.
“I just meant-“
“I shoulda pushed you out of the tree.”
“You…” Eddie’s brow furrows, “Thought it counted.”
Jason just draws a breath, his nostrils flaring. The way they do before a fight and before…
Jason’s hand is at his jaw and his other hand is fisted in Eddie’s jacket. It’s like it’s always been. He crowds Eddie back against his little desk, and Eddie’s wondering why he never climbed through Jason’s window. Could have gotten him in his cute little bed with the blue comforter and…
Jason’s lips tremble against his, and it’s just instinct, Eddie pushes forward… but Jason pulls back, falling out of step with their regular dance. His cheek is hot when Eddie puts his hand there, and Eddie’s heart flips like a pancake in his chest.
He kisses softly, Jason’s upper lip, his lower lip, they part and Eddie explores tentatively, fascinated. Jason’s crying, Eddie can taste the tears at the corner of his mouth. He kisses them away, painting his cheeks with tiny pecks, cradling Jason’s jaw. Jason was soft and pliant in his arms, and it was like Eddie could feel him for the first time. The tension running under the surface, muscles rolling beautifully when Jason threw his arms around Eddie’s neck and melted.
Eddie’s hand fell to Jason’s chest and Jason yelped, springing back. His little blue polo had caught fire from the joint now smoldering threateningly at their feet. Eddie stomped it out under his boots while Jason whipped his shirt off.
When he finally looked up, Eddie was grinning and Jason was pale and bloodless, his blue eyes shining with hurt.
“I… just… can’t do this anymore.”
Eddie picked up the smashed joint and threw it into the wastepaper basket under the desk, “Do what?”
“… screwing around. It’s messing with my head.”
“You gonna get another girlfriend?” Eddie’s heart sank.
“Dunno.” Jason shrugs, looking down.
“What if… we did something else.”
“Like what?” Jason blinked.
Eddie reached out and grabbed Jason’s hand, lacing their fingers together.
“Not screwing around.” Eddie clarified.
Jason just blinks up at him, “You’re fucking with me. That’s not f-fucking funny.”
But he doesn’t pull his hand away, so Eddie can tug him closer. Eddie sits on the edge of the desk and fits Jason between his knees.
“You’re really gonna fight me on this?” Eddie whispers.
“I just… can’t… you’re messing with my head.”
Eddie ran his fingers along the bridge of Jason’s collarbone, “I didn’t know… I thought it was just you trying to… fight me or something…”
“Kiss me, again. Please, Jason,” Eddie smiles.
It wasn't like fighting. Not like fucking either. Turns out Jason could kiss sweet when he wanted, all trembling fingers and watery blue eyes. Eddie didn't fight anymore, he just surrendered to the dance.
For @dragonflylady77 to make you smile
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penny00dreadful · 1 year
Return of The King - Part 4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 AO3
Eddie closed the back door quietly behind him and sat down in one of the lawn chairs, tipping his head up and staring at the scattered passing clouds as he smoked.
He could hear muffled conversation and an awful lot of tears from the house behind him and it nearly made him want to cry himself. There was so much relief filling him up both from Steve being back and finally getting to do what he’d been planning to do to him since he first got to know him but also that the healing within the Fellowship could begin. He just hoped it didn’t damage anyone further.
He had no idea how he was going to do it. How the both of them were going to do it. How on earth were they going to tell all these extremely broken people that the reason they were broken wasn't a reason anymore. That he was back? And how were they going to explain that he was back different but not bad? 
It could go so very wrong.
But maybe it would be enough comfort to them to know that Robin was talking again. Hell, not even just that she was talking again but that she was even… conscious again. That she was existing in the world again rather than around it.
He must have been ruminating in his own head for at least a half an hour vacillating in between smoking and worrying about the fallout of all this and watching the clouds and feeling that giggly excitement that comes with a new relationship and all the things they had left to do to each other and experience together when the door creaked open behind him and a pair of thin arms wound their way around his shoulders.
“You’ve been hoarding him.” Robin’s voice came soft and thick from the floods of tears she’d no doubt shared with Steve inside.
“Hoarding, Buckley?” He reached up to grasp her wrist. His heart was soaring. It was so good to hear her voice again. “I wouldn’t call it that. Though I suspect my Stevie exclusivity is coming to an end now that he has you back in his life.”
She hummed into his hair and tightened her arms around him, gently rocking the two of them back and forth as much as she could without toppling them over. “If I was gonna share him with anyone, I’m happy for it to be you.”
Eddie smiled to himself and tipped his head back onto her shoulder. “Awh, you’re gonna make me all misty eyed.”
“Join the club,” she let out a wet laugh, rubbing her eyes against his shirt, “it’s what the rest of us are doing.”
“Where is the man of the hour anyway?”
“He’s giving us space to say my ‘thank yous’ for taking care of me and everyone else for the last month or whatever.” 
“So like, thanks or whatever.” She whispered, her levity coming through clearly despite her humour.
“Not a problem, Buckaroo.”
She gave him one last squeeze and placed a kiss against the side of his head before disappearing back inside.
Eddie followed not long after, desperate for a shower and to finally get back into his own jeans. The pair he was wearing last night hadn’t been his favourite but they were a worthy sacrifice especially considering just how they were destroyed. How Steve's supernaturally strong hands had effortlessly gripped onto the tough denim and ripped them clean in two right below him, all the little noises he'd managed to work out of him with his tongue and his hips as he'd slowly, torturously slowly, sunk in-
He turned the shower water icy cold, he needed to keep his head clear for the next few hours ahead and he definitely wouldn’t be able to do that if the only think that was knocking around his brain was the continued idea of fucking around with Steve.
When he came back downstairs, he and Robin sat Steve down and tried to summarise everything that had happened in the last month. The complete and utter fuckery that the California crew went through, Joyce and Murray’s little vacation to the Soviet Union where, oh yeah, Hopper was alive but imprisoned, the cracks in the earth that had split the second Steve died, inadvertently saving Max from mutilation, the wide open gates that creatures would crawl through every so often, the fact that Hawkins was half abandoned, his parents…
It was a lot to take in and Steve took it all surprisingly well, almost like he’d been waiting for some catastrophic events to hit Hawkins for a few years now.
The next challenge that was presented to him was just how they were going to tell everyone. If they just sprung Steve on them out of nowhere it would be disastrous. They could all collapse into grief, they could run scared, they could attack him, believing him to be some fucked up trick of Vecna’s, there was so many things that could go wrong.
At the very least Wayne was going to be out of the house for the rest of the day so he couldn’t accidentally get caught in the crossfire.
Eddie sat at his kitchen table bouncing his leg so quickly his whole body was jiggling. Robin and Steve had helped him write out what to tell the others over the walkie to get them to arrive.
It wasn’t easy.
He needed them to know that it wasn’t a world ending Code Red but at the same time wasn’t it? Steve was back and that was a huge thing on its own but definitely didn’t warrant sending them all into a blind panic and putting them on edge, especially when the thing that was waiting for them was enough to implode everyone in the worst ways possible if handled incorrectly.
So he had to tell them it was urgent without skyrocketing everyone’s collective stress levels.
“Eds, it’ll be fine.” Steve tried to soothe him as the three of them sat waiting. He had a gentle grip on the back of Eddie’s neck, rubbing his thumb in small circles. It wasn’t working. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
Eddie and Robin shared a look for a long moment while Steve glanced between them.
“Okay, I don’t love this,” he said, pointing to each of them in turn, “whatever this is.”
“D’you think you’d be able to dodge a bullet if it came down to that, Stevie?” Eddie asked from behind his hair with his head hung low.
“Nance wouldn’t shoot me.”
“Yes she would.” They answered at the same time.
“She’s gonna think you’re some Vecna trick like I did.”
Robin nodded, agreeing. “Yeah, and you can’t fuck the doubt out of her like you did with Eddie.”
Eddie lifted his head just a fraction to glare at her but she didn’t back down, just raised her eyebrow.
“That’s not what happened.”
“No, I wouldn’t have let him fuck me if I still thought he was the spawn of Satan.”
Robin scoffed with a cheeky smirk on her face. “That’s a lie. But maybe it’ll be Hopper who’ll try to shoot you, Steve.” She blinked innocently over to him. “You could try to fuck some sense into him?”
“Robin.” Steve hissed, his whole face turning red.
“You had a thing for Hopper?” Eddie couldn’t help the shit eating grin that started to pull at his mouth, quickly joined by Robin as Steve tried to glare at the two of them with as much venom as possible.
“You never heard those words come out of my mouth.”
“No, but Robbie insinuated which is as good as a confession.”
“I hate the both of you.”
Eddie and Robin shot to their feet, cooing and crowding around Steve, squeezing him tight in between the two of them with a downight dramatic level of sarcastic comfort and affection. Steve just scowled harder but wormed his arms around the two of them squeezing back, unable to hide the upward curl at the corner of his mouth.
They only broke away from their mocking ‘you love us’ ‘you looooove uuusss’ when they both felt Steve tense under their arms.
“They’re here.”
Eddie shot to his feet, his adrenaline and anxiety coursing through his whole body. He needed to move, he needed to get it all out somehow. Fuck this was it. Everything was about to change. Again.
God, it could all go so wrong.
But it could be so good too.
It could fix everything.
“Are you hidden?”
Steve nodded. “Yeah. Only you and Robin can see me.”
“Okay good, you know them, they'll just burst in-”
No sooner had the words left his mouth than the front door was thrown open and a gaggle of teenagers spilled into his hallway. Eddie felt a short kiss be pressed to the back of his head, just a silent reminder I’m here before he took a deep breath in and tried to steady himself as best he could.
There wasn’t the usual noise and chaos that used to be so normal with the kids, there were no childish arguments or rapid fire discussions. They filed into his house quietly and without bluster, each finding a spot to sit around the dining table or lean against a kitchen cabinet looking at him expectantly, barely sending a glance in Robin’s direction who had marginally retreated back into herself. Whether it was the pressure of the situation or so many people around he didn’t know. He couldn’t really blame her or the group for their reactions.
Steve was staring around at all of them with wide eyes, like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. But instead of any kind of delight or smugness or smart remark about finally getting them to quieten down, he looked heartbroken. Like he hadn’t realised just how changed everyone was.
“Well?” Nancy snapped. Short and eager to get to the point as she always was these days and Eddie could never hold it against her.
He realised he’d been watching Steve’s reaction too closely. It probably looked like he was staring off into space while they all filled in around him. 
So he took a deep breath in and began.
“Okay, uh,” he started to thread his fingers through his hair, picking out individual curls and twisting them, anything to keep his hands occupied, “it’s not bad news. It’s actually good news, or it might not be good news depending on how you view it and how we had to get here, but it’s news! I’m gonna be honest, I’m having a bit of trouble trying to figure out how to tell you all because it’s gonna be really hard to swallow at first-“
“Eddie.” Dustin interrupted, his voice lacking its youthful energy and his face as grim as it had been for the last month. “Does Robin really need to be here for this?”
Robin startled at the mention of her name and seemed confused for a second. Eddie supposed it was a fair question, Robin hadn’t exactly been present in the last month and the rest had mostly gotten used to talking like she wasn’t in the room. Most of the time she wasn’t, really.
Eddie looked over at her along with Dustin who’s eyes widened at the sight of any emotion on her face apart from blank despair.
She looked up to meet Eddie’s eyes and gave a small nod. The whole room seemed to have caught the tiny movement, automatically straightening up and becoming much more engaged. Because if it was something that had the power to pull Robin out of the pit of her mind, it must be something extreme.
“Get on with it.”
“I’m trying, Nance, but this is actually very nerve wracking-”
Nancy glared at him, hard and cold. None of the warmth he’d seen in her before was present now and it hadn’t been for a while. She crossed her arms before speaking in a very stern tone of voice.
“Eddie, I don’t have time to waste with this bull-” she stopped herself short, swallowing harshly before continuing, “with this nonsense. So just-”
“It’s Steve.” He blurted out before he could stop himself, sudden and loud and impossibly catastrophic.
Silence crashed in around all of them in the wake of his statement, filled with so much tension he could feel it tingling against his skin. They were all staring at him, some with anger, some with devastation and some with just blank expressions that hurt more than anything.
The sound of a chair scraping against his tiled floor screeched loudly through the kitchen, almost too loud to bear. Dustin stood and without a backwards glance, began to walk away.
Eddie opened his mouth to call after him, his heart breaking in two but before he could say anything a voice made itself known from behind him.
“Dustin!” Steve called out to him, cracking through the air in the kitchen like a hammer against stone. 
The air was sucked out of the room like they’d all entered a vacuum chamber. Dustin stopped dead and the silence that permeated around all of them felt both fragile and immovable at the same time. 
The delicate click of a gun being cocked echoed around them and there was a heartbeat where nothing happened before the room erupted into chaos.
Eddie whipped around but it wasn’t Nancy that had drawn her weapon, it was Hopper. He couldn't even make the appropriate salacious jokes at Steve's expense about that because such a panic had gripped him at the room's collective response, he found himself frozen solid. 
This wasn't going well.
Robin threw herself in between Steve and Hopper with her hands out, screaming at him to wait! 
Everyone else looked a mix in between terrified and shocked. Like Vecna himself had just manifested in front of them, Max and Lucas were shouting, their heads ping ponging between Steve and Hopper, Mike and Will were shouting questions at Eddie. Joyce had pulled Will back, trying to push him behind her, Jonathan and Argyle were trying to stand defensively in front of Joyce but Jonathan also had a hand fisted in the back of Nancy’s shirt, who was pulling a pistol out of her bag, El was staring up at Steve, silent and considering, Erica oh god Erica was crying, she was just a child, Hopper was barking at the kids and Robin to stand down and Dustin…
Dustin hadn’t moved. He still had his back turned to everyone, both fists clenched so tight the colour had left his knuckles. 
“Shut up!” He screamed, high pitched and cracking, somehow making himself heard over the cacophony of noise that swiftly came to a halt at the sound of his voice.
Steve had an arm around Robin’s waist, having pulled her out of the line of fire while she scrambled against his immeasurable strength to try and get back in front of the barrel of the gun but he too froze at the sound.
Dustin took a deep breath in. “Eddie. What makes you so sure?”
Eddie looked in between Steve and Dustin. What could he say? He couldn’t exactly tell everyone what had transpired in the last twelve hours, he definitely wasn’t going to mention the sex. What had originally convinced him? Would it be enough?
“He…” Eddie swallowed. Somehow he’d never felt more vulnerable than right now, every single eye in the room was on him and he had the power to make or break everything. “He laughed at me? I insulted Vecna to his face and he… he thought it was funny.”
It sounded stupid, it sounded so stupid when he said it out loud. He couldn’t even bear to look up at them all to see how that explanation landed.
After a few seconds of heavy silence, El spoke up.
“What was your insult?”
Eddie glanced at her, she had her head tilted slightly to the side and her face was calm but curious. “I, uh, I called him a lump of unseasoned bolognese.”
“A dickless lump.” Steve interjected, a small smile on his face despite the tension in the room. Like a spell had been cast through the group at the sight of that smile, the strain on them seemed to lessen. Steve probably didn’t even realise he was doing it, there was just something about him now, something about his smile brought calm to them all. Maybe he’d always been that way. Eddie couldn’t really be sure.
Dustin whirled around and stomped his way over to Steve, the rest of the group parting like the Red Sea for him.
He stared up at Steve, an angry tilt to his brow and his jaw set, like he was ready to punch him in the face if he moved wrong.
“How many puffs?”
Eddie supposed the question must have been some kind of test, he certainly didn’t know the answer to whatever the fuck had just been asked, and no one else around him seemed to know either. No one else except for Steve.
Dustin’s lip quivered for just a second before he gathered himself, slamming his eyes shut again and turned his face away.
“El.” He called over his shoulder.
“Dust-” Steve started, reaching out, but was cut off.
“No!” Dustin yanked his shoulder away, his voice sharp and cutting. “I can’t- St-” swallowing harshly he continued a little quieter. “I need to be sure before I can- I need to be sure.”
Steve retracted his hand slowly, letting it fall to his side where it was quickly snatched up by Robin.
El took a step forward but was halted by Hopper’s hand on her shoulder.
“We don’t know if this is safe.”
“I’ve been inside Vecna’s head.” El took her fathers hand and gently lifted it away. “If Steve is an agent of Vecna he will not be as strong. This is not the most dangerous thing I have ever done.”
“And that makes this okay, does it?”
“What else would you rather do?”
Hopper scowled at her, the downward tilt of his mouth making it clear he didn’t have an answer.
“I still don’t like it.”
“You don’t have to like it.”
El stepped out of Hopper’s space and towards Steve, holding her hands out and waiting.
Steve nodded down at her before leaning forwards, effectively slotting his head carefully in between her hands and they both closed their eyes.
For two and half long, long minutes the room collectively held its breath, waiting in anticipation for her to draw down her verdict.
Eddie was sure as shit that he hadn’t had sex with Vecna in Steve’s body but god damn if the thought still didn’t make his skin crawl.
El’s brow furrowed and her grip tightened around Steve’s head as though she was trying to burrow her fingers into his skull. Steve grimaced as she dug in hard but held himself steady, his hand still clutched in Robin’s.
Dustin had moved to stand beside Eddie, staring wide eyed at the scene before him. Eddie had never seen him look so young, so small, so lost. He slung an arm around his shoulder and pulled him back towards his chest, holding him firm, trying to impart comfort in any way he could. Dustin sagged into him, barely holding on by a thread.
A small hand slipped into his. Erica refused to look at him but the shake of her hand and her silent tongue told him all he needed to know. For all her bravado and all her snark she was still the baby of the group and by a long shot too. While she protected herself and made herself seen with her attitude, it often made them forget that she was barely out of elementary school.
In some ways she was the biggest victim of all of this, no one else had been thrust into this apocalypse as young as Erica Sinclair.
And based on the little he had heard about how she had gotten introduced to all this, Steve was there. Steve, Robin and Dustin were the ones around trying to keep her safe against some kind of underground Russian spy operation or something. No wonder she was affected by all this.
Eddie pulled her back towards him too, his other arm around her shoulders, all three of them huddled in close together, watching and waiting.
“There’s something else there.” El muttered as her fingers relaxed, gently combing through the parts of Steve’s hair she’d messed up. “This is Steve. You are Steve. You are here. But there is something else here too.”
Steve’s face paled just a fraction. “Vecna’s not in my head.”
“No, it’s not Vecna, it’s something else. A cloud.”
“A good cloud?”
The tension in the room ramped straight back up.
“A b- a bad cloud then?”
“No. It’s just a cloud, but pushed and tugged. Made into long legs-”
“The Mind Flayer?!” Will shrieked out in a burst of panic.
“El, is he Flayed?” Joyce asked, somehow calm but straight to the point.
“No. No it’s not like-” not like Billy. “The Flayed were Vecna. Vecna puppeteering The Mind Flayer. This little bit in his head… it’s free.”
“So he’s…” Dustin huffed, his voice cracking again. “El, please, in plain English? Is he safe? Is he Steve? Is he- is he back?”
El nodded. “He is safe, he is Steve, he is back.”
She barely had the words out of her mouth before Dustin had ripped himself away from Eddie to throw himself at Steve. Steve unwound himself from around Robin quicker than should have been possible to be able to catch Dustin in time but catch him he did.
“You- you died. You died! You told me you loved me then you just went and died on me like an asshole. How could you- please, please don’t ever do that again. Swear to me, I can’t… I can’t-” Dustin was screaming, wailing into Steve’s neck, the sound echoing loudly around the room while everyone simultaneously tried not to intrude on their moment while not being able to bear the thought of leaving Steve.
“I know, I’m so sorry, Dusty. I’m so sorry. Never again, I swear on your mother.” Steve tried for humour but even he couldn’t push past all the emotion in his voice. “Never again.” He had his own face buried into Dustin’s hair, his arms wound tight around him, unable to keep his voice from wobbling.
Once Dustin had stopped screaming and cursing and was able to take a few deep breaths, he loosened his arms slightly, allowing Steve to glance up towards the other kids. 
It was all the invitation Max needed. 
She threw herself against Steve and Dustin, clutching on to them for dear life. She had barely made contact before the rest of the kids were rushing forward, grabbing onto any piece of Steve or each other they could reach.
Dustin unwound an arm from around Steve’s neck, opening his body up, looking back towards Eddie and Erica.
She shot forward, being pulled right into the centre of the group hug, right up against Dustin, Steve and Robin.
Robin still had herself pressed in close, her arms around Erica and Dustin while the kids all muttered and cried and punched and breathed. They told Steve they couldn’t lose him again, they practically fell all over themselves to tell him how much they appreciated him, how important he was, the guilt at thinking him dead and having never told him how much he meant had been eating away at all of them for a solid month. They even turned to Robin and told her how happy it made them to have her back too. They’d missed their Aunt Buckley. 
That started a fresh round of tears from everyone.
Movement to his side caught Eddie’s eye. Nancy was standing a little bit away, pale faced and swallowing repeatedly, trying to keep her emotions in check. She looked like she was desperate to throw herself into the fray but didn’t know if she’d be welcome, didn’t know if she was allowed. 
Her eyes were shining and her mouth was tight as Eddie approached her. He took her hand in his and pulled her forward. She turned her wide gaze on him as he led her closer, scared and apprehensive but Steve raised his head and held his own hand out to her. Will and Mike almost immediately shifted to the side, pulling her into the group with them.
Steve sent a short thankful glance Eddie’s way before turning his watery attention back to that wild eclectic group of people that loved him so incredibly.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 AO3
@romanticdestruction, @darkwitchoferie, @justforthedead89, @didntwant2come, @estrellami-1, @warlordess, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @weeennussy, @studentlife-with-sassyaf-friends
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itookyoudown · 5 months
hi hello so I was thinking about Givenson right & it kinda spiraled so here have this somewhat unhinged headcanon:
I love Married Givenson, but also I love Basically Married Givenson too as in they're clearly in love & committed to each other they've just never bothered with the paperwork & so I imagined Tim picking up a young Willa from a playdate or school or something & when the adult in charge asks who Tim is in relation to her Willa just says "he's our Tim" as tho it explains it (bc to her does) & Tim being well Tim instead of clarifying by saying he's Raylan's partner or boyfriend, he says something ridiculously untrue & it causes a bit of an incident that Raylan or Winona has to clear up but it makes Willa laugh so it becomes a game between the two of them for like years just coming up with increasingly weird or ridiculous answers esp as Willa gets older ("he was a feral child raised by rabid squirrels that my dad rescued once so now he looks after me to pay off his life debt" "rabid squirrels was a nice touch" "thanks figured wolves would be too much of a cliche for you") & it drives Raylan crazy but he's also a little bit weak for seeing his 2 favorite people having fun together so he mostly just lets it go (except for the time Tim straight up says "I'm her daddy's sugarbaby" & it causes more chaos than Raylan was prepared for, the worst of which is trying to find a way to explain to his 8yr old what the hell a sugarbaby is while Tim is in the background trying & failing to hide his laughter).
But then maybe, for the angst of it all, one or both starts to worry or get insecure that maybe not being married does bother the other?? Like Tim wonders if Raylan wants it but doesn't want push or pressure Tim so he's just like settling & Tim isn't giving him enough?? Or something?? Throw in the always present worry in the back of his mind of whether he's doing right by Willa & it becomes a whole Thing for a bit but eventually they talk about it & it winds up being lovely and sweet actually ("I don't need a piece of paper or a ceremony or hell even a declaration to know what you are to me. I don't mind one way or another, so if it's important to you then it's important to me. And sure there's some logistical things I guess that it would make easier. But you don't have to prove anything to me or anybody else. I'm yours and you're mine, and as long we both know that, that's enough for me. I swear to God, Tim, that's enough for me.") Willa just chucks a pillow at his head & rolls her eyes like "you're ours Tim, you always have been, so what if no one else outside of the family understands what that means because you're not technically my stepdad or whatever, we know what we mean to each other so stop being stupid and worrying about it" or something like that & Tim doesn't cry or anything but he smiles & hugs her & laughs when he sees that Raylan's maybe a little misty eyed so naturally Tim & Willa tease him for it because giving Raylan a hard time is their favorite pastime. (Tho Willa definitely uses the "he's my daddy's sugarbaby" line at some point when she's older because she thinks it's hilarious & Raylan nearly chokes on his coffee & Tim just throws his head back & laughs).
sorry this is so long & rambly & is probably silly & out of character maybe idk & like if it's super weird to just dump this in your inbox but I was overcome with Givenson feelings & thought of you so um yeah here???
not weird at all. i'll always approve of givenson in my ask box. sorry it took me a while to get around to answering though, my life has a lot of ups and downs and it was super down for a while. but i'm happy to finally have the time to share this with the givenson gang :)
everyone come feast your eyeballs on this fluff!!
i'm of the belief that tim would never take on a fatherly role to willa (she already has Raylan and Richard for that). he seems much more the type to be the non-judgmental but responsible adult figure that willa can confide in when she hates her parents or is scared to tell to them something. and i don't think tim would be "uncle tim" or anything like that either.
he's just tim to her.
the idea of him being HER tim is super cute ngl.
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plasticflwrs · 3 months
anything junyeong and everything junyeong related PLEASE!! i’m that man’s biggest fan🙏🏾
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★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀ kasey says ⠀ — ⠀ ... ⠀fun fact about junyeong: he's gone through the least amount of plot changes and face claim changes! originally, he was a kino fc named kangmin but the whole "dancer turned drummer" plot has always been his along with his backstory! i actually adore this guy and it doesn't really show but we've been to hell and back.
i need to talk about his relationships with the other members so... here we go
JUNYEONG would consider SALEM his best friend and the only bitch that he trusts. they're also friends with benefits. they share so many of the same morals and views about their career that it just makes sense for them to be this close. them teaming up to try to expose oliver was actually so iconic lmao i just love when they put their brains together for evil. the band often tries to do thing democratically but the decision always come down to deurim because salem and junyeong will ride or die their ideas and argue until everyone is giving into their ideas.
JUNYEONG sees JIYEON as a little sister. he's always been an only child, but there's something so pitiful about jiyeon that makes him feel bad for her. shitty parents, in love with a weirdo, whatever she had with minghui, jealously... how could you not feel bad for her??? he's the person that jiyeon goes to when she needs advice bc she knows junyeong would give it to her straight and not sugar coat it. i can fully see jiyeon, misty eyed, knocking on junyeong's door and he takes one look, closes it before texting her something like "get over yourself and then knock again". he's such a menace for no reason REJHFGJER
JUNYEONG doesn't hate DEURIM like the other members, but he thinks there's something weird about her. he's always been suspicious of her because the whole "biggest fan joins band" thing just felt too perfect. don't get him started on his theories though, you'll be there for hours. now, he just kind of ignores her in the dorm and goes about his business. there's no need for him to be close with deurim and he doesn't enjoy her company, so why force himself to have a friendship??
JUNYEONG and OLIVER are over their great civil war of 2023 and are actually pretty close for a junyeong friendship. now they're the only boys and junyeong's realized that the whole solo debacle wasn't oliver's fault, so they often look out for each other. that doesn't mean junyeong likes oliver, however, because he still finds oliver pretty annoying and doesn't like to be around him for very long EJRHGJER i get him tho! junyeong's very much in his "protecting my peace" era and being around oliver makes that literally impossible.
★⠀⠀ ⁄ ⠀⠀send me random questions that prompt me to talk about my character(s) !!
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loquaciousquark · 5 months
15, 24, 30 for the Tav asks?
15. What motivates your Tav to either embrace or resist the tadpole?
She...well, she never quite embraces it, but she does lean into its power at first! While the idea of having a leech in her brain is horrifying, and she's deathly afraid of the pain of ceremorphosis, she's also extremely used to a narrow view of her own survival. She hasn't looked more than a day or two down the road in over a decade, so it's very much a "if this helps me survive this moment right now, I'll do it happily and deal with the fallout later" thing. She's also half-convinced the prism will fail and the worm will take her any moment regardless, so why not snatch up what she can get? She's going to die any moment anyway; might as well go out knowing she did everything she could to stay alive beforehand.
However, after Myrkul & the early stuff in Act 3, she suddenly starts wondering if they might be able to get rid of these things after all. If she might actually have some kind of future possible after the Absolute and Cazador and everything else. If that's really on the table, she wants to be present for it and not a dribbling husk, so she stops feeding the parasite. She does use what she's got, though, and post-game she does faintly miss exploding people with her mind.
24. What first impression does your Tav give off to strangers?
When she's just been orphaned, she's one of those big dewy-eyed tearful kids they use in those horrible fundraising Sarah McLachlan ads. That doesn't last long, however, as she learns how to avoid being noticed in the first place. If she's actually seen, she's usually just looking hunted and desperate as she tries to extricate herself.
Post-game, once she's become better at interacting with speech and honesty and open exchange of ideas rather than petty theft, I think she's much more comfortable being seen in day-to-day life and going to social events where part of the goal is to be perceived. As she and Astarion travel around the continent, I think they play games like "let's pretend to be minor royalty in this new city and see how many balls we can get invited to before they throw us out."
She was brought up well before her parents died, so she's not going to make major crass faux-pas; instead, she's friendly and conversational, but she always has a touch of distance in her eyes. An invisible wall, a little - disdain isn't quite the right word, but a little - impersonal arrogance, maybe. She's with you, but she's not one of you - she's seen things you can't dream of, and she doesn't really mind if you feel it. I think it's more pronounced the more expensive the society is, for whatever that's worth. She certainly feels more at home in the gutter, even if she'd die before going back there again.
30. What are your Tav’s intentions/goals after the end of the game?
Get Astarion his ring, first and foremost. Once that's settled, they travel everywhere they can get passage. They've both been trapped in Baldur's Gate for so long, even if their raw years are disparately dispensed, and she wants to see everything the world's been hiding from her! The Underdark, the City of Splendors, Calimshan deserts, the Moonshae Isles, Evermeet, Marsember (the City of Spices! it sounds so beautiful until they get there and it's all misty swamp and haunted bogs), Cormyr - beaches! (which they both hate because it's TOO SUNNY and TOO SANDY) - basically anywhere they can get a portal or a road to. They're not hoofing through the woods anymore if they can help it.
I do think Tav splits the money among the companions left behind (so no shares to Wyll, Karlach, or Lae'zel directly, though she takes out some accounts at the Counting House for them and starts accruing interest in their names), and she uses her connections with the Counting House & the Thieves' Guild to start building some portfolios of her own. She never wants to be in a place where she has to think about money ever again. (I think she carries letters back and forth from Wyll to his dad, & Wyll gets his dad to get her in touch with one of the city's trustworthy financiers to help her get all this started.)
Between all that they visit Lae'zel in the Astral Sea for like a week, and when they come back both of them are like, "WELL that was fun let's never do THAT again," but they do visit Karlach and Wyll in Avernus quite often! I think they bully Helsik into opening the portal for them the first several times, but they don't like being dependent on her or the location, so they steal a very hefty supply of the rare materials (esp. the infernal marble) and a copy of the exact rites, along with contact info for more supplies in future, and they repurpose one of the portals in the House of Hope to open to Gale's tower in Waterdeep. (I don't think they tell him ahead of time.)
At some point they figure out how to extend Tav's life, but that's way down the road. Also I think she starts a Thieves' Guild with the tiefling kids that's secretly an orphanage/pipeline into gainful employment.
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hotshot624 · 2 years
Headcanons for daddy eddie and how he plays and interacts with the little reader ( they ask for dress up and tea parties pease, daddy?  And how can he say no to that!?)
I don't remember if I sent this one yet or not!
So sorry if its a duplicate and this is my last request for the moment.
Thank you so much for everything!
Okay so like I'm trying (keyword: Trying) to finish a fic you requested but I'm just horrible at dialogue so I'm giving up for just today. I'ma try again tomorrow with a new mindset and (hopefully) better dialogue. But knowing me it's still gonna suck. anY WHO I decided that maybe writing some headcanons might be the best bet and help with my writing. I have a feeling that there gonna be a lot so just remember you brought this on yourselves/j
✨🍼Daddy/Cg!Eddie x Little!Reader Headcanons 🍼✨
(Look at me trying to make this look fancy lol)
Eddie is literally like the best daddy/cg/whatever you wanna call him ever
I'll admit he's not absolutely perfect (I mean no one is expect my cat) but he does his best and that all you can ask for
He's very attentive always watching and listening to what you have to say and is always careful not to push past your comfort zone
It doesn't matter to him what age you regress to, he'll take care of you as long as you let him and with no complaints
He's just so good at matching his energy with yours it's honestly impressive
Like he could be jumping up and down with you running up the walls excited
Or he could be mellowing out with you on the couch as y'all watch She'ra
He's like always trying to get you to laugh it's adorable
Funny faces/voices, dumb jokes, tickles, running around cashing the reader, whatever he came to get the you to smile or laugh he's doing
My man's loves to play with his little. It could be argued that he enjoys it more than his little does
His favorite is making up games and playing pretend
He'll set up a whole story line with characters and adventures and task so his little is never bored. He's also will always try to be apart of the game your playing either with helping you on your adventure, being a bunch of side characters that all have a bunch of different, funny voices, or being the antagonist
Whatever he's doing, he just wants to be doing something with you
And if his little wants to have a tea party then by god are they gonna have one
He'll try and set up tea cups and the tea pot and fill it with lemonade or some sort of fun drink as well as some cookies or treat to eat with it with your stuffy joking you guys as well
You absolutely have to do clinkies with him or I swear to God he will cry
Your pinky has to be out too. Gots to be proper😙
I would also like to mention that he will not refuse to wear a tutu or dress as well as make up or finger nail polish
He's got NO shame when it comes to his little
I'm just imagining him with like messily put on lipstick that like going up his face as wells as a bunch of random stickers, his hair in like multiple pigtails, wearing a tutu with his regular clothes on underneath with the most content smile on
He's unbelievable, I love him
My man's literally could not care less what you called him
Bubba, Daddy, Dada, bubs, Eds or even just his name will send him over the moon
Just the thought that his little was comfortable enough to share this with him, nevermind wants him to be with them while while smalls brings a tear to his eye
While Eddie is a great care giver sometimes he has his moment
Sometimes he gets a little to dramatic or frantic in trying to make his little laugh and he ends up scaring them and makes them cry
Or maybe he gets a little too mad and snaps at them if they were miss behaving to much (nothing to much just him yelling "Will you stop that!" or "I said not right now Y/N, knock it off!" loudly)
Once he sees his little getting a teensy bit misty eyed he's already on his hands and knees apologizing to them and begging for forgiveness
Okay not all of that like he will try to comfort you depending on how you feel like if you want physical contact or want to be left alone he'll always accommodate for your needs but he'll still apologize a lot
He wants you to know that he is truly sorry and that sometimes his emotions get the best of himself
Again he's not perfect but that okay
He tries his best and tries to fix what he did so he doesn't do it again and honestly that's all anyone can ask for
Cuddles and a bedtime story are a must before bed
They also have to be read dramatically or he will be hearing from your lawyers
He also must tuck you in and give you a lil goodnight kith before you fall asleep it is LAW
Eddie's uncle is aware of your regression from walking in on you regressed one time and let me tell you this man could not care less
Like I mean he's glad you and his nephew trust each other enough to be like this but other than that he doesn't really care about it. He'd appreciate if you didn't trash his home or write on his walls though
Eddie let's you wear his Hell fire club shirt if your feeling small. He loves how it looks on you and you like that it smells like him so it's a win win
He's honestly considering making you a Hell Fire shirt onesie so look out for that
All in all Eddie is a great Cg.
11/10 would recommend
I told y'all these would be long. Okay tis not that long but still. I kinda like the headcanons actually so tell me what y'all think. They seem way easier to write then fanfics (I say watch these get harder) so if y'all want more of these please request them. Thank you for requesting this btw I really enjoyed writing this. It was pretty easy for my ADHD brain to type this cuz this is usually how I think. In short busts that aren't always complete sentences. Alright that's all for now. Love y'all 💜💜💜
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because-she-goes · 1 year
warnings: none, just fluff. Enjoy!
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What do you get for the boy on the other side of planet who has everything he could ever possibly want. What do you get the girl all the way back in America who could simply thrift or create whatever she needed.
The answer they both came up with was flowers. Matty’s being a classic romantic and liked red roses. Nora loved daisies and how summery they were. They also decided on dessert deliveries. Matty sent muffins for his muffin and Nora sent him the unreal brownies he loved from her place in New York.
So, now here we are. April 8th, 2017. Matty’s 28th.
Matty woke up that morning in his London home, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. They had started work on the next album, still untitled. Him and George were pulling late nights and drinking too many redbulls. His plaid pants hung low on his hips and he pulled on a robe, his house freezing. Going to make his morning cup of tea, he starts checking his phone for any overnight emails or texts from Jamie… he sees a missed call from Nora from last night at about 10pm - 3am London time. He checks the clock and sees its only about 5:30am there, Nora won’t be up for hours. Other than that, no immediate fires that need to be put out. Sipping his tea, he walks to the front door and grabs his newspapers - all the boys collecting them for album material. He loves these types of mornings - slow, relaxed, sleepy. He just wishes Nora could be with him, she had a work meeting tonight with a friend she had who was interested in commissioning something. She told him she would be getting the next flight out of New York in 2 days. He couldn’t wait. Her presence alone making the concrete house feel warm and comforting - like raspberry iced tea and summer time. He worked on a demo for a few hours and by the time lunch rolled around, his doorbell rang. Who could that be? He didn’t order anything and wasn’t expecting anyone. Matty swung the door open, and didn’t see the royal mail person there. Just a box with a note. Looking around again, shrugging his shoulders and picking up the box wrapped in twine with his name and address in a beautiful caligraphy.
Taking the package up to his kitchen, he unwraps it and the note falls to the ground. He takes the card and unfolds it. He inhales sharply when he recognizes the handwriting.
“To My Matthew,
Happiest of birthdays, Handsome! I am sorry I could not be there in person, but figured in the interim before my arrival you’d like a little piece of me. I love you so much, more than the English language will ever be able to articulate. I organized some things to arrive for you today so hopefully you like them. The first of which is a package of brownies from the bakery you love down the street from me, and before you even ask I did get the oreo ones you go nuts for. Don’t spoil your appetite, handsome… the boys’ll be round later to take you out. Have fun and again, I love you more than you’ll ever know.
Xx always,
Your Nora”
Matty was misty eyed, no-one had ever thought to send him something overseas when he was away. No girlfriend ever going that far for him. Putting that out of his brain, not wanting to get too emotional this early in the afternoon he tore open the box of brownies. The decadent smell of chocolate and candy filling the space around him, Matty thew his head back in bliss. “You’ve done it again, Downey!” He says to the universe - hoping someway she hears him. Munching on the brownie, he calls her.
“Well, good morning birthday boy! Gotten any of your gifts so far?” Her peach sweet voice comes through the line after a few rings.
“And a lovely afternoon to you, Honey! Yes actually, the brownies just came. Half already gone I’d like to report. Best brownies ever! What else is in store may I ask, beloved?”
“Oh, you’re good Matthew. I will be honest, I may have ordered a pack for myself to get delivered to the studio later. They truly are god’s gift to baking. As for the rest of the agenda, that is for me to know and for you to find out. Wouldn’t exactly be a birthday surprise if you knew, now would it, Handsome?”
“No it wouldn’t, Darling… Just know that when June rolls around and I’m locked away in a writing dungeon, I am gonna outdo whatever you have 10 fold.”
“You got yourself a challenge, Handsome.” She smiles. “Okay, I gotta run. I love you baby and happy birthday, I’ll be there before you know it.”
“Okay, good luck, Honey! I love you and am counting down the minutes.”
With that, another ring of the door bell comes as Matty hangs up the phone. Before him he sees a floral van and a young girl nervously holding a delicate bouquet of red roses and what look to be little bits of eucalyptus and white hydrangea. Oh, she knows him way too well, he thinks as he opens the door to the teenager.
“A Matty Healy?”
“I’m him! Thank You, doll. Have a good day!” He says to the girl as he tips her a few pounds and shuts the door softly. He grabs a vase and holds the flowers to his nose, he sighs in content. She really does know him incredibly well, a perfectly beautiful yet subtle arrangement.
Matty enjoys the rest of his day, texting her a picture of the brownie box now empty once the boys came and the flowers in their vase on his kitchen table. He blushed as she sent a kiss emoji and a “all for you, birthday boy <3”. Maybe 28 wasn’t going to be so terrible after all.
June in New York, Nora Downey turned 25 as the clocks struck 3:51am on the 16th.
She awoke quite differently than her other half. She slept through her alarm and wokd up a whole hour later for an appointment with her therapist. Calling the office, she rescheduled for the following day and was told it wasn’t any issue. Deciding to grab some coffee and swing by the local bookstore for her monthly magazine grab. Getting some copies of i-D magazine, DORK, Rolling Stone, British Vogue and British GQ. Heading back home excitedly to read her magazines, she gets a call from Matty.
“Hey baby, hows your birthday going? Doing anything fun today?” She smiles at his voice and the petname.
“Uhh, just heading home to read some magazines and things. Then maybe go to my painting and wine class!” He wishes he could be with her, but things with the album and the guys wanting to go to the countryside for the summer to write and work was just getting a little hectic. He does appreciate though that she is atleast doing something for her day, she raves about these wine and paint classes she started years ago. He still kept his plan of sending her a little something to her apartment, but she must have not seen it yet.
“Oh, that sounds fun! Me and the guys were gonna drive up north today and work at that studio I mentioned last week. Maybe I can facetime later and we can have a little virtual dinner date, yeah?”
“Sounds lovely, Handsome. I’m almost home by the way so sorry if this cuts out or if I go quiet trying to get upstairs.”
“Not a problem, take your time, Muffin.”
Getting to her building and clicking the button for the elevator she is shocked when she reaches her door.
“Healy, what have you done? Oh my god, don’t tell me you actually went through with the thing I joked about in Apri…”
“Oh, yes I did, Baby! Hope you love them, gotta run! Happy Birthday and I love you most!”
“Impossible, Handsome!”
Hanging up, grabbing the gorgeous bouquet of roses and daisies and the box she slides her keys in and kicks the door open. Knocking it closed, she carefully puts down the gifts on her entry table next to her key dish. Running to grab the cold champagne she keeps in case of emergencies from her fridge, a glass and a vase she makes me way back to the entry for the flowers. Setting the vase down on the living room table, she fills it with water and the flowers. Pouring her champagne, getting the box and magazines she sets up her afternoon. Nora goes to her bedroom, slides off her overalls and throws on a flannel shirt she stole from Matty and jean shorts. Gathering her hair in a ponytail and walking back to her idea of heaven, she sits comfortably on the couch. Snapping a picture of her and her treasures, she sends it to Matty - fully knowing its gonna drive him crazy that she’s in his shirt alone in her apartment.
“Couldn’t ask for a better start to 25 xx” She presses send and takes a bite of the incredible chocolate swirl muffins. She couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.
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Non-Romantic kiss in the rain with the 5 ToQgers XD
Man, whole string of really cute ones here.
It's drizzling when the other four reach the tree, humid and misty and thick in a way that makes Tokacchi's and Mio's hair puff out wildly and has Kagura's bangs sticking uncomfortably to her forehead. Hikari's damp too, but unfazed, all the dignity of being fourteen wrapped around him like a coat so that it barely matters that his hair's in his eyes.
Right is, of course, already there, lying on a sturdy branch and staring up through the leaves at the sky. He nearly falls out when he sees them. "Hey, guys! The Rainbow Line just dropped me off a few minutes ago. Did you bring any food? I brought sandwiches."
Kagura holds up a box. "I made cupcakes!"
"I brought some carrots and cucumbers." Mio pats her insulated bag.
"And I have drinks," Tokacchi says, gesturing vaguely with the carrier bag in his hand, "but you have to come down, I can't climb the tree anymore."
Right blinks, surprised expression morphing directly into a pout. "You can't climb anymore? Why not?"
"He got tall!" Kagura pokes Tokacchi in the arm. "See? See how much taller than me he is now? His mom had to let out all his pants. And he's too heavy for the ladder."
"I'm also too heavy for the ladder," Hikari adds, quietly. "I grew."
"And it's wet out."
Despite these perfectly reasonable explanations, Right is still pouting as he climbs down from the tree, and keeps it up until they've found a dry picnic table under a little shelter where they can eat. The food and drinks are shared around, and there's a pause for hysterical laughter as Right shakes himself like a dog before sitting down, flinging droplets of rain from his shaggy hair all over the other four. When they're all settled, though, he finally grins and takes an enormous bite of sandwich and says, mouth full, "Fo wha' haf you guyf been up to?"
"Eew, Right, close your mouth." Mio takes a bite that's nearly as hearty, but she at least chews and swallows before continuing with, "My mom wants me to look at the high school she went to, but it's far away, I'm not sure if I want to."
Kagura nods energetically. "I'm still trying to decide if I'm even gonna do high school, since really Mom and Dad kinda need me in the bakery, but Dad thinks I should go, so I promised to take exams--"
"You really should," Tokacchi says, "it's--"
"--and also Ueda from manga club took me to a movie last weekend and then he tried to kiss me."
Hikari freezes in the middle of lifting his drink to his mouth, wide-eyed. Right chokes on his sandwich. Mio, who's clearly heard about this already, just takes a bite of cucumber. Whatever Tokacchi was going to say, it's lost, his voice cracking sharply in the middle of, "Ueda kissed you?"
"He tried to kiss me, I didn't let him. I think if I'm going to kiss anyone for the first time it should probably be someone I like more than him."
"That's fair," Right says faintly, having coughed up his bite of sandwich into a paper napkin. "I don't think I'd want to kiss someone I didn't really really like."
"Right! Like, I'd kiss you, maybe, but I'm not going to go kissing Ueda just because he took me to see a movie."
More choking from Right. Hikari coughs mid-sip and snorts fizz out of his nose and onto Tokacchi's jacket, which at least gives Tokacchi something to focus on as he fumbles for a napkin. Mio, now looking horrified, says, "You can't kiss Right!"
Kagura remains unruffled. "I didn't say that I was going to, just that maybe I would if I had to kiss someone."
"Why would you have to kiss someone?"
"I don't know, maybe if there was a Kissing Shadow we were fighting, that kind of thing. Actually I wonder if there's a Kissing Shadow, we should call Akira and ask him. Why are you all staring at me?"
There's a long moment of silence before Tokacchi, still dabbing at a patch of soda on his lapel, says, "...kissing."
"Mm-hm?" A bite of sandwich. "A lot of the offer girlf at school talk about kissing," swallow, "all the time, and then there was Ueda, so I've sort of been thinking about it a lot, and I was thinking maybe if I kissed someone I knew I liked a normal way then when I find someone I think I like a really big way then there'll be less pressure. You know? Even if it's not lips kissing like people do when they're dating."
More staring from the other four, and then Mio says, slowly, "That actually kind of makes sense."
"Right? It's a lot to worry about, you know? Especially with exams to study for and the school festival coming up soon and everything."
Hikari says, "I think you're overthinking it," stands up, leans across the table, and kisses her on the tip of the nose as she's reaching for a carrot stick. "See? Kissing's not that big a deal."
The rain is getting heavier, drumming on the sheltering roof, wind picking up to spatter their ankles with damp. Kagura giggles, startled, dropping her carrot stick. "You're the one who got fizz all over Tokacchi because I mentioned it at all." He's still leaning across the table, so she kisses him on the nose, causing him to sit back down with a thump. "Anyway I think friends should be allowed to kiss each other, I kiss my brother on the cheek and that's not weird."
"Who said anything about weird?" says Tokacchi, looking lost, and then turns bright red when Mio turns to him, frowning, and kisses him firmly on the chin because it's what she can reach given his recent increase in height. "What was that for?"
"Kagura's right."
"Yeah, I think so too." Right nods energetically. "Anyway, we're basically family, right?" He takes an enormous bite of sandwich and then leans over and kisses Mio on the cheek with his mouth still half-full, over her shriek of protest.
"I feel like this conversation got away from us a little," Hikari mutters into the top of his soda, which he fortunately manages to put down before Right gets to him with another, slightly less sandwich-y cheek kiss.
Rain dampens their shoes. Tokacchi swallows hard and then plants a tiny, awkward kiss on Kagura's forehead, to her squeak of delight. Mio, acting like this is all normal, says, "So do you like anyone enough to kiss them in, like, a date way?"
Kagura shrugs. "I don't think so? I just get bored when everyone else starts talking about boys. My mom says maybe I'm a late bloomer." She stands up on her toes, leans across the table, and kisses Mio on the cheek as lightning crackles across the sky. "Oh! Maybe we should go inside."
"I think so," Mio says. Tokacchi and Hikari are already gathering up the remains of the food. "It's getting pretty wet."
They race across the grass to Hikari's place together once everything's packed up, coats over their heads, and Right is grinning like a maniac. "Hey," he shouts over a roll of thunder, "maybe we should call Akira, this seems like the kind of rain where we might get a rainbow after!"
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dementedspeedster · 1 year
Lonnie also has a gift for Thad! A few, actually.
First, a custom collar for Cheeto, which has her name, her address, and a subtle nod to either of her owners' identities: the round tag is gold, and features a little lightning bolt beneath the information. And on the other side, there is an unidentifiable bird in flight. Not enough to give anything away, but enough to be recognizable to those who Knew. "I know it's technically for the cat, but I was working on other laser cuts and engravings, so I thought I might add this in as a small extra gift."
Next, a new pair of goggles, which-- "They're not quite finished, yet, but I wanted to first simply offer the hardware to you. They should be extremely comfortable, but if they don't fit exactly right, then we can make some tweaks easily. Because here's the next part: I wanted to work with you on this, since you're the one who has to wear them-- I was wondering if you'd let me program some software into them. Give you a heads-up display, with whatever information or functions that you find valuable. You can engage and disengage it at anytime, and it can have about as many features as a computer could have. Which is to say, I can very literally give it the ability to do whatever you want."
They're not done, yet, though.
"I know what Tim gave you, so I tried to keep this just a bit different. Still, this is a photograph of our particular Outlaw generation. I grabbed it from the recordings of one of our first missions as a team, and went ahead and took the liberty of framing it. I thought the sentimentality might be nice."
They smiled brightly. "Lastly, I know that you... don't quite have the same documentation that we do, given your time traveling status. And I'm sure you could just steal whatever books you want, but... I think that this might be a nice way to engage with your community a bit, as well." They hand him a valid library card for the entire library system of Gotham. And then another one, for Keystone.
"Happy Birthday, Thad. I'm so happy to have met you, and I hope that this next year treats you impossibly well. You deserve it." <3
It was Thad's (and the blog's) birthday on January 1st!
“Grife, Lonnie. This is amazing.“ He grins as he holds up Cheeto’s new collar and traces his thumb over the bird and the bolt on the respective tags. The speedster might have even gotten a bit misty eyed at the sentiment.
And the goggles too were spectacular. He gives them a once over as he feels the weight of them in his hand and gives them a quick try as he looks around in the lenses, twisting his head around to see how well they fit and stayed, though Lonnie’s craftsmanship was impeccable, “They’re great and they fit well, so no worries there.” He said taking them off and handing them back to Lonnie, “As for the tech...Yeah, lets do it. I’d be more than happy to work with you and incorporate some software into it.” Having his goggles be able to do practically whatever he wanted was a treat. Thad had never needed to pull up information before for others sake or needed to be in communication with anyone save for Craydl. He had worked with what information he already knew and had in hand and instinct. “I’m honestly out of my depth honestly after stubbornly working one way most of my life, so how ‘bout we get together and talk about what functions you think would be handy in this line of work, yeah? But really this is amazing.”
Grife, he had never expected something like this, but it and the usefulness and utility of it was appreciated by the speedster.
"You’re spoiling me, Lon. Seriously.” He jokes with a chuckle, but as he sees the framed photo of all of them together, a part of him truly does feel spoiled. This had been an interesting, weird, and oddly delightful year for him. So much good had happened to him and it simply had been that. He had experienced good and opportunities and chances and he cherished them.
He looks to Lonnie with a bright grin as he promises, “I’m going to find a really nice place to put this.”
And lastly he’s handed the library cards. Lonnie was right of course. He could just go and steal whatever book he wanted, and he had also been speed reading his way through the titles that were of use or of interest to him for years without ever checking them out. No one knew he was ever there except for the glimpse of a blur of color that rushed in and out, or a gust of wind that seemed out of place deep inside the libraries he frequented. He was like a ghost. He didn’t make small chat, he didn’t associate or stop for others. That was the way it practically had always been for Thad. He was perfectly fine alone and in his own solitude, but...
...Maybe he did need to associate with his community a bit more. Maybe he would more now. He could take some time and smell the roses so to speak.
To get on everyone else’s speed for once. He already found it to be nice with people like Tim, and Deb, and Match, and Lonnie and the rest of the Outlaws, so why not others. He flipped the cards in his hands and smiled at Lonnie.
"Thank you so much. I love them.”
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What I Read This Year - 2023 Edition
(I kept track! Yay! Short notes with each so I have a better chance of finishing this post!)
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The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman - I flew through this so much faster than I meant to (not hard to do, though, it's on the short side), it was beautiful, and I cried at least twice that I can remember.
The Haunting Of Hill House by Shirley Jackson - holy non-existent paragraph breaks, Batman! I love stories that make you wonder if the Terrible Place is really what's messed up or if it's only that there's something wrong with the people there (spoiler alert: this time it's both!)
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo - my new favorite universe from one of my new favorite authors. This was the only reread of the year, in preparation for the second book of the series. I would kill for Alex. I would die for Darlington.
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater - I've only ever heard good things about this series, and I was not disappointed when I finally got to read it. Charming, funny, fantastical, and grounded. In particular, the fantastical was grounded in the reality of the universe, in a matter-of-fact kind of way that felt very Gaimanesque. Bonus points for the Welsh!
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo - my only regret is that I read this as fast as I did. My reading pace has slowed down a lot in the past several years, but I inhaled this at the rate I used to do in school. The world is expanded, the stakes are higher. I would die for Alex. I would kill for Darlington.
The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater - Ronan, you beautiful boy. 😭
Blue Lily, Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater - ok, so, this was the point in the series where a few of my theories were right on the money and I felt more confident about where the finale was going. Except for the part where Maggie yanked the rug out from under me and all I could do was stare into space when I finished.
Rules For Visiting by Jessica Francis Kane - probably not the book I would have picked up without a recommendation, so good thing my best friend recommended it. It took a while for me to warm up to it, but I was misty eyed and very attached by the time it was over. The vibes were very Austen at times, which I loved, and the emotional parts hit me in the feels. Bonus points for the gardening!
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater - I was right about a few things, and sooooooooooo wrong about others. This series was consistent, the writing lovely, and I adored every single one of the characters. This book in particular had some heart wrenching moments I still haven't recovered from, and I regret nothing.
Wild Things by Bruce Handy - if revisiting children's literature to find out what makes the stories you grew up with special doesn't sound like a good time, then I don't know what does. I loved this to pieces, and I want my own copy.
Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham - I don't usually read apocalyptic sci-fi, as it's usually too pessimistic. Not that this wasn't, it's just that killer plants sounded better than nuclear fallout, or climate change, or an epidemic, or whatever usually kicks things off in apocalyptic sci-fi. I'm convinced Stephen King has read this, as The Stand feels similar.
Book Of Night by Holly Black - I've been wanting to get hands on this author for awhile (her name was familiar and it took too long to realize I'd confused her with a singer I like and was therefore surprised to see she wrote books as well), and I'm glad I finally did. This was a blast. Good world building, intriguing characters, the works. I get the feeling this is going to be a series, so I guess I'm keeping my eyes peeled.
In progress...
Bag of Bones by Stephen King (though one chapter barely counts as progress)
Trigger Warning by Neil Gaiman (it's taking awhile, but anthologies usually do)
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (....it's also taking awhile)
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inmyloveworld · 9 months
man. idk. (tw topics below: disordered eating)
i’ve been struggling to eat this week. mentally it’s just a block in my head. my family has always judged me for my eating habits and patterns, which has led to my past and currently relapsing eating disorders. i can eat whatever i find in the morning that my stomach can handle while everyone is still asleep and not watching me. but i don’t bring a lunch to work. if they’re offering free food there i take it but i don’t ever spend money on myself. i can’t rationalize it when it’s my own fucked up head that’s putting me in this position. i won’t spend money as some kind of easy break. and when i get home from work? unless there’s something that makes me have an appetite made i don’t want to eat. and dinner is always ready so late, and eating late makes my stomach hurt. and someone is always propped up in the dining room and i feel too crowded to make anything i would want to eat myself. and if my mom sees me making something even remotely unhealthy she HAS to make a comment about it. and then i don’t want to eat at all.
i wanna just picture bradley noticing i haven’t been taking lunches with me, or that i head right up to sleep as soon as i’m home, even if it’s only 5 pm. i want him to sit beside me and rub my back. maybe he can feel a little less weight on me than he is used to, and that makes him all the more worried. “what’s going on, baby?”
and maybe i crack and tell him. how my mentality is swallowing me whole. how i’m both too anxious to do anything for myself and also feeling like i don’t deserve to be cared for by anyone. and that i shouldn’t dare to burden another soul with my issues because they are my fault. it’s my fault i feel this way. it’s my fault i’m so broken and worthless.
and he just lays down to bring me into his arms and hold me. he tells me all the things he finds wonderful about me and that i do deserve to be cared for both by myself and by others. that my issues are not a burden to those who love me. that they, he wants to help however he can.
he asks me what i want to eat. anything i want, he will make it or order in. but i don’t want him anywhere besides wrapped around me. maybe something comes into my head that i would love to indulge in. maybe nothing does, and he gently assures me that he’ll order a few options for me to pick at.
and bradley sits with me in his lap as i try and eat, in either case. he’s got a show for us on so that his focus seems diluted from me. but he’s watching me intently as i nibble at the delivery. he rubs along my waist and gives me affirming kisses to my cheek. he’s so encouraging i’m misty eyed. but he wipes at my tears and coos at me.
“it’s okay.”
“i love you.”
“i’m so proud of you.”
“i’m here for you every step of the way.”
i’m full before i’d normally be: my stomach has shrunken with my appetite. but he is proud nonetheless that i satiated myself. bradley puts leftovers ready to go in a container for work the next day. he cuddles with me in bed, continuing to reassure me as long as i need. i’m not alone. someone cares. someone will always care.
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elsecrytt · 3 years
HC: Waking Up With The Boys
Crossposted on Ao3 - just some headcanons about. Mornings with the Obey Me! Crew. Originally Barbatos wasn’t included, so, bonus for tumblr friends? Do I have tumblr friends? Hope I make some lol please enjoy!!! I gotta do something on this blog lol
-           Poor man probably wakes up at like 5:30AM sharp every day, starts a very specific morning routine for Maximum Productivity. He probably does work even in the morning before leaving for class, actually.
-           Considerate enough to let you sleep in, but he’ll wake you up maybe a half hour before you need to leave. Probably in a flirty way because once his routine is done, he is ready to go as the Lucifer we all know and love.
-           If you are enough of a morning person to catch him sleeping, you refuse to take a picture. God’s most beautiful creation sleeping peacefully beside you and you’re gonna share this vision with the world? Please. They can seduce the Avatar of Pride themselves if they want it so bad. Soft sleepy morning Lucifer is all yours.
-          Soft sleepy morning Lucifer dear god in heaven why did you make him like this how does he look this good at five in the fucking morning
-           A morning person? No, a Morning Star.
-          He’s absolutely gorgeous and very soff for you when he first wakes up. You can’t decide if you love his sleeping face or the drowsy smile he makes, lashes half-lowered at you, when he wakes up and sees you beside him. Black-red eyes, normally so sharp and piercing, linger on you with warmth and blatant affection.
-          Lucifer almost never makes himself vulnerable but when he sees you sleeping as he wakes up? He’s struck with a sudden understanding of what people mean when they say they just can’t get out of bed in the morning. Even he doesn’t realize the face he makes, how he stares down at you like it’s his own hands he’s leaving in his bed instead of his lover.
-          There is a pride in being trusted, in how you let yourself be defenseless before him, how you feel secure enough to cling to him despite the threats he’d issued to you in the past. How you shiver for lack of his company. It swells inside him like a weight, the intoxicating and heavy feeling of being needed, wanted, of being valuable beyond measure to his mate.
-           The weight of this pride is comfortable, reassuring, like the feeling of your arm around his waist as he lays beside you
-          On the rare instance he gets to sleep in, he’s likely to hold you until you struggle out.
-           If you really want to leave, he’ll let you, but like… why? You’d have a hard time leaving the bed at least, even if you just wanna sit up and do something on your phone while he rests his head on your thigh.
-          He probably likes to pet your hair before he leaves the bed. You get dressed yourself but he will absolutely look over your ensemble, straighten any stray locks, tug your uniform into place here or there. Your reward is the winning smile he makes when he decides you look just perfect
-          C u d d l e
-          He may be your first man but in the morning he is a distinctly Last Minute Man. Unless you’re also the type to spend only 5 minutes getting ready, you’ll be waking up before him, extracting yourself from octo-Mammon’s grasping limbs.
-          Probably whines about it too, the big baby. But you wouldn’t be with him if you didn’t find that absolutely heart-wrenchingly endearing, and god, when he gives you that bleary, misty-eyed desperate look, croaking out for you to come back, just a few more minutes babe…
-          He is a graspy needy greedy boy but he doesn’t actually fight you and lets you disentangle yourself freely, grumbling and whining about it all the while. You can even feel his hands running towards whatever bits of your skin are uncovered, just to get that last touch and feel of you before you go.
-          Mammon never holds you too tight or keeps you from getting up when you try. He only ever asks you to stay.
-          Unfortunately you are in love with Mammon so It’s Super Effective!
-           Levi actually said that once waiting for you two to get up. Bastard.
-          Weak!!! You are weak!! Lucifer blames you at this point because you were supposed to have the brain cells in this relationship! Instead you are putty! Play-doh!! A Mammoron!! You are never going to get any breakfast from Beel at this point! F O O L
-          It’s okay your First Man Demon has a nice little café you can both run through on your way to RAD for a little breakfast bite. Eventually Satan or Belphie will start hiding away a plate for you, too. Not Mammon, though. He starves like a dog, and begs food off you like one, too, much to the entertainment of his brothers (your plate has an extra large serving just for that).
-          If you don’t need to get up early then it’s just a matter of whenever one of you really really needs to pee. Or gets super hungry. And even then, you’d better stay out so he slinks out of bed, and scrambles down the stairs or through the hall to wherever you are as soon as he gets dressed, just a little but more rushed than usual. If you come back to bed too soon he’ll just give you the old puppy dog eyes, sad and scared, like he must have disappointed you, like the Great Mammon isn’t enough… won’t you please stay with him…
-           Oh yeah sure he’s your clingy little bitch who’d do anything for you but ultimately you are completely whipped for your clingy little bitch so you’re going to get your ass back in bed with him and you know it. So stay up and about and your good boy will come to you.
-          It’s emotionally damaging how he looks so good in the morning when he straight up doesn’t even try. Mammon doesn’t even shower in the morning, only at night before bed, to maximize the time he can spend being asleep in your arms, or with you in his.
-          How does his hair look this good when he only barely combs it? You ruffle it on the regular, it feels like you’re sinking your fingers into clouds, the softest white down imaginable, while he hums and blushes and beams and makes the most pathetic excuses you’ve ever heard about how lucky you are to get to pet him. Boy is literally purring in your lap while he proclaims he doesn’t like this kind of thing or anything, but he’ll let you do it.
-           He’s right tho. He’s so right. You’d kill for this. But only good boys who admit their feelings get to hear that kind of talk and Mammon usually takes the kind of coaxing better done at night than at morning.
-           You would also kill to have hair like this though because what the fuck Mammon he’s literally a model, he doesn’t need to practice any hair care or skin care beyond the barest of essentials, you can muss his hair however you like in the morning and he still comes out looking gorgeous just how the hell is this fair!!! How!!!
-           And he’s dating you! This hot mess of a man demon!!! All yours!!! How!!
-          This man doesn’t even attend class most of the time lmao what did you think you were getting into when you got into that tub with him, hm?
-          Octo-mammon ain’t got nothing on our tail boy. You’re wrapped up beside him in a tub, curled into one another, limbs fitting together in whatever way felt comfortable at the time. The slightest move messes with the jenga (you know that tail is gonna squeeze you a little out of reflex) and you won’t be able to leave without waking him up.
-          Why are you leaving? Why are you abandoning him? What did he do wrong – no, of course you’d ditch him at the first chance, he’s just this loser otaku, ugh, who wouldn’t –
-          It’s grating to deal with for sure but Levi’s hangups are a part and parcel of who he is. Reassure and comfort in the way that works best between you; after a while, he’ll probably get the gist of it.
-          Very awkward stumbling out of the tub and extracting yourselves from the mess of limbs. When he just lifts you up with his tail you nearly have a heart attack okay that was fucking hot do it again Levi
-          No morning routine here, just blushing, turning around for you to get changed, telling you – “No! No, you don’t have to leave, just – just look at the wall! Look at Henry 2.0!”
-          You might be able to catch him in a mood every now and then, though. Half asleep, half awake, not quite 100% aware of everything going on around him. Only barely avoids stumbling into things. He’s so cute you could die.
-           Days like these, Levi will hold your hand absentmindedly, help you into your RAD jacket, or let you help him into his, not really thinking about what’s happening, just unconsciously accepting your help and your presence.
-           It gets as far as you pulling him down the stairs by his arm; he follows obediently until the dining hall’s lights get in his eyes, his brothers are there and he’s holding hands with you AHHHHHHHH
-          Be prepared to be woken up at strange times though, when there’s some event going on or some other, anything that he has to wake up early for, he totally will, and the jenga of inextricable intimacy goes both ways.
-           It’s cute tho cause if you do your best to pretend to still be asleep you get to catch how he quietly panics to himself about maybe waking you up, and then gently sets you back down, carefully attempting to settle you into a comfortable position without him.
-           And then the thought of you being comfortable without him gets to him, and he kisses you goodnight, runs his fingers through your hair… and maybe the tail comes out, just long enough to reach back into the tub where it dips in to graze your fingertips. Since you’re not actually asleep, you grasp at them, making him freeze and shiver before he continues on.
-           (When Levi doesn’t actually wake you up, and you stay asleep, you act just the same, which is why he doesn’t realize it when you're only pretending to be asleep)
-          Not a morning person but also not too grouchy, he’s not the type to make much of a fuss. Surprise surprise, he’s a lot like Lucifer here; gets up, gets himself ready, commits the appropriate crimes against fashion, heads downstairs for breakfast.
-          He’s a bit of a tease so he’d totally leave you in bed if you’re the type to sleep in and you don’t wake up to one or two casual pokes. Waking you up 10 minutes before you have to leave and holding out your jacket to put on you himself when you get dressed like the wicked demon he is.
-           dw he’s got a snack for you saved from breakfast in this case. He’s not a monster, you know. He wouldn’t do it multiple days in a row, either. He’s read about the importance of breakfast in a human’s daily routine.
-           Are you gonna like Satan when he decides you absolutely will wake up right now no five more minutes? Is he gonna care? No and no, unfortunately this SOB is well aware that you love him and he can do no wrong even when he bullies you.
-           But YEAH the little shit is always sneaking soft glances at you. If you’re the type to sleep in really late he’s likely to just snag something (or a couple somethings) from the breakfast table to watch you sleep in his room. He finds it charming – calming, even.
-          If you wake up on time, he’ll get ready with you. 0 shame about undressing or dressing himself in front of you, but if you have any, he’s gonna laugh and tease you.
-           If you wake up before him, you might have a shot at sneaking looks at his cute sleeping face… Lucifer was right he’s so deceptively sweet and smiling and then those electric green eyes pop open and he’s blushing and smirking at you both at once.
-           Killer demon instincts, lovestruck bookworm boyfriend.
-          Extremely difficult to bully back because of killer demon instincts. If you wake up earlier than him, you’re likely to wake him up, too, as you walk around. He’s a pretty early riser but you’ll get some grumpy looks if you’re an even earlier one, and he might give you trouble leaving the bed if you’re always leaving so early.
-          On free days he will happily hold you securely against him and completely ignore any attempts at escape. He’s reasonable, though, if you promise him you’re just headed to the bathroom, but he won’t take that excuse a second time if you try to make an unsanctioned escape. You’ll have to make up for his loss somehow…
-          Probably the best out of all of them at keeping you in the bed tbh. Satan has no problems offering you incentives to stay in his arms; cuddling, sexy times, or even the legendary power move… he pulls out a book, settles you sitting back against his chest, rests his chin on top of your head, and starts reading to you. What are you gonnna do about it? Leave?
o   This will go on for hours, or the whole day, as time permits. Sometimes even if it doesn’t, particularly if that means problems for Lucifer… or if he just needs some time to recharge with his favorite person.
-          Another morning routine man, this time for skincare and beauty purposes. You think his face is naturally this clear? Nah, he works for this, babe, and he’ll work for yours too if you let him.
-          Probably thinks it’s cute if you wanna sleep in tho. If you wanna be zombie and let him wash your face and brush/style your hair while you’re half asleep he’s gonna be all over that, thinks it’s the most adorable thing in the world.
-           Most mornings there might not be time, though, if you desperately want to sleep in then he’ll let you, although it would be very cute if you were a heavy enough sleeper for him to dress you while you were asleep~
-          TOP TIER CUDDLING RIGHT HERE. When the time permits. Probably better at it than Belphegor tbh. He knows your sleeping position(s) very well and what places you feel comfortable having pressure put on, can read your body language like a book, and has loads of experience in bed – what, you didn’t think he only meant that, did you? So naughty, darling~
-          He is a slut. A snuggle slut. Little cuddle whore. Absolute bitch for a good spooning. Yeah, you like that Asmo? Like that leg over your thigh? The arm around your waist pulling you close? Filthy needy cuddly boy. It’s disgusting. You’re so fucking into it.
-           The only consolation is that he’s actually pretty floored by this sort of talk. Asmo pulls out his usual “Awww, you’re so cute!” and “My heart is racing!” quickly enough but it’s pretty obvious you’ve got one over him. He buries his face in your shoulder and wails that he likes you too much and fuck you’ve never seen him this adorable before
-           It doesn’t last long though because he turns it right back around. Asmo platonically calling you a his cute little snuggle slut is unlocking in you a level of horny you weren’t aware even existed
-          Will his cute little cuddle babe give him your hand so he can do your nails this early in the morning?
-           Of course you will, you are wildly infatuated with him and being doted on this early in the morning raises your heart rate enough to actually wake you up. Even if you do feel completely comfortable with him, it’s not like you can fall back asleep while he’s awake and giving you all this attention
-          He’ll pick out your outfit for the day, every day if you let him, and even help you into it.
-           Asmo makes an adjustment here or there to your RAD uniform – maybe he ties a certain knot into your tie, rolls up your sleeves or leaves your buttons undone a certain way, just a special, stylish touch depending on what he thinks suits you. It is stylish and when you don’t have him to put it on you’re a little at a loss.
-          Gives you a kiss before he gets out of his bed for his morning routine, probably plays with your hair. Just one more kiss before he’s off to wash his face – two, three – a peppering of showered kisses. He’s so excited to be able to kiss you good morning, too, it’s energizing for you as well.
-          Resident soff boy. Always awake in time for breakfast, and he’ll wake you up for it. If you sleep in, he will save you a plate – aren’t you lucky~
-           Even if you are a heavy sleeper he is more than capable of lifting you up out of the bed, sitting you down, tugging you out of your nightclothes and into your RAD uniform. Beel knows all the nice, gentle ways of waking up and taking care of a sleepy person, and several less than nice ways if you can bring yourself to fight the demon incarnation of a big, fluffy Saint Bernard
-          Probably showers in the morning as well as later on in the day, being an athlete. Will be totally comfortable showering with you if you are so inclined.
-           This is the method by which you, if you are particular about these sorts of things, are able to select his body wash and shampoo/conditioner. Beel will absolutely lean down or even kneel before you if it means you’ll touch his hair all nice-like.
-           The absolute balls on this man, telling Mammon he had a ‘lame, goofy smile’ with the way he beams at you like a puppy getting petted while you scrub his hair. What a goddamn hypocrite. And who says there’s anything wrong with a big goofy grin? You’d kill or die for Beel’s dopey, beaming face, thanks.
-          Dries your hair very nicely with big, warm hands. He loves running his fingers through it; long or short, just the brush of your hairs against his fingertips as he works the heat from your scalp to dampen the wet away. Will happily use a hair dryer if your hair is long or you’re more style-conscious/pressed for time
-          Wakes up at a pretty normal time but if you get up early, he’ll just get up and start getting ready alongside you without complaint. Beel being earlier to breakfast has certain… effects on the household but that’s Lucifer’s problem, not yours.
-          Probably the least cuddly out of all of them in the mornings; he’s great for snuggles when he’s got a snack or he’s tired from a big workout and an even bigger meal, but other than that, he’s a pretty active person. Even when you can sleep in he’s likely to wake up, gently extracting himself from however you are entangled and getting himself ready before he comes back to you
-           Will probably bring back food for you and feed you breakfast in bed. It’s not like there’ll be leftovers, anyways. He’s a gentle, chill giant, but also he’d be completely unabashed at the prospect of licking food off your fingertips or vice versa.
-           He works out; he’s not one to lay in bed all day. Past any breakfast in bed he’ll be tugging you out of the blankets, lifting you up, trying to get you to be active and start your day. He knows that sleeping too much is no good, after all.
-          “morning”? sounds fake
-          You probably have to drag him out of bed a lot of the time. Sure he could manage on his own but with you in bed with him Belphie just does not see the point bro. Just stay in there with him. Take another nap. Cuddle a bit. C’mon…
-           Sure Beel will help you tug him off the mattress but that’ll require you to get up and off the mattress, first.
-           Beel might normally help him get dressed, but that’s your job now that you’re responsible for getting him into something resembling wakefulness. If he sleeps so much, he should be able to wake up on time! Sloth is no joke.
-           But he’s so fucking adorable when he’s sleepy and you’ve coaxed and cooed him into being unresisting as you dress him up. And yeah, maybe the careful way you undress and dress him is a part of why he lazes around, sitting up, standing, and helping you where absolutely necessary… he does love having you do the work for him.
-          W A R M
-          He’s like an actual demon on your shoulder, except giant-sized and cute, constantly tempting you with his big, soft pillow, and his silky hair, and his calm, easygoing demeanor. Sloth demon says it’s nap time all day every day.
-          Most likely to try and convince you to come back to bed even after you’re dressed and dragging him down the stairs. His success rate is not 0%
o   Levi’s commentary to this effect is summarily rejected, but of course Belphie thinks it’s funny.
-          It’s a good thing he’s so close with Beel because otherwise you’d never get anything. But the big brother of the pair keeps you fed, despite his own misgivings.
-          Clingy clingy sleepy boy. If he were to drift back into consciousness while you were asleep, he’d have absolutely no plans of waking you up, at all, ever, and would probably go back to sleep quickly, himself. But…
-           Always happy to adjust his position, your position, for maximum comfort. He is a comfy cuddler who likes to rest part of himself on you, or part of you on him, or any manner of arrangements between the both of you and the pillow.
-           Looking at your cute sleeping face sure does things to him. You’re so peaceful and vulnerable and close, right next to him, sharing your warmth with him. It’s been a long, long time, since he’s really had anyone but Beel, who’s much bigger than him, and all hard muscle and demonic strength, for all his gentleness. You’re soft and fragile and human, and feel so so good to rest against.
-          He always wakes up surprisingly quickly after you do – it’s just the getting him up that’s difficult. And with him, it’s always the same refrain – five more minutes, ten more minutes, another hour, come on, whatever you had to do today wasn’t that important, really…
-           Good luck removing him from the bed when he doesn’t have any RAD. If it makes you feel any better, you can probably sit up in bed and let him lie against you while you do whatever. He’d prefer you resting against him but he’s happy to accept just your warmth at his side. He always wins, anyways; everyone has to sleep eventually.
-          We all know Barbatos wakes him up. With his energy levels and massive enthusiasm for basically everything, he is probably morning person. Likely sleeps at the same time every night after years and years of routine. He’ll drag you into it if you’re sharing a bed with him, give or take half an hour.
-          You actually feel like you’re sleeping with a several-thousand-year-old man because as a morning person, he’ll go to sleep early and wake up early. 11pm no longer exists.
-           He does go to parties every so often but now you know more about how he never seemed to be around at the end, or walked you home or whatever – you’d assumed he left early like a true celebrity, but no, he’s like? Straight up headed to bed like the old man he technically actually is.
-          It’s a good thing he wakes up early, too, because he’s a heavy sleeper and a pretty large guy. Diavolo isn’t necessarily clingy like some of the others, but he doesn’t need to be; he can peacefully fall asleep with you in his arms precisely because there’s absolutely no escaping him until he wakes up.
-           Of all the demons on this list, except perhaps for Mammon, his control is the most impeccable. Even in his sleep he would never squeeze you too tightly or crush you too hard against him. But he will adjust and re-adjust, ever aware of your weight in his arms, tug, and pull you close, stopping just short of the threshold of your discomfort, and no amount of resistance will so much as stir him unless you’re straight up willing to bite.
-           Unlike Mammon, though, Diavolo was never an angel. He was born a demon, through and through, and his unconscious desire will keep you by his side, against him, where you’re safest, where you’re his, where he can keep you happy and keep you with him
-           It’s okay, Barbatos will set you up with an alarm or a taser under your pillow or something. dw about Diavolo, he’s a powerful demon, he can take it like a champ. He’s got the good graces to be ashamed about it when he wakes up, but what can ya do when you’re a future demon king and you’ve always been given everything you wanted, all the time, and the human you want most in the world is in your arms right here and now? Not hold them?
-          Most of the time he’ll wake up before you, though. Diavolo sees your cute sleeping human self and He Literally Can’t. He Cannot Even. You are. Too cute. Too precious. Congratulations, you can make a (future) Demon King squee in your sleep.
-           He just barely manages to stop his unbelievably loud laugh while he watches you sleep because he is a Good Boy
-           The type to get up, get dressed (Barbatos might actually help him with that in the morning lmao), and then just watch you while you’re sleeping. Listen, you knew he was a demon already, you signed up for this. He can’t get enough of your sleeping face, your docile form that he can arrange on the bed however he wants. Maybe he sits up against you in bed, rest your sleeping head in his lap, against his chest, in his side, relishing in the comfort of your presence.
-          A good match for a grumpy morning person because this bastard radiates Morning Demon Energy. He is awake and he is happy about it and if you aren’t happy about it he’s going to be aggressively happy in your direction until you are.
-           He may or may not be able to help you get dressed or do any morning routing stuff but he definitely likes to fiddle with the collar/tie of your uniform or put on your jacket. It’s a new sort of experience for him, doing that for someone else, and he will jump on any opportunity to engage with you and feel helpful
-           Ugh, morning people, right? God he’s just so stupid and tall and handsome and his smile is so bright and dumb and friendly and he’s always so cheerfully oblivious to other people’s feelings, yet heartfelt sometimes.
-           and he makes a really really good big spoon
-           and cuddles super well and can pick you up and hold you in any position so easily, he’s so strong, god that fucking BODY
-          Night Owl man for sure. Has about a million ways of keeping you up with him throughout the night, only some of which are lewd. To be fair, it’s all very enriching – either to studies or to your relationship with him. He has a lot to talk about, even if he somehow manages to say nothing about himself after hours of conversation.
-          “Routine” is probably a bunch of magical getting ready quick tricks. The bastard probably doesn’t even need to get dressed, just snaps his fingers and his clothes are hanging off him. He offers to help you though. Naturally, it’s his responsibility, since he was the one who –
-           Doesn’t actually always undress you but he’d probably always offer to help you get dressed. Your clothing may find itself lost or misplaced until you cave and ask him for help. Maybe one day you carry a little glitter pouch in your pants pocket as revenge, that’ll teach him…
-           Jokes on you Solomon is absolutely utterly into this shit and when you pull one over on him he is thoroughly delighted
-          Actually a very light sleeper (72 pacts ain’t super safe) but pretends not to be. You’ll figure it out eventually, he knows, but before you do, he’s hoping to catch you fawning over his sleeping face.
-          Lucifer may be god’s most beautiful creation but Solomon is possibly the most beautiful human. Oh my god. Look at this man. Fair hair, that smooth face with clean, sleek features. The only minus is that you can’t see his eyes but his eyelashes are white. What the fuck. Did Asmo give him beauty tips? Does he just have a spell? Are you under a spell??
o   Asmo can’t enchant you but apparently Solomon can do it in his sleep. His hair is too soft. He can’t be human, right? No human can make you want to pet his hair this much. Maybe him and Mammon are using the same hair products.
-          Solomon almost tears up a little bit feeling you stroke him and sigh as you ponder your lovesickness. He doesn’t recognize this feeling in himself. Vulnerability and shows of affection are things of the long-distant past.
-          He wakes up before you and doesn’t pretend, sometimes, because this is a novel experience too, having another human sleep so close to him. It’s been so long it feels like it’s never happened before, and it feels different now that he’s different; he’s been so disconnected and dissociated it feels strange to think of you as his love who is holding onto him, instead of another living, breathing human who will eventually wither and die.
-          For all his obnoxiousness he will totally teach you some magic tricks to streamline your morning routine along with him. Less time getting ready means more time chatting with him.
-           Asmo taught him to do makeup so he will do that for you the long way, actually, if you like, and his sense of style is really good. Well, you think it’s good. You think he looks good. Listen, if you were turned off by his strange fashion choices you would never have gotten this close to him to begin with, it’s really not that weird –
-           He’s just so happy he gets to touch your faaaaacceee he can’t remember the last time he touched another human’s face. It’s so soft! The feeling of your cheeks against his fingertips is warm and smooth and so pleasant to the touch, he almost doesn’t want to use a brush. He’s got to ask Asmodeus about skin care, you should preserve what you can, as best you can…
-           The funny part is that Solomon doesn’t fucking say any of this to you so he’s just standing there, smiling at your face like a creeper, humming contemplatively to himself while he strokes your jaw. Like, you’re into it, and you know what he’s actually thinking, but damn Solomon sweetheart this is why people call you shady
-          Has passed far beyond the realm of “morning person”. Time is immaterial to him. His day is separated into I am the Prince’s Butler and I am a Baker and recently I am a Boyfriend.
-          Yes he does sleep. He IS a demon and demons need sleep. There is in fact a bed in his room. How is this possible, you ask?
-          It turns out our dear sweet Barbatos is a FUCKING CHEATER
-          ABSOLUTE HACK
-           All of the doors in his room lead to different timelines, including the entrance. Barbatos can sleep until 10am in the morning in his room, and open a portal to 5am outside his room, then leave and start the day without changing the timeline at all.
-           This is okay though, because now you’re in on it, too. Barbatos takes great pleasure in being your cuddly morning boyfriend, with that added perk of permanently being allowed to sleep in.
-          No WONDER he always has the energy to deal with Diavolo all the time, and no wonder he never lets anyone in his room. This is where Barbatos rests, where he gathers his strength (and dear god does he need it), and rests, completely and utterly gone to the world, assured in the fact that he will never ever be disturbed.
-          Literally impossible to wake up before him. Future Barbatos, who’s already slept in, will always return with breakfast five minutes before you wake up. Where is the Barbatos of the present timeline? Who knows. Maybe only one of him can exist at once?
-           The only way to avoid this is if you tell him with your best pleading face that you want to cook breakfast with him… in which case he will still just wait for you to wake up whenever it suits you best, and then gently, with that terribly serene smile and significantly-less-dead-than-normal looking eyes, ease you out of the pillow and blankets, lead you towards the kitchen.
-           Probably doesn’t trust you with many kitchen implements when you’ve just woken up, even if you are a morning person. But you can lean over his shoulder and hug him while he works. Even if it makes it more difficult, Barbatos is never anything but happy for the challenge.
-           That the breakfast is always delicious, no matter how much of a part you have in baking it. It’s always healthy and balanced, too. If you’re eating it in bed, there’s probably more finger foods. He makes your favorites, but also introduces you to something new every now and then.
-          At this rate you are going to forget how to dress yourself. Does he also have a portal in his closet? To worlds of never-ending fashion and comfortable, stylish clothes which you can never seem to easily zip up all by yourself?
-          Showers with you to ensure you use the appropriate products at the right time. He carefully makes sure the water is not too hot or too cold, shampoos your hair thoroughly with excellent massaging skills; his nails are surprisingly long and just a little bit sharp, a gentle, soothing scrape against your scalp that helps you feel really clean. Then applies conditioner, making sure not to rinse out too much, scrubs you down a bit with body wash while the conditioner does its work.
-           If you shave he will help you shave. He’ll even shave for you (yes, he has done it for Diavolo, yes, he will help you shave anywhere, if you want it) and he never so much as leaves a nick.
-           Also carefully applies body oil or lotion either in the shower or as you dry off, in order to keep your skin soft and healthy. He does touch it a lot after all :)
-           Will style your hair like an absolute professional. Diavolo is always wearing his hair the same old way so if you’re interested he’d be THRILLED to try out some new things and hone his skills on you in that respect.
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thenovelartist · 3 years
absolutely LOVEEEE that headcanon of the boys as fathers 🥺 i was wondering if you accept requests and if you’d do a similar one of how the boys would take care/tend to the reader while they were pregnant/in labor? thank you!
I do take requests :D I quite like them, actually. ;)
She will be smothered… over smothered, that is.
“Luke, I’m pregnant; not helpless.”
He can’t help it. He cares deeply for his Rosa. Now, she’s pregnant with his child, and there is absolutely nothing he wouldn’t do for either of them.
When weathering the morning sickness stage, he’s always there, holding back her hair and rubbing her back. Always brings her water afterwards, but only after he asks if it’s okay to leave her side.
Will always help her with her shoes. Always. He knows it’s hard for her to bend down.
And no strenuous activities! Luke always handles that.
Midnight snack runs are his least favorite thing, but he still doesn’t complain as he gets whatever she’s craving. And he always calls to confirm that he gets exactly what she wants when he’s there.
Scratch that: his least favorite thing are the mood swings. Not because he can’t handle them, but because he hates when she cries. And if she’s hormonally-influenced and he can’t really rationally fix things for her, the best he can do is weather the storm with her, holding her and soothing her.
He’s the kind that will talk to his baby frequently, already telling said baby how much he can’t wait for them to arrive.
And he loves feeling the baby kicking under his hands. He’ll legit get misty-eyed every time.
Also, has pictures of the ultrasound in his pocket at all times. Which will be replaced by a picture of the baby when it arrives.
When her water breaks, Luke goes into slight panic mode as he tries to collect everything they need for the hospital.
He’s by her side every step of the way, helping her get comfortable or letting her squeeze his hand or listening to her curse his name.
And when the baby arrives, he’s able to relax, he knees almost giving out on him as he tells MC how amazing she is.
Attentive to a fault.
“Vyn, honey, I can feel you staring.”
He’s done his research; he knows what medically is best for a pregnant woman.
And he’ll insist on that routine… mostly.
It changes when he realizes that pregnant woman are… well… how to put this nicely?
Recommending and doing are two very different things.
Morning sickness phase, and he set up the house so a garbage can is always within reach.
Will carefully hold her hair out of the way, but he won’t touch her incase that won’t help.
And will always offer water or tea or something afterwards.
He allows light exercise. Recommends it, even. He’ll take regular walks with her and let her do some work around the house, but he begs her to not pick up anything too heavy and tell him if she’s growing tired.
This man tries to control her diet, giving her healthy foods. But ultimately, he’ll cave when she cries or insists she can’t stomach whatever he’s recommending.
Ends up making her sweets frequently to sate her sweet tooth, but will cave and go grab her something if she’s having severe cravings.
Her mood swings are navigated with ease. He knows she’s hormonal, and so he doesn’t take anything personally and simply becomes the steady rock she can lean on.
He loves feeling the baby kick under his hand. He always gets a relaxed smile and keeps his hand on MC’s stomach even after the baby stops.
When her water breaks, he’s cool on the outside, but inside, he’s surprisingly nervous.
He’s talked with MC previously about what exactly she wants for the process. And he’ll be watching the doctors like a hawk to make sure she’s being properly attended to.
When the baby arrives, he’ll be sure to squeeze her hand, brush the hair from her forehead, and tell her she did a great job. The only reason he leaves her side is to then watch the doctors care for his child.
Worry. Wart.
“Artem, love, calm down. Me and the baby are just fine.”
He’s done more research than MC knows what to do with.
She’ll have to drag him away from said research to get him to come to bed.
During the morning sickness phase, he is there holding her hair back and rubbing her back, then waiting at her beck and call for anything else she needs. Water? Tea? Juice? Nothing and just carry her back to bed? He’s there.
He’s doing as many chores as possible to keep her off her feet. And will not let her help with any.
If she wants or needs anything, from massages to midnight snack runs, he is on it.
Also cooks to accommodate whatever weird cravings she has.
As for mood swings, though…
Oh, this poor man is so lost.
He goes to Celestine to beg for help with them.
Eventually, he tries his best to just be supportive and offer hugs or whatever she wants.
The first time he felt the baby kick was a total shock to him, and he won’t forget it any time soon. This man stood in total shock and awe for a solid minute.
Now, he enjoys resting his hand on her stomach when he can, in hopes of feeling a kick, but even if he doesn’t, it’s become a comfort for him.
When her water breaks, he gets very focused. He knows what needs to happen and is running through that mental list repeatedly so as to keep calm.
Whatever she wants, she gets. He’s there to help her in whatever way she needs from him. And he’s not leaving her side for so much as a second.
He does everything he can to not show the panic he’s feeling internally as he watches MC go through the process. He’s got to support her, not panic.
When the baby arrives, he’s able to calm down, though it might take him a moment to remember to kiss MC’s forehead and smother her in praise.
Honestly, he’s terrified. He tries to play it off, but he’s really worried for her well-being, seeing as his own mother passed soon after he was born.
“Marius, everything is going to be just fine.”
During the morning sickness phase, he kinda… doesn’t know what to do. So he leaves her alone when she’s in the bathroom while he’s standing just outside of it, his fists clenching and unclenching nervously. And when she’s done, he’ll wait a bit before asking if she’s okay and if she needs anything.
He wants to do everything for her, and he’ll look like a kicked puppy if scolded.
It’s just his way of protecting and caring for her, so MC will try to not get on his case too frequently.
If she needs anything, he is on it. Most of the times, he’ll go himself, but sometimes, if he can’t bear to leave her, he’ll call someone up to fetch what she needs.
When it comes to the mood swings, he’s a little lost. He eventually learns that the teasing needs to stop, but as for the rest of it… well, he just tries his best.
He’ll pamper her with bath salts and soothing and anything else he can get his hands on, hoping that those things would help her relax as much as possible. (It’s no fun to have money if he can’t spoil MC with it.)
As for the baby kicks, though, he’s in awe when he first feels it. Then he breaks out into an endearingly sweet grin.
Kisses her belly frequently and is most comfortable when he can sleep with his hand over her belly. It’s almost like he can protect it, and that’s enough to calm him.
When her water breaks, he’s a wreck.
Bag, car, hospital. They can do this. They can do this.
And maybe if he keeps repeating it, it will be true.
The most terrified of all the guys watching her go through the stages, and at one point, was almost asked to leave the room.
When the baby arrives, he’s not able to settle down quite yet. Not until everyone is cared for and get a clean bill of health.
Only then will he calm down, squeeze MC’s hand, and kiss her knuckles.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 15
A/N: well, the end is finally here. I’m not done with this lil au by any other means, there are some oneshots (like missing scenes from this story that I couldn’t get to flow with the rest of the fic) and some oneshots that take place before and after this story. there is also a nature wives sequel that I am contemplating. anyway, I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to all the love this fic has gotten. when I set out to write this, I never imagined it getting this much love. I was writing this story mostly for myself, and this has been a work that I have never been more motivated to write, and that is largely due to the love that it has gotten. again, thank you so much. and I wrote this chapter while listening to Like Real People Do by Hozier on loop, I think it fits the mood of this chapter very well.
Warnings: pretty much nothing, just kissing and a ton of fluff
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
Quite some time had passed since that fateful day that Jimmy had saved Scott from the corruption. Jimmy still didn’t quite agree that his kiss was what had saved Scott in the end, he was sure Scott had something to do with it too- safe to say this was a common debate between the two. Debating was something that had not changed between them in the slightest. They still bickered, but it was lighthearted, more affectionate now. Their arguments, if they could even be called that, were filled with laughter that glittered like gold and grins that shimmered like bronze.
The defensive strategies that the new and improved House Blossom Alliance came up with helped a great deal- not that they really ended up needing it anyhow. Fwhip and Sausage kept to themselves most times these days. Both of them seemingly felt guilty about what had happened, even if they made no moves to try and repair the bond that had been broken. That stung more than some of the former Wither Rose Alliance members cared to admit. Pearl and Gem both wanted to see the best in Fwhip and Sausage, but even if either of them came crawling back for forgiveness, neither one was sure they would give it to them. And Scott wasn’t sure how he could handle even seeing one of them again.
Then there was the matter of the corruption. The containment box Gem had made seemed to be working enough, but every now and again one of them would spot a strange red plant growing from the ground, and would have to uproot it and add it to the box. Luckily nothing seemed to be spreading too far yet, and there was no sign of the “he” that the red Scott spoke of. Shelby seemed constantly on edge, and Jimmy caught Scott staring up at the statue of Aeor and asking for answers on more than one occasion. But Jimmy was confident that the containment would work, and since they beat it once, they could beat it again!
But it was silly to worry about those things, not on a momentous day like this. Jimmy adjusted the pale green bow-tie for about the millionth time, and fidgeted with the suit jacket, unused to the blinding white color of it. He wasn’t wearing his cod head- and he didn’t have a cod mask either- but the bronze scale-like pattern dotted here and there on the white suit was enough for Jimmy. Besides, for once, he wanted his head to be entirely visible today. However, upon Lizzie’s insistence, he did don a bronze-colored crown inlaid with emeralds.
“You ready?” Lizzie asked softly, holding out her arm to Jimmy. She had traded her dress with its blues of the Ocean Empire for one with the greens of the Cod Empire. Jimmy swallowed nervously and nodded with a smile, not trusting his voice to break. He took Lizzie’s arm, and the two of them walked out of the hallway and down the aisle of the new ceremony room of Katherine’s castle. Joel waited for them at the front, while all of Jimmy’s friends- Pixl, Katherine, Shelby, Pearl, and Gem- were sitting in the pews on either side of the aisle. Once they made it to the front of the ceremony room, Lizzie squeezed Jimmy’s arm encouragingly before taking her seat in the audience. Joel gave Jimmy a supportive smile, before the music began and both of them looked to the entrance of the ceremony room. Everyone rose from their seats- and in came Scott.
He was breathtaking. The dress he wore had white lace detailing, while the skirt itself was satin and had a layer of tulle over it, with more lace detailing at the hem. It was sleeveless, and must have been backless to make room for his wings. Gold jewelry adorned him, including the crown on his head, and in his hands he held a bouquet of blue orchids picked from Jimmy’s empire. Jimmy felt himself getting a bit misty-eyed, and couldn’t keep the adoring smile off of his face as Scott made his way down the aisle, finally coming to a stop to stand across from Jimmy. The bouquet was handed off to Joel, who set it down on the table behind him, but Jimmy was too busy gazing up at Scott, hardly able to believe that this day was happening.
“We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Jimmy, the Codfather and ruler of the Cod Empire, and Scott, the winged elf ruler of Rivendell. Their love is one that was won through adversity, and may they always have each other through whatever trials they may have to face,” Joel said, then turned to retrieve the pillow that held the two rings on it from the table. Jimmy took one of the rings, the one that was gold with a sliver of bronze through it, and reached out for Scott’s hand.
“With this ring, I declare my love for you. No matter what you say I did to save you, I still believe that you are one of the strongest people I know. You are as imposing as the mountains you rule in, yet your smile is like morning sunlight and your laughter is glittering gold. My love for you is as steady and sure as the ground beneath me, and as strong as the ocean's currents. I could stumble, or get swept away- but I know you'll be there to save me, as you say I have saved you," Jimmy said, gazing at Scott as he slipped the ring onto his finger. Scott's eyes were glassy as he tried not to cry, smiling that sunshine smile that never failed to make Jimmy’s heart soar. Scott took a deep breath, then took the other ring- this one was bronze with a sliver of gold through it, the inverse of the one Scott now wore.
"In the red dreamscape you saved me from, the corruption made a comment about you and I. It said that you are an Icarus, and that I am your sun. But I think it's the other way around. Sure, you can certainly be an Icarus- ambitious and determined, but you are my sun, Jimmy- warm, radiant, and dazzling. If I am the mountains, then you are the sun that peeks over them. My heart soars for you like I do with my wings, I fly ever closer to catch the beams of light you give off- and I fell. I fell for you- sweet, brave, wonderful you- despite everything. So with this ring, I declare my love to you- my Icarus and my sun," Scott said, taking Jimmy’s hand and slipping the ring on his finger. Jimmy wiped at his eyes with his free hand before taking Scott’s other hand. He looked away from Scott for a brief moment to nod at Joel, before looking back to Scott. Joel turned again, setting down the pillow and trading it for two lengths of ribbon- one gold, and one bronze. An amused sparkle came to Scott’s eyes, and Jimmy gave him a look that said not-now-Scott-not-on-our-wedding-day when Joel began speaking as he looped the fabric around their wrists.
“May the threads of these ribbons never unravel, just as your love will not. May your bond stay strong and true, just as the ribbons that connect you now,” Joel said, removing his hands once he was done. The gold ribbon was looped around Scott’s right wrist, then under their clasped hands to wrap around Jimmy’s right wrist. The bronze ribbon was looped around Jimmy’s left wrist, then over their clasped hands to wrap around Scott’s left wrist.
“Guess you’re stuck with me now,” Scott murmured, voice low enough that only Jimmy and Joel could hear him. Jimmy let out a soft laugh, and Joel rolled his eyes fondly.
“Scott, do you take Jimmy to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” Joel asked, looking to Scott.
“I do,” Scott said softly, all joking and teasing gone from his expression, leaving only unabashed adoration in its place.
“Jimmy, do you take Scott to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” Joel asked, looking to Jimmy.
“I do,” Jimmy said, unable to keep himself from grinning widely, feeling like he would float to the ceiling if Scott wasn’t keeping him tethered.
“Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom,” Joel said, nodding to Scott. Jimmy barely got the chance to lean in before Scott tugged him closer by their clasped hands and kissed him softly. Jimmy couldn’t stop smiling into the kiss, and he let out a delighted laugh when they broke apart. Their friends were cheering and clapping, and Joel threw blue and green confetti over them, Jimmy giggling at the way it got caught in Scott’s hair. They slipped their hands out of the ribbons, carefully handing it over to Joel as he handed the blue orchid bouquet back to Scott. The two of them then walked arm-in-arm down the aisle, married.
Jimmy didn’t think he had stopped smiling since the ceremony started. He even kept smiling all throughout Lizzie’s speech full of embarrassing stories about Jimmy at the reception. He definitely smiled when Scott threw the bouquet, and Shelby enthusiastically leapt up and caught it- only to stumble back into Katherine’s arms when she landed. The rest of the night, the two of them kept exchanging sheepish glances and Shelby held the bouquet close to her chest for most of the evening. Jimmy couldn’t even bring himself to be mad that someone else seemed to be finding love at their wedding.
Jimmy’s smile finally settled to something softer as he and Scott shared their first dance as a married couple. He could feel the other’s eyes on them, but that quickly faded to the background as the way Scott held him and gazed down at him captured all of his attention. Jimmy couldn’t stop stealing glances to their matching rings, heart fluttering at the reminder that they were husbands now. If you had told Jimmy at that first House Blossom Alliance meeting that he would end up married to the winged elf that badgered him into picking a fight, he would have never believed you. In fact, if you had told Jimmy anything about what was going to happen to him and Scott, he would have called you crazy. Yet here he was, dancing with someone he once swore he hated, with the man who he had been to hell and back with. And Jimmy wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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AIAHS Taglist: @anty-kreatywna @beepa99 @devilwoodkitty18 @logosbottm @riobug
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🦈Kirishima HC’s🦈
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Absolutely no one asked for this i just like him a lot
He’s an adult in all of these. 20s-30s at least. Some NSFW because I’m a big perv. Minors do not interact. Shoo.
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He is in the dictionary under Himbo, right next to Kronk.
Works part-time as a fitness instructor before making a name for himself as a pro hero. Most of his clients are middle-aged women, because he makes people feel safe. Before long, word gets around and he amasses this like. Loyal army of jacked housewives and older ladies who are his biggest possible fans. They mother-hen him like crazy.
Has a large and complicated extended family. Lots of cousins. You will never learn all their names, don’t even try. I have no idea if his parents have canon occupations but no matter what Horikoshi says, they actually own a mountain onsen. Kirishima went to the city by himself to go to middle/high school, his family is all off in the country somewhere and he gets homesick a lot but never admits it. He’s broke for a long time even after making it as a pro hero, because he sends most of his money back home.
He’s a dog dad. You cannot, WILL not convince me otherwise. Big dogs. Small dogs. Fancy dogs. Ugly dogs. He has a whole pack. He calls them all baby, sweetie, pupper, the worst and most embarrassing baby talk. Tells them about his day. All of his furniture is wrecked. He’s an active member in online dog groups, where he is careful to use a pseudonym and never show his face, but eventually people are going to figure out that Red Riot’s dogs look an awful lot like this one user’s....
He’s in a casual taiko group, always on the o-daiko. Loves participating in festivals and parades. He has never, ever, not once, worn a shirt while drumming. Probably has been gifted at least one antique taiko drum for his hero work, and he keeps it in his house but is too afraid to play it because it’s scary valuable “uhh it’s definitely haunted”
Regularly goes out drinking. Socially and responsibly, like clockwork, always with the same people. He’s a goddamned lightweight, and no one understands why. Will mope if he has to miss a night out at the izakaya.
So he’s clean, but sloppy. House looks like a tornado ripped through it, and nothing he owns matches. Not a single thing. I mentioned the dogs.
Will absolutely use “manly” as a replacement for “awesome,” and will constantly tell you how manly you are. Your actual gender is a non-issue. If you hang out with him for more than five minutes you’re manly as hell now.
He cries a lot? Sometimes it’s for show but he gets genuinely misty-eyed over the dumbest things. Do NOT show him pictures of puppies.
He’s good at braiding hair. His or yours. When his hair isn’t hardened, he likes doing all kinds of wacky stuff with it. He usually keeps it long enough for braids, ponies, buns, quirk-assisted faux-hawks, whatever. Mina has given him many bad ideas. He will definitely steal your hair bands and accessories, if you use them.
His fridge is just like, meat and beer. He will, if forced, consume perhaps one single vegetable. Unfortunately, his B.O. reflects this. God bless him - he showers and bathes daily, because he works out a lot and is just generally hygienic. But don’t ever touch his socks barehanded.
He wears the cheapest, most predictable cologne you can imagine, the kind that comes in an aerosol can and punches a hole in the ozone every time he sprays his pits. It smells stupidly good on him. How. so fucking manly. you kind of hate him for getting away with it.
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And now, the 🌶 Spicy Ones 🌶
Does not date or hook up much; wants a serious relationship.
Has a tough time getting dates, weirdly. He’s still secretly insecure, but mostly he’s got rocks for brains and never knows how to flirt. He ends up friendzoning most of the people interested in him, because he is, in fact, a little too chivalrous for his own good and can never make the first move. He’s an emotional open book, but clueless romantically. I recommend being extremely straightforward. Draw him a map if you have to.
Is afraid to kiss you too deeply because of the teeth. Will take a lot of gentle encouragement to get him comfortable, but once he knows you’re safe, he’s going to be kissing you all the time. Like, too much. People are gawking, Kiri, for God’s sake.
He radiates massive doses of husband/dad energy. Will immediately marry the hell out of you. If you are capable of and willing to have his children, you are going to get extremely pregnant. Very quickly. Not necessarily a breeding kink (though why not), he just really wants to start a family with you.
He’s Big. Just huge. Tall and broad, and also... his dick is a summit and you will need to prepare for the climb. He’s had problems in the past because no, not everybody wants ALL THAT inside them. That said, if you can handle it? Woof.
Hard as a rock is No Joke with this man. Can and WILL use his quirk on his dick. If you don’t think that’s the first thing he mastered as a teenager I dont know what to tell you. Ever used a glass dildo? Well buckle up cuz it’s like if a massive glass dildo whispered sweet nothings in your ear and held you close in big strong arms and fucked you till you cried. It’s a sometimes thing. Otherwise you’d simply pass away.
He loves your brains. Your smarts and wit are a huge turn on, and he gets a boner when you use a word he doesn’t know. He also loves fucking your brains completely out, so that you cant use any words at all.
He’s a devout church-going body-worshipper. He’s so jacked that’s it’s constantly intimidating, like, how dare you stand next to this chiseled statue of a man?! but whether you love power-lifting with him or would rather die than exercise, he’s gonna treat you like the prettiest fucking piece of cake on planet earth.
Size kink ahoy; he gets his big grabby mitts on you... and you psychologically lose three feet. Doesn’t matter how tall or small or fat or thin you are, you are getting groped, squeezed, and manhandled. You didn’t even know it was possible to get thrown around like that; always onto something soft.
Not dominant. Not unless you ask very, very nicely. had a brief pushy phase at the peak of his teenage manliness obsession, unconsciously trying to be more like Bakugou, but he quickly realized controlling people wasn’t really him. It certainly isn’t very manly. Doesn’t want any toxic masculinity in his love life, even as roleplay.
That said, he can and will be a soft dom, if that’s what you want. After some practice, he’d get pretty good at it too. But his natural sexual groove is goofy, a bit awkward. Usually finds a non-sexual excuse to touch you at first; prepare to get tickled a lot. If you sit in his lap it’s all over.
If you get dominant with him, even a little, he’s gonna turn to putty in your hands. Go ahead and boss that big dumb puppy around. Nothing turns him on like seeing you get exactly what you want.
You’ll have morning wood pressed up against your ass. Every damn day. He might hump and grope you in his sleep, moaning a little. Usually it just wears off. If you wake him up to fuck, he’ll have no idea what’s going on but will be like “hell yeah i guess this is happening”
Gives oral like a starving man. Has absolutely zero reservations, because he knows his tongue and hands can’t hurt you. Will be as loud and messy as possible. If you get embarrassed or shy about it, he’s going to mumble sweet talk directly into your junk until your teeth fall out.
He’s vocal in bed. Growly. A moaning groaning disaster. He says the sweetest, gentlest things... has the cleanest dirty talk you’ve ever heard, but tenderness filtered through his bourbon-barrel chest comes out all dark and rumbly, especially when he’s close. you feel his “I love you” in your bones
He thinks making his partner cum is the manliest thing he can do. Any orgasm is good, but if you cum untouched on his dick, he’ll be riding that high for days
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