#also - taking it back to the top of the post - wtf Kai?
tum-tigger · 1 year
Thoughts watching Sleepless in Madrid:
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Kai is 100% fucking with Tala for reasons only Kai knows. Maybe it's because they accidentally showed up to G Rev in the same colored contacts and both are still refusing to take them out.
Thoughts on Lee and Ray drama under the cut because this is stupid long oops
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This is the cutest. Every time I watch this episode it gets me. Lee telling Mariah he's okay when he's in rough shape, passed out from exhaustion and stress. He was probably carried back to their room and he's still being a big brother and comforting Mariah. ♥
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I like this heart to heart and how Tyson was quick to offer advice even though he and Ray are opponents. A+ friend.
Lol at Ray though. He says Lee never wants to tell him what's bothering him, but I don't remember him ever asking? Like, he hears Lee having nightmares every night and follows him, finds him awake, sees him training instead of sleeping, and doesn't say a word. Presumably goes back to bed and leaves his friend to struggle.
I could go into how this is all definitely lingering tension from the whole traumatic Ray-gets-Driger-and-ditches-the-White-Tigers deal, but I won't. But it is. Can't just leave your bff after stealing his birthright, clobber him in the Championships, make him swallow his pride and forgive you, only to dust off the friendship to improve your chances at a title two years later and not expect there to be some kind of feelings. Lee's definitely feeling pressure to live up to Ray's expectations and make this the Championship win they should have had together to begin with.
But I said I wasn't going to get into it, so I'll stop.
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Oh shit, he's on him for an argument the second they enter the stadium. These boys need to learn how to constructively talk about their feelings.
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At least in the end, Ray kind of gets it. I feel like they'll still need another Talk, but the moment he knocks Lee's blade from the stadium always feels so poignant to me. He's acting like a true friend and captain, proving to Lee that winning isn't as important to him as Lee himself.
Also nice to see concern from F Dynasty and Tyson, Hilary, and Kenny in the audience. I live for any snippets of camaraderie between teams. It just makes my heart happy. ♥
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the-darkdragonfly · 3 years
So, you KNOW how much I love The Ripple Effect. I mean, LOVE. ADORE. slightly OBSESSED with, and I am GIDDY that we'll be getting more once you've completed part one.
So... I'd love to hear more about where the idea came from in the first place and far into Emma and Killian's love story you're planning to go with part two (and three and four and five and six...)
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Thank you my darling friend! I am so very thrilled that you have enjoyed this Tale.
I joined the CS Fandom party a bit late, I will credit Killian Jones and Hamilton for my survival in 2020. I'm fairly certain my cats were utterly fed up with me singing 'My Shot' at the top of my lungs....
I used to write FF years ago, but for a different universe, and i started reading it for OUAT last summer (Maddie's Stone Hearts was actually the first one I read) and the more I read the more I wanted to read more.
I started my little feral fic (Wash Us Clean) in November of last year, but the storyline was a bit flakey and tbh I wasn't super into it after the first few chapters, but I was rewatching the CS Movie one night and I just thought, Ugh, I wish they didn't have to go back to stupid Storybrooke and deal with everything. And over the next few days the plot for The Ripple Effect started forming.
I write entirely out of order (the bar fight was one of the first scenes I wrote), so I took a bit of time before posting to plot the whole idea out (only really for part one) and I toyed with the idea of leaving them in their cottage by the sea, because CottageCore is my soul.
But I knew they had to come back, and (spoiler alert) I also knew it had to happen exactly like it it did in the show.
I wanted her phone to still be ringing.
I wanted her to run into the diner and see her parents.
I wanted them to be confused and unsure as to wtf was going on.
I also knew they would have Hope with them, and that she would be pregnant.
So that gave me a lose timeline of three years. Then all i needed to do was to flush it out.
I wanted to give them the unspoiled time that they didn't get on the show. I wanted to explore them helping and healing each other away from the villains and stupidity (Sorry Adam and Eddy) of life in SB.
And as the story built and grew, both on paper and in my head, part two started to take shape, and so has part three.
I do have plans for them to have (spoiler alert #2) three children together, and I think the tone which will be set for Part Two will be one of getting back to normal, with a little Excalibur thrown in - cuz I love that sword..., while part three is still being plotted, I had an "i was today years old" moment a few days ago, so that might happen to be the plot line...
I think it'll be also important to remember, that in the future, curses which target those from the Forest wont affect Henry and E&K's second child... *wink*
I like weaving in small details of their lives together through the plot, which is slow at times, but has a purpose (mostly), and I have been so overwhelming happy with the response it has received - honesty, that's what makes me want to write more xox
thank you babe!
- Kay
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Rae Watches Wandavision
1x05 On A Very Special Episode...
If you’d like to be tagged in future posts just let me know
We wait two days for spoilers to kill us
Disney+ wouldn’t let me watch a chunk of last episode, it just kept skipping over it, so apologies if I’m confused about something that was covered last episode
Something I forgot to add last episode, that censoring of the show? Wanda’s not doing that, right? She can’t know somebody’s watching her reality, right?
I do really love how instead of making new characters, they’re bringing in old characters we know, it knits the whole universe together a lot better
I still can’t believe the Previously On and Marvel logo are 2 minutes long and the credits are at least 7, these are really just 20 minute episodes
80s babyy!!
Oh I love Wanda’s hair
....even more horny Vision
Ohh, Wanda, no, no, honey. Don’t do that. Don’t try to control your babbies like you’re controlling everything else
Accurate babying
“What are we doing wrong” Wanda. Babies cry. That is their primary function, it is their only way to vocally communicate
AGNESS, who I don’t really trust anymore
“When was the last time you washed your hands?” Vision you just stuck their binkies in your ears
“Should we just take it from the top?” oh AGNESS
oh sudden baby vision wtf
Kid Vis reminds me of Kid Grinch
Oh yeah, I don’t know any of the sitcoms they’ve been recreating btw. Probably should have said that earlier
Wanda’s making her little villagers experience her grief? So she doesn’t have to deal with it? Or is that not on purpose?
“It’s an oversimplification of events, but yes.”
Aw, we stan Jimmy Woo trying to defend Wanda
Oh Wanda’s whole outfit and hair? Love it
Nose scrunch
Cue the insta-age
Geraldine was figuring things out and waking up but Wanda’s fine with magic in front of Agnes?
You know an aerospace engineer, do you, Monica? Do we know them?
“She could’ve taken out Thanos on her own if he hadn’t initiated a blitz.”
Oh-kay, so Monica holds some kinda grudge againt Carol, some resentment there for leaving? for not coming back when she blipped and helping her mum?
The Hex
I like what you’ve done with your hair, Norm!
ohhhhh nooooooooo
oh no NORM
“It’s Saturday” “No it’s not, it’s Monday” “This morning was Saturday...”
Okay so these twins are totally getting ripped apart from each other at some point and that is going to be wanda’s tipping point
Okay. Second episode mentioning Pietro
So they reckon Wanda is censoring the show.....but why would she let the drone stay?
Uh oh glowy red eyes, she is not letting the drone stay
Oh lawd she comin’
In FULL modern day costume too!!
Sokovia accent? Is that you?
Oooh she possessing folks
Oh wow
Oh the adverts are back!
“Lagos. For when you make a mess you didn’t mean to!” oH MY GOD
They��re all becoming aware, Wandaaaa
“Some things are forever.” Like death, Wanda, huh? Really?
They had their dog for one whole day
Why...why would Wanda bring a dog into the world for her kids only to kill it?
Vision did you just use dish washing liquid to wash your hands
“You can’t control me the way you do them” [I Want To Break Free by Queen starts playing in the background]
“Can’t I?” WANDA NO
they’re both so pretty this episode look at them just real quick before they start fighting they’re so pretty
And bam, Vision is broken
“You’ve never talked to me like this before,” you’ve never done anything like this before, Wanda, you’ve never gone this far, you’ve been controlling him since he DIED
“Wanda, why are there no other children in Westview,” YES, VIS, FINALLY
Vision and Jimmy Woo really get me, y’know?
Wanda, honey, please stop lying to him
Oh? OH?
Look at this hipster with his bead necklace and Hawaiin shirt and leather jacket
“She recast Pietro?” with an X-MAN
Okay but...if she really didn’t bring him here...and SWORD didn’t do it...
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seedleaflesssapling · 3 years
Ver 2.0? Turning Point?
I can't really identify to which point in my life that i started to doubt myself but im pretty sure that it was because of UP. Damn, that school, my uni. It do really have the ability to make you feel small; i was in a disadvantaged side when i entered it, you know. I was acquainted, no we did not really talked one-on-one, but i heard when we did introductions - Pisay, UP High, science comprehensive schools, Xavier University, who wouldn't be intimidated by that when you came from Col. Ruperto Abellon National School (who would know where that is? I was lucky enough for a teacher recognized it and my classmates be like 'ahhhhhh,' .....really?! I dont even know where xavier is, it just sounds cool). Another thing is that, i wasn't a stem shs graduate - a leverage(?) or excuse (?) that i always use for them to know that i am at disadvantaged side here, not their competitor, probably a NOBODY. They, being stem graduates, have capstone projects you never thought that they have at that age, but i would hear them saying that it was publish in this journal (whatever, idk the journals lmao, i dont even understand their studies 2nd lmao, but that was some smart shit you know, a shit that makes me feel pathetic for being too proud of my what? Correlational study from inconsistent surveys?!!! Wtf, wtf, wtf). But it was a very good peer pressure you know, i kinda turned it that way. Being left behind, being on the rock bottom, i have no other place to go but up. It wasn't the goal, like making or taking the top spot, i just need to survive.
Inevitably, the exams came. I had hard time adjusting chem but math was kind to me. Who would have thought that i would get two 1.0 at my math subjects for the first semester, the sem that i thought i would barely pass. I was even a CS for that sem. Who would have thought? Our first chemical engineering subject that involves computations was on the list the next semester and the first exam, out of 100 i got something like 20ish. WTF. THAT WAS MY FIRST FAILED EXAM. but no, never did cry but tears were flooding inside. So apparently, i have to focus more on this subject and i did. Some were still failing, but i raised my average up. We also had physics, my first ever physics. I really love physics that time or that sir rommel is just a very good professor. I got the highest score on our second LE, everybody else did fail. Small victories. Not that they lose, but i just won. But i heard one time they were talking about me re: passing the physics exam and even getting a high score. They were uhm.. a guy i really look up to cause his good, the other was a girl that idk but i think she didn't like me back then. They were friends but eventually the girl transferred uni because who cares why. i heard the guy saying something like sin.o gid na si franklin nga taas iya score man, maybe even worse than that, i still look up to the guy even until now. But wtf. I really took it in that time, like i wanted to cry but did not. With all that, i got a fair grade at physics. I still got 1.0 at maths that sem and even maintained being on the CS list. S M I L E. BECAUSE WE HAVE A MIDYEAR CLASS. VERY EXHAUSTING FOR SOMEONE WHO DONT WANT ANYTHING BUT JUST ADJUST, SURVIVE, AND FIND MEANING OF BEING A UP STUDENT. It was just one subject and it was math, but i got 2.0?!!! I have no excuse to that, i am very grateful for the family who accommodated me. After midyear class, i did got sick, it sucks, really sucks. I wanted to file an LOA for the next academic year, it is the only thing i can think of for me to go back on track (i haven't said that my parents pushed me to graduate with latin honor and i wanted to also for my resume to look good because everything else in me is effed up). I really wanted to pause and be free for a while but i also wanted to graduate on time (mostly because i want to give the bitches who dared to have expectations be put on my shoulders not the satisfaction, but the audacity to tell them 'i aint did it for ya') so i asked mama. THANK GOD, SHE DID SAY NA KUNG ANO LANG KAYA MO, AMO LANG DA IH 😭😭🤧🤧 so i enrolled, but went to school late, haven't attended the school opening but all is good. I did kind of reset, just enough for me to face school again.
Second year, it was fucked. I did really love coding on octave and doing sheets at ms excel though. On that year, we have formed the che 103 bagsak group. Together with two of my classmates on 103 and math 55, we became buddies after failing che 103 on the first LE, another 30 over 100 exam hahahahaha. We made bawi just enough for us to pass the subject hahahahahuhu. I have thermodynamics sub, i barely pass. Thank G na wala ko nag removal. If ever i did, i am so sure that i wont make it. My GWA for that sem was not enough for me to be a CS. Who cares? I still did, actually but mama was never been too pushy since then, even since after midyear, after getting that 2.0 grade from the only subject i am good at. Btw, my math 55 for first sem, second year, was 1.25. Not a 1.0 but still, it's good. Second semester that year was when pandemic hit so there's nothing much to tell. I was, sorry but i was really, glad to be away from school for a while, not until for a while became forever. Virtual university set-up was very hard. With too much from taking in whatever i see and hear on my surroundings, even just at home, everything is difficult. It is very hard to find motivation and discipline in studying when i was surrounded with people who do nothing. Even to this point i am writing, everyday is like a battle, but is mostly an internal one. Self vs self, a war no one knows who will win. So the confidence, the tower of knowledge i did build, exponentially went down. I did really well when i was in grade 10, i did my best that time and it can be seen at the achievements i had that year. Being consistently on top 1 the whole year, placing second on division MMC (even getting the highest score on the written elimination round for the whole cluster), doing well sa physics under maam andico, placings on cluster journalism competitions - it was like a record best, best record (?) Whatever. But it wasn't enough you know, i eventually came fourth like wtf. I had read from somewhere Newton saying like the two years when he did write the three laws of motion and the calculus stuff were the two best years of his life, and it kept me thinking that what if mine already passed? That it was when i was in high school?
But, back when i was in school, every time that i was belittling myself or even at random times that i would feel nervous for nothing, my classmates and close friends would say na:
Uno mo man ang Math, uno mo na na (it was a one or two time thing, what if chamba lang to???)
Ikaw man highest sa first le sa thermo (it was really an absolutely one time thing, i barely passed that sub)
Alam ka man sa physics (i was just invested on physics and maybe nachambahan lang na ang ginpractice ko solve kay parallel sa exam ni sir)
Alam ka, d ka lang confident (OKAY???!)
I was ignoring those shit cause who cares if i did really good that time. Yeah, it felt good but it wasn't fulfilling. Satisfied but not happy. But with recent events, i think i would be changing. This post will be a written contract that i will push to be better, to start trusting myself, and build that confidence glow behind me; to believe that i am bright and i can hack it, whatever it may be.
For coherence, i would itemize na lang all of the events that brought me to epiphany lol
It was Friday, 17 Sep, when Dean, in our plant design subject, gave an activity for us - to come up with solutions that would address problems he presented. 1 off grid island community (either you address the water, electricity, and phone reception/signal problem under a 100k budget) and 2 vinegar packaging with a 500 mL volume and should cost less than the cost of vinegar. The due's on Monday, 20 Sep. The challenge is that you should come up with an idea that is not the same with those who already turned in their proposed solutions. I haven't turned in mine until Sunday afternoon. We are 23 in class, hence there should be 23 proposed solutions for each problem. However, only 20 or 21 turned in their solutions and as a student who decided to do it three days after the sheet was given, i was at the second to the last of the entries hahaha. I have limited choice since a lot have been proposed. And ngl, i did entered my idea for the first problem at Sunday evening and for the second problem it was on the afternoon of the next day. Those were basic solutions cause who am I? Am just your basic guy.
Tuesday, 21 Sep (#NeverForget #NeverAgain), class again for plant design (PD). Dean discussed stuffs which im ngl, i did not listen because im bored (not until he said 'we'll have a 5-min break and we'll have a quiz after that' like wtf, how will we do our quiz???!). After the short break, I did study cause i panicked as hell, he presented the prospects of the course, that we will be divided in groups and that the leaders were chosen based on the solutions they turned in the activity previously given. So there's no quiz, i was calm the whole time after that until my name was called. Like wtf??! Your basic guy will be a leader???! Hello!!! So i chat people, asked them if it was a good thing (course it was!!!? So dumb right?!). And then, i asked another leader and she agreed to my argument that we should only be divided into six instead of seven as what dean has decided. So i chatted dean (pic below). I just accepted the role half-heartedly.
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As leaders, we should be hiring people for our team and we should make pubs. I dont have a canva account to help me do pubs. I made mine at MS ppt HAHAHAHAHAHA but im good so its cute. We were assigned with projects and i get to have the 4-member team. The vacant roles were project maven and liaison officer for a 3-member team. In my pubs, i included scrummaster as position to be filled, cause who am i to lead?! So yeah, that's it. I did the pubs Wednesday and I submitted my resume Thursday (third to the last hahahaha but my resume's cute hahaha).
Thursday. So i had this invite by a classmate to join the Shell event long time ago. He was reaching out for someone to ask Dean for his approval because Dean did not replied to the email he sent. So, i volunteered. I really want this competition cause this will be my first and maybe last competition as a UP student. So i DMed dean and blah blah blah he asked for selection process. I relayed the message and apologize to them for being me because i was thinking that it was me who made him come up with the decision of having the team be selected. Like, wtf i was just asking for his approval. Getting kicked out of the team was not my intention. Those whom i chatted that night were telling me that it wasn't my fault blah blah blah. So i half-heartedly agreed to them.
Friday came, yesterday, the interview. I am very anxious for someone who will be the one asking the applicants lmao. I already have been interviewed before for college applications and somehow remember the feeling, nerve wracking, whatever. To calm my nerves, i listed questions which i never got to ask properly btw, but at least i have concrete ideas on what to ask. The first interviewee was my very closed friend and so we just laugh and laugh and laugh HAHAHAHAHA. IDK if dean saw it but who cares. And the next and next and next. 3:30 passed by fast and guess what??? YOUR BASIC GUY HAS THE MOST NUMBER OF APPLICANTS TO THE POINT THAT DEAN CUT MY LIST. IT WAS EXHAUSTING BUT VERY FLATTERING. I FEEL SO HONORED. i really thought and very scared at the thought that no one will apply to me but wtf, just wtf. Ranking my applicants was damn hard. 1 i have a dream team but one was cut by dean; 2 this could make my friends mad; 3 this will be the group for the whole year; 4 i am really exhausted. But still, i submitted the list. I was hoping for the people i chose to choose me back. Only two out of three did, i am forever grateful.
Still on Friday, the classmate who invited me to the Shell thing and Dean had a zoom call and discussed about the competition. That classmate told dean what i told him the other day that i might be the reason for the decision of having the selection process done. He told me this through a voice memo, katamad daw magtype. A voice message that i played over and over again. Dean actually find me interesting (?), Invested (?) Idk exactly but the classmate told me na 'may nakikita daw talaga sya sayo. Na grabe ka ka-practical as a person like yung ideas mo daw sa plant design napakasimple lang pero napaka practical to the point daw na madami nag apply sayo kanina. And then, you need more confidence lang daw talaga' so ig, you basic guy is a practical guy now. It's just flattering.
Now, whatever happens, i must meet those expectations right? This could be a lousy motivation but what is if there's none? I dont know why im writing this. I just thought i should get my thoughts out. Ver 2.0? Turning point? Let's just do good 😌
PS I put this on my bio on FB, guess im getting more public, and if you happened to read this because you saw the link on my bio, send me a message about you thoughts.
PPS if your initials are JTZC, these have been my week and i miss you even though you're not interested in me anymore, you are hard to forget
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ladybugsfanfics · 5 years
Blind Date | Tom Hiddleston x reader
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader | Special cameo over phone by Benedict Cumberbatch and his wife Sophie Hunter
Style: One Shot (might turn into smth more but probably not)
WC: 2885 (finally smth long, amirite?)
Warnings: Some swearing, uhh, don’t think there’s anything else, but if there is please let me know
Summary: Your long time friend has set you up on a Blind Date and says it’s worth a shot because ‘you’re perfect for each other’. You’re having doubts, but with Sophie’s reassuring words, you decide to dive in. 
A/N: Tumblr has no line breaks anymore?? Think I’m late to the realization but like... wtf?! I have done my best, thank god i am creative. Hope you like this :P
If you would like to be tagged in future fics, please let me know. 
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“Ben,” you say and put your hand to your forehead, “are you really sure this blind date thing is a good idea?”
A chuckle comes from the other end of the line. “Yes, Y/N, I believe it is. He’s a good friend of mine. Sophie agrees that you two would be perfect for each other.” 
You roll your eyes. “Calming, but I’m still not sure about this.” You sigh, and purse your lips. “Can I talk to Sophie? If she’s there?”
“Of course. One moment.” 
There’s a shift in sound, and a moment later, a soft voice speaks into the phone. “I hear you have some cold feet?” 
You let out a strained laugh. “Cold feet? More like I would really like to know who I’m going on a date with nervousness. I don’t know, Soph, it’s just…” 
“Hey, think about it this way. You get the chance to meet someone new, and whatever happens, you tried? You’ve been single since we met you. It might be time to dip your toes in the water? Just check?”
“You’re probably right,” you say, “I’ll just finish getting ready and walk to that stupid way too fancy resturaunt Ben told me to. Honestly, I hope this guy’s rich.”
Sophie laughs. “You might get a lovely surprise.”
“Oh, fuck off.” 
“Have a nice date. Tell me about it later, ‘kay?” 
“Yeah, of course. Bye. Tell Ben to fuck off too for me, yeah?” You shake your head, hear her little ‘will do, bye’ and hang up. God, what did I agree to, you think and try to push the anxiety down. 
You throw your phone onto the bed and sigh as you raid through your closet for something fancy enough to wear. Honestly, you should’ve gone shopping. 
Standing outside the restaurant, cold air nips your skin. You drag your jacket tighter around you, hating that the agreement was to meet outside the building and not just get to the table right away. The problem: you don’t know whose name the table is reserved under.
After another blast of cold wind, you fish your phone out of your pocket. The time reads 08.03 PM. Three minutes late. And you’ve already been waiting for over ten. “Well, I’m not waiting out here anymore,” you mutter under your breath as you turn to walk through the doors to the restaurant. 
The warm air instantly hits you and you shake of the cold feeling from being outside. You’re greeted by a male, who politely asks for your coat. Taking out belongings of value (phone, keys and wallet), you hand it to him. 
“May I show you to your table, miss?” he asks. 
You bite the inside of your lip. “Uhh, honestly, I’m not certain what name it’s under.” You try for a nervous smile. 
He smiles back. “I’m guessing you’re part of the blind date couple we were ‘discretely’ informed off,” he says. “You’re date hasn’t arrived yet, but I’m sure he’ll be here soon. You want me to show you the table, or would you like to wait?”
“You can show it to me now. That’s fine.”
You type a quick text to Ben telling him to say to your date not to wait outside but just go in right away. As the waiter stops by a table, you get a reply; ‘you got it, dude’ and shake your head with a small smile. 
“Here you go,” the waiter says. “Hope your date shows up soon. You deserve better.” And before he goes back to his post, he winks. 
You shake your head and swallow the lump in your throat. God, I hope he’s here soon. Unfortunately, the waiter didn’t give you a menu, so no read through of that before your date comes. Nor do you really want to make the impression that you’re constantly on your phone by using it when he comes. 
Bored, you look around at the other people there. Most of the tables are for four people. Around most of them sits men and some women in suits, giving you the vibe that they’re all white-collars. It makes you slightly uncomfortable to think that the restaurant is more a business-meeting place than a date place. But maybe that’s just a feeling more than a fact. 
You turn your head in the direction of the entrance and release your breath in relief seeing the waiter coming in your direction, followed by a tall male in a blue suit. From your viewpoint, it’s hard to see exactly how he looks, but within a minute he’ll be by the table and you’ll know. Anway, that isn’t what matters―you try to tell yourself. 
“Here you go,” the waiter says to your date and smiles. He hands you a menu each. You accept yours with a small ‘thank you’. As he leaves, you get up to greet your date. 
“Hi,” you say and hold out your hand, “I’m Y/N.” 
He takes your hand in his, blue eyes smile warmly as he says, “Nice to meet you. I’m Tom. Shall we sit?” His voice a low hum with an accent. 
You nod and sit back down. 
You date wears a navy blue and striped suit that fits like it’s tailored. He wears a light blue shirt underneath and a navy tie. When he takes off his suit jacket, you can see that his shirt also fits like it’s tailored― and to be quite honest, it’s a pretty good view. It feels a little unfair. In addition to a nice body, you note a strong jawline covered in a five o’ clock shadow, and are those real cheekbones? The small strawberry blonde curls atop his head makes you swallow a lump in your throat, only for it to come back up and make you slightly more nervous than you already were. 
Looking at him makes you feel inadequate. You had decided to go fancy-casual; a long black skirt with leg slits on both sides and a black tight-fitting long sleeved crop top that accentuates your boobs. Despite feeling good in the clothes, you can’t help but feel underdressed. Tom is definitely out of your league, and he looks somewhat familiar. 
You both scan the menu. No one says anything until the waiter comes to take your order. Taking away the menus opens up the need for conversation. Only, how do you start one? 
“How do you know Benedict?” asks Tom.
You answer, relieved that you didn’t have to come up with a topic yourself. “I wrote a short story, made it into a script that I sent to a theatre here in London, and they liked it. Ben was cast as the lead role, and Sophie was actually the director. I worked with them for a pretty long time and we kept in touch.” You smile at the fond memory. “What about you?”
“Oh, we met in 2010 whilst shooting a movie. And we have been friends ever since.” Tom smiles. “We actually live very close to each other, here in London.”
“Really? It amazes me that if you are such good friends that he hasn’t mentioned you,” you say with a little joking-tone. “And apparently I haven’t seen that movie.”
Tom smiles. “He hasn’t mentioned you either, not by name at least. But you’re a writer?” 
You nod. “Yeah, mostly short stories, but I’m trying to get a novel finished. I write some scripts too, for fun, mostly, but I prefer the rather classical storytelling with a narrator and all the other stuff.” You add a joking laugh to the end of the sentence. 
Tom smiles. “Hehe. To be honest, I do that, too.” Tom lets out a laugh. “Though, I do read a lot of scripts and I find them to be highly entertaining usually.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I do too. I am one of those that sits in front of netflix a little too much,” you admit. “But I always find time to read. It’s the one thing that’s always been there, you know?” 
You continue to talk about books, and reading, and writing, and acting. Never before have you been on a date where the conversation flows as easily. Even with the food there, the conversation keeps going. You talk mostly about the outer layer stuff―work, small childhood memories, friends, hobbies. Both of you drink a couple of glasses of wine each. 
“Would you like dessert?” asks Tom as the waiter takes away the empty dishes. 
You give it a thought. “Actually, no. It sounds good, but I’m not tempted.” Tom quirks an eyebrow. “What do you say we pay and go somewhere else?” you ask, hoping your eyes convey the message you want. 
By the way Tom smiles back, you’re pretty sure it did. Not long after, the check is paid (you offered but Tom wouldn’t have it), and the two of you are outside, walking along the streets. 
“This was really nice,” you say after a few too many moments of silence. “I have to admit, when Ben suggested this I was kind of… on edge.”
Tom nods along. “Yes, I did have my doubts. But Benedict told me we were perfect for each other. I only agreed when Sophie vouched.”
You laugh. “Yeah, that’s what I did, too.” You look down at the ground, kicking a little rock and hating that you decided to wear high heels (they’re great, but it kind of hurts in the length). “Do you maybe wanna go somewhere? Park? Lake? Ice cream shop?” 
His hand brushes yours, and you bite your lip. “This is going to sound… blunt. But my place isn’t that far from here if you would like another glass of wine, maybe?” If not for his accent you’d probably hit him (a joke; there was way more in the favor of not hitting him). 
You intertwine your fingers with his, and nod. “I’d like that, yeah.” 
Tom wasn’t lying when he said his place wasn’t far. You walked about three blocks and were in the right neighborhood. Two unfortunate realizations on your part; 1. This is about the same neighborhood as Benedict lives in; 2. This is a rich neighborhood, meaning Tom has money, meaning Tom is not only an actor but a successful one and it starts to bug you a little bit that you can’t place where you’ve seen him before. 
You take a right turn and in a matter of minutes you’re inside his house. Did I shave? Did I…? Am I at…? Your mind races with thoughts on what might happen, what might not happen, and your preparations for the date. To be honest, despite your thoughts going there very much in that moment, sex on the first date was a big no-no in your head. 
Tom takes your coat and hangs it up. Without even giving it a second thought, you take off your shoes, which has Tom let out a light chuckle as he does the same. “You’re one of the few people who does that without me telling them to,” he says. 
“Oh, well. I don’t really see the point in cleaning a house if you’re gonna drag the dirt in with you. What’s the point in vacuuming if it’s dirty thirty seconds later?” You smile up at him. God, he’s really tall. 
“Exactly,” says Tom and smiles. “Would you like that glass of wine?”
You nod. “Could I maybe borrow your bathroom?” He nods and tells you which room it is. With a smile you go in the direction his points in. 
It’s a cozy bathroom. Actually, not bad at all. The shower is quite big and you curse your brain for going straight to what it would be like to have sex in it. Also for ‘it’s big enough’ being your first thought. God, curse that handsome man. God, curse Ben for not telling you about him sooner. Actually, as you check yourself in the mirror (makeup still pretty on point) you take out your phone and send a ‘what the hell is wrong with you?!’ text to Ben, with the follow up; ‘you’ve known him since 2010 and you only now thought to make me go on a date with him?!”
You don’t wait for an answer. Rather you give yourself a smile in the mirror and some encouraging words, and leave with hopes high enough (like maybe a kiss). 
Tom sits in the living room, phone in hand. Two wine glasses are placed on the coffee table. You cough as you sit down, gaining his attention. He smiles up at you and puts away his phone. He hands you a glass as you tuck one leg under your butt. 
Neither of you speak. You take a sip of wine and nod when you do. “This is a really good wine,” you say. 
“Yes, uhh, it’s Italian,” replies Tom. 
What the hell happened to the smooth talk from before? Am I really this nervous? Is he this nervous? Your mind goes away with overthinking. Does he like you? Well, he did invite you into his house. But does that mean he likes you? Maybe you’re just a good conversation partner? But he did offer wine, which does have alcohol, which might be because he wants you a little tipsy, or at least with enough percentage so you would put out? 
You shake of the feeling, not believing someone like Tom could ever take advantage of you. Instead, you take another sip of wine, lean back and smile at him. “What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?” you ask. That was blunt. 
Tom smiles and laugh this ‘hehe’ laughter that makes your heart skip a beat. He takes a sip of wine and puts down the glass. “You don’t seem to know exactly who I am, but, uhh, I’ve done quite a lot of interviews. Some have me doing things I would rather not remember. I did this silly thing on MTV After Hours With Josh Horowitz. I made up some really silly pranks that made no sense and said loki’d afterwards with this weird laugh and I did this.” Tom puts his hand up to the side of his face and holds it there as if he has a monocle. 
And it hits you. Right in the moment he said ‘loki’d’ and weird laugh. You would like to facepalm. “Oh my God,” you say. “You’re Tom Hiddleston. Oh, my God.” You take a sip of wine to calm down a little. “You’re probably one of the actors I always thought I’d recognize. Loki is my favorite MCU character and I love you in Kong: Skull Island. I am correct that I haven’t seen the film with you and Benedict, but honestly, I have never felt this stupid.” 
He laughs. This godly sound that makes the mistake seem such tiny, but… 
You put down the wine glass and lay your head in your hands. Through them you mumble, “this is my most embarrassing moment. For sure.”
Gentle hands pry yours away from your face, and a slender finger tilts your cheek up so your eyes meet Tom’s. He smiles at you; lips pressed together and wrinkles around his eyes. “That’s okay, Love, really. I enjoyed talking to someone who didn’t know what I had played in. It made some of the stories more fun, kind of.” 
“I should go back to pretending I don’t know, huh?” you ask. 
Tom chuckles. “No, I’m glad you know. It would be weird if you didn’t.” He smiles and cups your face. Your eyes meet. Tom’s are a beautiful shade of blue. Complemented by his blue shirt, they look almost electric. He licks his lips. “You have beautiful eyes,” he whispers.
You press your lips together and smile, feeling the blush creep into your cheeks. At the thought, you notice how close you sit. His face is only an inch from yours. It would be so easy to kiss him, or for him to kiss you. God, it would be so… 
However, is it really a good idea? It is the first date. You only know the basics of each other. Work, a little family and friends, and hobbies. There is more to him, and there is more to you. 
You’re dragged out of your thoughts by his lips on yours. His right hand is still cupping your face, and he places his left on your knee. Taken by surprise, it takes you a moment to react, but as you do you press your lips to his. Something explodes in your gut, and whatever it is makes you shift your position closer to him. Your hands go up and you twine them behind his neck. Tom smiles in the kiss and moves both his hands to the small of your back, pressing you closer to him. 
You break the kiss and smile at him. “That… That was, uhh…”
“Yeah,” Tom says, his voice a little breathless. 
You both let out a little laugh and press your foreheads together. “This has been, uhh, pretty great.” 
Tom smiles and pecks your lips. “Yes, it has. Not what I thought would come from a blind date.” 
You shake your head with a smile. “Yeah. Who would’ve thought?”
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i watched kai’s most recent tattoo video so you don’t have to
featuring: my snarky commentary! apologies in advance. everything under the cut cause hoo boy, i don’t wanna make a mile-long post to fill up the entire dash
begins by complaining about appearance. typical
"i'm here to do another tattoo tour video" considering you cycle through the same five/six main ideas for your videos, like haircuts or dyeing, either shopping for new clothes (at discount stores because yOuRe PoOr, but still manage to spend a fortune) or purging your closet, going on a date (where Gurg always makes a scene), getting new tattoos/piercings, iconic vaping for the first time vids, or dressing up as some ~*~ uwu aesthetic boi ~*~, you didn't have much of a choice
"i have quite a few new ones" yeah aka artwork you ripped off
claims a lot of people asked for it, but like, how? his comments have been turned off forever and i doubt he has a lot of interaction anywhere else
"in the market for a new tattoo" let me guess… another shitty flower? either clipart from google or yet another image ripped off from an artist
got his first tattoo after turning 18, and it's the shitty 27 tattoo we all know and love. claims it's significant because the number has been around everywhere during their relationship and it's ~*~meaningful~*~
"as i've gotten older i've become less skeptical" yeah Kai. we can tell, given that you blame all your problems on mercury retrograde
"yes tattoo number two looks like crosses" but actually is the number 14, representing their wedding date
talks about how he kept a list of tattoos he wanted for years, but doesn't follow the list because his recent tattoos are things he thinks of right off the top of his head. also, yeah, we can tell since your placement sucks and none of them work together well and you look more like a Doodle Bear than a person who thinks out their tattoos for more than fifteen seconds
charlie! the rainbow volcano, or as Kai calls it, the "gaycano." missed opportunity to call it volgayno instead but wtf do i know. complains it looks like a cake when really it's the volcano animation from YouNow. which, in my opinion, really just looks like something off the discount rack at your local Claire's
explains the history behind the volcano, "before YouNow was a toxic environment." by toxic environment, you mean your viewers commenting about their concerns on not only your safety and potential abuse, but the way Gurg treats your pets and your children? so toxic that people want to know that other living, breathing things in your home are safe and happy
"i hate ankle tattoos but i have to get one more since i have three, and i need to complete the ankles and have one on each side" 
next up is his elephant tattoo that symbolizes his children. okay okay, i'll admit i have nothing bad to say abt this one
next is the flower tattoo on his shoulder, represents his family apparently. a "family crest," if you will
Gurg interrupts of course and first thing Kai says is "what the fuck, dude," which is always how i speak to my significant other, wbu guys? :-)
back to the tattoo. "if I'm being honest, it's my least favorite tattoo. i don't like the style of it and the placement??" UM? If I recall correctly you sat down w Gurg to design the tattoo? but alright
number six is Yoshi and Gurg of course has Toad to match. (jesus christ dude how many tattoos do you need to symbolize you and your shitty husband?)
tattoo seven is his lavender on his collarbone. says he's thought about having the same tattoo mirrored on the other side, but it's too "scene boi" and he thinks he's "too old" for that. let's look into the recent things he's done that he's "too old" for:           o the other shitty clipart tattoos?? hello?           o having barely legal girls in and out of his home all the time like a revolving door           o vague posting/subtweeting abt his heartbreak on his private socials           o turning himself into a fuckboy, an e boy, an anime boy, an emo boy, a soft boy… really i could go on           o changing his hair color ever two weeks like a middle school girl           o making 10+ minute long videos just straight complaining abt his issues, once again, blaming it all on mercury retrograde bc he can't take responsibilityt
he "you are my strength" tattoo in Gurg's handwriting. barf.
assures viewers that a mark by his tattoo isn't a bruise, just a burn from a wafflemaker
next up is the big ass gray rose on his forearm. didn't someone say he's still copying Billie/other exes? they get floral tattoos, then next thing you know, Kai showcases one
last but CERTAINLY not least, the sunflower tattoo. reminds him of his mom and Taking Back Sunday, his fav emo band. aka the tattoo we all know was completely ripped off from an artist
the real kicker is that none of these seem to be well done and the ink is all blotchy and Kai says he needs touch-ups, but won't to them because "that shit hurted!" that's another thing he's too old for. quoting vine all the time like it's a personality trait. listen, i still love vine, but damn it's just too much
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Did the best moment of your life happen at summer camp? I didn’t go to summer camp.  Do you get tired of fakebook? Fakebook, ha. It’s whatever. I don’t spend a lot of time on there, honestly. I just spend a few minutes a couple times or so a day scrolling through the feed and “like” some stuff.  Are you a poser on facebook or are you real? I don’t post a lot of personal stuff on there. I actually rarely post anything at all anymore. Like I said, I mostly just scroll through the feed “liking” stuff. I sometimes share a funny or relatable post, but that’s about it.
Are you a people pleaser? I mean... I don’t want to upset anyone or having any confrontation. I’m usually pretty agreeable with most things to avoid any issues. I’ll go along with what they want to do even if it’s not what I want to do (for the most part). I just don’t want any problems and it’s just easier to do those things. So, according to Psychology Today, avoiding conflict, agreeing with everyone (or pretending to), and finding it hard to say no are some of the top 10 things people who are people pleasers do. Another is not admitting to someone that your feelings are hurt, which is also me. But then also I’m not someone who has to be liked by everyone or seeks everyone’s validation. I feel like I do those things above because of the whole confrontation/avoiding conflict/not wanting to cause any issues thing and not because I want to be liked by everyone if that makes sense. Not to say that I don’t want to be liked, but... I don’t know. Whatever, you get what mean. Or maybe you don’t. *shrug* 
This response was so unnecessarily long, ha. Do you get irritated a lot? All the time. I’m very moody and irritable. What’s something you’ve realized about yourself lately? Nothing new. Do you know a lot of idiots? No, but I hear about and read things where I’m just like....yikes, wtf is wrong with some people? It’s alarming. Do you want a puppy or a kitty? Aww I love puppies, but I have a doggo and one is good for us. Do you hate that some people are stuck-up? I certainly don’t like if someone is stuck up and rude to me. Or really, just that way in general to people. It’s not a cute look. I hear the horror stories from people I know who work with the general public and wow. People can really be just so unnecessarily rude and cruel.  Would you rather be poor and humble or rich and snooty? I definitely wouldn’t want to be snooty. Can I be rich, but humble? ha. I’d be appreciative. I’d give back. I wouldn’t think I was superior to or above anyone just because I had money.  Do you know any humble rich people? I dont know any rich ppl, lmao . <<< Ha, same. Do you hate the millennial stereotype? I don’t pay much attention to that stuff. Does your religion or spirituality teach you to love your enemies? Yes. Do you love your enemies? I don’t have any enemies. Do you struggle to love your enemies? Do you get bullied frequently? I’m my only bully. Do you often wish you could go to sleep and not wake up until something good happens? As hard as it has been these past few years, I wouldn’t want to miss everything. I wouldn’t want to wake up one day and my loved ones are all much older, or worse. I wouldn’t want to miss the important things in their lives.  How many people do you know who are suicidal? I don’t know. You don’t always know that about a person. Do you read advice columns? No. Have you ever used a dating site? Nope. I’ve never had any interest in doing so. Do you want a fairy godmother? No. Do you enjoy watching talent shows? The only one I watch is The Voice. Which cartoon character would you want to play you in a movie? Wait…if there was a cartoon character playing me, then wouldnt they simply be modeled after me? <<< Good point. What is something you do not understand? Why I’m like this, the things I’ve gone through/are going through, life... a lot of things. Do you think cars are ugly? Some are. What is your favorite musical? Sweeney Todd. Are you ok? “I’m nooooooooot okay. I’m not okay, I’m not o-fucking-kay.” Do you ever feel God’s presence? Yes. Do you believe in angels? Yes. What is your favorite magazine? I don’t read any. What color hair did your favorite Barbie doll have? Most of my Barbies were blonde, but I had a few brunettes.  Who were you rooting for in the very first season of American Idol? Kelly Clarkson. Do you believe in miracles? Yes. Have you ever been to a tea shop? Yes. If there were a tea shop in your city, would you go to it? *shrug* maybe. Do you still have your Christmas decorations up? Yes. It’s barely January 2nd, chill out Old Sport.  How many pairs of jeggings do you own? Zero. Do you have any memories that are painful? Plenty. Do you make a habit of taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone? Ha, nope. Is your life boring? Yes, but I don’t have the energy or motivation to do much and I do like doing the things that I do. It works for me. What is your favorite thing to follow on tumblr? Blogs that post stuff related to my various fandoms, relatable and aesthetically pleasing things, and of course surveys.  What are your favorite Pinterest boards? I’m not big on Pinterest. I go on there sometimes to find cute pics and wallpapers for my phone, but that’s about it. Is your Pinterest profile cluttered? No. Like I said, I don’t much on there. If I find photos I like I just save them to my phone. Do you wish you owned more board games? Yeah. I love board games. Do you wish you had visitors more often? No.  Do you hate our culture? Lol, this jst reminds me of that one post thats like “no U live in a society. I live at my mom’s house”. Except in my case, its my dad’s house. And like I said above - I feel rather shielded from the world at large. Its almost as tho Im watching a movie unfold from afar <<< I can relate to that.  Do you live in the USA? Yes. What accent do you like best? British or southern accents. What are some things you would like to do this summer? Ew, I am NOT thinking about summer. It’s barely January, please let me enjoy this winter weather. What are some things you love about spring? The rain. Are you feeling optimistic today? No. When was the last time you did something that made you feel stupid? I feel that way a lot because of things I have and haven’t done and the ongoing, lasting effects of those things.  Is there anything that you’re questioning if you’re allergic to? No. Do you believe everyone should be treated with respect when you first meet them? I’m polite and civil to everyone I meet. Do you hate that nobody cares? About what? What websites shut down that you miss? Xanga was great for surveys. I’m also sad I lost all the surveys I did on there. What were your favorite websites when you were a teenager? I spent a lot of time on Myspace. There was also this Jonas Brothers website that had message boards and a chatroom, which I spent a lot of time on as well.  What was the best class you took in high school? English and Spanish.  Are you happy? No. Would you ever enroll in a college class just for fun? No. I’m done with school. I have no desire to go back, not even for just an elective. Do you feel free to be yourself? Yeah, pretty much. This is me, take it or leave it. Do you stand up for yourself when needed? Depends.
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anghraine · 6 years
“one wave short of a shipwreck” - fic
wtf, self
fandom: Star Wars
characters: Jyn Erso, Cassian Andor; K-2SO, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Îmwe; Jyn/Cassian
verse: the everybody lives ?kidfic??, apparently, though it belongs to a wider verse that involves ... uh, a fic I’ve never posted (or finished), so ... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
length: 1200 words
stuff that happens: Jyn and Cassian after the war; references to psychological damage, the sequel trilogy, and pregnancy.
They all knew the end of the war would be difficult for Cassian, and none knew it better than K-2SO, in his own estimation. All of them had certain inconvenient adaptations to make, of course, but none possessed quite the same disadvantages as Cassian.
After all, the Guardians of the Whills and Bodhi Rook had functioned in civilian status for longer periods of their respective existences than not, and in any case typically served in non-combat capacities; Jyn Erso spent years of her early maturity as a petty thief, with few aspirations beyond the convenience of the moment; K-2SO’s own security systems were not specifically programmed for war, however useful his contributions. But Cassian retained no alternate data.
“If you are considering a return to Coruscant,” he informed Jyn—who, by this point, K-2SO classified as a) an occasional threat to his decisions, b) a frequent co-conspirator, and c) generally the organic counterpart to himself—“then the probability of assimilation to human-typical behaviour may be elevated, but—”
“We’re not typical,” she said in her abrupt way, “and I’m thinking of something quieter.”
With more relief than he cared to articulate, K-2SO said, “I concur.”
Cassian welcomed peace—he did. It was only difficult because it was so new and unfamiliar, and he didn’t know how people went about making choices without significant purposes in mind; and, when he felt like being honest with himself, because everything that had ever troubled him seemed to come cascading down at once, leaving him as much on edge as in his deepest covers, or alternately as blank as after a murder, like he controlled his body through some remote mechanized system.
He knew why Jyn wanted to hole up in a distant corner of the galaxy, backed by Kay. He didn’t talk about it, none of them did, but he knew, and they all knew that, too. Even so, while he might have taken it as insulting or embarrassing—and did, a little—he realized that he wasn’t … he wouldn’t … that they all looked for a deeper peace than the Republic’s.
None of them cared for the unfamiliar at any rate, or for people beyond their tight circle of family. If he sometimes felt raw terror or utter vacancy at nothing, Jyn could turn furious at the drop of a pin, all three ready to spring into action, and—some quiet really would be best, for all of them.
To Jyn’s profound relief, Cassian steadied after the first terrifying crash: not soon, but sooner than she’d anticipated, from what she saw with the Partisans. They saw Bodhi often, Baze and Chirrut often enough, but not many others, the three of them scraping through one day after another on a planet well beyond Scarif and Tatooine, and a house as safe as Saw Gerrera’s daughter, an Imperial security droid—and eventually, a Rebel spy—could make it.
After the first few months, or perhaps a year or two (Jyn didn’t remember that period with any kind of exactness), they accepted some tenuous contact with the authorities they trusted most. Their familiarity with countless protocols across countless systems turned out to be more valuable than either ever expected, and almost inevitably, they found themselves tracking down more information for Mothma, Organa, Willard, the rest. But they stayed away from any hubs of activity for a long time, and would only pass through when absolutely necessary for a good while longer than that.
Sometimes, Jyn could almost see the fault lines behind Cassian’s eyes fading, if not vanishing; sometimes, Jyn felt the same thing in her own mind, gradations forming between contentment and joy, irritation and rage, like something snapped growing back together.
She knew they’d be all right, in the end.
During the war, Jyn and Cassian never thought of children; privately, they were appalled that other Rebels did, actively choosing to bring probable victims into the galaxy. Princess Leia, say: they’d had a better opinion of her than that, all the more with the unsteady life, in the thick of war and then reconstruction, that she and Solo would bring to any child, and on top of it, the galaxy’s laser-focused scope on her family;—certainly nothing about Ben Organa Solo led them to alter their judgment.
During the war, they also never wanted children, pragmatics aside; the idea belonged to a remote and unreal picture of the future, not the actual life they’d carved for themselves in the galaxy as it was.
That formed their disinclination more than any personal antipathy; Jyn liked children, Kay only dimly grasped the concept of them, and if Cassian had never cared much about any particular child, he cared deeply about their welfare in general.
After the war, struggling with an unfamiliar galaxy and their own minds, they didn’t soon think of it, either; even later, all right never did mean children for them. It only made children possible, in a distant way, instead of an idea to be instantly rejected, even in thought.
By then, they had developed the habit of putting their thoughts into words, when it mattered: so when the idea first drifted to mind, they talked of it, and settled on the only conclusion they could allow—maybe, someday.
Bodhi had lived a life of frequent and staggering surprises. Few, however, shocked him so much as an occasion about eleven years after Scarif, when he reached Jyn and Cassian’s in time for dinner, and she announced over the table,
“We’re reproducing, by the way.”
Bodhi stared at her, mind struggling to shape its understanding around this.
“You’re pregnant?!”
“Yes,” they said, the unspoken ‘obviously’ clinging to their chorus.
Bodhi sat very still, struggling to grasp the very prospect of this, much less of Jyn and Cassian as parents to an actual human.
Baze only had so many pleasures in life, but one of them was realized when Bodhi blurted out upon finding them in the Temple,
“Did you know that Jyn is having a baby?”
Chirrut looked absolutely gobsmacked; Baze felt sure he did, too—he certainly felt it—but that could only take a distant second to the pure beauty of that moment.
“No,” Chirrut admitted. “You do mean Jyn Erso?”
Since they didn’t know any other Jyns, Baze just rolled his eyes and muttered,
“Didn’t think they’d be that careless.”
“Kaytuesso says they’ve been planning for almost three years,” said Bodhi, with a sideways glance at Chirrut and a tentative grin. “Well, it’s Jyn and Cassian—of course they have.”
“You should increase your intake of iron,” Kay told Jyn disapprovingly.
“Thanks for your concern,” said Jyn, “though I’m not sure you know what a child is.”
Kay, nearly vibrating, snapped, “You are hosting Cassian’s next iteration.”
Somehow, this didn’t bother Jyn nearly as much as she would have anticipated; she and Kay had a good relationship these days, but she doubted that even the child would love Cassian as much as Kay did with every wire of his circuitry.
“You realize that they’re going to have as much of me in them as Cassian?” she asked, idly curious.
“Your genetic contribution to the iteration is acceptable,” said Kay, “given that you were created by two of the most accomplished human minds in the galaxy.”
Jyn could easily think of at least a half-dozen sarcastic replies; instead, she laughed.
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definitelynotcesia · 3 years
Ayo Judge this!
Kai listened to his members’ play around in the forest. The cold air blew the leaves from above the ground and Kai watched them fly away. His feet take him to wherever while he is being the distracted boy he is.
The full moon shone upon them all, Kai especially as if he’s following the light… or the moon is following him. The young boy didn’t even realize that he had gone up a hill, out of the way from where he originally came from.
The howls of the owls around him, the breeze got stronger, and the vibe he was getting got worse and worse. He did not know what to expect when he reached the top of the hill. He stopped for a few seconds to look back where he came from.
He could no longer hear the voices of his members. It was just him, the moon, and the hill he took a step on. What felt like hours when it has only been minutes, Kai has reached the top of the hill. A large willow tree rests on the top.
He took a step forward and felt closer with the tree whom he does not know about. Its leaves hang low and the breeze keeps blowing. Kai looked around, there was nothing. It was just a tree on top of the hill. He was about to turn around and return to his fellow members, however, he was stopped.
Cloth hit his face. He pushed it away before looking up. Shocked in terror, he fell to the ground, scared of what he was seeing. Human clothes hang high from the willow tree. Some were ripped, some looked fresh. Kai moved away from the tree, assuming someone was staying there.
He ran away, only to trip on something. It made a sound, a soft and gentle sound, yet it was so endearing, so traumatizing to hear. Kai saw it was a music box, a small one. There was a mirror when it opened. He sees his own reflection. He sees the terrified expression on his face.
“Too bad that’s the last place you’ll ever see.” He heard someone say. The second Kai turned around, he was hit on the face. His vision had gone black and he could no longer feel anything but pain.
“Kai!! Where are you?” The members called the younger’s name. Their heavy steps made sounds as they climbed the hill of the willow tree.
Yeonjun sighed, disappointed and worried that he had lost one of their members. Suddenly, they heard Beomgyu call their names from the top of the hill. The boys rush over to where he is and their gaze lands on the willow tree.
“Hey… are those Kai's clothes?” Taehyun points at the familiar clothes hanging from the tree. The shirt and jeans of Kai, covered in blood that hasn’t gone dry, were blown by the wind.
The boys stared in terror when they saw Kai’s lifeless body hanging from the other side of the willow tree.
In terror, Yeonjun turned around and counted the members. He was afraid to lose another one. He panicked and looked around. The other boys see his terrified expression.
“Where is Soobin?”
anonie who sent this a long time agooo, i'm sorry for answering this late :<<
this is scary wtf shfjhsdfkj but not like the negative scary but like the interesting kind ykwim?? where is soobin??? and what did you do to kai???? jkhdfshd to whoever wrote this, pleaaaseee can you tag me when you post this (or maybe you already did??) im so curious what happened to them, and what will happen after :<
also, idk how to judge really hahaha but the story was overall interesting. you did really well with the mood build-up. tho there are things to work on the redundancy and other minor stuff, but reaaalllyyyy this is already great!!!
0 notes
staysuki · 3 years
btw CONGRATS ON GETTING A RAISE 🍕 ! (im currently on time out 😩)
ify 🍕 when i read stories i have so much stuff i want to comment later on but once i start typing out my ask, i forget abt it 😃👍
IVE READ THAT BEFORE AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT UgHhhhH her works are so good , i love her someone mend my broken heart the most. i felt it so much huhu
ill miss EHALOJ since after it ends, itd be a while before you update s2 :"> its fine tho, YHM will keep on coming hehe and omgg its almost 200 notes already 🤩🤩🤩 dcurb mo ean be
----------------squid game episode 3 replies to your reactions-------------------
ok first of all, mr detective is hot af 🥵 huhu and yeah btch shouldve informed someone like wtf lols and i agree, idk how in the world he didnt get caught 👁️👄👁️ ALI BEST GUY 💕 #212 is actually kinda smort for thinking of vaginal smuggling uWu and since your done watching that ep, press the link below. hahahahahhaha the "kid" is handsome lmao lol xd marupok na ba ako nito?!?!?!?!
----------------squid game episode 4 replies to your reactions-------------------
honestly, i only remembered the bathroom scene here. i was watching it at early morning so i was hiding lmao (my sister was sleeping in the same room) anyways i had it on speaker mode, with a weak volume ofc, and before that scene was them whispering right? i increased the vol since i couldnt here them then i was shocked af since it cut to a large ass aaaaaaaa AHHAHAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHA 😭
-----------------------------how i interpreted the emojis---------------------------
- seungmin and y/n dancing - lmao y/n ditched our boy for ryujin and yuna - omg did they plan on ruining yeji that night?! - they prob captured video evidences to ruin yejis image before proceeding it to post online ???? - wat da fuq is this (UPDATE: THEY CLOWNED EACH OTEHR?? WUT) - wut du faq iz thouis ? (ANOTHER UPDATE: I THINK THIS MEANS THEY BANGED SOMEONES HEAD SMWHERE OUT OF ANGER OR SMTH) - uHH someone won the crown? im excited >:(
THE MOODBOARD iS absOlUTEly 😌👌 - bs
🎉🎉-for pizza anon
and honestly same, this is why i’m editing real-time comments on squid game so i don’t lose my train of thought esp. since it’s hour-length episodes 😭
it’s the first time i’ve read their work i think (i’m bad at remembering tumblr users and fics hence the new library blog) but it was really pretty :(((. i can’t find their masterlist though, i’d def want to see more of their work.
i’ll miss EHALOJ too 😭. and dw about it, with the way i spontaneously do updates, maybe it won’t be that long. who knows. i do plan to finish seungmin’s smau first though, so if i end up enjoying writing for YHAM then it’ll take longer :,)))) if not, it’s gonna be a small smau again (though i think a shorter series works for YHAM). once EHALOJ starts back up, that probably just means that I already have all of seungmin’s smau episodes up in queue 💅
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medyo biased aq kay detective hwang bc i’m a hwang myself 💅🤧 mrs. hwang hyunjin jkjk parang qaqo lang eon. BEST GUY ALI, he’s gonna die isn’t he 😀 he’s too perfect and too good to be true. and if something is too good to be true, it probably is. imma give him like, 2 more episodes tops. and also what kid 😭
THE PICTURE OML BS 😭😭😭😭 but i felt that.
and honestly no.212 is so noisy, i hate her character trope sm but ig that’s normal for korean series’(???) like i remember Sweet Home had that noisy guy too.
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the season climax written part comes out tomorrow :* tried and guess which emoji was which scene. once you read it it’s gonna be SUPER OBVIOUS (well, some parts, idk, my emoji game is bad). l
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akaluan · 6 years
WIPs And Me
Hahahahahaha... ... hah... ha...
Okay so. I’m basically sitting down and taking an accounting of what I have in progress RIGHT NOW (as in have words written for) and then I’m going to try to prioritize things so that I actually get things done.
(Y’all can weigh in a bit on priority, but keep in mind that I’m probably going to be pretty firm about the rankings I initially pick.)
(Doing a cut cause this is huge)
(Also, permanent link to this list HERE. since I decided to turn it into an actual page that I can more easily update and not lose.)
Dragon Eclipse Verse WIPS
Dragon Eclipse itself. 100% S Ranked priority, top of my list, I’m working on this every weekend at the very least.
A Dragon Flaps Its Wings. Probably B-Ranked priority? I really do want DE main story done first.
Shattered Eclipse. E-Rank. I’m not thrilled about this verse, it’s hard to write, it hurts a lot, it deals with themes I’m not always capable of facing. Just... definitely not a priority to me. I’ll get it done eventually, because I’ve got nearly 10k words written for it, but... eck.
Dragon Eclipse Side-Stories: lots of these, lesgo:
Karakura Crew Viewpoint: S-Ranked, second only to DE itself. I’d like to get it caught up to current DE chapters soonish. I need to finish Uryuu’s viewpoint during the training, then a scene during dinner, the early morning discovery of jinzen, and the moment Kaito separates and what the others do after that point
Learning Shinigami Sealing: B-Ranked, I need to consider if this actually needs another part or not. It feels pretty good where it ended, but there’s other things I could add
Shiro + Sewing: B-Ranked, cute little scene, not very long, needs finishing. This one actually shouldn’t be too bad to finish off
Tatsuki Requests Training: A-Ranked, I really want to get this done and out. It’s already like 3500 words, but there’s a whole lot of stuff I’d like to cover in this side story, including the friendship that grows between Tatsuki and Kaito that eventually results in her calling him “Kai” during the xmas scene
Kaito Napping Around the Teens: D-Ranked, just a cute little scene that shows Kaito trusting the crew enough to fall asleep in their presence, and the things some of them notice. Not really a big deal, just something cute
Relaxing Together: A-Ranked, I want this scene done, it’s already basically done, I just need to find a good end point
Meeting Ryuuken: B-Ranked, not quite as high priority as the rest cause I haven’t posted any of this, but... this is Kaito meeting Ryuuken for the “first” time. It’s... not a particularly happy moment. I feel it’s important tho.
Kisuke Confronts Ryuuken: B-Ranked, follows from Meeting Ryuuken scene. It’s uh... Angry!father confronts Annoyed!Ryuuken, basically. Look Things Happen in the previous scene and Kisuke is Not Happy.
Kaito Discovers Kurotsuchi’s Death: C-Ranked, follows from Tiger Protects. I like this one, but as I haven’t posted any bit of it, not quite so high on my priority list.
Christmas Fluff: A-Ranked, I’d like this DONE. WHOOPS.
The Zanpakutou Rebellion: D-Ranked, there’s some important stuff going on in this one, but I need to know a bit more about how Kaito interacts with a few Shinigami before I can really focus on this, also it’s probably going to turn into a proper full story arc instead of just the “reveal who I was” oneshot that I posted
Dragon Wings/Dragon Eclipse AU Crossover: C-Ranked, super awesome, I love this so much, but it’s literally an AU that’s not canon at any point? It’s purely self-indulgent hilarity that’s turning into Deep And Meaningful Content and WHY IS THIS MY LIFE.
Shattered Eclipse Side-story, Outside Looking in: E-ranked, I need to be working on SE before I want to work on this one at all, since it’s Ryuuken and Isshin’s POV (currently, more chars might be added as I write) that follows SE.
Things Unrelated To The DEVerse
Unnamed Werewolf AU: A-Ranked, honestly. I’m really getting interested in writing this via all the reading I’ve been doing. Unfortunately this means I need to find a title, whoops
Our Attain[AB]le Dreams: B-Ranked, I love it to pieces, but I need to sit down and do it right if I’m going to continue this
Drunken Uryuu: A-Ranked, basically done, needs tidying up. Takes place before the crew gets teleported into the Nier: Automata world.
We’re Listening This Time: B-Ranked, I feel like this is going to end up being a long one, but I’d like to end NOEL on a happy note finally, for those who want a bit of optimism in their lives after me ripping their heart out in NOEL.
Soul Gifts AU: B-Ranked, I’m actually really interested in this too, especially since Tatsuki gets a major role in kicking ass and taking names.
It’s Only A Small Dragon: D-Ranked, I know this was a drunken oneshot I wrote, but the idea’s been festering a bit in the back of my head and I’ve been making a couple random notes here and there about it. It could be pretty fun.
Unnamed Epilogue Fix: D-Ranked, Uryuu goes mad-scientist and goes back in time because seriously screw the epilogue. Potentially very fun, but not a big deal to me at the moment since I have all of about 300 words written for it
Unnamed Kid!Fic: E-Ranked, Ichigo awakens as a Quincy at his mother’s death, Uryuu finds him, cue childhood friends who no one else realizes are friends.
Unnamed Theater Kid!Fic: E-Ranked, making an assumption on early schooling and putting Ichigo and Uryuu into the same theater club together. This becomes theater-trained-from-young-age teenagers coming face to face with Shinigami shenanigans and basically being little shits about everything because why not.
Things Unrelated to Bleach Fic
Oh look, I’ve branched into the MCU too, whoops.
Clouded Silver Wings: A-Ranked, it’s fun and a different style of writing than my Bleach stuff, so it’s basically a good gear-switch. Also it’s sitting on AO3 unfinished right now so I should probably stop being a dork about it and write more.
Unnamed Fireborn/MCU crossover: C-Ranked, BUT DRAGONS! But basically I haven’t written much to this, so it’s not really a high priority on things to get off my plate, also it’s gunna be long because it’s starting before Iron Man 1 so yeah.
Unnamed Breath of Fire/MCU Crossover: E-Ranked, what even is my brain, why do I keep doing weird crossovers, I’m so exasperated at myself. Is there a switch I can turn off to stop this from happening? And why am I only doing crossovers in MCU, wtf brain.
And then my poor, lonely HP/Loz fic.
Scholarly Savior: E-Rank, probably pretty fun, but I’m not quite on the same HP kick as I was when I started this, so it’ll be a while I think.
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artydeeiii · 4 years
The Phantom of the Academy (Full)
[Scene: The U.A. Festival Stadium. Students train under staff and Pro-Heros, with Midnight, Present Mic, Uwabami and Death Arms front-and-centre. Nezu enters, leading Shigaraki and Overhaul - the villains have overthrown the government in this alternate world, and these two schmucks have been booted to an administrative job, because not even other villains could endure their company for long. They’re both majorly jelly that Stain got to be head of the Public Safety Hero Commission]
Nezu: Preparations, as you see, are under way for tonight’s opening of the Sports Festival
Present Mic: Nezu, Principal, baby, we’re trying to jam here
Nezu: Present Mic, Midnight, students and staff, may I have your attention. As you know, for some weeks there have been rumours of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these are all true, and it is my pleasure to introduce to you the two gentlemen who are now the new principals of U.A. High School. Mr Tomura Shikaraki, and Mr Kai Chisaki. I’ve sure you’ve heard their names in connection to the recent government coup
Shigaraki: We prefer to call it the Great Societal Reform, actually
Overhaul: And we’re deeply honoured, as your new overlords, to welcome our new patron: the Vicomtesse Jiro.
[A dashing-looking Jiro enters, in a form-fitting pants/waistcoat combo. Every student immediately decides that they are now Kyoka-sexual.]
Creati (aside, to Battle Fast): It’s Kyoka. We knew one another as little girls. I guess you could say we were sweethearts. She called me her 3D-Printcess
Battle Fist: Momo, she’s so handsome
Earphone Jack: Under the aegis of our benevolent new government (eyeroll), my parents and I are honoured to support the next generation of heroes, especially those attending the world-renowned U.A. High
Nezu: Gentlemen, Lady Kyoka, may I introduce Uwabami, our leading tournament fighter these past three seasons... and Death Arms, her tag-along.
Earphone Jack: I am honoured (she shakes hands with Uwabami and immediately applies hand sanitizer). Now I believe I’m keeping you from your preparations. I will be here this evening to share in your great triumph.
Present Mic: Thank you Jackie-baby, now once again from the top! [General U.A. Chaos resumes as Jiro leaves, having won everyone’s hearts and loins. Every version of You Say Run plays at once as students train and Midnight takes the new bosses on a tour]
Midnight: We take particular pride in the excellence of our first-years, gentlemen
Overhaul: I can see why, especially that red-headed brawler
Midnight: My protégé, Battle First
Shigaraki: That one next to her looks like another contender for MVP
Midnight: Momo Yaoyorozu, aka. Creati – a promising talent Mr Shigaraki, very promising
Overhaul: You said Yaoyorozu, then is she the heir to the fortune of that family...
Midnight: Their sole beneficiary, orphaned last year, when she came to live and train at U.A. under our recommendations programme.
Shigaraki: An orphan huh? Shame, but Master did say the Yaoyorozu family’s private plane made for a pretty bonfire
Midnight: I consider her like a daughter, creep
[Shigaraki shuts the hell up - being a basement-dwelling gamer, he’s never spoken to a woman before and doesn’t know what to do. Shortly hereafter, the festival preparations are stopped by mysterious blasts of fire and ice that launch from below the stage, nearly injuring Uwabami]
Battle Fist: He’s here, the Phantom of the Academy
Nezu: Uwabami, are you alright (he calls up to the control-box). Power Loader, for pity’s sake what’s going on up there?
Power Loader (answering over the speakers): Please Principal, don’t look at me. I was too busy herding Hatsume and was not at my post. Please sir, there’s no-one there – or if there is, well then, he’s surely a ghost
Overhaul (to Uwabami): These things happen. Get over it.
Uwabami: For the past three years ‘these things’ have happened, and did you stop them Nezu, no! And you two schmucks, you’re as bad as him. ‘These things happen’? Well until you stop these things from happening, this thing (motions to herself) will not happen!
Death Arms: Amatuers!
(Uwabami and Death Arms storm off in a fit. Nezu excuses himself with a grin)
Nezu: Well gentlemen, good luck. If you need me, I shall be in my burrow
Shigaraki: Present Mic, is Uwabami coming back any time soon?
Present Mic: Who can say, that lady’s got four heads and no brains!
(enter Midnight with an envelope)
Midnight: I have a message from the U.A. Ghost
Shigaraki: Master's hands, you're all a bunch of fangirls
Midnight: He welcomes you to his High School-
Overhaul: HIS High School?
Midnight: -he also commands that you continue to leave Box Five in the Stadium empty, for his use, and reminds you that his salary is due
Shigaraki: His salary? WTF?
Midnight: Principal Nezu used to give him eleven million Yen a month
Overhaul: Eleven million Yen?
Midnight: Perhaps you can afford more, with the Vicomtesse Jirou as your patron
Shigaraki: You see Midnight, we had hoped to publicly release that bit of DLC tonight when Jirou was to join us for the Festival, but now we're gonna have to scrub that, since our Player Character just stomped the fuck off!
Overhaul: Easy Tomura, there's gotta be a... a sidekick!
Present Mic: Sidekick? Hey man, there are no sidekicks when it comes to Uwabami!
Overhaul: Alright, we're boned. A full house Tomura, we're gonna have to refund the whole stadium!
Midnight: Momo Yayourozu could fight sir!
Shigaraki: What, a first year n00b? GTFO.
Midnight: This n00b has a great teacher.
Overhaul: Who?
Mom: I don’t know his name sir, just that he wields both fire and ice
Midnight: Let her fight, you bastards. She has been well taught
[Momo kicks ass and takes names. Later that night, Todoroki then takes her away to his Phantom lair deep under the school (he bribed Hatsume to build it). The climax where he and Jiro fight for Momo’s love triggered flame wars that were only resolved with an International Tribunal.]
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scubresaut-blog · 6 years
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( MYOUI MINA | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER ) you’ve heard of holly ikeda ??wait, really ? they’re the quiet intern who’s way too obsessed with gaming, ballet, & coding. somehow, they managed to major in electrical engineering in college. i think they’re twenty one. they’re the kind of crestfallen that enjoys musical plays, intricate computer problems and searching for new restaurants & foods. some people told me they’re supposedly pretty intelligent, open minded, & obliging. but i think they’re just blinded by a pretty face. they’re clearly standoffish, shy, & self-destructive. their favorite thing about buzzfeed is the data.
you guys are so fast my old eyes (and schedule) can not keep up ! this is a queue (late too bc who am i kidding anymore lmao) and i’m tori!! catch some facts about my baby girl under the cut and like this post if you wanna do some plotting tysm!
holly was born early 96 in houston, TX, to immigrant parents; by her birth registry her name is akane ikeda (literally means red yall), but only her family ever uses her japanese name tbh -- bitch have to fit in and stuff, so ! call her holly. only holly thanx
her parents were lq tiger parents tbh? she started ballet classes when she was about 4 or 5, and a few years later started cello classes too. always top of her class in her private school. the pressure wasn’t outspoken, but it was there, or at least holly always felt it & followed it perfectly
she has an older brother who was like?? her hero??? he is about three to four years older than her, and they always tagged along, from sports class to school and musical classes, etc. while holly never was popular, and was more of the outcast, quiet and meek, but with kai (her brother), she was the most comfortable and bubbly. said relationship continued up to their teenagehood!
that’s when all the nastiness of young age comes along. kai starts drifting apart to hang with his pals, always either in his room or in some of his friend’s -- if he was alone, he was snappy and angry, and if he was with his friends he was quieter, more careful. 
holly only found out wtf was going on when she was 14, turning 15, when she, too, befriended kai’s friends -- rather, one friend, the imposing one. alistair was the leader of the boys and he was the first in years to take actual interest on her. it took little for her to completely fall for him, innocent and trusting and needy; during more or less two years they dated, and he taught her a lot. she wasn’t out of her shell fully, but it was easier for her to laugh and interact with others, always tagging along her boyfriend and their little gang, making a lot of his interests her own as well and giving some of hers up (dancing the most, some of the outstanding in her grades, her cherry). because that was what they were, and she was not only “the first lady” but a big part of the brains: while alistair made the plans and confided them (partially) to her, she did all the online bits with the coding, the hacking whatever information necessary, to getting them where they wanted.
she was nearly 18 when they planned the biggest heist, one directed to the government. she was to stay behind and use all kinds of servers for them not to be traced and all netizen bs, and so she started before the power went down. her parents had turned all off and turned them in -- minus their children who were involved. without holly’s backing and with the ikedas turning the crew in, the boys got caught & holly did, too, in her own way: the gang, alistair included, were arrested, and kai shipped off to learn his way back in an uncle’s house in japan. holly thought that’d be for her too, but instead her parents opted by keeping her close, under their reins. and for the first time in her life, she fought. 
while she would still get good grades and even get into a good college, a major was picked out of spite -- so unlady like, so out of the norm she always felt imposed on herself; days she left home early and arrived at dawn were not little, nor were the ones she got home filthy drunk. she was still quiet, but the softness that was in her seemed to have melted under the fire of her anger. often she tries to break out of this image she has received, from the way she started to dress herself more sloppily, less preppy, more tomboy-ish (and...tbh?? like herself??), to the people she started hanging around (and fucking lmao), to her interests & to how, after over a decade, she has given up ballet (which is lq something she...regrets?? bc she loved it too but,,, #problematicfave)
she only has a few courses left to get her degree, and she decided to finish it away from home. 792 mi makes a great difference, especially when she was truly alone, out of her parents’ suffocating clutches. or is she? the whole idea for the internship in buzzfeed was her father’s, wishing for her to completely ignore her passion and follow a career in some office. 
she picked the least serious one, again, out of spite, so when she got there she kinda...knew nothing about buzzfeed or of the trade and such? nor she had any interest, which she will now, almost six months later, still claim so but tbh...that’s debatable. she has always had some interest in food, in searching and trying out new stuff, and it shows not only on her searching browser but on how she has been working more with the tasty team, although she is not an official member or anything. if asked, she is just the one who suggests some recipes here and there
officially, she is still an intern and as such, she is there for every single problem: whatever it is, she often considers it below her, but does it diligently without any vocal complaint anyways. her most favorite parts of the work is IT work tbh -- if a computer doesn’t work, on the inside or some program or whatever
personality wise: quiet??? kinda brooding?? hq promiscuous and a bit of a drunkard, very into self destruction just because. she is the kinda person who is more in the corner, always quiet, often watching. there aren’t a lot of things that get a reaction out of her tbh. your average angsty sad fuckgirl young child who only wants to get drunk, fuck, sleep and do some coding (even though she is “forbidden” lmao @ parental power). she is also v fond of gaming (online games, such as league of legends the most), music (mostly classical and bubblegum pop) and cartoons (comic books & webtoons the most tbh) and uh ?? the color red??? she just loves tbh
what she needs??? love!!! self love, from others, to others,,,, poor girl,,,, truly, appreciate her and you’ll see her turn red and lq hq dying
also what she needs??? plots (give me a roommate pls) so hmu and forgive my late ass
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