#also I know these lots aren't facing the sun but am I the only one who doesn't mind/kind of prefers it?
rockethorse · 2 years
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Day 3: Four fully-furnished starter tiny homes at varying budgets!
Most starter homes are meant to be blank canvases, but I wanted some that already had personality so you could jump right into playing. I was also inspired by “smallest home possible for X Sims/Y budget-” YouTube videos for TS4 and wanted to try it in TS2! Edit: I forgot to mention- as usual, these are CC free.
§20k Starters for up to 8 Sims
The first two are both your average 20k starter designed to house large families. The blue house has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and is furnished for four Sims by default, while the red house has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, and is furnished for eight Sims (!) by default.
Both have a whole 10x10 worth of backyard space, because that's kind of important when things are so crowded - but if you want to shave off even more space or money, the actual houses are built such that the lots can easily be shrunk with the Lot Adjuster to just 10x10 total.
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§19,650 - 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom
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§19,952 - 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom
Both lots have the same downstairs layout, while the red house has a smaller upstairs landing to facilitate an extra bedroom. By default, the red house assumes two baby/toddler residents, but you can sell both cribs and the potty to afford two more beds whilst staying under-budget.
The back yards are half-”paved” in free-to-own terrain paint in preparation for any outdoor furniture you might want to place. I recommend making use of neighbourhood decorations for free landscaping! Obviously they look boxy and a bit funny on their own, but they look good placed in a row, or squeezed into a small space in an already-populated suburb.
BE AWARE that neither house includes burglar or fire alarms/sprinklers; however, the blue house will leave you with enough Simoleons to afford both. You could also choose to buy enough supplies for a cat and/or a dog with the budget left over.
The staircases have been placed with Nopke’s mod which allows Sims to pass underneath spiral stairs, functionality which should stick even if you don’t have the same mod (unless you buy new stairs). However, the house still functions even if Sims can’t pass underneath the stairs.
The little 2x1 space by the back door ended up being quite useful in such a tight layout, especially the 4-bedroom, like so:
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But if you use an open staircase mod, feel free to consider this alternative layout:
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§10k Starter for Single Sim or Couple
This one is perfect for newcomer Sims saving up for a bigger house, retired Elders who want to leave the family estate to their adult kids, or frugal Sims who simply have no desire to start a family.
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§9,919. The layout is not so large as to feel lonely but not too small that Sims can’t entertain a guest or two. No backyard to this one - it’s a true 1x1 lot.
§2k Shelter
And the ultimate budget challenge - trying to make a decent shack for Sims under 2k. I actually love how it turned out; it looks so cute and cottage-y from the outside and feels so cozy and safe on the inside.
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§1,956. No shower, but Sims can sponge bathe in the sink if they get desperate. The toilet is outside but that’s honestly preferable in such a small space. Most of the walls are actually made from roofing to keep the price down but the house is fully weather-proof.
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This looks a little silly - but it works! Sims can access the toilet through the cutout provided under this extra roof. Put some neighbourhood deco trees around for privacy and for the woodland fairy cottage vibes. This lot was mostly just a fun challenge, so it’s not super practical, but I do think it could be useful for down-on-their-luck Sims who need a place to crash in a hurry.
Download 4 Budget Starter Tiny Homes @ SFS
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nefertitiacai · 1 year
Astro observations : "I GOT IT FROM MY DADDY" (AND MOMMY) edition
yk that one "DADDY" song by PSY sksksk
🪷 Venus in 4th house is an indicater of person being very beautiful and blessed with good looking genetics. They can also be conventionally attractive since 4th house also rules homeland, so they may be deemed as attractive where they live. A genetically blessed placement.
🪷 Jupiter in the 4th house is also an indicator for having a feature that may be "large" that runs through the family. Like being voluptuous or tall. Again a "genetically blessed" placement.
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🪷 Sun/Jupiter in the 10th house individuals can learn a lot of stuff related to careers and build connections through their father.
🪷 Moon/Saturn in the second house may have some distinct facial features which resemble their parents. As both are considered planets that rule over parents and the second house rules over face.
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🔴 (TW: Generational Trauma) ⏬
(also the observation and remedies which I've mentioned are purely based on generalization, if you may be dealing with it on a serious note then consulting a medical/health care professional is what is required💚)
🪷 Those who have Mars/Chiron/Saturn/Pluto in the 4th house/cancer/conj Moon may beat themselves up for a certain "flaw" which they consider themselves to have. This habit or problem may make them feel powerless. As if they are unable to change it. However, in actuality that "problem" didn't start with them but may be a generational thing/a characteristic which got inherited from a family member. [Our genetics play a major role in general with the way we are today (yes even personality-wise). But one can change it by will and if they indulge in self-improvement techniques like meditation, visualization, journaling with clear intentions, and other mindful activities]
📚 (PS. as a book enthusiast to others who are into reading self help books I'd recommend those who are dealing with such problems to read the book "It Didn't Start with You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are and How to End the Cycle" by Mark Wolynn 😃)
(TW: mommy issues) moon conj Pluto placement and being notorious with mommy issues.
However, in my case, I have this placement and I don't feel it to be like that. My relationship with my mom is a very typical one. We have different views on certain stuff but we aren't toxic. Nonetheless, what I consider really to be toxic is my mom's side of the family and her childhood had also not been the best. So this placement actually may be something regarding the fact that your mum had to go through a lot and if you know that fact then it is easy to forgive her and give her a tight hug whenever you can.
This placement can also be an indicator of the child's mom going through a stressful phase during the time of the birth.
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🟢 TW over, ok enough with sad stuff now 🤧
🪷 It is an observation but I've noticed Sagittarius, Pisces, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Leo placements folks may resemble their father's looks and personality-wise distinctively. Like there's that one feature that they may also be known for like, "you have a smile like your dad". It may be due to them being ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, and sun respectively, the celestial bodies which deal with "fatherly figures" in astrology.
🪷 Leo, Cancer, Aries, Gemini and Capricorn placements 🤝 acting all wholesome and cute when their mom is around.
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🪷 If you and your sibling both have prominent mercury placements then you might hear someone saying this at some point "oh YoU BOth LoOk likE eACh otHer a Lot" and y'all will be like "b*tch no, from which angle, I am obviously more gorgeous 😤" 
🪷You know being a Sagittarius 🐎(also honorable mention Aquarius and Pisces) this proverb literally go with us for our parents 'You can lead a horse 🐎 to water but you can't make him drink '
📚[ PS.  if the horse is willing then only it'll drink, you can't drink water on its behalf. (That's the universal truth with life btw, you are responsible for your own tasks. Others can only guide you but in the end, it's you who will have to act, innit)]
Even though it is for our own "good" and "wellbeing" that our parents do and force these placements to be doing things in a certain way these placements will only "keep drink up to it" if it gives them a feeling of expansion and freedom. (That's why Sagittarius and Pisces placements are deemed to be "irresponsible" but that's not the case. And Aquarius placements have a reputation to be "rebellious" but that's unlikely. These placements most of the time may think ahead of their time and may have a bigger picture on things that's why they may consider certain tasks to be irrelevant (however it can also backfire and this certainly doesn't mean to be an excuse to run away))
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🪷 Virgo and Libra placements tend to have good mannerisms which may be taught by their parents. They are big on punctuality. Also, they are well-behaved and sweet people. Often being talked about as "their parents raised them well". 
Virgo is associated with the 6th house which is also the house that rules over service so they tend to be helpful. Libra on the other hand is associated with the 7th house which is the house of partnerships, that's why they like to treat people with kindness and have a pleasing appeal. Like a comrade. (Although this also has a shadow aspect to it, this can make these placements to be perfectionists in unhealthy amounts and they may start to have people-pleasing tendencies. They may also grow pessimistic since many people may view their kindness to be their weakness, which is not true at all you guys, y'all are great and don't fall into what those low vibrational people have to say.)
It's 11:11 while I type this 💫 also, umaru chan is so adorable
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stubz · 3 months
"Teacher Kim can my friends come over into the centre?"
"Sorry bud but they're not part of the centre so I'm not allowed."
"Teacher Kim can Fleet have some of the treats?"
"I really wish I could but since they're not part of the centre and Max really doesn't want another incident I can't."
"I wish Teacher Kim would let us bring you guys in." grumbled the youngling.
The others groaned in agreement.
"Okay kids time to come in! The suns are too hot now and it's time to eat!"
The children walk begrudgingly towards the centre through the tall orange grass. The suns on this planet were so hot that even the children didn't complain when it was time to go back inside.
The ones part of the youngling centre made their way inside, waving goodbye to their friends who were not.
"..five, seven, aannd ten! Wow small group today." The human turned to head inside with the younglings when they realized something.
"...where are your parents?"
"Ours or Quin's?"
"They're in a meeting."
"On the ship." Juno pointed up.
"Do you know how long they'll be gone."
"I don't know. They left in a hurry...I think they forgot us."
"...get in." the human sighed and walked inside.
"REALLY!?" screamed the children.
"Teacher Kim you said that kids who aren't part of the centre can't come in!"
"I know I know and they're not! But I can't just leave three unsupervised kids out in this heat! Now get in, its hot and Quin your face is redder than usual."
"You get water, you get water, everybody gets water! Now who's hungry?"
Hands go up.
"So everyone. Alrighty then."
"Why is she letting us have water and food?" whispered Quin.
"I don't know...maybe it's a apex thing?" whispered back Juno. Her little brother simply chugged his third cup of water.
"Not an apex thing," replied Xw. "I think it's a pack thing?"
"Not a pack thing!" shouted Nova. "Most packs only share food with babies and the sick. Its a herd thing."
"Nope." said Marl.
"Herds only share with those who are family or have family status." explained Tarlak.
And on went the conversation. Each child trying to figure out what type of dynamic humans have. Meanwhile their teacher looks on with amusement.
"Oh my stars I am SO SORRY! Thank you so much human Kim!! I swear I thought I grabbed them when I brought their bags with me!" stressed the parent hugging her children with two arms while shaking the humans hands with the other two.
"No worries!" she smiled.
"And kids, I'm so sorry! You must be starving!"
"Oh I gave them some food, so they might not be that hungry. Also Judo had lots of water so he may want to use the bathroom first."
"Oh, how much do we owe you?"
"How much do we have to give you to replace the food and water they had?"
"Uh nothing?"
"They were hungry and thirsty and I just did what any other adult-human! Would do...it's a human thing."
"....alright then. Thank you very much human Kim. Come along children."
And thus the younglings and adults learned what dynamic type the humans have. The human type. Which is honestly pretty stupid to the adults because just giving food to unknown children who aren't even their species? Are they trying to go extinct??
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dunmeshichilchuck · 3 months
For That One Guy on Tumblr, part 4
Chilchuck x !fem !halffoot reader
You were going to have to be strategic about this. You didn't want to step on Chilchucks toes after all, and you didn't know if there would realistically be work for more than one halffoot. It sounded like Chilchuck was strictly no combat, so maybe you could pick that side of it up? But even if you could convince them of your usefulness, would they be willing to sign a contract to take on a new party member? You frowned, considering.
You heard your name and glanced up. "yes, sorry, what?" 
"What do you think you want to do?" Marcille asked. "I'm afraid that I can't cast the leaving spell to get you out of here, it's not my specialty, but maybe we could get you back up to a higher floor? You could find another party and work your way back up."
"....I was actually going to ask if I could travel with your group." You hesitantly explained. "You wouldn't need to pay me or anything, and I don't eat much. I am skilled in my field and I could definitely be a big help to Chilchuck in disarming traps and giving advance warning of threats." You continued on with something that was only half a lie. "I think your group really can take down the mad mage, and I'd like to be a part of that." 
You were also pretty good at drawing monsters away or distracting them, or even engaging in combat if necessary. But you figured you'd keep that little tidbit to yourself while you figured out the dynamics of the group. Chilchuck had seemed to be pretty against the idea of halffoots as bait and combat participants, if you really needed to use it as leverage you could, but otherwise it wouldn't be wise to offer services he'd shut down already. After all, alienating the other halffoot in the party could only go badly. 
Marcille looked surprised, but before she could say anything, Laois jumped in. 
"Yeah! That would be great! Chilchuck you've talked about the difficulty of disarming traps before, if you had a helper wouldn't it be a lot easier? You guys could work in a team! And she's right, halffoots don't eat much." 
Chilchuck frowned consideringly. "Hmmm, I usually don't work with others....I guess we could give it a shot but if you get in my way and aren't helpful you'll have to stand back with the rest of the party. I'm good at my job and I don't need anyone jumping in trying to help and fucking it up."
You nodded, trying to keep a look of some kind of humble gratefulness on your face, reminding yourself firmly that you needed to stay on the good grace of the guy you'd be working with. But internally you felt the full concentrated wrath of a thousand suns. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? The god king of traps? All you were suggesting was working as a team to do shit like simultaneously disarm arrow and pressure traps and shit. You'd have to be fucking stupid to not be useful to another trap disarmer. Maybe he had more experience in this dungeon than you, but you'd hit plenty of other dungeons before this one was even discovered.
Senshi piped in. "I'd want to have y/n along for a bit anyway." He turned to you. "I'll need to draw up a careful food schedule for ye. I think you'll need to be eating a small amount once every couple of hours for the next few days."
Everyone kind of nodded, and...that seemed to be that. Through the rest of the night, you kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, more questions to be asked, someone to demand you demonstrate your skills, but it never happened. No one pried into your business, and it seemed to be just business as normal.
Once nighttime hit you were set up to share a bedroll with Marcille. A little awkward but Marcille was skinny and you were half her size so you actually both fit pretty nicely without having to be too tightly packed. 
Laois attempted to suggest that perhaps you and Chilchuck could share a bedroll, being the two smallest party members, but Chilchuck shut it down with a clearly practiced level of defensive aggression. 
Before bed Senshi popped up with a bowl full of delicious smelling soup. 
"Took me a bit but I've made some hearty stew with the lamb chops! I'm just giving you the broth to drink right now, but in the morning you should be able to eat it fully."  
You drank the broth slowly and carefully under the watchful eye of Senshi. You also noticed that Chilchuck casually positioned himself strategically close to you, although he was feigning an air of unconcern. 
So NOW the fucker cared what happened to you. He'd insult your ability without even knowing about you, but apparently he'd deign to babysit. 
You shot him a somewhat halfhearted glare as you pointedly sipped your soup with all the patience of a woman determined to prove she did actually have survival skills. 
By the time you were finished with your food, everyone else was already settling down. You slipped into Marcilles bedroll as quietly as possible, and almost immediately passed out cold. 
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ja3yun · 10 months
The Sun That Always Burns | S.JY pt.4
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sim jaeyun x afab!reader
warnings: suggestive, heartache (lots of it), flirty heeseung bc i can't resist, angst, confrontations, pet names, ynjake are so obvious it hurts.
wc: 9.7k+
synopsis: you and jake's high school relationship blossomed into a romance filled with hope and promise. however, as time went on, jake's long-term expectations began to weigh heavily on you, who struggled to meet them. your paths eventually lead you in separate directions, each experiencing different aspects of life and ultimately moving on from your past love. unexpectedly, fate intervened and you both reunite after years apart. the reunion allows you to rediscover your feelings for each other but also forces you to navigate the complexities of your past and present.
part 3 | part 5
a/n: so i was gonna stop this chapter earlier than it is here but I think having the last scene in this chapter makes sense! also I know nowt about physics so when they start talking about it just pretend it makes sense pls <3
In the guest room, Eunseo is deciding what to wear, it’s between her usual jeans and a crop top or playsuit she bought 2 years ago that she swears makes her look ‘snatched’. In your eyes, she always looks beautiful. “Why are you stressing? It’s just dinner.” 
“Um,” She looks at you like you have 12 heads, “YOU should be stressing, Heeseung and you are sat next to each other.” 
“Wait, what? We have designated seats?” You question.
Rolling her eyes she fixes her hair in the mirror, “Obviously, I mean, there are like 14 of us.” You knew that but no one came up with a breakfast seating plan so why now?
“I’m fine in this,” You look down at your midi dress and white cropped cardigan, “It’s simple and cute, and I am NOT trying to impress Hee.” You cross your arms to protest but Eunseo turns sharply and quips up, “You just called him Hee! That’s a nickname, see, destined to be.” If only she knew. In your defense, it was never that Heeseung was unattractive but Jaeyun was the only person you ever thought of, you didn’t have to think about anyone else. 
You point to the playsuit for her to choose. As she goes to get changed there is a knock at the door, “Come on in.” you say just lower than a shout and Mrs Sim walks into the room. Urgently, you stand up and brush yourself down, ironing out the creases as best you can, “Hi Mrs. Sim. What can I do you for?” 
“I’m just here to let you girls know that everyone is downstairs waiting for you.” She nods and eyes you up and down. “Tell Eunseo to hurry up please.” She smiles and goes to leave but you hold her arm to stop her.
“Why didn’t you use the money you saved up for this wedding?” You question, too impatient to wait and ask Heeseung later on. With a sigh she turns to you, cursing Heeseung’s name under her breath.
“She’s rich, I’m not, the family didn’t need my money.” Her face is screwed up, wanting to tell you more, wanting to tell you the truth, "Honestly, Y/N? We aren't thrilled with the wedding but at the end of the day it is happening. Nothing I can do."
“Mrs. Sim?” You call out to her as she is leaving, “I missed you.” 
Her shoulders slump but a smile adorns her face, “I missed you too, Y/N. More than anything.” As she finishes her sentence you rush to hug her tightly, making up for the lost years. “Shh.” Her hand strokes your back as you hold in your sobs, “You had your reasons,” Mrs. Sim pulls away and looks you deep in the eyes, “If those reasons don’t matter anymore, you should do what you think is best.” As you look at Jaeyun’s mother leave you take in her words and how she looked at you, like she was telling you a secret you didn’t know, and you’re still clueless. 
Eunseo emerges from the bathroom, dressed and ready for the night, “Ta-da!” 
You give her a thumbs up and a weak smile, “You look amazing.” She jumps happily and clasps her hands. “Then if we are both ready,” She reaches her hands to yours, “Let's go.”
Making your entrance to the dining room was weirdly calm, knowing you had Heeseung by your side set your mind at ease. Eunseo addresses everyone with a hello and bow and you follow, the whole family smiles and greets you. A single place next to Heeseung and…
“Shit” you mumble under your breath as you walk towards your seat, smiling at everyone as you pass. Heeseung’s hand strokes your hip, guiding you to your seat, “I was wondering when you were going to come down.” His smile dazzles up at you as you tuck your dress under and sit on the white satin seats. The set up for this dinner is a little fancy but this must just be how rich people did things.
“Eunseo takes forever to get dressed.” Playfully rolling your eyes you get comfy, ignoring the tempting presence to your right, but it’s harder than expected. Jaeyun is wearing beige trousers with a mint green jumper accented by a white collar, and he looks beautiful, like the sun on a cold winter day, “Hi, Jake.” 
His face frowns, not used to you calling him Jake, “Hello, Y/N.” His head tilts forward in your direction before facing forward pretending to listen to the conversation happening between his and Yeoreum’s parents. You want to reach out for his hand, tell him you missed him, tell him what a stupid mess you are, but as you stretch your hand out, Heeseung’s fingers interlock with yours. “Don’t” He whispers, pulling your body with his other hand to face him, “Focus on me, Y/N.” You nod and shift to Heeseung as he smiles, “You’re too close to the attentive members of the family, pretend I’m the one you want even for a few hours.” 
It takes all your will power but heading his advice, you focus on him. “Thank you, Hee.” 
Jaeyun hears it all, how Heeseung’s voice holds adoration, he sees how your fingers are intertwined. He is furious, his jaw clenched, and as much as he tries to remind himself he shouldn’t be possessive over you, it comes so naturally that he can’t help it. In every atom of his being, you are still his and he is still yours.
Heeseung’s thumb brushes over the back of your hand to settle your nerves. As Mr. and Mrs. Son bring out dinner, they place a vegetarian meal in front of you, and you glance at everyone else who has steak on their plate. You aren’t a vegetarian by any means but you are thankful since you hate red meat in general. But how did they know? You never told them about your distaste for red, especially bloody and rare, meat, and that's when a voice interjects your thoughts, “I told the cook you were veggie since you can’t eat any red meat that isn’t burnt to the heavens.” A chuckle follows the sentence and you turn to your side to face Jaeyun.
“Dig in!” Mrs. Son exclaims and gestures to the expansive amount of food in front of you all. You don’t know where to begin but Heeseung helps you as he picks up the bowl of marrowfat peas and scoops some onto your glistening white plate. You hold it up as he continues to pile the plate with food for you, not asking what you like because through what seemed like 20 million conversations about you with Jake, he learned enough about you. Heeseung sets the tongs and spoon down in their respective places and glances at you.
“Thank you.” your voice comes out no louder than a whisper. Just like the pepper incident earlier, Jaeyun knew you well enough to cater to your needs and it made your stomach flip. He nods courteously and faces his fiance once again, leaving you grateful but your heart is tired of pretending that his actions aren’t making you fall more in love with him. All the effort you made to try and bury your feelings deeply is unraveling with every passing moment. 
“That okay?” It was more than okay, he picked all your favourites, but you simply nodded and smiled at him in gratitude and he smiled at you briefly before eating the food in front of him.
This was abnormal for you. Your parents were loving and affectionate of course, but you never really had dinner like this, a feast upon your eyes and having the option to choose. Usually, your mum or dad would come home from work, come in, find something in the freezer, and shove it into the oven. Nothing fancy, nothing extraordinary, but enough. You were always grateful. 
“Baby, can you pass the salt?” Jaeyun says lowly and without thinking you reach out and pass him it, which he accepts gladly. You don’t notice the air shift until Heeseung’s eyes fall on you, wide and uncomfortable, and unfortunately, he isn’t the only one with that look on his face. As you scan around, half of the table, including Mr. and Mrs. Sim are looking at you incredulously, and then it dawns on you what you did. You aren’t his baby anymore. 
Jaeyun is none the wiser, pouring the problematic salt on his food before setting it down and digging into his food. Yeoreum side-eyes you both, and only you seem to notice, making you extra uncomfortable because at least if Jaeyun acknowledged it, you could both cover your asses together, but you guess this is up to you now.
“Oh um, the salt was just there, thought I would save Yeoreum the hassle.” You say not daring to look at anyone. Your voice sparks Jaeyun’s attention and all eyes shift to him, who simply looks at you with confusion, but when your eyes plead with him to say something he understands the gravitas of the situation, “Thanks, Y/N. I guess the salt was closer to you.” 
It’s innocent, the scenario that just happened, but after the whispers, the apple juice, and now this, someone could easily suspect something. You nod and go to eating your food, however, you still feel eyes on you. Yeoreum. Her gaze is too intense for you not to feel but you don’t chance a look at her.
“Come here.” Heeseung’s raspy voice flutters through your ears and you look at him, his face inches from your own and then, his lips on your forehead. They felt different, foreign compared to your ex-lovers, but pleasant. Heeseung and you had observing your surroundings as a common trait so when he saw Yeoreum eyeing you, he had to throw her for a curve.
Yeoreum’s eyes widen and fall back to normal in record time causing Jaeyun to follow her stare.
Red. He sees red as he witnesses another man’s lips on you, regardless of who it is, it should only be his. He grips his cutlery tightly and rips his gaze away before he does something crazy like grab his best friend and beat him to the last inches of his life. 
“Hee, it’s okay.” You smile and place a hand over his, “Let's eat, yeah?” Jaeyun scoffs and flicks his food across the plate, suddenly losing his appetite. Jaeyun has always been jealous, this isn’t new information to you, but it makes your brain wonder how he still gets riled up like this even though he isn’t yours anymore. 
Your hand instinctively wants to reach to Jaeyun again to reassure him, but you stop yourself, aware of how that would make the situation a million times worse but also, he wasn’t yours to comfort. 
The meal goes on and no one bats an eye at you anymore, well, the two boys beside you steal glances as you all eat, but the majority have disregarded salt-gate and you’re thankful. 
“Jake, how is the new job?” This is the first time you’ve heard about his new life outside Yeoreum as Mrs. Son asks him the dull question and it makes you remember that the Jaeyun you knew wasn’t the Jaeyun sitting next to you right now.
“It’s good. I’m still learning the ropes but the team is super nice.” He smiles and bows his head lowly when addressing his seniors, something he always did with your parents. Maybe he hasn’t changed that much at all. The answer seems to be acceptable enough as Mrs Son smiles and doesn’t press further. 
Jaeyun smiles at you and his demeanor changes to one of glee, “You remember the Jo twins that started that enterprise with aerodynamic cars?” He asks quietly and you nod, eyes getting bigger as you piece the puzzle together before he can even finish the sentence, “Well for my dissertation I did a study on aerodynamic cars and their resiliency in weather adverse conditions, focusing on autonomous vehicles, and they loved it,” His eyes sparkled just like they did all those years ago when he spoke about science stuff, “Offered me a starting position with them in assisting the theory I proposed.” 
“What’s the job?” You whisper to him but don’t look up, playing with your food just as he did earlier in the evening. 
It was in that moment of Jaeyun speaking that you realised as unorthodox as your leaving was, it was 100 percent the right decision. He had stars in his eyes that would never shine as bright if he hadn’t gone to Apollo and got this opportunity, and for the first time this week, you’re content. Seeing him achieve a dream, or at least on the way to achieving it, made you feel elated. 
“I’m so proud of you, Jaeyun.” It was a sincere statement and Jaeyun smiled widely at your words, like they were the words he had been waiting to hear his whole life. His heart is beating rapidly and you think you can hear it thumping against his ribcage, but you don’t mention it. He thanks you and that’s when Yeoreum pulls you both back to reality.
“My Jakey is so smart, aren’t you.” She caught onto your conversation halfway through his excited outburst, “I have no clue what it means but-”
“So you would propose a framework that tested all the elements to understand just how reliable self-driving cars truly are when faced with weather stress and how to adapt them to overcome the stressors?” You don’t mean to butt in but you always loved to speak about these things with Jaeyun, even if it was basic-level knowledge you had.
His focus was on you, his puppy energy radiating through and if he had a tail, it would be wagging right now, “Exactly! Fuck, the main focus these developers had on the vehicles was sensors that focused on detecting other cars and members of the public but say there is a massive hurricane coming, the sensors would trip out, I proposed a study to test the sensors in adverse weather conditions; fog, rain, wind, heat, all of them.” 
Jaeyun rambles on about his theories and you fall right back into how it used to be. You listen intently and learn about something you didn’t care about until he starts speaking about it, and he teaches you something new. It was just like old times. Almost.
“Babe, Y/N doesn’t want to hear all that.” Yeoreum laughs and strokes his arm, “Sorry, Y/N, he gets into all this complicated sciencey stuff that no one has a clue about and forgets to stop.” You notice his face turn red in embarrassment as if he’s just been caught doing something indecent. There is a silence that follows Yeoreum’s words until you speak up.
“I think it’s interesting, I would love to hear more about it.” 
He’s so in love with you and he really feels it at its purest form in this moment. It’s a simple thing to listen to his interest and he’s grateful you want to engage more in it. You’ve always been like this, supportive of his ways, never judgmental or dismissive. He’s thankful for you.
“You might be the only one.” Yeoreum and her parents laugh, but as you scan the top half of the table, you see Mr and Mrs Sim smile at you, appreciative. You give Jaeyun a look as if to tell him to continue he shakes his head. “It’s okay, it’s boring anyway.” 
Your heart breaks a little seeing the fire in his eyes extinguish as he goes back to eating his food. There isn’t any part of you that hates Yeoreum, but right now you are not her biggest fan, but you let it go. His mood changed but he tried to hide it from everyone, smiling and laughing with them. Recklessly, you place a hand on his thigh and squeeze it to reassure him just like you always used to. Usually, it was to comfort him during his friend's teasing, but now seemed as good a time as ever. His eyes drop to where your hand is situated and he smiles, his left hand weighs itself on yours and he’s calmer. “Tell me later. I want to know all about it.” You whisper to him.
“Thank you, Princess.” The nicknames he used to call you fall so easily out his mouth that he never has time to stop them, but you don’t mind. “And by the way,” He says, his voice lower than ever, “I was asking you for the salt earlier.” 
The next day, Mrs. Son enters you and Eunseo’s temporary room as you straighten your hair. She is dressed up casually for the first time since you arrived, even her pyjamas seem classy and elegant, so as your eyes take in her loose mom jeans, a grey old university jumper that reads ‘Boston University’ across the chest, and her hair covered with a navy baseball cap. 
You remember all the walks you and the Sim family went on, your hand glued to Jaeyun’s as you took in the sights of the city, sometimes even taking hikes of your own early in the morning to watch the sunrise. It wouldn’t be like that this time.
“Girls, we’re going for a walk, Jake’s father's idea,” she rolls her eyes at Eunseo who chuckles, continuing to apply her strawberry chapstick, “Wear something comfortable.” Her sigh indicates that she is in fact not thrilled with the choice, never mind the clothing situation. Not to stereotype but it doesn’t seem that the Son family is common enough for a simple walk. 
“Um, I think I’ll stay here, this seems like a family thing.” Your voice is a whisper as you try to get out of seeing Yeoreum take your place beside Jaeyun. This was also a good time to get out of this house and go back home before the wedding. Eunseo shakes her head and stands up. 
“Be ready in 5 minutes.” Mrs. Son says and leaves the room. It doesn’t take 5 minutes because with Eunseo it takes 23 minutes and 13 seconds according to her dad who timed her. 
“Absolutely not! You’re coming with me. I need my girl to motivate me.” Her eyes are pleading and a pout forming on her lips and you find yourself saying yes, just like you did in that cafe earlier in the week. That was the poorest decision of your life so, this couldn’t be much worse. 
We walk downstairs to see everyone waiting and Mr Son is impatient, either from Eunseo’s lack of urgency or because he wants this over and done with just like his wife. “You guys are so impatient, I had to find these cute leggings!” Eunseo scoffs and turns around and models the navy blue leggings that do wonders for her ass.
Jaeyun’s eyes roam over your body as you bend down to put on a pair of old trainers Eunseo dug out from her cupboard so you could match “It’s important to colour match, Y/N! I have a pair of shoes in here just give me a minute” she told you. His teeth find their way to his lip as he bites down, the habit he picked up throughout your relationship because he could never hold in his want for you. Jaeyun wants nothing more than to grab your hips and hold you against him because truthfully he missed your body on his. 
“Eunseo, sweetie, you’re going for a walk, not to Seoul Fashion Week.” Mr. Son laughs and starts to tie his shoes. She looks disgusted at her father's insinuation that she would ever wear this outfit to a fashion week and grunts as she sits down, putting on her trainers. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t pack any appropriate attire for this so you’re clad in Eunseo’s tight leggings and crop top. It’s exposing and not something you usually wear but it was either that or a sundress and wedges. 
Scared of getting caught ogling you, he turns to his fiance and looks down as she clings to his arm, engrossed by a conversation she is having with his mum. He grabs her face towards his and kisses the side of her mouth, aching for a distraction from you but all his mind is occupied with is you. Even as he kisses Yeoreum, he’s thinking about how your lips used to taste, how they felt, he’s starting to forget how they feel and it sinks his heart into his stomach. All these years without you causing his memory to lapse, only remembering how you used to wear cherry lip balm, or was it oil? He needed to kiss you one more time just so he never forgets. 
He feels shitty using Yeoreum as a distraction, kissing her not because he inherently wants to but because at least it keeps his mind and eyes off you.
Yeoreum’s hands glide down his arm as she kisses him back, her lips soft but not yours. He knows it’s wrong, to be thinking about someone else while his fiance is draped over him, her hands in his and giggling as she smooches his face.
You finish tying your shoes and turn round to see Jaeyun’s hand on her waist and mouth all over hers and a wave of sickness comes over you, you can’t do this, not now and not ever. Every time you think you’re okay and can control your emotions he does something that sends you spiraling. 
A broad chest blocks your vision of him and you feel two big hands land on your shoulders. Heeseung. You glance up and softly smile at him in gratitude for tearing your eyes away from the horror scene of your love’s tongue down someone else’s throat. Heeseung’s hands squeeze your shoulders and his lips on your temple. You don’t recall Heeseung being affectionate like this before but it has been 4 years since you’ve seen him, he’s probably changed a lot, just like Jaeyun.
“Just stick beside me, yeah?” His voice is gentle and sweet, and you agree to stay with him. He has become your unofficial saviour this week and nothing you do will ever be enough to thank him. 
Mr. Sim clears his throat to disrupt the couple’s PDA and starts to speak, “We have two cars to get us to the trail since it’s only,” Mr Sim starts to count heads since some of the family are staying behind,“5,6…9 of us, we should be able to fit 5 and 4. I have a bigger car so I’ll take the 5, Jaeyun can take the 4. Who wants in what car?” 
Everyone looks around like it's the first day of school and you’re being asked to partner up. Yeoreum is the first to speak, raising her hand excitedly, “I’m in the car with Jakey obviously.” Jaeyun’s bottom lip protrudes as he nods his head. Of course, it made sense, but knowing you would have to witness her in the passenger seat, his hand probably laid on her thigh, you wanted in the other car more than anything else right now.
“I’ll go with Mr. Sim,” Jaeyun’s eyes dart to yours confused but you shrug it off. Eunseo, who is the opposite of Heeseung, seems to be your worst enemy this trip pipes in, “How about all the adults go in one car and we go in the other? I’m sure Y/N wouldn’t mind sitting on Heeseung’s lap, yeah?” Oh, you are going to kill her. Mr. and Mrs. Sim look between each other and share a personal laugh. You’re glad someone is finding it funny.
“Great! It’s settled then. Let us go.” Mrs. Son barges past everyone to get to her seat, mumbling annoyance along the way. 
“It’s fine, I hope you got some meat on those thighs.” You say trying to lighten the mood, and it works for a second. Heeseung laughs and wraps his arm around you and guides you to the car before whispering, “My thighs can hold you just fine, Y/N.” 
“You okay with that?” Heeseung’s voice is low but filled with concern, he knew what Eunseo was doing and he wasn’t uncomfortable with the idea, but considering you would rather ride with 4 parents, 2 of whom you don’t know and the other 2 aren’t exactly pitching for your team, he guessed you didn’t want to be in Jaeyun’s car.
Heeseung’s laugh runs through your ears and you feel instantly calm. 
Jaeyun and Yeoreum get in the front and the three of you sleek into the back. It’s in this moment that confusion clouds your face. “There are enough seats in here? Why would I have to sit on Heeseung’s lap?” Your question is pointed to Eunseo but Jaeyun answers,
“Oh, we have to pick someone up on the way.” His smile was bright and wide, “She’s a diva and likes her own seat.” Tilting your head at him, Jaeyun looks down and laughs lowly as if you should know.
“You can avoid Heeseung’s lap for now until we pick her up.” Eunseo states as she slides into her side. “But after that…” She winks at you as you scoot into the middle seat. Your best friend really was something else.
You decide to focus on the interior of Jaeyun’s old but new to you car. It’s a lot less shabby than the one you knew, with black leather seats that don’t have cracks in them from years of wear and tear, and his old cassette player has been upgraded to a built-in CD system. 
“Let’s put on some music!” Yeoreum says as she trifles through a CD case but Jaeyun quickly takes it from her and laughs nervously.
“Why don’t you take the aux like always? I've said before these CD's aren't your thing.” Jaeyun puts the CDs in his glove box and continues to drive forward. It piqued your curiosity about what was in the case. Probably a surprise wedding mixtape he spent forever on with all Yeoreum’s favourite songs, just like he used to do with you. That sickness from earlier starts to bubble, but you swallow it down. 
“Fine. Y/N, what do you like to listen to? I know everyone else’s taste but yours!” Yeoreum is so sweet, and it’s killing you a little. If only she was a bitch. 
“Um, I think everything,” You say as you watch her add songs into a queue, clearly picking an eclectic mix to keep everyone happy. 
The car jerks forward as Jaeyun almost emergency brakes when Heeseung calls you angel. You’re body lunges forward a little at the jerk but Heeseung shields your body, acting as another seatbelt. “Mate, watch what you’re doing.” Heeseung scorns his best friend as he rubs your arms, “You good?” Nodding in response you get comfy again.
“Put some Monsta X on,” Heeseung’s face turns to you as he speaks. “She loves them, don’t you, angel?” 
The rest of the car is filled with Yeoreum’s hand-selected playlist and tension between the driver seat and the one behind.
Jaeyun turns into a quaint little area with a few shops and buildings about 20 minutes into the drive. “Are we here already?” you ask Heeseung but he shakes his head. “Did you forget we have a passenger princess to pick up?” You let out a silent ‘oh’ and nod. 
As the car stops in the parking lot you shift a little uncomfortable. “I’m going to stretch my legs.” Heeseung steps out of the car to let you out but you stumble out of the car, luckily, Jaeyun is there to catch you, his hands placed on your shoulders to stop you from face-planting. He doesn’t say a word but his expression is laced with concern to which you shake your head and whisper a thank you.
You brush yourself down and straighten up. “I’ll be back in a minute.” He says to you and lets his hand linger down your arm. All you can do is nod and watch him leave.
“You know her well.” Oh no. Not another ghost from 4 years past. You can’t face another stern face cursing you to oblivion for your previous actions. 
“Who are we picking up?” You stretch your right leg and look at Heeseung who laughs. 
Yeoreum squeals and gets out of the car, “There she is!” Your sights set on Yeoreum and follow to where she is staring and your heart leaps out of your mouth. As you cross round the car you see the familiar blonde charging her way to you.
“Layla!” You shout, a shit-eating grin plastered on your face as the dog bounds towards you, happiness evident on her face. 
In a blur, you kneel down and she jumps up to give your face sloppy licks. Layla was Jaeyun’s family dog, a precious piece of their family, and admittedly your favourite, even before Jaeyun. “Whose my good girl?” You hug her tight as she barks, her tail wagging excitedly, the feeling of missing each other is mutual. Ruffling her coat she jumps around you and barks loudly. Jaeyun smiles down at you both, and you smile back at him, however, you’re the only two smiling as Yeoreum and Eunseo have a look of bewilderment.
“I thought you said she was reserved around new people?” Eunseo asks Yeoreum who hums to confirm. 
You miss out on this as you give Layla long-awaited kisses and cuddles, whispering ‘I missed you’ and ‘good girl’ into her fur. 
“Um, Jakey? Isn’t Layla shy around people she doesn’t know? She was like that with me when I first met her.” The question from his fiance brings him back to earth and his smile wipes from his face, clearing his throat to buy him some time to think of an excuse.
“Eh, maybe she just trusts Y/N because she’s with all of us.” A pathetic reasoning but you weren’t exactly any help, too busy playing with the excited animal.
Heeseung crouches beside you and gives Layla a pet, nudging you in the process, “Remember where you are, Y/N.” 
You look around and everyone’s eyes are on you. “She must just sense I’m a dog person. Are you a dog or cat person, Yeoreum?” If there was one thing you perfected over the years it’s how to deflect situations onto another person and that's through the art of asking them questions about themself.
“I like dogs!” She smiles, “But I do like cats.” Her pondering face is matched with her hand on her cheek, “Jakey, do you think she didn’t take to me because I like cats?”
“Yes!” Jaeyun claps and points to her excitedly, happy to have a reason for this scenario in front of him. “Must be that, Reumie.” His shoulders relax and his eyes fix on Layla. She’s clueless, just happy that you’re back.
Getting back into the car you sit on Heeseung’s lap and Layla looks at you, like if she focuses on anyone else you’ll disappear again. You pet her to reassure her and it doesn’t take long for her to lay her head on your thigh, just happy for your presence. Jaeyun’s heart flips at the scene as he watches it through the rearview mirror. 
As you’re getting comfy on Heeseung’s thighs, you hover a little to not put all the pressure of you on him, but Heeseung is Heeseung and he notices. His hands grip your waist and plonk you down until your whole weight is on him. “You won’t break me.” He chuckles and rubs circles into your hips. A slight nod of your head is all you offer him and you get comfy.
Jaeyun starts the car, reversing out the car park, one arm resting on the seat as he looks behind him, for a split second he looks your way but quickly goes back to focusing on not crashing the car, his tongue pointed out the side of his mouth in concentration. You shift in Heeseung’s lap as heat bubbles in your stomach. There is something about Jaeyun driving that always made you think out of church hour thoughts, the way the veins run up his arm, how his tongue pokes out and wets his lips, his one hand on the wheel reversing, it was all so hot. There were times on occasion you couldn’t handle it and got him to take you in the backseat, those were not the thoughts you need right now while you’re on his best friend’s lap. 
“Hey,” Heeseung rips your gaze from Jaeyun’s hand with his voice as you turn your head to him, his voice low enough only you can hear, “If you leave a wet patch on my sweatpants I will have you pay for my dry cleaning.” He huffs out a laugh as your face falls and goes bright red.
“I-I, shut up, Hee!”  You whisper and slap his chest. 
One hour later you arrive and see the couple’s parents waving Jaeyun over. As he parks the car you all clamber out and greet the others, Layla ping-ponging herself between you and Jaeyun. 
A tap on your shoulder has you turning to face a serious Eunseo, “How did you know her name was Layla?” The question catches you for a new one but you just spout the same excuse you have this whole trip. 
“Jake told me.” 
“You know.” She crosses her arms and taps her foot a few times before continuing, “You seem to have spoken to Jake a lot and yet, I haven’t seen you talk to him once.” The tone of her sentence is accusatory but you keep calm.
She hums, “He knew about your distaste for black pepper, you knew he was captain of his high school football team, and I heard him request a vegetarian dish for you to our cook so I presume he knows you hate red meat. All that was way before dinner.” Her stance is strong as she leans back and waits for you to explain, but you can’t.
“W-what do you mean? We spoke last night, about his job and stuff,” your hand points to her, palm faced forward, “you saw.”
“Oh Eunseo, Jaeyun is actually the love of my life, we dated for about 4 years and then I left without a word. Now he’s going to marry your sister and I want to die at the thought.” 
That is what you probably shouldn’t say, so you settle with, “Just small talk I guess.” A nervous laugh leaves you but she doesn’t let up. “Y/N-”
At the same time Eunseo is saying your name, Heeseung comes over and hugs you from behind, “You coming, ladies? Or do you want to stay here with all the screaming children?” Heeseung points over Eunseo’s shoulder to the crying toddler and their sleep-deprived parents.
“You two need to be more careful. If Eunseo finds out, she tells Yeoreum, and I don’t think you want to be the topic of that conversation right before the wedding, yeah?” 
“Coming!” You say and rush off, grabbing Heeseung’s hand and getting you both out of Eunseo’s earshot. “Thank you.”
He’s right. He always is and it exudes a heavy sigh from your lips. “I know, it’s just so easy to forget.” You admit and his silent nod is all you need before the group of you head for your walk.
It’s peaceful, every so often you throw a stick for Layla, and chatter amongst the parents is all you hear as you make it your mission to not look Jaeyun’s way. Eunseo walks alongside the happy couple and you do as Heeseung suggested and stay by his side. The scenery takes your breath away, the golden sun burning your skin, not a cloud in sight. You take some time to reflect on the past 4 years and realise the sun doesn’t come out so much in Pyeongchang. 
“Y/N?” You turn to see Yeoreum looking at you, “Can I ask you something?” Oh no. Eunseo told her, fuck, maybe Mrs. Sim did. Is she going to throw you over the cliff, is all this one big ploy to get rid of you? 
“Oh, sure.” You look away and prepare for the worst-case scenario.
“Tell us more about your ex. I can’t stop thinking about it.” Your eyes widen and look straight at Jaeyun who, despite his golden skin, is suddenly pale white. “I don’t know why you broke up with him if you were so perfect for each other.” 
Jaeyun and Heeseung look at each other in confusion. They weren’t there for the conversation when the football game was going on, so they had no idea what Yeoreum was talking about.
“Yeah!” It’s Eunseo’s turn to chime in, “Y/N is such a closed book, I still know hardly anything about her. Tell us. You said you had challenges.”
“It’s not really our business though, it is? We don’t have to know.” Heeseung speaks up in your defense but Yeoreum just scoffs. “I know about everyone’s exes, I love hearing about them. I know all about yours,” She points to Heeseung, “I of course know all about Jake’s.” She rolls her eyes as she spits the last sentence out, clearly, Jaeyun had said some bitter things about you, but you don’t mind. You deserved it. “So tell us about yours, Y/N. Jake, you should have seen the way she spoke about him! It was true love, I know it, maybe we can give you advice and get back together?”
Jaeyun coughs and looks up to the sky, wishing a bright light would come from between the clouds and either obliterate him like in that War of the Worlds movie.
“It was just,” You stop, uncomfortable at the idea that the subject of conversation is only a meter from you. Maybe this was your chance to really explain yourself in a controlled environment where emotions had to be under control, not like that night in the kitchen. 
“I just was scared I think. I didn’t really handle the situation well. I was scared of long distance so I didn’t tell him I was going to college in Pyeongchang and just up and left.” 
“I thought it was the right call. He had dreams, and honestly? He would have given all of it up for me. His dream school, his future, just to follow me and I didn’t want to live with the guilt of it.” Your head hangs low, and Heeseung’s hand grazes yours in an attempt to comfort you. “In the moment, I thought it was the right choice.”
“Damn,” Eunseo slows down her pace and looks at you, “You mean you just, left him behind?” 
Eunseo stops completely, “Your parents…”
“Left them behind too. I didn’t want to risk him finding out where I was going. I didn’t tell anyone. Literally.” It was all clicking in Eunseo’s head and her jaw hung open.
“That’s cold, Y/N. I can’t imagine how he feels. Does he know where you are now?” Yeoreum asks the wrong questions every single time and you almost laugh at the irony.
You shrug, “I-” 
“What do you think about it now?” The Australian accent jolts you to attention and interrupts what would have been a lie. Turning your head to him you wish he wasn’t looking at you with his eyes wide, like they’re desperate for something only you can give him.
Swallowing you nod slowly, “I think- I think I made the wrong choice.” You should have stopped the sentence there but you continue, “He’s everything to me still, I would do anything to go back and change it.”
In another world, Jaeyun is tearing himself away from Yeoreum, picking you up, and kissing you because you are the only one that matters. But this isn’t a romance movie, and you’re both deep in this tangled mess.
“I think you should reach out. Then you can have what me and Jake have.” A scoff is heard behind you. Turning, you view Heeseung with disgust on his face, his jaw is clenched and his eyes don’t even give Yeoreum the time of day. “What? You don’t think she could have that?” 
“I think Y/N can have anything she wants,” He’s biting his tongue. Jaeyun’s gaze is looking pleadingly at his best man to shut the fuck up. He doesn’t, “It’s just Y/N is describing a love that sounds like once in a lifetime.”
It’s Yeoreum’s time to stop in her tracks. “And you think Jake and I don’t have that?”
“Yes.” If gagged had a visual representation next to its definition in the dictionary, it would be a still-frame picture of your face right now. “It’s not that you don’t love each other obviously,” damage control Heeseung was coming to fruition as he saw the shocked faces staring at him, “It’s just love like that isn’t easy to find.” He mumbles, cursing under his breath that he even opened his mouth. 
“Well, for your information, Heeseung I brought Jake back to life after his high school relationship. He was nothing but a hollow body until he met me. If it wasn’t a ‘once in a lifetime love’” She air quotes the phrase, “then he would still be moping around over a shitty, second string ex that never deserved him.”
“Enough.” Jaeyun’s voice is stern, not like you’ve ever heard before, “Both of you just shut up. I love Yeoreum,” He faces Heeseung almost trying to convince him, “I wouldn’t be marrying her otherwise, “and you don’t get to shit on my ex.” His attention now on his fiance, “You don’t know her, she had her reasons, and yeah she hurt me, but she deserved all the love I gave her. So keep her out of your mouth. Got it?” 
Maybe Yeoreum’s face right now should be next to gagged in the dictionary. Scratch that, just have this whole scenario play out on a projector. Jaeyun strides ahead, annoyed that anyone in their right mind would ever say anything like that about you. The silence is loud as you all continue your walk, Layla still none the wiser.
As you reach the top of the trail, Jaeyun’s emotions have settled but he doesn’t look at you or Yeoreum once, focused on the sun. Even though it’s shining bright, it’s a lot colder with the breeze from the height where he stood.
Layla is pulling at you to follow her and with her leash in hand you do. She paws at Jaeyun who looks down with a smile and pets her head. “I’m sorry.” He whispers and you take a moment to register he’s talking to you. “She shouldn’t have said that.”
Your heart beats loudly because even after all this time he’s still looking out for you, still caring about your feelings even though he would have every right to hate you and curse you just like Yeoreum had.
“Jaeyun, It’s okay. She’s not wrong. It was shitty.” You suck your teeth and then you laugh, “You’re gonna be a terrifying dad,” He doesn’t say anything but his eyebrows scrunch together, “The way you put them both in their place, I’ve never seen you get angry.”
“Ah, that’s not true.” Now it was your turn to adorn a face of confusion, “Your birthday party, with Sunghoon?” Oh. Yeah. That. You shift from one foot to another, wrapping Layla’s lead around one of your hands. “I think that was the only time though.”
“I’m sorry about that.” He laughs loudly and shakes his head. “Baby, that was like 7 years ago. I forgive you. I forgave you that night.”
“Then go forgive Yeoreum.” The statement causes Jaeyun to lean back. “You should forgive her. It wasn’t nice but she didn’t mean it like that, she was protecting you because she loves you. If you can forgive me that easy then you can do the same for her.”
He sighs and sticks his hands in his pockets. “It’s easy to forgive you.” 
“Do you?” Your voice is a whisper, your heart rapidly hitting against your chest, “Forgive me.”
Jaeyun nods his head slowly and turns to face you properly, “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
Taking his hand out of his pocket he grabs yours and squeezes it. He loves you and that is never going to change. It’s just that he loves Yeoreum now. You can try to find contentment in that.
For the car ride back, Yeoreum storms into the backseat without giving any warning, clearly mad at her future husband. Heeseung guides Layla into the middle seat before situating himself on the seat beside her and waiting for you to crawl onto his lap. That however does not happen. Eunseo decides to sit on Heeseung’s lap instead and he is less than impressed. “Um, Eunseo?” She turns to Heeseung as if sitting on his lap is the most obvious decision in the world. “What? I’m not sitting next to him after he shouted at my sister.” Jaeyun opens the driver seat and throws himself down onto the leather, muttering a barely heard ‘I didn’t shout’. You look at Heeseung to help you out but he shrugs and mouths a sorrowful ‘Sorry.’ which is no comfort at all. “Y/N can sit in the front.” Yeoreum huffs and you follow her instruction mindlessly. You get into the passenger side and buckle your seatbelt for the awkward 2 hours that await. 
“Let me put on some music, yeah?” Your voice is calm and quiet like you’re trying not to disrupt the tension. Heeseung is the only one to agree but you still grab the aux and plug your phone in. Unlike Yeoreum, you don’t ask what songs people want and settle for one of your playlists but just as you go to hit play, your phone says it’s at 5% and you mentally curse yourself for taking so many pictures. You have a choice; you can either play the songs right now and have your phone die in 2 minutes, or sit in silence. You sit for a while and the silence causes Jaeyun to turn to you.
“You okay?” he asks and you hum explaining about your phone, “Here.” Opening the glove box he hands you the CDs he hid from Yeoreum and she notices, crossing her arms and holding back from making a sarky comment.
Flicking through the CDs you see the mixtapes he made over the years until one stops you dead. ‘Y/N #1’. Your fingers flip through and all of them are named something similar all the way to ‘Y/N #38’. The last one has drawings of rings and keys all around it and you lightly trace your fingers over it, scared that if you touch it you’ll break it. 
To confirm your theories, you pick it out and enter it into the CD player and your heart skips at least 5 beats as the first notes play from Love is All Around by Wetter. You choke on nothing as the memories of that night come flooding back to that night. He had taken all those cassette tapes and made them into CDs. Even after you abandoned him he still took the time to transfer every single mixtape. Your chest feels heavy and you feel like you’re going to pass out until Jaeyun places a hand on your thigh to calm you down. His touch is so familiar and comforting that instantly you feel relief wash over you, your hand intertwining with his. Just like how you used to be, you’re seeking his comfort. 
Yeoreum is in too much of a sour mood to notice how his thumb rubs your skin, and how his whole body suddenly feels like it’s found the missing limb that’s been detached from him. But Heeseung doesn’t. He sees it all and he wants to cuss you both out for being so obvious. Still, instead, he’s engaging Eunseo in meaningless conversation, distracting her of any chance to see how Jaeyun has his fingers tracing hearts into your thigh.
As the song’s final chorus blares through the speakers he brings your hand to his lips and kisses it gently. It’s a foolish move and Heeseung panics, looking between the sisters to see if any of them notice and somehow they don’t. He is going to have some words for you both when they all get back. 
Alan Watt’s monologue at the end of the song doesn’t help the way you’re feeling, like for the first time in years you are exactly where you should be, with the love of your life. But his hand leaves yours as the journey goes on due to worrying that Yeoreum could turn her head and see it, and you’re pulled back to reality. He isn’t yours, and he’s getting married in two days.
Stepping out of the car you watch as everyone walks into the house, some sullen, and some oblivious about what happened. You wish you were the latter. Jaeyun walks with his hands in his pockets, head down as he follows a pouty Yeoreum up the stairs and into their bedroom. The house’s once light atmosphere is now heavy and by this point, everyone can feel it. Mr. Sim pulls Heeseung to the side and they share a whisper. Mrs & Mr. Son kidnap Mrs. Sim and Eunseo to the kitchen to help them prepare dinner.
You don’t follow your best friend, instead, you tread up the grand staircase, ready to shower and wash off the antics of today, craving the battering of hot water against your skin. Your foot is not but a second on the first floor when you hear shouting. It’s muffled and honestly, you shouldn’t be listening but you’re nosey and you one hundred percent know who it is.
“I just don’t understand why you shouted at me like that. And in front of our friends!” Yeoreum cries out. Don’t eavesdrop your mind is telling you, but your feet are gingerly walking to their door, it lays slightly ajar.
You don’t see lots but you can see Yeoreum’s back and sometimes when she moves, you can see Jaeyun. He looks lost, guilty, and bored all at once.
“Reumie, I did not shout at you. I told you to not speak about my ex. What is your fascination with her? You bring her up whenever you get the chance.” 
Yeoreum scoffs and folds her arms, one foot pointed out to the right and her hip jutted out. “Me?! Fascination?! You have some nerve to ask me that.” Jaeyun looks at her confused, “Jake, you are so sensitive whenever I bring her up.”
“Because she’s my fucking ex, Yeoreum. It’s a sensitive fucking topic for a lot of people believe it or not. I told you talking about her makes me uncomfortable” He’s mad and he’s scared she’ll say something that will have him saying something regretful. Jaeyun’s hands are in front of him and his fingers are joined as he tries to calm down. “Look, let’s just forget it-”
“Get over it, Jake. She probably has. I am the one who got you out of your rut, I am the one who held you on those nights you’d cry over her wishing she would come back even though I, your girlfriend, was right there, and I sure as hell am the one you asked to marry you.”
Jaeyun stills at the memories of him laying on his dorm bed, willing you to come home to him, Yeoreum hugging him from behind, lulling him to calm down. He couldn’t even pretend to care about her presence when thoughts of you struck into his mind. She didn’t deserve the way he was back then and he’s surprised she stayed around.
Jaeyun opens his mouth but she cuts him off before he can even respond, her eyes are on him with a deadly stare, “Do you still love her?” It’s his turn to scoff but she doesn’t let up, “Tell me you don’t love her, and I’ll put it all behind me. I will forget this ever happened and drop it.” She knows the answer, but she wants him to lie to her.
“I- Yeoreum everyone still has feelings for their first love.”
“If she walked through that door right now, would you leave me for her?” 
A gentle hand enveloped the top of your arm, causing you to gasp and turn around panicked. Mr. Sim’s gaze meets yours. He gently leads you from the door and into your room, “I think you’ve heard enough.” Although the statement can come across as rude from anyone else, his tone is comforting. He was taking you away from the possibility of the answer you knew he was going to say. Of course not. He wouldn’t leave her if his ex walked into his life again because you did walk back in and he is still very much engaged.
Jaeyun’s dad shuts the door behind him and sighs, “Y/N, Heeseung told me what happened.” You nod.
“It wasn’t a big argument, they’ll get over it in a minute.” Looking up you see him shaking his head and waltzing towards you, guiding you both to sit on the edge of the bed.
“He told me everything.” Oh. You nod again, this time heavy and with dread, as you think about the prospect of how this conversation will go. 
The next words to leave his mouth are not in a million years what you would have guessed,  “Thank you.” Shifting your body to face him completely you stretch your neck forward to make sure you heard him correctly, eyelids invisible as your eyebrows dart up.
Mr. Sim laughs and gently shakes your leg affectionately. “I know I didn’t give you the best welcome back reaction but you have to understand.” You daren’t say a word, trying to listen carefully, “When you left, you left behind my son but you took him with you. His livelihood, his character, his heart, he lost himself and I think it’s because you accidentally packed him up with your bags.”
“I’ll be candid, we lost all respect for you,” His face is sour and all you can do is nod because he had every right to feel this way, “But after these past few days, and Heeseung telling me why you left, I realise I have to thank you.”
The guilt your heart feels is astronomical, you knew it would hurt him, but something about the way his dad is putting it is like having someone poke multiple pins in your heart and dragging them down slowly, and painfully, torturing you as you awaited death.
“Why? You should hate me, you said yourself, I destroyed him.”
“Emotionally at the time, yes. But every step you took was always with his interest at the forefront. You knew he would reject Apollo if you told him you weren’t going with him.” A chuckle leaves his lips and his hand pats your leg again, “One thing about my boy? He is stupid when it comes to mind over heart. And you are so smart, baby girl.” Mr. Sim’s eyes are just as they used to be, full of adoration for you.
“If Jaeyun had left with you, he might have started to resent you and the relationship, wondering if he made the right choice, it would cause arguments, you’d drift and it would all have been for nothing. You saw that didn’t you?”
Yes. That is exactly how you saw it. When you made the decision to not tell him, long distance was your main reason, but as you stewed with it for years you truly know the guilt of keeping him from his dream school and ultimately sabotaging his future was the main reason. You wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye. “Something like that.” Is all you mutter to him, “I knew how hard he worked for all of it, Busan, Apollo, his career, I didn’t want him to jeopardise it for some girl. And he always said long-distance scared him.” Tears are ricocheting down your face and you taste the salt as the liquid slips past your lips. For the first time, your feelings and actions are being validated.
“He also got Yeoreum.” You say smiling sadly. He grabs your chin and turns your face to his delicately.
“My son was always your number one priority, even when you didn’t realise it. Now do I wish there was a better way you could have gone about this? Categorically so.” He laughs and for the first time in the whole conversation so do you, nodding your head and your eyes looking up. “But you deserve a thank you because look what he has; honours in one of the most prestigious colleges in the country, a job he loves and is so dearly passionate about, I mean really, I cannot get him to shut up about it,”
“Do you love him?” You agree without hesitation and try to focus on anything but his eyes, too painful and far too similar to his son’s. “Then let me give you some advice,” Shouting can be heard, Jaeyun and Yeoreum’s voices getting louder but you’re too busy hanging on to every word Mr. Sim is speaking to tune in, “Do what you think is best, for you and him, either together or separate. You’ll make the right choice, Y/N. I know that now.”
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win-writes · 2 years
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༶ pairing; jouno x reader
༶ contains; suggestive themes, fluff, lots of kisses, cuddles, cute little pillow talk with jouno♡
༶ word count; 958
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This moment felt just right. You're laying your head over your lover's shoulder, sitting up in your shared bed. Your naked bodies are tangled together, enjoying each others warmth. You hold his hand, tenderly playing with his fingers, while his other hand is softly playing with your hair.
You're lost in your thoughts, something that of course doesn't go unnoticed by Jouno "What is it my love?", he asks breaking the comfortable silence, "Is something bothering you?"
You rise your head up to look at him. A sad smile takes over your lips as your hand softly caresses his face "It's kind of stupid, but can I ask you something?"
Jouno moves your hand to his lips, kissing your palm "Baby you can ask me anything, you know that" you stare at him with eyes full of love, taking in every little detail of his pretty face
"Do you remember what colors look like?"
Jouno couldn't help the little laugh that escaped his lips at the sound of your question, "Out of all things, you're worried I don't know what colors look like?" you pout at his response, crossing your hands "I knew it was a stupid question, but you don't have to laugh!"
You bring your locked hands closer to you and start drawing random little patterns with your free hand on the back of Jouno's palm, "I'll start with blue then" you announce as you lean your head on his shoulder once again "Blue is the color of the sky and the sea.. It's also the color of sadness" you feel Jouno's thumb slightly tickling your hand, by drawing circles on it, letting you know he's listening.
Jouno turns your face to meet his and without a warning, he presses his lips against yours into a gentle kiss "But you're so cute when you're embarassed" he whispers into your lips "Why don't we play a game, hm?" he backs up a few inches "You'll describe colors to me and maybe it'll help refresh my memory"
You take his hand into your own, slowly interlocking your fingers together "Promise you won't make fun of me again?" he leans his face closer to yours, leaving another sweet kiss on your cheek "I promise my love, I won't"
"Then we have red" you continue without letting go off his hand "Red is the color of our blood. It symbolizes love but rage as well.." You turn your face to look at him "It's also the color of your tips" you smile as you gently hold some of the red tips of his hair, twirling them around your fingers. He gives you a warm smile "What about yellow?"
You take a moment to yourself, carefully considering your answer. You take another look at his sweet face, settling your hands on each side of his frame. Jouno leaned into the familiar warmth of your palms that he loved so much. You kissed his forehead before replying "You are green" in a low tone, like a secret that only he was meant to hear.
"Yellow.. is the color of the sun" you proceed "And the symbol of happiness and energy" you smile to yourself with all of the cheerful memories you hold dear with the man beside you flooding your mind
"What are you thinking of? Your heartbeat's going crazy" you look up to him with a huge smile "You of course" He holds you close into his arms, placing kisses all over your head "Well, aren't you bold?" You stay like that for a moment, quietly appreciating each other's affection and loving touch. Until Jouno moves his head back, moving your chin up to face him
"What color am I to you then y/n?"
"Care to elaborate, my dear?" asked the man before you, curious about your thoughts behind your final answer. "You are calm and responsible, just like the color blue" you note while caressing his right cheek, "but you're also the one who brings me hope and happiness, exactly like the color yellow" you continue, now shifting your affections to his left cheek "combine them together and.." you now lightly squeeze both of his cheeks "you get green!"
Jouno giggled at your adorable explanation and mannerisms "Is that so? Then, I'll gladly be your green" he gave you a genuine smile, pressing his forehead against yours "What about me Jouno? What color am I to you?" you eagerly ask.
Your eyes are filling with tears, bluring your vision "Damn you..' you curse him under your breath, while Jouno wastes no time to whipe the tears off you face "When did you get so poetic?". He closed the gap between your faces, his lips now ghosting over yours "About.. 2 minutes ago?" you giggle before you crush your lips against his.
Though, your partner was ready to give you the answer you're seeking "To me you're white" he replies, quicker than you expected with an equally unexpected answer "And why is that?"
Jouno moves his arms around your waist, bringing your body on top of his to have you sit on his lap. You move your hands around his neck, making yourself comfortable, patiently awaiting for him to reveal his train of thought. "You are white, because you brought the light in my life I thought I lost forever. The purest and warmest ray of light I could ever wish for"
You savior the taste of his sweet lips, as he carefully rolls you over, laying you on your back. He breaks the kiss, only to target your neck instead. "How about we play another game?" he hovers over your face once again, just to get dangerously close to your sensitive ears "But a bit more acoustic this time"
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laurentidal · 22 days
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Ice Core Report ❄️ August 2024
Decided to do a little editorial check in at the end of each month. Most of you probably don't know that, while Lauren is my real first name, that my blog is actually named for a massive ice sheet that once lay over the place where I live (the Laurentide Ice Sheet). Thus, this is a report from my ice core.
#1 Story: Suggestion Box
This one was a huge surprise for me. It took off immediately, and I had not seen that coming. I'd had this image saved in my "had potential" folder for probably three weeks before I decided on how to tell the story. It went through an iteration where this was an ice skating rink, then it was a sandwich shop. I think one draft had a "five dollar footlong" joke in it. But ultimately I liked "arcade" the best.
#2 Story: Enjoy Your Stay
This was based on fun joking conversation I had with @hypno-potion and as the scaffolding we were joking about kept getting more elaborate I was like "No there is definitely something here." I'm glad you all agreed.
#3 Story: Kitty Pet Saga
I saw this picture and immediately knew what the story was going to be. Sometimes I see an image and think "There's something here if I look hard enough" and sometimes I see an image and a fully formed idea just jumps right out of it.
#4 Story: Oh My
This is a story I actually wrote quite some time ago for an old defunct website that never really got any foot traffic. I'm glad I brought it over, because it's one of my personal favorites. The only fauxcest story in the top five this month. That's one of those kinks I think I'm just going to have to accept that you guys aren't as into as I am (and I have the data to validate that claim).
#5 Story: Daughters and Suns
The only true repost from my old blog and the only part of a series in the top five this month. This series is my favorite thing I'm writing right now (though this entry isn't my favorite in the series). There's a lot more coming so I hope you're enjoying as much as I am.
Sunda Systems
We're half way through Season 1 of my Sunda Systems investigative mind control conspiracy story. Our investigator has made several contacts and visited the campus first-hand. She also might be starting to feel some effects from her various encounters, and her keen eye for detail is missing a few clues that are staring her right in the face. But I'm sure the date she's got lined up will give her some much needed relaxation.
Please please please share this story and feel free to get interactive with it! I've put some real effort into it and I've never written such a slow burn before. I'm enjoying the ride, and I've got some GOOD (I think) twists and turns coming. I think this format could be fun to play around with as an audience. Post your theories! I love seeing that folks are engaging with more than just the like button.
Update of Magics & Mesmerism
Some of you are aware that I'm working on an erotic mind control TTRPG called Magics & Mesmerism. I'm still plugging away. As we speak, I'm writing skills for the Innovator character class. As a treat, I'd like to share with you an except from the page on Hypnotic Foci:
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General Thoughts
Every story in the top five this month is a FEMALE SUB story. Noted. I tend to favor that in my writing, too, which is interesting because I think Female Over Male stories are hotter, probably because of the subversion of expectations. I'm a slut for subversion of expectations.
I think that's everything. Love you all and I'm very excited for you to see what's coming in September. One of my favorites that I wrote comes out tomorrow, and on the 13th you'll be introduced to your first Force of Nature.
Till then, keep reading, keep messaging, keep asking, and if you're feeling generous, keep donating.
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I’m not sure if you’ve ever said anything about this, but the first time I read new moon, the vote chapter, there was one bit that really stuck out:
(from Bella’s point of view) Edward grabbed my face in his hand, forcing me to look at him. His other hand was out, palm toward Carlisle. Carlisle ignored that.
Bella later went on to say it was hard to talk clearly with how Edward was holding her jaw. I don’t know if I’ve misunderstood what exactly was happening, but why did the entire family watch that and do nothing? I’ve read the metas where you’ve said it’d take a lot for Carlisle to realise what Edward really is, but surely that’s a pretty massive indicator and Carlisle actively ignored it?
Anon, you're hilarious.
An Aside in Which I Say "Look in the Mirror"
I've been running this blog for a few years now (a terrifying thought) and I'm both a) one of the most critical of Edward in this space (which is not a bad thing, mind, people are free to do what they like) b) often get asks in which I am asked by anons to justify why I think poorly of Edward.
This is on top of the thousands of metas I've written pointing out various things from canon, where I've presented many arguments, and anons still will ask me to make more arguments.
This is fandom, anon, relatively objective observers who are privy to information the characters in the story don't have. We know Bella's exact thoughts, we know how Edward has interacted with her in private, and we even know Edward's private thoughts for at least the duration of Twilight because of Midnight Sun.
And you ask this as if it should be obvious to the most casual observer.
Back to Your Ask
I've discussed this at length in posts I'm too lazy to look up at the moment but the crux of it is that
a) Edward's a beloved family member and it's deeply hard to think ill of those we love and we want to justify their actions
b) the family doesn't see most of what goes on with Bella and are only told things by Alice and Edward with Alice being firmly on Edward's side
c) Due to his having previously had a redemption arc in which Edward came back unprompted to the diet even though it must have been not only humiliating but terrifying, Edward comes across as one of the Cullens who best understands that human life is worth protecting and just why they're all doing the diet.
This particular moment though, I'd also give Edward a pass if I was present. To touch Bella at all, to move her like this, Edward has to be extraordinarily gentle and careful. If he was at all rough with her, at all, Bella would be dead or seriously injured (with her jaw crushed between Edward's fingers, her neck snapped, etc.) Basically, for Edward to do this at all, he's being incredibly mindful and the Cullens as vampires are very aware of that.
Add onto that that Bella can speak, when this is a guy who's hand is made of stone, he has to be holding her incredibly gently from his perspective for her to be able to speak at all (and not have a broken jaw).
Also from the outside perspective, where Bella and Edward are in this romantic relationship (even though they just got out of being broken up) and they all know Edward's deeply in love with Bella, this looks like an intimate gesture than it does a "LOOK AT ME" gesture. It's not something any of them would do, or a normal person would, but they're also not dating Bella/convinced they're soulmates with her.
Add into that that they're in the middle of a very intense day, in which Edward had just tried to kill himself and is very emotionally fragile, Bella's now asking to be turned directly, the Volturi barely pardoned them, and Edward is coming unglued with the idea that Bella's going to be turned and the Cullens aren't at the top of their game.
They're just trying to get through the conversation where they tell Edward (and Rosalie) that, yes, they actually do have to turn Bella.
This doesn't register as physical violence to them, and I don't blame them for this one.
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gatitties · 9 months
Mute: O4. Ice-cream
O1. Flowers / O2. Friends! / O3. Study / O4. Ice-cream / O5. Sick / O6. Locked up / O7. Fight / O8. Friends? / O9. Grateful / 1O. Wishes
I'm sorry I didn't update last Friday! but I wasn't even at home 😅 @chiyoso
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The rest of the morning passed slowly with the suffocating heat provided by the sun, your cheeks were somewhat red and your neck was sweaty, the short white shirt was beginning to stick to your body causing a feeling of discomfort. When the doorbell rang you literally ran to your bedroom, just by closing the door and windows you undressed to go directly to the shower, enjoying the refreshing sensation you stayed there for a few minutes until you remembered that it was your turn to water the plants.
When you did your errands you stopped by the gym, just thinking that the boys would be training despite the horrible heat made you feel pretty bad for them, you stuck your head out the door looking at how they all dripped with sweat.
«Ew, disgusting»
Your face contracted at the scene, you looked at them one last time to go to the convenience store near there, it took you a while to get there because you were entertained by petting a little cat. You went to the ice cream section to take a look, surely the boys would like something refreshing, to your bad luck they apparently had bought a lot of ice cream that day  because there were only a couple of chocolate tubs left, you still bought them. You also grabbed a couple of cool energy drinks knowing Ushijima wouldn't take ice cream and Goshiki probably wants to do everything the big ace does to be like him.
It didn't take long for you to return, all the feeling of a good shower was gone just by walking a few streets without a shady place, you also feared for the lives of those ice creams so you hurried up to arrive just as the boys were leaving the gym, you raised a hand so they could see you.
"What are you doing outside in this heat? it can affect you"
You narrowed your eyes at Semi, you really start to believe that he was a mother.
"Hey, hey, what do you have there?"
Tendou hunched down to the level of the bag you were holding, his eyes seeming to sparkle at the groceries. He tried to hug you but you dodged him seeing how he was drenched in sweat.
«No uh, take a shower first»
You shook your head, causing his expression to fall but instantly his face lit up to run away, probably to shower.
"Did you buy ice cream for us?" you nodded answering Goshiki "That's great!"
You smiled at the boy, then everyone went to take their respective shower to freshen up. Some time later you found yourself sitting on Tendou's bed while everyone ate their ice cream leisurely.
"Thanks for the drink."
You nodded to the team captain, glad you could help out when you could.
"Aren't you going to eat?"
Shirabu raised an eyebrow watching as everyone had something to eat except for you. You shook your hands in denial, you really didn't feel like it that much.
"You can have some of mine!"
Tendou threw himself onto the bed lying down, his head resting on your lap as he extended a spoon to your mouth, not seeing exactly where he was pointing it stained your cheek a bit, then he looked up narrowing his eyes.
“Open your mouth, say ahh."
You rolled your eyes.
«How am I going to say 'ahh'?»
"Come on, just open your mouth, you understand me."
He whimpered pouting as he moved the spoon from side to side, you opened your mouth without choice because the ice cream was melting and you didn't want to dirty the room. You blushed when you heard Semi and Shirabu's laugh, who commented on the scene as if it had been something incredibly romantic, Ushijima frowned not understanding and Goshiki also blushed when he saw the interaction thinking about the words; indirect kiss, someone was watching too many romance novels.
You covered your face, which was now burning, kicking the redhead a little to get him off of you. He was silent watching you while you tried to cover yourself, he could only think that you looked extremely cute with your face dyed pink.
"You have chocolate there."
Wakatoshi pointed to your cheek.
"I clean!"
You felt something wet brush your cheek then you definitely blew a fuse.
"Tendou, you're going to kill her!"
Semi scolded him.
"Is she alright?!"
"No, she's going to die, Goshiki."
The setter hit the boy's head to stop him from screaming while Tendou was being scolded by Semi and you were trying to get swallowed up by the ground.
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oceanmatrix · 1 year
My First Astro Observations ⭐
Hey guys, I have been enjoying reading Astro Observations, so I decided to make some of my own based on my experiences.
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Having a sister with the same moon sign as you can make you guys' period start around the same time, or make it easier for y'all to Bluetooth each other.
Me and my little sister both have moon in Capricorn and whenever I visit and she's on her cycle I get mine a few hours later
North node in Taurus in the 7th house: to be self reliant in your interdependent relationships. You are to be so self assured with unmovable confidence in who you are so that you can show up in your partnerships wholly. Meaning, to have strong morals and ethics of your own and follow them unapologetically.
I have this placement and this is something I have theorized over time.
Saturn in Cancer should wait until they are emotionally mature and have a stable home life before they have children of their own!(everyone should, however this placement can indicate problems with the individuals emotional stability and mother wounds which may have an affect on their children.)
Neptune/Venus hard aspects can indicate buying/using things like drugs, food, music, daydreaming to get over a heartbreak or something hurting your feelings.
I have Venus opposite Neptune and when I feel like a relationship is coming to an end I just daydream about how I want our bond to continue to make myself feel better. Or I get high lol.
Neptune/Pisces in the fourth house can indicate that there was a lot of confusion and dysfunction in the household due to substance abuse. Maybe your mom was an alcoholic who had no grasp on reality.
I have seen people say that Capricorn moon/Capricorn 3rd house can indicate being the oldest sibling & I have noticed that it can indicate being the sibling that your family can rely on or will always come to for advice because you are the "successful" or "put together" one.
North Node in Taurus placed in 7th house: Allowing other people to make your life easier and enjoying the simple luxury things instead of being distrustful and trying to do everything yourself because you know you can. (South Node in Scorpio in 1st house)
Having Saturn placements(Capricorn/Aquarius/10th/11th house) can indicate dry skin, weak nails/hair and fragile bones if harshly aspected. On the flip side, it can indicate beautiful hair/skin/nails/bone structure if it has easy aspects.
Your favorite artist can have your Venus sign as their Sun sign or just overall share some of the same placements as you.
I loveeee Young Thug's music and he is a Leo sun while I am a Leo Venus. I am also a BIG fan of Nicki Minaj & she has a Virgo moon and I have a Virgo stellium. I also knew someone who's favorite artist was Kevin Gates and he was an Aquarius Venus.
You can spot Venusian energy almost right away. Whether that be glowy skin, nice makeup, nice hair, pretty teeth/smile, curvy figures, dimples and interests in things like photography, nails, makeup, hair etc... Of course these features/characteristics aren't limited to Venusian placements only.
Speaking of Venus, a lot of Libra suns or risings could have been the kid who developed crushes easily/ got crushed on easily by other people.
I can admit that I was the kid who was probably somewhere smiling in a boys' face lol
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Welll this is the end.
Thank you for reading!
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
protection - k. leona
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summary; you don't need protection but leona likes to insist on it when the rest of his dorm are trying to be assholes.
genre/extra tags; fluff, comedy if you squint, jaguar! reader, cat behaviors but with humans, quiet-ish(?)! reader, reader has vitiligo, reader is mc but not really???, reader is referred to as mc and prefect, reader has no mentioned skin tone, reader is implied to be shorter but not by much (sorry, jaguars are just shorter than lions), slightly badly written hurt/comfort, ooc leona?????
[warnings; assholes being assholes, making fun of appearances (specifically vitiligo) but like this all only happens at the start and 1-2 times]
[gender neutral! reader]
word count; 907
a/n; yippee!!! thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy! i had a good time writing this! something abt jaguars just makes me so happy like when i watch owls. they're just silly little guys yk
also im bad at writing mean shit sometimes so uih,,,, dink donk sorry. also the spots that reader have are the rosette spots that jaguars have!! i only say the ones on the arms but it's implied that there's a pattern on them on their body :)))
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you haven't really had much time in the savanaclaw dorm because despite how it contains people like you, they were not very nice. but it didn't really matter to you as you didn't need a pack to live happily. you have a pack, yeah, but it wasn't really a necessity for your kind of beastmen. you've learned very quickly that jaguar beastmen aren't really social people. so you've been accustomed to being alone in peaceful silence.
"you're brave for coming here looking like that. spots and all."
and you're more than used to a few verbal jabs about your looks.
you attempt to walk past the three beastmen but they're blocking your way. you huffed in annoyance.
"are you here to see dorm leader? because i'm sure he doesn't want to see you." one of them (the assumed leader) pokes at a particularly different part of your skin. it just happens to be one of the several spots you sport on your arm, the biggest rosette spot. you don't say anything as you push past them.
the collar of your shirt is tugged on, forcing you to stop. "we didn't say you could leave, short ass."
"no, you didn't, but i did." leona's voice rings out in the common room of the dorm. the air felt colder than ice despite the beaming sun outside. "you got a lot of nerve trying to make fun of my partner, you know?" he rolls his eyes at the trio as he pulls you to his side. "you okay, mc? they didn't hurt you right?"
you're faced away from the three as you look at leona, "i'm good." you mutter. you're not really shaken up, maybe feeling a little odd. somehow it felt different from the other times that you've been made fun of. was it because of leona coming to help?
"good. if there's any scratch of you, i don't think i would be so easy on you lot. tch." leona glared tiredly at the three beastmen. the trio pathetically blabbers their apologies as they leave. "why don't you fight back?"
you shrug as you both walk to leona's room, "i'm used to it. it's not the first time people picked on me." your ears flicker at the sound of beastmen in their respective dorm rooms. you can distinctly hear jack working out, it makes you huff in amusement. "i'm not social like you, leona, i don't express my anger as easily as you. also they just wanted to get a rise out of me to make me look bad in front of you."
"well, you should say when you're mad. or at least fight back?" he muttered. "you're... just as strong as i am."
"heh, takes a lot to call me strong, my lion." you snickered for a second but you stop, frowning slightly as you remember the odd feeling from earlier.
"shut up." he knocks a knuckle against your head. he opens to the door to his room, he gently grabs your hand and takes you into his room. closing the door and locking it, he faces you. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks. his eyes are stern but soft as he stares at you.
you take a moment to answer. in that moment, he rubs his head against your neck as if to comfort. "i don't know? felt weird when you stood up for me." he moves his head to look at you and wait for you to continue. your hands grip his clothes at the waist. "it didn't feel bad. they made fun of my... spots. i'm usually used to it but it felt different today. is that weird?" your ears flatten as you look up at him.
"nothing weird about feeling bad. being insulted sucks." he pauses, "was it at least a good thing that you felt when i came around?" his free hand reaches to brush his fingers through the layer of fur on your ears.
you lean into the touch, "i think so. but the insults kind of sunk in after that too..." you muttered as you rest your body against his. he's quick to lead you onto the bed, both of you laying down and finally getting comfy. "didn't like it. just wish they just made fun of my personality and not.. something i can't control." you try your best to explain. you pick at the stray hairs on his face, staring at your jaguar spots on your arms. "heard comments like it all the time and yet... something felt off." you sigh, "maybe it was because they mentioned you." his ears twitch at the comment.
"what did they say?"
"that you wouldn't wanna see me. poked at my spot after that." your finger rubs over the biggest rosette on your forearm.
"i'll make sure they get their heads straight." his hand grabs at your wrist and moves your arm as his lips kiss the spots. "until then, i won't ever say i don't want to see you. i love you a lot... and i hope you know that." his voice is stern but you can see the love pouring from his eyes as he stares at you.
you can feel your face go warm as he continues to stare at you, "s-stop looking at me like that, would you?!"
"but it's cute watching you be all embarrassed over me saying i love you." he snickers.
"back- back off, leona! not all of us are whipped for their partners!"
"don't lie to yourself, you love me too."
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beansidhebumbling · 5 months
We Stand Between Goliaths- Chapter 1
This was originally intended for Feylin week but in keeping with my reputation I am fashionably late. Thanks to @ae-neon, @kateprincessofbluewhales, and @feyres-divorce-lawyer. I can't write without encouragement and they were an endless well of it. Also I reckon this will be about 3 chapters in total if I stay motivated lol 😅
Some translations and notes at the bottom. I'll return later to add more. Please ask if there's something you don't know about and I'll make a note on it. If there is anything I missed or anything you have questions on please ask.
Old Moore's Almanack, a publication weighted by the faith of a nation, the bible of every town and village dotted liked barnacles on the rock of Ireland, failed them that summer. The worn pages of the copy, tied with string to the dresser by the back door, held no warning of the rare scorching heat that hit Mayo that August.
It held no warning of him either.
It crept in slowly first, the continental warmth a welcome novelty. Sure, on days like this, they said, when the cornflower blue skies kissed the rolling fields of Monet-painted green wasn't Ireland more beautiful than France and Spain?
'You're lucky to be away from Dublin for the Summer, young Archeron, aren't ya?'
Big Paddy McCaffrey commented, ringing up their purchases to add to the account, as Nesta ventured down the shop's only aisle for some flour. Feyre, focused on saving her 99, the milky ice-cream already saturating the thin wafer rim of the cone and dripping onto her sunscreen sticky hands, threw the man a tight smile.
'Suppose I am.'
She answered tersely.
'Strange all three of ye be home together, isn't it? First time since yer Ma passed, God rest her,'
He pressed, his hulking frame leaning over the old counter of the siopa, eyes searching for any shred of a story, or even better, a tear.
'Bout as strange as how you've aged ten years in the space of two, Paddy-boy.'
Her elder sister sniped as she emerged from the back corner of the shop, the bag of Odlum's safely in her grasp. The sharp lines of her trousers, some fine London make, cut through the dust motes, conjuring whirling ghosts as she marched towards the till.
Not leaving the huffing giant any room to retort, she grabbed Feyre's free hand, and they left the shaded confines of the shop to face the noon-day sun, a blistering presence high in the clear sky.
'Not looking like you're here to make friends, Nes.'
Feyre snorted, once out of earshot.
'Nosey fucker. They'll do his autopsy one day and find the Toormakeady Tribune instead of lungs inside him.'
The laugh that tickled its way from deep in her belly, had no breeze to dance on and so hung happily between them, another sign of the welcome if unfamiliar camaraderie birthed between them since their return to the home place in May.
Feyre did not know what her sister had found in London these last two years, but it looked an awful lot like peace.
'Speaking of gossip, did you see the new owner of Drimbawn House?'
'New new or new to us?'
Feyre asked. It was a relevant question. With Elain in Cork working in one of the big houses, Nesta abroad terrorising the lawyers at her new secretarial job, and Feyre in college, they had happily lost the rhythm of their birthplace.
'New to us. He bought it off Hollywood. Tamlin Stewart-Carmichael is his name. A fine block of a man by all accounts.'
Nesta paused to climb the gate behind the GAA pitch as they followed the path of their childhood, cutting through Ma Bryant's fields to get home.
'He's English. No surprise with a name like that. An excessive bunch in every way. Has only visited the place once after buying it but it's been kept in ship shape since last July, in case he wants to call on his summer residence.'
Feyre scoffed, running her hands through the grass that tickled their calves, rippling like the waves at her touch.
'What in Christ's name are they at? Houses for the seasons. Have you ever heard the like?'
'You wouldn't believe half of what I hear back in London with that posh lot. It's a different world Feyrín.'
Nesta grew quiet then, lost to a place across the sea, her mind's eye turned towards the unfamiliar horizon and, Feyre reckoned, to the secret letters that had been arriving with an English postmark since she'd landed on Irish soil.
Her heart full at the sound of a pet name she had not heard from Nesta in years, Feyre followed her sister home, as she had done all her life.
In a country where too much of a good thing was highly distasteful the unnatural heat soon extended beyond its welcome. After a week of no rain and blistering, bruising sun, the rumblings of concern began. The labourers started to seek shade to avoid the rage of noon and the farmers nearest the Lough Mask, let their cattle cool in gentle waters, for neither man nor beast in Toormakeady was built or bred for a Mediterranean climate.
Having been on nursing duty Monday night, Feyre greeted the dawn with a weary welcome. He was fading and she knew it. Her father, who had looked so frail when she'd come home that Summer, a husk of the hale man she'd known from childhood, felt like a figment now.
It hurt too much to sleep knowing by the minute more of him was lost to her, gone to a heaven Feyre had never truly believed in until death loomed. Because there was no way the story of John Archeron ended with a skeleton in the ground.
He was the ritual footing of turf. Lunch together on the bog, eating sandwiches Elain wrapped in tinfoil, the fresh bread slathered in Kerrygold with thick slabs of salty pork. A needed balm for the tired ache that radiated from neck to ankle. Sitting in the rusty Ford come sunset, drinking cold tea from a shared cupán before heading home, his wordless clap on her back the only praise she'd ever got or needed at the end of the day.
He was the man who'd never raised his voice in all of Feyre's life, bar the time she captained the U-15s to a camogie final, when his bellowing and cheering could be heard from Galway as she raised the corn above her head. She remembers him, cheeks full and face ruddy, the proudest he'd ever been Nesta said. For hadn't his Feyrín óg scored three goals and two points that day and led her team to victory.
He was her father, and, in that word, a million memories were stored.
Elain's bustling entry into the kitchen brought Feyre back to the present.
Her sister, already busying herself with making breakfast, whispered.
'How is he Feyrín?'
Stretching in the armchair by the stove, feeling the tension roll from her shoulders and down her arms, she shrugged.
'Not too bad, slept like a log for most of the night. He's still running a bit of a fever but that stuff the doctor gave him has eased the pain. Also don't worry about whispering, fairly certain Judgement Day couldn't rouse him right now.'
Meandering over to her sister she added.
'What's on the schedule today then?'
'Elain, expertly frying rashers and eggs, ran a critical eye over Feyre.
'Well, some food and the leaba for you I'd imagine anyways. Did you sleep at all?'
Feyre ignored the question.
'I'm not tired, El. Actually was going to head on over to the Kelly's place. They've been shocking good taking the herd when Da got sick, but I can manage them now. Reckon I'll sell half at Ballymote this month, bring the number down, you know?'
Elain's back stiffened, her sister in temperament and posture as flexible and fluid as the willow, became stone. Only the crackling and hissing of breakfast could be heard.
Words careful and softly spoken passed her lips.
'Have you spoken to Nes?'
'No. She's never been interested in the farm. Didn't think I needed to ask permission.'
The words, daggers of her making, pointed at Elain.
Her sister's soothing tone did nothing but rankle her further.
'It's not about permission, Fey. I just think we should make these decisions together.'
But though Elain dealt in serenity, she could wield knives too and often did with deceptive skill. Sticking one in Feyre's gut she said with feeling.
'It's what Da would want.'
Her doe-eyed sister who vomited sugar and ribbons could be a right bitch.
Too close to bleeding from her eyes, hurt and a desperate anguish crawling from her stomach and up her throat, Feyre turned towards the back door, grabbing some blackberries, juicy and shining, from the glass bowl by the Almanack.
'I'm going for a walk. I'll be back for dinner.'
The words spilled from her, gruff and broken, trails of hot saltwater carving famine roads along her high cheekbones.
With Elain who'd always read people like Nesta read books, burning holes into her back, Feyre pulled on her boots and grabbed her old hurley, that was tucked neatly in its shrine of a nook by the door.
It was time to visit the forest.
The camóg sat like a comfort in Feyre's hand, its weight familiar and grounding, the sleek ash stained with dirt at the boss. She imagined this was how warriors of old felt carrying their swords, this strange companionship, an extension of herself that knew her in a way no person could.  
As was the case when Feyre had a hurl in hand, time moved differently, the mixed woodland hurtled by a blur of brown and green, the ferns that crept onto the path crushed beneath her boots. Bouncing the sliotar off the ash, she focused only on that settling pulse, on finding the perfect balance to keep that round ball on the curved head of the stick, on the thumping of her feet against dusty ground.  
And gradually that burning sadness that ate at her heart, the searing anger at her sister's face, too soft to be so cruel, faded from stinging tears to a small hole at the pit of her stomach. Contained and controlled for now.  
After all, Setanta didn't cry. 
She ran and ran, taking joy in the burning muscle of her thighs, the stinging of her eyes, the heavy panting of her breath, until she reached the boundary line where Toormakeady Forest met the Hollywood Hills.  
Stopping at the rusted gate choked by bindweed, where lus na teanga grew between the tufts of grass as the path faded to an end, Feyre stared out across the rolling hills of the English fella's fields, just about able to spot the glittering waters of Lough Mask in the distance.  
When Richard had lived here, it was custom to walk through the hills. Hollywood, as he was known, a retired American actor had been genial if distant, happy for the village to take the short-cut through his land provided they never approached the house. 
Feyre reckoned he might have been more than a bit offended if he knew exactly how well that suited the villagers in kind.
But now this Tamlin Stewart-Carmichael had co-opted the land the rules had likely changed.
With a fecklessness more characteristic than she'd prefer to admit Feyre hopped the gate anyways. Ignorance was bliss and in weather like this no jumped-up staff of an absent gentleman were going to get between her and the shining waters.
Lough Mask lapped at her legs cool and tickling as she stood to her knees in the water, a medicine Feyre had not known she needed, easing the feverish redness that coloured her cheeks and gently tempering the fire that still roiled quietly in her gut. 
Looking out from the shore, Feyre faced the distant veridian mountains that sat the far side of the expanse of rippling greyness. There they stood, imposing Goliaths set in sharp contrast to the saturated summer sky. The bays and cries of livestock nearby seemed so muted, overwhelmed by the gentle rhythm of the calm opaque waters.  
Tranquillity found her briefly. 
And left rapidly when, out of nowhere but Hell surely, a naked man arose from the lake, splashing and gasping for air, a siren of old. 
'Sweet Jesus!' 
Feyre yelled, lifting her hurley above her head to take a crack at the blond menace before her.  
He commanded, raising his tanned well-muscled arms in mercy. His voice was deep, with the distinct sharp bite of an English accent. 
She dropped her hurley before him in the water in panic before grabbling it and retreating to the land. Her wet feet smarting at the pinch of the pebbles as she made the rapid withdrawal, putting distance between them. Man, or siren, she was not interested in drowning either which way. 
‘Who the fuck are you?’ 
She pointed the hurl accusatorily at him.  
Sitting back into the water, his lower half became submerged once more. Not that Feyre would forget what she saw in a hurry. As it was, the well-hewn muscles on his abdomen, shining with water droplets and the crosshatch of curling golden hair on his chest, was distraction enough.  
Smirking slightly, green eyes dancing, he replied, 
‘I could ask you the same question...Miss.’ 
Apollo had stopped pulling the sun and landed his chariot in Toormakeady to laugh at her apparently.  
 ‘Anyone who is anyone in these parts knows my face, Sassenach. On voice alone, if you’d ever set foot in the village, I’d know ye.’ 
His dimples seemed to share an inside joke with the lines that creased his eyes as he stared at her. Definitely entertained and strangely delighted at this bizarre encounter it seemed.  
‘Touché, Miss.’ 
‘Odd name that,’ 
She stated drily. 
He laughed. A gentle thing, carried in huffs and breaths by the soft breeze off the lake. 
‘You wield your words as well as your weapon....’ 
He motioned lazily towards the hurley,  
‘...Feyre Archeron.’ 
Her eyes widened in shock, and, following the movement of his arm, were confronted with the thick Sharpie scrawl of her name along the handle.  
Well, shit. 
Her pulse began to settle all the same to a somewhat normal rhythm now she was out of arm’s reach of the dangerously alluring specimen. 
‘You must be connected to yer man moving into the big house then,’ 
She gestured vaguely towards Drimbawn. If she had the sense God gave a rat she’d walk away now, leg it back home. But Feyre would not be scared from the lake, let alone by some Englishman so she continued, 
‘Usually, the posh lot hire locally or at least Hollyw.. the last fella did. But then again, it’s been a few generations since we’ve had someone with the brass neck to keep such a beautiful place as a second home. Can’t say I’m terribly fond of your boss there, stranger.’  
Pink roses blossomed on his cheeks and a large, veined hand pulled at the wavy sun-bleached strands that tickled his shoulder. 
‘He has hired local men. Um... I’m here to just keep things running until he comes to visit. I’m Ta-Tanner.’ 
He went to stand up and shake her hand. Some remnants of well-intentioned civility she imagined, however when challenged by his pronounced obliques, the last of her good sense and innate Catholic shame made her turn rapidly on her heel to face the forest she’d come from.  
‘Easy there, squire. Might want to put some trousers on first.’ 
‘Of course.’ 
He answered, voice apologetic and brimming with a crushing embarrassment that made her want to cackle. 
He was like art. Like whomever Michaelangelo thought of when he had carved David. 
Her supplies had remained zipped away since coming home. It seemed wrong to take joy in the delicate scratch of lead on paper, to crave the feeling of dried acrylic on canvas and skin. Where she usually saw endless, boundless colour and life, there existed only delicate ash structures. It struck her, this sudden wish to paint Tanner, as the first time since she’d seen her father so frail in that flimsy, miserable bed off the kitchen, she wished to paint. Her first time seeing and tasting glorious colour again.  
A shadow fell against her own. 
‘You can turn around now.’ 
Tanner murmured quietly.  
Feyre came face to face with the most beautiful person she’d ever seen. His looks, that were barely palatable from a safe distance, threatened to overcome her as he stood within arm’s reach. The freckles that dotted his nose, slightly crooked from at least one break she imagined, and across his high cheekbones, seemed to map constellations of the night. But he, gilded like the horizon at sunset, was no child of the moon.  
His eyes, speckled with brown flecks like oak leaves smouldered as they met hers, the threatening spark to a flame. 
Casting her sight down, coward that she was, she focused instead on the cotton of his shirt, which though crinkled, was luxurious and well-crafted.  
‘The big man must pay well indeed,’ 
She scoffed.  
‘He’s not a bad guy, all things considered.’ 
He remarked, his hand glancing off her own, a touch just slight enough to claim as an accident.   
‘I’m sure he’s a charmer.’ 
Feyre muttered. 
The silence that settled between with a comfort that seemed unearned, a space of knowing and understanding. It was this, this strange contentment in her soul, that said stay, which prompted Feyre to run. 
‘You best be going, it’s nearly time to do the milking.’ 
She prompted.  
His eyes shuttered, disappointment flickering through them before he nodded reluctantly.  
‘Oh yes, of course. The milking...For the cows.’ 
His hand caught hers gently, encasing it within his, and Feyre who had never felt delicate in her life, felt like a doll in his giant grip.  
‘Do you come here often Feyre?’ 
A question that sounded more like a plea. 
Her heart, ever the loyal organ, beat to the rhythm of his.  
‘I’ll be here tomorrow,’ 
She replied breathily, unsure yet whether it was a lie or truth, before breaking his grasp and running back towards the forest.  
You’ll be back tomorrow,  
Her heart whispered.  
As she disappeared from view, the mountains and a liar watched on.  
Feyrín- Little Feyre (Fey-reen). Common structure in Irish. Add -ín at the end and things become small. See names like Róisín (Little Rose) or bothrín (little road, i.e. a lane).
cupán- cup (cup-awn)
óg- young (oh-guh). Common to put after someone's name if they are young, sort of like Junior in English. Especially traditionally in families where there's a family name. E.g. there's a grandfather Connor and a grandson Connor in the one family, the grandfather could become Connor Sean (Old Connor) and the grandson, Connor Óg.
leaba- bed (lah-baa)
camóg- hurl (less common term used for a hurl when playing camógie. See the notes below for more context).
Further Notes for Context:
GAA- Gaelic Athletic Association consists of four indigenous Irish sports (hurling/camogie, Gaelic football, handball and rounders). Hurling and Gaelic football are by far the most popular. I didn't even realise rounders was on the list and I've been involved with the GAA since I was a kid.
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monstaxdirtywonk · 1 year
Jungkook's birth chart analysis
Hey! Welcome back to another post in which I talk about an idol's birth chart. Since I want those posts to be more in depth, I'm doing them only with idols that have already mention their birth time. After the two bts members that I did, I will move on to Chan and Minho. Keep in mind that some haven't said whether it's am or pm so there are still two possible options, but it's much more specific than just a guess. Let's get it!
Highlights: Virgo stelium, Moon in the 1st, Leo rising, Jupiter in the 7th, Mercury in the 3rd.
Virgo stelium:
In general a stelium is a sign that's repeated 3 times or more in a birth chart. Since it's an energy that's very present for lack of a better word, it is very important in general and might even influence the person in other areas and not just the ones it falls under. I don't wanna emphasize Virgo traits that much because those are mostly known to people that are are familiar with astrology but more the aspects that are created in his chart. His Sun conjuncts his north node. The north node is a point that symbolizes where we're heading in this life time, the lessons we get, where we are going to shine etc. The sun is all about being seen, charming, glamorous, famous may I add 👀 it's also his chart ruler! Since he is a Leo rising. I'm saying it and I'll say it again, we should pay extra attention to the aspects our chart ruler creates, they might resonate with us more.
A really tight conjunction happens between his lilith and north node, which is very interesting. Lilith is an asteroid, the dark moon, it's sexual, raw, passionate and hidden. All those are important in his life (especially paired with his Mars in scorpio which is a notoriously sexual placement), but I want to say here that Virgo is known as a perfectionist, right? That includes themselves first and foremost. I think a big focus in this life time, might be to learn and accept the darker aspects of himself, that don't fit the idealized version of him.
Mercury in the 3rd:
Jungkook is a self proclaimed introvert but I wanna say here that having communication skills isn't tied to being an extrovert or an introvert. I know plenty of extroverted people that do terrible at conversations lmao. The 3rd house is ruled by Mercury so it feels right at home and gives him the benefits of communication and lively engagement with others. On top of that, Mercury is related to wit and intelligence, which are charms he does possess!
Leo rising:
Now is anything better for a celebrity than to be ruled by the sun? I don't know 🙈😂 In general I think that it's a beneficial placement, especially for performers since they crave and get attention easily when they come to the spotlight. Also men with Leo rising look phenomenal with longer hair and Jungkook's chef's kiss with long wavy hair 👌
Moon in the 1st:
Jungkook is someone very emotionally expressive. Despite being introverted, he wears his heart on his sleeve and cries easily when he feels like it, relatively okay with being vulnerable. His face is also rather expressive, no matter what emotions he experiences, evident on him. On top of that, his manly looks have an added softness to them, almost water sign like. A moon in the 1st house made a lot of sense for Jungkook, because his zodiac signs didn't suggest such a thing otherwise.
Jupiter in the 7th:
Lucky boy. Very lucky boy, I'm jealous lmao. Jupiter expands and gives luck to areas it falls under. The 7th house is about relationships and partnerships. It's mostly the romantic ones, although it can apply to colleagues sometimes too. None the less that's an area he is lucky in and that's further emphasized by his well placed Venus, in Libra, the planet ruler. In general overall Jungkook has a 'lucky' chart. Ofc there aren't inherently bad birth charts but some placements or aspects give you a harder time than others and he is, for the most part, lucky to not have too many of these.
(For astrology ships or chart readings DM me, 5-10 usd)
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saturnsources · 2 years
✦ * ・  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯  𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐝𝐝𝐬 𝐛𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫. a random assortment of sentences taken from suzanne collins' "the hunger games" and its sequels. also includes movie quotes. change pronouns if needed.
‘ as long as you can find yourself, you'll never starve. ’ ‘ you don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope. ’ ‘ why don't you just be yourself? ’ ‘ destroying things is much easier than making them. ’ ‘ remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it. ’ ‘ stupid people are dangerous. ’ ‘ i always channel my emotions into work. that way, i don't hurt anyone but myself. ’ ‘ i am not pretty. i am not beautiful. i am as radiant as the sun. ’ ‘ my nightmares are usually about losing you. i'm okay once i realize you're here. ’ ‘ you've got about as much charm as a dead slug. ’ ‘ it's the worst torture in the world, waiting, when you know there's nothing you can do. ’ ‘ it takes ten times longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart. ’ ‘ they'll either want to kill you, kiss you, or be you. ’ ‘ hope is the only thing stronger than fear. ’ ‘ there's no one left that i love. ’ ‘ i do. i need you. ’ ‘ your job is to be a distraction so people forget what the real problems are. ’ ‘ a little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous. ’ ‘ i am done being a piece in his game. ’ ‘ it's the things we love most that destroy us. ’ ‘ if i'm going to die, i want to still be me. ’ ‘ i wish i could freeze this moment, right here, right now, and live in it forever. ’ ‘ you know, you could live a thousand lifetimes and not deserve him. ’ ‘ you've got to go through it to get to the end of it. ’ ‘ i realize only one person will be damaged beyond repair if he dies. me. ’ ‘ you love me. real or not real? ’ ‘ why? do you find this distracting? ’ ‘ here's some advice. stay alive. ’ ‘ you're not going to die. i forbid it. all right? ’ ‘ i remember everything about you. you're the one who wasn't paying attention. ’ ‘ i noticed just about every girl, but none of them made a lasting impression but you. ’ ‘ so now that you've got me, what are you going to do with me? ’ ‘ yes, it's your fault i'm alive. ’ ‘ i just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you. ’ ‘ see, this is why no one lets you make the plans. ’ ‘ i must have loved you a lot. ’ ‘ well, you're a piece of work, aren't you? ’ ‘ i think ... you still have no idea. the effect you can have. ’
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yumomia · 2 months
So now I obviously know what Mia, Mo, and Yuko all look like.
But I know for certain people they might vision them differently in their own head/fic stories.
So in your Mia and Me fanfics what am I supposed to be picturing when thinking of more specifically Yuko and Mo. Mo especially I’m interested to know.. like every little detail so please do describe them all to me 😭what’s his hair type? Did you make his skin darker? (Brown would look lovely if u ask me) what’s his nose shape like? Any beauty marks? Same for Yuko?? What’s going on appearance wise?
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roughly, this is what the trio looks like, including mia's human form! but i'll do a quick rundown of specifics!!
mia: mia is the SPITTING IMAGE of her father, especially when she's in the human world. she has loose brown curls that reach down to about her upper back and her ears pierced. light brown freckles are on her cheeks, and she has a bigger beauty mark on her right cheek (the picrew i used didn't have that option lol). she's the shortest of the trio. in the human world, she has little pink streaks running through her hair that she usually has to use a spell to cover. there's a scar that can be seen stretching above her elf dress (which is the same as canon), almost reaching her neck, from fighting panthea. she likes to wear long sleeves to cover her bracelet, but as it's the middle of summer where we currently are in the story, she doesn't get that option much. her ears are a LITTLE bit pointed in the story when she's in the human world, and her wings are light pink, like in canon!
yuko: yuko is lithe and muscular. she has red hair that just brushes her shoulders when she lets it down, though she never does. she has a small mark shaped like a sun on her right cheek. it's not as obvious as her star from canon is, it glows gold when yuko uses a lot of magic. it's shaped like this!
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her eyes are sapphire blue, and she tends to wear small blue gemstones in her hair. just because she's a badass warrior doesn't mean she can't look cute! she's also the only one (in canon as well) that wears real shoes! yuko wears gladiator sandals that lace up around her calves (whereas mia basically wears thigh-high socks and mo has half his foot out). when she can, she likes painting things on herself, like poetry and other little doodles, though she tends to only do that if she knows she won't have to fight anytime soon, so mia hasn't gotten to see the doodles. yuko has a roman nose, because i have a roman nose and i WILL project onto every one of these characters, so she has the small bump in the bridge of her nose. she has the most scars as well, from hundreds of fights over the years. her wings are the same yellowy-orange as from canon, though they are longer than mia's. she's the second-tallest in the group.
mo: mo is the one i changed the most, obviously. he's got dark brown skin (as does mayla, btw. they aren't blood related but in my heart mayla has dark skin and wears her hair in long braids). his curls are about 3b and his hair is like canon, so black it's almost blue. he has a rounder face than yuko does. his nose is flatter than the other two (and as stated in s1e20, they think it's adorable). he has way less scars than yuko. most of his tend to be on his hands from muncs' snakebites. technically, he's supposed to be wearing his crown everywhere, but mayla and raynor realized long ago that that's a lost cause and gave up lol. he's the tallest of the trio, beating yuko by about two inches, but his wings are shorter than hers, longer than mia's. his eyes are an indigo-sort of purple, the same as his friendship ring. he fidgets when he's uncomfortable, most often playing with his friendship ring or opening and closing his water glare. he wears ear cuffs up by the tips of his pointed ears as well, most of the time.
i hope this helped!! i got this less than a minute after you sent it so i've been making sure to include everything i can think of!!
story they're referencing
picrew i used
star tattoo source
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her-majesty-horiko · 8 months
𓂃 ࣪˖ ཐིཋྀ 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐚 𝐙𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐲𝐜𝐤 𝐱 𝐅!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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➷ ᴄɪᴛʏ ʙᴏʏ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍᴏɴᴋᴇʏ ɢɪʀʟ
ᴛᴀɢs - friends, village, mention of marriage, finding groom, only slight feelings mentioned, indirect kiss
Looking down on the road where merchants walk upon to reach the market, you sigh before sitting against tree trunk.
"No good man come here today." You mumbled to yourself as you look at sky that was filled with few white clouds.
Your view was quickly cut when a white hair boy's face suddenly appear in front of you. His hair dangling towards down due to gravity as he pulled his head towards down from a branch just above you.
A shriek left your mouth at his suddenly appearance. Composing yourself with an annoyed stare you ask him what was he doing.
"Just seeing a girl who likes to stare every single man like her prey." He nonchalantly said, his head still dangling.
"W-what?" Feeling humiliated you tired to pulled his head down but he quickly pulled himself up as you stare at boy's figure casually laying against tree trunk like he just didn't humiliate you.
You grind your teeth in annoyance as you wonder why he always needs to belittle your ideology to find a suitable groom like this.
Killua Zoldyck, also known as "City Boy" by you since he is from a large city, is a sixteen years old boy who is currently staying in your village since along ago one of his ancestors do a deed for this village and every since then, this village treat someone from the family like some important guest. They even gifted a big piece of land to their family, in which's house Killua is currently staying.
(Y/N) (L/N) aka you, who is called as "Monkey Girl" by Killua since he have watch you eat lot of food and always find you on or near tree. Since in your village kids are marriage early and you're still unmarried, you are currently finding a groom for you. Something Killua looks down on.
"Don't you have anything else to do other than staring at males?"
"Don't make me sound like some pervert!"
He sure don't know best way to start a conversation.
"I am just finding a groom for myself" I said as I lay my eyes on road.
"Aren't you too young for marriage?" He said as he look towards you from above.
"Not in this village."
It was silent for a while as wind move your hair behind. Looking at the position of sun you decided it was past noon. It was time to return back to village.
You called for Killua to go and knowing you won't get any response, you quickly jump down yourself and after the while so did Killua.
You both started to walk towards your way with a little chit-chat, though it was mostly you with asking questions about the place he come from.
"Say, say so you think you can introduce me to someone from your place?" You ask him as Killua give you a strange look, like he was werid out by you but at same time was judging you.
"What's with that look?" You ask him feeling annoyed.
"Don't you ever think about something else other than marriage?"
"Of course I do. How am I supposed to adjust after marriage? How many kids do I want? What skills will I teach my daughter? And let me think on of more." You counted your list on your fingers as Killua just ask you to leave this topic.
"Why did I even bother asking that."
You both reach the market as a smell of some delicious food enter your nose, following it while drooling you reach near the stall as you feel tempted to literally just eat whole stall.
"It will be no suprise if one day you did happen to eat whole stall. I can see his possibility." He said in his usual nonchalant tone as you throw him a angry glare before man running the stall ask you if you would like to each it.
"Yes, how much it is?"
"One for thirty only."
"Huhh, aren't it way too much?"
"Well it's a new dish so I got to make as much as I can before it lost its popularity."
Feeling you can understand man's motive too you decided you will quietly but one without much bragging.
"Ten...fifteen...twenty...I only got twenty on me!" You feel your heart sink. You turn your back around and tired to check your all body, wishing from some place coins might appear magically but of course nothing appear.
Feeling disappointed on your luck you turn around and was about to told man that you will try the food some other day but then you see a hand pushed a hot food wrapped in newspaper in your hands.
"You buy this for me City Boy?" You said with stars rising in your eyes,"Well duhh! Do you think I would just give my own food to a monkey like you?" He smirked at his statement as you rise your first ready to hit him.
"Plus you would have gloomy fave for rest of day if you didn't eat it and it would be an annoying sight." He tried to tease you but this time you didn't get irritated by his words because you focus on their meaning.
"So you wanted to see me happy?"
"Huhhh." Killua feel heat rising to his face as you said those words. He even ask you how you come to such a conclusion.
"Well you say yourself you didn't want to me see sad."
"My words were different!"
"But meaning wasn't."
"Y-you. . .Ahhh whatever. Arguing with you like talking with wall anyways!" Killua state as he rubbed his template.
You didn't comment anything back too him for a while before you thank him with bright smile as Killua feel a flinch in his heart.
Deciding to eat it at some quiet you guys walk a little more before you sit down under a tree and begin to chew on the food Killua brought.
"It's so tasty!" Big stars were in your eyes as Killua stare at your silly behaviour.
"Here have a bite Killua."
"I don't want it."
"Just a bite."
"Why are you so stubborn?"
You do things without care. Killua feel like you, yourself never face a rejection that's why you're like this, so stubborn.
"This food was brought by your money so you deserved to have a bite too. Plus it's if you can't offer whole thing atleast be kind enough to give a small piece of it, my mother used to say that."
Killua remember how you live with your father's brother since he and your mother went towards your mother's home on other side of mountain but never return. Probably dead.
You look at food with sadness growing on your face but suddenly Killua snatched it and take a bite as red lines appear on your cheeks.
"What are you looking at now? I take a bite as you, aren't you happy?"
"I-I am b-but. . ." Your voice faded in between. Killua rise a brow before you bring it close to his mouth for another bite but this time you snatched it from his hand as tck formed in his head.
"So I was only allowed for one bite?" He said in angry tone as he crossed his arms.
"O-of course not!" You respond back quickly. You didn't want him to think you didn't have heart to share more and it was just formality.
"W-well you s-see. . ." You avert your eyes to avoid his stare as you build courage to say your next words.
"I see what?" He question waiting for your response. You mumbled something to yourself that Killua didn't catch on,"What?" Heat rise to your face as with a deep breath you scream your words,"IT WAS AN INDIRECT KISS IF YOU DON'T REALISED!"
And after that it was silent for a while before Killua's face explode.
And after the shouting session both you cough as your faces were still flustered.
"I think you guys didn't know about these kind of things?" Killua rub his neck as he eyed you.
"So it was on purpose then?" You eye him suspiciously.
"Don't accuse me!"
Sighing you told him how just because your village is not not influenced by modern culture doesn't mean here people don't know physical affections and all.
"But you know it's my first indirect kiss so be honoured!" You tried to get almighty and prideful but Killua's response again made you mad
"I wonder if eating a food eaten by a monkey previously have any effects on human."
"You are so rude City Boy. You know forget about when I said introduced me to someone from city cause I BET everyone is JUST like YOU!"
Poking your tongue, you munched on your food as you stare at the sky that was filled with bright rays of sun on the other hand Killua just started at sides inorder to hide his red face.
"It's not like I am affected by the fact I shared indirect kiss with that Monkey Girl. Its probably too hot today that's why my body is feeling strange.
"Hey City Boy your face is way too red, you alright?"
You brought your face closer to him as back of your hands touch his cheeks to check his temperature.
Already feeling conflicted by his previous feelings and now this. Killua just put his all blame on you.
"It's all your fault Monkey Girl!
I wonder why I write oneshots in a way like it's one part of a whole story.(⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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