#also I made them like. older. not quite future but like yeah idk
angel-baby479 · 2 years
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@felsicveins haha. yay ✨
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chaotic-starlight24 · 2 months
Sodapop Curtis General Headcanons
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Well y'all, here he is. Our pretty little boy. I love Soda so much though, I linger a bit on the sad stuff though :( I'll be covering Two-Bit next!
Freetime Headcanons
Warnings: Spoilers and Some angst
There was one book that he managed to read and actually enjoy, and that was The Phantom Tollbooth. He read it in middle school and his parents were very proud of him for finishing it AND not forcing him to read it. (He was probably forced by a teacher)
He pulls out snacks and drinks from EVERYWHERE. Like he has legit just been talking to Pony on the couch and pull a Pepsi-Cola from between the cushions.
I mentioned in my freetime post that he is really good at doing hair. So sometimes he helps out Two-Bit and his mom by doing Dolly’s (Two-Bit’s sister) hair. She always likes when he does it because if her brother does it she usually ends up with 2 crooked ponytails.
When they grow up, he and Steve plan to own a car shop together. Soda would also like to start a horse-riding club for rodeos and everything. As I mentioned in my Steve headcanons, Johnny and Steve did a design for fun of the future car shop but Soda and Steve do end up using it (with a couple tweaks). 
Is Soda innocent and sweet at all times? NO. He is not shy when it comes to flirting with people. But he is also very respectful of women whenever they come to the car shop. He only flirts if they try to flirt with him first. Only if they’re the same age as him ofc. But one time Steve had to take over because an older woman was making some really weird comments to him. 
He was the first one to make friends with Dally in the gang. Him and Steve were hanging out and they managed to get Two-Bit to come with them because Mrs. Curtis didn’t like the idea of them walking around alone. So they walked over to the diner to see if they could get a free drink or something and Soda looked over and saw him. This scruffy looking 13 year old, crouched at the end of the bar thing. Soda is the most golden retriever person ever so he immediately went to try and talk to him. Dally tried to push him away but soon enough he was dragged into their little group.
He can get very self-conscious since he is supposed to be the “pretty” brother and will occasionally be found by Steve, just looking in the mirror. He doesn’t really have dysmorphia of any kind and is actually quite confident but he still has those moments.
Soda was not shy at all when it came to pulling his teeth as a kid. It’s just a bit loose? He yanks it out because it's annoying. One time the dentist told him to expect a specific tooth to be loose and he just pulled it out right then and there. (ONE OF MY FRIENDS ACTUALLY DID THIS)
He is one of the most talented of the gang with gymnastics. His favorite trick to show off with is front-flipping into a handstand and spinning on one hand. Can this actually be done? Idk. Would it look sick? Oh yeah it would.
He has the most amazing and cute laugh ever. He looks majestic, sounds beautiful, just top-tier enjoyable laugh. He throws his head back a bit and has the most adorable crooked grin.
Now for a bit of angst >:) After Sandy he was a lot more sensitive when it came to flirting or mentions of romance. He really thought Sandy was the one. Soda does not get angry easily but after Sandy, that was the first time Steve saw him snap at a stranger. Some girls really wouldn’t leave him be and he went off on them.
After his main breakdown when Darry and Pony came after him, he was happy they came. Happy they helped him back up and heard him out. But a small part of him wish Pony wasn’t so dang fast and Darry wasn’t so dang strong. He wanted to just keep running. Run until he found Sandy. Run until he made it so far from Tulsa that no one knew what a greaser was. He knew a hug and some tears weren’t going to stop the fights between Pony and Darry.
He gets colds really easily but he can’t get cough syrup down his throat for his life. It doesn’t help that Darry has this really nasty stuff that tastes like honey and rotten eggs and is like 20 years old.
He has freckles. That’s all. They’re beautiful.
He is one of the few to actually take Two-Bit’s love of Mickey/Disney seriously. Two-Bit has even dragged him to a couple movies. His favorite one was Mary Poppins. He has attempted to dance like Bert does.
He is the most physically affectionate out of everyone in all of Oklahoma. The more friendly he is with you, the more he’s affectionate. When he and Steve are sitting together he just drapes himself across Steve while talking. When he listens to Pony he’s usually holding Pony or hugging him. If he’s dating someone, he’s kissing their face and holding their hand all the time. He’s just more comforted by it. Mr. Curtis was the same way. Just a little less.
A couple months before he dropped out some Socs stopped him in the hallways. They were trying to steal the pocket money he had. He tried his best to hold them off him but one of them started getting physical. Until one mentioned his big older brother and that they should be careful. But the main soc told him that Soda was too dumb to ever think about telling him, or anyone for that matter. Not a thing going on in that pretty little head of his. Eventually they did end up leaving him alone. But those words stuck with Soda. Dumb. That was the word that came up in his mind first when thinking about himself. He wasn’t much more, was he?
As mentioned in my Johnny headcanons, he was one of Johnny’s first friends. He was one of the few to hear all about Johnny’s thoughts. He just had that way of making people talk to him. He heard all about how worthless Johnny thought he was. How little confidence he had. He tried his best in encouragement but he knew Johnny wasn’t going to listen. Which made it all the worse once Johnny died. He toughed it out when around the gang but one day after his work, he walked to the graves. He kneeled in front of Johnny’s. And sobbed. The boy who died feeling worthless, in agonizing pain. His friend. One of his first. And now he was 6 feet under. Nothing would bring him back. And next to him? The other friend he brought into the gang. He never really understood Dally all that well, but that was one of his friends. Now both would never meet him again. No more giving Johnny a sandwich at the DX cause he had nothing better to do. No more dragging Dally away from Buck’s to go to rodeos with him and Steve. No more gang hangouts with them all together playing games.
When Pony came home and then Johnny and Dally died, Soda felt horrible for his little brother. He had to watch him become much more closed off and defensive. He could barely get Pony to open up to him. He was terrified Pony would never have a good friend again. Eventually Pony got a couple of friends (As mentioned in my Pony headcanons, he and Esther became better friends) and Soda felt a little more at peace.
With the whole Vietnam war thing… I do think he would end up going, BUT end up surviving. We can’t have Pony lose everything ok! He was put on the less violent jobs and not thrown head-first into battle. Let’s just say he was allowed to go home after 2 years at most. That is all I will cover on that subject.
He’s a pretty good singer and he and Darry jam out to Elvis all the time. He really does sing his heart out. If Blue Suede Shoes comes on you know he has a comb in hand and tries to dance like Elvis. He also loves “Please, Mr. Postman” and if he’s feeling dramatic “It’s My Party”.
He doesn’t really listen to his own emotions much or tell anyone about them. He feels he’s supposed to be the listener. Everyone’s going through so much more than him! So he needs to be there for them, not himself! The only person he’s been vulnerable around is Sandy. Steve as well. Which meant it hurt so much more when Sandy left him.
The Curtis Brothers have an elderly neighbor named Nellie, she's 92. Soda brings cake to her once a week and just sits and chats with her. She brings them berry jam.
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hood-ex · 1 year
How did you like mutant mayhem? who was your fav
Loved it!! I had SO much fun watching it!!
The turtles getting their groceries from shipping containers/trucks?? Brilliant! Love that take!
I was pressed when I read that Leo was going to have a crush on April, but I actually didn't mind it in this case. (Even though I 100% prefer for them to just be best friend's/family and would never want to see April with any of them). Like Leo being such a nerd made it work plus April didn't show any interest in him, so it didn't bug me like I thought it would. Now if they try to turn that into something in the future then we're gonna have a problem, but it being a one-sided thing that Leo will hopefully grow out of (quickly!) is fine.
Speaking of April, I LOVE this version of April, and I love how they switched up the reporter thing a bit with her being super anxious to be on air bc it made way for some character progression. I do tend to prefer her being quite a bit older than the turtles, but I feel like her being a teen like them works in this universe.
Also, I love it when Leo is characterized as a nerd who says cringey/nerdy things sometimes and they delivered on that beautifully here with his speeches. It's veryyy 2k12 Leo vibes. Fucking loved it. Especially loved it when Leo actually had an amazing rousing speech during the Superfly fight scene and then after Raph complimented him on it, Leo started geeking out about how cool he sounded LOL. Obsessed.
"GO NINJA, GO NINJA, GO!" I started screaming when this started playing!! Secret of the Ooze reference let's gooo!
The milking... THE MILKING... the nipples and the milking!! Mikey and Raph got milked!! That running joke killed me. Also, since Mikey got milked first, I couldn't help but compare that to 2k3 when Bishop was going to use a saw to cut into Mikey's carapace while all the other bros had to watch. Althouuugh... ngl, I kinda wish Raph had gone a little more berserk over Mikey getting milked since he's so protective, but I understand they were trying to keep the mood light even though... it was... a torture scene... so uhhh... anyway.
"He's molly-whopping me!" LMFAO I was wheezing
All the bros singing BTS for Donnie's sake, and Donnie being like, "You guys don't even know the words..." HAAA
I love it in every iteration when Splinter gets involved to save his boys and this time was no different. Hell yeah feral rat dad!!
Mikey and Mondo Gecko, hell yes!! Bro, when the explosion rocked all the turtles and Mikey was disoriented?? The way his eyes looked after that?? Yeees!
THEIR SHELLS CRACKED 😱😱😱!! That "I'm gonna crack you like pistachios" joke killed me though
Mikey or whoever telling Raph he needed therapy ALSKDJA
All the mutants living in the sewers with the turtles?? Full House vibes!! With Bebop and Rocksteady there idk kinda weird but I guess it works for this version of them.
I could not with their high school fits like 😭 April please take them shopping 😭
All in all, I thought it was super fun and I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. There was still kiiinda more of a Leo focus this time around, but it wasn't nearly as much as the Rise movie, so I'm glad it felt more balanced between each brother (and thank god we didn't have to sit through another Leo vs. Raph type of beef thing).
I think in terms of characterization, Leo was definitely characterized the best and felt IC. I feel like there could've been a bit more development for Donnie, Raph, and Mikey. Donnie had his anime/kpop thing, Raph had his love for violence, and then Mikey... there wasn't anything super defining about him other than maybe the fact that he signed up for the improv team try outs. But honestly, I'm not that mad at it because I'm sure they'll get more fleshed out in the TV show that's coming in the future. Now that they're attending school, I do kinda hope that Donnie takes some kinda robotics/woodworking/science classes because I'd love to see him develop the skills he's always depicted with.
As for my fav, I mean, it should be noted that Mikey is always my guy and that I'm usually going to focus on him the most in every scene, but other than him, I'd say Leo. I also really enjoyed April, Splinter, and Superfly though.
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moonsfavoritedaughter · 10 months
Hi! Can you tell me about your PFP character? I see her around a lot, but I lve never really watched the videos.
oooohhh, care if i tell you the whole story? no? tysm!!!
okay so her full name is ashley graves, shes 20 years old, and well...
she used to live with her parents and her older brother, andrew graves, 2 years older, but this bitch, apart from being absolutly beutiful, is an obssesive, manipulative son of a motherfucker, cuz she forces her brother into doing things that her brother doesnt want to do, and then blames him for those things to make him feel guilty and put him closer to her, just to keep all his love to herself, she has made him kill a childhood girl named nina only cuz ashley found out that she liked andrew (also, in this time, when they are kids, they arent named andrew and ashley, but andy and leyley, cuz idk lil kid nicknames) they also buried the body terribly wrong and their parents found out that they killed that girl, putting us in the present where shes now stuck in an apartment cuz the water suply got contaminated with parasites and now theyre infected and quarantined, for some reason due to their blood type being AB they no longer get fed by the wardens, making them feel angry and wanted to leave, between all the things they did to get out of the apartment is: they saw how theyre neighbor summoned a demon and sacrificed himself by accident cuz he didnt have no soul to offer, ate the neighbor (cannibalism, yes, one of the qualities that made this game popular), also manually killed a warden with a cleaver, killed another warden undirectly by sacrificing him to the same demon, killed a woman from downstairs, and escaped.
gotta make sure you understand that these are not things that only ashley did, killing the warden manually and killing the neighbor from downstairs was andrews making, but only to protect ashley and himself, the rest of it ashley did it, and andrew took participation too, then when they left, they went to live to a far department, got chased by a hitman, killed the hitman, discovered a whole cult of satanists, learned a thing or two about them, also, forgot to mention that ashley stole a gun from one of the wardens, so they killed the hitman using that gun, then they stole a car and went to their parents house, also forgot to mention that when ashley sacrificed one of the wardens to the demon she got a lil trinket as a reward that would allow her to see visions of the future, which she used to avoid being killed by the hitman.
then when they were at their parents house, they stole all of their mothers money, discovered that their parents had sold their organs but failed, somehow, they still got the death certificates, then ashley and andrew just sacrificed their own parents to the same demon to recharge the trinket to be able to have more visons of the future, which one of em was about both siblings having sex (incest, the one thing that made this game popular in the first place) and then they left to get rid of their parents corpses in diferent ways, they also did human soup with their parents insides cuz why not (more cannibalism) and then they threw their bones and skulls into the ocean, the end, for now, im still waiting for chapter 3 to see how much sibling love and incest is there gonna be, and yeah theres a quite bunch more than to what i meantioned, but what you need to know the most about this girl is:
she is a relentless, selfish, narcisist, obsesive, manipulative, and horrible murder sister that doenst feel empathy for no one and deserves to suffer the most horrendous tortures of the medieval eras.
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cyclonestudios-alt · 8 months
Janara (Janner x Sara) headcanons? From the Wingfeather Saga?
Oh gosh I'm so sorry for answering this so late lol. Janner x Sara headcanons, you say? Alright!
Ok so first of all, they're obviously in love. Janner literally dreams about Sara's eyes, and everytime Sara thinks about a family and husband and whatever, Janner always pops in her mind. Which is, quite frankly, adorable.
So, assuming you're asking about after the series ends, obviously Janner gets revived and all that. Then, Janner and Sara are super awkward around each other and weird and stuff (think about Janner and Sara from season 1 in the show, just they both have more trauma). Kal teases them both endlessly about it, but it backfires on him whenever he gets a crush lol.
I think Sara would tell Janner about what happened after he left The Fork Factory, and while I'm unsure of what his exact reactions would be, I think it would be somewhere between slightly guilty that she did end up getting punished, slightly embarrassed about how many times she thought about him (as if he isn't the exact same xD) and also really in awe, I guess, about her bravery and all the kids that ended up helping her and stuff. Idk but I imagine it'd be something like that.
Eventually, whether it's a year or two later or when they're older teens, they start dating each other. Which everyone in the castle has been waiting for because not only are they literally made for each other, but literally everyone can see that they like each other. For them it's basically like “oh wait we both like each other wow what a coincidence" lol
I'm not sure if you've read Wingfeather Tales, but if not then this will be massive spoilers, so proceed with caution. So, the last story in Tales is about a guy named Karl who's Sara's dad and after she's taken he basically goes on a mission to find her. It's a pretty dark story, but it's one of my favorites so yeah. Anyways, at the end, after like... 30 years or something, he ends up in the Green Hollows where his wife is now living, and she's basically like, “Karl!? Its you!?" And then calls someone she calls “sweetness" to bring her kids to meet their grandpa. That person I am fairly certain that is Sara, and since Peterson talked about how much he loves Wingfeather Tales and considering he literally read them for Audible (complete with the voices and everything) I think that basically makes them canon. Which means that at some point, in the future, Sara has kids.
Now, going back to Janner who is most certainly revived and he and Sara literally are in love and all that, I headcanon that those kids are Janner and Sara's. Which is not only adorable, (and I will fight anyone who disagrees) but it also means that there's a happy beginning/ending (idk what to word it as) for them, and subsequently everyone.
Sorry this ask was so long lol I got started and then got carried away. Also sorry if this isn't what you were expecting, but like I said, I got carried away xD.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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my review of "last violent call" by chloe gong
(side note from the future, i forgot to make part 2 and i will at some point but idk when 🧍‍♀️ i have been distracted lately so idk 😭😭😭 i'm sorryyyy)
spoiler warning for:
these violent delights duology
foul lady fortune
last violent call (obviously)
alright so let's talk about "a foul thing" first!
some things i found to be a bit odd:
why did they keep saying how worried they were about being recognized but kept their appearances pretty much the same (besides Juliette's long hair) Benedikt and marshall's hair is the same from what I remember, and their faces still look the same (they're obviously older) and all of this other stuff but I'll get to more of that when we talk about "this foul murder"
also, why tell pretty much everyone EXCEPT rosalind and alisa who are family?? like yes I get that they are trying to protect them but now rosalind is carrying this guilt for a super long time and that made me pretty sad 😭 I can't imagine the betrayal rosalind is gonna feel when she finds out celia didn't tell her. same with alisa, I bet she'll feel pretty bad that she didn't know.
but that's enough about that, for now, let's get on to stuff I liked :)
sorry, i really needed to say that omfg they were so cute in the entire novella. rdbmbbb I just love them they are so precious to me 🙏🏼no ship will ever hit as good as they do (ofc evajacks because come on it's evajacks and they are my otp) I love the way chloe wrote them in this novella as well. they were still the old roma and juliette but you could tell how they'd matured and how everything had affected them in so many ways and just fdfdkvfdk,dvfl, i loved it, man, i live for fluff but MARRIED COUPLE FLUFF??? AFTER BEING ENEMIES??? HELL YEAH it was everything i wanted it to be and more fluff and romance-wise!!!
alright, now we need to talk about roma and juliette's death, and also the connections with foul lady fortune.
so it is said in the first chapter that this takes place in 1931, the same time as the beginning of foul lady fortune, shown here in these two pictures
(top is a foul thing and the bottom is foul lady fortune)
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so as you can see they start at the same time. so the start of "a foul thing" takes place while rosalind is on the train in the first chapter after the prologue. i found this to be interesting since i thought "foul lady fortune" was spread out for months but at the end of flf (foul lady fortune) Rosalind receives this letter:
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and at the end of afl (a foul thing), we get a page of juliette writing that same letter.
(also side note but i really appreciate this, isn't it so nice how chloe gong managed to tie both books together SO WELL in only 117 pages???)
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So because of this, I found the timeline confusing because this takes place in September in afl BUT it seemed like way more than a month in flf?? if anyone has answers on why this is or corrections for the timeline, please comment them cause this confused me quite a bit.
this might've been just me but i also think I missed a lot of important information and how flf connects to the novellas because I am really REALLY bad with names 😥 I am trying my best guys ok 😭
i also liked the introduction of new characters in this and also how much chloe was able to get done within 117 pages like god damn, she got a lot done writing this. new characters and a new plot, answers to roma and juliette's death??? angst??? fluff??? it was all there and did not disappoint.
also, i would like to say that I KNEW it was very likely they couldn't be dead because there was no body, no leftovers, no nothing. like yes i know they were supposed to be exploded or whatever but even in explosions there's gonna be uhh leftover flesh 👁
anyways, let's move on to my favorite quotes and then we can talk about "this foul murder"
alright here are the pictures i have >:)
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uh oh, i have come to the startling realization that I can't add any more images 😭 and I need to send some pictures to talk about "this foul murder" and the rest of the quotes... alright I guess I'm gonna have to add a part 2 to this post 😭
let me close this by saying that "a foul thing" was so amazing and up there in my favorite books definitely!!! more authors need to write novellas taking place after the couple is together, it just hits different. but overall for this first part of "last violent call"?? 5/5 stars!!!
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wilmonsfolklore · 6 months
Hey Tina,
I'm late for this but I was wondering about 2, 7, 8, 27 and 29 for the fanfic asks.
Wishing you a very nice rest of the weekend! 💜
thanks Sophia!! i hope you have a good weekend too <3
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to
infinite amounts of them, honestly. i really like the idea of writing a friends with benefits fic. just because i love the concept people kind of figuring out their feelings through sex. but im very uncomfortable writing smut, so. i definitely won't write one in the near future. i also really really want to write a texting fic, and i think i will do that kind of soon as ive been having a hard time writing prose.
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh god. i feel like prose is not my strong suit because i always struggle with it either feeling too basic or too try-hard. so. the pieces im usually happiest with are the kind of inbetween summaries of wille and simon growing closer together. they are the kind of things i always make little notes about during the day even when i'm not writing if i'm really in a flow. i feel like i can put a lot of detail in them and i like that. like this paragraph in sticky little words:
Wille learned that Simon would forget his laptop charger more often than not and liked to shower in the mornings and hated rain but rain pants even more. That he drank his coffee black and he loved satsuma’s because they were easier to peel than oranges, and sometimes he got so passionate about discussions in class the pen he held in his hand would start tapping against the desk because his fingers were shaking. And the funny thing was, Wille liked all of those things. They liked that Simon sent them articles about politics that Wille had missed out on, how happy he was when Sara and Felice finally made it official, that he’d once stolen a half full pack of oreos from his roommate because Wille had mentioned not being allowed to have them as a kid. And Wille wasn’t quite sure what to do with that.
8. Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
the funny thing is writing dialogue comes relatively easy to me, but i had the hardest time picking something out because in every important or emotional dialogue scene that i generally love in my older fics there are a few sentences that make me want to throw up now. but that's on improving my writing, i guess. but anyway i picked a scene from my latest one shot, again. i feel like it sounds relatively natural and it's a bit playful. i struggle to write anything that's not overly emotional, so im quite happy with this bit
Wille cleared their throat. “I don’t talk to him anymore,” he said then, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. “Probably for the best, since he had terrible music taste.”
It wasn't a very good joke, but Simon laughed anyway and Wille was grateful for it. “I love Zara!” he protested, and Wille just shook their head.
“You didn’t even recognise her song!”
“Because I was actually working, unlike you.” He rolled his eyes, teasing.
“I’m tired!” Wille retorted.
Simon sighed, deflating. “You should’ve said,” he said. “We could've rescheduled.”
“I like hanging out with you,” Wille protested playfully, an easy confession that they would overthink later.
Simon just smiled. “Me too. But you have to rest if you're tired.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
27. How do you feel about collaborations? i would love to collaborate with someone on a fic!! writing right now to me is a very solo process, and id love to change that and even just talk to people about my writing more. but i tend to get very insecure as i feel like everyone in this fandom writes so freaking good and much better and easier than me, so. idk it's a work in progress. i also dont write consistently At All because of my health, and i dont want the pressure of someone else kind of waiting for me, you know?? but i'm definitely down to collaborate and i have done so when i was doing better back in the day in another fandom.
29. If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
i actually have no clue?? none i think?? i feel like i could never touch one of my favourite fics because i could never ever do them justice
ask me more about writing fic! :)
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alvisthefox · 9 months
My OC has a darkish backstory. As it's not finalised his age jumps alittle and stuff
He's more to existing after IDW ect
As time of birth. Stuck with new born during sonic forces or born after. (Father dies in the war. Hents why he isn't seen but can be in the spin off stories)
Born as a normal. Orange fox... with 2 tails.
In the comic or say. Story. He's when he is first shown or seen by sonic he's this mute, non vurble poncho wearing combat tech wiz (only talks when in discuses. "Cloak Tech" cloaking what alows him to look and feel like who hes discussed as)
Als attitude changes to situations. When around eggman he's quite and just a shadow. But when alone he's depressed and would walk in circles. But when alone with sonic. First he'd been angry and upset that the heros he looked up to never saved him how he was scerd and alone. Hurting. But would would become more friendly and gets over the anger eventually
Only thing what's not been moderfied into his DNA is his smarts. Like Tails and Eggman he's super smart what made him as a child idolise Tails as a child. Even as a child he went out his way to get Tails attention and would have a little bonding over the fact of being kinda alike with tails and smarts
Like like how a child is he'd say "when I'm older, I want to be juts like you!"
Shame what happened due to his mother having no love for him. Lead to him being toutcherd and experimented on
His purple fur is just a side affect of the experiments
As sonic to be 15 around the age Al is born. This all takes place (idk to chose his age. I'd go 9 years old but then I'm going with 12)
I'll age the charicters to age when the story would take place. Left be if Al is 9 and right be of he's 12
Sonic: 24-27
Tails: 17-20
Knuckles: 25-28
Shadow: don't matter. But. 59-62
Rouge: 27-30
Cream: 15-18
Al in the story would be more like how rouge was but is in eggmans contole. His poncho around his neck hides a collar what is fitted to shock him back to submission. He isnt a bad guy.
His gauntlet shock to make his punches hurt more (this is so he can pull his punches but still hurt but not actually hurt anyone to baddly) but can also just make hard punches sting more. Shock you so you pass out like a taser
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His mental health isn't the best. From toutcher what gaves him his code name (113). To being unloved for years. Known the world things Alvis Winter is dead. He thinks the is no hope or future for him but he just can't give up and wants to know what he can do
Als redemption comes to after being abandoned by eggman after being defeated by super sonic and shadow and tails (Yeah ima go there). Eggman gives up on Al. Als fears and everything make him panic and as the 3 get closer he escapes
Stuff happens but tails as a idea where Al could of gone
(Moment of Al kidnaps Tails and well opens abit about him and Tails is thr first to fully know Al is forced to be bad)
They meet. Bring Al with them. The city and town folk hate him. Al runs off
Mimic and surge and kit kidnap sonic (FYI I've had this 3 team up for abit in my head for few month before the 3 actually did so. Cool)
(Al has a bounty on him)
Only Al can come and or sonic would die
Al stops them. Get bit of a hero scene of Al the hero. He was told to take his poncho off before any interaction in the bunker. so be a kinda first site of him doing his thing with no poncho
The news and live feed if this be seen by all and well this how he is from 113 the bad guy to 113. Good guy? Taken in by sonic and others but keeps inside and works on tech and only comes when asked or needed
Would wear the poncho but hood down there for but also gose around with hood up or no poncho at all
Kinda the run down and very simple missing load if detail of Als story and some facts. Main story
Hope it's okay and sorry if it's a mess to read
I missed out his powers. Would have to find out later
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starlightkun · 10 months
okay my superlong ask part 1/3 (i could do it in 2 but i decided to do it in paragraphs so it makes more sense and is easier to read)
https://www.tumblr.com/warmau/734555744763035648/this-is-how-all-the-men-i-write-are-like?source=share ^^ changer and buzzer beater sungchan be like
FIRSTLY the new masterlist is GORGEOUS and so well thought out! it just looks so organised and the notes about the inclusivity and how you're going back to fix old fics is so professional im really impressed and its really kind and generous of you to take such an initiative by taking the time to do so. Also the note about how you may say that certain members are taller than reader insert with sicheng only if you're feeling extra nice had me ROLLING
also the bite updates are so funny, like mark is so losercore and the fact that reader is going to be a loser as well is so up my alley and so endearing. like flirting about FAX MACHINES?! only the highest quality loserxloser content.
- ✨anon
under the cut <33
the post u linked to was deleted 😭 im sorry im sure it was very funny and true to my sweet baby boys changer!sungchan and bb!sungchan
thank youuuu abt the masterlist! i was contemplating abt reorganization and everything for a while and i knew i didn't want too complicated of a key, but i wanted to be able to delineate a little more than i had in my last one between my more serious fics and my more silly fics a la dr_magic lol (and i also wanted to take the opportunity to unofficially "archive" some older fics of mine that i feel like aren't as representative of me as a writer anymore but i also didn't really want to delete either, so the old mlist is my "archive masterlist" now with all my fics pre-love bites) ;; and on that height inclusivity note, i myself am 5'8/172cm ish, so i know when i personally read fics where like kun is supposed to be towering over the reader it completely takes me out bc like. i am not delusional that man is 1 inch taller than me. i would be taller than him with some thick-soled shoes try again lol. i put on my platform doc martins and its OVER for him. i don't consider anybody "tall" unless they're noticeably taller than me (which is usually 5'11ish, but i call it at 180cm international for good measure. sicheng's official height is like 179cm/5'10.5" so if i'm feeling nice i'll include him in the tallies club. esp now that he's the tallest wayv member and he just absolutely towers over wayv tinie line lmao). i know it's the sort of heads-up i'd like as a reader, esp considering how some writers seem a bit. obsessed with the reader-insert being absolutely tiny and smaller than every member (which hey! some readers are actually 4'11 and dejun would be huge compared to them!) but when it's mentioned not only in every fic but in fics w members who are canonically shorter than me irl it just so detracts from the moment for me.
i've been going back to edit stuff for moments where i thoughtlessly mentioned the reader blushing/turning pink or gripping smth so hard their knuckles turn white, in addition for the random dozen cameos that are in quite a few (don't get me started on sleepless cinderella,,,, idk what i'm doing with her yet other than fixing skin tone refs). i got an ask a couple years ago abt the blushing in one of my fics, actually, and while i changed the specific instance right then, as well as made sure not to reference skin tone in my future writings, i know that people still find my older fics and i personally just kind of,,, idk cringe? when i revisit old fics and they've got skin tone refs in them like that. bc it doesn't represent the writer i am now, and i hate for people to think that it's representative of me and my fics currently. so yeah, i'm slowly working through fixing old fics for those bits and the dozen references too
the bite is actually a kun fic (u may be confusing it w baby fangs? which is a mark wip, and i can see how the titles would get confusing) but we do in fact get some loserxloser content in BOTH the bite and baby fangs yep yep i love writing losers in love its trueeee. they flirt about fax machines and it's truly soulmate behavior im afraid (the bite!mc literally says "i think men with fax machines are sexy, especially personal fax lines" like somebody COME GET UR BESTIE SHE IS CRINGEFAILING ON MAIN RN!! and kun adores her and her cringefail flirting ehhehe)
okay long ask part 2/3 now onto LOVE BITES omg i know its only been a few weeks since changer was released but i missed these two so much. your description of sungchan as a weighted blanket was so cuddly and delicious i just love him he's such a big puppy even though you said jenos a puppy and sung is a wolf hes still just a little guy to me (he is 185 centimetres, taller than most refrigerators) the way you write sungchan is just so great, the way hes just a big sweaty guy and has little insecurities that him and reader work through makes him feel so real and so vulnerable in an endearing way. also when reader pulled out the old photos of sung and taro from mr jung i was DYING. like "little dweebus uniform" is so relatable, we all have skeletons (terrible photos from primary/elementary school) in our closets (parents houses) when reader and taro are texting and reader is like "my little guy :( so uwuw" and taro is like "that fucken TREE OF A GUY?!" and "IS THIS YOUR MANS?!" with the horrifying close up i felt very seen and also got a very helpful reminder to burn all my group photos from school. honestly there are so many quotes from love bites that i want to frame but um……. mel what is this "You didn’t deserve to ever feel… an aching hole, because of me.” 🤨🤨🤨😏😏😏 i KNOW you know what you did and honestly i was so close to screaming and throwing my phone across the room when it happened. but you know what? changer sungchan unintentionally saying the craziest innuendo whilst trying to make a sincere apology is probably the most fitting thing for his character. anyways, thank you for slotting in dirty jokes for us because its so unexpected and funny. i think thats all i have to say about love bites! thank you for taking the time to write the most amazing, comforting, sweet and funny story. - ✨anon
changer sungchan IS a big puppy but don't say that to his face or he'll pout abt it </33 also idk why "taller than most refrigerators" made me laugh so hard but it did. comparing men to refrigerators for height reference is just a very funny concept to me.
i also LOVED writing taro and reader's continuing bickering friendship throughout the fic i thought they were fantastic and i did in fact make myself laugh a couple different times, esp writing out the texts with the mathletes pictures. i also loved being able to show that reader was just as delusional whipped IN LOVE abt sungchan as sungchan was for reader. like being absolutely endeared and heart eyes abt your s/o's dorky old school pictures while simultaneously roasting your mutual friend who is also in those same pictures for being dorky. mwah, chef's kiss, i love them and rip taro
I TRULY DID NAWT REALIZE THE INNUENDO UNTIL U SENT THIS ASK OMG. i was just trying to write sungchan being the sweetest lil guy ever but alas........the aching hole that i will never be able to UNREAD now. but it is sooo in-character for him that i truly was overtaken by the spirit of changer!sungchan in that moment and had no clue what i was writing good lord
OKAY FINALLY PART 3/3 for the timeline question hmmmmmmm i dont know i think i kind of just assumed that the fics were coming out in chronological order but now im not sure????? like obv for the ones with sequels the sequel is after the first but like the rest its all kinda up in the air for me. so like, changer is after pupsick because in sung got with changer!reader because of pupsick!reader and friends. dr magic i assume is happening between pupsick and changer or at the same time as changer because renjun seemed very much single during pupsick because he was at the cafe FAST when pupsick!reader called him and during dr magic, renjun was very much busy between meeting drmagic!reader to witness her pepe silvia arc, being dr magic and studying. tdhea imo is before pupsick just cause all the dreamies have way too much time on their hands to tease and get frustrated about jisung and tdhea!reader and imo that's peak single behaviour because like i said before, renjun was a BUSY BOY during dr magic and jeno was literally sick during most of pupsick so he wouldn't be as spritely as he is during tdhea. for romance is dead and strawberry sunday i literally have no clue, i just assumed that they were both early on considering they were released first. its also just a lot harder because theres only one strawbsun fic for 127 and wayv each so there's less overlap in the members and just less context clues to go off of. but i'd love to know just how wrong i am in my assumtions (if you're willing to give up such information) and compare it with what everyone else thinks - ✨anon
okay so ur timeline looks like:
rid/miracle/strawberry sunday > tdhea > pupsick/abh > dr_magic2303 > changer/love bites
which isn't too far off other than the placing of rid/miracle, which makes sense bc that one kind of has the least context with the other fics. here's my official timeline (sans some unofficial wips) that i've been working off of as soon as i realized this was going to be a lot more than 3 fics. i based the general years off of strawberry sunday!reader/jungwoo's college career (they're in sophomore yr in their fic). the whole crew is generally all the same year, though, so the years are pretty accurate for everybody
they uh, they get busy junior yr huh...
also i feel like jeno didn't do too much meddling in tdhea to be considered single behavior, he was just kinda there......bc he had nothing better to do while pupsick!reader was at study sessions 😔 very conveniently-timed study sessions and bakery shifts without jeno that leave jeno completely free to be in every relevant scene for tdhea... aw shucks 😔😔😔 and her very convenient bakery shifts in changer2 like wow 😔😔 minseok is rlly working pupsick!reader to the bone huh 😔😔😔😔 pupsick3 is just gonna b reader and jeno unionizing against minseok
one thing to know abt strawbsunday universe!renjun is that he is going to be BUSY and BOOKED between school, running an online persona solving people's magical ailments, meddling in his friends' relationships, and falling head over heels for his academic rival who is currently in her pepe silvia arc. do NOT underestimate his multi-tasking abilities. he's built different
but im rlly so happy that you liked the fics so much to send me SO MUCH abt it and have all these little thoughts like you truly keep my writing heart fed. like i write for myself but i post for others, and actually knowing that there's a human out there reading them and coming to interact with me and give genuine feedback rlly makes posting worth it so THANK YOU so so much truly 💗💗💗🫶🫶🫶
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tojisveryown · 3 years
"I'm not happy anymore."
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Synopsis: The JJK boys tell you they aren't happy with your relationship Warnings: Major Shibuya arc spoilers Tags: Angst Notes: Ouch. Itadori's hurt the most bc HELLO that would actually happen if he did have a love interest :(
ft. Itadori Yuuji, Gojo Satoru, Getou Suguru, Toji Fushiguro, Noritoshi Kamo
𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐢 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐣𝐢
↳ "I'm not happy anymore y/n." Yuuji's words were soft and subtle. The paining words washed away your heart in sadness. "I'm sorry." You couldn't think of what to say. All you could do was look at your now ex-boyfriend and see how much he's changed. His physical appearance wasn't the only thing that changed. His mentality was the biggest change you noticed.
"I know Yuu, I know." You blinked the tears away and tried your hardest not to let your voice crack "It's quite obvious now. Don't be sorry. It happens." You two shared one final kiss.
That kiss was the last ounce of happiness he'd feel in a while. He loved you, he loved you so much that he broke your heart in order to protect you. Every time Yuuji has someone he cares about, they're always stripped from life. Yuuji didn't want that for you. He couldn't lose you like how he lost Junpei, Nanami, and Nobara.
What he didn't realize was that he'd lose you no matter what he decided to do.
𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮
↳ You and your fiancé had been arguing nonstop about your upcoming wedding. The stress was taking a tole on you both. With you planning everything out and Satoru going on dangerous missions you couldn't help but feel all alone.
"Come on Satoru! It's one night. Would it kill you to take the day off? Maybe spend some time with your soon to be wife?"
"You know how the higher-ups are. I can't afford to take a day off."
"Really Satoru? You'd rather go to Shibuya for work instead of accompanying your fiancé to our rehearsal dinner?" Gojo sighed and seated himself in one of the couches that sat nicely in the spacey living room. "Is work that important? Am I not important enough?"
"Maybe you're right. Work is that important and maybe — maybe I'm not happy anymore." Gojo choked on his words. He realized what he had said had no meaning to it, he was only in the spur of the moment. However this had been enough for you to put the pieces together.
"Yeah. I'm not happy either." Gojo's heart dropped. Of course he didn't mean what he said but only he knew that. "I'm sorry I thought that I was ever a priority." You were about to disappear into the hallway before you stopped and said "I'll call the wedding off. Have fun in Shibuya."
The next day Gojo Satoru wished he had taken a day off to be with his beloved. He would have never had to relive the trauma of losing his bestfriend. He proposed to you because you mended his heart, and all he's ever done is break yours.
𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐮 𝐒𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮
↳ You were stuck. Your boyfriend whom you loved so dearly made a decision. One that decided his future. It was so painfully obvious that his vision for his future didn't have you in it. You knew this love you shared had a time limit on it.
"Y/n? Were you listening?" He flashed his tender smile to you.
"Suguru I wanna break up."
"Is this about the thing? Because if it is —"
"No it's not about your decision. It's about your future not having enough room for the both of us. Let's just end it now before it's too late."
"No y/n, don't say that. We can work it out we can —"
"No Getou. We can't. You're not happy with me, and it's painfully obvious. If you were, you wouldn't go off chasing this motive of yours. I'm not enough to make you change your mind, and I think that speaks for itself."
Getou spent the rest of his evening wallowing in the words you had said to him. He had still decided to leave praying that one day you two can meet again in another life living happily, something he couldn't do with you in this life.
𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨
↳ You and Toji were fairly happy with the life you two created for yourselves. Or at least that's what you convinced yourself.
Deep down you always knew that your love wouldn't be enough for the both of you. Toji didn't love you the way you loved him. It was a mere delusion that you indulged yourself in. Toji Fushiguro loving you, how rich.
"Toji." You stood in the door frame of your bedroom. The curtains were closed leaving a dim and cold room. Your husband was sitting at the edge of your shared bed with a cigarette lit between his lips.
"Mhm?" The look he had given you gave you your final answer. He wasn't happy, and he never will be. You're not her. You never will be, so why pretend any longer?
"Nothing." You joined Toji, sitting behind him draping yourself over the muscular figure in front of you. It wasn't so bad.
Maybe you could love him enough for the both of you, maybe.
𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐊𝐚𝐦𝐨
↳ You and 'toshi have been together for quite some time now, you two were only getting older meaning he needed to settle down soon. You knew that his clan would never accept you as his bride, but you wanted to stay with 'toshi.
However, things don't always go out the way you planned them. "I said I'm not happy." Noritoshi Kamo, the boy you had helplessly fallen for, thinking the time spent on him would mean nothing since you two had 'forever.'
"'toshi? What do you mean? You were fine yesterday— we were fine yesterday."
"I'm sorry y/n, you just don't do it for me anymore."
Noritoshi knew he was lying. His mother knew about you, and as expected she hated you. She saw you as another gold digger looking to snag her son away from the Kamo clan. He knew if he hadn't broken things off with you that you'd end up getting hurt. In order to prevent that Noritoshi had sacrificed the love you two had.
The love that took years to build. "You'll find better." he whispered to himself before giving you one final kiss to the forehead.
Notes: Idk how to write for Nori but he needs more recognition so >:D ALSO this is unedited lmao
© All works by tojisveryown on Tumblr. Do not modify or repost
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shotorozu · 3 years
BABE , i saw a hc ( i think it was urs) where the boys’s s/o was really fashionable, ( as somebody that’s gone viral on pinterest a little too many times ) I WAS WONDERING , what if you did a todobakudeku ( separately please omg) with somebody that’s like the emma chamberlain of fashion and they own everybody’s pinterest boards and stuff AHAHA IDK , the amount of times somebody has said ‘ wait ur that one pinterest girl right?? ‘ ANYWHAHEEIE I LOVE YOU N HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! 💗💗
pinterest famous s/o
character(s) : midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] afab! reader, they/them pronouns (at the request of anon) strong quirk hinted; not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack-ish (x reader)
note(s) : thank you anon!! so ok, i still used they/them pronouns even though the reader is afab (again at the request of anon) and whdjwkd sorry for the inactivity :,) also im gonna post more later so— sorry for the delay
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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midoriya izuku
when middle school midoriya finally got a phone, he downloaded pinterest for the sole purpose of looking at screencaps of heroes
but then, he hasn’t touched it a few months, because he’s been training with all might
then, when he finally had enough free time again— he decided to go on pinterest
but instead of finding any heroes he could look at, he found the prettiest human being he has ever seen in his entire life 💀
that person was a different type of beauty, y’know— they weren’t just fashionable, but their beauty was,,
timeless? that’s how he’d describe it. yeah. that person lived in his head rent free for a while
sadly, he feels like you’re that person he sees once in his life, and never again 😔 which isn’t the case
when he finally meets you, midoriya realizes that you look VERY familiar— someone on pinterest, that he unfortunately, didn’t know the name of
but then wait! he realizes that you’re that person. that one person that blew up on pinterest, and ended up in all of the fashion boards.
okay, you’ve been recognized a few times in the past, just because you were pinterest famous— but you didn’t expect him to recognize you
“wait,, you know me?” you asked him when you saw the realization sink in
and you were honestly,, flattered when he went on a tangent on how you were on all of the pinterest boards, and how your sense of fashion was timeless
but you know what’s the best thing of it all? when izuku developed a crush on you (and not because he thought you were just an attractive face)
it was very easy to find pictures of you online! he says it’s for research but,, he tends to look at them for a long time
probably has 3-4 pages dedicated to your hero costume— since fashion icon = fashionable, yet a very practical hero costume!
does he get jealous whenever people fawn over your looks, or whenever he sees comments in pinterest comment sections just asking for your socials in such desperation?
hmm,, yes? he does occasionally feel like someone like you, should be with someone as equally beautiful as you
he thought he was always plain looking, but you wholeheartedly disagree! in fact, you fell in love with his ability to pay attention to detail.
to the random creeps in the comments section, he just contacts the uploader and asks them to delete any malicious comments and it works 100% of them time.
on the brighter side, he helps a lot with taking your pictures (if you ask him to) and sometimes! he’ll even appear in them
izuku will always be your #1 fan!
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bakugou katsuki
at first, you’d be like “katsuki owning pinterest? naaah.” but! i think he would
being an all might fan, he liked looking at all might screen caps— and while katsuki would be on the discreet side, he’d find himself looking at them whenever he has extra minutes to burn
not to mention, the cooking recipes on there aren’t the worst, so he doesn’t just use pinterest to look at screen caps of heroes doing their work
and, how could he forget that you’ve been bugging him to search for rare screen caps? he says that it’s useless— but he finds himself digging for you anyway,
which is whyyy
he finds an entirely different rabbit hole, and it’s way past 10pm, 3 more minutes wouldn’t wound him.
the blond doesn’t know how he even stumbled on.. this side of pinterest. the one that kind of hurts his eyes.
the more well known side of pinterest, that is covered in pictures of fashion boards, and the standard pretty person.
the ‘aesthetic’ side, kaminari calls it— it makes bakugou cringe, and he was just about to refresh his page
when he spots something familiar, it’s you‼️ well it wasn’t just you but, you were dressed in something,, nice.
like sure! you’re attractive. but that’s not why he’s dating you, there’s a lot of reasons as to why
but, he’s baffled. seeing you in a different light, and in such nice clothing, what more, when he sees that you’re actually everywhere. he hasn’t seen this much of you and your attractive ass before
katsuki told himself that he was going to sleep a few minutes ago, but now? he’s left admiring all of your pictures.
how did he not know that his s/o’s pinterest famous? you’re practically in every single board!
he confronts you the next day in an oddly weird manner, “you didn’t tell me you were famous on that stupid pinterest app.”
you’re sheepish, “welll, i didn’t know that you were going to stumble on that side of pinterest!”
he doesn’t say anything, and really! it looks like he doesn’t care about the newest discovery of his s/o
but he shows his feelings in his own way.
like, how katsuki insists that he finds a new outfit that you’d absolutely love— one that’ll fit with your aesthetic
and that he insists that he does your graphic liner, because you’re going to ‘poke your eyes out’
makes an entirely different account to reply to those simps and creeps in the comment section, sort of like
random pinterest user : “the things i’ll do to be crushed by them 💦”
pinterestuser461903 : “go touch some fucking grass.”
also would’ve commented “your art sucks” at the poorly done drawings of you in the comments, but knows you appreciated the art— so he doesn’t
(still thinks the fanart doesn’t do you enough justice)
he’ll be super proud when someone notices you in person like “yeah that’s fucking right, but too bad they’re super attractive and way out of your league.”
in short, it looks like katsuki doesn’t care at all about your pinterest famous life, but he’s your #1 supporter
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todoroki shouto
i am certain for this one— he doesn’t have pinterest
well, he didn’t have pinterest, until midoriya convinced him to create an account, but it kinda just ended at that
but the person that actually made him use pinterest was sero, because he kept bugging him to give it a try
todoroki finds the app very practical— he can find screen caps of heroes in action, and he can also find oddly helpful tips in cooking (and in anything)
but sero was like “todoroki, what about the aesthetic value??” and todoroki didn’t really get that part to be honest 💀
todoroki, being clueless didn’t know what to search for— so sero being the wonderful friend he is, helped him search for it
and that’s when it happened. it didn’t take that long, but they eventually found an entire section just full of pictures of you; their classmate and crush
“is that Y/N?” mina notices what they’re looking at, and she observes the picture “oh wow— it is her! no wonder why she looked familiar.”
“it’s impressive! our classmate is pinterest famous!” they continue to look at every single post in each board, and todoroki’s left to observe in silence
he has definitely taken a liking to you, even if he didn’t realize it at first— he liked you because of your hard work when it came to training, personality and patience, not because of your looks
obviously, todoroki thinks that you look good in anything, trashbag style or not. but seeing you in this light was interesting.
so after training, todoroki would spent a good portion of his time scavenging for more pictures— not because he was obsessed or anything
but because,, he really liked your pictures. maybe it was because without you in those pictures, it would feel incomplete
he didn’t know how to approach you after this discovery, which is why he’s glad that you approached him first
“todoroki! what are you looking at?” you took a peak at his screen, and you’re baffled to see yourself, and that very famous picture of you
he’s quiet for a second when he realizes that you’ve caught him staring at your pictures, but he explains calmly, “sero accidentally discovered your pictures,, and i just wanted to take a peak at them, if it was okay,,”
and he’s relieved— well, you’re also relieved. you didn’t know how your crush would react if he ever saw those pictures, but your heart skipped a beat knowing that he enjoyed looking at them
“it’s alright todoroki,” you smile, honestly over the moon as you spoke “i’m really glad that you like them.”
sometimes you’d get shy whenever he’d go on pinterest just to look at your pictures, “todoroki, not that one! that one was really old,,” is what you’d say whenever he’d look at your older photos but he’d still look at them anyway 💀
at first, todoroki helped you in his own subtle way. since he’s quite the fashion icon— he’d recommend you clothes to wear for future pictures
he eventually confessed— and it was because you were talking to him while he was really tired, and he blurted out that he really, really liked you and you almost passed away because of his words
so yeah— it was a case of secretly admiring their beautiful best friend to lovers scenario
he’d go the full mile when it came to taking your pictures. he’d check the weather forecast just in case if it was going to rain for that date, and impromptu picnic photoshoot
that boyfriend that has pictures of you in his photo gallery, and has a backstory for each photo if anyone were to ask
also that boyfriend that knows how to take pictures, will probably even lay down to take them, even if you didn’t kindly ask him to
when you asked him to join the picture, he didn’t really know how to— but he made it work! and the both of you guys went viral
but this isn’t all one sided, no— whenever you guys would cuddle, shouto would simply stare at you with HEARTS in his eyes,
and even before he leans in for a kiss, he’ll stare at you with so much love in his eyes, while he traces his thumb across your cheekbones. man’s in love— you’re gorgeous.
he knows that you know that he’s not with you because of any ulterior motive, you both have mutual trust in each other— so it’s not something you guys will bother on questioning because you’re both hot asf lets be real
he’s not uncomfortable whenever people gawk at you in public— i mean, you two get stares on the regular. and how could they not stare at you? you’re very attractive, and he’s glad that people recognize that
but he’ll get protective if they’ll try to be a threat to your loving relationship with him, he won’t be afraid to be blunt
regarding the comments on each pinterest post— he hates it when people say things out of the line
always tries to hide them from you so you don’t feel bothered by them, but if you knew about them— he’ll be sad :,(
but he’ll end up mass reporting those nasty comments— and they always get taken down, because of the shouto todoroki luck
in short? man’s whipped, and the both of you guys are SO attractive together— what more if people knew about the om chemistry?
really— you being pinterest famous was just a nice plus, he fell in love with you for you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Thoughts on “Auntie Soka and Little Leia” now that I’ve actually got it posted:
Call it a director’s cut! The process of actually writing the thing, and also jokes made along the way. Link to the actual fic.
Unfortunately, I don’t have the energy for image descriptions, even the text screenshots. Might come back that later. Most of this was DMs with @atagotiak​.
This was an entire thing before I even started writing:
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Before I decided on ages and stuff Ahsoka, to Jango, who has had zero contact with Kaminoans: Okay I know I'm a Jedi kid so you hate me but this toddler is your clone from the future. Jango, tired: What the FUCK are you talking about. Rex, barely able to talk: Don't you dare leave me with him, Commander! Ahsoka: I'm not going to leave you I just--I'm so tired I'm so fucking tired I haven't slept in five days and someone tried to kidnap Leia two days ago I am so fucking tired I need help
Ben: [twenty years of depression followed by a 'now I'm safe' breakdown over the course of weeks] Sokari: [whatever the FUCK this mess is]
When Ahsoka mentions there only being three other Jedi at the time of her death,  I was thinking Kanan, Yoda, and Obi-Wan (Leia told her about the latter two living past her). She's not counting anyone that received training after the Temple fell, and she didn’t know about Cal.
When Leia says  “I was adopted and raised by one of the founders of the rebellion, a movement built on the desire to instate freedom and democracy in a galaxy that had lost even the pretense.”
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Depa: I'm no therapist but I diagnose you with "incredibly fucked up." Ahsoka: yeah, that’s fair
"Why did you pick Depa for--" She's pretty and I'm gay. Also because of the Kanan thing But mostly I'm gay "It's not a visual medi--" GAY
Empty of context beyond general post-fic AU: "Hey Sokari, we need to engage in psychological warfare against this individual and--" "I'm going to break into his office and leave a threatening note on his desk and leave no other sign that I was there. He'll see that his security is nothing and the only reason he isn't dead is because I'm too nice to kill him." "...okay, not what we were planning, but that works. Why is that your first choice?" "I really like breaking and entering, it's soothing." Ben just standing there with a bland smile like This Is Normal.
"We need someone to infiltrate a highly guarded facility in hostile territory." "So we're sending the Torrent kids?" [sigh] "We're sending the Torrent kids."
Rex and Sokari insist on both going by "Torrent" even though Rex could be a Fett. Jango really wants him to be a Fett. Rex has too many grudges to agree to being a Fett for... a while.
I really hope it's blatantly obvious that Ahsoka's not a reliable narrator for some things Ahsoka: Fett could care less if I died Jango: jfc even if you are older than me I can see you're fucked up. Drink your hot chocolate. Hells. She's got good reason to expect him to hate her as a Jedi! BUT. THAT IS NOT REFLECTIVE OF REALITY
We don’t get a lot of actual characterization for Jango, but the way I played him out here is he has never really parsed that Jedi are people before all this. It's a lot harder to treat them as a monolith when the traumatized former child soldier is having regular breakdowns in your shitty little kitchen
Fett: I respect you Ahsoka: No, don't do that
Ahsoka’s vigilantism is something that, in my mind, she's associating heavily with Zygerria and then the clones.
I figured that she never bothered to learn Quinlan’s teacher’s name but in the process of looking up some basic facts (whether he had a surname), I found that Wookiepedia was forced to give us a VERY wide range of possible death in Legends.
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Please take a moment to imagine Quinlan's FACE when Ahsoka initially dismisses him. Quinlan has put a lot of effort into being rogueishly charming! It's very useful for his line of work! He knows to expect either irritation or a return flirtation when he acts like this with people his own age! Ahsoka is not flustered OR rolling her eyes and insulting him, she's just ignoring him and it's a bit of a blow to the ego
This just makes me really happy:
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This was the initial comment I made, as a joke What if Maul is just. There. On one of the planets they make a pitstop at. What if Maul exists as the walking problem he is, but fifteen, and Ahsoka immediately tries to kick his ass and drag him back to Coruscant. I do not have room for this plot but What If
Despite not having room for this plot, I proceeded to write this plot.
Maul is kidnapped and it’s the best thing that ever happened to him HE'S FIFTEEN HE'S DUMB AS SHIT AND HAS A BAD ATTITUDE AND YEAH HE'S A DARKSIDER BUT HE'S FIFTEEN
Ahsoka: I sense... Maul [takes off sprinting] Rex: [immediately takes Jango's blaster and runs after her] Jango: Wait who Tholme: Who Quinlan: Who Jango: [looks at Leia] Leia: I don't know who that is either! Ahsoka, already wrestling a teenager to the ground: Oh no, you're a child, REX STUN HIM AND GRAB THE CUFFS, I'M SURE FETT OR THOLME HAS SOME
Fighting him isn't even legal, they have NO evidence of criminal wrongdoing, so first she needs to yell until he admits to something she can fight him about
Ahsoka: When I see Maul, it's on SIGHT Maul: WHO ARE YOU
Ahsoka: The Force didn't give me hands just to NOT throw them when I run into That Crafty Son Of A Bitch
Ben, when they arrive, after the tearful reunion: You... you brought Maul. Ahsoka: Well, yeah, he's fifteen and kinda dumb. I figured we could drag him here and force him into therapy, see what happens. Ben: I can't quite tell through the gag, but I think he's threatening to feed you your own spleen. Ahsoka: Lol, yeah.
Ben is absolutely on team "get Maul therapy" and will fight the Council on rehabilitating the baby Sith But also it's like. Here's your daughter! And your niece! And your daughter's QPP! Also your best friend, but baby, and his teacher, and the biological origin of a number of people you cared for deeply! AND ALSO THE GUY WHO SPENT LITERAL DECADES CRAVING YOUR DEATH, FOR SOME REASON
I just really want Ahsoka lovingly bullying Maul She gives him noogies and the horns don't protect him because girl has reinforced gloves
Maul's only allowed a low-power training saber and his fights with Sokari involve Much Taunting by her and Eventual Screaming by him, and everyone pops by to see: 1. Sokari doing the most absurd flips, for fun. 2. The bullshit that is ataru-shien reverse-grip jar'kai in the hands of someone who makes it work 3. What a Sith lightsaber form looks like 4. Just the general nonsense that is the way these two fight
Tia said “Wrt ridiculous flips. I'm remembering that time she beheaded four Kryst'ad at once.” and I just Rex brings up the quadruple beheading at one point to get someone to stop asking questions and the awkward, horrified silence almost makes him regret it. And then Sokari just snorts and makes a joke about how Rex once speared a slaver point-blank and everyone's just like hello??? "are you two okay" "no"
Maul absolutely starts crushing on Sokari after a 'sword under chin' moment and she's just very "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you're fifteen, bye" GO MAKE PUPPY EYES AT OBI-WAN OR SOMETHING
The crushes are the worst part of everything, really, she's an attractive young woman that can kick a lot of ass, and a lot of people are into that! Unfortunately, most of those people are a decade younger than she is, mentally, because all the people her actual age look at her and see a child on account of the 17yo body.
It’s almost a good thing she’s in no place mentally for a relationship.
I just want Ahsoka to wear beskar.... I think that would be Nice........
This AU is also what caused this post.
I'm deeply enamored by the idea that Ahsoka can win fights against "older" padawans pretty much unilaterally, even when they team up 2v1 And then she offers to fight 5v1 "But only if I have permission to fight dirty." Ben approves it, a horror show full of "I fought many wars and will scream in your face or kick you in the balls if that's what it takes" follows She wins. There are no permanent injuries, but her reputation certainly gets weirder. Nobody under the rank of Knight agrees to let her fight dirty again. She just lets that stand because, well, she's not actually a padawan, she's thirty-three.
I’m not going to write this but my brain was EVIL and suggested it:
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IT WOULD BE REALLY SAD IDK maybe 9yo Anakin has nightmares about what's happening to baby Ahsoka because bullshit about time-traveling force bonds IDK ANYWAY he cries to Sokari about the nightmares and she's like "oh shit" and it's time to go rescue herself from motherfucker unlimited
It's either that or she's like, expecting to welcome mini-me aaaany day now, for like, several months, before she realizes Something Went Wrong. Anakin’s dreams could even start right as she’s starting to realize something’s off.
Obi-Wan has never had a padawan that doesn't at some point bite Even Luke will, when pushed
OH also once the twins get Baby's First Lightsaber (training sabers, not real kyber), Sokari begs to borrow them for a dumb joke and tells Rex to get on her shoulders for a "Grievous Greeting" and they do The Thing
Jango and Ahsoka wrt Quinlan is just “Do I need to beat him up for you” “You realize I’ve beaten up sith lords before?”
JANGO'S TRYING He's just. "Can we be friends? Can I--can I be the guy that just noticeably gets in the way of a creep on the subway so you can be more comfortable without someone making a scene? I'm fucking trying here, give me a hint."
We didn’t actually figure out Jango’s age until this point. The only reason Fett's age matters is for Quinlan making a Wild Oats quip after Jango says he didn't know about Rex until a few weeks ago, and Fett going "How old do you think I am? And how old do you think the kid is?" and Quinlan getting Very Awkward as he does the math. Rex overhears and lets Quinlan sweat for a bit before saying "I'm a genetically-modified clone someone grew in a tube, he didn't know or have reason to know until he saw me with Sokari." Which is like. Eight additional layers of WTF, obviously, but at least Jango gets to avoid awkward wild oats jokes
Like, you’d expect the rebuttal to be ‘he’s my brother just with a biiig age gap’ or ‘he’s my nephew’
I find it very unfortunate for Quinlan that I've decided his defining characteristic in this context is going to be repeatedly putting his foot in his mouth
He’s trying so hard but "That sounds like a cool thing, maybe I'll ask ab--and it's another fucking trauma."
I'm doing Ahsoka&Jango t w i c e (there’s another fic where I’m doing it)
It’s just a fun dynamic! So much resentful respect.
Like she's twenty seconds away from calling him a bitch at any given time and he's just there like "I don't like you but I do see you move like you're about to tell an entire building to get on their knees with their hands in the air and I can respect that" Also she's probably much less judgmental about using blasters than Obi-Wan is The Maul subplot actually started with me daydreaming about Ahsoka grabbing a blaster for Reasons
I like the idea of Jango just deciding the most Useful thing he can do is help teach the Smol how to fight. He's AWKWARD around Rex and Soka because he doesn't know if there's anything he CAN teach them.
I didn’t actually plan for Tholme to figure out the age thing, he just SAID it and I had to sit there like Wait.
Ahsoka, Rex & Leia: ahhh, children Tholme: you say that like you aren’t children
I liked getting to write Rex's little "I have worked with all of them, and they're all Terrible" He loves them But They once got stranded on a planet that didn’t exist and Ahsoka died and Anakin killed a god.
There was research and discussion as to whether Ahsoka could win against Tholme but seeing as she held her own against Vader, and fought Grievous at that physical age without dying, etc.... yeah, the only thing holding her back was her body not being what she was used to, and she’s had a few weeks go adjust.
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“I miss being able to just jump off skyscrapers” is such a jedi thing
Jango: I'll take the gun back if he tries to leave, they can't get far before--WHAT THE FUCK He knows Jedi are scary but he’s still not really used to just how over the top ridiculous they are He knows how to deal with Jedi in battle, not Whatever The Fuck These People Are Doing
Rex isn't even a Jedi, he's just so used to working with them. “Oh yes time for free-falling without a parachute again, same shit as always.”
Tia: I’m imagining Jango freaking out and Quinlan and Tholme being like. Concerned but mostly exasperated Clearly if they’re jumping off buildings it must be serious? But jfc they could’ve maybe communicated a bit more?
Leia: I want to finish my juice Tholme: Quin, stay with her while we go figure out what those two are doing. Quinlan: Wait what
Jango: Oh now he’s jumping off a building too??? Tholme: Sokari, you are not registered! You can't legally jump out windows yet! Jango: What the hell is going on? Is this normal?
We don’t necessarily know how often Ahsoka and Maul ran into each other after Mandalore. There was the later thing on Malachor, but other than that I'm just going with the idea that they ran into each other every year or two and just went for the eyes like feral cats
Ahsoka: I need to kick ass and you're coming with me. Rex: Yeah, okay. [several minutes later] Rex: Whose ass are we kicking?
Ahsoka and Rex
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Neloms aren’t a SW fruit to the best of my knowledge, I just wanted to mess around with lemons/melons
Jango: you didn’t think any of this through, did you? Rex: you were there, you know we didn’t "When the Jedi says to jump out a window, I jump out a window."
Tholme’s real composed about stalking the ancient nigh-mythical enemy of his people, very “Life is already so goddamn weird”
This fic has been so heavy on the trauma but then I introduce Maul and suddenly it's the worst kind of comedy Nobody is competent, everyone's a little dumb, the bad guy is just grocery shopping
My propensity for banter has turned this into a six-person buddy cop comedy about Maul buying grapes They spend a significant amount to time ineffectually stalking Maul before Quin suggests the sensible option Quinlan just "You remember this is my literal job and specialty right"
Ahsoka sees Maul and all her brain cells go out the window except "Fight good" Usually she doesn’t need to worry about doing things legally. Maybe she needs to worry about someone seeing her do illegal things but she spent the past 15 yrs in a place where her existing was illegal
I feel like he’s also maybe kinda wanting to reassert that yes he is competent. Bc like. Ahsoka’s been kinda condescending this whole time and also can beat everyone up so. It's not his fault that he's actually the youngest person there, but.
Jango is finding this whole being friendly to Jedi thing a lot more overwhelming than he thought it would be. And overwhelming in different ways.
Maul usually signifies things getting worse and more horrifyingly tragic but he's just a dumb teen that they needed to arrest for his own good.
Quinlan: Look, I'm useful! Ahsoka: I've been through hell, wanna hear? Quinlan: NO. I DON'T. WHY.
Quinlan: I understand the concept of joking about your traumas, I do it sometimes myself! But sith hells that’s a lot of trauma.
Quinlan just wanted her to treat him as a Competent Individual, and here she is whipping out stories about Dying and Gods and the Force insists it's the truth and he just???? And apparently emo darksider over there is a Sith. And just, sure. Why not
A lot of people’s interactions with the time travelling disaster lineage is just
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Tholme and Fett arguing and  Ahsoka's just waiting for a moment to pop in with "Hey, when's the last time either of you worked with the other's culture before this mess? Yeah, that's what I thought."
Much like Leia and Ahsoka hurting each other earlier, and Tholme figuring out the de-aging, we ALSO have Fett’s confrontation with Ahsoka being something the characters just did, rather than something I planned.
FTR the only time I managed to trigger myself while writing this fic was the “your behavior isn’t actually acceptable and we’ve all been trying really hard to give you room to recover but you have to at least make an effort to not be a bitch”
Writing about people having PTSD and symptoms of such: Yay! Writing about people having PTSD and engaging in toxic behavior to cope: Shit Ahsoka had... basically my exact reaction. It's "remind yourself that you're in the wrong, that they have a point, and then be overly formal in the apology because fuck if you accidentally make them feel sorry for you when they're the injured party"
Quinlan: Can we be friends? I mean, you're an asshole, but you're really cool. Let's be friends. (He MIGHT be nursing a crush) (Neat mysterious girl who can beat him up.)
Also he realises she's probably nicer when not having a slow-motion breakdown He's like "Huh, you'll probably be less of an asshole once you've gotten therapy."
...also, she pretty and got Nice Biceps
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I love writing a good mental breakdown
I was so close to including a "he tried to kill me" just early enough for Jango to wildly misinterpret as her thinking Quinlan tried to kill her. He'd have been very confused, considering Quinlan's the one that called them down in a panic and currently has Ahsoka having her massive breakdown in his lap But
Tia:  I could see Jango interpreting it as idk, Quin resembling someone or for a moment acting like someone who tried to kill her and she had a flashback or something like that
There's absolutely room for a couple reasonable interpretations there And "trapped in a flashback about someone who tried to kill her" is absolutely what's happening! Just. You know. For a different reason. Jango probably wouldn’t assume Quin would hurt her, for one thing he seems to like her, for another even if he did he’s smart enough to pick a way that wouldn’t be so likely to get him caught
I had to step back and actually say “Also I'm just. Wow. I'm really just shoveling QPP Rex&Ahsoka at full speed”
Me, a few weeks ago, joking: Two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist Me, now, entirely seriously: Two halves of the same idiot black ops specialist
Me, belatedly: Oh, Ahsoka being joyfully mean to people was a form of mania she was unconsciously using to build a barrier between herself and her impending meltdown
She went from "just died" to "in charge of Rex and Leia" in like. Two minutes.
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Confession: I've been delighting in the mental image of this whole Mess leading Jango to try to retake Mandalore, and Ahsoka loans him a saber for a 1v1 to get the darksaber.
“Can’t I just fight him barehanded? That’s how I did it on Galidraan.” "But the drama, Fett!"
Probably Rex has learned how to use a saber as well, because you never know when you have to borrow a weapon
I later changed my mind to Jango asking her to help, rather than her just sneak-teaching him, but it was funny.
Background nonsense to all this is Ahsoka and Rex, despite Rex being as force-sensitive as a lump of coal, having developed a process where she can extend her sensitivity to him mind-to-mind for weird symbiotic battle trance that scares everyone around them. It’s very similar to Battle meditation.
CONTEXT FOR LEIA BEING WORRIED ABOUT THOLME HIDING THINGS: Tholme is hiding the fact that the Council reached out and told him that the people he picked up might be connected to Ben and Luke, who showed up after the Depa thing but a solid week and change before Jango's ship makes it to the Temple. They asked that he not share that information to avoid getting anyone's hopes up in case the two situations aren't related. Ben and Luke haven't shared enough information for anyone to really be sure if the other three are connected Because the info Tholme has isn't quite the info Jango has, etc. And they can't just say Ben is a future Obi-Wan over comms
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I just have a lot of feelings about people trying to do something right and just. Nobody's at fault! Not really! It's just complicated!
Tia: I like how when Ahsoka isn’t doing maladaptive trauma response stuff she’s very mature. And of course she’s had to be but it’s a good like, contrast. Where when she slows down to think about things she’s very sensible
Jango just spends most of this story lowkey wanting Ahsoka to Be His Friend but there's too much baggage that he's only metaphysically responsible for
Local aroace(?) has a squish
Ahsoka: He just wants to get on my good side because of Rex. Jango: I'm pretty sure you could kill an entire army without trying but you wouldn't because you have actual morals and stuff... and when I met you it was because you were killing yourself trying to keep (what appeared to be) children safe... you seem cool please be my friend.......
Ahsoka’s #1 weakness: mountains of trauma Ahsoka’s #2 weakness: she just doesn’t get why so many people think she’s cool and want her to be their (girl)friend
Jango, a 27yo massacre survivor who's killed Jedi masters with his bare hands: [gets lectured on various government structures by a tiny girl that's missing several teeth and needs to sit on books to see the table properly]
Ahsoka was raised in a religious meritocracy but developed all her opinions during a galactic war and then became a vigilante spy, Rex comes from a military cult, Leia is from an inherited monarchy that participates in democracy, Quinlan was originally from what appears to be a dynastic dictatorship, and IDK about Tholme other than that he is also from the religious meritocracy. And in legends Quinlan came to the religious meritocracy after his aunt sacrificed his parents to a vampire cult and then forced him to experience the psychometric echoes of that. There's just. A lot going on.
Leia at least has knowledge about structure and admin in theory that isn't based in either the military or populations under 10k
Jango: I want to be your friend. Ahsoka: Sounds fake.
I am unfairly fond of "Rex destroys a conversation by bringing up his own horrifying childhood and calling it a cult"
"Why does Sokari call you 'Rex'ika'?" "Because she's older than me." "...can I--?" "No."
Nickname privileges are extended ONLY to Ahsoka and older clones. There are no more older clones, so it's just Ahsoka.
Me joking about Star Wars AUs: Would you like a crackship? Me writing actual Star Wars fic: My favorite character type is apparently “too traumatized to have a relationship” so this is at least 90% gen.
I had to pull a scene opening at one point because Ahsoka's skill with not getting shot is actually much less useful than Tholme's clearance levels.
Now I really want a team-up of Ahsoka, Rex, and Jango where they do have to get in a dogfight of the "she flies, we shoot" variety and Fett just has to scream because the speeder thing to catch Maul was one thing, but this....
Ahsoka, before TCW: I know all the traffic rules but I'm not that great at flying! Ahsoka, after TCW: I'm great at flying but if you let me behind the wheel we are absolutely getting arrested.
She went from "knows the rules but doesn't have the skills" to "has the skills but primarily in the form of not getting shot" which! Is delightful! "Bet I can get us through that alley--" "DO NOT"
Jango and Ahsoka are both just very "Is this friendship? Is this camaraderie? My heart's been fried on platonic love by so many murders that I'm not sure anymore." "I've lost a lot of friends. I kind of forgot how to make those."
I have no idea if "hasn't been closer than Alderaan except that one trip to Chandrila" is canon-compliant but ehhhhhhhh It feels plausible enough?
Belatedly realized that I could just explain my optimal Rex&Ahsoka dynamic as just... drift compatible. It's vague enough on the specifics while still digging into the meat of what they mean to each other and how they work together. The terminology is already in existence. I can just use it.
Romantic? Platonic? Familial? Doesn't matter! They're drift compatible.
They are important to each other and that is what matters
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I really like the Leia&Quinlan thing. He's just like "This small child needs a friend that isn't super depressed," and decided he's going to be her friend. I keep trying to toss in "Quinlan volunteers to 'baby'sit." She's not much older and she has a Baby Brain, it works out
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There's a running bet as to whether Leia will leave the Order the second she turns thirteen, or if she'll let Sokari "train" her for a few years first. And... that’s how I came up with Leia Antilles, Senator of Serenno.
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They'll be bullshitting Ben as her new master to "finish out the padawanship" since they can't tell everyone she's really in her thirties and he's conveniently there and already knows everything and was half her master anyway. Like Ben was planning on taking on Luke, but Luke is "six" and even he can't swing that as old enough to be a Padawan, and it's not like Sokari will take more than a handful of years to justify knighthood, sooooooooo
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anischa22 · 3 years
Meet the Prince! Luke Randolph 🐻
After Jin, here's the next route :
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The 8th Prince of Rhodolite Kingdom, yes he's the youngest and just joined the royal family
Arm of Coat : Bear
First impression of him : a lazy one? ... Hmm let's see, can i like him? Thought he's kinda cute (his bear charm i mean lol)
His voice actor is Shion Yoshitaka
He has given you the aura of a lazy man, but his smile is the sweetest smile you can get, together with Leon UwU Even though his the youngest, his body is bigger than the other princes. Really makes him look more like a bear. Even Yves is just like a doll when compared to Luke 😂 But with an appearance like that one might think Luke is one of the court guards lol
Luke had just become a prince, 2 or 3 months before the MC's arrival. Because he lived in the city, Luke became good friends with the MC because only with him, MC could communicate normally. Or Luke considers MC as his younger sister, even though MC is actually older than him.
Actually Luke isn't officially a prince yet, so before the official ceremony he has to learn court etiquette and adapt to his new life, but Luke doesn't want to do it at all. He's just lazing around, escaped from Sariel and then fell asleep in the garden. He also refuses all social activities even though the faction Luke belongs to is the faction that is required to socialize more. Not completely lazy though, sometimes he does what Chevalier ask like buy books in town, it's just as long as you give him honey. Yes, honey is only his motivation. Then when Mc asks "if you don't want to do all this (not interested in the throne), why are you still here?", Luke's expression darkens.
Maybe he looks like he doesn't care about anything, but he's actually a kind and caring person. Especially toward MC. On the other hand, he's quite mysterious. No one knows, Luke holds a huge grudge against the royal family, so big that taking revenge was the only reason Luke survived until now. This reason really just got discovered on his route. Honestly, I already anticipating what drama might happen on his route, but it still surprises me. Bc on the other route, Luke is really acting normal! I get scared thinking about the possibility that the kindness Luke showed in front of the other princes was just an act Ó╭╮Ò
Sooooo the interesting part of this route, as usual, is how MC can change Luke? For some people, forgiving someone you hate because that person has snatched someone you love is not an easy matter. Moreover, you live only for revenge. I really like the drama in Luke's route bc i can understand his feeling, it feels more realistic. At least, his problem is not a light problem. I'd say Luke's story is more darker, but Idk with Clavis, Sariel or Rio later
For reading Luke's route, you should probably read Jin's route first because their stories are very related. I was just thinking, that Jin and Luke, which has a resemblance from childhood and some things, have a big difference in seeing what has happened to them. If Jin can forgive, then Luke can't. Jin focused to the future, but Luke trapped in past, will do anything to get his revenge. But that's makes Jin is the most suitable person to be close with Luke. He can guide and help him in many ways. Btw Luke's story is the first story which gives clues about new characters and more detailed about 'traitor in court' which is often mentioned in previous routes.
Luke is not recommended to anyone who doesn't like lazy guy. Well sometimes i like this type, but I'm thinking twice about Luke. He's nice guy and his laziness has a reason, but his reluctance in carrying out the duties of a prince is quite annoying to me😅. There's a moment that's make me .... Umm like "wwwhhhyyyy?? Don't do that!". But yeah back to the first, i understand that Luke doesn't want to be a prince, i'm just disappointed a little bit ಠ,_」ಠ
Honey, is something Luke loves more than anything. Where there is honey, there is Luke! Just imagine, you put honey as a trap, then soon a 'bear' named Luke appears 😂 and Jin often uses that to lure his younger bro. Plus he can cook any honey themed food. Honestly, Luke is very talented and smart, proof that he is indeed the son of the king. He just went a little bit wrong using that ability😅
One proof of his ability is the bear charm that he often carries, bc he made it himself!
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Can I get one too, sir? (つ✧ω✧)つ
Bonus! In his route we often meet Jin ... And Clavis! Surely, Clavis has been an important character lately lol. With personality like that he really can't be ignored 😂
Bonus! We already know Luke close with Jin. Is there anyone else close to him? Yes, it's Rio. They're partner in crime commoner buddies, thought I see LukexJin more often than LukexRio. They happen to both like sweet food, both are young, come from the city, quite mysterious especially their fighting skills (has 2 sides which may be surprising) and both really pay attention to MC.
The other princes? Well, he get along well with other prince in Leonist faction. In his own faction, they are not close and very rarely gather in office or be at the same event. Just imagining them getting together is already giving you a weird feeling. 2 prince will bullying teasing you, will the youngest trying to protect and the oldest just silence, lucky if the Cheva doesn't speak sharply to you! (Eh but his silence is already intimidating😅). This faction is very ... Unique ... Ah, I'm just remembered! Have you ever wondered why Luke joined this faction and why Chevalier kept this lazy man in the faction?😉
That's quite long! Next, will be the chaos lover-prince, Clavis!
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Finally another oneshot, after forever and a day. I’m weak for soulmate AUs. I think most of you know that already.
This one is based on a prompt given to me a hella long time ago, idk who sent it to me. Tell me who you are so I can credit you! I wrote down the prompt for me to remember, it’s something like; “You can write letters to your soulmate, and they travel through time either to a moment your soulmate needs the letter most or to a random point in time to them.”
Dear Myself.
I’m doing this for school. We have to write letters to our future self. I am nine years old right now, the year is 2009. I hope you found a cool job! I don’t know what to do yet. I like drawing though! Science is icky, so I hope you’re not a scientist. But if you are, and if it makes us happy, then I guess it’s okay. Be the best scientist you can! If you are all moved out, did you ever get a pet hamster? Hamsters are so cute!
Oh, but most important. Yesterday, I was bullied by my Arch Enemy. You know who. Yeah. Anyway, she said some mean things and it just reminded me that sometimes life hurts, and people can hurt you real bad. But life is still pretty. A family of robins made a nest on my terrace outside my room, and I saw them after I was done crying. They are so cute, and made me happy again. So, always look for your family of robins to keep you happy, I guess. Life isn’t bad, even if some things and people are. I hope you remember that. Keep believing in yourself, and in others!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (from the past).
Do not open this letter before 2020! Pretty please!
Shaking hands held the letter. It was written two years ago, but he only could have gotten it now. It just appeared on his desk out of nowhere. At first, he thought it was some sick joke. He had just moved to Gotham again, and none of his—
None of them knew he was back. But he recognized this handwriting. He had gotten exactly one letter from them before, written by an older version of this woman and received by him when he was ten. Not long after being taken in by Bruce Wayne. The letter back then had been short, precise. Comforting.
Hello there.
I am writing this in the year 2018. You see, I found out quite a while ago that my soulmate bond is unique. It sends letters to you that I write, from all across time. I can get your letters, too, so don’t hesitate to write to me if you need to vent. My letters might not always reach you in time to feel like a normal response, but I’ll keep writing if you do. I know your life isn’t easy, if the letters I’ve already gotten mean anything. But keep fighting. I know what it’s like to be the underdog. But I’m rooting for you.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, New Adult.
Jason’s hands crumpled the two pieces of paper in them, the older of the two already close to crumbling away. They had buried him with it, resurrected him with it. It had seen hell and back just like him, but he still kept it. Even with blurring ink and ripped edges and blood stains. The writing and names matched, even if his newer letter was written in the clumsy scrawl of a child. The nuances in the handwriting were still the same.
She would still be writing to him. This new letter he got was clearly the first, before she knew about her soulmate or how her letters would disappear after she wrote them just like his did. But 2009? It just sank into him, that she was younger than he was. By seven years.
But her words still kept him afloat better than any lecture from that asshole Bruce.
He couldn’t see her yet. Not any time soon, really. He was already eighteen, dead and resurrected, and she was barely eleven. He could wait.
She didn’t need somebody as screwed and dark as him right now, anyway. A murderer, a budding crime boss. If she needed someone killed for her, or someone to save her, he’d be there. Otherwise?
Jason took out the receipt from his last visit to a gas station for cigarettes, grabbed a sharpie from his desk, and began to write.
Yo, Mari.
I’m writing this in 2011. I got your first letter. Thanks. It reminded me of some good times. I’m sorry I didn’t write anything for five years. Stuff happened. I won’t write often. Not until I’m in a better place. But if you need it, you can vent to me too. Also, don’t look at the back of this receipt. This was the only paper I could find.
Jason T., Your Soulmate.
Marinette, nine years old, stared down at the receipt that had taken the place of her letter to herself. She recognized that it was written in English, but she couldn’t read it yet. But that was okay, her Papan and Maman could read English!
She ran down, holding it in her hands tightly. She didn’t want the mystery letter to disappear! She handed it to her parents, who were in the middle of making croissants and stared at her for a moment. And then they broke into a flurry of movement.
“Why do you have a receipt for cigarettes, Marinette?!” Sabine yelled, confused more than angry. How would her daughter get a receipt written in English? And after giving her parents a confused head tilt, Marinette explained.
“It just appeared, like, poof!” She moved her hands to illustrate her point. “I was writing my letter to my future self for school, which is gone now oh no! Mlle. is going to be so mad!”
“Mari, focus,” Tom prodded gently, laying a hand on her shoulder. “You were writing your letter, and then what?”
Marinette took a deep breath. “Well, I finished it and put it in a little envelope. But as soon as I put it down and was all done, it shimmered red and faded away! This showed up in the same place my letter had been, like they were traded!”
Tom and Sabine shared a glance, and her mom held out her hand. “Can I read it, Marinette? I promise I won’t take it away. Your father and I just want to see what it says. We’ll read it to you.”
Marinette nodded eagerly, and after making sure their dough was put away the family of bakers moved to their living room and the little girl sat on her father’s lap as her mother held the note for them to see and read it aloud.
The parents shared another glance.
“Wow!” Marinette exclaimed happily, bouncing in place. “He sounds so cool! He is my soulmate? Really? I wonder what he looks like!” Her eyes took on a dreamy quality as she began to daydream. “I bet he’s super handsome! And nice and strong and—“
“Mari,” Tom said gently, tugging one pigtail playfully to get his daughter’s attention. She turned her large blue eyes to him, rapt with attentiveness. “I know this is exciting, but you know that not all soulmates are romantic, right?”
Marinette instantly calmed down, eyebrows pinching together. “But— but Nino said that soulmates are people you will marry in the future. Your perfect person. Like you and Maman,” she argued, incredibly confused. Her Maman chuckled, handing Marinette her receipt-letter back.
“Yes, but sometimes a person doesn’t need romance the most. Sometimes, what a person needs most is a friend or another family member. So sometimes, a soulmate is a big sister or brother instead, or another Maman or Papan. And we think that your soulmate might be the big brother kind,” she explained patiently. Marinette’s confusion instantly changed to excitement again, eyes sparkling with starry amazement.
“Really? How can you tell?”
“Well,” Tom took over, tapping the receipt with one finger. This receipt is from America. Over there, you have to be eighteen to buy cigarettes. Which means that, two years from now, your soulmate is already eighteen.”
“Or he better be, anyway,” Sabine growled, eyes narrowed dangerously.
“But even if he isn’t,” Tom nervously glanced over at his wife and back to his daughter. “The way he writes is too grown up for someone close to your age. He is probably several years older than you—“
“At least seven, if he knows what’s good for him,” Sabine interrupted again. Tom just chuckled and shook his head.
“But still. Are you okay with him not being a romantic soulmate, Nettie?”
Marinette jumped off of her dad’s lap, hugging her note to her chest with one of the biggest smiles either of her parents had ever seen on her face.
“Are you kidding? I’ve always wanted a big brother! I bet he’s so cool, and rides a motorcycle and beats up bad guys! And when we meet, we’ll go out for ice cream and he’ll ruffle my hair, and let me ride on his shoulders, and it’ll be so awesome!”
Sabine finally lost her threatening aura, laughing along with her daughter. “Well, I don’t know about the whole beating up bad guys thing. But it sounds like he might need some cheering up, so you should write him letters pretty often. You never know when he might need one the most.”
Marinette nodded seriously, eyes shining with determination now. “That’s right! I have to be the best soulmate-sister ever! I’ll start writing him another letter right now!” She instantly turned to run back up to her room, but her dad’s voice followed her:
“Marinette! You haven’t eaten dinner yet!”
The next day, Jason came back to his base to see another letter. It was on special scrapbook paper, a pretty white with a heart-and-stars border. He found himself snorting despite himself, shaking his head and picking up the girly letter.
Hello, Jason!
I just got your letter! It’s still 2009, and my parents were worried about the cigarats. I wanted to learn English first, but Maman and Papan reminded me that you have to be able to read French if you were able to read my past letters (I wonder what I wrote you! My future self must be real smart). Maman says you better be 18, or else she’ll kick your butt. She didn’t say that exactly, but I could tell.
Jason snickered at that. She must have a pretty fun family.
Maman and Papan also said that you’re probably a Big Brother soulmate. That’s super cool! I’ve always wanted an older brother, but it’s just me. I get lonely sometimes. And Maman thinks I have a big imagination, so help me prove her wrong! I bet her that you’re suuuuuuper cool, and have a motorcycle and beat up criminals! She doesn’t think my soulmate would be a hero, but I think you are. I don’t even know you yet, but I just feel it. And even if you don’t beat up bad guys, that’s fine. You’ll still protect me like a big brother should, right? And we’ll go and eat ice cream and talk about the stuff we like when we finally meet. And I’ll protect you too. I know little sisters aren’t supposed to, but I will totally protect you anyway. If you’re sad, I’ll make you macaroons and read you a bedtime story. That always makes me happy.
Please write back soon!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (from the past still!)
Jason couldn’t help it, and maybe the Lazarus magic had a bit of sway on him still, but he laughed raucously. A deep, belly-shaking bellow. His soulmate sure was a character! And scarily intuitive. How did she guess such accurate things about him? It was hilarious.
But he wouldn’t write back today. Not yet. He held no illusions; he wasn’t brother material. Not now, and probably not for a while if ever. Which reminded him, he had a replacement to kill.
The Replacement lived, but at least Batman had gotten the message. Meanwhile, letters from Little Mari, as he had started calling her in his head, had started piling up. He read every single one, but didn’t respond to any. It was all the usual stuff. Talking about her day, asking stuff about him, spouting advice that seemed way too insightful for a nine-year-old.
He kept every single one. Soon, 2009 letters turned into 2010 letters. She switched from writing almost every day to once a week.
By then, Jason had reconciled with Bruce for the most part. After a few attempts on his life, but that wasn’t important. It was then, as he sat down in the living room watching Tim, Dick, Bruce, and the newest hellion Damian, all talking with and teasing one another that he finally got the urge to write again. So he asked for paper, and Alfred brought him a notepad and a plain ballpoint pen. And, for the first time in over a year, he started writing.
Dick and Bruce noticed first, stopping their banter to stare. Dick smiled softly, his shoulders relaxing as he let himself slump over the sofa’s arm a bit. Tim furrowed his eyebrows, and Damian frowned.
“What are you doing, Todd?” The young hellion asked, but Jason barely heard him.
“Nonya business, squirt,” he replied absently. Bruce chuckled fondly, beckoning to his two youngest sons. They both came a bit closer, and Bruce smiled at them conspiratorially. He leaned forward and whispered:
“Jason’s soulbond allows any letters that he writes to travel through time to his Bonded, and vice versa. Back before… everything, he used to write a letter to her almost every day.”
“It’s really sweet. We lined up the dates, and we think that she’s around your age Damian,” Dick added in equally softly. “Probably a familial bond. It’s good that he’s writing to her again.”
Marinette was twelve the next time she got a letter from Jason. But, unlike the last one, this one came from the past. And it was written in French.
Hi, Marinette!
I guess I’m your soulmate. I got your letter from 2018. It’s 2005 when I’m writing this. I’m twelve years old right now, but that shouldn’t matter. It was a little surprising when I got a letter written in French out of nowhere! Luckily, I speak a lot of languages. I love learning languages, and reading is probably my favorite thing to do. Don’t tell anyone though! I have my bad-boy image to keep up. I think our soulbond is really cool actually, and maybe we can teach each other stuff if we do this right. I know the whole time-traveling-letters thing makes it hard to reply to each other like normal. From now on, I’ll write you these letters in English and translate them in French on the back. That way, you can read it whenever you want and also learn English if you don’t already know it when you get this letter.
Oh, and I think I’m older than you? In real time, I mean. If you’re a “new adult” in 2018, then you’re probably a few years younger than me. I was born in 1993. You can do the math, since I don’t know when you were born. Anyway! I’ll keep writing you as often as I can and hope that you get these letters when you need them most.
Jason T., Excited Tween.
Marinette laughed, running down to show her mom. She was only writing Jason once a month now, but in the midst of this first letter she had received in three years, her determination was relit. It was just the letters being dumb when they flew through time! No way he was done writing to her. Right?
“Maman! Maman, he really was eighteen when he wrote that first letter! You don’t have to kill him!”
Marinette stared at the pile of letters on her desk, sighing. She ran a hand through her hair. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to read them yet, but she knew they were each dated from 2005. Apparently they had both decided to write daily when they had first discovered their Bond.
“Marinette,” the familiar voice of Tikki spoke you, the little Kwami floating over to land on her holder’s shoulder. “You should read them. Your bond wouldn’t give you letters you don’t need.”
Marinette took a deep breath, rubbing her already sore and red eyes. “I know. But what if—“
Tikki grabbed the letter at the bottom of the pile, flying over and handing it to the pigtailed girl. She smiled gently. “Read it. No what-ifs. Just read for now, Marinette.”
The newest Ladybug sighed, but acquiesced. She sat down at her desk, and began to read. Only two months as Ladybug, and already the pressure was becoming too much.
Two hours later, she had caught up and her mood was considerably better. Jason’s life was definitely no cake walk, but his humor bled through the more concerning details and helped bring light to Marinette’s day. Slowly, one by one, she folded the letters and put them in her special locked box inside her “diary”. She tried to keep a real diary once, but quickly stopped when she realized that even “dear diary” counted as a letter and sent itself to Jason.
She pulled out one of her special pieces of stationary paper and her favorite pink gel pen. For a while she stared at the paper, out of practice after a few months of not writing to him, but eventually she was able to begin again.
Hey Jason.
It’s 2013. I’m 13. I’m pretty sure you got the point by now, it’s not hard to figure out what year I was born. I haven’t responded to any of your letters in a while, but I guess that doesn’t matter. It’s not like I know if you’re gonna get this right away anyway.
So. Uh. Things have changed. I’m only thirteen, but I feel so old you know? On the bright side, your letters really did help me learn English. I mean, you probably guessed that since I’m writing this whole thing in English.
I guess I should explain. A little. A lot has happened. I suddenly have so many responsibilities, and it’s really hard to keep up with it all. So much has changed in just a few months, I feel like I’m going crazy. I’m keeping secrets from Maman and Papan now, which hurts the most. I can’t tell them, I can’t even tell you, but I’m not used to this. I don’t like lying. I don’t even know why any of this happened in the first place, I want answers and I’m getting radio silence. It sucks. But your letters from 2005 really helped, so thanks. I just got them this past year, which is really weird because I remember that our letters time travel and I feel crazy again. But this is real. Our Bond is real, and maybe writing you will help me remember that. Help me focus a bit.
Anyway, that’s all I can think of right now. I’ll try to write you again sometime this week if I have time. We’ll see.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Unsure Teenager.
As soon as Jason finished his letter, pretending he couldn’t feel Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian all spying on him from their own spots around the living room, the papers he wrote on shimmered red and vanished. In their place, a piece of tea-colored scrapbook paper with a decorative robin-and-egg border (he would never know how she could be so obliviously on point with the designs she chose), popped into existence. He blinked, snatching it up and looking it over. His eyes widened.
“It’s only from next year,” he said aloud, for the benefit of the nosy assholes sharing the room with him. “That’s the closest any of our letters have been to one another,” and then Jason’s eyes promptly went serious as she actually read what the paper said.
“Jay?” Dick asked after the man had been silent too long. Jason grunted, his eyes briefly shimmering green before he shook it away. He took a few deep breaths, and finally responded by standing up and handing the paper over to them.
“Something happens next year that fucks with her. All of the letters I’ve gotten from her, besides that first one back when I was still Robin, were from before this. 2009 to 2010. I even got a few from last year, not that long ago. She’s always upbeat and happy and never said anything about any concerning things besides some schoolyard bullying. This isn’t at all like her. The tone is off.”
“Well, it’s not like you’ve actually met her yet Jason,” Tim tried to console him, rereading the paper to make sure he didn’t miss anything. “This could be something mundane. A new school, or an issue with friends or something.”
Jason grit his teeth. “It isn’t. I don’t know how I know, but my gut is telling me it’s more than that. B, I want us to keep an eye on Paris. Something big happens next year, I know it.”
Bruce sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Funnily enough, I agree with you. Alfred, can you get up a monitoring system? we’ll keep it automatic until next year actually hits, and then I want someone personally checking up on Paris news at least once a month. Just in case.”
It was a year into HawkMoth. Marinette hadn’t written a single letter to Jason, but she kept getting the ones he wrote in 2005. When those ran out, she only had two from 2006 before they suddenly leapt to 2012. She guessed that that was because of the five year gap he had mentioned in his first letter, the infamous cigarette receipt.
She sat in her chair, reading the only two 2012 letters so far, the second of which had conveniently landed on her desk that morning. The first had arrived months ago, but she gave it a reread anyway.
yo, Mari.
I’m sorry I haven't written anything else after that horrible receipt, I was getting my life sorted out. things are better now. I have three annoying brothers, by the way. I told you about Dick, I think, in my early letters. Now I have two younger brothers too, Tim and Damian. Damian is a little shit, but oddly enough I think you’d like him. Oh yeah, I’m writing this in 2012 by the way. And yes, this small notepad paper was all I had. Don’t judge me. I guess I’ll answer some questions, to make up for my lack of letters lately. More up to date than what I told you back when I was a naive little kid anyway.
Yes, I have a motorcycle. It is my baby, and I have no idea how nine-year-old you was able to guess stuff about me so accurately. I am most definitely a bad boy, and I have five different leather jackets that I love to death. I’m trying to quit smoking. It’s bad for your lungs kid, don’t follow my example there. Also, I am so fucking proud of your taste in music. I know I had no sway in it, but the fact that Jagged Stone is your favorite musician instills so much older brother pride in me you don’t even know. My dad (You remember how I said I’m adopted, right? yeah that asshole. Don’t tell him I actually love him, but he’s still an asshole), he grew up with Jagged actually. He still refers to him as Jared, it’s surreal. I will definitely let you ride on my shoulders, even if you’re an adult when we meet. I give no shits. And ice cream is mandatory. Officially. I’m making it mandatory right now.
I hope you’re doing okay when this gets to you, Mari. And keep designing, the sketches you sent me were awesome! That’s some real talent. Don’t let it go to waste if it’s something you love.
Alright, the Doofuses are still staring at me so I better go before one of them snoops and sees the sappy stuff I wrote about them. You are sworn to secrecy about it too, Cupcake. No blabbing.
Jason Todd, Finally Kinda Okay.
Marinette chuckled at that, then put it aside to read the new one from that morning. It was shorter.
I just read your letter from 2013, holy shit let this reach you not long after that. You remember that 2012 letter where I was sappy about my family and shit? I hope you got that one first or else this is gonna be confusing. Anyway, this was written that same day. Are You Okay? If shit gets too bad, for whatever reason, you can always contact me. I know this damn letter thing won’t let me give you a specific way to contact me, not for lack of trying damn it, but I’ll say this: Bruce Wayne isn’t hard to get a hold of. Find a way to contact him if you need my help, and I will be close behind. He knows how to contact me. No matter what, Cupcake. I don’t care if you think you’re being stupid or dramatic or whatever lies run through your head. Contact him if you need it, and I will come to help you. I promise. Being thirteen sucks, trust me I know, so let me help you.
Jason Todd, Worried As Hell.
Marinette huffed, shaking her head. She wanted to take him up on that offer, but she couldn’t. She had just met the Guardian not too long ago, and he had made it clear that she couldn’t tell anybody about being Ladybug. Not even Jason. She needed to deal with this alone.
Scenes of bloated bodies filled her mind, all the people who had died just the previous day because of Siren. She had had to swim through so many corpses. So many dead, of all ages.
She rushed out onto her balcony, taking in deep breaths of fresh air and letting the sun’s rays warm her up and slowly bring her out of the haze of burning memory. She was fourteen already. She could handle this. Her childhood had died the moment she had been given the Earrings, ripped away from her too early. Her old self had died. Now she was Ladybug, she was Marinette Dupain-Cheng and she was responsible for the fate of even more than just Paris. She couldn’t let herself fall. Not now, not ever.
The loud roaring of a motorcycle made her jump, and she ran to her railing just in time to see a gorgeous black and red bike come to a tire-screeching halt on the street right under her. The biker, she could tell he was large and covered head to toe in corded muscle even from her spot high above his head, slowly took off his helmet. Black hair with stark white bangs came into view, and startlingly deep blue eyes met hers. Marinette’s breath hitched; it was him. She could tell, his mere eye contact made her feel safe and warm and like… like home had found her. He gave her a roguish grin.
“Come on, Cupcake! I believe I promised you a shoulder ride and ice cream. And you gotta keep me from beating a certain old man into a bloody pulp!”
He knew. Marinette smiled widely, a laugh tearing itself from her throat. Hysteric, overjoyed, free. He knew, and it was okay. She didn’t even have to tell him. She took a few steps back, and then vaulted straight over her railing.
Jason threw his helmet to the side, running forward just in time for her to land safely in his arms. He glared down at her, but his eyes held no heat. “That was incredibly reckless. I shouldn't be proud, but I am. Don’t do that ever again.”
Marinette giggled. “No promises.”
Jason set her down, picking up his helmet before opening the storage on his bike and tossing her a smaller, pink one. “Sorry it took so long. I wanted to come last year, as soon as I figured out what had made you send that concerning letter, but I was told that I would be an instant Akuma. But after what happened yesterday…” Jason shook his head solemnly. “I knew you’d need a break. Come on, Gotham actually has some amazing ice cream.”
“How are we gonna get to Gotham right away? how did you..?”
Marinette paused, Jason keeping his motorcycle’s storage open just long enough for her to see his Red Hood helmet.
“We got portals for that,” he responded nonchalantly, nobody was nearby to overhear anyway. Marinette looked up when he closed the storage compartment, putting her helmet on.
“Well. Then I’m glad you actually took my rant on the Gotham vigilantes to heart and used my designs, because your old mask was disgustingly ugly.”
Jason rolled his eyes, and waited until she was behind him on the bike before revving it and replying;
“Trust me, I know your feelings on it. Demon Spawn and Replacement teamed up to steal that letter and made copies. Now one is pinned to the fridge and I spent another several hours cleaning up the ones they posted over every inch of my apartment walls.”
“... I approve.”
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thewritingginger · 4 years
More Daddy AU please 🥺 the rest of the boys deserve it. Plus imagine telling Luke he's going to be a godparent, that'd be the cutest little moment I just can't-
Undateables React: Baby?!?
I have to say I’m so glad you mentioned something for Luke cuz idk how long it would’ve taken me, if I even did one for him, cuz he baby himself lol
So here's our other boys! I admit IDK how well or satisfying these are considering I don’t know them too too well. 
bUt I hope they are still enjoyable 😅
Fandom: Obey Me! Pairing(s): Undateables Word count: 1,070 words Warning(s): Pregnancy
Enjoy ~
But really, he just laughs triumphantly when you tell him
Is happy about having an heir but is slightly worried for you
“This wasn’t planned and I want to make sure you’re happy.”
Buys you anything and everything that you wish for or need
Late night talks about your future child
When you’d ask what he wants the baby to be he would just respond with “As long as it’s part of you, I don’t mind either way.”
But you know what he wants
And to his pleasure, You and Diavolo have a baby Boy!
The moment he’s out Diavolo turns into Rafiki from the lion king
So proud of the work you had done
Praises you till you have to shut him up
After you’ve gone to bed he spends his first real night as a father holding his son, whispering praise and sentiments of love
You wake up many mornings to see your little one resting gently on his big tiddies chest
Barbatos :
Was a bit taken aback
Not that you being pregnant is bad news just unexpected
Tells Diavolo as soon as you let him
“I have to report this to Lord Diavolo, I wouldn’t want him to think I'm just being careless and negligible with my work because I’m taking care of you.”
Once he informs Diavolo of your condition, he wastes not time in developing a schedule for himself that not only allowed him to sufficiently do his duties with Diavolo but also make time for you and your care
In your later months he waits on you, hand and foot (literally! Helps you put your shoes on every morning)
Has tea with you each day (only herbal or ones w/no caffeine in them obviously) with cakes and sandwiches (or anything you’re craving)
You and Barbatos have a baby Girl!
Doesn’t show it but is SO excited
Very reserved about it but you know he adores taking his little girl into work with him when you’re too busy to watch her
You walked into the kitchen one day to pick her up and over heard him talking to your daughter as he was making up lunch
“Do you want papa to make you something special for lunch?”
He coos to your child more often than he’d admit to
Not that he doesn’t want others to think he doesn’t love his daughter, just he has a professional image to uphold that doesn’t stop Diavolo from saying anything tho lol
The Angel hugs you feeling elated but couldn't help but feel a bit guilty
Worried that you may be upset with him because this child wasn’t planned and you weren’t married (not that he’d force you but did ask if that’d make you feel more comfortable and secure)
Once you explained that although you were nervous, you were glad it was with him he relaxed a bit
“I will make you and this child the happiest people in all the 3 worlds!”
In actuality you being pregnant didn’t really change your relationship that much
Simeon was always a gentleman and very caring
Open doors, pulls out your chair, all that jazz
But you did notice a slight change in the way he looked at you
Not a loving gaze cuz he always had that it was more of a mixture of deep thought and bliss
When you’d ask him why he was looking at you he just responded with “It’s just you’re gifting me something I’ll never be able to repay you for.” He says it as if that wont melt your fucking heart
You and Simeon have a baby Girl!
Is very torn.
He thought you were the love of his life and the only girl he needs but… now there's her
Of course he still loves you but… her!
Always watches over her. While she plays. While she eats. Especially while she sleeps.
“Baby, you have to come to bed.” “I will, just 5 more minutes.”
Wonders what he did to be so blessed
GoDfaThEr?!? PrEgNanT?!? BaBy?!?
“Who? When? How?... wait don’t tell me how.”
Poor babe is very confuzzled
Regardless of the father, angel or demon, this little dog is very protective of you and your unborn child
Will bake you any treats you want
Luke is the proud godfather to a baby Girl!
Stressed even more
“GUH! I’ll make sure no one touches her!”
Mighty Chihuahua Activated! 
As she got older he would teach her about angelic work, what rules to follow and about the angel Michael while he watched her
He also made sure he did things like bake and play cuz he’s ‘fun too!’
As she got older he was still watchful but backed off when she asked him to poor guy sulked the first time it happened
You tell him when you’re on a study date
You couldn’t help it, it just came out
When you told him he seemed taken aback then started laughing, less like Diavolo, and more so like you said a joke
But realized you were being serious when you didn’t laugh along
“Wait you’re serious? I put a spawn in you?”
After talking for a bit it was fine
He actually took the news quite well, you’d think you just told him about the weather or something
“What’s there to worry about. No going back now, what's the worst that’ll happen.”
Took care of you during the pregnancy
Made you tonics for nausea or any other symptoms that are causing you discomfort  
You and Solomon have a baby Boy
You already expected this but he is sorta the “cool dad” so to speak
Super chill but don’t get it twisted he’ll still throw down for his kid
The moment you recognize signs of magic in your little boy Solomon jumps on that in a heartbeat
You had to have a very serious conversation with him about that
“If I let you teach him you better keep him safe. And NO explosive or reactatory spells.” “Don’t worry about a thing baby. I understand.” you didn’t buy he’ll follow your rules and... you’d be right smh
One day when your son was about 6 you see a cloud of smoke coming from under a door. When you opened it you saw Solomon and your son, hair sticking up, covered in soot. Yeah Solomon knew he was in for a ‘talk’ rip
Thank you again for reading and requesting :)
We stan baby daddy AUs lol
I hope to keep slowly getting my millions of wips done. I am in school and the quarter is ending in the next month so yeah 
Till next post my loves :3
💛 ~
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everything-laito · 4 years
if I don’t have tendinitis by the end of writing this series, I am officially immortal. anyways here’s the long awaited Laito and Cordelia analysis: Part I
Hi, Corn here! Holy shit I’ve been wanting to write this for forever now; idk how long this series will be but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m gonna wing it.
Lemme get something REAL clear before I begin. Because for some fucking reason I still see people trying to say that Cordelia did not molest/rape/etc Laito. Cuz she did. It’s called grooming and manipulation, sweetie. And I’ll explain that too. 
Also, I’m not defending or justifying Cordelia’s actions (there’s a difference between explaining why something happens and defending it. For example, we know racism is harmful and awful, but explaining what it is and why it happens isn’t defending it). I also don’t defend Laito’s nonconsensual or abusive actions either on here, I also wanna clarify that. I just merely explain his theorized rationale and psyche.
God I don’t even know where to start, or where this is exactly going to end, but my god, time to pop off. I’m going to divide this into sections as well. 
Also I think this is usually a given with all the Laito stuff I put on here, but, spoilers ahead! And trigger warnings galore! Pedophilia/rape/abuse/grooming/depression/anxiety are the ones I can think of now, but all of those are really a given on this blog. Just wanna emphasize it because I’m gonna go deep into em. 
As always,,,,, rant under the cut~!
Section 1: Before the Storm (insert Life is Strange joke here)
There’s quite a bit of back and forth about where Cordelia started doing this. I just finished Dark Fate and the conversation between the triplets caught my eye. Laito mentions in his Dark Fate Ecstacy Epilogue that implies Cordelia wasn’t abusive at first. It’s revealed how Karlheinz used Cordelia just for his Adam and Eve experiment to create a new human race, which is why he blatantly ignores her after courting her and making her have kids that she didn’t even wanna have. Which is. Yikes. I’d say that’s a form of coercive pregnancy abuse.
The conversation turns to Laito who then says that Cordelia lost her mind due to of sexual frustration and then hurt the triplets. Sexual frustration is a real and common thing, but I’m gonna explain the potential logistics of this being turned into abuse. 
Sexual frustration in general can be described as a sense of “dissatisfaction stemming from a discrepancy between a person’s desired and achieved sexual activity” (source). I know it’s from Wikipedia but the phrasing of that definition is just too perfect. (also Wikipedia’s good just to get the basics from ;) ) Sexual frustration can happen from physical, mental, emotional, social, religious, or spiritual barriers. Everyone has some kind of ideal sexual activity, whether it be innate and or learned (like getting used to sexual acts over time, whether that be from a traumatic or consensual experience). However, I can safely say that Cordelia has high libido, regardless of the reason. 
Oxytocin, my absolute favorite hormone to talk about, is huge in this case. Touch starvation (what I’d say most of us are going through now because of quarantine) also depends on oxytocin level. We’re social creatures, and we need touch in some way. Having sexual needs is also not a thing to be shameful of (if you do have them), since that is also very human and very biological. Oxytocin is needed for so many things! From social bonding, sexual bonding, reproduction in general, and general emotional wellbeing. Everyone has different levels of oxytocin needs. With a lack of oxytocin, whether it causes sexual frustration or touch starvation (or both), it can create fear, anxiety, and or depression. This has to do with my favorite part of the brain, the amygdala. It’s this lil almond shaped part (hence, amygdala, which is Latin for “almond”) is responsible for empathy, your fight and flight response, as well as SO many other things. I’ll talk more about the amygdala later, because I’m getting off track. 
Back to the logistics of oxytocin deficiency and abuse. Basically, I didn’t initially think that touch starvation or sexual frustration could get so bad that someone would resort to abuse. Haven’t found anything that supports that either. However, since it is linked to depression and stress, I do believe Cordelia would have other underlying psychological issues that made her response to depression and stress just so much worse. It’s kind of obvious that Karlheinz absurd her, and when someone goes through a traumatic episode, there’s different coping mechanisms or different emotions are triggered. Maybe even before Karlheinz she had issues, but we will never know. I just know that Cordelia seems susceptible to some kind of manic episodes, such as mood swings and intense behaviors. 
Dark Fate confirms that Karlheinz most likely used this, and used Cordelia due to her Founder blood and that her psyche was “optimal” to eventually have the triplets kill her. Karl can see the future and past etc, I believe that was confirmed in Lost Eden too. Anyways, all of this paves the way to what Cordelia did to the triplets.
Section 2: The Beginning
There’s been quite a bit of back and forth between when did Cordelia start sexually abusing Laito? We know that Kanato and Ayato were abused when they were young, but there’s no flashbacks in Laito’s routes that depicts him being a child (to my knowledge). Not saying Laito wasn’t abused when he was a child, but I can assure you that the first time Cordelia had explicit sex with Laito was when he was older. 
Special thanks to @vampiretsuki​ and @amiecris​ for helping me think this through on Zara’s server! 
There hasn’t been any flashbacks that specifically show us the first time that happened. However, I believe that there was a flashback in HDB that shows one of the first times. Here’s a scene from Laito’s Dark Epilogue:
Cordelia: ー Laito…Laito… Laito: …Hm? Is something the matter? Cordelia: I have a favor to ask. It just isn’t enough. You can do it, right Laito? Laito: You really are something…So that’s why you came to me again? Cordelia: Fufufu…That’s right, Laito. Come on, quickly… Laito: …Guess it can’t be helped. I’ll love you plenty. Cordelia: Aah…My cute Laito~ I love you. I really do. Laito: I can do it…right? Cordelia: Of course, Laito. Now, quickly…
First of all, ew. Second of all, Laito’s diction implies that this was maybe the second or third time this occurred. He asks a question, and ends it with “again.” We know by this that it is not the first time, but the question also means that Laito might not have expected to occur again. His tone also implies some surprise to it, at least in my ears. His other question, “I can do it, right?” screams hesitance to me. If this scene took place down the line, or after many times he did this with Cordelia, I don’t believe he’d be some level of surprised or hesitance. 
Now, you may be thinking, “Oh! What about Ayato and Laito’s Versus II CD?! Didn’t it mention that Laito wasn’t in the triplet’s shared bed 9/10 times?!” And yeah, if you remembered that, kudos to you! Yes, you’re totally right. I thought this was some inconsistent writing, but I don’t believe so. I believe Cordelia was grooming Laito as a kid. For some reason, grooming never came to my mind, it was Tsuki who mentioned grooming, and Cris also backed that notion up. It’s not confirmed if Cordelia planned to do this to Laito in the beginning (which I doubt, I think she sexually exploited him on a whim due to sexual frustration and because Karl wouldn’t; and the suitors she had wasn’t “enough” for her) but I think it’s implied that it happened (from the earlier excerpt). As for grooming, here’s an excerpt from the VS II CD:
Ayato: You weren’t even there 9 out of the 10 times. Laito: So you knew, Ayato-kun. Ayato: … Laito: You know, I have been thinking how I came to be the person I am today. I am still wondering why wasn’t it Ayato-kun or Kanato-kun.
God that’s so SAAAD! This is why Laito being groomed from a young age would make sense. It would also make sense as to why he was so dismissive and hesitant to help Ayato out. In Ayato’s flashbacks, Laito is there, but doesn’t interfere when Cordelia gets into the picture. Laito tends to run away from his problems, and this manifests even when he’s a kid. To further the support of the claim, it’s definitely not farfetched that Cordelia would do something to a child, especially her own child. She used Kanato for his singing voice when she was having sex..... yikes. That’s another form of sexual exploitation. So uh, let’s dive right into see what grooming does,,,,, *opens another private window* Here’s the source I’ll be using too. 
Grooming is a process that is typically used to sexually exploit children. Ewewewewewewew. It can be a quick or gradual process. It’s basically harnessing the trust in children utilizing constant contact. There’s not much explicit evidence describing this with Cordelia, but if Laito wasn’t sexually exploited when he was younger in the fashion he was “used” to when he got older, again I do think he was groomed. It would make sense as to why he either avoided conflict with Cordelia as a child. Either that was his own disposition (which to a degree I think it is), or maybe he was confused about Cordelia’s actions towards his other brothers, since he “loved” Cordelia. Young Laito typically fell silent when Cordelia entered the room, which again could be because of his disposition, fear, or he knows not to say much in front of her. 
During the grooming process, a child can result in not being able to see coercion and deception. In general, kids 7 years old and under biologically are not able to differentiate persuasion from their own decisions, which results in the laws surrounding advertisements catering to children. Fun fact. I know we’re dealing with vampires and so their brains might not work like that, but from what I’ve seen, they’re pretty human. Also, we’re still not sure about their ages or how vampire biological ages work, but bear with me on this. 
Another stage of grooming involves cutting off the child’s support system, whether it be family, friends, etc. I made a comment in an analysis that Laito doesn’t have a support system, and at the very least, his brothers. But even that is pretty weak. You know how it’s mentioned how Laito wasn’t even in bed with Ayato and Kanato most of the time? That’s probably due to Cordelia weakening Laito’s bonds with them. Furthermore, on the website I’m using to get information from, it says this:
Control and alienation is exercised in the following ways:
[more bullet points here]
- creating conflicting feelings of love and hate, protection and exploitation, guilt and innocence, entitlements and duties.
OOOOOHHHHHH BBBBBOOOOOYYYYYY!!!!! Ayato and Kanato say that they fucking hate Cordelia. But... Laito’s the only one that says he “loves” her. He also says that he hates her. So, from this, I think it might be safe to say that Cordelia groomed Laito as a child, and continued to use those tactics when he was older.
Well, I’m gonna end it here for part one. That was quite the ride, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless! Next part, we’ll be getting into Laito when he’s older and the effects it had on him, along with some other crazy dark sides of psychology. I still won’t be answering many of my inbox questions until this huge analysis is finished, sorry! I kinda wanna focus on this first. But feel free to hit me up with any questions! I’ll still get to them :)
Any Cordelia/Laito questions will most likely be answered in this series, just a heads up. But if you have any questions pertaining to Cordelia/Laito right now or after the series, feel free to hit me up still! Any clarifying questions for this post or anything in general are always encouraged as well if you’re confused or want me to elaborate on something :)
Part two is planned to be up next week! See ya then ;) -Corn
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