#also I said toes bc I wanna match
jjungkookislife · 6 months
I wonder if Jungkook would let me paint his toe nails 💅🏼
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noellevanious · 6 months
wait, u play sf6? who do u main? i do Zangief bc big muscle man is funny And i like a the Grabble.
also everything you’ve said tonight has been real and i agree with everything amen
hehe ty! :3
i'd say i main blanka! i really enjoy both him and dee jay, ive gotten to diamond with them both!dee jay is fun but blanka just has SO MUCH shit between his dolls, his install super, and his wild moveset!
ive been messing around a lot with Marisa lately but shes SUPER hard to play with against better players cause her footsies are rly bad (or im just bad at footsies), im struggling to even win matches in low plat with her lol, i just CANT do anything to prevent or counter being poked in my toes, but godddd shes satisfying, hitting her stance command grab or her specials is almost Sexual to me
i love the entirety of sf6 so much that i def wanna learn other characters too! i def wanna learn aki, akuma when he comes out, honda, jamie when his new costume comes out, and maybe kimberly and manon! id wanna learn ken too but ive played against so many of that fucker online it probably be wont happen unless he gets nerfs so he isnt like. 75% of my match history (not that i think he deserves nerfs!)
my friends that play sf6 w me havent been free or have been playing other games but im always happy to play with friends! sspecially extreme battles, those can get SO silly, i love the bull and bomb ones!
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ventismacchiato · 8 months
okay so i’m lowk fw this guy and ima call him D (or Dinuel) and yes u can post it just in case someone wants to say something in the comments too because i don’t know how to feel right now
anyway D and me were on the phone last night (till basically today) and he was bored as fuck so he decided to bother his ex (with my permission bc im nosy too)
mind u we were matching statuses and profile pictures too soooo his ex wanted to know who i was and what my relationship with D is.
He said I’m just a friend (which I called him one too but we both know better. Let’s be fr we flirted all the time.) and like he told her a fake name too (which was Emmi) because she knew that she can ask my bsf for my name since they’re friends too.
and ngl that bitch brought up my profile into a server she moderates and said “chat is this the other half” like nigga since u wanna know if i’m the other half so bad i might as well be it right?
Ok well after that she was still hesitant because idk for what but she was and she also had a man lowk as well but D pressured her into making a decision of staying with her man or getting back with him, and she said give her a day to decide yes or no.
Boom ok its been a day and I was chillin with Dinuel otp and TELL ME WHY SHE TEXTED HIM YES.
NOT TO MENTION MY FRIEND WANNA BE LAUGHING ABOUT THAT SHIT TOO TB “thats crazy how Dinuel wants his ex back lmao” girl shut ur dumbass up u cried bc ur bf changed his tone over text.
Not to mention he said he got tired of telling the truth to u over and over again since ur insecure ass can’t handle having a bf that looks like he was sculpted by god himself because u were born looking like that one big white sailor monster from ghost busters.
OH MY GOD MY JAW ELONGATED. 😭 THIS D DUDE SUCKS ASS BRO. always a red flag when they wanna continue talking to their ex…then a little weird he called you a friend in front of his ex when u guys were clearly talking that’s so shitty of him
EVEN SHITTIER THAT HE ASKED IF HIS EX WANTED HIM BACK??? they both suck they deserve each other u can do better dw babe ☹️ sorry that u literally told him sm heartfelt shit and he STILL crawled back to his ex that sucks
also ur friend sucks :( so mean to laugh at ur friend goin thru smth drop her ass !!
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rjsals · 1 year
Mh, Seoho's a really cute guy. I like him a lot, love him even.🥺 What's new though...
Anyways, if you really wanna talk about him a lot then you can tell me again when and how he became your bias~ or you can just list all the things you love and appreciate about him🧡
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HI. i just washed up and made myself comfortable so i could divert all my free time & attention to this post right here bc OH BOY do i have a lot to say
although i'm not particularly sure how he became my bias? i dont even think he was in the running until one day i was watching the second season of show me the mwm (the episode where they have to find their symbol in a morning mission) and seoho straight up ate xion's lollipop. i remember thinking oh. he's the one!!
i think the main thing i like about seoho is how effortlessly he makes me laugh?? we all know he's kind of shy but at the same time he's not afraid to make a fool out of himself and just does whatever feels right and somehow it works... i faintly remember him talking about wanting to be a comedian as a kid, because he loved making people laugh and everytime i have to catch my breath after another one of his silly antics, a part of me hopes that he knows that's exactly what he's doing right now.
and yeah he's incredibly funny but also really fucking smart and his out of the box thinking often blows my mind. his big brain is sexy as hell and i love how he just keeps me on my toes and surprises me with something new every single time!! and with every single new thing i learn about him my heart grows in size. there's galaxies in this man's mind that i can't WAIT to discover!!
i think.. when it comes to seoho it's very easy for people to lock him in the box of the "silly hyung who loves joking around and often acts like the maknae" and throw away the key.. stereotyping idols happens a lot, and when shit hit the fan, people said some things that i vehemently disagree with when it comes to his role as the oldest in oneus. first of all, i don't think that role means as much in their group as it does in others bc they treat each other as equals to begin with? but it's crazy to me how people look at seoho and don't see how much of a support/pillar he is to his members.
seoho, reliable 민이형 who makes sure dongju doesnt fall short of anything he needs (even if he doesnt know it himself) and gladly indulges the youngest in all his passions and interests even if he pretends to dislike it.
seoho, the one hwanwoong goes to late at night for comfort because he feels like he's the one who understands him best. the first two rbw boyz who share a deeper understanding.
seoho, keonhee's twin. i may be biased but these two have so much in common and constantly feed off each other in so many ways. they're often giggling by themselves, share the same deep passion for singing and music (exhibit A: every single one of their vlives), and hwanwoong mentioning how the roommates are getting more and more alike as time goes by in their recent vlive just tells me how close they are even if we don't see that much of it on camera. (this was supposed to be a paragraph about how seoho takes care of keonhee but of course my keonho biased ass ended up here). what i meant to say is i think seoho, as keonhee's roommate, provides both those "need a boys night in with some beers and a pinch of crazy karaoke" kinda vibes as well as the guidance and understanding keonhee might be in need of. i think they match each other's energy well.
seoho, geonhak's (i dare say) best friend. a day without seodo banter is like going a day without water. seoho has geonhak's back like no other. you mess with gh, you mess with seoho, and he's not afraid to let you know either. the "we stand shoulder to shoulder" line in the top gun medley is actually about them.
and to think people don't see seoho as someone who can adequately care for his members is both beyond ridiculous and sad to me. just bc you can't see his love language doesn't mean they can't.
AND THAT IS NOT TO MENTION THE SHEER TALENT this man posseses but i won't get into the way his voice gives me chills and he often leaves me shooting heart eyes at my screen after a performance. i also won't elaborate on how amazing a dancer he is and how he somehow also is great at sports and how his talking voice is so soothing and comforting i sometimes put on old vlives to ease my anxiety (i'm literally listening to his last bubble live as i'm typing this. it's my fav so far.)
i also won't mention his pretty smile and his beautiful eyes and his amazing hands and the little freckle on his cheek and the shape of his lips and when he goes :} and how much i love the sound of his laugh.
i'm probably missing sooooo much but i've been going at this for over an hour and it's been a long day so i just want to say i love him a lot and i would pull down the moon for him.
and ily for giving me an excuse to talk about him hehe 🧡
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kalosstarters · 2 years
Here’s finally my full (long) commentary on the Ash vs Leon finale (both good and not quite so amazing stuff):
-Starting from the beginning: not gonna lie, I guessed pretty fast that the Eternatus would give Ash and Leon a boost so they could gigantamax again, reminding me a lot of what Tapu Koko did in the Ash vs Kukui battle (was it necessary? Hmm, not really)
-the Pikachu vs Cinderace battle was over pretty fast, making me feel that it could have easily be taken out of this episode altogether and it would not have harmed the match much. But well, we got some more proof of our lvl 1500 Pikachu’s capabilities
-The Pikachu vs Charizard battle again... now /that/ was intense. I do have to agree with some that it was probably one of the most intense/best 1 on 1:s in this series we’ve seen so far. The animation, the music, everything... yep, even tho I’m not a huge battle person (I watch pokeani for other reasons) and even tho I sadly knew how the battle would end, I was still watching it with ‘:O’ face
-The cameos!! Finally we got to see /all/ the compations including the ones we hadn’t seen so far in this series, May, Max, Misty and Cilan. Nice to see May has made friends with Serena and Lisia and Cilan is hanging out with Brock! However, I /will/ forever stick to my opinion that they should have been at the stadium. Surely that could have been arranged in a way that not everyone has to speak (bc I do understand that it would have been extremely ambitious and expensive to get the old va:s back for one - or 4 - episodes). I mean, Tracey has appeared with Delia and Oak in Ash’s battle episodes even tho he has remained silent so a similar thing could have been done with the others too. 
-I’m also gonna nitpick a little about the fact that we didn’t see a glimpse of Ash’s old rivals in this episode bc imo that would have crowned everything
-Ya’ll be excited about May and Serena but this is the thing that /I/ cared about :’) the Family TM ♥ Love how everyone is watching so intently. 
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-One of the best scenes in this episode was without a doubt the Pikachu ‘dream’ (idk how to call it) where he saw all of Ash’s old mons. And when I say /all/, I really mean it. Even those mons that Ash never officially captured, like Larvitar or Nebby, were there, and it made me so happy :’) 
-And then he is up again and the original OP plays, and things got even more intense (I am telling you, the Eng dub NEEDS to use ‘I wanna be the very best’ here)
-Finally, the battle is over... but it was not immediately revealed who won. Which I personally enjoyed (despite the earlier tease that made it seem like Pikachu was going to faint) because as I’ve said in my earlier posts, I sadly got spoiled by TPCi (damn them!! I would not have known anything without them!) about the end of the battle, but these little ‘twists’ still kept me on my toes till the end. I loved Ash and Pikachu’s little chat at the pokemon center, Pikachu’s last move really was electrifying (oh, since I have not mentioned this yet, I should take this moment to say that I was obviously really really happy that it was Pikachu who got Ash this W.... bc as the title of this episode says, they are /Partners/ with big P and I could not see it going any other way. The OP teased us.)
-after Leon loses we also get a little glimpse of Leon’s first loss, which was against Sonia. I personally really loved that detail because I’ve always been very curious about what exactly happened between those two during their journeys so I find little glimpses like that very interesting. 
-And then we are already seeing the celebrations at the stadium, but as awesome as it was to see Ash celebrating with his team, I will say this: I /do/ hope that we will still see an actual party in Pallet Town because this scene was over so fast, only Dawn and Koharu were there to see it and... it just did not make it seem final enough. This win was a HUGE accomplishment for Ash and I do not want to see it get brushed under the rug the way they did with the Alola championship. 
(speaking of Alola, I still prefer Ash vs Kukui over this :P Sorry, I’m extremely biased)
-Well, all in all I thought that this was an excellent battle and an excellent ending to the battle, /but/. I would be lying if I said that the way they handled the battles before this both in this tournament and in JN as a whole made me feel a bit.... underwhelmed? about this whole tournament. Leon beat Alain and Diantha without a lot of effort and Ash struggled a lot against Steven and Cynthia. I know already that there will be a lot of debates in the future in this fandom about whether Ash deserved it or not. And that tells something. (I personally am happy to accept this win but I don’t really blame those who don’t)
I realize I haven’t commented the previous battle episodes much but maybe I’ll do that in another post later on. But to finish this post: Congrats, again, to our WORLD champion ♥ I’m so proud of our boy from Pallet Town!
PS. I forgot to mention I obviously loved TR’s reaction to everything!! They were so proud of their twerp :’)
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thundersoothers · 4 years
pictures of girls
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suna thrist: you’re hot. suna has photos to prove it. — or — suna keeps polaroid pictures of you, his girlfriend, in his wallet and his teammates find them.
↳ 18+ — explicit content: kind of voyeurism/exhibitionism (but you’re okay with it), nudes taken with consent
↳ wc: 1.3k
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(hm..... I was thinking about who’d have polaroids of you naked in their wallet just for fun and I decided SUNA!!!!! I think it’s partly bc I think it’s hot in general but also lowkey I hc him as a skater and keeping pictures of your girl in your wallet seems like a skater thing to do. no, I will not take criticism at this time. now, let’s talk about it. this is more dialogue than it is filth and writing the accent was kinda weird, but I hope it makes you feel pretty.) 
remember when osamu was listing off annoying shit atsumu does? his examples were that he doesn’t listen when others speak, he doesn’t return what he borrows, and that he lies. yeah, so, as he’s looking through osamu’s bag for his wallet because he wants something from the vending machine outside, he’s doing all three. 
“get yer own money! don’t go through my bag, ‘tsumu!” 
atsumu kneels in front of osamu’s sports bag, digging through his school clothes and all the other shit he’s messily thrown in there, feeling around for his wallet. “I’ll pay ya back!” he calls over his shoulder. “I just want a snack.”
from across the gym, osamu throws a volleyball at atsumu, just barely missing his head. “use yer own goddamn money! ya never pay me back!” 
“fine, fine,” atsumu hisses, “shut up. I won’t take yer money.” but that doesn’t mean he can’t take anyone else’s. he looks over to the bag next to osamu’s, ‘suna rintarou’ embroidered on the side, and grins. quickly unzipping it, he mindlessly throws the clothes in the bag onto the floor around him until he pulls out a black leather wallet. with a silly grin and wide eyes, he unfolds it, flipping it over and shaking it, coins clattering on the floor and a few wrinkled bills falling slowly with them. (resisting the urge to take it all) he picks up three coins from the ground and, after taking a sparing glance over his shoulder, quickly drops them into the pocket of his shorts. he gathers up the other coins –well, no, coin because there’s only one left– and the crumpled bills to stuff back into suna’s wallet. but under one of them is another piece of paper and, under the shine of the bright lights, he can’t see what it is. frowning, he picks it up, turning it slightly so it loses the glare and –
“suna, what the hell is this?”
on the other side of the gym, suna lays face up on one of the benches, phone held above him, taking advantage of the short break their coaches gave them. not looking away from his phone or bothering to raise his voice to match atsumu’s yell, he replies, “what do you want now?” 
“I– what is this?” 
huffing, suna pushes himself up, pocketing his phone, and walks across the court to atsumu. standing above him, he looks over his shoulder. held between two of his fingers, knuckles white and hand shaking, is the two polaroids he taped together that he keeps in his wallet. on one side is the picture he took of your middle when you were laying on his bed before he fucked your brains out, your underwear hiked up, bra off, one of his hands squeezing your tit. on the other side is the picture he took of your face after he throat fucked you, two of his fingers under your tongue, your mouth filled with his cum, cheeks covered in tears and drool, looking up at him with glossy eyes from his cock stuffed deep in your throat. “oh,” he says simply, tone unchanging, “that’s just y/n.” 
“just y/n?!” atsumu exclaims, standing up and turning around, holding the polaroids so close to suna that he blinks in surprise and leans back. “this– this is– why do ya have this in yer wallet?” 
“so I can look at it?” suna replies, stuffing his hands deep in his pockets and rocking his weight from his heels to his toes. “why else?” 
you’re hot as fuck. you’re the most gorgeous person he’s ever seen, and every day when he opens his wallet to get money to pay for his lunch, a quick glance at the pictures that you let him put there have him drooling for something other than food, and all he can think of is how lucky he is to call you his girl (and he also thinks about your warm, wet cunt and how sweet you’d taste if he was tongue-fucking you and then subsequently has to flex his arms for a minute because a hard-on in the cafeteria isn’t really the best look, but that isn’t exactly the point). it’s motivation: looking at the pictures, thinking of your beautiful naked body, the sounds you make, how good you feel around him, your pretty face when you cum – it makes him want to play well; not only to win, but also to get the match over as quickly as possible so he can meet up with you and recreate those photos. he’d tell his teammates to get on the wave, but … it isn’t exactly like they have girlfriends, much less even girl friends that are as hot as you. 
he holds back a smile. 
“but anyone could see?” 
“she doesn’t care; neither do I.” suna shrugs. “she’s hot – why would I not show her off, especially if she lets me take those?” 
“who’s hot?” osamu cuts in, walking towards them, wiping over his neck with a towel. “aren’t ya taken, rinrin? ya probably shouldn’t be talkin’ about other people.” 
“I didn’t take you for a monogamist,” suna says, looking at him blankly. 
osamu’s eye twitches and he hisses, “fuck you.” 
suna hides a grin, continuing, “nah, I’m talking about my girl. I keep pictures of her in my wallet.” 
osamu pauses, staring at suna, mouth slightly open. “that’s surprisingly not suna-like. yer normally all quiet and moody. I didn’t expect ya to be sentimental like that.” 
suna glances down at the polaroids still in atsumu’s hand. “I wouldn’t call it sentimental.” 
“what’s it from?” osamu reaches out, pulling the pictures from between atsumu’s fingers before he can pull his hand away. “did ya go to the moon festival last week or– what the fuck.” he looks up sharply, eyes wide. 
“that’s what atsumu said. I don’t know why you’re so surprised. she’s pretty, isn’t she?” 
“uh, is this a trick question?” osamu asks with uncertainty, glancing back down once at the pictures in his hand. “isn’t it weird to have this?” 
“I mean,” suna begins even though he’s passed his normal quota of talking for the day because you’re the one exception he can’t just not talk about, “I know your answers. she’s sexy as hell and way outta your league anyway. I like having them and she likes it too. I know you’re not gonna be weird about it. plus, if you did,” he taps his phone in his pocket before continuing with another casual shrug, “I have so much shit on you two being weird, you mention a single word about her, I could ruin you.” 
they both blink slowly before atsumu says, “if you and her are ever up for a threes–”
“y’all look suspicious.” they all look to the side, hearts dropping when they see kita standing a few feet away, hands on his hips, towel thrown over his shoulder, looking at them with squinted eyes. “what are ya doin’?”
“oh, uh, nothing,” osamu sputters, forcefully pressing the picture into suna’s chest, who swiftly stuffs it into his pocket, looking at the ground, “um, we’re just, you know, we, uh, it’s –”
“get back to practice,” kita says with a frown, walking away. they all let out a relieved breath, shoulders relaxing. they can’t even imagine what would happen if he saw. 
suna thumbs over the polaroids in his pocket and looks up at atsumu and osamu. “anyway, let’s go back. I wanna get this over with so I can see her.” he can’t wait to tease your slutty pussy for getting wet over his teammates seeing these pictures. you’re such a good little girl for him, and he loves it. “oh, and put my money back, atsumu,” he says over his shoulder before he walks away. “use your own. I spend mine on getting photos developed.” 
the end.
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✼ do not repost or modify any of my original work on any other platform. 
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faebriel · 2 years
(i felt myself having strong feeling about block men and came here) i think that they shouldn't have thrown dream in prison and i feel this is very controversial opinion but hear me out like they saw what happened when techno was executed and how that bit them in the butt like sure lets go throw another powerful guy in a box like there had to be another way like if you wanna pull an eye for an eye let him be exiled or like have someone hunt him down or maybe just maybe focus on makin sure he doesnt hurt anyone
(cont) i think i also need to say i dont like c!dream but like the whole prison idea just wasn't a smart move like you say something cant happen like a ship not being able to sink or a prison being inescapable and the ship is gonna sink or some ones gonna escape the prison and like wont be happy about being locked up like im surprised we havent seen a large scale bit back of dream against the rest of the server for his imprisonment kinda like what happened with techno and nlm who knows maybe dream has hidden tnt everywhere/j
(/rp bc i'm too lazy for character tags throughout)
mmmm agree and disagree. i don't think the prison was a perfect solution but i don't really think exile or a manhunt would have actually been enforceable. like, realistically, the number of people who 1. can go toe-toe-toe with dream and 2. are willing to do that is extremely small. i think techno is the only lone player who could match him in PVP and while the prison guards could keep an eye on him in the prison, keeping an eye on him in exile would be much more difficult and require multiple people to take shifts 24/7, not counting travel time to wherever they've exiled him to....especially because as it turns out dream was still able to cooperate with allies (i.e. ranboo) from inside the prison, let alone if they just left him in a grasslands somewhere. it's a big sunk cost, especially when the prison provides a much easier solution by 1. keeping him away from the potential murder victims and 2. keeping him away from stealing their stuff
honestly as far as dream commissioning sam to build the prison during exile, when he had l'manberg and other relevant players right where he wanted them, i don't think it'd be possible not for sam to have the prison on the brain. idk if the prison was necessarily for tommy but i think standing in a big obsidian room with the discs on the walls would have jogged his memory regardless yk.
as far as nlm.....well dream was on their hitlist to be fair, esp as they were considering early on allying with techno to take down dream. i don't think approaching techno would have worked given that he has no qualms allying with the literal king of the smp who said that later on, but it was on their minds before techno became a more accessible target and the execution got messed up so badly (i don't remember much in that in between phase of nlm at the moment but i imagine techno's execution going so badly wrong wouldn't have encouraged them to give it another shot yk)
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iamvegorott · 3 years
Maybe Bim trying to match make Marvin and Chase together? (And maybe at the end, he tries to ask Marvin for extra credit bc he set them up together? XD)
Liiiitle more than a blurb, but here we are XD ------------------------------------------
“If we get suspended for this, I’m so kicking your ass.” Yandere said as he helped carry some test tubes with Bim. 
“We’re not going to get suspended. Hell, we might even get extra credit if this works.” Bim looked both ways down the hall, seeing that it was clear. “Go, go, go.” Bim went as fast as he could on his toes with Yandere behind him. 
“Why would we get extra credit? We’re just moving things.” 
“We’re taking Marvin’s stuff and putting it into Coach Chase’s office. Either Marvin will go get it or Coach will take it back. Giving them a reason to talk.” Bim peeked into the gym, seeing that Jackie was busy talking with Phantom, and Chase’s office door was wide open with no sight of him. 
“Think we can sneak past them?” Yandere asked.
“Oh yeah, Phantom of the Opera is putting on a full show. Coach Jackie is in the zone.” Bim took off and Yandere signed, following him. 
“Are we just putting them on his desk?” Yandere asked in a whisper. 
“Nah, gotta make it hard. Hide some of them.” Bim opened one of the desk drawers and placed a test tube in there. 
“Now we’re getting suspended.” 
“We’re not-” 
“What are you doing?” Bim and Yandere went stiff at Anti’s voice. 
“I’m so killing you.” Yandere said. 
“Where’d you get the tubes?” Anti asked, casually leaning against the doorframe. 
“M-Marvin’s room.” Bim squeaked. 
“Good.” Anti strolled to the desk and grabbed some papers. “Let’s just say that I didn’t have Phantom and Jackie go to the cafeteria and that I also didn’t tell you that Chase is on his way to his office and that I won’t be telling Marvin to head this way as well, claiming to have seen Chase with some test tubes.” Anti raised a brow at the teens. “Scram.” He added with a smirk. Yandere and Bim fumbled with the tubes they had left and took off.
“Why did you take my test tubes?” Marvin asked as he walked into Chase’s office. 
“What? I didn’t take them, they were just here.” Chase gestured at the ones he’d manage to find. “One of the-”
“Anti said you were carrying them.” Marvin closed the door with his hip. “Were you going to use them for target practice?” 
“Why would I do that? They’re yours.” Chase scoffed.
“You know that classic ‘jock versus nerd’.” 
“Seriously? When have I ever been like that?” Chase went around his desk. “I have never said anything bad about you or anyone in the science department.” Chase saw that Marvin was chewing on the inside of his cheek, avoiding eye contact. “What’s up?” 
“Why are you so nice to me?” Marvin wasn’t expecting himself to ask that but it was too late now. 
“I’m nice to everyone.” Chase weakly chuckled. 
“But not as much as you are to me.” Marvin scratched the back of his head. “Like, you’re always more than willing to help me carry things for my class, you never even question when it’s stuff outside of the norm for it and I just…” Marvin popped his lips. “I feel like one of the kids with this.” 
“I feel like I’m missing something.” 
“Do you like me?” 
“Do I like you?”
“Like, do you like like me?” 
“Do I like like you?” Chase saw the flush of pink on Marvin’s cheeks and having a feeling he’d be the same soon.
“I do.” Chase was right in his thought, he could feel the warmth crawling up his neck. 
“Oh...okay...cool.” Marvin started rocking on his feet. “Me too.” 
“Awesome.” Chase clapped his hands. “So, do we, uh…” 
“Fuck it.” Marvin stepped in and grabbed Chase’s shirt, pulling him into a kiss. 
“Yes!” The sudden cheer cut the kiss very short and they both looked at the now open door, seeing Bim there. 
“Can I get extra credit for setting this up?” Bim asked. 
“You can get a detention if you don’t leave now,” Marvin warned. 
“Figured I could try. But I’m mostly here to tell you that the principal’s on the way.” Bim did some awkward finger guns before leaving.
“Did we just get matched up by a teenager?” Chase asked when Bim was gone. 
“Think he’ll do it to anyone else.”
“Wanna kiss again before Dark’s here?”
@egghomicide @shadowkitten0321 
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love-bean · 4 years
the reunion
this is kind of a test run for how well my writing might do if i started publishing it. also, i just wanted to write this bc i’ve been thinking mad hard about it and i wanna get it out of my system. inspired by x (god i hope the link works)
Alex only had one more request before he left.
“Please look out for her,” he whispered as he held Willie close to his chest. “Don’t let anyone hurt her. Please.”
And if that was the last thing Alex wanted before he disappeared, Willie was going to do it. He would do anything for his Alex.
The morning after the band was due to perform at the Orpheum, Willie was more down than he had ever been. He couldn’t stop thinking about the most beautiful soul he had ever come across, but he knew he had a responsibility now.
So, he willed himself to skate over to Julie’s house. He knew where it was, of course, after “checking on” the boys without Caleb’s consent. His immediate instinct was to look in the garage, and boy was he right.
Sitting at her piano was Julie Molina, looking as radiant as ever. Willie noticed a while ago that she had a natural glow about her that lit up any room. She had a sweet, genuine smile that matched her personality, according to Alex.
As hard as Willie tried, he would never be able to shake the thoughts of the one that got away; the one he let get away.
He forced his mind to fall back to the young girl in front of him, and he wondered if she could see him the way she could see the band. Didn’t hurt to try, right?
“Julie?” His voice came out hoarse as he walked through the garage door.
“Can I help you?” she replied, looking up from the keys.
He swallowed hard, now suddenly nervous. “Um, my name is Willie. I- uh, I knew the band you played with. Alex was my, uh, my friend.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Willie,” she smiled. “I’m Julie, but you seem to already know that. What brings you here?”
“Um, before Alex and the guys… left,” he stumbled, “he asked me if I would look out for you.”
“Oh. Well, he’s-”
Behind him came a voice he was semi-prepared to never hear again. And when he turned around, there stood a boy he was semi-prepared to never see again, along with his bandmates.
“Alex,” he whispered in awe.
In less than a second, the two had moved toward each other and wrapped one another in a tight hug. Willie, being shorter, had the opportunity to nuzzle into Alex’s shoulder and breathe in a scent that was so distinctly, so indescribably, so perfectly Alex.
“Wait,” he said, pulling his head away. “I thought you-”
“Apparently performing at the Orpheum wasn’t our unfinished business,” Alex said.
“What about Caleb? I thought-”
“We’re free,” Alex said. “I don’t know how, but his stamp disappeared off of all of us.”
Willie was quiet for a moment, his eyes drinking in the sight of the beautiful boy in his arms.
“Now, will you stop thinking and kiss me?” Alex whispered.
Without a second thought, Willie stood on his toes to close the distance. Their lips felt like puzzle pieces, fitting together and moving in unison. The world around them melted away, leaving only the lovers.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” Willie whispered as he pulled away and rested his forehead against Alex’s.
“I won’t,” Alex replied, resting his hand on Willie’s cheek. “Never, ever.”
“Good,” Willie replied, pressing a kiss to the tip of Alex’s thumb as it dragged along his bottom lip.
“Thank you,” Alex muttered, kissing Willie three times in quick progression. “For coming to check on Julie.”
“I would do anything for you, Alex.”
alex and willie deserve a kiss and i will die on this hill
i’m not super happy with the ending and this might be absolute trash and maybe no one will read it, but if anyone does i would love for some feedback if you happen to spare a minutes. thanks, jo xx
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lonelyreputation · 4 years
First Time
A/N: Back with some more fluff! I was gonna wait a few weeks to post this, to really tweak it, but I love it too much and it’s so fluffy so I decided to share it now 😌 So please enjoy what I think taking a bath with Shawn for the first time would be like!! 
And thank you to everyone who has reblogged my work or said nice words to me 🥺 It really makes me heart flutter and I swear one day I’m gonna print all of the nice words out and put them in a book bc you all are too nice 😪
THANKS A MILLION for all of your support! Reblogs are never expected, but always appreciated!! 🤗💞🌻
REQUEST/PROMPT: Slipping into warm water
Let’s Chat!! | MASTERLIST
Warnings: Two swear words & being naked (but like nothing ~happens…it’s just a bath)
Word Count: 3.9K
Shawn was stressed.  
You knew he was pushing his creativity to maximum capacity when he would come back to his apartment with eyes that looked completely drained, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek before retreating his bedroom.
He was currently in the midst of writing and recording his next album.  And he was feeling the pressure from his fans, industry executives, and himself to put out an album even better than his self titled record.
But how can I achieve something better than that, he would say with a strained voice, his head buried into his hands, it was nominated for a Grammy.
You tried your best to reassure him; that his fans, the executives, and you would love whatever he put out if he had his heart and soul in it.  You had no idea what the woes of fame did to a person’s self-esteem and would never know the pressure of releasing a record.  But you knew that Shawn was a people pleaser.  He wanted to make everyone happy even if it came at his expense.
At a loss for not knowing what to do to cheer him up, you called Aaliyah.
“He hasn’t done it in a while…” her tone was thoughtful, but then she backtracked, “But I dunno if he would want me to tell you.”
“A, please,” you begged your boyfriend’s younger sister as you stretched out on the couch, “I’m looking for anything.  He’s so stressed, he’s barely eating the salad that I make sure he takes with him before he leaves.”
She rushed out her sentence in one breath, “Helikestotakebaths.”
You sat up, “He what?”
With your question, Aaliyah let out a sigh and repeated herself more slowly this time, “He likes to take…baths.”
“A bath?”
There was hesitancy on the other end before adding in an important detail, “Sometimes with…bubbles.”
“And maybe,” her voice was barely above a whisper, “some candles.”
A small smile graced your lips, your boyfriend surprised you more and more everyday, “Really?”
“You have to swear to me you won’t tell him I told you,” Aaliyah said in an assertive tone, “He cannot know I told you.”
You nodded your head with a smile on your face, you were happy to have gotten something to help Shawn de-stress, “Swear on my life––You’re the best, A.”
After catching up with Aaliyah and hearing what she’s been up to the past few weeks, she had to go and do some chores she’d been procrastinating for a few days.  You bid her goodbye, thanking her again for her help and promising her again to not tell her brother that she let his secret slip.
You hung up and looked at the time.  Three o’clock. You had an hour or so before Shawn was due back so you hopped off the couch and made your way to the master bathroom.  With your hands on your hips, you looked at the tub with a questioning gaze.  Not once had you ever thought that Shawn was someone who was into baths.  You didn’t even think he had touched the faucet of the big white tub.  
But you were trusting Aaliyah with your life so you got to work.  
First, you checked the cabinets under the sink for any bubble bath supplies.  No luck.  Next, you checked the medicine cabinet for anything.  Rummaging through extra bottles of shampoo, soap, cologne…you were about to give up, but there was no other place Shawn would keep anything bathroom related.  He was very particular with how he organized his apartment.  Group like things together, Shawn tsked you when he helped you move into your new apartment, that way things will never get lost.
He was right; grouping like things together did make it easier to find certain things when you thought they were misplaced.  And you thanked the heavens above when you knelt down on the ground, pushing a few empty cardboard boxes aside, to find a little plastic basket with some bubble bath supplies.  
You made a mental note to text Aaliyah another thank you.
Dragging out the basket, you looked in and saw that the bubbles he had weren’t anything expensive. Just a regular run of the mill brand name bubbles.  Usually Shawn liked to splurge on some stuff if he never got the chance to do it often, and with Aaliyah saying he never took baths often, it made you wonder what was holding him back from buying really nice bubbles.  And in the basket were also two lavender scented candles.
You took the candles out immediately and found some matches hidden in the basket as well.  Candles could burn for a long time and it was better to get a head start on those than forget them later on.
With the scent of lavender filling up the room, you took your phone out and texted Shawn: Any idea when you’ll be back? :)
You didn’t want to run the bath too early, fearing that the water would get cold before he even got back to his place.
You unlocked your phone when it buzzed in your hand: Just leaving now.  So tired.  Be home in twenty? Something like that.
Your heart dropped when you read his message.  So tired.  Maybe he wouldn’t be up for a bath?  Maybe he just wanted to go to bed?
No, you told yourself, he’s been stressed and unhappy and deserves something relaxing.
You waited five minutes before opening up the Find My Friends app and clicked on Shawn’s name to track his location.  You saw his little circle of a contact picture moving down a street, the app telling you he was fifteen minutes away.  
Game time, you hyped yourself up as you turned on the faucet to the bath.  You ran your hand under the water until it was at a slightly hotter temperature than comfortable.  You figured that if you ran the water fairly hot right now, it would be at a comfortably warm temperature by the time Shawn got back.  So you put the plug in the drain and watched the tub slowly fill up with water.  When it was a quarter of the way full, you got the bottle of bubbles and squeezed only a little bit in.  You pampered yourself with a bubble bath one time and accidentally put in too many bubbles which ended up being disastrous.
And you didn’t want this to be disastrous for Shawn.  It was supposed to be relaxing.  And Lord knows he wouldn’t be relaxed if you flooded his bathroom.
Once the bath was filled to the appropriate height, you turned the faucet off.  Admiring your work, you didn’t hear the front door open.
Shawn’s voice rang through his apartment as butterflies fluttered throughout your stomach.  You hurriedly exited his bathroom, walked through his bedroom and greeted him in the kitchen.
You walked in with a glowing smile on your face, a skip in your step, but when you saw him sitting on one of the barstools, arms resting on the island with his head buried deep, your smile dropped.
Cautiously, you walked up behind him and slid your arms up his back and began to softly rub his shoulders.  He looked absolutely drained and it broke your heart.  Sure, you knew artist’s liked to pour their everything into creating music, but this was borderline insane.  
You pressed a soft kiss to the back of his neck, not exactly knowing what to say.  If you asked him about the studio, he would say something that would belittle himself for not writing or singing well enough.  If you asked how he felt, he would just tell you that he felt tired.
But luckily you didn’t have to say anything.  With his head still tucked away, he let out a low hum, “Missed you.”
The only thing you concentrated on was how exhausted he sounded.
“Missed you too,” you brought your hands to wrap around his torso, leaning forward and hugging him from behind, “Long day?”
You felt his back release a deep deep sigh, “The longest.”  You were second guessing the bath that was drawn.  He sounded like all he wanted to do was sleep for the next ten years, “Just wanna be with you.”
And then an idea struck your mind.  
The bath was originally meant to just only be for Shawn.  You wanted him to have time for himself, something he rarely had nowadays, but with his confession of wanting to be with you…
You unwound your arms from him and brought your arms to pull him up by his shoulders.  With a groan, he sat up all the way, but his eyes were still closed, “I really just wanna sleep––“
“Come with me,” you interrupted him as you took his hands and helped him up from the bar stool.  He followed you, but with slumped shoulders and eyes barely open.  He paused in the middle of his bedroom, the arm that connected your hand that held his, over stretching as you kept walking.
He pulled his eyebrows together, “Sleep?”
You let out a small laugh, he sounded like a toddler, speaking only the bare minimum.  Shaking your head you tugged his hand, “I have one small thing for you before we go to sleep.”
“But, Y/n––“
“Trust me.”
He continued to stay put in the middle of his room.  He glanced back at his bed, the sheets tempting him to crawl under and pass out.  But then he looked at you, your eyes pleading with him to follow you.  He gave into your eyes; he always did.
You tugged on his hand once more before he trailed behind you.  You smiled at the smell of lavender that was more prevalent now than it was when you first lit the candles up.  The bathroom lights were dimmed, but when you looked over your shoulder, you saw Shawn looking at the bath, then at you, at the candles, and back at you.
“What is––Did you do this?”
Turning your body to face him you gave his hand a slight squeeze as you stepped forward to him, toes touching, “You’ve been so stressed and I thought this might help relax you.”
His eyes continued to dart between the bath, the candles, and you, “But this––the bath––For me?”
You nodded your head with a shrug of your shoulders, “I wanted to do something nice,” his eyes were now intensely staring into your own, if you didn’t know him like the back of your hand, the stare would’ve intimidated you.  But his eyes were just concentrating; they were concentrating on you and you saw the love in them.
“And I thought…” Your eyes fell from his momentarily, suddenly growing shy about your next request, “Maybe…We could like go in…Together?”  
He was silent.  
It was not the response you were expecting and your stomach dropped, “Never mind,” you waved your free hand in the air, “I made the bath for you so you should enjoy it––You haven’t had any space to yourself, so you–––“
“God, yes,” Shawn’s eyes closed for the second time tonight, but they weren’t closed out of exhaustion, they were closed in pure bliss as he imagined a bath with you, “Please come in the bath.”
Your cheeks heated up as you rocked back on your heels, “Okay.”
You and Shawn had never taken a bath together; mainly for the reason that you didn’t know he took baths.  And it seemed like you were crossing a line into uncharted territory.  Sure, you’ve shared intimate moments together, seen each other naked, and shared your strongest fears with each other.  But there was something about taking a bath with Shawn that seemed even more intimate than all of those combined.
Shawn let go of your hand as he clutched the hem of his shirt, crossing his forearms before peeling the shirt over his head.  You slowly peeled your socks off, one by one, then stripped yourself of your leggings.
He folded his shirt and set it on the ground before his hands trailed down to the button on his jeans.  You watched his careful fingers undo the button and slowly unzip the zipper of his jeans.  He looked up at you through his curls, catching you staring at him, and smiled at you before pulling his jeans down past his thighs, wiggling them off his calves.
Much like his shirt, he folded his pants and set them aside.
Clad in just his underwear, he stepped forward in front of you, toes touching toes.  You were scared and you didn’t know why.  It’s just Shawn, you scolded yourself, there’s no need to feel scared.  The more you two just stood in front of each other in silence, you realized that the feeling in the pit of your stomach wasn’t fear, it was nerves.  You were nervous to strip off another level of yourself and become even more vulnerable with him.
He played with the hem of your shirt, eyes peering into yours silently asking if it was alright to take it off.  You lifted your arms over your head instead of offering him a verbal response.  He slipped your shirt over your head, kissed your cheek softly when it was off, folded it up, and placed it with his clothes.
Both of you stood in your underwear, waiting to see each other’s next move.  Shawn seemed to grasp the emotion behind taking a bath––it was such a simple way of displaying affection––but neither one of you had done this before.  Neither one of you had taken a bath with any of your previous significant other’s.  It would be a first time for something that the two of you would share together.
Staring deep into your eyes, Shawn slowly brought his hands to his underwear and pulled them down his legs.  Your eyes never left his as he shimmied out of them, not bothering to pick them up and fold them like his other articles of clothing.  
“If you…” he started off slowly, “If you don’t want me to look or like…aren’t comfortable, you don’t have to come in,” He took your hand and loosely held it between your bodies, “You can go to bed or…Or you can just sit on the ledge,” he gave your hand a squeeze, “I just really missed you today.”
You didn’t know what to say.  You didn’t know if you were capable of saying anything.  You were mesmerized with the carefulness of his tone, how he had just come from a hard day at work, but he wanted you to feel comfortable.  You didn’t think you could love him anymore than you did in this moment.
With one last squeeze, he released your hand as he made his way toward the white bathtub.  Your back was facing him, but you knew his movements too well that you could picture him; reaching the tips of his fingers in to test the warmth of the water before slowly sinking a foot in.  You heard the water move, you guessed that he was standing in the tub now, getting used to the water before he fully sank into the heat.
You knew he was fully submerged when you heard him let out a groan.  You glanced over your shoulder and saw his knees bent, limbs too long to fit fully inside the tub, as he rested his head on the back of the tub with his eyes shut tight.
With a deep breath, you reached behind your back to unclasp your bra, letting it fall from your shoulders.  You let your shoulders fall as you took another deep breath, carefully sliding your underwear down over your thighs, past your calves, and slightly bent down to unhook them from your feet.  And unlike Shawn, you picked up both of your underwear from the floor, and neatly folded them, placing them next to the clothes he had folded.
The bathroom air felt cold around your body, but the eyes you felt on your back lit your insides on fire.  
Turning toward the tub slowly, you brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, and saw Shawn staring into your eyes.  Any other boy, you thought, any other boy would be trailing his eyes all over your body.  But not Shawn, a shy smile creeped up on your lips; Not Shawn.
Your eyes stayed connected all throughout the few steps you took to the tub, the nerves still bubbling in your stomach.  But with the nerves came love.  With love came adoration.  And with adoration came the boy who was sitting in the tub, patiently waiting for you to join him.
Shawn lifted his arm  from the confines of the water and held it out to you.  With water droplets falling from his arm, you took hold of his hand, not even testing the water temperature before you stepped in one foot at a time.  You trusted that if Shawn was fine with the temperature, then you wouldn’t have a problem with it.
You lowered yourself into the bubbles, the heat of the water loosening up every tense muscle you didn’t know existed, as you sat on the opposite side of the tub from Shawn.  With your body submerged up to your collar bones, the cold porcelain on your back was a soothing contrast from the heat of the water.
Your eyes were closed as you enjoyed unwinding in the tub.  While you made the bath for Shawn, you were glad you decided to join.  Under the water, you felt the toes of his right foot glide up and down your calf.  You opened your eyes to see him with a lazy half smile, “Will you come here?”
You bit your lip to conceal a grin, but nodded, placing both hands on the ledges of the tub.  Your chest was covered with bubbles, but they were slowly trickling off your body, exposing your breasts to Shawn.  But like the whole night, Shawn’s eyes were looking into his favorite color; your eyes.
Moving forward, you twisted yourself to turn around, your back facing him, as he brought a hand up to grip your thigh, slowly lowering yourself down on his lap.  You leaned back on his chest as the water began to still, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Thank you.”
It was just you and Shawn in the bathroom, back pressed against his chest, but he still whispered.  The thank you he whispered held more meaning than those two words.  He was saying I’m thankful for you, I’m lucky to have you in my life, I’m in love with you.
You closed your eyes as his arms rounded your waist and you kissed his neck; suddenly hyper aware of everything around you. You felt the hair on his legs brush up against yours, smelled the lavender wafting through the air, heard the single droplets of water that fell from the spout echo in the tub, and saw the love Shawn held for you in his eyes.
“I wrote a song about you today,” Shawn piped up, voice small and unaware of how you were going to react.
His statement piqued your interest, he was usually closed lipped about what went on during his studio sessions.  You knew some musicians had weird superstitions, and you never pried Shawn on information he didn’t want to share with you regarding his album.  And you never took it to heart, knowing that you would still get to hear the finished cut of the album before the general public.
Shawn sunk further into the tub, taking you with him, “I’ve written lots of songs about you,” he shared.  You turned your face up to look at him better.  You were met with his sharp jawline, his eyes dreamily facing forward as he smiled at the melody he wrote for you that played in his head, “Why I’ve been so tired.”
“Oh?” You said it playfully, a smirk toying at your lips, “Loving me is tiring?”
Shawn squeezed your hips under the water, “You know what I mean,” he finally looked down at you, “Just have so many feelings about you running through my head all the time.”
You let out a small laugh, “Good to know.”
“You’re on my mind all hours of the day,” again even though you were alone, he whispered his words softly, as if exchanging a secret, “Can’t get enough of you.”
Shawn pressed a kiss as soft as his words to your growing smile.  You were having a hard time kissing him back, so overcome with elation, that you never thought your smile would disappear.
Once he stopped trying to pry kisses from you, he knew he would get a good kiss before you headed to bed, he rested his head on top of yours, “This is just what I needed,” he let out his millionth sigh of the night, “I love baths.”
You smiled in satisfaction, “That’s what I’ve heard.”
You noticed the loss of contact when Shawn picked his head up from yours.  He looked down at you with a questioning stare, “Heard? Who told you?”
“I uh––Read it in one of your interviews,” You stammered, not wanting to break your trust with Aaliyah.  While you loved Shawn and would choose his side no matter what, you made a promise to his sister that you intended to keep, “GQ.”
Shawn shook his head, a smirk growing more and more on his lips, “Never discussed taking baths with GQ.”
“Billboard?” His smirk widened with another wrong answer, “Variety? Rolling Stone––“
“Aaliyah told you, didn’t she?”
You rapidly shook your head, but you felt your eyes widen, blowing your cover.  But you still held out your promise to Aaliyah and denied his accusations, “Haven’t talked to her in a while, I should probably give her a call, you know?  See how school’s going for her, see if she needs any boy advice–––“
“First off,” Shawn cut you off, “No to giving her boy advice.  She’s too young––“
“It’s how we bond!” Your laugh caused the water to ripple, “It’s not like I haven’t given it to her before.”
“That’s a conversation for a different time,” he shot you a fake glare, before his smirk reappeared and a mischievous glint twinkled in his eyes, “She’s the only person who knows I like baths when I’m stressed.”
You didn’t know how you could argue with that.  No amount of bullshitting could get you out of the corner you backed yourself into.  With a sigh, you lifted your back off his chest and twisted your body to face him, “I wanted to do something for you,” you brought your hand up to cup his face, he leaned into your touch, “You were getting so lost in yourself and I couldn’t think of anything.  So I called her up.”
Shawn nodded against your palm, turning his head to press a gentle kiss on the inside of your hand, “I really do appreciate this––you.  This is the best thing to happen to me all week. Thank you.”
You smiled at him before fitting yourself back up against his chest.  You stayed in the water with him until your fingers pruned up and the water went cold.
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silkeris · 4 years
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song fic inspired by ariana grande's new song "pov" literally just been played on repeat and only included the first half of it soft sakusa bc uwu <3
also give sakusa the benefit of the doubt since msby got a major win
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Contrary to popular belief, Kiyoomi Sakusa was a loving boyfriend. Although his public persona is known to be distant and cold, when it was just the two of you, he was expressive. He expressed his love through simple actions such as remembering the little things, important dates, your favorite snacks, and through his words.
it’s like you got superpowers turn my minutes into hours
Sakusa had a way of captivating an audience. Whether at a MSBY Jackals practice match or game, the audience would hold their breath just to see him spike the ball. When it was just the two of you, you would be hanging on to every word, knowing that they would have significance if Sakusa spoke them.
“When did you know you first loved me?” You asked him.
You both were lying on the couch in your shared apartment. Your back against his chest, his arms cradling your body and holding your hand.
“Hmm…” He ponders for a second. “Probably when I was done with my first practice of being an official member of the Jackals. You waited for me after practice. You were eating strawberry pocky when I was was on my way out.”
Kiyoomi Sakusa was walking out of the team’s locker room when he saw you waiting in the lobby. You were finishing your favorite snack while looking at your phone when a figure approached you. You saw it was one of the players with badly bleached hair.
“What’s a pretty lady like yer doing here?” Miya Atsumu asked.
You rolled your eyes. “Even after college, I still can’t seem to escape from grasps of you.”
Atsumu gasped and held his heart as if you shot him. He said dramatically, “Even after all of these years, I still don’t have a chance?”
“Sorry Miya-san, but if there was ever a chance in the first place, I would go for your twin.”
He gaped at you. Before he could get a word in, you said, “Plus, I’m here for someone else anyways.”
This was when Sakusa walked towards you two and interrupted the conversation. He asked, “You ready?”
You turned and smiled at him, “Mhmm.”
Atsumu looked at the both of you and pointed fingers at both of you. “Uhh, wait what? Omi Omi, when, how, and where?’
He then pointed at you, “And you! Yer telling me that you wanted all that when you could’ve had all of this?” He then pointed to himself.
Sakusa decided that he didn’t want to be around Atsumu any longer and said, “Miya-san, please go take a shower. You’re infecting Y/N with your germs.”
Giggling, you and Sakusa left a raging Atsumu behind and started heading out the door. You pulled hand sanitizer out of your bag and poured some out for yourself and Sakusa. When you returned the hand sanitizer to its original place, the two of you linked your hands together. Sakusa wasn’t a big fan of PDA but he knew you loved small gestures such as this, and he had to admit that holding your hand made his chest feel all fuzzy and warm.
The two of you walked along a path of sakura trees, wind gently blowing causing a petal to fall in your hair. Sakusa turns to you and pulls the petal out of your hair and it causes you to blush.
“Well, what should we have for dinner?” You asked him.
you got more than 20/20, babe made of glass, the way you see through me
He rolled his eyes and answered, “Why even bother ask when you always crave the same thing?”
You giggled and said, “So you’re okay having unagi-don for the third night in a row?”
He grunts and gives you a look in response.
“Well, it’s not my fault that your favorite food is umeboshi.” You crinkled your nose and continued on, “Like aren’t you only supposed eat them when you’re sick? And don’t get me started on…”
At this point, Sakusa spaced out. He focused on how quickly your mouth was moving and the fact that you started talking with your hands. He thought that you have never looked lovelier under the sakura tree, the wind gently blowing through your hair. He saw another petal fall get blown into your hair and he picked it with his free hand.
You started slowing down your rant when his hand reaches towards your hair again. You look up at him and notice that his mask is pulled down. You stare into his eyes as he captures your lips with his. You kiss him sweetly, pouring your heart and soul into him.
He pulls away and tucks a hair behind your ear.
“What was that for?” You asked, a bit breathless from the kiss.
“I love you.” He tells you.
You freeze. You then crouch down and bury your face in your hands. Your face is flushed red.
“Omi, you can’t just spring that on a girl.” You dramatically tell him. “Give a girl some warning.”
You stand back up and on your tip toes, you peck him on the lips before you readjust his mask.
“I love you Omi.” You tell him with a bright smile on your face.
He then smiles a small smile but by the way his eyes twinkle, you know he’s on the moon. It’s the same way it twinkles when he wins a game or when he comes home to you.
You hid your face in your hands again and blushed a deep red.
“You seriously caught me off guard when you told me that.” You tell him, embarrassed.
He shrugged and said, “You never looked more beautiful in that moment.”
You blushed and your face ended up in your hands again.
you know me better than i do can’t seem to keep nothing from you
You could never really hide anything from Kiyoomi Sakusa. He would pick up sudden changes in your mood through the way your eyes would sometimes cloud over when you were deep in thought or the way when crease between your eyebrows deepened.
Sakusa had just come back from an away game. He walked out of the bathroom, towel still in his hand trying to dry his hair. You notice him and lead him to the couch, where you tell him to sit down and hand over the towel.
You start to towel dry his hair, gently running your fingers through to detangle his locks. You chew on your lips, deep in thought. During this time, you usually would be updating what has been going on since he was gone. Usually you would inform him about the grandma that would run the small grocery store around the corner, or how the old grandpa at the park still wouldn’t stop smoking no matter how many times you’d nag him.
“Y/N. What’s wrong?” He catches your fingers and laces his through yours. He looks up towards your face.
You hesitate for a second. Should you really dump your insecurities and jealousy onto your boyfriend? Of course being a famous volleyball player, he was bound to have a large fanbase and following.
“Um… Are you sure you’re happy with me?” You asked him in a small voice.
His grips tightens on your fingers. He then leads you towards him to sit next to him.
You continue, “Like, look at me… I’m an average human being. And then look at you! You’re beautiful Omi. You have a perfect body and could be dating a model or something…”
how you touch my soul from the outside permeate my ego and pride
He then brings you close to his chest. He can start to hear you sniffle.
“What brought this on?” He questions you.
With a watery voice you say, “I just… I saw a fan photo of you and her. And she was just really pretty. And you didn’t look as annoyed as usual… And I’m not blaming you I swear! I, I can’t help but feel jealous because…”
i wanna love me the way that you love me
“Y/N. Look at me.” He pulls your face towards his.
“I love you. I love you because you show kindness regardless. I love you because when I see you smile, I want you continue to be happy. I love you because you tell me that I’m your twin flame.”
Your eyes start to tear up.
ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too i’d love to see me from your point of view
“I love you when I wake up in the morning and you’re in my arms. I even love you when you ugly cry when we’re watching a sappy movie.”
You giggle a bit at that statement.
i wanna trust me the way that you trust me
“I love you because you’re always able to see the brighter things in life. I love you because I would blindly follow you anywhere. I love you because I trust you.”
Sakusa wipes away the tears from your face. He kisses your eyes, nose, and lips.
“You okay now?” He asks you.
Your face is buried in his chest, arms around his torso. You nod in response. The two of you cuddle in silence for a bit.
“Hey Omi,” You tell him, voice slightly muffled from still being tucked in his chest.
“Hmm?” He hums.
“I love you. Like a lot. Actually more than a lot.” You tell him without lifting your head.
He kisses your forehead.
You finally lift your head and look at him. You ask him with a cheeky smile, “So you finally admit that you’re my twin flame?”
He rolls his eyes and flicks your forehead in response.
You gasp and rub the spot he hit.
“Omi! That hurt!” You tell him.
He rolls his eyes again and tells you, “I love you.”
You smile brightly at him and hug him tighter.
ooh, ‘cause nobody ever loved me like you do i’d love to see me from your point of view
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
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Canyon Moon
A/N: WELCOME TO THE CANYON MOON FIC ! The chapters have to be split up and cut a lot shorter bc of sizing limits but I’m hoping you guys will still like it.
WARNINGS FOR CHP. 1: swearing, mild drug use (weed)
CHAPTER ONE: the world’s happy waiting
The ocean has always been a calming place for you. Any body of water, really. The lapping of thewaves, the smell of salt, the course feeling of sand between your toes. It felt like home. So when you moved to Malibu, you found yourself lying on the beach until 4 am most nights, sometimes sleeping, but more often than not listening to music and writing.
Working as a songwriter for mostly just your friends, or as a fill in whenever someone wasn’t there, you were constantly writing. It was a lot easier to get deeper that way for you, not having to worry about sharing your secrets, and being able to mask it in other people’s voices. That being said, you had journals upon journals of your own songs. They were just for you, and occasionally your best friends, but it was something you were really proud of. After writing for the past 6 years, you’d like to think they were pretty good.
You’d gotten to your little spot around an hour ago, parking your pride and joy, an orange and yellow remodeled VW bus, which also functioned as your room most nights when you wanted to be out here, next to the sand.
The vibrant sunset had since dulled into a deep purple color, but it was still fairly light out. A small bonfire was lit in front of your blanket, keeping you a little extra warm even though it was still 70°.
Strumming your guitar, you moved away from the rock you were leaning against, a car’s headlights snapping you out of the haze you always got when you were out here. And also those two joints you had smoked already.
You raise your eyebrows at the fucking bright yellow Ferrari, hoping they were just stopping for a second.
Your prayers were ignored as a guy stepped out, a hoodie pulled over his head.
Shrugging your shoulders, you continue to play mindlessly, making up different melodies before creating a new one on top it.
Mr. Ferrari starts making his way over to you, which sends a flutter through your chest.
“Hey, just so you know, if you’re going to kill me, I’ve always wanted to die listening to Landslide by Fleetwood Mac,” you yell, grabbing your phone from your bag just in case.
The guy stops for a second and lets out a laugh.
“Definitely not trying to kill you,” he chuckles, and, oh, he’s British.
He comes closer and you come face to face with one of the prettiest people you’ve ever seen. Wearing a black hoodie with the words “Treat People With Kindness” embroidered on it, that’s cute, a pair of grey slacks, which you wouldn’t necessarily think of for beach attire, but he makes up for it by completing the look with no shoes.
“Do y’have a lighter I could borrow? Damn thing ran out and the gas station is just far away enough for it to be annoying.”
You laugh at that and nod, tossing him a random one from your bag.
“I feel that. I’m Y/N. Where you from?” You bluntly ask, because hey, he’s cute.
“Manchester, originally. Live near here now. You mind?” He asks, and you nod, scooting over to let him sit.
You’re hit with the smell of vanilla, leather, and just rich as he plops himself down, leaning against a rock a few feet away from you.
He points to your guitar, lips curled around the joint for a second before he inhales and asks,
“How long you been playing? Liked what you were doing earlier.”
You blush at this, barely remembering what you were doing.
“I have no fuckin clue. 14 years? Got my first guitar at 8 and fell in love.” You over exaggerated hugging your guitar, getting another laugh out of him, before you spit out,
“Oh, and thank you! I don’t really remember what I was doing to be honest. Just get in the zone sometimes. Do you play?”
He looks surprised at this, looking at you closely for a second.
“Uh, yeah, little bit. Been trying to learn more recently and kind of get my skills up.”
“Good for you! If you ever wanna play together, I’m literally always here. You sharing?” You smile, looking at his face in the orange light. His cheekbones are illuminated perfectly and you feel your throat go dry.
He nods and hands it to you, watching as you press the filter to your lips.
“What did you say your name was again?” You rack your brain and cannot remember him introducing himself.
“Didn’t. Harry, sorry that was a bit rude,” He mumbles, and you look at him funny.
“Are you like an FBI agent, Harry? Why so secret? And harassing young girls on the beach at night? With a fucking Ferrari? Come on, man, what’s your secret?” You tease, bumping your elbow into his side.
He laughs, shoving you with his shoulder lightly.
“Only harassing that’s going on is you interrogating me. But if I’m making you uncomfortable, I’ll leave right now. I should probably go, actually.” He rants, suddenly moving to get up. You turn your body quickly and lay your legs in his lap so he can’t move.
“You’re dumb. Secret, please?” You smile, blinking up at him.
He scoffs, shaking his head with a small smile, and pauses to run a hand through his hair. He takes a deep breath in before saying,
“I’m a musician, so that’s where the car and secret beach trips come in. I’m actually just starting to write for my next album, and I’m hitting a rut.”
“Oh shit, that’s what’s up! You’ll have to show me your stuff sometime. Sorry that I don’t know you, I’ve been living on the road for awhile so I listen to a lot of oldies. Plus, with hippie parents you don’t hear a lot of new music,” You explain, gesturing to your van.
He looks at you for a second before shaking his head, smiling to himself.
“What?” You grin, shoving his knee with your foot.
“You’re something else, s’all.”
“So I’ve been told.” A giggle falls from your lips as you lay down on the blanket, legs still in his lap, guitar now discarded to the side.
Looking up at the stars starting to form, you feel his gaze on you. Trying to figure out who this chick was, what stories she had, what witty remark was just past her lips.
“Question.” You say, propping your head up. Your hand finds it’s way on the back of your skull and you feel the blanket shift slightly underneath your elbow.
“Answer,” He responds with the same tone, tapping your knees with his fingertips.
“Would you wanna come with me so I can get a tattoo?”
He stops for a second and stares at you.
“Like, right now? You got an appointment?”
You grin and move off of him, ruffling his hair.
“Even better. I got cool friends.”
He takes his time packing up all your stuff, being as cautious enough to remind you not to cover the fire with sand in case someone stepped on it.
“This is my beach, Ferrari. No one comes here. Except handsome British guys, apparently.”
He looks up from the ground, where he’s stuffing your towel into your bag, and throws you a smirk.
“Thanks, baby. You’re gorgeous as well,”
“Blegh. Let me come introduce you to Sunflower,” you fake shudder at the pet name and he grins, pinching your side so he can laugh at your little jump.
You lead him over to your van, opening up the side door to show off your renovated home.
The entire thing was orange with white trim, big yellow sunflowers painted on the sides. The ceiling inside was painted a dark blue, the walls painted yellow.
A meditation rug was lying on the floor, a light brown wood flooring that matched the cabinets attached to the ceiling.
Your bed was all the way in the back, a simple white comforter on it. A mirror hung next to it, attached to the bathroom door. There was a small kitchen counter complete with a sink and a stovetop next to it. A small table folded out behind the drivers seat where a lounge area was located, orange cushions and fairy lights decorating the little couch.
All in all, it was a tiny fucking house in a car and you treated it like your baby.
“This is fucking sick,” he says, looking at the different artwork, posters, and decorations hanging all over the walls and cabinets.
“Thanks! Did it myself. Spent all summer working on it a few years back, I’m damn proud of it.”
There’s a pause for a second, trying to figure out how to best work this out.
“I’m cool to just leave my car here if you’re down to drive me. We’re going to one of my guy friends’ studio about thirty minutes from here,” you suggest, having a feeling Harry wouldn’t be down to leave his car here, no matter how secluded it was.
“Uh, okay. Should I be worried? Who knows what scoundrels you hang out with?” He teases, watching you go into the van to grab some things.
You glance back at him, laughing, before your breath catches in your throat. He’s since removed his hoodie and is left in a white tank top with small black print on the rib cage. Making a mental note to figure out what it says later, your eyes can’t help but drift to his arms. Illuminated in the car light, his biceps bulge as he rests his hands on the roof, leaning forward slightly into the car.
His tongue traces along his teeth, landing itself in his cheek as he watches you check him out.
“See something you like?” He asks, raising his eyebrows like he’s genuinely curious.
Your eyes flick back to his smirking face and you blink for a second, before responding with,
“Yeah, was trying to figure out what asshole uses a word like ‘scoundrel’ in 2018, what the fuck, Harry?”
He barks out a laugh and brings his fist up to his mouth to cover it, the other one coming down to hold his stomach.
“When you are done appreciating my humor, I need to change real quick. Spin around, please,” You come up from your squat and pull off your sweatshirt, not waiting for him to do that.
“Jesus, Y/N,” He exhales, spinning around and looking up at the sky.
“What? I gave you a warning,” you giggle, sliding your sweatpants down to slip into a pair of black volleyball shorts.
“By about half a second!” Harry exclaims. “You’re killing me.”
“Sorry, superstar, nobody is exempt from special treatment here.” You roll your eyes at yourself, what the fuck are you even saying.
“Mkay, you’re good.”
Harry spins around, eyes taking in your new outfit.
On top of your shorts was a giant Stevie Nicks shirt, one from her White Winged Dove tour.
“Shit, you might be a bigger Stevie fan than I am, and that’s saying a lot.”
“Fuck, you have no idea. My dad went to the fucking final show of this tour and met my mom in the crowd during Dreams. My mom made him play it when I was born because she swore Stevie brought me to them.”
You catch him staring at you and turn your head away, cheeks burning because you’re rambling and need to shut the fuck up.
He clears his throat and takes a breath before starting.
“Promise not to kill me when I tell you this?”
Holding your hand to your burning cheeks, you murmur,
“Y/N!” Harry exclaims, finally coming in the van to tickle you.
“Okay, okay, I promise not to kill you,” You mock, waving your hands around.
“I was lucky enough to sing one of my songs with her along with Landslide and Leather and Lace.”
You drop your bag onto the ground as your jaw drops.
“Shut up. I don’t believe you.” You cross your arms over chest. “I don’t know if I’d be angrier if you’re lying or if it actually happened. Holy shit am I jealous.”
“Oh, I was crying onstage, losing my shit. She is, everything. Dreams was the first song I learned the words to, yknow? She truly is a magical being.”
“God. I’m definitely looking you up later because who the fuck sings one of THEIR songs with Stevie Nicks.” You sigh, leaning over to grab your bag and Doc Martens.
“Oh god.” Harry laughs, running a hand through his hair again, looking at you really intensely for a second.
“Not to sound like a dick, but do you really not know who I am?”
“I mean if you need your ego boosted I can lie?” You offer, before dropping the witty responses.
“But no, sorry. Like I said, I just.... don’t really listen to new music, and if I do it’s always my friends or some indie shit with an overused beat.” Harry laughs at that and you smile, yes, he’s not weirded out.
“Don’t apologize, please. I just, can’t be too sure, yknow? People like to use you, especially here. And you’re just a little too perfect to be true,” he sighs, pulling you closer to him by your waist.
Placing you hands on his chest, you look at him for a second before leaning forward and whisper in his ear,
“My tattoo awaits me, baby. Let’s go.”
He groans and leans his head on your shoulder, before letting you go and grabbing your bag for you.
Such a gentleman, you think to yourself, locking up Sunflower.
“Does your car have a cool name?” You ask, after buckling you, fingertips appreciating the rich black leather seat.
“Nope, but I’m good at nicknames. I’m gonna take a wild guess and say normal terms of endearment aren’t your thing?” He asks, making eye contact with you for a quick second as he puts his arm behind your seat before stretching slightly to look behind him as he pulls puts the car in reverse.
Looking up for a quick second, you remind yourself to breathe.
“You would be correct. Gotta use your brain if you wanna get me all jittery,” you tease, fanning yourself over exaggeratedly.
He gives you a side eye and smirks at you, popping a piece of gum in his mouth and raising his eyebrows, as if to say, game on.
“So where am I going?” He asks, starting to drive away from your special spot.
“Let us ask the oracle!” You hold out your phone like a trophy, before laughing to yourself and bringing up Google Maps.
Propping your phone up in the cupholder, you sit cross legged in just your socks in his seat, fidgeting with your hands for a second.
“I’m kind of intrigued on who you are now. What’s your story?” You ask, turning your head to look at him.
Harry glances over at you, eyes drifting to your bare legs for a second.
“Well, the short version, I guess, is I grew up in a little town in England with my mum and my sister, applied to X-Factor when I was 16, got put into a band called One Direction with four other lads, released couple albums with them until end of 2015. Then did a movie called Dunkirk, wrote and released my first solo album, and toured it. Just got back from tour about a month ago, actually.”
You look at him blankly for a second, and he shifts in his seat, removing one of his hands from the wheel to place it on the armrest.
“Holy SHIT am I unaccomplished,” you exclaim, hitting him in the chest.
“Hey!” he yells, but you cut him off.
“How many fucking albums is a couple? And how old are you, my god. That is impressive.”
“I’m 24, that probably should’ve been said before we’re alone in a car together. And 5 albums, in 5 years. Nearly killed us.”
“I’m 22. Damn, dude, that’s insane. It sounds like they horribly overworked you and I am hoping you were generously compensated and had a bit of musical freedom. I know how the music industry can be with boy bands.”
He nods for a second, licking his lips slightly, trying to figure out how to phrase his response.
“I’m not going to lie, there are some definite perks and I am so incredibly lucky to just be able to do what I love as my job.” His fingers find their way to his bottom lip, pinching it slightly. “It was fun, I mean, you throw a bunch of teenagers together and give them celebrity status? We were insane, and I enjoyed it. But.... it felt like I wasn’t a person anymore. I was just ‘Harry Styles from the boyband One Direction’.”
“I don’t necessarily understand but I think the fact that you came out this respectful and real says something. You seem to have your shit properly together, and, even if you don’t, you got back from tour two months ago! You deserve some relaxation. The world’s happy to wait for you to find yourself a little.”
Pausing for a second, you place your hand on his arm, squeezing it lightly before swearing,
“I hope you know I’m being genuine about not knowing you and latching on for fame. I’ll let your parents know my intentions with their son are all very pure.”
He laughs at that, glancing at you again,
“I appreciate you saying that. This life is wonderful, like I said, but it’s very stressful and puts pressure on every relationship. There’s always going to be stories or photos and rumors spread like wildfire.”
You shift in your seat, understanding that this was a very serious issue for him.
“Listen, I’ll let you know up front that that doesn’t bother me. I’ve dated musicians and know the life, I get it. I think you’re cool and that we could have a fun time experiencing real life together. But before we do that, you need to have fun and let everything the fuck GO. I’ll promise you right now, if you let me stick around, you’ll experience what life is. No fame or pining for success bullshit, no offense, but there’s no need for it. If you’re happy doing what you’re doing, no one can tell you you’re not successful.” Harry stops the car at a red light and fully turns to look at you.
He exhales harshly before grinning. “You are a breath of fresh fucking air, Y/N. I think you’re going to change my life, if I’m being honest here.”
“Here’s hoping,” you grin.
A/N: THE OFFICIAL FIRST CHAPTER IS UP !!! I’m hoping you guys will come to love this fic as much as I do. I’ll try to find a writing schedule that works with you guys and my work schedule, so sorry if chapters take a little bit to come up. This is going to be a looooong fic, so buckle up, turn that old lover’s hippie music on, and enjoy !!
- lana <3
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blackvelvetwriteson · 4 years
Hi baby🥰🥰 please don't feel obligated to answer this or anything. But could you write some headcanons for Tendou & Sugawara? They could be platonic or not, nsfw or sfw, idrc. I just wanna see some Tendou x Suga headcanons 😌 oki bye I love you💖
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Hi baby! Of course I’m gonna answer, don’t worry. Amidst all of this Thanksgiving bullshit, I’m already watching Haikyuu so I decided to whip up some of these HCs for you bc 1) you asked, duh, 2) I need to write for Haikyuu anyways, and 3) SUGAAAAAA BEBEIIIII imsorryiminlovewithHIMMMM-
Anways, so have some nipple sucking HCs because that’s what came to mind first-  I love you so much and I hope this is what you wanted!
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-- 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘒ō𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪
GENRE: Smut                                                                 
FANDOM: Haikyuu! 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: SMUT! Just overstim, slight dacryphilia, nipple sucking- duh, and swearing!
SUMMARY: Just Reader-Chan (gender neutral) sucking on best boi nipples.
(Headers are mine, but the art inside of them are not! Please don’t steal or repost without credit!) 
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He’s always enjoyed your guys’s encounters ever since the two of you first met.
You started off as a friend of the team of course, introduced to the other members by Hinata with his extroverted self.
Immediately, you took a liking to Sugawara; I mean y’all did go to the same school for awhile and were in the same class so it only made sense.
Everyone around you already knew you and him would make it out of high school.
You’d always hang out with each other, and when you two were alone, that’s when he asked you out.
Hell yeah! He cared for his team, so it only makes sense that he cared for you a little more because you were his S/O
It goes without saying that he was fairly traditional.
… And sensitive.
So when you asked him- directly- if you could suck on his nipples, he instantly turned red and fell silent.
At first, you thought you struck a nerve and hurt him in some way because his eyes started to glisten more.
“I-It was just a suggestion- we don’t have to do it.”
He looked even more red, this being one of the only times he’d let you dom him.
“Get on top.”
No other direction had to be said, and he quickly- and easily- forced you into his lap.
You couldn’t help but to notice- already- how hard he was under you.
I guess he really is an imaginative character, huh?
He closed his eyes and looked away, his nipples already hard and peeking at you from under his shirt.
The both of you were in college, but it was apparent that something like this had never happened to him before.
You couldn’t help but to run your hands under his shirt first, feeling around his toned chest.
Just to fish for his reactions, you palmed his hardened nipples and smirked as you waited.
It was a short wait; instantly, his back arched and his body pushed into yours as he clenched his eyes shut.
You thought you’d hurt him until he leaned into you and let out one of his breathy moans that you loved so much.
“Harder,” he panted at you as he whined, wrapping one of his dainty hands around your wrist, forcing you to press into his pec more.
He looked like he was about to cry already as he got more antsy.
He knew that his body was sensitive and he’d easily cum from just you teasing his nipple with your hand.
“Someone’s a little needy tonight, hm?” You couldn’t help but to smirk down at him.
He couldn’t do anything but nod and clumsily move to try and pull up his shirt, panting like a dog without water after a run.
You laughed and ducked your head under his shirt that was halfway lifted and instantly locked your lips around his puckering nipple.
He was excited, maybe a little TOO excited.
Instantly, he threw his head back and let out a loud moan before slapping a hand over his mouth as to not alert the others that also live in the college dorms.
You pressed your tongue against it, pushed and teased and felt his cock throb in his pants as he started to tremble under you.
From how he was breathing, he sounded like he was about to pass out.
You had to pull away and remind him to calm down.
“Slow down your breathing, babe. You’ll pass out,” you cooed at him softly.
“I-I’m sorry, Sugar,” he whimpered quietly as he bucked his hips into you. “I-It just f-feels too good! I ca-can’t-“
Without letting him finish, you nipped at his swollen nipple gently with your teeth.
As if he wasn’t already pushed over the edge, he jolted and practically stopped breathing, his toes curled as he let go of you, burying his hands into the bed beside him.
“S-Sugar! S-Su- S-Suga-“ he whined out as his tears rolled down his face, his eyes rolled into the back of his head as he trembled and melted under you.
You took in every single one of his moans and cries, his chest heaving as he became more overwhelmed.
You didn’t want to stop until he begged you to, so you bit his nipple again as you sucked hard.
Even though his shirt was over your head, he still managed to tug your hair at least a little, his free hand holding your hips down as he humped into you.
“I-I’m gonna c-cum S-Sugar,” he whimpered in between his uncontrollable, breathy, whiny moans.
You, of course were ready. You knew his day had been stressful and he’d been completely overwhelmed by you just teasing his nipples whether with your mouth or your hand.
So in response, all you did was suck harder hearing every peak of his moans and cries as he trembled and bucked his hips harder, orgasming as his toes curled, his nails practically ripped the sheets on his bed, his eyes still streaming tears as they rolled back into his head and he made no noise, not even breathing.
You had to pull away, fearing that he was already overtimed and you gently slapped his face.
He was trembling, and finally he took a deep breath, opening his pretty eyes to look up at you.
“I-I’m sorry Sugar,” he whispered softly as he nuzzled into your hand a little more. “I-It just f-felt too good,” he whispered as he closed his eyes, practically purring under your soft touch.
“There’s no need to apologize baby boy,” you cooed out quietly to him, gently swiping tendrils of ash grey hair from in front of his face. “Just relax and I’ll go order us some dinner. You have early practice tomorrow.”
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Of course it was the typical story of a forbidden rival school love.
All in all, most of the schools respected Shiratorizawa back when you were in high school.
And to see him lingering around Kurasuno both made everyone’s morale leap at least 50% but also made them question wtf dude was doing there all the time.
He often helped the team practice and gave them pointers on how to get better, and also got you more involved too.
He’s always teasing, cracking jokes etc.
Sometimes it pissed you off; your name in his phone was “Itty Bitty Panda-Chan”
It didn’t help that you loved it and every time he called you his Itty Bitty Panda-Chan, it made you flustered.
Like usual, he played on it. All of the time.
Even alone.
You were hanging out with him at his house because he lived away from the college dorms and the two of you had finished with your work and had things for your next class situated for the next day, so you were playing games and he was… Well… Staring at you like usual.
“Is there a reason you’re staring at me, Idiot-San,” you mocked him constantly.
“Well… I have something in mind, Pan-Chan,” he dubbed you for short. You were interested but said absolutely nothing.
“Oh little Pan- Chaaaaan,” he teased as he climbed on top of you while you were still rested on your stomach.
He really didn’t have to do much to tease you or make you flustered since teasing was only natural for him.
Your body tensed up because of course your boyfriend was up to something. He always was.
“Answer me when I’m talking to you, my cute little Pan-Chan,” he whispered in your ear causing you to squeak.
“W-What d-did you have I-in mind, Satori,” you murmur as the next match of your game begins.
“Wow! I’m so happy you asked,” he teased as he forced you on your back and he laughed softly.
You’re just looking up at him like “I can’t pause it. It’s online.” And of course he doesn’t care.
Disrespectful bitch.
“How about…. Mmmm…. You give me the controller. I wanna play.”
That grin on his face when he was up to something said it all and you forked the controller over.
“What do you want, Ten?”
He looked like a little kid, slinging his feet over the bed with a laugh. “Chu chuuu~ This game is so… Cute,” he trailed off, seemingly sucked into the game in front of him.
That was, until you felt his strong hand on your hip, pulling you into his lap.
“Shh,” he whispered as he lifted his hoodie, playing the game momentarily with one hand. “Suck… I want you to suck on them,” he whispered as he ‘dodged’ to one side, acting like he was the character in the game.
‘What is it with him tonight,’ you thought to yourself, just staring at his muscular chest.
You felt his gaze on you and you looked up with a soft gasp.
His cat-like eyes immediately locked with yours as he respawned in game. “I didn’t ask, Panda- Chan,” he said quietly, sternly, clearly. Honestly it kinda scared you.
“U-Um… O-Okay,” you thought you could handle him, but when he got like this, you couldn’t really. You liked how he had control over you no matter what.
As soon as your tongue pressed against one of his nipples you felt a flutter in his chest. And yours. His breathing got quicker and his eyes fluttered, but he still continued with that stupid demeaning tone of his.
“Chu chuuu~” He practically squealed. “That’s… N-Not g-good enough, Pan-Pan-Chan,” he gasped out softly as he leaned back.
Obviously, it was a lie. You could tell by how his legs jolted a little or his breathing quickened. He was loving every second of your teasing.
“C-Cut the shit, Satori,” you whispered softly, your hand timidly resting on his hip, the other one running over his abs.
“Mouthy, hm?” He looked down at you with that piercing gaze again. “Use all that spunk and suck harder,” he growled as he focused back in on the game, bucking his chest at you.
You did as instructed, savoring his sweet and salty taste, humming as you did so, your other hand palming at his sensitive chest as you stared up at him.
He threw his head back and let out a soft groan as he felt you get amped up and he laughed softly as he continued to play the game.
“Fuck yeah,” he whispered out softly as he grinded into you, not caring too much about the game at this point.
You were too far into it by now to just stop, and you loved every reaction you could get, and you let yourself go, accidentally biting his nipple, causing him to drop the controller, his eyes crossing a little as he tilted his head back.
You let out a little hollow laugh of your own and continued nibbling and kissing on his nipple feeling him practically melt beneath you. You held the power and you loved it.
Also hearing his moans and praises was definitely a huge boost for you to keep going.
You grinded your hips down into his bulge and moaned softly feeling how well he fit in between your legs.
It was apparent that this wasn’t enough to get him to cum, but close.
He tangled his fingers with your hair as he edged closer and closer to cumming, pulling you closer as he let out a strangled groan.
Obviously, this is gonna escalate into a lot more.
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violetpeso · 3 years
new book update! If u want to see the original post on it here is the link:
Ok so first of all characters. I decided violet is going to look like me:
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Her best friend is going to be named leslie like MY best friend @l-peso and is going to look like HER:
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shoutout to miss leslie toe she is pretty as fuck. Ok so continuing — I gave my book a WORKING TITLE. This may not be the final title but I felt like I should have something to call it. The working title is Serendipity Says. It’s referring to the clairvoyant, whose name will be Serendipity (as of now). What she says happens, so, there you go. Serendipity says.
serendipity — the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
ex. “a fortunate stroke of serendipity”
Actually, it’s kind of perfect because it’s kind of symbolic of how violet meets casino boy (who I now named axle) by chance which leads to him sacrificing himself for her in the end. It’s funny, because I didn’t try to find a word that would fit like that. I was just like hmm what should I name my book and then literally out of nowhere my brain was like “serendipity says.” What’s crazy is that I didn’t even know what serendipity meant (although of course I recognized the word). I searched it up and was like woah this actually fits PERFECTLY. Wow maybe I should keep it as my final title actually but we’ll see.
Ok so in other news I figured out why she goes to Vegas. So by the end of chapter one she finds her mother dead 🤭🤭🤭 and she kind of loses her marbles and goes to the bank pretending to be her mom and withdraws all of her mom’s life savings — let’s say $30,000. She then goes over to Leslie’s house and is like ayo we gotta get the fuck out of here NOW. So Leslie’s family is basically a bunch of deadbeats so they just take her family car and dip. They don’t rlly have a destination in mind, but they just kind of end up in Vegas. The first major scene in vegas will be when violet meets serendipity the seer. So anyways in the casino w Axle:
So before I continue let me just say that serendipity gives violet some kind of charm and she’s like “keep this for good luck” or smth like that. It’s rlly important to violet bc she knows serendipity is the real deal bc 1. What she said abt her life was accurate as FAWK like frighteningly accurate and 2. She moved the tarot cards over without touching them on some freaky shit. So yea after they sneak into the casino violet leaves the charm somewhere w her stupid ass and while she’s looking for it the guards spot her and they’re like u gotta leave bc she’s underage and shit duh. But she’s like no I can’t I can’t my charm thingy!! (Idk what it will be yet). So they’re like trying to drag her out and she’s screaming and shit and this is where Axle comes in. He’s basically like let her go it’s ok blah blah. Ik how sweet. So he’ll find her charm thingy for her but he won’t know why it’s so important to her obviously. And yea like I said in the original post violet ends up betting all of her $30,000 bc of some coincidences that happen to match up w what serendipity says blah blah it’s in the original post if u wanna see what I’m talking abt. So yea I’m p sure this will like put her over the edge and make her lose every last marble she has left. For some reason or other she stays in Axle’s room for the night and like breaks tf down bc she’d been running from her moms death this whole time but it finally catches up to her. And yea that’s part of the romance I just love putting girls through trauma and having guys witness that shit I gobble that shit tf UP as u can tell
So leslie is basically the badass friend. Her family situation has always been shitty so she’s rlly pessimistic and like idgaf type beat. Violet is the opposite. She’s rlly optimistic and happy go lucky and la la la u feel me. BUT that’s until tragedy strikes and she finds her mom dead and she loses all her marbles. Then their roles are kind of switched, and leslie becomes the more normal one here.
Ok so back to the title violets arc will be like after her mom dies she kind of loses her marbles and shit yk but by the end she’ll realize that there’s still good in the world. After axle sacrifices himself for her, she’ll realize that her mom wasn’t the only one looking out for her. And she still has Leslie and Mr. Homeless. Basically she’ll kind of get her optimism back. Hooray for bittersweet endings!
So basically the point of this post was to say that although theres tons of shit idk yet I’m basically ready to start chapter one. (Not rlly but kind of). Ik that chapter one will be violet and leslie hanging out and then at the end violet will go home and find her mom dead. But idk what they should be doing. As soon as I figure that out I should be ready to start writing! (Or at least prepare to start writing). Hooray!
I’d love to hear suggestions from y’all! Hmu or say smth in the question box! Also as a side note I’d love to beta someone’s work so hmu for that too!
Ciao 💋
tag list: @l-peso @shaelinwrites @violetwrites @justaburnedoutskank @littlebitofwitchery @your-local-book-worm345 @coffeeinthelibrary @vwritesblog @madmaxst26 @amarantine-amirite
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hu4ngs · 4 years
anything for yuta please! he is so hot in the latest comeback i cRI
im having a break currently and BOY im so happy to write for you!!! +++ i’d like to take this opportunity to ask you all to stay safe and healthy!
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yall know what’s gonna happen. yes you’ve guessed it right i’m doing a strangers to lovers au
so let’s assume you look like your twin bc well…. you’re twins
BUT your twin is the popular twin, and you’re mediocre. AND you two go to separate schools
you’re going to an all-girls’ science school because your life is already hectic you don’t wanna make it anymore hectic with men
your sister goes to a nearby art school. so you know what that means; f r a t  b o y s.
also you’ve been knew that your sister is a bit of a player herself
like you’ve had boys coming to your house, crying, begging for your sister to take him back
nonetheless, though, you still love each other and depend on each other a lot
like, whenever you feel like getting a boyfriend, she’d help you out (even though your relationship ends up in flames about 3 months later because the boys you dated are all fratboys that couldn’t appreciate you enough). and in return you’d help her a lot with getting ready for dates or with her studies
so one day
you were in your school, watching a bunch of girls do a practice match of volleyball with another school because you were bored
then you got a text from your sister saying that she needed help and that it was a level-10 threat
i mean,,,, LEVEL 10? that has to be serious
so you dashed tf out of your school
by a few minutes, you’d arrived to your school
your first instinct was to go to her classroom
so you did
and then you saw a bunch of men hogging around your sister’s desk
so you were like?? wtf is going on
“what are you guys doi-”
before you could even finish your sentence, one of them yelled, “there she is!”
and another yelled, “get her!”
you were freaked??? first of all, you actually put in efforts in how you look today, you’re not about to let some crazy men ruin it for you
so you ran for your life
as you were running you wonder what your sister had done for these men to decide to kill her
thanks to your teacher for forcing you to join tons of cross-country runs, you managed to get away from them
you ran into a room and in the midst of panic you knocked onto something, and it all fell apart
you cupped your mouth
from what you can see, you probably knocked over some arts student’s sculpture
there wasn’t anyone, though, so you started looking around to hide before any art student walks in
as you were running towards what looked like a storage room, someone stepped out
he had blonde hair, and was just crazily handsome
but that wasn’t the point
he saw you, and then looked over behind you
“what the- hey! did you do that?” he asked
you weren’t sure if he was angry, or if that’s just his normal face, but eitherway he was really handsome
you looked behind you to the broken sculpture again,  and shrugged hesitantly
“may…..be…..?” your voice squeaked at the end
he gave you a look, before walking past you, “if you haven’t noticed i had been working on this for a very long time, asshole.”
his intonation wasn’t angry, but it still left a sting when he said that
you felt guilty
“i’m sor-”
“oh shut it, yuna, save that sorry for my friends that you’ve fucked.” he scoffed as he started cleaning up your mess
you were confused for a second, before everything clicked
he must’ve mistook you for your sister
you laughed awkwardly
“um, i’m y/n, not yuna” you said
he stopped sweeping, and then shot you a confused glance
“since when did you have a whole identity change?” he asked sarcastically again
you’re usually annoyed when people gave you an attitude, but you weren’t this time. maybe because you deserved it……?
“oh no, yuna is yuna. i’m her twin!” you smiled.
he stopped again, and looked at you
he clicked his tongue, and then stared at you from your head to your toe
“well…. you do have a better fashion sense than your sister.” he said
you didn’t know why, but you felt supeeeeeer happy when he said that
“i didn’t know yuna had a twin?”
“oh i go to the all-girls’ school a few miles away from here.” you told him
by now, he was done cleaning up the mess and was working on another sculpture
you wonder why he wasn’t SO mad at the fact that you literally broke a what seemed like months of hardwork
you walked over to the blonde, but he didn’t give you any reaction
“why aren’t you throwing a tantrum that i broke your masterpiece?” you asked
he gave you a glance before going back to his new sculpture
he shrugged, “i felt like it was ugly anyways.” he casually said
you nodded, and then just watched him work on his clay in silence
“so why are you here?” he asked, breaking the silence
you chuckled, “some boys are chasing my sister. i guess this is what she meant when she was having a level-10 threat.”
the guy chuckled too
“aren’t you gonna help your sister?” he asked
you shook your head, “she can handle this on her own. i’m sure her new jock boyfriend will help her out.”
“oh yea, i’m sure johnny will. everyone’s scared of him” he agrees
“you’re not so bad, y/n. i’m yuta.” he held out his hand - that had so many clay on it
it seems like he knew exactly what he was doing as he gave you a smirk to see if you were gonna shake hands or not
you took this as a friendship test - or something - so you took his hand
he made a playful look of disgust, “ew, can’t believe you took my hand like that.” he laughed
you’re pretty sure that was the first time that you saw him properly smile, and he had a really pretty smile too.
“your smile is so pretty….. i wish mine was like yours. when i smile i look like a goat.” you said as you simultaneously rested your face onto your clay-ed hand
“oh GOD!” you yelled, and made yuta laugh
“dumbass!” he claimed happily, before wiping a finger onto your nose
“HEY!” you yelled, and wiped some onto his face
yuta didn’t flinch, instead he was simply laughing
after a moment of laughter, he sighed softly, and then looked at you
“just between the two of us, you’re the better twin, y/n” he confessed, and  you giggled
he smiled again, and went on with his work
“how do i get these off my face by the way?”
he chuckled again, “you can’t” he joked
but your dumbass, who has never had experience with arts, believed him
so you were panicking
“what the- um… shouldn’t we get these off our faces?” you asked, nudging him
he shook his head, “i like it on mine. it’s a concept of van gogh’s.”
your heart was really gonna sink in your stomach, he didn’t have as much clay on his face as you did!
“that’s nice, but we should get it off our faces”
you said, nudging him even more
then, he burst out laughing again.
“you’re so funny” he told you
“you can’t be this clueless. of course the clay can be removed. just wash it with water later, idiot” he said, and shook his head
“oh” you said, a little bit embarrassed
then, you got a call
you fished your phone out just to see your sister calling
you signaled yuta to be quiet and he nodded
yuta didn’t have to hear your sister’s voice to know that she was furious at you
“wow! thank god, right? hope you don’t break his heart too.” you said sarcastically
yuta laughed at your snarky attitude
“yes i’m at your school, but a bunch of boys started chasing me thinking i was you.” you explained
“you know what? don’t come home if you’re gonna stay angry!”
you ended the call and turned back to yuta
“well, she’s mad.” you told him, and he nodded
“i love her and all, but she’s the most annoying, irritating, picky, selfish person ever when she’s mad.” you scoffed
“you can always sleep in the streets tonight” he joked
you gave him a look, and he looked away, still thinking it was a decent joke
“just lock her out,” he suggested
“i can’t, she has a spare key.”
“that’s tragic”
you nodded in agreement
“you can come over to my house if you’re comfortable enough” he winked when you looked at him
“but i bet you won’t do it, you look like you don’t have the balls to stay a night with a boy” he shrugged casually as he kept his eyes onto his sculpture
“bet.” you said, and he genuinely looked shocked
“what the hell, are- are you serious?” he stammered, which you found funny
“i mean, sure, why not?”
“aren’t you worried that i might be a serial killer?” he asked
you shrugged as you leaned onto the table in front of him
“so you’re my own version of joe goldberg? sign me up” you joked
he laughed, “you’re brave”
you let out a peace sign as a respond
“we should order in some pizzas tonight then, my treat!” he happily exclaimed
you had been staring at his face for so long - since you first met him
and you can’t help but call him handsome in your mind each time too
you weren’t really that much of a believer in love at first sight but come on, now. yuta has the looks, the talents, the personality, the respect, the humour. and to top all of that he’s got a bit of an attitude. he was screaming boyfriend material into your ears at this point
when he realised you weren’t giving out a response to a pizza night, he froze
“are you on a- um- are you on a diet? do you wanna eat something with low calories instead or-”
taken aback you immediately refuse, “oh my god, no, no! pizza is fine for tonight.” you told him
he let out a sigh of relief
“my ex used to freak out whenever i pick something to eat and it’s not up to her standards, sorry.” he explained
you rolled your eyes at the thought, “that’s plain annoying.”
he nodded in agreement, “it’s a different story if she had something to eat in mind, but no. she lets me decide and then throws a tantrum when i suggest something simple, or some shit like that.” he grunted
you chuckled seeing him annoyed
“hey, what time is it, by the way?” he asked
you opened your phone, and showed it to him, it read 7:48 PM.
“you wanna get going? talking about food is making me hungry.” he explained
you nodded, “me too.”
he started cleaning up his desk, and you helped him out
afterwards, the two of you went to wash the clay out of your hands and faces, yuta not forgetting to splash some water onto you while you were at it
the campus was dark and half-empty by then, some students were giving you looks for splashing water at each other, and you had to admit it was a bit embarrassing
“my house is kinda close to the campus, do you wanna walk or do you wanna take the bus?” he asked
you took a while to think, “since we’re gonna get fat tonight, let’s do some exercise beforehand.” you suggested, and he was fine with it
so you two started walking together
it all felt ethereal to you
the weather was great, it was windy in the right ways, the sky still had a hint of purple and pink to it
you had asked yuta a question that had probably excite yuta, because he was talking with full enthusiasts, and you were enjoying yourself seeing him so passionate about something
then, he absentmindedly swung an arm around your shoulder
and you’re just there like ‘OwO’
but you didn’t want to ruin the moment since he was still talking so passionately
so you acted like you didn’t notice it and carried on with the conversation
plus, you were lowkey (or highkey) enjoying his warmth. he’s a very warm person >:(
then, you two reached his apartment, which looked really nice
when you entered his apartment, it was a bit messy, but it was still pretty
you came to a conclusion yuta was a man of STYLE!!!!
“sorry if my place doesn’t live up to your expectations” he said, but you immediately disagree
“this is a really nice place!” you assured
he kinda gave off a playful look before sitting next to you on the sofa, “so if i were to bring you here on a date, would you like it?” he asked
you were taken aback by the question, but that doesn’t mean a smile wasn’t going to form onto your face
you immediately looked away, still having a hard time removing the grin off of your face
“i don’t know, you haven’t asked me on a date to your house yet.” you told him
he laughed, before poking his head onto your shoulder to see your reaction, “so you want me to ask you out on a lazy date?” he asked
you pushed him away, completely embarrassed, “bro like, shut the fuck up” you said playfully, which made yuta burst out laughing
“your reactions to everything are just so cute.” he told you before softly letting a sigh out
“thanks, we’ve been knew that i’m cute.” you joked
yuta made a disgusted face jokingly too, which made you laugh out of embarrassment
both of you took a really long time to finish off your meals becuase both of you were busy criticizing the shitty netflix series that you were watching
by the time both of you were tired, it was already 4 in the morning
neither you nor yuta could believe that both of you had been talking for that long
but it was undeniable that both of you were enjoying each other’s companies so much
at this point you were ready to propose to this man
but OBVIOUSLY you didn’t wtf
also, by now, you were both cuddled up by the sofa while tall girl was playing on the tv
“do you wanna watch another movie after this?” he asked, you nodded absentmindedly even though you were falling asleep
“how are we gonna get to school tomorrow?” you mumbled groggily
yuta was silent for a while and then he said, “let’s just skip tomorrow!” he suggested
you were falling asleep, yes, but the thought of skipping school excites you
you didn’t always skip school, but you wouldn’t turn down an opportunity either
“that’d be great,” you told him, before laying your head back onto his shoulder
“you know what, y/n?” he asked, you hummed as a response
“let’s go out on a date tomorrow.” he whispered, and then lied his head onto yours
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Ice Cream (Bakugou X Reader)
Pairing: Bakugou x Reader
Summary: Bakugou and you are coworkers at a summer job in a department store.  Both of you have feelings for each other but don’t know how to confess.
Word count: 1,918
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ @bunnythepipsqueak​
a/n: Based on a true story.  Seriously this was me about 3 and a half years ago. Except the first part, that was filler’s sake and to show off tsundere baby Katsuki.  I’ve been neglecting him, he deserves better.  So I hope you all combust from fluff uwu bc the next one might be baku angst
"Ah, it's so hot," I groan, fanning myself.  "I almost wanna turn around and go back to work just to stay in the air conditioning."
"Tch, speak for yourself.  I've had enough for the day," Bakugou huffs.  He's unbuttoned his black polo shirt.  "You can't pay me enough to go back there."
"It's really not that bad, I don't know why you're complaining," I shrug.
"Says the one who gets to sit in the storage room sorting those stupid colored things all day."  He pushes his shoulder into me.  "I'm like the stupid lackey.  Every stupid errand the manager needs done, I have to do.  I don't get paid enough for this sh-"
"Let's get ice cream, Bakugou!" I interrupt, spotting an ice cream shop across the street.  "Come on, it'll cheer you up, crabby pants."   I grab his arm and pull him towards cold heaven.
Once we get inside the shop, I immediately fly to the window, scanning over the flavor selection.  I'm not exactly sure what I want to get, whether I'm craving something summery like cherry or lemon or if I want a classic like cookies and cream.
I catch myself flipping my head back and forth between the two sides, still unable to make a decision.  "Hey Bakugou, what are you getting?"  When I don't hear an answer, I flip around.  "Baku-?"
For the smallest moment after I look at him, I catch him staring at me blankly before whipping his head down to the window.  "Probably just chocolate," he answers quickly.
My heart skips a beat, but I tell myself to calm down.  It's not the first time I've caught Bakugou staring at me.  Sometimes at work, he'll be passing by and he always somehow seems to find me in the sea of clothes while I'm rearranging the hangers.  There are even some rare times when he comes to the back room while I'm in the middle of sorting the size beads and helps me before the manager summons him to do something else.
I shake myself out of my thoughts.  "I'm feeling something fruity.  Lemon is really calling out to me, but so is cherry."
I end up getting one scoop of each and Bakugou gets two scoops of chocolate.  We take our cups to go as we walk down to the train station together.
"Bakugou, what the actual hell?!"  My eyes widen in bewilderment at what he's just done.
"What?" he growls, "This is how I usually eat ice cream!"
My eye twitches.  "Y-You...bite...ice cream?  You have some deep rooted issues, dude."
"Shut up!  I'm not weird!"  Though he's defensive about it, the blond starts eating with the spoon the shop gave him.  "You're the one eating fruit flavored ice cream.  At least get something unhealthy like you're supposed to!"
I huff in response.  "There's nothing wrong with trying to make your junk food as healthy as possible."
"Come on, you know that's something Deku would have."
"And what about it?"
Bakugou makes a face at me and says nothing else about it.  "You can have a taste of mine if you want.  One bite won't kill you, and I'm fine with sharing."
My heart throbs again.  "Sure, I guess.  Is it good?"
He answers by sticking his dessert-filled spoon in my mouth, catching me off guard.  His crimson eyes bore into mine as I let the treat melt in my mouth, the rich chocolate encompassing my taste buds.  "How is it?"
I don't trust my voice to answer without shaking, so I take my time to swallow.  "Delicious."
The boy smirks.  "See?  You can't go wrong with the classics."  He takes another bite of his before side-eyeing me.  "But I guess it wouldn't hurt to try something different," he mumbles.
I'm still stunned from what he just did, the remaining chocolate still an aftertaste in my mouth.  "You think?"  I think I know what he's implying, but I didn't want to initiate it just in case he's not.  I wish I was more confident in my flirting skills, I think as I scoop another bite into the little spoon.
Bakugou grasps my wrist with my spoon and takes the bite for himself.  We lock eyes with each other as he tastes my ice cream, my heart hammering like a drum.  O-Oh.
His eyebrow quirks in interest.  "Couldn't you tell I wanted to be fed?  Mmm, this is actually pretty good for summer."
I find my voice again, "R-Right?  Told you so!  It's refreshing and not too heavy."
We continue our walk in silence, which is uncharacteristic for Bakugou.  He always has some random thing to talk about, which is something I like about him.  He's not necessarily an open book, but he can talk about anything without making it sound weird, able to fill the awkward pauses in our conversations.
I sneak a peak at his face to find his cheeks dusted slightly pink to match my own.
Our relationship is admittedly in some kind of limbo.  Ever since we met each other at our job orientation almost 3 weeks ago, we've been pretty inseparable.  After hitting it off immediately, we exchanged numbers and text each other nonstop even after work, sometimes late into the night.  And he always texts me in the  morning, teasing me to wake up or else I won't be productive and he'll have to cover for me.  We take our lunch breaks together every day, and we take the same train to the same station before transferring to go our separate ways.  My coworkers tease me because they thought we were already a couple coming into the job.  It seems so obvious to them that Bakugou and I like each other, but neither of us have made a move yet.
Truthfully, I haven't done anything because I don't know how to initiate anything.  He's the first person I've had a crush on that actually reciprocates my feelings, I don't want to mess it up.  Though, he's also mentioned that he hasn't dated anyone either.  We would be each other's firsts.
We finish our ice creams and finally get to our train station, swiping in and catching the train right before almost leaves us behind.  The car is thankfully somewhat empty, so we manage to find some seats.
Bakugou pulls out his earbuds and plugs it into his phone, handling me one side so I can put it in my ear.
This blond head listens to hard rock and metalcore.  Is it really that surprising though, being how aggressive he is?
I'm open to anything as long as I like the lyrics, so I don't mind listening to it.  When the music starts playing, I throw my legs over his lap like I usually do and lay my head on his shoulder.  "You're shoulder is so bony, it's uncomfortable," I tease.
"Then don't rest your head there if it's so uncomfortable," he scowls, placing a hand on my knee.  Out of the blue, Bakugou snorts.  "It's so funny how we have to wear all black and you're wearing these bright red Vans."
"Hey, the manager said we can wear any color shoes we want as long as it's closed toe," I point out defensively, closing my eyes while the shaking of the train hypnotizes me into calm.
I feel his head shift towards me.  "Didn't sleep well?" he asks, just loud enough for me to hear over the rattling.
I shake my head, not bothering to verbalize my answer.  I have this strange talent of being able to sleep anytime and anywhere, especially when there's ambient noise and rocking.
Bakugou leaves me alone to my relaxation until we're about to reach our stop.  "We have to get off soon.  Get up."
"I don't wanna," I nuzzle myself into his warmth.
There's a pause.  "Does that mean I need to carry you out?"
My eyes shoot open.  Oh.  But as I'm about to protest, something makes me stop.  "Sure."  I realize I'm only half joking.
The doors open.  "Okay then," he shrugs.
I don't have any time to retract my statement.  Bakugou tucks one arm under my knees and the other around my back as he stands up, my body cradled in his arms.  My heart loses all sense of rhythm and blood rushes to my ears.  I barely hear the sound of some guy whistle and say, "Wow, look at these two!"
He walks off the train as if this is the most normal thing in the world.  Other passengers glance and smile to themselves when they see us, but my vision is too blurry to focus on any of them.  I bury my head in Bakugou's chest in shame.  "Okay, you can put me down now, Bakugou," my voice comes out feebly.
"Just a little more, I want to get you to the front of the train," he responds with a hint of teasing.
"N-No, please put me down."  Before I die of shame and all these people see us like this.
Bakugou obliges, setting me down on shaky legs near a pole and I shift away from him.  "Isn't that what you wanted?"
I don't know if it's the adrenaline, the nerves, or the act of Bakugou exhibiting real boyfriend behavior towards me for the first time, but I build up the courage before I can stop myself from saying, "See?  T-This is why everyone thinks we're dating."
A moment of pause.  "Well, we can try, if you want."
I finally spare a glance at his face.  Everywhere from his cheeks to his ears up his forehead is burning red as my shoes, and he's rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly to try and keep his cool.
My heart thumps in my ears seeing Bakugou this flustered and bothered.  It's happening.  "I'd like that."
The sight of his smile melts all my anxiety.  He closes the distance between us, grabs my shoulder, and asks, "Can I kiss you?"
I shiver at his breath caressing my face and nod before he presses his lips to mine, crushing our noses together and sending waves of weightlessness in my stomach.  His hand moves up to cup my face before pulling away with a smirk.  "I've been wanting to do that for a while.  I think you did too."
I avert my eyes from his teasing gaze.  "Maybe."
He pulls me back in for another kiss, this one more needy as his lips move quicker, almost like he wants to devour me.  Time seems to slow down around us, not caring if people are watching.  Bakugou's other hand grips my waist just as my train rushes through the station.  He parts our lips but keeps our foreheads together.  "Your train doesn't want us together," he chuckles before placing another quick kiss on my nose.  "Go on, I'll see you Monday."
I nod, still dazed as I board my train and grab the nearest pole for support.  The train pulls out of the station and I'm speechless and shaking, still tasting the faint chocolate from his kiss against my lips.
I sit in a chair and slump down, my heart rate coming down and the adrenaline wearing off.  My phone vibrates when I get a text.
You taste sweet ;)  Can't wait to see you again
I almost choke hearing his voice say that inside my head, but I can't stop the smile from splitting my face open.  I'm mentally kicking myself for confessing on a Friday.
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