#also SUPER proud of how this turned out holy shit it took like two or three days
miltonbarbie · 1 year
South park headcanons with naturally talented Y/n ! (Kyle x F!reader)
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Going going down to south park, was probably the best idea you've ever made, and the most life-changing idea you've ever made.
Your parents were moving to south park so your dad could work for his new job. You just finished unpacking and you knew that you were starting south park elementary by tomorrow. You looked around your room feeling proud of yourself. You decorated it really nicely and had all your video games and instruments laid on the shelves and floors. You were known as the person who's good at everything. You've always gotten good grades, your super athletic, you play more than 5 instruments and your parents are always bragging about you.
But all you wanted was they're approval, that's why you started this whole "good at everything" phase in the first place. You went downstairs and put on your boots.
"Momm! I'm going outside for a few hours so I can see what it's like okay? I'll be back before dinner!!"
After you heard your mom's approval for going outside, you opened the door and felt the cold breeze on your face. This was your new home.
You decided to go see your neighbours house, you wanted to get familiar with the people you would be going to school with to avoid any awkwardness. You knocked on the door, and a boy who was the same age as you opened it. He wore a green babushka(?) hat and it seemed like he had red curly hair underneath, judging by the strands poking out of his hat. You smiled and waved at him, he turned his head sideways and called out to his mom.
“MOMMM! We have a VISITOR!”
You were invited into the house by the boy’s mom, and you two sat down on the couch while Mrs. Broflovski went to get snacks for the two of you. You awkwardly made eye contact with the kid beside you until you decided to speak up.
[ “So uh, it seems like we’ll have to introduce ourselves. I’m Y/n, and I moved in next door. I’m yo ur new neighbour!” ] [ Oh, well. Welcome to South Park Y/n. My name’s Kyle. ]
You two talked to each other for some time while eating the snacks Kyle’s mom got for you two. And he offered to bring you upstairs to play video games together. Of course, you accepted. Why wouldn’t you want to play games with your new friend? Kyle DID have to warn you about South Park elementary though. And him hating Eric’s guts, he sternly told you to stay away from him, because he’s: “A fatass that’s always getting on everyone’s nerves”. You decided to take his advice whether he was being serious or not. He really seemed to hate this guy, a lot.
You two chatted and laughed together while discussing what you've experienced so far at south park. Kyle also offered to help you with assignments for school if you needed any help. You shrugged and said that you didnt need any help with your work ..
But you could help with HIS ?!
Oh no no no!
Kyle laughed a bit and brushed off what you said, he explained that he already got straight A's and asked you for your grades. You pulled up a crumbled up (graded) assignment from your jacket pocket and showed it to him.
"Ahaha! I dont need any help with my grades, but thanks anyway. You must be pretty good at homework if you- WHAT THE FUCK."
Y-you- got- better- grades- than- him-
[ "HOLY SHIT HOW MUCH DO YOU STUDY?!" ] [ "Uhh.. I dont ? ]
Kyle's self esteem was pretty much ruined because of you, and on top of that, you don't even study. How could you y/n?! You could pretty much see some tears forming in his eyes because he cared about his grades so much just to see that his hard work didn't matter as long as he saw how well you did. You quickly took action and uh.
You uh.
You kinda uhm. Hugged him.
WHAT WERE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO?! Poor boy was about to cry, and you didn't want him to feel bad. You reassured him that you just had good memory and that you weren't ever as smart as him. You actually are but just for Kyle's sake just lie about it okay?
All that talk about how smart he was and how well he was doing in school and shii really payed off. Because not only does he really like you as friend, and developed some small mixed feelings 4u: He stayed really cocky and might stay like that for the whole week.
You two stayed up for past your dinnertime, when you checked your phone. Your eyes widened as you frantically got your things and texted your mom. She said she knew where you were already since Kyle's mom already messaged her about it.
You sighed in relief after your mom said you could stay there. And you happily continued talking to Kyle. He pays attention to every little detail you say and he loves looking into your eyes during a conversation because he thinks your just so damn pretty.
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devilsrecreation · 1 year
Headcanons about (mostly) the Outlanders cuz I think I’m going back to my Lion Guard phase
Like I said in a previous post, they’re basically the next generation of Shenzi’s clan
Also like I said, Chungu appeared out of nowhere. He’s most likely an orphan who was fortunate enough to meet Janja and Cheezi and they’ve been together ever since
All of Janja’s clan have been friends since they were all cubs and they’ll stay like that forever :)
Nne is the best singer out of all of them (mainly cuz he’s voiced by Beau Black, who sang “Here comes the Lion Guard”)
Oh, and he was SUCH a mama’s boy. Always hoping he’d make his mama proud
It took Tunu and Wema a while to get used to Janja and his clan, but when they did, they absolutely adore Chungu and Cheezi. The two hyenas who they thought were bad turned out to be really nice
Jasiri sometimes turns to Nne and Tano for advice and even takes their suggestions on how to hunt. She appreciates their intelligence a lot more than Janja did (although he kinda likes to brag about them cuz they were in HIS clan after all)
I know I saw a comic on Deviantart about how Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, and the rest of the clan left in the first place because they were scared of Zira and what she would do to them when they found out who REALLY killed Scar. And you know what? I 100% agree with it
And yes, they all came back when they discovered Zira died. It was a very wholesome and emotional reunion. Everyone cried tears of joy, everyone’s parents were alive and well, they all caught up, it was adorable
Chungu would eventually notice he doesn’t have anyone to reunite with and goes off on a little journey to find his parents, not knowing he doesn’t have any and despite not remembering much about his childhood. It’s okay though, with the help of some animals that he meets (and some VERY obvious signs from Ushari’s ghost watching over him), he comes to realize that his clan are all the family he needs
Also holy shit, this could be a really good fanfic-
Pua used to be exactly like Makuu when he was younger, which is why he has faith in him and believes he’ll learn with experience. Needless to say, he was right.
And for the record, he thinks Makuu’s doing great :)
Pua keeps up with all the gossip in both the Pride and Outlands. Being banished from the float gave him some benefits (and he’s doing just fine)
Being the friendliest croc in Africa, he’s become sort of a grandpa figure to everyone. He even pays his former float (and Kiburi’s) visits sometimes to catch up. Even Kiburi enjoys his company
May or may not be hard to believe, but Makuu and Kiburi used to be pretty close, especially when they were little. They were inseparable, telling each other everything and sparring with one another. It wasn’t until adulthood when Kiburi realized Makuu was always one-upping him in every way and it made him feel second-rate. And no one wants to feel second-rate. Pretty soon, he managed to get some obsession for beating Makuu…just once. He wants to be better at Makuu at one thing. It’s all he ever wants
Some crocs are more prone to showing emotion than others and Kiburi is the toughest one to crack. Super rare seeing Kiburi show any emotion other than annoyance, but it’s possible when you really get to know him
He’ll never say it out loud, but Makuu lowkey thinks about the past often. He sometimes misses the simpler times when he was young and didn’t have to worry about being a leader or having some of his float go with his now rival. Now he has no choice but to look forward. A lot of animals change. He did, maybe the other crocs would too…maybe he and Kiburi could even be friends again
Kiburi actually cares deeply about his float, since he considers them his true friends for sticking by his side. Being…well…himself, he hides it well and claims he’s indifferent towards them. Just know when he says that, he’s straight up LYING
Crocodiles know how to sing, a lot of them just choose not to unless it’s for special occasions like Kupatana. Kiburi has never sang in his life, but boy can he rap. If crocodiles or anyone else in the animal kingdom did rap battles, Kiburi would win every single one of them. He is THAT good.
Mzingo and his parliament have been friends with Shenzi’s clan for ages, which is why Shenzi trusted him to raise Janja and the other hyenas when they were cubs. And Mzingo did just that
He’s never had to deal with kids before, so wasn’t the best parent. But goddam did he try his absolute best
Mwoga is totally in a relationship with the harrier hawk, Mpishi and everyone else lowkey makes fun of him for it
Being the most sane, the vultures are usually the ones who have to witness everyone else’s antics. They’re always greeted with a “Morning!”
Like Mzingo would catch the hyenas having a dance party for no reason then Janja locks eyes with Mzingo and is like “….Uh…morning, Mzingo!”
Yes, that’s a Bluey reference
They might be/have been menaces to other animals, but they’re the African version of the Heeler family from Bluey. Super wholesome, super adorable, and whenever you see them, you’re like “awwwww”
Dogo is a mama’s boy. There, I said it
GoiGoi is like Bandit with his pups. He’s very committed to his role when he’s pretending to be the prey during training…when he isn’t sleeping
Sometimes, GoiGoi talks in his sleep and the subject is always about Reirei…it gets really awkward really fast
Dogo and his siblings annoy the living hell out of everyone by asking too many questions that refuse to let you sleep at night…or questions that are too..personal for them to get a straight answer (ex: “why don’t you have a mate?”)
They’re surprisingly very good friends with Tunu and Wema….except they can be bad influences
Reirei may be sassy, but she’s got the warmth of 1,000 suns to her friends. She’ll always be there when you need her
Oh boy, here it goes…
So since female monitor lizards lay 8-50 eggs, I’mma say Kenge had a LOT of older siblings and they all had to care for each other until each of them could fend for themselves. Kenge happened to be the runt of his sibs. The last one to hatch and the smallest of all his brothers and sisters
Kenge was NOTHING like the hateful lizard he is now. He was a doormat, a sweetie, he genuinely smiled, he wanted to make friends. Unfortunately, that just made everyone see him as weak
Being the youngest and smallest, he was often picked on by all of them. Pushed around, had his tail stepped on, called a butt load of horrible nicknames regarding his size, you name it. And it wasn’t just his family, it was every other animal he met! They all just talked down to him and always referred to Kenge as “the little lizard” instead of using his real name. And he hated it each time they used it
He met Ushari at a young age and they’ve been best friends ever since…Kenge’s only friend, actually. Ushari was really the only one who understood him (being constantly disrespected his entire life) and the entire reason why Kenge finally stood up to himself. Kenge misses him so much
Thanks to Ushari, Kenge decided it was time to stop all the intense bullying when he grew up a little. His bully this time was a young leopard (maybe a young Mapigano or one of Makucha’s friends idk). The leopard had purposefully stepped on his tail saying “Watch it, little lizard!”. That was the breaking point. Kenge bared his teeth and bit the big cat on the leg, hard. Everyone else who was laughing wasn’t laughing anymore. Kenge demands the leopard and everyone there call him a big lizard from now on or else…and it worked! Word spread out pretty quickly not to mess with the monitor and everyone finally left him alone! He had to admit, he kinda likes being feared by the other animals. There’s something so satisfying about it. He obviously didn’t really expect everyone to be scared of him, but whatever works ig
His siblings finally started respecting him, but he went off on his own cuz he doesn’t want any more of their toxicity. The eldest told him that he can’t survive by himself when he’s that young, but he managed so take that!
Kenge usually doesn’t like making friends. He doesn’t want to get attached just so he could get stabbed in the back by animals talking shit about him. It’s happened before. Having said that, he’s managed to befriend the skinks and Sumu. Since he stays in the Outlands, he started talking to them and found them to be surprisingly chill (Yes, even Sumu). Now he’s super protective towards them and would absolutely go mental if you try to hurt them. He’s not losing his friends again
He co-exists with the other animals in the Outlands. As long as no one bothers him, he’s respectful towards you
Post all the events in TLG, he’s doing a lot better. He’s become a tad more open minded and has even become a little nicer to animals who are nice to him. He’s starting to get more in touch with his younger self. Not a doormat, obviously, and he still hates being called little…but he smiles a lot more now and is less hateful of everyone. And he knows that Ushari’s looking out for him in the afterlife
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korn-dogz · 1 year
May I request a wes x reader where wes give reader back massages
Yes!! (Also sorry about replying to this SUPER late I had no idea you sent this until I checked my inbox today)
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Summary: Wes giving the reader a back massage
Warning: fluff, slight sexual undertone but it’s nothing, I also took this opportunity to write a fanfic about Wes that’s sweet and shit
You let Wes crash at your place, he told you that he was gonna to find a place to live but needed to stay somewhere in the meantime, so Thats how Wes ended up in your tiny house
You worked at a wear house in a Walmart, didn’t pay much but you did your job well and had to kiss ass to get a pay rise, after one long and tiring shift of lifting boxes and carrying heavy objects you finally came home to see Wes at your couch watching MTV
"Y/N! Welcome home" Wes’s soothing voice greeted you, you say hi to him and close the door behind you “how was work?” you plopped down on the seat beside him “so tiring…. My back is killing me” you whined and rubbed your back “do you…. want me to give you a massage?” You were taken aback by the question and your mind started thinking about the massage, you taking off your shirt him touching you, it hadn’t sounded like a bad idea since you had a crush on him since you guys were kids “I-I mean if you want to that’d be fine with me" you tried to play it cool but inside you were panicking “it’s fine with me, do you wanna go upstairs to your room for a better place for you to lay down on?” Holy shit… did he just ask you that?! You quickly responded trying to sound calm ”yeah sounds good" you were proud of yourself for sounding brave.
You and Wes headed up the stairs with you following behind him, the whole time your mind was racing and your face was getting hot, you hoped he didn’t notice how nervous you were. Finally the two of you made it to your room as Wes opened the door and walked in “ok I’ll turn around you can take off your shirt if you want..” Wes spoke shyly and trying not to make you uncomfortable, you nodded your head slowly as he turned around to face the wall. You were about to reach for the end of your shirt when you spoke before you had a chance to think it over “you know… you can turn around I don’t mind” you had only realized what you said after you said it, but there was no turning back now "y-you sure?” Wes turned around to face you, his face unsure of what he should do “yeah, yeah I’m sure" you put on a small smile to reassure him that it was fine, he nodded as your hands reached down to take off your shirt
Wes tried to not look at you like a creep but he failed, eventually his eyes looked at your beautiful body “you look great Y/N” Wes rubbed the back of his neck and looked down “heh, thanks Wes, not too bad yourself, you’re really handsome” Wes sharply snapped his head up from where he was looking “you really think I’m handsome?” His mouth was slightly open and looking at you with his face red you were afraid you said the wrong thing “yeah, of course, I mean who won’t think your handsome?” You turned around so your back was facing him and uncliped your bra, Wes covered his eyes, you giggled at his expense
You laid down on the bed stomach first “you can open your eyes now Wes…” you laughed at his childish demeanour ”o-okay hehe” he took his hands off his eyes and walked over to you “you ready?” He smiled and you nodded as you relaxed you body for his touch. He started off with needing his hands into your upper back and worked his way down, as he reached just above your waist he put his hands on your side and gently dug his thumbs into your back, “mmm” you let out a whimper that was a bit too loud, Wes heard obviously, and even though you couldn’t see him you felt him smirk behind you, this was bad…..
Wes didn’t stop, he travelled down to the bottom of your back and rubbed his hands deep into your back, he hit a sweet spot and you let out a groan, your hand flew to cover your mouth as you heard him giggle behind you “you’re getting excited huh?” God damit wes you fucking tease you thought to yourself, you laughed awkwardly as he continued to massage your back, but very good thing has to come to an end “I’m done” wes removed his hands from your back and looked down at you “who knew that massaging was your secret talent” with one had you covered your chest and Wes handed you your bra, Wes giggles as he covers his eyes again, it felt the same as last time but only this time he was much closer to you. You put the bra on but left the back side for Wes’s help, you knew how to do it but you thought he’d want to “Wes… you can look now I need some help” Wes shyly look his hands off his face and looked at you to see want you needed “can you clip the back for me?" Wes nodded and you turned around for him to do the work, wes did it with ease as you turn back around to face him “you must do this a lot huh?” You smiled and Wes handed you your shirt
You put your shirt on and just stared at his face, but not in a creepy way or anything “thank you wes for that, you’re amazing” you hug him tightly as he hugs you back “of course I mean, you’re letting me live at your place it’s the least I can do” Wes pulled you away and stared lovingly into your eyes “well, since I so generously let you stay I my house…. I request that you sleep with me tonight" Wes smiles brightly at you “yes, my lady” Wes hugs you again but this time he lays you on the bed and pins your down on the bed “hi” he says, your hands run up his arms to his face to hold him “hi handsome” you pull him down and give him a long kiss, his fingers run up your hair as he kisses you back “that massage you gave me is making me sleepy… care to join me?” You grin at his stupid smile on his pretty face “anything for you" you two crawled into bed, and Wes was holding onto you as he kissed your check “good night Y/N” he hugged you tightly and with love “night Wesley” you kiss the top on his head and both of you went to sleep.
What you thought was another tiring day at work turned out to be an amazing day with Wes, and you couldn’t have been happier
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iwannaban0nym0us · 2 years
time for a ramblely post about my life because i'm actually really happy rn
so my partner holy shit they're so amazing i don't even know how to explain it but everything they do just proves how incredible they are,, like we haven't said "i love you" to each other but i feel 100x more loved by them they i ever did by my ex who must have told me they loved me at least 100 times
ok btw i have no idea where this post is gonna go it's probably just gonna be a bunch of random thoughts all lumped together
so uh the reason i've been fairly inactive lately is because it's robotics comp season! Our first comp was last weekend meaning that the week leading up to it I was super busy trying to help get all the things to work (they still didn't lol) friday and saturday were insanely long days that were fun but also so tiring
we barely got things working in time on friday to clear inspection and make it to one practice match and then on saturday we had the worst possible schedule (first match of the day, a random match, last match before lunch, then 2 10min turn arounds, and then last match of the day) the most stressful part of the day was when in the last match before lunch we overextended our arm, pulled out all of the electronics, broke the extension spool, and got 25 penalty points. we spent lunch trying to fix all of that and also change out wheels (we didn't have a chance before because of our shit schedule) and also someone thought it would be a good idea to swap intakes but then we had to unswap intakes because the new one was too big and then the two very fast turn arounds after that were hella stressful
we actually ended up wining our last match of the day tho and i'm very proud of that since i took lead on the strategy talk before the match
then sunday we had a better match schedule and won one lost one so we ended quals 39/42 and therefore didn't go to playoffs, and me being the so so smart person that I am decided that since the other goalie was out sick it would be a great idea to go to my soccer game that afternoon (after 2.5 long tiring days of robotics)
And so I did and by the end of the game i felt like i was gonna fall asleep and i don't know how i managed to make several good saves and we only lost 5-0 (2 of their goals were super lucky tho) I am really glad i went since i got to see an ex-teammate and teammate who might quit the team soon for running and i hadn't seen either of them since last season
this week i've had a bit more time and monday i was so so so tired that during my freeblock which i usually use for hw since i have no free time i just hung out w/ my partner and was like half asleep the whole time, me and my partner also skipped an assembly on burnout because we were both too tired (they had a vaulting comp at the same time as my robotics comp) also tuesday i skipped soccer because of the weather so i got a whole afternoon off
over the next 2 weeks i'm only gonna have 5 days of school because we get next wed-fri off for conferences and then i'm at robotics the following thurs-sat which i think is kinda funny
uh anyway shifting gears,,, thursday i had my gender and sexuality class w/ my ex and since the teacher was out we spent the whole time in small groups talking about quotes from our hw reading and I ended up w/ a friend and my ex and ofc my ex felt the need to read out each of the quotes which normally would be like whatever but for some reason that day i just could not deal w/ their voice or their strong opinions on stupid things
there was one point where their voice had gotten to me so much that i just kinda zoned out and then they had the audacity to ask me if I was ok and that threw me for a fucking loop because when we were dating the only time they would notice something was off was when i was tired not when something was actually going on, like the day where they caused me to have a mental breakdown i was very clearly not ok that afternoon and they didn't say a single thing despite us having class together and so for them to say something now despite me having made it clear we're not friends ??????????
also i was in this state where I was torn between why does their voice still hurt me so fucking much and why don't i hate them more they did some really shitty things to me and i'm just so confused how i can feel both of those things about them and aaaa i just want them to go away
ok this has gotten long enough and i have some things i need to do so i'll probably reblog this later to talk about yesterday :)
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tuhbanbuv · 3 years
Mario Magus Chapter Concept (TW: Self Harm Scars)
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Here are some more concepts of my AU!
The AU is separated into Chapters/Arcs, with those split in half for Side A (Mario, Luigi) and Side B (Peasley, Ellie). This is just kinda a preview of what it could look like, more of a proof of concept, really.
Ellie lives in Stardust Fields, which is pretty much the last resort for people wanting to get a house for dirt cheap in the Bright Realm cuz it's so potent with magic that it has a 99.99% chance of screwing with your head, and it being so unstable that it can change shape every now and then, which will probably kill you if you don't know where you're going.
Why did she move there then? Who knows, but maybe she has a link to a certain someone in the Beanish royal family...
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The Brothers and Side Characters Play the Sims
I don’t know what possessed me to make this but WHATEVER. I’ve been playing the Sims since I was a wee little girl, and I’ve seen my fair share of weird Sims stuff that I feel would fit these bozos perfectly.
My Sims have a Functional Family Life Because I Don’t (Lucifer)
God dammit Levi’s obsessed with another game... ugh.
Spends 5 minutes in Create-a-Sim and hops into a starter home.
Lucifer’s the type to start with all the average stuff and then build their stuff up as his sim gets promotions.
It’s just... so peaceful...
...he’s adopting a dog.
Look at his new little virtual family... his sim-kids are self sufficient and getting A’s in school, his Sim spouse MC or Diavolo take your pick loves his Sim-self, his sim-dog-
He’s fine. It was just a virtual dog. *sniffle*
He’s now spending his free time drinking Demonus and playing the Sims.
What’s a mod? Levi why does your sim have gun?
Behold, My Gorgeous Home... It’s a Box (Mammon)
Mammon, like the rest of the HOL, is mooching off of Levi’s Origin account.
“AW SHIT! This house looks awesome! I’m gonna build it for Sim-me to live in!”
Mammon proceeds to build a box with rooms. Yay...
He just picks the funnest sounding job if he picks any job at all for his Sim. That’s how he ended up making 9 dollars an hour in the criminal career.
Didn’t stop Mammon from buying that solid gold bathroom set from Get Famous... a box with solid gold bathrooms.
His Sim is broke send help-
“Leviiiiiii my sim needs money... the people my sim kidnapped and is forcing to paint aren’t making enough money...” “Ugh... press control shift C and type ‘motherlode’.”
...Levi made a mistake.
His sim’s life is so chaotic, he has a piranha pool that his sim has almost died in twice, the sim is carrying on several torrid love affairs, his sim got struck by lightning, his sim has nearly died in a grilled cheese making accident twice... in the same day.
At least once Sim-Mammon and Sim-MC get married things calm down a little.
Mammon finds out what custom content is and proceeds to download EVERYTHING HE CAN FIND.
And now he’s asking Levi why his computer is running so slow.
Expansion Pack King (Leviathan)
He got into it back when the Sims 2 was new, he’s a veteran fan.
“Bro remember when Agnes Crumplebottom would show up and whack the shit out of your sims if they were flirting?”
“Remember when that witch would show up randomly on the lot you were on if you had Makin’ Magic?”
“Remember when Bella Goth was abducted by aliens and we just... didn’t question it?”
He whines about the Sims4 and how crappy it is but still buys every expansion pack, game pack, and stuff pack.
This boy watches like 40 hours of built tutorials and ends up sobbing over his weird roofs.
The mod folder is so full istg-
Levi gets custom content for the sole purpose of making his favourite fictional characters.
This is why Henry and the Lord of Shadows are married and Ruri-chan and Sim-Levi are roommates.
Oh my god they were roommates-
Levi also added his brothers to the world and uh... Sim-Mammon died in a tragic pool accident F.
Levi then proceeded to befriend the Grim Reaper.
He’s anxiously awaiting the release of Paralives.
Wait Gameplay? In This Build Simulator? (Satan)
Satan’s here to build and leave. Gameplay who?
Our favourite bundle of rage is a master architect and the amount of followers on the Gallery he has shows it.
He takes up those build shell challenges and always ends up making them look positively perfect.
Asmo’s always using his houses, and Satan often takes requests when he gets bored.
No Mammon, he reserves the right to refuse to build a golden castle for you- YOUR SIM HAS 40 SIMOLEONS-
No mods, no CC, he’s building with what EA gave him.
...and EA gave him debug objects, and he’s not going to explain how to get them.
The one time he did actually play with a family... it was one sim and seven cats.
He tries to play without cheats... and ends up getting frustrated and turns on cheats.
All hail the Pets Expansion Pack.
Custom Content Soap Opera (Asmodeus)
Asmo spends 5 hours in Create a Sim then just... clicks out of the game.
That’s how it goes most of the time, buuuuuut when he gets super invested in a family he’s made, boy howdy is he INVESTED.
Sim A is carrying on an affair with Sim C who’s in love with Sim B who’s married to Sim A but Sim D wants to kill Sim A and C even though they’re the illegitimate child of Sim C-
When Asmo realizes that in the Sims 4 he needs to manufacture all the drama himself and he can’t just sit back with a glass of wine and watch the fireworks, he switches to the Sims 2 and 3.
“...why is this old lady beating up my Sim..?”
He immediately recoils in horror upon seeing how ugly the Sims are pre Sims4.
Ah, there we go, perfect. Custom Content to the rescue!
He ends up remaking the entire world just so he doesn’t have to look at weird looking Sims.
Asmo is the only one to have finished a proper Legacy Challenge, but it gets crazy chaotic after gen 3.
“My sim just got abducted by aliens and now he’s pregnant- WHAT?!”
He has about 40 saves and only two he actually plays.
Just a Big Ol’ Happy Family (Beelzebub)
Beel found the game, proceeded to make everyone in create-a-sim to the best of his abilities, and made everyone get along.
That’s why Sim-Lucifer and Sim-Belphie are on a swing set together, they’re friends :D
“Hey Luke do you think you can make this?” “I-is that a cake shaped like a hamburger?” “Yes. Please make.”
He took one look at the cooking options and decided to max out his Sim’s cooking skill to unlock all the options.
Beel proceeded to drool all over his keyboard. Gross...
Boy howdy did he have some crazy dinner suggestions!
Overall, very wholesome Sim-life, except for the time Sim-Levi died because the toilet caught fire, don’t worry, Sim-Beel knows how to make ambrosia.
All is good in the Sim save...
...until Sim-Beel ate pufferfish nigiri and fuckin died-
Wait Did I Not Pause- (Belphie)
Huh, this game looks fine... I’ll play for a little- *SNORE*
Belphie makes some sims, plops them into a starter home, plays for an hour, then falls asleep.
He wakes up five hours later to absolute carnage.
Three sims have died because someone decided to make Mac and Cheese and the oven caught fire, the kids were taken away by social services, and the dog ran away.
“...heheh, holy shit everyone look.”
He doesn’t play often, but when he does, death occurs. He has found out every death method for every game from Sims 2 to 4.
And that INCLUDES the Sims Medieval! You guys remember that game?
Sometimes it’s not intentional, but Belphie got bored with the totally normal life his sims were living and decided to spice it up.
“Why are the ghosts breaking my showers..?”
Help There’s a Bug- (Diavolo)
The Crown Prince started playing when he noticed Lucifer was playing it.
He was immediately obsessed.
Dia mostly plays the Sims Medieval because he likes the feeling of achievement after completing a quest!
“Barbatos... why isn’t my Sim completing their task? The icon won’t show up.” “My lord it appears the game is bugged.” “:(“
No one thought to tell Diavolo that EA doesn’t plan on offering bug support to a game made in like... 2009
This doesn’t matter! Look at how great his kingdom is doing- oh no his hero has the plague-
He plays through the Pirates and Nobles expansion and manages to get the peaceful ending, he’s so proud of himself.
“MC! Look! My Monarch’s sword is permanently on fire and I’m fighting an evil wizard!”
When he does play the other Sims games he’s pretty basic, though, he does a great job at furnishing!
Dia gets crazy sad when his Sims die... he turns off aging.
Builder no. 2 (Barbatos)
Barbie doesn’t have time for this... but when he does, he builds.
No create a sim.
No playing the game as intended.
Just builds.
It’s relaxing, okay? A nice little suburban house he’s never going to play in, maybe a treehouse, maybe a big Hollywood Mansion...
The only time he actually plays the game outside of build mode is when someone needs his help to fix something in-game.
He does download custom content build items if he feels bored by the current selection.
Oh Crap What Am I Doing?! (Simeon)
Help him. Please.
He’s so confused.
“Luke, why is my sim upset?” “He’s hungry, Simeon.” “Oh, how do I fix that?” “...Simeon-”
There’s a toilet in the middle of the living room.
The fridge is facing the wall.
There’s no bathtub or shower.
The house is on fire- there is no god- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Okay, once he gets the hang of it he’s sitting pretty. His sims have good jobs, the kids are getting good grades, everything’s fine.
But Simeon won’t forget the nightmares.
What Even is This Save? (Solomon)
Solomon’s save is the definition of chaos.
One sim’s a vampire, the other is a spellcaster that really wants to fight the Callientes for some reason, there’s one normal sim that’s always sick for some reason,
It gets weird, confusing, and horrible.
Just how Solomon likes it.
His house makes no sense, like, what even is architecture?
Money cheats are needed because Solomon‘a goal of chaos and confusion is proving to be kind of expensive.
Square up Mortimer Goth, Solomon’s sims are here to steal your weird knight statue that’s worth a shit ton of simoleons for NO REASON.
He joined the scientist career for the sole purpose of getting to the alien planet and kidnapping adding an alien to the household via cheats.
The vampire ended up dying on their wedding day because Solomon forgot that he gave them the sun weakness.
Oh well, the ghost got added to the household! VAMPIRE GHOST!
The Child (Luke)
Before you say Luke’s too young to play the Sims, you should know that I was nine when I first started playing, and I turned out fiiiiiiiiiine.
He’s just happy to be playing.
Look, his sims are gardening :D
Look, two of them are getting married :D
Look, they had a baby :D
Look, his sims are building a rocket ship :D
Look, his sims’s rocket just crashed-
The concept of death hit the little angel right in the face that day.
“*sniffle*... my sims...”
Don’t worry, with tears in his eyes, Luke quit without saving and everything was fine!
Speaking of My Sims, Luke played MySims Sky Heroes and that was when Luke had his first bout of gamer rage.
MC came over to hang out with Solomon and Simeon, and in the distance they could just hear:
Okay, maybe Simeon should take the game away... just for a bit... he should take heed not to be bitten by the incredibly angry chihuahua.
MC: Why are our Sims married?
*Insert Boy Here*: Uh... that’s weird... I have no clue why they’re doing that...
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beelsnack · 3 years
I Put A Spell On You - Obey Me Boys and A Witch MC
I may have mentioned it in an ask or something before, but I'm actually a practicing witch. (Sorry, Mammon.) So, in honor of spooky season, I bring you witch MC!
Lucifer: "Can I ask you something?"
Lucifer looked up from the report he had been working on. In the House of Lamentation, hearing that question was very rarely followed by anything but disaster. He bit back the urge to sigh and turned to look at the human. "You may."
"Have you ever been summoned by a witch?" the human set down their pen. They had taken refuge in Lucifer's room in an attempt to actually get their homework done, and had been working diligently up until this point. "Like, successfully."
He raised an eyebrow. "No, I haven't. I doubt any mortal witch would have the power to actually summon me."
"That's what I thought," they leaned back in their chair, stretching.
"What brought this on?"
"A witch I know up in the Human Realm swore up and down that he had, quote unquote, ‘summoned Lucifer himself.’ No one believed him anyway, but I figured I would ask just to confirm my suspicions.”
“No, it is highly unlikely that a mortal witch would have the magical power to summon me,” Lucifer chuckled darkly. “Although many have tried.”
“What happens to them when they do?” they asked, completely abandoning their work at this point. Part of Lucifer wanted to reprimand them for getting distracted, but he couldn’t deny that he liked having their attention on him. “Do you curse them or something?”
“I do nothing,” he smirked as they got up to lean against his desk. Perhaps he could stand to take a break as well. “The minor demons they actually summon, however, often have their fun with those foolish enough to try.”
“Oh, I’ll bet the Little Ds have a blast with them, huh?” the human grinned.
“Ask Number Two about the time he possessed a ouija board and convinced a human they would die if they ever wore the color blue again.”
Laughing, the human moved to return to their spot at his coffee table where they had spread out all of their study materials. Lucifer, however, had different plans.
In one quick, fluid motion, he had grasped the human around the waist and tugged them into his lap. The movement had mussed up their hair, and he affectionately moved a few strands out of their face to see their adorable pout.
“You know, my dear, you are the only human witch able to summon me. You should wear that fact like a badge of honor.”
Mammon: “Now that’s just playin’ dirty!”
The human had to make a concentrated effort not to laugh at Mammon. “Yeah, they really didn’t have to go that far. They already have you by the balls.”
“They do not!” Mammon growled, crossing his arms. “Nobody has control over The Great Mammon!”
“Except for the multitude of humans who you made pacts with because they promised you a few bucks.”
“Wow, okay.”
Shaking their head, they gently plucked the doll out of Mammon’s palm. It was a standard poppet, made out of cloth. “Why don’t you just have Lucifer or Satan undo the curses?”
“Because,” Mammon huffed. “Human magic is different from demon magic. None of us know the first thing about it.”
“You just don’t want to admit to anyone that the witches pulled one over on you again.”
“Can you fix it or not?”
Smothering another laugh, they brought the poppet closer to examine it. Aside from the basic filling, it felt like there were some stones in there, and they thought they smelled some herbs.
“So, basically all you need to do is remove whatever link they used to bind the doll to you,” they muttered, more to themself than anything. “Usually it’s hair, nail, a drop of blood if they’re feeling particularly nasty…”
“That’s what they were doin’?”
The human looked up, tilting their head. “What?”
“One of the witches was bein’ real nice to me,” Mammon sighed. “Patting me on the head when I dropped off some money for them. Shoulda known she was trying something fishy!”
“Okay, that answers that.” they made their way over to their desk, plopping down in the chair. “So she probably pulled out some of your hair and put it inside the doll. So all we have to do it get it out, this thing becomes a regular old doll, and voila, curse broken.”
“How do we do that?” Mammon asked, peering over their shoulder as they reached into their drawer. His blue eyes widened when they pulled out a pair of scissors. “Whaddaya plan on doin’ with those?”
“Mammon, this is going to hurt like a bitch.”
“Wha - ack!”
Mammon doubled over in pain at the same time the human cut open a slice on the doll’s belly. There, right in the center of the stuffing and stones - and there were herbs in there, they had been right! - was a little bundle of white hair, tied with a piece of twine.
“Ah-ha!” they plucked the bunch out of the doll, and Mammon just barely managed to catch himself on the corner of the desk before he went crashing to the floor.
“Holy shit, human, I’m gonna fuckin’ hurl.”
“Do it somewhere that isn’t my room, please.”
Leviathan: “Levi, I don’t know how to tell you this, but ‘witch’ and ‘magical girl’ aren’t the same thing.”
Ever since they let it slip that they practiced witchcraft, Levi had obsessively forced them to watch every magical girl anime he could think of. It was his way of relating to them, they were sure, but it was starting to get a little out of hand. There were only so many variations of the magical girl trope in existence.
Levi frowned at them. “It’s not?”
“Well, for one, I don’t own a super cute lolita dress.”
“Do you want me to make you one?”
The human laughed. “Somehow I don’t think showing up to a coven meeting wearing a pink loli dress will make the others take me very seriously.”
“What about blue?”
“Fine, fine,” he huffed. “So if it’s not like in the anime, what is human magic like?”
“A lot more boring than demon magic, honestly.” the human shrugged, turning back to the monitor. Since they had put their foot down against watching Madoka, the two of them were rewatching Sailor Moon. “A lot of using herbs and crystals and energy. Really symbolic.”
“That is boring,” Levi scowled. “You don’t even get a transformation sequence.”
“I’m just as mad about it as you are, dude.”
Satan: “Holy shit, Satan, that is a ton of books.”
THe demon had no reason to look as proud as he did as he sat the stack of books on the table in front of him. “This isn’t even all of them. Some of them are cursed, so I let them be for now.”
“That’s...both impressive and concerning.” the human picked up a book off the top of the pile. “Whoa, it’s even handwritten!”
“I’ve collected my fair share of grimoires over the millennia.” Satan took a seat across from them, watching as they turned each page with reverence. “I believe that one is from a Scottish witch from the 16th century.”
“Should I be wearing gloves or something?” they cradled the book like it was made of glass. “This is historic, Satan.”
“I’ve cast the appropriate spells on them to prevent them from decaying, don’t worry.” Satan laughed. “Although your concern is appreciated.”
“I could learn so much about the craft from these,” their voice was barely above a whisper, eyes wide as they scanned each page like it contained the secret to eternal life. “This is...wow…”
The look of utter rapture that the human had on their face was endearing, and Satan couldn’t help but smile softly at them. “Feel free to peruse them whenever you like. They deserve to be appreciated.”
“You mean it?” they looked up with hope sparkling in their eyes. “Thank you so much, Satan!”
“Of course,” he reached over to tuck a strand of hair behind their ear. “That look on your face is worth any price.”
Asmodeus: “I have a gift for you!”
Asmo poked his head up from where he had buried it in his D.D.D. The human stood next to the couch, arms clasped behind their back and a giddy smile stretching across their face. Asmo could practically feel them vibrating from excitement.
“Ooh, for me? Darling, you shouldn’t have!” He pocketed his phone and gave them his full attention. “What is it?”
They held out their hands, revealing the treasure they had been hiding. “Ta-da!”
Asmo carefully picked up the chain from their palms. Dangling from the end of it was a small bottle, wrapped carefully in wire and turned into a pendant. Tiny, translucent pink stones sat inside, nestled in a layer of salt and herbs. The magic surrounding it was faint, as most human witchery was, but it was so uniquely them that Asmo could just about cry.
“Oh, darling, you made me a love charm!” he exclaimed, immediately slipping the necklace on. “It’s so cute! I love it, thank you so much!”
The human smiled. “I’m glad! I wasn’t sure what to do with the rose quartz, but I knew you would love them, so I figured I would make you something! Not that I really think a love charm would work on you, but I figured you would appreciate the aesthetic.”
Asmo laughed, reaching forward to cup the side of their face gently. “You don’t need to use a love charm on me, darling. I’m already captivated by you.” His other hand came up to touch the pendent resting against his collarbone. “This will just serve as a reminder of how spellbound you’ve made me.”
Beelzebub: When they had first described themself as a “kitchen witch,” Beel had thought that they meant they were a really good cook.
And while that was true, they also were literally a kitchen witch.
“Basil for protection...oregano to ward off negative magic...there, that should do it.”
To Beel, it just looked like they were making pasta. Which was never a bad thing. But they chose which herbs to season it with such intention and purpose, Beel knew it was more than that.
“Do herbs really have magic?” he asked, leaning on the counter next to the stove while the human worked on magic dinner. “I’ve never thought of them as particularly magical.”
“It’s more of a human thing,” they said, sprinkling the last of the oregano over the pot of sauce. “We don’t get the flashy sparks and all that, so we had to develop our own magic.”
“Hm…” Beel regarded the pot with curiosity. “Is that why your cooking is so good?”
“Sure, we’ll go with that.” they laughed, swatting at his hand as he slowly approached the pot. “You aren’t sneaky, Beel.”
“Can I just have a taste?”
“Your ‘taste’ is drinking the whole pot like it’s soup.” they rolled their eyes. “I haven’t even started cooking it yet! It’s cold!”
Beel pouted, looking every bit the kicked puppy. “But I want to taste your magic.”
“You can taste my magic when dinner’s ready.”
Belphegor: On nights when he couldn’t sleep, Belphie usually ended up with the human.
Sometimes it was just him wiggling his way into their bed and cuddling with them until he felt sleepy. But tonight, it looks like they were sharing a case of insomnia.
So that was how he ended up sitting on the human’s floor with his hand in their lap as they studied it like it was a textbook.
“So? What do the squiggly lines of destiny tell you about me?”
“That you’re a little bitch.” they shot back, running their thumb over the center of his palm. “You have a lot of crosses on your heart line.”
“Which means?”
“You’re emotionally fucked up.”
Belphie snorted. “I could have told you that one.”
“You’re the one who came in here and wanted to see some human magic, I don’t want to hear any complaining.” they let go of his hand. “The only reason I’m breaking out the salt and candles is to banish your demonic ass from my room.”
“You know that only works on lesser demons.”
“Anything will work as banishment if I throw it hard enough.”
Diavolo: This...felt kind of pointless, honestly.
They knew it was mainly because of Diavolo’s obsession with human culture. But doing a Tarot reading for the Crown Prince of Hell seemed like a waste of everyone’s time.
Well, regardless, a summons from Diavolo was not to be ignored, so they had dutifully gathered up their cards and made their way to the Demon Lord’s Castle.
“You know,” they began hesitantly. “If you want to know the future, you have a time-manipulating butler right there.”
Barbatos, ever watchfully, chuckled and inclined his head. “My Lord is fascinated by human methods of divination.”
“It’s true,” Diavolo nodded. “Tarot especially has always piqued my interest, but very rarely do I have time to indulge with the other witches who visit the Devildom.”
....Oh, they really couldn’t say no to the hopeful gleam in his eye. A man that large had no right to look that cute.
“Alright,” they handed him the deck of cards. It looked hilariously small in his hands. “Go ahead and shuffle them.”
“Oh, I get to do it?”
“If you want,” they shrugged. “I usually have whoever is being read for do the shuffling, so the deck can get a feel for their energy. Unless you don’t want to, of course.”
“No, this is exciting!” He really did look like he was having fun. “How many should I draw?”
“Just one, and we can go from there.”
With a focus that might have been a bit too intense, Diavolo began shuffling. He handled the deck carefully, which made them happy. So many people were rough with the cards, and they were always worried they were going to get ruined.
“Alright.” Diavolo laid a card face down on the table between them. “Would you like to do the honors?”
He was being dramatic, but they couldn’t help but play along. What was the harm in a little bit of fun? They flipped the card face up and let out a startled chuckle.
The Devil.
“Did you do that on purpose?” they asked, laughter dripping from their voice.
“No, honest!” Diavolo was laughing too. “What does the Devil card mean?”
“It means my deck has a sense of humor.”
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
request; Can I request Nagito, Kokichi, and Rantaro with an s/o that has a hard time understanding why someone feels a certain emotion in situations?
pairing(s); rantaro x gn!reader, nagito x gn!reader, kokichi x gn!reader
warnings; blood, violence, broken noses, strong language, kind of angsty — sorry that nagito's is super long- i started off with him and i haven't written in a long time so i just shit all over the place, fluff at kokichi, i have mood swings I'm so sorry about the whiplash you are about to witness
note; yesss i am back to finish these requests yurrrrrr sjansjdhfbasdkjfds I'm not gonna make a big announcement or anything(I'm still trying to figure out how to balance everything in my life rn, so I'm sorry for people who are waiting on me—) , just gonna spit out as many finished requests as i can, sorry for the abrupt pause of everything by the wayz ill be (hopefully) regularly posting works from now on.
(also this request was kind of vague, so i used the example of someone getting upset/angry and reader not understanding why; i hope that's okay :'))
Nagito Komaeda
◊ I think Nagito would understand your struggles more than anyone else.
◊ And… honestly, it kind of reassures him that you share a struggle with him. It makes him feel less alone, less like the odd one out.
◊ Being similar to someone like you in any way, even if it was a genuinely difficult and real struggle; was a blessing in disguise for someone as lowly as him.
◊ Getting that out of the way, Nagito would never see your struggle as what it is. The way he views you, how highly he puts you up on a pedestal, as well as how much hope he believes you to hold; he, at first*, won't help you at all with your struggles.
◊ As a strong believer of hope overcoming despair, good defeating bad; Nagito is positive that the struggles you hold will always be defeated, bludgeoned into a despairing sludge by your all-mighty hope.
◊ And at first, he won't even think of this as a bad thing! You should be proud of it, of course, unless it stirs despair within you.
◊ * That being said, if he sees you struggling with your inability to understand human reactions to an awful point, he would put his obsession with hope aside, and focus on trying to help you as your boyfriend.
◊ Though I'm afraid, he wouldn't be much of a help, because he gets stuck on this one too.
◊ If you ever unintentionally angered someone, however, and/or provoked them to potentially hurt you; he'd immediately step in and lay the damp washcloth of apologies on the accidental fire you had set.
◊ Though there is a high chance, he'll make it worse by saying something he hadn't intended to sound condescending. It just came out that way.
◊ Nagito would never put your well-being before his insatiable need for you to accelerate and empower your hope.
◊ He's your boyfriend before he is your admirer of hope.
— "What...? How can you- how can you be so calm!?" Confusion, fear, and intimidation seemed to overwhelm you as you stepped back, eyebrows creased in utmost confusion as the person before you, seemed to have been angered by your wording.
Suddenly, you had started repeating and reversing over what you had previously said, scanning your wording for things that could have been perceived as offensive; only to grow even more confused as you had found none.
"I... What? Are you... are you mad at me or something?" Your genuine tone of voice, as well as the genuine look of confusion on your face, had been blurred and unnoticed as the ugly emotion of anger seemed to destroy their human senses— and the person had unfortunately taken your question as an insult.
Without another word, the sickening crunch of flesh and bone hitting flesh and bone echoed throughout the trial room. Flesh and bone that had thankfully, and unfortunately, hadn't belonged to you.
"Holy- Someone hold them back!"
"There's... no need for that...!"
Turns out Nagito took the hit for you.
He peeled the hand tending to his nose away from his face, revealing the nasty bruising and the blood dripping down his nostril—despite the gruesome sight of it all, he still seemed to be smiling. Smiling as if something amazing had just happened, and he was dying from the joy he had been feeling.
He wasted no time to spew out whatever he could think of, despite the shock and adrenaline from getting a broken nose, he still fought through the struggle to speak properly, as well as merely breathing without immense pain.
It was like second nature to him, to steer the blame and the aggression away from you—even if it almost killed him. Anything... to protect his hope.
"Haha, this is... Whatever you need to achieve your hope, whether it be a good old-fashioned beat-down or... murder;" a laugh crossing the line to psychotic erupted from Nagito's scratchy throat.
"I personally invite you all—especially (name)—to bruise me up and brutally murder me for your pleasure, and your hop!" —all at the expense of him making sure no one gets the chance to lay a single finger laid onto you.
◊ He loves you, and he swears this is out of (mostly) good intention <3?
◊ i- i think i lost it somewhere in the middle
Rantaro Amami
◊ Literally, the most understanding, supportive, and comforting man you will ever meet and have as an emotional support boyfriend when you struggle with humans and just... humans.
◊ For first impressions, Rantaro will remain as understanding as he already had been, and is. If he visibly sees you struggle with the reactions of others to specific situations, he'd never start up shit, as well as assume you mean something bad immediately. He will always give you the benefit of the doubt, and the fact that he loves you may have been a factor — but I swear, he does this with everyone else too.
◊ If you ever responded/reacted to something that normal human beings usually respond differently, Rantaro would definitely notice, but he wouldn't say anything until he had his suspicions confirmed — and until someone else decided to get pissy or upset about it.
◊ If you ever get into a conflict with someone about how you seem emotionless( even though you're really not ), Rantaro will always be there to defend you and back you up. The first thing he would do is try to understand your side, then their side, and then try to see how the two fit together, and how you both grew to have your reaction.
◊ Most conflicts and arguments end peacefully, at fault to Rantaro's experience of being exposed to many personality types(his sisters), and completely normal and human struggles(also his sisters).
◊ Though, notice how I said most.
◊ Some situations and arguments, really can't be resolved, nor looked past—especially when personal, and very strong feelings are involved. You really can't avoid it when people are still grieving.
◊ But even so, Rantaro will remain a mediator and a peace-keeper until the end; he doesn't and never has enjoyed violence or super over-the-line arguments.
— "N- no, I a- actually don't understand...! I didn't mean to-"
"Oh, shut up! No one's believing that crap!" The shock and the hurt from their words had visibly affected you — the disbelief and their rage hadn't done anything to calm your anxiety from not having understood what had been wrong.
Rantaro would intrude on the one-sided argument, a gentle yet nervous smile on his face as he tried to put some distance between you and the person who had gotten offended. "Hey now, I understand you're upset, but it'll be safer for all of us if you don't insult them. I'm sure this was just a big misunderstanding... let's sit down, yeah?"
◊ If you ever feel frustrated or upset about a past interaction with someone he had reacted in a way you hadn't expected, feel free to expect Rantaro to be there for you with his comfort. Whether it be assurances, hugs, or just a listening ear; he'll be there for you.
◊ He may not understand your struggles to an extreme extent, but he will try his best to empathize with you and to understand you; and if he doesn't? That's okay. Because he still has cuddles + listening to you rant as his plan B solution on getting your frustrations out.
Kokichi Ouma
◊ Kokichi... doesn't understand you at all.
◊ It's second nature to him to react abnormally or to over-exaggerate towards something that probably shouldn't have gained a reaction like that — but that doesn't necessarily mean that had been his true reaction from the start.
◊ They're lies, well, most of it.
◊ When Kokichi notices your confusion, or if you come to him about your frustrations; he won't believe you at first. It's a stupid thing to not trust someone about, yeah, but he lies all the time about this kind of thing — so not only would he feel terrible if you were telling the truth about your real struggle, he would-
◊ Oh, you're telling the truth?
◊ ... Oh.
◊ Well, of course, he feels horrible for his past faked reactions and lies. A part of him believes it to be his fault entirely, whilst the larger, louder part of him believes it to be someone else's fault.
◊ And he's a liar; so of course, he'll lie. To himself, at least.
◊ "Wha—!? Who's been confusing my beloved? Gimme names and I'll get 'em!"
◊ He's not much of a listener, nor a person who really just... talks about serious shit. So despite not wanting to talk directly about serious things, as well as not being the best at comforting you in a 'serious' manner, he has his own little way of dimming your frustrations with human beings.
◊ He won't show it, nor will he mention it, but he does try to be more transparent with you; as well as tries to be less confusing when talking and/or interacting with you.
◊ The reactions are dimmed down, and despite that, he still continues to be silly and still continues to joke around — just not in a way that'll frustrate or confuse you(ish). He's all about getting reactions out of you, especially frustration but, he wouldn't purposely augment your anxiety about this type of thing.
◊ ^^ If he was to do that, however, he would always tell you it was a lie afterwards. After all— despite enjoying the thought of you thinking of him all week—he doesn't want you stressing and/or overthinking about it for the rest of the week.
◊ Kokichi definitely feels guilty of your struggles, however, they may have not blossomed directly from him, he still feels horrible for triggering it? You? — look- what he's trying to say is, he feels awful, and he hadn't meant to make your struggle with understanding other human beings, worse.
◊ Though there are times he does find your confusion and gullibility to be sort of entertaining in a way, but he would constantly feel bad about finding pleasure in your frustration.
◊ Kind of bad.
— "Nishishi! I'm just saying, if someone took a fat shit on my lawn, I would thank them—"
"Wh- Seriously.. ? Why??"
◊ He finds it hilarious how you seem to take his words to heart, but of course, fun comes to an end as he says—
— "Nope! It's a lie!"
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tossawary · 4 years
wait can we hear more about da ge mbj au I'm very interested
MBJ getting abandoned as a child makes me enjoy imagining him being soft for babies, especially demon babies. Which made me want to see SQH put into a situation with a lost demon child and MBJ getting to see that. 
Which ended in 3,000 words of canon divergence fic.
The situation was bad. 
 Airplane’s fellow An Ding disciples were dead. 
 There was a young demon lord unconscious in front of him, probably dying, and Airplane couldn’t bring himself to bring down the rock in his hand. 
 His hand was shaking. He couldn’t make it stop. 
 This System really didn’t give a fuck about the author’s wishes, huh? Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky had been shoved into one of the worst character roles in Proud Immortal Demon Way and left to take the long way around to the plot. Now he was being told that his favorite character was expendable? Irrelevant? Talk about insult to injury! Nothing was sacred here, was it? 
 Airplane put down the rock. 
 Then he picked up the rock again. 
 He looked at it. 
 Then he hurled the rock away and put his head in his hands instead. 
 He came to a decision - a shitty decision for a shitty situation - and got to work saving his future murderer’s life. At least he would know some of what to expect if he kept the storyline mostly the same! Besides, his life wasn’t good enough to be that concerned about it! Maybe the System would put him into a decent role next time! 
 Maybe it was empathy at seeing someone being fucked over by the System! 
 Airplane did his best to slow down Mobei-Jun’s bleeding and loaded the man into the cart. He also did his best to ignore all the dead bodies around them. Gross. 
 That should have been that! He should have then been on his way to continue making a really bad decision in a really bad situation. But as Airplane moved to leave the scene of a massacre behind him, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He startled, snapping around, prepared to defend himself physically or verbally! 
 Instead, he saw a baby. 
 Ah, well, not a baby baby! But a child somewhere between the ages of three and four years old! A chubby one too! The chubby child was crouched halfway behind a tree, looking at Airplane with wide eyes, little hands clawing anxiously into the grass. It was impossible to miss their little pointed ears and the blue mark in the middle of their forehead. How could anyone miss that kind of family resemblance? 
 The demon child froze upon being noticed. 
 Airplane looked between the demon child and the young demon lord in the card, but the similarities only got stronger the longer he looked! 
 Holy shit! 
 But he didn’t remember Mobei-Jun having a child! He remembered Mobei-Jun having siblings, sure, but he was pretty sure that... he’d alluded to Mobei-Jun’s uncle doing away with most of them. Did that mean that this child was supposed to… die? 
 This situation had gotten even worse. 
 Leaving a child here to die was… pretty bad. Airplane had done some not very good things to make it in this world and in his sect without losing any sleep over it at all, but the idea of leaving this child to die made Airplane want to be sick! At least, as soon as he realized that if Mobei-Jun had been protecting this demon child and woke up to find this demon child missing, then Airplane would be really, truly, totally fucked no matter how tightly he hugged the man’s thighs! 
 It looked like the demon child had to come too. 
 How the fuck did a person go about catching a demon child?! 
 “Is… this your gege?” Airplane tried carefully. “Is this your gege here?” 
 The demon child didn’t respond. 
 Airplane gestured at Mobei-Jun repeatedly, unsure how to get the message across. “Is this your gege?” he said, louder. “Baba? ...No? Not Baba? Da-Ge? Are you his didi?” 
 That got a blink. 
 “Didi?” Airplane repeated, desperately. “Come here, Didi.” 
 Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky hadn’t handled children since his last life. He’d been one of the younger siblings in Shang Qinghua’s family, so he hadn’t been involved in any of the child-rearing before leaving. But Airplane’s experience wasn’t very good! Some forced babysitting of his father’s do-over children and his mother’s stepchildren’s children didn’t make him an expert! And this was a demon baby! 
 “Didi, your gege needs you,” Airplane wheedled. “Come here! Come on!” 
 Slowly, the demon child began to crawl over towards the cart. 
 “Your gege is hurt and needs help,” Airplane said, in most most soothing and also urgent voice. It was a weird balance! “Come on! Come along! Didi, your gege needs help. He’s hurt. Come here, please, that’s it! That’s right! Good job! You’re doing such a good job coming up here for your gege! We need to get your gege somewhere safe!” 
 The demon child made it to the cart, trying to stay on the far side of it and away from Airplane. Airplane tried not to make himself look too threatening. He also tried not to contemplate his apparent natural talent for kidnapping children, which probably wasn’t something to make a person feel proud. 
 “Didi, can I pick you up? Didi, can I lift you up next to your gege?” 
 Reluctantly, the demon child lifted his chubby arms and let Airplane slowly approach him. Airplane carefully put his hands under their armpits and then hefted them into the cart beside Mobei-Jun. The demon child nearly kicked him in the gut, struggling to get to the unconscious and injured ice demon! 
 “Ah, be careful of the injury-!” Airplane said, trying to move the child back. “OW!” 
 The demon child bit him. 
 Airplane yanked his poor hand back. “You little fucker! Ah, fine! Curl up in your gege’s blood and see if I care,” he muttered. “Let’s just get out of here already.” 
 The demon child curled up against Mobei-Jun’s side and Shang Qinghua got back into the driver’s seat of the cart. Trying to channel his spiritual energy for healing purposes while focusing on driving was hard. Even if he could have managed it properly, he still would have been stuck with an aching hand as it healed, which didn’t make him feel very charitable towards the demons in the back seat. 
 Ungrateful! The both of them! 
 When they finally got to a decent hiding place, unloading Mobei-Jun was nothing less than a pain in the ass. Airplane was forced to negotiate with a two-foot tyrant with needle-sharp teeth who didn’t want to move and didn’t want Airplane to touch his gege. Airplane was forced to wheedle like never before. 
 “Your gege is hurt, but I can help him,” Airplane insisted soothingly. “See that place? It’s safe in there! Don’t you want your gege to be somewhere nice and safe, where no one can see him and I can heal him? Look at that hiding spot! It’s a good hiding spot. We all need to go into the hiding spot now. We’re all going into the hiding spot. Come on, Didi, help me get your gege into the nice, safe hiding spot. Come on now. Be good.” 
 The demon child bared his teeth as Airplane helped him down from the cart, but thankfully didn’t bite again. The demon child then hugged Airplane’s shins very unhelpfully as Airplane hefted Mobei-Jun into his arms. 
 Airplane was forced to shuffle. 
 He never thought he’d be so grateful for all the carrying that An Ding Peak forced its disciples to do! Sometimes, carrying things around was all Airplane did all day long and now it was paying off! Airplane wasn’t as strong as some of his peers, sure, but he still managed to carry a giant ice demon into the “hiding spot” with a little ice demon attached to his leg. He counted himself grateful there was only one Mobei-Jun to deliver inside, because he couldn’t have handled more. 
 Once inside, the demon child curled up against Mobei-Jun’s side again. Airplane took the opportunity to look after the cart’s beast of burden and unload the supplies from the cart, searching desperately for the medical supplies their mission had been allotted. When he finally found the medicine, returning triumphantly, the demon child was ungratefully unenthusiastic about Airplane’s careful approach. 
 “Ah, Didi, don’t growl at me! See, look! Look! It’s medicine! Medicine for your gege to stop the bleeding and... make sure his organs go back on the inside. Eugh. Ah, anyway, I’m helping. It’s okay because I’m helping. See, look, I’m helping. It’s okay.” 
 Airplane managed to get pretty far before the demon child couldn’t take it anymore and tried to bite him again. Airplane shrieked, but managed to wrestle the demon child off him, and ended up grabbing some of the food supplies as a desperate distraction. 
 “Bite this! Bite this! Didi, look, it’s food! Food for Didi!” 
 The demon child growled, but putting the food directly in front of his face caught his attention. The demon child’s eyes narrowed in on the food in a super predatory way that was unseen in human babies. Airplane gladly made the sacrifice. He threw the food to the demon child, who scrambled to catch it, gave it a sniff, and then started to hesitantly nibble on it before taking bigger bites. 
 “See? Don’t bite your Shang-Gege and he’ll give you food instead,” Airplane muttered, quickly turning his attention to the bigger demon. “You stay there and chew that and let me help your gege. I’m helping. I’m helping. I’m helping. Shang-Gege is helping Didi’s gege. Everything is good. Everything is okay. There’s no need for biting.” 
 Airplane didn’t really know how much the demon child understood of what he was saying. The demon child looked more than old enough to understand basic speech. He at least understood “stay”, Airplane decided, by sitting off to the side and anxiously chewing through dried food supplies while Airplane worked rearranging Mobei-Jun’s guts and then bandaging up the blood mess. 
 Maybe it helped to see that Airplane had no intention of eating the unconscious and vulnerable Mobei-Jun or something. He was pretty sure that was a demon thing. 
 He couldn’t bring himself to think about what he was doing! 
 If he thought about his actions here, he was going to throw up or something! 
 So long as he kept his hands moving here, he didn’t have to think about anything. He was just an An Ding Peak disciples hard at work betraying the sect. Yeah. 
 Eventually, Mobei-Jun was in as good a shape as Airplane could get him. The demon child - Didi, Airplane decided to call him - was curled up into a ball beside where Mobei-Jun was lying. Didi looked like he was forcing himself to stay alert. 
 “It’s all okay now,” Airplane said. “See? I helped. Shang-Gege helped your gege. Your Gege needs to sleep to get better and now you can sleep beside him.” 
 Airplane washed himself as best he could and tried to wash Didi a little, but the demon child was resistant and snapped at him. Airplane, expecting this now, successfully dodged the snap and wiped at Didi’s face. Trying to be nice was too much work! Airplane’s clean-up job ended up being pretty shitty. There was no doing anything about Mobei-Jun’s blood staining Didi’s clothes around the knee and elbow. 
 “Ah, fine, curl up in blood again, you little brat,” Airplane sighed. 
 Didi curled up against Mobei-Jun’s side again and, apparently, immediately fell asleep. 
 Airplane secured their hiding place as best he could, took stock of their pitiful amount of resources, and tried not to panic about what the fuck he was was going to do now. He was exhausted. Saving two ungrateful demons was hard work. He had no idea what was going to happen next. He was pretty sure he had just made the worst mistake of his life, but it was a little late to change things now. 
 Airplane found a good patch of floor to watch over the demons and let himself collapse. He was too tired to think anymore. There were too many things to think about. 
 He hoped that Mobei-Jun didn’t die. Demons were hardy and demon lords were even hardier, but the real world that had been made out of his shitty web-novel was really unpredictable sometimes. For all Airplane knew, Mobei-Jun was going to develop an infection and a fever. Maybe Mobei-Jun would die anyway and Airplane was going to be stuck with a bitey demon brat who hated him. 
 Airplane yawned. Keeping his eyes open was becoming really hard. Fuck. 
 Watching Didi’s back go up and down with his unconscious breaths was pretty mesmerizing. It was really tempting to sneak over there and pinch one of those chubby, chubby cheeks. Or those cute demon ears. But the demon child looked almost as tired as Airplane felt and probably bit in his sleep. 
 Airplane really didn’t want to think about what would have happened if he’d just taken off with Mobei-Jun, not knowing the demon child had been hiding nearby. That might have been the worst possible situation. Didi was dirty and exhausted now, sure, but he looked like one of those babies who should have been spoiled and happy all the time, and not mercilessly abandoned to the human world.  
 Airplane woke up with a hand around his throat, squeezing. 
 There was a dark shadow above him and an even darker feeling in the air. The hand at his throat felt freezing cold. The air was burning with hateful demonic energy that felt like acid on his skin. Airplane struggled, but it was all immoveable. 
 “Where is he?” the shadow snarled. 
 Airplane choked. 
 His shadowy attacker belatedly seemed to realize that Airplane couldn’t talk when he was being choked to death! The squeezing let up enough for Airplane to breathe again. His lungs felt like they were burning hot and cold! His throat felt crushed and ruined. 
 “What did you do with him?” the attacker demanded. 
 “The child! Where is the child?!” 
 Airplane realized here that he was looking into the face of his future murderer. It was hard to make out in the darkness when he was being choked! 
 Mobei-Jun looked wild. His eyes looked like lightning. 
 “The ch-child… ch- chi- is-” 
 Mobei-Jun snarled again with impatience. 
 Even though it definitely wasn’t Airplane’s fault he couldn’t talk coherently! 
 “H-here,” Airplane choked out. 
 Mobei-Jun’s grip tightened, but then the man froze. His head snapped to the side. 
 Airplane followed the demon lord’s gaze. 
 Through the darkness, if Airplane squinted, he could see a small figure crouched by the supplies. Didi was frozen, watching them, chubby cheeks stuffed with stolen food. 
 Oh, there weren’t words for what Airplane wanted to say to the brat! Sneaking around like this in the middle of the night! Nearly getting Airplane strangled for no reason! 
 Mobei-Jun released Airplane immediately and flew across the room to the demon child, who threw up his arms immediately. Mobei-Jun took his younger brother into his arms and then collapsed heavily to the floor. By the sound of it, he crushed some of their precious food supplies as he fell! But the man was too busy wrapping his arms around the demon child to care about things like that, letting Didi sob into his chest, glaring at Airplane over the demon child’s head. 
 Airplane kept his distance! He knew better than to get anywhere near that! 
 The silence was very heavy. 
 He was certain that Mobei-Jun had reopened his wounds, if they had managed to close at all! As time trickled by them, he could see red seeping down the man’s side. 
 “...There are more bandages,” Airplane said finally, hoarsely. 
 Mobei-Jun’s scowl deepened, his lip curling. 
 “Ah… if- if you want them.” 
 What an asshole! 
 Airplane stayed put and didn’t make any sudden moves. 
 His throat felt like shit, so he tried to heal it with his spiritual energy. It was hard to focus with the demon lord glaring at him like that, on the other side of the room, but he didn’t really have anything better to do. There were only so many names he could silently call this ungrateful young demon who’d attacked the bro who’d saved his life! 
 At least Mobei-Jun hadn’t bitten him too. 
 Time trickled by and by. Eventually, Mobei-Jun’s eyelids began to droop close. The man’s injury appeared to be pulling him back under, whether he liked it or not. 
 After Mobei-Jun’s eyes had closed without opening for a long time, Airplane finally risked moving again. Mobei-Jun didn’t wake up, but Didi’s eyes fixed on Airplane, which made Airplane fear being bitten as he carefully came closer. 
 “Ahhh, see? Your gege is fine. I’m just… just going to put him back to bed, alright? You- don’t get up… just stay there and don’t bite me. We’re putting gege back to bed.” 
 Airplane dragged Mobei-Jun back to where the man had been before, with Didi staying put on his elder brother’s chest. Airplane was sure that this couldn’t be good for the demon lord’s wounds! But clearly Mobei-Jun didn’t give a shit about his own health! 
 “Didi, can you get off gege’s chest? Keep hugging him, just slide off, please? Gege is hurt, remember? Gege is hurt and we need to help him. See, he’s bleeding. Please let your Shang-Gege help again and don’t bite me. Everyone is fine. Everyone is happy. Everyone is getting along just fine and helping and healing. There’s no need to bite your Shang-Gege who is only helping, okay?” 
 Didi was more cooperative this time, sliding off Mobei-Jun chest to hug his less-injured side, while Airplane poked at the demon lord’s bleeding. The injuries looked… a lot better than Airplane would have expected them to. This healing rate was nothing short of astounding. Was this the power of an OP demon lord? How unfair! 
 Airplane did his best fixing the man up again. 
 He should have just let the man rot! 
 Mobei-Jun had just tried to kill him again! He would totally deserve it! 
 But there was a demon child carefully watching and Airplane didn’t want to end up with custody if his future murderer died here after all. What would he do with a demon child? Take them back to the sect?! His master would love that, he’s sure! 
 “Ah, looks like he’s getting lots better,” Airplane told Didi hoarsely, rubbing at his poor throat. “You’re doing a good job looking after him. Good job helping your gege. Keep helping his sleep, okay? Stay right there and don’t go sneaking off again, okay? Please don’t go sneaking off again, your Shang-Gege won’t be able to take it.” 
 Didi just blinked at him. 
 “Good job,” Airplane said. “Good job. Shang-Gege is… going to make sure that everything is okay outside. You stay here and protect your gege. Good job.” 
 That said, Airplane crept backwards, got up, and went outside. 
 Once outside, he promptly fell to his knees and curled in on himself. 
 “Holy fucking shit,” he said. 
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nayarablueglasses · 4 years
hello hello hello gay panic headcanonns for kirishima, bakugo, sero, shinsou, and iida is my request i saw your denki post and wanted to give you sumn attention miss ma'am
i was honestly not expecting this!! so sorry it took this long to respond, I don't know if you can tell but i wrote these in the span of a week because i got really really busy and was inturrupted everytime i sat down to start.
also... i do apologize deeply but my shinsou hc just wasn’t turning out right and in the end i decided it’s not worth posting. my apologies ;;
so glad you enjoyed my denki x male reader!!
here you go ♡♡
kirishima’s reader really likes strawberry milk and that’s the theme of it, vv sorry if you don’like strawberry milk ;; personally it’my favourite thing ever along with coconut bread
bakugo’s has a brief mention of a kick to the chest and the following nosebleed, it doesn't go into detail but if that bothers you then please do skip ^-^
and just a little author’s note, please enjoy and let me know what you think and if there should be other warnings ♡♡
☞☆ Kirishima
oh he’s mad
i’ll tell you why
you came out of your dorm today looking sad
so of course, being a manly man, he asks you what’s wrong
you’re out of strawberry milk and didn’t realize, it seems
manly man that he is
he found some more for you
that’s not why he’s angry
your eyes lit up and you got so excited
strawberry milk is apparently one of your favourite things
so you thanked him with a hug
but no that’s not exactly why he’s angy
he’s angy because all he said was “THAKOME”
“thakome" wtfl (what the fairy lights)
he was trying to say thanks for the hug and “you're welcome” for the milk
he ran away
and then began pondering how deep in the shit called love he was
turns out he’s very deep in love shit
now what does he do
he’s not afraid to like guys especially cos you're super manly
but what if you don’t think it’s manly to like men
just his luck
you invited him to your room to play games and there’s an lgbtq+ flag on your wall
he saw an opportunity and was super casually like “heY where can i get one cos liKE i gotta represent too y’know"
your eyes lit up again, stop that
then you two got to talking about how you realized you were gay
you shared your story and asked for his
took some convincing but manly men don’t lie so he told you that you're pretty much his story
highkey you teared up a little and told him you really like him
bakugo rolled his eyes when he saw you two holding hands and was all like
“about time you two dumbasses”
you just ignored him while kiri turned red and started mumbling
☞☆ Bakugo
what is attraction
no like he really doesn’t like people
but you two were sparring, right
and you were sweaty
and you were grinning
and you kicked him in the chest ^-^ look at you i’m so proud you landed a hit on bakugo
the exact moment he fell in love
and then you rushed over and you made the saddest face he’s ever seen
you were honestly so afraid he was hurt from the face he made
“holy shit”
so maybe you must’ve kicked him in the nose, not chest
because he’s got a nosebleed
it didn’t help that you help your shirt to his nose and you were leaning all close
he may or may not have exploded a little bit of the floorboards
don’t blame him, he has no idea how to communicate with words
so when he goes to recovery girl (at your insistence) he’s pissed
why does he keep thinking about you
literally what is the point, you’re shit at fighting anyways
poor baby
he doesn’t understand this
next time he sees you he’ll literally scream, “GET OUT OF MY HEAD EXTRA, WHY AM I THINKING OF YOU ALL THE TIME”
you’re confused
kirishima will have to coach him, with plenty of quips from denki and sero
so the next time he’ll confess with kiri’s teachings in mind
☞☆ Sero
you’re trying to tell me he hasn’t done this gay panic shit before?
he knows how this goes
he’s fully content to just sit here and look at your handsome face
he was scatter rained enough
but he’s not even listening aizawa-sensei anymore
you know what i’m talking about
it’s not creepy or anything, just
“pay attention, cellophane”
oh shit
play it cool
just pretend to be actually listening for a few
it’ll be fine
he’s been through that situation so many times
at this point the whole class knows
everybody’s certain that’s aizawa’s way of wingman-ing
except you never look up on time
you catch him looking sometimes but he plays it cool and points at mineta with a grin
it works every time, mineta is always trying to perv someone >:(
he likes to imagine what would happen if he confessed
his favourite is where you butterfly kiss him
he has less nice scenarios in his head but that one always makes him smile
once in the dorm kitchens you asked him why he’s smiling
you said it super innocent and it sounded so neutral he didn’t stop himself from answering
“just because i like you”
aizawa stopped telling him to pay attention after thfe irst time he saw you holding hands in the hallways
sero will never stop smiling
what a goof but you love him
☞☆ Iida
oh boy why you gotta confuse sanic like this huh??
and when i say confused i mean he doesn’t understand this at ALL
don’t get it twisted, he knows what “gay” is
sanic just didn’t realize HE was gay
and boy is he
see, sanic is well put together
he knows exactly who he is
and then you
y o u
you gave him some art you did of him
he was like ??? thanks for the art??? when did you draw this???
he’s supportive of this new artistic talent but it’s  n e w  to say the least
so you went “oh i just look at you all the time”
you said it so casual
but you ran away after that as i would
not as fast as sanic but he wouldn’t have gone after you
because he was dumbstruck anD i MeAn he was struck dumb
you??? look at him?? aLL tHe tIME? like??
so being the responsible class rep that he is
he had an existential breakdown
came face to face with the fact that his friendly feelings towards you are’t as friendly as he’d been convincing himself
denied it
accepted it
and then ran after you in the five seconds after you ran off
oh boy words are awful because how do people confess? i don’t know but don’t ask him, because he butchered it BAD
but at least the words left his mouth
honestly this boy didn’t even stop to consider what would happen after he confessed
he just word vomited
which is why he’s extra happy when you hug him and tell him you feel the same
in more simple words of course
“i like you too, tenya!”
sonic’s in heaven please hug him some more
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Dumb requests you say?? How about reader finding out about Childe's real name and they just say "Ajax? Like the soap?"
Reader could be isekai'ed or this could be modern AU lmao up to you XD
My brain when I discovered that was like : tf? that exists?
and straight up googled that and Holy- THANK YOU FOR THE INFORMATION OMYGOD I'M MAKING A MEME OUT OF THIS (I'm sure someone already did but I'll do it anyway).
But now there's a theory out there since the Traveler's used to go to different world and might have stumbled into a modern one.
So this is like the reader knowing both worlds work and straight up bullies childe for it (in a harmless way ofcourse)
✦ = ✧ = ✦
Ajax? like an 'Ajax'?
Childe x reader
"Ok that's enough killing for today my body is aching". you said while eating some mint jelly to recover some health.
"Aww really? but it's mid-day surely you still got something in ya?". Childe said unequipping his bow and grabbing some jelly in your plate.
"Hey don't go killing mode on me this is for a commission not for fun if you want to find some monsters do it yourself cuz I'm dyin' here". you grumble while moving your plate away from his grabby hands.
"Well you're no fun". He says while walking with you to tell Huai'an in Wangshu Inn that his commission has been dealt with.
"You know I almost forgot about this but is Tartaglia really your real name or your second name?". you ask looking at him.
"Oh no Tartaglia is my title in the fatui but since I trust you now comrade I will tell you my name". He said smiling at you.
You nod your head and waited in anticipation.
"I promise not to tell anyone if that's what you want".
"Glad I can trust you with that, my father choose this name for me after a hero's tale back in Sneznaya-". he said looking proud making you want to know more.
"Woah that's awesome".
"Yes it's an honor to be named after a hero". He grins.
"What was it then?".
"Ajax, The name my father gave me is Ajax". He says looking at your reaction.
The big smile in your face slowly turn into a confused expression.
"Why are you looking at me like that?". He didn't expect that kind of reaction so he was caught of guard by it
"Your name is what?". You said doing a double take.
"It's Ajax comrade, have you encountered someone else with a similar name as to why you have that face?" He raised an eyebrow waiting for your answer.
"Oh no no no I didn't know anyone who has same as you it's just something about it sounds really familiar to me but your name suites you well Chi- uuhhh I mean Ajax". You said while scratching your head as the two of you continued on walking.
The day when on the two of you finished the last remaining commissions but you were somewhat distracted by it looking like you were daydreaming and Childe has to save your ass multiple times.
It's so familiar to you yet the name keeps slipping out from your mind.
It didn't take to long when an familiar image of colored bottle bust in your memories and slap your face in realization.
"OH SHIT! I KNOW WHY YOUR NAME WAS SO FAMILIAR TO ME! OH SHIT!". you hold your head in your hands gripping your hair.
"oh? what did you remember comrade? and what's with the reaction". he nervously chuckles though not minding the looks the two of you got from the bystanders.
"IT'S WAS SO OBVIOUS! HOW CAN I BE SO BLIND?! HAHAHAHAHA!!". you laugh manically while holding your stomach.
"H-hey! what's so funny with my name?". He pouts, a little irritated but getting more curious from your reaction.
"hahahaha!! I-i-i'm sorry it's just y-your name is- hahahahaha". you continued laughing cutting off your sentences as you pat his shoulders and can't help but lean on him for balance.
Wrapping an arm around your waist he holds you so you won't fall and moves the two of you in a much more secluded places to get away from everyone.
"Now what's my name got to do with you laughing so hard like that?". He smiles seeing your smiling face humorous and refreshing.
"Ok ok ok- I'm- hahaha hu hu hu hu- haaaa I'm *cough cough* gimme a sec". You take a couple of breaths and tell him the reason.
"Remember when I told you that I used to go to other worlds?".
"Yes I remember that".
"So the reason your name sounds so familiar to me is that -hahaha- It's a name of a cleaning product that I saw being sold in a different world it has some titles called 'Ultra Ajax Super Degreaser' and what not -hahaha". You turn to Childe and laugh at his horrified face.
"BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WHAT'S WITH THAT FACE?! HAHAHAHAHA!!!". you laugh so hard you had to lean on the wall behind you.
"My name is a what?!". His eyes widen and grab a hold of your shoulders and shake you back and forth.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA IMAGINE! HAHAHAHA!! 'AJAX! SNEZNAYA'S GREATEST CLEANING MACHINE!!' HAHAHAHAHA!!". You're so high in laughing that Childe's shaking didn't bother you.
It took you a minute or more to stop and leave you in a coughing fit before composing yourself and comforting an angry and sad ginger haired boi.
"Look I'm not making fun of your name -well not that bad- but your name also came from a hero in a mythology so don't kill me hahahaha". You pat his shoulders and pull him to walk with you.
"Why would they do that my name?". He grumbles and holds your hand.
"Because it's for marketing purposes and we can't do anything about it". you said finally done with your giggling.
"Besides I'm pretty sure I told you that the name Ajax suites you right?". You turn back to him.
"Yeah". He looks forward to you and relaxes when he sees your smile.
"It's because it's unique and you define your name instead of having your name define you". You gently squeeze his hand and turn around pulling him somewhere.
✦ = ✧ = ✦
And done! this was supposed to be dumb but couldn't help but add some fluff in there! hope ya like it!
Also here ya go!
Tumblr media
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fruitcoops · 4 years
So I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen Euphoria BUT the two main actresses are Zendaya and Hunter Schafer. Hunter is a trans woman and plays a trans woman on the show. And a year or two ago, there was a video of fan that recognized Zendaya at the airport and talked to her and got so emotional because, the fan, was also trans. She talked to Zendaya about how much Hunter’s portrayal meant to her so Zendaya pulled her phone and FaceTimed Hunter so that the fan could talk to her. And the fan started crying and talked to Hunter and Zendaya even took a picture of the fan holding the phone up with Hunter on the screen. Anyways, I think it would so cute if Remus ran into a hockey fan and recognized him and the fan told him how much Sirius means to him and how much him being a gay hockey player inspired him and so Remus facetimes Sirius so he can talk to him :)
This is honestly one of my favorite asks of all time. Not only is the video super cute (watch it here if you like), the idea behind it is incredibly important. Representation matters, everyone. Sweater Weather credit belongs to @lumosinlove, but Kaden is mine!
The kid looked nervous, even among his group of friends who not-so-subtly nudged him in Remus’ direction. Remus waved and offered a slight smile; all five immediately began whispering. The kid still looked nervous.
“Ex—excuse me?” Remus looked up from his phone. The boy—he couldn’t have been more than sixteen or seventeen—stood a few feet away with his hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets. “Um, hello.”
“Hi, how are you?”
“I’m doing pretty well. Uh, I’m Kaden. I-I play hockey?”
“What a coincidence, so do I,” Remus laughed, holding a hand out. “Remus Lupin. Nice to meet you.”
“I know.” Kaden flushed a bit as he shook it. “I mean, I know who you are, not that it’s nice to meet me—” He pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. “Sorry.”
“No worries. Am I in your way?”
Kaden shook his head rapidly. “No, not at all. It’s just…you’re kind of a huge role model of mine. What you and Sirius did…” He swallowed and wiped his hands on the sides of his jeans; his voice sounded thick. “Sirius has been my hero ever since I started playing hockey as a kid, and when I realized I was gay I thought I was the only one, but then both of you came out and—” He cut himself off with a trembling breath. “And, yeah.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Remus touched his shoulder. “Do you need a second?”
“No, no, I’m good.” Kaden sniffled and looked up at him. “You changed my life. Seeing Sirius at All Stars, still kicking ass as an out gay guy, was a huge turning point for me. I just wanted to say thank you.”
Remus’ throat tightened a bit and he pulled his phone out of his back pocket. “Is it okay if I give someone a call really quick? I think they would want to say hello to you.”
Kaden nodded, clearly a little confused as he opened up FaceTime and turned the volume up. It rang for a moment—there was a crackle as the call connected. “Hello?” Sirius lit up when he saw Remus. “Hey, there you are.”
“Oh my god,” Kaden whispered, covering his mouth with his hands. Remus heard several people gasp behind them. “Oh my god, no way.”
“Hey, baby, I found someone who you might want to meet.” Remus leaned down a bit so Kaden was in frame.
“Hi,” he managed as a tear dripped down his cheek. “Hi, I’m Kaden.”
“Hi, Kaden, I’m Sirius. Are you alright?” he asked gently.
“Yeah, I’m—I’m fine.” Kaden took a few deep breaths, but his lower lip wobbled again and he swiped at his cheeks. “Sorry.”
“Take your time, kiddo.”
Remus wrapped an arm around his shoulders and Kaden leaned into him. “I don’t even know what to say,” he laughed around his tears. “Holy shit. I feel like I’m meeting a superhero.”
“I don’t think I have any superpowers yet, but that’s very kind of you.”
“Kaden plays hockey, too,” Remus added.
Interest lit in Sirius’ eyes. “Really? That’s so cool! What position?”
“Defense, and I’m the alternate goalie for my team.” Some of the tension melted out of his shoulders as he talked, but he was still shaking. “Also, I’m gay.”
Sirius’ eyes crinkled in a smile. “That’s awesome, Kaden.”
“I thought I was alone before you came out,” he continued as new tears welled up. “But when you kept playing and kept fighting and kept being the best even when everyone was being awful about it, that—” He broke off and took a couple breaths. “—that was everything. I’ve looked up to you forever and I thought I would have to quit playing if I wanted to be happy. You showed me that I can do both.”
“You can.” Sirius steadied the camera and looked straight into it. “Kaden, you can be anything you want to be, okay?”
Remus passed him a napkin to wipe his nose. “Okay.”
“You are not alone, buddy. There are so many people who want to see you succeed, whether that’s in hockey or whatever you choose to do. Be proud of who you are.”
Kaden nodded, pressing his hand back over his mouth for a moment. “God, this doesn’t feel real. This is the best day of my life.”
“This is in my top five, no doubt.”
“Anywhere near the Stanley Cup?” Kaden laughed as he wiped his tears away with his sleeve.
Sirius paused for a moment. “Honestly, I think they’re tied.”
“Order for Marianne?” the cashier called. A young girl from Kaden’s group of friends stepped up and grabbed both bags, hauling them off the counter. She cast a brief, awed look over her shoulder and craned her neck to see Sirius, who waved to her through the screen.
“Well, I don’t want to keep your friends waiting,” Sirius said with a wink. “It was an honor to meet you, Kaden. I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you so much.” His voice cracked and cleared his throat. “So much. For everything.”
“Love you,” Remus said before he hung up the call and turned back to Kaden. “I’m proud of you, too. That was really brave.”
In lieu of a response, Kaden wrapped him in a tight hug. “Is this okay?” he asked, voice muffled in his coat.
“Absolutely.” Remus gave him a light squeeze; Kaden’s chin barely cleared his shoulder. “Thanks for saying hello. Hearing that means so much to both of us.”
One of Kaden’s friends edged forward, holding their phone tentatively. “Could I get a quick picture of you guys?”
“Yeah, for sure,” Remus said, taking a small step to the side so his arm laid over Kaden’s shoulders.
“Got it.” They lowered their camera and bit their lip. “Thank you again. Only a few of us play hockey, but what you did made a huge impact on all our lives.”
“You definitely made an impact on mine.” Remus waved as the five of them headed for the door. “See you around! Kick ass in your next game, okay?”
“You got it,” Kaden laughed, giving him a final look before the door swung shut.
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Don’t be a coward
a/n: So, I’m super proud of this story but the first one did not do as well as I hoped. If you could, please like and re-blog it would make me so happy. Thank you all so much :)
Part 1, Part 2
Parings: Logince, Moxiety, and Demus 
Warnings: cursing, vague sex mentions, food, a ridiculous amount of pining, kissing, minor intoxication, alcohol mention (everyone is 18) 
Word count: 2,044
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Roman ran his fingers through his tousled hair, “Why is it so difficult to ask people out? '' he wined, dropping his head into his hands. Logan smirked from across the table, “asking someone to the ball is no more difficult than any of the abundance of sentences you have said in your short life” he sassed over his text-book. Roman just groaned and flipped the pages of his herbology book absentmindedly. 
Their study session was interrupted as Patton plopped down next to the frustrated boy. “Awww Roman, what’s wrong?” he asked and pulled out his homework. “He doesn’t have a date to the yule ball and is complaining about it, unsurprisingly” Logan responded for the grumpy Gryffindor. 
“Come on kiddo, you got this! Anyone would be lucky to have you as a date” the bubbly boy said, wrapping his arm around Roman, who was still sulking. “Tell that to Logan, he’s being mean” Roman grumbled. “mm-hmm” The Ravenclaw hummed, not looking up from his book. 
Patton laughed, “come on, there’s got to be someone you like!” Roman shook his head, “Yeah, like I’ve got a chance with them” Patton frowned, “that sounded a bit self-deprecating kiddo, don’t make me get violent” he chastised hugging Roman tighter. 
Roman looked incredulously at Patton, “I’m not being self-deprecating Pat, I’m just being honest. I’m a Triwizard champion and not one person wants to be with me” Logan looked over his book, “in a romantic sense” Roman corrected. 
“While that is statistically very improbable I do understand your distress, a Triwizard champion that does not have a date would most certainly be ridiculed during the first dance” Logan said, finally putting down his book. “I’ll be leaving you now, I will see you both at the feast,” Logan said, brushing off his skirt and sauntering away. 
“Hey, pat?” Patton hummed, “do you have a date?” The Hufflepuff froze, “why do ya ask kiddo?” Roman shrugged, “I was wondering if we could go platonically, if you don’t have a date of course” Patton smiled awkwardly, “Awwww, that’s sweet, but I already have a date. I’m sorry!” 
Roman eyes widened, “You- You have a date?” Patton nodded, “they asked me not to tell anyone but I figured you should know” the Gryffindor nodded, impressed. “I can not believe you got a date before me” 
Pattan grinned, “well you could always ask out Logan” Roman glared at him, “you know I want to ask out Logan. But he’s either gonna think it’s platonic or he’s gonna turn me down, and then I’ll be too heartbroken to dance” the frustrated boy dropped his head into his hands, “I’m screwed either way”. 
Patton just laughed and smiled knowingly. 
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The weeks leading up to the ball went far too fast. Of course Roman was as petrified as you could get. He had decided, dragons had nothing on this. 
He did end up with a date, some younger girl had asked and he figured there was no reason to say no. Logan did not receive a date but said he couldn’t care less. He planned to show up to support his friends, and then go back to the library. 
Roman could hear his brother shuffling around the back of the common room, probably trying to destroy his dress robes even more. He wasn’t sure if Remus had a date but he couldn’t bring himself to ask. Remus did his own thing, he would be fine. The boy straightened his deep red dress robes the best he could, took a deep breath, and went down to meet his date. 
The date in question wore a long orange dress, similar to Romans red. The two walked to the great hall arm in arm, she wasn’t very talkative and mostly seemed to be going out with him for clout. Roman was well aware that this was as good as he was going to get. 
But it was pretty good, the hall was covered in glistening decorations, and snow fell gently on their heads. Romans date squealed in excitement, but Roman really couldn’t care less about the hall.
Logan was there.
The Ravenclaw wore a simple blue button-down shirt tucked into a long black skirt that was embroidered with silver constellations. His mid-length hair was pulled up into a bun that had been impaled by his wand. The light of the decorations seemed to bounce off of him like he was glowing.
“Oh my, he looks beautiful” Roman nodded but his date wasn’t facing Logan. After a moment of confusion, he followed her gaze. 
Patton, yes Patton, floated down the staircase. His light blue floor-length gown flowed around him like water as he walked. A sparkly headband was nestled in his curly hair and light makeup adorned his face along with a wide grin. He looked like a goddess, or at the very least a princess. Of course, Logan looked better in Roman’s eyes but Patton was a close second. 
Virgil walked up to Patton, bowing deeply and holding out his arm. Patton giggled and took it, allowing himself to be lead away. Roman’s jaw must have hit the floor. Not only did Patton look amazing but Virgil had asked him out, and he had said yes!
Roman’s date clung to his arm a little painfully as they followed the pair to the Professor leading the champions to the dance floor. 
The first dance was clumsy, and the second not much better. Roman was a decent dancer but he kept getting distracted by Logan, who kept popping up in his peripheral vision while conversing with the guests. His date was not happy with him. As soon as the dance floor was full she stalked away angrily, her orange dress flying behind her.
Roman hoped she got a better dance partner. 
Patton and Virgil still flew above the others, Janus had found himself a date as well. It looked like a Hogwarts student, but Roman couldn’t place them. They both wore yellow and green dress robes and floated almost as much as Patton and Virgil. Perhaps slightly less elegantly but floating nonetheless. A stark contrast to Roman’s dancing moments before. 
The champion slinked off of the dance floor. Roman was so wrapped up in his thoughts he almost slammed into a familiar figure carrying drinks, “oh my gosh, I’m so sorry- Oh Logan! How are you” Roman said, smiling at the boy. 
“I’m doing quite well, thank you Roman,” Logan said happily, “would you like to find a seat? I wouldn’t mind talking for a while” Roman nodded vigorously and the two made their way over to an empty table. 
“Is it safe to assume you did not know of Patton’s date?” Logan asked. Roman nodded, “I knew he had one but I didn’t know who it was” Logan bit his lip thoughtfully, “Me as well, and your brother?” 
Roman furrowed his eyebrows, “my brother?” he questioned. “Yes your brother, is that not him dancing with the Baubax champion?” Roman looked back onto the dance floor catching a glimpse of the yellow and green dancers, 
“HOLY SHIT!!! That is my brother! I didn’t know he had a date, he’s going out with Janus! Why is he so clean!!!” Roman said, freaking out. 
Logan laughed, “yes I figured it would be a surprise. I was there when Remus asked, it was quite amusing. I was surprised Janus said yes” Roman grinned, interested, “tell me about it!” he said and shimmied closer to Logan excitedly. 
The two sat and talked for quite a while. By the time the dance floor had cleared a bit, they were both drowsy and perhaps a bit tipsy. “Dance with me?” Roman offered his hand, mustering what little courage he had left. Logan nodded happily, taking Roman’s hand and allowing himself to be led onto the floor. 
‘This is more like floating’ Roman thought he wrapped his hands around Logan’s waist. Logan was an excellent dancer, much better than his last partner (no shade to her but Logan is perfect in every way). 
As they danced they passed Patton who squealed excitedly and whispered something to his partner. Virgil smiled at Roman in a congratulatory way, Roman smiled right back. They also passed Roman’s brother who stuck out his tongue at Roman and flipped him off. Roman retaliated instantly, causing both Logan and Janus to laugh. 
Logan leaned his forehead against Roman’s shoulder, “I like dancing with you” he mumbled into the red fabric, “I like dancing with you too” Roman said his face now matching his robes. 
In a bout of bravery, he pressed a kiss to the top of Logan’s head. Logan pulled Roman even closer and breathed deeply. 
They stayed like this for hours. Patton and Virgil disappeared and Remus was unabashedly making out with Janus in the corner of the ballroom. Roman tugged on Logan’s sleeve after the Ravenclaw yawned one too many times. “Bed?” Logan nodded sleepily. 
Roman walked Logan to the Ravenclaw common room. Logan stopped in front of the door letting go of Roman’s hand for the first time since the ballroom. “Well, I’ll see you later,” Logan said, “uh, yah! Tomorrow” Roman waved. Logan turned to go. 
‘Come on, don’t be a coward’ Roman could hear his brother scolding him. “Logan?” 
The Ravenclaw wiped around, “yes?” Roman took a step, “can I, um” he glanced down at Logan's lips, Logan nodded, “you may”. 
Neither were sure who closed the gap. 
Romans head filled with styrofoam as Logan’s lips connected with his. The Ravenclaw moved his hands to cup Romans face as Romans arms wrapped around his waist on instinct. Fireworks exploded around them, skin was cleared, crops were watered, all was well with the world. 
Then Logan pulled away. “Good night Roman,” he said grinning. Roman stood shell-shocked and Logan disappeared up the stairs. The Gryffindor ran his fingers across his lips and smiled. 
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Weeks had flown by and the second task hung above the champion’s heads like swords. Logan and Patton helped Roman crack the egg puzzle in every way they could, but It just kept screaming. 
Virgil and Janus had started hanging out with the group of misfits. Janus was snarky and quick with a joke, they all grew to like him. Patton asked Virgil on another date and a few days later the two officially started dating.
Logan and Roman danced around each other both unsure how to ask the other out. Especially with the second task approaching alarmingly fast. 
“Roman!” a voice called from down the hallway, Roman turned towards it and smiled seeing it was Virgil, “Roman, I need to tell you something” Virgil painted, “yeah?”. “I know we agreed not to talk about the tournament because we’re both competing”
Roman tried to cut them off, “wait, listen. I never returned the tip about the dragons and you need to know” Roman looked hesitant, “I’m not sure…” Virgil sighed, “just…. you know the prefect’s bathroom,” he said. “Umm yeah,” Roman blinked, “it’s not a bad place for a bath” Roman blinked, “What? The hell does that mean???” but Virgil was already gone. 
That night Roman snuck down to the prefect’s bathroom, carrying the egg gingerly. He stripped down to his underwear and slipped into the huge bathtub. He turned back towards the egg sitting on the side. “This is crazy” he whispered to himself and screwed open the top. Screams filled the bathroom and Roman clamped it shut. 
“What the hell are you doing?” a voice called from the doorway.
Logan walked in, turning away red-faced when he saw Roman in the bathtub. “My question stands, what the fuck are you doing?” he asked embarrassed. “Umm, I got a tip that I should take a bath with the egg. Figured we didn’t have many other ideas, so...” Roman trailed off, equally red. 
Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and turning back towards Roman, “did you try putting it in the water?” he asked exasperatedly. “no” Roman admitted quietly, picking up the egg and dunking it in the water. 
He took a breath and screwed it open. There were no screams, Logan gestured at the tub, “go listen”. Roman plunged into the water. 
Come seek us where our voices sound, We cannot sing above the ground, An hour-long you'll have to look, To recover what we took
Roman came up gasping for air. “what did it say!” Logan asked excitedly sitting next to the tub. Once Roman had caught his breath he repeated what the egg had said. 
Logan looked thoughtful. “Perhaps a see-dwelling creature… one that sings” he murmured. “Roman, do you know of any mermaid populations in the black lake” 
Roman nodded excitedly, “Logan you’re a genius” he exclaimed pulling himself out of the water and hugging Logan tightly. 
Logan flushed and pressed a kiss to Roman’s wet hair. “Thank you, but the work isn’t over yet,” he said, pulling away now soaking wet, “what does the second half mean and how are you going to be underwater for an hour?” he exclaimed thinking rapidly. Roman nodded, drying himself off and pulling back on his clothes. 
“Right, that may be a problem” he contemplated. “But a problem for future you and me. It’s late, we should go to bed” Logan shrugged, “you’re right, we should. May I walk you back?” 
And if Roman wasn’t there when Remus woke up, well, that’s none of your business. 
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Touch starved/ hurt reader - hcs or scenarios the turtles? Reader super cool regarding friendship, like funny and open etc etc, but if someone tries to do anything that implies a bit more regarding romantic stuff they are kinda like oop- no. Reader is kinda jumpy and just freezes when someone’s they like does any kind of affection ( blushes a lot, try to run away and avoid those situations) people have taken them for granted which has make them a bit cold and defensive in that area- they want to be more affectionate ( which they know deep down it’s what they crave) but it’s kinda they are a scared / angry cat? Please, hope this makes sense, thank you
( also regarding looks and gender I think you can go with they/them so everyone can see a look but if themselfs in the scenario, and if you are going to any kind of skin ship, make the reader extremely defensive over their arms and tummy pls, I do love hugs but if anyone touches my hips I’ll try to get away so fast omg sbbtjfjdkdksn and I will just close off momentarily, I absolutely hate it, I’m more on the heavy side ( talk and chubby ) and if anyone’s touches the “giggly” parts I get extremely upset ( because of how ppl havemade fun of it over the years) and I think the boys would be very “??? What?” To that reaction cuz they didn’t think it was some thing bad to have? ( like a more soft and chunky/chubby body) because they haven’t been exposed long enough to society’s judgment or beauty standards ( I mean they know about! The ones who would have read more about it maybe it’s Leo and Donnie, but what I mean maybe they have never experienced something like this - themselfs irl) Eitherway this ask is already so long omg I’m sorry and thank you, if it’s too much you don’t have to do it, have a good night/ day!)
Okay first of all I love you and I would die for you. You are a perfect human being and there is literally no one else like you. Your body does a damn good job of keeping all of your organs in place and that's what matters. If anyone tells you different you rock their absolute shit.
And don't worry, I understood the request perfectly so no worries on that, I've got a similar body type except I'm really short. But I'm also super defensive over being touched or having those parts of my body perceived, so trust me when I say you're not alone. We be vibing with this together.
Now to the writing!
TMNT Headcanons
Boys reacting to a touch starved/defensive reader
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Look man, our boy here is body positivity central, he thinks you look amazing and he wants everyone to know it
As far as you two go he's your best friend, your homie, your main man
So of course he's gonna wanna show you off, why wouldn't he?
He doesn't think you'd have a reason to not be okay with it, you've always been playful with him and his brothers
So obviously there's some widespread confusion once Casey gets tossed into the mix
All Mikey had done was reach behind him and snag you by the waist to pull you over
That was all
The words "and this is my best friend, y/n" never got the chance to leave his mouth
He was definitely not expecting you to squeak out in protest and scramble away from him as fast as humanly possible
Your face was burning red and you were clutching your sides, desperately trying not to bare your teeth in defence
Mikey couldn't help but feel heartbroken
Was there something wrong with him?
You sent Casey an unenthusiastic wave before turning on your heel and basically running out
Leaving a very confused orange turtle behind you
When he finally managed to catch up to you later you rushed to explain why you'd reacted the way you did
You couldn't stand his expression when you explained that no- you didn't think he was disgusting and no, he hadn't done anything wrong.
But he did seem baffled at you telling him that it was because you hated being touched there.
"Look Mikey, I've got no problem with the whole contact thing but you gotta give me a warning or something before you go around grabbing me. Okay?"
He was 100% fine with that
Anything to make you comfortable
But you both got to the point of being able to laugh at your reaction to the turtle trying to hold your hand
"Seriously Michaelangelo, I have a reputation to maintain. How am I supposed to do that when you're giving me feelings?"
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It completely baffled him
By all accounts it didn't make sense
You threw around compliments like you were playing hot potato and for whatever reason you'd always find someway to playfully flirt with him
But the second one of his brothers suggested something other than the innocent friendship the two of you had you would shut down completely
And coincidentally those types of comments were made at the most inconvenient times
Nothing screamed awkward more than you going stone cold and standoffish over a piece of pie
Bubbly and excited one moment, tossing around those positive affirmations to your favorite people
And staring murderously at an inanimate object the next
You were like an unsolvable rubix cube to him
But he was determined to figure you out
You didn't appear to be busy, just sitting on the haphazard bunk in your makeshift area with a book in your lap
The others had gone out on patrol and you weren't sure where Splinter was at that particular moment which left you and Donnie holding down the lair until they got back
The perfect time to approach the subject
"Hey y/n? Can I ask you something?"
His voice always got a little louder when you were alone, less afraid of being overheard. You looked up with a smile
"Fire away Dove."
His cheeks flushed in surprise
"uhhhhh... whydoyounotlikeme?"
You set your book down and leaned forward to stare at him
And he did, god he did, he did it at the speed of sound of course, but you caught every word
let me tell you, this boys heart broke for you when you told him that you did like him
you really really did
but the thought of being romantically involved with anyone made you shut down
Donnie assured you that it was fine
he'd wait for you as long as you needed
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Look, Raph knows a thing or two about being self conscious
out of all of his brothers he's the one who worries about his appearance the most
but you- holy shit he thinks you're the most amazing, perfect human in the world
so when he finds out that you hate being touched and that thinking about relationships makes your skin crawl he doesn't know whether to genuinely cry for you or punch someone in the mouth
both is okay
You'd always been very bold with your words and sometimes you'd even joke that you couldn't even tell when you were flirting with him
it just slipped out
and hearing that even though you could pull that off as easy as breathing and compliment all of them endlessly but you struggled to be comfortable in your own body?
that was a lot to unpack in one sitting
but the longer he sat with you and listened to you talk him through it the more he understood
sure, it was horrible
and he wouldn't likely stop thinking about hurting the people who'd done this to you (there'd be too many to count)
but you had a way of making him understand things
it was his favorite thing about you
"Uh- you know y/n, I uh- personally I think you look great. Like- all the time."
plz insert awkward finger guns here
there, your playful smirk was back and you were wiggling your eyebrows at him
"Awhhhh... is that Raph I see having feelings?"
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he'd done enough listening and reading to know how society treated people who it thought was different
and he hated that you'd had to experience that for most of your life
when it came down to it and he saw that you had become particularly hard on yourself he took it upon himself to check in with you
that's how you'd started meditating with him
and you'd found it quite relaxing if you were completely honest
Leo told you that meditation was the best way to connect with your body and understand it
you hoped that in time you would understand what he meant by that
but the positive affirmations were doing something, so you'd take it
he'd always encourage you when you couldn't yourself
and always jump to your defense when the others got a little to out of bounds with their words
you still would noticeably flinch when touched without warning
they were all working with that
and he still found himself saddened that you'd recoil back into your protective walls if anyone mentioned anything inherently romantic
but you were coming around
and he was endlessly proud of you for that
Alright I hope I was able to get down what you were thinking. This one definitely took the most contemplating out of any of the requests I've gotten so I hope you like it!
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the-obelisk · 3 years
Grief - Fae Collection
Loki x Reader
Summary: A mission gone wrong. The one where he had watched you fall at the hands of a mad man. And also, watched as you crumple in grief at the twist of fate.
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“Unhand her or I will kill you myself, mortal.” Loki stepped forward in a protective stance, anger etched into his expression.
The older man looked at him, clutching you even tighter than before, taunting the trickster. “Ah, ah, ah. Don’t play fake hero with me, you—”
“What do you want from her?” Sam asked with urgency in his tone. He was unsure why he had taken you, with no attempt to engage with anyone else.
The man pressed his nose against your head, inhaling deeply. He smiled through the strands of your hair and stared at the two men before him sadistically, “She is my safety ticket out.”
 He smirked. “And by the looks of it, his weakness.” He gestured to Loki.
Sam looked at him with determination, “You know you won’t make it out of here alive. Let her go.”
“But you won’t shoot me if she is my living shield, now would you?” He taunted Sam.
The raven-haired 50-year old scientist looked at you as you felt something sharp press against your back, “Now tell me, agent, what is that little light trick of yours?”
And in that moment all three of you had realized, the mission now posed a real problem.
And you were at the center of it.
The mission was simple: Full team onboard. Part of the team moved to search and secure the civilians, the others were tasked to take out the target.
And there you all were.
One hundred miles from the Avengers compound, it was suspected that Dr. William Endo was kidnapping recent runaways and outcasts from nearby small towns to experiment on.
Tony was sure it would be a day long mission. In and out, until it wasn’t.
Sick of the world over run by super-powered individuals, Endo wanted to harness and transfer those powers into what he deemed his own subservient human army that were effectively trained to combat any threat through one of Hydra’s old brainwashing techniques.
This time all super-powered.
And his end goal: To sell the individuals to highly volatile regimes and dealers on the black market.
Endo had seemed to have his contingency plan all in place. One wrong move and the shout of a code word, the entire compound could be effectively blown up from the bottom up.
Wanda, Natasha, Rhodey, Bucky, and Clint were moving in to secure those in the compound— the issue was that they were underground and the people held against their will were scattered, most likely still being experimented on.
Steve spoke over the comms, “Team Two, heat signatures in the left wing, second level. Thor, back up is needed in the courtyard.”
The team quickly moved. Meanwhile, you, Loki, and Sam had cornered the mastermind in the courtyard.
Sam projected his thought to you, and in that instant, you made a fast move to turn around and face Endo. You had planned to blast him with your light, but on the defense, he moved in retaliation.
Taking the blade he held against your back, the man pushed it through your upper abdomen as you conjured your light.
Sam took the shot and Loki ran to catch you before you fell.
Rushing beside you, Sam noticed the pained, hurried look on Loki’s face as he pulled the blade out. His eyes had widened at the sight of the blade itself.
“Brother.” Thor called as he landed on his feet opposite to the two men.
Loki looked up at him in fear, an expression Sam had never seen. “What’s happening? Why aren’t you healing her?”
Moving his eyes to the blade in Loki’s hand, Thor spoke “He cannot heal her.”
“What? He’s healed the others before!” Sam looked at him with confusion and anger.
You were already falling limp and there wasn’t a way to get you to a medic soon enough.
“It is bronze. Deadly to the Fae. No magic can heal the wound.”
Sam shook his head calling all to the courtyard. “Man down in the courtyard!”
Confirmations swarmed in at the other members running towards the location.
Loki held your form, tears forming as he called for you to stay awake. “Stay with me, little one. Do not leave me so soon.”
You looked up at him noting his quivering voice. He wasn’t angry or hurt, but defeated. The idea of you soon slipping from him before he could ever experience all the joys you could possibly bring to him had broken him.
He was reminded of Frigga and her death. Two women that had always seen past the monster and into the soul of a tortured man, now leaving him.
Thor stared in fear. He was her protector, how could he had let this happen. The blonde-man stared helplessly. He couldn’t help you or heal you.
All he could do was simply watch as you began to fade and Loki’s heart breaking in front of him.
“I am not her.” You spoke softly. The three looked at you as your form slowly changed to into a man that would stand a foot taller than you.
Thor’s eyes widened at the sight of the 30-year old mocha skinned man, and kneeled down. “Lord Ambrose.”
Loki looked at Thor in shock. This was the man that had swore Thor in as Y/N protector. “She is safe.”
Sam stared in utter shock. Completely unaware that the man had used a glamour to mirror a version that looked exactly like you.
And then you had entered the courtyard alongside Natasha and Wanda in hurry.
“What can I do?” You said out of breath from running across the lot.
Only you and Loki had the power to heal, however, yours were more helpful with deeper wounds while Loki had limitations to his healing properties.
It had taken practice, but Loki offered some of Frigga’s old journals. It was a natural talent you had seemed to possess.
Loki looked up at you with tears, “Y/N?”
He was sure he had lost you and yet, you stood with your gloves off and ready to heal whoever needed it.
“Holy shit.” Sam mumbled as he stood up to look at you in utter shock. But you were confused at his reaction to you.
Noting the bottom half of a man with Loki blocking the first half from view, you inhaled.
You move to come closer but Thor stopped you, “It was Ambrose.”
The mention of your guardian shocked you. You were now truly confused at why Ambrose would be there, in the compound, especially in this moment. However, you felt the instinctual connection between you two dwindling. And then it had struck you— he was fading.
“He glamoured himself as you to protect you.” Thor offered a further explanation. You looked at him with an expression he couldn’t interpret entirely. He then moved aside revealing Ambrose’s barely breathing form. Loki kneeled next his form with an haunted look on his face. Once again, Thor spoke— this time in a quiet voice. “You must say your goodbyes, Y/N.”
You dashed over in a hurry looking to Loki who only shook his head. He offered only one word confirming why Ambrose could not be saved, “Bronze.”
Looking back down at your guardian, you placed your hand over his gash, “It is okay, father. Accept my life force.”
Life force. It was the one thing that could save any soul. Transferring your life into the body of another was no light feat. The giver would perish, and the recipient would live.
Loki looked at you with fear in his eyes. You were unharmed and yet here you were ready to die for the second time— but this time, it would be real.
Rarely had others of your kind offered theirs unless it was moments of pure desperation as it signed their death warrant, but this was Ambrose. And to you, his life had much more meaning than your own.
It was the ultimate sacrifice.
He was the leader of your realm, your guardian, your father, brother, friend, and closest companion. You now understood why he feared allowing you to make a life on Midgard instead of remaining on your plane.
“N-no... you are destined for much more. It is time for me to join the others in the Summerland.” He spoke quietly.
His skin began to desecrate, leaving you to shake your head. “Please, don’t leave me. I never should have left your side. I was wrong— I was selfish. Our people will have no one to turn to.”
“But they will. Anders has been prepped to lead one day. It is his time.” You cried at the sound of your brother stepping up to the plate, it was a role he never truly wanted. “Send him my wishes. Tell him, he has come of age.”
“Oh, Ambrose.” You barely choked out.
This was the man who had taken you and your brother in after fleeing from war on your realm. Anders held you in his arms at age seven, scared with his newborn sister in his hands when he appeared on the plane you would call home for hundreds of years. Your brother, still young, never knew of your origins and with his memory erased, he would never know. But Ambrose— as elusive as he was— was all knowing and had taken you both in.
He spoke even softer, “You protect this world as Anders protects our realm. Your mother would be very proud.”
“My mother?”
“I see her. She is quite beautiful...”
Closing his eyes, he smiled softly. “Aelsa, take me home.” Loki looked at Ambrose in surprise of the name he mentioned. He knew exactly who he had referred to. He looked at Thor, who had his eyebrows furrowed. Both drawing the connection of your origin.
For you, he name rang of familiarity but you were too consumed by the soft shimmer that surrounded Ambrose’s form. He was leaving and you could do nothing to stop him.
And within mere seconds all you held was the dust of his now death. Fairy dust, often claimed by folklore. The magical finality of all deceased Fae.
The world had seemed to go quiet around you. And all you could think of was all the loss you had faced, even before your arrival to the place you would call home above Midgard.
And your guardian, your only true parent in your life, vanished.
You looked to Loki who seemed to be filled with utter concerned as he pulled you in noting the tears in your eyes. You clutched to him tightly, while a vicious sob erupted from your lips.
“I- I can’t. It’s my fault—”
His hand rested on the back of your head while you cried. Loki was thankful that you were unharmed. The thought of losing you was a reality he could not bare to imagine, but the sight of your heartbreak pained him so.
He could feel the deep sorrow and pain roll off of you. And in your mind, you were consumed with a plethora of thoughts. Ones of grief, of guilt, failure, anger, and confusion.
Loki only held you tighter as your hands gripped his shirt. He sent you emotions of love and comfort but your walls propelled them away.
“I did this.” You cried out. He held you tighter and kissed your head, “My little dove,” he cooed to you.
He had no way of knowing what to say. In truth, no one knew what to do. What can one say to someone who had watched their loved one die so instantly, so unexpectedly?
Thor ushered Natasha, Wanda, and Sam away instructing them to proceed with the rest of the mission of bringing the victims home.
Sam followed the two women out of the courtyard, informing Steve and Tony what had occurred. Thor would most likely fill them in when he returned.
Turning back to Loki, he nodded and walked away. He knew the last thing you would want were minds buzzing all around you, and so he parted.
Leaving you and Loki to the silence around you.
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thequeenofsastiel · 3 years
Gen Y Season 2 Episode 6 Review
But again this is more accurately a liveblog with a review at the end.
So we begin with people attacking Pok for being better than them at pool. Is this really a thing that happens a bunch? And why tf isn't Pok reporting it? Is it some dumb alpha male thing?
We've got some stalker Tong with really intensely melodramatic music as he discovers Pok's...idk what it's called. Swimming head scarf thing. And how does he know that it's Pok's? It looks pretty plain and nondescript to me.
Oh yay, more Wayu/Thanu 🥱. The strongest emotion I felt watching the two of them and their flashbacks was concern about Wayu cutting the apple towards himself. When you're cutting something, never aim the sharp object towards any part of your body.
Honestly, a bedridden, sickly Pha has more chemistry with Wayu than Thanu ever has. I can't begin to express how little I'm looking forward to watching the two of them kiss. It'll be painful.
It's utterly precious but unsurprising that Mark has a heart next to Kit's name. I'm glad that they're being sweet with each other. I was concerned we'd get a weird estrangement.
Wow, they are really hamming it up with the light in the background and the romantic music and the wound tending. I love it. I also love that Koh appears to have accepted his attraction to Jack and is turning on the flirt.
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The way all these guys are standing around smirking 😂
Ngl, I almost turned off the episode after their scene ended.
Great, more pining. Tbh Bas and Dun have more chemistry with each other when they're not in the same room. Also I feel like there's gotta be some significance to the placement of the heart emojis next to each others name, but I can't really bring myself to care.
So Kit's plan is to wait until one of them cracks before he'll see Mark? That's...that's so deeply immature, but then again Mark is 19/20 and Kit is 20/21, which means that level of maturity isn't entirely out of place, so I'll let it slide.
I was wondering if Sandee was in that chat group. A big yikes right there.
I LOVE both the fact that Phai said a big fuck you to destiny and got a different tattoo, and the tattoo itself.
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Kinda want to steal it.
Also Bank has beautiful hands.
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I love how vulnerable and hopeful Sandee looks here. Ever since Phai told him about Thanu, I think Sandee resigned himself to never being with Phai. I think this is the first time since then that he's allowed himself to consider the possibility that he might get to be with Phai.
Holy shit Sandee and Phai have a fuck ton of chemistry.
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This might actually make up for having to endure the black hole of chemistry that is ThanuWayu.
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He's so soft! I love it. I'm entirely here for these two.
Moving on.
How did Kit know which bag to give Wayu? Oh wait I don't care.
Okay, this coach is a dick. Did he really have to embarrass that dude in front of the whole team?
How many times is Pok going to let those guys get away with beating him up? Especially since they keep hitting his abdomen. Has he heard of internal bleeding?
Wow, Tong, way to invade the living space of the dude who broke up with you. If I was Pok I'd be changing the locks. Honestly I'm getting tired of them. Forgive me, mutuals who love them.
Sandee redemption! I'll admit it: I'm trash for redemption storylines. Like, utter and complete trash. And I always liked Sandee before his villain storyline. Super hoping that that's over and done with.
Also, look at how soft Phai is for Sandee!
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He's so proud of him and so happy that they get to be friends again.
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The cuteness! All I want from the two of them for the rest of this series is sweetness and love.
There endeth the notes I took while watching this episode. I seem to recall the end of it being something to do with Thanu and Wayu, but I don't care enough to go back and check.
Overall a better episode than last week. I'm invested enough in SandeePhai and JackKoh to keep watching, but everything else is boring or annoying. Which is frustrating, because I used to be invested in MarkKit and PokTong. I hope those couples become interesting to me again.
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