#also THIS is the sphynx cat you guys are looking for
skunkes · 9 months
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do you really want to huuurt meeeee
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cripplecharacters · 5 months
Hi! This is a sort of weird question, but I’m writing a sci fi /fantasy book with two disabled main characters:
1. Cove is twelve years old and has something along the lines of Williams syndrome (possibly that, possibly Down syndrome—still deciding). He’s mildly intellectually disabled and has low muscle tone + an unspecified heart problem (which is stable but he still gets regular checkups for it). His power is turning into a giant at will. He might have PTSD for reasons that are potentially triggering, so I won’t go into details ^^’ He really likes the ocean and spicy food, and hates people staring at him or judging him
2. Lucas is sixteen and uses a wheelchair full time due to cerebral palsy. His hands tend to shake a lot too. His power is turning into a Sphynx cat. He’s a trans guy. Idk what he would like or dislike yet tbh, but I picture him dressing in black clothes a lot
My question is this—what are some ways these characters’ powers could like interact with their disabilities? So far I have that overusing his giant power could possibly put strain on Cove’s heart. and if Lucas wants to move around independently in his cat form, he’d probably need one of those animal wheelchairs for his back legs?
Also— is there anything else I need to consider while I write this story?
I’m not trying to get you to do all the brainstorming for me btw! I hope it doesn’t seem like that ^^’ I’m just looking for other people’s thoughts and input-
I think that the powers you gave them are very cool! Often with disabled superpowered characters there's the trope of always having the ability be fundamentally connected with their disability. Someone shapeshifting into a cat is awesome!
The concept of Cove's transformation putting pressure on his heart is very realistic (if you can say that about shapeshifting, lol)! Both Down and Williams Syndrome come with cardiac problems, so you won't need to change that if you decide to switch the exact disability. I'm thinking that maybe he could try to slowly turn giant, rather than instantaneously? I imagine that turning back to being normal-sized could also cause some issues. I'm unsure if that's a part of your story, but I think that having his family worry about him transforming because of his heart would be realistic as well. Wouldn't really classify it as infantilization because he's twelve, and I know that a lot of parents of children with DS are extremely cautious around the cardiovascular problems (not sure about Williams Syndrome here, but I think it would make sense as well)! You mentioned PTSD, and while I don't see anything wrong here from what you said, I would just urge you to not have some weird "PTSD flashback = turns giant and extremely violent" (violent being the key word here) kind of scene. (If you have PTSD yourself then feel free to do whatever you want of course). But I think that him becoming bigger when he feels threatened as a defense mechanism of sorts would make sense.
For Lucas, I think that the idea of shapeshifting from a wheelchair user to a wheelchair using cat goes incredibly hard. As for the ways that it could interact with his cerebral palsy: if he has issues with his arms then he would use the wheelchair a bit differently. In the kitty wheelchair the whole energy comes from the forelimbs, so if his hands shake then he would be much more wobbly as a cat than as a human. I'm not sure whether cerebral palsy in kitties is a thing, but you can look up cats with cerebellar hypoplasia. It's not the same thing but causes some similar symptoms! For example, the lack of balance that Lucas could have due to shaky limbs.
In my opinion your story sounds great! If you have any more questions with more specific details, feel free to send another ask :)
Sorry for the late answer! I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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mercur1e · 7 months
Just a silly thought i had- what if the god of war characters were adorable cats???
Okay so Kratos would be named Kittos, and he’d be a white maine coon with a scar on his eye! (deep down he’s a black cat to me though) OH AND HE’D HAVE A CRUNCHY MEOW!! You’d have to slowly earn his trust for him to feel comfortable with you petting him or getting near his baby. Otherwise he will hiss and bite. He comes and goes as he pleases.
Atreus would be Mewtreus, and he’d be a little orange tabby kitty!! He’ll always be following behind his papa💗 He has a high pitched meow that slightly deepens as he becomes a teenager.
Faye would be a pretty orange Norwegian forest cat, who Mewtreus got his looks from. Her name would be the same because I think it’s just so pretty. A soft, light meow and she’s very watchful yet playful! For an outdoor cat she’s not very dirty at all!
Freya would be a Balinese cat and Freyr would be a Balinese or Siamese cat! Their names would be Mewa and Mewer :) Mewer really loves his uh…cat grass. He cuddles nicely and has a stuffed toy boat named Skiðblaðnir that he loves very much💖
Mimir would be an Oriental shorthair because he loves to talk, and oriental shorthairs are too! Of course i’m going to name him Mewmir😂 He’d be a sweet little kitty who needs a kitty wheelchair but trust he’s always on bumpers when it’s time to fight! He loves pets and will meow until you give him what he wants.
Sindri would be a Sphynx cat but has patches of hair, and Brok would too but he’d be bald(totally NOT because Brok is a skirted egg) They have skippty pap sessions sometimes but they’ll put aside their differences quickly. Sindri loves his personal space, but Brok also loves Sindri’s personal space.
Thor would be an orange persian cat who is fiercely protective of his last daughter, Mewed. (I’m not very creative with the names I know) He will hiss and swat at anyone that gets too close to his baby except for Sif. Has a deep meow and beautiful coat.
Baldur is an Abyssinian and only lets those close to to him pet him, and does not like his mother. He is an outdoor cat that will only come back every blue moon. Kittdur loves to hunt, and would bring back dead prey to as presents.
Sif would be named Sniff and is a Siberian Forest cat! She won’t meow much, but when she does it’s very adorable.
Odin would also be an either an Oriental shorthair because he also talks A LOT !! If not an oriental cat, he’d be a Cornish Rex. Meowdin would be one of those cats that steps on your face in the middle of your night.
Angrboda would be an adorable Calico Kitty!!!! Meowgrboda is her name🫶🏽 She and Mewtreus will cuddle on occasion. She’s the kind of kitty who will stay in your arms all night and snuggle you! She loved to be picked up and enjoys challenging toys. She’s an adorable indoor cat who loves her toys!
Heimdall would be named Hissdall and is a Turkish Van who hisses at everyone except his owner. Will swat at other cats and enjoys his solitude. He tried to bite Mewtreus one time and Kittos didn’t take kindly to that.
Týr would be a brown oriental shorthair, is surprisingly very quiet for his breed but sweet as can be! Will circle around your legs for pets! Has the trademark honk meow and it’s a true treat to hear it.
Do you guys know that one cat meme and it’s just like cuddled nicely vs. bit my ass? Yeah that’s Mewer and Hissdall.
This was fun to write!! I’d would like to write about the Valkyries as cats next, would anyone be interested in seeing that? Please let me know if you are! :)
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natasha-in-space · 9 months
Thinking of JaeheeMC where MC wants a cat (shes a cat lover) but esp a sphynx cat cuz she doesnt want jaehee to clean cat fur again and stress her out. The sphynx cat also eventually makes jaehee his favourite person (yeah its a boy bald kitty) and acts territorial with her by hissing at mc whenever she comes close to jaehee esp when he is making biscuits on jaehee.
"...You know, when I said I wanted you two to get along, this is not what I had in mind."
Your words come out as a comical mix of a needy whine and a hushed grumble.
Your approach to adopting your first pet together was as responsible as it could be. Jaehee was an exceptional partner who was always willing to listen to your suggestions and even sacrifice some of her own comfort just to make you happy. Of course, you didn't want to hear any of that. Moving in together meant creating a shared home that is cozy and comfortable for you both, in equal measure! Treating her wants and needs with equal consideration to your own was not a possibility, but a necessity. That's how you viewed it, anyways. You two were now a team, after all.
You came across Beans by chance. With you scrolling through your news feed on one cold winter evening, you noticed a cute little post about a sphinx kitty in need of a loving home. Needless to say, you have fallen in love with those huge doe eyes of his right then and there. And since Beans would not bring any unneeded fur into your household, you didn't have any reservations about showing him to your lovely Jaehee!
Maybe she just saw the sparkle in your eyes, or maybe she genuinely took a liking to him, but either way, she agreed for you two to come and see him for yourselves.
While she was visibly a bit reluctant at first (babysitting Elizabeth the 3rd made her naturally weary of cats), once you two have met Beans in person, she seemed to gradually mellow out towards him. Especially when he gave her a sweet purr when he nudged her hand. Honestly, you were unsure which made your heart pound more: the adorable cat you wanted to grab and take home immediately, or the softest smile on your girlfriend's face.
Beans was certain to become your new family member, no matter what.
You didn't anticipate him becoming your rival for Jaehee's attention, however. To your disappointment.
Observing Beans carefully knead your partner's lap while purring so loudly that even you could hear it, you pout. Even though the musical has been going for almost an hour, he refuses to give up his spot! That doe eyed rascal.
"...Are you jealous?"
Jaehee's laughter is so sweet that you wish you could pull her close to your chest and nuzzle her hair. The reason you can't is because a particularly clingy cat has already beaten you to it. Which is just even more frustrating.
"-Well, maybe I wanna cuddle up to you on your lap as well!" you declare loudly, sending Beans an annoyed glance, and he responds with a smug slow blink that made you want to scream. The little guy had no regrets about what he was doing and was fully aware of it!
As you huff and cross your arms over your chest in defiance, your pout is becoming more and more evident.
That doesn't imply that you didn't love Beans with all your heart, of course.
"You do remember that he's just a cat, right?" Jaehee lightly boops you with the tip of her finger, causing your nose to scrunch up a bit, "There's nothing to be making a fuss about."
You two were too enamored with Jaehee for your own good, that's all. Which was quickly confirmed when you tried to get closer to your girlfriend, only to receive an annoyed growl from the comfortable cat. With a defeated sigh, you plop right back onto the couch, your head hanging low in surrender.
"-Well, he's a cat who's way too cunning for his own good! Look at him! He knows what he's doing!"
The little guy had no shame in his tiny and adorable body.
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fionarara · 1 year
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+ hipster ! kenma .
+ tw : one mention of a drug, cigarettes, slight cat slander, please this is a joke
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+ hipster ! kenma . owns a hairless sphynx cat, because cutesy cats with fluffy fur are for plebs + hipster ! kenma . who shows up to a kickback party at kuroo’s place and upon discovering that the fridge is only stocked full of ultra-generic basic beer brands, decides he would rather drink the warm belgium-imported craft beer which has not yet been cooled, because dude would never be caught holding a shitty bud light in hand or drinking a white claw + hipster ! kenma . “knows the DJ” when you walk into this music venue with him, but in actuality, they only had a singular random encounter on the street during one of kenma's smoke breaks from his part-time job at a local arcade bar: this DJ guy just happened to be strolling by when he casually asked kenma if he could bum a cig off of him and come in real quick just to use the bathroom
+ hipster ! kenma . says, not only is it too expensive to touch up the roots of your hair so often with bleach, but it’s also way too high maintenance, and according to hipster kenma, high-maintenance = highly manufactured, super lame. clearly, presenting with two-toned slightly unkempt hair with a heroin-chic grunge look is some sort of torch one can hold about their own authentic individuality against the status quo...and how one is too cool to give a fuck, yeah + hipster ! kenma . who only rolls his own cigarettes, being the loose tobacco aficionado he is, and uses Bali Shag brand–exclusively. shows you how to roll it just right into a small narrowed cone shape that’s precise and comfortable enough to rest between your pretty fingers, demonstrating how to twist the tip’s end of the handmade cig in the most exquisitely cool way so that when you flame it up, it'll flash with a dazzling little light show right before you take a puff and inhaaale + hipster ! kenma . shows you his entire collection of vintage 8-bit video games, his faves are the few that are most rare and special edition versions where only a handful in the world were made (500 copies worldwide to be exact) + hipster ! kenma . will often wear high quality acetate-plastic glasses with thick-rimmed frames – non-prescription. boy has 20/20 vision and, more often than not, has his bicolored strands of hair hanging over his eyes, barely able to see from his own peripheral vision, so can someone please explain why the guy has thirteen different varying-style pairs of them? + hipster ! kenma . who is, duh, a self-proclaimed male feminist. he even has a cat onesie for his hairless sphynx kitty made of organic cotton with the words 'The Future is Female' printed on it. he makes sure to put the garment on his penisy-looking cat before going out on any first date in case he happens to score that night by getting to bring the date home
+ hipster ! kenma . buys and then wears a thrifted 90s D.A.R.E. T-shirt three days in a row, but later that weekend does cocaine off the cover of a vinyl record by The Stokes at this hole-in-the-wall dive bar while attending Yamamoto’s birthday party
+ hipster ! kenma . hates every mainstream video game, yet you’ll still catch him playing Pokémon GO on the DL when he thinks no one is looking because the nostalgia can’t be beat no matter how much his little alt-heart tries, plus deep down he refuses to quit until he’s at least caught the shiny versions of Jolteon and Umbreon
+ hipster ! kenma . has a nose piercing, with a vintage sterling-silver stud that comes with a whole intricate story and history behind it that he purchased at this obscure pawn shop out in the arts district of a super hip neighborhood he heard about + hipster ! kenma . whose newest pair of skinny jeans are so tight on him, they’ve begun to chafe the delicate skin of his thighs and a small rash developed as a result (despite hinata repeatedly mentioning they were probably a bit too snug), so he takes himself in for a yearly doctor’s visit for a simple topical cream prescription fix when his physician informs him they’d detected some curious results of a lower sperm count, asking kenma if for any reason he’d been doing anything as of late that would impact his testicles…oopsie
+ hipster ! kenma . whose favorite beanie is definitely in need of a wash soon, however he can’t just go ruining the ethically-sourced organic cashmere it's made of and risk ruining this special material + hipster ! kenma . would grow a “dope stubble beard” – if only he could, but alas – (and he would use the word, alas, whenever sharing this dilemma with anyone) alas, he—cannot. “...damn my damned genetics...”
+ hipster ! kenma . has not been to see or support a nekoma game as an alumni ever since he seriously started working (–biking to work, by the way, because ‘excess fossil fuels are whack’) in the tech world at this startup company of some trendy new game app…since being associated with any jock conduct anymore is the antithesis of his counter-culture lifestyle now
+ hipster ! kenma . believes heavily in the issue of gentrification in the new neighborhood he just relocated to, without realizing he is part of the problem + hipster ! kenma. has a snide opinion about eeeeverything …
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 + hipster ! kenma . part 2 . ⇢ + link2masterlist . ⇢
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cherry-dr0p · 7 months
Drawing characters (my favourites) as cats: Pt. 1
Nosfer-cat-u???? Real??
Note: All of these are my personal headcanons... Gonna write some kitty headcanons under too because I am silly like that and cringe culture is dead :3
1. Kitty (Herr) Knock!
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Here is kitty Knock headcanons!
I'd imagine him to be an orange ragdoll cat!! Orange cats are generally known from what I've seen for being peculiar little guys, so I thought that would fit Knock very nicely for being out of the ordinary and silly. I honestly chose the ragdoll because of the fluffy appearance of their fur but reading into it, they can be affectionate and friendly too. And they love belly rubs. Perhaps he is a friendly cat who originally wanted attention and love for people but after being shunned for being abnormal, he gave up.
Ragdolls are intelligent too, whilst orange cats are known for the opposite. I reckon that Knock seems unintelligent with some of the things he does (getting stuck in high places, running into things etc.) But he is actually quite a smart cat in reality.
He's definitely a stray cat who was abandoned at some point on the streets and had to survive on his own until finding Orlok </3 Poor guy
He likes smaller animals, especially rats. The ones cats are meant to kill, Knock does not. He refuses to.
He is quite an old kitty (hence the gray fur parts), but he's still full of life!
He's also extra mischievous. I reckon >:3
Hes very dirty, his furr is matted and he also has fleas because he hasnt been groomed :(
What did this poor cat do to have the whole town after him </3 /j
Kitty (Count) Orlok
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Note: For kitty Orlok, I wanted him to have light gray skin but it was too late when I realised the gray was way darker than I wanted it to be :( I have new pens coming in a few days so I can redo Orlok
But anyways, kitty Orlok headcanons;
But yeah, I think Orlok to be a Sphynx cat. Ive heard others talk about how unappealing and somewhat creepy Sphynx cats look (honestly, how dare they >:[) and I think it's sorta the way a supernatural vampire like a creature would be viewed. Despite all this, Sphynx cats for their loyal and intelligent, which I imagine could be overlooked when seeing kitty Orlok. (You can probably guess who he's loyal to)
I also intentionally made him extra spooky looking too. He has lifeless white eyes and sharp claws, with lots of wrinkles and a tall, lanky stature to catch the creepy aura. I also imagine he can make himself look taller willingly in order to look extra terrifying when he needs or wants to be feared.
Kinda messed it up a little too but dark purple collar. I didnt know what to put for the little tag so diamond shape because hes extra fancy like that.
Hes always been a stray cat, getting used to being alone since he was a mere kitten. He doesn't really get visitors often so imagine his surprise when a peculiar occurance is present and a specific orange cat finds and befriends him.
Despite Sphynx cats having an affectionate nature, Orlok isn't really the most affectionate cat at all. He can be quite violent, which pulls most people away in itself.
Kitty Ellen (Hutter)!
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Last but not least, Kitty Ellen headcanons!
I honestly dont know why I chose the Scottish fold. Just saw some photos and for some reason went "Fuck yeah, Ellen!!"
Unlike the other two, Id imagine Ellen to actually have a pet owner who possibly has both Thomas and Ellen living in the house.
No doubt she'd be spoiled to death, with a fancy pretty collar and a fancy little tag to go with it.
She likes watching birds outside the window because I said so >:]
Even though she has the chance to go outside like Id imagine Thomas to do, Ellen actually feels more comfortable just lounging around in the house and just doing cat things. Sure she will explore outside sometimes but she doesn't bother with it too much.
Shes a friendly affectionate cat who likes attention sometimes.
Yeah I dont have as many headcanons for Ellen as I do the other two surprising
And that's all I have for my Nosferatu cat AU. This is so dumb but I love it and it gave me the excuse to practice drawing different types of kitties! Im not sure for this how accurate everything is but Aaahhh
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palettepainter · 1 year
Weirdos in love
I’ve got Lew Zealand x Crazy Harry brainrot so have some small headcannons while I’m cutting stencils at work:
-Harry sleeps unnaturally still…to the point sometimes people panic and assume he might be dead. It doesn’t help that Harry naturally has a very pale completion which often has people mistaking him for being unwell when they first meet him. Harry is also not apposed to collapsing asleep at a desk or table. When Lew catches Harry asleep and unmoving he’ll place a written note by his head saying “Not dead, sleeping”
-Lew Zealand is trans I don’t make the rules guys 
-Harry loves taking apart random appliances to tinker with them and see how they work. More then once Lew has returned him to find Harry taking apart the toaster 
-They live in a small house together near a lake where Lew likes to go fishing. The house has an old basement Harry hides in to do all his explosive related work, while Lew practises his boomerang skills in the garden 
-Lew likes to go fishing, it’s a hobby he picked up in his teens but his family have always had a knack for fishing. He’s always been a more catch and release type of person though, he’s fine with eating fish based dishes but he doesn’t have the guts to kill a fish himself 
-Lew loves swimming and he used to compete in competitions at his school. He is very aerodynamic in the water and basically considers it a second home with how comfortable he is in the water. Harry on the other hand cannot swim to save his life, he never learnt, ontop of hating how cold water feels on his skin and the feeling of weightless ness Harry avoids large bodies of water at all times 
-Harry and Lew aren’t as smart as Bunsen and Beaker, but they’re not as oblivious as most people think. Lew has always loved and been passionate about sea life, he has a fondness for tropical fish and other species that often look peculiar or silly, like puffer fish.
Harry is also smart. He was the smartest kid in his science class and left with high grades…But he also knows a lot of bizarre weird facts no normal person would think about: like how to make a pipe bomb out of an air fryer, or how quickly acid can burn through metal, or how to pick locks without leaving evidence, how to hot wire a car, how to escape a country in a day (I’m not saying Harry has a past of criminal offences and may have gotten in trouble with police and has a past wrapped in mystery but I am saying it’s a possibility) 
-Harry loves knitted cardigans and sweaters, though he leans more towards cardigans. Maybe he could have grown up somewhere cold and far away from any big city? Hence why he can sometimes be a bit out of the loop with social ques and norms. All of his cardigans are well kept, but they all stink of smoke 
-Lew can’t cook to save his life and Harry only knows how to use a microwave and air fryer, so they often don’t eat the most healthy foods. Mac and Cheese is Harry’s favourite while Lew isn’t fussy and tends to eat whatever Harry does. Chef - as a culinary master - is personally offended at their poor diets and on more then one occasion has cooked meals for them (Lew and Harry are very enthusiastic about Chef’s meals, but his irritation about their poor eating habits fly right over their heads)
-They adopted, aka Harry found and brought home, sphynx cat named Newton. They thought they where a boy but it was only after they’d had the cat for a month did they realise it was a girl. Newton is Lew’s and Harry’s adopted hairless baby and they love love LOVE her. Harry in particular is very fond of their little wrinkly four legged child. If it wasn’t for Lew Harry would have adopted a whole army of hairless cats (he knits Newton sweaters in his free time)
-Harry has a bizarre ability of just…appearing out of no where. You’ll walk round a corner and Harry will unexpectedly be there, unblinking, staring at you 
-Lew and Harry are close with the band, and Harry in particular is good friends with Animal - mostly because the two balance out each other’s craziness. Newton also loves Animal and likes to curl up on his drum stool or lick at his mess of hair. The other band members are sometimes caught off guard by Harry and his ability to appear out of no where, except for Floyd 
-Lew is a big summer guy, while Harry hates the heat. Lew is all about summer fun! Swimming in the sea, sandcastles, ice cream, volley ball on the beach, fishing, kayaking, the whole show! Meanwhile, Harry is huddled under an umbrella at the far end of the beach the furthest away from the sea 
-Harry is the best person for scary stories because he doesn’t hold back, something which Lew learnt the hard way and paid the price for by not sleeping well for the next five days. 
-Lew and Camilla are surprisingly very close, they bond over the fact of them both having crazy, bizarre husbands who they adore dearly. Camilla sometimes asks Lew to “eggsit” for her when she and Gonzo go out for the evening. Harry doesn’t understand why they need to babysit…eggs of all things, but he knits Lew egg cozies for them 
-For some reason I can picture Lew as being Italian, or at least he has strong family ties in Italy 
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foreverrandomwritings · 4 months
Season 3 Episode 13: Riddle of the Sphynx.
That woman having hay fever and hitting a hay truck is so funny.
Mateo finding the foot😂
Carlos being so unbelievably supportive of TK is amazeballs. Carlos in his little readers is adorable, also him doing research on TK’s addiction and relapsing and what not. Then Carlos getting jealous over Cooper and TK not really realizing that.
Tommy and Blanca omg. BLANCA for life lol.
Oh Carlos my baby.
Mateo being allergic to cats😂
Yay for Tommy!
What the fuck are you doing TK. Carlos doesn’t deserve this.
Judd: Awe poor little guy he’s sick isn’t he😓
Owen: No not sick he’s supposed to look like that.
Judd said a daddy thing😭😭
Oh Tommy.
Carlos is honestly so valid for the way he feels. He wants all of TK and TK isn’t willing to give him all of him. Carlos is someone that likes control and to help and TK isn’t letting him.
Owen just told Catherine she has daddy issues.
Carlos really did a background check on Copper lol.
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autistickyouka · 1 year
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sigh. bsd warriors au (rough height lineup + some notes under the cut)
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loosely based off of canon builds of course. with some improv where i Do Not See canon height (ie kouyou) or just couldn't remember and didn't want to look it up
before i go into specific designs: yes i know pinning down specific breeds in a warriors setting is kind of useless, but i like having the point of reference so /shrug. also i mostly don't have names in mind but i have noted ideas where i feel strongly about them
atsushi (prefix tiger. obviously) mostly pulls from toygers -- i was going to make him a lynx point, then i found out these guys exist.
dazai's white markings are mostly meant to mirror his bandages. and yes he is a mackerel tabby. no further comment
kyouka (prefix dusk or blossom/bloom? i guess you could combine those into duskblossom/duskbloom as well)'s marking is similarly for her phone. it's heart-shaped because i just always like that in designs/actual cats.
kunikida -- as well as mori and hirotsu, though the latter is longhaired -- mostly pulls from siamese and oriental shorthairs.
ranpo is a classic tabby. as you might be able to tell i do not um. fully know how to color that yet
was waffling between burmese and spotted tabby for yosano for a while; the only deciding factor was that i didn't want to color another tabby. silver lining was that i accidentally made her face markings kind of resemble a butterfly in attempting to stylize.
i was yukking it up about pretending to forget tanizaki and just doing him later for so long that i actually forgot kenji (prefix sun) until i had started on sketches. sorry. anyway he's meant to be some sort of british shorthair/norwegian forest cat mix because british shorthairs are so friend-shaped but i also liked the idea of him being fluffy and eventually giant
tanizaki's ears are based off of american curls', i wanted to do something distinguishing and the curls are cute -- and not inherently linked with major health detriments like scottish folds.
fukuzawa (prefix wolf) is a maine coon. they tend to look so stern and regal, especially with neck ruffs.
the akutagawa siblings (i like them having kind of matching prefixes like raven and crow but shadowstrike/something similar also seems fitting for either) are partially based on singapuras because of their huge eyes. their white markings are respectively for akutagawa's cravat & hair streaks and gin's mask & choker.
chuuya (prefix fox, foxflight?) is a somali mix. ft maine coon-style ear tufts solely because they're cool. also every time i look at his placement on the size chart i laugh a little. sorry king
kouyou (prefix cherry, cherryshade? cherryblaze? cherrystorm?) is a flame/red point balinese.
higuchi is just a generic shorthaired tabby. i thought about making her a dilute calico/tortie but decided against it for similar reasons to yosano.
tachihara is a tortoiseshell because i like torties and i thought it would nicely represent both his conflicted alliances and natural/dyed hair colors. also yes xy tortoiseshells/calicos are super rare if not nonexistent but if you don't think i already handle almost everyone as trans by default that's on you.
i don't have any genuine reasoning for kajii (prefix lemon) being a sphynx i just thought it would be funny.
q is meant to be a chimera! it helps represent their hair and eyes, and it seems fitting for them to have absorbed a twin or something lmao.
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
I've always wanted a pet cat but my parents don't like cats and I already have two (very lazy but still lovable) dogs. Maybe one day I'll get to have a cat :[ Back to the topic! As I was saying, the designs are adorable and I'm so glad you made Moon a sphynx cat. Those guys deserve more love! Yes, they look like uncooked chicken but they're still adorable and cute :P
AREN'T THEY?!! The designs belong to @emocatkeith actually :) (who is super goddamned talented and wonderful like holy hell) so not sure if it submitted correctly?? Me adding tags might've fucked it up
I hope you get a cat someday! If you introduce them slowly and safely (there are plenty of guides online; never just plop em in the same room), you can totally introduce a cat into a household with dogs (also I hope your parents change their mind, oftentimes people don't like cats simply because they haven't had some experience with them. The Kitten Lady on youtube has lots of super informative and useful vids on the subject fyi)
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Sooo, I did an aesthetic thingie for Niki cause it looked super fun and cool and helpful. XS Let's see... sooo I think she can kinna be summed up as cute, go with the flow, and kind of calming? I would say Fall works as a good season for her cause it's when people can kinna relax and it feels like a go wit the flow, down to earth kinna season you know? She's also kind of curious and playful around the ones she loves and her friends so the Sphynx cat works for that I think.
Cotton is soft and fluffy like her once she gets to know you and trusts you enough to just be herself around you. Anndd that hairclip is a gift from Hermes. Granted it probably didn't look like that but I couldn't find one that could be custom made. The one Artemis gifts her is custom made with the night sky and stars as it's theme. *nod nods*
Btw, if you guys wanna do this cool aesthetic template you gotta go and message @starrysnowdrop for the blank template. ALSO if you do y'all should TOTALLY follow her. Hali and Aymeric are adorable together, just sayin.
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Random fun question time!! If you were to give each Amis a pet, what animal would you give them and why?
ooooh EXCELLENT question, here's my answers. Some are die hard headcanons I have and others I just thought of, but all of them are right because I say so
Enjolras- Cat. He's a cat person 100%. He likes them because they're independent and self-sufficient, which is probably a quality he appreciates in people too. But also....they're soft. Lil paws. Slow blink. Also I feel like he had a cat when he was a kid, like a big fancy Persian or something. When he's an adult he adopts from a shelter.
Combeferre- African 👏 Grey 👏 Parrot 👏 Combeferre thinks people don't talk enough about the fact that parrots can literally speak. They fascinate him. So he has an African Grey and he teaches it tricks and phrases and speaks to it like it's human and it's the smartest bird you'll ever meet in your life. Also he taught it to mimic Courfeyrac, its impression is uncanny.
Courfeyrac- oooh he needs a big bouncy dog with as much energy as he has- a Labrador or a Collie or something. He loves big goofy dogs with big smiling grins, and he loves how every time he comes home his doggo is waiting there and is always so excited to see him again, it warms his heart. And he likes to go on jogs with it too.
Jehan- Is Jehan a dog person? No. Is Jehan a cat person? No. Jehan is a lizard person. They have an iguana and they like to put a lead on it and take it on the metro with them lmao. They actually like the amount of work that goes into caring for them, from cleaning the enclosure to the heat lamps to the live bugs they have to feed it. Plus it looks really cool.
Bahorel- everyone knows about my "Bahorel has a Newfoundland dog called Nemo" headcanon by now, it is an absolute classic. Bahorel loves big dogs because they look kind of fearsome and scary but most of the time they are gentle giants, and Bahorel can relate to that. Nemo in particular is the biggest ball of fluff and drool you will ever meet <3
Feuilly- Feuilly likes fish. He has a tank with a few goldfish, because they're low maintenance and nice to look at, but if he had more time he would love to get a tank full of tropical fish, he just thinks they're gorgeous and there's something very serene about watching them glide around the tank
Joly- Cat person Joly is canon so there's that for starters. He likes the easy affection and chilled out personality of cats, and plus he just thinks they're funny. He has lots of photos and videos of his cat doing dumb shit, and hundreds more photos of it just existing because.,,,.,,, so cute. Any time he speaks to anyone he's like Hello Would You Like To See My Son and then boom. Five hundred cat photos. He has a sphynx cat and likes to joke that it reminds him of Bossuet (he thinks he's hilarious- and he's right).
Bossuet- Pet rock because it's the only thing he can keep alive lmao. Ok not really. He likes cats because of osmosis from Joly (he does not look like Joly's cat- He doesn't), but I can also see him with gerbils or hamsters or something similar? I have no real reason for this he just has hamster vibes honestly
Grantaire- Dog guy. Not a purebread, a mixed breed. I feel like he likes dogs that aren't hugely energetic, but he likes the way having a dog forces him to get out of his bed and go for a walk at least once a day. He likes how loyal they are too. I feel like he didn't even try to adopt a dog, one just wandered into his house one day after him and a week later it was still there and he was like "huh. Guess I have a dog now?"
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wooahaes · 2 years
oooo cat owner!junkyu and vet!reader??? like junkyu just keeps on coming to the clinic by pretending that his cat is sick??? idk><
is this where i confess that i love both aengdu and ruby w my entire heart. i can get why ppl don't like sphynx cats but i love them SO much <3 theyre so wrinkly hehe
so ur doing ur vet internship for a month at this place in order to get some hands-on experience. by coincidence, junkyu is bringing aengdu in to get her rabies shot bc she's due for it, and he immediately kinda starts crushing bc oh no? ur cute? also the first time he saw you, you were bringing someone's dog back to them and you gave the pup a treat and it was rly cute :( u care so much like he's :(( ur so cute :(( someone help him
(it doesn't help tht junkyu calls aengdu noona in front of you and ur also a lil flustered bc thats literally so cute ??? insert real footage of me learning tht he calls his cats noona and crying bc thats adorable)
insert junkyu checking his bank account when he goes home tht day like. how many times can i get away with bringing the girls in.
the next day, he comes back with ruby. you bring him back into the examination room to do her routine exam, casually asking him questions without noticing how flustered he's getting. the vet supervising you Knows that hes crushing and its glaringly obvious because of how he kinda tries to talk to u a bit more, asking how u got into this and why u chose to become a vet etc etc
he goes to ask for your number bc he doesnt want to waste too much of ur time + his money on vet visits, but you go to help another person bring their pet back and he loses the chance. he stands around for a moment in hopes of maybe asking someone to pass his number onto you, but then the guy behind the desk is like :/ are you done and hes like YEP BYE and leaves. he looks at ruby in her carrier and is like. im a coward.
two days later he comes back with aengdu again and he's thankful that ur the one whos there again. the vet with u is still like. oh my god just ask them out instead of wasting time and money Please. you ask if this is the first time he's owned cats and junkyu says yes and lies and says he adopted them from a friend so hes just kinda nervous. when you walk him back out, you give him your number in case he ever has any questions so that he doesn't have to keep coming back up here.
(and then he texts you and you admit you lied because you thought he was cute and ask if hes free. the cheer he lets out scares both aengdu and ruby off of his bed. he later confesses to you that they're his family's cats, he's just home right now so he brought them to the vet, and you just kinda tease him over not giving you his number sooner)
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j1mmyr · 2 years
Oop I seem to have gained some new people! Sorry I’ve not been too active lately XD
UH…a small “get to know me” though I guess!
- My IRL name is Jonny so you may see close people using it but my online name/art name/alter ego is Jimmy sometimes stylized as J!MMY and it comes from a long story inside joke! Sometimes I tack on my last initial (R) depending on the situation
- I’m a guy, my pronouns are he/him/his!
- I’m trans and have been out since 2013! I’m 5-6 years on T (I honestly forget the exact year off the top of my head) and am almost two years post-op! I don’t label myself as a “trans guy” exactly though and usually just say “guy” because frankly trans or cis doesn’t matter because I AM A GUY lol
- I’m an artist first and foremost and draw…well, kink and nsfw mostly XD I have an original comic about two fat BDSM gimps in a cyberpunk world that fall in love…sort of :U It’s complicated. They’re names are Scream and Candy and they’re my main OCs. You can see more of them and my art at my art blog @electropuz or send them asks at @spandexspaceman though that blog isn’t exactly ready yet!
- Other hobbies include writing, RPing, and cosplaying! And sometimes making said cosplay though my skills aren’t great so I usually end up buying cheap cosplay and fixing it up lmao. I also like gaming sometimes and wanna stream myself playing them or do “let’s plays” as a side thing for fun!
- Possible trigger warnings! I am mostly “spiritual” but openly identify as an atheistic Satanist! I also am a heavy drinker and a stoner so it’s hard for me to always tag things like drugs and alcohol! I’m also pro-kink BUT within limits!! I DO NOT support pedophila, incest, and other such things! Just keep all this in mind before following and minors DO NOT INTERACT at all! Btw if you’re a minor and I interact with you first out of accident first just tell me and I will quit right away!
- Otherwise I have three (technically five…long story) awesome cats that I love very much and put before all else! They’re names are Cirice (black, female, we pronounce it Cirrus due to a Ghost video we watched early in the fandom years ago), Dewdrop (cream/light orange, male, named after the unofficial name for Ghost’s lead guitarist), and Mochi (sphynx/hairless, male, named because he looks like he has rice ball skin lmao). The other two cats mentioned are cats I had when I lived with my grandpa and had to leave behind when I moved out! I still visit them frequently and make sure they’re well cared for though! They’re names are Wade (fluffy gray and white, male, named after Deadpool because he’s my hero) and Bruce (white, male, named after Batman to match Wade being Deadpool). All are spayed/neutered and three are shelter rescues!
- My personal triggers are cat deaths, harm, etc. so please tag them if we become mutuals! It’s not that other forms of animal death/abuse aren’t important (they bother me too), they’re just not a full blown trigger. Cats specifically send me into episodes of severe anxiety and depression
- My “just talking” tag is “the rest is all bullshit” so feel free to blacklist that if you’re just here for cats or memes or something!
ANYTHING ELSE?? I guess just ask me! I love to talk and my favorite things are currently the band Ghost, Walt Disney World, Ghostface (both Scream and DBD), and talking about my OCs! Also aside from Ghost my big fandoms are OFF, TF2, Rick and Morty, and MHA! There’s also a handful of nostalgic fandoms (like Homestuck) and various characters I adore, it’s just hard to list them all right now XD
OKAY I THINK THAT’S FINALLY IT!! Welcome to my blog!
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actualbird · 2 years
observations on the boys' personal story 3s part 1: vyn, luke, and opposite methods resulting in a similar consequence
[obligatory disclaimer that these r just my own thoughts and interpretations. spoilers for perso story 3 and some cards here and there too]
so ive been percolating thoughts in my brain bout the perso story 3s and it's fascinating to me how some of the boys' stories are acting as two sides of a similar coin or linking directly with similarities despite being so so different at first glance. currently, im still not done with marius' but ive already put together some thoughts about vyn and luke, so i'll go thru this first:
vyn and luke are doing opposite "methods" irt how theyre treating mc. ive seen a few other people talk about this and YES, THANK GOD because this was the first thing i picked up on after finishing vyn and luke's personal story 3s.
vyn wants to expose mc to the darkness of the world, and luke (albeit indirectly and not much a focus in his personal story but still apparent in like, literally everything else hes ever done) wants to shield and protect mc from the darkness of the world.
but while these seem to be opposites, theres a p clear link still between what theyre doing
vyn richter: controlled exposure
vyn's rationale for his exposure is clearly explained in the flashback of the very last bit of his perso story 3, in his monolog about eagles teaching their young how to fly.
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(pictured: vyn making the knife cat expression. oh and also the metaphor)
and like, while this is a KINDA INTENSE WAY TO WORD IT, LOL (part of me thinks that this was vyn tryna one up cap morgan in this scene by wholly unsettling him. TACTICS!) this completely tracks. like, Yeah, experience leads to growth and in a world as complex and fucked up as the world is, exposure to the ugly and scary and whatnot helps one learn and become stronger.
however, i think it's key to note the context of the eagle monolog. this whole bit happens cuz captain "third wheel" morgan criticizes not just vyn's choice to allow mc to talk with uhhhh whatshisname, the PUA poet guy who looks like nearly every dude i saw in the fine arts department of my college. morgan also criticizes vyn's choice to keep mc in the dark.
morgan and vyn hatched this plan together, and for a while, mc was missing parts of the story and chunks of information. vyn wants to expose her to the evils of the world for her growth, yes, but he also does so in a controlled manner where he held more of the cards and set up more of the situations.
it's exposure but it's controlled by the strings vyn is pulling.
let me now pivot to luke.
luke pearce: controlled protection
luke's personal story 3 indirectly tackles his desire to protect mc. at this point, hes still keeping his illness a secret and also works hilariously hard keeping sphynx's true identity away from her. this is luke still protecting mc from certain darknesses (i.e. his illness, aaron who would also link to his illness)
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(pictured: luke pearce digging an even deeper hole for himself)
but outside of his perso story 3, the protection shtick is apparent as hell.
main story 5.1 and the whole NOOOO, LEAVE THE NXX TEAM, IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!! lost gold and the whole nOOO, I DONT WANT U TO SEE MY MURDER SIDE!! smaller moments here and there where luke employs a well-meaning but ultimately condescending kind of chivalry: sott and the whole TOMB EXPLORING IS DANGEROUS TOUGH WORK, LET ME DO IT. him doing 90% of the work in SR Timely Rescue and making mc feel like crud, him being overprotective in SSR Iridescent Heartbeat and making mc pissed. YOU GET MY POINT.
overprotection leads to controlling another person's actions. this is what they can and cant do, what they can and cant know, etc.
like listen, im a luke stan, and to me, this is one of his most apparent and interesting character flaws: he wants to protect so much to the point that he ends up disregarding mc's feelings and right to make her own choices.
putting things together: exposure and protection act as opposites, but both vyn and luke are controlling whats happening
looking at vyn and luke together shows that theyre not as different as theyd first seem: vyn goes the route of exposing mc to world's bad parts but it's an exposure hes still ultimately in control of. luke goes the route of protecting mc from the world's bad parts in a way that, whether intentional or not, attempts to control her actions.
both of them are doing what theyre doing out of love. they want mc safe. vyn sees her safety as something that will grow along with her skills and potential due to the exposure and while that happens, he'll play protector at the sidelines, ready to swoop in should she ever be in danger. luke sees mc's safety as something that can persist so long as he acts as a shield from all dangers, be it situations or cases or information he doesnt want her to know.
vyn and luke are employing these opposite methods out of the same motivation: love for mc
yet these opposite methods also results in a similar consequence: removing mc's agency to a certain extent.
i'd like to see this tackled as the stories progress. luke said in his perso story 3 that he doesnt wanna lie anymore, but hes....still lying a lot sdkfhsd. at least theres awareness now! baby steps!!
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meanwhile vyn's story hinted at his method maybe failing in the future, with darius' warning to him that vyn wont be able to control everything in the world, even vyn has limitations.
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at some point, the control both of them are exhibiting is gonna fall through and things will come to light
then mc will see whats been hidden from her, and from there, she the choices she makes are truly unimpeded and wholly hers.
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nothing-but-haikyuu · 3 years
Thighs That Can Kill (And Cat’s Named Tuna)
Reader: F Character: Wakatoshi Ushijima Rating: E Summary: Ushijima never considered himself having a type. He thought women were beautiful, no matter the size. He wasn’t the best at dating so any nice woman who came he way, he’d give a chance. That was how he met you, you worked at the local animal shelter and helped Ushijima adopt his first cat. Warning: Smut, PWP, Cunnilingus, Doggy Style, Multiple Positions, Cats, Floor Sex, Plus Sized Reader, Tender Sex Ask Box: Open | Check Out ThreadytoGoDesign | Join me on Patreon
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Ushijima never considered himself having a type. He thought women were beautiful, no matter the size. He wasn’t the best at dating so any nice woman who came he way, he’d give a chance. That was how he met you, you worked at the local animal shelter and helped Ushijima adopt his first cat.
You knew much more than him about taking care of a Sphynx cat, running through him the health risks that cats like those can develop, how this cat in particular (that Ushijima eventually named Tuna) was finicky about food and would take a few days to get used to the new living arrangements. Ushijima was paying attention to what you were saying, but he was also interested in the softness of your lips.
How you smiled when you brought Tuna in to meet him for the first time, you showed him how to properly pet a Sphynx cat, not being too rough because they have no hair.
 “You should also get him some clothes, not just because it’s cute but even in the winter if you have the heat on, they can get a little cold. My friend actually makes sweaters for these types of cats. I can give you their card.”
 “I’d also like your number.” He said bluntly as he held Tuna in his arms. The cat becoming comfortable in the man’s grasp.
You blushed and stammered out, “E...Excuse me?”
He blushed in response, realizing that wasn’t the best way to ask for that. He then corrected himself, “In case anything happens with him.”
 “Oh! Right!” You said, “I’ll give you my personal number just in case. I don’t live at the office.” You tried to joke but the thumping in your heart was too much.
And that was how you met. Tuna was now three years old and you and Ushijima lived together. You had only been together for two years because the first year was you two trying to figure out if you liked one another. Answer, you did.
But over the years, Ushijima found more things to love about you. From the way you laughed, to how messy you got when you ate pasta, to eventually your thighs. You weren’t a skinny girl by any merit, even though you were a bit on the ‘thick’ side, you were confident. Even when your ass didn’t fit in Japanese sized jeans and you sheepishly had to go to the nearest Levi’s.
But Ushijima loved your thighs. As he relaxed from a day training, he was drinking a protein shake, sitting on the floor in front of the couch with your thighs wrapped around his head.
He rubbed his cheek against your thigh while he took another sip. He exhaled deeply, “How was work today, I see the scratches on your arm.”
You chuckled, “Boris and Lori were at it again. They still don’t know how to ‘cat’. You joked, “But thankfully I had the tissues and disinfectant on hand for the scratches.”
Ushijima nodded and leaned into your touch as you started to play with his hair. Your fingers massaging his scalp and he relaxed against you. This was a way to unwind, maybe he was a thigh guy after all.
He closed the bottle of his shake and got on his hands and knees. And stuck his face in between your thighs. He sighed, “Then let me help you relax.” His broad hands found your thighs.
You giggled, “Toshi.” You combed your fingers through his olive hair, “I’m fine. I promise, you had the more stressful day.”
He looked up at you and shook his head, “No.” His voice was muffled by your thighs, “Come down here and let me help.” Then pulled his head again. He looked up at you and beckoned for you to get off the couch and come to his level.
You took off your shorts, looked into the kitchen to find Tuna asleep on the counter under the light over the stove. You watched him move the coffee table out of the way and lie on his back. He gestured for you to sit on his face.
You chuckled and got up from the couch. Your exposed pussy out there as you tried to walk over seductively to your boyfriend. But the strut made you laugh. He gave a small smile and reached out for you as you carefully seated yourself on his face.
Before his mouth was covered with your pussy he said, “Your throne.” Which made you laugh and place your hands over his head on the rug. Once seated, he gripped your thighs and started to lap at your sweet cunt.
 “Oh, Toshi.” You groaned. It was strange how much three years can change. You lived with your athlete of a boyfriend with the cat you helped him adopt and were planning to get another cat in the future.
You heard Tuna get off the counter and go get something to eat from his food bowl beside the microwave stand. You rubbed your cunt against Ushijima’s face and said, “I don’t think we have much time, Tuna is going to want some TLC soon.” You kept on hand planted on the floor and the other went to his hair where you yanked on it gently.
He groaned in response, his cock hard in his shorts. He held onto your thighs tightly, his nails left marks on your skin. You continued to rub your pussy against him, his tongue switching between your entrance and your clit. Trying to gage which response was better.
You continued to rock, warmth filled your body as you moved. Your boyfriend really knew how to make you feel good. He was kind of magic like that, once you taught him the basics of how to make you feel good, he took and ran with it. Bringing an immense amount of pleasure with his fingers, tongue, cock and even the toys you’ve collected over the years. He thought of your vibrator as an ally, not an enemy. He was a generous lover like that, your pleasure was important.
Especially when you told him not a single boyfriend made you cum. Now he was a master with his tongue like in that moment as he continued to pleasure you and hold onto you. Letting your thighs kill him if necessary.
You continued to stroke his hair, giving in a good pull every so often as your cat ate in the kitchen. Once the creature was done, he toddled into the living room and rubbed himself up against you. You said, “Tuna, not right now. Mommy and daddy are playing. You’re too young to see this.”
The cat meowed and tried to get in your lap. You panicked and tried to pull him off but in the process lost your balance and Tuna leapt out of your arms as you crashed onto the floor, your ass in the air and on your knees.
Ushijima deeply inhaled before he got up, “Don’t move.” He said and put Tuna in the bedroom until you were done. The cat scratched at the door but Ushijima continued walking, promising the cat treats later. He returned and got behind you, he pulled his cock out of his shorts and quickly slipped into your wet cunt.
He started to move his hips. His hands on yours as he bounced you on his cock. He grunted and groaned, his erection too much to handle. He could make you cum anyway he chose.
 “Oh, fuck.” You groaned as you clutched onto the rug under your fingertips. You felt your knees shake as he continued to thrust inside of you. Your bodies moved together as you were brought back the pleasure you felt before Tuna decided to interrupt.
 “You feel amazing.” He grunted, “So perfect around me. Your pussy, your thighs, all of it. You could crack my neck with your thighs and I’d be a happy man.” His voice was low as he kept trying to push up his t-shirt to get it out of the way of what he was doing to you.
He continued to move back and forth against your cunt. His thrusts heavy and hot as he felt you edge closer to your orgasm. Heavy breathing mixed with the sounds Tuna still eager to get out filled the apartment.
 “We don’t have much time.” You said, “I’d hate to leave him in there long.” Your knees were starting to feel the carpet burn as Ushijima moved your back and forth slightly with each thrust.
 “I know, I know.” He grunted, “You feel amazing.”
Your bodies moved together as orgasm approached. The warmth in your body was multiplied by the feeling of pleasure as Ushijima made sure you felt as good as you could.
 “I love you.” He said.
 “I love you too.” You gasped as you felt on the knife’s edge of orgasm. Then Ushijima hit your sweet spot and you came on his cock with a loud moan and an arch of your back.
Ushijima pushed against you, moving quickly to finish off himself. But that only led to you having a second orgasm soon after. Over stimulated from the events from earlier. Your tightness around his cock made it impossible to keep his composure long and he soon finished inside of you.
 “Fuck.” He grunted as he finished. Then he soon pulled out and tucked himself into his shorts. He grabbed the tissues off of the coffee table and wiped the cum off your pussy lips before he gave you a kiss on the back of your thigh. “Beautiful.” He said.
You were at a loss for words, two orgasms still bounced in your mind. But you soon came to your senses when you heard the scratching at the bedroom door again, of Tuna wanting to get out. You soon got up and put your shorts back on, fanning yourself with the shirt on your body and with wobbly legs went over to get the cat.
But Ushijima stopped you and brought you back tot he couch, “Don’t worry.” He said, “I’ll get him.” Before he adjusted his shirt and went to go get the cat.
Soon Tuna waltzed into the room and pounced onto the couch like he didn’t just see his human parents have sex. He nuzzled up beside you, demanding head pats before he went to sleep on the leather of the couch.
Ushijima returned as well and went back to sitting on the floor in front of you. He placed your thighs around his head. Still in love with the as always. He started to drink his shake once more, as if nothing ever happened.
The two boys in your life seemed content, while you were still flushed from orgasm. But you just relaxed on the couch and combed your fingers through Ushijima’s head as the ten o’clock news started.
With a men in love with your thighs in front of you, and your mister little man to your side. A lot can change in three years but you couldn’t be happier.
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