#also adding another band name to the tags of the answer could keep the game going further if you want more
what if there were more involved music ask games that requires a bit more effort, something like reblog and put one band/artist in the tags and then your followers will look them up, learn some basic info or a couple of funfacts, listen to a couple of songs and then send you an ask(anon or not) of what they learned/listened to and their thoughts(preferably of what they LIKE about it, not to hate on it), favorite lyrics, maybe some band pictures or anything they feel like including and then they add their own band/artist name at the end for you to do the same with theirs in the answer
would anybody do this to make their beloved mutuals in different fandoms feel more seen
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jadelynlace · 3 years
When You’re Unmatched Art / Ink Drinker Modern Vikings AU Request [Ivar x F!Reader]
[you can find the reference for the tattoo Ivar did here. He thought he was being slick, but he most certainly was not. Ivar, your feelings are showing!]
catch up on the porno, I mean series, here.
requested by: @quantumlocked310 ♡ 
author’s note: thanks to this post, you’ll all be subjected to the written requests. brief mentions of smut under the cut, and love sick Ivar.
synopsis: Ivar finally figures out how to design your first tattoo.
For this to be Ivar’s passion—his mortal life’s calling—he could not, for all of the seconds in the year, figure out how to design your tattoo. There had never, in his professional life, been a client that had given him complete and utter reign. No simple idea, no nudge in a specific direction, hint of any realm no where on the forefront. You told him to design you a tattoo to take up space on your thigh. And that was it. Even after he declined, saying there must be some idea you had, you shook your head and give him control. Total, and utter control. And it was almost too good to be true.
Ivar knew he was screwed, when an entire sketchbook’s worth of pages went torn, crumpled and tossed into the garbage can with failed ideas. Even Sigurd offered no help—not that he was the artistic hand Ivar needed, he was the needle pusher and piercer. Music selector and unruly greeter. Floki only offered his normal words of wisdom, a way of not answering the question but instead making Ivar look deep within himself. “Don’t think about it much, Ivar. Just let your heart and your mind run freely together.” Great. No help. Both of them were caged in a muddled pile of muck and mud and dead leaves and Ivar couldn’t pull them out.
Through every outing the band of brothers went on, you in tow more often than not, Ivar would be at the receiving end of your questions—how he was coming along with it. You had no deadline, you understood his craft took time, but you were far too excited to see. Then came the first hook up—Ivar driving you home because you were too many martinis in, you inviting him up but he declined because it “wasn’t a good idea, princess” and you told him you “weren’t his fucking princess” and he drove around the block twice before finally knocking on your door. Weight against the frame with his temple kissing it, apologizing playfully for his nickname and you invited him in. A game of truth or dare later, Ivar asked you how drunk you were when it was his turn. And you told him you were sober enough to make decisions, clear ones, and then he dared you to kiss him. You felt like a high schooler again. When it was your turn to ask him and he had picked truth, your one question was the end of the game: 
“If I asked you to fuck me right now, would you?”
“In a god damn heart beat.”
He was more than screwed when you wouldn’t leave his mind, after you rocked his world and he used your name on his tongue to get himself off the next time his left hand was needed. And then he texted you, asking how your day was, that was it. And after a conversation, playful but real, he was over at your apartment with take out and beer and you two watched true crime and Ivar told you he had seen this one and tried to have you guess before the show told you. When you were right he said you were smart, when he silently figured out an equation in his head, how many liters to grams to degrees, or whatever the hell it was, you almost dropped your beer. He wrote it out for you to show you, a near different language across the page through algebra, and you told him he was smart. The tattoo idea clicked then. The minute Ivar realized he caught feelings, the tattoo idea became so visible he drew it in almost an hour.
There was never a nervousness with him when it came to the day of appointments, even with the most picky of his clientele, Ivar took it as it was gifted because he loved his craft too much to have these types of petty things take up hatred in his heart. But you walked through the shop, shortest of shorts on, a pair of flowing pants in your bag for the event that session went longer and nipped off into the chilling night time air, and both a coffee for yourself and a Red Bull for Ivar. He nearly wanted to throw the ink onto the floor because he was scared that once you saw the design, you’d laugh, you’d call him something pathetic and walk out, and it would be the last he’d see of you. Instead he handed you the artwork, and your eyes scanned the image for almost five minutes, mouth agape and holding it as if it were a map to the unknown, hiding gold and jewels and you asked him if you could keep the sketch. Even with it forever on your skin you nearly begged him for the original artwork, saying something about how you wanted to frame it. You’d never seen Ivar blush before, but you were sure he did when you said that.
The session wasn’t short—it was almost his full day’s work of hourly long needle dabs, buzzing and brotherly bickering between him and Sigurd. Intensive talks between you and him, explain to him the less than glamorous parts of your job, the funnier parts and the teenage humor of the men you worked with. Hvitserk’s track record for receiving the majority of patient vomit on every call and you watched Ivar laugh, smile more than you had known him too and you wondered if it was because of the machine in his gloved hand or if it was you. 
Sigurd ducked out right before lunch, picking up with the three of you had ordered and your skin received the welcome break from the on-going buzz. You were quick to kiss Ivar once, lingering lips on his to thank him and he looked shocked for a moment, worrisome that his brother would see before he tossed the fear aside, shoving his tongue down your throat. When it was all said and done, dawned with the artwork on your flesh you couldn’t stop the smile. Neither could Ivar. He’d promised the sketch after he photocopied it for his portfolio and you went home with the sore leg but a full heart. He showed up late, just shy of midnight after cleaning up the day’s worth of work, buying a frame and bringing dinner for the two of you to eat. You couldn’t keep your eyes off of it, even in its red and swollen, tender state, you loved this tattoo, and Ivar took his time treating it for you. Even after his head spent time between your thighs, one hand plastered on the bare skin and the other holding yours. Even after you rode him, artwork in his line of sight and it made him finish quickly; watching the piece on your skin, your palms on his chest as he moved your hips for you. Your head tossed back as you moaned his name when you came, the heavenly sight and you were forever marked with his skill. The after care from the sex went beyond the closeness, holding you as the television played in the background; he spread the lotion over it, his entire hand nearly able to cup your thigh as he made sure to leave no line un-slathered.
“You know I’m going to want another one before this one even heals,” You said to him, craning your neck up to look at him.
“Yeah?” Ivar asked, his hand in your hair. “Where do you think you want your next one to go?”
“On my arm, so I can see it all the time,” You replied, leaning up to kiss the corner of his mouth. “Who knows, maybe I’ll just cover myself like you do,” You giggled.
“You’re perfect already,” Ivar said through a yawn, his eyes closing, head drooping against yours. “You tell me where you want ‘em, and I’ll do it—but you’re perfect already,”
Ink Drinker Tags:
@smileysam13579 @dreamtherapy @heisentwerk  @angelofthenightposts @ill-skillsgard @youaremyfamiliar @unbetaedimagines @kathryn-jane @readsalot73 @skrsgardspam @lihikainanea @queen-sarang  @anastasiaskarsgard @andmyannabellee @walkxthexmoon  @flowers-in-your-hayr @peachyboneless @heavenly1927 @istorkyou @victoria-styles @quantumlocked310 @xbellaxcarolinax @mighty-ragnarssons @alexhandersen-marcoilsoe-fandom @queen-of-upshur @nanahachikyuu @fandomlifeandeverythingelse @ivarhoegh @a5hl3y5ibley @apenas-mais-uma-pessoa  @youbloodymadgenius @love-all-things-writing @theanxietyqueen17 @trip2themoon @tgrrose @synnersaint
*please message me to let me know if you would like to be added or removed from my tag list. specifications for series/ones-shots/blurbs/etc. are also welcomed, as well as feedback.*
full masterlist can be found here.
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najatheangel · 3 years
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a/n: apart of the Stray Kids Summer Collab hosted by @bangchan-fairy. My 2nd story for this collab so please show love and tell me what you think. This collab was so fun to participate in have a great summer everyone. genre: fluff, drama and angst. (Warning: Mentions of car accident and death.) pairing: bangchan x reader (ft. Felix, Changbin, and Lee Know.) word count: 2.2k summary: After years of making music at a young age, stray kids were facing their last night on the tour which ended in tragedy. They were involved in a horrible bus accident leading them to pass away, but only four survived. Months after the incident Bangchan, Felix, Lee Know, and Changbin lost their passion for music and performing as a band. The boys want to reunite and make music again, but they can’t accomplish that without another lead singer which is you.
taglist: @soleilsuhh @melonmochimoon @purplepsycho03 @kpopsnowball @neptunehobi @dundun-baby (Send me a message if you want to be added or removed from the tag list.)
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Bangchan’s Pov: 05/23/21.
The day of the audition and the day I’ve found myself loving music again. I hate that we have to start all over again. Ever since that night after our world tour with the boys, we lost everything including our four friends Jeongin, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Han. I have nightmares every day about that night thinking if I could’ve done anything different or prevented any of my friends from getting hurt, but the devil cursed us with this tragic fate.
I remember we were going to celebrate years of hard work by going to our favorite ramen shop. We played over 30 states and 20 countries all across the globe. We even collaborated with big-name artists like The Weekend, Machine Gun Kelly, Drake, etc…
Our journey was just beginning but quickly came to an end when our tour bus crashed and rolled down the hill away from the expressway. We all almost died together that night, but only me, Changbin, Felix, and Lee Know survived. Lee Know suffered the most injuries out of the four of us when he couldn’t play the guitar for a whole year.
Felix had to be on crutches for a few months, Changbin wasn’t as happy as he normally was; he went completely dark and would never show his soft side to any. As for me, I suffered from severe PTSD after the accident.
We all had to go to therapy, but with me being the leader and having to handle the funeral arrangements with my manager, my depression and stress became much worse.
Our company wanted to force us to continue to perform with just the four of us, but we decided to take a hiatus before thinking about performing again.
That’s how we ended up here after 3 years of pain, grieving the death of my friends and reuniting with my old bandmates to search for a new lead singer.
Reader’s POV: 05/23/21
I was Stray Kids biggest fan ever since their debut. Every year, I’ve attended their concerts on my birthday and meet backstage with them thanking them for making music that changed my life. When I heard what happened the night after the tour just like everyone else in the world I cried about it and more than ever I want to take away their pain to turn it into something positive.
I’ve decided to do the unthinkable and audition for stray kid’s next lead singer.
They’ll only pick one out of 5,000 people and the winner gets to make a summer album with Stray Kids. This is my last chance to achieve my dream and give back to the boys for what their music has done for me.
“Number 201! You're up, please get ready to perform on stage.” As the crew backstage called out my number I was shaking in my boots, but I knew that I had to rock that stage. As I grabbed my guitar and walked on stage, I saw four of the amazingly talented men in front of me. After hours of hearing people perform all day, their faces still looked very bored and over this whole audition, but little did they know I had a surprise up their sleeve.
“Hello, I’m number 201. My name is y/n, I’m 22 years old. I’m born and raised in California and the song that I will be singing tonight is an original piece. This one’s for you guys.” As I spoke my last bit of words before performing the boys finally looked up and their eyes glow as I started to play my guitar.
Bangchan’s Pov: I was completely thrown off guard when I saw number 201 perform. I couldn’t describe what I was feeling at that exact moment, but her voice was pulling me into another planet. Her song almost moved me to tears it was like she was speaking to all four of us and was understanding how we felt at that exact moment. The lyrics that stood out to me the most were “No matter how tough life may get, it’s best to keep your head high otherwise it’s all downhill.” She’s very confident I can tell that she was born to be a performer so I don’t see why not, but she would be even stronger as a solo artist.
The boys were cheering and screaming immediately wanting to take her in, but I was still not down for this idea for a new lead singer in the first place.
Stray Kids was supposed to be irreplaceable, but then I remembered the reason why we needed someone like her in the first place which is to make music again and do it for our angels Seungmin, Han, Jeongin, and Hyunjin.
So I stood up on stage next to her clapping my hands and slapped my hand on her shoulder. I gave the boys a nod and smiled at her by saying “Congratulations number 201. From this day forward, you will be our new lead singer of Stray Kids. Are you in?” She flashed the prettiest smile and hugged me so tight and the rest of the members joined the big group hug.
“On three you guys, Stray Kids for Life!” Changbin expressed as I’ve finally heard his cute voice come out. “1...2..3...Stray Kids for Life!” Maybe this girl would change us for the better.
Our manager gave us until the end of August to perform at the summer bash festival in her hometown Orange County California which was one of the accomplishments of our life since we’ve debuted as a group. Practicing together all summer made me realize how much I enjoyed the process of making songs for our group and became ten times better when she came into the picture.
At first, I’ve felt bad for being cold around the first few weeks of practice. I would always ignore her presence and turn down eating lunch with her on breaks because I was still not used to having her around. She would cry after practice calling her older sister saying that “Bangchan doesn’t seem to like me and I don’t understand why when all I’m trying to do is help him make music again.”
I remember fighting one of my best friends Felix about pushing her away the night and she almost quit the band.
He just kept screaming at me and telling me that I’ve become worse than before after therapy which stung, but I also felt bad for letting him storm off and telling him that our friendship was over. We were fist fighting which never happened and it led us to sleep in separate rooms for a whole week since we were roommates. One night I couldn’t forget was when she came back after Felix left home to visit his family for the weekend. Changbin and Lee Know were out with their girlfriends which led me to be alone or so I thought.
Reader’s Pov: 06/04/21.
Bangchan I never understood him out of all the boys. Lee Know he was easy to talk to because we have the same personality and have a love for the same video games. Felix was like an older brother to me always making sure I was alright, well feed, and getting good sleep at night. Changbin was like my personal therapist I would talk to him about all my problems and concerns about anything that’s going on in my life. All three of them were you can say my new besties, but Bangchan on the other hand... was a tough cookie to crack. I would try to check on him if he’s messing up in practice or if he’s stayed up overnight to practice.
I can tell he blamed himself for every little thing ever since the bus accident and he’s hard on himself which makes sense, but I hate that he has to take it out on others especially his best friend. That week in July I’ve decided to come back and give Bangchan a piece of mind because I was fed up with the lack of improvement and bad energy as a group, but then I started to hear him sob from his room. The boys left him all alone and I was the only one that could save him out of his misery.
With no hesitation, I slammed the door open and ran to Bangchan gently embracing him. This man was putting up a fight to forget about the past, but with his PTSD it’s hard for him to get through the pain. So I calmed him down and simply asked him. “Have you ever thought about making a song for them?” I can tell he was hesitating to answer the question, but he responded by saying. “Honestly no. I’m still not in my right mind to do so. You’ve seen me in practice so I can’t do it alone.”
It all started to make sense he was planning the whole time to make this song on his own and not have anyone bother him. “You’re not alone. At least for tonight, since we have one month left, let’s try writing together you and me. Whadya say?” “Y/n...You would do that for me?”
“Of course your my role model and special friend after all.” The unexpected happened he suddenly pulled me next to him on his bed and softly kissed me on the lips. It was my first ever sweet interaction with him and I didn’t understand it, but I was happy at that moment that he finally opened up to me. He caressed my head and dragged me into the studio with him excited to get straight to work.
When the boys came back, we’ve shared the news about our new song they were very happy with our process and agreed to share the song with the world. Of course, Felix and Bangchan talked for hours when he came in the room last and made up instantly. It was a fight that they never wanted to affect their friendship and dynamic negatively, but it made us all happy when they finally became best friends again.
I remember our group becoming a lot closer we would play game night every Thursday, have chicken and beer on the weekends, threw the biggest for Changbin dressing up in wolf costumes, and Bangchan taking me on our first date at the amusement park which was the adventure of a lifetime.
I felt bad for leaving early because I have a weak stomach when it comes to roller coasters. These memories with the boys are something that I’ve always dreamed of being a part of ever since I’ve seen their debut. If I can simply describe everything the five of us have been through it would be...
Bangchan’s Pov: 07/26/21.
“Hello everyone. This is Stray Kids we’re back better than ever. This summer has been one crazy ride, but I’m glad I’ve got to share it alongside my bandmates. My forever brothers Felix, Lee Know, Changbin and my angel y/n will share the stage with me as we perform our new song Perfect Melody. This song not only represents our journey with our new lead singer but also our journey with our family Seungmin, Jeongin, Han, and Hyunjin. I hope stays enjoy.” I was very confident presenting this song to the world and didn’t want to bring shame to my angel’s hometown so I had to put a performance of a lifetime.
I’ve slowly started to panic when Lee Know started playing the drums and it took me back once again to the accident in my mind. Good thing I forgot about it completely once I’ve heard her voice starting off the song. With Changbin playing the keyboard and Felix bass blending in with her singing in the background it meshes perfectly which is when I come in singing with her in harmony.
The crowd seemed to go crazy over it and all I can see with her shining so brightly as she does carrying the whole song. Felix deep vocals come in and we scream the lyrics as stays sing together with us feeling what’s in our hearts. We performed like it was our last with no regrets, no hesitation just simply because we loved what we were bringing to the table. If it wasn’t for her I don’t think this ever would’ve happened.
She helped us reunite as a band, got me through my trauma, and best of all we’ve found love in the end. When the song finally cut off we all heard stays cheering and crying screaming “Stray Kids we love you!” Our manager and stage crew was jumping and smiling at us celebrating our successful performance.
Lee Know was shocked saying “We did it, you guys. We performed on this stage and we did it!” Changbin started tearing up but tried to play it off by acting tough. “Duh of course we did. I knew could do it.” Felix laughed motioning for us to group hug.
“Bring it in you guys, If it wasn’t for our wonder woman we wouldn’t have made it this far.” We all hugged each other chanting and spinning around in the confetti. “Bangchan see I told you, we’ve finally done it.” Gosh, she’s just the cutest flashing her sparkling eyes at me as she says that.
“Yeah, I guess we did. I’m sorry for ever doubting and treating you like a jerk. Thank you for everything. For now, on it’s five of us or nothing.” She gives me one last smile and links our pinkies together giving them a tiny kiss. “Of course! Five or nothing.”
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littledrummeraussie · 4 years
Hi Angie! Congrats on 1k! I have a 🍭 request + dom!ashton? Also may I be added to your taglist pls? Pls tag my 5SOS blog, thank yoiuuuuuuu -castaway-cashton 🥰
Lovely Julia 🥺❤️ Hope this little baby will make your day! Thank you so much for your love!
warnings: a lil bit of jealousy. possessive dom!Ashton with a soft side to him. playful teasing and some light spanking. semi-public sex in the backstage at a festival. small bit of stronger language (for those who don’t like the word slut). fluffy feels.
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”Can I join?” Ashton tapped your shoulder, already sitting down next to you, and you nodded, giving a smile to him as you continued your conversation with Calum’s girlfriend.
Ashton lay back on the blanket, resting his head in your lap, and without hesitation you started stroking your fingers through his hair, something that came naturally whenever he did this. He hummed contently, but otherwise stayed quiet, listening to you and the people coming and going around you, the festival crowd gathering for the headlining show. None of you were in a hurry, there was another hour before the band currently playing finished their set, and you all had passes to check out your friends from the side stage, so you decided to longue around a bit more. Then Calum came over, stealing his girlfriend away for a walk and a drink, and Ashton looked up at you, a smile on his face.
”Can I get you anything, babe?”
”A drink would be nice, but I can get it too, you don’t have to get up,” you squeezed his shoulders, and he grabbed your hand, kissing your palm before pushing himself up.
”It’s no trouble,” he winked at you, thumb brushing against your cheek lovingly. ”I’ll get us something.”
You nodded as Ashton disappeared towards one of the tents with a bar and catering, and you busied yourself with your phone as you waited for him. When someone sat down next to you you were sure it was one of your friends or someone else you’d known because of Ashton, but the guy was unknown to you and definitely a flirt. You laughed at his attempts at wooing you, giving him a few cheeky answers as you’ve tried to let him know you were taken, but he didn’t seem to mind it, saying how he thinks your boyfriend won’t be back for a few more minutes, which gave him plenty of time to convince you to spend your time with him instead.
Ashton was shooting daggers at him when he arrived with your food and drink, making the guy scramble up and away, and you laughed at the silent exchange, knowing too well that your boyfriend could be intimidating to those who didn’t know him.
”You could have sent him away, you know,” he grumbled as he sat down next to you, pushing his food away like he just lost his appetite.
”I did,” you shrugged, reaching for your fries as you leaned against his shoulder. ”He didn’t take me seriously.”
”It’s because you were flirting with him. You always do that,” Ashton rolled his eyes, taking the fries you just offered him. ”Why do you do that?”
”Maybe I like pushing my limits,” you pressed your lips against his cheek, and Ashton finally cracked a smile, shaking his head. ”I like riling up my Sir.”
”You’re a naughty girl, sweetheart,” he chuckled, pressing a hard kiss on your mouth. ”This will get you in so much trouble. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
* * *
Ashton did give you another warning. It was a raised eyebrow and a squeeze to your hips. Then another. His lips forming your name silently, paired with a hard stare, his eyes darkening as you gave him an innocent look back, biting your lips like you didn’t do anything. He tapped your nose with his finger as he pulled you to his side, the last of his warnings – Ashton always did this when he wanted you to know that you were walking on thin ice. You couldn’t wait for it to finally break.
So you made sure to have his attention as you ordered another drink, twirling a lock of hair around your finger while lightly flirting with one of the bartenders, leaning over the counter to give him just the smallest of peeks down your dress. Ashton caught the exchange between the two of you, and before you knew it he stalked over to the bar, wrapping his arms around you before pulling you with himself down the hallway and to a secluded corner.
”Show’s about to start,” you pouted at him as he pushed you against the wall, and your fingers curled into the lapel of his jacket. ”Thought I’m gonna get us some drinks while you say good luck to the guys?”
”Stop playing smart, sweetheart,” he tapped your nose again, the smallest of grins pulling at his lips. ”I know your game, and you’re not getting away with it that easily.”
”Didn’t do anything,” you bit back your smile, knowing you had Ashton right where you wanted him.
”You sure about that, baby?” he squeezed your hips again, stepping closer and crowding into your space. ”You didn’t flirt with every single guy you just met today, right? No lip bites, no playing with your hair, no sneak peek at your tits while I was watching you. You did no such things, right?”
”It was innocent,” you shrugged, unbuttoning the top button on his shirt, your voice turning into a whisper. ”You know how it gets me when you get possessive.”
”I know it gets my naughty girl all hot and bothered,” he breathed against your ear, the hot air tickling your skin and making you shiver.
”Who’s Ashton?” his fingers dug into your hips and you felt a deep blush on your cheeks as you blinked up at him.
”No one, Sir. There’s only you,” you grabbed onto his biceps, and he hummed approvingly, fingers trailing down your ass and tangling into the hem of your dress, tugging it up your waist.
”Just what I’ve thought,” Ashton whispered against your lips as he squeezed your ass cheeks. ”No panties. Such a bad girl, sweetheart. You need to be punished.”
Ashton wrapped an arm around your waist, pushing you even more into the dark corner as he buried his face in your neck, lips and teeth working against the skin of your throat, making your toes curl as you melted against his chest. You heard the first notes of a song being played, and with that Ashton’s palm came down on your ass, giving it a playful slap. Your breath hitched as he rubbed over your stinging flesh, chuckling and kissing your ear.
”Count for me, kitten,” he nibbled on your earlobe, fingers digging into your cheek. ”Show your Sir how good you can be.”
”One, Sir,” you slightly moaned, earning another spank from Ashton. ”Uhh, two.”
”See, you can be so good for me, baby,” he praised you, spanking you again. ”This is what you wanted, right? Pulling my strings until I break and need to take you away to a corner, fucking you in public because you just can’t help yourself. Because you’re so needy for my cock. That’s right, isn’t it kitten?”
”Sir–” you couldn’t decide if you wanted to press against his chest or push your ass back against his palm, only that you needed him to keep going.
”You like getting off on me being possessive in front of everyone, right? You like showing yourself off, but you love knowing that no one else gets to see or touch you, that only I can get you like this. I bet you already soaked your thighs, you little slut.”
You whined against Ashton’s lips as his fingers slipped between your legs, fingertips teasing your swollen clit and circling around your hole. He easily slid two of them inside, rubbing against your sweet spot as his other hand came down on your ass again, shushing you as another moan slipped from your lips.
”Don’t give the game away, baby,” he kissed your temple, burying his nose against your hair. ”Or maybe you would like to get fucked on the stage? All those people looking at you, but only me getting to touch you. Say the words and I will drag you out there. You can’t help yourself, can you?”
”Sir, please. Need your cock in me,” your nails scratched against his chest, fingertips catching his nipple peeking out of his shirt, palm rubbing against his chest hair. ”Need you to fuck me. Claim me, make me scream, make me yours.”
”Insatiable slut,” he chuckled, pressing his lips hard against yours. ”Come and help me.”
Ashton pulled your hands to his jeans and you quickly worked his belt open, tugging down the zipper over the bulge in his pants, pulling out his hard cock from his boxers. He pushed you against the wall while he kissed you, wrapping both of your hands around his cock to give it a few pumps, making precum slide down on his shaft and covering his length with it. His hands slid under your ass as he picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, moaning into each other’s mouths as he pulled you down on his cock. His hips quickly snapped against you, pounding you to the rhythm of the bass and drums in the background. People passed by your little hidden corner, not knowing how you crowded into the shadow, muffling your noises against skin and clothes, fucking each other quick and hard, only because you felt like taking a risk.
Even like this you could see the dark hazel of Ashton’s eyes, pupils blown wide as he looked at you, eyes almost unblinking, lips parted as he breathed into your mouth. Your fingers tugged on his hair, pulling him closer by the back of his head as he picked up the pace, his kiss full of tongue and teeth as he built up your pleasure, your bodies moving to the rhythm of another song. Then your body tensed as the song reached its peak, and Ashton kissed away your high pitched moans, wanting to keep the sounds of your pleasure only to himself. His teeth sank into your shoulder as he fucked into you, his own orgasm quickly following, and you felt him spill his cum deep inside you.
He nudged his nose against yours as he pressed his lips to your lips, leaving short little pecks on it as he tightened his grip on you. A moment passed, and then you felt him put you down on one of the equipment crates, still holding you close to him, fingers lightly stroking your thighs as you teased the short hairs at the nape of his neck, breathing in each other. He hummed along to the song coming from the stage, a balled about a special love between two people, the perfect soundtrack to your little afterglow moment.
Ashton made sure both of you were presentable, his leather jacket thrown over your shoulders to hide the fresh marks on your skin, but also as a reminder for everyone around you: you were his girl, claimed by him in every possible way – and oh, how you loved feeling like his. He walked you back to the side stage, acting like you weren’t missing for the last 20 minutes, then leaned against the wall, pulling you to his chest and wrapping his arms around you. He tucked your head under his chin, lightly swaying with you to the music, whispering his favourite lyrics in your ear. You buried your face against his skin, pressing a kiss over his heart when no one was watching. Every now and then Ashton squeezed your hips soothingly, eyes sparking whenever you looked at each other.
I am yours.
And you are mine.
🎉  join the 1K celebration. ❤️    
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pink-imagines · 4 years
just kiss me
request: glad requests are open! wanna drop mine in, hope you don't mind :3 prohero!bakugo has a crush on a prohero!deku's sidekick, or rather she's like nighteye, who lays the ground work for deku. he's always been jealous of izuku and would try to talk to her every now and then, especially during a team up operation. one night, they had a party, so they partied, bakugo gon mad and admitted that he wants to date the sidekick. everything onwards is up to you! thank you!
a/n: Y/H/N = your hero name, also i changed it a little bit.
warnings: drinking (everyone’s of legal drinking age tho)
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“All clear, take a left turn Deku.”, you speak into the headset as you keep tapping away at your keyboard.
“Got it, thanks Y/H/N.”, you heard Deku answer and followed the red dot, representing him, on your computer. Usually you would follow along on his missions, but today was a one man job and you were stuck on look-out.
“Anyways, I heard there’s a party tonight. Something about a new club somewhere.”, you started making small talk like you usually did when the mission wasn’t too serious.
“Wow, Y/H/N, I can’t believe you’re finally asking me out.”, he chuckled. Since you two started working together it had been a joke between the two of you, because literally everyone thought you were dating.
“Hah hah, very funny.”, you shook your head, “They want us to go for their reputations sake, we’ll get free drinks too. Besides, I don’t want to go alone.”
“I don’t have anything to do for tonight so sure I’ll go with you, as long as you promise me a dance.”, he said jokingly, “Where do I go now?”
“There’s a dead end if you go straight, but left and right are a no-go. Think you can bust through that wall?”, you asked, “There’s an open exit on the other side of it.”
“Got it. See you on the other side, then.”
Your velvet red dress was hugging your curves closely, leaving little to the imagination. For tonight, this couldn’t be better. 
“God, these heels are killing me.”, you whisper to Izuku as you walk, arms linked together, into the new club.
“You’ve only walked from the car and your feet already hurt?”, he chuckled.
“I haven’t worn heels in a while, okay? Now let’s hurry, these camera flashes are making me dizzy.”, you sighed and smiled brightly for the paparazzi.
You looked around the club, it was actually kind of pleasant looking. Though you never really went to any clubs, but who could say no to free drinks?
At the end of the bar you saw the other people invited along with you; Kirishima, Ochako, Ashido, Denki, Sero, Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugo. Katsuki Bakugo was an interesting character, especially when he was around you. Everyone told you that the hero was a total hot head and to be careful around him. Still, Bakugo never actually acted like that with you. You had seen him like that but it was as if he was holding back around you.
“Hey guys!”, you grinned as you walked up to the group next to Izuku.
“Oh my!”, Yaoyorozu exclaimed, “Y/N! Those heels are wonderful!”
“They better be, my feet aree killing me!”, you laughed and sat down by the bar next to her.
“I can make you a new pair if you want to change.”, she took a sip of her drink.
“It’s fine, how are you guys doing?”
After a bit of talking and a few drinks in, you and the girls decided to go to the dance floor. While you were out there you felt someone’s eyeing you up and down and before you knew it Ashido had nudged you in your side with her elbow.
“Bakugo’s totally checking you out.”, she whispered in your ear. Your body went on auto pilot and looked over to the guys who were still at the bar. Bakugo quickly looked away from you while the others around him laughed at him.
“Well, he’s not gonna do anything... like usual.”, Ochako sighed.
“We can make him do something about it.”, Yaoyorozu chuckled devilishly.
Honestly, you had no idea what they were planning and the fact that they were talking as if Bakugo had liked you for forever was even more confusing.
“Guys, he was just looking at me. It doesn’t mean anything.”, you chuckled nervously.
“Okay, then we’ll try this out and see what happens!”, Ochako grinned.
“Yeah! What’s your plan, Momo?”, Ashido asked.
So now there you were, walking back up to the bar where the others were sitting and your eyes were set on Izuku.
“Hey, come on! I promised you a dance, remember!”, you acted a bit more drunk than you actually were. You could already feel Bakugo’s eyes burning your skin with rage.
“Wait, no, I was just joking!”, Izuku laughed nervously, looking between you and Bakugo’s enraged red eyes.
“Have a little fun already!”, you giggled and dragged him out on the dancefloor. You could hear the rest of the guys joking around with Bakugo as you left.
“Y/N, I can’t fucking dance.”, Izuku laughed.
“Then let me teach you!”, you smiled. For a moment you forgot about the stupid “plan” and just had fun with your friend, even though it looked like you were more than “just friends”.
After a while of dancing around Todoroki walked up to you.
“We’re gonna go to our usual place if you guys wanna tag along.”, he said, pointing at the door with his thumb.
“Sounds great!”, Izuku smiled and helped you off the dance floor.
The usual place was an old jazz bar who always had live music, different bands almost every night. It was your favorite place to hang out when everyone had the time to do so. Everyone wasn’t there tonight, but at least there were a few.
“I’m going to the bathroom!”, Ashido said and walked off.
“We’ll tag along.”, Yaoyorozu said and grabbed Ochako’s arm, “Find a table for us, will you?”
“Of course, we’re on it.”, Todoroki said and walked away and Izuku followed close behind.
“I’ll check the band list!”, Kirishima grinned and hurried away.
“We’ll go get drinks!”, Sero said.
“I’m guessing the usual for everyone!”, Denki added.
Left standing there were you and Bakugo. You could go with Kirishima, you always liked to look at what bands were playing before you sat down. Your focus shifted when you noticed shuffling beside you. Bakugo was unbuttoning three buttons on his black button-up shirt.
“What are you looking at? It’s hot in here.”, Bakugo scoffed and looked away from you.
“I’m sure it is.”, you played at his nerves.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”, he growled and you felt a shiver run down your spine. It wasn’t a bad kind of shiver, it was more of a nice surprise.
“I’m just saying that there are a lot of girls at this bar...”, you looked around, “...and I haven’t heard anything about you having a girlfriend so...”
“I’ll have you know that I actually like someone.”, he chuckled and just for a moment you could see genuine happiness in his eyes.
“Oh yeah? Do tell, please.”, you raised an eyebrow.
“Hey! We found a table!”, Izuku interupted the two of you.
It was the best spot in the bar. A table in the corner with a bunch of armchair’s and a couch. You sat down by the armrest on the couch and unexpectantly, Bakugo sat down next you. Everyone else gave the two of you meaning glances but you didn’t really notice.
The night went on as usual, a few drinks and lots of laughter shared... but when Bakugo’s thigh softly rested itself against yours you didn’t move your leg away.
“Let’s play a game of truth or dare!”, Ashido exclaimed suddenly.
“We’re not children, Ashido.”, Todoroki scoffed and drank yet another glass of scotch.
“It’d be fun though!”, Ochako chimed in.
“I’m in.”, you grinned. Soon enough everyone gave in and Ashido started by asking Izuku. It went around the table, back and forth, and eventually it landed on you.
“Y/N, truth or dare?”, Denki asked.
“Um... truth?”, you said nervously.
“Wuss.”, Bakugo grumbled beside you.
“Okay fine then, dare devil. I’ll take a dare instead.”, you chuckled. Ashido whispered something in Denki’s ear, making his lips contort into a wicked grin, and suddenly you regretted your decision to switch to a dare.
“I dare you to kiss Bakugo.”, he chuckled along with the rest of the table.
“Wow, are you five or something? That’s not that hard.”, you sighed and tried to hide the fact that you would be very nervous about doing that.
“Fine then, make out.” You regretted your desicion once again.
“Right here?”, you looked around to the rest of the table.
“Oi, you’re making her uncomfortable.”, Bakugo broke your embarrassed haze, “Besides, I never agreed to do it so it’s not happening. She picked truth first anyways, isn’t there a rule where you can’t change it?”
“Okay fine.”, Denki sighed, “Then you gotta answer this; do you like someone and if so are they in the room?”
“Yes and yes. So, is it my turn?”, you asked. You thought that Bakugo’s words had hurt you but just as you said that he looked away from you and the place where his leg had touched yours went cold.
After the whole ordeal was over, you decided to go home early. Your excuses varied from that you were tired to that you had work tomorrow and eventually you managed to get out of their tight grip.
Once outside you kind of regretted it, it was cold as fuck and of course you forgot to bring a jacket. That was until soft, warm fabric embraced your shoulders with a scent that was so very familiar. You looked up to see Bakugo.
“Hi.”, you said quietly.
“I’m walking you home, let’s go.”, he muttered and grabbed your wrist to drag you forwards. Your carefully turned your hand so that you were palm to palm with his bigger hand. As you laced your fingers with his he stiffened but then relaxed and closed his hand around yours.
“Thank you.”, you smiled slightly and wrapped his coat tighter around your frame. He simply grunted in response and kept on walking.
Throughout your walk together you kept catching him looking over at you before quickly averting his glance.
“Aren’t you cold-” “Does your feet hurt-”
You both stopped and then broke out into laughter. Why the fact that you said something at the same time was so funny, you didn’t know but appearently it just was. Besides, you weren’t complaining... seeing him laugh like that sent butterflies to your stomach.
“Sorry, what were you going to say?”, he chuckled out.
“Aren’t you cold?”, you repeated yourself with a smile.
“I’m fine, does your feet hurt though?”, he looked down at your very uncomfortable shoes.
“Well, yeah, but there’s not much to do about it.”, you sighed, “We’re almost there anyways.”
“You’re walking like a goose, you could at least take them off.”, he quirked an eyebrow.
“Hey!”, you exclaimed, “If I take them off I’ll freeze to death.”
“Then I’ll carry you. If you know do have work tomorrow you gotta walk, right?”, he crouched down to let you get on his back.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to cause you any more problems.”, you hesitated.
“Well, the others already forced you to walk me home...”, you muttered.
“What are you talking about?”, he stood back up.
“I’m just saying, you didn’t do this on your own-”
“Why would I do anything they say? I did this on my own. Now, do you want to get a ride or do you want to look like a goose on the rest of the way home?”
You ended up taking the offer for the ride. He was very warm, even if he had been walking around without a coat and you thought that had got to do with his quirk. Softly, you placed your head against his back and tried to ignore the fact that your tight dress was riding up your thigh.
“This is your place, right?”, he asked out of the blue.
“Yeah, thanks.”, you smiled and tried to get off. Emphasis on tried, since you almost fell hadn’t it been for Bakugo catching you.
“You gotta be more careful, idiot.”, he sighed, but there was a slight smile that played at his lips.
“Sorry.”, you giggled and got steady on your feet, “And sorry for bothering you with walking me home.”
“I told you, I wanted to.”, he leaned forward slightly.
“... could I ask you something, if you don’t mind?”, you whispered.
“Go for it.”, he muttered, mere inches from your face.
“Could you kiss me?”
“I never thought you’d ask.” Bakugo closed the gap and kissed your lips softly... but sadly only quickly, leaving you a bit shocked.
“I’ll kiss you for real when you’re sober.”, he said softly, “That is, if you want to.” He then started to walk away and you stood there in shock for a while.
“Hey wait! Why didn’t you want to kiss me before!?”, you exclaimed, making Bakugo turn around.
“I don’t kiss with an audience.”, he grinned, “Besides, you were clearly uncomfortable.” Without saying another word, or waiting for you to answer, he walked away.
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maliro-t · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @surprisegents​  below the cut 🙏🙏 thank u!!
1. Name: Maya
2: Gender: waves hand in a vaguely feminine direction
3. Star sign: libra
4. Height: 5′3"
5. Time: 6:55 when I finished this
6. Birthday: Oct 7th
7. Favorite band(s): well my longtime fave is death cab for cutie bc. I’m a sad b*tch I guess. Also, sorry to be an obscure music person, but I highkey love bitter ruin and foxtails brigade.
8. Favorite solo artist(s): mmm probably Mitski for the last couple years! Historically though, Sara Bareilles 
9. Song stuck in my head: none atm but that’s bc I’m listening to music
10. Last Movie: oh god it was night at the museum lmao, it randomly came on after something else we watched. definitely was a movie made in 2006, that’s for sure.
11. Last show: ok wait actually I have a shred of shame left that makes me not want to answer this,,,,,I’ll let you imagine. I will say instead that the last show I Finished was an Icelandic crime drama called the valhalla murders which I basically watched to fill time but it was surprisingly satisfying
12. When did you make this account: the very very end of 2013 so. you COULD dig through it if you want but also maybe do not!!
13. What do I post: I mean overall, fandom or no, it’s mostly just things I think are Pretty. I know I have an insp tag but really everything I rb is insp in some form or another. But yeah I mean idk. mainly pretty things and video game ladies (which I realize are the Same), with a general skew towards fantasy.
14. What is the last thing you googled: oh I’m playing ac valhalla right now and I was looking up how to find an artifact that I couldn’t get to for the life of me 🤡 sorry for being incompetent
 15. Other blogs: I have a fruits basket side blog (date of origin, 2014) that has about 10 posts on it from before I even really knew how this website worked and I’m not linking it, sorry folks. But generally this has been a Single Blog Affair for my entire run
16. Do I get asks: generally not really! only for ask memes, or maybe very very occasionally after I post something that gets enough of a reception. I do have like 20 very weird questions sitting in my ask box rn from when a friend was feeling particularly memey though
17. Why did I choose this url: I’ve talked about this before but it’s a bunch of different bits from my name (aka a made up word), which somehow was taken so I added a hyphen! The reason I decided on that is slightly more complicated and related to two of my very early fandoms.
18. Following: 411
19. Followers: 554
20. Average hours of sleep: probably six oof
21. Lucky number: 3!
22. Instruments: have played piano most of my life, plus violin (which I’m no where near as good at but still dabble in) and some self taught ukulele
23. What am I wearing: a random dress and a comfy red sweater/cardigan thing I love. 
24. Dream job: tumblr you can’t keep tricking me into thinking about the future, I won’t do it
25. Dream trip: unfortunately I have pretty terrible travel anxiety and basically,,,,, never desire to go Anywhere. I’m lucky to have been a lot of neat places with my family but also that was kind of. enough for me oof. So my 2020/2021 answer is a coffee shop.
26. Favorite food: lasagna,,,
27. Nationality: american
28. Favorite song: oh god, impossible to choose. one forever fave of mine is brothers on a hotel bed by dcfc but like. I’m only naming that one because I’ve loved it Forever. 
29. Last book I read: uhhh probably something for class oof, I guess it was Père Goriot which I had a tough time with because it has No plot but u know occasionally there was something very profound.
30. Top three fictional universes I would like to live in: hmmm okay. this is a question I have never really considered, believe it or not, but I think my answers are 1. the magicians, but specifically the books. the show would be a living hell 2. maybe unexpected but can I say stardust? movie or book tbh, there’s just the right balance of whimsy and peril imo, and no world-ending stakes 3.I’m gonna say dragon age for posterity even though I know it would objectively be terrible
i’ll tag @the-socially-unaccepted @barrynn @tightlemon if u guys want!! <3 
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Try to Remember
Part 1 Series Masterlist Here
Bucky X teacher!Reader
Summary: First meeting with James and Reader. You meet in a cafe, you’re trying to grade your papers, but you are distracted by a man trying desperately to just order a cup of coffee. You decide to help him and end up sharing a coffee with him.
A/N: This is entirely a service for myself. Entirely. For me. Hopefully someone else enjoys this. But if you don’t it’s fine, because I love it. This is definitely OOC and I am so not following the timeline. But it fine. Probably multi-chapter. Definitely just something I’m writing for myself because it’s been in my head for a while. It’s your sneak peak into my before bed dream set ups.
Warnings: Fluff, mild swears, I don’t think anything else, if there is something please tell me. I am trying to be better about tagging warnings.
Word Count: 1,325
You met him in a cafe, in late September. You were sitting at one of the tables by a window, your laptop open to grading software, a stack of papers next to you. You had left your apartment to get a change of scenery. The first grades of the year were due and you had been trapped by the stacks of papers you had been putting off. You knew you should have taken care of them a while ago, but you had put your energy into teaching in the classroom and the papers had fallen behind.
You took another sip of your coffee, letting the warmth run through you. The most recent paper sitting in front of you. You really should not have given this assignment so early in the school year. Your students had put in good efforts, but you know they would have done better if you had given them more time. You were pulled out of your thoughts by a man standing at the counter, obviously confused by everything in front of him. He was tall, with dark hair to his wide shoulders. He was stumbling over his words, trying to order a simple cup of coffee. The barista was playing with him, you knew that, because he was one of your students. You had seen this game played multiple times, with substitutes and other unsuspecting adults. Usually, you would turn a blind eye, but something made you pity this stranger.
You stood up and made your way to the man at the counter, whose hands were in tight fists by his side. “Tyler, he wants a regular coffee, two creams, two sugars, please.”
The teen rolled their eyes. “Fine, teach. Only because you asked.”
The man turned and you met his grey eyes. “Thank you.” He said quietly.
“You’re welcome, Tyler tends to pick on people who aren’t coffee connoisseurs.” You said as Tyler slid the mug to the man. You could sense a snide remark on the tip of their tongue and raised your eyebrows. They sighed and moved onto the next customer.  The man eyed the mug warily, then glanced around the room. “You can sit with me, if you’re not waiting on someone.” You added hastily.
“Thank you…..?” He said, following you to the window seat.
“Y/N.” You answered, “And you?”
“James.” He said, sitting in the seat across from you. You began quickly shuffling the papers so he had room for his coffee. One fell in his lap.  “The Censorship of Music in Soviet Russia?” He asked.
“Sorry, I’m grading.” You babbled. “Kids these days have an unhealthy relationship with Soviet Russia.”
He raised an eyebrow and looked back to the paper. He took a sip of coffee as he continued reading the paper. “Kid actually isn’t completely wrong. Has some good points. A few far fetched ones, I don’t think the Winter Soldier was ‘roaming the motherland’ and ‘destroying enjoyers of bops.” He said, flipping to the second page.
You chuckled and shook your head, taking another sip of coffee. Eyes roaming the man in front of you. His grey blue eyes skimming the paper. You glanced at his hands, noticing he was wearing leather gloves, odd. Coffee with a serial killer? You wondered, admittedly you should be more concerned about strange men you meet in cafes.
“I’d say the kid deserves at least a B” He said, breaking through your thoughts. “So what do you teach?”
You took the paper back from him. “I teach band, but also a few general music classes, which is where these papers come from.”
He nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “Seems fun.” He said.
“Makes life interesting. What about you?” You asked.
He paused, thinking through his answer. Serial killer. You’re going to become an Unsolved Case. Ryan and Shane won’t be able to figure out what happened to you. “I served and now I’m just trying to find my place in the world.”
You took a sip of your coffee, noticing how close you were to the end of the cup. “And how’s your search going?”
“To be determined.” He answered, a smirk coming across his face.
You fell into a comfortable silence for a moment before you started conversation again. Speaking of favorite music, you were surprised that he knew most of the older music you favored. Older being from the World War II era. More small things, favorite color, childhood pet, stupid things your best friend had done. The sky began to shift from blue to orange outside the window. You sighed, it was time to head home. You turned to the man in front of you, he glanced at the sky. He took your mug from you and made his way to the counter, placing a few bills into the tip jar.
“I know we’ve just met, but, can I walk you home?” He asked, his hand reaching up to rest on the back of his neck nervously.
“Only if you promise not to murder me.” You answered, putting your computer and papers into your bag.
“I guess I can make an exception.” He said with a wink, before adding. “I swear I’m not a serial killer.”
You chuckled, “If you kill me, I will haunt your ass.”
His eyes widened as he opened the door to the cafe for you. “I’ll keep that in mind.” You sent a quick text to your roommate, letting them know that you were on your way home and you were walking home with a man. Safety first.
He nodded for you to lead the way and stepped to the side. You started walking and he fell in beside you matching your rhythm.
“So, do you normally walk women you meet once home?” You asked.
“Call me old fashioned, but when I meet a woman that I spend a few hours with, I want to be sure that she makes it home safe.” He answered.
“You’re an interesting man, James.” You said quietly, a small smile gracing his lips at this statement.
You both continued to walk the path to your apartment. The sun had gone under the horizon, the lamp lights were flickering, stars peeked through the night sky. You stopped in front of your apartment complex, noticing the outline of your roommate in your window. “This is me.” You murmur.
James looks up at the window, you could tell he had seen the outline of your roommate, but he didn’t say anything. “It was nice to meet you today.” He shuffled his feet, glancing at the ground for a moment.
“It was nice to meet you too.” You answered, this was the moment you realized, are you going to try to keep this man in your life or let him go? “So, what’s a girl got to do to get your number?”
His head snapped up quickly, “Ummm…” His hands flew to his pants pockets, tapping around for his phone. He glanced up, slight panic in his eyes.
You giggled at the sheer panic in his eyes. You pulled out your phone and handed it to him. “Here, put your number in.” He typed slowly then handed your phone back. You glanced at the name, James Barnes. You quickly typed a quick message to him with your name so he would have your number. “Have a nice night Mr. Barnes.”
He smiled at you, “You too.”
You made your way to your door and he began to turn and walk away. “You better text me, James. I don’t just give my number to random men.”
He glanced back, “Don’t you worry about that, doll.” He turned with a small wave in your direction before he made his way down the street.
You closed the door behind you and felt a wide smile break across your face. What you didn’t know, was that the man walking down the street had a smile just as wide.
Part 2
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anchoredtether · 5 years
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Title: The Ghost in the Machine
Chapter: 1/13  
Series: Another Way to Die
Author: AnchoredTether
Rating: M [graphic depictions of violence, dark themes, slight horror]
Pairings: Pidge | Katie Holt / Lance [Plance]
Tags: Danny Phantom AU, Alternate Universe - Ghost Hunters (kinda), ghost!Lance, Pidge is slightly goth, Keith is also half-ghost, angst, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, slow burn, disturbing themes, slight horror elements, dark, claustrophobia, implied/referenced torture, double life, angst and humor, body horror, graphic description
Summary: “So this is how I die. In some Holt laboratory device when ALL I WANTED WAS STRING CHEESE!"
Artwork: The lovely @numbah34 made several arts for this work and they are fantastic! Check out her art here! She also has more concept art which I will link once it’s posted~
A/N: Here is my contribution for the @planceminibang​! A special thank you to @amicuscordis​ for beta-ing! Vague summary is vague.
Read below the cut or over here at Ao3 >>
“We should probably get back to studying,” Pidge announced after both their characters died on the retro gaming system and the eight-bit funeral dirge played. “Since, you know, you came over here to study.”
“Yeah yeah, I know…” Lance sighed. He currently had a D in his physics class and Pidge happened to be a genius at anything related to science, so they started study sessions at her place a few weeks ago. “I needed a break though! All this talk of kinetics and energy was putting my head for a spin.”
“Killbot has killed us seven times in a row so I think that’s as good a time as any to quit while we’re ahead.”
“Seven times the charm?” Lance put down the controller and pulled his textbook back onto his lap, stretching his legs out onto the coffee table. “Maaaan, who studies on a Friday night??”
“Smart people who want all day Saturday and Sunday to themselves.”
He snapped his book shut again and stood up. “You know what? I’m starving. I’ll be right back with some snacks.”
She sighed. “You have the attention span of a magpie, Lance.” After five good minutes of studying he’d go on some tangent and she had to redirect his attention, or he’d want to do a video game break or a snack break or a bathroom break and she swore that boy drank water like an alcoholic downs free shots because he was constantly needing to relieve himself. When she called him out on ‘faking’ bathroom breaks to get out of studying he simply lifted up his massive water bottle and told her he drank six of them a day. He progressed on a long spiel about how great water was and she couldn’t decide whether she was impressed by how much science he had to back up his arguments or annoyed by the fact that he couldn’t shut up about water.
She called out to him as he started down the hallway. “Can you bring me some peanut butter cookies? They’re on the top shelf of the fridge.” He held up a hand to indicate he heard and she pulled out homework from one of her advanced placement classes to work on while she waited for his return.
The Holt house was confusing. The whole family was geniuses - Sam was a revered engineer and Colleen a brilliant chemist and botanist. Half the rooms in the house were labs or conservatories (or a combination) and so many parts of the house were added on or obscure extensions that made it a strange maze of plants and machinery. Lance usually had to ask Pidge to remind him which way was to the bathroom or kitchen but he didn’t want to bother her this time. It shouldn’t have been too hard to figure out, right? He had an innate sense of direction.
The other issue was the fact that Sam upgraded all their normal appliances. Their washer and dryer did not look like the standard because he invented ones that worked better. Lance found a room that might possibly be a kitchen but just as easily a lab. There were a few black knives left on one of the counters and some strange looking vegetables. Knives and vegetables were found together in kitchens, right? Then again, half the rooms had vegetables, but he figured a kitchen utensil and an edible looking plant had to be a good indicator.
He walked up to what looked like could be a fridge and tried pulling the giant red lever that could have been the door handle. When nothing opened for him, Lance let out a dissatisfied hum and walked over to some double doors that might have been a pantry or fridge and pulled them open. They were heavy and made a hissing and whirring sound as they slowly opened. The area inside was well lit and the walls looked like they were lined with drawers, but when he walked up and tried pulling on one of the panels it wouldn’t budge.
“Pidge distinctly said ‘shelf.’ So obviously whatever this is, it’s not the refrigerator.” He took one last look before turning to leave, but the doors just barely finished closing on their own without a sound. He let out a short yelp before rushing over and pushing on the thick metal doors but there were no handles and they weren’t budging against his weight. Suddenly the lights in the room snapped into an electric green and he could hear an ominous whirring of something powering up gradually increase in volume.
He pounded on the door, yelling Pidge and her parents’ names in a vain attempt to grab someone’s attention. He started to panic, looking around frantically for some escape latch or emergency button within the walls of the room. When he exhausted all his options he backed up into a corner and braced himself for whatever was about to happen, his limbs plastered against the walls.
“So this is how I die.” He sucked in a sharp breath. “In some Holt laboratory device when ALL I WANTED WAS STRING CHEESE!”
The lights turned off and he screamed, but his scream slowly died out as he realized he wasn’t being evaporated. Nothing happened except for a sudden nausea that overcame him and then his senses quickly faded into blackness.
When Lance came to, he was lying on the ground of the fridge-not-fridge, the hospital-white lights were back on, and the double doors were left open. He looked over his body and patted himself in random spots and let out a sigh of relief. He seemed to be alright and figured he simply passed out from fear and adrenaline. He stood up and quickly left the room, finding his way back to Pidge.
“You can’t find the fridge, can you?” she asked in a dour tone.
She didn’t seem concerned that he was gone for a long time, so Lance figured he was only passed out for a minute or so. It would have been logical to tell her what had just happened but a part of him hesitated. Nothing happened and he didn’t want to get in trouble with her parents. He didn’t want her to get in trouble with her parents when he was being an idiot. He’d seen the way Colleen and Pidge interacted and Mrs. Holt was a scary woman when she wanted to be. He let out a nervous laugh before answering. “No, it appears I’m helpless at your house.”
Pidge stood up as she finished typing something on her phone, her green-painted nails clacking against the touch screen as she led the way without having to look up. “Follow me, goofball.”
They acquired the snacks from the strangely designed fridge - which he could have sworn it did not look like that two weeks ago - and returned to the living room (and he tried to make a mental note of the directions they took through the hallways to get there). They resumed their study of kinetic motion but the only motion Lance could focus on was the swaying of the room.
“I think I need to go home,” he said in the middle of Pidge’s explanation.
“Really, Lance? We haven’t studied five min-” She frowned a moment as she looked him over. “You’re… actually really pale. Are you alright?”
“Um… I think… yeah. I think so.” His voice was starting to slur ever so slightly and he had a feeling it would only get worse. “I just need to… to lie down, or something.”
“You can lie down on the couch or I’ll get you a bed! I don’t think you should be walking home in the state you’re in.”
“No really, I’ll… I should go home.” He stood up and swayed, but Pidge quickly stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him.
“At least let me walk you there,” she insisted.
His house was just a few blocks down from hers so the walk wasn’t long, but they still had to take a few rest stops for Lance to catch his breath and steady his nausea. Mrs. Villanueva kindly greeted them and took Lance in, thanking Pidge for her help (and referring to her as ‘Katie’). Pidge walked back home and wondered what could have overcome her friend. His constitution had gone from perfectly fine to on his deathbed within minutes. She made it a note to check in on him tomorrow if she didn’t hear from him.
Mama Villanueva put Lance immediately to bed, completely tucking the blankets around him and leaving him with bottles of water, a sleeve of saltines, and a throw-up bowl. He had a feeling that whatever was wrong with him wasn’t some kind of flu or virus, and a dread gained weight in his chest that he’d have to tell the Holts what happened to him in their lab if he ever wanted to get better.
What if he never got better?
What if he was dying?
After several runs of overthinking, Lance eventually passed out from mere exhaustion. Not even his worried, rambling brain could keep him from the fatigue that soon overtook his body. He had stressful dreams of things chasing him, as if the mysterious sickness was something he could not run from or escape. When he awoke in the middle of the night, he was fairly sure it was a false awakening and he was still in a dream.
Because he was floating above his bed.
It wasn’t the weirdest thing that had happened in his dreams but it started to get freaky when he saw his whole body was slightly translucent. And for whatever reason, instead of his sleepwear he was dressed in what he wore yesterday and his clothes were inverted in color. His jacket was now a pale frosted gray, the orange bands around his sleeves now a vibrant blue. His jeans became a light tan while his shirt and shoes darkened into a charcoal gray.
“Of course I’d dream myself as a ghost after worrying about dying,” he muttered to himself as he looked at his hands with a calm fascination. He also knew he was dreaming because the sickness that consumed his body before was magically gone. He knew if he had woken for real, he would have felt like death.
He tried moving to the ground and floated on down with ease, his feet touching the floor without a sound. He started to walk out of his room but then decided to try floating instead because if he was a ghost why bother using the energy to walk? He discovered he could do it without much thought, his feet hovering a few inches from the ground with knees relaxed as if he were making his way through zero gravity.
Lance was about to open his door but his hand phased through it, causing him to let out a startled yelp. He covered his mouth with his hand that wasn't halfway through the door and waited, listening to hear if he woke anyone up. He shook his head, realizing this was a dream and it didn't matter if he woke up his parents or siblings. Although for all he knew, in this dream world there might have been monsters or something equally as terrifying he did not want to awaken.
He returned his focus to his hand in the door. It didn't hurt but he could feel where the doorknob began through his wrist and where the door ended halfway through his fingers like a precise singeing upon his skin. It didn’t burn, exactly, but Lance didn’t want to linger through a solid object for too long.
"This is the weirdest thing…" He experimented by moving his hand in and out through the door through various parts, testing how it felt at different angles. He slowly made his way phasing his whole body through the door, pausing here and there with curiosity. It wasn't long after he passed through the door that a chilling sensation passed up his spine and caused him to let out a squeaky wheeze. Some strange feeling overcame him, urging him to go outside.
Now knowing he could phase through solid objects, he passed through the bathroom in the hall and straight to the outside of his house. He turned towards the street, completely silent and serene in the middle of the night, and saw a figure in the distance. Normally a stranger out in the street at three in the morning was a major red flag but Lance could afford to follow his dangerously unhealthy curiosity when it was only a dream. He might get chased and murdered by a serial killer with an axe, but he could phase through walls now so it might not be nearly as scary (at least that's how he justified it).
Upon hovering closer, he saw that the figure was semi-translucent as well, although the stranger had his feet planted on the ground like a normal person. Perhaps everyone in this particular alternate universe were ghostly. Lance must have spent way too long staring at the stranger because when he spoke it completely startled him.
"What are you doing out here?"
Lance struggled for a moment as his mouth worked but only sputtering came out. "B-bold of you to say that when you're out in the middle of the street in the middle of the night… in the middle of my dream," he added for emphasis, as if that mattered. "So what are you doing out here?"
"It's not safe out here, you should go back to your home," the stranger said in a kind but cautious tone. He was interesting looking and perhaps that's why Lance was staring so intensely before. The stranger had purple skin with darker stripes curving up his cheeks, his eyes an electric yellow with bright purple irises. Lance had to wonder if he looked just as strange but the color of his skin was its usual warm tone.
"My home is right there," he jabbed a thumb behind him. "So I might as well see what's going on."
"No, really." The stranger almost looked nervous. "You should go."
"Aww come on, do I really look that pathetic?" Lance scoffed, confident that he could handle whatever this dream verse would throw at him. He had played enough video games to improvise and figure out how to survive.
"Considering you no longer have legs, yes."
He stared at him in confusion for a moment, then dared to look down to see his legs were gone, a translucent ghostly tail curling down from his waist instead. "Oh! Wha… what does that mean?" This dream is turning out weirder by the minute.
"Either you're an emotional wreck or you have no control over your ghost powers. Or both," he answered flatly. "Don't you know you don't need your tail unless you're traveling at high speeds or maneuvering quickly through solid objects?"
Lance lowered his brows. "I- wh?- No. I have no idea how to be a ghost."
The stranger looked a hundred percent done. "You are a ghost."
"Yeah, just for right now in this weird dream. I always have weird dreams when I'm sick."
"This is real life. It's not a dream."
"See? That's exactly what someone in my dream would say!"
The stranger rolled his bright eyes. "Fine. Whatever. Die for all I care."
"Aren't we already dead? We're ghosts."
His eyes narrowed, his expression intense. "You… you aren't normally human, are you?"
"Of course I'm 'normally' human," he answered with air quotes. "What kind of a question is that?"
The stranger suddenly looked apprehensive. "You really need to go home. And stay there."
Lance placed his hands on his hips, his face turning into a frustrated pout. "You're not the boss of me."
He turned on him, his face only inches away as his voice tugged an urgency from Lance's chest. "Your kind are rare and there is a hunter out on the loose looking for ghosts like you. Believe me when I say you do not want to be caught. If you care at all about your own self-preservation you will run and hide. I can mislead him from your home but only if you promise to stay there."
Lance was silent a moment, his eyes wide as he tried to process the severity of his words, but something stuck out to him more than the imminent danger or the implication that he was no longer human. "Why would you want to help me?"
The other ghost hesitated but his answer felt sincere. "Because we're more similar than you think." His golden eyes moved to the house and back to Lance to indicate he should go back, and with that, he gave him one last look and flew away, out of the streetlight and into the darkness.
"… I guess that's one way for my dream to wake me up." He shrugged and hovered back towards his house, phased through the walls and went back to his room. As soon as he approached the bed, the same chill from earlier traveled up his spine except this time he felt it worse.
He had a feeling that whatever the stranger was running from had arrived.
And whatever it was, it felt like a horribly bad omen.
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keelywolfe · 5 years
FIC: Baby, You’re a Firework (baon)
Summary: Every year the city of Ebott has a 4th of July festival and Edge is taking Stretch. Please save him.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Established Relationship, Domestic, Fluff, Edge Is A Good Husband
Part of the ‘by any other name’ series. 
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Every year since Monsters came to the surface, and surely many years before that, Ebott city held a festival for the Fourth of July.
A carnival would set up in town and crowds of Humans and some of the braver Monsters would go to spend time with family and friends, a day filled with food, frenzy, and laughter for all.
As far as Edge was concerned, it was misery incarnate.
Nothing less than grease-coated nightmare to be endured and it was only his love for Stretch that had him sullenly standing in line at the ticket booth, ignoring the curious looks from the Humans around him.
It made him wish Jeff was further along in his recovery, because at least if he and Antwan were with them it would be a shared misery. But even out of the hospital, Jeff was still spending most of his time lying down, shuffling between the sofa and the bathroom while Blue fussed over him.
True to his nature, Blue had pointed out that he was the best option for Jeff, as he could take time off work easier than anyone else and was familiar with caring for a sick person. He’d run roughshod over any arguments to the contrary, mostly Antwan’s, and Jeff had been quickly installed into Stretch’s old room to be coddled by one rather short, very determined skeleton.
Not that it hadn’t been terribly amusing to watch Blue successfully argue the case for him being caretaker over a lawyer, it certainly was. If nothing else came from that awful night, he could find amusement in that and even Jeff seemed bemused by the various people arguing over him.
So it had been decided, mostly by Blue, that Jeff was staying with him for the time being as he recovered, and while Stretch usually chafed at his brother’s fussing, for now Jeff seemed to bask in it, along with Antwan and Stretch’s daily visits.
Ah, and there was something else curious to consider.
It was their turn at the ticket booth and Edge absently handed the Human several bills, accepting the paper wrist bands they held out in exchange. He fastened one to his own wrist before putting one on his impatiently bouncing husband. But his thoughts were still in their friends.
There was something going on between Jeff and Antwan that Edge didn’t quite have a bead on, something that left Antwan quieter than his normal self, often sleeping over at Blue’s on the sofa rather than walking the few minutes it would take to return to his own home. The sofa was at Blue’s insistence that Jeff was still too hurt for shenanigans, as he put it, and Antwan hadn’t argued. But he stayed and Edge didn’t blame him for it. Nothing could have torn him from Stretch if the situation was reversed. His unnatural quietness, though, that was a concern. Was it trauma from the incident, stress from the sudden increase in his workload, something else entirely?
Honestly, Edge needed to corner Antwan soon and get a few answers about that, but for now, he simply needed to survive the festival. The moment his wristband was secure, Stretch was off, Edge reluctantly at his heels over the muddy fairgrounds.
That alone was proof that even if they’d smuggled Jeff away from Blue’s hovering, he probably wouldn’t have enjoyed much from his constantly stuck wheelchair anyway. Edge could only resign himself to the day, sardonically grateful that at least his years in Underfell had given him excellent endurance.
From all appearances, he’d need it.
The normally enjoyable sunshine became welter of heat beating down on the tents and booths. Gratingly cheerful music poured from speakers that seemed to be everywhere, loud enough to be heard over the many chattering patrons.
Concession sellers hawking their wares shouted into the crowds about ice cold lemonade and beer, while others pitched cotton candy and corn dogs. The overwhelming smell of hot grease seemed to coat the very air, clinging stickily no matter where they walked. Each booth was covered with garish advertisements showing cobs of corn dripping with butter, ungodly desserts dipped into fry batter, and people crowded beneath striped awnings for whatever food on a stick they craved.
The pictures were awful enough but to see the other patrons stuffing such monstrosities into their mouths with relish was enough to make Edge choke back a gag.
Stretch loved all of it, of course.
He fit in entirely too well with the crowd, carrying a bag with goggle-eyed goldfish covering it slung over one shoulder, filled with stars-knew what. His tank top was scrawled with ‘I Flexed and the Sleeves Fell Off’, which prompted many a glance at his slender, skeletal arms. Unremarkable baggy shorts showed off similar legs, with bright green crocs on his feet, easily Edge’s least favorite item in his wardrobe. His own sedate jeans and a plain t-shirt garnered no looks past the fact he was a Monster, but he was well accustomed to those glances.
The real chore of the day was keeping Stretch in sight, a surprisingly difficult task considering how they both towered over most of the crowd. Keeping an eye on Stretch was second nature by now, but adding in Humans who’d consumed stars only knew much alcohol upped the challenge. Stretch’s eagerness was also an effective escape mechanism, and he could be surprisingly eely in a crowd, weaving through without so much as brushing elbows while Edge was forced to push onward with muttered apologies, a steamroller chasing after a dirt bike.
The easiest way to slow him down was to overcome his distaste long enough to fill Stretch’s arms with things to carry. Soon a bag of somewhat mangled pink and blue spun sugar hung from one hand, a corn dog dripping with honey gripped in the other.
There were downsides to that technique; the extra sugar didn’t offer any benefit to slowing him down and while Stretch knew better than to offer Edge any, he could never help himself when it came to grabbing Edge’s arm in excitement whenever he saw something of interest, and the row of sticky handprints trailing down his sleeve to his arm was evidence of that.
Stretch never had qualms about stopping to chat with Humans who knew him from Twitter. Pausing for selfies. Offering the dogs roaming the fairgrounds with their masters a biscuit hastily dug from his bag, even as they strained eagerly for the remains of his corn dog. Or perhaps it was an attempt to nibble on his finger bones, either was possible.
It was difficult to stand back and watch, but Edge did, his awareness of how close these unknown Humans were to his husband battling with the softness in his soul at Stretch’s laughter.
Eventually, they made their way down a pathway that led to a crowded row of so-called games where gaudy prizes dangled temptingly from booths. Years of experience with traps and puzzles made it obvious to Edge’s shrewd eye lights that every game was rigged and very few of those large prizes would be ending up in anyone’s arms.
Why anyone would want a sawdust-filled Spongebob knockoff was past Edge’s understanding anyway…so of course Stretch announced, “i need one.”
Unfortunately, his skill with crane machines didn’t translate well to tossing rings or throwing darts at balloons, and the sag in Stretch’s shoulders as they walked away from yet another game without a cheap prize made Edge reluctantly offer, “Would you like me to try?”
For one, he didn’t have any qualms about cheating in an unfair game.
“no,” Stretch said stubbornly. “i can win my own prize.”
That prophecy refused to come true until they reached a booth with a kiddie pool. Swirling through the flimsy plastic pond was a flock of bedraggled rubber ducks, paint flaking from their faces. A young Human who looked as greasy as the corn dogs called them over, waving a hand at the pool.
“Easy, peasy, pick a duck, win a prize, duck down and try your hand,” he warbled. Edge wondered idly how anyone could talk that fast without breathing. “Everyone’s a winner here!”
The bill Stretch held out was quickly tucked into his apron, and Stretch crouched low, studying each duck with fierce intensity. Next to him, a toddler chose a duck and crowed in delight as he was handed a toy that probably had a list of warnings longer than Edge’s arm.
“rubber ducky, which is the one, gonna pick one and have some fun...” Stretch sang under his breath. Finally, he plucked one dripping from the pond. A number scrawled on the bottom in faded sharpie had the Human digging in to a bucket and soon Stretch had a keychain of a ghastly plastic cactus dangling proudly from a belt loop.
Ah, well, at least it wasn’t a clown. Or Spongebob.
Then there were the rides. Just looking at them was chilling and Edge could only wonder when they’d last been properly maintained. Parents who would never dream of allowing their children to step a foot outside of a crosswalk were eagerly shuffled them into these death traps managed by teenagers who looked as if they’d graduated high school as recently as that day.
Still, Edge would have gone on those horrors himself, if only to keep Stretch in close reach, but simply watching the twirling cars was enough for nausea to lurch in him.
If a shortcut could send him dashing to the nearest toilet, Edge wasn’t about to press his luck with something called ‘The Zipper’.
It left him as both observer and coat rack, holding Stretch’s bag as he stood in line for each one, bouncing on his toes and chatting with the people surrounding him, taking selfies with many of them.
Watching Stretch on the ride was nearly as bad as being on it himself. Usually the sound of his delighted laughter raised Edge’s own happiness. Today, it was an effort to force himself to watch, swallowing back nausea as he stared at swinging ships and whirling platforms.
He was even forced to beg off on the bumper cars, watching as Stretch was crammed into a tiny car, his knees bent nearly to his skull. His attempt at driving brought a great deal of understanding as to why he’d chosen not to get his license.
A low-key headache was starting to throb faintly as he followed Stretch through the crowd after the last ride, a grim march onward to the end.
It wouldn’t be for much longer; the sun was going down, taking with it some of the heat, and the rides were starting to come alive with lights. Soon, the fireworks would begin and after that was the blissful quiet of home.
That headache was looming ominously. Perhaps he could persuade Stretch to step to the outskirts for a moment? If he suggested a smoke break it would be suspicious, but perhaps—
“let’s hit up the 4-h tent, babe, check out the animals?”
Or they could do that. Edge sighed inwardly and followed him mutely along to his doom.
Inside the stifling tent was the overwhelming smell of animals and their waste, along with groups of children either squalling to pet something, squalling from exhaustion, or simply squalling to add a new layer of pressure to Edge’s incipient headache.
The last one was probably untrue but it certainly felt that way.
Normally Edge was fond of children, but those ice-pick shrieks were everywhere, the crowds keeping them from catching more than a glimpse of any animals. It seemed too much for even Stretch and they exited quickly on the other side of the tent.
Edge took a deep breath of slightly cooler air as they stepped out. There was a hand washing station set up nearby and more parents grimly scrubbing their children clean of accumulated filth. The water was tepid but Edge didn’t care, stripping off his gloves to scrub past his elbows, indulging in the bliss of soap.
That Stretch willingly stood next to him and did the same meant either he was finally managing to impart some cleanliness standards into him, or possibly that Stretch simply loved him enough to do it without being asked. Edge would be happy with either.
Better was Stretch digging through his bag and pulling out a fresh pair of gloves for him. Edge pulled them on with a sigh of relief while Stretch rolled up the sweaty pair into a ball and stuffed them away.
“are you having fun?” Stretch asked. He scrabbled into the bag again and came out with a bottle of relatively cool water, handing it over.
Lying was not a skill that came easily to Edge, but he couldn’t bear to rupture the hopefulness of that expression. He stalled, taking a long drink from the water bottle before he temporized, “I always have fun with you.”
The lopsided smile said he was less than successful, but the soft kiss he was granted meant the effort was appreciated.
“yeah, no. you’re sweet, but i can almost see the dust from grinding your teeth.” Stretch caught hold of his elbow with a freshly washed hand. “c’mon, let’s get out of here.”
Edge resisted. “You wanted to see the fireworks.”
“and you are gonna get a headache if we stay longer. i had fun today, babe, let’s end it on a good note?”
He hesitated. Leaving sounded like a gift, but the day was never meant for him. Yet if they stayed and he ended up with a miserable headache, the misery wouldn’t be only his. “All right.”
The walk to the car was a quick one and so was their exit. There were few other cars on the streets; it seemed most of the city was still at the festival. The cooler darkness was already easing away his headache, the rush of the wind soothing.
Next to him, Stretch sprawled back in the seat, staring lazily up at the darkened sky where stars were beginning to twinkle above them. Soon it would be filled with fireworks, sprays of color painted against the velvet night, and Stretch was going to miss it.
With the top down and the sun finally gone, the breeze was glorious but they didn’t experience it for long. Edge turned into the entrance of a Jamba Juice, parking in the furthest part of the lot away from the straggle of other cars.
“did you want a drink?” Stretch sat up, confused.
“No. Just wait.”
His timing couldn’t have been better. In the distance came a boom, then the crackle of fireworks exploding across the sky, soaring overtop the trees. The cacophony was muted but the show was no less brilliant.
Nor was the soft delight on Stretch’s face, and Edge’s attention was split between the sparkling sky and his husband’s quiet enjoyment. Slender fingers caught his own and Edge squeezed them gently, then blinked in surprise as they pulled insistently, until he was tugged over the gearshift to the passenger side.
They were slim enough to fit together in the seat without too much discomfort and was worth it to have Stretch snuggle back into his arms.
He sat back and watched the fireworks, breathing in the sweetness of his husband’s scent as he held him, a lovely ending to a long day.
But tomorrow, there was going to be a chat with Antwan and Edge was in no mood to take no for an answer.
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [ch 4]
pairing: eventual moxiety, eventual logince, background eventual remile, background eventual remy/emile/deceit
WARNINGS: food mentions, swearing, mentions of injury, anxiety, roman’s kind of a dick but he feels bad, a single flirtation, possibly something else
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter@band-be-boss-blog @theunoriginaldaisy
a/n: so i have to repost all of these in a different format! yay fucking me!!!! please consider reblogging these if you’re a fan of this series because it’s all fucked up now
first - previous - next - companions
consider buying me a coffee (please)
Roman didn’t know what he’d expected to see when he walked into Virgil’s hospital room, but it certainly wasn’t that. Patton was sitting in the bed with the pretty much stranger, eyes closed, arms wrapped around him, and chin resting on his head. Virgil was asleep, which, after the day’s events, wasn’t very surprising. He could hear Patton softly humming a son that he couldn’t exactly place.
“Hey, Pat! We brought you some spaghetti from the cafeteria and a gift for Virgil.” Roman made sure to keep his voice quiet, not wanting to disturb the sleeping teen just feet away. Patton opened his eyes and smiled an incredibly bright smile. He motioned towards the over-the-bed table tray thing (Roman couldn’t think of a single word to describe the atrocity on wheels). Roman gave Pat his dinner while Logan set to organizing the luggage they’d brought with them.
“Did we have any Comm Arts homework tonight?” Patton quietly asked between bites of pasta.
“No,” Logan told him. “But we do have to do a page in the Physics packet. It’s only five problems, but they’re pretty long, and that’s coming from me.” 
Patton groaned in response.
Roman added, “I also talked to your Child Guidance teacher, and she told me that your class was having a test tomorrow on Chapter Six. You should probably email her and ask if you’d be able to take it at home since I don’t assume you’ll be leaving Virgil alone.” He shot a knowing look to Pat as he said this. It wasn’t news that Patton was basically the dad friend; he was always caring about everyone else’s well being and stayed committed to them when they need support, even if that person was someone he’d just met. Especially if that person was someone he’d just met.
“Neither of us had time to ask your Psychology teacher about homework, but I’d just send him an email that explains your situation, and I’m sure he’ll give you a break. We know how worried you get, and we don’t want any excessive stress about school on top of that,” Logan added with a small smile.
“Thanks, guys! You’re the best friends I could ask for.” Patton had somehow finished his entire plate of food in the less than two minute conversation and had opened up his phone to email his teachers.
The instant the phone had been turned off, Logan spoke up once more. “Patton, I know you want to look after Virgil, but have you gotten any sleep in the past twenty four hours? You look like a figurative zombie.” Roman couldn’t help but agree. Intense bags had formed under his friend’s eyes, and he looked as if he would fall asleep at any moment.
“I’m okay, guys. I promi--” Patton’s words got cut off by an intense yawn.
“Point proven. We’ll look after him while you rest, okay? Roman, get out the blanket that we packed.” Logan’s words, although could be taken as harsh, were very gentle and kind. Patton wiggled out from under Virgil, being careful not to wake him up. Roman handed over the blanket and guided him to the padded bench in the corner of the room. Almost as soon as Patton had set his head on the blanket, he was out. The two remaining teens smiled at their loving friend.
“Who the fuck are you two?!” Virgil screeched. Upon waking up, he had found himself in his hospital room with Patton asleep in the corner and two random guys playing what looked like chess three feet away.
“Welcome back to the living, Creeping Beauty,” muttered the smaller guy in the red short sleeved button up with little white hearts, not looking up from the game.
“My name is Logan Christiansen, and this is my friend Roman Patrick. We’re friends with Patton, and we have been tasked with watching over you while he gets a little sleep.” The guy in the tie, Logan, adjusted his glasses and made a move on the board in front of him. “Check mate, Roman.”
Virgil sighed and looked around the room for something to do while Logan and Roman were playing chess. He spotted his suitcase and instantly got a little happier.
“Did you guys happen to bring my phone and headphones?” Honestly, he didn’t care if he sounded like a little kid in a candy store. He’d been craving the ability to listen to something loud so that he could wash out all of the bad thoughts in his mind.
“Yeah,” Roman answered. “It’s in your backpack. Give me a second to find it.” He got up and rummaged through the black backpack a few feet away until he found what he was looking for. He dropped it on the lap of Virgil and went right back to playing his game.
Navigating a phone with barely any of his fingers unbandaged was a task, to say the least, but Virgil eventually got open the music app and put it on shuffle. The first song to come up was “Novocaine” by Fall Out Boy. A smile spread on his face. He closed his eyes and let the music soothe him until he fell back to sleep.
Roman glanced at where Logan had fallen asleep in the middle of a physics problem and sighed. He’d accidentally left his phone in the car and was hopelessly bored. The teen dramatically propped his feet up onto the hospital bed and threw his head back.
“Hey, Drama Queen. Is there any way you could get me some food?” Roman’s head snapped to look at Virgil, who was looking at him with disinterest.
“First of all,” Roman started. “I am not a ‘Drama Queen.’ Second, I think that the cafeteria closed at eight, and it’s well past ten right now.” 
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Awesome. Truly, how could this day get any better? An astounding ending,” the boy muttered as he ran a bandaged hand through his hair. Admittedly, Roman felt bad for the kid. He’d had a really rough day, and not being able to eat was probably weighing on him. With a sudden change of heart, Roman stood up and grabbed his wallet.
“Would you rather stay here, or do you want me to grab you a wheelchair so I can push you around on a quest for food?” For a second, Roman almost swore that he had seen a hint of a smile flash across Virgil’s face.
“Wheelchair.” Virgil swung his legs until they hung off the side of his mattress and slowly sat up, taking hold of his IV stand in the process.
It only took Roman a minute to find a wheelchair that he could use. Virgil hopped off the bed, almost eating shit in the process, and plunked himself into the wheelchair. Their quest for some sustenance started with very few setbacks until they reached the elevators.
“Oh, shit! I forgot that I’d have to take the elevator. Fuck.” It took all of Roman’s self control not to laugh at that comment.
“Afraid of elevators, Dr. Disasterology?” Roman teased.
“Shut up, asshole.” Virgil sneered. “Look, there’s a lot that could go wrong in an elevator, not to mention that it’s fucking tiny.”
“Well, it’s too late to turn back now.” Roman pushed the wheelchair into the elevator and hit the button for the third floor. All color had drained out of Virgil’s face as soon as the elevator had started to move. It only took a second for Roman to realize that his actions had been a dick move.
“Virgil, are you going to be okay? We can abort the mission and just go back if you nee--”
“No. We’re going,” Virgil said through clenched teeth. The elevator dinged, announcing they’d reached the correct floor, and Roman pushed them out as soon as the doors were wide enough to allow for them to pass. He could visibly see Virgil calm down, which was both relieving and mildly terrifying at the same time.
“Let’s see if any of the vending machines are on. I think there are a few near the cafeteria, and they looked like they had some okay choices.” Roman murmured as he tried to gather his thoughts while they wandered around the hospital.
Virgil pointed to his left. “That looks kinda promising.” There was a lone vending machine tucked away in a corner. Its lights were on, but it didn’t look like it’d been touched in ages. Roman dramatically made racecar noises as he turned the wheelchair and pushed them towards the machine. He didn’t even need to be looking to know that Virgil had rolled his eyes.
Virgil scanned the contents of the machine once they’d arrived. It was full of options, and it looked like nothing had been bought.
“Alright, Prince Charming, can you buy me some of those veggie straw things and a cinnamon bun?” 
Roman obliged, especially since he only had to spend a total of two dollars on the meal.
“Thanks, dude,” Virgil said as he tore open the bag of veggie straws.
“No problem. At least you’re not a food vacuum like Patton. He ate his entire plate of pasta in less than two minutes.” Virgil couldn’t help but laugh at that.
“Is that a challenge? Because I will totally fight him on that title of ‘food vacuum.’” He shoved a giant handful of chips into his mouth, immediately reaching for another. Roman had to pause navigating their way to the elevators to physically stop Virgil from stuffing his mouth.
There were exactly three other incidents were Virgil tried to shove copious amounts of food into his mouth, and the third happened to be at the same moment that they were arriving at the room. Roman opened the door to be greeted by a worried Patton, who was staring straight at Virgil as he ate a full handful of the chips. 
Patton’s face instantly grew cheery as he saw the pair. “I was so worried about you two! I’m glad you’re okay; although, Roman, it was irresponsible to not leave a note explaining where you went. I almost woke up Logan and made him come with me to search for you!” Patton’s words were flying out of his mouth at a speed that was barely comprehensible.
“Sorry, Pat. I should’ve left a note. Virgil was really hungry, so we went to get him some--VIRGIL I SWEAR TO GOD DO NOT SHOVE THAT WHOLE CINNAMON BUN INTO YOUR MOUTH--food. Glad to see you got some sleep, though.” Roman gave Patton a quick hug before helping Virgil back into the bed.
“You and Logan should probably head out. I don’t want you two to be tired for school tomorrow.” Pat once again took a seat at Virgil’s side. Roman nodded and began to lightly shake Logan’s shoulder.
“Hey, sleepyhead. It’s time to get up so you can drive us home.”
“...What?” Logan asked, voice laced with tiredness.
“It’s around ten thirty, Lo. We need to get home and sleep in an actual bed, not on a chair. C’mon, dear heart,” Roman coaxed. It took Logan all of thirty seconds to actually process the information, and in that time Roman decided he’d be driving them to Logan’s house and staying there for the night.
After the duo packed up their things and said goodbye, Virgil and Patton were left alone in the dreary hospital room, where the only sounds were Virgil softly chewing on his cinnamon roll and the EKG machine.
“Did you have a good nap?” Virgil asked after a few minutes.
“Yeah, I did. How was your food adventure with Roman?” Patton was really curious. Out of Logan and Roman, he’d expected Virgil to dislike Roman’s dramatic nature far more than Logan’s intense intelligence.
“It was… interesting. Roman is totally dramatic, so it was way funnier to mess around with him and see his reactions.” Virgil thought back to the numerous times he’d messed around just to fuck with Roman and laughed. Seriously, Virgil, he’d scolded. I don’t want you choking on food on our way back up. Patton would literally kill me.
“Well that’s good, kiddo! And how are you feeling? Do you need me to get you anything?”
“I’m good, Patton. Really. I feel better than I have in a while, to be honest.” There was no lie in what Virgil said. He really did feel better than he had in a long time. All of the things that the trio of friends were doing for him made him feel really happy. Like, maybe he did actually matter.
“That’s wonderful!” The two sat in silence for a while before Virgil spoke up again.
“Thanks for everything you’re doing, Patton. I’ve been kind of an ass to you today.” Virgil focused on his hands. He was really embarrassed that he’d ended up in the hospital when everything could’ve been avoided if he’d just shut his fucking mouth and listened to Patton.
“Don’t worry about it. I told you earlier today that I’ve been in some rough times as well. It’s really, really hard on a person, and sometimes they do things they don’t really mean.” Patton reached up and ruffled Virgil’s hair, to which he protested. The duo broke out in laughter. Virgil really could get used to this whole having-friends thing.
“Do you want to listen to some music? I have some not-super-punk songs if you’d rather listen to something lighter.” Admittedly, “some not-super-punk songs” meant things like “20 Dollar Nosebleed” and “This is Gospel,” but technically they weren’t as punk rock the rest of his collection.
“We can listen to whatever you want, Virge. Don’t let me stop you from listening to the music you enjoy.” 
Virgil shrugged and unplugged his headphones, turning up the volume at the same time. He hit shuffle on his playlist and let the sounds of “I’m Not Okay (I Promise)” fill the room.
The two teenagers sat there for a long while before both of them eventually fell asleep.
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somekindofroger · 5 years
One Year of Love (Chapter 6)
 BoRhap! Roger Taylor x Reader
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previous chapters: chapter one, chapter two, chapter three, chapter four, chapter five
Summary (what happened so far): You and Deaky became good friends after you meeting him at the backstage of a Queen concert because you were making company to your groupie friend. You and he just saw each other as friends, Roger felt interest on you but you didn’t show it back and it was driving him crazy, especially because Queen was on tour in America. You, living in England, John was always calling to you, and the other band members (Brian and Freddie) were enjoying your friendship. After they returned to England you barged in into one of their parties without being invited. Freddie saw you before you leaving trying to be unseen, Roger also saw you and followed you and being the two of you alone, after an argumentation, you kissed. You left and none of you spoke a word about it.
A/N: hey loves, I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. I don’t know, I feel like it’s going on a bit boring, but just because, as I said before, I am leading to the main story. I had a bit of a lack of inspiration on this chapter, so I am sorry if it seems all very hurry or nonsense, even though, I am still enjoying writing it and I truly hope you all are also enjoying reading it :D Please do give me a feedback! It means so much and it also gives me will to keep writing it, heh. Thanks a lot. Also, let me know if you want to be added in the tag list :)
Words: 2k
           “You left early last night, that’s a whole new record even for you” Roger heard Freddie sassing him about leaving early from the party. “Or you left alone? Because I saw that groupie you were with there alone and you were no place near”
           “Roger left the gig alone? I don’t buy it” Brian said at the moment he was entering the room, John right behind him.
           “Of course, you know me better than that, Brian. I didn’t left the party alone” and he winked at Brian.
           “Deaky, have you spoken to (Y/N)?” Freddie wanted to know.
           “Not ever since we arrived, why?”
           “Just curiosity” and Roger glanced at Freddie. He knew Freddie saw you at the party, he was wondering if Freddie also saw you two leaving alone, despite what he said before.
           “Honestly, after months on tour I am tired of seeing your ugly faces” Roger said standing up “I am out of here”.
           “You should call her, John. She needs to meet Mary!” Freddie said again and that caught Roger’s attention, he stopped. “Weren’t you leaving, Rog?” Freddie knew Roger was going to be interested.
           “I am, I have better things to do” Roger said while leaving.
           “Don’t forget to ask their names” Brian spoke out loud while he was leaving. They laughed about it, but Roger actually could only think about that kiss.
           You were sleeping when Jen arrived early in the morning. She had this big smile on her face and she woke you up knocking on the door asking for you to let her in.
           “Morning, sunshine” she said with the big smile while entering the apartment while you had this ‘I just woke up’ face.
           “I take this happiness as you shagged last night” you said to her right after yawning.
           “Christ woman, you look awful” she said. “And I did” and she kept smiling. “Oh, (Y/N) you never gonna believe how amazing he was.”
           “Roger?” you wanted to know.
           “Oh no, he is long gone now. I mean Kyle.”
           “I met him last night, Roger just disappeared and I just ignored it and decided to enjoy the party and I met Kyle, and woah, what a night!”
           “I’m glad you had fun, Jen.”
           “Where were you last night? You also disappeared, I was just not worried about Roger being with you because I know he isn’t your type at all, hah”.
           “I thought it wasn’t my place to be, so I just left” you tried to not seem guilty.
           “Yeah, sounds like you. Well, I gotta get a shower, I will be heading back to Bradford later.”
           “No more Queen to you?”
           “Oh love, I am never done with Queen, but now I can die in peace because I have shagged Roger Taylor and I am done with his type”
           “Amen” and you forced a laugh.
           After putting better clothes you decided to go out and get yourself a coffee on a place nearby. It was a windy morning and you got yourself a scarf, anxious thinking about the hot coffee you were about to get. You entered the coffee shop and faced the short line. You started to remember about last night and how Roger kissed you. Were you two meeting again? Were you two going to kiss again? What the hell all of that meant. Inside the coffee shop it was warmer and you decided to take off your scarf and hold it. You ordered the coffee and decided to sit next to a table while waiting for them to call your name, you were distracted playing with the scarf fabric, thinking about how your studies were going and Roger was still crossing your mind over and over again. You heard your name be called and you got up to go catch it, you grabbed it and was about to leave the coffee shop when you heard someone touching you, you were expecting it and had a weird reaction to it, you jumped up in fright and that scared the person who had touched you, a man, who made him spill all of his coffee.
           “Oh my, I am so sorry” you desperately said trying to clean the coffee that was dropped on his clothes.
           “It’s ok, it’s ok.” He said giving you a smile and also trying to clean himself.
           “I don’t know what happened, I am sorry” you said again. And then he handed you over your scarf that you were forgetting on the table.
           “I think that’s yours” he smiled at you.
           “Oh boy! It is, thank you so much, ugh, I am terrible, forgive me” and you kept trying to help him to clean himself.
           “Hey, I got it, it’s ok” and he stared at you. Then you first saw his face and he had those pretty blue eyes. He was beautiful and had a dark hair. “I am Matt, by the way”.
           “Hi Matt” you smiled back at him trying to put yourself together again. “I’m (Y/N).”
           “I know.”
           “I heard you being called” and you couldn’t avoid but laugh.
           “Right. Can I pay you another coffee or something like that? Really, I feel terrible!”
           “What about you let me buy you a coffee?” and you showed him the coffee you had in your hand. He gave you a nervous laugh “Right. What about another time?”
           “Why not?” you answered back. You gave him your number and said bye. You headed back to your apartment.
           “Jen, you won’t believe what happened!” you said while entering the place.
           “When were you going to tell me that you were sleeping with John Deacon?” she said when she first showed up on the living door. You hadn’t even close the door yet and you were shocked about it.
           “What you mean?”
           “Don’t give me this ‘what you mean’ crap, (Y/N). He called! He said he wanted to take you out and so did Freddie to introduce you to someone, I don’t know, Mary I think. How come you didn’t tell me?”
           “I am not sleeping with him” that was all that came to your mind to answer her.
           “No? So why did he and Freddie wanted to take you out and even introduce you to someone?”
           “We… we are just friends, Jen.”
           “You expect me to believe that? Honestly, (Y/N) I thought we were friends” and she grabbed her bag, she was about to leave.
           “Jen, I am sorry, we are really just friends” you held her hand trying to make her wait “I didn’t think it would mean something, it’s not even that big deal.”
           “Was that why you wanted to come to the party last night?”
           “Yes. I wanted to know why he didn’t invite me. I am sorry, Jen. I mean it.”
           “I will think about it” and that was all she said before she leaving. You felt terrible. Jen wasn’t one of your closest friends but still she was your friend and you cared for her and you didn’t want to things to end up like that.
           Feeling bad about the whole situation you decided to distract yourself by trying to do some work on your studies, you were really focused and nothing was crossing your mind. Not Jen, Roger or anything to do with Queen, that was when the phone rang, that worked was a way to wake you up from the work you got into to. You went to pick it up.
           “(Y/N)? It’s Matt. You know? From the coffee shop.” The voice on the other side said.
           “Hey Matt. How’s going?”
           “Good. So, I was wondering, I know that’s very rush and I will probably get a no as an answer but… what you think about having dinner tonight?”
           “Tonight?” you repeated
           “I thought the deal was a coffee” you teased.
           “Well, I can buy you a coffee” he laughed about the idea.
           “What time?” you asked him in a way to confirm that you accepted the invitation, maybe going out with a new person was a way to distract yourself even more about the situation, afterwards you couldn’t just stay home the entire Saturday or weekend trying to ignore your thoughts by facing the studies.
           “8pm, is that good? At the Rules, you know it?”
           “I do.”
           “Ok, so it’s a date.”
           “It’s a date. Bye Matt.”
           “Bye.” And you hung up the phone. The idea of going out was indeed really exciting especially because Matt seemed like a nice guy.
           You arrived at the restaurant near 8pm, you didn’t want to get late. You saw Matt just in the moment when you entered the place.
           “Right on time” he smiled at you and walking to you, kissing your cheek as a way to say hello.
           “Didn’t want to let you waiting” and you looked at him, he indeed was looking nice. He was wearing a blue suit that did make call attention to his blue eyes even more. You wore a pink dress that did suit you very well.
           “You look beautiful, (Y/N).”
           “Thank you, you don’t look bad yourself” and you couldn’t avoid but smile. The two of you were escorted by a waiter until a table.
           At the time that the two of you had sit down and already ordered, you two started to chat.
           “So, let me know what you do for living” you asked him.
           “I actually work on the propaganda business.”
           “Really? That’s interesting.”
           “What about you?”
           “Can you guess?” you tried to play.
           “Not really.” He didn’t seem to get the game and you just decided to tell him your whole scholarship thing and what you were doing in London. Matt was indeed a nice guy but so far from the type of guys you had got used to in the past months – specially thanks to phone calls from America.
           You two had a lot to talk about, knowing each other better, and then somewhere from the front of the restaurant you all heard some short of screaming.
           “What is that?” you wanted to know.
           “Probably another famous person, some of them come here” Matt said.
           “You come here often?”
           “Sometimes, more on business than pleasure.”
           “Which one is this meeting about?” you teased him.
           “Pleasure, I hope”. He flirted back.
           The meal has arrived and you kept chatting about each other’s lives. Matt did seem to know a lot of the restaurant, especially for knowing some of the waiter’s names.
           “Sir, there’s a call for you in the reception” a waiter showed up to tell him.
           “I am sorry, (Y/N). Probably from work, I don’t get a day off not even during weekend and I let them know I would be here.”
           “No problem, just go ahead”. And then he left. It was just there at the table, looking to the other empty seat, you took a sip of your wine, looked around and got distracted for a moment, nothing in particular in mind. That was when a movement on the other chair, a second ago empty, called your attention
           “I can’t believe you are already cheating me with another man, love. That is unforgiveable, especially after our so very special moment on the other night.”
           “Roger Taylor, what the hell are you doing here?”
chapter seven
taglist: @itsanarrum @theinvisible-men @schniiipsel @my-bitter-blue @butterfliesflewaway @taylorroger-s @ma-ntequilla @roger-taylor-owns-my-wigg @b-r-o-s-k-i  @rogerjustroger @allhailthedeakydo @xxcxrolinexx
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majesticmarais · 6 years
Manipulation | D.S
Requested by anon!
Summary: When Daniel gets a girlfriend, Y/n finds herself distancing from him due to threats from his new girlfriend and the weight of her feelings
Warnings: swearing, angst
Word Count: 2.1k
Tags: @heyowdw @angelseavey @lovablebesson @superseavey @averysgarl @lovableherron @jackaverybabe @jackaverysboo @jonahmaraismakesmyday @faithinwdw @ijustreallylovethem @ishouldtakeyoutothemoon @adorkableavery
A/n: So this has been one of my most highly anticipated imagines since I posted the upcoming masterlist so I really really hope it reaches your standards! It’s kinda bad idk. Thank you so much and I’m sorry if you have the same name as the rude gal in the story! Also sorry there’s a bunch of little time skips
You and Daniel had been best friends before either of you were even able to walk. With moms who were best friends, the two of you were basically inseparable from the moment you knew each other, and that never changed.
As the two of you got older, your feelings towards Daniel began to alter from simply platonic, to something more than that. You never mentioned it to Daniel, not wanting to ruin anything you had, but you longed to be with him, even if it seemed unattainable.
“Are we still going out today?” you asked Daniel over the phone, your legs up in the air as you lay on your bed, a small smile spread across your face.
“Oh shit, I forgot I said we would do something!” Daniel remarked quickly, your smile faltering slightly.
“Yeah, what are you doing instead? Band stuff?” you inquired, wondering what he was doing that prevented him from seeing you.
“No, uh, I’m actually going on a date,” he muttered under his breath, “remember Vanessa? I think you met her.”
“I know her,” I confirmed, my teeth grazing over my lower lip briefly. “have fun then. I’ll see you at some point.”
After you said your goodbyes and hung up, you couldn’t help but feel a slight sinking feeling in your heart.
Vanessa was one of the last people you ever thought Daniel would be interested in. She was so different from him, almost too different. As much as you wanted to feel happy for him, the only thing that kept running through your head was the fact that it wasn’t you, and you wanted it to be.
Maybe one date is where it will end.
“Where’s Daniel?” you wondered as you entered the Why Don’t We house, your best friends huddled around the TV as they invested themselves in a video game.
“He’s with Vanessa,” Corbyn answered, pausing the game to turn around and acknowledge me.
“Vanessa? They’re still talking?” I asked, sitting down on the couch as I tucked my feet under me, resting my elbow on top of my knee.
“Yeah, they’re official,” Corbyn nodded, “he didn’t tell you?”
“No,” I mumbled, looking down at my lap, “he doesn’t seem to really tell me anything anymore I guess.”
Daniel sat on your floor, legs sprawled out in front of him as he sat on your carpet, head titled up to look at where you were sitting.
He had come over to spend time with you before you met up with the boys to go out.
“Look at this,” you chuckled, turning your phone screen to face him to show him a funny video you found on Twitter.
“Vanessa showed me that yesterday,” he laughed, “it’s pretty funny.”
Of course she did.
You tried not to feel jealous, or upset, but every mention of her name just made you feel worse, like your importance in Daniel’s life was decreasing.
He already blew you off constantly to be with her, and when he wasn’t with her, he was still talking about her.
You tried not to think about it, and live your life even if Daniel was with another girl, but the thoughts kept intruding, breaking your heart more and more. Every time you pretended you didn’t care, it just reminded you of how much you really did.
I have no right to be upset. I’m the one who didn’t tell him how I felt when I should have. It’s too late and I need to suck it up and move on.
“Ready?” Daniel asked as he stood up, brushing the front of his jeans before the two of you made your way to the front door, leaving to meet with the boys.
After going out for dinner, you all made your way back to the house to go swimming and just hang out in the backyard on the warm summer day.
The night was almost perfect, except for the fact that Vanessa came along, shooting you the side eye and sucking Daniel’s face every opportunity she had.
You sat with your feet in the water, Jonah next to you as everyone else swam.
Daniel came over to you, flashing a mischievous grin as he reached his hands to your ankles, tilting his head.
“You better not,” you warned, your eyes narrowing as you looked at your best friend, his eyes matching the color of the pool below him.
“Or else what?” he asked, lifting his eyebrow.
“Or else I’ll burn the friendship bracelet you gave me when we were 5,” you threatened jokingly, lifting your wrist and shaking it, the bracelet dangling.
“You wouldn’t!” Daniel gasped, placing a hand over his heart in exaggeration, the matching friendship bracelet attached to his wrist.
“Oh I would,” I said, nodding my head as I attempted to free my ankles from the grasp of his hands.
“Well, I guess I’m willing to risk it then,” he winked, and before I could even register what he had said, I was under water, the shock of the cold on my body making me tense up before rising to the surface, wiping the water from my eyes.
“You little shit!” I exclaimed, swimming over to him and splashing him, pushing his shoulder playfully as I laughed.
“I had to, it’s what best friends are for,” he shrugged, grabbing you and putting you over his shoulder before throwing you into the water again, making you squeal.
After getting out of the pool, you scurried inside and up to Daniel’s room to get changed into dry clothes. You put your shorts back on but pulled one of Daniel’s hoodies from his closet and over your body, the warm fabric hanging loosely, feeling protected from the slight chill that had appeared in the air.
You walked out of the room to head back outside but gasped as Vanessa unexpectedly appeared in front of you.
“You scared me,” you chuckled, your hand over your chest. You noticed her staring at the bracelet on your wrist before averting her gaze back up to meet yours.
“What are you trying to do?” she asked harshly, making you furrow your brows.
“What do you mean?” you asked, feeling really confused.
“Trying to steal Daniel. It’s obvious you’re flirting with him. Just back off, he likes me, not you,” she replied.
“Daniel has been my best friend since childhood, I’m not trying to steal him from you,” I scoffed, laughing at how ridiculous she was being right now.
“I know you’re just a slut. All over all the guys. You’re not as great as you think you are. Just back off Daniel, or you’ll regret it,” she said.
“Yeah very threatening, you don’t control me,” you snapped back, suddenly feeling angry by the way she was speaking to you as if she knew you at all.
“Trust me,” she whispered, “I can ruin you.”
“Hey guys,” Daniel grinned as he turned the corner.
“Hi baby!” she exclaimed, a fake smile brightening her face as she kissed him quickly.
“What are you guys talking about?” he asked, moving his eyes between you and his girlfriend.
“Oh nothing, just girl stuff,” she said in a high pitched voice before looking at you, her smile dropping, the nastiest look you had ever been given.
You knew there was something off about her, and part of you thought that maybe, despite it being crazy, she could do something to ruin your friendship entirely.
Maybe taking the chance wasn’t even worth it anymore.
After receiving more dirty looks and threats from Vanessa, you decided maybe it would be better to keep your distance.
You didn’t want to cause problems, and quite frankly were more fed up of Vanessa than anything. You just wanted her to stop talking to you and belittling you every time you spoke to Daniel. She clearly had personal issues and was probably capable of spreading lies about you to all the boys, not even only Daniel.
You wanted to tell Daniel about what she was saying, but she was so good at putting up a front that you knew he would never believe you and accuse you of trying to ruin your relationship.
You would just rather him be happy, nothing else really mattered.
Avoiding him allowed you to not think about him so much. Allowed you to forget the strong feelings you had for Daniel.
Maybe forgetting and moving on was what you needed, but at this point, you weren’t entirely sure what you needed.
You heard a knock on your door and you jogged towards it, opening the door. You assumed Daniel would walk in, taking his usual spot on the couch, but he stayed at the front door.
“Why have you been ignoring and avoiding me?” he asked.
“What?” I questioned.
“You haven’t been answering my calls, we haven’t hung out in forever, even with the boys you hardly ever show up. What’s going on with you? Did I do something wrong?” he said, his voice cracking slightly as he looked into your eyes.
“No, Daniel, you didn’t do anything. I’ve just been busy,” you lied, looking down a your feet.
“You’re lying,” Daniel accused, “I’ve known you forever, I know you’re lying. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Vanessa told me to stay away. She threatened a bunch of shit and I figured it’s just easier if I stay out of the way and let you be happy without any added bullshit from me,” you explained truthfully.
“She wouldn’t do that,” Daniel defended.
“I knew you would say that. Danny I’m happy you’re happy, I wouldn’t lie,” I added.
“Vanessa isn’t like that though. She told me she loves you and thinks you’re great. You must have misunderstood or you’re making it up,” he said.
“Daniel I didn’t misunderstand,” you snapped, “since when do you question whether or not I’m telling you the truth? What is happening to you I feel like I don’t even know you sometimes.”
“You’re the one pushing yourself away, I’m not the one who’s changed,” he accused again, taking a step forward. “Besides, since when do you care what people tell you? If she threatened you, when did you become the type of person to just back down?”
“Because I didn’t see that it was worth fighting for,” I muttered, “it gave me an excuse to avoid you.”
“Why do you want to avoid me?” he asked, his eyebrows lifting on his forehead, concern washing over his face.
“Because I can’t stand to see you with her! I can’t stand seeing you change and become this ‘make out in public’ guy with a superficial girl. It’s not you, Daniel!” I exclaimed.
“Why do you care so much?” he asked, an edge to his voice.
“Because I don’t want you with her. I’m in love with you, Daniel, okay? I said it. I don’t want you with her because it hurts me that it’s not me!” I confessed, my voice raising.
He stumbled backwards slightly, his lips parting as he stared back at you, unsure of how to respond.
“Why did you wait so long to tell me this?” he asked.
“Because it’s just easier to pretend it’s not there,” I mumbled, avoiding Daniel’s gaze once again.
“Y/n, I’ve loved you since I was 12 years old. All this time I have been waiting for you, waiting for some sign that you might like me too, waiting for the courage to say something. Why do you only wait until I finally stop beating myself up over you to tell me this?” he asked, his voice raising as well, something that almost never happened.
“So it’s my fault?” I asked.
“I’ve waited for you for years, Y/n. Years. Only now you decide to tell me this. It’s like you’re purposely trying to keep me from letting you go!” he accused.
“Daniel I was tired of living a lie. I’m sorry you think I’m doing this to ruin things but it’s just how I feel. How I’ve been feeling this whole time,” I replied, lowering my voice in hopes he would lower his as well.
“I don’t want you to let me go,” I muttered.
“I hate you for making me be so in love with you,” he said in a low voice, taking a step towards you as he roughly smashed his lips against yours, all the anticipation and love between the two of you being felt. 
Words didn’t even need to be spoken, it was all either of you ever wanted.
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randomhomosapiens · 6 years
Wounds- Part three
Pairing : MC (not the original one) × Masamune
Tagging : @manunelle (if anyone wants a tag, feel free to ask)
Read part two
Well, now he understood why she refused to wear a kimono while going out. He felt sorry for her, as she kept stumbling and nearly falling to the ground. Her movements, usually so fluid and full of determination, were clumsy and irresolute. She was intensely focused on moving her legs without kicking in the fabric, which didn't leave very much room for maneuver. She wasn't used to kimonos, and she had probably never worn one before coming to the castle. Once more, Masamune wondered from where she came and how she ended up there ; it must have been from very far away. Maybe even from behind the borders of the country. He liked the idea of her coming from a foreign exotic country, and he wondered if the ways of her people was as free as hers, if the land she was born on bore such wild standards as their own, or if she was just as unique as he felt she was. As much as he relished the thought of a land inhabited by thousands of such free souls, he somehow would prefer the one that she was unique enough to remain independent from everything else.
But for now, she clearly needed help.
“It's ok, we’re far enough from the castle, lass, you can put that on” he told her, casting a glance behind them and handing her a hakama he had sneaked out of the castle for her.
She snatched it from his hands with a short cry and put it on immediately. She tied the rope clumsily and he proposed with a grin to tie it up for her, which earned him a salty reply. He watched her loosen the slit of her kimono and flex a few times to test the springiness of the lot.
“Life saver ! I couldn’t have made it to the town in this ridiculous, stupid, torture instrument” she declared with emphasis. “I owe you eternal gratitude, Masa” she added with faked solemnly.
This was it. All he needed. The perfect occasion.
“You don’t have to” Masamune started with hidden hope blooming in his voice. “What about an equivalent exchange ?”
She stared at him with wide intrigued eyes. She looked like a child; innocent and sweet. Except he knew, he sensed, there was a dark side to her, a part that may be much more important than it looked. And that was precisely what he wanted to investigate. Ah, that was a massive pain, playing the secretive schemer, they already had Mitsuhide for this kind of boring jobs, and Mitsunari and Ieyasu were the intellectual ones. He was not trying to pretend to be the idiot of the band, but he had always been the type of man who acted first and then dealt the consequences; he tended to rely on his instinct, which incidentally, was often just. So that felt strange to him to play the subtle interrogator.
“Equivalent exchange ? What does that mean ? That’s so unlike you to be cryptic, Masa” she asked with a suspicious glare.
Ugh. She had seen right through him.
“Er- alright then, if that’s how you want to play. I’m gonna ask you a question and you’ll answer honestly, no matter what” he requested very seriously. “That’ll be enough payback for the clothes.”
Her expression darkened and she slowed down her pace, falling behind.
“I can’t guarantee utmost honesty” she stated coldly. She stared at his serious expression in silence and spoke again after a while : “I can however promise you not to lie.”
“So you will choose which questions you’ll answer ? That’s not very fair. How about the equivalent exchange, am I not your “lifesaver” ?” Masamune asked with a dark grin, which she did not respond to.
“That’s all you’ll have. Ask and I’ll see.”
Her voice contained a finality he couldn’t fight -at least not with words- so he took the plunge.
First, the minor matters.
“Why do you hate physical contact ?”
She sighed and shook her head slightly.
“Why do you bother yourself with such irrelevant facts ?” she mustered, averting her eyes. “Did it upset you that much ?”
“Answer the question.” He was not about to let her escape this easily.
“I … You don’t need to know” she let out, looking up to him. She stared in his eye a few seconds and what she saw seemed to comfort her into her decision, because she remained silent as she held his gaze.
“Why ?” he asked, anger poking in his voice as his hand impulsively flew to his katana’s hilt.
“It’s just- it’s silly, but I don’t want to break the charm” she said hesitantly with a dry laugh. “If I told you, I feel like it could wake up the monsters.” Her eyes were careful and her smile bitter. Masamune had never seen her as unnerved. She usually was such a sunny, carefree presence, even in her most dark bouts, she radiated raw freedom and happiness -or so he thought.
Maybe she was just very good at deceiving others.
“And now, you're the one talking all cryptically ! Fine, nevermind that. Let's get down to business” he shouted angrily. “How is it you're so versed in the arts of combat ? Where does this unbelievable strength comes from ? And above all, why did you hide such an important information about you ? ” he accused coldly. What do you want to keep from us, he shouted in the safety of his brain.
They had arrived in town and the constant rumble of chatter nearly drowned his voice. Her answer was as cold, if not colder than his.
“By training, duh.”
That did not amuse him. Oh, if she wanted to play this game, well, they would be two. His hand scraped the hilt of his blade.
“Right. And who trained you ?” he insisted.
For some reason, they were walking faster and faster, as if the speed of their steps needed to match the intensity of their conversation.
As they sank into the crowd, the hubbub of the town seemed to pound into his ears. She was so - frustrating. All Masamune needed was a clear answer, a clear and true answer and then he could finally, finally decide what to do with her. That was driving him mad. Will he have to kill her ? Imprison her ? Get the answers out of her by force ? Let her go ? Or preferably, get everything back as before ?
She shot him another look.
“That too, you don’t need to know.”
He swore loudly, and passersby turned their heads at the sound. He aggressively took hold of her … her sleeve, as she had once more dodged his grip and forcefully dragged her away from the crowd and into the first back alley he could find. Strangely, she did not resist and went along with an odd sense of resignation. With a little more strength than he had expected, he shoved her against the wall. There again, she did not try to keep him from being hard on her, as if waiting for him to calm down. Which only managed to get him even more mad at her. Why was she making this so difficult ? And above all, why was he not his usual calm and cold self ? She had a look of utter boredom, as if being where she was was the last thing she wanted to do and was waiting for the storm to pass. God, she was unnerving.
Masamune unsheathed his short sword and placed it against her throat, enclosing her against the wall with his other arm. She stretched her lips in a defiant smile and he couldn’t help but admire her courage against his own will.
“Are you going to kill me, Masa ?” she asked cheekily.
“You seem quite at ease for a civilian in such a dire situation” he replied. “Does the cold touch of steel not bother you as much as the warmth of human’s skin ?”
“Coldness, I can take. The kiss of a blade, I am used to. It is the hands of Men that hold the most wickedness.”
“In the mood for poetry, are we ?” he spat through gritted teeth, leaning the blade a little more against her throat. “And may I ask how it is you’re so used to having a sword held to your throat ?”
She did not answer. She merely kept her challenging smile on her lips, but her eyes were as sad and resigned as the stones. Masamune bumped his fist against the wall near her head and she did not budge.
“Fuck, Suna ! Tell me, goddamnit ! Talk to me ! Otherwise, at this rate, I’m- I’m going to kill you. You know I will.”
His voice nearly wavered at the end but it was worth it : her smile faltered. She looked surprised and a bit shaken.
Ah, yes, that’s right … that may have been the first time he had used her name. He had never called her by her name before, because he knew she did not respond to it; he had seen the maids and the others call her many times by her forename and she had not answered. Though he had thought the name fitted her perfectly -“Suna”, “sand”, a substance that looks like powder and consists of extremely small pieces of stone, that is impossible to take hold of and to keep into one’s hand, though it is made of a very strong and solid material, “Suna” that also meant “grit”, courage and resolve, strength of character- she didn’t seem to recognize it as her own. So he did not try to force it upon her.
“I know. But I’ll take the risk” she calmly answered. It had to be the pinnacle of insolence and yet, her voice contained a touch of warmth he had not detected before, a careful hint of softness that gently brushed against him and moved him deeply. His hand shook a little and his sword cut into the fabric on her neck, drawing three drops of crimson blood. He wanted nothing more than to withdraw it from her neck.
Just then, a voice was heard just behind his head.
“Well, sorry to interrupt, but if you could give me the favor to, um- die, I'd be most grateful.”
In a swirl of fabric, Masamune turned around to slice at the hand that was reaching out for him, he sensed, but not in time. How had he not been aware of their presence ? How had he not heard them ? Too late, and a powerful blow hit him on the back of his neck. Stunned, he dropped his short sword in a clatter of steel before stumbling on the floor and into her. She dodged as always and he slid against the wall. Ah … that was it, wasn’t it ? They were her allies and they had come to fetch her, hadn’t they ?
“So this is what is going to happen. Oda’s pawn, the so called fierce One-eyed dragon will die and the pretty lady will kindly come with us.”
Oh, they were not with her, as it turned out. Why did the thought relieved him ? He was in much more trouble, then.
Then he heard a whisper in his ear, that was blown with her voice.
“I’ll borrow this.”
She swiftly got his katana out of his scabbard -so fast he didn't feel the change of weight- and picked up his short sword.
“Hey, now, Sis, you’re going to hurt yourself. Drop those, they’re for grown-ups.”
“Sounds good, that plan” she said, ignoring them. “But how about “I rip each of your limbs one by one then burn what remains of you and reduce you to dust” ?” she asked with cheerful note to her voice.
Through the blurry vision of his eye, he could see her walking towards the five men, blades of the weapons stuck against her forearms. That was hardly a way of holding them, but her stance was definitely one designed for battle.
The men took hold of their own weapons and took a few steps toward her.
“Now, don’t struggle, you’ll only make it difficult for you. And drop those big knifes, will y-”
It was over in a minute. She had jumped in one step the distance between the first man and her, and in a swift and fluid turn of her body on herself, that was barely distinguishable, cut down his head and arms off his chest. A jet red stream of blood gushed out of his body, but she was not there anymore. Two more men had fallen before the first could hit the floor, head and limbs torn of their trunk too. This time she couldn’t dodge the stream of blood, as the last two rushed at her at once. She kicked onto the floor and jumped behind them, presence as shallow as a shadow. They did not make a sound as they died, the first one relieved from his legs and the short sword buried into his heart, the second held up by the dark-skinned arm that went through his chest from behind.
Once second she was walking towards five armed men, the other she was standing alone, entirely drenched in vivid blood, amidst neatly cut off limbs - as promised.
“He. All that's left is to set them on fire and I will have kept my word” she dropped with a smile.
She was Chaos, Masamune thought as he struggled to get up, Destruction and Death. The last torn smile one sees before being removed from this world. That same tortured smile that does not exist in the same plane of existence as everyone else, and cannot understand reality as anything other than a broken game.
Read part four
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izzy-b-hands · 6 years
Hej hej, it took me too long to get this done, but here it is!
Tagged by @my-space-and-all-within Thank you so much!! 
Forewarning these answers might be kinda long; I’ve only gotten to talk to like one person that isn’t family or a coworker in the past few days. Which means not much music talk, since I don’t want to overwhelm one friend with that (I want them to keep being my friend lol) and family and coworkers just don’t want to hear me chatter so...yeah. 
1. Your favourite metal band/singer. 
Just one? I...I can’t choose. I can however give a top 7 (aka 7 is where I made myself stop adding bands lol.) 
Avatar, Ghost, Type O Negative, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Dethklok/Brendon Small and various others, Behemoth, HIM (I always considered them gothic metal, though I admit some other tracks fall into more gothic rock.)
And to be honest, as I discover more bands and make up for the lost years where my family kept me from the music I loved, this list tends to rotate every now and again. Doesn’t mean I love these bands any less of course, just means I’ve got too many favorites to listen to all at once--and if you did that very literally, could you imagine the cacophony?...actually hold up ya’ll I gotta try something...
That was...an interesting ear sound. Not the worst thing at some points, but definitely sounds like I put all of them on one stage that was much too small for everyone and told them they’d all been scheduled for the exact same time slot, and no we could not move anyone or have anyone play at a later time and so they just fuckin’ went for it.
 Hey, if you want to make your ears go ???!!!?? like mine just did, here’s the playlist: Venus Doom-HIM, Ora Pro Nobis Lucifer-Behemoth, I Ejaculate Fire-Dethklok, Healing Through War-Fleshgod Apocalypse, Black No.1-Type O Negative, Year Zero-Ghost, and Hail the Apocalypse-Avatar. 
Played all at once. Just open up those seven tabs of Youtube and let it happen.
Go forth and hear some good music, but maybe not in the best way possible lol.
2. My favourite non-metal artists/bands.
This list is not as long as it used to be, but I still have a few mainstays. Another top 7 then: 
Gorillaz, A$ap Rocky, The Mountain Goats, Frank Ocean, Cab Calloway, The Decemberists, and Lana Del Rey. 
Remember how I said my music taste could be a bit varied at times? This is what I meant. No one will ever hand me the aux cord :(
3. Favourite singer/band from my own country.
My Chemical Romance are still my dudes, broken up or not. Dethklok could also fit here though. So, one goth rock option and one metal option for this one. 
4. 3 favourite songs.
Oh dear. Um. I’m going to try and keep this short. I mean it, really. Y’know what, let’s make me choose 3 favorites out of the seven from the first question. That might help. So then, that’s still kind of impossible but I will make myself choose lol: 
-Black Waters-Avatar--could listen to this one on repeat for hours and never once feel like changing to a different song. Have done so before, to be honest. 
-Year Zero-Ghost--I mean, how can I not have this one as a favorite of theirs. Is it possible to hate this song as a Ghost fan? Maybe, but not that I’ve seen. 
-Black No.1-Type O Negative--they have a shit ton of good songs, but this is the one that introduced me to this band (at the time played for me by a best friend I was crushing so hard on in middle/high school when we were a bunch of baby goth/metalheads-and she really did dye her hair black to match the scene lol. She’s left the scene and married some guy who listens to country; they’ve since moved hours away. I miss her sometimes, but the memories associated with this song are nice enough to have, since us meeting up again now would probably be a disaster.) 
5. In your opinion, an overrated band/singer.
Oof. Don’t want to start any shit, so again, this is just my opinion which means nothing lol. 
This didn’t specify metal or not, so I’m going to say that Shawn Mendes kid (is that how his name goes? I’m not sure.) I literally can’t turn on the radio without hearing his shit. He sounds good enough, but I grew up in the era of boy bands--my standards for whiny pop are higher than whatever the standards are currently, though let’s be real here that’s also a lotta fuckin’ nostalgia influencing my opinion. 
But he’s also a tiny thing at 19, so hopefully he’ll experiment more with his sound and topics. Better for him then, as well as better for my ears whenever I have to listen to the radio with my family. 
6. In your opinion, an underrated band/singer.
Oooh--Avatar introduced me to Old Kerry McKee since he opened for them for part of this last tour cycle. He reminds me of some of my favorite folk artists, but he’s got his own edge to that sound, and I really like it. Like I struggle to find that style of music that I consistently like enough to buy an artist’s music or listen to it more than once or twice, since I’m picky with my acoustic shit, but his was an instant love. 
Anyway, long story short, go buy Old Kerry McKee’s music and I think he was working on a merch store to be up at some point in the future? So look for that too. Give him some love and support, he deserves it. 
7. Artists that remind you of your childhood.
My Chemical Romance, The Used, HIM, Fall Out Boy, Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Poison, Motley Crue, Backstreet Boys, and N’Sync. Guess which I listened to at which ages in my childhood and which my mum got me into lol. 
8. An artist that you used to love but now hate:
A few come to mind that I dislike, but none that I straight up hate. Some that I don’t listen to anymore because they turned out to be nasty fucking people. That’s about as much as I’m gonna say on this one I guess. Said acts are associated with fragile memories that I don’t really want to dredge up at 8 PM on a Sunday night. 
9. Did you enjoy the challenge?
I did! This was fun, and I really do love doing these. I feel like I reblog ask memes and tag games too often, but I can’t help it--I love sharing and talking about music like this. 
10. Tag 3 people
Okay, going with my followers/folks I interact with that I know listen to metal lol. 
@pblbak @feathers-andflesh and @black-metal-hermit (if you all are feeling up for it of course--no obligation if this isn’t your thing!) 
Also if any of you try my experiment from Question 1, I humbly request you blog about your reaction and tag me in it. I wanna see who else has experienced the weird magic lol. 
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the-colony-roleplay · 6 years
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The Rebranding went on without a hitch. Shockingly, even to those three elusive little Messers, the plan went as planned, as well as undetected. Cloths and bandanas were passed out to those brave little deviants who participated, the branding gun was dumped to the bottom of the ocean in the waning hours of the morning (thanks to a certain Trade Merchant and much to the dismay of another certain Black Market hustler), and by the end of night, no one knew quite who had started the whole thing, who exactly they’d heard the rumours from—since everything had gone around in bits and pieces, from here and there—or who those masked, voiceless individuals were that had done the tattooing in the dark shadows of the quarry. 
No one, except those unnamed three, of course, and their few trusted allies sworn to secrecy. 
By morning, a couple dozen renegades braced themselves for the consequences that were sure to come, only no one knew when, or how. It was a disquieting time, a both thrilling and harrowing waiting game, everyone on bated breath, waiting ready at the defence for the other shoe to drop. 
And drop it did—but not for two and a half days. 
For two and a half full days, participants in the rebranding movement managed to go about their business, keeping their tattoos hidden under long sleeves, or wrist bands, when necessary. Some people even wore the cloth wrapped around both wrists, so as to draw less attention to the offending arm in question. 
Really, it was something of a miracle the evidence of the rebellion snuck under the radar as long as it did. But it’s being said that Elites who may have noticed a couple of arm bands, didn’t think much of it. At least—not at first. 
But all it took was one guard, and one suspicious moment, for everything to topple like dominos. When a patrolling security officer noticed his third black wrist wrap in a row, he grabbed passing Calyset civilian, Roy Walters, calmly but firmly by the forearm. The guard scrutinized Roy with a slow-burn, dubious look, before shifting his attention to the bandana itself, turning over the hand in his grip and pushing aside the cloth. 
It took three solid seconds of blank confusion and then a dawning, crawling frown, for the guard to piece together what he was looking at. A double check of Roy’s stats in his PDD confirmed it. 
Two minutes later, Roy was squirming under the seething gazes of the Chancellor and his representatives, and the entire security team was being ordered to round up each and every citizen and herd them back to their dorms, where a middle of the day roll-call would be executed and every wrist would be checked for similar signs of infraction.
And so a crackling, urgent message rang out over the P.A. system, bringing every active schedule and rotation, all over Colony grounds, to a screeching halt: 
“Attention civilians of Colony 22. Due to a severe breach of Colony Mandate, all personnel are to report to their corresponding houses immediately for roll call. No exceptions. Your cooperation is appreciated. Anyone who resists this order will be detained. Thank you.” 
The very same message flashed on the screens of hundreds of PDDs, all of which were now vibrating and blinking red and orange lights. 
With that, the waiting game was over. There would be no running, no avoiding this. The moment had been well anticipated, anyhow. Civilians went as they were told—some more quietly than others. Some with adrenaline pumping through their veins, some with shaking fingers. 
Each Head of House (or Elite House Representative) was instructed to check every wrist, of every man, woman, human and child. Every civilian discovered to have an illegal tattoo was dragged off to the correctional wing by a security officer and thrown into a cell to join the others of their ‘kind’. With not enough cells to go around for a violation of this scope, there were three or four civilians per cell, by the time the roll call was complete. 
To say that Clove Modius and other NWRF Reps were positively fuming, blindsided, and fuming because they felt blindsided, would be an understatement. 
Clove strode from the security office (and makeshift interrogation room), and didn’t slam the door—no matter how much she felt like she had the right to. This was mayhem. No one seemed able to provide much more than a bare minimal description of the tattoo artist—though some had given the names of individuals who had spread the information to them at the party, those individuals gave other names, and so on, ad nauseum.
So they were left hunting for a phantom in a black cloak and a gas mask, with no identifying features—not even a proper eye colour, or height for God’s sake, since they’d reportedly been seated. And all of it, this whole investigation, was still operating under some useless restrictions. Her suspicions (and she had a few) couldn’t be confirmed or denied, at least not like this, in the bright glare of day and under scrutiny from the whole colony on how the NWRF was dealing with it.
There had to be some way to make them crack, to make one of them reveal something more helpful. Clove just didn’t know what it was, yet.
She steeled herself, and marched over to the guard. “Next prisoner, please.”
Lined up like convicts in cages, the Rebranded Delinquents were berated, questioned, and threatened for any information they might have on who did this to them, and how. But results were frustratingly non-lucrative and interrogators spent hours going around in circles, getting no closer to answers. 
And so, by the end of a very long day, with lots of arguing in offices between Elite and NWRF, the conclusion that eventually rolled out was firstly that all fraudulent brands would be changed back immediately the next morning. Which also meant that all detained citizens spent the night of November 3rd in correctional.
Following that, all citizens directly involved in the rebranding would be put on a ‘probationary period’ of sorts, wherein they undergo four weeks of constant surveillance. Citizens on probation are to be escorted everywhere, from their dorms to their classes, to their training, and to meals. They will not be permitted to go anywhere on their own, and even their free hours will be monitored. 
Furthermore, the only way to see an early end to this surveillance, is if someone reveals the identity of those responsible for the rebranding. In other words, all those who stay silent will suffer. But since this particular plan of action had been executed with the consequences in mind, precautions had been taken. There were very few people who even had the answers the NWRF were looking for. And three of five of them were the Messers themselves, who would have nothing to gain from giving themselves up, except for perhaps relieving their friends from the constant watchful eye of the Reformists. 
But the consequences, in a way, were all a part of the success of the movement, of the point being made. Could all those in the know keep their mouths shut long enough for the NWRF to give up looking and accept the loss of this particular battle? Could this be the first battle won on the side of the Rebels, Radicals and everything in between? Withstanding a month of scrutiny would be taxing, certainly—but the Infected and Deluded weren’t the only ones being watched. Now all eyes in the Colony were on the NWRF, and how this supposedly ‘fair’ government would respond to these acts of insurgence. For as a dominating faction which was still claiming to have everyone’s best interests in mind, the NWRF had a reputation to uphold and had to play their cards right. 
The funny thing was, this move by those opposed the new government would appear to be something like a pawn putting a King in check. The players knew it—and so did the NWRF. And the players knew the NWRF knew it. 
And so, that in and of itself had ensured that a message had been sent: 
We’re here, we see you, and we will not go down without a fight. 
Well, there it is folks! 
As I’m sure you guessed it: 
With the ‘event’ status of the dash now over, you will now all be permitted to post non-event starters and threads. Here are some things to note about moving forward: 
You may of course continue your event threads, but please make sure they are tagged and titled as event threads. (At this point they are likely already all titled, so that should be fine). 
You may not post any new event threads unless they are specifically backdated plot explorations, in which case they should be titled and tagged clearly:
These should only be for extensions of plots that were already in action. So you may not add any plots to the event timeline, as it would not have been accounted for. For example, if your character did not go to get a tattoo, and you did not send in a message about it, it is too late to do so. If you plan on doing any backdated plot extensions, they must be run by the mods first just so we can help make sure it’s canon-safe.
You may start rp threads starting the morning after the party (November 1st) and beyond. Due to the extended duration of this event, we wanted to allow things to move forward and to give you all lots of flexibility in exploring your post-event storylines: 
For example, you may want to have a thread exploring your characters’ interactions the very first day after the party. Or you might want to have threads in the tense ‘waiting period’ of those two and a half days where the rebellions went undetected by the authorities. Were other civilians finding out about it? Were whispers and rumours being spread? What were the reactions of those who didn’t hear about it the night of? Alternatively, you may want to explore plots with your character getting interrogated by the NWRF, or those long hours they were detained in their cells. Were they excited? Scared? Regretting their decision? 
To help facilitate the flexible exploration of this over arcing aftermath time period, we have established three aftermath categories. ‘Rebel’s Window’, ‘Exile’ and ‘Inquisition’. Please use them as follows: 
For RP threads in the time span of the 2 and a half days before the discovery, please use the tag #col22fallout. Please also include ‘Rebel’s Window’ somewhere in your title. 
For RP threads involving the the mid-day roll call (on that 3rd day after the event, and the first day of discovery, so November 3rd) and interrogations, please use the tag #col22fallout. Please also include ‘Inquisition’ somewhere in the title of the thread.
For threads involving the cell detainment, either when they are first put there, or while they are staying there overnight, please use the tag #col22fallout. Please also include “Exile” somewhere in the title. 
Anything beyond these first three days, when probation has begun for those characters who were punished, does not to be tagged or titled any special way, as it will be an ongoing issue and will be outside the official aftermath of the event. These will just be standard procedure timeline and tagging. 
We will notify you when the probation has been lifted—or if there are any other plot-development related hiccups on the way! ;) 
Remember that self-paras are also acceptable ways to explore event aftermath, as are gif chats and paras. (You may even chose to do multi-character threads—3 or more muses—in some cases.)
As promised, below is a list of all tattooed characters who would have been detained by the NWRF on November 3rd. 
Lake Valentine
Corbin Ealy
Orson Hurst
Mason Quinley
Benji Imes
Clayton Boyd
Roy Walters
And here are some open bios selected to also be NPC participants, due to currently being considered canon colony citizens. We have linked to their bios for your convenience!
Issoria Feinberg
Madison Vega
Caelan Kip Whitmer
Minka Vane
Finally, here is a list of the cell groups during the detainment period! You are encouraged to roleplay with characters you haven’t had a chance to yet, or you don’t get to frequently! These characters spend the better part of 24 hours locked in a small cell together—explore this however you might like!
CELL1: Lake Valentine, Clayton Boyd, Jelka Dreher
CELL 2: Corbin Ealy, Roy Walters, Madison Vega, Issoria Feinberg
CELL 3: Benji Imes, Orson Hurst, Mason Quinley, Minka Vane
And for all those characters who were not tattooed or detained—we highly encourage you to explore the many other plot opportunities! They were subject to the roll-call just like everyone else. They may have noticed or been told about their friend’s tattoos before the NWRF found out. They may have heard whispers, or rumours. How did they react to the sudden Colony lock down? Did Elites try to interfere? Did Uninfected try to visit or help the detained civilians? We definitely encourage any Elite characters who might have been involved in the madness of the authorities trying to figure out what to do  about the delinquents, to rp out some of that juicy drama! And there are definitely options for Uninfected civilians as well!
Remember, here at the Colony, we encourage your own creative input and plot development, because it’s your RP too, so as always, feel free to hit us with any idea you have! We will help you navigate through any plots you want to explore with your character—we can also help you brainstorm if you know you want to participate someway, but are unsure how! Never be afraid to reach out :)
Now, Godspeed, have fun, and ask as many questions as you need!
Love all ya nerds!!
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