#also because i love his little flip phone ok!!! its cute!!!
hesbianyaoi · 9 months
when people draw atsushi with a phone they always give him an iphone or just a phone with a touchscreen and it hurts my heart so much. we have to stop ignoring his little flip phone. he doesn't need social media either we have to keep him as chronically offline as possible. atsushi doesn't know what discourse is. if you showed him a meme he'd stare at it for a bit and go "i don't get it" while handing the phone back to you. when he sat in front of an agency laptop for the first time he holds his head in his hands because he doesn't know what the hell to do
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nuoyipeach · 1 year
Kang Seulgi X Lee Taeyong
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pt.2 of Psycho (requested)
tags: @gerardeveryway @gomseulgiii @innssanityyy @seulyongggi
"Lee Taeyong! Pick up your damn shoes!"
Taeyong trudged off the couch and towards the entryway, picking up the sneakers he left to air out, and putting them away into the shoe cupboard, before going back to lying down on the couch.
Johnny heard everything over the call, and could only chuckle. "You can't ever say no can you?" he mocked Taeyong, only to be heard by a grumble.
"What's there to defy when she's right?" he heard his friend sigh before going back to their previous conversation.
Seulgi continued her own task, carrying in the bag of art supplies to their spare room. It was supposed to be an office room, but having no use of it, the couple turned it into their free space. And with both of their passion in art, they had completely covered the walls and floor with whatever they felt like drawing or painting at the time. Over a year since their wedding, since they moved into their new house, and the room was already covered in layers of lines and colours.
They didn't care to distribute the walls, their artwork simply clashing over each others. To them, it had a beauty of its own, as if a story behind their relationship.
As Seulgi left the bag of new paint beside the door, her eyes fell on some of her recent work that overlapped her older ones. It was a careless painting she had done when she felt sad couple of nights ago, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt eager.
A colourful silhouette of a baby.
She hasn't told Taeyong anything, not that she was scared, but she simply didn't know how to bring up such a topic. They've been together for four years, married for almost two, so it shouldn't be too early as she thought.
Pursing her lips, she simply closed the door and went back out to see Taeyong was no longer on call, and simply lazed away on the couch. She walked towards him and sat on his lap and laid back on him, his free arm automatically wrapping around her though his eyes didn't leave the phone screen.
Seulgi whined softly. "Young-ah." Taeyong's eyes immediately met hers at the sudden cuteness. Knowing his wife, she was rarely ever like this, the only time was when she would get moody during her periods. But by his calculations, she wasn't at her cycle yet.
She cuddled into him more, flipping so that she laid upside down and rested her ear against his chest, her hand playing with the loose material of his tank top. "Young-ah." she called him again, softer this time.
Taeyong laid his phone on the floor before hugging her to himself, one hand petting her back under her shirt. "Are you feeling OK love?" he asked concerned. "Sick? Tired?" he felt her shake her head as a no. "Then, what's wrong? You're acting way too cute... not that I don't enjoy this, but it's unlike you."
Seulgi chuckled slightly, lifting her head up to face him. "I want something." she sits up on his belly, hands playing with his.
Taeyong was still confused. "Aren't I usually the one who asks for permission before buying something?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. His concern over his wife was just increasing by the minute, even wondering if someone else had taken over her life.
She rolled her eyes in response. "I'm not asking for permission, believe me if I could I would've gotten it myself." That's definitely his wife. "But... What I want requires two people to make, and also I need your agreement because I don't want to do something you might not be ready for..."
She watched as her husband just blinked away in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed as he wondered in deep thought what she was talking about. Until it hit him, and he sat up straight, his face just inches away from hers.
"You want to have a baby?" he asked, although a little too loudly. Seulgi pouted, running her hands up his chest and around his neck before looking at him and nodding. "Wh- I mean, like, why? I mean, why suddenly? Like, now?"
His reaction wasn't exactly what she had hoped for, and it scared Seulgi if he was thinking against her idea. But she stood her ground, as she always does. "Yes, now. I want to start trying, tonight if possible. Why? I don't know, I just really want a baby. A little mini us, you know. It's only been the two of us for so long..."
Taeyong didn't know where to look or how to react, he just kept his eyes down at his hands that held her hips. He peeked up at her, noticing she was waiting for a response still.
"I... this is so sudden." he managed to say, only for her to stare disappointed. "Do you think you're ready for that Seulgi? A baby is a huge responsibility, like, really big. It's not that I'm against it, I'm just worried we're not ready for it and we might realise it too late..."
He watched his wife's face turn gloomy, her eyes looking down, and he felt bad seeing a single tear on her cheek. "Hey." he called her, holding her cheek and pushing her face to look up at him. "Baby don't cry." he pulled her close, hugging her tight in his arms.
Seulgi hid her face in his shoulder, her hands gripping onto his shirt. Taeyong felt bad, kissing in her hair trying to console her. "My love, don't be sad, please. Don't cry."
"I... I'm sorry..." she pulled away, gaze still down. "I can't force you, I'm sorry..."
He cupped her face again, bringing her eyes up to his. "Love, it's not that. I'm just worried it's so sudden. I mean, people usually plan these things for a while before trying you know. You wanna do it right away. I'm not against it, I'm just worried."
Seulgi took his hands off her face and held them tight in hers. "Let's say I get pregnant tonight, we'll have nine months to prepare. If not tonight, then maybe ten months. We have time, and I know for sure I'm ready." the squeezes he felt in his hand made him sure about her sincerity.
Finally, he smiled, taking her hand up and kissing it. "You're right. You always are. And if you think we're ready for a baby, then let's have one." her face was quick to turn as a smile took over, and she threw herself into his arms again, her lips capturing his in a passionate kiss.
To Seulgi's pleasure, it didn't take long for her to conceive, though they had already started planning everything since that night. As per her request, Taeyong had already started an outline plan for how to turn their guest room into the baby's, plus how they would paint the room themselves just as they did their free room, wanting the baby to grow up seeing a colourful environment.
"No no no!" she instructed watching her husband draw the outline of the baby's room. "The bed should be by the window, so they'll get some light, and the play mat right next to it on the floor. Oh, and we need to get some railings on the window for protection." Taeyong sighed, erasing off and redrawing the lines. Once he did though, he saw it was a better idea.
As always, she was right.
Couple of weeks later Seulgi had a positive test, and cried in happiness as Taeyong spun her around the room in joy. He carried her in his arms even as they sat on their bed, hugging her tight for a long time.
"I'm so happy..." he heard her whisper, her head on his shoulder. "Is this real?"
Taeyong chuckled pulling her out, and cupped her face. "It's real love." he pecked her lips once. "Tomorrow we're going straight to the doctor." he kissed her again. "And once we get a report, we will start following the routine you planned out."
That night as she slept in his arms, Taeyong's eyes drifted off to the wall opposite their bed, where Seulgi had stuck a board with extensive details and schedules of the pregnancy routine he mentioned. He chuckled seeing the small sticky notes she even stuck on in some places where she figured needed additional details. Everything from emergency numbers, list of hospitals and doctors, stores to buy her needs and later the baby's, it was all jotted down to the last line.
He knew for a fact his wife would be no less than a psycho mum, everything of every second being noted down for at least the next year. He looked at her sleeping face, sighing as he hoped it wouldn't cause any problems.
As time went by, he saw he was right. Seulgi was a psycho mum, but to his relief she was a good one. She never took anything to extreme lengths, and always had the patience for other opinions from him, their mothers or the doctor. Other than when her mood swings kicked in, she was uptight about everything following her pregnancy plan, which now had lines crossing out half the board as things were slowly getting done.
"Do you want fruits?" Taeyong asked as Seulgi laid sitting on the couch, already at the stage where getting up was becoming difficult. She turned to him and scowled.
"Bring me mangos, square cuts, and strawberries, halved.
"Yes my queen." Taeyong chuckled, bowing as he left to the kitchen. Seulgi yelled at his antics, which only made him laugh more as he pulled out the fruits from the fridge and began cutting them. And although she didn't ask, he cut the strawberry halves into hearts, and decorated the cut up fruit into her bowl and placing one of the prettier forks with a bear at the end in it before taking it out to his wife.
Seulgi's face beamed at the sight of the pretty fruit bowl. "For you, my love." Taeyong passed it in a fancy manner, and smiled seeing her looking at him lovingly instead this time. She patted the seat next to her after taking it, waited for him to sit comfortably, then leaned back into his chest as she ate.
Taeyong wrapped his arm around his wife, kissing her scalp, while his other took out his phone and scrolled mindlessly. The couple focused on their own thing, Seulgi feeding him a few bites of fruits every couple of minutes. As she finished she set the bowl aside and laid down even more towards her husband's body, arm hugging around his torso.
"Yong-ah..." his attention immediately diverted to his wife, who was still staring at the TV although not focusing on it. He hummed in response before she continued. "I'm confused."
"About what love?"
She turned her head up to look at him, a slight pout on her lips. "I don't know if I want a boy or a girl..."
Taeyong could only smile, a soft laugh leaving him before he set his phone down and suddenly pulled her up onto his lap, his hands hugging tightly around her hips. "Let's not ask." he suggested, to which she made a sound of confusion. "Let's wait until the baby's born."
"But that will set us back on the whole planner!" Seulgi exclaimed and shook her head. Taeyong grabbed her cheeks and kissed her softly to stop her, smiling at her still.
"Not necessarily. What we can do is buy regular baby stuff, and decorate the room our way." he took notice of her expression, brushing her hair behind her ear before she continued. "Besides, I know you've been eyeing all the yellow choices anyways." he raised an eyebrow.
At this Seulgi smiled cheekily. She always forgot how observant her husband was at her actions, always noticing the slightest of her wants. She loved him even more every time he proved to her he was super focused on her, she loved being the sole area of his attention. Giggling, she leaned against his chest, calming her body when feeling his arms hug her tighter.
"I love you." she mumbled softly, feeling content as she felt his chest vibrate, knowing she made him happy.
"And I love you, and everything inside you." he moved one hand to her tummy, that was already starting to show. His eyes shifted towards it, and Seulgi felt it in her heart when seeing his eyes full of love.
Playfully, she raised his head towards her again. "But I'll always be your first, right?" she teased, to which he shook his head.
"I'm not choosing between my child and my wife. If I had to protect you from a bullet, I'd cover both of you together."
Seulgi chuckled, clearly loving his answer as she pulled him in for a kiss.
It was on an average day, Taeyong was working on his laptop while Seulgi laid in bed behind him checking through her timeline. She was in her last month, and was prepared to feel contractions any time now. The thought of it kept her highly anticipated, every slight kick of the baby making her get excited.
Seulgi was a rare case of pregnant women. Taeyong couldn't even count how many times she seemed upset by anything on one hand (maybe twice?) having seen her smile even after a session of throwing up badly. She seemed so positive about everything, and he figured maybe it had something to do with the little sticky note on her board.
A mother's emotions reflects on the baby
Hearing the bed creak, he turned to see Seulgi had gotten herself up from the bed, one hand on her back and the other on her belly. He quickly got up and went next to her, shaking his head. "I told you to call me when you want to get up, don't do it yourself." he partly scolded her.
Seulgi scowled at him, shaking his hands off. "I want to walk, walking might help induce labour. If I get help in it, it won't put the same pressure on me."
Taeyong stood in awe, not in a good way, and grabbed her hand before she could walk away. "Baby... I don't think you should force it. You can't forcefully give birth, it'll happen when the baby is ready." He tried to look at her, but noticed Seulgi kept her face down. "What's wrong?" he cupped her face trying to get her to look up.
"I'm tired..." Seulgi mumbled softly. "I'm tired of feeling like this... I just want to get the baby out. It hurts my back, my feet, my chest... I've handled it so long, I don't want to give birth mad..."
She broke into sobs, and Taeyong quickly pulled his wife in for a hug. He knew she was bound to break at some point, it took him by surprise that it was at the end of her pregnancy. He slowly moved them and sat on the bed with her on his lap, soothing her as much as he could. He didn't say anything, letting her let go of her emotions first. Once she slowly stopped sobbing, taking short breaths, he finally pulled her out to look at her, one hand still hugging her while the other on her cheek wiling away her tears.
"I'm sorry." he said softly, his expression sad as well. "You're going through so much, and I can't do anything to ease your pain. But I can't understand either if you don't tell me baby." Seulgi looked up at him, wondering what he meant by that. "You've been so happy all this time, and I knew you were just smiling through the hard times because you wanted your whole experience to be good. But holding it in would only hurt you more baby, like now, I'm glad you finally let go, but if I wasn't here and you tried to force contractions you would've been hurt by that."
He pulled her back in for a hug, combing her hair with one hand as he kissed it. "Don't hold in when you're feeling down. It's OK to feel bad sometimes even when you've wanted it this much, as long as you know you'll be happy in the end." He turned to peek at her, smiling a little this time. "And I know you'll be a great mother, you've been preparing for it so well. And don't feel pressured if you can't handle something, I'm always here for you, our baby is both our responsibilities, and I'd gladly drop anything to be here with you every second of their life."
Seulgi sighed, a sense of relief washing over her as she felt safe and calm in her husband's arms. Without a word she simply hugged him again, nuzzling her face into his shoulder as her body relaxed in his hold. Taeyong kissed her head before moving behind a bit and laid down on bed on their sides. They stayed like that for a while, her head resting on his one arm while the other was under her shirt drawing lines on her belly.
"Taeyong..." he heard her call in a mumble, and hummed in response. She looked up with a tired smile. "I love you." she said softly with a hand on his cheek. "More than strawberries and mangos, more than yellow."
Taeyong laughed softly, filled with joy and her sweet words, and moved in to kiss her to which she happily responded. "And I love you more than I love art." he said pulling away for a bit while before going back to kissing again.
Seulgi felt calmer now, even when she did actually go into labour three days later, because she had Taeyong holding her hand throughout everything. He never left her side, even when asked to put on the medical apron in the labour room, he did it quick to get back to her as fast as he could.
Of course a few curses left Seulgi's mouth as she pushed out their baby, but a smile soon took over as she saw the view of her daughter, a pleasant feeling taking over her as she held the baby and already started planning on what dresses to buy the little girl.
Taeyong was just as happy, he became a girl's father, something he often heard to be a scary yet magical experience. And while he heard Seulgi whisper her plans of mother and daughter activities, he smiled at the thought of their home soon to be evident of who took control.
It would be a very colourful queendom for sure.
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hope you liked it anon! tried to suite the plot as much as I could😅 I tried to keep a slight psychoticness left in their dynamic, cuz that was really what made the couple unique lol
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kkusuka · 4 years
HQ Middle blocker kinks <3
@xxxxtanaxxxx​ request  hq kinks but middle blocker version please 🥺
I'm gonna be honest i wasn't gonna do this buuut here it is 
i have a setter one in the works and here is the ace version!
here is the setter version <3
Characters:  Tsukishima Kei, Kuroo Tetsuro, Suna Rintaro, Satori Tendo, Taichi Kawanishi, Issei Matsukawa,  Takanobu Aone,, Shoyo Hinata, Lev Haiba Shugo Meian (MSBY captain), and Yutaro Kindaichi
Mentioned female anatomy, but mostly gn
content warning: consensual non-con, humiliation, public sex, exhibitionism, voyeurisms, degradation, bondage, sex toys, cockwarming, edging, soft priamal/prey, mentions of house break-ins, pegging, size kink, overuse of the word Daddy, face fucking, hickeys
i think thats all? 
buckle up, this is gonna be looooong.
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Tsukishima Kei
This is a given, my mans has a mouth on him, AND HE KNOWS HOW TO USE IT
He says the most vulgar things in your ears (and you love it)
His nickname for you is Cum-dump, and he calls you that so much that you’ve started to respond to it. “Hey, Cum-dump! Come here” “ok Tsukki”
And when he’s cumming? A slew of insults just come out
“You whore, oh, you fucking cum-slut, you’d let anyone do this to you won't you”
And it's not limited to this!
“You're just a hole”
“You only exist for me to fuck, Right? You're just a glorified fleshlight”
“You're only good for sucking my cock”
“I should just leave you chained to the wall so I can fuck you anytime I want, that's all you're good at so you should love it”
It won’t even be only during sex
You could literally be just studying with him and he’ll just lean over and say “ you want to be fucked right now don't you? In front of all these people, I bet you’d love it Cum-dump”
Goes with a dirty mouth
He’ll flip your skirt while walking in front of groups of other students
He purposely sucks hickeys where your uniform does not cover and then laughs at you because you're just such a slut.
One of his favorite things to do is have you wear a vibrator in school, only on days where you have to do something in front of the class
No worries he has the remote and turns it alllllll the way up during the middle of your presentation, you just look so cute all red!
He’ll make it better!!
You can cum in front of the class, let everyone know how much of a whore you are!
Purposeful neglect
He wants you so horny you can’t think
If that means not giving you attention for FIVE DAYS so be it.
No touching yourself and if he finds out you did he’ll ignore you for longer and you don’t want that do you?
You will wait for him to touch you.
He’ll also just ignore you.
No begging, he doesn't care, he doesn't want to hear it.
Don't touch him, stop being a brat or you won’t get off for a whole week.
It's all about control <3
Having you tied up and immobile is the best way to show how little you are.
He’ll tie you up and put you on the couch with a vibrator and just watch movies, unable to rock your hips
This seems cruel but he’ll tie your hands up and make you eat dinner with just your mouth <3
He’ll make you watch tv with a ball gag in
He’ll have a riding crop in his hands when you study and he’ll hit your little clit/silt with it every time you get a question wrong
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Kuroo Tetsuro
Pet names
Literally any kind o endearment, but mainly switches between Kitten and Baby Girl/Boy(i am swooning right now)
He WILL call you these in front of people and out loud in public
He’s called you them in front of your parents in front of Kenma in the middle of the grocery store.
So you're wondering, why does that matter? People do that all the time!
Well, he calls you them so you remember how he completely ruined your little body and how his cum is still dripping out of you <3
And its cannon that he has a sexy voice, and it drops and gets deeper when he calls you them.
Thigh highs
It doesn't matter in you have the biggest thighs ever or just a bone, if you wear any kind of thigh highs (bonus points for Cat ones) he will be ready to bust a nut
It's not only him that gets off on them, especially when he takes them off
He’ll climb over you and use his teeth to pull them down to your feet and he’ll kiss and bite his way back up to do the other one.
He also will sometimes leave them on to rail you into your bed, when this happens he puts your legs over your shoulders and squishes his head between them.
(kuroo loves thighs, and that's that)
He's taken care of Kenma all his life, and you bet your ass he’ll do it for you
This means he gives the best aftercare you could imagine, I’m talking bubble baths
He’ll cook for you in nothing but an apron, and he’ll tease you when you get all flushed and cute!
You had a bad day? He’ll eat you out for hours until you’re all cuddly and tired.
He’ll fuck you slow where you need it and he’ll kiss all the pain away <3
He just loves having you dependent on him makes him so happy and thankful to have you!
Mainly for Kenma, but he let bokuto have a turn and even convinced Tsikki to give it a try!
He really just wants to show off that you’re his what better way to show you off then let some of them get a taste of something they’d never have.
Favorite position for this? Split roasting/ Eiffel towering
He's the one who you're sucking on, and he’s so far down your throat making him suck you deeper and deeper until you’re drooling all over his balls like a good Kitten
Whoever he sharing you with would be in you following whatever Kuroo tells them to do
Rub your clit? Yes Sir.
Faster. Yup
Slowdown Kittens being bad so she doesn't get to get off <3
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Suna Rinatro
Purposeful neglect
Just like Tsukki, he wants you hot and bothered all the time
He will just sit around and scroll on his phone while you’re whining :(
Just let him watch this video and he’ll get you off!
Will never tell you but you just look so cute, all needy and horny for him.
Sometimes he’ll slip you a libido pill and just watch the world burn.
He will wait until you have ruined whatever shorts you’re wearing (and he’ll take them) and THEN he will help his poor needy baby
Almost every time he games, he puts you on his dick
you already know it’s happening when he takes the controller out
He says it's because he doesn't want to “leave you out”
No moving on him though, if you8 move it could distract him and you do not want him to lose, losing means being pounded into the floor until you can't think, then being ignored the rest of the day “horny sluts can sit on the floor until they need to be used”.
But if all goes well, he’ll go soft in between rounds and will suck on your neck and will let you cuddle into him during the rounds
But when Suna if feeling a bit more adventurous he will put his headset on you and fuck you with all of his friends listening
And if that's not bad enough they all clearly know what’s happening id Osamus soft coo’s and Gin’s little comments (but it's not like they want it to stop anyway)
Will literally just do this out of nowhere
You thought you were finally gonna cum, then nothing
HE WILL just do things for hours to see you cry and begging or him to just let you cum
He’ll stick four fingers in you and bring you to your climax and just leave you on the edge
He won't even have a reason, you were being good, you let him play his game and he does this?
Que pouty bby
We all saw this coming-
But he takes it a step further than just having a photo collection of you
He has a personal private story with just you in it where he put videos of you riding him or sucking his dick fo you to “see how slutty you are”
 that's not even it,  he sends you a picture of you naked in the middle of work, with no shame either
Thus one time you were showing a coworker a shirt you had bought and he texted you and the picture showed up. It was awkward for the next few days.
But these don't even compare to how he has an entire Instagram account (private of course) of your nodes and videos of the two of you fucking.
One extra little thing is that you both watch porn together for ideas.
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Satori Tendou
(i could make him a post of his own-so so many kinks for Satori)
Humiliation (mentions of pee)
This can range from calling you names to making you touch yourself in public
He’s called you a pillow princess in the middle of class, in front of your teacher
It had gotten so bad they Ushijima had to ask what a “cum-dumpster was” because Satori had called you that in front of the team.
He doesn't even introduce you as his S/O, hw=e would call you an escort or that you were just his personal fuck toy.
This kink goes so far that when you were on a double date with Semi, under the table Tendo had his hand literally in your pants.
**One of his favorite things is to make you hold your pee in until you are almost peeing yourself, isn't that embarrassing that you're a grown adult who’s about to wet yourself?
He wants to see you a complete mess all over him
The main goal of all of this is to make you squirt or begin to have dry orgasms
He will not stop until he’s happy or you say your safe word (which is rare)
One orgasm just isn't enough for him :/
And it's a big boost of confidence for him!
he‘s proud to know he can make you cum so much you cant even think!
This AND overstim?
Good luck
He can't even explain why it turns him on so much.
You just look so beautiful with tears streaming down your face all fucked out
It always hits him at the worst times too, you crying over a bad grade? A pretty tear falling over your soft cheeks. Hard.
Just watched a sad movie, he’s ready to pound you into the couch.
Oh ho ho
This can be one of two things, he does it because it feels good
He does it as punishment
That means no lube
No adjusting to his dick
And no extra pleasure to help you get off
He’s so mean </3
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Taichi Kawanishi
This man screams pornstar
Public sex
This man is unstable
You could just be walking in public and he just decides he wants to fuck.
Who are you to stop him?
Just let him get this out real quick you can shop later.
The thought of being in the open? This man loves it
And you don't really have a choice but to love it
Every time you go to the beach he just has his dick in you, in the ocean sitting in his lap while eating lunch
He doesn't even care who sees
Children? Who cares, look away or whatever
Getting caught
It doesn't even matter who it is
If someone walks in when you're doing it he’s cumming
It's just hot
He doesn't need to explain it to you
he also makes u take nudes and had them as his homescreen for a while
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Issei Matsukawa
I’d let this man kill me-
Leather/ latex
He wears them when he fingers you so he can make fun of how wet you made them.
He dresses you up in these pretty little pastel dresses (gender to heel, he doesn't care, you look hot weather your a boy, girl, or not) and he wears all black (goth daddy Mattsun) and his gloves to fuck you in his leather-covered fist.
That's not even it
He has an entire bin of different colored chokers and leashes just for his pretty baby
Along with that, he has a shelf of latex thigh highs for you to wear and even has an entire outfit for you to wear and show off to him.
This is why he has a lot of things that you wear!
He loves to take care of you all the time!
He loves to make his baby food and love to watch movies with you
And you love him so much too!
You would do anything for Daddy!
And he takes you shopping and to restaurants, and if you want literally anything big or small all you have to do is look up at him with puppy dog eyes and a “Daddy, please!!” and boom his credit card is already out.
Size kink
Big dick Mattsun-
This all comes back to the fact that you are so beautiful
And big dick little hole, who doesn't love that??
He sure does, don't worry though he always makes sure to prep you
Except if it's punishment- he doesn't like it he swears! He’d never want to hurt you!
And you’d believe it until your crying on his cock and it throbs ://
But if it still hurts, and it does, he’ll let you go your pace and sink all the way down onto his cock<3
Fun fact the first time he went into your ass he tried to with no lube and you couldn't sit for DAYS
Voyeurism (receiving)
Makki Makki Makki
I would say he was into Cuckolding but its always him doing the watching while Issei fucks you
And Makki loves it too if his constant praises and coo’s said anything about it.
And Mattsun just gets off on the fact his best friend is watching something he’ll (maybe if you're not into it) never fully have
Mattsun also likes having you tied up an watching him fuck a fleshlight of just jerking off
You look so pathetic :)
extra for big dick mattsun, he Shows all of his friends <3
I am a whore for the Seijoh 4
You bet Makki has an entire folder of pic of you, whether they are of you dripping cum or just with your legs open.
Even if he says he doesn't save them, you know Iwa has gotten off you a recording of you moaning and asking for Daddy’s cock
And Oikawa is always asking for more (the little manwhore), he says they are “references” for him, liar, he jerks off to them in his bathroom.
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Takanobu Aone
It's always the quiet ones-
I just gotta get these first two out-
Consensual non-con
I can just TELL he like to pretend to break into your house
Pretend you're so scared and you don't like it
Tying you up and listening to your little cries, awwwwweeee
You were just too pretty to ignore
Just let him have a taste, stop crying he knows you want it just as much as he does
He wants to feel like he earned his reward
A perfect little trophy for him to use as a toy
His dick in your tiny dripping hole is all the reward he needs
It's like you're a pretty innocent bunny and he’s a big fox just waiting for the right time to strike :)
Soft sex/ praise
I know what I said up there
But none of that means he doesn't love just setting you down on the bed with candles and rose petals and just making love
Soft music in the background and worshipping every inch of your skin
You need to be vocal though!
Tell him how pretty he is when he cums, and how perfectly his dick fits in your hole!
Tell him how soft he looks and how he is making your nipples feel like heaven.
Aftercare- bc I am also soft for aone and he is a good guy
Bubble baths and chocolate
Movies and cuddling
All of this makes him so glad that he found you
Especially when you cuddle into him all sleepily and tired.
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Shoyo Hinata
oh he is so pretty-
Mutual masturbation
It's the perfect way to experience pleasure
He can see you in all your glory
All of the faces he sometimes misses when he’s fucking you!
He also learns from it!
He sees the angle your fingers go to hit that sweet spot so the next time he’s in you he knows where to aim!
(he is so precious-)
You wanted to try it so he almost immediately agreed-
But it felt good!
The two of you reserved what one you wanted so the one he picked was almost made for him.
Plus, you look ridiculously good with the strap on-
And he voices that as much as he can!
And sometimes when he rides the strap he just watches it going in and out and in and out
(you also think this is SUPER hot but won't tell him :/)
It doesn't matter if it's you or him
Watching you fall apart on his cock without him doing a thing makes him cum harder than anything
Sometimes he gets so excited that he comes before you and makes you stay there until he’s hard again, which doesn't take long at all.
when it's him?
he’ll go for hours just to hear you tell him how good he is and how pretty he looks
Especially pastel babydolls
But nothing you wear could ever make you look bad in his eyes
Ok he likes it when you keep the lingerie on too like he’s fucking you and you till have a little nightgown/crop top on
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Lev Haiba
Size kink
Unintentionally too
He didn't even know it, but he did know that he liked that you were so much smaller than him.
He likes to put your hand to him and just look at the difference and before he knew it he was painfully hard
On the occasion, he makes fun of you saying his dick is just too big for you and you can't handle it, but then you get on your knees and he shuts up real quick
Praise kink
A given
He wants to know how good he makes you feel at all times
It doesn't have to be words either!
loud moans explanations of pleasure all drive him to move faster and faster!
Even yelling “oh god!” gets him off
He makes you feel that good huh?
Wall sex
Just playing on the size kink thing
He loves to just pick you up and fuck with reckless abandon
Gets a way better angle too- bet you didn't think he would realize that
He also likes to watch the combination of your juices drip to the floor-
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Shugo Meian (MSBY captain)
Sexiest team-
Daddy/ Captain kink
Just look at him, he screams Daddy louder than you do when he’s fucking you
He takes pride in being Captain meaning he’ll fuck you for hour if the word even falls from your lips
And yes you have said it (daddy) front of the team and he did get hard, and the both of you did fuck in the locker room of the gym for an hour before you got kicked out
Even in arguments you better call him daddy, he will stop and fuck you into the ground for it
Angry or not you WILL use his title
Will threaten you with this almost everyday
He just uses it as an excuse to touch your ass
He makes you count after each one and makes you thank him
It would look a bit like this
“Five! Thank you Daddy!” “Good Baby, five more”
But that doesn’t mean when you really deserve it that he won't unleash the wrath of god onto your poor ass
But after he’ll kiss it all better and Daddy will reward you for taking your punishment well
Controlled orgasms
By this i mean that you wont cum unless he says so
And you have to ask
Aka “Daddy please let me cum, I really want to”
And depending on what he’s feeling maybe you’ll get to cum then
And if not you’ll have to wait like a good Girl/Boy and cum when he does, which could late literally forever.
but its better than disobeying his orders, which could lead to him completely pulling out and just jerking off to cum on you :((
Deepthroating/ Face Fucking
Nothing is better to him than coming home to you on your knees and mouth open and ready
But when he’s all pent up from practice and he sees you?
Rip your throat, you aren't talking for a few days
He’ll literally fuck your face no question
He’ll put his dick so far down your throat you could feel it in your stomach
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Yutaro Kindaichi
Hate sex 
He just makes everyone angry
And he gets off on it
You look so fucking delectable all red faced and angry
Makes him want to just slam into right then and there
Clearly he wants to be in control
Controlling someone is just such a  turn-on for him
Looking all pretty doing exactly what he wanted you too <3
Wants to show off that you are his 
What better way than marking up your neck with pretty bruises
Plus he likes how you get all shy when people look at them 
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sunarinluvr · 3 years
|| haikyuu boys after a long day ||
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includes: sakusa kiyoomi, miya atsumu, & suna rintarou
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a/n- hi!! heres some fluff for haikyuu boys after a long day post time-skip,,,this was also not proofread and i’ve written these at 4am so please bear with me ;_; hope u enjoy it! also i apologize for only posting now T^T
warnings: none! (lmk if theres anything i missed)
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today was just extremely draining. he was woken up by you panicking as the both of you had overslept, and was about to be late. he also couldnt get his spikes right during practice which frustrated him more since he had a match in a few days.
when sakusa finally arrived home he was greeted by you and your smile that always made his day a little bit better. "rough day?" you asked tilting your head slightly so that you could get a better view of him.
he gave you a little nod as he dropped his bag and put his shoes away. padding over to the couch where you were seated, he plopped down and tilted his head back. “omi do you want to eat anything? wait no you probably want to shower—”
you couldn’t even finish your sentence as sakusa leaned closer to you and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck “can we..stay like this for awhile?” he muttered softly. you smiled and wrapped your arms around him “of course my love”
after awhile, you noticed it was getting late and it would be best for him if he took a bath and got to bed, so despite wanting to stay like that for a little longer you rubbed his back gently “omi, why don’t i start you a bath? so that you can sleep right after”
sakusa groans in your neck and you giggle because you rarely got to see this side of him,, he was absolutely adorable. nevertheless he sat up and let you start a bath for him.
when the bath was ready you called for him and just as you were about to leave he grabbed your wrist. you looked at him but he switched his gaze onto the floor “aren’t you going to join me?” he asked so softly that if you weren’t listening carefully you would’ve missed it.
you cupped his cheeks and tilting his face so that both your eyes met. not missing the slight blush on his cheeks you smiled softly “your so cute when you’re like this omi, you get in first i’ll go grab my towel” with a quick kiss to his forehead you were out the door.
once the two of you were cleaned up, you both climbed into bed and sakusa was quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you closer to him. with a gentle kiss to your lips he nuzzles his nose in your hair as he muttered a sleepy but endearing “i love you so much” and with a content sigh you cuddled closer to him “i love you too omi.”
he was tired to say the least. the coach was ruthless today and made everyone do their drills twice to make up for their previous loss. atsumu wanted absolutely nothing more than to cuddle with you.
once practice ended he quickly showered and rushed home to you. dropping his duffel bag at the door and messily removing his shoes “y/n? baby! am home!” he called out. “in here babe”
you replied while stirring the dinner you were currently making. seeing atsumu you gave him your brightest smile as you walked towards him to give him a hug and his welcome home kiss, not missing the tired look in his eyes “welcome home. did the coach make you do more drills today?” you asked lightly chuckling
atsumu buried his face into your neck with a small smile on his face— groaning and hugging you a bit tighter “coach was ruthless princess, made us do drills twice” he mumbled
“sounds like my tsum had it rough today, go get changed dinners almost ready” you said softly while gently rubbing his back. “no... a just wanna cuddle with ya. a missed ma baby so much” he said whining. at that you laughed and slowly shook your head, atsumu couldn’t help but feel his heart do a small flip at the sound of your laugh.
“tsumu, we can cuddle all you want later. right now i’m starving and i’m sure you are too” without saying another word and a quick peck to your lips he retreated slowly to your shared bedroom to get changed while you prepared the food.
as you ate dinner he made sure to always have a hand on your thigh—this just made you laugh because your boyfriend was being so needy it was adorable. after he put the dishes away, you called for him “tsum come here! let’s watch a movie” you said with your arms opened and he walks to you with a huge smile on his face.
dropping himself on the couch he immediately wrapped his arms around your waist as you played with his hair. “thank you a love ya so much princess”he said softly. “i love you more baby” you reply as you start the movie. a few minutes in you wonder why he got so quiet all of a sudden, so you quickly check on him
only to be met by him softly snoring while his face was nuzzled into your chest. you always thought atsumu was adorable, but his sleeping face is just unmatched, the way his bangs fell over his eyes and his little content smile. knowing that you’re the only one who gets to see this side of him makes your heart swell. with a gentle kiss to his forehead you say “goodnight tsumu.”
to say suna had a hectic day would be an understatement. right after a long day of training he had to rush to an interview, he forgot he had after rescheduling it for the 3rd time this month (i mean you can't blame him, he finds interviews very draining). during the interview all he could think about was being in your arms, so he rushed home the moment it ended.
quickly opening the door to your apartment, he took off his shoes and carefully placed his bag on top of a table. “babe? i’m home.” he calls out, but he gets no response. he tries again, “babe?? im home!” no answer. he makes his way to the living room, then to your shared bedroom.
with a sigh of defeat he walks back to the living room getting ready to text you where you were when he remembered. “rin....rinnie...baby!” you said with a huge smile on your face. he hummed looking at you with a raised brow “i’m going to be out late next friday, it is my friends birthday. don’t worry i wont be out too long!”
“ughh why’d she have to be out today” suna mumbled to himself with a little frown on his face. he decided to wait for you to come home, so he put himself in a comfortable position on the couch as he scrolled through his phone, slowly his eyelids got heavier and heavier, until next thing you know he’s sound asleep on the couch.
a few hours later you finally came home. “i’m home” you say gently as you make your way to the living room. as you passed by the couch you noticed suna’s sleeping figure. ‘he looks so cute’ you think to yourself. quickly whipping out your phone to take pictures of him so you can tease him about it later.
after taking a lot a few photos, you quickly get changed out of your work clothes into some sweats and an oversized sweatshirt. walking back into the living room you give him a quick kiss on the forehead, but before you could fully stand up you felt suna’s arm wrap around you. gasping at the sudden movement, you lose your balance and ended up plopping on top of him.
suna laughs as you playfully hit his chest. “hi pretty baby. welcome home, did you have fun today?” giggling softly you lift your head a bit so you can see his face “hello to you too rin, and yes today was pretty eventful. what about you? have you eaten?” he just shrugs as he hugs you tighter and nuzzles his face into your neck.
“i ate dinner before going to the interview, my day was pretty tiring, but its ok now because you’re here” you can feel his smirk on your neck as you roll your eyes at him. “whatever you say.” 
after a few minutes of catching up with each other, you forced him to get out of the couch and move to your shared bedroom. once you both got under the covers he turns to you with a small smile and gives you a soft kiss on your lips. “goodnight rin, i love you” burying his nose into your hair he replies with a soft “goodnight, i love you more.”
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reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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delicrieux · 4 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Stranger In The Crowd
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having recently ended the process of moving, Y/N is rightfully very tired but also very excited for the new chapter of her life. Funnily enough, this new chapter includes a newly formed long distance friendship/crush with a very special person from San Diego.
Requested by @boiled-onionrings Hi darling! Thank you so much for your wonderful request and I’m really sorry you’ve had to wait so long for it to be posted but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read! Love, Vy ❤
I let out a heavy sigh, relieved to finally be at home after such a long day of standing around in the Georgia heat with only a thin layer of fabric to protect my eyes and head from the scorching sun. Yeah, anyone who says that tent did well at protecting everyone under it today is nothing but a liar. I was in a short, strapless white summer dress, the fabric of which barely had any weight and consistency to provide heat of its own yet I still damn near melted. Ok, I’ll admit, some of the roasting heat probably came from the energy and force I put into singing the songs of my band’s new album ‘Starting At The End’. 
The mini concert we held in this large open field was meant as an introduction to the city of Savannah where all the band members - myself included - are actually from but we all moved to the West Coast to pursue our music career. And now that we’ve grown, and the majority of us are married, one of us is a father now as well, we’ve decided to return to our hometown. The decision was so spontaneous and was executed so quickly due to no one objecting to it that it still hasn’t me that I’m no longer in LA. The heat isn’t helping my ‘processing’ process but I’ll get to it eventually. Do I miss LA though? Not sure I do - I think I more miss the people I was closer to while I was there.
Suddenly, as if perfectly timed, my phone dings, notifying me that I’ve received a message. I don’t have to look to know it’s from - there’s only one person I actively text and his name is....
C ~ Your virtual buddy Corpse here, making sure you didn’t die of a heatstroke today. If you did indeed survive, just reply to this message, if not....don’t do anything, I guess.
I can’t help but giggle at the sight of the message. I promised Corpse I’d text him after the concert to let him know I was ok, but the even dragged out for longer than anticipated so I’m guessing he got worried.
How cute.
Me ~ Alive and well, but I do feel like a popped tire of an overloaded truck. Hope that’s a visually appealing description
Corpse and I met on the charity livestream Jacksepticeye organized and invited our band to so we could play Among Us with some of the best gamers and streamers on the internet. It was a huge honor and a ton of fun, definitely an event I’d like to repeat in the near future because I had such a good time and I know all my bandmates did too. We all got acquainted and even became official friends with the gamers that were practically our hosts, Corpse becoming the closest friends I’d earn. That livestream happened months ago and we still text just as consistently.
C ~ Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean. Anyway, as to not exhaust you further to force you into typing, how about you send me pictures to sum up your thoughts and emotions and plans for the evening
This is OUR THING trademark, mine and Corpse’s and no one can take it away from us. It’s a significant element of our friendship that enables us both to understand one another when one of us feels the way I described in my message - a popped tire or a deflated balloon. I’m usually the exhausted one - blame the many shows we do and the many meet-and-greets we organize for our lovely fans. It’s the type of exhaustion none of the band members mind at all, but we definitely need some time to recover from it.
As I go to sit down on my couch, the flower crown I’ve been wearing slips off the top of my head, falling on the floor, creating a soft noise that attracts the attention of one of my many cats - Sasha. She’s the youngest and most curious kitty in the family, always protected by the other four - Luna, Cassie, Silver and Lynn. Those four are far lazier and a lot more disinterested in comparison to Sasha who immediately runs over to see what’s fallen.
I smile to myself, taking the flower crown and undoing it to lessen it by a few stems to make it smaller, all the while being watched by the curious Sasha whose interest is rewarded in the end when I put the now adorably tiny flower crown on her head.
While she still hasn’t shaken the thing off I manage to snap a pic which I send to Corpse who opens it mere seconds after it was delivered. 
C ~ Sasha’s pulling off your aesthetic better than you. Sorry, someone had to let you know
I burst out laughing for two reasons - 1.The message itself, damn it! It’s hilarious; 2. Corpse has learnt the name of each one of my cats and never mixes them up - not even Luna and Lynn who look almost identical. That amount of attention to detail is astonishing and very meaningful to me, it genuinely warms my heart and that may or may not be dramatic but it’s definitely not exaggerated.
Me ~ You think I haven’t caught on yet? 
C ~ Well, if it makes you feel any better you pull off my aesthetic better than I do
He’s referring to the e-girl look I did for one show the band had in downtown LA one night. I was drunk and looking forward to trying new things so I improvised the hell out of my outfit but I apparently looked presentable enough to leave a good impression on Corpse despite the pic I sent him being a bit blurry and being a mirror selfie in the bathroom of the very bar we were performing in. It goes without saying that the mirror was dirty too - had a bunch of writing on it which Corpse said only added to the aesthetic. Looking back on it now I kinda agree, and luckily so did the fans in the comments of that same photo when I posted it on Instagram.
Me ~ Means a lot actually. Nowhere near enough to aid the burn of having a cat pull off cottagecore better than I do, but still helps XD
As if sensing that we’re talking about her, Sasha hops on the couch, poking her head over my phone to look down at the screen.
Now this is gonna be golden.
I take a selfie with my phone in my lap, the camera capturing both me and Sasha at a rather unflattering angle which has me losing my mind laughing when I send the picture to Corpse who immediately sends back a string of cry-laughing emojis.
C ~ I can’t tell which one of you is cuter
Me ~ If that was a compliment, I gotta say I appreciate it greatly
C ~ Just telling the truth ;)
It’s times like these that the butterflies in my stomach remind me just why I’ve started catching feelings for this man despite all the distance between us and despite barely knowing him - he knows me more than I know him but I don’t mind it, oddly enough.
I’m fond of our connection and though I sometimes dream of something more, I’m also content with what we already have considering that ‘something more’ seems rather unattainable as of now.
My phone dings again, clearing the fog of thoughts and presenting me with a new message from Corpse.
C ~ Oh, by the way, look what I got....
That message is followed up by a picture of a ticket. A plane ticket to Georgia! 
While I’m still busy stomaching this and dealing with my quickly rising excitement, he sends another message.
C ~ I hope to catch a The Silver Rays concert while I’m there. Heard they had an adorable frontwoman ;)
My breath catches in my throat as a wide grin spreads across my face. The thought of having Corpse so close to me sends those aforementioned butterflies in my stomach into a raving mood and they practically explode my insides with excitement and joy like I’ve never felt it before. I can’t wrap my brain around the fact that we’re about to go from having an entire country between us, to being just some ways away - him in the audience and me on stage without a single clue of who to look for. That’s part of the excitement though, I guess, part of the guessing game that’s gonna make our meeting all the more interesting.
He’ll be a stranger in the crowd and I’ll be a performer on a stage - seemingly two people who have no relation whatsoever. But damn does it go beyond that: No one has to know how hard I’m falling for that stranger in the crowd.
Me ~ I’ve heard so too, can’t confirm it though
If this is gonna be a guessing game, I’ll flip the tables a bit - I won’t take any guesses. I’ll let the answer come to me. I’ll give the first move over to the stranger in the crowd, let’s see what he does.
C ~ I’ll check and let you know, don’t worry
Not worried whatsoever, Corpsie. I’m not worried at all.
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puff-world · 2 years
I'm gonna rank every skylander and ripoff @jelloapocalypse
This will not be based in gameplay but design because fuck that noise any how les go
Wrecking ball: [insert dead joke] -6
Voodood: dood you are like totally forgettable 3
Spyro: [insert joke about his face] 6
Double trouble: despite being forgettable, you survived -6
Pop fizz: he drinks mountain dew, truley a gamer 7
Ninjini: ok your fucking cool 8
Trap shadow: who 1
Star strike: yall remember those egg theives from spyro? 7
Hoot loop: CRAZY ASS -8
Dune bug: my apologies to trap shadow, who are you? -1
Enigma: you look like a wow boss 9
Deja vu: cute pigtails lazy name 5
Cobra cadabra: COBRA COBRAAA 7
Blastermind: kaos what are you doing here 4
Splat: dranie bob Ross 6
Pain-yatta: how are you magic dude: 7
Mysticat: eh 1
Buck shot: and eh 0
Over all score: 5
Hex: who's goth gf is this? 7
Ghost roaster: why did they scrap you? 7
Cynder: why are you here? 6
Chop chop: he has a bone to pick with you 7
Freight rider: you look like a common enemy 5
Eye brawl: ok ngl really fucking sick -9
Roller brawl: my bad this is the goth gf 5
Rattle snake: yall ever watch rango? 7
Night shift: I dont get it 7
Grim creeper: dopey but cute -6
Short cut: hesh gonna gecha! -7
Krypt king: chop chops top boyfriend 8
Funny bone: play dead! -6
Bat spin: bleh both literally and figuratively 4
Fiesta: drip 9
Wolf gang: London 8
Pit boss: this sssssucks 3
Chopscotch: your pun name is your saving grace or grave -1
Over all score: 8
Zook: [insert soldier tf2 quotes] -5
Stump smash: neat -7
Stealth elf: porn bait 6
Camo: you're not very camouflaged 4
Tree rex: man going hard 9
Shroom: mama mia -7
Zoo lou: uhm 3
Stink bomb: gross 5
Grilla drilla: isnt a drill counter active to the eco friendly drip 5
Bumble blast: [buck bumble theme] -7
Tuff luck: furry bait 4
High five: hesa pupper 7
Food fight: trigger happy rip off 5
Bushwhack: whack off! Wait? 3
Thrillipede: he gives a 1000% 8
Crash bandicoot: WOAH 9
Chompy mage: dr livesly walk 9
Boom bloom: coolio 7
Ambush: not expected 7
Over all score: -7
Sunburn: sqwaaaaa 6
Ignitor: kinda lit 7
Flame slinger: the writers were blind making him 4
Eruptor: I finna puke, in a good way 7
Hot head: kinda dopey but also really neat 6
Hot dog: stop drop and roll over: -5
Smolderdash: yall watch moana 8
Fryno: I'm kimda loving it -6
Fire kraken: he so dopey I love him -7
Blast zone: ignitors top boyfriend wait didnt I make this joke already 7
Wildfire: anduin if he liked fire 7
Trail blazer: my little arson 7
Torch: she hot literally 7
Ka boom: compensating much 7
Spitfire: lit but not in the good way 5
Bowser: look up @were-Ralph 9
Tae kwon crow: is this a fried chicken joke? 5
Flare wolf: furry bait 5
Ember: she was better in danny phantom 7
Over all: 7
Zap: alotta spyro ripoffs 6
Wham shell: dont look at me with those big ol eyes 6
Slam bam: for being so chilled hes kinda hot 8
Gill grunt: this man goes hard 9
Thumpback: thumpback mountain 9
Chill: not really cool tho 7
Swash buckler: disney lawsuit 9
RIP tide: here comes the crimson chin -7
Punk shock: kinda cool kinda forgettable 5
Freeze blade: "I like your cut g" 7
Snap shot: yall play pokemon 7
Lob star: is mayonnaise an instrument 5
Flip wreck: [vulgar dolphin noises] 4
Echo: zap became a goth gf 6
Dive clops: scooby doo vibes 7
Tidepool: meh 5
King pen: 7
Grave clobber: excuse me what 0
Over all: 7
Terra fin: did he get fatter over time 8
Prism break: the pun was under utilized 8
Dino rang: picks up phone* "what's your favorite dinosaur" 7
Bash: awww rock pupper 8
Flash wing: theres the spyro rip off 5
Crusher: blag blag blah prism breaks top boyfriend 8
Slobber tooth: a pale imitation of bash 6
Scorp: sorry I'm a scorpio -6
Rubble rouser: uga uga -7
Doom stone: sorry but naw 4
Wallop: furry bait 5
Rocky roll: a lil guy 8
Head rush: I want her to kick my ass 9
Fist bump: hows it going bros its [insert n bomb] 4
Smash hit: yall watch ice age 3? 6
Tritip: pick up the phone a lil kid wants to talk dinosaurs 5
Golden queen: yasss queen 8
Barbella: once again hit me 8
Over all: 8
Whirlwind: spyro ripoff again 4
Warnado: I like turtles 7
Sonic boom: good show 6
Lighting rod: move that cloud so I can see that lighting rod: 7
Swarm: buck bumble literally 8
Jetvac: kirby still better 7
Scratch: again 4
Pop thorn: oh hey it's that balloon I lost -7
Free range: I thought it was a piss joke
Boom jet: human??? 6
Thunder bolt: lighting rods less slutty brother
Gusto: oh my 6
Flip kong: MONKEY!!!! also Nintendo lawsuit
Storm blade: she so pretty 8
Wild storm: I dont get it 4
Bad juju: why are you here? 0
Air strike: bird shit every where -6
Over all: 6
Trigger happy: he has a gun -8
Drobot: another one 4
Drill sergeant: show me your war face 7
Boomer: pfft 7
Sproket: kenzie from saints row 8
Wind up: hit him so hell shut up -8
Spy rise: [sam Fisher voice] 8
Magna charge: yoooooooo 9
Countdown: soccer fans be like -6
Tread head: how do you drive that -5
Jawbreaker: he looks like an orc made him 9
Gear shift: robo waifu 7
Chopper: dinosaurs!!!! -7
High volt: he has a little blue line flag on his car 5
Robow: ok this goes hard 9
Dr neo cortex: jaundice 9
Dr krankcase: gangrene 9
Chain reaction: robo viking 10
Over all: 9
Spotlight: must I say it 7
Knight light: palidins be like 6
Astroblaster: the only space themed skylander 8
Blaster tron: what's light about you? 0
Aurora: at this time of day in this part of the country 8
Over all: 7
Knightmare: death knights be like 9
Black out: despite being a spyro clone hes really cool 9
Night fall: Lovecraftian ass 9
Starcast: slam bams emo cousin 7
Hoodsickle: you should be undead 0
Over all: 9
Cyclops snail: theres a reason he was scrapped -10
Over all: 10
10. Cyclops snail
9. Eye brawl
8. Head rush
7. Jaw breaker
6. Chompy mage
5. Fiesta
4. Black out
3. Kaos
2. Chain reaction
1. Bouncer
THE WORST: buckshot
PART 13: thoughts over all
So..after ranking every skylander, no I will not do enemies or trapped bosses, I can kinda get a method with them
Magic are based on religions and the arcane
Undead are often dead or malicious
Life are based on flora and fauna
Fire are based on fire, magma, and explosives
Water are based on ice and marine life
Earth are based on rocks and Crystal's with a few rough boys
Air is based on flight, avians or weather
Tech is based on machinery, metal and demolition and man made things
Light is based on holy and benevolent forces
Dark is based conversely on lovecraftian and malicious things
I originally intended on looking at all scrapped skylanders too but I realized there were too many so I only covered the one that was most well known scrapped skylanders
I also noticed some of the sensei's in imaginators were really independent of their element
And another thing was that some skylanders were dropped. In the original generation they had 4 skylanders and then replaced one for giants then again for swap force but the ones they keeped were given ultimate versions that sometimes looked wholly different and then in superchargers some where brought back again ang given new armor.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this look into skylanders history thank you and have a nice day
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beauvibaby · 3 years
all I could ever want – t.seguin
Tumblr media
a/n: part 2 of there won’t be anyone else!! I definitely prefer the first part of this story, but I also love this one because it’s just straight fluff 😌
Word count: 2.9k
“Mommy!” Willow squealed in delight, running into the kitchen to see you, Tyler had picked her up from preschool on his way home from practice. “Willow!” You mimicked, laughing as she hugged your legs, “did you have a good day?” You asked with a grin, Tyler chuckled, “Miss Laura is having a baby.” Tyler spoke for her. Willow nodded excitedly, “aw, that’s great.” You smiled, hoisting Willow up to sit on the counter. “I want you to have a baby, mommy.” She spoke honestly, giving her dad a weird look when he choked on his water, you snickered at him. “Maybe.” You shrugged her comment off, thankful for her short attention span, she was asking to go play with the dogs as she wiggled her way into your arms to be put down on the ground. “Go ahead.” Tyler nodded her off and she went barreling towards the living room where the dogs were innocently napping, poor boys.
“What was that reaction for?” You asked once it was just the two of you, he mumbled something under his breath, “talk like an adult, Tyler.” You teased him, resting a hand on your hip as you gave him a stern look. “I just didn’t think she was going to want a sibling, she loves having all the attention.” He sighed, “plus my baby is too little to want another baby in the house.” He pouted dramatically. Ah, the real reasoning coming out. “Yeah, but you always said you wanted more kids, and you know I would be happy with a full house, so.” You trailed off, kind of disappointed by his lackluster reaction. “You still want to have more kids right?” You asked when he didn’t speak, finally locking your eyes on his. “Yes, of course.” He rushed, “after the wedding?” He offered, seeing your smile turn up, “really?” You gasped like a child. You wrapped your arms around his neck, “I don’t want you to think I don’t want more babies with you.” He smirked, kissing your pouted lips, “I was just so caught off guard.” He admitted honestly, his normal attitude coming back through.
You had to cut him some slack, thinking of how hard it was for him when Willow’s mom was pregnant, she didn’t want him involved in anything he wasn’t able to be apart of it up until the last second, it was like a switch flipped and suddenly she decided she wasn’t fit to raise a baby. As selfish as it sounds, you were so grateful for how it turned out, because at the end of the day you knew she was getting the best life possible with you and Tyler.
“Me too, honestly, I’m surprised she hasn’t asked how the baby gets in a woman’s stomach.” You quipped, Tyler groaned, “I can’t even think about that.” He muttered in defeat, kissing the side of your head. When he pulled away, you had a giddy smile on your face, “what?” He asked you suspiciously. “I can’t wait to have a baby with you.” You admitted, watching his nerves melt away. You knew Tyler, and you knew he was a worrier, even if he didn’t voice it, right now he was probably running over every horror story he’s heard about complicated pregnancies. “God you’re gonna look so beautiful.” He muttered, a glint in his eyes, you knew then, that it was all going to be ok, even if he was a nervous wreck. Which part of you thought he would be.
You stood by the window of your bridal suite, dressed in your gown and veil, one of the photographers getting photos of you looking out, coincidentally, in the open garden below you, Tyler was doing his first look with Willow, something the photographer had brought up to you, and you jumped on it. Those pictures would be cherished forever, Tyler really didn’t know what Willow was going to be dressed in, but you watched as he turned around and saw his little girl, who didn’t look so little, in a dusty rose colored dress, long lace sleeves and a nice puffy skirt, per her request. Her curls tamed beautifully for once as she actually let the hair stylist apply some products to them. Your grin was wide as he gasped, looking at her and she bounced over to him, you could see her mouth moving and you could only imagine how she was rambling on and on about her dress. A habit he swears she picked up from you.
“Y/N? You ready to head down?” Your maid of honor, your best friend Y/F/N asked, giving you a once over. You smoothed out your dress once more, looking down at the trumpet style gown. “Yeah.” You sniffled, fanning at your face. You and Tyler opted not to do a first look, you wanted to see his genuine reaction as you walked down the aisle. “You look stunning.” She assured you, lightly dabbing under your eyes with a tissue, the sound of the camera going off in the background.
As you reached your spot just behind the double doors, any nerves you had melted away, Tyler, the love of your life, was right on the other side of this wall, prepared to say I do to a lifetime with you.
Tyler’s father was walking you down the aisle, neither of your parents here to do it. As he approached, you smiled, hoping Tyler’s reaction would be similar to his dad’s. You’d grown close with his family over the years, they truly loved you, and it showed as his dad grabbed your hand, kissing the top of it as he smiled tearfully. “I’ll never really know how Tyler managed to snag you up, but he could have never made a better choice.” He explained, voice shaking before he cleared his throat. “Let’s get this show on the road.” He broke the silence, chuckling at himself as you looped your arm with his, holding your bouquet with the other.
The wedding March began to play, and the doors were pushed open, revealing you and Paul standing there. Instantly Tyler looked to the ceiling, his eyes watering already, the smile on his face was undeniable as you walked towards him slowly, your own eyes glazed over at the way he was looking at you. “Gorgeous.” He mouthed, your lips parting in a smile, he loved when he got those smiles out of you, the ones where the corners of your eyes would crinkle, and sometimes you would even scrunch your nose a bit. This was definitely one of those moments.
The wedding had come and gone, your honeymoon too, a simple trip with just the two of you before the hockey season started again. “Daddy.” Willow whispered, standing on his side of the bed, he stirred, blinking his eyes a couple of times to adjust to the darkness of the room. He turned his lamp on, “what’s wrong baby?” He asked softly, careful not to wake you as he caressed Willow’s face, frowning at the tears coating it. “I had a bad dream.” She whimpered, “come here.” He huffed as he pulled her up onto the bed. “Wanna tell me what happened?” He asked her, turning the lamp off as he let her cuddle with him. “No, just cuddles.” She mumbled sleepily, his heart swelled in his chest at that, “always, princess.” He sighed, kissing the top of her head as she easily laid on top of him, her teddy bear snuggled between them. You flipped over carefully, having woken up during their little conversation. Tyler gave you a tired smile as you placed a kiss on his shoulder before resting back on your pillow, a smile on your face as you listened to her light breathing.
As morning came you groaned in annoyance, morning sickness coming right along with it.
That’s right, you two had no trouble getting pregnant apparently, today was actually the day you were going to tell Willow about the baby. “Is mommy sick?” Willow asked Tyler as they woke up to you bolting out of bed, he held back a chuckle, “no, she’s ok.” He assured her, “stay here.” He demanded gently before coming to check on you as you brushed your teeth. “Hi babe.” He placed a kiss on your cheek, “doing ok?” He asked softly, locking eyes with you in the mirror. “Yeah,” you sighed, leaning into his hold after you rinsed your mouth out. “Are you ready to tell her?” You asked eagerly, “god, yes.” He groaned, giving you a quick kiss.
Willow was sitting in the middle of the bed, adjusting the bow on her teddy bear's head. “Good morning, baby.” You chuckled, sitting beside her, she shot you a smile, just like Tyler’s as she crawled into your lap. “Don’t forget miss bows.” She mumbled with a pout, Tyler snickered as you took the bear and placed a kiss on its head, “good morning, miss bows.” You spoke dramatically, Willow snuggling happily into you. “Hey, Willow.” Tyler spoke softly, sitting beside you, “guess what?” He smiled at her, she sat up a little straighter, “what?” She asked cutely, you shared a look with Tyler. “We’re gonna have a baby.” You told her, relief hitting you as she jumped up screaming in excitement. “A baby?!” She squealed. You quickly pulled out your phone to record her, sending it to Tyler’s parents. “When?” She asked giggling, sitting crossed legged in front of you both. “Oh, it’s still going to be a few months honey.” You explained sweetly, “but you’re going to be a big sister, that means you can help me and mommy get stuff ready for the baby.” Tyler assured her, wanting her to feel involved and not like the baby was going to completely take over.
The months started flying by, you were having a little boy, Tyler thought he wanted another daughter, which of course he would have been just as excited for, but when he heard it was a boy, you could see the way his eyes lit up. Willow had been a little upset at first, wanting a little sister that she could do all her fun girly things with as she got older, but after some long conversations and some explanations, you convinced her of all the reasons it would be fun for her to have a brother.
Tyler was more than nervous as your water broke in the middle of the night, of course you’d thought ahead and had spoken to Tyler’s mom, who had been staying with you guys for about a week, to be here and help with Willow once you had the baby. He swears that your labor went on forever, but really, you’d gotten lucky and progressed quickly. Nearly missing the window to get the epidural, which terrified you, but you got it, and now you had a very healthy, chunky little eight pound baby boy. Much to everyone’s surprise, everyone expected him to be smaller, but you weren’t complaining.
“Oh my god.” You cried out as they put him on your chest, his screams filling the room, it felt like an eternity until he began to cry, but he was sure to make up for it.
“I can’t believe we made him.” Tyler mumbled, unlike Willow, Hunter was born with next to no hair. “I know.” You whispered, running your finger across his chubby cheek, he was peacefully sleeping in your arms, already a hungry baby, having drunk himself right to sleep. “I hope he looks like you.” Tyler muttered, lightly kissing the side of your head, a smile graced your lips, “I hope he looks like you.” You giggled, “but I kind of don’t, because then all the girls will be after him when he’s a teenager.” You added, your husband chuckling beside you. “Let’s worry about his first night home, yeah?” He laughed softly. “Willow is going to be so excited.” You sighed, lacing your fingers with Tyler’s.
“Mommy, daddy!” Willow rushed over when you walked in, Tyler having the car seat around his arm. “Hi, sweet girl.” You welcomed her hug, kneeling to her height. “Were you good for grandma?” You asked gently, she nodded eagerly before moving over to hug Tyler once he placed the car seat down. “Hi princess.” He grinned, hugging her tightly, “I missed you.” He kissed the top of her head, laughing as she completely disregarded his comment and looked at Hunter in awe. “He’s so pretty.” She gasped, making you and Jackie both laugh. “He really is a beautiful baby, honey.” Jackie spoke to you, giving you a gentle hug. Tyler moved the car seat up to the table, shushing Willow as he assured her she would get to hold him. “Go wash your hands.” Jackie instructed her, walking over to Tyler as he easily held the newborn in his hands. She kissed her son's cheek before grabbing Hunter’s hand, “hello beautiful boy.” She cooed, running her thumb over his arm. “You did good.” She commented to Tyler, lightly nudging his side, he shot her a smile, “yeah.” He agreed, glancing at you.
“Can I hold him, please, please?” Willow begged, running out with freshly washed hands, you nodded, “go sit on the couch, I’ll bring him to you.” You instructed her softly, she giggled and ran off to the couch, you gently took Hunter from Tyler, “oh, Jackie did you want to hold him fi–“ “No, no, let Willow do it first, she’s just so excited.” Jackie cut you off mid ramble. You smiled in relief, slowly walking over to the couch, Tyler came and sat next to her, he put a pillow on her lap, and had her put arms out on it. “You have to be really gentle, ok?” He told her as he put his arms around her, his hands offering extra support for the baby’s neck. You laid Hunter down, smiling as Willow cooed down to him, “hi baby brother.” She giggled, looking over at you and then to Tyler. “Mommy,” she mumbled as you sat next to them, Tyler picking the baby up as he began to fuss, “I love him.” Willow concluded in the most serious voice. “I love him too.”
Hunter gurgled up at you as you dressed him in sweatpants, now two months old, and all of you were missing Tyler as he just had his first away game of the season. You left him shirtless, a pun at how Tyler always walked around the house in his pajamas, “mommy, I wanna match.” Willow pouted, you looked at her in thought for a moment, knowing you couldn’t let her run around in only pants, even if it was only in the house. “Oh, I have an idea.” You grinned, scooping the baby up and going into the back of the closet, where most of Tyler’s old shirts were. “Come here baby!” You called, Willow came bouncing in, one of your fondest memories as a child was wearing your dad's old shirts as pajamas, so why not pass it on to her. “Pick one to wear.” You told her, smiling as she got all excited, flipping through them, she pulled two down off the hangers, “where this one mommy, please.” She gave you her puppy eyes, not that she had to. You nodded, taking the shirt from her and going into the bathroom to change into it, leaving your shorts in underneath.
A loud laugh fell from your lips as you walked out and saw her drowning in his shirt, but there was nothing more adorable. “Come here, let me get a picture.” You made Willow lay on the bed, and put Hunter next to her, you wanted to send the picture to him, but you’d rather him be surprised by your outfit choices for the night. “Hello!” Tyler called from downstairs, Willow giggled carefully moving away from Hunter, “careful, hold the shirt up so you don’t fall!” You called as she took off out of the room, her response faded out as she bounced down the steps, you following with Hunter curled up in your arms. “Hey baby!” You heard Tyler gasp, “what do you think you’re wearing?” He questioned her, lifting her up into his arms. “We missed you so much, we figured why not dress up as you.” You explained, making him look up and see you in one of his shirts and Hunter in little grey sweatpants, Tyler threw his head back in laughter, “are you surprised?” Willow asked him, arms clasped around his neck, he hummed in agreement as he kissed her cheek before coming over to you. “Hi.” He whispered before pecking your lips.
“Hi.” You repeated, smiling as he pulled away, Willow wiggled her way down to the ground, allowing him to take Hunter from you. “Hey bud, looking good.” He mumbled kissing across his chubby cheeks. “And mama, as beautiful as ever.” He winked over at you. He smirked when you rolled your eyes with a smile, “movie night!” He declared, bolting up the stairs with Hunter to go change. You chuckled as you ordered pizza, deciding to make it a fun simple night. You knew that it wouldn’t always be like this, but you knew that whatever life through at you, you two could make it work.
“You know, I’ve got all I could ever want right here.” Tyler mumbled as you sat curled up on the couch with two sleeping kids on your laps. “Me too, Ty.”
taglist: @boqvistsbabe @tortito @2manytabsopen @heybarzy @barzysreputation @yzas-stuff @iwantahockeyhimbo @calgarycanuck @myhockeyworld87 @shortstacks-blog @mymanshawn @calgarycanuck @pagirl6866 @chronosarcheron
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the-slasher-files · 4 years
Hello there! I’m back with another request. Can you write some headcanons of Michael, Jason, Bo and Bubba if their S/O was an artist? I’m an artist and I would love to see their reaction if I showed them one of my latest drawings.
Yay.. ok so I’ve got a few requests for this (from a shy s/o to a confident one) so I kind of mixed them together :) also btw I don’t write for Bubba but I will write for all the others, plus more! hope you enjoy 🔪💕  
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First of all living where you do at the cabin there is so much inspo from deer, to the lake, to changing of the seasons.. It is honestly the best place for an artist
Jason always noticed a black notebook lying around with pens and pencils on every other surface, and you were oddly protective of the book, so he left it alone respecting your boundaries
Sitting with him in the quiet cabin Jason loved the sounds of the pencils scratching along the paper, and he loved to watch the soothing motions of your wrist going to work
Slowly he will become more and more interested in what you're doing and he needs to see. Sneakily inching himself closer to you as you work away and stretching his neck as far as he can, catching a glimpse then feeling guilty
Jason wants to respect you so much but it kills him that you’re not showing him. So when you were in the shower he quickly ran to the book and gently ran his fingers over your work, amazed at how good everything was and how you brought the nature/animals to life in the book from around the camp
Flipping a page then he is met with sketches of himself, with the mask and without, his hands, some of his wounds with the bones sticking out... it was beautiful and he couldn’t look away until you walked into the room pushing him away from the book but seeing his expression made you melt, he loved it so much and slowly brought out confidence in you, making you show him your work all the time
A few times he had brought some art supplies home from a group of teens that came along
One day he came home to canvases all over the floor and red paint splattered all over your old t-shirt Jason freaked out thinking it was blood in the dim lighting, he stepped on your canvases with muddy boots and held you up making you yelp... “Baby it’s just paint”... well now he feels foolish and upset for stepping on your art
The next night he still felt bad but you showed him what you had created from “the incident”... Bright colours framed the bootprint and brought out the muddy tones, some of the canvases had pressed flowers along the details of the print and it was so beautiful Jason immediately hung them on the wall  
Just an fyi he wants to always do crafts with you lol so make sure you help him
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Now this guy is pretty indifferent to everything but something about your art brings out a new side in him
You can say a lot of things about Michael but you cannot say he isn’t observant, he sees everything and knows everything
Like Jason he notices your many notebooks and various art supplies around the house, but he is far more intrusive than Jason and will rip the notebook from your hands holding your neck if you protest as he flips through it
Watching his face nothing changes, he just scans the pages then throws the notebook down walking away leaving into the night
The next morning notebook, paints, pens, brushes and other supplies litter the kitchen counter... wonder who got those???
Michael loves watching you work on your art, watching your facial expressions, the way the pens run along the paper and how the paint coats the canvases.. oop you just gave him an idea
One night he came home gruesomely cover in blood a little more than extra, and Michael moves above you and the art you are working on, whoops he is dripping blood on the canvas, then smearing it, then moving his knife along it using it as a brush, I guess
You yelled at him at first but watching how he seemed to enjoy the colours mixing together and the way the blood dried was sort of.. cute
You knew Michael had a funny and creative side just by the way he walked into the bedroom one night with a sheet over himself and sunglasses on, and the way he leaves marks on your body in a certain pattern or framing his favourite features of you. Michael’s art was his kill you realized
He really loves your pieces, even though he would never say so and Michael’s favourites were the sketches of himself you did and he would paint blood along them
You weren’t gonna lie it made the portraits more interesting and honestly beautiful, they quickly became your favourites as well
I’m sorry but my horny self just wants to see Michael in an all-black suit at an art gallery admiring the masked portrait of himself covered in blood... sorry but it’s hot lol
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So Bo is not really observant so it might take him a while to notice the art supplies around the house but even then he thinks it’s just Vincent’s
You will probably have to do just do the art in front of him before he gets that its your art supplies.. man sucks lol
Bo really enjoys your company when he is in the shop, you just sitting there working away in your notebook and him under the hood of his truck
He doesn’t necessarily push to see what you’re drawing but Bo teases, the harder you hide it the harder he teases... “what ya got in there sex drawings?” “Fuck darlin’ let me be your model”
If you don’t want him to see what you’re doing never leave your notebook behind because the man is a snoop in every sense of the word
Bo 100% supports your art even though he isn’t very interested in it and doesn’t really get it, if it makes you happy he will steal supplies from his twin and if victims have notebooks or pens he will bring them to you immediately  
On a day where you decided to spend the day at the shop, sitting on your chair sketching away while Bo was organizing his tools, he kept catching your glances and smirked “Baby, you need somethin?” he would ask smugly.
“Nope” a simple answer not stroking his ego “gonna grab a beer from downstairs you want one?” Bo nods as you make your way to the mini-fridge. Quickly the man strides over to the notebook, opening the page where you had placed your pencil. He knew it, sketches of himself, it makes his ego skyrocket.
“BO!!” pushing him away and he grabs the book holding it just out of your reach smirking “Momma always said I’d be a good model” “Don’t flatter yourself Sinclair, you’re the only man around for miles that doesn’t wear a mask or look like a trash man” you laughed as him smirk fell... run
He honestly loves your art even though Bo gives you a hard time... His favourite thing is falling asleep to the pencil sounds against the paper when you’re laying in bed together
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The man notices right away that he begins to lose his an unused notebook and some of his best art pencils
It made you very nervous to show Vincent what you sketched and painted since he was just so good at art in every way. It was unfair
His favorite thing to do with you is make little sculptures from wax or clay, he could tell you were very creative and good at what you made, and he would always be super supportive
Vincent’s praise and support made you more comfortable with doing your art around him and even showing him. The man loves it and loves all of it
Different from his brother, Vinny respects you a lot and is fine with not looking in your notebook until you’re ready to show him. He hates when people see his unfinished work and flip through his notebooks as well
The good thing about dating him is Vincent’s art stuff is now yours
Also he is a very good teacher, somehow though he cannot talk, Vinny never makes you feel bad about your art and if you need help he is more than happy to support
Art date nights!! Getting the idea from your phone, you lit all the candles and brought down all the paint you could along with the large unused canvases you had found. When Vincent strolls downstairs his eyes go wide, seeing you in just your bra and underwear “I’m ready for art class Vin” you giggle
When he finds your paintings or sketches of himself without his mask Vincent’s heart melts, finding someone like you to love him, let alone see his destroyed features as art kills him
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Jesse is a very watchful human, even when he isn’t at home the guy has cameras literally everywhere
When he was gone on a "business trip" you had all the free time in the world, plus you had picked up some new art supplies, so why not work a large piece when Jesse isn't around to distract you... When you had worked on for a few hours you got a text 'How's the painting coming along?' And that's when you realized cameras are everywhere!
If you are a shy person with your art he basically doesn’t allow you to be, he’s a pushy spoiled man but he is also very supportive and it makes you more confident in showing him  
Jesse honestly loves art and has many expensive paintings in his large home, so when he sees your art you better believe he will have Preston frame the art and put it on the walls, with special art gallery lights really making it look perfect
If you need any and I mean any art supplies no matter how expensive Jesse supports it *hands you his gold credit card*
"Oh.. renovations? To the already perfect mansion?" "Yup.. it's your new art studio"
Art, wine and cheese nights... the perfect date
Feeling uninspired? alright time to change the scenery, let’s go to a tropical destination or a wintery cabin. The man wants to spoil you and put your passion at the top of his priority list, plus he just wants a vacation and see you in your swimwear
It doesn't matter if you're shy about your art or confident Jesse will say he is taking you to an event, get you all dolled up and take you to an art gallery event that is just your art... surprise! Dumb rich bastard loves your work and flaunts it to everyone he can
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v3nusaphr0d1t3 · 3 years
you set my soul on fire
crossposted on ao3: <3 rating: explicit content warning: shameless porn, breeding, heat cycle shit, cursing, degradation reader has a bunny quirk and recieves assistance from their two almost-boyfriends dabi n hawks
you couldn’t believe that this was happening.
you knew, of course, exactly what was going on. and you knew the reason why. and still, it surprised you to know that you were about to go into heat.
this was something that usually happened sporadically throughout the year, but you knew it could be triggered by specific stimulus.
like the two men you had been seeing.
it started with a sudden uptake of symptoms, like your body being more sensitive (especially your non-human parts, you had to sleep on your stomach even more than usual now to keep from rubbing on your tail at night), and your temperature rising slowly. you put the pieces together finally when you snapped at the poor mailman for being near your doorstep, like they had to do, for their job.
you weren’t particularly emotional out of heat, so this made clear to you what was happening.
but before you could really prep an arrangement or really do much, it was upon you. your body was hot, hot, hot. you couldn’t think straight, mind going into a bit of a frenzy as you lay in your bed. and as you realized where you were, your bunny brain (as you liked to not-so-fondly refer to it) decided that this was not the proper space for a heat. you were up and throwing your blankets off of your bed within the minute, stripping it down to the sheet and taking inventory of all of your supplies. you started laying them all back down, surrounding the edges of the bed in pillows (you had plenty just for these scenarios). to top it off, after you had made it safe and comfortable, you laid a few of your shirts into it and eventually went off into your apartment to find a different source of smell.
you knew that one of your boys— dabi— had left a shirt or something here, because you could faintly smell him and it was driving you a little bit crazy. as you rummaged through your living room, the smell got stronger, and with more and more fervor, you ripped your couch cushions off the couch, looked under it, looked behind it, until finally you heard a knock— putting an abrupt end to your frenzy. it still smelled like dabi, so you hoped and hoped that maybe you would get lucky enough to have the real thing in your nest tonight. still, you approached the door with caution, snatching it open to see your favorite zombie man, standing in the hallway of your apartment building. he didn’t have to worry about cameras here, the landlord couldn't afford to have them replaced after they were mysteriously broken around when dabi started coming around.
your knees shook as he looked you up and down with an indifferent expression, eyes looking further into your apartment to observe the mess you has just made in your feverish search. you couldn’t help but throw your arms around him, earning sharp inhale and a soft laugh from above as you nuzzled your way into his shoulder. your mind was going crazy as you inhaled deeply, feeling surrounded in the scent. dabi simply brought an arm around your waist, watching your fuzzy ears lower to your head in content and relaxation.
“hey, dollface, what’s with all the lovey-dovey shit? not complaining, but i saw you a couple days ago.” he murmured, rustling your hair with his free hand, eliciting an elated little clicking sound from you.
you didn’t speak, barely hearing him, too focused on rubbing your face into his coat. eventually, he just sighs softly and pushes you back into your apartment, closing the door behind him. you still hadn’t spoken, and he was a bit confused. he pushed you away gently, only for your foot to thump against your carpet. he laughed a bit at your furrowed brows, and the cute expression you donned. still, he had no answer.
“what’s goin’ on bunny?” he raised an eyebrow at your behaviour. usually, you talked too much. in the couple of months he had been in your life, he had never not once seen you act like this. it was a bit worrying, but he really didn’t want to the think about the implications of him being worried about you.
it took you a moment before you began to come to your senses again, the high of dabi’s presence wearing off slowly.
“hm?” you asked, shaking your head, ears popping back up as to signal that your brain was semi-back online.
“what’s up with you?” you were re-reminded of your surroundings, looking up to meet his eyes as another flare of heat ran through your torso at his neon blue gaze. your face heated up as the embarrassment kicked in, this momentary clarity more of a curse than a blessing.
“i—uh, shit. ok, so, it’s like— my quirk, y’know? like rabbits? and, y’know how rabbits—” you paused your stuttery ramblings, too embarrassed to explain the rest. you hoped and prayed that he would catch on, or something, but he didn’t.
“what? finish your sentence—” he was cut off by the dinging of your phone. he grabbed it before you could, sliding open the screen to see your texts with the other guy you had been fucking around with. dabi himself had been with him, so his face split in a wide grin as he saw the text that had popped up on the screen.
birdie: omw, 10 mins -3-
dabi chuckled as you grabbed the phone, immediately smiling as the heat took hold of your brain again, the prospect of both of them being in the same apartment, your apartment, your space, made your organs gooey.
“well, looks like we’ll have a visitor.” dabi murmured, grabbing at your waist as you sighed happily. your eyes were lidded and unfocused at you looked up at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. he backed you up to the wall opposite your door, pressing your lips together in a hungry kiss. it was bliss— the warmth you felt— as the kiss deepened nearly immediately. your stomach flipped as he pulled your thigh up to rest at his hip, other hand moving to fully surround your waist. he pressed his tongue along the seam of your lips, always just this side of too hot. it was lovely, opening to let him in eagerly as you ran your fingers up through his messy dyed hair. he pulled away for a moment.
“jump.” he ordered. it wasn’t a suggestion, so you did, hopping up to wrap your legs around his waist as he moved his way down to nip at your jawline. you could feel the rough staples against your skin. you rubbed your hips down against his crotch, earning a heavy pant against your ear from him, and a soft whine from yourself that you attempted to smother in his shoulder. he started to suck a dark hickey high up on your neck, impossible to hide. he had a habit for that, always so possessive. it turned you on like no other. though he was always a burner, keigo was always the biter. just the though of that got you even more excited, grinding down against the hardness in his pants with a new fervor.
and just as he went to bite along your collar bone, your front door opened. dabi had left it unlocked, and keigo had stumbled in to dabi pressing you against the wall.
“well well well, look at this show.” keigo grinned wide as he walked dabi turn his head to look at him.
“well, your boyfriend’s here.” dabi laughed softly as he murmured in your ear. you quickly derailed yourself from dabi’s arms to nearly tackle keigo, circling him once and wrapping your arms around him, rubbing your chin on his shoulder.
“hi baby.” keigo murmured, rubbing your ears, taken aback when you nearly folded against him at the sensation. you let out a chirp, making him laugh.
“ay, bird boy, you know what’s goin’ on with them?” dabi asked, gesturing to you, as you were face-first in keigo’s jacket.
“what’s up?” keigo asked as your ears lowered again in relaxation, letting out little purr-like clicks.
“they’re not really talkin’. i tried to make em’, no luck. i don’t even know if they’re hearin’ us.” he rubbed his neck.
you were on your own derailed thought train of brain goo. you grabbed keigo’s wrist, grabbing dabi’s as you passed him, and dragging them down your hallway. they simply just followed, both clearly confused. but once you hit your door and showed them the nest you had made, keigo’s eyes dilated and his breath sped up as he realized what was happening.
you had made a nest. you were all over them both. you were in heat.
and currently, you were looking at them for validation. honestly, it was a good nest. keigo had one at home, and the fact that you made a nest and showed them, despite the territorial nature of rabbits, showed your trust and even more showed your current level of horny.
“s’beautiful, baby.” he caught his breath and had his arms around you just like that, backing you up to fall into the nest. you looked gorgeous, spread out on the sheets. he had to get out of his clothes and make this happen or he thought he just might die. and with his hyperfocus, he failed to remember that dabi was still stood at the door, confused as all hell.
“hell, birdie, is this an animal quirk thing? should i go?” he asked, leant against your doorframe. everything in keigo’s territorial nature wanted him to say yes, wanted to take you then, wanted to prove a point, make you his, and your little whimper below him did not help, but as soon as he could clear up his bird brain he turned around to explain what was happening.
“it is an animal quirk thing, but i think they’d kill you if you left.” he laughed. “they’re in heat, you know what that is, right?” keigo hoped he had a clue so that he wouldn’t have to painstakingly explain it, wanting to save a bit of your dignity as you sat in the middle of your nest, eyes wide and glassy.
“yeah, i think i got a clue. its like a horny thing animals do, right?” dabi laughed softly, and keigo was relieved and also mortified for you.
“yeah. get over here.” keigo said, turning back to you. you immediately grabbed him by the collar, pulling him down with you into your nest. your brain was still goo, all you could really think about was the warmth of keigo against you. and soon, you felt another dip in the bed. without thinking, you let out a growl, pulling away to look around wildly. you registered dabi, and nearly jumped him as you pushed him back against your headboard. in a matter of seconds, you had yourself in his lap, rubbing down against his thigh with your head in the crook of his neck. he was completely shocked as you writhed, eventually brain catching up with him as he stared in awe at your figure against him, curves silhouetted in the streetlight through your window. he grabbed at your hips, centering you on his crotch and grinding up.
you immediately keened, back arching and leaning into him, your chests touching. you felt keigo approach from behind, letting out a little chirp as warning that your prey brain much appreciated before he touched you, attaching his lips to your neck and sucking, sensitivity shooting through your veins. you felt surrounded, but not scared as keigo pinned his arms around you, above dabi’s head, caging you in. you felt those teeth you adored nipping at the back of your neck, and you immediately pushed your hips out against him in submission on instinct. your back bowed, dropping to your elbows, putting you in line with dabi’s torso.
“ah, shit. bunny’s eager tonight, huh?” dabi murmured, reaching to pet at your sensitive ears, setting you alive again like a livewire. you moaned into his shirt, grinding back against keigo. you tugged at his shirt, pulling off your own and pulling at your other clothes as well. dabi tugged his shirt off, but before he could throw it somewhere off in the room, you took it from him, setting it next to him in his neck. you took keigo’s and did the same, his pupils dilating a considerable amount.
he leaned over you, whispering in your ear. “show off, baby. you know how to, don’t you? help him out and i’ll take care of you. i know you can do it, i know you do—” he cut off as you dropped yet again back to the position you were once in, on your knees and elbows, legs spread, but this time, your heat on full display. keigo wasted no time grabbing your thighs and licking a stripe over your hole, making you jump for a moment before pressing back into his face with a whine.
dabi, from above, was watching all of this as his breath ran shallow. he really liked this side of you, all eager and breathy and ready to show off? oh he loved it.
“i love when you act like a whore, baby, it’s such a pretty look on you.” dabi murmured as keigo got to work pressing into you with his fingers as he sucked on your clit. the words set you on fire, panting against his pants. you decided to get to work, unbuttoning his pants— pulling them and his boxers down and helping him shimmy them off— to pull out his sizeable cock. just the sight made you drool, and with no shame or pride to account for in your heat-brain, you bit your lip in excitement. you started sucking on the head, moaning around him as keigo hit a nice spot inside you. your tail was raised but dabi couldn’t help but reach to pet it. this made you whine softly, sinking his cock further into the wet heat of your mouth. usually, it would be a task for you to go all the way, but your entire body was relaxed, and with that, your throat almost barely constricted when dabi bucked up in surprise.
“god damn baby—” he groaned, biting his lip as his head fell back to hit the headboard. you continued working him as keigo worked you.
and speaking of it, he was doing a good fucking job. you were already so wet, and in addition to his saliva, it was dripping down your thighs. the sight made keigo growl, a noise that made you shiver and wiggle your hips just the slightest bit.
he tapped your thigh. “baby, where do ya keep your condoms?” the one day he didn’t bring his own.
you pulled off dabi with a lewd slurp, shaking your head. keigo grabbed your shoulders and pulled you up.
“words, baby, i need words.” he said softly.
it was a moment before your brain caught up to speed. “kei, i—” your face was on fire, as you leaned into his ear. “keigo, don’t. don’t— use one.” you finally forced out, and he realized what you were asking, and decided that he would pay for that mess if it went wrong, because the thought of cumming in you was one he literally could not pass up. his wings flared up.
“what, you want me to breed you, baby? fill you up?” he teased, words dripping with content and arousal as he rubbed your hips. “present yourself, convince me.” he murmured in your ear and pushed you back down, making eye contact with a confused and surprised dabi.
dabi honestly was just along for the ride and really really enjoying it. especially when he watched you push your ass into the air, back arched and chest laying on his legs. he always loved when keigo got like this, that predatory glint in his eyes. dabi had no doubt that whatever words he had just poured into your ear were pure and unfiltered filth.
it was really hot.
and as he felt his cock being engulfed in a warm heat yet again, he watched keigo line up with your cunt unwrapped. he was going to come inside. the thought of that sent warmth even further into dabi’s gut. and even more, he wanted sloppy seconds. he had a thing for it.
and as keigo plunged into you, the moan you let out on dabi’s dick had him pulling your head up by your hair so that he wouldn’t cum right there. he wanted his sloppy seconds, so for now, he grabbed your fluffy ears and pulled you into a kiss. that had you keening and clenching down on keigo, wetness rolling down your thighs. you thrusted back onto keigo, finally bottoming out with a shared groan. once dabi had come down from the edge, you returned to your work on his pierced cock, getting into a rhythm between the two men working you out for all you had.
“holy shit— you’re doin’ so good sweetheart. god, you’re so tight.” keigo was bent over you, pressing kisses to your shoulder blades and giving nips to your shoulders as he drilled into you, carving out your insides. your tail was rubbing between you two and all this sensitivity had you pulling off dabi’s cock to desperately pant into his hip bone.
“pretty bunny, doin’ us so good, such a whore.” dabi murmured as he played with your fuzzy ears yet again, and you went back to work to his excitement. you were nearing your end, and you could tell keigo was too by the way his breathing was absolutely ragged against your back. you couldn’t see, but his wings were spread out around you three, on instinct.
“gonna fill you up, baby—” he groaned as you clenched down yet again when dabi tugged at your ears yet again, “you want that? you want it?” you could only nod feverishly with a loud whine, returned to panting into dabi’s hipbone, putting yourself to work sucking a hickey into it that had dabi’s hips jutting up.
and as promised, keigo spilled into you. the sensation of warmth filling your gut, the thought of being bred— pushed you off the edge you had been stationary on for a while now, clenching down with your face contorted into a silent scream as you milked his cock. he fucked you through your and his own orgasm, only pulling out when your moans turned to sharp whimpers. he watched his own cum drip out of you, the sight riling him up and ruffling his feathers in excitement. but still, he had to tend you you.
you flopped down, going limp with dabi rubbing your back softly as you came down from your orgasm.
“are you good, baby? i’m gonna go get them some water.” he signalled to dabi, putting his boxers back on and taking off to your kitchen. he soon came back with three water bottles, poking you until you raised your head in curiosity and gulped one down, setting the now empty bottle away.
and as soon as that was over, the heat in your limbs came sprawling back with a vengeance, lighting you up just as it began the first time. your senses were even more heightened now as you writhed against dabi yet again.
“oh shit, you back? i call sloppy seconds.” dabi chuckled as he moved from his spot against the headboard and practically manhandled you into position. he didn’t wanna put you on your back, because he knew your tail was sensitive, so he raised you up to your hands and knees, positioning himself behind you with his head leaning on your shoulder. he lined himself up with your entrance as he felt keigo’s own cum drip out of you, you pressing back against him. he pushed in slowly, making you feel every little piece of metal as he set your body on edge.
you were slightly more coherent this time, enough for clear words, but still your heat-addled brain had robbed you of any shame you had. thats how, whenever dabi was full seated inside you with no movement, you started running your mouth.
“please— c’mon dabi, give it to me. i’ve- i’ve been good, ple—” a whimper as you felt him pull out slowly and then a pleasured yelp once he slammed back into you, setting into a brutal rhythm. his hands heated up with every little word, noise, or twitch of your tail. pretty soon you were whimpering loudly as you felt his fingertips get just a little bit too hot, burning your flesh and mixing pain into the brain-melting pleasure you were experiencing from the constant drag of him against your walls. keigo’s spend still dripping out of you, dabi smacked your ass ruthlessly, making you fall onto your elbows with a yelp. this also led you to make eye contact with keigo, who was currently staring at you with the most predatory look in his eye you’d ever seen. just that was enough to make you whimper, not to mention how he was palming himself from the head of the bed.
“you should cum on their face, kei—” dabi states from above, “show them who they belong to, or whatever.” he laughed softly, melting into a groan when you clamped down at the idea. he let go of your hips, nudging your thigh for you to move farther up the bed to reach keigo. “go on, help him out. get him off, i know you’re good at it, whore.” his words were harsh, but his tone was warm and gooey, deep in his throat. you clicked your tongue in happiness, crawling up to keigo to kiss him briefly. dabi positioned himself behind you again, slipping in and slamming into you without warning, hitting that spot, oh god—
you moaned into keigo’s mouth, breaking it to wrap your arm around his shoulder and reaching one down to help stroke him off. he was warm in your hand, and his breath was warm against your neck as he left more and more marks. dabi’s strokes became the rhythm that you used to get keigo off as well, eating up their noises like you would die without them.
your second orgasm of the night came to you quickly and unexpectedly, knocking you down to be face-level with keigo’s torso as you let out a loud gasp, clenching around dabi who still managed to slam into you. and he continued to do so, even when it began to work. the oversensitivity was sending your brain into overdrive, your legs shaking so much you could barely keep yourself up. your hand fell away from keigo’s cock and was instead just focused on keeping yourself upright,
“oh— dabi, please, hurts—” you murmured small little mantras that fell on deaf ears as he continued to fuck you, and you felt another pressure building.
“jesus— fuck, fuck, okay—” the pressure continued to build as you panted, and when it snapped, you whimpered loudly as you soaked the sheets, squirting and practically coating your own and dabi’s thighs.
dabi groaned loudly, trying to muffle it by biting his lip but failing as he neared his end. keigo worked his own cock as well, with your head moved to lay on his thigh, trying to catch your breath when each one was a whine from the oversensitivity that dabi was working you into. finally, dabi came, releasing inside you and fucking you through it with a moan as your burns on your hips only got worse. to tell the truth, you actually really liked it. they scarred over and looked kinda cool.
keigo came a few seconds later, painting your face as you stuck your tongue out to catch, putting on your last show. and then everything went still for a moment as everyone tried to catch their breath. you took a large gulp from one of the two remaining water bottles, then handing them to keigo and dabi. you were way more coherent enough, and what just happened hit you in stride. dabi went off to get a washcloth because your legs were practically jello.
“fuck, i’m gonna have to wash ALL of my fuckin sheets. kei, angel, you’re helping me with this.” you stated, chuckling softly with a raspy voice. you took the washcloth when dabi returned, wiping your face down and anything that had dripped down your legs. you were still leaking cum, though. your rabbit brain was very, very happy. but your human brain was kinda freaking out about it.
“dabi, can you go get a morning-after pill? i’ll make you breakfast tomorrow. i gotta take a shower, but you’re free to join me before you leave. i’m having momentary clarity, but know that this probably isn’t over. thank you both for helping me.” you pushed out in panicked breaths, standing up and finding a towel to use in the shower. you gave them both a soft kiss before limping your way into the bathroom (not without a cackle from dabi and a muffled chuckle from keigo).
as you step into the warm spray, you hear the front door shut and you hear the bathroom door open. keigo stepped into the shower with you.
“he’ll be back with the pill, and i put your sheets in the wash. now lemme wash your hair, sweetheart.” he murmured, and again, you melted.
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Hot Chocolate and Kisses
Marcus Moreno x gn!reader
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: none really, fluff, Marcus being a perfect boyfriend 
Notes: This is part of the Laundry Day series, but can be read on its own. Link to the rest is in my masterlist. I imagine in this setting that the Heroics are like celebs, and Marcus is too much of a sweetheart to turn people down. I hope y’all like this cause I had fun writing this one!
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Every nerve in your body felt like it was on fire as you walked towards the coffee shop. It was hard to believe that just a week ago you bumped into the most handsome man you had ever seen in your life. You felt luckier than ever that he gave you his number when you asked and actually called you the very next day. This whole date was Marcus’ idea after you chided the hot chocolate stain on his shirt the day you met.
“The hot chocolates at this place are the best,” he insisted on the phone and it didn’t take much more convincing from there.
You picked out a casual outfit, but you still felt cute. A coffee shop date was the perfect start in your eyes: fun, casual, and laid back. It had been some time since you had dated, but there was something about Marcus that made you want to take the chance again. You lingered at the door for a moment and took in a deep breath before you stepped inside.
Marcus was already there and he spotted you immediately as if he watched for you every time someone walked through the door. The truth was that his eyes did dart right to the door every time it opened in the hope that it was you. He was just as nervous as you were. It had been a long time since he had been on a date that he thought he forgot how to do it. But the smile on your face when you spotted him made all the nerves melt away.
“Hey,” Marcus gave you a half smile as he stood and pulled a chair out for you, “You look nice.”
“So do you,” you felt butterflies in your stomach at the compliment from him. He was dressed casually as well in a nice shirt and jeans, you noticed he wore his glasses again. It was a look you absolutely loved.
“Not wearing ‘don’t talk to me’ today?” Marcus joked. When you tilted your head in confusion he clarified, “That’s what Missy and I call that shirt.”
When you met Marcus at the laundromat that day, you wore the exact same shirt as his daughter and you all had a laugh about it. “No, I want you to talk to me today,” you joked back. 
Marcus grinned as he glanced down, “I hope you don’t mind I got you a drink already,” he seemed nervous as he gestured to the two mugs on the table, “They make this s'mores hot chocolate that no one else in the city has and I wanted you to try it.”
Your eyes lit up, “I love s’mores!”
Marcus gave you a light-hearted laugh that made your heart skip a beat, “Cheers then.”
It was as if the two of you had known each other for months instead of meeting for the second time. Conversation flowed so naturally with Marcus and you both made each other laugh with ease. Everyone else in the cafe seemed to disappear and all that was in focus to you was Marcus. 
But, there were others in the cafe. And some of the others seemed to stare at your date a lot. You furrowed your brows in confusion but you didn’t say anything. Marcus either didn’t seem to notice or he just didn’t pay the lingering eyes any mind.
“Excuse me, Mr. Moreno,” a woman with her son tapped Marcus on his shoulder, “Would you mind taking a picture with my son? He adores you.”
Marcus glanced over at you with an apologetic look before he answered the woman, “Of course.”
You watched in silent awe as the woman’s son leaned against Marcus and smiled widely for a photo. The kid rambled on for a few minutes about how much he admired him and how cool he was before his mother ushered him away. Just as Marcus turned back to you, someone else approached him and asked for a photo as well. You sat still in silent confusion as people crowded your table and fawned over your date.
“Marcus Moreno, use your powers!” one child spoke up above the crowd.
“Yeah! Let us see!” another bounced around, and a chorus of children joined in.
“Alright, alright,” Marcus chided with a grin, “But then I have to get back to my date here. Deal?”
The children all cheered and nodded their heads enthusiastically. 
That was when it dawned on you: your date was Marcus Moreno, the leader of the Heroics. Your mouth dropped open as the realization came over you. Suddenly, you felt so stupid that you didn’t know who he was until that moment and you hoped he didn’t think less of you for not bringing it up sooner. But a pair of hands on top of yours shook you out of your thoughts.
You looked up to see Marcus’ apologetic face right in front of yours, “Sorry about this,” he leaned in and spoke to you in a hushed tone, “After this I’ll be done, ok?”
All you could do was nod as you watched him stand and survey the cafe. He looked around for something he could summon. A grin graced his face when his eyes landed on a vase on the counter on the far end of the room and he reached his hand out to summon it. You watched in awe along with everyone else in the cafe as Marcus concentrated all of his energy into the vase and within moments, the vase shot across the room and into his outstretched hand.
Applause filled the room as all the children bounced around, but Marcus barely even noticed it. He plucked a single flower from the vase and handed it over to you. He didn’t know it at the time, but it just happened to be your favorite. You glanced down at the flower before your eyes trailed up his arm and to his warm face. You couldn’t help but smile at him as you took it from him and immediately sniffed it.
The flower somehow smelled more fragrant than it normally would have, and you attributed that to the fact that it came from Marcus. While you were lost in thought again, Marcus thanked everyone and wished them well before he sat back down in front of you, “Sorry, that usually doesn’t happen much anymore.”
“Marcus Moreno?!” was all that shot out of your mouth. When he gave you a questioning look, you cleared your throat and sat up a little straighter, “You’re Marcus Moreno.”
“Yes…?” it was his turn to furrow his brows. He sat in contemplation for a moment before a smile lit up his face, “You really didn’t realize?”
You felt yourself heat up in embarrassment and your eyes darted down to the table, “No,” your voice was week, “You Clark Kent’d me Marcus!” you quipped in a stronger voice.
That made him burst into laughter, which you joined in after a flustered moment. His smile was unlike anything else you had ever seen before, and the sound of his laughter was something you already knew you wanted to hear every day. There was something about Marcus Moreno that just drew you in completely. Maybe it was his warmth, his kind eyes, or his thoughtful mind. Either way, you found that you already wanted another date with him and this one hadn’t even ended yet.
The two of you fell back into conversation after that and you talked for so long that he got you both refills on your hot chocolates. You tried to pay for this round since he bought the first ones, but he insisted that he would pay. The barista grinned at him as he ordered, but he didn’t even notice. He was too busy looking at you every chance he could.
Marcus just couldn’t keep his eyes off of you, and he couldn’t help the smile that lit up his face whenever he did. He felt like a schoolboy with a crush again, and his heart pounded in his chest whenever your eyes met his. Your energy just drew him in completely and the more he learned about you the more he liked you.
“Traditional hot chocolates this time,” he said with a grin as he sat the mugs down.
“I’m happy with anything Marcus,” you replied sincerely as you wrapped your hands around the warmth.
Conversation flowed again with ease. You talked about your job and your hobbies and asked him about what it was like to be a part of the Heroics. Marcus happily answered your questions, especially since you asked things that no one else did. Your mind definitely intrigued him without a doubt. He was attracted to you physically of course, but your mind was what really drew him in. By the end of the date, Marcus’ cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“It’s getting late,” you said reluctantly when you noticed that the sun had gone down, “I should get going.”
Marcus stood with you, “Let me walk you to your car.”
“Thanks,” your smile lit up the room as you let him walk you out.
Parking in this part of town was always a pain. You had to park a few blocks away, but Marcus didn’t mind. To him, it was just more time he got to spend with you and unbeknownst to him, you felt the same way. You also found you felt safer with him by your side, and it wasn’t because he was the leader of the Heroics. Marcus already felt the intense need to protect you, so it was a no brainer that he would walk you to your car.
“Well, this is me,” you gestured to your car as you fiddled with the flower in your hand, “I had a nice time, Marcus.”
He bit his lip, “I did too,” he shifted on his feet as he gathered his courage and suddenly felt nervous again, “Can I take you out again? Maybe dinner next time?”
You felt your heart flip in your chest and you thought you almost choked on it, “I’d like that.”
Marcus felt like he could go in every direction at once, but he kept his cool. He shuffled closer to you until your bodies were just inches apart. Your eyes went wide as you froze, but you didn’t move. You were sure he heard how hard your heart pounded in your chest, but if he did he didn’t say anything. He whispered your name and when he saw your eyes glance down to his lips, he made his move.
As much as he wanted to kiss you on your lips, he didn’t want to overstep. Instead, he leaned in and kissed you on your cheek. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch as you held onto his arm. His mustache tickled your skin, and you giggled softly but made no attempt to move away from him. The warmth and softness of his lips was everything you imagined it to be. You found yourself wanting nothing more than to feel his lips on your own. But at the same time, you liked how he took it slow with you. There was already the promise of another date anyway, and you both couldn’t wait for that day. 
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ateezinmymind · 4 years
Pinning them to the ground
Ateez x reader
Fluff, suggestive, humor
A/N: I started this earlier instead of doing schoolwork,, I was bored ok😆
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your wrestling match began when you called him a ‘tiny baby’
*dramatic gasp* “HEYYYY! I’m pretty tall”
pretending to sulk, he bursts into a sprint towards you
screams coming out of you. You’re only option was to run away..
Wearing socks and coming around corners don’t go well, so *pLOP* you’re on your butt.
hearing hongjoongs giggles erupting into his aggressive cute ‘AHH HA ha HA’ (a/n: uwu omg I can hear him) then the thud of him dropping to the floor
Turning you pout,, “DONT LAUGH MEANIE”
Only to start the argument of “you called me TINY”, “because YOU are”, “my butt hurts” etc
Getting up off the floor you scramble towards joong while he’s still bent down
Knocking both yourselves down on the hardwood, sliding around you try to keep the upper hand
Grabbing both his hands you pin them above his head and straddle his waist
“I won.BOOM”
“Y/n” hongjoongs groans out
Thinking you hurt him, you lift your body up
He gives you a taunting “AhahaAha SUCKER”
Slipping away from you, hongjoong runs towards your bedroom
“HEY NOT FAIRRR!!” running back for revenge with the biggest smile
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you were sitting on the couch playing on your phone when you heard the vacuum start
signaling it’s ‘time to clean up’
Getting grumpy from the thought of tidying up, you make your way to the kitchen.
Seeing that there was no mess, you knew hwa was gonna annoy you about that fact you didn’t help
Not wanting the possibility of that outcome to happen you sped walked towards the cleaning man
Having his back towards you, you sneak behind him and tap his right shoulder
Moving to the left while he turns his gazed to the right
Taking the vacuum from his grasp you start giggling
Seeing you tricked him you say “HAH gotcha.” and continue to clean
Seonghwa goes :O
“Oh finally, it’s about time you helped y/n”
You could just hear the smirk forming on his face
Hwa coming up to you, flipping you over his shoulder
You squeal “YAA put me down!-“and start to spank his butt repetitively
Quickly getting placed back on the floor, he begins to wrestle you, “Hah I gotchu now”
Feeling playful you link both your legs behind his back and squeeze his waist
Letting out a groan of pain, Seonghwa’s grip on your arms loosens and you take control
Flipping your bodies over, you now on top. Seonghwa bites his lip
“I like this new y/n-“
Realizing the position you’re in and feeling hwa under you, you begin to tense up
Once again he takes control, but this time in something he prefers more...(a/n:you. Under him. Sexy time)
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You both were having a Harry Potter movie marathon (a/n: as one does when they’re with this teddy bear)
When The Prisoner of Azkaban started it’s ending credits, it was time for snack refills and restroom breaks
So when you were in charge of popping more popcorn and such, Yunho went to the bathroom
*POp pp OP POpP pOp* waiting until the snack was done cooking you went to put the next movie in
Hearing footsteps down the hallway you jumped when Yunho yelled
“WiNGardiUm LEVioSA!!”
Letting out a small squeak, you charge for him
running and diving between is long ass legs you let out a series of laugher
Yunho traps you between his knees slightly blushing from the close proximity of your body to his
Releasing you, he turns to go grab the popcorn and other snacks
But when you see an opportunity to attack you go for it..something you do often-is attack. With kisses, hugs or even tickles
This time you came up behind him with a different tactic,,you holler “EXPelliARMUS!!”
Hanging onto his broad shoulders you bite his neck, pulling him down to the floor-laughing
“Y/n-ahhh!!” Yunho squeals out
From being on the floor you two quickly start fighting to pin each other down
Struggling you think of ways you can get the advantage..then ‘bing’ idea
Stopping your movements, locking eyes with Yunho you began to lean in.
Him being swooned for you, closes his eyes-as your lips moved against each other
Then BAM you now on top of him, cup his face and declare yourself the winner
“Fine princess,, but let’s see who will be the first to fall asleep”
“Bet?-“ ... “BET”
(a/n: I want to have a Yunho)
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having chicken for dinner definitely had its pros but,, also it’s cons
Fighting for the last piece of food ALWAYS led to a petty argument, no matter what you said or did. Yeosang. never. lost.
(a/n: all hail the chicken master)
On the couch, chicken being eaten, watching your show together. You thought he would be distracted enough for him to not realize you took the chicken
“How could you,,”
Turning your head to the male, you’re met with the coldest glare
“Trying to take MY last piece of chicken? Babygirl I don’t think so..”
Choking on the food in your mouth from hearing the nickname,, he lightly chuckles
*cue flustered mess*
“Well..why don’t we fight for it?” — “y/n let’s be honest here, you never win..”
Rolling your eyes you put the chicken down and wipe your hands clean
“No idiot, FIGHT. For. It.” Yeosang wipes his mouth and sits up
“If you want it that way,, the-“ taking him from the waist, he grabs onto your belt loops to keep from falling
Pinching, squeezing and pushing was involved until you actually managed to make him fall to the ground.
*lowkey mad, but the love is always there*
Pinning him down he congratulates you
“Well Done Y/n. I’ll give you the crown for this round” *easily gets out of your hold*
“But only because you’re so cute and helpless”
Speechless. You contemplate who really won this game.
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“Y/nnnnnn... I’m BOReDdd..”
Looking down at the handsom boy, you give him a sweet smile.
“Want to play a game then?”
Eyes sparkling, San gets up from his lying state to face you straight on
“Depends on the game..”-“what do you have in mind y/n?”
Telling him to close his eyes for 30 seconds. You quickly get up and head to your bedroom
Trying to find a hiding place, you hear San count “28..29..30..”
Frantically looking around your bedroom you quickly place yourself behind the door
Seeing his shadow enter the room, you jump in front of him
“YAAAAHHHHHH!!!—“ San dropping to the floor out of shock you start giggling
“Scaredy-cat sannie”
Getting on top of his limp state, you take the advantage to pin him down
“MmHmmmM” you hear him hum
“Looks like you won, love,,” “How shall we celebrate?”
Placing your hands on his chest and putting your weight on his lower half, you give him an innocent look of your flushed face
(A/n: wow y/n is slut for sannie)
Leaning towards the side of his head you whisper in his ear and softly bite the lobe
“Anything..everything, just as long as it involves you..”
You know sexy time. Bc he’s a FLIRT
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He challenged you to a leg wrestling match, just because he wanted to see how cute and tiny you are
“No fairrr MINGII,, you have those perfect thighs, I’m no match. Go get Wooyoung”
(A/n: I’m all here for Mingi thighs 😌)
“But I challenged you,,” *cue pouting minki*
“Well I don’t take your challenge...INSTEAD, I challenged YOU!”
Hysterically laughing Mingi gives you that beautiful huge grin
Walking up to him you dramatically say “I challenge you. Song. Mingi. To just, JUST. A quick wrestling match-“
“Where whoever pins the other person down, wins. AND gets bragging rights”
Proud of your offer, you see Mingi standing dramatically. (a/n: you know that ‘hello Mingi from ateez and hello Jennie from blackpink’ meme//where the hand is on the hip?? lol)
It was settled. Y/n vs Mingi in a match to win bragging rights.
Starting on opposite ends of the living room, you sprint his way, over the couch taking a pillow with you
*turns into a mini pillow fight*
Laughter and sounds of whacking were the only things coming out of your fight.
Mingi falling down to the ground due to his aggressive laughter,, you quickly jump onto his stomach
“HAHAHA LOSER” declaring yourself the winner you immediately get up and run to the ateez dorm
Get prepared to hear Mingi screams as he runs after you
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It started out as a bet
“Oh please,, obviously I would beat you y/n—the possibility of you magically obtaining strength out of the picture. I bet you’ll never be able to pin me”
Confident boy
But oh wait.. y/n!! You live to annoy your s/o
“Sounds like you’re scared Woo..Why don’t we put this bet to the test?”
Snorting out of amusement
He gestures you to come at him with two fingers
“Come at me y/n”
Then once you make your moves on him, he has to tease you.. DUH
“I know you just can’t keep your hands off me love”
Smacking is thigh you stick your tongue out and taunt him to you
Taking steps away from him, it’s then your turn to gesture him forward
Screaming at each other you beginning biting.
After the series of pain and humor you were about to give up when wooyoung got a cramp in his calf
Finding his discomfort hilarious, you laugh your way on top of him
“What were you saying about that bet again? That I’d never be able to pin you?”
You kiss his cheek and get off him
Massaging his leg he starts,
“That’s cheap y/n,, taking advantage of a person in need of healing”
Gives you the biggest frown
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With Jongho it was just a simple, yet sly trick you pulled
Giving snuggles, you made your way on top of him
“You know how you’re the strongest member love?”
A quiet yet relaxed ‘yes’ coming from the boy
You hug his chest and situate yourself over his body
Thinking of what to say, you hum
“Why do you bring that up so randomly?”
The little giggles coming from your mouth, are contagious as Jongho starts giggling as well
“Looks like I’m the strongest now..”
Grabbing Jong’s hands you pin them above his head and smile
Looking at your self place above him, Jongho spreads his arms out. So you’re now getting lower to his face
Licking your neck, he uses your weakened demeanor as an advantage
Flipping the two of you over he gives you his cutest gummy smile
“You seriously are so cute. stop. It”
The boy is in love with you
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
stuck with u--calum hood (part ii)
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Read part one here
word count: 4.7k
warnings: nsfw, boyfriend!cal, oral sex (female receiving), slight exhibitionism, slight cum talk, slight dirty talk, unprotected sex, 18+ please
Let me know if you’d like a part 3! I’ve got ideas but they revolve around baby Hood and I know I write that way too much but I can’t be tamed so if you don’t want that this will be the last part ok
Enjoy! :)
• • • •
She was finally able to visit her family for a few weeks with Calum and Duke accompanying her on the trip. Staying in her childhood bedroom had its drawbacks of not being intimate with each other. Not that Calum went without trying. He’d move in to give her a goodnight kiss, distracting her with his lips while his hand attempted to slip under her pajama bottoms.
“Hold your horses, handsy,” she’d giggle and pull his hand away. “Wait until we’re alone.”
“We are alone,” he’d pout against her neck.
“My parents are right across the hall. You know me, I can’t be quiet.” She’d play with his hair affectionately trying to appease him.
“I love that you can’t be quiet,” he’d smile back then sigh deeply, it tickled her skin. “Fine, but when we get back home…you’re mine.”
After rekindling their relationship, it was stronger than ever. They found a routine that included a workout regime while also spending some alone time apart. Sure, they still had their qualms, but the resolve was quicker than before.
She was so happy to help out with the Wildflower video when that happened and made sure to follow Andy’s instructions to a T as she helped him film it. She loved watching him do his own workout routine by the pool, his muscles rippling and glistening in the midday sun was a sight for sore eyes.
One day, he was holed up in his music room on a call with the guys. She assumed it was about tour and she could hear the frustration and sadness in his voice as she passed by to start dinner. While she cooked she suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her because spending this time with him when he should be on tour made her happy.
His door opened half an hour later with him running his fingers through his hair in distress.
“Smells good, baby,” he says moving behind her. His hands rest on her waist, he kisses her cheek then holds her for a moment. He sighs heavily.
“What’s going on with the guys?” she asks carefully, not wanting to add her own salt to the wound.
“We couldn’t reschedule all the tour dates,” he says sadly. “We were thinking of making the set longer since it was held off, hopefully have the fifth album out before then so we can double new songs. We’ll see.”
“I think that’d be great, the fans would love a longer set.”
He hums in agreement watching her sprinkle some parmesan cheese over the fish, his lips pulsing on her shoulder like little fish kisses. When she has to put the pan in the oven, she pats his hands which he removes so she can do her task then sets the timer for the appropriate time. She takes Calum’s hand then leads him to the couch so they can sit together.
“What else is on your mind?” she asks curling her fingers in his hair, he leans into her touch resting his hand on her thigh.
“Ash said he’s been creating his own solo album since all of this started and he’s nearly finished with it.”
“Really? Wow, that’s great for him!”
“Yeah…it is,” he starts to chew on the nail of his thumb lost in thought. “It got me thinking.”
“Of?” she continues to play with his hair, his own hand rubbing circles on her thigh.
“What if I…I might want to put an actual book of my own writings together.”
“Really?! I think that’s an awesome idea!” she exclaims kissing his cheek excitedly.
“You do?”
“Yeah! Your writing is incredible, honey. Poetry is becoming such a big thing again, it helps others not feel so alone, it brings out their emotions. What would you write about?”
“You,” he smiles leaning forward to press a delicate kiss to her lips. “Me, the guys, growing up as a kid, other thoughts I have.”
“It already sounds like a bestseller.”
“I don’t know where to start,” he huffs. He shifts on the couch so he’s lying on her chest, his curls tickle her chin, they hug each other close.
“Wherever you want to,” she kisses the top of his head. “They’re your words, your thoughts, your feelings.”
They sit in a comfortable silence while dinner cooks, she continues to play with his hair and rub his back with her other hand. She’s excited to see his process with this, something that’s his own creation. When the oven timer goes off, he helps her set everything else up for dinner, both of them are stuck in their own thoughts and musings.
Bedtime rolls around and Calum’s been flipping through his brown leather notebook he always writes in and the one he gave her for her birthday. He’s waiting for something to jump out at him for a good place to start. While she sleeps, he thinks. And thinks. And thinks. Until an idea blooms in his mind.
The next morning, she wakes to a Calum-less side of the bed. She looks to the bathroom but he’s not in there, then she checks her phone if he texted her that he went to the store or something. She finds the coffee maker is still on with her mug and favorite ingredients set aside for her along with a small handwritten note from Calum.
“Be back soon, love. Getting something for the both of us to enjoy xx Cal”
She smiles at the note, fixes her coffee then ponders what he could possibly be getting for the both of them to enjoy. Her mind immediately goes to something sexual, but they haven’t really discussed anything out of the ordinary as of late. She also found it very sweet that he left a note instead of a text, his romanticism never fails.
Upon waiting for his return, she rinses the dishes and puts them in the dish washer, then decides to take a quick shower. She pulls on some fabric shorts and one of his shirts then prattles about the house until Duke’s barking signifies his arrival.
She comes by the door where Calum quickly lifts her into his arms and spins her around, his rumbling laughter makers her join in even though she doesn’t know the joke.
“Where have you been?”
“Come outside but close your eyes.”
He takes her hand then covers her eyes with the other, leading her to the front of the house. Their feet knock together as he guides her to where he wants her.
“Okay, are you ready?”
“Did you get me a pony?” she teases.
“No, silly girl,” he chuckles then removes his hand, but she keeps her eyes closed. “Open.”
When she does, she’s staring at a mini retro camper that’s yellow and white with an outline of a dog painted on the front. She gasps at it; they’ve always talked about getting one so they could do a camping trip together.
“What do you think? Want to check the inside out? It’s pretty spacious inside,” he grins mischievously pulling open the door.
“Oh yeah? Give me the grand tour, sir.”
She takes his hand helping her step inside. Her mouth opens in shock at the updated version inside. White cabinets and furnished wood flooring make the space appear bigger. There’s a small nook with a table for eating, the kitchenette is small with a door leading to the toilet and across that is a small shower. Two small steps lead up to a large bed decorated with an orange bedspread and see through curtains over the back window. Up front is a small couch with pillows and a blanket.
“And, check this out,” he ducks in front of her then pushes a button, a medium flat screen appears behind two cabinets. “We can plug in our firestick as long as we’re in range of a Wifi spot so we can watch Netflix, Hulu, Disney+.”
She looks at all the small details, she loves the wicker basket ottoman in the center of the room and there’s already a small dog bed for Duke next to the table. She loves it.
“I was thinking we could go camping along the coast, I already found two great campsites, bought a grill and other camping supplies. I figured we could get away for a bit, out of the house and into the outdoors. I can work on my writing and it will be relaxing and romantic. What do you think?”
She turns around to stare at him, his head just barely touches the ceiling, but his eyes are bright with excitement. He’s glowing in this little camper that is now theirs. She closes the space between them and wraps her arms around his shoulders giving him a big kiss.
“I think that’s the best idea I’ve ever heard,” she whispers on his lips. “I love it. When can we go? We’ll need to go grocery shopping and get bug spray and travel sized shampoo and other things. Those are so cute, they’re so compact. We’ll have to pack for Duke. I’ll make a list and—”
He silences her rambling with a kiss then backs her further into the camper towards the bed. She crawls into the middle of it, their lips still locked. When he presses his hips against hers, she can feel his arousal and she moans.
“We can do all of that after I take you right here, baby,” he mumbles shifting his lips to her jaw. He lies her back against the orange and white pillows. “We need to christen this bed, hm?”
“Mhm,” she sighs enjoying the feel of his plush lips on her skin. She turns her head to the right so he can continue his kissing path then she notices the door. “Shut the door.”
“Everyone’s in their houses…”
“Cal,” she laughs pushing on his shoulder playfully. “If you go close the door, I’ll be naked and waiting for you.”
That grabs his attention. He pulls back giving her a questioning look. He bounds off the bed, the camper rocking with his motions as he shuts the door and locks it. By the time he’s back at the steps, she is indeed naked, trailing her fingers down and over her breasts to in between her legs. She lifts a finger, motioning him forward in a ‘come here’ fashion.
“Fuck,” he sighs and removes his own clothes, quickly joining her on the bed.
She giggles at his excitement dragging his mouth to hers, his hand grips at her thigh then curves in between her folds. Moans replace her giggles when his finger slips inside, curling and twiddling against her spongy wall.
“So wet already? Can’t have you ruin this new bedspread before we get on the road, can I?”
“What are you gonna do about it?” she smirks, then winces when he removes his finger.
“Lick you up.”
He looks up at her with lust filled eyes, brushing his lips in barely there kisses down her stomach then wiggles his tongue over her clit. He moans at the taste and laves her up more with his tongue.
“Mm, Cal…” she whines wriggling her upper body. He flattens his tongue, doing deep swipes up and down her folds before suctioning onto her clit. She rests her heel on his shoulder just when he inserts a finger. “Yes!”
He smiles against her, pumping his finger slowly paired with the roll of his tongue. He adds another and ups the ante until she’s panting in staccato breaths. Moans tickle past her tongue the faster he goes chasing her orgasm.
“Come for me, baby…let me feel you,” he whispers and at his words her stomach clenches and her heart jolts in her chest. He moans with her to heighten the arousal then when she teeters off he kisses the inside of her thigh. “Good girl.”
He moves his face back, but she pulls on his hair, jerking his head up so he looks at her.
“Need you now. Please,” she whimpers.
Very slowly, he licks his lips then pulls his fingers out of her. Very slowly, he licks those, too before clambering on top of her. She reaches for his hardened dick, guiding him inside. He sinks into her easily, moaning into her mouth while he fucks her. She rocks her hips with his, meeting his rhythm with a desirable frenzy.
Their motions are rocking the camper slightly, the bed squeaks quietly as they pursue their high together.
“Feel so good,” he pants on her mouth.
“Faster, faster,” she begs.
A few more quick snaps and she cries out in a loud moan, Calum’s body jerks against hers then he pulls out quickly as he releases on her stomach and then they’re both breathing heavily. She swallows thickly, letting out a gust of air and pets his curls that are now a perfect blend of blond and black. Calum lifts his head and tugs on her bottom lip with his teeth.
“I think we rocked this camper.”
She bursts into laughter then sighs, “Yeah we did. You rocked my world, for sure. Giving me a workout in my legs, babe.”
“Sore?” he kisses her nose then slowly rolls onto his back and moves into the small bathroom. He grabs toilet paper wipes himself off, pulls his boxers and pants back on then kneels on the bed to help clean between her legs and on her stomach.
“Thank you.”
“’Course,” he grins peppering kisses on her belly.
“Lay with me for a bit,” she tugs him down next to her, wincing as she lets her legs relax. She fells the strain in her thighs already and shifts into a comfortable position against him. “We’re really going to do this, right? Go camping and leave the world behind for a bit?”
“We’re going to do this,” he strokes her cheek in assurance, loving how flushed they are from the sex they just had. “You and me and Duke. We’ll make smores, nap in here whenever we want—and yes it has air conditioning,” he laughs.
“It sounds so nice,” she sighs closing her eyes then yawns. She usually falls asleep right after, he wears her out.
“Let’s not sleep out here yet, we gotta check on Duke and start a list.”
“I need to shower first,” she sits up stretching her arms above her head. “Toilet paper doesn’t really get the job done.”
“Can I join you?” he smirks springing into a sitting position and kisses her shoulder.
Setting up their campsite didn’t take too long when they arrived. The awning on the camper was easy to assemble and setting up their chairs in the front didn’t take that long as well. The camper was already stocked with the food they bought with their clothes in the drawers set about the whole perimeter. She even added a photo of her, Calum and Duke on one wall so it was officially theirs.
They walked along the beach with Duke collecting shells and sea glass they found. They snacked when they wanted, took a nap in their bed with the windows open. It wasn’t until the third day that Calum was struck with inspiration for his poetry book. He sat out in the sun for a while before she woke up, then when he heard commotion he walked in to see her in nothing but his tank top.
The hem just barely covered her ass, she looked sleepy and beautiful while she sang along to the song “Something” by The Beatles and started the coffee pot. He snatched his phone out quickly, took a sneaky picture of her then opened up his notebook, his pen flying across the page.
From then on the words continued to pour out of him. He thought of words and phrases all day, all of them were mainly about Y/N but he didn’t find anything wrong about that. While they sat around their small campfire, they would play their ukuleles together as the sparks became stars.
He’d ask her for help sometimes if he got stuck on the structure of a poem or if he should keep one line or a different one so it would flow better. She was more than happy to help when asked. Sometimes, right before bed, they’d shut all of the lights off and leave the windows and curtains open so the sound of the ocean waves would blow in. They’d be illuminated by the glow of the stars and moon; hands would wander in soft caresses while his lips kissed the shell of her ear.
After about a week and a half when they went into town to use the laundromat, he was on the phone with Michael then with Ashton. She’s reading the poems he’s finished so far, Calum is tracing his fingers over her back while he’s on the phone, but she’s not paying attention. She’s immersed in his words.
“Y/N….babe…hey love,” his voice pulls her from the words on the page.
“Huh, what? Is the wash done?”
“No,” he grins then crouches in front of her. “How would you feel about meeting up with Mike and Crystal at their little getaway in the hills then heading to the desert with Ash for his album release?”
“Sounds like fun,” she smiles. “When do we leave?”
The windows are down as they cruise along the highway towards Michael and Crystal’s campsite. They’re only staying for five days and Y/N is staring at Calum as he drives. His hair flicks in the wind, he has some scruff forming on his jaw and chin that she loves. It’s a soft scratch on her own cheek or in between her thighs that sends her heart haywire.
“Whaddaya starin’ at over there, little lady?” he smirks then goes right back into singing along with Voodoo by ASL.
“Just you,” she grins then notices a love bite is still red on his neck. She touches it with her finger. “I feel selfish for loving all this time with you.”
“Why do you feel selfish?”
“Because you’d be on tour right now. I feel bad for feeling happy.”
“I get it,” he nods then flashes her a smile, eyes sparkling. “Would it make you feel better if I said I’m happy I’m not on tour right now, too? It’s not ideal for a break but I think it’s a break we all need.”
“Yeah…you all seem more…relaxed. Do the guys know about your poetry project?”
“No, I’m gonna wait until I’m finished with it. I also don’t want to take away from Ash’s moment.”
Michael and Crystal’s camper was much larger than theirs, one side was completely made of glass with sliding doors that overlooked the hills and dunes. The four of them went on a hike with Duke in tow and took plenty of pictures with each other.
All too soon it was time to travel on to the desert where Ashton had a whole set up. He rented out some cabins that looked more like tents on a wooden deck. Calum and Y/N opted out so they could use their camper. While his album played in the calm desert night, Y/N and Calum were snuggled up together discussing the songs quietly with each other.
“I’m going to get ready for bed,” she tells him when the album’s played through.
“Already?” Calum asks kissing her cheek.
“Yeah, long day of driving. I’ll get our sleep things ready,” she grins at him.
“I’ll be in soon,” he wraps his arms around her for a hug. “If you wanna sleep naked tonight, I wouldn’t object to that.”
She giggles and smacks his chest playfully.
“And risk our friends sneaking a peek? I don’t think so, babe,” she snickers then bids everyone else goodnight.
Calum watches her leave, his eyes lowering to her sweatpants covered butt that still looks so adorable.
“Stop staring at me, Hood!” she shouts tossing him a flirty smile over her shoulder.
“Can’t help it, my girl’s hot!” he shouts back, and she shakes her head.
He stays with their group of friends for another twenty minutes until he heads inside, Duke trotting along with him. He circles his bed three times then lays down sighing heavily. Calum locks the door, Y/N’s leaning over their bed adjusting the pillows and curtains. All she has on is one of Calum’s t-shirts black cotton panties with pink lace along the edges.
She heard him come in but didn’t turn around, her focus is on the task at hand at assembling their bed. Calum’s hot hands are on her waist, his fingertips gracing the front of her thighs, his mouth by her ear makes her gasp in surprise.
“You’re not naked, but I love this view, too,” he whispers, his teeth grazing her ear lobe.
Shivers spike her neck as Calum presses himself against her, his hard on apparent against her ass. She bites her lip to suppress the moan when his tongue licks at her neck, his thumbs kneading her ass. His lips kiss her skin delicately before he sucks on it, the air from his nose tickles her skin.
“That tickles,” she sighs leaning against him to feel some form of stimulation on her covered core.
“Should I put my lips somewhere else?” he asks, his fingers already pulling down her panties. The fabric falls to her feet, she kicks it away and Calum palms her ass a little roughly. He gives her a light smack, she yelps in response.
“Where’d you…have in mind?” she swallows thickly attempting to turn around. His hands press on her waist to keep her leaning face forward against the bed.
“Stay right there.”
He kisses her lips quickly then drops to his knees; he pushes apart her legs.
“Can you bend over for me, baby? Let me see how wet you are…” he nips at her ass as she complies, his thumbs spreading her open. He hums at the sigh. “You’re throbbing for me, hm?”
“Caaaal,” she whines pushing her ass backwards.
He chuckles and bites her other cheek. He kisses down her thigh, pausing over her dripping core and kisses the other thigh. She groans in frustration and Calum chuckles darkly rubbing his stubble on her flesh.
“Please, please, please,” she whispers shifting her feet.
He loves to tease her, but he loves to please her more, so he closes his mouth around her pussy, his tongue pulsing against her clit. She lets out a small shriek from his wet tongue finally making contact where she’s been needing him. He laps at her furiously as if he’s in a race with himself to make her cum in record time.
His speed does the job because she’s grasping at the bedspread, breathing heavily, her body warming up as her orgasm takes over. She moans his name, her ears ringing as he keeps going, his tongue and lips slurping and suctioning away.
“You sound so hot,” he pants but continues working her over into another orgasm.
All too quickly, he removes his mouth while her orgasm ebbs away. She hears him shuck off his pants then feels his tip nudge between her folds. She lets out a loud moan from more teasing, her fingers clutching at the bedspread. He teases her entrance more and she can’t take it any longer.
“Fuck, Calum…please, no more teasing.”
“You want me that badly, baby?” he leans over her, pressing his weight against her ass with his tip inching in further.
“Yes,” she groans.
“Will you two be quiet?! For fuck’s sake.”
“Don’t listen, then!” Calum shouts back to Ashton and she looks up to see the window by their bed is still open. The curtains lifting lightly from the breeze.
“Cal!” she squeals and pushes the button for the light. They’re flooded in darkness, but she still desperately needs him.
“Kind of hard when Y/N’s so loud!”
“Plug your ears!” Calum calls and presses himself into her more then teases himself back out.
“Cal?” she lifts her head from the bed craning her neck to look at him.
“Yeah baby?”
“Screaming at Ashton is kind of killing the mood. I can be quiet.”
“I like you loud,” he sighs inserting himself once more, this time further than before. She gasps at the stretch.
“We can wait. I—ohh.”
Calum buries himself inside her, filling her completely and silencing whatever she was going to say. He thrusts gently then pulls out until he finds a good pace, the shirt of his that she’s wearing rides up her back. She closes her eyes from the glorious sensation of his pulls and pushes, biting her lip to try and stay quiet. When he hits a certain spot one spills out so she shoves her knuckles in her mouth.
“No, no, give me your hands,” he pants.
He pulls her hand from her mouth, twisting her arms behind her back and holds them in place on her back. He leans over, the angle causing him to push deeper inside her, he thrusts in tiny pulses.
“Want you to be as loud as you can for me, yeah? You like when I take you from behind?” he pulls back slowly and pauses waiting for an answer.
“Feels so good,” she whines into the bedspread. Having her wrists bound by his hand adds to the excitement and her pleasure, the restraint is enticing.
He grins, stands up straight then plunges inside her with force. It makes her cry out in pleasure and he picks up a quick pace, her body pushes against the bed. He squeezes her wrists then smacks her ass every once in a while. She clenches around him sporadically, small orgasms building to the big one that he knows she’s never silent for. Her breathing picks up and so does his.
“There, there, there, yes, yes, yes!” she cries out and he picks up the pace, tightening his hold on her wrists.
She squeezes his cock, a long-pleasured screech breaking through the surface of the bedspread. It’s animalistic and so sexy that he doesn’t even have time to pull out because he’s coming as well. His stomach tightens and untightens, her rapid clenching dragging his orgasm further.
He breathes evenly through his nose once he relaxes, her own body going lax beneath him and he loosens his hold on her wrists. They fall slack beside her as she tries to catch her own breath.
“Don’t move,” murmurs and pulls out of her slowly. She lets out a soft cry from the loss of him inside her, his arousal leaking out a little. He reaches for a washcloth hanging on the towel bar and wets it in the small bathroom sink. “I got you, baby, hold on.”
She gives a non-committal groan as he cleans her up, his teeth marks and a small red shape from his hand stare back at him. He kisses the marks softly, making sure to be careful at her sensitivity. He grabs a towel and dries her off then helps her back into her panties.
“C’mon, into bed,” he says lifting her gently onto the mattress. She falls into a heap, rolling over sluggishly and stares at him through blissful eyes. She reaches for him. “I’m going to brush my teeth quick, then I’m yours, love.”
He’s true to his word and brushes his teeth quickly. When he climbs into bed she latches herself onto him quickly, dragging his mouth to hers in a lazy kiss.
“I’d say I’m mad that all of our friends just heard us have sex, but I’m too fucked out to really mean it,” she murmurs. He laughs against her lips.
“It’s payback for all the times I’ve heard them. They really don’t care, baby,” he slips his hand under her shirt to tickle her back.
“You know what?”
“Next time can we actually tie my hands together?”
He perks up at that suggestion. “Really?”
“Yeah, I liked it,” she giggles.
“I liked it, too,” he smiles brushing his lips over her hair. “You want to know something?”
“I just thought of a dozen poems. Your body’s like poetry.”
The rest of the night is spent in lazy kisses until they eventually fall asleep, words and prose circulating in his dreams.
Taglist: @calpalirwin​​  @thecurlsofgod​​ @myloverboyash​​ @rotten-kandy​​ @tea4sykes​​ @jannimoeller3​​ @loveroflrh​​ @iovehemmings​​ @cxddlyash​​ @princesslrh​​  @katiaw2​​ @g-l-pierce​​ @fairyintheglass​​ @gosh-im-short​​ @banditocth @dezzym17  @lukeisbaby​​ @spicycal​​ @mysticalhood​​ @notinthesameguey​​ @wastedheartcth​​  @itjustkindahappenedreally​​ @calumance​​ @babylon-corgis​​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​​ @lanternlover2​​ @istaywithmyjonas​​ @calteahood​​ @sarcastically-defensive17​​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @frontmanash​​ @philthepegacorn​​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​​ @addietagglikesbands​​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​​ @mayve-hems​​ @morguelth @haikucal​​ @thatscooibaby​​ @meghanrose05​​​ @idontneedanyone​​​ @nicebasscalum​​​ @haveufoundwhaturlooking4​ @suchalonelysunflower​​​ @burstintocolor​​​ @zhangyixingxing1​​​ @dead-and-golden​​​ @mymindwide​​​ @everyscarisahealingplace​​​ @stardust-galaxies​​​ @blackbutterfliescal​​​ @redrattlers​​​ @lovelybonesetc​​​ @karajaynetoday​​​ @quasighost​​​ @i-like-5sos​​​ @creampiecashton​​​ @calpops​​ @superbloomed-c​​ @ophelia-enthusiast​​ @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof​​ @flaneurcth​
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fanficsunflower · 4 years
It's Been Too Long! Jonah Marais x Reader
It’s Been Too Long - Jonah Marais x Reader
Request: None
Summary: Y/N facetimes Jonah while he and the boys are in the studio at Daniel’s. Little do they know, Y/N is on their way to the studio to surprise them!
Warnings: long-distance relationship, massive amounts of fluff, first-person POV, mild cursing
It was about 12p in LA when I rang Jonah’s phone, knowing he would be in Daniel’s studio with the rest of the guys. The plan was to pretend I was on my way to a class and sneak into the studio to surprise them—all of them except Daniel, that is. Since he helped me plan this. I’d been texting him all day, trying not to get caught by the boys. We’d already been caught by Franny, who was quite possibly more excited than Dani was, but I was more excited than the two of them combined. I hadn’t seen Jonah in months due to COVID restrictions closing LAX.
When COVID began, we weren’t too phased by the time apart since we were already long distance; but the longer it dragged on, the harder it got to be apart. It helped that he had more time to call me, but calls weren’t nearly as good as being in his arms.
So when COVID restrictions let up in California, I started quarantining immediately. I only going to classes online, ordering groceries for delivery, and even having a remote appointment with my therapist rather than seeing them in person. And it was all for this moment!
As the LAX train started to move towards baggage claim, I hit the call button under Jonah’s contact.
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His bright smile was the first thing I saw when he picked up.
“Hey, baby! Where are you?” He asked, looking around me, confused.
“I’m on the bus, babe,” I said through my Why Don’t We mask he’d sent me, “My car broke down yesterday, and I have a class in person today.”
His smile returned as I ‘explained’.
“Oh, okay, will it be fixed soon?”
“Yeah, I had it towed to the shop, and it’ll be back up and running and a few days. Are you in the studio?”
His smile turned into a grin as he started telling me what they were working on that day. He was always so excited to tell me what went on in the studio that day, and I always loved hearing about it. His beautiful eyes always shimmered when he got excited, and I could listen to him talk for hours. Hell, I had before multiple times.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when the train started to slow down, and I nearly fell from the force. Jonah began laughing, knowing how clumsy I was.
“I swear I need to wrap you in pillows sometimes,” he laughed.
“It’s not that bad,” I said before he gave me a knowing eyebrow raise, “Ok, maybe it is that bad, but not always!”
We laughed again as the doors opened, and I grabbed my backpack, making my way to the luggage claim.
“That looks like an airport, babe. What bus did you take?”
I bit my lip from behind my mask. Lying to Jonah was more challenging than I thought it would be.
“Did I say bus? I took the Metro Link. IDK if y’all have a metro where you are, but it’s basically just the subway I’m headed to get a taxi now,” I replied. He gave me another eyebrow raise before nodding.
“Just be safe, okay?”
“Of course, love,” I smiled at him through my mask, forgetting that he couldn’t see, but he smiled back at me.
“You know me so well,” I giggled as he smiled at me again.
“Yeah, I do. Also, the boys are here if you wanna say ‘hi’?”
“Of course!”
He flipped the camera so I could see the rest of the studio. Jack and Daniel were sat at the computer with Corbyn standing behind them, all three wearing headphones. Zach sat next to where Jonah was seated and waved to the camera.
“Hi Y/N!” Zach shouted, more to get the other boys’ attention than anything else. It worked, and all three turned around, taking off their headphones and waving.
“Hey, Y/N/N!”
“Aye, Y/N!”
“Yoooooo, how are you?”
“I’m good! Just heading to a class right now,” I laughed. Each guy started talking all at once, mainly to each other. I chimed in once in a while, but I was more focused on spotting my suitcase. When I saw it rolling down the conveyer belt, I walked over, grabbed it, and started making my way to the taxis.
“Why do you have a suitcase, Y/N/N,” Corbyn questioned. I groaned internally. How do I explain this one?
“Didn’t you say you had some project due today?” Daniel saved me from answering.
“Yeah, I did. It’s a big project; that’s why I have to go in today.”
Damnit Corbyn…
“Ummm….it’s on uh, the stages of child development.”
“Ooh cool, show us when you’re done? Sounds interesting.”
“Sure, Corbs. Hold on, guys, I gotta get in this taxi.” I set my phone on the seat as I loaded my bags into the car. I could hear the guys talking about something they were working on as Kobe barked in the background. Daniel grabbed the cute pup as I picked up the phone again and got in the car. I had no idea how they hadn’t caught on yet, but I was not questioning their obliviousness.
As the car started its way to Daniel’s house, I listened quietly to the boys as they chattered on about music and when they could play live again. As the conversation turned towards me again, we talked about what we’d do when I could finally come out to LA. I could barely keep my excitement contained as we came up with ideas that ranged from going to the beach to making music together. Eventually, the car pulled up outside Daniel’s house, and I thanked the driver, paying him and gathering my things. Daniel left the room as I got up to the front door, saying he was going to the bathroom. Seconds later, I hung up, telling everyone goodbye right as Daniel opened the door. I took off my mask and gave him a huge hug.
“God, I missed you,” Dani laughed into my hair, “It’s boring here without you.”
“Who else is gonna keep y’all out of trouble, eh?” We laughed as he grabbed my suitcase from behind me.
“Oh, I can get it, Dani.”
“Nah, Y/N/N, gotta show off these guns,” He flexed, and we chuckled quietly so the others wouldn’t hear us.
“You left Kobe in the studio, right?”
“Yeah, otherwise they’d know you were here in seconds.”
“True. Thanks for covering for me earlier, by the way. Great thinking, I dunno what I would’ve said, but it would’ve definitely tipped them off.”
“No problem, I know you suck at lying” Daniel grinned at me, setting down my suitcase in the hall.
When we reached the studio, Daniel went in first so the guys wouldn’t think anything was up. I waited maybe a minute before sneaking into the room. Corbyn and Jonah were sat at the computer with headphones on, so they didn’t notice me come in. Zach and Jack saw me immediately, but I help my finger to my lips, silently telling them not to say anything as I snuck up behind Jonah. I covered his eyes with my left hand, pulling off his headphones with my right.
“Guess who?”
Jonah whipped around, the headphones falling off, and wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. Corbyn turned around, smiling as everyone cheered. When Jonah finally loosened his grip on me and looked up, he had tears welling up in his beautiful eyes.
“I missed you so fucking much, baby,” He whispered, standing up to kiss me. An echoing “Awwww” came from the rest of the room, and Jonah flipped them off, tightening his grip around me. Laughter erupted from all of us as I broke the kiss and waved the rest of the boys over to join in on the hug.
Corbyn took off his headphones, standing to join the hug from behind me as Jack, Zach, and Daniel followed suit, piling on top of Jonah and me. The sweet moment didn’t last, though, because Zach, intending to poke me, poked Corbyn in the side, who yelped in surprise. We all laughed as we pulled back from the hug, and Corbyn attacked Zach, capturing him in a chokehold.
“Not the hair! Not the hair!” Zach jokingly yelled at Corbyn, who eventually let him go after successfully messing up Zach’s hair. As Zach attempted to fix his hair and Daniel sat back down at the computer with Corbyn to play me the song they’d been working on, Jonah led me back to sit on the couch next to Jack, who ruffled my hair.
“We really missed you, Y/N. How long are you gonna be here?” Jack asked. At that, all the boys turned to me, waiting on my answer.
“Well, since I can do all of my classes online, I’m here as long as you’ll have me!”
The boys’ smiles grew, and they cheered again, starting to talk about what we’d do while I was here. I snuggled into Jonah, who had his arm around my shoulder.
“I’m so glad you’re here, baby. I missed you so much,” Jonah said, smiling at me. I grinned back at him.
“Me too, baby, me too.”
A/N- Should I do a steamy part 2?
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Pink Chains
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
This is the FIRST HALF because its too much words to fit in one post ! :(
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
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“Excuse me sir? Do you have a fitting room?”
He blinks finally realizing you are in front of him looking a little huffy, bunching up your cheeks waiting for his answer. Kyo rubs the back of his neck showing off his wolf sleeve to you along with his tone muscles after playing volleyball in highschool. He points with his chin towards the left. “In the back” he tells you. The smile you give him just about melts his fucking heart
Oikawa can be heard having a stroke pretty much in the background and a loud slap making him shut up. Kyo shows you where the fitting room is and its more like a room with a curtain on it . You skip past him going in and before you close the curtain you smile at him again.
“Dont leave! I want a second opinion, okay?!?” The curtain whipped closed.
Kyo looked over at his friends and Iwazuimi just nodded fast while Oikawa gave him a thumbs up. Kyo rolled his eyes looking down at his clothes while he waited. A black shirt with a wolf on it , black jeans with rips in them , chains hanging around his pockets and tan boots . He rubs his volleyball tattoo and glances at his sleeve thinking for a minute. Not once had he seen someone like you in his store, even on his day off his friends would text him if such a thing ever happened. So what exactly were you doing?
You flipped your dress over the curtain and Kyos eyes immediately caught it. He looked over his arm and the two were trying not to panic. When he looked back you peeked out from the curtain smiling.
“Ok ready? Be honest ok?”
you moved the curtain and posed for him. “So?”
It was wonderful, the skirt the shirt the way they fit perfectly on you , the colors looked great on you too even if the shirt was a mix of dark colors and the skirt was red. Kyo gulped taking it in, god he hoped you would be a regular after this.
“Its perfect sweetie.” He said , eyes wide in disbelief.
“Ee really?!?”
“ yes.”
You giggled closing the curtain again and pulled your dress down. Kyo looked over his shoulder again and Iwazuimi had his head on the register and Oikawa was just giving him a thumbs up.
You skipped outta the dressing room holding the items and giving Kyo a smile . “Ill take em !” You told him full of eagerness.
“Okay okay.” He motioned for you to follow him to the register , giving his friends a look till they moved. Kyo went around the desk and rang up the stuff abd of course Oikawa had to say something.
“Never seen a cutie like you before in here!”
Kyo looked over at him and Iwazuimi pulled him away. “I just remembered a shipment came in”
It was just you and him now. Kyo had no idea what to say to you , fuck he really was awful with girls. He placed the bag on the register and you took it from him , your fingers touching his knuckles and rings for a second. Kyo rubbed his knuckles with his free hand not looking at you.
“Thank you!”
“Uh huh. Anytime.”
He was waiting for the bell on the door to go off, signalling that you left but it never came. Kyo was getting slightly annoyed, not at you but himself. He cant even make conversation.
“I like your tattoo!!!”
He blinked looking over at you to see you pointing to his wolf sleeve. “Its so pretty!!”
“Thank you.”
“Uhm i know people dont like their tattoos touched but i wanted to tell you its pretty.”
“.....you can touch it…” good, cmon Kyo… “i dont mind.” He held his arm out.
“Really?!?” Her hands hovered over it and Kyo nodded slowly.
Slowly you placed your hands on his arm on the first wolf. Kyos hand was in a fist he was so nervous , no female had ever asked to touch his ink before let alone talk to him . You were so soft, feeling your fingers glide over his wolves was the best thing he felt in a long time. It was almost as satisfying as spiking the ball.
“All so pretty!!” You ran your hands up while you spoke. “I want one but im so nervous!!!”
He couldn't help but smile at that. “Oh yeah? Of what?”
“Mm!! I love red pandas.. they are just so cute and tiny !! But also kittens are cute.. “ you stopped at the biggest wolf on his upper arm. He felt you squeeze his muscle.
“Red pandas and kittens would be cool” he told you , trying to flex his arm without you noticing.
“Mmm!!! But the red pandas… they are so fuzzy . And im a little scared of the pain.” Squeeze squeeze.
“It only hurts for a little while.” His face felt red and his hand was no longer a fist. “Maybe i can go with you if you decide to do it. My guy did all my ink.”
You jumped and squeezed for a minute before letting go. “REALLY?!? I . Well uh, youll be there if i get scared ?”
Kyo gave you a smug smile as he rubbed his sleve. “Yeah yeah, you can squeeze my hand if you get scared or it hurts too much.”
“Ah yay!!” You pulled your phone outta your bag and handed it to him. It took him a second to realize what you wanted. Kyo put his number in and you took the phone back giggling.
“Kyo! Okay! Ill see you tonight!!!” You waved goodbye leaving the store and Iwa and Kawa ran over tackling Kyo to the ground .
They teased him till he got fed up and pushed them off . They all sat on the floor just taking in the moment. The look on Iwas face was perfect, he was so proud of his friend and Kawa was too but also he wanted to make jokes . Kyo leaned on the register just staring at his rings with a smile. His phone buzzed a minute later and as soon as he read the text his heart fluttered.
“Hi!! Its y/n! Im so excited for you to with me! Ill meet you outside your shop kay?!? ✨✨✨✨✨”
He smiled and replied back.
“Okay sweetie.”
Safe to say Kyo was on edge all day , thank god Iwazuimi was there to help customers whenever Kyo shut down and just had that angry look on his face. Oikawa was stuck on stock duty even though he finished a half hour ago . Kyo just gave him odd jobs till he had enough.
Oikawa went over to the register leaning down on it to see Kyo staring at his phone at the text , he shot Oikawa a look and he just had a smug look on his face.
“Is the summer line out …”
“Yep. Did that about two hours ago.”
“Well go fold something.”
“How about you tell me how this girl has you all messed up Mad Dog.”
Kyo looked up, putting his phone down standing up , he grabbed Oikawas shirt and the smug boy put his hands up grinning.
“Its okay to be nervous Mad Dog.”
“Im not...nervous.”
Iwazuimi looked over and hurried to his friends pulling Oikawa back. “Knock it off.” He told him.
“Iwa-chan tell him he cant see this girl if hes gonna get all angry and pouty.”
Iwazuimi leaned onto the register thinking it over, Oikawa was right , as much as he hated admitting it . “Kyo..shitty Kawa is right.”
Kyo turned to his friend and Oikawa walked away feeling accomplished.
“I know she was super happy and bubbly and you were all closed off in the beginning but you let her touch your ink. You have never let anyone touch your ink before. Your not who you were in highschool Kyotani, dont scare her off .”
He leaned on the register looking at the rings on his hands . “I really fucked myself with that attitude i had didint i, im lucky the Sendai Frogs even picked me up when they did.”
“Remember how annoying it was to hear those girls scream whenever Oikawa served the ball?”
“Its your chance to stick it too him , that girl paid no attention to him. And she looked really interested in you. Just calm down and breathe.”
Kyo looked over his shoulder to see Oikawa chatting up a punk girl who was not interested. Iwazuimi stretched while he watched. “This isn't his element anymore. Its yours Kyo.”
He rubbed his tattoo taking in a deep breath. “Damn right it is.”
8 o clock finally came and Kyo was still inside writing down the weekly income while Iwa and Kawa locked everything up. Business should pick up soon with his new summer line , he was looking forward to the extra money but not the longer shifts. Iwa and Kawa went over to the desk and Iwazuimi took the key from Kyos hand.
“Excuse you.” He said looking up.
“Your dates here.” Kawa said looking over his shoulder.
Kyo got up looking over Kawa to see you outside the door holding a pink shoulder bag . She really showed up..
“We will finish the records” Iwa told him
“Iwa will finish them” Kawa said
Iwazuimi grabbed his shirt preventing him from leaving. “We, will finish the records.”
“Lock up after.” Kyo grabbed his jacket putting it on , it was light blue with zippers all over it.
Kyo opened the door feeling his heart in his throat, he was nervous but he could do this. What was he so afraid of ?
You turned around hearing the bell and gave Kyo a big hug and a smile. “Hi Kyo!!!”
Oh fuck.
He lightly put his arm around you and you jumped back smiling . “Ready?”
“Y..yep. Yes. My guy does great work.” He said walking with you.
“Whats he like?!?” You asked walking with him happily.”
“Mmm well, hes nice . Likes to sit in his shop all day. Bit of a wise ass.” He looked down to see you looking at his sleeve again. You glanced up and jumped .
“Sorry!! “
“Dont be, i think you love it as much as i do .”
“Ive always liked wolves but everyone told me they were too scary for me to like.”
Kyo smirked walking closer . “Oh yeah? They aren't all bad.”
“I know!” You poked at his arm. “You are really cool so that just proves they arent all bad.”
It took him a minute to register what you said .”i'm flattered sweetie.”
“Tell me about you!”
“Mm..” Kyo rubbed his sleeve, giving everyone they passed the death glare. “I played volleyball in highschool, those guys at my shop played too on the team. I got picked up by the Sendai Frogs for a bit but after awhile i wanted something calmer”
You stopped walking and Kyo stopped looking back to see you with big eyes. “Whats.. wrong?”
“You did professional volleyball?!?”
“Yep. But i wanted to design things , and Oikawa and Iwazuimi came along with me. My tattoo guy was on our highschool team too.”
“Thats.. AMAZING.” You grabbed his arm following him going on and on asking about being a professional and what it was like.”
Kyo felt really nice inside, he even told you about his attitude in highschool and you just thought it was so silly . “What?!? But your so nice and calm now!”
Safe to say his heart grew after hearing that. He squeezed your hand and let go to open the door to the tattoo shop.
“Thank you sweetie, were here.”
The tattoo shop had music blaring as soon as Kyo opened the door making you blink a few hundred times.
“Oi Mattsun!! where are you.” Kyo said, lightly pushing you inside so he could close the door. You found yourself clinging to Kyos arm looking all around trying to adjust to the music and this very bright room . It had art Everywhere. Posters, free hand, digital, tattoos, everything. You could not tell what color the walls were. In the center was the stations with a desk to the left when you walked in and a waiting area in the corner on the right.
“Shaddup! Your ruining the best part!!!”
You looked up at Kyo watching him yell with a huge smile on his face.
The music cut off and a tall man appeared from the other side of the desk . He was covered in tattoos from neck to ankles. Very spiky black hair and a lip ring with ear piercings . He had on loose shorts and black Vans with his tattoo shops shirt on. He made his way around the desk looking you over then giving Kyo a look.
“Who's this?”
Before Kyo could speak you let go of his arm and jumped in front of him. “Im y/n! Id like a tattoo please!”
Mattsun folded his arms smirking and looked over you to Kyo who was half smirking half trying to figure out why the hell you did that.
“ shes with me Mattsun, “
“Alright alright.” He put his hands uo turning his music back on but at a more bearable level and brought you to his station with a sketchbook. You sat down fixing your dress and Kyo took your bag to hold it . Mattsun snapped a picture and Kyo grabbed his shirt.
“Too late.! Cant wait for Oikawa to see”
“Fuck you Mattsun”
They both looked at you and Mattsun chuckled, swatting Kyos hand away and scooted closer to you in his wheely chair . “Okay Y/n , what would you like hmm?”
“Uhm.. a red panda!”
Mattsun looked at Kyo and then you then Kyo then the art on his walls then Kyo again.
“ what did you bring me.”
Kyo was leaning forward in his wheely chair moving back and forth looking very satisfied with this situation. “I mean if you cant do it ill go to 13 Tattoos down the street”
“Fuck you Kyotani you step one foot in that shop and im never inking you again”
You poked Kyos arm and he looked over at you .
“Uhm.. kyo.”
“Yes sweetie?”
“Youll hold my hand right i..”
Mattsun saw Kyo get flustered for a second and chuckled into his sketchbook while he drew a red panda. Good for you Mad Dog.
Kyo looked down at her hand, he was hesitating. He just needed to grab it. What was he doing? She likes you Mad Dog . His arm inched forward and you placed your hand in his , god the clash with his sleeve and your skin was the best thing hes ever seen. So innocent, fragile, excited. And he was loud, lashed out, swore, pushed buttons… god he loved it.
“Y/n hows this look?” He turned the sketchbook around and you looked along with Kyo.
It was in fact a red panda up on its back legs with its little paws in the air with a happy face and some hearts around it.
“Is SO CUTE !! Kyo kyo look!!!”
“I see it sweetie.” He couldn't help but laugh at the little panda and Mattsun. “Its cute, Mattsun”
“Of course!” He set the sketchbook down and got his gear ready. “Im happy you like it y/n, where would you like it?”
“Oh oh! My arm please the inside a little above my elbow ?”
He smiled scooting closer . “Okay, hold it out for me y/n”
You held out your arm and rubbed Kyos hand with your thumb, he jumped in his skin looking down at you but you were focused on Mattsun drawing the panda on you. He lightly rubbed back on your hand enjoying how soft your skin felt against his thumb.
Mattsun peeled the paper away and picked up his tool, turning it on. “Ready?”
“Hold still for me y/n” he leaned forward and started on the outline on your skin.
It hurt, oh it hurt.
You can do this y/n
“Still got my art on the wall huh?”
“Why wouldn't i? Hows Kawa and Iwa?”
“Same as always. You should see Oikawa strike out at work Mattsun”
Zzzzzzzz…. it was getting hard to keep a straight face..
“That sounds hilarious is he still complaining over the skinny jeans?”
“God yeah.”
he looked up from the tattoo to see you on the verge of tears, you kept looking down and trying to fidget but Mattsun had a firm grip on you. “Stay still for me y/n okay? Don't move”He glanced at Kyo and leaned back to change ink colors then started on coloring.
He reached up with his free hand to cup your cheek and turn your head so you could see him. “Look at me.”
“ sshh.. just focus on me okay? Tell me why you like red pandas .”
“ they.. are fuzzy.. i love fuzzy stuff.. and they are troublemakers getting into.. all sorts of things..”
He lightly ran his thumb under your eye getting rid of a tear .
“Dont..dont let go of my hand..”
“I wont Sweetie. What else do you like about them “
“Doing great Y/n, almost done”
“Uhm.. they.. i love red. Its my favorite color. And they like to flop around and tackle each other.. I heard a zoo nearby has them but.. i dont know where.``
“Miyagi zoo, would you like to go sweetie?”
“Y-yes i..” your eyes wandered away from Kyo and he brought you back to him gently.
“Ssh , look at me. Just me remember?”
“Just.. you.”
“Yes sweetie. Youre doing so good.”
“Done.” He wiped the panda a few times and scooted back taking a picture with his phone. “My apprentice is gonna have a stroke. Okay y/n if you wanna go look my mirror is right over by the wall”
Kyo helped you up and wiped under both of your eyes with his thumbs and you smiled up at him holding yourself. “I..i did it..” you choked out a giggle.
“Yes you did. Go take a look .” Kyo told you and let you go. He watched you make your way to the mirror and Mattsun yanked him over to his desk getting behind it to record the order in the laptop. They were quiet for a second .
Mattsun looked up at Kyo, he was leaning on the desk with his arms up on it.
“How the fuck did you meet her”
“She came into my store, Mattsun. Do you see her?”
“Did she buy ANYTHING?”
“She bought the plaid red skirt and the kitten guitar shirt”
“What the fuck Kyotani.”
“Ask Iwa and Oikawa, they could not keep it together.”
Mattsun took his phone out texting Oikawa.
“I let her touch my sleeve, Mattsun”
His friend dropped his phone looking up at this hard and angry punk guy staring at him.
“She told me she thought it was pretty and I let her touch it, every wolf.”
“I did the ink and i can't even touch it”
“Shes just.. i don't even know Mattsun. Shes different.”
“From your usual? Uh yeah i'd say so.”
“ i wanna hold onto her, but i dont know how, im scared ill.. scare her off.”
“Dont be gettin all sentimental on me Mad Dog, if she didint run off from my music, your swearing or your store shes not gonna run off now, she was going to have a panic attack in my damn chair if you didint calm her down.”
“Shut up, im not sentimental.. she was gonna .. cry.”
“Fuck you, how much is the tattoo”
“$40 because im feeling nice and its about time you had a girl interested in you”
Kyo took his wallet out and put the money on the desk, “keep the change”
“Oh what a baller.” He teased taking the money and coming around to shove his friend. “Good to see you, lets all get together soon for some beach volleyball “
“Yeah yeah, and fine. But you call everyone , “
You skipped over hugging Kyos sleeve and showing him your panda and thanking Mattsun over and over.
“Of course y/n , happy you like it.” He pat your head.
Kyo said his goodbyes and was walking down the street with you , it was 9 at night now and he did not want to leave yet.. you were still hugging his sleeve not talking much .
“Yes kyo?”
“You told me your name and i've still been calling you sweetie, why haven't you said anything? “
You let go of his arm skipping in front of him smiling. “Well, i like it. Its cute to hear you say it..”
He smirked, rubbing his head trying not to look at you. “Will you laugh if i say i don't want to leave yet.”
You shyly took his hand holding it. “No, I wont. I uhm.. i have class in the morning but.. do you want to spend the night? N-not for uh .. uhm.. i mean.. i.. uh.”
Kyo laughed pulling his hand back bringing you with it, he wrapped his other arm around you. “That sounds nice sweetie, id love too.”
“Yay!! Youll get to meet Mocha!!!”
“My kitten!!!”
He sighed down at you giving you a hug and you squeezed him. “Thank you.. for calming me down …”
“Of course. You did great sweetie.”
You giggled, swaying a bit. “Ahh easy my arm kinda hurts heh..”
“Oh right, it will be tender for a week or so.” He held you close keepin an eye on your arm. “You did great , you really did.”
You nuzzled into his chest feeling full of bliss . “Thank you Kyo.”
@nekxrizawa, @kyovtani thought you would enjoy this !
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, episode 17-20 thoughts! finishing up season two! the finale is the THIRD 2-PARTER OF SEASON 2. that's so many! I wonder how many season 3 will have?
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-UERGH WHY DOES VLAD HAVE AN AI WITH MADDIE'S FACE ON IT. SOOO CREEPY. AND MORE 'CREATIONS' waiiiit. vlad is Dr. Frankenstein! (despite his ghost design obviously referencing vampires) HE HAS 'CREATIONS' HE MAKES THEN WONT TAKE REAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR!!! this bitch.
-danny was late and his friends immediately start going off about how hes inconsiderate, and has been treating them like sidekicks??? he just overslept, my god. chill. even if he has, be nicer about talking about it with him?? he really can't help that he sometimes has to chase the ghosts, or has a secret identity to protect...
-'what kind of ghost haunts a miniature golf course' umm. me as a ghost. next question
-imagine going home and theres a tiny child on your bed claiming to be your cousin. with as many cousins I have, I would probably believe her. but the 'ran away from home' BIT....SHES 12?? SHES SO TINY. I hate that they have her belly out in her ghost form, but I like how her colors are asymmetrical. something about her design...maybe the proportions?? are weird to me...anyway danny was good to feed her, but he shouldve taken her to his parents FIRST. or, tbh, probably jazz. (JAZZ DIDNT EVEN GET TO MEET HER!!! NOOO. I mean she said she'll be BACK BUT STILL)
-ANYWAY. shes voiced by AnnaSophia Robb, the girl who was in because of winn dixie, played as violet from charlie and the chocolate factory, and was the girl from bridge to terrabithia. (the movie that made me cry hysterically when I was 12 and I never watched it again because it Broke Me!) thats super cool.
-vlad sucks: the episode, basically. what's new!! I love how he's like, I'm Not A Villain. *immediately cuts to him torturing danny to make him transform, to get mid-transformation DNA, to perfect a Clone.* *immediately shows that he doesnt give a shit about his new daughter Dani and just wants a ''more perfect clone'' and will put her in danger to get that. will let her DIE to get that*
-Dani is danny's clone and is a girl? transgenderism....one of them has to be trans. or they both are.
-the next ep opens with skulker chasing a ghost down. ...does skulker count as a ghost hunter in the way valerie and danny do? I mean, sure, he hunts the good guys too, but he. he hunts ghosts...also, we haven't seen his Real Form since his debut episode! tiny...
-the guys in white are back! ngl, I assumed they were a gag for that one episode. you're telling me they might actually be a threat? ok.
-valerie in her lil nasty burger uniform looks so cute!! glad shes not in that mascot uniform this time. I guess she stopped hiding that she's working there now?
-gregor having white hair, dressed in black and white...and green eyes...sam has a Type, I guess.
-danny being unnecessarily hostile about gregor. danny!!! hes been nice so far. he looks a little...tall to be 14, but. danny doesnt know anything about him! (he does Suspect, but...you cant just spy on people and be rude to them from a hunch.) also, gregor kissed her, and when she freaked out, he was like 'oh no!! sorry, we can take it slow! I understand!' which was NICE. I hate jealousy plots still tho.
-altho. umm. tucker, being concerned about danny spying on them??? SAM AND YOU WERE SPYING ON DANNY AND VALERIE A FEW EPISODES AGO!!!!! im not saying its RIGHT, but dont be a hypocrite!!! AND THEN SAM BEING MAD ABOUT IT, TOO.
-DANNY IS A 7 ON THE SCALE OF ECTOPLASMIC POWER!!! out of 10? so I want to know where the other ghosts rank...I mean it's a list from the guys in white, so, it may not even be accurate, like, they havent seen ALL of his powers, have they?
-Lancer being like 'im not cooperating with the FEDS' until they said they could access his tax records. they already did that joke with jack, but like, its still funny. kings of tax evasion.
-tucker's aggressive third-wheeling. but gregor being super into it. gregor/tucker is the real ship here. then gregor kissing danny on both cheeks after hugging him. bi poly king gregor. (he does turn out to be a liar with a phoney accent. unsurprising, BUT THE CONCEPT OF HIM BEING GENUINE AND THEM ALL DATING IS FUN)
-sam saying tucker is part of the package because theyre friends was super sweet <3 but also 'part of the package'...polyships are obviously the solution to these dumb jealousy/love triangle plots.
-danny crashed a whole plane. the collateral damage...
-is he....
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-you know....
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.... (ITS NOT GAY IF YOU'RE DOING IT TO PRETEND TO BE SOMEONE YOU'RE NOT, AND LIE TO A GIRL. RIGHT? he was getting a little too into pretending to enjoy tucker's company, and the above...c'mon, guy.)
-lmao, freakshow is in actual prison. I didn't expect a follow up, or for him to show back up! in the finale of this season, too!
-THE SICK TATTOO GHOST IS NAMED LYDIA!!! more Lore On her. freakshow seemed genuinely concerned about her. also, is she mute? I don't think she talked the first time we saw her, either. and we didn't know freakshow 'envied' ghosts, either, the first time, we just knew he was controlling them. interesting!
-...they literally stole the infinity gauntlet from marvel and called it the reality gauntlet. is that legal. what the fuck. even with the gems in the lil slots, having different powers...they had freakshow in jail, but didnt check his pockets??! hes just still in his lil outfit??? what kind of ...oh, its in amity park. yeah, all of the adults are idiots, okay, sure.
-'freakshow!' 'in the anemic flesh!' dude take some iron pills then. also, sure, the red eyes could be contacts for his aesthetic, but the whites of his eyes are yellow! does he have jaundice?! he severely needs more...like, every kind of vitamin. (this is what im worried about as freakshow attacks danny with giant robots)
-again, goth circus is a sick theme, and I love his goth train.
-oh FUCK every single person saw danny transform. on a stage. including his parents via TV. oh god. the guys in white and immediately like 'youre coming in for experiments!' SCARY. at least the crowd is willing to help him to escape...perks of now being a local celeb! even the kids at school are accepting :) this is what, the third time his family has found out? its always been an alt timeline tho. and danny fully intending to just rewrite things again instead of...I dunno, trying to roll with it this time? hes really worried his family won't accept him, huh...
-'maybe our son IS THE GHOST BOY, but its not as if our family's ghostly activities have EVER PUT YOUR FAMILIES IN DANGER' maddie. mmmmmmmmmmmm. okay.
-danny 100% prepared to run away from home because of this :( oh :( and saying his parents are 'looking for him, or a scalpel to dissect him with' ouch...
-side note (another one about voice actors...) freakshow's voice actor, Jon Cryer, was lex luthor in pretty much every DC tv show, which is why I recognized his voice, because my dad loves those shows so I've seen a good bit of them without seeking them out...)
-the old man saying 'hey, i still had minutes left!' and danny saying 'you gotta watch those roaming charges!' about danny destroying the people in the diner's phones so no one could report seeing him...would kids today understand these things. can you even BUY minutes anymore...I remember my first phone being a flip phone, and the fact I always had minutes when my sister ran out super fast, because I didnt have friends calling or texting me like she did...:/
-the fentons being genuinely like 'why didnt danny trust us and tell us this, we love him :(' and JAZZ LAYING INTO THEM WITH THE 'DISSECTION/MOLECULE BY MOLECULE' LINES. LITERALLLLY. they need to apologize
-technically, lydias stronger than you! -jazz lesbianism moments! when did you even learn her name!!! but also get freakshows ass. lydia is also cooler looking. looove her design sm still.
-jazz psychoanalyzing freakshow... (also, her also having ghost envy? au where jazz is a ghost!! id like to see it)
-im glad the kids still got to go to their respective vacation things, even if they cant really stick around and enjoy them much...
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-furry: confirmed. (also tucker calling her hot. tucker is a furry confirmed)
-danny being mad someone at the comic con is selling comics of him without permission, lmfao. give him his royalties!
-freakshow > thanos because hes a drama clown and does use his gauntlet to be FLASHY AND DRAMATIC.
-jazz's 'USE PYSCOLOGY' to danny about freakshow LMAOO. AND THEN IT WORKING. but, oh, freakshow's ghost form sucks. I like him as a clown better tbh. good thing danny took away his ghost powers!
-his parents hugging him and saying theyre proud :"( and saying 'of course you lied to us, we never gave you a reason not to!' and saying they were in the wrong basically for always talking about hurting ghosts aaaa :""(
-then he WIPED THEIR MEMORIES AGAIN!!! FUCK. I can understand him wiping the goverments/student bodies' memories, but why his parents?? they were being accepting!! ARGHHH. season 3 couldve been them all trying to adjust to them knowing!
-I know, on a meta level the showrunners probably wanted to just reset things to the status quo of him having a secret identity. But. We've been doing that for (2) seasons, I'd love if season 3 could be like, his parents adjusting to this and trying way harder to learn more and accept it (and the shenanigans that could come from that) and for fun, if he didn't wipe the students memories, it could be him being popular for a while, then everyone slowly realizing, oh, he's still Danny. Like. he might have ghost powers but hes Just The Same Guy instead of putting him on a pedestal (and seeing them all try and help him hide it from the giw/people who don't know!!)
-fuck they didn't even explain WHY he wiped everyone except sam, tucker and jazz's memories. he just Did It right when his parents were saying they loved/accepted him!! and sam and tucker didnt question it at all!!! HELLO??? very annoyed about this turn of events.
-anyway. onto season 3! I know its shorter than the first two seasons, and is the last season... I might just do it in 2 bursts if I can... :3c depends on the episodes' content and how much I want to say about each!
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