#also bonkers to think he's old. but so am i
chaoswillcalmusdown · 8 months
it's been like 5 hours and i think i'm still kinda stressed about femme (2023) which is surely the highest possible praise
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eisforeidolon · 4 months
Did you see the video of the answer? Did it change your opinion at all?
I did, and I'm not sure why you think it would? Here for anyone that hadn't seen it [X].
Both the transcripts and the video made it clear he was trying to be very careful about his phrasing. He still very pointedly changes away from the characterization of it being a confession. He still uses clearly platonic terms of friendship to refer to Dean's feelings about Castiel several times over. Not only that, but he consistently characterizes the angel as part of the larger group of people that are important to Dean - "one of" and "people" - rather than the kind of solo importance some people are desperately trying to ignore his plural word choices to interpret into what he said. I think it's also very clear from where his statement was going before and after the person yelling "subtext" got him off track, that Castiel's statement of feelings was what was "clear text" rather than "subtext" - not the ship. The statement he was in the middle of was that the feelings between them after that scene were understood and therefore did not need to be addressed or talked about in any way. You know, the scene where Castiel rambles about love he knows he can't have and Dean just stares at him like he was slapped in the face with a week old fish. Again, if Dean actually did feel the same (whether that's romantic lurve or I'd totally revolve my life around you and die for you love) despite all previous canon and everything Jensen has ever said on the subject, including all of this? That would very much require a resolution and something being said to contradict the part about it not being have-able, and trying to weasel around the specific words to imply otherwise is so obviously bonkers I just can't even. Like, hellers themselves obviously know this or they wouldn't have been whining for literal years now about how TW and any revival HAD TO give them a resolution to that scene where Dean reciprocated.
Personally I think Misha's final speech as Castiel was an embarrassingly transparent, disingenuous, insincere cash grab that came out of nowhere to betray the character's entire previous story to bait shippers while leaving it ambiguous enough to ignore for the rest of the audience. But from the start, Jensen has treated it as sincere and praised Misha's emotional investment. Whether he really buys into that or just realizes the optics would be terrible to criticize an interpretation of supposed representation so many people are invested in? I mean, personally I thought the video made his description of the scene sound a lot more rote, like 'yeah yeah, whatever' than the transcripts did. But that is pure interpretation, not words he actually said, so YMMV, and obviously I am very biased on that subject.
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arecaceae175 · 3 months
Hi I'm sorry if this is random but do you have any LU Sky headcanons that you like and would like to share? No pressure if you don't want to ! (/genuine)
I have two other asks in my ask box about LU Sky headcanons that I am saving for when I come up with more headcanons (from @taddy-cat and @majorproblems77 hehe).
In no particular order here are some of my favorite Linked Universe Sky headcanons:
He is bisexual and polyamorous and in a relationship with Groose and Zelda!! They're all dating each other. Groose is also bi, demisexual, and poly, and Zelda is onmisexual and poly. I love them your honor. Groozelink my absolute beloved.
When I feel like letting Sky be trans, I enjoy having him be bigender (man and woman) and use he/she pronouns interchangeably.
I like calling his Loftwing Crimson. They're best friends. They like to go exploring together!!!
Sky's mother died when he was too young to remember her. Sky's father was a knight and Sky inherited his love for flight tricks! Before Sky and Crimson were old enough to fly on their own, Sky would ride with his dad and they would do awesome tricks. After Sky's parents died, he was kind of collectively raised by Skyloft, which is why no one is surprised to see him just show up and use their beds in the game. He lived with Zelda's family before he was old enough to live in the Knight Academy, and he also spent a lot of time at Pip's family's house.
I Imagine the Sky islands are much larger and much more expansive than we see in the game. Skyloft is the biggest Island and the capitol, kind of, and there are a lot more islands with people living on them.
Chronic illness Sky my beloved. I enjoy seeing him with any disabilities, but I am partial to POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). It would explain his low stamina and chronic fatigue and sitting to regenerate hearts :). And there's a whole lot of other symptoms involved too. The heartbreaking part about this though is as the condition progresses he would gradually lose the ability to fly with Crimson. The forces and the erratic movement would make him pass out and that is super very dangerous to do on a bird. I'm going to write a fic about this one day
Autism. Yeah. Sky has a Loftwing plush that's his comfort item and he brings it everywhere. He gets VERY easily overwhelmed on the Surface because there just so much stuff. The first time he went down to the Surface he pretty much immediately had a meltdown and Fi had to guide him to a safe place for it. When he's either overstimulated or understimulated and needs noise he tugs on his ears. Sometimes he accidentally scratches them and makes them bleed. He's used to the constant noise of wind in the sky, so on the surface when he doesn't have that and hears all the small sounds of nature he gets very stressed and shuts down a lot. His happy stims are flapping his hands or flapping his arms like a Loftwing!
He loves art and crafts!!! Woodcarving is the easiest to do on adventures, but he also likes painting and coloring. If he lived in modern times he would have so many coloring books.
Sky is squeamish :( Sometimes when he got injured during his adventure he would just. Pass out. Or if he stayed awake and had to deal with the injury there was a lot of crying and vomiting involved. Poor guy.
He thinks in statistics now, even after Fi is gone. It's comforting to him. <3 He misses her so much
He's the best swordsman of the chain. Sometimes he goes fucking feral and the rest of them are like o.o and it's awesome. He killed a god, he deserves to go bonkers mode as a treat. But after he does that he WILL need 2-4 business days to recover
HE LIKES BUGS!!! He and Wild and Twilight go and collect bugs together sometimes and its adorable.
Sky is claustrophobic! It causes a lot of problems. I've got a claustraphobia Sky fic rattling around in my brain rn :)
Sky is the heaviest member of the chain. He is not the tallest (Time) or the most muscular (Twilight). He is relatively tall and strong, but he's also fat and I love that for him. Skyloftians naturally have more bodyfat to stay warm, but even by their standards Sky is big. (Fat is not a bad word <3). Draw him fat and I will love you forever <3
Hmmmmmm that's all I can think of right now!!! I have an easier time answering asks about specific questions than I do general ones, so if anyone has any specific headcanon questions I will answer those much more quickly than the abstract ones (which i still love and appreciate) that have been sitting in my ask box for months lol (it's an autism thing).
BUT YEAH I love Sky. Thank you so much for this ask. You caught me in the right mood to ramble about him hehehehe <3. SKY
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peachywontyell · 10 months
ive had this bouncing around in my head for a while, so here we are.
i am a sucker for pretty boys with kind brown eyes and jaime fits that description perfectly...so i decided to give him a lot of pining (that is definitely reciprocated), he has to be a big brave boy and confess 🫶🏾 also, this is placed before the events in the movie !
inspired by
hanging out with jaime has always been very warm, cozy, comfortable. ever since you were children when you'd spend weekends riding your bikes around the neighborhood, only to crash at one of your houses after having way too much food. it happened so frequently that it got to the point where it just was the new normal for both of your families (impromptu get togethers were very common).
the friendship you guys had only grown stronger with each year that passed and well- there were definitely feelings there that weren't strictly platonic now. you were trying your hardest to push them away though, and jaime was having the same issues...however neither of you dared to even threathen the sanctity of the bond shared by confessing. that is until one summer came along, you guys had gone to different universities, and even though you called and texted daily, summer was when you guys could actually hang out like the old days. and here you were, having gone to pick up jaime from the airport with the rest of the reyes. as he walked through the gate you let his family say their hellos first- it's safe to say he almost drowned in hugs and kisses, and when you finally got to say hello you didn't hold back with the bear hug either.
you missed him dearly, and the weird feeling of anxiety, excitement and happiness settled in your stomach as he squeezed you back and actually just fully picking you up. it made the feeling in your stomach even stronger.
"Que no, don't wanna"
"okay so if that's how this is gonna go, cárgame bien, señor"
suddenly you guys were in your own world, talking and laughing and everyone could clearly see what was happening here. milagro was gonna have a field day with the teasing as soon as she had a chance. he ended up putting you down- but only after he carried you all the way to the car. it was embarrassing yes, but now as embarrassing as the older couple that chuckled as you walked past and talked to themselves in hushed voices about 'how sweet young love is' and how they wished they could go back in time and experience it all over again.
that got you both blushing...and made the drive back home for lunch a bit...strange. nothing really changed, you still sat together and chatted, but jaime couldn't stop thinking about what they had said. did you guys actually look like a couple? should he had said something to them? the fact that he didn't mind if they thought so made him feel warm and fuzzy.
two weeks pass, and while you've somehow managed to push away those fuzzy feelings, things have definitely flipped for jaime- and milagro did not help one bit. she woke up much earlier than he did, you did too, and it usually meant that as soon as he walked out into the kitchen he'd see you just having breakfast.
"buenas morning" you say, trying not to laugh cause his hair looked bonkers, but even if you found it hilarious, it was still endearing, and the fuzzy feelings you had to fight every single day before meeting him were back and they were looking for vengeance. and when he almost put his full body weight on top of you for a hug not caring that you were in the middle of eating? well, you felt like you were going to die. "mornin...." he didn't move off. "jaime." "Hmmm?" "get off of me and go shower, tenemos que encontrarnos con el grupo in like an hour". with one last, extremely dramatic sigh, he moves off and does as told. it's not like he didn't want to spend the day with you and some of your other friends, they were his friends too, but he would much rather stay in and chill.
not even two hours later and you guys are at the little picnic area everyone agreed to meet up at, playing silly games, chatting and just catching up! and jaime just wasn't feeling it, he couldn't really pinpoint the reason why until he sees how talkative and close you are with one of the guys there. okay. that's fine. it's just a hangout, nothing is happening, you definitely aren't flirting with him. thank god someone called the guy over cause he didn't know how much he could take.
"so how'd the flirting go?" he thought he sounded casual, calm, normal. he did not sound casual, calm or normal. he sounded upset and looked like a sad dog. "what flirting- what the hell happened to you? why do you look so sad? ¿qué pasó?" "hm? nothing." he shook his head, making you squint. okay, if he didn't want to tell you, then you'd just come up with absurd reasons as to why he would be upset. "¿tas celoso?" funny how you got it right first try. you don't know that, though. "what? no- ¿qué?" he prays to god the blush creeping up his neck isn't noticeable, prays it doesn't betray him. "Ayyyyy si es eso you don't have to be, tu sabes que you're irreplaceable" you laugh and god is definitely on his side cause you're called over a few second later by someone of the order people and he can feel his heart beating so fast he fears its gonna burst through his chest.
the hangout went by smoothly, he genuinely couldn't be happier, even if at first he didn't want to be there. he has to admit, he did miss his friends, so he's glad he could spend some time with them. now you guys are laying on his bed, chismeando and just debriefing when the topic of him being "jelous" came up again. maybe he could just do it. he knew it was risky, but....he was willing to take the chance. "....you know what? maybe i was. maybe i was very jelous, maybe i still kind-of am." he felt you sitting up and all he could do was pull a pillow over his face and keep this shit rolling "you've always made me feel so comfortable and...warm, and ive always loved you, but at some point i think it turned into love...? does that make sense- no- it's fine- okay- look i just- de verdad que me gustas mucho y pues no sé- i don't wanna fuck this up aunque creo que ya lo jodí-" he huffs and sits up to face you, looking embarrassed and flustered "you're so special to me and i really don't want to mess up the friendship we have, okay? but i'd just...i'd really like to be yours."
you aren't sure if you should just kiss him or shake him by the shoulders. so you settle for taking his hand in yours, feeling your face grow warmer- if that's even possible after that confession. "jaime, look at me." that boy is holding onto the pillow for dear life, using it to still obscure his face while he shakes his head. he's trembling. you use your other hand to grab his face and look at you "please, just kiss me" "really?" "si-" and he does, like he's been starving. he almost doesn't let you pull back even though you both need to breathe. "jaime mi amor, you will always be my favorite pretty boy and im so happy i can finally tell you."
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angelbambisworld · 6 months
I finally did it. I sought out Gene's sex tape despite everyone's warning not to. Here are my following thoughts(In no particular order)
1. Why does my silly little pookie bear have everything off except for his shirt? He's so silly 🥰 Show us your tits, damn it!🤬
Also his pants were still around his ankles but that's pretty small potatoes compared to all the other shit.
2. I don't know why the tape is in black and white. I wanna see Gene blow that girls back out in glorious technicolor, goddamnit!
3. People clown on Gene for doing that girl while Foreigner's "I Wanna Know What Love Is" played in the background but idk. There's something oddly adorable about a guy who hypes himself up as this nefarious hot daddy sex god and he's fucking someone to a slow and sweet love song. What a fucking goofball. I love this man.
4. Yeah the sex was kinda mid but like idk what people expected. I think Gene was like in his 50s or 60s when the tape came out. Old people just fuck differently than young people. That's just how it is sometimes. Unfortunately I still am in good faith that he could get me off. It's Gene, after all 😅
5. That rockstar dick list wasn't lying, Gene is of average size and I want that thing in my mouth so so bad😭. It seriously looks mouthwatering delicious to me(But maybe thats just the insomnia talking rn. I've been up all night 🥲 When i could be going Uh! All Night with Gene instead😂🤣😭)
I swear the only way out of my obsession with him is through euthanization
6. At one point Gene tries to kiss the girl but she keeps turning away from him(See this is why it should've been me he was fucking. He would've walked out of that room COVERED in lipstick marks.)
7. I'm shocked there was no pussy eating at any point. Disappointed!
8. Even back then, Gene's ass was fat and jiggly. And I pray it continues to stay that way forever 😤🙏🙏
9. Gene's dad bod has me going positively bonkers as usual🥵
Overall, I thought it was...Interesting, to say the very least. Its definitely not as disgusting as everyone hypes it up to be, in my eyes. But now I know what sex with Gene Simmons is like(At least how it was for that girl, whoever she was) and the worst part is???
All this new information I've learned only makes me want him MORE!!!😭😭😭
I truly am Gene's nastiest fangirl.
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vechter · 4 months
Top 5 Dick ships?
hello anon i think this is prolly gonna be the last one i do i've procrastinated enough today, also forgive me for not peppering this with enough comic panels i just can't be bothered to look for the issues 1) dick/roy- in my ideal world, dick moves back to new york after his batman stint and he and roy go on a crazy, adrenaline fuelled, bonkers mission to find lian, who is obviously not dead. brings things full circle to when they first got roy custody of lian from jade in nightwing: old friends/new enemies. they talk about roy's questionable titans for hire choices, dick's fear of being batman (let alone a really competent one) realized. they are both irretrievably changed from the last year but despite it all, they still fit. they find lian, cue heartbreaking reunion. and then they kiss <3 honestly tho they have so much history, roy started a whole ass team to help dick deal with his grief over donna despite the fact that roy loved her immensely too and was probably grieving her just as much. outsiders (2003) once again i am unable to be normal about it. 2) dick/kory- kory was probably the best thing to happen to dick. at a time in his life where he was hurting and struggling to figure out who he was beyond batman's partner, kory was a breath of fresh air. both she and dick have core desires of freedom but for dick, it tangles with the discipline and bruce of it all. they were so cute with their terms of endearment ("honey", "gorgeous", etc.), their pictures in each others' apartments, the way they were always touching. also just the fact that she can fly. the deeper meaning to kory will never let dick fall. it ended awfully and hurtfully but their love for each other changed them. for the better. they will always have that love for each other, even if they aren't in love with each other. i do think they are soulmates but very very clearly right person, wrong time.
3) dick/joey- im sorry none of those initial interactions were anything less than deeply, deeply homosexual. the way dick spent his entire birthday on tamaran monologuing at joey and joey heard it all. they have inside jokes! dick feels awe when he looks at him. also the fact that joey chooses to possess dick in titans. ahhhh what a fucking fantastic nuance to their dynamic.
4) dick/midnighter- when i do accept the existence of a post n52 world, midnighter is prolly one of my fav things to come from that era. i love the idea of a dick losing himself as a spy and subsequently choosing to engage in awful, awful self-destructing behaviour and midnighter clocking that but not rlly able to do more bc he's grieving his relationship with apollo, too. their relationship would just be a lot of adrenaline and lying and covert ops and it would be short-lived bc both of them know it isn't what they want, esp not even the person they want. also a lot of attempts to extract information from each other with progressively unhinged ways of flirting and stalking.
5) dick/being single i'm so serious,,, this is prolly my top one. he needs to be single bc either he is a staggeringly great partner or an awful one, no in between. i love him but if i were a fictional character and ever had to date him, i think i would combust from wanting to clock him. unfortunately, therapy will not fix him, i think it would just make him worse so he should just be single, untethered to any place or person (well, as untethered as you can be when you are as insane about bruce wayne as he is) and able to swing away. but also swing back to the people he loves.
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savagewildnerness · 5 months
Lestat at the start of The Tale of the Body Thief:
Hi! I’m The Vampire Lestat! I’m 6ft tall & VERY attractive! Miami’s pretty great! Apart from all vampires can’t stand each other so we’re all solitary now! I love that though! (Even though I am in love with all vampires. I wonder where my beautiful mother, who is also my child is?)
I love killing the evildoer!!!… Can I be good if I save just one human who would have been murdered from death….? I don’t think so (but I’d appreciate it if you thought so!)
Wait… this murderer I’ve been following is utterly insane & unaware he’s even a murderer… I won’t even get to drink all his delicious murdery thoughts… how very disappointing… AND he’s not even beautiful! He’s ugly & dirty & mad…. but that old lady he was going to kill… she is so wonderful: her incredible life & self & the skeleton leaf of her younger self that she remains as now. Why, we even have the same taste in novels! I guess I’ll kill the murderer. SIGH. That was unsatisfying….
…Whoops I killed the lady too. In a very sexy way though! I’m so awful! (It was so Romantic!) I’m hungry for MORE!
Why is this weird person who’s followed me round the world giving me a story? Probably just some mad mortal & it means nothing.
Oh look, there’s David Talbot! I think I might have ruined his life, but I’ll just follow him everywhere anyway. I do worry about him.
I’d write a book about Rembrandt & The Devil if I was mortal. Here’s my plot summary… maybe that writer - Anne Rice could write it for me….? Obviously, since I’m a vampire, *I* can only write about MYSELF!!!
Gosh! I wish Claudia would stop haunting me. I can’t talk about it really, but I wish Akasha hadn’t turned me into a cipher to the terror of masculinity & made me a massacring evil Angel from which I can never absolve myself. And worse… I enjoyed it. It was sexy too. Why did I (sexily) kill that old lady? I THINK IT IS TIME TO SHUFFLE OFF THIS (IM)MORTAL COIL!!!
Well, I know I said I’d ruined David’s life, but I think I’ll just nip in for a visit & tell him he’s got less than a year to live & that I’m suicidal & am off to kill myself immediately…. But I’ll check a few hundred times if he’d like to be a vampire too! Just to torture him some more. David’s so funny! Why on Earth is he reading Faust & the bible!!!?! Bonkers!! Mmmmm… David is so beautiful & sexy too. But yes. I am ready to DIE.
I don’t know if I can kill myself, but I AM THE VAMPIRE LESTAT, so OF COURSE I’ll make like Icarus himself & fly directly into the sun! I’ll eat the sun if I can! I MUST MAKE SURE I AM TOTALLY NAKED BEFORE I FLY TO MY DEATH! Did you hear me? I’m taking my clothes OFF!!! I’m flying to the sun NAKED! I’ve done it! I have no clothes on at all! Are you sure you’re not thinking about how sad it is that I want to die & you’re definitely thinking about how naked I am instead?
I’m not in any way thinking about how I might only get a sun tan from this & I don’t want it to be uneven. I am SUICIDAL! I’m suicidal AND naked! I do sometimes lie to myself. But I wouldn’t lie to you. So let’s just say it’s one & the same to me - if I am blotted from existence or if I just get a marvellous tan. OK THEN! You’re absolutely certain you’re thinking about how naked I am?! Let’s go!
Oh no! I’m not dead, but this hurts a lot. I wish I was dead… I don’t think the sun can kill me…. But let’s give it one more go….
Omg… I gave it two whole days & this hurts a lot & it might take a year to kill me. I think I’ll just stay alive after all. I’ll just go lie naked on David’s tiger rug for 3 days as I contemplate my existence some more (he killed that tiger, you know!) I’m sure this won’t traumatise him any further & that it has zero psychological implications.
3 days later! I *suppose* I’d better put some clothes on now.
Woohoo! I’m glad I’m not dead actually. OMG I have such a FABULOUS sun tan! I have never looked more exquisitely beautiful! Thank GOODNESS I had the prescience to attempt suicide NAKED in order that I’ve made total use of this effect! Look at my iridescent eyes! Yippee! I’m so excited I could do a tap dance! I can’t believe I wanted to die so very deeply & now I’m filled with delight about how pretty I am! I think I’ll try to kill myself more often! Next time I’ll make sure that as I feel the sun like the fire of Hell upon my skin, I do a little twirl, just to make sure the tan is that much more even!
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thepringlesofblood · 3 months
so. dimension 20 did a collab w heroforge and gave us this:
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so OF COURSE I had to try and recreate these versions of the bad kids. looking at d20's minis and recreating them in heroforge is a favorite pastime of mine, and I've already made several iterations of the bad kids in heroforge. I'm interested to see how they compare!
for reference: the special items HF made for this collab are
Kristen's staff of doubt
the elven battle sheet
aguefort letterman's jacket
adaine's jacket of useful things
the infaethable bass
the infaethable wah-wah pedal
gorgug's artificer bandolier
The Ball's briefcase
2 decals - the aguefort A and a question mark
everything else goes beneath the cut bc no one should be subjected to the amount of detail I am about to go into without full consent
Riz first!
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Pretty much the only thing I couldn't match was that the decals for those runes on his gun in the picture aren't actually available for that gun (at least not in vanilla HF).
he has "elf ears" which is bonkers considering HF has many goblin & goblin-adjacent ears
yes, The Ball's briefcase is just the normal briefcase model with TB on it, but hey they tried! I think they wanted to make a thing for each character, and they made 2 for both Fabian (the sheet and the jacket) and Fig (the bass and the wah-wah pedal) so they went light on Riz since his gear is pretty well-represented by stuff already in HF.
I couldn't get his eyes to look as dead as they do in the announcement, but I think it's close.
this is one of the new face presets - "Strong Steady Features". I don't care for it, both in general and for Riz specifically.
compared with (my recreation of) Riz' actual mini for FHJY (made way way before these features were added and before the new faces were added as well)
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same hair, same gun, same shoes, same pants, but the ears? "fey ears". none of this elf shit. fascinating.
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now he DOES have "half-orc ears", but his pants? "bard's pants" 0.0
not one of the new faces, but "heavy face" with a bunch of new edits applied
compare to (my recreation of) Gorgug's actual fhjy mini
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the funniest thing is that at first glance it looks like they have the same shoes but the actual mini has the "beat up" version of the HF announcement shoes lol
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fig ALSO has "elf ears" despite technically being half-elf, but I'll forgive it this time. this jacket though...there is a leather jacket in heroforge. it rocks. but they chose instead to do the 'apogee crop jacket' (a sci-fi vibe) and just. color is all black? ok.
yes they put the wah-wah pedal in the update but you can't see it in the announcement
though they do have the fishnet pattern in HF, there is no decal for the kind of fishnets you see in the announcement.
she also has vampire teeth. make of that what you will.
she has one of the old face presets - "elegant features"
compare to (my recreation of) Fig's actual fhjy mini
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at first I 100% thought the apogee crop jacket was just a HF announcement thing but the actual mini has it too!! bonkers. it's almost identical otherwise.
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now you'd think! that the one elf! in the party! would just have normal elf ears! NO. maybe it's just the weird angle the shot is taken at in the HF announcement, but the ONLY way i could recreate what it looked like was by some Wild advanced posing with half-elf ears
also her pose is just so weird.
the jacket rocks tho
compared to (my recreation of) Adaine's actual FHJY mini
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mostly the same clothes, but with actual elf ears. also the boggy is not screen-accurate they fully made their own boggy in the show. more of an action pose, adaine in combat.
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he is. terrifying.
i love how since fabian isn't actually wearing a letter jacket in his mini, they try to like. sneak the silver/black aesthetic of his official art & mini into the weird lil brick pattern on his shirt
these pants are. hakama w kyana. it was the Only pants that looked right. why???
you cannot actually put the A decal where it would go on a letterman jacket. this was extremely difficult to achieve w a lot of creative finagling.
he does have half-elf ears at least. thank god.
someone give this man his cheeks back boy got shrinkwrapped
compare to (my recreation of) Fabian's actual fhjy mini
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the actual fabian mini does have a real battlesheet the ribbons are an approximation.
his hair is more silver/gray than white
still half-elf ears thank god.
and finally Kristen!
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honestly very similar to her actual mini, just different hair and face. also freckles less dramatic.
my recreation (of her actual mini) doesn't have the right hair bcthey combined 2 hairs for her - "feathered bowlcut" and some other one that makes it look longer.
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dc-worse-dad-poll · 10 months
“slade was a GOOD father”-tales of teen titans 44
i’m sure that counts for something
he like
immediately fucked that up majorly…but it’d be funny if he got eliminated
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tales of the teen titans (1984) #44
i am genuinely trying to remain unbiased in this whole poll (except in small things that are funny, not annoying, like the poll photos) but if you are mentioning slade wilson it is my duty to tear him to pieces.
for context, Tales of the Teen Titans #44 is the introduction to Joey and also explains Slade's backstory. which we do not need to get into the gritty details of, but it's actually similar to Captain America in Marvel except Slade is a piece of shit about it.
grant is born while slade is in the army still and joey is born while he's a hunter but before he's deathstroke. but slade switches to being deathstroke FAST and starts using his family as a cover. who will think the old guy at the PTA meetings who hosts big parties and loves his kids and treats his wife properly will be deathstroke the fucking mercenary?
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deathstroke inc (2021) #15
and here's the thing. anyone who reads a deathstroke or wilson family kid's comics knows that slade does genuinely love his family, in his own twisted way. which is why he's such a bad dad. for this, i always cite the same fucking comics because it's so fucking good.
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teen titans (2003) #78
the thing about slade is that he's going to be a terrible father and person no matter what. but he loves his kids, so he justifies all those terrible things by saying he loves them and is trying to keep them safe. which is fucking bonkers, because if he really wanted them out of his life, he'd stop going after them. like how he puts out a bounty on rose in deathstroke (2016) #2.
this is the guy who would rather save his ego and reputation than his own son. whose actions resulted in the death of his eldest and he proceeded to blame on a bunch of teenagers with a vengeance. and slade is fantastic at justifying his shitty as actions and making himself seem either not that bad or like he's been wronged.
and just like slade always chases after his kids, always brings them back and treats them like utter shit, his kids always go back to him, too.
more panels from teen titans #77-78, but honestly just read any comic with him and the kids and you'll get this "i hate you i love you please change for me" dynamic.
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so. sure, you can argue that slade used to be a good dad, but it's pretty obvious in any wilson family reading that he's always used his family to further his own desires.
even with grant, when he found him again as ravager, it was to use grant for a job, not because he loved and missed his son. and then he justifies that by raging a war against the titans for generations in Grant's name.
so. yeah. slade's love always comes broken and with some sort of asterisk. he's a good dad when it benefits him. he's a bad one when it benefits him. because that's the kind of person he is. so addie is saying he was a good father because that's the show he was putting on for her and the kids.
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walkawaytall · 3 months
Age gap discourse has gotten really weird to the point of infantilizing literal adults who have graduated from college and, look, I’m not an expert on any of this stuff but…my understanding has always been that it’s a power imbalance and season of life thing more than some magic number being okay or not.
Like, the reason it’s sus when someone in their thirties only dates 20-year-olds is because it seems like they are specifically hunting for people with less life experience so they can use that to their advantage. The reason it’s creepy as hell when a 40-year-old starts dating a now-20-year-old who he’s known since she was a young teenager is because, presumably, that 40-year-old was once in a position of authority in her life (and sometimes played an active role in grooming her!). There is a power differential that would be borderline impossible to overcome in order to have a normal, healthy relationship even if there was no grooming involved.
But, like…if you’re 21 and hit it off with someone 10 years older than you who treats you as an equal and isn’t in a position of authority over you…that’s not inherently wrong or even a recipe for a bad relationship? It’s the place in life as well as whether or not there’s a power imbalance that’s an issue.
Oftentimes when people think of romances with age gaps, the first situations they think of are situations where there is something else at play that they may not be considering. The older person was in a position of authority or holds significantly more power in the relationship, etc. But age alone doesn’t dictate that dynamic? It makes it more likely at certain ages simply because the context in which people in their late teens/early twenties are often meeting people a fair number of years older then are also contexts in which the older person has some kind of authority or power over them. But that isn’t always the case. And as people leave school and get jobs and live life outside of a college campus, they are more and more likely to meet people in a wide age range who are considered their peers by every metric.
I think people want something simple: if we see this age gap, obviously it’s wrong, but this one over here is okay because X is the magic number and anything bigger than that means people are creeps. It’s an understandable desire to want to simplify things, but there are a lot of other things at play in unbalanced, abusive, or inappropriate relationships.
Also, the prefrontal cortex thing is something people need to actually research instead of just regurgitating stuff they heard once. Like, yes, I did notice a difference in the way I thought around the time I turned 25. Sure. But it wasn’t that wildly different. If I remember correctly from when I looked into this years back, the main thing your prefrontal cortex being less-than-fully-developed affects is specifically risk-taking behavior, not how easy you are to trick or manipulate or harm. There may be other things at play that contribute to those tendencies in some people, but 23-year-olds are fully functioning adults who can make decisions for themselves, and it is bonkers that I saw a screenshot of some tags earlier saying that a relationship between a 23-year-old and a 26-year-old is inappropriate based entirely on the brain development thing.
(And because this is the Internet, I feel like I need to say that I am not saying any of this because I’m sitting here wanting to date someone significantly younger than me. Like, I’m 36 and the idea of even dating a 29-year-old is a little strange to me personally, but I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with that sort of gap; it’s just not one I would prefer or go looking for.)
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wellntruly · 11 days
oh man, old movies!! my dad was a huge movie guy so I grew up watching that. My movie knowledge is basically 30s-50s and then abrupt jump to the 2000s lol It's instilled in me an adoration for bombastic musicals and over the top Hijinks. I absolutely adore the Marx Brothers and Basil Rathbone is, in my opinion, DRASTICALLY underappreciated. He was a fantastic Sherlock, but he was also such an amazing chameleon in so many vastly different roles! What are your favs with them, or any advice on what I should watch based on those loves.
Hi buddy!!!! WHAT a fun brief, have I got recs for you:
First up for sure for sure, have you ever seen Love Me Tonight (1932), by Rouben Mamoulian? One of the most insane things I have ever seen, COMMMMPLIMENTARY. It’s a pre-Code musical comedy with killer songs that are themselves having a lot of meta fun with the concept “musical comedy”—it’s wild! So funny, so strange, Myrna Loy is there being hilariously horny, just an exquisitely bonkers time.
Where: multiple copies just floating free on YouTube
And wow this is where I discover that I am still vanishingly low on Basil Rathbone movies! But you’ve made me think of mysteries, and gosh I really really loved The Lady Vanishes (1939). One of the lesser seen Hitchcocks, according to Letterboxd it’s all the way back in the 15th most popular, and that’s so crazy because it rules. Its mix of comedy, drama, twists, and an increasingly imperative political angle actually reminded me most of all of Bong Joon Ho. Two very charming lead performances too, which I bet you'll like!
Where: Criterion Channel, HBO Max, Prime
And since you mentioned that you had a sort of abrupt halt at the end of the 50s, if you want another wild musical, I cannot get enough of showing people Bob Fosse’s Sweet Charity (1969). It totally flopped at the time because half the audiences were over studio musicals, and the other half that did still love a musical were baffled by this one’s edge. But today, it feels like such a treasure. Unbelievably funny, mesmerizing dance sequences, inventive editing, full of colors and life and yet again, this fascinating dark undercurrent, sometimes overcurrent.
Where: this one can be harder to find, but you can always try your local library, I have a lot of pals who use theirs to find all sorts of old movies
Signed, Your Classic Films Thesaurus
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Hi yes I need you to know that your analysis on Jaden and Yusei (June 16, 2022, idk if you’ve done multiple on them but that’s the one I’m talking about) is the realest thing I have EVER read and you’re so right and you should say it MUCH louder that is the greatest take op it’s amazing and I’m screaming /pos
Jaden is my favorite character like,,,, ever, and you have nailed him I’m going bonkers
Another thing, I love your Groupchat AU but you have made me become aware that there is???? Another???? YGO show????? I was like who on God’s Green Earth is Yudias and then Google attacked me with information. I still remember. When Vrains was new. To me Vrains is still new. It came out 6 years ago. I feel old. I am not okay. I have yet to acknowledge the existence of Sevens and will continue to do so with Go Rush. Oh I got off-topic, whoops-
Anyways, love your Groupchat AU but I saw the one part with the Eldritch language that Jaden and Yuya are both fluent in and I humbly request more of their dynamic???
I had an epiphany last night, they’re so similar I’m actually losing my mind. All I can think about is that one audio of Batman and that girl on the swings and it’s like “They got their weapon, I got cheated out of my childhood” “I know what that’s like.” “You do don’t you?” Tell me that’s not them I am dying /pos
Much love <3
Oh my gosh, thank you! <3
Jaden and Yusei, my beloved blorbit. The painfully monstrous and the painfully human. The narrative foils of all time. Jaden Yuki, the creatchur autism boi of all time. <3 I need to write about them more.
I know what you mean about the new shows. I'm still a ways off from watching them, but I still want to remember they exist but keep forgetting. What do you means vrains is six years old??? (<- was not even a yugioh fan when vrains was airing) You're telling me there's probably going to be new one after that??? That the days start coming and they don't stop coming?????
Shoutouts to the sevens and go rush fans. They are the mightiest of soldiers. I know nothing about their shows but I'm hesitantly penciling them into the groupchat au anyways because I have seen maybe three clips but I know this funny little alien guy is near and dear to my heart.
Obviously there's a bit of a shift between Vrains and the Sevens era, being made for new audiences, a little tone shifting (which we LOVE, because any franchise that stays the same forever is no bueno.) and that makes it easy to group the first six shows into one group. But I also think there's a fascinating dialogue between shows 1-3 and shows 4-6. I didn't realize it until I was a good way into Arc-V, but each of the second trilogy protagonists sorta reflects the first three.
With Yuma and Yugi, it's very purposeful, a stated "return to form" with the chipper kid and his ghost companion who lives in his special necklace. And when I was gushing over Yusei in 5Ds, I got a lot of people saying "Man, you're going to love Yusaku." They're both the rbf hacker protags who fight the government. Lots to love.
But Jaden and Yuya????? Did not imagine I would come out of Arc-V going "omg they're foils. They're the same story through a different lens. They need to TALK to eachother and bond over their shared experiences."
Even leaving out my pet theory of "Zarc Was An Incarnation Of Jaden In The Original Timeline", they're just so. *clenches fist* The childhood trauma of being a weird kids and masking with an overly bubbly personality only to learn the great anger they've been trying to hide is powerful enough to rip apart reality and they're secretly harbingers of destruction.
By the end of GX, I think Jaden has wonderfully come to term with that. By the end of Arc-V, I think Yuya hasn't.
Their dynamic in the gc AU is very much to me Yuya is still struggling with Z-arc stuff, but not saying anything about it because that'd be weird, so he just kinda frets about it until he hits a breaking point and Jaden gets to offer his advice on dealing with all this.
I am so interested in exploring this that it actually got me started writing fic again,,, which I haven't done in like a year, so wish me luck. I'll keep y'all updated :)
Angst aside, they're also just. One braincell between them. Theatre kid and guy who has never once acted natural in his entire life. Kid making a scene at a Waffle House while his friend slowly eats the entire menu and offers suggestions. Jaden is a pokemon fan and Yuya is a kingdom hearts girlie, I've decided this, and they takes turns infodumping to each other. Jaden summons duel spirits so Yuya can ride around on Hiphippo even when he's not dueling. They trade funny things they've heard their dragons say. They're eldritch and inhuman and best friends, your honor.
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HIII HI HI MAC!! IN UR INBOX. BEING ANNOYING. hope ur havin a good nighttttt <33 ^__^ i still haven't gotten past the gang leaving to find the other two missing folks in episode 36 yet. but ohhhh i fucking. Have Thoughts!!!!
>what is the deal with the "everyone evacuated instantly left in the middle of what they were doing" thing. was it. deadwood shit [tm]? the trickster? some hero doing crazy unethical but very efficient mass mind control to get everyone to leave quickly?
>shaking the trickster up and down putting him in the FUCKING paint mixer. what does he WANT? what does he want! i still don't understand this. obviously he escaped from the chaos realm and is delighting in causing as Many Problems As Possible (maliciously) but. why!! is it just the chaos realm driving u crazy bonkers regardless of who u originally were when u went in? he is. obviously. not happy. but also doesn't necessarily read as intentionally evil in the same way, like, mal does. was it originally Intended to be superhell or was that just something that happened after the array were deposed? also what was the original intent of ashe's book... was it the whisperer's? or a member of the array? welll-- maybe not the whisperer's, since it can summon duck. but. it's really just like a phonebook for creatures in the spirit realm (another point towards what was the trickster originally??). how did ashe Get It?
>genuinely this whole time i am so stressed and terrified for william wisp. he is power level LOWER THAN AN ALLIGATOR he is just a real boy now!! among all these superheroes who could crush him into paste regardless of the chainsaw and the shotgun. he is. eighteen. i'm so fucking dreading the confrontation with the trickster being smart and full of self loathing doesn't protect u from the trickster's big epic meat fist!!
>my prediction for the last mission they're going on is it's gonna be some freaky deadwood demon shit. the little girl was trickster stuff the other guy was chaos demon possession. i think this one is some good old-fashioned haunted town bullshit. i'll come check back in on this one in a couple hours hehehe.
>around every corner i'm like MARK??? IS HE HERE??? WHERE IS HE. i can't wait for him to appear.... i love u mark winters u suck so bad.. i hope he doesn't have to big participate in the trickster confrontation. well. for his sake i don't for my sake i hope he Does because that would suck SO bad for him <333
ok ok that's it for now i think. still insane over dakota's posession moment. hey remember when i wrote like 7k over him freaking out about the Thing In Him? ok ok BYE going to put the gort to beddddd. will b back in several business hours to liveblog the rest of 36 & u can laugh at mee ^__^
I am having a good night look at this card I made for my intern (her last day is tomorrow 🥲)
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(gift card and note emitted for obvious reasons)
I LOOOOOVE YOUR THOUGHTSSS EHEHE dude im sooooo excited for u to see the end there's so many things I cannot wait to get your opinion on >:]c specifically not commenting on Some Of This for Reasons but I am sooooo entertained hehehehehehe
I ALSO WANT TO KNOW HOW ASHE GOT THE BOOK SO BAD. THATS SOMETHING WE DONT KNOW YET. yakko please I want your boys backstory nowwwwww !!!!!! CRYING @ THE TRICKSTERS EPIC HUGE MEAT FIST. YEAH. fuck this not-ghost-boy in particular. I'm sure they'll figure something out :)
mark is! somewhere! don't worry about it! he told dakota he was gonna be there he'll show up. probably..don't worry about it!
IM ALSO REALLY CRAZY ABT DAKOTA GETTING POSSESSED DUDE..... I think abt it a lot. i think abt it soooo much. I ALSO THINK ABOUT YOUR FIC SO MUCH when i was readinf that I was like. ohhhhh they're gonna make this so much worse when they Learn Things..... prime traumatic stress defenders!!!!!!!!
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carpisuns · 1 year
Now that you are no longer avoiding miraculous ladybug spoilers, can I say that it is absolutely bonkers the way the sentimonster theory started out with just Adrien, but then spread to Felix, and now apparently kagami??? And I've heard there might be another person who is one as well?? Like at this point I think we might as well say that every rich kid in paris (or vaguely related to paris) is probably a sentimonster. I bet it was a top secret Agreste collection back in the day, and all of Paris' wealthiest got a slice of it
OHOOEHEHEHE YES AND IM LIVING FOR IT!! honestly I never thought we would get confirmation of the senti theory that is this clear—like I thought it would be hinted but left open enough for the average child viewer to totally miss and for deniers to be able to deny if they want to. And I guess they could still deny? But man I didn’t expect it to become so central!! the felix eps were insane i was yelling !!
A while back I saw this theory that was basically what you said—that all the rich kids in Paris were sentis. Because of that fancy weird cult party from the episode Gabriel Agreste. Which was so fascinating to me back then and now it feels not unlikely?
It’s so interesting bc we know sentis are created from a specific emotion. It would seem appropriate that Emily created adrien out of love, and that’s why he’s such a kind boy who gives undeserving people second chances and who loves people with all his heart. Im not sure what emotion felix would be?? he’s a pretty complex character but his sense of personal justice is strong, wanting to free himself first and then the other sentikids, and using morally questionable means to reach his mission. So maybe something along those lines. And for kagami, idk, is perfection an emotion? Desire for perfection? That idea is brought up more and more surrounding her and her mother is very concerned with kagami’s perfection.
This gets even more interesting to me when you consider Chloe. Admittedly, she makes less sense as a senti bc the other sentikids have a missing parent (presumably the one who wielded the broken peacock and then eventually died from it??). But im just considering the concept of Audrey making Chloe from her own emotions….which seem to consist solely of selfishness and superiority. So if Chloe was made with such ugly emotions, no wonder she is the way she is. And no wonder that every time she seemed to make a little progress, she backslid into her old behavior. Bc any display of self-awareness and kindness and genuine care for someone else goes against her emotional core—her very essence. Is it even possible for a senti to change their emotional core? that would be an insane display of self-control and sheer force of will that would challenge the very concept of sentis as creatures who are made to be commanded. if it’s possible for a senti to break the bounds of their emotional core, is it also possible to break the bond between them and their amok holder and disobey a direct order? Could they even break their link to their amok entirely? This is all crazy talk bc it doesn’t even make sense in context and I doubt Chloe would end up having that big of a role anyway lol but the implications are interesting to think about! It’s even interesting to think about XY and the possibility of him being a senti—emotional core of greed, maybe? or, like, shallowness? lol. his dad definitely controls him and his image pretty carefully so. Hmm!
anyway insane musings aside I am really enjoying this arc with the senti focus!! felix’s Argo fit is so cool. his villain song. Girl help!!! when he had to kill his sentimoon and cried…oh that got me. That was his SISTER !! and FELIGAMI HELLO???? FELIGAMI PRACTICALLY CANON AFTER 2 EPISODES??? i did NOT have that on my bingo card lol but you know what?? Hell yeah!!!!!! Kagami said if Adrien doesn’t love me I’ll simply fall for his more intense and moody twin who rapidly and rightfully became obsessed with me
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doctorwho-rewatch · 11 months
S3E11 - Utopia
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You. Are. Not. Alone.
The reveal of the Master in this episode was flawless. That scene actually gave me chills. It felt like the Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort reveal from Harry Potter. Jaw-droppingly clever.
This episode is the first in the 3-parter series finale but given how bonkers and great this episode was, I think it deserves its own post.
To re-introduce the Master is a monumental step forward for this revived series and I think this episode set it up and executed it brilliantly. The Doctor, Martha and Captain Jack (Jack's back!) meet Professor Yana who is singlehandledly trying to help the last human refuge travel to Utopia and escape the cannibalistic FutureKind. He thinks he's going crazy, hearing that repeating drumbeat in his head...
The threads of this series start to tie together. The Face of Boe's last words. The fob watch belonging to Professor Yana who, much like John Smith, can't quite remember why he has it...
Derek Jacobi's Master is angry, but restrained. He also looks exactly like my old boss which felt a bit uncomfortably too real for me...But when he is fatally shot by ChanTho and stumbles into the TARDIS to regenerate, the young rejuvenated Master we end up with is fucking unhinged. Bonkers.
The rest of the plot took a backseat to this reveal so I don't have many thoughts on it. The tete-a-tete between Jack and the Doctor reminiscing on Bad Wolf re-opened old wounds. But this episode deserves all its stars for how it handled the Master reveal. It sets up a fantastic showdown between the Master and the Doctor for the series finale. Bring it on.
QUOTE: "Might I ask what species are you?" "Time Lord. Last of. Heard of them? Legend? Heard of them? Not even a myth? Blimey, end of the universe is a bit humbling."
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legend of ruby sunday let's gooo
ruby is so overhwelmed bless her lol
they are making unit too quirky for them not to become a spin off lol
15 WILL flirt with your staff kate and you WILL endure it
screaming the clip was just the first clip. whats gonna happen
"Even I got that" SDKJ THE META
ya'll are so self-conceited. millions of people are called susana. / i say this while vibrating at the rate of a neutrino star
"susan IS the name of my grandaughter" NOT WAS. IS !!!!
"we'll get him" is that a musk ref. rtd, musk is not a genius lol
"but what for" asking the tough questions
(also regeneration as a disguise…. what a good idea)
"cant we just pipe in a bit of applause " the meta……..
mel pulling a 73!yards ruby
"we have another mystery woman" "ruby sundayyyyyyyyyyy" "you could've warned me" wtf i love tem. i love this. absolute bonkers vibes for a finale. (the horrors will start at any second)
ruby/rose flirting…….. ?? :eyes emoji:
doctor who wasMEANT to have a bunch of middle aged / old
women characters
stsly i love this energy "I love devina" amazing.
"you love to break the rules" she knows her uncle so well
im enjoying how the fantasy / scifi plot mystery is tied to this very real personal thing for ruby.
ruby rose holding hands………………. im seeing.
"they never give me proper work" gee i wonder why rose!!! you think your mom wants you out there doing torchwood style suicide missions. cmon.
"he was a postman. she was a dinner lady" hmm
go get miss flood??????? A???????????
dont leave it to her oh my god. rip cherry.
(btw god bless. the hallway crack from the christmas special is still there lol)
ms flood nailing the old relative backhanded compliment
HE WAITS NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT QUITE. NOT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im vibrating so much
oof this is so good. this is so TRUE. "you need roots of your own not a senile old man" updated to "i bring disaster"" aggg
15 is so healthy guys. so healthy
"what if you just said hello to her face?" i cant believe this is happening ya'll. russel really said "the five doctors was BULLSHIT. im gonna fix-it fix this shit" and went and did it. icon
ill have some of that <3 !!!! (lol thats right kate. he'll never trust u like them!!! deal with it)
a phoenix is just a bird until it burns… awesome. what the fuck does that mean
thats right stammer. you're barred from unit. motherfucker 15 is so rude. love him
ooo the music did a little thing. hold on to your butts babes we about to get DRAMA
unit has better toys. but are they competentent? LOL
clara and the leaf energy tbh (complimentary)
(oh is ruby susan's daughter therefore 15' daughter????) love the snow thing tbh . rtd was like im about to give dw fanartists an easy motif to add to their art for years. thanks king "time has tides and hollows and secrets"
(this transition effect………. very pertwee era intro….. :eyes emoji:) memory is time!!!!
"you cant move" omg impossible mission moment. fathers day moment. 15/ruby dont know how to step moment!!!!!!!!!!!
this is rtd's thought process lol "time … memory… ah shit.. MEMORY TIME MACHINE THERE WE GO"
damn carla and ruby got me here.
"my memory of this keeps changing"
rip chipzode probably
T.T rubes
what the actual fuclk
Close the window!!!!
when is that thing, inspector spacetime???????
it's the beast!! (carla dont name the undefined thing on the "everything becomes what you name it season" o h my gOD)
im loving the coloring/lighting in this episode. everyone looks very sharp and nice
"i bring disaster" hehe
finally some good fucking [kate vs doctor antagonism]
15 frustrated because he finally has to come back from buying the cigarattes/ bread
"FINISHED? STOP GRIZZLING AND FIX IT". mel!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats
mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love you mel!!!!!!!!!!!!
rtd said im gonna write a season that is SO self referential. thank u
for writting this show for the weirdos only. (We might run out of disney money tomorrow but TODAY we relish)
brigadier picture!!!
missing episodes restoration commentary? lol (if i was rtd i would have named harriet ms. bachel color)
"i'd remember a handsome chap like you" um. let's no go there!!! thanks
i told u doc u absolute anxious nerd. there's millions of susans!!! (not convinced this isnt anything yet)
the music is doing things
"being an ambulance?" mel u have always been in doccy who. catch up!!!
reverse the polarity of the VHS
(ALSO very 00's/90's "therre's something hiding in the music if u play it backwards Zeitgeist ("Blink"'s dvd easter egg realness))
donna this is all ebcause you had to go and spill that damn coffee. chodizee's blood is on YOUR hands
leave the tardis alone… "then they get wise, and they try to destroy it"
"thank you, and i love you, and good bye" aaaaaaaaa
our tecnology spreads lies and fraud!!! im gonna count that as aBINGO. taking my prize in cash beebs. thank!!!
"you do not question, you move" ummmmm
master? rogue? valeyyard? rassilon? omega? suttek? omega??? rani?? ???
harriet arbingers. rip.
A DREAM OF A WORLD WITH ORANGE SKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol love this. going over the theories
suketh!!!!!! well there it is lol (damn wish i had rewatch Pyramids so i could be more excited about this dklfjsdklfjdskldfs) (also def saw ppl on reddit calling that "second anagram" ou t sdklfjsd)
"did you think i was family, doctor?" rude.
tbh this had a looooot of good character moments but i think it was mostly a "putting the chessboard pieces in place" episode. still tho damn, those characters moments. highlighting carla/ruby giving me emotions, sutekh/doctor taunting, doctor/kate antagonism MY BELOVED, ruby/rose (best ship name?????), doctor/mel!!!!!!!!!!!!!! being everything!!!!, doctor finally dealing with the susan of it all!!!! (ilu for this rtd). doctor/ruby being super cute and queer before experiencing THE HORRORS, idk how i feel about the reveal since tbh i didnt care much for that serial sdlfkjsdfds but hey. anyway excited for next week. tv show reveal def coming for the second-act-reversal !!!!!/is a hopeless case ALSO enjoyed the filming of this as well (snow! vhs effect!!!) and this is def the most interesting UNIT has ever been lol
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