#also does not help that i have to bind every day all the time in public or else ill kms
testosteronefag · 2 years
absolutely hate how hard it is to get actual HELP for my pain levels. the clinic i was wanting to go to doesnt accept my insurance. just called the clinic that DOES accept my insurance, and despite the website saying theyre accepting new clients they are not accepting new clients. i literally have to spend so much time just finding places to call and then 9/10 they cant actually help me. like what the fuck
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edges-of-night · 1 year
hi! i found your blog yesterday and i’m obsessed! i was wondering if you could do one where in Y/N’s culture give someone a hand-crafted object (like a wood carving), it’s a way of confessing without actually saying that they like that person, but only Gandolf and Aragorn know since they have traveled all around Middle Earth! Thanks so much for your time!
Thank you, I’m glad you like this blog! I hope you’ll enjoy your post!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Indeed, Aragorn knows exactly what you mean when you gift him the wooden amulet you crafted over the past few days. He smiles fondly, aware of what this means for you. He’d take it the exact same way as he would a verbal love confession, takes your hands in his and gives you a kiss ♡ He'd also ask you about the exact cultural implications of the symbols you used etc.!
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen has been kind to you ever since you started your work as a blacksmith in Rivendell. She is very impressed with your work and you soon start to fall for her. When her favourite bracelet breaks one day, you see your chance to use your newly-learned skills of Elven craftmanship to make her a new one. Though part of you wished she understood your gift’s meaning, Arwen’s unknowing reaction makes you just as happy: she’s beaming with joy and giving you a tight hug!
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir spends days wracking his brains about the hand-crafted sheath you made for him. Every time he turns it in his hands, he can feel the energy and affection you poured into his gift. Still, its true meaning stays a mystery to him… until one day, he’d not-so-casually ask you, “It doesn’t carry a deeper meaning, does it?”
・゚✧ Elrond.
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The day Elrond finds the artful bookmark you crafted for him on his table, wrapped in a gorgeous leaf, he starts researching your culture. He faintly remembers hearing of love customs from your home region but thinks this couldn’t be possibly true! After a whole day of reading, he’d ask you for a conversation and talks about it to you, always respecting your culture’s habit of not outright stating your feelings. He’d be very understanding.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer is convinced that the little horse figurine you carved out of the most gorgeous walnut wood is a present you gave him out of fascination and respect for Rohirrim culture. While he is happy about the kind gesture, he is entirely oblivious to its meaning. So one day, when you absolutely couldn’t take it anymore, you’d had to take him aside and break your culture’s customs – because otherwise, this man wouldn’t get it!
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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While Éowyn may be unaware of your culture’s custom, she does recognise how much gifting her handcrafted objects means to you. So, she soon starts making something for you in return – albeit clumsily – but still you can’t help but swoon! You start to develop a playful gift exchange that Éowyn partakes in so lovingly that in the end, it doesn’t really matter that she didn’t know of your specific custom. Since you get together anyway, you can just tell her afterwards!
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Whatever you craft for Faramir, be it a bookmark, a tool, or a piece of jewellery – he’d treasure it religiously. Maybe he’d even build a shrine around it, hidden away in his quarters, where he’d sit down and think of you. Imagine his shock when he learns (possibly through Gandalf) of your gift’s true meaning – the poor man would blush like a sunrise, unable to speak to you for the next few days. He is ashamed of his perceived ignorance toward you and overwhelms you with the most romantic love confession in return!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would be very casual about the notebook you crafted for him. He uses it as his journal, for flower pressing, and recipes. Everybody keeps asking about the gorgeous binding and covers, and he always redirects everyone to you with great pride. He is glad that your crafting skills finally find recognition in the Shire. However, since you only craft for those you love, you always have to send the other Hobbits away, until one day you admit to Frodo the truth behind your gift, which he takes with great joy.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Galadriel is convinced that the ring you made for her carries a deeper meaning, she just can’t quite put her finger on it, with you being so mysterious. It intrigues her, since usually everyone is an open book to her. When she asks you anew about your gift, you can’t help but give in to her warm telepathic voice, and confess your feelings to her. She’d light up with joy – “What a wonderful gift! The most precious anyone has to give!”
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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For Gandalf, you’d craft a new staff or wand. You don’t expect much when you gift it to him, so his sudden attention comes as a surprise to you: “You said you’ve made this yourself? It is an artful present…” His soft, loving glance would instantly tell you he understood. You share a blissful laugh, before he would deny any knowledge about your culture.
・゚✧ Gimli.
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You’d gift Gimli a precious stone or gem you found in the mines, having perfected it into a shape that’s perfect for his collection. When you gift it to him, his reaction puzzles you though: “No gem in this world is more precious than your presence in my life…” He wanted to confess to you too – what impeccable timing!
・゚✧ Haldir.
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Haldir is the worst person to make gifts for – while he trains his face not to show it, his confusion is still very much readable to you, now that you know him. The archery gloves you made for him are stored away deep in his travel bag, never to be seen again. It’s not until Aragorn secretly informs him of your region’s customs that Haldir finally understands your gesture – which leaves him even more irritated...! He is considerate enough to say “thank you” at least, with a timid kiss ♡
・゚✧ Legolas.
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Legolas would be thrilled that you made him an arrow, not meant for battle but prestigious decoration. The affection and care you poured into your hand-crafted gift do not escape his sharp attention, whenever he touches the glistening arrow and turns it in his hands. Intrigued by these feelings, he starts ‘investigating’ – meaning he teases you about a possible crush. He’d only stop when he sees how important this topic is too you, which is when he finally understands.
・゚✧ Merry.
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For Merry, you’d craft a new pipe. He is excited about your gift but oblivious to the deeper meaning behind it. That said, his sharp attention does catch your slight blush when you give it to him. It makes him think – and after days and days of pondering, he starts a courting offensive on his own, until the day you finally get together!
・゚✧ Pippin.
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The wood carving you’d gift Pippin is originally meant for decoration, but he carries it around his neck as an amulet. He proudly tells everyone who made it – and knowing how close the two of you are, it doesn’t take a genius to understand your gift’s true meaning. The situation would eventually solve by Pippin telling you, completely confused: “I thought we already were an item?! Of course I love you too!”
・゚✧ Sam.
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Out of all the Middle-Earth characters, Sam probably appreciates handcrafting and artisanship the most, being a craftsman himself. His reaction to your wood carving of a sunflower is appropriately flustered: “This must’ve taken quite some time to make, I’d say. Turned out so beautiful, too. Not that I expected anythin’ else from you! You are very skilled in many areas, after all…” His beautiful little speech charms you so much that you end up confessing your love unconventionally! Be it verbally or with a surprise kiss ♡
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linddzz · 6 months
Latest idea floating around in my head: a twist on the Hob saving Morpheus from the time-out ball, except that's where they first met each other.
Hob's still immortal, it's just that Death was the one who came and gave him the deal of meeting every 100 years
(is this also bc I'd love Death being Hob's centennial buddy? Her being way less reserved and straight up telling him who she is. Her delight at his delighting over life. The rage in him when Eleanor and Robyn die. Death took them and she wouldn't even say anything to him when she did it. Also I'd like to see him just immediately choke and squirm like a bastard as soon as he starts explaining his new shipping business to her in 1789. Yes and hell yes gimme Hobsie and Death as bros.)
So Hob is trying out new stuff again. He's never tried out being a magus and gets himself in as a member of Burgess' order and eventually an acolyte.
And then he's introduced to the "devil" that Burgess keeps in the dungeon. He's to help study up on strengthening the wards around the sphere and all that. And boy is he deeply, super uncomfortable with the sight of this frail man trapped in a cage.
("Don't let his pretty face fool you." Burgess will tell him, "the thing is a demon who would destroy us all if given half a chance."
To be fair, Morpheus does not help his case at all and his expression clearly says "you fuckin bet I will")
And Hob is Hob. So while he's working on studying up on wards (which so happens to involve a lot of careful, detailed study of the wards around the sphere) he's chatting at the thing in it. He complains about the boss, talks about the War, tells the demon about his day while the demon either glares at him or makes a hilariously big show of not paying attention. Sometimes Hob straight up shirks work (with a winking "you won't tell the boss right?") And just reads books.
And he nearly shrieks in surprise when he's reading some new novel called The Hobbit out loud and looks up to find the demon watching and obviously interested. So of course Hob is gonna keep reading him stories and keep studying those binding spells super closely.
And ok that's where I gotta admit the story doesn't have a solid conclusion in my head yet (besides obviously Hob is gonna bust Dream out and then get kissed a LOT) but I do have one bit where Morpheus first talks to him and of course it's just cryptic weird shit. Because Morpheus has started watching this shit-wizard who won't shut the fuck up back and can tell that something is OFF about him.
So just imagine Hob is yammering away about how he thinks the masters kid and the gardener have something going on, and he nearly shits himself when the "demon" presses a hand against the glass and says
"Death has touched you. I see it now. My siblings marks upon you. Is that what you are here for? To report to them? To let them see how low their family has come? So they do know what has come of me then, and they have sent you to chatter away and truly make it clear that they will do nothing."
Hob's just like. "WHAT?? SIBLINGS?! You TALK??! Hang on you know Death???!" But Morpheus already is back to curling in on himself in a furious pissy sulk
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permanentswaps · 1 month
Family Reunion – Catching Up With Alex
Inspired by @bodyswapper, specifically: Family Reunion Pt. 1 and Family Reunion Pt. 2. Also read my sequel Family Reunion – Steve’s Youthful Journey.
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Two years have flown by since that unforgettable family reunion, and let me tell you, life couldn't be sweeter. I wake up every morning, look in the mirror, and marvel at the sight of this perfectly chiseled physique. It feels like winning the lottery every day. Seriously, if you could see me now, you'd understand why I have no regrets about what I did.
You see, I've fully embraced being Alex. It's not just about the body; it's about the confidence, the charm, the sheer power that comes with it. And let me tell you, I'm living my best life.
But about those family reunions? Yeah, I steer clear of those now. Sure, there's a part of me that misses the chaos, the laughter, and the strange tradition of swapping bodies. But the risk? Nah, not worth it. Even though I bound Uncle Steve to secrecy with Grandad's ancient magic, who's to say some other mishap won't expose the truth?
Like what if I got chosen to swap and it failed cause I sealed myself in. I don't need anyone digging into why it didn't work. (Honestly, I don't know the full extent of the magic binding me to this form, but I'm not eager to test its limits.)
Or, what if Uncle Steve or anyone else wins contest, and then gets Grandad to lock tem in this body instead. I mean, would you put it past them? This physique is like a work of art, and it would only be a matter of time before someone else has the same bright idea I did.
Besides, I've got plenty of other things to keep me occupied. Actually, to sidestep any questions from family about why I’m perpetually absent, made a bold decision: I relocated to Paris.
Now, to keep myself financially afloat, I decided to do something that perfectly complemented my newfound physique: I started an OnlyFans account. And let me tell you, it's been quite the hit. People from all around the world want to catch a glimpse of this body, and who am I to deny them?
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With each sultry photo and steamy video, my following grows, and so does my bank account. It's surreal, really, how quickly it's taken off. But I guess when you're blessed with a body like mine, the world can't help but take notice.
As my OnlyFans grew, it caught the attention of some Parisian locals. Now, I'll be honest, my French is still a work in progress, but I manage to get by with a charming smile and a few choice phrases. And let me tell you, it hasn't hindered my social life one bit. Take the other night, for instance. I received a message from a guy named Benoit, a suave Parisian with an air of sophistication about him.
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Benoit was only 24 years old, but he had the confidence of someone who had the world at his feet. Rumor had it he was the heir to some extravagant family fortune, and let's just say his lifestyle reflected that.
As I stepped into his apartment, I couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer grandeur of it all. From the plush furnishings to the sweeping views of the city skyline, it was clear that Benoit was accustomed to the finer things in life.
Over glasses of champagne and whispered conversations in broken French, Benoit and I shared stories, laughter, and more than a few lingering glances. Benoit was an intriguing combination of intelligence and physical prowess, his toned physique a testament to his dedication to fitness. Yet, despite his apparent confidence, there was a subtle hint of vulnerability in his eyes.
As we moved closer, the tension between us thickened. With a primal instinct taking over, I wasted no time in asserting my dominance. In a swift motion, I threw him down onto the bed and began to tear off his clothes, exposing every inch of his flawless skin. My fingertips danced across his body, tracing delicate patterns along his curves, eliciting shivers of pleasure from his trembling frame.
As I teased the outline of his cock and balls, a low, guttural moan escaped his lips, his head falling back in ecstasy. And then, in a whispered plea that sent a shiver down my spine, he uttered those three words that ignited a fire within me: "S'il te plaît, Daddy."
Hard as a rock, I moved upwards, brushing my lips against his neck, a soft sigh escaping his lips as I whispered, "Suck my cock, boy."
Without a moment's hesitation, he eagerly obeyed, taking me fully in his mouth.
After a few minutes of sheer ecstasy, I gently grasped his chin, guiding his gaze to meet mine. With a silent command, I motioned for him to kiss me, and he responded without hesitation, his lips meeting mine in a fiery embrace.
As our tongues tangled in a dance of passion, he shifted his position, straddling his legs over my waist, his body pressed tantalizingly against mine.
As we continued to make out, I couldn't resist the urge to tease him further. Guiding my throbbing cock between his cheeks, I felt the heat of his anticipation radiating against my skin.
A flicker of hesitation crossed my mind. I really shouldn't be doing this, not without protection. But as he looked down at me with those pleading eyes, his moans a symphony of desire, it was all the sign I needed.
With an urgency that eclipsed all rational thought, I thrust my cock up into his tight hole, the sensation of his warmth enveloping me in a wave of ecstasy. Holding down his shoulders to prevent any chance of escape, I surrendered myself completely to the intoxicating rhythm of our shared passion.
As I continued to pound into him, his expression transformed from one of initial discomfort to one of immense pleasure. The tension in his muscles melting away.
After a few minutes, we shifted positions, moving into missionary. With me on top, I took control, my hand wrapping around his cock as I stroked him in time with my thrusts.
Looking up at me with eyes squinted in pleasure, he uttered those words in the most adorable accent, "I'm close."
Keeping pace with our rhythm, I encouraged him with a husky whisper, "Fuck yeah, baby, say my name."
And with each desperate moan, each syllable of my name rolling off his tongue in a cascade of pleasure, I felt a surge of raw desire course through me. "Alex. Aleex. Aleeeeexxxxxxxx," he moaned, his voice a melody of ecstasy that echoed in the dimly lit room.
"Putain," I moaned in response, our bodies trembling in unison as we released our loads at the same time.
Basking in the warm afterglow of our shared passion, I couldn't help but marvel at the thought that if I “frenched” like that every day, I'd be fluent in no time.
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doberbutts · 5 months
You mentioned in response to another ask that you don't use "transandrophobia" because the trans theory you were taught by trans women told you that "transmisogyny" covered those things and that is a total revelation to me. I've been thinking for a long time that it seemed to me that the idea of transmisogyny *does* cover transandrophobia, it just impacts trans femmes and trans mascs differently a lot of the time. But I had no idea that there has been theory/discussion that says this. I'm more used to the idea of "TMA" with the implication that only trans women are affected by transmisogyny. Is that more of a new thing and transmisogyny used to be considered as a more broad term? And would you trace that change to the same issue you're talking about with a lot of current feminism forgetting how feminism is also a "men's issue"?
Idk if I would call it "new" per say. The word trans-misogyny was coined in 2007 and did not include trans men, but the book in which it was coined did mention that language was likely needed to describe the trans man experience as well. There have been a number of different attempts, but none have really stuck.
I went to college starting in 2010, so roughly 3 years after Serrano coined the word. While in college, my school's GSA wanted LGBT elders to come and talk to all the scared freshly-minted adults who were trying to figure out this being gay thing. The woman who ran my GSA found a Trans woman who was willing to be my mentor and sponsor, she wrote my letters for me back when that was still necessary for medical transition, and we met frequently for her to teach me more or less how to be trans safely. Some things she did not know- how to bind safely, how to attach a semi-permenant packer, etc. But others she knew very well, because she herself dealt with both being seen as a man by society as well as the effects of testosterone on her body for decades before she transitioned.
Anyway. This woman was great, and is a significant portion of the reason I'm still alive to this day. And she is who taught me the word transmisogyny, and that it should really cover all trans people because all trans people experience an intersection of transphobia and misogyny. Whether that was popular theory at the time or not, that is what us young kids learned directly from the mouths of trans women at my college, which to me means that others were also learning this particular version of transfeminist theory.
Unfortunately by the time I dropped out of college in 2013/2014, online trans spaces were having stupid arguments such as "transtrenders are bad" and "neopronouns are bad" and "nonbinary people are cis people who want to feel special" and "trans men should be hunted for sport" and "trans women are incel nazis" and. Well. I went "wow this place is a cesspit and I feel like no one here has actually talked to another transgender person face to face" and then did not engage with the online community. So I don't really know how common or popular the understanding I was taught was at the time, though it certainly seems quite rare now.
(As a caveat I don't really think trans people of any gender have anything that isn't similar with each other when it comes to oppression, outside of certain bodily things that can't be helped because that's literally the thing we're transgender about, and I think we all experience very similar oppression but sometimes with a different hat)
As for what caused this particular defining to fall into obscurity? I really can't say. I don't know how popular the transfeminist theory the trans women who spoke at my GSA meetings taught us actually was in the broader world. Every once in a while I meet someone who lived through that same time who remembers that theory, which tells me it had gained at least some traction if it was being discussed in multiple parts of the country, but... that's really it. And it's pretty unpopular theory nowadays, I get people calling me a scumbag and claiming that I say transmisogyny doesn't exist just for mentioning that the theory I was taught includes trans men in the discussion.
But I don't think it's specifically the whole TMA/TME thing. I think it's a lack of understanding of what oppression and what intersectionality are, how they operate, how they work, how we define things through them. There are many people who believe that men do not experience misogyny. But, they do, that's why it's an insult to a boy to call him a girl during a moment of femininity or vulnerability, as a means of calling him weak because girls are believed to be weak. There are many people who think intersectionality turns oppression into additives, as though stacking marginalizations like dnd buffs. This also falls apart because oppression is not like quick math where you add a +5 to every roll if any part of your identity is privileged and a -7 if any part is oppressed.
I've had people get mad at me for saying that straight people experience homophobia while we also have sitting politicians that make jokes on live TV about how they'd drown their (presumably straight) children if they found out their kids were gay. For saying that GNC cis people experience transphobia when butches are getting kicked out of bathrooms and drag queens are getting jumped in bars. For reminding people that when Sikhs are killed due to being mistaken for Muslim in this country that hates Muslims over a national tragedy our Muslim population did not cause, it's still considered and called Islamophobia, because just because Americans are too stupid to tell a Sikh from a Muslim doesn't mean they weren't spurred into that hate crime by their rampant hatred of Muslims and the sight of a turban and long beard.
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safination · 1 month
Partners in Death...and Life
Part 8: The Calm Before the Fall
|Part 7: Me and You In Eternity| |Part 9: The Vows That Bind Me [Finale]| |Masterlist| Ao3| Taglist| Series Summary: After a seven-year absence, you find the man you were married to in life, not only back in town, but also helping... *checks notes*... the Princess of Hell run a hotel aimed at rehabilitating sinners who were sent to the bad place for a reason. Pairings: Alastor x wife!Reader Tags: fem!Reader, AFAB, Established Relationship, Asexual! Alastor, Alastor is in hell for a reason, Reader is in hell for a reason, dishes, being a simp for your partner, Asexual! Alastor, husband! Alastor. demon!Alastor School is killing me. I have like an exam tomorrow that I should be prepping for. Somehow, this was more important
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Morning of The Extermination
The bustling of preparation echoes around the hotel, crowding the once empty halls. There’s a cannibal fortifying some stray windows. Every bang of her hammer rings your ears. Boxes are being dropped and discarded all around you.
The bomb thrown from Angel Dust’s friend doesn’t help soothe the pain in your ears, nor does his gunfire. They’ve been practicing some ‘special takedown moves’ since the crack of dawn. It was the same routine yesterday, and the day before that as well. It’s a small consolation that they’re practicing outside, muffled by the hotel walls.
Another booming explosion makes you wince, and it jostles some feathers right out your scalp. With a sigh, you pocket the strays.
Lys and Heme startle, bumping into each other as they follow behind. Lys glances around, taking a step closer to the group. Heme doesn’t seem too bothered by the sound. Their eyes filter around the tacky décor of the hotel.
Heme leans closer to you, whispering. “At least there isn’t much pink here.”
You snicker into your shoulder, and wave Charlie and Vaggie over when they round the corner. Charlie grabs Vaggie’s hand, dragging her closer.
“Come meet my interns,” you say and gesture to Lys and Heme. “They’ve agreed to participate in today’s extermination. There’s quite a number of cannibals fighting, so I thought I would call for some assistance.”
“That makes sense,” Vaggie nods, shaking their hands with a firm handshake. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Charlie smoothens the skirt of her dress, waving at them. “You guys all work together?”
“I was a paramedic back up top,” Heme says, waving back at Charlie. “Your cannibals will be in good hands.”
“And I was an ER nurse!” Lys gives them a thumbs up. “I never expected to become a doctor here in hell. The tuition fees are so much cheaper. I thought the fees would be ridiculously impossible to afford, but it’s practically free! A bit surprising since we are in hell—probably some kind of off-brand humor.”
“Neither did I,” you say, humming. 
Alastor insisted on paying for your education. It’s one of the very rare times when he refused to accept a ‘no’ from you. The tuition fees were being paid by him, and that was final. It’s good that the tuition fees barely dented his fortune, considering Alastor didn’t bother checking how much money exited his pocket every term.
“Shall we do names?” Charlie smiles at them. “This is Vaggie and I’m—"
“Charlie Morningstar,” Lys finishes for her. “I saw you on the TV.”
“From the commercial, hopefully.”
“From the news with Katie Killjoy,” Lys says. “You put up quite the entertaining display.”
Charlie laughs awkwardly.
You clear your throat a little. “This is Heme, and that’s Lys but we call her K sometimes.”
“You could also just go AAA as well.” Heme snorts into the air. “I certainly do when I see her in the morning. Her hair just puffs up like some kind of eldritch horror.”
“Absolutely not!” Lys elbows them. “K or Lys will do.”
“I really hope that isn’t your actual government name.”
Lys rolls her eyes, huffing. “And why would it be?”
“So…,” Heme begins, cringing a bit. “You willingly choose that name?”
“As if ‘Heme’ is any better.”
Another loud explosion jostles more feathers right off your scalp. Those go into your pocket as well. If Angel Dust and his friend survive the extermination, you will shove a bomb down their throat and smile as their blood streaks the fucking pink of your office walls.
You place a hand on Lys’ shoulders. “Yes, yes, you are both raging nerds—we get it,” you say, swatting your hand in the air. “Now be polite and say hello to Charlie and Vaggie.”
Lys and Heme both say their hellos.
Vaggie tilts her head, and some strands of her hair shift to her eyes. Charlie brushes some strands away. “K?” Vaggie echoes. “How do you get K from Lys?”
You smile at Vaggie. “If you don’t know why, then you don’t know why.”
“Well, either way, I’m so glad you’re willing to help.” Charlie’s eyes shine as she rocks on the balls of her fist. “I really appreciate how willing you are about helping out.”
Heme raises their hands in surrender. “Don’t thank us just yet.”
Lys shakes her head, rolling her eyes. “What Heme means to say is that we were offered extra points to be here.”
“It’s going to be dangerous,” Vaggie tells them, placing a hand on her hip. “Are you sure you want to be here? I mean…for extra points…?”
Lys laughs.
Heme laughs.
You laugh.
Lys grabs Vaggie by the shoulder, clutching it as she bores her eyes into Vaggie, pulling her closer. “I would do anything for extra points.”
Charlie’s smile stiffens as she peels Lys' fingers off Vaggie. She takes Vaggie’s hand pulling her closer, and turns to Lys with a smile that shows off her teeth. “I wish you luck, then.”
Somehow, you doubt if Charlie actually means that. Vaggie doesn’t seem to notice as her smile becomes a bit dopey.
Heme brings out their arm to separate Lys from Charlie, showing off their own smile. “We really appreciate that,” they say. “Thank you, your highness.”
Charlie places a hand on her chest, bringing out her hand to offer Lys a handshake. Heme takes it for her, smiling with a gentleness that would be foolish to believe. Alastor would love to witness such a sight. It seems he has trained the princess well, but your own pupil isn’t keen on losing either.
“We shouldn’t take too much of your time. I’ll let you guys go back to work,” you say, clearing your throat. “I’ll be here preparing the station inside the hotel. Lys and Heme will be smoothening the secondary site. If you need anything, we’ll be around.”
The group disperses and so does the tension. Vaggie pulls Charlie by the hand, and the filter off. She has to use the tips of her toes to steal a kiss from Charlie. Goodness! Not even you and Alastor are so unrefined to show off such cheesy displays. (Right…Right?)
You pick up a small crate of vials, hauling it off to its appropriate shelf. It’s quite heavy. Everything needs to be organized. It’s going to be chaotic once the extermination begins. Things need to be in order for quick and easy access.
The shadows below you flicker for a second. Alastor slithers out of your shadow. He doesn’t need to specifically slither out of your shadow. It could be any other shadow, but for some reason, Alastor chooses to pop out under yours anyway.
Alastor snatches the crate from you, inching ever so closer. “We wouldn’t want you breaking such a brittle back, would we?”
You roll your eyes, bumping your shoulder. The vials in the crate clink. “Thank you for bringing me here, Al,” you say. “I like this place. It’s a shame that I’ll have to leave soon.”
Alastor slots the crate when you point to the empty slot on the shelf. He summons his microphone with an annoying type of flare, using it to lean closer. “I doubt you actually think that.”
“It’s only because of the trees in your room.”
Alastor gives you a pointed look.
“Don’t look at me like that. It’s your room until the trees are present,” you say, crossing your arms as you lean on the shelf. “I feel like there are animals that watch me sleep at night.”
Another loud boom has you jostling into the shelf behind you. It ruffles the feather right off your scalp. Alastor inches closer, placing a hand on your ears to muffle yet another boom.
“If you step inside, and actually take a look, then there would be no reason to be frightened,” Alastor tells you, presenting the fallen feathers with a smile that shows off the yellow in his teeth. “It’s quite a nice place for a picnic. You would know that if you got over such ridiculousness, and allow me to take you.”
“Are you going to watch television with me?”
Alastor squints at you with annoyance but still, he places his hands on your ears to muffle another boom. “Absolutely not.”
You show Alastor the most innocent smile you can produce. “Then I’m not bringing a single feather into your forest that’s in your room. Although…I am eager to go to our home where there are no trees.”
Alastor shakes his head at you.
The halls are strangely silent. If you strain your hearing, the cluster of Sinners loitering outside catch your ears. How lovely. It seems the bomb assault on your ears have ceased as well.
Alastor leans forward until his bowtie reaches your vision. It’s crooked. You reach out for it, straightening it for him. The pads of your fingers smoothen the creases of his bowtie. Your hand trails down his chest until your fingers hook on his lapels, and adjust the fit of his coat. It’s all so solid.
He pushes his fingers on your cheek to force a smile. “What’s on your mind that’s got you frowning so deeply?”
“There’s much to frown about. I’m worried about you, deerest.” You fix his bowtie once more. It’s already straightened. “Scared, if I’m to be honest, and confused as to why you would volunteer to fight Adam alone.”
“Would you join me then?”
“I would.”
Alastor’s claws dig into the wood until a portion snaps away. “Don’t you dare.”
He pushes your cheeks once more, and doesn’t stop until you show him a smile. A reward comes in the form of a cheek kiss. His lips linger on the skin of your cheek, nudging his nose closer.
“Either way, what an absolutely silly thought. This is nothing I can’t handle.”
“Silly and stupid, maybe,” you say, turning to the shelf behind to arrange a box of vials that’s already been re-arranged. “Even if it makes me a fool, I am… unfortunately …a fool who happens to be serious. A silly, silly, foolish wife.”
“I only said it was a silly thought. There’s nothing foolish about you.” Alastor places a hand on your head, patting some feather down. “I would leave if you asked me to.”
You lean into his touch, humming as you take in the truth that’s being presented to you. “And what would you do if I did ask?”
“I would take you.” Alastor’s smile softens for a moment. It’s in the way he hides his teeth, and how his smile reaches all the way up his cheeks.
“Just me?”
Alastor glances around before placing a kiss on the very edges of your lips. It causes you to bump into the shelf. A hand shoots out to press back whatever that threatened to tumble off the ledge. “Only you.”
“What else?” you say, playing with the tips of his fingers.
“We would go to our home, and I would sit on the piano, playing while you do your stitching.” Alastor traces the ring on your finger. “Later, the news will play from the radio and we’ll hear all about how the hotel toppled and everyone died.”
“Why—because you weren’t here?”
“It’s because you would be with me, eating breakfast,” Alastor says, smiling. “Then we’d have our coffee. In the evening, I would come home to you and this cycle would repeat beyond eternity.”
The pads of your thumb go up and down as you caress his face, accepting whatever truth Alastor displays for you to see. “But something tells me you can’t.”
“Yes…but I can’t,” Alastor affirms, placing a hand over your hand to nuzzle further into your palm.
“Just like you can’t tell me about whatever mess that caused you to disappear on me for several years,” you say, trying to show him a smile. It doesn’t work. “You could have at least taken me. I would have followed you to the edges of this world.”
Alastor closes his eyes and connects his forehead with yours. His lips open and close as if there are words he wants you to hear. Whatever they are, he doesn’t say them.
Did you make a mistake? The question roars through your mind. Are you saying too much? Are you displaying too much of your soul for him to see?
“My, most precious, Al,” you call out to him, forcing a light chuckle and a smile as you swat him playfully. “I think I would have even settled for a goodbye or some assurance that you were to return to me. Look at me now. Ha! Oh, how you have absolutely ruined me.”
Alastor summons his microphone. It lands with a harsh ‘thunk’ as he it to place a glaring distance between.
There’s a proud and dismissive smile on his lip—it almost hurts to see such a sight. He uses the microphone like a cane, leaning on it as he divides the space between you and him.
You reach out to touch him, trying to shorten the gap he’s forcing.
Alastor inches backwards, ever so slightly. It’s the smallest of movements, but it hits you with the gentleness of a crashing wave.
There’s nothing you can do to hide your frown. Once more, you turn your back to him, rearranging a perfectly organized set of glassware on the shelf. The glass clinks together as you move it. What did you say? Did you say too much?
Alastor studies you for a moment. His eyes flicker to you. Somehow, you’re able to give him a small and dismissive smile before turning away to rearrange another box. The cracks are beginning to show again. Not in front of him. Anywhere, but in front of Alastor.
He inches his own hand closer, tapping your fingers with the very tips of his nails.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Three taps in quick succession.
Once more, you reach out to touch him. Alastor meets you halfway, leaning into the hand that holds him. You swipe your thumb on his cheek.
“Will you trust me?” Alastor asks you.
“Not when you smile at me like this.” Both hands go to his cheek, smoothing his face with the pads of your thumb until there’s only a tightlipped smile. It’s better than whatever dismissive smile he thought to give you. “But you tell me—should I trust the Radio Demon?”
“It would be unwise to do such a thing,” Alastor tells you. “But you can trust me, and I need you to know that.”
The cheeky part of you wants to be annoying, and ask who ‘me’ is. There’s no need to question it, not when you already know. It’s the Alastor when you are with him and when he is with you.
“Why the sudden question?” you ask. “I trust you…I always know that I can trust you, deerest.”
Alastor takes both your hands, holding it in his. He presses his lips on your ring, kissing the smooth metal. “Because there is a difference,” he says. “There’s a reason why I will not explain myself to you. Not when it’s much safer if I don’t.”
He pulls you into a hug, clutching your head to press you deeper into his chest. Questions swirl around your mind but the way Alastor cradles your head, brushing your feathers ceases all questions and heeds into Alastor’s silent request. 
You snake your arm around his back, clutching the fabric of his coat to pull him tighter. Alastor leans his head on your shoulder, bending his back to fully curl into your arms.
Alastor pulls you closer to the shadows, shifting you so his back faces whatever Sinners that could walk in. He pulls you even closer, arching his back to press even closer.
You lean your cheek on his head, and the base of his ears flicker. “While the thought is deeply appreciated, I still don’t like it.”
“I never expected you to.” Alastor pulls away to pick a feather off your scalp.
There’s a box in your pocket. It would probably be safer to leave the thing in your room, but you couldn’t part with it. No…not that. Instead, you slip the ring off your finger. “I want you to keep this for me.”
Alastor’s smile wobbles, and his ears flicker for just a moment. “Ha! Is this your way of asking for divorce, dearest?”
You reach up and plant a kiss on the edge of his mouth. “As if I can ever bear to get rid of you, my love,” you say, taking his hand in yours. “It would be hazardous to wear it later, and I can’t have it falling out of my pocket. You’re the only one I trust to hold it for me.”
The ring slips into Alastor’s fingers easily. There are two rings on his finger now.
Alastor inches closer, and your back hits the shelf. “Is that all?”
You play with the edges of his fingers before intertwining your hand togethers. “I want to keep existing with you, deerest,” you say. “I want to keep doing the dishes for as long as you keep cooking for me—”
Alastor places a finger on your lips, hushing you into silence.
The feathers on your scalp bristles as he shushes you. Part of you wants to chomp off his finger for such an audacity.
“I don’t want to hear another word from you.”
Your lips twist as you take in his words. Once more, you look away and rearrange some syringes that have already been rearranged thrice.
“You speak as if I won’t return to you, and even when I do, I won’t.” Alastor presses a kiss on your forehead. “But I shall keep the ring for now if it proves to you that it will be returned. How ridiculous you are.”
“Is that a deal, my deerest, darling, husband?”
Alastor boops your nose. “What is the worth of a deal when we have our vows?”
“Then I will hold you to it,” you say. “Afterall, it would be troubling to have to find myself a third husband.”
Alastor raises his eyebrows, trapping you between the shelf and his body. “That implies you’ve already had a second.”
“Oh darling,” you say, placing a hand on his cheek. “You are the second.”
“Am I now?” he says, inching closer. “How come I’ve never heard of this supposedly first husband of yours?”
“He was the most handsome radio start!” you tell him, flaring your hands as you smile. “But I prefer you much better. What is five years compared to decades of existing with you?”
Alastor’s smile widens to show off his teeth. “I happened to enjoy those five years with my first wife.”
You laugh, and Alastor’s eyes flicker all over your face. “Those five years were everything to me.”
“You’re doing it again—speaking as if you’re trying to convince me to stay,” Alastor says, softly. “I will return to you.”
“And I trust that you will.”
“My, most, dearest, your eyes crinkle when you smile,” he tells you. “Have I…Have I ever mentioned that to you?”
You show him your widest smile. “Does it?”
“It always has.”
Everything will be alright. The extermination will pass, and soon you’ll have that ring returned to you.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
The full force of the extermination shakes the building. Every boom shakes the walls. The chandelier jerks with every shoot of the canon. Angels fly above the glass ceiling, their swords raised with flared wings.
They’re ethereal.
What makes them fly? Birds have hollow bones to lighten their bodies for flight. Do angels have similar physiologies? Do their insides bleed the same way humans bleed? The things you would do to have their bodies splayed on your table, ready for your scalpel. And those wings…Alastor would love those wings.
You place a hand on your heated cheeks, sighing with delight.
What kind of smile would Alastor show if you presented angel wings to him? Would he be delighted with your gift? Part of you hopes he will. The base of their wings should cut off easily enough. They would look grand displayed out in the living-room of your home.
The shouting and clanks of steel jostle you out of your day-dream. Cannons mixing with the bombs and gunfire are downright excruciating.
The door slams open.
Someone barges in, clutching their arm. Their forearm is missing. The cannibal strides towards you, straddling what’s left of his arm. Blood drips down and pools on the carpeted floor. The bones that stick out are jagged, as if it’s been blown off rather than sliced.
You wave him over as Lys and Heme rush to your side, and ignore their own patients.
The cannibal takes a pensive sit on the cot, showing off what’s left of his arm. Strings of muscle and skin dangle from his elbow, revealing the long-jagged bone of his ulna. Holy energy corrupts the tissues of the skin and patches of his skin droop and fall off by the second.
Right then and there, you knew that there was no saving this arm.
If the holy magic isn’t removed from his body soon, then the death of his tissue would continue to creep up his arm, and corrode the healthy tissues that remains. That is if the blood loss alone isn’t going to take him first.
How absolutely lovely! This cannibal isn’t screaming.
“Oh…goodness,” you say, trying to fight off a smile. “This is the sixth one already, and it hasn’t even been an hour yet!”
Groaning and wailing echo around the hotel. Their desperate pleas for reprieve are ignored in favor of the cannibal with the corroding arm. Holy light consumes what’s left and burns his arm like acid. The cannibal’s face contorted with pain, biting the inside of his cheek to drown the scream.
“Deep breaths,” you tell him. “Once we remove the holy light, your body should heal right on his own. That’s quite lucky, right? Had you been human, I would have needed to clip some blood vessels and cut off your nerves.”
There’s a polite smile on Lys. “Do we remove the holiness?”
The blood on his arm pools on your gloves as you take it in your hold. “That would take too much time and resources, unfortunately.”
“Then…can we cut it off?” Lys asks, and her smile turns downright sinister.
You bite your lips, letting it quiver as you hold your smile. It doesn’t work. “I believe we can.”
The cannibal gulps as Lys and Heme crowd around him. Heme takes his intact arm, pinning it down to buckle the shackles around his wrist. They move on to his head. Lys makes quick work to chain his legs, and buckle his torso with the straps.
Heme takes a deep breath and sighs with bliss. “Shall I grab the morphine?”
“There’s no time,” you say, giving the cannibal a small and reassuring thumbs up. “If we wait, there will be nothing left to cut off...just a tourniquet, please.”
“Of course.”
You turn to the cannibal, pointing to your opened mouth for him to mimic. “Say, ‘Ahhhhhhh’. Can you do that for me? Ahhhh. Don’t worry, it’s just for your safety. Ahhhhh.”
The cannibal opens his mouth, obeying the request. A cloth gets shoved down his throat as Heme tightens the strap of the tourniquet.
“Hello there!” you say, smiling brightly as you lean down to meet his eyes. “Thank you for keeping silent so far. Try and keep it up! Don’t worry, I promise to be extra gentle.”
Lys hands you the bone saw. It’s surprisingly light as you take it from her. This saw is battery operated, and every bit automatic. One press of a button, and the saw revs, its sound reverberating around the busy room.
Modern technology is so useful! Back when you were alive, amputation was done using the strength of the person.
The cannibal begins to trash around to resist, but the straps hold him down too tightly. The saw goes through the tissues of his skin and muscles. He’s screaming now, his whole body taut as you press the saw deeper into him. The bone takes a second longer to cut through, but the force of the saw eventually wins over.
The cannibal passes out.
Lys inserts a morphine drop while Heme wraps his arm with bandages. They filter off right after, the thrill on the amputation obvious in their steps.
Someone barges into the room, cutting the line of Sinners waiting to be treated. It’s a female cannibal this time. She drags another cannibal in her arms, letting the legs drag limply on the floor. The weight of the body collapses her to the ground.
You walk up to her, placing a hand on her shoulders and kneel to meet her eyes. “Hello.”
“Please,” she chokes out, clutching the body tighter. The squish of blood squirts on your coat. How disgusting. “He…Help him.”
There’s a hole where his lungs should be. It’s as if someone punches a cavity straight into his chest. This Sinner is dead, and his entrails are slipping out this very moment.
“Do you know him?” You brush stray hair behind her ear. “Come on, now. Talk to me—Do you know him?”
“Y-yes,” she says, tears spilling from her eyes. “This is my husband.”
A stray tear drips down her cheek. You brush the next one away. “Are you hurt?”
“What does that have to do with him? I’m not here for me!” She clutches your coat, wrapping her fingers around the fabric.  “Please, you have to help. The princess said you were here to help. So, help him.”
The blood staining her palms transfers to the fabric of your coat. How revolting. You peel her fingers off.
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” you say with a bright smile. “You’re free to leave your husband in the deceased pile and pick up his body later. The next room is open if you can’t fight anymore. You could always pick up a stray weapon. Do whatever pleases you, but you can’t stay here.”
“…What?” Her teeth sharpen as cracks appear on her pearly white skin.
Had Rosie and Alastor not been on such friendly terms, you would have opened a cannibal’s insides a long time ago. It’s a shame the deceased pile will be used as food. Should you ask Alastor to negotiate a deal for one of their bodies?
Alastor … Alastor…Oh, how he would enjoy some angel wings.
“Toss her out.” You stand up and brush away the flakes of dried blood. “Tag the husband, then toss him on the pile. I wouldn’t want eyes to start appearing here. They’re rather creepy.”
You give the cannibal a small wave as inky shadow puppets drags her out the door, kicking and screaming.
Lys walks up to you, ignoring the growling wails around. There’s so much work to do—a break is taken when a break is found. “Wow,” she says, whistling. “That was harsh.”
Heme appears next. It seems they too tired of their patients. “It comes with the job.”
“Of course, I know it comes with the job. You don’t care for those you don’t care about.” Lys turns to you, smiling. “Hey doc, would you cry if we were here?”
“Probably from the loss of such amazing talent!” you tell them as if you would. Not a single tear would leave your eyes if they died. It would be deluded to think you would, but it’s quite a lovely fantasy. “I see you’ve been practicing—”
The glass ceiling shatters, and glass rains down.
You shield your eyes as Vaggie and some other angel crash to the ground on a dragon. It’s quite sad to see such a majestic creature go to waste. Should you preserve some of its bones after the extermination? Surely, Alastor would love some dragon bones…or perhaps its whole head.
Metal clinks as angelic steel crash against one another. Vaggie swipes her spear, but the angel dodges it easily.
This place is no longer safe.
“Evacuate the secondary site!” you exclaim. “Grab who you can, and…eh… just leave anyone who can’t stand on their own. Forget about the body pile. Just go!”
Heme nods and brushes stray glass out of Lys’ hair.
You grab your things, keeping an eye out as Vaggie and the angel exchange blows. Should you help her? Vaggie’s part of Alastor’s little pet project.... It’s not your fight and thus, not your problem. It seems you wouldn’t need to help. Vaggie’s wings burst forth, and uses her spear to dislodge some concrete to drop on the angel. 
A chain reaction of falling debris ensues.
It has you pressing backwards to narrowly dodge being crushed, and traps you into a corner.
Great! Lucky you. Love that.
Now, you have to climb your way out. Of course, this happens to you. The secondary site should already be prepared if it hasn’t already been run over by angels. The screams of Sinners grate your ears as you step on stray debris.
An angel bursts from the broken ceiling. She swoops down, plunging her sword through the neck of a stray Sinner. Ugh, what a waste of resources. If the cannibal was going to die in the end, then he should have just died the first time. How irritating.
You climb the rocks, dropping to the ground.
The angel turns towards you with her sword. You raise your hand in surrender.
“Are you a doctor?” The angel asks you, taking a step closer.
You take a step back. “Do you angels not have a rule against targeting medical personnel?”
The light reflects off the angel’s sword as she raises it higher. That’s a really sharp sword. A proper sharp sword. A sword with a very, very, sharp edge.
You’re running.
The muscles of your leg aches, and every breath you take burns your lungs. There’s something to live for. It’s not a waste of energy if there’s something to live for.
The building lights glitches sporadically. A buzz grows into the air, and tingles up the nerves of your spine. Your shadow spreads as if darkness itself urges it to grow. It climbs up the wall, and paints the whole space darker. 
The angel looks confused, taking a step back to assess what’s happening. A bright green hue streaks the edges of the shadow. Static builds. It starts off as a soft crackle until it’s all you can hear.
The symbols that carve itself in the air bring out your laughter. “Oh, just you wait until my husband arrives.”
An arm creeps out of the shadows below you. The bones are bent and the claws attached to the arm scratch the floor. A second arm joins the first one, pressing on the ground to haul itself upwards. Alastor climbs out of your shadows, and the air glitches with a sharp static. His antlers are growing, increasing like tree branches.
Blood drips out of his smile, and pools on the floor. Stitches appear on the edges of Alastor’s lips as his snarl widens to bare his teeth. Radio dials replace his usual red pupils.
Alastor presses a kiss on your cheek, the blood on his mouth transferring to your skin. A blissful sight escapes you. “Hi, honey,” Alastor says, a thick radio filter glazing his voice. “I hope I’m not too late.”
Green tendrils snake up the leg of the angel, wrapping around tightly. With a harsh tug, the angel crashes on the ground, trashing against her restraints.
“Not at all!” you say as Alastor’s bone snaps back into place. Gone are the proud antlers and the radio dials that strike your core. What a shame. “Dinner’s being pesky. Can I trouble you with some help?”
“Tell me you’re alright.”
Tiny voodoo dolls creep out of the shadows. They turn their heads, and their bones creak and snap as they turn towards the angels, crawling towards her.
Alastor grabs your shoulder, spinning you to face him instead of the angel. You try to turn, but he pokes your cheek then brushes the back of his fingers down.
His gaze harshen as he looks at the angel, a cold look in his eyes. “I’d appreciate an answer, my love.”
“Just went for a slight jog,” you say and take a deep breath to calm your beating heart. You’re so out of shape that it’s not even funny. “See? Not a feather out of place thanks to you. I just need a minute to calm down.”
Alastor turns to you, and it’s funny to see how fast his gaze turns from cold and harsh to warm and soft.“I thought it was a waste to run.”
“Well, it’s not a waste if you’re running because you have something to live for,” you say as screaming replaces the radio static. It’s loud and shrill, grating your ears. A woosh of the sword, but nothing seems to connect. “Aren’t you supposed to be on the roof?”
Vaguely, Adam and Lucifer exchange blows as they duel across the sky.
Alastor smiles at you, and there’s still blood dripping down his smile. You reach out for him, swiping the blood on his lips with your thumb. It leaves a streak. “I was.”
“Help me…” The angel reaches out. Its wings and part of its legs have been bitten off. “Please… Mercy … mercy.”
“Hush now, darling,” you say, placing a finger on your mouth. There’s a smile on your lips as you bare your teeth. “Mommy and Daddy are talking.”
The angel screams louder. She reaches out as the voodoo dolls chomp their teeth into her skin.
Alastor grabs your shoulders once more, forcing you to meet his eyes. “What happened to Adam?” you ask.
He inches closer. “He isn’t important.”
The angel ceases her screaming, but the sound of squelches doesn’t stop. What a truly gruesome sight.
“You could have saved the body for me,” you tell him, pouting. “I’ve never seen the insides of an angel before…and I wanted to gift you wings. I think you would have liked it.”
Alastor presses his lips on the edges of your mouth and more of his blood transfers on you. He brushes the dirt that sticks on your skin. “This one isn’t worth your time,” he tells you. “I’ll find you someone better. One with less intestines sticking out their guts.”
Somehow, your smile becomes dopey as the taste of iron fills your senses. “Oh, I love it when you flirt with me.”
“You have a very ridiculous notion of flirting.”
There’s a loud and sharp ringing that forces you to clutch your ears.
It’s like a build-up of power. The sound grows, echoing in your eardrums. The pain forces you to your knees, and you clutch your feather to muffle more of the sounds.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. Ḯ̶̝͝t̵͇͝h̸͚̲̐̄ũ̵̺r̵̰͎̈́̀ṱ̷͈̉̓s̸͈͕͋̅ í̷̠͎͠t̸͚̥͋h̴̖͌û̷̧r̸̜̉ͅẗ̵͕̯́͐ŝ̴̨ ǐ̵͈̀ṱ̴̻̂̐h̷̻̄͜ǜ̵͈r̶͕̣̈́t̴͇̝̅̕s̷͇̖̈́ ḭ̷̡̈́ţ̵̔h̸͕̱̿ú̸͙̂r̴̯̈t̶͇̖̄s̴̹̆ ḭ̷͗t̸̨͑h̵̭͗̄û̵̞͓͝r̸̭͚̐͌t̸͓̬̃s̵̤̎̂ͅ
Vaguely, you feel Alastor’s hand on top of yours. He presses into your palm to help muffle the sound. His lips are moving. It’s too loud to hear him. Tears prickle your eyes as you clutch your head tighter. He pulls you closer to him, bringing you into his chest as he cradles your head.
With a deafening boom, the building explodes in half.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
The dust settles eventually.
Light bulbs shatter to the ground, and the brightness of the morning streams into the broken building, illuminating the ruined hall.
The building cut in half. One large beam, and destruction surrounds Alastor everywhere. So much destruction, and loss of Sinner life that eyes begin to carve themselves on the very foundations of the walls.
Power drums through Alastor’s veins, but it would take more than one haphazardly shot beam to destroy the entirety of the Hazbin Hotel.
His wounded pride isn’t important. Not right now. Not at this very moment.
Alastor brings his hand up and down the feathers of your head, smoothening the ones that sticks out. Your shoulders tremble as he presses you into his chest, and he feels every shake under his palm.
The way he holds you, cradling your head with a tightened grip around your body, flares the wound sliced into his chest.
Every single fiber of him hopes you don’t notice. Alastor will take care of that later, and only when you’re safe and far, far, away the crumbling building. Not a second before that.
Alastor pulls you closer to him, even if the pain burns his chest. “Tell me you’re alright,” he says. “You need to tell me nothing hurts.”
It’s more of a plea than an actual demand.
He looks down at where he holds you, tightly pressed against his chest and crumpled between his legs. You’re both crouched on the ground.
Alastor pulls away, just enough to meet your eyes and not any more or any less.
Your hands press into your ears. There’s a blank look on your dusty face. He’ll clean you later. Safety first—you’re safety first, always and forever.
He trails his fingers until they hook on your chin. Alastor tilts it to force you to meet his eyes. “Come on, now,” he says. “This is not the time to be foolish. Tell me if anything hurts.”
There’s a strange look on your face as you bring your palms out in front of you. Blood stains your palms. The light that streams illuminate the space just enough for Alastor to notice the blood on your feathers as well.
It’s weird—strange, almost—how Alastor can hear the way his heart thumps.
“Alastor… oh god …Alastor,” you call out for him, voice an octave higher than usual. “I can’t hear anything. Alastor, I can’t hear. It hurts. I can’t … Alastor … Alastor—”
“I’m right here.” He holds your face in the palm of his hands, careful not to pierce you with his claws. Always careful. Forever careful. Always and forever careful.
You shake your head, trembling between his legs. “I can’t hear, Alastor,” you say with desperation. “I don’t like this.”
Alastor brushes a feather away, reveling in the way you call out for his name. “I’ll take care of that later.”
He pulls you back into his chest, pressing you deeper into him with tight arms. Even if the pain of you propped directly above his wound forces him to bite down on his lips, Alastor still holds you until you stop shaking.
He brushes his hand along your bake. It takes about ten minutes of sharp pain, and carefully labored breaths until you ease into his hold. Alastor would endure another ten minutes because he is your husband, and this is something he can handle. Even if he couldn’t, he’d still endure it for you.
You pull away, looking straight into him with eyes that shine brighter than the sun itself, and give him a bright smile. “Much better?”
A bright smile? Your smiles are rarely bright. They’re soft or gentle or wide or innocent or annoyed, and Alastor can keep on listing. They are bright, sometimes, but this is the wrong type of bright. This one barely reaches your cheeks, and your eyes aren’t crinkling.
It’s a smile for the sake of showing him a smile. It’s controlled and meant to hold your emotions.
Alastor steals a kiss from you, pressing kiss after kiss until your eyes crinkle. That’s better.
“Tell me if anything hurts,” he says, pressing one last kiss. “Come on. Tell me.”
“I’m assuming you’re asking if I can hear,” you say, and Alastor nods like he did. “The ringing stopped, but it’s all still muffled.”
Alastor brings you to your feet, clutching your hand.  The pads of his thumb go up and down. It’s a habit he doesn’t fully notice. “We’re leaving.”
You’re patting your pockets.
The shadows spread around you and his own clutches your hand, pulling it possessively.
It’s easier to travel alone, harder when there’s another person. It takes a significant portion of his magic to bring another person with him. Alastor doesn’t care, not when it’s you he’s bringing.
The shadows snake up, ready to transpo—
You push him away, stepping out of his grasp. “It’s gone! I can’t find it,” you mumble, whipping your head around. “It was right here. It should be right here.”
There’s panic in your eyes as you dash to a pile of rocks. It’s in the way your eyes open wider and your mouth hangs slightly open. Alastor sees every little detail on your face, even in the dark. Anyone who wasn’t looking would miss it, but he’s always looking.
“It was just in my pocket.” You’re in a frenzy now, digging your nails into whatever debris you find.
There’s a loud snap that echoes, but you don’t hear it.
Things were crumbling around you, but you didn't seem to notice. Or was it that you didn't care?
Alastor grips your arm, pulling you away. He narrowly saves you from a light fixture crashing right on your head.
You push on his chest, right above his hidden wound. Pain flares just enough for Alastor to ease his grip, and you pull away.
There are debris that escapes your notice. You trip on them, landing on your ass with a wince.
Alastor should laugh at you. He can’t find it in himself to do so. Not when it hurts in a different way to witness your push him away so… so effortlessly. The base of his ear flickers downwards at the sight of such apathy. Alastor forces them up.
He offers his hand to you. Still, you shake your head.
“No, no. nononono,” you tell him, pushing back. “Later. It should be right here. It was just in my pocket. Where is it?”
Your nails scratch the ground as you push away whatever’s in your sight to keep digging. The feathers on your scalp sharpen as you allow your emotion to take over.
Alastor grabs your arm once more, and he doesn’t care that your frown deepens. “We are leaving, now.”
Just as easily as before, you push him away.
“Stop being foolish!” he snarls at you, even when he knows you hardly hear him. “Whatever it is, I’ll get you another one.”
“It’s important, and I lost it,” you say, still entrapped into a frenzied daze. “I can’t lose it as well. Don’t leave me…Alastor, don’t leave me. Where are you?”
There’s a sharp edge on the concrete you’re trying to push away. It slices your palm open when you push it away. Somehow, you don’t pay any mind to it.
Alastor takes your hand, and kneels on the ground with you. “I’m right here,” he says, and shows the two rings around his finger. “I’m not leaving until you are.”
You pull on his hand, but Alastor grips it tighter. “I have to look for it,” you say, weakly. “It’s important.”
There’s a handkerchief in his pocket that has his name on it. Alastor takes it out, studying the stitches. It’s one of hundreds that you’ve gifted him. Actual hundreds. He counted each and every one.
“Nothing is more important than you.” Alastor wraps the handkerchief around your hand, holding it tightly. “Late me take you, and I promise I will turn every stone in this pathetic building to find whatever it is you’re looking for. It’s not worth your life. Not to me.”
Alastor presses his forehead on your shoulder, curling into you. Shadows pool around, and it grows with his command.
You’re pushing on his shoulders, trying to squeeze out of his hold. “Alastor…no, no. Please!”
He doesn’t listen to a single word. The shadows grow higher. Alastor tightens his grip on your waist, even as you push him away.
“Alastor, no,” you beg him, still pushing on his shoulders. “It’s right there. I found it. It’s right there. Please, let me get it. Let me get it, and we can leave. Please!”
The shadows stop. They recede back into him. It heeds into your demand because your lips were not meant to beg.
Alastor peels himself off your shoulders, swiping your cheek with his thumb. “Tell me where it is.”
You point towards a flipped couch, near the edge of where the building cuts in half. Alastor places a hand on your shoulder when you try to stand.
“Stay here, it’s safer,” he tells you, and your eyes scrunch as he brushes more dust off your face. “If I get it for you, will you finally stop being ridiculous by pushing me away?”
Your head tilts as you lean into his palm, but you nod. It seems you still can’t fully hear him. Alastor goes to get it for you. It’s propped up right at the edge. It’s good that he went. You could have tripped and fell right over.
The box is smooth against his fingers, and the paint has long faded away. All this fuss for such a simple box? Alastor doesn’t understand why you treasure such an item.
He tosses it, and the box lands on your lap.
There’s relief in your eyes as you grab it, and a smile forms on your lips when you check what’s inside. You look around, eyes fluttering until it lands on him.
Alastor’s smile widens into a snarl before he controls himself. Not you—never you. He offers a hand. “We’re leaving, now,” he says. “I don’t appreciate having to repeat myself.”
A crack echoes across the walls.
You take a step towards him, reaching your hands to try and meet him halfway. Alastor will take you out of here. Somewhere safer. Somewhere that doesn’t threaten the life of his very reason for existing.
The Hazbin Hotel.
The war with heaven.
Freedom from his deal.
None of it will matter if you weren’t safe. Everything he’s done so far will become useless.
Another loud crack.
The tips of your fingers are so close. If he can just reach it, Alastor can take you out of here. He can bring you to solid ground where you will be safe. Just one step, and you will be safe.
One last sickening crack, and the floor crumbles beneath you. There’s a soft smile on your lips as the shadows claim what belongs to him.
You are beautiful.
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
Some of you really wanted Alastor to fuck around and find out. So this is him fucking around and finding out. I have the ability to do the funniest thing ever and just…end the series here <3. Reader fell and that’s it. The end. Gosh, I really hope at least one of you know how K and AAA are taken from Lys. T___T Id be such a nerd if at least one of you didn’t huhuhuhuhu Writing for Alastor is like, just so fun. He’s such a meticulous character so everything he says and the way he says it has a double meaning. Taglist: @mybrainsautocorrect @ray-rook @valentique @qardasngan @valentique @teavibesaf @tobyisher3 @amoraneuro @okay-babe @alastorssimp @aestheticgals-blog @reikamasama @slaggylemon @lyralibra @holymusicalmothman @amoraneuro @littledolly2345 @b-o-n-e-daddy @infinitefox @ayyyyyy-vase @kny-kween @thehiddenvase @stclen-sweethearts @obessivlyonline
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wonyopout · 5 months
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(cw: noncon->dubcon, g!p wonyoung, overstim, manipulation but only a little 😋)
i wrote her sorta bratty in this but idc!! she’s still my perfect well behaved princess.. noncon notwithstanding…
wony who’s so pussy whipped/pussy drunk that she just wants your cunt all the time whether you want it or not! big into somno and will fuck you or eat you out while you’re sleeping soundly. a lot of the time it’s funny just how badly she wants you and you’re eager to indulge her most of the time, but sometimes you’re busy or you wanna do something else, and wonyoung just isn’t having it.. the second you flat out say no or even hesitate to say yes she’s grabbing you and ripping your pants and panties down, one hand groping your tit while the other rubs harshly at your clit, forcing you on her cock. both you and wonyoung groaning at the tight fit. she’s grabbing at your hips as you try to push away from her. pulls you flush against her to nip and suck at your neck 😵‍💫 she pushes her mouth right up against your ear as she says,
“y/n unnie, this pussy’s mine ok?? I can fuck you when I want to and you acting like I can’t is starting to piss me off”
your streak of spoiling her is really biting you in the ass now. every time she gets hard she’ll tell you to help her, being sure to pout and put on a show about how much it hurts and the only thing that’ll make her feel better is using your cunt like a fleshlight.. you gotta hand it to her though, she’s a pretty good actress, gets teary eyed when she’s really into the bit. a lot of the time though, she doesn’t even bother to manipulate you into saying yes. she realized she can just bend you over whenever and wherever she wants and you’ll hardly put up a fight! she’s definitely got you trained, shoves her dick in you and you meekly tell her “no” or that you “don’t want it” but you’re pushing back to meet her thrusts and clenching down on her?? grabs you by the throat to hold you in place while she’s abusing your cunt, squeezing ever so slightly on the sides of your neck making you cream around her cock as you get light headed 🥴 also loves putting you in a mating press and going to town, your tummy bulging slightly from the angle and how big she is.. she cums so much too, breeds you full just from cumming in you once.
it’s not just having you on her dick that makes her crazy either, she’s the exact same when it comes to eating you out. overstimulates you so much because she just can’t tear her head away from between your thighs and she won’t let you try to either! binds your wrists or holds your hips down when you get too restless, tears streaming down your face when you beg her to stop or at the very least give you a break!! wonys such a meanie because when she does pull away, mouth and chin all covered in slick, all she says is, “stop crying so loud it’s annoying! we’re not done till i say so, so be a good unnie and take it..” with sweet little smile before she shoves her face back in your cunt, slurping away at you, moaning at how good you taste. also shes definitely uses a spreader bar on you to make sure you can’t close your legs when she eats you out 🥴🥴 just when you think she’s done with you she’ll start talking about how yummy your cunt was and how it got her so hard. “i know i said i was almost done but i really really need you. you don’t need to do anything kay?? just lie there and let me use you..” 😵‍💫
so what if you’re turning into wonys free use toy?? at least you get mind blowing orgasms out of it.. yea sometimes she makes you come so much you pass out and even then she doesn’t let up. i’ve mentioned wonys crazy amount of stamina before, so she can go round after round not giving you a break. she’s so lost in her head when she’s fucking you, just so pussy hungry that she doesn’t care how spent you are… at the end of the day she’s still your sweet girl though!! she basically waits on you hand and foot on the days she knows she’s been extra mean :(( runs you a hot bath and washes your hair for you 🥺 doesn’t let you lift a finger as she washes and changes your sheets. offers to give you a massage and the whole time she’s doing it she’s leaning down to kiss your neck or shoulders or any exposed skin really (she’s obsessed with you). she can be so soft with you when she wants to be..
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simpinformonkies · 1 year
Can I request a Redson x Calm!S/O reader, who's his partner in crime and a powerful earthbender (cause they keep him grounded) please and thanks.
Sorry this made me laugh so hard when I first saw this ask, the joke broke my sense of humor im so sorry. Anyway, here ya go!~
-The first time he met you all those years ago, he thought you were just some weakling human that decided to piss him off, but you just raised a brow at his behavior and slammed your heel on the dirt, slamming a pillar of stone and dirt into his gut and sending the Demon Bull Prince flying off.
-Oh, he was furious at the audacity.
-But just as much, Red Son was interested; humans don't just control an element as well as you do. It was like the earth itself was your sandbox that you did whatever you wanted with; be that helping people, growing plants, or destroying his Bull Clones.
-After a while though, people just kept demanding things of you, and you just... kind of got tired of it. So what'd you do?
-Why, go to Red Son and ask for a partnership of course!
-Why? You have no idea; you just hated being demanded things of by people that don't even respect you.
-Red Son at least respected your power, even if he also hated you.
-Baby steps people, baby steps.
-So you commit crimes with Red Son, being like that silent soldier in the background that the heroes never notice until its too late and you're already attacking them. You always had Red Son's back, and stopped the worst of his injuries from happening.
-Especially from MK. Sweet kid, but a little much sometimes.
-Ya know that meme of 'the demon lord having a sweet tiny spouse, but the spouse being scarier'? Yeah, you're much scarier than Red Son is, because while he's always angry and yelling, you're sweet and kind that can flip on a dime if the right buttons are pressed.
-Anyway, you're Red Son's "rock" essentially, being there for him through thick and thin. This means you're very close to him and following him every day (or, alternatively, he's always following you, even around the council but acting like he's the one guiding you. His mother thinks its adorable.)
-After confessing to each other (in which Red Son acted like a total tsundere the entire time, let's be honest), you constantly do little stuff with your earthbending to show how much you love that. Whether that be making statue of a heart on 'fire', or doing little stuff to make him happy or his workload easier.
-Red Son often gives you gifts that mainly consist of gems (as a homage to your element of earth) and always does romantic things with you while attempting to act nonchalant or cool.
-Keyword being attempting.
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~~~ BONUS:
-Your 'scary' side came out when Azure and his goons attacked the Demon Bull Family, attempting to seal away the others. You send shards of earth flying at Peng, aiming for his wings (and hitting them in quick succession) before earthbending binds and pillars at Azure in hopes of defeating him.
-Unfortunately, you forgot Yellow Tusk exists, and he bound you with magic, and then you were sealed in the scroll of memory.
-(And if that happened to make Red Son so angry that his flames sparked a brilliant blue, then only he and the brotherhood would know such secrets.)
Hope you enjoyed this!~
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taraprince · 2 years
dude i just loved the nsfw abc of l, sooo, i was wondering if you can write another but with light, idk theres no much people here who writes for the dn, so if you want and can please 😭😭 i promise i'll give you support forever 😭
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nsfw warning
i actually had this like half way written before this question was even asked 😭
I ❤️ LIGHT SM omg you don’t even know how fun this was to write (i kinda got carried away on some parts)
// implied afab reader, but can be justified as GN for most parts. mentions words like cunt and clit once or twice and uses feminine terms such as goddess //
A (aftercare) - he’s surprisingly very caring and sweet after sex, despite how rough and harsh he can be during. he prepares a nice warm bath for the two of you and makes sure to hold you close, keeping you right where he needs you.
B (bottom or top) - 100% a top without a doubt. though he always assures you that you two will be hand in hand as the rulers of his new world, he simply cannot be equals during your time of intimacy. he must remain dominant or he feels he has failed in some way.
C (cum) - he never ever wears condoms. his thought is; “why have sex if your just going to keep up a barrier?”. he just loves cumming inside you, with the idea in the back of his mind that one day he can have a little successor running around.
D (dress up) - he prefers you both be fully unclothed during sex so you can worship each other through and through, but he won’t complain if you dress up in a little lingerie for him every once in a while.
E (experience) - he definitely knows what hes doing. he’s been with countless other people before and has done these same sinful things; but he assures you that none of them could ever compare to how good you are for him.
F (fav position) - it drives him crazy when you bend over his desk and let him do as he pleases from the back. it shows him that you not only respect his dominance, but also know your place below him.
G (goofy) - you would never dare laugh during sex with light. everything he says and does is genuine; and you would never want to hurt his ego by laughing at his words of intimacy, would you?
H (hair) - hes very neat and kept, as expected. he really pushes you to be the same, and will likely refuse if you don’t keep yourself shaven.
I (intimacy) - he is extremely intimate and flirty during sex. he has so many cute little pet names for you, and knows exactly what turns you on. “does that feel good, my goddess~? you love being treated so nicely by kira dont you~? i can feel just how wet i make you, love; isn’t that so naughty, getting off to a serial killer~?”
j (jack off) - he has a pretty high sex drive, but he doesn’t have time to fuck you all the time, so he often resorts to jerking off under his desk while he kills people (oh my god what a sight isjdjdjd). when he’s feeling scandalous, he’ll send you videos of him jerking off to pictures and videos of you he’s taken during sex.
k (kink) - he goes insane when you call him your god / kira in bed. it makes him so happy that you know his worth and stand under him so willingly. he also adores binding you to his headboard with his crimson red tie, leaving you in absolutely no control.
l (location) - his favorite spot is over his desk, having you display yourself openly to him, ready to take anything he gives you. he also loves just standardly taking you on the bed; but all in all he doesn’t really care where you two have sex.
m (massages) - you ask, you shall receive. he knows that he can be a bit much for you sometimes, so he’s happy to help you unwind however he can (and he secretly hopes that maybe if he touches the right spot you two can squeeze in another round before bed~)
n (no) - he’s up for a lot of things, all you need to do is ask, but there’s a few things he absolutely won’t do. one of them being abusing the death note powers while in bed. yes, sometimes he has you under his desk stuffing your face with his pretty cock while he writes names, but that’s different. he’d never want to use the note while hes inside your sopping cunt; let alone to threaten you. he’d never write your name down, or at least he’d never want to.
o (oral) - he’s big on receiving. like i mentioned, he gets off to you sucking him dry under the desk while he murders people. loves to see your pretty face covered in his cum after he’s done. he also adores going down on you, though. after a long day of killing people, sometimes he’s just too tired to take over your sobbing cunt with his cock, as much as he wants to. so instead he has you on his desk, hands gripping your plush thighs firmly while he works his magnificent tongue along your body.
p (pace) - likes to go at a rougher pace (and just loves hearing you beg him to slow down), but if you use your safe word, he’ll be more gentle with you and make sure you’re okay.
q (quickie) - is 50/50 on them. he would like to be able to enjoy fucking you thourougly, but sometimes he just needs to relieve some built up stress he has (which is a LOT). being a god isn’t easy.
r (risk) - is all for it. he’s banged you in numerous public places; it gives him a sort of rush that he doesn’t get anywhere else. the thought of being caught by someone is so exciting, and he almost hopes that someone could walk in on you two so he could show them how obedient you are for your god. setting such a great example for the people of the new world.
s (stamina) - you swear he can go on forever. usually, you two stop after a few rounds due to you getting tired, but there’s really only been once or twice that he’s gotten tired and collapsed on top of your exposed chest.
t (toys) - he loves teasing you with a small vibrator up against your swollen clit, esspecially while he watches you squirm and beg him to fuck you properly. he also adores tying up your arms somehow, making sure you know who owns you.
u (unfair) - light is the worst when it comes to teasing. he’ll tease you for hours until your sobbing uncontrollably and begging him to let you cum. he does always give you what you want in the end though, don’t worry
v (volume) - he tries to stifle any sound he makes, afraid if will make him look more human and less like a god, but every now and then you’ll hear him groan or softly mumble your name in ecstasy.
w (wild card) - since he is kira, he sometimes always 💀has to manipulate people so they give him what he wants. so don’t be surprised if he comes home after a long day and tells you how he had sex with another woman. but he assures you; “she was nowhere even near as good for me as you, my goddess. you always take me so well, your so obedient. you always know what i want~ you just love pleasing your god, don’t you~?”
x (x ray) - hes a big guy, and oh my god his cock is huge. around 9-9.5 inches, with a pretty good girth
y (yearning) - like i mentioned, surprisingly really high sex drive. he tries to stifle it though, he doesn’t want to be thinking of your pretty face while writing down names, now does he?
z (zzz) - he usually falls asleep a good 30 minutes to an hour after you. he just loves to cuddle up to you and think about all the good things going for him at the moment.
AN: AH ANOTHER ONE DONE 💪 i’m actually pretty proud of this tbh. i also noticed on my L nsfw abcs I FORGOT M 🙁🙁 i’m not gonna go back and redo it now ig but i noticed that when i was going back and forth to make sure i got the abcs right. anyways TYSM FOR THE ASK ILYY MWA MWA 💍💍❤️❤️❤️ THX FOR READING
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looseduke · 1 year
okay insane thought about names and the feelings i have about them as a transgender blended family kid. it requires a leap of logic where the fantasy high parent couples remain dating and get married or otherwise legally bind themselves together but follow me on this for a moment. also i don’t know or care if this follows canon im just deciding it does
gilear took sandra lynn’s last name
could not afford to change it after the divorce
gilear is just one of those ppl who really likes having the same last name as his life partners, doesn’t have to be his name, he just thinks it’s nice
(sandra lynn liked her name and though she has Many Issues and might have changed her name in an attempt at normalcy gilear’s name was definitely something outlandishly stupid and he suggested it first anyway so it worked out)
do u see where im going with this
gilear seacaster.
fabian is furious but this ain’t about him
something so funny about taking your (way funnier if they don’t even get married) girlfriend’s dead husband’s last name
he keeps faeth as a middle name bc it’s still a connection to fig that he values and wants to keep
anyway. jawbone hears about all of this. absolutely loves it. thinks it’s awesome
jawbone o’shaughnessy-faeth!
yes with the apostrophe and the hyphen. yes every time.
he likes the connection to gilear and fig as much as he does the one to sandra lynn <3
when consulted fig was SUPER enthusiastic about another dad. gilear was like sigh. that might as well happen. im already being dunked upon by my mean stepson. go ahead.
okay the grand finale. the reason i even made this fucking post
adaine kills her dad, gets adopted, and starts to wonder if she should change her name
adaine makes amends with her sister, and starts to wonder if she should keep it
jawbone lets her know right away that he’ll support her decision no matter what, but it takes a long time for her to decide
it takes watching gilear and fabian bicker over their shared last name, watching fig get sappy over gilear holding onto the name faeth, watching fig and jawbone get sappy over THEIR shared last name, watching sandra lynn hide a smile whenever it comes up, watching, watching, watching
watching her sister learn and grow and love her unconditionally
she makes her decision, and when her dad brings her home from the fantasy dmv, there’s a new name on her ID
adaine abernant-o’shaughnessy-faeth. yes all three names. yes with the apostrophe. yes with the hyphens. every time
it’s for her dad, yes, for the man who gave her a home, who helped her find her strength, who is always her safe space, but it’s for more then that too
it’s for her sister, who for better or worse is in all of her earliest memories. who never underestimated her. who’s trying, every day
it’s for her sister, who called her awesome on the first day of school. who’s always there for her. who wears her heart on her sleeve and teaches adaine it’s okay to be emotional. who’s her best friend
it’s for the man who took her in when he had next to nothing to offer, who shared his extra garlic knots and vending machine snacks, who hosted his daughters strange friends night after night without question or complaint
and it’s for the elven woman sitting across from her at the dinner table, who understands her greatest fear better then anyone else and has built a life for herself despite her mistakes. who protected her on their quest. who opened her house for about 6 teenagers to live there permanently and anywhere between 3 and 10 more to hang out as much as they want
adaine abernant-o’shaughnessy-faeth, the people’s oracle <3
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kooberryfields4ever · 7 months
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happy belated sunghoon day !!!! the rest of 02z incoming but i couldnt help myself 🐒 tried to be “objective” but i am hoon biased so i may have been a leeeeeetle self indulgent at times😭 expect the rest of 02z & others over the next week !!!!
content warnings : nsfw below the cut, exhibitionism, foot kink, oral (both giving and receiving), piv sex etc etc
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
i feel like a lot of enjins hc sunghoon as some crazy hard dom and when he’s done w u he has to be attentive bc he’s gone that crazy on ur body but i don’t see him like that
very gentle nature so i just can't see him being anything but the same in bed....... built to fuck u softly and gracefully and aftercare is the same
loves touching u in a non horny way after he cums, just wants to feel how soft ur skin is so expect a warm wet cloth and ten minutes of him wiping u down while whispering how good u were for him and how beautiful ur body looks when ur spent........ :3
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his fav body part is def his collarbones like how many selfies have we gotten in the past few months where he's got a slutty little vest on showing off his collarbones
also likes his arms bc of the way u grip on to him when he's being particularly rough..... like yes he wants to see those nail marks so bad
his fav body part on u is ur legs. just. every part of them........ the way u wrap them around his head when he's eating u out, the way he grabs them when he's fucking u into the mattress omfg.
lowkey a sucker for ur toes too he loves seeing them freshly pedicured when u play with him on the couch :3
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
inside inside inside inside inside inside
did i mention inside
so so so possessive of ur cute little cunt just wants to make sure it's stuffed full of him and only him. in a romantic way
i can see him liking cumming over ur feet if u give him a footjob too.......
not a messy guy, likes to be pristine, will fuck u full and then makes sure it doesn't drip out by pushing it back into u with his fingers.... says it's cos he doesn't want cum on his sheets but rly it just satiates his need to keep u full all the time
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he's gotten himself off to the thought of fucking u over the kitchen counter in front of heeseung/02z...... more than once......
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
similar to heeseung, knows the basics and what he likes. he's still only young and finding the time to really experience sex is hard with the schedule he has to work around
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
lotus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when ur thighs are just . there . just waiting for him to grab them and rub them and spank them
likes missionary too but particularly if ur legs are thrown over his shoulders for him to hold onto
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
serious boy doing serious boy things.
sex is NO laughing matter for hoonie!!!!!!! i think he might crumble up and die if u laughed while he was inside u .......
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
groomed to the nines baby !!!!! that is a clean shaven man if i've ever seen one
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
so so intimate. sex is compassion to the sag heart so he treats it like it's literally soul-binding
constant whispers of how perfect u feel around him and how ur pussy was made for his cock, how good u are for him and how much he loves u
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
i can't see hoon being much of a masturbator, i figure he has a lower sex drive and that means he can wait out for u if needs be
but when he does jack off he needs to hear ur voice. .... has to call u or have u send voicenotes so he can rly immerse himself n pretend his hand is urs :((
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
lowkey . feet
i just feel it in his vibes
maybe a bit of exhibitionism .... stems from his possessiveness he can't help it he just wants everyone to know that u are HIS his his
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his bedroom <3 but hoon is not shy to trying it elsewhere..... like if u want him to fuck u against the shower wall best believe hoon will provide !
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
hm mmmm..... i don't see hoon as a deeply sexual man outside of his desperation to be close and connected to u, so probably when ur being very sentimental or sweet to him
i'd probs say physical touch and quality time are his love languages so nothing would get him going more than just spending a nice evening in with u, watching a movie, laying in his lap while he plays with ur hair etc
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i can't imagine hoon saying no to u ? like..... if u wanna try it, he'll try it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
loves loves loves to eat u out.... loves the way u taste n how u try not to moan too loud in case anyone can hear u :(( but he wants u to be loud he wants everyone to know who's eating ur fat juicy cunt so good . ..
not opposed to a bit of noddy himself ... he's groomed for a reason really ... but as i said before he loves ur legs so licking ur pussy is a good way to get to the goods!!!!
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
slow slow slowwww . wants to take his time with u every time :((( wants u falling apart on his cock while he drags against ur walls slowly, prodding ur cervix and ur gspot like a professional
but if ur desperate for a rough and fast fuck just make him a little jealous ;3 stroke jake's arm playfully or giggle too loud at one of heeseung's jokes and ur guaranteed to make sunghoon fuck u hard into the mattress, have him grunting in ur ear that u belong to him, ur pussy is all his :(( makes him so mad seeing u with the members like that when it should all be for him ....
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
doesn't care for them rly. he's not able to fuck u well enough under a time crunch and would rather wait a week to take u home and fuck u properly... :(
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he's down if ur down, definition of ride or die !!!!! just wants to see u happy
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
one and done kinda guy, not that he wouldn’t be able to keep going but i just can’t see him being as turned on after he nuts…….
unless it’s jealous sex, then expect to be fucked full as many times as his balls will allow him bc ur his and his only and he wants to make sure he’s made his mark on ur pussy forever :((
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
no toys for himself, he can barely get off without your being there so using toys on himself would just be impractical
always wanted to try one of those phone controlled vibrators on u…….
have u sit next to him on the couch watching a movie with 02z, and maybe hoon gets a little bored and turns it up …
just a little :3
and u cling to him a little tighter nd ur face blushes a little more :3
even jake turns to u and asks if ur feeling okay ….. but u can’t reply anything but a faint “yeah” as sunghoon turns it up even more next to u :(( ur poor pussy clenching so hard around it searching sooo desperately for release :(( and then he turns it off, and the knot in ur stomach loosens …..
u can barely whisper out an apology to jake and jay when u drag sunghoon off the couch to his bedroom to fuck u fair and square >:((
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
loves to give so i dont see him teasing much …. only when he rly wants to hear u beg for him and only him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
not too loud, soft grunts and whispers about how ur his, ur pussy was built for him… built to wrap perfectly around his cock and milk him dry…… how bad he needs to fill u up with his cum nd show everyone who u belong to….
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
u guys love relaxing on the couch at his dorm, watching movies…but when ur eyes catch his jawline n sharp nose u cant help getting a little restless :(( u scooch back a little to throw ur feet in his lap to rub at his bulge, n hoon eyes u suspiciously but says nothing ^_^ ur safe to keep going, eventually pulling his fully hard length out of his sweatpants n jerking him off with ur pretty painted toes nd soft soles until he finishes all over ur feet :3 nd of course he has to scoop some of it up on his fingers and bring it to ur mouth for u to eat, who needs popcorn anyway???
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
average length, slightly on the thicker side
already mentioned but very smooth !! keeps it well groomed
i’m saying uncut
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
not very high, if needs be he can go a little while without sex but when he needs u he needs u BAD
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
he can stay up to talk to u for hours after sex, doesn’t tire him out really but it makes him want to be impossibly closer to u for the entire rest of the day/night
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 2 months
What the Future Holds Ch. 1
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Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: No set pairings.
Word Count: 3198
Warnings: 18+ MDNI please! There really isn't anything to warn about in this one. We're just getting started. There canon typical threats and mentions of free will being taken away. A single mention of being sold. I think that's it.
Author’s Note: This should have been out ages ago, but it's finally done and ready for you guys! Also I would like to note that in this chapter, the twins are 20 years old. I usually try to keep age out of my fics but for some reason it was a detail that was needed. However, before we fully jump into the story the twins will be 25.
I do not and will not ever give permission for my fics to be copied and posted on other sites. Don’t do it. Don’t be that person that ruins it for me and everyone else.
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. While likes are appreciated, reblogs are gold. Seriously, if you enjoyed this in the slightest, please reblog ♥
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A sense of deja vu washed over the L/Ns as they stood within the Mikaelson study. Elijah had stood by the large bay windows as he went over the written contract in his hands. Each paragraph of it he had read thrice to ensure he hadn’t missed anything. Anything to help them out of their own stupidity.
“What persuaded you to go to the De Martels?” Elijah’s voice had almost sounded bored. Almost as if he wasn’t worried about the details that the pages contained. But after being around for as long as he had, it was as easy as breathing to make it seem like there was nothing to be worried about.
“We weren’t meeting deadlines as we should have been.” Dante L/N had said keeping his chin up. Unlike his visit with his rather distant grandmother, he wouldn’t look away from Elijah. He knew that all he had to do was blink the wrong way and there was a possibility of not opening his eyes again. “With the recent region transfer of powers, we were close to losing everything.”
The regions were constantly changing. Ever since the uprising, country and state lines no longer existed. Territories were claimed through slaughter while creating new lines. Regions belonged to those who had dared to take it over and maintain it. This family of L/N’s had lived on the border of where the De Martels had taken over and where The Mikaelsons had control of the region.
The Mikaelsons’ region contained what used to be a majority of the southern states. Most of the gain had been due to Klaus claiming it. Taking out the annoying young that refused to listen had been easy. Running the region had been a completely different story. One that Klaus left Elijah to deal with.
The stories that had been passed down through the generations had expressed that Elijah had changed since the vampires had taken over the world. The nobility of the Original vampire had died the moment his eldest sister had been murdered at the hands of humans that sought out to rid the world of the supernatural.
The L/Ns hadn’t personally known the Mikaelsons until recently. The young couple had barely made it back home after the birth of their twins when they were introduced to the Mikaelsons. A binding contract had been made that night. One that would ensure that the family would be protected until the children became of age.
“Why not come to me with these matters?” Elijah asked as he placed the contract down on the table. “The De Martels may have obtained new territory, but that does not instantly grant them ownership of business.”
It amused Elijah on how easily humans nowadays would jump into the agreement with vampires without looking over anything. While at times it had been amusing, he longed for the days that the humans would actually think before making a deal with a devil.
“Much like the night you came to us,” Dante began. “The De Martels had come knocking. Every piece of data had been combed through and used to present us with this offer. I believed it to be beneficial, until Clara had expressed how blindly I had gone into this.”
A small smirk pulled at the corner of Elijah’s lips. “How is the darling Clara doing these days?” He had known Clara for a handful of centuries. While he had never interfered in her life in ways he wished he had, he watched as the woman had grown into a power of her own. “Must have been one painstakingly long night if she looked over this.” He waved his hand towards the contract.
“Is there truly no loophole?” Dante’s wife asked, ignoring the questions that had been asked by the vampire. “I do not wish to be rude, but I know the safety of my children is at stake. And with that safety is also the agreement we have with your family. I’d hate for it to be violated by my husband's mistake.”
Elijah sighed as looked at her. “There is no loophole. The De Martels know how to work things in their favor. But with or without your husband’s ‘mistake’.” His eyes flashed over to him for a moment before looking back towards her. “I give you my word that I will do everything in my power to ensure your children stay safe.” He watched as she let out a shuddering breath. Even if the stories said he had become ruthless, everyone knew his word was binding. Elijah Mikelson never broke his word.
“Thank you.” She said with a slight nod.
He nodded in return. “How are their lessons?”
The three of them knew this was a way to change the subject. To change it in a way that would give the two humans some breathing room, even if it was just for a moment.
“Alexander is thriving.” She said with a smile pulling at her lips. “We believe that in a few years time he’ll be able to take over the business and when the time is right, he’ll do fine with the prophecy you’ve told us.”
“What of Y/N?” Elijah asked and he watched their faces fall. It caused him to raise a brow.
“Her head is in the clouds more.” She said with a sigh. “It is as if she knows that her life will be set and the importance of lessons isn’t at the top of her list.”
“Perhaps I should speak with her.” Elijah offered. He watched their eyes widen for a moment in fear. “Fear and ignorance is what has led us into our current situation. Striking fear into Y/N will do nothing but hinder her. It is my intention to help steer her in the right direction.”
“With Compulsion?” Dante asked, a bit of venom lacing his words. The need to protect his daughter rising within his veins.
Elijah scoffed. “Anyone else would. They’d actually do worse to her in order to get her to fall in line.” With each word that he said the two in front of him had their fear grow at the possibilities that could happen to their daughter. “It’d be easy to bend her mind to do as needed. To make her obedient. However, my method of speaking to someone who could potentially change the course of things isn’t to manipulate them in any way. I was merely suggesting a moment to encourage her to use those clouds she's found herself in to her advantage.”
If there was one thing that hadn’t changed with Elijah, his way with words was enough to give the right push without so much as using compulsion. There were other methods to ensure things were done as they needed to be. And while he would occasionally use compulsion to his advantage on numerous occasions, using it on Y/N was and never would be considered an advantage. Not when some twist in Fate deemed the L/N twins the very two that would give the world back the balance nature so desperately wanted.
Before the Vampires had taken over, Freya had strange premonitions that gave heavy meanings to peace and balance. Flashes of a future that seemed so chaotic and almost barbaric had plagued the witch for weeks with no understanding of what it could mean. What threat the Mikaelsons would face.
Elijah could easily remember the day Freya had told him and their siblings of some prophecy that was shown to her. The details were almost laughable. How could a world change so much to warrant nature to demand a balance when the details of it all had seemed so fictional. While the majority of the siblings had brushed it off, Elijah had asked for every details.
“The natural balance of things will be threatened. I do not know by who or what, let alone when this chaos is supposed to unfold.” Freya explained. “I just know that a particular set of twins from a particular bloodline are supposed to be the balance that we will need.”
“What kind of balance would they even be capable of providing?” Elijah asked. He had known about several covens and their fascination with twins.
“One will stay human. The other will become a vampire when the time is right.” She explained. “What I’ve seen of them, they aren’t of current times. It will be some time before they are even born, let alone old enough for what needs to be done.”
“Nature doesn’t wait for it’s balance to manifest generations later.” He noted.
“I know.” She sighed. “That is where it doesn’t make sense. Why will the balance favor vampires so easily? All I know are the images and names of the children. Something horrible is going to happen, Elijah and I don’t know if I’ll be around to help fix it.”
“Tell me how I can help.” He offered, wanting to ease the worry that was building up within his sister.
“Unless you know fraternal twins named Alexander and Y/N L/N, then I don’t even know where to start with the help.”
A month later the world descended into chaos and there wasn’t much the Mikaelsons could do to stop it from unfolding. They could only adapt as the world changed. Including murdering the hundreds of humans that had hunted down and murdered every witch within New Orleans, including Freya.
Elijah had kept every detail Freya had told him locked within his mind. A way to hold on to not only the memory of his sister, but to make sure he did everything he could to help fulfill the prophecy that she had seen.
It had been Clara that had told Elijah about the twins when they had been born. At first it had only been mentioned out of disbelief. The L/Ns never had twins in their family and the first set had been born within the freedom of her protection. From there, Elijah had questioned about their names. And when he had every detail, he knew they were who Freya had seen.
That had been twenty years ago. Elijah had created a contract that would work in the world’s favor. The twins would get the protection they needed while ensuring they received the proper education and training for what was destined for them. While Elijah had hoped that ‘right time’ wouldn’t come until they were well into their twenties, he couldn’t be a hundred percent about it. All he could do was prepare them.
“She does prefer you over her recent tutors.” Her voice broke Elijah from his thoughts of the past. “Maybe speaking with you would be best.”
She was trying to ease the tension that was growing between the three of them. It hadn’t been a lie though. The three of them had noticed the way Y/N had preferred the way Elijah tutored her over the hired tutors. She wasn’t so easily distracted with the humans that tried to keep up with the lessons that Elijah had instructed the twins take.
Elijah nodded his head. “Have they traveled with you?”
“Of course.” Dante nodded.
“Then send her in and I’ll discuss it with her.” That was the only kind of dismissal that Elijah was giving them. He wasn’t going to continue the conversation when he knew it would lead to Elijah probably losing his temper on Dante over his stupidity.
He watched as the pair collected their things, including the contract and stepped out of the study. Elijah had been alone for only a few moments before Y/N had stepped into the room. She hadn’t even bothered to knock on the door. And for a brief moment, an amused smile pulled at Elijah’s lips.
“My parents said you wished to speak with me?” She asked as she closed the study door behind her.
It was strange to see how much she had reminded him of how humans used to react before things changed. In comparison to her parents Y/N didn’t give off an ounce of fear. Where her mother had kept her eyes downward, Y/N’s eyes stayed focused on him. There wasn’t even fear that he’d use compulsion with how she held his gaze.
Her eyes had matched her mother’s but there were flecks of silver that seemed to find a new home within her irises any time she blinked. Alexander’s eyes had the same thing but with gold flecks. But unlike Y/N, the flecks never seemed to change position as hers did. But there was one thing for certain as Elijah took in her eyes. She did not fear the world around her one bit.
“I did.” He nodded his head. “I was told your preference of tutors is making it difficult to focus on your studies.”
The neutrality she had on her features the moment she walked in had now shifted. A slight frown had pulled at her lips. However her eyes never left his face. “It’s not a matter of preferring specific tutors. It feels one sided.” When she watched him raise his brow, she continued. “The tutors are human. Any history lessons that are being provided are from that of a human. A human that has learned the details with prejudices embedded. I find it difficult to understand it when venom is laced in the words so often.”
A small hum of acknowledgement had left Elijah. “That is the point of some of those lessons. Words spewed out of hatred when the world descended into chaos will give you an opened mind when learning of what can be prevented. Yes, a vampire could give you more in depth details and firsthand accounts. It would include, if not be filled with more of the same venom about humans.”
“I understand.” She nodded. She paused for a moment, sorting out her words. “I know my tutors have been switched out more often than Alex. I do try, Elijah. I pass my courses and attempt to stay on track. But-”She stopped herself. A string of thoughts playing through her mind that she should probably keep the matter to herself. “I will make sure I do not disappoint.”
Elijah hadn’t missed the way she stopped herself or how her eyes had shifted away as she decided against whatever it was she was about to say. He had known how many times the tutors had changed. He had been the one to replace them each time. He just never understood why, until he was speaking with her now.
“Alexander doesn’t receive the same venom in the lessons.” It wasn’t a question, but Y/N began shaking her head quickly.
“No. He does not.” Her eyes hadn’t come back up to Elijah. She had now been looking down at her hands. “I know this prophecy like the back of my hand. I know I am supposed to help restore the balance with Alex. I am human until necessary. I do not expect to be treated as some savior that has the world at their feet.” She finally brought her attention back up to Elijah. She could see something different within his eyes that she didn’t believe she had seen before. She just couldn’t place what it was. “But I’d prefer not to be treated as if I am filth for being the one to become a vampire in this deal.”
“You haven't mentioned this to your parents?” Elijah found himself walking around the desk, attempting to give some comfort. Though he made no move to actually do so.
“Not since the first time.” She shook her head. “They feel as though I am crying wolf when Alex doesn’t have the same thing happening to him.
Elijah nodded. “Tomorrow, you’ll have a new tutor. Alexander will continue on with the one he currently has.” When he saw her open her mouth to protest, he held up his hand. “A vampire one to ensure the cycle doesn’t continue.”
“My parents-”
“Will be made aware of who they will be inviting into their home.” He gave a single nod of his head. “We will try it this way. If there isn't improvement, we’ll change it back to the way it was.” Elijah watched as she nodded her head. “That will be all.”
Y/N nodded her head before she turned around to leave. She had barely taken a step before turning back around. “Elijah, there is something you should know about, that my parents do not know yet. Only because I wouldn't put it past them to tell you.”
“What would that be?” He asked.
“I’ve- we’ve been having visions of things.” She watched the way his eyes widened slightly. “Things from the past and possibly future things from the look of it. But it wakes us up like a nightmare. Alex denies that it’s happening, but I can hear him pacing at night just after I have mine.”
“What was the last thing you saw?” He asked curiously.
“Chaos.” She shrugged slightly. “Witches being murdered. A woman with blonde hair tried to reach out, but couldn’t. It was like she was trying to tell me something and I couldn’t figure it out.”
“How often do these happen?” He knew this was something to do with who the twins were, what they were meant for.
“It randomly happens. Once or twice a month. But the first one happened the night of our birthday. “
Elijah moved back towards the desk and opened one of the bottom drawers before coming back around. He came to a stop directly in front of her and handed her an empty journal. “Write them down, please. Any detail you recall once you wake. Even if it frightens you to think, write it down. The next time either I drop by or your parents come to see me, bring it. That way we can try to piece together what you are seeing.”
Taking the journal, she held it close to her and nodded her head. “It's getting close, isn't it?”
Elijah sighed softly. “That I don’t know. But it seems like it may be the beginning of it.”
Her eyes fell to the journal in her hands. “There's one vision that I think you should know about now.” She couldn't bring her eyes back up. Not with what she was about to tell him. And the thoughts of the vision actually caused her eyes to well up.
Elijah hadn't missed the way her voice almost dropped to a whisper. Nor did he miss the way she was purposely keeping her attention from him. And for the first time since he met Y/N, he saw the fear that was seeping into her.
He gently brought his fingers under chin and lifted it, bringing her attention towards him. He saw the tears instantly and if anything the silver flecks in her eyes were almost gone.
“What is it?” His voice had almost been the same level as hers, with a comforting touch.
“I was still human.” She began. A need to make it known that detail was clear in the vision. “I was sold to Purgatory.”
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All WorksTag (The tag to be notified for everything I write): @mrs-maximoff-kenner @mizzzpink @friendelius @thatfanficstuff @mushroomelephant @23victoria @avengers-fixation @fayeatheart @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @wearehufflepuffs
Always and Forever Tags (All things TVDU): @hi-my-name-is-riley @helenasingers @hellotvshowtrash @dpaccione @elijahs-wife @akshi8278 @imgoingtofreakoutnow @kpopgirlbtssvt @ts1mp0ne @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce @bluebear142077 @mysticfallsfics @nniklausmikaelson @fandom-princess-forevermore @morganaah @mxacegrey @freyathehuntress
Stag Tag: (All Things Elijah Mikaelson) @xxsovereignsarayaxx @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @marvel-at-stucky @silvermercy @cassiopeia-black-brenda @nalledimessi @starkleila @attractive-insomnia
The Originals Tag: (All Things The Originals) @dpaccione @thatweirdoleigh @charli123456789
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 10 months
I’ve been always been obsessed with myths, legends, and fairytales. And one thing that always stood out to me was that how various cultures all seem to have tales about magical women bathing, a man spotting a particular one with interest, and then either marrying her, or dying/having some cursed downfall eventually. So…can I request a story like that…but with a twist of course. Male Yandere X Female Nymph Reader
So broad premise…Darling is a nymph (or some general magical maiden) bathing in a body of water, combing her otherworldly super long hair, and just living her best life. Yandere stumbles across her and starts to stalk her over the course of some time, falls in love with her, etc. But Darling has played this game many times before and thinks this is dumb schmuck nth, and continues her innocent/ignorant/helpless act, thinking that she’ll be able to lure this man to kill him in a few days (for food, riches, or something, idk). What she doesn’t know is that Yandere is a lot more smarter and is also putting on his own act in front of her. Cause the twist is that Yandere is partial/descendent magical creature of some sort, and thus Darling’s magic doesn’t work on him. (He’s also had training resistance against magics of sorts or something). Anyway…confrontation happens, Darling thinks she’s gonna successfully drown him, but Yandere reveals his true colors and does some ritual that binds the two of them together for eternity (like some f-ed up magical matrimony), and of course takes her away to some magical residence? (I don’t know what this man does for a living, nor what his home would be like since I want to leave up what partial/descendant magical creature he is to you) where he proceeds to consummate their eternal marriage. Cause in his head, a magical eternal chain isn’t enough…no this man needs to see lots of babies. The literal “fruits of his love.” (Forgive me…I like babies/pregnancy/breeding/baby trapping in Yanderes. That stuff makes me go feral). Can’t wait to see what magical children are produced from this union. LOL.
This idea just seemed fun to write about…two manipulative main characters, each thinking they have the upper hand. Sorry for the long post. Hope you can have fun with the story! <3
TW: Dubcon, Impregnation kink, drugging, forced marriage, blood,
Being a water nymph of mixed ancestry is one of your favorite things about yourself. Everyone expects you to be the helpful water nymph to help sailors from sirens. Little did they know that your dad was half-siren. Of course, he didn't show any traits because the gene that makes sirens sirens is on the second X chromosome. So when your half-mermaid-half-nymph mom had you and your five other sisters, every single one turned out to be sirens with the tail of a mermaid and the trustworthy face of a nymph.
The best part is that your innocent face helped you lure sailors. Everyone is warned to be suspicious of the woman with a beautiful face and an alluring voice. Nobody expects their angel of death to be a maiden who looks like they're supposed to help you. This earned you many new bones for decorations and combs. Along with many treasures to keep. Plus, the sea creatures let you live in an otherworldly part of the beach hidden away from humans in return for killing a few fishermen. It is truly the dream of a maiden of the sea.
"La, la, la!" You joke around, playfully singing to a romp of otters.
Your long, pastel, aquamarine, wavy hair blends in with the water. The seashells decorating your hair make it look like your personal halo. Your striking blue eyes look like they could pierce through anyone. Your long dusty lilac, coral, and beige tail swishes in the water.
"So, what should I do next?" You ask the otters, going deeper into the water.
The otters swim up to you, then stop. They all stare at something behind you. You turn around and see nothing. You can't help but roll your eyes. Every so often, some human man will come along and watch you. Then, he'll confess his love to you, hoping you'll be his mythical legend wife. You accept, bring him in for a kiss, then bite him on the jugular or drown him.
"Don't worry, I'll have him gone before the weekend," You whisper to your otters.
You go underwater and swim to your grotto for rest. Planning to kill men takes a lot of work.
You sleep until the morning sun shines through the water. You swim to your spot and do your daily routine.
"Let me the morning sun. So much stuff has to be done," You sing, moving your long hair out of the way to expose your bare breasts.
The old topless mermaid trick. The oldest one in the book and usually worked in luring men to their deaths. You pull yourself out of the water and transform into your human form. Your hair covers your naked backside, and you venture into the woods. You hear a branch move nearby and enact your plan.
"What pretty berries," You say, bending down to show your entire bottom and pussy.
More branches move, and you smirk to yourself. You pop a berry into your mouth, and suddenly, your memory goes blank. When you wake up, your body feels so tired you decide to return to your grotto for the day. When you reached the bed, your demeanor had changed from tired to horny. You couldn't help but pleasure yourself. Every nerve on your pussy felt alive when you stroked and fingered yourself. You were seeing stars and the Milky Way when you came. You fall asleep and transform into your mermaid form.
When you wake up, you swim to your spot again and brush your hair. You don't even notice you're not wearing a top. A flower blooms next to you with a golden comb with a letter.
To the sweetest maiden in the sea,
My love, I've been watching you for a long time. I love the way your being becomes one with nature. Though, you should be careful about what berries you eat. Eat too many random ones, and you might not come back.
Your admirer, L.
You laugh. The love letter is cute. So is the comb. But the flower trick really impressed you. You might get a mage's loot this time instead of some fishermen's or hunters. You brush your hair with the comb, and it shows its magical properties. The comb instantly made your wet hair wavy. Usually, it would take a couple of hours for your hair to get wavy after being in the water. You hum a song while combing your hair and sink into the water while relaxing. The branches rustle and twist into a tall, pale figure looking at you from the brush. You can't see its face. But you can tell it's a man. You wink, and you sink deeper into the water. Flowers bloom a path to the water's edge.
You sing a siren's song to lure your suitor to his death faster. Nothing happens except the trees twisting, turning, and breaking. Some even bloomed flowers. When you open your eyes to see the chaos you've done, a hand that's disappearing is reaching out to you. You try to touch it, but it vanishes like it is magic. You groan in disappointment and swim out to sea hoping for something to entertain you.
Your admirer finally showed himself. He was waiting for you at your spot. His silver hair reached his back, and his skin was so pale it shimmered. His blue-green eyes were mesmerizing.
"Hello, my sweet," The man says, pulling you out of the water. "My name's Lochlan and you're going to be my wife."
"Of course," You lie, sweetly going into his arms.
He carries your merbody in his arms, and you bite him in the jugular. Blood splatters all over the grass. His body tumbles into the water, and you hold his head underwater. Lochlan's body finally stops moving, and you let him sink into the water. You dive in, preparing to rip him apart. You can't see his body. It's gone. A hand shoves some sort of berry paste down your throat, and you gag. He slips a silver ring with a blue gem on your finger.
"Did you seriously think I would die from that? I'm half-fae. I don't die easily," Lochlan says, dragging your merbody to the shore's edge.
Your body feels hot, and you want nothing more than to return to your grotto.
"Feel familiar? You ate the key ingredient in our aphrodisiacs," Lochlan states, holding your body as it transforms into its human form. "Don't worry, you'll feel better later."
His hand keeps a steady hand at teasing your pussy. Your watery home slowly disappearing. You can't take it anymore and cry until you pass out.
"Ahh~" You moan, climaxing again from Lochlan's fingers.
"That's it, cum again," Lochlan coos, slowing down his pace as you cum.
Ever since Lochlan took you from your beach, he's been pleasuring you. Turns out that the ring he slipped onto your finger bound you to him as his wife forever. Or at least until he wishes to divorce. But that's not going to happen.
"Are you enjoying our honeymoon, my sweet? How does it feel to be Mrs. Caspian? The next queen of the sea fae," Lochlan asks, taking his fingers out of you and sticking his cock inside you. "I waited for you for so long. You even made a cute show of singing your song just for me. I admit it got to me, but I managed to teleport myself away before it was too late."
"Nessie!" You scream, taking his cock for the 5th time today.
"Keep calling me pet names based on the Lochness monster, and I'll breed you till your stomach bulges," Lochlan growls, thrusting faster and cumming into your pussy again. "I can't wait for you to have our babies. They'll be so powerful they could rule every portion of water on Earth."
Before your wedding ceremony, you were locked inside a room the size of a small closet with Lochland. In his culture, a bride and groom must whisper their secrets to each other, then into a conch shell. Then, the conch shell is sent to sea to start the marriage with no secrets. Though you didn't need to whisper your secrets into a conch shell. Your tears meeting a body of water would automatically send your pain through it.
"Just try it, my pretty pearl. A couple of whispers can't hurt. Besides, I want to start this marriage on the right track," Lochlan pleads, clasping your hands.
You relent and bring the shell to your lips.
"I wish I could be with my sisters and family. I wish I could see my precious otters again. I wish I never met him. I wish I never had to marry him!" You whisper, eventually turning into a yell.
Your yell vibrates through the shell, almost cracking it. Lochlan snatches the conch shell from you as you cry. He looks at you with pity and lets you weep on his chest. He brings the conch shell to his lips and whispers his secret.
"I want to be the best husband for my wife. Even if she hates me for eternity. I want to return to the sea to visit my mermaid mom and her family," Lochlan whispers, noticing you looking at him.
"If I marry you, will you return me to the sea with my family?" You ask, looking into his eyes.
"Of course. Anything for you."
And that's how you got to the present. You and Lochlan fucking in his private underwater palace near both of your families. It was a nice compromise and made you feel more at ease.
"I'm about to cum, Lochy!" You moan, feeling your legs about to give out.
"Me too, my pearl!" Lochlan screams, holding onto your hips tight.
You feel him cum in you one last time and fall to the bed. Lochlan falls on top of you and snuggles with you.
"I love you, my pearl," Lochlan pants, kissing your neck.
Lochlan is sitting with you in bed and combing your hair.
"This comb really works wonders on your hair, my pearl," Lochlan compliments, enjoying the golden comb turning your hair into beautiful waves. "Are you doing ok? I know being pregnant in your mermaid form isn't easy."
"I'm fine, Loch. I'm really tired, though," You answer, rubbing your slightly big stomach.
It's been three months since you married Lochlan. Since your honeymoon, you've been pregnant with his kids. Admittedly, he's been a great husband and is making sure your pregnancy is going well. Not only that, but you've been able to see your family.
"Lochlan, can you get me some grouper? Maybe some lobster too? I'm having bad cravings."
"Of course, my sweet."
Lochlan leaves your bed and comes back with a plate of fish and lobster.
"I brought some extra lobster for you. Eat up. You and the babies need nutrients."
"You really care for them, don't you?"
"Of course, I do. A proper king should care for his queen and future heirs. Now, eat. You need to rest during this pregnancy."
Lochlan kisses your head and feeds you.
Headcanon post
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shinjisdone · 8 months
If you are still doing the Fem mc can you do a one with Floyd or Idia
Floyd is forever A tier man. Also I have been thinking of being a bit more self-indulged with these fem mc and friends asks since they did begin as self-indulgant fics for my oc lol. I find myself being able to write more creatively - trying to have a fem mc that everyone could insert themselves in or see any kind of interesting changes in is hard because frankly, the only thing about such a blank slate is that they are female.
while my own OC is also female and that does play a part in the little shenanignags, I also add a bit of her own personality and thoughts to make it a bit different (and as i said self-indulgent)
Plus, I honestly really struggled and disliked the riddle one, where I tried to not put any characteristics of my oc in there to make it more 'appealing' for anyone. But I found this just doesn not work for me.
I will do this one request with my OC in mind if that is okay!
Fem!Mc And Friends - Floyd Leech
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Everyone, run! Before you get squeezed.
Floyd Leech is a weird combination of predictable and unpredictable. It can be expected to be looked down upon, threatened, challenged and squeezed by Floyd, yet when it comes to whatever he decides to stick with and spend his time on, he is a wild card.
Unfortunately, you are one of the many things he has decided to spend his time with. The little, jumpy 'Shrimpy' he came across.
And while he seems to stick to others and 'affectionately' refer to everyone with ocean-related names, he still seems...especially attached to you...
When You Spend Helloween Together...
Why would you spend Helloween with him? Are you crazy?
This is probably Floyd's favorite holiday on land. Dressing up as scary things (aside from himself) with the intention to terrify the crap out of anyone who crosses him? And he can get away with it? Who cares about some treats when he can carry out some tricks?
Even if you try to stay far, faaaar away from him Floyd will be sure to find you~
Where's Shrimpy, Shrimpy, Shrimpy~? Oh, are you dressed up, too? That's cute. You think you're gonna scare anyone with that?
Nothing scares Floyd and he still has the same kind of opinion of you since day 1. A meek, tiny shrimp. So he doesn't think you could pull any tricks anyway.
On top of that you are magicless and just a little girl in his eyes. Sounds mean but try as you might, he will never acknowledge you as 'bigger' or 'taller' even if you are.
Will first show off his costume (isn't it neat?) And threaten to terrify you right after (there's enough bandages to bind you down into a coffin).
Floyd always and I mean ALWAYS loves to mess with you but on this special day he feels like going all out. Scaring you, popping out of nowhere, acting like a real Zombie and like a bite from him could kill you??? You tell him off but he also acts like he believes what he says???
You may be a lot of things but no Zombie.
Hehe, you sure? Wanna try it out :) ?
He especially likes to tease you with his nickname for you. There's just something about it when you startle and jump up like these cats on land while he spooks you :) why can't Helloween be everyday?
Also your scared expression are just *chef kiss* to him. Will try every trick in the book to just...indulge in these shrieks and screams of fear.
And when he finds out you have a fear? Scared of the dark, spiders, thunder or oooohh zombies? Hehe, you're never getting rid of hiiiiimmm, Shrimpyyyyy!
Floyd would especially love it if you let out girly yelps or shrieks. He is surrounded by dudes in NRC so someone really girly is just interesting and more fun to tease.
Stuck in a haunted house with Floyd? Haha, help. Seriously, call for help!
Floyd is not stuck in a haunted house - the haunted house is stuck with Floyd. And you are right in the middle.
It feels like each scare and trick is being terrified into submission by him. The guy gets quickly bored out of his mind that he decides to spook the entire house. But besides that, he sticks with you and loves watching your reactions.
You will wish for the protection of Malleus and Deuce, because Floyd will not lift a finger to help or comfort you. He'll hang over your shoulder with that stupid, gleeful grin on his face (and the fangs near your flesh!) And laugh at your misery.
But I feel like if something truly awful were to happen to you - maybe someone took a trick too far or made you cry - Flyod maaaaybe could become scary to everyone but you. Huh? Hey, you cannot terrify his Shrimpy that much. That's his job. Look what'chu did. Better get out of his sight.
When You Watch Him At His Club...
Oh boy. You can expect a lot "Hey, Shrimpy! Hey, hey! Over here, Shrimpy! Shrimpy, over here!"
He most likely threatened invited you to his basketball Club, no matter if there was a game or practice session.
It isnt thaaaat bad...Ace and Jamil are there too and they are miles more mellow than Floyd is if you ever need someone like that.
Ace will be a bit confused on why Floyd would invite you while Jamil is just hoping the guy will actively play for once in one go. Not when he feels like it.
Yet when you arrived, there Floyd was, taking you into his arms so tight you were lifted off the ground and squeezed so hard you thought you couldnt breathe.
Floyd is so happy to see you! Did Shrimpy come just for him and watch him play? Huh, did'chu, did'chu?
Also he would still hug you if he was covered in sweat and would not care. It'd be even funny if you were grossed out by it.
However...against all odds, Floyd would actually play - and go all out!
Even if it were practice, he is brutal. After each shot, he'd spin into your direction with arms shot up. A huge grin on his face. He's expecting you to watch him and only him.
Though if your attention is somewhere else, he'd pout and tell you to watch him! Look how much he's destroying the others!
In fact, you're supposed to cheer for him! Be Floyd's 'cheerleader' as he says. There's bunch of games where there's a girl cheerleader team that hypes up the audience and players! Do that for him! You got no choice if you don't wanna get on his bad side
Ah, should he get you one of these 'pom-poms'? You'd be so cute with them!
It just feels kind of special when the only girl in NRC is cheering for him. It's like in one of these movies!
Say a cheer that just consists of his name. Just that! Don't mention anyone else!
If you do pay attention or cheer for someone else, Floyd will not like it. Observing the other player like a hawk and leering at them with his classic 'huuuuh'? Even if they are on the same team.
Will do his best to kind of get your attention back on him. That can go from fouling the other player to telling you in your face to watch him. Him.
It can cost them the victory but Floyd wouldn't care. The sole reason why he even decided to come is because he dragged you here.
Ace is weirded out and Jamil's trying not to fume in anger.
When You Are Stranded On An Island...
Well. This isn't anything...novel for Floyd.
He IS from the ocean so a beach isn't something that would surprise or unnerve him. The sight of sand, the ocean, palm trees and the lovely sunlight...is rather boring to him.
Islands like this exist everywhere. Why should this one be any different?
Well, you are here for once.
And so are people like Crabby and Goldfish! This is sure to be fun!
Floyd will drag you to every place he finds interesting. Beaches are familiar to him so he can show and teach you anything! He's an expert in a way!
Collecting things is actually a dull activity to him. If you show any interest, he will just...drag you off. Maybe haul you around. If you say they are meant ad souvenirs, he still wouldn't budge and tell you these are boring trinkets instead. He knows much better stuff, come on!
His favorite thing to do is swimming for sure! Expect to be thrown into the sea and him quickly following after you. It doesnt matter what you are wearing, he will force you to swim with him.
Floyd will turn into his eel form and just drag you further and further into the seaaaaa~
Ace is getting worried and Riddle is screaming at him to return at once! You are supposed to find a way back to NRC!
It's kinda akin to a horror movie.
And since you two are so far out, you'll have no choice but to cling to him~!
Don't worry though, as much as Floyd teases and messes with you, he will never put you in any harm. He knows the sea better than anyone else.
He just likes having your arms around him and vice versa!
Floyd especially likes it when you're just a taaaaad biiiit scared and cling to him as if you'd never let go. It's just twice the fun and extra cute.
But hey, if you are already out here, why not explore a bit? He can hold you as you dive into the deep blue and catch some fish or anemona, spook some crabs or get some souvenirs from there! Anything down there is way better than on some beach!
You could be like a mermaid then! Don't you wanna try it?
Just act like your legs are fins and maybe let your hair open - oh, ya don't want to?
Meh, fine.
On another point, Floyd is not used to wear these vacation...swim...beach wear or whatever. But he guesses it's neat. Especially the sunglasses.
He would really like it if you wore ocean-related clothes or things. It just looks good on you.
Swimwear or bikini though? It's interesting wear but also...intriguing?
He's never seen something like that, the closest thing he knows are from mermaids. But well, they are half fish.
But on you...it looks good. Floyd would stare at you. Not shamelessly but more so out of curiousity. Shrimps don't usually look like that, you know?
Just wants to have fun with you.
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Black Wedding ~ Part 1 Jude Jazza ~ Epilogue
We had our wedding that day.
We made our cursed vow of love that binds us to each other until death.
Kate: "M-Mr. Jude...I'm fine...."
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Jude: "That's not for you to decide."
It was right after our wedding that several knife-wielding thugs barged in.
In the midst of the scuffle, glasses broke before we know it and scattered beautifully all over the place.
The leader of the thugs had a strong grudge against Mr. Jude, who was the groom but fell unconscious after eating a merciless kick from him.
And thus I'm being checked over every inch of my body.
The wedding dress I wore is barely even hanging on my body, because it's already shredded into bits.
Of course, not by the thugs....but by the man I pledged my love to.
Jude: "Hm. This side looks fine. Turn around."
Kate: ".....Mm...."
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It's not like it's the first time I've been stripped naked in front of him.
And because it's not the first time, my body interprets it in a different way.
Kate: ".....Nn."
His fingertips brushed against my skin and I held my breath.
Kate: "See, I told you I'm not hurt. You don't have to check so carefully....."
Every time he touches me, every time he stares at me, I feel like I'm going to get overheated and I desperately try to calm my body down.
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Jude: "I'm checking to see if there is even a scratch. That's what's going to decide how I'll torture them later."
Jude: "Tch...I'll also find the guy who leaked the info about the venue of the wedding."
The exasperated murmur suddenly reminded me of how reluctant he was to hold a ceremony.
Kate: "Is that why you were so against holding a wedding ceremony?"
Jude: "Huh?'
Mr. Jude glared at me with a sullen face.
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Maybe it's too late for me to say this, but this face you're making right now is so cute.
Kate: "It is because you didn't want to see me in danger, right....?"
Jude: ".....You look so pleased."
Kate: "You didn't deny it though."
Jude: "You're gonna interpret it in positive way no matter what I say."
Kate: "Fufu...yep."
Jude: "....You're laughing at me right now. One wrong move and that could have ended you right then and there."
His long fingertips, traces between my breasts to the stomach.
Kate: ".....Ah....Mm...."
The heat that had been aroused while he was staring at me was unexpectedly stimulated and I couldn't help but let out a cry.
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Jude: ".....Why are you making that lewd sound?"
Kate: "I-I was just surprised. That's all."
Jude: "Ohh?"
Kate: "....!?"
Holding my shoulders, he roughly pushed me onto bed.
Jude: "There is still something I forgot to check."
He lifted my legs and the hem of my already torn wedding dress falls down.
Kate: "Hey...!"
Seeing my dress fall and watching him constantly stare at me made me so embarrassed that I hid my face with both my hands.
Jude: "You're always like this when you're startled."
Jude: "You pervert."
Kate: "W-Wait..."
Jude: "Huh? Why?"
He bites on the thin skin inside of my thighs, causing a dull pain.
Kate: "Mm..Mm...!"
Jude: "....Does it hurt?"
I nodded.
But he knows that it's not only pain that I feel.
Every time he sets his teeth on my skin, which is hot from being tormented, a sweet tingle rises in me.
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Jude: "But you like pain, don't you?"
The sound of his mocking laughter and his facial expressions are intoxicating to the point of almost being frightening.
Kate: "It's not like it's because of you..."
I want everything to feel good even if it hurts or is embarrassing.
It's like I've been repainted.
Jude: "Love that erotic face."
Jude: ".....No matter how much you cry or scream, there is no escape from me now."
The sweet numbness I feel when I look into his eyes, which did not try to hide their lechery, is horrifying.
If he loves me, I'll be in heaven....even if it's on a bed of needles.
Jude: "We both are equally crazy."
Mr. Jude plays with my fingers which were exhausted after I was thrown to the bed.
The two same rings on our fingers shine.
Seeing that, my cheeks relax.
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Jude: "....What's with that goofy face?"
Jude: "Are you that happy you made this embarrassing lifetime contract with me?"
Kate: "Do you remember? Once you said, those who break it will break it, and those who don't will never break, even if they die."
Jude: "Your little head still remembers that? It was a long time ago."
Kate: "My little head is superfluous."
Jude: "I'm impressed you can remember so much."
Kate: "....... It sounds less snarky now."
Jude: "What do you mean?"
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Kate: ".....Mr. Jude is a man who will not break his promise, no matter how crazy it is."
Kate: "I know that....and that makes me happy."
Kate: "You swore to me, no matter what."
Kate: "It means you've decided to protect me."
Jude: "......You really like getting hurt, huh?"
Jude: "I can't believe you're so happy that you can't escape from me for the rest of your life."
The person that many people hold a grudge against, and could get attacked any time of the day----is the man I love.
And I'm prepared to take that risk.
Kate: ".....You are the one who made me like pain."
Jude: "Don't blame me."
Despite his bitter tone, Mr. Jude stroked my hair.
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Jude: "Heh, you're such a bad woman."
Story // Bitter END // Premium END
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alicerosejensen · 1 year
Just headcanons with Leon and his daughter who has a chronic illness
Leon x daughter!sick (diabetes, epilepsy or any other severe chronic disease)
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√ Hey, Leon carefully guards his child! however, there are not always things from which he can protect his daughter.
√ I see Leon as a very caring father. He will worry if his daughter's knee is torn from a fall from a bicycle and carefully treat her wound and bind it up if necessary. He will also monitor how her childhood injuries are healing.
√ Having seen so many horrors in the world, Leon takes even a simple cold seriously. If the temperature does not decrease even after taking an antipyretic, Leon will prefer to take his daughter to the hospital.
√ Leon hardly knows the symptoms of the diseases, but he noticed an unusual dryness of the skin and the smell of acetone in combination with other symptoms. If his daughter loses consciousness in front of him, it will drive him crazy. All the way to the hospital, Leon will hold her in his arms and kiss her on the forehead or the top of her head.
√ Nevertheless, he will not allow himself to show fear of his daughter. No matter at what age she is diagnosed with it, Leon will be her strongest support. He will learn everything about this disease and his concern will only increase.
√ He is paid very well for risks at work, so the question of money is never acute. Leon will make sure that his baby receives good treatment, which will be corrected by doctors in time and he will repeatedly take her to an endocrinologist and other necessary examinations.
√ Measure your blood sugar level every day and make sure that the insulin injection is done on time? Papa Leon is watching this very carefully. He even keeps a blood sugar control log.
√ Does she need a home education? Leon will study this issue, and if necessary, then no problem.
√ It is important to understand that under no circumstances will he leave his child alone with these diseases. He will never tell his wife/girlfriend to deal with this shit alone.
√ Will take her to all medical procedures.
√ He's such a loving dad. He always convinces his little girl that her illness does not make her inferior. Spends time with her looking for classes available to her.
√ He will definitely not allow his child to be offended.
√ He will turn on her cartoons and lie next to her in the nursery until she falls asleep. Actually, Leon, because of his daughter's illness, can check her well-being even at night.
√ He definitely knows how to provide first aid, but for the sake of his daughter, learn to put injections more carefully so as not to leave bruises and not cause her great pain.
√ Always consults with specialists on any medical issues.
√ Leon will always take care of his child's well-being. This is what he highlights, if nerves or stress affect her health, then he will comfort her and say that no excitement is worth her well-being. For Leon, the daughter is a little diamond, no matter what she is ill with.
√ If a chronic illness is caused by a severe injury (for example, a traumatic brain injury), Leon will literally hate himself for not looking after his child well.
√Again, medications are very expensive, as well as treatment, but Leon is ready to do everything possible so that his child does not need anything. If she gets epilepsy later, Leon will try to always be there to help his baby.
√ Leon will always try to be there. When she is in the hospital, he will provide her with the full care that is possible.
√ It does not matter what kind of disease she has, he will still study the Internet and books studying this diagnosis in order to know better how to help his child.
√ Perhaps his daughter will be banned from playing sports or attending summer camps, depending on how serious everything is, then Leon will try to find a good alternative with her.
√ All medicines will always be at hand.
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