#also dogday wants catnap to do better and he wants that comfort but also he doesn't trust him
I like to think Catnap was one of the few people who was there for Dogday when it was his turn to need support and comfort…
Anon you're so correct! Catnap was never much the type of person/toy to make their friends talk about their feelings, but he was always there for Dogday when he wasn't feeling well. Catnap wanting to free Dogday from both the hands of PlayCo. and his role as the obligatory leader of the group was another motivator for him to agree with the Hour of Joy. He genuinely thought this would help his friend, only to end up making Dogday even more emotionally closed off than before.
And yet, post Chapter 3, Catnap is still there to support Dogday. Not that our dear sunny puppy likes, agrees or accepts said support, although deep down he's a bit desperate for any sort of comfort.
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semisolidmind · 7 months
Drops these thoughts in exchange for absolutely mauling your art.
Saved catnap would be down right horrifying to encounter in the woods-
If your just going for a quick walk, I think he’d just stalk you, ensuring you never get close to Angel’s property.
If you’re there for other reasons……well….CatNap has been debating making a new shire for Angel….(much to everyone else’s dismay and horror…)
And if the person sneaking onto the property has features resembling Angel (hair, eyes, clothing, etc), it gets a little…..off putting to into the barn….
(Also the image of CatNap just licking poor Angel while they’re sleeping beside him is so strong. Even more if he’s doing it to annoy DogDay and rub his scent on angel. Gotta lay your claim to your savior somehow!)
(oh god...catnap barn shrine.... consists of some stolen shirts, a comb, perhaps a throw blanket and some pillows, a picture (with anyone other than y/n scratched out) stolen from the mantle, a spare hairtie or two...anything catnap can get his paws on while the others are distracted or out of the house)
and the idea of catnap occasionally "borrowing" his savior has been on my mind. like, he'll get just close enough to them, quietly from behind, to subtly breath a little red smoke on them. just enough to knock them out. then he'll gently carry them up to his nest in the barns' hayloft. he just wants to hold them, but knows y/n doesn't trust him enough to really let him close.
he spends that time where they're knocked out nuzzling them and purring up a storm. he knows the stupid dog will be breaking down his door to retrieve y/n as soon as he realizes they're gone, so....catnap makes the most of his time with them.
ive also been imagining a scene where y/n leaves dogday and the girls inside to make dinner, and goes out onto the back porch. it's dark, and they can't really see much beyond where the porch light can reach, but...they know catnap is out there. they can see the barest trace of his lanky silhouette in the trees beyond the barn.
his white pupils glow through the gloom. his heavy stare pins y/n in place.
with no better ideas, y/n sits, legs dangling over the edge of the deck. they maintain eye contact with catnap. after a beat of silence, they make the one noise no cat can resist.
pssp pssp pssp.
catnap is confused, if the perk of his ears and small tilt of his head is anything to go by.
but, he does take a slow step out of the trees, recognizing the sound as a summons. he begins to cross the yard, getting closer, never taking his eyes off of y/n. his slow stalking gait is anxiety inducing, but y/n tries to keep it together. they have a plan.
they want to get catnap more comfortable with them, with the house, to help better integrate him into their little family. perhaps a little TLC will make the stray cat more personable.
he looks ready to run despite his intimidating facade. his long tail flicks from side to side. curious, but cautious. his eyes never leave y/n.
catnap slowly gets closer and closer, eventually coming into the light. y/n always forgets how big he and dogday actually are; that sheer size is less threatening on dogday, who y/n knows won't hurt them. they're not so sure about catnap.
the massive toy looms over them in spite of his cautious, low posture.
y/n slowly raises their hands, palms upturned. an invitation.
catnap's eyes flicker to their hands for a second before returning to their face. y/n can only hope he understands what they're inviting him to do.
the feline slowly, carefully, steps forward. he sets his heavy head into y/n's palms. he begins to purr when they ever so softly begin to scratch his chin and behind his ears.
moving out of y/n's space, catnap backs away. quiet and uneasy, y/n lets him go. they know that the process of "rehabilitating" him will take time and patience. getting him used to them and the others will be a struggle. but for now, they're just happy that they could get him to accept touch at all.
he knows that the small, tentative smile on their face is...proud, perhaps. happy that he's accepted their care. despite his hesitation, he soaks in the feeling of his savior's hands on him. he can't remember the last time he'd felt a gentle touch. catnap leans into the motions, eyelids drooping a little in contentment. his white eyes remain locked on y/n's face, his pupils dilating a bit. they seem more at ease with him like this. he basks in their simple affection for several minutes, his purring the only sound; he's thoroughly enjoying the peaceful moment between the two of them.
however, a crash from inside and the raucous voices of the other toys startle him into alertness. his eyes widen, pupils shrinking back to slits and his ears lay flat against his head. he hears y/n gasp in surprise, pulling their hands back. catnap's a bit disappointed at the loss of their touch, but knows that it's better not to invite the ire of the other toys by lingering too long. the moment has passed, and he can feel y/n's unease growing again.
the large toy stalks off into the darkness. y/n waits until he's safely beyond the trees to stand and open the door. they cast one last look into the night before heading back inside to mediate whatever accident just occurred.
catnap, as standoffish as he appears, treasures the small gesture he's just received. he returns to the woods, pleased and purring to himself; thinking about the scrap of affection he's been granted from the hands of his beloved savior. he'll be sure to seek them out for more.
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maiko-san · 7 months
Catnap + Dogday x Reader (Part 6)
<<< Part 5
Relationship : Fluff
Warning : ⚠️ Mention of blood, mild amnesia ⚠️
Recap : After inhaling the red smoke, you find yourself awake in Catnap's hidden room. For some reason, you don't remember what happened before you got here....
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Yet again, you wake up from your slumber. You let out a groan and massage your temple.
Your head is throbbing and your whole body aches for no reason. Probably you slept on the wrong side of the bed— wait.
This is Catnap's room.
You're laying on his large cat bed and you begin to question yourself...
Why are you here?
You remember being in the infirmary after you exhausted yourself with work. But something doesn't feel right and you swore something happened after.
You try to remember what had happened but nothing came up, everything is a blur.
It made you feel frustrated.
A sharp pain in your head makes you jolt as you hisses in pain. You decide to ease yourself from thinking too much.
"Catnap?" you called out for the feline mascot.
Where did the cat go?
You look around the room and notice a tray with medicines on them with a few bottles of water.
You pick up the pills and it was the prescription given by the doctor for your headaches.
You didn't think twice and took the pill so it will make your headaches go away.
After that you lay back down on the soft bed, you can return to your office after your headaches goes away.
As much as you want to walk back to your office, you don't want to stumble around like a drunk idiot and hurt yourself.
You close your eyes and rest....
You hear soft purring in your ears, you slowly open your eyes and purple fur fills your vision.
You knew who it was and it is Catnap.
Hugging you close to his body with one arm over you as he purrs softly in his sleep. His body is curled around you in a protective manner.
You unconsciously bring your hand up and rub the feline's head, causing his purring to become louder.
Catnap's eyes open as he stares down at you, he shifts a bit to give you some space.
"How....are you...feeling?"
"I feel a little bit better...hmm...I remember being in the infirmary, did you bring me here Catnap?"
"Yes...I brought you here.... the infirmary bed is...bad...and not good for sleeping"
You hum at his response as you continue to pet him, Catnap closes his eyes and accepts the affection he's receiving from you.
You smile at the sight of the purring cat, you quite enjoy petting him and the other SC. They were made to comfort children in the orphanage after all.
You lift yourself off the bed and stretch yourself, "Well, I guess it's time for me to go back to my office!" this caused Catnap to snap out from his purring state.
"You can't!"
This causes you to flinch slightly at his sudden change of tone, "Why?" you questioned the cat.
Catnap froze, why didn't he think this through? He doesn't want you to go back to your office and see the massacre.
Also, the risk of losing you to the other toys is high.
"Everything.... already closed down"
Catnap said. It's entirely true that it's already past closing time. The playcare and the cable car usually shut down after 9:00 p.m. The only people who have access to everything are the night guards.
"What?! It's already past 9:00 p.m.?!"
You were shocked. You've slept that long? Catnap nods as you rub your forehead, guess you have to sleep in for the night huh.
You pucker up your lips before your stomach lets out a loud growl indicating your hunger.
Catnap's ears perk up at the sound as you smile sheepishly, "I haven't eaten since afternoon...I do remember leaving my lunch on my table" you hummed.
"I'll go get it!"
Catnap said as he stands up on all fours. Before you could question him, Catnap jumps up to the hole above leaving you inside the room.
"Huh?! Catnap, wait! Take me with you!"
You called out for him but to no avail. You let out a sigh as you stare up at the entrance on the ceiling. This room is easy to get in but hard to get out.
You have no choice but to wait for Catnap to come back.
You wait...
What's taking Catnap so long?
You wish there's a clock in here and you don't have a watch to tell you the time. You assume he was gone for 15 minutes now.
Then, you hear something and it comes from the hole.
Something large drops down onto the cat bed, causing you to flinch. It was a blue box with a star on it. It has a crank on its side too. Is it...a music box?
For some reason, you feel the sense of deja vu.
You stare at it for a while, narrowing your eyes at the box.
You just couldn't keep your eyes away from it, if you do something bad would happen.
You and this mysterious box are engaged in a staring competition.
A few minutes pass and nothing happens but that uneasy feeling hasn't left your guts.
Then, the box begins to wind up and plays the well known 'Pop's goes the weasel'
'Get. the. f*ck. outta. there!'
As soon you take a step back, the lid pops and comes out from it, was a monster with razor sharp teeth and claws covered in fresh blood.
By the blessing from the god, you somehow slip and avoid getting eaten by the red headed monster.
That's the only thing you could cry out as you quickly get to your feet and run.
The box monster springs itself towards you like a charging bull, you scream out in fear as you yet again dodge it but it manages to scratch your leg.
You fall on to the ground as you watch your leg bleed, the box monster stalks towards you with hungry eyes.
Your body begin to shakes in fear.
There's no way you can survive this, there is no escape!
As the monster lunges at you, you feel something sharp hooking itself on the back of your shirt and drags you high up.
The box monster was surprised as you are, it let out a frustrated roar as you feel yourself being dragged away by a strange force.
A/n : I know it's a short chapter but I want to leave a cliffhanger.
Also, the Reader had mild amnesia but having it doesn't mean that she forgot her entire identity!
It is only the memories of the previous event were wiped out and she only forgot the event of her being kidnapped and the hour of joy.
But she does remember being in the infirmary, resting.
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neonpaperlanterns · 6 months
Could I request a two parts of dog day (with legs) x reader?
For the first part it’s just fluff to heavy angst.
The second part is heavy angst to fluff.
The plot for the first one, dog day and the reader are with poppy and kissy Missy, while searching the school for supplies. Catnap ambushes them and starts chasing them. He splits up dogday and the reader and while they fight the reader gets kidnapped…
Also Catnap taught as dog day the whole time and tricks him with poppy gas making him believe everything’s okay. When in reality he lost.
Star Gazing
[Part two]
Pulling open drawers you riffled through loose papers and broken pencils. Holding in a sigh you moved onto the next cabinet. More bits and bobs that had long lost their usefulness stared you in the face. 
“How’s the scrounging going?” You did not hold back your sigh this time and let your head gently thunk on the rusted metal of the cabinet.
“That bad?” You heard DogDay muse as he wandered up behind you. In response you flail your arms around. A low laugh leaves him and you turn your head enough to glare at him. There is no heat behind it though, you don’t want to discourage him. The sound of DogDay and Poppy laughing along with the sight of Kissy’s little shoulder shakes is something you deeply treasure.
“Has your luck been better than mine?” You’re hopeful because you know that the school can’t possibly be picked clean. It had been closed off for ten years, something still had to be here. Hidden away in an attempt to preserve it. 
“It has. Come on, let me show you.” DogDay was smiling, he always was, but you knew when it reached his eyes it was genuine.
“Oh? What did you find?” An eyebrow raised as he led you towards one of the classrooms you hadn’t checked yet. 
“It’s a surprise.” That had you intrigued along with the faint giggling you heard through the closed door. Suddenly you were feeling rather giddy. What could they have possibly found that made all of them so excited? 
“Okay, close your eyes.” You did as you were told. Hearing the door creak open you felt your foot tapping in anticipation. Hands were being placed on your shoulders as you were guided through the doorway.
“Alright, you can open them.” Your eyes flung open as you took in the room. Standing in the center was a fort of sorts. Made up of various cabinets, desks, and stray blankets. You could see bits of soft yellow light shining through and the vague shadows of Kissy. 
“Follow me, I’ll show you inside.” You watched as DogDay crouched down, his shoulders hunching slightly as he crawled through a gap in the fort. Doing as you were told again you followed after him, being mindful of the rough concrete and various sharp points on the ground. 
“You’re here!” Small cool porcelain hands grabbed at your sleeve as Poppy tried to help you further into their constructed abode. You watched as she bounced on the balls of her feet. 
“What do you think?” Her big blue eyes looked up at you expectantly. Letting your gaze wander over the faded blankets, rusted desks, and torn pillows you could feel your heart starting to swell. 
“It’s wonderful.” You felt the need to speak softly as you stared at the scene in front of you. Poppy let out a small cheer as she scurried over to a stack of meticulously placed pillows. Kissy was draped over half of the fort, her limbs looped around protruding bars that were cushioned with various bits of cloth. She looked content and maybe a tad sleepy. 
“Get comfortable. There’s more.” DogDay fluffed a pillow as he beckoned you over. Warm excitement bloomed in your stomach as you shucked off the grabpack. Settling down next to him you opted to use his stomach as the resting place for your head. 
“Turn it on, turn it on.” Poppy chanted from atop her throne of cushions. You felt more than heard DogDay laugh. There was a click and the fort was plunged into darkness but then you heard a faint whirring noise. Glancing towards the center you aren’t sure how you didn’t notice the little contraption before. It was giving off a faint bluish glow and then there was a tap to your shoulder. Looking over you see that DogDay was pointing upward. Following his hand you let out a small laugh.
Above you were swirling faint stars. 
They twirled in a sporadic pattern, the light was dim, and you could hear a static filled tune slipping out of old speakers. Even as distorted as it all was you couldn’t help but feel contentment settle over you. Sinking further into DogDay you let this moment wash over you.
“What do ya think?” The giant dog asked.
“I love it.” You stated as you continued to watch the spinning stars. A large hand came to rest around your stomach. 
“Do you think we’ll ever get to see real stars?” Poppy’s small voice sounded from somewhere in the dark. Her tone was melancholic and it made something in your chest clench.
“Yes.” You stated, putting as much conviction behind your statement as possible. “When this is all over and we get out of here I’ll take us stargazing.” You swore.
“Really?” Two voices asked in unison as a mittened hand wrapped around your leg. 
  “I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” and you would. When all of you got out of here you would take them as far away and open as possible. That was a promise.
Everything fell silent as all of you stared at the projection. The arms around you tightened. A soft protest came from Poppy as you heard her get down from her pillow seat. 
And just as she was about to join in what had turned into a cuddle pile the center of the fort came crashing down. 
Dust and wood splinters rained down on you. The sound of Kissy shrieking shook the room as the scent of rotting poppies began to infect the air. Scrambling for your mask you come to the horrifying realization that the mask is attached to the grabpack. Which is not on you right now. Smacking a hand over your mouth you tried to hold your breath. Legs trapped in a tangle of blankets and broken desks you struggled. Your lungs began to burn.
“Get out of here!” DogDay shouts as he also fights against the ruined fort. 
A low rumbling laugh resonated through the room. It slithered through your ears and made your bones ache. Then something was wrapping around your arm and yanking. It tore you from DogDay and for a moment you thought it was Kissy. 
But as the faint glow of quizzical white eyes stared at you, any relief you felt vanished. Catnap brought you up to his face. So close that you could see the little scars that were littered around his eternal smile.
“I cannot see the stars, so none of you ever will.”
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realizinau · 6 months
I'm really interested in your AU (which made me write a whole fanfic bout it, only if that's okay—)
there's a question that got me curious after reading bout the SC roles in the orphanage, how do they deal with a difficult kid?
for example; there's a specific kid that they're really worried bout, that kid won't eat much, refuse to join activities, and if they did join (after being forced) they hardly keep up, won't communicate and always look tired due lack of sleep, and hardly share their hobbies, emotions or thoughts with anyone. what would they do having to deal with such a kid?
(and yes this ask plays an important role in the fanfic since I wanna get their reactions right)
Okok I assume you don't want to wait eons for me to possibly draw an answer so I will bestow this knowledge upon you as the mod, hope that's alright :) This might be a long one my bad
Kickin and Hoppy tend to try to motivate and cheer up rather than talk. They're not really the "emotional talk" type, if they feel it's necessary they'll get one of the other critters who are better equipped to speak with the person
They more or less try to nudge others into things or being engaged with activities, if they don't seem interested they'll join the activity with them and try to help keep them interested. They'll also make games out of simple activities to motivate others, like they'll challenge kids to an eating race to get them to eat their breakfast, stuff like that. They'll also spend 1 on 1 time with the person if they're not wanting to do anything, just to keep them company
Picky and Bubba usually sit the child down and have a talk, they'll want to offer advice or help them work through whatever is going on. They also keep eyes on troubled kids, just to make sure they're caring for their needs properly and not doing anything harmful. Otherwise they'll try to keep the child on the right path with suggestions
Crafty and Bobby have gentler approaches. They'll try to lead into asking the child if they're okay, mostly just sticking around them and watching them to get a sense of whatever is going on before speaking with them. They'll gently nudge them to play or to join in an activity, but eventually they'll pull the child aside. They'll invite the child to vent, even if not much is said they'll try to provide comfort and support anyway. Crafty specifically will invite the child to draw with her, just to keep them company
Dogday is very direct. He wants to know what's wrong and how to help. He can be a little pushy, but he tries to reign himself in, he just cares a lot and doesn't like seeing others upset. He wants to know what's going on so he can offer advice and support, and he also wants to try to cheer them up, make them feel a lil better, help them look on the bright side a bit
Catnap is super attentive. He's Playcare's guardian and he takes that responsibility seriously. He's very observant, he'll watch the child and stay nearby to get a sense of what's going on before acting. Sometimes he's quite indirect in helping, he'll ask another kid to invite the troubled one to their game. Other times he'll nudge the child into the right direction himself, or he'll just quietly keep them company
He tends to talk to children before they go to bed. He'll hang out with individual children and read them stories to help them settle down, but during that time he also tries to get a sense of whatever is bothering them. He asks questions gently, he'll listen if they want to talk, and he'll offer comfort/advice accordingly. He tries to be a calming presence more than a forceful one so he's not generally super pushy
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thewiz9062 · 6 months
Smiling Critters AU: Catnap's Psyche
NOTE: THIS IS NOT RELATED TO CANON IN THE SLIGHTEST. An accurate description of this au is that I took every playtime.co poster art and promotional material from the game and lit up the rest of canon in a bonfire. Meaning that EVERY character is part of one big cartoon. Thats it. No bigger bodies project, no child souls, no experiments, just a depiction of a cartoon. PLEASE do not ask me to do anything suggestive with anyone.
OK so catnap in an interesting case,
I will be referencing events from my masterpost, but if you want to read like the bare minimum, then his backstory is here because attempting to re-write it here was a chore
I've sort of made him the introvert, but the more I write about him, the more he seems surprisingly adept at reading emotions, and I like it so we're rolling with it. I like to think he felt alot of emotions during his homelessness period, and references his own pain to inquire what others are feeling, and apply a comforting technique based on how he moved on and how they might feel about the situation. If dogday is inspiration and happiness, then catnap is melancholy.
Now I wanna go over his situational mutism, as it's pretty important and affects most of his interactions with the others. First I'll say that I have done some reading but this may still be somewhat inaccurate, and please tell me if I'm way off base so I can edit it if you have better info.
It started during his homelessness, and being uncomfortable around anyone and everyone due to the fact of him literally being a stray cat as well as living alone for 8-9 years didn't really help. Eventually his voice just wouldn't work when interacting with anyone so miming and over-exxagerating facial expressions (to the best of his resting bitch face can allow) is his way of communication. He still ends up wishing he could, but what's done is done. He doesn't know sign language as no one was yk... there to teach him.
I also want to get into how dogday is his closest friend when because in practice, it should be bobby. Picky was kind of put about the whole 'forest cabin kid' thing, but Bobby was understanding and even gave him food, but in terms of interaction, it was just awkward. Both felt bad in different ways, Bobby a little upset that the communication barrier is blocking her from truly being able to help him, and catnap being sad that this the first person his age that willingly wants to talk to him in years and he can't even muster a few words. Even his facial expressions weren't quite working, and their "convos" were more like peaceful interrogations.
Thankfully, she put dogday on the case, and interacting with him was a whole different story. He didn't immediately get awkward when catnap didn't respond to a question and mimed about his situational mutism, instead treating him as if he was talking to someone normally, with a few minor modifications Questions wouldn't require an answer, he would just study his gestures and infer a response, or when he was rambling he wouldn't stop to check if catnap was listening due to his silence, he treated him like he would with anyone else. Maybe he was oblivious to what he was doing right, maybe not, catnap appreciated it either way.
So imagine his suprise when he realized that in a way, Dogday was just like him in a way.
The slip-up in dogday's words revealed he lives in an orphanage, and he doesn't really know his parents as he was abandoned. But his excitable demeanor just didn't make sense to him. It's only when dogday accidentally breaks into a tangent about how his situation isn't bad and that it's okay, and he's okay does catnap realize the subconscious mental limiter dogday's placed on himself. Catnap sees himself in Dogday, but instead of riding all his emotions out, Dogday has suppressed everything, in hopes to make everyone, and to an extent himself, happy. He couldn't just let him continue that, and in some way, that familiarity broke through the uncomfortability as he told dogday that it's alright to sulk. Something that wasn't told to him before.
I like the parallels I made with him and dogday and the backstory I gave him, so that's why I chose situational mutism instead of just being mute. The rest of the critters haven't met catnap yet because that happens during the summer arc so I still have to plan that out.
This psyche series is my way of reminding myself how they think, so if you did read or end up reading my other posts, I would appreciate if you could point out inconsistencies!! Ty for reading this
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valentinbelleyh505 · 25 days
can you make Hoppy x Kickin Headcanons
here you go
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Cool ADHD Boy x Cool Autistic Girl
Rivals to Lovers
Hoppy Hopscotch it's better than KichinChicken in everything
they both loves alot to play Sports (ex. Football, Basketball, Bowling and Tennis)
their favorite comics are DC and any FNAF Graphic Novel Trilogy, they always read these comics together
they are both 16 years old and their orientations are Pansexual and both also are Demi's
they're Rapunzel/Flynn, Chicken Little/Abby, Rainbow Dash/AppleJack, Judy/Nick, LadyBug/ChatNoir, Bonnie/Chica and SPECIALLY Bunga/Binga
their first meeting was in the skate place when they was 13 y/o and pratict on there, in first time Kickin saw Hoppy he started having a romantic feeling and a rivaly at same time so in same day Kickin planned a challenge to her on the skate place, but Hoppy won, so in a day Kickin planned more challenges to see who is better than who, and Hoppy was the winner in all of the sports, one of the sports they getting their face on each-other closing and Hoppy started having a romantic feeling too.
They do that skate challenge, and Hoppy win the challenge, then Kickin, wanted the revanch but Hoppy was upset then later Kickin planned more challenge with skate and the others sports that he thinked he will win, but these challenge Hoppy always winned.
Both are competitive and had a friendly-rivaly with each-other but from the inside it looks like they are in love with each other but they are TOO flustered to confess their feelings on each-other
when Hoppy said to a friend that her favorite season is autumn, Kickin listed and walks up blushing and said that is also his favorite season, and Hoppy was suprised. Hm...
Hoppy have Arachibutyrophobia (fear of peanut butter), so in a day when Picky or her dad asks her if she wants any food with peanut butter, Kickin says that she doesn't like any food with peanut butter
in the 1st of February, DogDay and Bubba knew that Kickin have a crush on Hoppy
so after this, DogDay tell to CatNap that Kickin have a crush on Hoppy
and later, Bobby was the second critter who knew that Kickin have a crush on Hoppy, so she tell to Crafty and Picky
also Bobby started to make every fanfiction about Hoppy/Kickin love story omg- and Crafty make every fanarts of HopKick
they both always tries to help each other, and also Kickin always tries to help Hoppy to go in the Moon
they both are good on babysitting, when Picky and her parents are out she requests they to babysitter her youngest brother, JuniPiggy, when heis sleeping, they play some games, watch a movie or any series/TV shows and/or also sleeps. This is same thing with Bobby and her youngest sister
Kickin's Mom gives a gift for Kickin that is a sketchbook that he keeps under his mattress, that is just COVERED in doodles of Hoppy with tiny pink and red hearts all over the pages
in Valentine's Day, Kickin was going to ask to Hoppy want to be his gf, but he was too nervous to ask her, so DogDay, CatNap and Bubba helped Kickin on this and they turned his WingMen, Bubba teaches Kickin how to flirt and DogDay & CatNap got some gifts for he gives to Hoppy, so after he going to ask her with courage, and he did it!
DogDay told to the rest of the Smiling Critters that Kickin and Hoppy are Dating
During molting season Kickin gets insecure about his looks and thinks he looks ugly due to his lack of feathers and thinks that Hoppy won't like him anymore because he's "less attractive" but then Hoppy comforts him and promises him that she still loves him no matter what he looks like while cuddling him and getting soft kisses all over his face while reassures him, that she thinks that he still looks cute to her
their songs are Who is Better Than Who, ToyBox's Best Friend, and ToyBox's SuperStar
when is winter, Kickin sees that Hoppy is don't with jacket, so he gives his jacket to her don't feel cold (this is based on a cute video from tiktok that i found on Twitter/X)
my Smiling Critters OC, PlattyWally likes Kickin's romantic relationship with Hoppy, and she was so happy when knew that they are Dating
they also loves horror movies and stories, they didn't scares of this tip of movies or stories
DogDay, CraftyCorn and Bobby BearHug are #1 HopKick Fans
Kickin always have a dream that Hoppy said that he is the best and he confess that she is the best, and when he wake up he sees that his mom and dad or his friends looking at him, and he gives they a good morning (i think my the lion guard followers know the reference lol)
when they had any nightmares, they always comfort each-other, and ofc Bobby found it cute
in the future, should be a cool parents, when their child make 5 months later they'll teach their child how to walk, when their child make 2 or 5 years they will teaches their child to play with sports but they abit are very worried if their child will have something that hurts, and also in the future i'll make a fanchild for they based on a silkie, they also will put him on a really cool School to their child training with.
some of the headcanons @dollieguts1010 also gives to me and inspired by
more of my KickinChicken x Hoppy Hopscotch headcanons ↓
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blukiar · 6 months
"The Play Factory" AU [Part 1-General edition]
Edit: I now have a name for it! :)
welp now that I have more of a reason to draw Poppy Playtime content, I can finally share some of my cringy HCs I have for the characters so let's hop in. (Sorry for the long read)
ALSO- TW for mentioned cannibalism (again sorry)
First and foremost! In my AU, much like the game, the toys are experiments created by humans, HOWEVER, they were NOT created from kids/human bodies. Although they still need human elements to be made (like DNA/blood samples) they do not inherit the consciousness of the source of those samples. In other words, they are all sentient toys with their own personalities, traits and mindsets.
Their role is their job: Each toy is assigned a role to play for the kids' enjoyment and comfort by the workers of PT.co. This role is to be fulfilled everyday for 12hrs. Some toys have shifts like Catnap working at night while Dogday works only in the mornings. Those who have to work the full 12hrs do get breaks so they don't get overworked
The toys are basically paid actors: Despite their assigned roles, the toys aren't exactly what PT.co portray them as to the kids and outsiders after working hours. For example, Huggy isn't a jolly, want-to-hug-em-all type of guy outside of work, he's more of a tired uncle who's the voice of reasoning among the big toys. Regardless, the PT.co workers would leave them be as long as they stay out of trouble and do their job correctly
Toys cannot reproduce: Kind of self-explanatory, helps to keep the toy population in check and avoid numerous problems that would come with it. (howeverthisdoesn'tmeantheycan'thave"playtime"thothisrarelyhappens)
Dysfunctional toys are executed: Before the toys are brought to the kids, each are tested and tried to ensure they are kid friendly and safe to be around. If a toy fails to meet the requirements during this process, they are taken to the deeper parts of the facility to be terminated and have their remains recycled to create a better version of them. Worst case, they would be executed and their remains would be fed to the bigger toys whenever they misbehave.
Troublemakers will be punished: Despite meeting the safety requirements, toys still tend to misbehave from time to time, and thus they are sent to the containment room for timeouts. Mommy Long Legs and Boxy Boo, are the two big toys that misbehave the most due to their aggressive nature, both play their roles perfectly yet - Mommy isn't quite friendly to the adults (both Human and toys alike) and Boxy, although obedient, can be unpredictable at times (thankfully he hasn't hurt a child) In addition to the previous HC, both have had their fair share of "dysfunctional snacks" after 2 days of starvation (sometimes Boxy would eat them alive)
Toys are not allowed to roam and leave their work posts: Toys aren't allowed to roam the facility without staff supervision and like their roles, toys are assigned a working area that they cannot leave until working hours are over. This rule ONLY applies to the big toys (Huggy, Kissy, Mommy, Boxy, Daddy, The Delight sisters and smiling critters) the little toys can roam freely with only a few restrictions.
And that's all I can think of for the general stuff, I'm gonna do one for ships and characters separately, in the meantime, feel free to ask questions. and thanks for reading :3
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lavendersartistry · 6 months
Bane of my Existence
Space Riders AU - @onyxonline Eve Ewe, Bolt - @lavendersartistry
This fic is more of a planned fic for onyxonline's Space Riders AU! This is mainly centered as the slowburn end between Eve Ewe and Bolt! Please check Onyx out, their work is super cool!
Also we get creator cameos! Hope you can spot your character Astra, Onyx!
Want more context? Here!
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Koi rolled her eyes for the nth time. Her and Bobby were at their wits end at this point, trying to help out Bolt with confessing to Eve.
Bolt wasn't doing well for himself if he kept his feelings out of reach for Eve to hold. If he wasn't fast enough, he could miss his chance entirely.
And both Koi and Bobby weren't going to let it happen. But unlike Bobby, who was trying to ease it down, Koi was going to flat out say what he needed to hear.
"You love her, don't you?"
Bolt nodded.
"But doing it like this won't do anything."
Koi scoffed and rolled her eyes again.
"Neither is sitting around, pretending to wait for the right time. This is the right time! Wake up your head for once, boy."
Koi got closer to Bolt, her face inches away from his. Hoppy, in the background, put her hand to her mouth and 'oooh'ed.
"Tell her now or you can say goodbye to being her lover."
That felt like a threat. CatNap took the initiative to hold Bolt back with his tail before he could jump Koi. Bobby immediately went to Koi's side, her soft eyes looking only at Bolt.
"Even if Koi is right, do what makes you feel comfortable to tell her. You know she will only say yes to you."
Eve solemnly looked at the lily pond within her chambers. She was beautifully dressed in velvet dark blue, a dress fit perfectly for a queen. But she wasn't happy.
Every birthday started with her and Bolt spending the morning together. Every sunrise was spent with laughter and joy between the two.
So why wasn't he there this birthday?
"You're upset, princess."
Eve frowned, biting her lip to not cry.
"He didn't come this morning, Astra. He always comes by the mornings."
The creature felt sadness in the princess. Yes, it was unlikely of Bolt to miss something so important, but there must have been a reason why.
Astra carefully placed Eve's diadem to her then gave her a hug.
"Don't be too sad, princess. I'm sure he'll be here for your birthday party. Not even him can miss that."
Eve nodded, starting to smile a little.
"You're right, thank you Astra. I'm glad Mother chose you to watch over me."
"I'm just doing my job!"
11:55. It was gift time. And still no show of Bolt. It was starting to get irritating for Eve.
DogDay could see how upset she was and was a little upset himself. He knew how close Bolt and Eve were, how desperate they wanted to be with each other.
He quietly placed a hand on Eve's shoulder.
"He's going to come, I know it."
Eve didn't look at DogDay, too caught up in her sorrows.
"You said that hours before. He missed our morning, he missed the party. He's not coming, he doesn't love me anymore."
DogDay pulled Eve into a tight hug, letting her soon cry into his chest. She was heartbroken, felt played. It hurt.
"He does love you, Evie. He just... I don't know at this point, but don't give up on him."
As if on cue, Bolt emerged from the shadows of the gardens. All eyes turned to him. He quietly walked over to Eve and DogDay, internally saddened by Eve's cries. Cries he caused.
"DogDay, if I could?"
DogDay was hesitant but handed Eve over to him, a light glare on the captain's face.
"You better make it up to her."
Bolt nodded and led Eve back to the gardens, where her present awaited her. Eve turned her head up, her eyes starting to sparkle as she saw his gift.
A candle lit path guided her to a river that glowed under the moonlight. A gazebo, unfamiliar to her, was next to it as owls were perched at the top and softly 'hoo' at the sight of her.
"Bolt.. I.."
As the two walked to the gazebo, Bolt kept his hand above hers.
"I know you're mad at me, and you have every right to be. I missed so many things between us, and I'm so sorry. I never wanted to make you cry like this, especially because of me."
Bolt sighed heavily, turning his head away.
"I care for you so much, Evie. You light up my world and my heart. If not a princess, you are a goddess that fell to bless me your presence. And I am always honored to be your guard."
The two entered the gazebo, little wolves and lambs approaching them like innocent children. Bolt turned his head back to Eve, a great smile to his face.
"You're all I ever wanted, princesa. I don't want anyone else."
Then Bolt got down on one knee, making Eve lightly gasp. He wasn't trying to propose already, was he? Eve started getting teary at the thought of it.
"I know this seems like a proposal, but it is in a way. Please listen when I say.. you are the bane of my existence and... and the object of all my desires. I wish to the heavens every night for you and I to be together in every reality this world will give, no matter the form we take. I love you with all my heart, Everiene."
Bolt pulled out a red velvet box and opened it. A promise ring.
"Forever and always, mi amor?"
Eve was stunned yet let her heart control her actions. She threw herself at Bolt, hugging him tightly. She quickly kissed his lips and caressed the scars on his face.
"Yes. Yes, Bolt. Forever and always."
The two embraced as fireworks began flying into the sky, signaling it was now 12:00. Bolt picked up Eve and spun her around as she was tight in his hold.
They laughed and later danced. Forever grateful for their true love.
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askthecritters · 2 months
We Are The Smiling Critters!
This the smiling critters askblog where you lovely people out there ask them questions and they answer in the form of a comic! Here are the characters
Bobby BearHug: Bobby Bearhug is caring and loving, and whenever any conflict is brewing among the gang, she's the first one to remind them all what great friends they are. She loves hugging and will always suggest activities that involve everyone and help build bonds among them.
DogDay: DogDay is very much the leader of the group, and where CatNap is silent and reserved, DogDay is energetic, upbeat, and welcoming. He represents the values of friendship and support
KickinChicken: KickinChicken is all about having fun and being active. He's a skilled skateboarder and a very cool customer, but underneath that hip exterior, he scares easily! He faces down his fears with the help of his friends.
Hoppy Hopscotch:  A real tomboy, Hoppy Hopscotch can be a handful to deal with--she's impatient and can be loud. But she's also energetic and positive and is a big motivator behind the gang's activities. She's designed to show the value of getting out of your comfort zone and trying something new.
CraftyCorn: The artist of the group, CraftyCorn can be a little shy and awkward when talking to others--it's in her art that she truly expresses herself! She's all about creativity and the beauty in ordinary things
Bubba Bubbaphant: Bubba Bubbaphant is bright and knowledgeable, and we wanted him to represent the value of studying and reading. He often makes interesting observations and loves to share his knowledge with his friends--whether they want to hear it or not!
CatNap: CatNap is a reassuring presence for the Critters and puts them to sleep at the end of the day. But, despite his love for sleeping, he also participates in many of the Critters activities! (BTW, he got his white mist back)
PickyPiggy: PickyPiggy loves food--preparing it and eating it! While her friends go about their busy daily lives, Pig makes sure they eat properly--making food that's balanced and nutritious and urging them not to skip meals.
ColorFly: The newest member of the Critters, ColorFly loves to spread Colorful joy and happiness to everyone! When your feeling gray, she'll be there in a flash to help you feel better. She also loves rainbows.
They all hang out at DogDay's DogHouse, and would love to answer you questions!
No ships
No romantic questions or fanart
You don't need to ask if you don't want to. But, it would be appreciated if you do!
Have fun!
(Most important) NO GAY STUFF!!!
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how did the player manage to get all of them??? what did player do to convince them? if they had to be convinced?? (i'm asking about the 'everyone is saved' au!)
I'm working on a few pieces of art regarding this, but they'll take some time, so until then...
The Player/Angel did half of the "rescues" by accident, the other half by sheer spite. Huggy was saved from falling down by a VERY shaky and terrified Angel who had to drag him somewhere else so they could take a look at him. After freeing a very shocked and terrified Poppy and seeing her getting kidnapped by Mommy Long Legs, the duo went on their way to rescue the doll. And, well...
Lets just say. Long Legs did NOT like having a grown adult look at her face and tell her she seems lonely. Huggy 100% looked at Angel not understanding half of what was going on but still nodded along. He also didn't help much with the games Long Legs was throwing at them, and the toys that were a part of it were SO confused by Huggy being there. Thankfully, though, Angel unkowingly saved their lives with their banter with Long Legs. Angel also sort of "rescued" them/befriended them after the games.
Long Legs... I plan on either drawing or writing more in-depth about how the Angel convinced her to stick around, but let's just say that they GRABBED her out of being crushed to death. Sadly she still lost an arm, but it's better than her life.
Angel came back with Long Legs, Huggy and at least 20 other toys and Poppy was just "??????? how????????", but she was just too thankful to see them alive and well to say anything else.
Angel stayed with the group for some time to take care of everyone's wounds, because Huggy unfortunately also got a bit more hurt during Long Leg's chase. They, uhm, had a sibling fight. That involved certain murder attempt. But, hey, at least they're okay now! Poppy also informed Angel of most details of her plan instead of making them enter the train to reveal that.
Angel, however, decided to head to Playcare alone with Poppy. It took some convincing, but too many toys were hurt for them to feel safe having around without fearing for their lives. Playcare felt lonely until Angel found Dogday and yanked him away from his cell before running for their lives.
For this AU, Dogday does not recover his legs. Angel takes him to Poppy and Kissy, and, together, they stitch him back together. Dogday then follows and helps Angel around, mostly by warning them of what they could find.
I could go on and ONNNNN about what saving Catnap was like but, again, I plan on going that more in-depth later on. So a quick tldr would be "Angel discovers who Theo was and what happened to him before becoming Catnap and decides to bring some comfort to this literal child". Angel knows something else happened to Catnap for him to go from following the Prototype around like a child trying to copy their parent to an apex predator who almost had to beg the Smiling Critters to hunt other toys so they wouldn't starve. Dogday plays a role on this as well because him and Catnap used to be friends (he tried to shield little Theo from all the bullying!), and he genuinely wants Catnap to become better, but he's too hurt to actually be the one who convinces him to switch sides.
Anyways. Angel didn't want for Catnap to be electrocuted again. They were dissociating and on the verge of tears when the Prototype's arm appeared. They didn't even know what happened until they were on top of Catnap and he smelt blood as the Prototype simply left them to be.
Catnap lost an ear and was so, so angry at Angel for throwing themself at him. He was hurt and horrified and he actually screamed at Angel before they calmed him down.
We can say that Catnap knew that dying wasn't the solution he wanted, but after spending so much time in that nightmare, it was the only option he knew. Thankfully Angel knows well how that feels like and gently treated his wounds, even when he tried to attack them, even when he ran away more than once so he wouldn't look at that human again. Angel was still there for him.
Anyways this is followed by Angel having to stop Mommy Long Legs and Catnap from trying to kill each other, and then Angel having to assign Dogday to look out for Long Legs so she wouldn't try to make Huggy or Kissy fight the cat.
Anyways, Angel also befriends the mini critters on this process because they were assigned as the Playcare's new apex predator. Angel asks Catnap to keep the little ones OUT of Dogday's sight so the dog wouldn't have a panic attack, then comes back two hours later to see the mini critters and the mini huggies befriending each other.
After that, it's the group against the Prototype.
After that, it's Angel trying to convince Prototype to try therapy. And then when it's all said and one, everyone goes outside and Angel calls the authorities after being handled the paperwork transferring the factory's ownership and money to them. It's a LOT of explaining to do, LOTS of documents to hide so no one else would try to replicate the experiments ever again, and some extra laws being made because what the actual fuck just happened here.
So, in a nutshell:
Angel has too much dad/mom energy for the traumatized kids to not get themselves attached to them.
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I can’t imagine how happy Dogday was when he learned the rest of the Smiling Critters were still alive! Their reunion must have been heartwarming and tearful…though it must have been a bit awkward when Catnap showed up!
Some spoilers bc I REALLYYYYY want to write this scene, but! Catnap received a message from Prototype first and rushed to Angel, saying that more toys were found. Angel thanks him and rushes back to Playtime Co. as the cops call them to tell them about the situation.
When they arrive, Poppy on their side, it's when they see Craftycorn, wrapped in a blanket, trembling.
Angel drops their phone to the ground. Poppy's eyes are wide open as they see Hoppy being carried over to an ambulance. Angel grabs their faithful Nokia phone and immediately calls back home. Mommy picks up the phone, only to hear Angel say "the other Smiling Critters are alive".
Long Legs' eyes are also wide open in surprise when she gives Dogday the phone. He then stares at Catnap before telling him their friends are all alive.
Angel grabs Dogday's wheelchair and fits him in the van they rented - Catnap didn't have the courage to come with them - before driving to the hospital. When Dogday sees Crafty, the first one to recover, they're both sobbing. They hug each other, Dogday asks her just how this happened, she says that she tried her best. Dogday is there to calm Hoppy down when she wakes up, to hug Picky when she sobs upon finding him, ready to help Bobby clean her tears, cracking a joke when Kickin wakes up and asks if he died and this is heaven, and there to give Bubba the hug he needs. Everyone is so happy to find each other still alive, and then Dogday and Angel break the news that most of the other toys are still alive, including Catnap.
Reactions are Mixed. "He's doing better now", Dogday promises. "He's doing so much better, actually. He wants to make up for everything". Hoppy doesn't believe him at all, and the others are wary. They come back to Angel's home one by one, and each encounter makes Catnap more and more aware of their own increasing guilt. He gives every single critter a small gift, or at least tries to make them feel as comfortable as possible. He doesn't talk much to anyone until two weeks after, when he helps Picky move around a bit.
There is a moment in which Catnap does cry from seeing his friends doing well, and I think he cries a lot when Crafty hugs him and tells him she forgives him and MEANS it. The others come with time, but everyone eventually goes back to being a big and silly group of friends.
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How do doctor appointments normally go for the toys?
The hospital visit post-rescue went better than expected due to just how exhausted most of them were. Even Catnap didn't have the energy to do much, although he did growl at the doctors and nurses. However, after that, Angel quickly realized the toys hated how similar the hospital was to Playtime Co.'s laboratories, and if they wanted the kids to cooperate, they would need to get creative with it.
Whenever it's possible, Angel has doctors and nurses going to the house instead of the other way around. Lessens the anxiety and helps the toys get used to other humans, but most importantly, starts making them trust said doctors.
Mommy Long Legs is usually agressive. Tells the doctors she's doing better than she is, and is deadly afraid of any injections or taking meds. It takes months for her to not have to get a day or two of emotionally getting ready for an appointment, and some more before she can feel like these strangers won't hurt her.
Catnap is similar to MLL, but he only behaves because his savior (Angel) trusts these people. When he drops the savior thing it's when he finally has a panic attack over an appointment, and when he realizes that yes, he's afraid of the hospital. Dogday is the one who helps him the most with this.
Speaking of which, Dogday is surprisingly calm. He knows these are good people trying their best to help him, and after getting an emergency surgery the same day he left the factory he assigns himself the role of helping the other toys calm down. He treats appointments like a necessary evil, even if sometimes he still flinches.
Miss Delight almost cries every single time a doctor or nurse is kind to her. What do you mean there's genuinely good people out there who don't think she's a monster?! Although a bit fidgety from time to time, she doesn't panic.
Huggy, Boxy, PJ and Kissy are wary at first, growling at the humans when they approach them, but with enough talk and patience, Angel convinces them to trust the medical team. They all get free lollipops and this is their favorite part of any doctor appointment.
Poppy is weirded out, fidgety, and doesn't understand why when she KNOWS she won't be hurt, but then it hits her that she doesn't have to shut herself up and just follow along if she doesn't feel comfortable to. Doctors respecting their patients? Now that's crazy!
KickinChicken is trembling the entire time he's at the hospital, not cooperating at all. He refuses to say it, but after a few weeks Angel finds out he doesn't even understand half the things the doctors are doing. He needs it explained to him in detail and why they're doing the procedures they're doing. After a few months he becomes less aggressive, but he needs someone with him at all times or else he will have a panic attack.
TRIGGER WARNING FOR SELF DESTRUCTIVE TENDENCIES AND SELF HARM FOR THIS PARAGRAPH. Picky is strangely lethargic. She lets the doctors and nurses do whatever, thinking that if they are doing something bad for her, it's because she deserves it. Can't believe anyone should help her after what she did to her friends. Becomes better with therapy, and is a very cooperative patient, although quiet.
Bobby is so scared, asking questions and begging that no one hurts her or touches her without warning. It doesn't take too much time for her to get used to other humans, and she easily gets attached to the medical staff. Loves all of then, but is easily hurt if anyone is mean or uncaring.
Hoppy is grumpy. She actually did hit one or two doctors during her rescue, but after that it's a series of "oh how fucking great, what are you going to do to me now, uh? Uh?", almost challenging the strangers to do something drastic. Also doesn't understand what they're doing to her, but only gets grumpier as she knows more and more. "Is this actually necessary?", she asks, time and time again. Only after months to a year she starts cooperating more, and that's only because Dogday or Angel are there following her to a doctor appointment.
Crafty is completely non-verbal for the first appointments, refusing to say anything that could potentially be used against her. That, or she straight-up lies and/or makes up stories for her injuries and how she's feeling. Needs to be explained the procedures, but doesn't care too much for the details, and stops lying after warming up to the other humans.
Bubba knows and understands the majority of the procedures, and is very calm. He uses logic and facts to calm himself down, and is the one that explains what the doctors are doing when a toy asks. Despite his calm exterior, however, he did have more than one flashback or episode during an appointment, and thought he could just tank through it, as if its a normal thing to happen. Needs to be reassured and calmed down, but also demands others to treat him like he didnt just have a flashback or episode.
Bunzo and the mini toys are screaming their lungs out. He's crying and sobbing and clinging to Angel for dear life, afraid they're going to give him away to the scientists Long Legs always told him about. Needs to be calmed down and gently reassured, and refuses to leave Angel's side. After getting used to the idea of doctors not experimenting on their patients, he's very cooperative!
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