#also easier to sneak out and cause problems in
brendathedoodler · 1 year
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Princess Tetra and Wind, planning their escape
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Steve and Gareth as cousins warm up, part two! 
First part is HERE. 
Next part is HERE. 
Reminder: Someone on Twitter proposed Steve and Gareth as cousins whose family had a major falling out, and then someone else brought it up recently and long story short no idea who to credit the idea too bc you can’t search for SHIT on Twitter but it's theirs not mine.
Warnings: Steve and Robin Get (canon-S3) Drugged. 
"I'm just saying the other theater is cheaper." Eddie said around the straw jammed in his mouth. 
He carried the largest bucket of popcorn Starcourt’s movie theater offered, alongside the two boxes of candy he'd also demanded Gareth buy him. 
"Easier to sneak into, you mean." Gareth corrected, with his significantly smaller bag of popcorn. His, he planned to share with Jeff, Grant having snuck in his own food. 
Gareth himself would have snuck in the cheaper (and far larger) snacks, but Eddie had thrown a fit about going to the mall to see a new movie instead of Hawkin’s far older theater. 
Of course, the older theater also had several disadvantages, key of which was terrible seating, and so, Gareth had bribed him with whatever treats he wanted. 
His wallet took a hit but fuck it, at least they got to actually see the screen. 
Not that they even made it into the fucking theater, because someone chose that moment to crash into Eddie. 
Popcorn kernels and soda flew everywhere, with Eddie only avoiding it landing on him and Gareth both by years of dealing with this exact bullshit in school. Of course, the mall wasn’t school, and neither of them had their guard up. 
"What the hell man--" Eddie spat, immediately on the defense, as they both turned to see what jackass wanted to cause problems this time. 
Except Gareth had recognized the person who bumped him. 
"Steve?" Gareth asked, causing  his cousin to totter around and face him. He was in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, which remained to be absolutely ridiculous, but that hadn't been what had drawn Gareth's attention. 
No, that would be the absolute wrecked face staring at him with a doped up grin. 
All thoughts of the movie immediately faded away. 
"What happened to your face!?" Gareth demanded, immediately stepping up into his cousin's space, eyes darting over the damage. 
Recent black eye, split lip, blood splatter all down one side of his neck, nevermind his clothes… 
"Robs!" Steve called over his shoulder instead of answering, body moving as if he was walking on a wildly rocking boat and not solid ground. "Come 'ere!" 
He beamed, which had the horrific effect of resplitting his lips. "Meet Gareth, my baby cousin!" 
"I am two years younger than you." Gareth argued on automatic. He didn’t look to see how Eddie took this little piece of info--he’d figure out what he’d say later, when Steve wasn’t covered in blood. 
It did not stop Robin from reaching out to pinch his cheeks. 
She too, Gareth realized, was clearly high on something, both of them giggling and weaving on their feet. 
At least Robin didn’t appear to be hurt--or at least, not hurt as badly as Steve. 
"What the hell did you two take?" Gareth demanded, looking between them as he quickly put his popcorn back off to the side. 
"We didn't take anything, dad." Steve said bossily, rolling his eyes. He spoke in a voice so unlike himself that Gareth knew his own face was doing something crazy. 
Not that he could stop it because what the hell. 
"What my patriotic friend here means is that we don't know." Robin added, smacking a hand onto Steve’s shoulder. 
(The entire sentence was slurred and sounded like she'd shoved candy in her mouth before she started talking.) 
"You don't know?!” Gareth asked, taking in the way Steve flinched when Robin touched him. Added a mental note to check his cousin's shoulder too. “How do you not know?" 
Gareth wasn't panicking, he wasn't, except he absolutely fucking was. Steve's dad was going to kill him, disown him, and throw the body out of his house--in that exact order. 
Gareth’s parents wouldn’t take him in, not unless his mom felt she could use it to one up her sister in some way which meant that Gareth was going to have to sneak Steve in and out of the house like he was some--some puppy Gareth was trying to keep and--
"Did someone give you two something?" Eddie asked, interrupting Gareth’s spiraling. 
"Give is a very strong word." Steve said with a snicker. 
Robin nodded so much she looked like a bobble head. She leaned in, nearly falling into Gareth in the process. “In fact it’s not the word I’d use at all! I’d use…” She trailed off, screwing her eyes up in thought. 
“Made us?” Steve suggested as Gareth finally gave in to his instincts and reached out to steady his cousin. “Forced us?” 
“Socked it to us!” Robin added with a weird amount of glee, and the two of them once again collapsed into giggles.
Literally, forcing Gareth to try and steady them both. 
Which meant Eddie was right--they’d been drugged. It made perfect sense-- Steve wasn’t the kind to experiment with drugs beyond weed. Had in fact, given a very long lecture about how he’d make Gareth go on runs with him if he ever found out Eddie had given him anything stronger than weed. 
There was no way he’d change now, and especially not around a jobsite. Particularly one as busy as the mall. 
"You can't tell anybody." Robin continued, eyes so wide they were more white than pupils. "But we got truth serumed!" 
As if that made any fucking sense. 
Gareth turned a half frantic, half disbelieving look to Eddie--whose own face scared him almost as badly as Steve's did. 
He was hiding it, and doing a good job of doing so, but Eddie was the one person Gareth knew better than Steve. 
Right now? Eddie Munson was furious. 
Not mad, or upset, or even as pissed as he had been the time Tommy Hagan had thrown his drug box in the river. 
He was enraged. 
"Hey." He said, and the only thing more shocking than realizing Eddie was this mad was hearing him talk in a calming, almost playful voice. "Sounds like you two sailors had a pretty rough time. Why don't we go to the bathroom and get you both cleaned up? I bet you'll feel a little better." 
It was clearly the right move, because both of them looked downright delighted. 
"He thinks we're sailors!" Steve said, cupping a hand around his mouth and leaning to talk in Robin’s ear as if he was whispering. (He wasn’t.) 
Robin’s grin grew impossibly wider, before Eddie stepped forward to help Gareth half guide half herd the two into the nearest bathroom. 
"I know you." Robin said, squinting dramatically as Eddie opened the door with his regular flair, bellowing for anyone in the place to get out. 
It was Steve's turn to nod enthusiastically. "That's Eddie, Robbie." He said.
"I'm honored King Steve knows such a humble peasant's name." Eddie bowed as Gareth finally got both Steve and Robin into the bathroom, trying to get them to sit on the floor before they fell on their asses. 
Which just made a hurt expression appear on Steve's face. "’Course I do. You have really pretty hair." 
It had the effect of making Eddie look like he’d been punched and Gareth had to quickly turn his bark of laughter into a cough. 
"I bet it's soft.” Steve continued, as he pressed his back against the tiled wall and slowly slid down to the floor. “Gare, is it soft?" 
"It's very soft." Gareth agreed, trying to wet a paper towel with shaking hands. Finally he gave up entirely, ripping the plaid sweater he had tied around his waist and shoving one of the sleeves into the sink. 
“Oh my god.” Robin said abruptly, sitting up from her own slouched spot on the floor as if she’d suddenly been stricken sober. “It’s him! He’s your type!” 
“What’s my type?” Steve turned to her, as Eddie leaned his back against the door to the bathroom, blocking anyone else from entering. 
“It’s like--like Nancy! But boy Nancy.” Robin seemed to think this made a ton of sense, and given Steve’s immediate groan maybe it did to him, but Gareth was too freaked out to even begin to process what the hell they were on about.
Probably nothing, given they’d been drugged. 
Eddie seemed to pick up on his general anxiety and poor attempts at shoving down his own freakout, because he gently called out Gareth’s name. 
“I think it’s wet enough.” He added with a raised eyebrow. His eyes drifted purposefully to the sink and with a curse, Gareth snapped shut the water off. 
His hands were still shaking. 
“Give it to me.” Eddie said gently, moving to take the shirt from Gareth’s hands. “Here, swap me Gare, and guard the door.” 
Gareth did, as Eddie knelt down to take Steve’s chin in one hand, and carefully began dapping his wounded face with the wet sleeve. 
“May I ask what battles you two sailors have been involved in?” He said, continuing to sound like playful, fun Eddie and not like he was about to murder half the town (which, Gareth could tell by body language alone, is what Eddie actually felt like) “Did you happen to catch a glimpse of the villains who did this?"
“Robin melted into Steve, rubbing her face in his shoulder. “You wouldn’t believe us.” 
Eddie smiled his most charming smile, a full blown rouge grin he played up as he continued to wipe and dab at Steve’s wounds. “You’d be surprised at what I believe in, my fair lady.” 
Steve tried to talk, but ended up hissing as he ran into Eddie’s fingers. 
“Russians.” He managed to get out, when Eddie quickly took the sleeve away so he could talk. “We got kidnapped by fucking Russians. Also we kinda saw some shit and they’re after us. Possibly you now if they saw you with us.” 
There was the briefest of pause as Steve and Robin stared at Eddie, as Eddie stared back. 
Then Steve and Robin as one started howling with laughter, so hard that Robin’s head ended up in Steve’s lap with Steve’s own head resting on hers. 
Eddie turned to give Gareth a pinched look. “Russians.” He said, still calm despite it all. “Right.” 
Which had to be the fucking drugs speaking. 
Gareth just took a deep breath as Eddie managed to gently prod Steve back into putting his chin in his hand, shaking his head ever so slightly. 
He didn’t know who he was going to actually have to murder, but at least Eddie looked to be on board with acting as his backup. 
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tired-biscuit · 8 months
18+ MDNI, fem!reader // cw: hybrids, predator/prey dynamic, mounting, sort of dubcon-ish, a hint of somnophilia, breeding, established relationship.
wc: 1.6k
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fox hybrid!naruto is as playful as much as he is sneaky.
he follows you around the apartment; curiously peeking from behind the corners, watching your every move not because he’s skittish, but rather because he wants to learn how you behave when you think he’s not around.
he does it quite often for some reason. perhaps it’s the wild of the predator that’s coursing his blood or the naive wonder that’s just signature for his personality, who knows, but if you catch him by any chance — and you do, he isn’t nearly as slick as he thinks he is — he immediately comes over, wraps his arms around you from behind and makes sure to comfort you and nip your cheek or bottom lip with his sharp fangs after every kiss he gifts you in apology.
still, he continues his watch. he learns your patterns over time despite the fact that he has a habit of tripping over his own two feet and blowing his cover with all the noise it causes. he learns the way you move, the little quirks that you exhibit, the timing of them. he learns them all as a safety precaution which he doesn’t really need if you think about it.
after all, he could slam into you full force as a means to take over and could simply make you submit to his predatory instinct just like a couple of his apex predator friends had done with their own mates in the past. he’s well aware that he’d win if he did it that way; he’s no wolf or bear, but he’s still stronger and armored with a far bigger set of teeth than the one that currently sits in your mouth.
however, the problem is that you’re sneaky too.
you’re a tough little thing to grasp — hard to impress, even worse to court. are practically made to slip between a person’s fingers if they were to try and squeeze you into their fist without asking for permission to do so first. on top of all that, you being a cat hybrid amongst all the other possibilities available doesn’t help his situation either; it makes you exceptionally perceptive and equally as hard to dominate because of it. so troublesome!
and that’s not all there is to it. even your eyesight is spectacular, as is your awareness of your surroundings. the triangle-shaped ears that sit atop your head twitch and constantly angle in the direction of the smallest movement he makes. and naruto knows that they do, that they listen and assess the danger. he’s tested it out so many times during the course of your relationship.
the first step he takes towards you whenever your back is turned in his direction is also usually his last because of how fast you are to turn around to face him in mere seconds, rigid body language exhibiting high alert. he’s never even gotten the chance to fully sneak up on you yet, much less tackle you into a play fight.
this entire thing would be so much easier if you were a bunny. he’d push and you’d take it like a good little rabbit, the end. everyone knows that bunny hybrids practically throw themselves before the jaws of a predator and spread their strong legs just as willfully the moment their first heat comes into play.
but naruto, even whilst itching to conquer you because of the beast within, kind of digs the challenge a moody little kitty such as yourself brings to the table. especially when the effort that he’s put into all this preying finally manages to pay off.
actually, it enables him to catch you when you’re least expecting it — during your afternoon nap.
your feline behaviour really shines at its brightest when you doze off. instinctively drawn to warmth, he’s since learned that you always fall asleep in the patch of sunlight that spills through the window and onto the couch across the room when the days are clear and the curtains are pushed to the side. always in the same position, too. on your tummy, with your limbs relaxed and stretchy; tail swishing from side to side ever so slightly before going completely still. just like now.
oh shit, there it is; the sign he’s been waiting for!
your tail has stopped moving so that means you’re completely out for the next half hour, perhaps even more. he watches from a safe distance just to make sure, leaning against the doorway that leads into the living room and straining his fox ears as hard as he’s possibly able as a means to catch every sound.
thud, thud, thud. your heartbeat is calm, as is your breathing. you’re at ease while you sleep, he can not only hear it but see it too. open and vulnerable and trusting, allowing yourself to be caught completely off guard. you could almost pass as docile, the way you look right now, but he knows better — he’s been with you for long enough to know.
so he takes one step forward, slowly. toes, heel. nothing happens.
he takes another. all is well.
and then all of a sudden, before your heavy eyelids can get the chance to crack open at the sound of fast-approaching footsteps, and before you can come back to from the depths of the cozy catnap you were so pleasantly indulging in, naruto at long last makes his move.
your sweet fox boyfriend pins you down with his weight as he lays on top of you; he squeezes you flat against the couch until your cheek is pressing into its soft cushions. he’s warm and shirtless and his skin smells like the summery shower gel he must have washed himself with earlier, but he doesn’t seem to be scared of your claws that might come in contact with him, promising pain.
even his hair is still damp. a small droplet of water lands on your cheek when you try to turn your head to the side to look at him.
you hiss at him with prominent annoyance when it slides down the edge of your jaw, the action a subtle warning that clearly tells him to stop this nonsense right now, but he’s been expecting that, too. so he works quickly to try and tame you into submission, allowing instinct to take charge because it’s the only safe bet he has.
you’re surprised how easily he works his way around you and it’s entirely your fault. he doesn’t show how strong he actually is underneath all the shy caresses that he gives you and the nice grins and it makes you forget, giving you a false sense of authority that quickly diminishes when you’re the one experiencing that raw power on your own body.
so it’s no wonder that you stand no chance while he manhandles you and keeps you caged underneath him. that you feel utterly helpless while he drags your comfortable little shorts down your legs with zero problem; until they’re hanging off one ankle right along with your panties.
he frees his cock, fists it a couple of times with the help of some drool before he mounts you then, breathing hard and still making sure to avoid the claws you’re bound to sink into him the second he releases your wrists. he’s holding them both with just one hand, seemingly mocking your incompetency even further, albeit completely unintentionally.
and it’s true; he doesn’t mean it. naruto has never been mean-spirited like that despite the whole predator aspect that lives and roars beneath his gorgeous tan skin.
but foxes can be tricky.
so he holds his grip and they dig into the couch instead, your claws. they get caught in the blanket that you’re both sweating on top of now as his hips rut into you and yours follow the deep, almost animalistic rhythm even though your anger and pride tell you to stop, stop, fucking stop obeying him.
but you can’t stop, you’re forced to submit because he’s a bigger threat than you are; it’s just how your brain is wired. you bend to survive. it’s exactly like that situation with the scrawny mouse girl who you used to tease and endlessly make fun of back in high school.
how does it feel to be on the prey side, little kitty?
you’re unsure how to feel about this entire thing, it might be because your mind has slipped into a certain kind of haze. he fucks you like he’s never fucked you before and a prolonged mewl that you can’t hold back leaves your lips when his teeth sink into the crook of your neck all of a sudden, marking you.
the strap of your tank top is hanging off your shoulder, exposing you further, and his hot, greedy mouth follows the naked skin without a second thought, just biting, licking, sucking. marking.
he’s growling and snarling into your ear every time he slams into you, sounding like the exact opposite of himself. you’re no better either; you keep making so much noise that you’re ashamed of yourself. moaning and whining, squirming and thrashing underneath him. by the time he fills you up with his seed, you’ll probably start to purr.
just the thought alone makes you feral. the sudden urge to be bred and bear his children plagues your mind like the deadliest storm. imagining your pussy leaking his warm cum is simply too good while stuck in a lowly position such as this one.
his cock is throbbing inside you as he pounds into your slick cunt, trying to push its way into your fucking womb. he’s big and heavy, hot in your tummy and hard to fit. the adrenaline that he’s getting because of the complete control he now has over you is surely exciting him enough to make him see god.
he probably won’t see god, though.
oh no, you’ll make sure to drag this wicked fox into the very depths of hell the second his knot stops swelling and he releases you from his iron-like grip.
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nikkeora · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 - p.j
summary; using your percy as a pillow.
pairing; percy jackson x demigod!reader
word count; 2.1k
warning(s); none, just fluff
a/n; sorry this took so long!! english isn’t my first language, so there might be a couple errors. it’s short, but hope you don’t mind, anon :) // takes place nowhere within canon in particular, but claiming happens really quickly
request(s); Hii! This is my first time requesting something EVER for anybody so that’s fun. Could you write prompt 6/ "You took all the pillows so i’m using you as one." Where Percy has all the pillows and reader decides to lay on his chest. Or the other way around, which ever is easier to write! Ty ty
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Percy Jackson was the only demigod son of Poseidon. Therefore, he was the only occupant of Cabin Three at Camp Half-Blood.
However, if someone were to ask any of the campers, they would say that there were actually two people who lived in Cabin Three. One of those two people being, of course, Percy, and the other being you.
You and Percy were that couple in camp. You know that one couple that’s always hugging, holding hands, or touching each other in any way, shape, or form? Yeah, the two of you were that. He always had an arm around you, or held your hand in his. Sometimes, he snuck up and hugged you from behind while you were having a conversation or doing some other thing that required you to stand still in the same spot, often causing him to get an earful for surprising you or making the person you were talking with uncomfortable enough to leave.
Percy’s touchy demeanor only got worse when he was sleepy. While most decent boyfriends would offer to walk their girlfriends back to her place, Percy always dragged you away from the campfire singalong and straight into his cabin.
You were sure Chiron knew about this – after all, your boyfriend never really tried to sneak you off, and your half-siblings definitely knew you weren’t in your own bunk at night – but if he did, he tried his best to pretend that he didn’t. Whenever Percy got up from his seat at the campfire with you in tow, the centaur seemed to take a sudden interest in his hooves, or the grass, or his marshmallow that was already toasted to perfection in the fire.
And if Mr. D knew, he didn’t let on. He never really stuck around for the singalong after dinner, so you weren’t really sure if he ever saw the two of you. But he’s the camp director—he had to know something was up. You supposed the punishment for sleeping in another cabin involved too much paperwork to carry out. Either that, or the Mr. D simply knew that Percy would drag you to his cabin no matter the amount of times he had to wash the Camp’s dinner plates.
Percy was a big fan of cuddling. It helped him sleep—like actually sleep, without any dreams to bother him throughout the night. He joked that you were like his personal dose of melatonin, though he’d never taken any before, going so far as to gift you an ‘assorted berries’ flavored lip balm.
“Like the gummies,” he had explained, attacking your lips once you’d applied the makeup. You haven’t yet found the heart to tell him that taking melatonin could actually cause very vivid, extremely wild dreams.
You’d let him live his fantasy, for now.
Luckily for Percy, you were also a big cuddler, especially with him. While you weren't as open with PDA – Percy did more than enough of that for you both to get yourselves through the day – you rarely let go of your boyfriend when the two of you were alone, which he was extremely happy about.
The two of you always faced each other, laying on your sides. You would run your fingers through his hair, and he would hug you close while the two of you got so tangled up that you didn’t know which limbs were whose, bringing a much needed sense of domesticity to your hectic lives. In those moments, time seemed to stop, and the two of you were the only people in the world.
The only problem with these cuddle sessions was, Percy was a huge blanket hog.
Like, really huge.
When Percy started to drift off, it was like he'd been possessed by a pillows-and-blankets goblin or something. He rolled around on the bed, and when you're conscious enough to move over in order to avoid being completely flattened underneath him, he took the opportunity to take up all of your previous space, along with your pillow and around ninety-eight percent of the sheets.
You'd tried and failed numerous times to keep this from happening: tucking yourselves in extra tight, tiring him out as much as you could, all the things people on the internet claimed would keep someone from tossing and turning. Nothing had worked, hence, the oh-so-familiar predicament you constantly found yourself in. Again. And again. And again.
Today was another typical day. The only difference? It felt like about a week’s worth of work had been crammed into it.
At the crack of dawn, one of the protector satyrs brought three new campers to the hill. And, as luck would have it, it was your turn to show any new arrivals around. The three new half-bloods – all of them around ten or eleven years old – came to Percy’s cabin, led by one of your half-siblings. Four kids bursting through the door when the sun hadn’t even come up yet was not the best way to wake up.
After a quick change and a hasty kiss goodbye, you gave the newbies the full tour, from the lava climbing wall to the arts and crafts center to the canoeing lake. You were sure they were sweet kids most of the time, but in your sleepy and quite frankly grumpy state, all their chattering gave you a migraine. And that’s not even including all their Mythomagic questions.
“Does Athena really have two thousand attack points?”
“Can Eros really Charm his enemies with Love Shots?”
“Does Apollo really use volleyballs for his Ultimate?”
You wished you could’ve learned a couple basic things from Nico before he quit the game.
Once you got the three of them settled comfortably in their cabins, it was already too late for breakfast. Percy would have grabbed you something, but, being counselors, the both of you had classes to teach and errands to run that kept you apart. After a few hastily scribbled cabin inspections, you dropped them off at the Big House before heading off to teach Ancient Greek.
Your Ancient Greek lessons hadn’t gone that bad. A few kids’ dyslexia was acting up today, but you really couldn’t expect any less every other day. After the usual alphabet refresher for newer kids, you had the campers read a few Greek legends out loud, and the class was dismissed without a hitch.
Unfortunately, that was one of the very few times things went smoothly today.
Your second class was riding lessons. Two relatively new campers managed to offend one of the pegasi and ended up in the infirmary with a few nasty bruises—great, add that report to your stack of paperwork. And cleaning up afterwards was always the worst part. The pegasi liked you, really, but they couldn’t help that they couldn’t groom themselves, especially their wings. As for the pegasus that charged those two kids, you had to put him in the time-out cubicle to calm him down.
The thing about pegasi is, they prefer to roam around, and definitely do not appreciate being put in the time-out cubicle. You were glad you didn’t speak horse like Percy, because – judging by the amount of angry horse noises – you were pretty sure the pegasus thoroughly cussed you out.
Next task: canoeing with the naiads.
A few of the naiads claimed a canoe for themselves, and the kids each broke off into separate teams to take turns racing with the nymphs. A couple Hephaestus kids, determined to win for once, had designed a detachable motor to rig to their canoe—the naiads didn’t seem to mind, so you let them be. It exploded about halfway across the lake. No one got hurt, thankfully, but the canoe was no longer usable. You put the kids who’d built the motor on kitchen duty with the harpies for the rest of the week.
Lunchtime came around, but you were too busy to eat properly, grabbing a single piece of pizza before running off to prep a small section of the woods for a wilderness survival class one of the satyrs were supposed to teach. Apparently, he had fallen asleep and forgotten to prepare everything himself the night before, and you agreed to help him just to stop him from running around you in circles. Getting your feet stomped on by panicked goat hooves? Not so fun.
A couple more mildly disastrous activities and a small pile of reports later, it was time for your favorite routine—dinner, campfire, Cabin Three, and lots of cuddles à la Percy.
At the Dining Pavilion, you practically inhaled your food, as it was the first time you’d had a chance to get a full meal all day. After the void in your stomach had been taken care of, you dragged Percy to the campfire, where you claimed the best seat for roasting marshmallows. As usual, your boyfriend refused to sing a single note.
“Come on, just this one time?” You pleaded. The whole camp was singing The Campfire Song – the unofficial anthem of Camp Half-Blood – a song that the gods surprisingly didn’t take offense to. Singing complaints about your godly parentage was apparently received as a lighthearted joke. Judging by the unusually bright golden color of the flames, you were fairly certain Apollo even enjoyed it.
“You’re the only one here with Poseidon as a dad. We’re dying for you to rhyme something—you should see Cabin Seven, there’s this one part of the wall covered with post-it notes with bets on what you’ll sing. I saw a lyric comparing your dad to Marlin from Finding Nemo, once.” You said. Katie Gardner sang about how she’d gotten a fern in a mason jar for her sixteenth birthday. “I think there’s one for Nico, too, but that’s mostly just Will.”
“If I tried to sing, I’d probably cause an avalanche.” Percy laughed, and kissed you when you tried to say something else. He did that to shut you up sometimes. It was infuriating for sure, but you had to admit it was pretty damn effective.
“One day, Sharkboy,” you promised, giving him a determined grin before leaning in to kiss him again. A few of your siblings whooped in the background, for Katie or to tease you, you didn't know.
“Mm, we’ll see,” your boyfriend muttered, pulling you closer as Travis and Connor Stoll took up the mic.
A few more verses and a couple other songs later, you were back in Percy’s warm bed in Cabin Three. The air had that salty taste like the beach on a cool summer’s night, and the underwater plants and corals that Tyson had brought back from Poseidon’s palace took on a luminescent glow under the moonlight. Percy’s Minotaur horn glinted silver on the wall.
You were completely worn out from the day. Sure, it wasn’t as bad as going on a killer quest, but you were allowed to complain about and tire out from mundane things, too. Percy had to practically carry you from the campfire because you were already half asleep.
But as soon as Percy started to drift off – and therefore started to move towards you, and assemble his blanket burrito – your eyes flew open and you propped yourself up on the bed, effectively disentangling yourself from him. You heard him stir as he felt your warmth disappear.
“Y/N..” Percy whined, his voice gravelly with sleep, as he tried to grab you by the waist to pull you back to him. You swatted his hand away, and he begrudgingly opened his eyes. “What’re you doing?”
“Improvising.” You huffed. There was no way you were going to deal with ‘Percy the Pillow Pillager’ problems tonight. As much as you loved him, you were tired of practically hanging off the edge of the bed.
Putting your hands on one side of Percy’s premature blanket burrito, you rolled him back to his previous spot, making him lie on his back. You then disassembled the sheets to make some room for yourself underneath them. Percy happily let you cuddle into him again. But this time, you quite literally lay on top of him, draping your arm, leg and most of your torso over him and putting your head on his chest.
“You took all the pillows, so I’m using you as one,” you stated. “Stay. Put.” You poked him to emphasize each word and felt his chest rumble as he laughed.
“I will,” he promised.
You were skeptical, but you felt too warm and comfortable to care much. If you got tossed off the bed in the middle of the night, that was a future-you problem.
You felt Percy kiss the top of your head as you drifted into sleep.
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I See You, Darling (3)
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[Astarion x reader] As I mentioned in a previous post, this came along surprisingly easier than the last one. The same can’t be said about the quality though maybe– sorry for that. :,DDD|Word count: 2.6k.| 
Content Warnings: Mentions of cooking, handling knives, blood, one sex joke (lol), the normal warnings that you’d associate with the game
Part 2 here!!
Next Part here!!
As an outsider to most of everyone’s problems, you find your place by helping in whatever way you can. Even if that may be at the expense of your own comfort, but at least it’s been fun so far.
Alternatively: Reader can't catch a break from anything, can they?
Being resident camp caretaker was surprising, for lack of a better term. You were away from the stresses of technology, corporate assholes, and disappointing family with your choice to pursue unpractical careers. Instead living the “cottagecore lifestyle” of foraging for food and cooking with a cauldron that those from the digital world claimed to be the best. What they failed to mention were the incessant pests coming in to nibble through rucksacks if you were not careful, and the occasional swarms of ants or flies coming in to nip at your flesh.
The experience was a mixed bag, so it would seem. But the tired smiles that the group would give you when you greet them with a warm and filling meal was always a comfort that you would have.
And it would seem they needed it now more especially than ever.
Your band of misfits planned to venture out and defeat the goblins at their camp in order to aid the tieflings’ journey to Baulder’s Gate. Per your instruction, you convinced the more solipsistic members of the benefits of eradicating the sect. Namely, they wouldn’t hinder you as much in the future if they were taken care of. Hence your plan to slightly increase the amount of portions for supper tonight.
By twilight, you had a good broth steeping in your cauldron. The camp having returned just a few moments prior from an earlier excursion. You were making a pottage that the others have expressed their enjoyment for. A stew of sorts that you had made when you had quite the number of items that would have spoiled before consumption had you not done anything about it. A mixture of fruits and meat, stewed in a consomme of a pig’s head and various mushroom caps. 
This time around, you’ll be using fresher ingredients to hopefully lift their spirits.
As you’re chopping up fruits, you think about all that’s happened to you and possible explanations for why your character suddenly ceased to exist in order to make room for you.  What’s more is that no matter how many nights pass, you never end up waking from your dream. Which you fear is lasting longer than your usual ones.
Your working theory is that whatever force, be it magic or fate, tethering you to this world is also responsible for removing Tav. Astarion claimed that he couldn’t remember the finer details when you had confronted  him. And so you settled with that hypothesis. That like how a thread that unravels opens a seam in a garment, a new thread must be used to darn the cloth together again.
You laugh at the disgustingly poetic analogy you created in your head. You fear that you’re becoming more and more deranged as—
“My, aren’t you busy?” The intrusive voice causes the knife to slip out of your hand a bit, thankfully only cutting off a portion of your index finger’s nail. Your shoulders, that were raised in alarm, release their tension after feeling the sudden chill leave your body.
“Astarion,”  Exasperated, you put the knife down on the cutting board to catch your breath for a while. 
“I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped sneaking up on me when I’m doing something dangerous.”
The high-elf offers a mischievous smile in response. “Very sorry, pet. But it’s hardly my fault when you’ve barely been paying attention to me.” There’s regret in his words, but not in his tone.
Because while perhaps it’s an odd interest, he enjoys hearing the quickened pace of your heart. The pulse getting louder, as it stays that way for longer.
“I’d feel sorry for doing so if you were too, but you’re not.”
You laugh out, breath still shaky but steadying slowly, as you pick up your knife again.
 “I heard you’re part of the encampment that’s finishing off the goblins by midmorn.” Chopping the rest of the fruits, you feel his presence move from behind you to off to your side so you can see him from your peripherals.
“Hm? Yes. Although I would have preferred if we didn’t do this at all. It’s too much work, and the goblins could be entertaining! Killing useful spoils seems like an awful waste.” 
This must be the reason why he approached you, to persuade you to call off the hunt. And his unfading smile supports that thought. When you voice said thought, it earns you a playful scoff.
“Don’t you have anything else on your mind other than the parasite lounging in it?”
The mood is light as you say this, the banter welcomed by you both. 
And as you continue to converse, a few eyes begin to follow the two of you. They’ve never really seen Astarion interact with you for this long, at least not away from your private spaces. And even less without hushed voices. The interlocution is definitely a welcome spectacle to them. 
“On my honor, the only thing on my mind is depraved, carnal lust.” He says, proudly. Gesturing to himself with one hand, and the other held high like he was swearing an oath. 
Your closed mouth drops into frown, eyes wide, and your eyebrows skew upwards. A very undignified, but small, squeak coming from the back of your throat. You swore you heard someone groan in disappointment from far away too.
You know full well that the look of shock that you were sporting was by no means attractive, but the flagrant revelation, though not at all out of character, was shocking to have directed towards you. You’ve been trying to romance the elven vampire with your character, only to end up nowhere. Therefore you are completely unsure if the dialogue he was spewing was completely a figment of your imagination, or is, indeed, canon.
The elf in question has seen this expression of yours before. Quite often, too. And while he doesn’t think it a, “pleasant sight,” it is rather… charming to him. 
Whether it be on purpose or not, people have the tendency to be on guard around him, preserving any twitch and sound that could give them away to themselves. Not that much had ever evaded him before with his naturally cunning behavior. But this clearly unscripted response, with the blatant confusion swimming in your eyes, is a rather refreshing sight to see.
“I see–” you clear your throat to lower your voice back to its normal octave. “Well, I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to uh, bring those thoughts into fruition! Uh–,” You slide the rest of the cut fruits off of your cutting board and into the stew. 
“Is there anything else you wanted to tell me? Something I should know?” You turn to face him. He laughs at first, but then his brows furrow in question, as if he did have something to say and forgot about it or thinks it is no longer an appropriate time to ask. He shakes his head and says something along the lines of, “letting you do all the hard work” and returns to his tent.
But you are not left alone for long as another member of your little ragtag team joins you to ask about dinner. To which you ask them for which meat would be better to toss into it. 
After dinner, your little rapport concerning the plan and new findings with everyone is adjourned. Some thanked you before they left, and others simply walked away. From what you have learned from them, the Archdruid that was taken prisoner by the goblins was named, “Halsin.” He was a topic of interest as they said he might be able to aid you in your search for moonrise and understanding the Mindflayer worms.
Wyll had also approached you alone after dinner and offhandedly mentioned a dead boar being on the road. He had planned to return to camp with it if it could have been useful, but he had claimed that the animal had been unnervingly light. As if half of its weight was no longer there despite seemingly just keeling over for no reason.
You take note of that in one of your many journals, including additional information about the Archdruid and their kind in general. The book appearing more and more like the game’s quest booklet, with the exception of a few crossouts and colored ink to emphasize each quest’s urgency and relevance to finding a cure. When you successfully rescue the druid of the grove, it seems you will have to move out quite soon after, so you fixed up your pack just a bit to make it easier later on.
You look around, everyone seems to be in their respective areas. Doing whatever it is they usually do  with the exception of Astarion. Though he has been known to either sneak off or hide away from time to time in his tent, so you think nothing of it.
You return to the communal chest, tallying up the remaining supplies and inspecting the wares. You sort the tradeable objects in one rucksack and appraise its worth. The chest also has pieces of gold, some that others have placed, and others you picked up and added. You prefer to let the others keep what they think is valuable to them, and only place what they want to share in the vessel. 
If the party’s gold ever runs out, you think that the rucksack is worth a few nights of food when you travel out again. Assured by this knowledge, you placed your writing materials back in, closed the chest, and turned in for the night.
Maybe this time, you’ll wake up. But you also don’t really want to. Not just yet. 
As you slept, you wondered about the longevity of your knowledge of the media. You hadn’t finished the game, and although you’ve accomplished a fair bit of it, you worry about how you will face the events to come. One of the only reasons why you haven’t flinched so much at the terrors that occurred was because you had anticipated them. Braced yourself for the dangers ahead.
You fear what might happen when you no longer have that power at your disposal.
Perhaps it's the worry, perhaps it's the stiff, compact ground that you have yet to be accustomed to sleep on despite the bedroll, or perhaps it's the presence of something suddenly cool that stirs you awake. 
But what you did not expect was Astarion’s face hovering over yours to be the reason. Fangs bared, and ready to bite. Your eyes go wide and you let out a small gasp, hands moving up in a gesture akin to clawing at yourself. 
The elf realizes that you’re awake now and he curses. Moving away as you scramble upright just like you did all those nights ago. The look of genuine fear at the prospect of being bitten is apparent on your face, and he feels almost guilty to be greeted with it.
“Please, I wasn’t going to hurt you— I just needed, well, blood.” He says it in a panic. Worried that you might run off, losing his only sure chance, and possibly enraging the rest of the camp.
In this moment, you realized the error in your ways. Astarion had been hunting nearly every other night in the same area. And if you were progressing through the events like how the game did, he couldn’t have had the time nor energy to venture too far after feeding from most of the creatures in the vicinity.
‘The exsanguinated boar…’ You remember.
“You’ve been feeding on animals for the past few nights, haven’t you?”
“It seems like word got around then.” Although unknowingly, he’s referencing what Wyll delivered to you earlier in the night.
“I’m not some monster, I feed on boars, deer, kobolds– whatever I can get. I’m just too slow right now. And with the damned excursion,” He stops himself, complaining is only doing worse for his condition.
“It’s not enough. I feel so…weak. If I just had a little blood, I could think clearer. Fight better.” You’re conflicted. You had no problem offering yourself as your character for him to feed on, but even witnessing that through a disconnected screen was enough to make you feel uncomfortable imagining it. You care about him, want to give him what he deserves, but this…
What’s more is that you know what he’s saying is necessary, not at all overstating how dire his need to satiate his hunger is, making it all the more difficult.
He needs to convince you, if he wants to continue on, that is. Without the presence of the illithid, he resorts to more practical means of doing so. Similar to what he did to many.
Noticing the slight tremor of your hands, he takes the chance to slowly kneel down on your bedroll. Closing the distance between you. He takes your hand, now rougher from the work you do, and meets your shaken gaze with his dark eyes.
“Please. I only need a taste, I swear.” He had meant to tell you before dinner, had he not felt the eyes of the others on the two of you. This discovery is not lost on you. He needs you specifically. And you realize it's out of convenience because you’re an expendable resource. If you pass, the group can venture on, but he also still needs you alive for whatever reason. He can’t have the others finding out, not until they trust him. 
He needs you to trust him. And this is the only way you can help him in this moment.
With that, you strengthen your resolve. 
“I…I trust you, Astarion. But no more than what you need.” A dangerous bet, but you hope it would be worth it.
“Really? I–”
 “Can I trust you on that?” The shock on his face fades, and he agrees.
“Let’s make ourselves comfortable, shall we?” You lay down, preparing yourself to faint during the process and allowing your blood to flow throughout your body. He observes the rapid movement of your eyes as he drapes himself above you. Your sight flitting from anywhere but him and then returning all the same. No doubt that you fear being at his mercy.
He feels almost sorry that you have to do this for him.
So he graces you with what mercy he can give.
The bite is quick. You would have felt the flesh of your neck parting for him, had he not done so. You feel tears prick at your eyes and start to feel the area from your neck and upwards go cold.
A momentary, sharp pain, that lulls to a chilling numbness in what seems like a matter of seconds.
You feel his body start to grow warmer at your expense and you feel satisfied knowing that you could help him.
When he doesn't stop, you start to worry.
Your breath catches in staccato beats, pulse quickening in tandem. You try to stop him, hands coming up to push or tug, but the heavy sensation that washes over you only permits them to find purchase on his form.
You try to speak, but it seems as if the common tongue does not reach him.
Your mind goes into overdrive, all of a sudden it doesn’t feel like a dream anymore and genuine fear courses through your veins.
You need him to stop, and you try to think of more efficient ways of doing so.
But your mind starts slowing as well. The pain has certainly faded, but the presence of the vampire at your throat reminds you in case you’ve forgotten.
As a last ditch effort, you try to use whatever might appeal to him, to break him out of the trance that he was in from finally replenishing himself. 
“Isalhal–” One of the few Elvish words you recalled.
The effort thankfully makes him pull back in shock, stopping him. Your eyes finally close, thankful for the reprieve you're finally granted. You hear a distant, “thank you,” and a more distant “shit” before rest takes over.
You worry about waking up tomorrow.
But for now, you’re thankful that Astarion will be able to fight well.
For himself and for everyone else’s sake.
Thank you to @rey26, @shyminnie07, @lynnloveshobi, @iggee-rose, @automnepoet, @tiannamortis, @aoirohi, @sarkara211, @jane-3043, @h3110-dar1in9, @h3ll0k1ttyl0ver333, @mimziethealien, @squichymochi, @sharabay, @furblrwurblr, @dork-of-the-universe, @thedevilssinner, @fuckalrighty, @queenofthespacesquids, @perseny, @goldenplutus, @h4nluv, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer, and @auszimbo for asking to be tagged!!
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frantic-fiction · 8 months
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(Pic: lovelybluebirdie) I cropped it a bit
Astarion x gn!reader, Astarion x reincarnated!Tav
Summary: A few months after reconnecting to your past life as Tav, a party is set to meet the rest of the group. You're nervous, worried about not living up to who you once were. Will you be enough?
This is a little part 2 of I'll Find My Way Back to You
Notes/ Warning: Pretty much just fluff. Reader is insecure. Astarion is a supportive partner. I kept all 6 origin characters alive because it's my story and I don't want to imagine any of them dead. Also, Halsin's here cause druids live to be like a thousand or whatever.
Word Count: 2.1k
You're not panicking. Why would you be? It's not like you're meeting a group of people you've only met in dreams—a group of strangers you've painted for the better part of your existence- a family forged through hardship from a past life you're still trying to remember fully.
No, you're not panicking. You're not scared that the people who are so excited to see you will not like what they see. You're not terrified the family Astarion has helped you remember will look at you disappointed once they realize you are no longer the Tav they once knew. You're not worried at all. Not. One. Bit.
You spent the afternoon cleaning the house from top to bottom. It was sparkling, and your fingers ached from the hours of scrubbing you filled in the restless day with. No surface was left untouched. Bookshelves were dusted, baseboards were spotless, and even the top of the cupboards, where no one would ever see, were wiped down. The floors were swept and mopped three times now, but you keep finding spots you missed. Astarion even physically stopped you from scaling the roof to clean the chimney when you ran out of things to occupy yourself with.
There's a roast in the oven, potatoes, and veggies cooking alongside it, and a pie cooling on the counter. You wanted to cook more, but you were worried that not everyone would like blueberries or that someone had turned to a plant-based diet. Astarion quickly reminded you that they used to eat food out of dusty barrels and mildewed chests.
Currently, you stand in front of your floor-length mirror. Astarion is out on a quick hunt before the party arrives, leaving you to obsess over your thoughts of inadequacy. The majority of your closet littered the floor. You're scrutinizing a simple tunic and legging combo. Was it too simple? Should you wear something more eye-catching?
You're trying to remember what Tav would have worn. All you can recall is blood-stained armor and simple camp clothes. But this occasion garners something more. Fuck. Stripping off the current outfit, you replace it with an almost identical one and look at yourself in the mirror again. You weren't sure what you expected, maybe to magically love this pair of pants and old tunic. But in reality, you were just as frustrated and worried.
The clothes weren't the problem, you knew that, but it was easier to be pissed at a blouse than to accept that you were scared. You were frightened to face Astarion and Tav's friends. You have Tav's memories and feel an odd kinship with these people. But you weren't Tav, and you would never be them, at least not entirely.
You felt like an imposter to try and convince anyone otherwise. Tears of frustration and disappointment in yourself began to trail down your cheeks. How could a silly artist hold a candle to the kind and heroic savior of Baldur's Gate? You glared at yourself, wishing things could have been different.
You jump when you feel cold arms wrap around your torso and a warm kiss at the nape of your neck. Astarion loved to use his lack of reflection to sneak up on you. You, on the other hand, hated it. Still, you found yourself leaning back into his firm chest.
"Hello, my love,"
You try to stop the pathetic sniffle, but it's useless. Astarion turns you in his arms and cups your jaw. "Darling," is all he says because he knows. Of course, he knows.
That simple pet name causes the floodgates to open, and you crumple into Astarion's chest, nuzzling his neck. He tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body. Astarion lets you cry, knowing how nervous you've been for this meetup.
He rubs soft circles on the small of your back and peppers kisses to the crown of your head. "You can talk to me,"
"W-what if they don't li-like me?"
Astarion moves you both to the bed, skirting around the mess you made. He sits down and pulls you onto his lap to look you in the eyes better. "Why wouldn't they love you?" He prompts, not wanting to push you.
"Star, you know why. I'm not Tav," you hiccup, and you're positive the words you're speaking are incoherent. "I have their memories and some of their mannerisms and…and I'm also allergic to bees, but I'm not them. What if they hate me because I'm not Tav."
Astarion pecks your lips to halt your panicked words. He wipes the tears from your damp face. "No, you are not Tav, but they are part of you. They live in your art, laugh, and kind heart."
"But wha-"
"Let me finish, my love," Astarion smiles, brushing some hair behind your ear. "No one expects you to be Tav. We all love them deeply, but Tav's gone." He swallows hard, the words still hard to voice for him.
Astarion kisses your forehead, then your cheek, and continues to pepper kisses over your face, catching stray tears. "They just want to get to know the beautiful artist I fell in love with. Gale's big mouth might have let them know more about our history than I would have liked, but that doesn't change anything."
"And if they don't like the person you fell in love with?" You ask softly.
"Then fuck all of them. I love you, and if they don't love you as well, then they have no place in my life." His eyes pierce deep into yours, and there's no denying the truth of his words. You are overcome with a wave of love for your vampire and kiss him softly once more. "Now come, my love, by the smell, your roast is done."
"Shit!" You jump off his lap and rush out of the room, self-doubt pushed to the side.
The roast is fine if slightly burnt on the top. It looked juicy and smelled amazing. The vegetables are mush, but the potatoes are tender and seasoned well. It's not your best meal, but there's nothing you can do to fix it now. You left it on the counter to rest and found Astarion in the living room.
He was rehanging one of your paintings- the one you drew late last year after waking up in a cold sweat. It was a complete picture of the party standing on a dock overlooking the Grey Harbor just as the sun rose above the horizon. Astarion helps you fill in the gaps, telling you that this followed the fall of the Absolute.
"What are you doing?" You asked, crossing your arms over your chest and leaning against the wall. You had hidden away most of your art, too embarrassed by the sheer number of canvases depicting the guest due here any minute.
Astarion finishes hanging the painting above the fireplace and turns to you. "I liked this one and thought I'd put it back."
Before you could say anything, there was a knock at the door. Your stomach instantly dropped, and your heart beat hard in your chest. As if sensing your rising anxiety, Astarion moved to your side, his large palm finding the small of your back.
He swiftly kisses your cheek. "One word and I'll throw them all out."
Astarion leaves you and walks to answer the door. Your palms are sweating, and you rub them down your thighs. You take a few deep breaths and pace the room. Not knowing what else to do, you idly fluff up the decorative pillows of the couch and stall.
"Pull yourself together." You mumbled under your breath. You hear the sounds of multiple footsteps, and you know they're all here.
Why did Astarion request for them to arrive all at once? You're still not sure. But you're suddenly very pissed at him for his decision. Having all of them looking upon you like an art exhibit terrifies you.
"My dear," Astarion pokes his head into the room, a warm smile adorning his sharp features. "Would you like to meet our guest?"
You swallowed hard and nodded. Putting on a brave smile, you rounded the couch and reached for Astarion's hand. Threading his fingers with yours, you curled around his arm like a lifeline.
Moving out into the foyer, you shyly look at the group before you. Gale, given the circumstances of your and Astarion's meeting, you had already met. He had relentlessly bothered Astarion until an introduction was made between you and the wizard. But you've only seen the others in the paintings you've made and the dreams you've seen.
Karlach bounced on her feet, Wyll smiling brightly behind her left shoulder. Haslin stood by the door, a beautifully sculpted wooden bear in his arms. Shadowheart stood beside him, her face passive but relaxed and almost pleased. Lae'zel was the farthest from the group, brooding in the corner, looking at you suspiciously. Still, she even loosened her tense shoulders and stepped forward upon your entry.
"Um, hi." You waved meekly, giving them your name, cringing when your voice cracked.
It's quiet for a moment too long, and you're a step away from fleeing when Karlach skips over to you.
"Can I hug you?!" She almost yells, shaking her fists excitedly.
"Karlach!" Astarion scolds. The Tiefling had, by the looks of it, broken a rule he had set for your comfort.
"Sorry, sorry." Karlach's smile fades, and she moves to retreat. Your heart clenches, and it's like your body moves on instinct. You detach from Astarion before you can think, and then your arms are around her waist. Her scalding heat seeps into your bones and listen to the cranks of her engine.
"Hi Karlach," you whispered into her torso. The wind squeezed from your body, and your feet were off the ground.
"It's nice to finally meet you! The letters fangs write didn't do you justice."
Quickly, the group connects like magnets. Wyll crowds in and hugs you from behind, pressing you closer to Karlach. Gale piles on after, then Halsin. Shadowheart nudges her way between the men and apologizes on behalf of everyone but gives you an equally tight squeeze. The group even wrangles Astarion and Lae'zel into this group hug.
These people are supposed to be strangers, but having them close, seeing this family you've watched through someone else's memories for most of your life right before you. It fills you with familiar warmth and affection and has tears of joy in your eyes. You might not be Tav, not entirely, but you still have a place in this little family.
"Um…excuse me, I can't breathe." You squeak out after a moment of suffocation, and the group is quick to disperse.
Wiping away the lingering dampness from your cheek, you take a moment to compose yourself, clearing your throat with a subtle grace. Your hand instinctively finds its way back, and Astarion swiftly recovers it, his touch reassuring. Soft circles dance on the back of your hand, a silent question lingering in his gaze, seeking affirmation that you're all right. You respond with a nod and a comforting squeeze of his hand.
"Ah, well…" you chuckle with a hint of self-awareness. "I have a roast with everyone's names on it. And a blueberry pie; Astarion found a wild patch on one of his hunts."
"Thank the gods, I'm famished," Wyll sighs, his appetite evident as he sniffs the air dreamily. A nudged Karlach sets the communal movement toward the dining room in motion.
Astarion emerges with the wine, gracefully pouring glasses of red for everyone. Gale, the sole visitor to your home beforehand, takes charge of the table settings. With a flick of his fingers and a whispered incantation, plates and silverware align harmoniously. The stage set, the food emerges, and the night takes flight.
It feels like a cinematic scene picking up where it had once paused, a seamless continuation. Laughter weaves through the air, stories unfold, and even the occasional argument dissolves into a chorus of joyous laughter. Though new and fresh, the conversation flows as naturally as breathing. Strangers evolve into friends, and amidst the clinking of glasses, a familial bond begins to sprout. Tav was indeed fortunate to have these beautiful souls around.
As the night bids farewell and everyone departs, you find solace curled up against Astarion. His voice, a gentle undercurrent, softly reads from his newest book, and you gaze up, fixated on the beautiful man before you. A silent expression of gratitude graces your lips, an unspoken acknowledgment directed at Tav. Thanks for giving you a family and the love of your life.
Astarion's fingers scratch your scalp, tenderly coaxing your eyes closed. "What are you thinking about, little love?"
"Just how lucky I am."
"I would argue I'm the lucky one, but I suppose we can share," he smiles; he continues to read to you and massage your scalp until you're puddy against his body, sleep having all but consumed you. The night settles into a tranquil symphony, the warmth of shared love lingering in the serenity.
Okay I know it was a bit cheesy, but I needed so fluffy shit today. Anyway, tell me what you thought I love talking with y'all.
Taglist: heartfully10, ayselluna, marina-and-the-memes
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dunmeshi-darlings · 5 months
Could you possibly do a chubby (f) reader x chilchuck?
I was thinking, you joined the party on their way to the red dragon, but he's already become smitten by you. You are just a really nice person and constantly put yourself in danger to save him, which causes him to fall for you. However since He's so short sometimes when you save him His face ends up in your chest and he gets "flustered".
Sfw or Nsfw, either works
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you absolutely can request it dear anon and i will happily do it.
The party had found you on one of the first few levels of the dungeon where it was relatively safe. The rest of your party had quit after a particularly rough last dive. so you had been trying to find a group to join up with to continue exploring the dungeon. You heard Laios and his group talking about there plan and offered to join them, which they accepted happily. The more people the easier it would be after all.
Chilchuck hated to admit it but he was immediately drawn to you the minute he saw you. You were drop dead gorgeous to him, the way your armor hugged your plush body, the curves of your stomach and hips and breasts. He couldnt keep his eyes off you.
But there was more to it than just your physical looks, your personality also made him fall for you as well. You were so kind and caring that he couldnt help but smile, and when you would constantly run head on into danger to save the others and him.
However a new problem arose from it, Due to your Height difference whenever you would pick him up to get him out of danger, his face would end up right nestled between your boobs. The first time it happened chilchuck could feel your pillowy tits smothering his face, The half foot couldnt help but go red faced. When you eventually put him down you say your glad he is safe, however the half foot is to busy stuttering and trying to not have. You blush and apologise and chilchuck says its fine you saved him so its whatever. However this happens multiple times after that and neither of you are really minding honestly.
You two grow closer and eventually one night you two are the last ones awake chatting and sitting next to each other. Eventually the topic drifts towards romance and both your hands slide closer till the two of you are holding hands. You two stare at each other for a moment before you pull each other into a kiss, your tongue hungrily dancing with each other as you pull each other close.
Chilchucks hands immediately start to explore your body, squeezing and groping at your thighs and sliding upward to your thighs and onto your tits, squeezing and pinching them as you pant and moan into his mouth. "Fuck Y/N, your so gorgeous, i need you now." He groans as the two of you strip each other naked, tearing each others clothes off as you two fuck right there trying hard to not wake anyone else up.
After that night together you two announced you were together (without telling everyone about that night) and even though marcille pointed out chilchuck being a bit of a hypocrit, everyone was happy for you and thought you guys were cute together. However what they didnt know was just how much chilchuck loved your body, being unable to keep his hands to himself. Sneaking quick squeezes of your thighs and ass. His hands feeling along your stomach and even groping your tits when nobody was looking. He couldnt help himself, Your body was drop dead gorgeous to him and he couldnt help but grope and squeeze your soft supple body between his fingers.
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luveline · 1 year
Hi id love to send u a request but I just can't match your genius mind, id looooveee more zombie!au Steve!!! 🥺🥺🥺🫶🏻🫶🏻 maybe smth about r or Steve almost being bitten by a geek?
hi!! thank you angel!! zombie au steve x fem!reader, 3k
"Sneaking around with your boyfriend would've been considered sort of scandalous a few years ago," you think aloud, eyes skipping over medication labels slowly. "Now it's the norm."
"We are the opposite of scandalous," Steve says. 
You push pill bottles aside to meet his eyes through the gap in the shelves. He narrows his gaze. "You know how you saw me naked, like, a week after we met?" 
Steve's glare turns playfully salacious. "Yeah?" 
"Did that make it less, uh, important? Not important. Was it less intimate for you when I was naked on purpose?" 
Steve returns his eyes to the pill bottles. "No." 
"Is that weird for me to ask you?" 
"No, that's not weird, why would that be weird?" He looks up again. His expression softens. "Don't worry, it's not weird. It's a normal question. You're wondering if I was… desensitised." 
"Yeah, exactly. Were you desensitised?" 
Trust Steve to say something snippy and then feel bad enough afterwards to immediately backtrack. There's no need for him to feel guilty because you'd known he was joking, and if he weren't it wouldn't matter to you —you know being outside of camp makes him nervous, and tightly strung. You aren't expecting him to be all smiles, especially when you're asking peculiar questions. 
"If anything," he says, his voice a murmur that evidences shy affection, "it was way more special. I knew you back to front already, but the first time you showed me you, on purpose, it was different." 
You grin at him. "Like a look don't touch scenario where you finally get to touch?" 
"I'm trying to be sweet on you." 
"What was it like?" you ask. Your smile is audible. 
"Like fucking relief." He reaches through the shelves to squeeze your hand. "You're being slow." 
You take your hand back and return to the task. You're looking for anti-seizure medication for one of the children at camp. It's an important mission and neither of you had hesitated when Joyce asked you to go, but you can't say you enjoy being out here. Talking to Steve makes things better. Easier to cope. Talking to Steve about loving him and being loved by him could make you forget a pike through the chest. 
You move to the next shelf below. 
There aren't many drugs for epilepsy. You aren't sure the child even has epilepsy, but no one has the knowledge to identify anything else. Sarah (Robin's fast friend from camp) read in her field medic journal that a seizure can be caused by lots of things, and she also said that sometimes what looks like a seizure isn't a seizure at all. What is it, then? you'd asked. 
The page was missing. 
You're working through a mental list of four drugs methodically, scanning and rescanning the labels on the bottles in the back of a pharmacy. This is the raw stuff, the kind that sometimes needs to be ground and poured into capsules with filler, so if you do find the right meds you'll also need to find a pestle and some other equipment. It's a hassle, but it's worth it completely if it helps. 
"Clonazepam," you read. You lift your head. "Steve, that's the right one, right? Clonazepam?" 
Steve's head snaps up. "Yeah, that's the last resort one. Where's that?" 
He rounds the shelves to be on the same side as you, seemingly hoping for similar medications to be in the same place. His hand drops casually to your shoulder as he bends, reading each label with a determined brow. 
"Valproate," he says, relieved, hand closing around another bottle. "Okay, two options. Thank god." 
"Do they have the side effects on the bottle?" you ask. 
Steve turns the bottle but there's no second label.
"The side effects are usually worse than the original problem," he says, frowning, "remember those migraine pills we found, the leaflet?" That's how bored you and Steve had become at one point in your isolation, you'd started reading medical pamphlets. "I'd rather have a headache than lose my sense of smell." 
"Depends on how bad the headache is. You keep looking for the, uh, the carba-Tegre one. I'll go scout the equipment." 
"Tegretol," he corrects lightly. "Carbamazepine, brand name Tegretol." 
You're impressed by his memory. He sees that, and he lifts his hand to you. Palm your way, you can see he's written the names of the medication as you'd been advised to find by one of the camp members, a retired carer who worked bedside for a lady who suffered from epilepsy. 
"Your spelling is terrible," you say. 
"Whatever," he says flippantly. You're barely ten paces away when he adds, "I love you." 
"I love you too," you say. There's no need to call. The building, this entire town, is silent. You'll hear a geek a mile away. 
You poke at dusty equipment sceptically. You don't need filler, you don't think, but it affects absorption, maybe? You're not a pharmacist nor a chemist, whoever's watching knows you didn't have time to become much of anything, you're just doing as the retired carer advised. There's a press contraption with what feels like hundreds of caplet sized holes toward the front. You put it in your bag and lament its weight as you search for a pestle. 
"I've found the filler," Steve says. "There's a huge container of it. Lactose. And another of starch."
"Starch, like potatoes? We could put her medicine in mash potato."
"I think we just need a pestle and a weighing scale now. And some hand sanitiser." 
"I'll have the scales and the sanitiser, what about Robin's deodorant?" you ask. 
"At the front. I'll get it. You'll have another one?" 
"Please tell me they have that Carribean Crush one again, it was lovely." 
"You're lovely. I'll find it." 
The weighing scale must get its name from how ridiculously heavy it is. That along with the pestle has your bag feeling like a boulder attached to your neck. Maybe Steve will be willing to share the load with you. Actually, there's no need for maybe. If you tell him, he'll carry it with you happily. 
You scan the room for useful things. Batteries, food, things you've trained your eye to pick out of a bomb site if necessary. You pocket a pen for Steve and leave the rest where it lays, stepping out into the slightly bigger medications room before rounding a plexiglass wall to the pharmacy counter. Steve crouches down the aisleway, rejected roll-on deodorant on the floor beside him. 
You're about ten feet away from him when the geek lunges for him. 
You can't even tell it's a geek at first, it moves quickly, quietly, smooth as a living human. They've become diverse as the infection thrives, and you should've been thinking about that fact. You should've been standing at the front of the room. 
You freeze. You freeze and you waste time. 
"Steve!" you shriek. 
Steve's flat on his side, kicking with the entire force of his body. The geek actually bounces back with the force of each kick, but he's persistent, and stronger than he should be, a mottled hand on Steve's shoulder and decaying teeth snapping with a sound like cracking marble near his face. Steve tries to scramble from under the geek and its face falls down by Steve's ribs and upper arm. He yanks his arm away, and there's an odd ripping sound. 
You run so fast down the aisle to protect him that you can't slow, the entire weight of your body and the heavy bag you carry throttling the geek with a horrid slap against the glass door. It flies open and you topple out onto asphalt, sliding across the geek's body and taking the brunt of your rolling in your hands and the top of your face. Steve shouts a war cry and barrels after you. You go on knees, hands trembling and rushing as you grab for the knife in your belt. Steve lands on top of the geek and drives the blade of his pen knife straight into the crease between its brows, grunting as he goes, his breath coming too fast. 
You've clipped your head on the floor, the warmth of blood trickling down your brow. It doesn't concern you. 
What concerns you is the sizable tear in Steve's coat. 
He almost cuts you with his knife as you run at him, yanking the sleeves of his coat and jacket down. 
"What– what are you doing?" he asks. You tug at his sleeve like you've been possessed, panic a coil that won't loosen in your throat. "What–?" 
If he's been bitten, you'll have to saw his arm off. It's the most horrible thing you can think of, hurting someone you love, hurting the one person you love most. Your breath is half sob as you finally get his outerwear off of his arm. You don't know how to do that to somebody and especially Steve, how could you ever sever a limb? But if it will stop the infection, if it would save him—
You push the long sleeve of his t-shirt up his arm and stare down at his arm. Bruised near the wrist, pale, threaded with dark-green veins, his skin is unbroken. He hasn't been bitten. 
You pull his arm to your chest and almost break down there in the street. Steve stands with his coat hanging off of his one shoulder and doesn't respond to your actions for a long, heavy second. 
"You thought it bit me," he says. 
Your breath catches. 
"It didn't bite you." 
"No," he says, "it didn't bite me." 
"Your coat." 
Steve pulls you back inside of the store. He looks around the room twice, and then leads you to an empty corner to hug you. 
You're frenetic and frantic at once, hands sliding up and down his arm, eyes tracing his light skin like an injury might materialise. 
"It didn't bite me," Steve says, "but you're bleeding." 
You hiss as his fingertip locates your cut forehead. It must be a very small cut considering how little it bled. You've had head injuries that wept for hours, leaving you dizzy and disorientated from the subsequent lack of blood. This one's a wimp. 
You've also seriously hurt your shoulder from the backpack's weight and your small skirmish. You're not going to tell him that, not now, not when you've been dropped face first into the horror of potentially losing him forever. 
Steve eases out of his jacket. He takes your hand from his arm and pushes both sleeves up, bearing both arms in front of you. 
"It didn't get me, honey. Try to calm down." 
He says it softly, with no judgement or condescension. Only concern. 
"I'm fine," you say. 
It's strangled, you'll admit. Steve turns his arms to show you both sides before he tilts your head up and toward the meagre filtering sunlight, analysing your head injury in detail. 
"Did you hurt yourself? When you fell, did it feel like you hit it hard, or was it something sharp?" You don't answer, and he gets snippy. "Y/N, tell me. Did it hurt?" 
"Steve, you're the one who almost got bit." 
"And you're the one who almost died of a fucking concussion not that long ago, in case you forgot. Sit down. I'm not kidding, sit down." 
You blink, mildly startled by his hissing, and sit on the ground. He's being snappy because he's panicking, that's all it is. You hold back an unhelpful comment that your concussion had been months and months ago, so it kind of was long ago. 
He lets his coat and jacket fall to the floor and jogs back up the aisle to the bandages and gauze. He takes a detour for antiseptic, and then he sets himself down in front of you. 
"Did you hit it hard?" he asks. 
You shake your head. 
He doused a piece of gauze in antiseptic. "Sting," he warns, washing the length of your forehead with his makeshift wipe. He quickly swaps the bloodied one for a clean one. "Hold this." 
You hold it. He gets back up, scouring the shelves by the bandages until he plucks out a small box. He crushes it with his hand and the medical tape inside falls into his waiting palm. He sits again, tears two strips, and lines the edges of your gauze with them. It would all be much easier if they had big band-aids. 
"Show me your pupils, baby," he says. 
Steve, for his street smarts and survival skills, used to freak out about injuries. But Steve freaking out freaks you out and he guessed that soon enough, so every cut and bruise these days is met with a silent approach. It's the opposite of your reaction. Embarrassment starts to creep in. 
You widen your eyes and let Steve check your pupils. 
"Same size," he says. 
"It's just a cut." 
Steve shuffles across the floor so his thigh is pressed to yours, rather than having his back to the store. He breathes out slowly, breathes in quick, and then forces the bottom of his palm into his thigh cruelly. 
"How the fuck did that happen?" he asks. If he weren't being hyper vigilant, he'd be scrubbing his eyes in a tell tale nervous tic. "We haven't had something like that in months. We swept this whole place when we came in, where the fuck was he hiding? I feel sick." 
"You do?" you ask, terrified. 
"It didn't bite me," he assures you again. Thankfully without any annoyance. 
"It ripped a chunk out of your coat with its teeth. Forgive me for thinking your skin was less hardy than pressed plastic." 
Your acidity shocks you both. 
Things are awkward for a split second, 'cos it's difficult to feel awkward around someone who you've spent every second of the day with since you met. You feel for a moment that you could just take him by the shoulders and shake him. You love him, you could never hurt him, but he has to see sense: he doesn't understand how much you need him. Not to keep you alive, but to give you a reason to do it yourself. If he got bit, you'd die. Plain and simple. Internally first, but surely the heartbreak would murder you in the end. 
"I didn't know you were so disagreeable," Steve says. 
"I didn't know you knew a word that long."
Steve laughs, startled. You want to be mad, but you're so thankful that he's not dying and so suddenly wiped you can only laugh with him.
"I forgot how quick you are when we fight," Steve says. 
"We don't fight anymore." 
"That could be amended. Especially if you're going to get fresh with me."
"You started it." 
"I always start it." Steve flicks your shoulder."Let me see your head," he says. You turn your neck so he can see the outermost side of your head. "You swelled up like a helium balloon when you fell through that floor. It was right at the back of your head and I could tell something was wrong… This is fine. It bulged out last time." 
"It what?" you demand, pulling another rare laugh from him.
He winds down, clasping your knee. You cover his hand, and only then do you realise it's shaking.
"Steve, you almost died." 
"But I didn't die, I'm fine, and you need to stop freaking out because high blood pressure is definitely bad for a concussion. You could die yourself if you don't relax, seriously." Steve clears his throat. "Sorry, for getting heated. And thanks for knocking that guy clean off of me, what was that? You holding out on me when we wrestle? That was clean." 
"That was like, a mom's adrenaline thing. No, not 'cos I'm your mom, idiot. Loved one's adrenaline. I thought you were gonna die and suddenly I could've run for fucking gold in the Tokyo Olympics." 
"How did I get some of that? Whenever you're hurt I just feel like crying." 
"I think the crying bit comes after. Maybe if you tried getting to me quicker you'd have enough adrenaline to save me." 
He smiles before he talks, so you know it's going to be bad, "If a geek eats me during an adrenaline rush, am I a human Red Bull?"
"Okay, you have to keep an eye on the store because I need to be hugging you," you say, giving him little time to disagree as you climb on top of his lap. 
It's not comfortable nor sexy, but for once you don't care how heavy you are. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck and cradle his head, his face hooked over your shoulder so that he can still see your surroundings. He slides his hands underneath your coat and hugs you in turn. Your heart's still racing, and his hands are still shaking, but you lived. He lived. You've defeated danger for the hundredth time. 
"This really doesn't get any easier, does it?" you ask, petting his hair.  
He pats your back. "No, I don't think so. S'why I need you with me." 
"That's why I need you." 
Steve dots a quick kiss against the column of your throat. When he puts his chin back atop your shoulder, it's with a heaving sigh. 
"I can't believe you almost got bit," you say. 
"Yeah, well. Nobody has any manners anymore." 
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
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Wrong place, wrong time, wrong everything. And yet, maybe it's not as bad as you thought.
Tags/Warnings: Alien!Jungkook, Human!Reader, Angst, injury, medical things such as needles, mentions of potential murder
Length: ~2k words
A/N: T H E R E I S N O T A G L I S T-
-> Masterlist
⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──👽── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⋅ ⋅
Okay, your plan might not work the way you'd hoped after all.
You'd wanted to just get away from earth for a while now- with the intergalactic union basically punishing the whole human race for ruining planet earth, by taking away any humans from leading positions in the government, and by entirely changing the law system across the globe.
But down the line, money seems to be enticing even for people from outer space- and so the humans with the most of it had stayed in their roles, corrupting the system even more these days.
You don't want to be here to watch everything inevitably crumble.
What you didn't really plan for had been the drunk guy robbing you just half an hour before you were supposed to go to the port where the interstellar cargo ships would soon get ready to fly out to other planets to trade produce and other food products. But really, you can't pay much attention to your own injury, because otherwise you'll miss your chance entirely.
And considering they only fly out once every two to three months, you really don't wanna miss this.
So you go through with your plan despite your blurry mind- hunger and your injury by now having definitely made things more and more difficult to handle. You mostly trust into your instincts at the moment, unsure if you could really pay attention to anything out of the ordinary in order to check your plan- but maybe you should've.
Because now that the heavy steel doors close, and the ship starts to rumble, engines starting, you realize that your environment isn't what you'd expected to find as you lift the heavy tarp from over your head a little.
It doesn't make sense.
The interior, now that you look at it, looks nothing like the cargo ship from Heza that you had been supposed to be boarding. There's also been almost no security, no other staff around, no guards or even workers seen anywhere.
Everything is metal, a bit bent and busted here and there but still good and well taken care of. The model of the ship must be the same as the one from Heza -
But this is absolutely not the ship you thought you were sneaking into.
This is bad.
It's the worst, in fact, considering your still throbbing and probably bleeding wound, which had also not been part of the plan. The shaking of the ship finally subsides, a calm buzz and steady vibrations instead filling the space, your ears feeling strangely pressurized, something that subsides after moving your jaw a little. You know what this must mean.
You're no longer on earth.
Well, this is a problem now. You don't know where the hell this person is traveling to, let alone who owns the ship in the first place. For all you know, it could have no pilot at all, flying on pure autopilot which would at least make you feel a bit easier knowing that only actual cargo ships fly predetermined routes like that.
You feel like you're gonna throw up. Your stomach is so empty that your throat is closing up, or at least that's what it feels like. And considering this isn't a Heza ship, there will probably be nothing edible here at all.
And suddenly, there's a rumbling noise, metal scraping on the floor as the pressurized doors open, causing you to hide under the thick plastic coverings again, hoping, praying no one finds you. Boots click on the floor, and you hear chains hitting each other in high pitched noises, leather squeaking a bit and then-
You hear plastic being lifted. Whoever is currently here is aware that you're not supposed to be here. That something's off, not quite right. They're searching for something.
You hold your breath as if that's gonna help you at all, but you know it won't. The steps echo closer, closer, closer, plastic tarp being lifted and placed back over and over again around you. And suddenly, the tarp you're underneath lifts as well, and you're sure you're visibly shaking, especially when something cold hits the back of your head.
A gun, for sure.
"You got one try." A male voice states, the click of the gun heard and felt against your scalp and oh God, you're gonna pass out, either from blood loss, hunger, or the fact that there's someone pointing a fucking gun at you-
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you through the airlock right now."
Well, fuck.
You think hard, unsure what to really tell him- you don't even know if he's human or not, can't catch a glimpse of him considering he'll probably shoot you right away if you were to try, so you can't adjust your answer according to his race either. So, really, what do you have to lose now?
You're probably going to die either way- so why not just throw out your honest intentions.
"I'm trying to escape earth." You simply say, voice trembling as it's hardly loud enough to reach him properly.
"Why?" He presses on, leather moving again with distinctive noise as he squats down, gun still against the back of your head. "Are you a criminal?" He asks, and you shake your head.
"No." You answer. "Just.. over it." You shrug, tumbling forwards a little as you lose your balance for a second, brain becoming dizzy.
"Give me your name." He demands. "I will try and verify your information myself." The man says, and you laugh to yourself.
"Well, too bad." You chuckle. "I don't have a name. Got a number though, if you want it?" You slur by now, growing increasingly nauseous as your body seems to be hot one second and icy cold another. It seems as if he's noticing your state by now as well, hands moving your arm upwards as he inspects the blood staining your shirt by now.
"How did that happen?" He asks, and you try and explain- but there's no thought properly formed anymore. "Hah..., weak things." He mumbles to himself as he lets you fall forward onto your side, unable to sit upright any longer. He isn't very gentle as he lifts you up, over his shoulder to carry you out the cargo area of his ship and down several hallways like nothing but a sack of potatoes, into a room that looks awfully sterile and small. You're barely conscious, really, as you only somewhat feel him lay you down somewhere.
Everything between that, and now, as you wake up with a feeling of sudden panic, is just not there.
Your wrist is bound to the metal frame of the simple bedframe in the sterile, small room, machines beeping and occasionally making other noises as a voice rings out through a speaker, a sound echoing to signal an announcement. "Don't think your weak body will make me overlook the fact that you're a stowaway that illegally entered my ship." His voice echoes through the room. "You've broken human laws, and I'm required by the intergalactic union to report your crimes." He says, and you flop down onto the bed at that, a hand on your face desperately trying to hide your tears. That's even worse than getting shot through the airlock.
So you act out of panic, sitting up to rip out the IV line from your arm. "Hey- stop that!" He barks through the intercom, but you don't listen, as you try to squeeze and wiggle your hand out of the handcuffs bound to the bed, tugging on other sensors connected to your body, uncaring of the harsh sting and slight blood you're drawing.
It's when the only door of the room opens, and the man walks in, boots heavy on the floor as he leans one knee on the bed, grabbing your wrists that you're forced to stop your little panic attack. "Stop that." He growls, looking at you with both annoyance and anger as he watches you. "What in canis major is fucking wrong with you?" He scoffs, a low, clicking like sound in the back of his throat as his eyes glow an angry red.
"Throw me out the airlock then." You ask, frustrated tears brimming in your eyes as you look at him. "Shoot me in the head, I don't care." You tell him.
"Death won't lift your crimes, human." He tells you lowly. "You should've considered the consequences prior to your actions." The young man says.
"Hah, as if I didn't do that!" You bark at his face, and he leans back at that, eyes shifting slowly from their deep red to a more orange hue. "I'm not going back to earth. At least not alive." You say with a final tone to your voice, and at that he gets up, sighs, his eyes a pale yellow-ish brown as he opens them again to move around, and pick up the IV you'd tugged out from your arm, discarding the used needle before he moves to get a new, packaged one.
"How did you loose your name?" He asks, as he walks around, prepares the IV again it seems like, while you sit on the bed, legs tucked in closely. "I've looked up the number inked on your wrist. What you said about your identity seems to be true- but there's always a reason why humans loose their names, and yet there was no criminal record attached to you." He explains, and you shrug.
"Just.." You shrug again, glaring at him a bit as he rather roughly tugs your hand away from your knees, turning your forearm to locate a vein again. "Not worth it, I guess. I'm not trained in any field that's considered valuable, and I'm also not very smart- so I lost my name when I turned twenty-one because I'm not valuable enough." You say.
"That doesn't make any sense." He furrows his brows as he places the IV back in with not much regard to you hissing when he pishes the needle into your skin, securing it with medical tape before he adjusts the machines and sensors again.
"Yeah well, a lot of things don't make sense on earth." You mumble as you watch him, hissing a bit when he tugs on your skin too roughly as he checks the large plaster covering your stab wound.
"Stay here now, and stop being ungrateful for my care while I go over some things." He says, and you tug on the handcuffs a bit, as if to remind him. "What?" He asks.
"Are you.. not taking those off?" You wonder, and he seems almost amused as he looks at you with a slightly pinkish undertone in his eyes.
"No." He simply answers, door opening with a hiss of the hydraulics. "Wouldn't want you to get too comfortable here, after all."
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hannahmanderr · 9 months
WHOO HOO ECTO-IMPLOSION!! I was honored to get to step in to write for the incredible artwork done by @praetoring! They're such a talented artist, and their art was truly inspiring!! I'll be reblogging it myself, but definitely go check it out here and share the love with them!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“This would be so much easier if you opened up, Daniel.”
Danny huffs and scrapes the heel of his scruffy shoe on the thin carpet. “It’s Danny. And I told you before. There’s nothing to open up about.”
Dr. Bell leans forward and laces his fingers underneath his chin. Danny’s seen the critical glint in his eye before, in the other psychiatrists who have come before him. He wonders if it’s something they teach in medical school. Maybe they make it a graduation requirement.
“I’m here to help you. We all are,” Dr. Bell says, his honey brown eyes trained on Danny. “You’re here because you have people who care about you. They want to see you get better.”
“Well, I hate to disappoint, but there’s nothing to get better from.”
Dr. Bell’s eyes crease into a sad sort of smile. “There’s a term for that, you know. When a patient believes their problems aren’t a problem. ‘Ego-syntonic’ is what we call it.”
“Why would I care what it’s called?”
“Thought you might like to know.” The doctor shrugs. “You seem like the inquisitive type.”
A silence befalls the two, broken only by the gentle ticking of the antique cuckoo clock on the wall. Danny scrapes his heel on the ground again.
He doesn’t like the quiet. It leaves room for too much to sneak through. Too many chances for something to slip through the cracks. 
But he doesn’t speak.
It’s a lose-lose situation, really. He can stay quiet and run that risk, or he can talk and have to deal with all this. Again.
He shuffles and crosses his arms.
Dr. Bell sighs. “You do know why you’re here right now, yes?”
Danny doesn’t answer at first. His gaze is focused out the window now, at a point on the horizon. The sun is glaring down, melting the slushy snow and causing the air to shimmer. It’s a mesmerizing sight, he decides.
“Daniel. Danny. Look at me.”
Danny grits his teeth, but obeys. Still, his eyes continue to drift back outside. 
There’s another look in Dr. Bell’s eyes. One that Danny also knows well. The same reproachful, pitying look given to him by the students in the halls at school, the cashiers at the grocery store, the dozens of professionals he’s been forced to talk to. The same look accompanied by low whispers and unrelenting rumors.
Danny knows he should be used to them by now, but he still can’t help but lash out at them. Every time. Even if it’s in his own head. 
Dr. Bell tilts his head thoughtfully. “Why did you throw those meds away, Danny?”
Danny bristles. He can still hear the flushing toilet and his sister’s shouts of disbelief. The angry lecture from his parents. It’s not pretty.
Somehow, he’d never thought about the consequences of getting caught.
“Maybe if you listened to me,” he snaps, “you’d understand that they’re useless.”
“If we need to adjust the dosage, or if we need to try anoth-”
“No, just - I don’t need them!” His heart is beginning to race. He’s getting himself worked up again, and he knows it can only lead to disaster, but he can’t really help it. “I don’t need them, because nothing’s wrong!”
Dr. Bell’s brow furrows. “How long have you been tossing them?”
“Does it matter? I don’t need them, end of story.”
“Danny.” His name is spoken with a sort of sternness really only matched by his English teacher. It’s enough to make him shut his mouth and slowly sit back in his seat. Had he even realized he’d started to lean forward?
His heart doesn’t quiet, though. It pounds away in his chest, faster and faster. Something tingles in the back of his head.
He scrapes his heel again.
The doctor finally looks away and pinches the bridge of his nose. It pushes his glasses askew. “This is serious. You can’t simply decide to stop taking these meds because you think you don’t need them. That’s dangerous… to you.”
Danny doesn’t need to be a genius to hear the unspoken message in Dr. Bell’s words. Dangerous to you and the people around you.
Jazz would scold him for jumping to that conclusion. He can imagine just what she’d say. People with psychotic disorders are more likely to be the victims of violence than the perpetrators of it, she’d say in that presumptuous, know-it-all voice she dons any time she gets to talking about psychology. 
Danny knows better though. Statistics might say one thing. They don’t change what people think, though.
Another shimmer outside the window catches his eye. He hones in on it immediately. 
This one is different. He knows it. He can feel it.
Dr. Bell is still speaking. “Please, Danny. You don’t want to end up back in the hospital again. You’ve been managing your symptoms for a while now. You don’t want to throw that all away.”
But Danny isn’t hearing him. Not even the thinly veiled threat of the hospital breaks his concentration. 
(Somewhere in the back of his mind, though, he wonders if psychiatrists are supposed to be this blunt. All of the others before this one always danced around the issue so delicately.)
(He sort of appreciates the bluntness, for once. It’s a refreshing change.)
No, his focus is devoted to that point on the horizon, where the shimmer is waving precariously in the air, taking on a new shape and growing stronger. 
Really, he wishes it had waited until this appointment was over.
Then again, he’s really the one to blame for it, isn’t he?
“We can only do so much. Myself, your parents, your teachers… I know it’s difficult, and I know you’ve been through a lot, but we can’t do all the work for you. You have to be willing to step up and take care of yourself.”
Danny’s heart is throbbing painfully now. He can feel the potent hum of something buzzing just under his skin, making his leg bounce and his fingers dig into his torn jeans. His eyes remain stubbornly trained out the window.
But this time he’s heard Dr. Bell’s words. Specifically that last bit. And he has some words of his own. 
It’s perfect timing, thankfully. 
He stands up abruptly, so forcefully it knocks over his chair. “Thanks, but no thanks, doc. You may think I’m just throwing away my life or whatever, but I know myself better than you do. And for the record, I am taking care of myself. I’m taking care of more than myself, actually. So - and I’ll only say this once - kindly go to hell.”
Before Dr. Bell has the chance to respond, Danny sweeps out of the office.
No one sees him exit the building.
One year, seven months, twenty-one days, and forty-six minutes.
That’s how long it’s been since the first crack.
It shouldn’t have been possible. His parents said so themselves. With the portal destroyed, the veil between worlds was never torn. Reality remained intact, thus preventing any leakage. 
That’s what they thought anyway. 
But Danny knows the truth. He’s the only one that does. 
He was there when it happened, after all.
The next morning has Jazz hovering over his shoulder, watching him like a hawk.
“Go on,” she says, nodding to the pills in his open hand. “Take them.”
Danny doesn’t answer. Instead, he stares at the pills with disdain. Mom had been sure to make certain that he’d have them for this morning. Pharmacies work much faster with an impassioned Fenton breathing down their necks.
Either that, or maybe they’ve heard the rumors about him too.
Jazz huffs and throws her hands in the air. “Honestly, Danny, I don’t understand what the big deal is. They’re not gonna kill you.”
Danny tilts his head. He could probably make a decent argument as to why yes, taking these pills could end up with him dead, but he holds his tongue.
He can feel his heart begin to pulse a little faster. His focus immediately redirects to his breathing. 
Inhale Io Europa Ganymede.
Exhale Callisto Amalthea Himalia.
Inhale Elara Pasiphae Sinope.
Exhale Lysithea Carme Ananke.
Jupiter has 95 moons. Danny knows all their names by heart. It became especially easy to memorize them when he discovered they make for a wonderful mantra to time his breathing to.
And Jazz wanted to accuse him of not paying attention in therapy.
Except she’s still staring at him with murder in her eyes. “You’re not going anywhere until you take those. And no, I will not vouch for you with Lancer if you make us late.”
His eyes flick up to hers for the briefest of moments. He doesn’t maintain the eye contact - it’s too hard to look at the disappointment in her eyes - but it’s long enough for him to spot something else within them. He can’t quite believe it, though.
Is that… helplessness?
Conflicting feelings war within him. On one hand, he wants to snap at her, tell her to mind her own business and quit worrying about him. She’s been on his back for the better part of the past year and a half. How has she not learned that no amount of nagging is going to “fix” him?
But on the other hand, his heart pangs for his sister. After all, she’s been dealing with the effects of his… condition for that year and a half now, whether she’s wanted to or not. He knows his problems are not self-contained; they inevitably twist their way into the lives of everyone he comes into contact with. No one has been in closer contact with him than Jazz.
In a way, he sort of hates himself for it. Or maybe he hates the universe for putting him into this position. Either way, he hates it.
Yet he still can’t take the pills. He doesn’t know what sort of effect they’ll have on him, but he’s not eager to find out, either. 
Danny sighs and his shoulders slump. “Fine,” he says, his voice clipped. “Whatever.”
He makes a show of tossing them in his mouth and taking a big gulp of water. Even after he swallows, Jazz still eyes him critically.
“Open up,” she demands, though her voice is gentler. Obediently, he opens and lifts his tongue to show her his empty mouth. 
She nods curtly, but Danny can see the tension drain from her face and body. The sight is somewhat strangely satisfying. “Thank you. Now was that so bad?”
Danny shakes his head.
“That’s what I thought. Now come on, I really don’t want to be late.”
“You go ahead,” he says. “Sam and Tucker wanted to walk with me today.”
Jazz raises an eyebrow. The gears are turning in her head, Danny knows, as she tries to pick the reason apart. Looks for a flaw. 
A year and a half of lying through his teeth has earned him such a lack of trust.
But he shrugs half-heartedly. He’s already taken the pills, hasn’t he?
Jazz seems to reach this conclusion. “Alright,” she says slowly. She bends down to pick up her bag, but her eyes stay glued to him. “But if you try anything funny…”
“What would I even try?”
“Just -” she cuts herself off and draws in a breath. “I’m not trying to be the bad guy, Danny. I just… I worry. You’re my little brother, you know?”
His heart pangs again. “I know.”
The hint of a smile graces the corners of her lips. She plants a kiss into his hair. There’s a weight to it though, one that holds the strain of all the heated arguments, all the angry and despaired tears, all the failed pleading and promising, everything that’s happened in the past year and a half.
Even if her melancholy hadn’t draped itself around his shoulders, he would’ve known.
Still, when she pulls away, he offers her his own small smile. She leaves the house without another word.
It’s only after he hears the door close behind her that he bolts to the bathroom.
He had tried to explain what was happening to him, after the portal exploded on him. He tried to explain the strange feelings in his body, the impossible things he was seeing. 
The doctors (and his sister) immediately wrote off his complaints as residual trauma from the accident. You’re lucky to even be alive, they would tell him. It’s expected that you’d be having problems adjusting.
(Lucky to be alive. That’s what they said. That’s what everyone said.)
(If only he believed that statement was true.)
(And not about the “lucky” part.)
His parents, of course, had been intrigued at first. Perhaps it was because of some delirious hope after the destruction of their magnum opus, but they at least listened to him. There had been some skepticism, especially as it became clearer and clearer that there was no proof to Danny’s claims, but they stayed patient.
Until Jazz found out about the questions they were asking him. She had given them a lecture of her own for “encouraging his delusions” before “accidentally” dropping it to the therapist during a family counseling session.
His parents, disappointed as they had been, agreed to back off.
Leaving him alone to fix a problem no one believed was real.
Danny’s head feels like dead weight as he lifts it from the toilet. He flushes it before he can look down and make himself sick all over again.
God, what has he come to?
The bitter taste of the half-digested pills burns at his tongue. Still, he chooses to fall back against the wall, breathing heavily and letting his eyes flutter closed.
His heart pounds in his chest. It had started even as he had been running to the bathroom. He silently berates himself for allowing it to happen. And although part of him has already resigned himself to the inevitable consequence, part of him still desperately latches onto the list of moons he knows so well.
Leda Thebe Adrastea.
Something potent and volatile pulses in the air. He can feel it seep through his skin and into his muscles and bones. It only makes his heart race faster, especially as the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and goosebumps coat his arms.
He’s had a year and a half to get used to the sensation, but it catches him off guard every time. Like something is tearing itself apart inside him. 
Or maybe like he’s being torn apart.
Metis, Themisto…
Danny curls in on himself. Pressure builds in his chest. Something he has no human words for storms inside him in a relentless whirlwind. He can feel the need for release, though whether that’s him begging for a reprieve or the force inside him demanding to be freed, he can never tell. Perhaps it’s both.
… Callirrhoe…
The sizzling snaps of something electric are audible in the air, concentrated somewhere behind the shower curtain. He holds his head in a death grip and his heart beats fast - impossibly fast.
So fast it might as well be stopped.
Something cold writhes its way into his throat, stirring his stomach into nausea all over again. He can’t swallow it down. He’s forced to open his mouth in a gasp and stare in dismay as pale, blue mist pours from his lips.
But he doesn’t have time to dwell on it. The demand from the force within has become intolerable. Like always, he’s left wondering if it’ll be too much for his tiny mortal body to handle.
Unfortunately for him, he knows he’ll be able to handle it.
With a guttural cry, the energy erupts in him.
He’s never sure what exactly happens next. He’s always been too overwhelmed by whatever it is to see or understand. All he knows is the thunderbolt of something electric, something powerful being unleashed into him. Or maybe it’s clawing its way out of him. 
Memories of blinding green light and an explosion that leaves his ears ringing rip through him.
That’s probably always the worst part.
And then, right as he’s sure he’ll disintegrate into nothing more than dust, it stops. In a single deafening clap, it stops.
Slowly, Danny peels his eyes open. The death grip loosens and his legs and arms begin to unfold. The tension, however, does not leave his body. Every human instinct of his whispers at him furiously to stay alert. Be prepared. Flee from the danger.
But a different set of instincts has clamored its way forward too. Instincts that are far from human. Instincts that draw him up from the floor and towards the bathtub.
A toxic green glow pulses behind the shower curtain.
____________________________________________________________ It hadn’t taken long for the rumors to start spreading. Amity Park is, after all, a sleepy little suburb. Its residents will take their drama where they can get it.
Did you hear about the ghost hunters’ son? they’d whisper. Did you hear about the crazy Fenton kid?
Speculations ranged far and wide. Even after the portal’s explosion became common knowledge, people would throw out wild theory after wild theory.
I heard he ate a bunch of ectoplasm and it’s poisoned him.
Well, I heard the radiation from all those experiments finally got to him.
Are you kidding? Those loony Fentons obviously started experimenting on him.
Comments like that last one always stung the worst.
If he’d been a social pariah before, he was even more of one after the accident.
And it definitely didn’t help that the accident left him with a slew of… “side effects.” Ones that really got everyone talking. 
Danny nearly tears the curtain off the rod as he rips it to the side.
Sure enough, right in the middle of the bathtub, a rancid green crack shimmers in the air. 
“Go away,” he growls. There’s something ethereal about his voice now, something that makes it reverberate against the walls and fill the air with static. Something fueled by the anger and frustration in his bones.
Something - or someone - is trying to press their way through the crack. Even if it hadn’t been visibly apparent, Danny can feel it in his chest. It’s causing a distinct pressure that throbs out of sync with his heart. It’s uncomfortable, to say the least.
A different kind of static drifts through the portal. That would be the response, Danny gathers. Somehow, despite the lack of any English words - or any words, period - he knows exactly what’s being said. Or a rough idea, at least.
“No,” he snaps. A crack of electricity snaps in time with his voice. “You’re not coming through. Go away.”
He wishes the intruder would just leave him alone. The sooner he’s able to calm down, the sooner the crack will fade. That’s how it works. That’s how it’s always worked. 
This time, when static drifts through the portal, there are the low undertones of something that can maybe be interpreted as language. Danny listens closely.
“This is my world.” He’s attempting to make himself sound as threatening as possible, allowing the anger and the fierce instinct to possess to bubble over into his demeanor. His blood is running cold, and he knows if he were to look in the mirror right now, he’d be met with not his eyes, but an otherworldly glow that mimics the color of the crack down to a tee. “This is my haunt. You’re not welcome.”
He’s still not exactly sure what a haunt is, and he’s not sure why the thought of this being his haunt makes his stomach flutter with both anxiety and excitement, but he’s dealt with this problem long enough to know how to speak their language. 
“Let me through,” a voice hisses from inside the crack, muddied by the accompanying static. “I only wish to help you.”
Danny scoffs. “Yeah, right. Like any of you have ever actually wanted to help me before.” His eyes narrow, and now he can feel a cold crackle gathering behind them. “So you’d better leave now, because you won’t like it if I have to make you.”
“And just how do you intend to ‘make’ me leave, halfling?”
There’s that word again. The one that sends a buzz straight down Danny’s spine and causes something in his chest to leap. The one they’ve all been calling him for the past year and a half.
What exactly that means, he still doesn’t know.
“I’ve gotten rid of plenty of you before,” he says, low and dangerous. “I can just as easily get rid of you.”
The pressure in his chest increases sharply as a shadowy figure presses right up against the crack. Foggy bits of the figure begin to slip through the crack. “Perhaps you are as powerful as they say.” The voice becomes clearer. “Perhaps your words have merit. Somehow, I doubt that.”
Danny growls again, and his hands ball into fists. He swings madly at the little tendrils of fog. They dissipate under his touch, and the intruder hisses.
“You are making a grave mistake, child. It is not wise to reject my aid.”
“Sure. I’m sure your ‘aid’ involves all sorts of terrorizing and wreaking havoc and stuff. Exactly the kind of help I need.” He grunts as the intruder attempts to shove their way through again, and it feels like someone has thrown a cinderblock into his chest. Still, he stands his ground. “This place is mine, and if you think I’m just gonna let you come in and run rampant, then you have another thing coming.”
Despite his best efforts, more and more foggy bits leak through the crack. The static in the air pulses, and he gets the vague notion that he’s being laughed at. “Such strong words from such an insolent boy. This is the great halfling child I was told so much about?”
“You know, you’re not exactly doing much to help your case.”
“Hmm. Then maybe I’ll simply make you my offer.”
“Not. Interested.” His hands are tingling. Is it from coming into contact with the intruder? Or from something else? He can’t tell. “You can take your offer and -”
“I can teach you how to seal the rifts.”
Now that makes Danny falter.
It only took about a month for Danny to realize it was him that was responsible for the cracks.
They didn’t start out as anything big. Barely shimmers or disturbances in the air, when he’d get worked up or nervous or upset. Nothing big enough for anything to fit through, of course.
But enough to get him to notice. 
In retrospect, it did make some sense. His parents’ portal had opened up on top of him. Or maybe even opened up in him. Of course, it was bound to leave some lasting metaphysical effects.
He just hadn’t expected to learn that he was the portal’s replacement.
It was sometime right then, a month or so after the accident, that Sam had campaigned and succeeded to revise the school lunch menu. The resulting argument between her and Tucker had gotten him so anxious that it resulted in his largest crack yet. One that was big enough to allow something through.
One that was big enough to allow one of the ghosts on the other side to slip through.
The thought is tantalizing. It’s been so long, relying on his ability to rein in his anger and anxiety to force the cracks to fade. It’s a task much easier said than done.
Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easier, more reliable way of closing them? Of keeping the ghosts out of his territory? Of stopping things before they could cause too many problems?
The intruder must sense his hesitation, because they give another forceful push. Danny, wrapped up in his own thoughts, is caught off guard by the move, and he gasps in shock as he squeezes his eyes shut and reels backwards.
It’s enough of an opening for the ghost to slide the rest of the way through.
Danny can feel its presence. There’s something… musty about it. Like the way it feels when he goes into the attic and sees all of his and Jazz’s old baby stuff packed away. Or when he’s forced to use one of the particularly “well-loved” copies of textbooks at school. He’s not sure whether to be put off by it or intrigued.
But it does feel foreign. More foreign than the presence of most other ghosts he’s encountered.
He opens his eyes.
Endless red eyes bore into his.
He reels again.
“Who the hell are you?” he hisses. Static crackles under his voice again.
The figure simply floats there, mostly hidden underneath a cloak. Those awful red eyes shine like beacons from the shadows created by the hood. Oddly enough, they make it harder to see the figure’s face. If they actually have one. Danny’s seen more than one faceless ghost before.
“Believe it or not, I do truly wish to help you,” the ghost says. Its voice is smooth and masculine, and when it speaks, Danny is flooded with a wave of that same musty energy. Something about it feels old. Timeless.
It’s not reassuring in the slightest.
The words themselves are not reassuring either. Faces supplant the shadow under the hood - his parents’, Dr. Bell’s, Jazz’s. The phrase is one that Danny is intimately familiar with, and he immediately bristles.
“I don’t need your help,” he says, folding his arms across his chest. “And I still don’t believe you actually want to help.”
Danny can’t see the figure’s face, of course, but somehow, he can tell that the ghost is smiling at him. The kind of smile adults give children who don’t know any better. “And why don’t you believe that?” the ghost asks, unperturbed by his petulance.
Danny throws his arms in the air before crossing them even tighter across his chest. “Because that’s all you ghosts do! You invade my home and start trying to stir up trouble, and then I have to chase you down and shove you back through before you hurt something. Or someone.”
“Such hasty conclusions to draw.” The ghost clucks its tongue disapprovingly. “That won’t do at all.”
Danny’s blood boils cold and the glow from his eyes is bright enough to reflect on the ghost in front of him. He raises his fists. “Go. Now.”
The ghost sighs, as if it’s bored of the conversation already. A hand thrusts out from underneath the cloak, aimed toward the crack. Danny’s eyes widen as a blue glow surrounds the ghost’s hand, then the crack. The crack shudders.
And it begins to mend itself.
Something inside Danny shifts as the crack seals itself. He feels like he can breathe a little easier, like his heart isn’t being pushed against as much. 
But the ghost is still there, in his bathroom. And now that the crack is gone, the full force of the ghost’s presence is surrounding Danny.
Danny sees the glint of sharp teeth as the ghost grins. “I don’t think I will go,” it says.
Danny’s not sure whether to be amazed, terrified, or infuriated. Or maybe some combination of the three. On one hand, this ghost just proved its ability to seal the cracks. Maybe even the ability to teach him how to do it himself. If Danny possesses that ability.
On the other hand, though, Danny doesn’t take too kindly to ghosts intruding in his world and asserting themselves.
He’s the boss here.
That instinct, the instinct to own and possess and keep his territory, wins out easily. It’s too overwhelming, and Danny doesn’t really have the energy to try and fight it. 
Besides, he figures, if he can get himself worked up enough, he can create another crack to shove this ghost back through.
So with a roar of anger, Danny lunges at the ghosts and swings his fists with all his might.
The moment he comes into contact with the ghost, something changes.
And green fire explodes to life around his hands.
The cracks weren’t the only side effect of the portal’s explosion.
Danny never understood what was happening to him. In all honesty, he’s still not sure if he completely understands. What he knew and what he knows, though, is that something within him began to shift.
He began to shift.
Why did the cold winter air seem to embrace him? Why did the night sky whisper to him with offers of belonging? Why did he find himself seeing new colors and new lights out of the corners of his eyes?
He tried to explain it to his friends, his family, his doctors. The former took some interest, but lost it quickly with nothing to back it up. The latter only used it as evidence for his diagnosis.
It didn’t help when things got more serious, after Sam changed the lunch menu and he’d had to beat back the ghost he’d accidentally summoned. He found himself drawn to some of the most random places in town - behind the dumpsters at the Nasty Burger, the top of Lookout Hill, the architecture section in the public library. Why those places, he didn’t know. All he knew was that the air in those places felt… different. Thinner, maybe. Like he could poke through it if he found the right place.
He learned to start staying away from those places.
It was worse when he started to be drawn to places that had a much more sinister aura. Like the time when he found himself standing on the side of the road at the site of a bad car wreck, watching as EMTs soberly placed a sheet over a broken body. Or when he ended up standing in the doorway of the hospice center in town as a family with red eyes and tears aplenty quietly shuffled their way out.
It gave even more reason for people to stay away from him. He smells like death, they’d say. He figured they were probably close enough to being right.
And that wasn’t counting the other side effects.
Danny screams.
In an instant, he’s pushed the ghost back from him and scampered away, staring in horror at his burning hands. Many things have happened to him in the past year and a half, but his hands spontaneously catching on fire has not been one of them.
“Interesting,” he can hear the ghost saying, but he doesn’t truly register it. His focus is entirely on the green fire. 
It’s only after a few seconds that he starts to wonder why it doesn’t hurt. 
He’s heard stories, of course. About how with serious burns, they can destroy nerves before you can register the pain. He himself still has a few destroyed nerves from the explosion. He wonders if that’s what’s happening to him now. It would explain why he’s in such shock, unable to do anything to actually put out the fire.
And then he finally processes three very important things.
One: the fire is green. Not normal fire by any means.
Two: he can’t see any damage to his hands, even as the fire burns. And it doesn’t move any farther than his wrists. 
Three: he can feel something. It’s not heat. His hands tingle, but not painfully. Rather, it feels like he’s dunked his hands into a bowl of ice water. Or like snow has wrapped around them.
His eyes snap up to the ghost. “What the hell did you do to me?” he shouts. His voice shakes with panic.
The ghost is as placid as ever. It holds a gloved hand up towards its chin. Danny hates feeling like the subject of some twisted experiment.
“That power has always been within you, young halfling,” it says. It could be Danny’s imagination, but he thinks he hears something akin to wonder in the ghost’s voice. “It would seem that my presence has simply accelerated your discovery of this power.”
Danny opens his mouth, but words escape him. His eyes drift back down to his hands, still lit up. 
He shouldn’t be quite so stunned. This isn’t the first time something distinctly supernatural has happened to his body. Memories of arms and legs glitching out of sight and feet slipping through the ground swarm him in a rush. 
He still doesn’t know why those things happen, or what they mean. 
They scare him.
But he’ll never admit it. Not that he can. These occurrences would be written off as delusions.
The ghost leans down and approaches Danny. Although he’s already pressed flush against the wall, he tries to sink further into it. “Stay away from me!” As he shouts, the fire around his hands flares brighter.
The ghost’s eyes briefly flick to the fire before settling back on Danny. “Relax,” it says. “You are overreacting.” It tilts its head, and Danny sees the glint of teeth again. “Are all humans this… emotionally fragile?”
“I’m about to show you fragile,” Danny growls.
“Hmm. There’s that attitude again.” The ghost sighs. “In all truthfulness, though, you do need to relax. You will never gain control if you are continually losing it, child.”
“That makes zero sense. And how am I supposed to relax when you’re invading my home?”
“Because you are foolish,” the ghost says plainly. Danny wants to throw another punch, but the idea of another freaky thing happening if he touches the ghost keeps his behavior under control. “You are too focused on the external. You must focus on the internal.”
“Well, maybe I could ‘focus on the internal’ if you’d just leave me alone!”
A rush of that musty energy presses Danny into the wall. “You would be wise to listen to me, halfling. I am one of the very few beings that truly does wish to help you. Without my aid, you will leave yourself vulnerable to every single one of the threats behind the veil.” The ghost pauses. “Yourself… and your haunt.”
Danny’s anger falters.
The ghost continues. “What you have seen thus far is but a taste of the threats that wait for you. Everything you have faced up until this point will seem like child’s play compared to what you will face. Your only hope to defend yourself is to listen to me.”
Danny wants to stay angry. He wants to stay feisty and impudent. This is just another intruder after all. One of the many he’s had to beat back to wherever they came from.
But as he stares helplessly into the ghost’s gaze, he can’t help but feel as though he is being pierced down to his very soul. Embedded within those deep red eyes is the afterimage of every star that’s burned itself to death, from the beginning of time to the end. The infinite void of eternity. The promise of planets yet to be created, cosmic dust yet to settle, things that will happen long after the Earth’s Sun has gone supernova and extinguished any trace of life.
Danny cries out. His head snaps backward, breaking the connection to the ghost’s eyes. He pants for breath he didn’t know he’d been lacking.
He gets the impression that perhaps this isn’t just another intruder.
“Who… are you?” he asks again, this time with caution.
The ghost blinks once. “I can be your greatest ally, or I can be your greatest enemy. I am prepared to be both. Whichever one I am rests in your hands.” He nods down to the green flames still licking Danny’s hands. 
Danny’s breath hitches. The way this ghost talks, the way it carries itself, he can tell the ghost knows far more than he does. Far more. He’s not sure if the threats of dangers yet to come are valid or not.
But while he asserts his ability to take care of anything thrown at him, he knows the fear in his gut says otherwise.
His fists clench. He grits his teeth. Tears pool in the corners of his eyes. Why do there have to be more threats? Why can’t these ghosts just leave him alone? Why him? Why did all this happen to him? Why must he face this alone?
The questions swarm him like angry hornets. They make it hard for him to think clearly. 
His heart begins to race.
“N-no, please,” he gasps. “Not again.”
“You must relax,” the ghost reiterates. “Your abilities are tied to your emotions, as are the abilities of all ghosts. In this case, if you wish to calm the ability, you must first calm yourself, halfling.”
Danny’s stomach turns at the ghost’s words. There’s a hidden implication within them, one that Danny can’t quite put his finger on. He’s sure he does not like it, though. 
“I can’t just… calm down,” he says. It’s the truth. Even a year and a half of intense therapy and psychiatric treatment hasn’t taught him how to simply shut off his emotions.
The ghost hums and puts a hand to its chin again. “How is it you humans deal with such strange matters?” He shakes his head before Danny can respond. “No matter. I can assist you by using my power to influence yours, but you must trust me to touch you again.”
Danny’s head whips back and forth wildly. “Because it went so well the last time I touched you?” he says. He hates the note of panic he can hear in his voice.
“That was, as you call it, a fluke. As I said, the power was always within you. My influence has simply brought forth that power early.”
“And how do you know it won’t happen again?”
Teeth flash underneath the hood of the cloak. “I have far more control over my abilities than you, boy. Rest assured I will be able to control something as simple as this.”
Danny’s heart thumps loudly. The ghost extends a hand towards him, and Danny instinctively flinches away from it. He can already feel the ghost’s presence beginning to press up against him again, and it only makes him more anxious.
There’s something different about it now.
Something that reminds him of his mother gently kissing his brow while putting a bandage on his scraped knee. Something that reminds him of his father’s bear hugs that wrap him up in a safe cocoon. Something that reminds him of the weighted blanket Jazz got him last year for Christmas, in an attempt to provide him with something to help with his leftover trauma from the accident.
“Stop it,” he says, but there’s no weight behind his words. “I didn’t… say you could… influence me.” Because as much as he hates to admit it, the ghost’s presence is affecting him. He can feel it in his heartbeat, in his breathing, as they both begin to slow.
He’s lucky he looks up in time to see the ghost’s eyes widen for the briefest of seconds. “You can already feel me?” it asks. Fascination dances behind its words, and Danny feels like he’s a being watched like a zoo animal again. 
“Yes, now can you please… stop it?” Danny chances looking into the ghost’s eyes again. “I-I’ll calm down or whatever, just… please…”
To his surprise, the pressure against his chest lessens, and the vague notions of safety dissipate. The ghost floats backward a foot or two. 
He feels like he can breathe again.
It’s strange, he thinks to himself. How he seems to calm much easier without the ghost’s… influence. Maybe it’s the feeling of regaining some control over the situation. Maybe it’s because he feels less like he has to defend his territory.
He looks up at the ghost. “Thank you,” he says quietly.
He’s surprised to realize he means it.
The flames die out.
Once Danny figured out exactly what was happening within him to trigger the cracks, he tried desperately to keep it from happening at all costs.
Some tactics worked better than others. Timing his breath to the list of Jupiter’s moons was one. His therapist had been thrilled to hear that he’d taken her advice. 
He tried journaling, at the encouragement of another of his therapists and his sister. It worked a bit at first. It gave him a place to vent about the ghosts and everything happening with them without running the risk of being scolded for “giving into his delusions.” It quickly lost whatever effectiveness it had, though.
Eventually, he simply tried to shut his emotions off. He tried to become uncaring, unmoved. Tried not to let everyone’s harsh words get to him as much.
That failed miserably.
Then again, so did every other tactic he tried.
At some point, they all failed. The cracks were inevitable.
They always would be.
The ghost, for what it’s worth, keeps true to its promise to teach him how to close the cracks. 
Ironically, though, it involves traveling through yet another crack.
It’s not Danny who opens it. The ghost waves its hand, and another hole in reality sparks to life inside his bathtub. The ghost’s crack is far neater than Danny’s - smoother, larger, not jagged like the forked branches of lightning. 
Danny watches, and he can’t help but be in awe. The simplicity with which the ghost opened it blows him away.
“Can it really be that easy?” he asks. The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop himself. Immediately, he regrets it. His goal isn’t to learn how to create the things. He just needs to know how to stop them. 
At the same time, the idea of being able to open the cracks without devolving into near panic, without feeling like his body is being ripped in two…
It’s enticing.
“With patience and precision, yes.” The ghost tilts its head at Danny. “Two things you severely lack, halfling.”
Anger flares in Danny. Somehow, he manages to wrangle it down to a simmer.
“Let’s go,” the ghost says. If it felt Danny’s silent outburst, it does not indicate so. 
“Go where?” Danny asks. Realization hits him a moment later. “Through it?”
“Going above it or around it would hardly do us any good.”
Danny balks. “I - can’t you just show me here? Why do we have to go through?”
The ghost is silent for a long moment. It stares unblinking at Danny. “If you wish to stay here,” it says, low and dark, “the consequences of doing so will rest on your head.”
Danny doesn’t need his sister’s intelligence to understand what the ghost is getting at now. 
“Alright, fine, I get it, it might get messy,” he concedes. “But… do we really have to go through it still?”
“You’re fearful.” It’s not a question.
Danny reflexively puffs his chest up. “I’m not afraid,” he fires back. 
It’s a lie.
He wonders if the ghost knows it.
The ghost hums. “If it helps, this portal simply leads to another location here in your human world. You do not need to enter my world. Not yet.”
Danny’s head snaps towards the crack at hearing the last of the ghost’s words. “Not yet?”
He doesn’t like those implications.
“I grow weary of your refusal to cooperate, child,” the ghost says with a sigh. “You will enter this portal if you wish to learn how to close the cracks and defend yourself. If you do not, I can assure you of the hardships you will try and fail to face.”
“Okay! Okay. Just… stop being so… doomer. I get the idea already.”
“Then by all means…” The ghost sweeps an arm out towards the crack with a cheeky bow. 
Reluctantly, Danny steps into the bathtub to stand before the crack. It’s the same vibrant green as the one earlier, as all the ones that had come before it. He can’t see what lies on the other side through the swirling green void.
Slowly, he reaches out and puts his hand through.
The sensation is… surprisingly pleasant. His hand meets empty air on the other side, but at the thin point where his forearm is split between two locations, where the crack touches his skin, he’s met with energy.
It’s pure and it’s raw. It’s electric. It’s invigorating and nothing like Danny has ever felt before. Standing here, in the glow of the crack through reality, he feels like he’s finally on solid ground. Like he’s found the thing that sings to him and his heart, rather than brutalizes it. Fear flushes from his body.
It’s all in such stark contrast to everything the cracks have brought him thus far. For a year and a half, it’s been oppressive. Looming over his head. Threatening to seize his heart and his breath. 
But now?
He feels like he can do anything.
And that’s just with his arm partway through.
Without another thought, Danny leaps through the crack.
It’s every bit as exhilarating as he’d hoped.
In the months after the explosion, Danny often found himself spiraling into existential trains of thought. One does not simply go through a near-death experience without having a bit of existentialism on the side.
His therapists took this to mean he had lost his sense of identity as part of his trauma. It’s okay to feel like you’ve lost yourself, they’d tell him. Like you don’t know who you are anymore.
They would sit him down and force him through exercise after exercise, trying to identify his sense of self, the traits he felt like he embodied, everything that made Danny, Danny.
Who am I?
It was the question the therapists challenged him to ponder, time after time. Only you can answer that question for yourself, Danny.
He wanted to scream every time he was made to fill out another chart. Or outline who he thought he was. Or draw up things to symbolize himself. The question of who he was wasn’t the cause of his existential spirals. He already knew who he was.
Mostly, anyway.
No, it was a different question that plagued him time after time. After every crack, every encounter with a ghost, every unexplainable sight or sound he came across.
What am I?
A year and a half later, he still doesn’t know.
Danny trips over his feet as he exits the crack. 
He’s still breathless from the sheer euphoria from the experience. His body shakes from the overwhelming feeling of power coursing through his veins. He wants to laugh, or maybe cry. Maybe both. 
Where has this been for the past year and half? How could he have gone so long without experiencing something like this?
He turns around to face the crack. In an instant, he’s up against it once more, trying to savor any last dredges of the energy that he can. 
He realizes that this is the closest he’s ever been to one of the cracks. He’s stayed away from them like a plague, only getting close enough to shove ghosts back through. Their presence has always weighed heavily on him, but now Danny wonders if that’s really the case.
No, something heavy has always accompanied the cracks. But… are the cracks themselves responsible for the pressure in his chest?
For the first time, he’s starting to think he’s had it wrong.
There’s a tingle in his chest, then a push, then pressure. This is the feeling he’s far more familiar with. Knowing what it heralds, he steps to the side. A moment later, the cloaked ghost makes its way through the crack.
“There,” it says once fully on this side of it. “Was that so bad?”
Danny opens his mouth. His instinct is to gush about it, to tell the ghost that it was the farthest thing from “bad.”
Those haunting red eyes turn on him, and the words die on Danny’s tongue. 
He huffs and kicks at the ground. “It wasn’t terrible,” he mutters quietly.
They’re on a dirt road, somewhere rural. Fields dormant for the winter sprawl out on either side of the road. A lone set of electrical lines runs along the side of the road. He can’t see any buildings around.
“Wait, where are we?” he asks, trepidation in his voice. Belatedly, he wonders if blindly trusting a very powerful ghost was smart.
“Not far,” the ghost responds. It does not elaborate. Instead, it seals the crack they’ve just come through with a lazy wave of its hand.
The second time witnessing it is just as mesmerizing as the first.
“Why do we have to come all the way to the middle of nowhere to do this? Seriously, why couldn’t you just show me back home?”
The ghost hums. It stares at the horizon, unfocused. “There are things you have yet to understand, halfling. You will learn in time.”
Danny grits his teeth. “Listen, you said you wanted to help me. So quit being all creepy-cryptic and help me.”
“I do not take well to people making demands of me,” the ghost says sharply. A cold breeze rustles the dead leaves on the road and in the fields. “We will operate on my schedule. A halfling child will not dictate it to me.”
Though he doesn’t know why or how, Danny’s instincts scream at him to rise to meet the challenge. To tell the ghost that it may want to operate on its own schedule, but this is Danny’s territory. That it can’t simply wander in and out of his world as it pleases and act as though it is in charge.
It takes every ounce of self-control he can muster to tamper those instincts.
He’s none too eager for the ghost to get mad at him again.
“What do I do then?” he grumbles.
The ghost floats to Danny’s side. “To learn how to control the cracks, you must first learn to take notice of the world around you.” It sweeps its arm out. “Tell me what you see here.”
“What? I don’t… there’s nothing to notice. What does this have to do with anything?”
“If you do not notice anything by looking, then notice by seeing.”
“That literally makes zero sense!” 
The ghost ignores Danny’s outburst this time. “You can already see more than other humans,” it says tiredly. As though it’s explained this to him hundreds of times already. “But you ignore it. You ignore the world around you to maintain little more than an illusion.”
Danny’s stomach does a little ballet. The ghost… isn’t wrong. The glimpses of colors he has no human words for, the way his eyes are drawn to seemingly invisible movements, the dancing lights always in the corners of his eyes, they are all things he knows he can see that others can’t.
He hates it.
“Maybe ignoring it is better,” he retorts. There’s some fire in his words, but not much. 
“Better for who? For those around you? For you? The answer is neither. How can you wish to protect your haunt when you turn a blind eye to that which supposedly threatens it?”
“As long as it stays on their side of the crack, it’s fine.” Even as he speaks, Danny realizes he’s losing confidence in his words. It’s terrifying. 
“Naive child,” the ghost mutters. Disgust taints its words. Or is that…
… disappointment?
Danny doesn’t have time to figure it out. The ghost continues speaking.
“Nothing is ever black and white. There is never such a thing as two absolute sides.” It picks up a single dry leaf and twirls it in its hand. “Everything begins, and everything ends. What happens in between is in shades of gray.”
Danny’s head is beginning to spin. “In English please?”
The ghost sighs. “You expect life and death to remain two very distinct sides, never touching one another. This is shortsightedness.” It lets the leaf go. It drifts away on a breeze. “Life and death intermingle closer than you can ever imagine.”
Danny’s breath catches in his throat. “Life and… death?”
“Of course.” The ghost’s eyes turn on him. “What did you expect this to be about?”
“I… I don’t…” Danny’s tongue feels thick in his mouth suddenly. Words choke up in his throat, and he can’t get them out.
Before the portal accident, ghosts were a thing of fantasy. Simply his parents’ crackpot ravings. The accident proved those crackpot ravings to be real. As real as anything else. Despite the dozens of people telling him he’s hallucinating, or that he’s psychotic, he knows this is all real.
He can feel it, deep within him.
But for as real as he knows ghosts and their world are, he’s never had to consider why they exist. Where they truly come from.
Something flutters in his chest, and he can’t decide if it’s his heart or something else.
Human. Ghost.
Life. Death.
And him, somehow wrapped up in it all.
He thinks he might throw up for the second time that day.
The ghost is apparently unbothered by Danny’s newest existential crisis. “What you consider to be my world is in constant contact with what you consider to be yours. And yours is in constant contact with mine. They influence each other. They exist within one another. They are inseparable, woven into each other.”
It floats over to one of the electrical poles. There’s nothing remarkable about it. “You must be able to see this coalescence if you ever wish to understand the intricacies of things as complex as portals. So, halfling…” It pauses to run a hand down the pole. 
“Tell me what you see.”
Danny is at a loss. Maybe his brain is finally starting to catch up with everything that has happened in the last couple of hours. Maybe he’s finally becoming overwhelmed by all this. Ghosts wanting to help him, a strange awakening of powers slumbering inside him, everything traveling through the crack had fed him…
… talks of life and death…
He wants this to be a nightmare. He wants to wake up. He wants to go back to a few hours ago - no, yesterday - no, last month - no, a year and a half ago, and pretend this doesn’t exist.
His heart beats faster.
Io Europa Ganymede
“I don’t see anything,” Danny insists, even as inhuman colors and glowing lights creep into his vision.
“What do you see, halfling?”
“I think I’m done,” he tries. “I - I can’t…”
Can’t what? Can’t try? Can’t see?
Callisto, Almathea, Himalia
Can’t… breathe?
His heart races.
“You must see.”
“I don’t want to,” he gasps. Static is filling the air, and he doesn’t know if he can catch his breath. Why can’t he catch his breath? He should be able to catch his breath.
What am I?
The dirt road groans, and dust stirs. 
Elara… Pasiphae…
“Please…” His knees shake and the air around him sizzles and the glowing lights are looking at him. 
“You must see, halfling.”
He can feel the crack building inside him. It wants out. It pounds against his chest and strangles his heart.
Where is his pulse?
What am I?
The dirt road groans louder.
Even without a mirror, Danny can feel the cold burn in his eyes. Knows they are blazing toxic green. The same green as the lights staring at him. 
The… ghosts staring at him.
One of them prods at the pole the ghost floats beside. Like it’s pointing.
Carvings begin to appear on the pole, in the same inhuman colors he can’t name. They’re shoddy, messily carved, and clearly not English. Symbols of lines and swoops and dots.
Danny can read them.
“We see you,” they say.
“No…” he groans. Hands fly up to grip his head, and the glow from his eyes give the illusion of the fire that had consumed those hands not twenty minutes earlier.
He can’t feel his heart anymore.
What am I?
“You see now,” the ghost says. It is unblinking and stoic in the face of Danny’s crisis. 
In a last fit of desperation, as he claws for anything to pull him out of this, Danny latches on to the fleeting thrill of crossing through the crack. He tries to remember how it felt. How wonderful it was to feel empowered for once. How the energy seemed to embrace him, not work against him.
How he felt like he could do anything.
He latches on, expecting it to offer relief to his crying body. He wants it to bring him back down to Earth, ground him where cracks and seemingly invisible ghosts and strange words and life and death cannot get to him.
Much to his dismay, it seems to have the opposite effect. His body remembers how it felt to hold that energy. 
And now…
What am I?
… it wants more.
The ghost is in front of him once more. When did it get there?
Danny can’t scream as the ghost lifts a hand towards his chest. He’s long since lost the ability to breathe.
“And now, the final touch,” the ghost murmurs. It presses a single finger in the center of Danny’s chest.
And everything explodes in a blinding white light.
At one of his follow-up appointments, shortly after the explosion, Danny finally worked up the courage to ask something that had been plaguing him since he’d woken up in the hospital.
How bad was it? he had asked the doctor. How close was I to…
The doctor had refused to look him in the eye. You’re a very lucky boy, Danny, was all she would say.
He never did find out how close he came to death’s door that day.
When the light clears, Danny opens his eyes.
Something has changed. Something is wrong.
Something is very, very wrong.
He clutches his chest, trying to feel his heart, but it feels as though a snowball has taken residence where it should be. It pulses, but not at a frequency he is familiar with. It’s almost as though he can hear it pulse rather than feel it.
It’s unnaturally bright. He looks down and chokes back a sob of surprise to see his body wrapped in a gentle glow. 
What am I?
Trembling, he raises his left arm. How he remembers that it’s that one, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t want to know.
He pulls back the sleeve of the black hoodie (why is it black, he’s never owned a black hoodie) and stares in silent horror at the grotesque display of lightning that runs up his arm and disappears back into the hoodie.
It’s when bangs of snow white fall in front of his eyes that he collapses to the ground.
“No,” he whimpers. His voice echoes with static stronger than it ever has. “Please, God, no.”
What am I?
Danny’s head snaps up to look at the ghost. He falters when he realizes he can see the ghost’s features now, clear as day even though its face remains partially shrouded in shadow. Those damning red eyes - one marred by a scar - twinkle at him with fascination.
“What did you do to me?” he croaks. “I can’t… I’m not…”
“As I told you, halfling,” the ghost says. Its gentle, knowing smile sends chills down Danny’s spine and sets alarm bells ringing in his head. “Life and death must meet somewhere.”
It bends down to Danny’s level. “As it would seem, you are that somewhere.”
A strangled sob escapes Danny’s throat.
“Congratulations, Danny.” It sweeps its arm out, a staff in hand. Another crack spirals into existence, accompanied by the haunting echoes of ticking clocks. “You have learned all you need to from me.”
Without another word, it disappears into the crack. The crack closes with the toll of a bell.
Tears prickle at Danny’s eyes. He can only turn and look down the dirt road, at the product of his creation.
A green crack splits the road in two, as far as Danny can see.
Danny falls against the ground and cries.
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psychicpuppyarcade · 9 months
His Songbird
Word count: 1,897
Warnings: ANGSTT, probably definitely one-sided love, unhappy ending..
Okay so this came from an ask I got but I fucked up and accidently got rid if it since I'm still new to that stuff but I copied it at some point so here is said ask: "Coryo and Capitol!y/n who are both as intelligent and observant as the other but somehow can’t figure out they’re in love with each other- or maybe Coryo does but pushes her away cause that’s what he always does. Y/N has a capitol!boyfriend but has been in love with Coryo forever. When the arena is bombed, Y/N leaves her boyfriend to go back in and save Coryo. She’s by his beside until he wakes up, even though it’s caused a huge argument between her and her boyfriend. He finally wakes up but Lucy Gray is still the first thing he asks about. Angsttttt with whatever kind of happy or sad ending you think"
At the start of the year at the Academy, you were often paired up with Coriolanus Snow.
The two of you were good at what you did. Your projects always got the highest marks, and soon enough, you were both the best in your classes.
This wasn't a surprise for you. You'd taken extra classes and had at-home teachers to help you study. Your family had done everything in their power to make sure your education was the focused priority. You found comfort in your studies now since they came so easily to you.
With that studying ease came the ease at which you would talk to Coriolanus- or Coryo, as he insisted you call him. You could feel his eyes on you from a mile away, ever the observer since the day you'd first met.
He wasn't the only one guilty of that to be fair. You'd noticed the way he held himself around different people, how he fidgets with his hands, how on edge he always seems. And you'd be a fool not to notice the way he looks at food like he's never eaten in all his life.
Coryo is a good study partner, good enough that you two had started to occupy each other's time outside of studying.
You walked to class together and sat together at lunch (Sejanus often invited himself to that too). Outside of schooling, you'd even had him over for dinner.
Your parents love him, he's a Snow of course.
He becomes the first person you seek out when a problem arises, the first person you find when you need someone to talk to. Coryo doing the same to you.
That's how you learn about his home situation, the poor thing. You find yourself sneaking him food from your own home despite his protests. It's nothing much but it's something.
Coryo is also the first person to hear when you finally get a date with the Capitol boy you'd been talking to for the last few months. Honestly, you know it could've happened earlier had you not been spending most of your given free time with Coryo but it happened nonetheless.
He gives you a smile and congratulates you on the date. That's where the conversation ends.
Your boyfriend is sweet, as sweet as any boy is. Giving flowers and jewelry as a way to impress, taking you on expensive dates.
While it's something to look forward to, spending time with Coryo is much easier. Maybe it's because you feel you can say whatever you want around him, maybe it's the fact that you know almost everything about each other.
A boy, a random Capitol boy you'd only just started dating, could never match up to Coryo.
Those thoughts are ones best kept in your head, you'd learned. Because if you said them out loud, people would say it sounded like you wanted to date Coriolanus instead.
But you didn't thank you very much, your boyfriend was all you needed on that front. Coryo was just your best friend is all.
When reaping day came you prayed to whatever God there was that Coryo would win the Plinth prize.
You know that's his only chance at making it anywhere past this point. your father would happily pay for your expenses so you have no worry over the prize. While, of course, it would be nice. your best friend deserves a chance to become the president his family believes he will be. He can only do that with proper schooling.
But then Dean-High-as-a-kite bottom announces that you'll have to mentor the poor things, and the Plinth prize seems out of reach from everyone.
To make these kids spectacles, like the show dogs they were becoming, was no easy task.
You get a girl from District 7, Lamina. And Coriolanus gets Lucy Gray Baird. The girl with the rainbow dress, the girl with the snake.
She sings a song, like some circus performer. Other mentors whisper things of the same vein to you, and your boyfriend agrees quickly with the comparison.
You hadn't been listening long enough to know who your boyfriend got, tuning in only for Coriolanus' and your own tributes.
Something sick twists in your stomach at the smile the blond gives to the screen. What did Lucy Gray do to warrant a smile from him? Why did it make you hate her?
Later that night, you're at the Snows apartment, sitting with Tigris and watching Coriolanus rant on about Lucy Gray.
It makes you feel better, that he sees her still as district trash. He doesn't think she can win- and that thought is silly. Because of course, he looks down on her, she's District! To think otherwise was strange.
These thoughts harbored in your mind confuse you, what did they mean?
In truth, they've always been there. Curling your lip at the sight of Coriolanus talking to other capitol girls.
He started flirting with this particular girl in class when you'd gotten with your boyfriend, which made you sick to even think about.
And anyway, it was idiotic for him to think he wouldn't win.
You get up and hold his worried face in your hands, "Of course you'll win Coryo and then the Plinth prize will be all yours"
"Even if I do win, the dean has it out for me,"
He worries further,
"And Lucy Gray is the runt of the litter anyway. She won't last a moment in that arena"
"Then make her a spectacle to the capitol like they said, make her unforgettable. Even if she doesn't live everyone who talks about her will talk about you too, the Capitol will be engaged for even just a while. That's what they're going for"
"They're trying to make people watch the games-"
"And Coryo part of that is getting engaged in the tribute's lives before-
"You two! She won't do anything for you if she doesn't trust you" Tigris finally enters the conversation, breaking up the debate "She has to be a part of this plan of yours too, considering this is her life or death"
Coriolanus. and you nod, finally stepping away from him and taking your seat back next to Tigris.
For most of the night, you all discuss the strategies of it all, ways to get Lucy Gray to trust Coryo (which you tune out for), and plans for the arena even if Coriolanus insists they are fruitless.
The zoo cage, the way Lucy Gray and him look at each other, their eating together
It all swirls in your head. It fills your lungs like burning and sweltering smoke.
Like the smoke entering your lungs right now.
The bombs go off in the arena out of nowhere, and you're transported to the sounds of the war. The far-away sound that still shook the building you lived in.
You were so little then, but the vibrations in the ground were identical except this time you were in the eye of the storm.
Your boyfriend tries to grab you off the ground ending in forcibly pulling you up.
Under your breath, only one word comes out
Unable to hear your voice over the ringing in your ears, only able to base how loud you'd said it on the anger in your boyfriend's face.
But you can't care. You search around for him, not even taking note of your boyfriend anymore.
Soon enough, you're alone, walking through the smoke with eyes full of tears. Maybe it's because of the smoke or you're scared, you can't feel which one it is.
You hear his shrill screams as you push your way through the rubble, the tributes and mentors running out.
Running towards the screams, you see it even through the thick smoke you see it
he's on fire
Rushing to his side, hearing his quieter whimpers and pleas for help break your heart. Your hands hurt from falling during the explosion, your skin cracked and bloody. It is hard to care as those same hands grip the metal and concrete trapping Coryo.
His pleas stop, and you soon realize he's passed out due to pain or perhaps shock. Maybe both, we were all children of war once.
After much heavy lifting, the beam is off of his shoulder. Looking down at your hands, you realize that there is so much blood on them and that you can't really feel it. You are in so much shock that you've blocked it out.
And then you get to the passing out part - the last thing on your lips is his name, and the last thing you feel is a peacekeeper hauling you off the ground.
The fight with your boyfriend was terrible.
Both of you had suffered minimal wounds considering what they said about the others in the explosion. Your hands are bandaged but it's easily hidden by a fashionable pair of gloves and any bruise hidden by makeup.
"All you talk about is him! We were getting bombed, and instead of going to safety, you went to him, and now instead of staying by my side or at least apologizing, you're just trying to run and stay by his bedside?"
There wasn't much arguing there because it was all true, but you'd still put up a fight. He wasn't going to keep you away from him.
"He's my best friend! He would do the same if I was in that situation-"
"Would he?"
And the question makes you think. Because of course, you want to believe he would.
But if it were Lucy Gray he was with, pulling him away from you, would he go with her instead of rushing to your side?
A stupid thought. he would help you.
The fight ends quickly because you don't even consider for a moment that you'd listen to your boyfriend's idiotic spew.
You're at Coriolanus' bedside with Tigris and Sejanus, the TV quietly playing the voices of the tributes. You think distantly you should have probably watched Lamina's interview considering she was your tribute.
It seems Coriolanus fogs your mind.
When he opens his blue eyes, clouded with worry, he does not say your name. Doesn't ask if you are okay or perhaps take a second to look at you or the other two people at his bedside.
"Is Lucy Gray alright?"
Are the first words out of his mouth and they make you sick. Does he even see you? Does he know who you are anymore?
It was as if your name had been picked in the reaping, and Lucy Gray had taken the spot you used to have.
Tigris and Sejanus rush to give him the details, and all you can do is sit there and hope he notices you.
But he never does. Lucy Gray's face starts to light up the TV and her voice fills the air. Coriolanus limps to the screen as if she is his savior.
Like she saved him in the arena when she had not. The rainbow girl had left him to die, but he seemed blissfully unaware of this.
While everyone crowds around the TV your eyes fill with tears and you rush out.
You can only assume that Sejanus and Tigris had taken note, but Coriolanus obviously wouldn't have.
Too enraptured by his little Songbird.
I'm still taking asks btw so please do drop into my inbox with anything you need written!!
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xvxnux · 1 year
(⭐) today is my birthday and i thought i'd post this pac about "what you shouldn't accept?". intuitive tarot reading and maybe not resonate with everyone, hope you enjoy this.
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for pic one i see it's important that you don't allow any more emotional abuse. i see that you can have someone of influence or power (it can be a mother, father, boss) that directly affects your emotional and with that overloading your mental causing you to have heavy crises of anxiety and even depression. i see that it doesn't just stop there and that this person makes you feel diminished. it's important that you see the best way to work this out and try to get out of this pic one situation, unfortunately they do this to you out of pure evil and not because they want you to learn something. definitely that person has personal issues with you but I don't see a deep reason for that person to do that. it was probably things based in the person's own head and it's reflecting some kind of HER frustration on top of you.
random: i see that this person can attract fights and arguments to you, and i see that you are unwilling and unhealthy to face them. i also see that you will find some way to feel more peaceful and with that the fights and arguments will not affect you as much as now because you will be with inner peace. meditation, listening to your favorite music can help you. if you are asking for a spiritual direction i see that this north is about to be revealed to you and regardless of what the only thing you need to do is take the opportunity and move on, taking yourself out of this suffering.
first of all pic two is not true! everything people say about you is a lie! the people around you (some friends or relatives) have only one function in your life at the moment: to let you down, to say that you can't do it, to say that you won't make it and that you shouldn't even try! the point is that you urgently need to cut these people out of your life. these people have no consideration and at least respect for you, people are cruel and spit any shit on you. honestly pic two people do this because they know it's easy to manipulate you, your ideas and your ideals. you are definitely a super open person and you trust these people, and the more you believe that you are everything they say the more you believe in people... you are sinking.
you may be afraid of being alone, and as much as you know yourself deep down and love the fact that you are like that, all that changes when you have to deal with people. Is it easier for you to believe in people, sinking like this just in exchange for a shitty friendship or company? not. you won't be alone, pic two, but you need to get these people out of your way or at least get the influence these people have on you.
random: you may be neglecting someone. not giving the real value that person deserves. there's someone wanting to get close, but you don't let that person in because of sheer arrogance and bad influence opinions. be careful not to become the people who hurt you pic two, that way you will definitely be alone!
i see injustices of other people towards you, actually a person. i see that apart from this injustice you already have a big problem with yourself. this person can hurt you even though you know you have other issues that make you feel bad. It's been a while since you've felt a little happiness, right? i understand you. this pile can serve the people who chose pic one. this person is sapping your energy more and more, is a person who can be dramatic and blame bad choices on you. it's a person who sneaks up on you and hurts you when you're okay... ok, i get it. this person waits for you to recover to destroy you and with that you are in an infinite loop! this person who commits these cruelties against you is an immature person and uses a sharp tongue knowing that it will not have great consequences but it's time for you to turn against this person, you need to put him in his place!
you can refuse to impose yourself due to lack of patience or even avoid conflict, but it's better to get into a big fight where you have chances to attack than to be in a constant fight where you just get beaten. no matter how much you spare yourself i see that nothing will change. unfortunately you will have to go against it.
random: i see you are going to receive a gift, a very good opportunity. this can be a work or study opportunity, i see that with this opportunity you will have great financial gains.... it will be your chance to get out of this situation! but make no mistake, pic three, as long as you hide from the conflicts you will remain in the same situation.
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thesharkbait · 1 year
“ The Day We Met ”
Chapter one - the introduction ꒰ next ꒱ 
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“The way you treat people is a statement of who you are. Just because they’re rude doesn’t mean you have to be.”
Story Tags/Warnings : ot8/reader, male reader, polymerous pack, possessive hints, mature series, strangers to lovers/mates, fantasy, courting, fluff, angst, mc is just a sweetie pie, male omega reader, pack alpha!yunho, alpha!mingi, alpha!seonghwa, beta!hongjoong, beta!yeosang, omega!wooyoung, alpha!san, alpha!jongho, mean wooyoung, wooyoung hates reader
Chapter warnings : mention of past bullying, fluff, this first chapter will be slow paced :p
Length : 6.5k (might be more), medium long
a/n : this is my first series on here i hope you enjoy! heart divider by @cafekitsune
Series masterlist Here!
Tag-list : theres is no one here yet :(
No one really likes waking up early in the morning. Y/n particularly hates them. The way everything seems to be ten times louder, and the sun seems to want to burn him alive by one thin beam through the curtains. Not to mention having to leave his nest he nicknamed heaven. Today is one of the many days the Rose pack had to prepare for the yearly Wolf Moon festival, the day they celebrate the moon goddess. At this festival the pack invites everyone to the middle of pack to dance in their status themed outfits, and to hopefully even find a mate or a mate-pack to join. Each pack member has their own role in the pack; like being a farmer who knows what grows in each season and a gardener who helps grow the herbs which become our medicines and teas, or even a warrior who helps keep the outside dangers from sneaking in and causing hell.
The Rose pack is one of the many packs who chose to stay secluded in the woods like their past ancestors while everyone around stayed in big cities. Of course they had some technology, in order to keep updated with what was going on over the years etc. They just preferred to stay more the traditional way, unlike the city.
Y/n is a teacher for the packs pups ages one through two. Being an omega with his soft chocolate scent made it easier for the pups to leave their parents in the mornings and come to daycare. Not to mention he was naturally great with babies so working at the daycare came in no question to him. It made his mornings calmer, watching them learn, singing lullabies and rhythms. His job made his life less lonely, along with his best friend who was also an omega who went by the name Felix. Sure the other omega surprised him with how deep his voice was when they first met at the daycare, but that just made him love him even more. Y/n twenty-one years of age had yet to find his mate. Sure he dated once or twice but the relationships were never serious nor did they last long.
During his school years, he made a few friends but quickly found out they were using him for his looks to be popular which from then went downhill. They soon began to bully him and make up false rumors just to make people hate him so they could be liked more. They could care less about what the omega was doing as long as they got the attention from others for just being so called ‘friends’ with him. There was no doubt about it he was an angelic omega, never causing problems, always avoiding violence, and overall just trying to be kind to anyone who came across him. His father always told him, “The way you treat people is a statement of who you are. Just because they’re rude doesn’t mean you have to be.” As if Y/n even had the heart to try and be mean to someone without a purpose. His heart was far too sensitive to do that, which was another reason he was perfect at his job.
“Hey y/n, you know how i was talking about applying to the omega helper program for idols? well im coming over tonight and we’re apply out together, at the same time!” Felix spoke out excitedly while feeding one of the pups a sly smile on his face.
“Lixie what- no i cant you know i’ve never been in any big city we talked about this..” y/n sighed out picking up the youngest pup that was clinging to his leg. “i doubt ill even get paired because of that-” he spoke before being cut off.
“Nope none of that, you and me both know they favor those who came from secluded packs like ours” Felix stated calmly while cleaning up the pups who were being fed to be put down for a nap. Y/n knew there was no use going back and forth with his best-friend. They were both stubborn but when it came to going against one another Felix always won. “well just bring a set of clothes ooo and those candies you brought yesterday” the omega said with a small smile before getting back to work at rocking the pups to sleep while softly purring.
Carefully handing over the last pup who felt back asleep on Y/n’s chest to there parents with a gentle smile, he sighed in relief before gathering up his belongings and went to Felix who was waiting by the door already. “Someone’s excited it seems” he mumbled out with sass and locked the door.
“Well one of us has to be, it all gonna go fine trust me?” felix hummed out while holding y/n’s hand.
After stopping by Felix’s house so he could he a few things like cloths, his laptop, and the candies per Y/n’s request, the two omegas made their way to Y/n’s home. Stepping into the home they kicked off their shoes and immediately went into the bathroom together to shower. Both omegas were comfortable doing this as it came to no surprise to anyone as the had always been stuck together like glue ever sense they met. This also allowed them to unwind and groom one another, during this they would talk about anything they had on their chest no matter the subject. Once they were done washing and putting on one another’s clothes they made their way into Y/n’s nest with Felix’s laptop. Y/n let his bestfriend pull up the website while he sat in felix’s lap snacking on the sweet candies, “i mean i’m excited..but-”
“hey you’re perfect fine stop thinking so much okay? we are both gonna be okay!” felix stated as he could tell what the omega was thinking, while y/n watched the screen until it was his turn to apply.
Going through the application process was long but y/n didn’t expect it to go into so much detail meaning how it was promoted to be a ‘short and easy’. He was thankful his best-friend’s company otherwise he most likely wouldn’t even have completed it. Don’t get him wrong the beginning was simple and easy with questions such as entering his height, age, and personality.“Would you like to be paired with a possessive pack?..yes” he began reading the last five questions in his head as they were getting more..interesting. Meanwhile felix hugged his waist with a smirk as he watched the other omega fill out the last few questions, he knew what the omega would pick as they’d been friends ever since they presented. It was safe to say that the omega knew almost everything about y/n. “..remember once you submit this document you will be paired as soon as the same or next day, once again thank you for your time.”
Glancing back at Felix, Y/n took a deep breath knowing they could be leaving in the morning on a flight to South Korea from Australia to meet their paired pack. Being a helper omega their scents had to be compatible with the pack, this would make the helper be able to ease into the pack and do their job. They’re job is to make the packs life easier from the stress of being an idol. For instance cleaning the house, making breakfast, and scenting when needed ect. They would even be helping with upcoming ruts or heats any of the members had, but only if the pack included that aspect in their application when searching for a omega helper.
pov - at the jeong’s den
After finally finishing their performance it was safe to say the pack was exhausted, even when they were unwinding at their penthouse it was a mess. It had been months since they applied for a omega helper, they loved their only omega wooyoung dearly but being an idol made things harder on everyone. Not to mention how getting a helper who could deal with their rather interesting requests and requirements made getting one even harder. Research had proven that having a helper around eased the idol industry, there was less fighting between alphas which lead to a calmer beta. Beta’s were important they kept the peace but they couldn’t do it all.
This was why they came to the conclusion that having a helper wasn’t so bad. Although wooyoung was an omega he wasn’t the docile type. He loved taking care of others but he also loved the feeling of being incontrol, of being needed but being in a pack of alphas and betas made that hard. This is where the problem started, with a dominant filled pack there was bound to be unsatisfied needs. However it was the pack alpha, yunho who decided that they were going to finally apply. The aggressiveness between the alphas and omega was wearing the betas hongjoong and jongho out, so of course they took a vote six against two.
Which brings us to the present. The packs head beta was cooking breakfast when his phone started ringing, “hello, is there something you need?” hongjoong spoke calmly as it was the group’s manager. Their manager’s voiced loudly rang through the phone as he excitedly spoke. He had finally got the call from the company that was for omega helpers. “…you’re joking if you are this isn’t funny. do they speak korean? oh my god!”
Hongjoong’s scent had began to lightly flood the kitchen as he ran from the kitchen to the pack alpha’s room alarming the rest of the pack. “Yunho they found one, i really think this is the one! they already sent us the omegas file to look through were gonna meet them tomorrow!”
Sitting up the alpha just stared at the frantic beta before rushing to go through his emails, as he pulled up the file the rest of the pack started filling in one by one all excited while san and wooyoung stood by the door. “They won’t tell us their gender but everything else is here..” the beta said while grinning ear to ear as he began listing off facts about the mystery omega, “based off their height i think it might be a girl” yunho hummed out.
This news was big for them, ever since the BTS pack was able to find their omega they had doubted they’d ever find one fitted for them. After a long night of chatting and some smart remarks from their omega they planned out how to prepare for the initial meeting. Wooyoung and San had always been against the idea of getting a helper as they didn’t see the need for one, they didn’t want one. They didn’t want some random omega stinking up their place and ruining their pack.
The pack alpha would of course have to introduce a piece of his clothing before even meeting the omega face to face. This was to make sure they liked his scent before even introducing themselves in person so the omega had time to decide whether they wanted to continue or not. The process would be tedious but worth it in the end if they had really found their match.
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taeloke · 5 months
Can we take a moment on 148...
...and appreciate how thoughtful the setup for King's nerfing feels?
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Let's be honest--he needed it. If this hadn't happened, he would have taken care of whole problem on his own. Camelot wouldn't stand a chance in infiltrating the Fairy Realm if nerfing him wasn't a part of their plan. Most notably, Nakaba wouldn't be able to write this arc with any sense of real tension.
This nerf could have been written in much simpler, cheaper ways. The realm could have been "steadily flooded" with a magic-draining poison over a couple or more years. A spell to let Kilbeggan sneak into the Realm undetected could have been invented into the story on the spot. The Kiane couple could have been put through yet another amnesia incident to remind us they've experienced that before. I watch a lot of bad movie/show reviews, and they all have overly convenient conflict causes like that. It's become a lot easier for me to expect that from media in recent years.
But here, I see a path that feels completely reasonable to me. For reasons we don't yet know (but I guess it's for Diodra), Camelot wants the Drug of Yore. To get that, they need to bypass the filtering defenses of the Fairy Realm's passageway. Once inside, they need a way to remove the Fairy King's (and maybe also the Giant Queen's) threatening power for as long as possible. After they made their sacrificial plan for the latter issue, Kilbeggan was sent to the Fairy King's Forest, almost certainly to scout the area and find a solution for the former issue.
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Yes, there is some sense of convenience to that. We've only reached this point because King decided to offer the Drug of Yore to Nasiens and Mertyl witnessed that and got the wrong impression from it. But King made that offer because he caved in on his concern for Nasiens after seeing him hurt for two whole years. He didn't tell Mertyl the truth yet because he wasn't ready for it. The only real over-convenience is Kilbeggan arriving to scout on the same day this happened, which could have been timed with the help of Guinevere's visions. Despite that, it all lines up.
Idk. This thought was just stuck in my head. I specifically can't stop being happy that King got distracted because he's a loving dad and not a fool then shifted his priorities and killed his enemy right after. On top of that, he still prioritized Sixtus immediately after having a sealing curse put on him. That thing probably won't be easy to get rid of, but he is actively pushing that out of his mind for now.
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I love King. He's such a klutz but he's a loving klutz. I love this klutz.
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missywritesfor7 · 9 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍����
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
Next chapter | Masterlist
In the spirit of the season I thought I’d give the first chapter of this new fic to you all 🤗 I haven’t fully worked out the specific day, but I’ll be posting a chapter a week after the new year so stay tuned! 💜
Ch. 1: Love
Time seems slow when you’re in the middle of it. Even slower when you’re looking forward to something. Yoongi spent 21 months away from his home, his members, Army, his family, and his girlfriend who he had only been dating 3 short months before he had to leave.
Yoongi and Hyeri had known each other before, both being under Hybe as artists. Na Hyeri, stage name: Rainbow, began her idol career with a short lived girl group called Two Piece under a much smaller company. The group disbanded after just two mini albums, and a lot of attention thanks to their company infamously mishandling everything from money to the artist’s safety and well-being. When the smoke died down, Hyeri signed with Hybe as a solo artist and has made a name for herself in the few years since her solo debut.
She first met Yoongi when he produced a song that she performed for a tourism campaign. The song made waves across social media and beyond and Hyeri found herself gaining a mass of new fans. The first time they ran into each other after the campaign took off, Hyeri jokingly thanked Yoongi for the new fans. That turned into an hour long conversation that was the beginning of a new relationship.
After endless texts, phone calls, and sneaking to see each other around the company building whenever they could, they became official. To themselves mostly and close family and friends. Yoongi told the rest of the members and Hyeri told her best friends and former bandmates, Haeun and Minji. To the rest of the world they’re just label mates who worked on a song together.
Being under the same company made things easy. Moving in together 2 months later made things even easier. Yoongi’s enlistment however, made things harder.
For 21 months Hyeri lived alone waiting for Yoongi with the rest of the world. His few vacation times never seemed long enough and his discharge date seemed like it was centuries away.
Then he was back. And just like that those 21 months didn’t seem so bad after all. Things were as they had been before with all seven of them back together again.
Hyeri had begun taking more and more acting jobs so she was fairly busy, but always left a note and a snack for Yoongi when she’d leave before him. Other times she would give him a soft kiss when she’d come home late and find him already asleep. Yoongi always sent her a meal if she were home and he wasn’t. The nights he spent in his studio instead of home he would make up for with more gifts than necessary. Jewelry, stuffed animals, posters of himself, and the occasional pair of shoes despite him telling her he wouldn’t buy her shoes since she already has so many.
Once the group’s big post-military comeback had concluded, Yoongi felt truly happy. He was back with his brothers making music and seeing Army again, and he had his girlfriend by his side who he’s deeply in love with. All felt right in the world.
Yoongi had begun working on new music for the group’s upcoming full length album. He’s been in his studio much more instead of home, but it’s not too bad. Hyeri finished shooting her small parts in a drama she was cast in and had begun working on a couple of songs for the soundtrack. When she was done recording for the day, she would come by Yoongi’s studio and spend as much time there as she could since she knows he may not come home that night.
This day is like any other. Hyeri finished her final recording session and dropped by Yoongi’s studio with a dinner of his favorite cheat meal, noodles. They both sit on his couch eating, chatting, and cuddling a bit once they’ve cleared their bowls.
“I think this may have been my last recording session,” Hyeri says with her legs rested across Yoongi’s lap.
“So you’re really going to do it?” Yoongi asks.
“Yeah,” she sighs. “I know it’s going to suck and you’re going to hate it, but I just…” she pauses and looks up at his face. He may be expressionless, but she knows that’s just him trying to hide his disappointment.
“Hybe is more of a music company, you know that,” she continues. “I just really think I’ll have much better acting opportunities with JJS since they’re such a successful acting agency.”
JJS is one of the top entertainment agencies in the acting world. They house some of the best entertainers in the industry, from romance movie heartthrobs, variety show comedians who have become household names, and even action movie baddies. Hyeri had been looking into switching companies so that she can embark on her new career as a full time actress. She’s gotten a number of roles through Hybe already. Mostly a few commercials and a couple of small cameos in tv shows. For her, switching to JJS could mean finally getting her breakout opportunity to send her acting career soaring.
“I know we won’t get to see each other like this anymore,” she says. “But we’ll still see each other at home. Don’t be mad,” she pouts.
“I’m not mad,” Yoongi says caressing her leg. “I told you before I would support you no matter what you decide.”
“But you still don’t like it.”
“It’s fine. We’ll see each other at home, right?”
“We never see each other at home,” she pouts more.
“You just said…” he chuckles shaking his head and pulls her closer to him. “We’ll make it work. I want you to follow your dreams. Don’t hold yourself back because of me.”
“Are you sure you’re ok with it? Do you think it will make things hard?”
“Not as hard as me being away for 21 months,” he chuckles. “Trust me.”She nods and he gives her a reassuring kiss.
Hyeri goes back and forth on whether she’s making the right decision. Yoongi constantly tells her she is but she’s struggling to believe it. She spends less time in the company building since she’s not working on anything and will be leaving soon. That means she’s been home alone a lot. It’s nothing new to her, but she’s starting to realize how hard it may actually be. Especially when she starts working again.
Yoongi is the perfect support for her. He keeps her sane and assures her that he’ll stand by her no matter what she does or where she goes. Sure it will come with challenges, but he knows they can make it work.
Things start off fine. News of Hyeri signing with JJS was met with lots of support from her fans. She immediately landed a small supporting role in a movie and Yoongi couldn’t be happier for her.
Shooting on the movie began and that became the true test of their relationship. They rarely saw each other. When one of them would leave or come home, the other would be asleep. Yoongi would even spend less time in his studio so he could be home on the off chance that she gets there early. She never did and he would spend another night falling asleep alone.
It’s frustrating for them both to be so close yet so far from each other. Yoongi has completed the majority of his work on the songs for their new album. Even with endless recording and dance practices, he still can’t seem to find enough to do to keep his mind off of the empty space in his bed that smells like Hyeri.
They text when they can but it’s never enough. They miss each other and start to feel like they were able to talk to each other more when he was in the military. No matter how hard they try or how bad they want it, they can never seem to get their schedules to line up.
One day that finally changes. A month into Hyeri’s shoot, and about a month before Yoongi embarks on another BTS comeback era, they find an overlap in free time in their schedules. Yoongi had a gap in his schedule that gave him a bit of free time. He typically would spend that time in his studio. However, Hyeri had a last minute cancellation that gave her the rest of the evening off.
Yoongi only has an hour to see Hyeri so he rushes out and tells her to meet him at a nearby restaurant for dinner. He would rather see her at home so they can be in private, but the further he has to go, the less time that will leave him with Hyeri. He’s so desperate that he doesn’t want to lose a second.
Since time is limited and privacy is important, Yoongi chose a small snack food place that he and the members had been going to for many years. They always have a table in the back away from the public eye for them. It’s private enough and a quick meal.
Yoongi arrives at the restaurant first. He doesn’t have to wait long before Hyeri arrives, though to him it felt like hours. She looks around a moment then runs to give Yoongi a long kiss filled with so much pent up longing.
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in years,” Hyeri says kissing him again.
“I missed you,” he says stealing one more kiss before she takes her seat across from him.
“I wish we had time but I’ll take this over nothing,” she says quickly scanning the menu. “There’s so much I want to tell you about the movie shoot! It’s been so much fun and everyone has been really cool. I really think I made the right choice. I just wish it didn’t keep me away from you so much.”
“I know, Bow,” he says, calling her by the shortened version of her stage name, Rainbow. “You’ll have more time once the shooting is done. Then even more time when you finish all the promos.”
“I know, baby, but aren’t you guys going on your world tour around the time I finish shooting? I know things haven’t been finalized yet, but we really wouldn’t have much time together before you’re off traveling the world.”
Yoongi knows she’s right and it breaks his heart to see the sadness in her eyes. Their server comes by to take their order before he can think of something to say to make her feel better.
After placing their order and sitting in silence a few moments, Yoongi reaches across the table and takes Hyeri’s small hands into his.
“I wish I could take you with me,” he says forcing a smile.
“I don’t know,” she chuckles trying to lighten the mood. “You might get sick of me then.”
“I won’t get sick of you,” he chuckles. “Even when you’re annoying, you’re still beautiful.”
“Are you trying to romance me, Mr. Min?” She jokes.
“I was only stating a fact,” he chuckles.
“Admit it, Yoon-gya, you like me,” she laughs calling him by the nickname that never fails to make him laugh.
When Hyeri first met Jin he was speaking so fast she could hardly understand him. When she heard him shout “Yoongi-ah” it sounded like “Yoon-gya” to her. After they began dating she asked Yoongi why Jin calls him “Yoon-gya”. Yoongi was confused at first, but once he realized what she was saying he never let it go. In return she calls him that whenever she’s messing with him.
“I love you,” he chuckles. “But still…you’ll wait for me, won’t you?”
“Of course I will, babe.” She shakes her head knowing he should know better. “I’m not going anywhere. It’s going to take more than an enlistment and a world tour to get rid of me.”
He gives her hands a light squeeze and flashes his gummy smile in happiness. Both of them are soaking up each other’s presence in this rare moment they have together. They continue talking about work and things they haven’t been able to tell through text. Their food arrives and they continue chatting as they eat.
That hour is much too short. It only felt like a few minutes to them, but they look and now it’s time for Yoongi to return to the office for his scheduled recording session. It’s hard for them to let each other go. They stand in front of the restaurant lingering a moment trying to find the courage to leave.
“I’ll try to stay up for you,” Hyeri says.
“Hopefully we can make it quick. I’ll come straight home once I’m done.” He reaches for her hand out of habit briefly forgetting that they’re out on the street. She doesn’t stop him though. She takes his hand for just a brief moment to feel his warmth a second longer, then let’s go.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” she smiles. “I love you.”
“Love you too,” he smiles.
They both head to their cars and go off their separate ways. They hate to leave after finally getting a moment of togetherness. That only gives Yoongi a much greater sense of urgency the rest of the evening.
When he returns to the studio it’s clear to everyone he’s trying to get things done quickly. He has no time for small talk or getting off track with mindless conversations. The sooner this is done the better.
“Hyung,” Jimin says exiting the recording booth. “Take it easy. Why are you in such a hurry?”
“She’s waiting for me,” Yoongi says with no further explanation.
“Ah,” Jimin nods. He knows exactly what Yoongi means. He knows what Hyeri means to Yoongi so he doesn’t need any further explanation. “Get in there and finish up then.”
Before Yoongi, Jimin is the last one to finish recording. Now that he’s done he switches places with Yoongi to help things move along faster. Jimin doesn’t mind staying a bit later so Yoongi can get home. It takes a little longer than Yoongi would like, but he finally finishes and rushes off to go home without giving Jimin a second look. Jimin follows him out and simply laughs to himself at how flustered his hyung is. He knows Yoongi is in deep.
Yoongi returns home at 1am hoping Hyeri is still awake. When he steps inside all of the lights are off and he fears he may be too late. That is, until he reaches the bedroom and he can hear the shower running.
Hyeri had just gotten in the shower after finishing a late meal. She was fighting her sleep in hopes that Yoongi would be home soon. She decided to hop in the shower in an attempt to stay awake just a little longer.
She leans her head back and closes her eyes as the water runs through her hair and down her back. The warm water is relaxing so she stands there not moving for a few moments. She takes a deep breath and just then she can feel a hand on her waist.
She opens her eyes to see Yoongi entering the shower and pulling her close to his bare body. She isn’t sure how he managed to get home and get undressed without her hearing a thing, but it doesn’t matter. She instantly wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a kiss.
“I’m so glad you’re still awake,” Yoongi says in a low tone. “I feel like I haven’t gotten to hold you in way too long.”
“I know,” she says kissing him again. “I never knew I could miss you so much when we live together.”
He feels the same but rather than saying so, he pulls her in tighter for a heavier kiss. His hands trace every wet part of her body until he reaches between her legs and softly teases her clit. He lives for the breathy moan she lets out at the feeling of him. The sound he’s missed, the feel he’s missed, the taste he’s missed. It’s all too much and not enough at the same time.
He continues kissing her, slipping his tongue into her mouth and swallowing every sound of hers until he presses her back against the shower wall. His level of arousal is almost unbearable in this moment. So many missed connections and lonely nights are overflowing and poking her pelvis in the process.
“I love you so much, Bow,” he growls lifting her leg and wrapping it around his waist.
“I love you too, baby,” she whispers anticipating his entry that is much desired.
He presses her into the wall harder and takes his tongue on a tour of her neck and chest until he reaches her tits. He loves to see her like this. Melting in his arms and breathing heavily for what he’s about to give her.
He fills her up slowly sending waves of heat through her body until he can’t go any further. He pauses in place and stares her down. He could die in her big brown eyes that are staring up at him with lustful anticipation.
He starts slowly. Easing in and out of her delicately as if she were made of porcelain. In his mind she is. Right now, she’s his beautiful porcelain doll that he’ll never break.
“You feel so good,” he whispers taking her lips again.
She tightens her hold around his neck and arches her back pressing her chest into him more. It’s her silent way of telling him she wants it faster and harder. She wants his love to break her.
He takes the hint and picks up speed while pressing her harder against the shower wall. Her unsteady breaths fuel his powerful strokes more and more. Her moans sing a song that he’ll never get tired of. He can feel that overwhelming pressure within him getting closer to exploding out of every part of him.
The way her nails dig into the back of his neck lets him know she’s just about to lose it. He’s just about to lose it. Her pussy tightens around him sucking his oxygen out.
He growls at her, becoming more relentless and desperate with each stroke.
“I love you so fucking much,” she pants.
The rhythm of his hips sends her over the moon. Her nails dig deeper into his skin as she searches for some bit of stability. He lets out a deep purr when his muscles start to tense and his vision begins to fade.
“I love you,” she repeats kissing his neck. She continues to hang on to him until his hips slow to a stop and his purrs decrease to heavy breaths.
“I love you too, Hyeri,” he says once he has his voice back.
He slides out of her and kisses her softly. She lowers her leg from around his waist and smiles up at him.
“I don’t think I’ll have trouble falling asleep tonight,” she says.
“Good,” he says nipping at her bottom lip. “You only have about three hours before you have to leave.”
“Perfect,” she sarcastically huffs dreading her very early call time that she could have been well rested for had she not stayed up waiting for Yoongi. “I guess I should get to bed then.”
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9haharharley1 · 5 months
for the otp ask thing - 27, 30, and 34 for blackice and/or sefikura?? ♡♡
Ooh I haven't figured out my Sefikura HCs yet!! Let's see...
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Sephiroth's office definitely. The back alleys of Wall Market. The Gold Saucer Skywheel. Against a tree after taking down a King Behemoth.
One time Sephiroth is gonna convince Cloud to sneak into the President's office just for shits and giggles. Genesis will be soooo jealous lol.
30. Pet names? Yes/no?
Puppet and Pet after Sephiroth loses his mind. Before that, Pet is still a go-to for him, but also Love.
Neither of them are really big on pet names, but Cloud has slipped and called him Babe before.
34. How do they cheer each other up?
They both kinda suck at this. They're also both really bad at showing they're upset in the first place, but over time learn the signs. Sephiroth will get this tension to him that no one really notices, especially if someone disrespects Cloud in front of him and he can't do anything about it. Cloud will coax him to a quiet room, and take his hand, gently massaging the tension in his palm and fingers. Once Sephiroth relaxes, he'll switch to the other hand and do the same, until Sephiroth is leaning into him, practically resting his weight on him to bury his face in Cloud's neck. Cloud will wrap his arms around him and rub his shoulders until Sephiroth sighs and quietly admits to what set him off in the first place.
Cloud is easier to figure out, but Sephiroth is so socially stunted that it still takes him a while to notice how Cloud will kinda just shut down when he's upset. He'll retreat into his own head, get lost in his thoughts and what if scenarios, and he'll pull away from his friends. Sephiroth learns to hunt him down, and he'll just sit quietly with Cloud, maybe place a hand on his thigh or wrap an arm around his shoulders or hold his hand, keeping his grip loose, but enough to get the point across that he's there if Cloud wants to talk. Eventually, Cloud will relax against him and quietly tell him what's up, and Sephiroth will ask what he can do to help.
27. Craziest place they had sex?
Bunny's Warren. Rooftops. Alleyways. One of North's storage cabinets.
They're trying to figure out a good time to sneak into Tooth's palace and find a spot to christen.
30. Pet names? Yes/no?
Oh yeah. Pitch can't help himself, he's all about pet names. Dear, darling, pet, sweetling, love. They just kinda come to him naturally, but i also headcanon him to be a bit of a romantic.
Jack loves to hear them, but isn't himself big on coming up with them himself. They feel awkward on his tongue, and he's always nervous that he might say the wrong thing. Pitch understands, and isn't bothered by it. Although, the first time Jack calls him "love" unintentionally nearly gives him an aneurysm and he clings to Jack for days afterward.
34. How do they cheer each other up?
Snuggles. Lots and lots of snuggles. Eventually, they'll talk about what caused the problem in the first place, but until then, they're both gonna curl up in bed and simply hold each other.
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