#also echoes of the void
Find the Word Tag
Thank you @ceph-the-ghost-writer for the tag! I was looking for an excuse to post some WIP snips in the New Year.
@awordchemist @space-cadead @dogmomwrites @leave-her-a-tome some words for you are:
new, bright, promise, ugly, please
The Sorceress and the Incubus, Echoes of the Void Book 1 (look for this book by the end of the month!)
"Yes, I'm here," I told him, trying to be gentle. "I live here, and you're my familiar." I reached over and stroked his cheek with the backs of my fingers. "This is our home, Saker," I said. "Where else would I be?" "Our…" he started. His jaw tensed for a moment before he blew out a breath through his nose. He turned his face and kissed my fingers, then shifted so he could rest his head on his forearm. "You got me flowers," the demon said instead. "Seemed apropos, given this morning," I said with a shrug, embarrassed about the impulse now that it had been pointed out, and falling back onto the sort of distance that existed between two people when they'd had a one-night stand and woken up in the same bed. "You gave me one hell of an orgasm."
In the Claws of the Raven Prince, Monsters of Faery Book 2 (Eyyy a prequel to Captured by the Fae Beast. Look for it in April maybe???)
“But… why?” I asked. The words sounded lost, like a child, wavering in the night. “Because Crown Prince Sundamar is more dangerous even than the Chimera,” Captain Ulahana said in her lilting voice. “Woods, you may return to the main camp. Brouwer, you’re with me.” “Yes, ma’am,” Woods said, giving Ulahana a bow. She turned to me, looking me over once, then said, “It’s gonna be fine, Lilly. Keep your chin up.” She waited until I nodded, then gave me a sharp nod in return, turned on one heel, and strode back towards camp. I turned towards Ulahana slowly, feeling as if I was about to walk to my own execution. The faery woman waited for me with what seemed like ageless patience, her indigo eyes black in the moonlight.
I... have apparently never used this word. I looked through everything, crossing my fingers for an "enhanced her pleasure" and was unsuccessful TT_TT
The Serpent's Bride, The Blue Kingdom Duology Book 1
"And will I be your enemy?" he persisted. "Are you going to wake up one day and decide a viper is too dangerous a creature to have in your palace, let alone your bed?" That made me look up at him again. For a moment I thought I could see fear in the tension around his eyes, before his brows drew closer together and his lip lifted in a sneer. I only sighed. "Unless you're intending on spitting venom at emissaries or otherwise making yourself a lethal nuisance, you're no enemy of mine," I answered. I flicked the side of one claw where he had it lodged in the table. "Rulers have dealt with far worse than a spouse who's hard on the furniture for the sake of dynastic stability. I'd rather do this without bloodshed, so as long as I'll spill less by having you alive than dead, you can trust I'm no danger to you." Talazen made a thoughtful sound, then wrenched his claws out of the table. "You're very mercenary, aren't you?"
The Changeling and the Dragon, Echoes of the Void Book 2
I squeezed my eyes closed and shuddered, clenching my hands into fists. But the spells wouldn't go away by pretending that they weren't there. Breathing slowly through my nose, I tried to change the sensitivity of my clarity, narrowing the range between a hedgewitch's spell and a sorcerer's. I was used to wanting to discern between the weakest kinds of magic-users, those not strong enough to be considered mages, but that sensitivity was useless in this situation. When I tentatively squinted out into the room again, though, I'd managed to shift the scale of my clarity so that at least the monstrous spells on the curving wall of the room didn't blind me. I wouldn't be able to tell the strength of spells so easily now, but at least I could see. I scanned the room for danger, breathing hard. Nobody else sat in the room, and I didn't see any baneful magic, but there were spells everywhere. Spells for cleaning, for temperature control, for preventing wear, for keeping out pests, for keeping hinges smooth and for protecting the reddish sandstone walls. I shuddered again. This had to be a… a palace. Something owned by someone of awesome wealth, who could command the service of the strongest mages in the world. Someone for whom this room was nothing, just a place where one could tuck a strange, injured woman for the night.
And that's all! Thanks for reading, and see you in the New Year!
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levi-venn · 5 months
Mirror Squad
An HC I need to get out of my head so I can move on with my life (Hah, jokes on you, Levi, Bad Batch is your life).
So...Hemlock created a mirror image of the Bad Batch called the Mirror Squad, but it's not what you think. Turns out these clones were the ORIGINAL Bad Batch.
Their names: Crunch (Wrecker), Striker (Hunter), Circuit (Tech), Void (Echo/Memento - See Notes), and CX-2 aka Headshot (Crosshair).
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Striker and Hunter
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Circuit and Tech
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Void and Echo
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Crunch and Wrecker
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Headshot and Crosshair
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The Mirror Squad - Origin Story Concept
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The Mirror Squad were the first batch of Experimental Unit Clone Commandos created on Kamino: Striker, Crunch, Circuit, Void, and Headshot. They were decommissioned due to their rebellious and unpredictable nature which made them a liability rather than an asset to the future Clone Army.
Because the Experimental Clone Program was an expensive endeavor, the Kaminoans did not decommission these clones, but rather put them in stasis for later research. They tried again another batch of experimental clones and this time only four clones survived: Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Memento (see note) and Crosshair.
Note: Memento did not survive past his cadet years. Void and Echo's parallel are a coincidence.
When Kamino was evacuated, Hemlock scooped up the original Bad Batch squad, still in stasis within their pods. These clones were the first to be brainwashed and reprogrammed by Hemlock. Although their memories were wiped, their instincts to work as a cohesive unit remained.
Technically, the Bad Batch is a mirror image of what the original Clone Force 99 almost was, but this squad's official name is Mirror Squad.
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capricoopla · 6 months
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Thought I might do this-
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oneluckydragon · 1 year
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BREAKING NEWS!!! Local idiot ghost absolutely blown away when boyfriend gives him a nickname for the first time, more info after this broadcast.
Bonus pet-name edition:
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(Yeah I know it's ooc for grovyle to EVER use the term "babe" but lets go ahead and assume he's done it accidentally a few times rather than intentionally. He's deeply in love with the dumb ghostman, ok. Sometimes it just slips out.)
Dusknoir is still recovering from hearing it. And when he finally calls grovyle "love" himself on accident a few days later, he falls deathly ill for two weeks cause his body couldn't handle the aftermath and started rapidly shutting down on a molecular level.
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its-rat-time-babey · 2 years
“The Artificer’s campaign has little impact on the overall story” bitch I cannot stress how much of an impact the Artificer had on the entire world. You just need to pay attention to some things.
By the time of the Artificer, Scavengers are basically in the middle of a massive golden age. They have a Chieftain (with a mark of communication (maybe Five Pebbles gave them the mark and citizen ID drone and tried to use them for something but they rebelled and found Metropolis)) with armour made from Red Centipede Scales, they have a permanent home in metropolis above the rain, they figured out how to harvest electrical scrap and broken down Rarefaction Cells from the ruins of Looks To The Moon and pieces of Five Pebbles to make electric spears and Singularity Bombs, they even have specially trained Elite Scavengers, which did exist before in the time of the Spearmaster but it’s still worth bringing them up.
Overall, Scavengers are at a golden age of invention and life in general.
And then they anger the Artificer, who slaughters countless Scavengers, kills their Chieftain and drives them out of Metropolis, locking the gate behind them.
After that, a new Chieftain is never made, armour like the chieftain once wore is never made again, Scavengers suffer a massive population loss, they can’t enter Metropolis without a Citizen ID Drone and Elite Scavengers slowly disappear as the methods used to teach them and the knowledge of how to scavenge and create electric spears and singularity bombs is lost, with the last Elite Scavengers being seen in the Hunter’s campaign, which happens next in the timeline. In other words, the Artificer literally sent Scavengers into a dark age.
It takes until the time of the SAINT for Scavengers to show real signs of recovery, now appearing in larger numbers than before. And even THEN Scavengers never do anything like they did during the time of the Artificer. The Artificer plunged Scavengers into a dark age for countless years, and they STILL haven’t recovered.
And that’s not all. According to the wiki, Scavengers are afraid of Slugpups, most likely because they remember how the last time they killed one they were hit by the full force of an angry explosive lobbing goddess of destruction that slaughtered countless members of their kind. They are afraid of Slugpups in all campaigns, even the Saint’s. So even by the time of the Saint Scavengers know not to mess with Slugpups, presumably because the last time they did so is a legend among Scavengers by that point in time.
Hell, the Artificer’s existence even explains something about the Hunter. The reason that the Hunter starts with a negative reputation among Scavengers is because they look like the fucking Artificer. Scavengers look at the Hunter and see the goddess of vengeance and destruction that they’ve only ever heard of from stories.
Both of them have red fur and a scar on one eye, and will the time gap between campaigns, there’s a good chance that only a few Scavengers that saw the Artificer in person are even alive by that point in time (without even taking into account how the Artificer murdered so many Scavengers that it’s probably rare that a Scavenger saw them and lived to tell the tale), meaning that the Artificer is probably told about in Scavenger stories and her appearance would therefore differ, leaving the most obvious details like the scar on one eye and red fur.
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teencopandthesourwolf · 5 months
Stiles: You wouldn't last 2 minutes in the asylum i was railed in
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north-winds1 · 11 months
Been thinking about redesigning some of my designs
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+ me figuring out design stuff
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braxiatel · 6 months
My apocalypse au exists primarily for reasons of I want to explore the roles of family and community in a time of constant crisis, but it also cannot be denied that having an excuse to put buff Grian in a red leather jacket is very much part of the appeal as well
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carpsoup · 6 months
thinking about the trailer,, videocult what does it all mean
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echosoftheflower · 6 months
My unedited thoughts while reading the new chapter of IBVS, sorry if it's illegible.
Has he just been summoning these things with out a book? Is he going off memory? It's would be so funny if this moron was a witchcraft prodigy
Who just randomly talks about this in school?
I feel bad for Isaac being worried about Drew telling his secrets but he's honestly being kinda unreasonable with this ignoring Drew.
Bro are they the only two at the table 💀 just move to the opposite side of another outcast table why take up the whole thing.
But Chris really isn't new? He came there in the fall. Does this school not have freshmen? (Recurring question)
It's nice to know Isaac was in a club but I do wish he talked with the other art students. Also, there are other art students!
Poor Isaac with his trauma from Chris ditching him.
God damn it Chris! Ok I need to talk about this.
Very quick summary of an analysis I'm planning on making of this man but he has like, chronic follower mentality. He will just listen to anyone who seems to have power. He joined Ed when asked because he's the king, he drifted towards Nevin because of his confidence, and now he's with Felix who has something to offer him. This stems as far back as Dylan's group, who were the trouble makers, and Freddie who was the popular kid. The only person who he was ever friends with who doesn't fall into one of these categories is Isaac, and we all see how he treats him. 
He didn't think twice? Aren't you friends with him?! Didn't you trust him at the start?! HES LITERAL DONE NOTHING TO YOU EVER?! YOUR LIKE THE ONLY ONE HES NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH!
didn't Isaac also tell him Felix almost killed him and the school almost sent him to the hospital after the fear demon fight? Is this Chris, once again ignoring everything Isaac says? This is like the "id rather skip class than believe the king would beat you up" all over again.
Man I can't believe Felix can remember all those food namesvand things.
The demon book is written by the Wolfe family? Volume 1?
Why does Barry just keep randomly appearing like this? And in full camo? Him and Ed really are similar. For whatever reason I get a bad feeling about him.
How does Drew keep turning into everyone's therapist, as much as I like Autumn and Issac I wish we could see them interact with Drew and actually look like they enjoy their time together.
Barry you are so strange
It kinda bothers me he only ends up with Ed after he has no one else. But isward crumbs all the same
Aw he's so bored
Again?! These woods have seen things.
Aw he actually wants to hang out with him
"Learn to ask" Ok Edward "drags you into a closet" Quinton 
YES bringing up the two power thing! 
He's other power is definitely part of Sigma
Isaac backstory! Kinda sounds horrific.
it's the tree! :D
And that log would be Chris!
He shut down his huntch 😭
Still Purple huh? Gotta mean something.
he smiles so much in this scene :D
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foreverppl · 1 year
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Moodboard for my MC Evander for @uroboros-if
I so enjoyed playing this demo last night and have been having many Thoughts about it.
#it was so tough finding pics i thought would fit what i have in my head but this will do for now#i was up thinking abt this IF for soooo long it’s unreal#what is eternity?#unending time but also timelessness#like what does it mean to be the container for something that has no beginning or end?#the container is rendered useless obvi#but here the MC stands so there MUST be something to that right?#maybe it just means they must act as a witness to it all.#they are resigned to an existence of knowing and seeing things others do not and being unable to impact those things in any meaningful way#like an echo#like a black hole that is packed so densely with matter but appears to be little more than a void. Nothingness (capital N)#*me muttering to myself while reading and making this mb*: the symbols the symbols the cycles the void the echoes#the fact that when mc is summoned into existence one of the first things we can choose to have them do is replicate a smile (echoing)#idk if i’m explaining this well. tried to talk to my sister abt it without sounding like a madman and suffice to say that didn’t work out#i’m really losing it#those quotes from house of leaves: ‘divinity seems defined by echo.’ + ‘and where there is no echo there is no description of space or love#there is only silence.’#that bit from disco elysium#‘how do you measure something that doesn’t exist?’ ‘easy. you measure it by the world around it.’#evander is fond of mortals. they are humanity’s echo in the truest sense.#they are therefore in a very unique position for the conflict that is about to come#of course these are all just my interpretations and thoughts#my mcs#mb#mc: evander (uroboros)#if: uroboros
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luminecho · 10 months
It's that time of year again!! Send me a number 1-100 and I'll give you a song and my favorite lyrics from it from my Top Songs of 2023
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phantoids · 2 years
oh boy i sure love my dash i hope tumblr users sootburz and ctntduo are not doing gay sex rp on my dash.
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oneluckydragon · 8 months
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Started writing a fic back in early October and had to abandon it for a while due to IRL situations. But I've started working on it again little by little, and I am so excited to eventually share it with my mutuals and followers. I hope you guys enjoy it (I am trying my best to get it done)!
TBH my only motivation anymore is thinking about my friends having a good time reading it when it's finally posted (I love all of you very much). I cannot wait for all of these ideas to be fleshed-out on paper at last.
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Over 16,000 words and I am nowhere near satisfied yet. I feel like I can write WAY more. Stay tuned!
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
I want to do something longer about this but one of the things I really enjoy doing with a modern Nicki is to make him something of antithesis of what you consider a Ricean vampre to be. I think it puts him into a more interesting contrast with the others, especially Louis, Lestat and Armand as the original vampires in the series.
Louis is gentleman death, kills indiscriminently but will lose himself to his books, is not overly concerned about his appearance (although Armand and Lestat do seem to make sure he's dressed well), he's generally neat and quiet and dignified by comparison to the more boisterous Lestat who more embodies what I think of when I think fo Ricean vampires. He's clean cut but mischievious, wild and challenging but deep and meaningful, he's the mess of contradictions - they all are really. Armand is also someone who reinvents himself for his eras, his era identity shapes around his personal identity but he is a tech nerd, he does love the arts, he likes to feel safe and he is by nature a caretaker. He knows the rules of vampirism and largely sticks to them.
So Nicolas (at least the way I'm doing him) is a contrast to that. I don't think he leans into the regality that attracts Lestat or Armand or feels a lack of care about his general appearance like Louis but rather leans into that 80's and 90's post-punk and goth subcultures. It's about looking distressed but in a way that is expressive of that darkness that tends to plague him. Leans heavily into 'everything is fucked so might as well look pretty' mixed with 'making something flawed makes it better because purity is that most heinous of sins, it's boring'.
I also think he tends to break taboo's around the vampire experience. They are by and largely neat eaters, after all, blood is sacred. I think neither are true with him, blood is something played with so he probably is the type to use his his nails and his teeth, run his fingers along it and lick them like he's just had ribs because it's grotesque and Not Done and that is something he loves to do.
I think he makes a point never to lie about who he is or what he is but given the era and how he looks, I think that's just accepted as part of his social identity.
I think he prefers to get lost in big cities, in raw art and performances much as Armand did but the more extreme, the better. (I bet he loves the half a cow) I think the main reason he hasn't been caught when it comes to bodies is because he tends to mutilate and stain the ground so it ends to look more like there's a serial killer on the loose. He probably loves the idea he has serial killer lore about himself.
I think ultimately he is a very messy sort of vampire, but he's not stupid. Just obsessive and driven to create, likely feasting on the very artists he likes because consuming them is an ultimate act but also sometimes just because he's left it too late and he Needs To Eat or because they look a little too much like a certain someone he doesn't really try thinking about.
Ultimately, this just makes him really fun and is part of the reason I do want to continue the Nicki Lives series when I've got some time.
Vamptember, maybe?
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vagueiish · 15 days
sucks ass i don’t have anyone to talk through my gender and sexuality and other assorted personal bullshit with tbh
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