#tbb circuit
levi-venn · 4 months
Mirror Squad
An HC I need to get out of my head so I can move on with my life (Hah, jokes on you, Levi, Bad Batch is your life).
So...Hemlock created a mirror image of the Bad Batch called the Mirror Squad, but it's not what you think. Turns out these clones were the ORIGINAL Bad Batch.
Their names: Crunch (Wrecker), Striker (Hunter), Circuit (Tech), Void (Echo/Memento - See Notes), and CX-2 aka Headshot (Crosshair).
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Striker and Hunter
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Circuit and Tech
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Void and Echo
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Crunch and Wrecker
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Headshot and Crosshair
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The Mirror Squad - Origin Story Concept
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The Mirror Squad were the first batch of Experimental Unit Clone Commandos created on Kamino: Striker, Crunch, Circuit, Void, and Headshot. They were decommissioned due to their rebellious and unpredictable nature which made them a liability rather than an asset to the future Clone Army.
Because the Experimental Clone Program was an expensive endeavor, the Kaminoans did not decommission these clones, but rather put them in stasis for later research. They tried again another batch of experimental clones and this time only four clones survived: Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Memento (see note) and Crosshair.
Note: Memento did not survive past his cadet years. Void and Echo's parallel are a coincidence.
When Kamino was evacuated, Hemlock scooped up the original Bad Batch squad, still in stasis within their pods. These clones were the first to be brainwashed and reprogrammed by Hemlock. Although their memories were wiped, their instincts to work as a cohesive unit remained.
Technically, the Bad Batch is a mirror image of what the original Clone Force 99 almost was, but this squad's official name is Mirror Squad.
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cross-my-heartt · 1 year
I am so sorry for prattling on about this but I'm a million miles down the Crosshair rabbit hole and I WANT TO HUG THIS MAN SO BADLY.
I'm supposed to make this post about all the reasons Crosshair had for wanting to stay with the Empire in season one right? And I wanted to make it solely based on the information he has (from his limited pov) without involving morality or the role his personal biases play in his decision.
I decided to leave all that for another post. Look at just what he has to work with from a factual standpoint for now.
But then I was going through Aftermath and it's so interesting to hear what Crosshair has to say about the Republic and the Empire. I mean sure, he has his chip then but some of the things he says don't sound like chip talk and are all stuff he echoes when he's free of it.
And oh my god, the level of cynicism of this man. I am going to make a full post about it but there's just something heartbreaking when you think about how distrustful and paranoid and just pessimistic he is.
The reason the batch desert is because they believe the Empire is worse than the Republic. If Crosshair doesn't because he's naive that means he believes that's false, that the Empire is just as good as, if not better, than the Republic.
Except that Crosshair is the opposite of naive. He's not naive he's cynical because to him, the Republic was just as bad as the Empire.
To Crosshair the world is a sh*tty and merciless place. The Republic couldn't be trusted, the Empire can't be trusted, leaving either is a death sentence (and is he really wrong? just how many times do the batch have a close brush with death after they desert and survive for the sole reason that Crosshair is on the other side?), the rest of the galaxy is dangerous and the only way to survive is selling your skills for the basic right to live.
You're on your own (nobody wants to help you right? the regs rarely did. the Kaminoans saw you as an experiment. the Republic sent you on suicide missions) and the only thing you have is the handful of people you love and the usefulness you have to offer to those who hold power over you.
This is the nature Tech spoke about - that unyielding cynicism, that perpetual harsh distrust that paints the word in such a brutal light.
And all of this makes the rage he feels at the end of the Outpost so much more impactful. Because Crosshair played the game. He felt like he saw through every slimy institution that ever threatened to wipe him and his family out, he did what was necessary, he calculated the risks, he took all the facts into account and still, still, the universe crouched down, looked him dead in the eye and spat in his face.
And I honestly don't know how you even begin to recover from a blow like that.
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martianbugsbunny · 6 months
crosshair w piercings writers I love u
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neon-junkie · 7 months
How would TBB react to seeing the reader about to leave on a night out dressed up in a super hot outfit?
Gender-neutral reader, but feminine presenting. Words like 'beautiful' and 'pretty' are used!
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Hunter - Even with half of his face tattooed, he still manages to blush through the thickness of the ink. - He's truly lost for words. - Hunter has an adorable stutter as he compliments, "wow, you look… nice- I mean, incredible. Good. Beautiful?" - Hunter then facepalms as he scolds himself for picking "nice" as his first compliment. Ugh, you look so much more than nice! - You'll both be giggling as Hunter takes a deep breath, and begins going into detail about how good you look, highlighting the specific parts that really stand out to him. - You're heading out with friends, but Hunter is quietly hinting that he wants to come along. Totally not because he's jealous or anything, but because he hopes to meet your friends, right? The friends that he's met several times before? Yeah! - Tell him that you'll still be looking this good when you come back home later tonight, and he'll get the hint. - However, he may need to leave a fresh mark or two on your neck, just to get the point across that you're taken.
Echo - This poor, poor man is going to turn the deepest shade of red when he finally sees you. - Why, just WHY did you have to wear that specific outfit that he loves so much?! And you're going out without him too?! Oh, what a tease! - Echo is lost for words as he gushes over you. He feels like it's his wedding day - How is he this lucky? How did he land an angel like you? - There's a tear in his eye as you smother him in kisses, reassuring him that you're all his, that you're the lucky one for being with him, that you can't wait to come home and snuggle up with him later. - Echo doesn't ask for much, but he would like to be kept in the loop on your whereabouts. Purely for your own safety! - "And when you reach the next bar, just comm me. Your friends have my comm number too, don't they? If anything goes wrong, and you want picking up-" blahblahblah. - One final smother in reassuring kisses, and you're good to hit the town!
Wrecker - His mouth instantly hangs open, his eyes turn wide, and his facial expression swiftly turns into a grin as he comments, "HOT!!" - You know in cartoons where the character's mouth drops open, and they begin howling and barking? Yeah, that's Wrecker. - Seriously, you look hot, and Wrecker's going to ensure that you know it. - "Look at you! I can't believe I got myself an angel as sweet as you!" - He'll mention how he's sad that he's not tagging along, but he'll assure you that it's important you spend your time with your friends. - Wrecker isn't as clingy as he seems. After all, he'll be right here, waiting for your return. - And when you do return, all your hangover needs will be met. A tall glass of water waiting for you, a midnight snack, breakfast in bed, and a big buff man to cuddle you back to health!
Tech - This will go one of two ways: - Option one: Tech eyes you up and down, and with a firm nod, he comments, "that is suitable attire for your evening. I hope you enjoy yourself." - Option two: Tech's brain short circuits. He can barely muster up a thought, let alone a comment. Radio silence, but his expression says it all. - Either way, Tech is more than impressed with your outfit choice, and how stunning you look. He just… struggles to find the words, like a deer in the headlights. - Give him a few moments, and you'll be met with suitable praise. "How exquisite you look, a truly elegant and radiant creature." - Tech can't pinpoint one specific word to describe how beautiful you look, so instead, he selects the most complex and in-depth ones. He doesn't want to rely on a 'standard compliment.' - A few kisses later, and you're off to meet your friends. All the while, Tech begins pacing around the Marauder like a lost puppy. He needs to keep himself occupied until you return!
Crosshair - He's instantly thirsty for you, smiling cheekily as he eyes you up, gawking at the sight of you. - Crosshair has a way with words, and spews out his praise, all whilst kneading at your waist, his hands trailing down to grab your ass whilst he steals a handful of kisses from you. - And then it dawns on him… - You're going out with your friends tonight, not him… - Jealousy swiftly takes over, and his compliment turn into teasing (yet petty) jabs. Nothing to hurt your feelings, though. - "Any reason why you're wearing this tonight? Do you need more attention? Am I not enough for you?" - Whilst his tone is teasing, there's a desperate need for validation. - Yes, he knows you'd never be stupid and hurt him, but… can you please remind him one more time? - Don't be surprised when you leave, and minutes later, Crosshair sends you a holotext. "Comm me if you need anything, Beautiful."
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techs-goggles9902 · 5 months
Can you do at Tech lives fan-fic (like if Tech is CX-2)??
CX-2 is all that remains
Warnings: prosthetic stuff, mentions of blood and stuff, contact lenses 💀 scars and stuff, bacta usage, memory issues (ik nothing super bad but what if you had a fear of contacts??) TBB SPOILERS
Word count: 1457 (WHOA I WENT OVERBOARD)
A/N: IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG ANON. I genuinely love the bad batch but I HATE WRITING THEM SOMETIMES 😭 I feel like I’m butchering their characters. But I gotchuuuuu!!! Lmk if I should continue this.
Requests are open! See Masterlist for details!!!!
IMPORTANT NOTE: some of this was supposed to be italicized but my copy and pasting removes it, so some of this stuff are their thoughts. Just an FYI
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“You recognized it, too,” Hunter whispers to Crosshair as the group hurries up the rocks.
”I did. You said he died on Eriadu,” the sniper replies in a low mumble.
“He did… Wrecker watched him fall.”
”Well, obviously he survived. Next move?”
”Follow through with the plan, Cross. I’ll have Echo double back and take us down there.”
”But… it’s him?”
Hunter pauses. When he speaks, his voice cracks, “Tech’s alive. And with the Empire.”
Tech - no, CX-2! He had to get used to that - needs to get out of the water, and fast. The current pulls at him as he grips a narrow rock beneath the surface.
His helmet can only keep him alive for so long, he needs air sooner rather than later.
This isn’t ideal. The cybernetics will never last if their circuits are drenched.
His slender fingers lose their grip on the rock. One, two, three. The Shadow loses his grip entirely, his gloves ripped apart at the seams as the sharp ridges cut into the calloused flesh of his fingers.
The current throws him back into another rock, his backpack absorbing most of the impact.
There, he thinks as the water starts to seep into his body suit, I just need to make it to that ledge and my odds of survival increase significantly.
He feels his cybernetics digging into the tender flesh of his legs. The part where the river meets land was so close, yet so far. Reaching out a bloody hand, his shredded fingers are met with rough sediment.
”Echo, Rex, please. It’s him! I feel it,” Hunter says, trying to keep Echo from making the jump into hyperspace.
“Hunter, what if it’s n-”
”Rex, your buddy isn’t coming after us. He let us go. There’s no risk in going down there,” Crosshair cuts in. Echo and Rex glance at each other.
Rex, Echo’s expression says, what if…
Echo, Rex’s body language reads, you said it yourself. He’s gone.
You didn’t give up on me.
Rex’s gaze softens. “Fine. You have ten minutes.”
Hunter lets out a breath, clasping Rex’s shoulder. He says, “I owe you.”
”You owe me a lot, Sarge.”
Echo lands the ship just off the riverbank but is still hidden in the trees in case Wolffe changes his mind. The ramp opens with a soft hiss and plants itself on the rocks with a gentle thud. The river laps against the rocks like white noise, the water running down the cliff adds to the effect.
And there, lying on the rocks, still half in the water, lies the Shadow. Barely conscious and panting, his bloodied fingers groping the sediment.
“Maker… Gregor, get the med kit!” Echo yells back into the ship as Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker trip over themselves to get down to the riverbank.
“Shit… Hunter, is he…” Wrecker asks in a low tone, kneeling down beside the semiconscious clone.
“His heart’s beating,” the sergeant replies.
“Damn… Wrecker, can you get him on the ship? Gently?” Echo asks, leaning down to check the assassin’s pulse.
“I got him.” Wrecker slowly turns the clone onto his back and snakes an arm beneath his knees and back. “I gotcha, I gotcha…”
CX-2 feels himself being lifted up off the ground, his helmet removed, his head resting on someone’s shoulder plate. He hears voices calling out to him, hands lowering him down onto something somewhat comfortable. A bunk?
His armor taken off his wet bodysuit, said bodysuit is either peeled or cut away from his body.
“Cybernetics aren’t the best quality… just a pawn in Hemlock’s game,” a gruff voice says.
“Oh, Tech…” a softer voice says.
“I told you that you should’ve taken medic training,” a different voice comments. A scoff follows.
“Stow it, Cross.” Cross… that seems so familiar to CX-2. All the voices do, even the soft, feminine one. A warm liquid oozes out of where prosthetics meet flesh. Blood.
“Shit, Gregor, hand me the gauze,” He knows this voice…
“Echo, keep pressure. I’m getting him bacta,” Echo… warm hands trail down his body, checking for further injuries.
“Crap… these prosthetics are absolute trash, I should know. Not even connected properly… Tech, if you were awake to see this mess…” the voice, Echo, scoffs. CX-2 hears a smile in his voice.
“Are…are they as good as yours?” CX-2 hears his own voice ask that. He doesn’t know why he said that. In fact, his mouth moved on its own accord. All sounds around him cease and everything’s quiet except the soft hum of the ship.
“I… no, sorry, bud…mine are cooler,” Echo responds. CX-2 feels a subtle smile tugging at his own lips. Why? These are the enemy. Someone tends to his mangled hands, cleaning them and wrapping them tenderly.
“Tech…” CX-2 hears that name being called over and over again. Whispered in his ear. Murmured into his forehead as soft lips make contact with the scarred skin. Breathed into his hands as someone holds them gently.
His eyes open, just for a moment, meeting the gaze of five pairs of brown eyes. “Tech is gone,” he says. “CX-2 is all that remains…” He’s out like a light a second later.
Hunter’s heart felt like it was stabbed, trampled, cut out of his chest, and thrown out onto a rock to die. Tech is gone… the words echo through his mind all the way back to Pabu. This wasn’t the reunion he had in mind when he realized the Shadow was actually his little brother.
Crosshair doesn’t know how to feel. He abandoned his squad, his family, for the Empire. Is this karma, he thought.
Nonsense, Tech’s voice whispers in his head, this has nothing to do with you. The rational explanation is that the Empire succeeded in turning me into an assassin where they failed to turn you. Do not blame yourself, Crosshair. There was nothing you could do to stop this.
But I could’ve known, Crosshair’s voice whispers back to Tech’s, we would’ve been at Tantiss together.
And how could you possibly have known that, Cross?
Wrecker just tries to keep Omega away from their unconscious brother. “He needs his rest, Meg.”
“I won’t leave until he wakes up,” the blonde replies, crossing her arms. “I’m not bothering him, anyway.”
Wrecker sighs, placing a hand on her scrawny shoulder. He mutters, “Tech’s always been the one to take care of us… it’s weird that we’re taking care of him.”
“I know… what did he mean by ‘Tech’s gone’?”
“I… I don’t know. Cross said the Empire erases their previous lives while they turn them into… this. He’ll pull through and we’ll be losing to him in dejarik in no time.”
Echo was confused. Tech had just asked him about his cybernetics, meaning he did in fact remember them, at least somewhat. He stares out the viewport in the cockpit, his fingers picking at his scomp link. Tech always hated when he did that.
The next time CX-2 resurfaces, he’s staring up at a - wooden? - ceiling, definitely not a ship’s. A house? Hut? Cabin? He groans, lifting a hand up to pinch the scarred bridge of his nose. His face was littered with thick, ragged scars. Ever since Eriadu.
He looks at his hand in surprise as he sees its bandage has been changed recently. Where is he? CX-2 sits up slowly, orienting himself as he goes. The room is warm, small but not small enough that you feel claustrophobic. A window is above the bed he’s currently lying on, soft light filtering through the translucent curtains. He strains his neck to peer out of it.
He gets off the bed, looking down at his prosthetics, which start just below the knee. They’re sturdier as he stands and they don’t restrict his movement like they used to. They’re… comfortable.
He quietly - as quiet as you can get with two durasteel feet - leaves the room, examining the hallway. A kitchen is down the hall, so he heads there. Wincing, he looks around the corner to see if anyone’s there.
There is.
“C’mere, Tech,” the sniper says, gesturing to the seat at the island beside him. CX-2 hobbles over to it, taking a seat silently.
“I’m not the brother you remember,” he rasps, looking out the window.
“No shit… no goggles?”
“Hemlock thought I should wear contacts so the goggles don’t break out on a mission.”
Crosshair hums in response.
“Why did you come back?”
The sniper takes a moment to respond, “Couldn’t leave you behind.”
It’s CX-2’s - no, Tech’s - turn to hum in response. He feels Crosshair leaning against him slightly.
“You’re not who you used to be, but we’ll get there. Right?”
Crosshair scoffs, “Good to have you back.”
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Taglist: @will-is-silly @fionajames @sevdidntdie @hellhound5925 @dangraccoon @skellymom
Please let me know if you want to be taken off or join the list!!!
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
TBB headcanons: Physical and Mental Traits
I was originally gonna break these posts up by character, but it’s more fun just categorizing everything (plus I get to make more posts this way hehe)
anyway! here are some traits I believe each of the boys have:
Oldest of the og four (CT 9901) 
All of his senses are heightened, which makes him more sensitive to things (smells, sounds, touch, etc) but he’s REALLY good at hiding it
Occasionally experiences sensory overload, but has several techniques to keep himself calm (stimming with his knife, meditation, isolation, listening to music, conversing with one of his bros or Omega) 
Is autistic, but is good at masking it most of the time 
Very, very rarely experiences panic attacks from overstimulation (happened mostly as a child, has only happened once during the war) 
Has a high level of tolerance for pain, despite his heightened senses (mostly is just good at hiding it though)
Has a scar over his left eyebrow that he got due to accidentally cutting himself with a knife when he was younger (he has perfectionist issues because of this); has other various scars all over his body (main ones being on his left pectoral from getting shot by Cad Bane, and slight burn marks on the palm of his right hand from the Zygerrian whip)
Fairly introverted; he likes his solitude but gets lonely at times and can NOT be away from the squad for too long or he’ll go crazy
Second oldest of the og four (CT 9902) 
Retains information the first time it’s told/explained to him (the recording thing is literally just a hobby, he doesn’t need it LOL)
Obsessively researches things in his free time 
Basically blind without his goggles; he’s semi colorblind, which is why the lens are tinted
Is very autistic 
Stims with his tools 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain, doesn’t like to make a big deal out of it and straight up ignores it most of the time (“I pretend I do not see it”)
Has a few scars on his hands from tinkering, but are mostly healed (lotion works wonders my dudes)
Completely introverted, please leave him alone thanks
Second youngest of the og four (CT 9903) 
Is constantly hungry because of his size and high metabolism 
Gets muscle aches if he goes too long without being active 
Has ADHD and autism 
Stims via working out or playing with Lula (or any of Omega’s other toys when she’s not playing with them)
Has a low level of tolerance for pain, but tries to act otherwise (and does a terrible job at it LOL)
Got his face scar on their first mission ever, doesn’t regret it and thinks it makes him look cooler 
Has various scars all over his body, as well as stretch marks from growing so big so quickly
Very extroverted, gets lonely easily
Youngest of the og four (CT 9904) 
Gets frequent headaches because of his superior vision (which is why getting the Order 66 headaches didn’t seem out of the ordinary to him) 
Gets sore limbs sometimes, especially his legs, from how long they are 
Is autistic 
Stims by chewing on his toothpicks 
Has an average level of tolerance for pain but is really good at hiding it
Has a few minor scars on his body but mostly stretch marks from growing so tall so quickly
Very introverted, but gets lonely at times (and will NEVER admit it)
Oldest of the entire group overall
Suffers from “ghost limbs” with his scomp arm and legs sometimes 
Will get eye twitches sometimes from his brain “short-circuiting” 
Makes jokes about his disabilities to cope (“you wouldn’t hurt a disabled man, would you?”) 
Has PTSD, mostly from what happened after the Citadel explosion 
Distracts himself from the Horrors™ by running ship diagnostics and rereading manuals (which he already liked doing, of course)
Has an average level of tolerance for pain and likes to hide it behind his jokes (“tis but a flesh wound!”)
Has some scars all over his body from the Citadel explosion and his implants
Big extrovert, HATES being alone, please don’t leave him alone OMG
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stardusthuntress · 9 months
Hot... in So Many Ways!
TBB Echo x femaleMandalorian!reader  (mostly pronouns and attire in this part, that will change in part 2!)
Word Count: ~2k
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Summary: maybe this IS more of a summer fic, but who cares? I like summer! Holiday season ain't my thing, so imma pretend it's summer again! HAHAHAHAHA!!! So, here’s a fic where it’s so hot outside, it inspires a little heat inside too! ;P 
TW: Echo is self-conscious, kinda a given; also, it’s flirty and out-of-practice Echo! Nothing too serious in this part tho! But part 2 WILL be smut! And please note, I am NOT a medic nor doctor of that variety, BUT this stems from my experience living in a desert, so it’s not 100% accurate on what you should do in the heat, but the note about not drinking cold water in excessive heat is a real thing! Wanted to include that in there for funsies! 
helmet banners thanks to the one and only @/djarrex!
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This planet was hot. Really hot. Even in the shade it was easy to overheat. So, naturally, this had to be the planet where the ship’s AC nearly went out. It sorta was getting overworked in this environment. And since they didn’t know if this planet was okay with clones, Tech had parked the ship out of view a little ways away from the entirely-indoor city. 
The others were out collecting data for Rex. Except for Tech, who was in the nearest marketplace, acquiring parts. But they needed two people to work on the repairs until Tech got back with the rest of the parts. Naturally, that became Echo and his partner. 
Echo was outside, doing his best to repair the exterior of the ship, where the Imperials had been kind enough to leave a few new blaster burns… right next to the life support quick repair hatch… clearly these Imperials knew what they were doing. Which is what landed the Maurader here, on a desolate planet the Imperials didn’t want. Actually, most people didn’t want it, it was mostly devoid of life, except for the one spaceport-focused town the rest of the team were currently scavenging for intel and parts. 
Before he had left, Tech had warned not to stay outside for long periods of time. It was too hot here for the human body to withstand the heat for more than an hour or so at a time. 
Or in other words, so hot that even Echo had shed his shirt. Echo, the man who struggled to explore a physical relationship because he still hated what the Techno Union had done to him. 
And DAMN was shirtless Echo hot! And not just because it was hot outside. It was evident that Echo had made a point to do more than just get his strength back. Watching him work inside a panel at eye level gave the woman he loved a good view as she came out to bring him a part and hydration. 
She paused for a split second as her brain restarted, short circuited by the toned muscles flexing ahead of her. The way his abs moved with every shift of his arms, flexing beneath a smattering of scars that clearly bore the stories of many battles, left her jaw on the floor. 
“I’ll be in in a minute, I promise. Just a few more things I can do to reinforce this until Tech get’s back,” Echo’s voice echoed out of the side of the ship. 
She shook herself back to reality and continued towards him, folding her hands, and the objects held in them, behind her back. “I’ll hold you to that minute, Corporal. In the meantime though, the part you asked for is in my pocket.” 
Echo emerged from the side of the ship, confused that she didn’t just hand him the piece. 
“There’s my handsome trooper,” she smiled, “come here for a second.” 
Echo obediently extracted himself from the panel and approached his partner. 
As he did so, she finally revealed the objects she’d been hiding behind her back. A wet towel, so laden with water it left drips in the desert sand at their feet, and a canteen. 
“Mmmmmmm, you’re my savior,” he teased, “please tell me those are cold.” 
She laughed. “You know drinking cold water won’t help you drink enough to stay hydrated, no matter how appealing it sounds. So the water bottle is just cool, but the towel is colder, and that’s for the rest of you.” 
She handed him the water bottle as he approached, and leaned in for a quick kiss. 
Echo quickly raised the water bottle and downed half of it in just a few gulps. 
While he refueled, she stepped behind him and rubbed the cool, sopping wet towel, over his neck and shoulders and back. Then completing a circle around him, returned to his front to run it over his chest, and taking a tad longer to rub it over his abs to commit the sight and feel to memory in case this was a one-off. 
Echo chuckled as he finished off the water bottle, “What are you doing down there, Love?” 
“Just cooling you off, Handsome,” she said, straightening again, hiding a smirk, and stepping up to him for another chaste kiss. “One more minute, soldier, then back inside.” 
“Yes, Ma’am,” Echo looked straight into her eyes when he said it, a spark in his own, despite the heat outside. 
She took back the water bottle and stood still, allowing him to retrieve the part from her pocket, and with one last kiss, she retreated back inside. 
Echo watched her go, enjoying the view. The heat had left her in a pair of short shorts and sports bra, leaving little to the imagination. The sooner he could get back inside to that, the better, he decided, turning back to his work. 
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Behind Echo’s sweaty form, the door closed. As his eyes adjusted to the lower light levels, they sought his loving partner. But her eyes weren’t looking up at him, they looked down, and she was biting her lip as though she was holding back from something. 
“That grossly sweaty, huh? I’ll take a quick shower, be right back,” he laughed, slipping past her with a peck to her cheek in passing. 
“Hmmm?” She looked up, surprised at getting caught, but he was already entering the fresher. 
Truth be told, she’d gotten distracted watching a drop of sweat run down his abs, emphasizing every curve…and she’d been holding back from licking it off…
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When he came out of the fresher, a new set of clothes on, he found her at a console, running diagnostics on the patchwork repairs he’d done outside. She was still showing off a canvas of skin that Echo wanted nothing more than to paint with his love, and leave marks on so the others would know not to touch what was his. 
“Feel better?” She asked, not taking her eyes off the screen, wanting to finish quickly so she could get back to her handsome partner. 
Echo came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her exposed midriff, humming a response as his lips found her neck. 
“You should wear this more often,” he mumbled into her skin as he gripped her, tight.
She laughed and spun in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck. “Aww, but you put a shirt back on!” 
He laughed, “it’s better this way, then no one has to see it.” 
“See what? How toned your abs are? So no one can ask about the story behind each scar? Or watch you do a one-handed push-up or pull-up?” 
Echo let out a snort, “As if anyone would be interested in the battle scars and their stories on a mere clone.” He said it with disdain, and she knew it was because he thought she could do better with any of his brothers because they weren’t missing so many pieces, or anyone else in the galaxy. Echo always was very hard on himself. 
“Echo, I’m a Mandalorian! Battle stories and scars are very important to my culture. The more one survives, the more hallowed the warrior! Take your shirt off and tell me the story of each scar you remember, and I’ll let you do the same on me.” 
Echo was preparing to laugh, but found his mind was a blank slate by the end of her statement. Had she just offered to remove her clothes for him? Was this normal for everyone to do in her culture, or was it actually as intimate as it sounded? Echo blinked at her in shock, mind scrambling to figure out what to do or say in response. She also wanted him to take his clothes off for her. He’d never wanted to as badly as he did in that moment. 
“Is that…. Umm… Mando… Mandalorian culture?” It had been a long time since Echo had had this much difficulty stringing a sentence together. He wasn’t even sure if the words he’d used actually made a coherent sentence or were just discombobulated thoughts when they came out, like the ones currently floating through his head. He felt like a shiny seeing a pretty girl at a bar for the first time all over again. 
She giggled. “Yeah, telling stories of battles past is one of the best ways to pass the time for a Mandalorian… Though, only those closest to us know which scar comes from which battle. We don’t often let others see what’s beneath the armor,” she admitted, a little shy, hiding in his neck, and giving him an opportunity to get his thoughts together. 
“Yes,” Echo muttered, barely able to find his voice. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” 
She looked up at him. He was nodding rapidly. She smiled, and found his lips crashing into hers, as he kissed her hungrily. 
Echo’s mind raced. If the computer hadn’t been running such important diagnostics, he would have taken her on that console, without hesitation. Instead, he pinned her against the bulkhead as she smiled against his lips at his enthusiasm. 
“Wait,” Echo pulled back for a moment, “but earlier when you looked at me when I was all sweaty…” he looked at her with a question on his brow. 
“Oh, that, uhhhh, I wanted to… um… it sounds silly, it’s nothing…”
“So I really was that gross and sweaty, huh?” He cringes, bracing for bad news.
“NO! No! Actually, I really wanted to… *sigh*, I don’t know why this is so hard to say… I wanted to… to lick… your abs…. I, uh, still want to, actually… if you’re ok with that?” 
Once again Echo errored out, finding himself only capable of kissing her with a fervor he didn’t know he had anymore. 
She groaned into the kiss, and wrapped a leg around his hips. 
Echo’s hand flew to hold it to him. He enjoyed the soft warmth of her thigh, peppered with scars he could trace with his eyes closed. He longed to know the tale of each and every one of them. And he coudn’t wait any longer. He used his scomp arm to scoop her off the ground, his flesh hand gripping her waist, and carry her to his bunk. 
Once there, he hastily climbed in, and gently deposited her on the soft pillows. 
She detached enough to practically rip the shirt from his body, and shimmy her way down his body, still underneath him. 
“What are y—hnnnng” he groaned as she licked a stripe up his abdomen. His eyes widened, as he peered down at her beneath him. He cursed himself for forgetting that comment. He’d been so caught up in being lucky enough to see even more of her. She smiled up at him, seductively, then went back to slowly tracing the edges of every muscle of his abs with her tongue. Echo’s arms began to shake as she nipped at him between licks. 
With a final, sloppy kiss to his belly button, she slipped down between his legs even farther. A sly laugh the only warning before she pressed her lips to the wet spot at his tip, and used his moment of surprise and her battle hardened muscles to flip him onto his back. 
She hummed with delight, nestling herself between his legs, arms crossed over his hips, hands resting atop his member as she looked up at him, feet kicking in the air behind her. 
Echo lay there for a moment, just watching her, stunned, before summoning the energy to prop himself up on his elbows. 
She leaned forward and kissed his abs again as his hips pivoted beneath her. Letting her eyes and fingers begin to trace out the patterns of scars decorating his body. 
“You promised to tell me the stories of your battle scars, Handsome.” 
Echo chuckled, decidedly out of breath, “who could say no to you, especially after all that, Mesh’la!” 
She smiled, and squeezed the hand that still rested over his member ever so slightly. 
Echo moaned again. “Nnnnn— as much as I love the feeling, and the view, of you between my legs, I really need yours up here.” He patted the bed by his side. “Let me love you too, Mesh’la!” 
She giggled, and readjusted, with one final caress and kiss to his length...
.......keep an eye out for a pure smut part 2!!!
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog to share instead of reposting it!
taglist: @cw80831 @amorfista (I know I'm missing a few people, so dm me if I missed ya or if you want to change what you're tagged for!)
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I'm having a lot of fic ideas lately. This time Cad Bane and Tech.
Not me just wanting my favorites to interact (no smut >D).
Concept goes like this:
Bane loses Omega to Fennec and TBB, he winds up tracking them down again, maybe just to Ord Mantell. The Batch are all over the place, doing their thing, some at Cid's, some at the market, Idk, but anyway, Tech is off on his own and this is when Cad sees and recognizes him.
Tech is captured by Cad Bane. He drags him to his ship. He starts questioning him, being rough, throws him in a cell maybe, which Tech could most likely get out of by short-circuiting a few things here or there, but he decides to see where this is going and if he can garner any information.
He refuses to sell out his family. He is extremely loyal. This is very off-putting to Cad Bane for many reasons, especially considering he has no one he can trust and no one who is loyal to him.
Maybe this is the first time he has cornered a clone. He's fascinated by him. He's Jango but he's not. Maybe they start having philosophical discussions about right and wrong. At first Bane is infuriated, but Tech's non-judgmental, matter-of-fact tone has him second-guessing himself on occasion.
In the end, he is moved by his love for his brothers and his sister. His unshakable loyalty. Maybe he mentions Boba and "dat de kid might wanna know he has a sister." Maybe he gives him a compliment, or praises him for his dedication to his siblings, saying it must be nice. Or maybe he throws offhandedly out there that he's never been so lucky.
For whatever reason, he lets him go.
Maybe before Tech exits the ship he places a hand on his shoulder and says, "There is still time."
Maybe Bane feels extra depressed for awhile, maybe he cries about his life, wishing he could have had something like that.
If the rest of the Bad Batch asks about it, he shrugs it off and says, "I do not think he will bother us again." They don't push him for details.
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lifblogs · 3 months
Maybe this sounds silly, but for a challenge at my library I have started tracking my reading through an app called Beanstack (this is not the silly part. I’m getting to that). At first I thought the app wasn’t for me, but the stats are very pleasing to me, and I can track my fanfiction reading! Which has made me much more excited to read fanfic actually. Maybe it’s an OCD thing that it bothered me that I couldn’t track the stats of my fanfic reading so therefore “it was lesser,” which is obviously NOT true AT ALL. But this app has made me so much more ready and open and excited to read fanfic, and I’m having a lot of fun sharing various fanworks, and it’s kinda cool to see a lot of the same TBB fic writers all follow each other in a circuitous web. I’ve been having a good time.
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Thoughts on TBB Eps 1x6-8
Hello! It's me again. I may have forgotten I was rewatching this show and now it's been over a month since the last thoughts post. I said I wasn't going to leave it that long and then I left it longer so well done me!
But now you get my thoughts on three different episodes! I end up talking about Echo a lot in this, but what's new?
"The Jedi who are all dead?"
Straight off the bat, Tech is being sassy and I love that. He makes a point though. Working for Cid didn't seem to help them out too much in the long run.
It's great that off the back of the last episode they've decided to lay some ground rules for Omega. They probably should've done something like this beforehand, but seeing as they are notorious for breaking rules, it doesn't surprise me. I can just imagine them getting back from the previous mission and holding a meeting about setting rules for Omega because they don't want to go through the stress of that again. (Also, it was 100% Echo who first brought up the idea).
*Sees Cid*
*Is reminded of the S2 finale*
*Visceral anger*
Omega Pushing Things
Omega going up the Dejarik table and randomly pressing buttons even though it isn't doing anything is the exact same energy as fiddling with an arcade machine when you don't have any money. You just wanna press all the buttons even though you won't get anything out of it.
Mum Mode
Love Echo going into Mom Mode and stopping Omega from touching the pointy object (plus the head shake). I like to imagine that this is a habit he picked up from dealing with Fives. He would constantly have to stop his brother from picking up every weapon he came across and it's just prepared him for dealing with a young child who wants to fiddle with everything.
Wrecker and Omega High Five
It's cute!
"They didn't have a choice. They're captives treated like property."
Whoever gave Echo that line... Ouch! I mean, it's perfect. But ouch! Echo knows what it's like to be treated like property and he's damned if he's going to let anything like that happen to someone else. I'd say that it's probably one of the things Echo is the most passionate about. He will always do what is best for people, and that particularly comes through in this episode. Especially since he's been through that experience and knows how horrific it can be.
"And we're going to stop it from happening to that kid."
It isn't just about the money for Echo. At that point, he's more concerned about getting the child out of there. He even sighs when Tech brings up the payment because I honestly think that that isn't Echo's priority. He wants to do good and he doesn't want people to suffer through the same ordeal that he did. Even though the money was the reason they took the mission in the first place, I think that he would rather they saved the captured people than get the money.
"Take care of it. Quietly."
*screech* *scream* *thud*
Clone Helmets
Why does Cid have clone helmets on her wall? Where did she get them from? Did it come from a dead clone? Did she get given it by a clone or was it found somewhere? Is it new? Was it something given to her by the Jedi? I have questions!
Echo Being Zapped
I always get particularly stressed out when Echo gets electrocuted. I know he's had worse, but anytime any sort of current run through his body I get very tense. I'm worried that one day something important is going to short-circuit.
"I wasn't sneaking, I was unlocking."
I swear clones just come with a certain level of sass. Like, it must be genetic because all of them have an innate ability to backtalk everyone.
Echo on a Speeder
Whoever decided this, thank you. Thank you very much. It is very much appreciated. More Echo on speeder bikes please!
Wrecker vs Muchi
The idea that Tech and Hunter were just stood, watching Wrecker fight Muchi is hilarious. They didn't do anything, they just watched. I like to think that instead of cheering him on, they just critiqued how he was doing because that's exactly what siblings do.
And then Echo and Omega turn up and they also both stand there staring at him! No-one does anything! It's perfect.
Why is Omega Training Indoors?
She almost killed someone and destroyed a Dejarik table. This doesn't seem safe at all. Could they not have taken her some else to train? Who decided to let a child wield a weapon indoors with no training??? This seems like a bad idea, but hey, this is the Batch we're talking about. The idea that none of them questioned this does not surprise me. (Except maybe Echo. I feel like he would've had more to say about this plan).
"Weak noodle arms"
I highly relate to this because I too have weak noodle arms.
I've mentioned this before, but the orientation value (or whatever you want to call it) on the binoculars is always the same. It doesn't matter where they are looking, they value is always 350-450 degrees, even when you have two people looking at the same thing from two different locations.
Since I noticed this, I've never been able to unsee it. (It's the same in the previous episode as well).
Game Map
Anyone else think that the droid factory would make a good SW Battlefront map? It would make for a good PvP arena, with all the stairs and conveyer belts.
I need someone to make this a thing now.
Omega and Trauma
Honestly, I'm surprised that Omega doesn't seem to have developed any obvious PTSD after what she has gone through. That girl must have so much trauma. I mean, she almost got incinerated ffs! That's got to have resulted in some sort of nightmare.
"Is there an echo in here?"
10/10 pun. No Notes.
Chaotic Opening
I love an episode that opens with just pure chaos. Just throw us right into the action, it's great. Especially since you have to try and work out what the context of everything is.
Rex's Disguise
This man's plan when laying low is to just put a poncho over the top of his very recognisable armour. How has that worked??? It just reminds me of Point of No Return in Phantom of the Opera where the Phantom comes out in a shroud and no-one seems to recognise him even though the mysterious person has the same body structure and voice as the Phantom.
It's very much the same effect as everyone in the MCU putting a baseball cap on and never being noticed. Work on your disguises, people!
First of all, Echo and Rex having a little "cheers" moment and clinking cups is adorable. I like to imagine that it was them having a throwback moment to when they used to go to 79s between missions. Just a little "I'm happy to see you alive" moment. :)
And then Echo smiling when he sees Omega meeting Rex for the first time!!! He's so happy to see his little sister meeting his mentor and older brother. That man knew that those two would get on straight away.
And Rex's awkward face is so adorable! This man has literally no idea what to do in social situations and it's amazing. Also, Omega calling Rex old is hilarious at the best way that this interaction could've gone.
Protective Rex
The first thing that Rex does after finding out that the Batch still have their chips in is to protect Omega. He has known her for 5 seconds and is determined to make sure that she is okay. It very much reminds me of how Echo is. His priority is to protect the child, even if it means having to hurt his brothers. He doesn't want to, but he's going to do the right thing.
Ahsoka was like a younger sister to Rex, so he knows what it'll be like for both Omega and the Batch if their chips go off. He wants to protect her from what could happen, even though he's just met her, because that's who Rex is as a person and we love him for that.
Omega and Rex
I love watching Omega running to catch up with Rex. It's like she wants to hang out with her cool uncle and chat to him. I just know that Echo would be smiling when he saw that.
Fives Convo
Ah yes, the conversation about Fives. Or should I say the lack thereof. I have a lot to say about this after watching the episode today, but I'm going to do that in a separate post because I have a feeling I may end up going on about it for a while. Instead, I'm just going to leave a gif that summarise my reaction to this convo every time I see it.
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Don't get me wrong, I love this episode, but the frustration here!!!
There's a couple of errors in this episode and it always makes me laugh when I spot them. Rex's hairline keeps changing and Echo has a patch on his head before he even has his chip removed.
Echo's PTSD
This would've been a great episode to address Echo's trauma. 6 episodes ago this man had a panic attack because he woke up surrounded by medical equipment and people trying to scan his head. And then we get to an episode where he has to go into a claustrophobic machine that is not too dissimilar in shape to his stasis chamber to get a chip removed from his brain. AND WE'RE NOT GOING TO ADDRESS THE PTSD THING???
I get that there is other stuff in this episode that fills up the run time but this very much feels like a situation that would cause Echo to spiral and we don't see any of that.
Rex and His Helmet
The moment where Rex is studying his helmet breaks my heart. He probably has so much going through his head at that point: losing his brothers, what would've happened if he had listened to Fives, the idea that they may lose the Batch (including losing Echo again), the idea that the repercussions from this war may never end.
It's a look at what once was, what is and what could've been.
"Oh. You made it."
Tech, mate. I absolutely love you.
Wrecker and Omega
My heart! Even though he knows deep down that it wasn't his fault, and even though Omega tells him that, Wrecker still feels the need to apologise for what happened. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her and he almost ended up killing. The pain in his eyes breaks my heart and I just wanna hug him so bad. These two are so precious. I know that he probably has nightmares about that and sometimes doubts that he will be able to protect her. He's scared that he could actually hurt her. But he's a big softie and we know that that's the last thing he would let happen.
Also, is Omega just running around with loose Mantell mix in her pocket? Where is she keeping that???
Hunter and Rex
Okay, I get the significance of having that final conversation between Hunter and Rex. Hunter just wants to do what is best for his squad, to protect his team, and Rex gets that. Rex understands that feeling because he has also been in many a situation where all he wants to do is make sure his men are safe. But I also wish we got another moment between Rex and Echo here. It would've been a great episode to talk through things and it doesn't happen. I would've loved to have had a moment where Rex asks Echo about how he's settling into the group and how's he's coping with everything. Give me back the older/younger brother dynamic!!!
Concluding Thoughts
We need more scenes addressing Echo's PTSD
Omega is apparently running around with Mantell mix in her pockets
Wrecker needs a hug
Rex needs a better disguise
I talk about Echo a lot
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oftincturedwords · 1 year
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Title: A Precaution Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars : The Bad Batch / Star Wars : The Clone Wars Rating: T+ Chapter Warnings: Mild Descriptions of Medical Equipment , Thoughts on Potential Injuries , Thoughts on Potential Illness , Medical Equipment , Implied Medical Experimentation , etc. Characters: Hunter , Tech , Mentioned Omega , Mentioned Echo , Mentioned Wrecker , & Mentioned Crosshair. Additional Tags: Conversations , Brothers , Shopping , Team as Family , Family , Supply Runs , Heart-to-Hearts , etc. Timeline: Set during series one Star Wars : The Bad Batch ; between s01e09 ( Bounty Lost ) & s01e10 ( Common Ground ) Pairings: Gen. None. Word Count: 4296 Summary: Tech brings up a point Hunter hadn't thought of whilst they are out on a supply run, and he worries, but Tech is there to help reassure him. A/N: This fic scene has been in my head ever since I watched this series , but I haven't been able to find a way to slip it into any of my other TBB stories , but I am having it here as a one-shot. This was supposed to be under 1k words , but it grew a bit more than I was expecting agdkflg it was still fun to write , even though it made a bit sad to write it. I have no beta thus all mistakes are mine. Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Star War : The Clone Wars & Star Wars : The Bad Batch. Neither am I associated with Lucasfilms , Disney+ , nor any of the actors who portray these characters. I make no money off any of my stories , this is purely for entertainment purposes. Read On : ao3 | under the cut
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The loud bustling of the market in this town came mostly from the volume at which everyone spoke here and the various trios of musicians that seemed to be stationed at every other street corner. Hunter could name a few of the instruments, but most were of a variety he hadn't ever seen before. This world was one he, nor any of his brothers had visited prior to now, but Tech had been insistent over checking this advertised market for the supplies they needed since he hadn't been able to find what they needed on Ord Mantell.
But seeing as it was a new and unknown place, Hunter had Wrecker and Echo stay back on the Marauder with Omega. It was safer for the kid, and Tech and Hunter would draw the least amount of attention. Given their size and appearances became unremarkable when they took a leaf from Rex’s book and wore cloaks over their armour.
Besides Tech was adamant that he be on the supply run no matter who accompanied him, which wasn't uncommon when his youngest brother was being pedant over the specifics of the list. Thus Hunter had let Tech lead him around the vast market set between a multitude of shops that dotted the streets here, past stalls and venders of all sorts. Pausing here and there to check prices or pick up what they needed, with Tech proving to be a rather unyielding haggler much to Hunter's surprise. And endless amusement to see the most shady of merchants bend under his brother’s shrewd bartering.
He’d learnt a lot since they had first docked on Ord Mantell.
Thus Hunter was content to simply follow Tech’s lead and carry the items they accumulated over the last hour, from replenishments of their rations to some spare connectors and a coil of wires for minor repairs to the Havoc Marauder. As well as a spool of duranex thread for mending their clothes along with a new needle set, a box of chemwipes, a canister each of desealer and grease, and a new tuning stylus.
And Tech was finishing a deal with a vender for several patch circuits and a converter, which marked off the final few items they had been searching for. Waiting patiently until Tech had collected the purchase, holding out a hand to take the patch circuits from him to tuck them away in the backpack he carried for the express purpose of holding their shopping this day. Tech’s was already stocked full from their earlier buys.
Stowing the supplies before he shifted the pack back over his shoulders, Hunter said, “That's the last of it. Ready to head back?”
“Not quite yet actually.”
Hunter, who had partially stepped away to make back towards where they docked the ship, turned back to Tech, asking, “What is it?”
“There are a few more items I wanted to check if this market has that I did not write on the list.” Tech answered, gaze flicking away from him.
Hunter felt one of his eyebrows raise at that unusual omission from his vod’ika, it was unlike Tech to forget something like that nor was he one of deviating from the carefully budgeted docket, “Any particular reason you didn't put these items on the list?”
“Not to worry, they have already been allocated into our current sum of funds.” Tech reassured.
“You just didn't write them down.” Hunter filled in the blank that the other had left open, “Why?”
“Omega has a habit of scanning the supply lists before we set out and given her recent quandaries with Bounty Hunters along with her history on Kamino, I thought it would be prudent to keep them to myself.” Tech explained without truly answering his query.
“Tech.” Hunter sighed, exasperated by the deliberate verbal run-around the other was giving him.
“A paediatric medical kit and medpac.” Was the immediate answer from his brother.
“What?” The word leaves his mouth in place of an actual response, his brain still reeling from the fact that it was something they needed, things they should have picked up immediately as they could when they knew Omega would be staying with them. After so many close calls and it was only now that they were searching for one.
“Omega is smaller and physically younger than any of us, scanners and bandages are one thing, but if she were to require any medical intervention or medicine. We do not currently possess any for a child upon the Marauder.” Tech answered as if Hunter’s question hadn't been reflexive or retortic, “Which is an oversight on my part. One that I am working now to rectify.”
“Gods Tech.” Hunter breathed, seeming to wilt where he stood, knees feeling well at the implications of Tech’s words and outcomes that could have occurred when they weren't medically prepared to handle them for Omega.
Tech’s frown deepened, contrite and self-ramificating his expression was, “I know I should have seen to it the moment that we had the requisite credits available for such an expense, which has been three separate times now.”
“No, Tech.” Hunter shook his head, knowing this wasn't solely on Tech to prepare for nor his fault it wasn't addressed before this, “There's been a lot going on and we've all had more to deal with than ever before. Having a kid around is new for all of us.”
“Be that as it may, as our squad's sole corpsman—” Tech began to argue, but was interrupted by Hunter disagreeing back.
“You may be the one with the most medical knowledge on our team, Tech, but you can't be expected to think of everything.” Hunter strove to reassure, a corner of his lips upturning when he tacked on, “Even with that brain of yours.”
Tech huffed, eyes rolling towards the sky, but he too offered a small smile at his ori’vod to show he understood the other’s meaning and accepted the gentle teasing. It wouldn't dispel with what he thought was a grave mistake he had made in not ensuring they had purchased these precautionary items earlier, but it was a relief to know he wasn't thought less of or blamed.
“We're fixing it now, that's what matters.” Hunter gingerly knocked his van race against Tech’s in further show all was well between them, “Now we're doing you supposed we’ll find them here?”
“There is a shop up ahead that is most plausible in having something similar to what we are looking for.” Tech suddenly spoke up, waving a hand to point out the shopfront with the universal chemist sign over its door with the aubresh for ‘apothecary’ on the door itself, “In the very least, they are likely to have some items of use for children that we can add to our aidpacs until we can procure an official kit. And we need to replenish our supplies of medpatches anyway.”
“All right, I’ll follow your lead.” Hunter angled his head to signal for Tech to lead the way, to which his brother did over to the shop and up the few small steps to the door to enter it.
Following behind, Hunter was instantly met with the spiced aroma that belonged to actively burning incense which was mingled with the tang of herbal tea brewing and the accumulated redolence of hundreds of dried herbs. The strong odour had him blinking several times in quick session and clearing his throat to cover up a cough, and shaking his head at Tech, who had pointedly looked back at Hunter after catching the scent as well.
It wasn't overpowering, just surprising to his enhanced sense of smell after the open atmosphere outside. He could nearly taste the smoke and earthy resin on the air with every breath, but it wasn't the worst fragrance he had been subjected to nor the strongest, thus after a moment to grow accustomed to that essence on every inhale, he was fine.
Nodding twice at Tech, returning the other's pointed look to ensure his brother knew he was all right and set to continue, Hunter followed Tech further into the cluttered shop. Surveying the various herbal merchandise laid out in individual compartments along the nearest workbench, admiring the vastness of the collection and the variety of pre-mixed tinctures that were lined up upon the shelving units above the table, Hunter still kept half a mind on keeping up with Tech, who appeared to be headed towards the far set of worktops near the till that held assembled medpacs and an assorted allotment of replacement pieces.
Coming up next to his vod’ika, Hunter watched Tech peruse the handful for kits they had on display. Watching his brother’s eyes narrow, then him reach out to pick up a medpac that held the universal medical insignia on it, but instead of it being red, it was painted in four sections. Each a primary colour with the fourth addition being green.
Without sparing a glance towards the shopkeeper, Tech cracked open the kit to view the contents inside to which Hunter stepped closer to shield his brother’s actions from the shop-owner should he look their way. Simply appearing interested in Tech shuffling through the diverse abundance of bandages, patches, and ointments. There was even a folded sling, a finger brace, one for the wrists, trauma shears, and several different small packets of child-grade medications.
“This medpac will suffice.” Tech told Hunter, reorganising the items he had moved about to check the quality of the pac, then setting it aside but still near him before he reached up again to pull down a medkit with the same colouring, only bigger.
When Tech opened this one, there were a few of the same things from the medpac, but far more in amount and there was a lot more to the kit than the pac. Hunter spied hydration gel, spray splint, flexclamps, a hypospray with a variety of phials, a basic analyser, irrigation bulbs, bacta patches and gel, bone stabiliser, two stim-shots, and a resuscitation kit.
It held nearly everything the medical kit back aboard the Havoc Marauder had, except it was all modified for use upon a child. The size of the braces, tubes, and instruments had all been crafted for smaller, younger bodies. Even the dosages outlined along the cases of the medications were far less than what he or his brothers would take, positively minute was what it prescribed in comparison.
Seeing this had Hunter’s earlier horror over the fact they hadn't considered getting a medpac and kit sooner for Omega. If anything had happened to her prior to them purchasing this that had required more than a bandage and some bacta gel, they could have very well made things worse by having to delay treatment or face a potential overdose.
Hunter began to feel nauseous at the resurgence of those thoughts and as he watched Tech shift through the rest of medical kit’s contents. Unable to quiet the grim images his mind conjured up of what injuries would have to befall their littlest batcher for those items to be of any use. Even though they were purchasing them to err on the side of caution, with how they lived, it wasn't outside the realm of possibility that something would happen to Omega that would require such medical aid.
“Are you all right?”
Attention drawn up from the med kit and his brother’s stilled hands towards Tech’s face, a slight dazed, Hunter shook his head as he backed away from the till stand and turned to stumble out of the shop. Nearly stumbling down the few short yet uneven steps out of the entrance and over towards the side of the building. Unheeding of the call he heard from behind him.
Halting there because he didn't want to leave Tech entirely in this scarcely known market on a planet they only just this morning set foot on, but he needed to be physically away from the source of those thoughts. Or so he had thought, for they followed him here. Although it was easier to breathe without the overwhelming smell of incense and the lingering scents of all the patrons that had been inside that cramped shop all morning. The air wasn't without its harsh and burning smells, but it was clear and the subtle breeze that blew through the maze of short buildings helped.
Leaning back against the sturdy brick of the alleyway’s wall, Hunter drew several breaths as he pressed the back of his head to the unyielding surface and closed his eyes tight. Willing away the memories of battlefield wounds he had seen on troopers and civilians throughout the war when they had been stationed with companies or battalions of the GAR that tried to overlay onto every instance that Omega had been in danger. And there had been too many.
Another deep breath in, Hunter exhaled heavily as he leant forwards to place his hands on his knees. His lower back was still supported by the roughened brick behind him in order to keep his frame steady whilst he tried to get his thoughts together and emotions under control.
He didn't enjoy the idea of any of his siblings being hurt or injured, but he as well knew that his brothers had faced much already in their short lives and had been expertly trained from their birth to fight and defend against a multitude of enemies amidst active combat. For the worst of missions, the ones that were considered suicide runs for any other unit. They had the conditioning, education, experimentation, and training to craft and hone such skills for that.
Yet Omega hadn't. She was younger than them in every way except years lived and hadn't gone through even the basics of training the standard regs. went through. Her training had been in medical assistance, and even though she showed so much promise in the skills they were all teaching her and hoping to instil with proper training. None of them had wanted to instruct her as they had been trained, it had been an unspoken, unanimous decision.
And even though Hunter knew it was the right thing to do and he knew Omega was intelligent enough to help herself, he still feared at times that it would leave Omega vulnerable if they weren’t around to offer an assist and look out for her. An irrational fear he tried to tell himself and work to quiet its voice, but still it reared its head routinely and persistently.
Sliding down the wall, Hunter cringed at the scraping noise it made when the plastoid of his armour was dragged down the brick surface. But it wasn't lasting, only a moment of the grating sound before he was sitting. His buttplate clacked against the stone permacrete and he drew his knees up to rest his elbows on before leaning forwards a slight to lay his head into his upturned palms.
A few more measured breaths and the reflexive nausea began to abate, but Hunter didn't raise his head yet. Working to reassure himself, though it didn't silence the fear nor tame the anxiety, it aided in quieting it and bolstering it with facts of reality rather than the worries of imagination. No matter how real those what-ifs could become, they hadn't happened. And they were taking steps to ensure her well-being and safety persisted, thus they had plans if a worse injury or illness did come to pass for Omega.
Hearing a specific tread of footfalls coke up near him, but pause a pace away then the sound of shifting fabric and soft clack of armour as Tech crouched down near him without reaching out to touch nor overcrowd him.
“Is it a migraine?”
Hunter heard his brother softly whisper the question, pitched low enough that he would be able to hear it yet if he had been experiencing a migraine, it wouldn't have caused him any further pain to hear. The care and gentleness of Tech’s actions was appreciated, even if it wasn't needed, and it warmed something in his chest. For all their upbringing was cold and professional, detached and driven to hardened them for war, his brothers were all capable of so much kindness and tenderness.
Raising his head from his hands whilst he shook his head, Hunter blew out a long breath before he looked up at his littlest brother. Noting how Tech’s eyebrows were pinched behind the rims of his goggles and how a frown was playing at the corner of his lips, he had the other worried.
“You are rather pale.”
Hunter could tell his vod’ika wished to say more, to elaborate on every observation he had noted about Hunter that showed he had deviated from the norm to hopefully spur an explanation from him yet he saw as well as heard Tech clench his jaw closed to silence that desire. Likely surmising it would do little good at present.
“I’m fine.” Hunter added in hopes to reassure the other clone, or in the very least show that he wasn't suffering any sort of sensory overload induced ailment, “Swear it.”
Tech hummed noncommittally, seeming unconvinced by his haleness or unbelieving of his consolation, but willing to proceed under what guise Hunter wished, albeit reluctantly by how stiffly he said, “Then we should return to the Marauder. We have all the supplies we could locate here.”
“Tech.” Hunter sighed an apology within the utterance of the other's name, realising then how dismissive his reassurance had sounded.
“No, it is all right.” Tech said plainly, attempting to be unperturbed, “Perhaps Wrecker or Echo can offer an assist where I cannot?”
“No, no, it's just I,” Hunter shook his head at himself, his eyes closing for a moment, “Seeing all that medical equipment, all of it made for someone Omega’s size, a karking child, and knowing what kind of life we're leading right now… I couldn't…”
A moment of silence passed between them, Hunter dropped his head back down into a hand of his as he struggled to articulate his feelings into words. His emotions felt both frivolous yet weighted and important, yet despite knowing his youngest brother cared for Omega, he wasn't certain he wasn't alone in his anxiety.
“I understand.”
Hunter’s head whipped up from where it had slipped to hang between his drawn-up knees, a heavy weight between his shoulders whilst his arms rested on his knees and his hands hung limply over them, to stare at Tech. A touch surprised yet searching his brother’s face to see if they truly shared the same mentality on this.
“We have not exactly had what most nat-borns would consider a healthy childhood ourselves. We were commissioned for combat, crafted to be soldiers, and our very existence is thanks to an intergalactic war, thus how could we be fit enough to help raise a child ourselves?” Tech’s head tilted to the side a fraction whilst he spoke, seeming to be reciting more than speaking, as if he had heard such arguments before and knew exactly how to counter them, but Hunter knew that was simply how Tech approached more emotionally driven conversations, “However, Omega is healthy and alive in our care at the moment. We rescued her from her isolated existence on Kamino, have ensured she has her autonomy ever since then, and have given her a vast amount of off-world experiences she never would have gained if she were still on Kamino.”
“I know.” Hunter sighed, rubbing his fingers of one hand along his forehead, “I know that and I’m glad for that, but it, sometimes it feels like it's not enough. That no matter what we do, it won't be enough to keep her safe and happy.”
“Your concerns are both valid and shared. Although I usually do not wish to speak for our brothers, I can assure you, you are not alone in your uncertainties nor your anxieties.” Hunter noticed Tech shuffled a bit as he said this, likely he was wishing to break the eye contact he had kept up to ensure Hunter knew the truth of his words and their significance, “And I especially find the uncharted territory of having a younger sibling for the first time rather harrowing, as much as it is rewarding.”
Watching Tech fiddle absentmindedly with the datapad clutched in his left and finally glance down towards it, as if desiring to bring it up and tap on it, but he left it as it was. His gaze flicking back towards Hunter after a moment, seeming nervous over admitting his apprehension so openly on this matter.
“Can you imagine having four younger siblings? I’ll have grey hair by the time I’m thirteen.” Hunter allowed a small smile to upturn at his lips and directed their conversation towards a lighter note without dismissing Tech’s unreserve, “But I wouldn't ever trade knowing you or the others for anything. Grey hairs and peace of mind be damned.”
An upwards quirk came to Tech lips then and a Hunter watched his brother’s gaze drift up a fraction towards his hair, “I think you will find you won't have to wait until thirteen for those grey hairs.”
Eyes widening, Hunter involuntarily raised a hand to his head to lay it over the hair there as his mouth fell open a slight. Aiming a mock glare at the other over the rare joke a moment later when he noted Tech’s smile merely grew at seeing his actions. Jokes at his expense over his attention to his hair weren't new, but they had waned in the last few months and Hunter found, in this very moment, that he missed that teasing banter that used to fill the Havoc Marauder. It had lessened since the fall of the Republic… since Crosshair…
Shaking his head minutely at the direction his thoughts were taking him, his mind seemed to be determined to have him feeling down this day, Hunter was once again faced with Tech’s concern. His drop in mood having been easily spied on by his most observant vod.
“We saw on Saleucami, even living on a remote farm can have its dangers. Nowhere is guaranteed to be one-hundred percent safe, nor is life possible without injury or illness for anyone.” Tech spoke again, likely taking Hunter’s downturn in mood again as his persistent worry over their littlest sibling, “Which is why we do our best in the field to keep her safe, why I have accumulated several holobooks on parenting and fostering, and why we continue to try our very best with what we have. Just as we always have.”
“You've been reading parenting books?” Hunter asked, blinking in surprise, although he nearly smiled in fondness thereafter because of course his intelligent and ever learning little brother would seek out what information there was on a new subject. Especially one as important and pertaining to their lives now.
“With no other avenues available for gaining such information, I began searching the holonet for it and found several lists of recommended reading that have proved very insightful.” Tech answered, “I have a few more pertinent ones downloaded to a spare datachip if you wish to read them?”
Hunter nodded, “Yeah, that'd actually be great, Tech.”
“I shall give it to you when we are back aboard the Marauder then.” Tech returned Hunter’s nod, “And if I should come across any others that prove to be useful, I will compile them for you?”
“Thank you.” Hunter said emphatically.
Tech shook his head, “It is no trouble, but we should return before the others begin to worry. We have been gone longer than we told them to expect.”
A low chuckle came from Hunter then, a smile playing at the edges of his lips, “Last thing we need is a search party led by Wrecker and Echo in a small town.”
“Precisely.” Tech agreed, amusement clear in his voice.
Nodding twice, Hunter shuffled his feet outwards a slight to gain leverage enough to stand up. Pushing off the wall at his back with one hand and reaching the other out to keep his momentum, he felt the ghost of Tech’s hand near his elbow and upper back what he gathered his feet beneath him. But Tech hadn't touched him, only ensuring he stood in tandem with him and was at the ready should he need to steady his ori’vod.
Hunter offered a nod in thanks, appreciative of his brother’s attention even though it was unwarranted. Tech returned the gesture, seeming to stare a moment longer at Hunter as if to assure himself that the other was steady enough to continue.
“I'm good, Tech.” Hunter reassured again, knowing he still looked troubled, but he felt better after having talked with Tech over this, but upon seeing the flat look his brother sent his way, Hunter amended, “I'm… I feel better having talked about it with you. Thank you.”
A ‘tckh’ noise of rebuttal came from Tech then, “You do not have to thank me for listening to you and providing what verbal assurance I could, we are brothers, Hunter, and just because you are our ori’vod and leader doesn't mean you must carry every thing alone.”
“I know.” Was Hunter’s automatic response, but he caught the eye roll Tech gave at his words even as he stepped forwards to knock his white vambrace lightly against Hunter’s black painted one whilst Tech said, “Of course you do. Which is why you have brothers who will be here to remind you of it."
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thyele · 2 years
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sskim-milkk · 2 years
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I posted 404 times in 2022
That's 404 more posts than 2021!
27 posts created (7%)
377 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 78 of my posts in 2022
#star wars - 18 posts
#star wars tbb - 12 posts
#tbb hunter - 8 posts
#tbb tech - 7 posts
#tbb echo - 6 posts
#tbb omega - 6 posts
#tbb wrecker - 5 posts
#the bad batch - 5 posts
#tbb crosshair - 5 posts
#tech my beloved - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 95 characters
#bonus points if he has to lift me up when we hug because he’s so much taller than my potat self
My Top Posts in 2022:
Omega: you know, we aren’t actually bad. We should rename the squad! How ‘bout the Butterfly Batch!?
Hunter: *inwardly cringing* that’s-that’s a good suggestion, Omega… *pats her head*
Echo: *whispering into his ear* Hunter, there’s no way-
Tech: I do not see how the Butterfly Batch adequately represents neither what we do nor our personalities, Omega, except for your’s.
Wrecker: HAH! I like it, kid!! They won’t expect nothing from from us!
Crosshair: *vomits and loses about 3 years of his life*
22 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Hunter is the human embodiment of the lyrics “I know it’s a lot, the hair, the BOD”
24 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Okay so what if when the batch are just hanging out in their ship laying low and they pass by a pair of Omega’s shoes and they’re just so tiny in comparison to their big feet so they’re just like:
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39 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
*The Batch in the middle of a mission, firing at droids*
Echo *standing up and pausing*: Oh shit, I think I left the water running on the Marauder!
Hunter: Echo, get down! You’re going to get shot!
Tech: Are you serious?! If the ship floods do you know how many electrical circuits and appliances the water could break?! *continues rambling as they continue the mission*
102 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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104 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Rebels always coming in clutch
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bananasim · 2 years
Intel 5300 agn driver windows 10
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There are no solutions offered in HP Web assistance or via INTEL or MICROSOFT. My current WIFI Wireless/Bluetooth card is an INTEL WIFI LINK 5100 agn. UPGRADED TO WIN 10 64bit from WIN 7 64bit Источник after win 10 upgrade, intel wifi link 5100 no longer supported Please support our project by allowing our site to show ads.
The ads help us provide this software and web site to you for free. The Open Source Technology Center at Intel hosts PowerTOP and LatencyTOP, and supports other open-source projects such as Wayland, Mesa3D, Threading Building Blocks (TBB), and Xen.Īdvertising seems to be blocked by your browser.
During this period, Intel became the dominant supplier of microprocessors for PCs and was known for aggressive and anti-competitive tactics in defense of its market position, particularly against Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), as well as a struggle with Microsoft for control over the direction of the PC industry. During the 1990s, Intel invested heavily in new microprocessor designs fostering the rapid growth of the computer industry. Although Intel created the world’s first commercial microprocessor chip in 1971, it was not until the success of the personal computer (PC) that this became its primary business. Intel was an early developer of SRAM and DRAM memory chips, which represented the majority of its business until 1981. The fact that «intel» is the term for intelligence information also made the name appropriate. The company’s name was conceived as portmanteau of the words integrated and electronics, with co-founder Noyce having been a key inventor of the integrated circuit (the microchip). Intel Corporation was founded on Jby semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore (of Moore’s law), and is associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove. Intel also manufactures motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory, graphics chips, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and computing. Intel supplies microprocessors for computer system manufacturers such as Apple, Lenovo, HP, and Dell. 46 in the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.
It is the world’s largest and highest-valued semiconductor chip manufacturer on the basis of revenue, and is the developer of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers (PCs). Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation and technology company headquartered in Santa Clara, California, in Silicon Valley. Gordon Moormar Ishraob Swajay Bhatt(Chief Client Platform Architect) Description extracted from Wikipedia: Name
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Wrecker: Please come back to us, Cross! Don't let your hummus get in the way of rejoining your brothers!
Imp!Crosshair: Mf do you mean hubris?
277 notes · View notes
vessels-cape · 3 years
No thoughts just Eleni Syndulla
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