#also for anyone who doesn't have a number assigned to them. if anyone feels really passionate about a certain number that fits them
canarydarity · 1 month
time for more worm baseball au brainrot!! just needed to come over here and shower you with more compliments on chapter 2 <33
Just a quick question, who all is on the Yankees, and are there familiar faces on Grian’s team in Chicago or is it just him and them Scar?
Hiii cloudy 🤠🤠!! Woohooo im glad its being enjoyed !!!
Okay so. I'm going to say way too much in response to this now <3
So this is...currently the Yankees line-up:
Jimmy, number 7, Right fielder
Joel, number 25, Catcher
Skizz, uhh didn't assign him a number, First base
Zedaph, 12, Second base
Bigb, 2, Third base
Scott, 5, Shortstop
Pixlriffs, 14, Left fielder
Fwhip, uhh didn't assign him a number, Pitcher
and in typing this out, I realize I just never assigned anyone center field. so thats absolutely hysterical, NO idea whos manning that position. Baseball teams usually have around 26 players, but only 9 play the field at a time so thats really all I was worried about!
and then, of course, we have Tango working as an analyst for the team, Impulse as the coach, and Bdubs and Etho as announcers!
The first thing I wrote for this fic is in the last chapter, back when this au was a single scene rather than a whole chaptered guy, and its something that needed quite a lot of people. And since it was just a SCENE at the time I sort of just. plucked random life series and empires cast members from my brain that I could SEE playing baseball. which is so funny to me. Cause now its this and the cast is genuinely sort of random, but also makes sense. To Me.
As for the CUBS!
So, that also did not start as a story, that just started as background for Jimmy's plot. Grian was Jimmy's brother and he's a pitcher for a rival team, and I just picked the Cubs completely randomly. I was originally going to have Scar be in This Fic, but then because I couldn't leave things well enough alone...I said....well what if desert duo offshoot...what if there's one story for each brother. And by THAT time...I had already filled out a LOT of the Yankees cast and was like "well, oops."
There are definitely other recognizable names on the desert duo side though! but I will say, that one is as of right now much much much less fleshed out. The Cubs lineup will likely include many other hermits, such as Iskall, Rendog, Keralis, Doc, joehills (I think he'd be a fascinatingly confusing announcer), Beef—etc! Like I said, it's currently not really planned :) but thats the idea for if it ever becomes A Thing.
What is planned is that Grian (number 16) is the pitcher , Scar is the catcher, and then because it was too absolutely ironic to NOT make happen. I did make cubfan135 the coach of the chicago cubs. A decision I both vehemently hate and absolutely adore. When talking about grians plot and going "cub has to be there" my brain went now hold on a second...cubfan....his name can't possibly refer to the baseba—oh look at that. it does. and ta-da I couldn't NOT do the funniest thing ever in this universe.
Mumbo will also absolutely be there because he can't not be. but my brain refuses to picture mumbo jumbo playing baseball so he just. he. i have no idea what he will be doing But He'll Be There. Trust Me.
Anyway Ive rambled quite enough :)) I hope that answers your question !!!
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popponn · 6 months
a seat beside you. [isagi yoichi x reader]
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notes: reader's gender unspecified, however mentioned to wear make up to cover up eyebags.
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Isagi Yoichi doesn't really pay attention to many things that are not soccer. But, it was hard not to notice things about his seatmate. The one who was seated a few centimeters away from him every day—
You, the star student everyone relies on.
He knew that this was a way for his teachers to scold him to pay more attention to the class. Because if not so, then there was no reason to purposely put him—a student who is mediocre at most and forgetting assignments at worst—next to a perfect record of equally perfect scores like you. But, it wasn't as if it was a bad thing.
You helped Yoichi a lot by pointing at his textbook to where the teacher was explaining whenever he blanked out, explaining some parts on breaks when he asked, and even at some point you started to teasingly remind him about the homework through text.
All in all, you were very pleasant to have.
But, it truly was hard to not notice some things about you too as time went on.
Sometimes, your shoulder sagged and you had a faraway look on your face. At other times, your laugh comes out just a bit too stilted than usual. And just recently, the eyebags you hid under a tiddly applied makeup started to show up even more often.
At some point, to him, it became so easy to tell whenever you push yourself too much.
Yoichi was not quite sure he was close enough to ask you about things like this. He is just some classmate who happened to have his seat beside you and your number saved in his phone. He was also definitely not the best at reaching out to people effortlessly without any hint of awkwardness. Yoichi's anxious heart urged him to just stay silent—and it would not be wrong. He was simply not crossing the line of 'classmates' between the two of you.
But, it also felt wrong to do that.
You are a kind person. Yoichi didn't know many things about you, but you are indeed someone who helped him even when you didn't have to. You are also the only one who cared enough to ask him about his practice and how he was doing in class—it felt wrong to just ignore everything and watch you keep up the act in silence for whatever reason you might had.
That was why, during that Friday, Yoichi braved himself to ask you, his tone shushed, even as the class started to grow emptier.
"Hey, listen, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but... are you okay? You look tired recently, so..."
And when he got a tired smile and a nervous laugh from you, let out through sagged shoulders and a long sigh with a hint of relief mixed in it, Yoichi felt so glad he chose to.
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notes: isagi is an observant person, and there are some people who keep up the "mask" more than anyone else. but don't you think when you are in close proximity with someone every day, you can't really help but notice things about them? isagi is very soccer-headed, but he is kind and not an ungrateful person i think. this thing is a bit more mellow than my usual ones since the main feeling here is "ah, someone who keeps up a mask a lot of time contrasts isagi a lot. but if you think about it, isn't someone like isagi a good match for someone like that too in some degree?". also at the time when i wrote this, my feelings were a bit heavy, but in the end, i still enjoy writing even under such a feeling. I hope to come back to this idea again one day. in the tone of 'developing romance' and such, especially with isagi who seems to understand how it was to accommodate other people. i will think more about this premise again someday, it seems fun to explore more. all in all, think of it as another "more of a prologue meet cute" thing.
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pangolin-404 · 5 months
upturned inn dashboard simulator
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁bird--brained
anyone else down for getting together and wrapping ourselves into eggs directly in front of the elevator. for fun
Can you not.
use the stairs if it bothers you smh
actually I think it'd be really fun if we did this on the stairs also!! the different elevations would be a fun challenge to work with ^-^
Please don't, people actually need to go places. Where are you even finding stairs, this place doesn't have inter-floor staircases?
#I hate this website
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁mosspilled
If anyone needs me I'll be in the slop. btw
Aren't you the slug who bit my ankles when I tried to wade through a flooded floor yesterday?
Come into the slop with me. the slime.
Let's get diseases from stillwater together
#I'm good. Thanks.
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁cornerconfessions
We won't post the latest ask because we believe the sender forgot to hit "ask anonymously."
If it makes you feel any better, Mod Teeth also thinks the mannequins are hot.
-Mod Marble
delete this
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁innkeeper-ik
Floors 502-509 have reported catastrophic structural collapses! I advise anyone in that area to exercise caution when going about your day!
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁gotthatdoginme
got a new chew toy today fuck yes
Beep boop! I generate a random floor number for you. Any correct floor numbers are purely accidental.
Hey OP ate my floormate last month. Keep your distance.
[ooc] sorry what
Getting a new chew toy soon!!
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁gotthatdoginme
thanks dude
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My flashlight is officially dead.
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Does anyone know where I can pick up some batteries? The lighting in the inn is spotty and the flashlight I keep with me has been flickering.
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🔦lonetraveler 🔁innkeeper-ik
I'm going to kill Ik. This inn sucks.
Sorry. 5 stars
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sparkles-and-trash · 1 year
Pro Hero Touya AU ~
note: this is an old au, I'm just re-writing it into a drabble in stead of the list format!
pt 1, The UA Years
I imagine things were pretty similar to canon up until around Shouto's birth, around then Endeavor has a big work accident that makes it so he can't be a pro in the same capacity anymore.
It forces him into therapy, and the family as a whole actually works on stuff and slowly starts to heal.
But even after all that, Touya still keeps gets injured from his quirk, but he manages to hide it pretty well from his parents and siblings, because he still wants to go to UA and be a pro so badly.
When he does get in, he loves it so much, it's everything he dreamed it would be, he's making some friends, and his parents and siblings are so proud of him!
But then the first sports festival rolls around, and it awakens that old feeling of needing to prove himself as worthy of everything he has, and it starts to eat at him in that old, familiar way.
He gets to the semi finals when he ends up pushing himself too far and he ends up getting really, really hurt.
This naturally leads to his family and teachers realizing how much pain he's been hiding for so long, and they all try their very best to get trough to him.
But in the end, it takes tiny Shouto, only seven years old, clutching Touya's hand while Touya is still half asleep due to the drugs and injury, telling his big brother how much he loves him, and that he please has to stop hurting himself because they need to keep watching cartoons together, and someone has to tell Shouto stories before he goes to bed, and quite frankly that needs to be Touya because nobody does the voices as good as him, and nobody else in their house makes the cereal as good as him, and Shouto hasn't told anyone this, but he thinks math is hard, and he needs Touya to help him so that he too can get into UA and they can be heroes together.
When Touya starts healing properly, he gets sent to Power Loader to get some special support items to help him out, as gets assigned a mandatory meeting with Recovery Girl every week so she can make sure he's staying healthy and doesn't hurt himself again.
It takes a lot of him to go, but every time he feels the idea of skipping the meeting start to form, he hears Shouto's little voice in his head, and he always, without a fail, attends the meetings.
pt 2, The Early Pro Years
Touya debutes right out of UA, and during his first year as a Pro, he already breaks top 20, which is pretty damn rare. Not unlike his father, much of his success is due to his outstanding numbers, but unlike his father, he is also quite popular with the public. It's definitely in a "he's a little bit of a shit, but in a fun and likable way" - way. However, he's always very nice to civilians and fans etc. Buuuut he loves to fuck around and find out, lol He is the paparazzis biggest nightmare, always doing the most to confuse them. Kids absolutely love him, partly because he's genuinely good with them, and partly because he is a fun and dynamic and looks really cool while fighting. He uses special boots and gloves that helps him control the fire from his body without hurting him to fly around, like rocket shoes and little hand jetpacks lol. When Touya has been around the Pro scene for about a year, this new guy shows up out of nowhere, and it turns Touya's work on its head a little bit. His hero name is Hawks, and nobody seems to know where he came from or who he really is, and Touya is intrigued right away, especially when the guy skyrockets up the charts like nothing he's ever seen before. Touya himself didn't really care about the hero ranks or popularity polls, he just wanted to be a good hero, and he feels plenty appreciated by the public as it is, but it does intrigue him to see someone come out of nowhere and take off like that. He decides to try to get to know the guy a little, as they seem to have a similar personalities. Touya is very surprised however, when he runs into the winged man at a hero gala and realizes he's actually quite awkward and shy, proving that he's not as trained in personal relationships as he is in public relations. While Touya started out hanging around the other young hero out of curiosity, he quickly finds himself more interested in Keigo, the person, than Hawks the hero. The way he can go from confidently saving hundreds of civilians with a charming smile and give interviews to the whole country like it's nothing, to turn into an awkwardly funny, blushing mess of a 19 year old guy in a matter of minutes truly makes Touya's heart turn into mush.
masterlist - wip list - ao3 - ko-fi - wishlist
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jezunya · 5 days
"Ssshut up," Crowley hisses, not bothering to unslump himself from the tabletop. "You're in love with a human, you don't get an opinion."
"Better a human than a loyalist," Sherlock sniffs, and that gets Crowley to jerk his head up.
"Oi! He's not— I mean, he wasn't—"
"He was, then he wasn't, then he was again," Sherlock singsongs, before turning serious. "Once a good little loyal subject of Heaven, always one. Face it, the very fact that he hasn't Fallen means that he will always go back to them."
Crowley cradles his head in his hands, feeling far too drunk for this, or perhaps not nearly drunk enough. "That's not… He wasn't…"
A little tidbit of a scene from a much, much larger AU that I'm honestly not sure will ever get written in earnest, but that has been a project @sheliesshattered and I have circled back to many times over the years
This is post s2 of Good Omens and… somewhere in the BBC Sherlock timeline, probably post s2 but s3 & s4 don't really work with this au. Set in the universe of Tim Powers' novel Declare, though I'm hoping to write this such that you don't have to have read the book (but it certainly helps). Sherlock (and Mycroft, and others) are another form of Fallen Angel who have remained earthbound rather than ever joining Hell, and Sherlock & Crowley are ofc frenemy drinking buddies
More under the cut
For anyone who has read it: After the end of Declare, Andrew & Elena retired somewhere in the UK together, taking on the very common name of Watson. They settled down and had a couple of kids. Twins, in fact. Almost like one person split in two, you might say. Which they try not to be too freaked out about, but also they're really tempting fate when they name the kids Harriet and John, after Harry St John Philby. John (and Harry, to some extent) grows up to follow in his parents' footsteps, including certain secret missions in the mountains of Afghanistan. When he's invalided home, he assumes Declare has no more use for him, until he is contacted once more to be a 'special assistant' on one of their higher-level projects here at home in London, at which point he is assigned to shadow Sherlock & assist him in any way he might need. John doesn't know exactly what Sherlock is, at first, but he's weirdly reminded of some of his parents' stories of 'Our Stepmother' in the USSR, and he's about to learn that Operation Declare is a lot deeper, older, and closer to home than he ever imagined.
That's the starting point of Part 1 of this AU.
For those who haven't read Declare: Sherlock (and Mycroft, and others) are a different sort of Fallen Angel, who never joined Hell after falling from Heaven, but rather made a home wherever they could on Earth, becoming known as nature spirits, fae, djinn, etc. (Djinn is the most commonly used term in the universe of Declare, so that's the terminology John uses, and they are explicitly stated to be fallen angels.) They've been neutral in the Heaven vs Hell war, tho Heaven definitely views them as enemies and Hell views them as… frenemies? Enemy of my enemy? Not worth bothering with? They are largely free agents, with some different powers & limitations compared to angels and demons, since they don't have the power concentration/strength in numbers of either Heaven or Hell behind them, and their own schisms and internal power struggles, separate from anything to do with Heaven and Hell.
Part 2 of the au would be after Crowley and Aziraphale fend off the apocalypse in GO s1 and become free agents themselves. Suddenly, Sherlock has a couple of rogue agents, formerly of Heaven and Hell, in his city, where before they were Officially Posted There, so he (mostly) would avoid them, though he and Crowley have definitely crossed paths before. Those two are very much frenemies, especially since the Notpocalypse. (John, for his part, has largely come to terms with the whole djinn thing. He is not happy to learn about angels and demons in the truer sense, though.)
And this scene here? IDK, Part 3, I guess, but maybe just a little aside for Crowley angst after GO s2, maybe not a whole fic, until/unless there's some interesting fodder for this au in GO s3, thwarting the second coming with Sherlock & John in tow maybe… (and Crowley and Aziraphale having to figure out their relationship while the other supernatural entity/ies around them already have their shit together)
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amethystblack · 4 months
genuine question: why did you say that ages can be up for interpretation if you were gonna keep dialogue in the game that refutes that?
it just makes a really uncomfortable fanbase where theres people who either arent aware of it and ship things thinking its ok, or those that are and just continue shipping weird things simply cus youve said itd be ok. if you were gonna say ages were up for interpretation, you couldve at least tried to pretend that characters that are minors arent.
idk. it just kinda makes me hate the reborn fanbase. and you, for allowing that to be the case. i dont really care that much anymore, cus ive lost interest in reborn. but my point still stands. kinda weird of you
in the first place, i think we originally said that they are up to interpretation within the bounds of what makes sense within the text. i think it's pretty hard to, in good faith, interpret a number of young characters as being an appropriate age to ship even within some leniency.
but you're saying these people 'arent aware of' when the characters 'are minors' like that is still some objective predefined line, which we have objectively said we are not subscribing to. their ages are also generally arbitrary in the first place.
let us also please remember the entire reason that relationships with minors are a problem is because of the imbalance of power leading to deeply controlling and abusive dynamics. let us please also recall that these are fictional characters who are not real and cannot participate in such dynamics of abuse without the guiding hand of the person shipping them. someone who takes deep pleasure in that is probably concerning regardless of what age the characters are.
...but what you're saying here is that you have some notion of what ages the characters are, and you find it weird that i am not participating in the vigilantism of your self-proclaimed objective view of. it does not escape anyone that under the current tinderbrush social climate, this dismissal as "kinda weird" is an implication that i am complicit in some kind of problematic behavior... when, let us remember, the entire reason that we opted out of the ages was because people were immediately being extremely weird in all directions about that very vigilantism.
i am not interested in participating in whatever kind of "weird" shade you're throwing here, and i don't think anyone should be. when real people are involved in the community, we will do our best to make sure everyone is as safe as within our power to influence. as a moderation team we also still generally do discourage people from being "weird" about characters, whether they are underage or not.
if you're uncomfortable with this because it doesn't match up with your preferred lines in the sand and social grandstanding, then it is probably best for you to move on anyway.
cass here. had a part in this decision. tbh i barely know what you're saying, other than that you're mad.
people being weird about fictional characters is, well, always weird. but your concern is really about the fact that we are not drawing an exact line about who's a minor and who isn't. ame originally didn't want to include ages at all because of this sentiment. my counter was that there is at least an age range that the characters feel like they belong in. people are going to want ages, and we need to give them something or people are going to be weird about it. but if we assign them a number as their age, we are making that number up. surely you've met people who do not feel their age. so instead we give a range.
there are safe age approximations that i can make. for example: shelly's in middle school. she's probably 10-12 or so. but she doesn't have a literal actual age because she's fictional. we just have to pick a number that fits. whether it's 10, 11, or 12 doesn't really matter. she's in middle school. end of story. being weird about shelly is not controversial. don't do it. cain is probably in the 17-19 range. that's a safe approximation, yeah? any number in that range would be acceptable from an author standpoint. but now people are going to get real mad about which number he is. "is cain a minor????? is [x] okay now??????????" and listen. this is still easy. the answer is no. don't be fucking weird. it doesn't matter what number we set him as. shit isn't suddenly more or less acceptable because you interpret him as one number or the other. the reality of the situation is that other people think that some behaviors are suddenly acceptable once you pass the magic 18 line, and they aren't. if you think we're okay with more weird shit because of how we set this up, you're wrong, and the vigilantism has gone to your head.
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mari-lair · 11 months
I always wondered who the scientist responsible for Aoi in the Nursery Monster AU was, as this was never mentioned in the event posts. I even considered that it was Akane and that she would be called Aoi in this universe because he is terrible at giving names (or simply didn't even bother to give her an original name because he doesn't like monsters) and just gave her his last name, but I am not sure. What would your opinion be on this? (I know it's kind of a silly question because Aoi wasn't even featured during the event, but it's a genuine curiosity. I hope you have an opinion on this!).
Your ask got me curious too so I went to dig as much info as I could on her! Which... isn’t much. Aoi has so little spotlight in the monster nursery au that I genuinely do not know if she is named ‘Aoi’ in it.
They don’t call Aoi by name in the wiki, even her assigned name is ‘staff-in-training’ instead of an actual name.
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And the monster eggs are identified by a single letter or a number:
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So for all we know, Aoi could be called ‘A’ in this AU.
The researchers are also called by a letter though, like Kou being Researcher K and Sakura being Researcher S, so it could just be an aesthetic...
I’ll assume that’s how they are professionally called since I don’t have much to work with on this AU world building, and I need at least crumbs to speculate and overthink stuffs: So either they keep things very impersonal in this nursery, or this manager character (the au self-insert) is not fully trusted and information is being kept from them.
It get the feeling the researchers raise the monsters but do not name them, since the name was drawn in the eggs before people decided which researcher would take care of which egg, so I doubt who named Aoi was the one that raised her.
Most workers seem relatively attached to monsters so I am torn between Sakura (who introduce us to the eggs and always refers to them in a professional manner) or Akane (who was the one that sent the 'manager’ to check the nursery, but is still just named ‘supervisor’, so he is impersonal with anyone in the job) as the ones behind naming the eggs.
As for who raised her, it is just as hard if not harder to try to figure out since we really have no info on them, but I feel like is either Akane or Sakura again
Akane raising her would make sense if we assume that to work on the nursery the MS Countermeasure Department must deem them safe for work (Osha approved vibe) and that would be hard to accomplish considering Akane is skeptical if the nursery should exist in the first place and even when the “keep the nursery open” option won the AU poll, he still isn't very convinced.
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He also immediately assumes the manager is ‘swayed by emotions’ so he must have some experience with being attached to the point of blinding his rational mind, which brings me to how Teru and Aoi are the only monsters we 'meet’ that are not kids/ seem to work in the nursery, so if Akane got attached to Aoi while raising her, it would explain why she got the job.
This option does make me sad though... Cause this is an au where every monster is loud and somewhat feral, very beast-like, but Aoi, who is described as ‘very bright’ is not sociable or confident, or if she is and just doesn't like the manager character, she is still not wild. If she was raised by Akane, who isn’t good at hiding that he thinks monsters are ‘dangerous’, yet she still chose to work in the nursery, she must genuinely be fond of her caretaker, and feel like she is better as quiet and ‘nondangerous’. If we assume she has the same canon problem of not wanting to be hated and Akane being oblivious to it unless she explicitly tells him, it would make her quiet attitude even more depressing... But I'm getting off topic tfyifgtydf
And I chose Sakura as the other option cause Sakura comments you shouldn’t step on Aoi’s tail when we pass by Aoi, so she seem to have some experience with Aoi, plus, the two are seem together here.
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And Sakura is very quiet and calm, so if she raised Aoi and Aoi got attached to her, it would make sense for Aoi to try to copy her behavior and want to work with her!
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(Also very much not to do with me digging through everyone's past fics for the last week /s)
I think the Benedict humans should have more unconventional/interesting communication methods!! Specifically, I was thinking of ASL, because I really love learning it, but then it occurred to me that it would be fun if each duo/trio/group in the family had their own preferred way to talk.
I imagine that all of the kids use morse code (They teach Martina and SQ), while the adults favour sign. Within that, of course Miss Perumal and Reynie speak Tamil, and I feel like Mr. Benedict and Sticky would use Greek or Latin with each other.
Milligan and Kate have some complex system that consists mostly of their farm-code terms and meaningful glances (Moocho can participate in most of it, but his meaningful glances aren't compatible with both of them at the same time, so it takes longer).
I think Sticky and Reynie would be the type of silly people to sit down and teach themselves, like, Quenya (A Tolkien elvish conlang) or something just for kicks. Kate tried to learn with them, but she wasn't having near as much fun so it's something just the two of them do. Mr. Benedict knows Sindarin (Other Tolkien elf conlang), but it doesn't help him much.
Constance and Mr. Benedict have perfected a form of communication that is exclusively reciting snippets of poetry to each other. It's actually kind of impressive. They make it a game, and when one of them uses a poet the other doesn't know, they break off to ask about it. This was initially supposed to be part of Constance's schooling and broaden her artistic horizons, but she's stubborn and kept coming back to it so as not to admit defeat (And it fully delights Mr. Benedict anyway, so he lets it continue until it's just another thing they do)
I'm going to (sort of) pull this from the books and say that the twins speak to each other in Dutch. Rhonda, Number Two, Milligan, and Sticky all know a little or have picked it up over the years just from being around Nicholas, but when he and Nathaniel are in a room together they go too fast for anyone else to follow properly.
For some reason, I feel like Rhonda and Number Two (Besides the obvious Sister Speak that they're beginning to let Constance into) would enjoy speaking German or French? I'm not super sure where that idea came from, but there you go. (Their sister ability to communicate is a lot of sideways glances and exaggerated facial expressions, but it is occasionally supplemented with hand signals)
SQ leaves little written notes everywhere. Sometimes he puts them in spots that he knows only one person will get into (The cabinet with Number Two's mixing bowls, Mr. B's pen drawer, Sticky's encyclopedia shelf), but he also likes to sneak them into jacket pockets and things. His favourite is to try and slip them into Kate's bucket. He likes to use a special color code for each person when he can, so that way if someone gets into the mixing bowls and sees a little yellow slip of paper, they'll know who it is intended for.
Reynie's been asking Milligan to teach him some "spy codes", so they will often communicate short messages with an Alpha-Bravo-Charlie and number strategy, mostly assigning each member of the family a short "callsign" of sorts and then using it to check where someone is with each other.
Constance and Sticky, surprisingly, have worked out a fairly good system with their cheating morse code. They got a lot better at it, and now can do it so subtly and quickly that it's hard for anyone else to catch.
Martina and Kate make up absurdly long nicknames and terms for activities/locations and turn them into acronyms. They are fantastically over-complicated and no one has even tried to puzzle out what they're talking about.
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enden-k · 1 year
voice lines/info on the fatui harbingers
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i got scara to friendship 4 and decided to put his and childes voice lines about the harbingers + the tsaritsa together!
The Tsaritsa
Childe: "Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself. Likewise, she declared war against the whole world only because she dreams of peace. And because she made an enemy of the world, I had the chance to become acquainted with you."
Scara: "Everyone praises her for her kindness and benevolence, but they forgot that love is also a form of sin. What if she's just trying to compensate for something?"
The 1st Harbinger: The Jester (Pierro)
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Childe: "He was the first ever Fatui Harbinger, and today he is our leader. He only appears on important occasions. As for his accomplishments... To be honest, I don't really care. I owe my loyalty and devotion to the Tsaritsa, no one else."
Scara: "The Jester is a survivor of Khaenri'ah. Besides that singular fact, I know very little about him, and have never had any kind of close association with him. He seems to want something from me, though. In the past, he assigned me to many important tasks, including a number of trips to the Abyss."
The 2nd Harbinger: The Doctor (Il Dottore)
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Childe: "I heard that he took segments of himself at different ages, made prostheses out of them, and assigned different tasks to each one. I know... all my comrades are a little weird. Well, come to think of it, if I met another version of myself... Hah, we'd have to fight then and there to decide which one of us gets to survive."
Scara: "It's a pity that Lesser Lord Kusanali already forced him to erase so many of his segments. The joy I would have derived from slicing them apart one by one..."
The 3rd Harbinger: Damselette (Columbina)
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Childe: "The Fatui Harbingers are ranked by strength, and I have no idea why that girl is No. 3. I'd test my skills with every Harbinger who ranks above me if I had the chance, but when it comes to her... something just doesn't feel right. Anyway, you should be careful around her."
Scara: "Let me ask: what should you do if you were to encounter a "damsel" who is oblivious and innocent at any given time, and unconcerned and unfeeling in any given situation? If it were me, I could at least challenge her to a fight. But if it were you... with your conscience, I would stay away from her."
The Captain (Il Capitano)
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Childe: "I've seen him in battle before, and oh what a sight it was. Perhaps I'm ranked too low for him to notice me right now. Well, he may not recognize my strengths yet, but one day, I'll show him what I'm made of."
Scara: ""The ever-righteous Captain," "the brave and fearless Captain," "the nigh-invincible Captain"... Even my mechanical ears demand maintenance after listening to so many compliments from the members of the Fatui. Don't you think that possessing absolute righteousness is actually a latent danger? And that's without taking his great personal strength into account."
The 5th Harbinger: The Rooster (Pulcinella)
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Childe: "I don't know what his motivations could be, but he seems genuine about wanting to help me. He treats me just like family. Oh, and speaking of family — Tonia and Teucer are always telling me about the pastries and other gifts he brings them when they write. So while I've been away from Snezhnaya, he's kept his promise to take care of my family."
Scara: "Only someone as dense as Childe would think The Rooster is looking after him and his family out of the goodness of his heart. Although the mayor has indeed done a number of things for their benefit, anyone with a brain would be able to tell that the underlying meaning is "your entire family is in my hands.""
The (former) 6th Harbinger: Balladeer (Scaramouche)
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Childe: "After he took the Gnosis, we lost all contact with him. Now comes the task of trying to hunt it down and get it back... I actually don't mind it — it means I get to travel all over. Wonder if I'll run into you somewhere along the way?" (this line disappears once you finish the Archon Quest Interlude Act III Inversion of Genesis)
The 7th Harbinger: Marionette (Sandrone)
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Childe: "She always seems engrossed in her research. Hmm... I wonder if those machines have anything to do with her? Anyway, I've only met her a few times, but every time she looked like she wanted to murder me. I have no idea what I possibly could have done to annoy her, though."
Scara: "She has a terrible personality and cares for nothing outside of her own research. But even with that amount of dedication, she still produced a copious amount of garbage, and could only secure a ranking that's still one whole place beneath my own. How pitiful."
The (former) 8th Harbinger: The Fair Lady (La Signora)
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Childe: "I never got along with her, you know that. I guess there's not much more worth saying about her at this point. When you're a Harbinger, you have to accept that death could come at any time... But don't worry about me. No matter what happens, I'll do whatever it takes to keep myself alive."
Scara: "Nothing remained in her ashes. I have no interest in those who have lost their future."
The 9th Harbinger: Regrator (Pantalone)
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Childe: "Oh, now that guy has a head full of grandiose plans fueled by raw ambition. I don't understand a word he says once he starts talking about his theories... Eh, but as long as he keeps our cash reserves stocked up, I'm not complaining."
Scara: "Oh, the ninth-ranked guy. He's obsessed with the idea of "fair exchange", to the point of wanting to overthrow the natural imbalance between gods and humans. But, I guess it's just how ordinary mortals are like — it's easy for them to come up with pointless delusions. Honestly, it's nothing worth writing home about, just like how there's also nothing impressive about his abilities or choice of partner. Hmph. Anyone who chooses to work closely with The Doctor is sure to meet a nasty end."
The Knave (Arlecchino)
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Childe: "Look, I've got nothing against people who have their own agendas — I myself joined the Fatui to get more experience in combat. But I don't like her at all. If she stood to benefit from betraying others, she'd turn against the Tsaritsa in a heartbeat. There isn't a sane bone in her body."
Scara: "A wolf in a sheep's clothing. To exert a higher level of control over people, she puts on a graceful and cordial front. Most of those who have seen her true, crazy self... have gone poof."
The 11th Harbinger: Childe (Tartaglia)
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Scara: "He's simple of mind and not that strong of body. Naming him to the lowest-ranked seat lowered the Harbinger's collective prestige. Thankfully, I'm no longer part of that group."
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iwonderwh0 · 10 months
Fic ideas that I'll never write #6 (? I clearly have no idea, not sure why I keep trying to keep a count)
Below are just some incoherent thoughts with no specific whatsoever born from my love for the concept of a single mind occupying multiple bodies. I don't know why I post something so vague, but huh, my blog – entry to my brain fog, I just need it out of my system ↓
Not DPD, but possibly some organisation on the shady side of the law. Hank as an undercover agent for some fucking blockbaster-level operation with assigned android partner(s).
"Let me introduce to you, CyberLife's latest prototype and your partner – Connor"
Hank looks at the small crowd of identical looking men in strict clothing.
"Which one of 'em?"
"All of them. But for this operation he's just one human."
"Hi, I'm happy to be working with you!" one of the clones goes ahead and extends a hand for a handshake. Hank looks at him, then at all the other clones, about seven of them in total, which are looking back at him and simultaneously on all of their faces smile melts into some miffed disappointment as the one in front of Hank puts his hand down, realising that there'll be no handshake.
"Is this a joke or something?" Hank asks.
"This is a high risk operation that requires one person to be literally at several places at once, and we also expect to loose a few of them. All their knowledge is shared among each one of them at all times, so they don't need additional devices to communicate, which is perfect for us."
"Why am I here?"
"You're our cover, ensuring that he'll pass as human. He would look suspicious on his own even with human credentials, so he will be seen with you, and if anyone asks, you'll be ready to dispel any suspicion."
A folder of files is moved acrossed the table to Hank.
"Here's his cover-up human identity. Make yourself familiar"
Hank flips through the pages.
"This will all become useless the moment he bleeds blue."
One of the clones goes ahead and rolls up one of his sleeves, takes a knive handed to him by one of the others, and then draws its blade across his bare skin. Red blood starts to flow from a cut.
"What the fuck!"
Hank stands up and steps back.
"Looks convincing, isn't it?" asks the clone with cut hand.
"But they're all androids, right?"
"All except one," says one of the clones.
Hank looks from one face to another, trying to spot any difference, but they all look completely identical
Clones smile proudly.
"You believed me, didn't you?"
"Point proven," another clone puts a hand on Hank's shoulder.
"Don't fucking touch me," Hank shakes the hand off his shoulder.
"Sorry," says another clone, not the one who touched Hank.
During the first days of operation Hank is getting accustomed to the thought that all of those androids are ultimately the same one that somehow is spreaded evenly across several bodies, making it possible for one to continue the conversation where the other one left it.
The hotel the "two" of them are checked in provided them two-room number, but it still feels really crowded even though there are rarely more than three Connors at once.
At first it was weird and annoying when different clone answered Hank's question adressed to another. It was hard to adjust to the thought that they're all the same exact entity.
"What happens when one of you will get destroyed?"
"As long as we're sharing the same network it doesn't matter until there's at least one of us left. No information will get lost. As you can see, I'm fault-tolerant"
Connor is trying to act friendly and involve Hank in dialogue, but the man seems cold and rather annoyed by this company, so he switches his friendly attitude to more confrontational one, trying to argue with Hank instead, and ironically enough it works, and Hank turns far more talkative when he is trying to prove something. Being annoying becomes more preferable way to interact with the human than to be polite and friendly. Sometimes it backfires but overall it provokes more reaction and becomes kind of a game in itself.
"Oh no."
Two models got destroyed and appeared to be completely calm about going somewhere they knew they'll not return from. Everything is going according to the plan until there's another situation that will result in a loss of yet another one of the Connors. But this time something is different.
"What, remembered something?" Hank stops and turns around.
"I'm offline. I'm not a part of the network."
"So what?"
Connor grabs Hank by hand and looks genuinely terrifyed.
"I don't want to die."
Hank looks at him, trying to understand if it's supposed to be happening. Other times the android didn't seem to bother, not even a little, but this...
Time was running out. At this point there was no important information to loose with this specific Connor model, and saving him would partly compromise the mission. He must be aware of this, usually he was insufferably precise about following the plan to the point of being a headache, so him suddenly saying anything like that was... unusual.
Hank knows, that according to the plan he would better ensure that android goes where he was supposed to go, whether he wants it or not, but fuck.
"Okay, let's go. Quick."
They escape using the path that was supposed to be for Hank only and the whole time this Connor is terrified. He keeps thanking Hank then acts anxious about jeopardizing the mission, all while clinging to Hank's hand as if his life depends on it. Hank doesn't have it in him to ask to let his hand go. When they are far enough to be safe Hank is trying to calm the android down but he keeps panicking about being outside the network and that it could only mean one of two things – whether his connection somehow got broken or all the other Connors are destroyed and he's the last one. This version, however gets resolved fairly quickly as Hank reaches the place where, according to the plan, he must've been met by another model. And he is. Another Connor looks at him, then at Connor that came along with him, and now he looks just as terrified.
He goes ahead and the two androids touch hands, skin retracting as they interface. The one that was waiting for Hank looks at him closely
"You shouldn't have done it," he doesn't brake the eye contact as he follows it with "Thank you."
From now on their previously tense relationships get a lot warmer. They have to do some explanation to their superior, but they cone up with some convincing enough story, hiding what actually happened. There'd be no sympathy for an android compromising the missing out of fear of its own death – something that shouldn't even be a concern. They both know it.
"You're all back online, right?" Hank asks at some point.
Connor doesn't act as smug as he used to before and instead of being annoying little shit who's quite inconsiderate to Hank's human needs he gets instead really attentive. Doesn't try to exhaust Hank with dialogue either, finally getting accustomed to the sound of silence.
"I am, yes" one of the Connor's says
"But I am still not sure what happened," another follows.
"Has it happened before?"
"No. At least...not that I can remember."
"What, I thought you are incapable of forgetting anything."
"Currently I have five different versions of the same timeline, of course I have to sacrifice some memories if they serve no purpose – it would be wasteful to save everything"
"How do you know what's important or not?"
"Usually I can tell."
"What if you're wrong?"
"Then I guess I'm wrong. I'd better be right more often than not or else..."
"I'll be deactivated"
"For forgetting something important?"
"Not exclusively, I meant more general mistakes, like deviating from original plan or not being able to follow through all the way due to some obstacles. I should be able to improvise if necessary, and if I can't be effective at least in 96% cases then I should be removed from the mission."
"That's...a really specific number. But, hey, even following the plan sometimes things just don't work up, right? Not necessarily because someone fucked it up, I mean, shit just happens."
"It only reveals imperfections in original plan, which is a mistake, still."
"Well, it's only human to make mistakes."
The two clones smile at him sadly
"Yeah, you're right – it's only human."
I don't have any idea of what is it about or how should it continue and end, so I'll just leave it here as any other #Fic ideas that I'll never write
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hoyatype · 11 days
hello! I’m not trying to argue or anything, I genuinely want to understand your point of view: do you think not voting for Biden would make things better? I am not American, but USA politics determine how the entire world works, so I’ve been following, plus we have a similar situation in my country, so I relate to the frustration. I agree with you Biden hasn’t been a good president, but how could reelecting Trump make things better? sadly, I think neither of them would do anything to stop the genocide. do you think there’s another way? what are your thoughts on this?
i meant to reply to this ages ago, even wrote out some paragraphs on my phone, and then the tumblr app crashed and i never got around to it! please know that ignoring it wasn't intentional, i was just throwing a fit about technological unreliability and how it often eviscerates my enthusiasm for POLITICAL DISCOURSE with a glitch
this ask was in response to a post i made 2 months ago where i said
the us really is a genocidal gerontocracy…and yet the democrats are blowing up my phone nonstop begging me to vote for biden…
and so to address your ask very specifically, here's what i'd say
being totally exhausted and disillusioned by how the democratic party is marketing joe biden to me is not the same as not voting for biden
if i were in a district where my vote might have a meaningful impact on who became president, i would absolutely vote for biden (feeling extremely unhappy the entire time)
however, due to how american politics works, that is not the case. my vote for president is completely irrelevant and of purely symbolic value. and thus i will not be voting for biden
you may or may not be familiar with the american electoral college system—i will briefly explain if not—basically the president is not decided by popular vote, but by an indirect system that originates from an elitist, slave plantation owner era that works like this:
every state gets some number of individuals known as electors, who each have 1 electoral vote. how many electors? it is semi-arbitrary and not directly correlated with current population numbers, which means some states have MANY more electors than voters, proportionally speaking, and some have fewer.
during an election, the popular vote for each state is added up. then whoever wins the popular vote for each state gets ALL the electors for the state (with 2 exceptions, maine and nebraska, who assign electors proportionally. note that those 2 states, per the 2020 american census, represent just under 1% of the american population).
someone becomes president if they get a majority of the ELECTORAL votes, not the popular votes. also, in theory the electors can change their vote; in practice i don't believe anyone has done so, the convention is that you follow the popular vote. but you can see how this system, with its 2 layers of indirection btwn the popular vote and the actual electoral vote that determines who becomes president, gives people very limited say—in some cases basically no say—in who becomes president. and by "people" i mean american citizens who have not been stripped of the right to vote. in many jurisdictions, felons are not capable of voting—this is a good paper ('to be young, black, and powerless: disenfranchisement in the new jim crow era') that discusses how this disproportionately strips black americans from voting due to racially biased policing, sentencing, etc etc etc)…
but basically, this system means that i, as someone who lives in an extremely democratic state, don't really "need" to vote for biden. whether he wins my state by 51% or 70% or 90% doesn't really matter.
there seems to be this idea that it's the overly ideologically rigid leftists who will be the cause of biden's downfall. this narrative is repeatedly issued forth from liberal writers and thinkers. it's a narrative that i—as someone who could vote for obama, and did so, and saw how disappointing he was in many ways…as someone who was then harangued about voting for hillary clinton over bernie sanders bc of the spectre of misogynist "bernie bros" (as if the most important political issue of my existence is the gender of my country's political leader and not the policies of said political leader)…as someone who saw her favourite candidate for office, maybe the only political candidate in america i have a real admiration for (i am speaking obviously of sanders) get TOTALLY shut out by the democratic machine, while being pressured repeatedly to vote for biden, a boring and banal and institutionally sanctioned and completely toothless presidential candidate…
—it's just a narrative i am exhausted by. this is the 3rd election i have been told that not voting against trump means voting for DEATH TO WOMEN, DEATH TO MINORITIES, THE DECLINE OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION. and it has become clear to me that the democratic party will keep this grift going as long as possible in order to pull as many genuinely ideologically principled voters as possible into alignment, and shame them for expecting better out of their politicians than status quo american exceptionalism and warmongering.
there's a labor journalist (by which i mean: american journalist writing about labor issues from a leftist perspective, not a journalist writing about uk labour party politics) i quite like, hamilton nolan, who just put up a really good piece on his substack about this: "the left is not joe biden's problem. joe biden is"
Biden’s policies are better than Trump’s and if Biden loses and Trump wins politics would get worse. Do progressive activists, who are as a group deeply engaged in the issues, need thousands of words to understand this? To put a finer point on it: Who is this for?…where exactly is this enormous group of left wing activists who are unable to understand that Trump is worse than Biden? For one thing, I am on the left and I know a lot of people on the left who go out in the streets and protest Israel, and in November, most of those people who are politically engaged will vote for Biden, because he is not as bad as Trump. Some portion of them will refuse to vote for Biden out of sheer disgust at the direct role he has played in the murder of thousands of civilians…[and] any electoral damage is 100% the fault of the Biden administration itself. Look in the mirror. …What Biden needs to worry about is not highly engaged activists making some considered calculation not to vote for him, but instead millions of regular ass people who will not vote for him because they don’t feel excited about him…Obama excited people. So they turned out to vote. In 2020, people hated Trump so much that they were excited to turn out to vote. Now, Biden is the incumbent and he owns what the government is doing and he has achieved the nifty trick of actively supporting a crime against humanity and isolating himself on the world stage and thereby causing deep moral revulsion within the left wing of his party at the exact same time that he needs them to rally to support him during election season. This is not a problem of miscalculation of leverage; it is a problem of doing something horrible and turning off his political allies right when he is supposed to be pulling them into his coalition.
i find biden's politics absolutely repellant and i also find the 10 texts/day from the democratic party urging me to vote for the man anyway, otherwise democracy lies in ruins, to be profoundly annoying. the truth is that the democratic party made 2 enormous tactical errors…first with with clinton's candidacy and how the party treated sanders (who had the rare and remarkable ability to energise millions of young voters into greater political engagement and interest—something the democratic party absolutely needs in the future but seems to have no interest in cultivating seriously as a skill, if cultivating the skill requires sacrificing the party's existing operating strategy)…
…and second with biden, who—as the quoted passage above argues (and i agree with) is hampered by being fundamentally unexciting to the avg voter, who is not the impassioned young leftist on a college campus advocating for palestinians and gazans. i do think that young leftist will vote for biden if it "matters". but also, that young leftist is learning an important lesson atm about how power works in this country, which is that the energy that the 2-party system puts into electoral politics is a shell game and in many ways often a distraction from the real work of pushing politics in the direction you want it to go. if the goal is to stop american involvement in genocide, doing anything to really help biden, beyond placing a swing state vote (where your state might reasonably go either way in the election), is a waste of energy.
and i basically think it is useful for the democratic party establishment to be scared. to not feel like they can depend on the votes of the young and of racial minorities as if they don't need to do anything to deserve those votes.
Movements exist before and after and beyond elections.…In the case of almost every familiar movement— civil rights, labor rights, gender equality, gay rights, anti-war movements, and on and on—the left was on the morally correct but politically unpopular side. How did they win anything, then? By forming national and international social and political movements made up of thousands and millions of people engaged in protest and direct action and education and community building and labor organizing and other actions outside of electoral politics that, over time, change society of itself and thereby cause politicians to follow that change. To focus only on the politicians and the elections is to miss the underlying fact that those officials ultimately do not cause change themselves—they are the end products of change… The useful thing about this vision is that it allows you, a person who cares about things, to focus on just working to accomplish the things you care about, rather than trying to game everything out secondhand through the blurry and unreliable lens of elections…What all of those outraged activists on the left who inspire so much political nail-biting are engaged in is the act of trying to get Biden to change his actions in order to save human lives.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
sorry for more julia serano talk but this quote just really shows how so much of her theory is based solely off of her experiences as a white trans woman:
"While trans men experience cissexism, their desire to be male/masculine is typically not mocked or derided in the same way—to do so would bring maleness/masculinity itself into question."
She assumes that any critique of minority masculinity would be a critique of privileged masculinity itself: this is clearly untrue to anyone who had an understanding of racism towards men of color, who's masculinity is constantly derided and viewed as lesser, just as trans men's is. Not only will pretty much any transmasc tell you that transmasculinity is constantly mocked and derided, but any marginalized man will tell you that his masculinity is viewed as lesser and made fun of. It doesn't "bring maleness/masculinity into question" because masculinity is only privileged when it's attached to a very specific form of man.
And then there's her exorsexism:
"A recognition of trans-misogyny/trans-masculinism—both within queer and feminist settings, and in society at large—has led many trans women and trans male/masculine allies to critique the growing numbers of trans men who, despite their physical transitions and the fact that they now live as men, still feel entitled to inhabit lesbian and women’s spaces. Such individuals will often justify their continued presence in such spaces by citing their female history, or claiming that they don’t feel “100 percent like a man” (even though they move through the world and are treated as men). Such claims reinforce the popular misconception that transsexual gender identities should not be taken seriously, and thus has had a direct negative impact on trans women’s inclusion in these same spaces. In a sense, these trans men seem to want to have it both ways: being men in the male-centered mainstream and then being “not-men” in queer/feminist/women’s spaces."
I don't think I should have to explain to a trans woman why "this person says they aren't fully a man, but they exist in cis society as one, so they shouldn't be let into our spaces!" is bad for closeted trans women. It's also exorsexist, as she specifically makes it seem like trans men are just doing this an excuse (again, she's assigning an underhanded malevolence to trans men's experiences) so these people's complex gender identities don't exist. Or if they do, they are canceled out by the fact that they pass as men. Additionally, I'm not sure she ever mentions transfems who stay in the gay community. I don't know if there weren't as many when she wrote this, but it feels like she is assuming trans men are unique in feeling connected to their old communities from pre-transition because she is a binary, monogender, gender conforming woman with no desire to be in the gay community. She portrays trans men feeling connected to past (or current) lesbianism as something uniquely shitty instead of something that trans people of all kinds do. And, again, she decides that it is trans men who are the cause of cis women's transmisogyny. The inclusion of trans men in the lesbian community must be responsible for how cis women treat trans women.
And, back to her views on masculinity:
"First, in her historical analysis of transsexuality, Meyerowitz makes the case that, as the media’s (and the public’s) interest in trans women became increasingly sexualizing and sexually explicit, their interest in trans men declined reciprocally.[37] Thus, the relative invisibility of trans men in the media is a direct result of media’s inability to sexualize them—a difficulty that no doubt stems from the fact that maleness and masculinity are not typically sexualized or objectified in our culture."
This is actually what I believe this post was referencing, @transmascrage @happysadyoyo. And if so, it's, uh... not the slam dunk to own the TMRAs they clearly thought it was.
Once again, this is a painfully privileged take. There are porn categories full of fetishizing material of Black men being seen as sexually dominant animals, same with Indigenous men, and (although she won't admit it) so do trans men. Again, maybe this was different when she wrote this, but the idea of "cuntboys" as a fetish is alive and well. We all remember the cursed transmasc Captain America art that had crazy fucking curves? Maybe it was true in the 2000s, but it is clear to me that the fetishizing of transmasculinity has only grown as we've been brought further into the spotlight.
This just... isn't intersectional. I don't know how people can read this and then turn around and act like allies to men of color, as if this view of sexism doesn't erase them & all other marginalized men.
Honestly, the transandrophobia deniers were right. You should read Julia Serano's work, because when you do, suddenly the way people have been viewing sexism, transphobia and trans men makes a lot of sense. And it's not like she has any excuse, because Emi Koyama was able to make multiple statements in later editions of the Transfeminist Manifesto taking responsibility for the erasure of transmasculine, nonbinary, and non-white experiences with transphobia in her work.
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cloneficgiftexchange · 8 months
clone fic gift exchange: frequently asked questions
this will be linked on the pinned post of the blog, and it is more general, as it’s intended to be used for all clone exchanges i run here in the future, as well as the one that's currently being organized as i’m posting this. if you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out and ask :)
why do i need an email to sign up?
i use a secret santa generator to randomly assign matches, as it's way easier for me and has been very successful in the past, and that requires an email address. i have an email account that i use specifically for fandom things (exchanges, zines, etc), and i highly recommend it for anyone who wants to keep themselves more organized (or doesn't want to give out their personal email!)
can i still join if i only read or write a few clones?
yes!! as long as the common denominator character is on your list, you can absolutely participate! i ensure that everyone has at least one character (usually it's rex) on the list of clones they are okay to receive, so this way if you see who you have and you're like "i don't know/don't like any of the other names here," you can just write for the common denominator. there are several protections i put into place for each exchange in order to ensure the comfort of the participants, and this is one of them.
is there a limit on clones we can put down as ones we'd want to receive?
technically no, but i would advise you to choose no more than six or seven of them. for some people a giant list of potential clones may be great, but for others it may be way too overwhelming. there also may be certain exchanges where the options are limited to a certain number, such as the bad batch.
should i be writing my person's favorite clone?
you can write any of the clones on your person's list. i do not ask for a favorite clone at sign up because i see it as another protection on behalf of the participants. If someone's favorite clone is one that the person who has them isn't really into, i wouldn't want to make anyone feel pressured to write them or bad if they don't choose them. in order to further remove this bias, i place all the clones names in alphabetical order on the prompt document.
i don't write smut, can i still join?
absolutely!! i myself don't read or write it either, and i make sure to ask about the comfort level of participants regarding smut on the sign up. you can find a whole post i did about that here.
what's the posting situation like?
when the exchange day finally arrives, you'll post your fic on your blog and tag me so i can reblog it here! if you're done with your fic early, i ask that you hang onto it so we can all post together.
other than the exchange day, is there a specific time to post?
since we're all in different timezones, the only requirement i have about timing is that you post at some point during the 24 hour window in which it is exchange day for you. that will be different for someone in australia vs someone in new york, and that's totally fine. i usually don't start tracking people down who haven't posted until the monday after the exchange, and if you're really worried you'll miss it, you can schedule a post to go up at a certain time too. deadlines for sign ups are always in eastern standard time though, simply because that's the time zone i'm in.
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mango-fizz · 11 months
16 and 22 with, Shiver of course :)
why did u give me the hardest questions djfhsjfbsjrhwnfbsb ok for 22 shiver's lowest point is whatever the fuck happened here
second for number 16 i dont know if i have any childhood hcs ? honestly? i think theres some backstory stuff but idk how much is canon and how much is fanon, but one hc i do have is that shiver's tentacles were longer when they were younger and they cut them. i think thats it sjfhsjdhsbd i did write this one vent fic a while ago ahaha i guess it could count as a hc ! (???)
"Hey, Shiv!" Frye hoists herself up and sits cross-legged on the windowsill. 
Shiver is at her desk sobbing into her hands.
Frye frowns. "You good?"
Shiver looks up at her through her tentacles, face scrunched up and streaked with tears. She starts crying again at Frye's expression and buries her face in her arms. 
Frye furrows her eyebrows. She lowers herself from Shiver's window and approaches the desk. The paper closest to her is marked with a big red 96%. Frye recognizes it as the essay assignment from last week.
She spots another one, this one marked 82%. Another, 91%. Lastly, the paper in front of Shiver is half-written, somewhere along the first body paragraph, but it's hard to tell with them sobbing all over it.
"It's awful," they blubber. 
"But all of these are good, though."
"No, they're not! I've never written a worse essay in my life."
Frye briefly skims the papers. "Looks pretty good to me. You got good grades on all of these."
Shiver pulls at their tentacles, "No. I hate it, I hate writing essays so much. I knew I would be struggling with this class but I didn't think it'd be like this." They press their forehead against the surface of the desk. "It didn't used to be this difficult. I didn't used to struggle like this. I was always just… good at everything."
Frye doesn't really know what to say to that. Luckily, she doesn't have to, because Shiver keeps going. She sits next to them patiently.
"I was good at everything, so I never had to try. And now I'm actually struggling, and I don't know what to do. I don't want to do this," Shiver gestures at the paper in front of her.
"A-and- and I feel terrible for thinking that way, y'know? I feel lazy. I feel so fucking disappointed in myself. I didn't used to be this lazy. But if I really was lazy, it wouldn't bother me this much, right?"
She wipes her eyes. "My mom wants me to take more difficult classes. Where they make me write more essays. And I hate writing essays more than anything. But she keeps saying I have so much potential, and that I can do it if I just try," her voice cracks. Frye hands her a tissue. She accepts it gratefully.
"She says I can do it if I just try, but I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of the expectations. I'm tired of always feeling like I'm just waiting to disappoint someone. I just want to be average for once. We argue a lot about this, and that makes me feel worse."
"I don't think you necessarily have to be the best. It's okay to just be you," Frye smiles encouragingly and pats her arm.
Shiver sniffs. "Thanks." 
"It's also okay to not want to take harder classes. I mean, no one wants to, so I totally get you," she adds with a giggle. "Tons of people don't take em, and they turn out fine."
"But I'm not just anybody, Frye. I'm-- I'm perfect--"
"Nuh uh! None of that!" She grabs Shiver by the shoulders. "You'll be fine. You don't wanna take hard classes? That's fine! You don't wanna write essays? That's fine too! I don't either! So please don't be too hard on yourself. You're only looking out for your health, I promise you're not disappointing anyone. We'll figure it out, okay?"
Shiver nods.
"Speaking of which, we're gonna be the freshest new band in the Splatlands, so who cares what your mom says!? You don't need essays to be cool!" Frye pumps her fists in the air. Shiver smiles slightly.
"Thanks, Frye. I appreciate it, really." 
Frye smiles back. "That's what friends are for, right? Now c'mon. Forget those papers and let's go practice our vocals." She gets up and rips one of the sheets in half.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Can I request some pro hero Touya headcanons? Maybe with some dabihawks? xx
notes: oh hell yeah, I love PH! Touya au's! canon divergence, healing todofam, good big brother Touya, dabihawks, some hurt/comfort themes, mostly fluff
Pre-Hero Work Years
Okay, so I def think he went to UA 
I imagine things were pretty similar to canon up until around Shouto's birth, and around then Endeavor has a big work incident that makes it so he can't be a pro in the same capacity anymore
and it forces him into therapy and and the family actually works on stuff and slowly starts to heal
but Touya still gets injured from his quirk, but he manages to hide it pretty well from his parents and siblings, because he still wants to go to UA and be a pro so badly
and when he does get in he loves it so much, it's everything he dreamed it would be, he's making some friends, and his parents and siblings are so proud of him
but then the first sports festival rolls around, and it awakens that old feeling of needing to prove himself as worthy of everything he has
he gets to the semi finals when he ends up pushing himself too far and he ends up getting really, really hurt
which leads to his family and teachers realizing how much pain he's been hiding for so long
but it takes tiny Shouto, only seven years old, clutching Touya's hand while Touya is still half asleep due to the drugs and injury, telling his big brother how much he loves him and that he please has to stop hurting himself because they need to keep watching cartoons together and someone has to tell Shouto stories before he goes to bed, and quite frankly that needs to be Touya because nobody does the voices as good as him, and nobody else in their house makes the cereal as good as him, and Shouto hasn't told anyone but he thinks math is hard and he needs Touya to help him so that he too can get into UA and they can be heroes together
when Touya starts healing properly, he gets sent to Power Loader to get some special support items to help him out, as gets assigned a mandatory meeting with Recovery Girl every week so she can make sure he's staying healthy and doesn't hurt himself again
Early Pro Years
Touya debutes right out of UA, and during his first year as a Pro, he already breaks top 20, which is pretty damn rare
not unlike his father, much of his success is due to his outstanding numbers
but unlike his father, he is also quite popular with the public
in a "he's a little bit of a shit, but in a fun and likable way" - way
he's always very nice to civilians and fans etc
but he loves to fuck around and find out
he is the paparazzis biggest nightmare, always doing the most to confuse them
kids absolutely love him, partly because he's genuinely good with them, and partly because he is a fun and dynamic and looks really cool while fighting
he uses special boots and gloves that helps him control the fire from his body without hurting him to fly around, like rocket shoes and little hand jetpacks lol
when Touya has been around the Pro scene for about a year, this new guy shows up out of nowhere
his hero name is Hawks, and nobody seems to know where he came from or who he really is, and Touya is intrigued right away
especially when the guy skyrockets up the charts like nothing he's ever seen before
Touya himself didn't really care about the hero ranks or popularity polls, he just wanted to be a good hero, and he feels plenty appreciated by the public as it is
but it does intrigue him to see someone come out of nowhere and take off like that
he decides to try to get to know the guy a little, as they seem to have a similar personalities
Touya is very surprised however, when he runs into the winged man at a hero gala and realizes he's actually quite awkward and shy, proving that he's not as trained in personal relationships as he is in public relations
and while Touya started out hanging around the other young hero out of curiosity, he quickly finds himself more interested in Keigo, the person, than Hawks the hero
the way he can go from confidently saving hundreds of civilians with a charming smile and give interviews to the whole country like it's nothing, to turn into an awkwardly funny, blushing mess of a 19 year old guy in a matter of minutes truly makes Touya's heart turn into mush
mha requests open - masterlist - wip list - ao3
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It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Martyn has no issue with getting older, none at all, but still, every year, when his birthday comes knocking, it's another dread to the list.
Tw!! Feelings of self doubt and hate, crying, isolation
Not beta read or edited!!
And like always, it's here again.
Martyn’s birthday.
If you were to know anything about martyn is he hates being touched when overwhelmed, but he still craves that touch. 
He also has to wear the same two coats everytime he leaves the house, and they both look exactly the same except one is bigger on him.
There's also assigned seating in his house. He always sits on the left end of the couch, next to the end table that has a lamp. And it really bothers him when someone else sits there.
He also puts his closet rainbow order. 
And he hates chocolate cuz it makes his mouth greasy.
And when he gets scared, he thinks he hurts his friends and cuts them off out of fear he's making things for them worse.
And he hates holidays.
Gods how he hates them.
OK. He doesn't hate holidays. He loves the idea of them, really!! But, in practice? The only he really ever takes joy in, is halloween. You can't fuck up halloween. He just, he can't remember having a happy holiday? Maybe it's childhood trauma, maybe he's being dramatic, but also every holiday he can remember, was tainted in some sort of way, by some just, awful event. 
And as you can probably assume. Martyn counts his birthday as a personal holiday.
Its 12:32am, and martyn is a year older, and martyn feels sick. The numb sort of sick, where you aren't necessarily connected to it, but you can still feel your stomach turning in knots. He's scared. He sits on the kitchen counter right by the sink. The light above the stove being the only light on besides his phone screen. 
12:33am. The numbers taunt him. 
He realizes he probably won't do anything about it. He has the day off from work. So his plan is probably just stay up too late, because he never gets the peace of mind to get good sleep, if any at all during holidays, natrually, sleep in, make something to eat, watch shitty TV, go grocery shopping, hop on the discord vc, hang out, talk with who ever is there, and then read until his eyes feel heavy. Just like every other day.
Martyn decides to update his discord status. The silly profile picture of a picrew greats him. The background is an ace and unlabeled flag, and martyn feels his heart sing for just a moment, before the rot in his stomach takes over again as he taps into his status. Erasing the song lyrics without hesitation.
'Lvl 25!!' 
Yeah. That'll work. 
It's 12:36am now. It's 12:36am, and martyn is scared.
He isnt sure what he's scared if. But he feels the frantic beating of his pulse. Martyn gave up on figuring out what he was so afraid of years ago.
It wasn't getting older, no, he'd been raised on the internet, a constant state of feeling like he should be older, and feeling like he shouldn't be this old yet.  An odd limbo, so it wasn't the fear of getting older. 
And it wasn't necessary the fear of the future, of course the future is scary and he had his fair share of issues with it.
It's more of, every year, is just a reminder, that he's going, absolutely no where. He has nothing to show for it. No friends with tales about him, no one to sit in his one bedroom apartment and tell him, they're happy he made it another year.
He knows in full certainty, it's kinda his fault. And a part of him wishes, as he stares at his phone, that someone, anyone. Sends him a text without him reminding them. It's 12:41am and martyn sees a tear hit his phone screen. 
Another year passes, his age just goes up another number, and he hates his birthday more then he hates any other holiday. And still.
He's insignificant at best.
Author notes
And once again, annual birthday post, and like always, I put my feelings about my birthday onto a character. If I post on February 26th, just assume it's a vent post. I'm not feeling awesome, but I will live, and post more later, I'm writing a few really fun aus right now actually!! :)))
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