#also for the fluff anon hopefully this helps a bit until i can write a thing just for you
nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝕤𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ₊˚ˑ༄
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Alright it was so fun to write hehehe ^^ I hope you like it too, dear!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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You were now in the surgery room, as doctors made sure everything went smoothly... and it did! Tho... you could hear some boy with low voice putting up a fight... and you knew well enough it was your boyfriend.
"Let me see her!!"
You couldn't help but catch a hint of worry and desperation in his voice... and that only made you want to finally see him even more!
"Can... my boyfriend enter now?"
You asked hopeful, and one of the doctors was kind enough to nos and head for the door.
"If that's what you wish for... Mr. Shinonome, you can enter but please be calm."
After that, you noticed some ginger boy enter the room. He was pretty, you couldn't deny your heart skipped a bit... you could just hope it was your boyfriend and not some random dude... tho it had to be him! Those clothes and hair just screamed it's him! Especially the streak you could even feel!
"You're really seeing now?"
He asked as if wanting confirmation this isn't a dream... he carefully came over to you and took one of your hands with genuine and soft smile, you'd never expect to fit him so well...
"I'm so glad you're safe and sound..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @hayillaaaaaaa @stellas-starry-stories13 @hakulivesformusic @wabatle @luhvashh @akiritoz @sucodelaranja86 - come get your pancakes lover!
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"Sorry Toya, but I can't give you 6th expresso..."
"Please An... I know it's bad but I'm panicking..."
You heard familiar voices as soon as you entered, so luckily you didn't had to look around. You knew the name An and you certainly were familiar with the name Toya...
You called out to your boyfriend as soon as you came over, making him immideitly turn around and the girl making smile gladly as she walked away a bit to leave you alone for a while.
"Ah- finally, you're safe... I was afraid this operation could've harmed you..."
"But it didn't! I can see now!"
He smiled gladly and took your hands in his as he brought your palms towards his lips. He maybe acted calm but you could see in his eyes that he was actually really close to breaking down.
"I'm so glad... So glad..."
"Hehe~ Magazine is free~"
"We'll take that. Thank you, An."
Toya carefully got up, taking your hand into his, trying to hold back happiness tears untill you'll be alone, so he won't break in front of whole cafe... Oh it's gonna be long time cuddling... but you don't mind!
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @miya-akane @toyaslove @bl4cktourmaline @stellas-starry-stories13 @sucodelaranja86 - come get your cookie lover!
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You were just chilling in your room after operation. It was pretty calm for now... Untill you heard your door open with loud thud... you were literally about to hide, but were stopped and also calmed down by way too loud voice and sound of running up the stairs.
And then, door to your room slammed open as your boyfriend ran up to you. Despite not seeing him ever before, you had no problem recognizing him by the hair, built and... his voice... because who else can have voice like him?!
"D-Don't scare me like that..."
"I'm sorry!! I was just worried! I ran here as soon as you told me you're home!!! So HOW WAS IT?! Are you alright?!!"
"Yes... Everything went fine..."
You smiled up at him and put your hand on his cheek to hopefully calm him down a little bit.
"I can see your orange eyes clearly now~"
"I have so much to show you now~ I guarantee you'll enjoy my shows even more!! I'll throw the best effects for the first show you'll be able to see!"
"Hehe thanks, Tsuaksa~"
"Of course! It's my duty as your boyfriend to make you happy!"
He made the pose that he used to describe to you as "proud to be the shining star" pose. You being the rational one tho... quickly remembered the fact it may not be good moment to relax yet...
"But first... Let's maybe close the door before someone breaks in..."
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @wholesaleboi @yulikesminori @alicewinterway18 @hakulivesformusic @sucodelaranja86 - come get your future star!
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After you finally could freely wander around after operation... first thing you did after arriving to school was look for your boyfriend! You didn't told him about the operation because you wanted to surprise him! But... you obviously don't know how he looks... you know how his hair is, how he's built and what his voice sounds like but... it's still hard to see him...
But luckily, universe did the looking for you, because you heard familiar voice behind you!
"You're awfully quick today... slow down, darling, please... We don't want you bumping into anything or anyone..."
He looked at you as you stared up at him with a big smile. He didn't think much about it as he figured you might not even realize you're staring at him as if you actually could see him...
"Your hair really IS interesting~"
"Huh? Fufu~ Want to feel it, dear?"
"No need. Seeing is enough."
His jaw hanged love as he stared at you not believing what he just said...
"I had operation!!"
"A-And it was successful?! No awful side effects?!"
"No~ I'm all good now!"
"I'm so happy you're well~"
He didn't even hesitate before trapping you in tight loving hug, just taking in what he knows and your presence alone.
"We'll definitely have to revisit some spots~"
@bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline @superstar-ethereal @stellas-starry-stories13 @alicewinterway18 @hakulivesformusic @wabatle @sucodelaranja86 - come get your crazy inventor~
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simp-4-sasuke · 1 year
you_and_sasuke_get_along_(too much ?).txt
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anon asked :
Can you write how'd ltachi react to yn being friendly and close to Sasuke?!? Or any of guy bestie?!?
-> omg first ever request yayyyy ! Tysm for requesting ♡ I chose to write it with Sasuke and hopefully I did that well ^^ I'm not new to writing but I am with making headcanons so this might look all over the place sorry ˙◠˙
# itachi×f!reader
#fluff, slight angst
# no tw here, slight jealousy that stems from insecurity on Itachi's side.
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▪︎Itachi was well known for being a strong man that stood straight in his shoes, despite all the obstacles life had thrown at him.
▪︎And he had little to envy to his teammates or the other masculine figures around him.
▪︎But knowing that wasn't going to be enough anymore, it seems...
▪︎When Itachi met you for the first time, he just knew you were the one. He'd never forget the way your Chakra tingled his skin when you walked up to him with a smile.
▪︎And just like the universe had planned it, you two got together.
▪︎fuck how cliché that sounded, Itachi couldn't find any other way to describe it : it felt like his life only really started once you came into it.
▪︎Of course, he just had to have you meet his little brother, although a bit expectantly. Sasuke was one of the most (if not the most, let's be honest here) important persons to him, and the possibility of him disapproving your relationship had cold sweat sticking on his forehead.
▪︎that wasn't fortunately the case. At all, actually. Since you and sasuke ended up growing closer to each other in the span of a month.
▪︎Itachi was relieved, of course, but also surprised : he didn't know his brother to be so... outgoing.
▪︎he guessed it was for the best. There was no one he trusted more than the two of you, and never did the thought of you betraying him even cross his mind.
▪︎Itachi knew you'd never do that to him, neither would his brother, but...
▪︎apprehension left its place to surprise, then to relief and finally to something he wished he'd never feel towards sasuke : jealousy.
▪︎Itachi would drown in shame for thinking like this, never saying a word about it to you because, in all honesty, it was stupid.
▪︎but although he was aware of how unrational his jealousy was, he couldn't help it.
▪︎you'd tell him about what sasuke and you talked about today, and he'd listen with a gentle smile on his lips, though his eyes were like black coal, hiding the envy pinching at his heart. He wanted to have you talk about his fights with awe, too, have you brag about how amazing of a ninja he was...
▪︎you'd somehow notice and take advantage of a warm bath together to brush your fingers through his hair, combing it as you kissed the rough skin of his shoulder, slowly making your way to his ear.
▪︎Itachi simply stopped breathing, body stilling in fear that even a shiver from his side would make this unexpected blessing vanish into thin air.
▪︎his heart is pounding, pounding like it never did before, and itachi feels an uneasiness constric his throat as the realization that he has a heart, pumping, loving, aching, made him somehow emotional.
▪︎he listens with closed eyes the words you whisper to him.
▪︎"I love you, all of you," you mutter and he's glad you can't see his face as you press your lips against a pinkish line on his back. "Every scar, every flaw, everything, Itachi. I love you."
▪︎he exhales a shaky breath and his tense muscles relax, inching his head back until it rests on your shoulder. And he smiles, his ears catching the regular beating of your heart.
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© simp-4-sasuke 2023 ‎♡‧₊˚ do not copy/translate/repost
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arden-au · 2 years
hey! I don't know English but I would like to see if you could write a enha reaction when they’re partner gets hurt in training (like knee or back) and doesn't tell them until they realize it themselves, I hope you understand me 🥺 Thank you you xoxo
━━ when you get hurt
enhypen x reader | fluff
a/n: hi anon! tysm for requesting, hopefully i met your request with this writing (and thank you for waiting <3). to preface, most of these injuries are not major [at least in how i describe them hopefully]. this is also my post to celebrate 200 followers! thank you again for coming to my blog and reading, i wish i could give all of you a big hug but for now this will do :)
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he glances over at the clock, wondering why you were taking longer than usual to come from volleyball practice tonight. he checks his phone for any messages, frowning when you didn't reply to his latest text or the last funny photo he sent. as he brings his phone to his ear to call you, he hears the door open. he perks up and stands to greet you with a smile on his features, though his face falls into a soft frown as he notices your face scrunching in pain as you rub your shoulder. "(y/n)? everything okay?" he questions, head tilting as you avoid his gaze. "i think i may have overdid it" you attempt to laugh to lightening the conversation but heeseung's knowing look says otherwise. heeseung takes your bags despite your protests as he heads towards the shared bedroom. "right, i'll go run you a bath and we can order takeout while you take it easy yeah?" he suggests after a moment of silence, throwing you a reassuring smile over his shoulder as you follow after him. you scratch the back of your head bashfully, wondering how he was so nonchalant with his words and actions. "thank you hee" "anything for you (y/n)"
it was a minor injury, a scrap on your knee from tripping during training. you were sent home early to rest after getting checked by the school's nurse, waving your friends' attempts to help you home. it was a bit difficult walking home, your nose scrunching in pain ever so often but your pride didn't let you ask for help from your friends. maybe you should've waited a bit but you were hoping to beat jay coming from school so you could hide the injury from him. he'll have to be okay with the abrupt text messages letting him know you went home early and that you two couldn't walk home together. it wasn't too bad, at least nothing some aspirin and relaxing couldn't fix. you dropped to the couch with a huff, cooing over the scrape. you leaned back, scroll through your phone to see if jay replied. as you hear a knock at the door, your eyebrows furrow at the sound. you didn't order anything recently, did you? confused you make your way towards the door. though the confusion changes to surprise as you meet jay's eyes, watching as he catches his breath from what you assume him running to get here. "jay? i thought i said i was studying?-" "your friends told me what happened, are you okay? does it hurt? did you get some treatment for it-" jay speaks a mile a minute, his hands cupping your checks and pinching them slightly. you laugh and lean into his touch, jay sighing in half relief and exhaustion. he means well, even when his heart is about to burst out of his chest.
jake insisted on tagging along to your basketball practice, excitingly declaring he would cheer the loudest (though it was met with you reminding him that it's just a practice game, but you appreciate the sentiment). the game was in favour of your team and jake's cheers could be heard from the bleachers. as you go for a layup towards the end of the game, you accidently bump into one of the other team's members. thankfully you land on your feet, though you wince as you feel a slight sting in your ribcage. the game ends with your teams victory, and you head back to the bench while rubbing where you got elbowed. it would be safe to say you forgot jake presence while wondering how you'd get an ice pack from the nurse's office. that is until an ice pack appears in front of you. you look up, meeting his eyes as he nudges the ice pack towards you. "that was a great shot (y/n)" he smiles, taking a seat beside you. you thank him as you feel your cheeks warm before pressing the cold pack towards your chest. he looks around before leaning in close to your ear, "so is this the part where I carry you out like in the movies?" "if you do that i won't talk to you for a week" "so no?" he questions with a innocent pout, holding back the urge to do so anyways.
you swore he was asleep, so you didn't think much as you walk with more pressure on your non-injured foot as you sneak out of the bedroom while he naps. though as you return with a glass of water in hand, you meet his sleepy gaze looking at you from the doorframe. you're silent at first, brushing it off thinking he was probably still dazed from sleep as you head towards the bed. you feel his arms curl around your lower waist and his head resting in your shoulder blade as you lay beside him. hearing the soft buzz of the heater filled the room you sigh, did he go back to sleep? you think of what to say, wondering to even mention it because you're sure he wasn't awake enough. "something happen today love?" he mumbles, sleep still evident in his voice as he traces shapes into your back. you know he does this when he wants you to speak, and would wait as long as need be. "i tried defending the ball during the practice match today and twisted my ankle" you whisper, sunghoon only humming in response. "i won't be going to training for the next week or two, but i'll be going to the doctor in the next few days" you finish, feeling relieved to be able to tell him. there's a beat of silence between you two as he sighs in relief, glad you were taking it easy (it would be easy to surprise you with the days he got off from work). "that's good, do you mind if i tag along?" "i'd like that a lot sunghoon" he hums, satisfied with your response as he returns back to his sweet nap.
sunoo thought it would be fun to surprise you at your basketball practice and pick you up, his work ending early and he happily brought a cold drink for you as a treat. he walks along the sidelines as he observes the ending of your practice. scanning through the team to find you as he hums along to the song playing through his earbuds. though he almost drops the drinks as he watches you attempt to block the ball from the other team which results in you falling onto your back quite roughly. the coach quickly pauses the practice game, sunoo worryingly watching as your teammates bring you to the benches. he makes his way over, ignoring your surprised face as you realize he's in front of you. "are you okay (y/n)?" "sunoo?" "yes it's me, do you want me to call an ambulance? or maybe-" he reaches for his phone, though it stops short as you reach for his wrist. "i'll be fine sunoo, i'll just sit down for now" you promise, hopeful smile on your features as you pat a spot beside him. he indulges, handing you the drink and patting your head with a sigh of relief. you beginning to talk to him about how you score a few points in the first two quarters of the game, sunoo nodding along as he rubbed your lower back while happily listening.
i think jungwon would be the most preceptive, even if you try to pretend you're fine. he wouldn't say anything at first, silently observing as you limp into the doorway of the shared bedroom after training one night. you were glad he wasn't home early (at least to your knowledge) the days following were met with your fake smiles and lighter steps around him. you are quick to dismiss any of his comments, gritting your teeth when you attempt to rest your weight on the swollen ankle. jungwon frowns to himself, a little upset you weren't being a bit open with your injury with him. though it's hard to be silent as he catches you icing your ankle a few days later in the living room, observing your eyes widening as you stutter out an explanation to him. you stare at each other's for a few moments. he sighs as he walks towards you, "just let me take care of you from to time (y/n)" jungwon positions your legs over his lap as he looks over your swollen ankle with another word, proding about to see the extent of your injury in a closer look while taking the ice pack from you. you shyly scratch the back of your head as you thank him, leaning on his shoulder with a small smile. he looks at you with a smile, though the worry in his eyes wouldn't leave. i guess you could depend on him a bit more, just a little bit.
niki smiles wickedly, tickling your sides as he leans over you on his bed. you thrash and push his hands away, "niki stop already i promise not to eat the last slice of pizza next time!" you laugh, though it stops short when you feel your lower back sting. you wince and niki immediately lets go, observing your face as he gets off you. "(y/n)?" he whispers, worrying eyes meeting yours at the thought that he went too far stirs in his mind. "no niki it's not you i just-" you cut yourself off, not wanting to blurt out what happened to you during practice recently. he raises his eyebrow. "you just?" he questions slowly, his hands reaching for yours and lacing his fingers with them. he leans incredibly close, inching impossibly closer while puckering his lips obnoxiously. "alright alright i got hurt during training a few days ago, and my lower back is a little sore" you push him back and sit back with a quiet groan at the sudden movement. he hums, a smug smirk on his features in triumph victory. "hm alright i guess we can just cuddle then" he grins, taking his spot beside you and leaning your head towards his shoulder. he then continues complaining about you eating the pizza he was saving, all the while you enjoy his company with a laugh.
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taglist: @hell1cy @wtfhyuck @wonielvr @dilllima @niktwazny303 likes and reblogs are always appreciated ♡
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lisxdumbr · 2 years
GOOD DAY LIS !! I am sorry this has been around a week late, please tell me how could I make it up to you </3 Stuff became busy in school sooo :'> I did typed my responses for a total of an hour too... I apologize for you to type such a lengthy response <//3 but if you did enjoyed doing so, then that is fine ♪ I'd def love to see your previous themes!! but it would be quite troublesome to ask of you that now, so maybe in the future when it crosses your mind once more! I love love LEMON SQUASH CHEERS too, to think that you've made a theme based on that... <3 !! OHH so it's THEM.... it's nnatsume :0 hehe, it makes me quite the curious being after hearing your praises about their prev themes... For now, I'll imagine it as the safest option :> About the gallery thing too, yeaahhh... i would find myself saving pictures for "future use" and then it gets buried </3 Why I think Yuuta is the moon is that he is the quiet one in 2wink (the vibes), but if we think about it... Him and Hinata can interchange between the sun and moon because they function as 2wink, as the sun and moon compliments each other. The following words mightt not be accurate as I do not hold much of a great understanding about them, however I'd still let you know! Hinata is supposedly the one who works in the dark (as the moon) to give shine to Yuuta (as the sun), for Yuu is Hina's sun, the one whom he cares much that even if he becomes insignificant, at least Yuuta can continue to shine. On the other hand, Hina's bright nature makes Yuu thinks he must be the sun, always working hard and excitable about things, when he, Yuuta, seems to feel that he must do something to shine together with Hina and not stay at his zone, selfishly basking in the light of the sun that makes him glow. The 2winkversary is a pleasant read, go insane however you like, you know we would honestly enjoy it either way~
I tend to stray away from unpleasant things in the internet as much as possible, so hearing these stuff that new enstarries have done…. there's much more to uncover, huh? There's so much too in Tiktok, which is common knowledge already. I understand the gatekeeping stuff, it kinda becomes meh when many people like it… like it spreads and gets liked by people who should be out the fandom… This is the reality of things, unfortunately.. The ratio of the unsafe fics to the fluff ones is like,, 8:2. I thought the tag would contain more sfw but OKayy… my expectations crashed so hard after seeing the consecutive unsafe ones. "Help me jesus 0(-(" no words better than this to describe it. ALSO anon lore, because this is significant. Admittedly, I'm one of the new enstarries… I had quite a few immatureness back then due to the magic of misinformation, but I'm now on the track of improving (hopefully). There's this huge eichi cancelling thing which, until now does not stop ? That matter is like a mystery case to me. I got quite immersed in understanding his character, and I guess it's fun to misprove misphrased and poorly researched info that spreads around. I came in the investigation room disliking eichi, I came out of it thinking and felling (this is a reference to that one meme textpost) that I possibly relate to him a bit. That's all, I believe ! This has to be said, because… I ain't here for too long yet. That one post that goes, "liking a media at the right time".. I wish to see that golden era, yanno? But maybe, even if things stands how it is now, there is still hope. You could say, moments are beautiful because they don't last forever, but I personally can't say anything to it yanno;; Speaking of which ! I have plans on bringing a bit of peace on the tag, though I can't say myself if I could actually do so. I just thought that it's interesting to try my hand at writing </3 The idea scares me, however it is wonderful if you think about it. I'll do my best to shorten this ask response (which isn't really happening) ♪ Yuuta bug protector Lis.. omg !! that is such a cute motivation… I am so impressed ??!?!? he's just like me… AND PLEASEE tell me about the fun fact about scorpions!! I guess talking about most insects are alright, except the dreaded and terrifying butterflies-but-in-their-baby-phase. (i aint gonna say the word. but generally, it's the W**m word… help me. ) The only thing I could say to you is that I only knew monster high, but vaguely and only the popular characters through their appearances. I haven't gotten the chance to watch them before, since we had no cable TVs ;; djdgfkjgdfdk I'm happy to know bout Skelita either way, it makes me think what if things were different, what words would i had spoken to you instead? !! so ! about the final project ideas, let me send that in another ask <3 I always have to remind myself that gacha can return later, so focus on saving up for events first… I am so sorry to the fallen soldiers (spent dias) we have deployed in the battlefield (gacha pulls)… One day, they will be avenged <33 yes, tw stars is like kr stars too. i just dont know if en server will follow through their system because.. why is en server's ribbon shop not including outfits (they're event point locked instead).. my tw server dias are alive and breathing again ! "Noir Neige my beloved and the ultimatum of my insanity"… I love your words so much…. It is the ultimatum of insanity.. omg.. I grinded Ritsu out of objectiveness and spite (to Rei)… He is here with me.. in taiwan server.. I'll prepare a tea party♪
Fun fact, I never really had many ritsus.. But he comes home easily, what a good boy. MAY YOU GET MEOW MEOW RITSU !! that card is so cute… myon myon! It's so hilarious when you think of your friends getting your oshis instead of you. God help us. Being an EccentricsP will never be just a be phase to me.. it is eternal ;; and Thank you for the wishes !! <3 if rei would dare to show up in my pulls, he should prepare x100 amount of apologies for the mental damage pulling for him cost me. that $%&^*#$@#!!! hmff. also kidnapping your yuuta services are free of charge, with tape in the mouth and all ♪
That concludes my response !! please enjoy this plentiful amount of dish, i have to serve my final project ideas as the dessert <3 You don't have to reply to this all to save time ( i reassure you!) and just read this like newspaper so we can have new messages if that's fine with you! , like the gacha part,, & if you have nothing to say ! Conserve your energy for better things !! Once again, I enjoy reading through your responses, they're so ??!??! respectful, even if there is conflict, you know how to take it in a way that isn't harsh. i love that for you. See you~ I don't have to mention the valkatsuki collab, fine halloween and modelgumi story in here, but ya know those ones(so golden!), might mention in a fresh ask.
— 🌻.
HELLOOO SUNFLOWER. I apologize for taking so many days to reply </3 I understand your struggle, school is just. Clenches fists. But it's ok !! You're not forced to reply or anything, so this is already an act of kindness from your side <3 ok, let's see
I would love to show you my themes, I promise I will scroll down my gallery to see if I have any screenshot, even if they're poor quality,, (I hope I find at least some themes) and yes <3 my friends are so cool, but I don't want to talk about the past too much because I'll get nostalgic and cry ahwbfjejd (im not ok)
ALSO, WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT YUTA??? you're so right, I love the little analysis you made. They're an eclipse, maybe that's why Hinata is the day and Yuta is the sunset.. I may love them too much, falls to my knees.
Yes, I was actually thinking about the new community just today, I feel really burnout from these people lately. I miss my friends, I miss the tiny place we held but, you know, "0(-("
Omg anon lore, I kinda imagined it 👀 I recognize patterns of speech (I talked about this before actually) and I indeed didn't recognize yours from old anons from enst community. Immaturities are ok, as long as we learn from them and regret them. I remember I was very furious with TikTok (idk why I'm talking in past, I hate them) because of the misinfo they were spreading on purpose and the canceling issues. If you believe that you should cancel Eichi instead of understanding the moral value and greyness of his character, maybe enstars isn't for you...? Akira wouldn't like them either.
That being said, welcome! Eichi is permanently canceled, this has been going on since the game first came out tbh, don't worry too much about it. AND PLSSS YOU'RE JUST LIKE ME. I'll use this as a confession since ik most followers don't read my anon interactions so ! I am actually a silly Eichi kin (low-key) I remember I didn't like him much at first and then I was like "he's ok" and then I read checkmate and I was like "h- ..hhh-" and yeah, mecore.
Your message is really heartwarming, yes, moments are beautiful because they don't last forever, and I cherish those moments like anything in the world. That made me happy, the happiest, and sometimes I wish I could go back and express my gratitude much more often. They say you don't appreciate things until you loose them, and that's how I feel sometimes. I hope this golden day returns to us one day, maybe it'll be different, a different form of it, but light still.
ALSOOO YOU WANT TO TRY WRITING? that's so cool, I wish you the best !!!! I could never honestly, writing intimidates me a lot but wahh, you're really brave about it.
ー・ー・ー ♡ ー・ー・ー
I love Yuu so much because he's such a scaredy cat <333 I love how. He's the type of teen to go "I'm so mature, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm an adult >:(" and then behaves like a child because, he gets so scared, and so excited about the little things of life. AND I ADORE THAT ABOUT HIM, it's the best thing ever seeing him acting as a person his age in such a complete organic way, I just want him to enjoy the phase he's going on without having to worry about being "stronger" or "more mature" because that gets him to feel bad about himself and deprecate sometimes and it's aughhhh :(((( let him enjoy things and have fears, that doesn't make him less valid than the rest.
Ok so the fun fact about scorpions is that. well, you know hoe there are little scorpions? Because there are the big ones and then the little ones, we have a different name for the small ones, alacranes or alacrán in singular. Well, when one of them stings you, you can later on feel when one is around because your, wound..? will start beating, like a presence. It's kind of dreadful but useful if you don't want to. be attacked. (I understand your fear towards the other insects, they're. yeah 0(-( )
I'm glad you know MH !! I saw it literally being created (I was a child when the first 3 dolls came out and I fell in love ever since) and ! Yeah I never watched through cable TV. I remember I saw the webshow in YouTube and then I bought the pirate movies in the market and played them in the DVD <33 good times. I miss the goth aesthetic they had so much.
I'm glad your savings are good again !! I have. 900 dia in JP and I'm thinking If I should grind for that Kohaku because ahaH crazy:bP here. I want him. I missed my bees, 8 months without seeing my beloved :( (because I will not count USA). Please let this be a signal for me getting kitten Ritsu. I haven't gotten anything from the free pulls so 🙏🙏 being EccentricsP is the best feeling ever, I hope you continue to enjoy them ! (And pls read Secret Labyrinth I'm insane over them)
I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY AND LIFE !!! people do tend to say I talk in a respectful way even when I disagree with things, I see that as an advantage <3 have a good one !
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phrynewrites · 2 years
42 just screams blind date au
It truly does and tbh It's given me the opportunity to write one of my favorite scenes from blind date au. Idk if you were expecting the cooking class scene and a touch of insecuresco (tm), but here we are. Enjoy!
42. This is where you impress me, right?
Seeing Bosco’s cold stare at the onion on the chopping board, Jasmine thinks the vegetable had personally wronged them. 
She’d asked them “could you at least dice the onion?” throwing in, “this is where you’ll impress me with all your secret cooking knowledge, right?” before turning back to the stove, adding oil to the pan before turning the heat to medium. 
But it’s as though Bosco hadn’t heard, or really wasn’t capable of hearing. The only thing keeping Bosco out of their own world was the slight glances Jasmine could see them paying the other couples, their hands and their knives practically flying compared to Bosco’s somber and still grip on the chef’s knife. 
Jasmine sheds the garlic of its skin and gives it a rough chop, waiting for Bosco to follow her lead. 
“Sco,” she says, though it sounds like a warning. 
And Bosco breaks their languid trance, meeting Jasmine with wide eyes, grip on the knife still white knuckled. 
“Are you going to chop that onion, or…”
It takes a moment, but scanning over them, Jasmine can see that something bigger is at play here. Their skin is pale, flat, like they’ve encountered some great terror that they couldn’t snark their way out of. And their breathing— it was usually punctuated by sharp laughs, especially when Jasmine had let out a groan upon seeing Bosco come up from the subway a block away from the cooking school, following their irritating joy with a dancing brow and “after you, my love” as they held the door open for Jasmine, both of them acutely aware that their meeting here was not coincidental, but rather the work of their friends and their incessant flinging of these two together. 
But that was gone, and its place stands a recoiling Bosco. 
When their lips finally part, they let out, voice small, body smaller, “I don’t know how…”
They set the knife down, wrapping their arms around their waist, like they could fold into themself in a moment’s notice and be eaten up by the air around them. 
Jasmine settles the wooden spoon against the lip of the pan. It made sense, the more she thought about it. She’d never seen Bosco cook, and though they had espoused their abilities while they grabbed their aprons, had looked up at the instructor showing the final product and announced, “oh, it’s just fucking rice,” had hip checked Jasmine as she was gathering the vegetables, causing her to drop a squash, it was all lacking. It was as though Bosco’s confident, glossy sheen had been stripped away, leaving only something stark and matte and frankly, sad. 
As annoying as Jasmine found overconfident Bosco, insecure Bosco, staring back at Jasmine with a flat little smile, just waiting to be slain by her words, was heartbreaking. 
She brings her hand up, resting on their shoulder, noting the flinch as she comes closer. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” Jasmine keeps herself measured, scrunching their shoulder. “Not everyone knows how to do this.” 
“Everyone but me seems to be doing just fine.” It was a snap, a whip lashing against bare skin. Jasmine would be offended, if Bosco’s facade weren’t already cracked. 
“Well no one ever taught you is all.” Jasmine lets her hand trail down their arm before taking up the knife. “Here, let me show you.”  
With that, she rounds Bosco, settles in behind them. But as she goes to hand them the knife, she comes to the conclusion that it won’t work. She can’t see over them. 
“Here, switch,” She says, though she’s already fitting herself in front of them, between their arms. “You’re stupid for being tall.” 
“I’m stupid for not knowing how to chop a fucking onion,” Bosco quips back, letting out a quick breath through their nose. Jasmine’s hairs stand at attention. 
She whips around, poking Bosco in the chest. “You’re not stupid, you just haven’t learned.” 
So Bosco grabs the knife, Jasmine taking a deep breath before wrapping her hand around theirs. And she narrates the movements, keeping the tip of the knife on the board, the knife bobbing, cutting through the layers of the onion like a boat at sea. Once they fall into a rhythm, Bosco’s chin falls upon her shoulder, and all Jasmine can think about is how close their lips are. 
It brings her back to the picnic date. To Bosco’s apartment. To Bosco’s wet leather jacket falling from her shoulders, landing in a heap. To Bosco’s harsh words and soft lips pressed against her neck. Just a turn, just a few inches of distance, and Bosco could do it again. 
Caught in her thoughts, idly chopping, she doesn’t register that Bosco’s let go of the onion, wrapping their arm around Jasmine’s waist instead. 
Jasmine swallows and cleans the knife with her finger, looking over the even cuts. Looking over Bosco’s fingers under hers, how cool her hand feels against all their rings, winding like silver vines. 
“See,” Jasmine tries, but her voice is choked. “That wasn’t that bad. Now you could probably do it on your own.” 
But as Jasmine turns to move, Bosco’s grip stays firm. Jasmine’s stomach feels hot under their touch. 
“Could we maybe try one more.” Their voice had grown stronger, though Jasmine could see they were still on unsteady ground. “I, um… I still need your help.”
And when Jasmine dares turn back, glance up at their face, capture the flush of embarrassment paired with a weak smile, she nods and brings a teasing hand up to cup their cheek. “Of course, babycakes.”  
The laugh Bosco lets out at the cloying nickname rang sweet in Jasmine’s ears, though it’s ruined in an instant when Bosco rolls their eyes and spins Jasmine back around. 
“Don’t touch me with your onion hand.” 
18 notes · View notes
shuchu · 2 years
u should do 18 (event fluff list!) with milord vox akuma ... 18 is definitely something he would say (*≧∀≦*) -🌸
˗ˏˋ₊ °.♡ romantic words ♡.°₊ˎˊ˗
shuchu’s 100 follower event ♡
prompt: “i desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but i also want to grip your hair as i watch you writhing underneath me.”
characters: vox akuma ; streamer!reader
warnings: suggestive, minors DNI ; gn!reader 
author notes: thank you for participating 🌸 anon!! i’m so sorry this took eons to get out (╥﹏╥) you’re right though, vox would say this >▽< thank you for being patient with me lovelies, i have a small break in between assignments and tests soon so hopefully i can use that time to write up more for y’all ♡ decorative divider: @/mykaesu on twt ⋯♡ᵎ
enjoy! ♡
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previously vox lived an hour away but when you found out that he moved nearer to you, you were elated. the both of you were already pretty good friends so you would pop over to his place to hang out pretty much every day.
you would end stream and text vox saying, “voxy i’m coming over.”
“sure thing! i’ll leave the door unlocked.”
most of the time the both of you would be working on projects together, being productive but other times, vox would insist that you have to watch so-and-so movie with him now that you can hang out with him in person.
vox would then proceed to talk your ear off about the movie after it’s done, resulting in the both of you staying up till ungodly hours and having to chug coffees and teas the next morning. 
there are some days however, where vox is in a sentimental, emotional, sappy mood. he opens up about it and shares his thoughts with you. you sit there listening to him, resting your head in your palms. 
you find yourself falling in love with this man that is so brutally honest about who he is and isn’t afraid to show some vulnerability. not only is he that but he’s caring, has a huge heart, helpful, hardworking and a bit egotistical at times but that’s all part of his charm.
you would lie in bed at night wondering if he felt the same. unbeknownst to you, vox did feel the same. 
the way you sat there listening to whatever he had to say, not rushing him, never judging him. even if you had absolutely no idea what he was saying, you still listened and made an effort to get to know him. he liked that he could throw a flirty remark your way and have you shoot a witty comment back in return. vox finds it really attractive when you’re in the zone working hard on projects and brainstorming ideas for streams. and that smile, gosh, it makes him melt.
today was like any other day, you were at vox’s house after wrapping up stream and since you haven’t had anything to eat yet, he offered to cook dinner for you. 
you sat at the kitchen island, watching as vox cooked up a storm in the kitchen. the both of you having a little chat, asking how has each other’s day been. vox had poured you a glass of red wine to sip on whilst waiting, knowing that you loved having a little red wine to wind down after a tiring day.
the conversation eventually died down and all you could hear was the sizzle of the steak in the pan. you take in the scene before you and think: this feels oddly domestic; as though we’re dating…who am i kidding, he probably doesn’t like me that way…
lost in your thoughts, you let out a soft sigh subconsciously.
“a penny for your thoughts?” vox asks after hearing you sigh.
“vox, what do you think of me?”
vox hums softly, “well, i think you’re a wonderful person y/n, i really enjoy your company.”
you pout, not getting the response you hoped for. vox turned around after hearing you go silent to see you sulking. his eyes softened and he turned back to carry on with the cooking.
he chuckles and asks, “what’s wrong y/n? why’re you sulking like that?”
“it just wasn’t the response i was looking for.” you grumbled. 
vox plates up the food and places your plate in front of you before grabbing his plate and cup of wine, seating himself next to you. “what did you expect me to say then hmm?” vox asks with a teasing smirk.
maybe it’s the alcohol in your veins, giving you the liquid courage to say what you were going to say next.
“i don’t know we’ve been spending a lot of time together recently and i’m starting to feel a bit different towards you.” you said, your cheeks flushed. whether it was from the alcohol or from you blushing, you couldn’t tell at this point. 
vox lets out a breathy laugh, he gets where you’re going with this but he decides to tease you a little, liking how flustered you’re getting. “um…you might need to elaborate a bit more on that y/n. what do you mean by different?”
“vox akuma!” you glare at him, “you know damn well what i’m trying to say, don’t even try to act dumb.” you huff in annoyance.
vox grins and leans towards you to intertwine his fingers with yours, “y/n, look at me.”
you turn towards him, still pouting. 
“if you want me to be brutally honest. i desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up,” your heart melts from vox’s romantic words. 
vox then leans forward to whisper into your ear, “but i also want to grip your hair as i watch you writhing underneath me.” he pulls back with a smug grin plastered on his face. you feel heat rising to the tips of your ears from the suggestive ending to his confession.
“well i mean, you’ve already done the first part. why don’t we do the other things you mentioned hmm?” you smirk at him with a mischievous glint in your eyes. 
your gaze falls to his lips and back up to his eyes. vox does the same, before dipping down to kiss you, capturing your lips in a heated kiss in which you return with the same amount of hunger and yearning. he swipes his tongue against your bottom lip slightly before pulling back to whisper, “i hope you’re ready sweet thing because we’re going to be up all night.” 
769 notes · View notes
kaorisun · 3 years
I've just read "Their Last Day On The Motorway" and I can confidently say you've ripped my heart out with that fic.
Can I request a fluff fic where the LIs get sick and calls MC while they were in work just to inform them. The LIs didn't expect much but then suddenly MC is back at home with medicine and starts pampering and taking care of them until they get better. And they realized MC literally just abandoned work just to take care of them.
Sorry if it's so specific, I just need smth to soothe my heart 😭
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 BLOOMIC. sick comfort
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characters included ; nightowl, quest, xyx, nakedtoaster + onionthief
tags ; fluff, comfort, gender neutral reader
author’s note ; aH! Anon! I’m glad you enjoyed the angst fic! Most angst fics I write of my own volition always end up being death fics like that, so I apologize for ripping your heart out :’) hopefully, this works to soothe you! fluff fluff!! I hope you enjoy! Also added some obligatory shallot man <3
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— Nightowl wakes up to a surprise— and it’s entirely unpleasant. His head feels heavy, he’s dehydrated and the room feels too hot— ah. He’s sick. Of course.
— He groans quietly. He wished that today was one of your off days. Waking up in bed alone was one thing— but when he was sick? It was even worse. He glanced over to your side of the bed longingly. He’d do anything to have you here right now— but you were working. He couldn’t ask you to leave for him. Besides, it’d only be a few more hours and then you’d be home and he could cling to you then! Yeah, that sounded like a plan.
— He checked the time before glancing at his phone. Well… it wouldn’t hurt to at least call you, would it? You should be on break by now anyways, not to mention he needed something to help him last through the day. A promise that you’d take care of him when you returned home would suffice. He grabbed his device, dialing up your number and waiting for you to answer. Every ring made him even more impatient— and he was about to give up until he heard the tell tale click of the phone being answered.
— “Hey, Nightowl! Miss me already? I’ll be home in a few hours, you know.” You responded in a playful tone. He could hear your smile through the phone and his heart warmed. He hummed softly before sighing.
— “I know, cutie, but it’s worse! I woke up sick today! Waking up without you was such a pain. You’ll take care of me when you get back, right?” He questioned and he heard you fall silent before speaking again.
— “Sick? Oh, Nightowl, of course I’ll take care of you. How are you feeling now? Can I get you anything?” You bombarded him in questions— previous lightheartedness replaced with genuine concern. Nightowl beamed under the attention and worry you showed through the phone. He always felt so loved when you showed such worry for him. He laughed a bit.
— “I’m feeling pretty feverish, honestly. Bring me back something sweet? Oh! Ice cream— to cool me off. Please? If you aren’t too tired after work, of course. I know you’ll have to go back to work soon. I love you, cutie! Thank you! I can’t wait for you to get home.” He said softly.
— “I love you too, Nightowl. And of course. Anything for you. I can’t wait to get home to you. I’ll take care of you until you’re back in top shape! Don’t worry. I’ve gotta go. See you soon.” You said before hanging up. Not soon enough. Nightowl thought ti himself. He’d still have to wait a few hours for you to return.
— He sat in bed for about 45 minutes— unable to get up without being overcome with an awful dizzy spell. He wanted to try getting water, but figured he could wait. He’d much rather not have you return to him passed out on the floor, after all. He simply shut his eyes in an attempt to doze off before hearing the front door open.
— “Nightowl? I’m back! I brought you some things.” You called out. Nightowl’s eyes widened— quickly glancing at the time, wondering if time had somehow passed quicker than expected, only to find that it was hardly an hour after he called you. You walked into the room, still in your work clothes and quickly rushing to his side. Your hands gently brushed the hair away from his forehead to feel his temperature and he smiled softly, reveling in your touch.
— “You’re burning up. Here— I brought you water and some medicine.” You said softly and helped him sit up. He took the medicine before you helped him lay back down.
— “Can you sit next to me? I wanna lay my head in your lap. Please, don’t leave me just yet.” He whined softly and you laughed before getting into bed, sitting up and gently pulling his head in your lap. You didn’t bother to change, grab your phone, anything. Nightowl loved that your first focus was him the moment you got back. You brushed your hands gently through his hair and he leaned against the touch.
— Nightowl was relieved. So relieved that you were back. He felt awful— but the mix of finally being hydrated and your presence worked wonders in soothing him enough to allow him time to finally relax, giving his body the rest it needed. Only an hour ago you’d been at work and now you were here. Wait… your job—!
— “A-Ah cutie— shouldn’t you be at work? I don’t want you to risk anything for me.” He insisted, glancing up at you with a worried expression. You smiled down at him, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on his forehead.
— “Hey, don’t worry about it, okay? I called in a family emergency and my boss was fine with me leaving. I could never just leave you here to suffer alone without me to cling on and whine to. And I knew you’d never ask me yourself, so I took it upon myself to be here. I want to be here, Nightowl.” You explained and pulled back to look at him. He looked up at you with wide eyes before tearing up a bit— finally. He found the one. The one who cared for him— who prioritized him. He was important enough for you to drop everything just to support him. It made him happy and for a bit? He forgot he was even sick. You wiped the stray tears away with a fond smile, allowing him a moment to compose himself.
— “Thank you.” He said softly, leaning into your touch more. You laughed lightly.
— “For being here? No need to thank me.” You insisted and he shook his head.
— “Not just for that, cutie. Thank you for being here, yes, but also? Thank you for choosing me. Thank you for loving me.” He said, vulnerability lacing his tone. You hummed softly and peppered his face in gentle kisses. A soft, silent reminder that that was something he’d never have to thank you for.
— After all. You were just treating him in the way he deserved.
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— Quest had hardly woken up when you kissed his cheek, letting him know that you were off to work. He didn’t even know how long ago that was. He felt groggy— vision bleary as he finally fully awoke. His head felt heavy— what time even was it? He glanced over at the clock, rubbing his eyes a bit and putting on his glasses as his vision slowly cleared. 12:00 PM? How had he slept so much without realizing it?
— He tried getting up, before realizing that his whole body felt weak— immediately being met with extreme chills, nearly falling over in the process. Everything hurt. Naturally. He was sick, wasn’t he? He tried to manage a few steps, but he could hardly manage with just how ill he felt— so he retreated back into the warmth of the bed. His slung his arm over your side of the bed, glancing over with a soft sigh. He could call you, tell you of his predicament. But… calling you out of work? He couldn’t. You were busy— he didn’t want to stress you out even more. He’d just have to manage the best he could on his own.
— He made another attempt to get up, slowly this time— but the pace didn’t help. He still felt just as awful. He sighed, sitting there for a moment before he heard you call— the personalized ringtone he’d set for you ringing throughout the room. Right. Your lunch break. He grabbed the phone, answering, mustering up the best possible tone he could.
— “H-Hey angel, how’s work?” He questioned— though his tone was strained and cracked slightly— not exactly how he intended and most certainly not doing him any favors in hiding his condition from you.
— “Huh? Quest, you don’t sound all that great. Are you okay? Did something happen?” You questioned, clearly concerned about him to the point that you didn’t bother to answer the questions about your own work day. He let out a soft sigh. He couldn’t lie to you. If he did, you’d just worry yourself the whole day wondering what was up.
— “I’m fine, (y/n). Just feeling a little under the weather. Nothing serious.” He insisted. He could practically feel the worry emanating from you through the phone and he just hoped you’d buy it— hoped that you didn’t realize he was downplaying it.
— “Alright… well, take it easy today, alright? I’ll cook you something when I get back. And I’ll pick up some medicine for you, too. Do not overwork yourself today, Quest. Just rest, okay?” You said in a stern, yet gentle tone. He knew you wanted what was best for him. He smiled softly at the thought.
— “Of course, angel. I’ll see you after you get off work. I look forward to being with you again.” He said softly before hanging up with a longing sigh. This would be an awful wait— he knew it. He laid back and rested his arm over his eyes. He could at least try to sleep, given that he could hardly walk in his condition. However, he ended up more so going out cold than actually sleeping.
— When he woke up, he hardly felt rested, but he felt gentle fingers brushing against the side of his face. He leaned into it before cracking his eyes opened, his eyes meeting yours. He smiled softly. What a lovely sight to wake up to. He was glad you were back. Was he out for that long?
— “Hey angel. What time is it?” He asked groggily and you sighed and shook your head a bit.
— “It’s just past 1PM. I knew you downplayed just how sick you were, and even if you hadn’t, I would’ve rushed home all the same. You can ask me to be here, you know? I’m yours. I want to take care of you when things like this happen. I don’t want you to force yourself to manage alone.” You said softly. He sat up slightly, giving an apologetic smile, kissing your hand lightly.
— “I’m sorry. I just… couldn’t bring myself to ask you to leave work on my behalf.” He admitted and you gave a gentle laugh.
— “Quest. You’re far more important than work. And they were understanding enough. Besides, I know you’d do the same for me. Now sit up. I made you something warm to eat and brought you medicine and water. Now that I’m here, let me take care of you.” You insisted, helping him up and handing him the medicine and the water. He gave you a grateful look, taking the medicine before placing it to the side and taking the bowl from your hands. He sighed softly.
— “I feel a little bad, still. That I got sick and worried you. And now you’re here, taking care of me.” He muttered quietly. You simply smiled and leaned against him. The warmth felt comforting— permeating through the intense chill he felt.
— “Don’t feel bad. I made the choice to be here. I left work to take care of you because I wanted to. I love you, you know? You deserve to be taken care of when you get sick. You deserve to have help and support when you need it, Quest. I’m more than happy to be that person for you, should you have me.” You expressed and he felt his heart melt, easily feeling more warm than before. You always knew just the thing to say and your presence was a healing one. He felt lucky that he had someone so kind to take care of him.
— “I’d never say no to having you by my side, angel. And I love you too, but still. Thank you. Thank you for supporting me and being here when I need you most.” He stated. You kissed his cheek gently and nodded.
— “Of course. I’ll always be here whenever you need me.” You said and just by the expression on your face, Quest could tell. You were telling the absolute truth. And he was grateful for it.
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— Xyx woke up with a slight stretch as he sat up. He glanced over at where you usually slept and sighed as he reminded himself that even if it was his off day, you still had to work. He always tried to convince you to take days off when he had them— but he understood that your schedule, much like his, was busy enough as is. Plus, you didn’t mind having to work since you’d come home to him and that feeling was an irreplaceable one.
— However, soon enough, Xyx felt an intense pounding in his head, paired with a slight ringing in his ears. The light peering through the blinds only made it worse and he got up— stumbling around the room, turning off all of the lights, closing the blinds and the curtains— anything to soothe the pain he felt.
— It was dizzying— enough to make him feel sick to the stomach— nauseating. He was quick to lay back down, shutting his eyes for a moment. The dizziness settled a bit, but he still felt god awful. He blindly reached around for his phone before grabbing it, wincing at the light but checking his texts nonetheless. You had mentioned that you’d fed Cat already and that you’d call him on your break and he felt grateful. He wouldn’t have to get up to feed his pet. He didn’t think he’d been able to manage if he had to.
— He then felt a sting of loneliness. He hated being sick and in pain. It was worse when he was alone— because being sick and restless meant staying up and thinking about his worst memories and his most vulnerable thoughts. Xyx despised it. He wished you were home, but you were busy. He’d just have to suffice with a call from you until you got home. It’d be a hellish wait, but worth it when you’d return home and play personal nurse for him. He always loved seeing your focus solely on him. It made him happy— relaxed him a bit to know that someone genuinely cared for him.
— He heard his phone ring and without even sparing a glance at the contact name, he knew who it was. He answered, a small smirk on his face as he responded. After all. He had to keep up appearances. He couldn’t… bring himself to ask for your time or to ask you to sacrifice work for him.
— “Hey doll, how’s work been?” He asked with his usual playfulness. He heard you laugh a bit through the phone.
— “Oh it’s the same as always, Xyx. How are you? And how’s Cat? I hope you’re showering them in affection while I’m gone. We both know they deserve the best.” You joked lightly. Xyx snickered, but before he could manage a response, he felt his head start up a consistent, pulsating pain that he felt spread throughout his head and behind his eyes. He groaned, curling up a bit at the sudden feeling and he heard you pause. He could feel the worry before you even spoke.
— “Xyx? Are you alright? You sound like you’re in pain.” You murmured and he let out a soft sigh. No use in hiding it now. Lying to you would do him no good.
— “I’m fine, love. I just woke up and my head’s been killing me. I’m really feeling it now.” He mentioned and forced a small laugh. He heard some shuffling from your end of the phone before you responded again.
— “Well, stay in bed for the time being, alright? I’ll pick you up some medication and something light to eat. It’s probably a really bad migraine, so just try to rest, okay? Moving around won’t do you any good.” You insisted in a stern tone before following up, “And I mean it, Xyx. Please, just stay in bed. It won’t be too long before I’m home.” You stated simply and Xyx chuckled.
— “Alright alright. I promise, doll. I’ll make sure I don’t do anything too reckless before you get back from work. It’ll be so so awful waiting so long for you to return, but I’ll manage. Promise. Besides, I’ve got Cat here to keep me company in the mean time!” He insisted and you gave a content hum.
— “Okay, good. I won’t keep you waiting too long. Promise.” You said softly before hanging up. Xyx let out a long sigh. He knew he’d still have to wait and it’d be long enough of a wait for him to get impatient, antsy and restless. Nonetheless, you still had a few more hours of work left. He’d have to accept that.
— He shut his eyes and spaced off for a while, unable to fully sleep due to the pain he felt. Distantly, he heard the door open and heard Cat meow from afar. He opened his eyes, glancing at the time. It was only an hour after your call with him— you weren’t supposed to be home. He glanced at the bedroom door as it opened and saw you walk in and smiled.
— “Doll, you’re supposed to be at work.” He mentioned and you laughed a bit.
— “And leave you here to suffer on your lonesome when you’re hardly able to get yourself out of bed? Absolutely not. I brought medicine and water.” You smiled and walked over to his side, helping him sit up and giving him the medicine before helping him rest back down. You sat on the side of the bed, idly toying with strands of his hair while he clung to your waist.
— “Are you sure this won’t put you behind schedule? I’d hate for you to… fall behind and get more stressed out because of me.” He murmured, slightly muffled. You smiled and looked at him.
— “Xyx. I care about you and I love you more than anything. So be it if I get busy. You’re more important to me. I’ll always be here when you need me. I made that promise to you, after all.” You insisted. He pulled back to look at you, giving a adoring smile and laying back against the pillows, covering his face as he became flustered.
— “Love. You are an amazing person. I’m… really happy. Stay with me? At least until I fall asleep?” He asked softly and you nodded, getting into bed and laying next to him. He hummed in content, pecking your lips lightly before resting quietly against you.
— “I’ll always be here, Xyx. You’ll never suffer alone again as long as I’m here.” You said softly and he felt himself relax. He knew the statement to be true— he knew you’d always be there. And for once?
— He let himself firmly believe in that promise.
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— Toasty always woke up in the afternoon. And every time he did, you were already long gone at work if it wasn’t an off day for you. He woke up particularly late, though, feeling more tired than usual. It was as if he hardly even slept— and he was certain he had been asleep far longer than usual. He sat up and winced— being overcome by a wave of nausea. He rubbed his eyes, glancing over at the clock, but hardly able to even make out the time. He groaned softly, retreating back under the covers.
— He felt awful. And suddenly it didn’t sound so bad having you there with him. He glanced at his phone where it sat on the nightstand, but quickly thought against it. You had to work. He couldn’t call you back home out of the blue, but he couldn’t just not tell you, right? Maybe he’d only disclose it when you were off work— he’d be in the clear then. As if you’d sensed something was up, his phone rang. You were calling. He panicked for a moment, clearing his throat so it didn’t sound like he’d just woke up and then picked up.
— “H-Hello? What’s up, (y/n)? You don’t usually call during work.” He murmured and you gave a light laugh.
— “I know, but it’s almost raid hours, right? Figured I’d wanna hear your voice before you got too distracted to hear the phone ring.” You hummed teasingly. He covered his face in embarrassment as if you could see him and whined softly.
— “I don’t get that distracted. But you’re right. It is almost raid hours— I nearly forgot.” Toasty mentioned idly and you gave a soft, curious noise.
— “You? Nearly forgetting about Final Fantasy? Wow, something must have been real important then.” You mentioned playfully and he rolled his eyes and smiled.
— “I just woke up a little sick, is all. I’ll be fine! I’m.. fine— don’t worry about it.” He insisted and you went silent for a moment before sighing.
— “Toasty, if you think playing ffvix is a good idea when you’re sick, then you’re wrong. Get rest. I’ll bring you medicine and make you something to eat when I get home. Drink water, you hear? No energy drinks or any of that. And I’m serious. Stay in bed and rest. I’ll take care of you when I get home.” You stated and he groaned softly.
— “But how am I gonna entertain myself until you get back? You still have a few more hours of work.” He mumbled and you laughed in response.
— “I’ll be there sooner than you think. I’ve gotta go. Take care of yourself. I love you, bye!” You chimed and hung up. He sighed. Even if you said the wait wouldn’t be long, he knew it’d take forever. At least it’d feel that way. He checked the time. He still had a few hours.
— He got up, walking slowly to his desk as to not make his nausea or dizziness any worse and sat himself down, logging in to his game and slipping his headphones on. He had to admit, the light from the screens and the high energy nature of the game definitely did not make him feel any better, but he couldn’t complain much. At least it was entertaining.
— He’d gotten lost in the game, losing track of time completely and zoning out. Soon enough, he felt arms wrap around him and he jumped as his headphones were taken off his head.
— “Hey. I thought I told you to rest.” You muttered, peppering soft kisses along his jawline. He felt his face flush and he checked the time. Only 45 minutes had passed— why were you back so early? As if you could read his expression, you sighed and answered his question before he could ask.
— “Did you really think I’d leave you sick and all on your lonesome? Plus, I know how stubborn you can be sometimes. I knew you’d never actually rest if I just told you to. Now come on. I got medicine for you. Let’s go back to bed.” You stated and he got up, feeling a bit shaky and now incredibly grateful that you were there. You supported him with an arm around his waist and helped him back to bed.
— Toasty looked at you with a sheepish smile as you handed him the proper medicine and a glass of water. Afterwards, he laid back down and you sat on the edge of the bed next to him, running your fingers through his hair.
— “You didn’t have to leave work for me… I’d hate for you to get in trouble.” He murmured guiltily as he leaned into your touch and looked at you. You looked at them with a fond expression and leaned down, kissing his forehead gently before pulling back.
— “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to be here for you. Someone’s gotta shower you in love and affection when you’re sick. Besides, I love you too much to let you deal with it on your own when I’m fully capable of taking care of you.” You insisted and his face flushed and he smiled, pulling you down into a gentle embrace.
— “I can’t believe I was lucky enough to meet you. I love you too. A lot. Thank you for wanting to be here for me.” He mumbled softly and you laughed gently, getting into bed properly and allowing him to curl against you as you threaded your fingers into his hair to relax him. He reveled in your touch and your attention and he was happy.
— Because even if things seemed difficult in the moment, he knew you wouldn’t hesitate to be there. You prioritized him and you wouldn’t hesitate for a moment to let him know that he was important to you.
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— Onion woke up a little after you, without fail, every time. He always got up right before you left for work so he could see you out. Sure, there was no real reason to it, but it was a routine that he had no desire in changing. Besides, he liked being able to watch you leave and then subsequently being the person you came home to, even if you typically came home when he was in the midst of studying.
— However, today, he woke up at the same time, but felt horrible. He groaned as he got up— he felt feverish— uncomfortably warm. Had he eaten something the day before? He’d been entirely sanitary— how did someone like him get sick? It’d put a large hinderance in his productivity if he was sick. How could he get to everything he needed to get done if he could hardly think straight?
— He distantly heard you call his name— but he could hardly muster a response. He hated being sick and his throat felt dry. He coughed a bit and you soon walked into the room and glanced at him worriedly. You walked over, placing your bag down and gently cupping his face, placing a hand on his forehead.
— “You’re burning up. Lay back down.” You said softly and he nodded, laying back in bed. You walked out of the room and he heard noises coming from the kitchen before you walked back in, a glass of water and a few medicine bottles in hand. You placed them on the nightstand and smiled at him.
— “Here. Take these. I have a quick call to make.” You stated and kissed his cheek gently before walking out of the room with your phone. He watched you leave and sat up, taking the proper medicine before laying back down. You walked back in, seating yourself next to him in bed and rubbing his back gently. Onion glanced at you, narrowing his eyes a bit.
— “You’ll be late for work, you know.” He muttered and you rolled your eyes a bit.
— “Exactly why I called my boss and explained it to him. I’m not just gonna leave you here when you’re sick, you know.” You insisted and he sat up a bit in protest and looked at you.
— “Work is important. More important than taking care of me— you can’t just drop everything just because I have a fever.” He argued and you pushed him to lay back down and laughed a bit.
— “Really? Says who, Onion? I think you’re more important than work. Making sure you’re tended to, comfortable— that’s my priority over productivity. I know that work is important, but I think being there for my boyfriend is far more pressing of a matter. I’d never choose work over you, you know?” You said softly and he sighed and shook his head.
— In all honesty, he always grew up believing that he had to be productive no matter how he felt about it— that it took priority over everything, including his own health. He wanted to call you a fool for missing a day just for him— wanted to insist it was unnecessary— but in reality, it made him happy. It made his heart warm knowing that you were so willing to nurse him back to health— not even hesitating to call off work when you realized his condition.
— You really were the perfect partner, weren’t you? Kind, caring and supportive. A hard worker with their priorities straight— everything he wanted and more.
— He sighed simply and laid against you, relaxing in your presence. Being sick wasn’t ideal, but he knew it’d have been far more painful without you there. At the very least, he’d have someone there for him who could help him— though he hated admitting to needing help. Even so, you were the one person he’d accept assistance from because you never did it to belittle him— you never helped because you pitied him. You did it because you loved him. A reason he valued over all others.
— “Fine. Skip work for me, but don’t complain to me when you fall behind.” He mumbled and you laughed a bit and shook your head, humming softly.
— “I don’t plan on complaining. I have nothing to complain about. Besides, I’m sure I’ll hear enough complaints from you alone since you’re sick.” You teased lightly. Onion glanced up at you before giving a soft smile.
— “Yeah I’ll complain. Being sick is troublesome. But I’m thankful. Thank you for being here. And thank you for… prioritizing me. And loving me.” He mumbled softly.
— “You never have to thank me for loving you, Onion. Prioritizing you, choosing you. I’ll never regret it for as long as I live. I love you and you’re an amazing boyfriend.” You stated simply, a content, loving expression on your face. He gave you a genuine, warm smile and relaxed into your touch, closing his eyes.
— “I love you too. And I don’t regret choosing you either. You’re perfect in every way imaginable.” He said in a gentle tone. Typically you’d argue the perfection claim, but with how relaxed and content he looked— you’d let him win this one, just this once.
— He felt slightly triumphant that you didn’t fight back, but more importantly, he felt loved. He felt important. You never judged him or valued him based on his achievements, but you were always supportive of them. You cheered him on when no one else did— you took care of him despite his stoic and direct demeanor.
— You did things for him that no one else even tried to do. And for that, he felt lucky. Because he firmly believed you could’ve had anyone you wanted— yet you picked him. And you continue to choose him and stay with him every day of the week. And he loves you more than he can express.
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st0ryf1lms · 2 years
Hi!! I saw you were asking for requests so if you still are, I am always searching for more Matt Murdock fluff! Maybe waking you up from a nightmare bc he can hear your heart start to race? Doesn’t matter completely up to you if you want to write it :)
3AMs & you ➳ matt murdock
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pairing: matt murdock x reader
word count: 361
genre/warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, a bit of triggering topics like a family member's death, matt murdock being sweet & domestic bc yes that man acting all lovey-dovey gives me a heart attack 😩
synopsis: your grandmother's death took a really big toll on you. luckily enough, matt's there by your side.
a/n: hi anon!! tysm for requesting this, i’ve always wanted to write a matt fic but my writer’s block got in the way huhu also im so sorry its too short i wrote this last night while recovering from a headache 😭 but anw i hope you enjoy this little blurb and hopefully i successfully satisfied your request i’ll stop now hehe enjoy!!
It was your first night at the hotel you booked in Manhattan for your grandmother's funeral. A really dangerous place for an old woman to be in, but hey, there was no changing your grandma's mind. Your grandma had died of an illness and all your relatives are coming to her funeral. But out of all of them, you were the closest to her. Whenever your mom or dad was at work, she was there to take care of you and when your sister was born, it was your turn to help her take care of your sister. Which is why her death struck you most than it did your other relatives besides your mom. Thankfully, she had met Matt a few years before she died.
"Grandma!" You heard a little voice similar to yours when you were younger call out. You turned your head to the left side of the field to confirm if it was really you and it was. You were five, playing with your grandma in her field. You smiled at the memory being played in front of you. You were about to go to your grandma until she slowly passed out on the ground. You ran to your grandmother then your surroundings changed to seeing her in her death bed, the monitor by your side flat-lining.
"Y/N, wake up!" You were jolted awake by your lover's voice. It was all a nightmare. Matt seemed to have woken you up, detecting your accelerating heartbeat and you breaking into a cold sweat.
"Matt?" You called out, even if he was embracing you in his arms. "Yes, sweetheart?" He answered back softly. "You won't leave me like she did, right?" You asked lightly, tears pricking your eyes as you did. "Oh, baby. You couldn't let me leave you, even if you tried." He said with a small smile, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I love you, Matthew. I love you, so so much." You said, finally letting the hot tears roll down your cheeks.
"I love you, too, Y/N. I love you more than you can imagine." He replied back, slightly tightening his hold on you.
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softxsuki · 3 years
Tw: mental health
Hello lovely! I have been hesitating to send this ask for a few hours now cuz I really didn’t wanna bother you! :( I’m so so sorry, but I just had a very bad day… honestly I have been struggling with my mental health for the longest time but only this year when I started going for regular therapy session and also started medication recently… I thought I got a little bit better with the help I’m receiving but I’m not sure why sometimes for no reason at all, everything just starts to go down for me…I started to think a lot but I just didn’t want to bother people about these kind of things over and over again and I’m also scared that certain ppl will actually judge me if I tell them about the appointments and medications :(
These few days also just brought back bad memories from when I was younger and being bullied in school… it just feels like a slap in the face when I tried so hard to get better but yet again I went back to square one… I’m really sorry this turn out to be very dark and depressing :(
Is it alright for me to request for an urgent request? Maybe just a short scenario about character saying reassuring things to me and accompanying me to my psychologist sessions? My comfort character as of current is Kuroo from Haikyuu or Hyun-Su from sweet home..(either one of them is fine!) thank you! And sorry for ranting!
Kuroo (Haikyuu) and Hyun-Su (Sweet Home) Comfort Reader After Hearing About Their Mental State (Separate)
Pairing: Kuroo x Gn!Reader, Hyun-su x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mental health talk, feeling down, mentions of therapy and medication usage
Genre: Comfort, perhaps slight fluff?
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: In which Kuroo and Hyun-su (separate) comfort you after you open up about your mental state
[A/N:Hello my wonderful 💛anon <3 I'm so sorry that you've been feeling down after things were just starting to get better in terms of your mental health. It must be very frustrating :(. Your requests never bother me, please know that you will never bother me! It's an honor to be able to write this for you in hopes that it helps bring you any form of comfort! Also don't apologize, it's really okay! I used to go to therapy a while ago, but I stopped. After Covid and losing my best friend of 11 years (she didn't die, she just kinda pushed me away) I went back into my horrible spiral of darkness and I felt the same way. Like that I was back to square one, but I kept pushing and I was able to come back out of my pit of darkness thanks to my other friends and my faith, music, all that good stuff lol. BUT I still have my moments, so I just want you to know that having bad days is normal, but definetly continue to strive towards feeling better and working your way out of that place of darkness. Never give up <3. I'm here if you need me. ANYWAY, I chose to do headcanons since I wanted to write for both of your comfort characters. I hope that's okay :3, pls lemme know if it's not and I'll work on them again for you until you're satisfied with how they come out. Hopefully Kuroo and Hyun-su can provide you with some comfort <3. Also I HOPE KUROOS VOLLEYBALL ANALOGY MAKES SENSE. I swear it sounded so good in my head, but then I wrote it and it was ehhh, but idk if it makes sense to someone other than me. hehhh. Enjoy, and I hope you feel better soon <3]**** note it’s my first time writing for Kuroo and I haven’t watched Sweet Home for a while, so I apologize if any of the characters are out of character :3
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Kuroo is so patient and understand about your situation
He knows about your mental state and realizes that you’ve been having a few bad days recently, so he tries his best to help you take your mind off things
He’d try to take you out, maybe to one of his volleyball games or to a park to just walk with you and give you a chance to clear your head
If that doesn’t help then he sits down with you and tries to figure out what’s going through your head
“What’s going on Y/N? You can talk to me you know,” he says gently, reaching out to hold your hand in his own
“It’s okay Kuroo, I don’t need to bother you with this,” you smile softy at him, but secretly wish you could just let all your feelings out
He’s almost insulted that you think you speaking to him and expressing yourself to him is you “bothering” him; if he could, he’d sit and listen to you talk for hours about whatever’s on your mind
He wouldn’t force you to tell him though if you didn’t feel comfortable, he’d just give you a reassuring smile and hope that you’d open up to him soon
In the meantime though, he’s always trying to make sure you know how amazing you are and how important you are to him
Expect plenty of surprise hugs (mostly back hugs as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck) and spontaneous words of encouragement
“Hey darling, you’re doing so wonderful today. I’m incredibly proud of you,” he tells you one day
“Proud of me…? For what?”
“Just proud that you exist in my life and for trying your best each day,” he exclaims with a sly smile, walking past you while ruffling your hair
He’s worried about you of course, but he tries not to show it in fear that seeing him so serious would make you feel even worse, so he keeps that smile that you love on his face and continues to act like things are normal while still squeezing in some comfort for you
Whenever you do build up the courage to let him in on what’s going on in your head and how you’ve been feeling for the past few days, he quietly listens and grabs ahold of your hand to encourage you
“I’ve just been feeling so great after my therapy sessions, even the medication was helping. I really thought I was getting better, but then I randomly found myself back at square one. Like all my hard work went to nothing, and I just don’t know what to do Tetsuro…” you explain to him, finally getting the weight of your emotions off your back a bit
“Hmm, I see what you’re saying,” he says while rubbing small circles to the surface of your hand, then he looks at you with his signature smile, “but I don’t think you should give up after feeling like you’ve spiraled back to square one, that doesn’t mean you actually are back to square one.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” you ask him, confused at his wording, but glad that he was still comforting you instead of judging you for the information shared about yourself regarding your therapy session and medication usage
“Let me put it this way. I play volleyball. All our players have their good days where we win games and rounds back-to-back. Of course Nekoma is a strong team, but we also have our bad days. Whenever we lose a round, we don’t give up and claim our loss, because we still have another round to bring our chance of victory back. Even if we lose that second round, ultimately losing the game between our opponents, that doesn’t mean Nekoma is now a weak team, we just happened to have a bad day that game.”
“Hmm I see,” you hum in thought as you try to take his words in, and he continues.
“Now, after that loss, our team can continue in two different ways. Either one, we get hung up over our loss and have it affect every future game we have, which will surely bring us more failed games, or two, we learn from our loss, shake ourselves off, and train harder so that we ensure our next game is a victory. This is all to say, all the effort you put into getting better is still there! You didn’t work hard to get yourself into a better place for nothing, but bad days are sure to come for anyone. Regardless of our mental state, we all have bad days, and that’s okay,” he reassures you
It was nice to hear that at least your feelings were normal, but you wouldn’t just magically feel better from his words over-night
“Thanks Tesuro,” you give him your best smile. “I was wondering...if maybe you’d come with me to my next therapy session? You don’t have to if you don’t want to though! Don’t worry about it...actually nevermind, it’s okay.”
“I’d love to go if you don’t mind,” he eases your mind and pulls you into him, leaving a soft kiss to the top of your head
You smile at him, glad that he really wasn’t making a big deal out of things
He wants to treat you like he normally would because he honestly doesn’t think any differently about you once he hears about your therapy sessions or the meds you take; you’re still YOU, and that’s all that matters
Whenever he does accompany you to your therapy session he lets you decide whether you want him in the room with you or if you’d like him to wait outside for moral support--whatever you’re comfortable with
But regardless, he’s there for you through it all and he’ll make sure he treats you the same as always until you’re feeling better again
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Hyun-su’s pretty quiet, which makes him a great listener, so you can trust that he won’t judge you for the things you want to vent about
Maybe it was the fact that you knew about his past, but you opened up to him about your situation fairly quickly
ANYWAY, he silently listens as you explain everything, from your past experience of being bullied, to your therapy session, medications, how you were feeling better, but then suddenly you started feeling like things were going down-hill again--everything
Hyun-Su knows what it’s like to be bullied in school, as he was also bullied, so he really feels for your situation and knows exactly what you’re going through
I feel like he wouldn’t be the best at comforting you verbally though, so instead of using words, he’d try and comfort you through actions
Therefore, he pulls you into his arms once you finish explaining how you’d been feeling
“I’m sorry you have to go through this Y/N,” he tells you finally after a few moments of silence
Though those are the only words he says to you, you feel a weight fly off you just being in his embrace; there was something so comforting about being in his warm arms, inhaling his familiar scent that made you feel at home
He’s calm on the outside, but internally he’s angry at the people that used to bully you and wishes desperately that he could have been there or wished that he knew you at the time so that at least you’d have him to lean on whenever you needed someone (cute baby ahh)
Regarding your therapy sessions, when you ask him to go with you, he’s unsure at first
“Are you sure it’s okay if I go with you?” he asks skeptically
“Of course, I’d love it if you could be there with me,” you smile up at him
Since you want him to go with you, he wouldn’t say no, but he would offer to wait outside the door or step out if you ever needed him to
He’d be quiet the whole session, maybe inconspicuously rubbing your back or reaching for your hand if you ever look uncomfortable during the session
You’re definitely in good hands with Hyun-su though, he’s incredibly supportive and comforting during your time of need, so don’t bother pretending like you’re okay when you’re not, he’ll notice right away
He’ll do his best to be by your side and help you in any way he can until you feel better :)
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Posted: 11/19/2021
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rayofsunas · 4 years
otherworldly! s/o
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A/n: happy monday! I woke up at 7am and since then I've been grinding out assignments/classes and now this, so I actually feel productive even though I've been staring at my computer for a while. but thank you for requesting anon! I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading it! <33 also to understand this more, I'd like to point out that this connects to the speculation Genshin and Honkai are alternate universes of one another. so for example, Scaramouche is a harbinger from his time, but he may have been a warlord in a different, with a completely different name (keeping his appearance ofc) hope that makes sense. so if you've paid attention to what I've been saying about Scara and his mini-series, etc. you'll understand what I mean in Scara's lol. his reader insert is fem for the same reason as above btw!
Summary: otherworldly! s/o who arrived as a fallen meteor, that can bring back plants to life/heal deep wounds/scars and resurrect people.
Parings: Albedo/Gn! Reader, Xiao/Gn! Reader, Scaramouche/Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, fluff, alternate realities/time traveler au! (reader is not the traveler), death/resurrection
Word count: 1.7k
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you don't have a vision like some people in Teyvat, because you're not from there; you're from a whole different world itself. instead, you have healing abilities that allow you to any energy you absorb in the form of food/sunlight, and you can use that energy to heal others. though, the healing can only go as far as healing minor injuries such as shallow cuts, scratches, or smoothing out scars. the same can work if you were to heal yourself.
Albedo is so intrigued when he finds you passed out in the pit of a meteor, half of your body hanging out while the other is awkwardly still in it
one, because who is this stranger in a meteor for crying out loud
and two, he notices your wounds on your arms are healing by themselves, slowly though
as someone who studies alchemy, life forms, and such, he's very intrigued that you're able to heal yourself without medicine, and he wonders if you can do the same to others
so he takes you to his lab, and runs a few tests
yes, you're still passed out when this happens, but he's just so curious and couldn't hold back
don't worry though, he's just drawing some blood and testing to see what you can do, because who knows, you may not even speak his language and won't be able to communicate with him (doesn't make a difference Albedo, you need COnSENT-)
so, just for science, he cuts the palm of his hand a little and decides to see if you can heal him
it doesn't take him long to notice the way the tips of your fingers are glowing a light greenish-yellow, so he immediately assumes that's the source of your powers and places a finger on his palm
it takes a second before anything happens, but eventually his cut starts to slowly close
once again he's even more shocked and intrigued
you have the natural ability and he's never come across someone with so much raw strength being able to do that
so you're right up his alley
when you wake up you're confused as hell (obviously) but thankfully, you can speak his language and are able to share your story
Albedo decides to make a deal with you
he'll help you get home if you can educate him more about your ability and your homeland. you agree
it works out perfectly, because you both have something the other needs/can do for the other (you have your power that he's interested in, and he's found a way for you to return home)
it's also easy to work together because of those same common interests, and it helps that he studies alchemy cause he's way more knowledgeable about you and the process can go a tiny bit quicker for you if you wish to return home sooner
at first you're merely friends, co-workers if you wish
but then he starts falling for you and vice versa
you both genuinely enjoy each others company, so you decide to stay in Teyvat a little while longer, even after he finds a way for you to go home
I wouldn't put it past Albedo to want to return to your world if you allow it
he'd be interested in this new or not so new world ;)
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you're like the traveler in a sense, where as soon as you climbed out of the meteor, you felt this connection to Teyvat and your vision randomly appeared. you have a dendro vision, something you learned was a rarity within liyue and mondstadt. along with that vision, you had the previous ability to grow/heal plants. you can bring back dead plants, though if they've been dead for a very long time, that's beyond your ability. they also can't be brought back if they've been badly burned.
Xiao may not be interested at first about what vision you have or even where you came from + why the hell you climbed out of a meteor
he's more interested in getting you home so you can stop asking questions about his own abilities/vision and odd, unfamiliar, but beautiful world
but boy when he catches you bringing back a wilted Glaze Lily?!? shook
he secretly thinks you're so cool and it piques his interest
he's never seen anyone do this before, and though his eyes were deceiving him when he first saw the lily spring to life again
but then when he catches you healing more plants, on your way to Liyue to hopefully find Zhongli for answers, he's so interested
he doesn't ask a crapload of questions, BUT he's going to ask at least one or two
"how're you doing that?"
"what are you?
the questions are kind of vague and require more in-depth explanations than he'd originally hoped, but he's surprisingly willing to listen to your story on the way to the harbor
after he learns your story and calls for Zhongli, he'll immediately leave and claim he has no further interests in you
but he's obviously lying
he finds as he's sitting on top of one the smaller mountains one night, looking down at the glowing Liyue town, he has more questions
way more questions
surprising Zhongli, Xiao shows appears when he's showing you around and getting you accustomed to the people/culture
he finds himself hoving behind you, shyly almost, never asking questions (at least not in Zhongli's presence
his reason for standing behind you is to protect you from any harm, so that way, when he decides to ask you more questions, you'll be there for him to do so and not dead or lost
when you tell Zhongli you'd wish to stay in Teyvat, specifically Liyue, Xiao is happy ngl
he can ask you questions and now that you're somewhat used to Liyue, having been here for four months already and planning to stay forever, he can catch you alone and ask questions without Zhongli hovering or acting as your tour guide lol
slowly, and I mean sluggishly slow, he's going to ask you more questions and he may, emphasis on may, tell you his own story
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you're from an alternate reality of Teyvat, a former doctor in your world. basically, Teyvat hundreds of years in the future. you've studied the human body to become a doctor obviously and you used to be able to bring back the dead using your bare hands. it didn't matter how far back ago they've died, as long as their full-body was still intact (full skeleton needed). though, the further back they died, the more energy you'd use, and if you run out of energy too soon, you couldn't bring them back. but now in this strange land, you can't. in exchange for your powers being lost, you're given an electro vision.
Scaramouche is tasked with finding out more about these odd meteors that keep appearing in various corners of Teyvat
and one very large one
he doesn't care who you are, what you are, what your excuse for being in Teyvat is, but he's been ordered to explore the fallen meteor and since you happened to be passed out inside it upon further exploration, you're part of the mystery he's been told to check out
and, it doesn't further help your situation that you landed in Snezhnaya, in the weirdest, not-so-warm clothing AND he finds you attractive (yes, you heard it here folks), plus you're going to catch hypothermia out here dressed like that
it would suck for a pretty girl such as yourself to be frozen to death
so Scaramouche decides to take you to the Tsaritsa, who leaves you in Scaramouche's care since he found you
she says he can do whatever he wants you, dispose of you, etc.
when you finally come too in an odd room on a couch in front of a fireplace, you're confused, cold as hell despite the flames, and when you see his face, you're immediately angered, which he finds odd
it's almost as if you recognize him... but he doesn't recognize you so he's confused as well
"what're you doing here?"
bold of you, he thinks. to question him with that tone as if you have authority here, over him
"watch yourself. I was going to ask you the same."
you don't seem too pleased with him though
"we agreed to never speak again, or so I thought..."
"are you stupid or are you just playing the stupid card to be released?" he'd say
though as soon as you burst and yell at him about a situation he's not familiar with, he's starting to understand a bit more
you're not from here, not anywhere in Teyvat at least, and by the way you're talking to him as if you know him, he assumed correctly that you're from an alternate reality, where he's also present
though despite his correct assumption, he demands answers and you cannot be allowed any kind of freedom until he gets them
you tell him your story and how in your world, a version of himself exists and that you were briefly married, though split because he was too much of a control/power freak for you and your daughter
he disagrees with the last part about him being a control/power freak ofc but
he decides he'll keep you around, against your wishes
one, because you can become useful if your resurrection abilities are awoken; you'd be able to save many fallen Fatui soldiers, with more training so you don't run out of energy ofc
and two, he doesn't think his other self would miss you very much if you're both on bad terms, he sure would miss such a pretty face if you were to leave though, that's for sure...
so, he's going to keep you around, so he can help train/get used to your electro vision. it works best that way since he has the same vision and can train you more efficiently (I think Scara has electro powers, just an assumption!)
he will also hopefully be able to awaken your resurrection abilities and if you can't, well then sorry you're disposable
overtime, all the Harbingers tease him about his little crush and he either denies it or strongly provokes it cause his ego is through his fucking hat
exhibit a. literally doesn't care that he's caught by childe staring at you train and will say something like, "and? you're just jealous she's not interested in you like she is me."
exhibit b. will throw a fit if someone accuses him and says he has, "no room for crushes or love." even if he was somewhat capable of it in your world...
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3.22.21, rayofsunas
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Quarantine Lovers | Charlie Gillespie
Requested by anon: Can we have a Charlie x reader where she is his secret quarantine partner and the cast keeps guessing who it is until Maddie names a famous writer and gets it right? Thanks!
Pairing: Charlie Gillespie x Female!Reader
Warnings: fluff
A/N: I’m not sure if this is what you wanted but i kinda like it haha
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Charlie has always been secretive about his private life. It’s always been his one thing he promised himself. Work life and private life needs to be separate. Especially in the industry he’s in now. You and Charlie have been together for a couple of months now and nobody knows. It all started when he’d finished filming Julie and The Phantoms and came back to Dieppe from Vancouver. He went for a hike with one of his brothers when they found you sitting on a rock, clutching your ankle. 
“Hey, are you okay?” his voice made you look up. You offered him a polite smile, trying not to show your pain or the fact you were thinking ‘Holy crap, attractive”. “Yeah, just threw my ankle a little bit on the rocks over there,” you pointed to a few feet behind the boys. “Was waiting for it to blow over and I could go on, but I’ve been sat here for…” you checked your watch, “About half an hour.” You chuckled at your own pathetic behavior. “I used to be really good at these hikes, you know?” Charlie then chuckled too, mostly at how endearing you were. 
“Can you stand on it a little bit if we support you?” Patrick, Charlie’s brother, asked then. 
“I’m not sure…” The two guys walked up to you, each taking a hand of yours to pull you up, and then wrapping one arm around your waist. You could go like that for about a kilometer until your foot began to throb again. “Can we take a break?” you squeak. Charlie and Patrick placed you onto a tree trunk very gingerly and took a seat next to you. 
“Are you from around here?” Charlie then asked.
“Yeah, I live in Moncton with my best friend,” you replied with a smile, glad he’s distracting you from the pain in your ankle. 
“No way! We live in Dieppe!” The excitement on his face was the most adorable thing you’d ever seen.  Your eyes and smile widen at this, not necessarily at the fact he lives kind of close, but at the excitement on his face. 
“Cool! I have family in Dieppe, so I know my way around there,” you told them. Charlie and Patrick nodded their heads at this, not entirely sure what else to say to this stranger they just picked up from a rock in the middle of nowhere. 
“So, what’s your name?” Charlie then asked upon reminding himself of this fact. “Y/N Y/L/N,” you replied. 
“Charlie Gillespie, and this is my brother, Patrick,” he introduced himself and his brother, who gave you a little wave. The wind suddenly picked up, and you knew exactly what that meant. 
“It’s going to rain soon. We better get going.” Charlie and Patrick nodded their heads agreeingly and helped you up from the trunk. 
“Get on my back,” Charlie then suggested. “It’s going to go quicker than you hopping along with us.” You hesitated for a few seconds, but then decided you agreed with him. Patrick helped you jump on Charlie’s back, and the three of you continued your walk down the trail, chatting about your lives the whole way down. 
You found out Charlie was an actor and had just finished filming about a month ago, and you told him you were a screenwriter. Your most recent work was on Outer Banks and Season two of Umbrella Academy. You talked about your hopes and dreams and agreed the industry you both were in was a tough one.
From that day on, the two of you have been pretty inseparable. You became really close friends and spent a lot of time together before he finally asked you out on a first date. Then came more and more dates, and then came March 2020. Quarantine. And since Charlie had been spending most of his nights at your place since your best friend was with their parents, you both decided to quarantine together. 
No one knew about your relationship. Not even his friends from the cast of Julie and The Phantoms. Only his family knew, and that’s all that mattered right now. No one knew you two were spending lockdown together at your place, and you could keep it a secret for a very long time. Charlie liked it this way, though the cast had been texting and calling non-stop because they knew he wasn’t home in Dieppe. 
When September 10th hit, and he could finally show you the work he’d done on Julie and The Phantoms. 
“What do you think, Baby?” he asked every five minutes when you were cuddled up on the couch watching it together. 
“Stop asking me that question, Char,” you giggled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. You were fine for most of the show, chuckling at the ghost jokes or pretty much anything Reggie did, bopping your head along to the catchy songs. And then Unsaid Emily hit. “Oh, no…” you whined as the music started to play and on-screen-Charlie started to sing the sad song. The Charlie next to you chuckled, endeared by your investment in the show, and wrapped his arms tighter around you whilst kissing your head multiple times. “HOW DARE THEY END THIS LIKE THAT?!” You screamed at the very end, making Charlie love you even more. Afterwards, he listened to all of your theories and your predictions for season 2. 
Thus far, quarantine is going really well at the Y/L/N-Gillespie Quarantine Residence.
The couple of weeks after the release of Julie and The Phantoms, Charlie had to do a lot of zoom calls for interviews. Sometimes even multiple a day. You made sure you were never in sight during those interviews, sometimes even leaving the house for a walk, but today, you decided to stay home and work on a script for an episode of season 2 of
Outer Banks.
You were sat on the sofa with your laptop and all your notes while Charlie was doing his interview in the bedroom. You could hear him talk to his castmates and the interviewer, and you often had to pause your writing because you wanted to hear what he was talking about.
“Where have you been spending quarantine?” the interviewer asked. Most of them said home with their families, and even Charlie said ‘home’. This answer melted your heart just a tiny bit.
“That’s a lie, Charlie,” Madison said with a giggle. “Charlie has a secret quarantine partner and doesn’t want to say who!”
“I am spending time with family, exploring Dieppe. I don’t know where you get your information from, Mads.” Though Charlie was a good actor, he couldn’t hide the fact he was lying to his own friends. Even you could hear how flustered he was.
“OK, I wanted to start with a couple of the fans’ questions that they sent in,” the interviewer continued, either ignoring the banter and the big piece of gossip they could get out of this, or not having heard it. “Someone asked who you’d love to work with on a next season.”
“Actor wise, I want to do scenes with Cheyenne Jackson,” Madison replies, “I didn’t get to do any scenes with him this season, but he’s really talented and I’d love to work with him. And I also have a writer that would be really great to work with on our show and that’s Y/N Y/L/N. She worked on Outer Banks and Umbrella Academy, and I loved the episodes she wrote.” Charlie’s face at the mention of your name is priceless. His eyes widen first before his mouth curled up into a smile, though he tried to hide it from his castmates and the interviewer. 
Madison and Owen glanced into the camera knowingly but decided not to say anything and continue with the interview. It’s when that interview was done, Madi, Owen and Jeremy called Charlie in a group FaceTime.
“It’s Y/N, isn’t it?!” You heard Madison scream from Charlie’s phone as he walked into the living room where you were working. He gave you a questioning look, as if asking for permission to tell them. You simply nodded encouragingly.
“Yes, okay, fine! You figured it out!” The three on the other side of the line cheered loudly, making you chuckle slightly. “You want to meet the cast, Babe?” he asked you whilst making his way over. You patted the spot next to you for him to sit down, and he obeyed, showing you the screen of his phone.
“Hey, guys!” you greeted with a wave. A chorus of ‘hi’ and ‘hey’ meets your ears. “How’d you figure it out?” You asked them, placing your laptop on the coffee table to get more comfortable. You tucked your feet underneath you, placing your elbow on the back of the couch and gliding your fingers into Charlie’s long, lockdown-hair.
“First of all, I follow you on Instagram, Y/N, and I saw the two of you tagged the same location on the same day once, and your last pictures kind of look similar. So, I had a bit of a hunch, but I wasn’t sure, and when I mentioned you in the interview, he got all flustery and happy and I just knew!” You gave the girl an impressed nod.
“We literally just hung up on the interviewer when Madi texted us ‘IT’S Y/N!!’ in all caps,” Jeremy added with a smile. Defeated, and a little embarrassed, Charlie groaned and hid his face in the crook of your neck, seeking comfort.
“We won’t tell anyone, Char. We’re just happy for you,” says Owen with a smile, “And us, because now Madi won’t be texting us non-stop with all her theories on who your quarantine partner is.” All of you chuckled a that, except for Madison, she glared at her blonde-haired friend through the screen.
“You all wanted to know!” she snarled.
All of you chatted for a couple hours until Charlie and you got hungry and decided to prepare dinner.
“It was nice to meet you, Y/N! Hopefully we’ll see each other soon IRL!” Madison said with the biggest smile on her face.
“It was nice to meet you too, guys! Ooh, by the way! I loved the show!” you complimented.
“Of course you did,” said Owen with a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows.
“Bye guys!” you waved at them, completely ignoring Owen’s statement. Charlie hung up the phone and put his phone on the coffee table before turning to you. “Madison would be a good detective,” you pointed out with a grin. Charlie glared at you, which just made you giggle and kiss his lips. At least now you didn’t need to keep it a secret from his friends. Almost like a weight off your shoulders.
Taglist: @hannahhistorian92​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @thequirkybookaholic​ @parkeret​​ @lukeys-giggle​ @gingerxarmy​ @lovesanimals​
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Piece of Your Heart
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Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Requested by Anon: Hi would you mind terribly writing a established R/Nat fic where R was fighting Thanos with Tony and Nat thinks she got dusted because obviously Nat has heard nothing from her but really she’s been on that ship with Tony the whole time? I love your writing and I’d love reading something like that it’d make me so emotional 💖
Word Count: 2.2k (longish and an amazing mix of angst and fluff)
A/N: Damn I loved writing this, and I wrote it to a particular song so it ended up revolving around dancing more than I thought it would. It’s really good though and I hope you like it as much as I do!!
Dull white light shone down; music blanketed the room, feet shuffled across the marble floor. Reflections played in the mirrors, all showing the same image. The image of a woman with bright red hair, dancing alone, trying to fill the piece of her heart she lost.
Natasha moved elegantly across the floor, twirling and twisting where she saw necessary. She made a perfect pirouette across the floor. Shifting her weight across the pointe shoes, the redhead moved to the other side of the room with ease. Another perfect pirouette as she waited for something she knew wouldn't happen.
Strange, pirouettes are always perfect. There's never the chance for it to be flawed, for there to be a mistake. Stumbling wasn't an option for her, falling a pleasure denied. Yet, her feet faltered, losing her balance as she caught herself on the metal bar.
Staring at herself in the mirror, she saw the redness of her eyes matching her hair, the dark circles underneath her eyes. Her face, devoid of any emotion except for loss. Ignoring everything she could, she moved back to the center of the room, dancing once again.
It wasn't right without you. The room was a little too big, the music a little too quiet, Natasha's heart too empty. You'd always joked that you held a piece of her heart and she a part of yours. Never did she think the joke might be more real.
She faltered again, losing her balance without you to catch her. Sighing, she picked herself back up, trying to be the perfect pirouette they trained her to be. Her feet always fell to the side, refusing to keep balance. Reaching down, she slipped off the pointe shoes before trying again.
The cold floor served as a mild shock as she continued. She let go of being perfect; she was letting herself be flawed again, letting herself feel her loss. Her hips swayed in a broken rhythm, shuffling imperfectly across the floor. It wasn't how they trained her.
It wasn't perfect, not near it. It was how Natasha danced with you, throwing herself away to feel you.
Her skin remembered the way your hands rested on her waist, your fingers tapping a steady beat on her ribs. Her feet recalled the way you danced without rhythm, letting the music take control instead. She remembered how you hummed the tune of the song, the notes vibrating through you. She remembered the sweet nothings you whispered to her, words she'd die to hear again.
Wanting desperately to feel your presence, even the ghost of your touch, she reached out her arms, pretending they were around her as she swayed from side to side. Her eyes fluttered shut, seeing you rather than the darkness of her eyelids.
The way your eyes crinkled when you smiled, the lines on your face as you lit up in a bright grin. The way the light always hit your face in just the right way, making you look like an angel. Maybe you were an angel, one that she couldn't be sure was truly gone.
Natasha had almost begged you not to go after Tony. She should've known she could never convince you out of saving someone. If only you were here to save her now. She didn't know if you were dusted, gone like the rest of her family, or just lost in space, waiting to be whole again.
For now, part of her was whole again. She could almost feel your breath across her neck as you rested your head on her shoulder. You felt so near to her, even if it was just for a blissful few seconds. Natasha let her eyes remain shut, dancing by herself, clinging onto to ghost of you.
Soft music played from your earbuds, enveloping you in a dream of their own rather than your nightmarish reality. The beat reminded you of dancing slowly with someone you loved. You leaned back in one of the seats, letting your eyes flutter shut as you absorbed yourself into another daydream.
Everything about her came back to you when you closed your eyes. It was almost a nightmare to keep them open, to keep yourself occupied in an awful place without her. The ship was so devoid of color, filled with dull blue and purple hues rather than the bright red you craved oh so desperately.
Curling into yourself, you pulled the jacket around your shoulders tighter, trying to keep any warmth you could. It was colder when you were daydreaming rather than working. Maybe remembering what you might have lost can take away from what you have.
Now, you didn't have much. A crashing ship with a billionaire from Earth and one of the daughters of Thanos. At least everything would be over tomorrow. No more crushing daydreams of the past, no more hopeful dreams of Natasha being with you.
You heard Tony record another message for Pepper in a different part of the ship. Pulling out your earbuds with a sigh, you decided to do the same. Looking around to make sure the words you only intended for her, you took out a piece of your suit.
Never had you meant for it to function in this way. Never did you think it would record a dying message. With a sigh and a heavy heart, you propped it in front of you and set it to scan you. It was going to take a hologram, to record not only your words but also your movements.
Taking another minute, you pulled your hair back into a ponytail, trying to look better for her. Leaning back in the chair, you let out another sigh as it beeped. Now that you were about to record your words, you didn't know what to say.
Should you tell her you're sorry? It would be a lie to say that; you wanted to help your family, you don't regret that. You regret leaving her alone, but not leaving. Biting your lip, you started speaking in a vain hope that the right words would come to you.
"Hey Tasha," You began, breathing in and looking away from the hologram. "If and hopefully when you find this recording, please don't show it to anyone else."
Chuckling, you turned towards the recorder again. Now, you didn't know what to say to Natasha. You tried to imagine that she was here, sitting in front of you, waiting. Instead of her apprehension, all you could see was her beauty. It all made you only miss her more.
"I miss you. So damn much Tasha." You continued, running a hand through your ponytail. "I always dreamt of going to space, but now that I'm here."
"It's so lonely without you here."
The void of space stared back at you when you turned away. It taunted you, keeping you away from whom you wanted most. Letting you stare into the emptiness of it instead of the fullness of your dreams. Tearing your eyes away; you turned back to the recorder.
"I thought that if I left, we could have that happy ending when I come back." You continued, trying desperately to put into words what you felt. "But now, I don't know if we're ever going to have that ending."
Your eyes fluttered shut, letting you into a surreal daydream; the house you'd imagined buying lined the inside of your eyelids. Natasha joined you on the large patio set, her arms around your waist as you looked outside. Maybe you had children. They would be running around the front yard, calling out to you while your wife whispered sweet nothings.
It all faded into silence as you took another step into reality. The silence surrounded you, taking away any hope, any dreams you might have ever had. Taking the last step into this dreaded nightmare, you fell back into this reality.
"Tony and Nebula are here with me," you croaked, trying to change the topic. Bringing yourself back, you took another deep breath as your dreams faded back into the void you'd been staring. You began talking about them instead; everything they were trying to do, letting it distract you for a treasured few moments.
It helped, just for a bit. A minute passed while you talked about them, stopping with a loud sigh. You bit your lip, clawing through your memories for something, anything else to talk about. All you saw was her.
"I wish I could dance with you," You whispered, biting your lip tightly. The familiar sting of tears came to your eyes at the memory. You shook your head, clearing yourself of it, adamant not to cry. Leaning forward, you tapped on the recorder.
"If and when this is all over," You whispered, offering a timid smile. The memory came back to you again, this time you didn't stop it. You paused, letting all of your emotions wash over you.
The timid, lovesick smile as your hands slid around her waist, pulling her closer to you. Her warm breath fanning across your face as you leaned your foreheads together. The tingle of her eyelashes fluttering against yours. Her whispers of love and adoration as you swayed slowly, dancing.
"I'll always be dreaming of dancing with you."
The recording stopped, your fingers pressing the small red button. Pulling away from it, you leaned back in the chair again, tugging your jacket tighter around you. The cold seeped back into you, leaking into your bones, making you shiver.
Sighing, you curled further into yourself, forcing yourself to sleep. Maybe if you weren't awake, it would be over faster. It wasn't, you kept clearing your mind of your dreams just to fall asleep. Eventually, you were, oblivious to the world around you.
That was until a rumbling brought you back.
The same rumbling sounded where Natasha was dancing. Her motions stopped at the sound, looking outside the window hopefully. Nothing was there, just the same pitch-black she had grown accustomed to. A glow emanated from above it, casting everything in a light golden tint.
Her feet pounded the floor as she rushed out the door, towards the glow. The sound was accompanied by feet following her, rushing as much as she was. Steve and Pepper rushed behind her. All for the small sliver of hope that someone else survived the snap and made it home.
It's strange how hope is always associated with light. It's as if Natasha had wandered in the dark, stumbling her way through till hope showed her the way out. You can never truly find anything in the darkness without the slightest shred of hope, of light.
The light was what she ran towards, staring up at the glowing ship as it touched down on the grass outside the compound. Her heart thudded in her chest, watching as the ship's doors opened. Three sets of feet appeared, walking and stumbling down the steps.
Tony leaned against a blue woman, staggering slowly down the steps. His bones are shown through his tank top, cuts on his face bleeding. His eyes were dull, glancing around the compound, lighting up only when they stumbled across Pepper.
Steve ran up to him, helping him off and talking to him. But all she could see was you, stumbling out of the ship by yourself.
Your hand clung desperately to the railing, not wanting help but needing it anyway. The t-shirt you wore was a few sizes too big, your skin had lost some of its tone, your hair messy and in a ponytail. It was still you, you who had promised her a happy ending.
Natasha ran up to you, breathing erratic, heartbeat pounding in her ears as she wrapped her arms around you. Her breath hit your neck, followed by hot tears on your shirt. Your arms wrapped around her tightly, your face tucked into the crook of her neck, breathing her in.
The redhead shook in fear, scared she was going to let go of you again, scared you were going to disappear. She was terrified you were going to leave her dancing alone in the dark again, without even the dream of you to keep her warm.
But there you were, your skin warm to the touch as her fingers sneaked up your shirt. Your skin against her palms, warm as you moved with every breath. You were there, the light she needed to see.
You clung onto her as tightly, using all your strength to keep her close. Everything about her was so warm, so full that you were sure you could never feel empty again. Your hands stroked the length of her back, providing whatever reassurance you could muster.
Natasha held you close, pulling her head away to look at you. Your face was gaunt, your eyes hollow, but full of so much love and longing, for her. Your hand slipped from her shoulders, resting above her collarbone as you wiped the tears off of her face.
Smiling to yourself, you swayed from side to side, dancing with her. Natasha pulled away slowly, looking at you in curiosity as you rested her forehead against hers. Her hands around your waist kept you up, moving slowly on the grass. The exhaustion would take over you soon, but she wanted to keep this moment a little longer.
Heaven couldn't hold a candle to this, to how whole you felt around each other. It was truly as if a piece of your heart resided with each other. It would tear you apart to be away from each other. But for now, maybe even forever, you could dance.
A/N: Tell me what you think!! Reblogs and comments are amazing!!
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver​, @versdan​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​, @lovebotlarson​, @dhengkt​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @ophelias-heart​  , @never-didbefore​ , @justarandomhumanhere​, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn​ , @lesbian-x-blackwidow​ , @marvelbbyx​ , @wlw-imaginesss​ , @hcartbyheart​​ , @summergeezburr​​ , @imnotasuperhero​  , @a-stressedstudent​ , @aaron-despair​ , @rooskaya-yelena​ , @dynnealberto , @thewitchandtheassassin , @wannabe-fic-reader​ , @izalesbean​, @higherfurther-romanova​  , @natalia-quinzel​  , @blackxwidowsxwife​   let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
Ok for starters I blame you and thank you for getting me to simp over Alpha-Beta. I was in denial at first, I swore that I wouldn't simp for the robo man and yet I stumble upon this glorious page and hear I am :)
The simp has fallen for the robot man hard //////
Anyways I was wondering if I could request so A.B fluff because as much as I'd like him to rail me into next week I'm also into that wholesome tender lovin shit <3 He deserves all the kisses
I hope you have an amazing day/night and don't forget your amazing!! Keep up the great work!! :)
tw : food and cooking mentions!!
The kind of sap who purposefully memorizes your route around Cognito, just so that he can intercept you and bring you a drink before your shift <3
Some of his gifts can be a bit,, over the top?
I mean he has near infinite knowledge so sometimes they can be a bit complex? Like multi-part gifts that by the end of it he steps back and realizes Haha Actually This Is Probably Too Much :')
Like,, super complex details on a piece of jewelry that he Knows you aren't gonna get - not because you aren't smart, but because,,, only an Actual Robot would be able to make sense of it?? It basically just looks like a bundle of scrap to you.
He gets the handle of Gifts eventually but,,, smdns those first few attempts sure were something.
EVERYTHING HE GETS YOU HAS SYMBOLISM. Whether literary or just,, an in-joke between the two of you. Most stuff he tries to make himself too <33
You speak another language? He speaks all of em <3 gossip about ppl with him <3
ALSO he'll do this thing where he'll speak the language in The Wrong Way. Italian with an American accent. French with a Russian accent. It feels like he's speaking Simlish - The words are all correct but the Intonation is making your head turn into jam. <3 he makes himself laugh smdns
I imagine it being a mixture of silicone and,, probably some extra softer padding inside so it Feels Fairly Natural??
WHAT I MEAN TO SAY IS : LAY ON HIM. He's exceptionally warm, quite squishy, he will play with your hair until you fall asleep. He will gently stroke your cheek. He will PLACE TENDER KISSES ON YOUR FACE. PLEASE, JUST COME LAY ON HIM.
He's never gonna ask for it because he's,, Like That, but god <333 he loves getting cuddles. Loves physical affection. Feeling you lay on top of him is like the coziest weighted blanket in the world.
(The only flaw here is he's gonna made a Very Small >:( when you have to get up to eat or use the bathroom bc he doesn't wanna stop </3 come back he wants to lavish you in kisses </3)
MMMM actually he's not used to,, most forms of interaction so Any Show Of Love makes him positively gooey. He might not show it when you're out together, but when you two are alone? Expect some Extremely Adoring Smiles <33
Smth as small as playing with his hair, adjusting his tie, a little comment about how nice he looks?? Oh <333333 he's yours he's yours forever, nothing will ever compare.
HE WILL TRY TO COOK FOR YOU, BEFORE REALIZING HE DOESN'T HAVE TASTE BUDS AND CAN'T CHECK TO SEE IF IT ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD. I mean he can check to see if its corrosive but,,, hopefully nothing he's cooking will be That bad-
He will then enlist the help of The Gang (probably Gigi bc,, i can see them getting along?? Maybe Myc bc he'll be Brutally honest) to test his food before he gives it to you <3333
It <33 makes him feel nice to feed you? It gives him peace of mind to see you take care of yourself, and if he makes you food then he knows you're eating well!!
HH <3
If you introduce him to those Hallmark Christmas Movies you'll literally never know peace.
SPECIFICALLY the classics : Phantom of The Opera, Guys and Dolls (half loves, half hates it smdnsmd), Les Mis, Carmen (i mean,, an opera, but yea that's also up his alley)_,,, HE JUST <333 you WILL catch him humming bits and pieces while you two cuddle.
THEY'RE,, i feel like the reason he loves Sitcoms is bc they're this,, Idealistic Portrayal of Humanity?? Where problems are simple and nothing is bad and Everything Is Relatively Okay.
Cannot Dance. Any Dance. I cannot emphasize this enough. Contemporary, Swing, Tap, he's hopeless. The most he can do is Waltzing, and even then he might trip up.
He hasn't gotten a lotta use out of his legs?? Logistically he knows Foot Goes Here, Then Here?? It shouldn't be this hard???? But in practice he's stumbling over himself. Might start glitching, just from how flustered he's getting </3 put him out of his misery, let him go sit down before he blows a fuse
He likes seeing you dance though <33 doesn't matter if you can or not, he thinks its very cute.
THIS JUST IN : I AM SCREAMING, CRYING, AND CONSUMING MY CURTAINS. I love him <333 so much. Lmk if you had smth else in mind!!
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wakaoujisenhime · 4 years
Hello! Can I ask headcanons about being Inarizaki manager?
A/N: Hi there and of course you can! You’re my first Haikyuu anon so I hope this lived up to your expectations! I also gave your request a little backstory so you’ll hopefully enjoy this! (´・ᴗ・ ` )
Tags: Inarizaki x reader ✅  SFW ✅  friendship ✅  fluff ✅
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bearing the title of Inarizaki’s manager was no easy task, in fact, it was pretty tiring and demanded a lot from the person who owned it
or at least that’s what a lot of the failed applicants claimed
it was no secret that the volleyball team organized a test period that lasted a week for each participant and rumor has it that no one has ever made it past day three
there were a lot of people from your class mostly girls that had tried their luck and were overly-confident that they’d be chosen, but right after being failed they never mentioned the volleyball club again
you on the other hand were genuinely interested in the manager position and after contemplating whether or not to apply, with the amount of support you got from your family, friends and teachers you finally found the courage to write your name on the waiting list
unfortunately for your nerves the applicants before you failed way too quickly and before you knew it, your turn had come
a young friendly-looking man with dark and spikey hair came to your classroom on a Monday morning to tell you all the details concerning the club activity later this afternoon
you listened to him attentively, trying to memorize every single detail he told you, but he must’ve noticed how nervous you were because he suddenly stopped mid-sentence
“I’m sorry, you must surely think I’m super rude for not introducing myself first before I bombarded you with all those information. My name’s Akagi and I’m Inarizaki’s libero, it’s a pleasure to meet you!”
now that you were more relaxed the two of you wrapped your chat up and bid each other goodbye before you returned to your classroom and waited for your first class to start
all those rumors about the team giving off an entirely different aura than anyone else in school was truly no exaggeration
the moment you entered the gym the prevalent tension alone was enough to make you rethink your plans, but before you could do anything a gentle voice spoke out to you
“Are you this week’s manager candidate?”
when you turned around to see who had asked you that question, you saw a tall young man with a darker skin tone smile down at you
you affirmed his question, introducing yourself with the same nervous tone from before, and fortunately, he as well showed you an equal amount of sympathy as Akagi
“I know that it must be quite overwhelming, but you really shouldn’t worry too much about it. You know I’m actually not supposed to give you any tips, but...out of everyone who walked in here you look the most promising so...just be yourself!”
and with that, the two of you walked towards the rest of his teammates so that you could finally introduce yourself to them
truth be told you expected some kind of long interrogation process and nosy questions, but they paid you good to no attention and just introduced themselves briefly
when they went back to practice their moves the captain stayed behind and asked you some general questions such as how much experience you have with volleyball and if you’re busy during the weekends
after everyone went to go and change, you stayed behind to help some of the substitute players out with cleaning the gym floors and dirty balls when Kita joined you with the cleanup
he must’ve noticed your surprised face since after just a short while he spoke up
“Please pay me no mind, I do these things quite often, so this won’t be the last time my actions will surprise you.”
“Do you do these things out of...obligation?”
the other club members were quite surprised by your sudden question, but it made the light-grey haired young man crack a smile as he told you that he was simply used to doing things the right and proper way
his remark seemed of low importance at that time, but his reasoning still stuck with you, and unbeknownst to you it helped you out quite a bit
the second day passed similar to the first one, but with the only exception that you were allowed to help out with the warming-up exercises
while everyone stretched you were finally able to get a better look at the members and you even took some notes on which exercise they did, which position they played in most frequently, and how they behaved towards their teammates
you used the moment they benched you to go over everything you learned today and needless to say there were a few very noticeable personalities that might need more time to befriend than Aran or Akagi
the first two that stood out were the Miya twins
everyone in school knew them for their constant fights amongst each other, but seeing them play and fight up close was an entirely different experience
they randomly screamed at each other when some tactic didn’t work out how they’d imagined it, but all things considered, they made a great and powerful duo
it also didn’t take you long to tell them apart look wise as well as characterwise which facilitated your notes about them
Suna was the third person you’d have to look out for and pay very close attention to
judging from his playstyle he was quite the troublesome opponent
according to some of the players who sat close to you, he was able to manipulate the blockers to jump right where he wanted them to and some of that manipulation skills even stayed with him beyond the game and made out a big part of his personality
but on a more positive note, he also had a more fun side to him
he noticed surprisingly quick if someone wasn’t in a good mood and depending on how long he’d known them he was also able to cheer them up, but this special service heavily relied on his current mood
as for the rest of the members, they seemed friendly enough and as time passed you were confident that they’d accept you in their circle of friends
the rest of the week passed by in a flash and before you knew it the last day of your “manager exam” had arrived
you were nervous as well as quite afraid that you might not have provided them with the service they needed or wished for, but the confident grins on Aran’s and Akagi’s faces managed to reassure your beating heart
everyone waited for Kita to arrive and with each passing minute you felt like you would pass out
and after what felt like an eternity he finally entered the gym with a black duffle bag and headed straight toward you
he handed you the bag without saying anything, it was after you had taken the small bundle into your hands that he spoke up, a small smile spreading across his facial features
“We’ve tested you throughout this entire week and I’m pretty sure not every single task we entrusted you with was pleasant, but you still held out and did everything the right and proper way...thank you and with this, I’d like to welcome you as Inarizaki’s first and official manager.“
it took you a short while to comprehend just what had happened and while you were still looking at the captain like a lost lamb the rest of the members surrounded and congratulated you
the person who brought you back from your daydream was Atsumu, who tightly wrapped his arms around you in a congratulatory hug
you were quite surprised since up until now he was rather well-behaved and didn’t concern himself so much with you except the usual ‘thank yous’, ‘hellos’ and ‘good evenings’ a club member would give his piers
your bewilderment must’ve been quite evident since someone pulled the blond giant away from you with a sigh
and that someone was no other than his twin brother Osamu who whispered a small apology to you and began to lecture him
“What’s it to ya ‘Samu? Ain’t it ‘bout time we dropped that whole act?”
before they could confuse you more than you already were, Ren placed his big hand on your shoulder giving you a somewhat awkward smile that was meant to console you
Hitoshi joined you two and explained how the team always had to show each candidate the cold shoulder in order to make sure that all applicants were aware of the fact that being the VBC’s manager didn’t mean partying around and chatting up a storm with the members
I see was all you could answer to that rather absurd rule they had come up with
your first day as the official manager didn’t vary that much from what you had seen during your test week, but at least now you were properly talking with all of the members
needless to say, you also became this day’s conversation topic number one
wherever you walked people would whisper amongst each other how you were the chosen one despite so many applicants
some of your classmates though had the audacity to doubt that you had won the guys over in a legitimate way and made no effort to hide their baseless accusations by speaking unnaturally loud when they were near you
it did bother you a little, but you decided to ignore their envious attempts to get you mad, sad, or whatever their goal was and dedicate yourself to getting to know your club members better...
the first few weeks you spent on getting to know the members’ skills as well as their personalities better than what you had seen already in the past week
and before you knew it, you had become not only an essential and precious part of the team but also an irreplaceable friend and companion to each of them
you made sure to help the two captains out as much as you could, but you didn’t only do it out of obligation but because you felt bad for leaving these two - especially Kita - alone with all important tasks
oddly enough a powerful team like theirs didn’t have an advisor so most organizational tasks fell on their shoulders
Kita as dutiful and thorough as he was always tackled the tasks the moment they were given to him so neither Aran nor you ever had the chance to volunteer as helpers
one day though you accepted the assignments before him and distributed them amongst the three of you as equally as you could, whereas you took on a slightly bigger portion since you were their manager
you also made sure that Kita didn’t stay behind until all the streetlights turned on and so it became a tradition for you to join him and Aran on their way back home
during those walks, you got extremely close with them and since they often discussed training and club-related matters, you were also able to learn additional things as well as plan the players’ training regimen for the following days
when you weren’t by their side, you either warmed the bench alongside the other substitute players or tried to help Hitoshi tame the two brothers  
you were aware of their regular disputes and had already witnessed one yourself, but back then the team had helped resolve it so you weren’t needed
and now that they had finally found a manager, they reverted back to their habitual behavior: ignore and enjoy their dispute, film it or just look for Kita to resolve the issue
you on the other hand took it upon yourself to play the mediator and started by stopping Suna from recording or taking a photo of them
needless to say, he wasn’t very happy when you confiscated his phone, but after you explained to him that you were simply worried that as heated as the siblings were they’d one day drag him into their fight, he proposed you a deal
“Let me take at least five photos and two videos before I help with calming them down.“
your eyes narrowed as you took on a very confident pose which made it pretty obvious that you weren’t going to back down from his attempt to bargain with you
“Two photos and one video.“
“Make it three.”
“Denied. You either settle for two photos and one video or nothing at all...take it or leave it Suna.”
as much as he wanted to protest, your smug grin made him yield in the end
next up were the taller and more intimidating-looking players who’d usually stand by and laugh or sigh
“Are you really ok with the whole school making fun of our club and treating it like some kind of fighting club just because of these two dunces?”
they were quite surprised at your sudden question but weren’t as taken aback as you when they immediately headed for the gym doors to shoo away all onlookers        
as for the troublesome siblings you usually stood between them the moment you sensed that they were about to fight
they’d still try to somehow either pinch the other or slap his backside and you at first tolerated it, but after a while, it just got too distracting and annoying so you straight out took hold of each of their hands and wordlessly glared at them
that method started a new trend and now their teammates constantly teased them for being your children and how funny it was to look at their embarrassed faces while you on the other hand showed no reaction whatsoever
you didn’t expect that sort of outcome, but as long as it stopped their fighting it was worth it
as their manager, you were also put in charge of organizing training matches as well as signing them up for tournaments and nationals (with the help of the coaches and captains of course)
your first training match was quite exciting and you were surprised at the number of people that came to see it
the guys were almost always in their top form when they played so you rarely had to worry about their health condition and that took quite the weight from your shoulders
even if someone showed the slightest symptoms of a cold or anything of that sorts, Kita and you would instantly be there and get the player to go home and rest
you knew that some of them hated being sick since it meant that they’d miss out on practice and saw it as some kind of betrayal towards the team
Atsumu was one of these types of people and he was the heaviest case out of all of them
so you made sure to drop by the twins’ house after club activities ended and cheer him up, by changing the cloth on his forehead, cutting some apples for him, or just being there to keep him company
after that Osamu would always insist on bringing you home since the sun had already set
the two of you would always talk about the most random things, but sometimes your conversations got quite serious and personal
in fact, you were the first person he shared his future plans with, saying that he could trust you with keeping it a secret
as for the nationals...
your first one was very overwhelming
the gym was so enormous that it outshined any other gym you had visited with them
it was no secret that the entire ambiance intimidated you and the moment you saw their personal cheering squad you couldn’t help but freeze-up
you had heard that their cheering squad was like no other and that it even rivaled that of many other powerhouse schools, but much like other rumors you had dismissed it
...until now
“Impressive isn’t it?” Ren asked to which you just nodded
but you noticed quickly just how much of an effect their audience had during the match
their steady and powerful rhythms managed to not only motive your team but also discompose your opponents
what surprised you the most was how the older gentlemen in the crowd didn’t hold back on their snide remarks when someone made a mistake or didn’t play seriously
after each match, all of you had come up with small rituals you’d do
depending on the outcome of the game you’d either throw a small party to commemorate their victory or try to cheer them up with a motivational speech followed by a  movie night
all in all, you truly came to love volleyball, as well as your team and each of its members, and they did too
they were truly happy to have won such a dependable and caring manager like yourself
the entire team always made sure to celebrate your birthday and go all out on your presents as well as on the party they’d organize for you
all of them always made sure to return your kindness with double the effort and love you had given them
you were sick?
no problem, every day two members would visit you and take turns in taking care of your needs until you were healthy
you were sad?
they’d buy you your favorite snacks, cook you your favorite meal, rent your favorite movie and then knock on your front door, demanding to be let in
...and so on
they had become something like your second family and you didn’t even dare imagine a scenario where you didn’t apply for the position of the manager
the same goes for them, they had given up the hope to find someone who manages their team, but the moment you had entered the gym they almost instantly knew that you’d be the one to take them to victory
and they were right...
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moonlit-han · 4 years
love letters ↠ han jisung
genre: high school au, coffeeshop au, fluff, romance, humor pairing: han jisung x femme reader word count: 2.6k warnings: mild swearing request: yes a/n: hi anon who requested this! i couldn’t resist making this a coffeeshop au, too, heheheh~ enjoy!
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
Your locker looked slightly different today.
It was festooned with ribbons, little pictures of cats and, inexplicably, squirrels, star and heart stickers, and glitter. There was even a card dangling from the knob. You stood stock still in front of it, trying to process the tableau? creation? mess in front of you. There was only one person in the entire school you knew would try something like this. And, here he came down the hall, a wide grin on his face.
“Han Jisung, did you do this?” you demanded as he approached. Shouldn’t a senior have more dignity than this?
“Do you like it?” Jisung replied, leaning against the lockers beside yours.
“I’m not sure what I think, but I know that it’s now practically impossible for me to get to my locker.” You tried to push some of the decorations out of the way. “Why did you have to do this?”
“Did you at least read the card?” Jisung asked hopefully, pouting a little.
You cursed him for looking so cute when he pouted, then mentally shook yourself. “No, I didn’t. And it’s almost first bell, so if you could move? Please?”
Jisung’s face fell, but he moved away slightly. “Aw, come on, princess! Can’t you read the card while I’m still here?”
“Jisung, please leave me alone, will you? It’ll be hard enough getting through all this stuff as it is.”
Jisung laughed lightly, giving you a fond smile that was completely lost on you as you struggled with his decorations, then strolled away into the crowd of onlookers who, by now, were used to his outrageous displays of affection for you. “Remember to read the card, Y/N!” he called over his shoulder.
You let your head fall against your locker and got a face full of glitter for your trouble. Damn it, Jisung, you thought as you hurriedly tried to wipe the glitter from your forehead. Then, after a two minutes of wrestling with the Jisung’s additions to your locker door, you managed to retrieve the books you’d need for the day.
In your first class, a couple people gave you strange looks because of the remnants of glitter on you, but no one said anything about the locker decorations. It would only be a matter of time, though, you knew. At lunch when your best friends found you, they gently teased you about “lover boy.”
“How many times has he done something like that this year, Y/N?” Irene asked, smirking at you.
“This is the fourth,” you muttered, looking down at your food. “Two other letters, too.” You could feel heat rising to your cheeks.
“He really is insistent, isn’t he,” Mei commented, shaking her head. “Aren’t you at least annoyed?”
You were silent for a moment as you chewed. “No, amazingly not annoyed. I guess I’m just indifferent?” you lied. In reality, you kind of liked how much Jisung tried to get your attention, but you were going to make him work for your affection. But not too much because that would be mean.
“Like hell you are,” Irene laughed, nudging you with her elbow. “You’re into him, aren’t you.”
“I’m not!” you insisted. “Really!”
Irene and Mei just gave you disbelieving looks, but continued eating their lunch all the same.
When you went back to your locker that afternoon, Irene and Mei in tow, the ribbons and such were gone, but the card… The card was slipped through the crack between the frame and door of the locker, and fell to the floor when you opened it. Receiving cards from Jisung was nothing new, and you didn’t mind much because he was never creepy about it. Sighing, you retrieved the card and opened it.
“What the hell?” Mei coughed, the scent you knew Jisung wore wafting up from the card-stock on which he’d penned his letter. “Did he really have to do that?”
You just shrugged and leaned against your open locker to read.
Y/N, oh beautiful Y/N!
How could I ever write anything as beautiful as you are?
Your eyes sparkle like the glint of sunlight off a puddle that has just a bit of oil in it—you know, so it’s like a rainbow? Your voice is as melodious as the song birds that wake me up in the morning. And your words… They’re like acupuncture needles: relieving of stress and pain but capable of just the same.
I wish to present my heart to you, to simply give it to you like a flower.  But alas, I cannot as that would be messy. I would give you my service were I a knight and you a lady, or put myself in your power like a human subjugate to a vampire. Because, all that I do is to win your heart, your wondrous, wondrous heart!
Dearest Y/N, I’m like a volcano of love for you—erupting with love and affection all over the place. I hope my words don’t leave a bad taste in your mouth, since I wouldn’t want your words to become anything short of honey.
Forever yours,
Han Jisung
You stood there for a moment, trying to keep a straight face as your friends burst out laughing and exclaimed at how cheesy Jisung was. They weren’t wrong. But— Jisung had really written all that to you, and beneath the slightly strained metaphors and verbosity, you could tell that his feelings were true. You playfully shoved Irene, who was now trying to wrest the card from your hands.
However overblown Jisung sounded or dramatic his displays were, you knew he was a good person. You couldn’t be mad at him, especially when he was just so damn cute. Quickly stuffing the letter into your backpack, you slung it over your shoulder and said goodbye to your friends. They called after you that they’d also erupt all over the place with love for you. You just rolled your eyes.
As you scuffed your boots through the small piles of snow that had drifted into the walkway and buried your face in your scarf, you could still faintly smell the perfume Jisung had added to the letter. It wasn’t that bad, after all, and the spiciness of it reminded you of the feeling when you’ve settled down with a good book under a thick blanket. You could definitely get used to it.
Ah, February. As soon as the first day of the month arrived, you were wary of what Jisung might decide to do on any of the days surrounding Valentine’s Day. But, you barely saw Jisung. That in and of itself was odd, since you had two classes with him that semester, including Western Literature from 1750 to 1920; but it was odder still because he usually made a point of talking to you once every day, if not more. You’d never admit it to anyone besides your raccoon plushie, but you found yourself disappointed every time he didn’t talk to you or wave or flash one of his ridiculous smiles your way in the halls.
At the end of the first week, you received another letter, also slipped into your locker. This time, you waited until you got home to read it. The letter was far more staid, with none of the extravagance or hyperbole of the other one; no whiff of perfume graced the card-stock, either. Jisung was straightforward, expressing that he found you attractive and even apologizing for being so outrageous in his attempts to woo you. You read the last lines as you curled up in bed.
I hope the depth and sincerity of my feelings are plain to you and that you can at least accept them, if not return them. I would be blissfully happy if you did return my feelings, but I hold no expectations for you. Please know that I admire and adore you, Y/N, light of my heart.
Forever yours,
Han Jisung
As you read his words over and over and over again, unable to tear your eyes nor thoughts away, you realized that, yes, you did return his feelings. You hadn’t quite internalized that, but reading his sentiments had certainly put things in perspective for you. If you didn’t give him some indications of your mutual feelings soon, you could quite possibly lose Jisung altogether.
I admire and adore you…..
On February 13th, you decided to treat yourself to a nice tea and a snack at a local coffeeshop. You knew it would be fairly busy, but didn’t mind; sometimes, the bustle of people was a welcome change from your usual, studious existence.
The smell of baked goods, coffee, and cardboard met your nose as you opened the door, letting a blast of warm air out onto the street. Carefully, you made your way into the line that snaked through the small shop, and tried not to eavesdrop on the conversations around you. That plan, however, did not work well. You enjoyed taking in all the sounds around you far too much to ignore something as integral as conversations. Person by person, the line moved forward until you were one away from the counter.
And, of course, your phone buzzed just at that moment with a text from Mei. You quickly responded, but didn’t notice that the person ahead of you had been helped.
Your head shot up to see none other than Han Jisung standing behind the counter, looking just as shocked as you felt.
“Oh! H-hi, Jisung,” you stammered and shoved your phone back into your pocket, embarrassed.
“What would you like today?” Jisung asked politely. You could tell he was trying to remain on his best behavior, as he was at work.
“Could I have a scone and an Earl Grey tea, please? With just a little cream. Thank you!” you chirped, glad that your nervousness over ordering food hadn’t taken hold of you today.
“Sure, thing,” Jisung smiled. “Just pay and one of us will come find you with your order.” Then, because he clearly couldn’t help himself, he winked at you.
You shook your head, your mouth quirking up at the corner a little, and moved over to pay for your food. Since the cafe was more than a little crowded, you chose one of the few seats open by the window. There, at least, you could look out onto the snow-dusted shops and people watch if, and when, you became bored with your homework.
Shortly thereafter, you felt a presence next to you and found Jisung poised to place a steaming mug of tea and your scone on the high table in front of you.
“Here you are,” Jisung said, voice warm and kind as he set the food in front of you. “It’s nice to see you, Y/N. Enjoy!”
Before you could say anything else, Jisung had turned and slipped away through the maze of occupied tables and chairs. Thoughtfully, you took a minute sip of your tea and sighed. It was delicious as always, and the scone was just as good, too.
An hour later, the cafe had nearly emptied but you were still there, nursing your tea. Perched at the table in the window, you could simply soak up the last of the afternoon sun as you worked on drafting an essay for your Literature class. It was the perfect arrangement—the cafe owner didn’t mind if you stayed there for a long time, and you had a place in which you could peacefully work while remaining energized.
Beside you sat the plate with your half-eaten scone on it, and the mug of tea. Absentmindedly, you reached for the mug and brought it to your lips to take a sip. You frowned when no tea met your lips. Before you could so much as move, Jisung was beside you.
“Hey, I noticed you were close to finishing your tea, so I made you another,” he said as he exchanged one mug for another. “It’s on me.” You stared at him, and he shifted self-consciously. “And, um, make sure to check under the mug, okay?”
“I— Thanks, Jisung,” you said, surprised at how gentle your own voice was. “I will.”
Jisung smiled at you before returning to the counter where a new customer had just arrived. You looked after him, amazed that he’d noticed you were coming down to the dregs of your tea. Lifting up the mug, you saw a small, folded piece of paper stuck to its bottom—it looked like receipt paper. Knowing what you’d find when you unfolded it, you carefully detached the paper—the letter—from the mug and read:
Dear Y/N,
I don’t want to keep acting like a gaudy peacock around you. I’m sorry. I know it must make me seem a bit…insensitive or outrageous or something like that. Someone I don’t want you to think I am, I guess.
You are incredible, intelligent, beautiful, kind, and caring. In short, the loveliest person I’ve ever had the honor to meet or know.
I hope… Well, you know. You must know.
All that is to say: I love you.
- Jisung
You reread the letter once more, feeling tears prick the back of your eyes as what felt like all the tenderness in the world welled inside you. Turning round in your chair, you looked to the counter where you saw Jisung nervously looking at you. The vulnerability in his eyes, the hope, the worry, the passion, everything made your breath catch. In something like a trance, you slid from your chair, still clutching the note, and made your way to the end of the counter where Jisung stood.
Taking a deep breath, you said to the shift manager—if their badge was anything to go by—“Could I speak with Jisung outside for a moment? It’s a matter of the heart. I hope you understand,” then grabbed Jisung’s hand as the shift manager nodded. Jisung did not protest as you pulled him outside with you, the cold air hitting you both like a hammer.
You didn’t let go of Jisung’s hand as you turned to face him, looking up into his deep brown eyes that were so dark that they seemed to lead to another world. You knew now that you’d gladly travel to that other world. Jisung’s lips parted slightly as he prepared to speak.
“Jisung,” you breathed before he could begin, “your letter… All of your letters, really… They’re everything to me. This one,” you held up the small piece of paper in your hand, “in particular, is perfect. And, I do know.”
Jisung didn’t wait for you to say anything else. He drew you toward him, one hand coming up to gently brush over your cheek as the other held your waist. Then slowly, so slowly, leaned down to brush his lips against yours. He was hesitant, as if he expected you to turn and run, but when you didn’t let him pull away as you locked your lips with his, Jisung knew that all his fears were unfounded. You wrapped your arms around his neck as Jisung cupped your face, kissing him back like you wanted to memorize the feel and taste of him. Again, you were overwhelmed by the feelings you felt and clutched Jisung tighter, making him smile against you lips.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he whispered in your ear as he hugged you to his chest. “You really are the light of my life.”
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!Jun Fluff
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Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
I’m back!!!!The boyfriend series is finally finished!!! How exciting is that guys??? I had a lot of fun doing this series and I’m glad all of you enjoyed it so much! I’m always happy to share my writing with you guys! I have two more requests after this and after that I’ll probably go back to my series if no other requests come in! Again, sorry requests have been taking so long, but my new laptop is up and running so hopefully no more delays! Thanks guys! And thanks for the request anon, I hope this one is a good ending to the series!!!!
Warnings: Mentions blood very briefly (just a little nosebleed, nothing too serious)
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(I know I’ve used this gif before, mind your own business lol)
You had thought about how you were going to meet The One™
You had honestly thought about it a lot
Would it be by a chance run in at university where you both knocked each others’ books to the ground and brushed hands as you picked up your belongings?
Would it be at sunset by a lake where the world is glowing gold?
Would you meet as unsuspecting coworkers that have a cute office romance?
Would it be love at first sight with a stranger when you make eye contact as you walk in opposite directions across a bridge?
You had imagined it happening in every way possible
Any scenario that exists about meeting a romantic partner is one that you’ve spent an evening mulling over in your head
What you couldn’t have possibly predicted, though
Is how it actually happened
By accidentally smacking Jun in the face
On a street corner
On a cold and rainy day
“Oh my god are you ok?”
“Uh yeah, I’m fine,” he’s bent over and holding his nose so his voice is coming out all strange. “Sorry if my face was in the way of your hand”
You laugh a little at his joke before your face falls
“Oh my god, you’re bleeding!”
You pull him into a nearby shop and ask them for any sort of tissues
You sit across from him and help him hold the tissues up to his nose until it stops bleeding
You feel awful for smacking a stranger in the face so you’re nervously rambling on and on and trying to make him feel better
And he’s making jokes in hopes of easing you’re guilt 
“It’s really ok! I was honestly hoping to get a nosebleed today!”
He makes you laugh easily and soon your heart has stopped pounding from the guilt
It doesn’t take too long for the bleeding to stop, but by the time it has, a huge thunderstorm has rolled in
“You were on your way to the bus stop, right? I mean, it looked like you were heading that way. Do you mind if I walk you there?”
You can’t believe how nice he’s being to you and you try to decline
“Oh, I didn’t bring an umbrella with me today, I’m going to wait until the storm passes before I head out”
“Well you’re in luck, I brought my large umbrella today. We can share! I was on my way to the bus stop too anyways! And it’s the least I can do to thank you!”
“Thank me for what??? Smacking you in the face?!”
“No, of course not! I want to thank you for keeping me company afterwards!”
So you walk to the bus stop with Jun
And you’re starting to wonder if he’s flirting or just being overly polite like you had been
But you can’t not notice how his hand brushes over yours as you both insist on holding the umbrella for the other
Or the way his arm flies up around your shoulder to keep you under the safety of the umbrella when another pedestrian bumps into you
Or how nervous he looks when you ask for his number so you can buy him coffee to make up for... y’know... accidentally smacking him in the face
Jun jokes a lot on your first date
He’s always trying to make you laugh 
He makes dating him unbelievably easy
The beginning of your relationship is just cute dates with a Jun that makes you feel peaceful and content
But there’s a bit of a hitch at the beginning
Dating is easy
You both like each other
You can see yourself in a relationship with Jun for a long time
It feels like you lack a spark
And you’re wondering if Jun notices
And then you’re worried he’ll get bored of you without it 
So you try all this crazy romantic stuff to try and just make the spark happen
But you’re not sure it’s working
Jun notices
He sees that you’re doing all the stuff for him and wondering why on earth you think you have to try so hard
He attempts to assure you that you don’t have to do all this for him, he’s happy with the way things are 
But you’re just worried that it’s not enough
And then one day, Jun comes home from practice
And you already have dinner ready
You see that he looks stressed so you immediately start suggesting things you two can do to take his mind off of whatever is bothering him
Jun just grabs you and pulls you into him 
“Can we just sit here for awhile?”
You’re confused and more worried for a second since he’s never really reacted like this 
But then he just wraps his arms tightly around you
There’s a kiss pressed to your forehead before he buries his face in your neck
His arms pull you in even closer
You start to stroke the back of his head
“Do you need anything?”
Your voice is so quiet that for a moment you doubt he even heard you
Then after a pause he finally speaks 
Your heart gives one, big THUMP
“I just need to be with you right now”
That day you see a side of Jun you never had before
One that isn’t joking or energetic 
He’s just tender and soft and gentle 
You let him rant about what’s stressing him out
Then you cuddle on the couch in silence for a long time
His hands run mindlessly up and down different parts of your body
He whispers, one hand sliding up your shirt to trace circles on your stomach
“Yeah, Junnie?”
“I’m really lucky to have you, I just... I don’t even know what I’d do without you”
He shifts both of you over so he’s hovering above you
You look up at him silently, waiting for him to speak his mind
But instead he silently smiles, looking over the features of your face
You can feel his fingers ever so gently running over your cheeks, across your lips, down the bridge of your nose
Then there’s another kiss on your forehead
Then on your nose
Your cheeks 
Your chin 
Every single one makes your heart beat just a little bit harder
“You know that you’re more than enough for me, right?” 
You nod shyly 
A kiss to your left cheek
“Then do you wanna tell me why you feel like you’re not?”
A gentle kiss to your right cheek
You feel a wave of embarrassment and then your eyes begin to fill with tears
Jun takes silent note of it, wiping the ones that fall onto your face and waiting patiently for you to respond 
“I don’t know, I was just scared that you’d get bored of me”
To your surprise, Jun giggles a little
“Bored? Of you?”
He suddenly attacks your face with kisses
“Jun! What are you doing???”
You can’t help but laugh with him as you sit up and push him back playfully
“How could I get bored of the person that smacked me in the face the first time we met?”
You start laughing again
“I’ve gotta stay on my toes around you, you never know when your hand will go flying up again!”
Your laugh gets louder 
Once your laughter dies down, Jun takes your hands in his 
“But seriously, [Y/N]” he looks in your eyes “anything that’s happening with us, I want to figure out, I want to be with you, no matter what it takes”
Your heart bursts 
And after that day
Everything just sort of clicks into place
You never doubt your worth to Jun because he never lets you
Dating Jun is wonderful
He loves you so so much
And he always finds the sweetest ways to show it
Intimate, gentle affection
Like it’s crazy how gentle he is because his energy level is always so high and you can see it in the way he moves 
But with you he’s just so tender 
Stroking your hand when he holds it
Softest kisses down your skin
Tight hugs that feel like home
Matching jewelry that is actually super personalized to you both
Always wants to tell you about everything that happens in his day and wants to tell you first
Getting overly excited to share all of his interests with you
He constantly brags about you to the boys
“Hey [Y/N]! How are you? How’d that presentation go?”
“It went great, Cheol! Thanks for asking! But I don’t remember even telling you about it”
“Oh you didn’t have to”
Jun literally never shuts up about you
So all the boys just know like everything about you
Honestly they’re always relieved when you come to hang out because that means they get a break from Jun talking about how he loves to watch you watching your favorite tv shows because your reactions are just so cute
“Jihoon? Is everything ok? You never call me”
“[Y/N], please come see your boyfriend, he can’t stop talking about you... I might duct tape his mouth shut”
Obviously you come to save poor Jihoon
But only for a moment before inviting him to come with you and Jun to a café so he’ll be stuck with the two of you for a good while
And sure he gave you the silent treatment for awhile
But it was worth it after seeing his facial expression when Jun reached across the table to wipe your face with a napkin
But seriously Jun just loves you so much 
Is also the type to want to do cheesy cliché couples stuff
Dancing around your house at 3am is one of his favorite things
It’s a way to get out his endless energy 
And after you’re done, you get to slow dance as he pulls you closer and closer and speaks gently about how much he cares for you
Jun is definitely not scared or ashamed to share how he feels 
So actual speaking is his main love language
But he also occasionally enjoys other forms of showing love
Obviously tons of affection
Ready to drop everything at any time to come when you need him
He also writes you a lot of love letters
Especially when he leaves for tour
He’ll hide them all over your place so you find them randomly while he’s gone
And some of them are humorous to make you laugh
And others are so sweet that they make you cry 
Jun doesn’t care as much about what you think of his talents specifically
But he will want you to have a good time whenever you attend their concerts
Of course you do
If your relationship is public he might announce that you’re there just to dote on you
If it’s not, then he’ll create some sort of signal that he always sends your way when you’re there
He doesn’t always like when you come to watch him practice because he doesn’t want to feel like he’s just making you wait around for him to finish
But you honestly love coming in to his his face when he realizes you’re there
He usually forgets that he’s all sweaty and will run up to hug you and attack your face with little kisses 
Because he’s honestly just always so happy to see you!!!!!
You’re his whole world for crying out loud
Jun is super duper energetic so he’s always at 100%
He’s down for anything at any time
He manages to be respectful of the times when you just want to sit at home and not do anything 
Because he knows not everyone feels like running around all the time
Occasionally, though 
When you’re having a night in
He’ll lay his chin on your chest and just 
Stare at you 
With giant puppy dog eyes
“What Jun?”
“Let’s do something fun!”
“We were running around all day! How could you still have any energy left?”
“Please baby?”
If you think you can say no to him
Jokes on you
You’re definitely going out again lol
But it’s because you’d do anything to keep him happy 
And he’s going to do the same for you
No moment with Jun is boring 
Every moment is filled with love
So maybe your original fantasies of meeting your soulmate didn’t come true
 But you could not be happier than being with the boy you met by accidentally smacking his face 
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